ubotu | New bug: #139492 in launchpad "Failed build email is misleading over control file lists section" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139492 | 12:55 |
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ubotu | New bug: #139495 in launchpad "Beta testers are redirected even when logged out" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139495 | 01:00 |
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dthacker | hi, did PPA 101 get logged somewhere? | 01:26 |
laga | dthacker: http://tinyurl.com/72w39 ? | 01:27 |
dthacker | laga: thank you! | 01:27 |
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=== Topic for #launchpad: https://launchpad.net/ | PPA and Packaging 101: Thu 13 Sep 2007, 1500UTC | Next developer meeting: Thu 20 Sep 2007, 1400UTC (wiki:MeetingAgenda) | launchpad-users@lists.canonical.com (wiki:MailingLists) | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad |Help: https://help.launchpad.net | Channel logs: http://tinyurl.com/72w39 | ||
=== Topic (#launchpad): set by Rinchen at Thu Sep 13 17:17:21 2007 | ||
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StevenK | How do I go about getting the packages removed from my PPA? | 08:03 |
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carlos | morning | 08:37 |
BjornT | StevenK: atm i think it's quite hard even for the admins to remove packages from PPA. what's the reason you want to remove them? | 08:37 |
BjornT | StevenK: (they are working on making it possible to remove packages yourself) | 08:37 |
StevenK | BjornT: The reason is because the packages are now available in Gutsy directly | 08:39 |
poolie | hi | 08:42 |
poolie | would anyone like to fix bug 129778 for me for fix-it-friday? | 08:42 |
poolie | it seems like it should be trivial | 08:43 |
BjornT | StevenK: ok. would it be a real problem keeping the packages in your PPA for a while, or can you wait until they made it possible to remove packages? | 08:43 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 129778 in launchpad "bad coloring in milestone page" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129778 | 08:43 |
poolie | and it niggles me whenever i look at a bug list | 08:43 |
BjornT | StevenK: if you can't wait, you could try filing a question at https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/soyuz/+addquestion (or talk to cprov on IRC) | 08:43 |
BjornT | poolie: i think mpt is the best person to decide which colors to use, and he's not here atm | 08:45 |
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poolie | BjornT: i guess he's left for the week | 08:46 |
poolie | i think basically someone forgot this when 'triaged' was added | 08:46 |
poolie | i can assign it to him if you like | 08:47 |
BjornT | poolie: yes, please assign it to him. to me it's not clear if triaged should have the same color as confirmed, or yet another color. | 08:50 |
poolie | k | 08:51 |
poolie | but you agree it's not black? | 08:51 |
poolie | i mean, shouldn't be black | 08:51 |
BjornT | poolie: yes i agree, it shouldn't be black | 09:00 |
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ubotu | New bug: #139550 in soyuz "sync-source.py broke: column "published" does not exist " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139550 | 10:05 |
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ubotu | New bug: #139568 in rosetta "Directly set property values instead of using methods in GettextPOImporter, MozillaXpiImporter" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139568 | 12:01 |
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Kmos | OOPS-622EA31 | 12:34 |
Kmos | https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/geneweb -> when trying to open this | 12:34 |
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^^MAg^^ | hi,i've got problem with PPA | 12:53 |
^^MAg^^ | Rejected: | 12:53 |
^^MAg^^ | Unable to find libopensync-plugin-kdepim_0.19.orig.tar.gz in upload or distribution. | 12:53 |
^^MAg^^ | Files specified in DSC are broken or missing, skipping package unpack verification. | 12:53 |
^^MAg^^ | i just used dput with .changes file | 12:53 |
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laga | ^^MAg^^: did you upload the orig.tar.gz? | 12:57 |
