
=== Starting logfile irclogs/ubuntu-ops.log
=== ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@ubuntu/bot/ubuntulog] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== Topic for #ubuntu-ops: Welcome to the home of the operators of all Ubuntu (and derivatives) channels | This channel is for operator/abuse questions only | Support in #ubuntu, #kubuntu etc... | IRC team info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam | The IRC council reserves the right to remove idlers from the channel
=== Topic (#ubuntu-ops): set by PriceChild at Mon Sep 17 19:29:25 2007
(nalioth/#ubuntu-ops) who owns ubuntulog ?07:01
JucatoI thought Seveas did?07:06
Jucatowell, I am never right, right?07:06
naliothsure ya are, Jucato 07:07
jdongmore often than I am :)07:08
Jucatooh jdong good you're here07:08
jdonguh oh07:08
Jucatojust wanted to ask what are the requirements to be mods of a loco sub forum?07:09
jdongAFAIK good general reputation/character, and approval from the owner of the loco subforum07:09
jdongbarring any technical limitations of vbulletin07:10
Jucatojdong: other than those :)07:10
jdongI think that's all that's required07:10
Jucatoneed to sign the CoC too right?07:10
jdongpreferably they should have a history at the forums, or somewhere else that we can skim over....07:11
Jucatoah that won't be a problem I guess07:11
Jucatothanks. we might be applying for a sub forum07:11
Jucatooperative word: might07:11
jdongah, excellent :)07:11
Jucatothanks again jdong07:12
Jucato :)07:12
jdongnot a problem07:12
=== coreymon77 [n=coreymon@ubuntu/member/coreymon77] has joined #ubuntu-ops
ubotuMenZa called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic07:21
Madpilotdealt with.07:22
ubotuJordan_U called the ops in #ubuntu07:30
Madpilotalso dealt with. same idiot.07:32
=== nixternal [n=nixterna@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.nixternal] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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ubotuMenZa called the ops in #ubuntu07:36
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ubotuMasterShrek called the ops in #ubuntu09:48
MadpilotDog, it's Night of the Dribbling Idiots over in #u09:48
=== nixternal_ [n=nixterna@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.nixternal] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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MadpilotLovely. the flooding goof I just removed from #u has just told me it plans to come back 'with it's other connection'...09:53
MadpilotI'm going to leave that potential entertainment to someone else. G'night, all.09:55
=== Gary [n=Gary@colchester-lug/pdpc.supporter.active.Gary] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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=== nixternal [n=nixterna@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.nixternal] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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tempercould u please unban me on #ubuntu12:03
gnomefreaktemper: i suggest waiting for DBO, why were you spamming the channel with links anyway?12:05
gnomefreaktemper: that is bad12:06
tempergnomefreak, i didnt spam with links.. i had a huge lag so i was typing words randomly12:06
temperlike a , ad, aawd asdas d12:06
gnomefreakno you didnt12:06
temperi am sorry about that12:06
tempermy nick was abhishek then12:07
gnomefreaktemper: the links you were spamming mess up browser12:07
=== temper is now known as abhishek
gnomefreakno it was tempermental from hte logs12:07
abhisheki am sure i was abhishek12:07
gnomefreakah ok your nick was related to someone else12:08
abhishekso could u please unban me12:09
gnomefreakhold on il looking at something12:09
gnomefreakwhen were you banned?12:11
abhishekumm less than 3 hrs12:11
abhishekabout 2 i suppose12:11
abhishekohh i mean about 4 hrs ago12:11
gnomefreakany reason you were randomly typing things?12:12
abhishekmy wireless was laggin  heavily.. so i couldnt figure if my messages were going or not12:12
abhishekxchat must have buffered all of them and sent in one go or something12:13
gnomefreakabhishek: normally its best if the person that bans you unbans you, please dont do it again and give me a few minutes i am right in the middle of something maybe 2-3 minutes12:14
abhishekok.. thanks a lot12:14
gnomefreakok try it12:15
abhishekthankyou... i can connect to it now12:16
gnomefreakjust please dont do it again12:16
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Garyarghhh not the damn ola's again12:20
jussi01hows things Gary?12:21
Garyokay, feeling very catty today (ie allergic to my cat)12:22
Garyjust washed the kitchen floor, woo go me, so domesticated 12:22
jussi01heh... not fun12:22
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ubotucrdlb called the ops in #ubuntu01:16
ubotutokj called the ops in #ubuntu01:18
