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DragginHello there - I have a slight problem - apparently I was using the wrong server or something and this, in conjunction with the chat software I'm using caused me to be banned from #ubuntu - how do I get unbanned?03:20
jribyou pinged the channel apparently Draggin ?03:23
naliothruh roh03:23
DragginAh... My bad...03:23
DragginI was experiencing intense lag03:24
jribcan you make sure it doesn't happen again?03:24
DragginYes indeed :) Didn't realise it was such a big no-no03:24
naliothDraggin: pinging a single person is just as effective as pinging the whole channel03:25
jribDraggin: k, you can rejoin #ubuntu, but don't do any more pinging or ctcp to the channel03:25
naliothDraggin: if you ping ubotu, it won't tattle03:25
mneptokbut you'll need antibiotics and a hot bath03:41
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ubotufyrestrtr called the ops in #ubuntu04:15
nixternalwow, I think I will not comment on that one04:16
nixternalI was sittin' in -devel and next you thing you know, I was getting those 'No such nickname' things...I knew exactly where it was coming from04:17
Picisame thing for me, except in -offtopic04:17
ubotuPici called the ops in #ubuntu04:21
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Myrttiwhat the05:16
MyrttiI guess you've had fun while I was sleeping05:19
Myrtti05:12 [freenode]  @,- MyLoved: No such nick/channel05:20
Myrtti05:12 [freenode]  @,- MEN^MEN_MASSAGE: No such nick/channel05:20
Myrttian hour ago05:20
naliothMyrtti: big attack in #ubuntu 05:20
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Madpilothey all06:40
joejaxxhello Madpilot :)06:41
Mezoh, I love the fact that I go out for the night, spend aboiut 40 on drinks, and come back with 30 less than I had in my wallet going out!!! (I woulda spent about 55 with drinks and taxi!)07:29
Madpilotdare I ask how you're making money during an evening out?07:31
MezI woulda gone home having just had to pay taxi fare if i'd gone home when I thought I was gonna, instead, I saw a friend, and played poker with him and lost 2007:33
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GaryMez, there are ways to make a lot of money on a night out :-)10:57
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Garythose addresses are still coming here12:17
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jussi01hiya Gary01:23
Garyhey jussi01 01:23
Garyjust moved things about here, computer is now on floor01:24
Garyloads of desk space now01:24
jussi01and all your times are reset? :P01:24
=== jussi01 thinks gary should go slap the company that sold him the motherboard
Garyit works now01:25
jussi01oh... ok :)01:25
Garyit never normally gets unplugged, so I don't care01:25
jussi01ahh, nice. is it a nice one or a cheap one?01:26
Garyhome built01:26
=== jussi01 just bout more ram \o/
jussi01now i have 2gb, instead of 512... :)01:27
Garythis is how it was http://picasaweb.google.com/garykearley/GeekStuff/photo#509554318219661899401:27
jussi01ahhh, looks like you needed the space...01:28
Garyjust taken a new pic01:40
jussi01Gary: wow, now it looks gay -  and not so geeky :P01:44
Garygay?  lol, how01:44
jussi01gay = neat :P01:44
Garyyeah yeah01:44
jussi01you know, like that weird five something or other show...01:45
GaryI need to paint the walls01:46
jussi01Gary: please dont take that wrong...01:46
Garypink maybe?01:46
jussi01Gary: nahhh, a nice shade of mauve01:46
jussi01 :P01:46
GaryI need to polish this desk, it's full o cat hair01:47
jussi01fluorescent pink?01:47
jussi01heya Pici01:47
stdinpink and, umm, purple. in horizontal stripes :p01:47
=== jussi01 wonders why #kubuntu is so quiet today
Garyit's friday, everyone is in the pub?01:49
stdinbecause Kubuntu is so perfect no one needs support :)01:49
Garystdin, lol, yeah right01:50
=== Gary hides
jussi01stdin: right on!!01:50
=== jussi01 hi-5's stdin
=== stdin misses the hi-5, because he's a geek and geeks can't do hi-5's :p
jussi01Pici: interesting concept... ##trangle01:53
Pici##trangle annoys me now, I just sit in there with my bot.01:56
