=== greg [n=greg@24-107-235-119.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #xubuntu | ||
greg | hi | 01:20 |
greg | is there a program to record screen? | 01:20 |
TheSheep | there are several ones | 01:21 |
greg | TheSheep name a free one plz | 01:22 |
greg | thats in apt | 01:22 |
TheSheep | greg: http://www.getdeb.net/app.php?name=RecordMyDesktop | 01:23 |
greg | TheSheep can you help me with wine? | 01:26 |
greg | 0% [Connecting to nl.archive.ubuntu.com (] | 01:27 |
greg | down :( | 01:27 |
TheSheep | try archive.ubuntu.com | 01:28 |
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General_Tso | Does anyone know what login manager Xubuntu uses? | 01:41 |
TheSheep | General_Tso: gnu desktop manager | 01:42 |
General_Tso | Thank you, TheSheep. | 01:43 |
TheSheep | GNOME Display Manager | 01:43 |
TheSheep | sorery | 01:43 |
TheSheep | :D | 01:43 |
TheSheep | sorry | 01:43 |
TheSheep | hehe | 01:43 |
Jester45 | gdm for short | 01:43 |
TheSheep | too late I guess | 01:43 |
General_Tso | hehe Thoughts that what you meant, but i was about to do a google search on that one. haha | 01:43 |
greg | TheSheep that prgrm fails | 01:47 |
greg | whem im in full screen it only records pixels ,ose is on | 01:47 |
greg | mouse* | 01:47 |
TheSheep | greg: you are in full screen? | 01:49 |
greg | TheSheep i need to be for a program | 01:49 |
TheSheep | it records the desktop, desktops are usually displayed in full screen, unless you use xnest or vmware or something | 01:49 |
greg | TheSheep is a prgrm runnin in wine | 01:49 |
TheSheep | greg: if you want to rip a movie, better use some ripper | 01:49 |
TheSheep | greg: is it a 3d application? | 01:50 |
greg | yes kind of | 01:50 |
TheSheep | greg: recording opengl overlays might be hard | 01:50 |
greg | kk | 01:51 |
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TheSheep | greg: maybe changing some graphics settings in the app will help | 01:55 |
greg | tried | 01:56 |
greg | :( | 01:56 |
TheSheep | greg: so that it doesn't use hardware acceleration | 01:56 |
greg | ima try using digital cam instead | 01:56 |
greg | :( | 01:56 |
darrend | anyone suggest why a job in /etc/cron.daily/ would fail to run? File is +x and works fine when invoked manually. All other jobs in the dir run normally via cron | 02:04 |
aryr100-afk | is there a easy way to change X11 mouse themes ? | 02:04 |
aryr100-afk | in gnome I can just add it to themes | 02:05 |
TheSheep | aryr100-afk: settings->mouse settings | 02:10 |
aryr100-afk | kk just add the tar there as I would in gnome with themes ? | 02:12 |
TheSheep | aryr100-afk: I don't think so | 02:12 |
TheSheep | aryr100-afk: I *think* you need to unpack the tar in ~/.icons | 02:13 |
aryr100-afk | kk tried that when I use the alter cmd not showing up ? | 02:13 |
TheSheep | what's "alter cmd | 02:14 |
TheSheep | "? | 02:14 |
aryr100-afk | update-alternatives | 02:15 |
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greg | TheSheep you there? | 02:53 |
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travisbickkle | anybody familier with webilder? | 04:06 |
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kupesoft | Silly question, but how do I take a screenshot with Xubuntu? | 05:17 |
travisbickkle | kupesoft: http://wiki.xfce.org/faq#visual_appearance | 05:20 |
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travisbickkle | anyone know how the smartbookmarks applet works? | 05:32 |
travisbickkle | can someone help me with printer issues? | 05:43 |
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superm1 | Hi guys, got a question re how a few things get started in xubuntu. What package sets up spawning things like gnome-screensaver upon startup? | 05:47 |
superm1 | we're going to be adapting some xfce related items for mythbuntu, and were at a bit of a loss | 05:47 |
superm1 | since its not mentioned anywhere in xubuntu-default-settings | 05:48 |
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salox | hi, have xubuntu 7.04 (i386) on 900Mhz Duron, i want to instal a i686 kernel. What i need to do pls? | 08:36 |
