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ianm_ | how do you change the Timeline display on a project's launchpad homepage? I want the other branch to be the "Current development focus" https://launchpad.net/luz | 02:01 |
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poolie | jml, was just looking at a user dupe of bug 139593 | 02:55 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 139593 in launchpad-bazaar ""Permission denied: '/root/.bzr.log'" error from supermirror operations" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139593 - Assigned to Jonathan Lange (jml) | 02:55 |
poolie | do you know why this changed recently? | 02:55 |
jml | no, I don't. | 02:55 |
jml | it *sounds* like someone has changed the version of Bazaar on the server. | 02:55 |
poolie | or changed the way it was run | 02:56 |
poolie | did anything change there since thursday? | 02:56 |
jml | that too. | 02:56 |
jml | if so, no one told me. | 02:56 |
poolie | that's a bit disturbing | 02:56 |
jml | yep. | 02:56 |
poolie | did a lp rollout just happen? | 02:58 |
poolie | or when was the next/last one? | 02:58 |
jml | poolie: it should happen *this* thursday. | 02:58 |
=== jml checks cherrypicks | ||
jml | poolie: nope, no relevant cherrypicks. | 02:59 |
poolie | thumper, do you know anything about the above? | 03:00 |
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thumper | poolie, no I don't know of any rollouts | 04:07 |
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carlos | morning | 09:05 |
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marseillai | hi mrevell | 10:22 |
mrevell | hi mar | 10:22 |
mrevell | hi marseillai | 10:22 |
laga | morning | 10:22 |
mrevell | hi laga | 10:23 |
marseillai | just to ask you if it was possible to accept me in launchpad-beta-tester team? someone told me it's you i have to see for that. | 10:23 |
mrevell | marseillai: Is your user-name also marseillai? | 10:24 |
marseillai | no | 10:24 |
marseillai | my real name is cyril breuil | 10:24 |
Hobbsee | good morning mrevell | 10:24 |
mrevell | hi Hobbsee! | 10:24 |
marseillai | hi Hobbsee :) | 10:24 |
mrevell | marseillai: have you applied to join the team yet? | 10:25 |
marseillai | yes | 10:25 |
marseillai | i did it yesterday | 10:25 |
mrevell | ah, I've found you. | 10:25 |
mrevell | marseillai: Okay, you're in! | 10:26 |
marseillai | thanks a lot mrevell :) | 10:27 |
mrevell | marseillai: No problem :) | 10:27 |
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\sh | mrevell, could you quickly add me to the beta testers team, too? :) | 10:45 |
mrevell | \sh: Sure, let me find your application | 10:46 |
\sh | mrevell, just "joined" ;) Stephan Hermann <- real name and shermann <- lp user id | 10:46 |
mrevell | \sh: You're listed as already being a member but deactivated | 10:46 |
\sh | mrevell, ok ... just reactivate then ;) | 10:47 |
\sh | mrevell, thx :) | 10:47 |
mrevell | \sh: Done :) | 10:47 |
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daub | mrevell: hi, is it possible to remove my account and my project from launchpad? | 11:19 |
mrevell | hi daub. You can deactivate your Launchpad account by following this guide: | 11:19 |
mrevell | https://help.launchpad.net/DeactivatingYourAccount?highlight=%28account%29 | 11:19 |
mrevell | daub: and if you want to remove a project, please email help@launchpad.net with the project's name and I'll pass it to one of the admins. | 11:20 |
ubotu | New bug: #140068 in launchpad "Librarian fails with LayerIsolationError during tests" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/140068 | 11:20 |
daub | ok, i want to recreate it. because i have done some odd things with my branch. i want a clean base for further development | 11:21 |
mrevell | daub: Are you sure that you can't recover a clean base without removing your account and project? Have you asked on launchpad-users mailing list? | 11:22 |
thumper | daub: what's the problem? | 11:24 |
daub | ok, for my account i want my gmail address as mail email address. where people can reach me | 11:24 |
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daub | can i remove a branch? | 11:25 |
daub | https://code.launchpad.net/~d-daub/forecastgnome/devel | 11:25 |
thumper | daub: real soon now | 11:25 |
=== thumper looking | ||
daub | doesn't look good | 11:26 |
ion_ | https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ion/hardware-connected/main and https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ion/hardware-connected/ubuntu say Next mirror: Disabled. Is that intentional? | 11:26 |
thumper | ion_: yes | 11:26 |
thumper | ion_: you are looking at edge, which changes the meaning of an internal thing | 11:27 |
daub | ok, if i could delete the branch. and change my email address. that should be enough. | 11:27 |
thumper | ion_: when the roll out occurs, it will show the right thing | 11:27 |
pochu | daub: for the email address, visit https://launchpad.net/people/+me/+editemails | 11:27 |
thumper | daub: you can mark the branch as abandoned for now | 11:27 |
thumper | daub: and you'll be able to delete it by the end of the week with the rollout | 11:27 |
thumper | daub: on Thursday | 11:28 |
ion_ | thumper: Ok, thanks. I take it the next mirroring should occur after the rollout? | 11:29 |
thumper | ion_: the mirroring will continue as normal | 11:29 |
thumper | ion_: it is just the UI that is showing it incorrectly on edge right now | 11:29 |
daub | thumper: i have marked it as abandoned for now | 11:30 |
ion_ | thumper: Hm, ok. Its been almost two days since the previous mirroring of those branches. | 11:30 |
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thumper | daub: ok, that's good, it will not show up in the default listings | 11:30 |
thumper | ion_: which branch | 11:30 |
