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BlkGhost | :) | 12:46 |
BlkGhost | sits down | 12:46 |
jrib | hi | 12:46 |
jrib | !fstab | 12:46 |
ubotu | The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions | 12:46 |
jrib | but there isn't any real nice docs so I'll explain what you have to do basically | 12:46 |
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jrib | you need to create a mount point first | 12:47 |
BlkGhost | k | 12:47 |
jrib | so: sudo mkdir /media/my_stuff | 12:47 |
jrib | call it whatever you want instead of "my_stuff" | 12:47 |
rocunreal | Just want you to know jrib i got my problem fixxed ;) you guys are the best at Ubuntu Offical Support | 12:47 |
BlkGhost | done | 12:47 |
jrib | rocunreal: great | 12:47 |
jrib | BlkGhost: you want this to get mounted everytime you boot, correct? | 12:48 |
BlkGhost | yeah | 12:48 |
jrib | so open up your fstab in a text editor: gksudo gedit /etc/fstab | 12:48 |
BlkGhost | k | 12:48 |
jrib | there's some uuid stuff you can use if you plan on moving your hard drive around, do you need that? | 12:49 |
BlkGhost | nope | 12:49 |
jrib | k, what's the block device for your partition? /dev/foo? | 12:49 |
BlkGhost | /dev/sdb1 | 12:49 |
jrib | so in that text file, you're going to make a new line at the bottom and add: | 12:50 |
jrib | /dev/sdb1 /media/my_stuff ext3 defaults 0 0 | 12:50 |
jrib | oh sorry, that's wrong | 12:50 |
jrib | /dev/sdb1 /media/my_stuff ext3 defaults 0 2 | 12:50 |
jrib | change "my_stuff" appropriately | 12:51 |
BlkGhost | k | 12:51 |
jrib | save it | 12:51 |
BlkGhost | done | 12:51 |
jrib | run 'sudo mount -a' | 12:51 |
BlkGhost | k | 12:51 |
jrib | when you type 'mount' you should now see /dev/sdb1 mounted on /media/my_stuff | 12:52 |
BlkGhost | yeah | 12:52 |
jrib | ok, that's it, now you can use /media/my_stuff | 12:52 |
jrib | you probably want to setup permissions so your user can access it, see: | 12:52 |
jrib | !permissions | 12:53 |
ubotu | The files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux | 12:53 |
jrib | (the second link) | 12:53 |
BlkGhost | Why can't I see it on My computer > | 12:53 |
jrib | don't know how that's decided | 12:53 |
jrib | try hitting "reload" maybe | 12:53 |
BlkGhost | so if I reboot | 12:55 |
BlkGhost | IT should probley appear and be able to read and write to it ??? | 12:55 |
jrib | don't know; no | 12:55 |
BlkGhost | xcopy | 12:55 |
jrib | you need to setup the permissions first | 12:55 |
jrib | it will show up in /media/my_stuff from now on though with regards to your first question | 12:56 |
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rocunreal | jrib you here man? | 12:58 |
jrib | rocunreal: hi | 12:58 |
rocunreal | what was that fonts directory again? | 12:58 |
rocunreal | ::fonts::? | 12:58 |
jrib | type 'fonts://' | 12:58 |
BlkGhost | all I want is myself to be able to read and write | 12:58 |
rocunreal | o thanks sorry about it | 12:58 |
jrib | BlkGhost: are there any files in /media/my_stuff now? | 12:59 |
rocunreal | Im gonna save it in a text file this time so i wont forget :) | 12:59 |
jrib | rocunreal: no problem | 12:59 |
rocunreal | peace | 12:59 |
BlkGhost | jrib | 01:01 |
jrib | BlkGhost: | 01:01 |
BlkGhost | jrib I can't copy to it | 01:02 |
jrib | k, are there any files currently in it? | 01:02 |
BlkGhost | OK fixed it | 01:03 |
BlkGhost | I had to hit it | 01:03 |
jrib | eh? | 01:03 |
BlkGhost | and poof it worked | 01:03 |
jrib | erm ok | 01:03 |
BlkGhost | yeah I kicked the computer | 01:03 |
BlkGhost | no bs | 01:03 |
BlkGhost | ITs dented and it works | 01:03 |
BlkGhost | wahooo | 01:03 |
jrib | hmm, you chown to your user? | 01:04 |
BlkGhost | no .. | 01:04 |
BlkGhost | shoud I | 01:04 |
BlkGhost | ? | 01:04 |
BlkGhost | Should I ? | 01:04 |
jrib | so what is 'ls -ld /media/my_stuff' returning? | 01:04 |
