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cjehi, is anyone here familiar with networking issues using edubuntu?  I am a volunteer for a public middle school in inner city San Francisco, and we are running GNU Denemo across an edubuntu network, but it is lagging.12:57
cjeI'm going to step away from my keyboard for a bit.  I'll be back in about 10 mins.01:13
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hungrysamdo you all know any good grading programs?02:37
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sbalneavEvening all05:56
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shriphaniRichEd: hi09:16
RichEdhi shriphani ... give me a few mins09:20
juliuxgood morning09:36
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sbalneavMorning all03:03
Kamping_Kaiserhi mate03:03
juliuxhi sbalneav03:06
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shriphaniRichEd-2: well who is this guy you said you would introduce me to ?05:40
shriphani(3rd time I am asking. sorry if it irks)05:40
RichEd-2jono bacon ... he heads up the community structure, and looks after the loco's05:40
RichEd-2send me an email with a quick intro to yourself, what you want to do, and how the loco is or is not helping ...05:41
RichEd-2i'll add a note and forward on to jono and CC you ... so we can have a 3 way to work out how to proceed05:41
RichEd-2i can also bring in the OEM manager for India who is working with quite a few semi-government and open source organisations and programmmes in India05:42
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shriphanirichard@ubuntu.com isn't it05:44
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shriphanisent !05:54
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LDS_TrooperGreetings, on the Ubuntu website it mentions "there are also programmes to aid teachers in planning lessons" under the Edubuntu information. What are these programmes and are they also available for Ubuntu?05:59
sbalneavLDS_Trooper: Not sure.  Moodle, perhaps?06:04
LDS_Trooperits listed here: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/WhatIsUbuntu/edubuntu   under KDE Edutainment Suite06:05
sbalneavah, maybe they're talking about keduca06:08
LDS_TrooperWould be cool if it was a little less vague. =)06:09
LDS_TrooperKeduca is a neat program tho06:10
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LDS_TrooperWhat caught my eye was "planning lessons" where Keduca is more for testing.06:10
sbalneavWell, moodle's going to be in gutsy, and that's a whole course content management system.06:11
LDS_TrooperIs Moodle available for Ubuntu?06:11
sbalneavIn by default for gutsy.06:11
LDS_TrooperOk that sounds excellent.06:11
LDS_TrooperI will wait for gutsy. Thanks so much06:11
KalleBut you need a server to run moodle06:11
LDS_TrooperKalle, so nothing to help with lesson planning on Ubuntu without a server?06:12
sbalneavogra: Edubuntu-server is a moodle server, yes?06:12
ograedubuntu-server is an edubuntu server :)06:12
ograltsp and moodle atm06:13
KalleNot that i know of06:13
ograjust install moodle and postgresql06:13
LDS_TrooperKalle, So then what are they referencing on the website?06:13
ograKalle, gutsy has moodle included by default ...06:13
ograwas a fearute goal this release to make edulinux happy :)06:14
Kallehi Ogra, moodle by default as a stand alone or built in server?06:14
ograso you guys dont kill me on the weekend ;)06:14
Kalleno worries06:14
ograin the default server install06:14
ograwe'll make that more fine grained in the next release so you can pick components06:14
Kalleok my bad LDS_Trooper06:15
LDS_Trooperogra, do you know what they are referring to then?06:15
ografor now solving the security issues and get proper packages was the main concern06:15
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ograLDS_Trooper, not really, when i saw that text last time it looked different :)06:15
ograbut then i'm to busy to also monitor the website :)06:15
LDS_TrooperJust wondered what they offered for "Planning Lessons"06:16
LDS_Trooperas I will be teaching over the winter06:16
ograwell, moodle is surely a good pick06:16
LDS_TrooperI don't run a server tho.06:16
ografor plain scheduling we had schooltool until feisty ...06:17
