
lifelessunlockable, sounds like an old tre format too12:02
lifelesswe don't use oslocks anymore except in dirstate, and there we don't use the transport api to them12:03
mneptokis bzr compatible with my relaxed and debonair lifestyle?12:15
mneptokbecause it turn out my lifesyle has library issues with Reality 2.412:15
fullermdI just uninstalled Reality.  I don't really have any use for it.12:16
mneptoki gave up trying to port it years ago, but after a few weeks talking to our customers, sabdfl pretty much insisted i update.12:17
keirlifeless, so i'm implementing iter_entries()12:17
keirlifeless, what's the expected behaviour if a key is missing?12:17
asabilhmm, I would like to contribute a small patch to bzr12:18
asabiland am lazy to send it to the ML12:18
asabilany developer wanna help me in my laziness :D ?12:19
keirlifeless, it appears from the tests it is skipped in the resulting iterator. correct?12:20
asabilanyone ?12:27
lifelesskeir: it gets skipped12:27
lifelessasabil: file a bug with it then12:27
lifelessasabil: it still has to be reviewed12:27
lifelesslist is probably easier for you, just bzr diff > foo12:28
lifelessand send a mail [MERGE]  thing, attach foo to the mail12:28
asabillifeless: I created a bundle12:28
asabillifeless: it i a tiny feature, basically adds branch description support12:28
lifelessasabil: or you could just bzr send --mail-to bazaar@lists.canonical.com12:28
lifelessasabil: with tests?12:32
lifelessasabil: e.g. does push/pull propogate it, does 'branch' reset it ?12:32
lifelessasabil: documentation as well ?12:32
asabilwith tests12:33
asabilis the branch nick propagated ?12:33
asabillifeless: it is implemented in the same way as branch nick12:34
asabilthat's what someone suggested to me yesterday, is that wrong ?12:35
fullermdnick isn't propogated anyhwere...12:35
lifelessasabil: its not a matter of right or wrong12:36
lifelessits a matter of deciding how it should work and making that clear to the user12:36
asabilI would have prefered if it was propagated12:37
lifelessif its undefined its hard for writers to document it12:37
lifelessalso it will need a new branch format12:37
asabilI will patch my bundle to the ML12:37
asabiland maybe we can have some discussions over there12:37
asabilno ?12:37
lifelessI guess Im' saying in short - 'chances are you are not finished yet; you should be the one to take it to the list as you will need to be involved in further discussions'12:38
asabilyeah will do12:39
asabilthanks for the tips :)12:39
asabilsent to the ML12:40
keirlifeless, iter_entries() can return the items in arbitrary order, correct?12:40
asabilgood night all12:42
lifelesskeir: yes12:45
keirwhat i've written does one pass over the keys, collecting any blocks it needs to read12:47
keirany keys that are already there get yielded12:47
keirthen it iterates until no one is reading12:47
keirso it's breadth first, but this is the right thing for reducing round trips12:47
lifelessthe interface was crafted to allow this sort of optimisation :)12:49
lifelessreal    1m38.122s12:50
lifelessuser    1m30.430s12:50
lifelesssys     0m4.600s12:50
lifelesssneaking down12:50
keiris it insane to write mykeys = set(keys)? that copies the list of keys, but i need to store which ones are still incomplete12:51
lifelessprofile profile profile12:54
lifelessits very hard to predict just what will or won't be faster in python12:54
lifelessif keys is a set, copying it is probably quite speedy12:54
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lifelesshi igc01:04
lifelessreal    1m38.122s01:04
lifelessuser    1m30.430s01:04
lifelesssys     0m4.600s01:04
lifelesslatest figures01:04
lifelesssoftly softly catchee monkee01:08
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=== fullermd had never considered using bzr for such a task.
