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PKdoR | ok | 01:09 |
jrib | link to what you are trying to install? | 01:10 |
PKdoR | http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/DarkCleanLinux?content=51008 | 01:10 |
jrib | this is a gdm theme | 01:11 |
jrib | for the login screen | 01:11 |
jrib | is this what you want? | 01:11 |
PKdoR | yes | 01:11 |
jrib | ok | 01:12 |
jrib | go to system -> administration -> login window | 01:12 |
PKdoR | but I also have some Themes I want to istall beside this login screen | 01:12 |
jrib | k | 01:12 |
jrib | then go to the "Local" tab | 01:13 |
PKdoR | ok | 01:13 |
jrib | then either hit "add" or drag the tar.gz into that window | 01:13 |
PKdoR | Dude you are GOD!!! | 01:14 |
=== jrib smites PKdoR | ||
=== jrib unsmites PKdoR | ||
PKdoR | lol | 01:15 |
PKdoR | if you would aid me in istalling a theme i would apreciate it | 01:17 |
jrib | for metacity, gtk2, and icon themes you can use system > preferences > theme | 01:17 |
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PKdoR | then how can i know which ones are actual themes on that page? | 01:20 |
PKdoR | the one i showed you say that its a GDM Theme | 01:20 |
jrib | on the left | 01:24 |
jrib | gtk 2.x themes change your controls (things like buttons and scrollbars) | 01:24 |
jrib | metacity themes change your window borders | 01:24 |
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themaster369 | hello? jrib you here? | 03:34 |
jrib | yep | 03:35 |
themaster369 | cool...did my link work | 03:35 |
themaster369 | i used html format you see my message? | 03:35 |
jrib | pastebin the output of this command: sudo apt-get update | 03:35 |
jrib | hmm, I think I missed that | 03:35 |
themaster369 | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37688/ | 03:36 |
themaster369 | can you see what i have written here? | 03:36 |
jrib | yes | 03:36 |
jrib | but I noticed you had a different error before, so I want to check that | 03:36 |
themaster369 | trying to understand if you can see that..how this technology works!... | 03:36 |
themaster369 | wow...ok ill type what you asked in terminal..brb | 03:36 |
themaster369 | hmmmmm jrib its a very long output | 03:37 |
themaster369 | ill pastebin it one sec | 03:37 |
jrib | that's ok, pastebin can handle it | 03:37 |
themaster369 | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37690/ | 03:39 |
themaster369 | ive done it jrib..is the html format ok ? | 03:39 |
jrib | yep, your paste is good, but you see the errors? | 03:39 |
themaster369 | yes | 03:40 |
themaster369 | failed at bottom of script 3 times | 03:40 |
jrib | pastebin the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list (open it with 'gedit /etc/apt/sources.list') | 03:40 |
themaster369 | is that what i type in console? | 03:40 |
jrib | the stuff in '' is | 03:41 |
themaster369 | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37691/ | 03:43 |
themaster369 | is that what you wanted? | 03:43 |
jrib | yep | 03:43 |
jrib | let's try this: sudo mv /etc/apt/sources.list{,.backup} && sudo touch /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt-get update && sudo mv /etc/apt/sources.list{.backup,} | 03:44 |
themaster369 | ok | 03:45 |
jrib | done? | 03:46 |
themaster369 | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37692/ | 03:46 |
themaster369 | yes done | 03:46 |
themaster369 | this paste bin thing is sooo cool! | 03:46 |
themaster369 | ctrl v is paste in windows whats it in ubuntu? | 03:47 |
jrib | hmm, what does this return: ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ | 03:47 |
jrib | themaster369: it's the same in ubuntu, except in the terminal you need to use ctrl-shift-c and ctrl-shift-v. You can also, just hilight stuff to copy it and middle click to paste | 03:47 |
themaster369 | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37694/ | 03:48 |
themaster369 | (thx) | 03:48 |
themaster369 | been trying to get vmware running for 2 weeks no luck | 03:49 |
jrib | sudo mkdir /etc/apt/sources.list.d/.backup && sudo mv /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*.list* /etc/apt/sources.list.d/.backup | 03:49 |
themaster369 | ok one sec | 03:49 |
jrib | yeah, you're having a strange issue with apt, we'll see if this makes it go away | 03:50 |
themaster369 | done that | 03:50 |
jrib | now try this again: sudo mv /etc/apt/sources.list{,.backup} && sudo touch /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt-get update && sudo mv /etc/apt/sources.list{.backup,} | 03:50 |
themaster369 | ok it says done | 03:51 |
jrib | ok, no errors, correct? | 03:51 |
themaster369 | no errors | 03:51 |
jrib | ok, now try 'sudo apt-get update' and see if you still get errors | 03:51 |
themaster369 | it just says done | 03:52 |
themaster369 | reading packages list...done | 03:52 |
themaster369 | thats it | 03:52 |
jrib | when you open 'gedit /etc/apt/sources.list', is there a bunch of stuff in there? | 03:53 |
themaster369 | yes but i get an alert on top of message it says the following | 03:54 |
