
cwong1in the new image, you open it by clicking on the icon or through an external link.01:17
Ubuletteasac, did benjamin tell you by luck where/how easy it is to look into two ext dirs ?01:17
asaccwong1: ok01:20
asacUbulette: he said its easy ... they dropped it at some point but he wants it in now again01:21
asacsomeone else provided this pointer: http://mxr.mozilla.org/seamonkey/source/xpcom/io/nsAppFileLocationProvider.cpp#60001:21
asacmight or might not be the right place01:21
Ubulettei was in there: http://mxr.mozilla.org/seamonkey/source/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/src/nsExtensionManager.js.in#227901:22
Ubulettebut didnt lookright01:22
Ubuletteoh, yours is good for plugins01:23
asachmmm ... so maybe the one i provided is for plugin dirs01:23
Ubulettei'm looking for ext now01:23
asacyour place looks reasonable then01:24
asacKEY_APPDIR ... maybe there is something for XREDIR01:25
asacvar appGlobalExtensions = getDirNoCreate(KEY_APPDIR, [DIR_EXTENSIONS] );01:25
asac-> var xulGlobalExtensions01:25
asacbut actually he said that he dropped it at some point so maybe looking at bonsai gives us the right pointer01:25
Ubulettehe = ?01:26
asache = bsmedg01:27
Ubulettecan't find it01:40
asacyeah me neither :/01:40
asacUbulette: ok the idea is probably to add NS_APP_EXTENSIONS_DIR_LIST01:43
Ubulettehmm, the whatsnew url for minefield is wrong01:43
asacto http://mxr.mozilla.org/seamonkey/source/xpcom/io/nsAppFileLocationProvider.cpp#60001:43
asacand then adapt extensin manage to look at all01:43
asacUbulette: trunk urls are almost certainly wrong01:44
asacthey just update the content on milestone releases01:44
asacshould be straight forward to do what i said above01:46
Ubulettei dont think this function is called for extensions/themes. looks like just for plugins01:47
asacwhich function?01:47
asacthe one in nsAppFileLocationProvider?01:48
asacyes its not called because the em just looks for a single path01:48
asacit needs to be adapted01:48
asac#define NS_APP_EXTENSIONS_DIR_LIST                 "AExtensionsDL"01:49
asacthen add the constant to AppFileLocationProvider01:49
asacand use that to look up the dir list in EM01:49
asacbug 14123302:00
ubotuLaunchpad bug 141233 in network-manager "MASTER network-manager crashes when wpasupplicant ctrl socket is not available" [High,Fix released]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/14123302:00
gnomefreakyou grabbing 2.0?02:29
Ubulettegnomefreak, ?02:30
gnomefreaki planed on fixing something in iceape this week? i see seamonkey all over hte screen02:30
gnomefreakdo i still need  to fix it?02:31
Ubuletteno, we brainstormed on xul/ff3 using seamonkey sources02:31
gnomefreakah ok plans for gutsy+1 enable xul for iceape/seamonkey (im thinking leaving it iceape thh.) hopfully 2.0 will be released soon after gutsy is (but unlikely) and maybe using quilt for 2.0 as well02:33
Ubulettei don't think seamonkey is ready for xul02:34
gnomefreakUbulette: let me know when you get the sources (from where) i will try xul in 1.1.402:34
gnomefreakUbulette: not here afaik02:34
gnomefreakUbulette: what should i be looking for (somethign give it away that is easy to locate?)02:34
Ubulettesources of what ?02:34
gnomefreakiceape = seamonkey02:35
gnomefreaki havent seen anything in current seamonkey release that has anything to do with xul02:35
UbuletteI've read somewhere that seamonkey is not ready to be compiled with xulrunner.02:37
Ubulettepart of it may work, but not all of it02:37
gnomefreakoh ok i thought you said it was i miss read02:37
gnomefreakthats why i was gonna wait for 2.0 to make sure but if it was ready i would have tried it in 1.1.4302:38
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Ubuletteasac, strange, it seems links added through dh_link are not properly installed if there's already a directory03:17
IdleOneyou still here04:21
IdleOnehow do I solve this error04:21
IdleOneE: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)04:21
IdleOne<sandy> E: Unable to lock the list directory04:21
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shirishanybody up?05:12
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fixapt - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:47
ubotuIf Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 05:47
gnomefreakIdleOne: ^^^05:47
gnomefreakwithout the << >>05:48
Admiral_Chicagowhy does that say in konsole?06:01
gnomefreakwhy does what say in konsole?06:20