fullermdlifeless: Do I recall correctly that since/aside from that adding-fields-to-index change, the pack disk format has been stable?01:12
lifelessfullermd: yes. planned future changes are annotation d isabling (which is where those figures come from) and a new index layer01:13
=== keir waves :)
keiri have unit tests, but they are not really hardcore grind-the-implementation-into-the-ground type tests01:23
keirif i swap in my own graphindex code, are the existing tests pretty good at puking when there's a data format error?01:23
beunolifeless, fullermd, I'm starting to translate bzr's documentation to spanish for internal use in my company, are you considering including other languages for docs?   Because if you are, I'll just translate it all, and probably in a more formal way01:25
lifelessbeuno: yes we are01:35
lifelesskeir: the current tests are two-layered; physical layer, and logical layer01:35
beunolifeless, great, so I should create an "es" dir under docs, add em' and send for merging?01:35
lifelessyes please01:36
beunolifeless, perfect, will be sending the first bit in a few days then, thanks  :D01:36
lifelesskeir: I suggset you look at the first class in the test_index.py file, which covers teh physical layer, and transcribe those tests to your physical layer (where they make sense) as well as considering outher things that could go wrong in your index01:37
lifelesskeir: the logical layer tests test the overall behaviour and *may* be sufficient for you; but do have a look/think about the ways it could go wrong01:39
igcthat sounds wonderful beuno - can't wait!01:40
beunoigc, :D    I didn't know translations where welcome already, I'll try and poke other translators and see if we can get other languages in too01:41
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igcbeuno, the tree is setup to accommodate multiple languages for all the main documentation set01:43
igceach language should have it's own index ...01:43
igcfor docs not translated, point back to the English ones I think01:43
beunoigc, yeah, it certainly looked that way, but I think I recall someone saying that it wasn't the time yet01:44
beunocould of been six months ago though  :p01:44
igcit depends on the maturity of the various docs ...01:44
igcthe main one still needing work is the User Guide ...01:44
igcwhich unfortunately is the one most people would want translated :-(01:44
igcso doing the User Reference first (for example) may be better?01:45
beunoyes, I'm planning to get some work done on the english ones too, but after looking at it, I'm not sure I enough understanding of bzr to do such a thing01:45
igcthe Mini Tutorial and Quick Summary are ready to translate as well01:45
beunoI already have some parts of the user-guide translated, mainly the conflicts and configuration, the ones people have requested most in here01:46
igcthat's great01:47
igcI'm not saying don't translate the User Guide stuff ...01:47
igcI'm saying expect some churn there in coming months01:47
beunothe index for other languages would be index.XX.txt, right?01:47
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igcor XX/index.txt might work as well01:48
igcpoolie might have an opinion on that01:48
beunoigc, understood, it will be easier to edit the parts that have changed then to start from scratch, so I think most of the work won't be thrown away01:48
igcyes - agreed01:49
beunoalright, I'm going out on my daily run, I'll read the backlog when I come back  :D01:49
igcthe issue with the User Guide isn't extra content, it's lack therefof01:49
BasicOSXmajor major mistake in a file, haven't committed it, how can I got back to the committed version?01:55
radixbzr revert01:56
radixbzr revert <filename> to only revert the particular file.01:56
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=== Topic for #bzr: The Bazaar Version Control System | http://bazaar-vcs.org/ | Bazaar 0.90 and 0.91rc2 are out - http://bazaar-vcs.org/Download | Please complete the Bazaar User Survey - http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=L94RvLswhKdktrxiHWiX3g_3d_3d
=== Topic (#bzr): set by poolie at Wed Sep 12 03:35:03 2007
spivlifeless: have you seen http://glyf.livejournal.com/72505.html ?04:19
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lifelessspiv: I hadn't, but it lookslike he gets it04:40
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=== spiv nods
lifelessreal    1m35.311s04:49
lifelessuser    1m28.602s04:49
lifelesssys     0m4.600s04:49
lifeless16 seconds to go04:49
igcsweet - let me know later today when you've pushed the branch and I'll test here04:50
igclifeless: your merges are spamming the ML btw04:51
igcI've got one 4 or 5 times now04:51
lifelessactually you have had pairs04:51
lifelessnew, last04:51
lifelessseveral times04:51
lifelessits a bug in bzr send04:52
igcI saw that04:52
fullermdI see at least one fourple.  Dup from your mail server, hop out to internode is getting new ones.04:52
igcif I review tuned_gzip.bytes_to_gzip, will you stop emailing it to me :-)04:52
lifelessfullermd: bleh evo suckification04:54
lifelessigc: as I'm not the one sending it I make no assertions04:54
=== fullermd builds a totem of lifeless's server in an attempt to appease it.
