james_w | lifeless: thanks. | 12:04 |
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poolie | hello | 01:29 |
poolie | i love when people ping me on irc at 3am :) | 01:29 |
fullermd | Heck, I see you pinging on irc at 3am all the time ;p | 01:31 |
poolie | at least they're not phoning i guess... | 01:37 |
poolie | spiv, ping? | 01:37 |
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igc | morning | 01:48 |
poolie | hi igc | 01:52 |
lifeless | poolie: well, we can fix that | 01:59 |
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=== igc food | ||
igc | I'll review the patch from lifeless after that | 04:00 |
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bignose | "bzr: ERROR: No WorkingTree exists for file:///foo/bar/.bzr/checkout/." | 05:39 |
bignose | This branch was created by a remote 'bzr push --create'. | 05:39 |
bignose | How do I change it so it has a working tree? | 05:39 |
bignose | I see the 'bzr remove-tree' command; I awant the opposite, 'add-tree'. | 05:40 |
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bignose | poolie__: I have a question you may have missed in this channel, may I ask it again? | 05:57 |
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poolfool | Could someone please give tell me how to join (merge?) two different bzr repositories? I have one repo (~/public_html) and a second (~/development) that I would like to join (merge?) (~/repo)? | 06:05 |
poolie_ | bignose: sure | 06:07 |
bignose | poolfool: what do you want the end result to be? | 06:07 |
bignose | poolie_: here it comes | 06:07 |
bignose | "bzr: ERROR: No WorkingTree exists for file:///foo/bar/.bzr/checkout/." | 06:07 |
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bignose | This branch was created by a remote 'bzr push --create'. | 06:08 |
bignose | How do I change it so it has a working tree? | 06:08 |
bignose | I see the 'bzr remove-tree' command; I awant the opposite, 'add-tree'. | 06:08 |
poolfool | bignose: End result? I would like to merge both repositories (including history) into a single repo ... similar to 'svn-style' where I have 'repo/<project[a...b] /'. I really don't want to loose the history. | 06:10 |
bignose | Bazaar (bzr) 0.18.0 | 06:10 |
bignose | poolfool: so, the two branches have similar files and similar structure; you want one of them to become "the" branch. yes? | 06:11 |
poolfool | bignose: No, the two repositories do /not/ have similar files ... I did find someone in the mailling list trying to do that. | 06:12 |
poolfool | bignose: No, I want to merge two different repo's that have individual projects into a single repo. | 06:12 |
bignose | poolfool: (note that "repo" is a different thing to "branch" in Bazaar.) | 06:13 |
bignose | poolfool: can you describe what the end result would be? what would happen to either or both of "~/public_html/" and "~/development/"? | 06:13 |
poolfool | bignose: Got that. Maybe some background, I wanted to try out bazaar so I choose to use 'public_html' #bzr init ... <do some revision and updates> | 06:14 |
poolfool | bignose: Bazaar is pretty good ... I choose to put some small project in 'development' under revision control # cd ~/development; bzr init <do some revision and update> | 06:16 |
poolfool | bignose: Oops ... now I have .bzr <repo> in two different places (~/public_html and ~/development) each with working copies checked out too. | 06:16 |
bignose | poolfool: ah, there's the disconnect. the '~/public_html/.bzr/' directory is *not* a repo, it's a branch. | 06:17 |
bignose | or rather, it's not a "shared repository", which is what is often lazily called a "repo". | 06:17 |
poolfool | bignose: I guess I am trying to now move to a more CVS repo like I am used to. | 06:17 |
bignose | poolfool: you can set up a shared repository with 'bzr init-repository ~/Projects/' | 06:18 |
bignose | poolfool: and then 'bzr branch ~/public_html/ ~/Projects/public_html/' | 06:19 |
bignose | poolfool: you'll then have the shared repository '~/Projects/', and within it a branch '~/public_html/' | 06:19 |
bignose | poolfool: but remember that the shared repository is only useful once you start branching *within* that repository, e.g. 'bzr branch ~/Projects/public_html/ ~/Projects/public_html.coolnewfeature/' | 06:20 |
