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darrend | hi | 01:40 |
darrend | I have an odd problem with gutsy (tribe5 + up-to-the-minute updates).. | 01:40 |
darrend | when playing games like bzflag, it works ok once, but after I quit and restart it, my X session dies and drops back to GDM login (xserver resets) | 01:41 |
darrend | if I then switch to a different VT, the machine locks completely - hard reboot required | 01:41 |
darrend | how do i begin to troubleshoot this? :) | 01:41 |
darrend | this behaviour is completely reproducable every time on this machine | 01:42 |
yipe | man that's a great game.... | 01:42 |
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mks2007 | hey i've just installed gutsy gibbon tribe 5 hoping to see compiz but it's not working. it comes with tribe 5, right? i have extra effects enabled and my nvidia card drivers working. any ideas? | 01:44 |
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user01 | is it just me or are the gutsy daily cd builds bigger than a standard cd? | 01:44 |
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user01 | arent standard cds 700 mb ? | 01:45 |
user01 | this says 709 mb | 01:45 |
Xero | user01, ISOs are bigger than the actual CD, I think. | 01:46 |
Xero | Once burned, they're less than that. | 01:46 |
hydrogen | or they may be bigger | 01:47 |
user01 | xero -- nero wouldnt let me burn it | 01:47 |
Xero | user01, then complain to someone higher up. | 01:47 |
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user01 | im not complaining just pointing out :) | 01:47 |
user01 | ill just download tribe5 and have it download the updates i guess | 01:48 |
Xero | user01, that;s what I did. | 01:48 |
Xero | Dailys are usually pretty broken anyway. | 01:48 |
user01 | i burned it to a dvd but apparently the drive cant read dvd+r | 01:49 |
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pygi | gnomefreak: didnt I just do a great thing :-/ | 01:58 |
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ShackJack | Hi all - I have a external USB drive mounted (manually in fstab - for some reason doesn't automount USB) and I can access it by mount point @ /media/External, but for some reason the drive doesn't show in nautilus as another drive - any thoughts? | 02:46 |
ShackJack | I should clarify - I mean external USB hard drive (not key) | 02:48 |
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ShackJack | Hi - anyone? I can read and write to it fine and the fstab and mount folder perms set exactly (AFAIK) as an internal HD - it just won't show in nautilus... | 02:52 |
ShackJack | Come on over from #ubuntu and help me out ;) | 02:53 |
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contrast83 | Greets, everyone... | 03:01 |
contrast83 | I'm having a rather odd problem with all of my fullscreen games - the mouse will randomly "jump" to the top-left corner of the screen. Any ideas on what might cause this? | 03:02 |
d4rkmonkey | contrast83 does it only do that in games? | 03:03 |
contrast83 | Yep | 03:03 |
d4rkmonkey | do you have desktop effects on? | 03:03 |
contrast83 | Nope | 03:03 |
d4rkmonkey | Are they 3D games? | 03:03 |
contrast83 | Yeah | 03:03 |
d4rkmonkey | Do you have any other 3D programs that you could play around with to see if the same thing is happening? | 03:04 |
d4rkmonkey | Thats the only thing I can think of... | 03:04 |
contrast83 | Hrmm... Just checked in KSysGuard and Compiz/Emerald are running even though I turned them off. BRB | 03:04 |
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ShackJack | Hi - anybody on my hard drive question - can't see drive in Nautilus (besides at mount point) but it's there... anyone? | 03:06 |
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contrast83 | No dice. :-\ | 03:08 |
ShackJack | Why wouldn't nautilus show a drive on the desktop or in Computer if it is mounted? | 03:08 |
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Tsukasa_ | hey how come there is a linux-386 but not a linux-686 | 03:12 |
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ShackJack | C'mon anyone? This seems like something someone should know (as long as that someone isn't me)... | 03:14 |
contrast83 | ShackJack: Did you try manually reloading the media? | 03:15 |
ShackJack | ShackJack: You mean like mounting, unmount, yeah a bunch... | 03:15 |
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contrast83 | No, like ejecting and re-inserting | 03:16 |
ShackJack | This is an USB hard drive... | 03:16 |
d4rkmonkey | unplugging and re-plugging in...? | 03:16 |
=== d4rkmonkey smacks face with hand | ||
Taos | I've installed a fresh gutsy t5 from cd and tried to set up an ldap client. When I reboot the machine, I get an infinite loop on boot of not being able to connect to my ldap server | 03:16 |
ShackJack | d4rkmonkey: Yep... | 03:16 |
d4rkmonkey | lol | 03:16 |
Taos | my suspicion is, the network is not up yet so it just hangs there trying to find an ldap servier | 03:17 |
Taos | oh, sorry, didn't introduce myself, I was sent here from the regular ubuntu channel | 03:17 |
Taos | anybody run into something like the above? | 03:17 |
ShackJack | What's vexing is the mount folder perms are exactly the same as an internal HD that shows up and I can access the drive by it's mount point/// fstab is also the same - should it be different for a USB drive? | 03:17 |
=== Jordan [n=Jordan@c-71-194-147-166.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
ShackJack | My gutsy is not automounting any USB drives it seems ATM... It will mount the camera but not any USB keyys and certainly not this USB drive - any thoughts (though I cna manually mount the drive - just no icon in nautilus) | 03:20 |
d4rkmonkey | ShackJack system>preferences>removeable drives and media | 03:21 |
d4rkmonkey | ? | 03:21 |
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ShackJack | d4rkmonkey: Both the relevant option are checked... mount when inserted. etc,,, | 03:21 |
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d4rkmonkey | ShackJack ok, I'm not sure what else to do then, does it auto mount when you start up with it plugged in? | 03:22 |
ShackJack | This is maddening... | 03:22 |
ShackJack | d4rkmonkey: No, not when I start it up and not if I plug unplug... | 03:22 |
d4rkmonkey | No idea then... sorry | 03:22 |
ShackJack | d4rkmonkey: I appreciate the help... I just wonder why none of the other 180 ppl supposedly in the room haven't chimed in... (Bitter much ;)) | 03:23 |
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sandy | anyone help me in installing tapioca in gusty ubuntu | 03:28 |
sandy | anyone help me in installing tapioca in gusty ubuntu | 03:30 |
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sandy | anyone help me in installing tapioca in gusty ubuntu | 03:32 |
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sandy | anyone help me in installing tapioca in gusty ubuntu | 03:32 |
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d4rkmonkey | !spam | sandy | 03:33 |
ubotu | sandy: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam - and most importantly, use common sense :-) | 03:33 |
d4rkmonkey | err, I mean.. | 03:34 |
d4rkmonkey | !repeat | sandy | 03:34 |
ubotu | sandy: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 03:34 |
frostburn | how does gutsy deal with IR devices? I recall a vanilla install not needing a lirc configuration. | 03:34 |
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arooni-mobile | hey folks; i have a contextual menu key on my laptop.... when i push it, nothing happens. how can i fix this (t61 laptop) (gutsy) | 03:36 |
d4rkmonkey | arooni-mobile what do you mean contextual menu key? | 03:36 |
=== Vorian [n=Steve@ubuntu/member/pdpc.supporter.active.Vorian] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
sandy | can anyone tell me what is the best player(mp3) like itunes in ubuntu | 03:36 |
d4rkmonkey | Hi Vorian | 03:36 |
d4rkmonkey | sandy I use amarok | 03:37 |
arooni-mobile | d4rkmonkey, i mean it should be equivalent to pushing the right mouse button | 03:37 |
sandy | <d4rkmonkey> is it good | 03:37 |
d4rkmonkey | arooni-mobile oh ok, I have no idea then, sorry. | 03:37 |
d4rkmonkey | sandy yes it is, but there are many that you should try, its all about what you prefer | 03:37 |
sandy | <d4rkmonkey> i need a player like itunes | 03:37 |
d4rkmonkey | sandy iTunes isn't that good. | 03:38 |
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d4rkmonkey | sandy go into Applications>Add/Remove and just install a bunch of random music players, and just test them out, choose which one you like most. | 03:38 |
hydrogen | but use Amarok | 03:38 |
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hydrogen | because its the best | 03:39 |
d4rkmonkey | hydrogen lol, some people like other things :P | 03:39 |
frostburn | blasphemers | 03:39 |
hydrogen | d4rkmonkey: yea.. those people are foolish gnome zealots who do not deserve to be called linux users at al | 03:39 |
=== d4rkmonkey likes Amarok the most | ||
d4rkmonkey | hydrogen I use gnome... and use Amarok... | 03:39 |
hydrogen | well | 03:39 |
hydrogen | you are only half a zealot then | 03:39 |
hydrogen | a zea? | 03:39 |
hydrogen | or maybe a lot? | 03:39 |
d4rkmonkey | lol | 03:40 |
d4rkmonkey | I prefer gnome, I never really liked KDE | 03:40 |
Vorian | hello d4rkmonkey | 03:42 |
d4rkmonkey | a bit late :P | 03:42 |
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sandy | how to change the setting of compiz fusion in gusty | 03:52 |
sandy | <d4rkmonkey> do you know how to change the setting to compiz fusion in gusty | 03:53 |
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d4rkmonkey | sandy sudo apt-get install compiz-config-settings-manager | 03:54 |
d4rkmonkey | sandy that has a bunch of options | 03:54 |
sandy | ok | 03:54 |
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sandy | <d4rkmonkey> couldn't find the package | 04:00 |
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d4rkmonkey | sandy sorry, its compizconfig-settings-manager | 04:00 |
sandy | ya its coming now | 04:01 |
sandy | <d4rkmonkey> how to add one more work place | 04:07 |
d4rkmonkey | sandy err, how did you end up with only one work place? | 04:08 |
sandy | d4rkmonkey> there are only two but i need four | 04:09 |
d4rkmonkey | sandy find which compiz option you have controlling switching between workspaces (like the cube or whatever,) click that, and see if theres an option to change the number of workspaces | 04:09 |
sandy | d4rkmonkey> i tried but there are not changing | 04:10 |
d4rkmonkey | sandy then you must have done something wrong, or have some weird bug | 04:11 |
d4rkmonkey | sandy I don't have the time to check right now, I have to finish my english homework | 04:11 |
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andrea_ | so...now xgl starts in my X | 04:14 |
andrea_ | if I do glxinfo it says "direct rendering=NO" however I have the same glxgear values | 04:14 |
andrea_ | but compiz-fusion doesn't work neither cedega games | 04:15 |
andrea_ | what can I do? | 04:15 |
andrea_ | if I disable xgl it works ok | 04:15 |
frostburn | install binaries? | 04:15 |
arooni-mobile | hey folks when i click on an mp3, i think the mplayer plugin starts to load, but it cant playback the file so then the window goes blank......... whats the best solution to play back .mp3s i find when via firefox? | 04:15 |
Tsukasa_ | can someone help me figure out a dpkg error | 04:20 |
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frostburn | how does gutsy deal with IR devices? I recall a vanilla install not needing a lirc configuration. | 05:10 |
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user01 | where are the w32codecs for gutsy? | 05:26 |
frostburn | mplayer site | 05:28 |
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m1ke | Having a problem. It appears apt is broken | 05:34 |
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user01 | hmmm i see for edgy and feisty not for gutsy | 05:39 |
user01 | for w32codecs | 05:39 |
frostburn | http://www.mplayerhq.hu/design7/dload.html#binary_codecs | 05:40 |
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user01 | frostburn: oh it doesnt appear to be a deb | 05:43 |
frostburn | it isn't | 05:44 |
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user01 | frostburn: there arent win32codecs for vlc? | 05:45 |
user01 | frostburn: those say they are only for mplayer | 05:45 |
frostburn | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=75278 | 05:46 |
m1ke | apt is giving me this error, http://www1.uploadhut.com/viewimage.php?type=2&id=24975-Screenshot-synaptic.png | 05:46 |
NastyAccident | Big Brother is Watching... | 05:48 |
frostburn | war is peace | 05:48 |
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Tsukasa | hey | 05:52 |
Tsukasa | anyone around? | 05:52 |
troy_s | anyone here having dvd playback issues in gutsy? commercial dvds are refusing to mount with libdvdcss2 installed (via script and packages) | 05:52 |
user01 | so basically you just have to dump the contents into /usr/lib/win32? | 05:52 |
frostburn | basically | 05:53 |
m1ke | Does anyone know how to fix this problem, http://www1.uploadhut.com/viewimage.php?type=2&id=24975-Screenshot-synaptic.png | 05:53 |
stdin | m1ke: post the whole of "sudo apt-get -f install" to pastebin | 05:55 |
Tsukasa | http://pastebin.com/m59e34748 <-- can someone take a look at this and help me for a sec? | 05:56 |
Tsukasa | dpkg is crashing out | 05:56 |
arooni-mobile | hey folks.......... i can't play back any .mp4 H.264 content......... every media player under the sun crashes.... ideas? | 05:57 |
m1ke | stdin, http://pastebin.org/2571 | 05:58 |
user01 | hmmm nautilus isnt running | 05:58 |
stdin | m1ke: do you have grub installed? | 05:59 |
frostburn | user01, check top, make sure nothing is eating cpu, or run "safe mode" from the login screen and disable stuff in sessions | 05:59 |
user01 | and my hard drives on my desktop have disappeared | 05:59 |
m1ke | stdin, yes. I am dual booting. | 05:59 |
user01 | frostburn: top of . . . | 06:00 |
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stdin | m1ke: well reinstall the grub package then, it can't find the update-grub script, and that's in the "grub" package | 06:00 |
frostburn | user01, $top | 06:00 |
user01 | frostburn: oh thats a useful command | 06:02 |
user01 | pid 5432 is nautilus . . . taking up 25% of cpu | 06:03 |
user01 | frostburn: that seems like a lot | 06:03 |
user01 | frostburn: killed it | 06:04 |
user01 | there it goes now | 06:04 |
frostburn | NastyAccident, were you talking about the /. article? | 06:06 |
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NastyAccident | No frostburn accidental conversation bit that carried over into too many channels. | 06:06 |
NastyAccident | My sincerest apologies. | 06:06 |
frostburn | http://it.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=07/09/17/0110219&from=rss =P | 06:07 |
NastyAccident | In that case yes. | 06:07 |
NastyAccident | Good o'l George Orwell. | 06:07 |
user01 | wow compiz works a lot better in gutsy | 06:08 |
user01 | where do you modify the animations? | 06:08 |
frostburn | how's gutsy, i tried it a few months back and everything seemed broken | 06:08 |
user01 | frostburn: well . . . i cant believe it will be stable by october but it seems to work | 06:09 |
user01 | its supposed to be stable by next month right? | 06:09 |
arooni-mobile | i am trying to compile the latest vlc player from source........... is there anything bad about doing: ./configure; ./make; ./make install (overwriting older existing vlc player)? | 06:10 |
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user01 | frostburn: my icons keep disappearing off my desktop | 06:10 |
hydrogen | arooni-mobile: you probably want to use checkinstall | 06:11 |
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frostburn | arooni-mobile, have you done apt-get build-dep package? | 06:11 |
user01 | does anyone have a aircard 875u? | 06:12 |
user01 | what is trackerd? | 06:12 |
user01 | my top says its taking 80% of cpu | 06:13 |
user01 | now 89% | 06:13 |
user01 | 90.3 | 06:14 |
frostburn | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=519035 | 06:14 |
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user01 | oh there is a nice thread on trackerd | 06:15 |
arooni-mobile | configure: error: Could not find libmad on your system: you may get it from http://www.underbit.com/products/mad/. Alternatively you can use --disable-mad to disable the mad plugin. | 06:17 |
arooni-mobile | hydrogen, huh? checkinstall dont know about thaat | 06:17 |
arooni-mobile | frostburn, that is a great command; jutst ran it | 06:17 |
hydrogen | arooni-mobile: it will keep track of what filsa rrre installed | 06:17 |
hydrogen | so that you can uninstall it cleanly | 06:17 |
hydrogen | in the future | 06:17 |
arooni-mobile | hydrogen, how do i run it | 06:18 |
arooni-mobile | well my goal is to play back h.264 content............. and i'm at my wits end | 06:18 |
arooni-mobile | so i thought compiling vlc from source was best? | 06:18 |
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user01 | how do i check to see if my aircard was detected and installed? | 06:22 |
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user01 | lspci? | 06:23 |
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frostburn | can do that, or modprobe modulename and then check dmesg | 06:24 |
user01 | frostburn: oh cool a howto on my card for gutsy sweeeeet http://redmonk.com/sogrady/2007/09/14/how-to-use-a-cingular-sierra-wireless-875-card-on-ubuntu-gutsy/ | 06:27 |
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cdm10 | Will there be a GUI for AppArmor in Gutsy (like SuSe has)? | 06:43 |
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raknam | i'm having two problems with compiz-fusion: 1) the gnome terminal doesn't show up, it's just a big white box, the same with the sound level image that comes up, and compiz fusion will just close randomly. any suggestions? | 06:44 |
