
leonelwasabi:  yes  postfix12:43
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leonelwasabi: all was working in dapper12:44
leonelthen upgraded to edgy  checked the configuration  and  all works  but the  smtp auth12:44
leonelthen installed a fresh  feisty    and the same error12:44
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nealmcbleonel: have you compared the config files that relate to sasl?  can you show the full error log message?01:15
nealmcbso the feisty install was not an upgrade?01:17
nealmcbleonel: this looks relevant - a chroot problem? : http://www.kloopy.com/344_Postfix__SASL2__unable_to_open_Berkeley_db01:23
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leonelnealmcb: that's the error  but  I'm using  libsasl2-modules-sql   to access  postgresql and check for users there    it has nothing to do with the /etc/sasldb2 file01:51
leonelnealmcb: worked  fine in dapper   now  this error  on feisty01:52
ScottKleonel: I'm guessing your Postfix is chrooted.  Copy /etc/sasldb2 into the chroot.01:55
ScottKleonel: OK.  First I'd make sure you are unchrooted in Postfix and see if the error persists.01:56
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leonelScottK:  unchrooted  and the same    but  I guess I don't need  sasldb2  since  I'm authenticating against  postgresql    in dapper works  fine    but I guess in feisty  something has changed02:26
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ScottKleonel: I don't think Postfix has changed how it does Auth.05:02
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lamont[Wed Sep 12 22:45:37 2007]  [error]  [client]  GROUP: lamont not in required group(s).06:47
lamontwhat do I have to tell apache et al to get past that?06:47
lamont(AuthType basic, ftw)06:48
ajmitchyou have AuthGroupFile, and the user lamont listed in a group in there?06:51
ajmitchI presume you've got 'require group foo' somewhere06:51
lamontajmitch: what group should he be in, and what does it check against?06:51
ajmitchI don't know, since I don't know what the access directives are (in .htaccess or otherwise)06:52
ajmitchwe use 'require group admin', and the .htgroup file has 'admin: ajmitch'06:52
lamont'twas a leftover module load... I wasn't trying to actually _use_ groups, you see.07:01
lamontso 'require group admin' would go in .htaccess?07:01
=== lamont freely admits to not being fully web-server literate
ajmitchyep, if you really feel like using it] 07:02
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ajmitchbut if it's already requiring you to be in a group, I guess you need to track down where that is set07:02
lamontmodule being loaded.  disabling the modules for group checking "fixed" it.07:03
ajmitchsince it can so conveniently be anywhere07:03
ajmitchright :)07:03
lamontajmitch: what I really want is a howto somewhere that'll tell me how to configure apache and windows to use basic auth in https and the 'publish this file to the web' "feature" in windoze XP pro07:15
lamontOTOH, I'm going to go to bed and ponder, I think07:15
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ScottKlamont: I've been following the Stress-dependent server personality discussion on postfix-users.  This seems a relatively simple and useful patch.  I was wondering if you'd considered including it in the current Postfix package?03:18
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ScottKsoren: I think Bug #128262 ought to have an ack.04:07
ubotuLaunchpad bug 128262 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging]  sqlite-ruby" [Wishlist,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12826204:07
=== soren reads
ScottKsoren: In related news the Debian courier maintainer finally shows signs of life.  Any thoughts on a courier uvfe?04:07
=== soren has no clue about Courier
sorenI've actually never used it.04:08
ScottKFor the ruby thing it was "last package required to get a standard set of Ruby on Rails application adapters installed on Ubuntu without requiring compilation." that got my attention.04:08
sorenScottK: Ack'ed.04:09
sorenScottK: Could you be pursuaded to poke the the archive admins about it?04:11
sorenScottK: I'm kind of tied up rigth now.04:11
ScottKI just asked dholbach to upload it again.04:11
ScottKTomorrow is pitti's normal archive day, so I'll leave bugging him until then.04:12
leonelScottK: Feisty postfix + sql auth  is working   something went  wrong obviously  yesterday  but today all working good ..04:22
ScottKleonel: Glad ot hear it.04:22
leonelpostconf -e 'smtpd_sasl_path = /etc/postfix/sasl:/usr/lib/sasl2'    <-- this was the difference  .. now  it's gone04:23
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benj3oneI am running ubuntu server (7.04)04:48
ScottKHi.  What's up?04:49
benj3oneAnd I think I have fubared my LAMP settup :-(04:49
benj3oneI have apt-get remove -purged eveything once04:49
benj3oneallready, but When I reinstall appache204:50
benj3onedoesent have anyhting in it04:50
benj3onemods available folder04:51
benj3oneIs there a way to get that stuff back!?04:51
=== ScottK doesn't know about Apache. Looks around.
