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TexasTwister | Having problems getting Dansguardian to work with LTSP in Edubuntu... when I enable DG, it kills PXE boot. I'm using the configuration interface from Ubuntu Christian Edition (don't know if it is standard to dansguardian or custom to UCE...) but I don't see any settings that would let me select ports that should not be blocked. Any tips? | 04:23 |
TexasTwister | Was it something I said? :-) | 04:25 |
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TexasTwister | Having problems getting Dansguardian to work with LTSP in Edubuntu... when I enable DG, it kills PXE boot. I'm using the configuration interface from Ubuntu Christian Edition (don't know if it is standard to dansguardian or custom to UCE...) but I don't see any settings that would let me select ports that should not be blocked. Any tips? | 04:35 |
kgoetz | tried asking them? | 04:36 |
kgoetz | i susepct it would be customised | 04:36 |
TexasTwister | No response at all from the IRC channel for dansguardian. There is no IRC channel for UCE. | 04:37 |
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TexasTwister | Documentation for DG is "sparse" to say the least... | 04:37 |
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cje_ | hi, I am a volunteer supporting a public middle school in San Francisco, California with an edubuntu thin client lab. I am trying to put the list of users in the user settings window into alphabetical order. I click on the name column, but no joy. | 04:40 |
cje_ | ubuntu | 04:42 |
cje_ | oops | 04:42 |
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Burgundavia | cje_: ahh | 04:46 |
Burgundavia | cje_: which version of Edubuntu? | 04:47 |
sbalneav | Evening all | 04:51 |
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cje_ | Burgundavia, Feisty | 04:53 |
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bewpy | i have a question.. can you install windows programs on this os? | 06:59 |
Burgundavia | yes and no | 06:59 |
Burgundavia | there are a few different ways | 06:59 |
Burgundavia | one way to try is wine | 07:00 |
Burgundavia | another way is to emulate Windows | 07:00 |
bewpy | are either of them confusing? lol | 07:00 |
Burgundavia | wine can a be a bit of a headache | 07:01 |
Burgundavia | what are you trying to run? | 07:01 |
bewpy | well nothing in particular.. i have a few things that i would need to use daemon tools for.. like some .iso';s so idk if that would be possible | 07:02 |
Burgundavia | daemon tools is unlikely to work, because it emulates hardware for windows | 07:03 |
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LaserJock | mwuahahahahahahahahahaha | 08:54 |
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delta16 | hey gy's | 03:46 |
delta16 | *guy's | 03:46 |
delta16 | can someone help me ?? | 03:46 |
delta16 | i got a prblem wen installing edubuntu as a workstation from the cd :( | 03:47 |
sbalneav | Morning all | 03:51 |
sbalneav | delta16: What's the problem? | 03:52 |
delta16 | well whe i boot from the cd to install a workstation it gives me an error taht it can't finde any cd drives | 03:56 |
delta16 | and lets me search for driver on a disk | 03:56 |
sbalneav | What kind of cdrom do you have? | 03:56 |
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delta16 | but the strange thing is a have a NEC - 7041A | 03:56 |
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delta16 | that is a DVD player | 03:57 |
sbalneav | Is it an ide cdrom? USB? | 03:57 |
delta16 | burner | 03:57 |
delta16 | yep IDE | 03:57 |
sbalneav | You have it on primary or secondary IDE? Master or slave? | 03:58 |
delta16 | it;s setup as slave but as first boot device :D | 03:58 |
sbalneav | Slave on the primary? | 03:59 |
delta16 | yep | 03:59 |
sbalneav | Anything on your secondary IDE interface? | 04:00 |
delta16 | no | 04:00 |
sbalneav | You might have better luck by making it master on the secondary device. | 04:00 |
delta16 | ok thanx , il try that ;) | 04:00 |
sbalneav | Sometimes some drives don't like playing together as master and slave. | 04:00 |
delta16 | sorry , but nope ! it did not work :( | 04:04 |
delta16 | still the same error mesaage " cannot fine any cd drives " | 04:05 |
delta16 | when bootin it gives some strange error mesages, "somethint with ATA 36" | 04:05 |
delta16 | would that help !? | 04:05 |
ogra_ | sbalneav: seen the latest CDs ? | 04:07 |
ogra_ | :(((( | 04:07 |
ogra_ | 757M | 04:07 |
