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ryanakca | manchicken: ping, how did you install compiz? apt-get? | 01:01 |
manchicken | ryanakca: Yup | 01:01 |
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ryanakca | manchicken: cool :) | 01:06 |
emilsedgh | sorry, why kde4 packages are built with debugging? they are huge... | 01:07 |
emilsedgh | its so hard to get them for people with low connection | 01:08 |
ryanakca | manchicken: hmm.... does compiz crash for you whenever you minimize/hide yakuake? | 01:17 |
Goliath23 | emilsedgh: probably because they are considered alpha/beta and debug informations helps to report bugs? | 01:17 |
emilsedgh | Goliath23: well, at the current state of kde, no one goes to report a bug, like 'konqueror crashes when i do something', its just waste of time and bandwidth... | 01:18 |
Goliath23 | emilsedgh: so you are suggesting to provide packages w/o debug information and switch to packages w debug info when? | 01:19 |
emilsedgh | Goliath23: maybe from RC releases? | 01:19 |
Goliath23 | emilsedgh: hm. given that most (contributor) ppl. have enough bandwidth, I think its right to ship unstable packages meant for testing with debug info. | 01:21 |
emilsedgh | Goliath23: but contributor ppl do not use kubuntu packages, they usually have trunk from svn or at least source packages | 01:22 |
Goliath23 | i don't know. maybe. | 01:23 |
Goliath23 | I'm on a 16mbit line. and the slowest line you can get these days in germany is about 2mbit... so I don't think this is so much of an issue here. | 01:24 |
emilsedgh | Goliath23: youre doing a global job, im on a dial up connection here in Iran :), im not asking this for just myself, lots of ppl are yelling about this at the moment | 01:24 |
emilsedgh | and, klash is just showing a black rectangle while firefox can show swf files with gnash...(just to inform you) | 01:25 |
Goliath23 | klash? | 01:26 |
Goliath23 | emilsedgh: how fast is your dial up, and what's the "usual" internet connection speed in iran these days? | 01:26 |
emilsedgh | Goliath23: klash, konqueror plugin for gnash :) | 01:27 |
Goliath23 | ah okay | 01:27 |
emilsedgh | Goliath23: usually ppl use dialup and usuall download rate is about 3/4Kbps | 01:27 |
Goliath23 | okay, that's a problem if you want do download distro's or even stay up to date with updates... | 01:28 |
Goliath23 | the cheapest way to stay up-to-date would probably be to use svn. which tries to reduce traffic by design.. | 01:29 |
Goliath23 | the initial checkout would takes ages, though :/ | 01:29 |
emilsedgh | Goliath23: ah yes, i checked out the kdelibs, took many hours | 01:29 |
Goliath23 | yeah, but the following svn up's are faster. | 01:30 |
Goliath23 | much faster than downloading an updated kubuntu .deb | 01:30 |
Goliath23 | emilsedgh: anyway, gotta go to bed. cu and greetings to iran :) | 01:32 |
emilsedgh | thanks Goliath23 | 01:32 |
emilsedgh | and, what are the requirements to be a MOTU? I already can make packages, i packaged kirocker music display for feisty, it didnt have very nice quality and didnt met the standards, but i think i can help, is there any place that shows me a list of non-packaged stuff? | 01:32 |
Goliath23 | dunno, I just hang around here sometimes. seems to be very quiet here right now. maybe it's better to ask on a (k)ubuntu developer mailing list or so | 01:34 |
emilsedgh | ok, thanks Goliath23 | 01:35 |
emilsedgh | Goliath23: and good night | 01:35 |
Goliath23 | thanks, cu | 01:35 |
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jjesse | evening | 03:38 |
nosrednaekim | it is...good observation | 03:38 |
Jucato | good morning :) | 03:40 |
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jjesse | hello again Jucato | 03:45 |
Jucato | hello again jjesse :) | 03:45 |
jjesse | anything crazy and fun going on? | 03:47 |
Jucato | fortunately nothing much :) | 03:47 |
stdin | Jucato, gnomefreak: it's time :p | 03:53 |
nosrednaekim | for what? | 03:53 |
gnomefreak | ok ill be there in a minute this guy is gonna give me a headache | 03:53 |
stdin | for the fun to begin :) | 03:53 |
nosrednaekim | what fun? | 03:54 |
gnomefreak | a boarderline troll | 03:56 |
=== Jucato would hate to be interrogated by stdin... | ||
stdin | I can be a b***h yes :p | 03:57 |
Jucato | so are you going to unban him or what? hehehe | 03:58 |
stdin | I'm letting the suspense get to him :p | 03:58 |
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nixternal | jjesse: I am not superspicious, I am just a little spicious | 04:15 |
nixternal | hahaha | 04:15 |
=== Jucato couldn't make sense of that | ||
Jucato | really.. | 04:16 |
nixternal | it was on a TV show here tonight | 04:16 |
nixternal | he will get it, I believe it is his favorite show | 04:16 |
nixternal | wth did jack_wyt get k-lined for ? :) | 04:16 |
nixternal | hehe | 04:16 |
Jucato | "do you use Kopete a lot? do you have friends who use Kopete a lot, too? Then try out this fun emoticon: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/show.php?content=54396" | 04:18 |
=== nixternal uses bitlbee | ||
Jucato | hehehe :) | 04:18 |
Jucato | from someone who uses irssi, I expected that already :) | 04:19 |
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Jucato | nixternal: you moving to DC soon? | 04:20 |
nixternal | maybe in the spring | 04:21 |
=== Jucato wonders when is spring... | ||
Jucato | we only have 2 seasons here.. wet and dry | 04:21 |
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Jucato | but that has kinda been whacked lately | 04:21 |
nixternal | 6 to 8 months | 04:22 |
Jucato | ah I see.. | 04:22 |
Jucato | :) | 04:22 |
