
IndyGunFreakdoug_: sorry to tell you, there's a very slim chance you're goign to get that soudn device4 to work12:04
IndyGunFreaki've tried to help several people with that problem12:04
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doug_IndyGunFreak,  it was working fine earlery12:04
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:04
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johnHello, all.  I am looking for help with a problem with wine..12:05
IndyGunFreakdoug_: try googling the audio device int hat lspci output.12:05
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IndyGunFreakiv'e never had luck getting those sound devices working12:05
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doug_IndyGunFreak,  it was working for a good long 4 months and this aftr noon it just started messing up12:06
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IndyGunFreakdoug_: don't know.. like i said, i've tried to help several people with that soundchip class, and could never get them tow ork12:06
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lnx_what is the command to run pidgin ?12:07
xfreakkHey everyone12:07
=== Judgegeo [i=Judgegeo@cpc2-rdng2-0-0-cust825.winn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
IndyGunFreakdoug_:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/3977012:07
Judgegeojrib: You there?12:07
doug_thanks IndyGunFreak12:07
GuHhHi need help with bind + ssl http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37629/12:07
hacknslashxfreakk: hi12:08
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silokoi login and the first ten messages are quite messages . . . what i do?12:09
dracolnx_: You probably still have gaim.12:09
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JudgegeoI need some help regarding connecting to the internet12:09
lnx_draco , no i have installed now pidgin ( from getdeb )12:09
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dracolnx_:  If it was installed correctly it should show up on your applications menu -> Internet -> Pidgin12:10
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doug_IndyGunFreak,  here mind looking at this?12:10
doug_IndyGunFreak, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37631/12:10
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JudgegeoI need some help regarding connecting to the internet12:12
IndyGunFreakdoug_: no idea, sorry12:12
kkathmanJudgegeo:  whats the issue?12:12
xfreakkjudgegeo: you are already connected to the internet12:12
doug_IndyGunFreak,  thnks just thought id let u see that too12:12
kkathmanxfreakk:  might mean another computer with ubuntu on it :)12:13
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xfreakkkkathman: ah yes that is very possible12:13
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Judgegeokkathman: I connect the ethernet port to my ubuntu machine. I have checked settings and they are fine. After about 3 minutes it says you are connected. But Im not.12:13
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Judgegeokkathman; GAIM wont connect, firefox just retruns server cannot be found12:14
kkathmanJudgegeo:  are you connected to a router or direct to your incoming line?12:14
j2daoshanyone know of an application that will enlarge and sharpen an image clearly?12:14
Judgegeokkathman: I use a cable modem12:14
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kkathmanJudgegeo:  ok well does the cable modem go to a router... then to your computer?12:15
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j2daoshi have cs2, but i cant seem to make it magnify well enough to read part of a news article12:15
Judgegeokkathman: Cable > Modem > Ethernet to PC12:15
lnx_draco , i did : sudo dpkg -i pidgin-data_2.1.1-1~getdeb1_all.deb   and i dont find it in internet menu , i use kubuntu12:15
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kkathmanJudgegeo:  ok, so do you have any firewall running?12:15
Judgegeokkathman: No, its a fresh install of 7.0412:16
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dracolnx_ There are two packages you have to install, the data one, looks like you got.... there is also the plain pidgin one.  Watch out when you go download it though, there is already a new version out, don't mix them.12:16
kkathmanJudgegeo:  ok so, have you tried pinging some external address ?12:16
=== Ant1jr [n=ant1jr@74-134-38-97.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu
silokoJudgegeo: can you ping the modem?12:17
Judgegeokkathman: I did not try to ping, i attempted to goto varios websites like google12:17
doug_how do i kill the sound card?12:17
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kkathmanJudgegeo:  go to a terminal shell, and ping
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silokoJudgegeo: is there an led on the modem indicating a connection?12:17
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DARKGuyHey guys, what's the best CD burning program for Linux to burn a simple CD .iso ?12:17
NahobI have a crticial Ubuntu erro12:18
Judgegeokkathman: Well, there was when it was connected.12:18
NahobIt gets to the loading up screen12:18
Judgegeokkathman It only has 1 ethernet so i have to switch between laptop and desktop12:18
Nahobbut then it stops, waits 10 minutes, and goes to this shell konsole.12:18
doug_DARKGuy,  try k3b12:18
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kkathmanJudgegeo:  ohh ok12:18
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DARKGuydoug_: is it better than gnomebaker? :p12:18
kkathmanJudgegeo:  you'll need to check to see if you can ping outside first, if not, then you may need to configure a few things12:19
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rathelI need some help with mt-daapd http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37632/12:19
doug_DARKGuy,  no idea never used either only heard of k3b12:19
Judgegeokkathman: Okay, i'll be back in a tick12:19
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xfreakkKkathman: maybe he should reset the modem so that it recognizes the other computer12:19
judahI like k3b moreso than gnomebaker, but that's just me.. :p12:20
dalesomersHi all! im new to ubuntu... i have a question that I have not been able to find an answer to on the forms or the net...12:20
DARKGuydoug_: alright, thanks :p12:20
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NahobWhat is is dalesomers12:20
hacknslashdalesomers: ask away12:20
ice109hey my main tool bar system tray disspeared12:20
ice109how do i get it back12:20
Nahobsomeone help12:21
Nahobi start ubuntu12:21
Nahoband it stops loading12:21
doug_anyone knwo about soundchips card?12:21
=== xyz [n=ubuntu@c-67-170-24-82.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Nahobthen goes to a screen with that says "/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control offline12:21
Nahobplease help12:21
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dalesomerswell, i have an epson cx5000 printer that im able to print with ...but i need help getting the scanner working.... i do "sudo sane-find-scanner" and it finds it, but xsane does not...12:21
ice109anyone anyone? main toolbar system tray is gone don't know how to get it back12:21
NahobI start ubuntu, it stops loading, then goes to a screen with that says "/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control offline - its in the ash terminal.12:21
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doug_anyone know anything about alsa soundchip cards?12:21
lnx_draco , yes you are right ai have suceed to install it , i will be able to update it when it will have updates ?12:21
NahobI start ubuntu, it stops loading, then goes to a screen with that says "/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control offline - its in the ash terminal.12:21
NahobI start ubuntu, it stops loading, then goes to a screen with that says "/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control offline - its in the ash terminal.12:21
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xyzhey guys, my desktop kinda froze up.. can I restart it without restarting my live 7.04 session?12:22
CoasterMaster!repeat | Nahob12:22
ubotuNahob: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience12:22
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ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines12:22
dirtyhandWhere can I see the the ubuntu startup log?12:22
dirtyhandor find it12:22
NahobFucking helpp12:22
PriceChildNahob, please watch the language.12:22
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ice109anyone? how do i restart the system tray?12:23
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ca-30hi everyone12:23
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BernieMacNahob, keep that up and no one will help you12:23
xyzhey guys, my desktop kinda froze up.. can I restart it without having to restart the whole 7.04 live \session?12:23
Nahobno one here uses Ubuntu...12:23
CoasterMasterxyz : CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE12:23
xyzNahob, we all use Ubuntu, we just might not know how to help you12:23
hisakihi there, sorry if I'm interrupting something but could someone help me getting my soundcard to work?12:23
xyzthanks Coaster!12:23
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Nahobhiskai: go to #soundcards12:24
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dracolnx_:  Nope, that's the downside to downloading from getdeb.12:24
Nahobxyz: restart your computer12:24
[nrx] ;o12:24
kkathmanNahob:  what are you talking about12:24
CoasterMasterxyz, no problem, just a warning that it will instantly kill all programs you have open, so be careful :)12:24
=== Judgege1 [n=george@cpc2-rdng2-0-0-cust858.winn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
NahobI searched everywhere12:24
ScuniziAnyone know of an audio program like Amorak or Rhythmbox that has the feature allowing a listner to speed up playback by 1.5x or 2x?12:24
Nahobon thsoe !repeat things.12:24
lnx_draco , :( pidgin will sometime be in adept ?12:24
kkathmanobviously not everywhere :)12:24
Judgege1kkathman: Okay, it seemed to work this time..12:24
kkathmanJudgege1:  great :)12:25
ice109someone at least acknowledge that they see my cry for help so i don't feel like nahob12:25
doug_someone want to take a crack at my sound problem if so here is a post http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=55255712:25
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Judgege1kkathman: Tempermental PC =(12:25
kRushwhat's responsible for calling the pppoe connection on startup? I can't find any config/init script12:25
gnomefreakNahob: what is the issue?12:25
=== ermac0 sighs
NahobI start ubuntu, it stops loading, then goes to a screen with that says "/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control offline - its in the ash terminal.12:25
Judgege1kkathman: Thanks for the help though12:25
kkathmanJudgege1:  it happens :)12:25
ermac0whats the problem ice10912:25
Scuniziice109, you're acknowledged.  However I just logged on so don't know the question.12:25
kkathmanJudgege1:  you're welcome, glad to help :)12:25
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gnomefreakNahob: does it say something like busybox?12:25
ice109Scunizi my dock has disspeared12:25
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ice109main toolbar system tray w/e12:26
ice109in xubuntu12:26
ice109how do i restart it12:26
Scuniziice109: which one?12:26
=== Judgege1 goes to update
NahobBusyBox v.1.1.312:26
gnomefreakNahob: thought so12:26
ice109the toolbars that are the the top and bottom of the screen12:26
gnomefreakNahob: feisty?12:26
BernieMacice109, when you open a window does it say the name of the window at the bottom?12:26
ice109no in the file manager12:26
Scuniziice109, do you still have the one at the bottom?12:26
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gnomefreakNahob: see #debian for debian help12:26
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ice109neither are there12:26
Nahobi use Ubuntu12:26
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gnomefreakNahob: what version12:26
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BernieMacice109, you do not have either bar??12:27
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lnx_linux have alternavite to these programs : ventrilo , teamspeak , moorhunt ?12:27
ice109no berniemac12:27
ice109what is the name of these bars12:27
gnomefreakNahob: thats a package version i need the version of ubuntu12:27
mindframedoes the nvidia nforce 590 sli onboard raid controller work in ubuntu?12:27
ice109so i can search google about them12:27
=== dadaaa [n=dadaaa@c-67-161-74-27.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Scuniziice109 can you point your mouse to the top of the screen and right mouse click? See if there's an option for "Add to Panel"12:27
gnomefreakNahob: 6.06 6.10 or 7.04?12:27
BernieMacice109, ooo, sorry, I do not know how to help them. I'm not sure what the official name is...12:27
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rathelI need some help with mt-daapd http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37632/12:27
ice109Scunizi i have no panel12:27
Nahobheres what i says "BusyBox v1.3.3 (Debian 1:1.1.3-3-Ubuntu3) Built-in shell (ash)12:27
Judgege1kkathman: Another question. For downloading pidgin, do i seletec fedora core?12:27
Nahob6.10 iirc12:27
ice109the panel is gone12:27
gnomefreakNahob: thats the version of ash not ubuntu12:27
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dadaaaok so ive managed to install my nvidia legacy drivers, but i can stil only get 640-480 resolution12:28
Nahobits 6.10, what can i type in to make sure12:28
kkathmanJudgege1:  no, please dont :)12:28
BernieMacScunizi, I believe he needs one of the panels there to use that. That was my initial thought too12:28
ubotuSeveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs12:28
spantheroh :(12:28
gnomefreakNahob: this is a clean install? like this happens right after you install and boot for first time?12:28
dadaaaplease advise12:28
Judgege1kkathman: What do i download then?12:28
Nahobno, gnome, it just recently started happening12:28
Scuniziice109: BernieMac I think you're right...12:28
kkathmanJudgege1:  I believe that you'd need to just get the source and compile it or you can install gaim-beta from the repos12:28
gnomefreakNahob: kernel update?12:28
NahobI restarted with "restart 0"12:28
gnomefreakNahob: what was the last thing that was installed before it happened12:28
ice109fixes it12:28
NahobClosed "BitchX"12:29
=== tinin [n=tinin@148.Red-81-33-54.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
kkathmanJudgege1:  as far as I know, pidgin isnt in the ubuntu repos yet12:29
Judgege1kkathman: I have GAIM, but i want to update it =)12:29
Scuniziice109: you're running xfce4?12:29
BernieMacdadaaa, I believe if you run gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf you can change the res choices in there12:29
Nahobbitchx was the last thing installed12:29
dadaaak thx12:29
ice109im running xubuntu12:29
kkathmanJudgege1:  I was able to get it for openSUSE, but not for ubuntu12:29
gnomefreaknormally this is caused by a messed up config of kernel, can you boot a different kernel see if it happens12:29
gnomefreakNahob: you should have more than 1 kernel in grub12:29
Scuniziice109: ok.. glad you fixed it.  Next time make sure we know it's xubuntu.. it can make a diff when answering.12:29
Nahob"in grub"?12:29
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Judgege1kkathman: So does that mean I need to download source and compile?12:30
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eshaasei've setup my laserjet printer and everything was working fine until i printed a job and i ran out of paper, now my printer doesn't work at all, i've tried rebooting, turning off/on my printer, restarting the printer through the cups web interface, etc. anyone have any idea how to resolve this?12:30
ice109oh im sorry Scunizi12:30
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kkathmanJudgege1:  yep, you can certainly do that12:30
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Judgege1kkathman: Any other options? Any other clients?12:30
NahobSo what do I do, gnomefreak?12:30
Scuniziice109: no problem.. just something to remember for the next time.. :)12:30
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kkathmanJudgege1:  for IM ?? kopete (its a kde program)12:30
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Judgege1kkathman: I'm using gnome =O12:31
dalesomersi need a little help if anyone can spare the time... i have an epson cx5000 printer that im able to print with ...but i need help getting the scanner working.... i do "sudo sane-find-scanner" and it finds it, but xsane does not...12:31
gnomefreakNahob: when you first turn pc on you see grub menu black screen with alot of white writting will have example  kernel 2.6.20-15-generic (on12:31
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:31
ScuniziWhat do I use to play back a podcast and speed it up by 1.5 or 2x12:31
cdm10Is there a command I can run as root to remotely log off a user?12:31
Nahobgnomefreak: yes12:31
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kkathmanJudgege1:  the programs are interoperable, but you'd have to install other things...not worth it12:31
daviCould someone let me know her/his  sources.list12:32
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patrick__hey, can someone point me in the direction of how to change read/write access to an external hard drive so i can write to it12:32
Judgege1kkathman: SO my best option is to use pidgin?12:32
gnomefreakNahob: ok look at that screen and see if you have more than 1 version example 2.6.20-15-generic may also have 2.6.20-14-generic12:32
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gnomefreakNahob: boot to a different kernel version12:32
judahScunizi, I don't know, but maybe you can in a program like Ardour or Audacity ?12:32
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Scunizi!permissions | patrick__12:32
ubotupatrick__: The files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux12:32
Nahobgnomefreak: all i have is ubuntu12:32
gnomefreakNahob: it should boot without a problem than we can work on fixing the issue12:32
Nahobgnomefreak: thats it12:32
kkathmanJudgege1:  there isnt much difference between gaim-beta and pidgin - I imagine that pidgin will be available in gutsy, so I'd use the gaim-beta for now and then next month upgrade/install pidgin12:32
patrick__thank you scunizi12:32
gnomefreakNahob: can you paste your /boot/grub/menu.lst file to pastebin?12:33
Nahobgnomefreak: all i have is windows and ubuntu12:33
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Judgege1kkathman: Ah okay thanks. So i just need to open update manager?12:33
Scunizijudah, thanks.. I think audacity can do it.  I'll look at ardour .. thanks.12:33
Scunizipatrick__: no problem.12:33
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tapsinturk varmi..12:33
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clipcan sb. help me installing ubuntu 64bit with a geforce 8 ? i always get the x window error: EE no graphic device12:34
judahScunizi, no prob. good luck! :)12:34
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tapsinI'M Ubuntu12:34
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tapsinMy linux ubuntu and Network Sharing12:34
tapsinnot sharing help me12:34
tapsinDual Ethernet card.12:34
Scunizijudah, ardour will probably do it too but I was hoping to find a music manager that had that feature built in... god forbid.. like Window Media Player12:34
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BinaryMutant is there a plugin for multisync that will sync with GPE?12:34
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BernieMac!enter | tapsin12:35
ubotutapsin: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:35
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judahScunizi, yeah, i know what you mean... heh12:35
Judgege1kkathman: You can install 119 updates - 180mb. Do i proceed?12:35
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bozzaguys how do i get SSL working in Linux12:36
rathelI need some help with mt-daapd http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37632/12:36
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ScuniziJudgege1: yep..12:36
bozzaopensslCannot join channel (SSL is required)12:36
bozzaCannot join channel (SSL is required)12:36
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DjViperbozza: install openssl12:36
Nahobdid you get my pm gnomefreak12:36
gnomefreakNahob: that is not what i asked for, please reboot and choose a differnet kernel like the one that says recovery mode or something12:36
bozzaoh ok thanks12:36
gnomefreakNahob: yes see above12:36
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Judgege1Scunizi: Just checkin' =)12:36
Nahobgnomefreak: I don't have a different kernel12:36
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Nahobgnomefreak: only this and XP12:36
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ScuniziJudgege1: i missed the previous stuff.. are you doing a fresh install?12:37
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patrick__should chmod take a long time if the disk has a lot of files?12:37
bozzahmm weird . when i install openssl i get this msg .. Cannot join channel (SSL is required)12:37
Judgege1Scunizi: Yes12:37
kkathmanJudgege1:  what did you do??12:37
bozzaCannot join channel (SSL is required)12:37
teh_uberi got this error:  "You have 1 broken package on your system, please use 'Broken' filter to fix the problem"   what am i supposed to do?12:37
bozzaCannot join channel (SSL is required)12:37
hisakican anyone help getting a realtek alc883 soundchip on an nvidia chipset to work in ubuntu 7.04? There appear to be no errors but there isn't any sound either.12:37
Judgege1kkathman: Just downloading updates12:37
bozzaCannot join channel (SSL is required)12:38
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ScuniziJudgege1: Cool.. what version? 1st time with this distro? or any linux distro?12:38
kkathmanJudgege1: ohh ok12:38
BernieMacanyone know the command to bring up the GRUB file to change timing and boot order?12:38
Judgege1Scunizi: Its my 2nd time using Linux12:38
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gnomefreakNahob: you cant use the commands at that prompt unless you are using kenrel commands, the only other thing if you dont have a recovery kernel (all version of ubuntu instalol this for safety than you have to reinstall. there is no way to fix it at that prompt without knowing the kernel development12:38
ScuniziJudgege1: what was the first.?12:38
kkathmanJudgege1:  yeah doing the updates is the right thing12:38
Judgege1Scunizi: First time was mandrake about 2/3 years ago. Used it for about 5 days12:38
bozzahmm weird i already had openssl installed .. but i cant join channels that require SSL12:38
Crovax31Scunizi: salu12:38
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto12:38
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BernieMacnevermind I think that will get me there12:39
ScuniziJudgege1: you're in for a treat.. things have changed a LOT.. Ubuntu can become addictive12:39
Nahobgnomefreak: how do I boot into this thing that you say all versions of Ubuntu have?12:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mt-daapd - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:39
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PKdoRis there any good "howto install themes" I cant get a grip on it.12:39
ScuniziCrovax31: salu?  audio program? or what?12:39
matrixEnter text here.12:39
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Judgege1Scunizi: yea, can see that already. I have always loved the look and feel of linux.12:39
gnomefreakNahob: restart your pc and on the grub screen choose the line that says recovery mode12:39
matrixciao a tutti12:39
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matrixci sarebbe qualche angelo che mi puo dare una piccolissima mano con la mia wi-fi12:39
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BizonHi, is there a mean to use the command "executableFile" instead of "./executableFile" ?12:39
Crovax31sorry, it's how to say hi in french12:39
gnomefreakNahob: if you dont get grub menu press esc when it tells you to12:39
gnomefreak!it | matrix12:40
ubotumatrix: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!12:40
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Judgege1Scunizi: jrib gave me a link to a command that would install a LAMP all in one go, would you happen to know it?12:40
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ScuniziJudgege1: you'll have some issues but usually nothing unsurmountable..12:40
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kkathmandoes anyone know of a utility that allows evolution to convert maildir/mbox files from kmail ?12:40
ScuniziJudgege1: was it something similiar to 'sudo apt-get insatall apache2 php5 mysql' etc?12:41
gnomefreakkkathman: evolution? whats that? :)12:41
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Judgege1Scunizi: No it was tel something i think12:41
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gnomefreakkkathman: no evo doesnt intrergrate really good with kde so you may be hard pressed to find one12:41
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gnomefreakand kmail has alot of desired missing features12:42
kkathmangnomefreak: ugh ok - well kontact is really a better product, but I was trying to get as native as possible :)12:42
Crovax31(00:41:08) gnomefreak: kkathman: evolution? whats that? :)12:42
kevin_kkathman - it is possible... i've done it, just can't remember how!-)12:42
Crovax31evolution is great, I need it for entreprise microsoft exchange serveur12:42
gnomefreakkkathman: i dont know of one off hand12:42
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grepheadIs https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DowngradeHowto the best docs available on how to downgrade ubuntu?12:42
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ScuniziJudgege1: ok.. don't know that exact one but I have a suggestion if you want to play with lamp.  Install VMWare Server (free) and then install the server (Lamp) edition of Ubuntu.  That way you can play, screw things up, make it work etc without distroying your primary setup.12:43
brynthis may be a stupid question, but when is Gutsy officially released?12:43
Crovax3118 off next mont12:43
brynoh sweet12:43
gnomefreakCrovax31: evo == MS outlook clone thats why its one of hte only mail clients that has good intergration for MS servers/databases/ect..12:43
brynthat's my birthday!12:43
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Judgege1Scunizi: I would just prefer to get everyhting setup on here, as for now i will only be using it as a server12:43
patrick__i just used sudo chmod to change the permissions of a harddrive, but it only allowed me to have permisson to those files, but i want to copy a file from my internal hard drive to the enternal one and it still says i do not have permission, its mounted as /media/disk12:43
=== Andy [n=nicolas@bny92-7-82-247-106-65.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
teh_uber..... i turned on this broken filter but i dont know what to do to find the broken package12:44
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Judgege1Scunizi: And im scared of command line interface of the server =P12:44
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rathelI need some help with mt-daapd http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37632/12:44
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Crovax31bye, It speak too much here, I can't read and write without stress12:44
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kkathmanJudgege1:  learn the CLI its your friend and will save your life :)12:44
kkathmanyour linux life at least12:45
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Judgege1kkathman: Thats my plan before i really get into linux12:45
kkathmangood :)12:45
=== veco [n=veco@78-2-117-19.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakhelps to have linux to learn cli12:45
vecoi need help make not working12:45
ScuniziJudgege1: in that case you have a couple of options. Install Ubuntu Server and choose the LAMP option on install. Then (from the scary command prompt) type "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop".  However you should know that you WILL have to use the command line to make Lamp work the way you want.12:45
gnomefreakveco: error?12:45
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vecoscan.c:845: error: called object '<erroneous-expression>' is not a function12:45
vecoscan.c:845: warning: statement with no effect12:45
vecoscan.c:848: error: 'ScanContext' has no member named 'pages'12:45
vecoscan.c:849: warning: implicit declaration of function 'remove'12:45
vecoscan.c:849: error: 'ScanContext' has no member named 'outputName'12:45
vecoscan.c:850: warning: implicit declaration of function 'free'12:45
vecoscan.c:850: error: 'ScanContext' has no member named 'lineBuf'12:46
vecoscan.c:852: error: 'EXIT_SUCCESS' undeclared (first use in this function)12:46
vecoscan.c:852: warning: return makes integer from pointer without a cast12:46
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gnomefreak!pastebin > veco12:46
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gnomefreakveco: see !pastebin12:46
sitheraeI just bought a 8600 GTTS :D12:47
gnomefreakveco: that isnt make error that is a code error12:47
gnomefreak!pastebin | veco12:47
ubotuveco: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:47
Judgege1Scunizi: Yes i know =O. Got any helpful sites?12:47
vecoim trying to install pixma scanner and everywhere says to dowload that tarball12:47
gnomefreakveco: but make isnt causing that error more than likely its the makefile of the app causing it12:47
ScuniziJudgege1: don't worry though.. there are ways of using the gui desktop to edit configuration files. But no easy gui setup unfortunatly.. One step at a time and next thing you know you'll be comfortable.12:47
vecoand make12:47
vecoand 0 points there :(12:47
gnomefreakveco: you need to ./configure first12:47
PKdoRI cant configure a theme and its beggining to get fustrating!!!12:47
daviHow to add the key:   NO_PUBKEY 40976EAF437D05B5   ?12:48
gnomefreakPKdoR: gnome doesnt need themes to be configured12:48
vecobash: ./configure: No such file or directory12:48
sitheraeI just  bought a new graphics card. When I start ubuntu I get an X server error12:48
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gnomefreakPKdoR: kde used to but i think even that has changed12:48
ScuniziJudgege1: if you're dealing with a web server, the site for Apache has tons of good info.12:48
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Judgege1Scunizi: I found it "sudo tasksel install lamp-server"12:48
IndyGunFreaksitherae: you need to reconfigure X12:48
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IndyGunFreakthen boot a basic X config, and the insall nvidia drivers12:48
gnomefreakveco: for full debug i would need to try it and i cant atm but its not you its the source thats messed up12:48
kevin_sitherae: what gfx card u got?12:48
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gnomefreakveco: it happens to the best of us12:49
ScuniziJudgege1: I've never heard of tasksel or used it.. doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I'll google it.12:49
sitheraekevin_: evga 8600 GTS12:49
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vecois there any other way to configure a scanner (pixma mp160)12:49
sitheraeJust got it today12:49
Judgege1Scunizi: Its on the community help pages under webserver12:49
IndyGunFreaksitherae: thats nvidia chipset, right?12:49
AndyCRhi, what's the console command for the gnome suspend?12:49
gnomefreakveco: scan.c:845: error: called object  '<erroneous-expression>' is not a function12:49
sitheraeIndyGunFreak: yes12:49
AndyCRi tried suspend, and that just stays busy forever12:49
kevin_sitherae - what chipset is that?12:49
gnomefreakthat is the important part of it everything else tells you why that happened12:49
sitheraeKevin_: nvidia12:50
PKdoR! so how the hell do i sntall them?12:50
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IndyGunFreaksitherae: when you boot, after the erorr, you'll get a CLI prompt.12:50
lnx_i need a program ( something like clipboard ) that i can only paste text to it only to print it without saving it there is something like this ?12:50
BernieMacAndyCR, is your swap partition big enough to support suspending?12:50
gnomefreakveco: you either are missing header files for kernel or the names changed and the source wasnt updated by the looks of it12:50
ScuniziJudgege1: tasksel is not installed on my Dapper system.  maybe use sudo apt-get install lamp-server12:50
sitheraeIndyGunFreak: yes im at it12:50
AndyCRBernieMac: I mean suspend to ram, not to disk12:50
IndyGunFreaksitherae: run this command..   sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and just take the defaults for everything.. nothing fancy, just defaults12:50
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vecohmm yeah it could be edgy-build12:50
PKdoRwhen i try the ./config it says there is no such file12:50
gnomefreakveco: assuming you installed kernel-headers package as it is needed12:50
vecono help there, huh ?12:50
IndyGunFreaksitherae: once you do that, you should get back to a GUI after restarting, then you can work on installing the nvidia driver.12:50
gnomefreakPKdoR: you dont configure themes12:50
Judgege1Scunizi: I'm using 7.04, so it should work for me?12:50
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gnomefreakveco: not without looking deep into source, make sure you have kernel-headers installed for your kernel12:51
AndyCRBut no, I doubt the partition has enough space if I have a huge amount running, but it should if I'm running normal stuff12:51
BernieMacAndyCR, k, not sure what to tell you then. Mine won't suspend or hibernate because my swap is low. Not that important to me12:51
vecook how i check if kernel headers are there=12:51
AndyCR(I have 1gb of ram and a 1gb swap)12:51
ScuniziJudgege1: you'll only know after trying.   Apt-get is the typical install method.12:51
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AndyCRBernieMac: Mine suspends fine, I just want to know the console command for it, since it won't suspend if beryl is running12:51
gnomefreakPKdoR: its in tar.gz you should beable to either drag and drop it or unpack it and drag and drop it into the theme manager in gnome12:51
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AndyCRthat way i can make a launcher that does killall beryl && suspend12:52
PKdoR! ok ill try that12:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ok ill try that - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:52
AndyCRso I can run beryl, yet suspend without issues12:52
gnomefreak!keaders | veco12:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about keaders - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:52
BernieMacAndyCR, yeah that should be plenty, I have like 375mb of swap. Not sure about that. Might want to try in #ubuntu-effects channel, they might know more12:52
kevin_sitherae - ok, good (nvidia thank goodness).... you need to reconfigure your x server. open a terminal and type 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg', enter your password, then answer the questions - should be safe to accept defaults. then either restart x or reboot.12:52
ScuniziJudgege1: also #ubuntu-server on irc12:52
gnomefreak!kernel-headers | veco12:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kernel-headers - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:52
AndyCRBernieMac: ok, thanks12:52
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BernieMacAndyCR, no problem12:52
gnomefreak!find headers12:52
ubotuFound: libxaw-headers, libxmu-headers, linux-headers-2.6.20-15, linux-headers-2.6.20-15-386, linux-headers-2.6.20-15-generic (and 33 others)12:52
sitheraeIndyGunFreak: What do i put for amount of memory?12:52
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Judgege1Scunizi: Okay, thanks. Also do you have any good sites?12:52
gnomefreakveco: what kernel?12:52
IndyGunFreaksitherae: how much memory does your card have?12:52
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sitheraeIndyGunFreak: 256mb12:52
ScuniziJudgege1: personally?12:52
IndyGunFreaksitherae: hago n a sec12:52
Judgege1Scunizi: Yes12:53
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rathelI need some help with mt-daapd http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37632/12:53
ScuniziJudgege1: things I've done?12:53
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IndyGunFreaksitherae: doesn't it want the number in KB?12:53
kevin_sitherae - you shouldn't need to enter amount of memory - x should figure that out12:53
Judgege1Scunizi: Was refering to helpful sites, but sure =P12:53
veco20.16 i think12:53
sitheraeIndyGunfreak: yes12:53
IndyGunFreaksitherae: 26214412:53
branstromHow would I use iptables to block an entire program from accessing the internet?12:53
gnomefreakveco: uname -a will tell you12:53
Crozaranysites who can give me backgrounds where i can see thunder like a moving background :D12:53
=== ScorpKing [n=ScorpKin@vc-196-207-45-247.3g.vodacom.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
vecoyup 20.16 generic12:54
ScuniziJudgege1: http://www.apache.org/ for apache help.. personally.. http://www.tangsoosam.com12:54
gnomefreakveco: install kernel-headers-2.6.20-16-generic12:54
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IndyGunFreakkevin_: i've always had to enter the amount of memory.. not sure if its required or not, but i always have.12:54
sitheraeIndyGunFreak: It says only inpuyt that if it has trouble auto-detecting. How would I know if it has troubles with that?12:54
ScorpKingdoes anyone know how to auto detect the compression format of a file?12:54
IndyGunFreaktry it.12:54
jcs7778Is there a good terminal music player?12:54
Budwaahow can i start an app on its own x server?12:54
sitheraeIndyGunFreak: So just leave it blank?12:54
IndyGunFreakthe memory?12:54
pike_jcs7778: i use mplayer but mpg123 or mpg32112:54
IndyGunFreakyou can if you want.. it will probably auto detect, i've just always entered it.12:55
RoC_MasterMindScorpKing, you can try "file [filename] " or open it in VLC and look under Stream Properties12:55
IndyGunFreaksitherae: worstt hat happens, if it doesn't, you just runt he command again12:55
gnomefreakIndyGunFreak: if video card mem it will use what the card can handle if id'ed right12:55
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gnomefreakid'ed == detected12:55
IndyGunFreakgnomefreak: right,12:55
vecothey're installed, same error12:55
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pike_ScorpKing: 'file filename' maybe12:55
cavemanwhat folder are gnome wallpapers stored in?12:55
kevin_indygunfreak - in some instances it's necessary - eg, with shared gfx memory, but in most cases it's safe to skip. case of suck it and see, but from experience i've never had any problems leaving unspecified12:55
ScorpKingRoC_MasterMind: it's a .kth theme file. will try that.12:55
jribjcs7778: cmus, moc, or mpd with some frontend12:56
IndyGunFreakkevin_: like i said, i've always entered it, so i couldn't tell you how it is one way or the other.12:56
sitheraeIndyGunFreak: Yes or No to Use kernel framebuffer device?12:56
ScorpKingRoC_MasterMind: it's gzip. thanks12:56
IndyGunFreaki think ist No.12:56
Judgege1jrib: You'll be glad to hear i got internet running and installed updates =P12:56
vecothey're installed, same error12:56
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gnomefreakveco: than its the source code12:57
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jribJudgege1: good to hear, did you figure how to get lamp?12:57
gnomefreakveco: make sure you have ALL build-deps installed including build-essential12:57
izquestion: how can i get feisty to dump core w/ programs?  I did ulimit -c unlimited and changed /etc/security/limits.conf12:57
jcs7778Thanks guys ille try them.12:57
xyzhow do I make VLC the default handler of .avi and .mp3 files (I already uninstalled Totem movie player and Rhythmbox)12:57
izand it says it's dumping core, but there is no core file anywhere..12:57
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izand programming/debugging ninjas in the house?12:58
kevin_xyz: you using standard ubuntu w/ gnome?12:58
ScuniziJudgege1: you can also install LAMP by using Synaptic under the System/Admin menu.  Just choose Apache2, PHP5, Mysql,12:58
jrib!defaultapp > xyz (read the private message from ubotu)12:58
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sitheraeIndyGunFreak: Alright done. Now what?12:59
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IndyGunFreaksitherae: restart12:59
Judgege1jrib: Well, havnt got that far yet12:59
azimuth3d /MSG NICKSERV REGISTER top49012 webmaster@tgdn.org12:59
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gnomefreakveco: build depends i think you should move this to #ubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-motu is better place if people are there12:59
xyzjrib: VLC isn't on the list of apps I can choose12:59
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jribJudgege1: ah, just saw you asking before.  You can talk to ubotu and he'll send you the links again, just do  /msg ubotu lamp  or go straight to help.ubuntu.com and search for "lamp"12:59
jribxyz: how did you install vlc?01:00
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gnomefreakveco: last time i got that it was a makefile issue01:00
xyzapt-get install vlc01:00
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IndyGunFreakxyz: is it installed/01:00
IndyGunFreakthen add it.01:00
xyzbut the file associations aren't working01:00
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kevin_xyz - ok, easy - go to System -> Preferences -> Removable Drives and Media, select the multimedia tab and enter 'vlc %m' as the command for files you want vlc to handle01:00
philvenyou an get vlc in synaptic, that's how I installed it01:00
xyzthanks kevin_01:00
Numbeastif I have a problem, and can't find an answer in the forums, this is the place to ask right?01:00
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gnomefreakveco: tweeking rules file made it work but yours isnt running ./configure so it makes me think that maybe you are missing a step or it may be a py code or something01:01
ScuniziNumbeast: yep01:01
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jribxyz: strange, shows up here.maybe run 'update-desktop-database' or just use a custom command and put 'vlc'01:01
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kevin_xyz: no probs - vls is better than totem imho01:01
xyzkevin_: damn straight01:01
sitheraeindygunfreak: failed again01:01
alex713hey i have unbuntu and my master volume control doensnt work?01:01
kevin_oops - meant vlc01:01
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xyzkevin_: it's kinda stupid that by default Ubuntu doesn't even support mp3's01:01
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gnomefreakveco: but from the error its missing something one of the header files or wrong header files not much we can do about that01:01
IndyGunFreaksitherae: not really sure how that happens.01:01
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airstrikehow can i remove a link that i created with ln -s?01:01
jribairstrike: rm01:02
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sitheraeindygunfreak: ill brb01:02
Numbeastso my mouse works fine, but the second I start a 3D FPS everything works perfectely except the mouse, it gets locked to the z axis so I'm pointing straight down, and no matter what I do it just quickly roattes about that point01:02
jrib!cli > airstrike (read the private message from ubotu)01:02
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alex713can you run  windows msn on linux?>01:02
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Numbeastalex713: no01:02
jribalex713: gaim can connect to the msn network01:02
sandycan anyone tell me how to install cedega plz01:02
airstrikei tried removing it from within nautilus but it wouldn't let me because it was linked to a different file system01:02
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qebabhow would I ensure that a certain program started up every time my ubuntu booted?01:02
ScuniziNumbeast: what kind of mouse and do you also have a "tablet"?01:02
kevin_xyz: i know - pita - think it's to do with mp3 licensing crap... whenever i install ubuntu, i end up jumping through hoops just to make it work the way i want...01:02
jrib!startup > qebab (read the private message from ubotu)01:03
airstrikeand how can i see what my ip is?01:03
xyzeven Windows has mp3 support01:03
Numbeastscunizi: I have a cheap dell mouse, and no tablet01:03
pike_sandy: /j #cedega01:03
xyzairstrike: go to cmyip.com01:03
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ScuniziNumbeast: is it a usb mouse?01:03
pike_sandy: you are aware it is not free right? there is a nominal fee01:03
airstrikeis there a way to find out from within the terminal?01:03
Numbeastscunizi: yes01:03
alex713whats the best verson of linux?01:03
houmalaautomatix2 might help with mp301:03
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qebabthanks jrib, but I fear I'm going to have to resort to terminal, doing this over ssh01:03
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sandypike ya01:03
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sandypike_ what to do?01:04
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jebbluewhat font do the Gaimers here prefer in the conversation window?01:04
kevin_xyz: yeah, but you pay for windows, and part of that will be a license fee to thomson electronics who hold the patent for mp3... ah, such is life...01:04
pike_sandy: join the cedega channel is prob best bet01:04
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jribqebab: do you want it to happen when your user logs in or earlier?01:04
trprheh. i really don't understand the issue. so the mp3 package is ommitted for legal reasons. fetching it after install isn't that big of a deal :P01:04
xyzkevin_: i didn't know Microsoft had to pay for mp3's, but you're probably right01:04
qebabjrib: when my user logs in01:04
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alex713linux is gay01:05
JudgegeoWoah. Silly internet died01:05
sarlothalex713:  there is not best "version"01:05
qebabthe best would be if it just ran in the background01:05
jrib!CoC | alex71301:05
ubotualex713: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/01:05
airstrikeis there a way to find out my ip from the terminal?01:05
ScuniziNumbeast: I had this problem when trying to use my tablet with the pen.  I never spent enough time figuring it out.  But I do know that it's something in xorg.conf.. under the mouse section of xorg you might have to include " Option "USB" "on"  "01:05
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gordonjcpalex713: there isn't really a "best version" of Linux01:05
jribairstrike: wget -O - -q www.whatismyip.org      or    ipconfig01:05
Numbeastscunizi: thanks, I'll research that01:05
DShepherdairstrike, ifconfig01:05
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gordonjcpoh, he's gone01:05
DShepherdairstrike, you on windows or linux?01:06
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airstrikebut i'm getting my local ip01:06
airstrikefrom the network01:06
airstrikewith if config01:06
kevin_xyz: yep. any device, be it an operating system, ipod, or other mp3 player that plays mp3's has to pay thomson for the privilege of using their codec.... i still reckon ogg sounds better tho!01:06
Tech-Mikesup peeps, what kernel version does ubuntu 6.06 come with? same as 7.04?01:06
jribqebab: k, but the user will be logging in at the gui later?01:06
jribairstrike: use the first command I said01:06
gordonjcpkevin_: only in the US though01:06
airstrikewget works01:06
LlivavinSomeone wanna tell me how to compile pidgin 2.2.0 in a PM?01:06
airstrikeyes, i'll make an alias01:06
fujinTech-Mike: much older01:06
DShepherdairstrike, try www.whatismyip.org01:06
airstrikei like wget01:06
airstrikeit's faster than opening a browser01:06
PKdoR!i tryed draging a theme gz.ter to the theme prefs but i still got a invalid file format01:06
xyzkevin_: so by installing VLC we are being pirates?01:06
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airstrikewhere should i make the alias? ~/.bashrc ?01:07
PKdoRit really starting to PMO01:07
Tech-Mikeok good, i tried installing 7.04 on an ibm thinkpad and the kernel wouldnt install so ill try 6.0601:07
jribPKdoR: umm, "gz.ter", do you mean "tar.gz"?01:07
airstrikeor is there a more appropriate file?01:07
jribairstrike: that works01:07
qebabjrib: no, it's ssh at all times (I sort of removed the screen and put the desktop inside a closet)01:07
LlivavinVLC sucks so dont bother installing it at all.01:07
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jribairstrike: I like seperating it out into ~/.aliasrc and then sourcing ~/.aliasrc in ~/.bashrc, but whatever you like01:07
airstrikei might do that later01:07
jribqebab: ok, so what do you want to start?01:07
airstrikekinda lazy right now01:07
airstrikei only have a couple of aliases01:07
qebaban instance of a python interpreter running an IRC bot01:08
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qebabbasically it's just 'python ~/foo/bar.py'01:08
jebbluewhats with all the hearts01:08
jribqebab: I suppose you can just set that up in your ~/.bash_profile  (I think this gets sourced when you login with ssh, check)01:08
sandyi need help in gusty01:08
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PKdoRI cant drag ti I cant .cofugure it ither man What the Hell!!01:08
jribsandy: #ubuntu+1 for help with gutsy01:08
qebabI'll check it out, thanks jrib01:08
jribPKdoR: join me in #ubuntu-classroom please01:08
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IndyGunFreakTech-Mike: why would you do that?01:08
IndyGunFreakdapper is 2yrs old.01:09
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PKdoR! i will sir01:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about i will sir - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:09
OpethicHello, what can I use for opening PDF files?01:09
Tech-Mikedo what?01:09
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jribqebab: make sure you run the process in the background though (append &)01:09
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jribOpethic: evince, just double click on them01:09
ScuniziOpethic: use "Document Viewer"  it's built in.01:09
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kevin_xyz: not necessarily - it depends where you are in the world. the US is fairly draconian about this sort of thing, elsewhere less so.... and anyway, i figure that if i want to transfer my cd collection onto my pc (which i've done), that's not piracy - i'm just making my collection easier to use01:09
IndyGunFreakTech-Mike: if i understood you correctly, you said 7.04 wouldn't install, so you're going to install dapper.01:09
Opethicjrib: Evince is not displaying them correctly. Instead of the images, I see a black box. What else can I use for viewing them?01:10
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jribOpethic: try xpdf01:10
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ScuniziOpethic: you can always install adobe viewer.01:10
=== Flannel [n=flannel@cpe-76-176-22-229.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Tech-Mikewell - everything installed but the kernel...got to like 83% and then said couldnt use kernel linux-generic01:10
flavio_info# ubuntu ol aguem fala portugues ai01:10
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jrib!pt | flavio_info01:10
ubotuflavio_info: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.01:10
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dalesomersHi im new to ubuntu and need a hand with a scanner... any takers?01:10
IndyGunFreakTech-Mike: were u using he live cd, or alternate install cd?01:11
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IndyGunFreakTech-Mike: why did it say you couldn't use it?01:11
Judgegeojrib: I restarted and lost link to that command you gave me earlier. Dont suppose you could provide me with it again?01:11
kevin_dalesomers: what sort of scanner? make / model?01:11
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Peloflavio_info, escribar  /join #ubuntu-br01:11
drizzytdalesomers what's the scanner make and model01:11
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)01:11
izbtw, i just figured out my core dumping question01:11
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JudgegeoThanks scunizi01:11
dalesomerskevin_: epson cx5000, i ahve the printing part working... just need to get the scanner going01:11
lokpestwhats this01:11
Tech-Mikedont know, just errored sayin could use/install i dont know01:12
izif anyone else wants to know, to provide "normal" looking core dumps, you need to change /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern01:12
ScuniziJudgegeo: there is a bot in this channel.. just put ! and your topic.  If it knows it will answer.01:12
drizzytdalesomers: sometimes scanner/printers have two drivers, one for scan and one for print01:12
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Tech-Mikeand when i did a disk integrity scan i failed on somthing about fonts01:12
IndyGunFreakTech-Mike: that doesn't make much sense.01:12
IndyGunFreakTech-Mike: are you using the 32bit or 64bit installer?01:12
Tech-Mikethats what im sayin!01:12
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dalesomersi try to use xsane tobut it says its not there... but sane-find-scanner sees it01:13
flavio_infoaguem pode me ajudar01:13
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Peloflavio_info, escribar  /join #ubuntu-br01:13
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Tech-Mikeill re-burn the cd and try again and let u know exact error01:13
JudgegeoI did sudo tasksel install lamp-server and its come up with a blue screen saying "installing packages"01:13
jribflavio_info: faz assim:    /join #ubuntu-br01:13
IndyGunFreakTech-Mike: burn it SLOW... 2-4x01:13
=== MeRodent [n=eric@ppp121-44-215-186.lns1.hba1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
Tech-Mikei did it at 16x01:14
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IndyGunFreakyes.. 2-4x01:14
PeloTech-Mike, slowest01:14
=== Coole-afk [n=justin@71-212-68-131.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
kevin_dalesomers - hmm, all-in-one... not sure. i'd definitely have a look at epson's website though - they're one of the better players with linux.01:14
ScuniziJudgegeo: cool.. learn something new every day!01:14
Code-EHi, im having a problem, Im on teamspeak with my friend(we're on ubuntu) and we have our sound working, he can hear me speaking, and my mic is working i can test it in local mode, but i cannot hear him at all01:14
JudgegeoScunizi: Seems to be stuck at 0% though..01:14
lokpestlokpest@lokpest-laptop:~$ vrms    Non-free packages installed on lokpest-laptop linux-generic Complete Generic Linux kernel linux-restricted-modules- Non-free Linux 2.6.20 modules on x86/x86_64 linux-restricted-modules- Non-free Linux 2.6.20 modules on x86/x86_64 linux-restricted-modules- Non-free Linux 2.6.20 modules helper script linux-restricted-modules- Restricted Linux modules for generic kernels  5 non-free packages, 0.3% of 162101:14
lokpestinstalled packages.01:14
ProxosiIs there a application for widget for ubuntu?01:14
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dalesomerscool ill ceck it out... thanks kevin_01:14
ScuniziJudgegeo: patients01:15
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lokpestwhats that? ubuntu is holding me captive01:15
PeloCode-E,  can you play other sounds on your comp ?01:15
Code-EOther sounds are working fine01:15
lokpestI thought ubuntu was free software01:15
=== Mexel [n=chatzill@host-209-214-105-10.bhm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
PeloCode-E,  then I suggest you freind is the one that needs to fix it not you01:15
ProxosiIs there a application for widget for ubuntu?01:15
airstrikeokay, i'm trying to edit my keyboard locale and i need to have an entry for "01:15
Scunizilokpest, what part have you paid for?01:15
rathelI need some help with mt-daapd http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37632/01:15
trprCode-E: just a guess but perhaps full duplex on your soundcard isn't enabled? does your mic work while playing other sounds?01:16
PeloProxosi, define application widget ?01:16
airstrikeunfortunately, the characters are always quoted with ", so i can't have """ as the character.. how should i escape it?01:16
Scunizi!widget | Pelo01:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about widget - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:16
Code-Etrpr: what..? my mic is working and my sound is, i just cant hear my friend on teamspeak when he talks01:16
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PeloScunizi, please don'T01:16
ScuniziPelo :?01:17
Scunizi* :/01:17
ProxosiPelo http://www.flickr.com/photos/lord_darth_vader/498957719/01:17
PeloProxosi, hold on01:17
lokpestScunizi: free as in free speech, not as in free beer01:17
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JudgegeoScunizi: Now the screen has returend to the CLI01:17
jimmygoon!widget | jimmygoon01:17
ScuniziJudgegeo: ok.. any errors?01:18
JudgegeoScunizi: Nope01:18
Numbeast!widget | NumBeast01:18
PeloProxosi,  if you are using regular gnome,  gdesklets in the repos,  ifyou have compiz enable  screenlets google for it01:18
ScuniziJudgegeo: type sudo updatedb01:18
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ProxosiPelo i see. Thanks01:18
ScuniziJudgegeo: when it's done type locate apache*01:19
trprCode-E: nvm then. if you don't know about fullduplex i won't bother explaining it. probably not the issue anyway :P01:19
dalesomerswell as far i I can see, Epson does not have a linux driver per say, and i dont see any support of rlinux on this model...01:19
=== pickett [n=pickett@ppp121-45-138-249.lns11.adl6.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
JudgegeoScunizi: It came up with alot of results01:19
Code-EWell, his green light is blinking in teamspeak, i just cant hear him01:19
IndyGunFreaksitherae: did you get reconfigure fiured out?01:19
Code-Ebefore i installed ubuntu, in linux it was working fine, if that matters01:19
ScuniziJudgegeo:  you're looking for something like /etc/apache2...01:19
=== Pricey [n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pdpc.supporter.student.PriceChild] has joined #ubuntu
PeloCode-E, is it possible that your freind'S teamspeak is not properly configured and/or that is mic is not working properly01:20
Code-EWell his light thing beside his name goes green01:20
Code-Elike hes talking01:20
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JudgegeoScunizi: Yup, lots of results01:20
PeloCode-E, can you hear other ppl talking in teamspeak ?01:20
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TxPitouhello to all..01:20
ScuniziJudgegeo: if it came up with a lot of stuff then it's probably installed.  Try http://localhost in your browser.01:20
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs01:20
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Code-EPelo, there isn't anyone else in the teamspeak01:21
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JudgegeoApache/2.2.3 (Ubuntu) PHP/5.2.1 Server at localhost Port 8001:21
TxPitouPelo you using teamspeak ?01:21
doug_how do i install a tar file?01:21
PeloCode-E, then try in the teamspeak settings see if you have the correct output device selected or somethingl like that,01:21
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PeloTxPitou,  no,  Code-E is, and he's having some difficulties with sound comming out01:21
ProxosiPelo is there an way i can get vm on ubuntu and run it?01:22
PeloProxosi, vmware ?01:22
ScuniziJudgegeo: Great!  You've installed it.. sounds like it's all there.. html files are usually located in /var/www/01:22
TxPitoupelo ah.. I havent tried the linux version of it yet,01:22
ProxosiPelo ya01:22
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PeloProxosi, menu > applications > add/remove , search for vmware01:22
JudgegeoScuniziz: Thanks. Just need to install some other things.. *sigh*01:22
ubotuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression01:22
TxPitouCode-E,  I would test mic/sound on a wav recorder first to make sure it isnt your headset01:22
ScuniziJudgegeo: like what?01:22
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JudgegeoScunizi: I dont know if phpmyadmin is installed01:23
PKdoRhow can i change the splash sreen in ubuntu?01:23
ProxosiPelo "There is no matching application avaiable."  For vmware01:23
Pelo!theme | PKdoR  last link01:23
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ubotuPKdoR  last link: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy01:23
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ScuniziJudgegeo: probably not.. just type sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin01:23
Ashfire908can i tunnel a network connection though ssh?01:23
JudgegeoScunizi: Also need to install some flv converter files etv01:23
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ScuniziJudgegeo: not sure what jlv & etv are.01:24
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doug_can someone tell me how to install a .tar file?please01:24
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JudgegeoScunizi: : Invalid operation phpmyadmin01:24
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PeloProxosi, goto menu > system > admin > software sources  check all the boxes on the first tab and backport on the third one , reload,  close and try again in add/remove   and make sure you selected "all available packages" in the drop down list on the right of the search feild01:24
ScuniziJudgegeo: what windows manager do you have .. gnome or kde or xfce4?01:24
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IndyGunFreakdoug_: what areyou trying to install?01:25
JudgegeoScunizi: Im using gnome01:25
TxPitoudoug_,  open a terminal window and type tar --help01:25
Pelodoug_,  read in here  http://cutlersoftware.com/ubuntuinstall/01:25
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jribdoug_: you try to avoid it.  What are you trying to install?01:25
doug_IndyGunFreak,  mp3_check-1.98.tar.gz01:25
ScuniziJudgegeo: ok.. go to System/Admin/Synaptic and search in there for phpmyadmin01:25
Pelodoug_,  but I suggest you do a search in synaptic first to see if the app you want is available in the repos , much easier and safer01:25
doug_jrib mp3_check-1.98.tar.gz01:25
IndyGunFreakdoug_: and what is tha?01:25
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NemesisDanyone know of a (relatively) inexpensive wireless PCI card that will work out of the box with ubuntu?01:25
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jrib!info mp3check | doug_01:26
ubotudoug_: mp3check: Check mp3 files for consistency. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.0-4.1 (feisty), package size 98 kB, installed size 280 kB01:26
NemesisDim sick to death of messing around with this usb dongle01:26
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JudgegeoScunizi: Okay, marked for installation01:26
doug_IndyGunFreak,  to check mp3 music for curoptions01:26
IndyGunFreakdoug_: also, jsut a quick look in synaptic, that program is in synaptic.01:26
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IndyGunFreakno need to compile it.01:26
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PeloNemesisD, you can try and consult this list but it is better if you have a model to check against it  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport01:26
ScuniziJudgegeo: you can search for all the apps you want and tag them all then hit apply.01:26
jribdoug_: after you've enabled universe, you can install it using synaptic like Pelo suggested or any other package manager you want01:26
jrib!software > doug_ (read the private message from ubotu)01:26
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JudgegeoScunizi: ALL apps?01:26
PeloNemesisD, the forum is also a good place to check01:27
sexcopterhi, is it possible to use the network-manager applet but specify a static ip to use?01:27
ScuniziJudgegeo: all the apps that you want to install..  not ALL of them..01:27
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lnx_i need a program ( something like clipboard ) that i can only paste text to it only to print it without saving it there is something like this ?01:27
JudgegeoScunizi: So if i ever want/need anything look here first?01:27
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lnx_linux have alternavite to these programs : ventrilo , teamspeak , moorhunt ?01:27
Pelosexcopter, you can specify static ip in menu > system > admin> network , select your device and click properties01:27
doug_jrib,  IndyGunFreak   Pelo TxPitou  thanks i am installing it via synaptic01:27
Numbeastokay, so my mouse works perfectely, until I play a 3D FPS, in which case the program only responds to mouse movements downwards or to the right01:27
sitherae I just  bought a new graphics card. When I start ubuntu I get an X server error01:28
Numbeastany ideas?01:28
jrib!xconfig > sitherae (read the private message from ubotu)01:28
IndyGunFreakdoug_: always look in synaptic first, especially when you're new, way easier than compiilng tar files01:28
ScuniziJudgegeo: it's the best place to start.. It has everything available in the Repos.  If it's not in there then you might have to jump through hoops to get it installed.01:28
Numbeast!xconfig | NumBeast01:28
sexcopterPelo: I see. So to get wpa funcitonality i'll need to follow some how-to, i think, i'm looking into that now01:28
speleomania does anyone know how to enable the scroll button of my Logitech 5B mice under X?01:28
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Code-EHow do i install sound drivers ?01:29
Pelo!wifi > sexcopter  this might help or not check for a private message windows with instructions from ubotu01:29
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Pelo!mouse > speleomania check for a private message windows with instructions from ubotu01:29
sexcopterPelo: thanks01:29
airstrikesexcopter: i have an awesome howto01:29
airstrikeon WPA01:29
airstrikehold on01:29
Numbeastspeleomania: in your xorg.conf file you add an option along the lines of zmapping01:29
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PeloCode-E, if you have sound working in ubuntu you don'T need anyother sound drivers01:29
Numbeastspeleomanai: let me find the link that'll tell you the excact syntax01:30
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sitheraejrib: Which do I pick? fglrx, fbdev, cyrix?01:30
airstrikesexcopter, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20283401:30
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jribsitherae: what card do you have?01:30
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sitheraejrib: evga nvidia e-Geforce 8600 GTS01:30
luckyonecan anyone in here help me get my system to output 1920x1080?01:30
sexcopterairstrike: thanks, i'll have a look at that01:30
xyzHelp: I cannot get write support to work with ntfs-3g! (I ran this command "sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /media/winhdd)01:30
doug_ok i got mp3check installed but now cant get it up01:31
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Peloluckyone, what videocard ?01:31
airstrikeit's the ultimate tutorial01:31
luckyonemy xorg.conf file is located here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37636/01:31
jribsitherae: so you had an ati before?01:31
lnx_linux have alternavite to these programs : ventrilo , teamspeak , moorhunt ?01:31
sitheraejrib: Yes01:31
Scuniziluckyone: maybe.. do you know how to get to your xorg file?01:31
jribsitherae: choose "nv", do you have that?01:31
Code-Eis there a program inside of ubuntu that allows you to test to see if your sound is working01:31
sitheraejrib: yes01:31
luckyonePelo: I have an nVidia 5200, you can check my xorg.conf file here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37636/01:31
luckyoneScunizi: xorg.conf file is here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37636/01:31
jribsitherae: k, after you do that, you will want to read ubotu's link to get nvidia's drivers going01:31
Numbeastcode-e: system -> prefs -> sound01:31
jrib!nvidia > sitherae (read the private message from ubotu)01:31
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sitheraejrib: Thank you ver much!01:32
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Peloluckyone, there is a nvidia settings package in synaptic that should allow you to do that01:32
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Scuniziluckyone: that link is no good anymore.01:32
Judgegeojrib: Do you know anything else i should install?01:32
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LlivavinCan someone tell me how i can listen to streaming mp3's with firefox?01:32
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luckyoneScunizi: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37636/ it just worked for me01:32
nortycan someone help me, im need to use slime with emacs to write code in lisp, i did sudo apt-get install slime and got slime but it isn't working, is there anything else i need to do?01:32
xyzHelp: I cannot get consistent write support with ntfs-3g! (I ran this command "sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /media/winhdd)01:32
PeloLlivavin,  install mozilla-mplayer remove totem-mozilla01:33
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Scuniziluckyone: got it... brb01:33
TxPitouLlivavin, click in firefox <tools><addons> and look for MP3 there are a few addons to do that01:33
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Peloxyz,  install  ntfs-3g-config ( i think that is the name of hte package) let that do the mouting in synaptic01:33
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Scuniziluckyone: ah.. you're running it on a Visio?  is that the native res of the visio?01:34
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xyzpelo: i already installed ntfs-3g and I have successfully mounted it several times01:34
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xyzpelo: however, sometimes the write support doesn't work01:34
Shadow6363hmm, how does one send an e-mail from the terminal?01:34
Peloxyz,  read again "ntfs-3g-config"01:34
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luckyoneScunizi: I found that modeline here: www.avsforum.com/avs-vb/printthread.php?t=818988&page=5&pp=3001:34
PeloShadow6363,  man sendmail01:34
xyzpelo: ntfs-config doesn't work very well for me.. probably because my hard disc is somewhat corrupted01:35
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Shadow6363Pelo, if i don't have sendmail on the system im using?01:35
sitheraejrib: What should be starred at the "X.org server modules that should be loaded by default:" screen01:35
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jribJudgegeo: just search around, there's thousands of packages and what I want is probably different than what I want01:35
Peloxyz,  then I would propose to you that the problem is not the ntfs driver but the corrupted harddrive taht is the problem  , backup the data,  reformat it and ...01:35
jriberm, s/I/you01:35
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MeRodentShadow6363, terminal will give you a list of packages you can install for sendmail.01:35
airstrikedoes anyone know how to escape a character when editing the locales on /usr/share/X11/locale/en_US.UTF-8/Compose?01:36
PeloShadow6363, sendmail is insatlled by default in ubuntu01:36
Judgegeojrib: Well, i mean like pidgin - is it worth downloading?01:36
xyzPelo: I can do that, but I also wanna manage the files in there a bit.. the strange thing is that the write support does work SOMETIMES01:36
MeRodentPelo, no it's not.01:36
luckyonehmmm, I guess I tried this over HDMI, not VGA, I am going to give that a shot01:36
Numbeastare there any other irc channels for ubuntu/linux/xorg?01:36
jribShadow6363: install an MTA like esmtp so you can just use some smtp server like gmail's01:36
Scuniziluckyone: I also saw 1360x768...01:36
nortycan someone help me, im need to use slime with emacs to write code in lisp, i did sudo apt-get install slime and got slime but it isn't working, is there anything else i need to do?01:36
Peloxyz, there you tell me that ntfs write doesn'T always work and then you tell me that the hdd is corrupted,  please make the damn connection01:37
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jribJudgegeo: if pidgin has some features that gaim does not have, then I suppose it's worth it, but it's not in synaptic, so it will take some extra work01:37
Scuniziluckyone, but native seems to be confirmed in other sites at 1920x108001:38
Shadow6363MeRodent, Pelo, jrib, I'm ssh'ing into a school solaris server and figured theyd have similar things to ubuntu but sendmail isnt one so i think ill just go looking for a solaris channel01:38
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Pelonorty,  maybe you can try and google or check in the forum this is very specialised not sure we are up for it01:38
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Judgegeojrib: And do you know anything about apache, etc?01:38
doug_ok i installed mp3check but its nto showing up anywhere01:38
nortyi tried following the directions, it says something about editing ~/.emacs, but i cannot find that file anywhere01:39
IndyGunFreakdoug_: open a terminal and type mp3check01:39
bruenignorty, you might need to create it01:39
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Pelodoug_,  if it is a command line application it won'T show in the menus,   try typing mp3check in the terminal01:39
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Scuniziluckyone, have you tried "nvidia-settings" or "nvidia-settings" from the command line?01:39
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Scunizi*setting or *settings01:40
doug_ah ok thnks Pelo and IndyGunFreak  so how i get it to check in the ntfs side?01:40
nortyhow do i uninstall something i got with apt-get?01:40
IndyGunFreakdoug_: now that i don't know..01:40
bruenignorty, apt-get remove thing01:40
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IndyGunFreakhyou'll have to go through program options, etc.01:40
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Pelodoug_,  gotyour ntfs partition mounted ?   cd to the folder where you have your mp3 and then mp3check filename I guess01:41
jribJudgegeo: not much, there is #apache01:41
luckyoneScunizi: yes, nvidia-settings doesn't show me the 1920x1080 that my tv can display01:41
sitheraeWhat is the command to restart the xserver?01:41
Scuniziluckyone: let me look closer at your xorg.. brb01:41
LlivavinHrm, When ever i open up more then 2 or 3 windows when i have beryl running the window just turns black01:41
doug_Pelo,  its saying i must specify01:41
LlivavinAny reason why?01:41
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=== Thug-Life is away: I'm busy
Pelositherae,  ctrl _ alt _ backspace01:41
doug_Pelo,  and i have01:42
jrib!away > Thug-Life (read the private message from ubotu)01:42
Pelodoug_,  specify what ?01:42
bruenigsitherae, if x is set to respawn you can just kill it, usually I do init 3 ; init 5, but that won't work on debian01:42
sitheraePelo: I meant in the terminal, because mine failed at to start01:42
buttercupssitherae: ctrl space backspace01:42
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doug_Pelo,  mp3check: you must specify the mode of operation01:42
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Pelositherae,  startx01:42
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sitheraePelo: ty01:42
Pelodoug_, man mp3check01:42
philjrHEWS THIS01:43
mks2007hey i've just installed gutsy gibbon tribe 5 hoping to see compiz but it's not working. it comes with tribe 5, right? i have extra effects enabled and my nvidia card drivers working. any ideas?01:43
Pelomks2007,  ask in #ubuntu+101:43
sitheraeJrib: Im getting a no screens found error01:43
jribsitherae: try vesa as your driver then01:43
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Pelositherae, is ubuntu installed ?01:43
mks2007thnx Pelo01:43
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pike_mks2007: a beryl or compiz livecd like knoppix too if you just want to play around with it01:44
sitheraePelo: yes lol.. what is vesa?01:44
Pelositherae,  vesa is a more or less generic videocard driver01:44
Pelohello philjr01:44
Pelositherae,  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  select vesa for the driver01:45
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Scuniziluckyone: here's mine http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37637/  anything with a # is commented out and non functional.. you'll notice that my screen size options are in metric (or some other value). You might have to use that type of referance to get it right.  I googled some time ago for that info.  Sorry I don't have a link.. Also I'm on Dapper (which shouldn't make much differance.)01:45
sitheraePelo: what do I put in "Video card01:45
sitheraes bus identifier:" ?01:45
nortywhat is the command to search for a specific directory ?01:45
lnx_i need a program ( something like clipboard ) that i can only paste text to it only to print it without saving it there is something like this ?01:46
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cjae_ok i seriously broke amsn and now can't log in01:46
Pelositherae, I think you just use the default provided01:46
mks2007pike_: i am switching from winxp to linux os. a friend recommended ubuntu, and suggested i try gutsy gibbon tribe 5. in retrospect, i should probably be trying fiesty and then just installing compiz... for stability01:46
jribnorty: find, locate, whereis  ?01:46
phoggnorty: find / -type d -name whatever01:46
Scunizicjae_: uninstall completely then reinstall.01:46
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cjae_automatix server down01:46
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Numbeastokay, so my mouse works perfectely, until I play a 3D FPS, in which case the program only responds to mouse movements downwards or to the right01:46
Numbeastany ideas?01:46
cjae_and can't install from synaptic01:46
luckyonehow do I make my system use gdm rather than kdm?01:46
doug_how do i cd to the desktop?01:46
Pelolnx_,   gedit01:46
MeRodentNumbeast, run around in circles?01:46
luckyonefor the login manager?01:46
jribluckyone: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm01:46
Ashfire908how do i create a checksum?01:46
jrib!automate > cjae_ (read the private message from ubotu)01:47
lnx_Pelo , what is gedit ?01:47
jribAshfire908: md5sum01:47
jrib!automatix > cjae_ (read the private message from ubotu)01:47
Scuniziluckyone: when logging in change "sessions".  if you don't have gdm installed then sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop01:47
Pelolnx_,   a simple text editor you can paste to that and print all you want01:47
Numbeastdoug : "cd /home/*yourusername*/Desktop"01:47
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pike_mks2007: yeah. esp just switching from xp.  the +1 releases are never that bad but ive always had something i needed to fix manually usually just little stuff01:47
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MeRodentdoug_, or cd ~/Desktop01:47
=== Pelo as now lost track of who / what / why
cjae_installed distro specific amsn and now have two of the same profiles and can't log into either where is config file that holds profile info01:48
lnx_Pelo , but i need to create file and then to print from , i want something that i dont need to create file01:48
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spepshey guys ... what about Fruity Loops and wine????01:48
tinman47Hi can someone help me with a Bash script?01:48
cjae_won't let log in cause already in use01:48
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doug_ok now MeRodent  how do i bring a list of stuff up in the folder or what not?01:48
Xerotinman47, #bash01:48
Numbeastdoug: ls01:48
jribcjae_: check if you have ~/.amsn and rename it01:48
Pelolnx_, if you just open gedit and paste to it and then close whitout saving there will be no file created01:48
MeRodentls ~/Desktop01:48
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luckyoneScunizi: the problem is that I can't read the screen on login01:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sdl - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:49
cjae_jrib, ok01:49
luckyoneScunizi: the text is too small01:49
doug_hmm Numbeast  and MeRodent  it wont show my ntfs y01:49
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Woflhey guys01:49
MeRodentdoug_, that's because the ntfs system isn't in your Desktop.01:49
doug_MeRodent,  its mounted on my desktop01:49
cjae_jrib, no i don't01:49
Woflanyone here have experience with RAID?01:50
MeRodentdoug_, it's mounted in /media01:50
Woflhardware raid01:50
jribcjae_: no you didn't what?01:50
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Pelo!raid | Wofl01:50
ubotuWofl: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO01:50
doug_so MeRodent  id have to cd to the /media?01:50
Dr_willisthere can be links to /media/whatever to your /home/user/Desktop/Whatever :)01:50
cjae_jrib,  and when I try install from synaptic it tries the getautomatix server01:50
MeRodentdoug_, yep. Then into the name of the drive01:50
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jribcjae_: then get rid of it in your /etc/apt/sources.list01:50
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MeRodentdoug_, ie /media/windows01:50
cjae_jrib,  i don't have ~/msn01:50
jribcjae_: "~/.amsn", not "~/msn"01:51
Ashfire908jrib, is there a better way01:51
cjae_jrib, sorry ~/.msn01:51
doug_thanks MeRodent and everyone else who has helped me01:51
Pelocjae_,  read carefully ~/.msn  the dot means it's a hidden folder  crtl+H to display01:51
lnx_Pelo , kate can do it :) thanks01:51
jribAshfire908: "better" in what way?01:51
cjae_jrib,  pm01:51
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cjae_jrib,  i know01:51
LordFDiskEllo Everyone I'm new to ubuntu .. and have a Q: how to I get out of X Windows? so I can install a Nvidia Driver?01:51
cchanceI have ubuntu 7.04, finaly got it to get the modem to intilize but everytime I dialout and it seems to finish I get hit with a no carrier error. im not sure what this is but is their anyway yo make it not check it?01:51
jribcjae_: ~/.amsn  with an "a"01:51
Pelolnx_, you ddn'T mention you were useing kubuntu , this is hte ubuntu channel ie gnome01:51
wolferinehow can I find whats using my bandwith, it appears someone is uploading to me ?01:52
Ashfire908jrib the man doesn't explain stuff very well01:52
MeRodentLordFDisk, what card are you using?01:52
jribcjae_: just try this: mv ~/.amsn{,.backup}01:52
sitheraePelo, jrib: the x server failed to start again. Would you like a server output to diagnose the problem?01:52
Pelocchance,  check the phone number , remove all - and ()  see if that helpls01:52
jribAshfire908: md5sum FILE    will return the md5sum for FILE.  There are probably some gui tools, but I don't know any01:52
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cjae_jrib, ok im dumb sorry01:52
NumbeastLordFDisk: ctrl, alt, 101:52
cchancethe number does not have the - or ()01:52
Pelositherae, I woudlnT' be able to do wnything with that , maybe jrib can01:52
cjae_jrib,  renamed now open app01:52
Pelocchance,  1 before the area code if needed01:53
jribsitherae: hmmm, yeah, pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log and /etc/X11/xorg.conf for all to see01:53
NumbeastNumbeast: LordFDisk: ctrl, alt, 7 to get back to X01:53
cchancethere is no area code just straight number01:53
Pelocchance,  also make sure the modem is connected the rightway around01:53
cchancesince its in my area code01:53
sitheraeJrib: I cant.... but I know the problem is that its not detecting my screen...01:53
cchanceit is01:53
IndyGunFreaksitherae: what are you choosing when it asks you for what ty pe of video device?01:53
cchanceit gets a dialtone01:53
cjae_jrib, thanks01:53
sitheraeIndyGunFreak: Hold on01:54
Pelocchance,  try searching in the forum for the exact error msg see if anything comes up   www.ubuntuforums.org01:54
jribsitherae: you can do this for example:  cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | netcat jrib.dyndns.org 1234501:54
LordFDiskThanks I'll give that I try ...  1 to leave 7 to get back01:54
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culpriti had a general question about customizing ubuntu: I like using fluxbox but its just a window manager there are a couple of things that I would like to use with fluxbox so that I can make it usable for myself: wifi manager, my FnKeys, BT manager, nautilus to name a few. Is this possible?01:54
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cchancepelo, there is no errors just no carrier01:54
LordFDiskReally Thanks =)01:55
Pelocchance, seach for that01:55
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sitheraeIndyGunFreak: What do you mean?01:55
ivanwhere can i get help on compiz fusion01:55
Pelo!dialup > cchance  review those instruttions  check for a private message windows with instructions from ubotu01:55
IndyGunFreaksitherae: when you run reconfigure, wha are you choosing when it asks for your video device, nv, vesa, etc?01:55
jribivan: /join #ubuntu-effects01:55
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sitheraeIndyGunFreak: nv01:56
cchancepelo, that how I got it setup :)01:56
eugmanIs there any way to be able to use the substrate screensaver? It used to be available a few distro updates back before there was some change in gnome I think.01:56
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IndyGunFreaksitherae: i personally, would try using something generic, till you get booted, liek vesa, it won't be pretty, but you'll get a GUI giong, then you can install the nvidia drivers.01:56
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Pelocchance, yes and I think you might do well to double check01:56
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sitheraeIndyGunFreak: I've tried vesa. Still doens't work. x server isn't detecting my screen is the problem01:57
Pelositherae,  has it ever worked before ?01:57
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sitheraePelo: Yup01:57
Code-E"All Audio Drivers failed to initiliaze" how do i fix01:57
Pelositherae, are yo using the amd64 bit  ubuntu by anychance ?01:57
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IndyGunFreakPelo: he upgraded an ATI card to an Nvidia.01:57
sitheraePelo: No01:57
cjae_jrib,  can delete old .amsn01:57
PeloIndyGunFreak, from bad to worse , damn01:57
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IndyGunFreakPelo: i know.01:58
jribcjae_: sure, if you don't want it01:58
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sitheraePelo, IndyGunFreak: Could the problem be that im not entering the right bus identifier?01:58
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Pelositherae, maybe a clean install would be in order,  move your /home folder to another partition and you'll be able to recover all your data and settings01:58
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cjae_jrib, thanks01:58
nortydo i need to install lips after i install ubuntu and emacs or does it come with either of those already?01:58
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sitheraePelo: Alright. How do I copy those folders?01:59
Pelositherae, it could be but I wouldn'T knwo how to tell you to find out what the correct one is01:59
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winbondis there an app that can show ram timings??01:59
Pelositherae, do you have another partition already available ?01:59
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jribsitherae: if you have an internet connection, you can pastebin those files for us with the commmand I gave you01:59
ivanjrib: hey no one answers can you help me??01:59
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doug_ok i am back i was reading th eman on mp3check and done what it said but it wont work02:00
Peloivan,  try #compiz-fusion02:00
sitheraeJrib: alright what was that command again?02:00
=== Judgegeo would like to thank everyone for the help
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imbecilejust a quick question guys. where do I install gkrellm themes?02:00
JudgegeoI'm leaving now, no doubt ill be back one day..02:00
jribivan: you have to wait longer in #ubuntu-effects, it is not as busy as in here.  I would try to help, but I don't know much about desktop effects02:00
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JudgegeoThanks for setting me up to go jrib02:00
Peloimbecile,  you check on the gkrellm site for info02:00
jribsitherae: cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | netcat jrib.dyndns.org 1234502:00
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jribJudgegeo: np, enjoy your ubuntu02:00
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jebblueimbecile: .gkrellm2/themes02:01
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Numbeastokay, so my mouse works perfectely, until I play a 3D FPS, in which case the game only responds to mouse movements downwards or to the right. any ideas?02:02
imbecilejebblue:  tyvm :)02:02
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sitheraeJrib: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3764002:03
PeloNumbeast, check in the game's preference to see if there is anything you can change or set , if not , check the games  website for a faq or a forum , if that doesn'T work  try the ubuntuforums or google02:03
jribsitherae: do the same for lspci and xorg.conf02:03
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jamisoni accidentally set my display res too high--how do i fix it?02:03
Numbeastpelo: the problem is this happens with every game02:03
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sitheraejrib: are they all in /var/log/ ?02:03
Numbeastpelo: I think it may be linked to OpenGL02:03
PeloNumbeast, do you have a strange mouse ?02:04
Numbeastpelo: nope, it's a standard usb, wheel, dell mouse02:04
jribsitherae: 'lspci' is a command and xorg.conf is a file in /etc/X11/02:04
Numbeastpelo: and I don't have anything other input device installed02:04
PeloNumbeast,  usb counts as strange in my book,  I would search in the forum for  usb mouse game  problem02:04
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Numbeastpelo: lol, I'l try02:04
Madnezguys i have this sdl cannot find video device problem02:05
=== Pelo thinks usb should be limited to storage devices and not to input devices
jebbluejamison: System:Prefs:System Reso ?02:05
FreshPrincei've problem to use wlan0. didntwork with connect -> fizzle ~ # iwconfig wlan0 essid ZyXEL key02:05
FreshPrinceError for wireless request "Set ESSID" (8B1A) :02:05
FreshPrince    SET failed on device wlan0 ; Invalid argument.02:05
MadnezERROR: Could not initialize SDL: No available video device02:05
FreshPrincewhat should i do?02:06
PeloFreshPrince,  don'T paste to the channel for one thing02:06
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doug_anyone wana take a crack at why the music i play the most is not acting right and the ones i dont play the most is fine?02:06
jamisonjebblue: i can't see anything :(02:06
firusTo: FreshPrince:version of ubuntu, and which wifi card?02:06
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sitheraeJrib: Xorg.conf: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3764102:06
Pelodoug_,  you wore out the mp3 file02:06
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nortyim trying to install slime, im following the directions online but it says i need to locate my lisp directory, i dont know where that is... do i need to install something or does it comes with emacs / ubuntu ?02:07
doug_lol Pelo  that i never heard of02:07
tehseenAnyone know how to fix beryl, I changed it to force XGL and now it freezes, any way to erase that setting02:07
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ZemusCan anyone help me get compiz-fusion working?02:07
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PeloZemus,  no ask in #compiz-fusion02:07
doug_Pelo,  i heard of wearing out cd's movies games tapes but not on the computer02:07
jebbluejamison: ok well in that case i usually start hacking xorg.conf02:07
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sauvin_There's more than one kind of lisp; can you give some indication of what slime requires?02:07
nortycommon lisp02:07
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FunnyLookinHatZemus, or ask in #ubuntu-effects02:07
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doug_Pelo,  how can i fix them?02:08
Pelodoug_, actualy you can wear out hdd sectors,  but it takes a long time02:08
sauvin_In that case, you probably need to install cmucl or somesuch.02:08
jebbluejamison: there might be a better channel  for xorg questions im not sure02:08
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PPPPi have a bluetooth usb dongle in place and tried "hcitool dev" to list it.  but i can't see it.  but when i tried lsusb, it shows up.  what should i do?02:08
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ZemusFunnyLookinHat, ubuntu-effects is dead, unfortunately02:08
rediz_how do u start ndiwrapper02:08
Pelodoug_, that actualy brings up an interesting possibility,  copy the files to another drive or partition see what happens when you play them from there02:08
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sitheraejrib: how do I pastebin what lspci outputs?02:08
Zemusrediz_, modprobe ndiswrapper02:08
doug_Pelo,  its same way i tried alrdy02:08
jribsitherae: lspci | netcat jrib.dyndns.org 1234502:08
MeRodentsitherae, what driver are you using?02:09
Pelodoug_, I think your files might have gotten corrupted,  did you change the tags or something similar ?02:09
doug_Pelo,  nope nothing02:09
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sitheraejrib: lspci http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3764202:09
rediz_ Error inserting ndiswrapper (/lib/modules/2.6.15-29-386/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko): Operation not permitted02:09
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Pelodoug_,  not a clue then ,  try another player,   totem , amarok, rhythmbox , etc02:10
firusAre you doing that as root?02:10
jribsitherae: edit your xorg.conf, change    BusID "PCI:0:1:0"    to    BusID"PCI:1:00:0"02:10
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jribsitherae: umm, with the correct spacing02:10
doug_Pelo,  i have its the same thing with the same ones02:10
sitheraejrib: how is that done through console?02:10
Pelodoug_, I'm out of ideas  try looking it up in the forum or on google02:11
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jribsitherae: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf      ctrl-o to save and ctrl-x to exit02:11
doug_Pelo,  i have its how i got a migrain02:11
jos1I'm looking for someone who is familiar with running bind02:11
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jos1Got a named question02:11
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Pelojos1,  it'S better to ask the quesiton,  ppl might not be expert in an app but may still know the answer02:11
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sitheraejrib: What do I need tochangew again?02:12
jribsitherae: edit your xorg.conf, change    BusID "PCI:0:1:0"    to    BusID "PCI:1:00:0"02:12
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djlenoiri am pretty new still to ubuntu (and linux). i have a new feisty fawn install in a system with 4 hard drives... on is ubuntu and the other three are ntfs. i am trying to get the ntfs drives visible and accessible to ubuntu and i am stuck. is there someone willing to hold my hand through getting this working?02:13
=== Pelo bows to jrib he would never have been alble to do that
cmorgananyone have a sneaky way to install ubuntu over an existing debian install?02:13
jribPelo: hey, it didn't work yet02:13
DjVipercmorgan: just format the drive? :P02:14
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cmorganlike, a way that doesn't require a reformat of the drive02:14
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sitheraejrib: startx now?02:14
jribsitherae: yep02:14
firusntfs-3g ...02:14
cmorganDjViper: i was tempted to just change my sources to point at the ubuntu ones and apt-get dist-upgrade02:14
Dr_williscmorgan,  heard of it done by canging the apt sources and doing an apt-get dist-pgrade, sounded scary to me.02:14
DjVipercmorgan: but why change from debian to ubuntu?02:14
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sitheraejrib: works! thanks!02:14
Pelodjlenoir, were  the ntfs drives plugged in when you installed ubuntu ?02:14
djlenoiri already installed ntfs-3g, the problem is i don't know what to do now02:14
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djlenoiryes, they will plugged in02:14
jribsitherae: no problem02:14
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Dr_willis!info ntfs-config02:15
ubotuntfs-config: Enable/disable write support for any NTFS devices. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.5-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 41 kB, installed size 432 kB02:15
cmorganDjViper, Dr_willis: ubuntu has latest mythtv package under gutsy and now that zap2it labs is gone i need the latest myth release to get program guide data02:15
Pelodjlenoir, did ubuntu recognise them and mount them as read only ?02:15
Dr_willisdjlenoir,  i normally run that. :) and let it set them up.02:15
sitheraejrib: ahh.. how do I install the right drivers now?02:15
rediz_firus yes please02:15
jrib!nvidia > sitherae (read the private message from ubotu)02:15
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DjVipercmorgan: just download it manually?02:15
djlenoirpelo: no, it did not recognize them02:15
Dr_williscmorgan,  yep. sad that zap2it is gone.. im about to set up a gutsy mythtv box some day soon :)02:15
Pelodjlenoir, are they raid ?02:15
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=== Dr_willis wonders how MythTV is now getting the listings.
cmorganDjViper: ehh. i could. i mean, i develop open source software, do programming for a living, its just a maintenance thing. i've got sooo much work to do than compile manually :-)02:15
djlenoirpelo: no, they were just in a previous xp box02:16
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DjVipercmorgan: hehe okay02:16
Pelodjlenoir,  are they recognised by the bios ?02:16
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frostburnWhat's the default IR receiving daemon lirc?02:16
cmorganDr_willis: there is already a replacement. the guy that wrote myth, issac richards(?) and some other people have set it up. scheduledirect is the name02:16
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prospero91screen -x02:17
dirtyhandhow can I see what ports are open (being used by an application)?02:17
CinnabunHey, anyone feel like taking a little time to help some newbie figure out why he can't boot from his ubuntu disc? :D02:17
Dr_williscmorgan,  cool. My Mythtv box is Dead.. :) i need to revive it soon.02:17
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cmorganDr_willis: well, let me try the crazy dist-upgrade route :-) i can always fix things up if that doesn't work02:17
dirtyhandnetstat doesnt even show apache02:17
djlenoirpelo: yes, all three. now that you mention it, two of them are on a sata connection on the motherboard and i wonder if ubuntu sees them? i always had to use a disk to install the drivers for windows. motherboard is asus a7n8x-deluxe rev.2.02:17
Dr_williscmorgan,  or reinstall. :) theres theat MythUbuntu thats needing beta-testers02:18
djlenoirpelo: one is on the ide with the ubuntu drive though02:18
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cmorganDr_willis: yeah. i'd have to backup my mysql database, backup the recordings i have and then restore02:18
ZuninoWould it be OK to ask a Gimp-related question here? No one seems to be reading the #gimp channel.02:18
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cmorganDr_willis: i wasn't looking forward to it. i think i can make the dist-upgrade route work02:18
Cinnabun Hey, anyone feel like taking a little time to help some newbie figure out why he can't boot from his ubuntu disc? :D02:18
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Pelodjlenoir,  ubuntu should see sata no prolbem ,  go in  menu > system > prefs > hardware info ,  see if all hdd are listed, ( might take a while and some imagination)02:18
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culpritnetstat -a?02:18
ptldoes someone here have libmysqlclient.so.14 to send to me for a quick test? Please?02:19
Orange_TeaHow i change my icons02:19
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Pelodjlenoir,  hold on ,02:19
Orange_TeaHow i change my icons ? with others that i downloaded02:19
djlenoirpelo: ok thank you02:19
Pelodjlenoir, are the partitions on those hdd sound ? I mean are you sure there is readable data on it and proper partitions ?02:19
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Cinnabun Hey, anyone feel like taking a little time to help some newbie figure out why he can't boot from his ubuntu disc? :D02:19
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frostburnCinnabun, what error?02:19
ptl/dcc send ptl /usr/lib/libmysqlclient.so.1402:19
djlenoirpelo: yes. they all worked prior to installing ubuntu.02:20
culpritdirtyhand: netstat -a02:20
prospero91screen -X02:20
CinnabunIt tells me that boot file not found02:20
Orange_TeaHow i change my icons ? with others that i downloaded?02:20
Cinnabunor Boot name02:20
firu1maybe partitions are flagged dirty? Inpropper shutdown of WinXp?02:20
djlenoirpelo: the drive on the ide channel was just formatted prior to installing ubuntu so no data on it yet. it is a 250gb drive02:20
ToxicToOIptables: Is it possible to do one-to-many SNAT by any method on kernels > 2.6.10 ?02:20
Pelodjlenoir,   open a terminal    type  sudo apt-get install gparted   then open gparted from the admin menu  see if the hdd are listed in the right hand  drop down list02:20
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djlenoirpelo: ok, one moment while i do that02:21
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frostburnCinnabun, can you give me a verbatim message? word for word.  right now it sounds like a bad burn02:21
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ineedhelpoy got a prob02:21
CinnabunAlright, I'll be right back, getting it verbatim.02:21
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Peloineedhelp,  oy we need quesitons02:22
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ineedhelpi installed ubuntu 702:22
ToxicToOIptables: Is it possible to do one-to-many SNAT by any method on kernels > 2.6.10 ?02:22
ineedhelpit works perfectly rite02:22
ineedhelpbut thing is02:22
ToxicToOI have a question too please.02:22
ineedhelpi cant connect to the internet02:22
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MenZa!internet | ineedhelp02:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about internet - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:22
MenZa!network | ineedhelp02:22
ubotuineedhelp: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:22
Peloineedhelp,  just state the problem and don'T use the enter key for puunctuation this is a busy channel it makes it hard to follow02:22
ineedhelpim on a different computer02:22
ineedhelpo ok02:22
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newpersi just tried testing out ubuntu gusty and grub somehow missed my windows partition.  how can i manually set this up?02:23
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Peloivan,  /join #comp....02:23
OpethicI installed Adobe Reader.. How do I run it? I don't see it anywhere02:23
Pelonewpers,  same hdd ?  first partition on that hdd ?02:23
ptlOpethic: it's a known bug, not yet fixed02:23
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firu1Opethic: acroread ...02:24
OpethicIt'll install but not run?02:24
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firu1form terminal, can you execute ./acroread02:24
djlenoirpelo: well that solves part of the mystery. ubuntu only currently sees the other 250gb drive that i mentioned and it shows it as ntfs. two other 160gb drives on the onboard sata controller are not visible.02:24
Pelonewpers,  gksu gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst , give me a minute to type out your edits02:24
ineedhelpi installed ubuntu...works perfectly but i cant connect to the net...usin linksys router02:24
gnurphi have a series of commands that I need to execute - how can I make them either automatically execute as a part of logging in, or as part of a script?02:24
Pelodjlenoir, do a search in the forum for sata  see what comes up  www.ubuntuforums.org02:25
firu1ineedhelp: Did you set gateway?02:25
=== culprit is now known as test0987
ineedhelpyo pelo...i installed ubuntu...works perfectly but i cant connect to the net...usin linksys router02:25
djlenoirpelo: i will search for an answer to the sata problem. any ideas on how to mount the one that is visible?02:25
sitheraeIs the Nvidia 8600GTS supported by Linux?02:25
Opethicfiru1: In which directory do I type that? I don't see a file named acroread anywhere02:25
Ant1jrsith: yes but only beta02:26
Orange_TeaPelo when i went  to app>add/remove> "vmware" nothing.02:26
test0987sithrae: yes i think it is02:26
Ant1jrsith: lookup envy for linux02:26
bruenigOpethic, to understand how it works do this, echo "$PATH"02:26
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bruenig!envy | Ant1jr sith02:26
ubotuAnt1jr sith: envy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly!02:26
doug_Pelo,  u here?02:26
firu1Opethic: try locate acroread02:26
Pelonewpers,   at the bottom of the file add these lines (I'M sepereating each line here by a butload of spaces)         title Microsoft Windows XP           root (hd0,0)              savedefault                makeactive              chainloader +102:26
Ant1jrI know what envy is dude lol02:26
bruenigOpethic, then do "which acroread", you see that acroread is in the PATH somewhere?02:26
atlfalcons866is xfs faster than ext302:26
djlenoirpelo: listed as /dev/hdb with partition of /dev/hbd102:26
Ant1jr!paste Pelo02:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about paste pelo - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:27
Orange_TeaPelo but when I went to Synaptic package manger "vmware" is there. But different packages02:27
PeloOrange_Tea,  use synaptic02:27
Ant1jr!paste | Pelo02:27
ubotuPelo: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:27
Dr_willisenvy is what all the windows users have.. when they see us linux users and our leet desktops.02:27
doug_Pelo,  i sent one my songs to a friend he checked it on his computer it turns out to be just fine on his end but not mine02:27
PeloOrange_Tea, install the server one02:27
newpersthanks Pelo02:27
Opethicfiru1: It found acroread.py, acroread.pyc02:27
ineedhelpi installed ubuntu...works perfectly but i cant connect to the net...usin linksys router02:27
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test0987hi im culprit and I used to be a windowholic. i've been sober for 5 months now02:27
sitheraeI dont get it... How do I use envy?02:27
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Pelodjlenoir,  man mount02:27
bruenigsitherae, you don't want to02:27
vader1102ineedhelp, someone asked you if you could see a default gateway?02:28
sitheraebruenig: why02:28
PeloAnt1jr, that wasn'T a paste I typed it out by hand02:28
bruenig!envy | sitherae02:28
ubotusitherae: envy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly!02:28
Dr_willisvmware-server is in the  deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu feisty-commercial main   repo.02:28
firu1Opethic: Are you sure you got Acrobat Reader?02:28
Dr_willissitherae,  it can break things on down the road.02:28
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Pelodoug_,  then you know the file isn,t the problem I don'T know what could be02:28
sitheraeDr_willis: Like what?02:28
Opethicfiru1: I think so02:28
bruenigsitherae, kernel upgrades for one, but it also can fail outright02:29
Opethicfiru1: I downloaded AdbeRdr701_linux_enu.tar.gz02:29
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ineedhelpyo pelo...i installed ubuntu...works perfectly but i cant connect to the net...usin linksys router02:29
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bruenig!info acroread | Opethic02:29
ubotuopethic: Package acroread does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas02:29
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culpritdoes anybody know if there is a fluxbox howto for ubuntu? as in get it up and running to an extent where you can get all the fn_keys working and have a network manager and wifi manager etc.?02:29
firu1Opethic: How did you install it?02:29
Dr_willissitherae,  like ya do the upgrades one day.. then reboot.. and get no X.....02:29
CinnabunI'm back, it was Boot filename not recieved. If you're still in here/02:29
firu1Opethic: for tar.gz?02:29
sitheraebruenig: It seems I already have envy installed02:29
bruenig!find acroread02:29
Opethicfiru1: Yeah02:29
MeRodentsitherae, do you want a walkthrough on how to get the 8800gts working?02:29
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bruenigsitherae, I wouldn't use it02:29
ubotuFile acroread found in apparmor-profiles, gworkspace-apps-wrappers, zsh, zsh-beta02:29
Orange_TeaPelo how i tell if its an server vmware02:29
Dr_willissitherae,  and yes. i also have a 8800 card in my other machine. :) not got linux on that box.. yet.02:30
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Peloineedhelp,  I don'T know how to help with that  sorry , check in the forum  www.ubuntuforum.org or direct your question to the channel at large , or maybe even try asking in #networking02:30
Opethicfiru1: From the adobe ftp02:30
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PeloOrange_Tea,  the package will say02:30
=== Pelo needs a break now, later folks
firu1opethic: Let me see for myself ...02:30
sitheraeDr_willis: I already have envy installed, I was using it with my ATI graphics card. Is this alright?02:30
culprit!fluxbox | culprit02:30
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noob69hello everyone02:31
frostburnCinnabun, that's after you run the cd?02:31
doug_ok i have played some songs on my comp and just today they started messing up but i sent one that was to a friend he said it was acting just fine on his end just happened to be on my end messing up it runs slow i have rebooted and evrythng i tried anything and everythng i can think of anyone have anyideas?02:31
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bruenigrebooted and everything? this isn't windows02:31
Dr_willissitherae,   i havent used envy in such a case. the 'restricted-manager' tool handled my ati cards fine.02:31
CinnabunNo, if I run it in windows it works fine but to install it I have to boot from it, and that is when I get the message02:31
Opethicfiru1: I downloaded from ftp://ftp.adobe.com/pub/adobe/reader/unix/7x/7.0/enu/AdbeRdr701_linux_enu.tar.gz02:31
firu1Opethic: Try follow instructions from http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-adobe-pdf-reader-with-plug-in-for-mozilla-firefox-in-feisty-fawn.html02:32
ShackJackHi all - I have a external USB drive mounted (manually in fstab - for some reason doesn't automount USB) and I can access it by mount point @ /media/External, but for some reason the drive doesn't show in nautilus as another drive - any thoughts?02:32
PKdoRso GDM Themes are the equivalent of a login screen right?02:32
noob69anyone having problem adding programs for example Glade02:32
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Dr_willisPKdoR,  gdm is the  login manager for Ubuntu.02:32
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Dr_willisPKdoR,  kubuntu uses kdm02:32
AnimortisWhat's everyone's favorite linux game? Mine's officially Frets on Fire.02:32
firu1Opethic: It worked for my friend yesterday02:32
bruenig!ot | Animortis02:32
ubotuAnimortis: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!02:32
=== sauvin_ likes kpatience :D
AnimortisOops, sorry.02:33
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Dr_willisBeen Playing FreeCol myself. :) FreeColznization clone.02:33
CinnabunFrostburn, No, if I run it in windows it works fine but to install it I have to boot from it, and that is when I get the message02:33
Orange_TeaPelo how would i run it?02:33
frostburnCinnabun, so it's not installed, its just booting from the cd02:34
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sitheraeDr_willis: Im getting an error with envy: Envy has detected that one of the following applications is running: dpkg, apt-get, synaptic, update-manager, adept, adept notifier. Make sure they are not running and launch Envy again.02:34
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CinnabunFrostburn, It's not doing either. I would like to install it instead of just booting from the cd, but I do not know how to do that.02:34
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bruenigsitherae, if envy fails, we will not provide support for it, as we have warned you already twice02:34
Orange_TeaPelo how would i run vmware?02:34
PKdoRbut im asking cause im browser the http://gnome-look.org page and im guessing that the term GDM Themes refers to only the Login Screen02:35
sitheraebruenig: can envy cause any physical harm to my computer?02:35
frostburnCinnabun, so you are able to get to an ubuntu desktop with the cd, but after the install, it doesn't work?02:35
noob69i can't install program Glade02:35
Dr_willissitherae,  be sure they are  not running i guess.. dont expect envy support here.. everyone will advise against using envy...02:35
jamisonhow do i exit X server to the shell?02:35
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bruenigsitherae, no02:36
Orange_TeaDr_willis how would i run vmware? I'm done installing02:36
Dr_willisPKdoR,  GDM is the Login manager, thus a gdm is the login screen. :)02:36
ShackJackHi any thoughts as to why my external drive is mounted but not showing in nautilus as a drive... I have fstab and perms on mount point set the same as a secondary internal HD which is showing up (?)02:36
Dr_willisOrange_Tea,  try 'vmware' :)02:36
PKdoR!sitherae I used envy in the past and never worked for me I would sugest to just use the driver provided but Ubuntu02:36
Dr_willisOrange_Tea,  and you MIGHT want to read up on some vmware docs.02:36
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Dr_willisvmware can be a bit.. over whelming.02:37
sitheraeI hate vmware >.>02:37
Cinnabunfrostburn, you're quite a few steps ahead of me. Unless I am in windows, where the disc has only the option to isntall some programs such as firefox and not the OS itself (at least that I can see), I cannot even get anything ubuntu-related to happen (when I try to boot from the disc).02:37
alecwhHello! I have a printer downstairs that I've used with Windows XP for quite awhile, but I can't figure it out on Linux. The Printer is a Laserjet 3150. Can anyone help me?02:37
ShackJackI'm having good luck with Virtual Box02:37
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Opethicfiru1: Should I use the Edgy or Medibuntu repository to install it?02:37
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ivanhi how can i return all my ubuntu settings as default??02:38
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Dr_willisivan,  settings for what?02:38
noob69Can someone help me why i can't install the Glade program02:38
wastreljamison:  ctrl-alt-f1 will get you to a shell prompt.  ctrl-alt-f7 returns back to X02:38
frostburnCinnabun, from what i've seen, it might be a hardware problem02:38
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sasagood evening all....really simple question...which file system should I format my hard drive to install ubuntu on: ext3??02:38
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firu1Opethic: medibuntu02:38
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pavi cant change my iPod's permissions02:39
Dr_willissasa,  the installer should partition, and format it as ext3. you dont need to format it befor installing.02:39
firu1Opethic: But, I'm not quite sure ... I run 7.0402:39
OpethicI'm using 7.04 too02:39
doug_how do i check my mp3's for errors i cant get mp3check to work02:39
PKdoRalec is it an HP02:39
firu1Opethic: then go for medibuntu02:39
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panosruCan anyone help me install Eclipse Europa 3.3 ?02:39
ivan<Dr_willis> so i can try and make my compiz work again because of all the ways ive tried i have fuckled up my ubuntu02:40
OrTigaShi! i just installed dapper drake to external usb hd. my problem is i cant connect to internet but can see other network machine in our ofc. anny idea why i cant use internet? when i try to connect my lan cable to windows machine it connect to internet. :)02:40
=== pff [n=pff@178.149-245-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
Opethicwget -q http://packages.medibuntu.org/medibuntu-key.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add - <--- Can I undo this after I install acroread?02:40
sasaDr_willis: I am reformating my *entire* hard drive, and I created two partitions, one htfs and one ext3. I will then freshly install each OS on each partition. Will ubuntu let me choose partition when I fire up installation?02:40
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CinnabunFrost, anything off the top of your head that could be screwing things up? It's a core2duo system with a 7600gt nvidia card, pheonix mobo (don't know ID) and 2gb ram... dunno what else would affect it not booting02:40
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firu1opethic: You can, but why? It only add gpg key02:41
frostburnCinnabun, you also might want to check out the ubuntu forums for your specific hardware to see if there's any quirks.  From weird boot errors that I get, I find burning the cd slower helps.02:41
johnny5Forgive me guys, but I can't ask in a Windows channel cause they're stupid. I'm used to being able to mount a remote filesystem with ssh. But I have to use Vista right now on an at home work computer, and I can't find a way to do the same.02:41
pavwhy cant i change permissions on my ipod?02:41
pavpanosru: whats the prob?02:41
Dr_willissasa,  you are trying too hard.. set up the hd with a section thats Unallocated.. and let the ubuntu installer partition/format/ install to it.. it will handle it.02:41
Opethicfiru1: Uh, I don't know.. I don't want that Medibuntu thing after installing acroread. The last time, it messed up some of my apps after I installed updates02:41
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Dr_willissasa,  you need 2 partitions also at least. one for / one for swap.02:41
CinnabunFrostburn, I will do that. Thanks so much for the help so far, I may just be back. ;)02:41
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MeRodentsasa, the installer will need to add a swap partition anyway.02:41
rathelI need some help with mt-daapd. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37632/02:41
Dr_willissasa,  or do it the easy way and leave a section UNALLOCATED.02:42
firu1Opethic: Just edit /etc/apt/sources.list and remove medibuntu repository ...02:42
Dr_willissasa,  if you plan on insgtalling windows to the same hd.. Install windows first also.02:42
gnurphi have a series of commands that I need to execute - how can I make them either automatically execute as a part of logging in, or as part of a script?02:42
Krimpetjohnny5: i'm not sure there's a way to do that in vista, sftp is probably your only option :/02:42
Dr_willisgnurph,  depends on the commands and what they do.02:42
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gnurphDr_willis:  3 iwconfig and a dhclient command02:43
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Dr_willisjohnny5,  id love to be able to do sshfs with vista.. winscp for windos is about as close as you can get however.02:43
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panosrupav, i installed Eclipse from add/remove programs and there i tried to install PDT from zend but i need org.eclipse.php_feature something like this then i download it from eclipse and tried  to install it but i was need a wst feature then i went to #eclipse irc channel and asked them what happens and they told me to download the Eclipse Europa 3.3, i download it i run it but it stuck02:43
Dr_willisgnurph,  sounds like stuff to put in the /etc/rc.local script then02:43
johnny5what are the disadvantages of winscp?02:43
gnurphDr_willis:  wireless doesn't autostart - it's the commands I need to get it rolling.02:43
sasaDr_willis: if I format one section ntfs, and leave the other one unallocated, will the ubuntu installer be smart enough to install ubuntu on an unallocated partition? Is swap space necessary? I figured not to leave any swap space, as ubuntu can read/write to windows ntfs partition.02:43
firu1Opethic: and, use apt-key del ...02:43
dalani33Dr_willis I use scp all the time and ssh02:44
gnurphDr_willis:  what usually goes in the rc.local script file?02:44
Dr_willisjohnny5,  none that i know of. :) its just a handy tool. it dosent do drive letter type thing/mounting. just a good browser02:44
ivanDr_willis: so i can try and make my compiz work again because of all the ways ive tried i have fuckled up my ubuntu02:44
Dr_willisgnurph,  stuff ran for the system. NOT for the user.02:44
ShackJackHi all - I have a external USB drive mounted (manually in fstab - for some reason doesn't automount USB) and I can access it by mount point @ /media/External, but for some reason the drive doesn't show in nautilus as another drive - any thoughts?02:44
gnurphDr_willis:  thank you, i'll try it.02:44
doug_anyone knwo anythng bout mp3's?02:44
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Dr_willisdoug_,  they are music. :)02:44
=== CSills [n=csills@c-71-59-52-223.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?02:44
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dalani33shackJack I plug in my usb key drive and it opens naultilus02:45
doug_Dr_willis,  lol yes i know this02:45
pavpanosru did u compile this feature?02:45
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Dr_willisdoug_,  now to ask a real question? :)02:45
ShackJackdalani33: That's, um nice...02:45
johnny5oh, i do web dev and i have a large folder that i need to keep synced, it can be kinda slow. so i thought maybe there'd be something like that.02:45
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doug_Dr_willis,  but on my end its runing real slow but on someone elses its fine and its my file i sent thm02:45
panosrupav, i'm new to linux i don't know anything about that :(02:45
dalani33its default I didn't have to configure it02:45
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Dr_willisdoug_,  you mean the music file is playing slowly?02:45
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dalani33Shack to answer your question Id have to dig02:46
doug_Dr_willis,  yes only on my side02:46
Dr_willisdoug_,  try some other players.02:46
Dr_willisdoug_,  if its only the one.. file a bug report on it - i guess. :)02:46
doug_Dr_willis, OMG i tried thm all lol same thing02:46
Dr_willistry playing some other files as well.02:46
=== MBR666 [n=bryan@pool-70-16-38-44.buff.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_willisdoug_,  that sounds like a.. Hmm.. not sure.. Driver issue then.02:46
dalani33ShackJack check your user permission settings for removable media02:46
doug_Dr_willis, it happens to beonly theones i play the most the ones i dont work fine02:46
cchanc1im trying to install Kppp and I run into the error checking for x... configure:error: Can't find x includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths. What is it wanting now?I have looked inn synaptic but nothing02:47
ShackJackdalani33: I should have clarified, it's an external USB hard drive (though you're right it should autmount)02:47
Dr_willisdoug_,  wait.. only SOME mp3 files have this issue?02:47
=== SAM_theman [n=SAM_them@c-66-229-253-193.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
doug_Dr_willis,  yes02:47
sasaDr_willis, could you please comment on this question: if I format one section ntfs, and leave the other one unallocated, will the ubuntu installer be smart enough to install ubuntu on an unallocated partition? Is swap space necessary? I figured not to leave any swap space, as ubuntu can read/write to windows ntfs partition.02:47
SAM_themanHelp ME!!!!!!!!!!02:47
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:47
dalani33Try plugging it in after booting see if it shows up02:47
Dr_willisdoug_,  thats weird.02:47
doug_Dr_willis,  i tried evrythng i can thnk of02:47
dalani33My problem is I cant get my user to run scripts--any ideas?02:48
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Dr_willissasa,  for the 5th time.. the insgtaller WILL use the unallocated space.. and partition it as it wants. (a / and a swap) then format them. You want at least a little swap., and yes linux can read/write ntfs.02:48
MeRodentSAM_theman, you could try being a bit more specific02:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about compillinh - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:48
firu1doug_: Are that MP3 a VBR?02:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about compilling - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:48
doug_Dr_willis,  its the ones i play the most on one or dif palyers Dr_willis  its also the same ones i sent to someone else they play fine for thm just not me02:48
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doug_firul just mp302:48
dalani33My problem is I cant get my user to run scripts--any ideas? anyone?02:48
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sasasweet...you rock Dr_willis02:49
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Dr_willisdoug_,  sounds lie what firu1  said.. some sort of vbr encoding used when makign the mp3's try converting them back to wav and playign them again.02:49
pav!compiling panosru02:49
cchanc1al of my xorg stuff is installed02:49
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SAM_themanMeRodent, Hey man. I am on ubuntu 64 bit "7.04" and am having trouble installing my nvidia drivers for my 6600GT02:49
firu1doug: Are the encoded with fixed or variabile bitrate?02:49
Opethicfiru1: Okay, its installing...02:49
doug_firu1,  and Dr_willis  i have done that same thing02:49
pavpansoru: how did u install the feature02:49
doug_firul i sorry got no idea02:49
ZemusEvery single time I start ubuntu, I have to sudo modprobe ndiswrapper to enable wifi -- I'm sure I can circumnavigate this by adding modprobe ndiswrapper one of the startup processes, but is there a way to make ndiswrapper the default setting for wireless activity?02:49
panosrupav, bash: !compiling: event not found02:50
firu1Opethic: i'm installing too ... Just to see with my own eyes ...02:50
jamisoni was able to run the nvidia driver installation succesfully but when i reboot i get this error "System runs in a graphical failsafe mode.  In most cases the detection of your graphics hardware failed. To use all features of your graphics card and screen(s) you have to configure the hardware manually."02:50
doug_firul some i got off bearshare and cd's02:50
Orange_Teadr_willis i already install in vmware server but where can i start it up? I can't find it?02:50
jamisonany ideas?02:50
Dr_willisOrange_Tea,  open up a terminal type 'vmware' hit enter. :) ya should get the gui to it.02:50
Opethicfiru1: I checked my sources.list and I don't see a "Medibuntu" anywhere though.. I don't know where it added it02:50
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rathelI need some help with mt-daapd. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37632/02:50
ivanhow can i make all my ubuntu settings go back to default??02:50
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dalani33Zemus run a script at startup02:51
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pavpanosru did u use the terminal to install the feature02:51
_cerberus_does anyone know where I can find a good tut on creating a thin client if I don't have a bootable NIC?02:51
cchanc1im trying to install Kppp and I run into the error checking for x... configure:error: Can't find x includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths. What is it wanting now?I have looked inn synaptic but nothing02:51
Dr_willisivan,    you really should state you are trying to recover some beryl messing up on you.. not just 'all settings to default'02:51
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firu1Opethic: it is in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/02:51
doug_Dr_willis,  and firul can u meet me in room #wwed please i am kinda confused in this room  esspecially with the big headach i got02:51
Dr_willisivan,  i dont mess with beryl. so cant help ya there.02:51
dalani33Coded my problem is I cant get my user to run scripts--any ideas? anyone?02:51
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panosrupav, well i confused now :P02:52
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dalani33Coded my User account not in sudoers list02:52
firu1Opehtis: You can delete medibuntu.list from tha directory02:52
spepshey ... guys!Do you know if i can use existing partition with VirtualBox????Thanks!!!02:52
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Opethicfiru1: So after I'm done, I should only delete medibuntu.list and everything's back to normal?02:52
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pavpanosru, the application said u need a feature. u said that you downloaded this feature. did u install it afterward?02:53
ivanDr_Willis, iok thanks but i fucked up all my ubuntu i wanna reinstall it but i wanna do it from a terminal or something like that02:53
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Dr_willisivan,  the next release is due out in 3 weeks or so also.. :)02:53
ivanDr_Willis, cooola t5hanks illl be waiting!02:53
panosrupav, no because it need eclipse europa 3.3 and i don't know how to install it :/02:54
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ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto02:54
cchanc1!x includes02:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about x includes - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:54
pavpanosru you probably dont need such a thing. what is ur main goal02:54
wastreldalani33:  add your user to the admin group02:54
wastrel(for sudo access)02:55
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dalani33wastrel wouldn't that compromise security02:55
panosrupav, i just need eclipse IDE with Zend PDT to code PHP02:55
dalani33I just want my user torun his scripts02:55
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ZemusEvery single time I start ubuntu, I have to sudo modprobe ndiswrapper to enable wifi -- I'm sure I can circumnavigate this by adding modprobe ndiswrapper one of the startup processes, but is there a way to make ndiswrapper the default setting for wireless activity?02:55
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pavpanosru ok so have u installed eclipse?02:55
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cchanc1no one actuly knows what he x includes are?02:55
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Dr_willisZemus,  rc.local can load the module, or ya can add the module to the auto load modules list02:56
aguitelanyone use administration of energy in a laptop ?02:56
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panosrupav, yes i  have installed from Applications -> Add/Remove and then i tried to install PDT through eclipse but i could not install it and they told me that i have old version of eclipse02:56
AnRkeyhow do i get VLC to run in single instance mode, I am gonna freak if i don't ge this right02:56
cchanc1come one please02:56
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progekcan someone help me with DVD playback? I have installed all the codecs from each howto I've located already. I also have libdvdcss2 version 1.2.9-2 (medibuntu) installed. When I open a movie it starts to play until it gets to the main chapter, then I get 'are you trying to watch a movie without libdvdcss?' or something similar. I've tried mplayer vlc and totem-xine :(02:57
MeRodentZemus, sudo depmod -a02:57
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cchanc1cchanc1 to #ubuntu cchanc1 to #ubuntu anyone read?02:57
progekI've also tried several movies02:57
AnRkeyprogek, all dvd's or just one?02:57
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progekall of them02:57
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pavpanosru: this might help http://www.ossgeeks.co.uk/?p=8702:58
progekafter the fbi warnings of copyright etc, they stop02:58
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=== prospero91 [i=0@cpe-72-179-142-116.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Coded1im haing alot of problems with amarok, when I load it and tell it where my music is it will sit for over an hour 'processing' and never finish i have about 20GB of mp3's on a UltraATA Seagate, P4 2.53 and 512MB Pc1066, the machine doesnt really seem like its stressing out evreything else works fine but I can never get the play list to populate02:58
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panosrupav, thanks!!! I will check it now!! :D02:58
=== CoasterMaster [n=CoasterM@c-67-188-105-119.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
pavdoes anyone know how to change ipod's permissions02:59
Coded1if i try to play a particular mp3 direcly it just sais "populating playlist" and crashes02:59
=== cchanc1 checks freenode for any connection problems
ZemusMeRodent, sudo depmod -a just checks for errors, and is irrelevant to what I need02:59
inazadhi there, I have followed the wiki for installing a LAMP Server but when I'm trying to open a php page, it's blank or it's tell me to download it02:59
ZemusDr_willis, how do I add the module to the auto load modules list? Where is rc.local located, and how do I edit it? Thanks for your help :)02:59
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Coded1im running a fresh install of fiesty03:00
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OpethicCoded1: Hrm, I have about 40GB, and it took only a few minutes to populate the playlist.03:00
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dalani33Can anyone run scripts from a non-root user account??03:00
=== usser [n=dmitry@ool-18b8e9e6.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
pavdalani33 yes with sudo03:00
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frostburninzion, sounds like you don't have the php module running03:00
pike_inazad: might ask in #ubuntu-server as well03:00
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firu1 Opethic: What happened with Acroread?03:00
dalani33pav with root admin passwrd?03:00
pavdalani33 yes03:00
Opethicfiru1: Still downloading03:00
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Coded1dalani33: as long as they have access to bash or some other intrepter availible to the user03:01
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inazadpike_, ok03:01
frostburninzion, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP  check troubleshooting section03:01
frostburner inazad03:01
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dalani33Coded tried it doesn't work: even with user ~/bin03:01
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inazadfrostburn, ok03:02
=== prospero91 [i=0@cpe-72-179-142-116.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
frostburndalani33, su?03:02
acecasewhat is the best way to save the state of my ubuntu partition so I can restore it later?03:02
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cchanc1im trying to install Kppp and I run into the error checking for x... configure:error: Can't find x includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths. What is it wanting now?I have looked inn synaptic but nothing03:02
dalani33su same thing as sudo?03:02
Dr_willisdalani33,  not really.03:02
Coded1dalani33: what happens when you type in03:02
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pike_acecase: i typically just use dd and pipe it to gz but.. im sure there are utilites that may be more appropriate03:03
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frostburndalani33, not exactly man su =P03:03
pavdalani33 not exactly03:03
pike_acecase: what stuff do you want to backup? just configs and installed packages?03:03
=== Pelo [n=jean@mtl-pppoe-adsl722.securenet.net] has joined #ubuntu
LordFDiskEllo everyone again, I ask for help on how to get out of X Windows ... and I was told to try Ctrl, Alt F1 to go out and F7 well I just can't seem to get just to the command line. Nvidia says that I'm still running X server ... Any Idea on how to get past?03:03
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=== Pelo comes back nice and relaxed
acecasepike_, yeah03:03
Coded1dalani33: then it works03:03
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PeloLordFDisk, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop03:03
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pike_LordFDisk: alt-ctrl-f1 through f6 will take you to terminal. alt-f7 will then take you back to the gui03:04
MeRodentZemus, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper?highlight=%28WifiDocs%2FDriver%29 section 3.703:04
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frostburnPelo, and to get it running again, use start03:04
acecasepike_, i can google dd and probably find what I need. I just have never done it so didn't know where to start. Basically I will be making something like a gentoo snapshot with dd rite?03:04
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=== HeyNow [n=munkee@c-75-75-155-90.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Pelofrostburn,  donT, tell me tell LordFDisk03:04
Falstiu1LordFDisk: try the other alt key03:04
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Coded1if your script fails it might be because it is accessing something it doesnt have access to or your script shebang line is incorrect, the first line must be "!#/bin/bash"03:05
Falstiu1LordFDisk: and hold all three (ctrl+alt+f1) at the same time.  Alt+f7 to get back03:05
dalani33su script = Unknown id: bin/download.sh03:05
pike_acecase: you can have dpkg generate a file that is basically a list of instaled packages. and then you can point to that file on another system to automatically install everything in that list. then youd just need to backup /etc directory. and of course your /home03:05
pike_!backup | acecase03:05
ubotuacecase: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning03:05
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Pelocchanc1, just ask a question don'T spam the channel03:05
pike_i was hoping that would work.. and it did :)03:05
acecasepike_, thank you :)03:05
bruenigCoded1, #! not !#03:05
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ubotuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type  dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages , move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type  sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && apt-get dselect-upgrade  - See also !automate03:06
cchanc1I ASKED MY DAMN QUESTION THAT'S THE FIRST RESPONSE IN 30 Minutes   I already asked about 5 times03:06
bruenig!gtfo | cchanc103:06
ubotucchanc1: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.03:06
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=== Dr_willis dosent recall seeing it.
