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superm1 | hi folks, by understanding is that the edubuntu gutsy beta disks have been encountering a lot of unionfs issues, correct? | 04:49 |
superm1 | s/by/my/ | 04:49 |
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sbalneav | superm1: Where have you heard this? | 05:13 |
superm1 | there was talk of it in -devel last night | 05:13 |
superm1 | relative to my time, so around 24 hours ago | 05:13 |
superm1 | i was curious if the final beta disk was deemed better | 05:14 |
superm1 | since mythbuntu beta disks are an absolute mess still :( | 05:14 |
sbalneav | I know there were problems with unionfs, but afaik, they were solved. | 05:15 |
=== Joris [i=joris@082-146-097-185.dyn.adsl.xs4all.be] has joined #edubuntu | ||
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=== [1] Netham45 [n=Netham45@unaffiliated/netham45] has joined #edubuntu | ||
=== [1] Netham45 [n=Netham45@unaffiliated/netham45] has joined #edubuntu | ||
sbalneav | Evening RichEd | 05:59 |
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sbalneav | Hey ogra | 06:33 |
sbalneav | You're up early | 06:33 |
ogra | 2h of sleep | 06:33 |
sbalneav | At the hotel? | 06:34 |
=== ogra cant even keep his eyes open properly | ||
ogra | yeah | 06:34 |
sbalneav | Heh | 06:34 |
ogra | i urgently wait for mail from RichEd (i think he forgot that cyprus is 1h ahead in time ) | 06:35 |
RichEd | hi ogra ... i'm here ... | 06:35 |
RichEd | it 7:35 now your time ? | 06:35 |
RichEd | and you start at 9:00 | 06:35 |
RichEd | are you going down to breakfast & to find the others ? | 06:36 |
RichEd | i'll send the first one through in 30 mins | 06:37 |
ogra | currently i'm trying to remember how to dress | 06:37 |
ogra | but yes | 06:37 |
ogra | i'll go for the others if i'm able to move | 06:37 |
RichEd | okay ... go meet the others and pop back before you leave | 06:37 |
ogra | gah | 06:42 |
=== ogra just tried to make some nescafe to wae up ... saldy spoon and cup are not heat proof | ||
=== ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@trider-g7.fabbione.net] has joined #edubuntu | ||
=== Topic for #edubuntu: Order: http://shipit.edubuntu.org || Edubuntu - the education version of Ubuntu || http://www.edubuntu.org | Wiki: http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuWiki | MEETING: every Wednesday see http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuMeetingAgenda | feisty (7.04) is released, see http://www.edubuntu.org/Download | please help tesing gutsy (7.10) beta https://iso.qa.stgraber.org/qatracker/build/Edubuntu | ||
=== Topic (#edubuntu): set by ogra at Tue Sep 25 19:00:54 2007 | ||
=== #edubuntu [freenode-info] if you need to send private messages, please register: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#privmsg | ||
=== rolandd [n=chatzill@84-245-34-98.dsl.cambrium.nl] has joined #edubuntu | ||
rolandd | How come I cannot edit files owned by www-data while I am in the www-data group? | 09:31 |
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bddebian | Heya | 03:59 |
shriphani | hello ! | 04:00 |
bddebian | Hello shriphani | 04:01 |
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sbalneav | Morning all | 04:25 |
juliux | mornin sbalneav | 04:26 |
joebob777as7 | morning | 04:31 |
joebaker | The Firefox flash plugin's sound isn't coming out... I installed edubuntu daily 9/25/2007 desktop. I'm going to reboot to see if the udev update helps. | 04:32 |
joebaker | morning. :) | 04:32 |
joebob777as7 | i know alsa just got updated for me... | 04:33 |
joebaker | http://www.dcresearch.com/ronpaul/bostonglobe.pdf (I'm the guy in the green shirt on the bottom of the page) | 04:33 |
joebaker | rebooting... | 04:34 |
joebob777as7 | and i'm the woman in the red up top... | 04:35 |
joebob777as7 | ;P | 04:35 |
=== freeflyi1g is now known as freeflying | ||