LDS_TrooperCurrently running Ubuntu Desktop06:17
sbalneavEasy enough to turn it into a server :)06:17
sbalneavJust install the packages.06:17
LDS_TrooperWould I really need a server to plan lessons?06:17
sbalneavThe box you've got now would be fine.06:18
KalleIt seems a lot of work for just planing lessons06:18
ograi think there was at least a timetable app in universe if that helps you06:19
LDS_TrooperHmm not sure.. but thanks.06:20
ogragtablix is the name (had to look it up)06:20
LDS_TrooperI am looking for something to help with planning lessons, as in content, not scheduling.06:20
ograyeah, understood06:20
KalleThen moodel would work fine06:20
shriphanitimetable app that automatically generates timetables ?06:21
ograeven though i agree its a slight overkill ... we shold ahev moodle-desktop :)06:21
LDS_TrooperOk, so then I am looking at moving up to a Gutsy server so I can use Moodle to plan lessons?06:21
ogranah, just install moodle and a database server (postgresql or mysql)06:22
ograworks on feisty as well06:22
LDS_TrooperI think for now I will hit Google for some ideas on lesson planning. Since I can't find moodle.06:22
ograall *buntu dericvatives share the same archive, so everything in edubuntu is also in ubuntu06:23
ogramake sure to have universe enabled in your software sources06:23
Kallelook att moodle.org to get a glimps of what moodle offers06:24
ogramoodle before gutsy is located in universe06:24
ograit moved to main just now06:24
LDS_TrooperI found it in Synaptic.06:24
LDS_TrooperBefore I was just checking the "add/remove" option =)06:25
ograah, well, that only has apps with a menu entry (desktop apps)06:25
RichEdKalle ... 2 quick comments before I have to dash ...06:26
RichEd #1 the bundled moodle is the latest moodle release ...06:26
RichEd #2 we will be adding some 3rd party components ... like chat etc.06:26
RichEdso it will be more than the moodle you have seen ...06:27
ogra(not yet though)06:27
RichEdogra: for add-on testing ... not bundled into the 7.10 release06:27
KalleWhy keep me waiting??06:27
ograright, well we'll hopefully have everything i hardy06:27
RichEdalso, ogra & co have made sure that security holes are fixed ... so people can go ahead with confidence ...06:28
RichEda large university would not want a public facing moodle that could be exploited to go mad on the network across the wore06:28
RichEdthat was the most inportant first step in formalising the bundled release06:29
KalleWell, have to go. See you Ogra.06:30
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LDS_Trooperok well thanks again.. cya06:31
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Burgundaviasbalneav: you can save your form from evince, it is just a bit roundabout06:41
Burgundaviasbalneav: just have your users print to pdf06:42
ograsbalneav, i reqally think the handbook hould be crosslinked from about edubuntu06:43
sbalneavYep, they can print the filled in form, but when they save the pdf, it doesnt save the fillins, (yet)06:43
sbalneavThat'd be nice to have, but it's not necessary for us.  Just having the forms support is great.06:44
sbalneavogra: Sure.  The more exposure the better.06:44
sbalneavThe handbooks really beginning to flesh out.06:44
ograyeah, but its sad that there is no hint at all to it06:45
sbalneavSo lets this release "advertise" it a bit more.06:45
sbalneavBurgundavia: Ah. I see what you mean.06:47
sbalneavYeah, but they won't be able to re-edit then.06:47
Burgundaviano, sadly not06:47
Burgundaviabut at least they have a copy06:47
sbalneavJust having the forms is HUGE.06:47
sbalneavUp till now, it was "oh, a form?  Well, try Adobe, and hope it doesn't crash, or, try to mumble your way through flpsed"06:48
sbalneavNow, I can eliminate adobe AND flpsed, and just say: "click, fill, print"06:48
sbalneavAnd then Erin Esurance pops up.06:49
highvolt1gehi Burgundavia, ogra and sbalneav06:59
Burgundaviahey highvolt1ge06:59
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ograhey hey06:59
=== mode/#edubuntu [+o ogra] by ChanServ
