
gnomefreakCountX: you may or may not but im betting its installed01:21
CountXpoo, im going to need wireless on saturday01:21
gnomefreakBalaams_Miracle: i didnt see it01:21
Balaams_Miraclegnomefreak: Shall i repeat it?01:21
CountXgnomefreak: none of the wireless i use has any encryption/password01:21
gnomefreakCountX: once we are done with it the archive admins have to push it but again we are frozen from uploads atm unless a good reason/showstopper01:22
gnomefreakBalaams_Miracle: please01:22
Balaams_MiracleGutsy problem: I've just moved from Xubuntu to Ubuntu using the 'Mark packages by task' feature in Synaptic (i know, not recommended). Now i wanted to try out these desktop effects i've been hearing so much about, but it refuses to cooperate. Here're the errors it throws: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/38045/  Anyone know how to solve this? Is this a known problem or is it something i did?01:22
gnomefreakBalaams_Miracle: what video card01:22
CountXwhy are you frozen?01:22
gnomefreakfor release of beta01:22
CountXtoo many drugs01:22
CountXi had a trip like that01:22
CountXit was some weird plant01:23
gnomefreakBalaams_Miracle: go into sound set up and uncheck esd01:23
Balaams_MiraclenVidIa 610001:23
=== CountX snaps fingers
CountXit was salvia01:23
Balaams_Miraclegnomefreak: Esd can kill compiz?01:23
gnomefreakBalaams_Miracle: remove the nvidia drivers and install them with restricted-manager please01:23
gnomefreakBalaams_Miracle: no but one error at a time please so we know if they are related but doesnt look like it01:24
Balaams_MiracleThey were already insatalled with the restricted manager01:24
gnomefreakBalaams_Miracle: you shouldnt need xgl for that card, what drivers are you using?01:24
gnomefreakBalaams_Miracle: are you up to date?01:25
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CountXgnomefreak: what kinda games do linux gamers game?01:25
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php01:25
gnomefreakCountX: dont know i have too much damn work in front of me to worry about gaming01:25
gnomefreakAmaranth: you here or just kind of in and out?01:25
gnomefreakthis is strange01:25
Balaams_Miraclegnomefreak: yes, i'm as up-to-date as the repo's were about 3 hours ago :-)01:26
gnomefreakmakes me think he doesnt have latest packages01:26
Amaranthgnomefreak: just got back01:26
=== gnomefreak thinks hes hiding ;)
Balaams_MiracleCountX: I'm partial to Tremulous01:26
gnomefreakAmaranth: wanna see something strange?01:26
AmaranthNot really01:26
gnomefreakatleast to me01:26
AmaranthIf you have a compiz problem give me your video card's pciid01:27
AmaranthI'll make the problem go away01:27
gnomefreakAmaranth: its there01:27
gnomefreakits not mine though01:27
gnomefreakBalaams_Miracle: is the one with the issue01:27
=== gnomefreak brb smoke
Amaranthah, in that case no problem01:27
Amaranthgnomefreak: when people have problems we know are hardware/driver we've just been blacklisting their pciid :)01:27
gnomefreakit looks like a res issue but compiz should handle that res01:27
Amaranthgnomefreak: the card can't handle that resolution01:28
AmaranthThe problem is obvious01:28
AmaranthRead it :)01:28
gnomefreak6100 i would have thought could01:28
gnomefreaki did01:28
gnomefreakbut 6100 should handle it01:28
gnomefreaki thought01:28
AmaranthComparing resolution (1280x1024) to maximum 3D texture size (512): Failed.01:28
gnomefreakBalaams_Miracle: change your screen res01:28
AmaranthThe card is reporting a 512x512 max texture size01:28
gnomefreakoh crap01:29
AmaranthHe cannot get a screen resolution that low01:29
gnomefreakthats huge01:29
gnomefreakyour right, so this is why we blacklist them?01:29
Amaranthno need for blacklist01:29
Amaranthblacklist is when it passes the checks and can run compiz but has driver/hardware issues01:29
gnomefreakah ok01:29
Amaranthlike the rv350 and the i96501:29
Balaams_MiracleWould more mem solve the problem, or is that unrelated (it's shared mem, so i should be able to add some)01:29
gnomefreakummm i just saw something about the i965 not having compiz enabled01:30
AmaranthBalaams_Miracle: nvidia max texture size should be 4096x409601:30
Amaranthgnomefreak: that's by design01:30
gnomefreakyeah i saw01:30
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Balaams_MiracleAmaranth: So... any idea why my card throws a fit?01:31
gnomefreak19:30 <        Amaranth > Balaams_Miracle: nvidia max texture size should be  4096x409601:31
gnomefreakyours is looking for 512x51201:31
AmaranthBalaams_Miracle: glxinfo -l | grep MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE01:31
Amaranthgnomefreak: no, his is saying it can only do 51201:31
gnomefreakmaybe axorg.conf01:31
Balaams_Miracle glxinfo -l | grep MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE01:31
gnomefreakthats what i menat by lkooking for01:31
Balaams_MiracleGL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE = 409601:32
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Balaams_MiracleSilly thing...01:32
AmaranthBalaams_Miracle: script is checking the wrong thing (just got fixed in git)01:32
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AmaranthBalaams_Miracle: SKIP_CHECKS=yes compiz --replace &01:32
AmaranthBalaams_Miracle: run that in a terminal01:32
gnomefreakgit wont hit till after beta release or is compiz one of those that gets exceptions?01:33
Balaams_MiracleI see a nice red window border :-)01:33
Balaams_MiracleBouncy and bendy too :-))01:33
Amaranthgnomefreak: We might get another upload of compiz this weekend01:34
gnomefreaksweet :)01:34
Amaranthgnomefreak: If I can fix sabdfl's bug01:34
gnomefreakAmaranth: you can do it ;)01:34
Amaranthhis bug is a missing 'feature'01:34
gnomefreakno pressure01:34
Balaams_MiracleAmaranth: Is there a way i can make this permanent? As in changing a script or so?01:34
gnomefreakoh no01:34
gnomefreakofcourse why not him01:34
Amaranthsaving window positions on session save and restoring them01:35
winbondmy vmware machine slowed down a lot from the latest kernel upgrade, anyone noticed a performance drop?01:35
winbondanyone has lag problems with irc?  i think the driver for my lancard is messed up01:35
AmaranthBalaams_Miracle: just keep using SKIP_CHECKS for awhile01:35
gnomefreakwinbond: nope that is most likely the vmware modules (did you file a bug)01:35
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Amaranthgnomefreak: it's a fun thing to implement01:36
winbondgnomefreak, im not experienced enough to determine if its a bug, im just saying what i have observed01:36
Amaranthgnomefreak: I have to only save windows that are session enabled but they create an invisible window for the session01:36
kitchewinbond, I m getting small amounts of lag on freenode01:36
gnomefreakwinbond: file a bug and the kernel guys will tell you if its a bug ;)01:36
Balaams_MiracleWhoa, strange bug here! I've moved my Xchat window a little and now it's shaking like crazy. I wish i could show you...01:37
AmaranthSo I have to find the window's client leader and if it doesn't have one check the window's transient parents looking for a client leader and then check for SM_CLIENT_ID on the client leader01:37
AmaranthAnd I have to not save the client leader01:37
Balaams_MiracleI can not move it  wither01:37
winbondkitche, i get like 16 seconds lag01:37
AmaranthExcept kde apps, they set SM_CLIENT_ID on the main app window01:37
AmaranthMuch fun01:37
gnomefreakAmaranth: i havent looked at code for compiz yet well since beryl so i dont know how "fun" "hard" it is01:37
Amaranthgnomefreak: this is generic window manager stuff01:38
=== gnomefreak kinda wants to play with compiz code ;)
Balaams_MiracleAh, got it.01:38
=== gnomefreak getting tired of big mozilla code :(
CountXwtf is up with granparidiso01:39
CountXbuggy or what01:39
gnomefreaksongbird is yet the biggest ive looked at it includes xulrunner in source01:39
gnomefreakCountX: yes wait for new version01:39
gnomefreakb1 will be released shortly after freeze is lifted and yes we need a week for it01:39
gnomefreakCountX: the gp in repos is fairly buggy due to upstream changes in code and they are being worked out01:40
gnomefreakCountX: good thing we decided to keep it in repos after final release01:40
gnomefreakits gonna change names soon as well01:41
gnomefreakwe have been fighting opps i mean talking about that the last 3 days01:41
CountXi currently use a combination of Opera and granparidiso01:42
gnomefreakwe do have PPA ersons uploaded but you dont want them until after i upgrade them but before relase xulrunner will be 1.9 nss and nspr will be newest versionsand same with firefox firefox-trunk and gp01:43
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gnomefreakversions even01:43
gnomefreaki hav eto fix PPA when i get a week free01:43
CountXhows ps1 emulation compare between M$ and ubuntu?01:44
=== gnomefreak goes for smoke like i wanted to do an hour ago
CountXwish i could get my hands on a smoke01:44
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gibgnomefreak,  Regarding yelp only showing text and not images,  all you need to do to reproduce is go into any gnome app that you have installed the documentation for and choose help/contents.01:55
gnomefreakgib: what version of yelp?01:56
=== gnomefreak doesnt ever remember images in help menus
gibThey often show screen shots to highlight what they are talking about as a visual guide.01:58
gibWhatever version of yelp gutsy is using.01:58
gnomefreakgib: example: open nautilus click help then contents and it looks as i remember it in fiesty just more links01:58
gnomefreaki dont remember images in there but i also dont go in there unless an issue is present, it could be as simple as a setting you have or they made to make things faster01:59
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gnomefreakgib: http://www.gnome.org/start/2.20/notes/en/index.html#rnusers-help02:02
gnomefreakthat shows the help menus02:02
gnomefreakand tells abit about it02:02
gibDo you have gnu cash installed?  It has very nice documentation with lots screenshots.  Not in gutsy though, just in Feisty.02:06
gnomefreakgib: no i dont but they reworked everything in 2.20 release notice it says it will open faster (that is most likely why gnome too images out)02:06
gibI'd have to go to another machine with fiesty installed to give other examples.02:06
gnomefreakgib: i would file a bug but most likely it was purposly done02:07
Jordan_UWhen I try to edit the xorg.conf in a LiveCD session when trying to save I get an error ( from vim ) that the file has been modified since it was opened, this always happens and a diff always shows that nothing has changed.02:08
gibNo, I don't think so.  Lots of programs use yelp to display their help.  They wouldn't all have just decided to remove all visuals.02:08
Jordan_UIs this a bug or just a strange side effect of the new Xorg or something like that?02:08
gnomefreakgib: yelp is part of gnome not apps02:08
gnomefreakapps use yelp02:09
gibYes, but lots of apps use gnomes yelp to display their help files.02:09
gibRather than reinvent the wheel.02:09
gnomefreakgib: yes and if gnome changed it than it would change for all GTK apps02:09
gibWell, that would be just plain stupid to throw out all visuals for any prog using yelp.02:10
Jordan_Ugib, It's less like a library and more like having Firefox open html documentation, it is a completely independent program02:11
gnomefreakthere is most likely a setting you can change but by default it looks as if they did it for speed02:11
gnomefreakgib: file a bug if you think im wrong02:11
Jordan_Ugib, Or file a bug if you think she is right but it's a bad decision ( look into their actual rationale first though if you can find it )02:12
gibJordan, I know, but only yelp displays yelp formated documention; as far as I know there are no alternatives.02:12
gibI rarely agree with gnomes reason's for doing what they do, that's why I don't use it, but I do use some individual apps I like that use gnome libs.02:14
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Jordan_Ugib, Yes, but if it is a problem it is a bug, you might as well find out their rationale, it may even be a technical bug after all, rather than a decision02:17
gibI think it is a bug, because they historically give yelp very low priorty, and pay hardly any attention to it.  It's been broken in other ways in the past and they never hurried to fix it.02:19
gibIt would be interesting to know if other distros using the newest gnome are also experiencing the problem, or if it is just the ubuntu gusty family..02:21
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gnomefreakgib: we dont touch that, that is gnome upstream that decides that, but since it reads as a feature than we might change it but im guessing doubtful but first yelp isnt 2.20 so we dont know what yelp will be like but im fairly sure its the same as the version in repos atm. file a bug if it bothers you and they will decide what to do they == desktop team02:24
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CountXgnomefreak: i filed a bug once...02:26
gnomefreakCountX: i do it all the time02:27
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gibOK.  I sure hope they didn't do it on purpose.  If they did, they're are going to be a lot of pissed of app devs that decided to use yelp for their help systems whose documentation will no longer be displayed as they intended it to be seen.02:31
gibWhere did they list changing to not displaying images as a new "feature.?"  On the Gnome site?02:32
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gnomefreakgib: i didnt look at release notes for it but by the link i gave you talking about it opening faster makes me think that is what they did. you are running in circles and not getting anywhere if you file a bug they will answer you. ubuntu did not make that change afaik atleast i havent see it in any ubuntu changelog for gnome02:36
gnomefreakgib: ask in #ubuntu-desktop but be patient as they may not be there this late02:36
gnomefreakthey are the ones that maintain it02:36
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gnomefreakifit bothers you that much look in gconf-editor see if you cant change it02:37
gnomefreakbrb have to restart gnome02:37
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gibOK.  It's just frustrating because gnome just doesn't seem to care about yelp (referring to past instances of them breaking it and not seeming to care too much).  The best solution, I guess would be for app devs to not rely on yelp for their help systems.02:40
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larson999nvidia 3d drivers not working for me :(02:43
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CountXmy wireless dont work02:43
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CountXi was told to wait02:45
CountXi dont know what for but im waiting02:45
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Ahmuckkonq will no longer open kodak easyshare cx420002:47
drockanyone know how to define a new screen/monitor for displayconfig-gtk?02:48
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nomasteryodaAhmuck, ouch02:48
nomasteryodaAhmuck, you try digikam?02:48
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Ahmuckdigikam, dolphin, konq02:49
Ahmuckdolphin states - unknown model02:49
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Ahmuckhas usb changed in gutsy?02:50
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nomasteryodaAhmuck, have you restarted since latest update?02:51
drocki added 800x480 to xorg.conf but I cannot get the screen to change to that resolution.02:51
Ahmuckas far as i know, but i'll try now02:52
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Ahmuckhrm, i could not think of a reason why rebooting would help, but i did, and the results are the same03:02
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jeztaHi guys, ubiquity keeps crashing during the partitioning phase (think it relates to bug 122645), is there anyway i can by-pass the graphical partitioning.. or is there a text mode installer i can use?03:15
tritiumjezta: the alternate install CD is text-based03:15
jeztaah.. no way to do it without another install?03:15
jeztadownload i mean03:16
hydrogensure you can03:19
hydrogenyou can use fdisk03:19
hydrogenor parted03:19
hydrogenbut those require a bit more mental involvement03:19
jeztai dont mind using fdisk.. problem is how do i get ubiquity or the installer to continue from there onwards?03:20
Jordan_Ujezta, Does it crash if you make free space and just tell Ubiquity to use it to create the various partitions? ( ie could the problem just be resizing ? )03:22
jeztano, no resizing involved03:23
jeztait crashes when it tries to commit the partion creation..03:23
jeztai need to hard reset it.. xwindows is frozen as well03:24
jeztais it possible to run ubiquity in an automatic mode..03:24
jeztawith a script that defines which partition to install to? and other settings..03:25
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Jordan_Ujezta, Is it that hard to just download the alternate install CD ?:)03:26
jeztajust felt like a shame using up all that bandwidth :)03:27
jeztathought there must be a quick work around..03:27
Jordan_Ujezta, You are going to have to download much more than that in updates anyways :)03:28
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gavintlgoldhey, will gutsy ship with the latest nvidia driver?03:29
gavintlgold19  i mean03:29
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jeztaJordan_U i guess so.. cheers03:29
gavintlgoldk have to go, but if it DOES then that would fix a few problems nvidia users have with something called the "black window bug"03:30
gavintlgoldso that would be good.03:30
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Q-FUNKmany thanks to whoever _completely_ broke what little usefulness network-manager had until yesterday!03:34
Q-FUNKcould someone please tell me how to fix it?03:35
pwnguinwhich chipset?03:36
pwnguinit's working fine here03:36
pwnguinso there's usefullness left03:36
VousDeuxwhen downloading a third-party program for installation on kubuntu, would it be better to get tar.gz or rpm?03:36
Q-FUNKpwnguin: have you rebooted since yesterday?03:36
Vegaryou can convert rpms to .deb03:36
VousDeuxahhh...okay, thanks03:36
Q-FUNKpwnguin: using wireless?03:37
pwnguinbut you cant bitch about testing. it's part of the deal03:37
pwnguinif you needed it to work, you dont use testing03:37
crdlbVousDeux, converting rpms to debs is very dangerous03:37
Q-FUNKthen I really wonder why I suddenly had to manually associate and manually run dhcp for this to work again.03:37
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Q-FUNKpwnguin: if you had told me that 1 month ago, I would have agreed, but we are 2 weeks away from releasing.03:38
crdlbuh no03:38
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pwnguinmiddle of october03:38
crdlbit hasn't even hit beta03:38
pwnguinif it doesnt get pushed back03:39
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larson999Q-FUNK, testing is testing doesn't matter how close to release03:39
pwnguinQ-FUNK: if it's repeatable, report it03:40
winbondanyone running gutsy kubuntu?? i need a quick bug check03:40
pwnguinbut it was likely broke as either a mistake or an attempt to fix someone else03:40
Q-FUNKlarson999: fair enough and acknowledged, but I'd still like to know what broke it.  the changelog is very evasive and the NEWS.Debian sketcy at best.03:40
VousDeuxOkay, that was weird...my computer suddenly turned the screensaver on, prompted for a password, then shutdown. I turned it back on, entered the password screensaver, and it came back just like nothing happened03:40
pwnguinQ-FUNK: check launchpad03:40
larson999or as a coworker says, "testes is testes"03:41
Aondowinbond  yes, me.03:41
VousDeuxoh, so would I be better off with tar.gz or rpm?03:41
Q-FUNKbug 139403 seems to be what yesterday's upload was supposed to fix03:41
ubotuLaunchpad bug 139403 in network-manager "network-manager should stop managing any interface configured in /etc/network/interfaces" [High,Fix released]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13940303:41
pwnguinQ-FUNK: what's your interfaces look like?03:42
larson999i think i like the dark wallpaper better03:43
winbondAondo, its nothing important, im good , thanks03:43
Aondook then :D03:43
Q-FUNKpwnguin: wireless stuff commented out, fixed network using dhcp.03:44
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jack_mcdowellhello, does someone know if booting with noapic + nolapic would make my wifi card disappear?03:48
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jack_mcdowellno idea? ever since I upgraded to gutsy it has disappeared even from my lspci... very frustrating03:51
pwnguinno advanced interrupt controller, and no legacy interrupt controller03:51
pwnguinsounds bad03:51
jack_mcdowellwell... I have an hp laptop, and it won't boot otherwise03:51
jack_mcdowellI even tried compiling the new kernel with the rc6 & 7 patches... and still nothing03:52
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pwnguin#laptop-testing might be more responsive03:53
pwnguinbut it's somewhat unlike03:53
nomasteryodajack_mcdowell, the obvious sometimes is right in front of us... did you check the on/off wifi button?03:54
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jack_mcdowellhm... well it is a problem with hp laptops and the turion X2... so thank you for the tip, I'll check it out when I get home or tomorrow... it seems to have happened after the move to the 22 kernel03:54
DShepherdis gutsy due a new facelift for the release?03:54
jack_mcdowellyes... I'm rather new to linux, but not to computers03:54
nomasteryodajust making sure03:54
nomasteryodavery weird not to show up03:55
jack_mcdowellnp, I heard someone ask that question on a forum... and it was the solution03:55
jack_mcdowelland even stranger, yesterday it showed up on 1 boot, I installed the driver, rebooted, and gone03:55
