
Ginhow do I know what's using that module? any way to force unload?12:04
ericSeveas, do you strongly recommend it? or only if I experience problems?12:04
MasterShrekGin, lsmod will last modules and their dependencies, you may need to remove a different modules that depends on snd_ca010612:05
MasterShreklsmod will list**12:05
Creeturex-fak: Then yes, it's worth it. Some nice new features in feisty and gutsy. You can't go directly from dapper to gutsy, so you have to go through edgy -> feisty -> gutsy (soon) or do a reinstall.12:05
Seveaseric, somewhere in between. I'd recommend it if you have the bandwidth, but if you don't want to: suits me as well :)12:05
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pmo_anyone working with blender.. i have lost the select arrows.. arrows don't appear anymore, i don't know how to bring those back, any clues, on anyone where i can find some help, sounds blender chatroom is invite only ?12:05
ericSeveas, well I don't want to be downloading open office and tremulous again... kind of a waste of time12:05
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x-fakok Creeture thanks, i think i'll just format12:05
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Seveaseric, unless they are still in your apt cache :)12:06
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Creeturex-fak: Wait a couple of weeks until gutsy is officially released. It's pretty stable now, but not perfect.12:06
ericSeveas, they stay there?12:06
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Seveaseric, until you clean the cache (which is done automatically once every N days)12:06
peter_should i remove these packages so that libnet-perl can install.....doesnt make sense to me12:06
soundrayCreeture: will it be perfect once released?12:06
Seveaseric, du -sh /var/cache/apt12:06
ericSeveas, they should still be there12:06
soundrayCreeture: you don't have to answer that ;)12:06
x-fakok Creeture i'ill wait new version then12:06
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ericSeveas, okay I will reinstall all packages12:07
ericSeveas, thanks12:07
Ginmaster_of_master, anything to remove all its dependencies automatically?12:07
Hilikushey guys, i installed a wiki using synaptic and it put everything under \usr\share, but apache only looks under \var\www, how do i make it access the wiki? should i do a symlink in www to the wiki dir?12:07
Creeturesoundray: Yeah, it'll be perfect. All of these people will be running Gutsy Gibbin in a State of Nirvana and we'll be out of a job. That's what'll happen.12:07
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VWJ1bnR1soundray: Sort of.  Ubuntu boots to a prompt, so then I do "startx."  /etc/fstab is set to the GUI boot.12:07
fyrestrtrHilikus: read the lamp tutorial, the section about virtual hosts :)12:07
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VWJ1bnR1soundray: sorry, /etc/init.d12:07
Hilikuslamp tutorial? where is it?12:07
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CreetureHilikus: first, get out of Windows mode. Use your //// instead. Then, look at the apache documenation for the Alias and Directory directives.12:08
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FlatsAlsa or OSS if my system supports both, does it matter which I choose under sound preferences?12:08
Flatsor will my system only configure for 1 or the other12:08
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)12:08
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SeveasFlats, if it supports both, use alsa12:08
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HilikusCreeture how is creating a symlink windows mode??12:08
Yourname``_Hi. How can I setup VNC so I can logon even before I can logon to gnome? Like a service? Just like how I dont need to logion to gnome to be able to ssh from outside.12:08
FlatsCool, thats what I'm using12:09
soundrayVWJ1bnR1: boot again to the prompt, then don't start X. Do a 'sudo apt-get --reinstall install gdm', then 'sudo invoke-rc.d gdm start'. You should have GDM back after that.12:09
CreetureHilikus: It's not. It's all of those \\\ that you kept using.12:09
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PyChildIs there a way to install skype without it messing up my ubuntu?12:09
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Hilikuswindows mode would be to move the wiki to /var/www12:09
soundrayVWJ1bnR1: have you set grub to boot to recovery mode by default?12:09
SeveasPyChild, install the .deb file from skype.com12:09
Seveas!skype | PyChild12:09
ubotuPyChild: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto12:09
peter_i have skype installed12:09
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peter_works fine12:09
peter_on ubuntu12:09
INTitive got a problem with ubuntu, just installed it on my laptop but it will only let me chooose 640 or 800*600 resolution and some windows dont fit on the screen12:09
PyChildSeveas thanks12:09
INTitcan anybody help ?12:09
SpiffyBalakwhat command does System-->Preferences-->Removable Drives and Media run?12:10
fyrestrtr!fixres | INTit12:10
ubotuINTit: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:10
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mc44SpiffyBalak: gnome-volume-properties12:10
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christopher_i have 32 mb vram and 3d graphics are enabled beryl will load and i can use compiz window manager but i get no effects at all can I get some help?12:12
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soundray!beryl > christopher_, please read the private message from ubotu12:12
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Hilikusfyrestrtr thanks, the tutorials great12:14
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usr13 OpenOffice.org 2.3 is available for download now!12:14
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soundrayusr13: it's part of gutsy, too12:15
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b_wolf_007erUSUL, Sorry for  my elementary questions, but I am very new on that. I have a disk with 160 GB, what's your recommendation editing partitions, I want to know manually installation method, not to use Guided of course if you have time to tell me. I am on the step 5 of 8 ( prepare partition ) also have a disk 160041 free space ( i deleted the partitions ). I really appreciate your help!12:15
dfsfwhats the equivalent of registry files in a NIX system?12:15
kitchebah my stupid speakers are to low to play music though them12:15
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aLeSDhow to reconfigure the xserver in de command line ?12:15
jussi01dfsf: registry files? what are they?12:15
Xerodfsf, *nix doesn't have anything remotely similar to the crappy Registry.12:16
dfsfWindows xp registry files12:16
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soundrayaLeSD: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:16
poningrub_wolf_007: what do you plan on using this for?12:16
XeroThe closest thing I know would be GConf.12:16
SeveasXero, gconf...12:16
poningrujust desktop?12:16
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Seveasheh ;)12:16
poningruthen just let it do its thing12:16
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b_wolf_007home pc12:16
dfsfXero: I need to modify my Mac version of Starcraft "registry files" to use custom bnet servers12:16
b_wolf_007poningru, home pc12:16
dfsfI know how to do it in Windows XP but I cant figure out where this info is soted in Mac12:16
vphhey i got a question, how can i mount a sda device and get the live usercd to read the data on it?12:16
fyrestrtrvph: perhaps you need #macosx12:17
poningrub_wolf_007: yeah then just let the installer handle it12:17
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fyrestrtrwhoops, dfsf that's for you > #macosx12:17
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soundrayb_wolf_007: make a 12GB root (/) partition, 1GB swap and the rest /home. This should last you a long time. You might leave some unpartitioned space for installing a second system.12:17
b_wolf_007poningru, can you help me creating partitions, I'll do it right now12:17
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poningrub_wolf_007: just go with 'use entire hard disk'12:18
erUSULb_wolf_007: i recommend at least 3 partitions one for swap (about the size of your ram or 1.5*) one for root (where everything is instaled configured etc about 10 Gib or) and one for holding /home/ (the users files)12:18
IanLiuHow do I install GLib?12:18
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IanLiusudo apt-get install glib doesn't works12:18
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soundrayIanLiu: it's installed. Ubuntu doesn't work without it.12:18
vphhey i got a question, how can i mount a sda device and get the live user cd to read the data on it??? when i try to do so with the system/admin/disks it says i am not the owner...12:18
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soundrayIanLiu: do you need it for compiling? Do a 'sudo apt-get install build-essential'12:19
IanLiuBut I was trying to compile Geany, and it say I need Glib12:19
soundrayIanLiu: ^^12:19
INTithey i got a problem, im trying to setup the screen resolution and the tutorial has told me to restart xorg12:19
Beefheartare there any way to be super user in the windows mode?12:19
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IanLiuI think I already installed build-essentials12:19
INTitxorg is asking me to select a video card driver but im not sure which one12:19
soundrayBeefheart: start the program in question from Alt-F2 with gksudo12:19
INTitany ideas ?12:19
IanLiuI will check it out12:19
XeroINTit, what video card do you have?12:19
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CreetureIanLiu: Any reason to compile? geany is in the repository.12:20
soundrayIanLiu: the actual package names are libc6*12:20
XeroBeefheart, it's called the SYSTEM user exploit.12:20
IanLiuBut Its old version12:20
INTiti think its onboard graphics im on a toshiba laptop12:20
CreetureIanLiu: You could apt-get build-dev geany12:20
soundray!info geany | IanLiu12:20
ubotuianliu: geany: A fast and lightweight IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.10.2-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 1314 kB, installed size 4328 kB12:20
XeroDon't use it. It's worse than having root on *nix, because Windows is virus prone.12:20
IanLiuI want to compile last SVN revision12:20
soundray!info geany gutsy | IanLiu12:20
ubotuianliu: geany: A fast and lightweight IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.11-2 (gutsy), package size 1421 kB, installed size 4424 kB12:20
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vphhwo do i start the file browsing app with gksudo??????12:20
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soundrayIanLiu: wait for gutsy, it'll come with 0.1112:21
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soundrayvph: gksudo nautilus12:21
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soundrayvph: immer gern12:21
INTitany ideas xero ?12:21
pH1r3hey there, is it possible to extract files from .rar files in ubuntu?12:21
IanLiugutsy? =p12:21
Poundojust installed dapper for the first time and never was asked to make a root password now it won't let me su12:21
pH1r3because file roller says it cant12:22
FlatsDoes anyone know if you'll be able to do a simple upgrade from fiesty to gutsy or will you have to reinstall all over again?12:22
CreetureIanLiu: That's cool. Try the apt-get build-dep geany. Might give you enough to build the svn version.12:22
vphah crap, now i got access to the directory but its empty12:22
mc44!rar | pH1r312:22
ubotupH1r3: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free12:22
overcluckervph: be very careful with that command12:22
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soundrayBeefheart: Hold Alt, press F2. In the dialog, enter 'gksudo ' and the name of the program you want to run as superuser.12:22
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soundray!language | vph12:22
ubotuvph: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.12:22
overcluckervph: is sda1 mounted?12:22
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Beefheartok thaNKS12:22
IanLiuOk, I will try it! Acctually Im not at home, when I get there I will try ;) Thanks!12:22
vphoverclucker: yes i used the disk tool on the admin menu12:22
soundrayhoovooloo: sorry, that didn't work.12:23
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BeefheartAnyone here installed Anarchyonline on a linux PC ?12:23
attunixHi. I'm new to Java and made a simple little program today. I have it compiled into a class; how do I make it executable? (I'm under Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn)12:23
Poundono root password but my user account is fine as that was the only one i created does su default to something?12:24
overcluckervph, in console you can discover what is mounted by typing sudo mount, or by typing cat /etc/mtab12:24
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jrib!root > Poundo (read the private message from ubotu)12:24
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IanLiu!root > IanLiu12:24
vphoverclucker: its mounted the file are just hidden12:24
Poundoduh don't know how to see private message sorry12:25
vphoverclucker: or something12:25
soundrayIanLiu: you can also '/msg ubotu root'12:25
anthonyattunix: You can do it through right-click > properties or with chmod.12:25
overcluckervph, and ctrl-h shaw anything?12:25
Creetureattunix: There are better forums for that question, but in general, you'd do something like "java file.class" to execute12:25
XeroHint: 16 more days till 7.04 is obsolete.12:25
vphoverclucker: not in nautilus12:25
anthonyXero: that's not true - it's supported for 18 months.12:25
attunixXero: not obselete; just old :)12:25
vphbut sudo ls path shows it12:25
attunixanthony: thanks12:25
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overcluckervph, ls -a12:25
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jrib!root | Poundo12:26
ubotuPoundo: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo12:26
Creetureattunix: There's no such thing as making a class file executable. It requires the java runtime engine (jre, also just called java) to execute. Then there are classpaths and jars... It's not for the faint of heart.12:26
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b_wolf_007erUSUL, I am creating a 28000 MB partition for system files, but i have problems with mount point, what exactly i must write here12:26
soundrayb_wolf_007: only a slash /12:26
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attunixCreeture: ok thanks :)12:26
IanLiuYou type peoples name, or there is a "reply" button?12:26
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erUSULb_wolf_007: for root partition the mount point is simply /12:26
Poundothanks again:-!12:26
vphoverclucker: same... i need to see the files in nautilus to burn em12:26
soundrayIanLiu: you type the beginning of the nick and hit Tab to complete (at least in my client)12:27
b_wolf_007erUSUL, thanks, and sorry again for those stupid questions12:27
jrib!tab | IanLiu12:27
ubotuIanLiu: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.12:27
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erUSULb_wolf_007: for the home partition the mount point is /home12:27
INTithey i got a problem, im trying to setup the screen resolution and the tutorial has told me to restart xorg12:27
twoshadetodIf anyone needs webhosting for their open source projects, art projects , etc let me know, I have 3 slots left I'm giving away to people that need them.  These come with no dev support12:27
IanLiuhaha, nice12:27
nclxI have 1 public IP, I have 2 godaddy ssl certs (1 for mail.mydomain.com) and (1 for www.mydomain.com), both of these are ran from the same apache2 as virtual hosts, I would like to have an ssl site for each, is this possible?12:27
INTitxorg is asking me to select a video card driver but im not sure which one12:27
b_wolf_007erUSUL, ok thanks12:27
nclxthey are on virtual hosts on the same IP12:27
erUSULb_wolf_007: not stupid at all we all have been begginers at some point12:27
soundrayINTit: what kind of card do you have?12:27
overcluckervph: so did sudo ls, or ls -a show anything?12:27
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INTitGraphics adaptor12:28
INTitIntel | Intel GMA X310012:28
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vphoverclucker: well, i used sudo ls path and showed the same than ls -a12:28
tube013Anyone know if I'm missing a perl package, that is required for the use of "our" in the script?  I'm trying to run myth2ipod and it's erroring out at the first instance of "our" in the script.12:28
Beefheartis there a way to enable so i can see my root files in windows mode?12:28
soundrayINTit: pick intel then, if it's there. If not, i81012:28
Creeturenclx: apache only supports a single IP address per SSL cert. Does that answer your question enough?12:28
overcluckervph: which was what?12:28
timsevesHas anyone here tried and succeded in booting Gutsy LiveCD over PXE?12:28
timsevesI've got so far12:28
INTitthanks intel wasnt there12:29
overcluckervph: did it show files?12:29
INTitso i81012:29
soundrayBeefheart: Alt-F2 'gksudo nautilus'. Be careful -- one wrong move and your system could be wrecked12:29
jribtimseves: gutsy help in #ubuntu+112:29
vphoverclucker: the list of the files in the mounted device12:29
b_wolf_007erUSUL, thanks, i'll remember your help, and I hope one day I can help somebody, i'll do it I'm inspired from someone ;)12:29
vphbut nautilus cant see anything12:29
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timsevesjrib: my mistake sorry12:29
erUSULb_wolf_007: you are wellcome ;)12:29
nclxCreeture well can I take one of my ssl certs and apply it to both www.mydomain.com and mail.mydomain.com?  They both have different webroots, one in /var/www/site and one in /var/www/webmail ?12:29
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soundrayINTit: there is some kind of caveat with this type of card and the i810 driver -- something to do with resolution...12:30
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overcluckervph: gksu nautilus, then you navigated to the sda1 dir?12:30
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vphoverclucker:  gksudo nautilus, correct and then i got into the path and nothing was shown12:30
IanLiuIs there an automated way to install nVidea graphic cards?12:30
erUSUL!nvidia | IanLiu12:30
ubotuIanLiu: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:30
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nclxwell last time I did it was sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx12:31
Creeturenclx: 1 IP, 1 cert. Unless they are wildcard certs, no.12:31
vphoverclucker: got it12:31
soundrayIanLiu: there are automated ways, but we recommend strongly against them.12:31
erUSULIanLiu: System>Admin>Restricetd manager..12:31
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usr13IanLiu, No, you still have to take the case open and use the 'ol screwdriver.12:31
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vphoverclucker:  gksudo nautilus path, worked just fine12:31
IanLiuthanks, I asked ubotu  for nvidea :/12:31
PoundoThis may make some enemys but how come apt-get install does not find webmin12:31
overcluckervph: cool12:31
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soundrayIanLiu: except for the one that erUSUL recommends, of course12:31
nclxbecause webmin is not in apt as far as I know12:32
erUSULsoundray: ;)12:32
riotkittiebecause there are security issues with webmin, i believe12:32
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juroso it seems that I can write fine onto the ntfs drive, but I get a 'Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character' error with german characters. obviously because I only have us_EN as locale. How can I install de_DE?12:32
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Beefheartsoundray thanks12:32
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soundrayjuro: back up to tar files!12:32
lonixhi, i just installed eterm via a sudo apt-get install eterm but there is no command avalible for this terminal nor any shortcut on the mainmenu12:32
IanLiuI tried to install it, but It crashed my X..12:32
lonixso where can i find it ?12:32
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CreeturePoundo: Because webmin doesn't allow their application to be put into the repositories. You can download and install it all day from their site. I think.12:32
Creeturelonix: It's Eterm from the commandline.12:33
jurosoundray. and then the users that want to access the backups will really have a great time :)12:33
MasterShreklonix, try: whereis eterm12:33
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soundrayjuro: better than having to deal with borked filenames12:33
lonixCreeture: thanks i feal so stupid now :P12:33
Creeturelonix: try dpkg -l eterm | grep bin12:33
usr13Webmin is easy to install, but you should only use it as a crutch, and then get rid of it.12:33
nclxLonix capital E12:33
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Creeturelonix: No, don't do what I said. try dpkg -L eterm | grep bin12:33
Beefheartsoundray it didnt show all my root files, only the desktop folder for root12:34
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lonixBut thanks for help12:34
Poundook Creeture I'll look12:34
Creeturelonix: And you got a short lesson in dpkg to boot. :)12:34
loserbarokay this is definately an overly asked question but if anyone here could spare 5 seconds to just help me out. which version is currently the most stable? im sort of confused between dapper (lts) edgy or fiesty.12:34
jurosoundray, well that won't happen, if I add a german locale. will it?12:34
SeveasCreeture, it's the other way around: ubuntu doesn't want horribly unsafe stuff like webmin in the repos :)12:34
ubotuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system12:34
soundrayBeefheart: look carefully in the nautilus window, you should find a large "Up" button12:35
lonixhehe yea...12:35
loserbari know that 7.10 is due to be released soon so would that become the current stable version? or is that going to be considered testing12:35
CreetureSeveas: I happen to agree with ubotu's way anyhow.12:35
nclxloserbar run feisty unless you are a corporation with some policy needing support12:35
riotkittieloserbar: Feisty's stable. Dapper's long term support12:35
soundrayjuro: maybe not, but you'd be losing your desired compatibility with "standard" Windows.12:35
riotkittieand stable12:35
loserbarsupport meaning what12:36
jurosoundray, why?12:36
CreetureFYI for those who work in a mixed environment, NFSv4 is MUCH better in gutsy than it was in feisty.12:36
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vphnow the file burning thingy from nautilus wont read the files12:36
loserbarand is gutsy going to be the new stable?12:36
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nclxyes soon12:36
nclxbut not yet12:36
soundrayjuro: because there is no guarantee that Windows will be using the same locale.12:36
Creeturevph: Where are those files?12:36
overcluckervph: what message is it giving you?12:36
b_wolf_007erUSUL, I have installed maybe thousand time windows operating system, because I'm working as a pc technician here, now I'm trying Ubuntu, and I mean to offer to my friends this operating system, but i need to learn much more for that, i like learning much more of that, and I'll try hard for that, but i need some recommendation, guides where to explore, what to read what to do as a beginner that I am12:37
jurosoundray, Windows only has to read the files, not write them12:37
loserbari havent installed it yet so should i just wait it out for gutsy and avoid the upgrade?12:37
nclxloserbar the linux world moves fast, I suggest you install feisty wait one month after gutsy is released and the upgrade12:37
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vphCreeture: in a windows partition, i am on a livecd, now that i went to the console, it says i dont have the correct codec for burning mp3 in a dvd12:37
riotkittieb_wolf_007:  are you completely new to linux?12:37
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soundrayjuro: anyway, it's your system, do what you like. Check out 'env | grep en_' to see all the environment variables that are set to an English locale at present.12:37
Creeturevph: NTFS or FAT32?12:37
vphoverclucker:  now that i went to the console, it says i dont have the correct codec for burning mp3 in a dvd12:37
silokob_wolf_007: ubuntuforums is a great place to start12:37
b_wolf_007riotkittie, yes12:37
Creeturevph: Drop to a commandline. do mount | grep sda112:37
erUSULb_wolf_007: maybe ubuntu-guide.org is a good starting point the wiki.ubuntu.com and help.ubuntu.com have many guides and how tos12:38
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b_wolf_007siloko, i'm here to12:38
jurosoundray, true. I shall have to install a german locale thought, so how do I do that?12:38
bruenigubuntuguide is bad old not official not recommended12:38
loserbarnclx: yeah thats probably a better idea. i guess im spoiled by debian and their clarity about whats stable.12:38
Creeturevph: whereever it is mounted, do sudo umount /path/to/sda112:38
erUSULbruenig: then i take that back12:38
b_wolf_007everybody, thanks a lot12:38
vphCreeture: what for?12:38
k31thlol, anyone know of an easy way to make a website... or know a cheap designer :p12:38
soundrayjuro: afaik, you just set those variables to the locales you want.12:38
LadyNikonwhats the trigger for installing packages12:38
LadyNikonnot install the distro12:38
loserbarbut thanks for the info. you spared me some trouble12:38
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vphCreeture: its mounted12:38
Creeturevpn: 'cause I rock. Trust me for a sec.12:39
nclxk31th yourself would be as cheap as they come www.w3schools.org12:39
Creeturevph: unmount it.12:39
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jurosoundray, the system only understands locales accessible to it. or is that not true?12:39
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate12:39
TheSkormherrow Peppery12:39
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soundrayjuro: there's a way to change it permanently in the system as well, but I forget what it was. 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales' used to work, but doesn't now.12:39
k31thnclx: can you design?12:39
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overcluckerCreeture: good answer (;12:39
vphCreeture: mount | grep sda1 shows nothing12:39
nclxI will not design your site sorry12:39
soundrayjuro: I'm sure Seveas knows the right incantation for changing locales?12:40
vphbtw it should be sda12:40
vphnot sda112:40
jurosoundray, I am not trying to change it system wide, only as a mount option for ntfs-3g12:40
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Creeturevph: Didn't you say that's where your files are?12:40
nclxk31th what kind of site do you need12:40
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k31thhtml / php12:40
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nclxright... but what should it do?12:40
Seveassoundray, you could edit /etc/profile or select a locale when logging in via gdm/kdm12:40
Creeturevph: whatever partition it is, sudo umount /dev/sda?12:40
riotkittiebest thing i can suggest, if you have the time to read, is to hit the library and just grab some books. i'm a huge fan of O'Reilly's Linux in a Nutshell, and UNIX in a Nutshell, but12:40
vphits not mounted12:41
k31thnclx: it's for a data cabling company.12:41
b_wolf_007riotkittie, do you think i'm to far from being a true user of linux12:41
vphthats what it says12:41
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Creeturevph: ok. cool. which partition is it? fdisk -l /dev/sda12:41
juroseveas, are all locales installed as a default?12:41
soundraySeveas: apparently I misread juro's intentions... can you localize mount options for ntfs?12:41
Sonicadvance1Yo. I'm trying to get Amarok and Flash 9 to play nice together is there any way to?12:41
jurosoundray, with ntfs-3g yes12:41
Seveasjuro, no, additional ones are available via system -> admin -> language support12:41
Seveasjuro, ah that's different12:41
juroseveas, ubuntu-server here :)12:41
Seveasjuro, add nls=utf-8 (or whatever encoding you want) as a mount option12:42
riotkittieb_wolf_007: no! :P  there's a learning curve, and it can be confusing/infuriating/absolutely maddening at times, but the fact you're eager to learn says a lot12:42
Creeturevph: Got it?12:42
soundrayjuro: I still think it's a recipe for disaster. tar files... I'll shut up now.12:42
juroseveas, and will that work even if 'locale -a' does not show the one specified?12:42