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manchicken | ryanakca: I don't use yakuake. | 05:12 |
coreymon77 | Jucato: hey | 05:16 |
Jucato | yo | 05:17 |
coreymon77 | ive got a pretty intense set up here | 05:17 |
coreymon77 | the pm that you are about to get will tell you why | 05:17 |
Jucato | okaaay.. :) | 05:17 |
Jucato | ooh hehe :) | 05:18 |
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nixternal | boo | 06:27 |
nixternal | hiya Hobbsee | 06:27 |
Hobbsee | hi nixternal! | 06:27 |
nixternal | can I quit now, I feel my job is done? :p | 06:31 |
nixternal | can you believe my x-wife had the nerve to tell me that when I move out to DC in a few months that I will have to cut back on my computer use and hang out with her and my daughter more :/ | 06:32 |
nixternal | I don't know if I can do the whole "go to bed when I go to bed" deal...that will take a few years to get into :p | 06:32 |
Hobbsee | nixternal: no you cant. | 06:35 |
Hobbsee | nixternal: awwww | 06:35 |
nixternal | what if she tries to make me? | 06:35 |
Hobbsee | tell her no? | 06:35 |
nixternal | will you beat her up for me? | 06:35 |
Hobbsee | no | 06:35 |
nixternal | I am scared of her | 06:35 |
nixternal | she is greek! | 06:35 |
Hobbsee | then you're in trouble. | 06:35 |
nixternal | damn the luck | 06:35 |
Hobbsee | i take it you're going to go back and live with your X wife? | 06:35 |
nixternal | eventually | 06:35 |
Hobbsee | right | 06:36 |
nixternal | but I am heading out there next year to be closer and not be the big ass I was in the 90s | 06:36 |
nixternal | :) | 06:36 |
Hobbsee | that's a good start :) | 06:36 |
nixternal | I am still a big ass, I just know how to control it a little better now :) | 06:36 |
=== Jucato thinks... if nixternal is a big scary man.. and nixternal is scared of his ex... can't imagine what the ex is... | ||
=== nixternal goes to the gallery | ||
Jucato | :) | 06:49 |
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=== Topic for #kubuntu-devel: Welcome to #kubuntu-devel | 7.10 Beta out | ||
=== Topic (#kubuntu-devel): set by Riddell at Thu Sep 27 15:13:38 2007 | ||
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Hobbsee | anyone know who dropped my libjasper deps, and why? | 09:49 |
Hobbsee | coudl have sworn i had it added | 09:49 |
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stdin | hmm, why wouldn't strigi-applet be installed? "sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop" doesn't install it | 09:52 |
Hobbsee | stdin: because you didnt use --install-recommends, when you upgraded. | 09:52 |
stdin | well even adding --with-recommends to aptitude doesn't add it | 09:53 |
stdin | and it's the only recommend of k-desktop that isn't installed | 09:53 |
Hobbsee | i was meaning with apt, not aptitude | 09:58 |
Hobbsee | otherwise, remove k-d, then install it again either with apt with --i-r, or aptitude | 09:58 |
stdin | yeah, did that. but the strange thing is that other recommends of k-desktop got installed with aptitude upgrades before | 09:59 |
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stdin | oh well, doesn't matter much I guess | 10:00 |
=== Hobbsee wonders if aptitude installs recommends for upgrades, too | ||
stdin | I think it does, not 100% on it tho | 10:02 |
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Hobbsee | stdin: are you around and not busy? | 10:58 |
stdin | Hobbsee: sure | 10:58 |
Hobbsee | stdin: i'm looking to make a kdebase upload, but i need some help in seeing if there's anything else we want to fix in https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase | 10:58 |
stdin | what's fixed so far? | 11:01 |
stdin | or just stuff that's still confirmed? | 11:01 |
Hobbsee | stdin: | 11:03 |
Hobbsee | * Added kubuntu_17_check_for_prelinking.diff. (Closes LP: #107694) | 11:03 |
Hobbsee | * Added konqueror dependancy for konqueror-nsplugins. (LP: #139893) | 11:03 |
Hobbsee | * Added kubuntu_fix_kscreensaver_with_compiz_fixed_in_3.5.8.diff | 11:03 |
Hobbsee | (LP: #141628) | 11:03 |
Hobbsee | and the CVE one there | 11:03 |
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stdin | Hobbsee: from what I can see that should be ok | 11:18 |
Hobbsee | stdin: OK | 11:18 |
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stdin | tho there are a few to trawl through :p | 11:18 |
Jucato | yay for Hobbsee!! :) | 11:18 |
Hobbsee | stdin: yeah, just a few | 11:19 |
stdin | too many bugs.... head exploding... *BOOM* | 11:22 |
Hobbsee | lol | 11:23 |
Hobbsee | that's what i keep finding | 11:24 |
Jucato | too many bugs... Hobbsee will have a chomping feast! :) | 11:25 |
stdin | hmm, do you think bug #132245 is really a "bug", or just a side effect of the way kdesudo works | 11:28 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 132245 in kdesudo "Error: "/var/tmp/kdecache-privat" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132245 | 11:28 |
Jucato | thought it was a sudo -u bug mentioned by Tonio_? | 11:29 |
stdin | well sudo would produce that error too | 11:29 |
Jucato | <Tonio_> jeroenvrp: confonrming concerning kdesudo -u that's a sudo problem..... | 11:29 |
stdin | but it seems to be because the UID the app is running under is 0 but it's running in the users environment | 11:30 |
stdin | so is it really a bug or just side effect of running an app as another user | 11:30 |
stdin | ? | 11:30 |
stdin | ie: "kdesudo -u stdin kate" produces no errors | 11:31 |
Tonio_ | stdin: kdesudo -u just performs a sudo -u | 11:32 |
Tonio_ | and sudo -u doesn't work as expected, at list here | 11:32 |
Tonio_ | least | 11:32 |