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=== PriceChild [n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pdpc.supporter.student.PriceChild] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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=== PriceChild [n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pdpc.supporter.student.PriceChild] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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LjLstupid #ubuntu-read-topic that doesn't let me change nicks02:55
PriceChildhehe :)02:56
=== LjL_ [n=ljl@81-208-36-87.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #ubuntu-ops
PriceChildCongrats on MOTUship Amaranth!03:06
=== gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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AmaranthPriceChild: thanks03:06
=== pcmacman [n=Pici@ool-4355be00.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
PriceChildHey pcmacman, can I help?03:36
PriceChildah tis only pici...03:36
ubot3LongPointyStick: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:41
Hobbsee(damn irssi)03:43
gnomefreakirssi is inocent i tell ya :)03:46
gnomefreakonly spelled right03:46
=== yoman_ [n=are@89-138-160-132.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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xulano ay nadie04:46
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.04:49
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PiciThat was just pathetic05:16
=== yoman_ [n=are@89-138-160-132.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu-ops
jribwhy not just forward 83.230 right to #ubuntu-es?05:22
Tm_Tjrib: and ban there?05:22
mc44jrib: because they are just trolls05:22
jriball of 83.230?05:22
mc44so ban them outright I say ;)05:22
PiciWhy not ban alltogether and if they have a problem, let them come to -ops05:23
mc44jrib: have you seen one join here which wasnt?05:23
jribmc44: no, but...05:23
PiciJust like we do with all the normal bans.05:23
mc44jrib: then using induction QED :P05:23
jdongthis ban-forward-slap 83.230 conversation is just as predictable as the olas themselves....05:23
jdonganyone else noticed that?05:23
mc44jdong: ola!05:23
jdongk tal05:24
mc44ban jdong instead05:24
=== jdong_ [n=dizzle@ubuntu/member/jdong] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== j-dizzle grumbles
PiciWe didnt ban you...05:26
j-dizzleI understand05:28
j-dizzlethe building hosting my proxy went power poof :)05:28
PiciWow, thats amazing.05:28
Tm_Tnice timing =)05:29
j-dizzleyes indeed05:29
j-dizzleit's almost like the staffer-droids have access to power switches in the media lab :)05:30
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=== Pumpernickle [n=Pumperni@about/essy/bacon/PuMpErNiCkLe] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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=== STEEPER [n=OLGURO@] has joined #ubuntu-ops
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.06:55
jdongooh a caps one06:55
jdongthat's new....06:55
jdongand MSN's new too....06:55
Hobbseeeven using ubuntu xchat.06:56
jdongbefore long, we'll get coherent sentences06:57
Hobbseeoh, they even query now.06:58
Hobbseewhere's LjL when you need him?06:58
Hobbseewell, i can translate ola.  i wen tto spain :P06:58
=== jdong pats Hobbsee on the back
jdongI'm proud06:59
jdongI can translate MSN too. I've been to hell.06:59
=== STEEPER [n=OLGURO@] has left #ubuntu-ops ["Saliendo"]
=== Hobbsee praises the mighty babelfish.
jdonghe left :)07:06
Hobbseeactually had a conversation with that guy - was able to explain a couple of things07:06
jdongyou should've seen if you could ask if he's the same guy07:07
jdongor a group of them.07:07
Hobbseeyeah, before he left07:07
Hobbseei think he left cos i said that this isnt a place to make friends, that myspace was a better one.07:07
=== Hobbsee BABELFISH FTW!
jdongnow myspace is gonna get even worse!07:07
Hobbseeit's already bad.07:07
jdongcouldn't get any worse, right? :D07:07
ubotumacogw called the ops in #ubuntu07:08
ubotuastro76 called the ops in #ubuntu07:08
PiciDid you ask him why he thought it was a good channel to "OLA" in?07:09
Hobbseeno, didnt get that far07:09
HobbseePici: http://rafb.net/p/ewGpyf54.html07:10
jdongPici: come on, it's their first online date... take it slow!07:10
=== jdong ducks
jdongPici: she doesn't even give her MSN on first date07:11
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AmaranthI'm breaking the rules.08:53
AmaranthI'm putting coz on permanent ignore.08:53
PriceChildAmaranth, btw i think you can turn off hilights... on gutsy?08:53
PriceChildsettings > preferences, alerts08:53
PriceChildthen "nicks not to hilight"08:53
PiciHas yoman said anything here... ever?08:54
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AmaranthPriceChild: him highlighting me is not a problem08:54
AmaranthPriceChild: other people saying things and him being a prick when I come to check is the problem08:54
PriceChildI guess I took your words too literally then :)08:55
PriceChildcoz_ is a strange one... haven't seen him lately though08:55
