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delta16 | hey guy's | 01:47 |
delta16 | can someone help me !? | 01:47 |
delta16 | got a problem when trying to install from the Ubuntu CD | 01:47 |
delta16 | i can boot , but when i get the logo with the menu | 01:48 |
delta16 | it doesn't matther witch opetion i sellect i always gaet the error message " can not read from boot cd " ! | 01:49 |
delta16 | anyone a solution to this !? | 01:49 |
Kamping_Kaiser | have you run a cd check? | 01:49 |
delta16 | it gives me the same error message | 01:50 |
Kamping_Kaiser | have you checked the cd image with md5sum or similar? | 01:50 |
Kamping_Kaiser | or different cd? | 01:50 |
delta16 | nope , couse thats pretty new for me , the MD5 cheksum thing | 01:51 |
delta16 | ho to do that !? | 01:51 |
delta16 | im runnig ubuntu now on a VM machine on Windows XP !! | 01:51 |
Kamping_Kaiser | ubutnu has an md5sum tool, windows you have to download something | 01:51 |
Kamping_Kaiser | so if the ubuntu can access the cd, thats a better shot | 01:52 |
delta16 | yep it can :D | 01:52 |
Kamping_Kaiser | :) | 01:52 |
delta16 | so how to run that tool !? | 01:52 |
Kamping_Kaiser | in applications -> accessories -> terminal | 01:53 |
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delta16 | sorry new to Linux i now i also get why linux is better then Windows | 01:53 |
Kamping_Kaiser | type in `md5sum /dev/cdrom` | 01:53 |
delta16 | Becouse ist just a couple of config files working together | 01:53 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | i only know ohw to do such things in a terminal btw, thers probably other ways ;) | 01:54 |
delta16 | instead of a whole registry and all the shit around it !! | 01:54 |
delta16 | thanx man | 01:54 |
delta16 | i'm really starting to like that treminal | 01:55 |
Kamping_Kaiser | 'couple of configs' ... hehe | 01:55 |
delta16 | werll as far as i know it is :D | 01:56 |
Kamping_Kaiser | close to my bed time :( | 01:57 |
Kamping_Kaiser | and my srync (of 15 gig of data) is still crusing along at 20k/s :( | 01:57 |
Kamping_Kaiser | ffs. i could download this faster over adsl :( | 01:58 |
delta16 | hey keiser , do you know a good tutorial , abot using the VI editor | 01:58 |
Kamping_Kaiser | no, not really. never used one. | 01:59 |
=== Kamping_Kaiser had people to ask | ||
delta16 | how to exit that god damn editor ?? | 01:59 |
Kamping_Kaiser | my mates got a good cheat sheet apparently, but i dnt know where its from | 02:00 |
Kamping_Kaiser | press escape then :wq (to save) and :q! (close with no saving) | 02:00 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | and if you press q and it says 'recording', press q again to stop it recording | 02:00 |
delta16 | what do they mean by recording ?? | 02:01 |
Kamping_Kaiser | recording a macro | 02:01 |
delta16 | editing ?? | 02:01 |
delta16 | aaa | 02:01 |
Kamping_Kaiser | anything you type while 'recording' is there can be replayed | 02:01 |
delta16 | a cpuple of days ago they asked me to learn to setup administer and manage a whole voip network on ASTERISK | 02:02 |
delta16 | but its all done with a terminal | 02:02 |
Kamping_Kaiser | never used asterisk, i'll get to it eventually | 02:03 |
Kamping_Kaiser | try nano for something easier (but less powerful of course) | 02:03 |
delta16 | Nano ?? | 02:03 |
delta16 | il try to google NANO | 02:03 |
Kamping_Kaiser | no, try and run nano :P | 02:03 |
Kamping_Kaiser | `nano` in a term | 02:03 |
Kamping_Kaiser | term=terminal, btw :) | 02:04 |
delta16 | oo now i see the result | 02:04 |
delta16 | is it some sort of editor !? | 02:04 |
Kamping_Kaiser | ys. | 02:05 |
Kamping_Kaiser | *yes | 02:05 |
Kamping_Kaiser | :) | 02:05 |
Kamping_Kaiser | just a basic few-frills text editor | 02:05 |
delta16 | don't need anymore to edit a config file :-P | 02:06 |
Kamping_Kaiser | wait until you get to squid :) | 02:07 |
delta16 | lets try ;) | 02:07 |
Kamping_Kaiser | hehe. | 02:07 |