ScottKYes, but I'm not the best person to tell you how.04:51
benj3oneah, well it seems I found the problem last night04:51
benj3oneI colocated my server04:52
benj3oneand could ssh in so went back home (4 hours away)04:52
benj3onebut then I couldent, and the tech at the datacenter said it must be somthing with the install uf ubuntu I did04:53
benj3oneSo I let him re-put it on there.04:53
benj3oneit was essentialy empty anyway04:53
benj3onebut he did not set up lamp...04:53
benj3onebut I think he did set up apache04:54
benj3oneI didnt realise this so I installed appache2 and the rest of the lamp stack :-(04:54
benj3onenow I am trying to remove everything and start over here04:54
benj3one(Oh and later on he emailed me and the problem was on there end (old firewall setup on that switch)04:55
mralphabetbenj3one: tasksel04:55
benj3onehow do I use that?05:00
benj3onenm/ got it thanks05:00
benj3oneso do I need to un-install lamp then use this05:06
benj3onebecause basicaly it does nothing05:06
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benj3onebasically "/etc/apache2/" no longer exists...05:14
benj3onebut when I install apache205:15
benj3oneit doesent create it anywhere05:15
benj3onethere is no directory "apache2"05:15
sommerbenj3one: when you uninstalled did you do a purge?05:15
sommerto purge do a dpkg -P apache205:15
sommerthen try reinstalling05:15
sommerthat's my idea anyway.05:16
benj3oneI will give it a shot :-)05:16
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=== benj3one == screwed
benj3oneI cannot get apache2 installed correctly05:33
benj3oneand its a webserver05:33
=== Kamping_Kaiser reads up
sommerbenj3one: did the purge not help?05:34
leonelsudo apt-get install --reinstall  apache2 ??05:34
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benj3oneit says 1 reinstalled, 2 not upgraded05:37
benj3oneall I know is I uninstalled apache205:38
benj3onebut then in /etc/ there was still an apche2 folder05:38
benj3one...so I ah..05:38
benj3onedeleted it :-(05:38
benj3oneand now, even though it says its installing, no beans05:39
benj3oneI dont see it anywhere05:39
sommerbenj3one: just so I'm clear you have apache2 installed now?05:39
benj3onethats what it says05:39
sommertry manually creating /etc/apache205:39
sommerthen doing a dpkg -P apache205:39
sommerthen reinstall apache205:39
benj3onedpkg -P apache205:40
benj3onegot it05:40
sommerafter you do the dpkg -P apache2 make sure that the /etc/apache2 dir is gone.05:40
sommerthen try reinstalling05:40
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benj3oneok its clean05:41
benj3onetrying reinstall05:41
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benj3oneok it is installed again05:42
benj3onebut no apache folder on my system05:42
sommerno /etc/apache2?05:42
benj3onemaybe its installed with one the extention packages05:42
benj3onenot at all05:42
sommermmmm....what's the output of dpkg -l apache2?05:43
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Kamping_Kaisermoreimportantly , whats the outpult of `dpkg -L apache2` and `dpkg -L apache2-common`05:45
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benj3onehow do you copy out of puty :-P05:45
benj3oneok I will type it05:45
Kamping_Kaiserselect+right click05:45
Kamping_Kaiseror is that paste :S05:45
sommerI think if you just select text in putty it will be copied to the clipboard05:47
sommerbut I don't have a window machine handy05:47
benj3one| Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed05:47
benj3oneActualy I am running putty on wine in fedora05:47
benj3one(dont ask)05:48
sommerheh...that is a little odd05:48
sommerI gueess I can try to recreate your situation05:48
sommeryou installed apache2 then removed it05:48
Kamping_Kaiserbenj3one, thats just sick05:49
sommerhow was it removed?  apt-get remove apache2?05:49
benj3onethen deleted /etc/apache2/05:49
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benj3oneyes apt-get remove apache205:49
Kamping_Kaiserbenj3one, you sure it was installed from debs?05:49
benj3oneactualy I am not05:49
benj3onenow that you mentioned it05:49
sommerwhich version of Ubuntu are you running?05:50
benj3onethe guy at the datacenter couldent get ssh working to my box and figured it was my setup, so I told him it was basicaly empty, and he could reinstall05:51
benj3onepretty sure (thats what i told him to put on there)05:51
sommerokay I'll do some testing.05:51
Kamping_Kaiserwell look in /opt/ and /usr/local for random apapches05:51
Kamping_Kaiserimo its worth looking for such things :)05:51
Kamping_Kaiseris there one running atm?05:52
Kamping_Kaiserif there is `ps aux |grep apache`05:52
benj3onek, checking05:52
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benj3oneit is 7.0405:53
sommerYep I got the same results as benj3one05:54
benj3onethanks for going through all that :-)05:55
benj3oneI REALLY appreciate the help05:55
benj3onefrom all05:55
sommernp...stand by working on a solution.05:55
benj3oneKamping_Kaiser, I dont see anything anywhere else05:56
Kamping_Kaiserbenj3one, :(05:56
Kamping_Kaiseri havent used 7.04 :(05:56
=== Kamping_Kaiser sometimes misses the bleeding edge... i learned a lot more, and i helped a lot more.