^^MAg^^ | hmm nope, i thoughy it was done automaticly | 01:07 |
laga | when you're building your source package | 01:07 |
^^MAg^^ | dput only takes .changes file as argument | 01:07 |
laga | you need to run debuild -S -sa | 01:08 |
laga | the -sa is the important bit | 01:08 |
^^MAg^^ | ah | 01:08 |
^^MAg^^ | ok | 01:08 |
laga | it'll include the orig.tar.gz in the upload then | 01:08 |
^^MAg^^ | uhm, os there a way to remove currently uploaded version from PPA ? | 01:08 |
^^MAg^^ | s/os/is/ | 01:08 |
laga | no | 01:09 |
laga | re-upload with a newer version number | 01:09 |
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^^MAg^^ | hmm i got mail that it was accepted, but id does not show on my ppa page | 01:24 |
^^MAg^^ | a ok, it's not in build records but it's on the main page | 01:24 |
laga | ^^MAg^^: it takes some time. wait for a few hours | 01:24 |
laga | ah, godo :) | 01:24 |
laga | good* | 01:25 |
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^^MAg^^ | 1 Sources (400.3 KiB) | 01:26 |
^^MAg^^ | 0 Binaries (0 bytes) | 01:26 |
Fujitsu | Builds should appear within a couple of minutes. | 01:28 |
Fujitsu | If not already. | 01:29 |
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mwh | hm | 01:30 |
mwh | running the upgrade to gutsy in parallels when the host system is short on disk space --> excitement | 01:31 |
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jwendell | Hi, folks | 01:37 |
jwendell | i have an issue on bug #57803. I don't know if it's a launchpad's bug or feature ;) | 01:38 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 57803 in xorg "xorg.conf has wrong font paths, resulting in failure to find some fonts (dup-of: 63408)" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57803 | 01:38 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 63408 in xorg "failing to find fonts: dexconf writes bogus FontPaths" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63408 | 01:38 |
jwendell | someone has added vino to that bug, and i've invalidated it. But i'm still getting mails from that bug, as i'm a bug contact for vino | 01:39 |
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^^MAg^^ | do you plan some button like "Hey we found the fix, if you are the maintainer of this package wake up!" ? | 01:41 |
kiko | jwendell, it's a known bug that we still email contacts for invalidated tasks | 01:45 |
Fujitsu | ^^MAg^^: We don't have maintainers in Ubuntu, as such. You want to follow the sponsorship process, asking in #ubuntu-motu is probably the best idea. | 01:46 |
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jwendell | kiko, ah ok, thanks | 01:46 |
kiko | jwendell, one question is whether you wouldn't want to listen if somebody says "no, this isn't invalid!!" | 01:46 |
kiko | jwendell, I think in that case we might need to change the UI to not give the impression someone'd be paying attention, IYKWIM | 01:46 |
jwendell | kiko, yeah, that's a problem | 01:47 |
kiko | I wonder how we'd do that. I mean, we'd remove you from the subscribers portlet... | 01:48 |
^^MAg^^ | Fujitsu: I mean a situation like bug #134622 - rebuild fixes the main problem but other small issues remain | 01:48 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 134622 in opensync "kitchensync - opensync synchronization crash" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134622 | 01:48 |
kiko | jwendell, maybe that, in conjunction with a warning when adding a comment "This bug has no other subscribers; no-one will be notified of your comment" | 01:48 |
kiko | I don't know. users don't read etc. | 01:49 |
Fujitsu | ^^MAg^^: Right. Produce a debdiff, subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors. | 01:50 |
jwendell | kiko, you should do like irc, if someones writes your nickname, the xchat blinks the window | 01:50 |
jwendell | kiko, got? | 01:50 |
kiko | jwendell, I don't think I understand what you meant. :) | 01:51 |
jwendell | kiko, if somebody write any comment, i don't want to be notified by email | 01:51 |
jwendell | kiko, but if he tells my name, i want to be notified by mail | 01:52 |
kiko | jwendell, /any/ comment? | 01:52 |
kiko | heh | 01:52 |
kiko | that's an interesting idea. hard to implement, though -- you'd have to match every single word against every person. | 01:52 |