m1ke | I have an apt error, http://www1.uploadhut.com/viewimage.php?type=2&id=24975-Screenshot-synaptic.png http://pastebin.org/2571 | 06:45 |
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Hobbsee | m1ke: do you have grub installed? | 06:50 |
m1ke | Hobbsee, yes I do | 06:51 |
Hobbsee | hm | 06:52 |
Hobbsee | m1ke: what does ls -la /sbin/update-grub say? | 06:53 |
m1ke | mike@mi:~$ ls -la /sbin/update-grub | 06:53 |
m1ke | ls: /sbin/update-grub: No such file or directory | 06:53 |
Hobbsee | there's the problem, then. | 06:54 |
Hobbsee | did you happen to remove that file? | 06:54 |
Hobbsee | well, that script? | 06:54 |
m1ke | No. I pretty much use GUI for most part. | 06:54 |
Hobbsee | m1ke: grab http://wedontsleep.org/~sarah/update-grub and move it to /sbin, then run sudo dpkg --configure -a | 06:57 |
=== Hobbsee wonders why no one else has reported that | ||
m1ke | does update-grub have a file extension? | 06:59 |
frostburn | $locate update-grub | 06:59 |
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user01 | as a request . . . koules package hasnt run for me on thinkpad ever since edgy hopefully it will work on final gutsy release this time | 07:00 |
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user01 | still crashes | 07:00 |
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Hobbsee | m1ke: no | 07:02 |
m1ke | Hobbsee, i think I got error again after doing sudo dpkg --configure -a | 07:03 |
m1ke | same errors as before | 07:03 |
Hobbsee | then ls -la /sbin/update-grub | 07:04 |
Hobbsee | what does it give you? | 07:04 |
m1ke | root@mi:/sbin# ls -la /sbin/update-grub | 07:04 |
m1ke | -rw-r--r-- 1 mike mike 36340 2007-09-17 00:00 /sbin/update-grub | 07:04 |
m1ke | here is the error, http://pastebin.org/2576 | 07:05 |
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jriley | There's a bug in launchpad that I'm particularly annoyed with. Is there anything I can do to help with getting the fix from upstream merged? (bug 133425) | 07:07 |
Hobbsee | m1ke: copy it to /usr/sbin too? | 07:07 |
Hobbsee | that should have worke.d | 07:07 |
Hobbsee | bug 133425 | 07:07 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 133425 in f-spot "f-spot refuses to import, System.NullReferenceException: " [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133425 | 07:07 |
m1ke | Hobbsee, copy to there too? | 07:08 |
Hobbsee | m1ke: yeah | 07:08 |
jriley | ubotu: Yes, that's the one. It's apparently been fixed upstream. | 07:08 |
snadge | is it possible to rebuild every ubuntu package with -Os -fomit-frame-pointer -mmmx -march=i586? :P | 07:09 |
m1ke | Hobbsee, done, what now? | 07:09 |
Hobbsee | m1ke: then try to run the dpkg --configure -a | 07:10 |
Hobbsee | or teh apt-get -f install | 07:10 |
m1ke | does it matter what directory I am in? | 07:10 |
jriley | ubotu: Does "fix committed" mean that I should be able to install the fix via apt, or just that it's fixed in source control? | 07:11 |
Hobbsee | m1ke: no | 07:11 |
Hobbsee | jriley: er, more the latter. ie, it's fixed in a new version, which isnt here yet | 07:11 |
jriley | Hobbsee: So, all I do then is wait? And if I'm particularly annoyed, checkinstall my own version in the meantime? | 07:12 |
m1ke | Hobbsee, I tried both commands and got here. Here is my -f install output. http://pastebin.org/2578 | 07:13 |
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user01 | how do you add libdvdcss2 on gutsy? | 07:13 |
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Hobbsee | [15:13] <ajmitch> good for him, I'm going to go home soon & will test there before I upload | 07:15 |
Hobbsee | jriley: ^ | 07:15 |
Hobbsee | he's looking for testers - or at least, when he gets home | 07:15 |
jriley | Hobbsee: I'd be happy to test it. | 07:15 |
jriley | Hobbsee: I've got a good ~500 pictures to import and cull. | 07:16 |
Hobbsee | cool | 07:17 |
m1ke | Hobbsee, so what do you think to fix the problem? | 07:17 |
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user01 | seveas doesnt have libdvdcss up yet | 07:18 |
jriley | Hobbsee: What's the best way for me to get in touch with ajmitch when he gets home? | 07:21 |
jriley | Just hang around here? | 07:21 |
Hobbsee | m1ke: i'd run the update-grub manually, then mangle the postinst, i think. | 07:21 |
Hobbsee | unsure exactly how | 07:21 |
stdin | m1ke: just looked, /sbin/update-grub is not +x, that would be the problem | 07:31 |
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m1ke | chmod update-grub a+x ? | 07:32 |
stdin | I think "sudo chmod +x /sbin/update-grub /usr/sbin/update-grub" should do it | 07:33 |
stdin | /sbin/update-grub normally calls /usr/sbin/update-grub | 07:33 |
m1ke | I think the fixed it. No error. Should I reboot now? | 07:34 |
Hobbsee | stdin: oh, good point! | 07:37 |
=== Hobbsee hadnt thought of that | ||
m1ke | rebooting | 07:37 |
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m1ke | Systems now appears to be updated. Thanks you Hobbsee and stdin | 07:40 |
stdin | :) | 07:41 |
Hobbsee | no problem | 07:41 |
m1ke | Any reason why I didn't have update-grub in the first place? | 07:42 |
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m1ke | This may be totally off topic, but zsnes and nes emulator reboots X when I attempt to run applicaiton | 07:46 |
m1ke | i was wondering if it is a Gutsy issue | 07:46 |
RAOF | m1ke: You're using nvidia, and running desktop effects/compiz. Welcome to the non-xgl-using club. | 07:48 |
m1ke | how did you know that RAOF | 07:49 |
RAOF | Because bug #130325 is both common, and has a destinctive MO :) | 07:50 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 130325 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22 "[nvidia-glx] 3D GL apps crash X when using compiz due to unmaked ABI change (gutsy)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130325 | 07:50 |
m1ke | disabled compiz and problem fix. Emulators now work | 07:58 |
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m1ke | Thank you guys for being so helpfully. Only random thing I think I need to tackles is to get my Xbox 360 wireless controller to work on here. | 08:01 |
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holycow | hi guys | 08:13 |
holycow | hey whats up with gutsy ... i plug in monitors and x automatically knows their resolution capacities regardless of my settings in xorg? | 08:14 |
holycow | this is on a machine with latest intel chipset | 08:14 |
holycow | using intel new drivers i mean | 08:14 |
qzio | holycow: me too me too! | 08:14 |
holycow | is this the new faultless x stuff working or is it an intel driver capability i didn't know about? | 08:15 |
qzio | well, i have intel 945... | 08:15 |
qzio | new feature | 08:15 |
holycow | its an intel feature? | 08:15 |
holycow | or that x stuff? | 08:15 |
qzio | but i've had alot of problem with it, and im not sure but it's fixed it self.. | 08:15 |
qzio | x stuff | 08:15 |
qzio | xrandr or something | 08:15 |
holycow | aha | 08:15 |
qzio | displayconfig-gtk | 08:15 |
holycow | oh this is sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet | 08:15 |
qzio | download displayconfig-gtk | 08:15 |
qzio | if it's not default.. | 08:16 |
holycow | i must of enabled it by accident | 08:16 |
qzio | gui configurator for graphic cards and monitors | 08:16 |
qzio | no thats the problem, im sure i've not enabled it. And it still fucked up my system | 08:16 |
holycow | my gnome resolution switcher just automatically shows monitors resolution capabilities | 08:16 |
holycow | this is beyond amazing | 08:16 |
qzio | spent 1+ days trying to figure out | 08:16 |
holycow | heh | 08:16 |
holycow | now if only windows was this easy | 08:17 |
qzio | if it would work, i would be more then happy, but on my machine, if i select the intel driver, it'll kick me back to vesa | 08:17 |
holycow | >< | 08:17 |
holycow | >_< even | 08:17 |
holycow | oh really? | 08:17 |
holycow | aha i lucked out then | 08:17 |
holycow | it works here | 08:17 |
qzio | so i deleted my xorg.conf | 08:17 |
qzio | and now it seems like it's the right driver.. | 08:17 |
qzio | but again no, because it's slower then before gutsy (i installed feisty) | 08:18 |
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rpg | hi evry1 | 08:18 |
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rpg | What new features will Gutsy have? | 08:18 |
qzio | rpg: alot :) | 08:18 |
holycow | oh i have gutsy | 08:18 |
qzio | holycow: yeah, im also running gutsy at the moment | 08:19 |
rpg | lol, i hav been running since 5.10 and never felt bad about the OS | 08:19 |
qzio | my x was COMPLETELY broken after the updated, so i downgraded to feisty wich ruind .. everything (uninstalled ubunut-desktop for some reason) and then upgraded to gutsy and installed ubuntu-desktop | 08:19 |
rpg | can we upgrade to gutsy | 08:20 |
rpg | now | 08:20 |
holycow | downgraded? | 08:20 |
holycow | you can't downgrade | 08:20 |
qzio | i would say no. | 08:20 |
qzio | holycow: sure you can | 08:20 |
holycow | apt/dpkg aren't designed for that | 08:20 |
qzio | yeah i figured it out the hard way :) | 08:20 |
holycow | :) | 08:20 |
qzio | holycow: you're supposed to be able to downgrade with aptpinning | 08:21 |
holycow | i brought that up with the debian folks long time ago | 08:21 |
holycow | the conversation ended up going through the reasons and ended up with 'file system backups are simply more reliable' | 08:21 |
qzio | and i guess it would work if i just installed ubuntu-desktop | 08:21 |
rpg | Guys I was thinking of building a text only Ubuntu variant, with which Ubuntu distro do you think I should start? | 08:21 |
holycow | i think the basic problem is reverse dependency rollback, and having every version of every package ever released available at all times | 08:21 |
qzio | ubuntu gutsy | 08:21 |
qzio | yeah me too | 08:22 |
qzio | it's just to damn hard | 08:22 |
holycow | rpg: wtf kind of idea is that? | 08:22 |
holycow | uninstall xorg there is your text only ubuntu | 08:22 |
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holycow | or get your self debian and install only core | 08:22 |
rpg | holycow: well some people like CLI more than GUI, like me | 08:22 |
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qzio | anyways im of for clas. holycow hurray for you! :) | 08:22 |
holycow | rpg: point being, you are effectively on debian. which means you only haveto install what you want | 08:23 |
holycow | why would you make it a 'project' when you can use dpkg to remove everything you don't need? | 08:23 |
holycow | infact | 08:23 |
holycow | just create some retarded reverse metapackage that uninstalls things according to your preference | 08:23 |
rpg | holycow: ok, so apt should do all the work | 08:23 |
holycow | call it the rpg metapackage | 08:23 |
rpg | ok | 08:23 |
rpg | ... | 08:23 |
holycow | rpg: i don't mean to sound harsh btw :) | 08:23 |
holycow | let me back up | 08:23 |
holycow | it sounds like you are misunderstanding a bit what ubuntu/debian is | 08:24 |
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holycow | how much experience do you have with this stuff? | 08:24 |
rpg | since 5.10 | 08:24 |
holycow | oh good enough | 08:24 |
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holycow | okay so ubuntu is basically debian, they freeze off of unstable every 6 months as you know | 08:24 |
rpg | See I have built an interface using GNU screen | 08:24 |
holycow | then they add their own polish or whatever | 08:24 |
holycow | but all you need to know is that effectively it is debian | 08:25 |
rpg | check http://screenface.66ghz.com | 08:25 |
holycow | ONLY | 08:25 |
holycow | that it is simply a specific packaging of debian applications | 08:25 |
holycow | because its debian, you can uninstall everything down to the bare core with the package manager | 08:25 |
holycow | so 'creating your own project' out of this is really not anything worth thinking about | 08:25 |
rpg | i think to build a distro which does all common tasks thru Command line | 08:25 |
holycow | its just a few apt-get commands | 08:25 |
holycow | wtf? | 08:26 |
holycow | ? | 08:26 |
Suurorca | 'install gentoo' </flame> ;p | 08:26 |
holycow | even better | 08:26 |
rpg | gentoo is for time suckers :P | 08:26 |
rpg | It took me 2hrs 30 mins to compile the kernel | 08:27 |
Suurorca | so? compiling kernel isn't any faster on any other system :P | 08:27 |
nanonyme | too slow cpu ;) | 08:27 |
rpg | nah, i was running on VM | 08:27 |
nanonyme | it doesn't take that long on a modern one | 08:27 |
holycow | bro you don't need no stinkin distro | 08:27 |
Suurorca | ment to say with distro, ofc ;) | 08:27 |
holycow | just remove what you don't want, and create shell scripts to execute what you want | 08:28 |
nanonyme | maybe several dozen minutes | 08:28 |
holycow | and package it up | 08:28 |
rpg | yea, thanks apt | 08:28 |
rpg | :P | 08:28 |
holycow | i've never understood why every noob wants to create their own distro | 08:29 |
rpg | i told you why i want to | 08:29 |
holycow | i wanted to create mine back in the pre sarge days but then mark came along and did exactly what i needed | 08:29 |
Suurorca | it's good practice :p | 08:29 |
holycow | you told me some stupid idea that makes no sense | 08:29 |
holycow | you didn't tell me why :) | 08:29 |
holycow | okay i'm giving you a hard time now for no reason :) | 08:29 |
holycow | hehe | 08:29 |
rpg | check http://screenface.66ghz.com | 08:29 |
Suurorca | and after you've tried it and failed miserably you'll be happy everafter with some regular distro :P | 08:30 |
rpg | i want that to be the default interface | 08:30 |
holycow | screenshot isn't terribly interesting | 08:30 |
holycow | for that you just need some shell scripting | 08:30 |
holycow | i don't understand where 'your distro' comes into the picture | 08:30 |
rpg | i want noobs to run everything from CLI, make it easy for them | 08:30 |
holycow | lol man you are thick | 08:30 |
holycow | why have a frickin distro when you can make ametapackage that uninstalls what you don't want and installs your tools? | 08:30 |
rpg | :P | 08:30 |
holycow | you sound like the dudes that write things like automatix | 08:31 |
rpg | yea, nice idea, will try that out before making one | 08:31 |
holycow | :) | 08:31 |
rpg | holycow: u sound liek the dudes, who ... um... create drivers through reverse engineering :P | 08:31 |
holycow | and please do a PROPER packaging job | 08:31 |
holycow | not some hackass garbage like automatix | 08:32 |
rpg | u hate automatix? | 08:32 |
holycow | hate isn't a strong enough word | 08:32 |
holycow | i want to crack a few ribs on that team | 08:32 |
Suurorca | go read ubuntu teams conclusions about automatix ;p | 08:32 |
rpg | Suurorce: any link? | 08:32 |
holycow | rpg: it comes down to two things: | 08:32 |
Suurorca | there's quite a few reasons to hate it | 08:32 |
Suurorca | rpg, no, go google it ;) | 08:32 |
holycow | a) humbleness to listen to those that actually know and are offering k nowledge | 08:32 |
holycow | and b) working hard to learn as much as one can | 08:33 |
holycow | i sound like that to people who either or both of those criteria | 08:33 |
rpg | actually so much has been done in the linux world, its hard to spend many years learning | 08:33 |
holycow | query ubotu | 08:33 |
rpg | better start as a noob, contribute, and learn thru bug experiences... | 08:34 |
rpg | so b) isnt viable for most... | 08:34 |
rpg | holycow: u a contribuotr in some projecT? | 08:35 |
holycow | nothing linux related | 08:35 |
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rpg | Windows o.o | 08:35 |
holycow | rpg: by everything you are right, there is a better way to phrase that | 08:35 |
holycow | no some web based frameworks and things like that | 08:35 |
rpg | k, the phrase_man speaks :P | 08:36 |
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Suurorca | learning to google is definitely the most important skill for a 'nix noob ;) | 08:37 |
rpg | Google -> kiss my regex a%% | 08:38 |
rpg | Computers isnt what it used to be | 08:38 |
Suurorca | what is :P | 08:38 |
rpg | like in the days of Dark Avenger, and Jerusalem.B | 08:38 |
rpg | now people just click and run | 08:38 |
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rpg | how noob is that | 08:39 |
Suurorca | I rant a lot about that, too ;P | 08:39 |
holycow | rpg: i don't see how its changed any at all | 08:39 |
holycow | all the same tools and techniques are still available | 08:39 |
holycow | a lot more targets and interesting topicas | 08:39 |
holycow | plus gramma can send email | 08:39 |
rpg | yea, think about programming assembly in 32-bit, or better 64-bit | 08:40 |
holycow | why assembly? why not just do it in machine code? | 08:40 |
Suurorca | and your average joe freaks out if he sees a black box with a blinking cursos ;P | 08:40 |
Suurorca | cursor* | 08:40 |
holycow | the only problem i have with average joe is the same problem i have with noobs | 08:41 |
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rpg | haha, the avrage joe... :P gotta search fortune and see some jokes about him | 08:41 |
holycow | bad attitude and an unwillingness to set time asside to learn how to use their tools properly | 08:41 |
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rpg | people dont have time holycow, thats one big mistake in your assumption | 08:41 |
holycow | rpg: as i just found out, in gutsy you don't even haveto do any xorg configurations | 08:41 |
Suurorca | wrong. ppl have time, it's the attitude that someone else has the responsibility to make everything ready for them | 08:42 |
holycow | you plug in a monitor and you are givent the resolution settings for that particular monitor | 08:42 |
holycow | i used to think people don't have time | 08:42 |
Suurorca | and they they get upset when no one is willing to spend the time they don't have fixing their problems ;P | 08:42 |