bignose | poolfool: i.e. shared repositories are only useful because they share revision data; identical revisions (i.e. ones common to two or more branches with common ancestry) | 06:21 |
poolfool | bignose: Ok, I am still digesting and reading more documentation at bazaar-vcs.org? | 06:23 |
bignose | poolfool: you can then 'bzr branch ~/development/ ~/Projects/development/', but of course that branch will have no common revisions with any of the 'public_html' branches that exist in the '~/Projects/' repository | 06:23 |
poolfool | bignose: So 1) Everything, including '#bzr init' are branches, 2) a repo is a shared /branch/, and 3) shared branches only include 'common ancestry'? | 06:24 |
bignose | poolfool: not quite. all branches have repositories; but 'bzr init-repository' sets up a *shared* repository that allows branches inside that directory to share revision data. | 06:25 |
poolfool | bignose: One more time for the cheap seats, '~/Projects/dev...' and '~/Projects/public...' will have no common revisions between them? Great ... just what I wanted. | 06:25 |
bignose | poolfool: your existing '~/development/' branch has a repository, that lives inside that branch alone and isn't shared, even if you branch from it | 06:25 |
bignose | poolfool: the only reason to set up a repository is to make it even cheaper and faster to branch, because the common revision data will stay in one place. | 06:26 |
bignose | (well, that's the only reason I use it. there may be others.) | 06:26 |
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bignose | poolfool: any time you 'bzr branch' from a branch *inside* the shared repository to one *outside*, all the necessary revision history will be carried along. it's only branches within the shared repo that share their revision data. | 06:27 |
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bignose | poolfool: so, the space and speed advantages of a centralised repository containing many possibly-unrelated branches; with all the benefits of being able to branch those elsewhere at will. | 06:28 |
poolie_ | bignose: in older versions, use 'bzr checkout .' in that tree; in newer ones 'bzr reconfigure --tree' | 06:29 |
poolie_ | hth | 06:29 |
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poolfool | poolie_: 'reconfigure --tree' can you use that command to convert a dirstate tree to dirstate-tags tree? | 06:30 |
poolfool | bignose: Ok ... thank you I think I get it. I just started to try out Bazaar and well I am used to my CVS frame of mind where all projects are in the same repo. Not several different 'branches' left around the file system. | 06:32 |
bignose | poolfool: yes, you definitely want a shared repository. | 06:32 |
poolie | poolfool: no, that's 'upgrade' | 06:32 |
poolie | reconfigure switches between different kinds of bzrdir in the same format | 06:33 |
bignose | poolfool: you also want to read about the 'bzr checkout' command; it lets you treat a branch elsewhere as "the central branch", and commit changes simultaneously to both the central and local working tree. | 06:33 |
poolie | i guess maybe upgrade should be considered a subset of reconfigure | 06:33 |
poolie | but it is not at present | 06:33 |
poolfool | bignose: The only thing I do not get is, if I setup a 'shared repo' as you explained ... will I keep the existing history of the branch (public_html) when I branch to the 'shared repo'? | 06:33 |
bignose | poolfool: 'bzr branch foo/ bzr/' always preserves the complete history of the branch. | 06:34 |
bignose | erm, that should be 'bzr branch foo bzr/' for clarity :-) | 06:34 |
bignose | argh | 06:34 |
bignose | erm, that should be 'bzr branch foo bar/' for clarity :-) | 06:34 |
poolfool | bignose: no problem. Thanks again for the help. | 06:34 |
poolfool | bignose: are you a bazaar developer? | 06:34 |
bignose | poolfool: no, just a fan :-) | 06:35 |
bignose | I've been using Bazaar since it was the throwaway prototype for the new version of GNU Arch | 06:35 |
bignose | then it because the not-to-be-thrown-away much improved system that gets rid of all Arch's cruft :-) | 06:36 |
poolfool | bignose: well I am sold ... no more monster patch to and from work on thumb drives to commit after hours of work at home. | 06:36 |
bignose | s/because/became/ | 06:37 |
poolfool | bignose: I could never wrap my head around the funny file names of Arch ... but I have thought the idea of distributed (cheap branch) rcs was a good idea. | 06:37 |
