=== J-Unit [n=jdong@sharkattack.media.mit.edu] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
=== Riddell discovers http://www.kubuntu-art.org/ | ||
coreymon77 | Riddell: looks like a copy of kdelook | 12:46 |
Riddell | it's by the same guy | 12:46 |
coreymon77 | its just only for kubuntu | 12:49 |
coreymon77 | interesting | 12:49 |
coreymon77 | might look through that | 12:49 |
coreymon77 | give my old kubuntu box a new look | 12:49 |
Riddell | not too much on it | 12:51 |
Riddell | maybe I should announce on kubuntu.org | 12:51 |
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gnomefreak | Riddell: ty i updated the bot for kubuntu-art | 01:26 |
Riddell | bot? | 01:27 |
Riddell | gnomefreak: which bot? | 01:30 |
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gnomefreak | ubotu | 02:05 |
gnomefreak | !themes | 02:05 |
ubotu | Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy | 02:05 |
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coreymon77 | Hobbsee: so, hows finding those supper support people coming? | 08:24 |
Hobbsee | coreymon77: no idea. how much success have you had? | 08:25 |
coreymon77 | havent really asked much | 08:25 |
coreymon77 | but i think blueskaj is definitely good enough | 08:25 |
coreymon77 | Hobbsee: intellikey is also good enough, although, i think he pretty much already is one | 08:26 |
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coreymon77 | Hobbsee: this is slightly offtopic | 08:27 |
Hobbsee | this is true, but no one else is talking | 08:27 |
coreymon77 | Hobbsee: but, you know that feeling that you get when you sleep in way too late, so you cant get to sleep that night, so its 2:30 in the morning and you are bored as heck because you cant get to sleep and have nothing to do? | 08:29 |
Hobbsee | vaguely | 08:29 |
coreymon77 | well | 08:29 |
coreymon77 | thats happening to me now | 08:29 |
=== _StefanS_ [n=sfs@cpe.atm2-0-90156.0x5734b54a.naenxx14.customer.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
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_StefanS_ | mornings! | 08:46 |
=== Hobbsee is now known as LongPointyStick | ||
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coreymon77 | _StefanS_: morning to you too (its 3:00 in the morning here) | 08:51 |
_StefanS_ | I say again ! -*- Good morning -*- :D | 08:52 |
_StefanS_ | (you're just up early) | 08:52 |
coreymon77 | _StefanS_: i know, i slept in too late yesterday, so now i cant get to sleep | 08:53 |
coreymon77 | _StefanS_: and im bored as all heck | 08:53 |
coreymon77 | _StefanS_: dont you hate it when that happens? | 08:54 |
_StefanS_ | coreymon77: well, I have a kid thats 4 weeks old, I can never sleep. | 08:54 |
_StefanS_ | coreymon77: was up 00:00, 03:18, 06:00 .. | 08:54 |
_StefanS_ | it takes an hour for him to eat, so.. not much sleep. But NOW i have fresh coffee. | 08:55 |
coreymon77 | _StefanS_: im always up at 12:00 anyways, whats the big deal about being up at 12? | 08:55 |
_StefanS_ | coreymon77: well, I cant drag myself around at 9:30 in the evening or so.. so 12 is very late for me | 08:56 |
_StefanS_ | coreymon77: we have another 1year old that needs to be entertained the whole day aswell | 08:56 |
coreymon77 | _StefanS_: oh, one of those people huh? | 08:56 |
_StefanS_ | sorry ? :) | 08:56 |
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coreymon77 | _StefanS_: not an evening person are you? | 08:57 |
_StefanS_ | well I used to.. | 08:57 |
coreymon77 | you more of a morning person? | 08:57 |
_StefanS_ | well I used to stay up very late, but its not really possible at present.. will probably be later though when the kids get a little older | 08:58 |
coreymon77 | boys? | 08:58 |
coreymon77 | or girls? | 08:58 |
_StefanS_ | 1 boy, 1 girl. | 09:00 |
coreymon77 | oj | 09:00 |
coreymon77 | oh* | 09:00 |
coreymon77 | its kind of a trade off | 09:00 |
_StefanS_ | yeah.. he screaming his lungs off right now | 09:00 |
_StefanS_ | jeeeez | 09:01 |
coreymon77 | with boys, you get it big time when they are young | 09:01 |
coreymon77 | but once they are older, usually easier to deal with | 09:01 |
coreymon77 | girls on the other hand | 09:01 |
coreymon77 | much easier than boys when young | 09:01 |
coreymon77 | but come teenage... | 09:01 |
coreymon77 | oy! | 09:02 |
_StefanS_ | well we hope they can sort of keep eachother company when they're that close (hopefully) | 09:02 |
coreymon77 | to say the least | 09:02 |
coreymon77 | dont get your hopes up too high :P | 09:02 |
_StefanS_ | yes, I think everyone feears teenage kids | 09:02 |
_StefanS_ | well I can always hope :D | 09:02 |
