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pitti | hello | 01:48 |
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubotu] : Current meeting: Desktop Team Development | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 17 Sep 12:00 UTC: IRC Council | 18 Sep 16:00 UTC: Kernel Team | 19 Sep 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 19 Sep 20:00 UTC: Xubuntu Developers | 20 Sep 12:00 UTC: Desktop Team Development | ||
Hobbsee | hi pitti | 01:54 |
Keybuk | mvo, MacSlow, Mithrandir: ping ? | 01:54 |
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Keybuk | (I suddenly realise that an interestingly large portion of my team begins their nickname with "M") | 01:55 |
kwwii | I picked kwwii just so I would have a K, like you :p | 01:55 |
Mithrandir | good morning | 01:55 |
=== Hobbsee wonders if this is the gnome desktop team, or what was the ubuntu development team meeting | ||
Keybuk | Mirco just lost power | 01:56 |
Mithrandir | we should just name the team reporting-to-Scott-team to avoid any confusion | 01:56 |
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Hobbsee | heh | 01:57 |
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mvo | hey Keybuk | 01:57 |
=== Hobbsee shuts up then | ||
DrPepperKid | test 1..2..3.. | 01:57 |
Keybuk | Hobbsee: it's the meeting of the team that's a subset of both :p | 01:57 |
Keybuk | DrPepperKid: that was quick! | 01:58 |
Hobbsee | Keybuk: right then :P | 01:58 |
Mithrandir | Keybuk: and some others. :-P | 01:58 |
DrPepperKid | Keybuk, I'll see how long it lasts | 01:58 |
DrPepperKid | *sigh* | 01:58 |
pitti | DrPepperKid: pedal faster! | 01:58 |
Keybuk | I did send out a quick mail about an hour ago for agenda items | 01:58 |
Keybuk | * Update on compiz decision from TB | 01:58 |
Keybuk | * Compiz bug update from mvo and Mirco | 01:58 |
Keybuk | * Herdy planning | 01:58 |
Keybuk | did anyone have anything to add to that? | 01:59 |
pitti | does 'herdy planning' involve some sponsoree issues? | 01:59 |
pitti | (invited people for UDS) | 02:00 |
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Keybuk | pitti: it can do, depending on what you want to discuss? | 02:00 |
Keybuk | if particular people are involved, it may be better to raise that privately since this is a public meeting | 02:00 |
pitti | just an update how we should proceed | 02:00 |
DrPepperKid | I just got the "short term" announce... power will be off for an hour or so... *sigh* | 02:00 |
Keybuk | pitti: let's discuss that afterwards | 02:01 |
pitti | 'k | 02:01 |
mvo | is MacSlow here yet | 02:02 |
mvo | ? | 02:02 |
Keybuk | mvo: he came and went | 02:02 |
Keybuk | mvo: but please do give us a quick update on how compiz is going | 02:02 |
ogra | mvo, he was hiding behind DrPepperKid :) | 02:03 |
Keybuk | now that the Technical Board have agreed to ship with compiz | 02:03 |
mvo | ok | 02:03 |
mvo | the bug situation is not too bad currently. upstream is very active and helpful | 02:03 |
mvo | especially danny baumann and amaranth (thanks!) | 02:03 |
mvo | we may have to blacklist nvidia if the xserver problem does not get sorted (patch 132 breaks the 1.3 abi) | 02:04 |
mvo | we may have to blacklist mga (or g450) because its too slow | 02:04 |
Keybuk | how is video playback going? | 02:05 |
Keybuk | I saw that Mez blogged about it not working, was that related or unrelated? | 02:06 |
pitti | yesterday, ati was blacklisted; is there any video driver besides intel which is still enabled, btw? | 02:06 |
Keybuk | (with xine, at least) | 02:06 |
mvo | pitti: there will be another upload today that just blacklists rs480 | 02:06 |
pitti | mvo: ah, cool | 02:06 |
mvo | I have not seen mez blog post yet | 02:06 |
pitti | mvo: and the ABI change cannot be accounted for in the sourceful part of nvidia? | 02:07 |
mvo | but video works for most people, but *not* for intel on i965 | 02:07 |
mvo | #111257 | 02:07 |
mvo | bug #111257 | 02:07 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 111257 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "totem crashes with 'BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)' when using compiz and xserver-xorg-video-intel driver" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/111257 | 02:07 |
=== pitti looks forward to getting his new laptop with a gma950 | ||
Keybuk | mvo: do we know what causes that? | 02:07 |
Keybuk | is there a fix likely? | 02:08 |
mvo | now I though I had fixed that with the xf86VFillKeyHelperDrawable patch, but that seems to be not the case | 02:08 |
mvo | but I do not have hardware myself to test so its a bit difficult for me currently | 02:08 |