sbalneav | I'm the "B" in "Boston Globe" | 04:38 |
sbalneav | Hmmm, me evil plan for localapps is thwarted by the lack of a libnss module to allow me to read information from files other than /etc/passwd and /etc/group | 04:40 |
sbalneav | a la libpam-pwfile | 04:40 |
sbalneav | Sooo.... | 04:40 |
sbalneav | I guess I'll just have to write one. | 04:40 |
sbalneav | moquist: Pingity! | 04:41 |
joebaker | Sound works after update and reboot on local machine. | 04:41 |
joebaker | joebob777as7: Funny... | 04:43 |
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=== RichEd-1 [n=richard@dsl-245-141-191.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #edubuntu | ||
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hungrysam | how can I upgrade tuxtyping and open office on edubuntu 6.1 | 05:39 |
hungrysam | ? | 05:39 |
=== Castigador [n=Alfredo@88.Red-80-38-9.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #edubuntu | ||
sbalneav | hungrysam: Best way would be to simply update the edubuntu altogether. | 05:45 |
sbalneav | 7.04's the standard now, and 7.10 will be released soon. | 05:46 |
hungrysam | sbalneav: the problem is that the machines are older machines and don't run the newer versions well | 05:53 |
hungrysam | but I was hoping that I could just get the programs like tuxtyping and gcompris updated | 05:53 |
sbalneav | So, you've tried 7.04 on these machines? | 05:56 |
sbalneav | Between 6.10, and 7.04, there wasn't any huge increase in system requirements, so something that runs 6.10 should run 7.04 just fine. | 05:58 |
hungrysam | yeah | 05:59 |
hungrysam | I tried it | 05:59 |
hungrysam | the problem is that I have machines of different ages and the older ones just choked on install | 06:00 |
sbalneav | Sorry, I'm not meaning to be obstreperous here, but trying to update individual programs is fiendishly difficult, and is going to probably result in a frankenstein configuration that's going to be a bear to maintain. Would you be willing to try and see if I could help you to get the 7.04 going on the machines it hangs on? That'll probably be easier. :) | 06:02 |
hungrysam | um | 06:04 |
hungrysam | yes | 06:04 |
hungrysam | that would be great | 06:04 |
sbalneav | What kind of machines are the older ones? | 06:04 |
hungrysam | they aren't any specific brand | 06:05 |
hungrysam | I am in Peru | 06:05 |
hungrysam | the computers are just generic builds... from a local shop I think | 06:05 |
sbalneav | Sure, but what do they have for video, processor, ram, etc. | 06:06 |
hungrysam | not sure | 06:06 |
sbalneav | Looking at /proc/cpuinfo will tell you the cpu | 06:06 |
hungrysam | I don't have access to them right now | 06:06 |
sbalneav | the "free" command will tell you the amount of memory | 06:06 |
sbalneav | and doing an "lspci -v" will show you all the devices the machine thinks it has. | 06:07 |
sbalneav | maybe collect all that info together, and send it to me via email. | 06:07 |
sbalneav | sbalneav@ltsp.org | 06:07 |
hungrysam | ok | 06:07 |
hungrysam | thanks alot | 06:07 |
hungrysam | I will get that as soon as I can | 06:08 |
sbalneav | then when you get some time, and have access to the machines, I can help you get them going | 06:08 |
sbalneav | it may just be as simple as booting them with the "noacpi" option | 06:08 |
hungrysam | sounds great! | 06:08 |
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moquist | sbalneav: pongoty | 06:35 |
sbalneav | hey | 06:37 |
moquist | ho | 06:37 |
sbalneav | So, moodle won't configure | 06:37 |
sbalneav | :( | 06:37 |
moquist | ai ai ai | 06:38 |
sbalneav | the database doesn't seem to want to initialize. | 06:38 |
moquist | which moodle? one of your own, or the Ubuntu package? | 06:38 |
sbalneav | Ubuntu | 06:38 |
moquist | AI AI AI | 06:38 |
sbalneav | I've dropped the database | 06:38 |
moquist | which db - pg or mysql? | 06:38 |
sbalneav | and done a dpkg-reconfigure moodle | 06:38 |
