
ScottKtoma: Yes.  It's a new "Feature" of Launchpad.12:52
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tomaScottK: wow. when i would suggest that for kde, i would have been kicked out of the project ;-)12:53
=== ScottK is not an LP developer, so I'm not the one to complain to.
tomai wont attack you, i was just surprised12:54
ScottKI already duked it out with sabfl today over the LP U/I changes, so I'm not going to do it again.12:54
=== ScottK too.
tomais there an announcement somewhere with the thought behind it?12:55
ScottKIt's in the LP 1.1.9 release notes.  That's all I saw.12:56
tomaokay thnxs for the info12:56
coreymon77fucking hell!!!01:00
coreymon77i finally complete the report...again! and guess what happens01:00
tomahey, hey, !language01:00
coreymon77now the authentication database (logging in) doesnt work and i cant edit, causing me to loose my work again and have to start over01:01
coreymon77ScottK: this is unbelieveable01:01
ScottKThis is because our ever reliable Launchpad is down for maintenance right now.01:03
=== nosrednaekim [n=michael@01-132.200.popsite.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
ScottKcoreymon77: For future reference, write such stuff in an editor and then copy/paste it into the wiki.01:04
=== toma will close the remainder of his bugs tomorrow, better do it myself then allow a bot to do it
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nosrednaekimKubuntu can't stray away from the base, system packages offered by ubuntu can it?01:28
nosrednaekimlike, to provide better 32 bit support01:29
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nosrednaekim*64 bit01:30
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gnomefreaknosrednaekim: not really since they are mostly restricted apps that dont work for 64bit02:28
nosrednaekimwell, I mean, at least install a 32 bit firefox?02:29
gnomefreaknosrednaekim: most of the apps in main updates are fine with 64 its things like flash java and so on02:29
nosrednaekimand some 32 bit libs02:29
gnomefreaknosrednaekim: nspluginwrapper will allow you to use java flash and so on with 64bit ff02:29
gnomefreakgnash in gutsy rocks too much better than it was02:29
nosrednaekimnspluginwrapper isn't in the repositories...02:29
gnomefreakyes it is02:30
nosrednaekim(at least not in fiesty)02:30
gnomefreaknot feisty no02:30
gnomefreakthis is all gutsy support apps, asac really rocked on them02:30
=== Pita [n=pita@c-67-190-48-101.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
nosrednaekimthats good!02:30
nosrednaekimi'm looking forward to some good 64 bit support.02:30
gnomefreakso when you upgrade to gutsy you will find a bit better 64 support (its not without issues though)02:31
nosrednaekimexcept there is still no tickless kernel for x86_6402:31
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gnomefreakafaik there is02:31
nosrednaekimI have it installed on another partition02:31
gnomefreaki saw this being talked about today it was 386 and amd64 or 86_6402:31
gnomefreakcant remmeber02:32
gnomefreaki wanna say its with -12 but i missed most of the convo as i was a bit angry at that time02:32
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Jucatohm... ok... ubuntu-resstricted-extras has msttcorefonts but kubuntu-restricted-extras doesn't.... bug or feature?03:15
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mluserNot sure if this is just happening to me or someone else is experiencing it too, but in the last couple days when I run any application that needs sound a POP is heard comming from the audio card.04:27
mluserbut sound continues to work fine04:28
nixternalJucato: I think that the msttcorefonts are useless and unnecessary...truthfully there is no major reason for having them if you ask me04:31
nixternalmluser: no problems here with audio04:31
mlusernixternal: Ok.. thanks, I'm wondering if maybe its related to the new kernel04:32
Jucatonixternal: I don't mind not having them myself... I'm not a font guy. but I was thinking more of other users :)04:32
Jucatoas for a reason... um.. consistency?04:32
nixternalwhy would anyone need them? to me it isn't as important as the audio/video codecs...04:32
nixternalbah, KDE is different than Gnome correct? :p04:32
Jucatobut this goes more towards the Kubuntu is part-Ubuntu :P04:33
Jucatoanyway, just wondering if it were a bug or a feature. more like a feature then :)04:33
nixternalwho in here uses the msttcorefonts?04:34
nixternalask in #kubuntu and see how many people use them, and then ask why04:34
Jucatotoo much work. nvm :)04:35