gnomefreakasac: nspluginwrapper needs upload as well as iceape maybe tomorrow (im working on getting iceape built after fixes so i can test before pushing to branch/revu/or where ever you want to do it from06:47
gnomefreakok going to bed finally07:27
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asacwhats the problem with nspluginwrapper gnomefreak ?11:28
asaccan't this wait until after beta?11:28
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asacnow lunch :)01:38
JazzvaHave fun ;)...01:38
bluekujaasac: I have the new diff-ext deb02:21
bluekujaasac: can you check if it crashes there?02:21
bluekujaseems to work fine here02:21
asacJazzva: where can i look at the patch?02:32
Jazzvaasac: Just a sec...02:38
Jazzvaasac ^02:39
JazzvaHmm, I think maybe we should use a different name for wizardCheckAdmin()... something that will be more obvious, like userIsAdmin()...02:42
bluekujaasac: can you test there?02:43
JazzvaThe code will be more readable... for example, "if (userIsAdmin()) {...}"02:43
bluekujaasac: ftp://gnome-btdownload.alioth.debian.org/pub/gnome-btdownload/diff-ext_0.2.3-1_i386.deb02:43
bluekujaasac: let me know if it does not crash anymore02:43
asacbluekuja: i don't have sid ... please provide me with a gutsy build ;)02:43
bluekujaasac: that's gutsy build02:44
bluekujaasac: should work for you02:44
asacwhere are sources?02:44
asacJazzva: yes ... userIsAdmin is ok02:45
bluekujaasac: need diff, dsc and origin too?02:46
asacJazzva: ok just to be sure ... what happens if user isn't admin and there are no other results?02:46
bluekujaasac: it's not ready for upload02:46
bluekujaasac: just wanted to know if the bug is fixed02:46
asacbluekuja: make it redy then02:46
bluekujaasac: ok02:46
asacbluekuja: if it fixes the bug for oyu ... it should02:46
Jazzvaasac: Well, it always shows apturl's results. If user isn't admin then they're grayed-out and there's a note below vbox, which says that user needs admin permissions to install the grayed-out plugins. The user can click Next or Cancel. Clicking Next takes him/her to summary screen, which says that no plugins were installed.02:48
Jazzvaasac: And if there're no apturl and xpi results, I suppose the plugin box is empty. That isn't tampered in this patch...02:49
asacah right02:49
asacJazzva: normally if ther eis no result at all the plugin wizard goes to a page that states that02:50
asaccan you verify that this is still the case?02:50
Jazzvaasac: Umm, hmm... Is the only way to disable apturl support in ubufox?02:50
asacJazzva: you can verify upstream behaviour by disabling ubufox and trying to install a video player02:50
JazzvaI know the link :)...02:51
asacah ok02:51
JazzvaUmm... btw, can I use the same name for a variable and a function?02:51
asacupstream database should not have a video player for linux in their database02:51
asacJazzva: no idea for javascript ... either try or go the safe way02:52
JazzvaOk... safe way :)...02:52
asacbluekuja: do you understand what the issue was?02:52
bluekujaasac: bug report says "nautilus crash when installed"02:53
ubotuSchedule for Etc/UTC: 26 Sep 20:00: Edubuntu | 27 Sep 12:00: Desktop Team Development | 27 Sep 15:00: Community Council meeting | 02 Oct 16:00: Kernel Team | 02 Oct 17:00: Ubuntu Artwork Team | 06 Oct 17:00: Xubuntu Developers02:53
bluekujaasac: so just installing it02:53
bluekujacaused the crash02:53
asacbluekuja: well ... please dig out the checkin that fixed it ;)02:53
bluekujaasac: what do you mean?02:54
asacfind the diff that fixes it02:54
bluekujaasac: oh, it has been fixed upstream02:54
bluekujaafter our report02:54
asacyes ... find the diff ;)02:54
bluekujaoki :)02:55
asacshouldn't be too hard because diff-ext is small piece of software02:55
bluekujaasac: yep, gonna debdiff02:56
bluekujaold and new revision02:56
bluekujaand we will have the diff02:56
bluekuja.orig are different02:56
bluekujaso gonna be quite easy02:56
bluekujaasac: do you know debarchiver software?02:59
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Jazzvaasac: Hmm, tested... I changed the URL for PFS from yours to Mozilla's...03:20
JazzvaIn Ubufox's PFS it just popped a window with no plugins and line "Press next to install these plugins". Pressing next takes you to the last page and says that there were no plugins found. I think we should skip the plugin selection page in that case...03:21
JazzvaUsing Mozilla's PFS... well, I just get the window that keeps checking for plugins forever...03:22
Jazzvalunch... brb03:23
asacJazzva: you don't need to change the url ... just disable ubufox03:31