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nomasteryodai would guess that is a minipci chip03:56
nomasteryodahave you tried reseating it...03:56
jack_mcdowellI did03:56
jack_mcdowellcleaned it a bit too03:56
nomasteryodawhat about loading an older kernel on boot03:56
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nomasteryodais it there then?03:56
jack_mcdowellnot with the older one I have... let me check03:56
jack_mcdowellvmlinuz-2.6.22-10 is the oldest I have... quite new I guess.. . how old can I go with gutsy?03:58
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DanaGHeh, that was short-lived:  debian/patches/02-cairo-1.4.8-lcd-filter-1.patch:04:02
DanaG    - remove - interacts poorly with the bytecode interpreter in freetype, which we already have enabled04:02
m1keI wanted to take four flash videos, and for easy math well say they are 200x200, and make them into one big video  800x800, how would I do that?04:03
jack_mcdowellwell, got to go, but thank you for the kernel tip!04:03
pwnguinby getting about 24 more videos04:04
pwnguinthat math didnt work out04:04
hydrogenitn didn't04:04
hydrogeni tink you mean 15 more videos though04:04
pwnguinyou may have meant 400x40004:04
pwnguinhydrogen: perhaps04:04
pwnguinanyways, kino maybe?04:05
pwnguinflash videos are flv04:05
m1keI mean, make the four little video clips and make them into one so it looks like you are watching all four at the same time.04:05
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m1keCause usually I get youtube vidoes, and use multiple vlc players to run them.  I wont to combine the actually video.04:06
pwnguinm1ke: the challenge will be getting the .flv files from youtube04:07
m1keusually videos being viewed get dumped into /tmp/04:07
hydrogenplus you could use youtube-dl or clive04:08
hydrogento do it04:08
pwnguini dont know if you know this, but there's a ubuntu studio project that aims to bring video music and art editing to ubuntu04:09
m1kehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZpPf-q2_es   use this for an example.    i find the file in /tmp/FlashVtXXOo   (funny video) then I want to combine this videos together.04:09
pwnguinthey might have more resources for your needs04:09
m1keI tried ubuntu studio, and it just bundles sound and video apps04:09
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pwnguin!info ubuntustudio-video04:10
ubotuubuntustudio-video: Ubuntu Studio video Package. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7 (gutsy), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB04:10
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Doctor_Nick!info :D04:11
ubotuPackage d does not exist in gutsy04:11
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pwnguinyou broke them dr nick04:11
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pwnguin!info :D04:14
ubotuPackage d does not exist in gutsy04:14
m1keI tried kino and it just for .dv  cam source stuff04:14
=== ] grimm[ [n=] grimm[@cpe-74-71-89-104.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu+1
] grimm[I'm having an exceptionally odd problem where firefox is segfaulting on the second of two displays that I have connected to my nvidia card.  I am running AMD64 Gutsy.  This is something that has only started occurring after I upgraded to Gutsy.  However, I tried installing a 32-bit binary firefox package and don't have a problem running that.  I have an nvidia video card and am using the latest binary drivers (I got the error with t04:18
] grimm[he previous driver release as well, which is the same version I was running under Feisty) Does anyone have any idea as to what might be causing this?04:18
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pwnguinfirefox :P04:19
Doctor_NickI GET IT04:19
Doctor_NickPWN + PENGUIN04:19
pwnguinhere's your sign04:19
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newpersi'm using gusty tidy 5.  when i boot with nosmp, i get the following error:  "unable to locate ioapic for gsi".  any ideas why?04:20
pwnguindid someone write a random bug report generator?04:21
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CountXpwnguin: haha, heres ur sign...thats mean04:23
CountXpwnguin: i just now go it too, not that funny, but shows that you actually put creative thought into ur handle04:24
pwnguinactually, my roommate came up with it04:24
pwnguini decided it was too awesome not to register04:24
CountXpwnguin: sounds like drugs were involved04:25
pwnguinbeer if anything04:25
pwnguinjust a typo04:25
pwnguinhe typed pengiun.com or something and got it wrong and the url was unregistered04:25
pwnguinhe's like, you can totally have it04:25
m1keNeed helping into combining 4 video clips to a new video to play simultaneously as one video.04:26
CountX"dude i got this totaly awesome linux handle, dude dude, wait, your gunan think this is awesome, ""PWNguin"", HAHAHA GET IT" thats how i imagin it going at my house04:26
=== Agrajag` [n=Agrajag@pool-71-182-234-247.pitbpa.fios.verizon.net] has joined #Ubuntu+1
pwnguin!info pitivi04:27
ubotupitivi: non-linear audio/video editor using GStreamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.10.3-1 (gutsy), package size 167 kB, installed size 1004 kB04:27
CountXwow thats small04:27
] grimm[m1ke: I assume you mean sequentially and not simultaneously, right?  You can do it with avidemux as well.04:27
pwnguinmost of it is plugins04:27
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m1ke] grimm[, I want to have them all be able to play at same time.04:28
pwnguin] grimm[: no, simultaneously04:28
] grimm[m1ke: sorry04:28
pwnguini dont think there's an imagemagik for video04:28
nomasteryodawait, you mean like on 4 different monitors?04:29
nomasteryodai used to do on one monitor several videos with mplayer04:29
nomasteryodaat same time04:29
m1kenomasteryoda, no.  Most videos are small.   so i want to fill up all screen pixels and have them all playing at same time04:29
] grimm[This bug I've run into with firefox is driving me insane...what could be different between two displays on the same machine that could be causing firefox to segfault on one but not the other?04:30
nomasteryodai killed that and my ff and tb work04:30
nomasteryodabut only with those off04:30
nomasteryodaer, that off04:30
] grimm[is compiz enabled by default in Gutsy?04:31
nomasteryodam1ke, hang on.. i saw something like that somewhere04:31
nomasteryodaer, yes04:31
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m1kenomasteryoda, currently i open up multiple vlc players to accomplish my task.  but I wash I can make them all one actual video.04:31
CountXhas anyone got wireless on a lptop working?04:31
] grimm[nomasteryoda: is there gui-magical way to deal with compiz in Gutsy yet, or do I do it by hand?04:32
pwnguin] grimm[: appearances gives you a few options04:32
] grimm[pwnguin: like to disable compiz?04:32
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] grimm[let me dig around in there and see what I find04:32
pwnguin] grimm[: sure. just set it to "disable effects"04:32
CountXpwnguin: do you think linux will ever "catch on"04:33
] grimm[pwnguin: under "Desktop Effects"?  It's set to "no effects" by default it seems04:33
CountXpwnguin: my friend just made a very good point, that people only use M$ because its used by the most people04:33
nomasteryodaCountX, has been debated for a while now.. many years04:34
pwnguinit'll take a while and dedication04:34
nomasteryodaLinux is catching on .. windows users I meet on the street say, hey cool.. I use Ubuntu at home on one or a few of my computers04:34
pwnguinwhen laptop OEMs can hire a team of linux experts to customize to their laptops04:34
CountXpwnguin: i hope it doesnt just keep sparring off companies like Apple04:34
pwnguinthats when it catches on04:35
nomasteryodaso i think MS does not know how deep the Linux use goes04:35
] grimm[if desktop effects are off, am to assume compiz isn't enabled?04:35
pwnguinApple can die in a fire04:35
nomasteryodabut kill it to be sure04:35
nomasteryodakillall -9 compiz.real04:35
CountXpwnguin: lol04:35
] grimm[I see no compiz processes04:35
pwnguinCountX: they screw over 3rd party devs every release it seems04:36
] grimm[so I guess it wasn't running to begin with (is that weird?)04:36
DanaGSpeaking of Apple, the one thing I notice first upon trying an apple laptop is the smooth pixel-by-pixel scrolling.04:36
DanaGEven the Windows synaptics drivers have something reasonably good.04:36
pwnguin] grimm[: it doesnt enable compiz on upgrades04:37
] grimm[nomasteryoda: can you think of anything else that might be messing up ff?04:37
DanaGBut how can I get such smooth scrolling in Xorg?04:37
] grimm[pwnguin: that would it in my case04:37
] grimm[*be it even04:37
nomasteryodai would check to see if the .parentlock files are in the folders04:37
nomasteryodaer, profile folders04:37
nomasteryodawith ff closed04:37
pwnguinDanaG: pixel by pixel scrolling?04:38
pwnguinwouldn't that be slow04:38
] grimm[nomasteryoda: They're there04:38
DanaGNot if the increment on the touchpad is also very small.04:38
nomasteryodai delete them ... then try to launch ff again04:38
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pwnguinDanaG: firefox has a "smooth scrolling" option04:39
nomasteryodahad to do that several times ... since it crashes, it seems to leave those there04:39
pwnguini imagine it's off by default because it pegs slower computers04:39
DrDabblesI have an issue. Xorg (the executable) is segfaulting for me. Any known issues with it?04:39
] grimm[nomasteryoda: no luck with that, still segfaulting04:39
DrDabblesI'm currently running the latest packages in the repos, including gutsy-proposed.04:40
pwnguinDanaG: impressive04:40
pwnguinis gutsy-proposed active?04:40
nomasteryodaman, that is nuts ] grimm[04:40
nomasteryoda] grimm[, try firefox -P04:40
nomasteryodato have it ask for profile and make new one.. then ?04:41
] grimm[yup, I've already done that04:41
] grimm[still doesn't work04:41
] grimm[and I can open firefox with multiple profiles on the primary display without a problem04:42
] grimm[and nothing on the secondary display04:42
] grimm[SIGSGV immediately04:42
nomasteryodasecondary display as in dual displays or tty904:42
] grimm[dual displays04:42
DrDabblesxserver-xorg-core version 2: ?04:43
nomasteryodais one dvi?04:43
] grimm[nope, neither is DVI04:43
CountXhow might i output to an external monitor with my laptop04:43
CountXits got a plug on the side for a vga04:43
] grimm[DrDabbles: was that for me?04:43
DrDabblesgrimm: I'm not sure. For anyone experienced with issues involving X. :-P04:44
nomasteryodaCountX,  try the Fn+the key with a monitor on it... several times to see if it can sync04:44
DrDabblesWithin the past day or so at least.04:44
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] grimm[DrDabbles: then it's not for me ^^;;  sorry04:45
DrDabblesgrimm: No problem. :-) alpha / beta releases are a heck of a thing04:45
] grimm[nomasteryoda: and also, I can run firefox32 using from a 3rd party package without a problem04:46
] grimm[nomasteryoda: it's only dying with the official 64-bit package04:46
nomasteryodathe one from mozilla?04:46
nomasteryodaor an ubuntu build04:46
] grimm[nomasteryoda: no, the ubuntu build04:46
nomasteryodadid your xorg.conf get changed and something set wrong ?04:47
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nomasteryodai've seen such...04:47
] grimm[nomasteryoda: in what sense?  I mean, it hasn't changed since I upgraded to Gutsy and everything else is functioning as it did before in Feisty04:48
] grimm[nomasteryoda: so I can't really think of anything that's off in my xorg.conf04:48
nomasteryodawhat video chipset?04:49
] grimm[nomasteryoda: nvidia, using the latest binary drivers (the problem occurred with the previous driver version as well, which is the same driver I was using in Feisty)04:49
] grimm[I'm just installing the debugging symbols to see if I can figure out anything interesting with gdb...04:50
nomasteryodagood idea04:50
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DanaGOh yeah, "smooth scrolling" is not the same thing -- that just interpolates.04:53
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slavikis it me or has networkmanager become monopolistic?04:54
CountXi cant use wireless04:54
slavikit doesn't let me change the mode for my wifi card and also doesn't understand that my interface is set up manually04:54
CountXi cant use mine04:54
CountXand i dont know enough about linux to really try04:54
slavikCountX: what card?04:55
slavikchipset rather04:55
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CountXthis is an hp dv9000z04:56
slavikcompaq ... v2000z04:56
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CountXya i seriously dont know enough to even get mine working04:58
CountXi just hang out in here and ask every no wand then04:58
] grimm[nomasteryoda: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/38072/04:59
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] grimm[well, that's really for anyone04:59
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CountXya i wish i had wireless05:02
CountXits kinda just like having a small semi portable computer with a shitty battery right now05:02
CountXthe wifi really makes the cake05:02
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slavikdid you look for howtos?05:03
] grimm[is there something in particular I'm looking for with gdb?  I'm a complete debugging novice...05:04
slavikthe bcm43xx site says that the 4312 b/g modes are supported05:04
slavik] grimm[: install ddd :)05:04
] grimm[slavik: I'm somewhat familiar with ddd, but I think the problem here lies with my skills and not the quality of the debugger05:05
CountXi cant find anything ubuntu specific05:05
slavik] grimm[: ddd is easier to figure out ;)05:05
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slavikCountX: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx05:06
slavikwiki.ubuntu.com, memorize the address05:06
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IdleOneNetwork monitor 2.12.1 shows me that I am not connected. starnge considering I have just connected to 3 networks05:13
] grimm[hmm, I can't get firefox to run with ddd05:14
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dcordesany hint on how to add workspaces in gutsy? there is only one and I don't know how to adjust this. In 7.04 I right clicked the workspace gnome-panel applet and just changed it05:16
] grimm[nomasteryoda: any more ideas?05:17
nomasteryodasorry, allburnd out for night05:18
] grimm[nomasteryoda: np05:18
] grimm[as am I05:18
nomasteryodamaybe it will be patched tomorrow...05:19
] grimm[nomasteryoda: just one last thing, did my gdb output make any sense?  or do I need more info there?05:19
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] grimm[nomasteryoda: I hope so, there's a bug that's been submitted, but it seems dead to me05:19
nomasteryodaif you have it, i;m sure it will be elsewhere...05:20
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] grimm[nomasteryoda: yeah, the bug was submitted by someone else, I just added my 2 cents05:20
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DanaGOh yeah, how do you edit the config of gnome-screensaver?05:23
IdleOnedcordes: just right click choose Preferences and then add as many as you like05:24
DanaGGnome-screensaver likes to run the rss-glx savers at a siezure-inducing (figuratively) 500 FPS.05:24
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dcordesIdleOne: already solved it https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libwnck/+bug/12915205:27
ubotuLaunchpad bug 129152 in libwnck "cannot set number or name of workspaces from workspace switcher applet" [Unknown,Confirmed] 05:27
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DanaGCurse those Gnome devs and their "Average users don't need to change settings!" philosophy.05:27
dcordesworksapaces can only be switched with gnome-compiz-preferences while compositing is activated05:27
IdleOnedcordes: you did or it was solved?05:28
IdleOnedcordes: you did or it was solved?05:28
dcordesIdleOne: what's your point?05:28
Dr_Willishmm. i tried to change the # of workspaces earlier with the compziz tool and X crashed. :) will try again after these updates.05:28
IdleOnedcordes: just curious to know if it was you who solved it?05:28
dcordesIdleOne: yes I solved the problem I had with the situation not being able to switch my workspaces?05:29
IdleOneok cool05:29
dcordesIdleOne: what did you think? I didn't call canonical support, no.05:30
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IdleOnedcordes: think you are misreading me. what I meant to ask was if you had solved that bug report is all I meant I was not trying to imply that I had solved your problem or that someone else did05:30
IdleOnebut I am happy the issue is fixed now05:31
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winbonddoes anyone else thinks dolphin is really lacking on features?05:39
DanaGLooks like KDE must've accidentally picked up some Gnome developers.05:41
winbondlolz, looks like it05:41
DanaG(I do like Gnome, but I hate the "let's simplify everything to the point of being useless" attitude.)05:41
DanaGI'd use KDE if I could use the Gnome panel with it easily, as well as having Human and Murrine themes.05:41
winbondi tried gnome a couple of time, too many things are hidden from the user , i couldn't keep using it05:42
DanaGKDE feels too bulky for me.  Note that bulky != bloaty.05:43
Ahmucki don't think i'v seen a gnome ever05:44
DanaGComparing resolution (1440x900) to maximum 3D texture size (512): Failed.05:44
DanaGI've been working just perfectly fine up until now.05:44
arkanesDanaG: I had the same problem, switching to use Xgl was how I worked around it05:45
winbondDanaG, i think ive seen a bug abut it 2day05:45
DanaGhere's my solution: edit the compiz wrapper.05:45
DanaGcheck_texture_size()     {05:45
DanaG        return 1 # HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA05:45
winbondi like kde, but it feels like im using windows9505:46
arkaneswhile we're on that topic, anyone know if theres a way to make the compiz-extras scale plugin work like the beryl one, and toggle scale when you hit the kotkey?05:46
DanaGOkay, 1 isn't the right answer.05:46
DanaG0 is good.05:46
arkanesthe new one scales, and you have to hit escape to cancel out05:46
DanaGYay, it works, but my windeco is now ugly.05:46
arkanesDanaG: ugly, or non-existant?05:47
DanaGUgly -- it's using an ugly emerald theme, or something.05:47
arkanesjust fix it with emerald-theme-manager then05:47
DanaGaah: # Use emerald by default if it exist05:47
DanaGchanged to no.05:48
arkanesyou can override it in the window decorator plugin, or just uninstall emerald, too05:48
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jmlhello freedom lovers :)05:57
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jmlhow can I find out what version of madwifi is included in gutsy?06:01
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Dr_Willis!info madwifi gutsy06:11
ubotuPackage madwifi does not exist in gutsy06:11
Dr_Willis!find madwifi gutsy06:11
ubotuFound: madwifi-tools06:11
Dr_Willis!info madwifi-tools gutsy06:11
ubotumadwifi-tools: tools for the Multiband Atheros Driver for WiFi. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.9.3+dfsg-1 (gutsy), package size 38 kB, installed size 196 kB06:11
jmlDr_Willis: I'm particularly interested in the version of the kernel modules06:12
jmlDr_Willis: but I guess they will match the version of the tools package.06:12
Dr_Willisi gtot no idea there. :)06:12
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RAOFjml: modinfo may be your friend.06:13
RAOFjml: modinfo ath_hal gives a version number of
jmlwhat I *really* want to know is if the fix for http://madwifi.org/ticket/1001 has been incorporated into the version in gutsy.06:15
RAOFjml: Don't you *have* such a laptop?  Can't you just test :P06:17
jmlRAOF: well, I'm not entirely sure how to test it. Is 'rmmod ndiswrapper && modprobe ath_hal' enough?06:19
RAOFjml: Should be, yes.06:20
RAOFjml: Worst case would be remove the line in /etc/modules which is loading ndiswrapper, and reboot.06:20
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pawitpGtk-window-decorator is not decorating for me06:21
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RAOFpawitp: Because it now defaults to emerald (if installed).06:25
RAOFWhich tends to be ugly as sin, so I've uninstalled it again :)06:26
pawitpgtk-windows-decorator IS running, just not decorating06:26
RAOFpawitp: Is the "decoration" plugin loaded?06:27
RAOFpawitp: Are you on nvidia hardware?06:27
pawitpI'm on nvidia, yes06:27
pawitpand it is enabled06:28
RAOFpawitp: "sudo nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals -d 24" & restart X will probably solve it.06:28
pawitpIt's already there06:29
RAOFThen the problem must be not having the decoration plugin loaded?06:32
pawitpIt is set to load06:33
RAOFpawitp: Then can you run "compiz --replace" and pastebin the terminal output please?06:34
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RAOFpawitp: I've got to leave now, but that's what anyone else will want.06:34
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pawitphttp://pastebin.com/m3b5e47c2 ,perfectly normal06:35
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RAOFpawitp: Indeed.  Interesting.06:36
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mukiexHey guys06:37
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pawitpEmerald won't work either, strange...06:43
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masterlokidoes tovid work in gusty i have not tried it yet would like to know ijf someone is currently useing it or what would you use to make DVD's06:48
DanaGrandom note: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-power-manager/+bug/12183306:48
ubotuLaunchpad bug 121833 in linux-source-2.6.22 "LCD backlight turns off between brightness levels during fades, and when on battery or at idle" [Low,Incomplete] 06:49
=== DanaG finds the name 'madwifi' confusing.
