
lifelessabentley: IIRC it was pournelle and ??? in 'The mote in gods eye'12:02
Lo-lan-dolapthrick:     AddHandler None .knit .kndx12:02
lifelessthe gripping hand was the big overdeveloped arm, not the fine-tuned hand12:02
lifelessoh yes, they did a book called that too12:02
lapthrickLo-lan-do: .htaccess by default is valid for all subdirs unless overrided, right?12:02
abentleyYeah, Pournelle/Niven, but I think the "on one hand, on the other hand, on the gripping hand" phrase came from the sequel, "The Gripping Hand"12:03
abentleyAnyhow, I'll look the patch over now.12:03
lifelessabentley: could be, I don't think I've read the sequel12:04
=== lifeless notes to do so
Lo-lan-dojelmer: I pushed my gateway branch to http://alioth.debian.org/~lolando/bzr/gforge/upstram-svn/trunk -- it contains the stuff that I'm trying to push to SVN12:09
Lo-lan-doI'm off to bed for now, but I'll be available in the next few days to provide info if needed.12:11
Lo-lan-doThanks already for the time you spend on my bugs :-)12:12
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radixabentley: Do you mean Haruki, Ryu, or Takashi? :)12:14
abentleyHeh, Haruki.12:14
radix(the first three Murakamis that have written books that I can think of)12:14
radixok yeah, figured ;-)12:15
radixfunnily enough, they're all flaming postmodernists12:15
abentleyI also read this blog about SCO by Jones.12:15
radixthat's probably not postmodern :)12:19
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abentleyradix: No, but SCO is a significant author of speculative fiction.12:22
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lapthrickis there some more documentation on bugs metadata in bzr?01:03
lapthrickhelp bugs isn't very verbose01:03
lifelessthere is a document in the docs01:07
lapthrickis the immutability inherent in the design, or just something to be implemented?01:10
lifelesswhat do you mean01:10
lapthricklifeless: http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/bzr.dev/en/user-guide/bug_trackers.html , section Limitations01:11
lapthrickis that limitation supposed to be removed?01:11
lifelessnot in the short term01:12
lifelessthe reason its immutable is that its part of the commit01:12
lifelessso changing it would involve changing the commit, which is part of history01:12
lifelessone can imagine a more complicated system where later commits can 'revert' things, but that hasn't been really designed or discussed at this point01:13
lapthricklifeless: I see, I was reading http://bazaar-vcs.org/Specs/RevisionBugMetadata01:14
lapthrickwhich indeed does discuss that :)01:14
lifelessin terms of concrete goals01:15
lifelessthere are no patchs, nor folk hacking on, the more complicated sorts of things01:15
lifelessso far no one has needed them01:15
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lifelessigc: call ?01:41
igcyep - 10 mins01:41
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igclifeless: you at home?01:57
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abentleylifeless: I don't think _apply_delta is unused.  I think the reason nothing else needed to be changed is that static methods can be invoked on instances as well as on classes.02:30
lifelessabentley: true enough, still leaves it as a no-op change though02:33
lifelessrobertc@lifeless-64:~/source/baz/test-repos/mozilla$ time ~/source/baz/repository/bzr commit -m 'commit' --unchanged -q02:33
lifelessreal    0m58.889s02:33
lifelessuser    0m50.591s02:33
lifelesssys     0m3.640s02:33
lifelessrobertc@lifeless-64:~/source/baz/test-repos/mozilla$ time ~/source/baz/repository/bzr commit -m 'commit' --unchanged -q a02:33
lifelessreal    0m27.626s02:34
lifelessuser    0m25.538s02:34
lifelesssys     0m1.504s02:34
lifeless25 seconds to *just* do the overhead of a commit for a single file.02:34
lifelessI'm going to target this for a bit02:34
abentleyIt does remove the artificial requirement for a knit instance.02:34
igclifeless: adding staticmethod is a good change iff semantically it has nothing to do with the current object02:34
igcthat's certainly the case in terms of the implementation fwiw02:35
lifelessabentley: this is true, but it also makes it unvariable when you have a knit. I think moving it closer to the users would make sense.02:35
lifelessrather than just bit-twiddling02:35
lifelessI mean, applying a delta would seem to be be related to the delta representation02:36
lifelessand/or the content representation02:36
abentleyHow do you mean unvariable?02:37
lifelesswell object methods are mainly to allow code to vary based on the content of the object02:37
lifelessif this method has no dependencies *in principle* on the content of the object, then its probably on the wrong object02:38
abentleyI'm with you there.02:38
igcso the params are lines and delta ...02:39
igcit operates on lines and returns lines02:39
lifelessigc: if delta is returned by another method on the VersionedFile, then delta is linked to the VersionedFile02:39
lifelessigc: so its not clear from this level of discussion that there is no connection02:39
lifelessanyhow, I've said my bit02:40
abentleylifeless: But it's trivial to imagine an implementation of iter_file_versions directly on top of packs, using knit deltas.  And that would clearly have no need for a versionedfile of any kind.02:41
lifelessabentley: I agree. However it could sensibly use a KnitData instance02:41
lifelessthere is delta assembly too02:42
lifelessso being able to use a single KnitSomeThing instance to manage that implementation would be good02:42
lifelesssomething that takes (fileid, revisionid) keys and uses the index directly without the mapping thunk layer02:42
abentleyYep, we're agreed there.02:43
thumperlifeless: know where poolie is?02:44
lifelessthumper: yes02:44