holycow | they do have time, maybe not infinite but if they can find time for porn they shure as hell can find time to learn how to use a computer properly | 08:42 |
rpg | Suurorca: just like people expect superman to save them evrytime right ?!? | 08:43 |
holycow | Suurorca: thats pretty much it | 08:43 |
holycow | Suurorca: they come to the table with the wrong assumptios and wrong expectations | 08:43 |
rpg | holycow: i didnt do any xorg config for 7.04 too... | 08:43 |
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Suurorca | rpg, no, like people go to supermarket pick some warm-it-up fastfood and get upset when they only find 1st grade beef and need to learn to cook | 08:44 |
rpg | Suurorca: aaa... thats why people go and buy low quality cooked beef -> Windows | 08:44 |
holycow | yeah i agree with that | 08:45 |
rpg | i compare Ubuntu:Windows = BMW:ice-cream van... only the irony is the ice-cream van is more costly, and the BMW is free... | 08:45 |
Suurorca | :p | 08:46 |
rpg | Such shame people have no brains... or they rarely use it before judgin something | 08:46 |
holycow | thats completely retarded | 08:46 |
holycow | you aren't comparing the same things at all | 08:47 |
Suurorca | now if you'll excuse me, I could sit here all day raning about wittless noobs, but I really ought to drag my ass of to the uni -> | 08:47 |
rpg | holycow: what? how? | 08:47 |
holycow | ubuntu has no more or no less eyecandy/extras than any other distro | 08:47 |
holycow | linux is linux | 08:47 |
holycow | gentoo can have as much eyecandy as ubuntu | 08:47 |
holycow | if you want you can remove everything from ubuntu | 08:47 |
holycow | and have a nice lean mean box with only a few hundred megs of binaries at most | 08:48 |
rpg | holycow: Ok, then can i compare GNU/Linux with BMW | 08:48 |
holycow | much better | 08:48 |
rpg | ^^ | 08:48 |
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holycow | i'm guessing your an old time hacker just mucking about in ubuntu land for a little bit? | 08:50 |
holycow | that command line interface idea isn't bad at all | 08:50 |
holycow | it could use some sort of interface that ties a whole bunch of comman tasks together | 08:50 |
rpg | ubuntu land is pretty holycow... much prettier than other things... :P | 08:50 |
rpg | packages i'll see into that... if that proves less of a trouble | 08:51 |
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rpg | thx | 08:52 |
rpg | bye now, gtg | 08:52 |
holycow | man, i really am an asshole | 08:54 |
holycow | lol | 08:54 |
holycow | ineed to just shut thehell up an dlet you guys do the talking | 08:54 |
holycow | :) | 08:54 |
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xsteelwolf_ | anyone using intel 4965agn card here? | 09:02 |
mosno | XsteelWolf: meee | 09:02 |
mosno | but im on Feisty with a vanilla kernel | 09:02 |
XsteelWolf | are you able to get it working on gutsy? | 09:02 |
XsteelWolf | vanilla kernel? | 09:02 |
mosno | XsteelWolf: never tried | 09:03 |
XsteelWolf | how did you get it to work on feisty,i tried and it doesn't seems to work | 09:03 |
mosno | holycow: you say you can remove the cruft from ubuntu, but for example what if say the firefox package included all the language packs and you didn't want them? would you have to keep grabbing the deb-src and hacking it out? | 09:04 |
XsteelWolf | ? | 09:04 |
mosno | XsteelWolf: grabbed the drivers and firmware from the manuf's site | 09:04 |
mosno | ie. Intel | 09:04 |
XsteelWolf | iwl-1.0.0.tar.gz right? | 09:04 |
holycow | no, you remove all those packages too | 09:05 |
mosno | umm not sure exactly which i ended up using iwlwifi-1.0.0-1 i think | 09:05 |
holycow | there isn't an easy way to uninstall codependencies | 09:05 |
mosno | or maybve 0.1.10 | 09:05 |
mosno | holycow: what if they're part of the package? | 09:05 |
holycow | part of what package? they go out with the one you installed | 09:05 |
XsteelWolf | yea 1,1.0 | 09:05 |
XsteelWolf | i can';t get it to work | 09:05 |
holycow | its debian, its as modular as its going to get | 09:05 |
mosno | you basically have to fork the repo afaict | 09:06 |
mosno | like make your own local repo | 09:06 |
holycow | if you want more granularity you either haveto make your own packages or do a gentoo | 09:06 |
mosno | yea i suppose | 09:06 |
holycow | well of course | 09:06 |
mosno | this issue with the langpacks i actualy had in Fedora Core 6, but yea it applies in theory to dpkg/apt | 09:06 |
holycow | yeah totally | 09:07 |
mosno | i'd remove the langpack files from /usr/lib/firefox or whatever, but on next update of firefox they'd be back | 09:07 |
contrast83 | Does anyone know what would cause MPlayer to not show up as an option for the player engine in Kaffeine? I'm pretty sure I've got all the relevant packages installed. | 09:07 |
XsteelWolf | Kernel Makefile not found at '/lib/modules/2.6.22-11-generic/source' | 09:09 |
XsteelWolf | make: *** [compatible/kversion] Error 1 | 09:09 |
XsteelWolf | what is this error? | 09:09 |
holycow | mosno: we kinda have the opposite issue here actually | 09:09 |
holycow | things sometimes seem too granular and require too many individual packages | 09:10 |
holycow | from a noobs perspective | 09:10 |
mosno | do you mean for ubuntu/debian in general? | 09:10 |
holycow | of course its the right technical approach | 09:10 |
holycow | in general *nod* | 09:10 |
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mosno | as long as i've got /usr/bin/aptitude, bring it on :) | 09:10 |
holycow | heh | 09:11 |
mosno | debian life is hell without it | 09:11 |
mosno | imho | 09:11 |
XsteelWolf | can anyone tell me my error msg? | 09:12 |
mosno | oh and apt-file too | 09:12 |
mosno | that thing rocks | 09:12 |
holycow | what re you talking about? | 09:13 |
holycow | debian is hell? | 09:13 |
=== Daemonik [n=aoeu@ppp-71-139-238-107.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
holycow | that doesn't sound correct | 09:13 |
mosno | hell without aptitude and apt-file and all that goodness | 09:13 |
holycow | apt is more than fine for debian | 09:13 |
mosno | indeed apt is nice | 09:13 |
mosno | it powers aptitude ;-) | 09:13 |
Daemonik | Hey I renamed /usr/bin/ooffice to /usr/bin/ooffice.bin and saved a script as /usr/bin/ooffice which launches ooffice with a separate gtkrc file because I'm using a dark GTK theme that OpenOffice refuses to play nice with, what's gonna happen when OpenOffice is up dated and I apt-get update this is getting written over? | 09:14 |
contrast83 | Ok, weird... It seems the latest version of Kaffeine doesn't allow that as an option. Just downgraded and now MPlayer's right there. :-\ | 09:19 |
contrast83 | Daemonik: Right, it'll be written over. | 09:19 |
contrast83 | Daemonik: I keep a fake root directory in my home folder containing all the files/directories i've made changes to and just copy it to / whenever I need to | 09:20 |
holycow | if you have a spare box you can also setup subversion repos | 09:22 |
holycow | and just restore to whatever point you need | 09:22 |
Nicke | Daemonik, compwiz18: One other way could be to add that to ~/bin instead, and make sure that turns up in $PATH before /usr/bin | 09:22 |
Nicke | (unless it's for more than one user...) | 09:23 |
Daemonik | Thank you contrast83 and Nicke . I'm going to implement your idea Nicke . We're also deploying systems to other offices where many users will be on the machine, I'll stick a .bin directory in /etc/skel/ =). | 09:24 |
Nicke | Daemonik: ah, good luck then :) | 09:24 |
Daemonik | Nicke, So $HOME/.bin/ being listed before /usr/bin means $HOME/.bin/ takes precedent hm? | 09:24 |
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Nicke | Daemonik: yeah, the $PATH is searched in turn, unless I'm remembering it completely wrong here :O | 09:25 |
Daemonik | I'm 'bout to find out then, woot | 09:26 |
mosno | Nicke: dont forget about hashed paths in bash | 09:27 |
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mosno | type -p commandname | 09:27 |
Daemonik | mosno, Thanks | 09:28 |
Nicke | mosno: Oh.. bash isn't my strong side exactly | 09:29 |
Daemonik | This one kid at my high school thought he was a l33t h4x0r, I asked him what his operating system of choice was to be responded loudly with "windows ex PEE" and some "gangsta" movements of the hands. The source code aware group of ours standing just all smiled at each other. We asked him about a couple things to be responded with "foo isn't my strong side exactly" ha haha | 09:31 |
mosno | XP n**ga, represent | 09:32 |
Daemonik | hellz yes vanilla face | 09:32 |
mosno | dont you hate it when you're white and in love with gangsta rap | 09:32 |
mosno | like me | 09:33 |
holycow | as long as you don't look like your trying to be black | 09:33 |
holycow | its allright | 09:33 |
mosno | some words, no matter how well meaning, you just can't say | 09:33 |
jussi01 | !offtopic | 09:33 |
ubotu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 09:33 |
mosno | whoops. sorry | 09:34 |
jussi01 | :) | 09:34 |
Daemonik | Way I see it is it doesn't matter, listen to whatever you want. | 09:34 |
mosno | Daemonik started it! :P | 09:34 |
Daemonik | Most "rap" is all targeted towards stupid insecure white kids who go to private schools. I listen to this "rap" on my Ubuntu machine, which I am optimizing for that purpose thus my presence in this channel. | 09:35 |
Daemonik | Right mosno ? | 09:35 |
holycow | Daemonik: thats pretty much it right | 09:35 |
holycow | all that vanilla ice and emminem is sad on that very level | 09:35 |
mosno | tupac was the best | 09:36 |
holycow | ^stuff | 09:36 |
mosno | anyway, offtopic | 09:36 |
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Daemonik | I'm distributing some machines with a very heavily modified version of Ubuntu, I got a family friend making some electric guitar replacements for the gdm start login and logout sounds I'll come in and share them later if you guys will be here. | 09:37 |
mosno | sweet | 09:37 |
holycow | Daemonik: post them online so we can check them out later | 09:39 |
Daemonik | They'll be somewhere on jon.homeunix.net | 09:40 |
contrast83 | Is anyone else getting folders that should be going into ~/.kde showing up in ~ on each login? | 09:42 |
stdin | yeah, known bug | 09:42 |
contrast83 | Thanks | 09:43 |
contrast83 | I had searched around on Launchpad but couldn't find anything | 09:43 |
contrast83 | Anyone know if/why they took MPlayer support out of the latest Kaffeine, or if it's just a bug causing it to not show up as an available engine? | 09:47 |
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yhan | hello | 09:58 |
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yhan | I'm trying to install the current gutsy-live but the ubiquity installer hangs at "120%" | 09:59 |
yhan | so no successfull install | 09:59 |
yhan | would i be more lucky trying the current alternate cd | 09:59 |
yhan | or is there any known problem atm? | 09:59 |
contrast83 | The alternate disc didn't give me any problems | 10:00 |
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yhan | contrast83: thanks, i'll try that | 10:01 |
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yhan | i'm just afraid it might be a general install issue as it happens after the install process fails to umount a partition created by the migration assistant | 10:03 |
contrast83 | Hmm... Wouldn't know about that; I'm on Kubuntu. | 10:04 |
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yhan | i'll just get the last tribe and update | 10:05 |
yhan | thanks | 10:05 |
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xsteelwolf | can anyone tell me what's wrong? http://pastebin.com/m5a997c37 | 10:10 |
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contrast83 | xsteelwolf: What card do you have? | 10:13 |
xsteelwolf | intel 4965agn | 10:14 |
contrast83 | i was thinking you weren't supposed to need ndiswrapper anymore, unless it was a broadcom card. maybe i'm wrong though. | 10:16 |
xsteelwolf | intel card | 10:16 |
xsteelwolf | driver is installed,but i can't start the hardware | 10:17 |
xsteelwolf | 10:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation Unknown device 4229 (rev 61) | 10:17 |
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xsteelwolf | root@UNDERGROUND:~/ndiswrapper-1.43# lsmod |grep mac80211 | 10:17 |
xsteelwolf | mac80211 171016 1 iwl4965 | 10:17 |
xsteelwolf | cfg80211 7304 1 mac80211 | 10:17 |
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xsteelwolf | Kernel Makefile not found at '/lib/modules/2.6.22-11-generic/source' | 10:25 |
xsteelwolf | make: *** [compatible/kversion] Error 1 | 10:25 |
xsteelwolf | anyone knows this error? | 10:25 |
Daemonik | They already have f***cking iwl4975?! o_O | 10:32 |
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Daemonik | xsteelwolf, I think you may not have to use ndiswrapper for that. | 10:33 |
Daemonik | xsteelwolf, don't think you need to use ndiswrapper http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=493095 | 10:35 |
xsteelwolf | Makefile:24: | 10:37 |
xsteelwolf | Kernel Makefile not found at '/lib/modules/2.6.22-11-generic/source' | 10:37 |
xsteelwolf | make: *** [compatible/kversion] Error 1 | 10:37 |
xsteelwolf | what is this error? | 10:37 |
xsteelwolf | been trying to make the iwlwifi | 10:37 |
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Daemonik | xsteelwolf, Did you install linux-source-2.6.22 ? | 10:45 |
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Daemonik | How did you get a 2.6.22 kerneL? | 10:45 |
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xsteelwolf | yes i did | 11:02 |
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CountX | is there a quick fix for the taskbar | 11:05 |
CountX | i broke it somehow | 11:05 |
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CountX | like i crashed X somehow | 11:07 |
CountX | and now all the stuff on the taskbar is different and i cant see the stuff rinning | 11:07 |
CountX | running | 11:07 |
CountX | like the network manager | 11:07 |
CountX | all that is gone and there a space there thats empty | 11:08 |
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jussi01 | CountX: right click on the task bar and add applet to panel - choose the ones you need | 11:22 |
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CountX | jussi01: im missing the one thing no in the add window | 11:25 |
CountX | the running programs things | 11:25 |
jussi01 | hmmm, in kde its called taskbar, dunno what it is in gnome | 11:26 |
damon_ | in gnome, a panel | 11:26 |
damon_ | which holds all kinds of things :) | 11:26 |
CountX | jussi01: notification area, and it has a picture of an exclamation point | 11:27 |
CountX | for no reason | 11:27 |
CountX | does conconical have a suggestion box? | 11:27 |
jussi01 | CountX: souds like you have broken smthing. I use kde, so I have no idea, sorry | 11:27 |
CountX | cause thats one i would like to submit | 11:27 |
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damon_ | CountX: did you try to logout and login in again? that may bring everything back | 11:28 |
CountX | i did an X restart | 11:29 |
damon_ | how? | 11:29 |
CountX | ctrl+alt+backspace | 11:29 |
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damon_ | CountX: did you enable that? I thought it was disabled by default | 11:30 |
CountX | well...it works for me and im newb | 11:30 |
CountX | so no i didnt change it | 11:30 |
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leperkhanz | I can't get direct rendering to work, and i have a problem with my .dmrc file. Any help? | 11:36 |
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rocky | anyone know if NetworkManager is currently experiencing issues? i can't seem to change network devices without disabling all networks | 12:41 |
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jussi01 | rocky: network manager cannot handle more than one device at a time | 12:53 |
rocky | jussi01: no, what i'm saying is that i have 3 network devices... on boot up one of those devices is working but if i select one of the alternative devices using NM then it stops working and even when i switch back to the original device, it no longer works either | 12:54 |
rocky | so any switching of devices means no devices work anymore | 12:54 |
jussi01 | oh...ouich | 12:54 |
jussi01 | !bug | rocky | 12:54 |
ubotu | rocky: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/ - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots | 12:54 |
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XsteelWolf | anyone using kubuntu for gutsy? | 01:01 |
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Xemanth | XsteelWolf: o/ | 01:15 |
Xemanth | brb eat something | 01:15 |
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Xemanth | back | 01:20 |
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Xemanth | XsteelWolf: yeah what about Kubuntu Gutsy? | 01:20 |
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orkid1 | hi, I just installed gutsy from netboot, and I cannot run tasksel, it exits with an error. | 01:23 |
XsteelWolf | anyone using intel 4965 agn? | 01:23 |
orkid1 | can't use "audio creation and editing suite" as an array REF, while strict refs is in use. | 01:24 |
orkid1 | at line 84. | 01:24 |
orkid1 | Any ideas? | 01:24 |
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orkid1 | I guess not. I'll try some things... BBL | 01:26 |
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orkid1 | Is the current tasksel busted, or is it just my version that's giving me errors regarding 'strict' and DESC on line 84? | 01:44 |
orkid1 | I couldn't stick around before, since I was in recovery mode, and wanted to try regular mode again. was there any response? | 01:44 |
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orkid1 | problem taken care of. thnks | 01:54 |
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BockBilbo | hello | 02:01 |