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manchickenRiddell: Do you know why synaptic doesn't have an apply-patches rule?05:28
manchickenThat's just weird.05:28
nixternalbecuz it isn't groovy?05:31
manchickenBut it's gonna help fix the changelog issue :)05:32
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=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Jucatobecause synaptic isn't groovy like nixternal? hm...05:46
manchickenI'm about 30 seconds from just stealing the RPackage class from synaptic.05:47
manchickenThere wouldn't be any licensing issues on that, would there?05:47
Jucatoum... wouldn't know... until now I don't know my basic Licensing stuff :(05:47
manchickenheh, gotta love the function `const char *RPackage::vendor()`.05:47
manchickenThe full body of that method is `return "dunno";`05:48
Hobbseemanchicken: it's gotta be redistributable, or under a free licnence, as it's in main...05:48
manchickenGrr... just not enough time to sort this one out.05:57
Hobbseemanchicken: haha, nice05:57
=== Jucato is actually interested in learning about the APT API... just too scared :P
manchickenWe need some documentation on it.05:58
manchickennixternal: You want to be my favorite person in all of history?  Document libapt-front and libapt-pkg :)05:58
Jucato-front and -pkg...05:58
nixternalI am sure I could whip up something, but I think Jucato should learn how to do that :p05:58
JucatoI have no idea05:59
nixternaleither do I :)05:59
JucatoI haven't even seen a single code of APT :)05:59
manchickenI want docs.  That library is such a CF, I don't know where to start half the time.05:59
nixternalcluster fork05:59
nixternalbut fork is a dirty dirty word05:59
Jucatosee! I don't even know what that is!!05:59
=== Jucato wails
=== nixternal is going to wash out manchicken's mouth with a bar of soap
nixternalJucato: cluster fu*k, in other words, a huge mess06:00
HobbseeJucato: you dont want to.06:00
Jucatoisn't Kubuntu a fork of KDE? bwahahah!06:00
=== Jucato runs and hides
Hobbseenixternal: there's an ubuntu team by that name, btw.06:00
manchickenOkay, I'm going to go to sleep.06:00
Jucatog'night manchicken! :)06:00
manchickenI'm too cranky to remain conscious for now.06:00
nixternalHobbsee: does it stand for cluster fork?06:00
manchickenSee you when I'm a little less pissed at all software.06:01
nixternalI stay pissed at software, it is kind of fun06:01
=== nixternal grumbles that none of the security updates have been uploaded yet
Hobbseenixternal: https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-clusterfuck06:01
Hobbseenixternal: no one emailed me about them, either.06:01
nixternalwell i'll be damned06:01
=== Hobbsee likes hte description
=== Jucato dams nixternal...
nixternal Do the impossible bugs get assigned to you? Does your significant other whisper ASM syntax to turn you on? Do you favor rm and killall and mkfs as solutions? Have you ever used a punch card? Welcome home.06:02
nixternalomg, the team icon freakin' rocks06:03
nixternalI want to join just to have that icon show up on my LP page :)06:03
Hobbseehehe :D06:03
Hobbseenixternal: it sounds very much like kurt and fabbio, too.06:03
nixternalfabbione is crazy06:03
Hobbseetrue that.06:03
Hobbseei thought kurt was more so, though.06:04
nixternalwth is the purpose of that team btw?06:04
Hobbseeand to take advantage of the cool icon.06:04
nixternalya, I want that damn icon..it is great06:04
nixternalwhat I like is the ASM line...seeing as we are learning that now in our insane java course06:06
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nixternalfunny thing, the servers we are working on are all IBM..and people don't even know how to ssh into a machine to work on code...I can't stand stoopid people :)06:07
nixternaldamn MySpace junkies!06:07
nixternaloh btw Hobbsee, if you make any new friends on MySpace from the Chicago land area, it could very well be my fault06:08
Hobbseenixternal: someone deleted my myspace.06:08
nixternalargh, that sucks06:08
nixternalhopefully that wasn't my fault06:08
nixternalalthough, I don't blame someone for doing so06:08
Hobbseeit was a *lovely* page!06:09
nixternalI think one time, I heard my video card call me a bastard for going to it06:09
nixternalyou know, I was looking at taking the Ubuntu Certification Exam...and low and behold, it doesn't cover anything really technical from what I have read06:10
nixternalI mean, I don't get why LPIC 1 would be a prereq for the exam, seeing as the Ubuntu one mainly covers LP06:10
=== Jucato is glad he doesn't need to take those... sysadmin stuff...