firu1Opethic: It's working for me ...03:06
bruenig!attitude | cchanc103:06
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ubotucchanc1: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines03:06
bruenig!sorry | cchanc103:06
ubotucchanc1: It's ok, I can't stay mad at you.03:06
cchanc1I know03:06
cchanc1I know03:06
Dr_willisor else i saw it and had no   answer.03:06
Opethicfiru1: I'm still downloading it... Should be over in a few minutes03:06
Pelocchanc1,  this is a busy channel  the only thing you can do is restate your question periodicaly, the helpers here are just users , deosnt, mean they can answer you03:07
acecaseOpethic, thanks03:07
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Dr_willistheres only 1000+ people in here. :)03:07
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frostburnWhat is the default daemon for IR devices?03:07
doug_ok whn i try play a mp3 with xmms i get this poped up please check that: your sound card is configured properly you have the correct output plug in no other program is blocking the soundcard how do i check for all those?03:07
cchanc1well I just got pissed because I asked 5 times and no responces or indications that anyone heard me03:07
Coded1frostburn: lirc03:07
firu1Opethic: Ok, I just wanted to say that it is working for me ... And now, deinstall ... ;)03:07
Opethic1 op and 1111 users, thats cool :)03:07
PeloDr_willis, yeah I know we'Re loosing members like leafs in automne03:07
progekalright, trying to play my dvd from running totem in terminal I get 'Error cracking CSS key for /VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_1.VOB (0x000002e7)!!03:07
progekI have libdvdcss2 installed03:08
LordFDisk1 - 6 <- will one kill x windows to give me just the command line without x server or windows running? ... well I'll try 1-6 Thank you all for your help and time.03:08
frostburnCoded1, it's weird, it's not installed now, but my remote was working previously03:08
Dr_willis1000 people all saying . 'sorry i dont know cchanc1 ' is not a good thing. :)03:08
bruenigcchanc1, when no one hears you, if you would like you can just think in your head 1111 "I don't knows" and that way you can get the effect and we don't have to spam the channel, everyone wins03:08
cchanc1there are 760 pepl in #debian and they answered right off03:08
Zemusthanks MeRodent :)03:08
Dr_williscchanc1,  good for them.03:08
Opethicfiru1: I hope I'm that lucky too03:08
acecasepike_, Opethic, Thank you both again. I have some reading to do :) you guys have a good one.03:08
wastrelLordFDisk:  it doesn't kill x-windows03:08
=== phisher1 [n=phisher1@12-207-224-107.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
Pelodoug_,  ther is a #xmms channel03:08
bruenigcchanc1, 1110 responses is not practical unfortunately, as central as you are to this world and its remaining to rotate, we do have to sometimes make exceptions03:08
MeRodentZemus, I knew I had the answer somewhere. Just a bit further on. :)03:08
cchanc1I should have know03:08
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Coded1frostburn: was working?  some programs come with their own little install of LIRC that they unload when the program exits03:09
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=== Dr_willis still missed the question.
doug_Pelo,  thanks03:09
ZemusDr_willis, the question was03:09
Zemus"Dr_willis, how do I add the module to the auto load modules list? Where is rc.local located, and how do I edit it? Thanks for your help :)"03:09
LordFDiskI need to kill the X Windows do install the NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-100.14.11-pkg2. run file03:09
cchanc1well, I wanted some one to respond and I got it03:09
cchanc1:P :)03:09
Zemusand before that, it was  "Every single time I start ubuntu, I have to sudo modprobe ndiswrapper to enable wifi -- I'm sure I can circumnavigate this by adding modprobe ndiswrapper one of the startup processes, but is there a way to make ndiswrapper the default setting for wireless activity?"03:09
=== johnp [n=john@pool-141-149-123-128.pghk.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
PeloDr_willis,  don'T feel bad since I've rejoined he hasn't actualy asked on03:09
Coded1any news yet on ati drivers ?03:09
bruenigcchanc1, just do "for x in $(seq 1108); do echo "I don't know"; done03:09
Dr_willisZemus,  useing 'locate rc.local' will answer the 2nd part. :) in /etc/ somewhere is the modules list. You only need to do one or the other.03:10
dalani33 sudo ~/bin/my-script.sh Password: Sorry, try again.03:10
bruenigcchanc1, then you can feel better03:10
frostburnCoded1, aye, something got broken, i'll have to do some digging03:10
pike_LordFDisk: i usually use the nvidia installer too but its not ideal  you know you can just install the nvidia-glx package right?03:10
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cchanc1yeah really03:10
Dr_willisZemus,   /etc/rc.local  befor the 'exit' command is where you want your commands to go. that will be the easiest way to do it.03:10
Coded1i heard the specs were released last week03:10
wastrelcchanc1:  did you get an answer to your question?03:10
wastrelinstall xorg-dev03:10
doug_Pelo,  i just asked if no one answers i am going ot take ur computer and u take mine03:10
ZemusDr_willis, the question has been answered, but thank you ;)03:10
Pelodalani33, linux is case sensitive , make sure you are typing the password correctly03:10
Dr_willisZemus,  Darn it! ;003:10
MeRodentLordFDisk, do you want a step by step guide on installing?03:10
cchanc1heh, I got to download it03:10
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ZemusDr_willis, hehehe03:11
pike_LordFDisk:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:11
dalani33I did enter it with proper case03:11
LordFDisklol pleease03:11
dalani33I checked thanx03:11
Zemusdoes .d at the end of something generally mean it's to do with autostart options?03:11
cchanc1I have that installed03:11
Pelodoug_, not everychannel is as well attended as this one,  you can also check the xmms website for faq and forum or google or use the ubuntuforums.org to look for answers03:11
firu1Zemus: .d usually meand directory03:11
Pelodoug_, also check in the xmms preferences to make sure you have tthe correct sound device selected03:12
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cchanc1I have xorg_dev installed03:12
doug_Pelo,  i am now lol but as i said if no answer u owe me ur computer eh03:12
=== Jordan [n=Jordan@c-71-194-147-166.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
MeRodentLordFDisk, accept the file. It's only a text file on how to install the driver.03:12
Dr_willisZemus,   not that i am aware of.. linux has some very detailed 'init'/startup/ scripts/services/features. :) its quite an interesting topic.03:12
cchanc1and I re tried and still the same error03:12
=== Taos [n=rpickler@c-67-171-141-197.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Zemusfiru1, uh, ok. Why are there so many directories without .d, then? That doesn't seem to make any sense :(03:12
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wastrelcchanc1:  maybe xserver-xorg-dev03:12
Taosanybody have ldap experience?03:12
firu1Zemus: It's a Debian way ...03:12
pike_LordFDisk: be aware if you use the .run file you will have to redo it whenever you run update and it installs a new kernel03:12
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MeRodentpike_, but at least it works.03:12
doug_Dr_willis,  u rdy to take my prob on still?03:13
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firu1Zemus: Lots of init.d ... for different runlevels ...03:13
cchanc1have it03:13
PeloTaos,  just ask a quesiton  even if we donT' have ldap experience we might be able to help03:13
pike_yeah i dont use the package either but..its good to try it first03:13
=== IndyLucian [n=IndyLuci@cpe-24-33-248-239.indy.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
cchanc1xserver-xorg-dev isinstalld03:13
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TaosPelo: I'm hoping so, it's an odd behavior in Gutsy03:13
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LordFDiskok .. I just was a really nice gui with ubuntu ... was running Mandriva03:14
PeloTaos, for guestion about gutsy ask in #ubuntu+103:14
ZemusHow do you pronounce "|"?03:14
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IndyLuciani cannot get my 1394 connection to work at all. im trying to get my dv camera tape to my computer03:14
frostburnZemus, bar, pipe03:14
MeRodentzemd, pipe03:14
firu1Zemus: PIPE03:14
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MeRodentZemus, even03:14
cchanc1wastrel, nothn03:14
=== Coded1 [n=user@CPE000c41762708-CM001225009578.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has left #ubuntu ["Kopete]
Zemusthanks guys03:14
LordFDiskAnd to install beta driver for that as well03:14
kwtmIs there a command-line program to view a graphics file (such as a *.jpg) on an X-terminal?  I thought there was a program called "xv", and I type "xv MyPhoto.jpg" and a window would pop up showing the JPEG file.  Any similar program available?03:14
inazadfrostburn, ok03:14
IndyLucianso does anyone have any experience with 1394 / DV connections03:14
inazadhi there, I have followed the wiki for installing a LAMP Server but when I'm trying to open a php page, it's blank or it's tell me to download it03:14
fujininazad: you need to configure the mimetype handler in apache03:15
dalani33Anyone user account run script WITHOUT typing sudo root passwrd???03:15
wastrelpastebin your error03:15
wastrelcchanc1:  ^^^03:15
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inazadfujin, how..03:15
kwtmZemus: "|" the character is "bar", but the operation itself is "pipe".  Like "~" is "tilde" but the operation is "bitwise NOT".03:15
cchanc1I got to copy 100 lines from one pc to another03:15
pike_dalani33: if you can use bash you can run a bash script03:15
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fujinI'm not going to spoon feed youm, sorry.03:15
cchanc1since the one in question is not online DUE to the error03:15
Pelodalani33,  change the file permission to execute03:16
TaosI've installed a fresh gutsy t5 from cd and tried to set up an ldap client.  When I reboot the machine, I get an infinite loop on boot of not being able to connect to my ldap server03:16
dalani33Pelo! that's it!03:16
firu1dalani33: chroot or chmod it?03:16
Pelodalani33, sudo chmod 777 flile03:16
dalani33hold on ill check03:16
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Taosmy suspicion is, the network is not up yet so it just hangs there trying to find an ldap servier03:16
dalani33ok Pelo---mark this solved--luck y'all03:16
pike_dalani33: if ya type 'ls -l' youll see if it has the 'x' executable bit set if not just 'chmod +x file.sh' and then ls -l again it should show x now03:16
kwtmdalani33: You can also run a script with the command "source MyScript.sh" (or whatever the script file name is) or ". MyScript.sh" (the dot is synonymous with the "source" command).03:16
PeloTaos,  ask in #ubuntu+1 for gusty questions03:17
firu1dalani: I suggest chmod 755 ...03:17
inazadfujin, how. ?03:17
fujindie in a fire03:17
Zemusit is my belief that lean cuisine meals enter your stomach, and then evaporate.03:17
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inazadfujin, ?03:17
kwtmAnyone?  What's a good command-line program to display a graphics file?03:17
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pike_kwtm: in frame buffer?03:18
fujinread the documentation03:18
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Taossorry about that, question was posted there now03:18
Pelokwtm,  I thnk mplayer does it03:18
kwtmpike_: Anything.  I just want to see a graphics file without using the mouse.03:18
pike_kwtm: i use fbi03:18
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kwtmPelo: Oh, mplayer shows graphics?  I'll try it.03:18
OrTigaShi! i just installed dapper drake to external usb hd. my problem is i cant connect to internet but can see other network machine in our ofc. anny idea why i cant use internet? when i try to connect my lan cable to windows machine it connect to internet. :)03:18
wastrelkwtm:  install imagemagick, use "display"03:18
Pelokwtm, I think I'm not sure03:18
firu1kwtm: zgv?03:19
wastrelfyi, everyone should install imagemagick, it's good stuff03:19
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pike_imagemagick is awesome. one liners to convert files and such to grub images etc03:19
xfreakkHi can anyone help me with snort03:19
PeloOrTigaS, usb modem ?03:19
kwtmwastrel: I have imagemagick already.  Is there a "display" command?  I didn't know that.03:20
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kwtmPelo: I tried mplayer, but it didn't work.03:20
gnutronkwtm - in an xterm type gthumb /image/whatever  [apt-get install gthumb]   fyi :) good program.03:20
=== Muchmusic [n=root@c-69-181-21-69.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
wastreldisplay foo.jpg   or whatever03:20
xfreakkAnyone know about snort03:20
Peloxfreakk, try asking a specific quesiton instead03:21
cchanc1wasterel http://pastebin.com/m532496d603:21
Opethicfiru1: Its working, thanks :)03:21
wastrelcchanc1:  aren't you glad you saved a floppy :] 03:21
kwtmfiru1: Will check out zgv.  That, and the fbi that pike_ suggested sounds useful, but more for framebuffer.  I'll try stuff that works with X first, before resorting to framebuffer.03:21
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Opethicfiru1: How do I go about making it the default app for viewing PDF files?03:21
cchanc1or USB stick03:21
incognito77can someone point me to some hard disc repair tools for Ubuntu?03:21
Pelog'ngiht folks03:21
firu1Opethic: Ouch ... Let me see ...03:21
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kwtmgnutron: gthumb?  Okay, will try that --I'm actually using the KDE desktop (Kubuntu) but do have the GNOME libraries and GTK installed since I run Gnucash, Abiword, etc., so I'll try that.03:22
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kwtmBut I think I'll try the display command that wastrel suggested first, because I already have imagemagick installed.03:22
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xfreakkdoes anyone know why when i try to execute snort it says initialiing Network Interface eth0 ERROR: OpenPcap() device eth0 open: socket: operation not permitted....Fatal Error, Quitting03:22
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doctormo_hey all03:23
Zemussup doctormo_03:23
wastrelcchanc1:  and you have /usr/include/X11/  and it's populated with all the friendly .h header files?03:23
SAM_themanMeRodent, yo man03:23
SAM_themanMeRodent, yo the man03:23
doctormo_I'm trying to set up a RTL8180L PCMCIA card with WPA... which means I have to use ndiswrapper03:23
firu1Opethic: try follow http://www.cs.cornell.edu/w8/~djm/ubuntu/feisty/#acroread03:23
SAM_themanMeRodent, It worked03:23
wastrelcchanc1:  at this point i'd be curious as to what exactly the configure script is looking for03:23
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doctormo_the problem is that when it's using the ndiswrapper it doesn't want to accept an essid03:23
kwtmwastrel: Wow!  "display" worked, very nicely!  Thanks for the tip.  I love ImageMagick, myself.03:24
sandyi need to install tapioca in gusty can anyone help me03:24
wastrelyay <303:24
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cchanc1yes wastrel I do03:24
incognito77can someone point me to some hard disc repair tools for Ubuntu?03:24
xfreakkdoes anyone know why when i try to execute snort it says initialiing Network Interface eth0 ERROR: OpenPcap() device eth0 open: socket: operation not permitted....Fatal Error, Quitting03:24
daakuanyone have hardware recommendations for a small web-server/routers/wireless basestation? (to run ubuntu)03:25
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frostburnincognito77, define repair tools? other than fsck03:25
sandyi need to install tapioca in gusty can anyone help me03:25
incognito77frostburn: my HDD is really screwed up - Gparted can't do anything with it03:25
pike_daaku: if i were doing that id just run debian03:25
cchanc1maby it be better to share this connection that im on with the ubuntu compuiter   (Windows -> Linux03:25
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doctormo_ok I'm going offline to try it again since I can't have botht he eth and wlan plugged in at the same time03:26
sandyanyone help me in installing tapioca in gusty ubuntu03:26
Opethicfiru1: Cool, thanks. I'll use this info to figure out how to the change the default app for other files too. :)03:26
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frostburnsandy, #ubuntu+103:27
LlivavinCan anyone tell me how i can get all sound to go though my usb headset?03:27
frostburnincognito77, are you running gparted from the partition you're changing?03:27
incognito77frostburn: I'm in a live Feisty session03:28
daakupike_: i find the ubuntu sid snapshots for the server stuff more stable than sid itself (and sarge is too slow for me)03:28
frostburnincognito77, the live gparted sucks on the ubuntu cd03:28
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frostburni made a usb key with the latest gparted image03:28
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daakupike_: but this is not personal stuff, so i open to experimenting03:29
pike_daaku: ok.  if youre going that route your prob right. i just think stable when i think server. id prob use woody or something ;p03:29
daakupike_: _cant type_ - this is personal stuff, so i'm open to experimeting03:29
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incognito77frostburn: do you know of any good HDD repair tools?03:29
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frostburnincognito77, newegg.com =P   if you start getting any errors on a disk it's a sign of imminent failure03:30
maestrojedI have a ubuntu feisty desktop box that is running as a test web server (LAMP).  Now I added a second HD which I would like to share amongst my office computers (both windows and mac), kind of as a network drive.  Is installing/running SAMBA the best way to go about this?03:30
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frostburnincognito77, did you run fsck first?03:30
SAM_themanAnyone of u use greasmonkey?03:30
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SAM_themanfor foxnews.com ?03:30
ZemusAh, fantastic... it's really working well now :)03:30
wastrelmaestrojed:  or export it as a nfs drive.03:30
daakupike_: i have a base ubuntu system with most critical apps custom build (use a cool little script called tinypkg to manage them)03:30
wastrel(can windows mount nfs?03:30
incognito77frostburn: that HDD has varying file systems03:31
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frostburnfsck works with most everything but ntfs,  if you want an ntfs checker, you're barking up the wrong tree03:31
incognito77hmmm ok03:32
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ZemusHow do I make compiz my default composite manager?03:32
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kwtmwastrel: Holy ****, this "display" program does *everything*!  Why do I even bother with Gwenview or Konqueror?  (sorry, just waxing effusive about ImageMagick.  Okay, I'll leave now. :) )03:32
daakui think there's some ntfs checker in the systemrescue live cd03:32
Zemushttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeByDefault <-- nvm, got it03:33
maestrojedwastrel: is one better or easier then the other?03:33
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wolflordHello everyone, how do you kill a VNC session ??03:34
wastrelmaestrojed:  samba is easier for your users, nfs is easier for you :] 03:34
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ubotunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.03:34
pike_wolflord: i typically vncserver -kill :1  or whatever port03:34
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maestrojedwastrel: okay thanks.  I think I will do SAMBA.  :)03:35
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wolflorddo you need to put in the IP that you are trying to kill ??03:35
arooni-mobilehey folks; i have a contextual menu key on my laptop.... when i push it, nothing happens.  how can i fix this (t61 laptop)03:35
wolflordor just the port03:35
fulat2khi folks, i installed xubuntu-desktop on my kubuntu installation and would like to remove all xubuntu-desktop related packages.  apt-get remove xubuntu-desktop doesn't do that.  is there any command i can use?03:35
cchanceHow do I set the gateway and Name Servers in ubuntu03:35
ZemusThat link didn't seem to help me, does anyone know how to assign a default composite manager?03:36
cchancevia terminal preferably03:36
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ex_how do i join other channels /j or /join isn't working in xchat03:36
Dr_willisex_,  it should.03:36
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Dr_willis /join #himom03:36
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ex_ah you have to include # sign  :)03:36
ex_not like windows based irc :P03:36
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Dr_willisI use xchat in windows. :)03:37
ex_hix script for me haha03:37
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ex_CS ALL THE WAY :)03:37
VultoDr_willis, why would you use windows03:37
hmhowieah, ubuntu! blessed sanity!03:37
ZemusThat link didn't seem to help me, does anyone know how to assign a default composite manager?03:37
ex_I have to say03:38
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Sonicadvance1Okay, I'm having a problem with partitioning my device. when I plug it in, it says that it can't read the superblock. Any way to rectify this problem? I don't mind formating it03:38
BernieMacanyone know why my music files will suddenly not play anymore??03:38
ex_I have tried alot of distributions and I like debian based ones the most03:38
ex_Red Hat is okay, I just find debian makes more sense03:38
hmhowieSonicadvance1: i find when a harddrive or similar is really playing up, i just pipe some /dev/urandom on to it03:38
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Dr_willisVulto,  how else can i test out spyware and viruses!03:38
ckin2001ex_, use yum for a week after using apt-get, and you won't say that :p03:38
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VultoDr_willis, haha good one :>03:39
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LlivavinCan some one tell me how to get the sound on mplayer to go though my usb headset?03:39
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ZemusThat link didn't seem to help me, does anyone know how to assign a default composite manager?03:39
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Dr_willisZemus,  check the forums yet?03:40
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wolflordok that didnt work, ok here is what its doing and maybe someone can help03:40
Evanleccan u guys believe distrowatch is under ddos attack? lol03:41
hmhowieLlivavin: possibilities: commandline option for mplayer, configuration file for mplayer03:41
ZemusDr_willis, yes, briefly, but I'm probably looking in the wrong places. 0 search results every times. Link?03:41
panosrupav, didn't work :(03:41
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Llivavinhmhowie Ether or?03:41
wolflordwhen I try and vnc to my local machine from my Ubuntu server, it looks like its opening multible connections and it freezes up.03:41
Dr_willisZemus,  no idea. i dont mess with eyecandy :)03:41
ZemusDr_willis, thanks... :/03:41
wolflordI can close the boxes but. I dont know why its doing that03:41
hmhowieLlivavin: i'd start with the command line options :)03:42
gnutronZemus - check out and create your own script, like beryl etc in this dir: /usr/share/xsessions/03:42
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hmhowieLlivavin: however, i'm not on my linux box atm, so i can't help :(03:42
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LlivavinAlso anyone know what it means when to many video packets in buffer error means?03:43
progekI finally got VLC to play DVD movies but now the video looks distorted and the color is all off during playback. Any ideas?03:43
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gnutronZemus - log in your login screen choose that session. [sorry for extra line feed there] 03:43
LlivavinVLC = bad03:43
Zemusgnutron, I'm sure there's a much easier way to assign a default than script writing -- I'll check out the link anyway, though. Thanks. :)03:43
progekwell, tried mplayer, totem, ogle and kaffeine with codecs + libdvdcss203:43
Dr_willisZemus,  i think it might be better to have the option to not use it by default. :) some programs may have issues.03:44
hmhowiewhy is vlc bad, Llivavin?03:44
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firu1VLC is quite good player ... Used it under Win and under Linux, and I'm satisfied ...03:44
progekvlc has always worked fine for me03:44
progekjust can't get dvds to play right03:44
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hmhowieprogek: are we just talking image ratio here?03:44
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Zemusgnutron, .......... the 'login screen', gdm, doesn't choose your composite manager, it chooses gnome / xgl / kde and so on. Not compiz-fusion / beryl / metacity etc.03:44
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progekhmhowie basically, it looks like multi colored tiles plotted over my video03:44
progekwhich skip around03:45
BMThello to all03:45
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hmhowiemplayer does have some cool capabilities. it can write to the framebuffer directly, so you can watch videos from the virtual consoles :)03:45
Sonicadvance1eh, hmhowie I have no idea what you told me to do03:45
Green_TeaIf I want to use vmware do i have to go in to the website directly download and install from there ?03:45
firu1VLS play DVD quite well, when ecryption is removed and DVD is backuped to HDD ;)03:45
BMTi am finally using a irc client on my linux machine..how come i can not see all the people who are logged into this "room"03:45
BMTi am using XChat03:45
gnutronzemus - perhaps i forgot a step but it works for me if i understand correctly03:45
Dr_willisBMT,  seeing them where?03:46
hmhowieSonicadvance1: my advice is: start a console, enter "man mplayer" and see if there's something about an audio device03:46
progekNo accelerated IMDCT transform found03:46
frostburnBMT, use other xchat client, the gnome version is lacking03:46
Zemusgnutron, compiz-fusion is not an option in gdm. Hush. ;)03:46
progekI get that running vlc03:46
BMTso i should be using the KDE version ?03:46
Green_TeaDr_willis If I want to use vmware do i have to go in to the website directly download and install from there ?03:46
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LlivavinOr, Go get something other then xchat?03:46
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tds5016can someone tell me how to uninstall java, and go to the newest version?03:47
Llivavinxchat's GUI is horridly coded D:03:47
progekirssi is cool :)03:47
firu1Pidgin/gaim ...03:47
tds5016of sun java*03:47
wolflordok I tryed it again, and it did the exact same thing again, does anyone have any Ideas03:47
firu1Spartan interface, but ...03:47
hmhowieSonicadvance1: but maybe i'm getting ahead of myself here. your usb/headset works for other things, right?03:47
progekinstall 6 from repos03:47
BMTwhat is a better irc client that has a gui ?03:47
Llivavinfiru1 its called Irssi or w/e03:47
Dr_willisGreen_Tea,  its in the 'comercial' repositories.. but you still need a free serial # from the vmware web site.03:47
progekthe update with03:47
tds5016Llivavin, then recode it, it's open soruce.03:47
Llivavinor use wine and mIRC03:47
BMTi tried bitchx ...too complicated03:47
progeksudo update-alternatives --config java03:47
frostburnBMT, uninstall xchat-gnome and install xchat03:47
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tds5016progek, what's the package called?03:47
progekapt-get install sun-java6-bin03:47
maestrojedI want to give my ubuntu box a static IP.  The DCHP server on my modem is not sophisticated and to set a static IP I the computer just need to ask for an IP within the set range.  How can I tell ubuntu which IP to ask for?03:47
tds5016will that include the sdk's progek03:48
BMTfrostburn....i am using xchat.....all i did was "sudo apt-get install xcaht03:48
progektry irssi03:48
progekif you like the terminal03:48
Green_TeaDr_willis so is there a way around to get vmware ?03:48
Green_TeaDr_willis I want to run windowxp in ubuntu03:48
cchanceI did?03:48
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progektds5016 install sun-java6-jdk03:48
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firu1Llivavin: You possibly just opened my eyes ...03:49
Dr_willisGreen_Tea,  install vmware server..  and have at it.. it can run xp.03:49
hmhowieGreen_Tea: have you looked at qemu (another virtualisation software)03:49
Dr_willisGreen_Tea,  doing it on my laptop. :)03:49
BMTis there a xchat for KDE, and if so....can i run in Gnome ?03:49
Dr_willisfor XP - i dont think qemu will do the job.03:49
rettichwhy is it not possible, to add a new created user to the group "video" through the "Users and Groups"-Manager?03:49
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tds5016progek, thanks, now how do I set eclipse to use that as the default?03:49
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=== Pelo has a question of his very own to put to the channel
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Dr_willisvmware-server is in the  deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu feisty-commercial main   repository03:50
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Pelois it possibleto make a symlink that will dispay the content of several other folders ? as if it was one03:50
progektds5016 I only used eclipse a few times, but I think there is a setting within the preferences to choose whatever JDK you want to use03:50
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Dr_willisyou still need to just go to the vmware site and get a free serial # for it. they jsut want ya to fill in a questionare.03:50
progekby default it uses gcj03:50
tds5016there is.03:50
Dr_willisPelo,  not with a symlink.03:50
tds5016but I didn't see it offering.03:50
hmhowiePelo: no03:50
progekwhich is crap if you work with swing components03:50
progekalso when working with JDBC03:50
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Green_TeaDr_willis from synaptic package manager. I did that i mark for install and can't find it anywhere ? I try go terminal and type in vmware03:51
hmhowienetbeans is cool :)03:51
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BMTi am having a problem with programs that i tried to run..they just disappear as soon as I click on the icon03:51
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tds5016progek, you seem to know java pretty well, can I ask you a quick question in a pm? ##java isn't giving me much or a response as of yet.03:51
PeloGreen_Tea, open  add / remove  tell me when you are done03:51
Dr_willisGreen_Tea,  you MUST have the  comercial repository enabled..  (then update the package list)03:51
BMTfor example....xine...i have a icon for it....and even when i run it from the menu...it just appears and then disappears03:51
BMTcan any one help ?03:52
Dr_willisGreen_Tea,  then search/install it03:52
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frostburnBMT, run it in a terminal and see what the error is03:52
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Green_TeaPelo what next03:52
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PeloGreen_Tea,  on the right side of the app just below the title bar there is a drop down list ,  what is it set to ?03:53
BMTthis is what i got : khaime@gateway:~$ xine03:53
BMTThis is xine (X11 gui) - a free video player v0.99.5cvs.03:53
BMT(c) 2000-2006 The xine Team.03:53
BMTX Error of failed request:  BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)03:53
BMT  Major opcode of failed request:  141 (XVideo)03:53
BMT  Minor opcode of failed request:  19 ()03:53
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BMT  Serial number of failed request:  213703:53
BMT  Current serial number in output stream:  213803:53
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Ashfire908Every time i try to select an icon for a toolbar item in OpenOffice.org writer, it crashes03:53
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PeloBMT,  don't paste to the channel03:53
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NemesisDis there any way to forward audio with ssh? i'd like to listen to music in exaile over ssh03:53
BMTsorry Pelo03:53
Mike22anyone think there will ever be industry standard multimedia editing/production software for linux? something that would be comparable to commercial packages (Final Cut Studio, Logic Pro, Digital Fusion, 3DS Max, XSI, Shake, etc..)  cause i love everything about linux, but i dont use it because the multimedia editing package are complete garbage.. think that will ever change?03:53
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BMThow else could i have done that...so i know next time ?03:53
progeknemesisD use scp to transfer03:53
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Green_TeaPelo i press on it and all open source app?03:53
FlannelNemesisD: Check out something like icecast, to stream audio03:54
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BernieMacanyone know why me Listen music player just stopped playing my music files?03:54
PeloGreen_Tea,  no all apps , not just open source03:54
hmhowieMike22: someday it will change, but that could take a while03:54
frostburnBMT, use http://rafb.net/paste/ for those03:54
Ashfire908Every time i try to select an icon for a toolbar item in OpenOffice.org writer, it crashes. what do i do?03:54
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cratelany way to see drive activity as an icon on the screen, say with a gnome applet?03:54
PeloMike22,  I seem to recall that pixar uses linux and open source apps ,03:54
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BMTfrostburn, what do i do at that site ?03:55
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hmhowiePelo: hollywood tends to use a software called 'maya' for the special effects03:55
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Green_TeaPelo just vmware server?03:55
frostburnBMT, you can paste your errors and then paste the link here03:55
firu1cratel: gDesklets?03:55
PeloGreen_Tea,  did you find it ?03:55
BMToh ok03:56
Green_TeaPelo yes ^_^03:56
BMTlet me try that03:56
NemesisDFlannel, would icecast go on the serving machine or the remote one03:56
PeloAshfire908,  did you try change the icon set or something ?03:56
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Green_TeaPelo just vmware server?03:56
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PeloGreen_Tea,  chek it inad isntall , yes just vmware server you donT' need player03:56
hmhowieokay everybody. i'm off :)03:56
BMTok...here it goest : http://rafb.net/p/Ahsdgm54.html03:56
BMTgoest = goes03:56
cratelfiru1: what applet though?03:57
Pelo!who | BMT03:57
ubotuBMT: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)03:57
BMTthat is my error when i ran xine in terminal03:57
Green_TeaPelo Thx one more thing do i have to install Vmware Tools?03:57
Ashfire908Pelo, i started it up and it looked like crap cause it had no icons so i tried to set on and it crashed03:57
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FlannelNemesisD: It'd go on the server machine, and it would stream audio to any client listening.  There are a number of clients that can listen ot icecast, on all OSs03:57
anandanbuI have problem with the xmms player installed in Ubuntu 7.04 as the menu looks empty and here it is http://img456.imageshack.us/img456/6084/screenshotky4.png03:57
PeloGreen_Tea,  for what ?03:57
jessHi all, I'm having trouble getting wireless to work on a Dell inspiron 8200. I followed this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-415544.html but the package is broken. Can anyone help?03:57
firu1cratel: I saw one good for your problem, but, tah was days ago ... I can't recall03:57
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BMTthe bot says i should use !tab...do i literally type a exclamation point and push the tab button ?03:58
cratelanandanbu: xmms is outdated. Try audacious.03:58
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NemesisDFlannel, i don't suppose my favorite one exaile can though :(03:58
rlountBMT, how much memory does gateway have?03:58
Mike22hmhowie, if a really good, commited development team got together today and started working on linux (open-source) packages comparable to "Adobe, Apple, Autodesk, Maxon" 's software.. is it something that could be done within 4-6 years? (sorry for the strange questions)03:58
PeloAshfire908,  go in synaptic and look for openoffice.org theme or icon see what comes up, I have a feeling that the package may not be installe properly03:58
fainravenim about to kick my own ass can any one help me :P03:58
frostburnBMT, https://bugs.launchpad.net/gstreamer/+bug/39050 that looks like it might be related, i'm not sure how much i can help03:58
fuliocan someone help me install a n64 emulator???03:58
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BMTrlount ! 2 gb03:58
PeloBMT,   no use !tab in here to get a replay from the bot03:58
Pelo!tab | BMT03:58
ubotuBMT: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.03:58
chuy_maxhey !, what happened with window menu in Konqueror?03:58
jessThe broken package is bcm43xx-fwcutter03:58
FlannelNemesisD: What do you mean?  You're running exaile on the machine you're sitting at now?  Yeah, it can.03:58
chuy_maxis there a way to put it back there?03:58
anandanbucratel: thanks for the info but is there anyway to restore it03:58
Green_TeaPelo What is the difference VMWare player vs VMWare Server?03:58
fainravenive been trying to install nvidia drivers on ubuntu 7.04 for like 5 h now03:59
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Ashfire908pelo: found the problem03:59
BMToh that is cool thanks03:59
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rlountBMT, that sucks. frostburn looks to have found your issue...03:59
pavel989how do i mount my ipod with read/write permissions?03:59
Ashfire908pelo: faulty icon set.03:59
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rlountbugs can suck, but they do get fixed.03:59
PeloGreen_Tea, with vmware player you need do have a virtual machine made already, with serveryou can make your own03:59
PeloAshfire908, that'S what I was thinking03:59
fainravencould any one wisper me and help me install my nvidia drivers on unbuntu feisty fawn03:59
jessPlease, can anyone help with this wireless issue? I'm trying to get my friend off windoze03:59
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NemesisDFlannel, awesome!04:00
Ashfire908Pelo: i use one i got from art.gnome.org04:00
Pelofainraven, start with the restricted drivers in menu > sytem > admin> restricted drivers04:00
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jamisonfainraven: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=546969&highlight=Restricted+Drivers+Manager+nvidia04:00
firu1cratel: diskio perhaps ?04:00
PeloAshfire908, you mean now or was that the one that was borken ?04:00
fainravenwhen i click on it it says no restricted drivers needed..04:01
jessis there a proper procedure for troubleshooting broken debian packages?04:01
Ashfire908Pelo: i was04:01
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Ashfire908Pelo: mist doesn't work either04:01
PeloAshfire908,  the one that matches the gnome theme icon set is called  industrial if taht's what you want04:01
zenmonkI am trying to use grep to find files that are writable by all.  I tried ls -l | grep '[w] \{3\}' but it didn't work, what am I doing wrong?04:01
BMTfrostburn, i looked at that link, and don't understand what i am reading04:01
PeloAshfire908, you do realise you need to install them from synaptic first right ?04:01
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DjViperanyone know any good desktop background image sites?04:01
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usserDjViper: kde-look.org04:02
Ashfire908Pelo ?04:02
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cratelfiru1: how do you use gdesklets? I have it installed along with diskio...04:02
frostburnBMT, it's a bug report, meaning it's not fixed yet04:02
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fainravenYour hardware does not need any restricted drivers. <<--------04:02
fulioPelo, i need some help installing a n64 emulator (Mupen64) i also download it from this site  http://mupen64.emulation64.com/down.htm but after i dont understand how to install it. can you help me please? sorry to bug you agn04:02
frostburncratel, on amd64?04:02
rlountDjViper, caedes.net is cool.04:02
PeloAshfire908,  fi you want to use icon themes in OOo you need to install them frist from synaptic ,04:02
fainravenbut i clearly do im so lost04:02
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BMTfrostburn, what is the bug...xine is not the only program doing this04:02
rlountDjViper, or art.gnome.org04:02
cratelfrostburn: no, it's a dual core Intel (MacBook)04:02
Pelofulio,  IM a bit busy atm04:02
ali4728how do we get 4GB ram recognized by feisty? It only shows 3.2GB04:02
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JAppleSeedcan anyone recommend an IDS for ubuntu and a tutorial on installing it04:02
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fulat2khi folks, i installed xubuntu-desktop on my kubuntu installation and would like to remove all xubuntu-desktop related packages.  apt-get remove xubuntu-desktop doesn't do that.  is there any command i can use?04:03
Ashfire908Pelo: so i can only use icon sets from synapitic for my desktop?04:03
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Pelofainraven,  I don'T allow private msg talk to me inthe channel04:03
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firu1cratel:join #hold, please04:03
fainravenoh sorry pelo04:03
Pelo!nvidia | fainraven04:03
ubotufainraven: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:03
fainravenwell here is the deal04:03
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fulioPelo, alrite i guess i can wait, ill be in the channel04:03
Sonicadvance1Okay, I'm having a problem with partitioning my device. when I plug it in, it says that it can't read the superblock. Any way to rectify this problem? I don't mind formating it04:03
fainravenwhen i try to click on restricted drivers manager i get Your hardware does not need any restricted drivers.04:03
fainravenbut i do need them as for i cant inable any extra effects without geting white screen of death04:03
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PeloAshfire908, I think we need to get unconfused here, the icons for the desktop and the icons for OOo are different  ,  there are special packages in synaptic for the OOo icons04:04
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fainraventhis chan is busy :o04:04
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BMTis there a way to have created a user...used that login name and password....and decide that you want to create another user......using the same profile and settings as the first user ?04:04
jesspelo, would you be able to help? trying to get wireless running on a dell inspiron 8200 but the package i need is broken04:04
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rlountfainraven, epic, traffic is epic.04:05
jessshould i submit a ticket? where?04:05
Pelo!ati > fainraven  check for a private message windows with instructions from ubotu04:05
BMTso that no matter which one i use to login on.....all the seetings and everything is the same ?04:05
Pelojess,  I can'T help with wifi04:05
jesspelo thanx, do you know anyone who can?04:05
Ashfire908Pelo: then why if i use a different icon theme, OOo's icons break?04:05
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hhp21Hey guys, quick question.. I'm trying to open a file in a program that's on a different connected hard drive.. But it doesn't look like the file browser for the program backs up far enough for me to select that other drive and browse through it. Any ideas?04:05
rlountjess, which pkg is broken?04:06
ScuniziBMT, sure, except that once either identity is used and things change, it won't change for the other user.04:06
jessrlount, bcm43xx-fwcutter04:06
PeloAshfire908,  I donT' think it is related04:06
rlountjess, so a broadcom chipset?04:06
fainravenI CANT USE restricted driver manager as for i get the msg Your hardware does not need any restricted drivers.04:06
serrsAnyone know if xen will make it on to Ubuntu/Gutsy x86_64?04:06
Ashfire908Pelo: well it is-!04:06
PeloAshfire908,  first lets start by getting you a working OOo toolbar icons set , give me a minute04:06
fainravenif there is a way to change that we might wana start there.04:06
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jessrlount, i think...it's a default inspiron 8200, i'm assuming it's the same04:07
BMTScunizi, that is okay..no problem...i want to create another user and just use that user from now on...but i want that new user to take on the settings and characteristics of the first user04:07
jessrlount, i followed this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-415544.html04:07
Ashfire908Pelo: if i use a theme that here is a OOo icon theme for it goes insane04:07
logicalbombCan anyone tell me of a way other then iwconfig to set your wifi card into monitor mode?04:07
PeloAshfire908,  open synpatic and do a search for   openoffice.org style04:07
logicalbombbecause my wifi card with atheros is refusing to set into monitor mode when I use the iwconfig04:07
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rlountjess, ok, how did you find out that the broken pkg is the one you need?04:07
PeloAshfire908, install all the ones you see04:07
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whileimhereIs there a way to test various screen resolutions without risking much?04:07
rlountjess, looking at link, one sec.04:08
PeloAshfire908, let me know when that part is done04:08
jessrlount, cool, thanks!04:08
ex_anyone have wine installed04:08
ex_can you run ms office through it?04:08
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Peloex_, most of us I would think but wine qustions aer better asked in #winehq04:08
fainravenis any one willing to help me figer this out in a tell ive been trying to figer it out for like 5h :P not that that means much but i just wana get my nvidia driver installed so i can finaly install other crap04:08
darlokJust bought my son a cheap digital camera, but when connecting it to my computer, I can't access the pictures on it.  dmesg reports it is connected, but it isn't connected as a removable drive.  Anyone have any ideas how I can do this?04:08
ex_Thanks, its just a quick question though04:08
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Ashfire908Pelo i found them. i'm saying if i say use crystal desktop icon set, and there is a crystal OOo icon set, but it's not installed, OOo goes nuts04:08
ex_So you can run MS office through it04:08
Talcitehey guys, is ubuntu-server hardened by default?04:08
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logicalbombanyone know of any way to set your wifi card into monitor mode?04:09
ScuniziBMT, System, Admin, Users & Groups and create a new user. Make that user a member of the group for the first user.  The problem comes in with any installed programs.  They are typically installed for one user and not for the other.  That's why the group membership is important.  At least I think I got that right>04:09
Pelodarlok, check in menu > ssytem > prefs > removable media maybe you can check the camera thingy04:09
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PeloAshfire908,  pretty much so install them lot of them04:09
rlountjess, the fwcutter is for extracting the brdcom firmware. do you have the firmware?04:09
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Pelojess,  the best thing you can do is ask the channel at large04:10
jessrlount, i am not sure. how do i find out?04:10
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Pelofulio I suggest you check on that site see if they have a channel and then go there and ask them to hlep you setup04:10
ubotudma is Direct Memory Access/Addressing. It makes hard disks & optical drives transfer data faster, and is almost always enabled in Ubuntu 6.06. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DMA04:10
jesspelo, i will continue to ask the channel @ large; thanks!04:10
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rlountjess, one sec. looking at aptitude show bcm43xx-fwcutter04:11
maestrojedwhat is the command to find out the current IP?04:11
Ashfire908Pelo: fat chance? my internet sucks. i'll install the ones i need04:11
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Pelomaestrojed, ifconfig04:11
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rlountjess, http://bcm43xx.berlios.de/ is the project page04:11
jessrlount, thanks so much for the help!04:11
PeloAshfire908, best of luck then, some of them maybe on the live cd , just pop it in before trhying to install04:11
ubotuThe women and men of the Ubuntu women project hang out in #ubuntu-women. Encouraging women to use linux? Read http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Encourage-Women-Linux-HOWTO/ for some suggestions compiled by women who use Linux on how to do so effectively.04:11
darlokPelo: What am I looking for?04:12
rlountjess, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx04:12
fainravenpelo you think you could help me a little more im far to new to this04:12
jessrlount, i checkin' out the links04:12
fainravenbut when ever i try to go to the restricted device manager i get "Your hardware does not need any restricted drivers."04:12
Pelodarlok,  third tab ,  check the box for the top option, import pictures04:12
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darlokPelo: Yeah, it's checked.04:12
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rlountjess, nice. I'm up to my armpits in an Ultrium 3583 right now, but I can try to help more if you need it.04:12
darlokPelo: But if it doesn't show up anywhere in connected devices, that wouldn't help much.04:12
Pelofainraven, ok I get it , restricted drivers doesnT' work for you ,   you need to try the binarie drivers04:13
maestrojedI am trying to set up Ubuntu to use a static IP.  I am adding the following information to my /etc/network/interfaces04:13
maestrojed# The primary network interface04:13
maestrojedauto eth004:13
maestrojediface eth0 inet static04:13
Pelo!ati | fainraven  those are the binari drivers04:13
jessrlount, thanks! i'll poke around and get back to you04:13
ubotufainraven  those are the binari drivers: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:13
veynomdoes DMA depend on your DVD drive, or your motherboard or what?04:13
Pelodarlok, is the camera powered on ?04:13
Sonicadvance1whoa, dude, pastebin04:13
maestrojedCan someone explain what network, broadcast is04:13
darlokPelo: Yeah.04:13
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Pelomaestrojed,  donT' paste to the channel04:13
firu1maestrojed: come to #hold04:13
MeRodentfainraven, what graphics card do you have?04:13
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Pelodarlok,  well the only other thing i can suggest is for you to search for the camera model in the forum www.ubuntuforums.org04:14
Ashfire908Pelo: i installed the crystal icon set and the icon issues are gone.04:14
PeloAshfire908, there you go04:14
darlokPelo: Ha... it's a Crayola camera.  Not exactly a popular choice, I'm sure.04:14
fainravenim not understanding that binarydrivehowto i dont think....... im looking at it and its telling me to go to restricted devices manager as well but i cant.....04:14
BMTScunizi, thanks ! let me try that !04:14
fainravenboth ways requier me to get to restricted devices manager....04:14
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PeloAshfire908,  now you can change your desktop icon theme at will , that will not change the icon them in OOo however04:14
Ashfire908Pelo: Do you think i could post a bug report on this?04:14
ScuniziBMT, no problem.. easy enough to undo04:14
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wireshark - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:15
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Ashfire908Pelo: it did04:15
Pelodarlok, those toy camera usualy use very decent well supported chipset , you'd be surprised04:15
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PeloAshfire908, I don't think it is a bug you were trying to use a button theme in OOo that was not installed , that's a pretty good reason for it to crash04:15
arooni-mobilehey folks when i click on an mp3, i think the mplayer plugin starts to load, but it cant playback the file so then the window goes blank......... whats the best solution to play back .mp3s i find when via firefox?04:16
ari_stresshi guys, i'm told that everything in unix/linux has a symbol in filesystem, such as /dev/lp0 for printer, what i cannot find is the symbol for keyboard and mouse. what is it?04:16
fainravenholly shit i dont understand the link you gave to me. or some thing becase its telling me to go to restricted devices manager as well... and as i stated i cant get there.04:16
MeRodentfainraven, what graphics card do you have?04:16
Pelo!mp3 | arooni-mobile04:16
ubotuarooni-mobile: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:16
Scunizi!restricted | arroni-mobile04:16
ubotuarroni-mobile: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:16
fainraveni have a 8600gt04:16
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LlivavinQuestion, If you used VMware so you can run ubuntu with WindowsXP Then could you switch a rendering of a game to openGL would it run better?04:16
aumhi - does anyone know the maximum length of a bash command line?04:16
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frostburnfainraven my 7600 isnt recognized, you'll most likely need to get the binaries off of nvidias site04:16
MeRodentfainraven, then the info is useless as the restiricted drivers don't support that card.04:17
arooni-mobilePelo, but i know how to play back mp3s reguarely ... this is a browser specific issue04:17
Ashfire908Pelo: no i told OOo nothing. i changed the DESKTOP theme and it tried to use a matching theme, if one existed04:17
BMTScunizi, i made a new user, and made that user a member of the group of the first user04:17
n-iCeHi how do I install a desktop in my ubuntu server? a lighter one04:17
BMTsound right so far ?04:17
PeloLlivavin, Ithink tha is a qusiton for #vmware04:17
LlivavinIt was just a random question04:17
ScuniziLlivavin: if you're playing UT2004 or 2007 it is native for linux and opengl04:17
fainravenok well i cant figer out the binaries or what ever04:17
fainraveni was reading the nvidia site and it sugested i just run the file that thay tell me to dl04:18
MeRodentfainraven, accept the file transfer I gave you and follow the instructions.04:18
Sonicadvance1Alright, I need help with my new Ipod, I plugged it in and Ubuntu can't read the superblock, a little help?04:18
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Pelon-iCe, the easiest way would be to get a deb package ,  check the site of the desktop manager that interest you04:18
Pelo!ipod | Sonicadvance104:18
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ubotuSonicadvance1: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod04:18
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n-iCePelo Can you tell me a lighter desktop?04:18
Sonicadvance1I don't want to sync and add tracks o_o04:19
ScuniziSonicadvance1: a couple of things.. first I find ipod work better with Amarok than Rythmbox.04:19
Sonicadvance1Amarok uses libgpod04:19
JAppleSeedn-iCe, xfce is a really good light desktop04:19
Pelon-iCe,  fluxbox, bluebox, xfce , i think those are the light ones, but I 've never used any of them04:19
n-iCeOk thank you, Pelo.04:19
JAppleSeedfluxbox is also awsome04:19
Flannelari_stress: you mean file, but, /dev/input is where they are04:20
JAppleSeedextremely fast04:20
n-iCeJAppleSeed Do you know how can I install it?04:20
Sonicadvance1But that isn't the problem...04:20
darlokJust bought my son a cheap digital camera, but when connecting it to my computer, I can't access the pictures on it.  dmesg reports it is connected, but it isn't connected as a removable drive.  Anyone have any ideas how I can do this?04:20
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=== bruenig uses xfce even on good specs
JAppleSeedn-iCe, I think you can just do an apt-get/ synaptic04:20
ScuniziSonicadvance1: use nicks when addressing someone so what you say won't get lost in the other noise.04:20
ari_stress[root@server1 ~] # ls -l /dev/input/04:20
ari_stressevent0  event1  mice    mouse004:20
ari_stressevent0 is the keyboard?04:20
PeloSonicadvance1,  the howto menitonned in the ubotu lines may have some answers for you04:20
=== Nex6 [n=Nex6@ppp-71-138-164-90.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
ScuniziSonicadvance1: what is the problem.?04:20
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Sonicadvance1I plugged it in and Ubuntu can't read the superblock, Scunizi04:21
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n-iCeJAppleSeed You mean, sudo apt-get install fluxbox ?04:21
Sonicadvance1already checked it Pelo04:21
Flannelari_stress: Its where keyboard input gets read from.  Its a little bit more complicated than "that's the keyboard" but yeah.04:21
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ScuniziSonicadvance1: will it read anything?04:21
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PeloSonicadvance1, did you try it on another cmputer ? cause my next suggestion would be to format it04:21
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fainravenmeroden its not sending04:22
ari_stressFlannel: mm ok :)04:22
Sonicadvance1Pelo, I don't mind formating it.04:22
JAppleSeedn-iCe, keep in mind though it's very fast, but very minimalistic04:22
bruenig!hi | dug_04:22
ubotudug_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!04:22
Sonicadvance1and Scunizi, it won't mount so I can't read from it :P04:22
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JAppleSeedn-ice, but it's extremely customizable04:22
ari_stressFlannel: i thought it would be something like /dev/kb /dev/ps204:22
Fluffy-Wuffyroot isnt a valid account on ubuntu right? for security purposes or whatever?04:22
JAppleSeedunless you enable it04:22
PeloSonicadvance1,  can you see it in gparted ?04:23
JAppleSeedor use sudo -i04:23
ScuniziSonicadvance1: which Ipod is it?  Did you add anything to your fstab?04:23
FlannelFluffy-Wuffy: Its an account, it has no password and is locked though.  You can't login with it.04:23
fainravenmeroden tell.04:23
Sonicadvance1Scunizi, It's the new Ipod Nano04:23
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Sonicadvance1and Pelo, I can KINDA see it in gparted, it says it's 462.81MB04:23
n-iCeJAppleSeed done is installing it, how do I run it?04:23
n-iCelaunch it04:23
thedonvaughnSonderblade, new ipod's don't work with Linux.04:23
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PeloSonicadvance1,  what FS ?04:23
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Fluffy-Wuffyso its impossible for me to be opening myself up for exploitation by being on the root account then Flannel?04:23
thedonvaughnSonicadvance1, new ipod's can't work with linux.  Apple is crap04:23
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Sonicadvance1Pelo; also says it's unallocated04:23
ScuniziSonicadvance1: Does the instructions say to format it before use?04:23
Sonicadvance1thedonvaughn, they already have it working04:24
thedonvaughndo they?04:24
JAppleSeedI haven't done different desktops in a while, but I think if you log off then you should see something on the log in screen that lets you choose04:24
Sonicadvance1Scunizi, from what I can tell, they don't04:24
JAppleSeedif I remember correctly04:24
Sonicadvance1but also Scunizi, those instructions are for Windows/Mac users :P04:24
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FlannelFluffy-Wuffy: Um, right.04:24
thedonvaughnDon't buy Apple and you'll be fine.04:24
JAppleSeedthat's how it was a few years ago04:24
Green_TeaPelo i have problem with http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37650/04:24
MeRodentfainraven, http://pastebin.ubuntu-nl.org/37649/04:24
PeloGreen_Tea, hold on let me have a look04:24
Fluffy-Wuffyum, right as in i guess or um, right as in correcto?04:25
MeRodentfainraven, just copy the text from the bottom box.04:25
ScuniziSonicadvance1: do you have access to a windows machine?04:25
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MeRodentfainraven, save and print it.04:25
Green_TeaPelo then later i press next it goes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37651/04:25
Sonicadvance1Scunizi, Nope04:25
PeloGreen_Tea,  go to synaptic remove the vmware packages you installed earlier and try again from add/remove04:25
ash__Anyone know how to get Mplayer to stop ummm... I dont know what it's called but showing the black strip on the top and bottom of the screen04:25
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Zemus* Topic for #ubuntu-effects set by Amaranth at Sat Jul 14 16:38:32 200704:25
ash__like movie theaters or whatever04:25
inazadneed help for apache2, i just see a blank page when i'm trying to load a php page04:25
JAppleSeedcan anyone direct me twards a tutorial on installing an IDS on ubuntu04:25
ZemusDoes anyone at all know how to stop metacity from being the default composite manager?04:26
Peloash__,  check in the preferences or ask in #mplayer04:26
petrook big problem, somehow no one is a member of the sudo group anymore04:26
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petrodoes anyone know how to solve this?04:26
Green_TeaPelo vmware all unmark04:26
ScuniziSonicadvance1: I'd hate to advise you further.. I ended up getting my shuffle working be going to winxp first then back to ubuntu. I also added a line to my fstab.04:26
PeloGreen_Tea,  then I don't know04:26
bruenigpetro, there is no sudo group04:26
n-iCeok JAppleSeed we will see, thank you.04:26
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PeloGreen_Tea, try asking in #vmware maybe somene there knows04:27
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petrowell I seem to have lost the ability to use sudo04:27
ZemusDoes anyone at all know how to stop metacity from being the default composite manager?04:27
petroand I am the primary user04:27
thedonvaughnpetro, boot into single user mode and gpasswd -a user admin04:27
ferronicato use Aurora themes what i require?04:27
dug_inazad: try a php file with nothing but this in it: <?php phpinfo(); ?>04:27
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bruenigpetro, did you edit /etc/sudoers?04:27
BernieMacanyone know why me Listen music player just stopped playing my music files?04:28
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inazaddug_, thats what I do.. but nothing... a blank page or a download.....04:28
ScuniziSonicadvance1: the other thing you could try is to add a directory in /media called ipod before plugging it in. then plug it in and type sudo mount -a04:28
dug_petro: the group of people who can sudo is in the /etc/sudoers file, google for tutorials04:28
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someonewhat do I need to set UMASK to in order to enable write support for anyone?04:28
Flannelpetro: type 'groups', do you have 'admin' listed as a group you're in?04:28
dug_inazad: i would try a php irc channel for some help04:29
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inazaddug_, hmm kk04:29
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petrono I am not in the admin group04:29
ScuniziSonicadvance1: the thing is, iTunes will format it and place the appropriate directories on the device.  without knowing what those are or where makes it tough.04:29
bruenigsomeone, just write support or read and execute also?04:29
thedonvaughnpetro, again, maybe you missed me the frist time, boot into single user mode and gpasswd -a user admin04:29
petroI think I just created an admin group though04:29
someonewrite and read04:29
Ashfire908stupid question (please don't give me a ubotu message just tell me): what catgory are fonts under in synaptic?04:30
bruenigsomeone, ok well the directories have to be set to execute also or they don't work04:30
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Flannelpetro: Alright, well, that's why you can't use sudo.  You'll need to add yourself back to the admin group, like thedonvaughn suggested.04:30
petrook so the admin must have gained the sudo privelage when I created it?04:30
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ScuniziSonicadvance1: you can also look at http://ipodlinux.org/Main_Page for more info.04:30
someonebruenig: why not everything at once then04:30
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Flannelpetro: No, you removed sudo privledges from yourself somehow.04:30
bruenigsomeone, umask=00004:30
petrooh ok, well I I'll try to do that04:30
matt3453i cannot get sound to work in realplayer, video is fine, and sound works fine in other programs... anyone have any ideas?04:30
bruenigthere is a way to set dmask and fmask, d meaning directory and f meaning file if you wanted that but yeah04:30
ZemusOh my god, this is ridiculous. An hour and a half asking this crap and I haven't met one person that knows how to assign a composite manager as default. That is SO BASIC. I am new to linux, but I've been doing windows administration and work for years. This kind of illiteracy is *unheard* of from anyone that has the tiniest inkling of what they are doing. I don't mean to be rude, I'm just extremely frustrated.04:30
petrook thanks I'll see if these suggestions work04:31
bruenigZemus, you realize that when you login to a session what happens right?04:31
thedonvaughnZemus, #ubuntu-effects  .04:31
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FlannelZemus: This channel doesn't deal with eyecandy.  Did you ask in #ubuntu-effects?04:31
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thedonvaughnZemus, and you've been on here an hour?  There are 100s of documents explaining what you want.  google is your friend.   compiz-fusion or beryl is what you are looking for04:32
alekaThis is a bit embarrassing... I was in here earlier for a different reason when I saw a command being thrown out for another user to try to list his private ip address [command was 'sudo dhclient'] , I thought I would try it if it was just going to LIST stuff, well since passing that command, a wrong DNS server is being passed into my network configuration and I don't know how to fix it04:32
Ashfire908Zemus: not to me rude, but this is NOT windows! http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm04:32
buttercupswow a windows administration fella for years good for you, your special zema04:32
dug_Zemus: see if this helps: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager04:33
bruenigaleka, dhclient runs everytime the network starts, everytime you boot04:33
thedonvaughnaleka, /etc/resolv.conf is your resolvers configuration04:33
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bruenigaleka, so it is not that04:33
thedonvaughnbruenig, well i don't think he wanted it ran is the point.  probably a static IP04:33
alekaI have corrected the DNS entry to the right entry in System?Adminstration>network but it gets switched back after some time04:33
thedonvaughnbruenig, and it does re-write /etc/resolv.conf04:33
bruenigthedonvaughn, yes I realize that, I didn't consider static04:33
bruenigaleka, is it static?04:33
thedonvaughnaleka, check /etc/resolv.conf04:34
someonebruenig: I mounted a windows HDD drive (I'm in live Feisty), but I can only rename file, I can't create new ones04:34
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bruenigsomeone, ntfs cannot be written to by default04:34
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someonebruenig: i got ntfs-config installed04:34
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bruenigntfs-config is a front end04:34
dug_someone you need ntfs-3g04:34
someonei have it too04:34
someonei mounted it with ntfs-3g04:34
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bruenigsomeone, what command did you use to mount it?04:35
someonesudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /media/winhdd -o forceD04:35
someonenever mind the D04:35
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bruenigwhy force?04:35
Zemusdug_, I viewed that link, Flannel, that channel has no idea either, thedonvaughn I've been googling for a while, haven't come up with anything.04:35
someonebecause it's the only way04:35
alekait is static.. or has been static since the past two weeks I have moved here04:35
nik`o`laihey, is there a way to pick which sound card I use, I'm in kde but I don't know if it's an alsa thing or an arts thing04:35
someonethat's the only it lets me04:35
someonethe only way it will let me04:35
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bruenigsomeone, do "sudo touch /media/winhdd/test04:36
alekathe DNS servers I am manually entering are being swiped by a number I don't know where it is coming from04:36
JAppleSeedSo does no one know anything about IDS on linux04:36
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thedonvaughnZemus, what are you trying to do?  Just set up compiz or beryl?  What do you mean you haven't come up with anything?  Type compiz + ubuntu .  bam 1000s of documents04:36
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thedonvaughnZemus, in google that is04:36
bruenig1000s of crappy blogs who generally don't know what they are talking about04:36
JAppleSeedSo does no one know anything about installing an IDS oon ubuntu04:36
alekathedonvaughn: shouldn't System>adminstration>Network do the same thing then?04:36
bruenigout of date stuff too04:37
someonebruenig: "touch: cannot touch `/media/winhdd/test': Input/output error"04:37
thedonvaughnaleka, in theory.  i never use GUI to configure my settings tho04:37
bruenigsomeone, yeah, hmmm04:37
someonebruenig: yet I have read support working very well04:37
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Kanuhais there an option to set the size of a window? I resize the window while NOT maximized, but the next time I open it does not remember the size I last set it to04:37
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bruenigsomeone, unmount it and mount it with sudo mount -t ntfs-3g -o umask=000 /dev/whatever /mount/point04:38
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bruenigsomeone, if you need force do -o umask=000,force04:38
thedonvaughnZemus, or just wait till next month and Gutsy will have compiz included by default.04:38
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ZemusI'm just trying to make compiz-fusion my default composite manager. Everyone is either telling me how to turn compiz on, or saying "why would you want to use compiz" or just going "you should ask in #kubuntu". I've never even *seen* kubuntu, let alone do I use it. It's so frustrating. That's a popular one too.... "wait till october, the you'll have compiz by default". I already have compiz, I'm not going to wait an entire month just to learn how to chang04:39
Zemuse the default composite manager? That should be extremely simple. And no one knows how.04:39
alekathedonvaughn: in  etc/resolv.conf.. how should multiple entries be handled for 2 Nameservers? Separate lines? ;s?04:39
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bruenigZemus, you seem to be thinking in windows terms, the world of registries and whatnot04:39
thedonvaughnaleka, yup.  each line in the following  format "nameserver xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx"04:39
bruenigZemus, bringing up a gui is very basic, it literally runs a script that launches a bunch of crap04:39
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someonebruenig: same result - no write support, except in renaming files04:40
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bruenigZemus, most composite managers, realizing this, offer a --replace option so that you don't have to edit that script to launch that composite window manager, so you can put beryl --replace or whatever it is in the sessions startup commands04:40
FlannelZemus: This imght help: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager04:40
dug_someone: I have a drive I mount exactly like you do.  I did change the ownership & permissions of the mount point though: 'sudo chown yourusername:yourusername /media/winhdd'04:40
OrTigaShi! i just installed dapper drake to external usb hd. my problem is i cant connect to internet but can see other network machine in our ofc. anny idea why i cant use internet? when i try to connect my lan cable to windows machine it connect to internet. :)04:40
petro_so if I created the usergroup admin, did I overwrite the original admin file04:40
frostburndid you remount?04:40
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NemesisDFlannel, so would i be able to choose files from a folder in icecast or something? I don't really see how this will work with exaile04:40
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xp_killerhow to stop metacity from being the default composite manager?04:40
bruenigsomeone, I don't know, I don't use ntfs04:41
someonebruenig: thanks anyways04:41
someonedug_: thanks i'll try that04:41
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someonedug_: btw im in a live session04:41
MeRodentxp_killer, metacity is the window decorator not the composite manager.04:41
alekathedonvaughn: So dhclient re-writes resolv.conf , with what information? I don't know how it got the random NS that was in there04:41
FlannelNemesisD: Icecast just streams music that you give to it.  On the server, you'd run soemthing (mpd for instance) that will send music to icecast, which your local music player can listen to streaming04:41
dug_someone: and 'sudo chmod 700 /media/winhdd'04:41
bruenigmetacity is the window manager I thought04:41
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dug_someone: unmount and remount04:41
thedonvaughnaleka, from whoever awnsered the DHCP request04:41
dug_someone: what live session?04:42
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xfreakkhi everyone can anyone tell me how to open and read the data from a tcpdump file04:42
someonedug_: "sudo chmod 700 /media/winhdd" in addition of the previous command? 7.0404:42
NemesisDFlannel, what controls what music is being sent to icecast though? id ideally like to be able to go through a music library like in exaile04:42
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dug_someone: that's optional, that makes it so only you can read/write/execute to the drive.04:42
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ZemusFlannel, I've visited that link as well, it doesn't have the info on how to make a composite manager default04:42
Kanuhais there an option to set the size of a window? I resize the window while NOT maximized, but the next time I open it does not remember the size I last set it to04:42
ash__How do I install ATI drivers again?04:42
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someonedug_: i'm pretty sure it's my screwed up hdd04:43
FlannelNemesisD: You'd use something on the server (or the machine that sends the music to the server).  mpd has an ncurses client, and a php interface, and a few other options too.04:43
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thedonvaughnZemus, that or ask your question properly.  Your question almost doesn't make sense.  Compiz is a window manager.  It uses composite extensions from Xorg.  What do you need?  What version of ubuntu?  What version of compiz?  Is it compiz-fusion?  And again ask in #ubuntu-effects04:43
dug_someone: ok, well at least they are cheap nowadays :)04:43
Zemusbruenig, I'm using the --replace option now, but I don't want to replace it, I want to make it default. Even replacing it as a startup script is still replacement... not making it the default manager.04:43
bruenigKanuha, devilspie04:43
xfreakkhi everyone can anyone tell me how to open and read the data from a tcpdump file04:43
alekathedonvaughn: Thanks a bunch for your help... I hope the Nameservers I just put in will not be re-written in a couple of minutes... Thanks for the help though :))04:43
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thedonvaughnaleka, np04:43
someonedug_: I just wanna know one thing: if I go into windows recovery console and enter "fixmbr" and "fixboot", will it destroy all the data I have?04:43
bruenigZemus, ok, right, well realizing now what happens during startup which is a script literally runs and launches a bunch of crap, you will have to find that script and edit it04:43
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dug_xfreakk: googling brought up a few options: http://www.google.com/search?source=ig&hl=en&q=parse+tcpdump&btnG=Google+Search04:43
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FlannelZemus: you just set it to run at startup (well, login)04:44
bruenigZemus, I can help with xfce, but I don't know where that script resides on other DEs04:44
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dug_someone: fixmbr will mess up grub (ubuntu's boot loader)04:44
ZemusFlannel, you set compiz-fusion to run at login? How?04:44
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someonedug_: I don't have any linux installed on that hdd04:44
doug_if i go into grub menu and pick ecoery mode is there anyway i can make feisty desktop go back to lastnight and uninstall or remove all what ever i installed today?04:44
bruenigFlannel, he is being anal about the fact that doing that technically means you are replacing the other wm and not launching it initially04:44
Count|WorkI've got a problem with the ubuntu desktop installer GUI, i was wondering if anyone could help04:44
FlannelZemus: That page explains how, you check the "enable compiz by default" or whatever.04:44
dug_someone: oh, ok, then sure04:44
thedonvaughnZemus, i set mine by issuing fusion-icon in System->Preferences->Sessions04:44
Scunizisomeone: fixboot will distroy data,  fixmbr won't04:45
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Mike22if a really good, commited development team got together today and started working on linux (open-source) packages comparable to "Adobe, Apple, Autodesk, Maxon" 's software.. is it something that could be done within 4-6 years? (sorry for the strange questions)04:45
matt3453i cannot get sound to work in realplayer, video is fine, and sound works fine in other programs... anyone have any ideas?04:45
=== KoPaCh [n=mnm@S010600090f11d99e.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
doug_or even fix problems from the recovry mode?04:45
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thedonvaughnZemus, if you are using feisty i think yo ucan system->preferences->desktop effects04:45
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dug_Mike22: prob. only if a corporation sponsored its development04:45
bruenignone of these things do what he is talking about04:45
bruenigthey all replace, they don't initially run with it04:45
someoneScunizi: my exact problem is that I can't boot into xp, it restarts as soon as the scrolling bar shows up. would fixboot fix it?04:45
thedonvaughnwhat's the diff?04:45
Count|WorkI have ubuntu desktop 7.04. Basically, i'll run the installer, the installer will get somewhere between 50 and 79% and report "input/output error to the hard drive" and cancel the installation. It then tells me that hte problem is the CD rom drive04:45
thedonvaughnu have to replace?04:46
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codeshahhmm... how do I zip files... 'zip'?04:46
Count|WorkHOWEVER, i have tried 3 seperate CD ROm drives, 2 seperate copies of the images, and the installer still crashes04:46
thedonvaughncompiz doesn't do much more than composite.  if you just have compiz, you only have compiz.04:46
bruenigthedonvaughn, you don't have to replace necessarily, it is a lot easier to do so, but I had mine going for a while where it didn't replace04:46
=== joerlend [n=joerlend@249-191.dsl.freewave.no] has joined #Ubuntu
Flannelsomeone: fixmbr won't fix that, no.  That's something messed up with your windows boot.04:46
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frostburnCount|Work, did you burn at lower speeds?04:46
Zemusthedonvaughn, neither of those make it default.04:46
bruenigthedonvaughn, my xinitrc launched beryl then emerald then startxfce4 which meant the xfce window manager never actually was started04:46
someoneFlannel: what about fixboot?04:46
Scunizisomeone: i've had that problem.. boot to the install cd, choose console recovery, when you get to the dos prompt type fixmbr.  When done, reboot without cd.04:46
thedonvaughnZemus, it makes it so it starts up everytime you start your workstation.  what do u mean?04:46
dug_someone: yeah, to add to what Flannel said, if you have a windows xp cd, you can run a system repair perhaps04:46
Count|Workfrostburn: yes, and i verified the burnt data too04:46
Flannelsomeone: I don't really know much about windows boot process.  You ought ot ask in ##windows04:47
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Count|Workis it a a potential problem with the hard drive?04:47
frostburnsounds it04:47
someonedug_: I can't run system repair, unfortunately04:47
alekaWould it be appropriate to ask  a VMware Q in here?04:47
Scunizisomeone: you should also do a chkdsk /R (or /F, can't remember)04:47
Count|Workwell i've started installing to another hard drive, however, its' only 2 gigs in size, so i set the swap space up on the large disk04:47
someoneScunizi: I think I get errors when I try to chkdsk..04:47
bruenigthedonvaughn, although it has virtually the same effect, he wants it to run initially. What happens really with gnome for instance, is metacity is launched then compiz replaces metacity, he wants it so metacity never launches at all04:47
Count|Workmy only question is, is there diagnostic tools in ubuntu equvilent to window's scandisk and chkdsk so i can determine these errors?04:48
thedonvaughnbruenig, understand04:48
Scunizisomeone: that's why you should do it after booting to the cd.  It's hard for windows to fix a file system that's mounted.04:48
someoneScunizi: the thing is - I've really done nothing to my PC. maybe a registry clean-up at worst. so I can hardly imagine it being a hardware problem04:48
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bruenighe seems to have this mystical notion of default though which is nonexistent really04:48
thedonvaughnZemus, well that is highly over complicated and unncecessary.  Why are you mad that no one does that?  I'm ending helping you now.  You're simply too confused on what you want04:48
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Scunizisomeone: registry cleaners .. ah... the jury is still out as to weather it is beneficial or not..  most say not.04:48
dug_Zemus: looks like you may want to upgrade to gutsy: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeByDefault04:49
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frostburni wonder if reg cleaners run in wine =P04:49
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Extravertwhich is better halftone pattern? diffusion or dither?04:49
bruenigcomposite by default does the same thing04:49
Scunizisomeone: also if it's Fat32 that can lead to problems, NTFS is more stable.04:49
bruenigZemus, I understand you, but basically you will need to edit scripts to get it done04:49
someoneScunizi: I'm beginning to get the same picture. Also, what do you mean 'that's why I should do it after booting to the cd'? I don't really have a choice04:49
doug_ok i have music .mp3's on my ntfs i hoped on xp to see if it was with them on that side too just happens on ubuntu they run slow and play real slow how do i fix this04:49
alekaTrying to share files in vmware between host and guest OS and info here[http://www.vmware.com/support/ws45/doc/running_sharefold_ws.html]  says the shared folder option should be under VM>Settings>Option  and I do not have that setting.. Ihave VMware tools installed04:49
someoneScunizi: it's ntfs04:49
Zemusthedonvaughn, I'm confused on what I want? Seriously? I just want to make a composite manager default. And all the answers to that are way off topic. And I'm confused. Great. Wonderful.04:49
cjae_is there any electronics channels like that might deal with bnc ptz cameras under linux04:49
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Zemusbruenig, really? Sounds good, where should I start?04:50
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cjae_for a security dvr04:50
DigitalNinjais there any way to get music from iTunes?04:50
Count|Workwhat kind of performance loss can i expect if i run an application in wine? how much slower does it run as emulated?04:50
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goldbondwhat bt client do you folks recommend? azureus works swimmingly for me for a few minutes, then all of the downloads stop. i could do without that.04:50
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Scunizisomeone: try chkdsk /F /R or /r after booting from install cd (windows install cd)04:50
thedonvaughnZemus, yup.  compiz and everything works great for me.  Everytime i log in.  Has worked for months.  Guess I'm the one confused04:50
frostburngoldbond, use the azureus from the sourceforge site04:50
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bruenigZemus, one thing you might want to do though is drop this official notion of "default," It smacks of some sort of official registry or something. It literally just launches one program after another during the gui login, starts with the desktop, then the panel then the wm and so forth, there is no real official default, just whatever the script runs. But yeah i don't know gnome well so I can't help on that04:51
Kanuhabruenig, thx, what would the command be assuming that is the only window open? devilspie -a unmaximize04:51
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someoneScunizi: I think it told me that I had a corrupted volume. Which is incredibly strange considering that only software could have really caused this whole thing04:51
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gusto5hello, i just installed compiz tray icon with compiz 0.4.0, but now nautilus lags on load up (freezes for a minute or so)04:51
bruenigKanuha, devilspie is usually controlled by scripts written in ~/.devilspie, or that is how I have done it04:51
cjae_Count|Work, think wine is an transtional layer not an emulator so it should run the same04:51
Scunizisomeone: or a virus04:51
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Kanuhabruenig, thx, I'll have a look04:52
bruenigKanuha, then you launch devilspie at startup and it constantly monitors windows and stuff to make sure the rules you set are applied04:52
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Count|Workcjae_: but i would have to run a 64 bit ubuntu to run a 64 bit program emulated, wouldnt i?04:52
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Zemusbruenig, as of right now, it is launching metacity immediately -- I'm sure there must be a way to make it launch compiz easily instead. So that it boots up to compiz, instead of booting up to metacity? Very common.04:52
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Green_TeaWhen i tyr go system > admin to synaptice package manager gave me this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37653/04:52
bruenigZemus, it's not very common amongst ubuntu people at least, they just generally go with the replace thing04:53
iqoni'm having usb hard drive troubles, anyone know what "reset high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 3" means?04:53
Green_TeaWhen i tyr go system > admin to synaptice package manager gave me this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37653/04:53
cjae_Count|Work, not sure that 64 bit is supported under wine but it may just work as 3204:53
alekathedonvaughn: bah....my /etc/resolv.conf got re-written again... and I did not pass the dhclient program... it is replacing my entries with ""search localdomain04:53
chuckman78Was Automatix finally shut down?04:53
doug_how do i see what all i have as in drivers and in codecs and in hardwar undr gnome?04:53
cjae_Count|Work, I may very well be wrong04:53
frostburnaleka, are you using openvpn?04:53
thedonvaughnaleka, weird04:53
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bruenigZemus, if you can find someone who knows where gnome puts its session files, it will tell you the script and you can go from there04:54
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ScuniziZemus, I'm taking a shot in the dark here.  But metacity is the preferred startup environment, it can then get replaced by compiz.04:54
alekamaybe a re-start is in order... although I have no idea why it keeps re-writing my DNS04:54
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Green_TeaWhen i tyr go system > admin to synaptice package manager gave me this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37653/04:54
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bruenigZemus, it might be in /etc/X11/sessions?04:54
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bruenigZemus, is there something in there like a gnome.desktop or something?04:54
ScuniziZemus, you will probably get better answers in #ubuntu-effects.04:54
doug_how do i check on what hardware i have and what all software and codecs i have installed?04:54
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alekathedonvaughn: Would you know if dhclient puts in a cronjob or some sort of timeout to keep on renewing DCHP information?04:55
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cjae_Count|Work, http://wiki.winehq.org/WineOn64bit04:55
thedonvaughnaleka, hrm maybe killall -9 dhclient to make sure it's not running?04:55
chuckman78Was Automatix finally shut down?04:55
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frostburnaleka, it's nm04:55
bruenig!repeat | chuckman7804:55
ubotuchuckman78: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience04:55
mannytuchuckman78, was it?04:55
ZemusScunizi, I'm getting answers all at once from here, ubuntu-effects, and compiz-fusion04:56
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ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!04:56
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bruenigZemus, this is not really an effects question, but can you look in that directory /etc/X11/sessions04:56
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mannytuchuckman78:I do not use it...04:56
doug_how do i check and see what hardware i have what i type in the terminal for it?04:56
chuckman78me neither, but a friend does and he cant reach it04:57
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rathelI need some help with mt-daapd. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37632/04:57
mannytuthe best answers are right here...04:57
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frostburndoug_, cat /proc/cpuinfo , lspci, lsusb04:57
untunghow to setup dial up networking in ubuntu?04:57
bruenigwow Zemus for being all crazily pissed when no one helped you, you aren't really responding04:57
doug_frostburn,  thnks04:57
Zemusbruenig, sorry, I've got quite a few windows open04:58
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chuckman78untug: have you already setted up your modem?04:58
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untungchuckman how do i know if my modem correctly installed?04:59
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workmunchDoes anyone know of an MPD client that supports fullscreen visualizations? Or if XMMS suppords mpd directly? The info out there is confusing.04:59
SkryptWhat's the command to merge halves of a movie?    'cat avi1.avi avi2.avi > avi_1&1.avi'?04:59
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gustocan anyone teach me to uninstall my own compiles?04:59
bruenigSkrypt, avimerge is such a tool in mencoder04:59
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untungchuckman: i can see that in device manager conexant HSF modem05:00
chuckman78untung: go to this website: http://linmodems.org  you will find the right info there...05:00
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Skryptbruenig: you can do it through the terminal though so why install a program? I just forgot the string05:00
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bruenigbecause it exists I am going to assume the cat solution won't work but I am intrigued05:00
bruenigSkrypt, avimerge is a command line program....05:00
SkryptOk, so I think cat will work but it's hit and miss05:01
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Skryptso I'll install avimerge.05:01
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bruenigSkrypt, its actually part of transcode not mencoder, my fault05:01
doug_what do i type in the terminal to see what all codecs i have installed05:01
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NemesisDis there any less complicated way of just SSH w/ X forwarding and being able to hear audio? i really don't want to set up icecast or mpd05:01
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poul|raiderYo, any mathematicans around. who can show me a plot of Xn+1 = 2.5*Xn(1-Xn) (recrusiv function) Maple is realy making me cry :(05:02
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NemesisDpoul|raider, #ubuntu-offtopic05:02
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etherwithout going throught the horror that is "iptables" is there any other way to output an internet connection to a router?05:02
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progekNo matter which program I use to watch DVD movies, the picture is messed up (color + laggy). I've tried VLC, mplayer, ogle, etc. I have my Nvidia drivers installed. Any ideas?05:03
=== Creed [n=Ron@71-217-122-249.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
doug_what do i type in to see what all codecs i have installed?05:03
bruenigdoug_, there is no such thing05:03
bruenigdoug_, ls /usr/lib/gstreamer is close05:04
doug_bruenig,  aww darn ok05:04
Scuniziprogek: you might not have DMA turned on for your DVD player.05:04
CreedHad a question, how do I make it so if I type like "myproggy" in a SSH/terminal window, it launches /home/me/myproggy?05:04
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bruenigdoug_, doesn't really make sense though as codecs are just files....05:04
doug_hey bruenig  u knwo anything about mp3 music liek crashes?05:04
CreedIt launches it from anyhere (so i dont haev to type the path every time)05:04
etherCreed: add /home/me to your path05:04
progekScunizi, thanks, how can I go about finding out/turning it on if it's off?05:04
don_puccihey all05:04
Creedether, how would I do that?05:04
bruenigdoug_, I know I have never had one05:05
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).05:05
doug_bruenig,  reason i ask is i can play some music and it runs real slow and id go to the ntfs side and play ti it runs fine05:05
astro76Creed, good way (not recommended to add your actual home directory to your path) is to make a bin/ in your home directory (this will be in your path if it exists when you login), put it in there05:05
bruenigdoug_, your experiment seems far from full proof05:05
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etherCreed: IIRC it's "export PATH=$PATH + '/home/me'05:05
Scunizi!dma | progek05:05
ubotuprogek: dma is Direct Memory Access/Addressing. It makes hard disks & optical drives transfer data faster, and is almost always enabled in Ubuntu 6.06. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DMA05:05
etherbut don't quote me on that05:05
bruenigdoug_, set up a nice scientifically competent experiment to determine the cause, one with only 1 variable05:05
etheryou might want to google it first05:05
doug_bruenig,  it happened this aftr noon05:05
bruenigif only more people would do that05:06
CreedOh thanks ether & astro7605:06
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doug_bruenig,  i wouldnt knwo how to do that05:06
bruenigyou can easily troubleshoot these problems by making it so only one thing is different between the times it works and the times it crashes05:06
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bruenigthen you know that one thing is what caused it05:06
don_pucciany ideas as to why mouse freezes on user logout?05:06
doug_bruenig,  here is my post i have been updating it evrytime i find more info i didnt know about http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3377675#post337767505:07
bruenigcan't even begin to tell you how many times I have figured stuff out like that05:07
bruenigbut no people just say stuff happened, fix it05:07
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goldbondi deleted iptables and forwarded a port on my router, but i still get an NAT error in azureus. what could be the problem?05:07
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frostburngoldbond, check out the azureus wiki for ubuntu issues05:08
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progekScunizi: this is what I get following the steps to turn it on05:08
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progekHDIO_SET_DMA failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device05:08
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don_pucciany ideas as to why mouse freezes on user logout?05:08
Scuniziprogek: there may be a setting in the bios that you need to turn on as well.. or maybe your drive doesn't support dma.05:08
progekthat is when running-> sudo hdparm -d1 /dev/sda105:08
rathelI need some help with mt-daapd. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37632/05:09
Scuniziprogek: sda1 is a harddrive not a DVD rom..05:09
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progekok thanks05:09
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tkdi need advice on a yahoo substitute that will allow ya to send files05:10
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progek/dev/hdc  is no such file or dir. How can I find the correct path?05:11
gusto5hello, i would like to know how to remove a self-compile of compiz gnome manager05:11
RonDuttHow do I change the time on ubuntu? (command line way, I dont have a gui)05:11
dug_tkd: did you try Kopete?  It does yahoo, but i'm not sure about file transfer05:11
Scuniziprogek: hang on.05:11
derekSanyone know of a gtk/gnome app that can keep track of my investments (mutual funds, stocks, etc) and also has options to reinvest the dividends and such? Its soo much easier than logging into my bank fi you have one...05:11
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frostburngusto5, make uninstall, otherwise you're out of luck05:11
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fainravenholly shit i just folowed the most intensive crazy instructions to installing my nvidia driver who gave me this i dont remeber05:12
tickeddug_ i will try05:12
stdin!ohmy | fainraven05:12
ubotufainraven: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.05:12
ubotudma is Direct Memory Access/Addressing. It makes hard disks & optical drives transfer data faster, and is almost always enabled in Ubuntu 6.06. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DMA05:12
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Scuniziprogek: try fdisk -l (that last one is a lower case L)05:13
MeRodentfainraven, so did it work?05:13
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n-iCeI have ubuntu-server and i installed fluxbox, apt-get install fluxbox, it have finish how do I start the desktop?05:14
stdinn-iCe: try "startx"05:14
progekDisk /dev/sda: 120.0 GB05:14
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n-iCestdin ok, I rebooted the pc, to see first if it asks me how start, if not, i'll write that.05:15
Scunizin-iCe: sudo /etc/init.d/??? start.  the ??? should be substituted for the startup for fluxbox.  gnome is gdm, kde is kdm, xubuntu is xfce405:15
stdinn-iCe: you'll have to install gdm/kdm/xdm to make it do that automatically05:15
frostburnyou can run fluxbox from gdm,kdm05:15
progekthe guide assumes /dev/hdc but that does not work for me. How can I find the correct path to use?05:15
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bruenigScunizi, no, those things start display managers05:16
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bruenigScunizi, or login managers really05:16
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TalciteDoes the IP table config get overwritten when the computer restarts?05:16
Scuniziprogek: put a cd in the drive then fdisk -l and it should list it.05:16
doug_how do i make a ziped folder in ubuntu?05:16
jetscreameruse zip05:16
TalciteI'm not using a gui, so firestarter's out of the question05:16
Scunizibruenig: k.. thanks.05:16
doug_or compress a folder05:16
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RonDuttHow do I change the time on ubuntu? (command line way, I dont have a gui)05:17
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Scuniziprogek: gotta run.. late.. nite. someone else will pick up the ball here.05:17
progekmaybe I have a hardware issue? well even with a disk in the drive it just shows me sda1/linux, sda2/ext, sda5/swap05:17
progekalright thanks05:17
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dug_RonDutt: http://www.linuxsa.org.au/tips/time.html05:18
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RonDuttthanks dug_05:19
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Monty_hi - i have a server question05:20
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Monty_is this the right place to ask it (it is a simple one)05:21
astro76Monty_, ask away05:21
SitheraeAnyone know what happened to #beryl?05:21
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disinterestedanyone know how to get write permissions on a slave drive?05:21
progekI'm trying to turn on DMA but my drive does not show on the average /dev/hdc   how can I find the right path?05:21
astro76disinterested, what file system?05:21
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astro76progek, it's probably sd*05:21
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Monty_which should i use for file serving - smb or nfs? it is for a server that is being shared between two people05:22
progekastro76 thanks, should fdisk -l show it? because i don't see it05:22
disinterestedits clear but its formatted as ex305:22
astro76Monty_, is Windows involved?05:22
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Monty_yes - window, max os x and linux05:22
astro76progek, use sudo fdisk -l05:22
GhostlyDeathI never heard of Max OS X.... is it new?05:22
astro76Monty_, then you'll want smb05:23
progekthat is what I used05:23
GhostlyDeathnor Window05:23
progeksda1/linux, sda2/ext, sda5/swap05:23
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Monty_ok - thanks - is there any good tutorials out there that anyone would recommend?05:23
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ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT05:23
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gustofrostburn, okay, i managed to make uninstall compiz 0.4.0 and gnome compiz manager, but for some reason, nautilus takes like 1.5 minutes to load, and something looks terribly wrong05:24
DWonderlyMonty_ for what?05:24
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stillmotionHi guys. I am trying to make a lynx command run in a cron job.05:24
astro76disinterested, if you want it writable by your user only, sudo chown -R <user>:<user> /media/<mountpoint>05:25
stillmotionAll I want it to do is run the command "lynx http://examplesite.com"05:25
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astro76guess he was disinterested :O05:25
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stillmotionBut I get terminal errors.05:25
stillmotionWhat is the correct command that I should do for a cron job?05:25
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dug_stillmotion: do you want to download the webpage?05:26
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stillmotionJust visit it.05:26
stillmotionUntill it doesn't load anymore.05:26
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n-iCestdin here?05:27
n-iCeDoesn't work05:27
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dug_stillmotion: oh do you want to check regularly if a web server is still running?  you can do that by downloading the file05:27
stillmotionNo, I need to visit it.05:27
gustomy window manager doesnt seem to be working, anyone can point me in the right way?05:27
stillmotionIt's a script that needs to be visited daily.05:27
PPPPi have a bluetooth usb dongle in place and tried "hcitool dev" to list it.  but i can't see it.  but when i tried lsusb, it shows up.  what should i do?05:27
user01where is the best place to get w32codecs from?05:28
stdinn-iCe: then you'll probably want a display manager05:28
stdin!w32codecs | user0105:28
progekAlright, DMA is on but my video playback for DVD's is still messed up05:28
ubotuuser01: Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs05:28
astro76!medibuntu | user0105:28
ubotuuser01: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org05:28
dug_stillmotion: ok, cron runs stuff in the background, it isn't for visual tasks.  but if you fetch a webpage (download it), it will run that script on the server05:28
shadowfoxi am trying to install ubuntu 7.04 and every time i get to the install it locks up at detecting File system any ideas on why05:28
progekcan't figure it out05:28
astro76user01, either one of those05:28
stillmotionok, dug_ how do I do that then?05:28
progekplayback is laggy and color is off05:28
n-iCestdin what should I do then?05:28
stdinn-iCe: install one of kdm, gdm or xdm05:29
dug_stillmotion: run the command "wget http://your.url/"05:29
stillmotionwhat's the command to overwrite?05:29
n-iCestdin how05:29
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stdinn-iCe: apt-get05:29
n-iCestdin which one is the best if I installed fluxbox05:29
Monty_sorry - had to walk away for a minute05:29
dug_stillmotion: or in your cron job: wget -q http://your.url/ to run in quiet mode05:29
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stdinn-iCe: there is no best, and the one you choose doesn't really matter. all do the same job05:30
stillmotionok, so will that overwrite it?05:30
Monty_i mean is there any good tutorials for setting up users and shares on server that someone could recommend?05:30
rathelI need some help with mt-daapd. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37632/05:30
Monty_for smb - that is05:30
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dug_stillmotion: yeah, pass the "-o outputfile" option to specify where to save the file.  See "man wget"05:31
Tsukasai know theres someone05:31
roachmmflhyranyone interested in helping others with programming or want to learn something new check out my new forum http://c.linuxsecured.net05:31
n-iCestdin ok05:31
shadowfoxi am trying to install ubuntu 7.04 and every time i get to the install it locks up at detecting File system any ideas on why05:31
Tsukasacomeon who absolutely loves the monstrousity of errors of dpkg and wants to help me05:31
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Tsukasai have it pastebin'ed05:31
dug_Tsukasa: i would just ask your question, and maybe someone can help you, maybe not05:32
craigbass1976I'm getting couldn't open pid file '...named.pid': Permission denied when firing up bind, even though bind owns the folder.  I've trid it with root owning the folder too, to no avail05:32
Tsukasawell, dpkg died, and it needs to work05:32
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jamisonis there a quick hotkey to bring up a new terminal window in X server?05:32
dug_Tsukasa: just a guess, but did you put a "sudo" before whatever dpkg command you ran?05:33
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jamisonor is there a way to get the superkey to pull down the Applications menu?05:33
craigbass1976jamison, You can make one; you mean like Ctrl+K?05:33
n-iCestdin Doone, now?05:33
Tsukasadug_: yes but it wasnt dpkg that i ran directly05:33
jamisoncraigbass1976: ctrl+k not working for me...05:33
jamisoncraigbass1976: how do i make one?05:33
Tsukasadug_: it was apt-get install ubuntu-standard linux-386 ubuntu-desktop dmraid grub ntfs-3g after debootstrapping feisty05:33
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stdinn-iCe: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm start (replace the ? with the letter of the one you installed, k, g, or x)05:34
dug_jamison: you can try the settings under system->preferences->keyboard shortcuts05:34
craigbass1976jamison, really...  System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts05:34
n-iCegmd :D05:34
dug_Tsukasa: did you run "sudo apt-get install ..." or just "apt-get install..."05:34
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n-iCestdin does it will start automatically?05:34
shadowfoxi am trying to install ubuntu 7.04 and every time i get to the install it locks up at detecting File system any ideas on why05:34
Tsukasadug_: which actually wasnt really necessary since im root to begin with.05:35
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stdinn-iCe: it will05:35
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craigbass1976jamison, at the end of the Desktop section, the last item, is terminal.  i'ts got not shortcut by default, at least not in dapper, edgy, or feisty05:35
gusto5when i start up my computer, nautilus freezes, and i have no windows manager05:35
dug_Tsukasa: i see, sorry, i don't know, you might post on the ubuntu forums05:35
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gusto5when i go into console and run "metacity --replace" it fixes the problem, why does this happen on startup?05:37
jamisonthnx craigbass197605:37
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craigbass1976Got 'er done?05:37
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BernieMacanyone know why me Listen music player just stopped playing my music files?05:37
|birdman|i cant get my wireless working on ubuntu05:37
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craigbass1976jamison, I use Ctrl+K becuase I was using Konsole when I first set it up in Fedora, but I imagine there are any keys not taken05:38
m1kehaving a problem with apt.  It appears to be broken.  Can't finishing updating.05:38
craigbass1976|birdman|, good luck05:38
|birdman|lol why do you say that craig05:38
Evanlec_anyone know if feisty supports SMP out of the box?05:38
frostburnyes it does05:38
pike_m1ke: apt-get -f install?05:38
Evanlec_so there's no need to download an -smp kernel?05:39
craigbass1976|birdman|, wireless, and I'm not sure who to yell at (I imagine the manufacturers) is still a pain in Linux a good part of the time05:39
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pike_i think the default is smp but not sure05:39
m1kepike_, It is the auto updater.  And give me same error and tries to make me restart.05:39
|birdman|so im pretty much screwed?05:39
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jamisonis there a place to configure which compviz effects are enabled/disabled?05:39
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progekHi room, this is what happens when I try to watch a DVD movie with any player
progekany ideas?05:40
FIRESIDE91Jamison: ccsm05:40
pike_m1ke: what does it say?05:40
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astro76progek, installed libdvdcss2 ?05:40
craigbass1976|birdman|, no, not necessarily.  Do an lspci and tell me what shows up for a wireless adapter05:40
progekone sec, I get the version05:41
frostburnprogek, offtopic, but what theme is that?05:41
|birdman|what do you mean05:41
FIRESIDE91frostburn, it's standard Ubuntu Human05:41
progekhuman theme with a diff wallpaper + transparent panels05:41
jamisonFIRESIDE91: bash: ccsm: command not found05:41
progekjust changed the foreground color on panels05:42
craigbass1976|birdman|, type lspci at the command prompt, and look through the output for a line mentioning wireless adapter05:42
FIRESIDE91jamison: Did you install a version of compiz or are you using the stuff included with Ubuntu05:42
|birdman|i need to do that in unbuntu?05:42
progekok, libdvdcss2 is 1.2.9-205:42
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|birdman|or can i do it in windows05:42
xp_prghi all I am having the hardest time figuring out what resolution jumpcut posts their videos in05:42
jamisonFIRESIDE91: stuff that came w/ fiesty fawn05:42
rathelI need some help with mt-daapd. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37632/05:42
xp_prgcan anyone help me to know this?05:42
MongooseWAis there a way to get sound juicer to be able to label a wider variety of tracks automatically? it's not fetching the track names for my blue scholars cd's05:43
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ubotuAutomatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software.  When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it.  A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme)05:43
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FIRESIDE91jamison: You can't change anything more than whats in System -> preferences -> desktop effects without installing compiz fusion or beryl05:43
progekI also made sure DMA was enabled05:43
|birdman|craigbass1976, do i need to do this in unbuntu or can i do it in windows05:44
craigbass1976|birdman|, did you just say the W word?  Ooooh baaaad.  You have to type that command in ubuntu05:44
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|birdman|ok ill be back then i need to boot into it05:44
m1kepike_, here is my error http://www1.uploadhut.com/viewimage.php?type=2&id=24975-Screenshot-synaptic.png05:44
jamisonFIRESIDE91: which do you recommend--compiz fusion? and where to install--add/remove?05:44
craigbass1976|birdman|, we'll be here05:44
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FIRESIDE91Jamison: I recommend beryl, much more stable05:45
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HueyHow is everyone05:45
FIRESIDE91The big issue is all of the configuration needed, just do a search for "Ubuntu Beryl"05:45
jamisonFIRESIDE91: ok thnx i'll read up on it05:46
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hxuHi! I'm going to ask an off-topic question, sorry. I was just promoted as vice manager of the R&D dept. What should I put on the namecard? "R&D vice director" or "R&D vice manager"? or something else?05:47
progekso anyone know what could cause this playing DVD movies?  My DMA is enabled, I have libdvdcss2 etc. I have tested this with ogle, totem and vlc and all give these same results. I also have my nvidia drivers installed and get a high fps on glxgears05:47
hxuenglish is not my mother tongue05:47
FIRESIDE91Vice manager kxu05:47
KurtKrauthxu: please try #ubuntu-offtopic05:47
Hueyhxu what is your first lanuage?05:47