coreymon77 | teenage boys are much easier to deal with | 09:02 |
coreymon77 | start saving your money now, youre gonna need it for when your girl grows up | 09:03 |
coreymon77 | :P | 09:03 |
_StefanS_ | oh my | 09:03 |
_StefanS_ | good thing I work for contractor fee at present.. that helps me save up :) | 09:04 |
coreymon77 | no kidding | 09:04 |
coreymon77 | all ive gotta say is this | 09:04 |
coreymon77 | brace yourself | 09:04 |
coreymon77 | ;) | 09:04 |
stdin | just remember, when she's older any sentence starting with "Daddy...." means "I want something" :p | 09:04 |
_StefanS_ | hehe | 09:04 |
coreymon77 | yup | 09:05 |
Hobbsee | haha | 09:05 |
_StefanS_ | always nice with people telling you these horror stories.... *ick* | 09:05 |
stdin | or as my sister says "Daddy dearest..." :p | 09:05 |
coreymon77 | otherwise its "DAD!!! STOP EMBARASSING ME!!!" | 09:05 |
coreymon77 | :P | 09:05 |
_StefanS_ | heh well we sorta struck a nerve here it seems :) | 09:06 |
coreymon77 | no | 09:06 |
coreymon77 | just illustrating my poinr | 09:06 |
coreymon77 | point* | 09:07 |
coreymon77 | and all i got is text to do it | 09:07 |
coreymon77 | and i didnt realize caps was on until after i pressed enter!! :P | 09:07 |
coreymon77 | gorramit!! im so bored!!! i want to get to sleep!!! but i cant! | 09:12 |
daSkreech | coreymon77: Not true | 09:12 |
coreymon77 | daSkreech: ??? | 09:12 |
daSkreech | coreymon77: Could be Daddy.... this is the love of my life | 09:12 |
daSkreech | again | 09:12 |
coreymon77 | daSkreech: you gotta wonder which is worse! ;) | 09:13 |
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh | ||
daSkreech | Well I would tell _StefanS_ to put some money into a shotgun | 09:14 |
_StefanS_ | well weapons are not really allowed in denmark.. all I can get is a BB-gun :D | 09:15 |
coreymon77 | daSkreech: for who? the boyfriends or the daughter? :P;) | 09:15 |
_StefanS_ | ^ boyfriends I think ;) | 09:15 |
daSkreech | Which ever one is more dangerous at the time | 09:15 |
coreymon77 | lol | 09:15 |
daSkreech | In any case it's time for bed | 09:20 |
daSkreech | coreymon77: You may want to read the comments on Digg for the KDE4 revision | 09:20 |
coreymon77 | why? | 09:20 |
coreymon77 | amd where? | 09:20 |
_StefanS_ | wow how nice it is to see SCO go down in flames.. | 09:20 |
daSkreech | little insights into Kubuntu vs OpenSuse going into the KDE4 world | 09:20 |
_StefanS_ | daSkreech: got an url? | 09:21 |
daSkreech | http://digg.com/linux_unix/KDE_4_Revision_712779 | 09:21 |
=== hunger [n=tobias@pd95b0676.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
daSkreech | Hi hunger | 09:21 |
coreymon77 | and whats the diff between suse and opensuse | 09:21 |
daSkreech | Suse is enterprise | 09:21 |
daSkreech | Like Redhat vs Fedora | 09:21 |
hunger | daSkreech: Ho. | 09:23 |
daSkreech | hunger: Is there a simple synopsis site on Tapioca/Telepathy/Decibel? | 09:24 |
coreymon77 | redhat doesnt exist anymore | 09:24 |
coreymon77 | anyways | 09:24 |
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coreymon77 | daSkreech: people sure love their kubuntu form the looks of those comments | 09:24 |
coreymon77 | from* | 09:24 |
daSkreech | coreymon77: It doesn't? | 09:24 |
coreymon77 | daSkreech: no, didnt fedora replace it? | 09:25 |
daSkreech | coreymon77: Nope | 09:25 |
coreymon77 | oh | 09:25 |
coreymon77 | i must be going crazy then | 09:25 |
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daSkreech | You can still buy Fedora but you can't download it in a nice compiled ISO | 09:27 |
coreymon77 | theyve probably done a huge number on it since i last used it back with redhat8, my first linux experience | 09:28 |
daSkreech | So Suse is the same | 09:28 |
daSkreech | You have to buy it | 09:28 |
coreymon77 | interesting | 09:29 |
coreymon77 | i guess suse10 was the last free one | 09:29 |
daSkreech | if you want it for free there is OpenSuse which has more stuff and is free but is community supported | 09:29 |
coreymon77 | **cough**pieceofcrap**cough** | 09:29 |
\sh | opensuse is community driven, whereas the community means a hell of a lot of suse employed people... | 09:30 |
\sh | opensuse is the base for all SuSE Linux Enterprise versions... | 09:30 |
\sh | (at least since SLES10) | 09:30 |
coreymon77 | kubuntus the best | 09:30 |
coreymon77 | well well well | 09:31 |
\sh | coreymon77, the user decides what's the best for him/her | 09:31 |
coreymon77 | i think i finally feel sleep coming on | 09:31 |
coreymon77 | but before i go | 09:32 |
coreymon77 | dont we all agree here that kubuntus the best | 09:32 |