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_StefanS_ | Tonio_: hey, I wrote a comment on the launchpad bug for kdesu fade, and why we pulled it. | 12:13 |
=== Jucato waves at _StefanS_ | ||
_StefanS_ | hey Jucato, Hobbsee and all | 12:16 |
Tonio_ | _StefanS_: super, thanks :) | 12:17 |
_StefanS_ | Tonio_: nothing yet for the kdmtheme, but I'm going to look at it more in a moment | 12:17 |
_StefanS_ | Tonio_: had to sleep a little aswell | 12:17 |
Jucato | you ok? | 12:19 |
Tonio_ | _StefanS_: hehe | 12:20 |
_StefanS_ | Jucato: i'm fine :) | 12:21 |
Jucato | good :) | 12:21 |
Jucato | now get back to work :P | 12:21 |
=== Jucato runs and hides | ||
_StefanS_ | Jucato: kids all over the place, and we're getting extension to the house, my wife is starting a webshop, and I have to work, and do kubuntu stuff aswell. And sleep :D | 12:21 |
_StefanS_ | but its all fun | 12:22 |
Jucato | wow :) | 12:22 |
_StefanS_ | yep a bit of coordination on the house thingy | 12:23 |
_StefanS_ | ensurance, contracts and stuff | 12:23 |
_StefanS_ | but its almost done. | 12:23 |
_StefanS_ | oh, and I need to finish with the c++ reading aswell. | 12:23 |
Jucato | the "kids all over the place" alone would have made me go to sleep already, much less the other stuff :) | 12:23 |
_StefanS_ | hehe, our girl is almost walking all the time now, so really gets "around". Last time she messed with all my antistatic bags, motherboards and memory modules | 12:24 |
_StefanS_ | you really gotta act fast | 12:24 |
_StefanS_ | I'm up for at VIA EPIA-EX15000G giveaway if anyone is interested. | 12:27 |
_StefanS_ | 1gb memory on it. | 12:27 |
Jucato | O.o | 12:28 |
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh | ||
_StefanS_ | at/a :D | 12:28 |
Jucato | very tempting :) | 12:29 |
_StefanS_ | how was the shipping options to you ? poor still? | 12:29 |
Jucato | always :( | 12:29 |
_StefanS_ | hmm not even ups deliver? | 12:30 |
Jucato | although my relatives from NY used to send boxes through Johnny Air | 12:30 |
_StefanS_ | Johnny air? sounds like buzz lightyears pal from toy story | 12:31 |
_StefanS_ | haha | 12:31 |
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Jucato | hehe yeah | 12:31 |
Hobbsee | hi _StefanS_ | 12:31 |
_StefanS_ | hey Hobbsee | 12:31 |
_StefanS_ | did anyone else notice the ubuntu livedvd doesnt show the gnome app panel anymore ? | 12:32 |
_StefanS_ | looks kinda nice actually. | 12:32 |
Jucato | gnome app panel? | 12:33 |
_StefanS_ | yep the one in the top is missing | 12:33 |
Jucato | ooooh? | 12:33 |
_StefanS_ | gnome menu or whatever | 12:33 |
=== Jucato didn't know that | ||
Jucato | yeah main menu | 12:33 |
_StefanS_ | yes look like a real installer | 12:33 |
_StefanS_ | i mean , not like a working system :) | 12:34 |
_StefanS_ | or maybe it just crashed hehe | 12:34 |
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Lure | I see some strange uploads of kdebluetooth: some on beta7 and some on beta8 | 12:50 |
Hobbsee | i suspect that was due to the freeze | 12:51 |
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Lure | Hobbsee: ok, so probably they are just announced in random order... | 12:52 |
Hobbsee | well, the most recent one would have been taken | 12:52 |
Hobbsee | others would have been rejected - or should have | 12:52 |
Hobbsee | sorry, highest version | 12:52 |
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Goliath23 | Riddell: just read your comment. did you start from a clean source tree? | 01:52 |
Riddell | Goliath23: yes | 01:52 |
Goliath23 | and it builds fine? | 01:52 |
Riddell | yes | 01:52 |
Goliath23 | what resolution do you use on the screen? | 01:53 |
Riddell | 1024x768 | 01:53 |
Goliath23 | and are you on a laptop which maybe has a disabled second screen? | 01:53 |
Riddell | nope | 01:53 |
Riddell | desktop | 01:53 |
Goliath23 | what shall I say... it works for me.. | 01:53 |
Riddell | on a 1 screen system? | 01:54 |
Goliath23 | I even tested it on single head setup by modifying my xorg.conf | 01:54 |
Goliath23 | yes | 01:54 |
Goliath23 | so you did apt-get source, copied the patch do debian/patches and then installed the new deb? | 01:54 |
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dholbach | MOTU Q&A session in #ubuntu-classroom in 2 minutes :) | 01:57 |
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Goliath23 | Riddell: I just retested the patch, this time on my workstation in the office. it works (dual screen setup 2x1600x1200). | 02:46 |
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Hobbsee | Riddell: at least no one was silly enough to ask me to do anything for the open week. | 03:25 |
Riddell | it doesn't match your timezone well | 03:25 |
Riddell | anyone else fancy testing Goliath23's patch? | 03:29 |
=== Riddell eyes up Hobbsee, Tonio_ | ||
=== Hobbsee sees Riddell's eyes, and raises him some eyebrows. | ||
Hobbsee | which patch is this? | 03:30 |
Riddell | bottom of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ksplash-engine-moodin/+bug/41407 | 03:33 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 41407 in ksplash-engine-moodin "Kubuntu's Ksplash icons are too close to each other" [Medium,Confirmed] | 03:33 |
Riddell | also the Theme.rc on comment 22 | 03:33 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: yes ? | 03:34 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: testing | 03:34 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: hum..... I don't have the bug here. hard to test the patch then...... ksplash theme just works on my computer, as expected | 03:36 |
Hobbsee | Riddell: i have no twinview nvidia card, sorry | 03:37 |
Hobbsee | like Tonio_, mine "Just Works" (tm) | 03:37 |