lifelesseven lsprof runs are under 2m now04:56
igclifeless: I'm curious about incremental commit ...04:57
igcyour branch had a bug where shas were always coming back as ''04:58
lifelessI don't see much point moving onto incremental until initial is sorted04:58
lifelessyes thats right04:58
lifelessits pushed04:59
igconce that's fixed, many of the wins you're making will improve both04:59
lifelessfeel free to fix that :)04:59
igcI'd love to  - I'm reviewing abentley's reconfigure stuff right now though05:00
=== igc food
lifelesspoolie: I have a trivial patch to rearrange where CommitBuilder is that would be useful to merge to reduce conflicts05:05
abentleylifeless: around now.05:06
lifelessabentley: I have forgotten what it was about; I've probably handled it in a patch I sent in anyhow05:09
abentleyBTW, were you saying there's a bug in bzr send?05:10
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lifelessyah, its in lp05:13
lifelessevolution specific AFAICT05:13
abentleyAre you using the direct evo implementation or xdg-email?05:19
lifelesshow do I tell05:19
abentleyDo you have "mail_client" set to "evolution" in bazaar.conf?05:21
lifelessI haven't put any setting in05:21
abentleyThen it must be using xdg-email.05:22
abentleyYou could try setting mail_client, to see if that works any better.05:22
lifelessok, just mail_client=evolution ?05:23
abentleyOr mail_client=editor if you want to go old-skool ;-)05:25
lifelessno I want evo so it goes to my imap folder05:28
lifelesshurry up and wait time :)05:30
lifelesspoolie: I'm wrapping up shortly, do you want another call ?05:30
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lifelessanother second bytes the dust06:10
lifelessreal    1m39.626s06:10
lifelessuser    1m27.449s06:10
lifelesssys     0m4.528s06:10
lifelessspiv: please pass that onto poolie06:10
lifelessand with that, I'm out for the weekend. Damn early start:)06:10
spivlifeless: done06:10
spiv<poolie> cool06:10
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igcwell done lifeless - enjoy the weekend06:24
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Stevagehi all08:21
poolieStevage: hi08:23
pooliespiv: hi08:23
Stevagecan anyone help with the traceback I just sent to the list?08:23
pooliespiv, it was pretty blustery but seems to have blown over08:23
poolieStevage, i'll look08:23
Stevageit's this one: TypeError: sequence item 1: expected string, NoneType found08:23
Stevagealso, is it normal that when I do a commit after some local commits, it first attempts to delete all the files I've added?08:24
spivpoolie: it rained pretty hard here, but only for a few minutes.08:24
Stevageie, add a file. commit --local. then update. immediately it deletes the file I added, then fails with that traceback.08:24
Stevage(should have said, "when I do an update" rather than a commit...)08:25
poolieStevage: ok, i see the traceback, i'm looking at the corresponding code08:28
Stevagethere's nothing weird in my sequnce of actions is there?08:28
Stevageinit, checkout, add, commit --local, update (in original directory)08:29
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pooliesteveage, those commands look ok08:30
=== Stevage nods
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poolieok, so for anyone else who might be looking at it, the error happens because the dirstate thinks its first parent is None08:33
poolieStevage: are there any commits in the branch that you're bound to?08:34
Stevageno, that .bzr.log is complete08:34
Stevageit starts from a clean slate08:34
poolieok, i bet the bug is today with trying to update to the null revision08:34
poolies//to do08:35
Stevageso should I try adding and committing a file prior to all this?08:35
pooliejust let me see if that's correct...08:35
pooliethat's it08:36
poolieStevage: well, how about if you just commit the files, rather than committing --local?08:36
Stevagewell, I do actually want it to do it this way eventually08:37
Stevagebecause I want the grouped commits08:37
poolieoh, you're using this to represent changesets that come from tlib?08:37
Stevageas in, I want to commit each file once, then commit a group of files08:37
Stevageif I only commit at the higher level, I won't have as much precise information on each individual file, like the revision number it represented in TLIB08:38
Stevagethough I could always fake that if necessary08:38
pooliei think making one commit on the main branch before you start committing locally will avoid the problem08:38
poolieeven if it's just08:38