coreymon77 | est | 09:32 |
daSkreech | :-) | 09:34 |
raphink | hi guys | 09:38 |
raphink | :) | 09:38 |
coreymon77 | anyways | 09:39 |
coreymon77 | gnight people | 09:39 |
mhb | hi raphink, long time no see | 09:39 |
raphink | indeed | 09:39 |
raphink | well I'm always around, but not very active ;) | 09:39 |
raphink | too busy ;) | 09:39 |
coreymon77 | well, bedtime for me | 09:41 |
coreymon77 | goodnight | 09:41 |
raphink | good night coreymon77 | 09:42 |
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Tonio_ | heya | 11:33 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: we're donne with bluetooth, I just uploaded the beta7, which fixes the latest we had, I'll mark the spec as done | 11:34 |
Tonio_ | _StefanS_: hey ;) | 11:34 |
_StefanS_ | hey you! | 11:34 |
_StefanS_ | :D | 11:34 |
_StefanS_ | and welcome back | 11:34 |
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Tonio_ | Riddell: wanted to discuss with you about the env and share folder in the user's home, is there any reason you changed that ? seems to be you according to the changelog.... | 11:34 |
Tonio_ | I don't see the point since that's also very dangerous (deleting the kwallet file for example).... | 11:35 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: I can fix but I wanted your feeling on that point | 11:35 |
_StefanS_ | ah I see you comitted the package :) | 11:37 |
_StefanS_ | just in .. | 11:37 |
_StefanS_ | uhm, so you wrote hehe.. I must be blind | 11:37 |
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Riddell | Tonio_: it was changed to use the enrivonment variable rather than hardcoding .kde because people may use another directory | 12:49 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: oki, well it has to be fixed, as it seems to not work as expecting | 12:50 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: share shouldn't be in $home directory I guess :) | 12:50 |
Tonio_ | looks like the env variable is empty or there is a problem on that point, so I'll try to fix today if you don't mind | 12:51 |
Riddell | Tonio_: it should be fixed in what I uploaded yesterday, but please look at it to confirm | 01:01 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: sure | 01:11 |
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jjesse | morning | 02:14 |
Tonio_ | hi jjesse | 02:22 |
jjesse | hello Tonio_ | 02:23 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: and what about strigi atm ? | 02:27 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: will we keep it as is ? seems to create lots of problems or lots of people | 02:28 |
Hobbsee | hi Tonio_ | 02:28 |
Tonio_ | hey Hobbsee :) | 02:28 |
Riddell | Tonio_: in for beta then decide | 02:30 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: oki thanks :) | 02:31 |
_StefanS_ | Tonio_: strigi should basically go away :) - i uninstalled it on my machines.. | 02:33 |
Tonio_ | _StefanS_: I wonder if the bugs are with strigi or clucene | 02:34 |
Tonio_ | I'd say clucene imho | 02:34 |
_StefanS_ | Tonio_: uhm, donno - it just hogged 100% cpu all the time. Maybe its because I hate indexers :) | 02:35 |
Tonio_ | _StefanS_: lol | 02:35 |
=== Jucato [n=jucato@ubuntu/member/Jucato] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
_StefanS_ | hey Jucato! | 02:38 |
Jucato | hi _StefanS_! | 02:39 |
=== Jucato headdesks for being late :( | ||
_StefanS_ | Jucato: I just bought some new hardware ! :) | 02:39 |
Jucato | woot! cool! :) | 02:39 |
Jucato | er.. Kool :) | 02:39 |
_StefanS_ | Jucato: this time a Quad core Q6600 | 02:39 |
Jucato | whoa! heavy artillery :) | 02:39 |
_StefanS_ | Jucato: coming in tomorrow.. cant wait to install kubuntu on it :) | 02:39 |
Jucato | woot woot! :) | 02:40 |
_StefanS_ | yeah! | 02:40 |
Tonio_ | _StefanS_, Riddell:doing an attempt with the latest clucene and rebuilt strigi | 02:41 |
Hobbsee | nice. dolphin crashes. | 02:46 |
Jucato | Hobbsee: when and how? :) | 02:48 |
=== Jucato thought dolphin crashing.. or drowning.. was the rule :P | ||
Hobbsee | Jucato: when you're copying a file, and rename it while your'e doing so. | 02:48 |
Jucato | oh | 02:48 |
Hobbsee | entire thing blows up | 02:48 |
Jucato | this is d3lphin right? | 02:48 |
=== Jucato checks | ||
Hobbsee | this is the current gutsy version, kde3 | 02:49 |
Hobbsee | copy a movie or something, hit f2 when it's selected. when ti finishes copying...KABOOM!!! | 02:49 |
=== Jucato looks for a safe file to nuke | ||
Jucato | hit f2 when which is selected? | 02:50 |
Hobbsee | when the file that you're moving, and wanting to rename is selected | 02:52 |