=== Hobbsee ROFLs
nixternalI just found out about LPIC 301...there is no way in hell I could even come close to passing that one06:11
nixternalI took both LPIC 1 exams twice, and both LPIC 2 exams twice...failed the first time around, and this was not even 2 years ago06:11
nixternalthose exams were hard06:12
=== Jucato is now all the more sure he won't take those..
nixternalit asked me all kinds of RPM crap06:13
Jucatonow if there were a KDE Certification Exam.. count me in!06:13
nixternalreiserfs, and other junk I had no clue about06:13
nixternalI don't even think I got half of the questions right the first go round either06:13
Jucatothese certification stuff is more about system administration right? more fore system administraitors?06:13
Jucatoum.. administrators06:13
nixternalusually, I do pretty good bs'ing my way through certification exams (ie. MCSE, CCNA)06:14
nixternalpretty much so, yes06:14
JucatoMSCE!?!? O.o06:14
nixternalya, I remember when MCSE was the bomb06:14
nixternalwe had to get it for a job back in the 90s06:14
Jucatono wonder you love Vista :)06:14
nixternalit bumped my pay out of the military an extra $15k a year06:14
=== nixternal loves NT
=== Jucato actually liked 98 best
Jucatobut only because I never got a chance to use NT or 200006:15
nixternalNT was a fun beast to admin back in the day06:15
nixternalwhen 2k came out, you seen the mcse pay drop $15k...hell high school kids were being hired on to do admin work06:16
stdinwin2000 is just win98 with a new splash06:16
nixternalwhen I worked at AT&T, we had to get all of the Sun certifications, which were easy, except for the server/hardware certs, and the RHCE...which was a pita06:16
nixternalthey used to do the RHCE certs like you were going for your CCIE...we had to do a lab, 200 written exams, 4 polygraphs, and 2 physicals06:17
=== Jucato wonders if there's similar cert stuff, but for programming/software development/engineering
nixternalAT&T was so evil...all of the opensource/free software we used and worked on, that never got contributed back06:18
nixternalI wonder why they have never gone after AT&T for GPL infringements06:18
nixternalonly development certs I have seen are Oracle, DB stuff, and MCP or MCD06:19
JucatoI see06:20
nixternalwell, there are C++ certs and what not, but they tend to be rather generic06:20
nixternalI know, because I am working towards a C++ cert and degree, as well as a Java cert and degree06:20
=== nixternal loves free schooling
manchickenBoo, certs suck, boo.06:21
nixternalmost certs are useless, except for a select few06:21
Jucatowould be nice for the resum :)06:21
nixternalCisco certs are always good, a Foundstone security cert is really good to have, or at least it used to be06:21
manchickenExperience is better :)06:21
nixternalSun hardware certs are awesome to have06:22
manchickenHardware certs are different.06:22
manchickenI almost did the CCNA06:22
nixternaland the nice thing about paying $10k for their course, you get $5k in Sun hardware field manuals which will help you troubleshoot every error code that solaris and the sun firmware can spit at you06:22
manchickenWhich is even nicer now that Solaris is Free Software.06:23
nixternalI did CCNA through CBT at AT&T with an HP :)06:23
Jucatohm.. me thought Solaris != OpenSolaris06:23
=== Jucato is uninformed
nixternalya, me too06:23
nixternalI didn't know Solaris was free06:23
manchickenSolaris9 is CDL06:23
nixternalI didn't know that06:24
Jucatoall I know is that OpenSolaris is shipping free CD's06:24
nixternalCommercial Driving License06:24
Jucatoor was it a free DVD06:24
manchickenOpenSolaris is a full OS and such, I don't know about the full solaris9 distro.06:24
manchickenBut I do know that the core of Solaris9 is CPL06:24
nixternalI haven't messed with Solaris in quite some time06:24
nixternalodd that CDE was my favorite DE for it as well06:25
nixternalI know that Solaris 8 had some funky DE that was horrid06:25
=== Jucato might try solaris once kde is stable there... thanks to ade...