jwendell | hehe | 01:52 |
jwendell | kiko, maybe a couple of checkbox in the comment area, each one with the name of possible subscribers | 01:53 |
jwendell | kiko, if the person wants to call me, he checks my name | 01:54 |
jwendell | kiko, of course, there are checkboxes only for subscribers for invalid tasks | 01:54 |
jwendell | kiko, the others are notified normally | 01:54 |
kiko | jwendell, how do you deal with bugs with 100 subscribers, like bug 1? :) | 01:55 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 1 in ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1 - Assigned to Mark Shuttleworth (sabdfl) | 01:55 |
jwendell | kiko, it will be handled as today | 01:55 |
jwendell | kiko, we're talking about invalid tasks | 01:55 |
kiko | jwendell, oh, only for the contacts of invalid tasks? | 01:56 |
jwendell | kiko, yep, only for those people we have checkboxes | 01:56 |
kiko | jwendell, I think it's hard for the end-user to make a good decision there | 01:57 |
jwendell | kiko, i think too, it would be useful for that case you cited above | 01:57 |
jwendell | " one question is whether you wouldn't want to listen if somebody says "no, this isn't invalid!!"" | 01:57 |
jwendell | kiko, in that case, the person will check my name in checkbox and i will be notified by mail | 01:58 |
jwendell | kiko, or even better, the name of invalid task | 01:58 |
jwendell | kiko, me, as a bug contact would be notified | 01:59 |
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kiko | jwendell, well, the user could always just mark the task as valid again, and email you as part of that. | 02:02 |
jwendell | kiko, yeah | 02:02 |
Fujitsu | If someone was to say it's not invalid, they should be setting it to Incomplete or so anyway. | 02:03 |
jwendell | kiko, so, you can safely now start fixing that bug then ;) | 02:03 |
kiko | jwendell, actually I was disagreeing with your approach above. :-) | 02:04 |
jwendell | hehe | 02:04 |
jwendell | kiko, it was just insights hehe | 02:04 |
kiko | I think if we made it easy for the person to say "This bug is not Invalid!" all our problems would be solved. | 02:05 |
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Kopfgeldjaeger | hi | 02:31 |
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ubotu | New bug: #139593 in launchpad-bazaar ""Permission denied: '/root/.bzr.log'" error from supermirror operations" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139593 | 02:35 |
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=== ..[topic/#launchpad:mrevell] : https://launchpad.net/ | Next developer meeting: Thu 20 Sep 2007, 1400UTC (wiki:MeetingAgenda) | launchpad-users@lists.canonical.com (wiki:MailingLists) | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad |Help: https://help.launchpad.net | Channel logs: http://tinyurl.com/72w39 | ||
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kro | 0 | 03:37 |
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Le-Chuck_ITA | Hi all | 03:47 |
Le-Chuck_ITA | I uploaded to PPA but forgot to put something in the changelog | 03:48 |
Le-Chuck_ITA | the only sensible thing to do would be to upload the _same_ version with the right changelog, is this allowed? | 03:48 |
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cprov | Le-Chuck_ITA: no, the same version won't get published, you have to increase the source version number. | 03:55 |
Le-Chuck_ITA | Then, where do I write the missing change? | 03:56 |
Le-Chuck_ITA | correct place, in the changelog, would be under the version where I really made the change | 03:56 |
Le-Chuck_ITA | should I ignore this, and file it under new release changelog? | 03:56 |
cprov | Le-Chuck_ITA: up to you. | 03:57 |
cprov | Le-Chuck_ITA: 'your PPA, your rules' | 03:57 |
Le-Chuck_ITA | what I mean is, if I write it "below", under the correct version number, will there be any problems later since we have two changelogs that have a "different opinion" about the same version? | 03:57 |
Le-Chuck_ITA | cprov: I intend to provide the package to let people test a bugfix in universe | 03:58 |
Le-Chuck_ITA | so it's my PPA, your rules :) | 03:58 |
Le-Chuck_ITA | in the sense that I will try to get sponsored for universe | 03:58 |