Hobbsee | as in, where you're moving it to | 02:52 |
Jucato | hm.. doesn't seem to crash here :( | 02:53 |
=== Hobbsee copied a movie off the cd drive to ~, and selected the file in ~, hti f2, started typing, and kaboom when the copy finished. | ||
Jucato | hm I did get an error about not having permission to change blahblah.. but didn't rash | 02:54 |
Jucato | crash* | 02:54 |
Hobbsee | oh, hmmm, it only happened once. | 02:54 |
Hobbsee | although it seemed quicker | 02:55 |
_StefanS_ | Hobbsee: I'll test that | 02:55 |
=== Jucato hates bugs that can't be consistently reproduced... makes me feel like I'm losing my mind... | ||
_StefanS_ | I've been thinking.. its dangerous i know | 02:55 |
_StefanS_ | why cant we just hide that copy, move, link, cancel dialog when you copy files? | 02:56 |
_StefanS_ | cant you press a modifier to show it, if you want to ? | 02:56 |
Hobbsee | because it's useful to konw if it's finished copying or not? | 02:56 |
Jucato | if you don't want to, you can just press the appropriate key | 02:56 |
Jucato | Hobbsee: I think he means the Copy, Move, Link popup | 02:56 |
Hobbsee | oh, right | 02:56 |
_StefanS_ | yes | 02:57 |
=== Hobbsee just uses ctrl+c, ctrl+v, but occasionally finds that dialog useful. | ||
=== Hobbsee never memorises the shortcuts for which is copy, which is move, etc, for point and click | ||
Jucato | _StefanS_: for one, the Link Here option isn't available elsewhere | 02:57 |
Hobbsee | well, click and drag | 02:57 |
Tonio_ | Hobbsee: shouldn't we rediscuss dolphin default activation on gutsy ? | 02:57 |
_StefanS_ | wouldn't it just be better to copy between two volumes, and move within the same default? | 02:57 |
Hobbsee | Tonio_: when? | 02:57 |
Tonio_ | Hobbsee: we planned to rediscuss this next meeting, but I missed that one | 02:57 |
Tonio_ | Hobbsee: so probably next meeting again, hopefully I'll be there this time :) | 02:58 |
_StefanS_ | +1 for konqueror returning. | 02:58 |
Hobbsee | Tonio_: give me a time, etc, that is OK for you. | 02:58 |
Tonio_ | that's me feeling too, let's add dolphin, but not as the default, way to unstable | 02:58 |
Tonio_ | Hobbsee: dunno when we can/should do it..... maybe next week ? | 02:58 |
Jucato | after what I went through to add that Trash thingy? +1 for konqueror :) | 02:59 |
Hobbsee | some dolphin stuff is nice, but it's hell for when you want to open more than 2 tabs. | 02:59 |
Hobbsee | Tonio_: uh, yeah. i'm going to call it a week early this time, due to uni holidays | 02:59 |
_StefanS_ | dolphin is not mature enough. period. | 02:59 |
Hobbsee | i'm unsure when Riddell is back to work, though | 02:59 |
Jucato | s/dolphin/dolphin on KD3/ | 02:59 |
Jucato | s/KD3/KDE3/ | 02:59 |
Tonio_ | Hobbsee: yeah we need Riddell to discuss this in any case | 03:00 |
Tonio_ | Hobbsee: but we should hurry to decide btw | 03:00 |
_StefanS_ | wasn't he just around? | 03:00 |
Jucato | how about strigi? how is it performing? | 03:00 |
Hobbsee | _StefanS_: he's on leave ATM | 03:00 |
Hobbsee | Tonio_: indeed. | 03:00 |
_StefanS_ | oh | 03:00 |
_StefanS_ | Jucato: like not. | 03:00 |
Tonio_ | Jucato: I'm testing with the latest version of clucene to see if that fixes the infinite loop bug | 03:00 |
Jucato | I see. still gonna keep crossing my fingers then :) | 03:01 |
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_StefanS_ | updated kdebluetooth is ready in repos | 03:08 |
=== Tonio_ [n=tonio@linagoraberri.pck.nerim.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
Tonio_ | _StefanS_: seems to work correctly with latest clucene | 03:16 |
Tonio_ | _StefanS_: at least my machine is usage when indexing, good point :) | 03:16 |
Tonio_ | _StefanS_: let's look at the index size after the indexing is ended (if there is an end.....) | 03:16 |
_StefanS_ | well, my index ended up around 500mb.. which after I killed strigidaemon, and removed that crap from the system. | 03:17 |
_StefanS_ | bye bye.. | 03:17 |
=== Jucato couln't even get an index to be built properly :) | ||
Tonio_ | _StefanS_: also the jstream protocol seems to work | 03:19 |
_StefanS_ | Tonio_: uhm ok | 03:20 |
_StefanS_ | Tonio_: whats that used for ? :) | 03:20 |
Jucato | heh :) | 03:20 |
Tonio_ | which is mych better, but I'll give a complete feedback tomorrow as I need to be sure it all works | 03:20 |
_StefanS_ | ok | 03:20 |
Tonio_ | _StefanS_: used to show files | 03:20 |
_StefanS_ | uhm ok | 03:20 |
=== mbiebl [n=michael@e180067098.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
Jucato | _StefanS_: http://strigi.sourceforge.net/?q=features | 03:23 |
