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scheater5 | I've been in here and #ubuntu+1 asking about archos media players, but there's one question I haven't asked yet | 02:34 |
scheater5 | Just how far along is embeddedubuntu | 02:34 |
scheater5 | The wiki seems to suggest it's still in early stages of development | 02:34 |
mjg59 | Fairly far along, but it's currently only aimed at x86 | 02:35 |
scheater5 | I thought that was Ubuntu mobile, and embeddedUbuntu was aimed at ARM | 02:36 |
mjg59 | No, it's the same project | 02:38 |
mjg59 | We currently don't support Arm | 02:38 |
scheater5 | Ok, it's not that I don't believe you, but that's most definitely what the information out there says. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EmbeddedUbuntu | 02:41 |
mjg59 | scheater5: That's a spec for something else | 02:42 |
scheater5 | Well that's what I'm inquiring about. I am now all but certain the Archos media players are ARM-based, so my question is how far along is EmbededdedUbuntu | 02:44 |
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mjg59 | It looks like it consists of one wiki page | 02:48 |
mjg59 | You'd have to contact the people who wrote it to see if they've done anything else | 02:48 |
scheater5 | ic. | 02:52 |
mjg59 | I'm afraid it's nothing to do with UME | 02:54 |
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scheater5 | I figured they were separate projects, considering they are for separate architectures, but the official list of ubuntu irc channels says this channel is for "Ubuntu Mobile and Embedded development." | 02:57 |
scheater5 | If it seems like I'm grasping at straws here, I am. Finding information about embedded linux systems has been proving quite the headache. | 02:59 |
mjg59 | Right. Ubuntu Mobile and Embedded is the project name of the distribution currently targetting mobile and embedded x86 platforms | 03:02 |
mjg59 | Given sufficient demand or interest, that might branch out to ARM | 03:02 |
mjg59 | It's unlikely that we'll be directly involved in porting the kernel to new platforms, though | 03:02 |
scheater5 | Well, if I understand correctly, the kernel porting is long since done - the very media player I am talking about is based on linux, and Debian has an ARM port. | 03:03 |
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AaronL2 | bspencer, sodarock: was anything determined regarding the issue with the ubuntu-mobile package? | 04:39 |
AaronL2 | just got back | 04:40 |
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dholbach | good morning | 08:49 |
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guardian | i just setup an ubuntu mobile image to run on a samsung q1 ultra. testing the image on my feisty workstation, i noticed there's an input method selector selector icon on the top right of the screen | 03:34 |
guardian | it enables me to select different virtual keyboards | 03:34 |
guardian | what's the input method framework being used please ? | 03:35 |
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agoliveira | kwwii: Hi Ken. Do you want to talk about the themes now? | 04:00 |
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kwwii | agoliveira: sure, I was trying to work on it a bit last night and simply got confused | 04:02 |
kwwii | agoliveira: if you look into the hildon-theme-tools package there is a script which sets up a basic package | 04:03 |
kwwii | hildon-theme-bootstrap | 04:03 |
agoliveira | kwwii: Fine. | 04:03 |
sodarock | asac: are you able to edit the ubuntu-mobile metapackage? | 04:03 |
kwwii | calling that asks you a few simple questions about which layout, name, place to install, etc. and then creates a basic package | 04:03 |
kwwii | at this time, we have no layout of our own...eventualy we will need to add our new layout to that tool | 04:03 |
kwwii | but for now, I have taken the package that it produces and added a template.png file and a wallpaper | 04:04 |
sodarock | agoliveira: are you able to edit the ubuntu-mobile metapackage? | 04:04 |