pooliebzr commit --unchanged -m 'nothing'08:39
Stevageyeah trying that now08:40
Stevageis that really odd doing a checkout from an empty branch?08:40
Stevageyep that worked!08:40
pooliei don't think getting the checkout is odd, but doing an update from it is...08:41
pooliewell, it's a reasonable thing to do, but08:41
Stevagewell bzr won't let me commit until I've done the update08:41
pooliei guess it just wasn't tested08:41
Stevageit says I'm out of date08:41
Stevagewhich is kind of bizarre by itself08:41
pooliethat is08:41
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poolieStevage: ok, that's the best workaround for now then i guess08:48
pooliei'll file bugs about the two aspects of it08:48
Stevagegreat thanks08:48
Stevagethat solves my problem anyway08:48
poolieoh it looks like this is already known, bug 120968, reported by spiv08:49
ubotuLaunchpad bug 120968 in bzr ""bzr update" in checkout of empty branch tracebacks" [Medium,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12096808:49
Stevageheh, when I click on "bug 120968" it goes to bugzilla's bugzilla08:49
Stevageor rather, mozilla's bugzilla08:49
pooliehm, well, click the one ubotu said08:50
Stevagehard to fix do you think?08:52
poolieStevage: wouter may be online later, he currently has this bug assigned08:52
poolieno, i think it should be fairly straightforward08:52
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mdkeis there no way to commit just changes to a particular directory in the tree? bzr seems to be forcing me to commit all changes in the working copy09:07
pooliemdke, you can, except not after a merge09:07
mdkepoolie: is that going to be fixed? the merge and my working copy changes were completely separate in this case, it would have been nice to commit them together09:09
mdkei mean, not to09:09
mdkeah, I can still get a diff, that's ok09:11
poolieit's better to commit in your wc before you merge09:12
mdkepoolie: in this case I did a merge yesterday, encountered a conflict, left it along because I didn't have time, then only remembered it when I had already made other changes to another part of the tree this morning and tried to commit them09:13
Stevageanyone know how to get tortoisebzr going?09:15
StevageI'm getting "No module named win32com.server"09:15
spivStevage: that suggests you haven't got the pywin32 package installed.  (http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=78018)09:24
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Stevageok thanks09:26
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poolieStevage: so it does work to get a checkout, then immediately commit09:36
poolieyou'd hope so09:36
Stevageyep, even with a blank commit09:36
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ubotuNew bug: #139549 in bzr "commit to empty master branch after local commits fails" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13954909:55
igchave a good weekend all09:56
NamNguyenhi, how do i apply a merge-directive?10:01
datoNamNguyen: `bzr merge ../path/to/merge_directive.diff`10:01
datoNamNguyen: or you can try `bzr pull` first if you'd like10:02
NamNguyencan it read from https?10:02
NamNguyenah, it can10:02
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matkorphanatic: Hi ! It would be easier here instead of exchanging emails10:31
phanatichey matkor, indeed :)10:32
matkorphanatic: Should I comment out revision details code (I would like save it for my futher reference), or delete completly that source part ?10:32
matkorI have not seen much commented out code in olive-gtk10:33
phanaticcommenting it out should be fine, as i've suggested in my last mail10:34
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matkorphanatic: OK, pushed10:43
=== Theuni sighs
phanaticmatkor: thanks, i'll merge it as soon as it syncs to http :)10:44
TheuniI'm not quite sure what I'm doing wrong, but I keep loosing my committed revisions because I loose track of branches ... bah.10:46
matkorphanatic: Any idea how hunt those: "/home/users/matkor/.bazaar/plugins/gtk/checkout.py:148: PangoWarning: Invalid UTF-8 string passed to pango_layout_set_text()" ?10:46
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phanaticmatkor: no idea, i don't get any warnings like this10:47
matkorphanatic: 2) Do You also have menus: branch/ initialize get checkout  dimmed but allowed to select when out of working tree ?10:48
matkorI have to start olive-gtk inside WT and than go up out of WT to see it ...10:49
