
gnomefreakdamn kdelibs5 is huge12:54
=== Nightrose [n=lydia@amarok/rokymotion/nightrose] has joined #kubuntu-devel
gnomefreakok when putting hte export lines at top of the /usr/lib/kde4/bin that is after the comments above the trap line?01:25
stdingnomefreak: shouldn't matter too much, I tend to put it right after "#!/bin/sh" tho01:30
gnomefreakstdin: yeah i added them as first uncommented line01:31
gnomefreakabove trap line01:31
stdinjust remember there'll be no kicker in the full session01:32
stdinooh, too late :p01:32
=== gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #kubuntu-devel
gnomefreaklol there is nothing here including menu01:43
stdinI was just going to say then when you left :p01:43
stdinyou can start apps from krunner, but that's about it01:43
gnomefreakthats what im doing atm01:44
gnomefreakits nice though01:45
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=== Topic for #kubuntu-devel: Welcome to #kubuntu-devel | Bugs! https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-team/+packagebugs | KDE 4.0 beta 2 -- http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-beta2.php | Meeting Thursday 1300UTC
=== Topic (#kubuntu-devel): set by sebas at Thu Sep 6 14:16:49 2007
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=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== daSkreech waves
=== Hobbsee waves back
=== daSkreech steps back and lets the wave go to Jucato
daSkreechFunny I just thought of Waves (having come from the seashore where the hurricane has torn up a road an a half of houses) and thought .o0(I wonder if Hobbsee is on) and lo! you were05:30
=== Jucato waves back back
Hobbseeit's my timezone.  ish.05:31
daSkreechYah I know05:32
daSkreech Jucato (as I found out today) signs in before breakfast :)05:32
daSkreechnot as bad as my friend who signs in before getting out of bed05:32
Jucatomy bed is directly in front my computer. so when I stand up, the first thing I reach for is the on switch :)05:33
=== Hobbsee hasnt had breakfast yet
Jucatoer.. by now you haven't had lunch yet either :)05:34
=== Jucato hates to ask this... but...
JucatoHow do our changes/patches get to upstream btw?05:42
daSkreechBy USPO05:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about uspo - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:42
daSkreechUnited states Post Office05:43
daSkreechWether rain or shine sleet or snow, It must get through!05:43
=== Jucato will ask later at a more sane hour
daSkreechJucato: that's the motto of the US post office05:43
daSkreechfrom back in the days when it was started in the wild west and postmen used to get shot if they didn't freeze to death05:44
HobbseeJucato: someone commits them to kdesvn, usually05:45
Jucatoum... oh... ok :)05:46
=== Jucato thought we had a sort of (semi-)automated process for that
Hobbseei dont know, i usually pull patches from upstream05:50
=== Jucato will ask later about this FOSSCamp thing..
Jucatobut for now... lunch!! :)05:51
=== Jucato thins Hobbsee should eat too
coreymon77Hobbsee: you had questions you wanted to ask me?05:56
coreymon77Hobbsee: hello?05:59
coreymon77Hobbsee: i have to go to sleep soon, so please hurry up and answer05:59
daSkreechShe's at lunch I think05:59
coreymon77daSkreech: oh06:01
coreymon77daSkreech: how long do you think06:01
daSkreechI don't know I've never seen her eat06:02
daSkreechcoreymon77: is it a discussion?06:02
coreymon77because its 12:00 midnight where i am, i got up at 7:10 in the morning after staying up till 2:30 and i have to get up at 9:00 tomorrow06:02
=== Hobbsee is on the phone, actually
=== daSkreech imagines Hobbsee eats shish-kabob a lot
coreymon77Hobbsee: oh06:02
Hobbseecoreymon77: just about #kubuntu support, how to make it better, etc.06:02
coreymon77Hobbsee: youre there06:02
Hobbseei'll email them06:02
coreymon77Hobbsee: just ask me06:03
Hobbseefsvo there, yes.  i'm on hold at the moment06:03
daSkreechI was about to suggest that06:03
coreymon77Hobbsee: im here for the moment06:03
coreymon77Hobbsee: so might as well ask me in person06:03
Hobbseecoreymon77: what do you see as teh problems in getting support in #kubuntu, and how do you think they can be fixed?06:03