abentleyI think the reason we don't have something like that already is that knit deltas are not objects.02:44
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lifelessabentley: well there is KnitData/KnitContent.02:44
lifelessabentley: I'm not sure that individual delta objects are the problem02:45
lifelessits more that the delta application stuff was conflated with storage.02:45
lifelessKnitData vs KnitAccess has fixed that02:45
thumperlifeless: sometimes you remind me of a friend in the UK (never answered the implied question)02:45
lifelessthumper: I'm proud to remind you of a friend :)02:46
lifelessthumper: oh, and merf says hello02:46
thumpermerf who?02:46
lifelessmichael murphy02:46
lifelessfrom uni02:46
abentleyKnitData looks more akin to ContainerReader.  KnitContent looks plausible.02:47
thumperlifeless: ah, where is he now?02:47
lifelesswe had Jason's bucks night last weekend02:47
thumperit go well?02:48
lifelessoh, hes running something in the money market space for commbank02:48
igcabentley: so is moving _apply_delta into knit.py (and out of versionedfile.py) agreed as an improvement?02:48
spivlifeless: I think that qeebo revision of yours is definitely strange.02:48
lifelessdon't have a sound-bite label for it unfortunately, but he's happy and it sounds fun and interesting02:48
spivlifeless: In that the second parent does seem to be in the ancestry of the first parent.02:48
lifelessspiv: yah. Want to be a cherrypick merge will do that02:49
abentleyigc: If we are talking about the optimal place, that looks like it.  I'm also happy with a staticmethod, or the status quo.02:49
lifelessspiv: try this on for size:02:50
lifelessbzr branch -r 2634 bzr.dev foo; bzr merge -r 2591..2592 ; bzr st02:51
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lifelessspiv: its merging in a revision that was already merged previously, but had had its text discarded02:52
lifelessspiv: but even so, the heads() calculation for me gives the right single parent case02:53
spivlifeless: right, but we don't record cherrypicks yet?02:53
lifelessits not a cherrypick :)02:53
lifelessbecause the base revision is in the ancesty02:53
fullermdSounds more like a cherryununpick.02:53
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pooliegood morning02:54
spivlifeless: ah, that does indeed create it.  Weird.02:55
igcmorning poolie02:55
lifelessspiv: normal IMO02:55
lifelessspiv: its unusual but still a valid DAG02:55
spiv(incidentally bzr viz just ignores the second parent for the purposes of drawing lines)02:55
lifelessspiv: yes, I wrote that code :)02:55
lifelessits the same logic as bzr log uses for indenting02:56
spivlifeless: well, "weird" in the sense that I had thought that "bzr merge -r X..Y" wouldn't record a pending merge, but it turns out the world is more complicated.02:56
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spivlifeless: thanks for satisfying my curiosity about that.02:56
abentleyCould this be related to igc's restoration of my patch that jam reverted?02:57
lifelessjams patch apparently reverted many things02:57
lifelessmine was restored months ago02:57
lifelessbut I don't think igc could have caused the parent confusion02:58
igcrevno 2614 was the merge02:58
igcfwiw, I used patch -p0 to apply abentley's changes to bzr.dev02:58
spivlifeless: so, what information in the corrupt bzr.dev repo can be used to deduce that file revision has the wrong parents?02:58
lifelessspiv: left_parent = r.get_inventory(p1)[fileid] .revision02:59
spivlifeless: did you say InventoryEntry.find_previous_heads figures it out?02:59
abentleyspiv: My reconcile algorithm ought to determine the correct parents already.02:59
lifelessright_parent = r.get_inventory(p2)[fileid] .revision02:59
spivabentley: *nod*.  I want to figure out why it isn't.03:00
lifelesscorrect_parents = r.get_graph().heads([left_parent, right_parent] )03:00
abentleyspiv: the algorithm is applied only when there are unreferenced parents.03:00
lifelessfor me, that returns just one03:00
abentleyThis parent is clearly referenced.03:00
spivabentley: ah, I see.03:00
lifelessso disabling the condition to only check when its not referenced should be enough03:01
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lifelessperhaps we should catch UnicodeDecodeErrors and log them, then show a nice user error IFF their locale is C03:06
lifelessotherwise raise them as normal03:06
lifeless(in run_bzr_)03:06
abentleyspiv: I have paged the algorithm back into memory.  Ping me if you want a description, but I gather you've already been looking at that code.03:09
spivabentley: thanks, I think I'll be ok, but I'll let you know.03:09
igclifeless: that patch submitted to pqm now03:25
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spivOk, I have a version of Aaron's reconcile that does correct that problem.03:35
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spivNow to polish it and test it properly...03:36
spivlifeless, abentley: it's safe to say I understand this stuff much better than I did a week ago...03:36
lifelessigc: thanks03:40
lifelessspiv: cool03:40
spivBoy I wish reconcile gave some progress indication.03:42
fullermdMaybe it figures it would just be too depressing.03:43
spivfullermd: I want to know how depressed to be! :)03:43
spivIt's the depression with no visible end that gets me down... ;)03:44
spivGood grief reconcile is slow though.04:01
spivI guess NEWS has a particularly large history, but even so...04:01
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lifelessit spins04:07
lifelessjust give it some progress figures04:08
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spiv20 minutes just to check the NEWS knit.04:13
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spivlifeless: FWIW, the reconcile branch http://people.ubuntu.com/~andrew/bzr/reconcile-check-heads04:43
