rtg | mjg59: Well, I suspect you know who gets to manage those expectations. | 01:20 |
mjg59 | Heh | 01:20 |
bdmurray | uvcvideo is blocking my laptop from suspending | 01:48 |
bdmurray | I receive an error message when that kernel module is loaded and I try to suspend with 2.6.22-11. | 01:51 |
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bdmurray | Actually, I don't understand why that module is being loaded on my system. | 02:22 |
bdmurray | Whay does this "alias: usb:v*p*d*dc*dsc*dp*ic0Eisc01ip00*" alias match? | 02:23 |
bdmurray | s/Whay/What/ | 02:23 |
kylem | any device that claims to be usb video, subclass video control | 02:30 |
bdmurray | kylem: So uvcvideo will loaded for any unknown webcam? | 02:32 |
kylem | it's a match based on the capability of the usb device, not it's specific vendor/device ids. | 02:32 |
mjg59 | bdmurray: If it claims to be a USB video device, which most webcams don't | 02:34 |
bdmurray | okay, but I don't understand why the module would be loaded for devices that are supported by the driver | 02:34 |
bdmurray | maybe webcam was the wrong word, the camera in my laptop then | 02:34 |
kylem | lsusb -v | egrep 'bInterface.*Class' | 02:34 |
mjg59 | Your camera presumably claims to implement the USB video class | 02:35 |
bdmurray | Okay, so it might work with uvcvideo then? | 02:37 |
mjg59 | bdmurray: It claims that it should do. It might be lying, or uvcvideo might be broken. | 02:39 |
bdmurray | mjg59: Okay, that module is preventing me from suspending though and if it matches a lot of devices it seems like it might be a problem for a lot of people then. | 02:40 |
mjg59 | bdmurray: Sounds like we need to fix the module. What are the symptoms? | 02:40 |
bdmurray | When trying to suspend vi "echo -n mem > /sys/power/state" I receive a kernel erro message regarding "uvcvideo 5-4:1.1: suspend error -22" | 02:42 |
mjg59 | bdmurray: Uh. Why are you trying to suspend like that? | 02:43 |
bdmurray | line 39 of /etc/acpi/sleep.sh is what was failing and it wasn't very informative | 02:43 |
bdmurray | So I was originally using /etc/acpi/sleep.sh | 02:44 |
mjg59 | dmesg should give you the same information | 02:45 |
mjg59 | Hm. Interesting. I can't see any obvious reason why that would fail. | 02:45 |
bdmurray | I think it worked before this commit - 616d7243b60bb3eb2abed6cf99fe4d3edfc6a874 | 02:46 |
mjg59 | to lum or the main kernel? | 02:46 |
bdmurray | lum | 02:46 |
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mjg59 | Interesting. | 02:47 |
bdmurray | my git knowledge isn't the greatest but I think that was the last commit changing uvcvideo | 02:48 |
mjg59 | If you revert that, does it work? | 02:49 |
bdmurray | How could I do that? | 02:49 |
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mjg59 | git revert 616d7243b60bb3eb2abed6cf99fe4d3edfc6a874 | 02:49 |
mjg59 | Then try building l-u-m | 02:50 |
mjg59 | Are you sure it says "suspend error"? | 02:50 |
mjg59 | I can't find that string in the obvious bits of the kernel | 02:50 |
bdmurray | [ 83.816850] usb_endpoint usbdev5.2_ep82: PM: suspend 0->2, parent 5-4:1.0 already 2 | 02:52 |
bdmurray | [ 83.816863] uvcvideo 5-4:1.1: suspend error -22 | 02:52 |
mjg59 | Ah, ok, thanks | 02:52 |
mjg59 | Hm. Still not entirely obvious. | 02:53 |
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bdmurray | mjg59: 2.6.22-10 suspends if that is any help | 02:59 |
mjg59 | Is that before that commit? | 03:01 |
bdmurray | Yeah it looks like | 03:03 |
mjg59 | Ah, hm. That diff added a suspend method. | 03:04 |
mjg59 | Oh, I see | 03:04 |
mjg59 | Right. Can you rmmod uvcvideo, then modprobe uvcvideo trace=255 | 03:05 |
mjg59 | Then try a suspend and paste the full demsg? | 03:05 |
bdmurray | sure, just a sec | 03:06 |
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bdmurray | Did I do something wrong or should have suspending worked? | 03:13 |
lamont | kylem: you around? | 03:13 |
lamont | or BenC? | 03:13 |
mjg59 | bdmurray: No, suspending probably shouldn't have worked | 03:15 |
=== lamont sends mail to kernel-team | ||
lamont | sigh | 03:17 |
lamont | kylem: -12.36 will ftbfs on hppa without the patch I mailed to kernel-team. sorry for not mailing it earlier when it was being discussed in channel. | 03:17 |
bdmurray | mjg59: well, here is dmesg, I'll make sure it fails again too | 03:20 |
bdmurray | http://pastebin.osuosl.org/2372 | 03:20 |
mjg59 | bdmurray: Ah, I think I know what the issue is | 03:24 |
mjg59 | bdmurray: It's failing to initialise, but not releasing the device | 03:24 |
mjg59 | Hm. No, that /should/ release things correctly | 03:25 |
=== lamont goes hoem | ||