delta16 | yep just downloaded | 04:07 |
sbalneav | lol, even bugger. | 04:08 |
sbalneav | We had a minor bug last night I discovered. | 04:08 |
sbalneav | affected the cd. | 04:08 |
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ogra_ | delta16: dont try to install from the gutsy dailies | 04:09 |
ogra_ | they are all broken atjm | 04:09 |
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delta16 | no i downlod it directly form the ftp server of Twente Univeresty in the Netherlands | 04:10 |
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shriphani | I don't know why but gimp won't recognise an svg file.. | 04:43 |
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bddebian | Heya | 04:47 |
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shriphani | sbalneav: I can't find a jpeg of the edubuntu logo.... and gimp refuses to open the svg... any ideas where I can find a jpeg or png ? | 05:18 |
sbalneav | gimp refuses to open an svg? | 05:22 |
sbalneav | Where's the svg you're using? | 05:22 |
sbalneav | huh | 05:24 |
sbalneav | so it does. | 05:24 |
sbalneav | Inkscape opens it. | 05:24 |
shriphani | https://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuArtwork?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=edubuntu_logo.svg | 05:25 |
ogra_ | svg is a vector format ... gimp is a bitmap editor | 05:25 |
sbalneav | yeah, inkscape opens it. | 05:25 |
sbalneav | You can convert to another format from there | 05:25 |
shriphani | ok. | 05:26 |
shriphani | 25 mb... apt-cache throws up gimp-svg. I'll download that. | 05:28 |
shriphani | how do you folks approach these schools or institutions? I have had no success so far.... | 05:36 |
sbalneav | I've never approached a school or institution. | 05:36 |
shriphani | the ones I have tried approaching seem so reluctant to change. | 05:37 |
sbalneav | Yep | 05:38 |
sbalneav | You'll find that. | 05:38 |
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shriphani | I've got two straightforward nos already. | 05:38 |
sbalneav | You'll probably get a couple hundred before you get a yes :) | 05:40 |
sbalneav | or even a maybe :) | 05:40 |
sbalneav | ogra_: You here? | 05:40 |
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ogra | yep | 05:41 |
ogra | all the day already :) | 05:41 |
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LaserJock | ogra: phew, looks like we just made it before Beta freeze :-) | 06:19 |
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yotux | how can I allow users to access /dev/video0 | 06:43 |
sbalneav | Add them to the video group in /etc/groups | 06:44 |
yotux | should I use the command line to do this? | 06:45 |
yotux | Sorry just starting to use the command line more | 06:45 |
sbalneav | In the "users and groups" manager, you can click on the "User Priviledges" tab, and just click on the "use audio" devices. button, which, I beleive also addes them to video. | 06:46 |
yotux | ok | 06:46 |
LaserJock | sbalneav: get the new docs? | 06:46 |
sbalneav | I'll find out tonight. | 06:47 |
sbalneav | I'm at work, and my gutsy box is at home. | 06:47 |
sbalneav | yotux: You could also do a adduser --group video | 06:47 |
sbalneav | from the command line. | 06:47 |
yotux | my system doesn't have a video group | 06:47 |
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sbalneav | You should, if you're running edubuntu | 06:48 |
sbalneav | ogra_: WB | 06:49 |
sbalneav | See my private from before? | 06:49 |
yotux | Sorry it shows up in /etc/group but not the GUI manager | 06:49 |
sbalneav | Like I say, in the gui, I think it's "use audio" | 06:50 |
sbalneav | which does audio and video | 06:50 |
yotux | ok | 06:50 |
yotux | cli better | 06:50 |
sbalneav | Well, if you've got a bunch of users to add, yes :) | 06:51 |
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sbalneav | w | 06:54 |
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sbalneav | ogra1: Man, you're having all kinds of problems today. | 07:14 |
ogra1 | nah | 07:14 |
ogra1 | playing with the classmate | 07:15 |
sbalneav | see my priv from before? | 07:15 |
ogra1 | about rooming ? | 07:16 |
sbalneav | yeah, and me talking | 07:16 |
ogra1 | yup | 07:16 |
sbalneav | ok | 07:16 |
sbalneav | :) | 07:16 |
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LaserJock | ogra1: did you make the seed changes for moodle? | 07:18 |
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ogra1 | sadly, yes ... i'm crying all the day already | 07:22 |
LaserJock | why? | 07:22 |