ion_ | thumper: Those ones that i linked above. | 11:31 |
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laga | mrevell: are you responsible for the PPAs? | 11:31 |
mrevell | laga: cprov is the PPA god :) What do you need? | 11:32 |
thumper | ion_: I'll check it | 11:33 |
ion_ | thumper: Thanks! | 11:33 |
laga | mrevell: oh, I was wondering about the official point of view on "status: dependency wait". those builds are not automatically requeued. (also wrote an email to launchpad-users the other day) | 11:34 |
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mrevell | laga: I'm afraid cprov is probably the best person to answer that. he'll be along later today. | 11:34 |
laga | mrevell: thanks. | 11:36 |
mrevell | np :) | 11:37 |
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thumper | ion_: there has been some movement with internal machines, should be mirroring again soon(ish) | 11:48 |
=== thumper done for the day | ||
ion_ | thumper: Ok, thanks. | 11:48 |
laga | hum. how can i enable translations for the mythbuntu-control-centre package in gutsy? | 11:56 |
carlos | laga: it's a package from universe | 12:00 |
carlos | laga: so we cannot support that yet, unless the package maintainer agrees on fetching the translations from Launchpad manually from time to time | 12:01 |
laga | carlos: since i am one of the maintainers, that's not a problem. | 12:01 |
carlos | laga: ok, then you will need to provide me with the initial tarball with the .pot and .po files, once that's imported, you should do later updates manually and fetch translations also manually from Launchpad | 12:02 |
laga | carlos: what's the directory structure inside the tar ball? should i tar up the po/ directory? | 12:04 |
carlos | laga: the same structure you have in your source code | 12:05 |
carlos | laga: in fact the tarball with the source code is enough as long as it includes an updated .pot file | 12:05 |
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carlos | we will ignore the other files | 12:05 |
laga | there's not tarball, source code is managed in bzr/launchpad. i'll give you the tarball in a second | 12:06 |
carlos | ok | 12:06 |
carlos | laga: but make sure that the .pot file is refreshed so we have any string change that the package or upstream did after current .pot file was generated | 12:07 |
carlos | laga: otherwise there would be strings untranslated | 12:07 |
laga | good idea. | 12:08 |
laga | carlos: http://laga.ath.cx/mythbuntu-control-centre_translations_20070917.tar.bz2 | 12:09 |
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laga | carlos: while we're at it, can you also enable translations for https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mythplugins ? this time, it's the debconf templates | 12:16 |
carlos | laga: that's already done | 12:18 |
carlos | laga: Mario requested me it a while ago | 12:18 |
carlos | laga: https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy/+source/mythplugins/+pots/pkg-mythplugins | 12:19 |
laga | carlos: ok, great. | 12:19 |
carlos | laga: do you have a team to manage those packages? so any of you have rights to update the .pot files? | 12:19 |
carlos | instead of adding a concrete person... | 12:19 |
vprints | how often do translation suggestions get updated? it seems like some do get updated and some not ? If you look at the last suggestion in https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/feisty/+source/restricted-manager/+pots/restricted-manager/et/13/+translate | 12:19 |
vprints | and then the actual string it reffers to : https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/sympa/main/+pots/sympa/et/856/+translate | 12:20 |
vprints | it's not there | 12:20 |
laga | carlos: yes, "ubuntu-mythtv" is the team name | 12:20 |
vprints | so it shouldn't suggest it :P | 12:20 |
laga | carlos: why can't i see the translations for mythplugins when i go to https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mythplugins ? | 12:20 |
carlos | vprints: it's done automatically, what would happen is just that we found the same suggestion coming from two different places, so we just choose one of them | 12:21 |
carlos | laga: because translations are per distroseries | 12:21 |
carlos | not per distribution | 12:21 |
laga | carlos: ah, ok. thanks. | 12:21 |
carlos | we have a bug open to show also translations per distribution with a link to all distro series | 12:21 |
carlos | so it's not so confusing | 12:22 |
laga | oh, great. :) | 12:22 |
vprints | carlos, i have a suggestion then :) | 12:22 |
vprints | To give translation team leaders the ability to erase bad translations | 12:23 |
vprints | to keep the translation memory clean (in a good way) | 12:23 |
vprints | and i mean like really erase | 12:23 |
carlos | laga: https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy/+source/mythbuntu-control-centre/+pots/mythbuntu-control-centre | 12:24 |
vprints | so it wouldn't be suggested nor reffered | 12:24 |
vprints | :) | 12:24 |
carlos | vprints: that's a dangerous operation. What we are working on (and something is already released) is to hide suggestions that were already 'rejected' so it doesn't appear anymore. | 12:24 |
vprints | I know that | 12:24 |
carlos | vprints: we plan to add also a way to add comments to the rejected suggestions so if they appear in some other place, you can see the reason why it's a bad suggestion | 12:25 |
vprints | 's dangerous, that is why i propose it to team leaders :) | 12:25 |
laga | carlos: thanks! it's much appreciated :) | 12:25 |
carlos | laga: any future .pot update can be done directly from the upload link you get in that page | 12:25 |
carlos | np | 12:25 |
vprints | there are some awful translations in the memory :D | 12:26 |
carlos | vprints: I'm not sure it's a good idea, but anyway, please, file a wish bug at https://bugs.launchpad.net/rosetta and we will see what could be done | 12:27 |