bdmurray | Hrm, ocassionally the system becomes nonresponsive when suspending too. | 03:34 |
lamont | bdmurray: mine turns almost completely off when I suspend it. :) | 04:04 |
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=== lamont thinks that the lrm build-dep on gcc-3.4 [hppa] could change to gcc-4.1. I'll test that tomorrow | ||
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kraut | moin | 08:25 |
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verwilst | hi guys | 01:26 |
verwilst | i was wondering, shouldn't there be a linux-image-xen or something? | 01:26 |
verwilst | i apt-get install'ed linux-image-2.6.22-11-xen | 01:27 |
verwilst | but apparently, when 2.6.22-12-xen is out, it doesn't automatically upgrade | 01:27 |
verwilst | could it be because be installing it like that, it pinned itself to -11 ? | 01:27 |
Chorus | there is a package named "linux-image-xen" | 01:30 |
Chorus | http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/metapackages/linux-image-xen | 01:30 |
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verwilst | aaah | 01:41 |
verwilst | but not for amd64 | 01:41 |
verwilst | bugreport it? | 01:41 |
zul | verwilst: its coming soon | 01:47 |
verwilst | zul: coolnes :) | 01:49 |
verwilst | just trying out xenman | 01:50 |
verwilst | 0.5 on feisty doesn't seem to let me login to my server | 01:50 |
verwilst | 0.6 doesn't seem to work on feisty, it cant find some modules :) | 01:50 |
verwilst | python modules that is | 01:50 |
zul | because xen-3.1 changed stuff | 01:50 |
zul | try the one on gutsy | 01:50 |
verwilst | yeah, i don't have a gutsy yet | 01:51 |
verwilst | oh! my laptop! | 01:51 |
verwilst | it scans for /usr/lib/xen-*, maybe if i just change the location, it'll work | 01:51 |
verwilst | zul: apparmor seems to be disabled for the xen kernel | 02:20 |
verwilst | any idea why? | 02:20 |
zul | verwilst: because its not, i dont use it for one | 02:20 |
verwilst | its not disabled you mean? | 02:20 |
zul | verwilst: but but in a bug request and ill enable it this weekend | 02:21 |
verwilst | thanks man :) | 02:21 |
verwilst | zul: hm, it seems to be available in linux-ubuntu-modules-xen | 02:26 |
verwilst | E: Couldn't find package linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-12-xen | 02:26 |
verwilst | but my mirror is acting up so it seems :p | 02:26 |
zul | for amd64? | 02:26 |
verwilst | in the changelog entry for ",linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22 (2.6.22-12.29)" it says "Ben Collins: ubuntu: Add amd64 to xen target" | 02:28 |
zul | could be your mirro | 02:28 |
verwilst | ftp://ftp.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/l/linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22 | 02:29 |
verwilst | idd | 02:29 |
verwilst | the kernel has been sycned | 02:29 |
verwilst | but the modules aren't yet | 02:29 |
verwilst | xenman looks pretty nice btw | 02:30 |
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jetsaredim | did we ever get an answer on the vmware modules question? | 02:44 |
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verwilst | zul: hm, do you know of a bug that makes the bridge not being creates? | 03:13 |
verwilst | created* | 03:13 |
verwilst | i have bridge-utils installed | 03:13 |
verwilst | and my xend-config.sxp has the network-bridge thing correct | 03:14 |
verwilst | i have lots of vif's, but no bridge | 03:14 |
zul | nope | 03:14 |
verwilst | had that problem before with -10 i think | 03:15 |
verwilst | booting with 2.6.16-xen worked fine | 03:15 |
verwilst | so must be a kernel issue | 03:15 |
verwilst | 2.6.18-xen sorry, the official one | 03:15 |
zul | you might want to check #xen | 03:16 |
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Nafallo | Lenovo ThinkPad R61 (NA01FUK) | 04:12 |
Nafallo | I hope its a good one, cause I have it early next week :-) | 04:12 |
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verwilst | zul: read everything on #xen? :) | 04:43 |
zul | uh no | 04:43 |
verwilst | zul: only the last lines are important :) | 04:43 |
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bdmurray | BenC: I'm having some issues with suspend and uvcvideo on my laptop. | 05:01 |
BenC | bdmurray: yeah, I've heard the same from others | 05:01 |
mjg59 | bdmurray: Did you generate the full trace I asked for? | 05:01 |
BenC | some people have added it to the list of modules to load/unload for suspend | 05:01 |
mjg59 | There's a trivial one line workaround | 05:02 |
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mjg59 | Just change the return -EINVAL to return 0 in uvc_suspend() | 05:03 |
mjg59 | It's a sanity check that's failing | 05:03 |