nixternalman, those were the Netscape days :)06:25
nixternalman, I know I tried the desktop solaris last year, and they had this nasty desktop environment that was java based..and it wasn't project looking glass06:27
nixternalit was so slow06:27
Jucatodidn't they call it slowaris before? :)06:28
nixternalsounds about right06:28
nixternalsolaris 2.6, 2.7, and 8 were pretty tight06:28
nixternalI had an Ultra 80 that I just loved..it was my favorite machine in the whole world06:29
nixternalnow all I have is a E3500 that I bought on Craigslist for $25006:29
nixternal4 cpus, 8gb of ram, and 5 9gb scsi drives06:29
nixternallooks like one of them mini fridges06:29
=== Jucato is itching to type....
manchickenWhere's mvo when you need him?06:30
Jucatohm.. I was supposed to ask mvo something about a month ago... and I forgot now...06:30
manchickenI'm totally stealing mvo's rpackage class.06:32
nixternalis it stealing if it is for free?06:34
manchickenArgh... stealing it isn't going to help much either.06:36
manchickenIt's tied into synaptic.06:36
=== Jucato now sees mhb's point about these kind of things...
nixternalwant some spaghetti with that code?06:37
Jucatobut still I'm not at ease with trying to make everything cross-DE06:37
=== Jucato smells some toast
manchickenI should have had mvo explain this libapt to me at UDS Sevilla.06:39
manchickenBut nooo, I decided to go after the adept kde4 port.06:40
Jucatoare we at the point where adept is being inadept? :(06:41
manchickenTo be honest, I think it's more libapt that's the problem.06:42
Hobbseeyay!  car starts now06:51
Jucatoroad trip!06:52
Hobbseenah.  just work later.06:52
Jucatoaw... bummer06:52
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gustavonareaHello, I have a Toshiba Satellite laptop and the Kubuntu Tribe 5 CD doesn't work under this laptop, while Ubuntu Edgy does work. I'm getting this error: Try the "8139too" driver instead. I've added "brokenmodules=8139too" to the boot options and it doesn not work either. What should I do? I'm now downloading Ubuntu Tribe 5 to try it out too.07:43
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yuriybugs expire now? O_o08:19
Jucatohi yuriy! long time :)08:21
yuriyhey Jucato08:41
yuriynice post on KDE08:41
yuriya little too buzzword-ish for me, but it would make a good poster type thing08:41
Jucatohehe yeah I sort of intended it to be buzzwordish... sort of a first-time/one-time (read that nixternal) marketing stint for me :)08:42
Jucatothanks :)08:42
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yuriyso i've also been learning c++/qt408:43
yuriyby rewriting a project for class in it08:43
Jucatoooooh :)08:43
yuriywe were given java code and some things we had to add to it (it's a raytracer, pretty cool stuff)08:44
yuriyi took it and rewrote it in c++ before doing the actual hw08:44
Jucatohm... java... might be a nice opportunity to try out Jambi?08:44
yuriyi've got the first homework done, now i've decided to really jump in and try out threading08:45
yuriywhich is killing me so far08:45
yuriyJambi would be interesting, but not a challenge08:45
yuriyI would definitely use it though if I was writing a program in java and had a choice of not using swing08:46
Jucatoyeah I can imagine porting from Java to C++ is quite an adventure :)08:46
yuriywell porting wouldn't be hard08:46
yuriybut i basically didn't know c++ before08:46
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yuriyprimarily, no garbage collection08:46
n8k99c++? no garbage collection08:47
JucatoI heard they might be considering implementing one in the next C++ standard08:47
Jucaton8k99: C++ itself doesn't have one08:47
Jucatobut you can use libraries that implement it08:47
Jucatoperhaps garbage collection wasn't much of an issue back then...08:47
yuriyso you can't just go new this new that all the time like in sloppy java programming08:48
n8k99ah ha!08:48
yuriywhich is good, gets you to put more thought into your code08:48
=== n8k99 took a class in sloppy java programming
Jucatobut Qt slightly has garbage collection (I think)08:49
Jucatodoes it? haven't gone into much detail yet :)08:49
yuriynot that i know of, but i haven't studied it much08:49
n8k99so jambi allow you to write Qt/KDE apps but in Java right?08:49
Jucatoall I know it is if you new a child widget, those get automatically destroyed along w/ the parent08:49
yuriyand most of my stuff aren't QObjects08:49
yuriyn8k99: Qt, i don't think KDE08:50
Jucaton8k99: no KDE yet I think08:50
yuriyJucato: oh yeah, that. but not for the non-gui part08:50
=== n8k99 goes to bed before head hits keybd
=== Jucato tapes the keybd to n8k99's head
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=== Topic for #kubuntu-devel: Welcome to #kubuntu-devel | Bugs! https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-team/+packagebugs | KDE 4.0 beta 2 -- http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-beta2.php | Meeting Thursday 1300UTC