mvo | pitti: apparently not, patch 132 is important for ubuntu-mobile but breaks nvidia | 02:08 |
mvo | Keybuk: I honestly don't know yet | 02:09 |
pitti | mvo: right, I meant changing the nvidia driver itself to adapt to the new API | 02:09 |
Keybuk | mvo: do we know anyone with that hardware? | 02:09 |
mvo | I will try to find someone | 02:09 |
mjg59 | Xv will not work for 965 under compiz if XAA is used. We discussed that at TB. | 02:09 |
mvo | worst case is blacklisting this pciid | 02:10 |
Mithrandir | mvo: 132 is important for upstream gtk too, since what it does is enabling inter-widget compositing. At least, AIUI, from talking with seb. | 02:10 |
mjg59 | Choices are either (a) don't use compiz on 965, or (b) use EXA | 02:10 |
Keybuk | mjg59: what's the downside to using EXA? | 02:10 |
=== Amaranth [n=travis@ubuntu/member/Amaranth] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
pitti | hi Amaranth, good to have you here! | 02:11 |
Amaranth | i really need to start using some calendar software | 02:11 |
Keybuk | (tangent: I really need that SoC guy to finish the evolution google calendar backend :p) | 02:11 |
mjg59 | Keybuk: Significantly less well tested, very different codepaths | 02:11 |
mvo | mjg59: you went to XDS, right? what were the opionions about compiz-by-default there? | 02:12 |
pitti | Amaranth: import the fridge calendar into evo | 02:12 |
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mvo | Amaranth: anything you want to add about the bug situation in compiz? | 02:13 |
mjg59 | mvo: On aiglx? That it wasn't sensible yet | 02:13 |
Amaranth | i don't think so | 02:13 |
Amaranth | same as the TB meeting | 02:13 |
Amaranth | other than driver issues (which we can work around or blacklist) it's mostly little things | 02:13 |
mvo | macslow is working on the workspaces layout bug currently | 02:14 |
mvo | that is hopefully fixed soon too | 02:14 |
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Keybuk | ok, thanks | 02:15 |
Amaranth | Keybuk: that's your pet bug, no? | 02:15 |
Keybuk | Amaranth: I have lots of pet bugs | 02:15 |
Amaranth | hehe | 02:15 |
Keybuk | sometimes I forget to feed them | 02:15 |
pitti | that one is one of my favourite's, too :) | 02:16 |
mvo | use a flat layout! | 02:16 |
=== mvo hides | ||
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mvo | Keybuk: we hope to attack more bugs on the compiz sprint next week | 02:18 |
mvo | and we also hope for more user feedback/bugreports | 02:18 |
Keybuk | indeed | 02:18 |
mvo | now that its "offical" | 02:18 |
Amaranth | man i got a lot of comments on my blog for that | 02:18 |
Amaranth | so there is obviously interest :) | 02:18 |
Keybuk | Amaranth: what kind of balance? | 02:18 |
Amaranth | all negative :P | 02:19 |
Amaranth | mostly asking if this means their pet driver bug will be fixed | 02:20 |
Amaranth | or what happens for people with unsupported hardware | 02:20 |
Amaranth | http://www.realistanew.com/2007/09/12/compiz-by-default-in-ubuntu-710/#comments | 02:20 |
Keybuk | cool | 02:21 |
mjg59 | It wouldn't surprise me if r300 isn't especially stable | 02:21 |
Keybuk | mvo: before the sprint, if you could check over the bug list and find those that are most user-affecting, etc. that would be great | 02:21 |
Keybuk | anyway, Herdy | 02:22 |
Amaranth | Keybuk: i already did that | 02:22 |
=== Keybuk hands Amaranth a gold star ;) | ||
mvo | Keybuk: I plan to do that, yes | 02:22 |
mvo | but Amaranth did great work already | 02:23 |
=== mvo hugs Amaranth | ||
Keybuk | 8.04 will be an LTS, in some form or other | 02:23 |
mvo | is there more than one form ;) ? | 02:23 |
pitti | so, no crazy new stuff? :) | 02:24 |
Keybuk | the general thought is that new development is fine if it fixes problems | 02:24 |
Keybuk | or improves usability, etc. | 02:24 |
Keybuk | we want to tackle problems that matter most to our users as well, mdz is looking at some digg-like way of collecting the top problems | 02:25 |
pitti | one thing I had in mind for hardy was an application for guided bug filing (decision-tree based); I guess stuff like this is appropriate? | 02:25 |
pitti | (we already had that spec for gutsy, but it didn't get very far) | 02:26 |
Keybuk | potentially; Henrik's new Desktop QA Developer will certainly help with that kind of thing :) | 02:26 |
Keybuk | since we're especially looking at what users want, it's worth everyone going through things like: | 02:27 |
Keybuk | * https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IdeaPool | 02:27 |
