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bullgard4What is meant by 'volume SSN' in ACPI 3.0a specification's Figure 15-5 'OS Initialization'?08:15
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magnetronhello. i noticed that the latest version of aircrack-ng will make it into gutsy. however, the off-the-shelf madwifi-ng cannot make use of the new features of the aircrack-ng suite, unless it's patched. The aircrack-ng provides this patch at http://www.aircrack-ng.org/doku.php#driver_patches. Is this patch applied in Ubuntu?08:48
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DexterFran into an NFS problem here, the "16 groups limit" namely. is the 2.6.22 src in gutsy patched against this?05:25
mjg59BenC: The MSI-disabling patches from fesity are missing from gutsy05:29
mjg59BenC: There's been a large number of patches from feisty that simply never made it to gutsy, and I've asked for a list of them several times. This is the third or fourth regression I've tripped over as a result. Could you please actually generate that list?05:30
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bullgard4How is 'Intel Architecture Personal Computer' defined, particularly what is the difference to 'IBM-PC'?06:51
mjg59It's not07:01
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magnetronhello. i noticed that the latest version of aircrack-ng will make it into gutsy. however, the off-the-shelf madwifi-ng cannot make use of the new features of the aircrack-ng suite, unless the driver is patched. The aircrack-ng provides this patch at http://www.aircrack-ng.org/doku.php#driver_patches. Is this patch applied in Ubuntu?07:54
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-kernel: Ubuntu kernel development discussion ONLY | Kernel Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam | Latest kernel upload: 2.6.22-10.26 | Latest news: -rt and -xen kernels re-added | New Kernel Team machine: http://kernel.ubuntu.com
=== Topic (#ubuntu-kernel): set by BlueDevil at Sat Aug 25 00:21:12 2007
(verwilst/#ubuntu-kernel) ah, and they get synced back to the main tree manually now and then?10:03
(amitk/#ubuntu-kernel) verwilst: in general they are short-lived changes that get into ubuntu 10:03
(amitk/#ubuntu-kernel) verwilst: yes10:03
(verwilst/#ubuntu-kernel) https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.22/+bug/13272610:04
(ubotu/#ubuntu-kernel) Launchpad bug 132726 in linux-source-2.6.22 "linux-xen for x86_64" [Medium,Confirmed] 10:04
(verwilst/#ubuntu-kernel) in this bug zac bowling says that amd64 isn't patched at all10:04
(amitk/#ubuntu-kernel) verwilst: xen support for amd64 has been added to ubuntu this week AFAIK. It should be available next week10:05
verwilstyeah, i've seen commits 35hours ago :)10:05
verwilstthat's why i was confused :)10:06
verwilstso next week it's kernel time :)10:07
verwilstcan't wait10:07
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