bignose | yep. GNU Arch paved the way for all this good stuff, and Tom Lord deserves more money than he ever got from it. | 06:37 |
poolfool | bignose: Name me two good people who ever get the money they deserve? | 06:38 |
bignose | well, if you insist on the "good" qualifier, I can't :-) | 06:38 |
poolfool | Next stupid question, I original ran '#bzr init' and now have a 'dirstate(?)' branch; can I convert(?) to 'dirstate-tags'? Or can you tag 'dirstate'? | 06:40 |
bignose | poolie: yes, 'bzr checkout .', while completely unintuitive, does seem to have done the trick. | 06:41 |
bignose | poolie: I'm glad it has become 'reconfigure --tree'. | 06:41 |
bignose | poolfool: one tip with 'bzr checkout'; get accustomed to doing 'bzr info' in a cranch to determine whether it's a checkout (bound to a remote branch) or not. | 06:42 |
bignose | s/cranch/branch/ | 06:42 |
bignose | man, my typing is lousy today. | 06:43 |
poolfool | wow ... now I am scared because I read that right before the correction. | 06:43 |
poolie | lifeless: just a ping about debs | 06:47 |
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=== Topic for #bzr: The Bazaar Version Control System | http://bazaar-vcs.org/ | Bazaar 0.91 is out - http://bazaar-vcs.org/Download | Please complete the Bazaar User Survey - http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=L94RvLswhKdktrxiHWiX3g_3d_3d | ||
=== Topic (#bzr): set by poolie at Wed Sep 26 07:07:44 2007 | ||
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mrevell | igc: Hi | 10:05 |
igc | hi mrevell | 10:05 |
mrevell | hey igc - would now be a good time to have a quick chat? | 10:05 |
igc | yes | 10:06 |
igc | mrevell: how about I call you? | 10:07 |
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igc | night all - have a good weekend | 10:36 |
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steko | hi, I'm trying to convert a little darcs repo to bzr using tailor, but I have problems http://pastebin.com/m1ff6d86b | 11:36 |
steko | is there another way to to darcs > bzr ? | 11:36 |
fullermd | I don't know of one. | 11:45 |
fullermd | That actually looks like a problem on the darcs side of tailor. | 11:45 |
fullermd | I'm given to understand there are some current bumps on the bzr side of it too :| | 11:46 |
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steko | fullermd: I know. but it's not good to ask on ##darcs how to stop using darcs itself! :-) | 11:46 |
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oly_mk2 | hi could do with some help with bzr please, | 01:14 |
oly_mk2 | i am trying to update a local branch but it wants me to first commit my changes is there anyway i can cancel my changes | 01:15 |
oly_mk2 | and just do a merge ? | 01:15 |
GaryvdM | Are you sure that your changes are not important | 01:15 |
oly_mk2 | yes they where changes to try and fix a problem as a test, | 01:16 |
GaryvdM | Check what has been changed with a bzr status and/or bzr diff | 01:16 |
oly_mk2 | basically i am developing on one machine commiting then pulling on other machine | 01:16 |
GaryvdM | If you don't want the changes any more you can bzr revert | 01:16 |
oly_mk2 | i think i am using bzr wrong on my test machine to be honest | 01:17 |
oly_mk2 | i use bzr branch and bzr merge to update | 01:17 |
oly_mk2 | on the test machine but i never want changes to go back from test machine | 01:17 |
oly_mk2 | thanks bzr revert does exactly what i need | 01:18 |
GaryvdM | You should probaly use bzr pull on your test machine | 01:18 |
GaryvdM | insted of merge | 01:19 |
oly_mk2 | okay, thxs i did get confused between checkout pull and branch at one point | 01:19 |
oly_mk2 | i started of with pull i think, and changed | 01:19 |
oly_mk2 | i will give that a try | 01:19 |
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oly_mk2 | thxs for the help though appreciated, | 01:21 |
GaryvdM | It's a pleasure | 01:21 |
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spiv | lifeless: turns out stacking test adapters isn't *too* difficult. | 03:54 |
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spiv | abentley: my reconcile work has been mailed to the list | 04:38 |
spiv | abentley: it turned out to be much bigger than I anticipated, but if you can forgive that I'd love to get your feedback on it. | 04:39 |