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Ramla | well, there used to be kernel packages linux-i686 linux-k7 (you'd want the latter) but aren't they outdated by now? | 08:42 |
Ramla | yarr, obsoleted by linux-generic | 08:42 |
Ramla | if you want to be sure to have an optimized kernel, you can compile it yourself | 08:44 |
Ramla | this howto's a nice one http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=311158 | 08:44 |
Ramla | you might need to install nvidia drivers from nvidia's installer after that. don't know about ati | 08:45 |
Ramla | salox: highlighting afterwards :p | 08:45 |
salox | thank's | 08:46 |
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salox | so the only way is to compile a kernel? | 08:49 |
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salox | no precompiled kernel in repository or something? | 08:49 |
Ramla | i think it's all linux-generic now. am not sure though | 08:50 |
salox | i know that i386 kernels use x386 instruction's set wich is a waste for a 686 procesor | 08:51 |
Ramla | well, compiling isn't that hard. you can do the config in X and since you have a working kernel setup already you just need to disable what you don't need | 08:53 |
Ramla | might take an hour or two to compile with that duron | 08:53 |
salox | ok | 08:56 |
salox | that's it | 08:56 |
salox | thank's | 08:56 |
Ramla | np, thanks for having me something to do on this extra boring lecture. another class is starting though, so bye :p -> | 08:58 |
salox | ;) | 08:59 |
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kryl | hi | 11:06 |
kryl | I want to install gnome on xubuntu and after that I do the reverse actually I broke some package for example gcalctool doesn't want to run | 11:06 |
kryl | may I have something to fix by easy way ? | 11:07 |
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warbler | I used synaptic to get bittorrent and bittorrent-gui but I can't get them on the menu or from terminal - anyone know how to get them working? | 11:53 |
totalwormface | warbler: wasn't it 'btdownloadgui'? | 11:59 |
totalwormface | or something | 11:59 |
warbler | totalwormface: btdowmload is for gnome and I also tried that but couldn't get that on the menu or working from terminal either | 12:01 |
totalwormface | ah ok | 12:02 |
warbler | totalwormface: have set up xubuntu on old comp as a nfs file server and to handle torrents but can't get the torrent side to work | 12:02 |
warbler | frustration!!!! | 12:02 |
totalwormface | haha | 12:02 |
warbler | :) | 12:02 |
totalwormface | and it was such a good plan! :P | 12:02 |
totalwormface | i think the answer will be on the forums | 12:03 |
warbler | want to make god laugh - tell him your plans :) | 12:03 |
totalwormface | hehe | 12:03 |
warbler | i would try azureus but it gets slagged off for being to resource hungry | 12:04 |
totalwormface | hehe that's not a very good idea :] | 12:05 |
totalwormface | i use ktorrent on my old download comp, mhich also isn't such a very good idea, but i liked the interface better than other clients | 12:06 |
totalwormface | and it has to be userfriendly for my roommates :P | 12:06 |
warbler | bittorrent is good on my daily ubuntu system - never had an issue | 12:06 |
warbler | totalwormface: you were right - btdownloadgui is what is needed in terminal to open bittorrent - I have a lib missing - and it is not in synaptic:( | 12:19 |
totalwormface | awww | 12:22 |
totalwormface | well, glad it worked out :P | 12:22 |
totalwormface | let's get that box downloading :9~ | 12:23 |
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warbler | totalwormface: not working - removing bittorrent - kicking dog - looking for something else... | 12:32 |
totalwormface | in whatw ay isn't it working | 12:33 |
L`uka | anyone here experienced some odd problems with "Allow Xfce to manage your desktop" option? | 12:36 |
warbler | totalwormface: it is a problem that has been known for some time from the bug reports I've just been reading - bittorrent-gui has a dependency that is not in the repositories | 12:36 |
totalwormface | ah | 12:39 |
totalwormface | hm, /me needs to get to class :] | 12:40 |
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Doomguy0505 | Heh, the problem was the computer's cd rom drive | 12:55 |