kwwii | after looking at what I put in launchpad it turns out that it is kinda nasty, as I already built the theme before I put it in bzr, which is a mistake - we need to remove that package and put a decent one up | 04:05 |
agoliveira | sodarock: Sorry, I don't have the power for that. | 04:05 |
asac | sodarock: i think i could, but would rather not do that ... is Mithrandir not available? | 04:05 |
sodarock | agoliveira: thanks | 04:05 |
sodarock | asac: He didn't respond to my pings, I'll try later, maybe it is lunch time. | 04:05 |
sodarock | I've got time. I still haven't got out of bed yet. 7am here in Oregon. | 04:06 |
agoliveira | kwwii: Ok, let me get this straight. The hildon-theme-tools is fine, you just need a good package for it? | 04:06 |
asac | sodarock: good ;) | 04:06 |
sodarock | I will ping you later asac to work on getting moblin-applets in. FYI I am also known as HappyCamp_ | 04:07 |
kwwii | agoliveira: we need a good package from the theme package that it creates | 04:07 |
sodarock | sodarock: is my home nick. probably uncessarily confusing :( | 04:07 |
agoliveira | kwwii: | 04:07 |
agoliveira | kwwii: I see. | 04:07 |
kwwii | the hildon-theme-tools themselves are already in and work fine | 04:07 |
agoliveira | Ok, let me run this little guy here and see what comes out. I'll contact you later if I have any doubts. | 04:08 |
asac | sodarock: ah :) ... now i know who you are ;) | 04:08 |
=== sodarock wanders off to go get ready to go into work. | ||
kwwii | agoliveira: cool | 04:11 |
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kwwii | agoliveira: I am heading out for while...bbl | 04:39 |
agoliveira | kwwii: Ok, I'm also going lunch in a few minutes. | 04:39 |
kwwii | bon appetit | 04:40 |
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agoliveira | kwwii: It will be a microwave lazanha so we both know it's emergency food at best ;) | 04:51 |
agoliveira_lunch | but thanks any way ;) | 04:52 |
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HappyCamp_ | asac, if you are up for it, I'm ready to work with you on getting moblin-applets into Gutsy. | 05:35 |
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asac | HappyCamp_: let me take a break for a few minutes :) i will come back to you | 06:13 |
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HappyCamp_ | asac, no problem | 06:14 |
agoliveira | kwwii: You there? | 06:25 |
kwwii | agoliveira: yepp, but I am eating dinner in a bit | 06:47 |
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agoliveira | kwwii: If you're going to return, there's no rush, I have more things to do. | 06:48 |
kwwii | we can take care of it now | 06:48 |
kwwii | still waiting for my son to come home from his bike trip | 06:48 |
agoliveira | Ok. I was checking the hildon-theme-teste and, apart from a small dependencies change, it creates a valid package for what I've seem. What exactly you need to do from there? | 06:49 |
agoliveira | kwwii: err... hildon-theme-tools I emant | 06:51 |
agoliveira | meant | 06:51 |
=== agoliveira is still feeling some side-effects from the party last night :) | ||
kwwii | agoliveira: we need to get that theme in our build and see that it is set as default | 06:52 |
agoliveira | kwwii: You don't need to add anything to it? | 06:53 |
agoliveira | ...or change | 06:53 |
kwwii | agoliveira: actually, yes, I need to remove a lot of stuff first | 06:53 |
kwwii | but it will be a continual improvement process | 06:54 |
kwwii | we can wait until we set it as default the first time, but after that it should include any changes in the theme package when the stuff gets built again | 06:54 |
agoliveira | kwwii: Ok, I see no problems with the package itself but I have no upload privileges so we will need Tollef's help (or anyone's who can upload stuff). | 06:57 |
kwwii | agoliveira: cool :-) | 06:57 |
agoliveira | kwwii: I'll fix the dependency version problem with on the hildon-theme-tools package and see how to upload the first theme. | 06:58 |