ogra1 | see the size | 07:22 |
LaserJock | oh | 07:22 |
LaserJock | right | 07:22 |
LaserJock | holy cow!! | 07:22 |
ogra1 | i've dropped a lot already, next build should be a bit better | 07:23 |
sbalneav | Big moodle is biiiiiiig. | 07:23 |
ogra1 | well, not only moodle | 07:23 |
sbalneav | Where will the languages go? Second cd? | 07:23 |
ogra1 | 16M are GL crap | 07:23 |
LaserJock | ogra1: did you see my upload of edubuntu-docs and edubuntu-addon-meta? | 07:23 |
ogra1 | yes | 07:23 |
ogra1 | yup | 07:23 |
ogra1 | well done, thanks a lot | 07:23 |
LaserJock | I *think* the Addon CD should be ready | 07:24 |
LaserJock | I actually took the icons I needed from gartoon | 07:24 |
LaserJock | and found the XFCE4 logo for that submenu | 07:24 |
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LaserJock | the only thing I didn't do was make .desktops for the edubuntu-addon-* metapackages | 07:25 |
LaserJock | I wasn't sure exactly how they needed to be formated | 07:25 |
LaserJock | and I kind of figure that's not as big of a deal for the Addon CD, more for people installing over the net | 07:25 |
cberlo | Hi folks. I'm running a couple of Edubuntu servers and I'm getting error messages about: | 07:26 |
cberlo | libGL error: reverting to (slow) indirect rendering error: open DRM failed (Operation not permitted) | 07:26 |
cberlo | libGL error: reverting to (slow) indirect rendering | 07:26 |
cberlo | Anyone know what I need to look into to fix this? Clients are running fairly slow because of this. | 07:26 |
cberlo | (sorry for the flood) | 07:26 |
ogra1 | LaserJock: yeah, we should look into that in hardy though | 07:28 |
LaserJock | I agree | 07:29 |
LaserJock | and should be easy to do so | 07:29 |
LaserJock | I just figure it's a wishlist bug for now | 07:29 |
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cberlo | Okay, another possibility on that: is anyone else trying to run an LTSP through a hub, as opposed to a switch? | 07:34 |
ogra1 | ouch, dont do that | 07:35 |
cberlo | lol | 07:35 |
ogra1 | you will have lots and lots of package collisions | 07:35 |
cberlo | ogra1: Please, tell me exactly why, oh wise one! :) For some reason the networking guys here say it'll be JUST FINE... | 07:35 |
ogra1 | well, a swich properly routes the ethernet packages to the right plug while a hub just broadcasts them to all of them | 07:36 |
ogra1 | thats fine for a single thin client | 07:37 |
ogra1 | as soon as you have more that gets bad | 07:37 |
cberlo | Okay. And with 30 clients, would this possibly produce some slowness in the responsiveness of the client? | 07:37 |
sbalneav | cberlo: ltsp uses X, and X is a very chatty protocol. It sends lots of small packets. | 07:37 |
sbalneav | Your chances of collision go way, way up with hubs. | 07:37 |
ogra1 | SOME ??? | 07:37 |
sbalneav | huge amounts | 07:37 |
cberlo | sbalneav: Yeah, I know. I just have to beat the network guys here over the head to get this set up right. Thanks for the support. :) | 07:37 |
cberlo | Thanks guys. I knew the answer, but having something I can print out to support me is great. Any "3rd party" documentation I could also point them to? | 07:38 |
sbalneav | Edubuntu handbook | 07:38 |
cberlo | sbalneav: That's actually got that kind of info in there? Excellent! | 07:39 |
LaserJock | man, this squeak stuff is ... fun | 07:42 |
sbalneav | Good fun, or bad fun? | 07:43 |
LaserJock | bit of both | 07:43 |
LaserJock | there's so many stinking bugs | 07:43 |
ogra1 | heh | 07:43 |
sbalneav | LaserJock: September 20, 2007 10:00:00 AM WINNIPEG MB CA Out for delivery | 07:44 |
LaserJock | wahoo | 07:44 |
LaserJock | that was fast | 07:44 |
sbalneav | Guess what could be waiting for me when I get home? :) | 07:44 |
sbalneav | Yeah, well, when you pay $25 shipping on a $26 book :) | 07:45 |
LaserJock | you did?!?! | 07:45 |
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sbalneav | Yeah, got the fast service. | 07:45 |
tck | anyone read this? http://www.rootly.com/topics/technology/software_news/Is_the_road_to_Moscow_paved_with_good_intentions/ | 07:45 |
sbalneav | Otherwise, I'd have to wait for 2 weeks :) | 07:45 |
tck | they should take edubuntu really and customize it | 07:45 |
LaserJock | ok, I've triaged all the squeak bugs | 07:46 |
LaserJock | and they should all be fixable when we merge with the Debian packages | 07:46 |
sbalneav | So, basically, ignore squeak till post gutsy? | 07:46 |
LaserJock | yep | 07:46 |
LaserJock | that's pretty much what I've said in the bugs | 07:46 |