Keybuk | * https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UsabilityWishlist | 02:27 |
Keybuk | * https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu | 02:27 |
Keybuk | and seeing if there's any items in there that interest you | 02:27 |
pitti | and maybe the long list of specs that users created | 02:27 |
pitti | . o O { a sensible backup solution! } | 02:28 |
Mithrandir | I need to come up with a list of development issues for UME, which is kinda on the side of what Ubuntu Desktop does. | 02:28 |
mvo | backup++ | 02:28 |
=== mvo loves the idea to have time again to go over all the bugs | ||
pitti | mvo++; more time for bug fixing | 02:29 |
=== mvo would also like to improve the automatic upgrade tester in the next cycle | ||
Keybuk | so please, over the next week put together a list of problems to tackle | 02:30 |
Keybuk | and then we'll discuss everyone's lists at the team meeting | 02:30 |
Mithrandir | Keybuk: to what extent do you expect me to have complete lists for UME? | 02:30 |
Keybuk | Mithrandir: I'm not sure, check with mdz :) at least a partial list will be good though | 02:30 |
Keybuk | he expressed some urgency to the planning | 02:30 |
=== Amaranth [n=travis@ubuntu/member/Amaranth] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
Keybuk | UME is more interesting simply because it's still in development | 02:31 |
Keybuk | I'm not sure whether it's being considered for LTS or not | 02:31 |
Mithrandir | I think we want to LTS it, simply because we'll have devices with it on in the field for quite a while. | 02:32 |
Amaranth | stupid router | 02:32 |
Mithrandir | and I don't think we'll have people doing dist-upgrades of their MIDs | 02:32 |
Mithrandir | urgency> yes, everything about UME is urgent. :-) | 02:32 |
Keybuk | urgency to general planning, in fact | 02:33 |
Keybuk | is there any other business? | 02:34 |
Mithrandir | I don't have anything | 02:34 |
pitti | let's go squash bugs | 02:35 |
Amaranth | \o/ | 02:35 |
Keybuk | ok thanks all | 02:35 |
pitti | 11 down, 3 to go \o/, so I might be able to help with the unassigned beta bugs soon, too | 02:35 |
Keybuk | pitti: I expect you're glad we have a full time release manager starting on Monday :p | 02:36 |
Amaranth | pitti: feel free to fix all the compiz bugs :) | 02:36 |
pitti | indeed I am \o/ | 02:36 |
pitti | Amaranth: *cough* | 02:36 |
pitti | Amaranth: in fact I am about to go to a shop and take a look at some shiny new laptops now :) | 02:36 |
pitti | so that I can actually test it | 02:36 |
pitti | Keybuk: although I guess that we'll do the beta release together, for mentoring? | 02:37 |
Keybuk | I imagine so | 02:37 |
=== mvo considers food | ||
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:ubotu] : Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 17 Sep 12:00 UTC: IRC Council | 18 Sep 16:00 UTC: Kernel Team | 19 Sep 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 19 Sep 20:00 UTC: Xubuntu Developers | 20 Sep 12:00 UTC: Desktop Team Development | 21 Sep 12:00 UTC: MOTU Team | ||
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ArneGoetje | @now | 04:34 |
ubotu | Current time in Etc/UTC: September 13 2007, 14:34:08 - Next meeting: IRC Council in 3 days | 04:34 |
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=== mvo looks around | ||
dholbach | hey mvo :) | 05:03 |
heno | Suggested agenda item: Tribe 6 and Beta bug status | 05:03 |
ogra | @now | 05:03 |
ubotu | Current time in Etc/UTC: September 13 2007, 15:03:26 - Next meeting: IRC Council in 3 days | 05:03 |
asac | hi | 05:03 |
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pitti | hi | 05:03 |
=== mathiaz waves | ||
calc | hi | 05:04 |
=== asac doorbell | ||
dholbach | It's not really an agenda item, but please all have a look at http://daniel.holba.ch/sponsoring - there are bugs which I might have assigned to you - please try to get back to patch authors | 05:04 |
calc | pitti: btw i will look into fixing the office bean issue with the next upload of OOo | 05:04 |
pitti | calc: thank you! appreciated | 05:04 |
pitti | calc: when is that scheduled? IOW, when can we expect to have testable CDs again? | 05:04 |
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calc | pitti: oh it completely breaks the CD *wince* :\ | 05:05 |
evand | hi | 05:05 |
pitti | calc: well, not completely break (VMWare testing is fine), but you cannot burn them | 05:05 |
calc | pitti: i had hoped to do it after 2.3.0 is released on Monday but I can try to push that to sooner | 05:05 |
pitti | calc: and TBH I have no idea how to free 12 MB on them | 05:06 |