PiciAlthough if you mean the concept, it is an interesting one.  Although it creates a bit of problems when trolls come around.01:58
jussi01trolls with ops...lol01:59
naliothjussi01: ##trangles policies bit in in the hind end a while back02:00
jussi01nalioth: how so??02:00
nalioththey op everyone.02:01
Garyso does ##comedyclub :-)02:02
PiciJoe user comes in, sees they have ops, and bans *!*@*02:02
naliothbut you don't get trolls in ##comedyclub02:02
Garywe do, I'm there02:02
naliothjussi01: this one troll, kicked everybody out, put a +k on the channel and set the limit to 1 user (chanserv guard is on) and also made it +i02:03
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naliothbasically locked the channel for everyone02:03
naliothnone of the ops could figure out what was going on02:03
Garysorry, thats funny02:03
PiciIt was.  02:03
jussi01thats very funny02:04
LjLit wasn't me02:04
Tm_TLjL: it was you02:04
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jgalindojo@ . com04:40
mc44always too slow :(04:40
=== LjL sets up an alias
Piciso.. you can type /ola and it will say !ola, thats efficient.04:41
LjLno - not precisely04:41
LjLtry pasting the join line of that guy04:41
naliothwhy even bother?04:41
LjLnalioth: cause it's fun04:42
jribwhen did the ola's start?04:43
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LjLjrib: when i banforwarded 83.230.* to here04:43
LjLola k tal04:43
Hobbseejrib: when we started forwarding them to here04:43
mochandovien y tu 04:43
LjLmochando soy chika i tu?04:43
Garywhat did ya say?04:44
LjL"well and you"04:44
LjLand then i said i was a girl and asked about him/her04:44
LjLand "she" said "she" was a girl04:44
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mariajoseke eres xiko o xika04:44
LjLyo chika04:44
mariajosede donde eres04:45
LjLde espaa y tu de donde04:45
mariajosede espaa04:45
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mariajosecomo te llamas04:45
LjLme yamo mario i tu04:45
mariajoseentonces no eres xika04:46
LjLok, was fun enough, now go home trolls04:46
mariajosepues en espaol04:46
LjLtodos los chikos y las chikas l33t ablan ingles04:46
gbadolfodarme buestroo04:46
mariajoseeske no me puedo meter kieres otro 04:47
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=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+b %*!*@83.230.*] by LjL
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stdinthat was...04:47
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+o Hobbsee] by ChanServ
LjLHobbsee: you curious...04:47
HobbseeLjL: yeah04:47
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+o LjL] by ChanServ
LjLPici: i'm seeing what they're saying...04:50
PiciI know!04:50
LjLPici: they're apparently all trying to give one another msn addresses but wondering why nobody else talks to them04:50
Hobbseegbadolfo: english is good.04:50
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LjLit's amazing the huge vocabulary they have04:51
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LjL /massop04:52
jdongola k tal...04:52
LjLhey todos vosotros "di algo"04:53
LjLsabeis en que canal estois?04:53
=== jdong laughs
jdongLjL: you've lost it :D04:53
jdongI find it really really odd that they all have unique usernames...04:54
LjLno? pues porque estais aqui?04:54
Tm_TLjL: see, duck!04:54
=== Tm_T ducks and hides
LjLi'm just trying to understand04:54
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [-o PriceChild] by ChanServ
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=== Gary is bored
LjLmi edad no importa. lo que queria saber es por que vosotros es un ao que intrais en nuestros canales y solo sabeis decir "ola k tal" y pues ir04:56
LjLif only04:57
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [-b %*!*@83.230.*] by LjL
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LjLok anyway, i think i know what i wanted to know - they *are* trolls, not just clueless idiots05:02
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LjL!rootirc is <reply> It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad - use !sudo instead05:20
ubotuI'll remember that, LjL05:20
=== jdong whistles....