vphCreeture: yes12:43
Creeturevph: which partition is it?12:43
Seveasjuro, you're specifiyng encodings/codepages, not locales12:43
usr13!search server-kernel12:43
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eggdhey, im looking for a guide to install awn-manager. im been googling some without any good succes.12:43
silokob_wolf_007: the times when you weren't a proper user until you'd written your first device driver are long gone :)12:43
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jurosoundray. :) probably is - but we'll see12:43
juroseveas, ok, I'll try that. thanks12:43
vphCreeture: /dev/sda1   *           1        9728    78140128+   7  HPFS/NTFS12:43
riotkittiepidgeon's icon is like. the ugliest thing evAr. one one one.12:43
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vphcorrect sda112:43
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Creeturevph: alrighty. do this. first, whats your id? just type id12:44
b_wolf_007siloko, can you explain a little, i didn't understand that12:44
Seveasriotkittie, you haven't seen a picture if me yet :p12:44
soundraysiloko: these days it's enough to have submitted a kernel patch ;)12:44
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silokosoundray: LOL - you newbies . .  .12:44
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Instabinif you have dpms do you need to have the horzsync and vertrefresh?12:44
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Poundoare there any debian friendly gui management tools besides webmin?12:45
soundrayinstabin: one has nothing to do with the other. Do you mean DDS?12:45
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vphCreeture: it says 99912:45
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Creeturevph: for user and group?12:45
tsukasa_hey how do i reinitialize gnome startup stuff? my gnome failsafe works as it should with nvidia-config and my dual monitors by my user account no longer does12:45
vphCreeture: same12:46
tsukasa_how do i tell gnome to reset me12:46
InstabinSoundray: im trying to help a guy that has a i945 mobile chip set and his resolution is stuck at 1024x76812:46
Creeturevph: mkdir ~/win ; sudo mount -t ntfs -o uid=999,gid=999 /dev/sda1 ~/win12:46
InstabinSoundray: it needs to be 1440x90012:46
silokotsukasa_: ctrl-alt-backspace restarts gnome12:46
Creeturevph: you can copy & paste that.12:46
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tsukasa_siloko: not that i mean startup gnome scripts and such12:46
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soundrayinstabin: apparently you need to install something called 915resolution. I'm no expert, but have a look...12:46
tsukasa_siloko: my user environment basically12:46
tsukasa_i want to reset it12:46
soundray!info 915resolution | instabin12:47
ubotuinstabin: 915resolution: resolution modification tool for Intel graphic chipset. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.5.2-10ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 14 kB, installed size 124 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 kfreebsd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64)12:47
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silokotsukasa_: what rollback to it's original state?12:47
vphCreeture: you mister, know your way into the filesystem, i bow to you12:47
Creeturevph: So you see it then?12:47
tsukasa_siloko: for gnome yes12:47
vphgives it to me12:47
Creeturevph: Didn't I tell you that I rock?12:47
silokotsukasa_: no idea sorry12:47
vphCreeture: do you know how to turn on a laptop frontal sound plug?12:47
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Creeturevph: Not a clue. I'd love to stay and help, but the wife keeps calling. I have to go home now.12:48
vphCreeture: yes you rock12:48
vphCreeture: thanks12:48
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InstabinSoundray: thanks12:48
Creeturevph: For homework, I leave it to you to figure out how to make that thing mount as you every time. It involves /etc/fstab and "man mount"12:48
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CreetureYou boys & girls have a good one. Traffic awaits!12:49
silokotsukasa_: creating a new user gives you an essentially default gnome install - but some stuff you may have altered as your standard login user may still be used . . .12:49
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rsoanyone outthere12:49
erichjInstabin, instead of 915resolution you can also install the xserver-xorg-video-intel package. which tends to perform better as was updated not too long ago12:49
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riotkittieSeveas: i am willing to put money on the fact that you are nowhere near as ugly as the pidgeon icon12:50
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riotkittieunless... you have a purple head and a beak.  then all bets are off :P12:50
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Seveasriotkittie, well, :)12:50
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soundrayerichj: that's useful knowledge, thanks12:50
erichjsoundray, welcome12:51
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rsowhat's on here, folks?12:51
soundray!ubuntu | rso12:51
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uboturso: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com12:51
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Mouradme  enter psybnc free  plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz12:52
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BlackCowi am having so much trouble trying to get these damn drivers to compile for my dfe-530tx+ NIC card >_<12:53
silokook later guys12:53
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BlackCowdoes anything seem wrong with, gcc *.c *.h -o dlinkdriver12:54
soundrayBlackCow: no swearing please. Who says you have to compile drivers?12:54
Al-KhouliHi all , i need a free pdf reader or editor where i can add my notes and underline words ??12:54
hrnt"*.h" part12:54
BlackCowbecause when i do it I get a crap load of errors12:54
Erythrohmm why am i in ubuntu-unregged12:54
BlackCowoh did I swear? sorry, but yeah its a bunch of .C files and headers12:54
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portablejimI am having wireless networking difficulties. I can ping network computers but not google.com or Can somebody help me please?12:55
soundrayBlackCow: why are you compiling drivers?12:55
BlackCowhow else do I install them?12:55
jurodamn, didn't work either.12:55
Evanlecmodprobe? ;p12:55
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soundrayBlackCow: this is a fairly common network card. It should be supported out of the box by ubuntu.12:55
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tms_portablejim: yes, it seems as if the gateway out of the subnet is not set12:56
Al-KhouliHi all , i need a free pdf reader or editor where i can add my notes and underline words ?? can anyone help ?12:56
BlackCowits Ubuntu server edition 7.0412:56
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portablejimso I need to set a gateway address?12:56
BlackCowI need ifconfig eth012:56
BlackCowand it couldnt see it12:56
soundrayAl-Khouli: apparently evince will be able to do that in the next version of ubuntu, to be released later this month.12:56
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BlackCowI did *12:57
tms_portablejim: yes. Did you manually configure the IP adress if you network interface?12:57
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soundrayBlackCow: is this the only NIC in your machine?12:57
jurowhat is the *best* ntfs driver available?12:57
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tms_portablejim: then type in the IP of your gateway/router into gateway address and you should be set12:57
Evanlecjuro, there's only one, ntfs-3g12:57
Al-Khoulisoundray: this means i won't be able to install it on 7.04 ?12:57
Evanlec!ntfs | juro12:57
ubotujuro: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse12:57
soundrayBlackCow: do you see your card when you type lspci?12:57
juroEvanlec, ok, thanx.12:58
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BlackCowleme go check *runs to the computer*12:58
EvanlecAl-Khouli, it means u could, but it would be easier to wait until 7.10 comes out on the 18th12:58
soundrayAl-Khouli: you may be able to backport it, but that takes some work and knowledge.12:58
Al-Khoulisoundray: oh , i already have it ! u mean it's to be updated12:58
sky1I am trying to install Vmware in red hat, the error when I use rpm it shows is cant create transaction lock on /var/lib/rpm/__db.00012:58
soundrayAl-Khouli: yes, the current version doesn't support editing.12:58
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soundraysky1: wrong channel. Install ubuntu and ask again.12:59
Evanlecsky1, this channel is for ubuntu users, ubuntu doesn't use rpm12:59
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portablejimstill get "Destination host unreachable".12:59
erUSULsky1: wrong channel ubuntu users around here12:59
sky1lol ok12:59
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sky1sorry guys12:59
cypher1sky1, take diversion12:59
BlackCowhmm, interesting, it shows the graphics card, a bunch of USB controlers, but nothing about the NIC12:59
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tms_portablejim: hm.12:59
juroubotu, yes, I have already mounted it. 1st I got a message that my kernel is deficient. now when I write files onto it, I get this error message: 'Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character'12:59
hhp21Hey everyone! :) I have a question about OpenOffice.org.. when I'm typing in the word processor, the processor constantly tries to predict the word that I'm about to type and it gets annoying. How can I turn that off?12:59
BlackCowdo you think it might be toasted or something?12:59
sky1cypher1, I already use ubuntu in all my machines, the boss at work makes me use Red hat12:59
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Evanlechhp21, im sure its in the preferences somewhere01:00
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Al-Khoulisoundray, Evanlec: Isn't there another one i can use right now ?01:00
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cypher1sky1, bad luck01:00
sky1I cant do apt-get install anymore :<01:00
EvanlecAl-Khouli, im not sure, evince won't work?01:00
soundrayAl-Khouli: flpsed, but it's a bit backward01:00
erichjsky1, what error are you getting when you try it01:00
sky1apt-get doesnt work in non debian machines01:00
kakun-hello. i'm having some difficulties installing Ubuntu 7.10 on VMWare. Everything works very, very, slowly.01:00
soundrayhhp21: Tools-Autocorrect-Word Completion01:00
erichjsky1, were you not aware of that?01:01
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Al-KhouliEvanlec: it works , but there's no editing there01:01
kakun-has anyone experienced similar problems?01:01
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BlackCowok so my NIC card is a hardware issue not an issue with ubuntu you think?01:01
hhp21soundray: That's it :) Thanks!01:01
MasterShrekBlackCow, ifconfig -a gives nothing?01:01
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hhp21Thank you too Evanlec :)01:01
jadacyrusfor some reason i cant hit google.com, i cant ping it either.. but everyone else on my lan can.. (my two friends)...01:01
g0dd3ssanyone know if conky can make cpu graphs for both on a coreduo01:01
chrono13I installed Ubuntu 7.10 on my Dell 700m laptop today. I performed a full update. My resolution is detected incorrectly, and xorg is using vesa instead of the Intel drivers. How do I change this (I eventually want to have the special effects turned on). I need to change from vesa to intel and correct the resolution (xorg doesn't seem to have any listed resolutions like it normally does).01:02
Evanlecg0dd3ss, should be able to yes01:02
soundrayBlackCow: sorry, I missed your replies -- use my nick next time. If your card doesn't show in lspci, check if it sits in the slot properly, or try putting it in another.01:02
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Mouradme  enter psybnc free  plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz01:02
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MasterShrekBlackCow, else try: lspci -v | grep Ethernet   and see if anything comes up01:02
BlackCowifconfig -a connects me to and says local loopback, so its not going out to my network01:02
EvanlecAl-Khouli, try flpsed01:02
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erichjchrono13, sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-intel package01:02
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EvanlecAl-Khouli, actually try scribus01:03
MasterShrekBlackCow, ifconfig isnt connecting to anything, its merely showing you your current network connections01:03
chrono13erichj - I did that exact thing, and it says it is already the most current version (already installed). That supprised me.01:03
erichjtry restarting x?01:03
chrono13Did that too.01:03
chrono13Restarted the computer actually.01:03
soundraychrono13: then you need to run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' and set it to the intel driver01:03
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jadacyrushelp me! i can go to any other website just not google.com?!?01:04
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chrono13Thanks, that is what I needed. : )01:04
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soundrayBlackCow: no use fiddling with ifconfig if your card doesn't show in lspci01:04
MasterShrekBlackCow, lspci -v | grep Ethernet     give you anything?01:04
Evanlecjadacyrus, i had some similar problem earlier today, do u have any firewall installed?01:05
erichjjadacyrus, check your hosts file to make sure your friends aren't screwing with you01:05
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EvanlecAl-Khouli, scribus is your answer ;)01:05
jadacyrusno firewall, and i already checked my hosts file its normal01:05
sharpzcan u ping google.com01:05
Al-KhouliEvanlec: Thank u :) i am going to get it01:05
soundray!u | sharpz01:05
ubotusharpz: Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, or a government officier, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..01:05
jadacyrusbut my friends can (they are on windows) yea timeout01:05
jadacyrus100% packet loss01:05
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soundraysharpz: sorry, I just think this is a funny one.01:06
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MasterShrekjadacyrus, do you have an ip address?01:06
leo_rockwhello everyone01:07
BlackCowok so lspci -v | grep Ethernet did nothing for me01:07
jadacyrusof course!01:07
sharpzjadacyrus: what you're running ubuntu? what dist01:07
EvanlecAl-Khouli, hmm, actually, im trying to open pdf's in scribus and its not workin01:07
MasterShrekBlackCow, well then your card is not being recognized01:07
soundrayBlackCow: it's a hardware or BIOS issue.01:07
BlackCowok, thanks01:07
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BlackCowohhh shoo01:07
sharpzmaybe it's your ISP01:07
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BlackCowduhhh *Slaps forhead*01:07
BlackCowthank you01:07
soundrayBlackCow: don't tell me you've disabled it in the BIOS.01:08
ajchaceI am having some problems with a desktop machine that is running Ubuntu 7.04. It slows down until it is unusable, but after a reboot, it's fine for about 2-3 days. "top" show a load-average of about 0.1, and it's not actively swapping to disk. Anyone have any ideas?01:08
desiarnez6I cannot connect to IRC from dialup connection at home. Here on highspeed wireless is fine, same computer. tried to telnet from dialup wouldn't work, tried firefox, url did work after long time, traceroute seemed to work fine01:08
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Al-KhouliEvanlec: flpsed is not working too01:08
ericSeveas, help!!01:08
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EvanlecAl-Khouli, hmmm01:08
ericSeveas, it erred on package 926!01:08
leo_rockwsoundray, i think he's too ashamed to answer :-P01:08
ericSeveas, E: Couldn't configure pre-depend coreutils for debianutils, probably a dependency cycle.01:08
MasterShrekajchace, open your system monitor and look for something that is taking alot of processor power or tons of ram to run01:09
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Mouradme  enter psybnc free  plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz01:09
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chrisjs169is there a fast package server that's available?  I'm getting 9090 B/s on us.archive.ubuntu.com01:09
ericSeveas, EVERYTHING I just downloaded was not installed!01:09
astro76!offtopic | Mourad01:09
ubotuMourad: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:09
erichjeric, welcome to dist-upgrade!!!01:09
soundrayAl-Khouli: if you don't mind the installation, you can import PDFs in kword and edit them there.01:09
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ericerichj, it isn't a dist-upgrade01:09
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Evanlecsoundray, isnt there a more elegant solution? i would think scribus could do it...01:09
soundrayAl-Khouli: kword tends not to preserve the layout very well, though.01:09
wundaboyi just switched monitors, and now i cant use any resolution except for 800x600 ... help?01:10
ericSeveas, is there a way I can install everything that was downloaded so far?01:10
Hilikusis there a gnome application to admin apache?01:10
ericSeveas, and more importantly how do I get the rest of the packages I need? it was at 99% too...01:10
ajchaceMasterShrek: does the system monitor show anything that "top" does not? I don't see anything using cpu cycles or an inordinate amount of memory...01:10
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soundrayEvanlec: if there is, I haven't found it, and I've searched for hours. That was last year, though.01:10
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:10
Seveaseric: dpkg --configure --pending01:10
Evanlecsoundray, no kidding, wow01:10
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MasterShrekajchace, i suppose not, it could be some kind of hardware problem, are you running ndiswrapper by chance?01:10
Evanlecsoundray, adobe's keeping a tight grip on it maybe01:10
ericSeveas, nothing happened01:11
ajchaceMasterShrek: no, I'm not (no wireless interface)01:11
NemesisDanyone know why wine virtual desktop is all of the sudden restricted to 1 display? I used to run a desktop of 2560x1024 for photoshop cs but for some reason it only goes on one of my displays now and I can't move the virtual desktop at all01:11
ericSeveas, oh no :(01:11
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desiarnez6Wondering if someone could help me. I cannot connect to IRC from dialup connection.01:11
Seveaseric, good01:11
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Seveaswas it installing packages already or downloading/preconfiguring?01:11
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ericSeveas, how is that good?!? I just downloaded 500MB worth of files that did nothing01:11
ajchaceMasterShrek: Bad hardware sounds feasible, but I would expect to see some sort of errors in "syslog" or "messages"...01:11
ericSeveas, it was still downloading01:11
ericSeveas, it failed to download a package due to that error and stopped01:12
Seveaseric, no need to panic :)01:12
MasterShrekajchace, you would think, i wouldnt know how to go about trying to solve the problem tho01:12
ericSeveas, good *whew*01:12
ajchaceok, thanks for the suggestions01:12
Seveaseric: dpkg -l | awk '/^ii/{print $2}' | grep -v coreutils | grep -v debianutils | xargs apt-get install --reinstall01:12
soundrayAl-Khouli: sorry, I may have given you bad info about evince. I just tried it out in the ubuntu beta, and there is no sign of PDF editability.01:12
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ajchaceMasterShrek: new RAM is on the way, so I guess we'll find out when it gets here01:13
MasterShrekeditability, nice word =P01:13
kkathmanhmm isnt the idea behind PDF that you cant change it? lol01:13
ericSeveas, E: Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration (2) on python-minimal01:13
soundraykkathman: no, it isn't.01:13
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Al-Khoulisoundray: But this should be  considered ! pdf files are every where01:13
scguy318kkathman: not totally, portability and the whole fonts building thing is part of it01:13
Seveaseric, well well, things go downhill...01:13
soundraykkathman: why would they have special features for PDF forms otherwise.01:13
MasterShrekajchace, sounds like a good idea, could very well be your problem01:13
leo_rockwpdf = portable document format01:13
Seveaseric, is that the complete error?01:13
ericSeveas, yes01:13
Seveasyay for useful errors :/01:14
ajchacesoundray: I think the "editability" only extends to filling in forms in a pdf01:14
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desiarnez6Well, if anyone is able, I have detailed my problem here: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xchat/+question/25701:14
ericSeveas, it says all the packages are there though01:14
kkathmansoundray:  forms, I understand of course, but generally pdf's I thought were supposed to be "immutable" unless programmed to be different01:14
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ericSeveas, I thought there was a dpkg command to finish the install01:14
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Seveaseric bot until it at least started the install...01:14
ericSeveas, I know I accidentally canceled an install but using dpkg I was able to finish it..01:14
leo_rockwkkathman, then adobe wouldn't be selling adobe acrobat professional01:15
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scguy318eric: sudo dpkg --configure -a or something mebbe01:15
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MasterShrekdesiarnez6, does it connect to anything? besides irc?01:15
erichjscguy318, that just removes the lock01:15
ericscguy318, doesn't seem to be01:15
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erichjapt-get install -f01:15
kkathmanleo_rockw:  ok well I understand that the user  ... ie the provider of the PDF should be able to create and change but once a pdf is sent out I thought it was immutable01:15
Seveaseric, sorry, I really have to go to bed, alarm goes of in < 6 hours01:15
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desiarnez6Mastershrek, yes it connects to yahoo chat, AIM, and all the internet fine, only XChat and IRC through Gaim do not work01:16
ericSeveas, night...01:16
soundraykkathman: it's an output format, I give you that. The fact remains that they are a pain to edit with anything open source. Adobe Acrobat, on the other hand, is almost like a word processor with some extra features. I'd love to have a free replacement for that.01:16
scguy318kkathman: not at all, i know Photoshop has limited PDF editing01:16
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ericerichj, it says 0 of every type of package to do anything with01:16
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MasterShrekvery strange desiarnez6, tried irssi or another terminal based irc client?01:16
eric0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.01:16
leo_rockwkkathman, no, it can be changed as long as you don't restrict it01:16
kkathmansoundray:  agreed on the replacement for it01:16
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erichjeric, looks like you gotta download everything again01:17
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ericerichj, it will just error on the same package again01:17
ericerichj, there is no point01:17
noma1hi, im on the partition manually but i also have windows which i need to assign i got 10gb for ubuntu01:17
erichjselect a different server to download from01:17
leo_rockwkkathman, soundray has it right. adobe acrobat looks almost like a word processor01:17
kkathmanleo_rockw:  right - i.e. the restriction - alot of people send, for instance, invoices or sales acknowledgements out via PDF as a record, but the recipient cant change it01:17
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leo_rockwkkathman, because not everybody has adobe acrobat01:18
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desiarnez6Mastershrek, hmm I will put that down in the tomboy notes to check when i get home, telnet cannot connect to irc either (from the terminal)01:18
ericerichj, it is the package itself. It was a system package that complained it couldn't be installed because the system dependent on it01:18
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ajchacedesiarnez6: have you tried opening a telnet session to port 194 on an IRC server?01:18
leo_rockwkkathman, if they didn't password protect the file, it can be opened and modified w/ adobe acrobat01:18
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kkathmani.e. a immutable document :)01:18
leo_rockwkkathman, and even if it is password protected, it can be unprotected using unholy methods ;-)01:18
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ericerichj, what happened is I accidentally booted into ubuntu on a virtual machine using that same ubuntu install as the host01:19
desiarnez6ajchace: I only tried Port 6667, I will try Port 194 tonight to see if it is any better01:19
ericerichj, damn grub -.-01:19
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ericerichj, and it screwed up all the drivers and quite a few config files01:19
SpiderPigops wrong chat01:19
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ajchacedesiarnez6: I think 6667 is over SSL, so you won't be able to do anything, but you should still be able open a session01:20
ericerichj, after using recovery mode the drivers seem to have be fixed, and I have repaired any noticeable configuration mishaps01:20
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ericerichj, Seveas advised I reinstall all my packages however01:20
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ericerichj, and thus this problem01:20
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ericerichj, so I have all these packages in cache that are not reinstalled...01:21
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s0nix-/+ buffers/cache:     416448    1659428 .......... is this the REAL memory usage ?01:21
desiarnez6ajchace: Interesting, all I received with port 6667 was "Trying 'IPaddress'..." for several different ips01:21
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ajchacedesiarnez6: hmmm, not sure what that's about01:22
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bjb1959I had ubuntu gutsy up and running with the latest driver and compiz-fusion working except that the system would freeze after about 30 minutes of inactivity. I read that disabling dpms in xorg and at the bios level would help but it didn't so I tried to downgrade my driver to 1.0-9755 and that is when the problem started. now I can't get the restricted driver to work.... help01:22
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leo_rockw!gutsy | bjb195901:22
ubotubjb1959: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+101:22
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ericforget replacing the packages then01:23
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alcaponageHow do I get the next release?01:24
erichow do I clear apt-cache so that I don't have 500MB of dead packages sitting on my hard drive?01:24
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anonymous1Could anybody help me with sshd_config.  I can't see why my attempted connections just time out.01:24
alcaponageHow will I get Gutsy Gibbon?01:24
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SlimeyPeteeric: apt-get clean01:24
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alcaponageDo I have to install ubuntu over again?01:24
kitchealcaponage: upgrade the distro with update-manager01:24
desiarnez6ajchase and MasterShrek, I will try your advice for know tonight to see if I can connect, if you guys or anyone for that matter want's to update later, my post is the last one at the Ubuntu XChat forum: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xchat/+question/257 With the same settings, I seem to connect fine by wireless connection, I wonder if my IP could somehow block IRC now, tho on windows i had no problem with Mirc01:24
soundray!gutsy > alcaponage, please read the private message from ubotu01:24
ericSlimeyPete, thanks.01:24
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astro76!upgrade > alcaponage01:25
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alcaponagethank you guys01:25
alcaponageor girls01:25
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mrynitis there a Europa repository for ubuntu?01:26