asacin addons manager03:31
asacthat should bring you back to pristine upstream behaviour03:31
Jazzvaasac: That brings the window and the PFS keeps searching for plugins forever...03:33
Jazzvaasac: On the other hand, if no plugins were found in Ubufox, it shows a window with "Press Next to install those plugins"... Pressing Next takes user to the last window... I thought we could skip the first one in case no plugins were found.03:34
asacright ... but from what i know the pristine dialog does exaclty that03:35
asacstrange that it doesn't for you03:35
asacusually yes03:35
JazzvaAs far as I can remember, it did that all the time :/...03:35
asacplease grab a build from there and try with that ... and a fresh profile03:35
asacjust to be sure that we don't hunt a bug that is really upstream03:36
JazzvaI'll have to do that in the evening...03:36
asacmaybe ;) ... but then its a bug :)03:36
JazzvaI'll have to go out in about 20-30 minutes03:36
JazzvaOk, which version? or Granparadiso?03:37
JazzvaUmm... latest-2.0 or latest :)?03:37
asacthen lets see :)03:38
JazzvaI'm off now... Have fun.03:39
Ubuletteasac ?03:51
Ubuletteasac, I've replaced a directory by a symlink but it doesn't work as long as the directory is there03:53
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hawkeasac: ping?04:04
asac_hawke: yeah04:14
hawkeI can't reproduce that network-manager crash entirely reliably04:14
asac_Ubulette: yes thats true04:14
hawkebut it happens quite regularly for me04:15
Ubuletteasac_: so what's the solution for that ?04:15
asac_Ubulette: moving stuff in preinst04:16
Ubulettethe dir is empty at that point04:16
asac_Ubulette: empty? ... why isn't it removed?04:16
asac_isn't the dir listed in .dirs ?04:16
hawkeasac: I've got about 2 minutes before I leave for work (switching networks, and most likely causing the crash) -- my plan was to simply attach gdb to network manager, and see the backtrace from there.  Is that a good plan?04:18
asac_hawke: problem is that you don't have debug symbols04:18
asac_hawke: please start now and test when you return:04:18
hawkeasac: yes I do04:18
asac_you have?04:18
asac_find then do as you suggest04:19
asac_run gdb NetworkManager04:19
asac_(gdb) run --no-daemon04:19
hawkewhat else were you going to suggest?04:19
asac_hawke: build the source ... apt-get build-dep network-manager04:19
asac_apt-get source network-manager04:19
asac_cd network-manager*04:19
asac_dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot04:19
asac_cd src04:19
asac_(hit ctrl-c)04:19
asac_gdb .libs/lt-NetworkManager04:20
asac_(gdb) run --no-daemon04:20
asac_then bt and bt full when it crashes04:20
hawkeIs there a way to ensure that gdb doesn't pause at each screenful of information?04:20
asac_not that i know ... its not a big problem i guess :)04:21
asac_shouldn't be a too deep backtrace04:21
asac_for now just a bt is enough04:21
asac_if i need a full i would ask for it04:21
hawkealright.  Well, I'll get back to you in about ... 40 minutes, then04:21
asac_thanks a lot!04:21
asac_i can't reproduce it ... so i rely on external backtraces ;)04:22
Ubuletteasac, http://mxr.mozilla.org/seamonkey/source/toolkit/xre/nsXULAppAPI.h#17604:35
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gnomefreakasac: iceape and nspluginwrapper can wait until after beta neither are blockers, im just reminding you (and me) since we both forgot about iceape last time ;)04:43
asacUbulette: yes ... thats good.04:43
asacgnomefreak: ok04:43
Ubuletteasac, good but not used04:44
gnomefreakgod i hope this works04:44
gnomefreakasac: do you have link handy for changelogs for iceape 1.1.404:50
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gnomefreakeither i got lucky and they applied it upstream and that is highly possible since this started with 1.1.4 or the patch is no good (highly unlikely since i just checked it again the file it patched :(05:01
gnomefreakbrb figure this out sometime this week05:01
gnomefreakbut if the patch was applied upstream the patch should fail to apply (and that bothers me a bit) goes to think05:02
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gnomefreakasac: meeting pretty much just started05:09
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gnomefreakasac: i was looking at the list of milestone bugs for final/rc looks like atleast one is fixed and in archive but the bug is still open, bug 131410 should we close it or leave it?05:31
ubotuLaunchpad bug 131410 in thunderbird-quickfile "[gutsy]  Doesn't depend on thunderbird" [High,Fix released]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13141005:31