Kamping_Kaiser | 1600 line config | 02:07 |
Kamping_Kaiser | theres a few packages like that | 02:07 |
delta16 | oo my god !! | 02:08 |
delta16 | soo not good for me | 02:08 |
delta16 | naa , don't wanna try that!! | 02:08 |
Kamping_Kaiser | lol | 02:08 |
Kamping_Kaiser | piker :P | 02:08 |
delta16 | oo yea jut a stupid questino ... | 02:09 |
Kamping_Kaiser | go for it | 02:09 |
delta16 | but in NANo i see the command to exit is " ^X" but whe i pust "shift +6 +x" it just apears like text | 02:10 |
shriphani | delta16: ctrl | 02:10 |
shriphani | ^ = your control key. | 02:10 |
delta16 | oooo | 02:11 |
delta16 | damn i'm sutch a noob wit linux | 02:11 |
delta16 | but i like it | 02:11 |
shriphani | so am i. | 02:11 |
shriphani | get yourself a few books from tldp.org | 02:11 |
Kamping_Kaiser | delta16, dont worry, we'll have you brainwashed in no time ;) | 02:12 |
shriphani | there are some excellent ones which breeze you through in no time. | 02:12 |
delta16 | no really i'm a certiefied micorsoft expert ! but fuck microsoft im switching to linux :D | 02:12 |
shriphani | nice. | 02:13 |
Kamping_Kaiser | delta16, we hope you enjoy your stay :) | 02:13 |
delta16 | but the only thing that i'm really missing in linux , i some harware support | 02:14 |
shriphani | delta16: what kind of hardware ? | 02:14 |
delta16 | like support for webcams and things like that | 02:14 |
Kamping_Kaiser | what level of support? | 02:14 |
delta16 | i don't know if my webcam wil wokr on ubuntu | 02:14 |
delta16 | i got a logitech webcame | 02:15 |
delta16 | becam | 02:15 |
Kamping_Kaiser | wait until it doesnt work, tehn complain ;) | 02:15 |
delta16 | webcam | 02:15 |
delta16 | ok then :) | 02:15 |
shriphani | http://tldp.org/LDP/intro-linux/intro-linux.pdf <- thats for you deltab. | 02:15 |
delta16 | OMG , why didn't you send me the bible | 02:16 |
=== Kamping_Kaiser doesnt get it | ||
delta16 | that book has got moore then 200 pages | 02:16 |
Kamping_Kaiser | oh, lol | 02:17 |
shriphani | oh you want more ? | 02:17 |
ogra | try the edubuntu handbook, that only has 50 :) | 02:17 |
delta16 | now that you mention edubuntu | 02:17 |
shriphani | http://tldp.org/LDP/GNU-Linux-Tools-Summary/GNU-Linux-Tools-Summary.pdf | 02:17 |
delta16 | what is actually the difference ?? | 02:18 |
shriphani | ogra: edubuntu handbook is not part of the system documentation ? | 02:18 |
ogra | shriphani, its in gutsy | 02:18 |
ogra | and a copy is on the wiki | 02:18 |
shriphani | i see. | 02:18 |
shriphani | ogra: just wanted to ask something about zeroconf. I met a comp. teacher who lives in our apartment complex. he gave some good ideas to implement in my presentations. | 02:19 |
shriphani | so is zeroconf support present in a default edubuntu installation ? | 02:20 |
Kamping_Kaiser | from 7.04 yes iirc | 02:20 |
delta16 | oo keyser BTW | 02:21 |
delta16 | that MD5 cheksom , what is is good for ?? | 02:21 |
Kamping_Kaiser | delta16, pres 'kam' then hit tab | 02:21 |
Kamping_Kaiser | and its for taking and comparing with the md5sum available on the website | 02:22 |
Kamping_Kaiser | check the imge is ok | 02:22 |
delta16 | imm now on a vm machine that is running ubuntu on windows xp :D | 02:22 |
delta16 | sow the cam function wont really work | 02:22 |
delta16 | what about , GAIM ! does it supprt webcam conversations on the MSN service ? | 02:23 |
Kamping_Kaiser | afaik no | 02:23 |
delta16 | no ?? | 02:24 |
delta16 | damn :( | 02:24 |
Kamping_Kaiser | it seems to upset a lot of people | 02:24 |
delta16 | is ther any apliccation out ther in the wild , that supports webcam conversations on msn service for linux! ? | 02:25 |
ogra | isnt there gaim-vv in universe ? | 02:25 |
ogra | ekiga does but only via VoIP | 02:26 |
ogra | i.e. you cant connect to an msn networ with it but to any VoIP server | 02:26 |
delta16 | damn sow what use do y have of a webcam on a linux machine !! | 02:28 |
Kamping_Kaiser | delta16, what did you just say? | 02:28 |