=== ..[topic/#edubuntu:ogra] : Order: http://shipit.edubuntu.org || Edubuntu - the education version of Ubuntu || http://www.edubuntu.org | Wiki: http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuWiki | MEETING: every Wednesday see http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuMeetingAgenda | feisty (7.04) is released, see http://www.edubuntu.org/Download | please help tesing gutsy (7.10) beta https://iso.qa.stgraber.org/qatracker/build/Edubuntu
highvoltageogra: how is it that the testing iso isn't on the ubuntu server? and shouldn't testing come a bit earlier in the topic, since it's higher priority at this stage?07:02
ograwell, my xchat only shows the end of the topic here07:02
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ograand i'm just counting on people reading the topic if they log in07:04
highvoltageok :)07:05
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sbalneavI live in the Second largest country (landmass) in the world (Canada)08:10
sbalneavAnd have visited the 4th smallest (Gibralter)08:10
sbalneavSmallest is Vatican City, at 0.44km^208:11
sbalneavNext is Monaco, at 1.95 km^208:11
sbalneavFollowed by the Pitcairne Islands (Of Bounty fame), at 5 km^208:12
sbalneavWith Gibralter coming in at 6 km^208:12
sbalneavSo, I should make it a goal of mine to visit Monaco, at some point.08:12
sbalneavEither that, or become a citizen of Russia, and visit the Vatican.08:13
sbalneavOne supposes I could become a citizen of the Vatican, and visit Russia, but I suspect being a heathen protestant might represent some small barrier to immigration to Vatican City :)08:14
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ograbah, moodle asks way to many questions :/09:03
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LaserJockogra: mvo found the problem, it was me :(10:40
ograyoure not a problem :P10:41
LaserJockogra: I can fix it (and add the newly moved apps)10:41
ograyoure a solution :)10:41
LaserJockbut do you want it done for Beta?10:41
ograonly if i have to rebuild because the ltsp udeb doesnt work10:41
LaserJockok, so should I get approval for an upload?10:42
ograsadly my virtualbox didnt survive one complete server install yet :/10:42
ograno need for approval, just upload it will be held in the queue10:42
ograseems this install dint survive either ...10:43
ograi need real HW i fear ... which i wont have until tomorrow morning :/10:44
ograwell, this one survived up to "cleaning up ..."10:44
ograso i know everything apart from ltsp and grub s fine already10:44
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ogramoodle4 made the server fail11:02
LaserJockdia-gnome's .desktop doesn't make it onto the addon cd because the .desktop is actually in dia-common11:03
LaserJockI can just include the .desktop in the app-install-data-edubuntu package11:04
LaserJockogra: ^^ seem reasonable?11:04
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LaserJockogra: upload is coming up11:16
LaserJockjust making sure the .deb has what I want11:17
ograseems we'll need a rebuild anyway11:17
ogradropping moodle into ship11:17
LaserJockdo you have any idea what stage it'd dying on?11:17
ograwe cant put it in -server without more installer work11:17
ograwell, it needs a proper pressed file and soemthing with postgres failed11:17
ograi'll keep the log11:17
LaserJockI kinda wondered11:18
LaserJockwith all the debconf questions11:18
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LaserJockogra: upload done11:20
LaserJockogra: added a Multimedia submenu for kino and denemo11:21
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LaserJockatomix went into games11:21
LaserJockand everything else to Graphics11:21
ograi'm pretty sad we lost scribus from -desktop11:22
LaserJockwe really should move to DVDs11:22
LaserJockthis addon CD thing is a real pain11:22
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stgraberogra: Are there any edubuntu ISOs that are known not to be installable and that we should mark as rebuilding ?11:32
ograyup, -server11:32
stgraberok, will disabled them11:32
ograall over11:32
ogra-desktop is fine11:32
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LaserJockogra: alright, I'm off. If you need something from me just email11:52
LaserJocknot that you should11:52
ogradont worry11:53
ograsee you at the meeting11:53
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