BockBilbo | i've found a bug on a package related to asterisk on gutsy, what's the correct procedure to create a bug report on launchpad? | 02:01 |
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BockBilbo | ? | 02:03 |
orkid1 | I don't know, but isn't there help/faq on the launchpad site? | 02:05 |
BockBilbo | orkid1 thanks ;) | 02:05 |
orkid1 | create an account, and file a bug :) | 02:05 |
orkid1 | there you go, cjwatson helped youout | 02:06 |
BockBilbo | yeah | 02:06 |
BockBilbo | :) | 02:06 |
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orkid1 | I have a serial mouse, but it is not workin by default. I also tried 'cat /dev/ttyS0' and 'cat /dev/ttyS1' and moving the mouse, but nothing shows up. Any ideas? | 02:43 |
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jonek | hi, I want to dpkg-buildpackage gcc-avr on feisty and ran into some dependency probs. especially I need to build the gcc-4.2-source package which seems to have a significant number of build dependencies. are these really needed to just build this ...-source package? | 02:46 |
jonek | (read gcc-avr from gutsy!) | 02:47 |
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IdleOne | !info vmware-player-kernel-modules | 02:55 |
ubotu | vmware-player-kernel-modules: vmware-player kernel module dependency package. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (gutsy), package size 23 kB, installed size 52 kB | 02:55 |
mikedep333_alt_c | hey, how do I get my sound to be outputted to 5.1? (yes, I do have 5.1 speakers and a 5.1 capable audigy 2 ZS) | 02:57 |
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loufoque | hi | 02:59 |
loufoque | i've got a little issue with resolution and refresh rate settings | 03:00 |
loufoque | modifying those in the GNOME menu doesn't have any effect | 03:00 |
loufoque | it seems I am stuck on my X.org settings | 03:00 |
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loufoque | it only occured after I rebooted today | 03:00 |
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damon_ | IntuitiveNipple: do you have a sony with the intel & nvidia gpu? | 03:37 |
damon_ | if so, have you tested the free nvidia driver with gutsy? | 03:38 |
damon_ | when I was using the free driver I noticed horrible stability problems | 03:38 |
damon_ | the binary driver from the repositories seems a lot better | 03:38 |
IntuitiveNipple | I've got several Vaios. One's got Nvidia GeForce Go7600, the others have Intel i810 | 03:38 |
IntuitiveNipple | I use nvidia-glx-new, 100.14.11 or something | 03:38 |
damon_ | did you try the free nvidia driver? | 03:39 |
IntuitiveNipple | no | 03:39 |
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looode_ | hi all | 04:10 |
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looode_ | i'm having some problems with my wifi card (an intel pro wireless 3945) in gutsy tribe 5 | 04:16 |
looode_ | is there anyone here who could help me a hand? | 04:16 |
looode_ | browsing the forums for a few days, so far didn't pay off... | 04:16 |
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Vegar | looode_: what kind of problems? | 04:21 |
looode_ | well, | 04:22 |
looode_ | internet works | 04:22 |
nanonyme | looode_, sounds bad | 04:22 |
looode_ | albeit seriously slower than in windows or via a wired connection (in ubuntu) | 04:22 |
looode_ | via a wired connection i get speeds around 1 mb/s | 04:22 |
nanonyme | internet definitely shouldn't work, one just ends up spending huge amounts of time there... | 04:23 |
looode_ | whilst i only get to 20 kb/s via a wireless connection | 04:23 |
looode_ | well, i've still got some vacation ahead of me, so time spending isn't that big of a deal ;) | 04:23 |
looode_ | similar problems have been noted on the forums (slower internet in ubuntu), but the given sollutions (disabling ipv6, fixing some dns stuff) don't seam to work for me | 04:25 |
=== ratpoison [n=ratpoiso@ppp93-38.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
ratpoison | hello! I use gutsy alpha 5 amd64 and I have encountered a problem installing the nfs-common packages. http://pastebin.com/m7a498c7c | 04:29 |
Vegar | looode_: All I can say is that my 4965 works perfectly | 04:30 |
looode_ | no need to rub it in any more :p | 04:30 |
looode_ | but i'm definitely not an expert regarding linux/ubuntu/networking, | 04:31 |
ratpoison | where would I find help? | 04:32 |
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Matir | ratpoison, make sure you have getopt installed | 04:32 |
Matir | specifically, the util-linux package. | 04:33 |
Matir | and that it is in your path | 04:33 |
looode_ | but does it sound to you guys (who probably will be more experienced than me) as to something that might be fixed by a simple driver update (ergo: i'll have to wait to the 18th of october to enjoy decent networking), or would it be something more annoying? | 04:33 |
ratpoison | i saw that it complained somewhere about getopt but I didn't know which package to install | 04:34 |
ratpoison | Matir: thnx, will check on that | 04:34 |
Matir | np | 04:34 |
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ratpoison | Matir: thnx, it worked. i saw that it removed linux32 package | 04:36 |
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ratpoison | what if I want to install a 32bit package? | 04:36 |
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ratpoison | i used linux32 ./skype to install skype | 04:36 |
ratpoison | what would I do now? | 04:36 |
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leperkhanz | I have no direct rendering and a busted .dmrc file. Any ideas? | 04:37 |
Matir | what removed linux32? | 04:37 |
ratpoison | just a minute | 04:37 |
NessieLiberaton | leperkhanz: same problem as you had last week? | 04:37 |
leperkhanz | Yes, still haven't been able to fix it. | 04:37 |
leperkhanz | *sigh* | 04:37 |
NessieLiberaton | oh | 04:38 |
leperkhanz | tried deleting the .dmrc file, tried a few things.... | 04:38 |
ratpoison | Matir: sudo apt-get install util-linux | 04:38 |
ratpoison | it deselected linux32 package | 04:39 |
leperkhanz | WOW! 41 updates has got to be a record. | 04:39 |
ratpoison | does it have a similar function? | 04:39 |
NessieLiberaton | leperkhanz: i had over 200 in one go last week... twice in a week | 04:39 |
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leperkhanz | I update almost daily, and this is the biggest I've had. | 04:39 |
leperkhanz | Any ideas on how to fix my .dmrc / DRI issue? | 04:40 |
leperkhanz | Think they are related? | 04:40 |
NessieLiberaton | leperkhanz: i do too, but i still had a 150+s and a 212 in about 3 days | 04:40 |
leperkhanz | well, gutsy is definitely being worked on I guess! | 04:40 |
bur[n] er | it is | 04:40 |
ratpoison | leperkhanz: sry, personally, I've been using linux for 3 months only, so I'm not exactly an expert | 04:40 |
Matir | ratpoison, apparently (according to the ubuntu bug tracker) util-linux does replace linux32... | 04:41 |
bur[n] er | gnome 2.2 just landed in the gnome ftp repositories so we'll see all of gnome 2.20 hitting soon | 04:41 |
ratpoison | bur[n] er: did gnome 2.2 make it before the feature freeze? | 04:42 |
Matir | feature freeze was long ago | 04:42 |
bur[n] er | you're kidding? | 04:42 |
leperkhanz | *sigh* | 04:43 |
bur[n] er | even if it didn't, they're still going to include gnome 2.20 | 04:43 |
bur[n] er | gnome is the reason for the ubuntu 6 month release cycle | 04:43 |
bur[n] er | don't worry | 04:43 |
Matir | bur[n] er, where's that documented? (That 2.20 will be in Gutsy) | 04:43 |
bur[n] er | they're not going to ship the beta 2.19.92 | 04:43 |
bur[n] er | Matir: uhh... 2.14 was in dapper, 2.16 in edgy. 2.18 in feisty... I'm just using my wicked mensa powers of pattern matching | 04:44 |
leperkhanz | phew! | 04:44 |
leperkhanz | lol | 04:44 |
Matir | yeah... i was just looking at the development docs and since 2.19.* made it in before feature freeze, then 2.20 should be fine. | 04:45 |
bur[n] er | and if 2.19 didn't make it, I'm sure they'd push out the release date of ubuntu | 04:45 |
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NessieLiberaton | bug 116820 <-- i have exactly the same output as that, but i havent got evms installed | 04:47 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 116820 in evms "evms does not work with feisty xen kernel (dom0)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/116820 | 04:47 |
ratpoison | question: what happens to the alpha installs of gutsy when the stable version comes out? | 04:47 |
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leperkhanz | restart required. | 04:47 |
NessieLiberaton | ratpoison: if you keep them upgraded, you'll have the stable version | 04:47 |
leperkhanz | any idea on how to fix the .dmrc before I reboot? I think that may fix my direct rendering issue, too. | 04:48 |
ratpoison | and will a sudo apt-get dist-upgrade safely work for my other (feisty) install ? | 04:48 |
=== CountX [n=marcel@72-48-91-35.dyn.grandenetworks.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
CountX | can anyone help me get a virtual machine going? | 04:48 |
CountX | on gutsy | 04:48 |
NessieLiberaton | ratpoison: when stable is released, yes | 04:48 |
bur[n] er | CountX: use virtualbox :) | 04:48 |
ratpoison | NessieLiberaton: thnx | 04:49 |
CountX | i cant find the kernel drivers for virtualbox for kernel 2.6.22 | 04:49 |
leperkhanz | ratpoison: Maybe. :D | 04:49 |
leperkhanz | Probably, with good luck. | 04:49 |
bur[n] er | !upgrade | ratpoison | 04:49 |
ubotu | ratpoison: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 04:49 |
ratpoison | maybe about the "safely" part e? | 04:49 |
NessieLiberaton | what's a comment in: /etc/udev/rules.d/85-evms.rules #this is a comment? | 04:50 |
CountX | anyone else just get a butload of updates from archive.ubuntu? | 04:51 |
CountX | did they just do an update or what? | 04:51 |
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ratpoison | wel, if you got an update... | 04:51 |
ratpoison | :) | 04:51 |
ratpoison | final question | 04:52 |
NessieLiberaton | well ask it then :P | 04:52 |
ratpoison | I want to learn about nfs, linux networking etc etc | 04:52 |
ratpoison | what is a good documentation source? | 04:52 |
ratpoison | not necessarily ubuntu-specific | 04:53 |
NessieLiberaton | CountX: only 57 updates for me | 04:53 |
CountX | NessieLiberaton: 65, booya | 04:53 |
NessieLiberaton | including a kernel | 04:53 |
leperkhanz | C'mon you guys, every time I boot I get this annoying error that says "Your .dmrc file is not loaded, make sure it has permissions... blah blah" then I get booted and there is no direct rendering. Any ideas? Please! | 04:53 |
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NessieLiberaton | leperkhanz: what permissions did it have ? | 04:53 |
CountX | NessieLiberaton: ya i got 2.6.22-11.32 to 2.6.22-11.33 | 04:54 |
ratpoison | what if you chown the file so that the owner is root? (NOT AN EXPERT OPINION) | 04:54 |
=== leperkhanz goes searching. | ||
NessieLiberaton | CountX: what's the easiest way to find the 2.6.22-11.x <-- x number? | 04:55 |
CountX | NessieLiberaton: you have virtualbox running on the latest kernel? | 04:55 |
leperkhanz | Wait, it's missing right now. | 04:55 |
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CountX | NessieLiberaton: IDk | 04:55 |
NessieLiberaton | i dont run any virtuals | 04:55 |
leperkhanz | Should I create one? | 04:56 |
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CountX | anyone run a virtual machine on gutsy? | 04:56 |
ratpoison | anyway guys, thnx for help! bbye! real-life calling | 04:56 |
leperkhanz | CountX: yes, I have. | 04:57 |
CountX | leperkhanz: can you help me | 04:57 |
leperkhanz | what's your question? | 04:57 |
CountX | leperkhanz: i tried to run a virtualbox guest and got told to install the kernel drivers | 04:57 |
CountX | which i cannot find | 04:57 |
leperkhanz | huh. Haven't run into that one! | 04:57 |
leperkhanz | why don't you try qemulator? | 04:58 |
CountX | qemulator/ | 04:58 |
CountX | ? | 04:58 |
leperkhanz | I didn't find virtualbox ran as well as qemulator. | 04:58 |
leperkhanz | (for me) | 04:58 |
CountX | good? | 04:58 |
CountX | as in fast openGL rendering? | 04:58 |
leperkhanz | 6 seconds worth a try! | 04:58 |
leperkhanz | Nothing is fast if you mean, opengl in VM. | 04:59 |
CountX | i run 3dsmax and i need fast | 04:59 |
leperkhanz | ah. that doesn't run in wine? | 04:59 |
CountX | nope.... | 04:59 |
CountX | not at all | 04:59 |
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leperkhanz | huh. Everyone I know uses Blender. But this is out of my field entirely. | 05:00 |
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leperkhanz | should I create a .dmrc and give it permissions? | 05:00 |
CountX | well, max has a lot of roots in games, specifically exporters | 05:00 |
leperkhanz | Should it be owned by root or what? | 05:01 |
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NessieLiberaton | leperkhanz: where does this file live? | 05:02 |
leperkhanz | in home, right? | 05:02 |
NessieLiberaton | then surely not root owne | 05:02 |
leperkhanz | huh... I'm not sure of anything. | 05:02 |
CountX | what are some virtualization softwares that work on gutsy? | 05:03 |
leperkhanz | qemu loader | 05:03 |
leperkhanz | qemulator | 05:03 |
CountX | specifically that have kernel drivers that work on 2.6.22-11.33 | 05:03 |
leperkhanz | virtual box | 05:03 |
leperkhanz | vmware | 05:03 |
CountX | vmware wont install for some reason | 05:04 |
bullgard4 | I wonder if dmesg from a kernel newer than 2.6.20-16 also shows a line 'sanitize start' and a line 'sanitize end'. | 05:04 |
CountX | virtualbox complains about not having kernel drivers that i cannot find | 05:04 |
CountX | and i have to restart... | 05:05 |
mendred | hi after the latest update guidance-power-manager doesnt start and usb devices don't auto mount on kubuntu | 05:05 |
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mendred | i am guessing its some problem with hald | 05:05 |
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mmvii | Hi all, I've just changed cpu from Sempron to AT | 05:30 |
RAdams | movin on up | 05:31 |
RAdams | to the GhZ side | 05:31 |
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RAdams | to that great big hyperthreading in the skyyy | 05:31 |
mmvii | oops Turion X2 and the cpu freq does not seem to be working as expected anymore. Do I need to reconfigure anything? | 05:31 |
mmvii | In a nutshell setting to Ondemand just runs both cores at full speed | 05:33 |
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ubuntu | is this the gusty channel? | 05:34 |
NessieLiberaton | yes | 05:35 |
gnomefreak | yes | 05:35 |
hylje | gutsy | 05:35 |
Pici | !gusty | ubuntu | 05:36 |
ubotu | ubuntu: It is spelt !guTSy :) | 05:36 |
ubuntu | so, why is hplip fax and fax address book installed by default? | 05:37 |
ubuntu | in kubuntu | 05:37 |
ubuntu | gutsy? | 05:37 |
hylje | so hp stuff works by default | 05:37 |
mmvii | yes gutsy | 05:37 |
ubuntu | does it work by default? | 05:37 |
ubuntu | it autodetects my printer and i don't have to install anything? | 05:38 |
gnomefreak | early tribes most did what does now should ne atleast the same | 05:38 |
gnomefreak | ubuntu: you dont have to install drivers | 05:38 |
gnomefreak | ubuntu: it should see your printer but you still have to add it | 05:38 |
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ropiku | Hello, I'm running Gutsy and upgraded just minutes ago. Not gnome-settings-daemon doesn't start | 05:39 |
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gnomefreak | ropiku: does it error? | 05:40 |
ubuntu | kewl, i see dolphin is in kubuntu, but needs a kewl dolpin icon | 05:40 |
gnomefreak | ropiku: good to know while im doing those updates :( | 05:40 |
ropiku | gnomefreak, yes. "The error was 'BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)'." | 05:40 |
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gnomefreak | ropiku: give me a few let me see what i get | 05:40 |
ropiku | until today it was working ok (upgrading almost daily) | 05:40 |
gnomefreak | ~10 minutes | 05:40 |
ropiku | ok | 05:40 |
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ubuntu | i am thrilled with dolpin | 05:44 |
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gnomefreak | hmmmmm dolphin was in feisty and still not default in gutsy AFAIK | 05:45 |
ubuntu | dolphin is on the list on tribe5 | 05:45 |
ubuntu | without installation | 05:45 |
gnomefreak | atleast not yet but i do believe they were talking about it | 05:46 |
gnomefreak | ubuntu: show doesnt show it for kubuntu-desktop | 05:46 |
ubuntu | it's here | 05:46 |
ubuntu | on the menu | 05:46 |
gnomefreak | its not installed here | 05:46 |
ubuntu | anyhow, i like it | 05:46 |
ubuntu | i dowloaded the nightly build last night | 05:46 |
ubuntu | looks like strigi might be a bit broke on the gui end, looks like the backend is working | 05:48 |
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ropiku | gnomefreak, anything on gnome-settings-daemon ? At me it gives X error: "The error was 'BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)'." | 05:50 |
gnomefreak | not yet | 05:51 |
gnomefreak | still updating | 05:51 |
gnomefreak | ropiku: i didnt have time to update the last 4 days | 05:51 |
gnomefreak | so im doing them now | 05:51 |
ropiku | ok | 05:51 |
gnomefreak | and they dont even know how its there :( | 05:51 |
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gnomefreak | ubuntu: i found out why :) its a recommend for kubuntu-desktop and apt-get installs recommends now (just started tribe 5) and when i grab metapackages i use aptitude -R | 05:55 |
ubuntu | well, i like it | 05:55 |
ubuntu | i'v liked konq because of the power, but dolphin has a nice simplicity to it | 05:55 |
ropiku | have you tried installing kde4 ? It runs but it doesn't actually run (like http://pix.nofrag.com/1/c/c/27c7aedf2edfd6a7497824761e22f.html ) | 05:56 |