Doomguy0505 | It only found defects on the old computer | 12:55 |
TheSheep | Doomguy0505: burn the cd at the slowest possible speed | 12:56 |
Doomguy0505 | How would that help? | 12:56 |
Doomguy0505 | The newer computer went through the defect test fine but the lower end one couldn't read packages | 12:57 |
TheSheep | Doomguy0505: old cd drives are less sensitive, the slower you burn, the longer the writer's laser has contact with thecd surface | 12:57 |
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nikolam | hello I cant kill a process and that is happening all the time | 01:13 |
nikolam | even sudo kill -9 does not help | 01:13 |
nikolam | thunar is meditating and doing nothing | 01:13 |
nikolam | Beagle is using 100% cpu | 01:13 |
nikolam | gam_server is always active | 01:14 |
nikolam | cant write to udf CD-RW disks | 01:14 |
nikolam | etc etc. | 01:14 |
nikolam | And yes, OpenOffice does not work at all | 01:15 |
nikolam | Also Document viewer does not display pdf`s | 01:15 |
Doomguy0505 | TheSheep: It didn't help, the computer must be really bad | 01:16 |
nikolam | Yes computer is so bad, i think it is transformer actually. | 01:16 |
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nikolam | Maybe it have something to do with raid rebuilding itself with md2_resync active togetrer with md2_raid1 | 01:17 |
nikolam | I reely dont want to reinstall but: | 01:18 |
Doomguy0505 | nikolam: I'm talking about something else | 01:18 |
nikolam | Does open office works at your site? I am using 7.04 Xubuntu 64-bit | 01:18 |
nikolam | Oh, yes, I recently updated Bios, could it be something with that? | 01:19 |
Doomguy0505 | unlikely | 01:19 |
nikolam | I have gutsy on second raid partition and it is So unstable and killing grub three times a week | 01:20 |
TheSheep | nikolam: run memtest | 01:21 |
nikolam | its ok. Default settings. I will do a memtest anyway, will make it do it few hours. | 01:22 |
nikolam | And then I will Backup and reinstall 7.04 | 01:22 |
nikolam | is there any way to backup .deb`s from package cahe, also? | 01:22 |
Doomguy0505 | aptoncd | 01:23 |
nikolam | Hmm nice. And then addit as repository after reinstall, right? | 01:23 |
Doomguy0505 | yes | 01:23 |
nikolam | Could it be burned to .iso file instead? | 01:24 |
Doomguy0505 | yes, it creates an iso file before burning | 01:25 |
Jester45 | why not just direcly copy the files and then when you need them cp into the cache | 01:27 |
Doomguy0505 | because we don't know how... | 01:28 |
nikolam | What you meen when I need them? everytime synaptic wants it, to manually copy? I tried once to copy all already downloaded debs directly to cache. it didn`t work. it downloaded them again. | 01:28 |
Jester45 | it shouldnt have | 01:29 |
TheSheep | you can always install debs directly with dpkg -i or gdebi | 01:29 |
nikolam | OK, boys, doing waiting of md2_resync to finish > Backup data> aptoncd to iso > memtest few hours > reinstall 7.04 | 01:30 |
nikolam | newer thought that copy of 33Gb could take so long on 60-70MB`s drives. (2 raid 1`s) | 01:46 |
Doomguy0505 | 33gb of debs? | 01:48 |
Jester45 | lol download the whole main repo just in case internet gets lost | 01:49 |
nikolam | 33gb of everything beagle cache, 5 gigs of docs, isos, downloads, everything | 01:49 |
nikolam | not debs, that will be separately, i thin 1 gig or so | 01:49 |
Jester45 | lol i would never have time to backup my downloads | 01:51 |
Jester45 | nor the space | 01:51 |
nikolam | We have debian .dvd-`s for that occasion of being deserted alone on island, dont we? :) | 01:51 |
nikolam | I think I didn`t find ubuntu dvds with source to download, just synaptic | 01:52 |
nikolam | Anyway, my deb cace is no more than 1 Gig or so. | 01:53 |
nikolam | In fact that there is many html files, small files etc. But 33gigs should be done years ago now.. if its actually copies files from one disk to the sam disk, yust other partition I should actually consider half of the minimal speed minus raid oreverhead X2 Hmm.. | 02:01 |
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nikolam | it is intersting how mc takes 35-60% cpu on copying but total cpu usage in `top` shows no more then 10-13% of total cpu. Hmmm. | 02:03 |