LaserJock | but in a nicer way | 07:46 |
sbalneav | what, you saying I'm not nice? :) | 07:47 |
LaserJock | I just talked to #squeak and they say the VMs should work on PPC no problem and amd64 with the patch that we've got in LP | 07:47 |
LaserJock | so we'll gain those 2 archs | 07:47 |
sbalneav | \o/ | 07:47 |
LaserJock | and they said to get rid of inisqueak | 07:48 |
LaserJock | so I :p to all those bug reporters that pestered me about startsqueak ;-) | 07:48 |
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LaserJock | oh sweet, my changes already made the latest daily | 07:52 |
sbalneav | ok, heading down to the server room to update one of our boxes at work to gutsy | 07:52 |
sbalneav | wiiiishhh me luck! | 07:52 |
LaserJock | alrighty folks, I'm off. I'll test out the addon cd tonight | 07:52 |
LaserJock | cya sbalneav | 07:52 |
ogra1 | sbalneav: cant answer pm with this account, feel free to list me | 08:02 |
sbalneav | k | 08:16 |
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sbalneav | ogra1: copied you on my email to Spare Claire. | 08:27 |
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ogra1 | thanks :) | 08:27 |
sbalneav | BFF = "Best Friends Forever", by the way :) | 08:28 |
sbalneav | I indicated I was willing to take a smoking room, if they still exist. | 08:28 |
ogra1 | nah, dont | 08:29 |
ogra1 | its actuallly good to not have one | 08:29 |
sbalneav | Thats harder on you though, isn't it? | 08:30 |
sbalneav | You like a ciggy now and then. | 08:30 |
ogra1 | yeah, but good | 08:30 |
sbalneav | Well, I'll let you and Claire sort that out. | 08:30 |
sbalneav | :) | 08:30 |
ogra1 | travelling is the time of year where i smoke less | 08:30 |
sbalneav | I'm good either way | 08:30 |
ogra1 | me too | 08:30 |
sbalneav | ok, well, there we go then. | 08:31 |
ogra1 | :) | 08:31 |
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sbalneav | ogra: argh. What's the syntax to build the chroot from a cdrom source again? | 09:10 |
sbalneav | I'm having a brain f*rt | 09:10 |
sbalneav | never mind | 09:13 |
sbalneav | got it | 09:13 |
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moquist | it worries me that gutsy currently gives me no window borders and very little on-screen text (blank terminals, blank popup notifications from network manager, etc.) until I metacity --replace. Am I having a really rare problem here? I have a dual-head setup with an NVIDIA card...perhaps that's at fault? | 09:20 |
moquist | I just hope it's all better before release. | 09:21 |
sbalneav | This is with compiz? | 09:21 |
ogra | do you have your metapackages installed ? | 09:21 |
ogra | sounds like you miss teh window decorator | 09:21 |
moquist | I did: 1) install feisty-server from CD 2) dist-upgrade, 3) apt-get install ubuntu-desktop. It's entirely possible I would have better results if I installed Gutsy desktop from CD...but it's not obvious why. | 09:22 |
moquist | Ah! I should've used do-release-upgrade with --devel-release. Duh. | 09:24 |
moquist | sbalneav, ogra: my point isn't to complain or get help fixing it. I'm just wondering if turning compiz on automatically is causing these types of problems for lots of other people. | 09:25 |
moquist | I liked that in Feisty it was really easy to go into the menu and turn it back off. I wonder if there should be an easy failsafe for Gutsy, too. | 09:26 |
ogra | compiz will only be used if the graphics card supports composite | 09:26 |
sbalneav | Oh, not at all. I was just wondering if it was in Compiz. | 09:26 |
ogra | on these indeed its required that all needed packages are installed | 09:26 |
moquist | ogra: Did I somehow miss some packages, you think? | 09:27 |
ogra | the way to switch it off didnt change much | 09:27 |
=== moquist didn't see it in the menu. Huh. | ||
moquist | ogra: I'll check again. | 09:27 |
ogra | its still qa setting in the preferences | 09:27 |
ogra | under qappearance | 09:27 |
=== ogra pokes the classmate keyboard | ||
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GNu_Joe | Where would I find articles/stories/case studies on Edubuntu and schools in the U.S.? | 09:32 |
GNu_Joe | Something about how teachers use it, and the impact with students | 09:33 |
GNu_Joe | I understand the technical aspects, but what is there on the impact in the classroom? | 09:34 |
sbalneav | There were some references to stories on the mailing list, edubuntu-users | 09:34 |
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