=== ubuntu considers kde4 in pre-alpha mode | ||
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ropiku | yeah, but I said give it a try | 05:58 |
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gnomefreak | ropiku: it doesnt really run its just a space for you to run apps | 05:59 |
gnomefreak | ropiku: also seems that is not one of the updates atm | 06:00 |
gnomefreak | what package was it again you had issues with? | 06:00 |
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ropiku | gnome-settings-daemon | 06:02 |
ropiku | it seems it something from X | 06:02 |
gnomefreak | ropiku: file a bug report on it ill keep playing with it | 06:02 |
ropiku | The program 'gnome-settings-daemon' received an X Window System error. This probably reflects a bug in the program. | 06:02 |
ropiku | ok | 06:02 |
gnomefreak | this might be an X error as it has changed alot where gnome hasnt | 06:02 |
gnomefreak | they may be conflicting in jobs | 06:03 |
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ubuntu | ropiku, i'll try it | 06:07 |
gnomefreak | brb rebooting | 06:07 |
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gnomefreak | Ronald: everything here works fine | 06:15 |
gnomefreak | not Ronald | 06:15 |
gnomefreak | on well i think he left | 06:15 |
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dennda | hey there. any idea why oem installation (alternate with oem mode) with current daily build fails when selecting and installing software (translated from german)? | 06:30 |
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winbond | why does dolphin create another home/user folders in the home folder? | 06:35 |
winbond | and why does it recreate them if they are deleted? | 06:36 |
NessieLiberaton | maybe it has a "/" missing somewhere? | 06:37 |
winbond | would that be in a config file somewhere? | 06:38 |
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winbond | in dolphin properties , it says the home directory is file:///home/user, would the be the problem ? | 06:42 |
winbond | that | 06:42 |
CydeSwype | this morning's update screwed my X. anyone else having problems? | 06:43 |
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dennda | Is it generally not recommended to use daily builds for installing a new system? | 06:44 |
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dennda | (Yes I know that it is alpha and that is exactly what I want.) | 06:44 |
winbond | CydeSwype, i just updated, its working fine | 06:44 |
winbond | CydeSwype, how is it screwed | 06:45 |
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winbond | dennda, unless u do a lot of testing and bug reporting , there is no point in using daily builds | 06:46 |
CydeSwype | i got thrown to the safe mode | 06:46 |
CydeSwype | bulletproof x (or whatever the base display conf is being called these days) | 06:46 |
dennda | winbond: I meet that criteria. | 06:46 |
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dennda | winbond: I convinced a local PC vendor to install ubuntu on newly bought systems instead of 30 days Vista trial. Now he gave me some systems to test gutsy with and file bugreports to improve it. | 06:47 |
dennda | The only problem is: My internet connection is damn slow. So I'd rather use a daily build to install it on multiple machines instead of using Tribe5 and updating all these machines. | 06:48 |
dennda | But unfortunately it fails... | 06:49 |
winbond | dennda, probably not a good idea to install gutsy on those pcs, | 06:49 |
Suurorca | why not, isn't the idea to do hardware testing | 06:49 |
Suurorca | for compability checking | 06:49 |
dennda | Suurorca: yes. | 06:49 |
dennda | We won't install alpha software on those machines... | 06:50 |
dennda | So there's still some months time to test gutsy with the machines and file bugreports in case some things don't work yet. | 06:50 |
Suurorca | dennda: you could probably update one machine and use it to build an up-to-date live-cd... | 06:50 |
winbond | for testing, yeah but not for sale | 06:51 |
dennda | Suurorca: ahh what is the exact name of the application to do that? I searched for it some days ago but couldn't recall the name | 06:51 |
winbond | CydeSwype, maybe conflict with a video driver? | 06:52 |
dennda | winbond: What would you - as a customer - prefer: a) a vista trial or b) ubuntu? | 06:52 |
CydeSwype | winbond: possibly. i'll try uninstalling the nvidia restricted driver and reinstalling | 06:52 |
winbond | dennda, well , ive grown to dislike vista , thats why im here | 06:52 |
CydeSwype | will be back to let you know how that goes | 06:52 |
scriptkiddie | CydeSwype: a mix of xp and *buntu | 06:52 |
Suurorca | dennda: I gotta admit I don't know, I just know it should be doable :p | 06:53 |
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dennda | Suurorca: Thanks. I think I willl add the daily build as package mirror+ | 06:53 |
dennda | maybe that gives more information | 06:53 |
winbond | dennda, i think the best way would be to install ubuntu and xp in the vmware :O) | 06:55 |
winbond | unless someone wants a gaming pc, then forget about linux | 06:55 |
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Suurorca | dennda: http://www.atworkonline.it/~bibe/ubuntu/custom-livecd.htm <- this seems describe the process in sufficient detail | 06:56 |
dennda | winbond: I disagree ;) | 06:56 |
dennda | Suurorca: thanks. I will test it with daily-cd as package mirror first | 06:57 |
winbond | dennda, with which part? | 06:57 |
Suurorca | I just installed gutsy on my buddy's brand new hp laptop (feisty didn't even boot, so...) | 06:58 |
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hydrogen | whats the file associated with xhost? | 06:58 |
dennda | winbond: Do you really want to confront a "generic customer" (TM) with Ubuntu and XP and virtual machines? | 06:58 |
hydrogen | i.e. if I wanted to make an xhost setting permanent | 06:58 |
CydeSwype | well that was interesting. apparently neither of my restricted nvidia drivers were enabled (though they were before the update this morning) | 06:58 |
Suurorca | after 6 hours I still didn't have audio working, no wireless and even regular wired ethernet was lagging unbearably ;P | 06:59 |
CydeSwype | i rebooted but still ended up in bulletproof x | 06:59 |
Suurorca | had to declare I needed a few days time to think :p | 06:59 |
CydeSwype | and now in the restricted drivers manager, it says BOTH nvidia drivers are in use...but neither have check marks on them | 06:59 |
winbond | dennda, its easy and convenient to use, just a little hard to setup | 06:59 |
dennda | winbond: That may be true for you, but definitely not for unexperienced users. | 07:00 |
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rocky | hey, does anyone know how to convince pptp support to not change my dns to point to the vpn's dns? | 07:00 |
rocky | (ie prevent it from updating resolve.conf) | 07:01 |
Suurorca | I think there's definitely a market for pre-configured linux computers :) | 07:01 |
rocky | *resolv.conf | 07:01 |
CydeSwype | trying the other (new) nvidia driver | 07:01 |
CydeSwype | reboot time. brb | 07:01 |
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NessieLiberaton | cya'll later | 07:06 |
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CydeSwype | holy mackeral...okay i have nvidia back now...but my fonts are insanely small. additionally, gnome settings aren't loading. (and that's been going on since this trouble began fwiw) | 07:11 |
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ShackJack | CydeSwype: Check the dpi setting in your Fonts advanced options ? | 07:12 |
dennda | what do you mean with "gnome-settings"? | 07:13 |
ShackJack | Hi all - my GNOME session freezes when I try to use the quit button from the menu... Does anyone know what program actually runs so that I might call it from a command line to see what it's getting hung up on.... | 07:13 |
ShackJack | dennda: likely he's referring to the gnome settings daemon... | 07:13 |
CydeSwype | 72. something else? | 07:14 |
dennda | ShackJack: i think so. thus I would suggest starting it ;) | 07:14 |
CydeSwype | hmm tryied lowering it too but that didn't seem to make a difference | 07:14 |
CydeSwype | i think it's due to the gnome settings not loading correctly. none of my icons or background or anything loaded | 07:15 |
CydeSwype | i got the usual message about "gnome settings could not be loaded" | 07:16 |
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ShackJack | Hi all - my GNOME session freezes when I try to use the quit button from the menu... Does anyone know what program actually runs so that I might call it from a command line to see what it's getting hung up on.... | 07:21 |
rambo3 | i think its some applet | 07:22 |
leperkhan1 | anybody else got krita to see a wacom tablet? | 07:23 |
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CydeSwype | ah...that's much better | 07:23 |
CydeSwype | for some reason, the font changes i made didn't take effect until a ctrl+alt+bkspace | 07:23 |
CydeSwype | but i'm still getting the error about There was an error starting the GNOME Settings Daemon | 07:24 |
rambo3 | Lucida MAC font look good on ubuntu | 07:24 |
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avds | please let me whine a bit: making 'admin' a restricted name in gutsy is really annoying. It is a sound practice to create an administrator "role" account, naming it 'administrator' is dull as it requires a lot of typing during login. 'admin' is the short and sweet | 07:44 |
avds | now that can not be done any more | 07:44 |
nanonyme | sorry, what? | 07:44 |
avds | you can't name an account 'admin' any more in gutsy | 07:44 |
avds | and it is annoying for the reasons given above | 07:45 |
nanonyme | why would you want to name an account "admin"? | 07:45 |
nanonyme | or administrator | 07:45 |
avds | because it is a "role" account that different actual users may fulfill at different times | 07:46 |
nanonyme | root, admin and administrator are the most common names for dictionary hacking | 07:46 |
Pici | avds: There is still the admin group. | 07:46 |
avds | I wouldn't accept dict hacking as an argument | 07:47 |
nanonyme | yeah, you're right. it's only a reason to block it on ssh. not really to prevent you from using it as account name | 07:47 |
avds | Pici, admin group is not the point -- there needs to be a role account that can be taken over when the administrator changes etc | 07:48 |
avds | every time I type 'administrator' I cringe in disgust... reminds me of windows | 07:48 |
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nanonyme | so would admin imo | 07:49 |
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avds | nanonyme, so what do you use in servers? real names? | 07:49 |
nanonyme | pseudonymes. nicks | 07:49 |
avds | but do you understand the "role-problem" | 07:50 |
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dennda | I just had an error while updating the system and wanted to report it with the new apport-thingy. It took me to launchpad, I logged in and confirmed that this is the same as one of the bugs that was listed. I chose it and clicked the button. It then said "you are now subscribed to this bug" or similar. Did it do what I'd expect it to do? (report that I had the same bug and send my machines information) | 07:50 |
nanonyme | avds, actually no. why is root such a bad name for an admin account? | 07:51 |
avds | nanonyme, you're kidding? | 07:51 |
avds | root has full privileges | 07:51 |
avds | I need a sudo-account | 07:51 |
avds | of course, it's just a matter of taste | 07:52 |
avds | but admin seems to be intuitive 1. choice for many, see e.g. http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect_setup_ubuntu_6.10_p2?s=6c3f860692662adc2c8f686ff1f93a15& | 07:52 |
avds | that specially warns against using admin | 07:53 |
avds | why this warning? because people WANT to name the admin account 'admin'! | 07:53 |
nanonyme | hmm | 07:54 |
nanonyme | reserved sounds like something is already using it. dunno. i don't really care about the issue that much nor do i claim i know all the facts about it ;) | 07:54 |
jsomers | the first thing a hacker checks is an account named 'admin' | 07:55 |
jsomers | that's why people shouldn't use it | 07:55 |
nanonyme | and then root and administrator... | 07:55 |
avds | jsomers, hackers should be kept away with more sophisticated tools than account names | 07:55 |
avds | like ssh ip whitelisting etc | 07:56 |
nanonyme | ssh public key based auth is also nice | 07:56 |
avds | yeah | 07:56 |
nanonyme | no password-based auth allowed for admin | 07:56 |
dennda | I have a system with Radeon 7000 for testing purposes here. restricted-manager tells me I do not need any restricted drivers, is this correct? | 07:57 |
avds | probably this is not the place to pour out my angst... | 07:57 |
dennda | Does a Radeon 7000 work with the free ati drivers? | 07:57 |
avds | I wonder if I should create a bug or something... | 07:58 |
crdlb | dennda, yes | 07:58 |
crdlb | fglrx has never supported anything older than the 8500 | 07:58 |
crdlb | and it currently supports >=9500 | 07:58 |
dennda | crdlb: how comes that desktop effects don't work? | 07:58 |
avds | dennda, a side note, ati/amd open-sourced it's card specs a while ago, so newer cards will have a nice OS driver soon as well | 07:59 |
crdlb | my crystal ball is broken | 07:59 |
crdlb | you'll have to be a bit more specific :) | 07:59 |
dennda | avds: thanks, i know | 07:59 |
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dennda | crdlb: no problem, I have a bunch of them. Give me your shipping adress... | 07:59 |
crdlb | what's the output of: glxinfo|grep direct | 07:59 |
dennda | It's a fresh install. Do I need any further drivers for 3d to work? | 08:00 |
crdlb | no | 08:00 |
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dennda | the output is - as was to be expected - "no" | 08:00 |
dennda | mesa | 08:00 |
crdlb | ok | 08:00 |
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dennda | Do I need to change xorg.conf? | 08:00 |
crdlb | pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 08:00 |
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dennda | ok | 08:00 |
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dennda | crdlb: http://pastebin.ca/700928 | 08:03 |
crdlb | ok this isn't a driver problem per se | 08:04 |
crdlb | (WW) RADEON(0): [agp] AGP not available | 08:04 |
crdlb | (EE) RADEON(0): [agp] AGP failed to initialize. Disabling the DRI. | 08:04 |
dennda | suggestions? :] | 08:04 |
crdlb | pastebin the output of lsmod | 08:05 |
dennda | http://pastebin.ca/700935 | 08:06 |
blizzow | I think the new kernel headers package doesn't have support for some encryption methods. I'm unable to boot my LUKS encrypted root partition using the new kernel that was generated. if I boot the old kernel and look at /proc/crypto, I have sha256, cbc(aes), aes, and md5 listed. Is it really possible that the sha256 and aes were left out of the latest kernel? | 08:06 |
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crdlb | dennda, also lspci | 08:07 |
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crdlb | there are a few issues related to conflicting kernel modules that can break AGP | 08:08 |
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dennda | crdlb: http://pastebin.ca/700938 | 08:08 |
crdlb | I have no idea what's wrong :( | 08:11 |
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Assid | heya | 08:11 |
crdlb | you're using 64bit? have you tried 32? | 08:11 |
Assid | hows it going | 08:12 |
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dennda | crdlb: this is 32 bit | 08:13 |
crdlb | well regardless, the problem isn't with your video driver but with your motherboard drivers | 08:14 |
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Assid | hrmm hows gutsy coming? | 08:17 |
dennda | crdlb: so installing nforce drivers is what you suggest? | 08:17 |
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Assid | the whole compiz + glx fixed when your using more opengl applications? | 08:17 |
dennda | err | 08:18 |
dennda | gutsy tells me it's running 1600x1200 at 379Hz... | 08:19 |
Assid | WTF? | 08:19 |
dennda | I doubt this is true | 08:19 |
Assid | i would liove to hget that gfx card and monitor ;) | 08:19 |
ShackJack | Hi all - my GNOME session freezes when I try to use the quit button from the menu... Does anyone know what program actually runs so that I might call it from a command line to see what it's getting hung up on.... | 08:23 |
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rocky | bah, using nm-pptp thing clobbers my system dns :( | 08:30 |
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marek` | hey | 08:41 |
marek` | i dont know if anyone remembers this old question i had | 08:41 |
marek` | this one program uses like 100% cpu usage | 08:41 |
marek` | but when i run this program twice at the same time | 08:41 |
marek` | in top they both show up as running at 100% | 08:41 |
marek` | and i figured out why | 08:41 |
marek` | its because i have dual core | 08:41 |
marek` | and all dual core means is that the 2 processors try to handle an equal share of the load | 08:42 |
marek` | so one program is running on each processor, so each is going at 100% | 08:42 |
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marek` | when i try running it a third time, one runs at 100%, and 2 run at 50% | 08:44 |
marek` | heh | 08:44 |
Assid | hrmm | 08:45 |
Assid | you have some extensions ? | 08:45 |
marek` | extensions? | 08:45 |
=== Frost^ [n=sweiss@89-138-155-229.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
marek` | so i guess it just means that the 2 processors dont act as one, its more just like a mini cluster | 08:46 |
Assid | nah basically the thread thunderbird is running seems to be eating your cpu as well | 08:47 |
Assid | thats not correct.. and you should try ryunning in safe mode just to be sure | 08:47 |
