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mdzmjg59: hm?03:36
mjg59The password for the "ume" user doesn't seem to be "ume"03:37
mjg59Also, are the dailies being built for x86 or lpia?03:37
mjg59Because I seem to be seeing unhildonised apps that are supposed to check for that at build time03:37
mdzmjg59: I think the password DES-crypts to 'ume' but the system is configured for md5 passwords03:38
mjg59Also, I can't change to a VT and the application launcher menu is only showing me stuff up to "c"03:38
mdzthat's only a guess, as I haven't had my hands on a Q1 to try it out03:38
mjg59Want me to ship the dodgy one back to London?03:39
mjg59As far as I can tell, it's just the fan - so it's ok for short periods of time03:39
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mjg59Ok. So /why/ are the ume dailies being built with i386?03:50
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amitkmjg59: the password is blank03:59
mjg59amitk: For which?03:59
mjg59No it's not03:59
mjg59There was a hash in shadow03:59
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amitkmjg59: are we talking crownbeach or samsung Q1 images?04:09
mdzmjg59: yes, please do04:19
mdzmjg59: the dailies are being built with i386 only because Tollef hasn't gotten around to changing them yet (was supposed to happen last week)04:19
mjg59mdz: Ok04:20
mjg59Hm. The other thing is that the dailies still seem to use an ext2fs, and never fsck it?04:20
mjg59Oh, no, it /is/ ext3 - we're just mounting it as ext204:22
=== mjg59 ends up with a corrupt filesystem
amitkatleast the crownbeach ones seem to have blank password set.04:27
amitkmjg59: ^^ I just reflashed my crownbeach at 5am to make sure I wasn't hallucinating :-)04:28
mjg59amitk: Heh. Certainly not the case here.04:29
mjg59mdz: Did you send me a PSU with this one?04:44
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mdzmjg59: yes (without the country-specific cable)05:56
mjg59mdz: Ok, I'll find that - I can only put my hands on one of them right now06:00
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dholbachgood morning08:32
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agoliveirakwwii: Hi Ken. Have a minute?03:00
Mithrandiragoliveira: if you could prod me when you have a couple of minutes, that'd be good.03:01
agoliveiraMithrandir: We can talk now if you want.03:01
Mithrandirsure, I'll take it to a query03:01
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amitkMithrandir: latest kernel upload seems to fix the unionfs oops. Haven't been able to reproduce it since last night.03:10
Mithrandiramitk: rockin'03:10
MithrandirI've found out my display here hates the crown beach, but I'll bring in another monitor tomorrow.  We'll hopefully have lpia images then03:10
mjg59Yeah, I've been unable to reproduce it either now03:13
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smagounamitk: we're still having trouble with unionfs on our crown beach, even with 2.6.22-12.3903:21
smagounIs there a more recent kernel? (I don't see one in launchpad)03:21
Mithrandiryou probably only need the newer linux-ubuntu-modules03:24
smagounMithrandir: ah, of course. I have 2.6.22-12.31, and I see that 2.6.22-12.32 is now available - with a unionfs update in the changelog. Thanks!03:28
mjg59smagoun: I could reproduce the issue with the .31 code, but not with .3203:33
smagounmjg59: thanks. Testing it now...03:34
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dholbachhey guys :)03:40
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agoliveiradholbach: Hi there!03:51
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kwwiiagoliveira_brb: let me know when you are back and we can talk04:09
agoliveirakwwii: Hello. I want to set a few things with you about the themeing process if you have a few minutes.04:12
kwwiiagoliveira: sure, shoot04:12
agoliveiraNice. I was thinking about the process of using the theme tools. Currently it downloads a standard theme from maemo's svn and uses to build a package. We agreed on have the option to use a local theme and uses it as the base to create a new one, correct?04:14
kwwiiI think that we simply need one package in which all the artwork lives04:15
kwwiikubuntu does it this way04:15
kwwiiand it works great04:15
kwwiiif we had one package with all the pieces in it defining the sdk would be much easier. Scripts would install everything to the right place04:16
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kwwiiI have no idea why maemo pulls stuff from svn, seems like a bit of overkill to me04:16