=== Topic (#kubuntu-devel): set by sebas at Thu Sep 6 14:16:49 2007
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=== Topic for #kubuntu-devel: Welcome to #kubuntu-devel | Bugs! https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-team/+packagebugs | KDE 4.0 beta 2 -- http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-beta2.php | Meeting Thursday 1300UTC
=== Topic (#kubuntu-devel): set by sebas at Thu Sep 6 14:16:49 2007
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fdovingwow, with some tweaking powertop reports my estimated battery life time to 6.2 hours.01:49
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Jucatonixternal_ does the dance again :)02:41
fdovinghmm.. in gutsy my screensaver is crazy.02:42
fdovingit doesn't fill the screen.02:42
=== Jucato can't begin to imagine how that looks
fdovingwell, the upper left corner is in the center of the screen.02:43
Jucatoer... yeah that falls under krazy02:44
fdovingand googling for 'kdm fullscreen problem' does hot help.02:46
fdovingkscreensaver != kdm :)02:46
fdovingoh, it does not happen with opengl screensavers.02:53
Jucatoonly with kscreensavers? weird indeed02:54
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mhbsee you all in a week, folks!04:29
Jucatomhb: where ya goin?04:30
Jucatotake care and have fun :)04:30
mhbyou take care of Kubuntu .o)04:31
nosrednaekimK ;)04:31
nosrednaekimoh... we are such Kooks..04:33
Hobbseemhb: have fun!04:37
Hobbseenixternal: you *still* owe me an email.04:37
Jucatohas he stopped dancing yet?04:38
Hobbseeseems so04:38
Jucatooh btw... hi Hobbsee!!!!!04:39
Hobbseehiya Jucato104:39
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=== nosrednaekim looks around for Jucato1
=== nosrednaekim doesn't see anyone
Jucatothere was a Jucato_ a while ago. but he expired04:45
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Jucatoheya bddebian05:03
bddebianHi Jucato05:03
mhboff-topic: I wonder how many visa applicants have marked "Yes" at the question " Have you taken part in any terrorist activity?"05:05
=== nixternal [n=nixterna@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.nixternal] has joined #kubuntu-devel
mhbU.S. visa for the UDS, to be exact05:05
ScottKI'm sure none, but that's not why it's there.05:05
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mhbScottK: what's the purpose then?05:06
mhbScottK: so that the embassy can say "they said they aren't terrorists, it's not our fault?"05:07
nosrednaekimprobably so VISA can't get sued for knowingly taking part in terrorist money transfers.05:07
ScottKLieing on the visa application is grounds for being expelled/denying entry.05:07
nosrednaekimsued..... or worse05:07
ScottKIf they have/find any dirt on someone it's easy to through them out for having lied.05:07
ScottKThan having to sort through was the thing they did bad enough.05:07
ScottKIt's the same reason (basically) you are required in the US to pay taxes on profits from illegal activities.05:08
ScottKIt's quite often easier to get court proof someone had money and didn't pay tax on it than that they did the actual crime.05:08
nosrednaekimwhich is how Al Capone got convicted.05:09
Hobbseei'm so glad i'm not in hte US.05:25
Hobbseeeveryone seems to seem to want to sue their neighbour, and everyone else they meet.05:25
ScottKHobbsee: There is a certain amount of that, but I think it's not as bad as it appears in the media.05:25
Jucato(nothing is as bad as they appear in the media... except for natural disasters...)05:27
nosrednaekimand Katrina was nothing like it looked in the media05:28
nosrednaekimway worse05:28
nosrednaekimand I was there a year later05:28
nosrednaekimin New Orleans that is.05:28
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coreymon77team report completed06:05
Hobbseewoot :)06:05
coreymon77sorry about it being slightly late06:06
coreymon77there were login problems yesterday06:06
coreymon77and i just got home right now06:06
coreymon77Hobbsee: take a look at it?06:06
coreymon77Hobbsee: decided to lighten the mood a bit by adding in the last point06:07
Hobbseewhere is it?06:07
Hobbseecoreymon: nice work :)06:08
=== Igobot [n=dax@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Jucato loves that last part :)
=== Jucato contemplates on item #3... :/
coreymon77whats the matter06:11
coreymon77that was s-cottk's idea06:11
Jucatonothing much. just dolphin :)06:11
ScottKNo it wasn't.  It was nixteral.06:13
ScottKnixternal even06:13
ScottKcoreymon77: Remember, we agreed to blame him.06:13
coreymon77ScottK: im talking about the python thing06:14
ScottKNevermind then.06:14
coreymon77Jucato: the riddell thing was nixternals though06:15
Jucatoer.. 3rd item is about dolphin :)06:16
coreymon77i know06:17
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coreymon77so, did i do i good job/06:51
=== nixternal [n=nixterna@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.nixternal] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Hobbsee beats nixternal with a stick.