kwwii | agoliveira: cool...the one thing I still need to do on the stuff I checked into launchpad is call a "make clean" on it (it now has all the many pixmaps in it which should be created at build time) | 06:58 |
agoliveira | kwwii: Sorry but I got a bit confuse now. Did you upload a theme package to LP or a modified theme-tools package? | 07:00 |
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kwwii | agoliveira: I uploaded a theme package | 07:13 |
kwwii | agoliveira: we still need to upload a modified package but that will take some time | 07:13 |
agoliveira | kwwii: And you wan the changes there into the "official" package? | 07:13 |
agoliveira | kwwii: I'm asking because the changes there might requeire changes on the tools package. | 07:14 |
kwwii | agoliveira: yes, I thought we could update the existing themeing with what I have for now, and once we have the new layout and such done we can work on adding that later | 07:15 |
kwwii | we will not be changing the theme-tools, but rather the theme-layout | 07:15 |
kwwii | but we are at least a week away from that | 07:15 |
agoliveira | kwwii: Hmmm... it's that the theme-tools apps download the layout from somewhere (in this case maemo's repository) so this will have to change. | 07:16 |
kwwii | erm, right...didn't think about that | 07:17 |
kwwii | although, you have to have the layout already installed to create the theme package I thought | 07:17 |
kwwii | there is a package for hildon-theme-layout4 or such | 07:17 |
kwwii | we will be tweaking that, but we are not that far along yet | 07:18 |
kwwii | I have no idea what the theme-tools download from the maemo repo's though | 07:18 |
agoliveira | kwwii: Exactly. So, we have to think what to do in this case. I wonder if wouldn't be better if I modify the tools to use a local set of files that will deppend on a package (the theme package) so you could modify the theme files locally, build it with the tools and, once satisfied, upload it so it will be used as the theme by the UME itself and as a base for you. | 07:20 |
kwwii | agoliveira: that definitely sounds like the best idea - we will be tweaking this stuff for quite a while I think | 07:20 |
kwwii | in addition, and 3rd party vendors will want to do the same | 07:21 |
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agoliveira | kwwii: Ok, I'll see to it. | 07:24 |
kwwii | agoliveira: sweet, thanks man | 07:24 |
=== agoliveira grabs the chains and the whip... | ||
agoliveira | kwwii: No problem :) | 07:24 |
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AaronL2 | kwwii: still there, bspencer suggested that I talk to you regarding issues with icon themes and gtk | 07:40 |
AaronL2 | I mean, still there? | 07:40 |
AaronL2 | also, does anyone know if the issue with ubuntu-mobile and the incorrect dependency has been fixed? | 07:41 |
Mithrandir | yes, it was fixed some hours ago | 07:41 |
AaronL2 | Mithrandir: thanks | 07:42 |
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AaronL2 | hi, anyone here familiar with XSETTINGS and GTK? | 07:51 |
AaronL2 | I mean, as XSETTINGS is used by GTK | 07:51 |
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HappyCamp_ | agoliveira, Do you know off the top of your head, how to build a debian package as lpia on an i386 based system? | 08:44 |
=== HappyCamp_ wonders if asac forget about poor little old HappyCamp_ | ||
agoliveira | HappyCamp_: You make a lpia chroot. | 08:44 |
HappyCamp_ | Ah, with pbuilder :) | 08:45 |
HappyCamp_ | Now I remember, I think somebody said that to me when we were in Boston. | 08:45 |
agoliveira | HappyCamp_: Glad to help :) | 08:45 |
HappyCamp_ | Now I just got to go dig through pbuilder info. Thanks agoliveira | 08:46 |
agoliveira | HappyCamp_: or debootstrap directly. | 08:48 |
HappyCamp_ | agoliveira, I just figured the debootstrap part out :) Now I have to figure out if I can just say --arch=lpia | 08:49 |
agoliveira | HappyCamp_: sudo debootstrap --arch lpia gutsy your_dir_goes_here http://ports.ubuntu.com/ should do the trick | 08:50 |
HappyCamp_ | agoliveira, sweet thanks :) | 08:52 |
