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DShepherdbzr is pretty neat..12:20
DShepherdbzr uncommit feature is what I have been wanting for svn for the paste couple days..12:22
DShepherdis it possible to check out an svn branch with bzr?12:24
luksyes, with http://bazaar-vcs.org/BzrForeignBranches/Subversion12:25
DShepherdaahh sweet12:29
DShepherdHow can i undo what bzr init does?12:34
radixI guess rm .bzr -r12:34
DShepherdradix, hmm.. ok12:35
radixbeware of doing that, though :)12:35
DShepherdno fancy command :-)12:35
DShepherdradix, why?12:35
radixwell, .bzr is where everything is kept that bzr knows about it12:35
radixif you delete it, you're deleting all history, etc.12:36
DShepherdradix, ok thanks for the heads up.12:36
DShepherdbzr init-repo #what does that really do? and when is it a good time to do it.12:37
radixDShepherd: It creates a shared repository, which there is a document about12:37
=== DShepherd is a bit confused.. svn guy
radixDShepherd: basically it makes it so that if you have a bunch of branches with common revision data, it can be shared in one place12:38
radixDShepherd: this helps with disk space usage, but more importantly (IMO) network I/O12:38
DShepherdradix, ok12:38
radixDShepherd: because if you "bzr branch" a remote branch *into* your shared repository, if that branch largely has revisions that you already have, it won't have to download them again12:38
radixDShepherd: but yeah, for extension info please read the document on bazaar-vcs.org (I'm sure a search will find it, I don't remember the name)12:38
DShepherdok kool.. i am going thru the document now.. but its so much nicer to talk to people :-).. thanks for the heads up though12:39
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DShepherddoes svn even have selective commit?? cause that's kool12:43
radixcommitting individual files instead of the whole tree?12:46
radixboth bzr and svn have that, with "<bzr/svn> commit <file>"12:46
DShepherdradix, oh.. never used it before12:48
=== DShepherd apparently is a under-user of svn
fullermdI'm not sure I know of ANY VCS that doesn't do that (I'm sure there are some, but I don't think any of the majors)12:51
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lifelesshi igc01:28
igcmorning lifeless - have a good weekend?01:29
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LaserJockhi lifeless01:29
lifelessbucks night; I'm still tired :)01:29
lifelesshi LaserJock01:29
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VerterokHi y'all01:32
Verteroklifeless: Hola!01:37
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VerterokI'm going to start working to add multiple (eclipse) project per branch, to bzr-eclipse (the current implementation only support the branch at the root of the project)01:43
Verterokmy idea was to support one level up in the hierarchy, I'ld like to hear your thoughts about it01:43
Verterokwith one level, bzr-eclipse would support a branch with multiple eclipse projects as it's childs directories01:44
lifelessI'm just going to run an errand, I'll be back shortly01:46
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LaserJockhola poolie02:54
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poolieigc, would you like a call today sometime?03:27
igcpoolie: yes that would be good. How's 2.30 say?03:28
igcor whatever time suits you03:28
pooliesounds good03:31
lifelessigc: were you going to review the bytes_to_gzip patch ?03:34
igcI can yes03:34
igcstill wrapping up the review of abentley's reconfigure one - when it's done, your patches are next03:35
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luisfelipeHey guys, I need help. I'm using bazaar here on a project, I'm trying to pull some changes another guy did on his repo, but both pull and merge says that there's nothing to pull04:01
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lifelessluisfelipe: bzr missing can tell you the difference between branches in terms of commits04:03
poolieluisfelipe, if you run 'bzr log' on his repo, what do you see?04:03
lifelessluisfelipe: I suspect he has not pushed, or you are not pulling/merging from the correct URL for his branch04:04
luisfelipethe url is correct04:07
luisfelipeI tried to pull, and it said that the branches had diverged04:07
luisfelipethen I merged, and some of his changes came, but not all04:07
luisfelipeoh, I think I've got it04:09
luisfelipelifeless, he had not pushed, only commited his changes04:10
=== igc food
lifelesspoolie: lol, win6504:29
abentleylifeless: No one would buy the first release of win64.  Personally, I'm holding out for win67.04:31
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PengHmm. I'm getting a traceback when pulling from a knit branch into a pack branch.04:42
lifelessoh ?04:43
lifelessfrom bzr.dev ?04:43
poolieabentley, heh04:45
PengPulling a local copy of bzr.dev. I'm using your repository branch.04:45
lifelessPeng: thats the known data issue04:46
lifelessPeng: use abentley's delta fixing 'bzr check' patch on your copy of bzr.dev first.04:46
Pengabentley's delta fixing?04:47
PengAs in not bzr 0.90?04:48
lifelessPeng: yes04:48
lifelessPeng: this was all covered in the list04:48
lifelessPeng: And I know I chatted with you about it before. bzr.dev has delta's that are not referenced from the inventory04:49