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mryniteuropa eclipse that is01:26
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twodekoanyone having issues with the gutsy beta installer CD?  mine makes it to the default brown background with a mouse and then hangs, and i eventually lose my display01:26
leo_rockwhey guys. g2g, glhf01:26
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leo_rockw!gutsy > twodeko01:27
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twodekothanks leo_rockw, wasn't aware01:27
soundrayalcaponage: "guys" is turning into a gender-neutral term. More than once I've heard women/girls address female groups by "listen up guys!"01:27
CapaHQuestion, I cannot get Textpad to work properly with Wine --- Can someone recommend to me a good alternative for linux? Note -- must have the ability to use the MOUSE within the text editor, must support syntax highlightning, must support block edit --- etc etc01:27
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RAdamsI have Ubuntu Feisty. What's the best way to upgrade GAIM to Pidgin?01:27
desiarnez6I have to go, thank you for your help. Bye.01:28
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cjaeanyway to mend an avi file with ubuntu01:28
alcaponagesoundray: touche01:28
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cjaehave two pieces and want to make them whole again01:28
soundrayRAdams: through backports, I think01:29
soundray!backports > RAdams01:29
astro76CapaH, text editors is one thing linux does not lack... tried kate?01:29
jribCapaH: gedit (Text Editor in menu)01:29
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CapaHHaven't tried kate01:29
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frostburnCapaH, jedit01:29
ajchaceCapaH: Bluefish, if you're using GNOME01:29
alcaponageI have a question: I want to install atlantis cube, do I put http://download.tuxfamily.org/3v1deb feisty eyecandy in my source list and type in the code?01:29
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TrosephAnyone wanting to run Ubuntu in a VM on your mac, save your money and install VirtualBox on your intel Mac.01:30
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soundrayTroseph: really? I've just bought VMware Fusion, dang!01:30
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Trosephsoundray: yeah! I was this close to buying Fusion -->|| and I tried VirtualBox, and success!01:31
TrosephSaved myself $6001:31
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soundrayTroseph: well, that's good to know. Although I do find Fusion amazing. Drag and drop between guest and host, wow.01:32
soundrayTroseph: does virtualbox do that?01:32
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Trosephsoundray: Not sure, I just got Ubuntu running. I'll give updates as I try new stuff.01:32
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TrosephAnd fusion is *amazing* but if you don't have the money, VirtualBox works.01:33
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TrosephIt's a bit of a resource hog, you might want 2GB+ ram.01:33
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soundrayTroseph: does VirtualBox support amd64 guests?01:34
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anonymous1Hello, could anybody help me set up my sshd?  I've followed various types of directions and read FAQs and I still can't get it to work.01:34
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Trosephsoundray: no idea. I just downloaded it about 20 minutes ago.01:34
jrib!ssh > anonymous1 (read the private message from ubotu)01:34
soundrayTroseph: yeah, I'm about to get an extra 4G for mine...01:34
mneptokanonymous1: sudo apt-get install openssh-server01:34
kitcheanonymous1: what are you trying to do with it?01:34
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TrosephSoundray: I'm on a MacBook, so only 3G for me. :'(01:35
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eggdi got errorcode 98, adress busy or something when i tried to download a 2nd torrent01:35
anonymous1I've got sshd installed and the daemon is running.01:35
eggdisnt it possible to download multiple torrents at a time?01:35
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soundrayTroseph: four-core Mac Pro here, 32GB max RAM :)01:35
MasterShrekeggd, yes, i do it all the time01:35
mneptokanonymous1: how did you install it?01:35
anonymous1I'm just trying to log into it and I get a timeout.01:35
anonymous1I used synaptic.01:35
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mneptokanonymous1: is port 22 blocked?01:36
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mneptokanonymous1: did you install the openssh-server package or something else?01:36
anonymous1I installed openssh-server.01:36
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jribanonymous1: can you ssh localhost?01:36
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anonymous1I've allowed port 22 and another four-digit port.01:37
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anonymous1How do I ssh localhost?01:37
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kitcheanonymous1: exactly like that ssh localhost01:37
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agrokerhow to switch off the loud system beep under GG (I do not have X yet)?01:37
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soundrayagroker: ask in #ubuntu+1 please01:37
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anonymous1Wow, that worked!01:38
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anonymous1I guess that means I have something right.01:38
soundrayanonymous1: the problem is "en route" then01:38
mneptokanonymous1: so what machien cannot connect?01:38
thsnckisoriginaltry upping the login timeout in /etc/ssh/sshd_config01:38
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anonymous1I tried from SDF.  I'll try from my university server.01:39
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anonymous1Good, point, I set the timeout to 20 seconds following the paranoid advice at the Ubuntu ssh tutorial.01:39
mneptokanonymous1: is port 22 forwarded?01:39
kitcheif you don't have a certain membership I believe SDF blocks outgoing ssh01:39
anonymous1This is where you'll yell at me.  I'm directly directed to the internet without a router in between me and the modem.01:39
MasterShrekanonymous1, i dont know if i would be giving information like that out lol01:40
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anonymous1I've got the highest SDF membership.  They're the only reason I know anything about unix at all!01:40
astro76anonymous1, not a big deal, linux is secure in that regards :)01:40
astro76anonymous1, though you are wise tightening your sshd then01:40
anonymous1In fact, I'm running a fit-PC, which is supposed to be a good choice for a firewall itself...01:40
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zibadi have a very weird problem with hibernate mode01:41
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zibadthe system hibernate well01:41
MasterShrekzibad hibernate and standby have never worked correctly in linux01:41
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zibadbut there is no resume01:41
zibadits as if i have reboot01:42
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kailashamriti can't play orig. dvd's (copied ones no problem). is there any solution?01:43
zibadi found this info in syslog01:43
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zibadswsusp: Error -6 check for resume file01:43
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astro76kailashamrit, have you installed libdvdcss2 ?01:44
zibaddoes anyone have an idea pls ?01:44
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astro76!medibuntu | kailashamrit, you can get it here...01:44
ubotukailashamrit, you can get it here...: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org01:44
kailashamritastro76: one sec i will check01:44
mneptokzibad: is your swap >/= (physical RAM * 2)01:45
mneptokerr ... * 101:45
zibadmneptok: not really, the ram is around 700 and the swap is 51201:45
astro76zibad, that's the prob then01:45
mneptokzibad: then you can't hibernate01:45
anonymous1I still get a timeout from two different servers when I set the LoginGraceTime to 120.01:46
zibadmneptok: is this the error -6 ?01:46
mneptokzibad: where would you like the information in memory to go when the RAM loses power?01:46
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zibadmneptok: i mean 512 should be sufficient when i have nothing opened no ?01:46
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mneptokzibad: "The Marvelous Land Of Oz" is not an option ;)01:46
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astro76zibad, to hibernate you need swap >= ram, no exceptions, hibernate means ram is copied to disk (in the swap partition) and the system is powered down01:47
pepitoHi to all, please I need to chat here  "#ubuntu-it-chat" I using (my first time)  Xchat gnome. Can I go here #ubuntu-it-chat?01:47
mneptokzibad: hibernate is not something Linux does well. and it sure won't do it if it doesn't have swap space to match physical memory.01:47
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Frogzoo!it | pepito01:47
ubotupepito: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!01:47
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astro76pepito, should just be #ubuntu-it, type /join #ubuntu-it01:48
pepitosi ubotu, ma non so come andarci01:48
TonrenHey guys, I'm trying to install LaTeX on an Ubuntu 6.06LTS server; I've manually installed MediaWiki, but I'm getting errors: http://rafb.net/p/CfqVX784.html01:48
anonymous1That ubotu is a good idea.01:48
zibadmneptok: how can i see what is my free space, I think my used space could let me know what swap is needed right ?01:48
jribpepito: /join #ubuntu-it01:48
Red_TideI have all but converted my brother to Ubuntu but he is having some trouble with sluggish internet I suspect its ipv6 am I correct in suspecting this?01:48
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astro76zibad, type "free -m" to see your memory and swap sizes01:48
mneptokzibad: you MUST have swap that is equal to or more than physical memory. you don't. game over.01:48
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MasterShrekRed_Tide, could be, but ive never had a problem with it, what kind of machine is it? are you using wireless?01:49
pepitothank you astro76. I did01:49
kailashamritastro76: iin synaptic i can't see the libdvdcss2. so what can i do on medibuntu website?01:49
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astro76kailashamrit, you can either download libdvdcss2 and install it, or there's clear instructions on how to add medibuntu as a repository, then you can install it through synaptic01:49
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Red_TideMasterShre its hardwired in right now its a Amd socket 939 I think01:49
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zibadmneptok: i am sorry but i have increased my swap to 512 because, previously i could NOT suspend (there was a clear message about that), and now i can, but with this problem in resume. So im not sure the space is the problem01:50
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MasterShrekRed_Tide, it should run fine, what kinda NIC is it? if its newer id suggest trying gutsy01:50
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mneptokzibad: fine. keep trying then.01:50
mneptokzibad: there is a patron saint of lost causes, if you need help ;)01:50
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whiskeytangoask away01:51
whiskeytangohow do i get my SD slots to work?01:51
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anonymous1Hello, could anybody help me set up my sshd?  I've followed various types of directions and read FAQs and I still can't get it to work.  I've got sshd installed and the daemon is running.  I am able to ssh localhost, but when I try from two other servers, I just get timeouts.  The machine is directly connected to the modem and Port 22 is listening.01:52
zibadmneptok: when i didnt have enough space i couldnt NOT suspend, and i had a message about not having enough space. I have increased the swap, and now i can suspend, but the resume give me swsusp: Error -6 check for resume file01:52
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zibadmneptok: am i more clear now ?01:52
Red_TideMasterShre: I don't think the NIC is that new, but thanks for the advice I will have a look at it an area I had not thought to explore01:52
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astro76zibad, I thought we were clear about swap>= ram to hibernate?01:53
mneptokzibad: yes. and i still don't see why you're talking about suspend when the problem is with hibernate.01:53
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zibadmneptok: sorry i didnt chose the right word, for me suspend and hibernate are the same in my language01:53
zibadmneptok: my system now hibernate because i have increased my swap space01:54
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mneptokzibad: so what's the problem?01:54
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zibadmneptok: before that it couldnt saying not enough space01:54
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astro76zibad, I see what you're saying, but your system does NOT hibernate because you still can't resume from it01:54
zibadmneptok: my problem is when resuming, its as if i have reboot01:55
mneptokzibad: you don't have enough swap. i don't care what error messages say.01:55
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zibadmneptok: its strange that the system doesnt say not enough space as before :/01:55
mneptokzibad: your problem is not enough swap. and even if you had it, there's a good chance it wouldn't work.01:55
whiskeytangoAnyone have an idea on why my SD slot doesnt work?01:55
kailashamritastro76: thanx.  "With your favourite web browser, go to  http://packages.medibuntu.org/pool/.": Forbidden You do not have permission to access this document.01:55
kailashamrit  Web Server at medibuntu.org01:55
bmk789whiskeytango: drivers for the reader?01:55
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zibadmneptok: it works fine on one of my computer01:55
whiskeytangoWhere would i get them for ubuntu?01:56
zibadmneptok: so it may work01:56
Jack_Sparrowwhiskeytango: IS it a plug in usb one or internal as in laptop..01:56
bmk789whiskeytango: if there are drivers there most likely in the repos01:56
astro76kailashamrit, I honestly prefer to add the repository according to this instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu#head-7486ed038a9becc1dff10a24cc07a38a00d70e9f01:56
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threethirtyhello all01:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about swsusp - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:56
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whiskeytangoLets pretend i dont know what repos are.01:57
whiskeytangoNor do i know how to access them.01:57
zibadmneptok: i will try extending the swap more, but i doubt its the reason01:57
bmk789whiskeytango: is the big bank of ubuntu software01:57
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whiskeytangoGreat, now, where do i find it?01:57
astro76whiskeytango, in a laptop? many still don't work because they are proprietary, the manufacturers have not released info01:57
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bmk789whiskeytango: first run "lspci" in a terminal to see what type of reader you have01:58
whiskeytangoNo, its in my HP PC, internal though, so..01:58
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mneptokwhiskeytango: what kind of reader? internal? external? USB? 1394?01:58
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kailashamritastro76: yes but there is only choice upto ubuntu 7.04, but i'm on 7.10. is ok with the last version?01:58
mneptokwhiskeytango: does any flash media work in that reader?01:58
kitchekailashamrit: #ubuntu+1 for gutsy support01:58
astro76kailashamrit, yeah I have no idea then... we don't support beta versions in this channel.... try #ubuntu+101:59
whiskeytangoI only had teh SD card to test, but ive tried 4..01:59
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Jack_Sparrowwhiskeytango: they make a card slot reader that fits a 3/5" floppy slot that can use generic drivers01:59
bmk789whiskeytango: run "lspci|grep Card"01:59
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bmk789it should say what specific device you have01:59
brokenQuick question, how do i reconfigure my xorg? I thought it was "dpkg-reconfigure xorg-xserver" but for me it says that its not installed.01:59
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whiskeytangoNothing found.01:59
kailashamritastro76: thanx a lot!02:00
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anonymous1Hello, could anybody help me set up my sshd?  I've followed various types of directions and read FAQs and I still can't get it to work.  I've got sshd installed and the daemon is running.  I am able to ssh localhost, but when I try from two other servers, I just get timeouts.  The machine is directly connected to the modem and Port 22 is listening.  That's the last time I'll paste it; I don't want to spam #ubuntu.02:00
Jack_Sparrowbroken: sudo02:00
mneptokbroken: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:00
bmk789maybe its USB even though its internal02:00
kitchebroken: xserver-xorg not xorg-xserver02:00
TonrenHey guys, I'm trying to install LaTeX on an Ubuntu 6.06LTS server; I've manually installed MediaWiki, but I'm getting errors: http://rafb.net/p/CfqVX784.html02:00
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brokengah ok.02:00
bmk789whiskeytango: "lsusb|grep Card"02:00
mneptokanonymous1: does your ISP filter low ports?02:00
mneptokanonymous1: edit the sshd conf file and start it on 7652 or something02:00
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astro76anonymous1, yeah you know since you're directly connected to the Internet anyway, it would be good to change from 22 to a high port anyway02:01
anonymous1I don't know.  I'll try a high port.02:01
astro76I use a 5 digit port for mine ;)02:01
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whiskeytangoIm having the same issue with my chipset video as well, doesnt show up at all in ubuntu.02:01
ZhazAnyone good with sound issues? I cant get AC3 to work,,02:01
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fluffleshi people, trying to use Remote Desktop on 7.10, but it seems it listens only on IPv6 ("tcp6" in netstat) and not on IPv4 ("tcp"). is this a firewall issue or what?02:02
Frogzoo!sound | Zhaz02:02
ubotuZhaz: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP302:02
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astro76!gutsy | fluffles02:02
ubotufluffles: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+102:02
flufflesoops sorry02:02
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astro76fluffles, no worries ;)02:03
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threethirtyDoes anyone know how add more virtual desktops, two is just not doing it02:03
picard-pwns-kirkright click the virtual desktop thing02:03
astro76threethirty, right click, preferences on the desktop switcher02:03
ZhazThe sound is actually working just not digital sound I only get stereo02:03
b_wolf_007astro76: can you help me please, can we chat in private window02:04
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astro76b_wolf_007, in the channel please02:04
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threethirtyastro76, all that gives me is the way to put the virtul desktops in different rows02:04
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astro76threethirty, you using 3d desktop effects?02:05
astro76or standard gnome?02:05
threethirtyyeah, in gutsy02:05
johnnyjetthreethirty, not, it also allows you to select more virtual desktops.02:05
b_wolf_007astro76, sorry02:05
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astro76or #ubuntu-effects02:05
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threethirtyastro76, ty02:06
BlackCowok so i dont know if anyone remembers my earlyer problem but this is how it stands, ubuntu server edition 7.04 can see my DFE-530TX+, the eathernet connection works on a lap top, but the computer isnt showing up on my network nor can it ping anything internally or externally02:06
BlackCowwhere do I go from here02:06
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bmk789BlackCow: did it get an IP?02:07
astro76BlackCow, what do you mean it works on a laptop? ubuntu server is installed on a regular machine?02:07
aLeSDhi I upgraded to 7.10 ... but how to configure compiz fusion ?02:07
bmk789aLeSD: #ubuntu+102:07
BlackCowthe eathernet works on a laptop seperatly02:08
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BlackCowbut when i plug into the server the basetation isnt connecting to it02:08
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BlackCowand assigning it an IP02:08
superkirbyartistWhy does my computer hang (ie. clock which display seconds stops moving, mouse stops moving, keyboard doesn't respond) so often?02:08
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bmk789BlackCow: try running "sudo dhclient eth0"02:08
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SpudDoggWhat is the best way to find out the GRUB name for a partition?  i.e. (hdx,x)02:08
BlackCowok, and just to make sure you can run a server behind a router right? as long as you have the correct ports open02:08
anonymous1I still get timeouts from the two servers.02:09
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anonymous1It also looks like /var/log/auth.log doesn't show any attempted login.02:09
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:09
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LeovenousOkay I'm annoyed.... getting the grub 18 error....02:09
bmk789BlackCow: yes02:09
astro76BlackCow, yeah you have to forward ports02:09
LeovenousThe forums say its an issue with the HD setting02:09
BlackCowright, ok im going to try that thing02:09
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LeovenousNone of the workarounds in the threads have... worked.02:10
superkirbyartistWhy does my computer hang (ie. clock which display seconds stops moving, mouse stops moving, keyboard doesn't respond) so often?02:10
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superkirbyartistEspecially noting I'm using "stable" 7.0402:11
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BlackCowthank you, sudo dhclient eth0 worked02:11
bmk789superkirbyartist: sounds like a hardware problem or kernel panic02:11
b_wolf_007EminX: can you give me a favour02:11
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BlackCowill have to remember that02:11
Hilikuscan someone help me with this warning when starting apache02:11
Hilikus[Tue Oct 02 20:10:20 2007]  [warn]  The Alias directive in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/wiki at line 1 will probably never match because it overlaps an earlier Alias.02:11
astro76superkirbyartist, yeah probably a piece of hardware.. how long does it hang?02:11
superkirbyartistbmk789: yes, during the GUI.02:11
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Hilikusthere are no other aliases in there referencing that directory02:11
EminXb_wolf_007: I'll try, ask me02:11
bmk789superkirbyartist: could it be overheating?02:11
superkirbyartistIt hangs at random times and I cannot use the computer anymore without restarting.02:12
superkirbyartistbmk789: installed two cheap fans, no help.02:12
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usr13Are ati drivers available in some repository some place?02:12
bmk789superkirbyartist: have you monitored temps?02:12
datakidhow can I clear some room on my boot partition? I need to clear up 111K :)02:12
superkirbyartistbmk789 how do we do that?02:12
superkirbyartistIs there a gnome-applet?02:12
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LeovenousDepending on how I set CMOS I either get that error 18 or I get an endless loop of "Grub"02:13
bmk789superkirbyartist: sudo apt-get install lm-sensors sensors-detect02:13
b_wolf_007EminX: I'm trying to use desktop effects and have problems with graphic drivers02:13
astro76superkirbyartist, sometimes you can just check in the bios too02:13
astro76superkirbyartist, you running restricted 3d drivers?02:14
superkirbyartistastro76, have to.02:14
astro76superkirbyartist, what card?02:14
usr13!find ati 7.1002:14
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ubotuFound: binutils-static, foomatic-db, foomatic-db-engine, foomatic-db-hpijs, foomatic-filters (and 140 others)02:14
bmk789Leovenous: try reinstalling grub02:14
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astro76superkirbyartist, exactly which one? :p02:14
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usr13!find ati02:15
ubotuFound: binutils-static, foomatic-db, foomatic-db-engine, foomatic-db-hpijs, foomatic-filters (and 140 others)02:15
superkirbyartistastro76: Geforce somethingish, 256MB of RAM, costs 100$.02:15
LeovenousCan I do just that step with the ubuntu-server install disk?02:15
yell0whey guys, has anyone got their "export to external monitor" key to work ?02:15
bmk789Leovenous: i believe so02:15
astro76superkirbyartist, if it's not a heat issue, the basics of hardware troubleshooting is to remove stuff until the problem goes away02:15
LeovenousOr do I need grub by itself02:15
superkirbyartistastro76, bmk789, cannot find sensors-detect02:15
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bmk789Leovenous: it seems your grub install is either incorrectly configured or corrupt02:16
datakidhow can I clear some room on my boot partition? I need to clear up 111K :)02:16
bmk789superkirbyartist: then its just lm-sensors, my mistake02:16
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bmk789datakid: uninstall previous kernels?02:16
astro76datakid, uninstall old kernel versions?02:16
datakidok cheers02:16
superkirbyartist...nice magic trick, what was it supposed to do?02:16
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bmk789superkirbyartist: after thats installed, run "sudo sensors-detect" and basically answer yes to everything, when thats done just run "sensors" and it should give system temps02:17
SpudDoggIs it possible to boot ubuntu from a SATA drive, and windows from an IDE drive?02:17
kitcheSpudDogg: yes of course02:17
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TrosephCheck it out: Ubuntu in VirtualBox in on MacOS http://flickr.com/photos/troseph/sets/72157602243564005/02:18
datakidbmk789, astro76 how would I do that? Synaptic only tells me one is installed?02:18
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SpudDoggkitche, how do i find out the grub names (hdx,x) for that windows partition?02:18
astro76datakid, you searched for "linux"02:18
superkirbyartistWhy is there a Maxim?  Is this Linuxxx now?02:18
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kitcheSpudDogg: fdisk -l usually windows parition is always ,0 you have to figure out the hdX part02:18
bmk789SpudDogg: it depends which is set as master in bios02:18
astro76datakid, I guess you made your /boot too small02:19
mneptokdatakid: if you have only one kernel installed and you're out of space, your /boot is too small or you need to stop storing mp3s there.02:19
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Jack_SparrowSpudDogg: the few times I have tried mixing ide and sata drives in the same box.. it became rather sluggish like the system was slowed down by adding the ide02:19
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superkirbyartistNow what?02:19
bmk789superkirbyartist: what did you just run?02:19
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bmk789superkirbyartist: then "sensors" should give you the temps02:20
datakidastro76 - yes, I did, and there's only one listed, but when I boot there are >2 listed in the grub boot menu02:20
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austin_does anyone know how to open a .rar file?02:20
Frogzooaustin_: unrar02:20
julien_apt-get install rar02:21
frylock^i just installed ubuntu, i plug in my USB wifi adapter, it recognizes my network, however hangs forever when trying to connect to it. i started out with wep, now i removed encryption altogether, problem persists.02:21
=== mneptok gags a little with the mention of .rar
SpudDoggkitche, fdisk shows the ntfs partition on hda1 (so partition 0, i understand that much) but out of the three HDDs in this computer, I don't know how to find out what the hdx would be02:21
Peloaustin_, sudo apt-get unrar and then just right click the file and extract02:21
=== Troseph gags too.