lifelessits cooked ?04:44
spivlifeless: it just has the manually tested fix, it's not fully cooked at all.04:44
spivlifeless: how urgent is it for you that I cook it now?04:44
lifelessif you don't, I'll have to04:44
lifelessI can't work with bzr.dev till we apply it there, and uncooked code == buggy04:44
=== spiv nods
spivOk, I'll keep at it.04:45
ubotuNew bug: #130574 in bzr "Interrupting bzr log causes "bzr crashed with IOError in <module>()"" [Low,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13057404:45
fullermdSo, what's the upshot of all of this fribbery with that ancestry lately?04:52
fullermdShould I be avoiding updating my bzr.dev, or switching back to the release for my daily work?  Or is it ignorable for us non-devs?04:52
lifelessignore it04:53
lifelesswe'll fix it and issue a bzr that will correct it all04:53
fullermdSweet.  My favorite problems are those I can ignore   :)04:53
=== igc food
lifelesspoolie_: my fix to not propogate changes has hit bzr.dev.04:59
lifelesspoolie_: I propose to move pqm to that version asap04:59
lifelessnot propogate randomish index changes I mean05:00
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=== spiv -> food
lifelessregular bzr is /so slow/ now :(05:19
jdongare you teasing us? :)05:21
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lifelessnot at all05:22
lifelessI'm testing a specific optimisation for bzr.dev05:22
lifelessand its making me cry05:22
jdongah, I see05:25
jdongI read it as "haha, look at me with my faster bzr!" :D05:25
lifelessinitial commit of a moz tree with my hacked up bzr that I'm peeling off patches is 1m3205:25
lifelesswith bzr.dev and the patch I'm currently testing it is ... 8m05:27
jdongwow, that's a substantial difference05:28
lifelessWe've been working on performance05:29
jdongglad to hear05:30
fullermdIs 0.91 due this week, or is it blocked on resolving that ancestry burp?05:34
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lifelessits due05:35
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lifelessanyhow, thats a clean 4% in that patch05:55
lifelessigc: ^05:56
lifelessadd_inventory is 20%06:05
lifelessupdate_builder is 37%06:05
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poolie_fullermd: i'll probably do 0.91 when i get home06:11
poolie_just spending some quality time w spiv now06:11
fullermdOh, I was just making sure I was up-to-date with plans.  Not trying to rush you.06:14
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lifelessok, of that 25 seconds, I've just nuked 706:32
lifelessit won't apply to non-selected-file commits unfortunately, but it will make it easier to see hot spots in the code that does apply06:33
lifelesscare to review that other patch ?06:34
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lifelessgarh benching on bzr.dev is breaking my balls06:47
lifeless..so.. ..slow..06:47
lifelesswhile this runs I'm going for a wlak to think06:47
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lifeless50% saving07:11
lifelessreal    0m29.516s07:12
lifelessuser    0m27.594s07:12
lifelesssys     0m1.236s07:12
lifelessreal    0m19.251s07:12
lifelessuser    0m17.897s07:12
lifelesssys     0m0.768s07:12
lifelessin bzr.dev07:12
AfCYou're a rock star07:12
lifelesswell, not *quite* 50%07:12
lifelessnow to see if it passes tests, and if so send it in07:12
lifelessAfC: I know :)07:13
lifelessAfC: I have initial commit with packs faster than hg, on my laptop07:13
lifelessdarn this fails tests, I'll have to tweak it for corner cases.07:14
AfClifeless: Initial commit... I know that's what you've been working on; that's for importing projects into Bazaar, right? [ie, unrelated to initial checkout?] 07:14
lifelessAfC: yes, the first experience for folk considering migrating an existing project to bzr07:15
lifelessAfC: much of initial commit is present in incremental commit too07:15
lifelessso wins there show up in incremental07:15
AfClifeless: you _really_ need to take half an afternoon and put something a bit more flattering up as a home page.07:47
fullermdEh, people have been telling me that for years.07:47
AfClifeless: right now it doesn't even _mention_ Bazaar07:47
AfCfullermd: yeah, but if I link to Rob in a blog post, it's like embarrassing for him.07:48
fullermdThey usually phrase it as "Aiee, my eyes are bleeding!", but it means about the same thing...07:48
PengWhat's lifeless's homepage.08:02
lifelessto say its bare bones would be to talk it up08:02
lifelessAfC: I loath web design; someone who's eyes bleed enough will eventually offer me a new site08:02
PengMine is completely empty.08:02
PengI just realized what I need to do: 1997!08:02
PengBut with valid HTML and CSS.08:03
PengSo it's ironic?08:03
PengAnyone got a freely-licensed animated GIF of the U.S. flag?08:06
igclifeless: review sent to the list now08:07
lifelessigc: + or - ?08:07
igcfew changes would be good I think08:08
lifelessok, I'll llook tomorrow08:10
lifelessfor now I want to get this 40% win polished08:10
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nocturnHi all08:16
nocturnI'm relatively new to Bazaar and I think I made a mistake08:16
nocturnI wanted to branch an existing project to which I only had a source tarball08:16
nocturnSo I unpacked it in project.vanilla and made that a Bazaar repo08:17
nocturnI then created project.mybranch and imported the tarball again08:17
nocturnI made my changes on mybranch.  Now I would like to use diff and later merge as the vanilla version gets updates08:17
nocturnbut mybranch  and vanilla have no common ancestor....08:17
nocturnIs there any way to fix this?08:18
poolie_nocturn: if you've just done the one change, it may be easiest to do diff -r 1 on mybranch, then apply that through patch to a branch coming from the real import08:18
