emdash | apparently MX font-lock-mode is the way to do that | 01:25 |
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junkeR | hey, how can I make the trash can, computer filesystem, and home icons appear on the desktop? | 02:03 |
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Arkh | anyone knows why my terminal fake transparency isn't perfect? | 02:30 |
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gerro | trying out xubuntu 7.10 but was wondering if I should use feisty wine from winehq or compile it | 04:34 |
gerro | oh and wow its pretty nice so far | 04:34 |
gerro | I mean lot of new stuff I still want to check out ^^ | 04:35 |
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Jester45 | use the winehq repo | 04:54 |
Jester45 | they release a binary package a few days after the source release | 04:55 |
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Dracari | hope someoen can help,. i've decided to use Xubuntu over kubuntu due to my imacs slower processor, i've got the live Xubuntu PPC disc running yet Launcher will not run | 10:11 |
Dracari | keeps asking for a password and rejects whatever i give it | 10:11 |
TheSheep | Dracari: check the cd for defects | 10:13 |
Dracari | its the xubuntu Fiesty Fawn 7.04 CD | 10:14 |
TheSheep | Dracari: there is an option in the boot menu | 10:14 |
Dracari | do i need to erase my kubuntu insatll's partition first? | 10:15 |
TheSheep | to check cd for defects? no. | 10:15 |
Dracari | to run the installer | 10:16 |
TheSheep | no, just tell the installer to format it | 10:16 |
Dracari | for disc defects i want check-powerpc | 10:19 |
Dracari | right? | 10:19 |
TheSheep | Dracari: no, you want to boot from the live cd and select 'check this cd for defects' from the boot menu | 10:20 |
Dracari | i've booted to it i'm at Yaboot menu of the cd\ | 10:21 |
TheSheep | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GraphicalInstall?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=boot.png <-- third option from the top | 10:21 |
Dracari | second i boot the CD aftre yaboot menu | 10:22 |
Dracari | i dont get that | 10:22 |
Dracari | i get a black screen w/ teh logo | 10:22 |
Dracari | and a scrowling bar | 10:23 |
Dracari | then i get to the desktop after afew | 10:23 |
TheSheep | what's yaboot? | 10:24 |
Dracari | !yaboot | 10:24 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about yaboot - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 10:24 |
Dracari | lol doesnt have anything | 10:24 |
TheSheep | Dracari: I checked | 10:24 |
Dracari | its a bootloader for PPC macs and IBM ppc pcs | 10:25 |
Dracari | that use OpenFirmware | 10:25 |
TheSheep | hmm... | 10:25 |
TheSheep | !checksum | 10:25 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about checksum - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 10:25 |
TheSheep | !md5 | 10:25 |
ubotu | To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows | 10:25 |
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adac | someone knows good tutorial for x11vnc? | 10:39 |
TheSheep | !vnc | 10:53 |
ubotu | VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely. It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX | 10:53 |
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mrjones2015 | hi everyone, i want to install xfce on ubuntu but when i try to install <xubuntu-desktop> packaga synaptic always wants me to insert the cd, which i dont have right now...... | 11:38 |
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totalwormface | *sigh* stay online you! | 12:01 |
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diablo1234567891 | help | 12:42 |
diablo1234567891 | search guide in italian language for installing wireless usb on xubuntu | 12:43 |
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lexa1 | fan vad smidigt | 12:54 |
lexa1 | <3 | 12:54 |
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Ramla | D--: nice nickname :--D | 01:11 |
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tob1 | hi, i'm using Xubuntu 7.04. But if I the automatical mount function does not work | 02:23 |
tob1 | if a stick in a MP3-Player in the USB Device... nothing happens | 02:23 |
TheSheep | tob1: thner->edit->preferences->advanced->configure volume manager | 02:25 |
TheSheep | thunar | 02:25 |
tob1 | thank you, but every thing is activated | 02:27 |
tob1 | but it does not work | 02:27 |
tob1 | info: I'm in the group "plugdev" | 02:29 |
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tob1 | no ideas? | 02:32 |
tob1 | the devices are USB1 | 02:32 |
tob1 | very old | 02:33 |
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soweto76 | Replaced motherboard and used hd with xubuntu from previous motherboard. OK except that "sudo reboot" fails to reboot the machine as does the "Restart" option from Xfce4 desktop or gdm. | 02:54 |
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maxamillion | soweto76: that actually has something to do with the acpi settings in the bios of the motherboard .... you might have to re-install some components of the OS ... i don't know which ones right off the top of my head but i'm sure there is something in the wiki that would talk about it | 02:56 |