nixternalwhat's new :)06:52
coreymon77nixternal: i finished06:52
nixternalI am always getting beat, and oddly enough, it is by women :p06:52
Hobbseenixternal: that i havent seen what you want uploaded yet.06:53
nixternalrock on coreymon7706:53
coreymon77nixternal: take a look at it06:53
Hobbseenixternal: i'm sure you wouldnt want to be beaten by another man anyway.06:53
nixternalwell, I can't upload it, so someone else needs to06:53
coreymon77Hobbsee: we need to make a page where we can store points that you want ot be in the next report06:54
coreymon77because i didnt know what to put in it06:54
Hobbseecoreymon77: meeting agenda could double as that06:54
Hobbseeof course, it would help if i was spending more time on kubuntu, i expect06:54
Jucatonixternal: you were dancing again in so many rooms :)06:54
nixternalya, I noticed06:54
nixternalI am starting to totally dislike comcast06:55
nixternalit is hard for me to complain since my connection is totally free06:55
nixternalI haven't paid for broadband service since 200006:55
nixternalwhen I was an AT&T employee, the broadband was called @Home, and I got it for free, then they sold it to comcast, and I still got it free06:56
nixternalso that goes to show that comcast does not do any types of audits06:56
nixternalhell, they sold it to comcast after I left AT&T06:56
nixternalso AT&T didn't do their job either06:56
Jucatobut it benefits you that they didn't :)06:57
Jucatovery convenient :P06:57
nixternalHobbsee: I left a comment asking for a status on the kdebase patches for Dapper -> Feisty06:57
nixternalhopefully that will wake someone up06:57
Hobbseenixternal: ah, you assume that people read bugmail.06:58
nixternalwell, I assume the security people do06:58
Hobbseeit's a sunday06:58
Hobbseeunless you're backwards06:58
Hobbseebut even then, it's still a saturday, and therefore a weekend.06:58
Hobbseeand the priority is on that gutsy one06:59
nixternalthere, I just pinged keescook06:59
nixternalwell the gutsy one is in bzr06:59
nixternalI would think the priority would be on dapper06:59
coreymon77when is gutsy being released?07:02
nixternalnext month07:02
nixternalthe 19th I believe07:02
coreymon77not waiting for kde4?07:02
nixternalKDE 4 won't be until December07:02
Jucatowe can't wait :)07:03
nixternalat the earliest07:03
Jucatoone of the quirks of being a *buntu :P07:03
coreymon77but i take it guty has being made to work perfectly with kde4 right?07:03
coreymon77because its a little long to wait until heron to have kde4 supprot07:03
coreymon77the next release is called heron right?07:04
Jucatowho says we'll wait that long? :)07:04
nixternalyou know...I have been messing with other KDE distros...and using them big time...and even got in a bit with other devs...and the one thing I have to say, is I think we are w/o a doubt the best...I know I am biased, but I just couldn't work with the other distros like I can with Kubuntu07:04
=== Jucato should really really setup a KDE4/Kubuntu FAQ
coreymon77of course07:04
coreymon77i think kubuntu is increbile07:04
coreymon77its definitely the best distro out there07:04
nixternalopenSUSE is pretty damn good though once you get past yum07:05
Jucatonixternal: of course. and I'm sure *some* openSUSE devs believe they are the best too :)07:05
nixternalYast to me is pretty decent07:05
coreymon77it took me 5 years to find kubuntu07:05
Jucatosuse don't use yum :)07:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about yum - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:05
ubotuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)07:05