=== Kamping_Kaiser didnt understand half of it | ||
delta16 | well , aperrently ther is no linux app in out ther in the wilde tht supports webcam conversations over a the msns service :( | 02:30 |
Kamping_Kaiser | gaim-vv? | 02:30 |
delta16 | well then i'l just smash my brand new logitech webcam wright in to my really old and rusty trashcan :P | 02:31 |
Kamping_Kaiser | or try and use it to help test/develop ;) | 02:32 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | night all | 02:34 |
Kamping_Kaiser | good luck with it delta16 | 02:34 |
delta16 | thanx keiser | 02:35 |
Kamping_Kaiser | delta16, pres 'kam' then hit tab | 02:35 |
delta16 | thanx 4 all your help :-* | 02:35 |
Kamping_Kaiser | np, hope to see you around :) | 02:35 |
delta16 | kam ?? | 02:36 |
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bddebian | Heya | 03:56 |
sbalneav | Morning all | 03:59 |
bddebian | Hello sbalneav | 03:59 |
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vnl | anybody to help... | 04:17 |
shriphani | with ? | 04:18 |
vnl | edubuntu..... | 04:18 |
vnl | of course | 04:18 |
shriphani | well what about it. | 04:18 |
vnl | I need LAMP to be installed... | 04:19 |
vnl | Apache MySQL and PHP | 04:19 |
shriphani | http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-17875.html | 04:20 |
shriphani | enjoy. | 04:20 |
vnl | but thats ubuntu right | 04:20 |
vnl | I have edubuntu | 04:20 |
ogra | sudo apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-php5 php5-mysql mysql-server | 04:21 |
ogra | something like that should help | 04:21 |
vnl | thanks mate...I will try one sec... | 04:21 |
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DigeratiX | i have done all things and videos/avi/dvd will not play in edubuntu, even installed easyubuntu and added most things. Still nothing. Whats the deal? Could it be the video card? | 04:26 |
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ogra | define "all the things" ... you ususaly dont need to do anything but click on a movie, if a codec is missing the system will offer you to install it | 04:27 |
DigeratiX | well at first it didnt prompt, so I began to research and install codecs and such. | 04:28 |
DigeratiX | totem just crashes | 04:28 |
ogra | easyubuntu is the same as automatix ... be careful with that (see http://mjg59.livejournal.com/) | 04:28 |
ogra | thast on feisty ? | 04:28 |
DigeratiX | yes | 04:29 |
ogra | hmm, i have never seen people have probs with that | 04:29 |
ogra | for me personally the codec instaler works fine as well | 04:29 |
shriphani | avi...... try installing the w32 codecs. | 04:30 |
vnl | well that did not help oorga | 04:30 |
vnl | orga* | 04:30 |
shriphani | but yes what are "all things" ? | 04:30 |
ogra | vnl, why ? | 04:30 |
vnl | I have no Idea | 04:30 |
vnl | I have Edubuntu 7.04 | 04:31 |
vnl | I installed it | 04:31 |
=== ogra wouldnt suggest installing w32codecs to anyone... they are highly illegal | ||
ogra | vnl, and you installed the packages above ? | 04:31 |
vnl | now I need APache PHP and Mysql | 04:31 |
DigeratiX | i did install the w32 codecs | 04:31 |
DigeratiX | like I said I have installed all things | 04:31 |
vnl | when I typed the code... | 04:31 |
ogra | DigeratiX, well, up to you :) | 04:31 |
vnl | I mean command | 04:32 |
DigeratiX | this is what I get when I use totem to play an avi | 04:32 |
DigeratiX | @edubuntu:~$ totem | 04:32 |
DigeratiX | The program 'totem' received an X Window System error. | 04:32 |
DigeratiX | This probably reflects a bug in the program. | 04:32 |
DigeratiX | The error was 'BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)'. | 04:32 |
DigeratiX | (Details: serial 87 error_code 11 request_code 140 minor_code 19) | 04:32 |
DigeratiX | (Note to programmers: normally, X errors are reported asynchronously; | 04:32 |
DigeratiX | that is, you will receive the error a while after causing it. | 04:32 |