phanaticmatkor: no, they work as expected for me...10:50
phanaticthey should be inactive in a working tree10:50
matkorthey are10:52
matkorbut pls check my scenario. Start olive-gtk in WT, go up out of it, are they working but dimmed ?10:52
phanaticmatkor: checked. started olive-gtk in a WT, went up one level (no WT), and they are working + not dimmed10:54
matkorphanatic: Tnx, seems sth fuxored here, not much hurt to me though ;)10:54
phanatichehe :)10:55
matkorphanatic: OK. I am leaving to my work - thanks for help (and TIA for merge ;) )10:57
phanaticmatkor: thanks for helping out, laters :)10:57
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matkorphanatic: Any idea how to work that case out: Unable to obtain lock ... locked 1 hour, 58 minutes ago Will continue to try until 11:32:15 in olive-gtk ?11:30
Lo-lan-doWait for two more minutes :-)11:30
matkorLo-lan-do: yeah...  gui users will be delighted with frozen app ;)11:33
phanaticmatkor: there is a wishlist bug filed by jelmer to implement some GUI stuff for breaking locks11:34
phanaticbut no progress on that i guess...11:34
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matkorphanatic: Does bzrlib calls return with info about held locks ? Or hold control and wait to next try ?11:42
phanatici guess (but i'm not sure) that bzrlib raises an exception if something is locked and cannot be accessed11:43
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schierbeckhi guys11:57
phanatichey schierbeck11:58
schierbecki'm making some fixes to bzr-gtk, but this is the first time i've used bzr for such a purpose, and i just want to know how to go about submitting my fixes11:58
schierbecki've registered a branch on launchpad, but should i let the devs merge from that branch or give them a bundle?11:58
phanaticschierbeck: here's the workflow i'm using for bzr-gtk: 1) create your own branch of trunk 2) modify it locally 3) push it to lauchpad as your own branch 4) request merge11:59
phanaticgiving the pointer to the branch is enough11:59
schierbeckphanatic: thanks, i'll do that12:00
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scorpioxyHey guys. I have a question, i branched from a repo on Launchpad and i need to update the branch with the changes. Isn't the proper way to do that is via  a bzr pull?01:06
Lo-lan-doDepends if you made local commits.01:08
Lo-lan-doIf you did, you need bzr merge.  If you didn't, bzr pull will work.01:08
scorpioxynope, nothing. I just want a copy of the development.01:09
scorpioxybut bzr pull complains about a location01:09
scorpioxywhy doesn't it just use the branching location?01:09
Lo-lan-doYou can bzr pull --remember <location> once, and it'll reuse it later01:09
scorpioxyWell, i did that and it threw a stack trace at me. The error was that the transport is read only. Let me try that again maybe i got the url wrong.01:10
scorpioxyyup. I just checked01:11
datoscorpioxy: did you do `bzr branch http://...` or `bzr checkout http://...` ?01:11
scorpioxyoh by the way, it was a check out not a branch at the first operation01:12
datoright. so you want `bzr update`, not `bzr pull`01:12
Lo-lan-doAh.  It should be bzr update then, I think.01:12
scorpioxyok, so a bzr update also throws the same error01:12
scorpioxytransport is read only01:13
scorpioxyIts for the awn project on launchpad, so nothing really strange here. So am i doing something wrong?01:16
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beunois there anyway I can *just* push a working tree?    I would like to upload websites without having to double their space usage by having the repository online too06:38
fullermdWell, I do it with make   :p06:38
datoyeah, make & rsync here.06:40
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beunoso "not with bzr" would be my choice, right?06:40
=== BasicOSX [n=BasicOSX@warden.real-time.com] has joined #bzr
datogotta use the right tool for each thing06:41
fullermdConsidering there's no way to push a working tree period, I doubt there a way to push _just_ a WT...06:41
beunowhat do you use "make" for?  the rsync part I can understand...06:41
datoto type 'make' instead of 'rsync --foo --bar --baz hihi haha:hoho'06:42
fullermdWell, I don't use rsync.  95%+ of my deployals I have local access to, so I use install(1) wrapped with make.06:42
LeoNerd'make upload'  is the usual suggestion06:42
beunoI have gone as far as saving which was the last revision I pushed, ran a bzr log -vv to find out which files had changed and uploaded those, but it seems like too many points of failuer06:42