nixternalhrmm, it is their version of apt07:05
coreymon77and its the only linux distro that i have been able to stick with for so long07:05
Jucatoit's rh's/fedora's07:05
nixternalmanaging openSUSE repositories is like pulling teeth from a lion who is wide awake and hasn't had anything to eat in a month07:05
coreymon77but its probably better than YAST (**hack hack cough cough puke**)07:06
nixternalPCLOS has a nice systems management setup, probably the nicest I have seen...07:06
Jucatohehe yeah.. one of my biggest complaints too07:06
Jucatobut don't equate YaST with their package manager btw :)07:06
coreymon77umm, last time i used suse it was their package manager07:07
nixternalPCLOS is an all around nice setup, and even though I hate the fact all of the non-free stuff is included, I am starting to see that people want it, and it is drawing in new users much easier than we are07:07
JucatoYaST is the whole configuration system07:07
Jucatoit just gives a front end to the package management.07:07
Jucatoso there are part s of yast that are great07:07
coreymon77well, back to watching hot fuzz07:08
Jucatonixternal:  and it helps that they dropped the silly Windows-like logo :)07:08
nixternalFedora does not implement KDE very well...it is slow and unorganized07:08
nixternalheh, no doubt07:08
Jucatoit's only recently that they started to take KDE seriously. to they're still catching up07:08
nixternalthe first time I seen PCLOS I seen that windows logo07:08
nixternalI like Fedora's Gnome setup07:09
Jucatobut they still have to impress me with Fedora KDE config apps :)07:09
nixternalfor Gnome I think Foresight does it the best justice07:09
nixternalForesight is supposed to release a KDE distro here soon07:09
Jucatooooh more and more KDE! yummy07:09
nixternalI was actually asked by Ken Vandine and some other devs if I was interested in helping them out...but you know what they did? they brought over quite a few of the PCLOS devs07:10
nixternalI told Ken that he should not deflect from software freedom, and he promised he wouldn't07:11
nixternalKen is a cool dude, he comes to a lot of the Chicago events because we have a lot of Foresight devs here...it is always a fun battle between Ubuntu Chicago and them07:12
nixternalas a matter of fact, they included us in one of their newsletters07:12
=== Jucato is jealous of such LoCo/LUG activity/life
nixternalthere is the newsletter07:15
ScottKnixternal: The fundamental problem, IMO, with OpenSuse (it's what I used before Kubuntu) is that opensuse is NOT Novell/SUSE's product.  SLES is.07:16
Jucato(neither is Kubuntu Canonical's...)07:17
Jucatonixternal: aw.. no mention or pictures of you? :)07:17
ScottKJucato: But Ubuntu is.  Close enough.  We are downstream of the product, not free beta testers for the product.  All the difference in the world.07:18
JucatoI think opensuse is less of a "beta test" product of Novell than Fedora is/was of RH... for example, opensuse and sles/sled are diverging a lot in terms of package management07:19
Jucatobut that's just what I think. :)07:20
ScottKYou obviously weren't running opensuse 10.1 right after they released it.07:21
ScottKI had this nice shiny KDE desktop that could never be updated.07:21
JucatoI have the 5 cd's but didn't have the time/chance to use them07:21
JucatoI did use 10.207:21
Jucatoyes, that's why opensuse is now diverging from sled07:21
Jucatothey're ditching zen, but sled will still continue to use it07:22
nixternalScottK: ya, but I prefer a community based distro truthfully07:22
=== Jucato does too...