Le-Chuck_ITA | but maybe then I will have to put the version number back to ubuntu? | 03:58 |
Le-Chuck_ITA | and, moreover, I forgot to add ~ppa to my version number | 03:59 |
Le-Chuck_ITA | so I think I | 03:59 |
Le-Chuck_ITA | ... | 03:59 |
Le-Chuck_ITA | made a mess! | 03:59 |
cprov | Le-Chuck_ITA: all those issues can be sorted with your sponsor, I don't know the context | 03:59 |
jnthnjng | sorry if this sounds impatient (i'm not impatient, just curious), but does anybody know how long I am likely to wait to get approved for launchpad-beta-testers? I'd like to try out the new PPA stuff. | 03:59 |
kiko | mrevell, ^^^ | 04:00 |
Le-Chuck_ITA | ok cprov, by now I will adjust my changelog as it should have been from the beginning | 04:00 |
Le-Chuck_ITA | I think this makes more sense | 04:00 |
Le-Chuck_ITA | then I will see with my sponsor when it'll be time | 04:00 |
Le-Chuck_ITA | thank you | 04:00 |
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kcy29581 | hi all, I have a query regarding entering and commenting on bugs: what exactly is the "Assigned to" field used for; when should it be used, and when should it not | 04:07 |
mrevell | jnthnjng: Hi - I usually approve people within 24 hours of applying. I haven't done a batch today though. Let me take a look | 04:07 |
kiko | kcy29581, if you don't know, don't use it. :-) | 04:08 |
kiko | kcy29581, seriously, the assignee is the person who is going to fix that issue. | 04:08 |
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kiko | kcy29581, normally a person self-assigns to a bug. in some less standard situations, other people do allocations -- but that's not very free-software-ish IYKWIM | 04:08 |
jnthnjng | mrevell: ok, thanks. didn't mean to make you do it immediately, was just curious :) | 04:09 |
mrevell | jnthnjng: No problem :) I'm happy to do it now. | 04:10 |
mrevell | jnthnjng: I can't find a username that looks like it might be you though. What's your Launchpad username? | 04:10 |
jnthnjng | Jonathon Jongsma | 04:10 |
mrevell | jnthnjng: Ah, JonathOn, not JonathAn | 04:11 |
jnthnjng | ah, yes | 04:11 |
mrevell | jnthnjng: Right, you're iN! :) | 04:13 |
jnthnjng | mrevell: many thanks | 04:13 |
mrevell | jnthnjng: no problem :) | 04:13 |
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kcy29581 | thanks for the answers guys | 04:25 |
ubotu | New bug: #139606 in launchpad "Launchpad (build 4827) does not collapse quoted text" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139606 | 04:26 |
kcy29581 | kiko, that is obvious, yes... however, the reason I'm asking: after responded to a bug I entered, it does not appear in my "List reported bugs" in Launchpad. Anyone know why? | 04:28 |
kcy29581 | ignore that... after logging in and out, the bug now appears again | 04:29 |
kcy29581 | sorry guys | 04:29 |
kiko | kcy29581, odd. looks like a caching issue, but.. we don't cache those pages. | 04:30 |
kcy29581 | oh well, it works now, so it's fine. Thanks. :) | 04:30 |
kcy29581 | Can anyone log in to Launchpad and change the status of any bug? I'm wondering if someone can simply log in and invalidate all the bugs entered! | 04:31 |
kcy29581 | I would like to understand exactly what the process is when a bug is entered, in order to ensure the right people get the right bugs | 04:32 |
kiko | kcy29581, what project are you using LP to track bugs for? | 04:36 |
kcy29581 | Ubuntu | 04:37 |
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kcy29581 | I use DevTrack at work, and Management have decided to use the "Assigned to" field in a way different to what it should be used for. So I'm wondering how the "Assigned to" field is used in Launchpad | 04:39 |
kiko | kcy29581, it's used as "normally" it's used in other bugtrackers -- the person who is going to fix the bug assigns themselves to it. | 04:40 |
kiko | kcy29581, if it's for Ubuntu, I think you'd do well to look at the Ubuntu QA documentation. | 04:41 |
kcy29581 | I will, thanks kiko. Is that found on the main Ubuntu site, in the Development section? | 04:41 |
kcy29581 | if you know, obviously! | 04:42 |
kiko | kcy29581, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuQA | 04:42 |
kiko | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage | 04:42 |
