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HappyCamp_ubuntu | irc://logicsbox.jf.intel.com/umd | 01:59 |
HappyCamp_ubuntu | whoops :( | 01:59 |
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HappyCamp | AaronL2, I'm seeing the same issue. I think it is a broken package. | 02:18 |
AaronL2 | yeah | 02:18 |
HappyCamp | Or they haven't built it yet, or they haven't pushed it out to the repo yet. | 02:19 |
HappyCamp | asac, Mithrandir anyone notice the issue with libxul0d depending on a version of libxul-common which is not in the repo? | 02:20 |
HappyCamp | libxul0d: Depends: libxul-common (>= but is to be installed | 02:20 |
AaronL2 | I think the issue is that libxul0d was increased in version | 02:20 |
AaronL2 | but libxul-common was not | 02:20 |
AaronL2 | there are some other packages like this that start with libxul, saw in synaptic | 02:21 |
HappyCamp | AaronL2, could be. Unfortunately, for us, most of the Ubuntu people seem to be on European time, and so are probably asleep. | 02:21 |
AaronL2 | HappyCamp: also, it is necessary to modify both image-creator.cfg and sources_cfg | 02:22 |
AaronL2 | HappyCamp: your e-mail only mentioned sources_cfg | 02:22 |
AaronL2 | I got the image-creator.cfg changes from bspencer | 02:22 |
HappyCamp | AaronL2, I mentioned both. | 02:22 |
HappyCamp | AaronL2, my email from 10:59 am. | 02:23 |
AaronL2 | well, it says ~/.image-creator/image-creator | 02:24 |
AaronL2 | not ~/.image-creator/image-creator.cfg | 02:24 |
HappyCamp | But anyway AaronL2 you only need to modify those files, if you are using a mirror site. | 02:24 |
AaronL2 | the stuff for sources_cfg was a bit clearer--you posted the contents of the file instead of directions | 02:25 |
AaronL2 | right, I decided to save time by trying the internal mirrors | 02:25 |
AaronL2 | much faster | 02:25 |
AaronL2 | one issue, however, is when it tries to download flash from adobe | 02:25 |
AaronL2 | I had to ensure that http_proxy was turned off when using the internal mirrors | 02:25 |
HappyCamp | Whoops :( | 02:25 |
AaronL2 | and then it got stuck on flash | 02:26 |
HappyCamp | well you just need to set no_proxy=intel.com | 02:26 |
HappyCamp | I think | 02:26 |
HappyCamp | or maybe: export no_proxy=.intel.com | 02:26 |
HappyCamp | one of those should work. | 02:26 |
AaronL2 | yeah, that might have worked, but I ended up hitting CTRL-C | 02:26 |
AaronL2 | and then I had to later do dpkg -a --configure | 02:26 |
AaronL2 | because I had interrupted the dpkg process | 02:27 |
HappyCamp | Oh :( | 02:27 |
AaronL2 | that completed, but then I had to add the fsets again since that hadn't registered | 02:27 |
AaronL2 | it's okay, I got past it | 02:27 |
HappyCamp | Sorry, got to go. meeting time. Have a good night. | 02:27 |
AaronL2 | good night | 02:27 |
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