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sbalneavEveing all03:03
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RichEdhi edubunteros09:35
RichEdthe edubuntu meeting today is at 12h00 UTC no ?09:35
RichEd(the fridge schedule looks like it has gone beserk)09:35
kgoetzah darn, i'm out this evening09:35
RichEdkgoetz: 12hh00 UTC is midday, not evening ...09:38
=== RichEd mutters about people ahead of the curve ...
kgoetzmiday UTC, so 10pm~ my time09:39
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=== Starting logfile irclogs/edubuntu.log
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=== Topic for #edubuntu: Order: http://shipit.edubuntu.org || Edubuntu - the education version of Ubuntu || http://www.edubuntu.org | Wiki: http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuWiki | MEETING: every Wednesday see http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuMeetingAgenda | feisty (7.04) is released, see http://www.edubuntu.org/Download | please help tesing gutsy (7.10) beta https://iso.qa.stgraber.org/qatracker/build/Edubuntu
=== Topic (#edubuntu): set by ogra at Tue Sep 25 19:00:54 2007
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RichEd=== edubuntu meeting in ubuntu-meeting === 15 mins01:44
=== humboldt [n=elias@] has joined #edubuntu
sbalneavMorning all03:19
sbalneavogra: What'd I miss in the meeting this morning?03:28
=== Amaranth [n=travis@ubuntu/member/Amaranth] has joined #edubuntu
ogranothing really03:54
ograjust the summary of what was done and whats still remaining03:55
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ubotuLTSP is the Linux Terminal Server Project, which adds thin-client support to Linux servers. See chapter 3 of the !edubuntuhandbook, http://www.ltsp.org and/or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_Terminal_Server_Project06:28
ubotuThe Edubuntu Handbook is currently work-in-progress and can be browsed via http://doc.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/handbook/C/06:28
payanthanks ubotu06:29
moquistsbalneav: pingo?06:37
=== ogra [n=ogra@ubuntu/member/ogra] has joined #edubuntu
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jeanmy clients are not able to log off? running gutsy up to date. can someone give me a hand?07:39
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