superkirbyartistThanks.  +37C, playing a ZOEgirl video on RealPlayer.02:21
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SpudDoggJack_Sparrow, yea, this is only temporary...I dont use windoes02:21
superkirbyartistWent up to 38C.02:21
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superkirbyartist39C... oh no, it will blow up!02:22
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bmk789superkirbyartist: that should let you make sure your proc stay within its stable temps, what CPU?02:22
kitcheSpudDogg: would be hd0 then02:22
superkirbyartistZOE left and now it's 33C.02:22
Pelosuperkirbyartist,  your cpu temp ?  laptop or desktop ?02:22
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superkirbyartistDesk with two fans.  Notice how much heat RealPlayer makes.02:22
SpudDoggkitche, /boot/grub/device.map shows (hd0) is my /dev/sda02:22
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astro76!ops | pompillo02:23
ubotupompillo: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici02:23
superkirbyartistGoes up 5C when playing video.02:23
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josh__hey all02:23
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kitcheSpudDogg: well then hd1 maybe02:23
josh__how can i give myself full rights for /var/www?02:23
jimmacdonaldok here's a stupid question ... How would you folks go about logging a user off remotely? I know how I would do it. (I am a solaris admin) but I want to see if there is something better.02:23
SpudDoggkitche, tried that :(  and hd2-702:23
erichjjosh, you shouldn't02:23
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josh__currently, i cant create folders etc in the folder02:23
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superkirbyartistIs there a gnome-applet (or one I can make) that will tell me the temperature?02:23
SpudDoggkitche, but i dont know if i had the partition at 0 or 102:24
erichjjosh, create a symlink to /var/www from your home directory02:24
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CoasterMastersuperkirbyartist, there's one for gnome-panel02:24
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superkirbyartistGO FIREFOX BOO FIREFOX
the_chocobocan anyone tell me how to install java?02:24
superkirbyartistCoasterMaster, what's it called?02:24
PThomasHi, I'm running Ubuntu-server in CommandLine, is there anyway for the 'terminal' to be fit to the screen?02:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about overheat - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about temp - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:24
astro76the_chocobo, sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin02:24
Pelosuperkirbyartist, my desktop has many fans in it and the temp goes up to 60C on a hot day, the only time I ever go below 40C is in the morning if the case is open and I left the windows open on a cold night02:24
erichjthe_chocobo, sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre02:24
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...02:24
kitcheSpudDogg: hmm then something is odd if grub can't detect your drive02:24
mneptokthe_chocobo: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin02:24
CoasterMastersuperkirbyartist, Weather Report.  Right click on a panel and select Add to Panel02:24
superkirbyartistPelo, why does mine hang so much?02:25
Pelosuperkirbyartist, might have to do with the cpu you have02:25
superkirbyartistSilly, that's the city whether!02:25
frylock^i just installed ubuntu, i plug in my USB wifi adapter, it recognizes my network, however hangs forever when trying to connect to it. i started out with wep, now i removed encryption altogether, problem persists. rebooted pc and router, problem persits. i googled, many complaints but no answers.02:25
arakthorsuperkirbyartist: are you overclocking your machine?02:25
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CoasterMastersuperkirbyartist, ohhhhhhhhh you're talking internal temp...you just said temperature02:25
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superkirbyartistArakthor, no need to, it's 1.8GHz.02:25
Pelosuperkirbyartist, and it is quite possible you are not reading the cpu temp,  I get 38 on case and on hdd but never on cpu02:26
superkirbyartistYes, CoasterMaster.02:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about imsensors - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:26
SpudDoggkitche, that's what i thought.  i just checked /boot/grub/menu.lst and i had it set to (hd2,0) then at the grub menu i tried (hd1-7,0-3)  and got nothing.  is there a grub command i can run to list all the partitions?02:26
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ubotuYou might find something useful at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto02:26
LjL!info lm-sensors02:26
ubotulm-sensors: utilities to read temperature/voltage/fan sensors. In component main, is extra. Version 1:2.10.1-2ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 489 kB, installed size 1508 kB02:26
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kitcheSpudDogg: hmm not sure might want to look it up02:26
SpudDoggkitche, rgr.  thanks man02:26
PThomasHi, I'm running Ubuntu-server in CommandLine, is there anyway for the 'terminal' to be fit to the screen?02:26
Pelosuperkirbyartist,  sensors applets ,  it's in synaptic you can access it from the add to pannel menu when right clicking the pannel02:26
kitcheI really wish my computer had sensors in it :(02:26
Pelosuperkirbyartist, this might be helpfull to you  http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty02:27
mneptokPThomas: F1102:27
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Pelokitche, are you sure it doesn'T ?02:27
PThomasmneptok: ?02:27
PThomasthat just adds ~02:27
mneptokPThomas: you want gterm to be fullscreen?02:27
cafuegokitche: You cna probably play with hddtemp even if you don't have cpu or chipset sensors.02:27
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superkirbyartistPelo, it's "PCI Card".  And it goes up with graphic tasks (video).02:27
superkirbyartist28 right now.02:27
kitchePelo: yep I m sure my temp is -238 degrees :) the bios doesn't have sensor information either02:27
PThomasmneptok: it's just command line, theres no desktop.02:27
erichji think he means tty102:27
mneptokPThomas: i don't think i understand what you want02:27
frylock^April 4th, 2007 at 7:30 pm02:28
frylock^Too bad getting WiFi to work with Ubuntu is such a flipping hassle. Thats the deal-breaker right there. My days of hassling commands and special case stuff are long-over. (In fact I think they went out the door just about the time the 486DX 33 was no longer the hottest thing going. Wake me up when Linux works with WiFi.02:28
mneptokPThomas: is the dispaly off center or not taking up the full screen? change the monitor geometry using its menus.02:28
bmk789frylock^: what device?02:28
Pelosuperkirbyartist,  that's the temp of your video card then, not the cpu02:28
PThomasmneptok: what menus?02:28
pike_frylock^: i have zero issues with wifi on various cards02:28
arakthorfrylok: get a non-broadcom card02:28
PThomasmneptok: I just want the CL full screen02:28
Pelosuperkirbyartist, it would probably go up even more if you pay a very graphicaly intense game02:28
arakthorfrylok: I know what you run, and broadcom + linux == unhappy times02:28
mneptokPThomas: adjust the monitor02:28
cafuegoarakthor: Sorry, my broadcom works hassle free and has done so for a good 12 months.02:29
erichjarakthor, my broadcom cards all work out of the box with gutsy02:29
PThomasmneptok: It's only with server, my xp on my other partition fits to screen.02:29
Jack_Sparrowmy broadcom is fine02:29
arakthorhaven't tried with gutsy, just got an ew lappie with an atheros02:29
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mneptokPThomas: adjust. the. monitor.02:29
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macddoes ubuntu-server use fb in console? his terminal might be centered in the screen02:29
Error403I don't have any trouble with my toshiba laptop's wifi.02:29
mneptokfrylock^: please don't troll like that02:29
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the_chocobookay, it keeps telling me to insert the disk 'ubuntu 7.04 _feisty tawn_ - release i38602:30
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frylock^arakthor, pike_, bmk789: i use edimax02:30
PThomasmneptok: Why would I adjust the monitor, if desktop and xp fit to screen, but cl doesnt.02:30
pike_the_chocobo: when installing software?02:30
superkirbyartistPelo, what's wrong with that?02:30
superkirbyartistBTW, GFX card is AGP.02:30
erichjbroadcom 440 ethernet and 4318 wireless work with no problems for me02:30
Pelothe_chocobo,  so insert it02:30
mneptokPThomas: because WINDOWS IS NOT LINUX?!02:30
cafuegoPThomas: Because that's how you fix it. *sigh*02:30
macdPThomas, b/c its running at a different resolution.02:30
cafuegoPThomas: Difference video mode, needs adjustment. That's just how it is.02:30
PThomasSo how do I change resolution in CL?02:30
ravdoes anyone know how to enable direct rendering in a intel chipset? or a  Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G] /GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device to be EXACT.02:30
pike_the_chocobo: gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list  put a # in front of the cd entry or remove it in synaptic then sudo apt-get update02:30
the_chocoboi never got a disk02:30
mneptokPThomas: adjust the monitor settings. case closed.02:30
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Pelosuperkirbyartist,  nothing wrong with it ,  I'm just saying that  it's not your cpu temp you are talking about , which is what ppl usualy refer to when they speak of their comp's temp , as I did when I talked about mine02:31
cafuegoPThomas: You don't, you tweak the controls on the monitor to fix up alignment and/or size.02:31
pike_the_chocobo: you dont need it02:31
Pelothe_chocobo, how did you install ubuntu ?02:31
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macdI guess you could use fb to change the resolution, but just seems silly on server02:31
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superkirbyartistPelo, I'm trying to install gkrellm02:31
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Pelosuperkirbyartist, best of luck,  I didn't realy care much for it myself02:31
pike_macd: not silly. l337  ;p02:31
thiebaudeim having trouble running briquolo02:31
the_chocoboPelo: my friend let me borrow a burned disk02:31
anonymous1the_chocobo, you can also download the ISO image file and mount it in /cdrom/  I had to do this because I don't have a CD-ROM drive!02:31
frylock^mneptok: sorry about the trolling. i just browsed the web for the same problem and found http://www.debianadmin.com/enable-wpa-wireless-access-point-in-ubuntu-linux.html#comment-10595, that comment pretty much reflected my moods02:31
cafuegoPThomas: it probably even has an auto-align function.02:32
superkirbyartistWhy not?02:32
PThomascafuego: I'm on a laptop, there is none.02:32
pike_frylock^: wpa is still a bit more of a hassel02:32
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ravanyone, know how to enable direct rendering?02:32
frylock^pike_: i'm talking about basic connection, no wpa, even no wep02:32
JpSSgtRockHi, all02:32
erichjrav, what driver for intel are you using?02:32
Error403okay, I have a hauppage pvr-150 tuner and I can't get it to work with, say, irw until I type in the console:: sudo pckg-reconfigure lirc - Is there a way to make  lirc work correctly at startup?02:32
JpSSgtRockIs this the right forum for a question about cupsys?02:32
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ravhow would i go about checking that?02:32
Pelothe_chocobo,   menu > system > admin > software sources,  first tab I beleive,  uncheck the cd at the bottom ,  while you are in there check all the other boxes on the first tab and the backport one in the third tab,  then try to do your install again02:32
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frylock^pike_: the router is tp-link xr something, and the adapter is edimax. works fine with windoze (plug&play)02:33
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yell0w!ask > JpSSgtRock02:33
mneptokfrylock^: i'll give you a million dollars if you guess the secret word. you get one guess. no hints. and if you fail, it's *your* fault for "being stupid." it's not *my* fault for being ridiculously secretive.02:33
erichjrav open a terminal and type sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-intel02:33
PeloJpSSgtRock, this is the ubuntu channel , try asking if we can't anser we'll try and direct you to where they can02:33
mneptokfrylock^: this is the sentiment you are parroting02:33
erichjshould fix you up02:33
thiebaudei have a question about briquolo, if anyone could help02:33
superkirbyartistThis is ugly!02:33
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anonymous1Thanks for the instantaneous help:)  This looks like a job for the forums and some time.02:34
pike_frylock^: never heard of that card sorry.  most any linksys or whatever youd buy in a best buy or radioshack will work02:34
JpSSgtRockI've got a problem with my pagesize.02:34
ravit says i have the newest version02:34
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Pelosuperkirbyartist, what do you want to do ? monitor your temps ?   there are pannel aps to do that02:34
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pike_frylock^: there is always ndiswrapper02:34
mneptokfrylock^: wireless does not work with a lot of cards because vendors *refuse* to release specs. this is not a technical problem with Linux. it's a social problem with wireless manufacturers.02:34
JpSSgtRockCUPS inists that it's set to letter, but it sees the printable area as A4.02:34
superkirbyartistYes, Pelo.02:34
ravglxinfo | grep direct gives me a big fat NO02:34
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frylock^pike_: nicely enough, the usb is straight away recognized and it also picked up the network. connecting is the problem.02:34
JpSSgtRockI've changed /etc/papersize from 'a4' to 'letter'.02:34
PeloJpSSgtRock, you need to check in both cups and in the app you are printing from02:34
mneptokJpSSgtRock: what app?02:35
JpSSgtRockI've also re-re-checked that CUPS is set to letter.02:35
JpSSgtRockRight now, I'm just trying to print the test page correctly.02:35
erichjrav, give me a sec then. think you need to run dpkg --reconfigure, just a sec02:35
frylock^pike_: yes, i've read about ndiswrapper, what is that; and does it come by default. i'm obviously in a bit of catch-22 here, i can't apt-get anything i don't have since i don't have network, thus no internet.02:35
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pike_frylock^: ive been amazed recently by the stuff ubuntu detects but that does sound like a driver problem02:35
JpSSgtRockThe test page says:02:35
PeloJpSSgtRock, if the test page is correct check in the settings in the app, and check the printer settings from the app02:35
ravok, thanks man.02:35
JpSSgtRockPage Size 8.25x10.38 in02:35
JpSSgtRockThe Test page is incorrect.02:35
pike_frylock^: ndiswrapper basically allows you to use the windows driver for your card in linux02:36
mneptokfrylock^: do you have PCMCIA/Cardbus or PCI in that machine?02:36
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PeloJpSSgtRock,  please don'T use the enter key for punctuation02:36
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frylock^mneptok: yes, there is a wired network card02:36
frylock^mneptok: unused of course02:36
pike_frylock^: best off asking someone else here though ive never used it02:36
mneptokfrylock^: spare PCI slot?02:36
PeloJpSSgtRock,  also try this,  delete the printer and install it again selecting the correct page size when you install02:36
frylock^mneptok: i bet i do02:36
eggdi have a iso file that is splitted up into ~40 rar-files. how do i open it?02:36
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kevinOhow do i add write premissions to a perticular folder?02:36
JpSSgtRockOK, hang on.02:36
frylock^let me take a look02:36
mneptokfrylock^: you in the US?02:36
Peloeggd,  just extract the  r00 file02:37
jrib!rar > eggd (read the private message from ubotu)02:37
pike_eggd: sudo apt-get install unrar; unrar e file.rar.00102:37
usr13kevinO: chmod +w foldername02:37
PelokevinO,   sudo chmod 777 /path/folder02:37
frylock^mneptok: got two pci slots available, but i'm outside us02:37
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mneptokfrylock^: where?02:37
kevinOpelo thanks02:37
mneptokah, Israel02:37
frylock^mneptok: israel. you think a pci-based wireless adapter would do the trick?02:37
erichjrav, type sudo dkpg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:38
gregoroviusI want to install RKhunter, and it needs a mail transport agent, but I don't want to have exim running all the time. anybody knows of a really minimal and light MTA?02:38
usr13kevinO: Pelo: Told you how to give rwx permissions02:38
PThomasOkay, maybe I'm just being a n00b, but I still don't understand what you are talking about.02:38
mneptokfrylock^: only one that is supported. give me a URL to your favorite online hardware vendor.02:38
Rodyadoes anyone know of a graphical web browser that is really small and lightweight? (basically what I am looking for is the ability to browse the web and nothing else, small, fast, not a lot of features)02:38
usr13kevinO: Pelo: Told you how to give rwx permissions to ALL02:38
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mneptokfrylock^: i'll find you a well-supported card that will "just work"02:38
pike_Rodya: dillo or in terminal do links2 -g  thats cli but it allows mouse and is graphical with the -g02:38
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mneptokfrylock^: for not *too* many shekels ;)02:39
=== Pelo glares at usr13 : "snitch"
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ravdkpg not found?02:39
kevinOusr13 to everyone?02:39
Pelorav,   dpkg02:39
frylock^mneptok: ;) let me look for the wifi adapters, i don't think you'll be able to browse in the holy language02:39
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usr13 kevinO:  To all02:39
PelokevinO, try 755 instead02:39
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PThomasHow am I suppose to make CommandLine fit to screen?02:39
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:39
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usr13 kevinO:  To user owner others02:39
mneptokfrylock^: you sure? i may be a sabra. ;)02:39
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Rodyathanks pike_ that works great02:40
pike_PThomas: sure its not just monitor setting? try the adjustmenst on monitor02:40
PThomaspike_: It's a laptop, I don't have much only brightness.02:40
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slimjimslimhi, my x windows is broken (probably b/c of a new graphics driver) and i get, from `ps -A`, a process called XKeepsCrashing, does anyone know what that means?02:40
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ravit says stuff about --help and --dhelp and bla02:41
Peloslimjimslim, try doing a forum search for the error msg you get   www.ubuntuforums.org02:41
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DoYouKnowAnyone know if James Burgett is doing anything in the chicagoland area?02:41
frylock^mneptok: i think you'll find it somewhat unrich: https://www.misradia.co.il/application/product_viewRegular.asp?Pid=202&Group=202:41
Pelorav,   sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:41
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pike_PThomas: xgamma -gamma 1.5  or 1 to return to normal brightness basically 1 is normal and 1.2 2 3 whatever is brighter02:41
darthc0dahey, I'm thinking of getting ubuntu for a new thinkpad x30, which has a 1.2 ghz pentium 3 and 256 mb ram02:41
DoYouKnowrelating to refurbishing PCs with ubuntu and giving them to older people, etc.02:41
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darthc0dahow fast would it run?02:41
ravOk, it poped up02:41
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pike_darthc0da: xubuntu should run well on that02:42
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PThomaspike_: I'm not trying to change brightness, just saying thats the only shortcut keys I have for the display.02:42
Pelodarthc0da, that's close to the minimum02:42
=== MAfifi slaps _tilman with a big red brick
pike_PThomas: lol oh02:42
=== MAfifi slaps _tilman with a rainbow trout
darthc0dado you know if there'd be a better distro?02:42
darthc0da(or is that not for a ubuntu irc channel lol)02:42
mneptokfrylock^: todah raba02:42
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JpSSgtRockAfter re-adding the printer, the CUPS test page is still set to A4 instead of letter.02:42
Pelodarthc0da, xubuntu was suggested02:42
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PThomaspike_: Yea, I just want to have command line in a full window, rather than just a 640x468 box maybe?02:42
erichjrav, just answer the questions02:42
soundraydarthc0da: I run xubuntu on a slower machine than that, and it's fine02:42
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usr13 kevinO:  1=r 2=w 4=x  1+2=3 1+4=5 2+4=6 1+2+4=702:42
pike_PThomas: i see it is in center of screen?02:43
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PThomaspike_: Yes.02:43
frylock^mneptok: toda leha02:43
PeloJpSSgtRock,  check all the propertie tabs,  some of my printers have more then one place for settingthe paper size02:43
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ravwhat video card driver should i select for a intel chipset?02:43
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JpSSgtRockOK, will doublecheck.  This is an HP3210 if that helps.02:43
PeloJpSSgtRock,  as an after thought , you mean the test page from cups right  ? not the test page for the printer02:43
erichjwhich chipset do you have?02:43
blahblahblahanyone know how to make "sudo modprobe bcm43xx" automatically start when the computer boots up02:44
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JpSSgtRockYes the test page from CUPS.02:44
PeloJpSSgtRock, it doesn'T help me , but it might be worth a search in the fourm02:44
pike_PThomas: not sure what the issue is but adding vga=0x317 to the kernel line in menu.lst and reboot may work. sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst look for the kernel   /boot/etc and just add the vga to end of the line02:44
soundrayblahblahblah: 'echo bcm43x | sudo tee -a /etc/modules'02:44
pike_PThomas: that doesnt have to be hex02:44
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JpSSgtRockThe forum led me to /etc/papersize.02:44
ravIntel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G] /GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device  that one02:44
soundrayblahblahblah: forgot one x, but you get the gist02:44
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JpSSgtRockThat's why I'm here now.  :)02:44
mneptokfrylock^: ugh. it *is* a mess ... balagan. look here - http://madwifi.org/wiki/Compatibility02:44
PeloJpSSgtRock, got it02:44
blahblahblahsoundray: would i have to keep putting my password in as well02:45
guruthere seems to be an issue with python2.5 and freevo - how do i uninstall python2.5 and revert to python2.4 (including the older version of pygame which works with freevo)?02:45
mneptokfrylock^: use that to find a PCI card with good MadWiFi support, and Ubuntu will be happy.02:45
erichjrav i81002:45
Peloguru,  try with synaptic02:45
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soundrayblahblahblah: no. /etc/modules contains a list of modules to be loaded at startup. No questions asked02:45
Pelolater folks02:45
guruif i do 'apt-get remove python2.5' it attempts to remove all packages which depend on python02:45
PThomaspike_: Is it fine if its '....ro quiet splash vga=0x317' ?02:45
pike_guru: any reason not to leave 2.5 and 2.4?02:46
pike_phoenixz: yep02:46
Peloguru, there is a way in synaptic to install previous versions of a package ,  just click around and you'll find it02:46
frylock^mneptok: USB adapters are no good?02:46
SpudDoggkitche, i got grub to get past the menu, but now i get a hard lockup with just "Starting up..." on my screen.  keyboard is locked, everything is locked.  any ideas?  i found out though that my windows partition is on (hd1,0)02:46
mneptokfrylock^: PCI with MadWiFi support are *far* better02:46
gurupike_: yes, scroll up...freevo does not work with python2.502:46
blahblahblahsoundray: thanks02:46
ravok, how much mem should i give the card? in KB02:46
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mneptokrav: 002:46
blahblahblahsoundray: would that work for any user signed in?02:46
pike_rav: just let it autodetect usually02:47
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volantareshi all02:47
ravok, and if it isnt good, i can always comeback and give it more later right?02:47
jribPThomas: you need to press the right button on your keyboard so it stretches, mine was fn-f5 or change res like pike_ suggests02:47
volantaresikonia: hi, if you're there02:47
pike_PThomas: sorry that yep was for you :)02:47
soundrayblahblahblah: anything in /etc is system-wide. Modules are loaded before any login comes up.02:47
frylock^mneptok: are you certain that it's not a config thing? ubuntu recognizes right away the usb adapter and the existance of the networks. my router can pick the adapter up too, it just says "Status = Disconnected"02:47
blahblahblahsoundray: i appreciate it.. thanks02:47
erichjrav, for driver you should actually put intel02:47
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erichjrav if that is available02:47
jrib!tty > PThomas (read the private message from ubotu)02:48
mneptokfrylock^: i don't use or recommend USB adapters. they are almost universally crap and undependable.02:48
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PThomasjrib: thanks02:48
mneptokfrylock^: *must* eat. the MadWiFi compatability page will guide you right. l'hit!02:48
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soundraymneptok: anecdotal, I know, but I use a wireless USB device routinely on my desktop without trouble for about a year, everyday heavy use. I had an Atheros PCI card die on me.02:49
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jacob_how do i play *.wav files?02:49
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soundrayjacob_: gnome-open file.wav02:49
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TmcarrI have an GeForce FX 5200 Video card, does anyone have any instructions for installing to correct drivers for it, and if it will increase resolution?02:49
ravok, i answered all the questions, so should i restart or ?02:49
mneptok!worksforme > soundray02:50
usr13jacob_: play *.wav02:50
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erichjrav hit catrl+alt+backspace to restart x02:50
mneptokTmcarr: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx02:50
pike_rav: and pray02:50
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soundraymneptok: I could have fired that at you02:50
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Tmcarrdo I just put that into a terminal?02:50
mneptoksoundray: what?02:50
gurui don't see a way to revert to a previous version02:50
soundraymneptok: !worksforme02:51
PThomasThanks, it works now.02:51
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mneptoksoundray: PCI wireless cards is !works_in_Canonical's_hardware_certification_lab though ;)02:51
TmcarrWont let me use that command, says invalid access02:51
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erichjhmm rav should have been back by now02:52
soundraymneptok: can you point me to a source of that information?02:52
mikebotDOes ayone here know about using latex in ubuntu?02:52
mneptoksoundray: sure. i just told you.02:52