pike_m1ke: id build a sources.list here: http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic and then gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list   and paste it over the existing text. save and exit and sudo apt-get update then sudo apt-get -f install if that doesnt work.. i dunno05:47
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HueySorry, I only speak English and italian05:48
hxuHuey: I also need english titles on my namecard05:48
TsukasaCan someone help me with a dpkg error? http://pastebin.com/m59e3474805:48
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NastyAccidentBig Brother is Watching...05:48
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m1kepike_, That works for gutsy?05:48
troy_sanyone else having dvd playback issues in gutsy?  amd6405:48
progekI'm having issues in Feisty05:48
n-iCestdin is says starting gnome display manager [ok] 05:49
n-iCeAnd that's all05:49
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stdinn-iCe: it should switch to it, try pressing Alt-F705:49
troy_scommercial dvds refuse to mount.  i suspect it is a libdvdcss2 issue, but ideas appreciated (installed both dvdcss2 via the script and a repo)05:49
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AHHHHELPAhh help! i  did alt+ctrl+f2   and now i can't get interface ( tried rebooting... )05:50
m1kepike_, I think it tried to update the kernell from .10 to .11 but failed, so that message comes to me everytime an update happens05:50
phiqtionhow can i hide the mounted XP icon on the desktop?05:50
KurtKrauttroy_s: and those DVDs used to be playable in Feisty ?05:50
troy_sKurtKraut: Completely.  Generally, since about breezy I just run the install-css.sh script and poof -- mounting not a problem.05:50
troy_sKurtKraut: Gutsy isn't digging them though.05:50
jamisonwhat is the best way to install stuff like php, mysql, svn, httpd, etc. on Ubuntu--yum?05:51
KurtKrauttroy_s: I think you should report it as a bug or ask for help in #ubuntu+105:51
AHHHHELPsynaptic package installer j aimson05:51
troy_sjamison: aptitude, apt-get or synaptic05:51
astro76!packages | jamison05:51
ubotujamison: You can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!05:51
n-iCenothing stiev305:51
xerophyteI have server with 2 different subnet ip aliases configured .. how do you do i t.. do they need to setup 2 trunk on the port or how can a one interface have 2 subnet ips ?05:51
phiqtionhow can i hide the mounted XP icon on the desktop?05:51
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AHHHHELPphiqtion: the disk looking symbol?05:52
AHHHHELPcan someone help me with myquestion?  i did alt + ctrl+f2 and i'm locked out now . i restarted and now i'm like sscrewed05:52
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phiqtionAHHHHELP: yeah bro05:53
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troy_sAHHHHELP: f2 takes you to virt term 205:53
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astro76AHHHHELP, ctrl+alt+F7 doesn't take you back?05:53
troy_sAHHHHELP: ctrl/alt/f7 should get you back to X05:53
stdinn-iCe: hmm, not sure, it should start. you can try asking in #ubuntu-server they know more about the server edition05:53
Tsukasahttp://pastebin.com/m59e34748 <-- can someone take a look at this and help me for a sec?05:53
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scalawagHas anyone used MTA (or any other mailserver available through the base repo's Ubuntu has to offer)05:53
phiqtionAHHHHELP: yeah bro05:53
phiqtionhow can i hide the mounted XP icon on the desktop?05:54
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KurtKrautscalawag: I suggest you using postfix.05:54
troy_sphiqtion: wtf are you talking about?  Is there an xp disk in the can?05:54
scalawagpostfix...thanks, I'll look into it05:54
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zeeeeecan anyone help with my intel gma 950 issues? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=55186905:54
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shadowfoxUbuntu locks up at installation when it says 15% detecting file system05:55
phiqtiontroy_s: i installed ubuntu after windows. everytime i start ubuntu, xp is mounted as a local NTFS disk, HTF i remove or hide the icon on the desktop as the only option i'm getting is to unmount the volume, i want to hide the icon.05:55
troy_sif you unmount it, it will go away.05:55
Tsukasahttp://pastebin.com/m59e34748 <-- can someone take a look at this and help me for a sec?05:55
KurtKrautshadowfox: have you used the option 'Check CD for defects' that appear in the boot screen ?05:55
shadowfox Yes05:55
troy_sthe mounted filesystems are a byproduct of natilus -- if you don't want that -- you can change you fstab to quit mounting it.05:55
shadowfoxand this is the secound cd i have made05:56
AHHHHELPtroy_s: I still get a black screen05:56
shadowfoxand i have check the md505:56
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phiqtiontroy_s: i want to leave it mounted, just hide the icon on the desktop.05:56
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KurtKrautshadowfox: both with md5sum matching and stopping in the same point ?05:56
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DWonderlyAnyone have an idea how to fix a blue hue on DVDs and recorded media?05:57
KurtKrautshadowfox: how much RAM installed do you have ?05:57
phiqtionhow can i hide the mounted XP icon on the desktop?05:57
arooni-mobilehey folks.......... i can't play back any .mp4 H.264 content.........  every media player under the sun crashes.... ideas?05:57
KurtKrautshadowfox: what version are you trying to install ?05:57
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scalawagKurtKraut, have you used postfix?05:57
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KurtKrautscalawag: a long time ago. if you need assistance, try #ubuntu-server or ubuntuforums.org05:58
scalawagThanks man05:58
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KurtKrautshadowfox: did you run the memtest to check the RAM health ?05:58
KurtKrautshadowfox: Any error was found ?05:58
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shadowfoxits an old IBM thinkpad a21m05:59
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KurtKrautshadowfox: the hardisk is probably damaged.05:59
shadowfoxahh ok05:59
shadowfoxis there a way for me to check05:59
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winstondoes the new virtual pimp my ride work in ubuntu?05:59
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KurtKrautshadowfox: in a old device, I dont know what to recommend to check. Try asking for help in ubuntuforums.org06:00
shadowfoxok thanks06:00
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troy_sphiqtion: Have fstab mount it somewhere other than /media06:00
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troy_sphiqtion: IIRC everything under /media automatically is put on the desktop via nautilus.06:00
winstonKurtKraut: do you know iif the new virtual pimp my ride works in ubuntu or of anywhere i can check06:00
shadowfoxi had server 2003 running on it so i thought ubuntu would be fun Thank you For your time06:00
KurtKrautwinston: is it a program or a website ?06:01
fermatstheoremanybody wants to discuss linux startup vs launchd?06:01
iammiscii'm using ubuntu dapper and the hplip version is too old and i'm using a newer printer and i need to upgrade06:01
winstonits a program06:01
jamisonhow can i get it to remember alias ll='ls -l' in shell?06:01
winstonKurtKraut: it is a program06:01
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iammiscdo i have to compile myself and if so, how should i go about uninstalling ubuntu's hp06:01
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fermatstheoremjamison: put it in your .profile06:01
KurtKrautiammisc: I recommed you using the lattest version of Ubuntu. There has been some improvements in the printing system since Dapper.06:01
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KurtKrautwinston: is it designed for Windows ?06:02
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winstonKurtKraut: im not sure. do you know how to check06:03
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Tsukasaguys i need help. dbus wont start06:03
fatcatmattso...i'm back on vista...ubuntu just couldn't take my streets and trips06:03
iammisckurtkraut can i upgrade from dapper to feisty?06:03
KurtKrautwinston: is it a .EXE file ?06:03
winstonhold on let me check06:03
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NemesisDanybody know anything about mpd? i keepd getting connection refused when trying to connect to my mpd server with gmpc06:03
KurtKrautiammisc: sure https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes06:03
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progekanyone know what this error means? No accelerated IMDCT transform found   I get that trying to playback a DVD movie06:04
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iammisckurtkraut won't that take a long time? from 6.06 to 6.1006:04
iammiscand 6.10 to 7.04?06:04
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Tsukasacan someone please help me? dbus wont start in ubuntu06:04
Payeresq weaa??06:05
fatcatmatttsukasa: just download the iso of it06:05
Tsukasafatcatmatt: how does that help it not *starting*06:05
KurtKrautiammisc: it depends on the speed of your internet connection, in order to download the needed files.06:05
fatcatmatthow not? what's the problem, tsukasa06:05
gilsterhello. I did a fresh install on a recently built machine. All works well  except my startup is a bit slow. After grub, when progress bar is done it fades to black for a good 30 seconds before showing me login screen. any ideas?06:05
iammisckurtkraut; it's dsl but won't that take hard drive space06:05
iammisca lot of space06:05
rocketsMy disc IO is going crazy and i have no idea why06:06
Tsukasafatcatmatt: http://pastebin.com/m59e34748 line 3106:06
rocketsis there any way to tell whats using the disc06:06
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fatcatmatttsukasa: do you have any way of actually going to the website and downloading it?06:06
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Tsukasafatcatmatt: well yes06:06
fatcatmatttsukasa: and you aren't doing that because...06:07
KurtKrautiammisc: you can burn a Alternate CD to do the upgrade from the CD. It will save some disk space. How much free space do you have ?06:07
Tsukasafatcatmatt: according to apt-get its installed already?06:07
winstonKurtKraut: dang on the requirements it says windblows 98 me or whatever06:07
KurtKrautrockets: yes, it has. Let me try to remmeber06:07
iammisci just don't want those upgraded deb packages to still exist on my pc after i updgrade06:07
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longgia2001Dear all, my nautilus get crazy, the icons on desktop disappered, and nautilus crash & restart continuosly06:07
DerangedDingois there a semi-uncomplicated way of getting gaim to channel chat messages to a .log file that could be tailed in conky?06:07
rocketsKurtKraut, what has06:07
longgia2001Please advise06:07
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DerangedDingowould I need a script?06:08
Tsukasafatcatmatt: what do you mean by download an iso anyways, the closest i can do is get the git and compile myself06:08
rlountwinston, word. Armagetron.06:08
iammiscKurtKraut also, can I be sure edgy will work on my system?06:08
KurtKrautwinston: since it requires an old version of Windows, you may try Wine. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine06:08
fatcatmatttsukasa: can you get on mozilla?06:08
Tsukasafatcatmatt: yes06:08
rlountwinston, Nerverwinter Nights rawks it.06:08
fatcatmatttsukasa: go to ubuntu's site and download the cd image of feisty fawn and burn it to cd and restart your computer and install it.  that easy06:09
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KurtKrautiammisc: probably yes, since it is an improvement from Dapper. You may run it from a LiveCD to check for specific compability. But Edgy is not the latest version, the latest is Feisty (7.04).06:09
KurtKrautiammisc: another version will be released within a month, it is called Gutsy (7.10)06:09
DerangedDingowinston: there's a version of Darwinia for Linux06:09
Tsukasafatcatmatt: not really no. im installing on a raid-0 array which ubuntu installers do not recognize (not even the alt. cd)06:09
winstonrlount: i had armegetron but i built a new pc so i forgot where to get it06:09
BernieMacanyone know why my Listen music player just stopped playing my music files?06:09
gilstermy startup is a bit slow. After grub, when progress bar is done it fades to black for a good 30 seconds before showing me login screen. any ideas?06:09
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fatcatmatttsukasa: good luck then, my friend06:09
arooni-mobilei am trying to compile the latest vlc player from source........... is there anything bad about doing:  ./configure; ./make;  ./make install (overwriting older existing vlc player)?06:10
frostburngilster, wireless card present?06:10
Tsukasafatcatmatt: i got most of it installed manually but dbus wont start, its the only thing left til a complete install06:10
winstonDerangedDingo: whats that?06:10
KurtKrautgilster: try installing bum to disable unecessary stuff06:10
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iammiscwhen i upgrade from version to version will the files it downloads still be on my computer after the upgrade?06:10
rlountwinston, it's somewhere in multi I think. open synaptic and see if you can search for it.06:10
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winstonrlount: ok brb06:10
astro76arooni-mobile, Feisty already has the latest06:11
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winstonrlount: you want to play armegetron06:12
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frostburnso many hours wasted on armegetron, other than a vpn, how else could one play it from a different network06:13
rlountwinston, naw man. wish i could. am configuring AMANDA w/ an IBM Ultrium 3583 thats giving me hell.06:13
rlountwinston, you got it up and running tho?06:14
winstonrlount:  dang its not in my games list06:14
iammischow long would a distribution upgrade take on a dsl connection. Also, will my settings still be there when i'm done?06:14
frostburnwinston, use synaptic package manager06:14
rlountwinston, you can log out and log back in again or just call it by issuing alt-F2 and then typing armagetron06:15
rlountor terminal "armagetron &"06:15
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KurtKrautiammisc: you'll probably have to download around 700mb of files. If you have more than 1gHz of processor and 256mb of RAM, after the dowload things should be installed withing an hour.06:15
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rlounthave a good time w/ it!06:15
frostburniammisc, 6000mbit connection? maybe an hour06:15
KurtKrautiammisc: don't forget to make backup of your personal files before trying an upgrade06:15
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iammiscKurtKraut: could it corrupt the hard disk?06:16
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winstonk i gots it running on my tv06:16
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cdm10How can I change the system's main keymap?06:16
winstonrlount: i gots it running on my tv06:16
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KurtKrautiammisc: corrupt the disk ? No, but it can lead to an unstable install if something goes wrong, requiring a new fresh instal. But it quite rare.06:16
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KurtKrautiammisc: that's why backuping is always necessary06:17
iammiscKurtKraut: but if i dual-boot windows then i'll just take my files from there06:17
winstoni think im going to install vista on my other hd06:17
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KurtKrautiammisc: other partitions and OSes should not be affected by any error.06:17
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fatcatmattwinston: be careful with the bootloader06:17
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iammisckurtkraut: so i could just pull the files off using the windows right?06:17
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KurtKrautwinston: Vista will delete GRUB. I'll have to reinstall grub after Vista.06:17
KurtKrautiammisc: yes06:17
marx2kSuper Grub Rescue Disc is your friend06:18
winstonfatcatmatt: im having my bro do it06:18
KurtKrautmarx2k: the best friend in this case :P06:18
iammiscwould i need to make a backup?06:18
marx2kIt's saved my ass countless times06:18
winstonfatcatmatt: he is very stuburn with windows though06:18
fatcatmattwinston: good deal.  i think you have to install ubuntu then vista...can't ever remember06:18
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winstonfatcatmatt: he hates it06:18
KurtKrautiammisc: yes. This is an important task. Is requirable as much condoms for sex :P06:18
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winstonfatcatmatt: well i am doing it on a separate 180g hard drive that im not using so if i wanna use windows ill just switch drives06:19
fatcatmattwinston: i had to go back to vista because of the music and microsoft streets and trips.  having all sorts of problems that nobody could solve.  everybody said WINE STREETS and it never worked and i hated loading up a vm everytime i wanted to use it (8 hours a day 5 days a week) so i said the heck with it, im on vista now06:19
fatcatmattwinston: sounds good06:19
germpestis there a channel for darwin help on os x06:20
MasterShrekvista is puke06:20
KurtKrautgermpest: I don't think so.06:20
fatcatmattmastershrek: fix my problem then06:20
mindrapeVista is for housewives and 13 year old girls.06:20
fatcatmattmindrape: fix my problem then06:20
KurtKrautmindrape: ahhahaha06:20
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germpestI'm having trouble installing glib and pygtk06:20
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winstonfatcatmatt: im using fiesty now but it really doesnt matter to me. as long as i can get what i want done its fine06:20
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KurtKrautfatcatmatt: I'm not an expert, but could you tell me your problem ?06:20
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fatcatmattubuntu is great and all, but it can't do what i want, so everybody can eat their words06:20
MasterShrekwell music shouldnt be a problem, and whats so good about ms streets?06:21
winstonfatcatmatt: lol06:21
gilsteri have used BUM to clean up my startup . I am still however getting an odd black screen with no HDD activity before GDM starts. any ideas?06:21
germpestanyone in here use os x and darwin?06:21
voidmageIs there a command to get a new dhcp lease using NetworkManager?06:21
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MasterShreki havent heard of ms streets in years06:21
kkathmanfatcatmatt:  ok thats kewl so, just say good night and go on with life then while the rest of us do those things you cant :)06:21
fatcatmattmastershrek: i use it for work, wine doesn't it because of some deal and i hate running virtual machines06:21
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KurtKrautgilster: someone has mentioned wireless... do you have wireless connection ?06:21
cyberphazah you hate virtual machines06:21
mindrapevoidmage - sudo ifconfig eth1 down         sudo ifconfig eth1 up         sudo dhclient eth106:21
winstonrlount: try to meat me on armagetron sometime06:21
cyberphazso it can do it just fine, you just dont want to06:22
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fatcatmattyeah, cyberphaz, why run a friggen vm when i dont need those extra resources taken for trying to run 1 program?06:22
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KurtKrautvoidmage: Does 'sudo dhclient' suits you ?06:22
MasterShrekgood point fatcatmatt, but i wonder why it wont run under wine...have people told u it will?06:22
voidmagemindrape: will that release my old lease?06:22
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fatcatmattill post screenshots, mastershrek06:23
kkathmanMasterShrek:  it will, just that some people dont have the patience or persistence to want to make it work :)06:23
MasterShrekno need fatcatmatt i prolly wont be able to help you with that lol06:23
voidmageI need to release and renew my dhcp lease06:23
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mindrapevoidmage - yup... for local networks.  If you have a cable modem you are trying to renew the lease for you may need to change the MAC address of your router and reboot it.06:23
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KurtKrautvoidmage: I'm used to do: sudo ifdown eth0 and sudo ifup eth006:23
frostburna vm isn't that much extra resources06:23
fatcatmatti forgot to save them anyways, i was pissed off at the time, mastershrek.  all i remember is it couldn't find the map and some other deal06:23
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voidmagemindrape: bah. it keeps giving me the same ip06:23
gilsterKurtKraut: no wirelss06:23
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voidmagei need a new one.06:23
mindrapevoidmage - what does?  your ISP?06:24
voidmagef'ing terrible school network06:24
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voidmagei'm stuck in captive portal hell06:24
mindrapevoidmage - they might assign static IPs based on MAC address tied to a student ID or something..06:24
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KurtKrautgilster: there is some tools that logs each boot step and how much time was spent in this tools. Try posting your issue in ubuntuforums.org asking for help and asking for instructions for these tools.06:24
MasterShrekto each his own fatcatmatt, but i think vista is crap, theres no reason an os should need so many resources to idle06:24
gilsterKurtKraut: after progress part screen fades to black and it does nothing for like 30 seconds then starts GDM06:24
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mindrapevoidmage - explain what you are trying to do...06:24
vancomycinso i was going to get some help partitioning my single hdd to run a dual boot in ubuntu & linux. this was the plan : /boot (200mb) /root(is root for ubuntu? also to be formatted in reiserfs 10gb) swap=2gb /home (15gb) /fat32 (20gb) rest goes to windows xp total hdd space on laptop = 100gb, i have 65gb free to spare which leave ~10gb for winxp.06:24
zeeeeecan anyone help with my intel gma 950 issues? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=55186906:24
fatcatmattVISTA IS CRAP! but ubuntu CANT do what I want it to06:25
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mindrapefatcatmatt - why not use maps.google.com instead of MS Streets?  :P06:25
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kkathmanfatcatmatt:  cant do, or you just gave up trying?06:25
cyberphazit can you just dont want to..06:25
mindrapefatcatmatt - you are blaming Linux for not being able to run Windows crap...06:25
fatcatmattmindrape: because i dont always have an internet connection06:25
kkathmanthere are always alternatives06:25
mindrapefatcatmatt - yet you are here...06:25
KurtKrautvancomycin: if you're not an experienced user, I think you are making too much partitions. I recommend you doing only two: / and a linux-swap partition.06:25
voidmagemindrape: for some reason I fail logging into the captive portal. often it's because of a "invalid/unknown address: contact OIT" (but they're only open during the week) error. What I'm trying to do is get a new IP address so I can get a fresh login page. The current situation is I'm stuck logging in on one thing, but I can't logout either.06:25
voidmageBasically I'm in some kind of between state. I can't login, and I can't logout.06:26
fatcatmattmindrape: i'm blaming it for not being capable of actually being able to do things it's made out to be, especially wine06:26
kkathmanfatcatmatt:  if you dont want to run ubuntu, fine, just quit whining and leave, thanks06:26
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fatcatmattim not whining, kkathman06:26
mindrapefatcatmatt - have you gone to Winehq and did it specifically say it could run that software?06:26
mindrapewine isn't an emulator...06:26
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CryoniqWhen is next upgrade of ubuntu going live?06:26
KurtKrautfatcatmatt: I think you can't blame Ubuntu for not being able to run an MS software. I think you should argue with MS why they did an program that does not support any other platform than Windows.06:26
vancomycinKurtKraut , i wanted to have a connection between windows and ubuntu so the fat32 would be helpful... i was here all morning learning a bit from the members here... will be using the gparted live boot06:26
cyberphazCryoniq: the roadmap says oktober06:26
kkathmanfatcatmatt:  yes you are, you're just hangin around, not asking questions, griping and whining.06:26
vancomycinjust wanted to hear some other opinions.06:26
CryoniqSweet :)06:26
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fatcatmattkurtkraut: that's easy, windows and linux are vs. eachother06:27
bayonetblahahow do I choose which sound device I want firefox to use in ALSA?06:27
fatcatmattubuntu needs offline mapping software06:27
kkathmanno it doesnt06:27
frostburnfatcatmatt, run vmware and windows fundamentals06:27
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skinnypuppy1334Gparted is easy, resizing can take a while though, but easy06:27
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KurtKrautvancomycin: the /boot and /home partitions are not really necessary. Just /, a swap partition and the /fat3206:27
fatcatmattfrostburn: couldn't ever get vmware installed on my feisty fawn06:27
vancomycinKurtKraut , i was reading about some of this on http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/partitioning ...06:27
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vancomycinKurtKraut , what about a /home ?06:27
fatcatmattfrostburn: even followed the directions06:27
kkathmanfatcatmatt:  you couldnt. so that means it couldnt be done?06:28
frostburnfatcatmatt, what was wrong? mine runs flawlessly, are you on amd64?06:28
vancomycini was reading the benefits of it06:28
mindrapefatcatmatt - http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iAppId=149606:28
=== MasterShrek runs qemu, much less overhead than vmware
fatcatmattfrostburn: intel centrino duo06:28
rocketsI've got a USB headset plugged in, and I got it working just fine using asoundconf set-default-card, but i cant get my keyboard volume shortcuts to control it, i set everything in the sound preference panel to use the usb headset, as well as the volume applet06:28
frostburn32 or 64bit06:28
Cryoniqprobably off topic, but if I would start learn programming, what language would be the most useful in GNU/Linux and Ubuntu area?06:28
KurtKrautvancomycin: not fundamental. You can have a single / partition. As I mentioned before, the minimum requirement is two partitions: a swap partition and another partition to all the rest (system files and your personal files)06:28
FIRESIDE91Cryon, C/++06:28
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fatcatmattmindrape: already checked that out.  i'm running s&t 200706:28
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bayonetblahathanks rockets, I'll try06:28
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MasterShrekCryoniq, c__06:28
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rocketsbayonetblaha, huh?06:29
vancomycinKurtKraut from that above link i had given you - again, yes this is my first time... so i am trying to learn thats all :( what do you think about ext3 vs reiserfs?06:29
FIRESIDE91Ruby's a good language too06:29
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KurtKrautfatcatmatt: this is an issue to be addressed to MS. In the 'linux world' we work hard to be compatible with everything that's possible. Wine is a great example.06:29
fatcatmattbut since the street program isn't supported so that i dont have to use some VM, i'm just gonna ride it out with vista until something works06:29
mindrapeFIRESIDE91 - your statement is meaningless06:29
CryoniqIsnt ruby a sort of script language?06:29
scalawagAnyone know if there's an X interface for postfix?06:29
FIRESIDE91Yes Cry, but's it's still powerful, and completly object-oriented06:30
KurtKrautvancomycin: Since you're beginner, always use the default stuff. They're safer. In this case, the default is ext3.06:30
kkathmanCryoniq:  yeah, I think I'd opt for python over ruby at this point - more universally used06:30
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fatcatmattokay, people, i'm not crying my eyeballs out, i'm just stating a point.  what i need ubuntu to do, it can't right now, so i have no use for it06:30
mindrapeianmcorvidae - how is Tucson?06:30
KurtKrautscalawag: I don't think so. But I recommend you trying to learn using the terminal. It is worth of learning. I'll be able to master your server with this knowledge.06:30
Cryoniqyeah I was thinking of python also in the same group as ruby, but python I known about for ages before :)06:31
rocketsCryoniq, ruby is a scripting lang yes06:31
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kkathmanfatcatmatt:  ok, great, then move on :)06:31
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mindrapefatcatmatt - that is great... tell MS to make it work with wine by default.  Until then dont blame Linux.06:31
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|birdman|wheres that craig guy i was talking to06:31
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vancomycini've already prep'd my xp os side, defragged with perfectdisk and chkdsk... got the live cd, just waiting for a friend to help walk through the gparted part. yeah beginning in linux but i've been using MS since dos days :( sucks to de-learn and re-learn.06:31
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scalawagCan I log into it while it's running?  Don't get how to administrate it.06:31
KurtKrautscalawag: I'm not an IT professional... I'm a biology teacher. And this sort of stuff like postfix I always prefer the terminal, editing .conf files and things like that.06:31
kkathmanisnt it time for the ops to take some action here?06:31
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xsteelwolfI just installed kubuntu gutsy,but grub boot loader doesn't show up windows vista,what should i do in order to boot up back to windows?06:31
tutuwhere is /etc/modules.conf in ubuntu?06:31
vancomycinKurtKraut what grade do you teach? hehe... i'm in my last year of medical school.06:32
mosnovancomycin: try not to de-learn too much :-)06:32
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rocketstutu try /etc/modules06:32
frostburn/etc/modules indeed06:32
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fatcatmattvista is easier to use anyways. no gedit /etc/fstab or any of that crap.  i'm outta here.  have fun, girlies!06:32
|birdman|wheres that craig guy i was talking to06:32
mindrapexsteelwolf - /boot/grub/menu.lst  <-- edit that06:32
scalawagI'm the same way, still tweaking my apache, but have it running nice - Much easier to set up then I imagined06:32
xsteelwolfhow do i edit to make it show windows?06:32
vancomycin|birdman| he's on myspace ^_^06:32
mindrapexsteelwolf - it should have a listing for Windows in there.  Just uncomment it.  If its not listed at all you will need to probably do some googling.06:33
CryoniqI'll think I'll go for c or rather c++. Used to do pascal back in the days and looked at java a few years back. But if I go for c etc again it will be hell adapting to object oriented later.06:33
KurtKrautvancomycin: As I just said to scalawag, I'm not a IT professional. I'm a biology teacher... and after I leanerd a bit, I only use Free Software. Be welcome in this world and be prepared to use the better piece of software that exists.06:33
|birdman|no i was talking to someone and the start of his nick was craig.....06:33
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xsteelwolf# title         Windows 95/98/NT/200006:33
xsteelwolf# root          (hd0,0)06:33
vancomycinKurtKraut yeah i can follow what you're saying. so what's the class learning this week?06:34
|birdman|he was helping me with my wireless cuz it wasnt showing up in ubuntu06:34
mindrapexsteelwolf - yup... erase the leading # to make it a non-comment.  :)06:34
KurtKrautvancomycin: I have many classes :P More than 1006:34
scalawagLOL, after using Vista for a few months, coming back to Linux after years (and after having only had a few months experience with it) was a more then welcomed experience.06:34
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xsteelwolfaqll of it?06:34
vancomycinKurtKraut k-12 or college?06:34
rocketsi used vista for 2 weeks, couldnt stand it, reverted my windows boot to tXP06:34
|birdman|would any1 be willing to help me06:35
rocketsi run ubuntu primarily but i keep XP around to sync my blackberry06:35
mindrapeI completely gave up on Windows about a year and a half ago. Never missed it.  My friend got Vista... he has problems all the time.  Half his Windows software doesn't work.  Half his hardware no longer works.  He basically has half a computer... but with pretty eye candy (even though beryl is better)06:35
kkathmanThere is such a major lack of driver support in VISTA right now06:35
vancomycinKurtKraut that's what inclinded me to go into medicine...06:35
KurtKrautvancomycin: I'm not in US, don't know what K-12 means, but I'm not a college teacher. I have only undergraduated students.06:35
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kkathmanthere's better hardware support in ubuntu :)06:35
KurtKrautvancomycin: but at least once a month I'm invited to talk about free software in colleges.06:35
rocketsKurtKraut, kindegarten through 12th grade06:35
favoritefood0K-12 is kindergarden through 12th grade. Which is pre-school to High school06:35
mindrapeI wouldn't say hardware support... but hardware compatability06:35
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KurtKrautfavoritefood0: thanks06:35
favoritefood0Yeah. Compatibility is better.06:36
frostburnthere's better software support in ubuntu, nearly no software under windows is compiled for 64bit06:36
KurtKrautSo that means yes, I do teach to k-1206:36
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vancomycinmindrape hehe, thats why my vista business dvd is still sitting in the wrapper. xp pro was as far as i'd ever go - and now i am here06:36
favoritefood0So you teach 5 year olds to 18 year olds?06:36
kkathmanmindrape:  well at our company we have seven major printers around the facility, all of which are Xerox or HP, one ONE of them was compatible with VISTA06:36
davidthedrakemindrape, Yea. My laptop CAME with Vista. The latest update from Vista broke my network access straight up. Good thing I threw Ubuntu on here a while ago.06:36
scalawagI hear ya mindrape - Vista was...almost not ugly (still had nothing on beryl or compize,) but even my nvidia drivers were beta and crashed all the time.06:36
favoritefood0Beryl doesn't do the cool affects for me.06:36
vancomycinKurtKraut what country?06:36
favoritefood0Some help for me?06:36
osxdude|laptopWhat does it mean when "failed to set xrefmode"?06:36
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skinnypuppy1334I have ONE program I'm tied to windows to use, and it is on a VMware virtual machine. Linux is where it is06:37
KurtKrautfavoritefood0: from 7 to 18 years old, to be precise.06:37
kkathmanfavoritefood0:  I'd try compiz-fusion instead06:37
iammischow can i add a sane device whose uri i know but sane won't detect06:37
KurtKrautvancomycin: Brazil06:37
favoritefood0Then that is 1st grade to 12th grade.06:37
favoritefood0By our standards.06:37
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frostburnoff topic btw =P06:37
|birdman|can any1 help me get my wireless working on ubuntu06:37
vancomycinKurtKraut nice - i used to live in the netherlands antilles for 8 months06:37
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MasterShrek|birdman|, what kinda card?06:37
skinnypuppy1334I can keep the windows machine open on another desktop and fullscreen it feels like the real thing06:37
scalawagfavorite, Beryl took me a while to get working.  I ended up removing it and going compiz06:37
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|birdman|its a msi card built in06:38
sharkbrainguyshould font files have "install this font" in the right-clcik context menu in nautilus?06:38
scalawagskinny, what do you use to emulate windows?06:38
skinnypuppy1334Vmware server06:38
kkathmanscalawag:  I got compiz-fusion working in a matter of a half hour06:38
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favoritefood0how do I get compiz fusion?06:38
favoritefood0Someone have a linky for me?06:38
kkathmanfavoritefood0:  yah hold on06:38
scalawagsame here kkathman, spent days tweaking it of course, and still play with it from time to time :)06:38
|birdman|master can i pm you06:38
scalawaglove the screensaver ap06:38
skinnypuppy1334I had some problems with the VirtualBox not wanting to install programs in the virtual windows macine06:38
davidthedrakefavoritefood0, Try using Synaptic Package Manager and searching for Compiz.06:38
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skinnypuppy1334Vmware server is free easy to install and works!!!06:39
kkathmanfavoritefood0:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion06:39
monkeybfavoritefood0: nvicia or ati?06:39
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favoritefood0Nvidia 6600GT.06:39
KurtKrautfavoritefood0: do you have a AIXGL compatible video card ?06:39
favoritefood0Its a little weak.06:39
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kkathmanfavoritefood0:  use that link and follow it exactly - if you have beryl or any other compiz installed, remove it all first06:39
kkathmanKurtKraut:  that doesnt make any diff with compiz-fusion06:39
scalawagbasically favoritefood0 - add the repo to your sources.list and apt-get install it (or use synaptic or something like it)06:39
MasterShrek|birdman|, go for it06:40
skinnypuppy1334I can even terminal ssh-X into my machine with the Vmware server and run that windows VM machine from my garrage computer...06:40
KurtKrautfavoritefood0: start from here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager06:40
kkathmanscalawag:  its a bit more than that actually06:40
chuy_maxhey, what happened with window menu in konqueror ?, this distro doesn't have that menu.06:40
rafaelscjhello, a quick question: i am about to install kubuntu-desktop. what should I use (gdm or kdm)?06:40
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kkathmanKurtKraut:  I just gave him that link :)06:40
KurtKrautkkathman: yes it does. It determines if Xgl or AIXGL will be used to support compiz fusion06:40
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favoritefood0I'm still ultra knew to linux06:40
MasterShrek|birdman|, you prolly need to register your nick06:40
favoritefood0So I don't know how to do much.06:40
favoritefood0Just installed it a couple weeks ago.06:41
|birdman|how do i do that06:41
kkathmanKurtKraut: no, it doesnt because of the unique things in compiz-fusion...it DOES make a diff in beryl tho06:41
favoritefood0Its much nicer than XP06:41
MasterShrekfavoritefood0, we were all there once, thats what were here for to help u out06:41
scalawagthat's awesome skinnypuppy0 - I've just disowned windows completely.06:41
skinnypuppy1334fusion works better than beryl been there...that06:41
KurtKrautkkathman: so compiz fusion can be used over Xorg, no matter what video card ?06:41
scalawagI got a compiz issue, actually, perhaps someoen here can help me06:41
mosnoone for the perfectionists: /usr/share/misc/pci.ids versus /var/lib/misc/usb.ids -- does this mean that the usb.ids one is updated by a program, versus pci.ids where only an administrator would update it?06:41
TautoaRafaelscj, either will do06:41
|birdman|master where do i reg my nick06:42
skinnypuppy1334#compiz-fusion can help for certain06:42
rafaelscjTautoa, is yjet06:42
mindraperafaelscj - i think a lot of us here prefer Gnome... install both... pick the one you prefer.  :)06:42
mosnoand why share versus lib?06:42
kkathmanKurtKraut:  best to have your own card driver = see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion06:42
mindraperafaelscj - its easy to switch back and forth.06:42
slapfacewaredo you all use pci-e video card now?06:42
scalawagwhat's the URL to the pastebin?06:42
mosnoboth have an update-{usb,pci}ids06:42
MasterShrek|birdman|, /msg nickserv help06:42
KurtKrautkkathman: good to know. I was runing Xgl unecessary :P06:42
rafaelscjmindrape, how do I to change it later?06:42
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rocketsscalawag, pastebin.com06:43
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Tsukasacan someone help me figure out why dbus wont start?06:43
mindraperafaelscj when you get to your main login screen it will have a button that lets you choose the Session... you can switch between all of your desktop environments (XFCE, KDE, Gnome) and window managers (Enlightenment, blackbox, etc)06:43
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KurtKrautscalawag: have you checked that ? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix06:44
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kkathmanKurtKraut:  apparently, they have built all that intelligence into compiz now which is nice :)06:44
favoritefood0In the CLI06:44
rafaelscjmindrape, I mean the session manager06:44
favoritefood0I type in "deb http:// etc etc"06:44
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favoritefood0and it says "Bash: deb: command not found"06:44
KurtKrautscalawag: also that: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/?action=fullsearch&context=180&value=postfix&titlesearch=Titles06:44
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monkeybI am trying to get pptp to ms vpn. I have followed this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91249. but I never the VPN menu items (only Manual Configuration...)06:44
mindraperafaelscj - from within Gnome and KDE there are options to change the session manager between gdm and kdm.06:44
scalawagthanks Kurt06:45
mindrapeit's been a while since I've changed it... I'm sure somebody here knows where and can get an answer faster than I can find it.06:45
KurtKrautfavoritefood0: this is not for typing. It is inteded to be added in the /etc/apt/sources.list file.06:45
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favoritefood0my bad06:45
Zenereki see you guys talking about beryl, but it w still beta?wshould you guys even be installing it?06:45
rafaelscjmindrape, I will chose gdm, but, how do I to chance it to kdm later?06:45
KurtKrautfavoritefood0: that happens in the best families :P ahahaha06:45
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mindrapeZenerek - should we?  Well, I guess what I should and shouldn't do is my business.. installing and using beta software isn't a cardinal sin so I'm okay with it.  :)06:46
favoritefood0I put it in Software Sources06:46
favoritefood0under "Third-Party Software" directory right?06:46
mindrapeZenerek - its not like you can't disable beryl if it causes problems.  :)06:46
tanneri know this is a bit OT, but has anyone ever read a book that was something like, how people were living in a closed society, no emotion, couldnt see color, etc etc; and one person begins to question it, starts seeing in color, etc?06:46
skinnypuppy1334rafael, when you get to user/password you can select gnome or kde06:46
MasterShrekZenerek, using beta software is what eventually makes it not beta06:46
KurtKrautZenerek: yes, that still beta. If you do not use your session to critical tasks, should not be a problem. People are used to a crashing system like Windows, Bery/Compiz will be a piece of cake.06:46
skinnypuppy1334choose which to login with06:46
mindrapeskinnypuppy1334 - he is talking about changing that main screen (ie; GDM) to KDM.06:46
KurtKrautrafaelscj: how much RAM do you have ?06:47
|birdman|master i think i got it06:47
skinnypuppy1334my bad mind, misunderstood06:47
rafaelscjKurtKraut, 512Mb06:47
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favoritefood0Beryl always crashed gnome.06:47
KurtKrautrafaelscj: I think you shouldn't care about the login manager, mainly if you intend to switch from Gnome to KDE constantly.06:48
favoritefood0It removed all of my desktops06:48
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favoritefood0and status bars.06:48
favoritefood0and all my side bars.06:48
favoritefood0And windows wouldn't open and stuff.06:48
bastid_raZorfavoritefood0: apparently you didn't have it set correctly06:48
dn4I just deleted a file using a gui does that automatically clear up the space on the hdd or do I have to empty some recycle bin?06:48
MasterShrekuse a console login and startx06:48
marx2kdn4: depends if you put it in the trash or deleted it06:48
Tumpstercan anyone help me with cedega?06:48
mindrapedn4 - depends... in some cases it might go to /home/username/trash or /.trash06:48
frostburndn4, it should be in the trash06:48
rafaelscjI will be back later. thanks for while06:48
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skinnypuppy1334Is there a faster way to switch b/t gnome and kde than logout and change session?06:49
KurtKrautrafaelscj: de nada.06:49
nickruddn4: trash, lower right corner06:49
chuy_maxhow can I add window menu to konqueror?, ubuntu removed that menu06:49
Zenerekmindrape: guys it was more of a question than a suggestion and that's one thing along with that terrible registry that i don't miss06:49
marx2kskinny: no06:49
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|birdman|master am i able to pm you now?06:49
MasterShrekdn4, there should be a trash, if u dont see it on your desktop its probable in /home/user/.local/share/Trash06:49
rafaelscjKurtKraut, :)06:49
bastid_raZorskinnypuppy1334:  that is the only way.. you have to restart X in order for gdm and kdm to switch06:49
dn4found it06:49
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dn4do I just do rm filename06:49
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dn4and it should take care of it?>06:49
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mindrapedn4 - sure... :)06:49
KurtKrautdn4: yes and no06:49
longgia2001my nautilus get crazy, it get "Not Responding" all the time I start it. Though thunar runs well06:49
mindrapedn4 - cleaning up your porn?06:49
marx2kskinny, youre going from one window manager into another so yeah.. it has to get out of one window manager to go into another :)06:49
longgia2001Howcan I go about this?06:49
favoritefood0DLing compiz06:49
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dn4mindrape, nooo not my porn!06:50
TumpsterAnyone willing to help?06:50
marx2kI can has pr0n?06:50
KurtKrautdn4: do you want only to have free space or just delete the file in a way that it is impossible to be recovered ?06:50
longgia2001my nautilus get crazy, it get "Not Responding" all the time I start it. Though thunar runs well. I can login to the GNOME session, but the desktop doesn.t show well06:50
mindrapeTumpster - i think there is a #cedega channel06:50
dn4KurtKraut, I just want to have free space for a pdf file06:50
KurtKrautdn4: so rm suits this usage.06:50
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marx2klonggia: whatsays Not Responding?06:51
mindrapemarx2k - nautilus... thunar works great though.  :)06:51
dn4KurtKraut, how do I check the size of the disk after deleting06:51
kevsthabestanyone know if its possible to install ubuntu on a networked drive.. and booting it from a separate system (IE.. installing on a desktop.. booting from a laptop)06:51
KurtKrautdn4: df -h06:51
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marx2kHm, do you have network drives mounted?06:51
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longgia2001marx2k, the nautilus become freeze, and then a dialogue appear sayit that nautilus die06:51
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marx2kkev: it would be slow, I'd think06:51
nickrud!installl | kevsthabest there's a couple network methods listed there06:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about installl - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:51
longgia2001marx2k, "Wait or force kill"06:51
KurtKrautkevsthabest: yes, it is possible and pretty stable. But will required many readings and learnings.06:52
marx2klonggia: do you have network drives mounted?06:52
phiqtionis there a speedfan equivalent program in linux?06:52
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ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate06:52
longgia2001marx2k, no06:52
Tumpsteri'm sitting here in the cedega channel and no one is responding....06:52
KurtKrautphiqtion: explain what this program does.06:52
dn4final question what is the best torrent program out there?06:52
rocketsAnybody reccomend any GUI cvs clients?06:52
rocketsprefereably GTK06:52
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ubotuTorrent clients: Azureus (Java), BitTornado (Shell with python front-end), KTorrent (KDE/Qt), rTorrent (C++) -  Bittorent FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html06:52
MasterShrekdn4, there are many, ktorrent if u are using kde, otherwise i use transmission06:52
longgia2001marx2k, The last time I experienced the same problem, some body told me to lauch nautilus from xterm, it worked that time, but not now06:53
MasterShrekutorrent runs under wine nicely too06:53
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nickrudrockets: cervesia is the only decent one I know : kde06:53
phiqtionKurtKraut: monitors and lets me adjust my internal desktop fans, cpu, hard disk cooler, etc.06:53
favoritefood0I want them to convert UTorrent to Linux06:53
favoritefood0Wine never worked for me.06:53
mindraperockets - http://pharmacy.sourceforge.net/06:53
favoritefood0I never got it.06:53
favoritefood0i'm dumb lol06:53
bastid_raZordn4 kTorrent can be used in Ubuntu .. simply apt-get install ktorrent06:53
KurtKrautphiqtion: I'm sure this is possible thru Linux but I don't know the name of the tool that does that.06:53
favoritefood0I don't worry about the kde interface programs.06:53
rocketsmindrape, that app hasnt been developed since 200106:53
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KurtKrautfavoritefood0: have you tried Deluge ?06:53
||i use a second machine and torrentflux06:53
favoritefood0I can always run the KDE ones.06:53
longgia2001marx2k, please advice ???06:53
dn4not using kde06:53
bastid_raZorkTorrent seems to be the most stable06:53
favoritefood0Deluge = torrent?06:54
||and samba06:54
Tumpsteranyone here at least run cedega that i can talk to privately?06:54
mindrapefavoritefood0 - instead of trying to use Windows software via wine/cedega/etc... why not find a Linux equivalent? They are usually written better  ;)06:54
KurtKrautfavoritefood0: yes, it is a torrent client.06:54
favoritefood0Thought as much.06:54
longgia2001marx2k, I'm using GNOME desktop06:54
KurtKrautfavoritefood0: http://deluge-torrent.org/06:54
Tumpsterif you like utorrent you'd be awesome with ktorrent06:54
ticosomebody knows how to chenge the icon of my FILESYSTEM in the desktop? y try it using right clic on it but it do not work...... :(06:54
favoritefood0I'm only DLing one thing right now.06:54
KurtKrauttico: I think this is set by the desktop theme06:54
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Tumpstersudo apt-get install ktorrent06:54
dn4qtorrent it is06:54
ZenerekMasterShrek:yes it does well, so well that t the utorrent site they say one of the supported os is wine06:54
||torrentflux is essentially a php front end to the python torrent daemon06:54
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favoritefood0what does Compiz do?06:55
||no gui client to worry about06:55
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KurtKraut||: torrentflux is nice.06:55
favoritefood0Just give me desktop affects?06:55
astro76rockets, crossvc06:55
kevsthabestFrom what i can see from the installation page.. i'd have no choice but install ubuntu on my desktop first.. but i need to keep windows running for specific server softwares.. any ideas?06:55
mindrapefavoritefood0 - gives you eye candy similar to beryl which is similar in nature to OSX and Vista GUIs06:55
KurtKrautkevsthabest: what sort of software ?06:55
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Tumpsteri just got a nvidia card, do i want beryl or compiz?06:55
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ticoKurtKraut: good idea let me check because I changed all the icons also the icon of my win HD but i do not know what happen with the filesystem (HD) icon06:55
mindrapeTumpster - beryl and compiz are very similar... I think Compiz is more "Stable" but Beryl has sexier eye candy... take your pick.06:56
bastid_raZormindrape: Vista stole their GUI eyecandy from Apple.. shame on you for referencing Vista as if it did something on its own06:56
nanonymeberyl is a fork off compiz and is re-merging with compiz06:56
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nanonymeit won't exist after a while anymore06:56
kevsthabestKurtKraut D2gs for my diablo2 server is one example.. they dont have the 1.11b version done up for linux i beilive06:56
bastid_raZorcompiz-fusion is the new spawn of beryl and compiz06:56
marx2klonggia: weird.06:56
marx2khave you tried to "rm -r .~/nautilus"06:56
mindrapebastid_raZor - everybody steals from everybody these days...06:56
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KurtKrautkevsthabest: how much RAM do you have ?06:56
marx2knot saying you should do it, but thatd be my first guess06:56
nanonymebastid_raZor, might want to prefer that to beryl, then06:57
bastid_raZormindrape:  true.. but only Microsoft taughts it as original06:57
dn4is there a way to make money off gaming servers these days?06:57
longgia2001marx2k, I'm trying06:57
longgia2001marx2k, then logout, relogin?06:57
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marx2klonggia2001:  yep06:57
mindrapedn4 - not really... charge users a fee to play each month.  Or spam them with advertisements within the game and as they login...06:57
phiqtionwhat's the best music player for ubuntu?06:57
mindrapephiqtion - what is your criteria for "Best"?06:57
marx2kdn4:yes., win06:57
TumpsterXMMS is the best playher06:57
KurtKrautphiqtion: this is a personal question :P Rhythmbox suits me well.06:57
mindrapephiqtion - do you want lots of formats supported?  Do you want minimum footprint? Do you want a sexy interface?06:58
kevsthabestKurtKraut 256meg on my desktop, 1gig on my laptop.. the issue is i dont got a harddrive in my laptop.. last one had a major failure06:58
frostburnphiqtion, amarok06:58
dn4mindrape, ahh, seems like an unstable business method06:58
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phiqtionmindrape: sexy06:58
dn4although I want to open up teamfortress II or Enemy Territory : Quake War servers to make some $$$ and play!06:58
mindrapephiqtion - well dont ask me... probably XMMS cause it has lots of skins.06:58
KurtKrautkevsthabest: 1gb of RAM is pretty suitable for virtual machines. Why don't you run your Windows-specific stuff in a virtual machine ?06:58
mindrapeI personally prefer simple... i use VLC for most everything06:58
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nanonymedn4, naw, make your own game and get the cash06:58
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MasterShrekphiqtion, if u are going to go with xmms, use audacious, theres alot more stuff u can do, i especially love the osd06:59
nanonymeno one will pay to play common games on your servers06:59
MasterShrekaudacious is built off xmms, its essentially the same, same skins and stuff06:59
bastid_raZordn4: you are a retard.06:59
KurtKrautbastid_raZor: please, try to be polite :P06:59
kevsthabestKurtkraut thats on my laptop.. and unfortunatly i dont got a harddrive in it.. my desktop is really suffering with 2506:59
phiqtionthx everybody06:59
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Tumpsteris beryl or compiz worth it06:59
kevsthabest256 even06:59
favoritefood0I'm running Compiz06:59
mindrapedn4 - you can change the tilesets/theme within your server settings and spam advertisements for companies... that might cover hosting costs.  I don't know about "making money"06:59
nanonymeMasterShrek, although i've heard they're remaking skins so eventually xmms skins stop working06:59
favoritefood0and I have no menu bars07:00
longgia2001marx2k, thx, it works !!!07:00
favoritefood0to drag windows07:00
favoritefood0and the cube doesn't work07:00
MasterShrekinteresting nanonyme, was not aware07:00
davidthedrakeTumpster, depends what you mean by 'worth it'07:00
dn4mindrape, maybe opening up a server farm will do the trick07:00
marx2klonggia2001:  if ever in doubt, delete the config directory :)07:00
dn4sell the servers to other people07:00
mindrapedn4 - probably not but good luck to you.07:00
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KurtKrautkevsthabest: I see... you may try to test if ReactOS supports your win-apps... it stills alpha but does many tricks... and 32megs of RAM is more than enough for this system: www.reactos.org07:00
davidthedrakeTumpster, it definitely provides a lot of eye-candy and additional features that can be great for multi-tasking and computer use.07:00
Tumpsterdoes it add any real functionality to the system or anything other than flippy windows and that ort of thing07:00
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Tumpsterlike what?07:00
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dn4mindrape, yeah i'm just a poor college student haha07:00
davidthedrakeTumpster, Some of the multi-window functionality is nice.07:01
longgia2001marx2k, is it true all the time :D07:01
mindrapedn4 - most people dont like to pay to play.  Paying $50 a year for XBox live is a stretch for most.07:01
nanonymedn4, just get a job like everyone else ;)07:01
davidthedrakeTumpster, and the eye-candy is second to none for Operating Systems.07:01
longgia2001marx2k, Thanks anyway07:01
DoitleIs there a program designed to open MS Works files in Linux?07:01
marx2klonggia2001:  no, but in linux it works a lot .. no problem'07:01
mindrapeDoitle - OpenOffice and Abiword probably do07:01
dn4mindrape, I hear you on that, paying to play blowz07:01
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davidthedrakeDoitle, You can use OpenOffice to open most MS Works files.07:01
Tumpsterwhere can i find installs or installs/walkthroughs?07:01
astro76Doitle, OpenOffice should work07:01
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Tumpsterbut is it truly worth it? compared to the current ubuntu?>07:01
||i don't mind $15 a month to play eve online07:01
Doitleoh ok it told me there was nothing associated to open it but I'll try manually opening it from in the program07:01
davidthedrakeTumpster, do you currently use "Desktop Effects?"07:02
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favoritefood0I don't have any top bars with compiz07:02
rafaelscjI am back, now with Konversation07:02
Tumpsteri think so.....07:02
favoritefood0anybody have any idea on how to fix said problem?07:02
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favoritefood0I can't drag any windows or move them.07:02
KurtKrautfavoritefood0: that is a common probably, mostly because of a skipped process in the instalation07:02
mindrapefavoritefood0 - you mean titlebars on your windows?07:02
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MrLinuxhy to all07:02
marx2kfavoritefood0: F2, type"emerald --replace"07:02
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mindrapefavoritefood0 - try typing nautilus or nautilus-mangaer I think07:02
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dn4I don't see how people get off paying someone to point and click a mouse n times to get level 50.07:02
mindrapeor what marx2k typed07:02
kevsthabestkurtkraut i was hoping to avoid installing a different os on my desktop (other then the server file.. i need to go thru my gf for anything like that.) and i was hoping to be able to use my laptop instead.. i have been running the livecd without much issues (7.04) but persistent doesnt work.. so anytime i get a crash or anything.. i cant recover all my settings.. no updating.. nothing:(07:02
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MrLinuxis some one free to help ?07:02
marx2kerr, ALT+F2, niot just F207:03
kkathmanMrLinux:  whats the issue ??07:03
mindrapeMrLinux - we dont know yet.  You haven't asked a specific question.07:03
MrLinuxHow do i stop firewall ? and open the sshd07:03
rafaelscjis there a package "xubuntu-desktop"?07:03
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kkathman^5s mindrape07:03
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KurtKrautrafaelscj: yes07:03
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MasterShrekMrLinux, do you have sshd running?07:03
mindrapeMrLinux - is sshd running?  sudo netstat -tulp07:03
favoritefood0Is emerald for Beryl?07:03
nanonymedn4, try the mmorpgs some day. maybe you'll see why people pay for them07:03
MrLinuxMasterShrek yes07:03
favoritefood0I don't have the emerald package installed07:03
dn4the most fuct up shit now days is that when you pay for college, the books you need for you classes are not even in the library at the college. This is really fuct up right?07:03
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kkathmanfavoritefood0:  can run in both Beryl and Compiz-Fusion07:04
KurtKraut!ohmy | dn407:04
ubotudn4: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.07:04
MasterShrekMrLinux, is there a router between your server and client?07:04
dn4ohh my bad07:04
Doitlewon't open... :/ Looks like I need to boot into linux to read a number from this file...07:04
favoritefood0I guess I'll install both07:04
favoritefood0I am now getting emerald07:04
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Doitleer boot into windows07:04
MrLinuxMasterShrek, is my server .. not hacked or something I just want to controll it by my PC07:04
=== dn4 disappears and goes back to watching "The Arrival." Thanks for the advice everyone PEace
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marx2kfavoritefood0: for the time being, ALT+F2 "metacity --creplace"07:05
rafaelscjKurtKraut, do you know how to change the session manager? is that in /etc/init.d?07:05
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chowmeinedwhy is gnome seeming unresponsive?07:05
tsm_ice9anybody willing to share some insight on hardware choice?07:05
favoritefood0Still no memory bars.07:05
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marx2krafaelscj: as in default session mgr?07:05
favoritefood0not memory07:05
favoritefood0but Top bars07:05
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KurtKrautrafaelscj: no, when GDM appears, there is some sort of 'options' menu at the bottom of the screen where you can choose if you want to load XFCE or Gnom07:05
favoritefood0with close/maximize/etc07:05
chowmeinedtsm_ice9: sure07:05
KurtKrautrafaelscj: *Gnome07:05
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tsm_ice9cool, thanks chowmein (hey, that's what I had for lunch 'n' dinner, heh)07:06
KurtKrautrafaelscj: XFCE is nice for PCs with 256mb of RAM or less.07:06
MrLinuxso ?07:06
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rafaelscj<marx2k>, like gdm or kdm07:06
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tsm_ice9I am replacing my old (DEAD) laptop, and have no intention of using Windows vista, of course07:06
MrLinuxhow do I open the ssh to login in07:06
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KurtKrautsay no to Vista and yes to Gutsy :P07:06
mindrapeMrLinux - man ssh07:06
marx2krafaelscj: it should be an option in your login window... if you want to set a default, in terminal type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm" (or kdm for kde)07:06
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tsm_ice9so, I'm either going for a Dell 1420N, or I have my eye on one of the HP tx1000 series07:07
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tsm_ice9the Dell is obviously going to be way more linux friendly07:07
allaHi I'm running Feisty on a laptop, normally it resumes just fine from hibernate, but it failed to resume, and upon rebooting it keeps mounting the root filesystem as readonly.. the hardware is fine, no problem running a different OS. Why does it now boot readonly?07:07
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rafaelscjmarx2k, thanks07:07
nickrudMrLinux: how are your computer's hooked up?07:07
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favoritefood0There we go07:07
tsm_ice9but, I kind of like the HP a little better.. more compact, light weight, and seems like a nice lappy07:07
favoritefood0I have top window bars again07:07
xyzany movie subtitle editing application for Ubuntu?07:08
KurtKrautfavoritefood0: I'm glad of reading that :P07:08
KurtKrautfavoritefood0: so are the 3D effects working ?07:08
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favoritefood0I can't get the cube to work07:08
favoritefood0Hold on I'll try it again.07:08
=== nickrud notices that rtfm did it again
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KurtKrautfavoritefood0: I think you have to enable the cube from the settings window...07:08
favoritefood0I just enabled the cube.07:08
favoritefood0Here we go07:09
favoritefood0I can't drag windows to another desktop07:09
favoritefood0How do I "see" the cube?07:09
kkathmanKurtKraut:  you are right, for some reason compiz-fusion's cube isnt enabled by default :)07:09
favoritefood0BTW thanks for helping me out with this.07:09
rafaelscjonly one quention: i am seeing the "kubuntu" loading bar at startup instead of the ubuntu's one, how do I to change it?07:09
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mindrapefavoritefood0 - see that lil red emerald icon?  Right click on it and setup the shortcuts for the cube07:09
KurtKrautfavoritefood0: when I'm tired of talking (because of taking classes all day), and I want to convice someone to install Ubuntu, I just show them the cube spinning and people imediatly ask: please, install that in my PC07:09
nickrud!usplash | rafaelscj07:09
uboturafaelscj: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork07:09
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KurtKrautluger: hi, what's up ?07:10
MrLinuxnickrud maybe you can give me just the command..07:10
nickrudshow them expose, it's much classier07:10
chowmeinedso has anyone else noticed that gnome isnt very responsive? like when you resize a window its very choppy?07:10
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lugerhey, i'm trying to get Avant Window Navigator on my computer and glancing around for some help. You have any experience with it?07:10
favoritefood0I can't view the cube though.07:10
nickrudMrLinux: if all is well,  ssh <you>@<server>07:10
KurtKrautchowmeined: I never experienced that07:10
favoritefood0Its kinda frustrating.07:10
kkathmanluger yeah I do07:10
tsm_ice9chowmeined: window resizing is a little choppy for me, now that you mention it07:10
KurtKrautfavoritefood0: yes, you can. It is a matter of setting it07:10
kkathmanluger - I gave up on it, its not really stable07:10
tsm_ice9but I really don't mind07:10
chowmeinedespecially when there are lots of widgets07:11
favoritefood0I have the cube enabled.07:11
favoritefood0And rotating.07:11
bastid_raZorthere is a emerld theme for compiz-fusion?07:11
favoritefood0But I don't seem to be able to activate it.07:11
chowmeinedlike go open the calculator.. and put it in scientific mode.. and resize it some07:11
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KurtKrautfavoritefood0: are you pressing the correct keys in order to use the cube ?07:11
lugerAh, okay. good to know. It just looked like some nice eye candy. If it's not worth it, then I won't worry about it07:11
chowmeinedits outrageously slow for me07:11
tsm_ice9chowmeined: however, I have a pretty minimal setup, I don't use much RAM or a very nice CPU07:11
lugerDo you use anything else like it?07:11
favoritefood0by default its ctrl+alt+left right?07:11
KurtKrautfavoritefood0: As far as I remember, yes07:11
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chowmeineda 2d widget toolkit should use very little resources...07:11
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MrLinuxnickrud this is my PC with Windows and my ibook has the ubuntu installed on. Windows is the server and ibook just a local user network and I just want to get in .. by
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=== GNine thanks the FSF
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kkathmanluger:  I kinda wanted to  use it as a "mac" intergace but its not anything like what I expected07:12
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ubuntuok hwo do i make it where i can reinstall ubuntu feisty i get this No root file system is define   Please correct this from the partitioning menu whn i click on the /dev/sda07:12
seamus7Hi.. when I go to a few administration programs like "USERS AND GROUPS or NETWORK the program window is blank ... what might this be a symptom of?07:12
tsm_ice9choppy window resizing doesn't really bother me though07:13
nickrudMrLinux: the ibook has the sshd process, right? you're logging in from windows?07:13
MrLinuxgandit vreodata sa ai propriul Server IRC sau Retea IRC ? Ushells iti ofera pachete IRCD la cele mai mici preturi.07:13
MrLinuxUshellsUP is admin@ * psyBNC/Eggdrop - www.Ushells.ro07:13
kkathmanluger - its not JUST a menu thing its also a taskbar which kinda makes it weird to use07:13
MrLinuxUshellsUP on #Ushells07:13
MrLinuxUshellsUP using *.undernet.org The Undernet Underworld07:13
MrLinuxUshellsUP has been idle 32mins 3secs, signed on Mon Sep 17 07:39:0307:13
MrLinuxUshellsUP End of /WHOIS list.07:13
MrLinuxnickrud , yes..07:13
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favoritefood0The Cube doesn't want to activate for me.07:13
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lugerkkathman: Ah, okay, that's good to know. Then I'm not too worried about not getting it installed then07:13
KurtKrautseamus7: post a screenshot of that in ubuntuforums.org07:13
Flannelubuntu: You need to delete your root partition, and then recreate it (on the previous screen).  Its a bug in the partitioner.  You only need to do it for your root partition though07:13
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nickrudMrLinux: are you running putty on the windows machine (ssh client)07:13
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davidthedrakeNoooooo! Robert Jordan died today!? Ohhh man. *mourns*07:13
MrLinuxnickrud yes07:13
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ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions07:14
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.07:14
favoritefood0Also every time I close a window I lose my window borders as well as the top bar on all my windows.07:14
ubuntuFlannel:  i am trying to reinstall ubuntu on that file07:14
KurtKrautubuntu: please, change your nickname by typing /nick YourWantedNickname07:14
nickrudMrLinux: there's no commands, you just set up the config on putty. I don't use it much, so I can't walk you through the config. But, you will log in as <useronmac>@
Flannelubuntu: that's fine.  You can do that, you just need to delete and recreate the identical partition07:15
evarI am trying to chagne the message that is displayed when a user ssh to ubuntu and was wondering what file to modify07:15
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ubuntuFlannel:  how do i do this?07:15
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MrLinuxnickrud , but I need the 22 port open to do that07:15
vinboyhow do I mount using ntfs-3g so that a normal user can write to it07:15
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tsm_ice9chowmeined: you said you'd be up for giving a little hardware input-- I'm thinking about getting either a Dell lappy with feisty factory-installed, or an hp and doing the install myself.. is it worth it to get the un-supported hp and be on my own?07:16
Flannelubuntu: go back to the previous screen (where you modify partitions).  delete the partition you want to use as / and then recreate a new one in the same place.07:16
nickrudMrLinux: unless you set up a firewall yourself, that port is open.07:16
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chowmeinedtsm_ice9: it depends, does the HP have something you specifically want?07:16
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KurtKrautevar: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AdvancedOpenSSH07:16
MrLinuxnickrud whois me, and try my ip on putty port 22 and you will see07:16
tsm_ice9chowmeined: basically, it's in a more compact form factor, that's about it...07:16
evarKurtKraut, thanks07:16
tsm_ice9couple pounds lighter, and 12" screen instead of 14"07:17
seamus7KurtKraut: basically i believe something I've done recently created some sort of issue that is causing some administration apps to only open after a long delay and some to open with blank windows ... I wonder if there might be a common cause to such sysmptoms?07:17
nickrudMrLinux: is this going thru a router?07:17
chowmeinedtsm_ice9: you'll want to make sure it has a supported wireless card07:17
favoritefood0I close a Terminal Window and my emerald dissapears.07:17
KurtKrautseamus7: that sounds very odd to me.07:17
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MrLinuxnickrud , nop .. just on a oneher ethernet07:17
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tsm_ice9chowmeined: I checked in the store and it has broadcom, which made me grimace, but it seems people on the forums have been able to kluge 'em into working07:18
MrLinuxnickrud , nop .. just on a onother ethernet07:18
avt3kkhi guys :D07:18
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KurtKrautseamus7: there is nothing I can remember that bound all administration interfaces. Each one is a separated program.07:18
chowmeinedtsm_ice9: yes, its possible to get them working.. but you really dont want a broadcom07:18
chowmeinedtsm_ice9: because getting them working is a pain.. and they dont work that well07:18
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tsm_ice9it has NVIDIA graphics too, which works but apparently not too well with suspend/hibernate07:19
nickrudMrLinux: you're not making a lot of sense here; if you're suggesting I try your visible ip, and you're going for an internal, there's gotta be router with nat going on. Back to my first question. How are these machines hooked up?07:19
seamus7KurtKraut: I recently installed Compiz Fusion (successfully) though I rarely use it ... also I notice that Azureus is opening multiple clients of itself whenever I add new torrents through Firefox ... I wonder if these could be related ... odd07:19
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tsm_ice9chowmeined: to be honest I'm also worried about returning the thing if it doesn't work out.. the people in store wouldn't let me try a live CD, so they might not be so tolerant07:20
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KurtKrautseamus7: that's why I suggested you posting in ubuntuforums.org - that deserves a deeper investigation. You may also consider posting it as a bug in launchpad07:20
chowmeinedtsm_ice9: you really dont want a broadcom07:20
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KurtKrautchowmeined: neither an ATi :P07:21
tsm_ice9chowmeined: hmm ok.. I didn't know just how bad broadcom would be... I suppose I can stick with the Dell07:21
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MrLinuxnickrud , :) now I'm on my PC (Windows) he connect directly to the internet , and my ibook is plug in by home network connection by a cable on the second ethernet on my PC . I have on born ethernet and another one hooking the ibook on . PC has and my ibook
bayonetblaharockets, are you here?07:22
chowmeinedtsm_ice9: there are more options than that.. you could try looking at another model/configuration of an HP07:22
NSFragquestion, can i like, sudo make a /dev device on the livecd and symlink it to my raid array in an attempt to fake install ubuntu to the raid array07:22
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rocketsbayonetblaha, yeah why07:22
mEck0Have you bought a 14,1" or a 12,1" laptop? I have a 15,4" at 3kg today and think it's to large to carry around each day to school. 14,1" seems perfect in the screensize, but is "just" kg lighter. A 12,1" seems too small to work with? I'm going to carry the laptop with me each day, taking notes on lectures, programming etc. Sometimes for hours.07:22
chowmeinedtsm_ice9: you could also look at a ThinkPad07:22
GNinelinux is not so intolerant ...  use sense .. read... and execute..07:22
tsm_ice9chowmeined: yeah, I think most of them come with broadcom (HPs)07:22
astro76NSFrag, you need to use the alternate cd07:22
MrLinuxnickrud the ibook connects to the internet by me PC07:22
chowmeinedKurtKraut: that is true.. for now.. but AMD released their graphics card specs so.. hopefully we will soon see an improvement in the drivers07:22
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NSFragastro76: how though? the alternate cd by default doesnt detect my raid array07:23
tsm_ice9chowmeined: I saw a thinkpad in store that looked nice, had intel for graphics and wireless.. but yeah they wouldn't let me try my live CD so I walked out07:23
NSFragnot that i saw anyways07:23
nickrudMrLinux: ah, you're using two ethernets in the windows machine.07:23
chowmeinedtsm_ice9: intel graphics and wireless are good07:23
MrLinuxnickrud yep07:23
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bayonetblahaI did something wrong in the instructions you gave me rockets07:23
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KurtKrautchowmeined: for newer graphics cards. Many of the cars people own around the world won't be affected by this.07:23
bayonetblahayou were helping me set default sound card07:23
tsm_ice9the thinkpad was 14" like the Dell, though, and cost more.. so I guess I might as well stick with the Dell07:23
MrLinuxnickrud I don't have an rooter or a switch.. just another ehernet07:23
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nickrudMrLinux: here's how to test your firewall on linux:  sudo iptables -L07:23
rocketsbayonetblaha, i dont remember what we talked about07:23
NSFragastro76: have you done a raid install with the alt install cd?07:24
chowmeinedKurtKraut: the previous cards already have open drivers07:24
chowmeinedKurtKraut: ATI used to release their specs before they got bigger07:24
bayonetblahayou told me to sudo asoundconf set-default-card07:24
bayonetblahato set the default sound card, of course07:24
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nickrudMrLinux: and I have zero clue about how to tell you to set up windows networking. I spent probably 8 hours on windows this weekend, probably more than in the last month07:24
KurtKrautchowmeined: not the majority. I have a card that has only proprietary drivers.07:24
chowmeinedKurtKraut: and some of them were already successfully reverse engineered07:24
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bayonetblahaI tried hw:1,0 as well as entries from asoundconf list07:24
tsm_ice9chowmeined: I was kind of hoping for a 12" but there's not much else in that price range07:25
bayonetblahano sound from any program now07:25
MrLinuxnickrud here is all good , saying policy ACCEPT on 3 speps07:25
=== GNine thinks tuna is so yummy
kfarrellHello, I have a bash file I want to run as a user every day at 8am, do I use cron for this?07:25
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nickrudMrLinux: if you can ping the linux box, then putty will connect to the ssh daemon then07:25
favoritefood0KurtKraut: The cube doesn't want to show up, I have it enabled, and I am trying the key activations, and they aren't working.07:25
KurtKrautkfarrell: yes07:25
chowmeinedKurtKraut: and also... it might be reasonable to assume that these specs can be at least helpful to the development of previous generation drivers07:25
tsm_ice9seems the Thinkpad x61 is 12"07:25
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KurtKrautchowmeined: I hope so.07:25
tsm_ice9I dunno what it's gonna run though07:26
MrLinuxnickrud and what the ssh of the daemon ?07:26
pppoe_dudeany way to view visio files in ubuntu?07:26
MrLinuxwhat port ?07:26
donhi there07:26
kfarrellKurtKraut: I only know cron as running daily, hourly etc. Can you set it to run at a certain time?07:26
GNineputty , ssh.. thats right07:26
KurtKrautchowmeined: my biggest problem is with ATi soundcard. It is VERY crashy with Linyx07:26
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nickrudMrLinux: port 22? but putty knows that07:26
KurtKrautchowmeined: *linux07:26
ubuntuFlannel:  can u join me in room #wwed please07:26
Tarkushi, anyone know what the best way is to install drivers that will be stable? (is it restricte drivers manager? or is there a better way? i have NVidia GeForce 7800 GT)07:26
MrLinuxnickrud .. trying to connect to the ibook by putty and just saying 'Connection refused'07:27
KurtKrautfavoritefood0: insist on that. You should be able to get this working07:27
KurtKrautTarkus: the restricted drivers manager should offer the more stable ones.07:27
nickrudanyone use putty much? I don't even remember what the config screen looks like07:27
favoritefood0I'll give beryl a try, I had the same problems with beryl07:27
favoritefood0Its that darned cube07:27
favoritefood0and the command line07:27
=== GNine checks ibook
MrLinuxnickrud on Red Hat and other OS's there is /etc/rc.d/init.d/iptables stop . And service sshd start to run the sshd07:28
rlountTarkus, I use the nvidia driver from their site. They are stable for various machines around here.07:28
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favoritefood0I enable emerald in the command line "emerald --creplace"07:28
favoritefood0and I get all my top bars back07:28
favoritefood0I close any terminal and I lose my top bars07:28
nickrudMrLinux: sudo netstat -tlp will tell you what's listening.07:28
tsm_ice9looks like I can't get a thinkpad x61 for under 1000 :(07:28
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GNineemerald... hmm.. compiz is out of topic here ..07:29
KurtKrautfavoritefood0: use ALT+F2 window to run this command07:29
ubuntuFlannel:  u join me in room #wwed please07:29
favoritefood0Alt+F2 doesn't pull up a menu07:29
=== GNine takes chunk of tuna sandwich
favoritefood0I think that my key bindings got all messed up.07:29
favoritefood0or something.07:29
favoritefood0I hit alt+f2 and nothing happens07:29
favoritefood0it was working a minute ago.07:30
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revilodrawhi! im using ubuntu, and am running xp in a virtual machine. im trying to install Copilot 10 (a gps navigation program in the xp virtual machine, but at the end of the installation i get an error message saying i dont have enough permissions. i am the administrator of the xp. it wont allow me to install the program in safe mode07:30
KurtKrautfavoritefood0: so there is something messed up for sure. This is a default gnome shortcut07:30
MrLinuxnickrud , tell me here there is 3 ports open . tcp 856/pythin , tcp 315/cupsd , tcl 852/hpiod07:30
mindrapefavoritefood0 - you using xfce or gnome or what?07:30
KurtKrautrevilodraw: I think this is a Windows issue, not related to the virtual machine.07:30
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rlountrevilodraw, thats like a ... heh, yah,07:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gxine - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:30
mindrapefavoritefood0 - try typing gnome-theme-manager07:30
nickrudMrLinux: ah, you said it was running earlier: sudo invoke-rc.d ssh start07:30
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Evanlec_anyone think xubuntu is really any more lightweight than ubuntu? is it really better for system with 256mb ram or less?07:31
mindrapeer.r.. gnome-wm07:31
revilodrawkurtktraut: yes you are right its windows issue, but it doesnt happen on my xp laptop...07:31
favoritefood0I see the theme manager07:31
favoritefood0Pulled htat up.07:31
KurtKrautrevilodraw: Windows is not expected to work as exactly tne07:31
ahugheshey sorry for such a noob question.... my env param's in ~/.bash_profiles are not loading :'(07:31
scratchyUbuntu is quite a big load07:31
KurtKrautrevilodraw: Windows is not expected to work as exactly the same in every install :P07:31
rlountEvanlec, use ion2 for low mem. IMHO, it's waaaaay lighter than anything xubuntu.07:32
favoritefood0But nothing changes.07:32
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scratchyI mean My Cpu's are running overtime07:32
GNine256mg RAM?  scary07:32
tsm_ice9chowmeined: thanks for the input, I appreciate it07:32
KurtKrautfavoritefood0: there is a specific channel for these issues: #ubuntu-effects07:32
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Evanlec_rlount, ion2 is a window manager?07:32
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rlountEvanlec, aye.07:32
MrLinuxnickrud , LOL i write the command down.. on my console and says here the 'invoke-rc.d: unknown initscript, /etc/init.d/ssh not found.'07:33
scratchyI have 2048mb Ram but still07:33
Evanlec_what distro?07:33
nickrudMrLinux: My apologies:  ubuntu has made sshd not listen to the net by default. That is utterly brain dead07:33
michael__are there any programs to convert mp3's into  sheetmusic or midi files?07:33
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revilodrawkurtkraut: lol yes this is true, but do u have any idea how i can give myself ultimate super administrative privileges in xp? it will never connect to the internet so i dont care about vulnerabilities07:33
GNine2048mg ram?  nice07:33
nickrudMrLinux: then you don't even have it installed07:33
rlountafter installing *buntu, just install it and go for it.07:33
zeeeeecan anyone help with my intel gma 950 issues? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=55186907:33
ahughesperhaps it is bash_profiles and not bash_profile    (-s) ?07:33
=== OXIj [n=oxij@pppoe-] has joined #ubuntu
=== GNine envies scratchy
=== scratchy blushes
ubuntucan aomwonw join me in #wwed that knows hwo to do a reinstall of ubuntu while dual booting xp /ntfs also please07:33
MrLinuxnickrud , help me install it :P07:33
favoritefood0The Ubuntu Effects channel is very inactive.07:34
Evanlec_GNine, i'm interested in using ubuntu or linux on a usb drive, thats portable and will run on older machines well07:34
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers07:34
KurtKrautrevilodraw: I don't know. I have an issue with win2k3 that exceeds my inteligence... no one is able to fix that. So, we are both in the same boat :P07:34
=== ahughes runs off to read this on the web, thanks anyway
KurtKrautfavoritefood0: so try the forums07:34
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scratchyRunning extended desktop on Ubuntu which is way better, 2048x102407:34
zeeeeefavoritefood0: what channel be that?07:34
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revilodrawkurtkraut: ok cool thanks anyway07:34
GNineusb drive of over 2gigs?07:34
zeeeeeoh nm07:34
Evanlec_usb drive of 2gb07:37
nickrudMrLinux: sudo aptitude install ssh-server    ;   then    sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config  and remove the # on the 8th line, where it says listen
revilodrawis there a windows support channel for those of us forced to use xp?07:37
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Evanlec_revilodraw, ya, #windows ;p07:37
KurtKrautrevilodraw: don't think so.07:37
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revilodrawevanlec: makes sense07:37
GNinelinux should be able to run from it .. but you have to know what your getting yourself into07:37
rlountrevilodraw, er... $$$07:37
=== GNine scratches his nose
rlountWindows = $$$07:37
ubuntuwhen dual booting and xp is on the hd first and is ntfs thn is ubuntu the /dev/sda2?07:37
MrLinuxnickrud on bro I will do that... now I'm restarting the ibook the base is up-to-daet07:37
=== natchos20 [n=natchos2@] has joined #ubuntu
MrLinuxnickrud on bro I will do that... now I'm restarting the ibook the base is up-to-date *07:37
=== nickrud thinks disabling servers to not listen to the net by default is something that's defensible, but ssh????
ubuntusorry /dev/media/sda207:37
nickrudMrLinux: no reboot needed07:37
KurtKrautubuntu: please, change your nickname by typing /nick YourWantedNickname07:37
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rlountnickrud, on install no open ports are good ports.07:37
=== Kinks_ [n=Kinks@wnklmb01dc1-208-223.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu
GNinessh is networking with windows in my book07:37
MrLinuxnickrud but the icon sayd that not me :P07:37
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=== bigfuzzyjesus [n=bigfuzzy@unaffiliated/bigfuzzyjesus] has joined #ubuntu
ubuntucan someone help me with a reinstall of ubuntu please07:37
GNinessh = good though..  carry on07:37
faileasubuntu: just install over the old install07:37
ubuntuand KurtKraut i tried it wont let me07:37
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ubuntufaileas:  it wont let me saying somethng about the root07:37
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KurtKrautubuntu: probably you typed a nickname that already belong to someone. Try a very inventive one.07:37
nickrudrlount: I remember a long thread about that years ago, and I come down on if someone installs something that's useless without being open to the outside, that's a bogus argument07:37
=== sxealex [n=sxealex@pool-71-184-159-133.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
XsteelWolfhow do i check whether my wlan driver is install?07:38
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=== ubuntu is now known as hjfkd
nickrudpardon the grammer07:38
faileasubuntu: booting from the cd?07:38
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rlountnickrud, heh.07:38
=== Whack [n=whack@cpe-76-184-199-119.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
rlountI hear you.07:38
hjfkdfaileas:  i am on the live cd07:38
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XsteelWolfhow do i check whether my wlan driver is install?07:38
scratchySo anyone running Compiz Fusion on a ATI yet ?07:38
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bootsmorriswhats up07:38
Whackscractchy: i am07:39
hjfkdfaileas:  i am trying to reinstall ubuntu over the other ubuntu but sayes something about being root07:39
faileashjfkd: hmm. i've done it with alternate...07:39
michael__whats a small mp3 to wav program for linux07:39
scratchyXGL ?07:39
Drunken_MasterHey everyone07:39
rlountnickrud, I'd still much rather open things then run around closing them before someone p0wns me.07:39
XsteelWolfhow do i check whether my wlan driver is install?07:39
Whackyes, on a 9800xt07:39
=== natchos20 [n=natchos2@] has joined #ubuntu
hjfkdfaileas:  join me in room #wwed please so we can talk without all this flooding07:39
scratchyI keep trying but somehow its EXtremely instabile07:39
Whackwhat driver are you using for your video card, and what card?07:39
Drunken_MasterCan someone help me ?07:39
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scratchyenlighten us with thou mighty knowledge of Wise Whack one07:39
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:39
faileashjfkd: i got too many windows open07:39
KurtKrautDrunken_Master: ask your question07:39
=== notdarkyet [n=michael@74-135-26-151.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu
Whackwell, im still a relative noob, it took me about 2 hours to get it working07:40
nickrudrlount: my irritation is probably more about my complacency using debian thinking again. Bit in the butt, again :)07:40
Drunken_MasterI just installed Ubuntu ( latest release ) on my notebook and it keeps freezing ...07:40
scratchyNo beryl right ?07:40
Whackare you using the restricted ati driver?07:40
=== Phobos [n=Phobos@] has joined #ubuntu
Drunken_MasterAny ideas on how to fix it ?07:40
Whackhmm, what video card is it?07:40
rlountnickrud, my butt is scarred too ;)07:40
hjfkdhow much is 76gb in mb07:40
=== seraph34 [n=jordan@mfirman.st.bradley.edu] has joined #ubuntu
=== Sajes8 is now known as Sajes
GNine2 hours?  thats nothing.. try learning C07:41
KurtKrauthjfkd: 76/102407:41
scratchyIm using the ATI driver with XGL server uuuhm 580/X1900 XT 51207:41
nickrudwell, anyway, MrLinux should be up now, anyway07:41
hjfkdis 76942mb 76gb?07:41
KurtKrauthjfkd: 76*1024, sorry07:41
davidthedrakehjfkd, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gigabyte07:41
GNinei like people that likes unix07:41
scratchyit says its unsupported but I had it working before ...07:41
Whackand compize does load, just unstable?07:41
=== scratchy hugs Gnine
hjfkdKurtKraut:  i have 76942mb free for install of ubuntu will that be the 76gb?07:42
nickrudone of these days I'll install unix, see if I like it :)07:42
scratchyWell Compiz does load07:42
MrLinuxlogin as: mrlinux07:42
MrLinuxmrlinux@'s password:07:42
MrLinuxLinux laptop 2.6.15-26-powerpc #1 Fri Sep 8 19:51:33 UTC 2006 ppc GNU/Linux07:42
scratchyI cant get the wobbly windows07:42
davidthedrakehjfkd, That looks like 76G07:42
scratchyBut no animations or cube07:42
MrLinuxnickrud thanks alot bro :P07:42
=== GNine shares a chuck of tuna sandwich with scratchy
scratchyno windows decorations07:42
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Whackwhat happens when you enable them?07:42
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=== scratchy Meows and licks his paw
nickrudMrLinux: you're welcome, we both learned a bit tonight ;)07:43
MrLinuxnickrud now tell me how do get wine07:43
MrLinuxnickrud on my PPC07:43
=== rlount thinks of smashing grapes
WhackMrLinux: sudo apt-get install wine07:43
nickrudMrLinux: something I don't use07:43
rlountoh, that wine!07:43
hjfkdok whn i try to install faileas it shows me this No root file system is defined.07:43
hjfkd   Please correct this from the partitioning menu07:43
MrLinuxmrlinux@laptop:~$ sudo apt-get install wine07:43
MrLinuxReading package lists... Done07:43
MrLinuxBuilding dependency tree... Done07:43
MrLinuxPackage wine is not available, but is referred to by another package.07:43
MrLinuxThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or07:43
MrLinuxis only available from another source07:43
=== m1ke [n=mike@c-67-186-85-180.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
MrLinuxE: Package wine has no installation candidate07:44
GNineha!  wine is good .. for gamers too07:44
davidthedrake!paste | Mr_Pan07:44
ubotuMr_Pan: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:44
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kkathmanMrLinux:  also once installed, try http://frankscorner.org for a good wine reference for things that will and will not run07:44
scratchyAgreed ! Wine is Fine !07:44
faileashjfkd: ahhh. you can do that from gparted07:44
davidthedrakeOops... meant to be directed at MrLinux07:44
nickrudWine doesn't run on ppc I do believe07:44
davidthedrakeDidn't see there was another Mr in here :)07:44
faileaswine does NOT work on PPC MrLinux07:44
Whacki didn't know that07:44
=== bootsmorris [n=bootsmor@adsl-69-149-37-61.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
hjfkdfaileas:  how?07:44
nickrudwrong instruction set07:44
MrLinuxfaileas .. but the package is not there07:44
rlountthey have Flash for PPC yet?07:44
KurtKrautrlount: no07:44
faileasMrLinux: you could probably run windows or linux X86 on qemu07:44
GNinerunning an intel? Nickrud?07:44
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kkathmanMrLinux:  in fact you might want to consult there first, to see if what you WANT to run, will, before you go to all that trouble07:45
Whackscratchy: i'm not sure what else to check for, if the restricted driver is working, and xgl is running, it should work07:45
nickrudGNine: ppc07:45
ubotuqemu is an emulator you can use to run another operating system - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo07:45
Drunken_MasterI just installed Ubuntu ( 7.04 ) on my notebook ( Toshiba a75-211 ). I also downloaded the updates ... but it keeps freezing ( weird freeze: I can still move windows but nothing else works ). It happened with gaim, firefox and bash opened. Anyone knowes how to fix this ?07:45
GNinealright, nickrud07:45
Whackscratchy: did you use envy to install the driver?07:45
faileasMrLinux: thats cause there is not, and should not be, and never will be a wine on PPC07:45
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rlountMrLinux, listen to kkathman, PPC has some shotcomings.07:45
=== moab_ [n=root@216-99-217-224.dsl.aracnet.com] has joined #ubuntu
MrLinuxfaileas , but some codecs ? to see an .avi file ..07:45
Whackrlount: thats probably why apple abandoned it :P07:45
nickrudnothing wrong with ppc itself07:45
kkathmanwell, first and foremost, more and more distros are discontinuing ppc support07:46
rlountno, PPC is great.07:46
hjfkdfaileas:  whn i try i get this The following operation could not be applied to disk:07:46
hjfkdCreate Primary Partition #1 (ext3, 71.66 GiB) on /dev/sda07:46
hjfkdSee the details for more information07:46
scratchyEnvy ?07:46
kkathmanwhich means, long term, the devs will give up :)07:46
rlountjust limited in whats out there. good server in a pinch.07:46
GNinei run intel on my linux .. everything good07:46
=== scratchy googles
faileashjfkd: no idea then07:46
Whackyes, its a gui installer for ATI/nVidia drivers07:46
ubotuenvy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly!07:46
nickrudscratchy: got distracted: install emerald, run   emerald --replace07:46
hjfkddoes anyone know hwo to reinstall ubuntu ? im on live cd07:46
MrLinuxnickrud, I need some codecs , to see .avi files .. :|07:46
faileasPPC isn't supported by any major company post apple07:47
nickrud!medibuntu | MrLinux07:47
ubotuMrLinux: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org07:47
Whackenvy worked great for me, on a 9800xt07:47
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faileasMrLinux: tried to see if it worked with VLC?07:47
rlountPPC is a Yeller Dog thingie.07:47
GNinei wont get into envy .. never07:47
MrLinuxfaileas .. :|07:47
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Whackwell, im still a bit noob-ish to install drivers manually :P07:47
nickrudbad for one's character07:47
scratchyNaah Still no borders07:48
Whacki had enough trouble just getting ndiswrapper to work, for my wlan card07:48
=== mike [n=mike@modemcable066.126-59-74.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
GNinewhack.. your gettin more than knee deep .. yet your talkin about manual install.. ha!07:48
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faileasrlount: Yellow Dog is just the biggest and only PPC only distro ;p07:49
nickrudscratchy: I start fusion with compiz --replace && metacity --replace , works every time. (I know, #effects)07:49
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!07:49
=== GNine giggles
rlountfaileas, right! They make me want a PS307:49
nickrudscratchy: erm, scratch metacity, emerald07:49
=== scratchy eats some of the tuna sandwich...
Whackfor those of you using compiz fusion, have you notice it being a little buggy?07:49
=== xsteelwolf_ [n=xsteelwo@cm97.epsilon105.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:49
faileasrlount: PS3 virtualises PPC ;p07:50
=== karmelek [n=mateusz@host-134-162-karolina.igloonet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
davidthedrakeWhack, depends on what you mean by 'buggy.'07:50
rlountfaileas, right. Cell Proc.07:50
scratchyWhack, A little ? Desktop effects is from compiz right ?07:50
=== home__ [n=home@user-160u254.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
Tarkushi, anyone know whats the best instruction for installing "Compiz Fusion"... i found these 2. not sure what method is better. (  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=481615&highlight=compiz+fusion  )    (  http://forlong.blogage.de/article/2007/8/26/The-best-way-to-install-Compiz-Fusion-on-Ubuntu-Feisty  )07:50
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rlountfaileas, same 'ol IBM behind it.07:50
Whackdesktop effects is an old version though, compiz fusion is the new version, compiz+beryl combined07:50
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davidthedrakeTarkus, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion is a great guide.07:51
faileasrlount: yup, but the cell is a fair amount more powerful than a PPC with parallel tasks07:51
=== GNine prepares another tuna sandwich while listening to finding the bomb
=== rlount feels old 'cause he has no bling.
seraph34am I missing something with my wireless card? It is recognized in the network manual configuration but I just can't connect...07:51
=== karmelek [n=mateusz@host-134-162-karolina.igloonet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
Tarkusdavidthedrake, aah, thanks.07:51
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rlountfaileas, I have read that. I hope to see some cool things out of it.07:51
=== kINTO [n=kinto@r194056.res.Lehigh.EDU] has joined #ubuntu
michael__what is the chmod command to make executable scripts07:51
davidthedrakeTarkus, 7.10 will have it by default by my understanding :)07:52
mindrapemichael - chmod +x thefile07:52
Whackanyone here have experience getting a 5 button mouse to work?07:52
xsteelwolf_# title         Windows 95/98/NT/200007:52
xsteelwolf_# root          (hd0,0)07:52
nickrud!mouse | Whack07:52
ubotuWhack: Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto07:52
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scratchychmod (1)            - change file access permissions07:52
Whackyeah, i've been through the docs, and every page i could find on google07:52
rlountnickrud, thats cool.07:52
GNineexecutable files..  play by the rules there07:52
xsteelwolf_10:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation Unknown device 4229 (rev 61) -> this mean my network wlan is not install?07:52
Tarkusdavidthedrake, any idea when it comes out?07:52
nickrudrlount: what?07:52
Whacki have a unique problem though, I'm not sure what else to try07:52
=== rlount thinks he should hang out here more
davidthedrakeTarkus, nope ;)07:52
rlountnickrud, bot querry07:53
Whacki have a 7 button mouse, it has 3 thumb buttons on the left07:53
=== karmelek [n=mateusz@host-134-162-karolina.igloonet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
rlountsimple things for simple minds!07:53
nickrud!find xserver-xorg07:53
ubotuFound: xserver-xorg, xserver-xorg-core, xserver-xorg-dev, xserver-xorg-input-all, xserver-xorg-input-elographics (and 72 others)07:53
KurtKrautthat is a lot of buttons07:53
=== GNine laughs at Whack
william__hola alguien de Colombai07:53
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Whackyou would expect them to fire button evetns, button 6, 7, and 807:53
scratchyHa ! 7 buttons I dont even have 7 fingers07:53
=== karmelek [n=mateusz@host-134-162-karolina.igloonet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudit's a well made bot , yes. cafuego crafted07:53
Whackhowever, they fire keypress events, Hone, End, and Backspace07:53
=== scratchy counts 4 on every paw
Whacki have verified with xev, no button events at all07:54
xsteelwolf_10:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation Unknown device 4229 (rev 61) -> this mean my network wlan is not install?07:54
=== MeRodent has 10 buttons when you include scroll wheel.
nickrudoh, one of those windows mices, lol07:54
=== GNine got 5 .. oh wait .. thats 7 in linux count :-P
=== cableroy_ [n=cableroy@noc.mtulink.no] has joined #ubuntu
nickruddoes it have a dsp?07:54
KurtKrautI was wondering how the Mac users live with one single button... ahahaha07:54
Whacki want to use them to control compiz, to initiate the shift switcher, expo, and scale plugins07:54
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KurtKrautpeople here have more than 7 buttons in a mouse !07:54
Whackmacs have 3 buttons now07:54
=== MeRodent wonders if that should actually be 9 since we count from 0
Whackeven though the mac mouse looks like one button, it has right and left07:55
KurtKrautWhack: what an improvement... ahahaha07:55
Whackand the scroll ball is clickable07:55
=== nickrud goes to get his cat
Whackand it has a thumb button :P07:55
william__hola a todos los de habla hispana07:55
nickrud!es | william__07:55
ubotuwilliam__: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.07:55
william__como ?07:55
Whacki still hate them though, they just dont feel "right", like they track differently07:55
Whackfeels like a gunked up ball mouse07:55
=== scratchy is right back
KurtKrautwilliam__: aqui es usted tiene que hablar ingls07:56
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=== pyrak [n=pyrak@ip68-109-193-64.pv.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
GNinewilliam__, !es07:56
Whackso does anyone have any ideas why the extra buttons on my mouse would function as Home, End and Bksp keys?07:56
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.07:56
KurtKrautspanish is quite hard to learn07:57
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davidthedrakeWhack, perhaps they auto-configured based on a text-editor?07:57
bruenigWhack, you can map the buttons to certain keys so it's not inconceivable07:57
nickrudif xev doesn07:57
ubotuEnabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto07:57
william__no is very easy07:57
nickrudt  see them, that's magic07:57
davidthedrakeKurtKraut, naw. Espanol es muy facil.07:57
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GNineyah.. so they think in any other language bout english07:57
Whackyeah but where would they be mapped?07:57
=== GNine winks
=== Andria [n=ReVeNaNt@4cb54-1-87-88-243-139.dsl.club-internet.fr] has joined #ubuntu
KurtKrautdavidthedrake: not for a native portuguese speaker :p07:57
MrLinuxnickrud , I have the old version of Ubuntu .. I downloaded the new version and sucks.. not working good , I have the CD. the question is "I can make some upgrades of the system with the New Ubuntu CD ?"07:57
Whackusing xev, they trigger KeyPress events, no click events at all07:57
davidthedrakeKurtKraut, Ahhh...07:57
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=== phiqtion [n=phiqtion@cvx-ppp-66-50-52-102.coqui.net] has joined #ubuntu
m4st3rhi all07:58
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=== bruenig|laptop [n=bruenig@ip-129-15-131-246.fescfwsm.ou.edu] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudMrLinux: it depends on a couple of things. 1. how old is the old install, and how new the new?  2. How much software have you installed from the net?07:58
=== elate [n=Elate@85-211-248-244.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
rlountHi m4st3r.07:59
william__excuse me07:59
Whacki have been through the multi buttons mouse tutorial, but i cant get buttons 6, 7, and 8 to register07:59
MrLinuxnickrud , I have Ubuntu 6.06.1 now installed on my ibook , and I have Ubuntu 7.04 on CD07:59
KurtKrautWhack: you have to agree that is a very unusual device.07:59
william__how have for channel of spanish08:00
GNinepeople is getting too anxious bout gutsy08:00
=== _TomB [n=tomb@ACCE2934.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
Whackim beginning to think it's the device itself, sending keycodes08:00
KurtKrautwilliam__: type /join #ubuntu-es for spanish support08:00
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=== GNine muches tuna sandwich
nickrudMrLinux: No, you don't want to do that; the only upgrade path is through each release, you can't just skip 6.10.08:00
william__ahhh thanks08:00
nickrudMrLinux: better to just reinstall08:00
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MrLinuxnickrud , I did that.. but :| the screen is duble . I don't know why08:01
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=== brad016 [n=brad@ppp-71-138-19-156.dsl.frs2ca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Whackwell, my next question is, does anyone have a 5 button mouse that works correctly on ubuntu?08:01
=== neverblue2 [n=neverblu@unaffiliated/neverblue] has joined #ubuntu
MrLinuxnickrud yes Double ..08:01
brad016what is the command to run wine in the terminal?08:01
=== GNine thinks some people needs mental upgrade from windoze mental blocks
=== zlobendogg [n=zdogg@pop-93b-53.azeronline.com] has joined #ubuntu
Whackbrad016: wine <exefile>08:01
=== zlobendogg [n=zdogg@pop-93b-53.azeronline.com] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudMrLinux: I don't know why, that's one I haven't heard yet08:01
=== Tanman77 [n=weiyen@203-173-163-38.static.bliink.wave.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
brad016are you sure?08:02
=== zlobendogg [n=zdogg@pop-93b-53.azeronline.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== nickrud checks the date on his /usr partition, and whistles
MrLinuxnickrud , me 2 .. but I want to look like the new version .. with all the new stuff .. and the new look08:02
Whackalso, you can associate exe files with wine08:02
Whackso you can double click to launch them from nautilus08:02
brad016Whack, this did not work/08:02
MrLinuxnickrud , tell me please how to make a super user .. on Ubuntu08:02
Whackdid you get an error?08:02
=== benanzo|mobile [n=benanzo@c-71-197-165-27.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudMrLinux: it's not much, in 7.04.  I'd suggest just waiting a month and getting gutsy. It has the eye candy much better put together08:03
GNinewine is all bout windows.. of of course.. gnine wouldnt know (about windows) now08:03
brad016Whack, bash: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'08:03
=== hunshad [n=joe@modemcable130.189-131-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
rathelHello I need some help with mt-daapd. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37632/08:03
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hunshadeveryone can help me please08:03
MrLinuxnickrud , tell me please how to make a super user .. on Ubuntu08:03
=== jriley [n=jriley@c-67-168-109-188.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
Whackhmm, what was the command you gave it?08:03
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.08:03
nickrudMrLinux: you don't really need one, I myself use sudo and have since long before ubuntu made a big deal of it.  ( sudo passwd)08:04
brad016Whack, wine <exefile>08:04
hunshadeveryone can help me please08:04
brad016Whack, just like you gave m08:04
KurtKrauthunshad: tell what is your problem08:04
Whackwithout the < and >, right?08:04
xsteelwolf_when i type lsmod ,i see iwl4965 is installed,however when i type lspci, my networkcontroller isn't available?08:04
Whacklike wine MyApp.exe?08:04
=== UB` [n=mik@stargate.fastweb.it] has joined #ubuntu
brad016Whack, no08:04
MrLinuxnickrud , I realy need another super user , please give me the command to add onother super user by default08:05
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nickrudMrLinux: another sudo user?08:05
MrLinuxnickrud , not sudo user .. directly super user like 'root;08:05
xsteelwolf_need help! when i type lsmod ,i see iwl4965 is installed,however when i type lspci, my networkcontroller isn't available?08:05
KurtKrautxsteelwolf_: lsmod means that the module is loaded in the kernel. lspci means what piece of hardware was detected08:05
nickrudMrLinux: look back, I did08:05
xsteelwolf_my hardware isn't detected but module is installed08:06
rlountxsteelwolf_, what does iwconfig tell you?08:06
xsteelwolf_what should i do08:06
MrLinux<nickrud> MrLinux: you don't really need one, I myself use sudo and have since long before ubuntu made a big deal of it.  ( sudo passwd)08:06
Whackbrad016: if you want wine to run a file called MyApp.exe, then you would type wine MyApp.exe08:06
KurtKrautxsteelwolf_: from here and beyond, I don't know t08:06
nickrudMrLinux: yup, it's in that line :)08:06
KurtKrautxsteelwolf_: from here and beyond, I don't know what to do :P08:06
hunshad I try to make run ragnarok with wine and when I launch it, I see the wine application starting and disappearing in bottom from my screen! Without leaving any error08:06
nickrudMrLinux: sudo passwd08:06
xsteelwolf_wlan0     IEEE 802.11g  ESSID:"XsteelWolf"08:06
xsteelwolf_          Mode:Managed  Frequency:2.437 GHz  Access Point: 00:14:BF:04:C2:AE08:06
xsteelwolf_          Retry min limit:7   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr=2346 B08:06
xsteelwolf_          Link Quality:0  Signal level:0  Noise level:008:06
xsteelwolf_          Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag:008:06
xsteelwolf_          Tx excessive retries:0  Invalid misc:0   Missed beacon:008:06
brad016Whack, no, how do i run "wine" the base program?08:06
=== GNine dont like looking at lost linux users ... google is YOUR friend.. ok.. this is the support channel
MrLinuxnickrud just type that ? 'sudo passwd' ? but the user ?08:07
=== GNine is just ruthless .. sowwy
Whackwhat do you mean the base program?08:07
nickrudMrLinux: that will set the root password, root is the 'super user'08:07
rlountxsteelwolf_, thats a big goose egg.08:07
hunshadhow i can write in red08:07
KurtKrauthunshad: avoid using colors here.08:07
rlountyour hardware is not playing nice.08:07
MrLinuxnickrud bro .. you don't understand me :) not to change the root password. I need to make a new user with the root privilegy08:07
rlountall the 0's for signal etc... no good.08:08
hunshad I try to make run ragnarok with wine and when I launch it, I see the wine application starting and disappearing in bottom from my screen! Without leaving any error08:08
nickrudMrBrizzio: a new sudo user then.    sudo adduser <user> admin08:08
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hunshadthis is my problem08:08
KurtKrauthunshad: there is a setting in wine that you emulate a whole desktop. Try turning that on08:08
=== rodserling [n=rod@pool-71-124-243-86.bstnma.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
lewismy sound suddently cut off for some reasons while I was watching a video on youtube and I have absolutly no idea why08:09
lewisI tried to restard firefox but nothing08:09
KurtKrautlewis: restart you whole session08:09
lewisKurtKraut, how do I do that ..I log off?08:09
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KurtKrauthunshad: I cant remember how08:09
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hunshadscuse me for my bad english08:09
KurtKrautlewis: yes08:09
=== bruenig|laptop is now known as bruenig
hunshadi come here because all french people are sleeping08:10
MrLinuxnickrud are you here ?08:10
nickrudMrLinux: yup08:10
hunshadi will read more on wine08:10
MrLinuxnickrud bro .. you don't understand me :) not to change the root password. I need to make a new user with the root privilegy08:10
Whacklewis: you can press ctrl+alt+backspace to restart session and log back in08:10
=== jukka [n=jukka@195-156-32-176.businessinternet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo08:10
nickrudMrLinux: I just told you:  sudo adduser <user> admin08:10
=== KurtKraut is a sort of sleepy
GNinedont tell that to windoze users.. they might wake up08:11
=== rlount wonders how long he will have to keep restarting xinetd...