benj3oneyah this bleeding edge stuff is just that.. in fact I am getting slaughtered. lol05:59
Kamping_Kaiserhang in there, sommer will arrive with your reinforcements :)06:00
sommerok I think I've got a process:06:00
sommerstop any running apache2 processes06:00
sommerps aux | grep apache06:00
sommermkdir -p /etc/apache2/sites-available06:01
sommer^^ the /etc/apache2 dir can't be empty for some reason.06:01
sommerthen find all apache2 programs by: dpkg -l | grep apache06:01
sommerthen do a dpkg -P apache2 apache2-utils ... etc06:02
sommermake sure that is successful06:02
sommerif it was do another dpkg -l | grep apache and you shouldn't see anyting listed06:02
benj3onedoing all that now06:02
sommeronce everyting is purged you should be able to apt-get install apache2 and have /etc/apache2 again06:03
Kamping_Kaiseryou should see one hit - the grep entry06:03
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sommerat least that worked for me06:03
benj3onehow do I stop all the prcessess?06:04
sommerps aux | grep apache06:04
benj3oneok did that06:04
benj3onewhen I06:04
Kamping_Kaiserkillall <app name>06:04
sommerthe second number is the process id number06:04
sommeror what killall  should be easier06:05
sommerbut you can also kill process_number06:05
Kamping_Kaiserbenj3one, dont be afraid to pastebin your output - if it saves peopel guessing, its worth doing :)06:05
benj3onewhen I "dpkg -P apache2 apache2-utils"06:05
benj3oneit says depndancy problems - not removed06:06
sommerdoes it list a package name?06:06
Kamping_Kaiserbenj3one, try for `sudo apt-get --purge remove`06:06
Kamping_Kaiserrather the `dpkg -r`06:06
Kamping_Kaiseroh, P06:06
=== Kamping_Kaiser looks up man page
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sommerbenj3one: any luck?06:10
sommerif apache2 isn't installed reinstall it06:11
benj3onethen run through that again?06:12
sommerthen try the dpkg -P apache2 apache2-common apache2-mpm-prefork apache2-utils libapache2-mod-auth-mysql libapache2-mod-php5 libapache2-mod-python06:13
sommerso apt-get install apache206:13
sommermkdir -P /etc/apache2/sites-available06:13
Kamping_Kaiserbenj3one, considdered using apt-get?06:13
sommerthen the above dpkg -P command06:13
sommereverything gone?06:15
sommerdpkg -l | grep apache06:15
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sommerlooks like the purge didn't work again...was there an error?06:17
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sommertry apt-get install apache2-mpm-itk06:20
sommerthen dpkg -l | grep apache06:20
sommerand try to dpkg -P ... the list again06:21
sommerI think what's happening is one package is being removed, which then doesn't allow packages depending on it to be.06:22
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=== Kamping_Kaiser resuggests apt then goes awol
Kamping_Kaiserbenj3one, `apt-get --purge remove ` instead of `dpkg -P`06:24
sommermmm....he's probably right I used dpkg06:24
benj3onek done06:25
=== sommer always forgets about using apt-get remove
sommerwhat does dpkg -l | grep apache have?06:25
benj3oneit no work06:26
benj3onebut apt-get --purge remove grep apache06:26
sommeryou should be ready to reinstall apache then.06:26
benj3onewarns that I am about do somthing potentialy harmfull06:26
benj3oneshould I remove it?06:26
benj3oneis it essential to my OS?06:26
sommerwhat package?06:27
benj3onegrep apache06:27
benj3oneit says06:27
benj3oneYou are about to do something potentially harmful.06:27
benj3oneTo continue type in the phrase 'Yes, do as I say!'06:27
sommerI think you'll be okay...does it list what's its going to do?06:28
benj3onethats it exactly06:28
sommersay no!06:29
sommerI think you'll need to start back with apache installed06:30
sommerdo a apt-get install apache06:30
benj3oneWAIT OMFG!!!!06:31
benj3onehttpd.conf is back!06:31
benj3onesomthing worked06:31
sommerwhat does dpkg -l | grep apache have?06:31
sommeryou're probably good then...I'd apt-get isntall anything from that list that isn't ii06:33
benj3onethanks guys!06:33
sommerthen try starting apache and see how it goes06:33
benj3onehow do I do that06:33
benj3onethe normal06:33
sommer/etc/init.d/apache2 start06:33
benj3onecan you paste the contents of your apache2.conf?06:40
benj3onenm/ got it06:47
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benj3onejust so you guys know, I am all up and running now06:56
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sommerbenj3one: sweet...strong work06:58
benj3oneyou too..  thanks a mill07:00
osmosisany thoughts on lvm snapshots slowing down disk io?07:04
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leonelFor your information   a  little  produccion server  with  Feisty  was upgraded to gutsy  .. no problems  found08:06
mathiazleonel: great !08:19