carlos | vprints: yeah, at some point we would be able to remove translations easily so maybe we could add a procedure to request removals, but limited to the administrators. For what you request.. we need to discuss it first | 12:28 |
vprints | yes, i really feel a need for it, i just wanted to talk to you before | 12:29 |
carlos | I agree that the use case is valid, but my concern is more related with the bad use (abuse) of it that would be done, given it's a destructive action that cannot be undone | 12:32 |
vprints | I'll propose a variant in the bub | 12:33 |
vprints | *bug | 12:33 |
carlos | ok, thanks | 12:34 |
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Daviey | Hey, I have a question about the 'Poll' feature... Can it support multiple choice - with each team member only being allowed 1 vote? | 12:45 |
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ubotu | New bug: #140412 in soyuz "Release file should show that it comes from a PPA" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/140412 | 01:30 |
mars_ | a question : is it possible to use "-f" option for dput with ppa? | 01:31 |
Daviey | mars_: suck it and see? | 01:32 |
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mars_ | Daviey: i try here first but yes i'm testing | 01:32 |
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marseillai | so "-f" option doesn't work | 01:51 |
marseillai | :) | 01:51 |
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mndo | hi there! | 01:59 |
mrevell | hey mndo | 02:00 |
mndo | i am trying to import a pgp key and altough quering keyserver.ubuntu.com my key is there launchpad keeps failing importing the key.. | 02:00 |
mndo | any ideias? | 02:00 |
mndo | hi mrevell | 02:00 |
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mrevell | mndo: what's your Launchpad username? | 02:01 |
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pkern | Hi there. Is the @ubuntu.com sync a manual action? | 02:01 |
mrevell | pkern: semi-manual, I believe | 02:02 |
mrevell | pkern: Have you been waiting a while? | 02:02 |
mrevell | mndo: I have to go afk but if you send a mail to help@launchpad.net, I'll make sure the right person sees it. | 02:03 |
mndo | mrevell: ok, thnx! | 02:03 |
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pkern | mrevell-afk: Only half a month, nothing to worry about. ;) | 02:04 |
mrevell-afk | pkern: I'll speak to one of my colleagues to ask him to take a look | 02:07 |
mrevell-afk | pkern: sorry for the delay! | 02:07 |
soren | marseillai: Uh... What? | 02:07 |
pkern | mrevell-afk: No problem at all, I was just wondering. Thanks for your efforts. (: | 02:07 |
soren | marseillai: Why would it not work? | 02:08 |
soren | marseillai: dput doesn't know that it's dealing with ppa. | 02:08 |
soren | marseillai: dput doesn't even know what a ppa is. | 02:08 |
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marseillai | soren: i tried and it didn't work ppa told me that there is a problem with the MD5 sum of my file | 02:08 |
soren | marseillai: Well, if you got that far, dput did what you told it to: Reupload the stuff regardless of the fact that it had already done so (at least) once. | 02:09 |
marseillai | soren: yes dput work | 02:09 |
marseillai | it's ppa wich seem to don't accept to overwrite | 02:10 |
soren | marseillai: Nor should it :) | 02:10 |
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lamont | cprov: can you tell me why there are no hppa build records for db4.{3,4,5}, apt, dpkg, etc? | 02:53 |
lamont | and how do we make LP try to build them even though it knows it can't, assuming that's the reason for the lack of records? | 02:54 |
cprov | lamont: P-a-s, maybe ? | 02:54 |
pochu | hello barry! how's the ML implementation going? Do you have an ETA for it? | 02:54 |
lamont | no | 02:54 |
lamont | cprov: my gut feel is that there is a loop of unsatisfied build-deps, and we'll need to break it by forcing a build record or 2. | 02:55 |
lamont | anyway - have to run the kids to school - back online in about an hour | 02:55 |
cprov | lamont: build record creation are only suppressed by P-a-s or source archhintlist (Architectures: xxx) | 02:56 |
lamont | ah, ok. then wth didn't apt get a record? | 02:56 |
lamont | :-) | 02:56 |
lamont | anyway, gone 1 hour | 02:56 |
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cprov | lamont: ping me when you are back. | 02:56 |
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lamont | cprov: and I'm back | 03:51 |
pkern | mrevell: Seems to have reached the relevant persons, thank you. (: | 03:54 |
mrevell | pkern: It's fixed? | 03:54 |
pkern | mrevell: The alias was created on mx.canonical.com, yeah. | 03:55 |
mrevell | pkern: That's great news. I'm afraid I can't claim credit, though :) | 03:55 |
pkern | Perhaps somebody lurked here. ;o) | 03:55 |
mrevell | Maybe :) | 03:56 |
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vprints | carlos, Bug #140435 | 04:05 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 140435 in rosetta "There should be a possibility to erase bad translations from the translation memory" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/140435 | 04:05 |
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ubotu | New bug: #140435 in rosetta "There should be a possibility to erase bad translations from the translation memory" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/140435 | 04:10 |
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mpt | That's a dup | 04:23 |
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charlieg | how do i remove bugs from a series? | 04:47 |