Hobbseeand why do you think it's quieter lately than usual?06:04
coreymon77that ones easy06:04
coreymon77school has just started for most people06:04
coreymon77so people are more busy now than they are normally06:04
coreymon77and as for problems getting support in the channel06:05
coreymon77i personally have not had any06:05
=== BentJ [n=BentJ@port46.ds1-esp.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #kubuntu-devel
coreymon77the #kubuntu channel is actually the nicest, best support channel ive ever been to06:06
coreymon77the #ubuntu channel on the other hand06:06
coreymon77but thats not the question06:06
Hobbseeit seems that a lot of people dont get naswers06:06
coreymon77thats true06:06
coreymon77because only a few people are typically active at a time06:07
coreymon77and nobody knows everything06:07
coreymon77and if you are not on at the same time as the really experienced users06:07
daSkreechi spend up late answering things cause I'm the only "support" on hand06:07
coreymon77you may have a bit of trouble06:07
Hobbseehow do you think we should draw more experienced users to answer questions in #kubuntu?06:08
n8k99pay them!!!06:08
=== n8k99 jokes
coreymon77what the channel needs is more people, spread out among more timezones that are actually experienced, so that no matter what time you are on, there are people who know what they are doing06:08
Hobbseeindeed, but how do we draw them?06:09
Hobbseehmm.  i remember why i usually call these guys at night now.06:09
daSkreechcoreymon77: does anyone monitor the other locales chan?06:09
coreymon77casue at the moment, if you are not on when either intellikey, dascreech, jucato or jhutchins are, you will have some trouble06:09
coreymon77daSkreech: i stick around in the canadian and the israeli ones06:10
daSkreechThere are a few others06:10
daSkreechBlueskaj I've found to be very helpful06:10
n8k99and Jucato just came off a month long hiatus06:10
coreymon77daSkreech: they are the mains06:10
daSkreechI'll actually stop helping someone if BluesKaj starts talking to them06:11
daSkreechas in not even watch what he is saying to make sure it's right06:11
coreymon77Hobbsee: all we have is them, a couple others, my wireless knowledge and any other tidbits that people might know06:11
coreymon77Hobbsee: we need more experienced knowledgeable "support" people06:11
Hobbseehow do we get them, though?06:11
coreymon77Hobbsee: and we need them spread out over more time zones06:12
coreymon77Hobbsee: that, i dont know06:12
daSkreechpositive reinforcement06:12
daSkreechand encouragement of what little they know06:12
daSkreechmany people know answers but just assume they might be wrong06:12
coreymon77everyone knows something06:12
coreymon77everyones good at their little area06:13
daSkreechI think that if we start encouraging people who say the right thing06:13
daSkreechby thanking them06:13
coreymon77minenhappens to be wireless06:13
daSkreechas a third party they will be more inclined to try06:13
daSkreechI know squat about wireless but I help anyway :)06:13
n8k99it helps if someone acknowledges the support you give06:13
coreymon77Hobbsee: daSkreech is entirely right, the problem is that people are afraid to give support because they are afraid they might be wrong and therefore be responsible for messing up someones system06:14
coreymon77Hobbsee: we need to encourage people to give any support they have06:14
coreymon77Hobbsee: if they are wrong, they will be corrected, no worries06:14
daSkreechcoreymon77: when people have *just* worked out a solution for themselves like in the past few days and someone asks about it they jump to answer06:14
Hobbseeoh, there's a thought06:14
daSkreechThey just never put that into a philosphy of answering if they even know a dim path06:15
coreymon77daSkreech: exactly06:15
daSkreechMaybe we should have a KoK :)06:15
coreymon77daSkreech: the reason im good at wireless problems is because i have had so many problems with it my self over my linux experience06:15
coreymon77daSkreech: a what?06:16
daSkreechKode of konduct06:16
daSkreechfor the Kubuntu Khan :)06:16