DanaGThe module's name is ath_something-or-other, not mad-anything.06:49
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tekhawkehh that 116 packageupgrade i was holding off on should not have been done at all ; ;06:57
tekhawkanyone else lost compiz on nvidia amd64 platforms06:58
Ahmuckis there a reason to tie bluetooth to evolution?07:00
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gaminggeekI'm having some problems trying to get compiz to go07:10
gaminggeekComparing resolution (1440x900) to maximum 3D texture size (512): Failed.07:10
gaminggeekaborting and using fallback: /usr/bin/metacity07:10
tekhawkhey join the cmpiz went shit group right here gaminggeek07:15
tekhawklet me guess nvidia card07:16
crdlbgaminggeek, it's a bug in the compiz wrapper script07:16
tekhawkcrdlb: is there a work around07:16
gaminggeekyep nvidia07:17
tekhawkgaminggeek: same issue here change res to 1600x1200 though07:17
crdlbtekhawk, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3394876#post339487607:18
tekhawkgaminggeek: that link has quick quick fix trying it now07:19
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IntuitiveNippleI posted the 'sed...' command to the bug report, if you want it07:20
IntuitiveNipple "sudo sed -i 's/GL_MAX_3D_TEXTURE_SIZE/GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE/g' /usr/bin/compiz"07:22
tekhawki didnt use the sed i just found the line and changed it07:22
tekhawkbut that workes great07:22
gaminggeekthat worked!07:22
tekhawkgaminggeek: simple fix07:23
tekhawkso typo killed compiz lol07:23
gaminggeekalthough now I have wobbly on07:23
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gaminggeekand I hate wobbly07:23
gaminggeekan normal effects07:24
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gaminggeekworks nice now07:24
gaminggeekthanks guys07:24
tekhawkno wobble wow thats weird07:24
gaminggeekwobble is lame07:24
tekhawki have small wobble it makes things feel more fluid07:25
IntuitiveNippleI sometimes laugh at the stretchy snap thing... windows refuse to be dragged but distort... like a recalcitrant child :p07:25
tekhawkthe effects of moving on the windows just makes it seem more inviting i guess07:25
gaminggeekI dont like the way wobble blurs my windows when I move them07:25
tekhawkIntuitiveNipple: i hate that thing sometimes07:25
IntuitiveNippleI just move the window down off-screen then quickly back... it keeps me entertained when I'm getting stressed whilst bug-fixing07:27
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tekhawkIntuitiveNipple: are you on dev team?07:28
IntuitiveNippleI'm on the kernel ACPI team, and I mess with a lit of other 'stuff'07:29
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contrast83You know you can turn off "that stretchy snap thing," right? :-)07:32
tekhawkIntuitiveNipple: nice to kow we have dev in here07:35
tekhawkwhats the gutsy release date?07:35
IntuitiveNipplehah, it don't mean much!07:35
tekhawkIntuitiveNipple: still you can tell others lol07:36
musikgoatits the 18th of october07:36
tekhawkmusikgoat: ty07:36
tekhawkouch must be crunch time no wonder there have been so many patches latly07:36
IntuitiveNippletekhawk: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule07:37
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tekhawklol kernaelfreeze is on my gfs bday lol07:38
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tekhawk7 days from release candidate to final thats a bit ruff on team isnt it07:39
IntuitiveNippleYou should the number of package-updates going through every day, my gutsy-changes mailbox has 1,200 from the last week or so07:40
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tekhawkwow right note to self dont get on that mailing list07:41
tekhawkyou guys work to fast lol07:42
tekhawkIntuitiveNipple: by the way i moved from opensuse to ubuntu like 2-3 weeks ago yeah that irc no devs of any level in sight lol07:42
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IntuitiveNippleI'm only just getting started with it, been on Ubuntu since last year07:44
IntuitiveNippleI'm a hacker though so getting my head around how things are organised is  my main issue07:44
tekhawki like the work put into making ubuntus gnome desktop so user friendly is great just wish there where as many nice things done to the kde one07:45
aroonifolks; latest updates prevented me using compiz............  i have a t61 ......... any ideas?07:45
tekhawkwe have anwsers lol07:46
contrast83arooni: What video card / driver?07:46
tekhawkrun compiz from terimnal07:46
tekhawkdo you get a texture size limit error07:47
IntuitiveNipplearooni:  "sudo sed -i 's/GL_MAX_3D_TEXTURE_SIZE/GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE/g' /usr/bin/compiz"07:47
aroonicontrast83, intel x3100intel07:47
arooniintel is the graphics driver07:47
arooniChecking for Xgl: not present.07:47
arooniBlacklisted PCIID '8086:2a02' found07:47
arooniaborting and using fallback: /usr/bin/metacity07:47
tekhawkIntuitiveNipple: not same issue07:48
contrast83Hmm. Not sure then. I had to downgrade the ati driver yesterday after the new one broke Compiz, so I'm obviously of no help here.07:48
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tekhawkarooni: i saw someone in here a few days ago talking about intel gpu issues07:48
DanaGacpi team?07:49
DanaGhmm, an old bug report, but now updated: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-power-manager/+bug/12183307:49
ubotuLaunchpad bug 121833 in linux-source-2.6.22 "LCD backlight turns off between brightness levels during fades, and when on battery or at idle" [Low,Incomplete] 07:49
tekhawkarooni: and that one that worked was blacklisted becuase it had some issue that wasnt in your face but was a big issue07:49
IntuitiveNipplearooni: Ahh... yes, I noticed a bunch of cards have been blacklisted07:49
IntuitiveNippleDanaG: Yes, I've seen it07:49
DanaG2 days ago, I imaged this system from a backup -- so I had 3 weeks worth of updates to download and install.07:49
arooniIntuitiveNipple, they blacklisted my card?07:50
DanaGI went on campus WiFi, using mirrors.kernel.org, and got somewhere around 1 megabyte per second.07:50
DanaGI'm fine with that fix for now.07:50
tekhawkarooni: yeah it would seem, i would think that itll be un blacklisted when the issue is fixed07:50
DanaGI still have the blinking, though.07:51
DanaGI do find it odd that there are no sysfs entries for the discrete levels.07:51
aroonitekhawk, can i fall back to the previous driver?07:51
IntuitiveNipplearooni: I missed all the discussion but there's something about incompatible GL and some drivers, so a bunch of cards were blacklisted. You'd need to check launchpad for the details, or the mailing-lists07:51
aroonican i roll back my driver?07:51
aroonior is that not feasible07:51
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tekhawkarooni: its not the driver its compiz07:51
aroonitekhawk, can i do that?07:51
arooniroll back compi?07:52
DanaGAnd I also find it odd that the multiple-of-12.5-rounded-up values work via echo, but not via the slider.  And now with the parameter, they do work via hotkey again.07:52
tekhawkarooni: you could do that i think that might fix the issue  but i think youd have to roll back 2-3 patches07:52
rbanffyHi folks. I have a very annoying problem now. Since about today, every time the screen saver kicks in (either from inactivity or when I lock the console, X restarts. Is anyone else experiencing this problem?07:52
aroonitekhawk, hmm is there one eay way to do that07:53
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tekhawkarooni: im a utter noob at debian i moved from opensuse and fedora core 2-3 weeks ago linux i can speak apt im still learning07:54
contrast83arooni: one sec...07:55
tekhawkspeaking of which anyone got a link to a good roll back guide i think i shall need that sooner or later07:55
rbanffytekhawk: You will love apt. That's what made me move from Red Hat to Debian and, ultimately, away from Windows07:55
contrast83arooni: You just need the older intel driver, right?07:55
tekhawkcontrast83: he need to roll back compiz07:55
tekhawkcontrast83: i think compiz is what is blacklisting his card right07:56
IntuitiveNipplerbanffy: That sounds like a side-effect of the GL apps bug - is the screensaver doing openGL ?07:56
rbanffyHmmm. Dunno. How can I check it?07:56
tekhawkrbanffy: yeah yum wasnt bad and i can get alot done with that stuff yast seems to be trying to mirror apt but yes aptt is nice THANK GOD FOR PURDGE07:56
IntuitiveNippletry using the default screen-saver07:56
contrast83hmm... not sure. arooni - you might ask in #compiz-fusion07:56
aroonimaybe i can hope that they fix this issue07:57
arooniit is documented somewhere07:57
contrast83arooni: sorry, i just don't want to suggest a solution that isn't gonna work07:57
arooniso they know its broken?07:57
rbanffyI am using the electrapaint-like thingie. It sure doesn't look OpenGL-ish07:57
tekhawkarooni: 1 sec07:57
aroonicontrast83, i appreciate that07:57
IntuitiveNipplerbanffy: ok, maybe it is something else then07:57
tekhawkIntuitiveNipple: do you know what package controls the blacklisting that arooni needs to roll back07:58
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IntuitiveNippletekhawk: no, I just recall skim-reading something about it in the Changelogs attached to a change-report07:59
rbanffyIntuitiveNipple: I will give it a try. Would you suggest a screen saver that has absolutely nothing to do with OpenGL?07:59
IntuitiveNipplerbanffy: To isolate the cause of your issue, yes. You need to compare and contrast different scenarios to narrow down the potential causes and exclude as many as possible08:00
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contrast83arooni: If the solution *is* that you need to downgrade compiz, I'm pretty sure you'll have to manually download the packages, since the older versions are no longer in the package lists. Someone correct me here if I'm wrong.08:04
arooniahh ok08:04
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m1keI am trying to take 4 videos and make them into one big video that will display all simultaneously.  Here is what I want it to look like,
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lordhelmethey all. is anybody experiencing super slow apt performance (network speeds)? my feisty laptop does aptitude update fast, as well as downloads updates fast, but this gutsy tribe-5 i just installed is mad slow when it comes to that08:07
DanaGIs it just a slow mirror?08:08
contrast83m1ke: Have you checked out Kino? I'm not sure if it could do that, but I'd imagine so.08:09
DanaGarchive.ubuntu.com is slow.08:09
=== contrast83 is using us.archive.ubuntu.com and getting ~300kb/s
lordhelmeti was on ca.archive and it was slow so tried archive but it's slow too :( i'm in alberta/canada btw08:10
lordhelmeti will try us and see what happens...08:10
DanaGI use mirrors.kernel.org and archive.08:10
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lordhelmetus.archive seems to be slow for me08:15
m1kecontrast83, I have kino. I am attempting to play with it.  Unfortunately haven't figured out if it can or can't08:17
contrast83If it can't, KDEnlive and/or LiVES might be worth checkint out also. There's also Avidemux, but what you want to do's probably beyond the scope of that.08:19
contrast83Those first two are on http://www.getdeb.net - The Feisty versions should work on Gutsy08:20
DanaGp   zekr                            - Quranic Study Tool08:20
DanaGCool, broadening horizons.08:20
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rbanffyIntuitiveNipple: Well... Stonerview (the electropaint-like thingie) uses OpenGL - barcode worked just fine. Now, what was the OpenGL problem you mentioned?08:23
IntuitiveNipplerbanffy: There are issues with some openGL 3D apps, such as screen-savers, but its mostly with nvidia as far as I know08:24
rbanffyI am out of luck. Not only that, but my computer uses a Sis display controller08:25
rbanffyIsn't Sis OpenGL software-only?08:25
tekhawki have that issue where x will reboot when ever i run full screen opengl app08:25
contrast83rbanffy: Sorry if I missed this, but does glxgears run?08:25
rbanffyOr, at least mine08:25
rbanffycontrast83: full screen?08:25
contrast83at all08:26
rbanffyIt runs.08:26
rbanffy831 frames in 5.0 seconds = 164.838 FPS08:26
tekhawkhey KDEnLive i have that it does not seem to let me cut mpeg files all i get is green screen anyone have an idea there08:27
IntuitiveNipplem1ke: You mean you want to tile 4 videos into one? you might want to check out Cinelerra08:27
m1keIntuitiveNipple, yes that is what I want to do08:27
tekhawkcinelerra is nice08:28
IntuitiveNipplem1ke: I'm not sure if cinelerra can do it, but I'm pretty sure Kino doesn't08:28
contrast83rbanffy: not really sure then. i had some faulty opengl lib's i had to reinstall a couple weeks ago and that fixed me up, but i'm thinking glxgears wouldn't even run when i had that problem08:28
rbanffyWell... I can live with 2D screensavers for now08:29
contrast83rbanffy: you said intel, right?08:29
rbanffycontrast83: Sis08:29
contrast83no, i mean your graphics card08:30
rbanffycontrast83: I mean it. It's a Sis08:30
contrast83sorry, heh08:30
rbanffycontrast83: I know. It's _that_ bad08:30
tekhawkwhat is a Sis lol08:30
DanaGglxinfo on sis == crash Xorg.08:31
rbanffycontrast83: On the bright side, this is my backup notebook. On the dark side, the main one was stolen.08:31
contrast83i've got an onboard savage in my old clunker. it's horrible. i finally plunked $40 down on ebay and got a 256mb nvidia08:31
DanaGI have a TwisterK (also savage-based) in an old laptop.08:31
rbanffycontrast83: Yeah. that really sycked08:31
DanaGIt can do xfwm4 compositing, but nothing more.08:31
rbanffyLet's try glxinfo. See you after the crash.08:32
DanaGPut it into a file.08:32
DanaGglxinfo > glxinfo.txt08:32
DanaGor something like that.08:32
rbanffyNo. It did spit a lot of info08:32
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contrast83i don't understand how a company can go out of business and still refuse to open-source their old drivers. what dicks.08:32
rbanffycontrast83: Come on... Maybe they licensed parts of their code from someone who is still in business (at least as an IP troll)08:33
=== contrast83 googles around for "savage 'non-disclosure agreement'"
rbanffycontrast83: In that case, it's still possible they never had the source08:34
tekhawkis there a video editor in repo that can cut mpegs08:34
contrast83avidemux is in the repos isn't it?08:34
tekhawkcontrast83: desc on that is avi and divx08:35
contrast83whoops, sorry08:36
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contrast83no, it works for mpeg's.08:41
=== contrast83 just tested it
winbondhow can i change the lag bar in xchat so it shows a number?08:41
tekhawkcontrast83: hey it worked lol any idea why the mpeg doesnt have video under vlc though08:41
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contrast83blue screen?08:41
tekhawkvlc = no screen lol08:42
tekhawktotem seems to be fine though oddly08:42
rbanffyWell, folks. It's time to get back to work. Thanks for the help08:42
contrast83weird. are they both using the same engine?08:43
contrast83np, good luck, rbanffy08:43
rbanffycontrast83: It _will_ be solved by the time Gutsy gets released. I have faith ;-)08:43
tekhawkcontrast83: dont think so08:44
contrast83no doubt08:44
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contrast83tekhawk: that's probably it then08:44
tekhawkvlc is its own engine totem is xine08:44
tekhawkvlc seems to have better sucess rate lol08:45
tekhawkguess im back to two media players08:45
contrast83i just started using SMPlayer a couple days ago. I've been very pleased thus far08:46
contrast83The Xine engine doesn't like most of my videos (scrambled output), and Kaffeine screws up left and right when you select the MPlayer engine08:47
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=== contrast83 can't justify having multiple programs for something as simple as playing videos
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tekhawkcontrast83: do you kno0w what the hell is up with the idx files??08:48
contrast83I think you can just remove them after you're done. It just needs them when you're editing08:49
contrast83Oh, sweet...08:50
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contrast83If you open multiple mpegs, it automatically asks if you'd like to append them08:50
tekhawkok mp4 bad idea08:53
tekhawkill have to mess with that more later lol08:54
tekhawktry ogm really fast lol08:55
contrast83no surprise there08:56
contrast83open standards do wonders08:56
tekhawkworks great on vlc plus vlc is on the windows pc i never touch i think we have a winner08:57
tekhawkthank you btw well im off to see if the new steam patch broke me again08:58
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contrast83no problem. peace08:58
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knixIs my vision going bad or has the AA in gutsy changed recently09:29
knixI'm still using all th esame subpixel settings09:30
contrast83seems the same to me09:31
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pwnguinknix: i hear it changed a bit09:32
pwnguinDanaG wont shut up about it09:32
Trewasknix: it changed yes, and caused some controversy09:33
knixI just wanted to make sure it wasn't me. rofl09:33
knixIt's definately softer :P09:33
knixIs there somethign on launchpad I can see about the change?09:33
Trewasthere's a thread "freetype changes" in https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2007-September/thread.html09:34
knixhey, I actually subscribe to that list :D09:35
knixI tend to ignore it because it's incredibly low traffic09:35
knixANd then I ignore bugs@ because it's incredibly high traffic :(09:35
knixWell, ty, I'll read it :)09:36
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slytherinIs anyone using official eclipse with gutsy? I am enable to start it since yesterday.10:02
IntuitiveNippleYes, I do, on 64-bit10:03
slytherinIntuitiveNipple: Are you getting same problem?10:05
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IntuitiveNipplehave you tried moving your workspace or ~/.eclipse out the way?10:07
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petezzzAnyone know whether the Gutsy ISO image will be reduced from 713MB to 700MB so it fits on a standard CD ? I'm not able to test it at the moment10:28
IntuitiveNipplepitti is talking right now about having 32-bit at 700MB and 64-bit at 702MB10:28
petezzzOK, Thanks - I'll check back in a week or so, probably for Beta.10:30
kurroshehe, it took me a bit to realize the .OVERSIZED file the first time that bit me10:33
kurrosi thought i'd save time getting the cd image instead of the dvd10:33
kurrosha ha10:33
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IntuitiveNippleI burn the CD image to DVD, so I never noticed until someone said10:34
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AnAntHello, I think there's a bug in virtual console10:35
AnAntwhen I logout, I don't get a login prompt again10:36
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RichieHi, since i installed gutsy on my laptop the internal subwoofer has stopped working. The laptop is a Dell Inspiron 9400. Anyone know how i can fix?10:37
IntuitiveNippleYou should check the bug reports on launchpad, and if there isn't one for that already, create one10:39
Tomcat_Richie: In volume mixer, you can check which channels appear.10:39
Tomcat_Richie: You have to try out, there should be some switch for subwoofer or bass.10:40
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Tomcat_Richie: Just enable it, or turn it up. Problem is to find out which setting. ;)10:40
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RichieTomcat: Every option is unmuted, everyone is maxed10:40
RichieIt was there once, and it was called LFE...but now its dissappeared and never come back10:41
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Tomcat_Richie: And you enabled all the other sound card settings to be shown?10:43
Tomcat_Richie: Because LFE might just be that setting.10:43
Richiebut LFE has dissappeared now10:44
Richiei got Edit > preferences and LFE isn't an option to tick anymore10:44
Tomcat_Something else maybe?10:45
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phaidrosok, now on gutsy, is it recommended to run AIGLX or XGL with ati (not fglrx!) ?11:14