charlieg | e.g. https://bugs.launchpad.net/vexi/+bug/133941 | 04:48 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 133941 in vexi/3.x "Vexi 3 missing grid functionality" [High,Fix committed] - Assigned to Charles Goodwin (charlesgoodwin) | 04:48 |
charlieg | i (mistakenly) thought that adding the target series was a useful idea | 04:48 |
charlieg | altho in reality it means that we have to set everything (status, importance, assigned to) twice | 04:48 |
charlieg | and the bug shows up twice in my bug list | 04:48 |
charlieg | the original reasoning was that bugs didn't show up against a series unless added like that | 04:51 |
charlieg | of course they show up against milestones -- https://launchpad.net/vexi/+milestone/3.0 -- but not as 'release critical' | 04:51 |
charlieg | the series / milestone thing is a bit confusing really | 04:51 |
charlieg | i.e. confusing that they aren't really linked too strongly other than you create a milestone against a series... series information and milestone information doesn't seem to be linked otherwise | 04:52 |
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yeager | when will you sync feisty translation with gutsy? | 05:06 |
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ubotu | New bug: #140455 in launchpad "Bugs not showing against series" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/140455 | 05:15 |
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ubotu | New bug: #140473 in launchpad "Ubuntu code of conduct file name" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/140473 | 06:30 |
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mathiaz | Hi. How should I report that an automatic vcs-import in launchpad doesn't work anymore ? (case of apparmor) | 07:03 |
ddaa | mathiaz: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-bazaar/+addquestion | 07:04 |
ddaa | actually | 07:04 |
ddaa | all imports are broken at the moment | 07:04 |
ddaa | for some reason | 07:04 |
mathiaz | ddaa: ok. So there is no point in adding a question. | 07:05 |
mathiaz | ddaa: If it's a known problem and being worked on. | 07:05 |
ddaa | well | 07:05 |
ddaa | it's a known problem now | 07:05 |
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ddaa | mathiaz: update for the apparmor import in progress | 07:12 |
mathiaz | ddaa: thanks. | 07:13 |
Mamali | hi to all , how can remove a project from launchpad ? | 07:13 |
ddaa | Mamali: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+addquestion | 07:14 |
ddaa | you need to ask here and an admin will do it for you | 07:14 |
Mamali | thanks ddaa . | 07:14 |
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ubotu | New bug: #140481 in launchpad "ppa don't include universe repository for building" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/140481 | 07:25 |
Hobbsee | gah. people. | 07:32 |
=== Hobbsee marks it as INVALID, saying "please read the freaking quickstart guide" | ||
Hobbsee | it's only mentioned *twice*, and you're expected to read it before using the service. grr. | 07:33 |
stdin | hmm, not even tagged with PPA | 07:34 |
Hobbsee | nah - i suspect the guy isnt into documentation somehow. | 07:34 |
LaserJock | Hobbsee: there's a quickstart guide? :-) | 07:36 |
Hobbsee | LaserJock: no :P | 07:36 |
Hobbsee | i wish that the TOS said you actually had to RTFM before using the service, though. | 07:36 |
Hobbsee | Where the Fine Manual is the quickstart guide. | 07:36 |
Hobbsee | at least before filing bugs on it | 07:37 |
laga | cprov: hey. i hear you're the PPA god here. if you could spare some time, it'd be much appreciated if you could take a look at my "PPA: status: dependency wait - why isn't it automatically requeued?" email to launchpad-users | 07:39 |
laga | and reply there | 07:39 |
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cprov | laga: I'm aware, it's a known issue and will be addressed in early times of 1.1.10 (next week). Sorry, but we have urgent bits to care this week :( | 07:42 |
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Lure | why do people have to log in into LP to see ubuntu bugs? Like this one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdepim/+bug/139532 | 09:35 |
LaserJock | Lure: I believe it's because it's from apport | 09:35 |
LaserJock | which can contain personal data | 09:36 |
Lure | LaserJock: right, private bug.... | 09:36 |
LaserJock | so it's marked as private | 09:36 |
Lure | makes it hard to communicate with upstream that does not have LP account... :-( | 09:36 |
LaserJock | yep | 09:36 |
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pochu | Lure: unmark it as private if it doesn't contain private data :-) | 09:39 |
Lure | btw, how to I link to upstream bug in current LP (using edge.lp.net)? Affects distribution/package does not seem to allow me to paste URL (wants also distro) | 09:41 |
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pochu | Lure: affects project | 09:49 |
Lure | pochu: that one crashes on edge ;-) | 09:50 |
Lure | pochu: OOPS-625EC74 | 09:50 |
pochu | hmm, then disable the redirection to edge for 2 hours ;) | 09:51 |
\sh | hmmm..how difficult it is to add to new bugreports a question of "Distribution you use: " and "What release" ? ;) | 09:53 |
Lure | \sh: I ask myself the same question over and over again... | 09:53 |
Lure | pochu: I did now, but still cannot link to upstream bugzilla... | 09:53 |
Lure | pochu: Affects project is only for LP registred projects... | 09:54 |
Lure | pochu: this have changed in one of recent versions of LP | 09:54 |
pochu | Lure: I don't know about another way to do it, appart of asking for a DB admin to manually do it, which I don't think is a good idea... :) | 09:54 |
\sh | Lure, because it's time consuming to ask the reporter all the time..and when I see the old reports where bugs were already fixed in new versions | 09:55 |
\sh | s/versions/releases/ | 09:55 |