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Tonio_ | Riddell: are the archives reopened ? my uploads seems to still be in the queue atm | 03:45 |
Hobbsee | Tonio_: it seems so | 03:47 |
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Tonio_ | Hobbsee: oki I'll just have to wait a bit then :) | 03:48 |
=== Jucato can imagine uploads patiently standing in line... waiting... | ||
Riddell | Hobbsee, Tonio_: the point is to test if the patch breaks anything on single screen computer | 03:54 |
Riddell | Tonio_: there's no freeze on | 03:54 |
Hobbsee | ah right | 03:54 |
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Tonio_ | Riddell: okay, let's test then | 03:55 |
Tonio_ | Hobbsee: are you testing, do I test ? WTF ? | 03:55 |
Hobbsee | Tonio_: go ahead adn test | 03:55 |
Tonio_ | adn ? | 03:55 |
Jucato | dyslexic :) | 03:55 |
Jucato | and :) | 03:56 |
Jucato | has there been a decision regarding compiz-fusion on Kubuntu gutsy? | 03:57 |
=== bddebian [n=bdefrees@c-71-224-175-179.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
Hobbsee | Tonio_: and. i cant type. i thought you knew that. | 03:58 |
Hobbsee | Jucato: long ago. no | 03:58 |
Jucato | Hobbsee: okie dokei. thanks :) | 03:59 |
Hobbsee | Jucato: because the kde windecorator *sucks* | 03:59 |
bddebian | Heya | 03:59 |
Jucato | and the integration w/ kicker too | 03:59 |
Jucato | :) | 03:59 |
Hobbsee | Jucato: that too | 04:00 |
Jucato | just wanted to get the official say on the matter when someone asks | 04:00 |
Jucato | hi bddebian | 04:00 |
bddebian | Hi Jucato | 04:00 |
=== Sime [n=konversa@ip54579d1b.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
Riddell | hola Sime | 04:11 |
Sime | hey, hello. | 04:11 |
Sime | what's the status of gutsy? | 04:11 |
Sime | should I dare an upgrade? | 04:11 |
Riddell | I hear beta is out | 04:12 |
Riddell | upgrade should mostly work although I've had little feedback on it recently | 04:12 |
Riddell | so long as you follow the instructions | 04:12 |
Hobbsee | Riddell: are recommends getting installed by default for new upgrades though? | 04:13 |
Sime | I might try the laptop | 04:13 |
=== Hobbsee suspects there are still bugs in it, as she hsant fixed htem | ||
Sime | I've been busy spending time on pykde4 stuff. | 04:13 |
Jucato | someone in #k earlier said he just had --version-upgrade crash on him | 04:13 |
Riddell | Hobbsee: that is a very good question, I don't know | 04:14 |
Riddell | Jucato: hrm | 04:15 |
jjesse | if i want to upgrade my feisty to gutsy anything i need to be aware of? | 04:15 |
Riddell | it also crashes for me at the remove packages stage, that konsole stuff still causes problems | 04:15 |
Hobbsee | jjesse: the gremlins. | 04:15 |
Jucato | Riddell: locked adept. he was able to unlock it, but then apt-get fails on circular dependencies | 04:15 |
Jucato | let me get the pastebin | 04:15 |
Jucato | <mike> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/38912/ | 04:15 |
jjesse | any serious gremlins? | 04:16 |
Jucato | morning jjesse! :) | 04:16 |
jjesse | afternoon Jucato | 04:16 |
Hobbsee | jjesse: yeah - hte big green ones. | 04:16 |
Jucato | evening :) | 04:16 |
Jucato | jjesse: what time is it there? | 04:16 |
jjesse | Jucato: 10:16 am | 04:16 |
jjesse | and i'm hungry for lunch already | 04:16 |
Jucato | jjesse: oh... we're exactly 12 hours apart :) | 04:17 |
=== Jucato is ahead 12 hours | ||
=== freeflyi1g [n=freeflyi@] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
Sime | seriously folks, is an upgrade worth attempting or should I wait a bit longer? | 04:18 |
Hobbsee | go ahead and attempt it, file bugs for anything that breaks | 04:18 |
Riddell | Sime: yes | 04:20 |
Riddell | Sime: there's glitches but nothing should break badly | 04:20 |
Sime | I assume that if the GUI breaks then I can fix things by running apt enough times, etc | 04:20 |
Riddell | yes | 04:21 |
Riddell | but there's no reason the GUI should break at an inconvenient time | 04:21 |
jjesse | best way is to run it through adept updater? | 04:21 |
Riddell | jjesse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades#head-3cb12417f0af7f24d4a34f2ae4040bf791c42f52 | 04:22 |
Riddell | Sime too ^^ | 04:22 |
=== jjesse likes pictures | ||
Riddell | Sime: would you know how to get libpythonise to load libpython2.5.so.1 and not libpython2.5.so ? | 04:26 |
jjesse | when i click on the upgrade wizard and get the warning message on upgrading, shouldn't i see Kubuntu instead of Ubuntu, i mean Welcome to Kubuntu 7.10 'Gutsy Gibbon'? | 04:28 |
jjesse | ooo error: "could not verify the integrity of the upgrader application. this program will now exit" | 04:29 |
Riddell | jjesse: try again | 04:30 |
Riddell | jjesse: you have feisty-proposed enabled? | 04:30 |
jjesse | yes i did | 04:30 |
jjesse | worked this time | 04:30 |
=== jjesse crosses fingers | ||
jjesse | d'oh not enough free space on / | 04:33 |
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jjesse | so only 2 hours and 30 minutes remaining on my upgrade | 04:43 |
jjesse | wow now up to 1 day, 10 hours and 28 minutes | 04:47 |
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Jucato | k'morning nixternal | 05:09 |
jjesse | nixternal: so how is you comcrap connection these days? | 05:09 |
nixternal | it was broken when I woke up this morning | 05:09 |
Jucato | ;( | 05:09 |
Jucato | and I thought it was already ok | 05:09 |
nixternal | but I don't think that was a comcrap problem...there was a fire in one of the substations this morning | 05:09 |
Jucato | aw... | 05:10 |
DaSkreech | HI nixternal you got dugg | 05:13 |