marek` | there is no thunderbird running at all | 08:47 |
Assid | you just said its at 100% and 50% | 08:48 |
marek` | yeah | 08:48 |
marek` | actually | 08:49 |
marek` | two programs running at 50% | 08:49 |
marek` | and one program running at 100% | 08:49 |
=== Stormx2 [n=Stormx2@cpc1-rdng12-0-0-cust973.winn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
marek` | its because the top speed is 2.2Ghz | 08:50 |
marek` | so if one program is using 2.2Ghz, it shows up as 100%, but u have 2 processors so the other program also uses 2.2Ghz, and shows as 100% | 08:51 |
marek` | at least i think thats how it works | 08:51 |
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webjames | Hi, anyone having problems with the GNOME Settings Daemon. after updates? | 08:57 |
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darrend | hi, I just updated a xubuntu gutsy machine which included a kernel update and now I get an API mismatch between nvidia kernel and xorg driver | 08:58 |
darrend | can it be fixed manually? | 08:58 |
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mora | anyone else got problem with gnome-settings-daemon not starting after todays update? | 09:03 |
webjames | yes, me | 09:03 |
webjames | i don't know the solution though | 09:04 |
mora | alright, good to hear i'm not alone :) | 09:04 |
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webjames | mora :) | 09:05 |
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mora | what hardware are you running on? | 09:05 |
webjames | a Thinkpad T41 laptop | 09:05 |
mora | gfxcard? | 09:06 |
webjames | ATI Technologies Inc Radeon Mobility M7 LW [Radeon Mobility 7500] | 09:06 |
=== m1ke [n=mike@c-67-186-85-180.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
webjames | any similarities? | 09:07 |
mora | getting this error: (Details: serial 1383 error_code 2 request_code 148 minor_code 35) | 09:07 |
mora | ring a bell? | 09:07 |
mora | no, nvidia card. but on a laptop too. dell 1720 | 09:07 |
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aantipop | are there other languages for gimp available ? | 09:10 |
aantipop | (at the moment) ? | 09:10 |
aantipop | LANG=de gimp(gimp:8408): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.Using the fallback 'C' locale. | 09:11 |
webjames | mora, that message doesn't ring a bell, where did you see that? | 09:11 |
webjames | here's my dmesg http://dpaste.com/19893/ | 09:12 |
webjames | mora, what wifi card have you got? | 09:13 |
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mora | webjames, I don't get that in dmesg. nothing unusual there by the looks of it | 09:17 |
damon_ | what is the story with "Package acpi-support is not configured yet"? It's been like that for a few days | 09:17 |
mora | webjames: settings-daemon fail on login and when I try to start it manually, I get the following: | 09:18 |
mora | mora@dell1720:~$ gnome-settings-daemon | 09:18 |
mora | The program 'gnome-settings-daemon' received an X Window System error. | 09:18 |
mora | This probably reflects a b | 09:18 |
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mora | um, that didn't come out right | 09:19 |
mora | The program 'gnome-settings-daemon' received an X Window System error. | 09:19 |
mora | This probably reflects a bug in the program. | 09:19 |
mora | The error was 'BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)'. | 09:19 |
mora | (Details: serial 1371 error_code 2 request_code 148 minor_code 35) | 09:19 |
mora | and a few more lines with no direct info | 09:19 |
Vegar | I get that too after the last upgrade | 09:19 |
m1ke | stdin and hobsee thank you for your help yesterday | 09:21 |
webjames | mora i get http://dpaste.com/19895/ | 09:21 |
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mora | ok, not exactly the same error then. But hopfully (?) It's due to the same problem. | 09:22 |
webjames | yeah, i guess if you and i are having it then others will be as well | 09:23 |
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mora | yes. I'm gonna look around a bit more, else wait a few days for the next days of updates and see if it helps. | 09:24 |
mora | thanks for your help. cya | 09:24 |
webjames | yeah sounds good, c ya | 09:24 |
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Assid | did the new xorg make it finally? | 09:25 |
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=== rathel [n=rathel@c-24-9-186-226.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
rathel | My themes and stuff stopped working this morning when I updated. | 09:33 |
webjames | rathel: yes, me two | 09:34 |
rathel | Ah so it's not just me. | 09:34 |
=== webjames meant me to | ||
=== soc [n=soc@p54ADED8E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
soc | hi | 09:34 |
rathel | webjames, I didn't even notice until you said something :X | 09:34 |
webjames | you should have got a message pop up? | 09:35 |
soc | free drivers for r600 seem to have finally arrived at freedesktop.org | 09:35 |
rathel | Yup. | 09:35 |
soc | will it be possible to get that into gutsy, at least for those cards not covered by radeon/avivo? | 09:35 |
soc | it's a pita that i basically have to wait 6 months for the next release until i can hand out ubuntu cds in good faith, because those drivers never covered current hardware | 09:37 |
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webjames | anyone got a fix for the gnome-settings-manager problem? | 09:38 |
webjames | gnome-settings-daemon i mean | 09:39 |
soc | have that too | 09:40 |
webjames | soc, are you on a laptop | 09:41 |
soc | yes | 09:41 |
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webjames | so am i and mora | 09:41 |
webjames | rathel: are you on a laptop? | 09:42 |
rathel | webjames, My laptop has gutsy, yes, but I'm not my laptop for xchat though. | 09:43 |
webjames | yeah, i mean for gutsy. that's interesting that's narrowed it down to laptops i guess | 09:43 |
rathel | Odd. | 09:44 |
m1ke | Anyone be able to help me get xbox 360 controller to work on gutsy? | 09:45 |
webjames | rathel, soc are you using the atheros hal? | 09:45 |
soc | no, ipw3945 | 09:46 |
rathel | webjames, I think I am how do I check to make sure? | 09:47 |
webjames | i just loaded up restricted driver management | 09:47 |
webjames | under system > admin | 09:48 |
webjames | m1ke, sorry i have no idea, there is a thread on the forums about getting it to run on feisty, i would guess it's similar | 09:48 |
rathel | Yup I'm using using Atheros HAL. | 09:48 |
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DaBonBon | i need some help with bug http://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/109882 ... this bug _has_ been fixed upstream, but not in gutsy :( | 09:49 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 109882 in linux-source-2.6.22 "Headphone automute not working" [Medium,Triaged] | 09:49 |
soc | a regression in the final release ... damn ... | 09:49 |
DaBonBon | it's an important bug .. and i think a pretty simple fix :-/ | 09:49 |
soc | gnome 2.20 isn't officially released, maybe that can be fixed ... | 09:49 |
DaBonBon | soc: just my curiosity ,, what regression ? | 09:50 |
soc | gnome-settings-deamon crashes in gutsy, since a few hours ago ... | 09:50 |
mrtimdog | Hi, just done an update and now my gnome-settings-deamon crashes. | 09:50 |
DaBonBon | ah i see | 09:50 |
mrtimdog | soc: ah, you too! | 09:50 |
webjames | mrtimdog: welcome to the clu | 09:50 |
webjames | b | 09:50 |
=== beg1689 [n=beg1689@ip68-228-159-130.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Suurorca | welcome to the alpha world ;P | 09:51 |
mrtimdog | :) | 09:51 |
beg1689 | hm? | 09:51 |
DaBonBon | any ubuntu kernel guru around ? | 09:51 |
beg1689 | me! no wait, whats the exact opposite of a guru? | 09:51 |
DaBonBon | noob ? | 09:51 |
mrtimdog | Not sure if this may help from the error: 1190058434,000,xklavier.c:xkl_engine_start_listen | 09:51 |
soc | webjames: have been there since april :-) | 09:52 |
mrtimdog | Could this be to do with the keyboard devs? | 09:52 |
webjames | mrtimdog are you on a laptop? | 09:52 |
beg1689 | wow in the past 24 hours ive lost nautilus, gnome-settings-daemon, and gutsy only starts up once every 3 tries :) | 09:52 |
mrtimdog | I am. | 09:52 |
beg1689 | at least i have precious compiz | 09:53 |
mrtimdog | Touch pad, maybe. Looks similar to a bug from the past to do with evdev? | 09:53 |
soc | www.ubuntuusers.de/paste/15087 <-- gnome-settings-deamon bug | 09:53 |
webjames | i've been on gutsy since tribe 3 and since then volume no longer works, hot-keys nm-applet, and now settings-daemon | 09:53 |
mrtimdog | soc: That'll be the one. | 09:54 |
=== kiba [n=kiba@adsl-145-162-134.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
kiba | hello | 09:54 |
webjames | mine: http://dpaste.com/19898/ | 09:54 |
kiba | I have am having a problem with ktorrent client | 09:54 |
kiba | I can't see the texts | 09:54 |
kiba | all the texts are gone | 09:55 |
kiba | or maybe too small? | 09:55 |
beg1689 | bah, i want my gnome settings :( | 09:55 |
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soc | me too | 09:55 |
webjames | and me | 09:55 |
=== Menth [n=Matt@eth0-2.gw-nat.slr.lxa.oneandone.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
kiba | gnome settings? | 09:56 |
kiba | I need help with font size for ktorrent | 09:56 |
webjames | to reset to default settings you can delete the .ktorrent dir in your home directory, but you will loose all torrent information. as i don't use ktorrent i can't offer you a better solution | 09:57 |
webjames | perhaps look in that dir for a settings/config file and delete that | 09:58 |
kiba | well..somehow..I suspect that I can't actually set font size | 09:59 |
webjames | i'm not sure, in Azureus i can change a lot | 10:00 |
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kiba | I think this is a problem with the latest upgrade | 10:00 |
mrtimdog | gnome-settings-daemon: Bug #140485 | 10:01 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 140485 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics "gnome-settings-daemon not starting with 1:2.19.92-0ubuntu3" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/140485 | 10:01 |
webjames | right maybe it's to do with the gnome-settings-daemon bug | 10:01 |
kiba | so it is already reported? | 10:01 |
kiba | it is soooooo hard to discern if a torrent is complete or not | 10:01 |
webjames | kiba, well i'm not sure as i'm not sure if it's related. have you tried restarting? | 10:02 |
kiba | so miro finally arrived | 10:03 |
webjames | you could use another torrent program, till a fix is released | 10:03 |
kiba | it seem that ubuntu breaks more than debian unstable does | 10:03 |
kiba | webjames: well..I am in the midst of downloading one | 10:04 |
webjames | azureus will check and start where ktorrent left off | 10:04 |
webjames | all you need to do is load the torrent file in, and specify the same location | 10:05 |
kiba | I am not sure where the torrent file is located | 10:05 |
webjames | can you export it from ktorrent? or re-download it? | 10:06 |
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webjames | mrtimdog: it says a fix released? | 10:08 |
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=== webjames is restarting | ||
Assid | err which xorg finally is going into gutsy ? | 10:10 |
Assid | err whats the difference between xorg and xserver ? | 10:11 |
underwatercow | Is there a reason that when I run a game with wine, the gnome menus still show up in the game? They didn't do that in 7.04. | 10:11 |
kiba | kde applications are crashing | 10:11 |
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kiba | you can't see the menu | 10:12 |
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underwatercow | ? | 10:12 |
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kiba | err...texts | 10:12 |
kiba | not menu | 10:12 |
yipe | hey +1ers, what is trackerd and why does it run by default and eat up my CPU time in gutsy? | 10:13 |
kiba | you see some menu buttons | 10:13 |
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yipe | can I kill it and never let it run again? | 10:13 |
webjames | yipe: it's the search tool | 10:13 |
yipe | but why does it take so much CPU? | 10:13 |
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webjames | yipe it's indexing your files | 10:14 |
yipe | so when it's done it'll quit? | 10:14 |
webjames | under System>Preferences>Indexing | 10:14 |
webjames | you can change the settings | 10:14 |
yipe | oh awesome, thanks :) | 10:14 |
underwatercow | So does no one know about my wine issue? :( | 10:15 |
webjames | yipe: it won't quit it'll sleep | 10:15 |
yipe | that's what I meant | 10:15 |
yipe | well, ACTUALLY by quit I meant "quit hogging my CPU" | 10:15 |
webjames | cool | 10:15 |
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yipe | anyways, thanks, Gutsy looks like it's gonna be awesome | 10:16 |
webjames | i've set mine to slow, and minimize memory usage under performance | 10:16 |
=== Loevborg [n=loevborg@dslb-084-056-003-230.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Loevborg | Q: I installed Compiz Configuration Settings Manager, but changing compiz-fusion settings there does not seem to have any effect. | 10:17 |
underwatercow | Does anyone know why my gnome menus won't go away when I run a full screen game with wine? I have run the same game with wine fine in 7.04. | 10:18 |
Daviey | And yet certain ATI cards still can't start X, without manually installing fglrx and modifing xorg.conf by hand | 10:18 |
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hmusche | heyaz | 10:20 |
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hmusche | anyone else has the problem that gnome-session-daemon doesn't want to start up? | 10:21 |
webjames | yes, quite a few so far hmusche | 10:22 |
hmusche | any fix yet? :-) | 10:22 |
webjames | hmusche are you on a laptop with the problem? | 10:22 |
hmusche | yup | 10:22 |
webjames | yeah so was everyone else, that must be linked, but no fix yet that i've heard | 10:23 |
hmusche | mmh. | 10:23 |
webjames | hmusche: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-synaptics/+bug/140485 | 10:23 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 140485 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics "gnome-settings-daemon not starting with 1:2.19.92-0ubuntu3" [Undecided,Fix released] | 10:23 |
hmusche | ok | 10:24 |
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kiba | wee! | 10:28 |
kiba | fixed! | 10:28 |
kiba | restarting work! | 10:28 |
webjames | kiba: nice, :) | 10:29 |
kiba | I wish to fix problems that don't allowed amarok and a few other application from loading | 10:30 |
kiba | but I feel like not fixing it right now | 10:30 |
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yipe | hmmmm all the text in a couple programs seems to be either not their, invisible, or very very small | 10:34 |
yipe | there* | 10:34 |
yipe | like ktorrent, and gnome-terminal | 10:34 |
=== boojah [n=boojah@ti231110a080-8797.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
boojah | i just upgraded a whole bunch.. does anyone have problems with fonts? | 10:35 |
yipe | me! | 10:35 |
yipe | I was just noting that | 10:35 |
boojah | my terminal doesn't show text.. just a tiny dot | 10:35 |
yipe | check out gnome-terminal | 10:36 |
yipe | yes, exact same thing here | 10:36 |
yipe | the text is there it's just amazingly tiny | 10:36 |
boojah | ahh.. nice to know i didn't mess anything up :P | 10:36 |
boojah | it kinda sux.. i tried installing konsole to see if it was the same, but it doesn't start.. and i have no terminal to see what the output is :P | 10:37 |
yipe | you can cut and paste the tiny-text into gedit and it will show up full size | 10:38 |
boojah | hmm cool.. ill try that :P | 10:38 |
yipe | if you can find a fix I'd love to hear it, but I'm sure the next round of updates will fix it | 10:38 |
boojah | yea.. probably.. its not just in the terminal. its the same for kopete.. | 10:38 |
yipe | ktorrent too | 10:39 |
boojah | and probably others as well | 10:39 |
boojah | ok | 10:39 |
webjames | kiba reported this, but then later reported that it was fixed with a restart | 10:41 |
yipe | well then I'm restartin'! | 10:42 |
webjames | :) | 10:42 |
boojah | not fixed with restart | 10:42 |
boojah | i have restarted twice | 10:42 |
webjames | i was just saying what i heard, i have not got that problem just the gnome-settings-daemon problem | 10:43 |
boojah | i'd like to know if this has affected everyone | 10:43 |
boojah | ok | 10:43 |
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webjames | boojah have you got the gnome settings problem? | 10:44 |
boojah | just curious.. have anyone had the outline of the window where you type your password freeze after its closed? | 10:44 |
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boojah | webjames, im not sure.. the system isn't very stable, and i've had a number of wierd "bugs" | 10:45 |
yipe | yeah, definitely not fixed with a reboot | 10:45 |
webjames | kiba must have had a different problem, sounded like the small font problem | 10:46 |
boojah | so not everyone has the problem then | 10:46 |
boojah | what do we have in common yipe? :P | 10:47 |
webjames | nope, i'll just check for updates and restart though | 10:47 |
yipe | trouble? :P | 10:47 |
boojah | didn't you just update webjames? new kernel etc | 10:47 |
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webjames | boojah: yeh, but i thought i;d check again | 10:48 |
webjames | oo, some new ones | 10:48 |
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boojah | what is it? it might be one of those | 10:48 |
boojah | i had like 54 new updates | 10:48 |
tanath | this last update broke my terminal | 10:48 |
boojah | same here | 10:48 |
yipe | I also can't open the gnome-appearance thing | 10:49 |
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webjames | cups, gnome-orca, vino, gnome-system-tools .... | 10:50 |