soweto76 | maxamillion, Yeah, I figured it was acpi too. I tried to turn off acpi in the bios but then grub says " Error 16: Inconsistent filesystem structure" I reinstalled grub but that did not change anything. | 02:59 |
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maxamillion | hmmm.... i think there is an update-grub command (or something similar) that should auto detect settings and update grub accordingly | 03:00 |
soweto76 | I figured reinstalling grup would run update-grub. I suppose this is not very important. The halt and shutdown commands work. | 03:05 |
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maxamillion | soweto76: well, just a re-install will leave the config files in place ... you would technically need to purge grub and then install it again because purge takes all the config files with it | 03:14 |
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soweto76 | maxamillion, OK, thanks. Any risks involved in doing the purge option? | 03:17 |
soweto76 | I suppose the update grup option is all I really need eh. | 03:19 |
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maxamillion | soweto76: yeah, the update grub should work and i actually normally just always use the purge option when i am removing a package just incase there was some config file somewhere that i forgot i edited in the past that could cause me issues in the future | 03:24 |
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soweto76 | maxamillion, thanks again | 03:24 |
maxamillion | anytime :) | 03:25 |
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arttu | i got jerky firefox issues | 03:40 |
arttu | can anybody help? | 03:40 |
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arttu | disabled ipv6, helped a little, then decide to manual install it from the mozilla page | 03:42 |
arttu | but it won't install | 03:43 |
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maxamillion | arttu: what kind of jerky firefox issues? | 03:49 |
maxamillion | arttu: you mean it lags when you scroll? | 03:49 |
DaBeowulf | Is there an easy way to get pretty much all 32bit bins to run on the AMD64 version of the OS or is there a conveneint way to 'downgrade' to the 32bit version? | 03:49 |
maxamillion | DaBeowulf: no and no .... sorry :( | 03:49 |
maxamillion | DaBeowulf: there are 32-bit libs that can be used in some situations to make 32bit packages work on 64bit systems but it requires some hacking and doesn't always work | 03:50 |
DaBeowulf | Yikes. I need to see if the normal ut2k4 bin is really more stable and less prone to segfaulting at random. | 03:50 |
arttu | maxamillion: yes, and draws lines when it does | 03:51 |
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maxamillion | arttu: yeah, i've seen that happen when you don't have the right video drivers | 03:52 |
arttu | on more than one occasion i heard it was a problem with the version in the ubuntu repositories | 03:56 |
DaBeowulf | Well so I can't just pop in the 32bit LiveCD or alternate one and say switch to the 32 bit version alltogether? | 03:56 |
arttu | maxamillion: any fix will do, but that still leaves me to wonder why i can't manual install it from the tarball | 03:59 |
arttu | make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop. | 03:59 |
maxamillion | arttu: what video card do you have? | 04:09 |
arttu | i honestly have no idea | 04:11 |
arttu | whatever came with an hp n5350 in 2001 | 04:11 |
TheSheep | intel probably | 04:12 |
maxamillion | intel gfx shouldn't have any issues :/ | 04:14 |
arttu | i got device manager open but can't make much sense of it | 04:16 |
arttu | i was just told it should be in here somewhere... | 04:17 |
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arttu | just for a test, i wanna see how the firefox version off the mozilla site would work | 04:35 |
arttu | i downloaded the tarball and extracted | 04:35 |
arttu | kali@bubuntu:~$ cd '/home/kali/Desktop/firefox' | 04:35 |
arttu | kali@bubuntu:~/Desktop/firefox$ ./comfigure | 04:35 |
arttu | bash: ./comfigure: No such file or directory | 04:35 |
arttu | kali@bubuntu:~/Desktop/firefox$ make | 04:35 |
arttu | make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop. | 04:35 |
vinze | You misspelled configure | 04:35 |
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arttu | yeah, saw that now myself | 04:35 |
vinze | :P | 04:35 |
arttu | kali@bubuntu:~/Desktop/firefox$ ./configure | 04:36 |
arttu | bash: ./configure: No such file or directory | 04:36 |
arttu | kali@bubuntu:~/Desktop/firefox$ make | 04:36 |
arttu | make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop. | 04:36 |
vinze | What files are there in the firefox folder? | 04:37 |
arttu | kali@bubuntu:~/Desktop/firefox$ ls | 04:38 |
arttu | browserconfig.properties libnspr4.so mozilla-xremote-client | 04:38 |
arttu | chrome libnss3.so old-homepage-default.properties | 04:38 |
arttu | components libnssckbi.so plugins | 04:38 |
arttu | defaults libplc4.so readme.txt | 04:38 |
arttu | dictionaries libplds4.so removed-files | 04:38 |