Lure | pochu: Affects distribution/package seems to be right place (it has URL field), but it requires to specify another distro (even though it says that field is optional). | 09:55 |
=== Lure is confused | ||
salgado | Lure, doesn't it say that the package name is optional? | 09:56 |
pochu | Lure: Project is the way to go... I've done it sometimes, even with edge | 09:56 |
pochu | The URL of this bug in the remote bug tracker. | 09:57 |
pochu | ^ that is in Project... | 09:57 |
Lure | salgado: the problem is that Distribution is filled in with Baltix already and package contains the name of ubuntu package | 09:57 |
pochu | And LP will ask you for the remote tracker, if you haven't specified it yet. | 09:57 |
Lure | pochu: Affects projects gives me error already on load (even without edge.lp.net): There is no project in Launchpad named "duplicates". You may want to search for it, or register it if you can't find it. | 09:58 |
Lure | pochu: and that field expect registred project from LP :-( | 09:59 |
pochu | Lure: well, there is a bug then, but they way to specify a bug watch is in Project, not in Distribution | 09:59 |
pochu | Which field? e.g. https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnomebaker/+bug/140510/+choose-affected-product doesn't have another field than the remote bug | 10:00 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 140510 in gnomebaker "Please update to latest version (0.6.2)" [Undecided,New] | 10:00 |
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MadMan2k | hi, im getting the following error with my PPA build: Missing dependencies: gnulib | 10:22 |
MadMan2k | gnulib is in multiverse | 10:22 |
MadMan2k | *universe | 10:22 |
MadMan2k | might it be the problem? | 10:23 |
MadMan2k | since the package im trying to build goes in main | 10:23 |
MadMan2k | if so is there a way to specify which section a package should belong to? | 10:23 |
pochu | yes | 10:26 |
pochu | debian/control | 10:26 |
pochu | Section: universe/something | 10:26 |
pochu | A package in main can't build-depend on a package in universe | 10:26 |
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MadMan2k | thx | 10:27 |
pochu | There's a nice PPAQuickStart in help.launchpad.net ;) | 10:27 |
MadMan2k | right, I should use the in page search more often... | 10:32 |
gnomefreak | !ppa | 10:33 |
ubotu | With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart. | 10:33 |
gnomefreak | :) | 10:33 |
salgado | Lure, can you reproduce the OOPS-625EC74 crash on edge? | 10:34 |
Lure | salgado: got OOPS-625EB103 now | 10:35 |
Lure | salgado: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdepim/+bug/139532/+choose-affected-product | 10:35 |
salgado | Lure, yeah, I managed to reproduce it as well | 10:35 |
salgado | Lure, does it happen with bugs in other packages as well? | 10:36 |
Lure | salgado: not for this https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libgphoto2/+bug/139563/+choose-affected-product | 10:36 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 139563 in libgphoto2 "Wish: libgphoto2 2.4.0 for Gusty: Testers needed" [Wishlist,New] | 10:36 |
Lure | salgado: but it oops on several kdepim bugs... | 10:37 |
salgado | Lure, is there any kdepim bug in which it doesn't oops? | 10:37 |
Lure | salgado: tried 10 bugs or so in kdepim, all fail | 10:39 |
salgado | yeah, that's what I expected | 10:39 |
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salgado | Lure, the kdepim package in gutsy is linked to duplicates/kdepim-main (https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy/+source/kdepim/+edit-packaging). does that make sense? | 10:47 |
Lure | salgado: not sure - you would need to ask Riddell when back from vacation (in a week) | 10:48 |
ubotu | New bug: #140522 in launchpad "PPA: failled auto redirection to universe/video to universe/misc" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/140522 | 10:56 |
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thumper | morning | 11:05 |
gnomefreak | can someone give me a hint here | 11:06 |
gnomefreak | let me try something | 11:06 |
ubotu | New bug: #140526 in launchpad "ProductSeriesVocabulary includes series from inactive projects" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/140526 | 11:10 |
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StevenHarperUK | Hi I have uploaded my Person Package to the PPA service : but I cant work out why im getting (from the server log) Upload failed, the source file gets there and seems to be built properly : can anyone help me : page is here http://launchpadlibrarian.net/9322699/buildlog_ubuntu-gutsy-i386.easycrypt_0.1.4_BUILDING.txt.gz | 11:14 |
StevenHarperUK | Anyone willing to look? | 11:16 |
salgado | Lure, just reported bug 140531 for the problem you encountered. thanks for telling us about that | 11:16 |
Lure | salgado: no problem, thanks for working on LP | 11:16 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 140531 in launchpad "Form to indicate a bug also exists upstream crashes if the package is linked to a series of an inactive product" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/140531 | 11:16 |
LaserJock | StevenHarperUK: what was the command you used to upload? | 11:18 |
StevenHarperUK | dput stevenharperuk-ppa easycrypt_0.1.4_source.changes | 11:18 |
ajmitch | LaserJock: a bit strange, since it gets as far as a successful build | 11:20 |
LaserJock | yeah | 11:20 |
StevenHarperUK | I know is it a bug? | 11:20 |
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StevenHarperUK | I git this back : Checking Signature on .changes | 11:21 |
StevenHarperUK | gpg: Signature made Sat 15 Sep 2007 11:58:45 PM BST using DSA key ID BEE08F9E | 11:21 |
StevenHarperUK | gpg: Good signature from "Steven Harper (Developer) <StevenHarperUK@gmail.com>" | 11:21 |