DigeratiX | To debug your program, run it with the --sync command line | 04:32 |
DigeratiX | option to change this behavior. You can then get a meaningful | 04:32 |
DigeratiX | backtrace from your debugger if you break on the gdk_x_error() function.) | 04:32 |
ogra | please use a pastebin | 04:32 |
DigeratiX | woooops | 04:32 |
ogra | well, tat might be a Xserver issue, right | 04:32 |
DigeratiX | so it may fall back to being a video card issue? | 04:32 |
ogra | or a very limited amount of video ram | 04:32 |
DigeratiX | its a sis video | 04:33 |
DigeratiX | has 630mb ram | 04:33 |
vnl | ogra any more suggestions | 04:33 |
ogra | well, how much shared videoram does it use ? | 04:33 |
DigeratiX | eww good question | 04:33 |
DigeratiX | possibly 64 | 04:34 |
DigeratiX | or less | 04:34 |
sbalneav | ogra: Just a note, My clients here at work are getting USB bus dropouts. When using USB mice, the kernel/udev decides it's getting read errors from the usb device, and unloads the driver :( I'm going to head off to a dental appointment soon, but then I'll work at home, and try to narrow it down. | 04:34 |
ogra | vnl, you only need the four packages above they should ask you a bunh of questions during install and you should be all set aftewards | 04:34 |
vnl | never asked any questions | 04:34 |
ogra | sbalneav, i'm flying out in 1h and likely wont be online and back before sunday :/ | 04:34 |
vnl | it just said.... | 04:34 |
ogra | vnl, but they installed prperly ? | 04:35 |
ogra | *properly | 04:35 |
vnl | nope nothing happened | 04:35 |
vnl | I mean it asked me for the password | 04:35 |
vnl | I typed it | 04:35 |
vnl | it said reading packages | 04:35 |
ogra | sbalneav, feel free to proxy through LAser if you want anything uploaded (including ltsp) | 04:35 |
vnl | and said the installation is missintg all these | 04:35 |
ogra | something is wrong with your software sources ... check that | 04:36 |
vnl | its the original CD | 04:36 |
vnl | I got it from the Ship It | 04:36 |
ogra | apache isnt on the cD | 04:36 |
vnl | then...? | 04:36 |
ogra | it gets pulled from the online archive | 04:36 |
shriphani | vnl: /etc/apt/sources.list | 04:36 |
ogra | enable that i the software sources tool from the system menu | 04:36 |
ogra | its only two clicks :) | 04:37 |
vnl | OK then | 04:37 |
vnl | now the problem...is I don't have internet on that PC | 04:37 |
vnl | Im on windows now... | 04:37 |
DigeratiX | there is no other way to check or allocate shared video ram other than from the bios correct? | 04:37 |
ogra | right | 04:37 |
DigeratiX | ok well this will have to wait till i get home | 04:37 |
DigeratiX | thanks | 04:38 |
vnl | ogra is there any way I can download all that stuff | 04:38 |
vnl | and copy it onto a CD | 04:38 |
vnl | and transfer it | 04:38 |
ogra | synaptic has such an option i think, but you need another ubuntu machine that has net connection | 04:38 |
vnl | Oh... | 04:38 |
vnl | OK atleast let me know the conection to it | 04:39 |
vnl | to the net I mean | 04:39 |
vnl | I have a dynamic IP | 04:39 |
vnl | so can't use those while configuring right | 04:39 |
vnl | so guys | 04:43 |
sbalneav | You might want to google for apt-on-cd | 04:45 |
ogra | sbalneav, synaptic has all he needs in te file menu ;) | 04:46 |
vnl | synaptic... | 04:46 |
vnl | whats that | 04:46 |
vnl | I am a complete n00b | 04:46 |
sbalneav | Right, but if he wants to download the stuff, and burn it to a cd... | 04:46 |
sbalneav | or does synaptic do that? | 04:47 |
shriphani | vnl: why not go the packages.ubuntu.com route ? | 04:47 |
sbalneav | vnl: Simplest would be just to connect the box temporarily to the internet, and install the packages. | 04:47 |
vnl | yeah I guess thats the simplest method | 04:47 |
ogra | well, synaptic creates a local archive in a folder you can copy that folder and make the synaptic on the target system read it | 04:48 |
sbalneav | ok, heading out to dentist. | 04:48 |