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warbler | What does everyone use as a bittorrent client on xubuntu? I can't get bittorrent to install because of unresolved dependencies... | 03:31 |
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maxamillion | warbler: deluge torrent | 03:39 |
maxamillion | warbler: http://deluge-torrent.org/ | 03:40 |
warbler | maxamillion: is it gui? - I'll look at it now | 03:40 |
maxamillion | warbler: yes it is | 03:40 |
maxamillion | warbler: if you want cli, check out rtorrent ... its really nice | 03:41 |
warbler | maxamillion: am using rtorrent on xubuntu headless server - goes OK - was wondering what others with xubuntu use because I had dramas installing bittorrent - a first for me with any -buntu | 03:43 |
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maxamillion | warbler: when i want a gui, i use deluge torrent ... that's really the only one i know anything about | 03:46 |
warbler | maxamillion: just reading on how to encrypt my torrent downloads to improve speed - deluge looks good! | 03:48 |
maxamillion | :) | 03:51 |
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superm1 | any xubuntu dev folks around? | 05:41 |
TheSheep | superm1: try the mailing list | 05:42 |
superm1 | TheSheep, xubuntu-users? | 05:42 |
superm1 | or another one | 05:42 |
vinze | xubuntu-devel :P | 05:42 |
superm1 | ah of course :) | 05:42 |
vinze | ;-) | 05:42 |
superm1 | thanks guys | 05:42 |
=== vinze has the strange feeling he'll receive an email in the next few minutes :P | ||
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superm1 | vinze, in flight :) | 05:55 |
vinze | :P | 05:55 |
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vinze | superm1, Mythbuntu switching to Xfce? Nice :) | 06:04 |
superm1 | vinze, yeah, and loving it thus far :) | 06:04 |
vinze | ^.^ | 06:05 |
neozen | I seek apt wisdom | 06:10 |
neozen | need to use a repository... but only for package names matching a mask | 06:10 |
superm1 | neozen, apt-get install package-* ? | 06:11 |
Pumpernickel | neozen: Behold: apt-pinning. http://jaqque.sbih.org/kplug/apt-pinning.html | 06:14 |
neozen | Pumpernickel: O.o | 06:17 |
neozen | thankee will check out after work | 06:18 |
=== mode/#xubuntu [+o Pumpernickel] by ChanServ | ||
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=== ..[topic/#xubuntu:Pumpernickel] : Official Xubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Mailing list: http://lists.ubuntu.com/xubuntu-users | Downloads: http://xubuntu.org/get | Gutsy Tribe 5 (UNSTABLE): | ||
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=== ..[topic/#xubuntu:Pumpernickel] : Official Xubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Mailing list: http://lists.ubuntu.com/xubuntu-users | Downloads: http://xubuntu.org/get | Gutsy Beta (UNSTABLE): http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/gutsy/beta/ | ||
=== ..[topic/#xubuntu:Pumpernickel] : Official Xubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Mailing list: http://lists.ubuntu.com/xubuntu-users | Downloads: http://xubuntu.org/get | Gutsy Beta (UNSTABLE): http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/gutsy/beta/ | ||
=== mode/#xubuntu [-o Pumpernickel] by Pumpernickel | ||
feliciano | Hi, I'm using gutsy.. and i see there is a problem with the font dpt. The problems is old and it comes from the others releases... edgy, feisty, etc.. but the solution dont work with gutsy... have you some tip for that?? | 06:25 |
Pumpernickel | Where are you encountering problems with it? | 06:26 |
feliciano | the font size | 06:26 |
feliciano | I usually use 8 point fonts... but now 8 is too small | 06:27 |
Pumpernickel | Use a larger font, then. | 06:27 |
feliciano | ... | 06:27 |
feliciano | that is not a solution | 06:27 |
feliciano | the problem is this... http://xubuntuchile.wordpress.com/2007/06/27/problema-con-el-tamano-de-fuentes/ | 06:28 |
Pumpernickel | I'm afraid I don't understand the language there. | 06:29 |
feliciano | Pumpernickel, the post is in spanish but you can see the modifies to the file in feisty to solve this problem | 06:29 |