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adedov | hello | 04:56 |
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adedov | It seems, I still cannot get principles of DRCS... Am I right that if I have, say, two branches than they will always have different revision history even being synchronized each to another? | 05:01 |
fullermd | Yes and No and Maybe and It Depends. | 05:02 |
radix | given he said "always", I would say the answer is "no" :) | 05:02 |
mw | Ask not fullermd for council, for he will say Yes and No and Maybe and It Depends. | 05:02 |
radix | heh | 05:02 |
adedov | :) | 05:02 |
fullermd | Well, it _can_ be always, if you work it that way. And it can be never, if you work it that way, and anywhere in between. | 05:03 |
radix | adedov: no, two branches can have the same revision history. "bzr branch foo bar" makes a branch "bar" which has the same history as "foo". | 05:03 |
adedov | I have already told my history today on this chat. However... I have three branches: at launchpad, at home, and at office. And each time I commit to a local branch (either at home or at office) I push changes on launchpad. After that I need merge another one and commit merge results locally. And finally I must push commit results back to launchpad. It appears that launchpad's branch will be always contain merge results of it-self... | 05:05 |
radix | adedov: sure, and that's fine. | 05:06 |
radix | adedov: actually.... | 05:06 |
radix | adedov: you don't need to merge if the two branches haven't diverged | 05:06 |
luks | adedov, if you are the only developer, you probably want pull instead of merge | 05:06 |
radix | adedov: you could just be pulling from launchpad instead of merging | 05:06 |
adedov | radix: right, but once they diverged, I merge, commit and push... and launchpad constantly hides its previous history with merged results. | 05:07 |
radix | adedov: "hides"? | 05:08 |
adedov | hmm... I look into branch log and I see records rearanged. | 05:08 |
adedov | please tell me common practice of commiting merge results? is it ok commit as 'Merge with xxx branch' or it is better to name all the changes in merge? | 05:09 |
radix | adedov: the former | 05:10 |
radix | adedov: all the changes in the merge are still there, so there's no need to name all of them in the merge commit message | 05:10 |
Solarion | http://ooextras.sourceforge.net/http://ooextras.sourceforge.net/aaaaaa | 05:10 |
Solarion | sorry, terminal seems to have gone haywire | 05:11 |
adedov | radix: in this case, after pushing merged revision to launchpad, the branch log on launchpad lists records like 'Merge with main' (which actually the launchpad's branch name) | 05:12 |
adedov | readability suffers | 05:12 |
radix | adedov: what's the problem? | 05:12 |
radix | maybe the problem is that launchpad doesn't make it easy to see the merged revisions? | 05:13 |
radix | (although maybe it does, I don't know) | 05:13 |
radix | but like I said, if you're not diverging the branches, you have no need to merge, and instead you can just pull. | 05:13 |
poolfool | adedov: Are you trying to use launchpad as a common central repo for your work at home and office? | 05:14 |
adedov | radix: OK. I think my head needs time to get it all :) | 05:14 |
adedov | poolfool: yes | 05:14 |
poolfool | adedov: Ok, then it makes a little more sense to me ... that and what bignose said last night. What is your past RCS? | 05:15 |
adedov | poolfool: CVS | 05:15 |
adedov | poolfool: I know it is awful :) | 05:16 |
poolfool | adedov: Me too .... totally different train of thought, but you can use bazaar kind of like CVS with a central (blessed) repo (launchpad). | 05:16 |
adedov | poolfool: I know that, but I also like to have an ability making local commits before getting new feature mature enough. | 05:17 |
adedov | poolfool: or I need have a branch per feature in this case? | 05:18 |
poolfool | adedov: Exactly, you are on the right track ... now come the details. | 05:18 |
poolfool | adedov: I work alone (or with few other people) in CVS and try to branch often ... bad idea I know. But bazaar works better that way. I branch for each new feature (within reason). | 05:20 |