Mithrandir | just remove OOo? :-P | 05:06 |
pitti | there are almost no langpacks left to remove (which is a pity on itself) | 05:06 |
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calc | pitti: will dropping office bean by itself be enough to fix the problem or should i look to some other things? | 05:06 |
pitti | Mithrandir: ! why didn't I think about *that*? | 05:06 |
heno | Could everyone please look at bugs on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.milestone:Alist=473 assigned to them and try to give an updated ETA? (then we can move on to beta) | 05:07 |
pitti | calc: should be fine, it pulls in java-gcj-compat and that big libgcj8-jar | 05:07 |
=== heno things we should split out OOo writer and just ship that | ||
Amaranth | do we use -Os when building?:) | 05:07 |
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Keybuk | heno: if only that view showed who they were assigned to <g> | 05:07 |
calc | pitti: ok | 05:07 |
pitti | heno: shouldn't we move all of those to beta straight away? | 05:07 |
heno | pitti: we should I just though we could do a Tribe 6 wrap-up first | 05:08 |
evand | CDs> As of yesterday they still have serious unionfs issues anyway | 05:08 |
heno | our non-release milestone :) | 05:08 |
mathiaz | for bug 120085, isn't it too late in the release cycle to introduce such a change ? | 05:08 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 120085 in sysklogd "Various problems running syslogd with "-u syslog" option" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120085 | 05:08 |
pitti | heno: hm, I don't think that all tribe6 bugs are really more important than the beta ones | 05:09 |
pitti | heno: that hasn't been very consistent in the past, bugs were just dragged from tribe to tribe and eventually to beta | 05:09 |
pitti | heno: unless you have different experiences? | 05:09 |
heno | pitti: no, it's just a subset. should we instead to High priority bugs from both lists? | 05:09 |
pitti | (is a verb missing here?) | 05:10 |
calc | my two bugs are done :) | 05:10 |
heno | ... instead look at .... | 05:10 |
ogra | mathiaz, its a regression fix, no ? | 05:10 |
mathiaz | ogra: yes. A regression that was introduce in edgy | 05:10 |
ogra | sounds to me like it should go in | 05:11 |
mathiaz | then if a core-dev could have a look at the debdiff I've attached and comment, it would be great | 05:11 |
evand | my bugs are done with workarounds, prettier fixes are still being investigated | 05:12 |
pitti | heno: that's why I think we should just merge them into one list and adjust priorities | 05:12 |
pitti | I'm down to three restricted-manager bugs for beta, rest is done | 05:12 |
mvo | the compiz/g-screensaver issue is still under investiagation | 05:13 |
heno | after moving the last tribe bugs we'll have ~200 open bugs milestoned for beta. how does that compare with previous releases at this stage? | 05:15 |
heno | Mithrandir: ^ | 05:15 |
=== kwwii [n=kwwii@p5495561D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
Mithrandir | that's quite a bit more, I believe | 05:15 |
Mithrandir | but then, we have a much more active server team, for instance. | 05:16 |
heno | making more bugs :) | 05:16 |
heno | we still need to do a critical review of that list though | 05:16 |
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heno | pitti: shall we do that some time next week? | 05:17 |
pitti | heno: agreed; or tomorrow, fine for me | 05:18 |
heno | for bug 132320 I was wondering whether we should just leave tracker indexing off by default anyway | 05:18 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 132320 in tracker "Tracker consumes more then 90% of CPU even when indexing is disabled" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132320 | 05:18 |
heno | pitti: ok, tomorrow is good | 05:18 |
heno | and activate it the first time someone goes to search | 05:19 |
asac | heno: the bug claims that it consumes cycles even if indexing is disabled? how would disabling it help? | 05:19 |
heno | asac: I mean, not run the deamon at all | 05:20 |
Amaranth | compiz/g-screensaver is annoying hard to figure out | 05:21 |
Amaranth | heno: tracker uses that much CPU by design | 05:22 |
Amaranth | heno: it uses 100% cpu but nice level 19 so as soon as something wants CPU time tracker gets pushed out | 05:22 |
heno | Amaranth: which is a good argument for turning it off. I would guess only a fraction of users actually use desktop search | 05:23 |
Amaranth | heno: but it's not a bug | 05:23 |
Amaranth | and it's not a problem | 05:23 |
calc | Amaranth: using 100% cpu for prolonged time period on laptops is an issue... right? | 05:23 |