Jucatobut it can be a pain when you start getting compared with your more "supported" older siblings..07:23
nixternalI tend to look past it...I think crimsun said one time that we had it made, being in the shadow causes us to not be scrutinized as harshly as Ubuntu is07:24
Jucatoer... half true..07:24
nixternalbut that can be a bad thing at the same time07:24
ScottKThe thing that really got me was that they changed out the update technology compeltely with Zen AFTER the last public beta and defended it as an appropriate thing to do.07:24
nixternalwhat is Zen?07:24
Jucatosuse's package manager07:24
ScottKThe thing that made updating in opensuse 10.1 compeletly broken07:24
ScottKThat's all I know.07:25
Jucatonot yum :)07:25
Jucatothe thing that made opensuse 10.0, 10.1, and 10.2 terrible07:25
ScottKIf yum ~ apt then zen ~ dselect or dpkg.07:25
nixternalI help teach the Linux classes at the local college, and the one thing I hear the most complaints about is updating..and we use SLED there because of their huge Novell deal07:25
Jucato(10.2 being the least)07:25
nixternalI hated the fact that they wouldn't listen to me when they chose a new Linux distro this year07:25
Jucatonah. yum is fedora's. opensuse uses zypp and zen07:26
nixternalthere is nobody at that college that knows one thing about Linux, but maybe 5 of us, and not one of us was included in, nor even asked about, the Linux upgrades07:26
Jucatozypp from ximian I think..07:26
ScottKDunno.  I've done my best to forget the experience.07:26
Jucatonixternal: but they almost also say the same thing about us btw..07:27
Jucatobut less terrible than the latest suse releases07:27
nixternalwell, here is my unbiased opinion...apt owns them all and conary is coming up quicly to the level of apt07:27
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nixternalconary is lovely...in less than 5 minutes you can package just about anything you can think of07:28
Jucatoyeah I don't think there's anything better than apt when it comes to binary package management07:28
nixternalyou put together the recipe, and then you cook it07:28
Jucatonever tried conary...07:28
=== Jucato knows squat about conary and rpath
nixternalall you need to know is very little python in order to do so07:28
nixternalI am wearing a rPath t-shirt right now :)07:29
=== Jucato knows squat about python
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nixternalyou can't do tabs in dolphin?07:41
Jucatoof course you can't :P07:43
ScottKnixternal: No because dolphin is supposed to be simple.07:43
Jucatoor rather...07:43
nixternalthat knocks it down a notch for me07:43
JucatoDolphin is a powerful file manager for simple uses07:43
nixternalthe split view kind of works07:43
mhbnixternal: try to google some info up, it's been discuss a milion times07:43
nixternalto lazy to google07:43
=== mhb gone
nixternalor to busy07:44
nixternalone of the two :)07:44
nixternalhave fun mhb07:44
=== ScottK notes that D is much closer to G than K in the alphabet and wonders.
=== Jucato also notes that Dolphin is an aquatic animal too
ScottKI didn't know that Gnomes were aquatic.07:46
JucatoNautilus is :)07:46
=== nixternal notes that it also makes a damn good steak
nixternalno, Dolphins :D07:47
ScottKOh.  That too.07:47
nixternaloh wow...I have the most classic story that happened to me the other day in class07:47
nixternalsome dude wanted to argue that Vista comes with more than any Linux distro on a CD...he said if that wasn't true, then why does Vista come on a DVD, and Ubuntu comes on a CD07:48
nixternalI wanted to smack the heck out of him for being flat out idiotic07:48
sebasBeating all Vista users to death also solves Bug#1. Not sure if that's a good idea still. :-)07:49
nixternalwell, actually, we would need to beat all of the XP users first, they still rule the world in shear amount07:50
nixternalXP is about the size of China, and Vista is about the size of....ummm, Diego Garcia07:50
=== Jucato <--- bed
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davmor2guys doing iso testing on my 32 bit laptop.  I have tried to link to my network wirelessly and it is not havin' any of it.  Is this known ?  Do I need to right click to connect or am I doing something else daft?11:32
jjessein gutsy is that what you are working on davmor2?>11:43
davmor2yes iso testing beta11:43
jjesseis the beta, the current iso?11:44
davmor2yesish 20070921.1 is the image we are using for testing11:45
jjesseso knetworkmanager is not connecting automatically?11:46
davmor2I right click on the icon, select my network which it can see then nothing11:46
jjessethink a bug needs to be set then11:47
davmor2ok ta11:50
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Riddellmanchicken: I'd have thought synaptic would be a native package11:59
davmor2Riddell: did you know that install and qtparted are still in the menu system on an install system dead links just still there?12:02
Riddellerr, that's strange12:03
Riddellhowever I'm off to bed, will look at it soon12:03
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