kiko | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Importance | 04:42 |
kiko | kcy29581, those are good starting points. | 04:43 |
kcy29581 | thanks a lot kiko | 04:44 |
Hobbsee | kiko! | 04:44 |
kiko | tis me | 04:45 |
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Hobbsee | argh! | 04:45 |
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MiserySalin | hi there | 04:47 |
MiserySalin | I wanted to ask how to tell PPA that he can use an original orig.tar.gz from gutsy respo. Error message: "Unable to find wxwidgets2.8_2.8.4.0.orig.tar.gz in upload or distribution. | 04:48 |
MiserySalin | I used "debuild -S -sd" | 04:48 |
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kiko | I don't think we actually look up origs in the main distribution, do we cprov? | 04:50 |
Hobbsee | we dont | 04:50 |
cprov | kiko: no, we don't | 04:50 |
cprov | kiko: users have to provide origs in their first upload | 04:51 |
Hobbsee | (unfortunately) | 04:51 |
MiserySalin | Well... than the error message is a little bit confusing. :-) But thanks.... 33 MB upload. yeah ;-) | 04:51 |
MiserySalin | then | 04:51 |
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kiko | cprov, should be easy to fix, though. | 04:56 |
cprov | kiko: yes, it should | 04:57 |
kiko | MiserySalin, can you file a soyuz bug and annotate it with the tag "ppa" | 04:57 |
kiko | MiserySalin, and we'll try and get it fixed for the next cycle? | 04:58 |
MiserySalin | ok, thanks... I will file a bug for that. | 05:00 |
kiko | thanks so much. | 05:04 |
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ubotu | New bug: #139616 in soyuz "Setup a proper interface for Publisher.Config" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139616 | 05:06 |
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soren | bazaar.launchpad.net looks b0rken. | 05:19 |
soren | http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mathiaz/apparmor/ubuntu-mathiaz | 05:19 |
soren | case in point ^^ | 05:19 |
ubotu | New bug: #139619 in soyuz "Allow orig.tar.gz from distribution repos" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139619 | 05:20 |
jtv | soren: strange URL... where does that link come from? | 05:21 |
soren | https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mathiaz/apparmor/ubuntu-mathiaz | 05:21 |
soren | jtv: ^^ | 05:21 |
=== jtv goes and looks | ||
soren | What's strange about it? | 05:22 |
jtv | Well I don't usually hang out on bazaar.launchpad.net, but usually launchpad uses https not http. | 05:22 |
jtv | Oh, I see now | 05:22 |
jtv | So what's broken? | 05:23 |
soren | Click here: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mathiaz/apparmor/ubuntu-mathiaz :) | 05:24 |
jtv | Yes, that is odd | 05:25 |
soren | Yes. Hence "b0rken" :) | 05:25 |
jtv | okay okay :) | 05:25 |
jtv | soren: I'll see if I can get someone who knows more about bazaar | 05:27 |
soren | Wicked. | 05:28 |
mthaddon | soren, jtv: I'll check with IS | 05:30 |
soren | Rock. | 05:30 |
jtv | mthaddon: thanks | 05:31 |
jtv | mthaddon: yet again :0 | 05:31 |
mthaddon | np | 05:31 |
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synic | ok... so bzr is definitely down? | 05:44 |
mthaddon | soren, should be working now | 05:46 |
mthaddon | soren, by which I mean you should be able to branch off that URL | 05:47 |
synic | ssh: connect to host bazaar.launchpad.net port 22: Connection refused | 05:48 |
synic | is what I'm getting | 05:48 |
soren | mthaddon: Yes, it appears to work now. | 05:49 |
soren | mthaddon: Thanks. | 05:49 |
mthaddon | cool | 05:49 |
kiko-phone | synic, mthaddon, mwh: fails for me too | 05:49 |
mthaddon | synic, can you try again please (fix just put in place) | 05:49 |
synic | same | 05:50 |
mthaddon | synic, what command are you using to connect? | 05:50 |
synic | Merging from remembered location bzr+ssh://arolsen@bazaar.launchpad.net/~exaile-devel/exaile/main/ | 05:51 |
synic | ssh: connect to host bazaar.launchpad.net port 22: Connection refused | 05:51 |
synic | so just bzr merge | 05:51 |
mthaddon | ok, thx - lemme check | 05:51 |
superm1 | indeed failing for me too | 05:53 |