Jucato | yay! | 05:14 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: have to go or a moment, brb to fix bugs and test the ksplash thing | 05:14 |
fdoving | hi all. | 05:25 |
Jucato | hi fdoving | 05:26 |
fdoving | hi jucato. | 05:26 |
=== fdoving is testing gnomebuntu. | ||
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=== DaSkreech hands fdoving a little red hat | ||
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fdoving | DaSkreech: redhat? - i don't do .rpm. | 05:29 |
fdoving | been a while since i did gnome too.. late 2002 iirc. | 05:30 |
DaSkreech | I like the new gnome | 05:31 |
DaSkreech | Looks pretty | 05:31 |
Sime | Riddell: dunno. Isn't it just linked to libpython? | 05:34 |
Riddell | Sime: it is, but there must be more to it than that since if you delete the /usr/lib/libpython2.5.so symlink guidance modules stop loading | 05:35 |
fdoving | DaSkreech: the old (2002) gnome did that job rather well too. now it's even usable, to some degree. :) | 05:36 |
DaSkreech | I wouldn't go that far. | 05:36 |
DaSkreech | Gnome is so strange. | 05:37 |
DaSkreech | They agressively go after anything that duplicates efort then they cut out anything that can possibly be cut and yet somehow they still end up with a feeling of bloat | 05:37 |
Sime | Riddell: well... it is linked to /usr/lib/libpython2.5.so. I would expect that to happen. | 05:39 |
Sime | why do need .so.1? | 05:39 |
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fdoving | DaSkreech: exactly, i end up changing all settings in gconf-editor. | 05:40 |
Riddell | Sime: .so only exists in the python2.5-dev package, which isn't installed by default | 05:49 |
Riddell | and should only be needed at build time | 05:49 |
DaSkreech | fdoving: What's the argument for gconf-editor ? | 05:49 |
fdoving | DaSkreech: it's the only way you can set some advanced options on anything. similar to any kde settings dialog. | 05:54 |
fdoving | where the settings are similar, not the gui. or something like that. | 05:55 |
DaSkreech | fdoving: No I understand the idea of having advanced options. Whats the argument of dumping them all in one place | 05:55 |
Jucato | DaSkreech: think: about:config | 05:56 |
Jucato | it's actually very convenient | 05:56 |
DaSkreech | Jucato: That's for one app | 05:56 |
Jucato | DaSkreech: multiply that for all GNOME apps | 05:57 |
fdoving | DaSkreech: i have no idea, but it's not all that bad to use gconf-editor, if you find your way around it. | 05:57 |
DaSkreech | what's the argument for having all them in one place? | 05:57 |
Jucato | convenience | 05:57 |
Jucato | and the fact that GNOME afaik stores config files in XML | 05:57 |
Jucato | gconf | 05:57 |
fdoving | can one use about:config in nautilus? | 05:57 |
Jucato | nope | 05:57 |
DaSkreech | but anytime I use it half the time I have to make my own keys | 05:57 |
Jucato | just creating an anology to firefox | 05:58 |
Jucato | and? | 05:58 |
DaSkreech | I never quite get analogies like that | 05:58 |
Jucato | then ignore it | 05:58 |
DaSkreech | itls like comparing gconf-editor to the windows registry | 05:58 |
DaSkreech | same interface but very different | 05:58 |
Jucato | it is. the app, but not the concept | 05:58 |
fdoving | i'd rather compare it to system-settings without the icons. | 05:59 |
=== tmske [n=thomas@102.66-65-87.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
DaSkreech | Yeah I guess | 05:59 |
DaSkreech | Wait | 05:59 |
DaSkreech | is gconf really like that? | 05:59 |
DaSkreech | it's an amalgamation of different configs ? | 05:59 |
Jucato | basically gconf-editor lets you access options in GNOME (global) and GNOME apps that aren't available through the normal dialogx | 05:59 |
DaSkreech | it's not one monolithic app? | 05:59 |
Jucato | dialogs* | 05:59 |
Jucato | gconf-editor | 05:59 |
Jucato | you're mixing gconf w/ gconf-editor | 05:59 |
DaSkreech | I get that but does it go and aggregate settings or does it have one huge file in the background? | 06:00 |
DaSkreech | Oh | 06:00 |
DaSkreech | .. | 06:00 |
Jucato | aggregates | 06:00 |
DaSkreech | Ah ok that I guess I can live with. I was always of the impression that it was a huge file | 06:00 |
Jucato | :) | 06:01 |
fdoving | i belive it's more like HAL. | 06:01 |
Jucato | it does use a key - value pair like windows registry though | 06:01 |
fdoving | kde configs do that too. | 06:01 |
Jucato | but per config file, not a monolithic database | 06:01 |
Jucato | yeah, but in plain text :) | 06:01 |
fdoving | ksycoca in kde is not that different. | 06:01 |
Jucato | ok ok!! trivia! what does ksycoca mean? :) | 06:02 |
fdoving | kde system config cache. | 06:02 |
fdoving | or something like that. | 06:02 |
Jucato | yay!!! :) | 06:02 |
Jucato | give the man a prize! hhehe | 06:02 |
fdoving | http://developer.kde.org/documentation/library/kdeqt/kde3arch/ksycoca.html | 06:03 |
Jucato | :D | 06:03 |
=== Jucato feels hunger | ||
DaSkreech | He isn't even here | 06:09 |
DaSkreech | and of course pitabread flees :) | 06:09 |
fdoving | http://polishlinux.org/gnome/gconf-gnome-under-the-hood/ | 06:09 |
fdoving | that's how gconf works. | 06:09 |
=== Jucato tries to verifies what he knows | ||
Jucato | hm.. I think this is what I read before :) | 06:10 |
fdoving | one of the first google hits. | 06:10 |
fdoving | brb. | 06:10 |
Jucato | hehe thanks | 06:10 |
=== Pitabred [n=pita@c-67-190-48-101.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
=== meduxa [n=agustin@199.Red-83-36-56.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
DaSkreech | Pitabred: run! | 06:17 |
Riddell | hi meduxa, did that article get written? | 06:18 |
meduxa | I'm into it | 06:18 |