Jucato | at the very bottom.. the only reference I could find about it :) | 03:23 |
_StefanS_ | no hammering of the system .. wow thats a great one. | 03:23 |
_StefanS_ | maybe its was rats that hammered my system. | 03:23 |
_StefanS_ | thanks Jucato | 03:24 |
=== Jucato still searches :) | ||
Jucato | "strigi reads files as streams"? maybe that's the basic concept? | 03:25 |
=== Jucato quits searching... | ||
Jucato | perhaps some things are better left unknown :) | 03:27 |
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=== meduxa [n=agustin@199.Red-83-36-56.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
Jucato | _StefanS_: some techy stuff here I think, if you're still interested, that is: http://akademy.kde.org/conference/slides/strigi.pdf | 03:33 |
_StefanS_ | hmm it looks like it was really thought through.. | 03:36 |
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away | ||
Tonio_ | Riddell: your fix works for gtk_qt_engine and kwallet, but there is still a "home" folder in the user's profile created | 03:44 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: appart from that it seems to be okay | 03:45 |
meduxa | don't push riddell too hard, he is just comming from vacation, jeje | 03:45 |
Tonio_ | meduxa: I know :) | 03:46 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: I'll fix this one, don't mind | 03:46 |
meduxa | Tonio_ riddell is so relaxed these days that his production will suffer, probably | 03:48 |
meduxa | sunny days | 03:48 |
meduxa | going to the beach... you know | 03:48 |
=== Tonio_ notes that kdebase bzr branch is 3 versions outdated compared to the current package...... :( | ||
Hobbsee | woudlnt surprise me | 03:56 |
=== vprints [n=vprints@213-35-241-248-dsl.end.estpak.ee] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
manchicken | Hobbsee: Some packages *are* going for the source package it seems. | 04:01 |
=== daSkreech [n=chatzill@] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
manchicken | "The requested URL /changelogs/pool/main/l/linux-source-2.6.22/linux-source-2.6.22_2.6.22-11.33/changelog was not found on this server." | 04:01 |
Hobbsee | manchicken: oh really? which ones? | 04:01 |
manchicken | I got that that looking at linux-headers-2.6.22-11-generic | 04:02 |
Hobbsee | manchicken: changelog linux-headers-2.6.22-11-generic WFM | 04:03 |
Hobbsee | manchicken: oh, no, you're misunderstanding me | 04:03 |
Hobbsee | manchicken: yes, they *do* go for the source package | 04:03 |
Hobbsee | manchicken: but, when figuring out which *component* it's in, it uses the component of the *binary* package | 04:04 |
Hobbsee | do you see what i mean? | 04:04 |
Hobbsee | (which is fine for debian, but breaks for us) | 04:04 |
manchicken | Okay, so what package should linux-headers be looking for? | 04:06 |
Hobbsee | manchicken: as in, which source package? | 04:06 |
Hobbsee | the very one you found. | 04:07 |
manchicken | linux-source? | 04:07 |
Hobbsee | the problem is how it is determining the component/section | 04:07 |
Hobbsee | manchicken: yes | 04:07 |
manchicken | Oh, really, so the actual package it's fetching for is correct? | 04:07 |
Hobbsee | manchicken: oh yes | 04:07 |
Hobbsee | manchicken: here's how it works. | 04:07 |
Hobbsee | manchicken: it says "ok, i'm $binarypackage, and i'm in $component. my corresponding source package is called $foo" | 04:08 |
Hobbsee | manchicken: what it needs to say is "ok, i'm $binarypackage, and my corresponding source package is called $foo. Because I cant rely on the fact that the archive is ordered by binaries, i need to look up the component of my source, and use that to build my changelog entry" | 04:09 |
Hobbsee | is that clearer? | 04:10 |
manchicken | Okay, so in the case of "/changelogs/pool/main/l/linux-source-2.6.22/linux-source-2.6.22_2.6.22-11.33/changelog", what would be the correct URL? | 04:10 |
manchicken | Just take out the component? | 04:10 |
Hobbsee | manchicken: that is the correct URL | 04:10 |
Hobbsee | no, you do need the component | 04:10 |
manchicken | That URL 404s. | 04:11 |
Hobbsee | it doesnt thru aptitude here | 04:11 |
=== Hobbsee checks witih adept | ||
manchicken | So then "/changelogs/pool/l/linux-source-2.6.22/linux-source-2.6.22_2.6.22-11.33/changelog" is also a correct URL? | 04:11 |
Hobbsee | unsure. i doubt it | 04:11 |
Hobbsee | i think it all goes via source component, but you can check with a web browser | 04:12 |
Hobbsee | argh. damned thing sigseiv'd. | 04:12 |
Hobbsee | on hitting escape. | 04:12 |
nixternal | woohah! | 04:12 |
nixternal | mornin' to all of the fine people of #kubuntu-devel | 04:13 |