StevenHarperUK | Good signature on /home/steven/workspace/easycrypt/easycrypt_0.1.4_source.changes. | 11:21 |
StevenHarperUK | Checking Signature on .dsc | 11:21 |
StevenHarperUK | gpg: Signature made Sat 15 Sep 2007 11:58:43 PM BST using DSA key ID BEE08F9E | 11:21 |
StevenHarperUK | gpg: Good signature from "Steven Harper (Developer) <StevenHarperUK@gmail.com>" | 11:21 |
StevenHarperUK | Good signature on /home/steven/workspace/easycrypt/easycrypt_0.1.4.dsc. | 11:21 |
StevenHarperUK | Uploading to stevenharperuk-ppa (via ftp to ppa.launchpad.net): | 11:21 |
StevenHarperUK | easycrypt_0.1.4.dsc: done. | 11:21 |
StevenHarperUK | easycrypt_0.1.4.tar.gz: done. | 11:21 |
StevenHarperUK | easycrypt_0.1.4_source.changes: done. | 11:21 |
StevenHarperUK | Successfully uploaded packages. | 11:21 |
StevenHarperUK | Not running dinstall. | 11:21 |
StevenHarperUK | So that seems right | 11:21 |
StevenHarperUK | and teh log suggests it all went well | 11:21 |
StevenHarperUK | I have been lookign forward to this all day : im a bit dissapointed | 11:21 |
LaserJock | I think cprov would need to have a look | 11:21 |
StevenHarperUK | Yeh its going to take an admin | 11:22 |
StevenHarperUK | the GUI and logs dont seem to give anything away | 11:22 |
kiko | StevenHarperUK, so the upload works, but the build fails? | 11:22 |
StevenHarperUK | No the build works too | 11:22 |
StevenHarperUK | the post build upload (on the server) seems to be bad | 11:23 |
StevenHarperUK | http://launchpadlibrarian.net/9322699/buildlog_ubuntu-gutsy-i386.easycrypt_0.1.4_BUILDING.txt.gz | 11:23 |
StevenHarperUK | see that link | 11:23 |
StevenHarperUK | it all looks ok | 11:23 |
geser | kiko: for the log it seems that the build succeeds but the upload of the binary debs fails | 11:23 |
pochu | StevenHarperUK: is it a native package? it doesn't have .diff.gz... | 11:23 |
StevenHarperUK | no there is no diff.gz | 11:23 |
StevenHarperUK | I made and packaged it myself | 11:24 |
kiko | StevenHarperUK, you should get a failure email notification | 11:24 |
StevenHarperUK | its all mine | 11:24 |
kiko | geser, where do you see a hint that it's failing? | 11:24 |
StevenHarperUK | 20:29:34 WARNING easycrypt_0.1.4_all.deb control file lists section as main/util but changes file has main/misc. | 11:24 |
StevenHarperUK | found it | 11:24 |
StevenHarperUK | what do I have to change? | 11:24 |
geser | kiko: https://edge.launchpad.net/~stevenharperuk/+archive/+builds?build_text=&build_state=all | 11:24 |
LaserJock | well, that'd just be a warning, it shouldn't fail on that | 11:25 |
StevenHarperUK | Do i have to change the control file | 11:25 |
kiko | odd. | 11:25 |
kiko | cprov? | 11:25 |
ubotu | New bug: #140531 in launchpad "Form to indicate a bug also exists upstream crashes if the package is linked to a series of an inactive product" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/140531 | 11:25 |
StevenHarperUK | 20:56:22 INFO creating lockfile | 11:25 |
StevenHarperUK | 20:56:26 DEBUG Initialising connection. | 11:25 |
StevenHarperUK | 20:56:26 DEBUG Beginning processing | 11:25 |
StevenHarperUK | 20:56:26 DEBUG Checked in /srv/launchpad.net/builddmaster/incoming, found ['20070917-215620-395292-970335'] | 11:25 |
StevenHarperUK | 20:56:26 DEBUG Considering upload 20070917-215620-395292-970335 | 11:25 |
StevenHarperUK | 20:56:26 DEBUG Considering changefile ~stevenharperuk/ubuntu/easycrypt_0.1.4_i386.changes | 11:25 |
StevenHarperUK | 20:56:26 DEBUG Finding fresh policy | 11:25 |
StevenHarperUK | 20:56:26 DEBUG Changes file can be unsigned. | 11:26 |
StevenHarperUK | 20:56:26 INFO Processing upload easycrypt_0.1.4_i386.changes | 11:26 |
geser | kiko: I've see this also on some official builds too in the past | 11:26 |
StevenHarperUK | 20:56:26 DEBUG Beginning processing. | 11:26 |
StevenHarperUK | 20:56:26 WARNING Unable to grok section 'util', overriding it with misc | 11:26 |
StevenHarperUK | 20:56:26 DEBUG Verifying the changes file. | 11:26 |
cprov | StevenHarperUK: de-crackfy you building script it is generating conflicting changesfile / deb-control | 11:26 |
StevenHarperUK | 20:56:26 DEBUG Verifying files in upload. | 11:26 |
StevenHarperUK | 20:56:26 DEBUG Verifying binary easycrypt_0.1.4_all.deb | 11:26 |
StevenHarperUK | 20:56:26 DEBUG Verifying timestamps in easycrypt_0.1.4_all.deb | 11:26 |
StevenHarperUK | 20:56:26 DEBUG No signer, therefore ACL not processed | 11:26 |
StevenHarperUK | 20:56:26 DEBUG Do verify signer ACL for PPA | 11:26 |
StevenHarperUK | 20:56:26 DEBUG Finished checking upload. | 11:26 |
StevenHarperUK | 20:56:26 WARNING Upload was rejected: | 11:26 |
StevenHarperUK | 20:56:26 WARNING easycrypt_0.1.4_all.deb control file lists section as main/util but changes file has main/misc. | 11:26 |
=== mode/#launchpad [+o kiko] by ChanServ | ||
StevenHarperUK | 20:56:26 INFO Committing the transaction and any mails associated with this upload. | 11:26 |
StevenHarperUK | 20:56:26 DEBUG Moving upload directory /srv/launchpad.net/builddmaster/incoming/20070917-215620-395292-970335 to /srv/launchpad.net/builddmaster/rejected/20070917-215620-395292-970335 | 11:26 |
=== StevenHarperUK was kicked off #launchpad by kiko (kiko) | ||
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LaserJock | heh | 11:26 |
cprov | :) | 11:26 |
ajmitch | oh dear | 11:27 |
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StevenHarperUK | Im back | 11:27 |
kiko | wb StevenHarperUK | 11:27 |
kiko | now as cprov was saying: | 11:27 |
kiko | your build script is generating a conflicting control file. | 11:27 |
StevenHarperUK | ok so my control file and my changes log dont match | 11:27 |
kiko | cprov, how could he have easily seen that? | 11:27 |
cprov | kiko: the WARNING. | 11:28 |
kiko | StevenHarperUK, right. the control file is validated when the binary upload is done. | 11:28 |