ogra | shriphani, because that gets you into download hell packages jhave dependencies :) | 04:48 |
ogra | yeah, heading to the shower ... | 04:48 |
vnl | ehehe | 04:49 |
vnl | all of are heading out | 04:49 |
vnl | Im so ded now | 04:49 |
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ogra | vnl, yu could pay 1500,- to refund my plane ticket :P | 04:49 |
=== ogra would happily rather not travel this weekend :) | ||
vnl | ehehe | 04:50 |
vnl | I dubt that | 04:50 |
vnl | OK just tell me this | 04:50 |
vnl | I have a DVD Writer | 04:50 |
vnl | but a USB one... | 04:51 |
vnl | is it possible to install linux through that | 04:51 |
=== ogra does that all the time | ||
vnl | how will it detect USB then | 04:51 |
vnl | lol | 04:52 |
vnl | without an OS | 04:52 |
vnl | :P | 04:52 |
ogra | well, your system needs to support that indeed | 04:52 |
ogra | s/system/BIOS/ | 04:52 |
vnl | Oh system BIOS does support it | 04:52 |
vnl | I know that much | 04:52 |
ogra | if you can select USB as boot device then all is fine | 04:52 |
ogra | if not ... there is no solution | 04:53 |
vnl | OH OK...I get it all now... | 04:53 |
vnl | lol | 04:53 |
vnl | thanks a lot ogra | 04:53 |
ogra | before the kernel gets loaded its all BIOS :) | 04:53 |
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delta16 | hey guy's | 04:55 |
delta16 | i'm back | 04:55 |
delta16 | thisk time with a new problem | 04:55 |
delta16 | :( | 04:56 |
delta16 | *this | 04:56 |
delta16 | i now installd ubuntu 7.4 | 04:56 |
delta16 | it works great | 04:56 |
delta16 | oo and i love the migrtion tool , that gets the files from my windows OS | 04:57 |
delta16 | but | 04:57 |
delta16 | i got a small problem now | 04:57 |
shriphani | which is ? | 04:57 |
delta16 | i have a wirelles network runnig | 04:57 |
delta16 | the | 04:57 |
shriphani | ok ? | 04:57 |
delta16 | routers are reconizde | 04:57 |
delta16 | and i see the SSID | 04:58 |
delta16 | but no signal strenght | 04:58 |
delta16 | and also can't connet to it :( | 04:58 |
delta16 | it's a non seacured wireless network | 04:58 |
delta16 | the router is drom linksys | 04:59 |
delta16 | an my wireless signel reciefer is from E-TECH | 04:59 |
delta16 | soo | 05:00 |
delta16 | any suggestions ?? | 05:00 |
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shriphani | damn. 2 secs lag. | 05:01 |
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delta16 | soo sriphani , any idea on how to solve this problem ?? | 05:02 |
shriphani | what problem repeat it again. | 05:04 |
delta16 | ubutu findes wireless networks , but shows no signal strenghts | 05:05 |
delta16 | an i cant connect to the networks | 05:05 |
shriphani | try typing the ESSID manually. | 05:07 |
delta16 | ok | 05:09 |
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LaserJock | bah, I woke up this morning thinking I need to make sure and remember the Edubuntu meeting | 06:26 |
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chaneu | hi. I'm trying to get a thinclient to connect to a server, but the client hangs at the splash screen. I'm using edubuntu 7.04 | 07:51 |
chaneu | Can anyone help? sorry, forgot to put the question. :p0 | 07:52 |
chaneu | apologies in advance - first time using xchat | 07:52 |
chaneu | thank you | 07:53 |
stgraber | Hi, sorry I won't have much time to help you as I have a meeting in 5 minutes | 07:56 |
stgraber | but did you try with another thin client | 07:56 |
stgraber | just in case of an hardware issue ? | 07:56 |
stgraber | (maybe the X server simply can't start due to bad detection of your graphic card) | 07:57 |
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ross | Hi. I've installed with no errors edbuntu. edbuntu client gets IP address and hangs at black screen. any ideas? | 09:19 |
stgraber | welcome back ross, did you/can you check with a different thin client ? | 09:22 |
ross | Thanks. Yes, and both stop at the same spot. I am noticing the path in /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf points to a relative location. I am stating it absolutely. ?? | 09:24 |