poolie_actually, why not just throw away project.vanilla, and replace it with08:19
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poolie_bzr branch -r 1 mybranch vanilla08:19
nocturnI did multiple changes (3 actual releases of my branch)08:19
nocturnpoolie_: What would that do exactly?08:19
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poolie_that would give you a new 'vanilla' branch, containing the import you committed as the first on mybranch08:20
poolie_but it would be known to have history in common08:20
nocturnOK, and would that still be OK when I use diff and merge since Vanilla is actually the real mainline08:20
nocturnOk, trying...08:20
poolie_have you done anything else with your original vanilla branch?08:21
nocturnno, I didn't touch it.  It belongs to someone else (I'm branching their projec)08:22
lifelessthen the best thing to do is to use the branch command :)08:22
nocturnlifeless: Yeah :-)08:23
nocturnOk, did the branch08:23
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poolie_lifeless: hi, just reading this 4% branch08:24
poolie_trying to understand08:24
poolie_         # If length == 1, then we only have the root entry. Which means08:24
poolie_         # that there is no real difference (only the root could be different)08:24
poolie_-        if (len(self.builder.new_inventory) != 1 and self._any_real_changes()):08:24
poolie_+        if len(self.builder.new_inventory) != 1 and (self.entries_changed or08:24
poolie_+            self.entries_deleted):08:24
nocturnpoolie_: Do I need to do anything special to remove the branch again?08:25
poolie_nocturn: you can just either delete it, or i usually prefer to move it into a directory called 'Abandoned'08:25
poolie_just in case i want it back08:25
poolie_like a trash can08:25
nocturnIs it wise to follow something like trunk,tags,branches in bzr too08:26
poolie_no, better to just have the trunk and branches in one directory08:26
poolie_as separate branches obviously08:26
poolie_lifeless: the len(...inv) tests in there look a bit strange strange08:27
nocturnpoolie_: silly question, but how to I do that 'have the trunk and branches in one directory'?08:27
poolie_the usual setup is08:27
poolie_bzr init-repo myproject08:28
poolie_bzr init myproject/trunk08:28
AfClifeless: don't need anything fancy. Just a one paragraph bio, some bullet points about what you're _currently_ working on, and a photo. Don't need any of the rest of the bling.08:28
poolie_(do stuff)08:28
poolie_bzr branch myproject/trunk myproject/somefeature08:28
AfClifeless: bring a photo jpg along this weekend and we'll hack someething up quickly.08:28
lifelessAfC: photo. Eek.08:28
AfClifeless: hackergotch at least :)08:28
lifelessquick, look for a cookie monster jpg08:28
poolie_i have some good photos of lifeless08:28
poolie_i think08:28
poolie_he can be the judge08:29
AfCpoolie_: did I hear you say Bazaar 0.91 would be "today"?08:29
lifelesspoolie_: I think you're probably better placed to asses08:29
poolie_AfC: yes i expect so08:29
lifelesspoolie_: they are strange but correct; its an artifact of 'the null tree has no root'08:29
lifelesswhich I don't like but is entrenched now08:30
lifelessbleh test output ordering failures.08:34
lifelessok fixed version I think, real    0m18.834s08:35
lifelessuser    0m17.645s08:35
lifelesssys     0m0.580s08:35
ubotuNew bug: #141157 in launchpad-bazaar "Locks acquired via the smart protocol have poor lock info." [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/14115708:35
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lifelessok, all commit tests pass, next round08:40
lifelesslooking good08:42
lifeless2K ok so far08:42
=== AfC updates the time in the blog post he's writing
AfCIt was 19.2 seconds. You just said 18.808:46
AfC(or was that for something else?)08:46
AfCdown from 29.5s08:46
lifelessoh right08:48
lifelessso if you want the test scenario08:48
lifelessthis is a mozilla tree08:48
lifelessdoing 'bzr commit -m message FILENAME'08:48
lifelessI'm aiming for that to be about 2seconds eventually, or less08:48
lifelesslong way to go to get there08:48
lifelessthis is just the low hanging fruity biscuits08:49
AfClifeless: forgive me for being stupid, but isn't that incremental commit, not initial commit?08:49
lifelessI'm talking about incremental today08:49
lifeless*initial commit* figures:08:49
lifelessreal    6m21.980s08:50
lifelessuser    3m16.668s08:50
lifelesssys     0m18.469s08:50
lifelessmy experimental pack work, not all of which is stable enough to publish in any form (but I can supply patches for the *really* brave)08:50
lifelessreal    1m34.322s08:50
lifelessuser    1m20.829s08:50
lifelesssys     0m4.668s08:50
AfC(Your comment was just the seed for me writing a blog post, but it's part of my contribution to the ongoing war in GNOME land about DVCS)08:50
nocturnOk, I'm reading TrackingUpstream here:08:51
nocturnSorry, wrong url08:51
nocturnHow can I use SVN from upstream instead of CVS08:52
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lifelessnocturn: bzr-svn is wicked cool09:02
lifelessat this point, calling status, then a selected commit with the ids from status is still faster, have to hammer some more.09:04
nocturnOK, thanks lifeless09:05
lifelessigc: review requested09:09
igclifeless: sure09:10
lifelessit should be obvious which one :)09:16
igclifeless: yes, and you're right re the nested tree stuff I think09:17
nocturnOk, got the structure set up09:23
nocturnI created a repo with bzr init-repo project09:23
nocturnand upstream and mybranch in that09:23
nocturnNow, how can I check out the repo?09:24
lifelessbzr checkout project/mybranch09:25
lifelessor have I misunderstood what you mean?09:25