feliciano | the problem is the dpi configuration is in 92 dpi... and we need 96 dpi | 06:30 |
Pumpernickel | bug 11874 should explain the changes introduced to DPI autodetection in Gutsy. | 06:33 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 11874 in ubuntu-meta "ubntu-base should depend on mtr *or* mtr-tiny, not just mtr-tiny (dup-of: 11381)" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/11874 | 06:33 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 11381 in ubuntu-meta "ubuntu-meta metapackages could be more flexible" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/11381 | 06:33 |
Pumpernickel | gah | 06:33 |
Pumpernickel | bug 118745 | 06:34 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 118745 in xorg-server "Font sizes in Gutsy are affected by bad X.org DPI detection" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118745 | 06:34 |
feliciano | that is for gnome only?? or that can work with xfce? | 06:37 |
feliciano | Pumpernickel? | 06:38 |
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hummlbach | good evening | 07:13 |
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feliciano | Pumpernickel... GDM is the problem... I begin with startxfce4 and the problem is solve | 07:15 |
feliciano | I need to know if is there some aplication to login for xfce | 07:16 |
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hummlbach | has anyone already installed gutsy as ltsp-server? | 07:20 |
TheSheep | !gutsy | 07:21 |
ubotu | Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | 07:22 |
hummlbach | oh thanks | 07:22 |
hummlbach | i'm sorry | 07:22 |
=== twointo1 [n=bob@c-71-62-232-42.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
twointo1 | hi - i'm using wifi-radar with xubuntu and it works great. I'm looking a package that will show my connection on the upper taskbar. can anyone help | 07:26 |
vinze | Have you tried the "Network Monitor" panel plugin? | 07:26 |
twointo1 | no, but will it conflict with wifi-radar? | 07:27 |
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vinze | I don't think so | 07:27 |
vinze | But it's not that much effort to try ;-) | 07:28 |
twointo1 | great, i'll giver a try! | 07:28 |
twointo1 | is it better to use synaptics or add/remove? | 07:28 |
vinze | Doesn't matter | 07:29 |
twointo1 | thanks | 07:29 |
vinze | Add/Remove... has extensive descriptions, but some packages don't show up there that do in Synaptic | 07:29 |
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andihit | when i want to install the 7.04 alternate cd, my pc hangs after detecting network hardware (i see only the blue screen with no text) - with and without lan cable | 07:48 |
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afb | Hi, what does Xubuntu Gutsy use for software update notifications on the desktop ? | 08:21 |
vinze | update-notifier | 08:22 |
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afb | is that the same as in gnome ? | 08:22 |
vinze | Yes | 08:22 |
afb | ok, thanks | 08:23 |
vinze | np | 08:24 |
afb | ah, OK, think I know why I didn't find it... | 08:25 |
afb | "Please note that Xubuntu does not by default run the update-notifier known from Ubuntu." | 08:25 |
vinze | Will be in Gutsy, just isn't yet | 08:26 |
afb | I'm running a little panel plugin instead | 08:26 |
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hyper__ch | hiho | 08:27 |
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vinze | Hey hyper__ch | 08:34 |
hyper__ch | anyone using the beta yet? | 08:40 |
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predaeus | hyper__ch, I am. | 08:56 |
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hyper__ch | predaeus: how is it? | 09:00 |
predaeus | hyper__ch, so far, very nice. | 09:01 |
hyper__ch | predaeus: that's good :) | 09:01 |
vinze | predaeus, what do you like best? | 09:02 |
hyper__ch | that it works ;) | 09:03 |
predaeus | huh, tough question. I don't know everything that changed under the hood. But from the looks, I like the new theme. Also it seems to be faster (menus popping up faster) but I don't know if this is just subjective. | 09:03 |