daSkreechOh that doesn't work at all!06:16
coreymon77dont we just use the CoC06:16
daSkreech!doesnt work | daSkreech06:16
daSkreechWell this is to promote help in the channel so it's our Kode of praise and how to Korrect someone who is giving wrong info06:17
coreymon77we get the point with the k's06:17
coreymon77you can stop now06:17
daSkreechso they won't shut up ever after but will have a clearer idea as to how to a) give answers and b) find solutions if they don't know the answer06:17
coreymon77Hobbsee: its the same psychology as to why many people dont raise their hands to answer questions at school06:18
daSkreechI think that from a selection od lurking regulars who know how to at least look for solutions we should get a crop of maybe 5 new super support06:18
daSkreechcause they were drinking before class?06:19
coreymon77Hobbsee: they are affraid that they will give a wrong answer and then get yelled and laughed at06:19
daSkreechOh right of course :)06:19
coreymon77daSkreech: exactly, i dont necessarily know the solutions to all questions and problems, but i know where to find many solutions06:19
coreymon77daSkreech: when i help someone with wireless06:20
daSkreechjust need to pass that on to others06:20
coreymon77daSkreech: lots of my info is taken from the wiki06:20
daSkreechand forums as well06:20
coreymon77daSkreech: i dont know all of this stuff by heart06:20
coreymon77i just know where to find it06:20
daSkreechI recall one guy who was around for about three weeks that just was a monster at searching the forums and coming up with a close solution06:20
Hobbseeer, true06:21
coreymon77we should encourage people that it doesnt matter if they actually know te answer or not06:21
coreymon77its better to know where to find it06:21
coreymon77Hobbsee: but daSkreech is right, we all know people who lurk in the channel alot and are regulars06:22
coreymon77Hobbsee: we need to go and get a few more "super supports" that know where to find things so that no matter what time or timezone, someone is always there06:23
Hobbseeindeed.  i just wonder how.06:23
=== daSkreech looks at coreymon77
coreymon77i could be one of them06:23
coreymon77but i cant always be on06:23
coreymon77because of school06:23
coreymon77id have to be part time06:23
coreymon77maybe we can ask BluesKaj to be one06:24
coreymon77Hobbsee: any more questions06:25
Hobbseewhat do you think should be done with #ubuntu ?06:25
coreymon77Hobbsee: meaning?06:25
Hobbseeto make it better for getting support06:25
coreymon77Hobbsee: people have to be nicer there06:26
coreymon77Hobbsee: i dont frequent that channel, as a matter of fact, im barely ever there06:26
coreymon77Hobbsee: but its not the same atmosphere06:26
coreymon77Hobbsee: its colder06:26
emonkeymaybe it's possible to find goo supporters in native kubuntu language channels... in -de there are many people, but at the moment I don't know if there's one who could help06:26
coreymon77Hobbsee: it seems to have more of the "we WILL laugh at you if you say something wrong" type of atmosphere to it06:27
coreymon77Hobbsee: that as to be changed06:27
coreymon77Hobbsee: next?06:28
daSkreechcoreymon77: and they have echoes06:28
coreymon77daSkreech: what?06:29
Hobbseei think that was it, at the moment06:29
=== Hobbsee goes off to have breakfast
coreymon77Hobbsee: goodnight06:30
coreymon77daSkreech: what do you mean?06:30
daSkreechcoreymon77: have you ever seen people asking for help in there06:31
daSkreechthey just keep asking the same question over and over till they logout06:31
daSkreechat one point about 1/3 of the questions I was fielding in #kubuntu was for people in Ubuntu who got frustrated by the IRC chan06:31
coreymon77daSkreech: thats because nobody helps06:31
daSkreechI know06:32
nixternalHobbsee: feel like doing a doc upload for me?06:32
daSkreechI got some of them to install Kubuntu so it wasn't always a loss :)06:32
Hobbseenope.  see teh part about breakfast06:32
nixternalneed to hurry and get this in so the translations can begin06:32
coreymon77Hobbsee: oh ya, nixternal is one of the "super supports" too06:34