nocturnlifeless: That checks out only my branch, can I checkout the entire repo?09:26
nocturnLike an SVN checkout without specifying trunk09:27
lifelessin bzr branches are *semantic*, they define structure09:27
lifelessin svn there are no branches, which is a huge problem for programmatic use of svn09:28
nocturnOk, when I try to get the upstream branch, it says: bzr: ERROR: Not a branch09:29
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nocturnFor mybranch too.09:30
lifelesshow did you make the branches ?09:30
nocturnI created myproject with repo-init09:30
nocturnthen upstream with bzr init09:30
nocturnthen mybranch with branch upstream mybranch09:31
nocturnI'm now trying a checkout over sftp09:31
nocturnAs I usually do09:31
lifelesswhat sftp url are you using ?09:31
lifeless(don't paste a password or anything, but the rest would be useful. feel free to mangle hostnames etc, but keep the path basically intact if possible)09:32
lifeless        ^09:32
lifeless             ^09:32
lifelessthats better09:32
nocturnbzr co sftp:/bzrhost.domain:/home/bzr/marva/upstream09:32
lifelessthe second : is incorrect in SFTP urls, you would need a port number there09:32
lifelessand you are missing a /09:32
lifelessbzr co sftp://bzrhost.domain/home/bzr/marva/upstream09:33
lifelessthat will work better09:33
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nocturnSorry, I need more coffee ;-)09:33
nocturnIt worked now.  Sorry for the mistake, I'm missing some sleep...09:34
lifelessno worries09:35
lifelessperhaps you should sleep though :)09:35
lifelessigc: there is a bug, I don't know if I introduced it though (with nested pointless)09:35
lifelessI've added a test09:36
igcok - let me think about your mail re nested trees some more09:39
lifelesshmm, I've fixed the bug and am doing the other comments right now09:39
lifelessthat mail is orthogonal09:39
lifelesswell, I *am fixing* dammit.09:39
lifelessits still there09:39
lifelessself._unchanged is fuxored for nested treees09:45
lifelesssay it out loud09:46
poolie_he has children :)09:46
lifelessthey will learn09:47
igcthey're absent right now so it's ok :-)09:47
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thekornhi, one short question: i pushed a branch to launchpad with bzr 0.15 (feisty), is it possible to get this branch with bzr 0.8 (available in dapper)?09:53
lifelessigc: ok, I think I've squashed that bug - insufficient coverage09:54
lifelessthekorn: yes09:54
lifelessthekorn: we will be issuing a new format in the near future which will break compatibility with dapper, but we also have debs of newer bzr's for dapper09:55
thekornlifeless: ah ok, thanks09:57
nocturnAnother question... There where changes to upstream trunk (which I do not want yet)09:59
nocturnHow can I get them in mybranch?10:00
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nocturnmerge probably, but I would like to be able to give my changes back too...10:00
lifelessto get someone elses work use merge10:03
lifelessto send your work, if they use bzr either publish a branch or use bzr send10:03
lifelessif they don't use bzr, use 'bzr send --no-bundle'10:04
nocturnI don't have bzr send...10:05
lifelessoh, must be an old bzr10:05
nocturnBazaar (bzr) 0.17.010:05
nocturnOn Ubuntu Dapper (server)10:06
lifelessif they don't use bzr you can get a good diff for emailing them with 'bzr diff -r ancestor:PATHTOUPSTREAM'10:06
lifelessthis will do the right thing even if you haven't merged everything from upstream yet10:06
nocturnOk, thanks10:06
lifelessif they use bzr either publish a branch, or use 'bzr bundle'10:06
poolie_:!sort % |uniq -c|sort -nr > dupes.tmp10:06
poolie_easy guide to refactoring :)10:06
poolie_well, slightly interesting10:07
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lifelesspoolie_: the big commercial code analysis engines are basically that, but more generic10:07
nocturnThe's no newer version of bazaar for dapper, I'm using the bazaar repository10:08
lifelessigc: ok, both patches are back in your court10:08
lifelessnocturn: yes, thats right, there will be soon10:08
lifelesstheres a 44% win, and you're sitting on it!10:08
igcgreat news! Makes me happy! (not kidding)10:09
nocturnOk, good that it's still getting updates :-)10:09
nocturnI'm waiting for the next LTS to upgrade the server10:09
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ubotuNew bug: #141172 in bzr "Interrupting bzr Ctrl-C does not kill openssh subprocess" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/14117210:15
LeoNerdIsn't that a rather old duplicate?10:16
spivLeoNerd: perhaps, but I didn't find the dup when filing.10:16
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igclifeless: should the parameter to find_ids_across_trees in commit.py be self.specific_files or specific_files or doesn't it matter?10:24
lifelessit does not matter10:25
lifelessthe results are the same if its deduped or not10:25
lifelessbut the later checks win by processing minimal entries10:25
lifelessnight all10:28
lifelessigc: if you are happy or want trivial changes, please feel free to do them and submit it10:28
lifelessas I still can't resolve conflicts bzr.dev10:29
lifelessand I'm sure there are some on these10:29
igclifeless: one more Q ...10:29
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lifelessso I'd be asking you to submit it anyhow :)10:29
igcline 687 - you've dropped ie.revision = None ...10:29
igcwas that deliberate?10:30
lifelessits bogus10:30
lifelesswe're carrying over an unaltered inventory entrie10:30
lifelesswhy would we mark it as possibly-changed ?10:30
igcfair enough10:30
igcnight and thanks10:31
Kinnisonhey lifeless, how's pack coming along?10:32
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nocturnAnyone here using the Bugs Everywhere system?10:49