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ubotu | New bug: #139633 in launchpad "Linking to bug reports in savannah.gnu.org doesn't work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139633 | 06:01 |
kiko-phone | dupe! | 06:01 |
kiko-phone | kiko@whatever:~$ telnet bazaar.launchpad.net 22 | 06:02 |
kiko-phone | Trying | 06:02 |
kiko-phone | telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused | 06:02 |
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radix | mwh: fix plz | 06:11 |
elmo | fixed | 06:34 |
superm1 | new host it would appear? | 06:34 |
superm1 | Warning: Permanently added the RSA host key for IP address '' to the list of known hosts. | 06:34 |
elmo | no, just a new IP | 06:35 |
kiko-phone | thanks el | 06:36 |
kiko-phone | err | 06:36 |
kiko-phone | elmo | 06:36 |
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superm1 | how long does supermirror usually take? I've had it going here for some 4 min now: Unable to obtain lock lp--1217712948:///lock | 06:46 |
superm1 | held by supermirror@vostok on host vostok [process #28413] | 06:46 |
superm1 | locked 4 minutes, 34 seconds ago | 06:46 |
Odd_Bloke | superm1: There's a bug open for this. I presume you're using bzr+ssh? | 06:51 |
superm1 | yes | 06:51 |
superm1 | Odd_Bloke, should I try to bzr break-lock it then? | 06:51 |
Odd_Bloke | superm1: Yeah, but try using sftp to do so. | 06:52 |
superm1 | Odd_Bloke, afterward should i still do my push w/ bzr+ssh://, or just use sftp then? | 06:53 |
Odd_Bloke | superm1: I think bzr+ssh should work. | 06:54 |
Odd_Bloke | I only baguely remember how to workaround this. | 06:54 |
superm1 | so i dont supposed your subscribe to the bug and have it handy so i can subscribe to it? | 06:54 |
Odd_Bloke | superm1: Not that I recall... | 06:55 |
superm1 | eh it happened again | 06:55 |
Odd_Bloke | superm1: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-bazaar/+bug/125420 | 06:56 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 125420 in launchpad-bazaar "supermirror tasking locks?" [Undecided,New] | 06:56 |
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superm1 | ugh. this is fairly frustrating, i still can't seem to break that lock. :) | 07:00 |
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Odd_Bloke | superm1: Try doing everything over sftp? | 07:01 |
superm1 | yeah i tried | 07:01 |
superm1 | i think the problem came from when bazaar.launchpad.net went down earlier, someoen else was doign a bzr+ssh commit | 07:01 |
superm1 | and i broke that bzr+ssh commit myself with another bzr+ssh | 07:01 |
superm1 | hm well i'll give it a bit and try this again later i guess | 07:03 |
=== Le-Chuck_ITA [n=Le-Chuck@host26-205-dynamic.16-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #launchpad | ||
Le-Chuck_ITA | I have a problem with PPA | 07:05 |
Le-Chuck_ITA | checking whether build environment is sane... configure: error: newly created file is older than distributed files! Check your system clock make: *** [configure-stamp] Error 1 | 07:05 |
Le-Chuck_ITA | somebody knows if that can be my fault? | 07:05 |
gnomefreak | Le-Chuck_ITA: is the version you are trying to upload lower than whats on there already? | 07:13 |
Le-Chuck_ITA | well, I sent two consecutive versions in a short while | 07:14 |
Le-Chuck_ITA | may be it built first the last one | 07:14 |
Le-Chuck_ITA | oh no sorry | 07:14 |
Le-Chuck_ITA | it's saying so for both versions | 07:15 |
Hobbsee | gnomefreak: that looks like during a ./configure, so wouldnt relate to ppa | 07:16 |
Le-Chuck_ITA | yes it's in configure | 07:17 |
gnomefreak | sorry miss read it and on phone :( | 07:18 |
Le-Chuck_ITA | here it is: | 07:18 |
Le-Chuck_ITA | http://launchpadlibrarian.net/9279930/buildlog_ubuntu-gutsy-amd64.xournal_0.4.0.1ubuntu2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz | 07:18 |
Le-Chuck_ITA | on a related note, if I write fixes (LP: #xxxxxx) in my changelog on my PPA | 07:19 |
Le-Chuck_ITA | does LP close all bug reports that I claim fixed? | 07:19 |
Le-Chuck_ITA | or is it dput ? | 07:19 |
Hobbsee | lp closes all the bugs | 07:19 |
Hobbsee | dput is just an uploader | 07:20 |
Le-Chuck_ITA | ok | 07:20 |
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Hobbsee | hmm. i wonder if tha't fixed if you make -f Makefile.cvs.... | 07:20 |