lifelessthis has to be fixed to use packs on them.04:49
Peng(I *have* been reading the list, through Gmane's web interface. Guess I haven't gone far enough back?)04:51
PengSo...what do I need to do?04:51
lifelesseasiest is to take a branch of my copy of bzr.dev using packs05:00
lifeless(you are failing on a new pull right ?, or incremental ?)05:00
lifelessbbiab, lunch05:01
PengEasier than using your copy of bzr.dev is simply not keeping a pack copy of bzr.dev. I was just doing it for fun.05:02
PengI already have a knit copy.05:02
lifelessyou shouldn't have trouble with any other project in pack form05:03
pooliei didn't know '123' in '1234' was true05:15
pooliebut it is05:15
pooliebut only for strings, not other sequences05:16
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lifelesspoolie: yay special casing06:04
poolielifeless, can you have a look for me at test_selftest_benchmark_parameter_invokes_test_suite__benchmark__06:09
poolieit does not seem to test anything like what the name says06:09
pooliei think it's a reasonable test but misnamed06:11
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lifelessigc: ping06:20
igch lifeless06:20
lifelesspoolie: are there dots in that name ?06:20
poolienot in the method name06:20
poolieit is in test_selftest.TestSelftest06:20
lifelessigc: does TestWorkingFormat4.test_id2path sound familiar ?06:20
igcis that a leading Q?06:21
lifelesspoolie: annotate it; I'll bet its misnamed due to refactoring06:21
poolieapparently not06:22
lifelessanyway I agree06:22
lifelessigc: it is. I think that rename_one is buggy06:22
lifelessigc: because it allows a rename to a non-normalized, non-accesible path06:22
igcyes - the fix for that is in my patch. Digs ...06:23
lifelessigc: you have a test for rename_one ?06:23
lifelesswhats the topic of the mail to search for06:23
Vantage13hi, i'm trying to use bzr-cvsps-import to import a cvs repository, but I always get "bzr: ERROR: Must end write groups before releasing write locks.".  Any idea what might cause that or how to get more information?06:23
lifelessVantage13: api skew has affected the plugin06:24
igclifeless: see the end of http://bundlebuggy.aaronbentley.com/request/%3C46DC2EB1.3010901@internode.on.net%3E06:24
lifelessVantage13: if you use 0.18 it will work; I will try to fix that shortly if I can get a minute spare06:24
igcthat's the iter_changes commit one06:24
igclifeless: the fix was recommended by jam06:24
lifelessigc: yah, thats the test change needed but its buggy06:25
igcin which way?06:25
lifelessrename_one() is broken06:26
igclifeless: You're very likely to be right. There are several emails ...06:26
igcbetween jam and myself (all on list) re this.06:27
lifelessyah, I was asking about the topic :)06:27
lifelessso I could find em06:27
igcThere was talk about taking out some of the checking also. I'll dig so a moment ...06:27
lifeless--- bzrlib/tests/test_workingtree_4.py  2007-04-26 22:56:01 +000006:28
lifeless+++ bzrlib/tests/test_workingtree_4.py  2007-09-17 04:28:02 +000006:28
lifeless@@ -420,6 +420,8 @@06:28
lifeless         try:06:28
lifeless             tree.rename_one('a', u'b\xb5rry')06:28
lifeless+            tree.unversion(['a-id'] )06:28
lifeless+            tree.add([u'b\xb5rry'] , ['a-id'] )06:28
lifeless             new_path = u'b\xb5rry'06:28
lifelessthat patch demonstrates the problem06:28
Vantage13lifeless: thanks.  what's the command to grab 0.18?06:28
lifelessclearly it should be a no-op. But it errors. So rename_one is facilitating a buggy api06:29
igcThat will fail I think06:29
igcThe problem is that add does extra checking that rename doesn't06:29
lifelessigc: indeed, thats precisely the point, rename_one is allowing broken data into the dirstate.06:29
igcbut whether add was being over strict was related06:29
lifelessVantage13: have a look at http://bazaar-vcs.org/src/releases IIRC06:30
igcpoolie: I'll call in 506:30
lifelessVantage13: our downloads page links to the tarballs, but the folder is listable; you can just 'tar xzf bzr-0.18.tar.gz && bzr-0.18/bzr' - you can run it without installing it06:30
lifelessigc: so the topic was?06:30
igclifeless: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/bazaar/2007q3/030187.html06:31
igcFilename normalisation handling is the topic06:31
lifelessjust the topic please06:31
lifelessI have no browser on this terminal ;)06:31
Vantage13lifeless: is this 0.18 of the bzr-cvsps-import plugin or 0.18 of bazaar?  I thought bazaar was 0.90?06:31
igclifeless: Aug 21 from me06:32
lifelessVantage13: you need 0.18 of bzr, because 0.90 breaks the plugin06:32
Vantage13lifeless: That's an odd versioning scheme, isn't it?06:33
lifelessVantage13: we jumped from 0.18 to 0.90 as we approach 1.006:33
lifelessigc: I see no discussion of add or rename_one in that thread06:33
Vantage13lifeless: so is this something that will be fixed in bzr or in the plugin?06:35
lifelessVantage13: Like I said, I will try to get around to fixing the plugin shortly; for now it will work fine if you just use an older bzr06:36
Vantage13lifeless: ok.  I'm just curious which I'll need to upgrade in the future for the long term fix06:37
lifelessthe plugin ;)06:37
Vantage13lifeless: I usually use bzr from my distro and pull the plugin separately06:37
