
brycekeescook: would you have a moment to upload xorg-server 12ubuntu6 at http://people.ubuntu.com/~bryce/Uploads/?12:42
brycekeescook: it fixes beta bug 137604, and has approval from slangasek12:43
ubotuLaunchpad bug 137604 in xorg-server "Black Bar Across Screen with gutsy i810" [High,Fix committed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13760412:43
keescookbryce: sure, one sec.01:17
keescookbryce: done01:20
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tepsipakkibryce: aaronp said he'd release a new nv driver soon, so maybe that would fix the quadro bugs we have07:12
brycetepsipakki: cool08:07
brycetepsipakki: although I think it's getting too late for gutsy08:07
bryceI'd like to get bug 127008 fixed though08:07
ubotuLaunchpad bug 127008 in xresprobe "Alternate install of Tribe-4 corrupts video display when installing packages" [Medium,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12700808:07
bryceit's great seeing all the new folks getting involved in xorg stuff. 08:13
tepsipakkibryce: aaronp plans to release it today :)08:15
bryceah, well maybe it can squeeze in08:16
tepsipakki"hopefully tonight", but yeah08:16
ubotuNew bug: #57586 in xorg (main) "XEmacs segfaults on startup in Edgy" [Undecided,Fix released]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/5758608:45
ubotuNew bug: #58856 in xemacs21 (universe) "xemacs segfaults on edgy powerpc system (dup-of: 57586)" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/5885608:51
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ubotuNew bug: #115056 in xorg (main) "kdesktop_lock doesn't work" [Undecided,Incomplete]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11505602:36
ubotuNew bug: #141492 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (main) "Macbook scroll and middle/right click stopped working" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/14149202:52
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ubotuNew bug: #139241 in ubuntu "gutsy tribe 5 and daily 8-sep-2007 hang while starting up X on radeon 200M" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13924103:50
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ubotuNew bug: #141495 in xorg (main) "on my desktop i see only rectangles!!!" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/14149504:06
ubotuNew bug: #141522 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (main) "[gutsy]  faulty Xv extension since latest update" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/14152204:45
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ubotuNew bug: #44708 in xserver-xorg-video-ati (main) "Dual Monitor Problems" [Medium,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/4470805:10
ubotuNew bug: #141547 in xserver-xorg-driver-ati (main) "[Gutsy]  after ati driver update, only a black screen (light is on)" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/14154706:51
ubotuNew bug: #141551 in xserver-xorg-video-ati (main) "ati driver lockup (mobility radeon rv350)" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/14155107:10
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ubotuNew bug: #141533 in xserver-xorg-video-ati (main) "Gutsy: Switching workspaces when playing XVideo overlay crashes X" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/14153309:17
tormodbryce, could you mirror these please? http://tormod.freeshell.org/linux/ati/xserver-xorg-video-ati_6.7.193-1ubuntu1feisty_i386.deb and http://tormod.freeshell.org/linux/ati/xserver-xorg-video-ati-dbg_6.7.193-1ubuntu1feisty_i386.deb09:18
brycesure thing09:19
mvo_bryce: is there a new -ati driver pending before/after beta? I just confirmed https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-ati/+bug/141533 (and that worries me)09:19
ubotuLaunchpad bug 141533 in xserver-xorg-video-ati "Gutsy: Switching workspaces when playing XVideo overlay crashes X" [Undecided,Confirmed]  09:19
brycemvo, there is a new -ati out that I think tepsipakki is planning on rolling out.  Don't know if it'll be before or after beta09:20
brycetormod: sync finished09:20
tormodbryce, thanks09:21
brycemvo_: one sec and I'll look upstream for that one09:24
tepsipakkibryce: the latest upstream is already in :/09:27
brycetepsipakki: ah, ok09:27
brycemvo_: this sounds sort of similar, could you test?    https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1217509:44
ubotuFreedesktop bug 12175 in Driver/Radeon "Xv crash if video window fully offscreen (rv280)" [Normal,New]  09:44
tepsipakkioh, b.fd.o works again \o/09:44
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mvo_bryce: yes, that sounds like it, what is the diff for "5d044b9f74c7aa7e12f2822896fed881e2ca9d19", do you have that quickly available? if not, I will do a checkout of -ati myself to have a look09:47
brycego for it09:47
mvo_tepsipakki: thanks!09:48
tepsipakkimvo_: np. my screen cuts long urls though, so can't test that it works :)09:48
bryceit works09:48
brycewant me to roll an -ati with that patch?09:49
bryceer, 'that patch reverted'?09:49
tepsipakkigo ahead, I'll continue going through the ati bugs :)09:49
tepsipakkialthough the tv is on, and distracts me a bit09:49
mvo_bryce: its late here, but I want to test it to make sure that it does not break video playback with compiz09:50
bryceok building; will have .deb up in a few minutes09:53
brycebdmurray: so with the latest launchpad change, should we expect old Incomplete bugs to suddenly switch to Invalid?10:07
brycemvo, debs are up:  http://people.ubuntu.com/~bryce/Testing/10:11