nocturnI found it on the bazaar homepage, link http://panoramicfeedback.com/opensource/10:50
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lifelessKinnison: faster than hg on my laptop for the first commit10:54
lifelessKinnison: thats the highlight, reality is more complex, of course10:55
Kinnisonlifeless: :-)10:55
Kinnisonlifeless: I'm more interested in whether or not it'll improve push/pull at all10:55
KinnisonSince my first commit is usually of no more than five or six files :-)10:55
lifelesspush/pull with it is about 120% of rsync10:56
KinnisonAnd is that with a pure protocol like sftp, or with something smart?10:56
ubotuNew bug: #141105 in bzr "Crash with authenticated https checkout" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/14110510:57
matkorpython apps do not crash ... they only raise exceptions ...10:58
nocturnOk, I have made an experimental branch using the branch command11:01
nocturnBut the source branch had minor changes11:01
nocturnHow Can I pull them in?11:01
Kinnisonmatkor: right up until the C extensions crash :-)11:01
matkorKinnison: Then it is C crash ;)11:02
Kinnisoneven if it's the python interpreter which is crashing?11:02
fullermdC crash run!11:02
matkorKinnison: yeahh...  blame C and Canada ;)11:03
spivKinnison: that's with sftp11:04
matkornocturn: commit on source branch and pull merge on experimental ?11:04
KinnisonWhat if it's a pypy interpreter and the code running in that causes the pypy interpreter to raise an exception, rather than to raise an exception within itself?11:04
spivKinnison: AIUI11:04
Kinnisonspiv: that's pretty cool11:04
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spivKinnison: a big win is that there's very few roundtrips with packs, because there's relatively few files.11:05
gabe__hello ppl11:07
gabe__hoping someone might be able to give me some pointers with using bzr_launchpad11:08
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lifelessgabe__: I'm just passing through, but perhaps #launchpad may have some folk able to help too; also you should really ask your question, vague things like 'need help' don't give helpers enough info to know what to say to you11:42
gabe__hehe yeah cheers11:44
gabe__well I have a central repo (no-trees) with many branches in it, do you know if it's possible to link the whole thing up with launchpad, rather than individual projects?11:45
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fullermdI'm pretty sure not.  You can only push/pull branches, so you'd have to iterate over them one way or another.11:46
fullermdAnd I don't think launchpad gives you any repo control, so they'd each be independant on the other end too.11:46
gabe__well then can i use launchpad as a ticketing system, without linking it with my branches?11:47
thumperWhat's the chance of dapper backports for bzr > 0.17?11:47
fullermdI imagine so.  I mean, it doesn't force you to upload any branches at all, so...11:48
spivgabe__: sure, you can use any part of launchpad independently of the others.11:48
Lo-lan-dothumper: It was mentioned earlier that there will be some soon.11:48
spivgabe__: obviously the intent is that the various parts will integrate nicely and work well together, but you don't have to upload branches to use the bug tracker, or vice versa.11:48
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gabe__aha sounds cool, basically in my company we have lots of websites that we maintain. We want a ticketing system to track required changes etc. Each website is its own branch. But we don't want to have a seperate ticketing system for each website. What would be the bet way to go about this?11:49
thumperpoolie: re the testing that I was going to do tomorrow,11:50
thumperpoolie: there is not currently a bzr > 0.17 for dapper11:50
lifelessthumper: run from source?11:51
lifelessthere will be soon11:51
thumperlifeless: ok, could do11:51
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zombai have a problem12:27
zombabzr: ERROR: File exists: '/bzrrep/myrep/.bzr/repository/lock/1v8fqh0fv9.tmp': Failure: unable to mkdir12:28
zombaany ideas?12:28
zombano...I can't do a bzr commit12:28
zombai've the solution12:31
zombadisk space on the server repository12:32
zombathanks anyway12:32
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AfCDid you decide to cut 0.91 today, or is it still in progress?01:12
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resiakas far as i can tell, it's not possible to persuade `bzr log` to include diffs.  is there a straightforward way to fake this, short of parsing `bzr log` and feeding each rev to `bzr diff -r $rev-1..$rev` ?05:03
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fullermdNo, there's not.  Though you probably want -rparent:$rev..$rev.05:13
resiakaha, thanks05:13
fullermdOr even '-c$rev' (new on 0.91, I think)05:13
fullermdIf you were more ambitious, you could probably write a custom log formatter that did the job...05:14
fullermd(would certainly be faster than spawning a kadnillion python processes...)05:14
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grantgmIs there any way to merge (add) a bzr branch into an existing svn repo? I've started work on some code for a prof, and now that I'm about 100 revisions into tracking it with bzr, he's told me he'd like me to start using the department's centralized svn server. The svn server has a ton of different directories in TRUNK (one for each researcher/project - about 8 gigs total). He would like me to create another directory there for my project.06:13
grantgmIdeally, what I'd like to do is import my bzr branch into the svn repo (while maintaining my revision history), and maintain the ability to work with bzr on my end, using that single svn directory as a remote (possibly bound) branch. If possible, I'd like to avoid having to keep the rest of the svn trunk on my local system, since 99% of it is completely irrelevant to me.06:13