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ross | Say, I was able to tty F1, but now cannot. any ideas on that? I figure it will help me if i can see more info. | 09:28 |
stgraber | are you using a two NICs configuration | 09:30 |
stgraber | ? | 09:30 |
ross | yes, but I did originally try with two. | 09:31 |
stgraber | I never was able to make Edubuntu to boot + login with only one NIC (boot is now OK with gutsy but ssh doesn't work so no login) | 09:32 |
stgraber | can you check on tty8, sometimes info are there | 09:32 |
ross | Just to note, this is the first time in 8 years I've had to pester the community with stuff I couldn't figure out on my own, and man do I need help. | 09:33 |
ross | no response from any tty | 09:33 |
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stgraber | it's feisty right ? | 09:33 |
ross | good name. 7.04 | 09:33 |
stgraber | sbalneav: Do you have a minute for that ? | 09:34 |
stgraber | it could well be a problem with the NFS server (we switched to nbdserver with Gutsy for lots of good reason :)) | 09:35 |
ross | the client at boot shows the receiving of an IP address. normal. | 09:35 |
stgraber | yes, then it should connect using NFS and boot | 09:35 |
ross | I will check / change nfs servers. | 09:35 |
stgraber | check that /opt/ltsp/i386/ is exported using NFS (/etc/exports) | 09:36 |
stgraber | then if you can, check if you can mount the NFS from another computer on the same network | 09:37 |
sbalneav | Sorry, what? | 09:40 |
stgraber | sbalneav: ross can't boot with feisty edubuntu server, may be a nfs issue but I almost forgot how feisty's LTSP worked :) | 09:41 |
sbalneav | simplest to see what's going on would be to remove the bootsplash | 09:41 |
sbalneav | cd /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/pxelinux.cfg | 09:42 |
ross | I will remove the splash | 09:42 |
sbalneav | edit file "default" | 09:42 |
sbalneav | remove "quiet splash" from the end of the line. | 09:42 |
ross | it is removed and attempting a client boot now | 09:44 |
ross | lots of suff and ends with IP-config: eth) hardware... MAC address DHCP RARP. | 09:45 |
ross | Above that, near the beginnnig it says I have and IP address??? | 09:46 |
sbalneav | So it's just halted there at that point? | 09:47 |
ross | Yes halt. Is it possible to get an address at one stage and then need another later on? | 09:47 |
sbalneav | Yes, a thin client will always make 2 dhcp requests. | 09:47 |
sbalneav | The pxe does one, to download the kernel. | 09:48 |
sbalneav | Then the kernel has to do one, since pxe doesn't pass it the ip address. | 09:48 |
sbalneav | Sounds to me like a dhcp problem | 09:48 |
sbalneav | SDo you have another dhcp server on the network? | 09:48 |
ross | I have my client connected via Xover cable - it is alone. So, it appears PXE will receive an IP, but the kernel won't. | 09:49 |
ross | Do I have to spec a path for DHCP to send from or to? | 09:50 |
sbalneav | Can you paste to the pastebin both a copy of ifconfig -a, and your /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf file? | 09:50 |
ross | One sec. | 09:50 |
ross | authoritative; | 09:51 |
ross | subnet netmask { | 09:51 |
ross | range; | 09:51 |
ross | option domain-name "example.com"; | 09:51 |
ross | option domain-name-servers; | 09:51 |
ross | option broadcast-address; | 09:51 |
ross | option routers; | 09:51 |
sbalneav | no | 09:51 |
ross | option subnet-mask; | 09:51 |
sbalneav | no | 09:51 |
ross | if substring( option vendor-class-identifier, 0, 9 ) = "PXEClient" { | 09:51 |
sbalneav | pastebin | 09:51 |
ross | filename "/ltsp/i386/pxelinux.0"; | 09:51 |
ross | } | 09:51 |
sbalneav | !pastebin | 09:51 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 09:51 |
ross | else{ | 09:51 |
ross | filename "/opt/ltsp/i386/boot/nbi.img"; | 09:51 |
ross | } | 09:51 |