boojah | yipe, i could open it, but it had no window borders | 10:50 |
webjames | i'll restart and see if i get it again, do you still get the gnome-settings-daemon problem? | 10:50 |
yipe | yes | 10:50 |
boojah | webjames, can you upgrade some at the time? try to isolate what update is causing it? | 10:50 |
webjames | sorry, just upgraded | 10:52 |
boojah | ok, np | 10:53 |
boojah | let e know if you get the bug | 10:53 |
webjames | okay brb | 10:53 |
=== webjames restarts | ||
yipe | hey there's more stuff to upgrade now, neat | 10:55 |
yipe | maybe it'll be fixed :P | 10:55 |
mrtimdog | I'm trying to use a serial port with cu but I'm getting a 'Line in use' error. I can't see what else maybe using it. Anyone any pointers on where to look? | 10:55 |
tanath | i can open the gnome appearance thing, but it's really wide | 10:56 |
tanath | and something in my kde apps is broken | 10:56 |
tanath | i got a dcop error, and my kdissert is funky | 10:56 |
=== webjames [n=james@82-32-146-127.cable.ubr01.nail.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
webjames | HI! | 10:56 |
=== rockets [n=rockets@pool-71-247-28-40.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
boojah | you got the same problem? | 10:57 |
webjames | where are the fonts small? | 10:57 |
boojah | in the terminal | 10:58 |
webjames | nope normal | 10:58 |
webjames | strange | 10:58 |
tanath | my terminal is borked i think | 10:58 |
tanath | no display | 10:58 |
webjames | my gnome-settings-daemon is broken | 10:59 |
boojah | hmm.. perhaps its some conflict.. i had just installed a kde app before i noticed the small fonts.. you said your kde apps where broken tanath? | 10:59 |
webjames | boojah: i don't have any kde apps i know of | 11:00 |
boojah | try too install one.. if you dare :P | 11:00 |
=== buzztracker [n=buzztrac@pelikan.garga.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
webjames | okay, what did you just install? | 11:00 |
tanath | boojah, i ran kdissert, and it gave a dcop error, and now all the File, Edit, etc., menus are horizontally stretched, vertically stacked, and have no text, and display nothing | 11:00 |
boojah | i installed kopete | 11:01 |
webjames | was it instant mess? | 11:01 |
boojah | yea.. im trying to get my webcam working | 11:01 |
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boojah | was gonna use it to test it.. camorama isn't working :) | 11:02 |
tanath | and i can't see anything but a cursor in terminal, but it only shows the bottom half, and it's a thin line | 11:02 |
webjames | yeah i can't say i've ever needed a kde app | 11:02 |
tanath | and i can't close other tabs in the terminal | 11:02 |
boojah | tanath are you running kde or gnome? | 11:02 |
tanath | webjames, try amarok :) | 11:02 |
tanath | boojah, gnome | 11:02 |
webjames | i use exaile | 11:02 |
tanath | amarok is better | 11:03 |
tanath | exaile is ugly too :P | 11:03 |
webjames | exaile is getting there | 11:03 |
hydrogen | amarok is the only solution for media playing on linux. | 11:03 |
boojah | ok.. i dont have problems with menus etc.. just the terminal | 11:03 |
webjames | ok well i installed kopete and no problems | 11:03 |
tanath | oh, and k3b | 11:04 |
tanath | nothing beats amarok & k3b | 11:04 |
boojah | hmm.. what's causing this then... | 11:04 |
webjames | boojah: i'm installing ktorrent k3b and amarok | 11:05 |
tanath | ktorrent is good too :) | 11:06 |
boojah | ok.. when you upgraded, did you upgrade the new kernels.. dumb question i know :P | 11:06 |
tanath | i upgraded everything, rebooted, and here i am | 11:06 |
webjames | same | 11:06 |
boojah | tanath: deluge is best :) | 11:06 |
jussi01 | ktorrent ftw | 11:07 |
tanath | i couldn't get it working | 11:07 |
tanath | i like ktorrent though | 11:07 |
tanath | fast and efficient | 11:07 |
boojah | strange it installed nicely here.. and its just as good as utorrent on windows | 11:07 |
webjames | okay amarok is really like exaile. more importantly my terminal is still working | 11:08 |
boojah | strange it installed nicely here.. and its just as good as utorrent on windows+ | 11:08 |
boojah | do you use compiz tanath? | 11:09 |
tanath | actually, exaile is like amarok | 11:09 |
tanath | compiz fusion, yes | 11:09 |
boojah | me too | 11:09 |
webjames | kb3 whats wrong with gnomebaker? | 11:09 |
boojah | you webjames? | 11:09 |
tanath | gnomebaker doesn't compare | 11:09 |
webjames | yes me webjames | 11:09 |
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boojah | compiz fusion? | 11:10 |
webjames | i'll restart and see if it's all working | 11:10 |
webjames | boojah: compiz-fusion what? | 11:10 |
boojah | do you use it? | 11:10 |
webjames | i have 'normal effects' enabled | 11:10 |
boojah | ok.. | 11:10 |
boojah | not likely to be that then | 11:11 |
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webjames | i'll restart and brb | 11:11 |
boojah | kk | 11:11 |
tanath | no that's the regular compiz, i think | 11:11 |
=== webjames [n=james@82-32-146-127.cable.ubr01.nail.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
webjames | Hi, still no problems | 11:14 |
tanath | webjames, you're up to date with no probs? | 11:14 |
boojah | ok.. this beats me i think... it might be compiz fusion.. but i tried turning it off and the small fonts are still there | 11:15 |
webjames | yes, well got the gnome-settings-daemon problem | 11:15 |
tanath | terminal ok? | 11:15 |
webjames | yes | 11:15 |
tanath | i did notice my fonts seem to be slightly smaller, but i like it this way | 11:15 |
=== rockets [n=rockets@pool-71-247-28-40.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
boojah | what is the gnome-settings.daemon problem? | 11:15 |
boojah | tanath, you dont have the small font problem?? | 11:16 |
tanath | oh, and when i make a new tab in terminal, the window jumps up. (it's maximized and shouldn't). before it would jump then reset | 11:16 |
tanath | boojah, no _problem_... | 11:16 |
tanath | my fonts are a wee bit smaller, but they're just how i want them | 11:16 |
tanath | i think i had them like this before on feisty, and was wondering why they got larger | 11:17 |
webjames | bug 140485 | 11:17 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 140485 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics "gnome-settings-daemon not starting with 1:2.19.92-0ubuntu3" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/140485 | 11:17 |
boojah | tanath, then we dont have the same problem.. i cant see the text, cuz its so incredibly small.. like just a couple of pixels | 11:17 |
tanath | maybe that's what's wrong in my terminal | 11:17 |
tanath | i can't see any text | 11:17 |
tanath | maybe it's so small as to be invisible :P | 11:17 |
boojah | you dont see any text? | 11:18 |
webjames | perhaps select the text and paste it somewhere | 11:18 |
boojah | just a tiny black dot? | 11:18 |
boojah | webjames yes that works | 11:18 |
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webjames | tanath: try that and if something pastes then it's the same problem to a different degree | 11:18 |
tanath | you're right | 11:19 |
tanath | the text is there, i just can't see it :D | 11:19 |
webjames | :D | 11:19 |
tanath | no wonder the cursor only when down a tiny bit when i ran commands | 11:20 |
boojah | hmm.. im a little confused, didnt you say it was just a little smaller than what you had before? | 11:20 |
webjames | tanath are you on a laptop? | 11:20 |
tanath | nope | 11:21 |
boojah | i am | 11:21 |
tanath | my regular text, yes | 11:21 |
boojah | ohh.. i see | 11:21 |
tanath | but in the terminal i see nothing but a teensy cursor | 11:21 |
boojah | misunderstood you | 11:21 |
tanath | i ran ls, and expected it to go down far, but since the text is so tiny, is spread out pretty good, and only went down what appeared to be one (regular) line :O | 11:22 |
tanath | and i have a lot of crap in ~ :P | 11:23 |
boojah | hmm.. i just got some more ugrades.. ill install them and reboot | 11:23 |
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ratpoison | hello! I'm using gutsy amd64 and I messed up my swiftweasel preferences. on about:config I accidentally entered on layout.css.dpi the value of 1 instead of the desired 0. What file should I edit to fix that? | 11:27 |
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hydrogen | can't you just change the setting back? | 11:28 |
ratpoison | the dpi is so huge, that no matter how many times I press " ctrl - " it won't fit the screen | 11:29 |
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hydrogen | ah | 11:29 |
hydrogen | yea | 11:29 |
hydrogen | 1 dot per inch | 11:29 |
hydrogen | kind of major :) | 11:29 |
hydrogen | uhh | 11:29 |
ratpoison | kinda huge, huh? | 11:29 |
hydrogen | its somewhere in ~/.mozilla/firefox | 11:30 |
hydrogen | try grepping for dpi in there | 11:30 |
=== boojah_ [n=boojah@ti231110a080-8797.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
boojah_ | still broken | 11:31 |
webjames | hmm, i don't have any updates | 11:31 |
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boojah_ | webjames.. i noticed that that i can't upgrade gnome-orca.. you think that could be the cause? | 11:32 |
jack_mcdowell | Did anyone get a "Gnome Settings Daemon Restarts too many times," error after today's upgrades? | 11:33 |
webjames | boojah_ perhaps, jack_mcdowell yes a few of us have | 11:33 |
tanath | i didn't get that one though, fortunately | 11:34 |
tanath | i just got miniscule text in terminal :D | 11:34 |
jack_mcdowell | thanks... I thought it was my hp laptop which has been a headache with ubuntu | 11:34 |
tanath | it's invisible | 11:34 |
webjames | then gnome-settings is only on laptops | 11:34 |
boojah_ | tanath is you gnome-orca updated? i have some unmet dependensies.. | 11:35 |
tanath | boojah, i have everything updated | 11:35 |
jack_mcdowell | btw, does anyone have an hp dv6xxx? | 11:35 |
boojah_ | anyone know of an alternative terminal? | 11:35 |
boojah_ | konsole didnt run | 11:36 |
tanath | gnome-terminal :) | 11:36 |
tanath | or xterm | 11:36 |
tanath | or aterm, etc :P | 11:36 |
webjames | boojah_ can't you change the terminal profile to a bigger font? | 11:37 |
tanath | well, at least my xterm has visible text | 11:37 |
jack_mcdowell | the system / preferences / preferred apps has 3 to chose from | 11:37 |
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tanath | tried that, doesn't help | 11:37 |
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tanath | i'm set to system default, but i tried manual, and it didn't change | 11:38 |
webjames | just an idea, hmm | 11:38 |
boojah_ | xterm was installed :S didnt know that lol.. and it works only gnome-terminal is broken | 11:38 |
tanath | and when i close a tab, it's delayed | 11:38 |
tanath | yeh | 11:38 |
tanath | xterm comes with X i think | 11:38 |
yipe | yeah I tried that too, no dice | 11:39 |
tanath | bloody hell. anyone file a bug yet? | 11:39 |
boojah_ | we dont know where the bug is.. not everyone has the same problem | 11:39 |
tanath | are there not at least 3 of us who have the tiny text problem in gnome-terminal? | 11:40 |
tanath | that's a bug in gnome-terminal | 11:40 |
ratpoison | can't seem to find it under home, I'm doing a "quite" extensive search, grepping under / | 11:40 |
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jack_mcdowell | well my text is smaller, but not tiny :) | 11:40 |
tanath | in terminal? | 11:41 |
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jack_mcdowell | yes | 11:41 |
boojah_ | actually, my text is smaller too | 11:41 |
tanath | well mine went invisible | 11:41 |
boojah_ | everywhere i mean | 11:41 |
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boojah_ | just slightly | 11:41 |
tanath | literally. i highlight it and even on zoom in, it's tiny blocks | 11:41 |
tanath | yeh, my text everywhere is a bit smaller, as it should be | 11:42 |
tanath | but in gnome-terminal, it's minimum-sized or something | 11:42 |
boojah_ | yea, its like micro font size | 11:42 |
=== Traveler6 [n=traveler@66-188-130-15.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Traveler6 | Anyone here working on the power save bits? | 11:43 |
Traveler6 | I'd be willing to contribute to a "bounty" for some really, really good power management functions. | 11:43 |
tanath | hmm, gnome-terminal has a zoom feature, but it doesn't seem to help | 11:44 |
tanath | unless it's shrunk into powers of 10 :P | 11:45 |
Traveler6 | Heh. | 11:45 |
Traveler6 | Anyone here know what the "tribe" buisness is about? | 11:45 |
Traveler6 | I.E, Gutsy Tribe 3, Gutsy Tribe 4? | 11:45 |
tanath | yeh, it's a beta release | 11:45 |
Traveler6 | http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/gutsy/tribe-3/ | 11:45 |
tanath | for testing | 11:45 |
Traveler6 | Hmm. | 11:45 |
Ax-Ax | oh | 11:45 |
tanath | i think they're on tribe 5 now? or it's coming | 11:45 |
Traveler6 | I hear I need Gutsy for my Thinkpad X61. | 11:45 |
Traveler6 | Otherwise, the sound won't work. | 11:46 |
boojah_ | and right know is proof that its a good thing they are testing :P | 11:46 |
Ax-Ax | when is the real release? | 11:46 |
Traveler6 | About one month from now. | 11:46 |
tanath | oct 18 | 11:46 |
Traveler6 | They need to get their butts in gear. | 11:46 |
boojah_ | traveler6 what is the soundcard? | 11:46 |
mnemo | tribe5 is old... i think tribe6 is out | 11:46 |
Traveler6 | boojah: Thinkpad X61 stock...so, intel? | 11:46 |
Traveler6 | All I know is that the Ubuntu Forums say that it won't work. | 11:46 |
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Traveler6 | Also, I don't want to reinstall after 33 days. | 11:47 |
boojah_ | hmm i have Realtek ID 268.. and had a hard time getting it to work.. you might be able to compile alsa driver with a patch of some kind | 11:48 |
tanath | have you tried any version of ubuntu yet? | 11:48 |
tanath | might try a feisty livecd | 11:48 |
=== lakin [n=lakin@S01060013101832ce.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
boojah_ | Traveler6 you need to know what exact sound card you have on your thinkpad | 11:49 |
Traveler6 | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=503233 | 11:50 |
tanath | great, another prob | 11:51 |
Traveler6 | Heh. | 11:51 |
tanath | anyone ever got amsn running on gutsy? | 11:51 |
Traveler6 | Well, at least someone's DOING something. | 11:51 |
tanath | i could never. i always got this error, but now, i can't see the error | 11:51 |
tanath | the text of the error is invisible too | 11:52 |
tanath | tkxcimage error or something like that | 11:52 |
boojah_ | traveler6 seems one guy there got his soundcard working | 11:52 |
tanath | can't load | 11:52 |
Traveler6 | User: "I upgraded to Vista, and it won't work with my legacy hardware." Microsoft: "Why not go get some new hardware to complete the Vista experience?" | 11:52 |
boojah_ | thats the great relationship between MS and the hardware companies right there.. bah | 11:53 |
Traveler6 | Yah. | 11:53 |
Traveler6 | Anyone here using Gutsy? | 11:53 |
boojah_ | i think all are | 11:54 |
IdleOne | been using gutsy for a while now | 11:54 |
Traveler6 | As a primary OS? | 11:54 |
IdleOne | Traveler6: yes | 11:54 |
Assid | i actually had to shift back to winxp from gutsy | 11:54 |
Traveler6 | I just used GNOME, firefox, AbiWord, and a few other simple programs from the repository under Fiesty. | 11:54 |
webjames | i have as well most of the time it's fine | 11:54 |
boojah_ | well... ubuntu is the primary os, gutsy is just the version | 11:54 |
Assid | just too many requirements for me to make it work | 11:54 |
Traveler6 | Is Gusty to the point where I can use it? | 11:54 |
=== der0b [n=s0d_0ff@c-66-31-142-244.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Traveler6 | I don't need compiz, beryl, or flying toasters. | 11:55 |
webjames | well at the moment on my thinkpad there are some issues as of today | 11:55 |
IdleOne | Traveler6: yeah it is stable enough | 11:55 |
Traveler6 | webjames: Shoot. | 11:55 |
Traveler6 | IdleOne: ? | 11:55 |
IdleOne | Traveler6: i could not live without the flying toasters | 11:55 |
webjames | but i hope by tomorrow they will be sorted | 11:55 |
=== _Jaak_ [n=ernst@elanser.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Traveler6 | Until I get Linux working, I'm stuck with Vista. | 11:55 |
boojah_ | i kinda had to upgrade, so i could use my intel wifi 4965agn card | 11:56 |
Traveler6 | How do you make a Core2Duo at 2ghz with 2GB of RAM a SLOW LAPTOP? | 11:56 |
Traveler6 | HOW? | 11:56 |
jack_mcdowell | Vista? That's what made me switch to Ubuntu! | 11:56 |
_Jaak_ | 'stuck' is a nice way of putting it | 11:56 |
webjames | Traveler6: i'm off now but give me you email and when my thinkpad is working i'll email you | 11:56 |
Traveler6 | boojah: Okay, I'm using Gutsy. | 11:56 |
Assid | Traveler6: my bro had one of those | 11:56 |
Traveler6 | webjames: spasticteapot@gmail.com | 11:56 |
Traveler6 | assid: One of what? | 11:56 |
Assid | one of those core2duo laptops.. with 2GB ram.. | 11:56 |
Traveler6 | Ooh. | 11:57 |
Assid | it ran vista.. and oh man.. it was slower than a p4 3.0ghz with xp | 11:57 |
_Jaak_ | the 'gnomesettingsdaemon' problem is well known since last couple of updates right/ | 11:57 |
Traveler6 | Fark. | 11:57 |
Traveler6 | GNOME I do use. | 11:57 |
webjames | _Jaak_: that's my problem | 11:57 |
Traveler6 | I'm not quite 1337 enough to just use the command line and X11. | 11:57 |
webjames | Traveler6: i'll email you, | 11:57 |
_Jaak_ | not only yours i guesss | 11:57 |
webjames | bye everyone | 11:57 |
Traveler6 | bye! | 11:57 |
Assid | personalluy i would love to move to linux full time.. but i do use 3-4 applciations through wine.. and compiz + opengl is hell right now | 11:58 |
_Jaak_ | but it's getting fixed right? just wait for next update... | 11:58 |
Traveler6 | Assid: Stop using compiz+opengl? | 11:58 |
Assid | not to mention gaming on linux is just pita.. | 11:58 |