agoliveira | HappyCamp_: My pleasure! | 08:52 |
Mithrandir | you don't need the ports.ubuntu.com bit | 09:16 |
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asac | HappyCamp_: can i just clone your git branch to review? have you set tags? | 09:34 |
agoliveira | Mithrandir: Interesting. I didn't knew that. | 09:36 |
=== agoliveira just sees that the <mirror> parameter on debootstrap is optional. | ||
Mithrandir | yes, and it's smart enough to know that gutsy/i386 lives somewhere else than lenny/amd64 | 09:38 |
=== agoliveira thinks that those tools are growing too smart already :) | ||
agoliveira | Talking about smart tools: http://www.technologyreview.com/player/07/09/19Greene/1.aspx | 09:41 |
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asac_ | HappyCamp_: i was off ... if you said anything, please paste again | 09:50 |
kwwii | seb128: ping? | 09:54 |
seb128 | kwwii: hi | 09:54 |
AaronL2 | seb128: Hi, I've been chatting with kwwii regarding problems with icon themes and GTK | 09:55 |
kwwii | seb128: do you understand how xsettings works? | 09:56 |
AaronL2 | I'm probably going to send an e-mail about this to ubuntu-mobile, it seems that an additional component, the xsettings manager, is necessary, for this to work | 09:56 |
seb128 | kwwii: not the details but I've somewhat, why? | 09:57 |
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AaronL2 | kwwii: would you like me to describe the issue? | 09:59 |
AaronL2 | seb128: not sure what happened, but I can describe the problem. I've been porting the maemo VNC viewer project to MIDs, and I use one of the icons from the hildon icon theme. Unfortunately, it doesn't display, and instead, the missing icon icon displays. | 10:01 |
AaronL2 | seb128: I dug into the GTK/GDK code, and the code for icon themes is primarily implemented in gtkicontheme.c. | 10:02 |
AaronL2 | It will typically only load at most three icon themes, the main icon theme, the fallback icon theme, and the default icon theme. The default is always hicolor. | 10:02 |
seb128 | right | 10:02 |
AaronL2 | It tries to get the main and fallback icon themes from the xsettings manager--this code is in gdk/x11/xsettings-client.c | 10:02 |
AaronL2 | The XSETTINGS manager is actually a separate window--it queries the window using an X atom. | 10:03 |
AaronL2 | there are various XSETTINGS settings, including the main icon theme and the fallback icon theme. | 10:03 |
AaronL2 | of course, on MIDs, there is no XSETTINGS manager window | 10:04 |
AaronL2 | so, it falls back to "hicolor" for the main theme and NULL for the fallback theme. | 10:04 |
AaronL2 | it will also add any icon themes that are inherited by the hicolor icon theme (as declared in its index.theme file), but there aren't any. | 10:04 |
AaronL2 | As far as I know, the XSETTINGS manager is provided by GNOME's control panel. | 10:05 |
AaronL2 | the main icon theme that is returned is the one that corresponds to the overall current theme the user has chosen, I think | 10:05 |
AaronL2 | the fallback is always "gnome" | 10:05 |
AaronL2 | Without modifying GTK, it seems that we need an XSETTINGS manager to get things done properly--perhaps the fallback could be hildon. | 10:06 |
AaronL2 | there is no "default" implementation for an XSETTINGS manager | 10:06 |
AaronL2 | another option would be to patch the index.theme file for the hicolor icon theme and add an Inherits line, but that's kludgy | 10:06 |
AaronL2 | seb128: what do you think? | 10:07 |
AaronL2 | for the purpose of porting already existing maemo applications, I think that the hildon icon theme needs to be available. | 10:07 |
seb128 | you can inherit from the maemo theme in the theme index | 10:07 |
seb128 | if you need it | 10:08 |
AaronL2 | do you mean the hicolor index.theme file? | 10:08 |
seb128 | no, whatever theme you are using | 10:08 |
AaronL2 | gtkicontheme.c ignores that--it depends on an XSETTINGS manager to retrieve that information | 10:08 |
seb128 | you don't need a xsettings manager | 10:08 |