=== defrysk [n=defrysk@g173059.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
=== rlount hates backups
Whackif you're doing alot of commands as root, you can also do su root08:11
MrLinuxroot@SRT:~# adduser boot admin08:11
MrLinuxadduser: The user `boot' does not exist.08:11
Whackto avoid having to type sudo over and over08:11
nickrudMrLinux: you first have to create the user, of course, system->admin->users08:11
=== scratchy walks back into the room and sees a new tuna sandwich ... Meow !
bruenigWhack, the root account is disabled by default so they would have to unlock that also08:12
Whackhmm, i must have enabled mine, i dont remember doing it08:12
KurtKrautscratchy: stop talking about food... I'm hungry and my fridge is empty... I'll only have something to eat tomorrow ;P08:12
=== pwnedomina_ [n=pwnedomi@adsl-b3-196-8.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu
xsteelwolf_is there anyway to make sudo apt-get or wget to support concurrent connections just like download accelerator?08:12
MrLinuxnickrud , .. I working now just with the console .. tell the command to add an user to Ubuntu by connsole08:12
nickrudMrLinux: ah.  sudo adduser user08:12
=== favoritefood0 [n=cody@cel-broadband1-ws-95.dsl.airstreamcomm.net] has joined #ubuntu
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favoritefood0I got it working!!! <3 compiz!08:12
KurtKrautxsteelwolf_: not easily... because concurrent downloads is considered abusive.08:13
GNine**by the way.. am not here to muck new users.. i just like reading.. and thats how i FIXED MY mistakes on linux08:13
XsteelWolfbut im getting like 1000bytes per sec only08:13
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KurtKrautXsteelWolf: y08:13
bruenigXsteelWolf, changing the mirror might be a better way of fixing that08:13
rlountGNine, old school!08:13
scratchyOh btw Envy (which stands for Nvidia) is a little helper for the NVIDIA drivers .... Mister Ati doesnt not want it08:13
KurtKrautXsteelWolf: try finding a fasted mirror08:13
XsteelWolfDon't know,stupid mirror08:13
nickrudI was a pest on some mail lists, I owe08:13
=== GNine has anger issues.. thats all.. haha
=== Steil [n=hedch@S010600e029837be0.ca.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
XsteelWolfthat's my local mirror...08:13
bruenigchange it08:13
Whackenvy does ATI drivers also08:13
scratchyit does ?08:13
MrLinuxnickrud , thanks a log bro ! you are the best :P08:13
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Whackyeah, i used it on my ati08:14
bruenig!envy | scratchy Whack08:14
ubotuscratchy Whack: envy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly!08:14
XsteelWolfim able to get 1mb/s off some archives i try using a web browser08:14
XsteelWolfbut when its apt-get ,it will drop to like 10kb/s only08:14
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KurtKrautXsteelWolf: are you using Feisty ?08:14
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rlountXsteelWolf, thats because hogging bandwidth is considered rude.08:14
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rlountservers are throttled.08:15
Whackif you're nervous, backup your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file first08:15
bruenigit is more than that08:15
GNinealways backup08:15
rlountbut 10/k is harsh08:15
=== GNine doesnt backup. i read first
=== witozzo [n=vito@] has joined #ubuntu
XsteelWolftakes hrs to install...08:15
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KurtKrautXsteelWolf: under the System/Administration menu there is a tool that you can detect the fasts mirror for your connections.08:15
XsteelWolfi really need to speed this up08:15
scratchyWell Im not sure If I should use it. I mean Its working ... without compiz but its working08:15
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bruenigdon't use click and pray08:15
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Whackis it a fresh ubuntu install?08:15
XsteelWolfwhat's that call under kde?08:15
bruenigwhy would you use linux and then revert to click and pray'08:15
nickrudlol, that's taking self reliance to self immolation territory08:16
bruenigwhat's the point even08:16
rpgubuntu is great08:16
bruenig!ot | rpg08:16
favoritefood0IDK...command line is the best.08:16
rpghi evry108:16
uboturpg: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!08:16
bruenigwhat happen to ubotu08:16
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rlountXsteelWolf, most likely there are another million or so peeps thinking the same thing... "this needs to speed up" and all are on the same repo.08:16
=== KurtKraut is drinking the last can of beer
bruenigmust be lagging08:16
KurtKrautOh my... now IRC will get boring08:16
rlountKurtKraut, ooooh the horror!08:16
XsteelWolfkurtkraut,what's the thing call under kde?08:17
nickrudthere's always a store08:17
XsteelWolfi can't find it to test the mirrors08:17
Whackany of you guys run ubuntu on a mac?08:17
favoritefood0KurtKraut: I got it to work. The Cube kinda works!!!08:17
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:17
favoritefood0Its great!08:17
KurtKrautfavoritefood0: I'm glad to know that :D08:17
=== fainraven [n=fainrave@S010600179a35ab47.va.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
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nickrudfavoritefood0: try out expose, it's much classier08:17
rpgWhat new features will Gutsy have?08:17
GNineok.. windows is fast .. go ahead.. you want unix based system..  0 = 108:17
favoritefood0KurtKraut: I'm using the desktop expo right now08:17
bruenig!ot | rpg08:17
favoritefood0I like it more08:17
uboturpg: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!08:17
Whackyeah, expose is awesome08:17
Whackshift switcher is uber cool too08:17
=== Coole-afk [n=justin@71-212-68-131.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
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fainravencan any one help me get beryl working when i installed it it disabled cube affects and none of the setings i change in the manager do any thing08:18
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scratchyaaaaah My house is black on smoke, just left some toast in the toaster which burned to crisp ... And all I wanted was my own home made tuna sanwich08:18
=== nickrud goes to look at shift switcher
XsteelWolfkurtkraut, you still with me?08:18
=== etnoy_ [n=etnoy@c-5b65e455.05-374-6c6b701.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
=== Avulture [n=The@unaffiliated/avulture] has joined #ubuntu
KurtKrautXsteelWolf: yes08:18
XsteelWolfwhat is that thing call?08:18
Whacknickrud: it's under window management08:18
=== GNine sniffs tuna
XsteelWolfor can i type in terminal  to pop it out?08:18
nickrudWhack: thanks :)08:19
rathelHello I need some help with mt-daapd. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37632/08:19
nickrudah, that's where they stuck ring switcher08:19
Avulturewhat is the importance of  the terminal in ubuntu ?08:19
XsteelWolfKernel Makefile not found at '/lib/modules/2.6.22-11-generic/source'08:19
XsteelWolfmake: *** [compatible/kversion]  Error 108:19
XsteelWolfwhat is this error?08:19
Avultureor in Linux Generally08:19
KurtKrautXsteelWolf: I'm using Ubuntu in portuguese... I think in english this is called 'Software Channels'08:19
=== scratchy hands over the burned toast with tuna to GNine...ehehehe..here ya go
=== piaobo79 [n=xiayang@] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
=== capiira [n=capiira@dslb-088-065-207-088.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #Ubuntu
bruenigAvulture, it is the most important thing if you wish to have any linux independence08:20
bruenigif you wish to continue click and pray dependence on a distro, then not as much, although realize when that distro messes up, you go down with it08:20
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Avulturebruenig, is it the same as Windows command prompt ?08:20
=== Johnson [n=timi@ppp-70-242-77-115.dsl.ksc2mo.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
XsteelWolfkurt ,i don't see it08:20
=== piaobo79 [n=xiayang@] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigAvulture, no.........................08:21
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nickrudlooks similar, though08:22
=== sahin_h [n=ezaz@dsl5400DB18.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #ubuntu
KurtKrautnickrud: there is a tool under the System/Administration menu that has an option that pings all repository mirrors in order to find the fastest... can you tell XsteelWolf how to reach this tool ?08:22
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=== instabin|work [n=instabin@c-68-45-153-251.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
GNinepoint & click is windows.. do NOT08:22
Avulturebruenig, any good site for Linux beginners ?08:22
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bruenignot that I know of, I don't learn well like that so I didn't use such things08:23
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bruenigI am more of a identify a problem, read up until I figure out how to do it, then read up a bunch of stuff that I don't know how to apply really08:23
=== RealNitro [n=jens@ip-83-134-135-66.dsl.scarlet.be] has joined #ubuntu
GNineAvulture, if this is not good enuff youre hopeless.. but .. youre also new.. go google some stuff and come back08:23
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nickrudXsteelWolf: system->admin->software sources, click the 'download from:' dropdown, and select other. There's a button 'select best server'08:24
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=== rathel [n=rathel@c-24-9-186-226.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Whackbruenig: lol i do the same08:24
=== GNine is not a good tutor.. i seat back
KurtKrautnickrud: thanks08:24
=== cerealkilla [n=travis@host-64-234-34-66.nctv.com] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudKurtKraut: np08:24
Whacki learn 90% of my computer skills from fixing stuff that i've broken :P08:24
scratchyok installing envy,08:24
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=== etnoy__ [n=etnoy@c-5b65e455.05-374-6c6b701.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
scratchywasnt in the standard rep..08:24
AvultureGNine, what Did you mean by THIS? what 're you refering to ?08:24
bruenig!envy | scratchy realize if failure occurs, you will not have support here08:24
ubotuscratchy realize if failure occurs, you will not have support here: envy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly!08:24
nickrudWhack: there is no better way :)08:24
Whackyeah, its a third party script08:24
Whackscratchy: i did the automatic install and it worked for me, but if you have problems, you might try manual install and using the older version08:25
XsteelWolfis that kde or gnome?im on kde08:25
scratchySo can someone please give me some positive news08:25
GNinethis as in an whole hour around linux jargon .. hell.. am already hellstruck08:25
=== tutu [n=durianta@] has joined #ubuntu
cerealkillastupid question, i know.. but oh wells. how can i check to see what version of X im runnin?08:25
scratchytoo late Im already running the script08:26
scratchyWell it has been fun talking to you guys08:26
rathelHello I need some help with mt-daapd. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37632/08:26
=== jeffhjk [n=ubuntu@] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudXsteelWolf: ah gnome. Don't know the kde way, but I'd figure it's in adept. Or, maybe in the update manager, or add/remove if kde has it08:26
=== BigToe7000 [n=bigtoe70@cpc3-hatf3-0-0-cust792.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
jeffhjkcan someone help me with a reinstall of ubuntu08:26
scratchyIm gonna do my sabbatical now since I dnt have money for a new pc08:26
scratchyoooh I CAN08:26
scratchyOpen your cdrom..put live cd in... and reboot08:27
=== Tarkus [n=Tarkus@modemcable066.126-59-74.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
jeffhjki done that08:27
GNinescratchty.. youll be fine in the mourning.. just remember there is no spoon08:27
nickrudcerealkilla:  just type    X -version in a terminal08:27
=== viviersf [n=cain@gw.impilinux.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
jeffhjkbut it sayes something about root08:27
AvultureGNine, you didn't answer me ,, what did you mean by THIS>..as if you gave to me a certain site and i found it to be mouldy :S08:27
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dhq which is the best gui antivirus and firewall for kubuntu08:27
scratchyPlease wait, While Envy crashes you computer...08:27
XsteelWolfcan someone tell me why im able to make a file im getting kernel makefile not found at /libs/.... i already sudo apt-get install linux-source08:27
=== litral [n=litral@cpe-76-86-31-214.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== bentob0x [n=laurent@ip-213-49-73-152.dsl.scarlet.be] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigdhq, anti-virus for what?08:28
hunshadKurtKraut oes that have relationship with my problem http://www.winehq.org/site/docs/wineusr-guide/config-wine-main08:28
KurtKrautdhq: since there is no harmful virus for Linux, an antivirus is not needed for Ubuntu08:28
KurtKrauthunshad: I'm not a Wine expert. Can't help you on that;08:28
Whackhardware firewall here08:28
dhqKurtKraut, firewal??08:28
jeffhjkcan someone help me i am having problems with a reinstall of ubuntu feisty im on live cd and i am getting errors about having to be root to do the install08:28
bruenig!iptables | dhq08:28
ubotudhq: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).08:28
hunshadwho can help me with wine08:28
GNinethis  :  this room..  all the input .. have you got anything yet?08:29
=== sharperguy [n=sharp@88-109-136-96.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
XsteelWolfKernel Makefile not found at '/lib/modules/2.6.22-11-generic/source'08:29
XsteelWolfmake: *** [compatible/kversion]  Error 108:29
XsteelWolfwhat is this error?08:29
dhqhunshad, well #winehq08:29
Avultureiam not an alcohlic sorry :P husband08:29
bruenig!repeat | XsteelWolf08:29
ubotuXsteelWolf: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience08:29
cerealkillaanyone? easiest question of the night... how can i find out what version of x.org im running? =)08:29
=== tutu [n=durianta@] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudit's late. Night all08:29
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=== aop [n=aop@adsl-222-186-250.clt.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
leliluHello. After some time using regretably Fedora (cause of its shortly dropped releases), I'm going to switch distro. In doubt between Debian or Ubuntu. I'll use it for both desktop and server environments. Any recommendation please? (also concerning differences about server configuration/administration). Thanks.08:29
AvultureGNine, what do you expect ? guys here are asking mainly about their troubleshooting08:29
cerealkillai tried x --about and startx --help, but no luck there08:30
aopI've got a problem I am trying to change my password in the recovory mode and every time I type in passwd or passwd bas(bas being the user name) it hard locks after it pulls up the line for enter new unix password: i try and type anything in and it does not respond at all08:30
jeffhjkanyone want to help me with a reinstall of ubuntu i am on live cd but am getting errors about having to be root08:30
AvultureHow come for the one could learn from that. before he has an adequate information08:30
william__hola como hago para conectarme al canal en espaol08:30
GNinewhat are YOU asking about08:30
hunshadthanx dhq08:30
evarcerealkilla, X -version will work08:30
Whacklelilu: well of course we're going to vote for ubuntu08:30
Whackbesides, ubuntu IS debian08:30
cerealkillaah... -version k lemme try08:30
Le^stati have seen the light!08:30
Le^statthank thelord08:30
brueniglelilu, I vote for arch08:30
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=== GNine pets Whack
Le^stata ubuntu irc channel08:30
Whacki vote for anything but gentoo lol08:31
cerealkillaevar: i had tried X --version, just one - works great though! thanks so much!08:31
AvultureGNine, so you answerd me even before knowing what was my question,, that's a very attactive attitude , not a good one really08:31
rlountLe^stat, line editors suck.08:31
=== bruenig votes for gentoo over ubuntu
Le^statline editoes?08:31
Whacki am too noobish for gentoo08:31
GNinei know.. i have also mentioned it as well.. Avulture08:31
Le^stati'm noobish for ubuntu08:31
=== GNine winks
=== cerealkilla [n=travis@host-64-234-34-66.nctv.com] has left #ubuntu []
Whackso am i, but it has enough gui utilities to keep me going :P08:32
evarWhack, gentoo was my first distro. You just have to read and be patient but you do learn lots08:32
seraph34am I missing something with my wireless card? It is recognized in the network manual configuration but I just can't connect...08:32
jeffhjki am trying to do a reinstall of ubuntu and am getting this error No root file system is defined.08:32
jeffhjkPlease correct this from the partitioning menu.08:32
Le^statbut i want to break away from gui08:32
brueniggentoo is not difficult, you just have to learn how it does things, just like you do with any distro08:32
rlountLe^stat, line editors show one line at a time. IRC isn't supposed to be about making a point with hitting "Enter" all the time ;)08:32
Whackyeah, but building everything from source sucks08:32
bruenigit has the best wiki of any distro out there08:32
=== scratchy [n=scratchy@5355C1C3.cable.casema.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Le^statwell it came with ubuntu08:32
scratchyHA !08:32
scratchyit worked !08:33
=== Arkian [n=migger@cpe.atm2-0-1051059.0x50a09f6a.bynxx11.customer.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
scratchyExtended desktop and EVERYTHING08:33
bruenigWhack, you don't actually do anything, that's the point, it builds it for you08:33
Whacki've never had to use the 'make' command on ubuntu, not once :P08:33
evarWhack, yea all the compiling with the initial install does get pretty crappy heh08:33
scratchyEnvy rules !08:33
=== GNine likes s0urc3 not too much.. it is cool though
bruenigWhack, you don't use it in gentoo either08:33
rlountWhack, really? d00d, epic.08:33
Whacki watched someone do it once, it took a couple hours just to compile all the junk08:33
bruenigWhack, here is the difference, apt-get install xchat and emerge xchat08:33
Le^stat.deb packages rock08:33
Whackscratchy: is your compiz working better now?08:33
bruenignow I would say the second one is easier08:33
Le^statspecially for 3g08:33
=== nahkiss [i=nahkiss@dsl-hkibras1-ff4dc300-7.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
jeffhjkplease someone helpme i am getting this error whn i try to do a reinstall of ubuntu No root file system is defined.08:34
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jeffhjkPlease correct this from the partitioning menu.08:34
Whackoh, i thought you had to manually make all of the packages08:34
bruenig.deb is an inferior binary packaging format, inferior to arch's .pkg.tar.gz08:34
AvultureGuys, my question , why terminal still an important interface for Linux users.. didn't you think instead of text commands the one could do the mission with the aid of a GUI programme ?08:34
=== DelPede [i=Exnay@port91.ds1-abc.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
abcI just downloaded and extracted a .tar.gz package. how do I compile it?08:34
WhackAvulture: yes, but are you going to write GUI's to replace all of the command line apps?08:34
bruenigAvulture, guis are front ends and they fail08:35
scratchyThanks Whack !08:35
aopi got a question for ya'll real quick08:35
Whackbesides, there is some stuff that's just easier from command line08:35
scratchy Im envious08:35
=== webpirate [n=webpirat@S0106000fb517ad87.wp.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
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webpirateanyone here?08:35
Whackscratchy: no problem, lol i take it compiz is working now?08:35
rlountwebpirate, nope.08:35
webpirateI need help...I can't remember the name of the program I need to record my desktop.....08:35
=== GNine thinks no root file is .. impossible
AvultureWhack,  So terminal is just the real Linux world ?08:35
Whackwell, it depends what you're doing08:36
marx2ksort of08:36
rlountwebpirate, like record things you are doing?08:36
=== Coole-afk [n=justin@71-212-68-131.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
rlountwasn't it istanbul?08:36
Tarkushey, i just got compiz-fusion working. and im trying to get 4 workspaces enabled so i get a cube instead of a flat paper object.. (atm i have 2 workspaces).. any suggestions?08:36
Whackfor an office machine that does spreadsheets/word processing, you probably would never need it08:36
bruenigAvulture, the point is this, what happens when the packaging overlords screw up and you boot and don't have a gui?08:36
webpiratelike making a movie my actions08:36
=== william__ [n=william@] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigAvulture, as has happened before in ubuntu08:36
rlountor constantinople or something.... pardon the spelling.08:36
=== Helmi [n=helmi@pD95EC551.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
aopI'm trying to change a password on ubuntu in the recovry mode and i type in passwd command or passwd bas(bas being the username) and it just locks up after i hit enter it displays the new line Enter new UNIX password: but it will not let me type anything at all and just sits there08:36
WhackTarkus: set to 4 workspaces08:36
bruenigAvulture, reinstall time for you if you don't know your way around the terminal08:36
Avulturebruenig, i think you are right08:36
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rlountyeah... webpirate http://live.gnome.org/Istanbul08:37
=== basanta [n=basanta@] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigI mean gui is great and use it, but know what you are doing at least so that when the people who put the 9000 pieces of software together occasionally fail you aren't left to reinstall08:37
evaraop, type in the password and press enter. passwd doesn't show any output when you are typing in a password08:37
=== william__ [n=william@] has joined #ubuntu
rlountwebpirate, sudo aptitude search istanbul08:37
webpirateAhhh..thats right....For the life of me I could not remember and I am on 2nd year with linux..08:37
Avultureso bruenig Terminal is only for critical problems which can't be done with usual GUI ?08:37
TarkusWhack, yes, thats what im trying to do..08:37
=== william__ [n=william@] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"]
Le^stati'm still in first 6months08:37
aopok thanks evar08:38
=== c0_al0n3 [n=c0_al0n3@] has joined #ubuntu
Le^statof linux08:38
bruenigAvulture, the terminal is far easier to do many many things and most who know it prefer it08:38
TarkusWhack, i cant find it in my compiz settings.08:38
marx2kAvulture, terminal is for direct commands08:38
webpirateI find the terminal a life saver for most operations because you can see error messages..08:38
rlountwebpirate, np. I forget so much crap all the time it's a wonder I can even breathe.08:38
=== ant30 [n=aperezar@19.Red-80-59-20.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
jeffhjkhi whn i try to reinstall ubuntu i get this error No root file system is defined.08:38
jeffhjk Please correct this from the partitioning menu08:38
marx2kmeaning you can do most everything in the GUI but at some point you will want to do things faster and with more preciseness08:38
=== GNine crias
=== pwnedomina [n=pwnedomi@] has joined #ubuntu
marx2kwell and I guess you might use it to compile stuff or run shell scripts...08:38
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=== Greenbox [n=brett@c-68-59-20-153.hsd1.sc.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Avulturebruenig, DO you think in the near future , OSes would still depend on terminals ?08:39
rlountwhy do I get a EOF... damnit to 9 hells...08:39
webpirateLike Xine for example I can't start from the Gui..I always want to see whats going on so I go to console and trpe xine --verbose.....08:39
Greenboxhey, is there a package I need to install for the basic java.* imports in ubuntu?08:39
bruenigthe terminal will always be there because it is the best way to do things08:39
marx2kAvulture, I hgpe they do08:39
bruenigif I need to remove all the .jpgs files recursively in a directory, how do I do that via gui?08:39
GNineterminals are the puter.. if you want to be the computer .. welcome to C08:39
marx2kIt would be awful not to be able to drop down to a terminal and do what I need to do08:39
WhackTarkus: type this in terminal: 'sudo gconf-editor'08:39
webpiratethe best way I found to install jave is to actually use automatix......08:39
rlountif you want to be C... welcome to assembler08:39
Avulturemarx2k, so to learn Linux means to learn Terminal commands08:40
marx2kbruenig, ctrl+click, click, click, click08:40
=== rlount runs screaming from automatix
marx2kAvulture, nope... but terminal commands are good to know08:40
bruenigwebpirate, that's ridiculous, sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre08:40
bruenigwebpirate, in fact that's all automatix does08:40
webpirateI think to remove all file on the hdd with *.jpg is with the RM -r08:40
=== Ste-Foy [n=Fruitopi@bas1-quebec09-1178038744.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Greenboxbruenig, i've done that08:40
WhackTarkus: then browse to apps > compiz > general > screen0 > options08:40
jeffhjkhi whn i try to reinstall ubuntu i get this error No root file system is defined.08:40
jeffhjk Please correct this from the partitioning menu08:40
Greenboxbut I can't compile java programs08:40
=== GNine agrees with rlount
Avulturemarx2k, how many terminal commands which exist ?08:40
WhackTarkus: then change "hsize" to 408:40
Greenboxit can't find imports for it08:40
marx2kyou can run linux without terminal just like you can run windows without going to DOS... but at some point.... youll want to use it08:40
marx2kAvulture, basically everything you do in linux has a terminal counterpart08:40
=== xsteelwolf_ [n=xsteelwo@cm97.epsilon105.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigAvulture, terminal commands is a bit misleading, a program can be run in the terminal, if you call that a command, than it is the number of programs that exist08:41
=== jussi01 [n=jussi@oul088-gw3.netplaza.fi] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigeverything you do in windows has a terminal counterpart08:41
WhackTarkus: got all that?08:41
TarkusWhack, it is already set to 4.08:41
=== mackdieselx27 [n=mackdies@ip68-5-50-224.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
webpirateyes...but for some reason Apt-get sometimes does not notify other programs of the Sun java install and the other program use the open source java....with automatix it somehow tells all the program that java is installed..08:41
Greenboxbruenig, that's not true08:41
marx2kAvulture, go to a terminal and type help08:41
=== Buddah [n=buddah@i209-195-88-196.cia.com] has joined #ubuntu
jeffhjkhi whn i try to reinstall ubuntu i get this error No root file system is defined.08:41
jeffhjk Please correct this from the partitioning menu08:41
rathelHello I need some help with mt-daapd. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37632/08:41
=== Nicke [n=niclasa@ua-83-227-140-135.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
Whackhmm, then cube should be working08:41
Greenboxthere's very little in windows you can do that has a terminal counterpart08:41
picodonbruenig: including paint?08:41
=== Mindful_Geek [n=joep@dhcp-0-13-10-99-17-2f.cpe.townisp.com] has joined #ubuntu
Avulturebruenig, i meant general commands.. like for example Ping for windows08:41
bruenigpicodon, absolutely you can launch paint from cmd08:41
Avulturemarx2k, that was the reason coming here08:41
Avulturei lost my ubuntu password08:42
marx2kAvulture, yep its in there08:42
webpirateAnd the windows terminal does not give you the step by step errors..08:42
Avultureso i have to reinstall it again08:42
marx2khowd you lose your ubuntu password?08:42
jeffhjkhi whn i try to reinstall ubuntu i get this error No root file system is defined.08:42
jeffhjk Please correct this from the partitioning menu08:42
Whackwindows terminal does not have grep... your best friend lol08:42
webpirateLinux Terminal tells you everything.....08:42
webpiratemissing files...seg faults........08:42
bruenigWhack, grep is a program08:42
AvultureWhack, windows termianl all what it could do.. very few commands08:42
GNinewindows depends on its booklet of apps08:43
AvultureDir,,Copy.... ping08:43
=== NINJ4\afk [n=KatonKag@] has joined #ubuntu
Whackwell so does linux, in /bin08:43
GNinenah.. if you have a direct command line for ONE single entry .. you have root08:43
marx2kbasically, all the commands in /bin and /sbin can be run in the terminal08:43
Avulturebruenig,  i even didn't try to use windows terminal if i lost my admin password08:43
bruenigWhack, linux does not depend on those nor do those things depend on linux, see solaris08:44
Avulturesince my admin account has no password08:44
evarAvulture, for future reference if you forget your password there are ways to change the password if you forget it08:44
Avulturebut iam so curious to know , how could that be done :D08:44
=== assasukasse [n=agostino@host-84-223-200-180.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu
=== GNine is out of line here.. sorry
webpirateI like how in linux if you mess up and create a total mess all you have to do it CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE he he he...08:44
Whacklol yeah08:44
marx2kUbuntu has no admin account08:44
rlountI think about the only thing GNU/Linux depends on is a math lib and glibc08:44
=== Ollie [n=ollie@how-rtr-udr-gi0-1.ebuyer.com] has joined #ubuntu
webpirateubuntu uses Sudo....way better than a root command..08:44
Whackctrl+alt+f1 is handy too, if the system locks08:44
bruenigwebpirate, calm down08:44
webpirateI mean root account08:45
Avulture:) alot of Linux information :D08:45
bruenigroot is necessary for some things08:45
NINJ4\afkHey, I'm having issues with reinstalling ubuntu on my new dell box, it has drivers for the ethernet card, but apparently they only work with the kernal 2.6.20, and since I need these drivers to get the network connection to work, I can't update the kernal the regular way, is there anyway to manually download it so I can put it on my other computer by a flash drive?08:45
webpirateyes..but root account is not.....sudo works just as well...08:45
evareh? like what08:45
marx2kAvulture, http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/l-bash.html08:45
jeffhjkcant someone pelase help me08:45
=== NINJ4\afk is now known as NINJ4
Myrtti!repeat | jeffhjk08:45
ubotujeffhjk: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience08:45
bruenigwebpirate, it does not, I would like to see you use slim login manager without a root account08:46
jeffhjkMyrtti:  i have asked 20 times08:46
Myrtti!attitude | jeffhjk08:46
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ubotujeffhjk: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines08:46
=== xsteelwolf_ [n=xsteelwo@cm97.epsilon105.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu
webpirateYes....Goot point...my bad08:46
=== mackdieselx27 [n=mackdies@ip68-5-50-224.oc.oc.cox.net] has left #ubuntu []
marx2kjeff__k, : please go to terminal and tell me the results of "sudo mount -a"08:46
Avulturemarx2k, So do you mean that Bash learning is my way to understand LINUX ?08:46
jeffhjki am reinstalling and i am getting this error No root file system is defined.08:46
jeffhjkPlease correct this from the partitioning menu.\08:46
=== guyarye [n=guyarye@bzq-88-155-25-250.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
Whackwhere would i look to find how my mouse buttons are mapped? the extra buttons on my mouse are registering as key presses08:47
marx2kAvulture, learning bash well would make you a linux power user08:47
=== jantje [n=davy@d54C2D577.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
marx2kWhack: /etc/X11/xorg.conf for one08:47
jetscreamer/join #bash08:47
rlountjeffhjk, rerun the installer, tell it to auto partition.08:47
Myrttijeffhjk: if no-one is answering, then noone either has time or knows the answer08:47
GNinebash is your GF in linux08:47
rlountjeffhjk, if dual booting be careful.08:47
webpiratejeff >> I think your harddrive does not have a mount point of "/"08:47
Avulturei have to search for Bash in google marx2k08:47
bruenigjust learn a shell, it doesn't have to be bash08:47
Whackmarx2k: i have looked in there, and tried both protocols ImPS/2 and ExplorerPS/208:47
bruenigit can be csh08:47
jeffhjkrlount:  i am dual booting with xp08:47
jantjecan somebody help me with wireless networking in ubuntu?08:47
Whackalso have Buttons set to 808:48
marx2kAvulture, I gave you a decent link for a starting point08:48
Avulturemarx2k, any good sites you found to be good in teaching bash ?08:48
Avulturemarx2k, ayoh ;)08:48
marx2kWhack,  are you in gnome?08:48
webpirateyou need to have a SWAP partition and an install partition....usually EXT2 or EXT3 for best results08:48
rlountjeffhjk, there is no / to install to. and Ubuntu will want a / partition to stick things in. If it's not there you need to make one.08:48
Whackmarx2k: yes08:48
rlountphuck ext208:48
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=== chovy [n=chovy@adsl-75-22-182-43.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== Blackgoth is now known as blackgoth
xsteelwolf_anyone on intel 4965agn?08:48
webpiratewhen you start to install ubuntu select manaul for partion edit..08:48
jantjeI want to configure my d-link dongle in ubuntu, somebody can help me please?08:48
chovyhow do i get flash9 for ubuntu64?08:48
=== CapaH [n=capah@c-98-198-233-29.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu
CapaHHi, question. I am using enhanced zoom and my problem is when I zoom in and then I move the mouse -- the screen moves also. I want the screen to stay still yet still be able to interact with applications. Can anyone help me?08:49
GNineEXT3 is linux in my monkey side08:49
Avultureeven IRC depends on text commands :D08:49
marx2kWhack,  man, I used to know this... Im in KDE right now08:49
bruenigxsteelwolf_, ndiswrapper08:49
CapaHThis is with Compiz btw08:49
NINJ4is there a way to manually install the 2.6.20 kernel?  I can't get on the internet with one box that needs that kernel to get on the internet XD08:49
webpiratethen make a swap partition that is 1 1/2 times the size of your ram and a partition with the mount point of "/"08:49
jetscreameri think it's only flash 8 but i can't swear08:49
Whackmarx2k: hehe, i gave up after 3 hours of searching and trying settings08:49
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rlountjeffhjk, swap should be twice your memory unless you have some otherworldly amount.08:49
evarwow slim is pretty rad08:49
=== Doctor_Nick [n=nick@c-68-35-203-43.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
marx2kbut basically you want to go to a terminal and ... damn... I forgot the command to find out to see what key was pressed08:50
=== _freedom_ [n=freedom@203-171-222-85.adsl.verat.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== DWonderly-Lerkin is now known as DWonderly
bruenigchovy, there is no flash for 64 bit08:50
marx2kI had to do this to map my laptop function keys08:50
rlountjeffhjk, the root or "/" partition should be as big as you can make it.08:50
jeffhjkrlount:  i cant even make /dev/sda208:50
jetscreameryou don't need a huge swap unless you do things like modeling or graphics editing or other memory intensive apps08:50
marx2kYes, Xev08:50
chovybruenig: but there is a way to run them with Opera + 32-bit libs.08:50
Doctor_Nickhey, somehow i turned off repeating keys on my keyboard, anyone know how to turn them back on again/08:50
rlountjeffhjk, how are you trying to make /dev/sda2?08:50
=== kalani [n=chatzill@75-93-112-67.hon.clearwire-dns.net] has joined #ubuntu
jeffhjkrlount:  i am trying to make the ubuntu 70gb08:50
rlountvia the installer?08:50
marx2kand then find out what the opcode is and then in System Settings or something there should be a hotkey or shortcut config08:50
jetscreamerhd space is cheap, but you could always make a swapfile later if you needed more08:50
webpirateyes 1 1/2 to 2 times your ram will do08:50
bruenigchovy, yes, if you can get the 32 bit libs all in place or a chroot, it can be done08:50
=== Ex-Cyber [n=excyber@c-75-70-146-61.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
rlountjeffhjk, ah.08:50
Whackmarx2k: yeah, i did that, the left, right, and middle mouse buttons register normally, but the 3 thumb buttons register as KeyPress events08:50
=== GNine is tasting tuna with XP still on the plate
chovybruenig: i can just use 32-libs for flash only?08:51
rlountjeffhjk, you have Ubuntu installed and want more room?08:51
Avulturemarx2k, what is the equivalent of bash in windows ?08:51
jeffhjkrlount:  can u join me in room #wwed please i am loosing u with all this floding08:51
Whackmarx2k: Home, End, and Backspace for some reason...08:51
bruenigchovy, you need a 32 bit browser08:51
KurtKrautAvulture: I'd say that there is no equivalent08:51
webpirateTo use Flash 9 remember that if you are on 64bit you need to install 32bit Browser08:51
kalanidoes anybody know how I can look at the whole cube in beryl?08:51
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marx2kso use the SCIM Input Editor to map those keypress events to a function08:51
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marx2koh...thats weird08:51
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=== Avulture sob
chovybaah...flash sucks...always has08:51
GNinejeff.. youre full of it] 08:51
marx2kAvulture, DOS.. sort of08:51
jetscreamervbscript wmiscripting other batchfiles command line syntax08:51
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zetherooI am trying to install Pidgin ...... but I get an error : checking for msgfmt... no08:51
kkathmankalam ctrl-alt-move mouse08:52
Whackmarx2k: scim input editor? hangon, i'm googling that08:52
jetscreamerperl for windows08:52
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Mirandaif I delete windows and change to ubuntu, and my computer crashes, what should I do08:52
=== OrTigaS [n=OrTigas@] has joined #ubuntu
marx2kIt's under the Settings menu, whack08:52
bruenigMiranda, turn it back on08:52
kkathmankalam well ctrl+alt+click and move mouse :)08:52
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zetherooI am trying to install Pidgin ...... but I get an error : checking for msgfmt... no08:52
webpirateYou can search for ubuntu 3 in 1 script that will install it for you....but adobe FTP site is REALLY slow08:52
Mirandabruenig: but, if I turn it on, it doesn't turn on08:52
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Whackoh, i found it :P08:52
Avulturebruenig,  i read in wikipedia that , there is also hardware terminals08:52
eamonndI had a quick question: I have a live cd from 5.04 that a friend gave me a while ago and wanted to make a copy of fiesty onto it, is there any way to delete the contents of the old CD and replace them with new contents?08:52
webpirateif you give me your email I can send it to you...08:52
kkathmanzetheroo:  pidgin isnt in the ubuntu repos08:52
Le^statif u need to use windows...use Virtualbox08:52
marx2kWhack: see if that helps you08:53
bruenigAvulture, maybe you mean tty or virtual consoles08:53
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Le^statits fantastic08:53
kkathmanzetheroo:  try gaim-beta - its the same thing basically08:53
Whacki have no idea what i'm looking for in here08:53
Avulturebruenig, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_terminal08:53
OrTigaShi i'm trying to upgrade to edgy eft and i type this 'gksu "update-manager -c" but it just only check for updates... how to upgrade it?08:53
marx2kAvulture: yep, ALT+CTRL+F1 through F6 brings you to a TTY08:53
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zetherookkathman: umm... I know its not in the ubuntu repos.... but I am installing into Ubuntu..08:53
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kkathmanzetheroo:  so you downloaded the source and you are compiling?08:54
marx2kSo even if youre in Gnome or KDE or whatever, you can always just switch directly to a TTY08:54
bruenigAvulture, yeah that's fine, I don't know what you want08:54
zetherookkathman: yes08:54
webpirate<<Chovy>> Give me your Email Address I will send you Script to install browser...mplayer plugins and flash..08:54
kkathmanok kewl good luck08:54
Krimpethmm, i installed beryl, and it works like a charm -- but for some reason, if i switch to a virtual console, i get a bunch of crap on the TTY and the keyboard/mouse lock up -- does anyone know why?08:54
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Le^statwhats a TTY?08:54
marx2kKrimpet: Thats weird08:54
kkathmanzetheroo:  some of the libraries I dont think are available, but you might can get them from the pidgin site08:54
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marx2kLestat: virtual terminal08:55
webpirate<<chovy>> then after install is done just type in firefox32 instead of firefox08:55
Avulturebruenig, do you think that voice commands could make terminals just old tenets?08:55
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=== GNine reflects why friends of ours wait to crash to look for help
bruenig!ot | Avulture08:55
ubotuAvulture: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!08:55
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marx2kAvulture,  no.. especially since voice commands would be very indirect and difficult to set up scripting :)08:55
Tarkusanyone know how i can get a desktop switcher cube in compiz-fusion? (right now its a 2 workspace, flat object)08:55
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).08:55
zetherookkathman: this is what I get > http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37661/08:56
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client02_yahoo mesenggrer08:56
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marx2kTarkus, provide 2 more desktops08:56
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marx2kzeth, well, is that package installed?08:57
fmI just arrived at my new capus, there is internet but it keeps asking me for my network login and password everytime a new application tries to use the network... do you know how I could make ubuntu retain my identification?08:57
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Avultureubotu, there is no chatter in that ##ubuntu-offtopic08:57
Tarkusmarx2k, yeah. i know thats what im trying to do.08:57
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=== GNine bows b4 those who know more than I. and those who dont .. i is here
OrTigaShi i'm trying to upgrade to edgy eft and i type this 'gksu "update-manager -c" but it just only check for updates... how to upgrade it?08:57
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marx2kTarkus: just right click on the desktop icons and configure08:57
Tarkusmarx2k, its set to 408:57
Mirandafm: don't you have a campus login or cookies with your application?08:57
marx2kOrTigaS, "sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude upgrade"08:58
zetheroomarx2k: yes it is installed08:58
xsteelwolf_0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 48 not upgraded -> how do i upgrade?08:58
marx2kTark: set it to 8 :)08:58
zetheroomarx2k: its in Synaptic as installed08:58
Avulturemarx2k, is ubotu a Robot ?08:58
davidthedrakeAvulture, yea08:58
kkathmanzetheroo: google is your friend:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=6708808:58
xsteelwolf_ubotu is a bot08:58
ubotuYes, I can confirm that I am a bot. http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots for all information.08:58
marx2kactually, Tark, have you gone into the conpiz settings manager to play with that?Av yes08:58
Whackargg... lol it shouldn't be this hard to get a mouse working08:58
OrTigaSmarx2k: tnx08:58
Le^statxsteelwolf_:  sudo apt-get upgrade08:58
marx2kzeth: try reinstalling maybe?08:58
fmI got a login but it doesnt last, I log  in for mozilla, then I wanna launch bittorrent and I must log in again..08:58
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Mirandafm: isn't there cookies on your console?08:59
Tarkusmarx2k, yes. i have.. i thought it would be in there. but i cant find it anywhere.08:59
webpirate<<Chovy>> Did you find script?08:59
GNinewhack... there is no spoon.. is that so hard to believe.. ?08:59
marx2kTark: should be in the general options08:59
MyrttiAvulture: and it's #ubuntu-offtopic, not ##ubuntu-offtopic08:59
=== omeow [n=omega@co63471-b.olden1.ov.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
omeowIf a script is in /etc/init.d/ does that mean it gets run at boot?08:59
zetherookkathman: thanks, but that really is a pointless thread08:59
Whacki guess it's possible this mouse is just hard-programmed to send home, end, and bksp keys, but that would be retarded08:59
omeowIf not, how to I make things run at boot.08:59
fmI don't know Miranda, what are you talking about exactly?09:00
OrTigaSmarx2k: its just fetch09:00
Whackomeow: yes09:00
GNineyet you still get fed.. there is something left to believe...09:00
Mirandafm: like cookies....09:00
AvultureMyrtti, Thanks09:00
kkathmanzetheroo:  looked pretty pointed to me :)09:00
marx2kGeneral Options/Desktop Size/Horizontal Virtual Size - Mine is set to 4, the Vertical size is set to 1 and number of desktops is set to 109:00
OrTigaSdidn't upgrade09:00
bruenigomeow, there is for some awfully ridiculous reason I'm sure a whole nest of symlinks in /etc/rc.# that are actually indicative of what is run09:00
kkathmanlibpurple is the thing thats not available IIRC09:00
Whackomeow: make sure it's chmod +x also09:00
marx2kOrTigaS, sounds like you dont need upgrades at the moment09:00
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webpiratehow can I register so I can send private messages?09:00
zetherookkathman: I already have gettext installed....09:00
Tarkusmarx2k, aaah. thank you.. i would have never thought that would be it.09:00
omeowAlright, thanks whack.09:00
kkathmanI was able to get this to install in openSUSE but not ubuntu09:00
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Avulturemarx2k, are you a memeber in that ubuntu offtopic :) ?09:00
marx2kTarkus, let me know if ut wirjs09:01
brand0coni just attempted to set up a new hard drive as a dual boot with 2 partitions; one running ubuntu and the other running windows.  I had windows previously installed and was instructed to defrag the hard drive and use gparted on the disk to partition.  my xp partition is now corrupt but the ubuntu partition works fine.  how can i correctly turn this into a 2 partition dual boot solution?09:01
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marx2kAvulture, nope09:01
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OrTigaSmarx2k:  ok tnx09:01
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zetherookkathman: what does it mean "ensure this it is in your path"?09:01
kkathmanthey have a current libpurple there09:01
Tarkusmarx2k, yup. works fine. thanks man09:01
xsteelwolf_can someone tell me why im able to make a file im getting kernel makefile not found at /libs/.... i already sudo apt-get install linux-source09:01
marx2kTarkus, , no problem09:01
Krimpetwebpirate: /msg nickserv help register09:01
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kkathmanzetheroo:  like put it in /usr/lib etc  - something thats in the system path09:01
omeowLast thing, after installing open-ssh server, and starting it, the following two errors pop up;09:01
Whackkkathman: $PATH is a variable to where your binaries are09:01
omeowCould not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key09:01
omeowCould not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key09:01
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omeowShouldn't that get generated automatically when you install the service and start it the first time?09:02
Avulturethe offtopic channel is dead :S09:02
marx2komeow, I think it should autogen that for you09:02
zetherookkathman: so anywhere in the root area?09:02
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omeowYeah.. I know. But for some reason it didn't.09:02
kkathmanWhack:  yes, but there may be other things in the path than just binaries09:02
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=== GNine expects more of Whack to be seen in the future
kkathmanzetheroo:  well not anywhere - in the path09:02
davetarmacdoes anyone here know whatis happening in this situation? I boot my computer and logon, the wireless connection shown through nm-applet turns blue to indicate that I have joined a network then all the bars vanish, then come back, then vanish - all the time I'm not able to transfer information over the network.09:02
Whackyeah, scripts, anything that can run09:02
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webpirateCool I am registered....:)09:03
GNineam not09:03
ferronicacurrency converter availabe in ubuntu fiesty fawn GNOME, which will will give me current rates ?09:03
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zetherookkathman: uh ... ok.... the path.... is there such a thing? if so how do I know whats the correct "path"?09:04
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kkathmanzetheroo:  in a terminal  cat $PATH to see whats in your current path09:04
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EliteInsanecan someone help me with the home folder permissions09:04
webpirateMost you have to enter rate....try the yahoo online calculator...09:04
predaeusXsteelWolf, what are you trying to build?09:04
omeowIs there any way I can force it to generate those files through the user interface?09:04
marx2komeow, "man ssh_config"09:04
WhackEliteInsane: what do you want to know?09:04
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=== GNine is Whack
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zetheroozeth@T60-Ubuntu:~/Desktop/pidgin-2.2.0$ cat $PATH09:05
zetheroocat: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games: No such file or directory09:05
=== Whack is GNine
=== student [n=student@server.sps-ul.cz] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
EliteInsanewhack: i changed the home folder permissions, now when i log into ubuntu i gives me some message stating my config file will be ignored because only the folder owner should have permissions09:05
Le^statEliteInsane: set the user permissions as root in Users & groups09:05
marx2kecho $PATH09:05
zetherookkathman zeth@T60-Ubuntu:~/Desktop/pidgin-2.2.0$ cat $PATH09:05
zetheroocat: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games: No such file or directory09:05
EliteInsanehow do i do that09:05
GNineoh shit09:05
EliteInsanewhenever i try to change the permissions back it never sticks09:05
kkathmanzetheroo:  thats your path09:05
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MirandaGNine: ?09:06
stdin!ohmy | GNine09:06
=== chaad [n=Chad@ppp59-167-11-86.lns1.syd7.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuGNine: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.09:06
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chaadhi is this freenode?09:06
webpirateis there a place I can post my 3-in-1 script for flash and browser?09:06
Extraverthello.  How would I heat a piece of paper to dry the ink on it?09:06
Avultureubotu, ia an astute monitor :D09:06
Mirandachaad: yes, you are on the freenode network09:06
=== GNine apolosizes
kkathmanExtravert:  hair dryer?09:06
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Extravertkkathman: would that blow the ink?09:06
zetherookkathman: I see 6 paths there09:06
Avulturelol .how could he understand language :D09:06
marx2kI belkieve you can add to $PATH via "export $PATH=/path/youd/like/to/add"09:06
kkathmanExtravert:  if you put it like .5 inches away, yeah09:07
Le^stati need breakfast09:07
predaeuswebpirate, probably in the forums.09:07
Whackyou can have multiple paths, separated by colon09:07
marx2kyou can also try export -p09:07
marx2kfor fun09:07
webpirateI cant remember the password to my hosting account...:(09:07
zetheroomarx2k: you talking to me?09:07
kkathmanmarx2k:  thats right - theres a nice write up in the ubuntu forums (google)09:07
marx2kzetheroo, sure09:07
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zetheroomarx2k: man, I got to jump through so many hoops just to install this app.... do you have any advice?09:08
sylverfoxhi all09:08
Avulturemarx2k, is a good Linux expert09:08
EliteInsaneso, anyone tell me why when i try to change the permissions for my home folder they never stick?09:08
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EliteInsanethey keep changing themselves back09:09
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marx2kzetheroo,  I really dont have any good advice :(  I hate when stuff cant find the libraries it needs even though THEYRE RIGHT THERE09:09
=== marainein [n=tblake@220-253-63-156.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
webpirateElite>> have to try in console with Sudo?09:09
marx2kEliteInsane, whats the command youre using?09:09
=== GNine thinks Whack is on the right path.. dont follow me
zetherookkathman: thanks for your help .... if you can tell me the exact path I should be using that would be super09:09
Avulturemarx2k, when did you start your journey with Linux :D09:09
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EliteInsaneim just right clicking and using the properties menu09:09
marx2kAvulture, about a year ago?09:09
EliteInsanewhats the command in the terminal09:09
cableroy_How can i patch zd1211rw for injection in ubuntu style (kernel)?09:09
=== Whack cant even get a freakin mouse to work right...
marx2kEliteInsane, what are the permissions youd like to change?09:09
Avultureshort time actually09:10
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EliteInsaneid like to set it back so my configurations work again09:10
=== GNine thinks YOU are still right on
Avulturebut it seems that you knew alot about it09:10
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marx2kAvulture, you learn by doing :)09:10
Avulturesays hi to ubotu :)09:10
EliteInsaneits telling me its being ignored because other people can access the home folder09:10
rlountok, jeffhjk is on his way!09:10
sylverfoxcan anybody help me in how to install an nvidia driver for ubuntu?09:10
Whacklol... apache, php5, mysql, and pear, all install no problem, but a mouse... now that's where i get stuck...09:10
kkathmanzetheroo:  if you will put whatever file it is that you are struggling with, in one of those directories in your PATH, then you'll eliminate that message I think09:10
webpiratecableroy>> I have that exact card and I could not getting working under ubuntu 7.04 ...worked in 6.10 fine but no go in ubuntu....bought $25 dlink wireless and work instantly09:10
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marx2kEliteInsane, can you paste a one line listing of your home folder?09:10
GNinekeep reading, friend.. i salute you09:10
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marx2kas in "ls -al ~"09:11
marx2kHm that wouldnt work09:11
EliteInsanewhat is that marx2k?09:11
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marx2kgo to a terminal, type "cd .."09:11
Whackdon't get a netgear wlan pci card, the one i bought didnt have native drivers available09:11
marx2kthen "ls -al"09:11
cableroy_webpirate: hm yes, i tried to recompile with a source kernel, i get some error modprobing it09:11
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Avultureheheeh i guess even Microsoft is using Unix on their servers :D what a crap company09:11
marx2kand paste that09:11
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dirtyhandhow can I make my rep rollback to a previous version09:12
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EliteInsanea lot came up09:12
webpiratecableroy>>EXACTLY same problem that I had....got fed up and just bought dlink.....09:12
EliteInsanelike the first one?09:12
=== systemd0wn [n=systemd0@74-133-242-140.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu
marx2klike for me, it's "drwxr-xr-x 96 marx2k marx2k 8192 2007-09-17 01:40 marx2k"09:12
rlountAvulture, I think the Empire still has a license to run unix... bought it from SCO!09:12
marx2kgo back one directory from your home directly09:12
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systemd0wnis software available to control my logitech orbit cam?09:12
Avulturerlount, what did you meant by the empire ?09:12
EliteInsanedrwxrwxrwx 37 elite elite  4096 2007-09-17 00:0209:12
cableroy_webpirate: ya, i have enough cards working with injection on my laptop, 3 of them, but want the last one09:12
rlountAvulture, Empire = M$09:13
EliteInsanethat the right one?09:13
marx2kEliteInsane, looks like you got full read/write/execute on that09:13
AvultureI see09:13
gerrosystemd0wn: dunno try checking into gspca :/09:13
rlountstoopid joke09:13
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zetherookkathman: I placed the pidgin installation folder into /usr/local/bin and did ./configure again.... but still got the same error09:13
EliteInsaneyea but thats not the problem, its telling me since other people have read/write on it09:13
zetheroocd ..09:13
EliteInsanemy config files are being ignored09:13
anggardaguys, I'm about to recreate a CSR for my SSL. I've got a question, If i regenerate the hostkey will it affect any previous certs which I may have?09:13
Avulturelol rlount i thought u were serious :D09:13
systemd0wngerro, the "german shorthaired pointer club of america" ?!09:13
webpirateAnyone else having problems with Nexuiz....Seems super slow after kernel update...09:13
systemd0wngerro, jk.09:14
sylverfoxcan anybody help me in installing an nvidia driver for ubuntu?09:14
marx2kElite: yeah, you see the last 3 "rwx" on there? Thats the global permissions09:14
gerrosystemd0wn: think there was a guide I followed for my cam installed some app like easycam think it was and it picked out some info on my cam09:14
webpirateSylverfox>>> what do you need?09:14
kkathmanzetheroo:  typically, it doesnt matter where you do the ./configure09:14
marx2kthat means all users have read/write and execute permissions on that directory09:14
EliteInsanehow do i change that09:14
marx2klet me see... hang on09:14
Avulturerlount, the problem is that users here say alot of versions about unix , linux, gentoo debian.. aloooooooot of words really so confusing OS09:14
WhackEliteInsane: change to what? only owner perms?09:14
sylverfoxwebpirate: if I install the driver it makes unuseable the grafical interface09:14
kkathmanzetheroo:  you can untar the files to your home directory and run the ./configure09:14
rlountAvulture, totally. There is mass traffic here.09:15
marx2kman I totally forgot the octal calculation of chmod :(09:15
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Whackchmod 744 i think09:15
=== KenSentMe [n=jeroen@kensentme.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Whackor 75509:15
marx2kI thought it was 64409:15
=== Avulture is unfortunately windows user
zetherookkathman: thats what I have been doing09:15
marx2kman I totally forgot :(09:15
tanath755 sounds familiar09:15
davetarmacInteresting new development with the networking scenario from earlier - I connected a wire then unplugged it and it all works fine now09:15
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Whack7 is full perms for owner09:15
kkathmanzetheroo:  what its not finding is some component that it needs (and it looks in all the directories in your path to find it) so, what that generally means is the system doesnt have the library you are looking for09:15
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marx2kyeah the first 7 is fine09:15
marx2kyoure right09:15
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marx2kit's owner, group, global, right?09:16
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Whack6 will be read only for owner09:16
marx2kI forgot how to calculate it though09:16
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marx2koh... 1 is execute, isnt it09:16
Whack4,2,1 = read,write,execute09:16
tanathyou don't need the numbers though09:16
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rlountwhen I forget, I make a testACL and chmod on it.09:16
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=== rlount waits for it to fall
EliteInsanegive me some thigns to try09:17
EliteInsaneand ill see if they work09:17
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Extravertanyone know the halftone pattern differences between diffusion and dither?09:17
Avulturerlount do you use Unix too ?09:17
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rlountAvulture, yeah, or more rightly *nix09:17
tanathyou can do like, 'chmod +x'09:17
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marx2kSo shouldnt it be 764?09:18
Avulturemarx2k, is the difference between Linux and Unix is that Unix does not support the GUI ?09:18
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disinterestedno matter what guide i follow i still can't get write permissions on my slave hd?09:18
Crozari think im in some bug now :( i was using 1024 res yesterday i shut down today i started computer its on 800 x600 with refresh rate 50!!!09:18
tanathav-, linux is a rewrite of unix09:18
rlountSolaris has a full on GUI...09:18
rlountJava Desktop, based on Gnome.09:18
Avulturerlount , so what is the major difference09:18
gordonjcpAvulture: no09:18
brettrsdisinterested: what is the hdd formatted as?09:18
gordonjcpAvulture: Linux is not Unix09:18
marx2kAvulture, http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=unix+vs+linux&btnG=Google+Search09:18
mosnowhat *is* unix anyway...? these days it's like OpenServer, OpenSolaris...09:18
rlountAvulture, naming conventions for one.09:18
gordonjcpAvulture: it's like Unix, but not actually Unix09:18
tanathAvulture, or was originally09:18
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!09:19
MenZamosno: Check Wikipeida. :P09:19
brettrsdisinterested: have you tried fat32?09:19
EliteInsanemarx2k, any way you can give me some command to fix it?09:19
mosnoMenZa: that's what im reading!09:19
GNinemajor difference is your asking of unix in ubuntu    lol09:19
MenZamosno: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UNIX09:19
disinterestednot yet09:19
MenZaThen the definition should be pretty clear.09:19
marx2kElite: "chmod 764 ~"?09:19
brettrsi can't help you with ext3, but i'm positive fat32 will work09:19
EliteInsanejust put that in terminal?09:19
rlountAvulture, interface names, disk names. Directories where things are etc...09:19
EliteInsanedrwxrw-r-- 37 elite elite  4096 2007-09-17 00:02 .09:20
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Avulturerlount,  but the same way of dealing with files..etc ?09:20
Extravertanyone know the halftone pattern differences between diffusion and dither?09:20
EliteInsanethat look right now?09:20
disinterestedis that option avalable in gparted?09:20
rlountmosno, Unix is Solaris, BSD, OpenSolaris...09:20
marx2kShould look like drwxr-xr-x 96 marx2k marx2k 8192 2007-09-17 01:40 marx2k09:20
WhackEliteInsane: try "chmod -R 764 ~/"09:20
rpedro_MenZa: lol wikipeida << 'peida' == butt in portuguese slang09:20
rlountAvulture, pretty much. d00d, ZFS rawks it.09:20
gordonjcpExtravert: the patterns are different09:20
Crozarthis is what i thought and i think Unix is engine from the start of the computer world the Award Winner of the expanded Engine is Mac OS and Windows but from theyr they expand Modifications and patching them towards each other09:20
rlountbut it's really off top.09:20
Extravertgordonjcp: ?09:20
Crozari might be wrong :P but i like to think of it that way09:20
Ravenndude`Is there a way to connect to a wifi network using the command line? If so, can someone point me in the right direction?09:20
Whackthat will affect your entire home dir, and all sub folders09:20
EliteInsanedrwxrw-r-- 37 elite elite  4096 2007-09-17 00:02 . is 76409:20
Extravertgordonjcp: do you know which one is better?09:21
gordonjcpExtravert: better is a very subjective thing09:21
marx2ktry 76609:21
GNinecrozar is wrong09:21
Extravertgordonjcp: terms of quality09:21
gordonjcpmarx2k: uhm, 766 would be rwxrw-rw-09:21
Avultureok guys as this is ubuntu channel i had a werid problem in partitioner ,, is it recommended to use the automcatic partitioner or the manual ?09:21
rlountCrozar, Mac is Unix.09:21
gordonjcpExtravert: try both, see which you like09:21
Crozari thought unix is the start then mac started good project microsoft stole it mac working on other09:21
brettrsdisinterested: i don't know, but i'm sure it is.09:21
marx2kI got drwxr-xr-x on mine09:21
systemd0wnhow can i move my orbit cam around? Video works fine, i just cant manually move it09:21
disinterestedok its formatting into fat3209:21
tanathwhy not just change the perms in nautilus?09:21
EliteInsanedrwxrw-rw- 37 elite elite  4096 2007-09-17 00:02 . 76609:22
Crozari thought unix was made then the producer died09:22
Crozarand no one knew the story09:22
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Crozarso i might be right u know i dream and do wizard stuff09:22
gordonjcpCrozar: no, the two guys that wrote the very first Unix are still very much alive09:22
Crozarso dont think im wrong09:22
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marx2kEliteInsane, that should work for what you were trying to do09:22
EliteInsaneok lemme try it09:22
rlountmaybe we should give Ken Ritchey a call....09:23
gordonjcpCrozar: dmr's web page is pretty interesting - gives a lot of insight into how they did stuff and why09:23
NINJ4is there a way to manually install the 2.6.20 kernel?  I can't get on the internet with one box that needs that kernel to get on the internet XD09:23
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gordonjcpCrozar: http://plan9.bell-labs.com/who/dmr/ <- prepare to lose an hour or two09:23
Crozaroh u want me to google it same as for  my resoloution problem09:23
mosnowell, Ubuntu is based on GNU, Gnu's Not Unix, therefore it turns out we *are* offtopic ;-)09:23
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EliteInsaneok didnt work09:23
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EliteInsanebut what was that command again09:23
marx2kElite: Whats the error09:23
marx2kyeah, chmod09:23
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marx2ktype "man chmod" in terminal09:23
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Evanlec_any way to get game to open in one display only (using twinview) ?09:24
marx2kit will give you info on it09:24
EliteInsaneit tells me 64409:24
Crozarhey yesterday my ubuntu on 1024 and im fine but after i slept i started laptop then suddenly 800 :(09:24
gordonjcpCrozar: but yeah, in general googling for "dennis ritchie unix history" would be a start09:24
EliteInsaneon the messahe09:24
Avultureso rlount,Unix is more powerful than linux ?09:24
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rlountAvulture, no.09:24
disinterestedbrettrs: do i just follow the guide again onitting the ext3 and adding fat32 to /etc/fstab then?09:24
Evanlec_Avulture, linux is based on unix...they are not comparable like that09:24
Crozarok tell me windows nothing to do with them>09:24
EliteInsaneok wait09:24
rlounttho BSD IMHO has a better networking stack.09:24
EliteInsanehow do i get back to where chmod will work09:24
A2t3c13hi everybody!09:24
marx2kgo back to terminal09:24
Crozari thought windows stole Mac so where is the story that mac started a new start from the begining diffrent path?09:25
marx2k"chmod 644 ~"09:25
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Crozarwhich based on unix09:25
AvultureEvanlec_, since i see in jobs resumes.. experience in unix...and that way.. even didn't mention Linux09:25
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AvultureEvanlec_, you got me ?09:25
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gordonjcpCrozar: Nah, Windows and Mac both stole from Xerox09:25
Crozarwhos those09:25
Crozarwhat the ?09:25
marx2kAvulture, if you know linux, you effectively know unix09:25
rlountgordonjcp, is the winner!09:25
Evanlec_Avulture, ? linux is unix so...you could say that09:25
tanathanyone know any firewall scripts better than this? http://easyfwgen.morizot.net/gen/index.php09:25
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=== GNine thinks if you think unix is linux.. learn pascal and then C.. then come back
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ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici09:26
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ubotuHey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, BearPerson or ompaul! I could use a bit of your time :)09:26
rlountGNine, word.09:26
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Crozarso theyr was something before win linux and mac >??? like a mainframe 10000 buttons of ( 0 , 1 ) for just to send a msg across09:26
Avulturewhat happened guys ?09:26
Crozarthat might be possible u know the war days of hitler..09:26
rlountabout the unix is linux bit09:26
Le^stathold onto yur butt09:26
gordonjcpCrozar: no no09:26
Avulturewhat alot of chatters who left the room09:26
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Whacklinux is to unix as windows is to DOS09:26
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marx2kWhack: bad similie09:26
gordonjcpCrozar: in the late 1960s Xerox had systems that would recognise as a modern desktop environment09:27
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marx2kGnome/KDE is to Bash as Windows is to DOS09:27
tanaththen apple & ms stole the idea09:27
marx2kwell, Windows 95 and earlier anyway09:27
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gordonjcphm, he's gone09:27
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rlountmust be a disturbance in the force...09:28
gordonjcpSeveas: erm, why did you just kb Crozar?09:28
rlountI haven't felt so many resets since... Alderan was blown up.09:28
Avulturerlount, so if i know LINUX very well i don't have to know UNIX whether what would be the requirements of the job to be UNIX admin for example ?09:28
Seveasgordonjcp, godwins law09:28
rlountAvulture, no.09:28
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gordonjcpSeveas: eh?09:28
rlountthere are enough differences to really ruin your day.09:29
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GNineAvulture, .. respect  C .. unix IS unix09:29
rlountSolaris is a pain in the rear.09:29
Avulturerlount. could i install a version of UNIX on my PC ?09:29
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=== kkathman thanks Seveas :)
Avulturelol GNine09:29
webpirateI remember when intel released the DX100 chip a company called ALPHA had a 500mhz chip...09:29
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rlountAvulture, Solaris is OpenSource now.09:30
nanonymerlount, yeah, it's very annoying to have systems that work right. no one can code properly for them :/09:30
Avulturerlount,  could Unix work on old machines ?09:30
Avulturethat solaris ?09:30
rlountyeah, stripped.09:30
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tanathanyone know any firewall scripts better than this? http://easyfwgen.morizot.net/gen/index.php09:30
rlountAvulture, one disk install, no frills.09:30
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gordonjcpAvulture: of course Unix can work on old machines09:30
ExtravertWHY! does my printer print at 200dpi when its suppose to do 1200?!09:30
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Avulturerlount that would be nice09:30
gordonjcpAvulture: it was written for a DEC PDP-709:30
Avulturevery nice indeed09:30
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webpirateand when AMD squeezed 133mhz out of socket 5...09:30
gordonjcpAvulture: and later ported across to a PDP-1109:31
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Avulturei think i should try both of them on a VMWARE09:31
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rlountI got to see a PDP-11 last month!09:31
Le^statvirtualbox works well09:31
gordonjcprlount: really?09:31
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GNinepossible.. effective?  i dont know09:31
Whackat least you guys aren't forced to use a mac at work lol09:31
gordonjcprlount: I got to see a PDP11 to09:31
rlountyeah, at Boneville Power09:31
Crozarhow come i got banned is it because off topic?09:31
=== gordonjcp turns round
gordonjcprlount: oh look, there it is again09:31
gordonjcprlount: http://pdp11.kicks-ass.net09:32
Avultureguys.. is it possible to install different versions of Linux,, unix on the the same harddrive ?09:32
Avulturesince VMWARE is not a speedy programme09:32
gordonjcpAvulture: yeah, no problem at all09:32
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Avulturegordonjcp, Good news actuallly09:32
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rlountgordonjcp, rawk it hard!09:32
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Crozarmy screen rez yesterday was 1024 i shutdown then later today i started and im on suddenly 800 with 50refreshrate ? help please09:32
gordonjcpCrozar: so as I was saying, yes, there were a lot of different OSes way way before Windows, Mac OS or Linux09:32
tanathAvulture, all you need is seperate partitions. and grub will detect each installed OS so you can choose which to run when your computer starts09:33
gordonjcpCrozar: what happens when you go to the screen resolution menu?09:33
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webpirategordonjcp>> did you restart your computer with the monitor off? because If I have my monitor off when I start linux it defaults to 80009:33
Whackhaha... looking through the keyboard options, there is a "lock screen to enforce typing break" option09:33
Crozarnever mind that i did sudo nano /ext3/X11/xorg.conf09:33
webpiraterestart X with your monitor on09:33
Avulturetanath, look dude i have 7 partions of my 200 giga byte one.. all of them are in NTFS09:33
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Crozareverything is like it was09:33
gordonjcpwebpirate: it's Crozar that's having the problem09:33
Whackyou can set it to force you to take a break from typing lol09:34
Avulturepartioning in LINUX is just a pain in ass :S09:34
Crozaroh i didnt try restarting :P i blamed it as a bug well it is but thought u have a cure ;)09:34
brand0conhow can you create an ntfs partition in ubuntu09:34
tanathAvulture, well, you'll need to use a non-ntfs partition for other OSes09:34
brand0congparted wont let me09:34
tanathAvulture, gparted is easy enough09:34
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gordonjcpCrozar: it's quite interesting to look at how OSes have evolved09:34
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=== GNine thinks Avulture needs chunk of tuna sandwich
rlountbrand0con, you need ntfs-utils or somesuch thingie and I don't think it's stock ;)09:35
kkathmanbrand0con:  you cant09:35
gordonjcpCrozar: you can see how bits have been added on as someone decides it would be a good idea09:35
webpirateit's probably easier if you get the gparted bootable cd and do it from there09:35
kkathmanyou can READ ntfs but I dont think you can create one09:35
brand0conthx neway09:35
=== Griver [n=Griver@90-229-133-48-no52.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
rathelHello, I need some help with mt-daapd. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37632/09:35
Avultureand who said iam using ubuntu now ?09:35
kkathmanbrand0con:  try creating ext3 instead - safer09:35
rlountbrand0con, it can be done but it's still considered experimental.09:35
Avulturei said iam unfortunately windows USer09:36
=== Greyhound- [i=greyhoun@lgh.ro-metro-core.fe-1-3.fibergames.net] has joined #ubuntu
Crozaryes i see many people here =) and u know something im not using linuxs because of youtube actually i wanted to set up a server computer for hosting Quake games , but rather i took that processes a later to do list until i saw youtube lol :P it made my fastlist an now im here09:36
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Avulturei said that many times09:36
rlountbrand0con, you reaaaaaaly want to do it?09:36
Textbookand he said use GParted09:36
tanathbrand0con, if you have a windows install cd, you can use that09:36
Whackcorrect, ntfs partition will be read-only from ubuntu, my laptop is that way since it's dual boot with xp09:36
Textbookit's "linux" but it's a LiveCD09:36
kkathmanrlount  her really doesnt, but he doesnt know WHY he doesnt yet :)09:36
Textbookand it's just as easy as all the commercial partitioning tools out there09:37
=== Doitle [n=Doitle@mfirman-1.st.bradley.edu] has joined #ubuntu
=== Gehacktes [n=ubuntu@p3EE268FC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Crozarso im special rather then other people because of the effects :P until now i didnt got rain or thunder or snow in my screen :/ and dont want to get beryl this is my 3rd format beryl much sideeffects09:37
rlountbrand0con, Knoppix has the utils and the ability to get more tools while "live"... heh, ok.09:37
=== guillaume [n=administ@baracoda.net8.nerim.net] has joined #ubuntu
tanathyou can write to ntfs in ubuntu09:37
Avulturetanath check your PVT buddy i want to ask you about something in partitioning09:37
Whacktanath: how?09:37
dgjones!ntfs-3g | Whack, ntfs is writeable from linux09:37
ubotuWhack, ntfs is writeable from linux: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions09:37
Whackhmm, i might have to try that09:37
=== Crozar restarting brb
kkathmantanath:  you can write to an existing ntfs using ubuntu, but ntfs is not a supported file system for ubuntu installs09:38
=== EliteInsane [n=peeps@ip72-193-8-88.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
EliteInsaneok so09:38
EliteInsaneubuntu wont even let me login now09:38
brand0conhmm my windows install cd doesnt let me create a partition on the newly partitioned disk09:38
tanathkkathman, not by default, but that's what ntfs-3g is for09:38
WhackEliteInsane: what error are you getting?09:38
EliteInsanenot right permissions to creat some folder09:38
EliteInsane"you session lasted less than 10 seconds"09:39
EliteInsanei went into recovery thing09:39
kkathmantanath:  no, I think ntfs-3g is for WRITING to an existing nfts partition - there is a big difference09:39
=== brand0con [n=brand0co@68-117-89-242.static.eucl.wi.charter.com] has left #ubuntu []
EliteInsanedid a chmod 744 then 76409:39
EliteInsaneno dice both times09:39
tanathkkathman, uh, that's what i was talking about. did i miss something?09:39
Whacklogged in as what user?09:39
kkathmantanath:  for instance if, for some reason you had a windows box on a network that was ntfs and you want ubuntu to write a file there09:39
Whackif you're logged in as root, then it won't change the correct home folder09:39
dgjonesEliteInsane, I've never had that error, but I have seen somebody mention that it mjight be caused by running out of disk space in your "/" directory09:39
=== pingu__ [n=pingu@223.175.70-86.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu
Whackwhats the username you're logging in as?09:40
Whackerr trying to09:40
tanathkkathman, samba won't take care of that?09:40
Avulturetanath, have you seen my pvt dude.. or i did something wrong in my IRC09:40
kkathmantanath:  as I understood, brand0con wanted to create an ntfs partition in ubuntu09:40
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tanathAvulture, have you seen my reply?09:40
=== Slart [n=markus@c83-254-148-57.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu
Whackok, so do: "chmod -R 755 /home/elite/*"09:40
kkathmantanath:  nope, only FAT for samba without ntfs-3g I think09:40
=== OleMoudi [n=tk422@148.Red-81-39-83.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
tanathkkathman, i was just replying to you saying you can't write to ntfs from ubuntu09:40
kkathmanat least last I checked09:40
EliteInsanewhat should the root folder permissions me09:41
=== Ryuo [n=raizen@CPE-72-128-13-245.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
EliteInsanesince i was dicking around with those09:41
kkathmantanath:  no I was saying you could not CREATE an ntfs partition in ubuntu09:41
Whackthe tilde "~" means "my home directory", the one of the current logged in user09:41
tanathAvulture, i've been replying to you, but then you don't respond...09:41
Whack755 should be fine09:41
Avulturetanath,i think there is something wrong in my IRC09:41
Avulturetanath i used that mode09:41
EliteInsanei will try this09:41
kkathmanAvulture:  are you registered ?09:41
Avultureis that wrong ?09:41
dgjonestanath, Avulture you both need to be registered to send / receive pm's09:41
Avultureiam registerd09:42
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tanathall i said was you can write to ntfs09:42
=== Crozar [n=abdulla@auh-as45289.alshamil.net.ae] has joined #ubuntu
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dgjonesAvulture, depends whether tanath is registered as well09:42
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild09:42
Avulturedgjones may be because my mode is +i so i can't see him ?09:42
tanathDGJ, i am, but i can't remember my pass :-/09:42
webpiratehas anyone tried the Envy script to install Nvidia drivers....I just tried it and it works nice....09:42
=== hakrvananteck1 [n=hakrvana@] has joined #ubuntu
Whackargg... i give up - i guess i am buying a new mouse tomorrow09:42
Crozarok afte restart still on 800 res :( how come i used to have 1024 yesterday09:43
=== Tumpster [n=craig@CPE-70-94-37-147.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
dgjonestanath, thats probably why then, if your not registered and identified, pm's are set not to work in the channel09:43
hakrvananteck1some mexican people !!09:43
Avultureoh :S09:43
Avulturetanath it's so easy to register :D09:43
webpirateCrozar>> are you on laptop?09:43
=== Jowi [n=Jowi@bgn92-4-82-238-212-88.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
Avulturenot a dilemma :D09:43
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)09:43
tanathAvulture, it's not easy to remember my bloody password :P09:43
tanathso i never bother to identify09:44
rlountCrozar, have you tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg?09:44
tanathand there doesn't seem to be a way to recover it09:44
Crozaryes but im using CRT monitor , its long story yesterday i had talked to tvrg about the situation when i wanted to run nvidia driver on Laptop but it gives me colory screen but then i renamed the driver  to nv and laptop runs09:44
buttercups!restricted formats09:44
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:44
Avulturetanath ok Plz go to the off topic channel09:44
=== GNine thinks there is always a software solution.. just read
Crozarbut crt works both in nv and nvidia , i want nvidia because its on 3d accelerator  * ( im talking about the file in xorg.conf )09:44
=== rlount sees the read word again...
TumpsterSo, I'm running wine, but i've noticed in any steam game i cannot seem to tweak the settings, when I do it crashes back to the desktop. Any reason why?09:44
GNineno spoon.. 48 hours is nothing in computing time09:45
rlountValve.... aaaaaaaaaah!09:45
webpirateCrozar>> Nvidia card?09:45
GNineyou can do it , Whack09:45
rlountTumpster, thats because Steam/Valve sucks.09:45
Avulturelol those guys at off topic channel if they talk... just very stupid things.. like how to gain a million dollars09:46
WhackGNine: I no longer think it's possible, i think its a problem on the hardware or driver level09:46
Tumpsterbut i've heard other people having no trouble fixing settings09:46
Crozargeforce 4 go ( mobile edition ) with windows we tweak that rather to a normal pci desktop card by cracking its .inf from nvidia default site without geting mobile drivers and then reconfigure it through omega settings yes it works and with optimum preformance09:46
=== MatBoy [n=matthijs@wiljewelwetenhe.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
rlountTumpster, find those people!09:46
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webpirateI had same problem with tht card on my laptop09:46
Tumpsteranyone willing to point me to the right people?09:46
Avulturerlount, are you registered ?09:46
WhackGNine: Xev shows KeyPress events instead of ButtonPress events, I don't know how to fix that09:46
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rlountAvulture, yes.09:46
webpiratebut I fixed it I will show you how..09:46
rlountTumpster, if i knwe I'd let you in on it.09:47
Tumpster;) thanks though09:47
=== george_ [n=george@d58-105-223-61.dsl.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
GNinesigh.. sorry.. too wasted to figure that out Whack friend.. i know i would not buy new ..09:47
=== Eliteinsane [n=jesus@ip72-193-8-88.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
WhackGNine: well, i'll return this one, so it won't cost any extra money09:48
Eliteinsanedid not work09:48
GNinemay the force be with ya bro09:48
Eliteinsaneon my laptop now so this should be  much quicker09:48
WhackGNine: it will probably be cheaper, lol this mouse was 40 bucks09:48
=== Gimped [n=Gimped@pm3p23.cwdom.dm] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto09:48
tanathAvulture, was there a reason you wanted to talk to me in off-topic? if so, why leave me hanging?09:48
Eliteinsanestill getting peermission denied error09:49
webpirateCrozar>> did you get my PM?09:49
Whackbut, when you code for 8 hours a day, a good kb and mouse is required09:49
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EliteinsaneWhack, still didnt work09:49
GNine10-4 Whack09:49
WhackEliteinsane: what file is it trying to modify?09:49
jetscreamerkinky ircsex09:49
Eliteinsaneunable to create09:50
=== steel_lady [n=steel_la@114.pool85-49-15.dynamic.orange.es] has joined #ubuntu
Eliteinsane~/.gnome2 directory09:50
Crozaryes im theyr09:50
Crozari cant msg u ? it says somethign about run as root for dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:50
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Crozarwhat should i add sudo nano or smthn>09:50
=== Radica1Faith [n=matt@dy247198.resnet.uky.edu] has joined #ubuntu
Whackis there already a /home/elite/.gnome2 dir?09:50
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steel_ladyI am following ubotu simple steps for recovering boot after win and it gives me Unrecognized command. Please, can someone rewiev this with me?09:51
Eliteinsanealso, could not create per-user gnome config. direcotry /home/elite/.gnome2'09:51
Eliteinsanei have no clue09:51
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WhackEliteinsane: ok, open a ternimal09:51
Whackarg... lol a terminal09:51
=== Sferrari [i=Chaos_Us@adsl-187-158.globonet.hu] has joined #ubuntu
webpirateI had to play with the setting for my laptop because of black bar on the right side of screen and 800 res....now i keep a backup of my xorg.conf and it work perfect with beryl too09:51
Eliteinsanego to recovery thing?09:51
Whacksry, typing with a cigarette09:51
=== kexman_ [n=kexman@unaffiliated/kexman] has joined #ubuntu
SferrariHi :)09:52
Eliteinsanei cant open anything because ubuntu doesnt load09:52
webpirateCrozar?>> you need to edit your xorg.conf09:52
Eliteinsanehopefully mu laptops battery hold out09:52
SferrariI need help in hungarian :)09:52
Crozarsudo nano ext3/X11/xorg.conf ??09:52
Sferrarivan itt magyar ?:)09:52
steel_lady<Eliteinsane> did you reinstsll windows?09:52
=== unwiredbrain [n=unwiredb@host246-162-dynamic.55-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
WhackEliteinsane: check your im09:52
=== gcostello [n=gcostell@i07v-212-195-160-152.d4.club-internet.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Myrtti!hu | Sferrari09:52
ubotuSferrari: Magyar nyelv segtsget az #ubuntu-hu csatornn tall09:52
Eliteinsanecheck what?09:53
=== GNine [n=George@c-24-99-14-101.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["ego]
Whackdid you get my instant message?09:53
Sferrarithx :)09:53
dgjonesCrozar, its /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:53
webpirateyes..that will wor09:53
Crozarwebpirate in xorg.conf i dont see section options is it because imusing my philps CRT right now?09:53
Myrtti!register | Whack, Eliteinsane09:53
ubotuWhack, Eliteinsane: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration09:53
Crozarshould i change to nv and restart with my laptop then do these options ?09:53
steel_lady<Sferrari> difficult to find it. I am croatian :)09:53
Whackare you at the terminal?09:53
Whackok, type pwd, and paste the output09:54
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webpirateYou have to put them in your "Device" section09:54
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guxitianhellow every one09:54
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Whackok, type cd /home/elite09:54
Crozarok just a sec09:55
Whacktype cd .gnome209:55
steel_ladyare there any helpers or only those who have problems?09:55
=== kirkor [n=kirkor@dmp170.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
Eliteinsane k09:55
Whackdid it error?09:55
Whackok, so the folder is there, type cd ..09:55
yhani'm trying to install the current gutsy daily live but the ubiquity installer seems broken as it hangs at "120%"09:56
yhanwould i have more luck with the alternate cd?09:56
Whackand then type ls -la09:56
rpedro_!justask > steel_lady09:56
Crozarguys whats the site to paste long things09:56
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=== AndyM_ [n=amorris@cmarfw01.marlow.spinvox.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)09:56
Whacknow find the line with .gnome2 on it, and paste that line09:57
Myrtti!paste | Crozar09:57
ubotuCrozar: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:57
=== CroX_ [n=CroX@static-213-115-1-18.sme.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
dgjonesyhan, gutsy support is in #ubuntu+1, might be better for you to join that channel for advice09:57
tanathyhan, i didn't have much trouble upgrading from fiesty, if you can do that09:57
Eliteinsanedrwx______ 3 root root 409609:57
=== reedness [n=reedness@cpe-75-84-100-134.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Eliteinsane_ = -09:57
yhandgjones, thanks, sorry about that09:57
steel_ladyrpedro_, hablas espaol?09:57
tanathyhan, that is, if you have feisty installed already09:57
Whackok, there is your problem, that folder belongs to the "root" user09:57
rpedro_steel_lady: everyone's a helper in here :)09:57
=== jruiz [n=jruiz@adsl-69-236-164-109.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
dgjonesyhan, no probs09:57
rpedro_steel_lady: no, portugus09:58
=== BernieMac [n=ben@bmorrison.st.bradley.edu] has joined #ubuntu
Crozarwebpirate here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37665/09:58
reednessanyone here try elive ???09:58
WhackEliteinsane: type this: "chown -R elite /home/elite/*"09:58
rpedro_!es | steel_lady09:58
kkathmantanath:  I got burned badly going from breezy to dapper, cuz I upgraded a bit too early09:58
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Eliteinsanethe commadn line is root@elite-desktop09:58
=== GodTodd [n=TheTruth@pool-71-123-207-64.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
steel_ladyok, then english. I am following instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows09:58
Eliteinsanedoes that a=matter?09:58
ubotusteel_lady: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.09:58
tanathkkathman, there were some troubles then, but i upgraded two months early from dapper to edgy with little problems, and same to feisty, and now gutsy09:59
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Whackdid you run the chown command?09:59
Eliteinsanetyping with 2 keyboards in my lap09:59
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kkathmantanath:  its why I always just wait till its about one week after release :)10:00
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tanathkkathman, honestly, this was originally a morphix-based install that got converted to debian, and then into ubuntu, and has been upgraded since hoary and is still kicking10:00
Whackok, now again do ls -la, and paste the line that has .gnome2 on it10:00
=== Chascon [n=chatzill@pc-50-100-83-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu
ExtravertIm gonna return this shitty inkjet printer and get a color laser printer w00t!10:00
tanathkkathman, i've been upgrading a month or two early with few probs :)10:00
=== CountX [n=marcel@72-48-91-35.dyn.grandenetworks.net] has joined #ubuntu
steel_ladyrpedro_, in particular I am going for the option Using the Desktop/LiveCD while preserving Windows Bootloader  - because it is temporary. Are you following me?10:00
Eliteinsaneits the same10:00
kkathmantanath:  Ive been on ubuntu since warty :)10:00
Eliteinsanestill root root10:00
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tanathkkathman, er, yeh i used that too, just that far back i forget the order :P10:00
shwouchkhow do I remove a script from running at boot? (an init.d script)10:00
CountXi screwed something up with my task bar10:01
rpedro_steel_lady: yes10:01
kkathmantanath:  had no probs till I got to breezy - dapper, and that was a complete reinstall but I had my /home so nbd10:01
Whackno errors when you did the chown command?10:01
CountXand i cant get the running application parts working10:01
kkathmantanath:  warty was the 1st I think10:01
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steel_ladyrpedro_ and I am at the step 5. Type "root (hd0,3)". which in Grub prompt gives me: Error 27: Unrecognized command10:01
kkathmantanath:  warty - hoary -breezy - dapper - edgy - feisty10:01
tanathkkathman, i ought to move my home to a new partition, but i forget how to set up my user for that10:01
=== skinnypuppy1334 [n=user@66-168-108-106.dhcp.mdvl.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
WhackEliteinsane: try "chown elite /home/elite/.gnome2"10:01
rpedro_steel_lady: I think the destop/livecd installer doesnt't ask, it just overwrites the main mbr10:01
=== tanath is on gutsy now
=== defDfloyd [n=rebel@s5593edbe.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu
tanathactually, i may have started with hoary after all10:02
Crozarwebpirate here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37665/ and about the sudo  dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg im in it and it gave me into configuration page :/ if i do anything what happends?10:02
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shwouchkhow do I remove a script from running at boot? (an init.d script)10:02
kkathmantanath:  yah I did that once also - I just copy home over to one of my backup servers, then change the sources.list, do the update and dist-upgrade and hope it all goes :)10:02
BernieMackkathman, is that oct '04?10:02
Whacknow try ls -la again and see if it still says root10:02
Eliteinsaneand it still says root10:02
steel_ladyrpedro_ I don't understand what are you telling me10:02
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rpedro_steel_lady: you should use the alternate installer cd, if you want to install the grub to a partition's boot area10:02
kkathmanBernieMac:  allegedly yes :)10:02
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Whackhmm, i don't get it10:02
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=== tanath is liking gutsy
Whackeverything in the /home/elite folder should belong to the user 'elite'10:03
BernieMackkathman, used my expert math skills to figure that one out haha10:03
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Crozarasking me weird questions amount of memory to be used by the video card with KB10:03
=== clip [n=hugu@pckl1000.klinik.uni-regensburg.de] has joined #ubuntu
tanathCrozar, you can ignore & hit enter10:03
Eliteinsanethis sucks10:03
Eliteinsanei spent all today making shit work10:03
Eliteinsanein ubuntu10:04
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Eliteinsaneand  i change 1 litte thing10:04
steel_ladyrpedro_ you didn't understand me. I don't want to install grub, just add ubuntu in win boot, look there at instructions down, without installing grub10:04
rpedro_steel_lady: one sec, fetching a link10:04
Eliteinsaneadn the world goes to shit10:04
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Whacki don't get it10:04
rpedro_steel_lady: what instructions? link?10:04
stdin!ohmy | Eliteinsane10:04
ubotuEliteinsane: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.10:04
tanathEliteinsane, what did you change?10:04
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clipanyone here that runs ubuntu64bit with a geforce 8?! i can't install because i always get a x window error. help please?!10:04
Eliteinsanepermission im my home folder10:04
Whackanyone have ideas why a chown wouldn't take effect?10:04
Eliteinsanethen it would load my config10:04
Eliteinsanethen things just died10:04
rpedro_steel_lady: you already installed grub to a specific partition?10:05
tanathEliteinsane, so change it back10:05
shwouchkhow do I remove a script from running at boot? (an init.d script)10:05
Whackhis home dir belongs to "root", and chown isn't working10:05
steel_ladyrpedro_ in this link go way down https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows to Using the Desktop/LiveCD while preserving Windows Bootloader10:05
Eliteinsanei tried10:05
Eliteinsanenothing would stick10:05
Eliteinsanethey kept reverting back10:05
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tanathEliteinsane, that's odd. when do they revert?10:05
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Whacktanath: chown is having no effect, and no error10:05
Eliteinsanewwell i right click and used the properties menu10:05
Eliteinsanechanged them10:05
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tanathEliteinsane, try from terminal10:06
Eliteinsaneright clickked and went back to properties10:06
Eliteinsanei did10:06
Eliteinsaneand thats when i couldnt even use ubuntu anymore10:06
tanathEliteinsane, are you logged in now?10:06
Whacktanath: files in his home dir belong to user "root", and chown isn't changing them10:06
rpedro_steel_lady: you have more than one hard drive on the pc?10:06
Eliteinsaneim in the recovery console10:06
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tanathEliteinsane, do you have a livecd?10:06
steel_ladyrpedro_ I reinstalled win after ubuntu. it is for m boyfriend and he wants win to boot first and to use win boot, ubuntu is for me because I have to work and we will have to reinstall win one more time in a couple of weeks10:06
tanathEliteinsane, i'd recommend doing it from that10:06
=== Zdra [n=zdra@225.253-242-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
tanathEliteinsane, boot to the livecd, and mount your harddrive, and change the permissions, then reboot10:07
Eliteinsaneok so put in the live cd10:07
antlersteel_lady: i would've installed win first, then ubuntu10:07
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Eliteinsanehow do i mount the HD10:07
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steel_ladyrpedro_ there is 1 drive but it has partitions: ubuntu system, ext3 for working in ubuntu, storage and win10:07
tanathEliteinsane, should be automatic. if not, you should be able to do it from nautilus10:07
rpedro_steel_lady: I am trying to find a link for a generic howto (works for any linux), you can make the default windows bootloader boot grub from another partition10:07
steel_ladyantler, that is what we did but we had to reinstall win again10:07
Eliteinsanebooting live cd now10:08
Crozaromg i was in sudo  dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg i dont know if i destroyed my linux how to set them back to normal10:08
tanathEliteinsane, if not, the command is 'mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1' (device path, then mount path)10:08
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antlersteel_lady: now neither boots, right?10:08
tanathEliteinsane, run with sudo10:08
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Eliteinsaneok well its still booting so gimme a sex10:09
steel_ladyantler, no win boots ok10:09
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tanathEliteinsane, freudian slip? :P10:09
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xsteelwolfhttp://pastebin.com/m5a997c37 can anyone tell me what's wrong?10:09
Crozarwebpirate u theyr10:09
rpedro_steel_lady: ah, you have any logical partitions at all on that drive? if you do, (hd0,3) points to /dev/hda4, which is the logical partitions enclosure, i.e., its not a valid partions in that case10:10
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://www.linux-foundation.org/en/OpenPrinting - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows10:10
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steel_ladyrpedro_ did you read the link I gave to you? those are general instructions I just don't know what I messed up there10:10
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=== Irreducibilis_ is now known as Irreducibilis
Eliteinsanewell thats interesting10:10
Whackdid it work from live cd?10:10
=== Irreducibilis huggles nickserv for killing the spaz who took his name
=== brunner [n=chris@75-143-105-41.dhcp.aubn.al.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Whackbooting, or changing the permissions?10:10
=== lapatadeoca [n=lapatade@217.Red-83-61-211.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
Eliteinsaneit even booted in 1280 1024 resolution10:10
tanathEliteinsane, i'm assuming ubuntu is installed to the first hd & first partition with the '/dev/hda1'10:11
Whackyeab, but thats loading everything from CD10:11
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Eliteinsane2nd partition10:11
steel_ladyrpedro_ yes I have logical partitions. I think 3 partitions are under the logical one. but the command in instructions there gives me (hd=,4)10:11
tanathEliteinsane, i guess the default is better than whatever you're using now10:11
brunneris it possible to use stable, testing, or unstable instead of feisty, gutsy, or hurd in sources.list?10:11
steel_ladyrpedro_ (hd0,4)10:11
Eliteinsaneok live cd is booted10:11
tanathEliteinsane, prolly your xorg.conf has been customized10:11
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DoitleWhoah this right to left override is nuts!10:11
xsteelwolfhttp://pastebin.com/m5a997c37 can anyone tell me what's wrong?10:12
tanathEliteinsane, that would override the default settings10:12
Eliteinsaneso at least my settings are still theer10:12
Eliteinsanenot that i can use them with my install10:12
Eliteinsaneok so i have terminal open10:12
Eliteinsanenow waht10:12
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WhackEliteinsane: open a terminal, and now try "sudo chown -R elite /home/elite"10:12
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tanathxstasi, why not use the ndiswrapper in the repository?10:13
xsteelwolfhttp://pastebin.com/m5a997c37 can anyone tell me what's wrong?10:13
Eliteinsaneeven if it isnt mounted?10:13
Eliteinsaneor is it10:13
Whackit should be10:13
ravonAnyone else who has OpenGL problems on Intel after this weekend's updates?10:13
rpedro_steel_lady: do you remember which partition number (hda?) you installed ubuntu to?10:13
tanathEliteinsane, not if it isn't mounted :p10:13
Whackyou can check first by doing "ls -la /home/elite"10:13
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steel_ladyrpedro_ when I enter gparted, it tells me that the real linux partition is sda510:13
tanathEliteinsane, and even if it were, that wouldn't work10:13
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tanathEliteinsane, the livecd doesn't know the user 'elite'10:14
Eliteinsaneelite invalid user10:14
Whackaww crap, i didnt think of that10:14
Eliteinsanenice call10:14
rpedro_steel_lady: ok, so '/dev/sda5' should be (hd0,4) in your case :)10:14
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tanathEliteinsane, open nautilus and see if your HD is mounted10:14
Whackwell, you can temporarily chmod it to 777, full perms for all10:14
xsteelwolfhttp://pastebin.com/m5a997c37 can anyone tell me what's wrong?10:14
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Eliteinsanehow do i open nautilus10:15
tanathxsteelwolf, why not use the ndiswrapper from the repository?10:15
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steel_ladyrpedro_why it doesn't work thern when I type in grub root  (hd0,4) ?10:15
rpedro_steel_lady: about the link you gave, I just don't see anything there that configures the windows bootloader to find the ubuntu installation10:15
tanathEliteinsane, open 'my computer' or whatever10:15
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onatsanyone know how to change keyring manager password?10:15
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tanathEliteinsane, or, press ALT+F2, then run 'nautilus'10:15
Extraverthow come theres a big difference between 600dpi quality of a inkjet and laser?10:16
antlersteel_lady: i think the easiest way is to install grub.10:16
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steel_ladyrpedro type find on the page and search for Windows Bootloader in title10:16
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steel_ladyantler I do not want to install grub10:16
tanathEliteinsane, there should be a panel on the left called Places. do you see your HD there?10:16
tanathEliteinsane, along with the disc drive10:16
tanathEliteinsane, good, double-click it10:17
tanathEliteinsane, to make sure it's mounted10:17
tanathEliteinsane, and see where it's mounted to10:17
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ticohello guys!!10:17
Eliteinsaneok well i see my 2nd HD10:17
Eliteinsanemy windows partition10:17
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Eliteinsaneand the 50gb one i use for ubuntu10:17
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xsteelwolfAnyone using compaq 8510w?10:18
Eliteinsanei double clicked the 50 one and it disappeared10:18
steel_ladyantler there are normal instructions here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows, the second big title after quick start (scrolllll down)10:18
tanathEliteinsane, go to your ubuntu one10:18
xsteelwolfAnyone using compaq 8510w?10:18
paulowskyi have ubuntu feisty on my laptop but i cant get my memory card reader to work. it's a toshiba satellite A100 and the card is by texas instruments. wat can i do?10:18
tanathEliteinsane, disappeared? lol. did it reappear?10:18
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Eliteinsanenow it says "disk"10:18
Eliteinsanedouble clicked that10:18
tanathEliteinsane, sometimes that'll happen when it's mounting it. then it'll come back renamed.. yeh, see10:18
Eliteinsaneand its giving me the loading cursor10:18
webpiratePaulowsky>> I can't get mine to work either.....let me know if you find something out10:18
steel_ladyxsteelwolf, compaq laptops betrayed me several times, I avoid them now10:18
tanathEliteinsane, be patient with it, you're running off the disc10:18
=== Crozar [n=abdulla@auh-as45289.alshamil.net.ae] has joined #ubuntu
xsteelwolfbetray as in ??drivers?10:19
Eliteinsanedisc isnt spinning10:19
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Eliteinsaneso im assmuming its just messing with me now10:19
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tanathEliteinsane, lol. it's teasing you10:19
paulowskyhey and does your  bluetooth work?10:19
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Crozarwow my laptop screen works10:19
webpirateI don't have bluetooth on my toshiba...10:19
tanathEliteinsane, so can you get to it in nautilus?10:19
Eliteinsanetheres an icon called "disk"10:19
Eliteinsaneon the desktop10:19
ticoI'm using Gnome Network Manager but each time when i restart my computer GNM ask me for the password.... is possible to store or something the password (the problem is that the password is very hard to type, to many numbers)10:19
tanathEliteinsane, that should do it10:19
ravonThis one seems to be back: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/6028810:19
Crozarbuts its on 1024 res  how to increase? any1 :(10:20
Eliteinsanei doucle click it10:20
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Eliteinsanenothing is there10:20
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Eliteinsaneand it gives that cursor10:20
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ExtravertWhy does my text have lines running through them at 1200 dpi?!10:20
tanathEliteinsane, it opens but doesn't show anything?10:20
rpedro_steel_lady: are you saying you get an error in the grub console when you type that in; or that ubuntu doesn't show up on the windows bootloader screen after you follow  the instructions?10:20
tanathEliteinsane, what's the path?10:20
Crozarbrb ill try something10:20
Slart!res | Crozar10:20
ubotuCrozar: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto10:20
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antlersteel_lady: all is see is stuff about grub10:20
tanathEliteinsane, at the top it should show your location, just like in windows explorer10:21
steel_ladyrpedro_ in the grub console I try to do the step 5 and it doesn't recognize the command root10:21
g00seJust changed hostname in /etc/hostname and edited /etc/hosts and done  /etc/init.d/networking restart over ssh. The hostname hasn't changed. Why not?10:21
Eliteinsanei dont see that10:21
Crozarmy terminal dont show nothing its white10:21
ticosome body know???  I'm using Gnome Network Manager but each time when i restart my computer GNM ask me for the password.... is possible to store or something the password (the problem is that the password is very hard to type, to many numbers)10:22
tanathEliteinsane, in nautilus, under the buttons, it should say Location: /some/path/here10:22
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Eliteinsaneit doesnt10:22
=== Herrhanz [n=hans@kulnet-nat-2.kulnet.kuleuven.be] has joined #ubuntu
tanathEliteinsane, o.O10:22
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tanathEliteinsane, try running 'mount' in a terminal to see what's mounted10:22
steel_ladyantler it says there: The method shown above puts GRUB back on the MBR (master boot record) of the hard drive instead of in the root partition. But you probably won't want that, if you use a third-party boot manager like Boot Magic or System Commander.  In that case, use this alternative.10:22
Pr038Does anyone had luck installing ubuntu on IBM 306 with raid support, (adp94xx) module is required?10:22
=== dmc68 [n=duh@c-24-22-205-61.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
tanathEliteinsane, look for /dev/hda110:22
Crozarim in some bug10:23
Eliteinsanekeyboard isnt responding now10:23
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Crozari cant see the bar ontop of any file and terminal white sdreen now im scared10:23
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tanathEliteinsane, might be a focus issue. try clicking different things to change the focus10:23
Crozarand lines come on my screen10:23
Crozarmany lines10:23
=== george_ [n=george@d58-105-223-61.dsl.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
Eliteinsanei hit caps lock and no light10:23
Crozari did what webpirate told me i might burn screen :(10:23
tanathEliteinsane, try hitting capslock ... yeh, darn10:23
dmc68howdy gang. tried to rename my xorg.conf file last night in rescue mode, and it said i cant cause permission denied. anyone know how to do this from the command prompt?10:23
Eliteinsanethis really f'in sucks10:24
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Eliteinsaneill have to spend all tomorrow re setting stuff up10:24
tanathEliteinsane, weird... you sure you don't have a hardware issue?10:24
Whackdmc68: do sudo mv xorg.conf newfile.conf10:24
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Eliteinsaneits plugged in10:24
tanathEliteinsane, how old is your comp?10:24
=== rlount watches hosts throw half a G at the backup server....