BlkGhost | drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 2007-09-18 16:02 /media/Filesystem2 | 01:05 |
jrib | you shouldn't be able to write to it | 01:05 |
jrib | if you want your user to own it, you would do: sudo chown $USER: /media/Filesystem2 | 01:05 |
BlkGhost | well what doI do the chrown it | 01:05 |
jrib | don't replace USER, it will be automatically replaced | 01:06 |
BlkGhost | do I need the $ | 01:06 |
jrib | yes | 01:06 |
BlkGhost | sudo chmod $user: /media/Filesystem2 | 01:07 |
BlkGhost | chmod: invalid mode: `:' | 01:07 |
jrib | linux is case-sensitive; "USER" is not the same as "user" | 01:07 |
BlkGhost | sudo chmod $USER: /media/Filesystem2 | 01:08 |
BlkGhost | chmod: invalid mode: `root:' | 01:08 |
jrib | erm | 01:08 |
jrib | two things | 01:08 |
jrib | 1. open a terminal as your user, so you are not root | 01:09 |
jrib | 2. "chown" instead of "chmod" | 01:09 |
BlkGhost | k | 01:09 |
BlkGhost | still invalid mode ghost | 01:10 |
jrib | did you use "chown" instead of "chmod"? | 01:10 |
BlkGhost | yeah | 01:10 |
BlkGhost | ok | 01:10 |
jrib | can you paste what you typed and the output you got? | 01:10 |
BlkGhost | now it says the users name | 01:11 |
jrib | what says the user's name/ | 01:11 |
BlkGhost | drwxr-xr-x 3 george root 4096 2007-09-18 16:02 /media/Filesystem2 | 01:12 |
jrib | you forgot the : | 01:12 |
jrib | sudo chown $USER: /media/Filesystem2 | 01:12 |
BlkGhost | no its there | 01:13 |
jrib | ok, do: sudo chgrp $USER /media/Filesystem2 | 01:13 |
BlkGhost | now it has george george | 01:14 |
jrib | you should be all set then | 01:15 |
BlkGhost | thankyou very very very much | 01:15 |
BlkGhost | time to reboot for a test :/ | 01:15 |
jrib | k | 01:15 |
BlkGhost | you kick ass thanks again | 01:16 |
jrib | you don't need to reboot though | 01:16 |
BlkGhost | ???/ | 01:16 |
jrib | you can just use it now | 01:16 |
jrib | might have to hit "reload" in nautilus | 01:16 |
BlkGhost | I can't see it in my places list | 01:16 |
jrib | oh | 01:16 |
jrib | well if it doesn't show up, you can add /media/Filesystem2 as a bookmark in nautilus and then it will be in your Places menu | 01:17 |
BlkGhost | yeah that worked | 01:18 |
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GreyWolfe | You wouldn't happen to be around, would you Jordan_U? | 08:06 |
Jordan_U | GreyWolfe, nope | 08:06 |
Jordan_U | GreyWolfe, Still can't boot? | 08:07 |
GreyWolfe | nope | 08:07 |
GreyWolfe | Well, SGD kinda work | 08:07 |
GreyWolfe | s | 08:07 |
GreyWolfe | it will boot into my recovery console, but then claims that ntloader.exe is missing. I am wondering if my boot.ini is pointing to the right place. | 08:08 |
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Jordan_U | GreyWolfe, You would have to ask about that in ##windows, Ubuntu does not boot from SGD ? | 08:10 |
GreyWolfe | Nope, I still get error 18 | 08:11 |
GreyWolfe | Which after thorough investigation in #GRUB should definately not be happening | 08:11 |
GreyWolfe | And the problem I am having with fixing boot.ini is that I don't know how to access it. I know what it should actually look like | 08:11 |
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GreyWolfe | well, isn't ##windows a helpful channel | 08:17 |
GreyWolfe | ok, another question, can i still access my windows HD from the live cd and copy some files i want to save? | 08:20 |
GreyWolfe | i tried doing gksudo nautilus /dev/sda which should direct to that HD, correct? | 08:21 |
Jordan_U | GreyWolfe, No | 08:23 |
Jordan_U | GreyWolfe, You point it to the mountpoint, not the drive itself, /dev/sda represents a connection to a piece of harware, not the mounted filesystem | 08:25 |
Jordan_U | GreyWolfe, But you shouldn't need to use gksudo anyways | 08:25 |
GreyWolfe | ahh | 08:25 |