seb128 | you can either use the xsettings or use a .gtkrc for example | 10:09 |
AaronL2 | I couldn't find anything in the gtkrc file having to do with icon themes | 10:09 |
AaronL2 | plus, the code in gtkicontheme.c does not do anything with gtkrc | 10:09 |
AaronL2 | I tried modifying the mobilebasic theme file, that didn't change anything | 10:10 |
seb128 | hum, right | 10:10 |
AaronL2 | I don't think GTK's icon theme code is examining any of these things | 10:10 |
seb128 | sorry, that's for GTK themes | 10:10 |
seb128 | well, you can create an icon theme | 10:10 |
AaronL2 | yeah, although it is possible to specify the icon theme that is used by the GTK theme | 10:10 |
seb128 | and have an Inherits=othertheme | 10:10 |
AaronL2 | but again, I don't think it will use this information | 10:10 |
AaronL2 | seb128: right, but either the programmer will have to manually enable this icon theme or patch hicolor | 10:11 |
seb128 | why? | 10:11 |
AaronL2 | well, just because the icon theme is added to /usr/share/icons doesn't mean it will be automatically used | 10:11 |
seb128 | no, that's where you have to use xsettings | 10:11 |
AaronL2 | if that were the case, then the hildon icon theme would automatically be added to the list of icon themes maintained by GTK | 10:11 |
AaronL2 | ok, then xsettings, where are these xsettings stored? I debugged through the xsettings code | 10:12 |
AaronL2 | and it only gets them from an XSETTINGS manager window | 10:12 |
AaronL2 | if it cannot contact an XSETTINGS manager window, then it fallback back to "hicolor" for main and null for fallback | 10:12 |
AaronL2 | s/it fallback back/it falls back | 10:12 |
seb128 | xsettings are not "stored" | 10:13 |
kwwii | hrm, I see that in the gtkrc of mobile-basic it sets hildon as the fallback theme which is apparently not used if you what you say is correct | 10:13 |
seb128 | gnome-settings-daemon read /desktop/gnome/interface/icon_theme | 10:13 |
seb128 | and applies it as xsetting | 10:13 |
seb128 | that GTK uses | 10:13 |
AaronL2 | okay, well, I tried that | 10:13 |
AaronL2 | I modified /desktop/gnome/interface/icon_theme and changed it to hildon | 10:14 |
AaronL2 | I used gconftool | 10:14 |
AaronL2 | that didn't change things | 10:14 |
seb128 | do you run gnome-settings-daemon? | 10:14 |
AaronL2 | is it enabled by the platform? | 10:14 |
AaronL2 | gnome-settings-daemon is probably supplying an XSETTINGS manager window | 10:14 |
seb128 | I've no idea what you call "the platform" | 10:14 |
AaronL2 | I mean | 10:14 |
AaronL2 | by an image generated by Image creator | 10:14 |
seb128 | gnome-settings-daemon runs on the ubuntu desktop | 10:14 |
seb128 | I didn't run a mobile environment | 10:15 |
seb128 | no idea, you need to ask somebody from ubuntu-mobile | 10:15 |
AaronL2 | ok, then maybe we need gnome-settings-daemon on MIDs | 10:15 |
seb128 | from reading the mailing list probably not | 10:15 |
kwwii | seb128: I do not think it is run on mobile | 10:15 |
seb128 | no | 10:16 |
seb128 | let me look to the list | 10:16 |
seb128 | somebody wrote about an hildon-setting-manager I think | 10:16 |
seb128 | "Moblin Applets (moblin-utilities) Status Update" | 10:16 |
seb128 | "Replaced gnome-settings-daemon with a customized version called | 10:17 |
seb128 | moblin-settings-daemon. This daemon is based on the gnome version's | 10:17 |
seb128 | code but will have all the pieces moblin doesn't need stripped out." | 10:17 |
AaronL2 | this was from Todd Brandt? | 10:17 |
seb128 | "Brandt, Todd E <todd.e.brandt@intel.com>" | 10:17 |
seb128 | yes | 10:17 |
ToddBrandt | that's me, reading back | 10:17 |
AaronL2 | :-) | 10:17 |
seb128 | this setting daemon should probably apply the theme xsetting then | 10:17 |
AaronL2 | ToddBrandt: the XSETTINGS stuff is documented at freedesktop.org | 10:18 |
ToddBrandt | AaronL2 and seb128: gnome-settings-daemon was build and installed by gnome-control-center, which has been supplanted by the moblin-applets package | 10:18 |
ToddBrandt | moblin-applets now uses a modigified version of gnome-settings-daemon called moblin-settings-daemon] | 10:18 |