fullermdRecursive, with Makefiles at each level of the tree defining which files are to be installed and any special perms etc.06:42
fullermdThat's why I charge double-time for anything I have to talk to over ftp...06:44
beunoanyone mind pasting my an example Makefile for that?06:44
LeoNerdrsync is good enough to be able to cope with not pushing the same files again if they're not changed06:44
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fullermdMine don't tend to be good examples.  They're pretty intricate, and rather specialized to my peculiar needs.06:47
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beunofullermd, no worries, thanks, I'll bang my head at it for a while06:48
fullermdEssentially, there's a Makefile.inc at the root with all the target defs to installing (and comparing my tree against the live location, to see what I'm about to do, etc), and each subdir has a Makefile that lists the files, the subdirs, any special adjustments that dir needs, and the like.06:50
fullermdThen an 'install' type target installs all the files, and recurses into the subdirs.06:50
beunofullermd, sounds like a lot to explain to a web gfx designer, I need something that requieres *no* interaction on their part06:53
beunojust click a nice button on the web interface which uploads what they've pushed to the repo06:54
keiris it possible to 'generate' test cases?06:54
fullermdJust toss 'em an neon-colored iPod once in a while, that'll keep 'em happy.06:54
=== fullermd gives more snark for your buck.
fullermdYou could just make the button fire off 'make install'.06:54
keiraka, i want to run one test case for a bunch of different index block sizes; but they're really seperate tests. i'd rather have the test suite report the particular failing, rather than the whole test06:55
keirpy.test and nose have something for this, but i'm not sure if unittest does06:55
beunohahaha, instead of reproducing mp3, the ipods can read em the "make" manual06:55
beunofullermd, the thing is, if they add a new file/dir, they will have to touch makefiles, eeeewwwwwwww06:56
datobeuno: is the structure of the tree in the repo equal to the structure in the web?06:56
beunodato, yeap, I just need to exclude some files/dirs automagically06:57
datothen I'd recommend rsync06:57
datowith --recursive and --exclude, it should do what you want, but try it with care to make sure it really does06:58
beunodato, sounds like the right tool, for some reason I didn't think of it, I was convinced I could/should do it with bzr06:59
beunodato, thanks  :D06:59
datosure :)07:00
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corporate_cookieis there an RPM for bzr-90 ?07:39
Radtoolooks like fedora provides the rpm, not bazaar-vcs.org...07:41
RadtooYou should look into your dists repository, I guess07:41
corporate_cookie... i've been trying to build on ... but i'm running into some problems with bzrlib/_dirstate_helpers_c.c07:43
corporate_cookiesome deep seeded gcc magic which I do not understand  : )07:43
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=== Topic for #bzr: The Bazaar Version Control System | http://bazaar-vcs.org/ | Bazaar 0.90 and 0.91rc2 are out - http://bazaar-vcs.org/Download | Please complete the Bazaar User Survey - http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=L94RvLswhKdktrxiHWiX3g_3d_3d
=== Topic (#bzr): set by poolie at Wed Sep 12 03:35:03 2007
(keir/#bzr) lifeless: when you're up, if you have a minute, i'd like to to take a gander at the CompactDictionary code. it's all working. i'm currently implementing GraphIndex.10:07
(beuno/#bzr) asac, I don't like that either, causes me all kinds of headaches10:07
asaci accidentially now committed and publised a .moved file10:08
asacthats stupid10:08
beunoasac, yes, and the fun thing is when some random person keeps on pushing & updating until you have 17 .moved.moved.moved.moved.....10:09
=== beuno hates his gfx designers
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fullermdIt doesn't add the .moved file.  It just moves it.10:15
beunofullermd, the first time, then it starts creating .moved.moved.moved.moved.moved10:18
beunoit's fun when someone calls me "bzr did something weird"10:18
fullermdOnly if you had more conflicts.10:18
beunofullermd, they just keep on pushing until they decide it's enough10:18
beunoso resolving all that tends to be fun :D10:18
fullermdAnd it never adds, it just moves.  Path conflicts aren't created just for fun, they're created because you have conflicts   :p10:18
