
Rinchennewz2000, i just ran through the links and I have to agree with you. We should move the subscribe block down since it's throws off the continuity on the other pages12:19
=== mrevell [n=matthew@canonical/launchpad/mrevell] has joined #ubuntu-fridge
newz2000oh, what are those web links at the bottom of the nav?12:19
newz2000they don't work, do they need a module we don't have?12:19
newz2000I'll figure it out, just curious if anyone else knows12:19
nixternaltrying to scare you!12:20
=== newz2000 leaves
nixternaldamn, scared Matt12:20
newz2000you scared the other matt though12:20
Rinchennewz2000, do you want me to try and move that subscribe block down myself?12:23
newz2000go for it12:23
newz2000what do you guys thing, are the nav fonts too small or are they OK?12:23
newz2000the ones with the red arrows12:23
nixternalfonts look good12:24
nixternalit is pretty nasty in konqueror though12:24
newz2000oh, didn't try knoq12:24
nixternalnot the fonts, but the site12:24
newz2000or ie6 for that matter12:24
nixternalthe upper links need to go over to the right12:24
nixternalthe side bar needs to come up12:24
nixternalsearch over to the right12:25
nixternalother than that, looks decent12:25
=== nixternal really really likes the blue
nixternalnow to only get rid of that poop colored background12:25
newz2000good luck on that one12:25
newz2000I wonder if edubuntu put in their theme yet that had the more colorful version of that background12:26
newz2000oh, ie6 is foobar'd too. :-(12:27
nixternalwe are supposed to do a new one for Kubuntu, still waiting on the artwork and the mock-up so I can get to work on it12:27
nixternalie6 in itself is foobarred12:27
nixternalI had to get Vista and an iMac to see what all of the hoopla was about them12:27
nixternalthe Mac hardware is great, the OS sucks, Vista to me, works cleaner than XP did, but neither of those even come close to Slackware 1 from around the 1993/1994 era :)12:28
newz2000I need to get a cheap mac for testing... seems mac users are very vocal when your site isn't pristine in safarri12:28
nixternalsafarri is nice, the rest of the OS is retarded12:28
nixternalOK, time for a break12:29
nixternalhave fun, back in a bit12:29
Rinchennewz2000, I can't locate the block that's controling the text below subscribe now12:29
Rinchenany ideas there?12:29
RinchenI'd like to put a heading on it and then move subscribe below it12:29
newz2000ok, good, I couldn't find it either12:29
Rinchenok, I'll keep looking12:29
Rinchennewz2000, I found it12:35
Rinchennewz2000, I'm debugging it12:35
Rinchenturns out it is the In the Press block12:35
Rinchengot it12:36
Rinchenhave a look at the front page12:36
Rinchennewz2000, the only remaining item I can see is the missing icons:  "http://fridge.ubuntu.com/sites/default/themes/fridge/img/feed-icon-16x16.png"12:36
newz2000oh, that's why its missing12:37
newz2000I deleted the old template12:37
Rinchenbeuno, nixternal - Can I enlist you to write up a front page blurb about the fridge changes?12:38
newz2000more changs will come, for example, the comments aren't yet enabled12:38
newz2000and I don't know if we've enabled easier story submission12:38
newz2000(unless it happened on accident, we, I mean I, haven't done that yet)12:38
RinchenWhen we add comments I'll need to change the text of the about page12:38
newz2000I'll do that tomorrow12:39
newz2000Tonight I'll try to get our css probs fixed12:39
newz2000I'm going to take a little break for dinner and family, let me know if you find something else needing attention12:40
Rinchennewz2000, I found another theme problem. Edit a user and you'll see12:42
Rinchenthat's like soo not important though12:42
beunoRinchen, SURE12:51
Rinchenbeuno, today was the code upgrade and initial theme upgrade. MORE to come in the future12:52
beunoargh, need to bind that caps lock to something else again12:52
beunoRinchen, ok, cool, I'll get on it as soon as I get home12:52
Rinchennewz2000, the site favicon was been reset to drupal too. Can we get the fridge favicon back?12:55
Rinchennewz2000, so feed icons and favicons for today if possible. Thanks.12:56
RinchenI'm editing the about section ... again.12:59
Rinchenholy crap01:10
Rinchenso I fixed the in the press module but I just realized the stories there are like ...a hundred years old01:10
=== Rinchen laughs and goes back to debugging it
Rinchenbad database pull for that01:14
Rinchennewz2000, It just dawned on me how to fix the feed icons01:45
Rinchenso I'm doing that now01:46
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RinchenI'm going to do the CC mtg to ensure the event posting is working03:07
Rinchenthere's a bug on preview which prevents you from checking if the times are correct03:12
newz2000ok, favicon, and all the problems Rinchen mentioned here in IRC are resolved04:31
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=== Burgundavia [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #ubuntu-fridge
Rinchenhave a look at the subscribe area on the fridge09:13
Rinchennewz will make that look prettier but it's there09:13
beunoRinchen, looks pretty good already09:14
Rinchennewz is going to un-center that and give a nice left margin so they line up09:14
beunoI'll get a story about the fridge's revamp up later today, sorry about not getting on before, I've been swamped09:14
Rinchenno worries  thanks for doing it09:15
beunoright back at you09:16
RinchenI just found the fridge favicon so we'll switch that from ubuntu to the fridge09:18
beunocool, the fridge thing really took off09:25

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