
ScorpKingmaybe i must try #ubuntu as well.12:39
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quixogreScorpKing: i.e. dd -if=/dev/sda999 -of=/hd.iso \ scp user@host /hd.iso /directory/hd<date>.iso12:41
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quixogreScorpKing: lol its two lines. if it takes up 1kb ya wrote it wrong12:41
Daisuke_Laptoplarge cluster size?12:42
peter__kann mir einer helfen?12:42
quixogreDaisuke_Laptop: huh?12:42
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de12:43
quixogre!de | peter__12:43
ubotupeter__: please see above12:43
Daisuke_Laptopquixogre: iunno, just throwing stuff out there12:43
ScorpKingquixogre: so how do i run 2 lines in one command?12:43
Daisuke_LaptopScorpKing: &&12:43
Daisuke_Laptopfirst && second12:44
ugaScorpKing: or foo; bar12:44
Daisuke_Laptopthat works well too12:44
Daisuke_Laptop./configure && make && sudo make install12:44
ugathe difference being that && will run them simultaneously12:44
quixogreScorpKing: hehe several ways. me personally, i'd write a shell script. just make two lines in a flat text file.12:44
ugaDaisuke_Laptop: afaik && run them in parallel, so better use ; ?12:44
=== ScorpKing is thinking...
Daisuke_Laptopthat's been the norm, and if it's the recommended way, i dunno if it does parallel12:45
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ugaif it does parallel, it can't be the norm12:45
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ugamaybe I'm confused... && will check for prev command stderring 0?12:45
quixogrethen, once i had the shell script, i'd kick it off in cron.d make sure that the username is trusted between the two hosts, so no need to enter password12:45
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Daisuke_Laptopuga: that's what i found12:46
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Daisuke_Laptopif it errors out it won't continue12:46
ugathanks, I was looking for something like that12:46
Daisuke_Laptopwhereas ; will12:46
sainzeoquixogre: would you think that the problem with groupwise/kopete deals with the ssl certificate?12:46
ugayeah, so how was it to run them in parallel...12:46
Daisuke_Laptopi'm still learning :)12:46
Daisuke_Laptoperr...  & ?12:46
ugaDaisuke_Laptop: I'm still forgetting ;)12:46
ugaI knew all these before :P12:46
sainzeoquixogre: or would that prevent it from even connecting to the server if that was the case?12:46
Daisuke_Laptopthat's for backgrounding a task...12:46
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ugaDaisuke_Laptop: that works for a single line forking12:47
quixogresainz no clue the fact that you can join one, but not create one is perplexing.12:47
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ugabut not sure if it can do for multi commands in a single line12:47
sainzeoquixogre: yeah...hmm12:47
Daisuke_Laptopyeah, i think you're right12:47
intelikeyshell command seperators.     ; & || &&      a ; b   a runs then b runs   a & b   a starts and runs in the background and b runs   a || b   b runs only if a returns exit code -gt 0    a && b    bruns only is a returns exitcode -lt 112:47
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ugaintelikey: cheers12:47
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Daisuke_Laptop!search bashish12:48
Daisuke_Laptop!info bashish12:48
ubotuPackage bashish does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas12:49
ugayou think it'll parse? =)12:49
intelikeyuga and comands can be grouped   { a & b ; c || d ; } && { e && f || g ; }12:49
ugaintelikey: nice, although I rarely do scripting, now12:49
ScorpKingfor those who don't know. i need to backup my laptop hda1 so there won't be space to store the img before it get's copied to my server. will boot from live cd when doing that..12:50
=== Mountainman [i=Mtnman@adsl-70-234-39-131.dsl.tul2ok.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu
quixogreokies all. time for me to go tutor vb programmers *shudders*12:50
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ScorpKingquixogre: good luck12:50
quixogreits visual basic...i dotn need luck, i need better karma12:50
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ugaquixogre: vb6? or vb.net12:51
quixogre.net programming for dummies12:51
ugalol, okay12:51
ugaat least it's more sane than vb6 ;)12:51
Daisuke_Laptopi miss VB 112:51
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Daisuke_Laptopnot much, but kinda, some days, a little12:52
quixogrehehe laters12:52
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yintelikeor any such util  doesn't have to be tar,  and doesn't need to be from a live cd12:54
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yintelikeooops reposting    cause i don't think it got through.     ScorpKing why not just use tar over ssh ?     \   tar -c /dev/hda1 | ssh root@addr tee file.tar >/dev/null12:55
yintelikecould use cat or dd  for the input method   could also use dd for the output methood also.12:56
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Alexander_hi all12:56
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Alexander_ i need some help here12:57
Alexander_any one12:57
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:57
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Daisuke_Laptopthe lcars terminal is kinda neat12:57
Daisuke_Laptopgeeky, but neat12:57
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_2"all things geeky and troll"12:57
Alexander_i have dell inspiron 640m laptop ...and i try install kubuntu on it12:58
_2or was that ...great and small  ?12:58
Alexander_but there is error12:58
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:58
flaccidwhat is the error..12:58
Alexander_i dont know12:58
Alexander_it is slow in start12:59
Alexander_and there is some error maseg12:59
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flaccidthat could be normal depending how slow it is and what you regard as slow12:59
Alexander_no i try it on desktop12:59
Alexander_its so slow12:59
_2and how ubuntu'ish your configs are.01:00
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Alexander_the same thing in ubuntu01:00
Alexander_it ask me to change some files name01:00
flaccidwhat is slow? i guess we can't figure out why its slow without a clue01:00
flaccidwhat file and what exactly asked you?01:01
Alexander_it stop a litle minute and after that it ask me change names01:01
Alexander_video files01:01
Alexander_some of them have a long name01:02
flaccidbut what is asking you, exactly, you dont know?01:02
Alexander_something like rename file ....01:02
=== _2 ponders,, a litle minute ? as opposed to a big minute ???
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flaccidwell you can have invalid, too long filenames particularly with fat fs but yeah, im afraid with this info there is no way to work out the cause of your problem01:04
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Alexander_most of linux distr give me problems with that laptop01:04
Alexander_but its work good on desktop01:05
_2Alexander_ maybe if english is not your native,  you can ask in a language specific channel ?      that "might" help.01:05
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Alexander_i try that but no body there01:05
Alexander_sorry about my bad english01:06
=== _2 wasn't complaining, just noticed that it seemed hard for Alexander_ to communicate the specifics of his issue.
Alexander_i try linux kubuntu in virtual pc it work good01:07
flaccidok then. i would checking top to see if cpu/memory is being chewed01:07
Alexander_thanks man01:08
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Alexander_i have windows xp too in my laptop01:09
Alexander_its sucks01:09
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dsmithquestion: user wrote to me to say that they can no longer delete files/folders. Seems somehow they have a permissions isue?01:11
dsmithseems that there is a bug flaoting around01:11
_2dsmith sounds like they issued    sudo konqueror   at some point01:11
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dsmithhows that?01:12
ubotuIn KDE, use  kdesu  to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Do *not* use  sudo <GUI application> ; you can muck up your permissions/config files. For what to use in GNOME, see !gksudo01:12
Alexander_most of that files is 3gp01:12
_2dsmith yeah that bug is the "ubuntu policy on security"   i.e. root jr.01:12
_2dsmith at any rate.  the simple solution is to "own your home"01:12
Daisuke_Laptop_2: if you don't like it, don't use it, but it's extremely useful.01:13
dsmithok, so what would be my course of action then be?01:13
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_2dsmith i.e.     sudo chown `whoami` -R $HOME01:13
dsmithhmmm ok01:13
dsmithi'll try that tomorrow01:13
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dsmithIM like wtf, how can that happen01:13
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dsmith*sratch* the head01:14
darlokSo will Kubuntu Gutsy have Compiz installed/enabled by default?   Basically, will the KDE edition of Gutsy be up to the same level as far as polish and features go for the Gnome release?01:14
dsmithfairly new install as well01:14
Alexander_can i install gnome in kubuntu ?01:14
_2^> then remembers running sudo "gui app"  and smacks forehead with palm of hand....01:14
emilsedghAlexander_: sure you can01:15
_2Alexander_ you have our permission to do so    yes.01:15
_2Alexander_   sudo apt-get install gnome01:15
ardchoilledarlok: I sure hope not.. if it's enabled by default, that's one of the first things I'll rip out. compiz/beryl is garbage.01:15
_2Alexander_   sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop    if you want the ubuntu defaults01:16
Alexander_thanks man01:16
dsmithAlexander_: if you like you could run a virtual image as well01:16
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darlokardchoille: Okay, well I know it is with Ubuntu.... wondering if Kubuntu is going to include a lot of new features?  Or basically just ride on the tail of Ubuntu as it seems to have been doing.01:16
ardchoilleAlexander_: No, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop01:16
_2i'm with ardchoille  on that darlok01:16
darlokardchoille: I love KDE, but Ubuntu has always seemed more secure and innovative to me...01:17
dsmithI consider ubuntu (gnome) to be more a work type enviroment01:17
ardchoilledarlok: Yeah, I love it too. But I hear that compiz will NOT be enabled by default :)01:17
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quixogredarlok: innovative? gnome? hehe gnomes simplistic01:17
_2i'm not with ardchoille on insisting that others install ubuntu specific meta packages01:17
ardchoille_2: :)01:17
darlokquixogre: I didn't say gnome... I said Ubuntu.01:18
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darlokquixogre: For example... the new printer system, the new X config gui, etc...01:18
quixogreubuntu is basically just a debian offshoot. without gnome or kde, its commandline. yer comparing apples and oranges01:18
abrahamhello, hola01:18
darlok....Kubuntu never seems to get new features such as those.01:19
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newsense07anyone know of a small easy to configure http proxy server ?01:19
quixogrekubuntu is nothing more than ubuntu with kde packaged01:19
_2quixogre ????   "without gnome or kde, its commandline."   what do you mean ?01:19
darlokquixogre: Okay, I didn't realize this was going to turn into an argument of symantics and definitions....01:19
darlokquixogre: You're more elite than I am.  Congrats.  Now, does anyone have any kind of serious answer for me at all? lol01:20
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_2darlok i though you got your answer,  three times.   no it won't be default in the next release.      or did you ask something else ?01:21
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quixogredarlok:  sorry, i came in in the middle of the conversation wasnt trying to berate or belittle you01:21
darlok_2: Oh, no... compiz was just one example.  I also asked about added features in Kubuntu.  For some reason Kubuntu seems to lag far behind Ubuntu in terms of innovation with each release.01:22
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CPrompt^i know this has been covered a million times, but can someone help me mount windows hard drive?01:22
CPrompt^i can post my fstab if needed...probably do :)01:22
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quixogreCPrompt^: mount  /dev/sda(number of windows partition) /mnt/sda#01:23
_2darlok yes kubuntu does lag about one release.    have you compaired the two channels ?    #kubuntu  360 users    #ubuntu 947 users     thus i'd say it gnome has more support form our disrto....01:23
darlok_2: Yeah, I know that... was just curious.  Is there any place on the web that lists the added features of Kubuntu?01:24
darlok...for Gutsy, I mean.01:24
ubotuGutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+101:24
_2thus you can expect the developement to focus where the people are.01:24
_2darlok i think the   ubuntu.com site has a page01:25
nine01aSucks because I just switched to KDE from Gnome and I like it a lot better =(01:25
stdin#ubuntu actually has 1080 users...01:25
CPrompt^quixogre : "You do not have enough permissions to read"01:25
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_2stdin give it a minute and it will change  :)01:25
darlok_2: But the Ubuntu page lists features for Ubuntu... not Kubuntu.  And they rarely have the same added features.01:25
stdin_2: already has 1082 :p01:25
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quixogreCPrompt^: sorry, try adding sudo to the beginning of the command01:26
_2darlok i still think that there is a page.   stdin can probably tell you where.01:26
CPrompt^quixogre : i did that anyway.01:26
CPrompt^quixogre : it mounted to the directory but i can't access it01:26
CPrompt^it gives me that error01:26
quixogrestill saying not enough permissions?01:26
stdinCPrompt^: the generall fstab line is  "/dev/sda1  /media/windows  ntfs  defaults,umask=0000 0 0"01:26
quixogretry cd /mnt/sda#01:27
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_2yuch   read write for all with the standard ntfs driver  !01:27
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ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions01:27
avt3kksorry im late guys we got caught in a jam01:28
quixogre!hi | avt3kk01:28
ubotuavt3kk: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!01:28
newsense07anyone know of a small easy to configure http proxy server ?01:28
stdindarlok: the reason the ubuntu page lists ubuntu features it because it's the ubuntu page,  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon/Beta/Kubuntu has some info on Kubuntu for Gutsy01:28
avt3kkanyways im ready to install ubuntu ultimate that when I rstart goes to kubuntu and doesnt start lol :)01:28
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avt3kkso im going to just use the whole hd ok?01:29
avt3kkhard drive01:29
quixogreavt3kk: you dont want to dual boot?01:29
=== Daisuke_Laptop plays Queen's "Another One Bites the Dust"
stdinavt3kk: "ubuntu ultimate"?01:30
avt3kkI can bring back my drive clone it has a dualboot already setup then just fixboot fixmbr from 2000 pro repair console01:30
avt3kkand delete ubuntu01:30
darlokstdin: That's what I was looking for... thank you.01:30
quixogreavt3kk: kubuntu comes with grub, which will allow you to boot multiple OSes01:30
avt3kkubuntu ultimate has it all but it automaticly updates and all that good stuff it reboots to kubuntu01:31
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avt3kkubuntu ultimate I want to figure out how to get to work01:31
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avt3kksomeone yesterday said01:31
quixogrei've never heard of ubuntu ultimate....01:31
avt3kkI have notepad saved01:31
avt3kkI will pastebin :)01:32
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Daisuke_Laptopi'm curious01:32
Daisuke_Laptopis MS rebranding vista?01:32
avt3kkscreenshots its a huge page man soo01:32
avt3kkima pastebin01:33
=== Fish-Face [n=fish@cpc3-stkp4-0-0-cust779.manc.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu
Daisuke_LaptopThis is basically Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu and others combinded, along with additional software integraded01:34
Daisuke_Laptop1) i don't trust it because they can't spell, and 2) there's nothing there you can't get from the repos01:34
=== PSPJunkie [n=junkie@c-68-39-124-69.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
stdinthis "Ultimate" edition is not official and possibly illegal to download/use in some places01:35
stdinand If you have issues with stock K/Uubuntu, this will almost certainly not fix it01:36
Daisuke_Laptopstdin: that's a given, since it probably includes all of the non-free codecs by default01:36
PSPJunkieHey, has anyone been able to get wifi working with kubuntu on a mac?01:36
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Daisuke_Laptopand i do NOT like their installation methods :\01:37
Daisuke_Laptopsudo apt-get install -y --allow-unauthenticated scourge01:37
Daisuke_Laptopperhaps a new factoid is in order...01:38
quixogre!wifi | PSPJunkie01:38
ubotuPSPJunkie: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:38
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=== newsense07 is looking for a small easy to configure proxy server, with a gui if possible
avt3kkHeres the pastebin of my problem of restarting ubuntu ultimate and it trying to start kubuntu and its not starting x11:     http://www.pastebin.org/358901:39
PSPJunkieThanks qiuxogre01:39
NickPrestaBefore I forget, how would I diagnose a Suspend/Hibernate problem in Feisty?01:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hibernate - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about suspend - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:39
avt3kkI typed that out because printing in UU is so easy from the live dvd01:40
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about squid - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:40
quixogreavt3kk: hate to break it to ya bro, but ultimate is nothing more than preconfigured kubuntu...THATS why its booting kubuntu01:40
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avt3kkwell man I want to get it working please01:40
avt3kkI like UU man lol01:40
Daisuke_Laptopdon't use it.  it's pretty simple.  that's not going to help your problems, and there's nothing special about it.01:41
Daisuke_Laptopit isn't supported here01:41
avt3kkwhat???? :O01:41
Daisuke_Laptopit's not an official ubuntu release01:41
avt3kknot in ubuntu either01:41
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avt3kkson of a ..01:41
Daisuke_Laptopyou mean you've already asked this in #ubuntu?01:41
wersI want to have a nice, clean install of gutsy when it is released.. If I install Gutsy Beta now and just upgrade and upgrade it until the final gutsy is out, will that gutsy be a clean install?01:41
avt3kkI need help from someone aaaaaaa01:42
avt3kksend me somewere pls01:42
wersot would it still be better if I reformat with a final gutsy cd?01:42
Daisuke_Laptopgo download an official iso01:42
Daisuke_Laptopthen install what you need01:42
avt3kkwhat happened to those helpful guys lastnight01:42
excitatoryavt3kk: beta testing :D01:43
avt3kkultimate is beta???01:43
avt3kkwell it sets up the printer01:43
avt3kkeverything installs itself practicly01:44
avt3kkits so easy01:44
Daisuke_Laptopultimate is nothing, non-official, not recognized by the ubuntu team01:44
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avt3kkjust a few clicks01:44
quixogreavt if its so easy, why are you here?01:44
Daisuke_Laptopprobably includes automatix, too01:44
avt3kkbecause my video card is radeon saphire x800 lol01:44
quixogreautomatix AND automatix bleeder01:44
avt3kkand UU wont bootup01:44
avt3kkit basicly trys to start kubuntu<<<01:45
newsense07avt3kk: who cares ?01:45
Daisuke_Laptopah jesus01:45
Daisuke_Laptop!ubuntu ultimate01:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu ultimate - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:45
Daisuke_Laptopyou should01:45
Daisuke_Laptopavt3kk: so install an official version01:45
Daisuke_Laptopas i've said already01:45
newsense07avt3kk: why dont ya ask in *ubuntu-ultimate01:45
newsense07im sure their users are as great as their wonderful distro01:46
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quixogrelist of all the apps it comes with...01:46
=== ScorpKing is back
avt3kkcant find it01:46
avt3kk :D01:47
ScorpKingi have an idea for my backup problem.01:47
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Daisuke_Laptopthey shouldn't even be using the ubuntu name for something that poorly put together01:47
avt3kkNewsense07 thankyou so much :D01:48
quixogrescorp does it involve duct tape?01:48
ScorpKingif i sudo chmod o+r /dev/hda1 will i be able to dd to nfs as a normal user?01:48
ScorpKingquixogre: it might. :D01:48
BluesKajThe latest fglrx driver supports Radeon 9500 and the X-series cards up to X1900.01:48
=== quixogre likes duct tape
ardchoilleThe handyman's secret weapon01:48
avt3kkblue thats for me?01:48
avt3kkat the shop I have ducttape01:49
avt3kkI use it for everything01:49
BluesKajyes avt3kk , ATI new experimental driver 8.41.7 , http://ati.amd.com/support/drivers/linux/linux-radeonhdd.html01:49
avt3kk ;)01:49
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ScorpKinguga: did you give me the link to enable root write for nfs?01:50
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quixogreScorpKing: yup. was him01:51
BluesKajavt3kk,but one thing , don't choose your card choose the Radeon HD 2900 , it will work on your x80001:51
avt3kkook ty01:51
ScorpKingquixogre: do you think my plan will work?01:51
quixogrelol i take it the scp idea didnt work?01:52
avt3kkwhats csp?01:52
ScorpKingor psc for that matter. lol01:52
ardchoillescp = secure copy01:52
ScorpKingavt3kk: it's ssh copy01:53
avt3kkim kind of new so whats ssh01:53
ardchoille!info ssh01:53
ubotussh: Secure shell client and server (transitional package). In component main, is optional. Version 1:4.3p2-8ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 1 kB, installed size 32 kB01:53
avt3kkook ic now01:53
galathal1onwhere do i find wastebin?01:53
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ardchoillegalathal1on: You man !pastebin ?01:54
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galathal1onno i mean like trashcan01:54
ardchoilleIn konqueror ^^01:54
=== ScorpKing wonders if there are any clever people left here...
=== quixogre wodners what a clever person is
avt3kkwhat does .run open with?01:55
stdinavt3kk: .run is a shell script with an embedded tar file01:55
quixogreScor. you have to run dd as root right?pKing: so let me get this straight01:55
galathal1onardchoille: cant find it01:55
avt3kkya what do I do with it01:55
quixogreScorpKing: so let me get this straight.  you have to run dd as root right?01:55
ardchoillegalathal1on: Open konqueror and type this in the location bar:  trash:/01:56
stdinavt3kk: run it like a shell script "sh filename.run"01:56
ScorpKingquixogre: yes01:56
galathal1onardchoille: thnx :>01:56
ScorpKingquixogre: the problem is that root can't copy to a nfs mount.01:56
quixogrebut root cant access the nfs drive to read/write right?01:57
quixogresorry, slow typer01:57
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ScorpKingquixogre: install ktouch01:57
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ardchoillegalathal1on: Also:   ~/.local/share/Trash01:57
quixogreokay. how do you plan on kicking off the backup? crontab?01:58
FlareEveryone:> can't get help here join #shstech01:58
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pauloidefQuando converto o arquivo avi para o formato DVD o som fico com um ruido muito alto, alguem sabe me dizer o que eh01:59
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.01:59
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.01:59
ScorpKingquixogre: i want to boot from a cd and mount the nfs drive. then dd hda1 to it.01:59
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ardchoilleScorpKing: You only have 1 drive bay in that lappy?02:00
ScorpKingthis 40gig has been smiling at me all day. :)02:01
ardchoilleScorpKing: Remind me to never buy that model02:01
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Daisuke_Laptopwhat model?02:01
whiskeytangoIm a rocket scientist, in the process of creating a dual boot with windows vista i formatted over windows vista.02:01
quixogredd hda1 to the cd? is the cd big enough?02:01
Daisuke_Laptopwhiskeytango: you'll thank yourself.02:02
ScorpKingquixogre: dvd rom. no writer.02:02
quixogrewhiskeytango: good riddance to bad rubbish now just install kubuntu, and life will be grand02:02
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ardchoillewhiskeytango: Congrats, you just made your system better :)02:02
Daisuke_Laptopi won't even limit him to kubuntu02:02
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whiskeytangoHow do i tell what version of ubuntu i have?  :P02:03
Daisuke_Laptopubuntu and xubuntu work as well02:03
avt3kkdo I install the default options from after just saying yes to start the install process for ATI driver (radeon saphire x800 gto)02:03
avt3kksh ati-driver-installer-8.41.7-x86.x86_64.run02:03
whiskeytangoI am using the one off their website.02:03
Daisuke_Laptoplsb_release -a02:03
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Daisuke_Laptopwell you can't install it while x is running02:03
avt3kkshould I click default will I be able to choose hd 2900 later on or what?02:03
ardchoilleavt3kk: The ati drivers are in the repos02:03
whiskeytangoUbuntu 7.04, that was easy enough02:04
Daisuke_Laptopardchoille: apparently the bleeding edge drivers are required in this instance02:04
ardchoilleDaisuke_Laptop: Ah, ok02:04
avt3kkthis is a live dvd02:04
Daisuke_Laptopyou wait huh what?02:04
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ardchoilleavt3kk: You realise that all that work will be gone when you reboot, right?02:04
Daisuke_Laptopare you still using ubuntu ultimate?02:04
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avt3kkUU lol02:05
avt3kk :/02:05
avt3kktrying to find a way man02:05
ScorpKingquixogre: i think i'll just chmod /dev/hda1 so normal users can read it and then see what happens.02:05
Daisuke_Laptopno help, sorry.  you're going to cause more problems than you solve with that pos02:05
avt3kkso I should put my old dualboot back?02:05
quixogrescorp hehe if it works...02:06
avt3kkthen download kubuntu in xp and burn the cd is there a dvd version of kubuntu??02:06
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avt3kkkubuntu dvd02:06
avt3kkthat has alot of stuff02:06
ScorpKingquixogre: i'll ask it nicely :D02:06
Daisuke_Laptopthat would be a better solution than using an unofficial version of a good distro that requires you to use -y and --allow_unauthenticated as apt-get arguments :\02:06
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ardchoilleavt3kk: There is a dvd version but the repos have the same stuff and a cd doesn't take as long to download02:06
Daisuke_Laptopjust get the cd, and install what you need afterward...02:06
BluesKajavt3kk, are you going to install kubuntu , then ?02:07
Daisuke_Laptopyou'll find we get a lot nicer then :)02:07
avt3kkeveryone says UU is a piece of cr@p02:07
BluesKajavt3kk, cool02:07
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avt3kkso in kubuntu setting up the printer if it has an ip is realy easy?02:08
Daisuke_Laptopoh god yes02:08
avt3kkhow about flash java02:08
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Daisuke_Laptopit uses the same tools02:08
ardchoilleavt3kk: I've seen many people have probs with UU, I've never used it.. I've always just stuck with official kubuntu and never had probs02:08
Daisuke_Laptopjust an apt-get away :)02:08
whiskeytangoHey, i just remembered what i loved about my putty emulator iat my old job, command prompts are fast as..well..command prompts.02:08
Daisuke_Laptopputty is the one app i LIKE using in windows (but i just use it to ssh into my home box :D)02:09
avt3kkwell I got to put my drive clone back first02:09
avt3kkacronis drive image02:09
avt3kkonly thing I trust that junk to do is drive imaging lol02:09
Daisuke_Laptopthat was a good idea02:09
avt3kkdrive cloning02:09
avt3kkmaking a partition image with that its always corrupt02:10
whiskeytangoWe had a default IBM emulator, but it was terrible so about three weeks after someone was hired they would ask how to get putty since all the other people used it02:10
avt3kkty Daisuke :D02:10
ardchoilleavt3kk: Get yourself a copy of http:sysresccd.org , it has partimage on it and that does drive cloning quite well.02:10
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avt3kkthink i have that in my cd case02:11
BluesKajavt3kk, if you still intend to keep a windows partition , defrag before making and formatting the ext302:11
avt3kkI defraged xp pro before installing ubuntu02:12
avt3kkI also used (drive image 2002) to image both xp and ubuntu lololol02:12
avt3kkthen you got to fix inode error02:12
avt3kkafter restoring the ubuntu image02:12
avt3kkat least from (drive image 2002)02:13
whiskeytangook, well i have to reboot..02:13
avt3kkits all graphical and realy easy02:13
avt3kkI made a mini tut ubuntu uploaded in howto02:13
avt3kkdont laugh at me just yet lol02:13
avt3kkit sux I show ya02:13
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avt3kk :/ you can laugh now02:16
avt3kkok im going to hookup my other harddrive and boot acronis guys ok?02:16
quixogrewhat is automatix?02:17
avt3kkI dunno02:17
avt3kkwere does it say that?02:18
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DragnslcrYour brain will thank you if you don't find the answer to that question02:18
quixogresomeone in school recommended it to me...want to find out why before i bother researching it further02:18
ubotuAutomatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software.  When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it.  A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme)02:18
Dragnslcrquixogre- probably because they hate you02:18
quixogreDragnslcr: lol02:19
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avt3kkautomatix will break your system hahaha02:19
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avt3kkQuix good thing you asked in here02:19
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quixogremeh brokngs to futz withen systems are fun. if everything worked, i'd run out of thi02:20
Daisuke_Laptoplove that touchpad02:20
avt3kkwelp see you guys later02:20
Daisuke_Laptopavt3kk: good luck, and hopefully you'll make it back here02:20
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quixogremeh brok systems are fun. if everything worked, i'd run out of things to futz with02:20
avt3kkim putting my old dualboot back then downloading kubuntu02:20
avt3kkof course Daisuke_Laptop lol :P02:21
quixogrefscking touchpad.....02:21
quixogrebbl. going into bios, and disabling that damn touchpad02:22
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rootMoonhi guys i am On pcLinux OS and  wanna switch to Kubuntu can u help me with aprtitions plz??02:28
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quixogrecrap. didnt work.02:30
ardchoille!partition | rootMoon02:30
uboturootMoon: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter02:30
TautoaWhat do you need help with, specifically?02:30
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rootMoonhere is the print screen of MY gparted Window .... and i Only need 10gb for Windows backup and thats it02:32
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Tautoaok, how can we help? :)02:33
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rootMoonhow do i delete everything but the ntfs and install Kubuntu on the rest?02:33
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TautoaYou should be able to right-click the partitions from gparted and select 'remove partition' ?02:35
TautoaAlthough you would probably have to unmount it first.02:35
TautoaDo you have a Live CD?02:35
rootMoonI have Kubuntu and i have PClinuxOS02:35
rootMoonU mean i have to delete them from Kubuntu live cd right?02:36