Amaranthhe hides in #compiz-fusion08:56
Amaranthif he wasn't so 'helpful' I'd just get rid of him08:56
PiciEh, if its not an #*buntu* channel, is it really breaking the rules?08:56
=== Amaranth forgot how to do a forward ban
Amaranth/mode +b #channel foo!*@*!#channel2 ?08:58
PriceChildAmaranth, /mode +b *!*@*!#channel08:58
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AmaranthI am so getting in trouble...09:02
PiciWhat did you do?09:03
Amaranthforward banned him from #compiz-fusion to ##windows09:03
Amaranththat way no script will autounban him and he has to figure it out09:04
AmaranthSome fool made him an op there...09:04
AmaranthPriceChild: #ubuntuforums09:04
PriceChildAmaranth, yeah yeah09:05
=== Gary [n=Gary@colchester-lug/pdpc.supporter.active.Gary] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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ikonia_ompaul: !09:44
ompaulikonia, !09:47
ikonia_you're back09:48
=== Mez yawns
=== LjL [n=ljl@ubuntu/member/ljl] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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=== GazzaK [n=Gary@colchester-lug/pdpc.supporter.active.Gary] has joined #Ubuntu-Ops
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GaryPriceChild, whats the ban on coz for?  he been naughty?10:28
PriceChildGary, him and amaranth had a tiff in #compiz-fusion(-dev), he came in #ubuntuforums, "greeted" amar, then left...10:29
PriceChildI know him from a while ago... and I'm just not having it.10:29
Garyhe is normally okay10:30
LjLGary btw, it's most probably unrelated with you really, but yesterday a guy with nickname 'gary' joined #kubuntu and immediately asked who the "moderators" were (he "was just curious")10:35
GaryLjL, that was not me10:35
LjLthat was clear enough10:35
GaryI do find my nick is used a lot though10:35
LjLi just found the combination of using your nick *and* asking about ops fishy10:36
Garyyeah, but i'm not a op there10:36
Garyjust kick im on sight next time, tell him to get his own nick :p10:36
Garyeeek, new gpu driver, brb10:38
LjLsee you on irssi10:39
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ikoniaompaul: you still there10:55
ompaulikonia, I am10:56
ikoniaI'm online10:56
naliothwhat a coincidence.11:05
ikoniashock horror11:05
LjLyiikes, i'm online too! must be a conspiracy11:10
ikoniaI'm keeping my eye's out for the fbi11:11
ompaulLjL, why is it always the same guys believe in conspiracy?11:11
ikoniaanti-castro pigions saying "coo coo"11:11
LjLompaul: i won't give you the answer you're expecting11:11
ompaulLjL, that happens to be the Yodo protocol11:12
ikoniado or do not11:12
ikoniathere is no try11:12
ikoniaand that is why you fail11:12
ompaulthere is only one fail lets see 11:12
ikoniayou are wise ubotu, but you are not a jedi yet11:12
ompaulahh so it is ubotu the grasshopper11:13
ompaulwhod a thunk it11:13
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ubotuastro76 called the ops in #ubuntu11:51
=== aubade [n=aubade@cpe-24-209-104-234.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== aubade rolls.
nixternalblood thirsty animals...all of ya!11:52
aubadewoooo, op fight in offtopic.11:53
PriceChildhaha look at gary "ducking"11:54
ubotuXero called the ops in #ubuntu12:04
Amaranthcrazies today12:04
Amaranthnext month is going to be really fun12:05
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+o LjL] by ChanServ
LjLerm, wrong channel...12:05
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [-o LjL] by LjL
Amaranthand now comes the PM12:06
mc44Amaranth: he's giving you even better links in PM?12:07
mc44don't keep them to yourself ;)12:07
Amaranthmc44: I wish ;)12:07
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nixternalyou preverts!12:13
=== aubade [n=aubade@cpe-24-209-104-234.woh.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu-ops []
gnomefreakwe had a bot attack i take it?12:53
gnomefreaki have a crap load of dcc on my server screen12:53
=== gnomefreak misses the good stuff
LjLgnomefreak: yeah it was fun12:55
LjLa guy said, "is this a netsplit?" when they joined12:55
gnomefreaklook like 15 of there here12:55
LjLand like the idiot i am, i scrolled up to check12:55
LjLwhile i was scrolled up... =)12:55
PiciI just added seconds to my timestamps, otherwise its hard to tell what happened when.12:56
LjLthat's essential12:57
PiciEspecially because I stick all the joins/parts into a different window.12:58
LjLhmmm, that's an interesting idea12:58
LjLi mean, stupid, but interesting12:58
PiciOnly for #ubuntu, I usually use irssi through ssh in a smallish window so I can't see stuff well otherwise.12:59
LjLPici: ... why?01:00
LjLis that a PDA?01:00
PiciBecause I'm using it from work...01:00
PiciNo, a regular computer.01:00
LjLah, work. that scary place people keep talking about.01:02
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Piciyoman_69: Can we help you?01:13

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