Vantage13lifeless: thanks!06:37
lifelesspoolie: seems to be no bzr-cvs-ps luanhcpad page; or am I searching with bad terms ?06:38
igclifeless: I'll look again. John and I have never discussed rename_one, only add. I'll just call poolie first then look as soon as I'm off the phone06:38
lifelesshmm, Ill just fix it and mail the list06:38
lifelessoh, bzr-cvsps-import got it06:38
lifelessVantage13: I'm reporting a bug on the plugin for you06:39
Vantage13lifeless: excellent.  I'm just getting started with bzr and this was my first snag :)06:40
lifelessbug 14004806:42
ubotuLaunchpad bug 140048 in bzr-cvsps-import "needs update to use write groups (incompatible with bzr >= 0.90)" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/14004806:42
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ubotuNew bug: #140048 in bzr-cvsps-import "needs update to use write groups (incompatible with bzr >= 0.90)" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/14004806:50
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lifelessigc: ok fixed and mailed.07:41
lifelessigc: the key thing I've done different to you is to figure out the root cause :)07:41
lifelessmeh, that sounds wrong.07:41
igcharsh but true :-)07:41
lifelessI mean I made the test that was putting bogus data in fail07:42
igcmy issue was I wasn't sure what the correct behaviour really ought to be07:42
lifelessthe names in inventory and dirstate bjects should always be NFC/NKFC normalised07:42
igcgood ...07:43
lifelessthats what the normalized_filename methods docstring says07:43
lifelessand add enforces07:43
lifelessthe problem was that rename_one was not doing the same check as add07:43
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igcso as I had suspected, my code (which was failing) was actually correct and the test was actually wrong. I'll look forward to reviewing your change then! :-)07:44
lifelessreview away07:45
lifelessbut bytes_to_gzip first please, thats blocking other changes for me07:45
lifelessI'm thinking I can save a lot of hash update function calls07:46
lifelessby doing sha1 sum of the byte block rather than sha_strings07:47
lifeless5% difference07:53
lifeless(as a micro-benchmark)07:53
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lifelesslooks like it could be a 1.2% overall win08:00
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kgoetzhi all. just wondering if bzr ignores or reads robots.txt files? i have a deny: * line in my websites root directory, but i still want people to be able to checkout my bzr over http08:01
lifelesskgoetz: thats fine08:02
lifelessbzr isn't a robot08:02
kgoetzlifeless: sweet. thanks.08:02
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lifelesspoolie: want a chat ?08:11
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vilalifeless: open_write_stream is dead code can I remove it ?08:47
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lifelessvila: dead? how so08:50
vilalifeless: kidding, just wanted you to quickly page-in  related info :) Its introduction broke webdav support08:51
vilalooking at it I wonder why you didn't define it Transport08:51
vilas/it/it in/08:52
vilasince it relies on other primitives08:52
lifelesscolour me confused08:52
lifelessit is a_transport.open_write_stream08:53
vilaI saw the specific sftp implementation, but I don't understand why you didn't provide a *default* implementation in Transport08:53
vilasince sftp and memory use the same exact code08:53
vilaand remote too08:53
vilagrr s/sftp and memory/ftp and memory/08:54
lifelessso the FTP implementations ucks08:54
lifelessanything doing self.append_bytes() as a thunk will perform heinously08:55
vilafine for a default implementation by my book08:55
lifelessdefault implementations should make sense08:56
lifelessif the default is bad, its not a good default08:56
lifelessthe only transport that self.append() makes sense for is Memory08:56
vilaok, that's the reason then. Fine, but webdav will use the same :-/08:56
lifelesswebdav should definately do a chunked encoded streaming upload08:57
lifelessor if the server is 1.108:57
vilalifeless: chunked encoding is on my TODO list, albeit very deep :-)08:57
lifelessif the next hop is a 1.0 in its signature then it should buffer locally08:58
lifelesswe do *thousands* of little writes08:58
lifelessand the api is designed to allow that.08:58
vilahmmm, and sftp provides buffering via paramiko ?08:58
lifelesssftp streams08:59
lifelessnon blocking writes08:59
lifelessI looked at doing a proper stream for the FTP one but it was going to be tricksy08:59
lifelessRemoteTransport will want to buffer too09:00
lifelessbut it doesn't yet09:00
lifelessthough RemoteTransport will hopefully not use the api ever as the smart server should kick in09:00
vilalifeless: ok thanks for "default implementations should not suck" rationale, that was what I was looking after09:01
vilaI mostly understood the rest and will fix webdav with a default sucking implementation and a FIXME for buffering09:01
vilalifeless: last bit, did you think about some criteria to trigger the buffer flush ? Is there some coherence to ensure about concurrent read or writes by other users ?09:03
lifelessvila: its documented in the docstring09:03
lifelessvila: have a look at the LocalTransport implementation for example09:04