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ardchoillerootMoon: You can't manipulate partitions while they're mounted02:37
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rootMooni dunno02:37
TautoaSo, to delete the / partition, rootMoon would need to use a Live CD?02:37
Daisuke_Laptoppeople are the same way...02:37
=== Daisuke_Laptop walks away, shamefaced
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ardchoilleTautoa: Yes02:38
rootMoonI have to USE gparted and mannually delete them right?02:38
ardchoillerootMoon: Yes, but they must be unmounted first02:39
ardchoilleYou can't delete a partition that you are currently in02:39
TautoaSo, boot to the Kubuntu Live CD, use gparted on the disc to remove all the unwanted partitions (making sure you have a copy of everything you want to keep), make some new partitions, and install Kubuntu02:39
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BluesKajthere is a gparted live cd which is very easy to use02:39
winbondcheck it out, when i execute a start script for firefox from the terminal ./firefox it starts quickly and its ready to go, but when i start it from a shortcut on the desktop, it starts but there is a busy icon bouncing for another 30 seconds, whats the problem?02:40
rootMoonHow do i make new paritions and what size they should be for 74gb hard drive where 10gb is used for windows backup?02:40
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TautoaYou can click on the unallocated space and select 'make partition'02:42
TautoaSizes vary according to your preference, as do partitions, but the swap should be about 1.5 times the amount of RAM, 10-15GB should be comfortable for / (although I've used smaller before), and the rest for /home?02:42
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rootMoonwhic h leaves me aboyt with 34gb for home?02:44
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truthI'm looking for something to convert .avi to mpeg (or some format for dvd) - any recommendations?02:47
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ardchoillerootMoon: Wow, and my $HOME is about 18.2Mb02:47
TautoaDepends how much RAM you have, but I think it would leave you with about 45GB?02:47
rootMoonI have 1gig and i make 2 gig swap02:47
BluesKajtruth , tovid has both gui and cli versions02:48
slackernrootMoon: yes02:48
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BluesKajthere's a #tovid support chat as well, right here on freenode02:49
Tautoa74Gb drive, with 10GB for backup, 15GB for /, 2GB for swap... leaves 47GB02:49
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rickeywhat is the best program to watch dvd movies on the computer with?02:53
rootMoonrickey:  VLC02:53
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs02:53
rickeyubotu i have many of those players ,but the dvd wont play02:54
ubotuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.02:54
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quixogredoes divx work on linux?02:55
phoenixzHi there, I have a dell latitude d620 laptop and I just followed the ubuntu guide to get wireless to work with ndis wrapper.. So far, so good. Im usinmg knetwork manager to manage wifi, but I cant connect to encrypted networks :( I give in the key and after a few seconds, it just asks me again for the key.. Anybody knows a fix?02:56
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quixogrephoenixz: using broadcom wireless card?02:56
rootMoonHow do i use gparted ON Kubuntu live cd to make 15gb for / 2gb for swap and 47 for /home ??02:57
phoenixzquixogre, err, think so, let me check02:57
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JucatorootMoon: there's QtParted on the Live CD02:57
PitabredDivX definitely works on Linux02:57
quixogrePitabred: thnks02:57
phoenixzquixogre, yes, Broadcom Corporation Dell Wireless 139002:58
phoenixzquixogre, that is good? or bad?02:59
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quixogrephoenixz: neither. just a bit of a pain. are you using WPA for security?03:02
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quixogre!hi | brainwrck03:02
ubotubrainwrck: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!03:02
brainwrckI installed kubuntu to a person and that person is complaing that shitty f00.exe games don't run on linux and wants to change back to m$hit03:03
brainwrckwhat can I do?03:03
stdinwine ?03:04
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.03:04
phoenixzquixogre, good question.. I got a large ASCAII key.. and now that I try to modprobe ndis wraper again, its not comming up either.. :( let me first fix that..03:04
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quixogrebrainwrck: install windows for em. wine doesnt support directX well enough for most high end games03:04
quixogrehonestly, i keep xp on this pc exlusively for games03:05
brainwrckstdin: by the way these aren't the kewl games for PC but whack free games, prolly spyware/virii/trojan/keylogger ridden type03:05
brainwrckthose that advertise FREE GAME DONWLOAD03:06
quixogrebrain, if they're java based games, they SHOULD work in firefox03:06
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quixogreotherwise, wine will work03:06
quixogrebut gotta set em up right03:06
stdinbrainwrck: some should still work in wine, or you can just install VMWare/VirtualBox and install windows in that for the games03:06
ardchoilleI just typed "about:plugins" into konqueror's location bar and noticed that my konq web browser can handle window media. Where is it getting the codec/plugin for that? I don't have firefox installed03:07
stdinbrainwrck: and do what I do, say "You want windows? then install it yourself"03:07
brainwrckmay I should let the person go back to m$$ and get it wreck on her own in a heartbeat03:07
rootMoonIS Linux MINT with codecs INStalled legal  IN USA ??????????03:07
stdinrootMoon: nope03:07
rootMoonstdin:  it is illigal ?03:08
brainwrckI mean somepople bring some computers LITERALLY bent outta shape... then they complain about linux03:08
brainwrckI #$%$^ing don't get it03:08
quixogrelol brain gotta have their freecell, huh?03:08
brainwrckI am beggining that linux shouldnt become popular03:08
zeroziatquixogre: Hmm, I am the Wireless problem guy, I don't know where to start with that.03:08
stdinrootMoon: yep, some of the codecs are illegal in the USA due to patient issues03:08
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rootMoonstdin:  so ppl wh o use it all go to jail and get heavy fines??03:09
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stdinrootMoon: it's possible, yes03:09
quixogrezero encrypted wireless networks either use wep or wpa. wpa tends to be more windows specific03:09
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ardchoillerootMoon: There aren't enough jails to hold everyone who uses it03:09
stdinrootMoon: tho they'd have to catch you first03:09
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quixogrezeroziat:  encrypted wireless networks either use wep or wpa. wpa tends to be more windows specific03:09
rootMoonstdin:  so why won't  they jsut pay 50$ for windows xp home and use it??03:10
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rootMoon50-$ is not much03:10
quixogrezeroziat: if yer using wpa, you can still connect, but gotta juggle some stuff a bit03:10
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ardchoillerootMoon: Because Windows is unstable, insecure and, to be honest, garbage03:10
stdinrootMoon: MS was sewed for including mp3 codes by default, so that doesn't solve it03:10
zeroziatquixogre: I don't use encryption for my wireless connection.03:10
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downandouthello all03:10
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rootMoonardchoille:  but u can play games on Windows betetr03:11
brainwrckquixogre: where did you get that WPA is m$ specific? By the way WEP no longer qulifies as "secure" LOL03:11
downandoutI'm woundering, what filter combo's do you guys suggest for koffice, I'm currently using spambayes and its detection rate is low less then 50%03:11
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downandoutI've been using it for sometime now two months or so and i do constant retraining but its still low.03:11
stdinrootMoon: this channel isn't for discussing the pros and cons of MS Windows03:11
downandoutsorry kontact :)03:11
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quixogrebrainwrck: not windows specific, but WPA requires a domain name, like a windows server run network03:11
Hirvinenzeroziat, quixogre: WEP is a bad joke. Use WPA(-PSK)2.03:12
brainwrckquixogre: w00t, ridiculous03:12
ardchoillestdin: Is it illegal to use a codec that handles wmv files?03:12
HirvinenAnd there is nothing MS-specific about WPA.03:12
quixogrehirvinen, i personally use an unencrypted wireless network at home. but at school use WPA03:12
brainwrckLMAO@wep bad joke03:12
stdinardchoille: unless you have a Windows licence (like the one stuck to most PCs) then it is03:13
zeroziatquixogre: Mine haves no encryption. =/ So I guess 'll save up less trouble?03:13
ardchoillestdin: kmplayer-konq-plugins is in main and I think shipped with kubuntu and it handles wmv files as well as a lot of other types03:13
brainwrck1:11 < stdin> rootMoon: this channel isn't for discussing the pros and cons of MS Windows03:13
brainwrckstdin: as far as I know there aren't PROS for m$$03:14
stdinardchoille: with the package with the codecs installed03:14
=== brainwrck fixed
quixogrezeroziat: yep. just make sure not to send any usernames or passwords across it that arent secure before they leave the pc03:14
stdinardchoille: it is just a frontend to mplayer, so it doesn't do the decoding03:14
stdinardchoille: and mplayer is in multiverse03:14
ardchoillestdin: Ah, ok03:14
Tautoadownandout: I just made my own filter... if I get spam, the sender goes on the list, so they can't send me more.03:15
TautoaWouldn't work if you get a lot, but my email is all through Gmail anyways, so that gets most of it :)03:15
zeroziatquixogre: Alright, so, where do I start, to: Make Kubuntu detect my card, and thus connect to my wireless network?03:15
downandoutdoes gmail have a good filter?\03:15
quixogrebrainwrck: in order to connect to my wpa2 network at school, i have to include @domainname to the username when im connecting03:16
brainwrckmm... how do I use tftp?03:16
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quixogrezeroziat: what kind of wireless card?03:16
Tautoadownandout: as far as I know, yes. The fact that I've only had to manually add 4 senders to the list speaks for itself :)03:16
zeroziatquixogre: Hodl on, lemme run my Device Manager...03:16
Hirvinenquixogre, zeroziat: WPA(2) requires an authentication server, but I believe most access points can act as one. WPA-PSK(2) doesn't need one.03:16
phoenixzquixogre, it might help to move the hw switch for your wifi... :) its on!03:16
brainwrckhow do I spefify tftp to use eth0 instead of eth1?03:17
brainwrckthe connection is on eth0 ATM03:17
phoenixzquixogre, Ok, I try to connect to the wifi access point, and knetworkmanager is asking for a WEP passphrase, and I have a long line of ascii chars as the passphrase..03:17
phoenixzquixogre, so how can I make this work?03:17
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brainwrckmm... I am gettin an uneasy feeling as I type this over open wifi connection03:17
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quixogrelol im using a bcm44xx wireless card. cant even get ubuntu to recognize it, much less connect with it through linux, so might not be the best source03:18
nosrednaekimbrainwrck: :)03:18
nosrednaekimquixogre: did you follow the official broadcom tutorial?03:19
quixogrephoenix, speak to the person who set up the network/go to the router/wifi point and create the passphrase03:19
quixogrenosrednaekim: yup. freezes up on the NDISwrapper install03:19
brainwrckquixogre: give up, that's what I did with the save driver :-(03:19
nosrednaekimquixogre: hmm...od..03:20
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phoenixzso then who can help me with getting my dell latitude d620 broadcom wifi to work with WEP?03:20
nosrednaekimyeah... broadcoms are a pain... which is why I research my wifi cards ;)03:20
quixogrenosred, yeah. as of right now, i have to hardwire to get connected.03:20
quixogrephoenixz: is this a home or work wifi network?03:21
brainwrckmm.. how can I specify for tftp    to use a specific eht?03:21
brainwrckquixogre: as I said, give up now before you consume yourself in frustration03:21
brainwrckquixogre:  I gave up on latitude as well03:22
ardchoillebrainwrck: So, quite while he's behind? lol03:22
zeroziatquixogre: Win XP tells me it is "Dell TrueMobile 1300 WLAN Mini-PCI Card", manufactured by Broadcom.03:22
brainwrckquixogre: you can Zydas wireless USB for $2403:23
phoenixzquixogre, work..03:23
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brainwrckworks like a charm03:23
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zeroziatquixogre: But the actual box says it's a Belkin 802.11g.03:24
zeroziatAnd something more03:24
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brainwrckwe just need a wifi company to do like ATI, release their code!!!03:25
zeroziatlol j/k03:25
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brainwrckw00t we under ATTACK03:25
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zeroziatBelkin 54g Wireless Desktop Network Card03:25
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zeroziatI have actually that.03:25
quixogrephoenixz: if its a work network, you'll need the passphrase from the sysadmin03:25
brainwrck* we are03:25
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Pitabredbrainwrck: Atheros and Intel chips tend to work pretty well03:25
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quixogrezero, sounds like a broadcom....03:25
zeroziatIt IS a Broadcom.03:25
PitabredBroadcom just stinks in general03:25
brainwrckphoenixz: if it's PCI you can get awsome stuff!!03:25
zeroziatAlthough this time I used Ubuntu I got it to run with ndiswrapper or something else.03:26
brainwrckI meant mini-PCI for laptos03:26
quixogrezeroziat: sec, lemme find the broadcom wireless link. it MIGHT work for you03:26
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brainwrckmini-PCI are ridiculously cheap03:26
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quixogrehttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=481651&highlight=dell+latitude+120l+wireless for the dell latitude 620 user03:28
phoenixzbrainwrck, what do you mean?03:28
nosrednaekimbrainwrck: yeah... I saw a nice RaLink one..03:28
phoenixzThe simple problem is: I want to connect to the WEP protected access point from my work..03:28
phoenixzI have a key03:28
phoenixzbut when I enter it.. I see it trying to configure, and nothing happens03:28
brainwrcklet me put like this... you MIGHT fix it now but it'll be temporairly until the next kernel update or whatever is not compatible03:28
brainwrckthen you'll be back here "how can I get broadcome to run?"03:29
phoenixzquixogre, that link is for 120 :) in any case, it says how to set up wireless.. wireless is working okay already, I just can not enter with WEP03:29
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brainwrckphoenixz: if you have a laptop with mini-PCI you can BUY that piece. Since that's mostly self-installation they are the cheapest even more than USB03:30
rootMoonGnome Runs faster and more stable then Kubuntu ??????????????03:30
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rootMoonplz tell me???03:30
stdinrootMoon: no03:30
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quixogrehttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=405990&highlight=broadcom+43xx for the person with the belkin/broadcom card03:31
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quixogrephoenix, and then it comes back up and asks for the passphrase again?03:31
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zeroziatquixogre: thx03:31
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brainwrckwhat about my question :'(03:32
quixogrezeroziat: hope that  helps03:32
brainwrckhow do I lock tftp to eth003:33
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brainwrckI have eth1 using internet03:33
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stdinlook in it's config files and man page03:33
brainwrckbut I need tftp to connect through eth003:33
brainwrckmm... stdin I don't think that's a Kubuntu solution03:34
stdinin what way?03:34
brainwrckisn't *ntu  pose to be user friendly?03:34
brainwrckShuttleworth wouldn't be that happy about it03:35
stdinyou're using a ftp daemon, it's settings are in config files, there the solution will lay03:35
ardchoillebrainwrck: It *IS* user-friendly.. that doesn't mean the user shouldn't have to learn something.03:35
ugabrainwrck: if you configured eth0 properly, it possibly covers a different subnet mask?03:35
ugabrainwrck: than internet03:35
ugadepending on the target IP address, packets should be routed through eth003:36
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brainwrckuga: I was just thinking about that, that the IP is what identifies eth0, right?03:37
ugaafaik, yes03:38
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brainwrckthen that was a stupid question03:38
ugajust configure a given static IP to eth0, then a subnet mask like, and set the rest of machines in the same range and subnet mask03:38
jordo23I have spamassassin hooked into Kontact.....is there a way to update the rules or something.....It's not catching very much SPAM....03:38
ugathe packets should be routed through there03:38
brainwrckawsome I did on my own with nobody having to help me :-)03:38
ugabrainwrck: possibly you could configure some routing tables too, but I've never had the need to do so, so I cant' really tell how-to, without reading through docs03:39
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brainwrckuga: for my purpuse simple IP is anough03:40
jordo23Jucato: You use Kontact?03:40
ugabrainwrck: I hope the linux stack or whatever is clever enough to figure out it doesn't need to go through eth1...03:40
jordo23Jucato: Hi....BTW03:40
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Jucatojordo23: hi! and yes03:41
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jordo23Jucato: I installed SPam Assassin....is there a better way to control Spam through Kontact?03:41
Jucatooh that I don't know... but must be a setting in kmail03:41
Jucato I let google do the spam killing for me03:41
jordo23Jucato: Yeah....Kmail....I have Spam assassin hooked into Kmail....but I don't think it's working very well..03:42
ardchoilleJucato: same03:42
LordBaconhotmail seems to be really good at killing spam now too03:42
JucatoI will have to learn these someday.. when I try to host my own stuff :)03:42
nosrednaekimJucato: same :)03:42
Jucatoyeah.. right.... hotmail. :)03:42
jordo23This is my email through my ISP...03:43
LordBaconyahoo is horrible03:43
ugaLordBacon: it's so easy for them. That's cheating. They have a whole collection of years of spam in them to have proper statistics ;))03:43
ugajust check e-mails in inboxes of users, of the last 10 years or so. If it matches, it's spam, else it's not03:44
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hasanhi guys03:44
nosrednaekimhey hasan03:44
ardchoillehi hasan03:44
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hasanhow can i check a programs version  from command line ?03:44
ugahasan: depends on the program03:44
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ugatry programname --hep03:45
ardchoillehasan: apt-cache policy appname03:45
nosrednaekimhasan: yep "<program name> -v"03:45
Jucatoapt-cache madison <packagename>03:45
stdinhasan: generally  program --version03:45
ugaor program -v...03:45
ardchoilleJucato: madison?03:45
stdinsome don't have -v03:45
Jucatodepends ont he program :)03:45
Jucatoardchoille: yep. although policy hits 2 birds w/ 1 command03:45
ugastdin: yeah, I only pointed that one out, because some don't like -- and go for -v03:45
ardchoilleJucato: oh, ok03:45
hasanstardict has a version 3 but i ve got 2.4 how cna i ugrade it ?03:46
stdinuga: and for some it's -V  who knows  :p03:46
ugastdin: for example, how not, firefox03:46
brainwrckdo I have to run tftp as user or as root?03:46
hasanhow can i search for this version ?03:46
nosrednaekimhasan: is version 3 in the repositories?03:46
stdinuga: firefox --version works here03:46
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hasani donno03:47
ugastdin: ah, it seems they accept both. Just docs mention a single dash one03:47
ardchoillehasan: it's usually best to stick with the version in the repos unless you have a good reason not to03:47
hasani web site there is a deb package03:47
stdinuga: most take "long" options and "short" options03:47
ugastdin: I think they ignore the first - and then they find -version ;)03:47
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hasanhow can i check whether it's in repo or not03:47
ardchoillehasan: It's not a good idea touse .deb packages that were built for other distros03:47
ugastdin: no, according to the help, it's "-v or -version"03:47
ugaunlike most programs that claim "-v or --version"03:48
ardchoillehasan: apt-cache policy stardict03:48
hasanit says it's for ubuntu03:48
hasanin his site03:48
hasanit says 2.403:48
ugastdin: but no surprises here. firefox and zilla apps are whole OSes on their own...03:48
ardchoillehasan: it may be ok then03:48
ardchoilleuga: like emacs?03:48
=== ardchoille ducks
hasanusing deb packages does it affect stabilty of system ?03:48
ugaardchoille: more or less ;)03:48
ubotudeb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click on them (Ubuntu) or right-click and select Kubuntu Package Menu->install (Kubuntu)03:49
=== Jucato was deceived by apt-cache lately though...
hungrysamhow to uninstall them03:49
quixogrehungrysam: uninstall whom?03:49
ardchoillehungrysam: uninstall what?03:49
hungrysamuninstall a deb03:49
ardchoillehungrysam: sudp apt-get remove packagename03:50
hungrysamand how do you find the packagename?03:50
hasanor dpkg -i pkg name03:50
stdinif you installed it, then you should know03:50
quixogrehungrysam: what app you trying to remove?03:50
hasanapt-cache search pkname03:50
stdin"sudo apt-get --purge remove nero"  maybe?03:51
ardchoilleSeems like it should work03:51
hungrysamI'll try03:51
stdinor "sudo apt-get --purge remove nerolinux"03:52
ugastdin: I'd add --killit --nonfree --broken --nomore --pleaze03:52
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stdinand --forgive-me-for-installing-this03:52
hungrysam"sudo apt-get --purge remove nerolinux" << that did it, thanks03:53
quixogrenero is on linux? and they say linux is immune to virii03:53
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hungrysamha ha03:53
hungrysamit's not on my linux anymore03:53
ardchoillequixogre: Anyone who says Linux is "immune" to viruses is lying.03:53
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ugahungrysam: did it actually work?03:53
ugaI wonder if they use cdrecord too03:54
stdinardchoille: yeah, automatix is the most prevalent one03:54
quixogreardchoille: yeah i know...have seen some pretty trojans packaged in SATAN builds03:54
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ugahungrysam: oh, so... why did you remove it then. Out of curiosity03:54
phoenixzquixogre, Yeap,, it tries to connect, and then I get the same WEP pass phrase  thing again03:54
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hungrysamuga: I installed it on accident03:55
quixogrephoenixz: does your wifi card work on any other connections?03:55
brainwrckwhy a DVD would be recognized then never appear again? External usb DVD03:56
brainwrckwussup with dat?03:56
savetheWorldardchoille: I agree, after all the very first intrnet worm was UNIX based.  But i do wonder - I hav nevr even seen an attempted attack by a linux oriented malware, and yet I 10'-K's of Win malware attacks almost daily. (cable modem) are there any active Linux malware in the wild?03:56
=== brainwrck scratches his head
rickeyok i have downloaded vlc and have tryed to play a dvd movie,  it wont play  what do i need to know  to make it work?03:56
quixogrebrainwrck: try mounting it manually?03:57
rickeysorry i dont know that trick03:57
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ardchoillesavetheWorld: PErhaps this may help you a bit: http://librenix.com/?inode=2103:58
brainwrckquixogre: where is at?03:58
Jucato"savetheCheerleader, savetheWorld"03:58
quixogrebrainwrck: thats a good question....what happens if you disconnect the drive, and reconnect?03:58
Jucatosorry couldn't help03:58
winbondcheck it out, when i execute a start script for firefox from the terminal ./firefox it starts quickly and its ready to go, but when i start it from a shortcut on the desktop, it starts but there is a busy icon bouncing for another 30 seconds, whats the problem?03:58
ardchoilleJucato: lol03:58
=== savetheWorld looks for a cheerleader.."
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brainwrckquixogre: nada zip on dmesg, and it DID work earlier with k3b03:59
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ardchoillewinbond: You need a full path in the launcher because the script isn't in your $PATH03:59
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rickeyhow should i set up vlc so i can watch movies04:00
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rickey dvd,s that is04:00
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ardchoillestdin: Cleaning house?04:00
stdinardchoille: all one person...04:00
Jucatoclearing the trash actually :)04:00
ardchoilleAh, ok04:00
winbondardchoille, full path of what?  ..in the firefox script?04:01
ardchoillewinbond: In the launcher:  /path/to/script04:02
LordBaconcan I install vista fonts on kubuntu?04:02
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brainwrckok      I see where the error is about04:02
ardchoillewinbond: Actually this would be better:  sh /path/script04:02
LordBaconI really like calibri and consolas04:02
brainwrckit thinks it's a MOUSE04:02
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brainwrckwhy would it think the external DVD is a damn mouse?04:02
winbondardchoille, bu launcher , u mean the shortcut?04:02
savetheWorldardchoille: nice article. thanks for the pointer. :-)04:03
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ardchoillesavetheWorld: You understand now why Linux viruses aren't more prevalent?04:03
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ugabrainwrck: ????04:04
brainwrckuga: hi04:04
savetheWorldardchoille: Oh i have allways understood that, i read rick moens article on it years ago.  My question was how many are there actually active in the wilds of the internet.  The answer appears to be : effectively zero.04:04
brainwrckwhy is it doing this?04:04
ugabrainwrck: what did you do to the poor dvd to behave like a mouse =)04:04
ugamust have been cruel04:05
ardchoillesavetheWorld: That's right: Linux active viruses = 004:05
savetheWorldardchoille: I think I may like this article's explanation better than Ricks04:05
brainwrck[56774.252510]  input: HID 062a:0001 as /class/input/input904:05
brainwrck[56774.252576]  input: USB HID v1.10 Mouse [HID 062a:0001]  on usb-0000:00:1d.1-204:05
rickeyi realy would like to watch a movie tonigth , wont someone walk me though this proublem04:05
brainwrckWHA DA F??!04:05
ugabrainwrck: oh, dmesg?04:05
ugausb dvd drive?04:05
ardchoillerickey: Which problem?04:06
brainwrckuga: external04:06
ugabrainwrck: it only means it didn't recognise what the device is04:06
rickey i have just downloaded vlc player04:06
brainwrck/class/input/input9 it's nine because unplugging and pluggin04:06
rickeyit was a big download04:06
ugabrainwrck: do you know if the drive is supported by linux?04:06
nosrednaekim!enter | rickey04:06
rickey and i just tryed to play a dvd movie04:06
uboturickey: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:06
winbondardchoille, as the command in the shortcut i have '/home/winbond/appz/firefox/firefox' if i add the sh at fron it doesnt work04:06
rickey and it didnt work04:06
brainwrckuga: did work it's first 30 minuutes04:06
brainwrckuga: it was even displayed on k4b devices04:07
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ardchoillewinbond: I don't see a filename (script?) in that command04:07
coreymon77!doesntwork | rickey04:07
uboturickey: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.04:07
rickeymaybe i missed something in the setup04:07
jduckettanyone try install using debootstrap??04:07
ardchoillerickey: To watch a dvd, you most likely need to install libdvdcss204:08
quixogremoving to the lab. disconnecting for a few04:08
ardchoille!libdvdcss2 | rickey04:08
uboturickey: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs04:08
winbondardchoille, firefox is the name of the script, sorry but i dont have much experience with linux04:08
nosrednaekimnot for vlc to play it ardchoille04:08
ardchoillenosrednaekim: Oh, ok04:08
LordBaconSeveas doesn't have x64 packages of libdvdcss204:08
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LordBaconI had to get it from medibuntu04:08
jduckettanyone have problems installing kubuntu on 64-bit box??04:09
nosrednaekimjduckett: worked here.04:09
LordBaconjduckett: nothing I didn't expect04:09
nosrednaekiminstalling was fine... its running it04:09
jduckettsegmentation faults?04:09
jduckettdpkg --configure -a??04:09
ardchoillewinbond: This is how I run scripts in a launcher/shortcut:  "sh /path/to/script"  If that's not working for you, then I don't know what to say04:09
LordBaconI keep getting adept crashes, dunno if that's x64 related04:09
jduckettme too04:10
jduckettthis is a clean install04:10
LordBaconI'm more comfortable with apt though, I only use adept for searching04:10
jduckettapt-get install kubuntu-desktop04:10
nosrednaekimI use synaptoc04:10
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jduckettcan I use apt and synaptec interchangibly??04:11
ardchoilleI use "apt-cache search" :)04:11
LordBaconI'd rather be using vista04:11
nosrednaekimjduckett: yep.04:11
=== nosrednaekim is running vista in a VM
ugastupid firefox won't learn to use $HOME by default...04:11
ugasilly cluttered windows-style desktops...04:11
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LordBaconanyway, dinner time04:12
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ardchoillewinbond: Any reason you're not using firefox from the repos?04:12
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winbondardchoille, not , its just that im using firefox304:13
timurhi guys04:13
timurI just installed Kubuntu04:13
winbondardchoille, where do i enter the sh..., in the command bracket?04:13
timurbut i dont See my DVD drive04:13
timurdo u know why?>04:13
ardchoilleI'll never understand why people have to have the latest when the version in the repos works fine.04:13
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ugatimur: ide/sata/external?04:14
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timuri just installed Kubuntu ??? I loged in with the name that i used during the install ... so now i create what??? user account?04:14
nosrednaekimtimur: no, that account is fine04:14
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stdintimur: what do you mean you don't see the drive?04:15
=== nosrednaekim gets ready to hit "!doesn'twork"
ardchoilletimur: The account you're using is your user account.04:15
timurI dont see it in storage media04:15
jduckettsynaptec can be run from the command line, right??04:15
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stdintimur: you have a CD/DVD in the drive ?04:15
ardchoillejduckett: kdesu synaptic04:16
nosrednaekimtimur: pop one in and witness magic :)04:16
stdintimur: that'd be something to try04:16
timuroh now i SEE it04:16
timurSo now i just keep using the account i used during the install??04:17
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nosrednaekimtimur: yep, unless you want to make an account for someone else04:17
=== ardchoille likes nosrednaekim's use of the word "magic"
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=== nosrednaekim tinkles fingers...