beunoright, I'll try and get together a few reproducible steps to show you how to end up with 46 .moved.moved files  :D10:20
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siretartjelmer: any idea whats going wrong here? http://paste.debian.net/3714010:29
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siretartjelmer: ignore me10:33
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ubotuNew bug: #139688 in bzr "BzrDirFormat.__str__ assumes last character of format_string is \n" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13968810:40
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ubotuNew bug: #139691 in bzr "converter relies on control dir being named '.bzr'" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13969110:50
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=== GreenDad [i=shalom@bzq-88-155-43-26.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #bzr
GreenDadI want to use bzr in a large organization. My main bottleneck is the ticket-management program. Have you had experience in deploying bzr in a large organization?11:16
jelmersiretart, ok :-)11:32
jelmerGreenDad, not sure I understand your question. Where is the size of the organization important?11:33
GreenDadPerhaps I should rephrase.11:33
jelmerOr do you mean large history, etc?11:33
GreenDadThe size is not relevant, but its management style. They're basically looking for something equivalent to ClearQuest for process-control.11:34
GreenDadThe only alternative is trac, and I have the feeling it's not ready for primetime.11:35
jelmerGreenDad: you're looking for ticket-management systems that integrate well with bzr?11:36
GreenDadjelmer, Yup.11:37
nDuffGreenDad: My employer (100<employee_count<200) is using trac, though not in conjunction with bzr. that said, for tight process control I'd expect that a PQM and some glue would be necessary.11:37
jelmerGreendad: trac is the only I'm aware of that has bzr support, but it's not really used for process control.11:38
nDuffGreenDad: do you just want to prevent merges without a valid / signed-off ticket# attached, or stronger requirements (like folks locking files before they're allowed to change them)?11:38
jelmerGreenDad, launchpad also integrates with bzr, but I'm not sure whether it supports non-public projects11:39
GreenDadnDuff, Nah. File locking is just annoying. I'm looking for a ticket-management system, like trac, only not trac. :)11:39
GreenDadWe use a human PQM.11:39
GreenDadThat is, all changes must go through the reviewr, and he performs the merge himself with the mainline branch.11:39
nDuffGreenDad: I'd urge you to rethink the "only not trac", at least as long as the bzr integration tests out as being usable.11:40
nDuffGreenDad: trac is quite stable, and with the next release out (w/ its workflow customization features) will have just about every major feature on our wishlist.11:40
GreenDadnDuff, A missing major feature is the ability to customize your own ticket fields.11:41
GreenDadBut I can implement that myself11:41
nDuffGreenDad: that's there.11:41
nDuffGreenDad: you don't need to implement it yourself, it's there in the current released version11:41
GreenDadBTW, has anyone used StarTeam?11:42
GreenDad(It's currently the main competition for bzr at my organization)11:43
nDuffGreenDad: not used it personally, but I've heard things about it. Run, run, run run-away type things.11:43
GreenDadAnything more concrete?11:43
GreenDadnDuff, It looks bad, judging from its feature list.11:43
GreenDadYou can tell a tool is bad when it implements a gazillion unrelated features in a single package.11:44
nDuffGreenDad: not personally, but I might be able to find contact information for someone who could do that. We're not really on speaking terms, but he might answer questions from completely unknown strangers emailing him. :)11:44
nDuff(the last SCM guy we had on staff came from a company using StarTeam)11:44
fullermdOr when it comes from Borland   ;>11:44
GreenDadOh. We use StarTeam as well, just not at my department.11:45
hstuartor Microsoft. Team systems is a royal pain.11:46
GreenDadWe're 800+ people, out of which 200 are developers, using ClearCase.11:46
mneptokyes, it's ugly. but at least it's not a Borland or MS product.11:46
mneptokwhich means when it sucks, it's at least somewhat unexpected.11:47
GreenDadI think I'll shower.11:47
mneptokdiscussing Borland products makes me feel dirty, too.11:49
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