sbalneav | postgresql | 06:38 |
sbalneav | Should I try mysql | 06:39 |
moquist | yes | 06:39 |
sbalneav | ok | 06:39 |
moquist | but we still have to fix the problem.... | 06:39 |
sbalneav | I'll try that tonight then. | 06:39 |
moquist | Are you just testing, or testing for release, or what? | 06:39 |
sbalneav | is a drop database/d-r moodle the "standard" way to re-initialize? | 06:39 |
moquist | sbalneav: I don't know...I've never seen that before. :) | 06:40 |
sbalneav | ok | 06:40 |
moquist | sbalneav: I tried to find out while I was working on that package how to clear answers out of d-i, though, so I could refresh a system and re-try the install. | 06:40 |
sbalneav | I'll try with mysql tonight. | 06:40 |
moquist | It was easy enough to whack the VM and un-tar a backup VM... | 06:41 |
moquist | sbalneav: What kind of error were you getting, and at which point of the install? | 06:41 |
moquist | e.g., was the postinst script echoing an error to the console, or was there are problem while you were walking through the moodle installation in your browser? | 06:41 |
sbalneav | postinst | 06:42 |
moquist | and echoed into the console, right, not an ncurses message? | 06:43 |
sbalneav | right | 06:44 |
moquist | sbalneav: "You must create your PostgreSQL database manually." ? | 06:47 |
sbalneav | yes | 06:47 |
moquist | is there another error before that? | 06:48 |
moquist | i.e., the above is sometimes a follow-up to a more specific message. | 06:48 |
sbalneav | Argh sorry, workping | 06:49 |
moquist | np | 06:49 |
sbalneav | be back in a 1/2 hour | 06:49 |
sbalneav | on tonight? | 06:49 |
moquist | prolly | 06:49 |
moquist | 10 seconds... | 06:49 |
sbalneav | I can step throuh it then too | 06:49 |
moquist | http://rafb.net/p/ZRV9Ss19.html | 06:49 |
moquist | one of those messages? | 06:49 |
moquist | Well, it *is* Friday night. I might have a hot date. | 06:50 |
sbalneav | no | 06:50 |
moquist | I'm not sure; I'll have to check with my wife. | 06:50 |
sbalneav | ok | 06:50 |
moquist | sbalneav: OK. thx. | 06:50 |
sbalneav | well I'll be on. | 06:50 |
moquist | cheers | 06:50 |
sbalneav | brb | 06:50 |
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moquist | ogra: how goes it? | 06:55 |
ogra | well ... | 06:58 |
ogra | so so | 06:58 |
ogra | sitting in cyprus being overly tired after a week of in max 2h of sleep per night | 06:59 |
moquist | oh, man. You need some sleep. | 06:59 |
ogra | at least i'm returnong tomorrow night and will sleep the whole sunday | 06:59 |
moquist | good | 06:59 |
ogra | and currently i'm sweating my ass off (7pm, its dark and still over 30C) | 07:00 |
stgraber | ogra: it's still better than the <10C I got here :) | 07:01 |
ogra | welll, i'll have that toorrow again (and had it yesterday until 9pm) | 07:02 |
joebaker | Fyi | 07:06 |
joebaker | oops.. ignore that. | 07:06 |
joebaker | \H \H \H | 07:06 |
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stgraber | ogra: I don't know if Henrik pinged you about that but we are working on some testcase update for the tracker (will be in for RC testing), can you check that you are happy with the testcases shown here : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/TrackerUpdate | 07:46 |
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stgraber | ogra: I added a LTSP test to the server ISO | 07:46 |
=== cberl1 [n=berloc@bas2-stcatharines10-1096629472.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #edubuntu | ||
cberl1 | Hi folks. Please help me restore my server to working condition!! I am getting the message at boot: Volume group "Ubuntu" not found | 07:55 |
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cberl1 | Helloo? ANYONE??? | 08:00 |
cberl1 | I really need to get this working NOW. This was the point of using Edubuntu in the first place. | 08:00 |
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