mathiazleonel: how did you upgrade ? with apt-get or do-release-upgrade ?08:19
leoneldist upgrade08:19
leonelmathiaz: I've setup a feisty server  with config and data  from a production server08:20
osmosishow can I tell what package owns a file on the file system ?08:21
leonelmathiaz: and then  a dist upgrade  and all went  fine08:21
mathiazleonel: what kind of software were you running on it ?08:21
dantalizingosmosis: dpkg -s filename should tell you, iirc08:25
dantalizingmaybe caps S08:25
dantalizingdpkg -S | --search filename-search-pattern ...08:26
dantalizing                  Search for a filename from installed packages.08:26
osmosisdantalizing: hmm..its not working.08:27
dantalizingdefine "not working"... what file?08:29
lamontwhere do the ltsp guys hang out?08:34
leonelmathiaz:  bind  apache  squirrelmail dovecot  postgresql  postfix + smtp auth with postgresql08:43
mathiazleonel: could it be possible to re-test the upgrade with do-release-upgrade instead of apt-get dist-upgrade ?08:46
mathiazlamont: don't know about #channels, but ogra does.08:47
leonelmathiaz:  I can    I'll let you know09:09
mathiazleonel: great. If you want to upgrade to the developpment version you need to use the -d switch when calling do-release-upgrade.09:09
leonelmathiaz:  thanks ... didn;t  know about  do-release-upgrade09:09
leonelmathiaz:  reinstalling  feisty   i'll let you know  the results09:09
mathiazleonel: it's a command line that uses update-manager-core infrastructure.09:09
mathiazleonel: it'S the same package that is used when upgrading a desktop09:09
leonelyes i've used  update-manager -c -d09:09
mathiazleonel: that also means you need to have update-manager-core installed on feisty09:09
leonelbut didn't know it was a server version09:09
leonelok i will09:09
mathiazleonel: well you can use the same system on a server.09:09
mathiazleonel: it's actually just a command line script.09:09
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osmosiswhat package owns  /usr/bin/man  ?09:14
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Styles!info man-db09:32
ubotuman-db: The on-line manual pager. In component main, is standard. Version 2.4.3-5ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 597 kB, installed size 1660 kB09:32
StylesThis package provides the man command, the primary way of examining the on-line help files (manual pages). Other utilities provided include the whatis and apropos commands09:33
Styles for searching the manual page database, the manpath utility for determining the manual page search path, and the maintenance utilities mandb, catman and zsoelim. man-db09:33
Styles uses the groff suite of programs to format and display the manual pages.09:33
Stylesosmosis, ^^^09:33
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jhutchinsIs mailmain really the simplest list manager available for postfix?09:45
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lamontjhutchins: list managers are orthogonal to MTA...09:46
Linuturkneed help with RAID controller driver with a Ubuntu 7.04 installation. Dell PowerEdge 65009:46
lamonthaving said that, mailman is popular.  majordomo is simpler, and older (and therefore cruftier)09:46
Linuturkie, which driver do I select if the installer doesn't auto detect?09:46
jhutchinslamont: They both seem huge overkill for <50 users.09:47
lamontmanually managing the list aliases is also an option...09:47
lamont(that's the reason majordomo was written, of course...)09:47
=== lamont is not opposed to overkill solutions
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leonelmathiaz: what version for update manager should be ?10:03
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mathiazleonel: the latest from feitsy-updates ?10:04
mathiazleonel: if you do an apt-get install update-manager-core you should get the correct one.10:05
leonelmathiaz: 0.59.2310:19
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mathiazleonel: seems good to me10:26
leonelmathiaz: no new release found10:30
mathiazleonel: hum... did you run it with the -d option ?10:32
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leonelmathiaz: yes10:40
mathiazleonel: ok. Thanks.10:41
leonelmathiaz:  ii  update-manager 0.59.2310:42
leonelleonel@ubuntu:~$ sudo do-release-upgrade  -d10:42
leonelChecking for a new ubuntu release10:42
leonelcurrent dist not found in meta-release file10:42
leonelNo new release found10:42
Nafallo-c -d ?10:42
leoneldo-release-upgrade: error: no such option: -c10:45
mathiazleonel: I've already seen this error.10:46
mathiazleonel: I'll ask mvo about it.10:46
Nafallonot update-manager or whatsitscalled10:48
mathiazNafallo: do-release-upgrade is supposed to be the command line version of update-manager10:49
Nafalloway to long ago since I updated a server ;-)10:50
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