vinze | No, that'll be correct | 09:04 |
vinze | Theme engine is faster | 09:04 |
=== mindframe- [n=mindfram@ip72-207-244-33.br.br.cox.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
predaeus | Brasero also is a new cd burning application, looks neat. | 09:04 |
=== vinze can't wait to try Gutsy | ||
predaeus | The new places panel plugin is nice, should be editable though (or easier to edit). | 09:05 |
vinze | What would you like to edit? | 09:06 |
predaeus | add my own "places" entries. | 09:06 |
vinze | You can | 09:06 |
vinze | In Thunar | 09:06 |
vinze | (IIRC) | 09:06 |
predaeus | hm I can't figure out how. | 09:07 |
TheSheep | predaeus: drag and drop | 09:07 |
vinze | Just drag a folder to the left panel (if it's in favourie mode) | 09:07 |
TheSheep | you can also do it in the open dialog | 09:07 |
vinze | *favourite | 09:07 |
predaeus | ah | 09:07 |
predaeus | ah! cool didn't realize, never use the side-pane. | 09:08 |
vinze | :P | 09:08 |
vinze | I always bookmark "/tmp" :P | 09:08 |
predaeus | oh dammit, now I dragged it into Trash by mistake. It should be possible to rearrange entries lateron. | 09:09 |
predaeus | :-P | 09:09 |
vinze | Haha | 09:09 |
predaeus | But I seriously think the default looks of xfce4-terminal should be changed to something that fits the theme more. I personally always change it to white background, or some light color. | 09:12 |
vinze | Yeah what Ubuntu has is cool IMHO | 09:13 |
predaeus | The current default in xubuntu is too l33t looking *g* | 09:13 |
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predaeus | vinze, hm, haven't seen that one for a long time, hehe | 09:13 |
vinze | I hadn't either, recently tried it when I wanted Feisty working on USB | 09:14 |
predaeus | ah, cool | 09:14 |
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vinze | The main reason Ubuntu's one is cool is because of the font I guess, most fonts don't work well for a terminal in white on black | 09:15 |
vinze | I think it's some monospace font | 09:15 |
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Colossus73 | hi | 09:59 |
Colossus73 | I upgraded to gutsy | 09:59 |
Colossus73 | and now when I click on the ntfs partition on the desktop | 09:59 |
Colossus73 | they are not mounted anymore because ntfs-3g is not installed | 09:59 |
Colossus73 | I don't need to write I just need read access, how can I do this? | 10:00 |
TheSheep | !ntfs | 10:00 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 10:01 |
Colossus73 | what does is mean the !ntfs | 10:01 |
Colossus73 | when using feisty I could mount them | 10:01 |
Colossus73 | after the upgrading ntfs-3g is requested | 10:01 |
Colossus73 | but I don't want to install it because I don't need write access | 10:02 |
Colossus73 | only read one | 10:02 |
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TheSheep | Colossus73: read that link | 10:03 |
Colossus73 | TheSheep: that link doesn't match my needs. Anyway thank you. | 10:03 |
Colossus73 | I didn't download any diskmounter script under feisty | 10:04 |
Colossus73 | and I COULD mount the ntfs partition | 10:04 |
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Colossus73 | now AFTER the upgrade I can't because ntfs-3g is requested | 10:04 |
TheSheep | Colossus73: gutsy is still beta, don't expect everything to just work out of the box | 10:04 |
Colossus73 | some config files is to be changed I guess but which one | 10:05 |
TheSheep | !beta | 10:05 |
ubotu | Gutsy Gibbon (7.10) *BETA* information and release notes can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon/Beta - If you regularly update, then you're running the latest version - ISOs and Torrents at http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/gutsy/ - It is development software and as such unstable, support ONLY in #ubuntu+1 | 10:05 |
TheSheep | Colossus73: it's decribed on that page, really, /etc/fstab | 10:06 |
Colossus73 | gt[~] $ cat /etc/fstab|grep ntfs | 10:07 |
Colossus73 | gt[~] $ | 10:07 |
Colossus73 | I will ask on #ubuntu+1 | 10:07 |
Colossus73 | thanks a lot | 10:07 |
Colossus73 | ah | 10:07 |
Colossus73 | do you know why update-notifier doesn't work on my system? | 10:07 |
