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doug__ | here jrib | 03:35 |
jrib | have you formatted the partition now? | 03:36 |
doug__ | jrib no | 03:36 |
doug__ | what i wanna do is just make it a storage unit nothn more | 03:36 |
jrib | yes | 03:36 |
doug__ | give me 5 min ill be running on the live cd | 03:37 |
jrib | why? | 03:37 |
jrib | ... | 03:37 |
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=== ubuntu [n=ubuntu@h164.24.255.206.cable.lngv.cablelynx.com] has joined #ubuntu-classroom | ||
ubuntu | lol forgot the # | 03:45 |
ubuntu | ok jrib im on live cd | 03:45 |
jrib | k, format the ntfs as ext3 | 03:45 |
ubuntu | wait | 03:46 |
ubuntu | now on the real ext3 note i have crucial 76gb data i cant lose or back up | 03:46 |
jrib | there's no such thing as crucial data you can't back up. If it's crucial, you back it up | 03:47 |
jrib | is it on the same hard drive? | 03:47 |
ubuntu | i cant i have no cd's nor othr drives | 03:47 |
ubuntu | yes | 03:47 |
ubuntu | its all school and work stuff | 03:48 |
jrib | then it's up to you if you want to format the other partition. Nothing should go wrong, but of course nothing is ever 100% | 03:48 |
jrib | s/ever/never | 03:48 |
ubuntu | ok so format the ntfs as ext3? | 03:48 |
jrib | wait no, ever was right... | 03:48 |
jrib | ubuntu: yes | 03:49 |
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ubuntu | The following operation could not be applied to disk: Format /dev/sda1 as ext3 | 03:49 |
doug__ | jrib: i got The following operation could not be applied to disk: Format /dev/sda1 as ext3 | 03:50 |
doug__ | the format and the mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda1 failed | 03:51 |
jrib | is it mounted? | 03:52 |
doug__ | jrib: lol yea now its done | 03:52 |
doug__ | jrib its now ext3 | 03:52 |
jrib | k | 03:53 |
jrib | reboot then | 03:53 |
doug__ | k brb | 03:53 |
doug__ | wait jrib do i boot into that one first thn the real one? | 03:53 |
jrib | huh? | 03:53 |
jrib | boot into your normal install | 03:53 |
doug__ | ok | 03:54 |
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doug__ | jrib: ok now how i get read/write to it | 03:57 |
jrib | have you managed to add it to your fstab? | 04:00 |
doug__ | how? | 04:00 |
jrib | pastebin the output of 'blkid' and the current contents of your /etc/fstab | 04:00 |
jrib | !paste | 04:00 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 04:00 |
doug__ | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/38639/ | 04:03 |
jrib | doug__: /etc/fstab is a file, open it with 'gedit /etc/fstab' | 04:03 |
doug__ | jrib: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/38640/ | 04:04 |
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jrib | doug__: you don't have to paste it in both channels | 04:05 |
jrib | change line 11 from: UUID=48C45190C451815C /media/sda1 ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.UTF-8 0 1 | 04:06 |
jrib | to: | 04:06 |
jrib | UUID=2665e48d-5f45-4604-8ba7-6fd146a32c85 /media/sda1 ext3 defaults 0 2 | 04:06 |
doug__ | done | 04:07 |
doug__ | it wont let me save | 04:07 |
jrib | oh right, close that and open it with "gksudo gedit /etc/fstab" | 04:08 |
doug__ | did | 04:08 |
doug__ | forgot the sudo | 04:08 |
doug__ | now what i do with it jrib? | 04:08 |
jrib | you changed the line? | 04:09 |
doug__ | yep and saved | 04:09 |
jrib | now type 'sudo mount -a' in a terminal | 04:09 |
doug__ | done and it went to a new line | 04:10 |
jrib | now what permissions do you want on it? | 04:10 |
doug__ | none | 04:10 |
doug__ | oh i want read/write | 04:11 |
doug__ | i have non as of now | 04:11 |
jrib | with everyone or just your user? | 04:11 |
doug__ | im only one uses it so me | 04:11 |
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jrib | do: sudo chown $USER: /media/sda1 | 04:12 |
doug__ | and how do i make it mount and have read/write auto on bootup | 04:12 |
jrib | it already is | 04:12 |
doug__ | do i have to do sudo chown $USER: /media/sda1 on evry boot? | 04:13 |
jrib | no | 04:13 |
doug__ | jrib: i put somethng in it and i cant delete it now | 04:13 |
jrib | tell me the output of: ls -ld /media/sda1 /media/sda1/* | 04:14 |
doug__ | drwxr-xr-x 4 doug doug 4096 2007-09-26 09:12 /media/sda1 | 04:15 |
doug__ | drwx------ 2 root root 16384 2007-09-26 08:52 /media/sda1/lost+found | 04:15 |
doug__ | drwxr-xr-x 2 doug doug 12288 2007-09-23 07:30 / | 04:15 |
jrib | did you truncate the output? | 04:15 |
doug__ | i only did what u told me | 04:15 |
doug__ | so nope | 04:16 |
jrib | is "drwxr-xr-x 2 doug doug 12288 2007-09-23 07:30 /" actually what it said on the last line, check that you copied the entire line | 04:16 |
doug__ | drwxr-xr-x 2 doug doug 12288 2007-09-23 07:30 /media/sda1/My Pictures | 04:17 |
doug__ | is the last line | 04:17 |
doug__ | sorry must of cut some off | 04:17 |
jrib | so you put "My Pictures" in there, correct? | 04:17 |
jrib | and you can't delete it? | 04:17 |
doug__ | yes | 04:17 |
doug__ | yes | 04:17 |
doug__ | i was testing it | 04:17 |
jrib | what happens when you try? | 04:17 |
doug__ | nothin | 04:17 |
doug__ | its not whre i can pick it | 04:17 |
jrib | press "reload" in nautilus and try again | 04:17 |
doug__ | its greyed out | 04:17 |
doug__ | k brb | 04:18 |
doug__ | how i do the reload | 04:18 |
doug__ | all i know how do is reload x with out totaly rebooting | 04:19 |
jrib | in the bar, there is an icon with two arrows going around in a circle | 04:19 |
jrib | or view -> reload, or ctrl-r | 04:19 |
doug__ | oh *slaps self on face* | 04:20 |
doug__ | i thought u ment somethng else | 04:20 |
doug__ | ok done and done | 04:20 |
jrib | so you can delete now? | 04:20 |
doug__ | thanks jrib | 04:21 |
doug__ | yep | 04:21 |
jrib | no problem | 04:21 |
doug__ | sorry or the trouble | 04:21 |
doug__ | for* | 04:21 |
jrib | no trouble | 04:21 |
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