dmc68ok thanx mate10:24
Whackdmc68: it will ask for root password10:24
tanathEliteinsane, lol... could be dust or something10:24
tanathEliteinsane, how new?10:24
Eliteinsaneamd 4600+ 2.4 dual core10:24
Eliteinsane2gb ram10:24
=== rlount watches it fail
VoXhmm. how do i go about giving additional disks a uuid for use in fstab?10:25
Eliteinsanenvidia 7900GS10:25
tanathEliteinsane, alright, new enough :P10:25
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=== tanath is jealous :P
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Eliteinsaneso fuck it10:25
=== TheGateKeeper [n=m@82-36-118-96.cable.ubr03.king.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Eliteinsaneill reinstall ubuntu10:25
Eliteinsaneand not touch permissions on folders10:25
Eliteinsaneever again10:25
xsteelwolfKernel Makefile not found at '/lib/modules/2.6.22-11-generic/source'10:25
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xsteelwolfmake: *** [compatible/kversion]  Error 110:25
tanathEliteinsane, it's fixable, just slightly tedious10:25
xsteelwolfanyone knows this error?10:25
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tanathEliteinsane, lol, just be more careful :P10:25
Eliteinsanei dont care anymore10:26
Whacki dont understand how the home/elite/.gnome2 folder could get chown'd to root10:26
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dgjones!uuid | VoX, you can find the uuid's for new drives/partitions using the info here10:26
ubotuVoX, you can find the uuid's for new drives/partitions using the info here: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell:  sudo blkid  (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)10:26
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tanathWhack, prolly ran one of those commands you guys said with sudo10:26
rlountWhack, maybe by running something w/ out gksudo10:26
Whackand i really don't understand why a simple chown won't change it back10:26
tanathor something10:26
rlountsudo and gksudo are diff.10:26
=== Irreducibilis lets out a cry of agony
Eliteinsanei was in recovery terminal tanath10:26
Whackwell chmod shouldn't ever change the owner10:26
VoXdgjones: cheears10:26
IrreducibilisI cant find my live CD anywhere!10:27
rlountif you are in GUI mode and call nautilus w/ sudo you are hosed.10:27
Le^stati wish i uderstood half of the things that are spoken about in this room10:27
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shwouchkhow do I remove a script from running at boot? (an init.d script)10:27
tanathWhack, if he ran some gui app with sudo, gksu, or gksudo, it might mess up the perms10:27
Whackyeah, i guess10:27
tanathEliteinsane, so the KB is dead?10:27
Eliteinsanei messed up the perms on my home folder10:27
Whackbut how come chown is having no effect from tty?10:27
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tanathEliteinsane, keyboard10:27
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Eliteinsanelemme reboot10:27
steel_ladyrpedro_ are you here?10:27
tanathEliteinsane, you could simply create a new user10:27
rpedro_steel_lady: yes10:28
Eliteinsanestill have to reconfig everything10:28
tanathEliteinsane, might be less hassle than reinstalling like you were gonna :P10:28
Eliteinsaneprobably more10:28
tanathEliteinsane, some things will be the same for every user10:28
roachmmflhyri have made a new forum for everyone to check out.  If you like to program, need help, want to help others, or just donate scripts or tutorials please check out my new forum there's not many people who have joined yet but im trying to get it out there http://c.linuxsecured.net10:28
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steel_ladyrpedro_ so did you read those steps? everything seems fine untill trying to put that command in grub console10:29
Eliteinsanehow do i create a new user then10:29
tanathEliteinsane, you might just make a backup of anything you need, and reinstall. sounds like a fresh install might fix some other probs anyway10:29
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WhackEliteinsane: if it makes ya feel any better, I've spent like 5 hours tonight trying to get a damn mouse to work right...10:29
Eliteinsaneok well im go10:29
tanathEliteinsane, you have more than one comp, so maybe just put your HD in another comp for backup10:29
Eliteinsanegotta sleep10:29
Eliteinsaneand my battery is dying10:29
tanathEliteinsane, good luck10:29
tanathEliteinsane, night10:29
Eliteinsanenight guyus10:29
Eliteinsanethanks for the help10:30
george_Hi, i'm just having so trouble resizing my root partition in ubuntu 7.04. When i use gnome partition editor i get an error saying that it is unable to unmount it and to do so manually10:30
EliteinsaneWhack, thanks and goodnight10:30
george_any help would be appreciated :)10:30
Whackno prob, night10:30
=== Gimped [n=Gimped@pm3p23.cwdom.dm] has joined #ubuntu
IrreducibilisMy CD drive is refusing to eject my CD, no matter how many times I press the eject button10:30
tanathgeorge_, that usually means something's using that partition10:30
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morpheusis there a way to remove a "half installed" vmware server balls up on ubuntu? i keep getting told to re-install, then when i do the install fails10:30
ticodoes somebody know how to????  I'm using Gnome Network Manager but each time when i restart my computer GNM ask me for the password.... is possible to store or something the password (the problem is that the password is very hard to type, to many numbers)10:30
tanathgeorge_, maybe nautilus or a terminal10:30
SefBacsisteel_lady: if you want to restore the windows boot loader then you grab the win boot cd and whent it setup asks choose recovery console. (it will ask you for administrator password) when you get the prompt, type: <fixmbr>, <fixboot>. after this you should be able to boot in windows and not in linux. following the howto provided by anthler you shold be able to boot linux with windows boot loader10:30
WhackIrreducibilis: eject it from nautilus10:30
rpedro_steel_lady: what is the error message?10:30
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IrreducibilisWhack: tried that10:31
tanathgeorge_, or fam, a 'file alteration monitor'10:31
tanathgeorge_, can't unmount as long as something's reading or writing or has a lock10:31
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WhackIrreducibilis: well, you could try rebooting, or the paperclip trick10:31
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tanathgeorge_, you can run lsof to find out what's using it10:31
george_ah, ok. It's my root partition of ubuntu with a mount point of "/"10:31
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tanathgeorge_, well, you can't resize the partition, when you're booted into it10:32
steel_ladySefBacsi I boot win normally, I just want to add ubuntu in win bootloader as described in those oficial ubuntu instructions but unfortunately they don't work10:32
IrreducibilisWhack: I just tried the paperclip trick, and it made a nice grinding sound as the disk skidded to a halt, but it still refused to open10:32
tanathgeorge_, you'll have to boot to another partition, or from a livecd10:32
WhackIrreducibilis: yeah, you have to turn the computer off10:32
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Whackotherwise it will just pull it back in10:33
george_ah, kk. Will try that, thanks for that. Much appreciated :)10:33
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tanathIrreducibilis, the paperclip trick should always work...10:33
morpheusis there a way to remove a "half installed" vmware server balls up on ubuntu? i keep getting told to re-install, then when i do the install fails10:33
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tanathmorpheus, why's it faliing?10:34
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rpedrosteel_lady: did you get my pm?10:34
IrreducibilisERM quick question10:35
slapfacewareanyone suggest an easy to use ftp server10:35
morpheus"sub-proccess pre-installation script returned error exit status 1"10:35
steel_ladyrpedro_  I repeated the procedure and it is not giving me the error any more, wait till I try to reboot10:35
Whackrpedro: only registered users can send im's, look in your status window10:35
IrreducibilisWould there be a way to tell from a bunch of unmarked burned CDs which one is my Ubuntu LiveCD?10:35
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ari_stressslapfaceware: pureftpd.org10:35
tanathmorpheus, there should be another error before that10:35
SefBacsisteel_lady: what kinda windoze? how are your partitions made? where did you install grub/lilo?10:35
Irreducibiliswithout putting them all in and looking?10:35
clipwhats the difference between gutsy ubuntu and feisty release?10:35
slapfacewareanyone suggest an easy to config  ftp server10:35
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morpheusthats all that came up on synaptic10:35
rpedrosteel_lady: ok10:35
[nrx] Irreducibilis: eh, no10:35
delirewhy is it that when i 'sudo addgroup name someGroup' and then 'groups', "someGroup" doesn't appear in the output? it does on my Debian machines..10:35
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minimecWhat would you say... xmms, beep-media-player, audacious? Other ideas?10:35
Whacki think gutsy is beta10:35
tanathIrreducibilis, put them in your computer and see :P10:36
ari_stressslapfaceware: http://www.pureftpd.org/project/pure-ftpd10:36
clipbut gutsy is dvd too10:36
IrreducibilisNote to self... label things next time10:36
morpheusare there any alternatives to vmware server for ubuntu?10:36
[nrx] Irreducibilis: good idea :)10:36
webpirateXmms is the best I think10:36
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ari_stressmorpheus: virtualbox10:36
Whackagreed, xmms rules10:36
tanathmorpheus, try from a terminal10:36
ari_stress!virtualbox } morpheus10:36
ari_stress!virtualbox | morpheus10:36
ubotumorpheus: VirtualBox is open-source virtualization software for x86, with a proprietary "enterprise" version sporting additional features. Packages for Ubuntu are provided by the makers at http://www.virtualbox.org/ - Setup details at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/VirtualBox10:36
Whackminimec: if you're looking for something closer to itunes though, banshee is pretty good10:36
tanathWhack, xmms sucks :P10:36
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webpirateI like it...10:37
Whackhehe i like xmms10:37
morpheuswill try from terminal, then if no joy will give virtual box a bash10:37
tanathWhack, xmms2 is a little better, but amarok owns it :P10:37
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vraawhat's up guys10:37
Whacki dont use visualization or any of that stuff, just the smallest possible footprint10:37
ari_stresstanath: there's xmms2?10:37
tanathi used to, but it's buggy & dead10:37
trprhehe. me too. i like xmms. i heard using it is a security risk though due to gtk1 bugs10:37
webpirateWHAT!!! xmms2...what is this creature you speak of?10:37
tanathari_stress, they're working on it, yeh10:37
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minimecwebpirate: Whack thx. Always used xmms. So I will continue using it. My last gtk1 app ;)10:37
vraaif you had to pick a replacement to Outlook Contacts, what would it be (or mac os x Address Book)10:37
webpirateis xmms2 an update?10:38
webpirateI enver heard of it..10:38
Whackmy only complaint is that compiz effects don't work on xmms10:38
tanaththey've been working on it for a while now10:38
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webpirateI am jelous now!! I MUST HAVE IT!!10:38
tanathever tried amarok?10:38
tanathit's the best10:38
steel_ladySefBacsi (are you hungarian?) I have vista on first than the extended partition devided into ubuntu, ext3 for work swap and storage10:38
Myrttiexaile <310:38
tanathnot as leightweight, but it's the best10:38
ari_stressvraa: try groupwise from novell10:38
minimecWhack: Hmm. Banshee... I am more an exaile guy, but why not...10:38
roachmmflhyrIve started a new programming forum if anyone is interested in learning, helping others, or donating script or tutorials check it out http://c.linuxsecured.net theres not many people that have joined its only a couple days old but im trying to get it out there thanks...10:38
=== Whack is checking out amarok
webpirateI dunno...just kinda plain looking...can you get skins for amorak?10:38
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tanathbah @ exaile & banshee10:39
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vraaari_stress, oh my, that sounds complicated. i just need something that stores contacts and phone numbers -- bonus points if they can sync across a network by itself10:39
steel_ladyrpedro I completed those steps and rebooted but it boots to win without asking anything10:39
vraai'm doing cost analysis on implementing linux versus windows in a 10 computer workplace10:39
tanathWhack, amarok is meant to be a kde app, but runs fine in gnome, and does everything :)10:39
vraawhat is the difference between Add/Remove and Synaptics ?10:39
Whacksynaptics is package management, add/remove is just applications10:40
tanathvraa, add/remove is meant to be a simplistic interface. synaptic is a bit more advanced10:40
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[nrx] there's more than just synaptic, too... like apt and adept etc10:40
tanathvraa, add/remove basically passes things on to synaptic10:40
vraait's kinda confusing to have both, am i able to easily remove access (or at least the easy ability to access) both of those things?10:40
webpirateAs much as I love linux I don't think its practical as a workplace desktop solution....A workplace server linux is a must.....but not as a desktop....people are too affraid to learn something new10:40
tanath[nrx] , yeh, they're front-ends10:40
[nrx] :)10:41
Flannelvraa: add/remove has a tiny subset of the total packages you have available to you, synaptic is the full thing.10:41
vraawebpirate, dont worry about people, my employees are incredibly adapt. as long as they can get their job done10:41
rpedrosteel_lady: yes, maybe you have to press F8 right after the bios detects the hardware. Just keep pressing f8 until you get a menu.10:41
webpirateSo remember to include the cost of teaching in your analysis10:41
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howlingmadhowievraa: you can edit the main menu preferences to remove one of them10:41
vraahowlingmadhowie, excellent.10:41
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tanathwebpirate, to each their own10:41
vraacan i run Korganizer (a KDE app) in Ubuntu? Or do I have to start out with kubuntu first ?10:41
webpirateWell if you have good employees who are not afraid to learn something new then I HIGHLY suggest linux....10:41
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howlingmadhowievraa: System:-Settings:-Main menu10:42
SefBacsisteel_lady: yes i am hungarian. if it doesn't ask anything it means that windows is the only os that the windows boot loader knows about. you should edit the windows boot config file: c:\boot.ini10:42
dgjonesvraa, you can run kde app's in ubuntu10:42
rpedrosteel_lady: can I send you a private message?10:42
webpirateI can't stand windows anymore after living with linux for 2 years now...10:42
vraai am tired of windows. my goal is to turn the desktops into dumb terminals netbooting iso's from a server10:42
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Flannelvraa: Have you checked out edubuntu?10:42
vraaokay let me try kOrganizer, bbl a few minuntes10:42
Whacki can't give up windows yet, all of my games are on there10:42
vraaFlannel, yes, but that's education oriented yes?10:42
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Tarkushey, anyone know whats the good package i need to download to get support for all the media files?10:43
tanathWhack, you can get a lot of win games running in linux10:43
Le^statheh @ Whack10:43
webpirateYea...that's the only thing about linux...is the games issue.....10:43
WhackTarkus: you'll need the gstreamer plugins10:43
Flannelvraa: Well, only by default.  You can put whatever you want on it.  Its got netboot server/client install CDs10:43
tanath!codecs | Tarkus10:43
ubotuTarkus: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:43
Whacktanath: yeah, under wine, right?10:43
IrreducibilisA very slightly ubuntu question:10:43
tanathWhack, yeh10:43
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tanathWhack, and/or cedega10:43
TarkusWhack, what GStreamer package do i get.. i see 3 different ones in the repos.10:43
xsteelwolfplease i need some help here, can someone tell me what's the error?10:43
xsteelwolfKernel Makefile not found at '/lib/modules/2.6.22-11-generic/source'10:43
xsteelwolfmake: *** [compatible/kversion]  Error 110:43
Whacki haven't looked to see which ones have native builds, i think HL2 does10:43
Whackbut battlefield2/2142, WoW10:44
webpirateBut I can't see any other reason to go back to windows......except that my Updater for my XM Radio does not work in wine....it can't find USB... :(10:44
rpedrosteel_lady: I think you need to have a registered nick to speak in pvt.10:44
[nrx] Tarkus: read the documentation - it tells you exactly what you need10:44
IrreducibilisMy room is like the messiest room EVER, and I am wondering what is the best way to find my LiveCD in the bottom of a mess, since I kind of need it in order to put it on a flash drive10:44
webpirateSo I just don't update my XMradio....10:44
Flannelvraa: Like all things in ubuntu (kubuntu, ubuntu, edubuntu, xubuntu), the only difference between them is the initial packages installed.  With edubuntu, you get a pre-made client/server install CD (which you can then modify... just the server, to get wahtever you want ultimately)10:44
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vraaah i see, so edubuntu is netboot able. excellent!10:44
IrreducibilisAnd I dont have time to clean it....10:44
WhackIrreducibilis: write off the old one as a loss, and burn a new one10:44
webpirateI would rather not update my XMradio than install windows...10:44
arvindxsteelwolf: are you trying to compile the kernel10:44
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Le^statIrreducibilis... i hear whistling works....10:44
xsteelwolfim trying to install my intel 4965g10:44
Flannelvraa: well, they all are.  But you'll have preconfigured installs isntead of having to go through and do each one (or clone each one, or whatnot)10:44
tanathIrreducibilis, depends on the shape of your room, and the furniture in it. if it's square, a spiral search pattern may be most efficient :D :P10:45
vraanow is this possible: i have my ubuntu laptop as the server. then each "terminal" has the client and i can push out updates unseen to the "terminals" whenever the laptop is within vicinity of the wifi network?10:45
SefBacsisteel_lady: there is another thing: this file is read only. first you have to remove the read only flag, otherwise you can not save it with the same filename10:45
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rpedrosteel_lady: type this in the main (server) tab:  /nickserv register *password*10:45
vraaso preconfigured installs work? what about unique station names? can those be randomized?10:45
Irreducibilistanath: Are you serious? :P10:45
tanathIrreducibilis, somewhat :D10:45
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steel_ladySefBacsi I don't see boot.ini in win10:45
webpirateI tried redhad years ago but never really gave it a chance until I bought a 64bit processor and wanted to test it on a 64bit os...MS did not have a 64bit OS yes so I tried ubuntu...and I have not turned back...10:45
IrreducibilisI might or might not have the .iso on my windows box10:46
howlingmadhowievraa: theoretically yes. i just don't know how many shell scripts you'd have to write yourself10:46
IrreducibilisIll have to run a search for it10:46
vraaoh my, i assume that requires indepth linux knowledge?10:46
SefBacsisteel_lady: and it's hidden :)10:46
steel_ladyrpedro, you are telling me to boot from live CD again?10:46
tanathIrreducibilis, of course, i'm assuming an almost maximally messy room, including floor, and minimal furniture-type obstacles...10:46
WhackI ran mandrake for a bit, i hated it, and it became abandoned10:46
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steel_ladySefBacsi how? do I unhide it10:46
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[nrx] mandrake lol. that was tosh.10:46
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webpirateTo find a CD in a messy room run the following command : Locate LOSCD /home/messyroom..10:46
tanathIrreducibilis, 'ls /dev/room | grep -i cd'  :D10:47
Irreducibilistanath: I am not the strongest, and seem unable to lift up my bed....10:47
Whackwell, i was looking for "easy to learn" builds, and mandrake was supposed to be easy10:47
[nrx] steel_lady: try start > run > msconfig10:47
IrreducibilisOh well10:47
rpedrosteel_lady: maybe it's better. I was hoping, but I don't really belive the instructions from the wiki explain how to make ubuntu show up on the windows bootloader.10:47
Whackanyone remember lycoris?10:47
IrreducibilisIm just going to look for it on my windoze box so I can burn a new one10:47
Irreducibilisassuming I have it there...10:47
SefBacsisteel_lady: if you type in start->run msconfig, it should edit boot.ini too. (i think)10:47
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howlingmadhowievraa: not really. a few shell scripts don't take that long. have you ever used a scripting languages?10:47
IrreducibilisI probably do, I only have 8% free space and I keep everything10:47
tanathIrreducibilis, actually, this would be better: 'sudo ls -al /dev/house | grep -i ubuntu' :P10:48
webpirateI also tried fedora but it was too heavy....but it was very nice..10:48
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Whacki haven't tried fedora, but I've heard good things about it10:48
vraai have been "taught" c++, java, and vb.net. i have a basic understanding of how php works. but there is a reason why i have a mac hehe10:48
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webpirateyes...Fedora is very very good....10:48
fermatsltheoremSuse's yast is hte best10:48
[nrx] mac?10:48
[nrx] NO SWEARING IN HERE! ;p10:48
vraaubuntu will never have genuine update stuff right?10:48
[nrx] ehehe10:48
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.10:49
Flannelvraa: genuine?10:49
webpirateI think fedora is probably the best linux distro..10:49
steel_ladyStefBacsi, [nrx]  now I am in there and I see the line for booting win. how can I add ubuntu?10:49
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fermatsltheorem[nrx] : fermatstheorem->proud owner of a shiny macbook pro10:49
tanathvraa, as in windows genuine advantage?10:49
webpiratebut there is somthhing about ubuntu that keeps me..10:49
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[nrx] steel_lady: you'll need to check the ubuntu wikie for help with that10:49
Whackhehe where I work everyone uses a mac10:49
[nrx] !dualboot10:49
ubotuDual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookProFeisty10:49
vraawell one of the reasons i want to run ubuntu rather than windows is because windows is making me jump through hoops10:49
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tanathvraa, most definitely not10:49
Whacki've spent this weekend configuring my ubuntu box to take to work, so I DON'T have to use a mac10:49
[nrx] fermatsltheorem: yeah, but you're weird ;p hehe10:49
SefBacsisteel_lady: that's the point when google halps us :D i'll search and come back10:49
vraain order to update X i have to update Y and i have to restart six times and then reinstall the sata drivers10:49
fermatsltheorem[nrx] : somebody is jealous10:49
remi____hi all. I have a trust pcmcia --> usb 2.0 card. How to install it on ubuntu ?10:49
IrreducibilisNowwwww, What could possibly be the ADVANTAGE of a genuine copy of Windows? You have to pay for it!10:50
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webpirateI like the fact that in linux everything is here and it's free.....10:50
fermatsltheoremremi____: pcmcia should work just fine10:50
WhackIrreducibilis: support. Costs money for ubuntu also10:50
fermatsltheoremremi____: did you test it by pluggin in some device?10:50
Flannelvraa: No.  Although, you obviously need to satisfy dependencies.  But no, full restarts are only required for kernel updates (and only whenever you're ready, before that, its just another file sitting on your HDD)10:50
webpirateI don't have to play the cracking game10:50
IrreducibilisWhack: Who needs support when you can do it yourself?10:50
tanathi like the fact that i can run a single command and seconds later be running a program i never had before :)10:50
[nrx] fermatsltheorem: never in a million years10:50
Tokeiitolabas dienas10:50
howlingmadhowievraa: ubuntu won't make you jump through that sort of hoops :)10:50
IrreducibilisWhack: Go power uses! :P10:50
Irreducibilisusers too10:50
vraafrom what i understand, it isn't annoying right? windows says "update me, pick me, pick me, update me!"10:50
Whackyeah, but in an office envirnonment, support is much more important10:51
[nrx] vraa: ubuntu does the same10:51
Flannelvraa: no, you just hit 'upgrade' and it downloads/installs everything.10:51
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Whackthey don't usually have all day to trudge through forums and IRC10:51
vraai have checked the box next to "KOrganizer", but i can't seem to find it in my Applications menu list.10:51
tanaththat's what redhat is for :P10:51
howlingmadhowievraa: linux will be your bestest buddy forever if you make the effort10:51
Flannelvraa: you can turn off update-maanger if you'd like to never be bothered re: upgrades too10:51
webpirateHave you heard about the latest windows scam? MS has been updating peoples computers even though people choose not to update10:51
fermatsltheorem[nrx] : on a serious note, i should say the hardware is prety decent, while i truly enjoy the freedom of linux, i find mac os x to be quite nice. but i cannot do without linux10:51
netyirehi all! anyone know how to an equivalent for mp3 gain on windows?10:51
Whacki just can't wait to bring my ubuntu box to work tomorrow and own all the mac geeks lol10:51
tanathvraa, ALT+F210:52
[nrx] fermatsltheorem: that's the problem. mac's more shiney and "oOoOoo lOOooOok"10:52
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!10:52
tanathvraa, i think it'd be in office stuff..10:52
=== ambrose_ [n=ambrose@c-71-194-55-12.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
fermatsltheoremWhack: i also suggest installing fluxbox to flummox the artisie mac types10:52
netyireor how to modify the volume of a couple of mp3 files to roughly the same level :D?10:52
vraaDo i have to restart?10:52
Whackfermatsltheorem: googling it10:52
[nrx] vraa: no :)10:52
Flannelvraa: Only whenever you feel like having the newer kernel you just installed.10:52
tanathvraa, no10:52
vraatanath, I pressed ALT+F2, typed in KOrganizer and it said it was not found10:52
vraaI do not have an Office menu10:52
webpiratenetyire>> audacity will adjust volume levels on mp310:52
fermatsltheorem[nrx] : apart form the shiny factor, the hardware as such is quite good,10:53
howlingmadhowievraa: you only ever <b>have</b> to restart when you change the kernel (and even then there are ways to avoid that)10:53
tanathvraa, case sensitive10:53
tanathvraa, small letters. what? no office menu?10:53
Whackfermatsltheorem: looks cool, can I make it work with compiz?10:53
fermatsltheoremWhack: fluxbox is a simple window manager, very geekish for mortals10:53
vraaunder "show list of known applicatons" there is no KOrganizer10:53
xsteelwolfhow do i extract bz2 file10:53
netyirewebpirate: effects -> normalize?10:53
tanathvraa, 'Apps > Office' isn't there?10:53
webpirateI manage to convice my wife to switch to ubuntu too and she likes it....I can't say she loves it but she does not miss windows at all10:53
vraaUnder Applications menu at the top, I do not have a Office menu10:53
fermatsltheoremWhack: i haven't tried, it wouldnt hurt to reun compiz --replace :-p10:53
vraai did uninstall openoffice to see what uninstallation was like.10:53
tanathvraa, in ALT+F2, just start typing it10:53
ubotuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression10:53
vraai did tanath, it didn't show up, is it because I'm using gnome and not KDE?10:54
steel_ladySefBacsi, if I edit the file, I am not sure which letter to put for the linux partition, now win is on c:10:54
howlingmadhowievraa: well maybe it deleted the office menu as well, because it was empty :)10:54
tanathvraa, that may have done it10:54
tanathvraa, shouldn't be. my kde apps show up...10:54
SefBacsisteel_lady: http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Dual_Boot_from_Windows_Bootloader_(NTLDR)_and_why#NTLDR_-_What_is_it_and_why.3F is a gentoo howto, but it should work. look at the section Fooling Windows10:54
vraathat doesn't explain why i can't access it using ALT+F2 though correct?10:54
xsteelwolfhow do i extract bz2 file10:54
howlingmadhowievraa: if you uninstalled a piece of software, you won't be able to start it on a shell10:54
tanathvraa, some apps don't have categories for the gnome menu though.. perhaps that's one10:54
tanathvraa, right. it should be executable from there.10:55
vraaso how would i access this application called KOrganizer?10:55
howlingmadhowievraa: which software are you trying to start?10:55
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webpirateand thats another thing....the office is better and Free....well for most people its free..I usually donate about 10bucks to openoffice.org per year....its not much but better than nothing10:55
Whackyeah, oo is great10:55
tanathvraa, in ALT+F2, if you type exactly as quoted: 'korganizer' does it work?10:55
Whackonly thing I miss is visio, there isn't realy a good linux alternative for it10:55
vraakorganizer, i need a replacement for Outlook's email system (Thunderbird), it's contacts system, and calendar system. I think KOrganizer fulfills the latter two of three.10:55
webpirateSo really...except for the games...windows has nothing to offer....10:56
webpiratefor me that is10:56
vraaoh cool it came up now10:56
webpirateI use Evolution as my outlook replacement10:56
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[nrx] webpirate: the only issue there is the database engine for open office isn't up the same standards as Access10:56
vraathis is excellent. how do i make it permanent spot in my "panel"10:56
Whackyes, but the database app in OO can connect to MySQL servers, which is awesome10:57
tanathvraa, if it shows in the list in ALT+F2, you should be able to drag it there10:57
[nrx] vraa: right click on the panel and click on "Add to panel"10:57
webpirateYes...Good point NRX....but it will catch up10:57
rpedrosteel_lady: are you still there?10:57
howlingmadhowievraa:  the last time someone wanted me to configure thunderbird for a hotmail account i totally failed.10:57
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vraai have google hosted apps.10:57
SefBacsisteel_lady: this howto will solve the problem for sure10:57
vraaso they are simple pop3 servers. nothing more complex than that10:57
[nrx] webpirate: yeah, it will but by that time, access will have advanced too ;/10:57
steel_ladyrpedro, yes10:57
orkidDoes the default ubuntu installer allow for resizing FAT32 partitions? I can't seem to find the info anywhere.10:57
tanathpop3 is easy enough in thunderbird10:57
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fermatsltheoremsteel_lady: welcome to the intarweb, where men are men, women are women and ladies are FBI agents10:58
skinnypuppy1334i've resized fat3210:58
[nrx] orkid: yes, it should run GParted during the installation and it will allow you to resize any FAT32 partition10:58
Whackwell guys, im heading off to bed, i give up on my mouse issue10:58
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steel_ladySefBcsi ok, I just need to see how to record the mbr file to storage that win can read instead to the floppy10:58
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webpirateorkid...download the gparted bootable ISo and use that to resize the partition10:58
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Whacknight all10:58
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fermatsltheoremorkid: just take backups befor you muck around iwth paritions10:58
paulowskyhow can i get my bluetooth to work in feisty?10:59
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orkidwebpirate: i don't want to use a CD or USB, I will be booting using loadlin (kernel/initrd installer only)10:59
paulowskyi've got a toshiba satellite10:59
webpirateorkid: it's usually better to boot off the CD when working with hard drives...10:59
fermatsltheoremorkid: i second webpirate10:59
orkidwebpirate: I know, but I don't have a burner atm, or a usb key :(10:59
SefBacsisteel_lady: any media that you can read from windows and write from linux will do the trick.10:59
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[nrx] orkid: fdisk then11:00
orkidseems from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot like it's possible.11:00
orkidResizing Partitions Using the Ubuntu Installer11:00
orkidAutomatic partitioning11:00
orkidChoose the First Option (It should be something like: "Resize IDE1 master, partition #1 (hda1) and use freed space"11:00
orkidso it'll hopefully work..11:00
SefBacsisteel_lady: you don't need a floppy disk, if you mont the windows partition read-write under lin.11:00
webpiratehmm....well as lond as you are not trying to resize the partion you are booting from and make sure it's unmunted11:00
fermatsltheoremorkid: fdisk is the light saber, use it prudently11:00
nnutterwill upgrading from Feisty to Gutsy-T5 result in "orphaned" packages? Like if the old ubuntu-desktop hypothetically included rhythmbox while the new one included banshee, would both be installed?11:00
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orkidfdisk will not resize an existing file system, which i need (resize FAT32)11:00
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tanathnnutter, if it does, running aptitude will let you know11:00
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ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de11:01
SefBacsisteel_lady: you just need to copy somehow the working linux boot sector to a file in c:11:01
fermatsltheoremwilkommen sie bitte!11:01
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steel_ladySefBacsi, I have FAT32 shared between systems. BTW 'sef' means 'the boss' in croatian11:01
fermatsltheoremspringsteen sef!11:01
[nrx] lol11:02
webpirateI would seriously wait until you can make a bootable disk...11:02
webpirateI just am paranoid I guess11:02
SefBacsisteel_lady: this is a character from South Park. he is the black cook11:02
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tanathnnutter, i upgraded to gutsy, and it didn't want me to get rid of anything i wanted11:02
fermatsltheoremwebpirate: the geek who waits till his love makes a boot disk! while real people wait till the lady get dressed up11:02
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paulowskyhow's that? isnt gutsy still unstable?11:02
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tanathnnutter, and aptitude let me know what packages were no longer required (orphaned)11:03
fermatsltheorempaulowsky: it is unstable11:03
SefBacsisteel_lady: then do not copy to a floppy. just copy on that partition, then reboot and copy to c: under win.11:03
tanathpaulowsky, so?11:03
tanathpaulowsky, stable enough for me11:03
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tanathpaulowsky, works great for me11:03
brunneris there any linux software that will scan through channels and display snapshots of content like the old hauppauge software for windows did?11:03
SefBacsisteel_lady: Sef = Chef = (Master-cook?)11:03
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fermatsltheoremSef=serf = common peasent11:04
tanathpaulowsky, i just changed my repos to gutsy and did a dist-upgrade11:04
CountXcan someone help me with gutsy?11:04
nnuttertanath: so aptitude keeps track of file that were installed specifically versus installed by dependency?11:04
tanathnnutter, yep11:04
dgjones!gutsy | CountX11:04
vraahow well is Ubuntu's compatibility with "popular" (according to newegg.com) hardware? sufficient to be stable?11:04
ubotuCountX: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+111:04
[nrx] !gutsy11:04
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[nrx] damn, too fast ;p11:05
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[nrx] !ohmy | SefBacsi11:05
ubotuSefBacsi: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.11:05
tanathnnutter, one of the reasons it has better dependency resolution than apt-get11:05
shwouchkhow do I remove a script from running at boot? (an init.d script)11:05
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webpiratewell I guess I am just paranoid because I actually use my linux box as my main computer...where most people just play around with linux and boot into windows for thier serious stuff11:05
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nnuttertanath: ok thank you for the info :-)11:05
tanathnnutter, np11:05
howlingmadhowie(er musste halt seinen senf dazu gegen)11:05
fermatsltheoremhowlingmadhowie: errr..11:06
clipwhere do i get php4, when apt-get doenst work11:06
webpirateHow long do I have to be without windows before I am a windows noob again?11:06
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fermatsltheoremclip: didya search for php4 in synaptic11:06
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[nrx] webpirate: it's a bit like riding a bike, isn't it? Once infected, you're never clean? hehe11:06
Crozarwebpirate you theyr :(11:06
tanathwebpirate, paranoid for what?11:06
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shwouchkhow do I remove a script from running at boot? (an init.d script)11:07
webpiratehe he he.....like aids.....damn...I got the aids......11:07
Crozarsoon il be ur place11:07
Crozaryou get deeds for doing this11:07
[nrx] shwouchk: apt-get install rcconf11:07
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tanathshwouchk, Sys > Admin > Boot-up manager?11:07
webpirateWhats up Crozar...11:07
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Crozarit worked :D11:07
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shwouchktanath: via console...11:08
webpiratethe code I send you worked?11:08
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shwouchk[nrx] : its a shell tool I hope?11:08
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paulowskysorry for the delay. tanath. and it doesn't work well? wat did u need to get rid of?11:08
IrreducibilisMy ubuntu iso is NOT on my windows box11:08
hironakamuraHi, I need help with madwifi, the package madwifi-tools does actually install the drivers?11:08
[nrx] shwouchk: yes, a very good on11:08
steel_ladySefBacsi, what exactly should I put in thos command:dd if=/dev/hda2 of=grub.mbr bs=512 count=111:08
[nrx] one*11:08
Crozarmy laptop screen but with many many sideeffects that when 3d effects are on the terminal shows white screen and all windows dont have the bar in the top where u can X maximize or Minmize and all shrinks ect..11:08
shwouchk[nrx] : great, thanks11:08
[nrx] shwouchk: no problem. Once installed, run it with sudo rcconf11:08
Crozarthe windows are shrinked mode... the files each i open11:08
tanathpaulowsky, sorry?11:08
ascIs there a way to determine which libraries an ELF binary needs?11:09
tanathpaulowsky, what doesn't work well?11:09
fermatsltheoremdd if=/dev/random of=/dev/sda11:09
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howlingmadhowiesteel_lady: that will totally write over your grub.mbr11:09
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paulowskydoesn't matter, u were sayin?11:09
BernieMacAnyone know why my audio files suddenly quit working in the Listen player?11:09
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webpirateCrozar>> make sure you have the beryl themes installed....11:09
vraais there a way to get rid of the bloated default interface and replace it with a more blue theme?11:09
SefBacsisteel_lady: it depends. which part. contains the linux /boot?11:09
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vraaa less waste spacer theme?11:09
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Crozarok i will11:09
tanathpaulowsky, moving to gutsy? there were some packages that were replaced and such, so had to remove old ones, but nothing i wanted had to go11:09
howlingmadhowievraa: you mean get rid of gnome? there are a number of window managers to choose from11:10
tanathpaulowsky, i dunno, what was i saying? :P11:10
steel_lady<SefBacsi it sait sda511:10
webpiratethen select the beryl windows manager from the beryl-settings11:10
Crozarwebpirate , last but not least when laptop screen worked its not full screen its using the middle side of the laptop11:10
clipis there a good place to look for synaptic packages11:10
tanathwebpirate, beryl is dead11:10
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howlingmadhowievraa: you could also install a new theme for gnome, if you just want to get rid of the brown :)11:10
fermatsltheoremclip :err...in synaptic11:10
tanathcompiz fusion is better11:10
fermatsltheoremclip: seach menu11:10
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SefBacsisteel_lady:  so it is the first logical part. from the extended?11:10
steel_ladyhowlingmadhowie I can not boot ubuntu and I am trying to do a copy of grub to put it into win bootloader11:10
Crozarand u remmember this sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg <-- i dont know what i did in this :( im scared my screen will be damaged soon11:11
vraait's not the brown that looks bad, it's just the icons are much too large, but they dont convey enough information11:11
webpirateCrozar>> I am not sure about that problem...sometimes the laptop screens are limited to 1024x76811:11
vraafor example, the new button is about twice the size it should be11:11
[nrx] konquerer just locked up :o11:11
paulowskycan't say wat that is. a friend of mine had the same problem. but he got it fixed.11:11
tanathCrozar, that can't do any permanent damage11:11
paulowskytanath. i'll ask how now11:11
clipfermatsltheorem: i don't get it, how do i get to the search menu11:11
Crozarthen how to reset xserver-org11:11
fermatsltheoremclip: hit ctrl+f11:11
howlingmadhowiesteel_lady: oh, that's an interesting question, what dd if=/dev/hda2 of=grub.mbr does in this case11:11
webpirateCrozar>> well onlt that the pixels on the outside of the screen won't be used and over time you will burn in11:11
steel_ladySefBacsi, extended is sda2,  ubuntu sda5 swap 6 and linux work 711:11
shwouchk[nrx] : eek... it works with ncurses but for some reason it spits many bad chars11:11
tanathpaulowsky, sorry?11:11
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Myrttilog out from gnome/kde and press ctrl-alt-backspace on login screen11:12
Crozarwebpirate i will reset xserver org then il paste the command lines for Section options u gave me11:12
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fermatsltheoremCrozar: there is a long command in xorg.conf comments11:12
tanathpaulowsky, did i miss something?11:12
SefBacsisteel_lady: dd if=/dev/sda5 of=~/Desktop/grub.mbr bs=512 count=111:12
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Crozar xserver-org is xorg.conf??11:12
howlingmadhowievraa: which new button? (i haven't been paying attention)11:12
[nrx] shwouchk: might be better to just use the bootup manager11:12
tanathpaulowsky, then what are you talking about? lol11:12
fermatsltheoremCrozar: was that to me?11:12
vraahowlingmadhowie, i'm using evolution (a program for mail, calendar, contacts) right now.11:13
clipfermatsltheorem: but that doesn't search the internet11:13
webpirateCrozarr>> I think I remember I had the same problem you have....I think it's an ubuntu 7.04 thing.....I had to keep 6.10 because the screen was just in the miggle11:13
webpiratemiggle = middle11:13
fermatsltheoremclip: what do you want to find11:13
Crozaryes please if you can answer11:13
howlingmadhowievraa: evolution's okay. just switch off automatic html rendering.11:13
webpirateso on my laptop I just install ubuntu 6.1011:13
tanathpaulowsky, hard to keep track of everything11:13
fermatsltheoremCrozar: xserver config can be reset with the command given in xorg.conf commetns11:13
Crozarbut my laptop is 17 inch screen webpirate any ways :/ i use 1280 in win11:13
webpiratenot 7.0411:13
shwouchk[nrx] : well, I managed to use it to do w/e I needed... I just thought you might know what was up with ncurses... anyway, what is that?11:13
steel_lady<SefBacsi> I can not find ~ there because my keyboard is messed up :-O11:13
clipfermatsltheorem: nothing, i'm looking for php411:13
webpirateCrozar>> I see...11:13
[nrx] !ncurses11:13
webpiratethen I am not sure...sorry11:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ncurses - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:13
fermatsltheoremCrozar: 17 inches! somebody is insecure11:13
[nrx] ;o11:14
Crozarwill it blow up :S11:14
fermatsltheoremCrozar: ;-)11:14
paulowskytanath.i thought u asked a question. didnt u?11:14
SefBacsisteel_lady: then /home/<your loginname>/Desktop11:14
tanathpaulowsky, what question?11:14
webpirateWell it won't blow up but you will get burn-in on the middle of the screen11:14
paulowskyforget it then, my mistake11:14
tanathpaulowsky, i thought you asked me about upgrading to gutsy?11:14
Crozarim afraid becauase with CRT screen is flickering sometimes and with laptop it wont flick but il get the kaboom a day or later on the heat status11:14
[nrx] shwouchk: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ncurses11:14
[nrx] :)11:14
clipfermatsltheorem: nothing, i'm looking for php411:14
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SefBacsisteel_lady: and probably you need to enter sudo before the command if use ubuntu11:14
paulowskyi get it11:14
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[nrx] shwouchk: it's safe to ignore the garble it came out with though11:15
shwouchk[nrx] : I meant what is the bootup manager11:15
SkoZombieAnyone know why evolution in feisty doesn't support regexps in filters/searches ?11:15
webpirateYou may have to try ubuntu 6.10..11:15
[nrx] shwouchk: it's basically just a graphical version of rcconf with some other features11:15
Crozarits old laptop BTW , toshiba 1955 s80111:15
fermatsltheoremclip: dude, search for php4 in synaptic11:15
SkoZombieIt used to many moons ago when i checked, now I actually need them!11:15
tanathSkoZombie, 'cause it's evil. get rid of it :P11:15
shwouchk[nrx] : well, it's a headless server, so no go there11:15
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SkoZombietanath: evolution or regexps?11:15
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clipfermatsltheorem: i never really used synaptic, so i don't know how ^^11:16
fermatsltheoremSkoZombie: if you are smart enough to use regex, you would be using mutt!11:16
webpiratecrozar>> YES!! mine too......we are on the same page....if you keep your xorg.conf and then install 6.10 it will work..11:16
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tanathSkoZombie, evolution :P11:16
tanathSkoZombie, regex is sweet11:16
SkoZombieI'm just lazy tis all ;)11:16
webpirateI got beryl working on my laptop and everything...opengl too11:16
Crozarwebpirate ur using toshiba 1955?11:16
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howlingmadhowievraa: if you have harddrive space, you can install some other window managers and try them out.11:16
tanathwebpirate, you know beryl is dead, right?11:16
webpirateToshiba 2410 with 15inch and Nvidia go 440 16megs ram11:16
vraaare you fond of others besides gnome?11:16
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tanathwebpirate, compiz fusion FTW11:16
SkoZombieI might have to look around tho, cause this lack of regexp to filter spam and stuff is driving me nuts11:16
Crozarubuntu 6.10? why i thou ght the higher the better version improved added features? or it goes diffrent with linux11:17
vraait seems as if this argument of window managers is a moot point11:17
tanathSkoZombie, what about spam assassin, or whatever it's called?11:17
fermatsltheoremvraa: just like emacs vs vi, [nrx]  would beg to differ11:17
webpirateCrozar>> I am not sure why but I tried everything and only ubuntu 6.10 worked.. with my LCD11:17
SkoZombieyeah, I was getting about 30% false positives11:17
tanathbah, that's different11:17
Crozaru mean working great? full screen11:18
[nrx] !11:18
webpiratebut 6.10 is still very very good..11:18
tanathcompiz fusion is the successor to beryl, and is superior11:18
webpirateYes working perfect..11:18
=== [nrx] grabs his asbestos undies
[nrx] right.11:18
webpirateeven DVD playback is accelerated11:18
vraabecause i'm using gnome, can that be attributed to the fact that Evolution is not showing me reminder windows of my tasks?11:18
Tarkushey, whats the best way to use/install emerald with compiz-fusion?11:18
Crozaril get it :) and synoptics is theyr also ? so anythign can be downloaded like in 711:18
webpirateuses 2% CPU when watching DVD's11:18
fermatsltheorememacs - the only editor you need11:18
[nrx] nano.11:18
webpirateYes...everything is the samy synaptic and all that11:18
[nrx] :O11:18
steel_ladySefBacsi seems to have copied, now I have to see how to put it into ini11:19
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tanathbah, gedit :D11:19
[nrx] tanath: lol11:19
[nrx] wine + notepad!11:19
clipsomehow i don't got the php4 package in synaptic11:19
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[nrx] lol!11:19
tanathgedit owns notepad11:19
SkoZombiecat/tail/head/grep/tr !11:19
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fermatsltheoremnano - for people with similar sized organs11:19
webpirateCrozar>> remember that nvidia like XV for movie playback11:19
Crozarwebpirate last night i was talking to tvrg and i did all soloutions for trying with default ubuntu status towards my CRT and laptop screen i found out that LCD works fine with nv in drivers but not nvidia , however no 3d effects will run but u will get ur fullscreen11:19
tanathsed :P11:19
[nrx] emacs > for people with no organs11:19
howlingmadhowievraa: i started off with kde, now i use gnome a lot (or one of the fluxbox line if i'm on old hardware). basically i find a window manager just shouldn't get in the way11:19
SefBacsisteel_lady: okay then. do it. it should be the same as in the tutorial11:19
[nrx] sed rwaks11:19
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[nrx] anyway, i need to go pay the rent11:20
fermatsltheoremreal geeks cat to devices11:20
[nrx] back in a bit.11:20
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Crozarwhen getting 6.10 must i format again? or just install? it wil degrade11:20
tanathdunno if you can downgrade a whole distro...11:20
webpiratecrozar>>yes mine too....but I wanted Opengl and the screensavers so I spent lots of time to get my xorg.conf perfect in ubuntu 6.10....then 7.04 came out and it would not work so I just went back to 6.1011:20
tanathwouldn't recommend it11:20
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=== tanath recommend 7.10
Crozarthank you11:21
webpirateCrozar>> you should really format again11:21
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Crozarweb pirate hope the 8th release will have all this tuned up11:21
SkoZombietanath: any ideas who i could bitch to so they'd put regexp's back in evolution? I mean why LOSE features?11:21
tanathall what?11:21
webpirateCrozar>> I am off to bed now but if you are here tomorrow I can help you more...11:21
vraaKDE seems to be more business oriented than Gnome11:22
tanathSkoZombie, are you sure they had it before?11:22
webpirateI can send you my complete sections of my xorg.conf11:22
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Crozarlast thing , now how can i get xorg.conf when i changed it11:22
howlingmadhowievraa: oh, reminder windows should be popping up. just a second i'll try that out on my evolution here11:22
tanathSkoZombie, maybe there's a configuration option for it11:22
SkoZombietanath: good point, i'll look around11:22
tanathSkoZombie, or a plugin that got removed11:22
webpirateCrozar>> what do you mean?11:22
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vraahowlingmadhowie, i wasn't having reminder windows come up with a 0second length appointment in my calendar11:22
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Crozari fuddled around xserver-org  and i think my xorg.conf is destroyed now11:22
vraai am trying a 30 minute length right now11:22
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steel_ladyVista reminds me of ubuntu, it asks for permission all the time11:22
tanathSkoZombie, if not, maybe check whether they're supposed to be there. if so, file a bug report maybe (launchpad.net)11:22
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SefBacsisteel_lady: wht kinda permission?11:23
fermatsltheoremCrozar:  just run the command available in xorg.conf comments you will get back stuff11:23
tanathCrozar, you can always delete it11:23
webpirateCrozar>> don't worry about it...you are going to format anyway and I will send you a working xorg.conf file..11:23
vraait was supposed to pop up an alert 2 minutes before the scheduled time, nothing came up11:23
Crozaru gave me commands to put in the xorg.conf the section device but i think i must reset xorg.conf then put in the commands again11:23
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Crozarthank you11:23
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howlingmadhowievraa: i'm trying one too. let's see what happens :)11:23
tanathCrozar, well, better to rename it, to have a backup11:23
Crozar1955 s801 toshiba? its just amazing i thought im the only one11:23
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webpiratecrosar>> send me an email and I will send you the xorg.conf file11:24
SkoZombietanath: cool, just wasn't sure if it might be an "ubuntu, dumbing things down so that GWBush can use linux" type thing or not11:24
steel_ladySefBacsi, for everything I want to copy to system partition, to install anything, to give permission to programs to do particular actions... seems that they are taking advice from linux now :)11:24
Crozaril see u here l8er =)11:24
Crozarthanks alot webpirate11:24
tanathSkoZombie, personally i dislike evolution.11:24
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webpirateCrozar>> my email is webpirate@hotmail.com11:24
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fermatsltheoremtanath: you creationist!!11:24
tanathSkoZombie, but then, i didn't know it could do regex11:24
Crozaru dont go in msn =/11:25
_dennis_how can I easly check the boot device number of my windows XP partition?11:25
webpirateyes....you can add me11:25
howlingmadhowievraa: my reminder worked :)11:25
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steel_ladySefBacsi I still don't see the ini file11:25
Crozarim nick11:25
tanathfermatsltheorem, lol. i'm the last person who'd be called a creationist :P11:25
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webpirateI am Rick......11:25
fermatsltheorem_dennis_: if it is the first partition = 011:25
tanathfermatsltheorem, quite the opposite :D11:25
_dennis_ok thanks fermatsltheorem11:25
SkoZombietanath: you used to be able to do all sorts of cool stuff, like pipe messages through other programs etc11:25
vraathat's weird. did you make any special settings? i am trying KOrganizer right now since Evolution didn't work for me.11:25
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fermatsltheorem_dennis_: if i tis second =1, and so on11:26
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hoth676hi, what tool can I use to make a .mov movie into a more compact .mpg format ?11:26
fermatsltheorem_dennis_: first device =hd0 etc11:26
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tanathSkoZombie, well, you might want to check the Evolution website for features11:26
SefBacsisteel_lady:  http://port25.technet.com/archive/2006/10/13/Using-Vista_2700_s-Boot-Manager-to-Boot-Linux-and-Dual-Booting-with-BitLocker-Protection-with-TPM-Support.aspx read this. it should help you11:26
tanathfermatsltheorem, you know there's a christian version of ubuntu?11:26
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fermatsltheoremhoth676: closed formats, getting such a tool for linux, i aint very sure11:27
Crozari adde u11:27
fermatsltheoremtanath: wut!11:27
Black_Cathello. i'm developing my website under linux so i need to test rendering in 3 major browsers. i've got opera and firefox, but what about IE? i know about wine & virtual machines, but maybe there is more straightforward way? maybe some other browser which uses the same engine as IE does?11:27
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tanathfermatsltheorem, seriously. christian ubuntu, with all the bible stuff & everything11:27
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robBlack_Cat, vmware server + windows11:27
howlingmadhowiehoth676: transcode could do that, but the command line options are quite daunting11:27
fermatsltheoremtanath: jeebus!11:27
tanathfermatsltheorem, indeed, lol11:28
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fermatsltheoremtanath: ask them to lay off from the technology of the heathens11:28
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dgjones!ies4linux | Black_Cat11:28
ubotuBlack_Cat: ies4linux is a script that quickly and effortlessly helps you install 3 versions of IE in Wine. Information can be found at http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Main_Page including instructions specifically for Ubuntu. ies4linux is aimed at web designers and ie-only sites, so please, dont use any of the IEs to navigate! Use Firefox!11:28
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howlingmadhowievraa: i just added an entry to the calender, added an alarm to it and configured the alarm to go off really soon :)11:28
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SkoZombietanath: documentation on the site (branded by novell) says it does *shrugs* guess it's one of those features that only nerds like me want11:28
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robeww ies4linux :p11:29
vraaman that's weird i can't even get korganizer's reminder to pop up11:29
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hoth676howlingmadhowie: transcode, thx. Ok' I'll check that... Any format more compact that .mov would do...11:29
tanathSkoZombie, i wasn't aware of gnome actually removing features, only making them more out of the way...11:29
DexterFwhere do I adjust font hinting?11:29
hawk_auis there any pre-configured citrix (ica) clients for ubuntu? that you can install using synaptic or apt-get?11:29
tanathSkoZombie, i thought they just changed the interfaces around11:29
SkoZombieI'll keep searching on if there's a flag somewhere or some such11:29
tanathSkoZombie, you might try getting a .deb of evolution from the official website and running that instead of the one from the repos11:29
fermatsltheoremarwright, catchya folks later.11:30
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SkoZombieyeah that was the next step :)11:30
SefBacsisteel_lady: microsoft has quite a few (bad)surprises with each new windows. so pls read the howto that i pasted ^ gl :)11:30
tanathSkoZombie, be sure to complain about the feature removal :P11:30
mosnoi'm getting poor performance with Beryl on my NVIDIA 8600M GS card (Feisty, vanilla kernel, upstream NVIDIA GLX module 100.14.11), like there's strange pauses in the animation. The system is pretty quick (Santa Rosa laptop), how can i speed up 3D in X?11:30
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mosnoi'm looking through the nvidia readme now11:30
SkoZombietanath: thats why i'm in here, in case it was a compile option an ubuntu person disabled ;)11:31
tanathwhy is everyone still using beryl?11:31
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steel_ladySefBacsi I am reading11:31
tanathSkoZombie, i believe the devs hang out in a different channel11:31
mosnotanath: because it's packaged in Feisty11:31
tanathmosno, oh yeah. well, beryl is dead. has been succeeded by compiz fusion11:32
mosnoyea i know.11:32
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mosnops. it's still supported upstream11:32
tanathmosno, you might find it runs better11:32
mosnonah with compiz the window borders disappear11:32
mosnoand no they both run crap11:32
tanathmosno, not on gutsy :D11:32
tanathi find CF is better and more stable11:32
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mosnobah im on feisty, i can't be bothered dealing with deps breakage :)11:32
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tanathmosno, what breakage? :)11:33
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shriphaniwhat can I use to communicate with my HP 50g ?11:33
tanathmosno, i changed my repos to gutsy and did a dist-upgrade. had few probs, and everything's great11:33
mosnoa hammer11:33
tanathrunning CF too11:33
robI wouldn't recommend upgrading to gusty just yet, there are problems still11:33
shriphanimosno: ?11:34
robI'm running it here11:34
tanathrob, such as?11:34
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robtanath, my sudo is broken for one11:34
mosnoshriphani: bad joke11:34
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tanathrob, weird. mine is fine11:34
robtanath, yes, as is mine on another system11:34
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mosnono one should recommend non-stable ubuntus ever :\11:34
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shriphaniyeah... well i am on kubuntu atm. There is something called hptalk and it needs gtk headers.... damn..11:34
robtanath, there are a couple of broken packages I have ran into too11:35
tanathmosno, technically, i didn't :P i recommended CF, which you can get running on feisty i believe11:35
mosnohrm. i think the problem is with my shitty video card11:35
tanathrob, i ran into one, but got that fixed pretty quickly (in the repos)11:35
mosnomaybe the shared memory of it11:35
robtanath, basically its not ready yet11:35
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tanathrob, didn't say it was. just that i'm running it without problems11:35
mosnobut given crusty old intel graphics can do compiz better than this, then i'm guessing its not the card but my software11:35
TwinXmosno<->  could you pastebin your xorg.conf11:35
robtanath, yes, bugs get reported things get fixed, but the bugs are still being weeded out11:36
steel_ladySafBacsi I am lost in these instructions, in this line: bcdedit /create /d GRUB /application BOOTSECTOR11:36
tanathrob, release is only a month away. last couple releases i've upgraded two months early without much difficulties11:36
mosnoTwinX: http://pastebin.com/m538059a411:36
robmosno, the only thing I can offer is that laptops generally have poor mobile graphics cards even if they are Nvidia/Ati11:37
tanathrob, so i'm comfortable with upgrading early11:37
mosnoi shoulda just got the GMA95011:37
mosnoi've seen it run smoother than this with my own eyes11:37
SefBacsisteel_lady: you shold copy paste it to a terminal with Administrator privileges11:37
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mosnostupid non-free drivers *kicks nvidia*11:37
tanathmosno, do you have direct rendering?11:37
tanathmosno, i'm guessing not11:37
TwinXmosno i'll send u the right config hold on11:37
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mosnotanath: i'd say i do given 3D is working11:37
robtanath, that's fine but I wouldn't mention it in here (I have too on non-business PCs I have)11:38
mosnoTwinX: thanks11:38
tanathrob, nothing wrong with the truth11:38
LordMetroidMin fonsterhanterare i Unixet dog... Helt svart blev det.11:38
steel_ladySefBacsi it does not work11:38
LordMetroidVad ska jag gora nu?11:38
SefBacsisteel_lady: what does it say?11:38
LordMetroidsorry... Wrong windows11:38
tanathmosno, run 'glxinfo | grep -i direct'11:39
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mosnoTwinX: it also is slow on my old config http://pastebin.com/m299ec72411:39
mosnotanath: direct rendering: Yes11:39
vraai figured it out, the time zones were set up incorrectly11:40
steel_ladySefBacsi, it does not understand the command. when I put only bcdedit it gives me the data for win, that long ID number. the same one I need for linux, to read it from this GRUB file11:40
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mosno3D works, but my window manager has annoying delays sometimes, like when minimising/restoring... but not when wobbling11:40
vraais there a way to pop up the reminders in a format that outlook does them (lists them in a window so you can have multiple reminders stack up)11:40
steel_ladySefBacsi wait,  till I try something11:40
TwinXmosno<-> http://pastebin.com/d23224a4c11:40
tanathmosno, i've found some of the animations are buggy. i'd turn off the animations plugin. often that's what the prob is with beryl. some plugin acting up11:41
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SefBacsisteel_lady: ok11:41
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tanathmosno, i had memory leaks with beryl too, where it'd lock up after running too long, sometimes11:41
TwinXmosno also set in Beryl Manager the Sync to Vblank OFF11:42
steel_ladySefBacsi, no, it deffinitely does not work. actually I don't understand what did they want to say with this inside that command in instructions11:42
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mosnotanath: will try in a sec11:42
mosnoTwinX: thanks for the config, testing now, brb11:43
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SefBacsisteel_lady: did you started the terminal as administrator?11:44
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SefBacsisteel_lady: i'm looking now the options of this command11:44
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SefBacsisteel_lady: i'm pretty sure if you edit the boot.ini manually it'll have the same effect11:45
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steel_ladySefBacsi, yes of course. I have searched the manual and there is the command /create but I can't read anything about the command /application11:45
steel_ladySafBacsi, seems that vista doesn't use boot.ini. If I knew which one it uses, I could do it11:46
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empempis there any updated drivers for the 855 integrated intel graphic controller?11:47
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empempor a command for checking which graphic driver that is installed?11:47
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SefBacsisteel_lady: http://technet2.microsoft.com/WindowsVista/en/library/08d64d13-4f45-4a05-bd86-c99211a93dd91033.mspx?mfr=true this is another thing to read11:48
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mosnohrm, well things seem quicker, but the beryl anims still suck. i might just see if i can quickly backport Gutsy's compiz over to this Feisty..11:49
empempnot so smooth compz experience with the 855 intel chip11:49
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empempanyone have the 855 intel chip?11:52
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fivetwentysix_What's a good audio format converter; in my case, flac to mp3.11:53
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TwinXmosno try Beryl Settings Manager >> Texture Filter  "Fast"11:54
TwinXfivetwentysix_<->  mencoder11:54
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LyvHello =)11:54
fivetwentysix_twinx: isn't that for movies?11:55
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steel_ladySefBacsi, they tell everywhere that this is to edit the info that was stored before in boot.ini. where do they store it now, I can not find... surely it can be edited by hand11:55
LyvDoes anybody know how to make Listen music player use a different visualisation (ie not GOON)?11:55
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:55
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fivetwentysix_Sigh, i was asking what program was good to convert flac to mp3.11:56
LyvDoes anybody know how to make conky not open in a window when I run it?11:56
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SefBacsisteel_lady: i dunno. i said before i didn't used vista11:56
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SefBacsisteel_lady: i'll search a bit11:57
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SefBacsisteel_lady: i'll priv. chat ya, 'cos it's easy 4 me. k?11:57
AndrewBHow do I make a comment on a wiki page? What is the syntax again.11:57
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tanathfivetwentysix_, i think lame will do the job11:58
[nrx] pervert.11:58
StudiosusHow can I boot into text mode and run fsck?11:58
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tanathStudiosus, at the grub menu when it first boots, choose recovery mode11:59
Studiosustanath and then11:59
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steel_ladySefBacsi I don't know if you see me there11:59
tanathStudiosus, then you'll go to a console, and you can fsck11:59
Studiosustanath, btw, I can't see grub menu at boot time, how can I enable menu?11:59
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erUSULStudiosus: it is better to use a liveCD to run fsck becouse filesystems must be unmounted12:00
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tanathStudiosus, after the initial POST screen, when it frist boots off the hard drive, it should be the first thing you see (before the Ubuntu splash screen)12:00
LyvDoes anybody know how to make Listen music player use a different visualisation (ie not GOON)?12:00
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tanathStudiosus, but yeh, if you have a livecd, use that12:01
Steven_hi, during the install, when it asks for the disk to install grub, how can i know to wich device is referred hd0?12:01
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Steven_is tehre any way to convert devices to grub ones?12:01
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tanathSteven_, hd0 is the first hard drive12:01
tanathSteven_, hd0,0 is disk one partition 112:01
tanathSteven_, hd0,1 is disk 1 partition 2, etc12:02
empemphow to check which driver is working for the graphic card?12:02
Steven_tanath: yes i now but drives are mapped differently between live and installed system12:02
Steven_tanath: is there any way to know the correpsonding device?12:02
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nephishsomeone recommend a good CLI email client, i only need it to read cron messages to my remote server.12:02
SefBacsisteel_lady: ehh well: boot.ini is gone in vista12:02
Studiosustanath I can't see boot menu - there are kernel messages immediately after start. maybe there is some key I can press to see menu?12:02
susscorfanephish: mutt of pine12:03
tanathSteven_, check your fstab to see if your installed system does things differently, and how so12:03
tanathSteven_, /etc/fstab12:03
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SefBacsisteel_lady: you can't edit it manually12:03
steel_ladySefBacsi I am telling you that all the time12:03
SefBacsisteel_lady: :)12:03
tanathStudiosus, before the kernel messages there should be the grub menu12:03
nephishsusscorfa, which do you use?12:03
susscorfanone but these are the most used ones12:03
tanathStudiosus, unless you chose not to install grub during the initial installation12:03
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Steven_tanath: i'm helping a friend to install ubuntu, he want grub to be placed on the disk where he's installing12:04
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susscorfamost people i know use mutt12:04
nephishsusscorfa, thanks will check em out12:04
tanathSteven_, it should do that by default12:04
Steven_tanath: the order of disks changes from live to the system when ide and sata drives are present (it happened to me)12:04
tanathSteven_, er, unless the one he's installing to is different from the default boot device, but there should be the option12:05
Steven_tanath: no he already tried, grup was placed on the BOOT hd, that is not the hd where he's installing ubuntu12:05
Steven_tanath: tehre is only a textbox...12:06
tanathSteven_, yeh. grub and linux naming conventions aren't too hard to puzzle out. hda1 is disk 1 partition 1, and goes hdb1 for next disk & hda2 for next partition, etc...12:06
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sauvinI thought hda1 was (0,0)...?12:06
tanathSteven_, with grub it's (hd0,0) for disk 1, partition 1, and hd1,0 for 2nd disk & first partition. etc12:06
tanathsauvin, that's waht i said12:07
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sauvinYou didn't make it clear the enumeration was zero-based.12:07
empempi can't get the cube cap on the bottom to change background12:07
tanathit's just that with grub it starts at 012:07
empempany ideas?12:07
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sauvincube cap?12:07
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Steven_tanath: i know, but i don't know what PHISICAL disk, for ex, hd1 refers to, if i can have the device name then i could check12:08
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tanathSteven_, there is no hd1. must be hd<letter><and/or_number>12:08
Steven_tanath: i'm talking of grub12:09
tanathSteven_, in the booted system you should be able to find out which device is which, remember which device it is, and use that info12:09
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steel_ladySefBacsi, I have more and more impressions that the days when an uneducated win user was able to "$&&/ the system are gone. Apart from giving permissions, you ahve to learn vista line commands12:09
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MeRodentempemp, beryl or compiz?12:09
tanathSteven_, i just told you how devices are represented in both linux & grub12:09
LyvDoes anybody know how to make Listen music player use a different visualisation (ie not GOON)?12:09
LyvDoes anybody know how to make conky not open in a window when I run it?12:09
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ari_stresswhat is conky?12:10
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poeticrpma program that lists a variety of information on your desktop12:10
robSteven_, just go to /proc/ide and cat the hdX/model file12:10
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Steven_tnx rob12:10
tanathLyv, listen is pretty good, though i don't know how to change it's look. nevertheless, i've found amarok is better. you might want to give it a try12:10
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SefBacsisteel_lady: try this. what does it say? bcdedit /enum all /v12:11
tanathrob, what if you don't have a /proc/ide ? :P12:11
poeticrpmconky can monitor a number of things- Anything from cpu core usage to the weather in your area, to a newsfeed or what song is playing in Amarok/rythmbox12:11
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poeticrpmI mainly use it for system monitoring12:12
[nrx] sounds like a nice program12:12
SefBacsisteel_lady: this is the right way. a good windows is as close as possible to a unixlike os.12:12
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poeticrpmvery nice12:12
SefBacsisteel_lady: ;)12:12
poeticrpmuses very little resources too12:12
Lyvari_stress: conky is basically a system monitor that is extremely customisable12:12
[nrx] poeticrpm: is it just like a desklet/screenlet?12:12
jo_is gutsy stable enough to install?12:13
poeticrpmkind of12:13
Lyvtanath: I'm on Gnome so I'd rather not use amarok12:13
[nrx] !gutsy | jo_12:13
ubotujo_: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+112:13
tanathLyv, i'm on gnome too12:13
steel_ladySefBacsi it gave me a lot of things, it might be it12:13
tanathLyv, amarok works fine on gnome12:13
poeticrpmnrx, its not system instensive like gdesklets or superkaramba, and it prints to your desktop as if it were part of the wallpaper12:13
tanathjo_ that depends on you12:13
Lyvtanath: I know but it uses a lot of system recources12:13
Lyvtanath: it loads a lot of kde stuff12:13
jo_tanath: feisty beta worked fine for me12:14
poeticrpmhold on...12:14
tanathLyv, it's not leight-weight like xmms, but it does a lot more12:14
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SefBacsisteel_lady: these are only informations12:14
robtanath, if you have scsi/sata cat /proc/scsi/sg/device_strs12:14
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livingdaylightHello Ubunteros!12:14
Lyvtanath: I like Listen, if I can get it not change visualisation for GOON to something else12:14
robSteven_, see above too :)12:14
steel_ladySefBacsi I can not identify linux there12:14
tanathjo_, i'm running gutsy without problems right now, but it is considered unstable. if you're not afraid of having something break, then give it a shot12:14
SefBacsisteel_lady: it listed all the crap that is in your vista boot12:14
SefBacsisteel_lady: linux need to be added someway12:15
Lyvtanath: I'd rather try to do this than just switch to another program esp. if that other program is a kde one12:15
livingdaylightpuede me dirce algien, como convertir .avi a iso, por favor?12:15
tanathjo_, but consider X could break and you might be without a GUI for a while. though the new X is supposed to be "bulletproof"12:15
Starcraftmazterhey, when I was installing an nvidia driver, it couldn't copy two files because directories dont exist, and X didnt load because of that, two directories mentioned were /volatile and /nvidia, does anyone know the full paths or where toe get the driver files? Because the installer doesnt seem to want to copy them again12:15
SefBacsisteel_lady: we need to figure out the correct command yntax12:15
Steven_rob, tnx again :P12:15
jo_tanath: ok, i'll look for a spare machine first then.. thanks12:15
robSteven_, np12:15
tanathLyv, yeh, listen is decent enough, but i never played with it's visuals12:16
robtanath, please stop telling people to upgrade to gutsy12:16
tanathrob, i didn't12:16
robyes, you did again.12:16
livingdaylightcan someone tell me whether i can burn .avi directly to cd or whether i have to convert to something else first?12:16
poeticrpmtake a look at this link for conky screenshots and such...12:16
tanathrob, no, i didn't again12:16
Lyvtanath: it's ok i'm sure other people will know12:16
SefBacsisteel_lady:  this is the command syntax: Bcdedit /create {GRUB} /d Grub boot loader12:17
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ompaullivingdaylight, just use gnomebaker or k3b and drag and drop it and press burn12:17
tanathrob, pay closer attn to what i say and you won't misunderstand me so much12:17
Steven_rob, no i know that the disk is hdc.. how to get the correct hd<niumber> in grub format to install bootloader?12:17
tanathrob, i can't respond to PMs12:17
livingdaylightompaul, avi directly? cool... i sought i had to do big fancy converstion to iso or something12:17
robtanath, okay, well just stop it then12:18
poeticrpmanyone think they can help me with a syntax error on /etc/rc.local12:18
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robtanath, and you should be able to with me12:18
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tanathrob, it was specifically asked about, so i said my piece. the devs want bug testers. if someone is willing then good for them12:18
=== rob gets all pms registered or not
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SefBacsisteel_lady:  any success?12:18
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robtanath, yes, but stop suggesting it in the support channel, that is what #ubuntu+1 is for12:19
poeticrpmill ask again.. anyone know anything about syntax errors12:19
steel_ladySefBacsi: Entry identifier you specified is invalid. The parameter is not correct12:19
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SefBacsisteel_lady: yeah12:19
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sslashesdoes anyone know of docs on making usplash themes for gusty?12:19
LyvDoes anybody know how to make Listen music player use a different visualisation (ie not GOON)?12:20
ompaulpoeticrpm, we don't know until you say what syntax errors where, and if there are more than two lines in it you need http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl to put it htere12:20
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brjinkhey is there any way i could network boot a cd12:20
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poeticrpmompaul, thanks.. haha man ive been around irc for awhile.. i wont flood the channel :)12:20
brjinkor iso12:20
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steel_ladySefBacsi, we have to tell it: read it from brub.mbr12:21
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SefBacsisteel_lady: this should work:  bcdedit /create /d "GRUB" /application OSLOADER12:22
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pitihi everyone12:22
revilodrawi have asked in #windows, but nobody can help me... im using ubuntu with xp in a virtual machine and am having a problem starting a service in xp... screenshot explains problem.. can anyone help?http://img185.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=24522_Screenshot-1_122_534lo.jpg12:22
Shadow6363hmm, i have an hp officejet 7410xi and can't seem to get scanning working, printing already works fine12:22
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pitiI'm in trouble, with a sata dvd-writer, that is not assigned to /dev/cdrom. I think that I have to make a rule in /etc/udev/rules.d, but don't know how...12:23
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steel_ladySefBacsi: the entry {                                                  } was created correctly12:24
[nrx] hm12:24
[nrx] i just dropped fag ash in my coffee :/12:25
poeticrpmompaul, had to use general pastebin..12:25
SefBacsisteel_lady: and if you do a listing with bcdedit /enum all /v ?12:25
SefBacsisteel_lady: without questiin mark of course12:26
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Steven_now i know that the disk is hdc.. how to get the correct hd<number> in grub format to install bootloader?12:27
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ompaulpoeticrpm, now your little script seems to want to make a tunnel out of your nick - not an ip I question <nick> but thatn is without knowing what it is supposed to do12:27
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[nrx] !cz12:28
ubotuesk uivatele dme, aby mluvili v kanle #ubuntu anglicky. esky je mono se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Dkujeme.12:28
Pr038Does anyone had luck installing ubuntu on IBM 306 with raid support, (adp94xx) module is required?12:28
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poeticrpmompaul.. hmm, i got that you mean my error is happening around my nick, but im a little fuzzy on the rest12:29
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ompaulpoeticrpm, I have no idea what you want to achieve with that script - so I don't know what it is to do12:29
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raddyHello everybody12:30
poeticrpmompaul, had to reread, i got you...12:30
steel_ladySefBacsi it says grub there but obviously does not have any idea what is linux. should I try to reboot?12:30
poeticrpmim attempting seamless rdp with virtualbox and windows xp12:30
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SefBacsisteel_lady: is there any code associated with it?12:31
z9999Just booted ubuntu after being off for over a month and am presented with 101 updates. Uncertain if safe to proceed as I am presented with a "Warning You are about to install software that can't be authenticated." How should I proceed?12:31
poeticrpmlet me give you the thread that may help you...12:31
SefBacsisteel_lady: between those brackets12:31
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steel_ladySefBacsi yes it is12:31
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SefBacsisteel_lady: then wait. a few commands and ready to go12:31
raddyi heard that cnr like service is coming to ubuntu, is it ?12:31
steel_ladyok, tell me SefBacsi12:32
[nrx] z9999: just install it12:32
poeticrpmompaul- take a look here and see if this helps you..12:32
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SefBacsisteel_lady: copy the boot image to c:\.12:32
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SefBacsisteel_lady: qwhat was its name?12:32
ompaulhi people I am an op here I am about to remove a large number of bans12:33
[nrx] ompaul: ok :)12:33
ompaulthis will result in a little scrolling normal service in a min or so12:33
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erUSULompaul: do not be shy XD12:33
[nrx] lol12:33
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z9999[nrx] : No worries about what is being installed? Just want to be safe.12:33
livingdaylightompaul, i can drop avi in gnomebaker and burn to cd or dvd depending on whether it is more or less than 700mb. But to be able to play it on dvd player the dvd player has to be able to play vcd? otherwise i'll just be able to play the avi on cd/dvd on computer only.. have i got that right?12:33
steel_ladySefBacsi, you mean grub.mbr?12:33
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ompaullivingdaylight, you know what to do there - test :-)12:34
[nrx] z9999: doubt it.. shouldn't 'break' anything :)12:34
SefBacsisteel_lady:  bcdedit /set {here comes that code associated with the grub entry} device boot12:34
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z9999[nrx] : OK, will give it a go.12:34
SefBacsisteel_lady: yes. grub.mbr right12:34
poeticrpmompaul- my username in line 13 isnt supposed to be in brackets <> is it!?12:34
livingdaylightompaul, well, my dvd player plays vcd's but i'm wondering if i make for a friend who doesn't have vcd capacity on their dvd player12:35
poeticrpmand all the time ive been using nix.. how could I mess that one up12:35
raddyanybody know?12:35
livingdaylightompaul, and if i make on cd it has to be 'data' yes?12:35
poeticrpmompaul, thanks.. i wouldnt have realized that without you mentioning the username12:35
SefBacsisteel_lady: bcdedit /set {here comes that code associated with the grub entry}  PATH c:\grub.mbr12:35
steel_ladySefBacsi, where tu put the name grub.mbr?12:35
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steel_ladyah ok12:36
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SefBacsisteel_lady: any errors?12:36
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steel_ladySefBacsi I can not copy that crazy ID, I have to do it by hand :-((12:36
yharrowmy whole package system is broken :S12:36
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erUSULlivingdaylight: this how to is apropiate http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Create_a_VCD_or_SVCD or this http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Create_a_DVD12:36
kingdutchOk I have a problem: First booting would stand still at "Configuring network interface" for ages so I pressed ctrl + c to skip it. then it said something about a bad driver and now it stops at that little loading screen after logging in (It's loading 3 programs there) first it said: window manager but then my screen got locked due to inactivity :P now I came back and it has nothing up there.12:36
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yharrowhow do i downgrade my entire system to a set list of repos?12:37
SefBacsisteel_lady: :(( i'm sorry for you12:37
SefBacsisteel_lady: but do it12:37
Avulture:D steel lady is strong as steel12:37
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poeticrpmok guys.. im off to reboot and try this new rc.local- later..12:37
yharrowAvulture:  do you konw how to downgrade and entire system to a set list of repositories?12:37
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs12:37
yharrowan entire*12:37
livingdaylighterUSUL, gentoo wiki? ok, sanx12:38
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ubotuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.12:38
IrreducibilisYes. I have been reading all you say for hours.12:38
IrreducibilisWithout saying a word.12:38
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ompaullivingdaylight, I don't know enough about that - try it out two disks one test you know everything12:38
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revilodrawim using ubuntu with xp in a virtual machine and am having a problem starting a service in xp... screenshot explains problem.. can anyone help?http://img185.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=24522_Screenshot-1_122_534lo.jpg12:38
yharrowok nm12:38
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ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!12:38
erUSULlivingdaylight: there's nothing specific to gentoo there... they are normal user programs (if they tell youn to install something use apt instead of emerge of course ;P)12:39
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yharrowav-:  my question is offtopic?12:39
yharrowAvulture:  i mean12:39
kingdutchOk I have a problem: First booting would stand still at "Configuring network interface" for ages so I pressed ctrl + c to skip it. then it said something about a bad driver and now it stops at that little loading screen after logging in (It's loading 3 programs there) first it said: window manager but then my screen got locked due to inactivity :P now I came back and it has nothing up there. Someone knows what to do?? Please? :)12:39
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livingdaylighterUSUL, the instructions are using portage... a how to like dis for .deb would be fantastico12:39
Avultureyharrow.. why you want to downgrade to an earlier version ?12:39
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yharrowAvulture: i added a bunch of weird repos and now my system is broken12:40
steel_ladySefBacsi the operation was completed correctly12:40
livingdaylighterUSUL, mkdir -p /etc/portage/12:40
livingdaylightecho "media-video/mplayer encode" >> /etc/portage/package.use12:40
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clipcan sb. here help me compiling ffmpeg?!12:40
steel_ladySefBacsi, we have to tell bill gates to put linux copy/paste system for the terminal :)12:40
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erUSULlivingdaylight: i only see instructions on how to use ffmeg transcode vcdimager and related programs12:40
Avultureyharrow, i think you could just make a new install of an earlier version of ubuntu if you know where you could find it12:40
ompaulhi people I am an op here I am about to remove a large number of bans12:40
ompaulthis will result in a little scrolling normal service in a min or so12:40
SefBacsisteel_lady:  bcdedit /displayorder {your lin.....here} /addlast12:41
livingdaylighterUSUL, emerge transcode ffmpeg mplayer dvdauthor dvd+rw-tools12:41
steel_ladySefBacsi, is it finished now, can I boot?12:41
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb pirothezero!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic Robin_Hood!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic jaymacdonald!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic Kerttuli!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic] by ompaul
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robwow. nice one ompaul12:41
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xera^Wow so many bans12:41
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb *!*@oj.got.stabby.net *!n=oraclegd@* *!*@tejava.dreamhost.com *!*@Wikipedia/Cremepuff222] by ompaul
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SefBacsisteel_lady: there is: just right vlick on the marked text12:41
kingdutchdmn lol12:41
yharrowAvulture: you mean basically, i screwed myself over and the only choice is to reinstall?12:41
livingdaylightompaul, the great liberator... holding all those souls captive12:41
erUSULlivingdaylight: instead of emerge use apt-get install as i've already said12:41
Avultureit's ok yharrow to reinstall it , unless you know how to solve your problems12:41
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Avulturebesides it won't take much time to install a fresh copy of ubuntu12:42
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tokjompaul: -_-12:42
Avulturedepends on the speed of your system12:42
yharrowAvulture: its only a matter of downgrading the packages that are breaking my system i think12:42
steel_ladySefBacsi it is added last12:42
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PriceChildXera^, there's hundreds more ;)12:42
tokjompaul: use pastebin lol :P12:42
steel_ladySefBacsi to click where?12:42
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SefBacsisteel_lady: bcdedit /timeout 1012:42
Avultureyharrow, what packages which caused to you these problems ?12:42
Xera^PriceChild I see12:43
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SefBacsisteel_lady: right click on terminal surface, then select mark. after that mark the desired text. then right click ->copy, right click->paste12:43
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steel_ladySefBacsi correct again12:43
ompaultokj, yeap12:43
SefBacsithen let's see what to do next12:43
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yharrowAvulture: not sure but i can tell you what error i get when i try install -f12:43
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yharrowone sec12:44
SefBacsisteel_lady: reboot12:44
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SefBacsisteel_lady: and let's hope that worx12:44
steel_ladyYes, Sir, SefBacsi12:44
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LoevborgHi everyone, can anyone tell me how to turn on "auto-away" in the Gaim shipped w/ feisty?12:45
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yharrowheres the errors i get12:47
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steel_ladySefBacsi it is perfectly ignoring it12:47
SefBacsisteel_lady: not even a menu during boot?12:47
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CopeI'm having problems getting my wireless card to play nicely with a bridge: http://pastebin.ca/70055312:48
Copethe bridge works fine for eth0 (ethernet cable plugged into router)12:48
Copebut wireless doesn't12:48
Copeworks fine if I don't use the bridge12:48
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steel_ladySefBacsi, I haven't seen it, I will try again, I just noticed in msconfig that it changed timeout from 30 to 10 secs12:48
Copeany ideas?12:48
Copeeg does the wireless essid need to be in a preup or something?12:49
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XsteelWolfanybody having problems with Knetwork Manager stuck at 28% while connecting?12:49
SefBacsisteel_lady: try it pls12:49
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SefBacsisteel_lady: i'm starting to get depressed about microsoft's innivations12:49
steel_ladySefBacsi no it doesn't work12:50
panosruDoes anyone knows how to update my current 3.2 Eclipse to Europa 3.3?12:50
SefBacsisteel_lady: and if you list the bootconfig? linux appears there?12:50
kingdutchCan someone tell me why my ubuntu isn't loading those three programs after you login?12:50
steel_ladySefBacsi, maybe the copy of the grub I did was bad?12:50
SefBacsisteel_lady: i mean GRUB12:50
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SefBacsisteel_lady: it should try to bot from the bad image anyway12:51
SefBacsisteel_lady: and if it fails then shoud it fall back towindoze12:51
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SefBacsisteel_lady: the menu appears with the GRUB entry?12:52
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steel_ladySefBacsi yes it appears12:53
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SefBacsisteel_lady: btw.: you have to make that dd studd of the partition where you have the GRUB boot loader installed ALREADY12:53
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SefBacsisteel_lady: this should be your ubuntu installation partition' s boot record12:54
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steel_ladySefbacsi there is one part where it says: Windows Bootloader: Itentifier {that num}  path: c/grub.mbr  description GRUB12:54
SefBacsisteel_lady: but you have to install GRUB somewhere12:54
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SefBacsisteel_lady: yes?12:54
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yharrowSefBacsi: can you please tell me what this error means: E: /var/cache/apt/archives/kdelibs5-data_3.93.0-0ubuntu1~feisty1_all.deb: trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/kde4/share/apps/cmake/modules/FindGObject.cmake', which is also in package kde4base-data12:54
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SefBacsisteel_lady: no idea12:55
steel_ladySefBacsi, I will have to go now, my boss will kill me, do you have msn?12:55
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SefBacsisteel_lady: jani_laszlo@hotmail.com12:56
kingdutchOk I have a problem: First booting would stand still at "Configuring network interface" for ages so I pressed ctrl + c to skip it. then it said something about a bad driver and now it stops at that little loading screen after logging in (It's loading 3 programs there) first it said: window manager but then my screen got locked due to inactivity :P now I came back and it has nothing up there. Someone knows what to do?? Please? :)12:56
steel_ladySefBacsi, can you add me, after my nick just put @passport.com12:56
yharrowcan ant please tell me what this error means: yone: /var/cache/apt/archives/kdelibs5-data_3.93.0-0ubuntu1~feisty1_all.deb: trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/kde4/share/apps/cmake/modules/FindGObject.cmake', which is also in package kde4base-data12:56
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main2i need to use ndiswrapper on feisty, but i dont seem to be able to find a package called 'ndiswrapper' in the repos12:58
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main2what should i install?12:58
linxuz3rwhen is the release of the next ubuntu?12:58
main2who knows...12:58
mc44main2: you need to install "ndiswrapper-utils-1.912:59
mc44er "12:59
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Demorteswell, there goes my apt-cache search command :P12:59
main2mc44 ok tought so - installing it while talking :D had it selected already12:59
mc44!gutsy | linxuz3r12:59
ubotulinxuz3r: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+112:59
main2but i wasnt too sure12:59
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mc44main2: the commands are all "ndiswrapper" though, once you've installed it12:59
Tomcat_Yay... my Dell/Ubuntu notebook arrived. :D12:59
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linxuz3ri wish vmware runs compatible with compiz-fusion properly01:00
DemortesTomcat, any good with support? :P01:00
XsteelWolfanybody having problems with Knetwork Manager stuck at 28% while connecting?01:00
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mc44linxuz3r: vmware doesn't support 3D acceleration01:00
Tomcat_Demortes: ? :)01:00
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DemortesJust curious, cause I don't have OEM computers.01:00
yharrowcan anyone please tell me what this error means:  /var/cache/apt/archives/kdelibs5-data_3.93.0-0ubuntu1~feisty1_all.deb: trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/kde4/share/apps/cmake/modules/FindGObject.cmake', which is also in package kde4base-data01:00
clipcan sb. here help me compiling ffmpeg?!01:01
Demortesyharrow, a package you are trying to install or do whatever is trying to overrite...01:01
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mc44clip: why do you need to compile it?01:01
DemortesIf you want it to go through, add sudo in the compile or something, but not liable if it screws up your KDE01:01
erUSULyharrow: it means exactly what it says. the two packages have the same file within and apt refuses to overwritte the one instaled with the version of the other package01:01
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linxuz3rmc44, I dont really know what when desktop compsiting is on the vmware screen shows nothing but a black background01:01
clipmc44: to install the ffmpeg-php extension, i always get the msg that i need to --enable-shared01:02
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mc44linxuz3r: no, you can't do it. vmware can't access your graphics card to accelerate things01:02
mc44clip: try this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ffmpeg01:02
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panosru Hi, i try to update Eclipse 3.2 to Europa 3.3 but with no success, can anyone help me?01:03
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yharrowerUSUL: thanks man. I am trying now to find the package in /var/cache/apt/archives01:04
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USMarinehtpasswd2 comes with what package?01:05
linxuz3rmc44, i mean just the display01:05
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Demorteshey, anyone know if there is a ventrilo server package for LTS?01:09
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Demortes6.10 LTS*01:10
GB__hi there01:10
GB__with which program in ubuntu can you scan ports of an ip address?01:10
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scorpioxyhey guys. i am trying to write a panel applet, and i have a question. when setting up the context menu, i need to pass data to the respective verb handlers. how do i do that and where can i find some documentation on all of this that is complete? I tried asking in #gnome with no luck.01:11
Demortesnetstat -tap will list your own01:11
mc44GB__: nmap01:11
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DemortesHrm, mc44, what irc client you use?01:11
main2i should be able to use wpa_supplicant with ndiswrapper driver, shouldnt i?01:12
mc44Demortes: xchat01:12
Demortesit support more than one server at a time?01:12
[nrx] or nessus01:12
DemortesHey, I liked nessus... got it to work on windows, that's it01:13
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DemortesFound an exploit in TVersity01:13
[nrx] and ethereal01:13
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kbrooks!caps | GB__01:13
ubotuGB__: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.01:13
AndrewB!caps | GB__01:13
DemortesHeh. Try "apt-get install <prog>"01:14
[nrx] sudo apt-get install nmap01:14
GB__sorry, caps lock was on....01:14
Demortesoh yeah, forgot the sudo01:14
mc44GB__: try System - Administration - Network Tools01:14
=== faileas slaps around GB__ with a heisenberg ;p
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DemortesHrm, here's a good question for you guys.01:14
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kbrooksi'm willing to contribute to open source. What program really needs my help?01:15
mc44Demortes: yes, it supports multiple servers01:15
[nrx] Demortes: what is the meaning of life?01:15
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PriceChild!participate | kbrooks #01:15
ubotukbrooks #: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate01:15
DemortesI set up a VNC server, all seems alright, and I want to be able to connect to it, provide my ubuntu login details, and connect to a desktop.01:15
kbrooksPriceChild, why type the #?01:15
GB__ok thanks01:15
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PriceChildkbrooks, typo01:16
kbrooksPriceChild, and thank you for the link.01:16
DemortesNow, when I connect, it asks for the password I set for it, I enter it, and it gives me a gray screen with an X for a cursor. I tried doing the xstartup fix, but eh... no luck01:16
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kbrooksDemortes, looking around, but try ubuntu's built in one:01:16
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DemortesIt doesn't support vnc-java01:17
kbrooksDemortes, and you need that?01:17
Crystalhda: lost interrupt <-- what is it?01:17
DemortesYes, cause I'm connecting from work, can't download a vncviewer01:17
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kbrooksDemortes, oh.01:17
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GB__unable to lock the admin dir var/lib/dpkg...01:18
Demortesadd sudo to your command01:18
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GB__are you root? is asked when I hit apt-get install01:19
TxPitoumorning ti all01:19
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mikubuntuis there supposed to be two or four desktop panels as default?  is there a way to modify?  i guess there must be a way to get four, because you'd need four to make a beryl cube, right?  anybody able to help me with this?  i've been wanting to get a beryl cube for a month and a half now, can't seem to do it alone :)01:19
[nrx] sudo apt-get install nmap01:19
=== [nrx] repeats himself
cothaxOK, in xchat, how do you get it to automatically put Demortes: test?01:19
TxPitoucothax, test denied.01:19
cothaxlol, thanks :P01:19
AndrewBmikubuntu: iirc you can right click on it?01:19
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TxPitoucothax,  type der <tab>01:19
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cothaxDemortes, Ah!01:20
Crystalhda: lost interrupt <-- what is it? ....01:20
[nrx] ..01:20
cothaxAnyhow, switching clients01:20
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mikubuntuAndrewB: not sure what you mean; iirc?01:20
AndrewBmikubuntu: if i remember correct01:20
TxPitoucothax, the joys of actually bothering to read the help file.... get to know all the fun gadgets an app does. :)01:20
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DemortesTrue, and noted01:21
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GB__hey that works, great!01:23
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TxPitoumikubuntu, bottom right of your screen, boxes show, right mouse button click, select preferences change setting from 2 to 401:23
XsteelWolfanyone using intel 4965agn?01:24
TxPitouXsteelWolf, and that would be a motherboard, a soundcard a video card a network card ? (yes I am too lazy to google on questions)01:24
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TxPitouXsteelWolf, (like pulling worms from a nose) ... maybe could I suggest to make a questions on your problem ?01:25
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XsteelWolfI'm trying to connect to the net,however knetwork manager always stuck at 28% and auto disconnect itself later01:26
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TxPitouyou usein Kubuntu?01:27
[nrx] is it wireless?01:27
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[nrx] have you put the correct key in?01:27
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chalneed some help with swapoff command  the useage in my case is swapoff -a [DEVICE}01:28
[nrx] chal that's correct01:28
TxPitouXsteelWolf, only suggestion I have is check out this forum search page on the network card maybe find someone that has the same problem, http://ubuntuforums.org/search.php?searchid=2728903701:28
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Crystalhda: lost interrupt <-- what is it? ....01:29
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TxPitouXsteelWolf, and for the record, alot of time wifi cards get "buggy" in linux dev drivers, and something ndiswrapper + windows driver is the only solution to make it work properly01:30
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jorge__bueno hello01:30
TxPitoujorge__, que tal01:30
main2how did i make a module load automaticly at bootup?01:30
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TxPitoumodprobe --help01:30
mc44main2: which module?01:31
chal[nrx]  ok above the DEVICE that in my case is the swap partition which is i think  #5  logical   3.00gb   F   swap01:31
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jorge__i'm not speak in english01:31
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jorge__bueno not very goot01:31
[nrx] chal: swapoff -a /dev/hda5 for instance01:31
TxPitoujorge__, yo es espanol ?01:32
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Myrtti!es | jorge__01:32
ubotujorge__: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.01:32
jorge__dios alguien k habla en mi idioma01:32
main2mc44: ndiswrapper :D01:32
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mc44main2: sudo ndiswrapper -m01:32
ChasingVertigoCan someone help me figuire out why Nvidia GeForce 8500GT isn't being detected on Gutsy T501:33
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TxPitouChasingVertigo, got the restricted driver allowed?01:33
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ChasingVertigoYeah, then did the restart to make it work01:33
ChasingVertigoand it sent me to the X crash screen01:33
mikubuntuAndrewB: yes, i got four desktops now, but still can't get beryl to activate .. hmmmmmm01:34
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TxPitouI have an ATI had to enable it, then goto add/remove search for ATI and install other drivers... saw some nvidia drivers there as well..01:34
TxPitoumikubuntu, <ctl><alt><downarrow>01:34
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ChasingVertigothe x output reads:01:35
ChasingVertigo(==) using config file "/etc/X11/xorg.conf"01:35
ChasingVertigo(WW) NVIDIA: No matching device section for instance (BusID PCI:1:0:0) found01:35
ChasingVertigo(EE) No devices detected01:35
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ChasingVertigowhen I look at xorgs conf file it reads the graphics cards description as "ATI Technologies Inc Radeon RV100 QY [Radeon 7000/VE] "01:36
ChasingVertigoI don't have any ATI cards01:36
Alex_001is there a driver for my wireless adapter Gateway WGC-220 in Ubuntu?01:36
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Alex_001is there a driver for my wireless adapter Gateway WGC-220 in Ubuntu?01:37
TxPitouAlex_001, whats the chipset of your wifi ? (I use a Gateway M520x)01:37
Alex_001it's Broadcom I think01:37
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TxPitouAlex_001 need to know..01:38
ALGxSsomebody know c++?01:38
chal[nrx]  this is diffrent to the norn as i am in the patitioner during install and swap has not been written to disk yet, but i can access consul and use the swapoff command however swapoff -a /dev/had5 does not have seemed to work01:38
Alex_001wait I'll look it up on the web01:38
GB__what is "gconfaudiosrc!audioconvert! could not open resource for writing. ?01:38
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mikubuntuTxPitou: ok, i see how that toggles between the workspaces, but i'm really wanting to get that 3D cube effect, so that i can have the coolest computer in the house.  from that position of strength, i should be able to corner the ice cream market.01:39
TxPitouAlex_001, nah, goto system, preferences, hardware information, look down the list....01:39
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[nrx] chal, what does "swapon -s" give you?01:40
Alex_001it's Broadcom BCM432001:40
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Michael_Ubuntuhow to view image under w3m?01:40
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TxPitoumikubuntu, so you have beryl installed? have you set the setting in preferences ?01:40
[nrx] chal or what are you actually trying to do? :)01:40
Alex_001i'm on Windows XP right now01:40
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TxPitouAlex_001, hang on I think I have your solution01:40
GB__try to play sound in ubuntu, but it does not work :-(01:41
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GrodiusIts ok01:41
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TxPitouAlex_001, this is what I used (installer) works like a charm, just install firmware.. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=405990&highlight=bcm43xx-0.3.2-internet.tar.gz01:42
Alex_001update the firmware?01:42
mikubuntuTxPitou: yes i've opened the settings manager, and click checked all the boxes for 3d cube, blur, wobbly, etc... but nothing happens ....01:42
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TxPitouGB__, double click on speaker in toolbar, once volume control panel is up, edit, preferences, scroll down and select external amplifier, close, switches tab, click on first one list appears, scroll to amplifier, unselect it.01:44
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TxPitoumikubuntu, dunno... I use Compiz01:44
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mikubuntuhow do i get compiz?01:45
TxPitouI did a search on forum and found an install topic..01:45
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[nrx] !compiz | mikubuntu01:45
mikubuntuTxPitou: is compiz the one that's coming out in gutsey?01:45
TxPitouwell time for me to head to work.., ciao people01:45
ubotumikubuntu: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-effects01:45
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phidef_salu tout le monde01:45
mikubuntuthanks guys01:45
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[nrx] !fr01:46
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.01:46
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DemortesOK, for some reason my ventrilo server doesn't see the interfaces...01:47
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mp3guyHi, I've got a laptop with an intel hda soundcard, I can't get sound to work, I've tried recompiling the newest alsa, but nothing, amarok shows the music playing but I can't hear anything01:51
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clipmc44: you gave me the link: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ffmpeg, can you help me with it?01:53
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bonaldo2000Does anyone know if flash in firefox in ubuntu is somehow restricted so that it can't get information from eg an XML file on another server?01:56
JimmiJonesMorning, I have an x question I was hoping someone could help me with01:56
bonaldo2000I mean a flash banner running on a site...01:56
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clipi need help compiling ffmpeg, can sb. help me01:56
bonaldo2000clip: whats the problem?01:57
clipbonaldo2000: i got this link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ffmpeg01:57
IdleOneclip: why do you need to compile it?01:57
ALGxShelp with c++ please01:57
JimmiJonesi swapped my hd to a newer computer and x won't initalize, but if I try to drop to console it reboots if I try to log in01:57
clipbecause i want to install the ffmpeg-php extension01:57
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IdleOneclip: what problem you having?01:58
bonaldo2000clip: and the instructions in that links does not work?01:58
orkid1JimmiJones: try booting into rescue mode.01:58
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clipi think ich somehow rowed them false because i always get an error like:Unknown option " --enable-libogg"01:59
JimmiJonesnewb, how do you do that?01:59
clipwhen i delete that parameter an otherone is wrong01:59
orkid1JimmiJones: reboot, and choose it from the menu (press ESC to get the menu if necessary)01:59
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clipbonaldo2000: what do the backslashes mean?01:59
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JimmiJoneskvm, will try and brb, thx01:59
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bonaldo2000clip: you mean ./ ?02:00
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Kindredgarouanyone know the 64 bit fiesty Ram limits?02:00
clipno, at the end of the lign theres a \02:00
reversebladeHow do I add a static dns record to my host file ? I am not using any dns server.02:00
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bonaldo2000clip: ah ok. I think it just means that it continues the command on the next line...02:00
clipso i don't have to use them02:01
ChasingVertigoIs there a generic failsafe graphics driver for ubuntu?02:01
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bonaldo2000clip: just paste everything on one line02:01
ChasingVertigo*as in to put in xorg.conf02:01
Kindredgarouwhat graphics vendor?02:01
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ChasingVertigoexcept nv doesnt work02:01
orkid1ChasingVertigo: try vesa02:02
ALGxSI can't use driver to nvidia geforce2 mx/mx40002:02
Kindredgarounvidia do support linux and have a unified driver02:02
autodidakthi, i am new to this whole linux thing. i just tried to write a sh script to start an app but i dont know what to press for blank in a directory or filename02:02
ALGxStoo xD02:02
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orkid1ALGxS: see if it's supported in the legacy version of the driver.02:02
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ALGxSALGxS:  it say yes02:02
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ALGxSbut It doesn't work02:03
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autodidaktalgxs trief envy?02:03
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ALGxSI can't understand02:03
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mjrclarkautodidakt: I think you "escape" spaces with a "\"02:03
orkid1that is correct02:04
autodidaktam i allowed to post urls in here?02:04
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autodidaktor just google envy02:04
dgjones!envy | autodidakt02:04
ubotuautodidakt: envy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly!02:04
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autodidaktits the first hit02:04
autodidaktkay sry02:04
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autodidaktwas the only thing that worked with my 8800gts02:05
ALGxSenvy? I am not english, so I don't know what thas mean02:05
autodidaktas ubotu says02:06
autodidaktnever mind ^02:06
mc44autodidakt: what do you mean by blank?02:06
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ALGxSwhat can I do to use a envy driver?02:06
ALGxSchange my vga?02:06
porkpiehi guy's, I have just installed subversion but I can't seem to connect to the port .....does anyone know if the ubuntu package uses the standard port ??02:06
mjrclarkenvy is not a driver, it is a script to load the nvidia drivers, so if they do not work for you, neither will it.02:06
autodidakt"/home/user/directory with blanks/02:06
orkid1probably does, check your firewall settings.02:07
orkid1porkpie: if it's a subversion server you're running.02:07
ALGxSmjrclark:  where can I have envy?02:07
orkid1autodidakt: yes do "/home/user/directory\ with\ blanks/" and it should work02:07
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rud1r055autodidakt: you have to use backslash to esacape the blank or quotation marks02:07
orkid1autodidakt: press tab (to autocomplete) in the shell, and you'll see how it's done02:08
rud1r055but not BOTH as orkid has posted02:08
porkpieorkid1:good question02:08
praetporkpie: [netstat -na |grep 3690] 02:08
autodidakti see02:08
ALGxSI'm working at 600x800 so I'ts boring02:08
orkid1rud1r055: both won't work? ...02:08
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rud1r055no, interprets bakslash as a literal character then02:08
jattlsof -ti tcp:369002:09
orkid1ok. sorry porkpie , my error.02:09
rud1r055at least bash does02:09
porkpiepraet:looks like it's not runing02:09
JimmiJones<orkid1> thx, that let me do a dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, the video is a little off centered in the screen, but at least I have x back and can work on it from there.02:09
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billiejoexI'm sorry: does it exist a MIT-like license which forces the user to send me a notification if he's willing to include MY software into HIS software?02:10
porkpieorkid1:how do I start svn02:10
porkpiesystemcms_devel:/work/svn-security/bin# svn status02:10
porkpiesvn: '.' is not a working copy02:10
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orkid1porkpie: the servier?02:10
orkid1porkpie: what are you trying to do02:10
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orkid1try #svn for help on Subversion related tasks.02:11
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naelphow do you disable the shadow under the mouse cursor? in windows it is in system/performance under show mouse shadows02:11
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orkid1naelp: try 'look and feel' in system preferences02:12
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Eko_Hermiyantodear all02:12
porkpieorkid1:I need to connect to the svn server ....   I have installed it using apt-get install   but I can connect and it looks like the server is not listening on the port02:12
orkid1naelp: that's where i think it is.02:12
Eko_HermiyantoI have a problem when have to build a program in ubuntu02:12
Eko_Hermiyantothe problem is string.h is not found02:12
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jattEko_Hermiyanto: sudo apt-get install build-essential02:12
Eko_Hermiyantodo I have installed something first?02:12
Eko_Hermiyantojatt: thanks so much02:12
orkid1porkpie: that's odd. so you're running the svn server on your local machine? maybe it's not on...02:12
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Engrad'lo All02:13
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EngradI havce a question about multiple gateways, can I define multiple gateways in linux02:13
orkid1Engrad: of course02:13
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Eko_Hermiyantojatt: you are rock02:14
orkid1Engrad: try #networking02:14
Eko_Hermiyantothank you so much02:14
porkpieorkid1:I am running it my server  ....02:14
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orkid1Engrad: (using 'route')02:14
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Eko_Hermiyantonow I can use yahoo messenger client in my emacs02:14
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orkid1porkpie: 'nestat -al' to see what ports are open, if it's running02:14
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porkpieorkid1:nope it's not running02:15
prospero91what's the channel for beryl questions? ubuntu-effects?02:15
prospero91I want to know why lspci -X doesn't work on edgy02:16
nephishsusscorfa, thanks for the tip earlier, mutt is doing great02:16
prospero91wrong channel02:16
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orkid1porkpie: so start it, possible by using 'service subversion start' or something like that. /etc/init.d/subversion start perhaps.02:16
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orkid1porkpie: did it work ?02:18
lorenzo_hello, someone know the command to see all the wfi acces point02:18
abdelrahmanhi, i installed KDE on my Ubuntu install, how can i switch between GNOME and KDE02:18
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orkid1lorenzo_: depends on your card perhaps, but try iwlist ath0 scan (if it's an atheros card).02:18
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orkid1lorenzo_: or use a GUI program like wifi-radar02:19
porkpieorkid1:I think the install is borked, I don't have a subversion in /etc/init.d/ :S02:19
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lorenzo_i dont like wifi-radar02:20
orkid1porkpie: it might not be there. did you try 'service subversion start' or 'service svn start' ? were there any errors on installing it?02:20
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orkid1lorenzo_: there are others too. but iwlist ath0 scan is the console command that'll start an active scan on ath0.02:20
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porkpieorkid1:nope :S02:21
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lorenzo_and to connect you know the command line02:21
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orkid1lorenzo_: it depends again, if it has no encryption it's easy: "iwconfig ath0 essid "ap_ssid_here" "ifconfig up"02:21
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porkpieorkid1:strange I can't find anyway of starting the svn02:22
orkid1porkpie: it is.02:23
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porkpieorkid1:I can use the svn commands ...but can't connect to the server02:24
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amrnethi i am looking for an easy to use mysql administration tool something like phpmyadmin any ideas:)02:24
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rm130how can I get shockwave plugin on my computer?02:25
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SUServMod07can anyone here help me figure out why my Live CD is not a valid boot source? I;ve tried on several boxes to no avail02:25
mikubuntuon the composite ubuntu support page refers to this repository; how do i obtain it? 'deb http://javadesktop.org/lg3d/debian stable contrib'02:25
dgjones!shockwave | rm13002:26
uboturm130: Shockwave is currently only available for Windows. To run it under !Wine, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Shockwave02:26
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lorenzo_great! is there a command to see the acces point in real time02:27
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=== porkpie think that the subversion pkg is broken :S
spiderfirehow do i mount a bin/cue file in linux?02:27
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orkid1lorenzo_: iwlist ath0 scan is as real time as it gets. if you want to scan access points passively (ie. grab beacon packets/etc) then google kismet02:27
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orkid1porkpie: maybe you installed the client only, not the server/02:28
mikubuntuSUServMod07: did you burn it yourself?  are the boxes, or more importantly the cd drives you are inserting them in newer or older?  are you using good quality cd's if you are burning yourself?  are you burning at a slow speed to eliminate/reduce errors?02:28
mjrclarkmikubuntu: you have to add it to your /etc/apt/sources.list file, though there should be a gui interface to do that in system settings somewhere.02:28
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orkid1porkpie: try apt-cache search subversion.02:28
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porkpieorkid1:subversion - advanced version control system (aka. svn)02:29
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porkpieorkid1:thats what I installed02:29
SUServMod07mikbuntu - yes I burned my self using a new DVD-RW (on to an HP CD-R). I can read the files from windows and the Ubuntu tutorial screen works on autorun - however, none of my systems recognize the disc as a boot source (even when disabling the HDD and other boot devices in the BIOS) - all the systems are less than 2 years old (3 boxes total)02:30
lorenzo_yes but the  "Bit Rates" doesnt move, its more like a picture.. you know what I mean :)02:30
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Eko_Hermiyantoanyone here using yodel to chat in yahoo?02:32
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themaster369can anyone hear me?02:32
dgjonesthemaster369, yes02:33
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SUServMod07I am wondering if there is a missing file in the root directory of the disc - the method of burning was ----> extract files to HDD dir -> entire directory -> Nero -> HP-DVD-RW 300 -> HP CD-R02:33
themaster369hi dgjones02:33
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themaster369im new to ubuntu are you a new user too>? or experienced02:33
Tasmaniacanyone here got fiesty server(ie no gui) to print from a winxp usb printer ?02:33
=== MeRodent lol. :P
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themaster369has anyone had any luck installing vmware on ubuntu ?02:34
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TasmaniacSUServMod07, if you are trying to boot off that disk wheres the boot sector02:36
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praetporkpie: did you run svnadmin? to create a subversion repo using svnserve?02:36
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praetthemaster369: no problem here.  add the repo and [sudo apt-get install vmware-server] 02:36
lorenzo_someone know how to connect to MSN please02:36
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MeRodentlorenzo_, aMSN or gaim will do that02:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about amsn - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:37
Toma-!info amsn02:37
ubotuamsn: An MSN messenger written in tcl. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.96+dfsg1-0ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 2488 kB, installed size 9108 kB02:37
themaster369hi Praet can i PM you >?02:37
ubotuInstant Messenger Clients: Gaim (GNOME, http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto), Kopete (KDE), both supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC.02:37
dgjones!!msn | lorenzo_02:37
ubotulorenzo_: please see above02:37
lorenzo_you know which one is the best?02:37
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mihaX14lorenzo: amsn02:37
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SUServMod07Tasmaniac, define which boot sector; the Ubuntu files are in their original directory tree conformation02:38
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dgjoneslorenzo_, "best" is subjective, try each of them, you can have them all installed at the same time, ubuntu comes with gaim preinstalled and kubuntu with kopete02:38
MeRodentlorenzo_, horses for courses. Gaim will also allow you to irc but amsn looks prettier.02:38
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mikubuntuSUServMod07: not really sure what the problem might be then, some burn programs have special instructions on burning raw cd images... my external iomega works every time for me, in conjunction with some default ubuntu cdburn program that comes up when i insert a disk.... if noone else offers you any contrary advice, i might suggest you check your instructions in the burn program carefully,...02:39
mikubuntu...or try another ...02:39
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lorenzo_ok :)02:39
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dgjoneslorenzo_, i think in the next version of ubuntu due out next month, ubuntu used pidgin as a renamed version of gaim02:39
praetthemaster369: sure.02:39
XiXaQdoes anyone know how, if it's possible, to reload xchat's configuration without restarting it?02:39
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themaster369HI everyone...im new to linuz and Ubuntu, first time here can someone PM me I really need help !!!!!!!!!02:40
XiXaQthemaster369, ask a question here so everyone can answer and others can learn from it.02:40
dgjones!pm | themaster36902:40
TasmaniacSUServMod07, well to boot from any disk it requires a boot block/sector. You need to burn the iso to the cd not the directories themself02:40
lorenzo_<themaster369> what do you need02:40
ubotuthemaster369: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.02:40
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themaster369ok i ask in here02:40
SUServMod07mikubuntu - thanks - I will check the burn parameters in Nero to see if something wasn't set correctly for a direct image burn02:40
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lorenzo_what is PM??02:41
themaster369basically...im trying to install VMware on ubuntu02:41
XiXaQlorenzo_, private message.02:41
MeRodentlorenzo_, personal message02:41
SUServMod07Tasmaniac - thanks - I am attempting to copy the files as a disc image now02:41
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ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers02:41
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lorenzo_and what is your problem?02:41
orkid1I have a serial mouse, but it is not workin by default. I also tried 'cat /dev/ttyS0' and 'cat /dev/ttyS1' and moving the mouse, but nothing shows up. Any ideas?02:41
=== RealNitro_ [n=jens@ip-83-134-128-24.dsl.scarlet.be] has joined #ubuntu
themaster369I have managed to successfully install ubuntu but need vmware running for XP02:41
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themaster369i get lots of errors02:42
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themaster369i seen so many sites now....where users have had problems02:42
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MeRodent!enter | themaster36902:42
ubotuthemaster369: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:42
xukunI normally burn iso video files directly from the console, but I do I burn vob files from the console?02:42
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TasmaniacSUServMod07, Nero is burn from image (or something like that.) file should be Ubuntu-7 etc and type is iso02:43
themaster369!enter themaster36902:43
praetthemaster369: why not try virtualbox?02:43
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themaster369ive never used it...is it as flexible as VMware?02:44
praetthemaster369: yes.02:44
ubotuVirtualBox is open-source virtualization software for x86, with a proprietary "enterprise" version sporting additional features. Packages for Ubuntu are provided by the makers at http://www.virtualbox.org/ - Setup details at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/VirtualBox02:44
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lorenzo_Im on windows xp with wubi and ubuntu works well02:45
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themaster369im so happy i found this chat station...ive struggled for weeks on end02:45
SUServMod07Tasmaniac - yes I just saw the Nero *BurnASBoot* option - thanks a ton for pointing out I forgot to burn it as a boot disc (its early, I'm tired, ehh)02:45
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praetthemaster369: I set mine up with dynamic disk sizing (max 30 gb) and simple networking and its a breeze.02:45
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cre8torxwhat did you struggle with02:45
=== Pritchard [i=user@adsl-65-43-172-157.dsl.bcvloh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
themaster369just trying to install ubuntu...i hate windows now..i now move to linux02:45
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PritchardWhat's your recommended music player for Linux?02:45
themaster369thx preat02:46
lorenzo_good !02:46
lorenzo_me too02:46
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cre8torxubuntu has lots of good players02:46
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themaster369so many bugs and errors..i spend too much time trying to resolve windows errors than getting on with life lol02:46
cre8torxamarok is sweet02:46
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themaster369ill try virtualbox02:46
PritchardSo far I've heard of Mplayer being good.02:47
TasmaniacSUServMod07, Really the ubuntu distribs dont need deacring ya just burn as is as a disk image in Nero02:47
PKdoRI found this really cool matrix like font I would like to ins tall and use for my windows title but cant install it can any body help?02:47
cre8torxover rated02:47
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themaster369is there a chat station on Ubuntu for complete newbies to Linux???02:47
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IdleOnethemaster369: this is it02:47
Myrttithemaster369: you're on it02:48
Tasmaniacthemaster369, your there02:48
cre8torxyour probly could ask any one here what's on your mind02:48
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clipdoes the order of installing php5, mysql and apache2 make any differnce?02:48
themaster369i see02:48
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Tasmaniacclip yep02:48
IdleOne!lamp | clip02:48
ubotuclip: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)02:48
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Tasmaniacclip from what I found out anyway02:48
cre8torxI've been using linux for about the past 7 years02:48
=== Tasmaniac been using it for ummm bout 6mnths
themaster369im trying to get my head around similar processes in windows to ubuntu...the systems are completely different02:49
themaster369i have seen the guide on ubuntu website for x windows users02:49
themaster369is there a more detailed guide that anyone has >>?02:49
=== MeRodent about 2 days if you don't count when I installed it and the killed my ubuntu install by trying to use tasksel to uninstall lamp.