jdongfor the record this isn't real root, it's /set user_name from when I was snooping :D05:20
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LjLwell, you're still root05:22
=== jdong kicks irssi
jdong the /reconnect doesn't read new settings?05:22
naliothLjL: jdong is a troll.  he's put 'root' as his 'real name'05:23
LjLoh no, Not John!05:23
Garyban him now05:23
LjL(which *is* his real name)05:23
pleia2jdong: you have to /disconnect and /connect (this is a fairly well known irssi thing)05:23
jdongoh well, if /reocnnect doesn't work then I'm too lazy to change it back :D05:23
jdongpleia2: ah, ok05:23
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PiciHey dizzle05:24
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PiciI'm not sure if that was an improvement though05:25
jdongola k tal?05:25
LjLuse the ratified protocol05:25
jdongPici: it's actually the nick I have for IRC on my bouncer :)05:25
jdongit's RFC-83-230 :)05:26
jdongwe should have ubotu do the !ola thing :)05:26
LjLyep! :)05:26
Piciubotu should parse rfcs too05:26
LjL!ola tiene una H inicial. Y puesto que el autor de este mensaje no habla espaol pero esribe "hola", *tu* podrias tambien hacer el esfuerzo! Pero, hagalo en #ubuntu-es, por que aqu solo hablamos ingls.05:29
=== Pici is confused
PiciHello it has an initial H. And since the author of this message does not speak Spanish but esribe hello, *tu* podrias also to deliver the attack! But, hagalo in #ubuntu-is, so that here single we spoke English05:45
LjLthe idea was (and i'm pretty sure my rendition is not too bad - it's babelfish that's stupid :P)05:46
LjL"hola" has an inital H. and since the author of this message doesn't speak spanish but still writes "hola", *you* could make the effort too! but do it in #ubuntu-es, since we only speak english here05:46
Piciah, much better.05:46
LjLi think i should have written "sino" rather than the first "pero"05:46
PiciI thought it was something like that.05:46
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Pici!ola | padial 05:54
ubotupadial: "Hola" tiene una H inicial. Y puesto que el autor de este mensaje no habla espaol pero esribe "hola", *tu* podrias tambien hacer el esfuerzo! Pero, hagalo en #ubuntu-es, por que aqu solo hablamos ingls.05:54
Picitoo slow05:54
LjLthe first one to make it in time (at least 3 seconds before the leave) wins a free ban05:56
PiciI love free stuff05:56
LjL[18:01:08]  <crazylazy> LjL remember when you broke my Kubuntu computer?06:02
Garya free ban, woo06:02
LjL[18:02:08]  <LjL> crazylazy, remember i've been kind enough not yet to ban you from the planet?06:02
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Hobbseeoh wait, a ban.06:04
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=== Gary hides
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=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+b *!*@colchester-lug/pdpc.supporter.active.Gary!##trangle] by Hobbsee
=== Gary was kicked off #ubuntu-ops by Hobbsee (OK.)
Hobbseehow'd he get ops?06:05
=== Hobbsee blames LjL l
LjLhey no06:05
LjLfor *one* time it really wasn't me06:05
Hobbseesur esure.06:06
Hobbseewho was it, then?06:06
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [-b *!*@colchester-lug/pdpc.supporter.active.Gary!##trangle] by Hobbsee
jdongchanserv. duh.06:06
LjLi not knowz06:06
LjLah well. yes.06:06
=== jdong ducks
=== Gary [n=Gary@colchester-lug/pdpc.supporter.active.Gary] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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=== Hobbsee muhahahaha's
GaryI can't remember how to unban myself :'(06:06
jdong chanserv unban?06:06
Hobbseeproblem solved.06:07
GaryI thought it a was a weird /cs mode #ubuntu-ops -b *!*@colchester-lug/pdpc.supporter.active.Gary!##trangle type thingy06:07
GaryHobbsee, :'(06:07
Gary5, booo06:07
=== Gary was kicked off #ubuntu-ops by Hobbsee (muhahahahaha)
=== Gary [n=Gary@colchester-lug/pdpc.supporter.active.Gary] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Gary] by ChanServ
jdongLMFAO we just had a "quiz" in chem lecture....06:08
Garyvicious :'(06:08
jdongand after a page of work....06:08
jdongget this...06:08
jdongit's worth 1 point.06:08
jdongout of 1500 per term.06:08
GaryI wish to complain about abusive Opahhhraters :-)06:09
Pici!opabuse | Gary 06:10
ubotuGary: leave the ops alone ktnxbye06:10
stdinyou can, we have a council now :p06:10
Picistdin: That doesn't mean that they'll listen though06:10
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gnomefreakHobbsee: quick question since i missed last bunch of devel-meetings wasnt next LTS release gonna be near EOS for 6.06 desktop? i noticed we are about a year ahead of that06:10
LjLPici: i'm listening06:10
PiciLjL: :D06:10
stdinPici: he didn't ask if they'd listen :p06:10
Hobbseegnomefreak: er, tehy're have a eyar or 6 months to upgrade.  i dont remember which06:10
gnomefreakit will be a year since 8.04 is LTS06:11
gnomefreaki just thought it was a bit soon06:11
Hobbseewell, people need to be given time to upgrade06:12
Hobbseeand it's a pain to support too many blocks of upgrades anyway06:12
gnomefreakpoint taken06:12
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jdongmissed it06:22
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stdin!ola | cmontoya06:38
ubotucmontoya: "Hola" tiene una H inicial. Y puesto que el autor de este mensaje no habla espaol pero esribe "hola", *tu* podrias tambien hacer el esfuerzo! Pero, hagalo en #ubuntu-es, por que aqu solo hablamos ingls.06:38