ross | option root-path "/opt/ltsp/i386/boot/nbi.img"; | 09:51 |
ross | } | 09:51 |
ross | ross@edubuntu701: | 09:51 |
ross | I have never used pastebin. | 09:51 |
sbalneav | !pastebin | 09:52 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 09:52 |
stgraber | ross: it's just a box where you can paste anything you want (text), then it'll give you an URL to paste on IRC | 09:52 |
ross | I see. | 09:53 |
ross | pastebin at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/38841/ | 09:53 |
ross | is that right | 09:54 |
sbalneav | yes | 09:55 |
sbalneav | and a copy of ifconfig -a | 09:55 |
stgraber | second filename is wrong | 09:55 |
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stgraber | root-path too | 09:55 |
stgraber | root-path should be : /opt/ltsp/i386 | 09:56 |
sbalneav | yeah, that root path is bad. | 09:56 |
sbalneav | right. | 09:56 |
stgraber | second filename should be : /ltsp/i386/nbi.img | 09:56 |
ross | I have changed both based on ideas on google, both were as you are currently noting, and I will put back. | 09:56 |
sbalneav | The default one should be fine. | 09:59 |
ross | all is back as you say | 10:00 |
sbalneav | Please re-paste. | 10:00 |
ross | ok. one sec | 10:00 |
sbalneav | and re-start the dhcpd server with invoke-rc.d dhcp3-server restart | 10:00 |
ross | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/38844/ | 10:02 |
ross | restarted dhcp and client no progress | 10:02 |
sbalneav | Your root path is still incorrect | 10:03 |
ross | Isn't Edubuntu supposed to connect out of the box? My thinking is, I must have done something wrong. | 10:04 |
ross | root path. one sec. | 10:04 |
sbalneav | yes | 10:04 |
sbalneav | it is | 10:04 |
sbalneav | You changed the root path. | 10:04 |
ross | okay, I took off the nbi.img | 10:06 |
ross | is there something else I overlooked. | 10:06 |
ross | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/38846/ | 10:07 |
sbalneav | You still haven't pasted the output of ifconfig -a yet. I'll want to see that as well. | 10:07 |
ross | ok | 10:07 |
ross | i'm on itl | 10:07 |
ross | i'm on it. | 10:07 |
sbalneav | np | 10:07 |
ross | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/38847/ | 10:08 |
sbalneav | ok, so the thin client is connected via a crossover cable to eth0? | 10:09 |
ross | yes | 10:09 |
ross | Recall, it is getting an IP at pxe boot | 10:10 |
sbalneav | Alright, so, you've restarted the dhcpd again, with the invoke-rc.d dhcp3-server restart command? | 10:10 |
ross | that's a big part of my confusion | 10:10 |
ross | yes, just now and rebooting the client | 10:11 |
sbalneav | ok | 10:11 |
ross | With number of reboots, at least I know by power switch is good. :) | 10:11 |
ross | client stops at same place. | 10:12 |
sbalneav | ok | 10:12 |
ross | are there any logs on the server I can check? | 10:12 |
sbalneav | Lets make sure we've got an updated kernel to boot with. | 10:12 |
sbalneav | sudo chroot /opt/ltsp/i386 | 10:12 |
ross | I just download the image from edubuntu yesterday. | 10:13 |
sbalneav | mount -t proc proc /proc | 10:13 |
ross | In addition, I applied all updates this morning. | 10:13 |
sbalneav | apt-get update && apt-get upgrade | 10:13 |
sbalneav | Did you do them in the chroot? | 10:13 |
sbalneav | So, you're doing the update in the chroot now? | 10:17 |
sbalneav | Is it downloading some updates? | 10:17 |
ross | the output shows some files were ignored. | 10:17 |
ross | here is one line: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead | 10:18 |
ross | I am unsure of why I would have the problem in the first place. Do you know of any default install bugs or issues? | 10:19 |
sbalneav | nope | 10:19 |
sbalneav | can you paste the output of the /etc/apt/sources.list file in the chroot there? | 10:20 |
sbalneav | Just out of curiosity, what kind of thin client is this? | 10:21 |
ross | thin client is a compaq 330mle server | 10:22 |
ross | thin client is a compaq ml330e server | 10:22 |