mjg59 | I suspect because the driver never bound, so dev->video.streaming->intf never got set | 05:03 |
mjg59 | Quite /why/ the driver is still attached to the device when it failed to set up the video interface, I've no idea | 05:03 |
zul | mjg59: http://svn.berlios.de/viewcvs/linux-uvc/linux-uvc/trunk/uvc_driver.c?rev=122&r1=120&r2=122 | 05:04 |
mjg59 | zul: Yes, that's the code we have | 05:04 |
zul | ah ok | 05:04 |
bdmurray | When the module is initially loaded I do see a message about it failing to initialize the device | 05:05 |
mjg59 | bdmurray: The logs from an attempted suspend with the tracing turned on would be helpful | 05:05 |
bdmurray | mjg59: okay, I'll keep trying to get one | 05:06 |
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natenewz | submitted bug #129972 this last summer, if somebody wants to take a look, I can test and run commands and things | 06:04 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 129972 in alsa-driver "no sound on hp dv6500 pavilion laptop" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129972 | 06:04 |
bdmurray | natenewz: is that with gutsy or feisty? | 06:06 |
natenewz | bdmurray: gutsy | 06:09 |
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bdmurray | natenewz: installed or a live cd? | 06:12 |
natenewz | bdmurray: installed | 06:13 |
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jdong | what architectures are "tickless"? | 06:44 |
jdong | just i386, or i386 and amd64? | 06:44 |
jdong | sorry if I, err, ticked... anyone off by asking that in -devel | 06:45 |
mjg59 | Just 9386 | 06:45 |
mjg59 | i386 | 06:45 |
jdong | ah, ok | 06:45 |
jdong | thanks | 06:45 |
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bdmurray | Is there a reason PM_TRACE isn't available on amd64? | 07:00 |
mjg59 | bdmurray: It shouldn't make any difference in this case? | 07:02 |
bdmurray | mjg59: The architecture shouldn't make any difference? | 07:03 |
mjg59 | bdmurray: Oh, sorry, are we not on uvcvideo any more? | 07:04 |
mjg59 | I believe rtg added PM_TRACE support to x86_64 | 07:05 |
mjg59 | Back in Feisty | 07:05 |
bdmurray | Right I see it in 2.6.20 but not 2.6.22 | 07:05 |
rtg | mjg59: I don't think we carried that forward. | 07:05 |
mjg59 | sigh. | 07:06 |
mjg59 | BenC: Please, please, please could you generate a list of patches that weren't carried forward? | 07:06 |
kylem | eh? | 07:07 |
kylem | it's upstream. | 07:07 |
BenC | those got merged upstream | 07:07 |
mjg59 | BenC: It's still something of a general problem, though | 07:07 |
rtg | mjg59: PM_TRACE was used to find out which drivers were causing suspend problems. I think most of them have been fixed. The remaining video issues are not solvable using PM_TRACE. | 07:07 |
mjg59 | rtg: No, there will still be a large number of drivers causing issues. | 07:08 |
BenC | mjg59: at this point, suspend tracing doesn't much matter, does it? | 07:08 |
BenC | but i was sure all of our patches got merged upstream, including the amd64 one | 07:08 |
mjg59 | BenC: We still seem to be missing the MSI and MMCONFIG stuff | 07:09 |
BenC | Now that I was sure was merged at the start of gutsy work | 07:09 |
mjg59 | Nope | 07:09 |
mjg59 | static int pci_msi_enable = 1; | 07:10 |
mjg59 | BenC: This is why I keep asking for a list - nobody seems to have any clue which patches have been dropped by accident :) | 07:11 |
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bdmurray | I think there should be some consistency with pm_trace. Having it available on i386 but not on x86_64 seems odd. Also the wiki page DebuggingKernelSuspend points people to it. | 07:18 |
mjg59 | Yeah. It's in-kernel, it should be switched on. | 07:18 |
=== BenC was pretty sure tim merged that...let me check | ||
BenC | yeah, the +6 is still there, so no amd64 support...hmm | 07:23 |
rtg | BenC: Cherry-pick from Feisty? | 07:24 |
BenC | rtg: yeah | 07:25 |
rtg | Feisty c63e3d917a84214a98c81ae497bcd4a72ead62ed | 07:25 |
rtg | I'll get it after kylem sorts out the ABI brokeness. | 07:25 |
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Kano | hi, are those vfs changes from 2.6.23? | 09:28 |
Kano | they make that aufs does not compile again | 09:28 |
BenC | Kano: no, they are caused by apparmor needing vfs changes for proper hooks | 09:40 |
BenC | Kano: search for an aufs patch to make it work with latest apparmor | 09:41 |
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Kano | BenC: any idea where to find that? | 10:01 |
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okaratas | hello | 11:20 |
jetsaredim | did we ever get an answer on the vmware modules question? | 11:29 |
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