meduxa | haven't recieved the photos | 06:19 |
meduxa | from the organization yet | 06:19 |
meduxa | if I don't have them | 06:19 |
meduxa | today, I'll send it to toy with the only picture I have | 06:19 |
meduxa | to you | 06:19 |
DaSkreech | I like conduit | 06:20 |
DaSkreech | Riddell: ping | 06:21 |
Riddell | look like I'm here DaSkreech | 06:22 |
DaSkreech | Riddell: has there been any movement in *buntu in regards to smolt ? | 06:23 |
Riddell | never heard of it | 06:23 |
Jucato | RedHat/Fedora's Hardware profiling thingy | 06:23 |
Jucato | but don't we have HWDB already? | 06:24 |
Riddell | don't think so | 06:24 |
DaSkreech | I know but smolt is a) supposed to be more distro independet and b) would have more aggregate info which is good | 06:25 |
DaSkreech | Who would know? | 06:25 |
Riddell | ogra, lifeless | 06:26 |
Riddell | but hwdb is pretty under-loved | 06:26 |
DaSkreech | Another good reason to work with smolt | 06:26 |
Riddell | fair point | 06:28 |
jjesse | only 1 hour and 13 minutes remaining on upgrade | 06:35 |
DaSkreech | Jucato: http://www.kde-look.org/CONTENT/content-pre1/66323-1.png | 06:36 |
DaSkreech | That's aggregation done right :) | 06:36 |
Jucato | ... | 06:36 |
jjesse | DaSkreech: that's a pretty cool screenshot | 06:36 |
jjesse | for what distro is that? | 06:36 |
DaSkreech | Kubuntu :) | 06:37 |
Jucato | yeah right.. | 06:37 |
DaSkreech | http://nookie.kbfx.org/?p=11 | 06:37 |
Jucato | it's a mockup | 06:37 |
DaSkreech | KDE4 | 06:37 |
DaSkreech | Yeah it is but it's still done right | 06:37 |
Jucato | yes, according to you | 06:37 |
DaSkreech | no idea how the logics of getting the AMD logo would work | 06:37 |
Jucato | unfortunately... | 06:37 |
Jucato | some devs didn't agree on it iirc | 06:38 |
DaSkreech | on what grounds? | 06:38 |
Jucato | dunno | 06:38 |
Jucato | I just said iirc | 06:38 |
=== Jucato shrugs | ||
Jucato | perhaps on the ground that it doesn't exist yet? | 06:38 |
DaSkreech | where were they disagreeing? Mailing lists? | 06:38 |
DaSkreech | Ha ha :) | 06:38 |
DaSkreech | You would think that devs would be the last set of people to argue on those grounds | 06:39 |
=== Jucato wonders what part of iirc isn't clear | ||
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DaSkreech | the recall part ? | 06:39 |
=== maini10 [n=marco@host81-49-dynamic.2-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
DaSkreech | Still aggregation that has glimpse value as well as digging value | 06:40 |
DaSkreech | is a good thing to pursue | 06:40 |
Jucato | I think the grounds of "not existing yet" is very valid considering the deadline for 4.0 | 06:40 |
Jucato | then pursue it by all means | 06:40 |
=== mbiebl_ [n=michael@e180069186.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
=== DaSkreech points at KDE4 | ||
DaSkreech | KDE4.0 != KDE4 | 06:42 |
DaSkreech | I don't care when I get it. I'm at peace with that now | 06:42 |
Jucato | if it does get done, who knows. maybe 4.x. I just said that it won't be in for 4.0 | 06:44 |
DaSkreech | But it's kinda like nepomuk or akondi. If you can verbalize pretty well how you want things to work other projects can code in support early on which you get for early testing and makes everythign better | 06:44 |
gnomefreak | if what gutsy has is latest kde4.0 its gonna be a while before its released | 06:44 |
Jucato | gnomefreak: gutsy only has beta2 | 06:44 |
gnomefreak | or 4 or whatever its called | 06:44 |
Jucato | beta3 is going to be tagged next week | 06:44 |
gnomefreak | beta 3 was released yesterday iirc | 06:44 |
DaSkreech | gnomefreak: I'm pretty sure that by the time they branch and we compile it's already pretty out of date. | 06:44 |
gnomefreak | oh tagged next week | 06:44 |
Jucato | gnomefreak: no. that's gutsy beta :) | 06:44 |
DaSkreech | I'm surprised at how quickly things get done just lurking in #plasma | 06:45 |
gnomefreak | Jucato: no i was thinking kde4 beta but it was just being ready to be tagged | 06:45 |
DaSkreech | Ah! I see the confusion now | 06:45 |
=== DaSkreech mentally labels KDE 4.0 as a public beta | ||
Jucato | gnomefreak: it was delayed for a week, as per sebas's blog | 06:46 |
DaSkreech | Oh jucato how does planet work for you? | 06:46 |
gnomefreak | Jucato: ah ok | 06:46 |
DaSkreech | you tag your blog KDE and it turns up there? | 06:46 |
Jucato | clee took the FOSS tag feed. same as Planet Ubuntu | 06:46 |
Jucato | I tag it w/ FOSS if it's something related to FOSS :) | 06:47 |
Jucato | and it shows up | 06:47 |
DaSkreech | Ok neat | 06:47 |
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jjesse | wow my download speeds from the us mrirro have really dropped on my upgrade :( | 07:26 |
jjesse | does the reboot at the end of the upgrade happen automatically | 07:26 |
DaSkreech | I hope not | 07:28 |
=== eln [n=konversa@port-83-236-238-37.static.qsc.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
Riddell | no | 07:30 |
DaSkreech | Is there anything written down for Kubuntu's KDE4 strategy? | 07:33 |
Sime | console-setup failed on me. | 07:46 |
Riddell | Sime: failed in which way? | 07:47 |
Sime | post install script returned something bad. | 07:47 |
Sime | I guess I can look at the logs when it is finished. | 07:48 |
Sime | I mean it stopped. I've restarted the process in the shell. | 07:48 |
Sime | the old fashioned way | 07:48 |
=== coreymon77 [n=coreymon@ubuntu/member/coreymon77] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
Sime | I hope gutsy has better Jack support than feisty. | 07:49 |
Sime | error exit status 20, is what it had to say about console-setup. | 07:53 |