stdin"automagic" is better :)04:17
ardchoilleLike that one too04:17
stdinor "automagical"04:18
ardchoille!sudo | timur04:18
ubotutimur: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.04:18
timurand i will be able to install firefox and synaptic with taht account ?04:18
ardchoilletimur: You should read that^^04:18
nosrednaekimtimur: via sudo, yes04:18
LordBaconI used to call autoconf automagic04:18
timurHow about graphicly??04:18
LordBaconbut it was also autocrack04:18
stdintimur: Kubuntu uses Adept04:19
LordBaconbtw, why doesn't kdesu cache credentials?04:19
stdintimur: (to install packages)04:19
nosrednaekimtimur: yep, just use adept_manager04:19
stdin!adept | timur04:19
ubotutimur: adept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto04:19
ardchoilleLordBacon: I've wondered about that myself04:19
timurBut i can install synaptic also right?04:19
nosrednaekimtimur: sure.04:19
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nosrednaekimtimur: you a ubuntu user?04:20
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timurhow come when i type  in search  nothing shows up  for skype04:20
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stdin!skype | timur04:20
ubotutimur: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto04:20
nosrednaekimtimur: skype isn't in the repositories04:20
stdinskype is evil too ;)04:20
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urli_hola a todos04:21
nosrednaekimhola urli_04:21
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urli_hay alguien qu ehable espalol04:21
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.04:21
urli_como estas04:21
LordBaconso, I used the "sleep" option on logout today04:21
urli_de donde sos}04:21
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nosrednaekimurli_: va a #ubuntu-es para espanol04:21
LordBaconbut when I turned the computer back on, it wouldn't turn off the screensaver04:21
nosrednaekimLordBacon: did your mouse wake up?04:21
hellhound_in using adept manager... is there any way to install something without entering the cd?  I am trying to install subversion and do not have the cd handy04:21
LordBaconmy mouse did, I don't think my keyboard did04:22
timurwhy don't they put IT in ? rep?04:22
LordBaconI had a pretty GL Fireworks screensaver, and a mouse cursor04:22
stdinhellhound_: you need to remove the CD from the sources, I think the option is in File -> Manage Repositories04:22
ardchoillehellhound_: comment out the cd lines in your /etc/apt/sources.list file04:22
nosrednaekimhellhound_: yeah.... get it from the repositories... you might want to remove the apt-crom entry first though04:22
nosrednaekimtimur: because its not open source, and Skype doesn't let them.04:23
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hellhound_stdin: nosrednaekim:  thank you both! it worked.04:24
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LordBaconskype was a pain in the but to get working on 64bit04:24
timurHow do i see my download speed when using adept manager?04:24
nosrednaekimLordBacon: I succumbed to autodevil for that...04:24
nosrednaekimtimur: I think its on the bottom of the screen, I use synaptic though so...04:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about autodevil - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:25
nosrednaekimLordBacon: automatix.04:25
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=== ardchoille wanders off to watch The Day After Tomorrow
ubotuAutomatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software.  When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it.  A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme)04:25
nosrednaekimand yes, I know all about that... don't worry ;)04:26
timurI dont see the download speed ..........04:26
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nosrednaekimtimur: well, thats why I use synaptic then ;)04:26
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:26
nosrednaekimLordBacon: I just used it to get the correct debs, I then wiped it.04:26
timurguys WHo knows how can i see the download speed in ?? AAdept manager??04:26
LordBaconnosrednaekim: I downloaded libsigc++ manually, extracted with ar x, untarred the real files, and copied the lib to /usr/lib3204:27
ardchoilleWhat do you need to see the dl speed for? It'll be done when it's done.04:27
timuri want it !!04:27
nosrednaekimLordBacon: heh... hence automatix..04:27
timuri think i will download synaptic then right ?04:27
LordBaconnosrednaekim: then installed the skype .deb, and downloaded the static version, and overwrote the main binary04:27
nosrednaekimtimur: you can decide04:28
LordBaconnosrednaekim: I'm old, I don't know your new fangled cheats04:28
nosrednaekimLordBacon: lol.. not like i'm reccomending automatix.04:28
nosrednaekimLordBacon: its really really bad if you don't know what you are doing04:28
timurGuys  I have strange feeling that PClinux os rep. load about 10  times faster  then Kubuntu is taht possible?04:28
ardchoilleLordBacon: Please don't use automatix.. it's dangerous and you'll be back in here later asking for help to fix things.04:28
LordBaconnosrednaekim: yeah, I'd rather do it myself than use something like that then04:28
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timuri think i get like 600-750kb in pSlinuxOS and get about 56-75kb in Kubuntu04:29
LordBaconardchoille: no I wouldn't :)04:29
LordBaconremember, I'm a newb with 12 years linux experience04:29
nosrednaekimtimur: switch to a different repository.04:29
LordBaconas well as over a year as a debian maintainer back in the day04:29
ardchoilleLordBacon: That's why I pleaded with you04:29
timurhow do i di that ? iam from NYC to which one do i swtich?04:29
nosrednaekimtimur: anything closer, its in adept under adept->manage repositories04:30
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nosrednaekimtimur: you are probably using the default one which everyone uses04:30
timurhow do i know which one is closer??04:31
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nosrednaekimtimur: just choose anything in the US besides the default, I use columbia, which I think is in NYC04:31
nosrednaekimI'm in south Jersey.04:31
timurnors so wich one do u use?04:32
LordBacondon't tell him that, he'll steal all your leet bandwidth04:32
nosrednaekimI don't download anything. dial-up quickly renders such thinngs irrelevant.04:32
urli_hay alguien que hable espaol04:32
urli_hay alguien que hable espaol04:32
urli_hay alguien que hable espaol04:33
urli_hay alguien que hable espaol04:33
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.04:33
jduckettI am using kernel 2.6.20-15-server.  anyone know of bad things trying to install kubuntu-desktop??04:33
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nosrednaekimmaybe not use the server kernel?04:33
Jucato!es | urli_04:33
ubotuurli_: please see above04:33
stdinjduckett: shouldn't be a problem04:33
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jduckettwell, my install is complicated04:34
timurFor example when i click on Amarok icon twice it opens twice .... how do i make it open ONLY once no matter how many times i click on it???04:34
jducketteverything has been fine until a few days ago04:34
nosrednaekimtimur: ummm.... you can;t really do that very easily04:34
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timurNO i can't ? but every time i click on it i alaways accidently click on it more then once04:35
nosrednaekimtimur: don't.04:35
nosrednaekimtimur: maybe slow down your mouse.04:35
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nosrednaekimeh... I have to go. Long day tomorrow.04:36
nosrednaekimc ya'll later04:36
knubnosrednaekim: see ya : P04:36
timurIS Kubuntu better then GNome??04:36
timurthan ?*04:36
ubotugnome is a project that provides two things: The GNOME desktop environment, an intuitive and attractive desktop for end-users, users, and the GNOME development platform, an extensive framework for building applications that integrate into the rest of the desktop.04:36
ubotuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu:  sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop , or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE) . Latest KDE version is 3.5.7 for Feisty, 3.5.6 for Edgy, and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org) for more information.04:37
trprso... i just got klined. i think its because konversation replied to a slurry of ctcp version requests i received. how can i force konqueror to ignore these requests?04:37
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jduckettA bit of history:04:38
jduckettI am using debootstrap to perform installs on multiple boxes.04:38
jduckettone of them is a remote machine.04:38
jduckettI am using debootstrap specifically, because, I have to install on a remote box.04:39
jduckettI am using debootstrap for all of the installs for consistency.04:39
jduckettEverything is 64-bit.04:39
jduckettprior Kubuntu-desktop installs have been successful.04:39
jduckettinstall failures have been within the past few days or at least that is when I noticed it.04:39
jduckettSementation faults and dpkg --configure -a errors04:39
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jduckettdo I need to add something to:  apt-get install kubuntu-desktop??  I'm looking for anything 64-bit related04:39
jduckettit shouldn't matter right??04:40
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NickPresta!enter | jduckett04:40
ubotujduckett: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:40
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timurHow do i isntall Nvidia drivers from Synaptic??04:41
ardchoille!nvidia | timur04:41
ubotutimur: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:41
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m4st3rhey, "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" is not kernel upgrade CMD?04:43
timurYeah but i wanan know how to install them from synaptic ?04:43
ardchoilletimur: Read that tutorial and then decide on the proper packages04:44
ardchoillem4st3r: It should04:44
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m4st3rI can't 7.10 kernel upgrade .....04:45
DarlokHey... is it possible to run programs as root using the LiveCD?04:45
stdinDarlok: yeah, use sudo or kdesu04:45
Darlokstdin: No password, then?04:45
stdinDarlok: there isn't one on the liveCD no04:46
stdinDarlok: that's how the installer works (needs root to install)04:46
timurHow do i put a storage Media Icon on the desktop and Konsole Icon on the panel??04:46
Darlokstdin: Thank you :)  Trying out the new Gutsy Beta04:46
JEFFmasterFlextimur: drag and drop04:47
ardchoillestdin: How did they do that? By putting NOPASSWD in the sudoers file?04:47
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stdinardchoille: I think it's just that "ubuntu" has no password04:48
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timurHow do i check if I now have Nvidia drivers installed or not??04:49
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DarlokHmm... this is going to be difficult to make administrative changes on the LiveCD...04:51
ardchoillestdin: Ah, yeah, that would make sense.. need to assign one during the install04:51
ardchoilletimur: apt-cache policy nvidia-glx04:52
stdinardchoille: well, it chroots in to the new partition and runs the normal adduser commands04:52
ardchoilleAh, ok04:52
Darlok...can't install software with the LiveCD... thought you could, but it's just hanging at "Reading package lists...0%"04:52
Darlok...can't Ctrl-C it either.04:53
LogicalDashI'm trying to run a Python script that depends on the 'sleep' function in the 'time' module, but every time it tries to import that, Python says there is no 'sleep' function. What am I missing?04:53
LogicalDashIt works fine for all the guys in #python so I'm thinking this is something distro-specific.04:53
timuri installed it so di needto restart now?04:54
timurnvidia-glx works for Geforce 2 mx 400 right ? -)))04:54
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ardchoilletimur: You don't need to reboot.. just restart xorg with ctrl+alt+backspace. But, did you follow the rest of that tutorial?04:56
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earl_hey guys. I'm trying to get audio to come in through my microphone port, and out from my speakers. how can i make that happen?04:57
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earl_helloooo anybody out there tonight04:58
earl_every piece of documentation i look at, or even adept, gives me no response whatsoever when i type in microphone04:59
earl_and yet the Kmixer applcation has a section devoted to recording04:59
earl_so what gives04:59
DarlokAnother question... can Kmail check gmail accounts?04:59
ardchoilleDarlok: yes04:59
Jucatoyep. using pop305:00
stdinDarlok: set gmail to use pop and any email client can05:00
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earl_noone knows the answer?05:00
earl_it doesn't seem like it should be that complicated to do...05:00
Darlokstdin, ardchoille: Wow... I had no idea gmail allowed that lol05:00
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ardchoilleDarlok: http://ardchoille.pastebin.us/3978805:01
timurHow come i isntalled the driver and can't play open arena??05:01
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ardchoilletimur: Open a terminal and do: glxinfo | grep render    <-- does it say "Yes"?05:02
timurmissing on display05:03
ardchoilletimur: Did you reconfigure xorg to use the nvidia driver?05:05
timurhow do i do that?05:05
ardchoilletimur: I think you need to go back and follow that tutorial05:05
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ardchoillecuz if you missed that step, you might have missed others05:06
timurkdesu kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:06
timurWhat step??05:07
timuri am confused plz tell me05:07
ardchoilletimur: What have you done so far?05:07
timurI installed nvidia-glx05:08
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ardchoilletimur: Open a terminal and do: sudo nvidia-glx-config enable05:09
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timurok then?05:10
timurrestart ?05:10
level1hi, I'm using knetworkmanager but my college dorm uses a cloaked and encrypted network... knetworkmanager keeps forgetting about the network (there are different routers in every building) so I half to reenter the password every time I connect to the internet, and its getting tedious... is there a way to get knetworkmanager to *always* suggest that network, even if its not detected?05:10
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LordBaconis there a way to backup my install to a external HD?05:12
LordBaconI don't want to dd, because that will get all the empty space as well05:12
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ardchoilleLordBacon: Try using the partimage app on the system rescue cd: http://sysresccd.org05:12
LordBaconI don't have any blank cds05:12
ardchoilleLordBacon: partimage will only copy the used portion of the partition, not the entire thing05:13
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DaskreechLordBacon: What do you want to backup ?05:14
LordBaconmeh, I could probably boot the livedvd and just tar the system05:14
brainwrckwuuuuuurup everybodyyy?05:14
LordBaconDaskreech: the entire system so I can either A> put it in a VM, or B> restore it after I redo stuff with windows05:15
level1LordBacon: theres lots of utilities to do that05:15
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DaskreechLordBacon: Why don't you just backup Home and then make a list of your installed packages?05:15
LordBaconDaskreech: because copying to an external HD is faster than installing gutsy from scratch05:16
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DaskreechI guess05:16
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zeroziatHow do I make Kubuntu see my Hard Drive)05:17
Daskreechzeroziat: It probably does already05:17
zeroziatI c't access it05:18
zeroziatI go to /media and it doesn't show up05:18
Daskreechzeroziat: You could mount it05:18
winbonddoes anyone use safepeer plugin with azureus?05:18
DaskreechWhat do you want to do with it?05:18
zeroziatDaskreech: How?05:19
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ubuntu--Daskreech: hi! :P that's 'knub' here05:19
Daskreechzeroziat: You want to just do somethign quickly or you want a more permanent setup?05:19
=== Daskreech hugs ubuntu--
ubuntu--: ) horray!05:20
=== ubuntu-- hugs Daskreech
zeroziatDaskreech: Well, something quickly, although I don't have Kubuntu installed yet05:20
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Daskreechzeroziat: ok open a konsole05:20
zeroziatDaskreech: I wanna test first if my Wifi card will work since it's a broadcom and I heard it's very difficult to make them run even though I made mine run months ago on Ubuntu05:20
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Daskreechzeroziat: Yeah I did to on feisty and it broke on gutsy :(05:21
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Daskreechzeroziat: ok man go to it :) Let me know when you want help with the hard drive05:22
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:22
Daskreechubuntu--: How are you?05:22
zeroziatDaskreech: I have files in my hard drive to make my Wifi work, i'm on Windows XP05:22
zeroziatAnd my Kubuntu won't detect my Hard Drive in Kubuntu05:23
Daskreechzeroziat: Ah05:23
DaskreechI see so you need the hard drive first05:23
ryhimhi all05:23
zeroziatDaskreech: Yup.05:23
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ubuntu_HOLYY shit I installed Nvidia Drivers now my system would not boot05:24
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Daskreechzeroziat: so you have that konsole open?05:24
Daskreech!ohmy | ubuntu_05:24
ubotuubuntu_: Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly.05:24
ryhimafter install bind9 i can't find named.conf.options, named.conf, and named.conf.local under /etc/bind/05:24
zeroziatDaskreech: Can't I'm on Windows XP, so I'll have to note instructions down05:24
ubuntu_plz help me05:24
Daskreechzeroziat: ooooh that's annoying :)05:24
zeroziatDaskreech: Lol, yeah05:24
Daskreechzeroziat: OK open konsole and type mkdir windows05:25
ubuntu_what do i dp?05:25
Daskreechthat will make a directory called windows05:25
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zeroziatDaskreech: Yeah, I know the basics, I'm talking through irssi on a shell account05:25
ryhimanyone can help me?05:25
ubuntu_my system wont boot after installing Nv drivers so what do I do?????05:26
ryhimi've a problem after installing bind905:26
Daskreechzeroziat: ok you know about the /dev folder?05:26
Daskreechubuntu_: boot up with safe drivers and redo your X05:26
zeroziatDaskreech: A bit, I know it haves something about hda since I inspected it, so yeah05:27
ubuntu_what command i do to but up in safe drivers?05:27
Daskreechzeroziat: Ok you know how to read the hda and sdb stuff?05:27
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ubuntu_safe mode05:27
zeroziatDaskreech: That's one of the parts that fail for me, I dunno05:27
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ubuntu_How do I make it run into safe mode???????05:28
npurcifulhows it going05:28
ubuntu_how do i make Kubuntu run into graphics safe mode upon startup ?05:29
npurcifulI am looking to clean my .bashhistory any ideals other than cron to delete05:30
XsteelWolfubuntu, boot it into recovery mode05:30
ubuntu_how do i boot into recovery mode???????05:30
npurcifulesc at grub05:30
XsteelWolfit's listed there when you boot up05:30
ubuntu_no it does not05:30
ubuntu_for me it does not.05:31
XsteelWolfboot to grub bootloader05:31
ubuntu_how what?05:31
ubuntu_more specific plz05:31
zeroziatDaskreech: You there?05:31
ubuntu_when MY pc starts ubuntu loads it asks for my account and password then black screen and command line05:32
ubuntu--Daskreech: i am ok : )05:32
Daskreechzeroziat: yes05:32
ubuntu--i did not see the message before05:32
zeroziatDaskreech: KK05:33
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ubuntu--Daskreech: and you? : P05:33
Daskreechzeroziat: ok the first two letters are the connections tyoe05:33
Daskreechso hd is for IDE devices05:33
Daskreech SD for sata05:33
ubuntu_??? so what do I do???05:33
zeroziatDaskreech: Okay05:33
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Daskreechthe third letter is where it is in the chain05:35
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Daskreechubuntu_: have you ever read up on grub?05:35
zeroziatDaskreech: May we bring this to PMs? It looks a bit difficult to do this =p05:35
Daskreechzeroziat: so hda is the first device on the IDE chain hdb is the second05:35
ardchoillenpurciful: You could: echo "" >> ~/.bash_history05:36
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Daskreechubuntu_: Ok look up editing grub. the option you are looking to add is xforcevesa05:36
ryhimi've a problem after installing bind905:36
ryhimafter install bind9 i can't find named.conf.options, named.conf, and named.conf.local under /etc/bind/05:36
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Daskreechryhim: can't you create them?05:36
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Daskreechzeroziat: you know about master/slave primary/secondary channel for IDE?05:38
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ubuntu--Daskreech: how about you? :P05:38
npurcifulardchoille: good idea,05:38
Daskreechubuntu--: rushed for the whole of this week05:38
DaskreechI don't think I got very much done05:38
zeroziatDaskreech: Not that much, do I really need it? 'cause I have only one hard drive05:38
ubuntu_what i don't undertand where to look up can u plz give me a link???????05:38
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Daskreechubuntu_: do you know the grub menu?05:39
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ubuntu_i dont even know what are u talking about05:39
Daskreechzeroziat: oh great. do you know about tab completion?05:39
ubuntu_My system boots right iNTo COmmand liNE05:39
Daskreechubuntu_: when you boot up Linux the first thing you see after the Bios is a countdown saying to show GRUB menu press esc ?05:39
ubuntu-knubDaskreech: you really are good at concentrating in very much chats simultaneously :P hehe05:40
zeroziatDaskreech: The thing where you press tab and it brings you to the closest thing you typed in? =)05:40
mindcryDaskreech: i have problem with my connection05:40
ubuntu_yes but i see nothing there just the black screen05:40
Daskreechubuntu-knub: Yeah yeah :)05:40
Daskreechzeroziat: yes05:40
Daskreechmindcry: What kind of connection05:40
zeroziatubuntu-knub: Lol, you are right, we are like 5 guys talking to him at the same time05:40
Daskreechubuntu_: Ok want to login there and get direct help?05:40
mindcrybluetooth dialup connection Daskreech05:40
Daskreechubuntu_: you have net?05:40
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Daskreechmindcry: Eek05:40
Daskreechmindcry: the bluetooth works fine?05:40
mindcryi can connect to irc with it05:41
ubuntu_I am on live cd right now05:41
mindcryahhaha its a progresss05:41
mindcrythanks for you all05:41
Daskreechubuntu_: I figured05:41
ubuntu-knubzeroziat: hehe yes05:41
ubuntu_MY kde wont boot just the black screen and command  line05:41
mindcryi still get problem on browsing web page and other05:41
ubuntu_how do i boot into vesa??05:41
Daskreechubuntu_: Listen to me for a second and you can log in to here from the command line ok?05:41
Daskreechmindcry: Hmm05:41
zeroziatDaskreech: Alright, Tab completion...05:42
mindcryand my irc sometimes get disconnected after 3 mins05:42
ncsi've a problem after installing bind905:42
ncsafter install bind9 i can't find named.conf.options, named.conf, and named.conf.local under /etc/bind/05:42
ncshow to fix it?05:42
mindcryit seems idle hang up05:42
Daskreechzeroziat: Right so after you make a directory type sudo /dev/hd<tab><tab>05:42
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Daskreechmindcry: I'm not too sure. this is from a cell phone?05:42
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Daskreechubuntu_: ok when you boot up you will see a note about he grub menu press Esc05:43
ubuntu-knubzeroziat: and, evenmore, helping people here :P05:43
Daskreechubuntu-knub: what have you been up to?05:43
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zeroziatubuntu-knub: xD Yup.05:43
Daskreechubuntu_: you will get a menu05:43
Daskreechubuntu_: one of them should say recovery05:43
Daskreechubuntu_: You can choose that one05:43
zeroziatDaskreech: Okay, so... mkdir windows, sudo /dev/hd<tab>x205:44
Daskreechzeroziat: Oh how many paritions do you have?05:44
ubuntu-knubah... that meant what "what do you do?" or something like that?05:44
ubuntu_ok thats it?05:44
zeroziatDaskreech: I have two partitions05:44
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ubuntu_should i do it right now?05:44
Daskreechmindcry: Did you read the dialup help?05:44
mindcryDaskreech: i cant browse anything yet haha05:44
Daskreechubuntu_: if you don't see a recovery then press e on the menu05:45
mindcryi read them05:45
Daskreechmindcry: no help I'm guessing?05:45
ubuntu-knubDaskreech: ah... that means what "what do i do etc.?" or something like that?05:45
ubuntu_On what MENU??05:45
Daskreechzeroziat: Windows and what?05:45
mindcrythere is nothing about hang up after idling section05:45
Daskreechubuntu-knub: how was your day is what it meant05:45
Daskreechubuntu_: when you boot up you get a BIOS screen right?>05:45
mindcryafter 3 mins of idle it seems automatic disconnect ( konversation )05:45
zeroziatDaskreech: One partition is windows, the other one is an NTFS one with some files I used for backing up for a reformat, I may use that partition for Kubuntu05:46
ubotuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto05:46
Daskreechzeroziat: ah ok in that case it's probably sudo mount /dev/hd(something)105:46
ubuntu_but how does that relates to linux?05:46
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Daskreechubuntu_: right after that do you see any messages?05:46
Daskreechubuntu_: or does it go straight to the loading screen?05:46
ubuntu-knubDaskreech: i was close in my guessing :P i've done a test today. it was the end of the test-week for me. -- and your busy week, what it was about?05:47
Daskreechubuntu_: well then at the Bios sceen start mashing on ESC :005:47
zeroziatDaskreech: So in little resume it's mkdir windows, sudo mount /dev/h#1 ?05:47
Daskreechubuntu-knub: clients all having september crisis05:47
Daskreechzeroziat: nope sudo mount /dev/hd<tab><tab>05:47
DaskreechYou will get a list of file names05:47
ubuntu_it goes balck screen grub couning down  4 3 2 1  black screen enter your name password ,, then i am loged on into KDE balck screen command line05:48
Daskreechyou want the one that has two numbers05:48
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zeroziatDaskreech: And then that's all?05:48
Daskreechubuntu_: yes the black screen counting down that's grub05:48
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Daskreechpress esc when you see that and choose recovery05:48
ubuntu_i preess esc  right?05:48
knubDaskreech: and what's the definition of this?05:48
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Daskreechzeroziat: look for a set of file names that have two numbers05:49
ncsany can help me05:49
Daskreech So liike hda1 and hda205:49
ubuntu_so i  try it rigth now05:49
Daskreechzeroziat: the full command will be like sudo mount /dev/hda1 windows05:49
Daskreechubuntu_: yes if you get in you can type sudo apt-get install irssi05:49
Mr_Sonomancs, you have to ask a question if your going to get help....05:49
ncsi've a problem after installing bind905:50
ncsafter install bind9 i can't find named.conf.options, named.conf, and named.conf.local under /etc/bind/05:50
Daskreechubuntu_: when it's done type irssi -c irc.freenode.net  and you can join back here05:50
ncshow to fix it?05:50
Daskreechubuntu_: YOu know how to join a channel?05:50
ncsMr_Sonoma: how to fix it?05:50
Daskreechzeroziat: does that make sense?05:50
mindcryMr_Sonoma: ?05:50
mindcryare you here?05:50
Mr_Sonomauh hu05:50
zeroziatDaskreech: Yup, thanks man05:51
Mr_Sonomamindcry, and your away on dal.net05:51
zeroziatDaskreech: I'll go try it05:51
mindcryglad to see you here sir05:51
=== ncs still waiting
Daskreechzeroziat: ok don't forget to make the directory then mount the drive to it05:51
Mr_Sonomamindcry, i idle here a lot, but do watch the channel.05:51
Daskreechncs: Is is  supposed to install those?05:51
Mr_Sonomancs, sorry cant say as i have ever used bind905:51
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ncsoh i c05:51
mindcryMr_Sonoma:  are you using kubuntu?05:52
Daskreechknub: definition of ?05:52
Mr_Sonomamindcry, join #kubuntu-offtopic??05:52
Daskreechncs: I guess you are following some walkthrough ?05:52
ncshow if i create those files manually?05:52
knubDaskreech: september crisis :P05:52
ncsis it ok?05:52
mindcryim already there05:53
mindcryMr_Sonoma: im already there05:53
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LordBaconmy god this USB controller is fast05:53
Mr_Sonomamindcry, uh dont see ya, but yes i am using Kubuntu have been for uh....nearly a year i guess now.05:54
Daskreechknub: Oh when they reach the end of the finacial year and suddenly remember commitments and we get called in to do 4 months worht of work in 12 days05:54
mindcrywell can i private msg on you?05:54
Daskreechncs: It's fine05:54
Mr_Sonomayes go ahead05:55
tiger_Hi all, Gutsy question, hopefully this is the right place ! Fn keys for brightness are not working while brightness applets do work. It seems something related to acpi_fakekey command. Any idea ?05:55
Daskreechmindcry: thanks for asking him first :005:55
Daskreech!gutsy | tiger_05:55
ubotutiger_: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+105:55
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mindcryMr_Sonoma:  can i have a private msg with you?05:55
Mr_Sonomamindcry, yes go ahead05:55
knubDaskreech: what do you work with, man?05:55
Daskreechknub: Linux :)05:55
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LordBaconI just did a cp -a of my real system to a ext2 partition on the external hd05:58
Mr_Sonomamindcry, do you see my message?05:58
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:58
LordBaconproc, etc weren't mounted of course05:58
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ArkardSup people?05:59
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Arkardwho here used Cedega?06:00
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Daskreechncs: hello?06:00
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mindcryMr_Sonoma:  i think i cant get into privmsg06:01
mindcryits ok talk in here06:01
Mr_Sonomauh do you have your nick registered???06:01
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DaskreechJust joing O-t06:02
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!06:02
knubDaskreech: what do you think about kde4? -- i don't understand the subject when it gets to the programmations, so :P i am just putting you to say a word about it06:02
Daskreechknub: What do you want to know?06:03
knubdon't really want to know something specific. just your enthusiams (if there is any) about the subject06:03
knub:P hehe06:03
DaskreechOh Loads!!!06:03
knubheehe i am waiting it too06:04
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DaskreechYeah 4.1 is where it's going to start though06:05
Daskreech4.0 is like a really nice beta :)06:05
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winbondwhere are the default desktop backgrounds located?06:07
Daskreech /usr/share/kde/....mumbles as he walks off06:08
shonenI need to get my ntfs RAID-0 working under kubuntu feisty, but dmraid appears to be a game when I search for it in adept. is there a way to get this working I am not aware of?06:09
juacom04anyone knows wher i can find UML plugin for eclipse??06:09
Daskreech!info dmraid06:10
ubotudmraid: Device-Mapper Software RAID support tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.0.rc13-2ubuntu3 (feisty), package size 180 kB, installed size 612 kB06:10
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Daskreechshonen: it's in universe06:10
Daskreechjuacom04: maybe #eclipse ?06:10
knubDaskreech: really? 4.0 will get a 'time of adjustments', so that's why you're saying 4.1 will be the one where it's going to start?06:11
shonenah! I did not notice that "all" tab over there. thanks, Daskreech06:11
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Daskreechknub: no but a lot of things aren't ready for when KDE4.0 ships06:13
Daskreechshonen: you are using debtags ?06:13
Daskreechknub: KDE4 != KDE 4.006:14
knubi see :P anyway, we wait. i would contribute if i could. maybe someday i will be up to it06:15
Daskreechshonen: Which all tab?06:17
Daskreechknub: who says you can't contribute?06:17
Daskreechthey lie! Liiiiiiiiiiiiiie06:17
knubisn't kde4 (or kde 4.0, which it was the same to me) the next version of kde, which is scheduled to go somewhen in december (if the schedule does not change)?06:17
knubcontribute with programming i can not at the moment :P06:18
stdinKDE 3.5.8 should be out before KDE 4.006:18
knubstdin: and 3.5.8 is what is called kde4, which different from kde 4.0?06:19
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stdinknub: no, 3.5.8 is not KDE4, it's another release of KDE3.x06:20
knubso, what is kde4, if kde4 is different from kde 4.0?06:20
Daskreechknub: There is KDE306:21
DaskreechWhich is all of KDE306:21
LordBaconkde4 is beautiful06:21
knubhehe which i thought was the same06:21
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DaskreechKDE3.0 is NOT KDE306:21
knubi see06:21
stdinKDE4 is the general name for all KDE version 4 and above06:21
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DaskreechSo things that they promised for KDE3 may have came about in KDE3.206:21
stdinwell 4 and above but less than 5 :p06:21
knubi understand now. :P06:21
CaptainApathykd4 = kde where the major version is 406:21
Daskreechthat doesn't mean that when KDE 4.0 comes out you shoudl start crying that they are liars they don't have X feature06:22
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CaptainApathyexcept I missed the e...06:22
knubCaptainApathy: :P heheh06:22
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knubDaskreech: now i get it. thank you for the explanation06:22
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Daskreechknub: right and who said you can't help?06:22
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knubwith programming i can not, right now :P06:23
knubi meant programming while i said i could not. but in which other ways i could?06:23
Daskreechknub: KDE is much more than programming06:23
DaskreechOh loads of ways06:23
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Daskreechthere is documentation there is promotion06:23
mpitaprimera vez que estoy aqui alguien habala espaol06:24
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stdin!es | mpita06:24
ubotumpita: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.06:24
conundrum4000I may have a dumb question. I just downloaded Kubuntu 7.10 beta, and I was attempting to install compiz-fusion.. however its not working :P06:25
knubat least with the promotion i contribute :P i really says good things about kde (and linux) when i have the chance in a conversation etc. -- about usability and testing, yes, you are right. it is really a way to contribute06:25
knubsome translation i could do too06:25
=== Pitabred [n=pita@c-67-190-48-101.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
Mr_Sonomaif i wanted to run a DNS lookup from comand line what command would i use??? i've done it before but for the life of me cant remember....06:26
Daskreechconundrum4000: I think #ubuntu-effects is the chan for compiz-fusion06:26
Daskreechknub: To what language?06:26
knubi will apply somewhere in kde page :P "hey! if you need me, mail me!" -- it's one more to contribute, isn't? hehe06:26
=== npurciful is having fun with command line
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Daskreechknub: you can do that in #kde06:27
shonenDaskreech, I was referring to the tab in adept I had to click to get it to search all repositories. dmraid is installed now, however, now I can't recall how to get the thing to mount06:27
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Daskreechknub: ha ha portugese people love KDE for some reason. It's always like 99% translated06:27
etherhas anyone else upgraded to gutsy yet?06:27
conundrum4000Dask: thanks :)06:27
=== Daskreech raises hand
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knubhehe is it? i didn't know06:28
Daskreechether: issues are still discussed in #ubuntu+1 though06:28
Daskreechknub: http://commit-digest.org/issues/latest06:28
Daskreechthey have a section for translation06:28
DaskreechPortugese is number two if its not number one06:28
Daskreech and it's always number one06:28
=== knub raises too :P
npurcifulether: be runing gutsy seen alpha 506:29
etherI'm definately going to do a fresh install when it's released.06:29
shonenok, i just figured that out too. thanks for your help, though06:29
knubDaskreech: do you see a lot of portuguese speakers here? -- but it would be hard to tell since almost just english it used here hehe06:30
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.06:30
knubheheehe nice!06:30
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DaskreechYep :)06:35
DaskreechBut No KDE4 for Kubuntu for a while06:35
DaskreechSo when you first upgrade into a KDE4 desktop it will probably be KDE 4.1 so I'll be happy06:36
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knub'cos you won't have to be answering lots of questions and solving problems?06:36
DaskreechNaw I'll be doing that till they cover me with dirt06:37
knub"have" -- i meant, you won't be asked a lots of questions here06:37
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knuband debian? maybe will they put it in the unstable repos?06:38
knubDaskreech: very helping of yours! that's really nice :)06:39
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Daskreechknub: It's there already06:40
knubi saw it in the experimental06:40
DaskreechOh right. I lose track of what's stable unstable and ownright kkoky06:41
Daskreechdownright kooky :)06:42
knubso, won't they change to 4.0 when it's released? -- by the way, that's a good doubt. when distros-etc. change when this change is like this one? -- about gnome, i saw in gnome page: 2.20 released06:42
knubbut gnome package in debian unstable says 2.18.something06:42
knubchange as soon as the version is released wouldn't be the thing to do?06:43
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knub:P i think it is just orders and stability. hhehe but i don't know exactly what they are too, the stable, testing, unstable and experimental repos in debian06:45
Tm_Tknub: KDE4 is and will be available in Kubuntu, but not as default too soon06:45
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kristjan_I can't make kubuntu login screen make display user custom images, what's the matter?06:46
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=== Topic for #kubuntu: FAQ: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuFeistyKnownProblems | Free Kubuntu CDs! https://shipit.kubuntu.org | Large pastes: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Offtopic in #kubuntu-offtopic please. | KDE 4.0 beta 2 --- http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-beta2.php
=== Topic (#kubuntu): set by stdin at Tue Sep 25 05:48:19 2007
=== #kubuntu [freenode-info] why register and identify? your IRC nick is how people know you. http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup
(avt3kk/#kubuntu) whats the partition thing called09:28
(avt3kk/#kubuntu) in ubuntu09:28
(avt3kk/#kubuntu) dapper09:28
(avt3kk/#kubuntu) I want to see them all at once09:28
(stdin/#kubuntu) rabi: it will install kubuntu, but adept should let you update, no need for update-manager09:28
=== Agrajag` [n=Agrajag@pool-71-182-234-247.pitbpa.fios.verizon.net] has joined #Kubuntu
rabihow to update using adept?09:28
stdinrabi: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon/Beta/Kubuntu09:29
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rabistdin: Thank you.09:29
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avt3kkheres the screenshot09:33
avt3kkto go with the tut I made09:33
avt3kksee lol09:33
avt3kkpicture of my partitions and my tut I made09:33
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avt3kkwho seen it?09:34
ardchoilleavt3kk: Might wanna check that screenshot url again09:34
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Evolution2 hey guys, my question regards compiz vs. beryl. what is the better manager? i have been using beryl for awhile and i am wondering what compiz has to offer, and if it can be edited as easily. iam running Kubuntu feisty KDE 3.5.709:34
ardchoilleEvolution2: Might wanna join #ubuntu-effects09:35
Evolution2i did09:35
Evolution2no one is there09:35
avt3kkardcho thats it see09:35
ardchoilleEvolution2: My opinion? both compiz and beryl are nothing more than resource wasting toys.09:35
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avt3kksee it?09:36
avt3kkdoes it work09:36
avt3kkdownload the pic09:36
Evolution2what i want to know is there a "compiz theme manager" like Emerald theme manager for Beryl09:36
ardchoilleavt3kk: A screenshot url is supposed to show a screenshot, not make me download it09:36
avt3kkso how I do it then09:37
avt3kkI dunno09:37