vilalifeless: meh, can't find anything on that subject, more precise pointer ?09:06
vilaLocallTransport.open_write_stream says: See Transport.open_write_stream... which defines the polilcy but local doesn't seem to implement it, still in your private branch only maybe ?09:08
lifelesspydoc bzrlib.transport.Transport.open_write_stream09:08
igclifeless: do you notice a speed difference if the compression level is set to 1 instead of -1?09:09
lifelessvila: look at the get method on local.py09:10
lifelessigc: dunno09:10
lifelessigc: the default (-1) is what hg uses FWIW09:11
vilalifeless: ok09:11
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ubotuNew bug: #140055 in bzr "socket leak in test suite" [Medium,Triaged]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/14005509:26
lifelessok, I'm out09:31
igclifeless: night - review just emailed btw09:34
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igcvila: got a moment?09:54
vilaigc: yup09:54
igcQ re bzrdir.open_from_transport ...09:54
igccan I comment out the qualified_target = ... line?09:55
igcor ...09:55
igcshould it be return get_transport(qualified_target)?09:55
vilathe FIXME implies we should return get_transport(qualified_target) *but* it's hard to verify09:58
vilaredirect can be on other schemes (ftp, sftp, etc)09:58
igcok, so ...09:59
vilathe problem is really when we are working with the non-default http implementation and the redirect will use the default http implementation09:59
vilai.e.: http+pycurl is the default, http+urllib: redirects to http10:00
igccode quality wise, what do you suggest given qualified_target is calculated but never used?10:00
vilawe begin with a urllib transport and ends with a pycurl transport10:00
vilathe code can be safely commented out, one can even write a test that exhibit the problematic behavior and make it an expected failure10:01
igcI'll comment it out then as part of some cleanups to that module I'll submit10:02
vilanow that ConnectedTransport have been refactored, this bug may be more easy to address, but it may also vanish if we drop pycurl support10:02
igcI like your idea of an expected failure test btw10:02
vilaI think that's the whole story, so in short, comment it out :)10:02
vilaigc: :)10:03
vilain spirit the FIXME comment is a lazy way to do that :)10:03
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vilaigc: just of out curiosity, how did you arrive there ?10:04
vilaFIXME grepping ?10:04
igcvila: I was reading the bzrdir code as part of me reviewing abentley's reconfigure patch10:04
igcI figured I needed to grok it in order to review the pack stuff soon as well10:05
vilaigc: hmm, bzrdir is hard to grok...10:06
vilalots of static methods, I had to read a bunch of plugins for foreign vcs to understand why.10:07
igc44 A4 pages says to me that it ought to be a few modules in a package, not one big one :-)10:07
igcmoving old formats into a plugin as lifeless has suggested will improve things though10:08
igcanyhow, time for some food10:08
=== igc dinner
vilaigc: enjoy your meal10:08
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lifelesslets drop pycurl :)10:22
rokahnI'm looking for version control system which I can adapt to store and retrieve XML diffs (as opposed to line-based diffs).  Would someone on this channel know if Bazaar is a good choice (or what might be a better choice)?  We already have software to generate the XML diffs and apply the XML patches so we're looking for a version control system which can be easily modified to use external programs for diff & patch.10:24
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alfborgeI'm trying to update my local branch against the upstream branch through sftp using bzr pull and bzr merge, but it's taking ages and showing no progress.10:37
alfborgeBoth are running bazaar 0.9010:37
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alfborgeAny idea what I can do to speed it up/find out why it's slow (or not working)?10:38
alfborge  The repos is 193M10:42
alfborge(At least that's what it says when I do "du -hs ~/repos"10:43
matkorjelmer: Sorry for bothering but could you please merge tiny fix for push with overwrite from https://code.launchpad.net/~matkor/bzr-gtk/trunk-matkor ? It is pretty straightforward ... TIA10:44
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lifelessalfborge: networking is still slow; 0.92 will largely fix this10:48
lifelessalfborge: be patient and it will be fine10:48
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alfborgeIs there a way to make bzr completely forget files?10:53
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alfborgeI.e. remove all history about the files.10:53
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quicksilveralfborge: only madmen and dictators try to change history :)12:09
PengOr people who accidentally added an ISO.12:16
jelmerPeng: You can remove information about history (creating ghosts)12:17
PengOh, reallly? Cool.12:17
PengAnyway, alfborge was the one who asked.12:18
PengI'd like to do it too, but I converted to hg a month ago for speed.12:18
jelmerit's not really exposed at the UI level yet12:18
Pengso it doesn't matter anymore.12:18
Pengjelmer: It probably shouldn't be.12:18
=== Peng wanders off.