gnomefreakit is closed :( its still listed on the milestone list05:31
gnomefreakseems that list isnt up to date05:31
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asacgnomefreak: the list doesn't exclude fix released bugs06:05
asacits just all ... you can sort by status though06:05
gnomefreakah ok06:06
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Jazzvaasac: I took a look at the with a clean profile... It does what you said... It must have been something wrong with my profile or something...06:09
asachopefully its not us that broke it06:09
JazzvaI'm gonna take a look at it... Maybe it was wrong to change the PFS URL to Mozilla's... Do you know the way to get no plugin results in ubufox?06:10
asacJazzva: you can just modify the test page to require a non-existing mime-type06:11
asacthen there shouldn't be a result06:11
JazzvaI'll try that now06:12
JazzvaHmm, nope... It seems that it puts the page to install no plugins...06:18
asacyeah ... it definitly worked at some point :)06:18
JazzvaI'll try to fix that now... To make it jump to the page which says that no page was found...06:18
JazzvaOr should I go down the revisions and check? :)06:18
Jazzvaasac: It's fixed... Here's the diff http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/38667/ . Take a look at line 42, that's the only place where I found mPluginInfoAptArrayLength.06:55
asacJazzva: why don't we check for both anymore?07:07
JazzvaHmm, I couldn't find mPluginInfoAptArrayLength anywhere else :/...07:08
JazzvaOk, I grep'd other files to check, that's the only place where it's mentioned...07:09
JazzvaSo, I suppse that's why it doesn't jump to the last page if no results are find... mPluginInfoAptArrayLength is undeclared, and we check if it's equal to 0... I suppose that gives false and it doesn't jump to the last page.07:11
Jazzvaasac: So, what do you think? Is it ready to push to branch?07:13
asacJazzva: feel free to push to your branch07:21
asacif we need more we can improve that before merging07:21
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Jazzvaasac: Ok :)...07:22
shirishhi guys07:22
asacok out for sport .... cu later07:22
shirishUbulette: hey :)07:22
JazzvaShould I push both to ubuntu and ff3 branch, or is pushing to ff3 enough? They're both pretty much the same for now, the only difference is maxVersion in install.rdf.07:22
JazzvaHey shirish...07:23
shirishUbulette: so Ubulette what you were saying about latest updates07:23
Ubuletteshirish, about what ?07:23
UbuletteI've played with intlclock, looks nice: http://www.sofaraway.org/ubuntu/tmp/intlclock.png07:34
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gnomefreakasac: bug 144882 (looks like a regression in n-m) you told me to ping you about them. ill be gone most of day just checking on iceape build atm07:37
ubotuLaunchpad bug 144882 in network-manager "ioctl[SIOCSIWAUTH] : Operation not supported" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/14488207:37
shirishUbulette: what is so cool about that int clock?07:45
Ubuletteyou mean, compared to the default one ?07:46
Ubuletteshirish, that's the default: http://www.sofaraway.org/ubuntu/tmp/clock.png07:51
=== gnomefreak needs a domain :( i miss mine
gnomefreakUbulette: is that in repos?07:52
gnomefreakthat is cool07:52
Ubulettegnomefreak, no07:52
gnomefreakUbulette: you have a branch for it i can build from?07:53
Ubulettethere's a 4 bzr branchs on lp07:53
Ubulettethere're 4 bzr branches on lp07:53
gnomefreakunder your LP page?07:53
gnomefreakyep i see one07:53
UbuletteI've modified one of the 407:53
UbuletteI can push to my page if you want07:54
gnomefreakplease i would like to take a look at that07:54
gnomefreakshoot you have tarball or mozclient build one?07:54
Ubulettefor that ?07:56
Ubuletteit's not a moz app ;)07:57
gnomefreakunless it uses the clock-applets source from repos07:57
Ubulettethe branch contains the sources07:57
gnomefreakUbulette: yeah i know i thought about that aftewards (im on alot of pain meds atm07:57
gnomefreakUbulette: sweeet07:58
Ubulettepushing in /~fta/intlclock/intlclock.trunk07:58
gnomefreaksaw that07:58
Ubulettejust branch that and dpkg-buildpackage it as usual07:59
gnomefreakok will do once its up07:59
=== gnomefreak goes for smoke while you push
Ubulettedone on my side07:59
gnomefreakok Lp hasnt updated yet than08:00
gnomefreakthere it is08:00
cwong1asac: hey, I just sent you some updated .png files08:14