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ardchoilleavt3kk: upload it to http://imageshack.us and link it?09:37
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kristjan_ardchoille: if there are unused recources, then I why not use them with something like compiz?09:37
ardchoillekristjan_: I won't get into it in this channel09:38
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avt3kkok here it is09:39
ardchoilleavt3kk: Good job :)09:39
avt3kkty :D09:40
avt3kkall are imaged09:40
avt3kkxp and ubuntu09:40
pillowpantscan someone tell me why this script wont run?09:40
avt3kkI just got through pulling a drive clone09:40
avt3kkfrom .1 bigger to .1 smaller09:40
avt3kkmaunaly resize09:41
avt3kkacronis true imahge boot cd09:41
stdin!flash64 | pillowpants09:41
ubotupillowpants: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava09:41
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avt3kkso if you see anyone was waiting for me09:41
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kristjan_pillowpants: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree09:41
avt3kkthats what i was doin09:41
avt3kkit works09:42
avt3kknow to download kubuntu09:42
avt3kkand pull out ubuntu09:42
jussi01!enter | avt3kk09:42
ubotuavt3kk: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!09:42
avt3kkfixboot fixmbr09:42
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pillowpantskristjan_ : im on amd6409:43
pillowpantsnot that easy09:43
avt3kkthe code i used is kind of shty but it worked09:43
pillowpantsstdin: using 32 bit firefox is somewhat lame i feel09:45
stdinpillowpants: not much choice, that nspluginwrapper thing is very unstable and tends to eat CPU09:46
avt3kkgoodnight guys :D so if anyone was asking if I put the disk clone back I did even if it was .1 larger then the destination regular hard drive ok haha :)09:46
ardchoillepillowpants: Not if it works with a minimum of user setup :)09:46
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avt3kkgoodnight buddys09:46
ardchoillenn avt3kk09:47
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pillowpantsstdiwn: point taken on cpu spikes09:48
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rabihow to clean cache file and trace bin09:53
rabiPlease help, how to clean cache file and trash bin. I an upgrading my system to gusty, but there is not enough free space.09:54
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flaccidwhat are the locations of these, i've never heard of em09:55
flaccidwhich case and whats a trace bin09:55
anthronautflaccid he means trash bin09:55
anthronautor she, respectively09:56
rabianyway I need to free some of my space in '/'. How to increase free space09:56
flaccidright click and empty it09:56
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flaccidsimple answer. delete files.09:56
ardchoillerabi: Open konqueror and type in:  trash:/09:56
rabiflaccid: no right click left click09:56
anthronautrabi: what language do you speak?09:57
flaccidwhat location is kde trash ?  i can't remember. empty that folder09:57
ardchoillerabi: Also, open kcontrol and go to Security & Privacy > Privacy  and clean that up a bit09:57
=== flaccid is not on kde atm sorry
emilsedghflaccid: trash:/09:57
flaccidif you don't have large files to delete to free space then you will probably run into this again. you need to make decent free space for overhead09:58
ardchoilleflaccid:  that or  ~/.local/share/Trash09:58
flaccidtrash:/ is the protocol, not the location09:58
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flaccidty ardchoille09:58
emilsedghflaccid: so ardchoille said the location09:58
flaccidi noticed09:59
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rabiardchoille: can't find security, in kcontrol. where is that?10:00
ardchoillerabi:  Security & Privacy10:01
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rabiardchoille: sorry sir? i am unable to find it? would u please tell me detail?10:02
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ardchoillerabi: Open a terminal and type: kcmshell privacy10:03
rabiardchoille did it.10:04
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ardchoilleDid you click the Clean Up button?10:04
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rabiardchoille: yah10:05
ardchoillerabi: That should clean up a lot10:05
rabiardchoille: still not enough I need to free around 7 mb more.10:06
ardchoillerabi: Then perhaps you need to learn to partition better?10:06
rabiI know partition.10:06
rabibut I don't want to damage my system now.10:06
rabiI have configured it betterly.10:07
ardchoillerabi: Are there any apps you no longer want and can uninstall?10:07
rabioh yah. thank you.10:07
flaccidyou configured it badly10:07
ardchoilleflaccid: Maybe not, he/she may have just filled it up10:07
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flaccidpartitioning is part of configuration..10:08
ardchoillerabi: Another idea is to keep things like tutorials, music files, pictures, etc. on a different partiton or drive. I have two hard drives (hda and hdb) I keep the system on hda and music, pictures, tutorials, etc on hdb10:09
=== Tautoa [n=Tautoa@adsl-83-100-138-252.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #kubuntu
rabiardchoille: I am updating kubuntu using 'update-manager -d'. does it work?10:10
flaccidadept is the gui for kubuntu10:10
ardchoillerabi: I don't update, I install from cd and I don't use gui's for that anyway since cli is faster10:10
rabiyah i know, but the process using adept is longer.10:11
flaccidwe support adept here as its #kubuntu10:11
rabican I get CD of kubuntu?10:12
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ubotuKubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE10:12
ubotushipit is a service that sends free Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Edubuntu CDs. See http://shipit.ubuntu.com/ and http://shipit.kubuntu.org and http://shipit.edubuntu.org - Shipit will send Feisty (7.04) CDs10:12
ardchoillerabi: See the link stdin posted, shipit is very nice10:13
rabiI got the cd of 7.04 from shipit.10:13
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rabiagain not enough free space. what to do? I removed opera and wxdfast.10:14
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ardchoillerabi: The only thing I can suggest is buy another hd and move some stuff over to it10:15
=== Myrth[home] [n=moshe@cpe-76-80-0-236.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
flaccidre do it and allocate sufficent space10:15
flaccidor buy more space10:15
waylandbillhard drives are ridiculously cheap and worth the effort. :)10:16
rabiNo I have enough space, 5500MB - for root (/) partition, 10 GB - for /HOME partition.10:16
ardchoillerabi: Even if you get it to work now, you might have problems again later due to fragmentation because the system doesn't have enough space to do housekeeping10:17
=== Tautoa [n=Tautoa@adsl-83-100-138-252.karoo.KCOM.COM] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete]
flaccidrabi, which partition are you running out of space on?10:17
rabiardchoille: How much space for root partition is needed to run perfectly?10:17
ardchoillerabi: I don't know, I have 75Gb for /10:18
flaccidfree space wise you only need a few meg on root part10:18
ardchoilleflaccid: few meg? I don't think so10:18
flaccidum i do. i run linux on few meg spare quite a lot10:18
flaccidmore to the point, how much free space do you actually have rabi. please pastebin df -h10:19
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rabi891 in / partition10:20
ardchoilleflaccid: lol, http://ardchoille.pastebin.us/3979310:20
flaccidwhy do you think your problem is free space rabi?10:20
flaccidbecause looking at that. there is no problem with free space10:21
flaccid65GB is a lot more than a few megabyte10:21
ardchoilleflaccid: That pastebin is mine, not his10:21
flaccidi was asking for rabi's10:22
flaccidisn't he the one with the problem10:22
ardchoilleignore me :P10:22
flaccidwill do10:22
=== stdin does /ignore ardchoille :p
=== webulator70 [n=nikko@d39-185-7.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #kubuntu
ardchoillestdin: No! You're a valuable resource to me :)10:22
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rabiardchoille: I have posted my configuration.10:22
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rabiI have installed ubuntu with XP dual boot10:23
stdindid anyone hear anything?10:23
webulator70anyone have a moment to help me with what seems like an uncommon nvidia problem/10:23
ardchoillestdin: lol10:23
flaccidtry #nvidia10:23
flaccidrabi, pastebin df -h10:24
webulator70i think they ruined the drivers after whats now called glx-legacy10:24
ardchoillerabi: no offense, but if I were you I'd get rid of XP, it's wasting space on a garbage OS wannabe anyway.10:24
flaccidno they didn't.10:24
webulator70i have the same hardware and do the same thing and they wont go anymore10:24
flaccidpeople have the right to choose10:25
flaccidusually people will have a valid reason for windows :)10:25
webulator70i do right now10:25
rabiflaccid: Yah I know, but I have to use it, as my callegues are using it.10:26
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webulator70they say to ask in #ubuntu10:26
webulator70thing is everyones completely ignoring me there10:26
flaccidyeah im on your side rabi :)10:26
ardchoillewebulator70: What exactly is the problem?10:27
flaccidignoring usually means nobody has an answer for your problem10:27
rabiAnd another problem is, the keyboard layout in kubuntu is not working properly to work in nepali language10:27
webulator70thank you ardchoille10:27
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rabiI wanna ask you another problem. I need to update my kubuntu system into gusty. what is the way10:28
ubotuSee https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) to Kubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn)10:28
webulator70if i install the nvidia driver after a clean install i cant start x anymore, if i install it via the official nvidia dl it wont compile a kernel modual10:28
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ardchoillewebulator70: Have you tried following the nvidia tutorial? It has worked for me on over 100 machines.10:28
webulator70i used to  have the nvidia drivers going on here back on 6.1010:28
stdinwebulator70: tried the -new or -legacy drivers too?10:28
webulator70yes, ive spent all day going over it10:29
flaccidwebulator70, can you cite the actual problem?10:29
rabiI need to update kubuntu feisty to gusty.10:29
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flaccidrabi, why?10:29
stdinrabi: *need*?10:29
ardchoillewebulator70: Which nvidia card do you have?10:29
webulator70i can give you bits of the error in the log file or something10:29
flaccidplease pastebin webulator7010:29
webulator70btw it might be worth noting that i cant seem to even boot with the nvidia drivers in sabyon10:30
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flaccidperhaps you need to update the driver as its kernel specific10:31
webulator70i tried that i think10:31
ardchoillewebulator70: The ti4200 is listed for the nvidia legacy driver10:31
flaccidplease make sure you are using the right nv driver and pastebin the error log10:32
webulator70i tried the legacy and non legacy driver10:32
webulator70just not the new one10:32
webulator7096xx is for ti420010:32
webulator70sorry if im annoying but whats pastebin?10:32
ardchoillewebulator70: No, you need the legacy driver10:32
flaccidlog, log, log..10:32
flaccid!pastebin > webulator7010:32
webulator70the legacy one says its for gf2 and earlier10:33
ardchoillewebulator70:  If either of nvidia-glx-legacy/nvidia-glx-new are installed a dotfile is created in /lib/linux-restricted-modules/ . Even after these packages are uninstalled the dotfile will remain and may frustrate efforts to use the nvidia-glx package.10:34
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ardchoillewebulator70: The ti4200 card is listed as a legacy in http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/1.0-9755/README/appendix-a.html10:34
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webulator70yes its listed under the 96 driver10:35
webulator70thats what i used10:35
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ardchoillewebulator70: where?10:35
webulator70on that link i was just given10:36
webulator70its listed under 9610:36
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webulator70the middle driver, not the old 'legacy' one and not the  new 'new' one10:36
ardchoillewebulator70: The 96xx driver and the legacy driver are two different drivers, you need the legacy driver, not the 96xx driver10:36
webulator70according to that link i need 9610:36
webulator70legacy is 7x something10:36
webulator70The 1.0-96xx driver supports the following set of GPUs:10:37
webulator70then it listes ti4200 and others10:37
ardchoillewebulator70: I have installed nvidia drivers on over 100 machines, if you're not going to listen to someone trying to help you then maybe that's why you have this problem.10:37
webulator70im listening, i tried both10:37
ardchoilleyes, and you probably have a dotfile causing problems10:37
webulator70and im just saying, according to nvidias own site, it says 96 is for the 4200, regardless of that i tried both10:37
webulator70ive formatted several times10:38
webulator70ive tried both drivers10:38
webulator70back when ubuntun 6.10 was new this all worked ok10:38
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ardchoillewebulator70: No, according to nvidia's own site you need the legacy driver.10:38
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webulator70according to this link i need 96 http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/1.0-9755/README/appendix-a.html10:39
webulator70according to that link the 71 driver is for gf2 and older10:39
webulator70the 71 is called legacy10:40
webulator70atleast in ubuntus repos it is10:40
ardchoillewebulator70: Your card is listed on that page under the section that says "Below are the legacy GPUs that are no longer supported in the unified driver. These GPUs will continue to be maintained through the special legacy NVIDIA GPU driver releases."10:40
ardchoilleat the bottom10:40
webulator70read a few lines past that10:40
webulator70it says 9610:40
webulator70so regardless of what we call it im using the one it says to10:40
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webulator70besides if you use one thats not supported the installer tells you its not10:41
webulator70it did when i downloaded 100 by accident10:41
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ardchoillewebulator70: I'm telling you that you need the legacy driver.10:42
webulator70oh sorry flac10:42
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webulator70forget 'legacy' for a sec, tell me what version number10:42
webulator70to clear this up10:42
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ardchoilleThat's all you need to know for now.10:43
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webulator70i tried that one too i said10:43
webulator70i tried glx which is for gf3 and 4 and glx legacy for the hell of it10:43
webulator70ok i pasted it10:44
webulator70the log10:44
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webulator7096 is for  the ti400 im sure of it unless nvidia made a major mistake in what they said on that link10:45
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ardchoillewebulator70: Forget about the "96" bit, you need the legacy driver10:46
webulator70i did try that too though10:47
webulator70same  prob10:47
webulator70if you want me to try again i will10:47
webulator70i can paste a log for the legacy one too10:47
=== flaccid- is back. where is log?
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ardchoilleflaccid-: he never posted the url for it10:48
webulator70skip that part about the 100 version driver, i dl that one by accident10:49
webulator70i suppose i should have edited that out10:49
gustavodoes anybody knows a rar password recovery for linux?10:49
ardchoillewebulator70: If you install from nvidia's package, you have to reinstall everytime you have a kernel upgrade or the driver will disappear10:50
webulator70i just formatted then attempted install10:50
webulator70like 5 times in the last 2 days10:51
webulator70please disregard line 377 onward10:51
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webulator70[ 3511.717400]  NVRM: The NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4200 GPU installed in this    system is    [ 3511.717407]  NVRM:  supported through the NVIDIA 96.43.xx Legacy drivers.10:52
flaccid-i was after xorg.0.log . doesn't matter i gotta run anyway10:52
webulator70im not being stubborn for nothing, the log even says 96 is for ti420010:52
webulator70ok, thanks anyway flac10:53
ardchoillewebulator70: Please go to this page and in the top of it tellme which version is for legacy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia10:54
webulator70for my card exactly " nvidia-glx"10:54
ardchoillewebulator70: no10:54
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webulator70it says there "" nvidia-glx" is 9610:55
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webulator70the log says 96 is for my card10:55
ardchoillewebulator70: then why is your card listed in legacy on nvidia's site?10:55
webulator70nv site says 96 is for my card10:55
webulator70its listed as legacy because glx-new doesnt support it10:55
ardchoilleThen our tutorial is wrong10:55
webulator70but glx still does10:55
webulator70glx-legacy  does too10:55
webulator70legacy is 7110:56
webulator70legacy used to be for it but is now only for gf2 and older10:56
ardchoillewebulator70: and you card is listed on nvidia's legacy list10:56
webulator70there are 2 legacy lists look carfully10:56
webulator70ones for 96 and ones for 7110:56
webulator70100 is current10:56
webulator70on that site10:57
webulator70there are 3 sets of cards10:57
ardchoilleOk, I feel you aren't listening and I can't help any futher.. despite installing nvidia drivers on multiple machines.10:57
webulator70please just hear me out10:57
webulator70i am listening10:57
webulator70 i know what im doing10:57
ardchoilleIf you knew what you were doing, you wouldn't have any problems, no?10:57
webulator70dont just assume, this link does indeed show 3 sets of cards, correct?10:57
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webulator70i know to an extent, please just dont assume im clueless10:58
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MadAlex      ?10:58
webulator70i will attemp the legacy driver of your choice (again) after you hear me out10:58
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jussi01MadAlex: ???10:59
webulator70alex maybe you can help clear this up10:59
drmartinsMad Alex,please use utf-810:59
webulator70or jussi, im not trying to start a flamewar but i have a dispute wiht someone here about nvidia10:59
webulator70the driver i mean10:59
webulator70a prob im having10:59
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llutz!enter | webulator7010:59
ubotuwebulator70: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!10:59
jussi01webulator70: whats going on?11:00
MadAlexany body way talk on russian?11:00
ubotu   #ubuntu-ru       /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke11:00
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webulator70thank you jussi11:00
drmartinsubotu    ;))11:00
jussi01!bot > drmartins11:00
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webulator70ok, i cant install the nvidia driver, ardchoille says i need the glx-legacy driver, i say i need just glx11:01
webulator70for a ti420011:01
webulator70glx-new being the one i cant use11:01
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jussi01webulator70: and ? do either of them work?11:01
webulator7096 and 71 do not11:01
webulator70also 100 is ofcoarse too new for me11:02
webulator70even sabyon doesnt let me use the nvidia driver11:02
pillowpantsthanks for the firefox32 install link for amd6411:03
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pillowpantsinstalling ff32 bit on amd64 seems somewhat lame, but the flash situation has been resolved11:03
jussi01webulator70: its the 96 driver: http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/1.0-9755/README/appendix-a.html11:03
webulator70i did use 9611:03
webulator70thank you for the confirmation11:04
sreejithHai I am using kubuntu after upgrading RAM from 512 MB to 1GB I am not able to access certain sites like php.net , payapl etc. Can anybody pls help me to sort out this problem?11:04
jussi01webulator70: as you see, it is correct11:04
webulator70ardchoille wouldnt beleive me that i am to use 9611:04
ardchoillewebulator70: That is the legacy driver11:04
jussi01webulator70: so he may be wrong. move on11:04
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webulator70its not called legacy thought, 71 is11:04
jussi01webulator70: there we go.11:04
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jussi01webulator70: this seems to be pointless. can we move on?11:05
ardchoillewebulator70: Regardless of what it's called, you need the legacy driver11:05
webulator70there are 3 drivers on the repos, ones called glx, one glx-legacy and one glx-new, glx is the one im to use11:05
webulator70yes we can juss11:05
webulator70as long as i  confirmed the # the rest is pointless, yes11:05
sreejithAfter upgrading my RAM from 512 MB to 1GB I am not able to access certain sites like php.net , payapl etc. Can anybody pls help me to sort out this problem?11:06
kennyhas anyone got GoogleEarth4.0Beta to work11:06
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sreejithafter upgrading RAM from 512 MB to 1GB I am not able to access certain sites like php.net , payapl etc. Can anybody pls help me to sort out this problem?11:08
sreejithpls help me11:08
ardchoille!patience | sreejith11:08
ubotusreejith: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines11:08
webulator70maybe they thought they where being ignored11:08
webulator70juss did you catch the log file i posted?11:09
jussi01webulator70: Im working I cant talk right atm11:09
sreejith<ubotu> thanks for your comment I may little bit impatient as it is urgent for me. sorry for that.11:10
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webulator70ubotu is a bot, lol11:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about is a bot, lol - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:10
llutzsreejith: run a memtest for some hours to check RAM11:10
webulator70ardchoille: shall i try the legacy driver again?11:10
ardchoillewebulator70: Yes, since that's the correct driver for your card11:11
ardchoillewebulator70: But, the best way to do this is via the repos11:11
webulator70i did it via the repos too11:11
webulator70i did it via the repos, nvidias downloads, automatix11:11
webulator70nothing worked11:11
ardchoillewebulator70: Then your systemmay be polluted from all the install/uninstalls11:12
webulator70i formatted my ubuntu parition in between though11:12
sreejith<llutz> I tried diffrent RAM like 1GB and two 512MB like that the same problem exist. Will a memtest help me?11:12
webulator70how do i clear the dot files again?11:13
webulator70just to make sure im not missing anything11:13
webulator70i dont want to format again if i can help it11:13
llutzsreejith: it should11:13
sreejith<llutz> I tried the same in another machine by upgrading the RAM same thing happands there also11:13
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sreejith <llutz> I will do that11:14
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cps1966how in the heck do i get this stupid thing to follow order of drives set i bios11:16
webulator70btw, even the restricted drivers installer gets version 96 for me11:16
webulator70after a format11:16
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cps1966add backports11:16
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webulator70ardchoille, ok its all cleaned, going to install the ones called legacy now11:21
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ardchoillewebulator70: There are things you need to check before you install11:21
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webulator70ok, what should i check?11:21
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ardchoillewebulator70: You really need to read the nvidia tutorial11:22
webulator70i did that, i thought you meant other things11:22
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ardchoillewebulator70: The tutorial states that you need to check some things before installing. Have you checked on your kernel modules?11:22
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webulator70ardchoille: still the same11:25
ardchoillewebulator70: The tutorial states that you need to check some things before installing. Have you checked on your kernel modules?11:26
webulator70it cant even compile a kernel module11:26
webulator70it cant even compile a new one11:26
webulator70i got rid of the old one11:26
ardchoillewebulator70: You don't need to compile one11:26
webulator70but it should be able to without errors though right?11:26
ardchoillewebulator70: You keep telling me you read the tutorial yet you keep skipping the first two steps of the tutorial.11:27
ardchoillewebulator70: In order to compile software, you need to install build-essential, did you install that package?11:28
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webulator70are you referring to the nvidia tutorial or ubuntus?11:30
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webulator70like libc?11:30
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webulator70and the kernel source11:30
webulator70those i did11:30
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webulator70ardchoille: i have libc6 and the kernel source installed yes11:31
ardchoillewebulator70: Installing the nvidia drivers from the repos takes just a few minutes and a few steps. Why do you insist on wasting time with the nvidia downloaded packages?11:31
webulator70ardchoille: i told you ive done that too11:32
webulator70ardchoille: directly after a format11:32
ardchoillewebulator70: What is the output of:  apt-cache policy linux-restricted-modules-`uname -r`11:32
webulator70ardchoille: i get the same error either way11:32
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ardchoilleis it installed?11:33
webulator70is what installed?11:33
ardchoilleread up two of my lines11:33
webulator70ardchoille: how do i find that?11:34
Theory_Question. I currently have ubuntu installed.  I am wanting a KDE interface, instead of GNOME. Actually would like to be able to switch between the two at will. Is this a possibility?11:34
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ardchoilleTheory_: yes11:34
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Theory_ardchoille, It would be nice, depending on the mood, to be able to do this.11:34
webulator70Theory: install the kde packages from synaptic11:34
ardchoilleTheory_: To install the kde desktop, run this: sudp apt-get install kubuntu-desktop11:34
Theory_ardchoille, Is the process difficult?11:34
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ardchoilleTheory_: Not difficult, but time consuming11:35
Theory_ardchoille, after i install it, what is required next?11:35
ardchoilleTheory_: That was a typo11:35
webulator70on the log in screen you can choose session11:35
Theory_I know what you meant :)11:35
ardchoilleTheory_: To install the kde desktop, run this: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop11:35
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Theory_webulator70, At the login screen you can choose, gnome or kde?11:36
ardchoilleTheory_: Just install the packages with that command. Then to switch desktops log out and choose a desktop at the login screen11:36
CharlieKanehello everyone11:36
webulator70  Installed:
webulator70  Candidate:
webulator70  Version table:11:36
webulator70 *** 011:36
webulator70        500 http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com gutsy/restricted Packages11:36
webulator70        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status11:36
Theory_ardchoille, Well thats not time consuming ;P11:36
webulator70oops sorry11:36
ardchoilleTheory_: No, but downloading the packages will be :)11:36
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Theory_ardchoille, Ah, I see.11:36
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webulator70ardchoille: you see my output there?11:37
webulator70it says the kernel module is installed11:37
ardchoillewebulator70: what is the output of uname -r  ?11:37
Theory_You might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct these:11:37
Theory_The following packages have unmet dependencies:11:37
webulator70ardchoille: where should i paste it, in here?11:37
Theory_And then an entire list of problems.11:37
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ardchoillewebulator70: it should only be one short line11:38
Theory_any ideas here?11:38
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webulator70ardchoille: its a few lines11:38
ardchoillewebulator70: uname -r is a list?11:38
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webulator70ardchoille: not a list but about 5 lines11:38
Theory_webulator70, What would cause this error? Any clue?11:39
ardchoillewebulator70: uname -r should only be one short line, here is mine: 2.6.20-16-generic11:39
ardchoillewebulator70: Are you on Gutsy?11:39
webulator70it does the same thing on both 7.10 and 7.0411:40
CharlieKaneIs anyone familiar with Konversation disconnecting frequently when using internet via a bluetooth dongle, gprs ?11:40
webulator70ardchoille: it does the same thing on both 7.10 and 7.0411:40
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ardchoillewebulator70: Yes, but 7.10 is beta and I don't think I want to open that can of worms11:40
Theory_CharlieKane, Why, hello there.11:40
llutzCharlieKane: "pppd died inexpectedly"? same here, no clue :(11:40
webulator70ardchoille: granted11:40
CharlieKanehello Theory_11:41
ardchoillewebulator70: I was wondering how you got 2.6.2211:41
ardchoilleNow I know11:41
CharlieKanellutz: ah rite... I have no problems with Konversation myself, trying to see if I can sort this for someone else (he's using xchat, argh)  ;)11:41
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matte_hi there11:42
webulator70ardchoille :im am on gutsy right now but i wasnt earlier today, i wanted to have bullet proof x because using the commandline over and over to recover the use of x was annoying11:42
BeyerHi dudes! : )11:42
matte_ah, hallo... ist ja deutsch =)11:42
Theory_ardchoille, Did you see the problem I posted there?11:42
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de11:42
BeyerWhat program would be the best to watch dvd?11:42
CharlieKaneBeyer: I use Kaffeine usually11:43
emilsedghBeyer: kaffeine or kmplayer11:43
matte_okay, english is okay, too11:43
ardchoilleTheory_: I would suggest running: sudo apt-get -f install11:43
LynoureBeyer: different people have different preferences, all that play them seem to play them reliably enough11:43
webulator70ardchoille: either way, i cant seem to use nvidia drivers on any distro ive tried since 6.10 a year or so ago11:43
webulator70ardchoille: like i said, even sabayon which is a boot distro that should have it going after it boots11:43
Theory_ardchoille, Just do what it says, eh? heh.11:44
matte_i've got a problem here: i installed the vlc-plugin for firefox from apt-get, but in firefox about:plugins it doesn't appear :-(11:44
ardchoillewebulator70: For help with gutsy you need to be in #ubuntu+1. I don't like to help with a beta release but I have gotten the nvidia drivers running in everything since Dapper11:44
matte_i'm running an amd64 und gutsy-beta...11:44
BeyerOkay, I tried to open it with Kaffeine, I opened the whole folder with it that contains the dvd-files.. It doesn't work.. So which of the files should I open with the player?11:44
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webulator70ardchoille: if i were to do a clean format now with feisty would you still attempt to help me?11:45
ardchoillewebulator70: yes11:45
webulator70ardchoille: i dont think its relevant thought because its the same problem with either version but ill do it,11:46
ardchoillewebulator70: I'm curious, have you used automatix or easyubntu?11:46
webulator70ardchoille: ive used envy, and the restricted driver installer11:47
webulator70ardchoille: not that i dont appreciate your help here but im really trying to stress this is not a trivial common problem, ive spent days on this11:48
CharlieKaneautomatix is unsupported and not recommended11:48
Beyer.vob, is mpeg. It wont open with any of the players...11:48
ardchoillewebulator70: ok, well I would suggest you learn how to do things yourself rather than relying on someone else's scripts that aren't supported.11:48
ardchoilleCharlieKane: Yes11:48
webulator70ardchoille: thats always my method but after 5 days asking for help made some sense11:49
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ardchoillewebulator70: ok11:49
webulator70ardchoille: there is no reason why just installing it from the restricted driver app built into ubuntu  should not work11:49
ardchoillewebulator70: Did you use envy before that?11:50
webulator70ardchoille: basically, i used the repo, formatted, used envy, formatted, used the nvidia drivers from nvidia.com, formatted, and so on  and so forth11:50
ardchoillewebulator70: From the tutorial  "Restricted Devices Manager may not work properly on machines that have previously used third party tools like 'envy' to install previous drivers".11:51
webulator70ardchoille: yes but how does that come into play if i did a clean install of the os between that11:51
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webulator70ardchoille: i did a complete reinstall of ubuntu every time11:51
webulator70ardchoille: thats why i asked for help, the monotony is getting to me11:52
ardchoillewebulator70: You did a clean install, then used envy, then noticed the nvidia drivers wouldn't work?11:52
webulator70ardchoille: first, i did a clean install, then tried ubuntus own restricted driver app thinking it would go, it didnt, then i did a clean install and tried the repos, then i did a clean install and tried envy, then i did a clean install and tried nvidias download11:53
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webulator70ardchoille: see what im getting at here? days of the same thing over and over and no luck11:54
ardchoilleI see11:54
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webulator70ardchoille, i beleive i might have an usual problem here11:55
webulator70ardchoille: windows is a-ok, i know my hardware is too11:55
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webulator70ardchoille: its kind of weird if you look at my log file there you see that it cant find my geforces irq for some reason11:58
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webulator70ardchoille: it doesnt help that my bios has next to no options on it11:58
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webulator70ardchoille: anymore ideas?12:01
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oemI need help12:19
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webulator70oem: oem, ill try12:20
CharlieKanesup oem12:20
oemi cannot run this program because of rgb.txt12:20
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wersCMake Error: your CXX compiler: "CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER-NOTFOUND" was not found12:20
werswhat can I do?12:21
webulator70oem: seems out of league, sorry12:21
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CharlieKaneI dunno either oem12:21
CharlieKaneWhat is 'Player' ?12:22
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Jucato!info stage12:22
ubotuPackage stage does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas12:22
Jucato!info stage gutsy12:22
ubotustage: Robot simulation for Player. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.0.3-1ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 97 kB, installed size 244 kB12:22
Jucatowers: whatcha trying to do?12:22
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oemubotu, thx12:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about thx - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:23
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wersJucato: install QTCurve on gutsy12:23
ardchoille!thanks | oem12:23
ubotuoem: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)12:23
wersjust installed cmake to install it12:23
Jucatowers: why?12:23
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wersbuilding qtcurve requires cmake, Jucato12:24
Jucato!info kde-style-qtcurve gutsy12:24
ubotukde-style-qtcurve: This is a set of widget styles for KDE3 based apps. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.52.3-1 (gutsy), package size 152 kB, installed size 492 kB12:24
Jucatowers: ^^^12:24
Jucatoand no, you're most probably building QtCurve for KDE412:24
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wersKDE3 only12:24
Jucatocan you point me to the source of the source code?12:25
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Jucatobut anyway, you can install from the repos. save you the headache :P12:25
Jucatolink plese?12:25
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wersI meant, kde look12:26
wersI always face problems with installing stuff with fresh installs of (k)ubuntu12:26
Jucatomaybe because you try compiling first? :)12:27
emilsedghJucato: is there any application that people want and is not packaged yet?12:27
oemI do nott know what to insatl12:27
Jucatoemilsedgh: hm.. tastymenu for one12:27
Jucatowers: can you tell me what's the file name of the QtCurve tar.gz you downloaded?12:27
emilsedghJucato: thanks, let me try it :)12:28
Jucatowers: nvm12:28
wersJucato, the one for KDE 312:28
Jucatoyeah saw it12:28
Jucatoyeah seems like the new version moved to CMake :)12:28
wersWhat themes do you prefer btw, qtcurve, plastik, and...?12:29
Jucatothat one you have to compile12:29
emilsedghJucato: it has ubuntu (feisty and gutsy) package :)12:29
Jucatoand there's no GTK equivalent12:29
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wersdidn't you mention lipstik, Jucato?12:29
Jucatoemilsedgh: oh I thought you meant official Ubuntu packages12:29
Jucatoew. no12:30
wersWhile I was looking to Gutsy's sources.list, I saw a "partner" repo.. Is that new?12:30
emilsedghJucato: no, so soon to try that ;)12:30
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Jucatowers: partner?12:31
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=== Jucato hasn't seen that
wersdeb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu gutsy partner12:31
Jucatoah canonica12:32
stdinthat repo doen't seem right to me12:32
stdinshould be RELEASE-commercial12:32
Jucatoand even gutsy-commercial doesn't even exist12:33
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stdinthat too :)12:33
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Jucatowers: you have a weird system12:33
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wers'partner' repository. This software is not part of Ubuntu, but is offered by Canonical and the respective vendors as a service to Ubuntu users.12:33
Jucatomust be new12:33
stdinwell, it doesn't exist as far as I can tell12:34
CharlieKaneyeah Ive never heard of that before12:34
wersJucato, aren't you running gutsy?12:34
alikesi inja irani hast?!12:34
JucatoI am. but I installed since Tribe 512:34
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ubotu#ubuntu-ir baraye Farsi zabanan mibashad ke channele rasmie goroohe Iran-ie ubuntu ast.12:34
stdin!away > CharlieKane|away12:34
Jucatotoo late :P12:35
jarkkoAnyone done upgrade from feisty to gutsy? I did, and I had to reinstall bunch of backages with apt-get install --reinstall. These included kopete, openoffice etc. To make them work.12:35
stdindamn :p12:35
emilsedghali: man hastam :)12:35
Jucato!ohmy | stdin12:35
ubotustdin: Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly.12:35
stdinwers: Failed to fetch http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy/partner/binary-i386/Packages.gz  404 Not Found12:35
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aliubutu 7.10 key miad?!12:35
stdinJucato: oh, I meant "darn" :p12:35
Jucato!ir | ali12:35
ubotuali: #ubuntu-ir baraye Farsi zabanan mibashad ke channele rasmie goroohe Iran-ie ubuntu ast.12:35
wersstdin, I don't know but that's what my sources.list said12:36
Jucatowers: you have a weird system <-- I repeat :)12:36
emilsedghali: please speak English here :)12:36
stdinwers: well -commercial isn't included by default anyway12:36
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wershmm.. is there a medibuntu repo for gutsy?12:38
wersdidn't see one in source-o-matic12:38
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Jucatomaybe it hasn't been updated yet?12:39
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic12:39
Jucatowers: ah of course... it only includes official repos + the ones Seveas trusts (owner of that site)12:41
Jucatowhich is practically just opera and beryl12:41
wersJucato, last time I checked, there was medibuntu for feisty in source o matic12:42
Jucatoperhaps there isn't one for gutsy yet12:42
Jucatoanyway bbl12:42
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oemwhat package12:43
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BennieMan anyone here use superkaramba?12:45