Riddell | what if you run /var/lib/dpkg/info/console-setup.postinst or whatever it's called | 07:54 |
jjesse | hmm error: "The upgrade will continue but the 'debconf' package may be in a not working state." subprocess post-installatiion script killed by signal (segmantation fault), core dumped" | 07:57 |
jjesse | when i click on report bug, konqi does not open | 07:59 |
Sime | Riddell: it doesn't print anything to the console | 08:00 |
jjesse | Error "Coulnd not install '/var/cache/apt/archives/x11-common_1%3a7.2-5ubuntu10_i386.deb | 08:00 |
jjesse | Error "Could not install 'x11-common' | 08:01 |
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=== nixternal [n=nixterna@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.nixternal] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
nixternal | jjesse: I am not staying here in Michigan, I am going to head home now that the funeral is over | 08:03 |
jjesse | nixternal: thjat's cool, hopefully the state won't close up on you while you are leaving :) | 08:03 |
nixternal | hehe | 08:04 |
jjesse | stupid state | 08:04 |
nixternal | I accidentally shutdown my server this morning before heading to the funeral | 08:04 |
nixternal | close up? | 08:04 |
nixternal | did I miss something | 08:04 |
jjesse | seriously they can't agree on a budget so the state runs out of money oct1 | 08:04 |
Riddell | Sime: please report a bug on update-manager and attach the files in /var/log/dist-upgrade | 08:04 |
Riddell | jjesse: ^^ too | 08:04 |
nixternal | jjesse: ahh, Illinois did that in August | 08:05 |
jjesse | nixternal: how did it last for Ill? | 08:05 |
Sime | I'll figure out where exactly it is failing. 8) | 08:05 |
nixternal | a week | 08:05 |
jjesse | oh yay | 08:05 |
nixternal | they ended up getting a budget complete before they ran out of money | 08:06 |
jjesse | i doubt our govnerment will | 08:06 |
nixternal | our current governer has driven us so far in debt it isn't even funny...i thought past governors were bad, but this one is ridiculous | 08:06 |
nixternal | it is time to rethink this whole government thing | 08:06 |
kubuntiac | Anyone know where to file a bug report on Kubuntu Strigi? It won't let you on launchpad and bugs.kde doesn't list it... | 08:08 |
jjesse | bug #146410 | 08:09 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 146410 in update-manager "Problems upgrading x11-common when moving Feisty -> Gutsy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/146410 | 08:09 |
jjesse | ok after clicking on ok to continue, i'm not seeing any movement on libgnutls13 | 08:10 |
jjesse | whether or not i click on show terminal or not, nothing changes, including the window | 08:11 |
nixternal | alrighty, back later, I have a fun 2.5 hours to go, gotta beat rush hour | 08:13 |
jjesse | enjoy | 08:19 |
Riddell | kubuntiac: launchpad will https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/strigi/ | 08:21 |
Riddell | kubuntiac: although if it's a general comment you're better off just telling us | 08:22 |
Riddell | kubuntiac: if it's a technical problem http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=171000&atid=856302 | 08:22 |
Sime | Riddell: console-setup is failing somewhere inside /usr/share/debconf/confmodule | 08:25 |
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kubuntiac | Riddell: Thanks. You solved my question. I was searching at the top of launchpad and there was a project for strigi there, but it didn't allow reporting of bugs. Thx for showing me the "other" strigi project under ubuntu | 08:27 |
jjesse | Riddell: i think i'm ready to reboot my system though i'm not sure i want to do it, there is an error scrren showing w/ no text, a reboot required screen with no text showing on top of the distrobution upgrade window | 08:32 |
jjesse | thoughts? | 08:33 |
jjesse | rebooting | 08:34 |
Riddell | wibble | 08:37 |
meduxa | Riddell just sent the e-mail to you | 08:38 |
=== coreymon77 [n=coreymon@CPE000f663685cd-CM001a66704c5e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
Sime | I've added a big comment to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/console-setup/+bug/91399 | 08:47 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 91399 in console-setup "fail to install with subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 3" [Medium,Incomplete] | 08:47 |
=== DaSkreech grins at Riddell | ||
Sime | kubuntu-desktop doens't depend on ubuntu-minimal?? | 08:49 |
DaSkreech | Probably depends on ubuntu-base which needs ubuntu-minimal | 08:52 |
DaSkreech | At least I think that's how it worked last time I looked at it | 08:52 |
Sime | requesting ubuntu-minimal seemed to pull in some more stufff... | 08:53 |
Sime | anyway | 08:53 |
Sime | reboot time | 08:53 |
Sime | still works | 08:58 |
Riddell | meduxa: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/1142 | 09:06 |
Riddell | nixternal: recon that's ok for publishing on the fridge? | 09:06 |
Riddell | http://muse.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/meduxa_demostration_02.jpg photo for it | 09:06 |
meduxa | access denied | 09:08 |
=== _StefanS_ [n=sfs@cpe.atm2-0-90156.0x5734b54a.naenxx14.customer.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
meduxa | I see the picture | 09:09 |
Riddell | meduxa: guess you need to be an editor | 09:09 |
meduxa | ok, no problem | 09:09 |
Riddell | meduxa: I'll let nixternal tidy it up and publish if it's suitable | 09:09 |
Riddell | (if it's not, it can go on KDE Dot News) | 09:09 |
meduxa | ok, thanks | 09:09 |
meduxa | at your consideration | 09:10 |
_StefanS_ | hey | 09:10 |
meduxa | I just propose | 09:10 |