TheSheep | Colossus73: I think it's being worked on in gutsy | 10:08 |
Colossus73 | does it work on your festy? | 10:09 |
TheSheep | Colossus73: I uninstalled it when it was still dapper ;) | 10:09 |
Colossus73 | ... | 10:09 |
Colossus73 | I think I will do the same | 10:10 |
Colossus73 | I manually check for updates daily | 10:10 |
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neozen | hoallo again all | 10:48 |
neozen | I'm back | 10:49 |
neozen | w/ more issues on this t41 graphics card | 10:49 |
neozen | figured out how to deal w/ the permanently blanking screen when I closed the lid.... just switch to a virtual console and back again.... | 10:49 |
neozen | high cpu usage in terminal windows remains | 10:50 |
neozen | if I open, for example, a man page in a terminal... and scroll through it... CPU usage jumps to about 60% | 10:50 |
neozen | ...on a 1.6 chip..... that's HUGE! | 10:51 |
neozen | forget about scrolling a fullscreen terminal in X... cpu usage goes to 100% and I get about 1 line / sec | 10:52 |
neozen | any ideas? | 10:52 |
neozen | 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon R250 [Mobility FireGL 9000] (rev 02) | 10:53 |
TheSheep | neozen: disable transparency | 10:53 |
TheSheep | neozen: even better, disable compositing | 10:54 |
neozen | heh.. compositing disabled | 10:54 |
neozen | never bothered to turn it on | 10:54 |
TheSheep | neozen: maybe you could try? %) | 10:54 |
neozen | ............... | 10:55 |
neozen | um... no | 10:55 |
neozen | when I dd.... it got worse | 10:55 |
TheSheep | you never know | 10:55 |
neozen | ..ALOT worse | 10:55 |
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neozen | hmm... disabling transparency made scrolling fullscreen term quite a bit faster | 10:56 |
neozen | bummer... that was a nice effect | 10:56 |
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neozen | TheSheep: Terminal w/ transparency can't take advantage of this card? | 11:08 |
neozen | also... glxgears has a little over 900FPS .... should this be higher? | 11:09 |
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TheSheep | neozen: niot sureabout ati, terminal transparency doesn't use hardware acceleration when you have compositing disabled | 11:21 |
neozen | everytime I use this work laptop... I'm reminded why I never buy a box w/ non-intel cards | 11:22 |
neozen | intel 950 in R60 has NO such issues | 11:23 |
=== TheSheep prefers nvidia | ||
neozen | brightness buttons used to make the screen go black before I blacklisted video.... but no other display issues | 11:23 |
TheSheep | not sure about laptops though | 11:23 |
=== neozen grins | ||
neozen | any thoughts on Rage 128 support? | 11:24 |
neozen | my server (which will soon become my desktop) has a rage 128 in it... | 11:24 |
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Ben_Cs | hello | 11:25 |
neozen | hoallo! | 11:25 |
TheSheep | I'm really notup to date with hardware, I tend to buy computer and use it as long as it keeps running, my last switch was 2 years ago from P500 | 11:26 |
TheSheep | or was it pentium 200? | 11:26 |
TheSheep | the one before that was 386 | 11:26 |
Ben_Cs | copying files through local network from my WinXP PC to my xubuntu pc goes fine. but the other way around is as slow as downloading files from Internet. WTF?!!! | 11:26 |
TheSheep | Ben_Cs: what protocol? | 11:26 |
Ben_Cs | smb | 11:27 |
TheSheep | no idea :( | 11:27 |
Ben_Cs | would ftp be faster? | 11:27 |
TheSheep | yes | 11:28 |
TheSheep | unless the problem is on the windows box somehow | 11:28 |
TheSheep | but what could be wrong with windows, honestly? ;) | 11:29 |
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Ben_Cs | what's a good ftp server for xubuntu? | 11:31 |
TheSheep | proftpd is pretty good, I think | 11:32 |
TheSheep | !ftp | 11:36 |
ubotu | FTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd | 11:36 |
TheSheep | !ftpd | 11:36 |
ubotu | FTP servers: !ftpd, !proftpd, !pure-ftpd, !twoftpd, !vsftpd, !MuddleFTPd, !wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: !PureAdmin, !GProftpd (for !GNOME), !KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP | 11:36 |