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tepsipakkibryce: wow, seems to be so :)10:23
tepsipakkithat inactive bugs are cleaned out 10:24
bdmurraybryce: I'm not sure if a bunch will just change or if it'll be 60 days from now10:24
brycehttp://people.ubuntu.com/~brian/graphs/ -- 2000 bugs just died10:26
brycepoor poor bugs10:26
mvobryce: reverting the commit for ati fixes the problem for me10:50
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brycemvo, wow, that was good luck10:54
mvoindeed :)10:54
mvoand video playback still works10:54
bryceok I'll go ahead and put this in for inclusion10:55
brycesleep well :-)10:55
mvosoon, I need to do some more work for the beta first :/10:59
tepsipakkithat ati/xv crash is debian bug 44190211:04
ubotuDebian bug 441902 in xserver-xorg-video-ati "xserver-xorg-video-ati: 6.7.192-1~7.2 crashes xserver with xv video playback on compiz" [Normal,Open]  http://bugs.debian.org/44190211:04
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tepsipakkithere was another proposal for the fix11:09
brycetepsipakki: yeah this patch looks like it's just papering over some other bug11:14
tepsipakkiI'll reply to the debian bug, hopefully alex will figure it out eventually :)11:15
tepsipakkioh, you asked about it on #x-d already :)11:15
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brycetepsipakki: yup, figure he already knows, but more info can't hurt11:19
bryceheya rawler11:20
rawlerbryce: hello.. :)11:20
tepsipakkibryce: nv 2.1.4 just released11:21
brycetepsipakki: yup, saw the announce :-)11:21
brycetepsipakki: sounds pretty minor though11:22
brycethe LVDS fix is probably worthwhile, and of course new products are always good11:22
jcristaui think it's just the product names11:23
rawlerbryce: just a quick question; how exactly does launchpad manage bug status?11:24
tormodthe new nv would fix bug 133385 the right way11:24
ubotuLaunchpad bug 133385 in discover-data "[gutsy]  "nv" is not new enough to support my chipset (Quadro FX 570M), but is detected as the most appropriate display driver during installation" [Medium,Fix released]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13338511:24
brycerawler: for bugs local to launchpad (i.e. ubuntu bugs), bug status is handled manually by folks like us11:25
tepsipakkitormod: that's what I had thought too :)11:25
rawlerbryce: looking at https://bugs.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/, bug 19890 has status new, but looking at the bug itself it seems to have been marked invalid a long time ago?11:25
ubotuLaunchpad bug 19890 in freeglut "conquest-gl: fail to start (Assertion `window->Window.VisualInfo != ((void *)0)' failed.)" [Medium,Invalid]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/1989011:25
brycerawler: however there are some various misc. scripts which also update bug statuses11:25
tepsipakkirawler: the ubuntu part yes11:25
brycerawler: one of the unique things about LP is that it can track state in external bug trackers11:26
bryceor in multiple products11:26
brycewhich is handy for hooking the bug to upstream bugs11:26
rawlerok, so it always displays the "worst-case" status in listings?11:26
bryceno, technically it would display both11:27
brycehowever "Invalid", "Fix Released" are typically hidden in most displays11:27
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rawlerbryce: yeah, in the bug itself, but not in https://bugs.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/11:27
rawlerbryce: or is there a better way to get a list of open bugs related to ubuntu-x-swat?11:28
brycerawler: that listing is for bugs assigned/related to x-swat, but typically we haven't been bothering assigning bugs to x-swat, so this list probably isn't the best place to look11:29
bryceI typically just select one of the X products (like xorg, xorg-server, or a driver) and look for bugs that way11:29
bryceI like to personally subscribe to a variety of bugs that look interesting to me, and then check back on them11:29
tepsipakkiyeah, "show package report"11:30
brycefrom my subscribed bugs, I've picked a dozen to subscribe to that I want to work on closely11:30
bryce(no more than a dozen though, else it'd get overwhelming)11:30
rawler*ahh* I see.. will go about it that way, in that case.. :)11:31
brycealso, there is a bot on this channel that reports newly reported/updated bugs in all products; sometimes those are of interest11:31
rawlerbryce: allright.. will try to hang here more then.. :)11:32
brycecool :-)11:32
brycerawler: what sorts of things are you most interested in?  you mentioned -nvidia yesterday iirc?11:33
rawlerbryce: well, I'm not particulary focused on any specific area.. I heard you needed help, so I'm mostly looking for something to do.. :)11:35
brycenice, well welcome :-)11:35
rawlerI usually try to steer clear of hardware and device-driver-specific things, and user-interfaces (unless it's about testing out new concepts for user interfaces), but anything in between goes... :)11:36
rawlerthanks, I feel pretty welcome.. :)11:36
rawlerI'm usually more of a hacker than a QA-guy/forum-sweeper, so I usually try to find bugs that I can reproduce and fix, or feature-requests that I can implement..11:38
brycethat'll be a huge help; there's tons of bugs that fit those criteria11:40
rawlerwell.. most of them seems to not match my hardware and/or be hard to reproduce, and be driver-related.. so not really my league.. :)11:41
bryceyup, I have that trouble too11:42
jcristauthose most often need to be reported upstream11:42