Amaranth | calc: it's going to not do anything when running on battery | 05:23 |
calc | Amaranth: ah ok | 05:23 |
Amaranth | well, jamie said we could expect that soon | 05:24 |
heno | it's bad for the environment even on desktops :) | 05:24 |
asac | Amaranth: soon enough for gutsy? | 05:24 |
Amaranth | asac: yes | 05:24 |
Amaranth | before beta even, i guess | 05:24 |
asac | Amaranth: you know jamie? | 05:24 |
heno | seriously, using that much CPU is bad form | 05:24 |
calc | so why does it use 90%+ cpu when apparently not doing anything? | 05:24 |
Amaranth | asac: sort of | 05:24 |
asac | Amaranth: ok fine then. | 05:24 |
heno | and most users don't want it (is my humble guess) | 05:25 |
asac | i must admit that i was a bit annoyed by it | 05:25 |
pochu | calc: When it's 90+ it's indexing | 05:25 |
calc | when it is actually doing indexing it causes the system to basically grind to a halt until it is done due to disk iowait | 05:25 |
asac | it indexed for two days or so when i upgraded to gutsy | 05:25 |
Amaranth | well you could throttle it | 05:25 |
Amaranth | then it uses less % but runs longer | 05:25 |
Amaranth | so same cpu time in the end | 05:25 |
heno | asac: and how often have you used desktop search since then? | 05:26 |
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calc | pochu: the bug report mentioned above said it was at 90%+ even with indexing disabled, whether that is actually the case I don't know | 05:26 |
dholbach | also having ~1G of indexing data in .cache/tracker annoyed me a bit | 05:26 |
asac | heno: actually i tried it ... e.g. to find things in mozilla source | 05:26 |
Amaranth | we are not the target audience | 05:26 |
asac | heno: i think i would use it if I could dump updatedb completely in turn | 05:26 |
pedro_ | dholbach: i seconded that. | 05:26 |
pochu | calc: I think there's another bug saying it didn't stop to index when it was told to, so probably it was indexing :) | 05:26 |
Amaranth | we keep track of things on our filesystem | 05:26 |
asac | but afaik i cannot search for filenames | 05:26 |
calc | pochu: oh ok | 05:26 |
heno | the target audience use firefox, an mp3 player and skype. that's it :) | 05:27 |
Amaranth | my grandfather can't remember where he puts anything | 05:27 |
=== mvo vaguely remembers that he had 1,7G when he disabled it | ||
asac | heno: yeah ... but the target audience doesn't have a home with zillions of fileitems either ;) | 05:27 |
dholbach | asac: you don't know my sister :) | 05:27 |
calc | i haven't looked into this but how do you disable tracker normally? | 05:28 |
asac | heno: so indexing shouldn't take so long ;) | 05:28 |
heno | right they keep their pictures in their gmail acct and search that | 05:28 |
calc | its depended on by ubuntu-desktop so shouldn't actually be completely removed | 05:28 |
mvo | its a recommends, no? | 05:28 |
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calc | oh yea just recommends, recommends gets autoinstalled I forgot about that | 05:28 |
asac | well i think its rare that there are picture folders with as many files as a mozilla source copy ;) | 05:28 |
heno | no, it's just that the deamon should be set to not run until the user tries their first search | 05:28 |
jdstrand | calc: I used Sessions | 05:29 |
asac | heno: the backdraft would be that the first search wouldn't yield any results right? so people will never try again :) | 05:29 |
Amaranth | heno: then their first search is worthless and they stop using it | 05:29 |
asac | ack | 05:29 |
bdmurray | Maybe we should ask people instead of speculating? | 05:30 |
asac | bdmurray: yeah ... forum vote ;) | 05:30 |
heno | or their first experience into Ubuntu is slooooow and they stop using _that_ | 05:30 |
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pedro_ | asac: it could show a message "your files are not indexed with tracker do you want to start blabla bla?" ok/cancel | 05:30 |
heno | we should take it to the list | 05:30 |
heno | pedro_: +1 | 05:30 |
jdstrand | heno: perhaps a notice telling the user that the first index isn't complete would work | 05:30 |
pedro_ | agreed. | 05:30 |
asac | pedro_: right ... i agree that things can be improved ... but we have to chew on it i guess | 05:30 |
heno | Windows help used to do this, so people are used to that | 05:31 |
heno | it would make the two top tracker bugs no longer Critical | 05:32 |
Amaranth | in OS X they just made it the default. new installs are no problem because there are no files to index and upgrades have maybe one day of pain then they're fine | 05:32 |