emilsedghBennieMan: I do :)12:45
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BennieManemilsedgh great12:45
emilsedghBennieMan: how could i help?12:46
BennieMani use backtrack2. and when i strat it, i see nothing12:46
BennieMani mean, it tells me is running, but i cant see it12:46
BennieManon the desktop12:46
arundoes wmode=opaque not work in flash-based websites in linux?12:46
emilsedghBennieMan: you have to add widgets to it12:47
BennieManemilsedgh is built in already in the backtrack 212:47
arunas in, if i look at websites with flash in linux, the flash overlaps other stuff (like dropdown menus) even if wmode = opaque. that doesn't happen with other operating systems... even firefox on windows/mac shows the website correctly, but firefox on linux doesnt12:47
BennieMani have it in the menu and everything12:47
arunany way to fix this?12:47
emilsedghBennieMan: so i dunno :)12:47
BennieMank :)12:48
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cashplease tell me ,how can check what the type of memoryI have ?12:49
ardchoillearun: I have searched and searched and I haven't found a way to fix that flash prob12:49
cashI mean DDR or DDR-II12:50
arunardchoille: damn.. that's not nice at all12:50
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ardchoillearun:  Yeah :(12:50
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cashardchoille hepl me please ?12:51
ardchoillecash: I don't know how to find that12:53
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ubotu   #ubuntu-ru       /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke01:00
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wersis there a kde gui frontend for opensync?01:05
ozehkahey uga, today it can't start the xserver....01:05
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emilsedghwers: i think theres something named kitchensync, and im not sure its a frontend for opensync01:06
ozehkaso i reinstalled nvidia-glx, but still it doesn't work01:06
ozehkatoo bad, that i can't neither find drivers for my graphic card on the nvidia page...01:06
Alp`i'm searching for good backup solutions for my home-linux. it should support incremental save of data and easy to recover if my system crashes. does anybody knows something that could help me?01:06
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ozehkahow is the browser called which can be runned in terminal?01:07
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ardchoilleozehka: Which card do you have?01:10
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ozehkaardchoille: geforce 4 mx01:10
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ozehkahm, i tried nvidia-xconfig but still i can't get in01:15
ardchoille!info nagois01:16
ubotuPackage nagois does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas01:16
ardchoille!info nagios01:16
ubotuPackage nagios does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas01:16
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chaosmasterdoes anyone have a Samsung syncnaster 755dfx monitor?01:20
chaosmasterlooks as i have shotgunned my Xserver with trying to install the driver...:(01:20
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ozehkaa basic question: if a command produces a very long output, how can i 'scroll' through it?01:24
ozehkawell i could > into a file and then view the file.. other ways?01:25
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ardchoilleozehka: command | more01:27
_yeo_do this01:27
_yeo_command | more01:27
_yeo_command | less01:27
ardchoilleor less01:27
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wersI'm thinking up of configuring MySQL or PostgreSQL for amarok. Which one do you prefer?01:29
_yeo_i use sql lite01:29
_yeo_seems to work fine for me01:29
_yeo_have a library of about 50GB01:29
hcboxhow can i know my refresh rate ?01:29
_yeo_count the screen flickers ;)01:30
_yeo_hcbox: go into system settings and head for the display settings01:30
wersI have about 25 GB01:30
_yeo_it should be there somewhere01:30
wersand it is soo slow01:30
_yeo_hmm. sys spec?01:30
hcbox_yeo_: t claims my refresh rates is 50hz01:31
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_yeo_then there you have it :)01:31
hcbox_yeo_: i want 60hz :D01:31
_yeo_is your monitor capable of it?01:31
hcboxfor sure01:31
_yeo_sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg01:32
hcbox1920x1200@60hz is native01:32
_yeo_run through that and you should be able to specify01:32
_yeo_yeah. you can spec resolutions and ref rates in the xserver config program01:32
_yeo_just run that command01:32
hcboxi tried once, maybe it will works... i know there is a time for refresh rate...01:33
_yeo_i would run this first tho : sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg_backup.conf01:33
ardchoilleYeah, backup.. good idea01:33
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_yeo_you can edit the xorg.conf file manually. but its alot less of a headache to use dpkg01:34
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ardchoillehcbox: And after you're done with reconfigure, you need to restart xorg01:35
_yeo_ctrl + alt + backspace01:35
_yeo_(make sure all ur stuff is saved tho or it asplodes)01:35
hcboxi'm at the refresh section01:36
ardchoillehcbox: Be aware that restarting xorg will kill your desktop, including konversation01:36
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hcboxardchoille: i know ... but i have little problems to uderstand how works refresh line01:36
hcboxcause i have 28-96 for horizontal refresh01:36
_yeo_if something goes funked up you should really connect back here from a tty (ctrl alt and f1) using irssi01:36
hcboxwhat does it means ?01:37
ardchoillehcbox: What monitor (make and model) do you have?01:37
hcbox2407-HC :D01:37
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hcboxDell 24"01:37
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wershow come I cannot open kcontrol with katapult? on katapult, I tried "kcontrol" and "k control," but no app comes out01:38
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jpnurmiany ideas what could be the reason for apache2 not getting automatically started on reboot in kubuntu 6.10? /etc/default/apache2 contains NO_START=0 and /etc/init.d/apache2 is +x01:39
ardchoillewers: kcontrol (no space)01:39
werskcontrol does not come out as well01:40
_yeo_wers. launch it via alt + f201:40
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_yeo_hcbox: any joy?01:40
ardchoillehcbox: Is this your? http://accessories.dell.com/sna/productdetail.aspx?c=ca&l=en&s=dhs&cs=cadhs1&sku=320-564701:40
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hcbox_yeo_: still 50Hz01:41
wers_yeo_ alt+f2 works, but I just want to use katapul for all the launching, but if I can't got to settle with run command01:41
_yeo_ok have you tried setting it higher in the system settings now that you have run that command?01:41
hcbox_yeo_: for sure in administration > display setting ... but still 50hz value appears01:42
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hcbox_yeo_: i noticed the framerate is higher more the resolution decrease01:44
_yeo_you mean refresh rate?01:44
hcboxsorry for the mistake01:44
_yeo_np. just trying to keep it clear01:45
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_yeo_well im not sure how to fix that one01:48
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emilsedghanyone knows how could i install python's qt sql classes?01:48
_yeo_emilsedgh: you talking python programming?01:49
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emilsedgh_yeo_: yes01:49
_yeo_i think you are in the wrong channel mate01:49
emilsedgh_yeo_: i know, just asked :)01:49
_yeo_usually though. you put the .py file containing the classes in side the path that python is reading them from01:49
_yeo_then you just include them in your code01:50
_yeo_cant remember exact syntax. has been a while since i played with python01:50
hcbox_yeo_: i tried medium option and choose 1920.1200@60Hz and nothing changes ...01:50
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emilsedgh_yeo_: no, i mean the pyqt's sql classes...01:50
_yeo_and you reset the x server after each try?01:51
_yeo_ah i think thats probably over my head01:51
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fkmHi there. Does someone know, where I can find the file that contains my hosts on Kubuntu?01:51
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fkmOr is this Apache specific?01:52
_yeo_fkm: /etc/hosts01:52
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fkmThank you! :)01:52
_yeo_fkm: np01:52
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_yeo_hcbox: and now?01:56
hcbox_yeo_: nop01:56
hcboxrolling some pot & cooking pizza to forget this shit :D01:57
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stdin!language | hcbox01:57
ubotuhcbox: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.01:57
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hcboxstdin: sorry, just the usual way for french to claim their frustration01:58
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_yeo_hcbox: i thought that the french used cigarettes to calm their frustration02:05
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hcbox_yeo_: everybody smoking joint in France, thats the truth02:13
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hsystem-xGo kubuntu Offtopic, this ia support channel.02:14
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hsystem-xis* a02:14
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puppetmasterhello everyone02:19
puppetmasteri was hopping that anyone helping me with my problem02:19
_yeo_puppetmaster: hey,. whats the problem?02:21
puppetmasterI have an intel945g itegrated graphical card02:21
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puppetmasterit didn't work clearly at the first02:21
puppetmasterbut i modified xprg.cong02:21
puppetmasterand it worked02:21
puppetmasterbut when i play any vedio02:21
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puppetmasterthe colours is not good02:21
puppetmasterWhat should I do my friends?02:22
_yeo_ok. what colour depth is it set to?02:22
_yeo_;) set it to 2402:22
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puppetmasterwhen I do that it gets worth02:22
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_yeo_what driver is it using?02:23
puppetmasteri810 i guess02:24
_yeo_have you tried using the vesa driver?02:24
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puppetmastertell me how and i will do what you say02:25
_yeo_run this from konsole02:25
puppetmasterand the answer is no I didn't use that driver02:25
_yeo_sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg_backup.conf && sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:26
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_yeo_that will open a config screen for xserver (display system)02:26
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puppetmasterwhat should i choose?02:27
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_yeo_yeah try that02:28
puppetmasterand the rest of the configuration02:28
puppetmasterShould I agree to all or I 'd change?02:29
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dasnipashun the unbeliever, shun!02:29
_yeo_you know the resolution and refresh rate of your monitor yes?02:29
puppetmasterAmount of memory (kB) to be used by the video card???????02:29
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_yeo_its an integrated card yes?02:30
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analfabetawhy kubuntu and ubuntu have to many diferences ? ubuntu gutsy will have many news, but kubuntu dont. why?02:30
_yeo_do you know how much RAM that it uses for video02:31
_yeo_(integrated graphics share some ram)02:31
puppetmaster64 mega02:31
puppetmastershould I write 6402:31
_yeo_ok so 64 x 1024 = 6553602:31
puppetmasteri should write 64000 kb because it's kb?02:32
_yeo_65536 KB02:32
puppetmasterRather than communicating directly with the video hardware?? y or n02:33
puppetmaster Use kernel framebuffer device interface? y or n02:33
_yeo_try no for now02:33
_yeo_sometimes either works. sometimes only one does02:33
_yeo_ok. one other thing02:33
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puppetmasterwhat is it?02:34
_yeo_if this breaks when you reset the x server you will need to access a text based terminal (press ctrl + alt+ f1)02:34
_yeo_and run this command02:34
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_yeo_sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg_backup.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:34
_yeo_then reset the x server02:34
_yeo_(write it down)02:34
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puppetmasterAutodetect keyboard layout?02:35
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_yeo_the command to reset the x server is : sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart02:35
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dasnipaor alt-backsp02:35
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puppetmasteror I can press ctrl+alt+brackspace02:36
_yeo_yes, ctrl+alt+backspace if you are in the GUI02:36
_yeo_if you are in the tty i think you need the command02:36
_yeo_(might be wrong tho)02:36
puppetmasterok my friend02:36
_yeo_i have to go for now. good luck02:36
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=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:jykiv] : http://st-pitch.miniville.fr/env FAQ: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuFeistyKnownProblems | Free Kubuntu CDs! https://shipit.kubuntu.org | Large pastes: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Offtopic in #kubuntu-offtopic please. | KDE 4.0 beta 2 --- http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-beta2.php
jykiv http://st-pitch.miniville.fr/env02:41
-jykiv:#kubuntu- http://st-pitch.miniville.fr/env02:41
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=== genii sips a coffee
ubotuHelp! Riddell, fdoving, Mez, jpatrick, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, Hawkwind, trappist, LjL, Jucato,  haggai, fooishbar, crimsun, seth, apokryphos, DBO, nixternal or PriceChild!02:43
=== mode/#kubuntu [+o LjL] by ChanServ
RytmenPinnenis it normal to have more than 100 processes running and less then 8megs free memory of 512?02:43
RytmenPinnenSysinfo for 'ladan': Linux 2.6.20-16-generic running KDE 3.5.6, CPU: AMD Athlon XP 2400+ at 2004 MHz (4012 bogomips), HD: 88/111GB, RAM: 497/503MB, 108 proc's, 3.20h up02:43
dasnipaljl, what did jykiv just do?02:44
=== mode/#kubuntu [+b *!*@modemcable144.186-201-24.mc.videotron.ca] by LjL
LjLdasnipa: spammed with a CTCP02:44
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:stdin] : FAQ: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuFeistyKnownProblems | Free Kubuntu CDs! https://shipit.kubuntu.org | Large pastes: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Offtopic in #kubuntu-offtopic please. | KDE 4.0 beta 2 --- http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-beta2.php
dasnipaLjL: and changed the topic with some french site02:44
=== mode/#kubuntu [-o LjL] by LjL
LjLdasnipa, no, he didn't change the topic. type /topic02:45
dasnipastdin just changed it back02:45
LjLoh wait, he did...02:45
LjLyes sorry02:45
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LjLwhat the heck02:45
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administrator7name bla02:46
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juacois there a eclispe 3.3 for *ubuntu??02:50
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juacosorry wrong room02:51
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=== genii hands out coffee to those that need some
=== Jucato greedily takes it
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mikekubuntu upgrade failed and now db is locked, how can I restart it?03:15
ubotuIf Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 03:15
geniimike: Then re-run the upgrade03:16
mikek trying now03:16
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oemcan anyone help my03:17
hsystem-xor just ps -ef|grep USER-NAME-HERE03:17
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hsystem-xthen kill do a kill pid  , where pid is the process id (apt one)03:17
geniioem: If you describe your problem someone may be able to assist03:17
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oemhere is03:19
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oemi can not open this program03:19
juacom99anyone know if netbeans download from netbeans.org for linux is compatible with *ubuntu?03:20
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mikeoko now it fails for kipi dependencies. I try to run theversion upgrade now and adept crashes03:23
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mikeadept does show 1197 packages upgradeable.. should I just upgrade those?03:25
wersdaluvwhat version are you using, mike?03:26
wersdaluvkde 3.5.7?03:26
mikefeisty, yes 3.5.703:26
mikeand feisty and 3.5.7 is up tp date03:26
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wersdaluvrecently, I just upgraded KDE 3.5.7 apps03:27
wersdaluvJucato said that there were patches03:27
wersdaluvwhat are those apps, btw? all of them are kde apps?03:27
Jucatomostly kdebase03:27
mikelemme look03:27
Jucatoyou can check in Adept for the changelogs03:27
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mikelooks like everything..03:28
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=== Jucato only had kdebase-related apps
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Jucatoupdates I mean03:29
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mikeI checked the repo settings in adept it shows all the gutsy repos in 3rd party..03:29
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Jucatowhy would you have gusty repos there?03:30
mikeI waas running the version upgrade when it crashed03:30
Jucatoah ok03:30
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Jucatoso you're upgrading to gutsy03:30
mikeall the files were downloaded and there was a failure in teh installation03:31
Jucatonow it won't upgrade anymore? "kdesu adept-manager --version-upgrade" ?03:31
mikeso the db wasa locked03:31
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Jucato!adeptfix | mike03:31
ubotumike: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 03:31
mikeI unlocked it then ran dpkg --configure -a and it ran for a while but then failed03:31
Jucatorun it again?03:32
Jucatoum.. you are aware that gutsy is still beta right? usualy beta disclaimers?03:32
mikenow adept shows (bottom left) install 136, upgrade 1193, remove 9. and 1549 installed 1197 upgradable03:33
mikeyup I am aware of the usual beta disclamers03:33
Jucatotry "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade --install-recommends"03:33
mikebut this is the first time I have tried the upgrade trick, usually fresh install except for /home03:33
Jucatoor haveyou tried --version-upgrade again?03:33
Jucatoyeah I find upgrades to be tricky...03:33
mikeversion upgrade just crashes immediatly03:34
Jucatooh dear...03:34
=== lotfi is now known as Algerien
ugaozehka: sorry, I was away03:34
Jucatotry "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade --install-recommends" from Konsole... not sure if Adept would be of any help right now...03:34
ozehkauga: np03:34
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ugaozehka: did you solve the problem? why didn't it start up?03:35
ugaany errors in the command line when running X :1 &03:35
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mikehmm... the install-recommends fails with the same dependency stuff, talking about feisty and circle dependencies..03:35
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Jucatomike: can you use pastebin to show the errors please?03:36
mikea bunch of unresolved and circular dependencies03:37
Jucato!pastebin | mike03:37
ubotumike: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)03:37
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mikeshould I run install-recommends with the -f o[ption03:39
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MetaMorfoziS"Photoshop reported imports it OK but corrupts some internal tables during the process. ImageMagick barfs on it."03:39
MetaMorfoziSwhat does barfs means?03:40
MetaMorfoziSi didn't find that in the dictionary, sorry, help me:)03:40
Jucatomike: um.. just a guess, maybe you could disable all feisty repos if you have gutsy ones already there?03:41
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mikeI wondered if I could put my old repo file in place and try the version upgrade again?03:42
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Jucatomike: you could probably try disableing the gutsy repos and doing that03:42
Jucatobut it might have started installing things already.. not really sure03:43
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mikewell I guess I've nothing to loose, might just have to reinstall all but /home again..03:43
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sander_is there a kde pager which works well with compiz?03:45
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Jucatomike: I wish you the best of luck!03:46
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mikeI'll report03:46
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georgei have an older IBM Thinkpad Pentium 3 500 that gives the error invalid compressed format Kernel panic-not syncing with Ubuntu, and Kubuntu but Xubuntu will load03:48
georgedoes Ubuntu and Kubuntu recognize that the hardware is to old?03:48
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DaEmOnIcUshi all. I want to make a script to run at kde startup , after beryl and beryl-manager have started. i want it to have this command "dcop kicker kicker restart"03:50
JucatoDaEmOnIcUs: make the script executable and put it in ~/.kde/Autostart03:50
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DaEmOnIcUsJucato that's what i am asking. I don't have an idea of shell scripting.If you can say me the command in the script03:51
DaEmOnIcUsand how to save it03:51
=== Jucato doesn't do BASH scripts.. sorry
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DaEmOnIcUsthanx anyway03:52
flokuehnJucato: but how does he tell kde to execute the script after starting beryl?03:52
Jucatoscripts are ordinary text files anyway03:52
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Jucatoflokuehn: that I don't know :)03:52
DaEmOnIcUsi will give it a shot03:52
flokuehnJucato: ok03:52
=== Jucato has never gotten the hang of Autostart order
flokuehnJucato: this will be interesting03:53
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Jucatonot sure if it follows alphabetical order :003:53
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rjune_can anybody point me to a HOWTO on modifying .debs?03:53
Jucatorjune_: modifying how?03:54
Jucatowhat do you mean03:54
rjune_I've got a patch for jabber to allow it to auth via PAM, but I want to modify the existing jabber package.03:54
Jucatoum.. .deb package are compiled binaries. you can't apply patches to it03:55
Jucatoyou'll have to grab the source code package, and compile it yourself or make a .deb out of it03:55
rjune_*sigh*. no but you can modify the source package and build it03:55
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Jucatoyou can modify the source package, but a .deb doesn't contain source code03:55
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darktycothis might be obvious, but is compiz fusion the default window manager in kubuntu gutsty? I know it is in ubuntu but I haven't see it explicity stated for kubuntu anywhere03:56
Jucatoit's not the default, not in Ubuntu, not in Kubuntu03:56
Jucatoit's installed, but not enabled by default03:56
Jucatoat least on ubuntu. (not sure on Kubuntu)03:57
darktycoah, I thought it would be enabled by default if it detected that it could run03:57
geniiJucato: Autostart order is same method as init.d or so. things are executed in alphabetical or numerical order. So a then b then c    etc etc03:57
darktycootherwise it would default back to metacity03:57
Jucatodarktyco: not really sure. that could be true for Ubuntu. but not for Kubuntu (yet?)03:57
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Jucatogenii: probably. last I tried it didn't but what the heck :)03:58
darktycoJucato: k, thanks. my feeling was that since I had not found any explicit information on it for kubuntu that it was the case.03:59
Daisuke_Laptopdarktyco: that seems to be the way it's going for gutsy, though03:59
Daisuke_Laptopubuntu, not kubuntu (afaik)04:00
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Jucatono compiz-fusion installed by default on Kubuntu04:00
ardchoilleJucato: yay!04:01
Jucatofeel free to install it from the repos :)04:01
ardchoilleheh, no way04:01
JucatoI did say, feel free :)04:01
Jucatoif you don't feel it, don't :P04:02
darktycohehe, maybe later04:02
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Jucatodarktyco: mostly the reason is that the KDE integration of Compiz sucks a bit04:02
darktycothanks for the info though04:02
Daisuke_Laptopa bit?04:02
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khaijeJucato: doesn't it though... bah!04:03
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darktycoI would personally rather use kde4 rather than compiz, but apparently in gutsy there won't be either so I'll just stop thinking about it ;)04:05
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=== Jucato would rather use kompmgr for now... if he ever needs composting.. which he doesn't right now...
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=== hero rehi
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khaijewhat is kompmgr?04:07
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ozehkauga: I installed the drivers from the nvidia site and now it works again04:07
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ozehkauga: I'll notify u if I get core dumps again ^^04:07
Jucatokhaije: the built in compositing manager for kwin in KDE 304:08
Jucatoit's not a polished as much, but does ok for transparencies and shadows04:08
=== Jucato wonders where the extra 'a' came from
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khaijeJucato: it's a windows manager?04:08
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Jucatokhaije: Kwin is the KDE window manager04:09
Jucatokompmgr is  a part of kwin that manage compositing (translucency, shadows)04:09
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Jucatoit's labeled as experimental though04:09
khaijeoh like a plugin?04:10
emilsedghJucato: was kwin the first compositing enabled wm?04:10
Jucatono. it's built into kwin04:10
Jucatoemilsedgh: OS X's :)04:10
aggeloshi  all is there a good manual how to enable beyl-manager and emarald to kde ?04:10
emilsedghJucato: really ? didnt know it..., but what in linuxland?04:11
Jucato!beryl | aggelos04:11
ubotuaggelos: beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects04:11
khaijei didn't realize kwin was capable of any hw accel composting... it always seems to be sw rendered04:11
Jucatoemilsedgh: enlightenment most probably04:11
Daisuke_Laptopor xfce04:12
Jucatodoesn't even have compositing yet04:12
Daisuke_Laptopit did when i used it04:12
khaijeneither do blackbox, and many others04:13
Daisuke_Laptopand that was a while back (end of last year, beginning of this year)04:13
Jucatohm.. it did?04:13
=== genii tries to imagine compiz-xfce
=== erica [n=erica@host47-38-dynamic.14-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu
Daisuke_Laptopwas available in edgy04:14
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=== Jucato really hasn't heard that
Daisuke_Laptopnot compiz, and none of the really fancy effects, but it handled shadow and transparency fairly well04:14
ellipsysMorning ladies and gentlemen.04:14
ellipsysMostly gentlemen I'm sure04:15
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ellipsysis anyone upgraded to the beta and using an ATI card?04:16
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tsdgeosellipsys: me04:17
=== Jucato waves hello to the okular dev in da house! :)
tsdgeoshi :-)04:17
ellipsysAre you using the fglrx driver, and if so did the upgrade fubar all your settings?04:18
tsdgeosellipsys: i'm using the fglrx driver provided by ubuntu, not self installed04:18
tsdgeosupdating went "as good as one can expect from ubuntu"04:18
ellipsysAhh all right. I'm using the same one as well.04:18
tsdgeosellipsys: http://tsdgeos.blogspot.com/2007/09/kubuntu-gutsy-issues.html <-- my thoughts04:18
ellipsystsdgeos: Thanks. I'll read over.04:19
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oemwhich kubuntu to download?04:21
oemor 7.1004:21
oemwhat does it means i38604:21
flokuehni386 is the cpu architecture04:21
flokuehnyou want to download the 7.04.iso04:22
Riddellmike: where did your upgrade fail?04:22
ellipsysoem: 7:10 is beta right now and just came out.  I'd suggest running 7.04 until 7.10 is finalized04:22
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ellipsysUnless you want to muck about in beta software of course.04:22
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ellipsysi386 is probably what you want.04:22
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ellipsysand .iso is a type of disc image. You can burn it to disc using K3b easily.04:23
flokuehnor any other burning programm04:23
=== ellipsys nods
flokuehnbut you habe to choose "burn iso" from the menu04:23
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flokuehnthat is really important04:23
Daisuke_Laptopalso may be called "burn cd image"04:24
flokuehnthats it04:24
=== ellipsys ponders
ellipsysIs there anyone here who has configured ubuntu as somewhat of a NAS server?04:25
wersdaluvFailed to fetch http://ph.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy/universe/source/Sources.bz2  Hash Sum mismatch04:26
wersdaluvwhat could that mean?04:26
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Jucatowersdaluv: try running apt-get update again04:27
Jucatosudo apt-get update04:27
Jucatomight be a server problem04:27
geniiellipsys: If you are having a dedicated box for this might be better to look at embedded distribution of FreeNAS04:28
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BluesKajHowdy all04:29
geniiBluesKaj: :)04:29
=== ozehka [n=ozehka@p5086A85A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu
BluesKajhi Jucato genii ,I recently did a standard adept update of some apps, but now i have apps auto-opening at logon ...how do i prevent this ?04:31
Jucatoclose them before you logout04:31
BluesKajI do04:31
Jucato(if you have setup session management to restore from previous session)04:31
ellipsysgenii: I've thought about that... I'm actually using OpenFiler at the moment but I'm none too happy with it.  Would FreeNAS be better? Initially I chose openfiler because it was linux based instead of BSD04:32
JucatoBluesKaj: what apps would these be?04:33
geniiBluesKaj: I haven't seen that effect yet. Maybe look in the Autostart for ones that shouldn't be there04:33
BluesKajwell, the problem is the pc won't shutdown if i chose the normal logout , so I do the ctrl,alt,bkspce , then shutdown from the login screen04:34
JucatoBluesKaj: that doesn't save the session04:34
geniiellipsys: I'm using FreeNAS on a mixed OS network of (k)ubuntu,FBSD, MacOS 9.2 and Windows 2K, works extremely well04:35
geniiellipsys: Not having used Openfiler i couldn't give a comparative review04:35
geniiBluesKaj: Ah. Maybe put in kernel load line of menu.list option acpi=force04:36
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ellipsysgenii: That's good to hear. The only thing I'm worried about is how to migrate over to FreeNAS and all.04:38
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geniiellipsys: If you have data on openfiler stored on some separate HD than the system install, it simplifies things04:41
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BluesKajwhere genii after this line ? : titleUbuntu, kernel 2.6.20-16-generic it's the first uncommented line in the grub/menu.lst04:41
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poison--mornin guys04:41
geniiBluesKaj: Just after splash if it exists04:41
ellipsysgenii: I have a separate HDD for the OS, yes.04:42
=== poison-- wonders if genii had nightmares with brazilian hotties
BluesKajno splash genii04:42
geniiellipsys: You can also install FreeNAS to run from a USB key or so (takes only 32Mb), so running it that way to test it out first could be an option04:43
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geniiBluesKaj: the line that starts with: kernel   /bott/vmlinuz-something     at end of that one04:44
BluesKajok genii thx04:44
geniiBluesKaj: That may help with the shutdown issue, the apps autostarting maybe we tackle after that :)04:44
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Jucatothe autostarting apps could probably be solved if session management properly saves04:45
Jucatohm.. or manually saved :P04:45
Jucatobut he left04:45
Jucatoso genii, you tell him :)04:45
geniiJucato: He'll be back, i'm sure LOL04:46
=== Jucato ->setStatus( BUSY ); // int const BUSY = -1;
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geniipoison--: no, nightmares of being chased by broken computers04:47
ellipsysgenii: It can run as a sort of "live CD" from the USB key, without affecting the data on the storage hard drives?04:47
poison--hey Jucato04:47
geniiellipsys: Yes04:47
ellipsysAhh okay. Great. I'll have to give that a try.04:48
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ellipsysIt may be a better solution. OpenFiler seems extremely laggy on the shares, especially with SMB. They only work in Konq, not even smb4k04:49
ellipsysNot much faster in Windows either04:49
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geniiellipsys: Well, almost every network filesystem/sharing suffers from lag. NFS is sometimes horrible for this.04:50
sdoes anyone know why my external harddrive is being detected as an 'unmounted removable medium?'  do i just have to mount the drive to be able to access it, or, should it normally be plug n' play?04:50
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geniis: What filesystem is on it?04:52
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geniis: normally the system will try to automount known filesystems04:53
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flokuehngenii: did you try to mount it manually04:53
sgenii: the filesystem is ntfs04:53
poison--http://www.dailytech.com/article.aspx?newsid=9076 <---- how sweet04:54
flokuehngenii: sorry i meant s04:54
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ellipsysgenii: DO you know what file system FreeNAS uses? Is it like ext3 or something?04:54
ellipsyspoison--: Nifty04:55
geniiellipsys: Mine wanted to use the UFS, but i specified ext2 instead04:55
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ellipsysgenii: Ahh, it gives you that option? Or is that some conf file editing wizardry?04:56
geniis: If you need to write to it you will need some tool like ntfs-3g04:56
geniiellipsys: It has a weg control interface, i set that from there :)04:56
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genii!ntfs | s04:57
ubotus: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse04:57
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sgenii:  i don't want to write, only read.  any ideas?04:57
geniis: See above link for read only04:57
soh thanks for the link04:57
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oemcan anybody help me04:59
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sjust state the question oem and see if anyone can05:00
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flokuehnoem: what are trying to do05:00
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ellipsysgenii: Thanks, I'll see about giving it a try.  Would you (or anyone else) happen to know about dual booting (k)ubuntu x64 and Vista x64? Like which should be installed first and whatnot? I remember a tutorial that said to install Windows first, but I was always taught that linux comes first?05:00
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oemrun this program on player05:00
geniiellipsys: I trust the grub manager more than the vista boot manager so i would put vista on first like previous ways of dual-boot with windows/ubuntu05:01
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oemit says error while loading shared libraries05:01
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LjLubuntu_ that's spam and it's unwelcome05:02
wersdaluvedgy and feisty detected my scanner, but gutsy beta doesn't..it worked with kooka before...05:02
wersdaluvwhat can I do?05:02
ellipsysgenii: Understood.  I'm assuming the support for 64 bit k/ubuntu is pretty comperable with standard 32 bit?05:02
LjLbad assumption i'd say05:02
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geniiellipsys: IRC support is same as 32 bit , some known issues with 64 bit version like plugins under FireFox and some others05:03
Dr_Willisjava, flash, wine, some emulators, codecs. lets see what else....05:03
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Dr_Willisactually i think java is fixed now.. :)05:03
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ellipsysAll that? Bloody hell...  I hate to let 4gb of RAM go to waste on the box that will be built today but I don't want severely crippled functionality..05:04
Dr_WillisYour Mileage may vary. :)05:04
=== tommymann [n=tommyman@ppp-70-244-81-52.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu
Dr_Williswhats more imporntant.. enterainment? or getting work done that NEEDS that much ram.. :)05:04
tommymannis there a way to have firefox installed twice05:05
Dr_Willisa lot of it can get working in the 32bit chrooted stuff...05:05
geniiDr_Willis: I'm not sure if enabling >4Gb and recompile kernel still under 32bit works05:05
BluesKajgenii, that acpi=force did the trick05:05
Dr_Willistommymann  ive used some of the  autopackage/clik things to install it just for a single user.05:05
geniiBluesKaj: Good :)05:05
Dr_Willisgenii no idea. Ive noticed that most new machines  (gateway ect) top out at 3gb anyway. :)05:05
tommymannso can a single user have two firefoxes installed?05:06
geniiBluesKaj: were you able to exit and save session, eliminationg the autosarting issue?05:06
Dr_Willistommymann  proberly can. if you compiled it from source. should be doable. :) but not sure of any othe rways.05:06
ellipsysWithout any modification, how much of that 4gb will regular 32bit Kubuntu see?05:06
BluesKajgenii, I'l try that ...brb05:07
tommymannI've only dealt with firefox from source once, it doesn't have a make file or any of the jazz I'm used to05:07
Dr_Willisyep. i hear it can be a bit complex.05:07
Dr_WillisMighty want to clarify WHY you are wanting 2+ firefox's..05:08
ellipsysI heard that *nix will see more than windows due to better addressing. Windows basically put a cap on it or some such?05:08
geniiellipsys: My Feisty sees all 4Gb on my home box without alteration, anything more i think it would ignore05:08
Dr_Willisellipsys windows has the 32bit/64bit issues also.05:08
Dr_Willisi think the limit is for OVER 4gb ram.. like genii said..05:08
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tommymannI want to put one firefox with my stumble upon and stuff that's tied to the kde wallet, and another one for just general browsing05:08
tommymannI want one more secure than another05:09
tommymannand I don't really want two profiles so I can make the more secure one terminal access only05:09
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tommymannby the way, can you make it where an application won't open without the wallet05:10
ellipsysGenii and Dr_Willis - I'll just use 32bit Feisty (or Gutsy beta) then.05:10
tommymannor without sudo like adept05:10
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Dr_WillisI see no reason to use 64bit for most people.05:10
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geniitommymann: Why not use the firefox profile manager to make a profile for each type of browsing instead?05:11
tommymannbecause then it alerts people to that there is another profile05:11
Dr_Willismake a 2nd user. su to that user. :)05:11
ellipsysWell thank you for your help, (especially Genii and Dr_Willis) but I have to get going for awhile. Take care!05:12
Dr_WillisAlertrs people? ya only got 1 account?05:12
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Dr_Willishow lame is that.05:12
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tommymannwell I've never needed more than one before05:12
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Dr_WillisYou just mentioned Other people? You now have us all very confused....05:13
Dr_WillisSounds like you are doing backflips for some trival things.. :)05:14
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tommymannMy lady friend is moving in, and I don't want her to find my porn05:14
Dr_Willismake her an account.05:14
tommymannand I don't want her looking for it05:14
tommymannshe's wiley05:14
Dr_Willisthats what a multiuser system is all about.05:14
Dr_Willisthers dozens of ways to lock down accounts.05:14
geniitommymann: Looking into a solution05:15
Dr_Willisand secure stuff from casial filesystembrowsing.05:15
Dr_Willischmode your porn dirs so her user cant get into them.05:15
tommymannWell I use X rated stumble upon05:15
tommymanninstead of actually downloading anything05:15
=== Dr_Willis is amazed at people that use the web for porn.. :) therws MUCh better ways...