nixternalHobbsee: when you get a chance -> http://www.nixternal.com/tmp/docs/06:34
Hobbseenixternal: email me.  irc makes a bad todo list.06:35
coreymon77nixternal: we were talking about the kubuntu channel, and were listing off a bunch of people who we consider the "super supports"06:35
nixternalI don't help anyone06:35
nixternalI just k/b people06:35
nixternalroger that Hobbsee06:35
coreymon77nixternal: meaning experienced users who actually know what they are doing06:35
nixternalonce again, that isn't me :)06:35
coreymon77it isnt06:36
coreymon77i thought i see you around alot06:36
=== Hobbsee is the same as nixternal
nixternalyou have mail!06:37
coreymon77night everyone06:37
Hobbseewoo!  more mail!06:37
coreymon77its 12:40 in the morning here and i have to get up at 906:37
coreymon77so its sleep time06:37
nixternalg'nite coreymon7706:38
ubotuOh no!  The pointy-clicky Vista lover has arrived!  He's rumoured to be giving out free money, too!06:38
nixternaldude, Vista rocks..I don't know what people were talking about06:38
nixternalit is so secure06:38
=== besonen_mobile [n=besonen_@71-220-234-148.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
coreymon77Hobbsee: can i have op for a sec?06:38
coreymon77Hobbsee: :P06:38
nixternalI mean, it asks me multiple times if I want to do this or that...I accidentally said no to a pop up earlier, and I haven't eaten in 4 days06:38
Hobbseewhat for?06:39
coreymon77Hobbsee: im joking06:39
Hobbseeoh, ick06:39
Hobbseewhy is xp_killer in there?06:39
coreymon77Hobbsee: when nixternal said that whole, vista rocks thing06:39
coreymon77Hobbsee: i threw in a ban joke06:39
nixternala bad joke :)06:39
Hobbseekeep a watch on xp_killer.  he's a bit of a troll06:40
coreymon77nixternal: no, a ban joke06:40
nixternalHobbsee: that I know, I have booted him in the past06:40
Hobbseenixternal: across how many channels?  :)06:40
nixternalsometimes though, he can offer some decent help from what I have seen06:40
nixternalprobably 4 :)06:40
coreymon77ive noticed06:40
coreymon77hes kinda trolling in kubuntu06:40
Hobbseeyay, flaccid.06:40
Hobbseethose two will probably keep egging each other on.06:41
coreymon77i know06:41
coreymon77xp_killer is telling people to go against howtos though06:41
nixternalit is time for some sleep...g'nite everyone06:41
Hobbseedamn, nixternal06:41
Hobbseedont go to sleep06:41
Hobbseeor at least, kickban any offenders in #Kubuntu before you do06:42
=== Hobbsee is going out too
coreymon77Hobbsee: just go take care of xp_killer before you go06:42
coreymon77Hobbsee: night all06:43
coreymon77i mean06:43
coreymon77night all06:43
coreymon77no highlight06:43
=== Hobbsee --> gone
Jucatodrat! missed both Hobbsee and coreymon...07:05
=== Jucato doesn't mind missing nixternal...
daSkreechThat's harsh man :)07:06
Jucatohehe /me <3 nixternal07:06
=== Jucato <3 nixternal
Jucatoand nothing will change that! not even Vista :)07:07
=== Knightlust [n=dax@ubuntu/member/knightlust] has joined #kubuntu-devel
n8k99transglobal geek love!!07:21
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=== daSkreech pokes jucato
Jucatothat hurts!07:48
daSkreechI didn't use the stick!07:48
daSkreechPressersation Ctrl+M in konv07:48
=== marcel [n=marcel@lt3.xs4all.nl] has joined #kubuntu-devel
daSkreechPress Ctrl+M in konversation07:49
Jucatoit hides the menu. why?07:49
daSkreechDoes it prompt you?07:50
daSkreechWhy don't all K apps do that?07:51
Jucatoafaik most of them have that feature, but disabled by default. not really sure07:51
Jucato#kde-devel probably?07:51
daSkreechWhy don't we turn them on in Kubuntu?07:53
Jucatoyou think he'd agree? :)07:53
daSkreechI think it's useful enough to not freak out first time users07:54
daSkreechand it has a button to say don't show me this again07:54
=== Jucato has no opinion on the issue
daSkreechor at least heavy usage apps like amarok and kopete07:55
Jucatothe amarok devs approached the issue by disabling the feature all together07:55
daSkreechI know I saw07:55
=== Jucato shrugs... sorry
daSkreechWell bed time07:57
daSkreechNight night07:57
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=== Jucato looks at the mid-afternoon sky...