grantgmIt seems that using the svn repo through bzr can be done with the svn/bzr foreign branches plugin (is that correct?) but I can't seem to find any way of actually getting the data that I already have into svn.06:13
grantgmAny help would be greatly appreciated!06:13
datojelmer would know if pushing just to a subdirectory is possible.06:15
jelmergrantgm: you should be able to use svn-push from the latest bzr-svn06:15
jelmerto push to /trunk or something (to the root of the repository won't work)06:16
grantgmso i should create the dir in svn trunk, then just using svn-push svn://host/trunk/mydir will get my revision history into svn?06:21
Penggrantgm: Try convincing them to use Bazaar instead of svn. :D06:21
grantgmi already did :) ... but he didn't seem impressed :(06:22
jelmergrantgm: Yep, that should work, as long as mydir isn't the top-level directory of the repository06:23
grantgmof the svn repository?06:24
grantgmnope, it isn't, so I'll give it a go. Here's hoping I don't wipe out the whole Comp Sci & Engineering repo in the process :)06:25
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grantgmwhen it says on http://bazaar-vcs.org/BzrForeignBranches/Subversion that renames aren't supported (under Future Enhancements) does that just mean that if I want to move a file I should do it with svn rather than bzr, and then everything will be fine, or will doing any renaming break it?06:28
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jelmergrantgm: bzr can push renames just fine06:37
jelmerand will still see them as renames06:37
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jelmerbut if somebody does a "svn mv" bzr won't consider that a rename06:38
jelmerI'll clarify the statement on the wiki06:38
LeoNerdThe core problem is that svn doesn't really have a file move operation06:38
LeoNerdIt sees a new file whose history continues from some other file, then a deletion06:38
jelmerright, you have to use heuristics to determine that when somebody does a delete+copy they actually meant a move06:39
jelmerbzr-svn stores rename information in a bzr-specific property in svn06:40
grantgmlet me make sure i have this correctly: if i do a bzr rename, will it won't be pushed to svn as such - bzr will understand it, but in svn it will appear as a delete-then-create. is that right?06:42
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jelmergrantgm: yes06:45
LeoNerdIt's more that svn doesn't _have_ a move operation, so that's the best thing that it can do, a delete-then-create06:46
LeoNerdIt's almost the same as CVS, only SVN can reference other files for history further back than the first revision, so the newly-created file takes the history of the one that's deleted06:46
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grantgmso that is what 'svn move' actually does?06:47
LeoNerdSince it doesn't have one, a bzr->svn push can emulate a rename using a delete-then-create06:47
LeoNerdsvn has lots of "magic" that isn't really magic at all, that's simply hacked on using the cheap-reference-copy thing06:48
LeoNerdThere's no such thing as a branch, or a tag, in svn06:48
LeoNerdThe only things that exist are cheap copies06:48
LeoNerdA branch is a cheap copy of its parent, that then has new divergent history06:48
LeoNerdA tag is a cheap copy of its referrant, that you promise not to change06:48
fullermdBut that's the best way to do it.  Obviously.  I mean, it took them 6 years of hard work to perfect it.06:48
LeoNerdA rename is a cheap copy of the old name of the file, the old file is then deleted06:48
LeoNerdAll these operations do exist natively within bzr06:50
LeoNerdThis difference in world view, is what makes bidirectional bzr<->svn gatewaying very difficult in the general case06:50
grantgmyea...that seems a lot more sane06:50
LeoNerdYou can only guarantee proper gateway in restricted cases where both sides can agree a proper representation for the operations. Namely, a single branch of commits that just add, change, or remove files.06:51
jelmerLeoNerd: bzr-svn can handle all sorts of funky revisions06:54
LeoNerdBut surely just by heuristic analysis?06:55
grantgmright, but it seems that svn can't. so long as bzr tracks what is _really_ happening, i'm happy06:55
jelmerLeoNerd: No, 1-to-1 mapping06:55
jelmerLeoNerd: or do you mean what directories to consider branches and the like?06:56
LeoNerdEr.. Not sure I quite get the question any more...06:56
jelmerLeoNerd: can you give an example of the sort of heuristic analysis you mean?06:57
LeoNerdDetecting a merge06:57
jelmerit can't detect svn merges and won't try to, but it stores information about bzr merges06:59
jelmerand can read that06:59
LeoNerdYes, that's the sort of thing I meant07:00
jelmerit will also be able to use the merge info svn 1.5 writes out (when it's finally released)07:00
jelmersorry, I misunderstood you then07:02
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grantgmhey, jelmer, are you here?10:08
jelmergrantgm, yep10:08
grantgmI've just tried what we were talking about earlier, but it doesn't seem to like it: I created the directory in the svn repo, (svn mkdir mydir), and I'm now trying to push my local branch to it, but its telling me that the branches have diverged10:10
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jelmergrantgm: It will create the directory for you, otherwise you'll indeed get that error10:10
DShepherdhow can I update to a specific revision?10:10
grantgmok. so at this point, should i --overwrite it?10:11
jelmergrantgm: easiest would be to just remove it and then do the push10:11