_StefanS_ | anyone know how to switch back to konqueror as default file browser? | 09:10 |
_StefanS_ | Tonio_: ^? | 09:13 |
=== nosrednaekim [n=michael@04-057.200.popsite.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
nosrednaekim | any real bad beasties in gutsy? | 09:17 |
DaSkreech | There was a post | 09:17 |
DaSkreech | I don't know how many have been slew | 09:17 |
DaSkreech | http://tsdgeos.blogspot.com/2007/09/kubuntu-gutsy-issues.html | 09:18 |
DaSkreech | Couple of days ago | 09:18 |
nosrednaekim | lol. I'm erasing 32 bit fiesty and going 64 bit with gutsy... so just wondering if there was anything I had to look out for such as the open office issue from a couple alphas ago. | 09:18 |
nosrednaekim | (lol was to the slew BTW) | 09:18 |
DaSkreech | naw OO.o is good now | 09:18 |
nosrednaekim | k, thats pretty much all I NEED anyway. | 09:19 |
nosrednaekim | and I read that blog post. I think it was syndicated to planet.kde.org | 09:19 |
=== MikeyUSC [n=mike@pool-71-163-62-212.washdc.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
DaSkreech | Si | 09:20 |
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=== jjesse [n=jjesse@adsl-75-5-236-211.dsl.klmzmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
jjesse | Riddell: my upgrade has failed terrribly | 10:02 |
=== Dinofly [n=dinofly@mar92-13-88-165-255-149.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
Sime | mine went ok except for that console-setup thing. | 10:16 |
Riddell | jjesse: uh oh, what's up? | 10:20 |
jjesse | Riddell: after the reboot i'm presented w/ the feisty kubuntu splash scren, then a console login w/ no network connection | 10:22 |
jjesse | hmmm running dpkg --configure -a | 10:27 |
jjesse | ok just finished a dpkg --configure -a and think i'm all set | 10:45 |
jjesse | ooo nice errors upon loging in | 10:47 |
jjesse | ok still not working | 10:52 |
jjesse | getting an error on libkbluetooth0 | 10:53 |
jjesse | unmet dependieeces which are blocking everything eelse | 10:53 |
jjesse | got network back up which is nice | 10:53 |
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jjesse | any idea on how to help out? | 11:20 |
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=== DaSkreech [n=skreech@katapult/ninja/daskreech] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
DaSkreech | I'm hoping that I havea stuck key | 11:32 |
DaSkreech | every now and again I hit M+^+A and X restarts | 11:33 |
jjesse | a stuck key is better then a broke system | 11:39 |
DaSkreech | Still down broke and busted? | 11:40 |
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fdoving | jjesse: got internet? tried 'sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop' and 'sudo aptitude dist-upgrade' ? | 11:45 |
jjesse | fdoving: yeah i do dosn't work | 11:46 |
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fdoving | jjesse: what's the problem? the libpython-something ? | 11:47 |
jjesse | fdoving: nope libkbluetooth0 | 11:47 |
fdoving | jjesse: what does it depend on? | 11:47 |
fdoving | that is uninstallable. | 11:48 |
DaSkreech | Oh | 11:48 |
=== DaSkreech silently removes bluetooth | ||
jjesse | i get some errors about libqobex | 11:48 |
fdoving | jjesse: can not overwrite? | 11:48 |
jjesse | looks like i might be getting somewhere w/ sudo aptituted dist-upgrade | 11:49 |
jjesse | fdoving: correct can't overwwrite /usr/lib/libqobex.so.0.0.9 which is also in package qobex | 11:49 |
jjesse | but am downloading packages through sudo aptitude install so maybe that might resolve some things? | 11:49 |
fdoving | jjesse: sudo dpkg --force-overwrite -i /var/cache/apt/archives/libkbluetooth0*.deb | 11:49 |
jjesse | fdoving: that is doing something | 11:50 |
jjesse | ok looks like i some packages that need to be updating then, i'll let those run through and see what happens | 11:51 |
jjesse | thanks for now fdoving | 11:51 |
DaSkreech | jjesse: I'll take my machine home and upgrade tonight | 11:52 |
DaSkreech | Lets see what breaks | 11:52 |
=== toma [n=toma@84-53-90-221.wxdsl.nl] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
jjesse | lots | 11:55 |
DaSkreech | >_< | 11:57 |
jjesse | did i miss the download linke for the beta cd? just can find the beta dvd :( | 11:57 |
Riddell | releases.ubuntu.com | 11:58 |
DaSkreech | I should pull my usual trick of dumping X then upgrading then reinstalling stuff | 11:58 |
jjesse | oh ok | 11:58 |
jjesse | now have errors processing acpid acpi-support powermanagement-interface kubuntu-desktop | 11:58 |
DaSkreech | Makes things go waaay faster | 11:58 |
fdoving | jjesse: what kind of errors? | 11:59 |
jjesse | i get a message at he end of sudo aptitude dist-upgrade there were errors processing those packages | 11:59 |
jjesse | hold on and i can try and find text | 12:00 |
jjesse | hmm time for dinner be back later | 12:03 |
fdoving | i need to go to bed. | 12:04 |
jjesse | fdoving: thanks for the help | 12:04 |
fdoving | if you can find some text that would be usefull for anyone else helping you too, good luck :) | 12:04 |
jjesse | will do thanks again have a good night | 12:04 |
fdoving | you're welcome, and enjoy dinner. | 12:05 |
fdoving | nite all. | 12:05 |
toma | nite | 12:05 |
mluser-work | how can I downgrade to the previous xorg ati driver? | 12:10 |
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toma | apt-get install package=4.5.oldversion | 12:11 |
mluser-work | toma: thanks | 12:12 |
toma | yw | 12:12 |
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nixternal | man, talk about a long slow drive | 12:31 |
nixternal | Riddell: posted that article, good write up | 12:35 |
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