Ubuletteshirish, http://www.netsplit.com/blog/articles/2007/09/26/why-i-choose-bazaar-a-history-of-revision-control08:16
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shirishUbulette: thanx, gotta go sleep, had lot of work today :)08:37
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Ubulettegnomefreak, did it work ?09:19
gnomefreakyes i just have to figure out how to move n-m applet09:19
Ubuletteit's a tray icon right ?09:19
gnomefreaki dont know if i can remove it or not09:20
gnomefreakyes the one uip by date and time09:20
gnomefreakin gnome09:20
Ubuletteif it's an icon in the notification area, I don't think you can move it. you can just move the notification area09:21
gnomefreaki cant get the time to the right of the icon but i will fix it later i think09:21
Ubulettei don't use nm so i don't know09:21
gnomefreakeither do it this icon is there by default09:21
Ubulettescreenshot ?09:22
gnomefreakcant im in alot of pain atm i am suffering just to get this POS iceape building09:25
gnomefreakill figure it out tonight if not than i will post one09:25
gnomefreakUbulette: once i figure out how to take a screen shot and find where to post it ill post it :)09:33
gnomefreaki cant even remove the n-m thingy or whatever it is09:34
UbuletteApplication / Accessories / Take Screenshot09:34
gnomefreakits the default black screen icon (looks like a pc screen)09:34
gnomefreakok  ihave the screenshot where is there a free place to post it?09:35
gnomefreaki lost domain for some reason (i havent seen the guy that gave me the space on it)09:35
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Ubulettegnomefreak, http://tinypic.com/09:44
gnomefreakits uploading09:45
UbuletteUnpacking replacement xulrunner-1.9 ...09:46
Ubulettedpkg: error processing xulrunner-1.9_1.9~a8-0ubuntu1~mt2_i386.deb (--install):09:46
Ubulette trying to overwrite `/usr/bin/xulrunner', which is also in package xulrunner09:46
Ubulettewe need a diversion :p09:46
gnomefreakchecking to see if that is right link09:47
Ubulettewhat are you trying to move ?09:47
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gnomefreaksorry locked up badly09:55
Ubulettewhat are you trying to move ?09:56
gnomefreakUbulette: looking at screen shot you see the top far right the little black screen?09:56
gnomefreaki want that to the left of the clock/date applet09:56
UbuletteCant you right click it and unlock it ?09:56
gnomefreakright clicking on it gives me enable network/about/connection info09:57
asacUbulette: do we really need that binary in /usr/bin ?09:57
asacaeh script i mean ;)09:57
gnomefreakno lock to panel no move nothing like that09:57
gnomefreakasac: just the man that could fix this ;)09:57
asacif so please use an alternative ... not a diversion09:57
Ubuletteasac, I jsut renamed it to xul-1.009:58
gnomefreakthe little network applet thingy (the connection info little black screen icon)09:58
gnomefreakhow in gods name do you move this or remove this and readd it09:58
asacUbulette: i don't think that its wise to do that. after all its again a diversion from upstream09:58
asacso renaming it is as good as not shipping it in /usr/bin imo09:59
asacwith a difference that people will start to use it and then we are locked for ever ;)09:59
asacUbulette: imo we can accept the conflict for now ... once gutsy is open again we can reupload xulrunner 1.8 with an alternative10:00
=== gnomefreak figured after THAW you would upload 1.9
Ubuletteasac, when would that be ?10:01
gnomefreakwe should be clear by monday10:02
asachopefully tomorrow night ... otherwise friday10:02
asacno idea if beta has been pushed back10:02
gnomefreakoh thats right today is only wed10:02
asacplan was to release beta tomorrow10:03
gnomefreakasac: it looked like they were spinning finals earlier10:03
asacearlier than what?10:03
gnomefreakbut only say it breifly10:03
gnomefreakasac: maybe hour or 3 ago10:03
asacgnomefreak: i doubt that we will release today10:03
gnomefreakno spinning final betas for tomorrow10:03
asacgnomefreak: if we release tomorrow its on schedule ... which would be pretty great10:03
gnomefreakasac: it would be the first time10:04
Ubulettemozilla bug 39620910:04
asacyay :)10:04
ubotuMozilla bug 396209 in XRE Startup "Allow applications to specify a profile directory from application.ini" [Normal,Assigned]  http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=39620910:04
gnomefreakwe are always normally 1 day behind10:04
asacUbulette: yeah ... its currentyl implicitly defined isn't it?10:04