grantgmok. I tried merging, as well, but that seemed to hang. I killed it after ~20 minutes of no activity10:12
jelmergrantgm: what exactly did you try to merge?10:12
grantgmfrom within my local branch i did 'bzr merge svn://remoteserver/repo/trunk/mydir'10:14
grantgmthe same thing I'd do if my local branch had diverged from a remote one using just bzr10:15
jelmergrantgm: These branches don't have any history in common10:15
jelmeralthough I agree it shouldn't hang10:15
grantgmyea...I figured I'd give it a try. Grasping at straws, I guess.10:16
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grantgmok, so I've removed the directory from the svn repo, and ran the push again. Its throwing an list index out of range exception. Check http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/38028/10:25
grantgm... throwing *a* list index ...10:26
jelmerhey lifeless10:27
lifelesspower failures10:27
lifelesshate em10:27
jelmergrantgm: what version of bzr-svn are you running?10:28
grantgm0.90.0, package from Ubuntu Gutsy10:28
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jelmergrantgm: that command should be 'svn-push' rather than 'push'10:29
grantgmoh, sorry, that's the bzr package...one second10:30
jelmerthe two will be integrated eventually but that hasn't been done yet10:30
jelmerlifeless: you haven't missed much here10:31
grantgmOk, it seems to be going now. 'bzr help svn-push' makes it sound like they are already pretty much integrated: "this command is the same as that of 'bzr push', except that it also creates new branches." Gimme10:33
grantgm... a sec and I'll let you know if it goes through10:33
lifelessI need a favour from someone familiar with bzr10:41
jelmerlifeless: what sort of favor ? :-)10:41
lifelessjelmer: I need someone to generate a bundle of bzr.dev against my repository branch10:41
lifelessbecause I can't push-pull :)10:41
lifelessthen I can apply that bundle to my local copy of bzr.dev, which will make my [merge]  mails be slightly less out of date10:42
jelmerlifeless: what's the location of your branch?10:43
jelmerlifeless, not quite sure I follow - what command do you need me to run?10:45
jelmer'bzr.packs bundle http://people.ubuntu.com/~robertc/baz2.0/repository/' from my local bzr.dev copy?10:45
lifelessyes I think10:46
lifelessor s/bundle/send/ and ad --mail-to robert...10:46
jelmeron its way10:51
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thumperlifeless: which branch should I grab to do my load testing on dapper?11:02
thumperlifeless: I guess bzr.0.9011:02
lifelessload testing on dapper?11:03
lifelessok, I'm confuzzled11:03
lifeless0.90 is fine though yes11:03
thumperlifeless: it'll all become clear soonish :)11:04
thumperI hope11:04
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ikeAnyone know something about crypto repository format?11:18
ikeWill it work? afaik it was GSoC project but i couldn't find anything on mailing lists.11:19
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lifelessike: it didn't get finished11:28
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ikepitty. but was it completly dropped or just the progress is slow?11:29
ikelifeless: do you know maybe?11:31
ubotuNew bug: #141368 in bzr "merge command should have --change option" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/14136811:31
lifelessike: I was the mentor11:32
lifelessike: and I don't know :(11:32
ikelifeless: oh. pitty. was it your idea? 'cause i'm looking for crypto repository oslt.11:36
ikei need repository for sensitive data (passwords etc)11:36
lifelessit was bogdano's idea11:36
lifelessand a really nice one.11:36
lifelessbut he disappeared basically in the second half11:36
lifelessthere is code on launchpad but it doesn't encrypt, only obscures the data - proof of concept progress only11:37
ikemhm. not much useful in my case.11:37
ikeso another question maybe.11:37
ikei thought about some repository inside crypto partition/file.11:38
ikesecured by a password... and question: is it possible to tell bzr or i don't know what to interactve pass password to ... mount oslt?i11:38
lifelesswhat is "oslt?i" ?11:39
ikei want to simply `bzr pull` and if the repository isn't available (the partition isn't mounted) to mount particular partition first.11:40
ikeoslt - or something like that. the last "i" was a typo.11:40
ikei know that the whole partition whould be clearly readable while sending the data but... it's better than nothing i think.11:41
lifelessuhm no, bzr doesn't have that, but you could use luks separately11:41
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lifelessand just have a loopback crypto partition11:41
lifelesscryptsetup is your friend for that11:41
lifelesshi igc11:41
igchi lifeless11:41
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lifelessjelmer: I haven't seen it11:42
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lifelessjelmer: oh I found it sorry :)11:43
ikeOk. I get that. But is scenario like that possible: clients executes `bzr up`, bzr connects to the repository, asks client for a password, mounts partition with provided password, receives data from a repo, unmounts the partition?11:43
lifelessike: yes, you could do that in a plugin as a transport I think11:43
ikeo! hooray. thanks. i'll look at this.11:44
lifelessjust replace the normal local transport with one that knows about your path; however I'd just do it as a shell script wrapper IMO11:44
lifelessproably simpler, and easier to be sure its unmounted afterwards11:44
=== dewd [n=dewd@201009147182.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #bzr
ikeHm. So you suggest a script which mounts needed partition, executes `bzr something` and unmounts it.11:45
ikecrap. how i didn't figure this out by myself?11:46
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