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cre8torxubuntu realy is the most eaziest to transform from beeing a windows user i would say02:49
xukunis it really no possible to burn .vob files from console like it is for .iso files>02:49
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TasmaniacI'm still trying to get ubuntu and win2k ads to play nicely02:50
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themaster369cre8torx  have you used linux a long time?02:50
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cre8torxred hat 5.302:50
themaster369i really wanna know how long it will take me to grasp things quickly02:51
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cre8torxi have alot of older distros02:51
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TasmaniacMerodent next time just rm /*  :P02:51
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themaster369im fast on windows..but linux is a whole new world02:51
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cre8torxlike learning the commands02:51
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themaster369do you know any good sites cre8torx that could bring my speed up to grasp concepts quick?02:51
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cre8torxlike what02:51
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=== genii sips a coffee
cre8torxwhat do you want to know02:52
themaster369lots of things02:52
lewixhow can  my screen saver change automatically and goes on forever instead of showing up for a while and go blank like it's hibernating or something02:52
themaster369how to install drives02:52
themaster369format drives02:52
themaster369download codecs for movie files02:52
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cre8torxthat's what this room is for02:52
XiXaQthemaster369, https://help.ubuntu.com/02:52
themaster369install skins02:52
PKdoRi just want to know how to install font for now02:52
MeRodentlewix, sounds like your monitor is powering down in sleep mode.02:52
cre8torxrecommending a website might set you in the wrong direction02:53
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mjrclarkubuntuguide.org is ok.02:53
cre8torxare you using ubuntu02:53
themaster369sure...i think ill plant all my questions in here02:53
cre8torxwhat are you using02:53
themaster369i am using ubuntu yes02:53
lewixMeRodent, how can I solve it02:53
cre8torxinstall drives02:53
themaster369on inspiron 5100 laptop02:53
XiXaQthemaster369, normally Ubuntu will install the needed codecs automatically. You'll find much information on help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com or www.ubuntuforums.com. There are also localized channels called #Ubuntu-xx, where XX refers to your nations two-letter country code. That means, #Ubuntu-us for USA, #Ubuntu-ru for Russia, etc.02:53
MeRodentthemaster369, try adding all your lines into one block of text rather than punctuating with enter. It makes it much more readable for the rest of use especially when the channel starts to really move.02:54
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themaster369ok i will try virtualbox to get xp in first02:54
Beautygood tips-> www.clubsjarel.com02:55
cre8torxlike mnt /dev/sda1 /mnt/usb02:55
mikubuntuon the composite ubuntu support page refers to this repository; how do i obtain it? 'deb http://javadesktop.org/lg3d/debian stable contrib'02:55
themaster369MeRodent I think i am doing that keeping it in block02:55
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Picimikubuntu: What page refers to that?02:55
themaster369cre8torx  mnt dev sda1 are all new things for me02:55
cre8torxmore help on linux commands would probly be better availble to you in the room ##linux02:55
themaster369i am really a complete newb lol02:56
MeRodentlewix, system/prefs/power management02:56
Bollingercan i make ubuntu send email sitting in /var/spool/mail/me to my real email address?02:56
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XiXaQmikubuntu, you can add repositories by using System > Administration > Software Sources or by adding them manually to /etc/apt/sources.list02:56
mikubuntua page in the community docs about compositing softwares02:56
themaster369cre8torx can i add you to favourite buddies on here?02:56
npnufnHow can I add my secondary gateway to the network configuration?02:56
mikubuntulike beryl, compiz, aand compiz fusion02:56
cre8torxinstalling manualy02:56
geniimikubuntu: You add that line to the file /etc/apt/sources.list (you need to do this with admin privelege so something like gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list ) then you run sudo apt-get update to add that repo02:56
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Jygzy-how do i recursively count the files?02:57
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Picimikubuntu: Can you link it to me? I'd be a bit wary on adding debian souces to my ubuntu sources.list.  I'd like to check it myself.02:57
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npnufnjygzy; may be find |wc -l02:57
IdleOnePici: deb http://javadesktop.org/lg3d/debian02:57
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Kresjah_laptopHey! I was hoping someone had time to help me with my freshly installed feisty. My problem is that I can't get the wireless functioning properly. Yup, I have one of those Ralinks.02:57
themaster369added brb installing virtualbox02:57
XiXaQthemaster369, you will be surprised to find how helpful the Ubuntu community as a whole is. :)02:57
PiciIdleOne: Thats safe for Ubuntu??02:58
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Jygzy-npnufn from the current directory i am02:58
Kresjah_laptopFollowing the steps of the guide at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=419709 I was able to get it up and running for that session. I added it to /etc/networks/interfaces but it won't start after a reboot02:58
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IdleOnePici: dont know but I am not big on using non-ubuntu deb's02:58
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lewixMeRodent, I don't see prefs/power management02:58
cre8torxthe best way to figure things out is reading the linux forums google it02:58
themaster369hope so XiXaq this will be a major change for me. First time away from windows in years about time ill be right back02:58
themaster369thanks for help02:58
Kresjah_laptopAnyone have any suggestions?02:58
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PiciIdleOne: me either, thats why I as asking mikubuntu for the community documentation page that suggested that.02:58
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npnufnfind $dirname|wc -l02:59
IdleOnePici: oh hehe I misread. thought you wanted that link02:59
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Jygzy-npnufn what if i just put find?02:59
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lewixMeRodent, how about the screesaver . how can I make it switch automatically02:59
npnufnwill show all the files from the current directory.02:59
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MyrttiBeauty: please stop spamming02:59
cre8torxshe's probly about03:00
vieirarI need some help I keep getting an error with device-mapper. I do not use lvm or raid so I would like to shut this down. Problem i on the console the message keeps scrolling so i cannot do anthing03:00
cre8torxsorry a bot03:00
IdleOnemikubuntu: where did you get this deb http://javadesktop.org/lg3d/debian ???03:00
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mikubuntuXiXaQ: deb http://javadesktop.org/lg3d/debian stable contrib  <----so does this look like the correct line to add to software sources, ezackly as you see it here?03:00
PiciIdleOne: Looks like here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LookingGlass03:00
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MeRodentlewix, that I'm not sure about.03:00
cre8torxa bot03:00
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npnufnHow can I add my secondary gateway to the network configuration?03:00
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vieirarError is ..... device-mapper: table: 254:0: linear: dm-linear: Device lookup failed03:01
cre8torxdenny will chew you up and spit you out03:01
XiXaQmikubuntu, it looks correct, but you should make certain it won't cause problems with Ubuntu before you use it.03:01
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npnufnor can some one tell me which is network channel?03:01
IdleOnePici: yeah it is safe I tried that out one time but couldnt run it because of a lack of ram but it didnt break anything on my machine03:01
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[nrx] hi03:02
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IdleOnePici: of course like anything it is " try at your own risk " <---- mikubuntu03:03
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DexterFwhat would cause the system not to swap back mem to RAM?03:04
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DexterFgot 500meg swapped, 607 cached, hence available03:04
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staar2i have problems with keyboard layout03:05
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cre8torxwell you should break it down into 1024 slots03:05
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staar2i cant set the right layout at laptop03:05
cre8torxmake more than one swap03:05
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cre8torxis'nt there a limit on making one large swap03:06
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tininHi, what do you use to watch tv on the pc (with a tv capture card), wich program?03:06
externafter updating Ubuntu, it doesnt boot in normal mode, the screen goes black and the computer gets unresponsive, but in recovery mode, it boots fine and I can enter the graphical mode.03:06
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eNtRoPiAi've a litle problem. i can't compile an opensource software... Visual Molecular dynamic03:06
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Terrasqueextern: graphics card?03:06
externsapphire x700 pro03:06
JackPhilwhere is dvi2bitmap?03:06
IdleOne!mythtv | tinin03:07
cre8torx./config make  su makeinstall03:07
ubotutinin: MythTV is a TV framework for Linux - Instructions for using with Ubuntu at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV03:07
Terrasqueextern: ah, x700 - known bug03:07
eNtRoPiAi' use this for rmolecular rendering......03:07
externbut the graphical mode works fine in recovery mode o.O03:07
externis this bug recent?03:07
eNtRoPiAand when i try to compile i give some errors because the program cant find tcl.h03:07
Terrasqueextern: using tribe, right?03:07
IdleOneeNtRoPiA: have you installed build-essential?03:07
cre8torxedit the config. in your editor of choise03:07
externI dont think so03:07
eNtRoPiAi've installed the dependence...03:07
externhavent heard about tribe03:07
eNtRoPiAand build-essential03:07
IdleOneeNtRoPiA: sudo apt-get install tcl8.403:08
eNtRoPiAalso tcl8.403:08
eNtRoPiAand tcl8.4-dev03:08
IdleOneeNtRoPiA: apt-cache search tcl for the proper name of package03:08
eNtRoPiAand nothing....03:08
Terrasqueextern: it shgould be fixed in 7.04 - but because of new upstream it came back in tribe .. 3 i think03:08
externwhat logs can I check out to determine what is going wrong?03:08
sslashesi am running gusty, and when i reboot, i get the "/bin/ssh: can't access tty: job control turned off" error, but when i do a hard reboot (shutdown, then turn back on), i don't get any error - any ideas?03:08
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tininIdleOne: thanx, but Mythtv is a very big package, I was jus searching for a small tv viewer03:08
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eNtRoPiAthe dependence are this..03:08
eNtRoPiAnetcdfg-dev netcdfg-bin netcdfg-perl libfltk1.1 libfltk1.1-dev tcl8.4 tcl8.4-dev03:09
eNtRoPiAlibpthread-dev python python-dev tk8.4 tk8.4-dev03:09
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eNtRoPiAand i compile the plugins whit the comand make LINUXAMD64 TCLINC="-I/usr/include"03:09
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eNtRoPiAthe source code is write also for AMD64 architecture..03:09
Terrasqueextern: if you can, connect via cable in recovery mode, install the ati driver (fglrx), change /etc/X11/xorg.conf driver from ati to fglrx03:09
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eNtRoPiAand i get this error03:09
eNtRoPiAIn file included from src/hesstrans_wrap.C:298:03:10
eNtRoPiA/usr/include/tcl.h:2315:22: error: tclDecls.h: Nessun file o directory03:10
eNtRoPiA/usr/include/tcl.h:2334:26: error: tclPlatDecls.h: Nessun file o directory03:10
eNtRoPiAmake[2] : *** [../compile/lib_LINUXAMD64/tcl/hesstrans1.0/hesstrans_wrap.o]  Error 103:10
eNtRoPiAmake[1] : *** [dynlibs]  Error 103:10
eNtRoPiAmake: *** [LINUXAMD64]  Error 203:10
IdleOne!paste | eNtRoPiA paste here03:10
ubotueNtRoPiA paste here: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:10
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[nrx] dude, pastebin.03:10
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eNtRoPiAi paste here..03:10
IdleOneno no03:10
IdleOnenot here03:10
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IdleOnehere : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org03:10
cre8torxdenny will kill you03:10
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Terrasqueextern: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-ati/+bug/22985 - i think that was the bug03:11
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IdleOneeNtRoPiA: make sure to give us the URL when done pasting03:12
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viktor_can somebody help me? I want to get rit of the error (E: dpkg was interrupted). I cant install or update my system because this error always apears03:13
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LjLviktor_: does it say to try running "apt-get -f install"?03:14
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viktor_it says:03:14
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:14
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ts_Can someone tell me how to add a line to grub, for a secondary HD with windows xp on it? Thanks03:15
externTerrasque, I am running recovery mode in the same computer :P03:15
externand the graphical mode seems to be working fine03:16
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Terrasquegraphical mode in recovery?03:16
IdleOneviktor_: run dpkg -configure -a03:16
LjLviktor_: i'd tell you to try doing what it suggests, but the "E: _cache->open() failed, please report." part sounds bad. one moment please03:16
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externI ran startx03:16
LjLIdleOne: look at the second error though03:16
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viktor_oh thanks03:16
phizeeki ran chmod 750 /home, my homedirs arent writable, .profile isnt readable. can anyone help me fix this.03:16
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Kresjah_laptopI'm having trouble getting the settings for my wireless network to set themselves automatically at ubuntu startup.03:17
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Seveasphizeek, pastebin the output of sudo ls /home03:17
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vltDoes anyone know in which encoding I have to save a plain text file so that a windows user can open it in his editor (notepad)?03:17
viktor_when i try dpkg --configure -a it says i need to be super user03:17
IdleOneLjL: not sure what it means but cant hurt to try and --configure -a03:17
speed_hi guys03:17
eNtRoPiAIdleOne: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37686/03:17
Seveasphizeek, oh, btw, /home should be 755, so chmod 755 /home03:17
Terrasqueviktor_: sudo dpkg --configure -a03:17
speed_ i want to install xgl on my ubuntu03:18
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Seveasphizeek, /home/yourusername can be 75003:18
phizeekSevalecan, oh03:18
phizeeker Seveas *03:18
viktor_ohhh that looks better03:18
LjLIdleOne: bug reports also seem to suggest that --configure -a may solve it, so try that please, viktor_ (use  sudo dpkg --configure -a )03:18
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viktor_okay, i did that and it says now that there is a problem with avant-window-navigator03:19
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viktor_i m gonna try to deinstall03:19
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ari_stresshi all, is virtualbox really free? i mean for commercial use?03:19
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themaster369hi all03:19
phizeekSeveas, i did chmod -R 750 /home/, and then don what you said. .. nothing changed03:19
LjLari_stress: there are two version of VirtualBox -- one is free (GPL, so as free as Linux), the other isn't03:20
themaster369just downloaded virtual box got an error03:20
eNtRoPiAthe program is opensource and u can download the sourcecode after a registration. http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Development/Download/download.cgi?PackageName=VMD03:20
ts_Does anyone know any linux virus scanners for scanning windows viruses? Thanks03:20
phizeekah nvm ihavent been to bed03:20
IdleOneeNtRoPiA: sorry but I cant help you with that03:20
dgjones!virus | ts_03:20
ubotuts_: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2103:20
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ari_stressthanks LjL03:20
eNtRoPiAIdleOne: do u whant all the error?03:20
LjLts_: there is f-prot and clamav that i know of03:20
IdleOneeNtRoPiA: might help03:20
geniidgjones: I think he wants to scan windows files from inside linux03:20
themaster369Error:Dependency is not satisfiable:libxalan11003:20
dgjones!antivirus | ts_03:20
ubotuts_: antivirus is something you don't really need on Linux, unless you serve windows clients. ClamAV and aegis are decent linux virusscanners. Also see !linuxvirus03:20
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belgarath_Anyone know where and when  'nautilus' starts on boot ???03:21
jribthemaster369: what are you trying to install and how?03:21
dgjonesgenii, yep, i realised it was the wrong factoid - the 1st one doesn't mention any specific scanners03:21
viktor_mmmh i cant find it... when im trying to delete it03:21
themaster369trying to install virtualbox03:21
ts_dgjones:  yes I know there are no viruses for linux, that's why I'm trying to find a virus scanner for WINDOWS VIRUSES that runs on linux.03:21
jribbelgarath_: it draws the icons on your desktop, so when you login03:21
themaster369i just downloaded it03:21
eNtRoPiAk waith a few seconds...03:21
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jribthemaster369: you need to enable universe in system -> administration -> software sources03:21
externok, this may help a bit: when booting in normal mode, the screen goes black and the computer gets unresponsive a few seconds after the text Direct mapping kernel <some memory addresses> appears03:21
belgarath_jrib...    Yes I know :)03:21
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Seveasvlt, any encoding will do, you just have to write windows-styule newlines. The progtam unix2dos (package: tofrodos) can help you convert files03:22
dgjonests_, see ubotu's 2nd link i sent, thats names a couple03:22
externbut the same version of kernel, recovery mode, boots fine03:22
belgarath_jrib I want to renice nautilus everytime I boot03:22
externI may try the older kernel version03:22
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IdleOneeNtRoPiA: paste entire error and give the channel url... I have to run good luck03:22
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Xtevendoes anyone know how to search ldap addressbooks in evolution ?03:22
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panosruHow can i overwrite the files under /usr/lib/eclipse ? i downloaded Eclipse Europa on my desktop and i want it to be at /usr/lib/eclipse there where my old Eclipse 3.2 was03:22
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jrib!universe > themaster369 (read the private message from ubotu)03:22
themaster369im in sofware sources but do not see universe03:23
jribthemaster369: should be in the first tab, in parentheses03:23
belgarath_jrib    - If renice like this:  renice -5 [pidof -s nautilus]    you get a much more responsive system03:23
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jribthemaster369: by the way, make sure you install virtualbox in the terminal with 'sudo dpkg -i' or installation will fail03:23
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nooga#ubuntu-effects seems to be dead atm, could anyone here help me with AIXGL/Compiz?03:24
Tominatorhi! I'm trying to mute my Surround Control (rear with Creative Live! 5.1) with amixer, but it doesn't work!03:24
Tominatorit works with Master and PCE but not with Center, LFE and Surround03:24
TominatorVolume decrease and increase does work, but not mute/unmute... why?03:24
themaster369oh ok ill try that way of installing, new had a new error trying to install repositories part of ubunut updates i imagine03:24
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themaster369had it before it does 42 out 45 then rest fail03:25
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USMarineis nowadays httpd.conf empty?03:25
themaster369http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz: Sub-process gzip returned an error http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz: Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1)03:25
belgarath_anyone got a suggestion how to renice 'Nautilus' everytime you boot the system  ???   (( renice -5 [pidof -s nautilus] ))03:25
jribbelgarath_: I can think of a couple of hacky ways for you to accomplish that, but no "nice" ways.  hacky way #1: start a script that checks if nautilus is running every second until it is, then renices it and exits03:25
jribUSMarine: /etc/apache2/apache2.conf is where stuff goes now03:25
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USMarinethanks jrib03:26
themaster369ill try the sudo way jrib thanks..brb03:26
belgarath_jrib ..  there is no /etc/rc.local thing on ubuntu ???03:26
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LjLbelgarath_: there is on my box03:26
cp1134anyone have a link that discusses getting a monitor working on my laptops vga port?03:26
jribbelgarath_: that wouldn't work because nautilus isn't running yet right?03:26
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belgarath_jrib ... yeah ... right  :D03:27
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LjLbelgarath_: maybe there isn't by default in Feisty, not sure. you can always created though, i'm sure it will be executed03:27
cp1134it is on when the computer boots, but then when gdm starts up it switches back to the built in monitor03:27
Lyvnooga: what graphics card do you have?03:27
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doug_how do i make my ntfs where its writeable and readable right nowits just readable but no writeable03:27
xukunis there something like k3b for gnome?03:27
stewskimy upgrade to 7.04 fails every time any ideas03:27
jrib!ntfs-3g > doug_ (read the private message from ubotu)03:27
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vltSeveas: Thank you. I tried 3 different encodings: iso8859-15, utf8 and cp1252. Then I sent it to the windows user as mail attachment. All three failed to open correct in notepad.exe. Then I saved it in a dir accessable by the windows machine via smb -- and there it works. Weird. Maybe his Outlook mangled something when interpreting the mail encoding ...03:27
Lyvdoug_: search in synaptic for ntfs it should find a program that helps you with that03:27
themaster369i typed exactly that sudo dpkg -i03:28
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belgarath_LjL..... ok..  I need a some sort of /etc/X11/rc.local with superuser rights... :)03:28
jribthemaster369: pastebin the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list and the output of 'sudo apt-get update' please03:28
jrib!pastebin > themaster369 (read the private message from ubotu)03:28
dgjonesxukun, k3b will install under gnome with problems, or i think the default for gnome is gnomebaker03:28
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themaster369pastebin? dont know what that is03:28
dgjonesxukun, that should say install with no problems03:28
noogaLyv: geForce 4 440MX03:28
LjLbelgarath_, /etc/rc.local *is* executed with superuser rights. what do you mean with the "X11" part? should the commands be executed inside an X server?03:28
jribthemaster369: check out the private message ubotu just sent you03:28
LjL!paste > themaster369    (themaster369, see the private message from Ubotu)03:28
Lyvnooga: what guide/how to have you followed?03:28
Lyvnooga: what exactly is your problem?03:29
Knight_On_Whitei am now using mIRC on windows xp , i would like to know if there is same IRC software for ubuntu ?03:29
stewskiis there a way to do an inplace upgrade from 6.10 to 7.04 using the iso disc03:29
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xukundgjones, I know but would it install all kind of kde staff?03:29
lorenzo_hello,  do you know a tools to see the cpu temperature03:29
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clipi just unpacked a tar.bz2 archive, and when i want to cd to the new folder i get the message: permission denied?!03:29
jrib!ugrade > stewski (read the private message from ubotu)03:29
LjL!info lm-sensors | lorenzo_03:29
ubotulorenzo_: lm-sensors: utilities to read temperature/voltage/fan sensors. In component main, is extra. Version 1:2.10.1-2ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 489 kB, installed size 1508 kB03:29
LjL!permissions > clip    (clip, see the private message from Ubotu)03:29
noogaLyv: theese https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager for AIXGL and Compiz-fusion for edgy03:29
jribstewski: yes, but you need the alternate cd.  The wiki page /should/ cover it.  If not, ping me03:29
TasmaniacKnight_On_White, XChat03:29
Lyvnooga: Ok, what's wrong?03:30
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LjLclip: try "sudo chown -R your-username directory/"03:30
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belgarath_LjL  yep..  jrib told me that I need a script that waits to the process "natilius" starts and then perform my renice..03:30
osfameronKnight_On_White: or go retro and use irssi :-) (but xchat is quite nice, and easy to set up too)03:30
Knight_On_White<Tasmaniac> : thanks for your help03:30
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noogaLyv: when i try to run compiz --replace, gnome panel, icons and window borders disappear + i can't click and use keyboard03:31
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TasmaniacOnly prob is Xchat ubuntu isnt as nice as xchat win03:31
RAdamsNetscape Navigator is NOT open-source, correct?03:31
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Lyvnooga: hang on a sec i'll try and find a better place with info for you03:31
LjLbelgarath_: you want to give nautilus a specific nice value? why not just start it with the value you want? i use KDE, but i suppose it's started by some script that's run by GDM.03:31
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tim167hello, I have an external cdrw/dvdr drive that won't show up in browser. k3b shows error: "Cdrecord has no permission to open the device", lsusb shows the cdrw at : "Bus 004 Device 010: ID 046e:300f Behavior Tech. Computer Corp", can anyone help me ? thanks03:32
belgarath_LjL  do you now hot to perform that ?!03:32
MeRodentTasmaniac, that's a load of crap. :) xChat is much nicer on ubuntu.03:32
themaster369jrib is this correct ???03:32
panosruhow can i make /usr/lib/eclipse writable??03:32
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RAdamstim167: please post your /etc/fstab to pastebin.org03:32
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themaster369btw thats cool way of getting large txt across03:32
jribthemaster369: join me in #ubuntu-classroom please03:33
tim167RAdams: coming up...03:33
clipLjl: can i somehow unpack it, without making any permissions. i always unpacked archives and could enter the folder!?03:33
LjLbelgarath_: no, not precisely. what i would do (to spare me the trouble of finding out the right way) is to add a crontab entry that renices nautilus every, say, 5 minutes03:33
Lyvnooga: have you checked your drivers?03:33
lorenzo_I just installed lm-sensor with apt-get but I cant fint it now..03:33
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panosruhow can i make /usr/lib/eclipse writable??03:33
belgarath_LjL ... hehe ... that will work!03:33
LjLclip: that is usually the case. i don't know why you can't access it. can you access it after the command i gave you?03:33
LjLlorenzo_: type "sudo sensors-detect"03:33
themaster369ok..just learnt about irc..give me a sec..ill try and connect03:33
belgarath_LjL -... and I know how to perform it :)    Thx!03:33
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jribthemaster369: just do:  /join #ubuntu-classroom03:34
noogaLyv: i've got that nvidia splash at startup03:34
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clipLjl: what command?03:34
eNtRoPiAIdleOne: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37689/03:34
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LjLclip: chown -R your-username directory-where-the-tar-was-extracted/03:34
cliplets see03:34
RAdamspanosru: sudo chmod 777 /usr/lib/eclipse will give full permissions to all users, or you can set lower permissions if needed. It's more secure to write to that directory as root though, rather than chmod'ing it03:34
LjLclip: actually, "sudo chown ...:"03:34
eNtRoPiAexcuse my  delay03:35
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panosruRAdams, i tried that but didn't word.. do i have to reboot first?03:35
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LjLRAdams, panosru: not only it is more secure: stuff in /usr (unless it's /usr/local) should *never* be touched manually, as APT relies on it being its own realm03:35
tim167RAdams: here's my /etc/fstab http://www.pastebin.org/2602 (my question was how to get external cdrw working)03:36
ts_How do I run a program under root (or sudo)?.. I have two anti virus scanners that need it. Thanks.03:36
clipLjl: sweet, it worked. what does the command chown do?03:36
rm130what was that site to show how to use sockwave on firefox again?03:36
LjL!sudo > ts_    (ts_, see the private message from Ubotu)03:36
rm130I mean on ubuntu, firefox using wine03:36
Leon_homehello, i need some help please, i am trying to install xampp for linux , after i extract the archive & run i get msg : XAMPP is currently only availably as 32 bit application. Please use a 32 bit compatibility library for your system. ??03:36
LjLclip: CHange the OWNer of a file (or directory)03:36
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Lyvnooga: do you know that they are working, ie have you used 3d graphics etc on ubuntu on a game or something?03:36
ts_LjL:  Right, so I do sudo *program name*.. but how do I find the programs path and excution file?03:36
RAdamspanosru: no. why don't you just launch a session of nautilus as root? run "gksu nautilus /"03:36
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lorenzo_how can I copy the terminal root history to my user history03:36
LjLts_: that's another question. if you know the name of the package, type "dpkg -L packagename | grep bin"03:37
LjLlorenzo_: sudo cp /root/.bash_history ~/.bash_history - but... why?03:37
Lyvnooga: basically we need to establish the problem is with your compiz and not with any other part that compiz may need03:38
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ts_Package `virus scanner' is not installed.03:38
ts_Use dpkg --info (= dpkg-deb --info) to examine archive files,03:38
ts_and dpkg --contents (= dpkg-deb --contents) to list their contents.03:38
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panosruRAdams, thanks man!!! i didn't know that!!! (ex-windows user here!! :P)03:38
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LjLts_, the package is certainly not called "virus scanner"03:38
RAdamslorenzo_: having that history will not give you access to those commands. you'll still have to be root03:38
LjLts_: *which* virus scanner is that?03:38
noogaLyv: sec, let me check03:38
ts_LjL: it's the clamav03:38
tim167Hi all, I am trying to get my external cdrw mounted and working, i get 'Cdwriter has no permission to open the device' from K3b, here's my /etc/fstab http://www.pastebin.org/260303:38
RAdamspanosaru: np03:38
LjLts_, then you need to type "dpkg -L clamav | grep bin"03:39
lorenzo_ok thats right :)03:39
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RAdamstim167: make sure you are a member of the CDROM group03:39
LjLts_: it will show all the executable files contained in the "clamav" package03:39
noogaLyv: yea, GL screensavers and some3d games work smoothly03:39
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tim167RAdams, how do i become a memner of that group ?03:39
viktor_i solved my problem. Thank you guys anyways03:39
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LjLtim167: "sudo adduser your-username cdrom"03:40
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RAdamstim167: yes, but verify that group name. I'm on winblows atm03:40
ts_ts@ts-desktop:~$ dpkg -L clamav | grep bin03:40
Picits_: If you want a graphical front end to clamav, install clamtk03:40
tim167`tim' is already a member of `cdromRAdams03:40
Lyvnooga: ok, that's sorted then, now are you trying with aiglx?03:40
Leon_homehello, i need some help please, i am trying to install xampp for linux , after i extract the archive & run i get msg : XAMPP is currently only availably as 32 bit application. Please use a 32 bit compatibility library for your system. what is the problem ?03:40
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LjLts_: i guess you want "clamscan". (please user the pastebin next time)03:40
ts_tim167:  it is the graphical version. but i need to be root to be able to update it03:40
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ts_ts@ts-desktop:~$ dpkg -L clamscan | grep bin03:41
ts_Package `clamscan' is not installed.03:41
ts_Use dpkg --info (= dpkg-deb --info) to examine archive files,03:41
ts_and dpkg --contents (= dpkg-deb --contents) to list their contents.03:41
Lyvnooga: btw just to make sure: Go to System->Administration->Restricted Drivers Manager and enable the nvidia driver.03:41
jribts_: please use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting03:41
noogaLyv: tried to enable it using this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/AIGLXOnEdgy guide03:41
Lyvnooga: that's enabled, right?03:41
LjLts_, no, i meant to say that /usr/bin/clamscan (which is from the output of the PREVIOUS command) is probably the file that you want to run with "sudo"03:42
noogaLyv: yup, enabled03:42
RAdamstim167: what are the permissions of the folder where your cdrom is mounting, and who owns it?03:42
Lyvnooga: what happens when you: Go to System->Preferences->Desktop Effects, click the 'Enable Desktop Effects' button?03:42
tim167RAdams, i cannot see any mount in the filebrowser03:42
LjLts_: type "man clamscan" for instructions on how to use it03:42
tim167RAdams, for the CDROM i mean....03:42
dgjonesxukun, sorry was away form the computer then, if you install k3b, it does install some kde libraries, but doesn't install the kde desktop if thas what you meant03:42
RAdamstim167: sudo mount /dev/hdc /media/cdrom03:43
noogaLyv: window borders, icons and gnome panel disappear03:43
Lyvnooga: ok, reinstall compiz03:43
tim167RAdams,  mount: No medium found03:43
RAdamstim167: sounds like a driver issue. Has this cdrom ever worked for you in linux?03:43
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xukundgjones, yes but I,m always afraid that if install kde staff it eventually slow things down03:44
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noogaLyv: how?03:44
dgjonesxukun, i use k3b on gnome and haven't noticed any particular slowdown03:44
tim167RAdams, nope03:44
LjLLeon_home: the problem is that you have installed the 64 bit version of Ubuntu. 64 bit isn't supported by all programs. you'll also have trouble with Flash, for instance. install the 32 bit version if you want to avoid that.03:44
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Lyvnooga: either synaptic or apt-get/aptitude whatever you feel comfortable with03:45
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Lyvnooga: after you do that i'd say follow this: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/compiz-and-nvidia-on-ubuntu-feisty-fawn.html03:45
Leon_homethere is away to run this software with the 64 bit version ?03:45
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panosruRAdams, I have installed, Eclipse 3.2 through Applications -> Add/Remove and i have also downloaded new Eclipse 3.3 to Desktop, if i take new eclipse and overwrite the old one, i won't have any problem, will i?03:45
xukundgjones, ok thanks03:46
noogaLyv: but i've got edgy ;)03:46
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RAdamsnooga: sudo nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals --composite03:46
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Lyvnooga: woops, ok try : http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Edgy/EyeCandy03:47
tim167RAdams, so should i put the cdrw in the garbage ? or is there a way to get it working on linux ?03:47
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RAdamspanosaru: hard to say, but usually no. why don't you just update it through synaptic, or is 3.2 newer than the one in the ubuntu repositories?03:48
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RAdamstim167: report it on launchpad03:48
[UPG] PritchardI'm having trouble using the update manager.03:48
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RAdamstim167: include your troubleshooting steps, and also post in the hardware section of the forum. search first.03:48
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RAdamssomeone might be able to help you with a driver03:48
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Leon_homedoes it possible to run 32 bit software on 64 bit platform ?03:49
RAdamsleon_home: yes03:49
noogaLyv: so i should follow the instructions for AIXGL/Beryl or rather XGL/Compiz? I've heard that Beryl is worse than Compiz-fusion03:49
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Leon_homeRAdams : how can i do that ?03:49
[UPG] PritchardHere's the error message I'm getting:  http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty/universe/binary-i386/Packages.gz: Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1)03:49
RAdamsnooga: compiz-fusion is what beryl has become03:49
tim167RAdams, unfortunately i have no time for that now...too bad, another peice of hw that i cant use outside of windoze :(03:49
khamaelis there a howto for running win and linux in a dualboot, when ubuntu is ins03:49
RAdamstim167: :\03:49
Lyvnooga: ok, maybe you should have a small read about them on wikipedia just to know what each is03:49
khamaelis there a howto for running win and linux in a dualboot, when ubuntu is installed before windows xp?03:50
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dgjones!dualboot | khamael03:50
ubotukhamael: Dual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookProFeisty03:50
[UPG] PritchardDoes anyone know why I would be getting that error messages?  The rest of my packages are updating just fine03:50
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Lyvnooga: it'll also help for you to know what exactly you are looking for03:50
Stokesyanyone know some good free burn-in test programs03:50
khamaelsorry for doublepost03:50
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Lyvnooga: you can also google for screenshots etc etc03:50
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khamaeldgjones: does that apply for winxp as well?03:51
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amiocan I get an answer for a question?03:52
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Leon_homedoes someone know software like XAMPP that's support UBuntu 64 bit platform ?03:52
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rm130I need some help running firefox under wine03:52
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ompaul!wine | rm13003:52
uboturm130: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.03:52
ompaul!ask amio03:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ask amio - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:52
ompaul!ask|  amio03:53
ubotuamio: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:53
Tasmaniacamio depends if you ask the question03:53
rm130ompaul, I know I have it03:53
amiowhen some one wants to install ubuntu on a pc there will be 2 choices one partition install normal which I think is EVS and second choice with LVM03:53
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autodidakthi, i have nvidia drivers installed on faisty 64 bit. everything works fine but because auf inputlag i'd like to deaktivate vsync. i guess there has do be someting in xorg.conf ?03:53
rm130but when I launch firefox I can't configure proxy03:53
[nrx] gah. friggen mp3s03:53
rm130it doesn't show the button03:53
amiowhich is better?03:53
noogaLyv: ok, let me restart gdm and see what happens :)03:53
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Lyvnooga: ok, fingers crossed03:53
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[UPG] PritchardNo one knows what could be the problem?  The URL in 'http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty/universe/binary-i386/Packages.gz: Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1)' that I get from the Update Manager is valid, and all my other packages update just fine.03:54
autodidaktdo=to ^03:54
ompaulrm130, so after that it is wine support which I think is #winehq03:54
rm130k th x03:54
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amioany one can answer me please? which is better LVM or EVS?03:55
MortChillhi, ive got a problem03:55
autodidakthi, i have nvidia drivers installed on faisty 64 bit. everything works fine but because auf inputlag i'd like to deaktivate vsync. i guess there has to be someting in xorg.conf ?03:55
ubotuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.03:55
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ubotuk3b is a feature-rich and user-friendly burning application for KDE (and, as all KDE applications, works fine on GNOME). For a guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/K3BHowto03:55
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dgjoneskhamael, i've not dual booted for a while, when i did, i had win XP installed first, then installed ubuntu and that detected windows and added the appropriate lines to grub so that it'd dual boot with no problems03:56
MortChillin my firefox i cant watch some videos, the divx ones, however ive installed divx but it doesnt seem to work03:56
MortChilli only get sound with those03:56
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noogaLyv: installed compiz again and it's the same03:56
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khamaeldgjones: ok. I need to do it the other way around03:56
jribMortChill: what plugin are you using?03:56
ivanbiliwhen I try to reboot, the video card doesn't get recognised03:56
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MortChillthe vlc one03:57
noogabtw. when i followed that AIXGL guide, xinit complained: "No Screens Found" so i had to get back to old xorg.conf03:57
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ivanbiliI installed some nvidia drivers03:57
dgjones!grub | khamael, you can install windows after you've done ubuntu, and then use this to reinstall grub03:57
ubotukhamael, you can install windows after you've done ubuntu, and then use this to reinstall grub: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:57
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khamaeldgjones: I found a usefull link. you may want to add it tot the list; http://apcmag.com/node/5162/03:57
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ivanbiliand when I restarted, it doesn't recognize the video card03:57
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noogaLyv: maybe i should dist-upgrade to feisty and then just enable compiz in the easy way :D?03:58
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ivanbilia friend told me to use my old xorg.conf03:58
orkid1Does anyone know why my serial mouse doesn't work?03:58
ivanbilihow do I do that?03:58
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orkid1cat /dev/ttyS0 doesn't show anything when I move the mouse. What gives?03:58
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amioI have question about LVM and EVS which is better? EVS as I know makes swap which is double ram and ext3 the rest of disk, and LVM makes ext3 something like 250 mb and rest lvm03:58
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ompaul!best | amio03:59
ubotuamio: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.03:59
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boxubi what does is mean when you have an item listed on craigslist and someone in your city posts the same item (with the picture you took) onto eBay -- before I even sold it?03:59
amioI am using beryl ubotu03:59
Pici!bot | amio03:59
ubotuamio: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots03:59
amioso what is better?03:59
jimcooncathow to I keep trying an ssh connection? like a command-line loop03:59
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ompaulboxubi, consult a lawyer have a nice day your offtopic04:00
jo_hi there.. is it possible to automatically create a tunnel, remap some hostnames in /etc/hosts and some mounts in /etc/fstab, based on some kind of environment detection? (subnet mask, ethernet connection present, etc.)04:00
FlatsHello I am having a problem with networking.  I install 7.04 and the network was fine.  After a reboot however I can ping my local router but can't connect to anything.  I can't even connect to my router.  However, I run vmplayer and when I bring up my win2K VM I can connect fine.  I know all the networking is set right, it just seems something is wrong in my browsers.  I have tried with IE6, Firefox and opera.  All I get is cannot connect04:00
Piciboxubi: This is the Ubuntu support channel, perhaps we can help you in #ubuntu-offtopic though.04:00
ompaulamio, you have been told YOU CHOOSE04:00
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doug_how do i install the art manager for feisty?04:01
jribjimcooncat: a while loop04:01
jimcooncatamio, lvm or evms is the question?04:01
jimcooncatthanks jrib I'd forgotten04:01
geniiMortChill: There seems quite a bit about that here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=491592&highlight=divx04:01
jribjimcooncat: http://tldp.org/LDP/Bash-Beginners-Guide/html/sect_09_02.html04:01
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amiojimcooncat YES04:01
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amiobetter for beryl04:02
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jribjimcooncat: I'd recommend putting a 'sleep' in the loop so you wait a little between tries04:02
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vibhorHi, I have installed Ubuntu 7.04 along with some packages i need on one of the nodes of my cluster, i want to copy the same configurations to the rest of the nodes. Please help me out on what to do?04:02
jimcooncatamio: as far as I know, lvm is included in evms. for me, lvm was simpler to figure out. Have no idea why beryl is important to this, though -- it's disk access04:02
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jformanhey all, i am looking for an ics-friendly calendaring program that installs cleanly with ubuntu. other than evolution. any ideas?04:03
amiojust the think is LVM has ext3 with little amount of space04:03
amiolike swap04:03
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amioand the rest lvm04:03
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amioI see that my pc is runing slower04:03
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Pici!enter | amio04:03
ubotuamio: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:03
amiospecially while installing programs04:03
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Rominawar vorher da wegen der Webcam04:04
Rominahab die Cam nun zum laufen gebracht mit UVC04:04
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=== stewski NP red berry joy town - the wonderstuff
denndawhich installer has OEM mode installation`? deskltop or alternate?04:04
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Rominadamit luft sie nun in  lucview04:04
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geniidennda: alernate04:05
RominaABER:   Wenn ich auf die Seite   http://www.testmycam.com/   gehe,   sehe ich nur ein schwarzes Bild04:05
Rominawas kann ich tun?04:05
genii*alternate    even04:05
Picistewski: Can you please turn off your now-playing script for this channel.04:05
amiojust my real question is with LVM is the ext3 working as swap in EVS?04:05
Pici!de | Romina04:05
ubotuRomina: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de04:05
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dennda!de | Romina04:05
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jimcooncatjrib: " while true; do sleep 60 & ssh; done" seems to be working fine. thanks a lot04:06
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jribjimcooncat: hmm, && instead of & maybe?04:06
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stewskiPICI human error typed my message in the wrong chat box sorry :-)04:07
savvasis it possible to install flash using alien on x64?04:07
amioany one can answer me please? does the ext3 in lvm works like swap in EVS?04:07
jrib!flash > savvas (read the private message from ubotu)04:07
Picistewski: No.04:07
jribsavvas: no, you want to look into nspluginwrapper (see ubotu's link)04:07
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Picijrib: iirc, !flash doesnt contain the information needed for 64bit installation, !flash64 does.04:08
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joniumm hi im mr MUSCLE!!!04:08
rediz_trying to connect to net on netgear wireless usb dongle. box is seeing it. i've followed basic procedure. put in web key but it wont connect.any help would be much welcome04:08
joniSUCK MY COCK04:08
pranasavvas yes you can install flahs player with alien04:08
jribPici: the wiki page on flash links to it (and includes info on nspluginwrapper which the flash64 doesn't) iirc04:08
joniSUCK MY BIG ASS04:09
jimcooncatjrib oops! && it is04:09
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joniim paskahousu04:09
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jrib!fi | joni04:09
ubotujoni: Suomenkielinen keskustelu (K)Ubuntusta kanavilla #ubuntu-fi ja #kubuntu-fi04:09
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geniijrib thanks04:10
amioI hame another question? any program I can install can resize partitions on my pc? when I use the partition editor I see that ext3 is locked and I can not resize it its just 200 mb though I want to make it more big to make pc work more fast if possible04:10
savvasprana: for amd64 version?04:10
ivanbilican I somehow access my mp3 files on my windows partition?04:10
savvasjrib: thanks btw04:10
jrib!ntfs > ivanbili (read the private message from ubotu)04:10
savvasprana: without having to install 32-bit firefox? :)04:10
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Seveasamio, you can't resize partitions that are mounted04:11
pranasavvas yes you will get step by step guide here http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_install_Flash_Player_.28Macromedia_Flash.29_Plug-in_for_Mozilla_Firefox_.2864-bit.2904:12
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savvasprana: hm.. i missed that, thanks :)04:12
jribPici: argh, someone removed the nspluginwrapper info, but the flash page does link to the page given in !flash6404:12
amioseveas this means I need to reformat the pc?04:12
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Seveasamio, no, it means you need to grab the gparted live cd (google for it) and use that for booting04:13
aguitelanyone have sony vaio pcg-frv laptop ?04:13
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Juhazor if the partition in question is one you can unmount, just do that04:13
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amioseveas I dont understand what you mean? can you explain to me please with more details?04:13
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amioI am new to linux though04:14
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Seveasamio, download the gparted live cd (you can find it with google) and start your machine with that cd in the cd drive. You can then find gparted on that system with which you can resize04:15
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lerioguys pls help i got problems on my feisty during boot up i see blank screen04:16
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lerioguys pls help i got problems on my feisty during boot up i see blank screen04:16
ompaul!bootoptions | lerio04:16
ubotulerio: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions04:16
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ompaul!repeat | lerio04:16
ubotulerio: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience04:16
amioseveas is there any other way? I dont have a cd rw here04:16
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ompaulamio, he has given you they way - go get yourself a 20c cd :)04:17
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amioompul I have CD's but the machine doesnt write is it clear now?04:17
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aguitelanyone have sony vaio pcg-frv laptop ?04:18
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tattersi been using apt-cacher which stores all packages downloaded by clients on my home LAN to save bandiwth, however04:18
jo_ivanbili: http://www.arsgeek.com/?p=58504:18
amioany way to resize partitions without CD?04:20
amiojust by normal program?04:20
tattersyes use pxe network boot annd run gparted04:20
Piciamio: Did you install with a LiveCD?  Do you have it?04:21
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lerioompaul, i only see black screen during boot up in feisty but i know everything works fine bcoz i can logon..but my concern is that i cannot see the loading to monitor everything in my computer04:21
Leon_homehow can i gain a root access on the file browser ?04:21
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amiotatters if it might work from the internet. then I can not my connection is such bad that I need to set it up manually from the operating system04:21
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amioI have the text install CD04:21
dgjonesamio, gparted can be installed onto a usb stick as a liveusb stick http://gparted.sourceforge.net/liveusb.php04:22
aguitelanyone kow how to install driver for ati radeon (old laptop) ?04:22
dgjones!ati | aguitel04:23
ubotuaguitel: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:23
Wipsterhey all, quick question realy I use teamspeak and it defaults to /dev/dsp now the problem is that ubuntu sometimes decides to do things in another order and I have to change the dsp to 0 or 1 to get it to work again, anyway of locking my soundcard to /dev/dsp, I have done the asound set-default-card thing to stop ubuntu's sound being randomly switched04:23
amiounfortunatly I just have pc nothing else with it no usb no cd rw no good network04:23
ompaullerio, edit /boot/grub/menu.lst  and change "splash" to "nosplash" at the end of each line starting with the word kernel04:23
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Leon_homedoes it possible to get root access on graphic mode ? (file browser) ?04:24
valehruHey guys, how is the evolution import function doing these days?  Can it import pst files yet?04:25
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tatterssudo whateveryourfilebrowseriscalled04:25
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Leon_hometatters: i have ubuntu 7.04 64 bit ?04:26
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clip!mysql | clip04:26
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geniitatters: sudo messes up some gui setttings04:26
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geniiLeon_home: gnome: gksudo <appname>     kde: kdesu <appname>04:26
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Pici!gksudo | tatters04:27
ubotutatters: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use  gksudo , as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Avoid ever using  sudo <GUI-application>  See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo for more info04:27
geniipici: thanks04:27
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[nrx] folks, after reading up all the literature i can find on mp3/codecs etc, i can't get any audio apps to playback mp3 files on here. I've installed all te gtreamer packages but i'm still having no luck. the urls from ubotu haven't helped me either. any ideas? :)04:27
marlunWhen I went to "Go > Network > Windows Network" I usually got the workgroup and then my windows computer, but when I try now I get nothing. What could be wrong?04:27
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mosnohowcome pidstat was stripped out of sysstat package in Feisty?04:28
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ratpoisonhello! I use gutsy alpha 5 amd64 and I have encountered a problem installing the nfs-common packages. http://pastebin.com/m7a498c7c04:28
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geniiratpoison: #ubuntu+104:28
[nrx] !gutsy | ratpoison04:29
uboturatpoison: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+104:29
ratpoisonsry, didn't know that!04:29
Wipsteris it mid october?04:29
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PiciWipster: Alpha builds are available for those people who are gutsy enough to run them, thats what that channel is for.04:30
mrjoneshey can sombody help me with my bluetooth dongle? i can connect it via usb, but when i use an adapter to ps2 it wont work (not enough usb ports)04:30
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[nrx] folks, after reading up all the literature i can find on mp3/codecs etc, i can't get any audio apps to playback mp3 files on here. I've installed all te gtreamer packages but i'm still having no luck. the urls from ubotu haven't helped me either. any ideas? :)04:32
erUSULvalehru: there are plenty of tools that convert pst to mbox after that you can import the mbox into evolution04:32
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panosruIs it possible to transfer current system to an other disk?04:32
voLtaGe`need help, how to uninstall utorrent or any software in ubuntu????04:32
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rediz_how do i run wirless assistanct in sudo mode04:33
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geniivoLtaGe`: Use aptitude package manager to uninstall. Or by command line, sudo apt-get remove <package-name>04:33
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valehruerUSUL, thanks04:34
ex_Anybody help me connect my Linux machine to my windows workgroup?04:34
voLtaGe`ok but idk wha the package of uttorent would be04:34
Lyvdoes anybody know how to install grid wars?04:34
ex_I editted the smb.conf file to my workgroup name, but i still cant join i04:34
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krammersudo apt-get install gridwars04:34
erUSUL!samba | ex_04:35
ubotuex_: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT04:35
pranaex_ try installing webmin, you can configure samba and others very easily04:35
erUSUL!webmin | prana04:35
ubotuprana: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system04:35
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clopcan i upgrade from feisty to gutsy somehow?  (im on x86-64)04:35
Lyvkrammer: Reading package lists... Done04:35
LyvBuilding dependency tree04:35
LyvReading state information... Done04:35
LyvE: Couldn't find package gridwars04:35
tattersPici: I only ever used sudo never gksudo, been using linux for a few months and bnot had problem using sudo konquoror, but, an interesting link and thnx for info, the article says kate does not work with sudo kate yet I have no problems editing files with sudo kate .04:35
erUSUL!upgrade | clop04:36
ubotuclop: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes04:36
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Pici!paste | Lyv04:36
ubotuLyv: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:36
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pranaerUSUL it is in web interface administration tool04:36
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ompaul[nrx] , have you any audio at all?04:36
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LyvPici: sorry, i though i'd just copied the last line ie: : Couldn't find package gridwars04:36
snapeteDoes anybody know how to encode a mpeg2 File into  x264 video + 5ch acc audio in a mkv Container?04:36
ompaulmissed him04:36
Lyvso does anybody know how grid wars can be installed?04:37
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erUSULprana: ?04:37
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krammerlyv: search the internet for the program04:37
voLtaGe`lakhwinder@lakhwinder-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get remove utorrent04:37
voLtaGe`Reading package lists... Done04:37
voLtaGe`Building dependency tree04:37
voLtaGe`Reading state information... Done04:37
voLtaGe`E: Couldn't find package utorrent04:37
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voLtaGe`need help on how to uninstall utorrent04:37
ompaulvoLtaGe`, it is not installed04:38
snapeteTorrent runs in wine voltage04:38
voLtaGe`how can i uninstall it tho?04:38
voLtaGe`i think it is instaleld04:38
ompaulvoLtaGe`, or you installed it using something other than apt :-) which is what you did04:38
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Lyvkrammer: i have, i just don't know how to install it04:38
voLtaGe`er i used wine to install04:38
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snapeteUse Wine File04:38
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voLtaGe`but idk how to unisntall it...azeurus is ezier to use04:39
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Lyvkrammer: http://www.littleubuntu.com/blog/?p=1704:39
ompaul[nrx] , have you any audio at all?04:39
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voLtaGe`yo snap how i use wine file ?? :S04:39
porkpiedoes anyone know if the subversion pkg is broken .... i have installed it but cannot start subversion04:39
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[nrx] ompaul: just rebooted and when kde logs in, it played sound so i'm gonna try again04:40
nanonymevoLtaGe`, check winehq.org/download on instruction on how to set up a recent version of wine04:40
voLtaGe`i got a recent version installed04:40
ompaul[nrx] , k04:40
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tattersPici: why does that article state that sudo kate cannot be run when clearly it can?04:40
nanonymeubuntu portage doesn't have a recent version04:40
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voLtaGe`i updated it04:41
marlunI don't get it I've added a couple of songs to Serpentine and I know it's about 77minutes long but serpentine tells me it's 40min overlap? It's a 80min disc.04:41
mrjoneshey can sombody help me with my bluetooth dongle? i can connect it via usb, but when i use an adapter to ps2 it wont work (not enough usb ports)04:41
nanonymerepository even04:41
voLtaGe`installed updates for ubuntu04:41
nanonymevoLtaGe`, which version is it then?04:41
[nrx] er, yeah it's working. I just started to play a file with the volume up full.04:41
voLtaGe`juss wanna kno how i can uninstall utorrent usin wine04:41
[nrx] i crapped my pants :(04:41
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nanonymevoLtaGe`, i think it's a program called "uninstaller"04:41
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voLtaGe`0.9.45 or somethink like taht04:41
voLtaGe`first tiem usin ubuntu tho dunno where anythin is :(04:41
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[nrx] is there a Linux equivalent of daemontools for windows?04:41
nanonymemight want to ask that kind of questions on #winehq04:41
Lyvdoes anybody know how to install grid wars, i have a .zip downloaded but i dunno what to do with it.... ?04:42
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ompaul[nrx] , what does that program do - some of use do not ever run that other thing04:42
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stefg[nrx] : google for cdemu04:42
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[nrx] ompaul: in windows, it creates virtual drives on the system.. it allows you to 'mount' iso's etc and have them treated as cdrom drives04:42
[nrx] stefg: thanks04:42
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marlunubuntu tells me a song is 8min and windows tells me it's 3...hmmm04:43
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ompaul[nrx] , he meant qemu :) and I will now give you two command lines and you can work out how to use them04:43
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[nrx] lol ok04:43
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pranaerUSUL, ubotu says there are some compatibility issues with webmin but ia m using it without any problem if you interested  you can try04:43
erUSUL!worksforme | prana04:44
ubotuprana: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/04:44
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ompaul[nrx] , for creating a "virtual drive first do this" qemu-img create Something.img 256M ( where the 256 is part of your ram)04:44
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stefgmarlun: that's prolly a VBR encoded song04:44
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[nrx] ompaul: k04:44
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dwxreaperhow do I list what starts up on boot with ubuntu04:44
ubotuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto04:44
marlunstefg, don't know what that is :/04:45
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erUSULprana: i'm only concerned about recomending software that it's not supported.04:45
vibhorHi, I have installed Ubuntu 7.04 along with some packages i need on one of the nodes of my cluster, i want to copy the same configurations to the rest of the nodes. Please help me out on what to do?04:45
lerio_ompaul, now i can see the loaded drivers and etc but is there any way i can also see boot splash?04:45
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ompaul[nrx] , then qemu -cdrom /path/file.iso -hda ./Something.img -m 256m -boot d   << the d is there   {hda is disk one and real location}and there are lots of funky things yiou can do04:45
dwxreaperhow do I tell what services will start?04:45
vootelehello there04:45
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vooteleseeking for hel04:46
ompaullerio, not with the ubuntu splash04:46
Lyvdoes anybody know where to find a deb for gridwars?04:46
lerio_ompaul, ya i see but no boot splash04:46
GNinemy acpi reports a -267 degrees operating temp.  i need a command line to fix that. i know its wrong because am not in pluto (as in the 9th planet)04:46
vootelehow to get bluetooth pairing working04:46
Lyvfound, in case anybodyis interested: http://www.getdeb.net/app.php?name=GridWars+204:46
stefgmarlun: variable bit rate. mp3 is proprietary, so i think your linux player only looks at the bitrate at the beginning of the song and extrapolates the length. windows might have a different approach and knows how to calculate lengths on varaible bitrate files04:47
dwxreaperhow do I tell what services will start?04:47
ompaullerio_, I told you how to disable it, you have some funny monitor where it is not showing from what you said eariler04:47
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ompaullerio_, have a look at your possible settings for grub04:47
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Wipsterwhats a decent visual IDE program for linux, I guess for C++ no idea whats commonly used to make programs for gnome... any suggestions?04:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about python - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:48
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lerio_ompaul, can i set my boot resolution to lower? and how04:49
ompaullerio_, I never had to so I imagine it is a grub setting04:49
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ompaullerio_, I guess you got to explore now :) I got you from nothing to something it is all I can do04:49
GNineboot resolution?   ha04:50
autodidakthi, i have nvidia drivers installed on faisty 64 bit. everything works fine but because auf inputlag i'd like to deaktivate vsync. i guess there has to be someting in xorg.conf ?04:50
[nrx] ompaul: thanks :)04:50
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ompaul[nrx] , np04:50
dwxreaperhow do I list what services will start with ubuntu?04:50
prana!seen | prana04:50
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GNinecheck whats in nautilus04:51
lerio_ompaul, i hav tried the vga=xxx still black screen04:51
stefg!boot | dwxreaper: you have been given this link already04:51
ubotudwxreaper: you have been given this link already: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto04:51
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KresjahHey! I need some help here, if anyone can spare some time. Please take into account that I'm rather fresh to linux.  I'm trying to get my GL working on my old Ati Mobility M1 card. I am currently trying to configure xf86-video-ati-6.7.192, but I get the following error:04:51
ompaullerio_, I told ay, I actually don't know how, if you find out tell me and I will show you where to document it04:51
Chris82hi there :) I have a little problem installing ubuntu04:52
WipsterI guess Anjuta looks prety good....04:52
lerio_ompaul, ok tnx very much04:52
KresjahRequested 'xorg-server >= 1.3' but version of xorg-server is 1.2.004:52
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Chris82I downloaded ubuntu 7.04 i386 cd image and do the graphical install04:52
oscuroHi everybody, I can't see .wmv videos on ubuntu, they're imposible to view coz of they appear, or very slow, or like pieces, only the audio works fine I think. I installed all the codecs from automatix, so I don't know what to do, thanks for any help.04:52
KresjahPretty obvious that my xorg-server is out of date, but I have no idea where to go from here to get it further04:52
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Chris82and I'd like to know where I can choose in which partition Grub/Lilo or whatever ubuntu installs is installed04:52
stefg!automatix | oscuro04:52
ubotuoscuro: Automatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software.  When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it.  A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme)04:52
Chris82if I use the default setup options it will be installed in MBR I fear and the Vista bootloaded will be destroeyed04:53
svgHi - I somehow got my gconf data messed up - A couple of days ago I experimentec with the files beneath <home>/.gconf/, and I only noticed the mess when logging out and back in today - AFAIS the goog config is in .gconf/%gconf.xml but gconf now uses .gconf/<subdirs>/%gconf.xml04:53
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GNineit will04:53
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GNinebut fear not.. ubuntu plays well with windows in dual boot setups04:54
ubotuGutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+104:54
Chris82well ;) I know better04:54
dwxreaperstefg: i read that, I just want a command that says what will start04:54
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Chris82I just did the setup and ubuntu killed the partition table04:54
Chris82so I had to boot from the Vista DVD to repair it and boot into Vista again04:54
bentlegendoes anyone know how to install mysql4 via apt-get *without* installing mysql5?04:54
Chris82I don't want to use Grub I will use the Vista bootloader to boot ubuntu04:54
peeps_workstrange, i just tried to select some text from gnome terminal to copy, and ALL of my open gnome terminal windows disappeared04:54
dwxreaperlike going to services in windows, sorting on started or whatever, there is nothing that simple?04:54
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GNinewell.. that also depends on your install method.. i did a live cd and then i killed windows later.. all me04:55
Chris82but I don't find an option in the setup where I can modify any bootloader options... I can't even select the packages that are being installed04:55
vibhor @ ubotu is there any way to clone an ubunutu installation so as to copy onto the each machine in a cluster?04:55
stefgdwxreaper: this is not windows.... get educated04:55
monstar-1can someone tell me whats the name in Italy for greencard? Thanks a lot04:55
Chris82I am doing a live cd setup as well04:55
voLtaGe`how to uninstall utorrent?? :(04:55
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dwxreaperstefg: lol don't be an idiot04:55
lnx_i use mono to write and compile c# code , and every time i open new project i need to check "open on external" console , i can set mono to check it by default ?04:55
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dwxreaperstefg: you justify linux's shortcomings by saying get educated?04:56
autodidakt*push* :)  i have nvidia drivers installed on faisty 64 bit. everything works fine but because auf inputlag i'd like to deaktivate vsync. i guess there has to be someting in xorg.conf ?04:56
dwxreapernice one04:56
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Chris82hmmm is there a good community forum maybe? this chat is not of much help ;)04:56
peeps_workdwxreaper, there is System-> Preferences -> Sessions, which shows which apps to load once you are in gnome.  that's not really services though04:56
stefgdwxreaper: serious.... THIS IS NOT WINDOWS!!! understand run levels and upstart, then you'll know why your putting a stupid question04:56
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=== GNine dont like dwxreaper attitude
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Chris82/server irc.oftc.net04:56
dwxreaperstefg: yes you are saying there is no command that will just say that, I don't care what starts on what event04:56
dug_take it easy stefg04:57
Chris82lol doesn't seem to work here this command04:57
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dwxreaperthere should be one command, if not it's a failure, and not easy to use04:57
Pici!coc | dwxreaper stefg04:57
ubotudwxreaper stefg: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/04:57
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GNinedo you code dwxreaper ?04:57
airstrikemake the command yourself and contribute to the community04:57
airstrikeor else stop complaining and go figure things out04:57
Shaba2Hello folk. I am temporarlily running xubuntu on a laptop until my desktop gets fixed. Is there a way I can see how much battery life I have left on this laptop?04:57
dwxreapergnine: sometimes, i'm a network engineer04:57
airstrikewe're here to help, not to cure your frustration04:57
lalalihi. in doubt whether to use ubuntu 6 or 7. ubuntu web page download options say 6 is LTS, but 7 is only supported until 2008. Does this mean version 7 will not get package updates after 2008?04:58
dwxreaperall I know is I keep seeing places where windows is better, and you guys get all pissy when I ask how to do something windows is better at04:58
dug_dwxreaper: ls /etc/init.d shows startup scripts and programs04:58
Chris82full ack @dwxreaper04:58
GNineok.. networks dont have a OS system tag on it.. so dont call failures on code you dont know jack about04:58
Chris82that's why no one is using Linux ;)04:58
yasersuddenly Evolution doesnt refresh messages any more, any idea?04:58
dwxreaperdug: yes I was wondering if I could just list the scripts in that dir, and that's what started04:59
jimcooncatChris82: Why not use vista's bootloader?04:59
airstrikethere surely are places where windows is doing better04:59
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airstrikebut there are -lots- of things that linux does better04:59
Chris82jimcooncat: I want to04:59
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gordonjcpdwxreaper: if you look in /etc/init.d/ you should get an idea of what it's going to try and start04:59
airstrikeand i think you forgot the fact that linux is free04:59
Chris82but ubuntu doesn't allow me to install the OS without installing its bootloaded to the MBR04:59
tiddiwhat is the best thing to use to extract .rar files?04:59
mc44lalali: you probably want to use the latest version, unless you don't want to upgrade regularly04:59
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Chris82there are 0 options to configure anything04:59
airstrikeChris82, windows would do the same04:59
tiddiarchive manager says it does not support it04:59
airstrikeChris82, you can use grub to restore it04:59
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Chris82all I can do is select the install partition and username, that's like a Windows setup lol04:59
vibhoranyone has idea on cloning ubuntu installations? please help I am fairly new to linux ......04:59
Chris82I expected a little more :p04:59
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jimcooncatChris82: sure it will, I do that on my installs05:00
eNtRoPiAany one can help me with  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37689/05:00
yasertiddi, sudo apt-get install rar05:00
dwxreapergordon: so look in there, to get an idea, then based on events some might not start, so once booted, check the process list?05:00
lalalimc44, I do want to keep my system up-to-date, and I'd prefer not to have to reinstall the OS every 6 months.05:00
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Chris82well grub shows an entry "Windows Vista"05:00
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tidditnx yaser05:00
gordonjcpChris82: use the advanced install C05:00
Chris82but when I select it the PC just reboots05:00
doug_whn i do ./configure iget this configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables05:00
doug_See `config.log' for more details.05:00
gordonjcpChris82: CD, even05:00
airstrikelalali, you won't be reinstalling it, just upgrading05:00
Chris82how can I run the advanced install?05:00
mc44lalali: you don't have to reinstall, you can just upgrade05:00
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gordonjcpChris82: get the alternatives CD05:00
yasertiddi, yw05:00
autodidakt*push* :)  i have nvidia drivers installed on faisty 64 bit. everything works fine but because auf inputlag i'd like to deaktivate vsync. i guess there has to be someting in xorg.conf ?05:00
gladiatrgreetings.  I have a quick question: how do I disable TCP and IP checksum offloading?05:00
Chris82alright thanks :)05:00
Chris82downloading the advanced DVD then05:00
mc44lalali: LTS only gets security updates05:00
dug_vibhor: you can use a program like dd to copy a whole hard drive to another one, or else google for 'remastering ubuntu cd' to essentially create a cd based on your own installation05:01
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Chris82CD I mean05:01
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gordonjcpChris82: I'll warn you now, if you don't like complex texty command-line stuff, you won't like this05:01
doug_can someone run me through the install of pidgin 2.2.005:01
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airstrikesudo apt-get install pidgin05:01
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vibhorthanks for the help dug_05:01
mc44Chris82: there are lots of guides for dual booting with vista around05:01
lalalimc44, airstrike : upgrade from a CD? LTS then for using ubuntu on a server os better choice, but version 7 for desktop, right ?05:01
dug_doug_: if you haven't already, install the 'build-essential' package.  if you have that, you may also need the linux-headers for your kernel version05:01
mc44Chris82: windows doesn't play nice with the MBR, not linux :P05:01
Chris82gordonjcp: I don't like Linux anyway and will stick to Vista, I just want to test some things on Linux and need a customized install05:01
Chris82no standard Windows-like install05:02
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yaseris there already published the exact date of Ubuntu Gutsy final release?05:02
airstrikelalali, i don't really have any experience with ubuntu on servers (nor do i think it is known as the ideal option for linux distros running on servers), but LTS would definitely be better05:02
jimcooncatChris82: you should probably run it in vmware or similar then05:02
mc44lalali: yes, for a desktop you probably want the latest version05:02
Chris82can I burn a cd with the live cd so I don't need to boot back to Vista just to get the alternate CD ?05:02
Chris82no I can't run 3D Apps with Wine in vmware unfortunately05:02
airstrikeChris82, good luck with incompatibility with old software.. and finding a crack for vista if you haven't purchased your copy05:02
airstrikeor stealthy automatic updates05:03
Chris82I have purchased it05:03
lalalimc44, airstrike Right on! Thanks a lot guys. :-)05:03
GNineecho -n "65:60:50:55:50:45" > /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THRM/trip_points05:03
GNine  returned: permission denied ... i need access to acpi ... gimme code now05:03
Chris82I don't use illegal software :p05:03
airstrikeor running on 400mb ram when idle05:03
dgjonesyaser, i'd guess its 18th October, thats when a number of ubuntu groups seem to be having release parties05:03
yaserdgjones, ok tnaks05:03
Chris82actually Vista uses 3,5 GB Ram when idle05:03
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Chris82because it caches all my appz :p05:03
autodidakt*push* :)  i have nvidia drivers installed on faisty 64 bit. everything works fine but because auf inputlag i'd like to deaktivate vsync. i guess there has to be someting in xorg.conf ?05:03
airstrikethat's so not efficient05:03
oscuroso, any help about how can I play .wmv vids alright, they all look slow in here.05:03
Chris82well then show me how your computer opens Photoshop in 4 seconds05:04
airstrikeoscuro, do you have your video card drivers installed correctly?05:04
bentlegendoes anyone know how to install mysql4 via apt-get *without* installing mysql5?05:04
Chris82or a program that can do similar things on Linux05:04
stefgautodidakt: sudo nvidia-settings05:04
airstrikeit usually doesn't take much more than 5 seconds to open photoshop on vista05:04
airstrikeand i just counted 3~4 for gimp05:04
Chris82yeah because it preloads the files most commonly used in ram05:04
Chris82on xp it takes 30 seconds to load photoshop on my PC05:04
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airstrikevista -does not- cache all the programs up to 3.5gb ram05:05
mc44this channel is not for discussing the relative merits of windows05:05
autodidaktstefg: yap and then? ^^05:05
oscuroairstrike I think really.05:05
mc44!offtopic | airstrike, Chris8205:05
ubotuairstrike, Chris82: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!05:05
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stefgautodidakt: enjoy the gui :-)05:05
airstrikei'm done with offtopic05:05
Chris82sorry ;) ok back to topic05:05
oscuroI have an ugly computer, and has video, sound etc integrated to the main board.05:05
GNine3.5 gigs of ram?  yah right05:05
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Chris82can I burn a cd with the live cd?05:05
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airstrikeyes you can05:05
weltallmake a ram disk and you are done :P05:05
KresjahAnyone who can help me work my GL out?05:05
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Chris82GNine: I have 4 if that is the question05:05
GNinei doubt you actually have all that ram05:05
Chris82airstrike: ok good :) then I don't need to boot back05:05
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airstrikeoh, i thought you meant if you could burn a copy of the live c05:06
autodidaktstefg: hm pls tell me where to find vsync in the gui05:06
rediz_how do u start ndiswrapper from terminal05:06
mc44rediz_: you want to set it up? or you've already done that?05:06
Chris82nah I am using the live cd right now and I want to burn the alternate one so I can use an advanced setup05:06
Chris82with lots of text :D05:06
airstrikei don't know if you could burn something on the live cd, but i'd doubt it.. it should be using plenty of ram/resources as it is and i don't think it loads up any burners05:06
GNineok.. so you do.. why do you need a virtual memory then.. pretty sure something is cache to disk05:06
KresjahBasically, in order to get any further on my venture towards GL, I supposedly need xorg-server 1.3, but I have no clue where to get it05:06
Chris82well I will see in a few mins05:06
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rediz_mc44 i've used package manager to install. not shur if ive setup05:07
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stefgautodidakt: X server XVideo-settings -> sync to Vblank05:07
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mc44rediz_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper05:07
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Chris82ok so the alternate cd downloaded fine using the live cd, now I try to burn it05:08
autodidaktstefg: sync to Vblack = vsync?05:08
NET||abusearrrrrgggggg!!!! I moused over an mp3 on my desktop to delete it,, as i did, the mouse over preview started playing, the file is gone from my desktop, but it keeps playing the file?? How can i stop that playback???05:08
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stefgautodidakt: or do you mean the vsync of your display?05:08
autodidaktstefg: hm vertical sync as it is defined in windows ^05:09
GNineu could kill the process.. or to be blunt , kill the xserver05:09
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NET||abuseGNine, yeh, dunno what the process is to ps aux it....05:09
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mc44Chris82: http://sathyasays.com/?p=1505:09
stefg!fixres | autodidakt05:09
ubotuautodidakt: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto05:09
rediz_mc44 thnxz05:09
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Chris82mc44: Thanks for that link... reading it05:10
GNinemy acpi reports a -267 degrees operating temp.  i need a command line to fix that. i know its wrong because am not in pluto (as in the 9th planet)05:10
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GNineaccess code now.. do it05:11
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=== GNine sniffs tuna sandwich
=== genii sips a coffeee and contemplates -4 degrees Kelvin
stefgGNine: superconducting wires! Hey, there's some opportunity to overclock, i guess! :-)05:11
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airstrikeChris82, just make sure you're adding the right (hdX,Y) according to your drivers/partitions05:11
mc44genii: thats unpossible!05:11
GNinevery funny..  :-/05:11
Chris82hmmm isn't it possible to use widescreen resolutions in ubuntu?05:12
geniiActually i think -267 would be +6 K05:12
mc44yes, its -273.1505:12
Chris82it uses 1280x1024 automatically and I can't set it to 1680x105005:12
Pici!fixres > Chris82 (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)05:12
airstrikeyes it is05:12
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geniimc44: But still unpossible for cpu temp05:12
=== Pici throws !offtopic at mc44 & genii
airstrikeyou're running the live cd, i believe not everything is working as smoothly as they would in a full install05:12
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mc44genii: I dunno, even with water cooling? :P05:12
airstrikei'm running 1680x1050 right now05:12
GNinethose were centigrade degrees.. either way .. one kelvin is not a workable solution for anything05:13
nox-HandIs there a way to improve audio quality in linux?05:13
=== Lattyware [n=Latty@host86-132-243-203.range86-132.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
airstrikeinstall the apropriate sound card drivers?05:13
un_daveanyone know how to get an irc server window to display in gaim ?05:13
un_davei need to enter an irc server command05:13
geniiGNine: Definitely not good, either way05:13
Piciun_dave: you could try using /quote05:14
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GNinethe deal is .. acpi is wrong.. that, is the issue at hand05:14
un_davePici: where would i enter it ?05:14
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airstrikeChris82, make sure you read the #comments in menu.lst, there are some tips in there (such as 'default N'/savedefault for making one of the entries the default one when booting)05:14
Piciun_dave: Right where you type what you are typing now.05:14
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GNinewas thinking maybe kernel upgrade but ... F*** that.. problem is acpi module05:15
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GNinei need codes05:15
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GNinedo it05:15
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afshi! I am developing kernel-related stuff, and I wonder why some linux include files are not put in /usr/include/linux but in /usr/src/linux/include/. Anyone got a clue?05:16
un_davePici: lol. that just crashed gaim05:16
KresjahIs there anyone out there who can tell me where/how to get my xorg-server upgraded from 1.2.0 to 1.3=<05:16
mc44afs: you could try asking in #ubuntu-kernel if no one here knows05:16
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geniiGNine: Is this by chance an MSI motehrboard? Google shows me something about MSI bios fix for bad cpu temp reading05:17
DjViperI doubt anyone here knows the answer to that afs05:17
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afsI'll check there, thanks a lot for the pointer05:17
geniiGNine: OK05:17
GNinethrow me that link .. i might get infected by something from there05:17
npnufnhow can I disable access to removable media from the shell.05:17
npnufnfor gnome it is gnome-volume-properties, but for what is for shell.05:18
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Igniteafs, the ones in /usr/src/linux/include are from the Linux source tarball, the ones in /usr/include are the installed headers.05:18
GNinei mean .. in a good way.  like i need codes , you know.. now05:18
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NSFragis anyone in here familiar with installing ubuntu via debootstrap05:18
GNineand i got some major lag goin on here too.. not good05:19
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afsIgnite: the package linux-headers-2.6.20-16-generic (matches my kernel) has this file...05:19
=== ProN00b [n=dot@pD9E3B1D8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
orkid1Hi, I'm trying to set up a serial mouse on gutsy. However, I can't even get anything from cat /dev/ttyS0 or 1 when I move the mouse. starting gpm also doesn't give me the mouse. I have a PS/2 but no mouse on it, just a serial mouse.05:20
afs.. but in the wrong location i'd think05:20
Igniteafs, which file?05:20
NSFragorkid1: lol why dont you get a normal mouse :P05:20
NSFragorkid1: its not like theyre expensive05:20
GNineusb is the shiznits05:20
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orkid1NSFrag: b/c this isn't my computer, it's old, and I don't have an extra one.05:20
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npnufnhow can I disable automounting of removable media from the shell?05:21
=== GNine checks usb ports available
Igniteafs, I suspect the source contains additional headers for kernel development, is that what you're doing?05:21
orkid1orkid1: and I have used serial mice before, and they work. It also works in Win98 fine (dual boot).05:21
orkid1(woops, i'm talking to myself)05:21
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afsIgnite: I guess. I need it for compiling qemu05:21
=== DrQuincy [n=tim@adsl-wan-217-154-28-46.mistral.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
afsand other machines (running debian) seem to have this file in /usr/include/linux/05:22
NSFragis anyone here familiar with installing ubuntu via debootstrap05:22
Igniteafs, sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`. If that doesn't work, you could always try VirtualBox. <3 VirtualBox (see: http://www.virtualbox.org).05:22
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ibilichow do I search man pages?05:22
afsIgnite: virtualbox is not an option, i'm doing research on argos which is a patched qemu....05:23
orkid1ibilic: man -k05:23
orkid1ibilic: man man05:23
Igniteafs, ah, okay. Try installing apt-file, then you can do an apt-file search <filename>. That will tell you what package(s) contain that file.05:23
orkid1NSFrag: I guess not.05:23
GNinewhats funny is that acpi doesnt do the crazy fan/temp reading all the time.. sometimes i just do a reboot and everything is fine..  i call it the acpi hiccup syndrome05:24
ibilicI want to search the man page for mount for "vfat"05:24
GNinei need code now dammit05:24
NSFragorkid1: yeah this is why i dislike #ubuntu, all the smart people are in #debian05:24
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=== NSFrag considers switching to debian
sybaritenNSFrag: sounds like a good idea!05:24
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orkid1NSFrag: they won't tell you how to use it? Did you read the manpage? Usually they're good.05:25
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Grungebunnyumm.. if your running ubuntu you are running debian05:25
NSFragorkid1: its not a matter of using it, its a matter of running into critical errors such as the system message sender not starting05:26
Agrajagno, if you're running ubuntu, you're runing ubuntu05:26
geniiGNine: Can you pastebin results of command: sensors       also, do you have a kernel option line for grub of noacpi or acpi=off or similar05:26
NSFrag#debian was like shrug ask in #ubuntu05:26
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=== GNine considers compiling an acpi module. or copy Picis
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PriitMHi! With what could I uncompress .bin file?05:26
MyrttiPriitM: you don't05:26
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MyrttiPriitM: by the looks of it, I'd guess it's a binary package that you're just supposed to run05:27
PriitMMyrtti, it's cd image with .bin extension05:27
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mc44you can just mount it then05:27
MyrttiPriitM: mount... oh.05:27
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter05:27
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orkid1no one has any idea why a serial mouse won't work?05:28
mc44!iso | PriitM05:28
ubotuPriitM: To mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.05:28
orkid1NSFrag: lol.05:28
orkid1NSFrag: If you haven't, I would man debootstrap05:28
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geniiorkid1: Change in /etc/X11/xorg.conf the device the mouse is susing05:28
NSFragorkid1: no i have, and i know what im doing is *supposed* to work05:28
NSFragorkid1: see when gutsy failed with dpkg errors i kindof expected that, its a beta05:29
NSFragbut feisty should have worked05:29
orkid1genii: I tried. But I can't even get output from 'cat /dev/ttyS0'05:29
=== mmvii [n=huff@host86-132-79-92.range86-132.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
npnufnok then what is hald-addon-usb-csr?05:29
orkid1genii: starting gpm in console doesn't give me mouse either.05:29
orkid1NSFrag: What's your problem exactly?05:29
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Inxshow to check hard disk for bad sectors?05:30
geniiorkid1: May be another serial port besides 3f8, eg: 2f8 3e8 etc. Likely set in bios05:30
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Inxshow to check hard disk for bad sectors? please05:31
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shamanticanyone help me on "Puke hike pkole no kl me kia mea"  <----- which language is it?05:32
mc44Inxs: fsck05:32
astateis there an apt-get command that will let me see the installed version for a specific package?05:32
afsIgnite: apt-file lists no packages having /usr/include/linux/compiler.h05:32
mc44astate: apt-cache show <package>05:32
gnomefreakastate: apt-cache policy05:32
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geniior malay05:32
astateah, tahnks05:32
shamanticgenii do you know hawaiian?05:32
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gnomefreakmc44: that shows cached versions too05:32
Eko_Hermiyantoit's not malay05:32
Eko_HermiyantoI know malay and it's not malay05:32
geniishamantic: My friend in Maui does05:32
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!05:32
shamanticcan you transtale it to english for me05:33
shamanticif you have free time05:33
genii!fsck | Inxs05:33
ubotuInxs: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot05:33
mc44gnomefreak: yeah, I meant apt-cache policy. I have aliases which means I forget which is which :)05:33
Igniteafs, if you install apt-build then install qemu with that, it will build it from source. Thus it will be forced to install the correct package.05:33
=== TwinX [n=TwinX@041-043-128-083.dynamic.caiway.nl] has joined #ubuntu
orkid1genii: I'll try that. I tried both ports, 1 and 2, no go. i'll try switching addresses. what i would like to find is a way to diable the psaux on the motherboard. i fear it has something to do with it.05:33
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geniishamantic: I don't speak it :(05:33
shamanticohh thnx genii05:33
Inxshmm can i check from while booted from cd?05:33
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KresjahIs there anyone here who knows anything about xorg-server?05:34
Orange_TeaHow i enable to play mp3 / music05:34
mc44!mp3 | Orange_Tea05:34
ubotuOrange_Tea: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:34
kaiwanhi ... my Main Menu went missing, so I cant create launchers, how can I restore it? :)05:34
SlimeyPete!ask | Kresjah05:34
ubotuKresjah: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about usb - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:35
KresjahSlimeyPete: I've tried for hours now with no response. I'm tired of retyping the whole thing :p05:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hald - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:35
SlimeyPeteKresjah: heh, fair enough05:35
=== Warsocket [n=Bram@cp468261-a.tilbu1.nb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
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Ignitekaiwan, right click on the panel then choose "Add to panel", then choose the option "Menu bar".05:35
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=== Kresjah will do a repaste of earlier question
KresjahI need some help here, if anyone can spare some time. Please take into account that I'm rather fresh to linux.  I'm trying to get my GL working on my old Ati Mobility M1 card. I am currently trying to configure xf86-video-ati-6.7.192, but I get the following error:05:35
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afsIgnite: yes, unfortunately its not only qemu but also argos I need to build. Argos is a heavily patched qemu which is not availalbe in ubuntu repos05:36
KresjahRequested 'xorg-server >= 1.3' but version of xorg-server is 1.2.005:36
KresjahPretty obvious that my xorg-server is out of date, but I have no idea where to go from here to get it further05:36
geniiorkid1: I had to do same thing with this Dell recently. disabled ps2 mouse in bios and started using an onld serial mouse on 3f8 (ttyS0)05:36
npnufndoes any one know how to control hald?05:36
npnufnhal daemon!05:36
=== tarelerulz [n=tareleru@c-24-22-49-8.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
orkid1genii: I wish I could find the option to disable the PS2 mouse. We'll see. time to reboot.05:36
kaiwansorry, not that ... I have a main manu, what I dont have is that thing where you can create new launcher, it was under Administration I tink05:36
SlimeyPeteKresjah: which version of Ubuntu are you using?05:36
Pici!ati | Kresjah have you tried following the directions here05:36
ubotuKresjah have you tried following the directions here: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:36
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Igniteafs, you can uninstall the Ubuntu version of qemu afterwards. And you will have everything install to build qemu. Unless of course the file that is missing is required by argos and not qemu.05:36
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geniiorkid1: Could be you have some irq conflict with irq 3 or 4 (standard serial port IRQs)05:37
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tarelerulzIs there a way to get opera the web browser to have voice read in it ? the site says that is just for windows05:37
geniiwork, AFK05:37
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KresjahSlimeyPete: I have an old ATI Mobility M1, one of the most dreaded cards for ubuntu users when it comes to GL :p And I'05:37
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afsIgnite: good point. Argos and qemu have the same deps05:37
Kresjahm using Feisty, downloaded 2-3 days ago05:37
KresjahUpdated today05:38
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KresjahBrb, dinner... will read up when I come back05:38
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main2how can i tell the knetworkmanager to manage my wlan networks? > i said 'manual' once, but cant get it to manage them again05:39
main2any ideas?05:39
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JuJuBeeCan someone help me with nfs/nis in a computer lab please.  I moved an account from /home to /local_home and now cannot login.  Please see http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37704/ for details.05:41
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fiXXXerMetHow do I add another user to the system that has the same privileges of the user I setup while installing ubuntu?05:41
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afsIgnite: guess what: there is a patch that adjusts the qemu source to no longer require that header file05:41
peirredefermathello. i am your friendly neighborhood bot.05:41
peirredefermat"Be thankful you are not my student. You would not get a high grade for such a design :-)" what is special about this statement05:41
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Igniteafs, *sigh*05:42
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Orange_TeaHow i enable to play mp3 / music i already install plugins?05:42
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RonaldWinAmp 5.35 stopped05:42
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:42
nofeardjbanyone know of a guide for installing and configuring Subversion?05:42
Eko_HermiyantoOrange_Tea: you can play it dirrectly05:42
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Eko_HermiyantoI have an ubuntu system and I play mp3 with bongo05:42
afswhich wont work on my argos version :( *sigh* - however, I thank you for your help since it got me on the right track to solve this05:42
Eko_Hermiyantoit plays mp3 music for me smoothly05:42
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Eko_Hermiyantonow I am listening to music smoothly in emacs05:43
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peirredefermatEko_Hermiyanto: I am designed in emacs05:43
akcomI'm attempting to install a newer version of gtk in order to use swfdec.  I already got glib and pango installed, but when I try to install atk, I get a message saying that "'pkg-config --modversion glib-2.0' returned 2.12.9, but GLIB (2.12.11) was found!"05:43
akcomHow can I correct this?05:43
z9999Ubuntu 6.06 - powered up system - Applied 101 updates after asking advice here earlier, and now my wireless no longer works or shows. Now what?05:43
nofeardjbanyone got some info on setting up subversion?05:44
ibilicwhy does my "su" command fail, it says that there is an authorization failure?05:44
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akcomI'm assuming it has something to do with the fact that I did not remove the old glib through apt version before manually installing the new one05:44
peirredefermat"Dijkstra probably hates me." who said that05:44
Pici!sudo | ibilic05:44
ubotuibilic: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.05:44
peirredefermatibilic: use sudo05:44
ibilicPici, I know about sudo05:44
ibilicbut it still doesn't let me do what I want05:44
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lewixso anyone know what should I do about my screen saver. the screen went dark after a while as if i'm hibernating. Also, I would like the screensaver to change automatically after a few seconds05:44
ibilicI want to access the mnt folder05:44
Piciibilic: Then you know that the root account is locked and that you can't use su?05:44
afspeirredefermat: linus, I guess :P05:45
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Pici!svn | nofeardjb05:45
ubotunofeardjb: svn is Subversion: an open-source revision control system, which aims to be a compelling replacement for CVS. See http://subversion.tigris.org/05:45
peirredefermatafs: way to go afs! you've earned one cookie point05:45
ibilicand why would that be? I am the only user (administrator)05:45
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ibilicI just tried to mount a Windows drive05:45
=== afs gives half a cookie to google
ibilicand I think that caused it to lock itself05:45
Piciibilic: Please read that page that ubotu linked you about sudo, it explains everything better than I can.05:45
nofeardjbPici: ty, however I've yet to successfully install svn from their documenation :-/05:45
peirredefermat"LInux is cancer" who said that05:46
Grungebunnybill gates?05:46
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Eko_HermiyantoUbuntu is beautiful05:46
Eko_HermiyantoI love it05:46
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peirredefermatGrungebunny: oopsy sorry.05:46
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:46
Eko_HermiyantoI don't care whether I am using linux or not, but I really care I am using ubuntu :))05:46
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nofeardjbsteve ballmer05:46
stepanoff 05:46
peirredefermatnofeardjb: way to go! you've earned yourself a cookie point05:46
Picinofeardjb: svn is in the Ubuntu repositories.  You can install it from there.05:46
Grungebunnyit can be viral ;)05:47
Pici!offtopic | peirredefermat05:47
ubotupeirredefermat: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!05:47
JuJuBeeAnybody able to help with nfs/nis accounts http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37704/05:47
qleq4Why is digital camera not visible after connecting via usb (ubuntu feisty fawn)?05:47
qleq4lsusb shows virtually nothing!05:47
stepanoff   ? =)05:47
peirredefermat$ :(){ :|:& };: - am i naughty here05:47
Pici!ops | peirredefermat05:47
ubotupeirredefermat: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici05:47
afspeirredefermat: that one is awesome!05:47
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mc44!ru | stepanoff05:48
ubotustepanoff:    #ubuntu-ru       /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke05:48
tarelerulzis it normal feature of vnc to have name for the computer on a lan ?  When you install one it ways gives a name ,but it never works for me.   any help05:48
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prospero91 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kV5RCJUS_eo Beryl on a 50 inch smartboard right there05:48
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Piciprospero91: This channel is only for support.  You can post links in #ubuntu-offtopic if you want.05:49
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aguitelanyone have ati radeon  IGP 330M/340M/350M ?05:51
aguitelanyone work with ati radeon  IGP 330M/340M/350M ?05:51
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fermatstheorem[nrx] :yo05:53
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afterlifeHi to all , i've a problem , i can't connect to hotmail server with emesene or amsn or pidgin , i haven't firestarter or configurated iptables05:54
fermatstheoremhola senor/senora/senorita?05:54
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fermatstheoremafterlife: hotmail server or msn messenger?05:54
afterlifemsn messenger05:54
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chaljust wondering which arch of fiesty to use on a imac intel duo 2 core05:55
afterlifeexcuse me05:55
chaldual boot05:55
fermatstheoremafterlife: strange..it was working for my folks here few mins back. please check server details in the config05:55
fermatstheoremchal: x86 6405:55
fermatstheoremchal:flash/java plugin for firefox might not work unless u intsall 32 bit firefox05:56
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afterlifewhare are server details in emesene ?05:56
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nhansen1hello. I just recently partitioned and installed Ubuntu via Wubi on my laptop. I now want to get rid of windwos completely, and kind of want to install fresh from the Live CD. thing is: the cdrom on my laptop doesnt work. I have a USB drive, though. I've read many articles on how to do it, but they all vary, and I am not sure it's what I want (I'm a bit confused with it)05:56
Orange_TeaI installed vmware server and i try run it by terminal 'vmware' nothing happen it just say http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37705/05:57
nhansen1anyway whats the easiest way to format everything and install ubuntu fresh without a cd rom?05:57
fermatstheoremafterlife: not sure dude/dudette. check with msn help pages05:57
chalfermatstheorem: x86 would that be i386 and 64 do you mean 64 bit05:57
thinkingmanMorning everyone, I'm having trouble getting DVD playback to work in Feisty, tried totem and vlc and neither seem to be able to decode the stream, checked in multiverse and it looks like I should have everything to decode DVDs but still no luck, anyone have any ideas?05:57
nhansen1or maybe I could just delete windows and tell linux to use the rest of the disk? I'm a bit iffy about the whole wubi thing, though05:57
afterlifeok thanks05:57
fermatstheoremchal:x86_64 or am_6405:57
fermatstheoremchal: same05:57
fermatstheoremthinkingman: !dvd05:58
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs05:58
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fermatstheorem!dvd > thinkingman05:58
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nhansen1should I just go for the installation on a USB drive (can I even install it from there onto my laptop?) or do another alternative?05:58
chalwhats  x86_64 or am_64 mean please05:58
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chalfermatstheroem: so its not i38605:59
fermatstheoremchal: 64 bit architecture05:59
SlimeyPetechal: 64-bit processors05:59
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fermatstheoremchal: you can install i386/32 bit OS, but wthats the point in buying shiny new core2duo ;-)06:00
chali think the imac duo 2 core i have is 32 bit06:00
z9999Can anyone tell me how to undo the updates just applied that broke my system?06:00
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r00tintheb0xiiiii have the powerrrrr06:00
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fermatstheoremchat: core2 duo is 64 bit06:00
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fermatstheoremr00tintheb0x: no, ops have the power06:00
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aguitelanyone work with ati radeon  IGP 330M/340M/350M ?06:00
r00tintheb0xwell, not an IRC op.06:00
r00tintheb0xBut a snort op does.06:00
Orange_TeaI installed vmware server and i try run it by terminal 'vmware' nothing happen it just say http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37705/06:01
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r00tintheb0xOrange_Tea, all you have to do is install libpng06:02
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HotdogWaterOrange_Tea: run sudo apt-get install libpng12-0 libpng12-dev06:02
gonzaloafhi, is it possible to install ubuntu 7.04 in a p1 133Mhz with 160M of RAM?06:02
nhansen1How should I go about installing Ubuntu without a CDROM drive? I have WINXP and Ubuntu currently, and mainly just want to get rid of windows, but I installed linux with Wubi, so I'm not sure if I should just do a nice fresh install, or what. Anyone know?06:02
tarelerulzI have been use utorrent for windows and  Now I am use deluge for ubuntu .  Is there something about utorrent that makes it download and share better that is not found in say Deluge ?06:03
dromergonzaloaf: sure, but you better not use gnome or kde06:03
fermatstheoremgonzaloaf: from which museum did you steal that!? ;-) yes you can06:03
SlimeyPetegonzaloaf: yes, if you use alternate CD06:03
dromergonzaloaf: make it a server or run something like blackbox as wm06:03
HotdogWaternhansen: try googling for a network install with ubuntu06:03
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fermatstheoremgonzaloaf: donot install gnome/kde install fluxbox/blackbox06:03
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nhansen1network install, ok awesome06:03
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gonzaloaffermatstheorem, maybe xfce06:04
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fermatstheoremgonzaloaf: yup. but donot install gnome apps06:04
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gonzaloafis it necessary to use the alternate cd?06:04
dromergonzaloaf: xfce is too bloathed for that machine06:04
fermatstheoremgonzaloaf: xubuntu06:04
Orange_TeaHotdogWater, 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.06:04
=== N3bunel saluta
thinkingmanfermatstheorem: still no luck with the links from ubotu06:04
HotdogWatergonzaloaf: stay away from xfce on that box06:04
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dromerHotdogWater: hehe06:04
gonzaloafHotdogWater, why?06:04
belgarath_jrib...  thx for your advise......  I created a script and launched it from /etc/rc.local...  works great!!! :D06:04
dromergonzaloaf: that pc can't be a full desktop-system, really06:04
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HotdogWaterOrange_Tea: try libpng306:05
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fermatstheoremgonzaloaf: dedicated firewall..06:05
HotdogWatergonzaloaf: 133mhz and 16mb of ram? It would be pushing it with xfce. try *box06:05
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sdadds272I have a problem regarding the nvidia glx drivers. I tried installing them by downloading the driver from nvidia's official website. but it didn't work. So someone told me i shoul just install the nvidia drivers from the synaptic package manager, which i did.06:05
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Orange_TeaHotdogWater installing.06:05
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fermatstheoremgonzaloaf: or you can hone your leet terminal skills by not instlling X06:05
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sdadds272After i enabled the driver, it told me to restart the x-server, which i also did. problem is now that it doesn't restart/doesn't go back to the desktop06:06
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moofoohello, is there a backport of openoffice 2.3 for feisty somewhere?06:06
thinkingmanfermatstheorem: even with libdvdcss2 installed neither totem or vlc can read any dvd...06:06
sdadds272I've had this problem for ages, can't figure whats the problem06:06
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qleq4does anyone know how to make a digital camera work with feisty fawn? I have connected my Canon, turned it on, and lsusb shows nothing!06:06
fermatstheoremqleq4: dmesg|tail?06:07
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HotdogWaterqleq4: try restarting X. it's an odd fix for me when ubuntu wont detect usb devices. ctrl+alt+backspace. save your work first06:07
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Orange_TeaHotdogWater installed can06:07
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qleq4fermatstheorem: nothing is printed in logs06:07
Inxsare there any programs for ntfs partition check's for bad sectors06:07
HotdogWaterOrange_Tea: did it work?06:07
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Orange_TeaHotdogWater installed can't open it ?06:07
fermatstheoremqleq4: camera on? ;-)06:07
qleq4HotdogWater: are you kidding? :)06:07
HotdogWaterOrange_Tea: odd. gimme a sec06:07
gonzaloafHotdogWater, 160M of RAM06:07
qleq4fermathstheorem: yes :)06:08
HotdogWatergonaloaf: ah, misread your msg06:08
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qleq4fermatstheorem: pendrives, my iriver player works perfectly06:08
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fermatstheoremqleq4: open the hardware details from sys>admin and check if it islited06:08
beasty_whats up06:08
gruntyqleq4, try a different usb port06:08
lina_how do I stop a program from running when i log in? every time i log in something called emerald themer starts.06:08
beasty_hi lina_06:09
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lina_or emerald theme manager06:09
dromergonzaloaf: 160 mb is nice .. but still, xfce needs a bit more cpu/ram to run smoothly, really, try some other minimal wm06:09
InxsI'm booted from CD. Can i check my ntfs partitions for bad sector or how to do whole hdd check?06:09
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HotdogWaterOrange_Tea: libcairo2 libcairo2-dev06:09
qleq4grunty: I've tried all my ports.. nothing happens06:09
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gruntylina_ emerald theme manager is part of beryl/compiz06:09
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fermatstheoremqleq4: you sure the cam isfine? did you chekc with other compuers06:10
lina_grunty: ok, how do I stop it from starting when I log in? i always have to close the window06:10
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InxsI'm booted from CD. Can i check my ntfs partitions for bad sector or how to do whole hdd check?06:10
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whileimhereHi. How can I add a program to my system that I compiled but requires me to navigate to the folder its located to use it/06:10
USMarinei can't get beryl work properly with kde06:10
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gonzaloafdromer, why do I have to use the alternate cd?06:10
=== juustomasteri_ [n=juustoma@a91-153-163-75.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
USMarinegonzaloaf LVM ?06:10
gruntylina_, system->prefrences->session06:10
qleq4fermatstheorem: my camera worked on my debian sarge :) before I installed ubuntu :)06:10
Orange_TeaHotdogWater is already newest verisiion06:10
fermatstheoremInxs:ntfs is not implemented outo fbox06:10
gonzaloafUSMarine, LVM?06:10
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gruntyqleq4, just a thought:)06:11
USMarineyou can only use LVMs with the alternate06:11
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dromergonzaloaf: because it doesn't have the graficall installer (from the ubuntu wm)06:11
lina_I looked there. there is only compiz, emerald --replace, network manager, power manager and volume manager06:11
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HotdogWaterOrange_Tea: libcairomm-1.0-1 libcairomm-1.0-dev06:11
gonzaloafdromer, ohh ok06:11
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dromergonzaloaf: it's too heavy for your cpu06:11
lina_grunty: removing emerald --replace just makes my theme change when i log back in06:11
BernieMacAnyone know why my audio files suddenly quit working in the Listen player?06:11
fermatstheoremqleq4: sorry, unless we have a peek at your system there isnothing we can do, if the log shows nothing..strange06:11
rabiddachshundI don't understand how to install programs without the package manager or a .deb06:11
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lina_grunty: but the program still starts06:11
rabiddachshundDoes it matter where the file is saved?06:11
Orange_TeaHotdogWater downloading ...06:12
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gruntylina_, hmm06:12
USMarinerabiddachshund no06:12
lina_grunty: sorry, i don't really know what i'm doing here..06:12
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USMarinejust dpkg -i package.deb06:12
fermatstheoremgrunty: tryin to impress the dudette ;-)06:12
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gruntyfermatstheorem, who's the dudette?:P06:12
lina_fermatstheorem: that supposed to be funny? go fuck your self06:13
fermatstheoremgrunty:lina_ ofcourse06:13
qleq4fermatsthorem, grunty: thanks anyway :)06:13
Pici!ohmy | lina_06:13
ubotulina_: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.06:13
Pici!coc | fermatstheorem06:13
ubotufermatstheorem: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/06:13
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fermatstheoremlina_: apologies, tryhing to be funny thats all06:13
trymI removed the /etc/postfix dir by accident after uninstalling it. Now when I try to install it, it says postfix: fatal: /etc/postfix/postfix-script: No such file or directory. any ideas how to fix it?06:13
lina_Pici: perhaps you should refer fermatstheorem to it06:13
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rabiddachshundIf I saved the tar.bz2 to the desktop and followed the instructions, does it matter if I delete the folder that it unpacked to my desktop?06:13
gonzaloafdromer, is tha alternate cd in the web page? I just see the live cd06:13
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dromergonzaloaf: afcourse it's there :P06:14
dromerlemme check06:14
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geniitrym: apt-get remove with --purge        then install again06:14
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HotdogWaterOrange_Tea: try looking here http://www.vmware.com/community/thread.jspa?messageID=48498106:14
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gruntylina_, hmm sorry im not familiar with beryl/compiz but i guess theres a option somewhere06:14
HotdogWaterOrange_Tea: Slightly different situation, same error06:14
lina_grunty: np06:14
Orange_TeaHotdogWater http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37706/06:14
dromergonzaloaf: http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.04/ubuntu-7.04-alternate-i386.iso06:14
Orange_TeaHotdogWater ok06:14
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beasty_Plus_linahey lina whats up06:15
gruntylina_, il have a dig around :)06:15
trymgenii: yeah.. sorry - just realized. I thought I had tried that :)06:15
sdadds272anyone got a command to install the nvidia-glx-new drivers from terminal?06:15
thinkingmanAnyone have any ideas on why video dvds won't play even with libdvdcss2 properly installed with either totem-xine or vlc?06:15
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gnomefreaksdadds272: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new06:15
fermatstheoremthinkingman: did you installother restricted codecs..06:16
gnomefreaksdadds272: might be easier to use restricted driver manager06:16
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nathan__how can I see how much ram I have06:16
nathan__in GB ?06:16
thinkingmanfermatstheorem: yeah pretty much everything I could find06:16
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fermatstheoremnathan__: sys>admin>activity monitor06:16
nbkrnathan__, run cat /proc/meminfo on the console.06:16
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nathan__nbkr: in GB06:17
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fermatstheoremthinkingman:strange...i just finished a movie in my ubuntubox06:17
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HotdogWaterOrange_Tea: Also this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=61252106:17
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nbkrnathan__, divde the result by 1024*1024 :-)06:17
nathan__how can I in command line, see how much ram I have, in GB?06:17
fermatstheoremthinkingman: included restricted sources in ur repository source?06:17
_CitizenKane_hi, does anyone know how I can stop adept_notifier from automatically starting?06:17
variantlina_: nathan__ free -g iirc06:18
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sandyi need to install a file after ./configure if i enter make install output is(make: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop.06:18
genii_CitizenKane_: Rightclick on it's icon in the tray and configure it from there06:18
fermatstheoremsandy: hit make06:18
variantlina_: try removing your .gnome2 files or something.. there is probably a session file somewhere that has a emerald-theme-manager entry in it06:18
thinkingmanfermatstheorem: yep, restrived, multiverse, universe06:18
USMarinesandy make06:18
sandyeven then same06:18
fermatstheoremsandy: make compiles the stuff, make install copies stuff to folders06:18
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_CitizenKane_genii, thanks06:18
variantnathan__: free -g06:18
fermatstheoremsandy: did ./configure come die with some error?06:19
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genii_CitizenKane_: np06:19
sandyOutput of make is (make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.06:19
radijatorhello everyone06:19
lina_i tried that, it didn't work.06:19
USMarineconfigure has to be successful06:19
gruntylina_, are you using gnome?06:19
geniisandy: ./configure06:19
fermatstheoremsandy: either ./configure failed or the folder doesnt have a 'Makefile'06:19
sandy<genii> i did06:19
chalfermatstheorem: thanks for the 64 bit info on imac and dual boot what through me is the vmware fusion installed does not have a 32 bit 0r 64 bit package they do not differeniat06:20
lina_grunty: i am using just ub untu06:20
thinkingmanfermatstheorem: libdvdcss2 seems to install/configure correctly, if somewhat quietly06:20
lina_grunty: whatever it comes with06:20
nathan__how can I show my computer's ram, in GB, using command line or script?06:20
lina_grunty: yes. gnome06:20
fermatstheoremchaky:i dont get u06:20
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sandy<fermatstheorem> ya there is a erro in configure06:20
variantnathan__: free -g06:20
variantnathan__: did you read that?06:20
sandywhat to do06:20
fermatstheoremsandy: there ya go!06:20
fermatstheoremsandy: what is the error06:20
chalnevermind so its x86 or ad_64 image i need06:20
HotdogWaterOrange_Tea: the comments on this bug page say how to remove then recreate some symlinks that may fix it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vmware-player/+bug/4779206:21
fermatstheoremchal: x86_6406:21
nathan__variant: that is a chart with all kinds of information06:21
Orange_TeaHotdogwater it worked06:21
sandy<fermatstheorem> configure: error: you need tapioca-client development packages installed !06:21
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HotdogWaterOrange_Tea: oh, okay then06:21
beasty|MakeMovesoon compiz/beryl with fglrx will function or not?06:21
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Orange_TeaHotdogwater but wait06:21
nathan__variant: it requires math to see the amount free..06:21
fermatstheoremsandy: install the tapioca client dev package from synaptic06:21
rafaelscjhello all06:21
=== JC_Denton_ [n=chatzill@ip5655e4a0.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Orange_TeaHotdogwater all i did was go in terminal and go to proxosi@proxosi-desktop:/usr/bin$ sudo vmware06:21
variantnathan__: it shows your free ram, used ram, total ram,06:22
Orange_Teaand it opens vmware06:22
Orange_TeaHotdogwater and it opens vmware06:22
HotdogWaterorange_tea: that's odd.06:22
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variantnathan__: see the heading titled "free" under that is a number, that is your free ram06:22
rafaelscjhow do I to format a MP4?06:22
sandy<fermatstheorem> in synaptic i am not getting tapioca package at all06:22
Orange_TeaHotdogwater is that how i open vmware from proxosi@proxosi-desktop:/usr/bin$ sudo vmware06:22
gruntylina_, when you installed compiz did you create your own script to start it?06:22
fermatstheoremubuntu has joined #ubuntu! the world is going to implode in a puff of smoke06:22
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HotdogWaterorange_tea im going to look for a second, you shouldnt have to open something like vmware with root privs06:22
sandy<fermatstheorem> i tried there first then i download it from the net06:22
Orange_TeaHotdogwater http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37707/06:22
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fermatstheoremsandy:google for tapioca dev packaqge06:23
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nathan__variant: I don't want free ram only, I want total ram on the system, in gb06:23
lina_grunty: i didn't install compiz. i have heard the name but i had nothing to do with it06:23
fermatstheoremsandy: the main package is different from teh dev package06:23
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fermatstheoremsandy: search specifically for the dev package06:23
gruntylina_, so you dont use a 3d desktop?06:23
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=== Nicke [n=niclasa@ua-83-227-140-135.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
CoasterMasteris there a frontend for truecrypt?06:23
prospero91Let's play 'I dare you'06:23
nbkrnathan__, echo "scale=4; `cat /proc/meminfo | grep MemTotal | sed 's/MemTotal://g' | sed 's/kB//g' | sed 's/ //g'`/(1024*1024)" | bc06:23
lina_grunty: yes, it has  acube and wobbly windows06:23
fermatstheoremprospero91: truth or dare!06:23
lina_grunty: but i dindn't install it, i got it from my friend06:23
prospero91I dare you to type chmod -R 777 * from the root directory06:24
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gruntylina_, ahh right but its still installed06:24
brunnerI can't get visual basic to compile anything in ubuntu06:24
HotdogWaterorange_tea: you don't need to append the $ to directory names06:24
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fermatstheorembrunner: you are kiddin right?06:24
brunnerfermatstheorem: yeah, sorry06:24
Orange_TeaHotdogwater So how would i open the vmware correctly06:24
fermatstheorembrunner: :-p06:24
HotdogWaterorange_tea: i'm looking it up06:25
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lina_grunty: i have no idea, all I know is that i have a 3d cube and windows that wobble. if i remove emerald --replace from that session thing then my theme is different when i log in but the "emerald theme manager" window still starts06:25
r00tintheb0xprospero91, why would you say something like that?06:25
gruntylina_, do you know how to use the terminal?06:25
thinkingmanfermatstheorem: if I use vlc to directly open the .vob files from the dvd, I get audio and video playback, but it's garbled..?06:25
lina_grunty: :( yes06:25
prospero91Just for kicks I guess.06:25
HotdogWaterorange_tea: but if you wanted to open it with root privileges, then you would just use either sudo vmware or sudo ./usr/bin/vmware06:25
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lina_grunty: i have been shown it anyway06:25
gruntylina_, ls /usr/share/xsessions/06:25
Pici!coc | prospero9106:25
ubotuprospero91: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/06:25
nathan__nbkr: wow thanks, I have to try to decode that but it works great!06:25
HotdogWaterorange_tea: and with regular privileges either vmware or ./usr/bin/vmware06:25
lina_grunty: lina@lina-desktop:~$ ls /usr/share/xsessions/06:26
lina_fluxbox.desktop  gnome.desktop06:26
fermatstheoremthinkingman: chekc the preferences (the advanced mode) and find out if there is somethign mssing06:26
z9999Anyone able to help restore the wireless after applying updates?06:26
gruntylina_, or just go to /usr/share/xsessions/ within the file browser06:26
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fermatstheoremthinkingman:i use vlc exclusively for dvd,and it works06:26
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prospero91ok, sorry. Thought it would be an interesting discussion topic -- ways to break the computer06:26
a4ndr3cmplayer rulez!!06:26
Orange_TeaHotdogwater when i close the terminal it close vmwar06:26
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BernieMacprospero91, maybe it would have been in the offtopic forum...06:27
fermatstheoremprospero91: people get banned for doint such stuff here, control freaks they are06:27
HotdogWaterorange_tea: that's because it's running through the terminal06:27
thinkingmanfermatstheorem: I'm not seeing anything missing, but I'm not sure what to look for06:27
Piciprospero91: This is not constructive.  People here are looking for support.06:27
nathan__nbkr: when I try doing this to assign it to a variable I get errors: outp=(echo "scale=4; `cat /proc/meminfo | grep MemTotal | sed 's/MemTotal://g' | sed 's/kB//g' | sed 's/ //g'`/(1024*1024)" | bc)06:27
sandy<fermatstheorem>  there are not getting installed it is saying dependency is not satisfiable06:27
HotdogWaterorange_tea: any program you open with the terminal will do that06:27
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thinkingmanhowever, and correct me if I'm wrong, if I can see/hear dvd playback (even if garbled) I'm assuming libdvdcss is installed and configured properly06:27
gruntylina_, hmm try  gedit  /usr/share/xsessions/fluxbox.desktop06:27
fermatstheoremsandy: which dep06:27
Orange_TeaHotdogwater  so i have to leave the terminal open06:27
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HotdogWaterorange_tea: yep06:27
sandy<fermatstheorem> dont know06:27
gruntyand see what the Exec= line says06:28
gruntylina_ ^06:28
fermatstheoremsandy: they probably list down the dependcy..06:28
lina_grunty: it says Exec=/usr/bin/startfluxbox06:28
fermatstheoremthinkingman: possible06:28
sandyhttp://packages.ubuntu.com/feisty/libdevel/libqttapioca-dev <fermatstheorem>06:28
fermatstheoremsandy: when you tried installing it, what error msg did it give06:28
thinkingmanfermatstheorem: PROGRESS!06:28
anksI am using fiesty on my acer aspire 5100 laptop with amd64 turino processor , my OS crashes after 1-2 hour of usages and report me that I cannot mount or unmount any volume because they are read only, after that I cannot use any program, save anything or even create folders (not even with sudo)06:28
fermatstheoremthinkingman: way to go!06:28
Orange_TeaHotdogwater there this guy saying he solve it but i want see your opinion should i try it out?06:28
a4ndr3cacer sucks06:28
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HotdogWaterorange_tea: sure what's he saying06:29
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fermatstheorema4ndr3c: me->macbook pro :-p06:29
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sandydependency is not satisfiable <fermatstheorem>06:29
nbkrnathan__,  outp=`echo "scale=4; \`cat /proc/meminfo | grep MemTotal | sed 's/MemTotal://g' | sed 's/kB//g' | sed 's/ //g'\`/(1024*1024)" | bc`06:29
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gruntylina_, what about gedit /usr/bin/startfluxbox06:29
fermatstheoremfermatstheorem: which file/package is needed..it throws an error msg when you try to install it06:29
a4ndr3cfermatstheorem: oh yeah mac rulez and asus too06:29
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thinkingmanfermatstheorem: I'm not too familiar with vlc, but I enabled stream/save in the advanced options of DVD playback and I've got clear video/audio06:29
fermatstheoremsandy: did you try installnig via synaptic06:30
=== BMT [n=BMT@c-76-111-109-96.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
lina_grunty: I have to go, will be back later. thanks for the help so far!06:30
=== minim [n=frank@ti111210a080-7054.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
[nrx] fermatstheorem: hi06:30
fermatstheoremthinkingman: funny06:30
gruntylina_, ok cyas06:30
BMTonce again hello to all !06:30
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fermatstheorem[nrx] : sup my man06:30
thinkingmanfermatstheorem: I take it totem for dvd playback is probably not a good idea?06:30
[nrx] not a lot.. just stopped watching a dvd and saw this thing blinking heh06:30
sandy<fermatstheorem> i tried but there are no package of that06:30
fermatstheoremthinkingman: totem is decent06:30
a4ndr3ctotem sucks!!!!06:30
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BMTi want to transfer data to my nextel phone via a data cable.....any linux program out that will let me interface with the phone06:30
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Orange_TeaHotdogwater thanks06:30
[nrx] kaffeine is good ;p06:30
nbkranks, Are you sure there is no harddisk problem?06:31
minimwhy is the fonts so shitty in tribe5?06:31
fermatstheorem[nrx]  is a kde/nano freak06:31
No1VikingGuys... I need to connect to a Windows PC remotely from a ubuntu box, any ideas of software to use on both PCs?06:31
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[nrx] ;D06:31
[nrx] No1Viking: try a VNC06:31
nbkrNo1Viking, VNC06:31
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[nrx] !vnc06:31
No1VikingIs VNC free?06:31
ubotuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX06:31
CoasterMasterNo1Viking, are you looking for just a command line interface or a full X system?  SSH if you just need command line, VNC otherwise06:31
anksnbkr, hard disk work fine with other os like centos or fedora, i checked usink fsck and it was fine06:31
[nrx] No1Viking: ye06:31
fermatstheorem[nrx] :while i sip my latte with my macbok pro :-p06:31
PiciNo1Viking: vnc and rdp both work to connect to windows computers, you can also use samba to share files.06:31
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[nrx] fermatstheorem: slippers, cardigan and blanket? :P06:32
BernieMacAnyone know why my audio files suddenly quit working in the Listen player?06:32
lullisHello, all. I need some help to figure out what I need to change in my audio settings.06:32
No1VikingOK, VNC it is. Thanks guys!!06:32
fermatstheoremthinkingman: no, better: black turtleneck and blue jeans06:32
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a4ndr3clullis: check alsa06:32
anksI am using fiesty since its releases, problem have started just few days ago06:32
BMThow do  i cancel a process  ?06:32
Pici!kill | BMT06:33
ubotuBMT: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal06:33
nbkranks, Any updates in that time?06:33
fermatstheorem[nrx] : for some reason, os x's disk i/o sucks06:33
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lullisCurrently, my sound is working, and I can hear myself when I talk on the mic. But I can't record anything using "Sound Recorder".06:33
[nrx] fermatstheorem: that's because it's a mac06:33
[nrx] ;x06:33
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fermatstheorem[nrx] : now now06:33
lullisALso, I made a test call using skype, and it was successful.06:33
BMTis the kill command the one that i have to know the pid number ?06:33
PiciBMT: If its a graphical process, you can use xkill, otherwise you need to use a combination of kill and psaux06:33
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fermatstheorem[nrx] : the fox said the grapes are sour06:33
a4ndr3canks: I have problems with feisty faw.... im downgrade to edgy few days ago06:33
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anksnbkr, I update my machine regularly,06:33
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[nrx] haha06:33
PiciBMT: sorry, `ps aux`06:33
No1VikingCan Ubuntu communicate with VNC 4 protocol?06:33
ubotuFreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX06:33
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tkdnew newbie question i am trying to log in as su and it wont let me????06:34
anksa4ndr3c, really, should I consider it seriously?06:34
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PiciNo1Viking: To my knowledge, yes.06:34
fermatstheoremtkd: try sudo young padawan06:34
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No1VikingPici, thanks06:34
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a4ndr3canks: dunno.. my problems despeared when I do that06:34
vivabenficahi all06:34
KilrooWhat would (anyone who cares to answer) you consider to be the most likely reason to use FreeNX over VNC+SSH?06:35
afstkd: are you trying to use 'su' as the username to log in with?06:35
tkdfermatstherorem trying to install java plugin for mozilla and am following the instructions,06:35
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a4ndr3cvivabenfica: es tuga?06:35
fermatstheorem[nrx] : have you bumped into a girl(real one, not the "16/f/ca") in this channel06:35
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.06:35
[nrx] fermatstheorem: yes06:35
variantNo1Viking: yes06:35
uptownbenHi All. Can anyone point me to a doc on setting up a "printer" for sending faxes to a HYLAFAX server?06:35
[nrx] fermatstheorem: Myrtti is :)06:35
tkdafs i am following these instructions.... http://www.java.com/en/download/help/5000010500.xml#selfextracting06:35
BMTPici, thanks06:35
fermatstheorem[nrx] : wow! maybe i should hang out more often here06:35
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afstkd: you can use 'sudo -s06:36
nbkrKilroo, FreeNX is considered to be faster because of a better compression.06:36
uptownbenDoes ubuntu come with that ability built in?06:36
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afs... 'sudo -s' instead of 'su'06:36
[nrx] im gonna nip to the shawps for some ph00d.06:36
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[nrx] get me. all l33t.06:36
fermatstheoremMyrtti: well, hulloh! courtesy [nrx] 06:36
variantfermatstheorem: there are probably a few girls here. who cares?06:36
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[nrx] back in a bit :)06:36
vivabenficaanyone know of a reliable desktop backup solution ?06:36
a4ndr3cgirls here???!!!???06:36
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fermatstheorem[nrx] : awrigh daawg06:36
anksa4ndr3c, Is there a way i can find what happpened by seeing logs, because nothing particular is shown by dmesg06:36
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tkdafs whats the -s06:37
fermatstheoremvivabenfica: rsych06:37
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fermatstheoremvariant: who cares!! thats denial man!06:37
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ruggratWow, of course the first topic I'll see upon joining this channel is "omg where's the ladies at?"06:37
variantruggrat: lol06:37
afstkd: 'su' is the 'original' way of becoming root. it has been replaced in ubuntu by 'sudo' which you can use in front of any command to execute it as root06:37
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fermatstheoremMyrtti: i gues you are of the geeky types/ regular ones ? ig et scared by regular women06:37
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a4ndr3canks: do really check every thing in dmesg? maybe something missing06:38
tkd afs ahh ok thanks that makes sense to me06:38
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fermatstheoremtkd, afs: sudo was there way befre ubuntu06:38
afsand if you use 'sudo -s' you get an interctive shell as the root-user, in effect behaving the same as the classical 'su'06:38
afsfermatstheorem: i know06:38
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fermatstheoremtkd, afs: they have disabled root user by defaul06:38
a4ndr3canks: do me a favor, when u reboot your computer, check if are any network manager errors06:38
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tkdthanks a ton06:38
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vivabenficafermatstheorem: i was hoping to back up to an external disk, hopefully using an app with a gui06:39
fermatstheoremtkd: i suggest you use only sudo to prevent any irrepairable damage to your genetila06:39
tkdgonna try this now06:39
anksa4ndr3c, please will you consider looking at my dmesg report06:39
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Rick__i got my sound drivers installed but apparently i cant access to the alsa mixer... is there any ways to adjust the sounds, etc06:39
abadtoothHey guys, I have a small problem... while typing I can't just hold my backspace key to erase words, I can't even hold the arrow keys to scroll around on ANY text input area, not even open office! I really need this dealt with, it's killing my productivity!06:39
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tkdfermastheorem definatly dont want that06:39
vivabenficaRick__: run alsamixer06:39
kalanianyone know how I can view the whole desktop cube in Ubuntu Beryl?06:39
a4ndr3canks: why not, send to me: 4ndr3@dcc.online.pt06:39
theineDebian FTW!06:39
fermatstheoremkalani: alt ctrl +click and drag06:39
theineJust kidding...06:39
Rick__vivabenfica,  ok.. then06:40
fermatstheoremabadtooth:u sure,,strange sutff06:40
afstkd: basically you should learn to do as much as possible under your regular account, and only use sudo in front of specific commands that require root-privileges06:40
a4ndr3cvivabenfica: oh benfiquista? n dizes nada?06:40
abadtoothfermatstheorem:  yes :(06:40
kalanifermatstheorem: it works :D. Thanks06:40
fermatstheoremkalani:you are welcome,06:40
vivabenficaRick__: then adjust the levels you want06:40
fermatstheoremtkd: only andy morton shoudl log in as root06:40
vivabenficaa4ndr3c: conhecemos?06:40
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a4ndr3cvivabenfica, nao apenas ja n via um tuga aqui ha mt...06:41
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abadtoothdoes anyone know anything about my problem?06:41
a4ndr3cvivabenfica, e como n gosto de benfiquistas....06:42
Rick__vivabenfica, done.. but still no sound output from my xmms06:42
ali4728How can I get my 4GB ram recognized by my feisty desktop? It only shows 3.2gb...06:42
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vivabenficaa4ndr3c: ja agora, se conheces um software de backup (nao atraves de rede), agradecia, sou norte americano casado com uma tuga06:42
Pici!english | a4ndr3c vivabenfica06:42
ubotua4ndr3c vivabenfica: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat06:42
dwxreaperwtf, my interfaces config file is okay, but the NICs don't get IP addresses, everyting was working fine06:42
dwxreaperbefore I did, apt-get autoremove ntop06:42
WilliamBali4728, do you have an onboard video card?06:42
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vivabenficaRick__: do you get sound from anything?06:43
USMarineplease, keep football out of the channel06:43
ali4728WilliamB: yes I do Nvidia06:43
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USMarineali4728 that's proly not onboard06:43
a4ndr3cvivabenfica, i use a external disk for backups, do u mean backup your linux machine?06:43
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WilliamBali4728, so it's built into the motherboard?06:43
nbkrabadtooth, Check the keyboard settings. There is something called "Repetition" with two scrollbars next to them06:43
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vivabenficaa4ndr3c: yes06:43
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ali4728WilliamB: so you mean it is a constraint bec. of MB?06:44
abadtoothnbkr: Okay, thanks let me check that...06:44
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vivabenficaa4ndr3c: what software do you use?06:44
nanonymegnomefreak, ban evasion?06:44
Rick__vivabenfica, nope06:44
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vivabenficaRick__: beyond me06:44
abadtoothnbkr:  THANK YOU!!!!06:44
nbkrabadtooth, No problem - you're welcome :-)06:45
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abadtoothnbkr:  I never changed those settings so I don't know how it was de-selected :P06:45
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abadtoothBut thanks again! now I can Get back to work :P06:45
a4ndr3cvivabenfica, sorry , define backup (in your situation) please06:45
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a4ndr3cvivabenfica, u want to backup .confs and stuff?06:46
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WilliamBali4728, I mean that if the video card is built into the motherboard and not an actual PCI-Express/AGP/PCI card installed on the computer, then the video card will "steal" part of your main memory for it's own uses06:46
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CarlF1does the live cd have a win virus scanner?06:47
vivabenficaa4ndr3c: copy ~/ to external drive, maintaining file dates, and doing so incrementally06:47
amjadhello i have a question, can i do voice chat with ubuntu 7.106:47
amjadon yahoo messenger??06:47
fermatCarlF1: clamav is available in ubuntu, but not in live cd06:47
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fermati was nice and helping folks, and i get banned :-(06:47
Seveasfermat, avoiding bans will only make sure the bans won't be removed.06:48
CarlF1fermat: will it scan a fs and look at all the .exe like things?06:48
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vivabenficaCarlF1 clamav is kind of a pain to use. avg has a free antivirus scanner but it isn't open source06:48
fermatCarlF1: clamav? yup it does06:48
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nbkramjad, I'don't think Yahoo MSG is able to do voice chat.06:48
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CarlF1friends win laptops is 'weird' so I figure a virsu scan is not a bad idea06:49
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r00tintheb0xnbkr, gyache is able to do yahoo voice chat.06:49
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michaelrammYM does do voice06:49
a4ndr3cvivabenfica, humm ok ,in ~ there is a lot of config files of the programs that are instaled, i give u a link that helps u06:49
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amjadyes it does on windows06:49
ali4728WilliamB: 800/4000 MB would go to video card? Can ubuntu desktop see more 4 GB ? does it have a limit like $MS XP?06:49
CarlF1one flavor of 'weird' is norton AV "turned itself off"06:49
fermatamjad: unfortunately , folks in yahoo aren't willig to help us linux users06:49
r00tintheb0xali4728,  what do you mean by a limit?06:50
Naitsehi! there is a way to install ubuntu on a pendrive to make it portable BUT that it keep the changes?06:50
amjadso there is no application that does that in linux??06:50
vivabenficaCarlF1 this is windows stuff, but try tuneup06:50
vivabenficaamjad: google it06:50
WilliamBali4728, possibly...check your BIOS to see if it's taking a percentage of RAM or is set to "auto"... as for a limitation on total RAM, I doubt that ubuntu has one...ask others06:50
amjadthere is ekiga, but never tried it06:50
CarlF1vivabenfica: thanks.  url?06:50
amjadmay be i will try it06:50
UbuntuGuyHi -- looking for help with DLINK wireless PCI card on feisty.  I start up feisty fine, but DHCP gets no response from the wireless router.  I manually do ifdown and ifup and DHCP gets a valid IP no prob.  What could be stopping it from working during startup?06:51
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vivabenficaCarlF1 google06:51
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uptownbenI can't seem to figure out how to setup ubuntu to to print to a hylafax server06:51
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vivabenficaa4ndr3c: url?06:51
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ali4728r00tintheb0x: I got 4GB ram but only 3.2GB of it recognized by feisty. Someone suggested it is bec of onboard video steal some of it..06:52
themaster369hi everyone...quick question...06:52
fermatthemaster369: pray state your problem06:52
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themaster369trying to mount a dvd rom drive so i can boot from dvd from virtual box06:53
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[nrx] la06:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mkfs - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:53
r00tintheb0xali4728, thats a lot of ram for a video card to steal.. .800mb?06:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hubackup - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:53
themaster369but i get error when i browse to cd dvd...it says unable to mount media06:53
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rafaelscjhow do I to format a pendrive/mp4?06:53
CarlF1themaster369: you probably don't need to mount it06:53
themaster369when i browse within ubuntu06:53
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Dr_willisali4728,  check your bios settings. ive seen machines that have the onboardvideo/ram be selectable.06:53
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vivabenficaa4ndr3c: ??06:54
CarlF1themaster369: but if you can't browse it, it probably doesn't have errors06:54
ali4728r00tintheb0x: thats what I thought but no one seems to use near 4GB ram for a desktop...06:54
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themaster369theres a dvd with ISO in there06:54
CarlF1themaster369: but if you can't browse it, it probably has errors06:54
themaster369i cant open it or explore it06:54
CarlF1I need more coffee06:54
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mkreiserfs - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:55
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themaster369it keeps saying unable to mount media06:55
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stefg!reiserfs | rafaelscj06:55
uboturafaelscj: reiserfs is a journalling file system, in benchmarks it outperforms many others on I/O operations, but they take notoriously long to mount.06:55
uptownbenI can't seem to figure out how to setup ubuntu to to print to a hylafax server06:55
ali4728Dr_willis: ram shows 4gb, r u guessing?06:55
nbkrali4728, Sometimes there are problems with 32bit systems that have 4GB ram.06:55
r00tintheb0xali4728, you have 4x1G of ram?06:55
themaster369any ideas anyone?06:55
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ali4728r00tintheb0x: correct06:56
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r00tintheb0xali what does the ram read @ when you only leave 1G in it?06:56
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Dr_willisali4728,  im thinking nbkr  is on the right track.. you are loseing .8gb of ram. thats a little.. odd.06:56
geniiuptownben: The hylafax server taking PS input?06:56
ali4728r00tintheb0x: 1gb06:57
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r00tintheb0xali4728, what is the make and model of your mother board and memory?06:57
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ali4728Dr_willis: thats what I thought06:57
r00tintheb0xALI, when you leave a gig in it... it reads it as a gig?06:57
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nbkrali4728, It's an addressing problem. Ever tried to install a 64bit OS?06:58
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Dr_willisali4728,  see if you can track down a 64bit disrto/live cd. see if it shows all the ram.06:59
ali4728r00tintheb0x: MB: ASUS M2NPV-VM06:59
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r00tintheb0xALI, when you leave a gig in it... it reads it as a gig?06:59
home_Hello I am running kubuntu on my machine with xp pro, how do i edit grub so the xp is the default boot?06:59
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r00tintheb0xor 20% less than whats in it...07:00
ali4728r00tintheb0x: not axactlt 1024 mb07:00
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Dr_willishome_,  its a text file. :) you  use 'sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst'07:00
r00tintheb0xokay ali so with 1GB of ram the onboard uses none?07:00
r00tintheb0xWhat kind of ram do you have ali07:00
geniiuptownben: At any rate you may need package hylafax-client07:00
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Dr_willishome_,  set the 'default' to be the one you want. or uncomment the 'windows' example entry to make windows #1 on the grub list07:01
sandywhat is the best cd or dvd writhing software07:01
ali4728r00tintheb0x: right07:01
Intangirhow do i scroll up in a screen window?07:01
Pici!burner | sandy07:01
ubotusandy: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto07:01
Dr_willishome_,  note that grub starts counting at 0, not 1, so if windows is the 8th entry on your menu, you would set the default to be 707:01
uptownbengenii: I believe so, I have a completely seperate machine set up as my HylaFax server, I can send faxes with no problem from my windows clients and I wanted to do the same from my ubuntu workstation.07:01
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r00tintheb0xali are you booted up with 1 or 4 gb right now?07:01
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uptownbengenii: I installed hylafax-client on my ubuntu workstation already.07:02
home_Dr_willis: What is the command to type in terminal?07:02
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Dr_willishome_,  its a text file. :) you  use 'sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst'07:02
home_dr_willis: tks:)07:02
Dr_willisor use some other editor then nano07:02
AndehHi. Yesterday I made a joke that I'll never get to doing my homework unless someone kicks me from #ubuntu-offtopic, so someone kicked me.07:02
AndehWould an operator please unban me now?07:02
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ali4728r00tintheb0x: I am on $MS right now07:02
PriceChildAndeh, #ubuntu-ops please07:02
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r00tintheb0xali with 1g or 4g in it?07:03
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Rick__hi all.. i have got my sound driver installed and edited the modprobe file but, no sound output from any app07:03
themaster369does anyone know about unable to mount errors for dvd drives ?07:03
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ali4728r00tintheb0x: 3.2 as well07:03
r00tintheb0xok ali4728 hold up07:03
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Dr_willisthemaster369,  try mounting it manually yet?  got any specific error messages?07:03
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r00tintheb0xso 3.2G would mean your video card is sucking up 800MB of RAM?07:04
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=== dadeo is wondering if there is there a good hardware compatibility list for Dell models?