Le-Chuck_ITA | I didn't know that PPA triggers this | 07:20 |
Hobbsee | it does at the moment, and it's a bug | 07:20 |
gnomefreak | PPA shouldnt should it? | 07:20 |
Le-Chuck_ITA | ah ok | 07:20 |
gnomefreak | ah thats why | 07:20 |
Le-Chuck_ITA | so I will avoid uploading fixes on PPA | 07:20 |
synic | is bzr fixed? | 07:22 |
synic | it's just hanging now | 07:22 |
Le-Chuck_ITA | gnomefreak: what should I do for my build? I have to make a third upload, though? | 07:26 |
gnomefreak | synic: i was just informed it was | 07:27 |
Le-Chuck_ITA | I wanted to write "I have to make a third upload, though." without the question mark :) | 07:27 |
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gnomefreak | Le-Chuck_ITA: not sure fix package than bump version | 07:27 |
Le-Chuck_ITA | ok then we'll see if it builds | 07:27 |
Le-Chuck_ITA | how do I avoild LP marking bugs as fix released? | 07:28 |
Le-Chuck_ITA | is removing lines from changelog the only way? | 07:28 |
gnomefreak | Le-Chuck_ITA: yes for now | 07:29 |
Le-Chuck_ITA | ok thank you | 07:29 |
soren | Le-Chuck_ITA: You can remove the X-Launchpad-Bugs-Fixed from your .changes file, if you're adventurous :) | 07:30 |
Le-Chuck_ITA | isn't that signed? no? | 07:30 |
Le-Chuck_ITA | maybe not | 07:30 |
Le-Chuck_ITA | :) | 07:30 |
soren | Sure. | 07:30 |
soren | Then you edit it and sign it again. | 07:30 |
Le-Chuck_ITA | nah | 07:31 |
Le-Chuck_ITA | too adventurous :) I | 07:31 |
soren | Heh :) | 07:31 |
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Le-Chuck_ITA | bye | 07:43 |
soren | o/ | 07:44 |
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ubotu | New bug: #139654 in launchpad "Branch-scanner script should report "Failed to scan" as ERROR not INFO" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139654 | 07:50 |
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=== Topic for #launchpad: https://launchpad.net/ | Next developer meeting: Thu 20 Sep 2007, 1400UTC (wiki:MeetingAgenda) | launchpad-users@lists.canonical.com (wiki:MailingLists) | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad |Help: https://help.launchpad.net | Channel logs: http://tinyurl.com/72w39 | ||
=== Topic (#launchpad): set by mrevell at Fri Sep 14 15:05:33 2007 | ||
kiko-afk | gnomefreak, we have about 130,000 issues in LP. which one are you talking about? | 10:14 |
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ubotu | New bug: #139685 in malone "In +txt pages there is no information about activity" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139685 | 10:35 |
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gnomefreak | kiko-afk: looked like it was just a long lag before it was updated | 11:39 |
gnomefreak | is it possible to subscribe toa PPA? so i get mail on every upload. its for a team not personal PPA | 11:51 |
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Rinchen | gnomefreak, I don't think you can do that today but we are considering something like that for the future | 11:53 |
gnomefreak | Rinchen: cool ty | 11:54 |
Rinchen | and by that I mean I've already put in a request so I can do the same thing :-) | 11:54 |
gnomefreak | Rinchen: sweet :) | 11:55 |
gnomefreak | now to play with gdm | 11:56 |
Rinchen | If you have specific suggestions you can of course file a bug | 11:56 |
gnomefreak | Rinchen: so far all that i want is going to be added (or has atleast been thought about) | 11:56 |
Rinchen | excellent | 11:57 |
gnomefreak | is there a list of requests (wishlist bugs for PPA) | 12:06 |
synic | failed to open trace file: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/root/.bzr.log' | 12:08 |
synic | started getting this when trying any operation on bzr | 12:08 |
Rinchen | gnomefreak, you can do a search in Launchpad for the "ppa" tag | 12:11 |
Rinchen | synic, if it's a pure bzr comment then #bzr would be the place to ask | 12:11 |
synic | dunno if it is or not. It just suddenly started happening, on all my machines | 12:11 |
synic | but I'll ask there | 12:11 |
gnomefreak | its bzr i used to get that alot but it just went away one day | 12:12 |
gnomefreak | hmmmmmm | 12:17 |
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gnomefreak | this is bad | 12:40 |
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