Jucatogood morning allee :)08:38
=== daSkreech looks at 2:30 on hte clock
Jucato+12 hours :)08:40
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freeflyinghi all08:45
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alleeFact, like a physical law: everytime of the day is better than an early morning ;-)09:14
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mhbJucato: it's like this: fosscamp during the weekend, then Mo-Fri is UDS09:21
Jucatoah I see. thanks for the clarification :)09:22
mhbJucato: so it's part of the Canonical summit, but not really part of UDS09:23
_StefanS_Jucato, mhb !09:23
Jucatomoin _StefanS_09:23
_StefanS_so wassup kids09:23
=== Jucato is down :)
Jucatogoing for a short nap.09:23
Jucatoneed to store and save energy for tomorrow :)09:23
_StefanS_Jucato: see you09:24
JucatoSFD celebration yay!09:24
=== Mez [n=Mez@ubuntu/member/mez] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
mhbhi _StefanS_09:36
_StefanS_hmm I think the "GDebi Package Installer" should just be named "Package Installer"09:54
_StefanS_(when rightclicking on a .deb file)09:54
ScottKI think we shouldn't have it installed by default, but that's not a popular view around here.09:56
ScottKHello mhb.09:56
_StefanS_having it available is nice I think, doesn't hurt. I just sorta hate to spell through the applicationname when I actually just need to identify an action09:57
ScottKI don't mind it being availalbe, I just think that installed by default leans a bit far forward in encouraging users to install 3rd party crack.10:01
_StefanS_oh yep.. indeed10:05
_StefanS_maybe a warning would be suitable10:05
allee_StefanS_: what's the status of kblueooth kcm paired devices crash?  AFAIR you had a look at it10:07
_StefanS_allee: right I did, still no progress unfortunately.10:08
_StefanS_allee: I will try to look at it later10:09
allee_StefanS_: okay.  I'll keep pestering you ;)10:09
_StefanS_allee: please do10:09
_StefanS_allee: the bug is really freaking me out, and there's another on aswell for bt mice, causing it to ask for permission to pair it all the time10:09
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allee_StefanS_: pester (tpatzig?) on #kdeblueooth11:26
_StefanS_allee: i'll catch him11:27
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gomatteoHi all. I'm thinking that we don't need python for daemons, like guidance-power-manager or guidance-power-manager12:09
gomatteoWhy not rewrite them in C++?12:09
Jucatogomatteo: in the meantime, you might want to Google about this. the topic has been discussed/blogged/posted before by the developers of guidance.12:19
=== Jucato doesn't have the exact links
hungerHow do I stop that damn strigi applet from getting started?12:19
Jucatohunger: /usr/share/autostart ?12:20
gomatteoJucato: Thanks, I googled but don't find anything useful. I'll search better12:20
hungerJucato: There must be a way to turn this of per user or at least one where that applet does not get restarted after each upgrade:-(12:21
Jucato"should be" vs. "there is"... :(12:21
Jucatothere should be a dialog box asking if the user wants it to be started at login, ala korgac or adept_notifier12:22
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allee_StefanS_: when you merge beta7 please add in kblueplugd after app = on the next line:12:31
alleeif app.isSessionRestored() : quit()12:31
alleestops kblueplugd that are restored via session management.12:32
=== allee SIGLUNCH
=== Jucato patiently waits for SIGSUPPER
=== emonkey already had SIGKEBAP
_StefanS_allee: ok12:40
=== marseillai_ [n=mars@AMarseille-156-1-21-176.w90-14.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu-devel
_StefanS_allee: isn't that part of the kubuntu patches? I was to merge them also12:46
=== milian [n=milian@p57BB1DBA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== allee sends SIGTEA around
allee_StefanS_: yes it's kubuntu specific.  But Tonio_ last uploaded pkgs does not contain the fix01:09
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miliansince todays upgrade cedega and wine wont work in windowed mode - they make my xorg restart03:07
milianis there an apt-log or something?03:07
milianto see which packages were upgraded?03:07
milianah, found it03:10
manchickenDoes anybody know who Marco Maini is?03:17
=== milian [n=milian@p57BB1DBA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Jucatosunds family03:18
Jucatoer.. familiar03:18
manchickenHe's putting a lot of nonsensical stuff into adept bugs.  It's kinda... confusing.03:20
LongPointyStickdoes it give you an irc nick?03:20
manchickenmaini10 IIRC03:20
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manchickenI've never seen that nick around though.03:21
=== Jucato wonders where he've seen the name before
Jucatogoogle mostly shows LP stuf03:21