alfborgejelmer: Any docs on this?12:20
jelmeralfborge: there's a plugin that allows removing revisions but it's not very efficient12:21
jelmeralfborge: see remove-revisions on the plugin page12:21
quicksilverif I'd accidentally added an ISO, I'd just re-check out the verision before that mistake12:22
quicksilverbut that's obviously not the solution if you want to weed out a file that's been in there for 20 revisions12:22
PengIs it possible to check out up to r10, then bundle 12-15 and apply them? Or would it error out because 11 is missing?12:24
=== Peng wanders off.
quicksilverPeng: it would error out. but there may be a way to say "do this anyway"12:24
jelmerPeng: No, that won't work. You could apply those as patches and commit them manually but that would create new revisions.12:25
jelmermatkor: the abs in your latest commit is not correct12:27
jelmermatkor: Negatives are used to indicate that the length of mainline has decreased12:27
matkorjelmer: OK. I think we need descriptive name for that ...12:30
matkor"%d revisions removed"  "%d revisions added" ?12:31
jelmermatkor: Eventually, we should display all the information in PullResult()12:31
jelmermatkor: bzr pull in bzr itself used to print negatives as well, so I'd rather keep that behaviour until we start using PullResult12:31
jelmerpoolie: Hi12:32
matkorjelmer: OK. I will prepare correct revision and let You know :)12:33
jelmermatkor: Cool, thanks! And thanks for the patch :-)12:34
jelmermatkor: phanatic and I have been discussing ways to improve the development process of bzr-gtk12:35
jelmerwe'd like to start using BundleBuggy12:35
jelmerso it'll hopefully become easier to get things merged and so we can have at least some review12:36
NamNguyenbundlebuggy doesn't merge12:38
jelmerNamNguyen: No, but it means merge requests don't get dropped but are remembered12:40
matkorjelmer: Whateve suits you best it's ok for me. Just let me know what and when I should do to fit new workflow12:43
matkorjelmer: I think cut down version of fix is on: https://code.launchpad.net/~matkor/bzr-gtk/trunk-matkor12:46
jelmermatkor: it's ok to just create a new commit that reverts the abs() change, no need to keep one revision per feature12:47
jelmermatkor: Thanks, pulled12:48
matkorjelmer: OK. thank you too :)12:51
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ubotuNew bug: #140419 in bzr "selective commit sometimes fails with `parent_id not in inventory` error" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/14041902:25
lifelessPeng: any chance you'll come back? Have you tried the C patience matcher - its 10 times faster at diff, which is what was hurting you IIRC.02:26
lifelessgood night all, I'll look in scrollback :)02:27
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Penglifeless: Don't worry, I still like Bazaar. But I'm planning to stick with Mercurial for this because converting the branch back would be a pain, Bazaar probably isn't going to beat it in performance any time soon, and I like being able to copy files.02:33
Penglifeless: But I am curious to see how much faster Bazaar is, and I'm planning to try it out eventually.02:35
jelmerimho, working tree performance is now acceptable for large trees but network performance is still not quite there yet02:49
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PengIn my case, network performance doesn't matter much.02:50
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ubotuNew bug: #140432 in bzr "bzr fails with 'iteration over non-sequence'" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/14043203:40
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GachaHow can I tell bazaar to ignore a directory?04:38
Gachawhen I type bzr ignore "./my/dir/"04:38
Gachait says: bzr: ERROR: [Errno 1]  Operation not permitted04:39
jdongsounds like you have permissions problems in your branch04:41
Gachabut the  "./my/dir/" is correct?04:43
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datoGacha: yes, it is04:45
Gachathe ./ shows that its from the begining of the tree, right?04:45
GachaI checked permissions, everything seems to be ok04:47
GachaI'm using sshmount, maybe that the problem04:47
datoGacha: that sounds very very likely04:54
Gachaok, I will search for workaround04:54
vilalifeless: to drop pycurl we need certificate verification. python-2.6 will have it, I'm still lurking for a way to back port it.04:55
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=== beuno wonders what Launchpad does differently that it doesn't return that sftp doesn't update the working tree
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datobeuno: that there is not a working tree at all05:49
jelmerbeuno: If there's no working tree remotely, no message will be displayed05:49
datobeuno: but that's not launhpad specific05:49
beunohm, ok, that won't work for me, would a "cron job updating working trees" be too much of a hack?   I'm having all kinds of permission problems using push-and-update plugin05:51
jelmerbeuno: that may result in locking errors while pushing every now and then, but other than that, it should work (won't corrupt any data)05:54
beunojelmer, what would be a better approach then?05:55
beuno(if there is one)05:55
jelmerbeuno: the push-and-update plugin is the only thing I can think of05:56