heno | (though they should still be fixed) | 05:32 |
Amaranth | so maybe on by default for new installs only? | 05:32 |
asac | Amaranth: +1 (when combined with heno/pedro_ suggestion for existing installs) | 05:33 |
heno | it still takes CPU cycles, RAM and disk space for the 90% who will never use it | 05:33 |
heno | (my random guess) | 05:33 |
Amaranth | it uses almost no RAM so... | 05:34 |
heno | Amaranth: do you have numbers? | 05:34 |
Amaranth | and people have 400GB hard drives so that's not a big deal | 05:34 |
pitti | erm, laptops don't | 05:34 |
pedro_ | well not all the people | 05:34 |
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heno | some people have 30GB drives and 256MB RAM | 05:35 |
dholbach | I have 40G in my laptop | 05:35 |
mvo | I would not mind if it would stop indexing if the space gets tight | 05:35 |
pedro_ | same here | 05:35 |
heno | and we want to support them as well | 05:35 |
Amaranth | heno: it uses no (noticeable) CPU | 05:35 |
Amaranth | heno: because it only uses idle cycles | 05:35 |
jdstrand | what about default off, with a note on first login about how to enable it? | 05:35 |
heno | but that still makes the machine noisy, both on laptops and desktops | 05:36 |
heno | and will be seen as a regression | 05:36 |
asac | jdstrand: i think these kind of popups are usually just ignored by users | 05:36 |
jdstrand | asac: I ignore tracker anyway :) | 05:36 |
illovae | hello o/ | 05:36 |
mvo | asac++ | 05:36 |
heno | jdstrand: if we start down that path we'll soon have 10 pop-ups at boot :) | 05:36 |
sourcercito | Amaranth, sure you don't live in south america or africa | 05:37 |
Amaranth | heno: so throttle it | 05:37 |
Amaranth | sourcercito: you can't even _install_ with 256MB | 05:37 |
sourcercito | most people here don't have hard drives that big | 05:37 |
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sourcercito | yes, i've a 5gb partition to ubuntu, but still | 05:37 |
Amaranth | sourcercito: and the size of the index is relative to the size of the stuff on your computer | 05:37 |
jdstrand | asac, heno: I see your point, but question that there is a sane default. It is indeed useful for some of our users, but not others. | 05:37 |
Amaranth | so if you have a small HD you have a small index | 05:38 |
kwwii | Amaranth: not if I had lots of small files, or? | 05:38 |
pitti | mvo's proposal of stopping indexing when space gets tight is good IMHO | 05:38 |
jdstrand | asac, heno: could default off with an entry in Ubuntu Help Center | 05:38 |
heno | jdstrand: riht, but I think the notice on first search makes more sense | 05:38 |
Amaranth | kwwii: well it's not a linear thing | 05:38 |
asac | don't we have other features already that are enabled/disabled based on hardware profiles? | 05:38 |
pitti | asac: yes, compiz | 05:38 |
BenC | laptop mode comes to mind | 05:38 |
pitti | asac: and gnome-power-manager | 05:38 |
jdstrand | heno: ah-- so it is default off, then when they try to use it the first time, turn it on? | 05:39 |
asac | so in case lots of people complain in beta we might wanna think about extending this for tracker? | 05:39 |
heno | what about making the checkbox to turn off indexing actually stop the deamon from running? | 05:39 |
=== mvo wonders if it could even free some of its index if space gets tight | ||
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heno | jdstrand: right | 05:39 |
Amaranth | asac: compiz is easier | 05:39 |
pedro_ | heno: yes please. | 05:39 |
Amaranth | asac: it's just a matter of checking features, not performance | 05:39 |
asac | another idea would be to show up a tray icon that shows "now indexing" .. which you could right click and say "stop this" ? | 05:39 |
mvo | also checking performance before starting compiz would be useful too | 05:40 |
jdstrand | heno: I think an 'are you sure' type of thing with a warning about CPU and disk space might be a good idea to think about | 05:40 |
jdstrand | heno: on that first try | 05:40 |
Amaranth | mvo: afaik all the hardware it actually is capable of running on is fast enough to run it somewhat decently | 05:40 |
Amaranth | mvo: i used it on a Radeon 7500 | 05:40 |
popey | asac: +1, I'd love to be able to stop/pause trackerd when I am playing a game for example | 05:40 |
mvo | Amaranth: true, I the slowest I have is a i830 and even that is okish | 05:40 |
Amaranth | popey: other than the kernel bug with io scheduling you should not need to | 05:41 |
heno | I don't want it to run somewhat decently, I want my desktop to *always* be super-responsive :) | 05:41 |