Traveler6 | Say, is there a GNOME thingy that will let me tile windows? | 11:58 |
=== vis [n=vis@c529cec50.cable.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
boojah_ | traveler6: i have a 2ghz intel dual core, 2gig ram laptop.. i never bothered trying vista on it though.. but the big bottle neck for the speed is the software, not the hardware | 11:58 |
Traveler6 | I'd like to be able to tile all the open windows on the screen (I.E, 9 windows = a 3 x 3 array of small windows.) | 11:58 |
Assid | Traveler6: well.. no real reason for me to change then.. if im using mostly windows apps | 11:58 |
Traveler6 | boojah: Software? | 11:59 |
Assid | boojah_: yep.. | 11:59 |
Assid | Traveler6: vista slows things down | 11:59 |
Traveler6 | Traveler6: Why do you need compiz? | 11:59 |
Traveler6 | Wait...wrong person. | 11:59 |
Traveler6 | Durr. | 11:59 |
winbond | jack_mcdowell, lolz yeah, spysta | 11:59 |
Assid | hehe | 11:59 |
boojah_ | traveler6: if he os is poor coded, it doesnt matter if you have the best computer on the world | 11:59 |
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Traveler6 | Anyone here used Expose? | 12:00 |
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Traveler6 | Absolutely terrific bit of software. | 12:00 |
Assid | boojah_: they want you to upgrade the hardware so they can show you "effects" | 12:00 |
Assid | expose ? Traveler6? | 12:00 |
Traveler6 | Assid: Effects? | 12:00 |
Assid | isnt that part of compiz | 12:00 |
Traveler6 | Assid: It is? | 12:01 |
Assid | yes | 12:01 |
Assid | like the mac expose | 12:01 |
=== der0b [n=s0d_0ff@c-66-31-142-244.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Traveler6 | I thought that was the cube thing. | 12:01 |
Assid | its got more than 1 effect | 12:01 |
Traveler6 | Durr. | 12:02 |
Traveler6 | Okay, I'd like that.... | 12:02 |
=== nick4 [n=fffeop@ppp51-98.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Traveler6 | I'm still quite impressed by what Ubuntu pulls off with limited hardware. | 12:02 |
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Traveler6 | a 1ghz/512mb PIII box can handle Gnome with Compiz, IIRC. | 12:03 |
Traveler6 | (And a GeForce3.) | 12:03 |
boojah_ | Assid: yea.. but the biggest flop in vista is the user autentication.. what a joke | 12:03 |
Traveler6 | Heh. | 12:03 |
=== der0b [n=s0d_0ff@c-66-31-142-244.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Traveler6 | Considering Microsoft's vast resources, you'd think they could make something that works. | 12:03 |
Assid | boojah_: you saw the run as administrator thing they have | 12:03 |
Assid | Traveler6: they didnt say it doesnt work... it just doesnt do it right | 12:04 |
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-76-204-9-149.dsl.klmzmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Traveler6 | Where do I download the latest version of Gutsy? | 12:04 |
boojah_ | Assid: thats what im talking about | 12:04 |
Assid | it does the job.. but it eats 5 times more resources than any other OS out there for the same job | 12:04 |
Traveler6 | Assid: With bigass security holes...it's no better than not working at all. | 12:04 |
Traveler6 | At least a bricked PC is not a security hazard. | 12:04 |
Assid | boojah_: first time i saw it.. i was like hrmm.. k.. continue | 12:04 |
boojah_ | Assid: hehehe | 12:04 |
Traveler6 | "Do you REALLY want to open word?" | 12:05 |
Assid | after that .. i was like GO THE f%%%% AWAY!!! | 12:05 |
Traveler6 | Heh. | 12:05 |
Assid | thats within 1/2 hr of usage | 12:05 |
Assid | trying to configure wifi on that was a pita too | 12:05 |
Assid | im soo used to double click.. how the hell am i supposed to know im supposed to right click on the wifi netrwork LIST | 12:05 |
Assid | its a list dammit.. XP doesnt have rightclick for thatr | 12:06 |
Traveler6 | Yah. | 12:06 |
Assid | there was absolutely no other way to change the wifi settings to WEP / manual | 12:06 |
Traveler6 | Where do I download Gutsy? | 12:06 |
boojah_ | Assid: its like they just realized that all the other OS have a user authentication.. and though that typing a password is just to fucking hard for windows users, so lets just make them push a button instead :P | 12:06 |
Assid | they honestly think a virus cant emulate a push button ? | 12:07 |
Traveler6 | Still need to download.... | 12:07 |
boojah_ | yea, its pathetic | 12:07 |
PriceChild | !ohmy | boojah_ | 12:07 |
=== ShackJack [n=ShackJac@c-65-96-48-74.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
ubotu | boojah_: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 12:07 |
boojah_ | ops.. sry :P | 12:07 |
Assid | Traveler6: topic | 12:07 |
Assid | !topic | Traveler6 | 12:07 |
ubotu | Traveler6: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic | 12:07 |
=== ShackJack [n=ShackJac@c-65-96-48-74.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu+1 [] | ||
jack_mcdowell | http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/gutsy/tribe-5/ | 12:08 |
Assid | no tribe 6 yet | 12:08 |
jack_mcdowell | I would say... use at your own risk though | 12:08 |
boojah_ | Assid: did you upgrade today? do you have the bug with the gnome-terminal? | 12:09 |
tormod | there won't be any tribe 6 cd. use a daily build. | 12:09 |
Assid | boojah_: aint running gutsy no more | 12:09 |
boojah_ | Assid: o | 12:09 |
boojah_ | k | 12:09 |
Assid | i use this machine for production use.. so shifted back to winxp | 12:09 |
Assid | the "LAST" stable windows | 12:09 |
boojah_ | hehe i see | 12:10 |
IdleOne | I miss windows 95 | 12:10 |
Assid | one of the main reasons im trying to force myself to move to linux.. i keep tryin to say to myself "xp is the last.. thats it.. what you gonna do after this?" | 12:10 |
boojah_ | i dont miss anything from windows... | 12:10 |
Traveler6 | Assid: You get used to Linux really, really fast. | 12:10 |
boojah_ | why cant you use linux? | 12:10 |
IdleOne | boojah_: not even the BSOD? | 12:10 |
Traveler6 | :) | 12:11 |
Assid | boojah_: i went nuts trying to sync my phone.. | 12:11 |
Traveler6 | Seriously...the only thing I miss is Google SketchUp. | 12:11 |
boojah_ | idleOne: ehm no | 12:11 |
Traveler6 | Also, I'm a bit of a luddite. I don't WANT my phone to connect to my laptop. | 12:11 |
winbond | Traveler6, did u get the link to gutsy? | 12:11 |
Traveler6 | My PalmPilot? Well, it's only about six years old..... | 12:11 |
Assid | i mean yes i can play with the conf files.. but seriously.. do they expect all users to play with it ?!?! | 12:11 |
Traveler6 | Winbond: Yep. | 12:11 |
Assid | Traveler6: https://iso.qa.stgraber.org/ | 12:11 |
Traveler6 | Assid: Yep. | 12:11 |
Assid | or just use the daily builds | 12:12 |
Traveler6 | Assid: Go complain to your carrier/cell phone manufacturer. | 12:12 |
boojah_ | Assid: its a learning curve.. and its more and more gui replacements out there | 12:12 |
Assid | nokia e61 .. i followed the guides. still couldnt sync | 12:12 |
jack_mcdowell | speaking of phones, does anyone know a way to connect a t-mobile dash to transfer siles? | 12:12 |
Assid | and i did complain.. and they just didnt do anything of it | 12:12 |
boojah_ | Assid: i feel the biggest problem is hardware compability.. at least with new hardware | 12:13 |
Assid | boojah_: even more problems.. im just getting a intel q6600 (core2quad) | 12:13 |
Traveler6 | Assid: Woah. | 12:13 |
Assid | assembling myself a new machine in like a weeks time | 12:14 |
Traveler6 | Wait 'till Gutsy. | 12:14 |
Traveler6 | There's an A/V optimized version of Ubuntu out there with a lot of the multimedia goodies pre-configured. | 12:14 |
boojah_ | Assid:i just bought a new laptop, and i had to do a lot of workarounds to even get it installed | 12:14 |
Assid | Traveler6: im in india.. and my moms coming back from the US, so i had her buy me the goodies | 12:14 |
Assid | boojah_: believe it or not.. i have a feisty fawn dvd that wont install | 12:14 |
Traveler6 | Assid: Ah. | 12:15 |
winbond | is dist-upgrade the same as getting the tribe6 cd? | 12:15 |
Assid | i had to use the CD images to install feisty | 12:15 |
Traveler6 | Assid: Go get a new one? | 12:15 |
Assid | Traveler6: none of the dvds worked for me | 12:15 |
Traveler6 | I loathe my ISP. | 12:15 |
Traveler6 | 3mbps my ass. | 12:15 |
Assid | err.. your lucky | 12:15 |
Traveler6 | I'm getting 145kbps downloading Ubuntu. | 12:15 |
boojah_ | Assid: i got a error saying bin/sh tty: job controller shut down or somehing like that | 12:15 |
Assid | boojah_: yeah seen those | 12:15 |
Traveler6 | Well, I'm getting approx. 1.3 MBPS. | 12:15 |
Traveler6 | We're paying for 5MBPS. | 12:16 |
Traveler6 | Might be 3MBPS. | 12:16 |
Traveler6 | Definitely not 1.3. | 12:16 |
Assid | boojah_: another reason why i might load up xp.. i really dont wanna re-install again and again | 12:16 |
Traveler6 | Assid: Six months? | 12:16 |
winbond | Traveler6, ur download speed could be limited by the server u r connected to | 12:16 |
boojah_ | Assid: i had to type: break=top in the kernel command then do a modprobe piix and exit in initrmfs | 12:16 |
Traveler6 | Winbond: Nah. That's the max speed, period. | 12:16 |
=== davi [i=davi@57.Red-88-2-100.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Assid | 6 months ?1 | 12:16 |
IdleOne | Traveler6: if you have a router that will limit speed also | 12:16 |
boojah_ | Assid: normal users can't be expected to find those solutions | 12:17 |
Traveler6 | Assid: Ubuntu gets a new release every six months. | 12:17 |
davi | Does I need to uncompress this VMware image ? GutsyGibbonTribe5.7z | 12:17 |
Assid | Traveler6: yeah i know that.. but what about it ? | 12:17 |
IdleOne | davi: probably | 12:17 |
davi | what tool ? | 12:17 |
Assid | i dont reinstall for 1.5 years normally.. a | 12:17 |
IdleOne | !zip | 12:18 |
ubotu | Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME), Ark (KDE), or Xarchiver (XFCE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression | 12:18 |
Assid | im getting my machine this coming weekend.. | 12:18 |
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=== farion [n=farion@p54A3A83E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Assid | so far .. its gonna have q6600 / asus p5kc mobo / nvidia evga 8600GTS superclocked / 2GB corsair 800mhz ram | 12:19 |
farion | hello, do someone know how to make the konqueror the default filemanager instead of Dolphin? | 12:19 |
Assid | have to decide the rest yet | 12:19 |
boojah_ | does anyone have a Chicony WebCam on their laptop? | 12:19 |
winbond | my ntfs drive doesnt mount, anyone know a command to do that? | 12:19 |
Traveler6 | Assid: Hard drives? | 12:19 |
Traveler6 | Are you OCing? | 12:19 |
Traveler6 | Also...more RAM. | 12:19 |
=== buttercups [n=me@adsl-70-224-68-177.dsl.sbndin.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Assid | Traveler6: WD 200GB (what i have right now) to be carried forward .. and gonna buy another 320GB | 12:20 |
Traveler6 | If you're doing video (or even high-end audio) work, you'll want maybe 4GB. | 12:20 |
Assid | more ram ?!?!?! | 12:20 |
Traveler6 | 2GB is not that much for production. | 12:20 |
farion | winbond, is ntfs supported byy your kernel? cat /proc/filesystems | grep ntfs | 12:20 |
Traveler6 | I've seen machines with 16GB. | 12:20 |
Assid | i dont do high end video editing | 12:20 |
Assid | maybe some divx stuff. thats it | 12:20 |
Traveler6 | Oh. | 12:20 |
Assid | encoding tops. | 12:21 |
Traveler6 | Why the quad-core? | 12:21 |
Assid | cause my mom was coming down.. and i dont know anyone else whose gonna pickup my stuff for the next 1 year | 12:21 |
winbond | farion, i guess not, do i need to compile my own kernel then? | 12:21 |
Assid | Traveler6: besides.. would make more sense to have a quad than a core2duo | 12:21 |
Traveler6 | Why? | 12:21 |
Traveler6 | No real speed benefit to anything except massive number crunching and A/V production. | 12:22 |
Assid | even multi tasking | 12:22 |
Traveler6 | For 3DSMAX or MAYA, a quad-core is a dream. Otherwise, it's pretty silly. | 12:22 |
Assid | hrmm | 12:22 |
Assid | q6600 is the same price as e6750/6850 | 12:22 |
Traveler6 | Also, PLEASE tell me you're overclocking. | 12:23 |
Assid | not this year.. next year | 12:23 |
Traveler6 | :) | 12:23 |
Traveler6 | Fair enough. | 12:23 |
=== rockets [n=rockets@pool-71-247-28-40.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
farion | winbond, you can try this http://www.ubuntugeek.com/widows-ntfs-partitions-readwrite-support-made-easy-in-ubuntu-feisty.html | 12:23 |
Traveler6 | So, why the quad-core, then? | 12:23 |
Assid | you gotta remember its like 30C here average at any given point of the day.. and im without an AC | 12:23 |
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Assid | Traveler6: wanted to upgrade.. | 12:24 |
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gnubuntu | hi, i just make the latest update from gutsy 5. my human theme don't work anymore. i got an error, when i login. anybody with the same problem? | 12:24 |
Assid | if you upgrade enough.. you have a better chance to find someone to buy your older machine | 12:24 |
Traveler6 | For calculating stupidly complex economic functions, a quad core is great. For rendering Toy Story, a quad core is great. For removing noise from The Ring Cycle (vagner FTW!), a quad core is great. | 12:25 |
Traveler6 | For playing games, it's absolutely, entirely useless. | 12:25 |
Assid | i dont game that often | 12:25 |
Assid | once a month maybe | 12:25 |
Traveler6 | So why the fast PC? | 12:25 |
=== Assid waits for the immediate next question on the gfx card | ||
Assid | Traveler6: cause i get irritated when things slow down | 12:25 |
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Assid | at any given point of time.. i have around 10-15 applications running | 12:26 |
Traveler6 | Traveler6: Get more RAM. | 12:26 |
Traveler6 | That's the problem. | 12:26 |
jack_mcdowell | has anyone had Urban Terror crash their X server? | 12:26 |
Traveler6 | Urban Terror? | 12:26 |
jack_mcdowell | UrbanTerror4? it's a game | 12:27 |
Assid | hrmm anyone know if the compiz+opengl issues have been rectified? | 12:27 |
winbond | farion, thanks , just tried it, it failed to mount it | 12:28 |
Assid | hrmm i wonder if the new kernel can handle this hardware ? | 12:29 |
Centaur5 | Is ebox still unable to load all the other modules other than network? | 12:29 |
winbond | farion, it says i can add a line to fstab but under which id? | 12:29 |
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winbond | farion, i can send pms, how do i call back my registered nick? | 12:33 |
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winbond | farion, can't | 12:33 |
farion | winbond, did you have a registred nick? | 12:34 |
winbond | farion, yes, a while ago, not sure if i remember it now | 12:34 |
xtknight | i am aware of the alternate cd, but by any method is it possible to mount a RAID volume and install using ubiquity-installer? would modprobing mdadm be enough for /dev/md0 to show up *somewhere*? | 12:34 |
sausageman | I did apt-get purge xserver-xgl since i was having some issues, now gnome-settings-daemon won't load: X11 error BadDevice, serial 2494, error_code 171, request_code 151, minor_code 3 | 12:34 |
farion | you can identify by using the following command /msg NickServ IDENTIFY yourpassword | 12:34 |
winbond | farion, it doesnt show me the nick , just says the nick im using now is not regestered | 12:37 |
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farion | winbond, mhh wrong passwort? | 12:38 |
winbond | farion, hmm, let me retry | 12:39 |
IdleOne | winbond: /nick newnick will change your nick | 12:39 |
sausageman | interestingly, Xorg seems to have two instances, and also it's loading a Generic mouse pointer despite me defining the synaptics driver as the core input device | 12:41 |
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=== ConstyXIV [n=andrew@74-128-189-16.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
ConstyXIV | how do you get rid of the "magnetic" windows? | 01:04 |
tanath | you have ccsm? | 01:05 |
ConstyXIV | yeah | 01:05 |
tanath | snapping windows | 01:05 |
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tanath | (plugin) | 01:06 |
jepler | after updating an hour or so ago and rebooting, my panel menu font is fine but gnome-terminal has an invisibly small font .. 2x3px letters or so | 01:07 |
tanath | same here | 01:08 |
jepler | I see some others were reporting this a little while ago as well, but I don't see an answer | 01:08 |
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tanath | same here | 01:08 |
tanath | :P | 01:08 |
jepler | running xterm& in gnome-terminal makes it all better for me | 01:08 |
tanath | you don't have to run it in gnome-terminal | 01:09 |
ConstyXIV | coming from beagle, is there anything i should know about tracker? | 01:09 |
tanath | i switched to tracker, and it was supposed to be better, but i think beagle is better | 01:09 |
ConstyXIV | does it still find stuff? | 01:09 |
tanath | yeh, but not like beagle did | 01:10 |
tanath | beagle would find most things immediately, and search in chat logs, etc | 01:10 |
tanath | as you typed even. tracker doesn't | 01:10 |
tanath | i'm thinking of switching back | 01:11 |
ConstyXIV | oh, and can you get the old-style (hang from panel) deskbar back? | 01:11 |
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tanath | i don't see it, though there's a deskbar applet that' | 01:13 |
tanath | s supposed to do that | 01:13 |
tanath | hm, maybe this is what i was thinking of before... | 01:14 |
tanath | yeh, this deskbar applet works with beagle. that's what made it killer | 01:16 |
tanath | bye bye tracker | 01:17 |
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tanath | gah, it won't do the as-you-type thing | 01:19 |
tanath | 'libbeagle has been compiled without python bindings' :( | 01:20 |
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tanath | python-beagle ! :D | 01:21 |
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