Hobbsee | that's impressive | 04:13 |
manchicken | Neither of them are incorrect. | 04:13 |
nixternal | what? that I am up this early...tell me about it | 04:13 |
manchicken | err, correct | 04:13 |
=== neversfelde|mobi [n=neversfe@mue-88-130-67-026.dsl.tropolys.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
daSkreech | nixternal: and me :) | 04:14 |
=== Jucato weakly waves to nixternal and daSkreech | ||
Hobbsee | manchicken: i think your connection is botched. l-h-2.6.22-11-generic dev changelog is showing up fine here | 04:14 |
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manchicken | I'm getting to the server, it's just giving me a 404 for the URL. | 04:15 |
daSkreech | hi Jucato-san | 04:15 |
Jucato | ohayo daSkreech-sempai | 04:15 |
manchicken | I'm talking about "http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/l/linux-source-2.6.22/linux-source-2.6.22_2.6.22-11.33/changelog" and "http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/main/l/linux-source-2.6.22/linux-source-2.6.22_2.6.22-11.33/changelog" | 04:16 |
manchicken | Both 404 | 04:16 |
Hobbsee | manchicken: errr. that's interesting. it seems a little otu of date | 04:17 |
=== bddebian [n=bdefrees@] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
Hobbsee | so why does aptitude changelog work? | 04:17 |
Hobbsee | and adept work here? | 04:17 |
manchicken | Fair question. | 04:18 |
manchicken | My guess is that they may have multiple changelog servers around the world, and you're hitting one that doesn't suck while I'm hitting one that does. | 04:18 |
Hobbsee | oh wait, i know :) | 04:18 |
bddebian | Heya | 04:18 |
Hobbsee | no, no, i'ts better than that | 04:18 |
manchicken | They hate Americans? | 04:18 |
manchicken | heh | 04:18 |
Hobbsee | manchicken: nope. it's tha tmy system doesnt know about -11.33 yet. | 04:19 |
manchicken | "We'll get those stinking pig-dog Americans! Turn off their changelogs!" | 04:19 |
manchicken | Ah. | 04:19 |
Hobbsee | manchicken: clearly, i havent updated today. | 04:19 |
manchicken | If it's a new package I suppose the changelog may not have been synced, too. | 04:19 |
Hobbsee | which means my system thinks the latest is .32, so works. | 04:19 |
Hobbsee | indeed. | 04:19 |
Hobbsee | i dont remember how long it takes to sync | 04:20 |
daSkreech | manchicken: are pigdogs related to manchickens? | 04:20 |
Hobbsee | but that's why you're getting the 404 there - the algorithm is working in that instance, assuming the server is up to date | 04:20 |
manchicken | Yup. | 04:20 |
manchicken | So would the URL without /main in it be the most correct one? | 04:20 |
manchicken | If I could just take the component out, that'd be a damn-simple fix. | 04:21 |
Hobbsee | manchicken: no, it wouldnt. | 04:21 |
Hobbsee | http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/l/linux-source-2.6.22/linux-source-2.6.22_2.6.22-11.32/changelog 404's | 04:21 |
Hobbsee | that same URL with component in it works. | 04:21 |
Hobbsee | (the old kernel version) | 04:21 |
Hobbsee | ah, here's a bundle of updates. | 04:21 |
Hobbsee | manchicken: are you understanding where the problem is now? | 04:22 |
=== Hobbsee just doesnt really understand apt's innards well enough to tell it to look for the component that the source is in, and use that for all further changelog work. | ||
=== Jucato <---- bed, get well, "See ya'all later!" | ||
=== jack_wyt_ [n=jack@] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
Hobbsee | oh, yay for consistancy. so, for the changelogs, everything is stored under source packages, and the source package component | 04:28 |
Hobbsee | for archive.u.c, it's stored under binary package, and the binary package component. | 04:28 |
Hobbsee | which...sort of makes sense | 04:28 |
nixternal | OK, time for skewl cuz it is kewl, so don't be a fewl | 04:28 |
=== nixternal is a luser | ||
nixternal | cya'll later :) | 04:28 |
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manchicken | Hobbsee: I'll try to see if I can figure it out. | 04:39 |
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manchicken | I'm just scared that this is going to turn into a nasty CF where nothing really makes any sense other than the whole "well it's just the way it is" rationale. | 04:40 |
manchicken | I'd like to avoid that if at all possible. | 04:40 |
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=== CPrgmSwR2 [n=keith@adsl-75-9-211-169.dsl.crchtx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
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=== daSkreech [n=chatzill@] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