kiko | cprov, that should not be a warning, it should be a fatal error. | 11:28 |
StevenHarperUK | ok so whats actually wrtong with it | 11:28 |
kiko | cprov, is it possible to fix that? | 11:28 |
StevenHarperUK | Yeh its a bug : it should say ERROR not Warning : change teh log level | 11:29 |
kiko | StevenHarperUK: | 11:29 |
kiko | <StevenHarperUK> 20:56:26 WARNING easycrypt_0.1.4_all.deb control file lists section as main/util but changes file has main/misc. | 11:29 |
StevenHarperUK | I cant find any refrence to main/misc in changes | 11:29 |
kiko | cprov, I mean, to the uploader the fact that binaries are also uploaded is an implementation detail. | 11:29 |
cprov | kiko: well, process-upload works in batch mode, the fact that one upload was rejected is a warning, not an error in that scope | 11:29 |
kiko | cprov, that's irrelevant to the end-user. can we fix it? | 11:30 |
kiko | StevenHarperUK, "main" is implicit, another problem in our log output. | 11:30 |
cprov | kiko: sure, file a bug | 11:30 |
kiko | StevenHarperUK, can you file a bug so that we provide better log output to you? | 11:30 |
StevenHarperUK | Oh yes : do I put it into Launchpad bugs? | 11:30 |
kiko | StevenHarperUK, yes, under the product /soyuz | 11:30 |
StevenHarperUK | Ok ill do that | 11:31 |
StevenHarperUK | I still cant find a reference to the Misc | 11:31 |
StevenHarperUK | my chnages file has no section | 11:31 |
StevenHarperUK | is that the problem | 11:31 |
kiko | StevenHarperUK, yes, actually. | 11:32 |
cprov | StevenHarperUK: yes, empty sections are overridden to 'misc' | 11:32 |
StevenHarperUK | ok what should my line look like? | 11:32 |
StevenHarperUK | current is : easycrypt (0.1.4) gutsy; urgency=low | 11:32 |
cprov | StevenHarperUK: doesn't lintian complain about it ? | 11:32 |
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cprov | StevenHarperUK: debian/control -> Section: ... | 11:33 |
StevenHarperUK | should it be : easycrypt (0.1.4) gutsy; urgency=low; section=main/util | 11:33 |
StevenHarperUK | The control file is right | 11:33 |
StevenHarperUK | I want to know what to put in the chnagelog | 11:33 |
StevenHarperUK | Is this the correct format ? : easycrypt (0.1.4) gutsy; urgency=low; section=main/util | 11:34 |
LaserJock | no | 11:34 |
StevenHarperUK | any hints? | 11:34 |
LaserJock | it's in debian/control | 11:34 |
StevenHarperUK | I have put it in debain control | 11:34 |
LaserJock | and did you rebuild the source package? | 11:34 |
StevenHarperUK | Section: util | 11:34 |
StevenHarperUK | It was in : in the first place | 11:35 |
StevenHarperUK | the log says that the control has Util and the chnagelog has misc | 11:35 |
StevenHarperUK | theres nothing in the changelog | 11:35 |
StevenHarperUK | so Presume it defaulting to misc | 11:35 |
LaserJock | no the changes, not changelog | 11:35 |
StevenHarperUK | I want to know the format of teh control file | 11:36 |
StevenHarperUK | ok changes | 11:36 |
LaserJock | so did you rebuild the source package? | 11:36 |
geser | StevenHarperUK: opening your control file with vim and syntax-lighting shows an error in Section | 11:36 |
StevenHarperUK | vim to the rescue | 11:36 |
StevenHarperUK | so is >Section : util invalid? | 11:37 |
geser | StevenHarperUK: according to http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-archive.html#s-subsections util is not valid but utils would be | 11:37 |
geser | you missed an "s" | 11:37 |
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StevenHarperUK | if a singel s character fixes it it would be nnice :P | 11:37 |
geser | after adding the s my vim is happy | 11:38 |
StevenHarperUK | thanks | 11:38 |
StevenHarperUK | I use Eclipse | 11:38 |
StevenHarperUK | so I dont get your Vim benifits :p | 11:38 |
StevenHarperUK | I never thought I'd say that | 11:38 |
LaserJock | emacs also has it ;-) | 11:39 |
StevenHarperUK | vim++ | 11:39 |
StevenHarperUK | I have just re-uploaded..... Ill watch teh logs | 11:39 |
ubotu | New bug: #140533 in blueprint "Blueprints in progress can't depend on completed blueprints" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/140533 | 11:41 |
StevenHarperUK | Hmm think I may have another bug | 11:41 |
StevenHarperUK | because it thinks it was a success last time : the new upload has not appeared in my GUI | 11:42 |
StevenHarperUK | https://edge.launchpad.net/+builds/samarium/+history | 11:42 |
StevenHarperUK | Can an Admin Clear it? | 11:43 |
StevenHarperUK | Or is it going to work anyway? | 11:43 |
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LaserJock | did you bump the version? | 11:43 |
StevenHarperUK | Do I have to? | 11:43 |
LaserJock | yeah | 11:44 |
StevenHarperUK | I have a user base I dont was to jump versions just to hack it | 11:44 |
LaserJock | you can't upload two of the same version | 11:44 |
StevenHarperUK | I did before I used dput -f | 11:44 |
StevenHarperUK | the upload worked : it just hasn't appeared on the Queue | 11:45 |
LaserJock | it'll probably get rejected | 11:45 |
StevenHarperUK | So I should bump the Version : ok ill try that | 11:45 |
StevenHarperUK | (grudgingly) :P | 11:45 |
LaserJock | it works the same as the Ubuntu repos | 11:45 |
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LaserJock | if devs screw up they gotta bump the version :-) | 11:46 |
ajmitch | which is why it's a great idea to not use versions without a packaging revision | 11:46 |
StevenHarperUK | OK ill bear that in mind | 11:47 |
StevenHarperUK | I have just re-submitted | 11:48 |
StevenHarperUK | I did get a failure email for the re-attempt of 0.1.4 : MD5 failure | 11:48 |
StevenHarperUK | makes sense | 11:48 |
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StevenHarperUK | Just got the Accepted to Q message (email) | 11:51 |
StevenHarperUK | Its not appeared in my PPA Queue ? should it : or is ths a bug? | 11:53 |