manchickenHe's in kubuntu-testers and ubuntu-bugsquad03:21
\shbug 73859 , we are using kdesudo right? not kdesu from kdebase anymore?03:22
ubotuLaunchpad bug 73859 in kleansweep "Installation of Kleansweep on Ubuntu (Gnome) fails to install kdesu" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/7385903:22
manchickenBut like, bug #136381, he's putting a lot of strange stuff that is more repetitive than useful into the bug reports.03:22
ubotuLaunchpad bug 136381 in adept "Adept doesn't show changelogs." [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13638103:22
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LongPointyStickShely: we're using kdesudo, yes03:22
LongPointyStickafaik, anyway03:23
=== \sh starts bugfixing it
\shif it's still valid for gutsy03:23
JucatoLongPointyStick: on Gutsy? yep03:23
Jucatokdesu is a symlink to kdesudo03:23
manchickenDid they take away the link that lets us assign bugs to ourselves?03:24
LongPointyStickthey havent implemented bug hell yet03:25
manchickenBug hell?03:25
manchickenThe little down-arrow icon is less than obvious.03:26
manchickenI would consider adept not showing changelogs properly a medium priority.  Would you agree LongPointyStick?03:26
\shJucato, cool...bugs fixed ,-)03:26
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milianah, it was a driver issue, fixed03:27
manchickenmilian: Isn't it always? :)03:28
milianmost often, yes :)03:28
manchickenThat's what I love about my system76.  It's seldom a driver issue :)03:28
milianI'll have to test the nvidia packages in the repo again one time03:28
milianmanually installing it works but you see what happens ;-)03:29
\shgrmpf...the bug is not fixed03:31
manchickenWell this Marco guy is motivating me to fix bugs by posting his comments on the bug.  Maybe it's not so bad afterall.03:31
\shkleansweep doesn't install kdesudo or kdesu from kdebase because there is no dep03:31
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mhbJucato: It became apparent that I needed to learn packaging whether I liked it or not -- can you guess who said that?03:48
Jucatome too03:48
Jucatoer.. me03:48
JucatoI'm just putting it off for now03:48
Jucatooh well... I'll cross the bridge when I get there... sorry mhb03:53
mhbJucato: Have Sho_'s comments turned you off?03:55
Jucatonot really03:56
LongPointyStickwhat's sho_ saying nwo?03:56
JucatoI provoked him to comment heheh03:56
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Jucatoit did make me pause though :)03:56
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nixternalHobbsee: you get a chance to do the kubuntu-docs yet? I just updated the docs package I uploaded to http://www.nixternal.com/tmp/docs to close a bug05:23
Jucatome waves to nixternal05:25
Jucatooh dang! where did that / go? :?05:25
=== nixternal needs a core-dev asap
=== Jucato is soooo glad he isn't
nixternalit is a quick and easy upload...but it needs to get uploaded asap for translations to begin05:27
Jucatonixternal: btw, did you see the comments in #kde yesterday when mhb brought up the request of our translators?05:28
=== Hobbsee looks
nixternalJucato: no I didn't05:28
=== Jucato scavenges for the log
Hobbseenixternal: this had better not be crack.05:29
nixternalHobbsee: I don't do crack05:29
HobbseeUploading to ubuntu (via ftp to upload.ubuntu.com):05:29
nixternaland if it was, it is only the docs :)05:29
Hobbsee  kubuntu-docs_7.10-4.dsc: done.05:29
Hobbsee  kubuntu-docs_7.10-4.tar.gz:05:29
Hobbseeoh good05:29
nixternalI make sure I test build every package and run it locally to make sure05:30
Jucatonixternal: http://ibot.rikers.org/%23kde/20070913.html.gz05:30
nixternalwell, I didn't this time only because I just updated a string and the pot files, so they don't interfere with the building anyways05:30
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Jucatoscroll down to 20.20.33, where troy says "mhb: pong"05:30
Jucatonixternal: or better yet, 20:38.13 for the exact translation comments05:31
Jucato(that was 20:20.33 btw)05:31
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nixternalI will re-read that later..gotta roll to school05:39
nixternalback in a bit05:39
Jucatohehe bye05:39
=== DaSkreech waves at all
=== Jucato drowns
Jucatoyour fault duh!05:43
=== Jucato speaking from the klouds
DaSkreech`It was an offKoast Qtuake05:46
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bddebianHi Jucato05:52
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=== Topic for #kubuntu-devel: Welcome to #kubuntu-devel | Bugs! https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-team/+packagebugs | KDE 4.0 beta 2 -- http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-beta2.php | Meeting Thursday 1300UTC
=== Topic (#kubuntu-devel): set by sebas at Thu Sep 6 14:16:49 2007
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