manchicken | Screensavers act funny when you're running compiz. | 05:37 |
daSkreech | Man I should really start coding on kscreensaver | 05:38 |
=== kwwii [n=kwwii@p549545DA.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
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=== Lure [n=lure@89-212-18-142.dynamic.dsl.t-2.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
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gnomefreak | why is dolphin on the livecd but not installed with gutsy? | 05:47 |
gnomefreak | or is it and it just never got added to updates | 05:47 |
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daSkreech | Kubuntu-desktop is installed? | 05:48 |
gnomefreak | yes | 05:48 |
gnomefreak | i just installed it 2 days ago | 05:48 |
gnomefreak | daSkreech: its not listed as depends in show for kubuntu-desktop either | 05:49 |
daSkreech | hmm | 05:49 |
=== gnomefreak would really like to know that one ;) something had to bring it in for livecd and it wasnt kubuntu-desktop ubuntu-minimal ubuntu standard what else gets on livecd other than them | ||
=== Saurus [n=Saurus@] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
Saurus | IppatsuManXYZ: | 05:51 |
Saurus | :D | 05:51 |
Hobbsee | gnomefreak: clean install? | 05:51 |
gnomefreak | Hobbsee: no | 05:51 |
Hobbsee | apt should be installing recommends by default | 05:51 |
gnomefreak | aptitude -R kubuntu-desktop didnt install dolphin | 05:52 |
gnomefreak | would have thout it would have if default | 05:52 |
Hobbsee | gnomefreak: well, duh. | 05:52 |
marseillai | if anyone want to test dolphin with tab support on kde4 gutsy i've a package on my ppa... | 05:52 |
gnomefreak | dolphin is a recommend? | 05:52 |
Hobbsee | gnomefreak: stupid question, but you *have* looked at what -R does, havent you? | 05:52 |
gnomefreak | yes | 05:52 |
Hobbsee | gnomefreak: yes. because some people want to remove it. | 05:53 |
gnomefreak | Hobbsee: i know what it does, why is it on livecd if just a recommend? | 05:53 |
Hobbsee | gnomefreak: we have a lot of things as recommends, as some people like to swap out components - so we only have what is mandatory as depends | 05:53 |
Hobbsee | because recommends get installed by default, but means that people can remove it if they hate it, without removing k-d | 05:53 |
Hobbsee | there's a couple of bug reports about how it has too many deps, and you cant remove various apps without removing k-d | 05:53 |
gnomefreak | Hobbsee: when did apt-get install start installing recommends? | 05:53 |
Hobbsee | gnomefreak: earlier this release cycle. | 05:54 |
Hobbsee | gnomefreak: only for metapackages. | 05:54 |
gnomefreak | hence why i use aptitude for -desktops | 05:54 |
gnomefreak | ah ok | 05:54 |
Hobbsee | meh, aptitude | 05:54 |
gnomefreak | yes it has always installed recommends using aptitude | 05:55 |
gnomefreak | as far back as i can remember | 05:55 |
Hobbsee | oh, indeed. | 05:55 |
Hobbsee | but with apt, it's been this cycle. | 05:56 |
gnomefreak | only for meta-packages | 05:56 |
Hobbsee | yes | 05:56 |
gnomefreak | and apt will remove all depends? | 05:56 |
gnomefreak | or aptitude only still | 05:56 |
Hobbsee | as in, sudo apt-get autoremove? | 05:56 |
Hobbsee | it wont automatically remove bits once nothing depends on them, no | 05:57 |
gnomefreak | Hobbsee: sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop | 05:57 |
gnomefreak | if its gonna grab recommends (as aptitude does) it should remove things like aptitude does | 05:57 |
gnomefreak | or your back to removing libqt-mt3(or whatever the lib is) | 05:58 |
Hobbsee | then no, it wont remove all deps | 05:58 |
gnomefreak | libqt3-mt | 05:58 |
Hobbsee | yes | 05:58 |
Hobbsee | autoremoving by default is dangerious | 05:58 |
gnomefreak | and that still leave bits around | 05:58 |
gnomefreak | haggai: its better than it was ;) | 05:59 |
gnomefreak | Hobbsee: ^^ | 05:59 |
Hobbsee | i'm glad to hear it. accidently removing k-d, then hitting y, with aptitude tends to be disasterous | 05:59 |
Hobbsee | oh yay, it wont automatically remove everything anymore | 06:00 |
=== manchicken_ [n=manckn@12-226-72-69.client.mchsi.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
gnomefreak | i would use aptitude install without -R for kubuntu-desktop because it brings in the oofastkde or whatever it is (to open oo faster) and it kills everything here makes it so slow its not usable | 06:01 |
Hobbsee | oofastkde? | 06:03 |
Hobbsee | i didnt think we did prelinking on kde | 06:03 |
gnomefreak | kmail is a recommend too? | 06:03 |
Hobbsee | yes | 06:03 |