ross | sorry about the typo | 10:23 |
sbalneav | ok, so it's pxe booting then? | 10:23 |
ross | yes. every time | 10:23 |
sbalneav | What kind of network card in it? | 10:23 |
ross | realtek | 10:23 |
sbalneav | Hmmm | 10:24 |
sbalneav | 8139 type? | 10:24 |
ross | 8139 sorry about that | 10:24 |
sbalneav | heh | 10:25 |
ross | hmm I guess so. | 10:25 |
sbalneav | Wait. Multiple ethernet interfaces in this server? | 10:25 |
sbalneav | that you're using as a thin client? | 10:25 |
ross | yes | 10:26 |
sbalneav | hahaha | 10:26 |
sbalneav | bingo | 10:26 |
ross | but only one connected | 10:26 |
sbalneav | doesn't matter | 10:26 |
ross | I can pull the card. one minute | 10:26 |
stgraber | casper takes the wrong one :) | 10:26 |
sbalneav | just because you boot off one, doesn't mean the linux kernel will decide that one's eth0 | 10:26 |
sbalneav | :) | 10:26 |
sbalneav | Betcha a coffee that's it. | 10:27 |
sbalneav | so you download the kernel, and linux switches over to trying to use the other one. | 10:27 |
sbalneav | I've seen that before. | 10:27 |
stgraber | sbalneav: is there a bug about that ? (we should check the status of the cards and take the first ethX with a cable plugged in) | 10:27 |
ross | one card now. reboot in progress | 10:27 |
ross | only one with no cable? | 10:28 |
ross | we are further along | 10:28 |
ross | It's still moving. progress :) | 10:29 |
sbalneav | \o/ | 10:29 |
sbalneav | Knew it had to be something goofy. | 10:29 |
ross | double that if I get login. | 10:29 |
sbalneav | Well, if you don't we'll just solve that problem too :) | 10:30 |
ross | You guys realize I will now have try the several configs I've used to this point to rule out 2 nicx as an issue. | 10:30 |
ross | long day tomorrow, but happier. | 10:31 |
sbalneav | Well, glad we figured it out. | 10:31 |
ross | I got GUI. You can't say that just anywhere. If I could imitate the cop off family guy YEAHGHGHG | 10:32 |
ross | thanks a bunch. Stupid NIC! ;) | 10:33 |
sbalneav | No problem | 10:33 |
ross | I'm noticing a no keyboard response. I must have pulled the cable during the NIC removal. Thanks again. | 10:34 |
ross | all good now. | 10:34 |
ross | Question? If I log into IRC on this channel, how do I see how many people are currently on? | 10:36 |
JordanC | On Which IRC Client? | 10:36 |
sbalneav | stgraber: Well, that gets a bit tricky, as now you have to propagate that info to a lot of weird places. I suppose when we've got all the other problems solved.... :) | 10:36 |
ross | I am using xchat | 10:36 |
sbalneav | the command /users should tell you | 10:36 |
sbalneav | xchat should have the users listed in a side panel. | 10:36 |
JordanC | I'm not a big fan of Xchat, really | 10:37 |
JordanC | <-- Konversation | 10:37 |
sbalneav | irssi here | 10:37 |
Rondom | sbalneav: if the users list isn't visible move your mouse to the right and drag the right edge and the list will appear | 10:38 |
ross | heyyy! | 10:38 |
Rondom | (a double-arrow has to appear) | 10:38 |
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JordanC | jukebox* | 10:39 |
ross | good enough. have a good day, and thanks again. Happy days are here again. :) | 10:39 |
JordanC | Eyyyy | 10:39 |
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La_PaRCa | Hey guys. Does anyone know what kind of software would allow me to manage a small school? It has to be able to handle grades and class rosters and schedules for different classroms. | 11:32 |
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JordanC | Moodle | 11:37 |
JordanC | If you need any help setting it up, I'd be happy to help you | 11:37 |
La_PaRCa | That is kinda complex for what I need. | 11:37 |
La_PaRCa | This is a very small operation. | 11:37 |
JordanC | Hmm | 11:38 |
JordanC | You can just scale moodle down :P | 11:39 |
La_PaRCa | yeah, Im gonna take a long hard look at it | 11:39 |
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