GreyWolfe | well, another problem seems to have arisen anyways, GParted doesnt recognise the partition type of my windows drive, so i assume that nothing is going to be read from there anyways | 08:26 |
Jordan_U | GreyWolfe, What does "sudo fdisk -l" show? | 08:27 |
GreyWolfe | Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System | 08:27 |
GreyWolfe | /dev/sda1 * 1 23215 186474456 17 Hidden HPFS/NTFS | 08:27 |
GreyWolfe | /dev/sda2 23217 24321 8875912+ c W95 FAT32 (LBA) | 08:27 |
Jordan_U | GreyWolfe, So fdisk sees it as NTFS just fine | 08:28 |
Jordan_U | GreyWolfe, Do you see it in Places -> Computer ? | 08:28 |
GreyWolfe | nope | 08:29 |
Jordan_U | GreyWolfe, Try installing the package ntfs-config | 08:30 |
GreyWolfe | installing now | 08:31 |
GreyWolfe | ok, installed, now what? | 08:32 |
Jordan_U | GreyWolfe, Go to Applications -> System Tools -> NTFS Configuration Tool | 08:33 |
GreyWolfe | ok | 08:33 |
Jordan_U | GreyWolfe, Enable write for internal ( and external if you want ) NTFS partitions | 08:34 |
GreyWolfe | i dont have the option to write for internal, it is greyed out | 08:34 |
Jordan_U | strange | 08:35 |
GreyWolfe | mhmm | 08:35 |
Jordan_U | I doubt it but maybe everything is considered "external" when running from the LiveCD? | 08:36 |
GreyWolfe | thats possible | 08:36 |
Jordan_U | GreyWolfe, Enable external write support and see if the partition shows up in Places -> Computer | 08:37 |
GreyWolfe | not showing | 08:37 |
GreyWolfe | i mean, there really isnt anything super important there, just some code i had written for a game, but i can replace that | 08:38 |
Jordan_U | GreyWolfe, Ok, we'll mount it manually | 08:38 |
GreyWolfe | ok | 08:39 |
Jordan_U | GreyWolfe, run "sudo mkdir /mnt/windows" "sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /mnt/windows" | 08:39 |
GreyWolfe | NTFS signature is missing. | 08:40 |
GreyWolfe | Failed to startup volume: Invalid argument | 08:40 |
GreyWolfe | Failed to mount '/dev/sda1': Invalid argument | 08:40 |
GreyWolfe | The device '/dev/sda1' doesn't have a valid NTFS. | 08:40 |
GreyWolfe | Maybe you selected the wrong device? Or the whole disk instead of a | 08:40 |
GreyWolfe | partition (e.g. /dev/hda, not /dev/hda1)? Or the other way around? | 08:40 |
Jordan_U | GreyWolfe, That doesn't sound good | 08:41 |
GreyWolfe | Not at all | 08:41 |
GreyWolfe | think formatting it and trying to run windows recovery would work better? | 08:41 |
Jordan_U | GreyWolfe, I don't know, but ifyour NTFS partition is toast that would explain why ntloader can't be fount | 08:42 |
GreyWolfe | yea | 08:42 |
Jordan_U | *found | 08:42 |
Jordan_U | GreyWolfe, Are you sure the drive isn't bad? | 08:44 |
GreyWolfe | the drive should be fine | 08:46 |
GreyWolfe | i ran the diagnostics on the windows recovery thing and it passed everything with flying colours | 08:46 |
Jordan_U | GreyWolfe, Hard drive diagnostics or general hardware diagnostics? | 08:47 |
GreyWolfe | both i think | 08:48 |
GreyWolfe | http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk | 08:48 |
GreyWolfe | guy in #windows said to try that | 08:48 |
Jordan_U | GreyWolfe, I don't think that testdisk does hardware diagnostics | 08:53 |
GreyWolfe | ahh | 08:54 |
GreyWolfe | well, since it seems the drive is toast anyways, im going to format that partition and attempt to run windows recovery | 08:54 |
Jordan_U | GreyWolfe, I never said the drive was toast | 08:55 |
GreyWolfe | ok | 08:55 |
Jordan_U | GreyWolfe, I just said that it was a possibility | 08:55 |
GreyWolfe | ahh ok | 08:56 |
GreyWolfe | well, i really have to leave for now, my gf is going to kill me if im not at her house soon | 08:58 |
Jordan_U | GreyWolfe, I'm going to sleep, good luck | 08:59 |
GreyWolfe | thanks, enjoy the sleep | 08:59 |
GreyWolfe | and thanks for all the help | 08:59 |
Jordan_U | GreyWolfe, No problem | 08:59 |
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