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Ubulettenow you can add a Profile in app.ini10:06
gnomefreakok do i really have to live with that connection applet (or is there a trick to move/remove it10:06
asacUbulette: yes  ... its implicitly defined by product + vendor id, isn't it?10:07
Ubulettegnomefreak, trick it, try to move everything else on the far right :)10:07
Ubuletteasac, yes10:07
gnomefreakUbulette: cant it wont go past it10:08
=== gnomefreak tried that first
=== gnomefreak might beg asac to add a move option to it after meds wear off
asacgnomefreak: move option?10:09
asacwhat are you talking about?10:09
gnomefreakasac: to the little n-m thingy in task bar by clock10:09
gnomefreaki cant move or remove it10:09
Ubuletteasac, can you add an alternative to xul 1.8 ?10:10
asacgnomefreak: you can only move the whole tray10:10
asacUbulette: yes ... i am eager to do that :)10:11
gnomefreakoh crap thats right10:11
asacUbulette: lets give 1.9 higher priority10:11
Ubulettegnomefreak, told you ;)10:11
gnomefreakdamn i forgot about that, thank you its fixed :)10:11
asacwe can use 40 for 1.8 ... 50 for 1.910:11
gnomefreakUbulette: cant move icon but the icon is only thing in tray10:11
gnomefreakyay now i got cool ass clock and everything back in order :)10:12
Ubulette[21:21]  <Ubulette> if it's an icon in the notification area, I don't think you can move it. you can just move the notification area10:12
Ubulettethat's what i meant10:12
gnomefreakUbulette: i miss that sorry10:12
=== gnomefreak wonders if that was about the time i locked up
asachmmm archive.ubuntu.com is pretty slow10:13
gnomefreakasac: seems to be alot more than that from what i heard. forums and other canonical/ubuntu things were a little freaky a bit ago10:14
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gnomefreakbut seems to have been worked out from what pricechild had said10:15
asacyes :) ... first all was down ... then we had a meeting and i was down :)10:15
asacmaybe a virus?10:15
gnomefreakyeah i saw that you were having issues during meeting.10:16
=== gnomefreak forgot how to use a virus scan since i almost never use my win pc
=== Ubulette_ [n=Ubulette@APuteaux-153-1-60-207.w82-124.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
gnomefreakok restarting iceape build for the last time today (as i froze up last time i think i will laydown or do something else while it builds10:34
Ubulette_my panel is broken :(10:43
gnomefreakno its not just move the notifacation thingy and its all fixed :)10:45
gnomefreaksorry had to10:45
Ubulette_got tons of failed to load applet OAFIID10:48
=== Ubulette [n=Ubulette@APuteaux-153-1-60-207.w82-124.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
Ubuletteasac, did you do the 1.8 alt ?11:01
asac        update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/xulrunner \11:15
asac                xulrunner /usr/lib/xulrunner/xulrunner 5011:15
asacand on prerm:11:16
asacupdate-alternatives --remove xulrunner /usr/lib/xulrunner/xulrunner11:16
asacif test $(update-alternatives --list xulrunner | wc -l) = 0; update-alternatives --remove-all xulrunner; done11:17
asacwell fi11:17
asacet al ;)11:17
asacimportant is to remove-all once you hit the 0 count for alternatives11:17
asacotherwise alternative will be set auto changed to manual mode11:17
asacUbulette: http://paste.ubuntu.com/456/ ... thats the prerm i would propose11:19
asac... will test it now11:20
Ubulettehmm, will not work11:21
Ubulettefta@ix:~ $ update-alternatives --list xulrunner11:21
UbuletteNo alternatives for xulrunner.11:21
Ubulettefta@ix:~ $ update-alternatives --list xulrunner | wc -l11:21
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asacUbulette: yes wait a second11:23
asacUbulette: yes thats intentional11:24
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asactry to --install ... then --remove ... and it will be 011:24
asacwhich is the bug this thing tries to workaround11:24
asacin gnash i do11:25
asacupdate-alternatives --remove "$p-flashplugin" /usr/lib/gnash/libgnashplugin.so;11:25
asac                        [ `update-alternatives --list "$p-flashplugin" | wc -l` = 0 ]   && \11:25
asac                                update-alternatives --remove-all "$p-flashplugin"11:25
asacwhich works11:25
gnomefreak$p-flashplugin is gnash?11:27
asacno its $p-flashplugin :) ... the name we use for the alternative11:28
asace.g. firefox-flashplugin ... et al11:28
asacwe coud use:11:28
asac23:12 < asac>         update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/xulrunner \11:28