phaidrosbecause as is (AIGLX still from feisty configured and XGL server started by default) it is damn slow ..11:15
jussi01phaidros: i expect #ubuntu-effects may have a better answer for you. but someone here may know11:17
magical_trevskyphaidros, is your card one of the older ones which supports 3d acceleration with the ati/radeon driver?11:18
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phaidrosmagical_trevsky: partly, its an rv350 which *should* be supported fully with xorg 7.3+11:21
phaidrosso far I have 3d acceleration with radeon/ati since dapper/edgy/feisty11:21
phaidrosbut some features were always missing (like some features googleearth is using)11:22
magical_trevskyyeah, I used to have an old radeon, and it never ran google earth right :<11:22
magical_trevskybut for that card, if it works with AIGLX, I'd ditch XGL11:22
phaidrosso. lets say radeon supports my card fully. should I use xserver-xgl and compiz? or stay back and go with AIGLX and beryl? or is beryl deprecated now?11:23
magical_trevskyberyl and compiz have merged back again to become compiz-fusion afaik11:23
magical_trevskyso I'd say go with AIGLX unless you want to use fglrx in which case you have no choice but to use xgl11:25
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phaidroshm. I'm just wondering about "enabled effects" in gnome appearance settings which don't work right now for me .. I think this triggers compiz effects ..11:25
w00thi, I've a small problem with one of my panels. It's set as transparent, which is okay. But some applets in there are not transparent (window list, clock). Any ideas?11:25
phaidrosdoes compiz depend on XGL?11:25
magical_trevskyphaidros, compiz works with both xgl and aiglx11:26
contrast83xgl is for getting direct rendering on cards that don't otherwise support it11:26
phaidrosso I kick xserver-xgl then :)11:26
phaidroscontrast83: so XGL is foo if AIGLX works?11:26
contrast83some people say it works better than aiglx, i've yet to see any evidence of that though11:27
contrast83i think you *can* use it even if you don't have to, but i personally wouldn't11:27
slytherinphaidros: compiz + ati works fine for me in gutsy.11:27
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contrast83is the catalyst driver in the repos, or is it going to be before gutsy goes stable?11:28
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phaidrosslytherin: thanks :)11:31
secher_hey guys.. anyone have a DELL xps m1330 ? Im having some problems, and when i look around the forums and google, theres not much help to get..11:31
secher_im missing sound, and card reader..11:32
magical_trevskysecher_, Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03) < is that your card? (lspci | grep -i audio)11:32
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slytherinsecher_: Which card reader?11:33
magical_trevskysecher_, ok, you need to compile the latest version of alsa for that (I have the same card), i'll get you a link ;o11:33
secher_slytherin -> its the standard one in the laptop, i cant get a model number or anything on it :S11:33
magical_trevskysecher_, ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/projects/alsa/snapshot/driver11:34
slytherinmagical_trevsky: Why not provide him with a package instead. :-)11:34
secher_cool! thanks a lot magical_trevsky!11:34
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slytherinsecher_: lspci should tell you a lot. Paste the output of command 'lspci' somewhere11:34
magical_trevskyslytherin, ./configure --with-oss=yes --with-cards=hda-intel11:34
magical_trevskyslytherin, then make and sudo make install11:35
magical_trevskyslytherin, then in /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base, add the line "options snd-hda-intel model=toshiba"11:35
magical_trevskybut bear in mind that everytime the kernel gets updated, you're gonna have to repeat those steps, until ubuntu's official alsa packages catch up11:36
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slytherinmagical_trevsky: You are giving the instructions to wrong person. :-)11:37
magical_trevskyslytherin, haha, oops! :p11:37
magical_trevskysecher_, those commands were meant for you!11:38
secher_yep, i got that figured ;)11:39
magical_trevskyon that line in alsa-base, you might need to try different model= values btw.. toshiba works perfectly for me (it's not a toshiba laptop btw), and acer worked mostly, so just give different ones a go11:40
w00tI've a small problem with one of my panels. It's set as transparent, which is okay. But some applets in there are not transparent (window list, clock). Any ideas?11:40
secher_i cant install that alsa thing though :S11:41
magical_trevskysecher_, why not?11:41
secher_<magical_trevsky> slytherin, ./configure --with-oss=yes --with-cards=hda-intel <- that part wont work..11:42
magical_trevskyhave you installed build-essential?11:42
secher_probably not, (im very new to linux)11:42
magical_trevskyah, sudo aptitude install build-essential11:43
magical_trevskydo that, then try the configure again11:43
magical_trevskyi've gotta run into town now though, so if you need any more help from me mr secher_, leave me a query or something :>11:44
secher_cool thanks for your help..11:44
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etiennei have some problem with latest ati driver11:47
etienneam i on the right place to talk about it ?11:48
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contrast83etienne: Are you using Gutsy?11:50
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etienneyes sir !11:51
etiennei mage a dist-upgrade yesterday11:51
etienneand now i cannot have my 1400*1050*75 resolution11:51
w00tI've a small problem with one of my panels. It's set as transparent, which is okay. But some applets in there are not transparent (window list, clock). Any ideas? anyone?11:52
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contrast83w00t: KDE/GNOME?11:55
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w00tcontrast83: GNOME.11:58
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contrast83w00t: sorry, not sure then. are you using Compiz?12:03
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etiennemy X exploded12:08
etienneso i cannot have a 1400x1050x75Hz resolution since my yesterday dist-upgrade12:09
etiennei'em using ati driver (not fglrx)12:09
contrast83etienne: the new ati driver gave me some issues, so i downgraded to the old one12:11
contrast83etienne: if you want to do that, you'll have to manually download it from the page and "sudo dpkg -i /path/to/driver.deb" as it's no longer in the package lists (i.e., you're package manager won't see it)12:12
etiennei cannot find it in my cache archive12:12
etiennecontrast83: so which page ?12:12
contrast83umm... hang on...12:12
w00tcontrast83: yes and no, it happens both with and without compiz12:13
w00t(sorry, I'm trying to work at the same time as diagnosing my problems. :))12:14
contrast83w00t: i was just gonna suggest you set the dock's opacity in CompizConfig Settings Manager (General Settings -> Opacity Values or something like that)12:15
w00tcontrast83: would work in compiz, but not in metacity. hmm. I don't get why they randomly decide they don't want to be transparent.12:16
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contrast83etienne: the one i'm using doesn't seem to be there anymore. you can check here though, and see if there's another version you can use - http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/x/xserver-xorg-video-ati/12:19
contrast83maybe certain applets don't support it?12:19
Xemanthanybody using svn konversation and has .deb package for it ?12:21
contrast83i can't go to web pages whose url's end in .html12:22
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contrast83pfft, yeah, awesome12:24
nanonymecontrast83, erm?12:25
nanonymewhich browser?12:25
contrast83konqueror and firefox12:25
contrast83both are treating the page like it's a file i'd want to save. i just told firefox to open it with firefox, so it saves it to a temporary file and then lets me open it12:26
secher_im trying to install the newest alsa driver, but i get this error when i try to ./configure.... "checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables" can anyone help?12:26
nanonymecontrast83, so what does eg http://www.google.fi/index.html give you?12:27
nanonymemime problems, most likely...12:27
contrast83hmm... well, ok12:27
contrast83that one's fine12:27
contrast83could you check this site for me? http://download.tuxfamily.org/3v1deb/index.html12:28
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Eq|worksecher_ : apt-get install build-essential12:30
Eq|workcontrast83 : same here. dodgy setup on the server.12:31
Eq|workas nanonyme said, likely mime12:31
contrast83Whew. Thanks12:31
Eq|workpanic over? :P12:31
contrast83Yeah. Heh, thanks12:31
=== contrast83 wonders what package contains all the mime types for future reference
Eq|workcontrast83 : mime types on the server.12:32
Eq|worknot client12:32
Eq|workin this case it's probably a misconfigured apache12:32
secher_thanks eq|work!12:33
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contrast83Eq|work: i know, but i'm just wondering12:36
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contrast83i.e., in case i *do* screw them up on my system somehow12:37
snadgei just built a new core2 system at work, and on monday i'm going to be installing ubuntu 64 on it.. a friend of mine told me its a bit broken to dist-upgrade from a stock feisty install at the moment?12:37
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Tomcat_snadge: Yes, because gutsy is not final yet.12:39
snadgeyeah it just irritates me to install ubuntu 7.04 64bit when gutsy is just round the corner ;)12:40
snadgeits got an 8600gt in it too.. and i want to use compiz and all the goodies12:40
w00tI don't suppose anyone else would know why my GNOME window list applet isn't transparent like the rest of my panel? :)12:41
snadgedoes the 64 bit version actually run any better on a 64 bit system or what?12:42
Tomcat_snadge: Should, but I've not seen benchmarks.12:42
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snadgei've heard it also depends on amd or intel12:43
snadgethe amds seem to like it more?12:43
contrast83the benchmarks i've seen indicated differences of some whopping tenths of seconds here and there12:45
magical_trevskysecher_, got it going yet?!12:45
contrast8364-bit isn't worth the hassle yet (e.g., not being able to easily find certain software for your arch)12:45
secher_almost :)12:45
ikoniacontrast83: I think that depends on your needs and wants12:45
contrast83sorry, i forgot to add the IMO to that statement. :-P12:46
ikoniano no, your opinion is valid, but it depends on the users needs and wants12:46
contrast83i think the few tenths of seconds you save when doing certain tasks are going to be eaten up by the extra time you spend looking for 64-bit deb's, but then, like you said, i'm sure there are some people on 64-bit who can easily find all they need12:47
contrast83but then, what do i know? i'm still using pentium 4's on my main two computers. :-P12:48
secher_magical_trevsky now it tells me that they the alsa mixers are muted by default, but they dont look muted, and i still dont have sound...12:48
ikoniacontrast83 its not a few tenths for certain tasks, thats what I mean about the users need12:48
magical_trevskysecher_, you have to reboot12:48
magical_trevskysecher_, then turn up all your volume controls and cross your fingers :)12:49
secher_oki :D brb12:49
contrast83ikonia: from the benchmarks i saw, on phoronix or arstechnica i believe, yeah, it was a few tenths of seconds for certain tasks12:49
contrast83*maybe* 1 or 2 seconds, but then, 32-bit was actually ever so slightly faster than 64-bit on one or two tasks as well. go figure12:50
ikoniacontrast83 for general desktop usage - you will not see an improvment12:51
ikoniafor work such as video encoding, rendering, music ripping, virtualisation you'll see a big jump in general12:51
ikoniabut the hassle of things like flash plugin for 64 bit - is not worth it, so it depend on the users requirments, programming/rednering/art/video = big plus against hassle of desktop usage no benfits and things like flash and codecs12:52
ikoniaits quite a personal choice rather than generic12:52
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contrast83honestly, that's what i was thinking. then i saw those benchmarks.12:53
contrast83i'm gonna try and find that page. brb12:53
ikoniabench marks are easy to manipulate12:53
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secher_alright then, something happened..12:53
secher_now it is muted, and i cant unmute :)12:53
secher_in system -> prefs -> sound i dont have any mixer tracks..12:54
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phaidrosdoes anyone know if mergedFB is removed from radeon/ati ? and how to configure randr for dualhead?01:00
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ikoniaphaidros don't think it works dual head01:01
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contrast83ikonia: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=616&num=201:02
contrast83ikonia: it's a little older than i was thinking though01:02
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secher_magical_trevsky, it looks a lot better.. but im not sure which mixer tracks to use..01:04
magical_trevskysecher_, in a console, run alsamixer01:04
magical_trevskyand turn everything up to full01:04
magical_trevskythen check both your headphone socket and the built in speakers to see if either work01:04
magical_trevskyif not, you'll need to try a different model in /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base01:04
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magical_trevskygot it? :>01:07
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secher_i got it!01:08
secher_thank you so much!01:09
magical_trevskyno problem01:09
magical_trevskyhowever, whenever you upgrade the kernel, you need to repeat the ./configure, make and make install commands01:09
magical_trevskyso you might wanna jot those down for future reference01:09
dooglushow can I install package 'qgit' in feisty?01:10
magical_trevskybut hopefully ubuntu's packages'll catch up soon and you won't need to do that :>01:10
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GHuserGood Day! I have a question - I am adding a repo for gutsy into /etc/apt/source.list, thed do sudo update-manager -d01:10
GHuserIs it right way to updating to gutsy with kubuntu?01:11
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nanonymecontrast83, Content-Type: application/octet-stream01:13
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nanonymecontrast83, indeed, the server sends definitely the wrong content type for the page01:13
contrast83got cha01:13
nanonymethat content type tells the browser "don't even try to handle this file, offer the user to save it"01:13
nanonymenice to know HTTP protocol, you can ask that kind of stuff quite easily...01:14
nanonymei prefer HTTP/1.0 though. luckily the server played nice with that :)01:15
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contrast83cool, thanks for the info01:20
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phaidrosikonia: randr2 can do dual head .. but gnome or compiz seems having problems now :)01:24
nanonymecontrast83, if you want to check that kind of stuff, just use netcat -> "nc www.server.com 80" and tell it "HEAD /foo.html HTTP/1.0*enter*Connection: close*enter**enter*"01:25
nanonyme*enter* naturally being keypress01:25
nanonymedunno if there's a program for that but considering how easy that is after you get it, might not be necessary01:26
contrast83sweet, thanks01:26
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stdinor, just install "libwww-perl" and do "HEAD http://www.foo.com/bar.html"01:27
stdinless typing ;)01:27
nanonymeyeah, that's be the program...01:29
nanonymethat'd even01:29
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nanonymestdin, and LWP is likely safer anyway considering i assume it uses HTTP/1.101:30
stdinit comes with GET too, I _sometimes_ use it instead of "wget -O - ", probably because I'm lazy :p01:33
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nanonymestdin, i just curl01:38
stdinI use GET when I don't want the status of the download shown, like when looking at the html code with less01:39
nanonymeapparently curl -I does just that01:39
nanonymethat is, HEAD01:39
nanonymeso like curl -I http://www.google.fi/index.html01:40
nanonymewhereas curl http://www.google.fi/index.html would print the file ^^01:41
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ConstyXIVdoes anyone else have NetworkManager segfaulting when it tries to connect?02:04
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AnAntHello, after updating gutsy 2 days ago, the vertical scroll of my touchpad doesn't work anymore02:08
AnAntanyone else has this problem ?02:08
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kim_Hey! I'm running gutsy and trying to get my vx rev. mouse to work..the first problem is that xev don't work..it's just blank..anything special I have to do?02:09
jussi01AnAnt: a lot of people have been complaining about it. I dont know the fix though.02:10
AnAntjussi01: is it reported on LP ?02:11
jussi01AnAnt: I would imagine so, however I havent looked as im running a desktop.02:11
kim_don't know if you were talking about someting else before I came, but were you talking to me? xev not working is a common problem?02:13
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jussi01kim_: no, i was talking to AnAnt, as his nick is prefixed to my comment...02:14
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unggnuhi all02:18
AnAntkim_: after updating gutsy 2 days ago, the vertical scroll of my touchpad doesn't work anymore02:18
unggnuSomebody here with an Intel graphic card and a working Suspend?02:18
unggnuAnAnt, easy fix, go to mouse settings and enable it02:18
unggnuAnAnt, tab Touchpad02:19
AnAntunggnu: oh, thanks02:19
unggnuAnAnt, np, I had the same question some days ago :)02:19
kim_my bad..didn't see the prefix! but anyone know how to get xev working?02:20
=== jussi01 doesnt even know what xev is, never mind how to make it work... ;)
ConstyXIVhas anyone else had network manager crashing all over the place recently?02:21
unggnuConstyXIV, After boot?02:22
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ConstyXIVunggnu: pretty much.  i log in, it tries to connect, and gives sig 11.  same thing if i run it in a console, with --no-daemon02:23
AnAntok, there's another problem as reported in #14145502:23
unggnuConstyXIV, I only know the bug that nm-applet isn't shown after boot02:24
unggnuConstyXIV, could be fixed through sudo killall wpa_supplicant && sudo /etc/dbus-1/event.d/25NetworkManager restart02:24
ConstyXIVunggnu: that's because networkmanager is crashing02:24
AnAntwhen I log out on a virtual console 'tty[1-6] ', I don't get a login prompt again on this console02:24
AnAntanyone knows solution for this ?02:24
unggnuConstyXIV, I know.02:24
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unggnuSomebody here with an Intel graphic card and a working Suspend?02:31
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gnomefreakanyone else notice the taskbar icons in gnome moved to the right of the time?02:46
unggnugnomefreak, yes, often02:47
unggnuin Feisty too02:47
unggnureally annoying02:47
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gnomefreakunggnu: ok ty ill work on it when i have a minute02:49
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gnomefreakunggnu: moving the taskbar fixes it for now02:50
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unggnugnomefreak, Taskbar is stable for me but not the upper panel02:51
unggnuicon often changes position02:52
gnomefreakunggnu: the n-m and update-manager are together on the panel (thinking name is taskbar but its still early for me)02:53
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unggnugnomefreak, Not only systray, even the "Show Search entry" icon and the user changer often changes position02:56
gnomefreakunggnu: that i dont have everything else works fine for me02:57