arttu | extensions libsmime3.so res | 04:38 |
arttu | firefox libsoftokn3.chk run-mozilla.sh | 04:38 |
arttu | firefox-bin libsoftokn3.so searchplugins | 04:38 |
arttu | greprefs libssl3.so updater | 04:38 |
arttu | icons libxpcom_compat.so updater.ini | 04:38 |
arttu | libfreebl3.chk libxpcom_core.so xpicleanup | 04:38 |
arttu | libfreebl3.so libxpcom.so | 04:38 |
arttu | libmozjs.so libxpistub.so | 04:38 |
vinze | arttu, I think you need to do "sh run-mozilla.sh" | 04:38 |
arttu | run-mozilla.sh: Cannot execute . | 04:40 |
vinze | Have you checked the permissions? | 04:40 |
arttu | nope, wouldn't know what that is | 04:40 |
vinze | In Thunar, right-click, Permissions tab, "allow this file to run as a program" or something like that | 04:40 |
arttu | already checked | 04:42 |
vinze | Dammit | 04:42 |
vinze | Wait, I'll download it myself | 04:42 |
arttu | thanks | 04:43 |
vinze | Ah, look at that, that's easy :) | 04:44 |
vinze | You can just double-click the "Firefox" icon | 04:44 |
vinze | Or in the terminal run "firefox" | 04:44 |
vinze | No need to install | 04:44 |
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arttu | should i move them somewhere? | 04:48 |
vinze | No need to, but you could if you want to | 04:48 |
vinze | Mostly you want to place it in /opt | 04:48 |
vinze | That's a folder for manually installed software | 04:48 |
arttu | ok | 04:49 |
arttu | still does the same thing, draws lines scrolling down, stuff bounces around | 04:52 |
arttu | but thanks a bunch for the install tips, i haven't read anywhere that you just have to unpack | 04:53 |
vinze | np | 04:53 |
vinze | And you could try searching launchpad.net if your problem is a common bug | 04:53 |
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arttu | it's come up in several threads, been trying out anything i can | 04:55 |
arttu | disabling ipv6 improved it quite a bit | 04:56 |
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maxamillion | hiya vinze | 05:07 |
vinze | Hey maxamillion | 05:07 |
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Didi | hi | 08:22 |
Didi | ich hab was an meiner xorg.conf gendert, hat aber nicht funktioniert also hab ich es wieder rckgngig gemacht, jetzt ist aber mein panel und taskleiste weg unbd ich wei nicht wie ich es wieder hinbekomme... | 08:22 |
Didi | wenn ich einen anderen benutzer neu erstelle ist das panel und so aber wieder da | 08:23 |
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Temporo | Hi. | 08:24 |
Didi | hi | 08:25 |
Didi | ich hab was an meiner xorg.conf gendert, hat aber nicht funktioniert also hab ich es wieder rckgngig gemacht, jetzt ist aber mein panel und taskleiste weg unbd ich wei nicht wie ich es wieder hinbekomme.. | 08:25 |
Temporo | I have looked at the wiki and on the install disk, but i can't find how to install the system in cli | 08:25 |
Didi | wenn ich einen anderen benutzer neu erstelle ist das panel und so aber wieder da | 08:25 |
Temporo | I'd have thought there was an easy flag i just can't find it >.< | 08:25 |
=== jessejazza [n=chatzill@host86-132-69-5.range86-132.btcentralplus.com] has joined #xubuntu | ||
Pumpernickel | !de | Didi | 08:43 |
ubotu | Didi: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 08:43 |
=== faemir [n=faemir@85-211-16-164.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #xubuntu | ||
Pumpernickel | Temporo: Are you looking for the server install or the alternate install cd, by any chance? | 08:44 |
Temporo | Yeah i just started to download the alternate CD | 08:45 |
Temporo | Thanks | 08:46 |
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=== lollypop [n=user@adsl-84-226-98-205.adslplus.ch] has joined #xubuntu | ||
lollypop | hello | 09:08 |
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=== Jester45 [n=ryan1@75-121-97-18.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
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=== fundies [n=Oscar@71-10-241-192.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #XUBUNTU | ||
fundies | hi | 11:32 |
fundies | anyone ever try Winutuxu? | 11:32 |
maxamillion | fundies: never heard of it | 11:33 |
fundies | maxamillion its windows | 11:34 |
fundies | but hacked to look like ubuntu | 11:34 |
fundies | and use opensource apps | 11:34 |
maxamillion | yeah ... i haven't touched windows for personal use in almost 8 years | 11:36 |
maxamillion | so no | 11:36 |
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=== Dracari [n=cael@c-68-61-218-142.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
Dracari | is it possible to upgrade xubuntu fiest fawn, to gusty tribe 5? | 12:11 |
Dracari | or is there even ppc version ofxubuntu gusty tribe 5 ? | 12:11 |
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=== PriceChild [n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pdpc.supporter.student.PriceChild] has joined #xubuntu | ||
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=== wyrd [n=alex@82-68-87-42.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #xubuntu | ||
hyper__ch | hiho | 12:50 |
wyrd | evenin' | 12:50 |
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