brycefortunately, for bugs that affect multiple people, it's generally not too hard to find a community member who'll be willing to test out .debs11:43
ubotuNew bug: #91006 in compiz (main) "Enabled Desktop Effects makes Gnome Terminal unusable (dup-of: 89369)" [Undecided,Invalid]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9100611:45
ubotuNew bug: #97575 in restricted-manager (restricted) "restricted-manager doesn't list my nvidia GeForce Go 7400 (dup-of: 93209)" [Undecided,Invalid]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9757511:46
ubotuNew bug: #98542 in ubuntu "starting "wine" or "google earth" crashes the x-server after today's update (dup-of: 96430)" [Undecided,Invalid]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9854211:46
ubotuNew bug: #34555 in xorg (main) "Bad display configuration after install (dup-of: 42731)" [Medium,Invalid]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/3455511:47
ubotuNew bug: #35508 in xorg (main) "1366x768 screen resolution not supported (dup-of: 24927)" [Medium,Invalid]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/3550811:47
ubotuNew bug: #32219 in xorg (main) "Edubuntu dapper live flight4: only does 640x480 resolution (dup-of: 36306)" [Medium,Invalid]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/3221911:49
ubotuNew bug: #32401 in totem "totem won't start with totem-xine engine (dup-of: 35229)" [Medium,Invalid]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/3240111:49
ubotuNew bug: #35944 in xorg (main) "Laptop with integrated SIS gfx and ATI module fails to detect the active card (dup-of: 42731)" [Medium,Invalid]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/3594411:49
ubotuNew bug: #40783 in xorg (main) "[Dapper]  bad resolution for SONY CPD-210EST screen (dup-of: 42731)" [Medium,Invalid]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/4078311:49
ubotuNew bug: #40839 in xorg (main) "Dapper Beta LiveCD install doesn't setup monitors/resolutions right (dup-of: 42731)" [Medium,Invalid]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/4083911:49
ubotuNew bug: #42448 in xorg (main) "DisplaySize not set on Dell Inspiron 8200 (dapper beta) (dup-of: 30743)" [Medium,Invalid]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/4244811:49
ubotuNew bug: #47759 in update-manager (main) "upgrade from breezy to dapper rc1 fails (dup-of: 41314)" [Medium,Invalid]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/4775911:50
ubotuNew bug: #50539 in xorg (main) "Thinkpad x60 xorg.conf contains strange entries for Wacom InputDevice (Stylus) (dup-of: 42553)" [Undecided,Invalid]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/5053911:50
ubotuNew bug: #50737 in totem (main) "totem-xine crashes with 'BadAlloc' when run manually (dup-of: 35229)" [Undecided,Invalid]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/5073711:50
ubotuNew bug: #52069 in update-manager (main) "update-manager kills entire X session (dup-of: 49834)" [Undecided,Invalid]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/5206911:51
ubotuNew bug: #54307 in xorg-driver-synaptics (main) "driver does not work with xserver-xorg-core 1:1.1.1-0ubuntu1 (dup-of: 54290)" [Undecided,Invalid]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/5430711:51
ubotuNew bug: #54565 in xorg (main) "no direct rendering on Dell laptop using Edgy and i810 driver (dup-of: 54858)" [Medium,Invalid]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/5456511:51
ubotuNew bug: #65909 in flashplugin-nonfree (multiverse) "Flash bug (dup-of: 62988)" [Undecided,Invalid]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/6590911:51
ubotuNew bug: #81324 in cryptsetup (main) "Problem with cryptsetup password during boot (dup-of: 82084)" [Medium,Invalid]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8132411:54
ubotuNew bug: #96039 in totem (main) "Regression in quicktime playback (dup-of: 73102)" [Low,Invalid]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9603911:54
ubotuNew bug: #107645 in f-spot (main) "feisty f-spot hangs (dup-of: 89467)" [Undecided,Invalid]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/10764511:54
ubotuNew bug: #104499 in f-spot (main) "PC Crash when I import data into f-spot (dup-of: 89467)" [Medium,Invalid]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/10449911:55
ubotuNew bug: #48164 in xorg (main) "Video corruption at installation of xserver-xorg" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/4816411:56
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bdmurraywhat happened here?12:01
bdmurrayDid ubotu go crazy?12:02
tepsipakkino, they really were closed by lp janitor :)12:02
tormodwas that all those incomplete bugs going invalid?12:02
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bdmurraybryce: I'm looking at the daily for today and my display is 1024x768 instead of 1280x800(?)12:23
ubotuNew bug: #57283 in xorg-server (main) "latest xserver fails (dup-of: 57153)" [Low,Invalid]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/5728312:25
ubotuNew bug: #56277 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15 (restricted) "xserver-xorg: FATAL: fglX11CMMFreeSurface: firegl_FreeBuffer() failed!" [Low,Invalid]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/5627712:26
ubotuNew bug: #55224 in xserver-xorg-video-ati (main) "iMac 1.9Ghz: X fails to load under Edgy (dup-of: 23445)" [Undecided,Invalid]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/5522412:27

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