Tmcarr"E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)02:52
TmcarrE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?02:52
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soundraymikebot: yeah, a bit02:52
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h1st0!latex > mikebot02:52
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mikebotsoundray: I'm getting this error when I type 'latex blah.tex': dvips: Font ecrm1728 at 8000 not found; scaling 600 instead.02:52
soundraymneptok: I was thinking of a URL, perhaps?02:52
erichjTmcarr, sudo dpkg configure -a02:53
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mneptoksoundray: we don't publish our partner's private certification data02:53
volantaresif i want to dual boot windows and ubuntu, what's the best way to partition things? (I can dedicate a IDE drive to each)02:53
ravno dice, i hit the code and it still says no direct render enabled. should I do the code again, and select intel video driver?02:53
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slimjimflimwhen i switch usernames, then do whoami, i'm still the same user as before, anyone know what could cause that?02:53
erichjrav, yeah02:53
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gogetavolantares the ubuntu install can handel that02:53
soundraymneptok: in other words, that lab evidence is no better than mine.02:53
SerenadedAbysswoot!! Ubuntu...02:54
gogetaanyway you like02:54
guruwhenever i attempt to remove python2.5 synaptic tells me that i have to remove several other packages which i use - i don't see a way to easily revert to python2.4 without uninstalling everything then reinstalling02:54
SerenadedAbyssis soo not my style...02:54
ravand it has nothing to do with how much mem the card has?02:54
erichjrav if that doesn't work than i am not sure, my laptop uses intel 945 but it does direct render02:54
volantaresgogeta: except the way i did originally.. but that's ok.. hmm ok02:54
soundraymikebot: I can't imagine that being right. Why would calling latex invoke dvips?02:54
erichjrav, your bios controls that so don't worry about it02:54
mneptoksoundray: no, i just can't show you specific internal data. but not one person in this office would use or recommend a USB adapter based on our experiences.02:54
soundraymikebot: what output format are you aiming for?02:54
kstvolantares get 1 winxp partition, 1 linux partition, 1 /home parition, 1 swap partition and MAYBE 1 partition to exchange files between win and linux although both sys can read both NTFS and EXT3 (with drivers)02:55
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eggdHow do I open splitted rar files?02:55
gogetavolantares why all that02:55
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soundrayeggd: point unrar-free to the first file02:55
mikebotsoundray: pdf, sorry, that's from 'dvipdf'02:55
ksteggd open the first one, should load the others automatically i think02:55
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slimjimflimwhen i switch usernames, then do whoami, i'm still the same user as before, anyone know what could cause that?02:55
gogetavolantares go to manul slect the dirve you whant linux on or wanna resize the installer handels all this02:55
kstnice nickname btw eggd :)02:55
eggdkst: it didn't02:55
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kstgd? :p02:56
soundraymikebot: is using 'pdflatex file.tex' an option?02:56
eggdfett gd.02:56
erichjslimjimflim, ubuntu won't fall for your tricks02:56
mikebotsoundray: If it works, sure, let me try thtat.02:56
jribeggd: read the link from ubotu02:56
gogetayes it can even resize windows02:56
slimjimflimerichj, huh?02:56
volantareskst and gogeta: yeah, that will be fine, my bigger concern is whether windows should be put on the first drive or second as far as making things as easy as possible for grub02:56
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the_chocoboi need some help, i am installing a program and it keeps telling me to insert the installation cd but i don't have one02:56
erichjslimjimflim, just messing with you02:56
mikebotsoundray: Still poor output02:56
kstdont think it matters volantares02:56
gogetai would say first02:56
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slimjimflimerichj, so you don't know anything about it?02:57
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soundraymikebot: you mean the PDF is poor? Or you're still getting errors?02:57
mikebotsoundray: This error resulted when I accidently tried to dvi a file that didn't exist I think--and I tried reinstalling all the tex-base, etc. files, but it still does this.02:57
gogetagrub can handel it wyther way but windows tends to not like not being on first02:57
volantaresgogeta win on first, lin of second?02:57
mikebotsoundray: The pdf quality is poor..02:57
erichjslimjimflim, can't say that i have ever experienced that before02:57
mikebotsoundray: let me pastebin you02:57
ravokk, ill ctrl alt back and pray02:57
godzirrais there a way to resize two ext3 partitions without formatting them both?02:57
gogetayea that will work fine02:57
erichjrav good luck!02:57
SerenadedAbyssforget this channel... wayyy to busy...02:57
soundraymikebot: which version of ubuntu?02:57
kstmikebot maybe remove it completele and get a full texlive install from CTAN02:57
astro76slimjimflim, try with su -l02:58
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jacob_usr13 http://pastebin.com/m48fab58d02:58
mikebotsoundray: http://pastebin.com/m26be599102:58
the_chocoboi need some help, i am installing a program and it keeps telling me to insert the installation cd but i don't have one02:58
mikebotkst: Yikes, OK, that'll be my last resort.02:58
erichjthe_chocobo, download iso and mount it02:58
mikebotsoundray: fiesty02:58
kstmikebot http://www.tug.org/texlive/doc/texlive-en/live.html thats what I did, everything seems to work flawlessly :)02:58
volantareswell thanks.. talk to you soon i am sure02:58
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slimjimflimwhen i switch usernames, then do whoami, i'm still the same user as before, anyone know what could cause that?02:58
the_chocoboerichj: how do i do that?02:58
astro76slimjimflim, try with su -l02:58
mikebotkst: Thanks,02:58
soundraykst: please don't recommend installing software from other sources when ubuntu packages are available02:59
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kstsure, sorry02:59
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kstis there even a complete texlive package (as in >1gig) in the repositories?02:59
soundraymikebot: tex-base is a tetex package. I suggest you make sure you have the texlive packages installed instead.02:59
mikebotsoundray: OK, I'll check that.03:00
slimjimflimastro76,  that didn't help03:00
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erichjthe_chocobo, http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_mount.2Funmount_Image_.28ISO.29_files_without_burning03:00
mikebotsoundray: I actually have to be somewhere at 6 (I'm already late), but I'll try that.03:00
mikebotHopefully you're still here in an hour ;)03:00
mikebotThanks for the help though; bye,03:00
slimjimflimastry76, but thx03:00
soundraymikebot: it's quite possible that this will fix your problem. If not, you'll have to configure dvips and make it default to the desired output resolution.03:00
kstthats why i said soundray :) my tex was bugged aswell, then i removed everything and went for texlive as in the link i gave03:00
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mikebotsoundray: OK, perfect.03:00
jacob_anybody knows how to play .wav files?03:00
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iobeliskwhats the irc channel for epiphany?03:00
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ravnoooo, it did not do it.03:00
gogetajacob wha?03:00
gogetaanything will play .wav03:01
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erichjthe_chocobo, and in case you are wondering you will need to download the iso of whichever flavor of ubuntu you are running03:01
slimjimflimjacob_ totem will probably do it03:01
jacob_gogeta, oh stupid me, let me see03:01
slimjimflimjacob_ aka movie player03:01
jribiobelisk: #epiphany on gnome irc03:01
CarlFKwhere is the gutsy version of  https://help.ubuntu.com/7.04/installation-guide/03:01
ravwhat driver are you running?03:01
the_chocoboerichj: thank you very much03:01
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soundray!info texlive | kst03:01
ubotukst: texlive: TeX Live: A decent selection of the TeX Live packages. In component universe, is optional. Version 2005.dfsg.3-1 (feisty), package size 12 kB, installed size 84 kB03:01
erichjthe_chocobo, welcome03:01
Zylstra555I need to edit /etc/apache2/httpd.conf in Nano, how do I do this?03:01
ePaxIs it possible to install superkaramba on ubuntu?03:01
jacob_slimjimflim when i open the wav file directly it doesn't go, is the wav file corrupted?03:01
slimjimflimjacob_ what are you opening it w/03:02
kstso it's not soundray? :)03:02
gogetalol its a wav03:02
iobeliskjrib: the gnome server is not listed on the xchat menu, do you know the address to it?03:02
gogetaany meda player should handel it03:02
soundraykst: it's not what?03:02
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ksta full install03:02
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raverichj, no dice on that driver03:03
gogetatry a dirrent wav03:03
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jribiobelisk: irc.gnome.org should work03:03
soundraykst: yes, it is. It pulls in other packages as dependencies.03:03
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jacob_slimjimflime swhen i open it directly from my mp3 player i get an error message03:03
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gogetawhat message03:03
iobeliskthanks, i will try that right now!03:03
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zetherooI am trying to install a plugin.... where is the folder that I am meant to drop the plugin into?03:03
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kstsoundray in synaptic? but what about packages you need after install because somethiing wont compile properly?03:03
jacob_gogeta, let me send you the error message03:03
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zetherooanyone know?03:04
marcanelaq es esto03:04
kstzetheroo plugin for what?03:04
gogetaif its not multi line you can past it hear03:04
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soundraykst: you find out which of the many non-default texlive packages provides it, and install that. apt-file comes in handy.03:04
zetherookst: sorry I forgot to say... GIMP03:04
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raverichj: what driver do you have for your chipset?03:05
soundraykst: the set of "basic" texlive packages is 152MB installed size03:05
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zetherookst : I need to know where the plugin directory is ... but not the one in the HOME dir..... in the root area...03:05
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jacob_gogeta, please use jacob at the beginning of your messages please, if not, that'll be fine, but i would prefer you would03:06
soundrayzetheroo: /usr/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins/03:06
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jacob_gogeta http://pastebin.com/m4c185e1103:06
zetheroosoundray : thanks... will try that03:06
Gothfunci have installed lirc, yet /dev/lirc does not exist, only /dev/lircd.  that's not right is it?03:06
soundrayGothfunc: it's fine03:07
gogetajacob_ i dont think its a real file03:07
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jacob_gogeta, lol, you serious?03:07
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gogetajacob_ yes it says its a text file03:07
gogetawhere you get it03:07
Gothfuncsoundray: when i run irrecord, i get: irrecord: could not get file information for /dev/lirc03:08
jacob_gogeta let me download a new wav file and see what happens03:08
gogetajacob_ probly the classes vires in a wav03:08
ravdamn, im screwed with this aint I03:08
Gothfuncdo i just link /dev/lirc to /dev/lircd?03:08
jacob_gogeta i have an mp3 that has a mic to record conversations in the form of wav files03:08
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zetheroohow do I load a nautilus file browser as root?03:08
soundrayGothfunc: you have to configure things correctly in /etc/lirc . It's a bit tricky03:08
gogetajacob_ a riff wav?03:08
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jacob_gogeta, sorry don't know what you mean by riff wav03:08
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cranshinibonhey everyone03:09
gogetajacob_ mp3 hacked up to look like wavs03:09
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zetherooanyone know?03:09
Photocopythere we go03:09
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Gothfuncsoundray: ok sure, i've read the docs and found my remote's config.  i'm trying the hello world lircrc from the faq.  i'm not sure what i'm missing03:09
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jacob_gogeta, i can't seem to play the record within the mp3 player, it's probably the player03:09
gogetajacob_ well does that one play03:09
jacob_gogeta, i got one of those cheap mp3 players03:09
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soundrayGothfunc: last time I checked, there wasn't much useful documentation for lirc in ubuntu, but if you look for help with recent Debian versions, the instructions should apply.03:10
jacob_gogeta it plays mp303:10
Gothfuncsoundray: so i tried using irrecord to actually see if my remote is working, and now i'm stuck03:10
zetheroowhats the command to start a session in a file browser as root?03:10
gogetajacob_ well to play mp3 wavs you need lame installed03:10
Gothfuncsoundray: ok, thanks03:10
soundrayzetheroo: Alt-F2 gksudo nautilus03:10
jacob_gogeta, ok give me a chance to install that03:10
cranshinibonfor some reason i keep getting the composite extension not available when I try turning on ubuntu ultimate desktop effects, how do i fix this03:10
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zetheroosoundray: thanks.... its so easy to forget these things03:11
jacob_gogeta, how do i use lame?03:11
jacob_gogeta to play the fiel03:11
gogetajacob_ its just a codec for mp3d03:11
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adacwhere can i see in linux what kind of processor is on a workstation?03:11
gogetajacob_ all players should just knoe to use it03:11
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hinogiihmm composite on? is that the thing where you add the line Option "Composite" "On" in the xorg.conf03:11
soundrayadac: cat /proc/cpuinfo03:11
PhotocopyAny linux or other free OSes that ship free CDs? So far I am getting Solaris, Blag, and Fedora. Other than Ubuntu, who else sends out distros? I don't wan't to burn a lot of CDs, and am only a student, and without a job, so I have no funds, but I want to try a bunch of distros. (And I love the debian installer at goodbye-microsoft.com thats just aweseome. Anything like that would be nice too. Thanks.)03:11
Gothfunccan't wait for a more usable lirc configuration :)03:11
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jacob_gogeta i get the same error03:12
gogetajacob_ the hacked header is probly confusing the player03:12
jacob_gogeta, i'm opening the file directly, not from a player03:12
adacsoundray: thx! it shows me the right model...but only 800MHZ03:12
gogetajacob_ you try using xmms03:12
adacsoundray: thx! it shows me the right model...but only 800MHZ!?03:12
jacob_gogeta, let me give it a try03:12
soundrayadac: that's fine, it means that speedstep or powernow has scaled down your frequency03:13
=== Laibsch [n=Laibsch@p54B95B69.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
gogetajacob_ you just need a payr that handels those types of wav files03:13
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PhotocopyUsually when I ask for help I get answers here... but this is the second time i've asked this  (once yesterday) and it gets ignored.03:13
soundrayadac: it will go up on demand.03:13
adacsoundray: but why..it isn't running on battery right now03:13
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LaibschThe latest update crashed and upon reboot I am stuck with some dpkg trouble: http://rafb.net/p/nWavKO47.html  How can I fix this?  "dpkg --configure -a" won't do anything.03:13
adacsoundray: oh..i see :)03:13
soundrayadac: to reduce heat output and extend the life of your hardware.03:13
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gogetajacob_ weard mp3 player btw to use a riff wav\03:14
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PeloLaibsch, di you try booting the previous kernel ?03:14
jacob_gogeta, let me see if i can get it played through the mp3 player, i still got the same error message03:14
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adacsoundray: how nice it is to me that ubuntu:) it cares about my hardware;)03:14
usr13jacob_: play *03:14
gogetajacob_ odd player03:14
LaibschPelo: What makes you think this is a kernel issue?  Or that the kernel even got an upgrade?03:15
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jacob_gogeta, ok03:15
EminXis it possible, I just installed ubuntu 7.10 beta, and can't find 3d desktop , does anyone now how can use that03:15
usr13jacob_: play *.mp303:15
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PhotocopyDoes ubuntu studio have everything ubuntu has??03:15
PeloLaibsch, nvm then03:15
EvanlecEminX, its under Desktop Effects03:15
gogetajacob_ has those hacked up wavs that are relly mp3s03:15
wastrelEminX: #ubuntu+1 for gusty (beta) questions03:15
soundrayadac: you can add the CPU Frequency Monitor applet to the panel and watch the frequency going up and down as you load your CPU03:15
yell0whey guys, i'm running a compaq with ati x200 fglrx on gutsy. how should i get the function key to switch to external display ?03:15
erichjEminX, it's enabled by default03:15
PeloPhotocopy,  you can instal everything in ubuntu studio from the repos I beleive03:15
vermewhy the gcc which was installed with ubuntu doesn't compile??03:16
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EminXbut it doesn't work03:16
usr13play /usr/lib/openoffice/share/gallery/sounds/*03:16
fevelcan someone please help me03:16
Pelo!gutsy | yell0w03:16
soundrayverme: can you elaborate?03:16
Evanlecsoundray, thats only for like laptops rite? cpu frequency app dont work on my machine (Pentium D) desktop03:16
ubotuyell0w: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+103:16
Pelofevel,  what is your issue ?03:16
gogetajacob_ did you try just rename it from .wav to .mp303:16
the_chocoboi am trying to copy a file and it says "You do not have permissions to write to this folder"03:16
PhotocopyPelo: I am not even using ubuntu, thats why I ask, so if i wanted to install studio, i could just go get the studio iso instead of doing ubuntu then the packages.03:16
EminXwastrel: and there is no desktop effect icon on the system panel03:16
vermesoundray: i don't understand you... elaborate?03:16
PhotocopyPelo: Im on debian. rofl.03:16
Pelothe_chocobo, use sudo before your copy command03:16
soundrayverme: tell us more about the problem03:16
wastrelEminX: you're using 7.10, you need to ask in the 7.10 channel  #ubuntu+103:16
erichjthe_chocobo, su cp <file>03:17
PhotocopyPelo: woot. or something.03:17
h1st0!sudo > the_chocobo03:17
fevelI installed kubuntu-desktop on ubuntu feisty, the I ran sudo nautilus& and now everytime I login inside kde asks for my password for executing as root KDE su03:17
PeloPhotocopy, I assume so03:17
jacob_usr13 play * gives me03:17
jacob_jacob@jacob-laptop:/media/disk/RECORD/VOICE$ play REC001.WAV03:17
jacob_sox: Failed reading REC001.WAV: WAVE: RIFF header not found03:17
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vermesoundray: >gcc base.c -o base does not compile03:17
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soundrayEvanlec: frequency scaling capabilities vary from model to model, but they aren't limited to laptops03:17
fevelnoone helped me on kubuntu channel and im actually running ubuntu feisty03:17
guruhow do i install just one package from testing?03:17
soundrayverme: what does it say?03:17
usr13the_chocobo: sudo chmod +w /path/to/folder03:17
EminXwastrel: Ok thanks, I'm doing that right now03:17
Evanlecsoundray, oh...what sort of cpu's have scaling capabilities?03:18
vermesoundray: it says that03:18
vermebase.c:1:20: error: stdlib.h: No existe el fichero  directorio03:18
vermebase.c:2:19: error: stdio.h: No existe el fichero  directorio03:18
h1st0guru: download and install it although its not recomended what are you tyring to do?03:18
wastrelfevel: you shouldn't use sudo for GUI apps, you need to fix permissions on something in your homedir03:18
usr13the_chocobo: sudo cp filename /path/to/folder03:18
Pelofevel, you should be asked for a password when you login to the kde desktop,  I'm not sure I see the problem03:18
wastrelfevel: use gksudo  for gui apps03:18
soundrayverme: 'sudo apt-get install build-essential'03:18
Evanlec!es | verme03:18
ubotuverme: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.03:18
PhotocopyPelo: Is it possible to turn Xubuntu into a sort of "xubuntu studio"? I'd assume so, but if you knew..03:18
guruh1st0: i'm attepting to get freevo to work with the broken pygame version packaged with feisty03:18
vermede acuerdo!03:18
jacob_gogeta, renaming it to mp3 doesn't work neither03:18
vermesoundray: thanks a lot03:18
gogetaslams head03:18
gogetai knoe what they03:18
PhotocopyI like XFCE for pretty much the wrong reason; I'm used to it. Don't really care much that its fast heh.03:18
Photocopythats just a side effect03:19
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usr13jacob_: Linux does not care about file extensions.  It know's what the files ar.03:19
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fevelguys its after the login screen inside kde, and im not tryin to run gui as root anymore, im trying to fix this issue that appears everytime I login03:19
h1st0guru: you could build your own packages from source would be a better option.  However, if you want to try it packages are at packages.ubuntu.com03:19
gogetayou get the same format from m$ sound recorded if you slect mp303:19
PeloPhotocopy,  the only real difference between ubuntu and ubuntu studio is the package set on the default install, you can install those "extra" packages on any distro03:19
gogetamp3s with wav headers03:19
PhotocopyPelo: Really?03:19
guruh1st0: all i wanted to do is either install python2.4 without uninstalling all my other packages or install the latest pygame that was fixed03:19
jacob_usr13 oh thx for telling03:19
h1st0guru: I would just search the forums for freevo as i'm sure people have it working.03:19
fevelits like its trying to run something automatically at every boot that needs root permisisons03:19
erichjand ubuntu-studio has that awesome theme03:19
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usr13jacob_: What type of file are you trying to play?03:19
PhotocopyPelo: Could I for example, get them on debian right now?03:19
soundrayEvanlec: generally, Athlon, Athlon64, Core 2, Pentium M and the like do. Server processors like the Opteron, Xeon and your Pentium D don't.03:19
Gothfuncsoundray: when i run lircd from the command line i get "lircd: can't open or create /var/run/lircd.pid".  does that sound familiar?03:19
usr13jacob_: Find out:  file  filename03:19
guruh1st0: fyi freevo on amd64 crashes with the following message "ValueError: Buffer length does not equal format and resolution size"03:19
jacob_usr13 a wav file located in my mp3 player03:19
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h1st0guru: well you could just build the pygame deb from source with checkinstall or install the deb.03:20
Evanlecsoundray, interesting...03:20
DarxusI can't figure out how to sync my HTC Mogul phone over bluetooth because it doesn't support IrMC as I was using with my Sony Ericsson S710a.  Google searching has not been productive so far.  Suggestions?03:20
h1st0guru: I don't know anything about freevo i've typically used myth03:20
jacob_usr13 REC001.WAV03:20
PeloPhotocopy,  probably , I just don'T know which package they are so i can't give you a list you'll have to research it03:20
Gothfuncsoundray: additionally: "lircd: Permission denied"03:20
gogetajacob_ acoording to my search xmms should handel that format03:20
guruh1st0: i searched google and the most common answer is to revert python versions03:20
usr13jacob_: file REC001.WAV03:20
PhotocopyPelo: I know where the package list is.. Now how do I configure synaptic to access the ubuntu repos?03:20
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jacob_gogeta, its probably the mp3 player03:20
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jacob_gogeta it's a cheap one03:20
gogetadoes it play on that03:20
Pelofevel,  I'M very sorry but I don'T understand the problem ,  you shoudln'T be login in as root in anycase and it is normal to get asked for your passsword when you start admin apps03:21
jacob_usr13 it's a cheap one03:21
guruh1st0: mythtv doesn't work well for me...ti's overly bloated and doesn't seem very stable. i just want something that will cat /dev/video0 and dump it to a video file at a predetermined time03:21
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soundrayGothfunc: you haven't got appropriate privileges. If you installed from ubuntu packages, you should use 'sudo invoke-rc.d lirc start' to start the daemon. Or maybe lircd, I'm not sure.03:21
h1st0guru: you could just do it on your own.03:21
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h1st0guru: or make a script to create a cron job and do it.  etc...03:22
fevelPelo: can I send you a printscreen or something?? im sure its a simple problem that my noobness simply doeesnt understand03:22
HavenoHi.. somebody help me with a resolution of screen?03:22
PeloPhotocopy, I don'T ,  try a ubunt-studio website for the list of packages , try www.getdeb.net for some of the pacakges,  check in www.ubuntuforums.org for  repos list03:22
chris4hello, I am having a few problems. the first one is the top and bottom bars are gone, second the computer's power management isn't working, it can only connect to one of my 3 printers on the network, and I can't play mp3's03:22
h1st0!resolution > Haveno03:22
Gothfuncsoundray: silly me03:22
Pelofevel,  upload a screenshot if you must then give us the link03:22
soundrayHaveno: intel?03:22
PhotocopyPelo: Thanks, now I'm having issues making an application launcher.03:22
fevelill be right back03:22
gogetajacob_ i think you need flac to handel that format03:22
Photocopyin gnome03:22
iobeliskis it possible to configure epiphany to redirect text written into the address bar as a webpage instead of running a google search string all the time?03:22
Photocopybut ill come back for that later, im going to bed03:22
Havenosoundray: athlon03:22
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Photocopythanks for all the help03:23
h1st0chris4: disable desktop-effects to get your gnome panels back and read the message from ubotu about restricted codecs03:23
h1st0!restricted > chris403:23
soundrayHaveno: I mean, what graphic chipset?03:23
guruh1st0: it doesn't work that way - you can't simply cat /dev/video0 and dump it to a file03:23
Havenosoundray: geforce 520003:23
h1st0guru: sure you can if you have an mpeg2 encoder card03:23
h1st0guru: I do it all the time.03:23
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Pelo!panel | Gothfunc03:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about panel - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:23