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=== moo_cow [n=chris@208-117-26-76.block5.gvtc.com] has joined #ubuntu-ops
LjLstdin: you win. want the prize now?06:39
cmontoyake te den06:39
jdonglinuxbeast: look, we've told you several times to change your realname and you've failed to listen...06:40
jdongis there something that we should know?06:40
stdinLjL: heh, pre-emptive strike, I feel so american 06:40
LjLthe clone has a new name today though06:40
=== linuxbeast needs coffee
jdongLjL: nah it was moo cow last time too, he changed it.06:40
cmontoyaen ESPAOL ok06:41
LjLis that "thank you"? :D06:41
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=== jdong laughs
jdongLjL: iSink...06:42
naliothdunno why we just don't ban the ip range into #ubuntu-es and be done with it06:48
Picinalioth: Thats what *I* keep saying06:48
mc44because they aren't real users so that would just annoy ubuntu-es?06:48
Hobbseeor just ban it, dont even forward.06:48
jdongthat's what I was saying.... :)06:49
LjLnalioth: because the guys from #ubuntu-es haven't done me anything06:49
jdongLjL is worried that might exclude legit users though06:49
LjLand if you /who, you'll see there are at least a couple06:49
stdinkeep the ban forward to here then add another ban forward back to #ubuntu 06:50
stdinthat'd be fun for them06:50
mc44banforward them to a special channel with just LjL06:50
PiciI dont think freenode would appeciate that.06:50
jdongdoes that acutally work?06:51
LjLircd: Stack overflow (core dumped)06:51
jdongwell it probably works to get a kline, but would they actually bounce back and forth? :)06:51
LjLwanna try?06:51
jdonglol no :D06:51
Picibanforward them all to #openbravo, thats where all the legitimate 83.230s are06:52
LjLthink they have anything to do...?06:53
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LjLnote he had the H!07:09
LjLunsurprisingly, it's also the same IP as the last one07:10
LjLby the way07:10
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+o LjL] by ChanServ
=== linuxbeast was kicked off #ubuntu-ops by LjL (You know why!)
=== moo_cow was kicked off #ubuntu-ops by LjL (You know why!)
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [-o LjL] by LjL
stdinshould linuxbeast be allowed in #ubuntu-offtopic ?07:19
LjLmah... i was thinking no... then i was thinking yes...07:21
LjLthen i was thinking no, then i was thinking yes07:21
LjLi'm thinking no07:21
stdinwell I think "no" too07:22
Piciso.. I did some grepping and searching through my logs.  281 unique 83.230 IPs, 181 unique 83.230 nicknames.07:22
LjLi know07:23
LjLwell i didn't know the exact figures, but i know they have very many different ids07:23
LjLthere's something that still escapes me about them07:23
LjLi was trying to ask in #openbravo (as, after all, there's three of them all with the same IP but otherwise different data), but they have been idle for days07:24
=== Amaranth [n=travis@ubuntu/member/Amaranth] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Amaranth] by ChanServ
jdongstdin: frankly I think the linuxbeast twins should be banned from all of ubuntuland.07:34
jdongI've already extended his forums ban to #ubuntuforums07:34
jdongthe twin thing is really quite interesting... he has a pair on the forums too :D07:35
stdinwell, his alter cow ego is in #k now07:35
jdonghe's a troll, and that's that.07:36
=== coreymon77 [n=coreymon@ubuntu/member/coreymon77] has joined #ubuntu-ops
PiciEach one is in mostly different channels07:36
jdongthe fact he's silent currently is suspicious to me.07:36
=== jdong goes back to forum-stalking his idents
jdonghe had a forkbomb and general-purpose system destroyer in his sig....f07:37
jdongprobably one of the nastiest ones I've seen on the forums07:38
jdongafter his first account was disabled due to extremely rude behavior, he evaded by creating a second account, with explicatives all over the profile fields...07:39
Garyisn't that how all forum profiles are supposed to be created?07:42
jdongwell it lets me use my larthammer. And when John uses his larthammer, he's happy :)07:53
PriceChildHello yoman_, can I help you?07:56
=== zujarmelody [n=zujarmel@] has joined #ubuntu-ops
Garycome on they are getting kinda annoying now08:08
stdinsee if you can say "Hola" before they say "ola" 08:09
Garyor do a /cs k before they quit?08:10
stdinor "/cs k name adis"08:11
PriceChildgttyz was a little wierd in pm :/ (#ubuntu+1)08:19
PiciI probably should've kept and eye on him after !ohmy-ing...08:20
PiciWhat did he say in pm?08:20
PriceChildI don't really know...08:20
PriceChildhe is upstream?08:21
PriceChilddoesn't like to be logged?08:21
PriceChildHe's back as mumz08:25
PriceChildPici, ^08:25
PriceChildnot only on same hostname, but doesn't bother changing username etc.08:26
PiciYou only kicked him though, right? Or are my window levels messed up again?08:27
PriceChildyeah just a kick to stop him swearing08:27
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=== ompaul [n=ompaul@freenode/staff/gnewsense.ompaul] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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jussi01can someone remind me of the correct syntax to turn topic protection on or off?10:09
PriceChild/mode +t10:10
PriceChild!modes | jussi01 10:10
ubotujussi01: There are many different channel and user modes on Freenode (see !freenode). Here's a list: http://freenode.net/using_the_network.shtml10:10
=== jussi01 feels stupid...