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branstromIs there a way to enable a minimum padding between icons in the panel?02:58
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branstromI think it should be 2 pixels or something by default.02:58
unggnubranstrom, isn't there already something like that?02:59
acemoohh this is scary.. i upgrade my packages and suddenly dolphin is the default file manager03:00
branstromunggnu: where?03:00
_lemsx1_acemo: umm... i wonder what's dolphin03:00
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LjL!info dolphin03:00
branstromI can't find it if it's there03:00
ubotudolphin: File manager for KDE focusing on usability. In component main, is optional. Version 0.9.2-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 1259 kB, installed size 2464 kB03:00
unggnubranstrom, no option, I have never seen overlapping icons in panel03:00
_lemsx1_LjL: yep. found it on google. KDE stuff...03:01
acemoi know what dolphin is, but i like konqueror more03:01
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branstromOverlapping? No, minimum padding so that there's always at least 2 pixels between any two icons03:01
branstromis what I'm talking about03:01
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LjLacemo: right click on a folder, select "Open with", select "Other", select "Konqueror" and tick "Remember association"03:02
etienneso is anybody know where i can find the  xserver-xorg-video-ati package which was used last week ?03:02
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etiennecos the one used this week is particulary weird03:02
acemoLjL: thanks03:03
branstromunggnu: http://www.collaborium.org/onsite/jos2000/related/guides/gnome/confglobal.html seems to have an option for it called "Applet Padding"03:03
branstromHow do I access the "global panel configuration"?03:04
branstromIt doesn't exist anymore, or what?03:10
branstromCan't find it anywhere.03:10
etienneanyone has an idea for my problem ?03:11
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edgyHi, to which extent is gutsy gibbon usable now? are there serious issues?03:14
_lemsx1_edgy: very usable. no issues here03:14
unggnuedgy, what is serious :)03:14
edgynice I would try it then03:15
_lemsx1_unggnu: jeje!03:15
_lemsx1_edgy: somethings (3rd party apps) don't work.. but hey...03:15
edgy_lemsx1_: 3rd party like what? flash?03:15
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_lemsx1_edgy: flash, vmware, azureus (2.5), etc03:16
_lemsx1_edgy: flash crashes firefox (on my PC) every once in a while03:16
_lemsx1_edgy: vmware dislikes new kernel headers (fix online somewhere)... and you get the idea... azureus 3.x works03:17
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edgy_lemsx1_: thanks for the clarification03:17
_lemsx1_edgy: no problem03:18
unggnu_lemsx1_, I had the flash issue with youtube videos but it seems to be gone03:18
_lemsx1_unggnu: all by itself?03:19
unggnuedgy, If you use no new intel graphic driver it works fine but updates can sometimes break gnome configuration manager or something  like that03:19
_lemsx1_unggnu: i wonder if it's because firefox is too new and the flash9 plugin needs updating...?03:19
unggnu_lemsx1_, Don't know, but it happens nearly everytime after closing a tab with a youtube video03:19
nanonymeand i'm already waiting for firefox3...03:19
_lemsx1_unggnu: exactly!03:19
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_lemsx1_unggnu: that used to happen a long time ago on older versions of Flash03:20
edgyunggnu: I am using Intel 945 chipset does this cause a problem?03:21
unggnuedgy, It works but has some problems with the new driver, at least on some configurations03:21
edgyunggnu: problems like what?03:21
unggnuedgy, Does your suspend work fine?03:21
unggnuedgy, Freeze03:21
edgyunggnu: Umm! thanks03:22
unggnuedgy, This doesn't happen with i81003:22
unggnuif you can live with this03:22
unggnuCompiz has become really stable03:22
unggnuonly this two intel driver issues have to be gone, than nothing to grouse about03:23
edgyunggnu: actually my current driver for that chipset is i810 and I didn't know there is another driver03:23
unggnuedgy, There is but you have to install a new package in Feisty.03:23
unggnuThis isn't needed in Gutsy anymore.03:23
unggnuedgy, Does your suspend work fine? :)03:23
unggnuedgy, I have installed Gutsy several weeks ago for testing but I use it now all the time instead of Feisty.03:24
branstromAnyone with an nvidia card and compiz fusion?03:24
edgyunggnu: yes it works fine03:25
unggnubecause it has no bugs you can't live with atm and it is still possible to use i81003:25
unggnuedgy, Cool, than you can test something.03:25
unggnuedgy, Do you want to upgrade or reinstall?03:25
branstromIf you try some 3D screensaver, does it freeze every two seconds?03:25
unggnubranstrom, Which driver?03:25
edgyunggnu: which is bettter?03:25
branstromunggnu: hold on03:25
unggnuedgy, new installation, better sepparte partition03:25
edgybranstrom: yes it freezes with some screensavers03:25
edgyunggnu: ok I will download now ...03:26
unggnuedgy, I guess upgrade isn't stable.03:26
branstromedgy: and when you deactivate compiz it's okay, right?03:26
edgybranstrom: don't know, how can I deactive it?03:26
branstromedgy: System > Preferences > Appearance > Desktop Effects03:27
edgybranstrom: I am using kubuntu03:27
branstromOh, then I have no idea :)03:27
unggnuGLMatrix works fine for me03:27
edgybranstrom: but ps aux |grep compiz gives nothing so I don't think it's working03:27
branstromedgy: huh?03:28
branstromIt's not on, but your screensaver is choppy anyways?03:28
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edgybranstrom: yes03:29
edgybranstrom: some screensaver will freez the pc and I have to reboot and this is feisty not gutsy03:29
unggnuedgy, if you install Gutsy and acntivate intel driver instead of i810 could you please check this out https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/141063 ?03:31
branstromOh, well I only have problems when compiz is active03:31
ubotuLaunchpad bug 141063 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "new Intel driver freezes system on video play after suspend" [Undecided,New] 03:31
gnomefreakedgy: feisty support in #ubuntu03:31
unggnugnomefreak, He wants to upgrade.03:31
edgyunggnu: sure03:31
unggnuedgy, The securest way is to install Gutsy on a separate partition.03:32
branstrom"Securest"? :) Sorry, I'm Swedish, but I'm not sure that word exists03:34
hyljemost secure03:36
unggnuThis exists in Pidgin ;)03:37
_lemsx1_i like that word... securest03:38
edgyI am at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily/current/ but I see only the alternate CD, where is the standard one or am I confused?03:39
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dmakalskyHi, I ran my daily update today, and firefox is dumping core all over the place03:42
Hobbseeedgy: s/daily/daily-live/, but the dailies dont work03:42
Hobbseewait a few more days, then you can test the beta.03:42
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edgyHobbsee: ok03:42
edgythanks all the for the advice03:43
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dmakalskyhow do I revert to yest. build?03:46
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=== jussi01 thinks Hobbsee should be in bed!! :P :P
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jussi01its too late for kids like you to be up, Hobbsee04:03
MenZaI seem to be having some problems with my touchpad; I can't tap it to click, and I can't scroll with it by swiping my finger on the right side of it, like I've been able to in Feisty. How would I reconfigure it? e.g. reconfiguring xserver-xorg04:03
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jussi01MenZa: go to the mouse settings and turn it on again...04:04
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ShackJackJust curious - any Nvidia users out there still having issues with Fusion not starting?04:05
slanningyes, system->preferences->mouse - I had this problem, someone said an upgrade reinitialized the settings04:05
MenZajussi01: *headdesk*04:05
MenZajussi01: I didn't knwo about that feature04:05
MenZajussi01: Is this new in Gutsy?04:05
=== MenZa dances happily
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etiennesorry for join/part04:13
etiennei'm trying to make the latest ati driver working04:14
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_lemsx1_etienne: ah, the Quijote is here...04:15
_lemsx1_etienne: you like fighting an irrational fight uh?04:16
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micro`i used to be a gentoo user and im used to the news packages on my comp, gutsy has the most updates packages as i understand04:31
micro`is it _stable_ or it has alot of problems?04:31
gnomefreakmicro`: yes but its not stable04:31
gnomefreakmicro`: has a fair about is problems to date04:31
micro`i see, so if i want to keep my system up2date, with the most updated packages, i must upgrade to a unstable release?04:32
penguincentralmicro`: gutsy has worked for me.  although sometimes updates do cause problems, bugfixers are quick to report bugs to launchpad.04:32
gnomefreakwe are frozen atm so if you do have issues more than likely it will be more than a week before fixed (that is least amount of time)04:33
penguincentralmicro`: that is a good question.   I assume so, seeing that ubuntu doesn't roll unstable updates through it's stable releases unlike debian.  play around with it and see what you think04:34
penguincentralgnomefreak: thanks04:34
scizzo-micro`: you can always look for backports04:35
micro`thanks :)04:35
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scizzo-micro`: there can be people holding their own sites for updating stuff like "gimp from svn" version and so on04:35
micro`i see, thanks04:36
penguincentralnow there is an idea for ubuntu: have a stable update and an unstable update04:36
penguincentraland do them seperately04:36
ConstyXIVcan you remap the "menu" key to something useful?04:36
DanaGYeah, you can map menu to things like Compose or AltGr.04:37
DanaGOther things may be a bit harder, needing xmodmap or something.04:37
ConstyXIVthat's exactly what i want, but i don't know how to keep it from pulling up the menu04:37
scizzo-anyone has tried to use xgl with nvidia since a few days back? (with xinerama that is04:37
gnomefreakpenguincentral: grumpy groundhog stopped devel if that is what you mean04:38
ConstyXIVDanaG: where do you go to remap the menu key?04:38
DanaGKeyboard preferences, if in gnome.04:39
DanaGKeyboard layout, if in KDE.04:39
ConstyXIVoh, i see now04:39
penguincentralgnomefreak: close, what i mean is in update manager, or synaptic whatever; have the function to switch between downloading only stable updates, or include the unstable ones as well04:39
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ConstyXIVthere we go04:42
ConstyXIVdedicated scale button ftw04:42
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gnomefreak.win 204:58
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CountXtoday is my work all day cause i have  things due tomorrow that i havent worked on at all05:01
etiennneis anybody has the xserver-xorg-video-ati which was used las t week in gutsy ?05:03
etiennnebefore the 6.7.192-4 one05:04
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winbonddoes anyone know how to change the lag bar into a number on xchat?05:15
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slanningwinbond: I have a number, but I don't see how it got that way :)05:23
slanningoh, under View -> Network Meters05:24
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winbondslanning, u probably using the modded gnome version,05:24
dmakalskyHi, after the latest updates today firefox no longer works05:25
dmakalskyI get a segfault each time I launch it05:25
dmakalskyanyone else having these issues?05:25
slanningwinbond: it seems to be normal xchat 2.8.005:25
dmakalskyI desperately need some help here please :)05:26
slanningapparently I don't have even the package xchat-xsys05:26
leperkhanztry firefox under wine?05:26
winbondslanning, if you're using gnome, they install a modded version by default05:26
leperkhanznever know?05:26
slanningwine, wtf - yuck05:27
slanningI have the packages xchat and xchat-common installed05:27
CountX!info wine05:27
ubotuwine: Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.42-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 31957 kB, installed size 99904 kB05:27
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CountXhaha, i have wine 0.9.4505:28
slanningwhy are you convinced I have gnome installed, and why does it matter - I assume what I said doesn't help?05:28
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cps1966somethings terribly wrong with this usb cam blocks out tvcard on boot05:36
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jerbearwhat version of gnome is going to be in gutsy?05:41
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scizzo-2.20 I would guess05:42
Dr_Willis2.20.0 is whats there now05:42
jerbearthat's what i was hoping :)05:42
jerbearwhat about the kernel?05:42
CountXwhats the kernel right now?05:42
CountXi have -1105:42
CountXi dont know05:43
scizzo-2.6.22 at the moment is what is used05:43
CountXwhats the command to check again05:43
Dr_WillisLinux Moo 2.6.22-11-generic #1 SMP Mon Sep 17 03:45:58 GMT 2007 i686 GNU/Linux05:43
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CountXill just list the frimware folder05:43
jerbearso that new cfs stuff isn't going to be there?05:44
Dr_Williscfs ?05:45
jerbearthe new scheduler05:45
scizzo-jerbear: .23 is still a development kernel on kernel.org05:45
jerbearoh right... i forgot about how they do the version number05:46
scizzo-latest _stable_ kernel is
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scizzo-jerbear: its the cpu scheduler you are talking about right?05:47
scizzo-jerbear: that had performance increasing on CPUs or something strange?05:48
cps1966huh i like all the debian bmps in boot05:48
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scizzo-Word has it that CFS will not be added to Ubuntu Gutsy05:51
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scizzo-from a howto I found about cfs in ubuntu05:51
cps19662.6.22.11-33 is latest05:52
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Trewaschanging the scheduler is not really user-visible change (except in some corner cases), so there's no much reason to backport it to gutsy's kernel05:54
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moopixHi, I have been fiddling with vmware-server and now my feisty has fallen over. When I boot I get error [5908000]  kernel panic-not syncing: Attempting to kill init. I am currently on the machine in question with a live CD. any ideas?05:56
moopix(I know this isnt feisty support but though you guys might be able to help:)05:56
CountXhow do i submit a mirror for ubuntu?05:56
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magical_trevskymoopix, can you boot the recovery kernel?06:09
tarheelcoxnhi. I'm trying to see if there's an existing bug in launchpad that would relate to my problem... maybe somebody in here could point me to the right place06:11
tarheelcoxnI pulled updates this morning and now I have no Xorg06:11
tarheelcoxnno _functional_ Xorg, I should say06:11
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roetarheelcoxn, what is the error06:12
CountXhow can i remove the protection on a file06:13
CountXits root only, and i cant move it to a network machine06:13
Dr_WillisCountX,  what file? and what exactly are ya trying to do?06:13
tarheelcoxnroe: trying to find it. gdm claims to start okay if I <ctrl><alt>f1, log in, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart06:13
Dr_Willissafe way.. use sudo and copy it to the users home dir. then chmod/chown the file. and let the user copy it over.06:13
tarheelcoxnbut the screen flashes black several times and drops back06:13
magical_trevskyCountX, sudo chmod a+rw somefile06:14
roeat the CL type "startx"06:14
roeit should log the error on your terminal06:14
magical_trevskytarheelcoxn, did you install proprietary video drivers yourself or using envy?06:14
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roeif not head over to /var/log/Xorg.0.log06:15
tarheelcoxnroe: I'm rsync'ing that file to another box to pastebin it now06:15
tarheelcoxnroe: thanks06:15
jbroomedamn, i didn't realize envy was in the same league as automatix.  good to know06:15
CountXmagical_trevsky: thanks bro'06:15
Dr_Willisjbroome,  well.. i dont think its that bad.. since it just does One thing. :)06:15
Dr_Willisit would be quite an acomplishment to be as bad as automatix.06:16
magical_trevskyif you used envy/installed the drivers yourself, and you updated your kernel, i'm pretty sure you'll have to recompile the kernel interface yourself06:16
PiciIts at least made by an Ubuntu member, but thats not an excuse.06:16
Dr_Willisright - ever new kernel update ya got to rerun the envy script06:16
jbroomeoh yeah, i've had to rerun envy after a new kernel.  i'm ok with that06:16
Dr_WillisWhy do you need to use envy?  what video card ya got?06:16
PiciGutsy's restricted drivers should provide everything that envy does (I think)06:17
magical_trevskyalthough the gutsy restricted manager dealie doesn't have the newest drivers (not sure if envy does either)06:17
jbroomeoh, i haven't used it on gutsy.  things are fine there.  i do use it on my feisty machine (nvidia fx 5700le)06:17
Dr_WillisNewest? how new is newest anyway?06:18
magical_trevskyDr_Willis, as in 2 days old06:18
Dr_Willistheres some reason you need the absoultest latest and newest? :)06:18
jbroomethat is pretty new06:18
Dr_WillisI got my 8800 going with the restricted manager tool.06:18
magical_trevskyDr_Willis, has bug fixes for the 8 series cards (I'm not using envy btw before you continue :p)06:18
Dr_WillisBah! we laugh at bugs! :006:19
magical_trevskyDr_Willis, http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=851&num=106:19
Dr_WillisUnless of course they break things.06:19
cps1966hell i got 8800 gts going two weeks ago06:19
magical_trevskyyeah, the old drivers work, but not as well as they could06:20
magical_trevskythe newest ones fix alot of the problems06:20
tarheelcoxnroe: Xorg.0.log here: pastebin.ca/70605506:20
tarheelcoxnI'm confused as to why the last line is simply "Backtrace:"06:20
Dr_WillisI dont think i really need the latest drivers at this time. :)06:20
Dr_Willisegads - that site needs MORE spammy adds and less actual content. :)06:21
Dr_Willisthese link-ads are getting out of controll.06:22
roeugh, I hate ATI with a passion06:22
tarheelcoxnroe: amen06:22
roeI traded mine with a windows user for an nvidia card of lesser value and haven't looked back in almost 2yrs06:23
tarheelcoxnI did that with my desktop too06:23
tarheelcoxnbut this is a T41 (thinkpad)06:24
nemikdoes the negative effect work for you guys?06:24
winbonddoes anyone know how to change the lag bar into a number on xchat?06:24
Dr_Willisnemik,  yes it did when i was playing with it.06:24
Dr_Williswinbond,  used tobe a setting in the menus. may have been cleaned out by now. theres a lot of command line only options in xchat now a days.06:25
tarheelcoxnroe: output of lspci -vv is here: http://pastebin.ca/70606706:26
winbondDr_Willis, hmm, i havent seen any option like that in the menu,  ikk kook up xchat commands , thanks06:26
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Dr_Williswinbond,  witgh every new version of xchat. the thing has been loosing more and more settings/featutres it seems.06:26
Dr_WillisOften i find myself getting the 2.4 source and using it.06:27
Dr_WillisI dont think the  right click/ignore nick menu item has worked in ages...06:27
Dr_WillisOh wait.. its been removed now. :)06:27
winbondDr_Willis, the gnome version is really stripped down,06:28
=== gridl0ck shows roe no fear of ati
Dr_Williswinbond,  the normal version is getting closer and closer to the gnome version it seems06:28
gridl0ck01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV350 [Mobility Radeon 9600 M10] 06:28
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void^amarok's memory usage increases by 700mb (rss) when connecting to an mtp device. :|06:29
tarheelcoxnanybody besides roe wanna help me take a look at why Xorg isn't working for me?06:32
void^and it goes down by 200mb when disconnecting...06:32