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usr13chris4: Do you see a little arrow in the lower right or upper right or lower left or upper left corners of the screen?  (If so, click on arrow.)03:23
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Pelodamit  nothign about restoing the pannels03:23
GothfuncPelo: hm?03:23
guruh1st0: i don't03:23
chris4no arrow03:23
PeloGothfunc,  nvm03:23
soundrayHaveno: in that case, the private message from ubotu should help.03:23
guruh1st0: is there an easy way to uninstall python2.5 and install python2.4 instead without uninstalling everything that depends on python?03:24
usr13chris4: Are you using gnome?03:24
chris4usr13:I got it back once but it dissapeared again a few resets later03:24
PeloGothfunc, search in the forum for gnome-panel    www.ubuntuforums.org03:24
doodle77is there a way to stop everything from beeping (i stopped bash from beeping)03:24
chris4i think it is gnome03:24
gurudoodle77: sudo rmmod pcspkr03:24
Pelo!mp3 > Gothfunc  this is for mp3 stuff check for a private message windows with instructions from ubotu03:24
GothfuncPelo: is that to do with lirc, or are you autocompleting go for gogeta?03:24
Havenosoundray: thx ^^03:25
Evanlecguru, will 'sudo rmmod pcspkr' be a persistent change?03:25
PeloGothfunc,  the first one was a misalke of mine, the later ones are for you03:25
usr13chris4: How did you get it back last time?03:25
guruEvanlec: no03:25
jribdoodle77: system -> prefs -> sound03:25
chris4usr13:a command thrugh the terminal03:25
Evanlecguru, how to make it persistent?03:25
soundraydoodle77: if you want to get rid of bleeps forever, you should blacklist pcspkr (Evanlec)03:25
guruEvanlec: you'll have to stop it from loading in modules.conf (or set it in your .bashrc)03:25
GothfuncPelo: but i didn't ask about panel or mp3s...03:25
usr13chris4: Are you sure it's not just screen size too big?03:25
iobeliskis it possible to configure epiphany to redirect text written into the address bar as a webpage instead of running a google search string all the time?03:25
soundray!blacklist | doodle77, Evanlec03:26
ubotudoodle77, Evanlec: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add  blacklist <modulename>  to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type  sudo update-initramfs -u 03:26
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h1st0guru: not really have you searched the forums?03:26
chris4usr13:I'm sure, tried that03:26
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usr13chris4: maybe: The screen is larger than the monitor?03:26
guruh1st0: i've searched google03:26
PeloGothfunc, sorry those were meant for chris4 then03:26
chris4I've tried 3 monitors03:26
GothfuncPelo: lol ;)03:26
chris4usr13: one was a flat screen03:27
soundrayGothfunc: good luck with lirc, I know it can be a PITA03:27
PeloGothfunc,  my deepest apologies,  but you know how it is ,  the screen scrools by too fast , you read up, you think you got the right one , ..03:27
GothfuncPelo: ye, no prob :)03:27
Gothfuncsoundray: heh, thanks :P03:27
h1st0guru: search the forums at ubuntuforums.org03:28
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Evanlecsoundray, so i put "blacklist pcspkr" without quotes into /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist  ... that will work? the file didnt exist before...03:28
h1st0guru: for your specific problem.  I'm sure someone else has expereinced it if you claim there is a package broken.03:28
Gothfuncsoundray: i have irrecord running now, though no input, but at least i've made progress :)03:28
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jribiobelisk: you should wait more than 6 minutes.... see: http://www.gnome.org/~nigeltao/epiphany_extensions/bookmark-shortcuts/03:29
chris4usr13: even after updating from 6.10 to 7.04 the problems continued03:29
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usr13chris4: gnome-panel03:30
usr13try    ^^03:30
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iobeliskjrib: sorry. and thanks for the link!03:30
usr13chris4: start a terminal03:30
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fevelPelo: there it is03:31
PhotocopyPelo:  W: GPG error: http://archive.ubuntustudio.org feisty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY A361B38AB6A4EB3303:31
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jpiccoloi have a question, how do you read a man page in another users directory: man -M /home/user/man/cat program_name03:31
chris4 usr13: now what03:31
jpiccolodoesnt work03:31
miguelitohey is anyone here?03:31
fevelPelo: in case you missed it http://picasaweb.google.com/renato1985/Fotos/photo#511691687647613574603:31
Pelochris4,  try this,    alt+f2   type gnome-panel  , if that does nothing,   alt-f2  type gconf-editor   in there look under /app/panel  see if there is a box you can check03:31
usr13I guess you'll have to do it via console terminal...?  Ctrl-Alt-F603:31
usr13I dono03:31
Zlooothey how do i desguise my ubunto has it was a windows pc so the hacker dont atack my box ?03:32
chris4usr13:I have the terminal open, now what03:32
PeloPhotocopy,  check the site for a key03:32
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Pelofevel,  Looking  , gimme a few minutes03:32
PhotocopyPelo: A key? Once I got one, then what?03:32
miguelitoI have a question.  I am new to linux.  If I am going to download a program for Linux, do I download the debian one or Red hat or Fedora?03:32
PeloPhotocopy,  put it in hte terminal03:32
fevelPelo: Ok thank you so much...you the man03:32
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PhotocopyPelo: There were two commands.    sudo su -c 'echo deb http://archive.ubuntustudio.org/ubuntustudio feisty main >> /etc/apt/sources.list'03:32
Photocopywget -q http://archive.ubuntustudio.org/ubuntustudio.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add - && sudo apt-get update03:32
miguelitoCan someone please answer me?03:33
PhotocopyPelo: The first worked. The second said that apt wasnt found or something.03:33
wastrelmiguelito: neither03:33
Zloootdownload Vista03:33
wastrelmiguelito: is there a ubuntu .deb ?03:33
Zloootdownload Vista03:33
Pelofevel,  that's keyring stuff I don'T know anythink about it ,  but it might be related to wifi card or some such03:33
PeloPhotocopy, the second one is the key  make sure you put in the whole line03:33
wastrelmiguelito: is the program available in the ubuntu repos?03:33
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fevelI think I have an idea03:33
PhotocopyI did... ill try again.03:33
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miguelitoNo it isn't03:33
usr13chris4: right-click on an empty area of the desktop and creat launcher:  Name - Terminal Comand: gnome-terminal03:34
ZloootVista is linux under the hood03:34
miguelitoDebian, Red Hat, Fedora Core, and SuSE03:34
wastrelmiguelito: you probably want to build from source code03:34
chris4usr13: gnome-terminal not found03:34
miguelitohow do i do that?  which one do i download?03:34
PhotocopyPelo: I shift-insert. worked like a charm. Thanks.03:34
Zloootdownload LFS03:34
PeloPhotocopy,  congrats03:34
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Pelo!ops | Zlooot03:34
ubotuZlooot: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici03:34
chris4usr13: installing gconfig-editor03:34
wastrelmiguelito: what program?03:35
jribmiguelito: what program?03:35
Pelochris4, gconf-editor it is installed by default03:35
Zlooot!ops | pelo03:35
ubotupelo: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici03:35
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usr13chris4: You can create a terminal icon realy easy on the desktop.  It'll just take a sec.03:35
chris4not on mine apperently03:35
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Pelo!opsnack | rob03:36
uboturob: Chocolate!  And Peanuts!03:36
chris4i'm in the CTRL ALT F1 Terminal03:36
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riotkittienever a dull moment03:36
usr13chris4: Are you sure you're running a gnome session?03:36
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chris4how can I check?03:36
usr13chris4 Is this a Ubuntu install?03:36
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usr13or is it xubuntu?03:37
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Pelochris4,   gconf-editor is a gui app if you have no pannel start it with  the alt-f2 luancher dialog03:37
pavelzder a boot log03:37
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iobeliskjrib: i already have smart bookmarks enabled on epiphany, though it does not exhibit the corresponding behavior. do i need to install it again manually?03:37
Pelochris4, ahhhhhh,  wrong channel03:37
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chris4no one responds there and i've gotten help here before03:38
usr13chris4: Pelo has the easiest solution.  Alt-F203:38
usr13application launcher03:38
chris4how do I exit the terminal...03:38
Pelochris4,  in xubuntu I beleive you can get a lot of options if you right click the desktop , I think you can get access to a pannel dialog from there03:38
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chris4pelo: tried that03:39
usr13chris4: will take you back to the GUI terminal:  Ctrl-F703:39
Pelochris4,  alt-crtl-f703:39
doodle77why do my xwd's look like this: http://img219.imageshack.us/img219/1237/lappy8086sa7.png03:39
wastrel!info nessus03:39
ubotunessus: Remote network security auditor, the client. In component main, is optional. Version 2.2.8-1 (feisty), package size 216 kB, installed size 572 kB03:39
jribiobelisk: well what does it do?03:39
chris4ah, there we go03:39
ePaxIs there any other program the gdesklets that i can use instead of superkaramba?03:39
wastrelmiguelito: nessus is in the repos03:39
jpiccoloi have a question, how do you read a man page in another users directory: man -M /home/user/man/cat program_name doesn't work03:39
miguelitowhats repos?03:39
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wastrel!repos | miguelito03:39
ubotumiguelito: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource03:39
Evanlecis there a way for gnome terminal to remember its window size ?? it starts up too small for me03:39
usr13chris4: and you can come back to this one anytime you want/need to.03:39
usr13Clt-Alt-F6  to go back again.03:40
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iobeliskjrib: it runs a google search with the inputted text as a string, which is fine usually, but if i type for example "ubuntu forums" in the address bar, i would like it to directly go to ubuntuforums.org. is that possible?03:40
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PeloEvanlec, check in the prefs03:40
wastrelmiguelito: there is a LOT of software available directly from ubuntu project, all ready to install.  use synaptic to view the list of what's available.  it's always best to check if the program you want is available in the repos before you download from another source03:40
EvanlecPelo, i looked around under the profile settings...didnt see any such option03:40
miguelitoohhh ok03:40
miguelitothanks a lot03:40
pavelis there a boot log?03:40
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chris4usr13: got the config editor open, now what03:41
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usr13chris4: What command did you use?03:41
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jribiobelisk: read the txt file for the extension I linked you to03:42
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guruh1st0: nothing on the forums pointing to any answers - just a lot of people with the same issue03:42
Pelochris4, look under  /app/panel  see if you find a box to check for default pannel to display03:42
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guruthis is one of the major downfalls of any distro03:42
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=== Pelo thinks guru should take sollace in the fact that he is not alone
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pavelis there a boot log and if there is where?03:43
wastrelwhat's pygame03:43
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guruPelo: it's just very frustrating to go through this in a "stable" distro release03:43
chris4pelo: no panel folder03:43
usr13pavel: dmesg may have the info you need.03:43
wastrelupgrade to the pygame in gusty?03:43
pavelusr13: ty03:44
gurui shouldn't have to hack around for 4 hours with no results because a package is broken03:44
guruwastrel: pygame in gusty is the same version03:44
Pelopavel,  in /var/log03:44
PhotocopyPelo: I successfully added the ubuntustudio repos, but they have dependencies in the ubuntu repos, ehich I added (from the ubuntuwiki) but there wasnt a key on the ubuntuwiki ...03:44
usr13chris4: did you run gnome-panel ?03:44
jribiobelisk: or change the about:config key for the search03:44
wastrelcan't you install the fixed version of pygame manually?03:44
wastreli don't even know what pygame is03:44
usr13chris4: not sure if that's it or not but..03:44
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chris4usr13: no, gconf-editor03:44
Pelochris4,   /apps/panel/default_setup03:45
PhotocopyPelo: So I get the same error I got when i mistyped the command... just this time they didnt supply me with a command, just the stuff to add in synaptic, and it didnt put in a key03:45
guruwastrel: i can't even *find* the fixed version. the closest thing i could get is http://doc.freevo.org/FreevoAptUbuntu03:45
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iobeliskjrib: i tried the about:config page but i cannot find a corresponding string03:45
chris4pelo: no panel folder03:45
PeloPhotocopy, earlier I was just giving you some leads to check , I don'T realy know anymore about it03:45
guruthis appears to be only an amd64 problem03:45
miguelitohow can i access a repo?03:45
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IndyGunFreakadd it to your repo list03:46
PhotocopyCould anyone help me add the Ubuntu repos to debian for use in synaptic/apt-get?03:46
Pelochris4, and right lickcing on the desktop does not bring up a menu option for pannel or dockbar or any desktop layout stuff ?03:46
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chris4pelo: no03:46
chris4i can set my background tho03:46
Pelochris4, I don'T know then03:46
IndyGunFreakPhotocopy: i'm not 100% sure they'll be compatible, they *should* be, but there's a possibility they won't03:46
fevelPelo: thanks, had to do with wifi card< I unplugged the cable so eth1 wasnt busy and wifi could do its thang03:46
PhotocopyPelo: Did his panels disappear? That happened to me in xubuntu once..03:46
jribiobelisk: http://kb.mozillazine.org/About:config_entries03:46
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fevelPelo: while booting of course03:46
chris4Photocopy: yes they did03:47
Pelofevel,  glad I could hyelp03:47
PhotocopyIndyGunFreak: I know that, I would like to try these things.03:47
iobeliskjrib: thanks03:47
doodle77why do my xwd's look trippin' like this: http://img219.imageshack.us/img219/1237/lappy8086sa7.png ?03:47
iobeliskjrib: i will look through that now03:47
IndyGunFreakPhotocopy: well i'm not gonna just tell yuo how to possibly break your system..03:47
PeloPhotocopy, yes, if you know how to fix it it please tell chris403:47
IndyGunFreakif you want to try ubuntu repos, try u buntu03:47
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PeloIndyGunFreak, he want the studio stuff03:47
jribiobelisk: http://kb.mozillazine.org/Keyword.URL03:48
GNinegutsy upgrade took 3 hours.  system uptime 7 hours, no errors yet.  very nice.03:48
PhotocopyIndyGunFreak: I have installed from a network install and i dualboot. In other words, anthing I do can be fixed by simply formatting the debian drive and restarting.03:48
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fevelone last thing...this is all cause im trying to run doom3. In case anyone got it running, anyone see this error before?? ARNING: vertex array range in virtual memory (SLOW)03:48
fevelsignal caught: Segmentation fault03:48
fevelsi_code 103:48
fevelTrying to exit gracefully..03:48
fevelShutting down sound hardware03:48
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fevel----------- Alsa Shutdown ------------03:48
fevelclose pcm03:48
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feveloops, too many lines...sorry03:48
totalnewbiei download the 4 DVD repos. how to use it after i copy to my hdd?03:48
Pelodoodle77, looks like your color channels are not synced properly,  no idea why , try  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  see if you can'T get better settings03:49
IndyGunFreak4 DVDs??/ wow.03:49
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PhotocopyPelo: I can tell you that I pressed F2 and typed xfce4-panel, but thats for Xubuntu, so it wont be the same... try F2, see if itll give him a promt to run something. If so, then find out the name of the panel program in gnome and you're set.03:49
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Pelofevel,  please don'T paste in the forum03:49
fevelim sorry Pelo03:49
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feveli thought I could make it in 2 lines03:49
Pelochris4,   read what   Photocopy  just said to me03:49
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PhotocopyIndyGunFreak: I really only need the ubuntu repos cause things in the ubuntustudio one require them.03:49
stravSmall pointy question: anyone managed to compile the orinoco usb drivers (mainly for compaq w200 wireless card) on gutsy?03:50
NotSuremy Konsole does not save font settings, really weird03:50
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GNinei had to reconf xorg when i chose to run the nvidia restricted drivers but that was no actual problem03:50
GNinei like this gutsy deal03:50
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chris4ok, that started the panel, but how to make it stick?03:50
NotSuremy Konsole does not save font settings, really weird03:50
usr13chris4: Might be   gnome-panel03:50
iobeliskjrib: aha! it worked! keyword.url . man, all this while i had been searching about:config for "find" or "search" or "address bar". thanks a lot!!03:50
=== GNine is running Xubuntu gutsy
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jribiobelisk: np03:51
Pelochris4, it should stick  but look for a session manager somwehere03:51
NotSuremy Konsole does not save font sizes, really weird03:51
chris4pelo: let me check03:51
PhotocopyIndyGunFreak: I like how you have a consience, that you would feel like its your fault if i screwed up my debian install03:51
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Pelochris4,  might just be called session03:51
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chris4pelo: found it, now what03:52
GNinevery novel .. blah03:52
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PhotocopyIndyGunFreak: That must by why you won't tell me how to get the ubuntu repos; you'll feel bad "if i screw it up."          cause there can't be any other reason, i can fix it anyway, and you can't get in any crap for it... so idk what the issue is other than you not wanting to feel guilty03:53
GNine"the problem is choice"  deal with that03:53
=== pajero_22 [n=viktor@host002.190-30-254.amc.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu
rudeleriusHello; I need help with file sharing in Linux.  In Windows I can map a network share to a drive letter and Windows can open any file or folder and treat it the same as any other file or folder on it's own hard drive.  I've been trying to accomplish the same thing in Ubuntu and have had no luck.  Since everything is a file in Linux, shouldn't I be able to access another machine on the network through a mount point for the network in the initia03:53
PeloPhotocopy,  just to recap what I was recommending earlier,   find a ubuntu studio website,  look on it to see what the packages are that make it different from ubuntu then find debian packages for it03:53
IndyGunFreakPhotocopy: it shouldn't be that hard, a google search will probably turn up a number of them.03:53
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MasterShrekrudelerius, you just mount the samba share like you would a hard drive03:53
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Pelochris4,  shoudl be a simple matter of adding   xfce-panel to the list of apps to run on startup03:53
IndyGunFreakLMAO, check this out, someone takes ubuntu jsut a tad to serious..lol  http://www.petitiononline.com/gutsy710/petition.html03:54
miguelitoHow do you change to root?03:54
PhotocopyIndyGunFreak: ... I need the OFFICIAL cause the repos im using has the things i want which have depends in the official repos for ubuntu.03:54
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miguelitoHow do you change to root?03:54
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scguy318!root | miguelito03:54
ubotumiguelito: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo03:54
PhotocopyPelo: Once again, the dependancies, remember?03:54
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MasterShrek!samba | rudelerius03:54
uboturudelerius: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT03:54
rudeleriusMasterShrek- how do I go about doing that?  I can access the whole network through Nautilus and, I assume, it mounts the share for me, correct?03:54
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Pelochris4,  also check the various tabs and see if  there is a save session button,  if you have one , just start what you want on start up,  close what you dn'T wnat and save the ssession03:55
NotSureanybody, my Konsole does not save font sizes, really annoying, could anybody help out?03:55
chris4Pelo: added it to autostated apps03:55
PeloPhotocopy,   if you don'T know how to find dependencies  you shouldn'T be doing this anyway03:55
MasterShrekrudelerius, you can manually a drive by issuing a 'mount' command, or you can add entries in /etc/fstab to do this for you all the time03:55
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Pelochris4, that should be it then03:55
IndyGunFreakPelo: exactly03:55
miguelitoWhat do i type in the shell to be root?03:55
chris4thx, and i think i got the sound thing worked out too03:55
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=== Pelo feels dirty now that IndyGunFreak is agreeing with him
GNineunbelievable .  that was actually funny indeed , IndyGunFreak03:56
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miguelitoWhat do i type in the shell to be root?03:56
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MasterShrekmiguelito, su03:56
Pelo!root | miguelito03:56
ubotumiguelito: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo03:56
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IndyGunFreakGNine: lol, i know...03:56
chris4now, printers... I have 1 out of 3 printers on my network working with ubuntu03:56
scguy318MasterShrek: do you not mean sudo -i?03:56
IndyGunFreakPelo: don't worry, we all have to accept, that someday, everybody will agree with me03:56
PhotocopyPelo: You aren't to tell me what I should or shouldn't do. Thats like, saying, if you don't know how to ride a bike you shouldn't be doing it. I'm doing it to learn. I hate that kind of outlook, cause theres not much other reason really, I mean I could just go and get ubuntu studio, but I want to try this.03:56
PhotocopyPelo: Plus i actually dont have any DVD's or CDs to burn03:57
=== simplechat [n=alex@CPE-124-179-64-90.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
rudeleriusMasterShrek- I'll look at /etc/fstab and see if I can add it to always mount.  The samba share is always running on the file share, so I always want to at least try to mount it every time I start up the remote machine03:57
MasterShrekscguy318, su is switch user, without anything after it, it assumes root03:57
scguy318MasterShrek: it won't work on Ubuntu03:57
scguy318MasterShrek: since you cannot authorize as root03:57
MasterShrekrudelerius, for the type use smbfs03:57
chris4the printer that cooperates with ubuntu is installed on winXP, the other 2 are on 98SE03:57
miguelitowhats the default password for root?03:57
MasterShrekscguy318, my bad, i forgot, mines set up to tho :)03:57
PhotocopyPelo: Plus lastly, I can't pronounce "ubuntu." I know how but it doesn't feel right... its embarassing to say.. rofl.03:57
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scguy318miguelito: there is none, you dont login as root, you use sudo03:57
MasterShrekmiguelito, there is no default password03:58
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miguelitobut it asks me for a password when i type in su03:58
scguy318miguelito: you dont use su, you use sudo :)03:58
PeloPhotocopy,  i think you missed the point03:58
rudeleriusThanks MasterShrek- I have no idea how to do it, but conf files are generally at least decently documented in comments, so I give it a whirl.  There's always Google!03:58
MasterShrekmiguelito, its asking you for a root password, but there is none03:58
PhotocopyPelo: That being...?03:58
usr13miguelito: Well, you can get an admin session if you want.03:58
IndyGunFreakPelo: it made my head hurt trying to explain it, so i gave up.03:58
GNinehowever, i wonder if there is a way of making xfce-dusk theme display all text in webpages.. i had the same issue before the upgrade03:58
MasterShrekrudelerius, i can give you the line in my /etc/fstab for my samba share, can i pm u?03:58
miguelitoso i type in "sudo"03:58
scguy318miguelito: sudo -i for a root shell03:59
scguy318!root | miguelito03:59
ubotumiguelito: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo03:59
rudeleriusMasterShrek- sure!03:59
miguelitobut it asks for a password03:59
GNinesome webpages dont display the text against white background03:59
PeloPhotocopy,  I tell you to get a list of apps that make -studio special so you can install then on debian and you complain about dependencies,   just install the damned dependencies03:59
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usr13miguelito: give your user password03:59
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Photocopyyou know what.03:59
chris4Pelo: as soon as I close the terminal window my bars dissapear again03:59
Photocopytotally neverfuckingmind.03:59
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Pelochris4, that's becaue you started it with the terminal and not a launcher,  it should start on it's own with a restart of the destkop04:00
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MasterShrekrudelerius, u get that pm? or are u not registered?04:00
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WolfSxcMy life got flipped-turned upside down604:00
WolfSxcAnd I like to take a minute604:00
WolfSxcJust sit right there604:00
WolfSxcI'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air604:00
WolfSxcIn west Philadelphia born and raised404:00
chris4pelo: ok, i'll try a reboot04:00
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YiffManlyMy life got flipped-turned upside down704:00
YiffManlyAnd I like to take a minute404:00
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firemudkipMy life got flipped-turned upside down604:00
firemudkipAnd I like to take a minute1004:00
firemudkipJust sit right there804:00
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viperflame4My life got flipped-turned upside down104:00
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PonyNaughtyMy life got flipped-turned upside down104:00
PonyNaughtyAnd I like to take a minute804:00
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FlameCoyoteMy life got flipped-turned upside down804:00
WolfSxcOn the playground was where I spent most of my days704:00
FlameCoyoteAnd I like to take a minute504:00
YiffManlyJust sit right there004:00
viperflame4And I like to take a minute404:00
firemudkipI'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air004:00
PonyNaughtyJust sit right there704:00
FlameCoyoteJust sit right there1004:00
