=== Mahasamatman [n=al_h@c-68-52-240-189.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has left #xubuntu [] | ||
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twointo1 | anybody tried the new beta? I'm downloading it now. | 01:22 |
=== Jester45 [n=ryan1@d11-82.rt-bras.wnvl.centurytel.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
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cje | hi, I am chatting with someone on a LUG list, and they are suggesting Xubuntu. I am wondering if this is a good IRC community or newbies? Or is this community better for more experienced users? | 02:06 |
Jester45 | its good for all users | 02:08 |
cje | cool | 02:09 |
Jester45 | if your experienced you can help others if not you can get help and become experienced | 02:09 |
cje | cool. | 02:09 |
Jester45 | it does get quite in here sometimes | 02:09 |
cje | Jester45, do you think that Xubuntu is good for newbies? | 02:09 |
cje | heh | 02:09 |
Jester45 | yea | 02:09 |
cje | I haven't used any XFCE GUI in about 3 weeks, and that was for an old copy of SUSE 10.0 on top of a 750 mhz box. Someone on this LUG is interested in starting a newbie on a 450 mhz notebook with like 384 MB of RAM. | 02:12 |
cje | We are just trying to figure out if that newbie is going to be frustrated with audio and / or video. | 02:12 |
=== nikolam [n=nikola@adsl-229-23.eunet.yu] has joined #xubuntu | ||
cje | I am going to recommend that he send his newbie friend here to IRC if you folks think that is smart. I have found that IRC is a good support mechanism, but I wanted to see what you all thought. | 02:13 |
nikolam | Hi I installed Seamonkey on Xubuntu 7.04 64bit. It uses /usr/local/seamonkey directory for install. Before, I used to make a link with sudo ln -s /usr/lical/seamonkey/seamonkey /usr/bin/seamonkey to make it work system-wide. Now I got message "seamonkey: error while loading shared libraries: libxpcom.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" but it CAN star if I go to /usr/local/seamonkey dir and start it with ".seamonkey" How | 02:18 |
nikolam | to make apropriate link to /usr/bin/ to make SM work system-wide? | 02:18 |
Jester45 | cje: here and the forums are good places | 02:21 |
=== Furax- [n=furax@host-84-222-132-44.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #xubuntu | ||
cje | Jester45, Xubuntu or Ubuntu forums? Or both? | 02:22 |
cje | Jester45, linky, please? Thanks | 02:22 |
nikolam | I just make it work by putting the scipt: cd /usr/local/seamonkey/ ./seamonkey and made it executable in the name of usr/bin/seamonkey . Do you think it is safe? :) | 02:23 |
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Jester45 | i would have to guess ubuntu forums | 02:29 |
=== Jester45 never used the forums | ||
nikolam | www.ubuntuforums.org | 02:30 |
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TheSheep | Jester45: I even registered there, with my login and pass from launchpad, but found out I have no permissions to post anywhere, so it's kind of useless. | 03:23 |
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kiosk | \quit | 04:44 |
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=== mikubuntu [n=chatzill@c-76-108-252-28.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
mikubuntu | help! got two issues i need to resolve on an old box that i set up for mom. most important is wireless networking, as the box doesn't have etho port, but it does have two usb ports... i bought a belkin wireless g usb adapter, but couldn't make connect. several weeks ago i gave my friend an old box and we put xubuntu on it. she bought a linksys router and usb adapter and we enabled it in... | 05:17 |
mikubuntu | ...two licks, right out of the box... she lent me that adapter today to bring home and see if i could get connected with it, but no luck... can someone help me determine what the prob might be? | 05:17 |
tonyyarusso | mikubuntu: for a usb wireless adapter, you may be looking at needing ndiswrapper | 05:22 |
tonyyarusso | !wifi | mikubuntu | 05:22 |
ubotu | mikubuntu: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 05:22 |
mikubuntu | i don't even get the same behavior from xubuntu when i try to config the wireless connection, but i'm pretty sure this box of mom's and the one i gave my friend were both loaded off the same alt install disk... | 05:23 |
mikubuntu | tonyyarusso: ya, i have looked at the ddiswrapper page, and i think it's kinda over my head unless i can get someone to walk me thru it... why would the linksys adapter work out of the box on one machine, and then not on another??? | 05:24 |
tonyyarusso | mikubuntu: wait, it works on one? | 05:25 |
tonyyarusso | erm, dunno... | 05:25 |
mikubuntu | ya, the linksys usb adapter works on subuntu's computer, and auto dchp'd right off the bat, but when i put it on mom's machine today; no dice.... arrrrrrgggggghhhhhh :( | 05:26 |
mikubuntu | brb | 05:26 |
mikubuntu | tonyyarusso: the machines are not the same, but with the same os image, they should behave the same shouldn't they? | 05:30 |
tonyyarusso | mikubuntu: maybe. I'm not sure. | 05:31 |
mikubuntu | how soon will gutsy stable be released? i wonder if there is better connectivity with the new release ... | 05:33 |
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kiosk | my -> key doesn't work | 05:36 |
kiosk | it does something but not move the cursor right | 05:37 |
kiosk | anyone know this problem | 05:38 |
=== [1] Netham45 [n=Netham45@unaffiliated/netham45] has joined #xubuntu | ||
kiosk | grumpymole: hey, I used your forum ad to fix my TP600 sound | 05:40 |
kiosk | grumpymole: thanks | 05:40 |
kiosk | but now my -> key is broke | 05:41 |
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=== DeadlikeU [n=david@] has joined #xubuntu | ||
DeadlikeU | does anyone know how to install flash play | 06:28 |
DeadlikeU | and jaa | 06:28 |
DeadlikeU | java | 06:28 |
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DeadlikeU | ! flash player | 06:31 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about flash player - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 06:31 |
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mikubuntu | is it ok to attach a wireless g usb adapter while computer is on, or must it be powered down b4 introducing the (new) adapter? | 06:39 |
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