themaster369 | The file /etc/apt/sources.list changed on disk. | 03:54 |
jrib | k, close it and open it again? | 03:54 |
themaster369 | done that | 03:55 |
themaster369 | nothing there | 03:55 |
jrib | hmm, ok, pastebin output of: ls /etc/apt/ | 03:55 |
themaster369 | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37695/ | 03:57 |
themaster369 | done | 03:57 |
jrib | ok, now pastebin the output of: cat /etc/apt/sources.list | 03:58 |
themaster369 | done but there is no output | 03:59 |
jrib | I see the error in my logic... create a shiny new sources.list at: | 03:59 |
jrib | !easysource | 03:59 |
ubotu | source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic | 03:59 |
jrib | after you get one from the web page, do 'gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list' and copy and paste from teh web page to your editor. Then save | 04:00 |
themaster369 | ok done that | 04:04 |
jrib | ok, now let's try 'sudo apt-get update' one more time | 04:05 |
themaster369 | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37697/ | 04:05 |
themaster369 | ok ill try sudo now | 04:05 |
themaster369 | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37699/ | 04:07 |
themaster369 | done it | 04:07 |
jrib | ok, your old errors went away | 04:08 |
jrib | but you picked some repos that no longer exist | 04:08 |
themaster369 | yes i see that now | 04:08 |
jrib | you know how to remove those? | 04:08 |
themaster369 | sorry i have no idea | 04:08 |
themaster369 | shall i create new source list? | 04:08 |
jrib | do this: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 04:09 |
jrib | then just delete the lines you don't want | 04:09 |
jrib | you can also create a new one if you think that's easier | 04:09 |
themaster369 | ok done it | 04:10 |
themaster369 | deleted the lines at bottom third party stuff | 04:10 |
jrib | alright, now try 'sudo apt-get update' and make sure you don't get errors | 04:11 |
themaster369 | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37700/ | 04:12 |
themaster369 | ok done looks like no errors | 04:12 |
themaster369 | can i install VMware now? | 04:13 |
themaster369 | btw jrib i really appreciate your help!...dont know why i never came here before..i normally learn through documentation,,but this is beyond me | 04:14 |
jrib | themaster369: vmware or virtualbox? | 04:15 |
themaster369 | i would prefer VMware since i have used it before..dont know much about virtualbox or pluses or cons | 04:15 |
jrib | well for vmware, just do 'sudo aptitude install vmware-player' | 04:16 |
jrib | virtualbox is nice too | 04:16 |
themaster369 | which one is better in your opinion? | 04:16 |
jrib | I prefer virtualbox | 04:16 |
themaster369 | why | 04:17 |
jrib | but some claim vmware is better for virtualizing windows | 04:17 |
jrib | virtualbox has a nice gui and is supposedly faster | 04:17 |
themaster369 | i wanna go with virtualbox | 04:17 |
themaster369 | try something new | 04:17 |
themaster369 | i got the app already downloaded | 04:17 |
jrib | k, where is the .deb now | 04:18 |
themaster369 | wierd i downloaded it but its not in desktop...new to firefox as well btw | 04:19 |
jrib | if you add "deb http://www.virtualbox.org/debian feisty non-free" to your /etc/apt/sources.list you can use aptitude to install it | 04:20 |
themaster369 | ok...whats the fastest way to go to sources list ? | 04:21 |
jrib | gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 04:21 |
themaster369 | (thx) | 04:21 |
themaster369 | http://www.virtualbox.org/debian/dists/feisty/non-free/binary-i386/ | 04:21 |
themaster369 | is this the directory i need? | 04:22 |
jrib | deb http://www.virtualbox.org/debian feisty non-free | 04:22 |
jrib | that's what I have in mine | 04:22 |
jrib | that line | 04:23 |
themaster369 | that directory doesnt exist they may have changed it | 04:24 |
themaster369 | will that binary package 'packages.gz' work for me on this link | 04:25 |
themaster369 | http://www.virtualbox.org/debian/dists/feisty/non-free/binary-i386/ | 04:25 |
jrib | I don't think you are understanding | 04:26 |
jrib | do you have your sources.list open in gedit? | 04:26 |
themaster369 | aptitude is like synaptic manager? | 04:26 |
jrib | yep | 04:26 |
themaster369 | OH...I think i follow | 04:26 |
themaster369 | you want me to paste that URL into the source list file ??? | 04:27 |
themaster369 | correct? | 04:27 |
jrib | paste the whole line: deb http://www.virtualbox.org/debian feisty non-free | 04:27 |
jrib | at the bottom of your sources.list | 04:27 |
themaster369 | ok done | 04:29 |
themaster369 | done and saved. | 04:29 |
jrib | 'sudo apt-get update' any time you edit that page | 04:29 |
jrib | s/page/file | 04:29 |
themaster369 | ahhhh man...the output had an error...pasting it...one sec | 04:31 |
themaster369 | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37701/ | 04:31 |
themaster369 | here is my current source list > | 04:33 |