TheSheep | Ben_Cs: yay, even a graphical configurator :) | 11:37 |
Ben_Cs | cool. tnx | 11:38 |
neozen | TheSheep: used to be exactly the same way... | 11:44 |
neozen | TheSheep: before I finished college... bought a thinkpad... then got another one from work | 11:45 |
neozen | ..now.. I (try to!) use both | 11:45 |
neozen | hilarity ensues | 11:45 |
warbler | !nfs | 11:46 |
ubotu | nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS. | 11:46 |
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Ben_Cs | well tried ftp. still get 30kbps | 11:54 |
Ben_Cs | weird | 11:54 |
Ben_Cs | nevermind. will boot to winXP to transfer files then | 11:54 |
wisam | so xubuntu 7.10 beta doesn't have compiz nor tracker installed by default. right? | 11:55 |
hyper__ch | Ben_Cs: why not using torrent? Isn't that quicker? | 12:03 |
hyper__ch | sorry ;) | 12:03 |
hyper__ch | only saw "what's a good ftp server for xubuntu" and I thought you meant for downloading ;) | 12:04 |
Ben_Cs | samba is the protocol for windows network right? so why the heck it's so slow? i don't get it | 12:04 |
hyper__ch | why not using scp? | 12:04 |
hyper__ch | winscp for example | 12:05 |
Ben_Cs | never heard of it | 12:07 |
hyper__ch | winscp is a program from windows to access in a ftp-like manner another computer over ssh/sftp | 12:08 |
hyper__ch | scp exists also on linux from the command line | 12:08 |
hyper__ch | could be cmpared to konqueror's fish protocoll | 12:09 |
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margaret | how do I turn off the remember last session | 12:22 |
Mahasamatman | is it still true that the 'buntu's are against compiling kernels? | 12:22 |
Mahasamatman | btw, not trolling, just asking | 12:23 |
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warbler | margaret: it is under sessions and startup | 12:37 |
margaret | it is unchecked but when I restart I get apps trying to open again warbler | 12:38 |
Jester45 | check it then | 12:39 |
Jester45 | and then log off and log in and then uncheck | 12:39 |
warbler | margaret: are they in autostarted applications? | 12:39 |
margaret | no there is only lvm, restricted , print queue | 12:40 |
Jester45 | arrg... i jsut downloaded the tribe 5 last night | 12:40 |
Jester45 | and now the beta is out | 12:40 |
margaret | also if I have 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03) | 12:40 |
margaret | should I install 915 resolution? | 12:41 |
=== Ghostvirus [n=Ghostvir@pool-70-20-60-173.man.east.verizon.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
Jester45 | install a resolution? | 12:42 |
Jester45 | do you mean enable or use a resolution | 12:42 |
margaret | if you open synaptic it is one of the first entries | 12:43 |
margaret | I believe it is a resolution modifiying tool | 12:43 |
Jester45 | do you need it? | 12:43 |
margaret | well I have beryl installed and it seems to be acting shady | 12:44 |
margaret | like I cannot pick anything to change only can change emerald themes | 12:45 |
Jester45 | slowly? if you lower the resoultion that should make it run faster but then everything will be bigger | 12:45 |
Jester45 | have you tried the display settings app | 12:45 |
margaret | what do I want to run faster Jester45 | 12:47 |
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=== Ghostvirus [n=Ghostvir@pool-70-20-60-173.man.east.verizon.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
margaret | Jester45, Im not sure what you are trying to get at | 12:48 |
Ghostvirus | anyone here running avant-window-navigator? | 12:48 |
Ghostvirus | i'm just wondering how stable awn is on xfce, since it was apparently buggy when run with xfce a few months ago | 12:51 |
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Ghostvirus | seems to come with a few gnome deps too :/ | 12:52 |
margaret | hey Jester45 are you still there? | 12:54 |
Ghostvirus | ack, seems awn has issues with xfce still :( | 01:04 |
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Ghostvirus | anyway, looks like someone's working on a fix: https://code.launchpad.net/~malept/awn/desktop-agnostic | 01:11 |
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