=== dgjones [n=Cheshire@unaffiliated/dgjones] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== linuxbeast [n=chris@208-117-26-76.block5.gvtc.com] has joined #ubuntu-ops
PriceChildlinuxbeast, Can I help you?10:37
PriceChildlinuxbeast, please stop the language.10:37
PriceChildlinuxbeast, Now, can I help you?10:37
linuxbeastWHAT DO YOU WANT?10:38
=== Amaranth [n=travis@ubuntu/member/Amaranth] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Amaranth] by ChanServ
mc44Please stop typing in caps10:38
PriceChildlinuxbeast, Please now stop with the capital letters.10:38
Garylinuxbeast, I think it might somehow have something to do with your abusive realname10:39
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+o PriceChild] by ChanServ
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+b %*!*@208-117-26-76.block5.gvtc.com] by PriceChild
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [-o PriceChild] by ChanServ
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+o PriceChild] by ChanServ
PriceChild*needs to learn "-n"*10:39
PriceChildlinuxbeast, I'd suggest you calm down, read "/msg ubotu guidelines" and then take a look at how you appear on the network.10:40
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=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [-z] by PriceChild
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GaryPriceChild, -n ?10:45
PriceChildGary, /cs -n foo, does foo without the deop at the end.10:45
Garyah ha10:45
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=== moo_cow [n=chris@208-117-26-76.block5.gvtc.com] has joined #ubuntu-ops
PriceChildlinuxbeast, That's a slight improvement.10:52
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+o PriceChild] by ChanServ
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [-b %*!*@208-117-26-76.block5.gvtc.com] by PriceChild
Garypossible - * Charlote (n=james@ has joined #ubuntu11:12
PriceChildlol Gary... what gives it away...11:12
Garythe first post11:13
Gary"hi Boys"11:13
PriceChildGary, look at the username11:13
Garybut then he/she posted a normal question, so NM11:13
Garywell duh :p11:13
=== gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v gnomefreak] by ChanServ
PriceChildlinuxbeast, moo_cow, so can I help you?11:19
moo_cowPriceChild, AGAIN, WHAT DO YOU WANT?11:20
PriceChildI guess not... bye :)11:20
=== moo_cow [n=chris@208-117-26-76.block5.gvtc.com] has left #ubuntu-ops [requested]
=== linuxbeast [n=chris@208-117-26-76.block5.gvtc.com] has left #ubuntu-ops [requested]
gnomefreaklol wth was that11:21
mc44troll twins11:22
PriceChildgnomefreak, they had naughty real names and were banned a few places... trolls generally, they've been naughty on the forums too.11:22
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=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v stdin] by ChanServ
LjLPriceChild, linuxbeast and his clone?11:51
LjLyou met them on the forums?11:51
PriceChildoh yeah11:51
PriceChildjdong's afk atm but he's been having a little search11:52
LjLah well, they don't seem to complain much about bans anyway, so i'm sure they'll be fine banned11:52
PriceChildDon't seem to have re-registered on the ip they're using though.11:52
elkbuntuwell i'm off, cyas hopefully early next week12:15
PriceChildgood luck :)12:15
Garyelkbuntu, have fun12:16
Garynice email btw12:16
pleia2elkbuntu: good luck! :)12:17
elkbuntuGary, i figured i ought to let people know, especially since dialup is not the nicest thing to be playing with (speed and getting the fricking thing to actually work)12:18
elkbuntuwell... i suppose i should actually quit this...12:19
=== elkbuntu hugs all
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ubotuFujitsu called the ops in #ubuntu-motu01:01
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mneptokRELEASE THE BATS!01:13
LjLi prefer bash scripts01:14
LjLway more flexible01:14
mneptokthan what? ksh?01:15
mneptokit's 2007, guy. use zsh. ;)01:16
LjLmneptok: than .BAT01:19

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