agoliveirakwwii: Cool. The problem now is, how it will be different from current theme format? For now it can't or we can't use the same tools.04:17
kwwiiuntil now the format is not that different...we just need to update the layout to reflect what we want (the email that peter zhu sent explains that)04:17
agoliveirakwwii: Ok, I got that. So, should I use the theme package you uploaded to LP as the base? Because I need something to start wiht.04:18
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kwwiiagoliveira: it would be better to start with a totally clean theme04:21
kwwiiagoliveira: I can then put my updated pics into it04:21
kwwiiI made a mistake and built the theme before uploading it04:21
agoliveirakwwii: Can you provide me with one?04:21
kwwiiyepp, what should I call it? ume-basic or such?04:22
agoliveirakwwii: Something in the line, I guess.04:22
kwwiiI think there was an email about that somewhere I will check it, make it, and send you a tar.gz of the whole thing04:23
agoliveirakwwii: Ok. Thanks.04:23
kwwiino problem, good to see this stuff moving forward ;-)04:24
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kwwiiagoliveira: email sent05:05
agoliveirakwwii: Thanks. I'll Check it out right after lunch (even so because it downloading very slowly :( )05:06
kwwiisounds good05:09
MithrandirHappyCamp: why is it you are removing galculator from the ubuntu-mobile fset?05:17
HappyCampMithrandir, I did that because I put moblin-calc in the staging fset.05:19
MithrandirHappyCamp: and you did that why?  What's wrong with galculator?05:20
HappyCampAdolivera and bspencer know.05:21
Mithrandirgiven that galculator is hildonised on lpia, I don't see a point?05:21
HappyCampAdolivera replied to my email on ubuntu-mobile and gave some reason. 05:21
HappyCampI really don't know.  I was just told that they wanted it in there.  So I did it.05:22
Mithrandirok, I'll harass bob instead then. :-)05:22
HappyCampMithrandir, thanks! :)05:22
HappyCampMithrandir, by the way.  What is "hppa" architecture?05:23
Mithrandiris probably the name you'd know it by05:24
HappyCampOkay.  I don't think I need to mirror that.05:24
Mithrandiryou don't, nor do you need ia64, I believe.05:25
HappyCampyep, I was already excluding ia6405:25
MithrandirHappyCamp: how's the sponsorship process for moblin-chat going?05:30
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HappyCampMithrandir, good.  Slower then it should but that is on our end :(  I am working with the developer of moblin-chat to fix a few minor issues and then should be getting it pushed to asac, hopefully today.05:31
Mithrandirit would be nice to see it in soon.05:31
Mithrandirit's not like it has to be perfect on first try.05:31
HappyCampI am hoping to hand it off to asac today, if we get our stuff done.05:32
asacHappyCamp: if you have it ready ... let me know .)05:32
asacHappyCamp: if you have questions I am here :) ... actually not each and every lintian warning needs to be fixed to make me happy ... just to most obvious ones.05:33
asacif you fix all ... even better ;)05:33
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-mobile:jpan_olympia] : gui
HappyCampasac, Will do.  I will hopefully have something for you within two hours.  I'm about to take a shower and then "go to work" :)05:34
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-mobile:Mithrandir] : http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mob ileAndEmbedded | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded/FAQ
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agoliveiraMithrandir, HappyCamp. Looks like there was a misunderstood about galculator. I hildonized it as scheduled and Bob told me later that there was already a hildonized version of it. I checked it out and, despite it did have some hildonized code, it wasn't working for me and I told Bob that and to keep an eye to not let this kind of duplicated work to happen again. After that, I pushed a fully working hildonized version of galculator05:55
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dholbachhey HappyCamp06:07
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-mobile:dholbach] : http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mob
agoliveiradholbach: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mob?06:08
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-mobile:dholbach] : http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded/FAQ
dholbachI wanted to remove the spurious blank in it :)06:08
agoliveiraWe are the Ubuntu Mob! Let's start sell protection instead of support! :-D06:09
=== agoliveira remembers that there is already a very large company trying to do that...