asac23:12 < asac>                 xulrunner-alternative /usr/lib/xulrunner/xulrunner 5011:28
asacbut i think just xulrunner as alternative name is ok11:28
gnomefreakright. why would we need an alternative for xulrunner since its the only one of its kind, example update-alternatives --config java lists all java package you have installed ( 1.4 1.5 1.6) but xulrunner is only gonna be one right?11:30
asacgnomefreak: not anymore :)11:30
asacxulrunner 1.8 + 1.911:30
gnomefreakasac: oh so 1.9 wont be replacing 1.8?11:31
gnomefreakah that explains that i thought it was replacing the older version11:31
Ubuletteprobably 1.9.1 will not replace 1.9(.0) either11:31
gnomefreakany reason why both?11:31
Ubulettebecause xulapps will need one11:32
=== gnomefreak thinking in the realm 1.9 does everything 1.8 does plus more
Ubulettetoo many incompatibilities11:33
asachmm xulrunner 1.8 installs the script directly to /usr/bin ... no idea why11:34
asacmaybe mike has patched it11:34
gnomefreakthat would explain that. one more stupid question, what does xulrunner enable the end user to do that he cant do now?11:35
asacrun xul apps :)11:35
asacand 1.9 allows ffox to be a xulrunner app :)11:35
asacok i will now forcefully install the xulrunner script in pkglibdir and install the alternative as discussed before11:36
gnomefreakasac: xul app other than browsers? is this just a package we use for depends (maybe speed ffox up a bit) but there isnt like xulbrowser (package)11:36
gnomefreakend-user wont know the difference other than say speed or rendering right?11:38
Ubulettemaybe not even that11:39
Ubuletteit's just that xul could be shared between many xul apps11:39
asacgnomefreak: end-users don't notice the difference of gcc-4.1 and gcc-4.2 either11:39
gnomefreakyeah thats what i figured. just making sure i know this before i get asked11:39
gnomefreakasac: true11:40
asacit exist mostly for developers11:40
asacwhich doesn't invalidate its purpose11:40
gnomefreaki agree its good for devels but i just wasnt sure if end user would see a difference11:40
asacgnomefreak: end-users won't use xulrunner directly11:40
asaconly through applications that use that11:41
Ubulettemaybe memory footprint if they run more than on xul app11:41
gnomefreakthey use ffox or epiphany as they would now11:41
asacright ... for iunstance running ffox-3.0 + tbird-3.0 + epiphany should consume less memory than now11:41
=== gnomefreak was hoping speed or rendering enhancments to gecko
asacgnomefreak: there are11:42
gnomefreaks/hoping/hoping for11:42
asacgnomefreak: but people will not see that in xulrunner, but most likely in firefox/epiphany11:42
gnomefreakah ok11:42
asacend-users will just not know11:42
gnomefreakmakes sense11:42
Ubuletteoh, there's a new "Places organizer" in ff311:43
Ubulettenew ui replacing organize bookmarks11:43
gnomefreakUbulette: yep it was in win version a while back people were telling me11:44
asacyes, they are feature freeze :) ... but now the really new features start to come in11:44
Ubulettedon't know if it was in a8 but I see it in a9pre11:47
Ubulettegnomefreak, still no news of ppa ?11:48
gnomefreaknope not that i have seen11:49
gnomefreaki reinstalled yesterday so i havent checked mail or feeds yet11:49
gnomefreakUbulette: sometime when iceape is done i will check mail and blogs for the latest news on PPA11:55
Ubuletteasac, damn, i need to expand paths for that too11:57
asacyes ... you can preexpand during build using blablabla.postinst.in12:00
asacbut its your choice ... i have no hard opinion about that at the moment :) ... which of course can change any time soon ;)12:00
Ubuletteis it automatic (foo.in -> foo)  or do I have to subst that myself ?12:01
asacself :/12:05
Ubuletteasac, what's the target for prebuild or something early to do that ?12:15
asacUbulette: cdbs?12:18
asacUbulette: common practice is to recreate from .in files during clean12:19
Ubulettelooks weird12:19
Ubulettebut should work as it starts with a clean12:19
asacyeah looks wierd, but it isn't if you look closer :)12:19
gnomefreakhave either off you got songbird to build?12:19
asacthe assumption is that you ship the result12:20
asacgnomefreak: no12:20
Ubuletteshipping the result would be bad12:20
asacno not really ... it fits ;)12:20
gnomefreakthought that but i was asked12:21
Ubuletteno, I'll ship a8 and it will not work for a9pre12:21
asacif you build with dpkg-buildpackage it will always be accurate ... so you can just run debian/rules binary to build12:21