StevenHarperUK | The only entry is for the failed 0.1.4 | 11:53 |
StevenHarperUK | [FAILEDTOUPLOAD] i386 build of easycrypt 0.1.4 in ubuntu gutsy RELEASE Build started 59 minutes ago on samarium (xen-i386) and finished 57 minutes ago taking two minutes | 11:54 |
StevenHarperUK | Shouldn't 0.1.5 be in the GUI after I get the accepted Email? | 11:54 |
geser | it takes some time from the email till it appears on the pages | 11:54 |
StevenHarperUK | Ah right : I imagined it would be in the other order | 11:55 |
StevenHarperUK | Ill raise the bug with the Invaild section in the control file not reporting a failure : Ok? | 11:56 |
StevenHarperUK | I'm sorry : I have never raised a bug before... The Launchpad bug page is only letting me search for them : Do I need more rights to see an add bug link? | 11:57 |
kiko | StevenHarperUK, no. bugs.launchpad.net/soyuz has a "File a bug" button, doesn't it? | 11:58 |
StevenHarperUK | ta | 11:58 |
StevenHarperUK | is that ok? https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/soyuz/+bug/140542 | 12:04 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 140542 in soyuz "Invalid Summary in debain control causes failure, but log only says WARNING" [Undecided,New] | 12:04 |
StevenHarperUK | didn't know new bugs appear in here | 12:05 |
StevenHarperUK | nice feature | 12:05 |
StevenHarperUK | Its been 20 minutes since I uploaded 0.1.5 it hasn't appeared yet : is it possible it has got stuck? | 12:06 |
StevenHarperUK | cprov ? | 12:07 |
cprov | StevenHarperUK: one sec | 12:08 |
ubotu | New bug: #140542 in soyuz "Invalid Summary in debain control causes failure, but log only says WARNING" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/140542 | 12:10 |
cprov | StevenHarperUK: reload the page ... | 12:11 |
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StevenHarperUK | I have : its just appeared.. ta | 12:12 |
StevenHarperUK | what was the problem? | 12:12 |
StevenHarperUK | oh FYI the PPA page for me does show that the 0.1.4 was in misc : so I did have 2 places to get the hint. | 12:13 |
cprov | StevenHarperUK: apart from you being too anxious, nothing ;) | 12:13 |
StevenHarperUK | I have waited all day : I M excited to use PPA | 12:13 |
StevenHarperUK | Thanks for all the help | 12:14 |
cprov | StevenHarperUK: no worries, thanks for using PPA. | 12:14 |
StevenHarperUK | I have a package that makes USB Speedtouch modems work, however it has non-free firmware included, can I puload that to PPA or is it not allowed? | 12:16 |
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kiko | StevenHarperUK, that's best posed as a question to the support link above. | 12:18 |
StevenHarperUK | ta | 12:18 |
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StevenHarperUK | Is there anywhere to see the Queue detail for all packages Queued for building : the PPA GUI (me) shows that it is Queued, the Server status shows a log, it would be nice to have a master Queue view so we can see what's queued to be built | 12:27 |
StevenHarperUK | does such a thing exist or should I suggest it? | 12:27 |
kiko | launchpad.net/+builds? | 12:28 |
StevenHarperUK | That shows the servers: and a click on them shows the current job | 12:30 |
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StevenHarperUK | but you cant see whats queued | 12:30 |
kiko | yeah, there isn't a view of the queue per se | 12:32 |
kiko | cprov, would actually be cool to get a queue view if we get the scoring reimplemented | 12:32 |
StevenHarperUK | kiko can you assist : I have a success : https://edge.launchpad.net/~stevenharperuk/+archive/+build/395401 : but i cant find the bed in my archive... | 12:34 |
StevenHarperUK | hasve a done something wrong? | 12:34 |
cprov | kiko: ubuntu/+ppas/+builds like UI ? the url is impossible, I know, but it has to somehow restricted a certain domain. | 12:35 |
kiko | cprov, well.. it could be global :) | 12:36 |
kiko | StevenHarperUK, as cprov said, it might be that you are a bit impatient. :) | 12:36 |
StevenHarperUK | yeh I thought that may be the case.... but I just presumed that a success on the GUI means that the job has finished | 12:37 |
cprov | kiko: not exactly, that would be restricted to Ubuntu PPAs | 12:37 |
StevenHarperUK | Maybe the GUI should say that | 12:37 |
cprov | kiko: and thus easily replicated to other distribution PPA (I shouldn't have said that ...) | 12:37 |
kiko | cprov, what I"m saying is that we could show a global build queue. | 12:37 |
kiko | oh, right, the builders aren't shared | 12:38 |
kiko | good point | 12:38 |
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cprov | kiko-fud: err, they are shared ... between distributiuons/distroseries/pockets/ppas .... so you are right "Ubuntu PPAs Pending Builds" would be inaccurate ... | 12:42 |
kiko-fud | cprov, they aren't shared between Ubuntu primary and PPAs though right? | 12:44 |
cprov | kiko-fud: we need a more global queue '/+builds/+builds' :/ (provided by IBuilderSet) | 12:44 |
cprov | kiko-fud: right, trusted/untrusted builders. | 12:45 |
StevenHarperUK | when I add my line to sources.list what do I put in the <> bit ? : deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/stevenharperuk/ubuntu gutsy <development release> main restricted universe multiverse | 12:45 |
StevenHarperUK | sorry ignore that | 12:46 |
StevenHarperUK | its working | 12:46 |
cprov | StevenHarperUK: you've already set the suite, 'gutsy' (as you can use 'feisty', 'edgy', 'dapper') | 12:46 |
StevenHarperUK | thanks for the answer | 12:47 |
cprov | kiko-fud: maybe +builds/+ppa-builds (build.archive != primary). Anyway, later ... | 12:49 |
StevenHarperUK | Is it possible to have 1 source package go to multiple distos (gutsy and feisty)? | 12:50 |
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