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poolfool | adedov: Ok, here is my conversation last night with bignose (nice guy) who helped to clear up some things. I am still learning ... but it sounds like you are trying to do what I want to do; remote distributed development checked into a common central repo. | 05:22 |
poolfool | adedov: http://pastebin.com/m32b3d220 | 05:22 |
adedov | poolfool: aha. thank you! | 05:22 |
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poolfool | adedov: Have you read the workflow section at bazaar? http://bazaar-vcs.org/Workflows | 05:23 |
adedov | poolfool: long time ago. before I started use bzr. I will re-read :) | 05:24 |
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TeTeT | can some bzr expert take a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Training/KnowledgeBase please and see if I made any glaring errors on how to use bazaar for the desktop course? | 05:36 |
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schierbeck | phanatic: hi | 05:45 |
phanatic | hey schierbeck | 05:45 |
mrevell | hey phanatic | 05:45 |
schierbeck | phanatic: have you decided on what to do with brokenlines? | 05:45 |
phanatic | hey mrevell :) | 05:46 |
phanatic | schierbeck: i was about to send a mail to the list | 05:46 |
schierbeck | phanatic: ooooh :D | 05:46 |
phanatic | mail sent :) | 05:49 |
phanatic | schierbeck: i got your test mail :P | 05:50 |
schierbeck | great! | 05:50 |
schierbeck | what about the merge requests? | 05:50 |
phanatic | these mails have made it to the list: https://lists.canonical.com/archives/bzr-gtk/2007-September/thread.html | 05:51 |
schierbeck | wow, they did come through | 05:51 |
schierbeck | it's weird -- it seems like they were responses to other messages... | 05:52 |
phanatic | yes | 05:54 |
schierbeck | doesn't show up that way in evolution, though... | 05:56 |
schierbeck | phanatic: have you had a look at the viz-change-title branch? | 05:57 |
schierbeck | *viz-window-title | 05:57 |
phanatic | not yet, but i'll do have a look at all merge requests during the weekend | 05:59 |
schierbeck | cool | 05:59 |
schierbeck | btw, it was a sound decision to merge brokenlines | 05:59 |
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schierbeck | waiting longer would've put off other changes to the viz | 06:00 |
schierbeck | well, i'm gonna go make some dinner, see you later | 06:00 |
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ubotu | New bug: #146379 in bzr "Wrong format suggested when subtrees are required." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/146379 | 06:40 |
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mtaylor | if I get this when trying to do a push: | 07:06 |
mtaylor | bzr: ERROR: Can't rename /srv/sm-ng/push-branches/00/00/0e/49/.bzr/repository/lock/5jz7rhqnlo.tmp to /srv/sm-ng/push-branches/00/00/0e/49/.bzr/repository/lock/held: /srv/sm-ng/push-branches/00/00/0e/49/.bzr/repository/lock/held already exist | 07:06 |
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mtaylor | is that a lock held on the server repos? | 07:15 |
mtaylor | if so, how can I clear it? | 07:15 |
fullermd | I thought it gave you a 'lock already held' error when it noticed something. Maybe that particular error means you lost a locking race? | 07:16 |
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rele | Is there someone responsible for the Bazaar website? | 07:21 |
rele | The Windows downloads at http://bazaar-vcs.org/Download are still the old 0.90 versions, despite the link text mentions 0.91. (Last-Modified: Sun, 02 Sep 2007 14:31:44 GMT) | 07:21 |
rele | Still 0.90: | 07:21 |
rele | http://bazaar-vcs.org/releases/win32/bzr-setup-latest.exe | 07:21 |
rele | http://bazaar-vcs.org/releases/win32/bzr-latest.win32-py2.5.exe | 07:21 |
rele | http://bazaar-vcs.org/releases/win32/bzr-latest.win32-py2.4.exe | 07:21 |
fullermd | That's know. Something on the list about it. 0.91 is there, the -latest links just don't point to it. | 07:22 |
rele | @fullermd: thx! | 07:28 |
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TeTeT | is the channel logged somewhere? | 07:58 |
TeTeT | !ubuntulog log | 07:59 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ubuntulog log - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 07:59 |
james_w | TeTeT: yes. I just can't remember where. | 08:04 |
james_w | http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs/ has some | 08:05 |
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