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jelmeralso, locking collisions won't happen very often - only if the cron job is updating the working tree /and/ somebody is pushing changes05:57
beunoright, thanks jelmer, dato  :D06:00
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keirhmm, the git pack + idx format is quite nice06:43
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radixis there a bug with moving symlinks in bzr 0.90?08:17
radixI'm getting a "No WorkingTree exists" error08:17
LarstiQradix: moving how exactly? There have been some symlink related bugs in the past (and I have no idea what happened since the start of August)08:24
LarstiQhi, btw08:24
radixyo :)08:24
radixhmm, having trouble reproducing08:24
radixmaybe it has something to do with the fact that the target of this symlink is outside of the branch08:24
radixand in fact it starts with a ../08:24
=== radix tries to repro with that
radixyeeeah, that seems to be the problem08:25
radixor at least, I get a similarish error in my repro environment08:25
radix(../foo/bar doesn't exist at all)08:26
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james_whi LarstiQ.08:39
LarstiQheya james_w08:40
james_wLarstiQ: how are you?08:40
LarstiQjames_w: ok I think, how about you?08:40
james_wI'm fine thanks. How was your summer?08:40
datoLarstiQ: hey, long time no see, I think08:40
james_whi dato08:41
datohi james_w. I tried a build of bzr-builddeb to upload it yesterday, but it died with some error I can't remember.08:42
LarstiQdato: aye, dropped of the internet at the beginning of August08:42
LarstiQjames_w: quite good, except for a horrible August08:42
james_wLarstiQ: oh dear. Is September any better for you so far?08:43
james_wdato: ah, thanks for the warning. I'll try and build now.08:43
LarstiQjames_w: much improved it is, yes08:43
james_wradix: yeah, I think that is reported already. The bug log kind of shows why it has not been fixed yet.08:44
radixcan you tell me which bug it is? I tried seraching but didn't find anything.08:44
james_wbug 3266908:48
ubotuLaunchpad bug 32669 in bzr "Adding a symlink to another branch fails" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/3266908:49
james_whas many bugs with symlinks in it08:49
james_wI think the last is your case.08:49
james_wbug 48444 is another08:51
ubotuLaunchpad bug 48444 in bzr "Symlinks to repository branches don't work" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/4844408:51
james_wand bug 124859 another. They all deal with when to dereference a symlink and when not to.08:52
ubotuLaunchpad bug 124859 in bzr "incorrect repository detected with symlink to a branch" [Critical,Triaged]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12485908:52
james_wLarstiQ: glad to hear it.08:52
datojames_w: btw if you could change the b-dep on python-all-dev to just python-all, that'd be cool (I'd personally stick to python only, but if you want to run the testsuite under all supported versions, that's of course fine as well)08:53
james_wdato: thanks, I'll do that. I'm not sure why I had that to begin with.08:54
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beunook, I question for the brave, I have a the following situation:   /dir1, /dir1/subdir1 and dir1/subdir2.   I would like to have a repository in all of them, the top directory, and the subdirs too09:04
beunowhat would be the best approach?09:04
beunobecause if I push to the subdirs, the main dir's repo will need commiting too09:05
james_wbeuno: do you mean repository or branch?09:06
beunojames_w, both I think, all of em will have working trees09:06
james_wso you are not talking about shared repositories?09:07
beunoI'm not sure  :D09:07
james_wI don't see why a push to the subdirs would require a parent commit, unless you are talking about versioning the files in the sudirs twice, once in the subdir and once in the parent.09:07
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beunojames_w, well, I was sort of hoping I could pull either all of it, or individually, as needed09:09
james_wbeuno: that sounds like a use case for nested trees.09:10
beunoand if that's not possible, I guess I can just add those dirs to .bzrignore, and have them branched individually09:10
beunojames_w, yes! nested trees sounds like what I want, is that already working?09:10
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james_wthe internal support is there if you upgrade the branches. However the UI is hidden commands, not polished, and missing functionality for some commands I believe.09:12
beunook, so it doesn't sound like something I want to implement company-wide09:13
james_wno, I would say that it is not ready for that.09:14
beunojames_w, great, I'll go for ignoring them then, thanks09:15
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james_wphanatic: hi. In gdiff I would expect "Complete diff" to show the whole diff in the other window, is there a reason why it doesn't?09:43
phanaticjames_w: must be a bug, i've noticed that as well. could you report it, so we can keep track of its status?09:44
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james_wsure, lauchpad I assume?09:50
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james_wannotate says that it has been that way since it was added.09:52
phanaticjames_w: thanks for the report10:07
phanaticit used to show the complete diff10:07
james_wphanatic: no problem. Thanks for the project.10:07