themaster369 | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37702/ | 04:33 |
jrib | http://virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads | 04:34 |
jrib | that's where I'm getting this info: | 04:34 |
jrib | here's what you need to do: | 04:34 |
jrib | wget http://www.virtualbox.org/debian/innotek.asc | 04:34 |
jrib | sudo apt-key add innotek.asc | 04:34 |
themaster369 | ?do i add the wget 'url' to the bottom of my source list? | 04:36 |
jrib | nah | 04:36 |
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jrib | you can close your /etc/apt/sources.list now | 04:36 |
jrib | wget is a terminal comand | 04:36 |
jrib | it downloads files | 04:36 |
jrib | and then apt-key adds the virtualbox key | 04:36 |
themaster369 | crikey!...ok..typing in terminal | 04:36 |
themaster369 | ok done that | 04:37 |
themaster369 | innotek.asc saved | 04:37 |
jrib | then: sudo apt-key add innotek.asc | 04:38 |
themaster369 | sudo adds applications ? | 04:38 |
jrib | well sudo runs the next command with superuser privileges | 04:38 |
themaster369 | it just returned OK | 04:38 |
jrib | ok, now 'sudo apt-get update' | 04:39 |
themaster369 | done with no errors | 04:39 |
jrib | heh, finally | 04:40 |
jrib | ok, to install virtualbox, just do: sudo aptitude install virtualbox | 04:40 |
themaster369 | wow...this is exciting!! no errors so far !..(my first app!!) it says do i want to continue | 04:41 |
themaster369 | ill put Y | 04:41 |
themaster369 | right...we are moving...its downloading stuff | 04:42 |
themaster369 | is there a way to save this conversation jrib? | 04:42 |
jrib | themaster369: what client are you using? | 04:43 |
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themaster369 | Ubuntu | 04:43 |
jrib | to talk now on irc | 04:44 |
themaster369 | ver 7 i think | 04:44 |
themaster369 | oh hmmm gaim | 04:44 |
themaster369 | why you ask about client? | 04:44 |
jrib | do you have "conversation" in the menu at the top? | 04:44 |
themaster369 | yes | 04:45 |
jrib | should be a "save as" option in there | 04:45 |
themaster369 | (oh ok to save dialogue) | 04:45 |
themaster369 | got it thx | 04:45 |
themaster369 | i have blue screen...doesnt respond to mouse movements | 04:45 |
themaster369 | looks like the windows setup screen on a new rig | 04:46 |
jrib | yep, you can press TAB to get to "ok" and then press Enter | 04:46 |
jrib | after reading and agreeing of course | 04:46 |
themaster369 | yep done | 04:47 |
themaster369 | not sure what to do with this | 04:47 |
themaster369 | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37703/ | 04:47 |
jrib | Yes like it recommends | 04:47 |
themaster369 | shall i delete old modules? | 04:47 |
themaster369 | ok | 04:47 |
themaster369 | ok | 04:48 |
themaster369 | im back to command prompt | 04:48 |
themaster369 | terminal i mean | 04:49 |
jrib | k, you should have in your menu: applications -> system tools -> virtual box | 04:49 |
themaster369 | no system tools in applications | 04:50 |
jrib | run 'killall gnome-panel' in a terminal | 04:50 |
themaster369 | ok done it | 04:51 |
jrib | is "system tools" there now? | 04:51 |
themaster369 | i see it now !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 04:51 |
themaster369 | wow...i really cant thank you enough jrib...2 weeks of mayhem sorted in 2 hours !..thanks a lot buddy | 04:52 |
jrib | no problem | 04:52 |
themaster369 | can i add you to buddies? | 04:52 |
themaster369 | you on here normally? | 04:52 |
jrib | I'm usually in #ubuntu | 04:53 |
themaster369 | you in states? | 04:53 |
themaster369 | im in London btw | 04:53 |
jrib | yep | 04:53 |
themaster369 | cool...setup looks straight forward from here..similar to VMware setup screen..chat soon...thanks again for help.. i appreciate it:) | 04:54 |
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themaster369 | hi jrib | 06:50 |
themaster369 | maybe a quick question..but theres a problem accessing my dvdrom drive on the laptop what can i check for? | 06:50 |
themaster369 | is there anyone here? | 06:51 |
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themaster369 | can anyone here hear me? | 07:24 |
pleia2 | themaster369: you might want to check out the main #ubuntu channel if you're looking for general support | 07:25 |
pleia2 | there are a lot more people there, some might be able to answer your questions | 07:25 |
themaster369 | i have been there, am there now...cant get any help at all | 07:25 |
pleia2 | tried forums? mailing lists? | 07:26 |
pleia2 | there are lots of ways to find help in the Ubuntu community :) | 07:26 |
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themaster369 | i know..but its so frustrating...i just want to know 2 maybe 3 things..spent last 3 weeks trying to settup ubuntu on laptop with vmware | 07:27 |
themaster369 | installed ubuntu but vmware failed so virtual box worked but its screwed up my DVD rom drive | 07:28 |
themaster369 | it just says unable to mount media | 07:28 |
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