void^impressively enough, it goes up by another 700mb when connecting again.. good thing i'm doing this with 2gb memory :] 06:33
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CountXis ubuntu the most popular distro?06:45
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soothsayerCountX: How would you measure that/06:46
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_lemsx1_CountX: even though the download numbers could be from people mirroring the ISOs?06:46
soothsayerCountX: It would seem to me to be difficult to account for all download sources (mirrors, torrents, replication)06:47
_lemsx1_CountX: i'd rather see numbers from the Linux Count site ;-)06:47
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CountXlinux count site?06:48
soothsayerCountX: distrowatch.org claims to measure page-rank hits and ranks Ubuntu #2.06:48
soothsayerCountX: ... behind PCLinuxOS, which I've never heard of.06:48
jerbearscizzo-: oh sorry, i was out of the office... yes, it was the cpu scheduler06:48
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_lemsx1_CountX: Linux Counter, sorry06:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about emerald - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:50
cps1966anyone know of app in ubuntu like ghost to transfer all my stuff to new drive06:50
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Instabinany one know how to install emerald for compiz with the themes06:50
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_lemsx1_cps1966: dd06:51
cmpalmerroe: tarheelcoxn == cmpalmer here. got more output from startx06:51
_lemsx1_cps1966: dd if=/dev/olddrive of=/dev/newdrive ;-)06:51
cps1966i need boot sector and winxp plus kubuntu and home dir06:51
cmpalmerroe: lines after "Backtrace:"06:51
cmpalmerInconsistency detected by ld.so: dl-open.c: 260: dl_open_worker: Assertion `_dl_debug_initialize (0, args->nsid)->r_state == RT_CONSISTENT' failed!06:51
cmpalmerXIO:  fatal IO error 104 (Connection reset by peer) on X server ":0.0" after 0 requests (0 known processed) with 0 events remaining.06:51
_lemsx1_cps1966: dd gives you all06:52
_lemsx1_cps1966: then you will need to use gparted or something like that to grown the partitions correctly06:52
cps1966but this drive is twice the size06:52
tarheelcoxncps1966: just use rsync to migrate your home directory06:53
tarheelcoxncps1966: do a new install on the new machine, use rsync to pull from the old06:53
CountXi kinda wish linux was mainstream, so we could get more software06:53
CountXand games06:53
cps1966will i boot up without home though06:53
tarheelcoxnCountX: it's not lack of software. it's the target audience of the software06:54
tarheelcoxnwe'll get ther06:54
tarheelcoxncps1966: I'm not following you06:54
tarheelcoxncps1966: what are you trying to accomplish again? new machine with data from old machine?06:54
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cps1966no just new drive  but wd tools dont do rieserfs06:55
cps1966norton has ghost but i haven't used that in years06:56
cps1966used to be on floppy06:57
tarheelcoxncps1966: and I take it you don't have another machine to rsync your homedir off to?06:58
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cps1966just my sons but he has it almost full of games06:58
benanzoI accidently delete the Preferences menu from gnome -- now I only have Administration -- how do I get it back?06:58
tarheelcoxncps1966: you can have both drives in at once?06:58
tarheelcoxncps1966: stick second drive in, boot from Knoppix or Ubuntu liveCD or somesuch, lay down the partitions you want06:59
tarheelcoxncps1966: then rsync from existing /home to new /home07:00
tarheelcoxncps1966: then pull the old drive, reboot with Ubuntu install CD07:00
tarheelcoxncps1966: use the _alternate_ installer07:00
cps1966how can i do boot sector though07:00
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tarheelcoxncps1966: and durint the partitioning step, tell it not to touch /home07:00
_lemsx1_cps1966: i have done what you are trying to do. dd will work. and then use gparted to resize07:01
cps1966i have lilo from mandriva on that07:01
_lemsx1_cps1966: unless your partitions are a mess...07:01
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cps1966well they have been done many times its not the only drive i have i have 8 drives in all07:02
cps19664 pata and 4 sata07:02
cps1966i have old deathstar that i need to replace07:03
cps1966its running at 61C most of the time07:03
moopixmagical_trevsky , no. I cant boot the recovery kenel either07:04
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benanzoanyone know how to restore gnome menubar to default?07:04
_lemsx1_benanzo: gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/gnome07:05
_lemsx1_benanzo: or just / ;-)07:05
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benanzowill that unset all my gnome settings or just menubar?  I accidentally deleted the Preferences menu, and can't figure out how to get it back07:06
gttyzOh, i get a recap from a former irq session. This is just excellent!07:06
_lemsx1_benanzo: right-click on panel-> Add to panel-> menu07:06
winbondhas anyone got azureus working, it worked fine in tibe4, it wont start in tribe5 with updates07:07
_lemsx1_benanzo: what i said will reset all the gnome stuff. you can use gconf-editor to know the exact path for the menu (panel)07:07
_lemsx1_winbond: yes, use azureus 3.0.107:07
_lemsx1_winbond: 2.5 just doesn't work07:07
benanzoI've got the MenuBar on the panel, it just doesn't have a Preferences menu under System, only Administration and the help links07:07
gttyz"winbond", why the nick ?07:08
winbondgttyz, my nick?07:08
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_lemsx1_benanzo: wow. nice07:08
winbondgttyz, long story, came from xbox1 modding07:08
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_lemsx1_benanzo: i'd just reset things like i said and put things back manually. but... there might be an easier way07:09
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benanzoOK, thanks07:09
gttyz"winbond", hmm, ok... i hate the word "win" though, its got too much to do with loosing07:09
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jbroomeor losing07:09
gttyzdepends on the weight of the loss07:10
winbondgttyz, winbond manufactures memory/flash chips, has nothing to do with windows07:10
gttyzIn our case the wins have been all but loos07:10
gttyzI know07:11
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gttyzAnyone know how close samba4 is to full AD ?07:12
winbond_lemsx1_, im trying to run azureus 3.0.3 but i get ^M error, (dos line endings?) and dir not found (doesnt say which dir)07:12
_lemsx1_winbond: and it doesn't open at all?07:13
cps1966you have sun-java installed07:13
_lemsx1_winbond: what version of the sun-* package  you are using? 6 ?07:13
winbond_lemsx1_, nope07:13
cps1966it works with 607:14
cypherdelichey i cant change the color for tooltip background, in appeareance preferences > customize > colors. the boxes for tooltip is gray-crossed. any suggestions?07:14
gttyzjbroome; didint you feel like "a loooser" whilst on the wintedoh garbage ? (i sure did back in 86)07:14
winbond_lemsx1_, i have the latest sun6 java installed, and added the location to the azureus script, so i know its not java problem07:14
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_lemsx1_winbond: i installed my azureus in /opt/azureus07:15
_lemsx1_winbond: and when i launch it, i call the full path: /opt/azurues/azureus07:16
_lemsx1_winbond: that works07:16
gttyzI only promote facts and for me they are the following:07:16
_lemsx1_winbond: anything else doesn't (unless you write a shell script that changes the directory to the right path and then calls the binary)07:16
gttyzSymantec is garbage07:16
gttyzHP rocks as well as Gestetner printers07:16
winbond_lemsx1_, did u install azureus with apt-get?07:17
cypherdelichey i cant change the color for tooltip background, in appeareance preferences > customize > colors. the boxes for tooltip is gray-crossed. any suggestions?07:17
gttyzFsecure is the best if you have windows boxxes (I hate antivirus personally and dpnt need it)07:17
gttyzGotta go pie :=)07:17
jbroome!u | winbond07:17
ubotuwinbond: Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..07:17
cps1966ubotu stuff it07:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about stuff it - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:18
mendredhi regarding the strigi systray app..is there anyway to get it to a direct search rather than search for a file?07:18
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winbondjbroome, r u srious? lolz  , just kidding07:19
cps1966old fart , must be07:20
johnficcaso i'm upgrading to gutsy right now07:20
cps1966good luck07:20
winbondjohnficca, why?07:20
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cyphaseAnyone else consider it a bug that when Network Manager is being upgraded, it restarts during the upgrade?07:21
johnficcai always do at the alfa 5 time07:21
cyphaseShouldn't it wait for a restart?07:21
cps1966yes it will till you get all packages you need07:21
winbondjohnficca, still has lots of bugs07:22
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johnficcai feel like i'm helping the ubuntu community by bug testing for a month07:22
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes07:22
_lemsx1_cyphase: you don't really loose your connection. it just gets interrupted. i think it's fine07:22
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_lemsx1_cyphase: tcp/ip it's supposed to cope with that07:22
ubotuIf you installed a Tribe/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Gutsy. To make sure, type  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade  in a console.07:23
cyphase_lemsx1_: i know, but still..07:24
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_lemsx1_cyphase: that would probably happen once in a blue moon once the OS is released07:25
cyphase_lemsx1_: true07:25
Assidhow goes it07:25
=== cyphase can't remember upgrading network manager in feisty
cypherdelic i cant change the color for tooltip background, in appeareance preferences > customize > colors. the boxes for tooltip is gray-crossed. any ideas?07:26
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cps1966any idea why i cant burn a 64 bit dvd for a friend07:29
_lemsx1_cps1966: that's a very general question07:30
cyphaseoooh, nice wallpaper in gutsy07:30
_lemsx1_cps1966: funnel it down a bit07:30
cps1966well it give opc error07:30
cyphaseis there only going to be one default wallpaper in gutsy/07:30
_lemsx1_cps1966: assuming that you check the MD5SUM of the DVD iso, that your drive is not faulty, and that you have used it to burn stuff before and it works correctly afterwards, then the reason can only be that your PC doesn't like that particular ISO :-)07:31
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cps1966well its been every 64 bit dvd that i've tryed does 64 bit cds fine and 32 bit dvds07:32
winbond_lemsx1_, after 2days updates, azureus is starting up fine again, thanks07:33
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_lemsx1_winbond: good to know07:33
cps1966i like to stick azureus in home dir and run it from there07:34
_lemsx1_cps1966: "64bit" refers to the binaries and libraries (kernel and such) inside the ISO. not the ISO itself. in other words, an iso is just an iso07:34
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cps1966yeah i know07:34
_lemsx1_cps1966: that's because you are the only person using it07:34
_lemsx1_cps1966: try burning something else... are you using gutsy to burn the disc? try using Dapper or Feisty07:35
_lemsx1_cps1966: or windows07:35
_lemsx1_cps1966: whatever works07:35
cps1966does the same in every distro i,ve tried and even windows xp pukes on it07:35
cps1966md5sum checks correctly also07:36
Dr_willisI tend to just set up azurus for my single user in their home dir also.07:36
_lemsx1_cps1966: then use a different system (another computer)07:37
Dr_willistry the cd on other machines?07:37
Dr_willisive seen all sorts of weirdness with cd's in the past years. :(07:37
_lemsx1_cps1966: you could also be using bad media, like Dynex DVDs (they succcccckkkk)07:37
cps1966well thats not the reson i would rip apart my machine07:37
_lemsx1_cps1966: but good brands like Sony and the like should work07:37
cps1966na its memorex07:38
winbondholy cow , i get 30seconds lag07:38
winbondsomething must be broke07:39
winbondwhich port does irc generally use?07:39
InstabinI cant get compiz to start http://pastebin.ca/70614307:39
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cps1966dvd-r sequential07:41
cps1966cmc mag,ae107:42
Assidanyone ever synch'd a nokia e61 successfully (not through cli)07:42
_lemsx1_Assid: i was going to say, "talk like a pirate day"07:42
Assidyou know if linux wants to get more market share.. it needs more user friendly apps07:43
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cps1966assid use mint linux it ubuntu refined07:44
Assidcps1966: its the apps.. not the gui07:46
Assidcps1966: you can get the same thing with kubuntu07:46
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cps1966what do you want for beta software07:46
Assidbeta software?07:47
cps1966this is gutsy it not final yet07:47
Assidwell.. even feisty..  had issues07:48
cps1966read the topic above07:48
Dr_willisevery time i hear some one say 'linux needs to....' i just cringe..07:48
Dr_willisthe person saying it - dosent get what linux is all about. :)07:48
Assidwell  i meant it needs some apps07:48
gridl0ckwhatchutalkinaboutwillis ;p07:48
Assidi know its not the kernels fault07:48
Dr_willistheres 100000000000000+ apps for linux. :)07:48
Dr_willisit all depends on your needs.07:49
cps1966ya we dont want all those assholes over here anyway07:49
Assidsure we do07:49
cps1966no we dont07:49
Assidthe more of those we have.. the better those stupid manufacturers start supporting us07:49
Dr_willisI also dont see the point of bending over backwards for  'insert bad term here' then having them demand you ALSO do backflips so they can do some other trivial thing easially. :)07:49
gttyzDr_willis: For the core hurd of people not so many are required07:50
Dr_willisdelive a good solid foundataion of an OS. and let the programs grow. :)07:50
gttyzbut i agree07:50
Assidyes but it should be about the masses.. thats what brings more manufacturers in07:50
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cps1966its take time to learn anything worthwhile07:50
Dr_willisits amazing the trivial-useless things i see people wanting to do in linux, then getting mad when its not a click or 2.. when the same 'job' in windows is basicially impossible. :)07:51
gttyz"Dr_willis> every time i hear some one say 'linux needs to....' i just cringe.." Indeed, itll take a bit of time to learn but they are Awoken Zombies, be nice :=)07:51
Dr_willisIm scared as what the compwiz/eyecandy stuff will bring on.07:51
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Dr_willisgttyz,  ive revived several zombies. :)07:51
Dr_willisfriend was worried about being in this chat room and saying somthing stupid.. told him as long as he dosent say ''Linux needs to......." he would be ok.07:52
Assidwell ofcourse it needs to evolve.. but im just saying its gotta think of the none nerdy people / end users07:52
Dr_willisLinux is all about evolving.. its evoloving faster then any other OS out there. :)07:52
Assidbesides i didnt say linux itself07:52
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leoquantcompiz still buggy in gutsy after several X updates?07:52
Assidi said it needs more user friendly apps07:52
gttyzSomething named "_h_e_l_p_" make it gone07:52
Dr_willisleoquant,  i get a few crashes with it.07:52
cps1966linux itself is just a kernel07:53
Dr_willis'user friendly' is becoming a vagut term also. :)07:53
Assidwell "idiot proof" ?07:53
gttyzcps1966: I like the whole shebangme :=)07:53
Dr_willistoo often it seems user friendly seems mean 'written for idiots'  who cant handle options, or flexability. :)07:53
Dr_willisIve noticed a lot of my windows games are getting more and more dumbed down also. :)07:54
cps1966hey if you dont like ubuntu maybe you should try gentoo07:54
Dr_willisXb0x360 mentality.07:54
gttyzDr_willis: Learn they can, Learn they can Yodah said07:54
gridl0ckif you want ppl to cross over from other operating systems - it has to be user friendly - then what's the point of devolping anything07:54
Dr_willisgttyz,  but its too 'hard' to think. :)07:54
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gttyzThat thing generally takes between one 2 three thoughts at tops :=)07:55
Dr_willisgttyz,  and some times a bit of logical thought and rembering somthing from 10 sec befor.07:55
leoquantbulletproof x isnt a bulletproof compiz (yet) :)07:55
Assidwell im just saying like simple apps.. like synchronising a phone07:55
gttyzDr_willis: Thats an idiots choise of words not yours or mine07:55
Dr_willisyea. I tried to set up twinview  - and bulletproof got  broken. :)07:55
Dr_williscan twinview work with compwiz?07:56
cps1966hell i have a limit on memory and 59 and i learned enough to use linux regularly07:56
Instabinhow do i fix this /usr/bin/compiz.real (video) - Warn: No 8 bit GLX pixmap format, disabling YV12 image format07:56
Dr_willisi noticed it got disabled when i had twinview going. not sure what the deal was07:56
gttyzDr_willis: You need to include "Microsoft Gold Partners" into that <- Wankers :P07:56
=== gridl0ck bops gttyz on the head
gttyzI have odays07:57
AssidDr_willis: like simpler interface to synchronising cell phones (like iSync on mac)07:57
gttyzwont share, monitor07:57
gttyzno, dont even ask07:57
Dr_willisAssid,  ive gotten to a point where i find cell phones and so forth are adding to much compleciations to my life. :)07:57
Dr_willisof course its the cell phone makers that are causing the problems more and more it seems.07:58
cps1966i set up 64 bit ubuntu on a friends machine has two 24 inch monitors works just fine07:58
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Dr_williscps1966,  on mine it had the montors 'reversed' gdm showed up on the right side monitor. not the front one. :(07:58
cps1966with compiz or beryls07:59
Assidright.. but we need it nevertheless07:59
Assidand also more morons we have.. the more masses are behind it07:59
=== Dr_willis wants the new Linux Phone. :)
cps1966Dr_willis:  i just flopped monitors in nvidia settingsd07:59
gttyzI have found that hitting your head into something hard can cause black and white dots and severely appearing blindness amongst the likes of myself (Police fuckers!/Dont worry.. you know me)07:59
gttyzTHis is why a semi broken back/neck is not cool08:00
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Assidhrmm.. so im getting my new machine this weekend/monday08:00
Assiddunno what to do08:00
cps1966ship it back if it has vista or xp on it08:01
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Assidim assembling it08:01
unggnuhi all08:01
unggnuSomeone with an Intel graphic card and working suspend?08:01
Assidq6600 + evga 8600gts + corsair xms2 2GB08:01
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Assidso is gutsy still crashing with compiz ?08:02
cps1966haven't really noticed08:03
gttyzI know alot of military dudes and ericsson dudes too. All i wanted was some help and right now i feel left to rot in a crummy world i need to fix.. again! /Signed Rideing with the code monkeys08:03
Assidwhat about compiz and opengl apps ? i know that used to be aproblem08:03
unggnuAssid, Runs stable for me except of some intel driver bugs which isn't compiz fault.08:03
unggnuDoes anyone know a compiz tunning guide?08:03
Assidunggnu: onboard  card ?08:03
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cps1966nvidia is good here08:04
unggnuAssid, yes08:04
Assidi wondere if my video card will be able to help a bit..08:04
gttyzOn the other hand we have the codings... maybe i should script some illicit ones for a change!08:04
Assidjust curious tho anyone synchd their phones ?08:04
gttyzMonitor MY ASS!08:04
Dr_williscps1966,  i was trying to switch them. but they never switched.. :) was about to move the cables around.. but then they are backwards for the console.08:05
cps1966well just do it one over the top of other then slide the one you want over08:06