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HappyCampMithrandir, I was confused before, when you were talkinga bout moblin-chat I was thinking about moblin-applets.  That is what I am currently working on getting pushed.  Almost have the lintian errors fixed.07:35
MithrandirHappyCamp: ok, what about moblin-chat?07:35
HappyCampI will work with bspencer to find out about moblin-chat07:35
HappyCampI think he or horace own it.07:36
HappyCampThough I guess I can just see if it looks ready.07:36
Mithrandiryou should be nagging them. :-P07:36
HappyCampI will do that, for sure.07:36
MithrandirI'll revert the galculator commit, and then I'll add some bits to the fsets, then upload.07:39
Mithrandirupload moblin-image-creator, that is.07:39
Mithrandirsounds good?07:39
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bspencer_moblin-chat you say?07:55
bspencer_ode to moblin-chat, by bspencer_ 07:55
bspencer_moblin-chat is functional, works with gtalk07:56
bspencer_oh, why, great moblin-chat, art thou so ugly ?07:56
bspencer_HappyCamp: did you have a Q about moblin-chat?07:56
HappyCampbspencer_, Yep.  Mithrandir was wondering about getting it into ubuntu.07:56
HappyCampIs it ready to go?  Has anybody run lintian on it? (Probably not since I haven't told anybody about that).07:57
bspencer_true, I don't know about lintian07:57
bspencer_Peter Zhu has worked on moblin-chat and it works but it still has an unpolished UI07:58
HappyCampbspencer_, pretty easy to do.  You just download all the build output and then do: lintian *.dsc07:58
HappyCampand: lintian *.deb07:58
HappyCampbspencer_, So do you want to try pushing in what we got?  Maybe after we fix up any blatan lintian errors.08:00
Mithrandir(or just run lintian on the .changes file)08:00
HappyCampAlso is Peter going to be around.08:01
bspencer_Peter is not around until Oct 10th08:02
bspencer_but having moblin-chat in Ubuntu would be nice08:02
bspencer_and it is as good as it will get for this release08:03
Mithrandiris that blocked on him, or can we get it in without him being around?08:03
bspencer_not blocked08:03
bspencer_Mithrandir: have you ever run moblin-chat?08:04
Mithrandiryes, ages ago08:04
HappyCampasac, Can you help me get moblin-chat into ubuntu?08:05
HappyCampasac, are these lintian things acceptable? http://moblin.pastebin.org/331608:07
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agoliveirakwwii: Still around?09:09
kwwiiagoliveira: yepp09:11
agoliveirakwwii: A question: the layout file will be the same, hildon-theme-layout-4?09:12
kwwiiagoliveira: no, it will be a different version based on the info that peter zhu put together09:12
agoliveirakwwii: Hmmm... will someone create this? This package deppends on a layout to be built.09:13
kwwiiI certainly hope so :-)09:13
agoliveirakwwii: Maybe I can just point to a "generic" layout package that will have the hildon-theme-layout-4 contents for now?09:14
kwwiiagoliveira: that sounds like the best plan09:15
kwwiireading the emails that were sent they apparently think that I'll create a png file and then adjust the coordinates in the layout accordingly09:15
kwwiiI don't see why they cannot go ahead and create the layout file as he already sent a test template which shows the pieces09:15
agoliveirakwwii: and by your tone I suppose you disagree?09:16
agoliveirakwwii: Well, I don't want to have to redo things at this point of the process.09:16
kwwiiwell, normally artists do artwork and developers develop not sure where the overlap is in this process09:17
kwwiiagoliveira: for now we only have the layout4 stuff so we should keep going with that until we have something new09:17
kwwiiI am starting a totally new template based on the new stuff anyway, so we can figure this out once I get done with that09:18
kwwiionce I have the svg done getting the coordinates from that should not be too hard09:18
agoliveirakwwii: Should I get done that thing I have now or wait for you?09:18
kwwiiagoliveira: finish what you have now so that we at least have something in09:18
agoliveirakwwii: Okeedokee09:18
kwwiiagoliveira: the package that I sent you has a black/orange pic in it so it might not be the best but it shows where we are going with this09:19
agoliveirakwwii: Ok, so I'll stick with the plan and use the current layout as a generic one as a starting point.09:19
kwwiiagoliveira: great, thanks :-)09:20
agoliveirakwwii: One is glad to be of service :)09:22
kwwiiit probably helps getting paid though :p09:22
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agoliveirakwwii: In a completely unrelaqted news, yesterday I took sushi and sashimi. I was exited about making it at home until I realized the kind of work it is :)09:45
agoliveirakwwii: I took lessons, well said...09:45
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kwwiiagoliveira: killer! I never took lessons but I did make some at home once10:13
kwwiiagoliveira: what I figured out is that buying a whole salmon makes for a lot of food10:13
kwwiithat is why I do not eat any sushi or sashimi with salmon anymore10:14
agoliveirakwwii: Indeed but to prepare everything, is a lot of work and salmon is easy to prepare compared to tuna which is my favorite... I'll think twice before come out with the idea of make it at home again :)10:15
kwwiiagoliveira: yeah, it is a lot easier to just go to a restaurant and buy it ;-)10:16
agoliveirakwwii: Yep. Now I know why it's so damn expensive :)10:17
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ian_brasilwhat version of hildon is in UME?10:50
ian_brasilor rather does it support GTK UI Manager?10:55
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asacHappyCamp: yes, please eliminate the duplicate relation depends ... and think about whether we need the "non-dev-pkg-with-shlib-symlink" ... otherwise it looks fine12:55
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