seb128 | ok | 10:18 |
seb128 | looks like it should read some gconf key and apply the corresponding xsettings then | 10:19 |
ToddBrandt | It does have a themes section in it taken from gnome-settings-daemon, is that what you're trying to enable? | 10:19 |
ToddBrandt | yep | 10:19 |
AaronL2 | well, yes and no | 10:19 |
AaronL2 | it needs to be able to work with GTK's XSETTINGS client | 10:19 |
seb128 | there is no "client" | 10:20 |
AaronL2 | GTK queries a hidden window (well, most likely a hidden window) that provides a certain atom | 10:20 |
seb128 | a GTK application will use the xsetting | 10:20 |
seb128 | the manager just needs to set it | 10:20 |
ToddBrandt | hmm, I haven't looked too deeply at the theme code in gnome/moblin-settings-daemon | 10:20 |
AaronL2 | seb128: I don't think that's the way it works, I stepped through the code yesterday. | 10:20 |
seb128 | AaronL2: how do you think it works? | 10:20 |
seb128 | AaronL2: run applications under GNOME, change the theme, notice that they update automatically | 10:21 |
AaronL2 | seb128: right | 10:21 |
AaronL2 | I'm talking about under the surface | 10:21 |
AaronL2 | exactly how the GTK process gets this information | 10:21 |
seb128 | under GNOME the theme manager updates the key, the settings-daemon watch the key and update the xsetting and GTK use the change | 10:21 |
AaronL2 | the settings daemon is in a separate process | 10:21 |
AaronL2 | there is a mechanism that GTK is using to query the settings daemon | 10:22 |
AaronL2 | it uses X atoms | 10:22 |
seb128 | no | 10:22 |
AaronL2 | here's some code from xsettings-client.c in GTK | 10:22 |
seb128 | right, there is no communication with the daemon | 10:22 |
seb128 | the settings daemon update the xsetting | 10:22 |
seb128 | and the app gets it from there | 10:22 |
AaronL2 | sprintf(buffer, "_XSETTINGS_S%d", screen); | 10:23 |
AaronL2 | atom_names[0] = buffer; | 10:23 |
AaronL2 | atom_names[1] = "_XSETTINGS_SETTINGS"; | 10:23 |
AaronL2 | atom_names[2] = "MANAGER"; | 10:23 |
AaronL2 | then it uses XInternAtom to form atom IDs | 10:23 |
AaronL2 | client->selection_atom = atoms[0] ; | 10:23 |
AaronL2 | client->xsettings_atom = atoms[1] ; | 10:23 |
AaronL2 | client->manager_atom = atoms[2] ; | 10:23 |
AaronL2 | ok, it gets the manager window as follows | 10:23 |
AaronL2 | client->manager_window = XGetSelectionOwner (client->display, | 10:24 |
AaronL2 | client->selection_atom); | 10:24 |
AaronL2 | and it queries the manager window for the XSETTINGS info as follows | 10:24 |
AaronL2 | result = XGetWindowProperty (client->display, client->manager_window, | 10:24 |
AaronL2 | client->xsettings_atom, 0, LONG_MAX, | 10:24 |
AaronL2 | False, client->xsettings_atom, | 10:24 |
AaronL2 | &type, &format, &n_items, &bytes_after, &dat\ | 10:24 |
AaronL2 | a); | 10:24 |
seb128 | GTK will pick the theme change automatically, you just need the settings daemon to apply it correctly | 10:25 |
seb128 | that works with gnome-settings-daemon | 10:25 |
AaronL2 | yes, I think we are probably talking about the same thing, just at differnet levels | 10:25 |
seb128 | if that doesn't work using moblin-settings-daemon this one is probably doing something wrong | 10:25 |
AaronL2 | I think from the low-level perspective, it is using the XSETTINGS manager/client thing as I mentioned | 10:26 |
AaronL2 | that's how the communication occurs | 10:26 |
AaronL2 | but, at the higher level, these settings are managed by the settings daemon | 10:26 |
AaronL2 | and the settings daemon populates them to the XSETTINGS manager window | 10:26 |
AaronL2 | it seems that moblin-settings-daemon must provide this entire support mechanism, including the XSETTINGS manager window | 10:28 |
seb128 | right | 10:28 |
ToddBrandt | seb128 and AaronL2: at the moment when you use the moblin platform neither gnome or moblin-settings-daemon run, I am (this very minut) adding in moblin-settings-daemon to be autorun when the GUI starts. Thusfar all I've changed from the gnome-settings-daemon code is the keybindings functionality, the xsettings functionality is identical and should still function with the gnome gconf keys, The latest moblin-applets | 10:28 |