gttyzDr_willis: Go poliyical on their stupid asses my friend08:06
ubotuPlease watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly.08:06
gttyzfuck off ^08:06
gttyzLive in the real world08:06
PriceChildgttyz, please watch your language in this channel.08:06
PriceChild!guidelines > gttyz (please read the pm from ubotu)08:07
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tarheelcoxnPriceChild: nice alias you've got there.08:08
cps1966the trick is to use windows in same sentence08:08
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cps1966then swearing is ok08:08
Assidlets see.. maybe monday i might get a new build08:08
Assidthats when im gonna assmble it08:08
wastreli'm going to upgrade one of my boxes to gusty08:08
cps1966wastrel:  better off doing a fresh install08:09
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wastreldon't you need testers for the upgrade?08:09
cps1966you need rc1 at least to do it08:10
tarheelcoxnanybody experienced bug #132716 ?08:10
ubotuLaunchpad bug 132716 in xserver-xorg-video-ati "ATI Driver Gets Black Screen on Radeon 7500 Mobile (Regression)" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13271608:10
void^i just upgraded with very few problems08:10
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advdgorildoes the mediubuntu repos work on gutsy?08:10
kalpikadvdgoril, yes08:11
PriceChildadvdgoril, they have a gutsy repo afaik08:11
advdgorili didnt see the gutsy repo08:11
advdgorillet me double check08:11
kalpikadvdgoril, its there.. look harder ;)08:11
soundrayI have a fully updated tribe 5 installation. It hangs after I log in at gdm, before any panels or icons come up. .xsession-errors doesn't show anything useful. No memory or CPU hogs are active. How can I fix this?08:12
soundrayThe user config doesn't seem to be at fault either -- it happens when I try with a newly created user.08:13
cps1966delete iceauthorty08:14
wastreli guess i'll hold off til rc108:14
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soundraycps1966: you mean rm -r /tmp/.ICE-unix ?08:14
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cps1966soundray:  did you catch that delete .iceauthorty in home dir08:15
soundraycps1966: never mind, found what you mean. Thanks08:15
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soothsayerWhere do I configure Tracker?08:16
soundraycps1966: tried it -- doesn't make a difference...08:17
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cps1966hmm it useuly works for me08:17
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).08:17
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advdgorildoes emerald themes work on gutsy i tried downloading one but it was recognized as a archive file?08:18
winbondUnable to start guarddog firewall - /etc/rc.firewall does not exist, whats up with that?08:18
cps1966then its not there08:19
winbondisnt it suposed to be installed by default?08:19
cps1966leme check08:19
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).08:20
soundraywinbond: did you install Guarddog from the repositories?08:20
soothsayerHow do I disable Trackerd?08:20
winbondsoundray, yes,,  and iptables is installed, so what is it looking for?08:21
dajhornsoothsayer:  You must remove the tracker package.08:21
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cps1966its not installed here by default08:21
void^soothsayer: system>preferences>sessions08:22
soundraywinbond: do you get that error when you 'sudo invoke-rc.d guarddog'?08:22
soundraywinbond: correction: do you get that error when you 'sudo invoke-rc.d guarddog restart'?08:22
soothsayerdajhorn, void^: Thanks08:22
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winbondsoundray, same error08:23
mumzYey! ubuntu!08:23
dajhornsoothsayer: Np.  This is documented as LP #13193 et al.08:23
ubotuLaunchpad bug 13193 in aspell-sl "aspell-sl: Needs to be rebuilt for Aspell 0.60" [Unknown,Fix released]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/1319308:23
soundraywinbond: have you gone through any kind of setup/config procedure?08:24
dajhornsoothsayer: Oops.  LP #13198308:24
ubotuLaunchpad bug 131983 in tracker "[gutsy]  trackerd kills disk io" [Critical,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13198308:24
soundraywinbond: for guarddog I mean?08:24
winbondsoundray, no, its my first time trying to get this setup08:24
soundraywinbond: I haven't used guarddog, but if it's like firestarter, you have to go through a GUI setup to create an appropriate configuration for your situation.08:25
mumzWhat is guard dog ?08:26
mumzAnother meaningless dependency ?08:26
soundraywinbond: btw, you don't need to set up anything like this unless you route traffic for other machines.08:26
soundray!info guarddog08:26
ubotuguarddog: firewall configuration utility for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.5.0-1ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 482 kB, installed size 1432 kB08:26
mumzFirestarter is very good08:26
unggnuSomeone here with an Intel graphic card and working suspend?08:26
mumzkde is sucky (dont mind me, im just very old in the game)08:27
mumzk3b is good though08:27
soundrayAny other suggestion for my problem? Hanging gnome or metacity after gdm login...08:28
winbondsoundray, i want to set it up because i have a large list of ips i want to block, and this is the only way i know i can block it08:28
soundraywinbond: I suggest you run the guarddog program in KDE and see if you get a configuration screen.08:29
cps1966soundray:  see if ctrl f1 works and see if theres a error message08:29
cps1966or f208:29
soundraycps1966: ctrl-alt-f1 works, but there's no error message.08:30
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cps1966must be xorg conf08:30
soundraycps1966: no, gdm runs fine08:31
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cps1966soundray:  try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:31
soundraycps1966: it's not that, X runs fine08:32
cps1966sudo apt-get install task-gnome08:32
winbondsoundray, it started up in kde, it said that the rc.firewall isnt there because it wasnt configed08:33
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soundraywinbond: so, configure it.08:33
soundraycps1966: there is no task-gnome package in gutsy08:34
winbondsoundray, thats what im about to do, need to find some guarddog guides, thank you 4 help08:34
cps1966oh damn thats right then ubuntu  your missing applets and panel right08:35
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cps1966winbond:  man gaurddog08:35
soundraywinbond: fwiw, this has been reported as LP #7459808:36
ubotuLaunchpad bug 74598 in guarddog "Guarddog doesn't start - missing /etc/rc.firewall" [Undecided,Incomplete]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/7459808:36
soundraycps1966: can you elaborate?08:36
cps1966can you run that command08:36
soundraycps1966: etc-update?08:37
cps1966if not install it08:37
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winbondsoundray, whats LP#?08:37
soundraycps1966: gnome is installed -- I had it running previously, then it stopped working.08:38
winbondsoundray, nevermind, ty08:38
soundraywinbond: launchpad. Ubotu picks those up and gives a bug summary.08:38
soundrayLP #108:38
soundraywell, sometimes it does.08:38
cps1966soundray:  did you reboot or something08:38
cps1966only what is in his history08:39
soundraycps1966: several times. I was working with an application in gnome when it suddenly crashed and went into console mode. Since then, I haven't been able to log in.08:39
cps1966what app try killing it08:40
soundraycps1966: it's long dead (unless it's survived several reboots)08:40
cps1966maybe its still trying to start08:41
cps1966kde is good for that08:41
soundraycps1966: no, it isn't. There isn't any unusual process activity.08:41
soundraycps1966: I'm not on KDE08:41
cps1966then it borked one of your settings08:41
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soundraycps1966: which one though? I was running it as user. It is not setuid. When I try to log in a newly created user, the problem is still the same.08:42
cps1966then its skin deep08:43
cps1966what about sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a08:43
cps1966takes some time to do that though08:44
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soundraycps1966: I don't mind -- I'd rather try something other than reinstall (have compiled shedloads of applications on that machine for testing)08:45
DanaGCool, nvidia 100.14.19 really does improve power management.08:45
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DanaGNow I can keep compiz-fusion while on battery, with not a large loss of battery life.08:45
moognocciI have an ubuntu live cd that Im booted from but it is the 64bit version of the operating system, I want to burn the i386 image I have just downloaded but, obviously, the cd drive is sorta occupied. How can I burn this disk?08:45
DanaGI get 1:30 to 1:45 (hours:minutes) either way.08:45
soundraycps1966: working now, thanks again for your input08:45
cps1966what was it08:46
soundraycps1966: I mean, dpkg-reconfigure -a is working its routine. I'll get back to you when it's ready :)08:47
cps1966sound ray use portage next time you upgrade08:47
soundraycps1966: portage? Isn't that gentoo stuff?08:47
cps1966but i think it works here08:48
soundraymoognocci: I think you'll need a second CD drive08:48
moognoccisoundray: arseholes08:49
cps1966its called bitbake here though08:49
soundraymoognocci: knoppix boots with a "toram" option, so you can remove the CD after booting. Ubuntu doesn't do that08:49
soundraymoognocci: what are you abusing me for?08:49
moognoccisoundray: I wast absing you man, just the situation :) My kubuntu died after I fiddled with vmware-server, It wont boot with a kernel panic error. bit stuck like..08:50
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soundraymoognocci: be careful with swearwords here. For one, this channel should be family friendly. Second, you nearly made me call ops.08:52
cps1966its always good to have more than one distro installed08:52
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moognoccisoundray: sorry dude08:52
soundraymoognocci: you could do a quick installation of the 64bit system and burn the i386 with that.08:52
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cps1966if your machine is emt6408:53
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cps1966just use that08:53
moognoccisoundray: sadly.....I think you might be right, shame I havent got no mini linux about08:53
joeaminedis it possible to upgrade from feisty to gutsy ?08:53
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cps1966you can try but be warned08:53
soundrayjoeamined: it should be -- 'sudo update-manager -d', but it's better to wait till after the release.08:54
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soundrayjoeamined: unless you want to help iron out problems.08:54
cps1966soundray:  any hint in esession eroors08:55
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PriceChildsoundray, gksudo for graphical applications.08:55
cps1966xsession i mean08:55
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soundrayPriceChild: yes, thanks... joeamined: 'gksudo update-manager -d'08:56
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denndahey there09:03
denndaGutsy doesn't use the right area of my touchpad. Dunno what it's called. It's used to scroll down09:05
dennda(feisty did)09:05
PiciCheck your mouse preferences, someone said that they had to re-enable theirs.09:05
denndaahhh thank you09:07
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moognocciWhens gutsy out?09:20
Picimoognocci: middle of October09:20
moognoccisweet, what can we look forward to?09:20
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moognoccifeisty was a pronounced improvement, another one of those and well.....09:21
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Picimoognocci: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy/09:24
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tarheelcoxnoooh. new kernel. yummy09:25
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CountXoh man09:26
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pvandewyngaerdehow can i find out what program is locking de  packages database ?09:30
gnomefreakpvandewyngaerde: error?09:30
gnomefreakpvandewyngaerde: if its what i think maybe close synaptic if apt-get is giving you an error09:30
gnomefreakpvandewyngaerde: or you have apt-get in terminal already09:31
gnomefreakif its adept thats another story09:31
pvandewyngaerdenope, its after restart on a kubuntu machine09:31
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gnomefreakpvandewyngaerde: are you in #kubuntu by chance?09:31
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pvandewyngaerdejust now09:32
gnomefreakpvandewyngaerde: most likely update-manager-kde is running in background or adept (cant remember what one would be)09:32
gnomefreakthere is a way to stop it09:32
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pvandewyngaerdecan i force to remove the lock ?09:33
gnomefreakpvandewyngaerde: sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a09:33
gnomefreakthat command should work09:34
ubotuIf Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 09:34
gnomefreakthere you go :)09:34
gnomefreakoh yay new kernel already09:35
gnomefreakrelease was ~around monday of next week but i guess its done early09:35
gnomefreak. goes after the 1209:35
gnomefreakwhy the rename09:36
gnomefreak2.6.22-12-generic ah it wasnt09:36
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Eiccadoes this still exist in gutsy? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=41400209:39
benanzoIn compiz I have solid white lines where shadows should be on panels and menus09:39
benanzoother shadows are fine, just panels and menus are surrounded by solid white09:40
benanzoany ideas?09:40
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gnomefreakEicca: no way of knowing unless you try it, or find a bug report on it. the devels dont normally look at forums for bugs09:43
Eiccaif i just could copy the whole report somehow09:44
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gnomefreakEicca: its better to put it in your own words and have logs that have the error when asked for them or if you know what is needed post it at time of reporting09:45
Eiccayea, i just dont know how to get the error from the recovery booting state09:45
Eiccahow can i copy it?09:45
Eiccashould i just write on a paper?09:45
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gnomefreakEicca: look in /var/log you will find most logs go there09:46
Eiccabut i cant boot09:46
Eiccalive cd?09:46
gnomefreakEicca: not unless you chroot into installed system with livecd09:47
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rathelHamachi doesn't seem to wanna work with Gutsy. :(09:47
gnomefreakEicca: instructions for that basic chroot should be found in !grub factoid09:47
Eiccaim today so tired that i might try it tomorrow09:47
=== gnomefreak not in a hurry ;) not much is gonna be done if this happens with latest kernel
gnomefreakyou wont see may updates at all for next week or so09:48
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Aondoeach time there has been a kernel change, first time i boot up, it always loads my webcam as primary soundinput :P second time i boot it is back to normal10:21
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advdgorilim having sound issues. all sound plays back extremely low10:41
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advdgorilcan someone help me out. i have the levels set to max and cant hardly here audio10:42
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benanzoI have a Gutsy chroot that I built with deboostrap and schroot, but I can't use ctrl-shft-v to paste into the chrooted term -- how do I fix this?10:44
hydrogenyou never paste into a terminal with ctrl+v10:44
hydrogenits shift+insert or middle mouse10:44
benanzoin gnome-terminal it's CTRL+SHIFT+V to paste or CTRL+SHIFT+C to copy10:45
advdgorilanyone know what could be causing this sound issue?10:45
benanzoit works in normal term, but not chrooted term10:45
hydrogentry shift+insert/middle mouse10:45
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benanzosame problem10:46
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winbondim having like 30 seconds lag on irc, anyone having same problem?11:08
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ohadanyone know the solution for this one? http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/joomla/index.php?/component/option,com_fireboard/Itemid,27/func,view/catid,3/id,551/11:11
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cyphaseis there any reason that ntp support isn't installed by default in ubuntu?11:18
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ohadi have a problem connecting to wifi with intel 4965 on my thinkpad x61s. i'm connected to the ap but then after a couple of minutes the data packets stop all of a sudden. esp. when i'm using wpa. . any ideas how to resolve that? i just upgraded hope that helps11:20
winbondohad, downgrade the kernel11:22
ohadwinbond, to what?11:22
ohadwinbond, i just upgraded it and it seems to be working better11:23
ohadwinbond, i have just upgraded to 22-1211:23
ohadwinbond, do you have the same machine?11:23
winbondi dont know, change the channel11:23
winbondadjust radio output if u can11:23
winbondno , i have a desktop11:24
winbondr u using a router?11:24
ohadwinbond, as an ap? yes11:24
winbondgood routers have bunch of different settings u can tweak to try to get a good connection11:25
winbondwhats ur router?11:25
ohadwinbond, how do i adjust the channel ?and how does that impact the ability to WPA or LEAP encryption ?11:25
ohadwinbond, i need to connect to the leap network at school11:25
ohadseems like things are working so far.. .let me try and restart11:26
CountXim looking for a cheap good wired/wireless router, any suggestions?11:28
CountXanyone pleasE?11:29
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nomasteryodagood to see Firefox and Thunderbird issue has been worked out... at least for me11:30
nomasteryodaeven compiz just works...11:31
nomasteryodagreat work11:31
tormodCountX: very off-topic, but my Linksys WRT54GL runs Linux itself11:31
CountXgranparidiso is buggy as hell11:31
gnomefreakCountX: yes it is i said that yesterday11:32
gnomefreakCountX: im one of the maintainers of mozilla apps (the unpaid kind)11:32
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gnomefreakwe will try to have a8/b1 after beta release11:33
gnomefreakthere are 2 people working on it atm11:33
CountXgnomefreak: cool, hows it going?11:33
gnomefreakCountX: dont know im not working on it this release11:33
gnomefreaki started it up to a7 someone took over thank god11:33
=== gnomefreak has hands full with songbird sunbird and iceape
winbondis anyone using a blacklist with a iptables?11:34
CountXgnomefreak: well, how does it look11:34
CountXlike when is it coming out? cause i have high hopes11:34
gnomefreakso far so good it builds thats about all i know11:34
gnomefreakCountX: after beta release11:34
CountXgnomefreak: i have my hands full too11:34
gnomefreakaround oct111:34
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=== CountX is working on a mmo that will have a linux release :)
gnomefreakiirc beta release of gutsy is the 26-27th but a day or 2 on either end is safe bet11:35
CountXgnomefreak: cool the dethalbum comes out oct 211:35
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gnomefreaki lied its not building xul issues11:35
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gnomefreakbut thats what happens with xul 1.911:36
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bjwebbwhat will happen to my settings if i use the same home partition for a new install on a different partition11:40
nomasteryodathey will be right there... just might cause some issue from one to the other in the way gnome.conf is handled... But, i use Feisty and Gutsy and they both work fine11:43
nomasteryodaso ymmv11:43
Xerohttp://pastebin.com/m259c5f8e <---What packages do I need to fix this compile error? I already did apt-get build-dep compiz11:44
nomasteryodaif the home is in say sda2, root1 is in sda1 and root2 (new one ) is in sda411:44