viperflame4Just sit right there104:00
YiffManlyI'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air804:00
PonyNaughtyI'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air304:00
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coyotewindy8My life got flipped-turned upside down704:00
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BearFlameMy life got flipped-turned upside down104:00
WolfSxcChillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool704:00
FlameCoyoteI'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air004:00
viperflame4I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air1004:00
YiffManlyIn west Philadelphia born and raised004:00
BearFlameAnd I like to take a minute704:00
firemudkipIn west Philadelphia born and raised404:00
coyotewindy8And I like to take a minute104:00
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FlameGrizzly3My life got flipped-turned upside down904:00
FlameGrizzly3And I like to take a minute704:00
FlameGrizzly3Just sit right there004:00
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TigerDreamMy life got flipped-turned upside down204:00
TigerDreamAnd I like to take a minute204:00
PonyNaughtyIn west Philadelphia born and raised404:00
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viperbeaverMy life got flipped-turned upside down404:00
FlameCoyoteIn west Philadelphia born and raised504:00
viperbeaverAnd I like to take a minute904:00
viperflame4In west Philadelphia born and raised1004:00
BearFlameJust sit right there904:00
TigerDreamJust sit right there704:00
coyotewindy8Just sit right there604:01
=== yiffyspeed [n=ztcypg@mail2.iwi.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
yiffyspeedMy life got flipped-turned upside down204:01
yiffyspeedAnd I like to take a minute704:01
yiffyspeedJust sit right there104:01
=== FlamePony [n=jtlyox@mail2.iwi.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
FlamePonyMy life got flipped-turned upside down204:01
FlamePonyAnd I like to take a minute304:01
FlamePonyJust sit right there704:01
=== firebeaver4 [n=zwohnx@] has joined #ubuntu
firebeaver4My life got flipped-turned upside down604:01
firebeaver4And I like to take a minute004:01
firebeaver4Just sit right there904:01
=== PikachuManly11 [n=ydctrx@] has joined #ubuntu
PikachuManly11My life got flipped-turned upside down404:01
PikachuManly11And I like to take a minute804:01
PikachuManly11Just sit right there004:01
FlameGrizzly3I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air504:01
=== dreamergrizzly15 [n=kujhot@s70.xrea.com] has joined #ubuntu
dreamergrizzly15My life got flipped-turned upside down704:01
dreamergrizzly15And I like to take a minute1004:01
dreamergrizzly15Just sit right there004:01
=== YiffAfro18 [n=typkfs@195-114-19-93.ispfr.net] has joined #ubuntu
YiffAfro18My life got flipped-turned upside down1004:01
YiffAfro18And I like to take a minute904:01
WolfSxcAnd all shootin some b-ball outside of the school704:01
=== PikachuPlayful7 [n=opsfhu@www12.prosite.de] has joined #ubuntu
PikachuPlayful7My life got flipped-turned upside down204:01
=== bunnywindy3 [n=moxtzd@wheat.imingo.net] has joined #ubuntu
bunnywindy3My life got flipped-turned upside down104:01
YiffManlyOn the playground was where I spent most of my days204:01
viperbeaverJust sit right there1004:01
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici04:01
bunnywindy3And I like to take a minute304:01
PikachuPlayful7And I like to take a minute704:01
TigerDreamI'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air104:01
BearFlameI'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air604:01
YiffAfro18Just sit right there1004:01
coyotewindy8I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air804:01
yiffyspeedI'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air804:01
FlamePonyI'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air304:01
firebeaver4I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air604:01
PikachuManly11I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air104:01
=== WolfehHorneh [n=gzyctk@] has joined #ubuntu
WolfehHornehMy life got flipped-turned upside down704:01
WolfehHornehAnd I like to take a minute1004:01
WolfehHornehJust sit right there604:01
firemudkipOn the playground was where I spent most of my days904:01
viperflame4On the playground was where I spent most of my days1004:01
dreamergrizzly15I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air1004:01
=== lionspeed [n=aubtpe@bces-1610.de] has joined #ubuntu
lionspeedMy life got flipped-turned upside down204:01
=== BeaverFire5 [n=vftsjw@c22.servage.net] has joined #ubuntu
BeaverFire5My life got flipped-turned upside down704:01
BeaverFire5And I like to take a minute104:01
BeaverFire5Just sit right there504:01
=== femaledog [n=wnqvdj@c24.servage.net] has joined #ubuntu
femaledogMy life got flipped-turned upside down504:01
femaledogAnd I like to take a minute1004:01
femaledogJust sit right there1004:01
PonyNaughtyOn the playground was where I spent most of my days904:01
FlameCoyoteOn the playground was where I spent most of my days604:01
lionspeedAnd I like to take a minute304:01
viperbeaverI'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air804:01
bunnywindy3Just sit right there504:01
PikachuPlayful7Just sit right there904:01
BearFlameIn west Philadelphia born and raised404:01
YiffAfro18I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air904:01
coyotewindy8In west Philadelphia born and raised1004:01
WolfehHornehI'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air104:01
WolfSxcWhen a couple of guys404:01
FlameGrizzly3In west Philadelphia born and raised604:01
TigerDreamIn west Philadelphia born and raised904:01
BeaverFire5I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air204:01
femaledogI'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air704:01
YiffManlyChillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool804:01
=== flamegrizzly20 [n=zmglfw@plughost03.plugin.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
flamegrizzly20My life got flipped-turned upside down904:01
flamegrizzly20And I like to take a minute904:01
flamegrizzly20Just sit right there804:01
viperbeaverIn west Philadelphia born and raised404:01
lionspeedJust sit right there904:01
bunnywindy3I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air304:01
PikachuPlayful7I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air504:01
dreamergrizzly15In west Philadelphia born and raised704:01
=== MudkipNaughty6 [n=tkculo@] has joined #ubuntu
MudkipNaughty6My life got flipped-turned upside down304:01
=== lionfire [n=jxudbm@] has joined #ubuntu
lionfireMy life got flipped-turned upside down404:01
lionfireAnd I like to take a minute504:01
lionfireJust sit right there004:01
FlameCoyoteChillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool1004:01
yiffyspeedIn west Philadelphia born and raised104:01
FlamePonyIn west Philadelphia born and raised704:01
firebeaver4In west Philadelphia born and raised304:01
PikachuManly11In west Philadelphia born and raised804:01
firemudkipChillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool404:01
viperflame4Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool404:01
YiffAfro18In west Philadelphia born and raised704:01
coyotewindy8On the playground was where I spent most of my days904:01
BearFlameOn the playground was where I spent most of my days104:01
PonyNaughtyChillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool004:01
=== snowdonkeh [n=dqslxm@c17.servage.net] has joined #ubuntu
snowdonkehMy life got flipped-turned upside down204:01
snowdonkehAnd I like to take a minute604:01
snowdonkehJust sit right there404:01
flamegrizzly20I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air204:01
lionspeedI'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air404:01
bunnywindy3In west Philadelphia born and raised304:01
PikachuPlayful7In west Philadelphia born and raised204:01
MudkipNaughty6And I like to take a minute804:01
FlameGrizzly3On the playground was where I spent most of my days504:01
TigerDreamOn the playground was where I spent most of my days904:01
=== DoggyDreamer20 [n=povdgy@plesk.hst.ru] has joined #ubuntu
DoggyDreamer20My life got flipped-turned upside down204:01
DoggyDreamer20And I like to take a minute504:01
DoggyDreamer20Just sit right there604:01
WolfSxcWho were up to no good404:01
WolfehHornehIn west Philadelphia born and raised704:01
lionfireI'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air1004:01
=== DawgDream4 [n=ngeqkj@orion.mtw.ru] has joined #ubuntu
DawgDream4My life got flipped-turned upside down404:01
=== dogafro18 [n=auhldv@89-149-227-97.internetserviceteam.com] has joined #ubuntu
dogafro18My life got flipped-turned upside down204:01
viperbeaverOn the playground was where I spent most of my days504:01
BeaverFire5In west Philadelphia born and raised804:01
femaledogIn west Philadelphia born and raised1004:01
YiffManlyAnd all shootin some b-ball outside of the school804:01
snowdonkehI'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air704:01
lionspeedIn west Philadelphia born and raised804:01
DawgDream4And I like to take a minute404:01
dogafro18And I like to take a minute004:01
MudkipNaughty6Just sit right there004:01
yiffyspeedOn the playground was where I spent most of my days004:01
FlamePonyOn the playground was where I spent most of my days804:01
firebeaver4On the playground was where I spent most of my days004:01
PikachuManly11On the playground was where I spent most of my days904:01
firemudkipAnd all shootin some b-ball outside of the school304:01
viperflame4And all shootin some b-ball outside of the school704:01
YiffAfro18On the playground was where I spent most of my days004:01
PonyNaughtyAnd all shootin some b-ball outside of the school604:01
=== LionessHorny14 [n=bjrmzh@bces-1630.de] has joined #ubuntu
LionessHorny14My life got flipped-turned upside down904:01
=== DeerHorny [n=jvhane@bces-1445.de] has joined #ubuntu
DeerHornyMy life got flipped-turned upside down004:01
DeerHornyAnd I like to take a minute304:01
BearFlameChillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool604:01
PikachuPlayful7On the playground was where I spent most of my days304:01
bunnywindy3On the playground was where I spent most of my days004:01
flamegrizzly20In west Philadelphia born and raised404:01
dreamergrizzly15On the playground was where I spent most of my days1004:01
LionessHorny14And I like to take a minute804:01
coyotewindy8Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool704:01
DoggyDreamer20I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air104:01
=== kittywindy10 [n=pgnlhk@c24.servage.net] has joined #ubuntu
kittywindy10My life got flipped-turned upside down504:01
kittywindy10And I like to take a minute404:01
kittywindy10Just sit right there804:01
=== firebeaver [n=gvnbys@] has joined #ubuntu
firebeaverMy life got flipped-turned upside down004:01
firebeaverAnd I like to take a minute904:01
FlameCoyoteAnd all shootin some b-ball outside of the school504:01
DawgDream4Just sit right there404:01
dogafro18Just sit right there204:01
DeerHornyJust sit right there204:01
MudkipNaughty6I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air704:01
WolfehHornehOn the playground was where I spent most of my days904:01
lionfireIn west Philadelphia born and raised804:01
=== SexyStallion [n=neujmk@] has joined #ubuntu
SexyStallionMy life got flipped-turned upside down904:01
SexyStallionAnd I like to take a minute104:01
=== grizzlydreamer [n=hkogwb@bces-1630.de] has joined #ubuntu
grizzlydreamerMy life got flipped-turned upside down504:01
grizzlydreamerAnd I like to take a minute204:01
=== SnowDog [n=zulesv@] has joined #ubuntu
SnowDogMy life got flipped-turned upside down704:01
SnowDogAnd I like to take a minute104:01
SnowDogJust sit right there1004:01
lionspeedOn the playground was where I spent most of my days004:01
LionessHorny14Just sit right there904:01
FlameGrizzly3Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool704:01
TigerDreamChillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool304:01
=== WolfSxc is now known as CheetahFemale
BeaverFire5On the playground was where I spent most of my days504:01
YiffManlyWhen a couple of guys404:01
snowdonkehIn west Philadelphia born and raised404:01
kittywindy10I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air1004:01
firebeaverJust sit right there604:01
viperbeaverChillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool504:01
DawgDream4I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air304:01
MudkipNaughty6In west Philadelphia born and raised804:01
dogafro18I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air1004:01
DeerHornyI'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air704:01
grizzlydreamerJust sit right there004:01
=== flameflame [n=qhemlx@www02.tpnetwork.net] has joined #ubuntu
flameflameMy life got flipped-turned upside down304:01
flameflameAnd I like to take a minute804:01
flameflameJust sit right there104:01
=== badgerdream11 [n=gmtbjh@] has joined #ubuntu
badgerdream11My life got flipped-turned upside down304:01
badgerdream11And I like to take a minute004:01
badgerdream11Just sit right there004:01
=== grizzlywindy9 [n=lnudgt@] has joined #ubuntu
grizzlywindy9My life got flipped-turned upside down604:01
grizzlywindy9And I like to take a minute304:01
grizzlywindy9Just sit right there604:01
yiffyspeedChillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool704:01
FlamePonyChillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool504:01
firebeaver4Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool404:01
PikachuManly11Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool504:01
firemudkipWhen a couple of guys504:01
viperflame4When a couple of guys304:01
=== speedcheetah9 [n=nwbkoj@s70.superhost.pl] has joined #ubuntu
speedcheetah9My life got flipped-turned upside down504:01
speedcheetah9And I like to take a minute204:01
speedcheetah9Just sit right there204:01
dreamergrizzly15Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool804:01
SnowDogI'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air204:01
PonyNaughtyWhen a couple of guys304:01
FlameCoyoteWhen a couple of guys404:01
YiffAfro18Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool304:01
LionessHorny14I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air804:01
coyotewindy8And all shootin some b-ball outside of the school404:01
firebeaverI'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air604:01
DoggyDreamer20In west Philadelphia born and raised604:01
BearFlameAnd all shootin some b-ball outside of the school504:01
PikachuPlayful7Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool704:01
bunnywindy3Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool204:01
SexyStallionJust sit right there604:01
DawgDream4In west Philadelphia born and raised504:01
flamegrizzly20On the playground was where I spent most of my days404:01
dogafro18In west Philadelphia born and raised404:01
WolfehHornehChillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool1004:01
lionfireOn the playground was where I spent most of my days904:01
flameflameI'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air304:01
badgerdream11I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air904:01
MudkipNaughty6On the playground was where I spent most of my days804:01
grizzlywindy9I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air304:01
SexyStallionI'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air404:01
grizzlydreamerI'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air1004:01
FlameGrizzly3And all shootin some b-ball outside of the school104:01
TigerDreamAnd all shootin some b-ball outside of the school104:01
DeerHornyIn west Philadelphia born and raised704:01
speedcheetah9I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air604:01
LionessHorny14In west Philadelphia born and raised804:01
lionspeedChillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool804:01
BeaverFire5Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool404:01
YiffManlyWho were up to no good004:01
snowdonkehOn the playground was where I spent most of my days804:01
kittywindy10In west Philadelphia born and raised204:01
firebeaverIn west Philadelphia born and raised1004:01
viperbeaverAnd all shootin some b-ball outside of the school204:01
SexyStallionIn west Philadelphia born and raised1004:01
dreamergrizzly15And all shootin some b-ball outside of the school104:01
SnowDogIn west Philadelphia born and raised504:01
=== speedmudkip4 [n=atrczj@b12.banan.cz] has joined #ubuntu
speedmudkip4My life got flipped-turned upside down604:01
speedmudkip4And I like to take a minute104:01
=== HornyGrizzly14 [n=noxvkc@b12.banan.cz] has joined #ubuntu
HornyGrizzly14My life got flipped-turned upside down604:01
HornyGrizzly14And I like to take a minute404:01
coyotewindy8When a couple of guys304:01
DoggyDreamer20On the playground was where I spent most of my days304:01
YiffAfro18And all shootin some b-ball outside of the school204:01
BearFlameWhen a couple of guys004:01
PikachuPlayful7And all shootin some b-ball outside of the school904:01
bunnywindy3And all shootin some b-ball outside of the school804:01
PonyNaughtyWho were up to no good904:01
grizzlydreamerIn west Philadelphia born and raised804:01
DawgDream4On the playground was where I spent most of my days604:01
dogafro18On the playground was where I spent most of my days304:01
flamegrizzly20Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool804:01
yiffyspeedAnd all shootin some b-ball outside of the school804:01
FlamePonyAnd all shootin some b-ball outside of the school604:01
firebeaver4And all shootin some b-ball outside of the school804:01
PikachuManly11And all shootin some b-ball outside of the school1004:01
firemudkipWho were up to no good204:01
viperflame4Who were up to no good504:01
FlameCoyoteWho were up to no good404:01
speedmudkip4Just sit right there304:01
HornyGrizzly14Just sit right there004:01
WolfehHornehAnd all shootin some b-ball outside of the school504:01
lionfireChillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool304:01
flameflameIn west Philadelphia born and raised504:01
badgerdream11In west Philadelphia born and raised504:01
MudkipNaughty6Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool504:01
grizzlywindy9In west Philadelphia born and raised1004:01
FlameGrizzly3When a couple of guys504:01
TigerDreamWhen a couple of guys404:01
speedcheetah9In west Philadelphia born and raised1004:01
CheetahFemaleStartin makin' trouble in my neighborhood904:01
BeaverFire5And all shootin some b-ball outside of the school004:01
=== YiffManly is now known as SpeedDawg
snowdonkehChillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool304:01
kittywindy10On the playground was where I spent most of my days004:01
firebeaverOn the playground was where I spent most of my days004:01
DeerHornyOn the playground was where I spent most of my days904:01
LionessHorny14On the playground was where I spent most of my days804:01
lionspeedAnd all shootin some b-ball outside of the school104:01
viperbeaverWhen a couple of guys304:01
speedmudkip4I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air304:01
HornyGrizzly14I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air804:01
yiffyspeedWhen a couple of guys104:01
FlamePonyWhen a couple of guys304:01
firebeaver4When a couple of guys1004:01
PikachuManly11When a couple of guys504:01
=== firemudkip is now known as AardvarkManly5
dreamergrizzly15When a couple of guys904:01
SnowDogOn the playground was where I spent most of my days304:01
coyotewindy8Who were up to no good304:01
DoggyDreamer20Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool604:01
YiffAfro18When a couple of guys1004:01
SexyStallionOn the playground was where I spent most of my days604:01
grizzlydreamerOn the playground was where I spent most of my days104:01
=== dogviper8 [n=ojnker@szerver2.naszi.sulinet.hu] has joined #ubuntu
dogviper8My life got flipped-turned upside down504:01
dogviper8And I like to take a minute104:01
dogviper8Just sit right there604:01
DawgDream4Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool1004:01
dogafro18Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool304:01
flamegrizzly20And all shootin some b-ball outside of the school1004:01
BearFlameWho were up to no good804:01
PikachuPlayful7When a couple of guys404:01
bunnywindy3When a couple of guys204:01
WolfehHornehWhen a couple of guys504:01
lionfireAnd all shootin some b-ball outside of the school804:01
flameflameOn the playground was where I spent most of my days904:01
badgerdream11On the playground was where I spent most of my days304:01
MudkipNaughty6And all shootin some b-ball outside of the school604:01
grizzlywindy9On the playground was where I spent most of my days104:01
CheetahFemaleI got in one lil fight and my mom got scared304:01
FlameGrizzly3Who were up to no good704:01
TigerDreamWho were up to no good204:01
LionessHorny14Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool1004:01
speedmudkip4In west Philadelphia born and raised704:01
HornyGrizzly14In west Philadelphia born and raised404:01
lionspeedWhen a couple of guys704:01
speedcheetah9On the playground was where I spent most of my days304:01
DeerHornyChillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool704:01
viperbeaverWho were up to no good1004:01
BeaverFire5When a couple of guys704:01
dogviper8I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air204:01
snowdonkehAnd all shootin some b-ball outside of the school504:01
kittywindy10Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool004:01
firebeaverChillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool304:01
=== coyotewindy8 is now known as happybeaver
DoggyDreamer20And all shootin some b-ball outside of the school004:01
yiffyspeedWho were up to no good804:01
FlamePonyWho were up to no good204:01
firebeaver4Who were up to no good404:01
PikachuManly11Who were up to no good004:01
dreamergrizzly15Who were up to no good704:01
SnowDogChillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool704:01
=== yiffycoyote12 [n=xaowyq@] has joined #ubuntu
yiffycoyote12My life got flipped-turned upside down1004:01
yiffycoyote12And I like to take a minute704:01
yiffycoyote12Just sit right there904:01
YiffAfro18Who were up to no good904:01
SexyStallionChillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool104:01
grizzlydreamerChillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool504:01
=== BearFlame is now known as yiffypanda18
PikachuPlayful7Who were up to no good804:01
bunnywindy3Who were up to no good404:01
DawgDream4And all shootin some b-ball outside of the school704:01
dogafro18And all shootin some b-ball outside of the school504:01
flamegrizzly20When a couple of guys804:01
WolfehHornehWho were up to no good204:01
lionfireWhen a couple of guys904:01
flameflameChillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool104:01
badgerdream11Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool1004:01
MudkipNaughty6When a couple of guys604:01
grizzlywindy9Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool604:01
LionessHorny14And all shootin some b-ball outside of the school204:01
speedcheetah9Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool204:01
=== FlameGrizzly3 is now known as NaughtyGrizzly
=== TigerDream is now known as FemalePony
CheetahFemaleShe said You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel Air'204:01
yiffycoyote12I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air004:01
DeerHornyAnd all shootin some b-ball outside of the school004:01
speedmudkip4On the playground was where I spent most of my days504:01
HornyGrizzly14On the playground was where I spent most of my days804:01
lionspeedWho were up to no good204:01
BeaverFire5Who were up to no good404:01
dogviper8In west Philadelphia born and raised104:01
SpeedDawgStartin makin' trouble in my neighborhood504:01
snowdonkehWhen a couple of guys504:01
kittywindy10And all shootin some b-ball outside of the school204:01
firebeaverAnd all shootin some b-ball outside of the school004:01
=== viperbeaver is now known as LionDesu
=== quux [i=quux@freenode/staff/quux] has joined #ubuntu
=== yiffyspeed is now known as dreamerwolfeh0
=== FlamePony is now known as doggyflame5
=== firebeaver4 is now known as dreamtiger
=== PikachuManly11 is now known as wolfviper17
AardvarkManly5Startin makin' trouble in my neighborhood904:01
viperflame4Startin makin' trouble in my neighborhood104:01
=== YiffAfro18 is now known as DreamerPanda
PonyNaughtyStartin makin' trouble in my neighborhood204:01
SexyStallionAnd all shootin some b-ball outside of the school304:01
grizzlydreamerAnd all shootin some b-ball outside of the school804:01
DoggyDreamer20When a couple of guys604:01
flamegrizzly20Who were up to no good804:01
=== dreamergrizzly15 is now known as goatmanly
SnowDogAnd all shootin some b-ball outside of the school204:01
DawgDream4When a couple of guys404:01
dogafro18When a couple of guys004:01
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o jrib] by ChanServ
FlameCoyoteStartin makin' trouble in my neighborhood204:01
=== PikachuPlayful7 is now known as tigerdreamer14
=== bunnywindy3 is now known as kinkyyiffy5
ubotuHey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, BearPerson or ompaul! I could use a bit of your time :)04:01
=== WolfehHorneh is now known as desuyiff1
lionfireWho were up to no good304:01
flameflameAnd all shootin some b-ball outside of the school1004:01
badgerdream11And all shootin some b-ball outside of the school804:01
MudkipNaughty6Who were up to no good204:01
grizzlywindy9And all shootin some b-ball outside of the school204:01
speedcheetah9And all shootin some b-ball outside of the school1004:01
CheetahFemaleI begged and pleaded with her, day after day404:01
yiffycoyote12In west Philadelphia born and raised804:01
LionessHorny14When a couple of guys204:01
DeerHornyWhen a couple of guys404:01
speedmudkip4Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool604:01
HornyGrizzly14Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool004:01
=== lionspeed is now known as pandayiffy
=== BeaverFire5 is now known as MudkipDream7
dogviper8On the playground was where I spent most of my days004:01
SpeedDawgI got in one lil fight and my mom got scared304:01
snowdonkehWho were up to no good304:01
kittywindy10When a couple of guys404:01
firebeaverWhen a couple of guys804:01
PonyNaughtyI got in one lil fight and my mom got scared1004:01
SexyStallionWhen a couple of guys804:01
grizzlydreamerWhen a couple of guys004:01
AardvarkManly5I got in one lil fight and my mom got scared204:01
viperflame4I got in one lil fight and my mom got scared304:01
FlameCoyoteI got in one lil fight and my mom got scared1004:01
happybeaverStartin makin' trouble in my neighborhood904:01
DoggyDreamer20Who were up to no good604:01
SnowDogWhen a couple of guys404:01
yiffypanda18Startin makin' trouble in my neighborhood804:01
DawgDream4Who were up to no good604:01
dogafro18Who were up to no good904:01
=== flamegrizzly20 is now known as fireyiffy
CheetahFemaleBut she packed my suitecase and send me on my way404:01
yiffycoyote12On the playground was where I spent most of my days704:01
NaughtyGrizzlyStartin makin' trouble in my neighborhood304:01
FemalePonyStartin makin' trouble in my neighborhood704:01
speedcheetah9When a couple of guys404:01
DeerHornyWho were up to no good004:01
speedmudkip4And all shootin some b-ball outside of the school004:01
HornyGrizzly14And all shootin some b-ball outside of the school1004:01
LionessHorny14Who were up to no good1004:01
=== lionfire is now known as coyotehorneh
flameflameWhen a couple of guys804:01
badgerdream11When a couple of guys904:01
=== MudkipNaughty6 is now known as beachwolfy
grizzlywindy9When a couple of guys604:01
dogviper8Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool704:01
SpeedDawgShe said You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel Air'404:01
=== snowdonkeh is now known as BeachLion9