popey | "hah" | 05:41 |
Amaranth | popey: it is explicitly designed to use only what is idle | 05:41 |
heno | Linux should be able to deliver that | 05:41 |
popey | my core2duo 2.6GHz gets murdered by trackerd | 05:41 |
Amaranth | popey: in feisty it worked fine :) | 05:41 |
heno | unless we shoot ourselves in the foot | 05:41 |
Amaranth | popey: like i said, it uses all available _idle_ cpu | 05:41 |
Amaranth | popey: so if you play a game it scales down | 05:41 |
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popey | Amaranth: I understand the theory, but practically it doesn't work like that, it slows down every machine I own, all over 2GHz, most multicore | 05:42 |
Amaranth | only the IO is a problem here | 05:42 |
heno | a problem is a problem, no matter what the technical reason | 05:42 |
Amaranth | this is apparently only a problem with upgrades | 05:42 |
popey | indeed, and I'd still like to be able to pause it :) | 05:42 |
mvo | and it seems to be something new that was introduced by 2.6.22 | 05:42 |
Amaranth | so hopefully we'll figure out why | 05:43 |
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heno | ok, cool. on that note, let's take it to the mailing list | 05:43 |
asac | cool | 05:43 |
heno | shall swe look at the other Critical beta bugs? | 05:43 |
asac | can we take a look at bug 139403 | 05:43 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 139403 in network-manager "network-manager should stop managing any interface configured in /etc/network/interfaces" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139403 | 05:44 |
asac | i would like to know if anyone has any hard reasons not to do that? | 05:44 |
asac | pleaes read summary | 05:44 |
=== calc has another network manager issue to bring up, not sure if a bug is already filed on it | ||
=== ogra is 100% for it | ||
pitti | provided that u-m removes auto/dhcp interfaces from /e/n/i on upgrades, and the installer does not write the stanzas for desktop isntallations | 05:45 |
heno | that does seem to be causing a lot of bug reports | 05:45 |
asac | pitti: look at bug | 05:45 |
=== ogra was 100% for it when Keybuk suggested it ages ago :) | ||
asac | pitti: the new suggestion is to make postinst do that | 05:45 |
asac | (not u-m) | 05:46 |
pitti | asac: urgh | 05:46 |
asac | so people that now use network manager for auto dhcp will still use it | 05:46 |
calc | another suggestion, have network manager not kill connections on upgrade... (not sure if that is known and/or fixed yet) | 05:46 |
asac | while those that have n-m uniinstalled won't see a regression | 05:46 |
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pitti | asac: 3. needs to be extended to '... for desktop installations' | 05:46 |
pitti | asac: since we do want it on servers, CLI, or expert installations | 05:47 |
asac | pitti: 3. desktop installer should not add auto dhcp interfaces. | 05:47 |
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asac | ^^^ | 05:47 |
asac | its already in there ... isnt it? | 05:47 |
pitti | asac: right, but it should do that for above cases | 05:47 |
pitti | oh, *only* ubiquity? | 05:47 |
asac | pitti: ok but it shouldn't install nm for those as well | 05:47 |
pitti | fine then | 05:47 |
asac | pitti: no idea ... i think it should depend on whether nm is installed or not | 05:47 |
pitti | right | 05:48 |
pitti | then we just need to make damn sure that n-m actually works and always brings up eth0 on boot | 05:48 |
=== pitti is not convinced that it is that robust yet | ||
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asac | i have not many bugs about wired | 05:49 |
pitti | asac: what's your experience with that so far? | 05:49 |
asac | usually wired works ... if wired doesn't work ifupdown mostly fails as well | 05:49 |
mvo | what people with two interfaces? that is not supported by n-m, right? so this needs to be carfully checked | 05:49 |
pitti | asac: when I trawled over the n-m bugs the last time, there were a lot of that kind, but I guess this was often due to the 'tears down ifaces on startup' but | 05:49 |
pitti | s/t$/g/ | 05:49 |
asac | pitti: right | 05:49 |
pitti | mvo: those need an e/n/i entry mostly AFAICS | 05:50 |
asac | what we see now is either "tears down" ... or now ingutsy "nm shows some random interface because we have to active, managed connections" | 05:50 |
pitti | mvo: e. g. my secondary interface has static configuration | 05:50 |
mvo | right, so the thing that removes stuff needs to check for this, right? | 05:50 |
calc | a lot of nvidia based desktop motherboards have two nics on them, btw | 05:50 |