ToddBrandt | will be ready in about an hour. | 10:28 |
AaronL2 | Todd: so, the fallback icon theme is still "gnome", I take it? | 10:29 |
seb128 | gtk+ uses gnome and hicolor in any case | 10:29 |
AaronL2 | perhaps the mobilebasic icon theme (if there is one), can inherit from Hildon | 10:29 |
seb128 | hicolor is upstream | 10:29 |
AaronL2 | somehow, hildon needs to be available.... | 10:29 |
ToddBrandt | AaronL2: it's whatever control-center-2.18.1 defined it as, which is gnome, yes | 10:29 |
seb128 | and we patch it in ubuntu to use gnome because otherwise it was creating issues | 10:29 |
seb128 | whatever icon theme you use should Inherits of the other themes which are required | 10:30 |
AaronL2 | so, the main icon theme, the one returned by the settings daemon, should inherit from hildon, right? | 10:30 |
seb128 | yes | 10:31 |
AaronL2 | Todd: do you know if there is a mobilebasic icon theme? | 10:31 |
AaronL2 | I wonder what it will be using--if I recall, the icontheme specified in the mobilebasic theme file is Default | 10:31 |
AaronL2 | and of course, there is no Default icon theme provided | 10:31 |
ToddBrandt | AaronL2: I thought there was, it was what we used on the Zi9s I think | 10:31 |
AaronL2 | the only icon themes in /usr/share/icons, I think, are emacs22, hicolor, hildon, and gnome | 10:32 |
kwwii | until now we are planning on using a UME theme for certain specific icons, Tango, then Gnome and then Hicolor | 10:32 |
AaronL2 | there might be more on images created for the Samsung | 10:32 |
kwwii | this means that tango would replace hildon in our case | 10:32 |
AaronL2 | kwwii: well, as long at Tango includes all the icons from hildon, that will be fine | 10:33 |
AaronL2 | there are some specialized icons in hildon | 10:33 |
kwwii | AaronL2: those icons would end up in the UME theme then | 10:33 |
AaronL2 | how would the UME theme be used? | 10:33 |
AaronL2 | would Tango inherit from UME? | 10:33 |
kwwii | it would be the theme on top | 10:34 |
kwwii | yes | 10:34 |
AaronL2 | ok, then that should work--this might result in an install issue for already existing maemo applications, if they are specifically installing icons to an icon theme named hildon | 10:34 |
AaronL2 | one additional porting task.... | 10:34 |
kwwii | right, we will have to look into those problems as they come up | 10:35 |
kwwii | officialy by the xdg spec, 3rd party apps should install their icons in to hicolor | 10:35 |
AaronL2 | well, I would hope that you would continue to have the hildon icon theme | 10:35 |
AaronL2 | and UME might inherit from hildon | 10:35 |
kwwii | yeah, we might not get around it | 10:35 |
kwwii | our main issue is to make this as easy to theme as possible (for hardware vendors) | 10:36 |
AaronL2 | but, you're right, it is probably best to just install to hicolor, I think that will work on the Nokia Internet tablets as well | 10:36 |
kwwii | yepp, I am discussing this with the nokia people as well | 10:37 |
AaronL2 | well, I think the solution to this issue with icon themes is known, kwwii, seb128, Todd, thanks for your help | 10:38 |
AaronL2 | Todd: it looks like much of these issues will be rectified when the mobile settings daemon is enabled | 10:38 |
AaronL2 | possibly, other theme issues as well | 10:38 |
kwwii | hehe, I am good at pointing a finger at someone else :p | 10:38 |
AaronL2 | and now, no need for me to write an e-mail to ubuntu-mobile :-) | 10:39 |
ToddBrandt | AaronL2: yea, that daemon is pretty important and hasn't been run until now, if you have any issues with it let me know | 10:39 |
AaronL2 | plus, Todd sits near me, I can go and pester him :-) | 10:39 |
ToddBrandt | :) | 10:39 |
AaronL2 | well, if you aren't working from home :-P | 10:39 |
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AaronL2 | ToddBrandt: I need a user name? | 10:57 |
ToddBrandt | AaronL2: oh, wait, go here | 10:59 |