james_wphanatic: ah, looking again, it might be API change in show_diff_trees, if specific_files=[]  used to mean all files and now means none then that would probably cause it.10:09
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phanaticjames_w: thanks for tracking it down10:10
james_wphanatic: yeah, it looks like None might be more appropriate.10:16
phanaticjames_w: this may some rude, but if you have the time, could you create a patch, please?10:17
james_wphanatic: no problem, I was just about to offer.10:17
james_wwhere do you want it?10:17
james_wand do you have a testsuite?10:17
james_whi lifeless10:18
phanaticjames_w: we don't have a testsuite for gui bits :( attaching a bundle or branch to the bug report would be awesome10:18
phanaticmorning lifeless10:18
james_wphanatic: done.10:23
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phanaticjames_w: thanks, merged :)10:28
james_wthanks phanatic10:29
lifelesshi phanatic10:29
lifelessLarstiQ: how is subtrees coming ?10:30
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james_wjelmer: the dev branch now has your requested $UPSTREAM_VERSION.10:48
jelmerjames_w: wow, that was quick (-: Thanks, I'll try it out tomorrow10:49
james_wjelmer: it's actually got a couple of tests, so it might even work.10:49
james_wjelmer: it's not flexible, it just solves your exact case, so let me know if you think it should be expanded.10:51
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keirlifeless, still around?11:02
keirlifeless, i have most of the code written short of the actual graphindex wrapper; however, it's grown somewhat complicated11:03
keirlifeless, i've been studying git's pack format and index. i feel like we should move in that direction.11:03
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asabilabentley: I don't get you first argument concerning bzr description ?11:10
asabilbzr nick doesn't support referring to a remote branch11:10
asabilso why does bzr description needs that ?11:11
schierbeckphanatic: i've pushed a fix for the bug you mentioned :)11:16
phanaticschierbeck: great, i'll check it out :)11:16
phanaticschierbeck: works like a charm, i'll merge it11:18
schierbeckphanatic: when's the release due?11:19
phanaticschierbeck: this week (probably the weekend)11:22
lifelesskeir: so what does git do differently (other than having fixed length keys) in its index ?11:23
keirthey have a fixed length 256 entry index at the top11:24
keirwhich works because of the fixed length keys11:24
keirthen it's a sorted list of the entries. since they are also fixed length it works for direct bisection11:24
keirwhat i'm thinking, is why not just move to a sha1 based system?11:25
keirpack the current keys into the pack and index them by sha, as with everything else11:25
keirit would be transparent to the upper layers11:25
keirwe can still make the packs toposorted (for storing graphs)11:25
lifelessso te 256 way fan at the top is equivalent to your key index index11:26
keirbut since it's storing keys, there is no bisection; it's a straight jump to the right place11:27
keirin my index, you have to bisect it because the var length keys11:27
keirsorry, not keys, sha hashes11:27
lifelessyou still have to bisect11:27
lifelessfixed length means you can bisect on record number rather than bytes11:28
keirno, you just take the first byte and hop. the table stores the cumulative sum of the keys11:28
lifelessthats all11:28
lifelesssay there are 256000 keys11:28
lifelesssha's are homogenous11:28
lifelesshow will it be direct rather than bisection - the 256 fan out still leaves you 1000 entries to select amongst11:29
keirlifeless, yes, you have to bisect amongst those 100011:29
abentleyasabil: All commands that can refer to branches should be able to refer to remote ones.  It's arguably a bug that "nick" cannot.11:29
keirbut the first jump is direct11:29
keirinstead of bisecting the table11:29
lifelesskeir: its a partial radix tree is all11:29
asabilabentley: I see, then how to fix the bug in nick ?11:30
keirthey also have some other nice things, such as crc's in the packs11:30
lifelesskeir: for each entry? or for the whole pack? we can trivially add that, but we have higher level sha's anyway11:31
abentleyYou don't have to fix nick, just "description".  If you want to fix nick, you would add a "-d" or "-f" option to it that can take branch.11:31
lifelessand crc's in each hunk at the moment11:31
lifelessso we'd be duplicating the crc processing if we did it the 'obvious' way11:31
keirlifeless, i guess they found corruption due to HW was real enough to add a 2nd table of crc32's for each object in the pack11:31
keirlifeless, i was picking the brains of #git11:31
lifelessok, so my thoughts are...11:32
lifelesswe have crcs for everything in the packs today.11:32
lifelessits layered differently to git but its there11:32
lifeless(we also have shas)11:32
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lifelessso its a really a no-op to move crcs from place A to place B at this point in time.11:32
lifelessas for the index, their index doesn't sound better to me11:33
keirwhat i don't like about my index, is that it's complicated because of the variable length11:33
keirnow that i support short 'tags' for backpointers to the full length key (rather than the offset to the key), the code isn't so simple11:34
lifelesswe're studying changing some parts of the core to have fixed length keys, but that is very deep work11:34