Zic | @schedule Paris | 05:50 |
ubotu | Schedule for Europe/Paris: 17 Sep 14:00: IRC Council | 18 Sep 18:00: Kernel Team | 19 Sep 14:00: Edubuntu | 19 Sep 22:00: Xubuntu Developers | 20 Sep 14:00: Desktop Team Development | 21 Sep 14:00: MOTU Team | 05:50 |
asac | pitti: and if people don't have a network they most likely go to network-admin ... and once they configured the interface there it will be just ifupdown | 05:50 |
asac | which doesn't work atm because if you configure just dhcp there, network manager will still manage it | 05:51 |
pitti | good point | 05:51 |
pitti | asac: but with that, you'll lose the possibility to switch to a wifi, don't you? | 05:51 |
asac | no | 05:51 |
asac | thats the good thing | 05:51 |
asac | you go to network-admin .. configure eth as dhcp ... then you still can use nm for wireless | 05:52 |
pitti | asac: but I don't see how "don't touch ifupdown connections" and "use wifi although there is an eth configured" mix? | 05:52 |
asac | unless you configure wirelss as "not-roaming" there as well | 05:52 |
asac | pitti: please rephrase :) ? | 05:52 |
pitti | ok, I plug my laptop into my ethernet and have auto eth0/dhcp | 05:52 |
pitti | (in /e/n/i) | 05:53 |
asac | yeah | 05:53 |
pitti | then I unplug it, and want to use my wifi | 05:53 |
pitti | but since n-m doesn't manage eth0 any more, the default route won't be torn down for eth | 05:53 |
pitti | (and neither the dhclient) | 05:53 |
pitti | i. e. everyone who every uses network-admin will be stuck there | 05:53 |
pitti | oh, you can switch it back to 'roaming' | 05:54 |
asac | what happens if you have two default routes? | 05:54 |
asac | for me it worked | 05:54 |
pitti | asac: you lose | 05:54 |
pitti | asac: it's a race condition, from my experience | 05:54 |
pitti | sometimes it works, sometimes you lose all packets | 05:54 |
pitti | it's bit of a corner case, yes, but so far these cases were handled pretty well because n-m actually understood /e/n/i | 05:55 |
pitti | I know, choosing between two evils :/ | 05:55 |
asac | pitti: understood is a bit exaggerated | 05:55 |
asac | it broke ifupdown :) | 05:55 |
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pitti | IOW, once someone configures "dhcp" in network-admin for eth0, n-m will just go to 'static configuration' and not do anything any more | 05:56 |
pitti | might be a bit confusing | 05:56 |
asac | he? | 05:56 |
ogra | who? | 05:56 |
asac | it will not go to static ... it will just stop to manage it | 05:56 |
pitti | asac: right, but it won't switch interfaces either because you have a manual configuration | 05:57 |
asac | can't dhclient listen to hal events? | 05:57 |
pitti | unless, of course, n-m continues to actually parse and interpret /e/n/i, but I thought you wanted to get rid of that | 05:57 |
pitti | asac: in what way? | 05:57 |
asac | remove/add route? | 05:58 |
=== pitti does not understand; why should dhclient do that? | ||
pitti | after all, dhclient *is* the bit that actually configures routes... | 05:58 |
asac | i don't mean dhclient .. i mean ifupdown mechanism | 05:58 |
ogra | asac, you could use route directly :) | 05:58 |
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pitti | asac: there's no ifupdownd or something that could do that; what should it do? | 05:59 |
ogra | pitti, he wants to remove the defaultroute for that interface if i understood right | 05:59 |
ogra | but keep the interface as is | 05:59 |
pitti | asac: if we want n-m to override ifupdown routes, then we could make ifupdown use defualtroutes with metric 1 | 05:59 |
asac | pitti: how would that look like? | 06:00 |
pitti | and keep n-m use metric 0 routes | 06:00 |
pitti | so that n-m's routes win | 06:00 |
asac | yes that sounds reasonable then | 06:00 |
=== asac has not idea about metrics | ||
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pitti | asac: just "metric 1" option | 06:00 |
pitti | asac: just think about it as 'priority' | 06:01 |
asac | yeah ... were would such a feature be added? | 06:01 |
pitti | the lower one wins | 06:01 |
heno | We've been going for an hour; let's declare the meeting done and continue this wherever | 06:01 |
heno | Thanks everyone | 06:01 |
asac | pitti: ok i will add that to the bug and subscribe you | 06:01 |
mvo | thanks | 06:02 |
=== mvo goes for dinner now | ||
pitti | thanks everyone | 06:02 |
mathiaz | thanks | 06:02 |
dholbach | thanks - see you tomorrow | 06:02 |
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kwwii | bye | 06:03 |
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