=== Dr_Willis shuts up now.
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tommymannwell the internet makes it private and easy05:16
Dr_Willisthe point is one does not really need a web browser to get porn. :) but have fun.05:16
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!05:17
tommymannwell thanks for the help05:17
=== vbgunz [n=vbgunz@217-98.127-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
Dr_Willisand one of th reasons for a multiuser system - is to let her have her own account/setup and leave your account/stuff alone.05:17
tommymannshe has her own computer05:17
Dr_Willisthis 2 firefox/profiles/stuff is just a lot of complex work.05:17
tommymannit's just for when she reaches over and borrows mine05:18
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Tm_Ttommymann: perhaps talk about this with your girl, really05:18
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Dr_Willissounds like social engineering to me...05:18
geniitommymann: Old (1.5 series but perhaps helpful) http://dojotoolkit.org/node/20905:19
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tommymannoh well I was just looking to see if anyone had quick fixes05:19
Dr_Willisget a DasKeyboard. and tell her to stay Off your pc.. :)05:19
=== Tm_T has tons of, but will keep them out of discussion for now
Dr_Willisset your screensaver to 1 min. and password protect it. :005:20
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geniitommymann: There is a linux sript equiv, lemme find it05:20
ozehkawget-question: when i load the url in browser, it redirects me to the file, so i can download it...05:21
ozehkaif i use it in wget it would just load the html...05:21
geniiOr you could adapt the cygwin one05:21
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geniibah work interrupts :( AFK05:23
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harmentalhey guys..ive found this kdesu "adept_manager --version-upgrade" in the upgrade tuto....05:25
harmentalshould it be kdesu "adept_manager --dist-upgrade"??05:26
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fdovingharmental: yes, probably.05:26
harmentalfdoving: thx05:27
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Jucatoharmental: kdesu adept-manager --version-upgrade05:29
Jucatofollow the instructions in the link from the Beta annoucnement page05:29
harmentalit doesnt work....05:30
harmentaljucato: if if remove the quotation marks i get:05:30
harmentalkdesu: Unknown option '--version-upgrade'.05:30
Jucatosorry forgot the put the quotation marks05:31
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Jucatoharmental: kdesu "adept-manager --version-upgrade"05:31
=== Jucato was typing from memory
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Jucatobut it's --version-upgrade not --dist-upgrade05:31
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harmentalJucato: that doesnt work either....05:31
Jucatowhat does it say?05:31
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Jucatodid  you enable Pre-released updates?05:32
harmentaladept_manager: Unknown option '--version-upgrade'05:32
harmentalJucato: yep05:32
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harmentalive been trying this tuto for an hour now....05:33
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harmentalJucato: maybe i am missing some particular repo?05:33
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Jucatomaybe... not really sure... sorry05:34
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Aranelhow can I use .psd files in Kubuntu ?05:42
geniiAranel: I'm pretty sure gimp can import them05:44
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emilsedghAranel: could gimp open it? maybe...try it05:45
martijnAranel: aren't those photoshop files?05:45
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SanneAranel: psd is a proprietary format, so it may be that not everything works.05:45
Araneloh, ok, i'll try it :)05:45
yeo__Aranel: you can also try running PS via wine05:46
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Braiamgimp can open psd files05:46
Braiambut I remember that it does not recognizes layers05:46
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Braiamonly a flat image from merged layers05:46
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xenolcan someone tell me plz if i want to run beryl do i have to have xgl installed?05:48
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Jucato!beryl | xenol05:49
ubotuxenol: beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects05:49
martijnxenol: not for compiz, so i guess not for beryl either05:50
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martijnnot that i have much experience.... beter visit the channel Jocato proposed05:50
martijnJucato, oops05:50
Jucato!tab | martijn05:50
ubotumartijn: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.05:50
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martijnJucato: i know :)05:51
Jucatoeasier to avoid typos :)05:51
martijnthanks anyways05:51
martijnhmm, i am gona continue writing my docbook05:51
BraiamA little question about this chat. Is this any official user support chat, or just a community chat. I just open konversation and this channel was open05:51
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poison--this is the CHAT :D05:51
poison--and yes, the official support chan05:52
martijnbut it is community based and for free05:52
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geniiBraiam: #kubuntu channel is for kubuntu support, #kubuntu-offtopic for general talk05:53
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geniiBraiam: Same for the other variations, ubuntu, xubuntu etc05:53
Braiamdoes it means that theres always somebody officially in charge of this chat?05:54
Jucatoeven in #kubuntu-offtopic05:54
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines05:54
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geniiBraiam: There are IRC channel ops around always to make sure channel rules are adhered to05:55
Jucatoand make sure that genii has his recommended daily dose of kaffeine05:55
Braiamthanx. those guidelines are what i was searching for05:56
=== genii listens to the Coffee, Lovely Exlixir of the Gods song on his Kaffeine
SanneBraiam: you'll find a lot of Ubuntu related channels here as well as some more info: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat05:56
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unpersonIs it possible to compose an HTML message with inline images using kmail?05:57
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melodyQuestion... I was looking through the software repos in Kubuntu (tribe5) and couldn't find frostwire or limewire.  Is there something else that Kubuntu people are using in place of these apps?06:11
harmentalJucato: me again....could you please share with me your sources.list?06:12
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Jucatoharmental: I'm already on gutsy. does that matter?06:12
Jucato!frostwire | melody06:12
ubotumelody: frostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire06:12
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harmentalthats fine...06:12
Jucatohold on06:12
melodythank you06:13
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Jucatoharmental: http://jucato.org/stuff/sources.list06:13
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melodywell.. awesome.  frostwire.com is borked.   Can't download, as the website is coming up all goofy06:14
harmentalthank you very much!06:14
=== deviance [n=tim@cpc3-sout6-0-0-cust551.sotn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #Kubuntu
melodycan anyone else check and see if they can get onto frostwire.com without issue?06:15
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devianceI have installed the nvidia drivers, which should work with my 7300gs, but they diddn't, Im gonna try again, how can I do this?06:16
Jucatomelody: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ';' in /home/frostwir/public_html/includes/config.php on line 1706:17
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devianceHi Jucato06:17
melodyokay.. that's what I was getting.   Oh well.06:17
Jucatohi deviance06:17
david___god bye06:17
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Jucatodavid___: splease stop that06:17
=== Arkard [n=Arkard@dynamic43-251.MAN-STDOM.cablenet.com.ni] has joined #kubuntu
=== Arkard say hi to all here
Arkardhi guys, have you ever heard about megaupload?06:18
BluesKajmelody, konq browser shows it too Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ';' in /home/frostwir/public_html/includes/config.php on line 1706:19
Arkardwho here want a premium Account for 3 months?06:19
melodyany ideas on where to snag the frostwire.deb otherwise?06:19
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Jucato!offtopic | Arkard06:20
ubotuArkard: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!06:20
deathguppiewell.. that's it for me boys.. I think I'm done with Kubuntu.. it's been fun, but not as practical as I'd hoped.. moving back to a source based distro..06:20
BluesKajmelody, there's gotta be some mirrors  , check on http://www.google.com/linux06:20
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Jucatodeathguppie: um.. ok... O.o06:21
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=== Jucato thinks this is a night of firsts...
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BluesKajdeathguppie, sorry to hear that,but some patience is required06:21
Jucatoand I bet you have lots of it, since you seem to have come from a source based distro (gentoo?)06:22
BluesKajmelody, http://sourceforge.net/projects/frostwire06:23
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devianceIs it not in the Reppos Melody?06:23
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Jucatofrostwire? nope06:24
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deathguppieI think Kubuntu is a great distro.. it's just that I actually use some applications and there is just to much broken stuff on Ubuntu/Kubuntu.. and well.. compiling on this platform is such a pain..06:24
Jucatowell, it is meant to be a binary distro... so compiling isn't as natural as it is on Gentoo06:25
Jucatobut what broken stuff?06:25
Jucatoand which version are you testing?06:25
melodydeviance: nope. frostwire isn't in the repos for some reason06:25
deathguppieMy breaking point is when I couldn't find a decent linear video editor..06:25
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devianceOh, shocking06:25
BluesKajhmm repos seem to be down in ca06:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kino - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:25
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Jucato!info kino06:25
ubotukino: Non-linear editor for Digital Video data. In component main, is extra. Version 0.92-1ubuntu3 (feisty), package size 1126 kB, installed size 3912 kB06:25
deathguppieKino is a joke.. no offense but talk about lack of features..06:26
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Jucato!info kdenlive gutsy06:26
ubotukdenlive: A Non-Linear Video Editing Suite for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5-0.0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 648 kB, installed size 1992 kB06:26
deathguppiekdenlive is decent but kubuntu's version won't render your project06:26
deathguppieJahshaka is not available..06:26
deviancemelody: what about Gtk-Gnutella?06:26
devianceIts in the reppos06:27
devianceI used it for a bit, but never likes Lime or frost anyway06:27
Jucatodeathguppie: true. dunno it's probably harder to provide and maintain binary packages than ebuilds... probably06:27
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deathguppieI use blender a lot, so I can use the compositor in that to edit video.. but the sound was atrocious .. as a matter of fact I could never get jackd to run under kubuntu properly for any applications.. though I believe blender uses.. sdl06:29
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devianceI couldnt get jackd to work either, I wanted ardout soo bad06:30
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melodydeathguppie: well...  I'm a professional video editors (have been for the past 15 years) and ..well.. our company is highly linux based, but we do have to resort to VideToaster [4]  in our suite.. (winblows only)06:30
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deathguppiemelody: well actually blenders compositor is pretty damn good, but it doesn't have a lot for sound. It will let you edit the sound but will only render it as a seperate file..06:31
melodyerrrm.. are we talking about the 3d app?06:32
deathguppiemelody: yes06:32
deathguppieI know, but it actually has a pretty good compositor built in.06:32
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harmentaljucato: i've tried everything the tuto says...Step-by-step...with your sources.....and it still doesnt work....i dont know what else to do.......06:33
=== Jucato learned about Linux through Blender.. hopes one day to be able to actually do 3D CG w/ Blender...
harmentalany ideas?06:33
=== Jucato is too sleepy to have ideas :(
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jussi01harmental: what are you trying to do?06:33
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harmentaljusi01...i am trying to upgrade to gutsy beta.....06:34
harmentaland it all fails when i do kdesu "adept_manager --version-upgrade"06:34
harmentali get adept_manager: Unknown option '--version-upgrade'.06:35
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jussi01!tab | harmental06:35
ubotuharmental: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.06:35
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deathguppiemelody: besides the built in linear editing system you can also composite and render video through nodes allowing for things like chroma key and image manipulation..06:35
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deathguppieBlender is very, very versitile..06:36
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jussi01harmental: have you asked in #ubntu+106:37
jussi01harmental: have you asked in #ubuntu+106:37
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deathguppieit also renders out in Cineon, OpenEXR, Radiance HDR, DPX, NTSC, PAL, ... etc..06:38
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harmentaljussi01: nop.....06:39
melodydeathguppie: I'll have to take a closer look at that app.  I mean.. I was very impressed with just the 3d aspects of it06:39
harmentali guessed that since this is already beta...this is channel to go...06:39
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jussi01!gutsy | harmental06:40
ubotuharmental: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+106:40
deathguppiemelody: I recommend it ;)06:40
salserohi my kubuntu doesnt boot. i need your help.06:40
MrDucksalsero: what's the problem? :P06:41
xenol_should be my xgl be laggy after i launched it?06:41
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salseroMrDuck, my kubuntu boots till the kubuntu logo. after that nothing happens (u can answer also in german)06:41
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BluesKaj!de | salsero, MrDuck06:43
ubotusalsero, MrDuck: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de06:43
salseroMrDuck, after alt+f1 i see: trying to resume from /dev/disk....   no resume image,doing normal boot06:43
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salseroi donot get help in the german channel. i would be glad if u can helb me here06:44
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salseroyesterday i have installed something like kde-dev06:45
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MrDucksry was cooking my dinner,wellnot many ideas,isn't it failing after some fsck?06:50
kaminixWhere ought I install Java if I install it manually from Sun's website? Can I make my apps use that Java and not download any from the repos?06:50
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dudemeisterhiho, i think i have some problems with a gtk application (zattoo player), it does not draw the contents of the window, and only works when i use the --sync option. any ideas?06:51
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sven_oostenbrinkI am using ssh to connect to various servers. Sometimes, most of the times, connecting takes about .5 seconds,but sometimes it can take up to 30 seconds.. the servers have the same hardware and same OS, why does it take so long to connect sometimes??06:57
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snowdonkeyDoes anyone know the PHP package for XSLT?06:59
theory_Question.  My touchpad on my laptop is too sensitive.  I wish to disable 'tap to click'...little help?06:59
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sven_oostenbrinkI am using ssh to connect to various servers. Sometimes, most of the times, connecting takes about .5 seconds,but sometimes it can take up to 30 seconds.. the servers have the same hardware and same OS, why does it take so long to connect sometimes??07:00
knubstdin: hi! :)07:00
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snowdonkeyNevermind, it's php5-xsl07:01
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MrDuckoh my,guys,was running an app under wine,then killed it but sound from it keeps playing,any idea how to shoot it?07:02
MrDucknvm got it :-)07:03
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tim_Which 3d desktop effects doi install?07:04
tim_compiz or beryl?07:04
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jussi01!compiz | tim_:07:06
ubotutim_:: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-effects07:06
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tim_how do i make my clock trum from 13-9 to 1  pm07:10
hsystem-xright click clock07:11
hsystem-xclick date & time format07:11
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tim_and? then?07:11
hsystem-xon the section times & dates07:11
hsystem-xchange time format to pH07:12
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tim_yes i did and nothig changed07:12
hsystem-xthen apply.07:12
hsystem-xthen restart your desktop07:12
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tim_log out then come back?07:13
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tim_ok now it works cool07:14
tim_how do i make not to display the year only month  and date07:14
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tim_ok cool i figured out07:15
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tim_how do i mount  img. files?07:18
tim_what app do i use?07:18
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ghostcubehi maybe here someo9ne can help in #kde theire strange07:21
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ghostcubei need to know how i can get this  on any distribution $(kde_datadir)07:22
ghostcubei need it for kiba-dock to parse the kde icon themes07:22
ghostcubeand mime types07:22
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ghostcubei dont get it through the developer page may someone can help07:22
tzangertrying to b uild the sample test application in kdevelop and it's saying that /lib/cpp fials the sanity check... am I missing something obvious?07:22
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tzangerC++ compiler might help07:23
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Sannetzanger: build-essential istalled?07:26
Dr_willisand proverly need a dozen+ other -dev files as well.07:27
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ghostcubei need to know how i can get this  on any distribution $(kde_datadir) to load kde icon themes to kiba-dock07:28
ghostcubenoone ?07:28
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Dr_willischeck in #KDE07:29
Dr_willisthats some sort of system variable. kde has some tools that show what its set to.07:29
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Dr_willisits possible kibadock is using some wrong location.07:30
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ghostcubeDr_willis: kiba isnt using kde so far07:31
ghostcube i want to bring it in07:31
ghostcubeit uses gtk search icon07:31
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ghostcubein kde no one answers me07:31
ghostcubesince 30 minutes or so07:31
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ghostcubei must get the path to the kde datadir so i can load the icons from it07:31
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tim_How do i create an ISO of a CD that i have??07:33
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emilsedghtim_: with K3B07:34
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emilsedghtim_: go and write the cd, but check 'Only Create Image' checkbox07:34
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tim_whrer \e do i find k3b in the menu?07:35
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tim_how do i keep the old package of fuseISO and not upgrade it ? and dont get an upgrade message all th  time?07:36
tim_do u know?07:37
tim_how do i set some file not to upgrade and keep an old version of it?07:38
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emilsedghtim_: if someine knows, will answer, please do not repeat07:38
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ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com07:42
tim_!desktop effects07:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about desktop effects - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:42
ubotuFor help or discussion on Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects07:42
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Dr_willisyou can 'dd' a cd to an .iso file real fast also. :)07:43
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tim_How do i isntall desktop effects for kubuntu 7.10 ?07:44
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Dr_williswell its not rel4eased yet. so no support yet for it. Id say search the package manager and install the kde-compiz thing i just noticed. :)07:45
Dr_willisbut thats all i know on the topic07:45
Dr_williscompiz-kde - OpenGL window and compositing manager - KDE window decorator07:45
sstchurI'm trying to get drivers working for my nVidia GeForce 7300.  Searching through adept, I see a number of options, but I'm not sure which to choose: nvidia-glx, nvidia-glx-new?  Something else?07:45
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ghostcubefor compiz may join #compiz-fusion07:45
ghostcubewe can help if needed07:46
Dr_willissstchur,  i always install/run the 'restricted-manager' tool and let it handle it.07:46
Dr_willissstchur,  you proberly want the nvidia-glx-new, the !nvidia wiki page has info07:46
sstchurDr_willis: ah, ok.. .I'm not familiar with that... is there a howto on that?07:46
ghostcubeDr_willis: maybe u got an idea u the omly one seeming nooing some things helpful07:46
ghostcubein kde still no answer07:46
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:46
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sstchurDr_willis: thanks!  THe instructions point to (what seems to be) gnome specific instructions.  How to access Restricted Drivers Manager in KDE?07:48
emilsedghsstchur: feisty?07:48
Dr_willissstchur,  'use the shell luke'07:48
emilsedghsstchur: feisty has no restricted manager :)07:48
Dr_willis:)  install the package.. run it from the shell07:48
sstchuremilsedgh: yes, feisty07:48
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sstchuremilsedgh: oh, so what do I do then?07:49
Dr_willisHmm.. ive been installing restricted-manager under feisty for ages.07:49
Dr_willis!find restricted-manager07:49
ubotuFound: restricted-manager07:49
Dr_willis!info restricted-manager07:49
uboturestricted-manager: manage non-free hardware drivers. In component main, is optional. Version 0.20 (feisty), package size 32 kB, installed size 300 kB07:49
ghostcubefeisty simply do apt-get install nvidia-glx-new linux-restricted-drivers-$(uname -r)07:49
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sstchurDr_willis: so another thing that is a little weird.  I tried downloading and running a setup utility from nvidia's site.  It seemed to work (I was running Beryl) until I rebooted, at which time I got a blank screen, and had to resort back to my old xorg.conf file (w/o the nvidia drivers). Any ideas why that'd be?07:50
tim_How to make a shortcut like cntr+shift to switch between the languages?????07:50
Dr_willissstchur,  in short DONT use the installers from nvidia site, dont use envy, or automatix either. :)07:51
ghostcubeDr_willis: on 8800 gt07:51
Dr_willisi never use them so cant tell ya more then somthing/version/other messed up. :)07:51
ghostcubeu must use run file07:51
Dr_willis for an 8800 - i would say use gutsy.07:51
ghostcubeits not in glx-new ion feisty07:51
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Dr_willisdont fight with the older drivers. :)07:52
ghostcubeinstall .19 drivers by run07:52
ghostcubeit works07:52
Dr_willis(guess what i just installed on today) :)07:52
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ghostcubethe .14 sux07:52
Dr_willisghostcube,  you hold sstchur 's hand then and show him. :)07:52
LjLtim_: K / System Settings / Keyboard & Mouse / Keyboard Shortcuts / Type "key" in the search box07:52
ghostcubenope lol07:52
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ghostcubesstchur: for ure 7300 u need glx-new on feisty07:53
bigleonHey everyone07:53
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ghostcubesstchur:  apt-get install nvidia-glx-new linux-restricted-drivers-$(uname -r)07:53
bigleonI got a question, bout a program called MusicIP and setting up a "JAVA_HOME"07:53
ghostcubebut for all never uise the 100 drivers with compiz if not needed :) for the moment07:54
ghostcubehmm Dr_willis is ther an dev chan for kde ?07:55
ghostcubemaybe hey can help me to get the icion thing07:55
rjune_ghostcube: #kde-devel07:55
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sstchurghostcube: ok, so the fact that I've /already/ used  nvidia's installer mean I'm screwed?  How do I "undo" it? (other than reverting back to my old xorg.conf ?07:55
emilsedghghostcube: #kde4-devel #kde-devel :)07:55
poison--anyone eva had issues with nvidia NICs wont connect to adsl ppoe?07:55
ghostcubesstchur: --uninstall07:55
ghostcubebehinf the run file07:55
ghostcubeemilsedgh: thx i need both i think kiba should work on kde 4 too07:56
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sstchurghostcube: ok, I'll give that a try.  So exit X? Uninstall the nvidia setup thing, atp-get nvidia-glx-new ... and then restart?07:56
ghostcubesstchur:  apt-get install nvidia-glx-new linux-restricted-drivers-$(uname -r)07:56
ghostcubethen rstartz yes07:56
sstchurghostcube: ok07:56
emilsedghghostcube: :)07:56
sstchuralright, i'll try and let you know how it goes07:56
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=== sea4ever reeds to get a driver for sound, and graphics too
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Dr_willisi dont think uninstalling it is that easy.. :) but i got to go to work now. byeeee08:02
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sea4evererhm, no help with finding a graphics driver? I have a trident Cyberblade card...08:03
tim_Guys plz help MY monitor got cUTEd in half!! when i went to confirure monitors...08:03
aco_Any experienced programmer here that could give me some advices? I want to program a window application but i don't really know how to with linux..any guides on this for Linux? or if its desktop set(kde, gnome, xfce?)08:03
tim_what do i do??08:03
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ghostcubesstchur: ?08:05
ghostcubeemilsedgh: thx i got the answer i wanted08:05
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emilsedghghostcube: nice, kde devs helped? they always do :P08:05
sstchurghostcube: well, I'm in KDE and things are running, but I'm at 1024x768... in systems settings it indicates the driver I"m using is "nv"08:05
ghostcubesstchur: ok now it beginbs08:06
ghostcubepost ure xorg.conf to pastebin.ca08:06
rickeywhich kaffeine plugin is need to play dvd movies08:06
ghostcubeu wanna have fusion too ? lol trhen we can go through all08:06
sstchurghostcube: i want everything!  I will post the xorg.conf.. one sec08:06
poison--<rickey , sudo apt-get install libxine1-ffmpeg08:07
rickeywhich kaffeine plugin is needed to play dvd movies?08:07
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poison--read above08:08
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sstchurghostcube: http://pastebin.ca/71877808:08
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ghostcubesstchur: i edit and post back08:10
phoenixzDoes anybody know why connecting to a server with ssh can sometimes take like 30- 60  seconds??08:10
rickeyReading package lists... Done08:10
rickeyBuilding dependency tree08:10
rickeyReading state information... Done08:10
rickeyYou might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct these:08:10
rickeyThe following packages have unmet dependencies:08:10
rickey  j2re1.4-mozilla-plugin: Depends: j2re1.4 but it is not going to be installed08:10
rickeyE: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).08:10
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rickeywhat went wrong08:10
sstchurghostcube: ok08:10
ghostcubewhat resolution u ned ?08:10
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier.08:11
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LjLrickey, i think you should simply install sun-java6-jre08:11
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rickeyill try08:12
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jereme_is there a way for me to look behind kubuntu's graphical boot screen?  when I boot in safe-mode I'm fine, but when I boot normally, I'm stuck08:12
sstchurghostcube: 1680x105008:12
Xerosscan someone help me with installing kubunty08:12
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ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate08:13
LjLjereme_, try Alt+F108:13
LjLjereme_: or, to see what's being loaded, probably Alt+F8. or Alt+somethingelse.08:13
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ghostcubesstchur: http://pastebin.ca/71878808:14
timHow do i edit  xorg?08:14
ghostcubebackup ure old one08:14
ghostcubetim: vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:15
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ghostcubeor with xorg-edit08:15
SlimeyPetetim: nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:15
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SlimeyPetewell, sudo nano08:15
jereme_no dice on the alt+f808:15
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jereme_none of the f-keys + alt get me there as far as I can see08:16
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rickeyok it,s downloading08:16
SlimeyPetejereme_: try ctrl+alt08:16
timhwo do i save changes in taht??08:17
SlimeyPetectrl+alt+f2 , etc08:17
sstchurghostcube: so is mostly what you did, just add the screen sections to increase the resolution, or was there other stuff too?08:17
SlimeyPetetim: vi, or nano?08:17
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Xerossdo i need to install ubuntu before installing kubuntu ??08:17
SlimeyPeteXeross: no08:17
ghostcubesstchur: other stuff08:17
ghostcubeat the end08:17
ghostcubeat modul08:17
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ghostcubeand at screwen08:17
hsystem-xXeross, no08:17
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ghostcubetake mine08:17
Xerosswhat is the username of the installation cd08:17
rickeysun-java6-jre boy thats a big download08:18
timhow do i manually idetify my Monitor?08:18
SlimeyPetetim: look in the manual, on the back of the monitor or do a google search08:18
rickeytim i just look at it08:18
rickeyhe he he he08:18
SlimeyPetethen enter the settings into your xorg.conf accordingly08:18
sstchurghostcube: what all did you change? (so I can start to learn this better)08:18
rickeysorry guy,s i cloudnt resies08:19
BluesKajtim, k-menu/system settings/monitor&display/hardware-tab/admin mode/monitor/configure08:19
timok and then ? where doi put the numbers down?08:19
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto08:19
ghostcubei changed modules08:20
ghostcubei removed dri08:20
ghostcubeand marked 12c bitmap08:20
timyeah but it is Not on the list!! what do i do?08:20
ghostcubeand changed ddc tp dbe08:20
SlimeyPetetim: sorry, I can't remember but if you google for a tutorial, there are plenty around08:20
sstchurghostcube: ok, I'm gonna try restarting08:20
ghostcubein screen08:20
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timi don't know how to identify the monitor08:21
timi habe acer AL195108:21
SlimeyPetetim: you'll be wanting to put the horizontal and vertical refresh rates in, but I can't remember the exact syntax08:21
SlimeyPetetim: so go check the manufacturer's website, and failing that google it.08:22
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SlimeyPeteassuming you don't have the manual to hand.08:22
ghostcubetim whats the prob u need frq for moni ?08:22
Xerossmy 7.04 installation cd asks for username and password what are they(i mean what is the username and what is the password)08:22
jereme_what's the easiest way from a prompt to shutdown to single user mode?08:23
ghostcubeinit 208:23
jereme_I thought 'shutdown now' did that08:23
=== SlimeyPete wonders why some install CDs seem to ask for a user & pass
SlimeyPeteI don't think mine ever have, but lots of people seem to report it08:24
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SlimeyPeteXeross: try root and blank08:24
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Xerossit sais you cant login as root08:24
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sstchurghostcube: no dice.... after restarting X, I get a blank screen with a blinking cursor in the upper left hand corner (this is after the kubuntu splash screen)08:24
Xerossnow burning the dvd08:24
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ghostcubesstchur: oha08:25
ghostcubeu uinstalled nvidia08:25
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timi want to identify it08:25
sstchurghostcube: I ran, sudo sh NVIDIA_whatever_it_was -- uninstall08:25
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ghostcubeah and have u installed the nvidia-glx-new after this08:26
sstchurghostcube: It said it would "do the best it could, but it noticed that there had been changes (like installing the nvidia-glx-new through the package manager)08:26
sstchurghostcube: It seemed to have uninstalled successfully though08:26
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ghostcubeand u installed nvidia-glx-new08:26
SlimeyPetetim: so look on the manufacturer's website or in the manual, as I said. You'll need tolook at the technical specifications of it.08:26
ghostcubesstchur: have u installed nvidia drivers08:27
ghostcubeafter uninstalling the run file08:27
jereme_is there any way to safe fsck the partition mounted at / without having a boot cd?08:27
ghostcubepls go to term and txpe startx as normal user08:27
Xerossalso when i run the cd it sais unknown error and my second monitor freaks out08:27
jereme_I thought I could unmount in in single user mode, but now I realize I can't unmount that partition08:28
sstchurghostcube: yes, I ran sudo aptitude reinstall nvidia-glx-new linux-restricted-something-or-other-ican't-remember-the-exact-command08:28
ghostcubeand u rebootet pc agter this08:28
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sstchurghostcube: when I run startx from a terminal, I get the same blinking cursor screen08:28
sstchurghostcube: yes, rebooted after08:28
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ghostcubedpkg -l "*nvidia*"08:29
ghostcubeto pastebin.ca08:29
Xerossthe dvd is livecd and install right ?08:29
sstchurghostcube: I get "no packages found"\08:29
ghostcubeXeross: kubuntu ? dont use livecd always try alternate install08:29
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ghostcubesstchur: aha08:29
sstchurmeans, it didn't work?08:30
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sstchurthe install?08:30
Xerosswell what's the dvd for then08:30
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ghostcubesudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r)08:30
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ghostcubenot aptitude08:31
ghostcubei hate aptitufde08:31
ghostcubeXeross: to test08:31
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ghostcubei never had en 100 % bugfree install with it08:31
sstchurghostcube: what's the difference? I read somewhere that you should use aptitude?08:31
ghostcubeonly with alternate install08:31
Xerossdamn then im burning it for nothing08:31
ghostcubei hate aptitude08:31
Xerosswell ill download alternate install then08:32
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ghostcubeXeross: lol yes try this way in textmode it instralls better08:32
sstchurghostcube: says "nvidia-glx-new is already the newest version"08:32
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sstchur"linux-restricted-... is already the newest version"08:33
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sstchurghostcube: also says "linux-restricted-... set to manual installed"08:33
pramodwell i got a problem with jBaci... anyone can help me please...08:33
Xerossso only the alternate install one works08:34
pramodanyone knows abt jBaci here?08:34
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pramodjBaci is a concurrent programming simulator... created in Java...08:34
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ghostcubesstchur: pls post ure xorg.0.log from /var/log/ to pastebin.ca08:35
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sstchurghostcube: xorg.0.log doens't exist in /var/log/08:35
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ghostcubelocate xorg.0.log08:36
sstchurghostcube: tried that -- nothing08:36
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sstchurllutz: ah ha!08:36
ghostcubeoh my fault08:36
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ghostcubethx llutz08:37
alex_hey does anybody know how to make the menus (like Applications, Places, System) transluscent in the Gnome environment?08:37
sstchurghostcube: http://pastebin.ca/71881608:37
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Xerossaaaargh fking windows08:37
alex_(yea i'm a noob)08:37
Xerosseverything is freaking out08:37
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ghostcubesstchur: u bootet with  nv driver08:38
ghostcubecan u post again ure xorg.conf08:38
ghostcubeto pastebin.ca08:38
ubuntuhey how can i install kubuntu 7.4 with windows xp08:38
enochalguien tiene informacion08:38
enochsobre codeks08:39
alex_ubuntu you should be able to just boot up off the disk and use hte partition manager to resize the partition windows is installed in and then install ubuntu....08:39
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sstchurghostcube: huh... you're right08:39
sstchurcan you send me the link to your modified xorg.conf again?08:39
ubuntuok ihave a partion for ubuntu08:40
BluesKaj!es | enoch08:40
ubotuenoch: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.08:40
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alex_are you in windows xp now?08:40
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BluesKajda nada08:40
pramodanyone knows abt jBaci hereee?????08:40
ubuntubut when i run the partioner what is the steps to do to keep windows and install ubuntu08:40
sstchurghostcube: Oh wait... yeah, I booted with nv, b/c when the xorg.conf file you modified for me didn't work, I had to copy my old xorg.conf back so that I could boot and get back into this chat room08:40
alex_just make sure that  you don't format the partition windows is on08:41
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alex_hey does anybody know how to make the menus (like Applications, Places, System) transluscent in the Gnome environment?08:41
ubuntuok but what is the format ubuntu except and it is necsarry to make a swap08:41
alex_you probably want to make a swap partition, and the Ubuntu setup will automatically format the partition you want to install to08:42
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BluesKajalex_, best goto #ubuntu08:42
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alex_BluesKaj: thanks08:42
phoenixzDoes anybody know why connecting to a server with ssh can sometimes take like 30- 60  seconds??08:43
ghostcubesstchur: ok so i need an Xorg.0.log from fail boot08:43
ghostcubeso u must boot with wromng xorg08:43
ghostcubethe copy ion terminal as root Xorg.0.log to homefoldeer08:43
timI found specifications what next?08:43
sstchurghostcube: do you want me to try that again, and save the file off before I revert back?08:43
alex_ubuntu: good luck08:43
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ugaphoenixz: those aren't normal connection times. Does the connection lag afterwards, or is it just establishment?08:45
ugait might be an ISP issue...08:45
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BluesKajtim, it depends on what you want to do08:46
phoenixzuga, just establishing connection.. I read all over the place that its related to reverse DNS lookup, but the various suggested solutions don't work for me.. :(08:46
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phoenixzuga, its on the local network @ my work08:46
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sstchurghostcube: http://pastebin.ca/71882208:47
=== feffer ...be back later: Gone away for now.