gnomefreak | what is default mail? | 06:03 |
Hobbsee | kmail | 06:04 |
gnomefreak | oooqs-kde | 06:05 |
gnomefreak | was what i was thinking of | 06:05 |
gnomefreak | thats the oo.o quick starter | 06:05 |
gnomefreak | for kde | 06:05 |
Hobbsee | ah | 06:06 |
gnomefreak | kubuntu-desktop also recommends oo.o shouldnt it make more sense to recommend koffice? | 06:06 |
gnomefreak | just a thought ;) | 06:06 |
Hobbsee | gnomefreak: when that was last discussed, it was decided that koffice wasnt stable enough yet - particularly in the area of .doc | 06:07 |
gnomefreak | ah ok | 06:08 |
gnomefreak | brb reboot | 06:08 |
Hobbsee | gnomefreak: obviously, you cant recommend both, or it will blow the cd sizes | 06:08 |
gnomefreak | true | 06:08 |
daSkreech | Koffice needs ,3 | 06:09 |
daSkreech | <3 | 06:09 |
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daSkreech | OO.o gets IBm :-( | 06:36 |
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=== Dinofly [n=dinofly@mar92-13-88-165-255-149.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
jjesse | afternoon, anything fun going on? | 07:05 |
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Saurus | IppatsuManXYZ what do you think about apt-get and adpept? | 07:43 |
Saurus | *adept | 07:43 |
Saurus | no answer... | 07:44 |
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Lure | Riddell: do you plan new snapshot of kdepim? Otherwise I am preparing debdiff with 4-5 bugfixes from last week (one important crasher)... | 09:44 |
Riddell | Lure: I'm still on holiday for next week so don't have time | 09:45 |
Riddell | Lure: but maybe their snapshot from last friday is worth trying if you do have time? | 09:45 |
Riddell | otherwise, fixes are good | 09:46 |
=== Riddell out | ||
Lure | Riddell: ok, will use Tonio_/Hobbsee to upload fixes and prepare test snpashot in my ppa | 09:46 |
=== Lure wants rock solid kdepim in gutsy | ||
=== _czessi [n=Czessi@dslb-088-073-028-246.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
\sh | Lure, will it work properly with exchange mail + calendar ? ,-) | 09:52 |
nixternal | what is on the agenda for today | 09:53 |
nixternal | next kdelibs update, the link for the help/about kubuntu needs to be updated for the konqi start page | 09:53 |
nixternal | actually, just the Kubuntu Documentation link | 09:54 |
nixternal | how does that work seeing as we are in a string freeze? | 09:54 |
Lure | \sh: if you use exchange, you are on your own ;-( | 09:56 |
=== Lure knows how this feels as he uses exchange at work ;-) | ||
ScottK | nixternal: You have to personally visit each buildd and thaw the strings before it will take. | 09:56 |
\sh | Lure, well I have to...that's why I'm using evolution | 09:56 |
=== nixternal gets out his string blow torch | ||
sahin_h | \sh: And If your company use Exchange 2007 the imap is the last hope... My company does. :-( | 09:57 |
\sh | sahin_h, imap works but not with the calendar...and this we need a lot | 09:58 |
\sh | sahin_h, so I'm happy with evolution using the webinterface for everything | 09:58 |
sahin_h | \sh: Your, right. However I can accept and send meeting request from kontact too. | 09:59 |
sahin_h | \sh: Web interface is only needed if I want to set the busy state. | 09:59 |
\sh | sahin_h, yeah, but using other calendar resources of my team mates, e.g. when they are on holiday, it's not working... | 09:59 |
sahin_h | \sh: Yes, that's true. But in case of exchange 2007 won't work from evolution too. | 10:00 |
\sh | sahin_h, yeah, we are using still 2003 or something like this...well it works. | 10:00 |
sahin_h | \sh: You are lucky. I'm a looser. :-( | 10:01 |
\sh | sahin_h, but the web interface works from firefox ...that's at least a good thing | 10:02 |
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sahin_h | \sh: Yes fortunately the web interface works. | 10:07 |
=== CPrgmSwR2 [n=keith@adsl-75-9-211-169.dsl.crchtx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
=== CPrgmSwR2 [n=kde-deve@adsl-75-9-211-169.dsl.crchtx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
\sh | Riddell, do we want kmobiletools 0.5.0 beta 3 in gutsy? (bug 131608) | 10:29 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 131608 in kmobiletools "Please upgrade kmobiletools to version 0.5.0 beta 3" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131608 | 10:29 |
\sh | if not, I'll reject this bug as invalid | 10:30 |
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Riddell | \sh_away: probably not if we're on a stable version at the moment | 11:50 |
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