asacUbulette: well important is that it ships for the package you upload12:21
asacnot for the package in future12:21
asaccdbs does the same for recreating control (if you enable it) iirc12:22
Ubulettei understand for control but not for prerm12:24
Ubulettecontrol must be there 1st12:24
Ubuletteprerm is not mandatory at that point12:25
Ubulettemost packages don't ship that12:25
asaci see your point ... still i don't see a real difference; for me creating things during build automatically comes with cleaning your modifications up in clean12:26
asacso if you create the prerm during build ... remove it in clean12:26
asacso when doing that you take a different viewpoint on it ...12:27
asacfor that case prerm is something created during build. and .in file is a source file used during build12:27
asacwhen doing it in clean the .in file is more like a development tool12:28
asace.g. its the source to create package sources ... while otherwise its a source used for package creation12:28
asaci am fine with both approaches12:28
Ubulettedoing the subst at patch time looks right to me12:29
Ubulettepost-patches:: seems ok12:29
asacright ... but now you see that you search for a suitable target :) ... build isn't the right place ... then you have patch, but that isn't a universal target :)12:30
asacso this is another reason why these kind of things are usually done during clean i guess12:30
asacpost-patches seems ok for our purpose ... but for me it feels at least as strange as clean ;)12:32
asacUbulette: does the xulrunner 1.9 script look like the one in xulrunner 1.8?12:34
asacUbulette: http://paste.ubuntu.com/458/ thats the 1.8 one12:35
Ubuletteasac, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/38732/12:39
asacok then we need a patch from ffox-2.0 for both i gues12:39
Ubulettewhat for?12:40
asacmozilla bug 38430412:41
ubotuMozilla bug 384304 in Startup and Profile System "/usr/bin/firefox is not able to handle symlinks due error in the script" [Major,New]  http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=38430412:41
Ubuletteasac, plz show my your 1.8 postinst that I can fake it in my chroot before I test my 1.912:49
asacset -e12:55
asacif [ "$1" = "configure" ]  || [ "$1" = "abort-upgrade" ] ; then12:55
asac        update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/xulrunner \12:55
asac                xulrunner /usr/lib/xulrunner/xulrunner 5012:55
Ubulettehm, needs /usr/sbin12:57
asacshould be avail in maint scripts12:58
Ubulettein 1.8, you need to change /usr/bin/xulrunner, it's not a link01:00
asacUbulette: right ... read above ;)01:01
asaci already did taht01:02
asacthats why i found that we need that patch01:02
asac23:31 < asac> hmm xulrunner 1.8 installs the script directly to /usr/bin ... no idea why01:03
asac23:31 < asac> maybe mike has patched it01:03
asac23:32 < gnomefreak> that would explain that. one more stupid question, what does xulrunner enable the end user to do that he01:03
asac                    cant do now?01:03
asac23:32 < asac> run xul apps :)01:03
asac23:33 < asac> and 1.9 allows ffox to be a xulrunner app :)01:03
asac23:33 < asac> ok i will now forcefully install the xulrunner script in pkglibdir and install the alternative as discussed01:03
asac              before01:03
Ubuletteread that, sorry01:03
asacno problem :)01:03
asaci cared enough to paste it again ;)01:03
Ubulette$ /usr/sbin/update-alternatives --list xulrunner01:08
Ubulettegood :)01:08
Ubulette$ xulrunner -v01:09
UbuletteMozilla XULRunner 1.9a8pre - 200708240001:09
asaci am building xul now ... if all is good i will upload tomorrow01:09
Ubulette1.8 ?01:09
asacyes ... so it enters gutsy right when archive is opened01:10
asachmm xulrunner isn't build with a sane BUILD_ID01:11
asacdoes our 1.9 build also have BUILD_ID=0000000 ?01:11
asacUbulette: have you applied the link recursion fix?01:12
asacthe bug above01:12
asac00:38 < asac> mozilla bug 38430401:12
ubotuMozilla bug 384304 in Startup and Profile System "/usr/bin/firefox is not able to handle symlinks due error in the script" [Major,New]  http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=38430401:12
Ubulettenot yet, i'm jsut committing the alternative now01:12
asacright ... you should be able to test if 1.9 is affected ... one link level works, but two don't01:13
asace.g. /usr/bin/xulrunner => /usr/lib/xulrunner/xulrunner works ... /home/fta/xulrunner => /usr/bin/xulrunner => /usr/lib/xulrunner/xulrunner doesn't01:13

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