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ugaphoenixz: I don't see how reverse dns lookups could be causing that much trouble... if anyone, it should be the server trying those, and I don't know what for. You as a client know the complete domain name.08:48
ugaphoenixz: as I believe other services like ftp don't fail in the same way,... have you tried moving sshd to port 21 instead?08:48
ugajust edit /etc/sshd-config in the server, and set "Port 21" there08:49
ghostcubesstchur: lol08:49
ghostcubemy xorg is meesd up he cant find it08:49
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ghostcubeso pls post ure damaged one there is an fault in it08:49
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ghostcube8i must dione shit08:49
phoenixzuga, well, what I read on the inet is that ssh uses reverse looking as part of the authentication. if dns doesnt work correctly, it fails after a while.. supposedly not a serious bug, but it is very annoying..08:50
sstchurghostcube: http://pastebin.ca/71882408:50
phoenixzuga, in any case, these are working computers, I cant go changing ssh ports and stuff like that08:50
phoenixzuga, and there are _no_ network problems whatsoever08:50
acecasehow do I install fuse module for a custom kernel? All info sais to install fuse-source but that package doesn't exist08:51
ugaphoenixz: I was thinking about QoS services and the likes08:51
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ugaphoenixz: rather than trusting what google says, have you tried "reading" in between lines with ethereal/wireshark?08:52
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m56204hi all. i have following problem: i installed Feisty from live dvd to a new computer (amd 4000+, msi k9n, nf560). the basic hw worked ok except the NIC. i downloaded the driver provided by realtek website and compiled the module. so far so good. then i did several steps and after that i got into a bit stupid state of the system. i installed with small problem the binary ati graphics driver and was trying to set up hybrid dvb card by setting08:52
m56204some module parameters for analog and compilig v4l drivers for digital part (both did not work anyway, it is a Kworld t210 car based on philips saa7134). The stupid state of the system is for me is tihs: first thing is that there comes from somewhere periodically key event 177 - it makes impossible to repeat any key on the real keyboard and makes unusable pop-up menus kde. The other stupid thing is that if i am trying to log into terminal08:52
m56204outside xwindows i write the right name and password and it rejects me with "login incorrect" message. There is also strange message at the beginning - see http://pastebin.com/m4952075e08:52
ugaphoenixz: if it's the dns reversing that fails, it should be the server lagging with the response08:52
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ugaphoenixz: oh... ... uhm... if you edit /etc/hosts and you just set your IP and domain name there?08:53
ugain the server08:53
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ibilicI am behind a firewall at university, and I am being told that only the "ssh and the www port has been enabled"08:53
ugaphoenixz: I bet that should avoid reverse dns lookups unnecessary?08:53
ghostcubesstchur: i dont find the error08:53
acecasem56204: you meen the pastebin post is larger than the one you just pasted?08:53
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ghostcubecan someone look over thos telling me the error in line 13908:54
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ibilicdoes that mean that I can't run an ftp server on my machine?08:54
m56204well, not, but i could not make the formating so nice08:54
sstchurghostcube: that's for me?08:54
ugaibilic: you can do some sort of file transfer over ssh. It's called fish. try fish://ipaddress/ in konqueror08:54
ghostcubesstchur: no i cant find the error08:55
ugaibilic: it allows transferring files over the ssh port08:55
ghostcubeit tells me08:55
niyadotengo instalado el nuevo beta de kubuntu y suelo usar mi mouse pero es de wacom(pentablet) y pues no me quiere funcionar al inicio... a alguien le a sucedido?08:55
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ibilicyeah, but what if I want someone with Windows to access my files?08:55
ugaibilic: there's ssh clients for windows08:55
ibilicsure, but then you have to explain to people how to set it up etc... whereas for ftp, all you need to do is type the address in a browser08:56
ugaibilic: or you could run your ftp server on the ssh port =))08:56
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ghostcubesstchur: it tells me in line 139 is soimething  wrong08:57
ugaibilic: let those people know that their OS is stupidly useless and to migrate to something sane that supports fish by default? =)08:57
ghostcubebut there isnt08:57
ghostcubemay comment out the last 3 lines of the xorg file for a test08:58
ghostcubeSection "Extensions"08:58
ghostcube        Option "Composite" "Enable"08:58
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.08:58
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)08:59
Daisuke_Idoapparently it doesn't like compositing08:59
ibilicuga: so is it possible to run an ftp server from the ssh port?08:59
ghostcubeno i dont get it08:59
sstchurghostcube: leave hte Option "Composite" "Enable" ?08:59
ugaibilic: you can run any service in any port you want08:59
ghostcubeit wont grab ot08:59
ghostcubemark the lines08:59
ibilicright... I'll look into it08:59
ugaibilic: or you could serve your files over http too08:59
ghostcubeand restart08:59
Daisuke_Idowhat kind of card?09:00
Daisuke_Idoi'm guessing ati09:00
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phoenixzuga, did that, and that did not work09:00
phoenixzHow do I configure kmail to autmatically dump all spam mail in a spam box?? Sifting through all spam manually is.. tiresome!09:00
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devianceWhen burning ISO's is there an optimal speed? And would verify conenece be a good idea in k3b09:02
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sstchurghostcube: still no good -- it's saying "no screens found"09:02
ghostcubesstchur: working ?09:02
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LjLphoenixz: Tools / Anti-spam Wizard perhaps?09:03
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ghostcubesstchur: so but now it boots in the xorg09:03
timI found specifications for my MOnitor so how i do pu them on?????09:03
ghostcubemay we need the Xorg.0.log of it09:03
sstchurghostcube: no it doesn't book into xorg09:03
ghostcubeno it uses the xorg file but no x09:04
ghostcubei mean09:04
sstchurghostcube: it just dies when I type startx.... spits out a bunch of stuff and says "no screens..."09:04
ghostcubeyep thats important09:04
timcan u plz help me on that?09:04
phoenixzLjL, That was a doh... :) totally overlooked the entry in the menu09:04
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ghostcubetherefore i need the Xorg.0.logf09:04
ghostcubetherefore i need the Xorg.0.log09:04
sstchurbut we already tried that didn't we?09:04
timcan u plz guys help me to put my MOnitor specs IN ?09:05
sstchurghostcube: maybe this will help09:06
sstchurghostcube: at the bottom of the Xorg.0.log.old file is:09:06
sstchur(EE) Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration.09:06
sstchurFatal server error: no screens found09:06
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sstchurghostcube: http://pastebin.ca/71884709:07
ugaphoenixz: interesting url. http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php?story=2005032918583295209:07
ghostcubeFailed to initialize the NVIDIA kernel module! Please ensure09:08
ugaphoenixz: it claims two things. First, that the hosts solution has worked for the guy. And from the answers... the likely problem is your local dns server is not properly set up to reverse dns lookups09:08
timCAN u plz helpe me to my psecifications for my MONItor?09:08
ghostcubesstchur: the drivers isnt loaded09:08
ghostcubethats all09:08
sstchurghostcube: so what do I do?  I ran all the sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new stuff09:08
sstchurghostcube: it ran successfully09:08
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ghostcubelsmod nvidia09:09
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ghostcubelsmod | grepnvidia09:09
ugaphoenixz: also, a possible solution for the sshd config: http://www.macosxhints.com/comment.php?mode=display&format=threaded&order=ASC&pid=5416609:09
ghostcubelsmod | grep nvidia09:09
sstchuri got it09:09
sstchurnvidia               3930348  009:09
sstchuragpgart                35400  2 nvidia,intel_a09:09
=== Frost^ [n=sweiss@DSL217-132-187-131.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #kubuntu
ghostcubesstchur: have u synaptic installed09:10
melomanehi, any expert in kdevelop?09:10
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ugamelomane: #kde-devel is your place09:11
sstchurghostcube: just adept, but I can install synaptic if need be09:11
melomaneuga: thanks09:12
ghostcubesstchur: pls install synaptic09:12
sstchurghostcube: why would I need it instead of adept?09:12
ghostcubeever usedit ?09:12
ghostcubeu will see09:12
ghostcubether must be something wrong with the drivers09:12
ghostcubebut what is difficult09:12
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sstchurghostcube: I have used it a little... just figured I should use whatever comes with Kubuntu by default09:12
timcan u plz helpme09:12
ghostcubesstchur: nope09:12
ghostcubenot all kde tools working well09:13
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sstchurghostcube: k, it's installed09:13
ghostcubeopen it09:13
ghostcubethen search for nvidia09:13
ghostcubewhat is installed on ure pc09:13
ugaghostcube: lol, what's failing in adept, for you =)09:14
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sstchurghostcube: Non-free Linux 2.6.20 modules on x86/x86_64 and Non-free Linux 2.6.20 modules on x86/x86_6409:14
ghostcubeuga no i hate adept looking not working09:14
sstchurghostcube: also, nvidia-glx-new and nvidia-kernel-common09:14
ugasstchur: beware that there's lots of synaptic zealots around ;P09:15
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ghostcubeuga: may u have an idea09:15
ghostcubesstchur installed the run file09:15
ghostcubedeinstalled it by uininstall09:15
ghostcubeinstalled nvidia-glx-new09:15
ghostcubexorg tells no klernel moduk found09:15
ghostcubefor an 7300 gt09:15
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ugauhn, I don't use kubuntu nvidia stuff, it only caused me trouble09:16
sstchuruga: that's fine... why is it any better than adept? shouldn't it just be two different interfaces for accomplishing the same things?09:16
ugaghostcube: I use Nvidia installer, and remove lrm packs09:16
ugaworks like charm09:16
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uga8500gt here09:16
ghostcubeuga yep normally it does but normally nvidia-glx-new is better for compiz and 7300 gt09:16
sstchuruga: I used the nVidia installer at first... and then ran startx and everything was golden -- Beryl and all, then I rebooted and all hell broke loose09:17
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ugaghostcube: I'm running compiz here just fine09:17
ghostcubeu need the 100x09:17
ghostcubefor this card or09:17
ugasstchur: I know why it broke for you09:17
ugasstchur: it's NOT loading the nvidia module you installed09:17
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ghostcubeuga: yep09:18
ugait's loading the linux restricted modules one, when rebooting09:18
ghostcubeit should uga09:18
ghostcubei have told him installing restrictzed modules09:18
ugaghostcube: did he uninstall linux-restricted-modules deb?09:18
ghostcubehe installed the deb man09:18
ghostcubeand uninstaklled the run09:18
ugaghostcube: then it's broken09:18
=== MikeyUSC [n=mike@pool-71-163-62-212.washdc.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
ugait doesn't load the NVidia binary that nvidia installer installs09:18
=== merhojt [n=Jimmy@81-226-119-7-no58.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #kubuntu
ugait's loading the one that lrm builds09:18
rjbcan't upgrade to the new beta, the upgrade tool dies in the middle of the job09:19
ugaand it's broken here, very broken09:19
ghostcubeuga he removed lrm one09:19
rjbhas anyone seen that and might suggest a reason?09:19
ugaghostcube: it's not a .ko it's a .o09:19
ugaghostcube: I've gone through the same thing =)09:19
ghostcubeok one chance09:19
ghostcubesstchur: #compiz-fusion09:19
ugaghostcube: you stop kdm service, rmmod nvidia, and restart kdm service. It loads the new nvidia module and runs fine09:20
ugaI'm not kidding. It caused me nightmares for a week09:20
ghostcubehe has got run file first09:20
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ghostcuberemoved is one09:20
ghostcubeand the ni nstaled packaged one09:20
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ugaghostcube: I tell you... packaged one doesn't work here either09:21
ugait's broken!09:21
ghostcubehere it works09:21
sstchurghostcube: uga: ok, so what do I do now?  I'm lost09:21
ghostcubei use it on all pcs09:21
uganot here. 8500gt09:21
ghostcubehe has an 7300 gt09:21
ghostcubeit must work09:21
ghostcubesstchur: #compiz-fusion09:21
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ugaghostcube: are you running the same gpu?09:22
sstchurghostcube: what do I tell them?09:22
ghostcubeim in09:22
ghostcubecome in09:22
ghostcube7600 gts09:22
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ghostcubesstchur: come over iun chan09:23
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ghostcubesstchur: ??09:25
ghostcubei cant help u here but in compiz are the grafik guruas09:25
ghostcubenormayll im the nvidia freak there but i dont know at the moment09:25
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drbobbhello, anyone else tried to upgrade to gutsy beta?09:26
theory_I installed qsynaptics but cannot find where it installed to...where would this be located?09:26
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aco_I've installed beryl and i'm using several desktops..but is there a way for the KDE to only show the windows opened in just that Desktop?09:27
nosrednaekimdrbobb: I'm reinstalling it... but support for gutsy is in #ubuntu+109:27
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drbobbtheory_: dpkg -L qsynaptics gives you a list of files installed09:27
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sstchurghostcube: I'm here... also talking to uga09:27
ghostcubeah ok09:28
ghostcubebut maybe join #+compiz-fusion thats nortmal prob there to get it bak i never had this09:28
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JimmyDeetry #ubuntu-effects09:29
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ugaghostcube: the thing is... after installing the nvidia driver, he had the box working. Rebooting it made it not work09:29
ugait's clearly not loading the same module09:29
JimmyDeeis he loading the right kernel?09:30
ugathe nvidia installer rmmods and modprobes the new module09:30
ugaJimmyDee: I believe he is, but happenned same as did to me, lrm tools keeps loading the .o that it includews09:30
ugabefore xorg can load the nvidia installed one09:30
ghostcubeuga yes and in compiz-fusion ardy has had an way to fix it09:30
ghostcubewait i ask09:30
JimmyDeepurge the old one?09:31
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ugaJimmyDee: that's what I was suggesting. It's a .o provided by lrm modules09:31
ugabut ghostcube is suggesting to install them instead =)09:31
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ugaand I got to leave from here in a matter of minutes ;)09:31
JimmyDeeforgive me I came in late09:31
tsbI can no longer to kmenu->log out because kdesu or whatever has stalled (I don't see any processes matching su though) - how do I restart gracefully now?09:32
ghostcubei never tolds install instead09:32
ghostcubehe uninstalled run09:32
ghostcubei told him to install deb09:32
ugaghostcube: that's what I'm telling you... the deb never worked here09:32
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ugathe nvidia binary worked just fine09:32
ugaeven on this 64bit box09:32
=== poison-- offers ugas hotties to JimmyDee
JimmyDeeyummy ugas hotties!09:33
dhqwhich command do i run to know when kubuntu was installed on the system09:33
Daisuke-Laptopwhich version from the repos did you use?09:33
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nosrednaekimhey Daisuke-Laptop.09:34
tsbanyone? I'll juts have to sudo reboot?09:34
JimmyDeeevening daisyduke09:34
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tsbIf I go to kcontrol and do somethign that requires root I get no password auth either..09:34
nosrednaekimsee you guys later, I have to go load  gutsy beta!09:35
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ugagnight JimmyDee and ghostcube09:35
ugagotta go, sorry09:35
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JimmyDeetsb: have you run gksu or kdesu previously?09:35
dhqis beta gusty out09:35
tsbJimmyDee: No.09:35
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chxhi. i have a new keyboard, trackpoint included, nice for travel, really. it has xf86forward / xf86back keys as well. I do not need those. but i need mouse scrollwheel really bad which this baby misses. So, how can i remap xf86forward/back to  emulate mouse scrollwheel.09:36
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JimmyDeetsb: hrm09:37
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tsbJimmyDee: "dcop kdesktop default logout" does not work either.09:37
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JimmyDeetsb: gracefully tried ctrl alt backspace?09:37
sayersall my programs when there is a list it colors every other one blue.09:37
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tsbJimmyDee: ctrl alt backspace will nuke my current session, I don't want to do that.. I'd like to keep my windows etc up.09:38
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JimmyDeeahhh yes you are right, hasty of me09:38
JimmyDeegot me09:38
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Daisuke-Laptopoh wow, didn't see mister anderson here :D09:43
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timan u plz help me to Put in speicifacaions for mY monitor???09:47
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tim1280 *1024  horizontal 80 vertical 7509:48
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dhqis gusty beta safe09:49
llutzdhq define "safe"09:49
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dhqllutz, well not like tribe109:50
ghozalahey how can i mount ntfs partitions09:50
BluesKajtim , you have to edit your xorg file,  copy and paste in the konsole : sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:50
CaptainApathy!ntfs | ghozala09:50
ubotughozala: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse09:50
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CaptainApathydhq: it's beta software.  that means there are bugs being fixed.  Bugs can range from spelling errors, to obscure bugs that can completely break a setup...  You may never even run into one if you install it, but there is the chance09:51
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dhqCaptainApathy, how do i upgrade09:52
ubotuSee https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) to Kubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn)09:52
ubotuGutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+109:52
stdindhq: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon/Beta/Kubuntu09:52
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CaptainApathydhq: dunno.  I'm planning on wipeing my system and installing fresh once 7.10 comes out09:53
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syd_how to change charset in tty?09:53
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dhqCaptainApathy, well i have upgraded my system right form drapper --> edgy-->feisty---now gusty:)09:54
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stdinsyd_: maybe with consolechars (see man consolechars)09:55
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JCDeandoes anyone like suse's grub appearance better?09:56
Kachnahey,i need to create new partitions on a drive, but when i deleted my old one, it says that free space is read-only - any idea how to format it?09:57
emilsedghJCDean: installing grub themes shouldnt be hard, but who cares, really?09:57
JCDeanwife dislikes the plain one09:57
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stdinJCDean: why don't you just use a splash image?09:58
stdin!info kubuntu-grub-splashimages09:59
ubotukubuntu-grub-splashimages: grub splashimages for Kubuntu. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1 (feisty), package size 246 kB, installed size 332 kB09:59
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JCDeanstdin: tried splashy but it seems to be failing10:00
stdinKachna: are you working from a liveCD? you can't modify the partition table on a disk that has any part mounted10:00
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stdinJCDean: failing ?10:00
JCDeanuser error10:01
Kachnastdin: yep im on live10:01
Kachnawell,just figured out what did i forget,had my /home there :P10:01
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stdinJCDean: this is the line I have in my menu.lst (that works) "splashimage=(hd0,1)/boot/grub/splashimages/kgs.xpm.gz"10:02
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stdinmy root is on /dev/sda2 so its (hd0,1)10:02
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JCDeanI dont know why i went the splashy route10:03
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Kachnaok so here we come,i kinda deleted my /home,i don't mind about these files much,but how can i get my user back? :P10:10
followerofhimI put Sphinx-2 on my computer running ubuntu however, I can't find it or, get it working. anyone know how to get it working?10:10
Kachna(oh hell,had my guitar recordings there >.<)10:10
alejandro_how to dist-upgrade without upgradin openoffice?10:10
Kachnaalejandro_: apt-get remove openoffice? :P10:11
llutzalejandro_: set it on hold10:11
Kachnaor so...10:11
=== Dinofly [n=dinofly@mar92-13-88-165-255-149.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu
stdinKachna: you just have to recreate your home directory (and copy the files in /etc/skel/ to there)10:11
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Kachnastdin: so easy,thanks :-)10:12
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timI just changed My xconfig an now AM running in A BLACKc screen10:12
timcan u help me t obring my graphical enviroment back10:13
stdinKachna: word of warning, in /etc/fstab the line to mount your old home was probably using a UUID, after it's formatted the UUID will be different so you'll need to edit that  (and any other partitions you change)10:13
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Kachnastdin: yep just commented out that one,well,i wanna to make partitions,but either live and installed system uses swap there -> any way to make completely new partition table there?10:14
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Kachnamean,i have no more partitions so i could make swap temporarily there :/10:15
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followerofhimSphinx-2 anyone here know to get it working?10:15
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stdintim: there's usually a backup made in /etc/X11/   called something like "xorg.conf.20070928211432"   (the date in YearMonthDayHourMinuteSeconds)10:15
llutzKachna: swapoff -a10:15
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Kachnallutz: k ran it,then umount -a and it looks ok..so i can play? :-)10:16
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llutzKachna: you should10:17
Kachnaoh yep i see,thanks a lot :-)10:17
stdinKachna: if "mount" and "cat /proc/swaps" show nothing to do with the disk, it's all good :)10:17
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Kachnagreat :P soo...how big swap should i make? from what i see,it hardly ever uses any :/10:17
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Kachnahave G ram,so i had 1536MB there...dunno why,just the 1st number i got in my mind :/ it's useless,isnt it?10:18
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Daisuke-LaptopKachna: not useless10:19
Kachnamean that size10:19
stdinKachna: if you don't need Hibernate and aren't doing memory intensive things (sounds like you aren't). then somewhere in the region of 512MB - 1GB  is what I usually recommend10:19
Daisuke-Laptopthat's the general rule for swap10:19
Daisuke-Laptopbut like stdin said, that's changed lately.10:19
timguys plz helpe me10:19
Kachnawell i knew it was on win i should make 1,5*ram...10:19
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Daisuke-Laptopi tend to use a tiny bit more swap10:20
llutzKachna: you always can add swap later (swap-file)10:20
Daisuke-LaptopKachna: that's because win is a swapping fool.10:20
Kachnathat's the thing,i love to hibernate :-)10:20
ozehkahey, my DVD+RW drive is recognized in konqueror and i can also read cd/dvds but burning programs like k3b can't find any burner10:20
timi chanaged my xorg10:20
Kachnawell windows is memory fool at all i think :/10:20
llutzKachna: for hibernation you should have RAM * 1.510:20
knopnetwhat did you do to it?10:20
timnow i can't boot graphical enviroment10:20
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Kachnak,so making 1,5G10:20
stdinKachna: if you hibernate then you need swap to be about 1.5xRAM10:20
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elbuscadoralgun espaol10:21
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.10:21
Kachnabut i have troubles,if i hibernate to memory,it often freezes at all,if i hibernate on disk,it doesn't activate my usb mouse after start..any idea why?10:21
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llutzKachna: hibernation on linux is still tricky. try to unload/load usb-modules when hibernateing/resuming10:22
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Kachnak,will try,but 1st i gotta get my user back :-)10:23
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rsinghi am having trouble reassembling my raid10:24
rsinghi used mdadm10:24
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rsinghdoes anyone know how to fix the super block on mdadm raid drive10:24
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timI can't login into GRAPHICAL eniroment plz help me!10:24
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Kachnastdin: so i just copy contents of /etc/skel to /home/username ok?10:24
timkachna can u pzl help me10:24
Kachnatim: what does it say after typing startx?10:24
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Kachnai'm kinda noob but i can try :P10:25
timwrong scaling10:25
timi changed horizontal and vertical values and it sopted working10:25
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Kachnarestored that old config file?10:25
stdinKachna: this is generally the way (as root/from recovery mode/in chroot) "mkdir /home/user ; cp -a /etc/skel/ /home/user/ ; chown -R user: /home/user"10:26
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Kachnastdin: wth is chown? :P10:26
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stdinKachna: CHange OWNer10:26
Kachnaoh,nice,thanks :-)10:27
dannioniHow do I change so that firefox is my standard browser instead of Konqueror, for example when clicking a link in Konversation i want it to open in firefox10:27
timhow do i resotoreconfig file?10:27
stdindannioni: system settings > default applications10:27
Kachnatim: is there that backup in /etc/X11 ?10:28
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stuckat46perchello..i am trying to install kubuntu 7.04 (last upgrade) on a com that has xp and madriva 2006 (which im willing to ditch in favour of kubuntu). When i run the installer it gets stuck at 46%of the disk scanning (partitioning stage)..the disk is not busy and i even created a single partition (had different mount points for / and home  on mandriva). Everything goes fine qith QTparted but fails with the installer...is there a known10:28
stuckat46percissue with the installer other then the usual suggestions?10:28
Kachnaoh,then nevermind me,sounds like a problem :/10:28
swanflI've decided to be bold and update to gutsy. will this bring in kde4?10:28
timdo I need to reinstall Kubuntu 4th time?10:29
timto do that?10:29
stdinstuckat46perc: does the disk have a swap partition? if so it may be in use when the live session starts. try "sudo swapoff -a"10:29
stuckat46percbut i turned the sawp off10:29
stuckat46perci didnt reboot though10:29
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stuckat46percis the -a mandatory?10:30
rathelAnyway I can turn off my screensaver while Kaffeine is running?10:30
stuckat46perci issued buntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo swapoff /dev/hdb610:30
stdinstuckat46perc: -a means all10:30
stuckat46percok ill try that10:31
timok do i need to reinstall kubuntu then?10:31
stdinstuckat46perc: the feisty kernel will use /dev/sda* in most cases, not /dev/hda*10:31
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dannionistdin: Thanks10:33
ugaJimmyDee, ghostcube, how did it go for sstchur?10:34
ugaI see the connection timed out...10:34
root_stdin: btw,why there are these uuids instead /dev/sdxx ?10:34
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ugaroot_: if I'm not wrong, so that devices don't change mountpoint10:34
stdinKachna: in fatab and in menu.lst uuids are used yeah10:34
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ugaKachna:  sometimes the same portable device can appear as differnt /devs10:35
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ugaand that can cause the decie not mounting properly10:35
stdinKachna: in feisty /dev/hda1 becomes /dev/sda1 < that would break unless UUIDs were used10:35
ugawhile using uuids will never change mountpoints10:35
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ugastdin: oh, I thought it'd be for the CF and portable devices issue10:35
Kachnak and where can i fing uuid? :)10:35
ubotuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell:  sudo blkid  (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)10:36
pope22hi, i'm having trouble with Miro, is anyone able to help?10:36
stdinuga: can be used for that too, anything where you can't guarantee what the device nodes will be called10:36
Kachnagreat,thanks :-)10:36
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stuckat46percturning the swap off didnt work.. shall i delete the swap partition and reboot? maybe delete the ext3 partition as well?10:38
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ghozalahey how can i install hp laserjet 1020 p.s. i didnt find it through the list of drivers and i have tried near models10:39
stdinstuckat46perc: don't think that would help. if it's not using swap then it should be working.  the installer actually uses qtparted to partition10:39
hitmanWillyghozala: that one probably needs hplip iirc10:39
thomas__hi I was wondering if someone can help me validate a webpage, I am getting a few errors I cannot fix10:39
martijni have a question about the fast starter in kicker, when in put a firefox icon there and hit it to start i get "cannot execute command. File or folder bla bla does not exist."10:39