ToddBrandt | http://moblin.org/projects_moblin-applets-development.html | 10:59 |
ToddBrandt | That explains how to download and build the source without a username | 11:00 |
ToddBrandt | using rsync | 11:00 |
AaronL2 | that's working, thanks | 11:03 |
bfiller | I have a debian packaging question was wondering if anyone knew the answer too.. | 11:10 |
bfiller | I have a debian/gconf-defaults file defined. I know I need to add something to my debian/rules file to make this get installed | 11:11 |
bfiller | but not sure what. The current rules file just includes /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk. I think I need dh_gconf somewhere? | 11:12 |
ToddBrandt | bfiller: you do that with a .schema file | 11:12 |
bfiller | ToddBrandt: pls explain | 11:13 |
ToddBrandt | bfiller grab the latest moblin-applets and look at the rules file, there are two changes to debian/rules and the addition of a schemas directory which install a huge bunch of default gconf keys | 11:13 |
bfiller | ToddBrandt: cool, I'll take a look, thanks | 11:13 |
ToddBrandt | you can even compare between the two git commits, that will show exactly what was changed to add in gconf stuff | 11:13 |
ToddBrandt | This is the commit where I added all the gconf stuff from scratch (well, copied and modified from gnome-control-center, but fomr scratch from git's point of view ;) ) | 11:15 |
ToddBrandt | commit e07f69051c09e814e4ddcad2db60ad7b2f5e2e60 | 11:15 |
ToddBrandt | Author: Todd Brandt <todd.e.brandt@intel.com> | 11:15 |
ToddBrandt | Date: Tue Sep 18 23:21:55 2007 -0700 | 11:15 |
ToddBrandt | Replaced gnome-settings-daemon with a lighter weight | 11:15 |
ToddBrandt | version called moblin-settings-daemon. This should | 11:15 |
ToddBrandt | now be run at startup so as to handle the keybindings. | 11:15 |
ToddBrandt | 11:15 | |
ToddBrandt | Keybindings now functions for a new set of moblin | 11:15 |
ToddBrandt | specific gconf keys in | 11:15 |
ToddBrandt | /apps/moblin-settings-daemon/keybindings | 11:15 |
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bfiller | ToddBrandt: thanks. My problem is my deb package has no source, so the rules file is empy. I'm not sure what to add to it to just do the gconf stuff | 11:24 |
ToddBrandt | bfiller: if you just want to install gconf keys, I'd add this line to the install part of rules first | 11:25 |
ToddBrandt | GCONF_DISABLE_MAKEFILE_SCHEMA_INSTALL=1 $(MAKE) DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/moblin-applets install | 11:25 |
ToddBrandt | replace moblin-applets with your project name | 11:25 |
ToddBrandt | then add dh_gconf to the binary stage | 11:26 |
ToddBrandt | then add in the schemas directory and automake (with the install-data-local action) | 11:26 |
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ToddBrandt | Basically GCONF_DISABLE_MAKEFILE_SCHEMA_INSTALL just keeps the schemas directory from being installed while the binary is being built (lest they would end up on your workstation), then dh_gconf creates the scripts which will install the .schemas and puts them in the binary | 11:27 |
bfiller | ToddBrandt: I understand, thanks | 11:29 |
HappyCamp_ | asac, I'm back. I went to lunch. You still awake? | 11:35 |
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bspencer | Mithrandir, (or other) the UME build currently causes the system to hang during boot. The last message is "Activating Swap" | 01:28 |
bspencer | alek, told me that this is related to a recent update of unionfs with upstream | 01:29 |
bspencer | (is that right ? ) | 01:29 |
bspencer | and also that a fix had been identified and would be in soon. | 01:29 |
bspencer | is this correct info and is there anything we can do to help accelerate this? | 01:29 |
AaronL2 | bspencer: can't help you with this, but are you by chance at your desk? | 01:33 |
bspencer | AaronL2, yes, but not avail temporarily | 01:36 |
AaronL2 | bspencer: no prob, let's talk next week | 01:36 |
bspencer | AaronL2, or in 30mins | 01:37 |
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