keirwhat i was thinking, is to move the fixed-length-ness to be an implementation detail which is not known about above11:34
lifelessI certainly don't understand how you would do a radix tree to find blocks of 1000 entries (or whatever) and keep topological sorting11:35
keirgit toposorts the contents in the packs11:36
keirbut the index is sorted by sha11:36
lifelessyes, I know11:37
lifelesswe have looked at git quite closely you know :)11:37
lifelessand for git this works because they operate on local disk11:37
lifelessas soon as you say 'index operations are remote' the ballgame changes11:38
keiryes, i noticed that their network perf can't be that amazing compared to what i have planned11:38
keirmy concern with my current code is that building is going to be slow for really large trees11:39
lifelessso there are a range of possibilities11:39
lifelesspossibly the tradeoffs you chose for your design aren't quite right, and the design is driving code complexity11:40
keiri'm confident i can make a fast C version though.11:40
keirdo you think you could review the current code? even though it has lots of debug prints.11:40
lifelessyour suggesting moving to something like the git index is a reflection of that11:40
keiri generally feel that simple data structures are important11:41
keirunless there's a compelling reason to be otherwise11:41
lifelessso the git index is describable as 'bisection in 1/256 of the file'11:41
lifelessso a 256M index is 'bisection in 1M' to find a single key11:41
keirthey have a 2ndary index in version 2 which is bigger11:41
lifelessand to grab (say) 50 keys over the wire to reconstruct a single text - download 50M11:42
lifelesswith a secondary index - presumably extending the radix tree - you can reduce this11:42
keirwith our data, it's really not clear how to efficiently do a radix tree11:42
lifelessI think simple data structures are very appealing; but they have to do the job :)11:42
keirok, i'll go add some comments and push my code11:43
lifelessso LPC trees will eat up our data trivially11:43
lifelesserm, LPC Tries11:43
keirwhat is lpc?11:44
lifelesslevel path compressed11:44
lifelessno nodes where there is no split in keys, variable size nodes so every node is always very close to fully populted11:44
lifelessbut they may not do the right thing network wise; I'm just noting their properties in terms of our keyspace11:45
lifelesstheres a paper on citeseer if you are interested11:45
lifelessalso hash tries might be relevant, if you want to dig11:46
keiri agree, that given our keyspace, it may be the right thing. but i feel like it's just a bandaid to cover that we have variable length keys11:46
lifelessfor now variable length keys are axiomatix for all indices11:46
lifelessI doubt that we will *ever* change that for the revision and signature indices11:46
lifelesswe *may* change that for the text and inventory indices11:46
lifelessI'd also like to note that postgresql, sqlite etc do a fantastic job indexing variable length strings11:48
keiractually that may be worth looking into11:48
keirbut i suppose they have different constraints11:48
lifelessmysql too11:48
lifelessI was chatting with David Axmark about this sort of thing actually11:49
lifelessmysql optimisation both in the server code and in how you design the db is all about latency11:49
lifelessgonig to disk hurts performance hugely11:49
lifeless(because their data sets are so big, disk latency is measurable, like network for us)11:49
abentleyjelmer: ping11:49
jelmerabentley: pong11:50
abentleyI've looked at the BB source, and it all says it's under the GPL 2+.11:50
abentleyThe only thing lacking I could see was a copy of the GPL 2.11:50
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jelmerabentley: I was looking for a LICENSE file of some sort11:50
keirlifeless, pull my branch bzr+ssh://mierle@bazaar.launchpad.net/~mierle/bzr/compactgraph/11:51
jelmerabentley: though I guess the changes you are referring to some other GPLv2 are slim ;-)11:51
lifelesskeir: anyhow, I will happily eyeball the code and give you some feedback.11:51
keirlifeless, i'm adding comments now but this way you can take a look11:51
abentleyWell, if that's all you were looking for, it's an easy fix.11:51
keirlifeless, also i added the entertaining ability to compress the index blocks with repr() :P11:52
lifelesskeir: dude, thats so wrong11:52
lifelessit will play merry hell with people debugging11:52
keiri thought it was hilarious11:52
keirmainly i wanted to make sure swapping out block compression methods worked11:53
lifelessoh I have more sample data11:54
lifelessthats a current-formatted copy of the mozilla text index11:55
lifelessas opposed to the old 0.tix that needed editing to be usable11:55
keiris there a wiki page which points to the pack instructions? i don't have the link i saved before, and it's just about useless to search for it on google. for whatever reason google is not good at searching gmane.org.11:56
keirlifeless, see compact_graph.py and test_compact_graph.py11:57
lifelessif you google for pack dogfooding bzr11:57
lifelessthe first hit was one of my mails11:57
lifelessso follow that, then you can hope to the quarter index page11:58
lifelessand search for [PACKS]  on that page11:58
jelmerabentley: that'd be nice to have in11:59
abentleyjelmer: see revno 20611:59
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