llutzghozala: use "generic ps"10:39
martijnis there any way to fix this?10:39
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stuckat46percis there a way to do a manual install?10:40
jereme_thomax_: that's pretty off-topic for this channel10:40
ghozalahow can i use generic ps10:40
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hitmanWillyoh, btw, just finished a successful gutsy upgrade on the lappy10:40
thomas__jereme_: hmmm do know who could help me10:40
jereme_thomas__: #html perhaps?10:41
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stuckat46percok ill reboot and try anyways...thank you10:41
guigui__Salut tlm10:41
pillowpantsi just reformatted and reinstalled my windows partition10:41
ugaarf, I hate the lack of wine for 64bit10:41
pillowpantswhich was also the master boot loader patition10:41
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pillowpantsand now my grub is gone10:41
guigui__j'aimerais savoir comment devenir le surper root10:41
pillowpantshow might i install the grub again?10:41
ugapillowpants: boot with the live CD. Mount the partitions on /mnt manually. chroot to /mnt10:42
pillowpantsso that i can get onto linux10:42
stdin!fr | guigui__10:42
ubotuguigui__: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.10:42
ugaand run grub-install10:42
hitmanWillyuga: wine'll work under 64, you just have to do some serious lib linking :)10:42
pillowpantsuga, i see10:42
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ghozalahey how can i install hp laserjet 1020 p.s. i didnt find it through the list of drivers and i have tried near models10:42
phoenixzI want to configure my kubuntu so that during startup a route will be added. I can do that with adding some route command in a startup script, but is there an "official" file for this?? and no, I don't want to do it with GUI, for the learning experience..  :)10:42
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows10:42
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martijni have a question about the fast starter in kicker, when in put a firefox icon there and hit it to start i get "cannot execute command. File or folder bla bla/firefox.desktop does not exist."(i know too fast but i added something)10:42
pillowpantsuga: how would i mount them manually?10:43
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hitmanWilly!mount | pillowpants10:43
ubotupillowpants: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Kubuntu, go to System Settings -> Advanced Tab -> Disks & Filesystem. See also !fstab and !DiskMounter10:43
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ugahitmanWilly: I read it's not straightforward though. Is it a normal 32 bit lib setup and chroot?10:43
ugaI wonder what lib system wine depends on10:43
llutzghozala: in kconfig dialog, use "postscript-printer" instead of loading any driver10:43
ugapillowpants: mount /dev/sda1 /mnt; mount /dev/sda6/ /mnt/home10:44
ugafor example10:44
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hitmanWillyuga: nah, just have to link a bunch of the lib64 stuff to regular lib, chroot just causes more problems in this situation10:44
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ugapillowpants: depends on what partittions your disks are10:44
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hitmanWillyuga: of course, i haven't set that up under buntu, but it should be more or less the same :)10:44
stdinphoenixz: the best place for it would probably be either to add "gateway address.of.the.gateway" to /etc/network/interfaces to set a default gateway. or add the route commands to /etc/rc.local10:44
pillowpantsis there a simpler way?10:45
pillowpantsi just need to get a grub insatlled10:45
ugahitmanWilly: I just found this... http://wiki.winehq.org/WineOn64bit10:45
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snatchguten Abend10:45
hitmanWillyuga: another reason i like gentoo, but that's offtopic, lol10:45
phoenixzstdin, yeah, I thought of adding the routes in rc.local with the route command but that looks kind of like a dirty solution to me..10:45
snatchdarf ich eine Frage zu Koversation (irc) stellen?10:45
ugahitmanWilly: I gave up on gentoo after years of use. Too many broken ebuilds10:45
stdin!de | snatch10:45
ugaand too many colliding packages10:45
ugaannoying to maintain at the end10:46
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ubotusnatch: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de10:46
snatchdanke sehr10:46
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hitmanWillyuga: yeah, it can get away from you if you don't keep it reined in...lol10:46
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thomas__hi I was wondering if someone can help me validate a webpage, I am getting a few errors I cannot fix10:46
alejandro_howto repriorice a proces10:46
ugahitmanWilly: I did keep it right, but there were too many conflicting packages10:46
stdinphoenixz: unless you made your own script in /etc/init.d and use update-rc.d to set it to start at boot it's the easiest way10:46
thomas__i can't find any help anywhere else :(10:46
ugahitmanWilly: badly built ones. I kept fixing ebuilds... and that's not what you're supposed to do when you use a distro10:47
ugahitmanWilly: ie, I wasn't supposed to be running LFS ;)10:47
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phoenixzstdin, thats almost the same I guess.. :)10:47
hitmanWillyuga: hmmm, haven't run into too many problems on that front myself10:47
stdinphoenixz: the route setup is done by dhcp when bringing the interface up, so if you need to add something else it's "make your own script" time :)10:47
hitmanWillyuga: heh, if you want LFS, a stage 1 gentoo is basically the same thing...lol10:47
phoenixzstdin, this is another route, yes..10:48
ugahitmanWilly: a big problem I found was the lack of a proper system to rebuild all dependancies when the abis got broken10:48
hitmanWillyuga: but hey, that's why we have different distros :P10:48
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hitmanWillyuga: revdep-rebuild?10:48
phoenixzso its BYOS, Bring Your Own Scripts10:48
ugahitmanWilly: it sometimes may work, yes ;))10:48
hitmanWillyuga: but again, this is getting massively offtopic...10:49
ugahitmanWilly: all my installs were done from first stage. But not even that method is supported anymore10:49
ugasorry yes10:49
stdinphoenixz: for those non-standard things yeah (and that is non-standard)10:49
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thomas__stdin: can u help with something?10:49
hitmanWillyuga: about the only problem i've run into with that is for kde updates10:50
stdinthomas__: depends on the problem10:50
thomas__stdin: a little html problem i have :S10:50
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stdinthomas__: my html is a little rusty, but I'll give it a shot10:50
thomas__stdin: ok ty, I need to validate this page but I'm getting 3 errors10:51
KachnaAn error occurred while enabling /home.10:51
thomas__stdin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/38954/10:51
KachnaThe system reported: mount: special device /dev/disk/by-uuid/ed388409-7e39-4db9-b20e-f48a19df260f does not exist10:51
hitmanWillystdin: mine's probably fossilized then :P10:51
stdinKachna: did you update the UUIDs in fstab?10:51
Kachnaany ideas why it doesn't see that disk there? blkid says it'S there10:51
Kachnayep,i manually rewrote all the file10:51
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Kachnawith /dev/hda2 it works, with this nope :/10:52
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Kachna /dev/hda2: LABEL="home" UUID="ed388409-7e39-4db9-b20e-f48a19df260f" SEC_TYPE="ext2" TYPE="ext3"10:52
Kachnathis is from blkid :/10:52
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stdinKachna: sometimes udev can be dumb, try restarting it "sudo /etc/init.d/udev restart"10:52
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alejandro_howto use nice?10:52
thomas__stdin: http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fmatrix.senecac.on.ca%2F%7Etdrag%2Finterests.html&charset=%28detect+automatically%29&doctype=Inline&group=010:53
alejandro_nice -n -1 pid?10:53
ugaalejandro_: nice -n 10 foo.sh10:53
thomas__stdin: hold on that one has a mistake10:53
hitmanWillyalejandro_: man nice :)10:53
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ugaalejandro_: if you want to change the nice value, that's "renice" that you need10:53
thomas__stdin: if you input the pastebing into here: http://validator.w3.org/#validate_by_input10:54
ugaalejandro_: want a nice trick? =)10:54
ugaalejandro_: press Ctrl+ESC10:54
alejandro_with nice i can put nice forever an a script or executable10:54
ugaalejandro_: select a process10:54
ugaalejandro_: right mouse button click10:54
ugaand see last option =)10:54
uga"renice process..."10:55
alejandro_i can use ksysguard because im playing a game10:55
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Kachnastdin: thanks,it kinda works,but when i mount /home,it's ok and in df i see that partition,but when checking it in kcontrol,there's nothing about it, just partition 73GB /dev/hda2,no mountpoints or so :\10:55
alejandro_cant sorry10:55
ugaheh okay10:55
alejandro_i cant switch between process10:55
hitmanWillythomas__: maybe change the colors to hex values?10:55
alejandro_with alt+tab10:55
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thomas__hitmanWilly: but have you seen the errors? it doesn't say anything about colours.......10:56
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hitmanWillythomas__: hold on a sec, let me try validating it10:56
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jeriit's me again,and stil here with the same problem with my adept i cant open it,has erros in it.10:57
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ozehkais it possible to share a ntfs partition with samba?10:57
stdinthomas__: well, I'm not up to date will XHTML standard, but I think that the errors are to do with <h#> should be in a style tag10:57
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stdinor, replaced by a style tag rather10:58
jerion it10:58
ugaozehka: I don't see why not, if the smb process got enough permissions to access the ntfs mount10:58
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ozehkahey uga ;-)10:58
ugahi there10:58
ozehkai tried it but it says the folder could not be found10:59
thomas__stdin: the <h/> ???10:59
ugaozehka: what does ls -ld say on the folder?10:59
ozehkaactually i expected something like "no permission"..10:59
hitmanWillystdin: yeah, i think you're right, but again, my html skills are prehistoric...lol\10:59
stdinthomas__: the <h1> and <h3>10:59
ozehkafolder = the partition10:59
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ugathe directory where it's mounted, I meant10:59
thomas__stdin: oh you mean that <h1> is only used in html not Xhtml11:00
ozehkaso not in smb://mycomp/part ?11:00
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stdinthomas__: I think, yes11:00
ugaozehka: wherever you mounted the ntfs partition with mount11:00
ozehkadr-xr-x--- 1 root plugdev 12288 2007-09-24 16:45 .11:00
ugaozehka: /mnt/winders or so11:00
thomas__stdin: ok i'll try changing it, ty11:00
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ugaozehka: okay... whoever in plugdev will be able to read it, but nobody else11:00
ugaozehka: samba cannot either enter nor read11:00
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ugaozehka: sudo chmod o+rx ?11:01
ugathat should give permissions to others to enter and read it11:01
ozehkahmm i think i tried to change permission...11:01
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hitmanWillyuga: the o tag is just for owner, right?11:01
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ugahitmanWilly: others11:01
ozehkauga: "Read-only file system"11:01
ugahitmanWilly: g =groups11:02
ugaozehka: yes, it's mounted as read only. Ntfs can't be written unless you install modded libs11:02
hitmanWillyuga: k, i usually do mine by number ie 755, lol11:02
ugahitmanWilly: yes well, this method allows for less mistakes a=all, g=group, o=others, u=user11:02
hitmanWillymeh, whatever works for ya11:03
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ugathen +/- rxw11:03
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stdinhitmanWilly: u=user, g=group, o=other11:03
ugahitmanWilly: imagine you want to remove permissions to the group fro writing11:03
ugayou don't need to recalculate the 3 digits11:03
ugajust say chmod g-w11:03
ozehkauga: i don't need write permission11:03
hitmanWillyuga: yeah, but im old skool...:P11:04
ugahitmanWilly: I noticed ;))11:04
ozehkaso what i need is just "other read"11:04
ugaozehka: and execute11:04
ozehkahmm, yeah, but not needed actually :P11:04
ugaozehka: unless you allow x in a directory, the person cannot enter11:04
ozehkachmod o+rw?11:04
ugano entering, no share =)11:04
ugachmod o+rx11:04
ugaw is for writing11:05
ozehkaeh, thats the same as before11:05
ugaozehka: that should give you  xr-xr-xr11:05
ozehkachmod: Beim Setzen der Zugriffsrechte fr hdc5: Read-only file system11:05
ugain permissions11:05
ugaozehka: ah I see...11:06
ozehkaand yes, i'm doing it as su :P11:06
ugayou can't edit a read only file system11:06
ugaozehka: it sets permissions when you mount11:06
ugaumount it, change permissions to the directory, and mount11:06
ozehkaso i need to edit fstab?11:06
ugain fstab you should allow permissions for rx for others. Cant' recall the syntax... a second11:06
hitmanWillyozehka: what type of fs is this?11:06
ugahitmanWilly: ntfs11:06
ugaso he can read onyl mount it11:07
ugabut he needs "samba" user to have access11:07
hitmanWillydoes samba auto set a umask?11:07
ozehkacurrently i got11:07
ozehka... /media/hdc5     ntfs    defaults,nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0       111:07
jeriit's me again,and stil here with the same problem with my adept i cant open it,has erros in it.11:08
hitmanWillymay need to remove the umask11:08
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ugaozehka: the problem is the 711:08
ozehkais that "007" the octal?11:08
ugain 00711:08
ozehkaso my partition has the license to kill? :P11:09
ugaozehka: it's inverse as permissions afaik11:09
ugalike 7 will remove all permissions from "others"11:09
ugaozehka: yeah =)11:09
stdinumask=007 translates to 77011:09
ugayou need agent 0 =)11:09
ozehkaso i should set 000?11:09
ugaeither that, or add samba user to plugdev group11:09
hitmanWillyi thought a umask might be the issue :)11:09
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ozehkai think by now i just used user "guest" (smb.conf: guest ok = yes)11:11
jochen_somebody german there?11:12
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de11:12
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poison--mars here11:12
ugaI live in your kernel's main.c11:12
jochen_tach auch poison11:13
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de11:13
uga!de | jochen_11:14
ubotujochen_: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de11:14
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ozehkauga: actually i should get with smb://myuser@mycomp on the samba and since myuser is in plugdev it should work right?11:14
ugaozehka: the user accessing the file system is the one running the samba service11:15
uganot the remote windows user11:15
ozehkaand which user is that?11:15
ugaso the samba user is the one to have permissions11:15
ozehkai can't find any samba user :P11:15
ugaozehka: I believe it's samba. Not sure, I don't run samba here11:16
thomas__stdin: hey11:16
thomas__stdin: but isn't the style tag used only in the head tag11:16
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stdinthomas__: only css style11:16
thomas__stdin: but i'm not using css11:17
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Daisuke-Laptopwelcome to...  #html?11:17
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stdinie: you can do (something like)  <tag style="Some style in here" other-element="whatever">11:17
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ugaozehka: uhm... now I'm not sure... check /var/log/samba/log.smbd11:18
ugaozehka: does it belong to samba? or to root?11:18
ugaI'm thinking it may run as root, then I'm not sure what's going on =(11:18
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ugaozehka: can I suggest #samba?11:19
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thomas__stdin: ohh ok, i'm gonna try11:19
ugaozehka: it seems a pretty crowded channel11:19
ozehkathanks alot11:19
ugaozehka: let us know the result. I'm very intrigued11:19
Jadeshey all11:19
ozehkauga: alright :-)11:19
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hitmanWillyhmmm, haven't used samba in a LONG time...11:20
ugaI only used it to share stuff with VMware11:20
hitmanWillyim 100% nix these days...11:20
ugaI would be too, if damn wine was available easily for this box ;)11:20
ugaright now trying to setup VirtualBox11:21
hitmanWillyabout the only thing i use wine for these days is WoW11:21
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analfabetamy nvidia driver doesnt work after gutsy update from tribe 5 to beta... what i do ?11:32
ugaokay, ... I give up. I can't make VirtualBox access local folders... lets upload and download through internet... isn't it silly ;)11:32
ugaanalfabeta: what nvidia driver were you using. deb provided one, or nvidia one?11:33
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CoScOhi i looking for Pretorians invite pls can someone help me i have good offer11:33
analfabetauga: nvidia-glx from repository.11:33
ugauhm, then I cant' tell11:33
ugaI thought you might be using the nvidia run, and would need a rebuild11:33
DaSkreechCoScO: What?11:33
Daisuke-LaptopCoScO: you're obviously in the wrong place, because no one here could possibly care any less about whatever the h*** it is you're babbling on about11:34
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hitmanWillyanalfabeta: check to see if it reinstalled after the kernel update11:34
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analfabetahitmanWilly: i think no, but how i reinstall ?11:34
ugawtf was the s***t he was talking about ;)11:34
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hitmanWillyanalfabeta: apt-get reinstall11:35
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analfabetai remove and install again11:35
analfabetastill crashing11:35
ugaanalfabeta: you could try removing it and installing the nvidia release11:35
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ugaworks fine here, in gutsy11:35
hitmanWillyanalfabeta: also, when i did the gutsy update, it installed the 386 kernel as default, vice the generic one, you may want to check that as well11:36
analfabetaafter install, i need do anything11:36
ugaafter installing.... what?11:37
hitmanWillycouldn't figure out why half my hardware drivers weren't loading :)11:37
analfabetaafter reinstall nvidia.glx11:37
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ugahitmanWilly: I hit that problem too many times too. I wonder why it kept changing kernels11:37
voicuhow can i check if a file has a valid md5 sum? (from the command line preferably)11:37
ugahitmanWilly: thankfully, on the 64bit repos there's no 386 kernel ;))11:38
hitmanWillymd5sum :)11:38
hitmanWillyuga: yes, strange about that :P11:38
analfabetawhich the name of X graphic configurator ?11:38
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ugauh, vi? =)11:38
voicuok, thanks11:38
hitmanWillyi think nvidia-xconfig is what you mean11:39
analfabetahitmanWilly: yes11:39
ugaah heh, _that_ configurator11:39
analfabetai will try reboot. . .11:39
ugaas generally it never worked for me...11:39
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hitmanWillyuga: that's ok, i use it too :)11:40
ugahitmanWilly: I got shocked that in the latest nvidia installer, it managed to set up a working xorg.conf11:40
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ugafirst time in the last.... 5 years using nvidia?11:40
hitmanWillyuga: manually editing xorg.conf is a lot less intimidating once you've written one completely from scratch...;)11:40
ugano sorry, 411:40
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hitmanWillybut then again, im an old slack guy, so editing config files has never really bothered me11:41
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hervehi all11:43
hervei am fromrwanda11:43
poison--!hi | herve11:43
ubotuherve: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!11:43
hervei installed kubund now i am enjoying it11:43
=== MrBallZ [n=hahaha@001-788-560.area1.spcsdns.net] has joined #kubuntu
ozehkauga: no help so far...11:44
hervehi ubutu11:44
ozehkabut i got another problem :P my DVD+RW drive is recognized in konqueror and i can also read cd/dvds but burning programs like k3b can't find any burner11:44
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herveevery thing is okay11:44
poison--welcome herve11:44
hervebut now i am trying to install ubuntu server on sun fire x410011:45
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ubotuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 6.06. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ - The #ubuntu-server channel provides specific support11:45
hervethanx poison11:45
emilsedghozehka: are you sure that youre trying to write a DVD and not a CD in K3B ?11:45
emilsedghozehka: its a common mistake :)11:45
ugaemilsedgh: k3b works fine with both CDs and DVDs11:45
ozehkaemilsedgh: it can't even find a burner at startup11:45
ugaand his is a dvd+rw, he said11:45
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herveis sun fire x4100 support hvm for xen11:46
ugaozehka: you could try creating an iso in k3b, and then using cdrecord. You might see what the error is through cmd line11:46
ugaozehka: cdrecord -v /dev/cdrw foo.iso11:46
herveis sun fire x4100 support hvm for xen11:47
ugareplace cdrw with whichever device you think it's the writer11:47
herveany idea ?11:47
poison--dunno herve11:47
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emilsedghuga: sure it does, but if you have a dvd burner and want to copy dvd, if you go to cop cd it will not find your device, because you are trying to write a dvd, i did this mistake myself so i said to ozehka11:47
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ozehkaits already at startup11:47
herveany one who has manage to install ubuntu on sun blad 100011:48
poison--herve, just a sec11:48
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poison--herve, think ubuntu/kubuntu works on dat rig11:50
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hervei failed to install via internet cz i do not have scsi cdrom11:50
MrBallZquestion: is it a good idea, to wait for KDE4 to upgrade to 7.10GG ???   (after bugs and probs are worked out )11:51
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MrBallZmeaning, not upgrading until  KDE4 is out and tested for 7.10GG ....11:51
sstchurWhenever I try to use "nvidia" in my xorg.conf instead of "nv", it chokes when I try to restart X, why?11:51
poison--herve: http://www.ubuntu.com/partners/sun11:51
poison--and: http://www.sun.com/servers/entry/x4100/os.jsp11:52
poison--completely supported11:52
poison--how sweet11:52
hervelet me check11:52
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herveyour asl pls11:52
DaSkreechMrBallZ: What's 7.10GG?11:52
xerxes_is this kubuntuu?11:52
DaSkreechOh Gutsy Gibbion of course :)11:52
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DaSkreechxerxes_: Sure why not?11:53
hervepoison, your asl11:53
xerxes_i am from china dis first tiem i us linix11:53
xerxes_it seys eror?11:53
ozehkauga: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/38958/11:53
xerxes_wen i is stat kubuntu it seys11:53
DaSkreechMrBallZ: No KDE4 for 7.10GG So as you will11:53
xerxes_"cantot start"11:53
ubotuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese  #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk11:53
DaSkreechxerxes_: ^^^ if it helps11:53
xerxes_ar u insultin my languge?11:53
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DaSkreechxerxes_: No it's just an option11:54
xerxes_my guvernmnt11:54
=== Thug7life is now known as Thug-life
DaSkreechIf you wish to stay here by all means do so11:54
xerxes_work hrd to censur dis pag11:54
poison--herve, whats asl?11:54
xerxes_i work hrd to bypas it11:54
poison--damn xerxes11:54
herveage sex location11:54
xerxes_yes i lik hav sex11:54
DaSkreech!coc | herve11:54
ubotuherve: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/11:54
xerxes_u too?11:54
poison--herve, jurassic, hybrid, brazil11:54
poison--xerxes, clam down11:55
jereme_I'm having trouble when kubuntu boots it hangs on initializing the ATA for a good minute, then it gives a few ata warnings and cruises on11:55
poison--calm even11:55
xerxes_ekuse me?11:55
jereme_I'm wondering if my ATA controller is dying11:55
DaSkreechxerxes_: What won't start?11:55
hervebye all11:55
jereme_or if I'm just finding a kernel bug11:55
xerxes_I DU FKN NO11:55
xerxes_IT SEYS "CANTOT STAT"11:55
DaSkreech!ohmy | xerxes_11:55
ubotuxerxes_: Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly.11:55
xerxes_IT FKN!!!!!11:55
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poison--xerxes, using a notebook?11:55
ozehkauga: I don't know why he "can't find SCSI drivers", I got no scsi drive at all :P11:55
xerxes_You're on candid camera!!!!!!!!!!11:55
sstchuruga: you still around?11:55
xerxes_I was bored sorry11:56
jereme_wow, that's more retarded than the special olympics11:56
poison--xerxes, eva tried blue pills?11:56
xerxes_No I took the yellow one11:56
poison--special olympics are cool11:56
poison--even if u win, youre still a  retard11:56
ugaozehka: that's because in the previous kernel versions, the only way to write CDs was through scsi interface iirc11:56
xerxes_what do you have against retards11:56
ugait was later replaced though11:56
ozehka"wodim: no such file or directory"?11:57
ugaeven if the drive was IDE, it was treated as if it were scsi11:57
poison--time to go home11:57
poison--l8r guys11:57
poison--cya 2morrow11:57
DaSkreech!offtopic | xerxes_, poison-- Funny please don't keep it here11:57
ubotuxerxes_, poison-- Funny please don't keep it here: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!11:57
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poison--sweet nightmares uga11:57
jereme_I have nothing against mentally disabled people, I just have something against people who only act that way11:57
poison--ty stdin11:57
toolanyone know how to get my USB to serial adapter working? lsusb shows its "058f:9720 Alcor Micro Corp"11:58
toolI can't seem to find working drivers anywhere..11:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about usb - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:58
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toolubotu, nothing...12:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nothing... - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:00
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ozehkauga: sudo k3b, works :P12:03
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ugaozehka: you need to put your user in the correct group and log in again12:10
ozehkayeah, i think somewhen i messed up some user-group-permission-stuff...12:10
ugaozehka: the group is "cdrom"12:10
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ugajust edit /etc/group and add your nick to the group12:10
ozehkaso i had problems with the soundserver, with sudo, etc...12:10
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ozehkauga: thanks again for your help :)12:11
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speaker219join join leave leave12:14
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thomas__stdin: u there?12:16
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stdinthomas__: just about12:16
thomas__stdin: :)12:16
thomas__stdin: i got it validated12:17
stdingood :)12:17
thomas__stdin: it was for several reasons, mainly because I couldn't have <p><h1></h1></p> which is dumb I don't see why not12:17
thomas__stdin: but I can't change the font !12:17
thomas__stdin: <font face="impact" size="3" color = "pink" >12:17
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stdinyeah, they should all be in some strange alien style tags now12:18
ozehkabtw, do you know which distro-irc-channel is usually the biggest? #ubuntu?12:18
stdindon't know how, I still use nano to code HTML :)12:18
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stdinozehka: not a clue, and that's more for #kubuntu-offtopic12:18
ubotuhtml is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages.  Editors in Ubuntu: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem, and KompoZer(Nvu).  For howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/12:19
MinatakuDr_Willis isn't here12:19
Daisuke-Laptopheya Minataku12:20
MinatakuHi, Daisuke-Laptop12:21
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ubotuFreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX12:22
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fkmthomas__, DON'T USE <FONT>!12:26
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fkm<span style="font-family:impact; font-size:3pt; color:pink;">bleh</span>12:28
fkmSo, I'll get some sleep. Good night12:28
thomas__fkm: ok thank you but why not?12:29
thomas__fkm: its "decaprecated" ?12:29
fkmAt least in Strict12:29
fkmAnd strict is the way to go12:29
thomas__fkm: thank you webmaster12:29
fkmHeheh, I'm no master ;)12:29
thomas__fkm: :D sure you are12:30
thomas__fkm: for me u are12:30
NickPrestaIt's not only deprecated, it's stupid12:30
NickPrestawhy you would want to mix presentation with content, I have no idea :)12:30
thomas__NickPresta: huh? i guess i'm stupid then :S12:30
fkmIf you are new to HTML directly learn "(x)HTML Strict" and "semantic markup". It's easier to learn and much better in the end :)12:30
thomas__NickPresta: but i don't know12:30
NickPrestathomas__, meet me in #kubuntu-offtopic if you want to discuss this further12:31
fkmHeheh, NickPresta, 100% true words! :)12:31
ubuntuis sabayon a good distro? i was going to install it12:31
fkmthomas__, No you've just learnd some bad things ;)12:31
nosrednaekimubuntu: its not BAD... just different.12:31
thomas__fkm: yea i guess12:31
NickPrestaubuntu, I would compare Sabayon is to Gentoo was Ubuntu is to Debian. Fairly accurate comparison, I think12:32
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fkmthomas__, Look for those two keyworks I gave you (HTML Strict & Semantic Markup) for your further studies and you will be on a good way :)12:33
JimmyDeeas redhat is to poop12:33
thomas__fkm: ok thank you i just validated my page transitional :)12:33
thomas__fkm: lol i like you u used "bleh"12:34
fkmHeheh :)12:34
fkmI've reached a point where I can't see foo and bar anymore ;)12:34
Daisuke_Idoi'm still wondering when this became #html12:35
fkmSo, I got to go. Good night everybody and godspeed ;)12:35
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thomas__fkm: lol i can't pm you12:37
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fkmthomas__, As long as you can read the pms ;)12:40
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thomas__fkm: hold on let me read12:41

Generated by irclog2html.py 2.7 by Marius Gedminas - find it at mg.pov.lt!