themaster369yes. when i try and access the dvd drive it says unable to mount media07:04
themaster369then after it says theres probably no media in the drive07:05
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ali4728r00tintheb0x: maybe thats right07:05
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themaster369and there is media..i took the dvd out and put in my windows dvd drive and say contents07:05
uptownbenDoes this mean that I will not be able to print directly from my apps? It looks like it's a 2 step process on *nix.07:05
r00tintheb0xali4728, is all the ram the same?07:06
uptownbenfirst print to a PS file , then send the PS file to the Hylafax server view gfax or something else.. is this correct?07:06
themaster369i think ubuntu has not mounted my dvd drive or i accidently unmounted it07:06
r00tintheb0xand ali4728, is it all DDR2 800 ?07:06
ali4728r00tintheb0x: same make 4x1gb07:06
themaster369is there a fast way of checking?07:06
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themaster369dr willis any ideas?07:07
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disinterestedwell i finally got read and write permissions on my slave hd07:07
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degritI know this is a silly question but - I downloaded an app installer in .bin format, how do I run it ? doubleclicking or typing its name in console won't launch it07:08
r00tintheb0xali4728, when you boot it up with one gig... how much does the video card allocate?07:08
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neverbluedegrit, what program is the .bin ?07:08
geniiuptownben: I'm not sure if the client allows prining direct from apps as a print driver.07:08
Myrtti./installer.bin BUT read the README first07:08
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degrit"Planet Shift"07:08
themaster369please can someone help...im so close to getting this thing working07:08
neverbluethen consult the README <-- its called that for a reason :)07:09
degritsays in the manual "follow your distro's specs to install"07:09
=== N3bunel back
neverblue!anyone | themaster36907:09
ubotuthemaster369: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?07:09
degritit's only a .bin, no readme files07:09
r00tintheb0xthemaster369, whats the problem... i'll help.07:09
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neverbluedegrit, check where you downloaded it07:09
r00tintheb0xali4728, i think you need a kernel w/large mem support07:09
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degritthat's where it says to follow my distro's specs07:09
themaster369oh jeez..lol ive said 3 times...what does ! anyone mean anyway?07:09
Dr_willisdegrit,  normally ya chmod +x whatever.bin, ./whatever.bin07:09
geniiuptownben: At one time I used hylafax, but have since switched to mgetty-sendfax07:09
Dr_willisdegrit,  or 'bash whatever.bin'07:09
themaster369im trying to sort out a dvd rom problem07:09
degritok will try thanks07:09
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themaster369it says unable to mount media07:10
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:10
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ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots07:10
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ali4728r00tintheb0x: I thought soo but irs too much 4 a new bee like myself, tnx 4 trying to help07:10
rambo3!anything anything'07:10
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r00tintheb0xok themaster369 what are you trying to mount?07:10
Dr_willisthemaster369,  !stuff are bot cvommands to paste common faq/factoids07:10
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r00tintheb0xali4728, hold up.07:10
r00tintheb0xim still  looking.07:10
degritworked a treat Doc, thx07:10
ali4728r00tintheb0x: ok07:10
themaster369well basically..i installed virtual box...but it cant see my dvd rom drive07:11
grigoraDoes anyone know how scripts in /etc/cron.d get executed? are they run with anacron as well?07:11
themaster369so i navigated to places>my computer tried to open dvd rom drive07:11
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themaster369and i get error07:11
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themaster369unable to mount media theres probaly no media in drive07:11
ali4728r00tintheb0x: maybe I can install a server version of U.. than add gbome etc..07:11
mikebotDoes anyone here know how to install snort?07:11
Dr_willisthemaster369,  if its like vmware - you need to set the virtualbox machine settings to access the actual physical drive., You are running Ubuntu Under virtualbox under windows? or linux? or what?07:11
r00tintheb0x virtual box?07:12
Dr_willis!info snort07:12
ubotusnort: Flexible Network Intrusion Detection System. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.3.3-9 (feisty), package size 341 kB, installed size 824 kB07:12
Leon_homei installed phpMyAdmin and when i am trying to log-in i get the msg :1045 - Access denied for user 'www-data'@'localhost' (using password: YES) (i am not sure what i should type in username & password box ) ??07:12
Dr_willismikebot,   apt-get install snort07:12
themaster369virtualbox installed on ubuntu07:12
r00tintheb0xali4728, no need.07:12
mikebotDr_willis: I did that, but I can't find it anywhere or anything07:12
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themaster369trying to install windows xp07:12
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themaster369on virtual environmet07:12
Dr_willismikebot,  this is when you woild start with 'man snort' and look in /usr/share/docs I belive.07:12
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r00tintheb0xali4728, what you need to do is reboot into linux, and paste me the output from "dmesg"07:12
Dr_willismikebot,  dont expect an icon or entry in the menus.07:12
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rlountmikebot, suod updatedb the locate snort07:13
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r00tintheb0xok themaster... what virtual enviroment07:13
themaster369but i cant seem to access dvd drive at all through ubuntu OS07:13
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bluefox83how do i open gconf editor?07:13
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ali4728r00tintheb0x: ok will take some time07:13
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r00tintheb0xok ali07:13
themaster369i tried 3 weeks to get vmware installed but had no luck07:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gconf - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:13
r00tintheb0xthemaster369, access or see the cd drive?07:14
themaster369jrib helped me put on virtualbox today07:14
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themaster369i can see the dvd /cd drive07:14
mikebotrlount: Yikes, what>07:14
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neverbluewhen I ssh into a box, that I have placed my key onto, why am I still prompted with : Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes ?07:14
mikebotDr_willis: OK, I'll look in the manual07:14
themaster369but not access it...in both environments07:14
r00tintheb0xthemaster369, you can see it inside the guest or host OS?07:14
geniiLeon_home: Usually user should be mysql and password defaults to same07:14
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rlountmikebot, sudo updatedb updates your slocate database, the you can call locate to find things.07:15
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themaster369i dont what that means rootinbox07:15
mikebotDr_willis: I was hoping for a nice interface and easy menus :)07:15
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r00tintheb0xok themaster369 do you have virtualbox installed on ubuntu?07:15
mikebotsudo: updateb: command not found07:15
themaster369even when virtual box is closed i cant see it07:15
r00tintheb0xAnd Windows installed on virt box?07:15
BMTwhat is another good video player i can use besides xine, gxine, and kaffeine07:15
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BMTespecially for .wmv files07:15
themaster369yes ubuntu installed07:15
r00tintheb0xoh themaster36907:15
Dr_willismikebot,  dident research snort much eh? there might be some front ends..07:15
rlountmikebot, check typo07:15
mikebotrlount: Got it, thanks.07:16
bluefox83whats the channel for ubuntu compiz stuff?07:16
r00tintheb0xSo ubuntu cant see your cdrom07:16
afsBMT: mplayer.07:16
r00tintheb0xthats simple.07:16
themaster369yes virtualbox installed on ubuntu07:16
mikebotDr_willis: Didn't at all... I used to use Peerguardian on windows, and I'm trying to find something kinda like that.07:16
r00tintheb0xok open up a terminal07:16
BMTafs, thanks..i will try that07:16
geniibluefox83: #ubuntu-effects07:16
dwxreaperhow to I set permissions for a directory it's subdirectories and files at once?07:16
themaster369terminal open07:16
afsBMT: in my experience that program eats everything. including iso-images containing an avi file and such07:16
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Dr_willismikebot,  peerguardian is not like 'snort'  if i rember right. Peerguardian is an anti-spam/ad/whatever  proxy07:16
Dr_willismikebot,  i thought 'privoxy' was the linux  port of peerguardian07:17
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r00tintheb0xthemaster369, type "lshw |grep CD"07:17
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Dr_willismikebot,  i may be confused however. :) been ages since i used peerguardian07:17
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Dr_willis!find peerguardian07:17
ubotuPackage/file peerguardian does not exist in feisty07:17
Dr_willis!info privoxy07:17
ubotuprivoxy: Privacy enhancing HTTP Proxy. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.6-1 (feisty), package size 1248 kB, installed size 2804 kB07:17
mikebotDr_willis: No, I don't know anything about snort, so I could be very wrong.07:17
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r00tintheb0xTheMafia, do you see your cdrom there?07:17
mikebotI'll look at privoxy, thanks.07:17
dwxreaperhow to I set permissions for a directory it's subdirectories and files at once?07:17
themaster369ok its says WARNING: you should run this program as super-user07:17
preactiondwxreaper, chmod -R07:18
r00tintheb0xokay, then do this.07:18
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r00tintheb0x"sudo -i"07:18
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r00tintheb0xthen "lshw |grep CD"07:18
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Dr_willismikebot,  snort is proberly NOT what you are looking for then. Check out 'Tor' and 'privoxy' for web surfing anonimity. :)07:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tor - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:18
Dr_willis!info tor07:18
ubotutor: anonymizing overlay network for TCP. In component universe, is optional. Version (feisty), package size 806 kB, installed size 1740 kB07:18
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travisbickleHow do I print from one ubuntu computer to another over the network?07:18
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dwxreapernow how would I delete a directory, and all it's contents, subdirs, and files07:19
r00tintheb0xok themaster369 do you see anything cdrom related in there?07:19
mikebotDr_willis: Thanks... I tried to configure Tor for Opera but couldn';t gfet it working... also I heard about people making fake end websites for banks or something..07:19
dwxreaperrm something?07:19
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neverbluewhen I ssh into a box, that I have placed my key onto, why am I still prompted with : Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes ?07:19
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themaster369nothing at all07:19
vancomycinhey all, I finally got ubuntu setup on my laptop - i was wondering, on my xp partition i had run nividia geoforce 7600go laptop drivers from laptopvideo2go, now that doesn't seem to be an option anymore - i selected to opt in for the nvidia restrictred drivers option that appeared from admin>system>restricted - but will i ever be able to get an nvidia display menu like i had in xp again? i.e. to be able to manage performance/temps?07:19
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themaster369it prompted for password then nothing came up07:19
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dwxreaperhow do I delete a directory07:20
themaster369this is so confusing07:20
r00tintheb0xafter you put the pass in.07:20
peggerI am using a soekris box net5501 and I can get it to boot the kernel but after that I can see any output after that on the serial port,  I have trited a bunch of diffrent settings in    /etc/inittab  what am I missing07:20
dwxreaperrm directory fails, says x is a directory07:21
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r00tintheb0xall you have to do is "lshw |grep CD"07:21
dstadulishow do I force a USB memory drive to not automatically mount? I am trying to partition the drive but it keeps on remount before I can partition07:21
r00tintheb0xthen hit enter07:21
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BMTafs, i just installed mplayer, ...tried to play a .wmv file and got this error : eror opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device07:21
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themaster369i put password in (my one) then i had command prompt again07:21
Dr_willismikebot,  tor and privoxy wont protect you against fake sites. :) tor anonomizes yoru surfing. and privoxy can kill off ads and other tricks. one you blacklist the right sites. :)07:21
r00tintheb0xi know themaster36907:21
alternatifHello All, I am having a networking problem in 7.04. I installed yesterday and was running fine however today when I try to connect to a website via Firefox, opera, or even IE6. It says page can't be displayed. I can ping my router, however I can't connect to it and I am running Win2K in VM and it's networking is fine. any ideas?07:21
r00tintheb0xthats what its supposed to do.07:21
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themaster369oh ok07:21
Ongakuhello...I just got GSnes9x...is there a way to configure it to use my keyboard? I don't have a controller07:21
Dr_willismikebot,  theres some tor extension for firefox. and a tor frontend tool also. (tonk?) tonky?07:21
frostburndwxreaper, rmdir or rm -rf (which directory and file structure)07:21
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mikebotDr_willis: OK, thanks for your help.07:21
home_well that was weard, how do i fix this?07:21
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nightstalkerHello friends07:22
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nightstalkerVery nice to meet you07:22
nightstalkerI'am in07:22
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Dr_willisOngaku,  it can do that. Check its menus/settings. thats a front end for 'snes9x'  you may want to check the docs for snes9x also. also check out 'zsnes'07:22
ali4728r00tintheb0x:my dmesg  http://pastebin.com/m27d7beb007:22
Dr_willisOngaku,  i tend to use 'zsnes' myself.07:22
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Ongakuthat work better than this one?07:23
r00tintheb0xok hold up ali472807:23
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home_'sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst'? its not bringing up the rite file...07:23
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Ongakucan i just apt-get zsnes?07:23
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willdevshould swap be logical or primary?07:24
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Dr_williswilldev,  dosent matter07:24
Dr_williswilldev,  i tend to set all my partitions to primary however07:24
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r00tintheb0xali4728, [    6.980000]  hdc: ATAPI 40X DVD-ROM DVD-R CD-R/RW drive, 2048kB Cache, UDMA(33)07:24
r00tintheb0xthere's your cdrom07:24
willdevwhere should swap be, end or beginning?07:24
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Ongakuah yeah lol...u can07:25
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ali4728r00tintheb0x: what do you mean?07:25
KurdishSniperguys what is that channel which helps with compizfusion?07:25
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erUSULwilldev: beginning of disk faster r/w07:25
erUSUL!effects | KurdishSniper07:25
ubotuKurdishSniper: For help or discussion on Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects07:25
r00tintheb0xali, "mount /dev/hdc /media/cdrom"07:25
r00tintheb0xpaste that.07:25
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geniiwilldev: Conventional swap is at beginning, for esoteric reasons of platter speed /read speed at that part of hard drive. can be anywhere however.07:26
dwxreaperi removed a package with apt-get remove X, and it is not totally gone, why is that :/07:26
willdevok thanks07:26
willdevshould the / partition be bootable?07:26
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dwxreaperis there a way to uninstall a program in ubuntu07:26
erUSULwilldev: there is no need07:26
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dstadulishow do I force a USB memory drive to not automatically mount? I am trying to partition the drive but it keeps on remount before I can partition07:27
rambo3dwxreaper: use --purge07:27
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home_can some one help me? my os is KUBUNTU and xp pro, i need to edit grub some how to make xp start first07:27
Ongakuok guess you cant...how the hell do you install these lol07:27
erUSULdwxreaper: synaptic or applications Add/*remove* programs07:27
fav3Hello All, I am having a networking problem in 7.04. I installed yesterday and was running fine however today when I try to connect to a website via Firefox, opera, or even IE6. It says page can't be displayed. I can ping my router, however I can't connect to it and I am running Win2K in VM and it's networking is fine. any ideas?07:27
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erUSULdwxreaper: apt-get remove ?07:27
frostburndwxreaper, apt-get remove package07:27
[nrx] dstadulis: unmount it?07:27
dwxreaperfrostburn: that's what i did07:27
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ljharvalhome: you need to edit a file07:27
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dwxreaperbut it still has a files and shit laying around after that, and it messes up re-installation07:27
uptownbenHi all. I had to reboot, but I'm still trying to fingure out how I can print from my apps directly to my remote Hylafax server.07:27
Citizen_Kanewhat is the name of "3d effects" desktop ?07:28
tonyyarusso!ohmy | dwxreaper07:28
ubotudwxreaper: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.07:28
dstadulis[nrx] : I do but then When I partition it it mount it before I try and partition it07:28
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travisbickleCan someone help me print? I know how to configure it with Samba but not ubuntu ->>>ubuntu?07:28
frostburndwxreaper, apt-get autoclean/remove07:28
dstadulisI'll unmount it but it mounts again before I partition it07:28
ljharvalhome_, there s a directory in root i think called grub its in there07:28
geniihome_: There is an entry of around 5 lines in /boot/grub/menu.lst which chainloads XP/Windows. Move those lines above the first linux entry.07:28
themaster369rootinthebox any ideas?07:29
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Ongakuits a taz.bz2 file...how do you install it? I got it off teh zsnes website07:29
Dr_willisgenii,  theres an example entry abobve all them that you can just uncomment also.07:29
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home_i feel stupid i am so not geek07:29
atlfalcons866will i see a speed difference if i use xfs over jfs07:29
disinteresteddstadulis: ru useing gparted?:07:29
geniiDr_willis: Ah, good :)07:29
dstadulisdisinterested: Yes07:29
ljharvalgenii, you can change the number that boots first so you dont mave anything around07:29
r00tintheb0xthemaster369, what was the output of "sudo lshw |grep CD"?07:29
dwxreaperi did a autoclean, then remove, then uninstall, then install. before the package installed ok07:30
disinterestedu can unmount it there and partition it07:30
Dr_willishome_,  the line -------> default         007:30
geniiljharval: The "savedefault" thing i find doesn't work07:30
dstadulisdisinterested: I am trying to follow this tutorial: http://xubuntublog.wordpress.com/2007/07/03/xubuntu-feisty-now-from-usb-drive/  and It recoommends you use thunar to keep your drive from remounting07:30
hyphenatedhome_: you need to edit /boot/grub/menu.list07:30
home_ok i typed in konsole 'sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst'07:30
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dwxreapernow it does not work right, I can run the software from the command line, but when I installed it from the package the first time07:30
Dr_willishome_,  selects what default entry to boot. edit that 0 to be the # of the windows entry.07:30
themaster369it did something then came back to root07:30
dwxreaperit pushed many arguments and it's what I needed07:30
geniiDr_willis: Tells you how much attention i pay to the commented lines there nowadays... ;)07:30
dstadulisdisinterested: and I did follow the steps it suggested07:30
shaquilleanyone know how to make unrar extract multiple archives at once that are in the same directory? i tried unrar x *.rar but it doesn't work07:30
Dr_willisgenii,  i always uncomment them so i got windows at 0 position,. and it wont move about. :)07:30
Dr_willisgenii,  makes setting the default easier.07:31
disinterestedit took me several times to get read and write on mine07:31
Ongakuthis is weird...how u do this? it says I can't open it07:31
rambo3shaquille: just the first07:31
themaster369i got the next line07:31
home_ok i got something pulled up here says menu.lst07:31
hyphenatedhome_: ok, good. now find the line that says 'default 1'07:31
themaster369almost as if nothing happened07:31
hyphenatedor default 007:31
themaster369does that mean my DVD is missing?07:31
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r00tintheb0xthemaster369, does it look something like this? http://pastebin.ca/raw/70090407:31
uptownbenDoes anyone fax from ubuntu?07:31
home_there is one without a # that says default 007:32
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shaquillerambo3: what do you mean?07:32
hyphenatedhome_: the # means it's a comment07:32
dstadulisdisinterested: so I unmount it, then I refresh my devices to check to see if it is unmounted and it is mounted again :(07:32
hyphenatedhome_: none without a comment?07:32
Ongakuim a total newb to this...just started using this last week...so I don't know how to install a file with out doing apt-get insall07:32
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themaster369nothing comes up at all07:32
themaster369its just blank!!!07:32
disinterestedwhy ru refreshing?07:32
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hyphenatedhome_: mine says "default         1", you should make yours say "default         saved"07:33
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home_one line says default 0 and the other line without a # says timeout 1007:33
rambo3shaquille: unrar e file1.rar07:33
r00tintheb0xokay themaster369 hold up07:33
dstadulisdisinterested: to check to see if it is unmounted, should I not do that?07:33
themaster369why do people put! then someones name?07:33
disinteresteddo u get a disk icon on ur desktop when its mounted?07:33
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B_166-ER-X #beauce07:34
B_166-ER-X #beaucesry07:34
OngakuThe filename "zsnes151src.tar.bz2" indicates that this file is of type "tar archive (bzip-compressed)". The contents of the file indicate that the file is of type "plain text document". If you open this file, the file might present a security risk to your system. wtf that mean lol07:34
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B_166-ER-Xmy err.07:34
r00tintheb0xthemaster369, do you get anything back from this command?? "grep cdrom /etc/fstab"07:34
dstadulisdisinterested: The reason I was refreshing is because when I unmount it I get a popup of a directory called disk-1 and a lost&found directory inside07:34
geniithemaster369: When you see !something | a-name       people are telling the bot to spit up some info it knows about and direct it to a specific user07:34
giany911i need a little bit of help .. how can i convert some .ogg's  and make an audio cd?07:35
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disinterestedin gparted when u unm,ount the drive it should stay unmounted07:35
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avdswho and why decided to make 'admin' a restricted name in gutsy?07:35
themaster369heres my output07:35
avdsit's really annoying07:35
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dstadulisdisinterested: I think maybe because it is a usb thumbdrive it is trying to remount it automatically.07:35
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giany911i need a little bit of help .. how can i convert some .ogg's  and make an audio cd?07:35
shaquillehmm. that didn't work. each archive is different, they're not numbered archives07:35
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Ongakudo i do that cd thinger and ./configure it? the tar.bz2 file?07:36
avdsas most people use admin in servers for, well, administrator accounts07:36
themaster369hi ozozo07:36
disinterestedtry doing it without refreshing and see if u can complete the operation07:36
rambo3giany911: use k3b07:36
dstadulisgiany911: soundconverter07:36
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avdswhere should I complain in regard "who and why decided to make 'admin' a restricted name in gutsy?"07:36
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rambo3avds: #null07:37
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home_how do i saave now using 'sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst'07:37
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themaster369rootinthebox ill be back in 20mins i pasted results here07:37
frostburnavds, you can't use adduser to make an admin account?07:37
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LjLavds: in #ubuntu+1, since that's the Gusty channel. but aside from that... i don't know about this issue, but "admin" has always been the name of a *group* in Ubuntu. better avoid creating, say, users with the name "admin"07:37
geniiavds: Try #ubuntu+107:37
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dstadulisdisinterested: ok so this is what I tried: refresh, unmount, delete partition, create new partition, get an error message: "/dev/sdf2 is mounted; will not make a filesystem here!"07:37
erUSULhome_: Crtl + O and then Crtl + X07:38
Ongakuah someone help me :( how the crap do i install zsnes?07:38
branstromHow can I get .sit support in File Roller?07:38
branstromStuffIt, that is07:38
Dr_willis!info zsnes07:38
ubotuzsnes: Emulator of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (TM). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.420-2.1ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 513 kB, installed size 3232 kB (Only available for i386)07:38
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erUSULOngaku: sudo apt-get remove zsnes07:38
bobgillI am getting this in aMSN: "The Snack library is needed in order to use this feature. A minimal version of 2.2.9 is necessary." for voice clips07:38
Dr_willisOngaku,  sudo apt-get install zsnes07:38
branstromThe website for file-roller says it supports .sit07:38
Ongakui tried that but it doesnt pop up in my applications07:38
Dr_willisOngaku,  you are on the 32bit ubuntu? not 64?07:38
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Dr_willisOngaku,  when in doubt.. USE THE shell. :)07:38
r00tintheb0xthemaster369, try "mount /media/cdrom0"07:38
Ongaku32 bit07:38
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r00tintheb0xhave you tried that?07:38
Dr_willisOngaku,  menus proberly dident get refreshed or somthing.07:39
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disinterestedi dont understand why it keeps mounting i guess u need someone with more experience with that07:39
Ongakuah maybe07:39
|Skull|hey guys, I have an odd (to me) problem here... I have a XFX Geforce 6200, works fine when I have one monitor plugged into the vga port. But, when I plug in my tv as a 2nd monitor on the DVI port and boot up, all is fine, till the login screen, where It's blue with lines going through it.... any ida?07:39
RichWHi, the passwd command is missing --stdin. yet redhat systems have it.. i need a way to add my password to ubuntu without having to type manually07:39
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avdsusing 'administrator' is DULL and reminds me of windows07:39
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atlfalcons866will i see a speed difference if i use xfs over jfs07:40
avdsyet there needs to be an administrator role07:40
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Ongakustill not there...07:40
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dstadulisdisinterested: I think it is something to do with it being a usb thumb drive. here is what the tutorial says: "As your partitions need to stay unmounted, I recommend you to turn of Volume ManagementTo do so, open Thunar, ...make sure Enable Volume Management is unchecked."07:40
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fav3Any networking people available? I think I have a simple question07:41
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fav3Hello All, I am having a networking problem in 7.04. I installed yesterday and was running fine however today when I try to connect to a website via Firefox, opera, or even IE6. It says page can't be displayed. I can ping my router, however I can't connect to it and I am running Win2K in VM and it's networking is fine. any ideas?07:41
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r00tintheb0xsure fav whats up?07:41
scratchy?j #monnoke07:41
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Ongakuwtf...i install it and it doesnt show up in my stuff07:41
scratchy? me apologies07:41
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fav3It seems as though I can't get to my router anymore thru any browser. However I'm currently using my windows2K VM so I know the hardware is right07:42
fav3Something happened to keep me off the net07:42
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fav3I've tried Firefox, OPera and IE607:42
amimusaquick question, ubuntu 7.04 or ubuntu 6.06 LTS ?07:42
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Ongakuwhat can I do? I installed it thru apt-get install and it doesn't show up in my accessories07:43
[nrx] amimusa: 7.0407:43
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fav3I can ping my router07:43
Kr0ntabOngaku, what app?07:43
amimusa[nrx] : why ?07:43
frostburnfav3, do you have an ip?07:43
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fav3yes static07:43
[nrx] amimusa: because i like it :)07:43
Kr0ntabtry the terminal07:43
willdevYEY, i installed vista and linux and both of them are dual booting07:43
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[nrx] :)07:43
frostburncan you ping your router, or your router's gateway07:43
motwi have a compiz question if anyone knows anything about it07:43
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fav3yes, I can pingthe router/gateway07:44
[nrx] motw: try #ubuntu-effects07:44
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frostburnfav3, can you do dns lookups?07:44
motwok, thanks07:44
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[nrx] motw: np07:44
fav3no, Almost like it's not seeing the dns07:44
Ongakuidk I removed it then reinstalled it and it doesn't show up07:44
KilrooI seem to be missing stddef.h, stdarg.h, and several other files that things (Mesa in particular) want to include when I make them. So far everything it has been suggested to me that I might be missing that could cause this, I seem to have installed. Can anyone venture a possible solution?07:44
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[nrx] Kilroo: you need to install the linux headers07:44
fav3but in my VM which is running now It's fine07:44
Kr0ntabOngaku, it may not have a Gnome menu item...  you typically launch it from a terminal.  You can also create a launcher in your menu easily.07:44
amimusafor centrino (core duo) the architecture is i386, isn't it ?07:44
uptownbenHow can I print to a fax on ubuntu without having to print to a file first?07:44
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r00tintheb0xfav can you ping by IP?07:44
Kilroo[nrx] : They're installed.07:45
crabgrasssimple question, and i hope you can help me: i need to make an exact copy of the data on a dvd disc, and mkisofs doesn't seem to be working07:45
Ongakuahh how do you o that?07:45
Ongakuor how do you launch from terminal...im new07:45
frostburnfav3, whats in /etc/resolv.conf07:45
r00tintheb0xOk what OS is the GUEST OS on the virtual machine?07:45
fav3stand by07:45
Kr0ntabOngaku, accessories... Terminal07:45
[nrx] Kilroo: you sure07:45
[nrx] ?07:45
|Skull|hey guys, I have an odd (to me) problem here... I have a XFX Geforce 6200, works fine when I have one monitor plugged into the vga port. But, when I plug in my tv as a 2nd monitor on the DVI port and boot up, all is fine, till the login screen, where It's blue with lines going through it.... any ideas?07:45
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Ongakui know that lol07:45
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rafaelscjhow can I know what is my pendrive? /dev/XXX...07:46
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fav3whuich is my rouetr07:46
r00tintheb0x|Skull|, edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:46
fav3eww nice typing fav07:46
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Ongakulol "launch zsnes"? or something :P07:46
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geniifav3: There's the problem. No external nameservers07:46
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f0rked_Hello, what is the difference between apt-get and aptitude?07:46
|Skull|r00tintheb0x what should I look for?07:47
pandora--noooo ATI drivers dont work in Xorg 7.2! quake!? :( :(07:47
Kr0ntabOngaku, just type "zsnes"07:47
r00tintheb0xaptitude = apt-get + apt-cache07:47
fav3really? never even knew that file existed07:47
Ongakuoh ok07:47
pandora--damnit ATI...07:47
stdin!aptitude | f0rked_07:47
ubotuf0rked_: aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT, like apt-get. However, aptitude can remember the dependencies installed with a package and remove them if you uninstall. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide07:47
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Ongakuhahah thanks07:47
fav3how do I "fix" this07:47
raduis there a reason why Anjuta IDE has been rolled back to 1.2 version when upstream is 2.x ?07:47
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f0rked_Alright, thanks07:47
Ongakunow how can i create a menu item for it?07:47
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r00tintheb0x|Skull|, what are you hooking your video card into again? A TV?07:47
Kilroo[nrx] : According to Synaptic I have linux-headers-2.6.20-15, linux-headers-2.6.20-15-generic, linux-headers-2.6.20-16, linux-headers-2.6.20-16-generic, linux-headers-generic, and linux-libc-dev.07:47
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pandora--anyone know how to get ATI drivers working in xorg 7.2?07:48
frostburnfav3, you don't need an external nameserver, as long as your router is working fine.  your vm might have a temporary nameserver list which is why it's still working07:48
Kr0ntabOngaku, if you right click on your applications menu, you can edit menu's...  go to games... and add a new item, or launcher...  just give it a name... and the command of "zsnes"07:48
|Skull|rootvzla ya, vga goes to monitor, dvi goes to tv07:48
Ongakuah ok thanks alot kr0ntab07:48
fav3Yeah I'm sure my router is fine other 3 PC's are all working07:48
Kr0ntabOngaku, np..07:48
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fav3just my ubuntu gave up07:48
Ongakuoff to play Lodoss tou Senki :) yay07:48
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|Skull|r00tintheb0x actually, i got it to display a screen now... but it's turned off the dvi port... so i'll continue to screw around with it...07:49
fav3the funny thign is that even though I can't ping a web address, it doesn't let me connect to my router either07:49
fav3I should be able to manage my router regardless of DNS07:49
r00tintheb0xok |Skull| i've never done it... but basicaly your resolutions messed up. You'er going to have to play w/it to get it correct. This should help. http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/100.14.11/README/index.html07:49
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rootvzlahi Skull07:49
fav3wonder if I can get to my router thru the VM07:49
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geniifrostburn: Might be the static settings for gw or so in /etc/network/interfaces07:50
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vancomycini was playing around with the desktop effects, just wobble and cube - now my menus all disappeared from bottom and top - how do i reboot w/o powering off?07:50
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shrimantshello, im having a major problem with my graphics card and ubuntu feisty07:50
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[nrx] Kilroo: what are you trying to install?07:50
Toptyghi all07:50
frostburnvancomycin, ctrl alt backspace, restarts x07:50
astatei'm using feisty...is there anyway I can install a single package (rails) for gutsy to get the latest version? (1.2.3-2)07:50
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breaIs it possible to install a package from here (http://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/sound/lame) using dpkg or something?07:51
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Toptyghow to install Java for browser on ubuntu ?07:51
Kilroo[nrx] : Mesa 7.0.107:51
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fav3Is there a way to "reload" my NIC card?07:51
shrimantsi installed ubuntu just fine, and after it was done updating (but before restarting) i compiled drivers from nvidia. now my grub lists both the .15 and .16 generic kernels, and as far as .16 is concerned, graphics wont boot and screen isnt recognized07:51
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dgjones!java | Toptyg07:51
fav3That will probably wipe out my VM settings however07:51
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frostburnfav3, /etc/init.d/networking restart might fix it07:52
vancomycinok back thank you whoever told me that07:52
fav3I do that but I get errors07:52
ubotuToptyg: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre07:52
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geniifav3: There is also ifconfig ethX up/down07:52
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fav3default nic card is "normally" eth0 right?07:53
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shrimantsanyone good with graphics drivers here?07:53
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praetfav3: yes07:53
BMTnow vlc is not working every piece of software i install to try to watch video is not working07:53
frostburnifup eth0 ifdown eth0 works as well, less typing07:53
[nrx] Kilroo: can you paste the actuall error into a pastebin?07:53
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fav3Is the ifconfig ethX up/down much different than /etc/init.d/networking restart07:53
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Kilroo[nrx] : I'll see what I can do. It's going to be freaking huge though.07:54
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Citizen_Kanehow to install beyril?07:54
geniifav3: yes, it doesn't restart entire networking like samba etc. Just that adapter07:54
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frostburnnetworking restart basically restarts all devices, ifconfig eth0 ip, ifup eth0 just restarts a specific nic07:54
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darlokI did something stupid.  I followed a short tutorial on how to make my screensaver my desktop background.  Problem is, it didn't work and now my desktop doesn't shw any icons at all.  Anyone know how I can fix this?07:54
fav3ahhh that prolly won't help than I did the init.d one like 4 times07:54
vancomycinthat's weird , the cube desktop effects were working fine for a few minutes - i wanted to try and disable to wobble effect and now the cube effect doesnt work when selecting...07:54
[nrx] Kilroo: that's fine :)07:55
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KilrooIt will also take me a little while.07:55
[nrx] Kilroo: also, try sudo apt-get install freeglut3-dev07:55
fav3something just isn't right somewhere07:55
breaHow can I delete all the 'apt-get update' caches and refresh everything?07:55
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Kilroo[nrx] : did that yesterday.07:55
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dindounbrea apt-get clean07:55
shrimantsi installed ubuntu just fine, and after it was done updating (but before restarting) i compiled drivers from nvidia. now my grub lists both the .15 and .16 generic kernels, and as far as .16 is concerned, graphics wont boot and screen isnt recognized07:55
[nrx] k07:55
breadindoun: Tried that... it didn't refresh on the next apt-get update07:56
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kev_bCan anyone help me with this simple problem: I mount an SSH share using sshfs. When I open a file on the share and then try to save it I am prevented (some kind of read-only error depending on what is doing the saving). BUT, if I delete the file just before the save, the save works fine. ANY IDEAS? : )07:56
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KilrooI should never have tried out the new fglrx when my card wasn't supposed to be supported, and I should have restored one of my backed-up xorg.conf's instead of reinstalling everything when it didn't work...but I was trying to get back some stuff I'd lost and couldn't find anymore...07:56
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pandora--killer_: ati/feisty?07:57
[nrx] Kilroo: always dodgy :\07:57
pandora--Kilroo: ati/feisty?07:57
shrimantsim nvidia/feisty07:57
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pandora--<- laptop. ati. unhappy. :(07:57
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pandora--nvidia > ati07:57
[nrx] <--laptop. ati. happy :)07:57
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shrimants<- laptop, nvidia, nothing works.07:58
pandora--[nrx] : feisty?07:58
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dindounHelp : sometimes thz gdm allow me all the screen resolutions; not a pb of xorg.conf07:58
[nrx] pandora--: yes07:58
pandora--i have an acer ferrari, everything works great, until i upgraded to feisty.. than no opengl07:58
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pandora--[nrx] : you have opengl working?07:58
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fav3If I post the results of my /etc/init.d/networking restart in the pastebin, Can someone look at it for me?07:58
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[nrx] yep07:58
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dindounpandora : have you reinstalled drivers? nvidiaglx for example07:59
shrimantsim trying to switch to feisty from XP but my graphics wont work07:59
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pandora--dindoun: its ati07:59
Kilroopandora--: yes, ati/feisty. Before I had my ID10T failure and reinstalled everything, I had Mesa 7.0.1 and direct rendering working on my Radeon 9800 pro, and then subsequently had the new fglrx installed and mostly working, but it was a little dodgy, so I tried to switch back and loused it up.07:59
pandora--[nrx] : huh.07:59
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shrimantsi installed ubuntu just fine, and after it was done updating (but before restarting) i compiled drivers from nvidia. now my grub lists both the .15 and .16 generic kernels, and as far as .16 is concerned, graphics wont boot and screen isnt recognized07:59
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shrimantsso i have no idea how to fix that07:59
dindounpandora yes but try your driver07:59
[nrx] pandora--: yes, i have opengl working on my laptop with ati gfx07:59
pandora--dindoun: ya I updated the driver07:59
gimpseekerI need some help with configuring  the display in ubuntu07:59
darlokI did something stupid.  I followed a short tutorial on how to make my screensaver my desktop background.  Problem is, it didn't work and now my desktop doesn't shw any icons at all.  Anyone know how I can fix this?07:59
pandora--[nrx] : so you're running xorg 7.2 as well. i wonder why i can't get it to work08:00
gimpseekerwhich way is the best to do this in recovery mode08:00
Kilroopandora--: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=487735&highlight=mesa worked for me the first time around, although I'm having issues with it now.08:00
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pandora--[nrx] : it worked before i upgraded to feisty08:00
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pandora--Kilroo: *nods* thx08:00
[nrx] pandora--: i can't really help, i was lucky. It just worked08:00
[nrx] ;/08:00
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fav3Be Right Back08:00
pandora--[nrx] : lol. crap. ok08:00
geniifav3: You may want to find what dns info the XP vm is using by: netsh diag show dns    there. Then you can put that into the resolv.conf or the /etc/network/interfaces entry for eth008:01
dindoungimpseeket you tries dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg?08:01
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neosixHello people! Can somebody tell me good program for video captur with webcam08:01
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shrimantsugh nvm. chatrooms are no help at all08:02
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dindounneosix : cmorama or easycam ; it works but is ti good one?08:03
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[nrx] going out for a smoke.08:03
Kilroo[nrx] : I appear to be spamming the pastebin. I'm not sure why.08:03
[nrx] afk08:03
rathelHello, I need some help with mt-daapd. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37632/08:03
lostallhopeanyone here got exp setting up an apache server ? because i got mine to work but i cant get access to my var/www folder08:03
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neosixyes my webcam works!08:03
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lostallhopesays only my root got access to it but i am root :( so i'm kinda stuck08:03
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dindounllostaal... http://bruno.sanchiz.free.fr/spip/spip.php?article3708:04
neosixdindoun: Thanks man!!!08:04
frostburnlostallhope, use sudo, or sudo -i08:04
weretac0#ubuntuanyone up for answering a question I got?08:04
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pupi120290hello^^ i have installed cvscedega succesfully but i cant start cvscedega properly i get the error ERROR: wineserver exiting unexpectantly!08:04
lostallhopebut i wanan be able to drag and drop files into it08:04
weretac0got a dell d620 with the sigmatel audio.. I'm trying to use the digital audio from the docking station and haven't been able to get it to work08:04
Kilroo[nrx] : never mind, got it. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37718/08:04
lymecaOKay so I mount an HFS+ partition on Feisty live CD and try and copy data off it with sudo, but it says permission denied... with sudo!  I should be able to read this data, no??  I can copy off some data but not a lot of the stuff I need.  the HFS+ partition is mounted as read-only, but that's okay because I don't need to write to it.08:04
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lostallhopeor is that impossible08:05
dindounlostall     *   chmod a+w /var/www/08:05
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dindounlostall before iunstaklling phpmyadmin08:05
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jamisonis there a package management way to install Crossover Office?08:06
jlouis_Anyone seen this on gutsy: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37719/ ?08:06
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jlouis_kswapd dies08:06
jlouis_which is bad ;)08:06
fav3Can someone look atthis? It doesn't look right to me? http://pastebin.ca/70093408:06
lostallhopei c ty :)08:06
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_SiLENT_hello guys08:06
pupi120290hello! i cant start cvscedega properly here is what cvscedega puts into the terminal http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37720/08:06
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DM|I keep getting this window opening that says "HTTP cache cleaner" and i have no idea what it is, anyone help?08:07
mattyboywhat would i use to do a screencast, like in a class setting?08:07
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Pici!screencast | mihaX1408:07
ubotumihaX14: Some programs to capture your screen are Istanbul, Wink, Gvidcap, Xvidcap, vnc2swf, demorecorder.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.08:07
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Picimattyboy: That was for you ^08:08
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_SiLENT_finally my ubuntu CD arrived. I booted it as a liveCD and it seemed to have a kinda slow display. after installing will it be the same?08:08
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mihaX14_silent_: no No, cd doesn't work so fast as HD08:08
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_SiLENT_mihaX14, I mean the display!08:09
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pupi120290anyone help me???08:09
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WikzoWill it be easy to upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10 when the new version launches? What about my programs (like Automatix and Compiz Fusion) - will they be touched in the upgrade?08:09
fav3also, how come when I restarted networking, I didn't get disconnected on my VM?08:10
_SiLENT_does Ubuntu have fast default video drivers?08:10
jlouis_Wikzo: Compiz F is the new default IIRC08:10
Seveas!automatix | Wikzo08:10
ubotuWikzo: Automatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software.  When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it.  A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme)08:10
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Seveasdon't use that crap08:10
TerrasqueWikzo: compiz, no. Automatix, hell no. Thats my guess08:10
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mattyboyi want to broadcast my screen to an entire class...hrm08:10
jlouis_To where should I report a kernel-image-2.6.22-11.33 problem?08:10
WikzoOk, forget Automatix. I got Compiz Fusion already, what will happen when I upgrade to 7.10?08:11
PriceChild!bugs | jlouis_08:11
ubotujlouis_: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots08:11
_SiLENT_does Ubuntu have fast default video drivers and also driver for mu other hardware (like Windows XP does)08:11
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nikolamHello. I wan to reinstall system and I want advice: Since i have of about 1Gig of .debs in /var/cache/apt/archives downloaded from internet, I wanted to reuse them in new installation. Should I just copy them to a new installation or should i make new file:// "repository" for them in /etc/apt/sources.list on new install?08:11
weretac0anyone here have ideas about dell docking stations?08:11
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SeveasWikzo, hopefully you'll get the correct version if automatix didn't mess your system up too badly08:11
jlouis_PriceChild: thankyou ;)08:11
weretac0it's all I need and I'm a happy linux user08:11
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weretac0than and maybe lowering the sensitivity of the touchpad but I can find that somewhere I'm sure08:11
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WikzoOk - if we say I uninstall Automaix ... what about Compiz Fusion?08:12
frostburnweretac0, the docking station is just a port replicator no?08:12
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lostallhopethe chmodding doesnt work :(08:12
SeveasWikzo, uninstalling autocraptix doesn't undo the damage it has done08:12
deeon#j /ubuntu-de08:12
weretac0for some reason I can't figure out the digital audio output08:12
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pupi120290hello... anyone who can help me install cvscedega?08:12
weretac0which has been some pain for me in the past with a creative card08:12
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WikzoThe only thing Automaix has installed is Flash08:13
weretac0or for my onboard in my old desktop08:13
fav3Could a network guy possibly take a look at this? http://pastebin.ca/700934? I'm assuming the Failed to bring up Eth0 isn't good08:13
_SiLENT_does Ubuntu have fast default video drivers and also driver for mu other hardware (like Windows XP does)08:13
frostburnweretac0, you might want to check out alsa support08:13
kiotndoes anybody know a irc channel where i can improve my english?08:13
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weretac0i can see the digital card when i list the alsa devices08:13
SeveasWikzo, you don't need crapomatix for that :)08:13
abadtoothlostallhope:  'chmod 777 file'08:13
weretac0it's intel HD I believe08:13
Kilroo_SiLENT_: I'm not sure what you're asking exactly, but the first time I installed Xubuntu, after a little work the only things I was missing from Windows were support for my scanner and one game I liked that doesn't support Linux, and everything else seemed to work better with the exception of transparency on the desktop being sluggish, which is the fault of the ATI drivers, and those are getting major improvements this month and next 08:13
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abadtoothlostallhope:  ore any other permission setting08:13
WikzoSeveas: I know, I am going to delete it now. What is the best way to remove everthing from Automaix2 (7.04)?08:14
_SiLENT_Kilroo, is there a way to choose "classic theme" in Ubuntu like in windows?08:14
SeveasWikzo, the best way is to reinstall but if you only let it install flash, you're probably ok08:14
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WikzoSeveas: Just remove it via Synaptic?08:15
geniifav3: From what I can tell there, your nic are locked down. I would suspect because the vm has them occupied.08:15
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fav3ahhh I see08:15
SeveasWikzo, yeah08:15
fav3that kinda makes sense08:15
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fav3so I can't really troubleshoot on this computer since I won't have any internet08:15
weretac0according to the alsa page there is support08:15
fav3this is so frustrating08:15
weretac0and I already updated to the newest alsa drivers08:15
cwgannondoes anybody in here have any experience with soundconverter?  i've a question about it08:15
Kilroo_SiLENT_: There are different themes for Ubuntu, although I use XFCE rather than Gnome so I don't know as much about the choices as I might. It would not surprise me if there is a theme out there that looks a lot like Windows Classic. It wouldn't surprise me if there's one that looks like the default XP theme either, although that would obviously be in bad taste.08:16
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vsayikirani want to know how secure is ubuntu from virus and other security threats08:16
frostburnweretac0, try #alsa08:16
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vsayikiranis there any virus infecting ubuntu system08:16
darlokI did something stupid.  I followed a short tutorial on how to make my screensaver my desktop background.  Problem is, it didn't work and now my desktop doesn't shw any icons at all.  Anyone know how I can fix this??  The tutorial's "revert" command didn't work.  Now, of course, I don't remember where this tutorial was...08:16
Pici!virus | vsayikiran08:16
geniifav3: You could put the dns info that the XP vm is suing into the resolv.conf file, as I suggested earlier08:16
fav3_SiLENT_, You sound like you want a windows version of Linux heh08:16
ubotuvsayikiran: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2108:16
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AskHL!virus | AskHL08:17
fav3that command you gave didn't work. I'm using win2K if it matters08:17
vsayikiranis there any security loophole in ubuntu08:17
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rathelHello, I need some help with mt-daapd. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37632/08:17
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Broc223does anyone know where to look up which binary nvidia driver supports which cards? thers the legacy, the new driver...08:17
WikzoSeveas: And I just remove the third party deb link to Automatix by myself?08:17
geniifav3: You tried the command from the 2K  run...cmd.exe screen?08:18
=== niels__ [n=niels@7.98-240-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
_SiLENT_hey!  what I meant is that the default theme of Ubuntu is "too fancy" like the default theme in Windows XP is, and I want to make it less fancy but faster in Ubuntu.---I don't want it the same as in windows visually!08:18
Inxshow to unlock NTFS partitions? i can't copy paste08:18
SeveasWikzo, yup08:18
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stdinBroc223: there's a link to that on the nvidia help page08:18
fav3yep but after netsh there is no admin command08:18
Inxshow to unlock NTFS partitions? i can't copy paste08:18
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ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse08:18
Broc223stdin: on nvidias site?08:18
fav3err diag rather08:18
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stdin!nvidia | Broc223, no here08:19
ubotuBroc223, no here: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:19
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vsayikiranis there any virus for ubunut08:19
geniifav3: Perhaps try instead netsh all show ip08:19
stdinvsayikiran: no08:19
WikzoOk, now it's gone ... didn't got an answer to my question: Will an upgrade mss up my Compiz Fusion from 7.04?08:19
MrKimmI have installed a new (old) harddrive and want to move my swap-space to it, I have tried googling for it, but I cant find any good answers08:19
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Kilroo_SiLENT_: I recommend trying XFCE, but you should be able to change the Ubuntu theme pretty easily as well. Look in your menu under Settings for something about Window Manager Settings, it's probably in there.08:19
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fav3genii, nope08:19
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willdevhey guys when ever  i try to apt-get i get loads of "failed to write cache errors"08:20
stdinMrKimm: just make a swap partition and move the fstab line to it08:20
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willdevits a brand new installation08:20
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willdevi just updated08:20
fav3genii, the only show is alias, helper or mode08:20
_SiLENT_Kilroo, is XFCE a desktop like KDE/Gnome08:20
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MrKimmstdin, I tried looking at fstab, but I cant understand the swapline, should i paste it?08:20
geniifav3: Bah. I have forgot the syntax for it. you may find it by netsh /? there to see what is correct. At any rate, there is some syntax which displays dns info08:20
cwgannoni need to convert 5000+ m4a's to ogg vorbis files -- i have sound converter, but it's replacing my spaces with %20% -- can anybody tell me why?08:20
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stdin!spam | gregor_08:20
ubotugregor_: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam - and most importantly, use common sense :-)08:20
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vsayikirani read in one website that there are few viruses for linux08:20
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Broc223stdin: looks like it is legacy, wonder if beryl works with it08:21
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vsayikiranso i want ot know whether it is virus free08:21
WikzoSeveas: Ok, now it's gone ... didn't got an answer to my question: Will an upgrade mss up my Compiz Fusion from 7.04?08:21
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SeveasWikzo, there is no compiz fusion in 7.0408:21
Kilroo_SiLENT_, yes. It's supposed to be a little faster, and it's definitely a little simpler. It suits me pretty well, but it's not for everyone. I'd go look at your window manager settings before trying a different desktop environment. That's where you change the borders and buttons and such.08:21
frostburnvsayikiran, yes it is mostly virus free, but security holes to pop up from time to time08:21
Seveasonly old compiz08:21
MrKimmnever mind! I think I figured it out08:21
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stdinMrKimm: it should be something like "<device> none swap sw 0 0"           "<device>" can be a UUID too08:22
WikzoSeveas: I know. I have installed it by myself08:22
Seveaswhen you upgrade to gutsy, it will install compiz-fusion from gutsy08:22
swiftnomadHey. Does anyone know how to get digitally signed msg's and send them with linux.08:22
MrKimmstdin, yes, I found it! :08:22
mihaX14 !bluetooth08:22
ubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup08:22
Seveasdepending on the quality of the packages you installed, that'll go ok or break08:22
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WikzoSeveas: But what about the inbuild CF in 7.10, will it mess it up?08:22
geniifav3: windows ipconfig command may also have something like showdns   or /showdns as a switch08:22
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_SiLENT_Kilroo, do u mean the window manager settings that I currently use in ma Windos?08:22
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SeveasWikzo, depends on the quality of the packages you already installed08:22
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SeveasI can't say anything about it08:22
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Kilroo_SiLENT_: I mean the window manager settings in Gnome or KDE.08:23
fav3statically configured DNS servers which is What?? is in my /etc/resolv.conf file08:23
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fav3genii, statically configured DNS servers which is What?? is in my /etc/resolv.conf file08:23
vsayikiranso how shoulsd i know whther my ubuntu is infected with some virus?08:23
MrKimmstdin, or wait... does a line with a "#" at the beginning mean its a comment in fstab? In that case... I dont understand :/08:23
geniifav3: Yes, not much help at all there.08:23
willdevwhen apt-get trys to update the fontconfig cache it gives loads of errors :(08:23
fav3heheh give ya an E for effort08:23
Kilroovsayikiran: Generally you will know you have a virus because you had to go to a lot of trouble to let it infect you.08:24
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mihaX14willdev: what errors?08:24
willdevloads of failed to write cache errors08:24
WikzoSeveas: I used this guide. http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Install-Compiz-Fusion-on-Ubuntu-58113.shtml08:24
etaleI'm using beryl, but what's managing my filesystem?  I want to change the appearance of the folders, I mean...08:24
stdinMrKimm: yeah "#" means comment, it's normally there by default when changing /dev/???? lines to UUID=xxxxxxx lines08:24
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=== genii sips a coffee and thinks about DNS issues
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Cinhm, good image organiser for ubuntu?08:25
PiciCin: F-Spot is good.08:25
_SiLENT_Kilroo, look. In windows XP - after installation I turn the fancy theme off by choosing "classic" and it becomes nice and smooth for me. Which mode and in which desktop offers the same level of smoothness in Ubuntu?08:25
SeveasWikzo, ugh, you used 3vino debs08:25
Seveasthose suck08:25
stdinMrKimm: you can use "vol_id /dev/DEVICE" to get it's UUID or just use it's /dev/DEVICE address as normal08:25
CinPici, can it maintain an image library? i'd like something like that. like how your media player keeps a library of your mp3 files08:25
mihaX14willdev: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=400473  (use google to search)08:25
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fav3genii, The only reason I'm not leaning so much towards DNS is that even though I can ping my router, I should still be able to login to it and I can't08:26
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SeveasWikzo, best thing to do is first uninstall compiz-fusion, then upgrade and let it install the proper compiz-fusion08:26
MrKimmstdin, so I can just replace UUID=XXXX with /dev/disk ?08:26
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fav3that's just straight IP08:26
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DShepherd_SiLENT_, the Glider theme maybe?08:26
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PiciCin: You can tag photos with keywords and then use them to bring up those photos in the future.  It probably has a lot more features, but thats what I use it for.08:26
_SiLENT_in KDE? Gnome? XCFE?08:26
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shrimantsi installed ubuntu just fine, then waited for it to update, and then downloaded nvidia drivers and compiled them and all that. but now, when i reboot, it lists both a .15 and a .16 kernel in GRUB and the drivers dont work in the .16 kernel. i havent tried the .15 kernel yet08:27
DShepherd_SiLENT_, gnome.. what are you using?08:27
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CinPici, oooo. i'll try it08:27
fav3genii, On my VM, I log right in so I'm not 100% is a TCP level problem08:27
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DShepherd_SiLENT_, xfce themes are usually pretty lightweight..08:27
shrimantshow do i get my nvidia drivers to work08:27
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fav3genii: or does that make no sense whatsoever08:27
DShepherd_SiLENT_, that is xfce themes in xfce08:27
AndresBhi guys...how do i remove the proxy settings in apt-get? i dont seem to have apt.conf08:27
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WikzoSeveas: Are you sure? Mine works fine now ... if you are sure, I got a new question: How do I switch between CF and just Metacity? Right now I got a little icon with the commando 'compiz --replace' to start CF08:27
_SiLENT_DShepherd, what do u mean "lighweight"?08:27
shrimantscan someone help me?08:27
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Cinpici, oh, i've got it08:28
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SeveasWikzo, that's the way to switch :)08:28
Kilroo_SiLENT_: I use the Katiola style in XFCE, personally. For gnome, you might like something like http://art.gnome.org/themes/metacity/1342 or something. KDE I'd have to do another search on.08:28
DShepherd_SiLENT_, lightweight = doesnt require lots of computer resources (memory, cpu, etc)08:28
shrimantsi need some help with nvidia drivers08:28
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SeveasWikzo, and 'works fine' doesn't imply 'package is sane'08:28
WikzoSeveas: In 7.10 too?08:28
SeveasWikzo, yes08:28
stdinMrKimm: you can do that, yeah08:28
darlokhmm... for some reason kdenlive isn't in the repositories even though the Ubuntu forums claims it is... am I missing something?08:28
AndresBhi guys...how do i remove the proxy settings in apt-get and wget? i dont seem to have apt.conf08:28
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SeveasWikzo, or you can use the little button in the display preferences that says 'enable desktop effects'08:28
MrKimmstdin, thanks, I try it!08:28
_SiLENT_DShepherd, but does it also mean that it lacks something?08:29
=== ShadowXP [n=ShadowXP@pool-71-104-125-6.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
DShepherd_SiLENT_, yeah.. bling08:29
_SiLENT_DShepherd, but how to change the desktop?08:29
WikzoSeveas: Sounds good. Right now my system works great, but I think I'll be upgrading it when the new version launches08:29
_SiLENT_DShepherd, bling?08:29
=== niels__ [n=niels@7.98-240-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
AndresBhi guys...how do i remove the proxy settings in apt-get and wget? i dont seem to have apt.conf08:29
_SiLENT_Kilroo, I have Ubuntu and Kubuntu08:29
shrimantsi need help with nvidia08:29
_SiLENT_none of them have XCFE08:30
=== albreche_ [n=albreche@AMontpellier-251-1-56-124.w83-113.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Kilroo_SiLENT_, I run Xubuntu, so I'm not going to be as able to help you as some people might.08:30
DShepherd_SiLENT_, just like classic is not as pretty (blingy) as the default theme in windows xp.. that's all you lose when you use a simple theme..08:30
_SiLENT_DShepherd, that will be my choice then08:30
_SiLENT_Kilroo, what is Xubuntu?08:30
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jlouis_a ubuntu variant08:31
shrimantsi need help with NVIDIA08:31
DShepherd_SiLENT_, you know how to change your themes right?08:31
jlouis_provides XFCE08:31
Kilroo_SiLENT_, Xubuntu is to XFCE as Kubuntu is to KDE as Ubuntu is to Gnome08:31
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GInany player for gnome that support unicode?08:31
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mpoufos_sketohow to install apache?08:31
_SiLENT_Kilroo, oh I would order it if I knew08:31
jlouis_shrimants: you probably have to be more specific08:31
fav3Is there a way to ( I'm only using as a windows comparison ) uninstall and reinstall a NIC card and drivers?08:31
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Kilroo_SiLENT_: you could always install xubuntu-desktop, although I've forgotten exactly how that works.08:32
shrimantsjlouis_ every time i type the paragraph in, no one responds, and i hate typing that much in for nothing08:32
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fav3I just hate like heck to reformat after 2 days of installing all my programs08:32
lesshasteis there anything like Keynote for linux?08:32
Centaur5I have eth0 (internal) and eth1 (internet) and used pppoeconf to create ppp0. What do I need to do with eth1 so it doesn't time out anymore on getting an address via dhcp?08:32
frostburnfav3, there's nothing to reinstall, you mean because of the vm?08:32
jlouis_lesshaste: what does keynote do?08:33
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_SiLENT_Kilroo, but I don't think there's Xubuntu CD for request, is there?08:33
willdevhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=400473  < doesnt work for me but having the same error08:33
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lesshastejlouis_, presentations really beautifully08:33
fav3no because my nic is hosed. No internet access thru Ubuntu.08:33
shrimantsi installed ubuntu just fine, then waited for it to update, and then downloaded nvidia drivers and compiled them and all that. but now, when i reboot, it lists both a .15 and a .16 kernel in GRUB and the drivers dont work in the .16 kernel. i havent tried the .15 kernel yet08:33
fav3well not really my NIC since my VM is working my NIC must be OK but useless if I have to VM running all the time08:33
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frostburnchange your vm settings08:33
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cberloHi folks.  Anyone know how to refresh the GNOME 2.18 desktop from the command line without getting a new browser window?08:34
jlouis_lesshaste: I use LaTeX for that via the latex-beamer package. But it may not be your cup of tea08:34
shrimantshow do i uninstall the drivers that i downloaded from nvidia's site in form of a .run file08:34
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jlouis_lesshaste: it is not WYSIWYG08:34
lesshastejlouis_, I use that too .. I am trying to find something less painful :)08:34
Kilroo_SiLENT_: No, Xubuntu does not have fee CD's to ship due to lack of funding. However, you can install the xubuntu-desktop package from the repositories.08:34
KilrooEr, free CD's.08:34
WikzoSeveas: Sorry for keeping asking, but can you help me about Gaim/Pidgin too? Yesterday I added this link to my third party software: http://www.debuntu.org/pidgin-2.0.0-deb-ubuntu-feisty-fawn . It allows me to install Pidgin over Gaim, but will the default Ubuntu repositories take over when upgrading to 7.10?08:34
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fav3frostburn: The VM works fine but when the VM is not running...even if it is... I have no internet access at all on ubuntu08:34
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noogawerid thing08:35
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fav3even if it isn't*08:35
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noogai just updated from egdy to feisty08:35
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SeveasWikzo, they will08:35
jlouis_lesshaste: magicpoint is popular among the BSD-guys, but it is definitely a thing which is much like latex-beamer08:35
noogaand after reboot the disk is intensively working for 20 minutes08:35
rathelHello, I need some help with mt-daapd. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37632/08:35
SeveasWikzo, and you should disable that repo before upgrading :)08:35
fav3The only reason for VM is to access a few remote systems with a windows only remote access program I use08:35
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WikzoSeveas: Ok :)08:35
jlouis_nooga: trackd probably08:35
willdevubuntu has soo many errors :(08:35
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_SiLENT_so how do applications work in ubuntu? not like exe files in windows?08:35
noogajlouis_: how to solve it?08:36
pupi120290anyone who can help me with cvscedega08:36
lesshastejlouis_, ok.. keynote is pdf based and wysiwyg so you can make latex pdfs of formulae, drag/drop/resize etc08:36
lesshastejlouis_, its for OS X08:36
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jlouis_nooga: solve? the purpose of trackd is to create a full-text index08:36
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jlouis_of your data08:36
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noogajlouis_: so i just have to wait till it's done08:36
jlouis_it can be disabled in System->Preferences->Indexing Preferences08:36
Catoptromancyany estimated time frame for Gutsy?08:37
frostburnfav3, reinstalling the kernel won't do much, it sounds like some configuration error, but i know not what it is08:37
ubotuGutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+108:37
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willdevhey, x server has failed to start help?08:37
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jlouis_nooga: you could verify via top(1) that it is trackd that takes the disk I/O08:37
Lovecraft_SiLENT_: Linus uses a file attribut to know wether or not it is an executable.08:37
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LovecraftLinux, that is.08:37
fav3well reinstalling the kernel will make things work again, I guess I'll just have to install things 1 at a time and see What?? kills my internet08:37
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=== scratchy Scratches and Meows "Fanatical Technical Support ?" ...licks paw and stares into the room ...;-)
QodoshAnyone know why I cant connect to a wpa2 network under ubuntu08:38
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_SiLENT_Lovecraft, can a program be in a single file?08:38
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Lovecraft_SiLENT_: certainly08:38
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scratchyWindows during the daytime...linux in the evening :-)08:38
Lovecraft_SiLENT_: But most times them progarm depends on libraries.08:38
scratchyWell yeah08:38
jlouis_MEOW! ;)08:38
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scratchyIm tech support !08:39
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noogajlouis_: beagled is quite higgh08:39
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ShackJackHi all - my GNOME session freezes when I try to use the quit button from the menu... Does anyone know what program actually runs so that I might call it from a command line to see what it's getting hung up on....08:39
_SiLENT_Lovecraft, and "packages" in Ubuntu stand for "Installers" in windos?08:39
Lovecraft_SiLENT_: I reallyt can type.08:39
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vsayikiranis there any possibility that windows virus will spread in my ubuntu08:39
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scratchyI managed to explain an 90 year old today how to reinstall his NIC drivers08:39
jlouis_nooga: then its probably that one indexing08:39
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ShackJackvsayikiran: Almost none...08:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about askbot - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:39
scratchynow THAT is what I call an ART08:39
Lovecraft_SiLENT_: the .debs are unpacked and install by dpkg.08:39
willdevxserver fails to start08:39
DShepherdvsayikiran, very very very unlikely08:39
willdevsomeone help :(08:40
_SiLENT_what are debs?08:40
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_SiLENT_file format?08:40
ompaulvsayikiran, it will not - they tried and tried and could not make it happen08:40
scratchyit took me 90 minutes he was kinda deaf ...hehehe08:40
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scratchyWith wha t ?08:40
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LovecraftThe files containing data and info where to put it and any installation info.08:40
noogajlouis_: when updating i was asked if i'd like to create some 'arrays' for mdadm, i selected not to create them08:40
noogamaybe that is the problem08:40
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_SiLENT_so, can I for example, download a package and keep it for later reinstallations08:41
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scratchyyour portage08:41
jlouis_willdev: you could start by perusing a bit around in /var/log/Xorg.0.log and look for hints08:41
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scratchythinks of E08:41
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sgronbloCan anyone recommend any packages with some good terminal fonts? Not truetype.08:41
lesshastehow do you install kqemu in ubuntu?08:41
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scratchytar ballz right ? packed packages for later use08:41
etaleso if I want new icon themse, I install new metacity themes?08:41
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lesshastethere is something called  kqemu-common08:42
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lesshasteis that it?08:42
jlouis_nooga: probably not08:42
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vsayikirancan any tell me can a virus written for windows spread in my ubuntu08:42
scratchynormally those are stored on the servers of one of your repositories08:42
noogajlouis_: what are theese arrays?08:42
ShackJacketale: No, you can install just icons themes - check out gnome-look.org08:42
willdevhow do i reconfigure xorg?08:42
jlouis_nooga: md is multiple disk IIRC08:42
scratchyinstall gnome-art08:42
scratchyits COOL08:43
noogajlouis_: do i need that?08:43
ShackJackvsayikiran: No...08:43
Piciwilldev: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:43
noogai've got normal desktop pc08:43
scratchyall themes in one little app08:43
Piciwilldev: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh for just resolution/driver changes08:43
jlouis_nooga: you don't need it unless you know what it is I think08:43
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dgjones!virus | vsayikiran08:43
ubotuvsayikiran: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2108:43
Kilroovsayikiran: A virus written for Windows is less likely to spread on a Linux machine with no antivirus or firewall programs than it is to spread on a Windows machine with the best firewall and antivirus you can find.08:43
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_SiLENT_I don't want any extra applications installed - just the desktop. Is ubuntu for me?08:44
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_SiLENT_I meant :)08:44
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pupi120290who knows somewthing about cedega08:44
gordonjcpvsayikiran: you *can* under certain special circumstances get a Windows virus to run under Linux08:44
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gordonjcpvsayikiran: it's very very difficult to do08:44
_SiLENT_or should I go for Debian?08:45
etale_SiLEnT_ gentoo is for you then08:45
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willdevty Pici08:45
gordonjcpdoes anyone know how to set the font sizes in Wine?08:45
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vsayikiranhow gordonjcp?08:45
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vsayikiranplease tell me08:45
gordonjcpvsayikiran: how what?08:45
ompaulgordonjcp, I thought they tried for a month and gave up08:45
CarlF1anyone have the url of gutsy torrent?08:45
vsayikiranwill it severely affect my linux08:45
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gordonjcpompaul: to change the font sizes in wine, or run a Windows virus in Linux?08:46
CarlF1er, forget torrent - gutsy .iso08:46
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Lovecraftgordonjcp: I go the mscorefonts and put then where wine could find them.08:46
ompaulgordonjcp, they used wine to try and run viruss08:46
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preaction_CarlF1, gutsy isn't released yet. #ubuntu+1 will help you08:46
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gordonjcpLovecraft: how do you set the font size though?08:46
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gordonjcpompaul: yeah, I tried it, and got it to work *once*08:46
tvrgvsayikiran: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/gutsy/tribe-5/08:46
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_SiLENT_etale, but will it be hard to learn linux stuff and get the apps I need, if I start directly with Gentoo? or should I use Ubuntu first?08:47
dgjonesanybody know of a piano/keyboard teaching package for ubuntu/linux? any suggestions appreciated08:47
darius_Anyone know if it's possible to play mpeg2-ts HD content in current release of Ubuntu?  I've tried Movie Player, vlc, mplayer, xine - nothing seems to care for the 3rd stream (TS) and even when I collapse/strip TS, nothing likes to play back 720/1080 content (but 480i works)08:47
vsayikiranwhat are those special circumstances that a windows virus will run under linux08:47
KworthI want to configure a programm but I get following error on ./configure : configure: error: installation or configuration problem: C++ compiler cannot create executables.08:47
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Lovecraftgordonjcp: I don't remember, but what I did improved things .. maybe the dpi setting in the config tools.08:47
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gordonjcpLovecraft: tried that, didn't help08:47
Morrisseyhi! how do I change the permission of a folder an ALL of its files and recursive folders to my current user to read, write and execute?08:47
willdevok guys, ive got a backup for xorg how do i use it?08:47
tvrgCarlF1: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/gutsy/tribe-5/08:47
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etaleI dunno, it might be hard to get gentoo working, it took my a few days to triple boot with it, but I learned a lot, and you can get rid of whatever you want later, learn to muck around in the kernel, etc08:47
vsayikiranok plz08:48
etaleyou'll learn a lot08:48
GenghisKhanMorrissey: chmod -R u+rwx dirname08:48
dirtyhandwats the command to see all processes running with the name 'mongrel'?08:48
KworthI want to configure a programm but I get following error on ./configure : configure: error: installation or configuration problem: C++ compiler cannot create executables. -  how can I fix this problem gcc is installed08:48
pupi120290hello! can anyone help me? cedega does not function on my computer. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37720/08:48
DM|ok... I have an ejectable CD rom drive, how do i tell where the compy has it listed so i can mount it via terminal08:48
vsayikirantell may be difficult but bot impossible08:48
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pupi120290Kwierg; sudo apt-get install g++08:48
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_SiLENT_i don't need triple boot, nor dual-boot08:48
Morrisseythanks GenghisKhan08:48
vsayikiranlet me know how can be done08:48
pupi120290Kworth: sudo apt-get install g++08:48
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gordonjcpvsayikiran: for all practical purposes, it's impossible08:48
gordonjcpvsayikiran: you basically cannot write a viable virus for Linux08:49
scratchyme neighter08:49
DM|pupi120290: are u trying to install it?08:49
scratchyjust linux is enough08:49
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dgjonesvsayikiran, your chance of a windows virus affecting a linux installation is minimal08:49
Kworthpupi120290, Okay I will try it , thanks :)08:49
_SiLENT_thanx everybody. places like this are gonna save the World! :)08:49
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pupi120290DM| i already installed cvscedega using the instructions on http://www.linux-gamers.net/modules/wiwimod/index.php?page=HOWTO+Cedega+CVS08:49
DM|_SiLenT_ or end it, whichever08:49
Picidirtyhand: ps -u mongrel08:49
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pupi120290DM| but i get the error from cedega: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37720/08:50
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DM|pupi120290: Dumb question, are you running the installer via sudo?08:50
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pupi120290DM| : yes08:50
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DM|pupi120290:  and.. why are you wanting to run the CVS? it can be unstable and buggy08:51
bapunihad anyone gone through the distrowatch? """""""Ubuntu slips to second place"""""""08:51
pupi120290DM|: cvscedega is free cedega not08:51
Inxshow to make ntfs writable partition?08:51
Pici!ntfs-3g | Inxs08:51
ubotuInxs: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions08:51
tvrgInxs: sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g08:51
KworthOn configuring thunderbird with ./configure I get the error: configure: error: --enable-application=APP is required08:52
Kworth --- I already tried to add it to the configure command but I still get the error - what to do?08:52
DM|pupi120290: what version of wine are u running?08:52
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z0rzI'm trying to boot my windows partition in VirtualBox (it's a raw hard disk file) and I get Grub Error 17 ... how could I get around this?08:52
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pupi120290DM| : 0.9.4408:53
tvrgz0rz: didn't know you can boot raw partitions in virtualbox?08:53
pupi120290the newest version in the repos08:53
DM|newest version is 0.9.4508:53
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pupi120290of wine? but 0.9.45 is not available to me... somehow...08:54
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z0rztvrg: Yup08:54
pupi120290DM| : why are you asking about wine?08:54
DM|pupi120290 i use the wine respos i think but still08:54
tvrgz0rz: sweetness, got a link?08:54
z0rztvrg: Yeah... look in the Help file... under Advanced topics08:54
pupi120290DM| : does cedega use wine?08:54
vsayikirangordonjcp why is it not possible to write virus for linux08:54
DM|pupi120290 what app are you trying to use. Yes cedega does, in a way :)08:55
gordonjcpvsayikiran: because it's inherently more secure08:55
vsayikiranif linux is open ssource software08:55
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DM|vsayikiran all about permissions bro08:55
vsayikiranany one can modify source code and do any harm08:55
tvrgz0rz: cool08:55
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ompaulvsayikiran, you can modify your own computer how are you going to modify mine?08:55
GenghisKhanvsayikirian: but there are lots of eyes looking at it08:55
DM|vsayikiran its possible, but it would take a VERY clever man, and a poor dev team .08:55
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z0rzHow can I make my hard disk readable by all?08:56
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ShackJackvsayikiran: Has to do with underlying structure of the linux system.... permissions, owneership, etc...08:56
pupi120290DM|: i tryed to install it; it says i have to run cvscedega firt but i get this error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37720/08:56
lesshastehow is aptitude different from apt-get?08:56
ompaulvsayikiran, please move to #ubuntu-offtopic that is more of a conversational issue not #ubuntu which is support08:56
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Kworth --- I already tried to add it to the configure command but I still get the error - what to do?.08:56
geniiBah looks like fav3 left now08:56
KworthOn configuring thunderbird with ./configure I get the error: configure: error: --enable-application=APP is required08:56
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DM|pup120290 Yes, but im asking what program are you wanting to run with Cedega? because wine might be better since its free of $$,08:56
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ShackJackKworth: Is that Tbird 2.0 ?08:57
KworthShackJack, Yes08:57
frostburnvsayikiran, yes, anyone can modify sourcecode, which is why you trust peer review from trusted sources, like the ubuntu community08:57
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pupi120290DM| no program just finisch to install it; it says in http://www.linux-gamers.net/modules/wiwimod/index.php?page=HOWTO+Cedega+CVS i have to run cvscedega to finisch my installation08:57
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ShackJackKworth: I beleive there is a repo for it (google) and/or package @ getdeb.net for Feisty08:57
pupi120290thats step 4. Configuration08:58
DM|pupi120290: Im looking up the info trying to find an answer08:58
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geniilesshaste: aptitude is the default package manager which comes for Gnome. As the default one for KDE is Adept. These are graphical package managers which use the dpkg system as backend.  apt-get also uses dpkg as backend, but has no gui. also is not specific to any one flavour of *buntu08:58
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DM|pupi120290: i dont think you understand my question08:58
WikzoAnyone here good at Compiz Fusion? I got a cool effect; when I move my mouse to right upper corner, the program views me all my windows like this. http://imageshack.dk//viewimage.php?file=/imagesfree/ker55489.jpg  Now I can't remember what the effect is called :(08:58
KworthShackJack, I have an 64bit amd system, I didn't find one for that architecture08:58
lesshastegenii, ok.. confusingly you can use aptitude from the command line without ever seeing a gui08:58
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ShackJackKworth: 32 bit version won't make too much difference performance wise :)08:59
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GenghisKhangenii, I tought gnome package manager was synaptic, not aptitude08:59
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KworthShackJack, I cant install a 32bit software thats the problem08:59
EstethWhen i try to fix broken packages in synaptic, i get an error: "E: /var/cache/apt/archives/libmjpegtools0_1%3a1.8.0-0.4_i386.deb: trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/libmjpegutils-1.8.so.0.0.0', which is also in package libmjpegtools0c2a"08:59
DM|pupi120290: looks like one other person asked about this but never was answered http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=de&u=http://www.unixboard.de/vb3/showthread.php%3Ft%3D32904&sa=X&oi=translate&resnum=1&ct=result&prev=/search%3Fq%3DCedega%2B%252B%2Bdisabled%2Bcould%2Bnot%2Bretrieve%2Bthe%2Bmodule%2Bfile%2Bname%2B(reason:%2B%2527bad%2Bmodule%2527)%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26rls%3DSwiftfox:en-US:unofficial%26hs%3DufL%26sa%3DG08:59
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geniiGenghisKhan: ARGH yes. I need more coffee09:00
DM|pupi120290: http://www.unixboard.de/vb3/showthread.php?t=3290409:00
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=== genii headdesks
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b33rHello, why I can't format my partition to NTFS with gparted?09:00
KworthShackJack, Do you know how I can get rid of the error?09:00
ShackJackKworth: Did you see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ThunderbirdNewVersion  ? They say 64 bit is in those repos...09:00
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JuJuBeeI just finished setting up my computer lab.  I have nis running.  I created accounts and students can log in.  I know they are supposed to use yppasswd to change passwords.  When they try to, they get an error "yppasswd not running on master host".  when I do rcpinfo -p (on the server) it looks like yppasswd is running.09:00
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frostburnb33r, ntfs is a proprietary windows format09:00
DM|b33r NTFS is a windows thing, you wont want to format it to that if you want linux to read/write properly09:00
tvrg!ntfs3g | b33r09:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ntfs3g - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi09:00
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tvrg!ntfs-3g | b33r09:00
ubotub33r: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions09:00
geniiGenghisKhan: I hope i didn't mess him up too bad09:00
pupi120290DM|: yes exactly that person has the same prob as me09:00
pupi120290like me09:01
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vsayikirangordonjcp , i mean that since source code is freely available any one can modify it09:01
_SiLENT_is there hibernation in Ubuntu or other linuxes?09:01
ShackJackKworth: no 64b not my speciality ... this is all I can offer :) https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ThunderbirdNewVersion#head-90451bfe63ac6b6e70fd0d996e4809b583f4978809:01
b33rI know it's a windows format09:01
tvrg_SiLENT_: yep09:01
DM|pupi120290: Gonna ask this one more time reworded, What game are you trying to play in linux ?09:01
b33rbut can't I format a partition to NTFS with gparted?09:01
GenghisKhangenii, well, aptitude has some kind of gui (if started with no params) :-)09:01
DM|b33r nope09:01
gordonjcpvsayikiran: you should take this to #ubuntu-offtopic09:01
KworthShackJack, Okay I will take a look09:01
ShackJackb33r: You can...09:01
Tomcat_b33r: You can afaik.09:01
scratchyNope no compiz for 580 cards, oh well ... I;'ll just sit here and cry09:01
b33ryes or no?09:01
ShackJackscratchy: 580 cards?09:01
DM|scratchy lol09:01
WikzoAnyone here good at Compiz Fusion? I got a cool effect; when I move my mouse to right upper corner, the program shows me all my windows like this. http://imageshack.dk//viewimage.php?file=/imagesfree/ker55489.jpg  Now I can't remember what the effect is called :(09:01
_SiLENT_and what about rollback software? available?09:01
scratchyATI XT190009:02
DM|b33r Why are you trying to is the better question?09:02
pupi120290DM|: forgot where it is... have to ask a freind of mine later... i told her tthat ill install cvscedega09:02
ShackJackWikzo: It's called "scale"09:02
Tomcat_b33r: Let me check, second.09:02
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scratchyits possible09:02
b33rDM|, because I want to09:02
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pupi120290but it does not function....09:02
scratchybut its very instabile and crashes alot09:02
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DM|pupi120290: id try wine to install the game, works better imo09:02
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lymecaOKay so I mount an HFS+ partition on Feisty live CD and try and copy data off it with sudo, but it says permission denied... with sudo!  I should be able to read this data, no??  I can copy off some data but not a lot of the stuff I need.  the HFS+ partition is mounted as read-only, but that's okay because I don't need to write to it.09:02
Tomcat_b33r: If you have ntfsprogs installed it should work quite well.09:02
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Kitsu1Can I use my wi-fi card to act as an access point?09:02
frostburnwine is also opensource, where cedega is not09:02
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vsayikiranis ubuntu or any linux version secure?09:02
ShackJackscratchy: Using fglrx driver or ati dirver?09:02
DM|b33r well i want a million dollars, but it aint happenin, listen to tomcat_ he knows what he is talkin bout09:02
scratchynot worthed yet, Im already satisfied with my extended desktop through envy though09:02
ShackJackvsayikiran: Yes...09:02
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tvrgvsayikiran: nothing is really secure09:03
WikzoShackJack: Thank you very much!09:03
geniiGenghisKhan: Now i found a nice explanatory site LOL http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/aptitude09:03
scratchytried both09:03
GenghisKhanKitsu1: depends on the driver09:03
b33rDM|, don't waste my time if you can't help me09:03
tvrgvsayikiran: but it's more so than some other os'es09:03
scratchyI got it working under XGL09:03
scratchyGnome with XGL09:03
Tomcat_b33r: Don't be rude, he was just trying to help. ;)09:03
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z0rzHow can I make my hard disk readable by all?09:03
tvrgz0rz: you shoudln't09:03
tvrgz0rz: not the entire disk09:03
Kitsu1GenghisKhan, the default driver that came with ubuntu, my wifi is atheros I think09:03
scratchythat's kinda stupid09:04
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DM|b33r Referring you to someone else that can help you, is helping as far as I can. So yeah watch the attitude.09:04
z0rzok fine.. How do I make my sda1 readable by all09:04
LjLz0rz: how can i make thieves steal my car and rob my house easily?09:04
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scratchyyou dont want me reading your harddisk09:04
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tvrgz0rz: some external disk ok, but your sda1 shouldn't be read by anyone09:04
LjLz0rz: permissions can be controlled at the filesystem level (i.e. for single files). why don't you do that?09:04
scratchyuse chmod09:04
z0rzLjL: Leave them unlocked?09:04
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scratchybut WHY !09:04
scratchyis the question why take that risk09:04
tvrgz0rz: chmod a+r changes "all to readable" but pick a folder, not a disk09:04
LjLz0rz: yeah, that's an idea.09:04
vsayikiranwell i want to know that whether ubuntu is more secure than windows09:04
b33rDM|, misleading me isn't good information, you said that I can't format and started babbling about million dollars which I'm not interested about09:04
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z0rzLjL: Because I'm trying to create a virtual disk of my windows partition09:05
z0rzLjL: For VirtualBox09:05
vsayikirani'm really nwew to linux so have many doubts09:05
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LjLz0rz: and that requires read access for all?09:05
tvrgz0rz: chmod a+rw09:05
b33rTomcat_,  thanks I installed ntfsprogs it worked09:05
z0rztvrg: My "folder" is already 77709:05
GenghisKhanKitsu1, then you can http://madwifi.org/wiki/UserDocs/AccessPointInterface09:05
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scratchy z0rz: yupp thats it09:05
Tomcat_b33r: Great. :-)09:05
_SiLENT_which is better - KDE or Gnome?09:05
z0rzLjL: Well, fine full read access to user X09:05
LjL!best > _SiLENT_    (_SiLENT_, see the private message from Ubotu)09:05
tvrgz0rz: 777 is god if 666 is the devil :)09:05
Tomcat__SiLENT_: unanswerable. Everybody uses what he likes best. ;)09:05
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frostburnb33r, ntfsprogs, mkntfs09:05
scratchyoctals gotta love em09:05
LjLz0rz: why can't you just do it as root? after all, if i got it correctly, you only need to do this *once*09:06
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_SiLENT_what do u like?09:06
LjL_SiLENT_: do you want 1234 answer?09:06
z0rzLjL: You got it incorrectly09:06
LjL_SiLENT_: i like KDE, but that's just me. you can very easily try both at the same time09:06
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LjL!kde > _SiLENT_    (_SiLENT_, see the private message from Ubotu)09:06
tvrgz0rz: try chmod a+rw -R09:06
CreedCan ubuntu be installed onto a 512mb flash drive?09:06
DM|b33r Ubuntuforums.org is a wonderful source of information, try the seach feature.09:06
tvrgor whatever --recursive maps to09:06
tattersdoes have linux/ubuntu have a equivelent to a roaming profile for a LAN09:06
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sgronbloHow can I get MiscFixed in the terminal?09:08
_SiLENT_so what about the rollback software - the one which rolls ur hdd back in time? anything like that in linux?09:08
tvrg_SiLENT_: you mean backups or version control?09:08
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LjLz0rz: then explain again please... you have a physical Windows disk, and want to copy it to a VBox file.  but since you said that was incorrect, what you want to do is probably to use the Windows disk *directly*... correct? if so, that's generally a bad idea, as Windows gets confused easily.09:08
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tattersu can image your drive n restore to an earler time#09:09
scratchyoooh isnt chmod a+r , chmod 4000 ?09:09
LjLz0rz: still, chmod a+rw /dev/sda1, while still being a bad idea, would probably do the trick, although because /dev is managed by udev, you'd probably have to do that at every boot09:09
_SiLENT_I mean rollback like in "Norton GoBack", "Rollback Rx", "AyRecovery" for Windows09:09
_SiLENT_imaging takes more time09:09
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_SiLENT_imagine if u have a 160Gb HDD09:10
scratchyooh no it's 444409:10
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ompaul_SiLENT_, it does not work that way09:10
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Creed_SiLENT_, I image 2TB twice a week :)09:10
ShackJackCreed: I beleive you need > 700 MB09:10
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vsayikirani want to know where the programs get installed when i install them using apt-get install package-name09:10
CreedWorth it if you have important stuff you just cant afford to lose.09:10
_SiLENT_Creed, how does it then?09:10
=== genii chmod 4000 scratchy and sees how he likes it ....