nomasteryodashould be ok bjwebb11:44
gnomefreakXero: build-essential?11:44
nomasteryodathat would help a bunch11:45
gnomefreaki didnt look at error and im not really in best mood to but try it11:45
Xerognomefreak, I already have build-essential11:45
gnomefreaklet me finish what im doing11:48
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drockanyone know the xml syntax for defining a custom screen in displayconfig-gtk?11:53
sam1337Is it just me or did an update brake compiz fusion a couple of days ago?11:54
sam1337i think it might of been yesterday11:54
sam1337compiz fusion has become an absoloute must for me now :(11:55
Xerosam1337, it didn't break for me.11:55
XeroMaybe it's your installation having a problem, or maybe I'm a lucky lucky bastard.11:55
sam1337ill pastebin my terminal output11:55
sam1337using an nvidia 7600gs proprietory driver11:57
XeroComparing resolution (1440x900) to maximum 3D texture size (512): Failed.11:57
XeroThat's your problem, but I don't know how to fix it.11:57
sam1337i have 512mb of graphics memory if thats any use11:58
sam1337brb getting a drink11:58
Xerosam1337, have you tried using Xgl?11:58
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XeroI'm a newbie to Ubuntu, so I can't really help much except for offering alternatives and hoping they work?11:59
sam1337what does s/?/. mean?12:00
sam1337im fairly new to linux too12:00
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LjLsam1337: l33tspeak for "substitute the '?' i wrote with a '.'"12:00
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LjLboth ? and . are special characters in regexps12:00
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crdlband it's missing the trailing / :)12:04
tormodLjL: but the . is not regexp in this case :)12:04
sam1337yay found instructions which fixed compiz for me!12:06
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sam1337And it seems to run really fast now!12:06
VousDeuxwhere are the instructions?12:07
crdlbit's quite simple, you just need to edit the /usr/bin/compiz wrapper12:07
crdlbto fix a bug12:07
sam1337crdlb thats correct12:07
crdlbchange GL_MAX_3D_TEXTURE_SIZE (or similar) to GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE12:08
sam1337anybody know how to remove all buttons from emerald apart from the close window button?12:08
crdlbjust look in emerald-theme-manager12:09
crdlbyou can customize the buttons in the theme12:09
tarheelcoxnbug 14160912:09
ubotuLaunchpad bug 141609 in xorg "startx fails with vesa, ati on T41 with Radeon Mobility M7 LW [Radeon Mobility 7500] " [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/14160912:09
crdlbuh oh I better not use gutsy12:10
crdlbI have that card XD12:10
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sam1337crdlb you sure i can remove the buttons? because atm it looks to me that i can only change the style of them12:10
tarheelcoxnI don't suppose anybody has a T41 with a radeon mobility M7?12:10
_Jaak_am i the only one having sudden trouble with my nvidia and compiz?12:11
tarheelcoxnsomebody who'd want to look at that with me12:11
crdlbI have a T42 with a M7 but I'm not using gutsy :)12:11
VousDeuxhmmm....I don't seem to have a /usr/bin/compiz wrapper12:11
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crdlbVousDeux, /usr/bin/compiz is a binary?12:11
ryanpgseems the latest gutsy update screws my font settings... full hinting doesn't get rid of the "rainbow" font effect that medium and slight hinting produces12:11
VousDeuxyes, it is binary12:11
crdlb_Jaak_, no :)12:11
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VousDeuxno wait...it's a shell script12:12
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crdlbsam1337, yes, you have to edit the theme12:12
_Jaak_no, as in it's a known going to be fixed soon problem?12:12
Ademanhey dumb question, what gnome version is gonna be in gutsy?12:12
crdlbthere's an entry where each button is a letter12:13
crdlb_Jaak_, you can fix it yourself12:13
ryanpgdid font hinting change recently?12:13
Ademanjsomers: awesome, the full release? not any release candidate or anything?12:13
_Jaak_do you have a link?12:14
jsomersAdeman: the Gnome help already states it's Gnome 2.2012:14
ryanpghas TrueType's Byte Code Interpreter been recently removed/disabled?12:14
gaminggeekanyone else find that compiz is putting windows under the taskbar?12:14
jsomersand there has been a major upgrade yesterday12:14
jsomersso I think it's the final version12:14
Ademanah ok cool12:14
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crdlb_Jaak_, yeah sec12:15
crdlbgaminggeek, do you have ccsm installed?12:15
MaxwellI've just booted up the live disc of tribe 5 to play with the compiz-fusion effects, I can't find the shortcut keys anywhere for hide all windows etc12:15
Maxwellany ideas anyone?12:15
crdlb_Jaak_, http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=3394876&postcount=1012:15
crdlbMaxwell, install compizconfig-settings-manager12:16
_Jaak_k thanks!12:16
gaminggeekwhat is ccsm?12:16
Maxwellthanks, apt-get right?12:16
MaxwellI'll give it a shot12:16
bjwebbhi again12:16
crdlbgaminggeek, compizconfig-settings-manager :)12:16
tarheelcoxncrdlb: I don't suppose I could _bribe_ you into trying gutsy? :P12:16
gaminggeekI can just use gconf12:16
crdlbgaminggeek, any reason for that?12:17
MaxwellI'm new to all this12:17
Maxwellas you probably get 9999999 times a day12:17
gaminggeekits not installed by default12:17
gaminggeekand I dont need need it12:17
crdlbyou don't use any software that's not installed by default?12:17
MaxwellI'm just new to the whole Linux thing12:18
crdlbwell I can't even try to help you with your problem unless you install ccsm12:18
MaxwellI tried ubuntu a while back12:18
gaminggeekyes you can12:18
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MaxwellI'm installing ccsm now12:18
gaminggeekjust pretend I have ccsm installed12:18
Maxwelli did "sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager"12:19
crdlbgaminggeek, ...12:19
Maxwelland it did a bunch of stuff12:19
gaminggeekok fine I am installing ccsm12:19
_Jaak_crdlb, thanks problem solved!12:19
Maxwellhow do I run ccsm now?12:20
Maxwelli'm in the terminal12:20
crdlbMaxwell, system>preferences>compizconfig settings manager12:20
crdlbccsm in the terminal works also12:21
Maxwellyes! I got it, thanks guys12:21
Maxwellmuch easier than I thought12:21
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gaminggeekright its installed now what did you want me todo?12:21
crdlbopen it12:21
alecwhHello! My friend told me there is a new version of  gedit coming out with Gusty Gibbon (ubuntu). Is this true? Can I get it now instead of waiting?12:21
VousDeuxwhen I launch compiz, it puts this little tiny adept notifier window in the top left corner of my screen12:21
Maxwellmaybe I will install ubuntu if it didn't say that it can't partition the drive12:21
crdlbgaminggeek, and make sure that the "Place Windows" plugin is checked12:21
crdlbalecwh, gedit is part of Gnome12:22
gaminggeekok that is strange12:22
crdlband gnome is not backported to older versions of ubuntu12:22
alecwhcrdlb: So is there any way I can get it with Fiesty, without installing Gusy Gibbon right now?12:22
gaminggeekit said it was enabled in the gconf12:22
crdlbalecwh, no, it depends on other parts of gnome 2.20, so you couldn't just install it by itself12:23
alecwhcrdlb: :(12:23
crdlband while the new gedit is better, it's not *that much* better :)12:23
alecwhwhen is ubuntu gusty released?12:23
crdlbmiddle of October12:23
Maxwellgedit is pretty nice now12:23
alecwhgedit is my primary tool. :)12:24
Maxwellhave you tried "e" on windows?12:24
MaxwellI payed for it and I have no problems saying it sucks12:24
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MaxwellI use mac at work, textmate is the best12:24
Maxwelland transmit12:24
bjwebbanyone here thing they'd be able to help me with weird partitions12:24
alecwhbjwebb: #ubuntu12:25
Maxwellyou guys are really helpful compared to last time I tried to use linux12:25
MaxwellI just gave up before12:26
bjwebbalecwh: i guess so, its to do with installing gutsy tho :D12:26
gaminggeekMaxwell: what distro did you try the first time??12:26
Maxwellit's worth the wait for gutsy rather than installing tribe 5 right?12:26
bjwebbshhesshh where do you americans keep your hash12:26
Maxwellconsidering it's a few weeks away or will it seamlessy upgrade?12:26
MaxwellI think I tried red hat12:27
bjwebbshift+3 :S12:27
VousDeuxwe keep it between our toes...want some?12:27
Maxwelland then Mandrake12:27
gaminggeekMaxwell: do you know enough about linux to be editing X config files and stuff like that?12:27
Maxwelland then a really early ubuntu12:27
Maxwellno idea gaminggeek12:27
gaminggeekMaxwell: then wait the few weeks :)12:28
Maxwellall I've done is one time I managed to get a nvidia graphics driver installed12:28
Maxwellit took me about a day12:28
Maxwellthen I played american army12:28
Maxwelland formatted the drive12:28
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Maxwellthe only things that make me want to switch from windows to mac are transmit, textmate and expose12:29
Maxwellbut ubuntu has similar things so looks like I can dual boot12:30
gaminggeekexpose is in linux too :)12:30
Maxwell(i need adobe creative suite for work)12:30
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gaminggeekdont know what the other things are12:30
Maxwelltransmit is an ftp program from the smarty pants at www.panic.com12:30
Maxwelland textmate is a text editor with bundles, like gedit can do now12:30
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Maxwellwow, what is the point in rain?12:33
MaxwellI mean, the compiz fusion thing12:33
Maxwellnot actual rain, i get what that's for12:33
gaminggeekits just a tech demo really12:34
gaminggeekuseless fancy fluff to show off :)12:34
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gaminggeeklike I mean shadows and stuff could be seen as useless fluff but I find the make it look better12:34
gaminggeekrain just does nothing for me :)12:35
Maxwellshadows, arguably are for window focus12:35
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Maxwellok, wtf, no the window re-focus animation is really slow12:36
Maxwellmaybe I messed with something12:37
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Maxwellthere should be a simple/advanced view to the compiz settings12:37
_Jaak_when i used to use beryl, i could make all apps go full screen by using ctrl-alt-enter is that possible with compiz?12:38
Maxwelljaak, when would that ever be useful?12:38
Maxwelljust asking...12:38
tarheelcoxnMaxwell: web browsing. often useful12:39
Maxwelltrue, like it12:39
_Jaak_with some apps that don't go propper fullscreen themselves (gnome bars showing on top) for example World of Warcraft12:39
tarheelcoxnawwww. c'mon, launchpad! come back!12:39
_Jaak_if you let beryl make the app go fullscreen the problem fades12:40
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secher_heyhey i tried to format a partition with windows with GParted, looked like it worked, but then i couldn't write to the new partition. Then i opened GParted again and got an error "Can't have overlapping partitions. Segmentation fault (core dumped)" And it says the whole disk is "unallocated" now i cant touch anything, but ubuntu is still running perfectly.... What can i do???12:46
=== defcon [n=ion@71-35-72-231.phnx.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
scizzo-secher_: you want to make a partition for win to install on?12:48
ryanpgapparently the offending package is libfreetype6, anyone know what/why changes have ruined fonts on with sub-pixel hinting?12:48
secher_scizzo, no i had windows on the partition, and wanted to erase it so i could use it for ubuntu as well12:49
ryanpgthere is now no difference between medium and full hinting... full hinting produces colorful AA12:49
ryanpgif no one knows (which is fine) can someone suggest a channel where actual devs may hang out?12:50
=== contrast83 [n=mike@adsl-074-236-242-009.sip.bgk.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
tarheelcoxnryanpg: #ubuntu-devel12:50
ryanpgtarheelcoxn, thanks12:51
tarheelcoxnryanpg: np. can't guarantee there'll be anybody there who can help....12:51
ryanpgtarheelcoxn, understood12:51
=== Lunar_Lamp [n=ed@unaffiliated/lunarlamp/x-038437] has joined #ubuntu+1
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bcm43 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:53
=== sam1337 [n=sam@host86-129-240-6.range86-129.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu+1
sam1337Ubuntu needs to support lvm and hdd encryption better imo12:54
sam1337i hope to see some better support in hardy heron12:54
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sam1337nethertheless gutsy looks to be a great advancement!12:54
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contrast83Lunar_Lamp: bcm43xx-fwcutter troubles?01:03
Lunar_Lampcontrast83: thre were - I have it sorted now.01:03
contrast83oh ok01:03
Lunar_LampI ended up completely reinstalling my laptop today when card broke.01:03
=== nosrednaekim [n=michael@01-132.200.popsite.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
Lunar_LampI probably should have tried to fix it to see what the problem was - but I wanted to wipe and reinstall the laptop.01:04
Lunar_LampI had to use fwcutter though, which I don't think I'd had to do previously :-/01:04
contrast83Lunar_Lamp: you might want to make a practice of keeping wl_apsta.o saved to a cdr or something. usually that's all you need when a broadcom card stops working01:04
contrast83Lunar_Lamp: seperate / and /home partitions, i hope?01:04
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Lunar_Lampcontrast83: yeah, I keep acer_acpi stored as I always need that as an extra.  Never needed wl_apsta.o though I don't think.01:04
contrast83Lunar_Lamp: well, wl_apsta.o is the file that bcm43xx-fwcutter retrieves, but a lot of times, the server it tries to get it from is down01:05
Lunar_Lampcontrast83: yeah, separate / and /home - hehe. I'm not a sadist.01:05
contrast83lol cool01:05
=== d4rkmonkey [n=Jared@CPE000bcd15b4ae-CM00195efba7ac.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu+1
contrast83i just recently tested out the apt-get dselect-upgrade magic. that's something beautiful01:06
Lunar_Lampdselect-upgrade? :-o01:06
contrast83one sec...01:06
Lunar_LampDoes that do what I think it does? "hmm, I do NOT like what I just did there, I want to undo it and remove all packages/config changes"01:06
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contrast83i guess you could use it in that way too, yeah01:07
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Lunar_LampI guess that's not the intended use case then?01:08
contrast83i mainly use it after a reinstall. prior to the reinstall, do "dpkg --get-selections > /home/yourname/installed-pkgs", then after reinstall, "sudo dpkg --set-selections < /home/yourname/installed-pkgs && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade"01:09
contrast83obviously you want to make sure your sources.list is set up to include the repositories you previously had enabled01:09
contrast83so in short, it just installs all the packages you had installed when you ran that first command01:10
Lunar_LampOh, right, I just did "dpkg -k > /media/sda1/packages.list" then was going to use awk to parse out the package names if I was doing a full reinstall.01:11
Lunar_Lamper, "dpkg -l..."01:11
contrast83does that basically do the same thing?01:12
Lunar_Lampdpkg -l just lists all the packages installed.01:13
Lunar_LampIt's slightly verbose so you'd need to use an awk statement to extract the package names, and then install them using aptitutde.01:13
Lunar_LampProbably has a down side compared to your method besides the effort involved - but I'm not sure what it is.01:13
Lunar_LampProbably lose the advantage of having aptitude installing packages and sorting out dependancies, as all dependancies will be installed individually.01:14
=== grndslm [n=grndslm@24-116-87-97.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
contrast83i actually just starting moving towards aptitude from apt-get01:14
CountXhow would i get my external monitor workin on a laptop01:15
CountXit has an external monitor hookup01:16
VousDeuxCountX, you maybe have a functin key to toggle the external monitor on, or some will only work when the lid is closed01:16
contrast83CountX: did you fiddle around in the display settings? my experience with that was it always *just worked* (tm)01:16
=== anhdepyeu [n=dfavro@c-71-238-111-224.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
CountXi pressed the funtion key a bunch of time and nothing happened01:17
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contrast83i've also seen a setting for that in the bios on some laptops. might have a gander in there01:17
VousDeuxdid you hold the 'fn' button while pressing the function key?01:17
VousDeuxyou may need to wait several seconds after toggling the video01:18
CountXi tried01:19
CountXi still am01:19
contrast83CountX: gnome or kde?01:19
contrast83CountX: are you trying to run the monitor as a second display or just have it clone the laptop's?01:20
CountXi just need it working01:20
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contrast83CountX: did you try messing with the Display settings in GNOME?01:22
=== Xero [n=xero9364@c-24-126-30-244.hsd1.wv.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
XeroCompiz is broken in the latest gutsy, right?01:24
CountXwhere is that01:24
XeroI can't get it to work after an update.01:24
contrast83Xero: That's what I heard last. I compile it from GIT though, and no problems here.01:25
CountXcontrast83: still no luck here01:25
contrast83CountX: I'd imagine in the Settings menu on the top panel. Don't know for sure, been a while since I used GNOME01:25
CountXpoo i dont know either01:26
CountXbut it doesnt work, i know thqat01:27
XeroComparing resolution (1024x768) to maximum 3D texture size (64): Failed.01:27
Xeroaborting and using fallback: /usr/bin/metacity01:27
XeroAha. I know how to fix this one.01:27
XeroI -was- having a much worse problem that produced no error output01:27
=== VousDeux [n=CroiX@24-236-210-3.dhcp.cdwr.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu+1
contrast83CountX: what kind of video card?01:29
CountXnvidia 760001:29
contrast83you have nvidia-glx installed, right?01:30
CountXNVIDIA GeForce 7 Series, as in the grafics tab of acreens and grafics, and yes01:30
CountXi have the latest drivers01:30
contrast83CountX: run nvidia-settings and have a look in Display Configuration01:30
contrast83CountX: Wait, you have a 7600 on a laptop?01:31
contrast83oh ok. momentary lapse of memory there, heh.01:31
=== ed_ [n=ed@78-86-133-192.zone2.bethere.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu+1
CountXok, i see the diplay config01:32
contrast83for some reason i was thinking there wasn't a mobile model of that card01:32
CountXya its a "Go"01:32
contrast83CountX: is it listing two different monitors?01:32
XeroHOORAY! The Compiz orgasm is back!01:32
CountXXero: grats01:32
contrast83CountX: i'd say look in your bios01:32
CountXcontrast83: how :)01:33
contrast83CountX: could be it's disabled there.01:33
contrast83CountX: hit whatever key it tells you to when you turn on the machine01:33
CountXholy site01:33
contrast83CountX: and don't screw around :-|01:33
CountXi did it01:33
CountXi just hit detect displays01:33
CountXand bam01:33
CountX2 monitors01:34
contrast83are they seperate screens or are they just cloning eachother?01:34
Lunar_LampDoes medibuntu have gutsy packages around for things like libdvdcss2?01:34
CountXcontrast83: i can set things up how i want them01:34
CountXcontrast83: it has quite the options01:35
contrast83Lunar_Lamp: not yet, last i checked (maybe a week ago). the feisty packages are working ok for me though01:35
contrast83yeah. nvidia-settings is often overlooked01:35
=== yipe [n=yipe@12-218-171-233.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu+1
yipeI already love gutsy01:35
=== contrast83 doesn't know why the .deb for nvidia-glx omits the .desktop file, thus hiding a great setup tool from the user
CountXcontrast83: submit a bug?01:36
yipethank you, thank you, thank you everyone who helped put this OS on my computer01:36

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