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vsayikiranwhat is the equivlent of progrma files in ubuntu09:11
_SiLENT_Creed, windows rollback software reverts any changes to disk u want09:11
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Tomcat_vsayikiran: There is no real equivalent, the files are all over the file system.09:11
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GenghisKhanvsayikirian, /usr would be the most similar09:11
vsayikiranin which folder does the package gets installed09:11
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Tomcat_vsayikiran: You could say /usr, like GenghisKhan... or just /. :)09:11
_SiLENT_for example, u delete or modify a file, then u go back and the file is as if never touched09:11
tvrgvsayikiran: you shouldn't really care but /usr and /usr/local and /opt (all have a specific meaning)09:11
LjLvsayikiran: there is none. while on Windows programs are divided into one directory for each program (generally), in Unix directories tend to contain specific kinds of files, *regardless* of the program they belong to09:11
Tomcat_vsayikiran: The package determines where it's installed.09:12
blackholeIs there someway i can login using root account instead of everything logging using general user account and writing sudo to even install a package?09:12
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Tomcat_vsayikiran: You can use "dpkg -L <package>" to see what files it installs, and where.09:12
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LjLvsayikiran: so, executable programs are mostly in /usr/bin, but their icons (for instance) can be in /usr/share09:12
frostburnvsayikiran, every package installs all over, use system -> administration -> synaptic package manager, find your package, right click properties, then installed files09:12
vsayikirani want to know where the settings of wallpaper-tray is stored09:12
GenghisKhanvsyikirian, have a look to http://www.pathname.com/fhs/09:12
tvrgvsayikiran: that allows for more sharing of librarys etc09:12
Tomcat_blackhole: Yes. Do you really want to do that?09:12
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mthahi, is anyone here running the cfs kernel? thanks.09:12
blackholeTomcat_, Yes09:12
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GenghisKhanvsayikirian, probably in a dot-file in your home09:12
Tomcat_vsayikiran: Settings are either in /etc/<program> or /home/<user>/.<program>09:12
tvrgblackhole: why?09:12
ShackJackblackhole: What do mean to "even install a package" if there's one thing you'd want admin perms on is that :)09:12
ShackJack!sudo | blackhole09:12
ubotublackhole: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.09:12
=== scratchy is running ScummVM and 'the secret of monkey island 1'
frostburnblackhole, sudo -i works well enough09:13
Tomcat_blackhole: You can use "sudo passwd root", but I suggest reading the page ubotu just gave you.09:13
blackholeShackJack, How can i give admin permission..?09:13
_SiLENT_and where do the programs store their settings in Ubuntu? is there such a problem as junk entries in windows registry?09:13
tvrgblackhole: use sudo for temporary admin access (similar to vista UAC)09:13
ShackJackblackhole you don't want to - it's a dumb idea ;)09:13
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vsayikiranif i am using apt-get install where does the package gets stored09:13
LjL_SiLENT_: "depends"09:13
ompaulblackgoth, go to the web page it tells you all09:13
mthahi can i have some help with installing the cfs kernel? please09:13
_SiLENT_LjL, details?09:13
frostburn_SiLENT_, check out my previous message, and no, there's no registry09:13
ompaulblackhole, , go to the web page it tells you all09:13
Tomcat__SiLENT_: Either in /etc or in /home/<user>. Some use a registry-like thing called "gconf". But it's not nearly as bad.09:13
LjL_SiLENT_: /etc stores system-wide settings for (mostly) console programs and daemons (i.e. system services)09:13
rathelHello, I need some help with mt-daapd. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37632/09:14
LjL_SiLENT_: application settings are generally in a hidden directory in a user's home09:14
Tomcat__SiLENT_: But to be complete, you *can* have too many settings files on your PC, sure. :)09:14
vsayikirani want to know in which folder does a package get stored after i run apt-get install09:14
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GenghisKhanvsayikirian, different types of files go to different directories09:14
Tomcat_vsayikiran: Run "dpkg -L <package>". That lists all the files.09:14
LjL_SiLENT_: generally speaking, each program puts its settings wherever it wants, in whatever format it wants09:14
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tckhas tribe 6 been skipped?09:14
mthatseliot, are u there?09:14
LjL_SiLENT_: so you can have, for example, /home/silent/.someprogram/someprogramrc ("rc" being a common suffix for "configuration file")09:14
ShackJacktck: Yes - it is a bugfixing release...09:14
_SiLENT_so everything is the same as in windows :)09:14
Tomcat_tck: It was a bugfix-only milestone. And, #ubuntu+109:15
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tckShackJack, ok09:15
LjL_SiLENT_: GNOME programs, on the other hand, use the GConf framework, which is quite similar to the Windows registry, but more lightweight09:15
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Tomcat__SiLENT_: Yes, but the problems aren't really as bad. And I was a registry hacker. ;)09:15
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cyberfinHi there09:15
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LjL_SiLENT_: try typing "apt-cache show gconf-editor" if you want to peek at it09:15
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tvrghi cyberfin09:15
cyberfinIs there a quick answer to why the 3d desktop won't work just after I activated my agp?09:15
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cyberfinwith restricted drivers...09:16
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tvrgcyberfin: no, in feisty the 3d desktop is experimental09:16
tvrgcyberfin: a lot has been written on the forums09:16
_SiLENT_what I mean is, after uninstalling a program - does it leave junk in files or some registry-like place?09:16
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cyberfinah, so no good reason then :)09:16
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cyberfini'll take a look09:16
tvrgcyberfin: there will be an answer, just not quick :)09:16
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cyberfinwell ya gotta ask, no?09:17
GenghisKhan_SiLENT_: user settings of a program are left when uninstalled09:17
LjL_SiLENT_: it depends. it *does* leave "junk" around, and that's by design (you may want to re-install it later) -- whether it leaves it in plain files, or in GConf, it depends on whether the program is a GNOME program or not09:17
tvrgcyberfin: sure09:17
cyberfinthnx nway09:17
tvrgcyberfin: but it should be supported in the next release (in a couple of weeks)09:17
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GenghisKhan_SiLENT_: on the other hand, system settings are deleted if you "purge" the program, but left if you just "remove"09:17
cyberfin*looks at calendar09:17
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LjL_SiLENT_: in either case, chances that it will affect you system's performances are about... zero09:17
_SiLENT_so there is an option to "purge"?09:18
tvrgcyberfin: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule09:18
LjL_SiLENT_: as he said, only for *systemwide* settings.09:18
cyberfinhehe thnx again!09:18
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Tomcat__SiLENT_: The difference is that the settings files are much easier to remove (just delete them in *one* location), and there are only few of them, one for each program (and none at all for the system settings). That's much better than in Windows, where you got multiple locations and millions of entries. ;)09:18
GenghisKhan_SiLENT_, yes, just do "aptitude purge package"09:18
LjL_SiLENT_: GUI applications that are configured by the single users have their settings saved in the user's home directory -- and those won't be "purged"09:18
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GenghisKhanLjL: and of course that's the way it should be09:19
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LjLGenghisKhan: well, i'm not sure i agree. i think there *should* be a way to purge the user settings of an application without having to hunt down the files or GConf entries manually. but well, there just isn't09:20
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_SiLENT_but windows also has "one" place for software settings  -HKLM/Software ot HKU/Software, but still programs write to many other places too09:20
_SiLENT_in linux programs write only to one place?09:20
GenghisKhanLjL: it's an user matter to remove user configs, not an admin matter09:20
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LjLGenghisKhan: right, but nothing (except the current design) would prevent you from having a *usermode* tool to help remove the settings09:21
paolohi. when I try to download with apt-get, it connects to localhost:4001 ( and doesn't work. what could be broken?09:21
MouzzI have a ralink rt2500 pcmcia card and I can't get it to work with wpa even after searching the internet... I'm using ndiswrapper and dmesg sais "wlan0: ethernet device undis driver rt2500" and "wlan0: encryption modes supported: WEP, WPA..." At the end dmesg sais: "ra0: link not ready. Everywhere the wifi card is referenced as "ra0" yet in dmesg it's also referenced as wlan0. Can anyone give me an explanation or a pointer?09:21
GenghisKhanLjL: and why would you need to purge user settings?09:21
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LjL_SiLENT_: all programs write to the home directory of the user who's using them. you can be sure that they'll never write anything outside of that directory (unless they run at root, in which case, however, their global settings *can* be purged)09:21
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MongooseWAubuntu keeps freezing when I try to shut down/log off09:22
aaron_what's up?09:22
MongooseWAi think it might be compiz fusion/emerald09:22
LjLGenghisKhan: because i don't need either the application or its settings anymore, and i don't want them lying around?09:22
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aaron_i'm sorry about your freezing problem mongoose09:22
_SiLENT_I am installing ubuntu now, why does it say smth like "checksum for device 1 is bad.."?09:22
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GenghisKhanLjL: you just get a few KBs by deletting09:22
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aaron_silent-i think you didn't burn the iso right09:23
ShackJack_SiLENT_: Bad burn on CD - did you run the check cd for defects thingie...09:23
LjLGenghisKhan: not necessarily! very small files can be stored as *big* files, depending on the filesystem. also, more inodes means more stuff to search though09:23
_SiLENT_but it a shipped CD, how can it be bad?09:23
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vsayikiranhow to defragment my harddisk09:24
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Niklas_Ewhich is the fastest for a amd64? amd64 or i386?09:24
ShackJack_SiLENT_: Well, i dunno - like how anything else can be bad, I suppose. Evil spirits :)09:24
LjL_SiLENT_: it does happen09:24
GenghisKhanLjL: good point, but I keep thinking it isn't worth the effort09:24
LjL!info defrag | vsayikiran, but it's mostly not needed with ext309:24
ubotuvsayikiran, but it's mostly not needed with ext3: defrag: ext2, minix and xiafs filesystem defragmenter. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.73pjm1-8ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 68 kB, installed size 208 kB09:24
aaron_yeah how do you defrag a disk09:24
scratchyok just checking but is this message coming through...(firewall check)09:24
_SiLENT_what do I do? run the check first?09:24
rathelHello, I need some help with mt-daapd. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37632/09:24
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LjLGenghisKhan: well, because it has to be done manually. if it could be done with one single, automated command, i think it would be worth the effort ;)09:24
ShackJack_SiLENT_: Yes and it'll say if it found any errors..09:24
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scratchy is IRC on port 32759 ?09:25
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mohamed_hello all, maybe is general problem but this happen while installing edubuntu,  i install it from this cd more than once and also on the same pc , but this time i face some errors, the last when i start with CD to install i get this error :- ACPI: Unable to load system Description table ........... Kernel panic - not syncing: no init found try passing init=option to kernel09:25
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LjLscratchy: it's usually on 666709:25
ShackJack_SiLENT_: At least it eliminates the most likely problem..09:25
vsayikirani think my ubuntu is running slowly09:25
vsayikiranwhen i installed it was fast09:25
GenghisKhanLjL: time to submit something to a wishlist :)09:25
vsayikiranso i want to defragment the disk09:25
scratchyIm getting like 1000 pings from all kinds of ip addresses on 3275909:25
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Hueyscratchy, you could be getting attacked or something maybe09:26
LjLGenghisKhan: nah, it's too hardcoded into the Unix design to fix in an elegant way09:26
vsayikirandoes any one know how to defragment ext3 partition09:26
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frostburnvsayikiran, no such thing09:26
LjLvsayikiran: i just told you09:26
LjLfrostburn: not true09:26
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frostburnthe only way is to copy from one partition to another09:26
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vsayikirani feel my ubuntu is running bit slow09:26
LjLvsayikiran: i also told you it's unnecessary, and won't give you any perceivable speed improvement, but feel free to try09:26
GenghisKhanLjL: i don't think so. just add some kind of info tag to packages which says where the configs are to be stored09:26
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Gizmo_the_Greathow can I rescan the USB bus for a newly attached device that is not being detected?09:27
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LjL!info defrag | frostburn (and yes, it does work with ext3 in Edgy and Feisty)09:27
ubotufrostburn (and yes, it does work with ext3 in edgy and feisty): defrag: ext2, minix and xiafs filesystem defragmenter. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.73pjm1-8ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 68 kB, installed size 208 kB09:27
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GenghisKhanLjL: then a gui app to show a list, read the config locations, and delete them09:27
vsayikiranhow to speed up my ubuntu ?09:27
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mikebotWhat's the command in terminal to edit a file?09:27
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Gizmo_the_Greatmikebot, gedit filename09:27
LjLmikebot: try "nano"09:27
MongooseWAsudo gedit "file"09:27
mikebotGizmo_the_Great: Thanks.09:27
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mikebotLjL: Thanks.09:27
rathelI like vim.09:27
mikebotAnd sudo gedit if I need permission?09:27
LjLGenghisKhan: what if the program uses GConf, you'd have to make something ad-hoc for various cases09:28
ompaulvsayikiran, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=552632 and then follow this thread: http://linux.derkeiler.com/Mailing-Lists/Debian/2005-05/2369.html09:28
Gizmo_the_Greatmikebot, you guessed it09:28
frostburnLjL, how long has that been out09:28
LjLmikebot: no - gedit is a GUI app, so use "gksudo"09:28
vsayikiranhow much free space is necessaary for / partition09:28
geniigksudo gedit, not sudo gedit09:28
GenghisKhanGenghisKhan: yes, it isn't straight forward09:28
mikebotLjL: Oh, thanks.09:28
mikebotGizmo_the_Great: thanks.09:28
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metatronsageim having a really bad problem tryin to get JRE working correctly, have doing a complete uninstall reinstall and tried as many other things as i can think of with no luck, any ideas?09:28
GenghisKhani have to go. bye all!09:28
Gizmo_the_Greatmikebot, either will work09:28
LjLfrostburn: the "defrag" package has existed for the past... 20 years or so. but it used to not be compatible with ext309:28
ompaulvsayikiran, you said you have it installed - so what are you on about you are looking like a troll at this stage09:28
metatronsageon feisty btw09:28
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WipsI tried editing my external drive, so that I could edit, delete and write files too. but when I tried to remount it says it can't mount. I thought I could just edit it back to the defaults, but I can't find the settings in fstab09:28
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mpoufos_sketowhich program you guys recomend for creating simple html pages?09:29
shadeofgreyhypotheticlly speaking09:29
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metatronsagegedit mpousfos :P09:29
Wipsmpoufos_sketo, vim?09:29
ompaulWips, what file system is on that external drive?09:29
Wipsompaul, ntfs, I tried setting it to ntfs-3g09:29
mpoufos_sketono I mean like front page or macromedia dreamwaver09:29
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stefgmpoufos_sketo: openoffice can do that09:29
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Wipsmpoufos_sketo, definitly dreamweave before frontpage09:29
shadeofgreywould ubuntu have any problems with utilixing a pc with dual 8000 nvidia cards in SLI mode?09:29
vsayikiranhow much free space is needed in / partition for ubuntu to work properly09:29
dgjones!kompozer | mpoufos_sketo09:29
ubotumpoufos_sketo: kompozer is a WYSIWYG HTML editor for easily creating web pages, and the continuation of the dead Nvu project.  It will be in the Ubuntu repos for 7.10 ("gutsy"); meanwhile for other versions add the following to your /etc/apt/sources.list:  "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/tonyyarusso/ubuntu {dapper,edgy,feisty} universe"  (pick your release and list it without brackets, and no quotes)09:29
geniimpoufos_sketo: You can export to html from openoffice writer09:29
mikebotIf I update my privoxy actions file, how do I reload it so that it reads the new file?09:30
etaleis it possible to change the appearance of the main panel? for example, to change the color of "appearances Places System" to white, not black?09:30
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ompaulWips, ahh if it was fat I would have said do a file system check, and I don't know how that is done with that file system09:30
ompaulvsayikiran, you said you have it installed - so what are you on about you are looking like a troll at this stage09:30
geniivsayikiran: You will need a minumum of about 2.6 Gb /09:30
shadeofgreyvsayikiran, i suppose you could do it in as little as 10 gig but...  if you wanted applications and shit id say realistically youd want like 80-25009:30
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rathelHello, I need some help with mt-daapd. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37632/09:30
metatronsageim having a really bad problem tryin to get JRE working correctly, have doing a complete uninstall reinstall and tried as many other things as i can think of with no luck, any ideas?09:30
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mohamed_while installing edubuntu,  i get this error after i  choose install :-" ACPI: Unable to load system Description table" ..........." Kernel panic - not syncing: no init found try passing init=option to kernel" can anyone help me ?09:31
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kriwhat is it, that my usbmouse is lagging when putting my wlan pcmcia card in?09:31
ompaul!bootoptions | mohamed_ (the urls here should help you somewhat)09:31
ubotumohamed_ (the urls here should help you somewhat): For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions09:31
stefgmohamed_: tell about your hardware09:31
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esper] hello09:32
PriceChildshadeofgrey, vsayikiran you only need about 2.5Gb for the standard install... what you want to install extra or your own documents will mean more09:32
mikebotThanks, bye.09:32
esper] having some odd issues getting xorg to come back up09:32
esper] installed the msttcorefonts package09:32
Wipsompaul, but how can I edit it back? I mean.. I plug it in and it only says "Can't mount to that location".. Considering it's plugged in there's gotta be somewhere I can edit it? It's gotta be in the system09:32
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djm63um, could anyone give me a rough estimate of download size to upgrade from running feisty to gutsy? I need to pay in advance...09:32
mohamed_stefg, pc is athlon 1100 1 GB ram, and the system was installed b4 from the same CD09:32
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esper] and another font named triskweline and it worked fine until i shutdown X to start up a new compile of xmonad09:32
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metatronsageanyone here experianced with jre issues? anyone? really need a hand with this :(09:32
esper] getting "could not init font path element /usr/share/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc, remove from list09:32
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vsayikiranafter installing ubuntu i installed windows xp and then i wasn't able to boot in linux wot could be the problem?09:32
ompaulWips, got one of them windows boxes handy09:33
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esper] does that for 2 other fonts09:33
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djm63so once I've done all the repository changing, it's a bit late09:33
dgjones!grub | vsayikiran09:33
ubotuvsayikiran: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto09:33
esper] any ideas?09:33
ShackJackdjm63: That's a tough one but around 400MB...09:33
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metatronsagevsayikirin your grub bootloader is overwritten09:33
ompaulWips, it is the wrong fs for me to work out how it works09:33
metatronsagereinstall grub09:33
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esper] that and "waiting for X server to shutdown FreeFontPath: FPE" "/usr/share/fonts/X11/misc" refcount is 2, should be 1. fixing09:33
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_SiLENT_the CD has no errors, i checked09:33
djm63ShackJack: that's not bad09:33
vsayikiranyes metatronsage09:33
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djm63overnight job, but OK09:33
esper] and doesnt help09:33
VirtualPCI'm buzzing09:33
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VirtualPCHello room09:34
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tvrgVirtualPC: whats the point?09:34
VirtualPCthe point?09:34
rlountVirtualPC, buzzing on caffiene or an Ubuntu high? ;)09:34
stefgmohamed_: try setting the bios to 'safe defaults' and install again. You might need to use the 'noacpi' boot option . see 'lspci' to find out about your motherboards chipset and search the forums if there are known issuses09:34
tvrgVirtualPC: this is a fairly high volume channel, not chatty at all09:34
VirtualPCI just got Ubuntu working under Virtual PC 2007 :)09:35
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esper] anyone know how to fix that font problem?09:35
tvrgVirtualPC: nice for you09:35
jamisontrying to configure samba... is there a GUI?09:35
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rlountjamison, SWAT09:35
_SiLENT_checksum for device 1 is not valid09:35
mohamed_thanks stefg  i'm reading now and if i gace something i will ask again09:35
_SiLENT_checksum for device 2 is not valid09:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about noacpi - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi09:35
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about acpi - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi09:35
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_SiLENT_what do these mean?09:35
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jamisonrlount: i installed SWAT but i cannot connect on http://localhost:901 ... do i need to add a firewall exception or restart or something?09:36
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rlountjamison, most likely culprit is xinetd09:36
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shadeofgreyi need guidance09:36
jamisonrlount: i suspected the same... do i need to restart or config. it?09:36
rlountjamison, check /etc/xinetd.d/swat make sure itr's enabled and restart the service.09:36
_SiLENT_I have windows on NTFS, how do I install Ubuntu so that I have both?09:37
jamisonits enabled -- how do i restart it?09:37
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preaction_!wubi | _SiLENT_09:37
ubotu_SiLENT_: wubi is an unofficial Ubuntu installer for Windows users - more info is at http://www.cutlersoftware.com/ubuntusetup/wubi/en-US/index.html09:37
stefg!install | _SiLENT_09:37
ubotu_SiLENT_: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate09:37
shadeofgreydoes ubuntu play nicve with computers running two nvidia 8800 ultra cards iun SLI mode or no?09:37
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dgjones!dualboot | _SiLENT_09:37
ubotu_SiLENT_: Dual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookProFeisty09:37
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esper] _SiLENT_: google for dualbooting xp and ubuntu09:37
rlountjamison, if you are running a firewall and are trying to connect from another machine, yes. poke a hole for 901.09:37
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jamisonrlount: nope just trying to connect to localhost09:37
rlountjamison, cool.09:37
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shadeofgreyfurthermore can i use two 30" samsung displays at the same time?09:37
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esper] anyone know much about xorg fonts?09:38
ShackJack_SiLENT_ - are you installng on Virtual PC by any chance?09:38
CoCaInEGuys i got problem, i try to setup vnc4server , i connect to serv and got error 10061 ,if i try to connect :0 it dont help09:38
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jamisonhow do i restart xinetd?09:38
_SiLENT_ShackJack, yeah, how did u know?09:38
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prawxinetd? ctrl alt backspace i think09:38
Wipsompaul, I figured it out, opened cgonf-editor and found the key there, just removed it.. and remounted the drive..09:38
tvrgjamison: /etc/init.d/xinetd restart09:38
geniijamison: sudo /etyc/init.d/xinted restart09:38
geniiarg typos09:38
jmbpHi.. were can I ask questions about LTSP on feisty?09:38
rlountjamison, /etc/init.d/xinetd restart09:39
ShackJack_SiLENT_: Just googled it... try *lower* allocated memory to 256MB - you'll get error but it should continue...09:39
CoCaInEi try to setup vnc4server , i connect to serv and got error 10061 ,if i try to connect :0 it dont help09:39
geniitvrg Thx, no typos in yours :)09:39
prawnevermind, ctrl alt bakckspace restarts X09:39
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ompaulWips, cool care to add that to the !ntfs page?09:39
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tvrggenii: but no sudo either :)09:39
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pontusenhow does one change the locales? :|09:39
stefgshadeofgrey: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=326&num=1 abit aged but still worth a read09:39
tvrg!setlocale | pontusen09:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about setlocale - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi09:39
tvrgcrap :)09:39
Wipsompaul, uh >.< I have not done that before but.. If you show me, sure?09:39
pontusentvrg, could've worked ;)09:40
_SiLENT_ShackJack, i have set it to 256Mb, can u gimme link?09:40
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ompaulWips, got a launchpad account?09:40
Wipsompaul, nope09:40
ompaulWips,  launchpad.net09:40
ShackJack_SiLENT_: sorry, no  just read it somewhere in ubuntu forums09:40
jamisonrlount: actually the config is in /etc/inetd.conf09:40
CoCaInEAny1 will help me with VNC4server09:40
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ompaulWips, start there and come back to me09:41
ShackJack_SiLENT_: is this mac or windows?09:41
jamisonrlount: swat            stream  tcp     nowait.400      root    /usr/sbin/tcpd  /usr/sbin/swat09:41
ompaulWips, then we take it to pm too much grief09:41
_SiLENT_how do i find the info?09:41
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rlountjamison, happens. there are different approaches to inetd09:41
jamisonrlount: but that's enabled, right?09:41
ShackJack_SiLENT_: I have Ubuntu running with "Windows as the guest OS running on VirtualBox - runs real sweet...09:41
ShackJack_SiLENT_: google error message ubuntu09:41
rlountjamison, looks like it.09:41
jamisonsudo: /etc/init.d/xinetd: command not found09:41
jamisonis there another way to restart it?09:42
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_SiLENT_ShackJack, I want to stay in Windows untill I learn ubuntu09:42
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rlountjamison, you'll want /etc/init.d/inetutils-inetd reload.09:42
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ShackJack_SiLENT_: P.S. They have VirtualBox for Windows hosts to (virtualbox.org) which I'm using (linux version) and runs real well...09:43
stefg_SiLENT_: in general i would resist the temptation of going down the 'easy' way of wubi. make a proper backup of your disk, then resize the ntfs to give ubuntu at least arounf 4-5 GB empty space (unpartitioned) and just et the installer do its job09:43
rlountjamison, scope out you /etc/init.d directory too, it's a good way to become familiar w/ whats loaded.09:43
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ubuntuola k tal09:43
ShackJackstefg: He's using Virtual PC...09:43
PaulEUhelo! Is there a chance that in 7.04 will be new AdobeReader 8.1.1 ?09:43
tvrgjamison: what ubuntu version?09:43
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jamisonrlount: looking now... but that's not in there either09:43
jamisoni'm running fiesty09:43
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tvrgPaulEU: no, adobe is non free, you'll still have to download it from the adobe site09:43
rlountjamison, ls -ls /etc/init.g |grep inet09:43
ShackJackPaulEU: Absolutely none - you'd likely have to add an extra repo...09:44
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PaulEUtvrg: but there is in rpm format :/09:44
Wipsompaul, Registered09:44
damjan|workanyone knows where to find more resources on the ubuntu jeos? (just enough OS)09:44
stefgPaulEU: no, because that's proprietary software which will never be included if ther alternatives (evince).09:44
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jamisonrlount: no matches09:44
m1keAnyone be able to help me get xbox 360 controller to work on gutsy?09:44
PaulEUShackJack: is there repos for new adobe?09:44
rlountjamison, sudo aptitude install inetutils-inetd09:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about acrobat - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi09:45
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vsayikiranis there any way to install security patches from terminal09:45
ubotuSeveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages. More info (and mirrors) on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - And he's getting married!09:45
stefgPaulEU: ^^^09:45
=== testcees2 [n=cees@a80-101-5-103.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
CoCaInEAny1 would help me with VNC ?09:45
tvrgPaulEU: plenty help on the forum about that09:45
jamisonrlount: ok done, trying again09:45
ShackJackvsayikiran: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude -f dist-upgrade ...09:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about acrobat - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi09:46
vsayikirani want to download and install security upadte from ubuntu website using terminal09:46
ShackJackvsayikiran: ^^^^09:46
Kitsu1What does the "Rx invalid nwid" mean in the iwconfig output?09:46
stefgvsayikiran: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade09:46
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PaulEUstefg: thx for reply09:46
PaulEUtvrg: ^09:46
jamisonrlount: yay! it worked and so does SWAT now... thnx09:46
rlountjamison, welcome.09:47
shadeofgreywhat th hell is SWAT09:47
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ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT09:47
vsayikiranwhich one is correct sudo aptitude update or sudo apt-get apdate09:47
DaBonBonanyone from the ubuntu audio team around ?09:47
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stefgvsayikiran: both work09:47
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cox377hey all09:47
testcees2VNC: search for vnc in combination with inted to autostart the vncserver.09:47
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tvrghey cox37709:48
rlountjamison, the reason you had to do that bit of hassling is Ubuntu ships no port open by default, inetd really needs to be looked after, make sure you aren't listening on anything other than what you should be.09:48
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cox377whats the best way to make a backup of my entire current ubuntu install - basically wanna move it over to another hdd09:48
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dgjones!backup | cox37709:48
ubotucox377: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning09:48
tvrgcox377: try "sudo apt-get install sbackup"09:48
rlountjamison, sudo lsof -i |grep LISTEN  should show 901, maybe 22 and possibly some rpc stuff.09:48
tvrgcox377: then look for simple backup in system > admin09:48
jamisonrlount: i noticed the empty iptables...09:48
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cox377dgjones: cheers for the heads up!09:48
KworthHello I pluged in an usbstick to my ubuntu laptop - > its fat32 I think, I cant delete some files, even as root - and I cant change permissions of course - what can I do?09:49
Anlarshadeofgrey: SWAT? samba web administration thingy? completely crappy interface for configurating samba09:49
testcees2my favorite backup is rsnapshot09:49
cox377tvrg: cheers - shall take a look09:49
rlountjamison, you don't want finger or something listening.09:49
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stefgcox377: basically you can just copy the stuff over. all you have to worry for is /etc/fstab and /boot/grub/menu.lst and grub being in the mbr of the boot disk09:49
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jamisonrlount: looking now... no finger... cupsd, hpiod, python, skype, smbd, smbd, inetutils09:49
rlountjamison, cool, if it's what you have set up, all good.09:50
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cox377stefg: its basically all my configs etc etc09:50
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jamisonrlount: yep, thnx.09:50
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jamisonis there a way to get textboxes to undo what you pasted in them with CTRL+Z? i liked being able to do that in xp...09:50
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jamisonis there a way to get the terminal to auto copy when you select text in the window?09:51
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vraa-sonyyou know what would be a really cool feature? making updates function through torrents on a LAN.09:51
tvrgjamison: ctrl shift c and ctrl shift p copy paste in terminal09:51
rlountjamison, try middle clicking where you want to paste while text is highlighted.09:51
KworthHello I pluged in an usbstick to my ubuntu laptop - > its fat32 I think, I cant delete some files, even as root - and I cant change permissions of course - what can I do??09:51
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jamisontry middle clicking09:51
stefgcox377:  you just need to copy everything (dot-files, preserve permissions)09:51
jamisonrlount: oh... so it does copy? or it doesn't copy until i click the mid button?09:52
vraa-sonyKworth, try double checking that it's fat32, it sounds like it might be NTFS. are you running 7.04 ?09:52
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tvrgjamison: it copys when selecting, pastes when you click the scroll wheel, otherwise use ctrl shift c and ctrl shift v09:52
rlountjamison, dunno ;) I think it copies to buffer when highlighted.09:52
Kworthvraa-sony: Yes I think its 7.04 - if that is the most recent09:52
geniiKworth: Yes i would also suggest it is ntfs filesystem, since ubuntu can write to fat out of the box.09:52
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jamisontvrg: diff. between ctrl+v and ctrl+shift+v?09:53
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Kworthvraa-sony, genii - actually It is just fat not fat3209:53
rlountjamison, one command has an xtra keystroke ;) but the shit addition is for Gnome Terminal09:53
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vraa-sonyKworth, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21700909:53
vraa-sonytry that link09:53
tvrgjamison: terminal often has other shortcuts mapped to ctrl c, so you need to use ctrl shif c to copy in a terminal, and ctrl shift p to pste in a terminal, in the other apps you can use regular ctrl v09:53
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rlountjamison, it does not work in Konsole or Terminal09:53
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tvrgctrl shift v09:54
vraa-sonyoh, you say it's not NTFS? interesting09:54
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neverbluejamison, look at the edit menu in your terminal09:54
tvrgjamison: in terminal you just need ctrl shift instead of ctrl, to avoid colliding with other commands09:54
jamisontvrg, rlount: i'm familiar with PuTTY in XP, where you can paste with right-click and copy just by selecting text... does Terminal do this, or can i configure it to, or is there another app, or maybe even PuTTY for linux?09:54
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rlountjamison, I was trying to say (while eating pizza) ctrl-shift-v works in Gnome Terminal, but no Konsole or Terminal.09:55
tvrgjamison: yes, you can still right click09:55
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jamisontvrg: i mean right-click literally pasted, it didn't bring up a menu09:55
rlountjamison, I don't think so, the non-menu thingie.09:55
tvrgjamison: ah, k, been a while since i needed putty09:55
rlountjamison, thats where middle click comes in.09:55
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KworthIt is fat - anyone knows why I cant modify or delete some files?09:56
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neverblueKworth, is it a local filesystem ?09:56
jamisontvrg, rlount: i see i can config. hotkeys for ctrl+c ctrl+v... that gets me half way09:56
geniiKworth: It is conceivable the filesystem was not marked clean and is so mounted readonly.09:56
Kworthneverblue, its a usb stick09:56
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ex_Can anyone help me connect my Linux PC with my Windows Workgroup, I have already editted the smb.conf file to workgroup = WORKGROUP09:57
Kworthgenii: so do I need to add it to the fstab or what to do then?09:57
MongooseWAubuntu decided to put shortcuts to my windows partition on my desktop and under Places. how do i switch this to the default ext3 partition?09:57
tvrgjamison: i'd use the ctrl shift shortcut, remapping it to ctrl c and ctrl v might collide with other stuff09:57
neverblueKworth, you want to delete files on your USB stick that are FAT, and you cannot ?09:57
Kworthneverblue, yes exactly09:57
neverbluestick that is FAT*09:57
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neverblueKworth, can you view the files on it ?09:57
geniikworth: If unclean fs is the problem, run scandisk on it from a windows machine, then try remounting it again in ubuntu09:57
Kworthneverblue, yes09:57
tvrgjamison: who knows you might end up liking vi or something :)09:58
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neverblueKworth, can you check the permissions of it ?09:58
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Kworthneverblue: its fat so I cant change them either09:58
rlounttvrg, rawk it hard w/ the VI09:58
Kworthneverblue, but it says i can write and read09:58
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jamisontvrg: i like vim :)09:58
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rlountjamison, forget your Windows/Putty dayz.09:58
tvrgjamison: then don't mess with the default shortcuts: )09:58
neverblueKworth, so you user have permissions set on it, to read and write ?09:59
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Dimitaranswer the damjan|work question!09:59
jamisonrlount: but select-to-copy made life so much easier :( it happened in Trillian, also... gaim doesn't do it... *sniffle*09:59
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Kworthneverblue: thats what it says09:59
Kworthneverblue, I had it automounted09:59
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neverbluewhere are you viewing the permissions at ?09:59
neverbluewhich directory..10:00
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jamisondo i have to create the 'nobody' account before i can use it on a fresh fiesty install?10:00
Kworthhold on for a sex10:00
tvrgrlount: i do all my dev stuff in vi and couldn't live without it, 5dd, :.,+5s/^/#/ etc10:00
tvrglove it10:00
Kworthhold on for a sec10:00
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rlounttvrg, agreed. :! ls10:00
rlountsaves my ass10:00
noogaafter instalation of feisty my disk can't stop working intensively10:00
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.10:01
noogait works for several hours10:01
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tvrgrlount: your ass and my job (cuz i'm a slow dev using a fast editor :))10:01
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nbkrnooga, is beagle or updatedb running?10:01
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Kworthneverblue, for some strange reason it works now, but thanks for your help10:01
rlounttvrg, =)10:01
MongooseWAubuntu decided to put shortcuts to my windows partition on my desktop and under Places. how do i switch this to the default ext3 partition?10:01
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neverbluenp Kworth10:01
Dimitartvrg: it's better to keep your mouth closed ;)10:01
pvl1how can i mount my ipod with read/write access for anyone?10:01
jamisondoes anyone know what i have to add to smb.conf to get it to quit prompting me for a password to view the share from a windows machine?10:02
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rlountjamison, why would you want passwdless shares?10:02
neverbluejamison, its well documented, in man samba10:02
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jamisonrlount: well whatever. it won't even let me login with an actual user account...10:02
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jamisonneverblue: i have the docs, but what i tried isn't workin.10:03
nooganbkr: beagle is, but even if i kill beagled the disk scratches10:03
geniijamison: sudo smbpasswd -ae <username>10:03
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nbkrnooga, Tried hdparm ?10:03
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rlountjamison, smbpasswd is one thing, also check auth type, passwd backend...10:03
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jamisongenii: failed to find user <username> in passdb backend.10:04
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luigwhere can i make sugestions or ideas about nautilus? I have one and i want it to get to de developers.10:04
rlountjamison, Samba is really complex. You might want to check out the doc @ samba.org10:04
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gordonjcpluig: if you look in the help menu, it might tell you an email address10:04
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neverbluejamison, tried in #samba ?10:04
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jamisonneverblue: excellent idea!10:05
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CoCaInEusage: vncpasswd [passwdFile] 10:05
CoCaInEwhats that about10:05
tvrgnemanaddin: hi10:05
CoCaInEi try to make vncpasswd10:05
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nemanaddinanyone can help me?10:05
luig<gordonjcp>: thanks a lot10:05
tvrgnemanaddin: what's the problem?10:06
geniijamison: Where I put <username> you insert the name of a user name eg:   sudo smbpasswd -ae fred                  where fred is a valid name on the linux machine.10:06
czarnistaI' ve just installed ubuntu on presario m2000 and I can't get the power management to work properly. The battery indicator always shows 0%. Any suggestions?10:06
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DoitleWhat is the terminal command to become root in the ui?10:06
nemanaddini can connect vpn by kvpnc10:06
nemanaddinbu my ip dont change!!10:07
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Dimitargksudo nautilus10:07
pvl1how can i mount my ipod with read permissions for everyone10:07
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tvrgnemanaddin: it probaly shouldn't but vpn is a complicated matter10:07
neverbluenemanaddin, what language do you speak ?10:07
DoitleBasically I have a folder that is owned by root and I need to execute a file in it and I can't seem to change the permission10:07
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noogathe drive still 'scratches'10:07
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lazaruslupineuse sudo chmod10:08
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tvrgDoitle: check chmod and chown10:08
silver2- is there a way to play comcast online games in Linux? I got a msg saying Internet Explorer was necessary.10:08
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jmbpHi... does anybody knows were I can get help with ltsp client boot problems?10:08
noogahow to check which process uses the disk ?10:08
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Doitle!ubotu chown10:08
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal10:08
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testcees2vnc use an own password. Not your normal ubuntu password. no username, just a password. To use it on the internet is a big risk.10:08
nemanaddinsorry for my bad english10:08
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testcees2but for local use it is ok. in vncviewer you need the same password.10:09
tvrgnemanaddin: no worries, i'm not a native english speaker either10:09
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Kitsu1what does "Rx invalid nwid:" in iwconfig mean? I'm running my wi-fi card as an AP, and that value increases when I try to connect to it10:09
nemanaddintvrg: what can i do?10:09
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KworthWhen I close thunderbird and then want to start it again -> it allways say there is already an instance but i cant see it and I dont find it in ps aux neither ...10:10
Puaffthe last gutsy dist-upgrade broke gterminal10:10
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tvrgnemanaddin: i don't use vnc so i don't know, wrt to the english, practice :)10:10
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bjl_salut tout le monde !10:11
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jamisondoes anyone know why i can't use SUPER in key combinations with other keys?10:11
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nemanaddinanyone can work by vpn in ubuntu10:11
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tvrgbjl_: salut et bonjour10:11
whileimhereAnyone know how to test if the Framebuffer is working or to set it up?10:11
KworthWhen I close thunderbird and then want to start it again -> it allways say there is already an instance but i cant see it and I dont find it in ps aux neither ... - how can I start the software again without needing to reeboot?10:11
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BernieMacjamison, why can't you?10:13
silver2-many questions, few answers10:13
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BernieMacjamison, if you change your keyboard shortcuts you can use it, I have done so10:13
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ex_Can anyone help me join a windows network with ubuntu10:15
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nbkrex_, Set the workgroup in Samba correctly.10:15
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cchanc1I have my lucent win modem installed it does dial but at the end of the dialing process and all the other stuff it cuts after the one minute mark and starts spiting out no carrier. Is there something im not soing right10:15
ex_nbkr I did10:15
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rlountex_, smbclient and do as nbkr says.10:16
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ex_workgroup = my workgroup name in the smb.conf file10:16
ex_and i installed the smb client10:16
nbkrex_, restarted Samba after you made the changes? What is (or is not) happening - please provide some more details.10:16
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ex_yes I did restart the samba daemon10:17
rlountex_, try smbclient -L <machine-name> -U username10:17
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Kitsu1what does Rx invalid nwid mean?10:18
ex_It timed out rlount10:18
BernieMacAnyone know why my audio files suddenly quit working in the Listen player?10:18
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geniireceived invalid netware id10:18
stmillerBernieMac do you get audio from other apps?10:18
rlountex_, is the host you are connecting to accepting connections? (check any firewalls, etc...)10:18
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geniior anything else10:18
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baconbitsHowdy guys10:19
ex_I can view my windows workgroup in Nautilus Network viewer but when I double click my workgroup it just times out10:19
ex_I can connect fine to the computer when I am in Windows10:19
rathelHello, I need some help with mt-daapd. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37632/10:19
BernieMacstmiller, the other music apps wouldn't recognize my files for some reason. Videos still play audio fine. All of my audio and video is on an external drive, formatted NTFS10:19
MouzzI have a ralink rt2500 pcmcia card and I can't get it to work with wpa even after searching the internet... I'm using ndiswrapper and dmesg sais "wlan0: ethernet device undis driver rt2500" and "wlan0: encryption modes supported: WEP, WPA..." At the end dmesg sais: "ra0: link not ready. Everywhere the wifi card is referenced as "ra0" yet in dmesg it's also referenced as wlan0. Can anyone give me an explanation or a pointer?10:19
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rlountex_, one sec. I am so old I forgot something.10:20
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ex_haha okay10:20
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stmillerBernieMac I would start vlc from the command line and try to open the audio files. It will output any errors in the terminal window when it tries to play10:20
baconbitsSo, I'm wondering if there is a way to do a full install of ubuntu starting with only Windows XP and only the ISO of ubuntu...I know about Wubi, but I don't think that really installs exactly correctly. Or am I just going to have to go buy a blank cd?10:20
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aaron_anyone have a problem of their windows freezing when they run amule?10:20
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rlountex_, smbclient -L <machine-name> -W <workgroup> -U username10:21
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preaction_baconbits, what do you mean by "doesn't install exactly correctly?" and yes, you'll need a blank cd if you don't want to use wubi10:21
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adamrn83How do u get ubuntu to play dvds10:21
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nemanaddini cant use vpn connection in ubuntu??10:21
stmilleradamrn83: add http://medibuntu.org/10:22
ex_rlount , save thing timed out10:22
baconbitsWell it's not a full traditional install on a separate partition, right?10:22
aaron_adam did you download gxine?10:22
stmilleradamrn83 and install libdvdcss210:22
rlountex, you can ping said host?10:22
baconbitsBasically I don't want to run into any compatibility issues simply because I installed via wubi10:22
adamrn83it doesnt seem to work tho10:22
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seqizzi've a problem with my dvd-writer.. DMA :) how can i enable it?10:22
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stmilleradamrn83: try VLC to play the DVD10:22
Johtoseqizz: sudo hdparm -d 1 /dev/yourdevice10:23
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ex_rlount do i need to include <> in the network name and machine name10:23
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BernieMacstmiller, working on that now, I will let you know if I get any errors once it is running10:23
seqizzJohto: i've tried it10:23
rlountex, http://tldp.org/HOWTO/SMB-HOWTO-8.html10:23
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Johtoseqizz: oh10:23
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rlountex_, I'm not trying to be a butt. Thats some rockin doc.10:23
pete83seqizz: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DMA10:23
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Balsus-LegdreHello dudes I have some tutorials that are *.SWF and totem player can not play them. I can not seem to find a shockwave/flash player for Ubuntu.10:24
seqizzpete83: i've read it :(10:24
preaction_!flash | Balsus-Legdre10:24
ubotuBalsus-Legdre: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash10:24
nbkrzweb, maybe we have Neck-beards, but at least we know how to use IRC.10:24
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seqizzpete83: no more troubleshoot10:24
seqizzin here10:24
stmillerBalsus-Legdre: vlc can play flash video files10:24
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Balsus-Legdreyeah vlc thats the one.10:24
baconbitsWho is getting banned?10:24
magnetron!codec | Balsus-Legdre10:24
ubotuBalsus-Legdre: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:24
Balsus-LegdreForgot about that one cheers buddy10:24
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magnetronBalsus-Legdre: just install it with "add/remove" applications10:25
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seqizzit says me BLKFLSBUF failed: Function not implemented10:25
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baconbitsSo, I'm wondering if there is a way to do a full install of ubuntu starting with only Windows XP and only the ISO of ubuntu...I know about Wubi, but I don't think that really installs exactly correctly. Or am I just going to have to go buy a blank cd? I don't want to have compatibility issues stemming from the fact that I installed with Wubi.10:25
eljo__hey there10:25
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lnshey guys, is there any way to remove a package that depends on 'ubuntu-desktop' (for instance, GAIM) without actually removing ubuntu-desktop?10:26
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BernieMacstmiller, what do I enter to start vlc? I have found its location, but I don't know what to enter to run it10:26
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stmillerBernieMac: just type: vlc  in a terminal to start it. Then File>Open to open your file to play10:27
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Balsus-LegdreThat ubotu bot is so cool.10:28
BernieMacstmiller, lol, wow, that was way easier than I was making it...10:28
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stmillerBernieMac :)10:28
jamisonwhere do i save my .bash_profile when using Terminal?10:29
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ice109hey anyone use latex in here?10:29
Kaitlyn2004I deleted a file by mistake10:29
Kaitlyn2004how do I get it back?10:29
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erUSULice109: from time to time10:29
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bruenigjamison, ~10:30
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boojahsomething wierd just happened after i installed the app Kopete... kopete didnt have any fonts.. so i thought it just was something about the app.. but when i open a terminal it too doesnt have any fonts.. does anyone know if the terminal uses a special font?10:30
stmillerKaitlyn2004: I don't think you can, unless you put it in the trash10:30
ice109erUSUL whats good latex suite for a n00b10:30
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sainzeoi have been trying to get openoffice documents to save and create a thumbnail following these directions: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76566&page=3, but it still won't work - i believe it has something to deal with python, any help?10:30
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Kaitlyn2004staticVoid: great. :(10:30
erUSULice109: i use lyx as front end10:30
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Balsus-LegdreWhat about *.mht (MHTML) files they come out in fire fox all wrong with tags. Not like IE10:30
jamisonbruenig: any idea why when i save it in ~/.bash_profile, close Terminal, and open it again... that it doesn't seem to have any effect?10:30
ice109erUSUL oh10:30
BernieMacstmiller, hmm....VLC seems to be playing them fine....10:31
baconbitsSo I'll take that as a no...I'll just go buy some CDs. The iso fits on one CD right?10:31
strabesis it possible to change rhythmbox ratings using the command line?10:31
ice109i have that and it doesn't do what i want it to10:31
jamisonbruenig: what i put in there is: alias ll='ls -l';10:31
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bruenigjamison, the ; is not necessary10:31
rlountjamison, to make sure my .bashrc really is read, I add this to the end; printf "%s\n" ".bashrc has run"10:31
erUSULjamison: bash_profile is only read on login shells (only once in a typical session)10:31
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bruenigjamison, I put all that stuff in .bashrc and have .bash_profile source .bashrc, but it should work your way too10:32
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baconbitsAnd then when I last installed it, I had some wireless troubles (I had to install the windows driver via ndiswrapper). Now I'm on an ethernet connection...will I need to repeat this driver process, or is the ethernet more likely to be natively supported?10:32
strabesi checked rhythmbox --help-all but to no avail10:32
strabesbaconbits: yes10:32
jamisonohh... when is .bashrc called?10:32
neverbluejamison, when you start a terminal10:33
erUSULjamison: when a new shell starts10:33
bruenigjamison, not sure, it would seem that .bash_profile is the only thing called and that .bash_profile calls .bashrc, if I weren't lazy I would test it to see10:33
jamisonok that's what i needed then. thanks :)10:33
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Balsus-LegdreVLC did not play the *.swf files : (10:33
baconbitsstrabes_ Is that yes to both my questions?10:33
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ubotuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto10:34
picodonswf is flash, so i wouldnt expect a movie player to play it10:34
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neverbluevlc plays CD images :)10:34
neverblueso dont be too suprised if it could play Flash as well :)10:34
picodonwith movie content in them10:34
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baconbitsWhen I last installed it, I had some wireless troubles (I had to install the windows driver via ndiswrapper). Now I'm on an ethernet connection...will I need to repeat this driver process, or is the ethernet more likely to be natively supported?10:34
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hacknslashbaconbits: what is the make of the network card ?10:35
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antzen_I've received a list of bad blocks from "badblocks". How do I check what file(s) one particular bad block belongs to?10:36
ubotuAIGLX is a project that aims to enable GL-accelerated effects on a standard desktop. Supported cards: Nvidia: GeForce3 or newer; ATI: Radeon 7000 through X800; Intel: i810 or newer. Howto: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/AIGLX. For older Nvidia or newer ATI cards see !xgl10:36
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Kaitlyn2004when I jsut hit delete on a file, it disappears.. if I SHIFT+DELETE then it asks if I want to perm. delete it... so if I JUST delete, it should be SOMEWHERE?10:37
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[nrx] Kaitlyn2004: in the trash?10:37
NessieLiberatonKaitlyn2004: .Trash10:37
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ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-effects10:37
NessieLiberaton!msgthebot | buttercups10:37
ubotubuttercups: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...10:37
=== Yodude [n=youssef@63-216-113-141.sdsl.cais.net] has joined #ubuntu
baconbitsthe wireless is listed in device manager as "Intel Wireless Wifilink 4695AGN". The ethernet is under "Broadcom 440x 10/100 integrated controller"10:38
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NessieLiberatonKaitlyn2004: by default there will be a trash applet on the bottom panel in gnome10:38
hacknslashKaitlyn2004: in the lower right hand corner of your task bar can u see a wastebasket ?10:38
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buttercupsoh boogers fine10:38
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Kaitlyn2004there it is!10:38
bruenig4695 is ndiswrapper I am pretty sure because I intentionally avoided that card when I bought my laptop because it was not native10:38
[nrx] :)10:38
brueniggot 3945 instead10:39
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baconbitsbruenig Yes I know, I'm installing Ubuntu again now though, and I won't be using the wifi, I'm gonna use the ethernet (I'm in a dorm now).10:39
hacknslashbaconbits: the easyest way of testing is try a live gutsy cd10:39
bruenigbaconbits, mk10:39
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Yodudehey can please somebody help me in adding the french language to openoffice, i mean how to for example set the language for a document and have writing aids in french, and also how can i add a french dictionary server to the dictionary aplication already included in ubuntu ?10:39
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@bas4-hamilton14-1128530114.dsl.bell.ca!#ubuntu-read-topic] by PriceChild
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knarsenpiepis there anyone that uses a usbaudio card with ubuntu10:40
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baconbitshacknslash So that would require me to buy more than once CD...good to know. Ok guys I'm off to grab some CDs from the c-store, I'll be back later if I have any issues during installation.10:40
antzen_I've received a list of bad blocks from "badblocks". How do I check what file(s) one particular bad block belongs to?10:40
ompaulYodude, click on system administration synaptic and search for dict10:40
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hacknslashbaconbits: i put it on a dvd10:40
Balsus-LegdreWhat about *.mht (MHTML) files they come out in fire fox all wrong with tags. Not like IE10:40
Yodudeompaul: k10:41
ompaulantzen_, you get a new drive -- back up your data10:41
NessieLiberatonantzen_: have you read the man page for badblocks?10:41
=== Samui is now playing: Blue (Remix) - Weak and Powerless - A Perfect Circle
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[nrx] mox try /join #ubuntu-de10:41
nightstalkerReading a manpage can be a livetask10:41
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Samuinot what i wanted it to do. >.<10:41
NessieLiberatonSamui: do not give us now playing in this channel10:42
antzen_NessieLiberaton, aye but perhaps I should read it one more time? ;-)10:42
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pvl1why cant i change the permissions on my iPod10:42
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moxnry thx10:42
NessieLiberatonantzen_: no idea - it was my best suggestion ;)10:42
Heady hi there, can sobody give me tip for a name of a user friendly ftp server with gui ??10:42
SamuiNessie: I had no intention of doing so.10:42
pvl1heady: gproftp10:42
Yodudeompaul: do i install the dict package ?10:42
knarsenpiepno one using m-audio card10:42
NessieLiberatonSamui: script gone wrong?10:42
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nightstalkerHeady do you search after a name10:42
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SamuiNessie: YEs.10:42
ompaulYodude, I would but that is me and ispell10:42
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adamrn83hi even10:42
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[nrx] hello10:43
Headynightstalker, i searched for "ftp server"10:43
rathelHello, I need some help with mt-daapd. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37632/10:43
[nrx] Heady: try gproftpd10:43
=== NemesisD [n=NemesisD@c-71-227-210-155.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
pvl1Does anyone know why i can't change the permissions on my iPod10:43
adamrn83whats the command to list the processes that are running in a terminal window i forgot10:43
antzen_NessieLiberaton, well, it doesn't say anything about listing the inodes etc. so I was thinking about some other program.. :)10:43
pvl1Heady: use gproftp10:43
NessieLiberaton!repeat | pvl1:10:43
ubotupvl1:: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience10:43
NemesisDhow do i run commands as root during startup automatically?10:43
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hacknslashadamrn83: ps -ef10:43
kevin__heady, you could try proftpd and administer via webmin. that's what i've used10:43
ed1tis there any package which installs LAMP?10:43
nightstalkerHeady Sorry I can't help you. I have no skills like that10:44
nbkrNemesisD, Write an init-script for complex commands or use /etc/rc.local for more simple ones.10:44
nightstalkerMy English iss bad I have to practise I know10:44
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Yodudeompaul: isn't there a way to add a french server to the default dictionary of ubuntu ? the gnome dictionary i mean10:44
magnetron!lamp | ed1t10:44
ubotued1t: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)10:44
NemesisDnbkr, no sudo in rc.local? just the name of the command?10:44
SamuiApparently, I have to edit the configuration file for the script to exclude channels, even though I supposedly disabled the darn thing.10:44
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negninpvl1: how's your ipod mounted?10:45
nbkrNemesisD, Yeah, no sudo, just the command - but the full path to the executable.10:45
pvl1negnin its auto-mounted for me10:45
ompaulYodude, do this search for fr and see what you want to install10:45
=== Warsocket [n=Bram@cp468261-a.tilbu1.nb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
MouzzAny tips on what pcm cia wifi card I should buy? (what chipset is well supported?)10:45
negninpvl1: check with 'mount' on the commandline10:46
NessieLiberatonMouzz: intel ideally10:46
magnetronMouzz: intel or atheros chipsets10:46
magnetron!wireless | Mouzz10:46
ubotuMouzz: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:46
Mouzz(and also: Anyone wanna buy my rt2500 wifi card? :)10:46
NemesisDnbkr, so nothing in front of the path? just say /usr/bin/mpd ?10:46
magnetronno ads, Mouzz10:46
Yodudeompaul: k, and do you know how to set language for a openoffice document ? i mean to make it correct the french way and the french words10:46
adamrn83how come its such a pain to get dvds to play in ubuntu10:46
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NessieLiberatonMouzz: this isnt exactly a marketplace10:46
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rlountMouzz, I like Senao cards.10:46
Samuiproblem solved. other xchat script works better.10:46
[nrx] adamrn83: is it?10:47
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Mouzzmagnetron: it was a joke, not a serious offer...10:47
etalehow does one get the gnome dock or cairo dock? Is there a repository for synaptic that will install it?10:47
ompaulYodude, tools options langauges10:47
pvl1negnin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37729/10:47
brueniggnome has a dock?10:47
NessieLiberatonMouzz: joking is banned (joke)10:47
electricista617Hello. I have XP and want to install ubuntu. How can I begin to do this. More specifically, how can I move my files from XP to ubuntu?10:47
pete83adamrn83: because, you will appreciate it more if you have to work for it10:47
adamrn83it would appear so10:47
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Balsus-LegdreHow do I view *.mht (MHTML) files they come out in fire fox all wrong with tags. Not like IE10:47
ompaulYodude, make sure you have installed all -fr versions before you go looking10:47
adamrn83cheers pete10:47
nbkrNemesisD, for daemons I would recommend an init-script. But yes /usr/bin/mpd should work - as long as mpd really daemonises itself.10:47
magnetronadamrn83: we don't ask questions like "why", but we can perhaps help you get it working10:47
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NessieLiberatonelectricista617: you'll still be able to access your xp files from inside ubuntu - just not the other way around10:48
NemesisDnbkr, it does, and for some reason the init script just hasn't worked for me but the other way does10:48
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BernieMac!forum | pete8310:48
ubotupete83: The Ubuntu forums can be found at http://www.ubuntuforums.org10:48
Yodudeompaul: now not the DEFAULT language for documents, but the language for a document i already created10:48
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adamrn83what do u suggest then magnetron10:48
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BernieMacpete83, a lot of the information you need can be found there10:48
Grungebunnyelectricista617 if you plan to make your computer dual boot both xp and ubuntu  you can set it up to browse your xp file system.10:48
hacknslashelectricista617: you can set up ubuntu to dual boot with xp and share files10:48
EliteInsanetanath, hey10:48
pete83BernieMac: what are you talking about?10:48
magnetron!dvd | adamrn8310:48
ubotuadamrn83: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs10:48
tanathEliteInsane, hey10:48
ompaulYodude, no idea10:48
BernieMacpete83, in the forum10:48
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EliteInsaneyou logged in .05 seconds after me10:48
kevin__adamrn83 - dvd playback using default totem is pretty naff. try using gxine, vlc, or xine with the xine-ui instead. you might want to install the libdvdcss for encrypted disk playback if it's not illegal in your locality10:48
pete83BernieMac: but I don't need any help with anything...10:48
Yodudehey can please somebody help me in adding the french language to openoffice, i mean how to for example set the language for a document and have writing aids in french, and also how can i add a french dictionary server to the dictionary aplication already included in ubuntu ?10:49
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negninpvl1: that looks ok.. what are you trying to do exactly?10:49
electricista617Thanks. How about using linksys wireless hardware?10:49
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tanathEliteInsane, and you caught me 0.5 seconds before i quit the channel :P10:49
BernieMacpete83, did you not just ask for a walk through on how to install ubuntu?10:49
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BernieMacmore or less10:49
magnetronadamrn83: in synaptic, make sure that libdvdcss2 is installed in Synaptic10:49
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NessieLiberatonYodude: surely the openoffice website help will be more help for you than us10:49
dwxreapererr, i messed with my .bashrc in my home directory (i made a copy called .old)10:49
pete83BernieMac: Ubuntu works perfect.. no I didn't ask for help10:49
dwxreaperNOW everythign is messed !10:49
dwxreaperanyone please help ?10:49
adamrn83ill give it a whirl10:49
EliteInsanetanath, i reinstalled ubuntu and got most everything set up again, now ubuntu just keep freezing every 10 minutes or so10:49
EliteInsanekinda pissing me off10:49
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adamrn83may be back soon10:49
EliteInsanehopefully it stops10:49
tanathEliteInsane, total lockup?10:50
BernieMacahhh pete83 my apologies, read the wrong name with the line. very sorry10:50
pvl1negnin: well im trying to setup a media stream server with my ipod. ive used gnump3d, but ive found that ampache looks nice and is more user friendly. while trying to let it go into my ipod, it kept giving me errors. i asked the creator of ampache on a diff irc and he told me that its a problem with my permissions10:50
dwxreaperI messed with .bashrc, first I made a backup called .old, now everything is messed, and .old is not there???10:50
rlountdwxreaper, if .old is indeed a good copy of the .bashrc then; mv .old .bashrc10:50
tanathEliteInsane, know about ALT+sysrq+REISUB?10:50
knarsenpiepcan anyone tell me howto let ubuntu search on the usb port for extern soundcard ?10:50
NessieLiberatondwxreaper: you got rid of you .bashrc, but have a backup called .old? then just move/copy .old to .bashrc10:50
pvl1negnin: and indeed i cant change my ipod's permissions10:50
dwxreaperrlount: .old is gone10:50
Grungebunnyelectricista617 the next step should be for you to download the Ubuntu 7,04 ISO then burn it to CD so you can boot from it.. play around in the Live CD for a while.10:50
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NessieLiberaton!repeat | dwxreaper10:50
ubotudwxreaper: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience10:50
=== justnulling2 [n=menashe@ool-457bcf75.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
dwxreaperbut I never deleted it10:50
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rlountdwxreaper, one sec, I'll paste mine ;)10:50
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!10:50
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NessieLiberatondwxreaper: are you sure you can see hidden files atm ?10:51
rlountin a pastebin of course10:51
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dwxreapernessie: yeah -a, let me try find / -name '.old'10:51
EliteInsanetanath, what does that do and how do i do it10:51
YodudeNessieLiberaton: and you know the default dictionary in ubuntu right ( Applications-accessories-Dictionary ) how can i add french to it ? cuz i can't chooose french as the dictionary in the preferences10:51
tanathEliteInsane, when linux locks up, first thing to try is CTRL+Backspace, to kill X. if that doesn't work, try ALT+Sysrq (print screen button)+<these buttons in this order: REISUB>, pausing between10:51
[nrx] tanath: what does the latter do there?10:52
dwxreaperi'm just pissed because this is a server and it messed up the daemons, and all i wante to change was make my prompt colored10:52
NessieLiberatonYodude: well there's a key in gconf-editor under GNOME/Spell, but other than that - no idea10:52
EliteInsanetanath, ill try that next time10:52
pete83Does anybody know if Ubuntu 7.10 will have shipit CD's?10:52
negninpvl1: you're trying with chmod?10:52
NessieLiberatonpete83: undoubtedly10:52
WarsocketGuess so10:52
NessieLiberatondwxreaper: there should be a system default file somewhere10:52
pvl1negnin um no, i dont really understand chmod to begin with. there a guide?10:53
tanathEliteInsane, [nrx] , when you hold ALT+Sysrq, and type REISUB, it goes right to the kernel, telling it to try to nicely kill processes, synch data to the hard drive, unmount, and finally reboot10:53
Grungebunnyelectrista617 Ubuntu should recognize your internet connection if not you may have to tinker with it a bit.10:53
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negninpvl1: man chmod10:53
DShepherdpvl1, man chmod10:53
rlountdwxreaper, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37732/  pretty stock .bashrc10:53
pvl1k ty10:53
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dwxreaperrlount: thanks10:53
Warsocketand thats so for evry command you can think of10:53
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NessieLiberatondwxreaper: /etc/skel/.bashrc10:53
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rlountdwxreaper, np.10:53
darklordveynomhow can i set my terminal colors from C++ source code?10:53
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[nrx] tanath: thanks :) - are those letters individual commands? - is there a list of them somewhere?10:53
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tanathEliteInsane, [nrx]  pause between keystrokes. see here: http://fosswire.com/2007/09/08/fix-a-frozen-system-with-the-magic-sysrq-keys/10:53
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rlountNessieLiberaton, good point!10:54
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negninpvl1: but if you tell me want needs to be done I can guide you through it :)10:54
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NessieLiberatonrlount: well - that doesnt have the aliases enabled10:54
[nrx] tanath: learn something new everyday! :)10:54
tanath[nrx] , yeah. REI- i forget, but S is synch data to HDs, U is unmount, and B, is reboot10:54
pete83darklordveynom: couldn't you use a SYSTEM command, and call the "set_color" program10:54
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TommckI am currently running Dapper Drake.  I want to get to a higher kernel version.  Is the simplest thing upgrading the whole OS?  Or is there an easy way to get a > 2.6.16 kernel?10:54
darklordveynomi know i can do system(" whatever"10:54
pvl1negnin: o i just need for "others" to have read access10:54
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rlountNessieLiberaton, right.10:55
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tanath[nrx] , should always work unless the kernel is frozen10:55
darklordveynombut i need to know the command that actually changes the color10:55
WarsocketQuestion, why does ubuntu put sources in non standard directory's10:55
tanath[nrx] , it's the recommended way to reboot on a lockup10:55
Warsocketand does not link em10:55
negninpvl1: on a certain directory?10:55
[nrx] tanath: in which case ones has more problems than a frozen box eh10:55
EliteInsanetanath, thanks man i was kinda getting worries about hitting the reset button so many tiems10:55
pete83darklordveynom: so like this? ...  http://linux.die.net/man/1/set_color10:55
Warsocketlike kerner sources10:55
Warsocketor the gtk.h file10:55
riaalkeep forgetting the name of the terminal apciataion that list aplications and cpu usage, anyone?10:55
NessieLiberatonrlount: i have a large number of things in aliases - everything upto show the OSD in amarok ;)10:55
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magnetronWarsocket: we don't answer "why" questions, we only provide support10:55
NessieLiberatonriaal: top10:55
Warsocketall tuts expect gtk.h to be on /usr/include/gtk/10:55
darklordveynomthanks for the help10:55
riaalNessieLiberaton: cheers10:56
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pvl1negnin: well to be detailed i need /media/PAVEL'S IPO/ipod_control/music to be readable10:56
dwxreaperi copied the skel/.bashrc to /home/myusername, still messed up, the services are not running10:56
magnetronhi webjames10:56
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IgniteWarsocket, the tutorial you're reading is probably _old_. Most packages not use pkg-config.10:56
TommckI want to upgrade Dapper... should I just go to Edgy?  Feisty?  or what?10:56
negninpvl1: can you do a 'ls -l' on that dir for me10:56
Tommcksorry for the bold10:56
NessieLiberatondwxreaper: you need to resource it: type . ~/.bashrc in bash10:56
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rlountNessieLiberaton, thats cool!10:56
nbkrTommck, Dapper -> Edgy -> Feisty10:56
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NessieLiberatondwxreaper: or load a new terminal to do it automatically in new terminals10:57
tanathEliteInsane, well, if you reboot improperly linux will detect that and run a fsck to fix any errors10:57
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pete83Tommck: If you wait a month, then go for gutsy10:57
Tommcknbkr - and I can just change my sources.list and do that?10:57
electricista617Are there any free iso programs out there?10:57
dwxreapernessie: i rebooted, let me see what happens10:57
riaalSystem is really slow and top shows: 18815 root      25   0  155m 119m  24m R 92.9  5.9 283:04.17 Xorg what do you ppl thing is the problem?10:57
kevin__tommck - hi, you'll need to upgrade in order of release, ie dapper -> edgy -> feisty10:57
Tommckthis usually works quite well?10:57
hawkWarsocket: If you use gtk-config, it doesn't really matter where gtk.h is, right?10:57
TommckI'm tentative.  I have never done this kind of upgrade10:57
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nbkrTommck, yes, but run "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" instead of "sudo apt-get upgrade"10:57
DShepherdelectricista617, depends on what you want to do with the iso...10:57
rocketsIf I set a password on root, I can reverse that by doing passwd -l root right10:57
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tanathelectricista617, pretty much everything on linux is free. yes10:57
bruenigrockets, yes10:58
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Tommcknbkr - ok... I found a page with instructions... giving it a shot...10:58
magnetronTommck: i would recommend you to do a fresh install of gutsy10:58
electricista617I just want to burn the ubuntu program onto a cd10:58
rocketsbruenig, thanks. cuz some things just require having a root password.  ..10:58
pvl1negnin i cant cd to that directory10:58
bruenigrockets, I know10:58
Tommckmagnetron - why is that?10:58
rocketsbruenig, e.g. changing certain vmware server settings10:58
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NessieLiberatonTommck: you can go dapper->edgy->feisty, or you can download the iso for a cd of feisty/(gutsy soon) and install from scratch10:58
velkoriaal, some crappy binary drivers? nvida? ati?10:58
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DShepherdelectricista617, well there are tons of those stuff....10:58
bruenigrockets, they get mad when you say that though so keep quiet10:58
NessieLiberatonTommck: otherwise it's about 2 days of updates or more :P10:58
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EliteInsanetanath, reinstalling actually worked out for me, got the latest opera installed and fixed a few other screwups i had, now just need to figure out how to get firefox from being my default browser10:58
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rocketsbruenig, yeah yeah10:58
TommckNessieLiberaton - yeah... what I really need is a newer kernel than Dapper offers10:58
negninpvl1: 'sudo chmod +r /media/PAVEL'S IPO/ipod_control/music' should do the trick10:58
riaalvelko: let me check, thanks10:58
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rocketsTommck, so don't run dapper.  ..10:59
Tommckrockets - yeah.. but I'm running dapper now...10:59
tanathEliteInsane, Sys > Prefs > Preferred apps10:59
electricista617So how do I find those programs?10:59
kevin__tommck - yes, it can sometimes go wrong... depends whether you've installed lots of stuff from non-standard repositories, eg, easy-ubuntu or automatix. i have had a couple of whoopsies in the past, so make sure you backup.10:59
rocketsTommck, so upgrade10:59
magnetronTommck: upgrading from dapper to edgy sometimes causes problems. either you could spend time fixing those, or just do a clean install with everything working in gutsy10:59
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Tommckthanks rockets... so insightful10:59
NessieLiberatonTommck: it would be quicker to download the iso, burn it and install feisty/gutsy from scratch than it would be to go through them all10:59
dwxreapernessie: still messed up10:59
pvl1negnin: a">" appears and it doesnt move10:59
DShepherdelectricista617, you running ubuntu now?10:59
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rocketsTommck, obvious maybe . . . but I still fail to see the problem.10:59
dwxreaperwhy does changing that file mess up everything, asdf10:59
rathelHello, I need some help with mt-daapd. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37632/10:59
negninpvl1: control c10:59
Warsocketlol i cant PM here10:59
TommckNessieLiberaton - and Gutsy's been pretty stable?  I've been a bit out of the loop11:00
negninpvl1: don't type the 's11:00
DShepherdelectricista617, oh... hmmm...11:00
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bruenig!register | Warsocket11:00
ubotuWarsocket: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration11:00
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NessieLiberatonTommck: well unless you're brave - you might wanna wait a month before gutsy - i run it and it's fine... but hey11:00
pvl1negin oo ok ill try11:00
EliteInsanetanath, you know everything, i love you11:00
Warsocketk tnx11:00
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solar_antmy disk buffer read is very slow11:00
dwxreapernessie: i do type ntop and it is not there, that is the daemon the server runs.  it was fine, could be rebooted11:00
pvl1negnin without the "'s" samething happens11:00
solar_antcan someone help11:00
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solar_antits a pata drive11:00
tanathEliteInsane, lol :D11:01
dwxreaperall that was done is i go to .bashrc, and change a bunch of stuff, and i copied it to .old first, but .old is not there..11:01
tanathEliteInsane, i try... though i fail :P11:01
NessieLiberatondwxreaper: is ntop an alias?11:01
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PF|WSTPDoes anyone know of a command/program that shows failed login attempts (in addition to successful) and what time the login attempts happened?11:01
Warsocket     /msg nickserv set hide email on11:01
electricista617shepherd, what should I do?11:01
NessieLiberatonTommck: if you know what you're doing, and it's not a critical computer - it might be fun ;)11:01
EliteInsanetanath, been damn well with all my problems11:01
dwxreapernessie: no, it was in usr/sbin before11:01
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tanathEliteInsane, comes from experience. means i had 'em first :P11:01
Tommckone more question... I just did a dist-upgrade on Dapper and got a slightly newer kernel.  Is there a way to downgrade that for the time being?  I'm going on vacation and I want my mythTV stuff to continue to work11:01
NessieLiberatondwxreaper: does typing /usr/sbin/ntop work ?11:01
TommckNessieLiberaton - yeah... it won't be a big deal.. I just don't have the time now11:02
negninpvl1: ah yes the PAVEL'S is messing it up11:02
noogahow to create a trash icon on gnome desktop?11:02
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NessieLiberatonTommck: you should be able to choose the older kernel at grub on boot11:02
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ubotuWant to see volume/trash icons on the desktop? Go to /apps/nautilus/desktop in gconf-editor (Gnome) or go to http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kisimlar/tipsntrix.html#showtrash (KDE)11:02
negninpvl1: try this: sudo chmod +r /media/PAVEL\'S IPO/ipod_control/music11:02
pvl1negnin: figured11:02
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dwxreapernessie: no but it was there, now it's not11:02
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TommckNessieLiberaton - it's in a wiring closet... is there a way to do it outside of the grub menu?11:02
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tannerldI got a Adding client to server's list failed, CORBA error: IDL:omg.org/CORBA/COMM_FAILURE:1.0 error when starting nautilus or terminal11:02
pvl1negnin:within the error message from my media server thats the directory it gave me instead of the usual11:02
NessieLiberatondwxreaper: then that's not bash's fault11:02
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hacknslashnooga: there is a wastebin icon in the lower right hand corner11:02
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noogahacknslash: yea, but i removed that panel11:03
NessieLiberatonTommck: the um, dont you see the grub menu when you boot ?11:03
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pvl1negnin: but now it says that theres no directory like that11:03
EliteInsanetanath, someday i hope to be able to solve these problems real easy, i can solve really any windows problem through experience11:03
karriboiserver irc.saunalahti.fi11:03
dwxreaperthat's the only thing I changed, and this thing has been rebooted 10 times today11:03
dwxreaper.bashrc is the _only thing I changed11:03
TommckNessieLiberaton - I would have to shove myself into a closet to see it... and I would have to drag a monitor in there too11:03
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PF|WSTPDoes anyone know of a command/program that shows failed login attempts (in addition to successful) and what time the login attempts happened?11:03
tanathEliteInsane, same. just takes a bit of time. once you learn certain things, it becomes pretty easy11:03
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electricista617Where can I download a free ISO program so I can burn an ubuntu cd?11:03
bruenig!repeat | PF|WSTP11:04
ubotuPF|WSTP: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience11:04
negninpvl1: do sudo bash and check if that dir is there11:04
PF|WSTPbruenig, only one repeat ;)11:04
rafaelscjhello all11:04
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NessieLiberatonTommck: it's a server? you could edit the grub menu - but that's something i'd avoid doing unless you're sure11:04
nbkrPF|WSTP, thats all listed in /var/log/messages11:04
TommckNessieLiberaton - yeah.. it's a MythTV backend11:04
PF|WSTPok thanks11:04
tanathelectricista617, you can do it from nautilus, or use k3b, or brasero, etc. there's plenty11:04
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electricista617which do you recommend for xp?11:05
tanathelectricista617, all are in the repositories11:05
pvl1negnin: well at first it didnt work but i put quotes around the directory without the PAVEL\'S and it came through, i think11:05
NessieLiberatontanath: he wants to burn the iso in windows11:05
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tanathNessieLiberaton, oops11:05
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mrshfrcan anyone tell me how to triple boot vista/xp/ubuntu?11:06
NessieLiberatontanath: because he wants to burn ubuntu iso so he can install it :P11:06
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ed1tERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)11:06
ed1twhen i type mysql11:06
noogadunno what to do with that trashbin11:06
DShepherdelectricista617, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto11:06
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NessieLiberatonnooga: did you need those "eh"s ?11:06
negninpvl1: ok.. so you're done?11:06
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tanathNessieLiberaton, that's a good reason :) :P11:06
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Chello, I have problems with Real Player. Can Somebody help me?11:07
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pvl1negnin: uhm no, the permissions havent changed11:07
NessieLiberatonC: tell us the problem then11:07
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noogaNessieLiberaton: not really, but my problem is different11:07
Al-Khoulihi all , i want to ask if there's a way to connect remotely to win XP from ubuntu ??!11:07
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NessieLiberatonAl-Khouli: rdesktop11:08
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NessieLiberatonWarsocket: samba is for files, rdesktop logs you in11:08
Al-KhouliNessieLiberaton: thanx11:08
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negninpvl1: can you do the ls -l for this dir as root (you're root in the terminal you got after doing 'sudo bash')11:08
tanathelectricista617, http://www.thefreecountry.com/utilities/dvdcdburning.shtml11:08
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MindfulGeekAl-Khouli: you can install tightvnc on xp and use xvncviewer to see the logged in desktop on XP11:08
electricista617Thanks. I'll get on it.11:08
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NessieLiberatonnegnin: why are you advising him to du sudo bash ?11:09
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qazwsxhow do I have a firewall rule that allows access to security.ubuntu.com but not other plaaces?11:09
CThere are 2 problems: 1) I try execute the Real Player by Applications --> Sound & Video -> Real Player   This message appears: "Could not launch menu item. Failed to execute child process "realplay" (No such file or directory).11:09
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EliteInsanetanath, one more thing, ubuntu keeps making chimes how do i turn them off11:10
NessieLiberatonC: have you recently upgraded ?11:10
DShepherdelectricista617, your welcome11:10
NessieLiberatonEliteInsane: when you login ?11:10
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EliteInsaneafter that11:10
qazwsxi.e. I want to be able to do apt-get updates and apt-gets, but I don't want other network connection allowed (I want to allow access to security.ubuntu.com but not other places)11:10
EliteInsanelike just sitting around11:10
tanathEliteInsane, depends what's chiming :P11:10
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EliteInsanei look and nothing is seeking attention11:10
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pvl1negnin on the ".../ipod_control/music/" dir?11:10
EliteInsaneit just randomly chimes D:11:10
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tanathEliteInsane, Sys > Prefs > Sounds > sounds tab11:11
DShepherdcould be your chat client or something11:11
negninNessieLiberaton: trying to make it easy for him11:11
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NessieLiberatonnegnin: it's better not to11:11
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NessieLiberatonqazwsx: try searching for iptables11:11
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negninNessieLiberaton: I know, but i don't want to talk him through the detour11:11
EliteInsanehopefully that will do it11:11
EliteInsanethanks once again11:11
qazwsxNessieLiberaton: I am using iptables, I'm not sure which rules; security.ubuntu.com's ip changes, no?11:11
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NessieLiberaton!firewall | qazwsx11:11
ubotuqazwsx: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).11:11
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NessieLiberatonqazwsx: i have no idea - but you could try reading the man page for iptables ?11:12
qazwsxNessieLiberaton: yes, I know how to use iptables11:12
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negninpvl1: try sudo chmod 644 /your/dir/11:12
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qazwsxNessieLiberaton: I don't know _what_ to filter for in this case11:12
Con the installation process, some symbolic links creation failed......11:12
pvl1negnin: well ive managed to cd into the /music/ directory11:12
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Warsocketthere are drivers for NTFS writing now, if i compile them into the kernel then how can i install ubunut on a NTFS partition11:12
NessieLiberatonqazwsx: oh, you want to know what server you're going to be connecting to ?11:12
qazwsxNessieLiberaton: yes :-)11:12
qazwsxNessieLiberaton: and ion which port ... etc ...11:13
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EliteInsanestill beeping uugghgjhg11:13
qazwsxNessieLiberaton: it's default reject; I need to figure out what to allow so that apt-get doesn't hang when it hits security.ubuntu.com11:13
NessieLiberatonqazwsx: you could try specifiying a server in /etc/apt/sources.list11:13
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djlenoiri need a little help. i have one ntfs drive that won't mount because it says it was improperly shutdown (when i had windows i guess) and i either don't know how to use ntfsfix or it is not working... how can i fix that ntfs volume?11:13
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NessieLiberatonqazwsx: like i have ie.security.ubuntu.com11:13
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negninpvl1: I feel the need to warn you about your root status now (inspired by NessieLiberaton); use it with care ;)11:13
faraazu dont have windows anymore?11:13
qazwsxMeroigo: I can't even ping ie.security.ubuntu.com11:14
DexterFcan't access an NFS share here. export seems ok, nfsd is running, clients can't mount.11:14
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qazwsxMeroigo: wrong person, sorry11:14
djlenoiri removed windows and replaced it with ubuntu11:14
tanathEliteInsane, type dmesg in a terminal and see what it spits out. maybe there's some error or something11:14
qazwsxNessieLiberaton: I can't even ping ie.security.ubuntu.com11:14
DexterFused to work, no clue where to look11:14
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CNessieLiberation: when I go to the specific RealPlayer directory and click realplay, the Real Player open....by terminal.11:14
faraazthen how come you still have the NTFS drive?11:14
NessieLiberatonqazwsx: actually i have ie.archive set, not security11:14
pvl1negnin: thanks, ill kepp that in mind, but should i got into the directory, should i ls -l?11:14
EliteInsanea lot came up11:14
EliteInsanelike a lot11:15
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tannerldI got a Adding client to server's list failed, CORBA error: IDL:omg.org/CORBA/COMM_FAILURE:1.0 error when starting nautilus or terminal11:15
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adamrn83im trying to get my machine to play dvds, it wont work help11:15
NessieLiberatonC: have you tried reinstalling real player with the installation script ? it might be easier11:15
djlenoirlol, because all my data are on those drives. i guess i read that ntfs-3g worked fine with ntfs and didn't worry about it. i do still have another computer with Vista though.11:15
NessieLiberatonadamrn83: what have you tried?11:15
EliteInsane[ 1190.227259]  operapluginwrap[6858] : segfault at 00000000000004d1 rip 00000000f7db9516 rsp 00000000ffca6a30 error 411:15
NessieLiberaton!dvd > adamrn8311:15
EliteInsanethats the latest one11:15
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adamrn83what does that mean11:15
adamrn83im new11:15
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darklordveynomis there a way in C++ to find out if someone typed a character instead of a number?11:16
NessieLiberatonadamrn83: it means you should have a message from ubotu telling you all that i know about dvds11:16
negninpvl1: yeah or try sudo chmod 655 on that dir11:16
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adamrn83ne way ive installed gxine11:16
adamrn83and tried to get libdvdcss211:16
NessieLiberatonadamrn83: "tried"11:16
adamrn83but i dont think it worked properly11:16
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CNessieLiberation: I was thinking about, but I wanna know how can I uninstall the Real Player, without problems, can you help me do it?11:16
djlenoirfaraaz: is it not possible to get it working without sticking it back in a windows machine?11:17
NessieLiberatonpvl1: ls -l, who is listed as owner11:17
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negninpvl1: (i said 644 earlier but I mixed up my numbers (doesn't really matter though, but 4 gives you just read permissions and 5 also execution permissions which is more standard for a dir))11:17
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NessieLiberatonC: not really, i believe that the installer script should just correct it though11:17
pvl1negnin, o ok well i did both11:17
Warsocketjust a question for a guy i know11:18
qazwsxwhat do I need ot open up in my firewall to allow security.ubuntu.com updates?11:18
rene7705ehhh guys.... i ran into a bit of a problem; gedit lost a file of mine while i was editing it over ftp.. it's GONE, as is the gedit instance that froze for over an hour and couldnt get along with ddd... it's a webdevelopment sourcefile so it should b in the firefox cache for instance still.. anyone here know the firefox source and can point me to the cachecontrol routines? or any other tips to retrieve a file lost by gedit crashing during11:18
adamrn83when i tried to get libdvdcss synpatic returned an error11:18
rene7705 ftp transfer?11:18
negninpvl1: uhh I mean 755 :) damn I need either sleep or coffee :)11:18
Chumm....did you do it yet?11:18
WarsocketWhat can you do if you remove yourself form the 'admin' group ?11:18
tanathEliteInsane, sorry, bouncing back and forth here11:18
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EliteInsaneno problem11:18
tanathEliteInsane, anything that looks like a hardware error, perhaps?11:18
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pvl1negnin: or both, ok ill try that11:18
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NessieLiberatonWarsocket: so there are no admin group users? maybe fix it with a liveCD11:18
notebooki'm installing feisty on an ibm thinkpad but it's not finding the operating system, can anyone help?11:19
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CNessieLiberaton: did you do this operation yet?11:19
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NessieLiberatonC: a long time ago - i wouldnt have a clue now what it said then11:19
negninpvl1: 7 gives all permissions (rwx for root, 5 gives r-x for all members of the group of this dir and the last 5 gives the permissions for 'others')11:19
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EliteInsanetanath, not that i cant tell11:20
notebookis there anything specific about installing ubuntu on an ibm thinkpad?11:20
notebooka bios problem maybe?11:20
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negninpvl1: so you now know what you're actually doing :)11:20
pvl1negnin ooo kool system, ty.11:20
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riaalHow do I close the GUI? I need to remove "fglrx"11:20
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stefgnotebook: what happens exactly when you try to boot ?11:20
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NessieLiberatonnotebook: this laptop (not a thinkpad) gave that error last week, but it works fine before and after - just a 1 off11:20
tanathEliteInsane, so you can't find anything that happens when the beeps do?11:20
notebookit says operating system not found, stefg11:20
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djlenoirguess faraaz left... anyone have suggestions on how to get the ntfs drive fixed so i can mount it in ubuntu?11:21
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stefgnotebook: is this a dual boot system ?11:21
CNessieLiberaton: so...how can I do this installation with the script?11:21
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adamrn83when trying to play dvds whats the next step after installing libdvdcss2 and gxine?11:21
tanathEliteInsane, is it like a pc speaker beep, or a sound-byte 'chime' or something?11:21
notebook"pxe-m0f: exiting intel pxe rom"11:21
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riaalHow do I shutdown X (GUI)?? I need to remove a VGA driver (fglrx) please?11:21
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notebookit shouldn't be, but i bought a used hard drive that i'm installing on an old laptop11:21
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EliteInsanehavent heard it in a couple minutes here now11:21
notebookthanks for responding, stefg11:21
NessieLiberatonC: you download it from the realpayer website - realplayer10gold.bin or something11:21
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CI have installed by this one....realplayer10gold.bin11:22
pvl1negnin: it still doesnt give 'others' permission. could this be a problem with my ipod?11:22
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negninpvl1: yeah it's cool, 1 stands for x, 2 stands for w and 4 for r. If you add them up you can different combinations of permissions.11:22
NessieLiberatonC: that's the one - run it again11:22
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stefgnotebook: often the bios needs a drive to be marked as active, although neither grub (the bootloader) nor the linux kernel cares about that. Have you already installed ubuntu on that thing, or do you try to boot the CD ?11:23
djlenoirwell if no one can assist with the ntfs drive problem, maybe someone can help me with my other immediate problem... my system uses a logitech bluetooth keyboard and mouse and i have to pull the usb receiver out and plug it back in every time i reboot ubuntu. i can live with it but it would be nice if i did not have to do that. :)11:23
negninpvl1: not likely. How do you check if the permissions? with ls -l?11:23
tanathEliteInsane, then it's prolly not an error11:23
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tanathEliteInsane, maybe you have a virus and someone's trying to drive you insane :P11:23
pvl1negnin: i right click on the folder and go into permissions11:23
notebookthe ubuntu cd booted, and the install went ok.  but then it won't boot from the hard drive.  is there a way to change the bios?11:23
CNessieLiberaton: but Won't I need uninstall or erase some dirs or files before?11:23
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tanathEliteInsane, you sure all the sounds are turned off in the prefs?11:24
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NessieLiberatonC: presumably it'll just do the installation process again - hence creating, not destroying - and i would imagine you would be alright if it is already there11:24
Jnauti love ubuntu11:24
stefgnotebook: you need to look at the situation from the Live CD booted on that computer again11:24
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riaalHow do I switch to runlevel 1??11:24
brueniginit 111:24
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pvl1negnin: and ls -l on tells me that root is the owner11:25
bruenigyou want to do that in tty though11:25
notebookwhich option on the live cd should i select, stefg?  thanks again11:25
EliteInsanebut i havent heard it for a while now11:25
EliteInsaneso maybe i did something11:25
EliteInsaneok there it goes11:25
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stefgnotebook: just boot it up as you did before installing11:25
CNessieLiberaton: so...I can use the same directory in the installation process, right?11:25
NessieLiberatonnegnin: wont he want to sudo chown those files to his nick11:25
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NessieLiberatonC: yup11:25
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CNessieLiberaton: humm....I'll try now11:25
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notebookjust tried the boot from drive option on the live cd and it seems to be loading.  i guess the bios just doesn't know where to look.  do i go f1 at opening to redirect?11:26
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negninNessieLiberaton: yeah, shouldn't really matter though if the permissions are ok, but let's try that11:26
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NessieLiberatonpvl1: are you still in the root shell ?11:26
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tanathEliteInsane, lol. BTW, use my name when talking to me, so i'll notice :)11:26
pvl1nessieLiberaton: yes11:26
negninpvl1: we're going to try NessieLiberaton's approach and change the group of this dir11:26
tanathEliteInsane, you know about tab completion, right?11:26
willdevbbc - most business use microsoft operating systems on servers because they know it will work haahhhahaahha11:26
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NessieLiberatonpvl1: then chmod YOUR USERNAME:YOUR USERNAME *11:27
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EliteInsanetanath,  yea just i dont do it sometimes11:27
EliteInsanetanath, sorry11:27
NessieLiberatonpvl1: or better still: chmod -R YOUR USERNAME:YOUR USERNAME *11:27
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AjninAnyone fond of Oracle?11:27
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stefgnotebook: you nedd to run a disk utility and look if the boot partition is marked 'active' (has the boot flag set) you can only now by bootng the Live CD and llok ate the partition table by running fdisk or cfdisk from CD11:28
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tanathEliteInsane, only thing i can think of right now is to play around with the settings in Sys > Prefs > Sounds. there's a few check boxes there that might do it11:28
AjninWhat's the prob?11:28
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AjninW/ Elite?11:28
EliteInsanetanath, lol i just imported my IE favorite from windows to opera11:28
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EliteInsaneAjnin, ubuntu keeps playing chimes11:28
pvl1nessieliberaton says the directory doesnt exsist11:29
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AjninCycles over again?11:29
EliteInsaneAjnin, like something is trying to get my attention but nothing is blinking11:29
NessieLiberatonEliteInsane: you dont have a browser open with a website with a sound background do you ?11:29
PeloEliteInsane,  menu > systmwe < prefs > sounds11:29
NessieLiberatonpvl1: what did you type ?11:29
Balsus-Legdresorry but I am a first class noob. In terminal server I am currently in apax@apax-desktop:~$   how do I get in root11:29
djlenoiranyone else use a bluetooth keyboard/mouse with ubuntu? do you have to reset your usb bluetooth dongle each time you reboot the system?11:29
EliteInsaneno and did taht11:29
NessieLiberatonBalsus-Legdre: why do you want root?11:29
tanathEliteInsane, what apps are running right now? what's in the systray11:29
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NessieLiberaton!sudo > Balsus-Legdre11:29
pvl1nessieliberaton: chmod -r pavel:pavel *11:29
PeloBalsus-Legdre, put sudo before your command11:29
EliteInsanetanath, opera, gaim ,xchat11:29
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negninNessieLiberaton: are you going to take over? because then I'm leaving.. otherwise I'll hang around till it's fixed11:30
Szeraaxcan anyone help me? I'm trying to use make with a folder, but the files disappeared after i ran make, look near the end of this. --> http://pastebin.com/d6a4214fd11:30
Balsus-LegdreIm looking ata tutorial and it shows extraction to root11:30
tanathEliteInsane, gaim or xchat might do it. xchat when your name is used11:30
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notebookrunning fdisk now, stefg, can you walk me through what to do?  much appreciated11:30
NessieLiberatonEliteInsane: is it when xchat isnt active and someone says your name?11:30
PeloBalsus-Legdre, do you mean to /root ?11:30
EliteInsanetanath, i check xchat every time11:30
redboxhas anyone gotten mondorescue to archive and restore via CD correctly on a Ubuntu 7.04 machine?11:30
Balsus-Legdreyes sorry11:30
Balsus-LegdreI was not clear11:30
moxwho know sometink about dell bios ?11:30
EliteInsanetanath, and most of the time my name hasnt been said11:30
tanathEliteInsane, check the server tab too?11:30
GInwhy is Pidgin not in the repo of Feisty?11:30
adamrn83trying to get ubuntu to play dvds is really getting me down now11:30
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NessieLiberatonpvl1: uppercase -R11:31
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EliteInsanetanath, yea, nothing new11:31
PeloBalsus-Legdre,   cd /root  that will get you into the /root folder11:31
hacknslashmox: what u want to know11:31
NessieLiberatonGIn: because it wasnt released when feisty was frozen11:31
spytemanhey guys, i did some mistakes with lirc i think and now my ati remote control wont work anymore... how do i switch back to original ubuntu 7.04 configuration? i think it was already working from scratch ;-)11:31
EliteInsanetanath, well it seems to be not happening all that often anymore11:31
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EliteInsanetanath, so i guess ill be fine11:31
moxi want to delate the pw11:31
jack_mcdowelldid anyone else get a "Gnome Settings Daemon Restarts too many times, trash ..." after today's Gutsy upgrade?11:31
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PeloBalsus-Legdre,  you can also man tar to see what options you need to use to extract a file to a specific folder11:31
bruenigjack_mcdowell, wrong channel +111:31
NessieLiberatonjack_mcdowell: gutsy isnt in here, #ubuntu+111:31
jamisoni used synaptic to install wine--now how do i configure it?11:31
pvl1nessieliberaton: now it says invalid mode. could my ubuntu install be messed up? or could i be missing packages?11:32
RichardHuntHi I'm trying to use fceu or mednafen to play super mario bros. The game's running far too fast. I tried disabling cpu stepping to see if this had an effect, but no good. Anyone had this and fixed it?11:32
tanathGIn, i believe it's in gutsy, but was not released in time for feisty11:32
negninpvl1: you want to use chown iso chmod here11:32
stefgnotebook: open a terminal on the Live CD session and run 'sudo fdisk -l'. if you are able to connect to the internet from the Live-Session paste that to !pastebin. if  not look if there is a '*' in front of the boot partition11:32
GIntanath, any way to get it installed on Feisty?11:32
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tanathGIn, there's a deb for it on getdeb though11:32
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Balsus-Legdreapax@apax-desktop:~$ cd /root11:32
Balsus-Legdreapax@apax-desktop:/root$ sudo mkdir /opt/dynamips11:32
Balsus-Legdremkdir: cannot create directory `/opt/dynamips': File exists11:32
adamrn83can someone help with dvd playback11:32
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Balsus-Legdrewhen I go and browse in the root directory it is empty11:32
NessieLiberatonpvl1: sorry - my fault - i made a typo: chown, not chmod11:32
stefg!pastebin | notebook11:32
ubotunotebook: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:32
PeloBalsus-Legdre,   cd /opt  see if there is alreasdy a dynamips folder there11:33
mpoufos_sketohow to configure apache so each user has it's own web page?11:33
NessieLiberatonGIn: yes, but it's a bit fiddley11:33
PeloBalsus-Legdre, type ls to see the folder content11:33
tanathjack_mcdowell, yes. there's a couple in #ubuntu+1 that did11:33
negninpvl1: chown changes the owner of files and dirs11:33
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AjninUbuntu is an OS?11:33
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NessieLiberatonnegnin: i typed chmod for him, not chown - that was the problem :P11:33
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stefgAjnin: no ubuntu is a religion11:34
NessieLiberatonAjnin: yes11:34
PeloBalsus-Legdre, because when you type  mkdir /opt//dynamips  you are creating a folder in /opt11:34
notebookstefg, it says /dev/sda1 and that has an *.  there are two others listed - sda2 and sda511:34
negninNessieLiberaton: yeah I saw :)11:34
notebookone is extended and one is linux swap / solaris11:34
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PeloAjnin, yes it is an os , fully loaded with a butload of apps11:34
Balsus-LegdreIm such a dums ass11:34
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notebookthanks so much for helping with this, stefg11:34
hacknslashmox: which dell ?11:34
PeloBalsus-Legdre,  you are not , you are just learning11:34
AjninPelo | NessieLiberaton: Very nice, I'll have to look into this.11:34
Balsus-Legdrehow would I delete the folder in that directory then11:34
stefgnotebook: so ubuntu is installed to sda1 i'll assume11:34
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notebookthat appears correct, stefg11:34
negninpvl1: did you try the command NessieLiberaton gave you, but with 'chown' in stead of 'chmod'?11:34
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notebookit booted from the drive fine when i told it to do so from the live cd11:35
moxlatitude d52011:35
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PeloBalsus-Legdre,  sudo rm -r /opt/dynamips11:35
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spytemancan anyone help me? how do i get infrared remote control back to ubuntu 7.04 defaults? or how do i fix LIRC?11:35
stefgnotebook: hmmm.... so lets reinstall the boot loader. run 'sudo grub' in the terminal, the prompt will change to 'grub>'11:35
pvl1negnin, nessieLiberaton: well sudo chown pavel:pavel * gives me an output: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/37736/11:35
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notebookok in that, stefg11:36
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pvl1negnin, nessieliberaton: well i added in the last line but yea now it tells me that11:36
stefgnotebook: run' find /boot/grub/stage1' . what turns up ?11:36
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hacknslashmox: is it stopping you logging in ?11:36
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notebookdo i type "run' ..." or just find...11:36
Balsus-LegdreThanks Pelo!!!11:36
NessieLiberatonnotebook: just find...11:37
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PeloBalsus-Legdre, the following links might come in handy  http://www.linuxcommand.org/index.php     http://cutlersoftware.com/ubuntuinstall/    http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty11:37
moxther blocking my w-lan and  audio11:37
Centaur5Is it possible to make a dhcp server force all the workstations to use it instead of another one on the network?11:37
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moxbut i can go in11:37
Balsus-LegdreQuick question pelo why if I am installing from a tar file do I have to chose a the root opt location to install an application can I not extracted it anywhere or is that for all installtions11:38
stefgnotebook: ok, now type 'root (hd0,0)' then type 'setup (hd0)'11:38
NessieLiberatonnegnin: im off - hope you can sort him out11:38
|Skull|Hey guys, trying to hookup my TV to my pc via DVI connector on my geforce 6200... tv does 720p and 1080i. The best res I could get it to run in is 720x480. However, at this resolution, it is bigger then the screen. Any idea how I can fix this?11:38
notebookit says suceed and done, stefg11:38
notebooki mean, succeeded11:39
PeloBalsus-Legdre,  if you are insatlling from a tar.gz file you are actualy compiling from source,  this is a whole proceedure in itself and you shouldn'T have to extract it to anywhere other then your desktop11:39
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AjninTo prevent me from having to look through the couple thousand rooms, does anyone know a room for ways to bypass Lightspeed Systems?11:39
PeloBalsus-Legdre,  look in  there are very good explanations there http://cutlersoftware.com/ubuntuinstall/11:39
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stefgnotebook: ok, then 'quit' and try to reboot. remove CD and floppy and usb and stuff to make sure the bios boots from hd11:39
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notebookok thanks trying now11:40
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Pelogtg , back later11:40
negninpvl1: did you do the chown with the -R (-R makes it recursive, so it will also apply to all child directories)?11:40
notebookstill giving me the same error, stefg.11:41
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Traveler9Should I download Gutsy?11:41
s3nz0rvb careva  romana11:41
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Traveler9I've got a Thinkpad X61, and I hear that Feisty won't work.11:42
pvl1negnin: uhm i just did and it gave me relativly the same output only now with a directory tree of /music/11:42
s3nz0rvb careva  romana11:42
s3nz0rvb careva  romana11:42
s3nz0rvb careva  romana11:42
pvl1negnin and it specifically says changing of ownership is not allowd11:42
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stefgnotebook: check the bios. we have just put a valid master boot record on the first hd. so either the bios doesn't look at it, or for some reason the bios and grub disagree on what the first harddisk is11:42
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AjninWhat applications does Ubuntu auto. come with?11:43
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negninpvl1: can you read the files you need to read now?11:43
ex_Does anyone know why I can only view my Linux Shares from my windows machines and not my windows shares from my linux machine using samba11:43
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notebookchanged the bios, it wasn't looking at the new hard drive.  working now, thanks so much for your help!  all the best.11:43
pvl1negnin no not anymore11:44
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Max_-hey y'all! I'm having a little problem here.. I'm trying to add some modules, but I just realized there was not even a /etc/modules directory.. is there any apt-get command to get these in place, or... no.. or something else? need some bttv module configurations!! THANKS!11:44
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adamrn83why is it almost impossible to get my dvds to play11:44
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yokomowhat is a good newsreader for linux?11:44
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negninpvl1: ?not anymore? The goal is to get some app to read a certain file/dir, right?11:45
rathelI installed something through .deb and it works better than what's up on the repo. how do I ignore the repo version? It keeps asking to update.11:45
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|Skull|Hey guys, trying to hookup my TV to my pc via DVI connector on my geforce 6200... tv does 720p and 1080i. The best res I could get it to run in is 720x480. However, at this resolution, it is bigger then the screen. Any idea how I can fix this?11:45
pvl1negnin: yea, but i can change the permissions for my username through the right click nd permissions tab11:45
zoredacherathel: look into pinning11:45
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eugmanIs it possible to have it so nautilus doesn't save deleted files in a trash folder for portable media?11:45
pvl1negnin but i cant change them for groups or others11:45
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ex_Anyone help me with a samba question11:45
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gerrohelp please! "mount: special device /dev/cdrom does not exist"11:46
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negninpvl1: yeah, but that's why we use the command line11:46
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gerroah nvm think I found solution :/11:46
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kenji guys, Im searching a svn client frontend, can you recommend me a stable gtk svn frontend?11:47
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pvl1negnin: well ive been using the terminal since i got in this chat, so idk how that coulda worked11:47
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Traveler9skull: HDTV?11:47
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|Skull|it's a panasonic 48" rear projection with hdtv capabilities11:48
|Skull|I have it connected to pc via a DVI cable11:48
Traveler9720p should be roughly 720 by 1,3xx pixels. Can't remember it exactly.11:48
Traveler9There's a big website dedicated to this sort of thing.11:48
Traveler9It's a DVI cable? Not HDMI?11:48
ex_Anyone know anything about SAMBA11:48
|Skull|yes, dvi11:48
negninpvl1: but the chown, despite giving some errors, should have changed some ownerships11:48
stefg!samba | ex_11:48
ubotuex_: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT11:48
Traveler9(HDMI is DVI with a lot of extra bits mixed in, most of which are for copy-protection; I.E, annoyance.)11:48
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IdleOneex_: ask your question and if someone can help they will11:49
n-iCeHow can I know my root pass ?11:49
ubotuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo11:49
pvl1negnin: well it tries but gives errors saying that the operation isnt permitted11:49
IdleOnen-iCe: use sudo11:49
negninpvl1: is your app still complaining or are the errors exactly the files that needed to be changed?11:49
|Skull|this one is just dvi... not hdmi11:49
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n-iCeIdleOne yeah but it askes me my roto pass if i lost it how can i know it again?11:49
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Csomeone know about what the best Totem plugin to watch mpg videos? or other application to watch them?11:49
ex_I can view my linux shares from my windows computers but i can view my windows shares from my linux computer any thoughts?11:49
IdleOnen-iCe: the root pass is your user password when using sudo11:49
pvl1negnin: still complaining11:50
steel_ladysomething very strange is happening to my system, I think it is since I upgraded to feisty. I  just open my external disk and it freezes. and it mounts external disk twice11:50
Balsus-Legdrewhat does cle do in terminal11:50
n-iCeIdleOne but i typed su , my user pass and oesn't work11:50
stefgn-iCe: if you did not intentionally set up the root account with a password there is no root password in ubuntu11:50
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Chousuken-iCe: sudo -i11:50
Chousukefor a root shell11:50
Balsus-Legdrewhat does cle command do in terminal11:50
AjninWhat is the difference between a Male DVI and a Female DVI?11:51
mpoufhow to enable user directory web page in apache?11:51
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n-iCeChousuke thank you!! why -i ? how do i set a sudo pass ?11:51
stefgAjnin: male is a plug, feamle is a socket11:51
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Chousuken-iCe: the sudo pass is your user's pass11:52
Chousuken-iCe: it's intentionally not separate.11:52
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Chousuken-iCe: so make sure your user's pass is secure11:52
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steel_ladydoes somebody have experience in managing hardware and external disks, mounting, etc?11:52
IdleOne!root | n-iCe please read this link11:52
ubotun-iCe please read this link: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo11:52
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stefg!ask | steel_lady11:53
ubotusteel_lady: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)11:53
ex_I can view my linux shares from my windows computers but i can view my windows shares from my linux computer any thoughts?11:53
negninpvl1: and if you run this program using sudo (just to troubleshoot)?11:53
n-iCethank you11:54
negninex_: what are you trying?11:54
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ex_To view and access windows shares on ubuntu11:54
eugmanex_, Doing some research on fstab, it amy help.11:54
steel_ladystefg, since I was upgrading to feisty my system behaves strange way so that I was thinking that I have some hardware problem. I entered windows and there it works perfectly even with external disk that only on opening in ubuntu freezes the system11:54
rocketsWhy does ubuntu-desktop depend on esound? Why not use pulse's esound compatibility library11:55
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negninex_: duh, so are you using smbclient or what?11:55
jamisoncan someone help me figure out why WINE won't remember the directory i tell it to map as C: ?11:55
steel_ladystefg, before it was slow working with disk but things now went to worse11:55
stefgex_: you need corresponding accounts on both machines, and samba won't accept pasword less windows accounts11:55
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s3nz0rhy all :P11:56
ex_stefg but i set and enabled  the windows account without a passsword and it went through fine?11:56
hacknslashstefg: are you low on free disk space ?11:56
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steel_ladystefg, when I turn on the external disk, it mounts 2 times, when I unmount one of them, the other freezes11:56
stefgsteel_lady: you need to elobarte that. what partitions with which filesystems are involved there, and on which drives?11:56
negninex_: do you know the ip/name of the windows machine?11:57
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vancomycinif you improperly shut down ubuntu, i.e. - turned off power, upon rebooting, is it normal before the ubuntu logo screen to have some script code running (not sure on how to describe this) it'll list a bunch of things w/ [OK]  to the right, then in the end, says "FILE SYSTEM NOT CLEAN" then proceeds back to the ubuntu boot screen and login.... just curious to know what that means? I went into the regular text console and didn't know h11:57
vancomycinow to get out.11:57
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ex_negnin yes i do11:57
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s3nz0rhow do  instal steam11:57
s3nz0rhow do  instal steam11:57
negninex_: try smbclient -L ip_of_windows_machine on the commandline11:57
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php11:58
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magnetrons3nz0r: see appdb.winehq.orf11:58
magnetrons3nz0r: see appdb.winehq.org11:58
steel_ladystefg, I have linux system partition, I have ext partition for working I have storage fat32 and win partition. and I am mounting FAT32 external disk11:58
stefg!games | s3nz0r11:58
ubotus3nz0r: please see above11:58
ex_doing that i can view the shares11:58
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ex_I see all the shares fine in command line neginin11:58
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stefgsteel_lady: ok.. so there are no ntfs partitions involved, right? have you looked at dmesg already ?11:59
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Jessicatzis any1 here?11:59
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steel_ladystefg,k I think that the main problem is this external hard drive and I have to work on it because I have a lot of data for my work. the system freezes by opening the contents of the external disk in a folder12:00
Jessicatzthats certainly a mild answer in respect of the dumbness of my question12:00
ex_negnin i can view it with smbclient -L ipofmachine any thoughts12:00
ompaul!U | Jessicatz12:00
ubotuJessicatz: Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..12:00
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JessicatzI thought I would unleash a small flame with acting like a retard12:00
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=== TMM [n=hp@ip565b35da.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #ubuntu
negninex_: mount the share12:00
stefgsteel_lady: external disks easily become corrupt, because the get a lot of mechanical stress, and are often not cleanly unmounted. what filesystem is this externel disk ?12:01
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=== Kong [n=Kong@bb-87-82-24-67.ukonline.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
steel_ladystefg I think fat3212:01
robdemanI did a sudo apt-get remove nvidia* on Feisty -- oops -- how do I reinstall nvidia / gnome etc? I have no Gnome desktop anymore .. xorg log errors12:01
ex_negnin how would i do so ?12:01
IdleOneJessicatz: it is not the flame you should be worried about but the smoke that follows12:01
=== AncientRelic [n=chris@adsl-206-171-116-30.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== eugman_ [n=eugene@c-67-171-90-0.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
steel_ladystefg, how can I do a clean mount? it mounts twice12:01
=== VEnti5 [n=ale@host200-170-dynamic.58-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
stefgsteel_lady: plug it in, run sudo fdsik -l and put results to !pastebin12:02
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AncientRelicCan Linux read my mac's external drive?12:02
JessicatzIdleOne: well I had this experience just now, someone joined in a channel I'm in and asked "any1 here?"12:02
negninex_:  mount -t smbfs -o username=ex_,password=foobar //windows_ip/share_name /mnt12:02
=== VEnti5 [n=ale@host200-170-dynamic.58-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
=== GIn [n=Ginnnn@s5591bc47.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu
stefgsteel_lady: and while you are at it, paste 'dmesg' output to !pastebin, too12:02
=== smallfoot- [i=smallfoo@unaffiliated/smallfoot-] has joined #ubuntu
smallfoot-OpenOffice.org 2.3 released (16 sept) -- http://www.openoffice.org/12:02
smallfoot-get it, while its hot!12:03
IdleOne!offtopic | smallfoot-12:03
ubotusmallfoot-: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!12:03
AncientRelicgoodness, OSS spam12:03
stefgsteel_lady: that's 'sudo fdisk -l' btw12:03
smallfoot-yeah baby!12:03
=== VEnti5 [n=ale@host200-170-dynamic.58-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
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=== Paranoiak [n=Paranoia@202-171-77-75.h14.canl.nc] has joined #ubuntu

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