kittywindy10Who were up to no good604:01
firebeaverWho were up to no good504:01
LionDesuStartin makin' trouble in my neighborhood104:01
PiciHey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, BearPerson or ompaul!04:01
=== mode/#ubuntu [+Rr] by jrib
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+o mneptok] by ChanServ
Evanlecholy moly04:01
ePaxhow do i see my ip if im behind a router?04:01
=== mode/#ubuntu [+r] by mneptok
h1st0They could have picked a better song04:01
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Evanlecfrench prince spam attack!04:01
h1st0ePax: go to www.whatsmyip.com04:01
MasterShrekePax, your router should be set up with dhcp to give you an ip04:01
ubotuNOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding!04:01
Pelosigh ...04:02
ePaxh1st0: I forgot that... thnx (;04:02
h1st0ePax: sry its whatismyip.com04:02
=== magic_ninja [n=asdfsdf@ip68-103-20-85.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
usr13OT OT  quit it  yes get rid of some of these fools.  Good, that's better.04:02
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mneptokpardon the dust04:03
FrogzooePax: google what is my ip04:03
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darkchr0n0swhat is avg processer temp expected in a laptop ?04:03
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chris4pelo: bars good now04:03
FrogzooePax: whatismyip.com04:03
GNinegot pinged back04:03
h1st0darkchr0n0s: depends on tyhe processor type04:03
leo_rockwhello everyone04:03
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sn0darkchr0n0s it varies on the cpu, but anything too hot to touch = overheating :)04:04
scguy318darkchr0n0s: depends on how fast you run the CPU04:04
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=== harmonic [n=harmonic@v-adsl-fh-241-179.umnet.umich.edu] has joined #ubuntu
scguy318!server | ajisin04:04
ubotuajisin: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 6.06. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ - The #ubuntu-server channel provides specific support04:04
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afrobadger14My life got flipped-turned upside down604:04
afrobadger14And I like to take a minute1004:04
afrobadger14Just sit right there704:04
afrobadger14I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air204:04
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h1st0sn0: not necessarily04:04
sn0ajisin please don't shout04:04
SexyBunnyMy life got flipped-turned upside down004:04
SexyBunnyAnd I like to take a minute304:04
afrobadger14In west Philadelphia born and raised804:04
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lionbeach3My life got flipped-turned upside down404:04
lionbeach3And I like to take a minute804:04
lionbeach3Just sit right there704:04
lionbeach3I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air004:04
afrobadger14On the playground was where I spent most of my days104:04
lionbeach3In west Philadelphia born and raised804:04
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici04:04
Pelodarkchr0n0s, varies too much you can use cpufreq to mod it  http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty04:04
afrobadger14Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool404:04
lionbeach3On the playground was where I spent most of my days304:04
afrobadger14And all shootin some b-ball outside of the school1004:04
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lionbeach3Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool504:04
=== DreamPikachu [n=gtzekr@] has joined #ubuntu
DreamPikachuMy life got flipped-turned upside down1004:04
DreamPikachuAnd I like to take a minute1004:04
DreamPikachuJust sit right there004:04
afrobadger14When a couple of guys104:04
SexyBunnyJust sit right there304:04
SexyBunnyI'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air804:04
SexyBunnyIn west Philadelphia born and raised204:04
SexyBunnyOn the playground was where I spent most of my days904:04
SexyBunnyChillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool304:04
SexyBunnyAnd all shootin some b-ball outside of the school704:04
=== yharrow [n=aname_@adsl-068-213-203-194.sip.bct.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
afrobadger14Who were up to no good904:04
usr13ajisin: yes, of course you can.04:04
=== mode/#ubuntu [+Rr] by mneptok
h1st0Here we go again04:04
IndyGunFreaklol, you have to love the fresh prince of bel air..lol04:04
sn0h1st0 well yes some cpus work at near boiling temperatures of course04:04
h1st0Jesus how many bots can someone have04:04
mneptokajisin: STOP SHOUTING04:04
IndyGunFreakh1st0: apparently more than a few.04:04
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o jrib] by ChanServ
Peloajisin, we can read smallcase04:05
kitcheh1st0: alot and it's not hard to make a bot that spams either with a certain irc client04:05
=== mode/#ubuntu [-R] by jrib
IndyGunFreakthe funny thing is, that fresh prince tune is catchy04:05
=== mode/#ubuntu [-R+r] by nalioth
ajisinsorry capslock on not sen oOps04:05
sn0darkchr0n0s you can install temperature monitoring software and maybe tell us your cpu from cat /proc/cpuinfo to see if we can help futher, but its not really a ubuntu question :)04:05
GNinei dont have time to read thru bs04:05
darkchr0n0ssn0 : sry abt that..04:05
ajisinnow please tell it's bit urgent..!....   please04:05
darkchr0n0sbut the temp averages at 51C04:06
anonyDCC SEND "startkeylogger" 0 0 004:06
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@CPE0013d4e0bb4b-CM014320002114.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] by Seveas
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GNinewhoa.. critical mass04:06
h1st0ajisin: what is your problem?04:06
IdleOnedid all the script kiddys just wake up ?04:06
Pelodarkchr0n0s, I get similar on a desktop , sounds ok04:06
h1st0darkchr0n0s: is it a p4lga?04:06
=== atbnet [n=abednar@cpe-75-180-50-112.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
h1st0darkchr0n0s: cuz mine will run around there.04:06
=== Catoptromancy_ [n=cat@fl-71-1-226-101.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
darkchr0n0sC2D T710004:06
Pelolater folks04:06
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IndyGunFreaklater Pelo04:06
=== Fieldy [i=sRap8N2v@gentoo/contributor/Fieldy] has joined #ubuntu
ajisini want to use my ubuntu 7.04 desktop edition as a small server over internet04:07
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h1st0ajisin: okay04:07
scguy318ajisin: what kind of server? i guess you could install w/e server packages u need04:07
NotSurefolks, sorry for pecking you with my petty questions, but my Konsole does not memorize the font size, so every time I open a new session, I have to setup the konsole font!04:07
scguy318ajisin: but then it would be a gr8 idea to strip out ze GUI and stuff04:07
=== gogeta [n=ssj4goko@user-12-191-209-134.irvineonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
h1st0NotSure: edit current profile04:08
VoXwhy do people insist on using norton..04:08
sn0darkchr0n0s that sounds spot on really, but if you haven't checked you could make sure power throttling is set nicely04:08
=== cdm10 [n=caleb@unaffiliated/cdm10] has joined #ubuntu
h1st0ajisin: So what are you looking to do?  You should be able to do that no problem.04:08
gogetacouse there noobs04:08
cdm10Are there any Exaile users here?04:08
ajisini dont know much deep into this please tell simply i have a desktop with ubuntu 7.04 and a internet connection now please guide me to use it as a server04:08
GNinelinux is not windows.  therefore you must not be talking about ubuntu. or maybe you are in the wrong channel04:09
cdm10ajisin: There are a lot of different types of servers, maybe people could help you better if you described what type of server you wanted to use it as.04:09
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h1st0ajisin: What kind of server?04:09
darkchr0n0ssn0 : power throtlling.. how.. ? u mean the OnDemand CPU operation ?04:10
GNineajisin,  there is no "easy" short solution to your "problem" , which is not.  then again if you want to run a server you better know something other than pushing the ON button on your puter04:10
ajisinno . m not having a server. m having a normal desktopm computer with linux ubuntu 7.04 desktop edition installed how can i use it as a server..?04:10
cdm10ajisin: What type of server? You're not helping us here.04:10
scguy318ajisin: what kind of server?04:11
=== MrDeadLock [n=deadlock@12-214-50-87.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
gogetaon buttion whats that?04:11
ajisini want to use my desktop as a normal ftp server04:11
darkchr0n0sajisin : what do you want your pc to do ?04:11
sn0indeed darkchr0n0s , frequency scaling to (if you wish) lower speed and decrease temperatures04:11
scguy318!ftp | ajisin04:11
ubotuajisin: FTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd04:11
darkchr0n0ssn0 : thanks04:11
sn0although it should just work04:11
scguy318!ftpd | ajisin04:11
ubotuajisin: FTP servers: !ftpd, !proftpd, !pure-ftpd, !twoftpd, !vsftpd, !MuddleFTPd, !wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: !PureAdmin, !GProftpd (for !GNOME), !KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP04:11
h1st0ajisin: just install ftpd or some other variant04:12
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scguy318gogeta: thats the button that causes total nuclear annihlation to a running computer04:12
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ajisinwait m downloading it.... thanks alot04:13
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=== diana` [n=diana@ppp-70-248-67-32.dsl.ltrkar.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
GNinei heard gutsy had compiz and 3d effects on by default but my system kept the exact same settings from 7.0404:15
scguy318GNine: im guessing that's for a fresh install, you could enable it with ze button04:15
cdm10GNine: Well, if you upgrade, it's not going to change the settings  on you.04:15
GNinefair enuff04:15
cdm10GNine: You have to set that manually, it's in System>Prefs>Appearance.04:15
ePaxI have installed beryl and compiz... now when i "don't" choose gnome-xgl i can not see the videos because i get black screen on every player.. I can only watch videos on gnome-xgl session.. ?04:15
chris4can anyone help me with my power management or printers?04:15
EvanlecePax, try #compiz-fusion04:16
usr13chris4: What's the issue with the printer?04:17
EvanlecePax, and u should use either beryl or compiz, not both04:17
GNineha! system does not have a "preference" option in my xfce4 desktop04:17
darkchr0n0sePax a temp solution is.. type metacity --replace before viewing movies04:17
darkchr0n0sand to get the theme again use compiz --replace again04:17
=== SerenadedAbyss is now known as ZenOS
=== ZenOS is now known as AbyssOS
Evanlecyes but really we get far too many compiz/beryl questions in this channel, the proper channel is #ubuntu-effects or #compiz-fusion04:18
GNinethats kind of an unelegant solution there , darkchr0n0s04:18
Evanleci agree ;p04:18
ajisinok i downloaded 'ftpd' while installing it it's showing this error --> checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables04:18
ajisinSee `config.log' for more details.04:18
h1st0GNine: no it doesn't have them enabled by default04:18
=== AbyssOS is now known as SerenadedAbyss
darkchr0n0sGNine it is.. but i haven't found a better one yet...04:18
=== MrDeadLock [n=deadlock@12-214-50-87.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
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Evanlecajisin, u should not be installing from source, forget that and install from repository04:19
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ajisini installed from terminal  how to install from repository?04:19
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=== jmantra [n=j@c-71-60-68-165.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Evanlecajisin, what cmd did u use from terminal?04:20
ajisini used typed 'cd' n directory path to the extracted folder04:20
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jmantraGreetings, seems to be having a problem with flash, it seems to crash a lot especially on youtube, tried updating the latest version of flash 9 and that didn't work04:20
l_rhey! ubuntu 7.10 stable is out!!04:20
ajisinthen ./configure04:20
scguy318ajisin: what app?04:21
Evanlecajisin, okay, then u were trying to install from source, which u should rarely have to do04:21
h1st0ajisin: just sudo apt-get install ftpd04:21
Evanlecajisin, much easier way: 'sudo apt-get install proftpd'04:21
l_ri am kidding :) lol04:21
=== GigaClon [n=gigaclon@c-67-187-3-79.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Gneal_r: man, i went and checked too :P04:22
Evanlecl_r, on the 18th ... i cant wait ;p04:22
ajisinok.. its running let's see :D04:22
jmantraGreetings, seems to be having a problem with flash, it seems to crash a lot especially on youtube, tried updating the latest version of flash 9 and that didn't work04:22
scguy318jmantra: well, you could try gnash, but with YouTube's changes, prob wont work out so well04:22
scguy318jmantra: it could be a vid card thing, dunno :(04:23
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Gneajmantra: does it display anything at all?04:23
ajisinnow its showing this messege--> Reading package lists... Done04:23
ajisinBuilding dependency tree04:23
ajisinReading state information... Done04:23
ajisinThe following NEW packages will be installed:04:23
ajisin  ftpd04:23
ajisin0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 118 not upgraded.04:23
ajisinNeed to get 43.9kB of archives.04:23
jmantraworked fine on my old machine >:-[04:23
ajisinAfter unpacking 180kB of additional disk space will be used.04:23
=== Innomen [n=innomen@CPE-75-81-192-216.we.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ajisinGet:1 http://in.archive.ubuntu.com feisty/universe ftpd 0.17-24 [43.9kB] 04:23
ajisinFetched 43.9kB in 5s (7309B/s)04:23
ajisinSelecting previously deselected package ftpd.04:23
ajisin(Reading database ... 98610 files and directories currently installed.)04:23
ajisinUnpacking ftpd (from .../archives/ftpd_0.17-24_i386.deb) ...04:24
chris4can anyone pls help change the power manager to APM instead of ACPI?04:24
ajisinSetting up ftpd (0.17-24) ...04:24
Evanlecajisin, !paste04:24
ajisinis this means that ftpd is installed?04:24
IndyGunFreakhmm, i've had no probs w/ flash04:24
Evanlec!paste | ajisin04:24
=== sn0n [n=rob@c-24-4-87-15.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuajisin: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:24
scguy318ajisin: yes04:24
Evanlecajisin, and yes04:24
h1st0ajisin: yeap its installed04:24
h1st0ajisin: you just need to configure it now.04:24
ajisinso now how to access the software interface?04:24
Evanlech1st0, whats the diff between ftpd and proftpd packages?04:24
h1st0ajisin: /etc/ftpd.conf or something like that for configuration04:25
=== frostburn [n=archlich@cpe-74-74-219-225.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Innomenhi all, gunna duelboot xp and ubuntu, which should i install first?04:25
=== apoll0 [i=apoll0@CPE00146c465dbb-CM0014f8ca41fc.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
EvanlecInnomen, XP!04:25
=== fuscao [n=null@c9512607.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
ajisinh1st0: its not wrking04:25
h1st0Evanlec: different programs you can apt-cache showpkg ftpd  to see04:25
EvanlecInnomen, u will save yourself a lot of headaches if u always install ubuntu/linux last...because it handles multi-booting much better than windows04:25
h1st0ajisin: sure it is you just hav eto configure it.04:26
h1st0!ftpd > ajisin04:26
Innomenubuntu first04:26
Innomennotr xp04:26
h1st0ajisin: read the message from ubotu on how to set it up04:26
IndyGunFreakInnomen: did you ever get that mess figured out?04:26
Innomenbut i'm all backed up and ready to wipe04:26
Innomenwas it you that said supergrub?04:26
EvanlecInnomen, no, XP first, ubuntu last04:26
doodle77after reconfiging xorg my xwds are still trippin' but they look like this now: http://img407.imageshack.us/img407/7614/lappy8086qq8.png04:26
Innomenbecause of supergrub i was able to boot into windows04:26
IndyGunFreakInnomen: well, thats good i guess, glad i recommended it..lol04:27
scguy318Innomen: mighta been me, I personally would have suggested that, but maybe someone else did04:27
=== francois_fon_ [n=francois@sev93-4-82-242-17-76.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
darkchr0n0s ./joke http://xkcd.com/149/04:27
Innomenwell i'm a big believer in independant invention and shared credit04:27
=== irotas [n=irotas@c-66-30-195-112.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Innomenso thank you both04:27
IndyGunFreakInnomen: ya, it was me, i suggested supergrub several times.... but i know little about it, just seemed like a logical choice.04:27
Innomenit rocks04:27
ajisinnow how to configure it? same way to go in terminal type 'cd' path then ./configure   ?04:28
scguy318ajisin: no04:28
IndyGunFreakInnomen: so what are you going to do, a complete new install?04:28
Innomenreally xp first?04:28
Innomeni'll bet i have the samne problems04:28
IndyGunFreakInnomen: yes, definitely, XP first04:28
scguy318ajisin: that business is if you wanted to build from source04:28
Innomenalrighty here i go04:28
scguy318ajisin: h1st0 said to edit /etc/ftpd.conf04:28
ajisinthen? how to do that?04:28
IndyGunFreakInnomen: only way i can see the sae problem.., is if you have a RAID04:28
h1st0ajisin: I'm not sure if that is the location you really should read the message from ubotu04:29
ajisinscguy318: yes but it's not working04:29
chris4is it possible to switch ubuntu to APM instead of ACPI for power management?04:29
Innomenwell i have a novel drive configuration04:29
scguy318ajisin: what do you mean not working?04:29
Innomenanyway we'll see04:29
scguy318chris4: i think so, maybe noacpi boot option?04:29
Evanlecajisin, type 'locate ftpd.conf'04:29
ajisinscguy318:that cmd not working04:29
scguy318ajisin: what command?04:30
IndyGunFreakInnomen: is that a raid?04:30
chris4scguy318: i'll try but i don't think it worked last time I tried it04:30
ajisinwhicj u also typed above04:30
riotkittieok. i am booting into feisty. and i am flexing my girly muscles. and i am going to make rt2x00 call me daddy.04:30
Innomeni dont know what it ewould be termed04:30
scguy318ajisin: i didnt give any command, i just said to edit /etc/ftpd.conf04:30
Innomeni like to tinker04:30
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scguy318ajisin: use whatever text editor suits you04:30
Innomenpart of why i'm switching over lol04:30
riotkittiebecause really, i no longer feel right if i am not writing bad poetry about my wireless in here at least once a night04:30
IndyGunFreakInnomen: i worked with someone on a raid install for like a whole weekend, never got it to work right, ended up disablingth eraid, and reinstalling Vista and 7.04, and it was fine after that04:31
Evanlecajisin, u should give urself a little tutorial on linux command line at http://www.linuxcommand.org04:31
EvanlecIndyGunFreak, hey, long time no see ;p04:31
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Innomenthe first person to help me :)04:31
IndyGunFreakEvanlec: sup...04:31
riotkittieInnomen! problem persits, i see :|04:31
Innomeneh, but i l;earned alot04:31
EvanlecIndyGunFreak, lol were u referring to me with the raid thing? cuz thats pretty much my story as well04:31
Innomenand found a work around04:31
ajisinEvanlec: i typed the same you given me in the terminal window (locate ftpd.conf)04:31
Innomenmy whole problem was losing stuff on the windows image04:31
Innomenthanks to you guys i saved it all04:31
Innomenso now i can tinker till it blows up and all is safe04:32
IndyGunFreakEvanlec: maybe.. i've helped a couple through it, and found it was a complete PAIN04:32
h1st0ajisin: okay do this sudo apt-get --purge remove ftpd && sudo apt-get install proftpd GProftpd04:32
h1st0ajisin: that will give you ftp server with a gui configuration tool for it.04:32
EvanlecIndyGunFreak, yea...thats what i discovered as well...when gutsy comes out tho im gonna implement a softRaid thru ubuntu and LVM04:33
h1st0ajisin: err just sudo apt-get --purge remove ftpd && sudo apt-get install GProftpd  should work04:33
IndyGunFreakEvanlec: lol, sonds complex.. i'll just stick to normal installs.04:33
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ajisinh1st0: yes it's running04:33
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h1st0ajisin: once its done you should be albe to configure ftp server with gui somehow probably Applications > System Tools or Applications > internet04:34
EvanlecIndyGunFreak, well some guy explained to me hwo to do it...its much less complex this way because linux supports softraid from the get-go, its my onboard raid or so called "fakeraid" that linux doesnt like04:34
ajisinh1st0: it's showing couldn't find the package04:34
IndyGunFreakEvanlec: gotcha.04:34
EvanlecIndyGunFreak, so where ya been?04:34
IndyGunFreakworkin like a hebrew slave04:34
h1st0ajisin: okay lets do this one step at a time.04:35
h1st0ajisin: sudo apt-get --purge remove ftpd04:35
scguy318ajisin: sudo apt-get install gproftpd04:35
h1st0ajisin: then sudo apt-get install gproftpd04:35
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IndyGunFreaksudo apt-get me a day off04:35
h1st0ajisin: you really need to read some documentation though04:35
Evanlecwhere u work at?04:35
IndyGunFreakwonder if i told my boss that would he get it.04:35
h1st0ajisin: check out help.ubuntu.com and www.ubuntuguide.org04:36
ajisinh1st0: wait this command running (sudo apt-get install proftpd)04:36
h1st0ajisin: its gproftpd04:36
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ajisinok i'll check n upgrade my mind on command line ok? m new here buddies   give me some time :)04:36
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ajisinh1st0: but it's wrking04:37
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IndyGunFreakhmm, my tv card just lost sound04:37
Tommy3I cannot get apache2 to install properly. I must have hosed up the install/uninstall tool info for it.  Is there a way out of this?04:37
IndyGunFreakall other sound functiona..04:37
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h1st0Tommy3: How are you trying to install it?04:37
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EvanlecTommy3, did u use LAMP?04:37
scguy318IndyGunFreak: loose cable?04:37
Woodersonif i restart my comp then i can listen to my music.... if i lock my screen and go away my sound stops working how do i fix this?04:37
jimmygoonYay for ubuntu not being vista!04:37
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IndyGunFreakscguy318: well, i'm restarting first(i am using gutsy), then if that doesn't do it, i'll get under there and check cables.04:38
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scguy318IndyGunFreak: kk04:38
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TheMadHattercould sopmebody please help me all of a sudden i cant get any video from my pc not even a bios screen and yes i checked all the connections and tested with multiple monitors04:38
Zoikshow hard is it to run a VPC with windows on it from within ubuntu?04:38
h1st0Wooderson: my sound works fine if I lock my screen.  Maybe you power management is doing something goofy after a while.04:38
maney_trying out Gutsy, its got me in some stupid mode where the apostrophe by default acts as an accent modifier rather than itself.  if it just type its, it comes out like: it  Wheres the switch to turn that off???04:38
IndyGunFreakhmm, must have been a glitch.... i'll have to monitor that one, after restart, sound is fine.04:38
Woodersonhmm i dont think so.. i just dont know why i have to keep restarting my computer to listen to my songs04:39
scguy318maney_: you installed SCIM or any of thise IMEs?04:39
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Evanlecmaney_, system > preferences > keyboard04:39
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Woodersonive tried 2 different players so thats not it.. the only thing i can thing of is i never installed my sound drivers =\04:39
benn92647hey all back from windows land04:39
leo_rockwmaney_, you have the keyboard set to international us i believe04:39
EvanlecWooderson, u might try the noacpi boot option04:39
Tommy3h1st0: I've probably tried too many wrong things.  The thing Im worried about is that I removed a lot of references to apache and apache2 in /etc and other places. new install attempts does not add them back.04:39
IndyGunFreakWooderson: what type of sound device?04:39
benn92647i hate service pack 204:39
leo_rockwmaney_, i have it like that.  etc04:40
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IndyGunFreakEvanlec: would that effect his sound?04:40
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IndyGunFreakWooderson: well, this may come as a surprise, but there's a LOT of onboard sound chipsets04:40
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maney_I didn install any of that on purpose, no.  tried poking at prefs, didn change anything04:40
darkchr0n0sbenn92647 , instal ubuntu, no service packs04:40
Woodersonlol um04:40
benn92647is anyone running yahoo messenger on fiesty?04:40
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EvanlecIndyGunFreak, if his sound went off after a while being idle, i'd say it could be power management issue04:40
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sadistic_kittenI want to burn a .avi divx file to a CD, what is a good program to do that?04:40
scguy318benn92647: no, I just use Pidgin and the open-source alternative IM clients04:40
chris173Having problems with i810 driver using Gutsy beta. It worked fine in tribe 5!!04:40
scguy318!im | benn9264704:40
ubotubenn92647: Instant Messenger Clients: Gaim (GNOME, http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto), Kopete (KDE), both supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC.04:40
Woodersoni forget that name of the motherboard its nvidia chipset tho04:40
IndyGunFreakEvanlec: hmm, very well could be.04:40
leo_rockwbenn92647, actual yahoo messenger? i use pidgin04:40
benn92647LOL been running ubuntu for the last year but cant play bioshock on it04:40
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scguy318Wooderson: Nvidia CK804?04:40
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sadistic_kittenand the file must be able to be played on a DVD player04:41
Woodersonnah its like EVAG or something04:41
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scguy318benn92647: that wont be happening anytime soon thanks to SecuROM04:41
IndyGunFreakWooderson: open a terminal, type "lspci", and look in there for the description of your sound device..04:41
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Tommy3h1st0: Think it better to rebuild ubuntu than tinker with it?04:41
scguy318benn92647: dual-boot is your best bet tbh04:41
sadistic_kittenso I need something like a VCD making program04:41
maney_yes, i think the ress these keys"thingie set us (intl) for me - was that the cause of this?04:41
sadistic_kittenanyone know a good one?04:41
Woodersonya its ck80404:41
benn92647leo_rockw: i need yahoo so my girl and i cant video chat04:41
chris173**** i810 driver not working in beta. Something was broken in the transition from tribe 5 to beta****04:41
scguy318Wooderson: any other audio chipset in the mixer?04:41
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scguy318Wooderson: cuz ive hit on some machines that have that chipset, and disabling that in favor of another worked04:41
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EvanlecTommy3, hard to say, u tried completely removing it with apt-get --purge ?04:41
scguy318Wooderson: but thats just my experience04:42
benn92647scguy318: been dual bootingfor the last year..but verzion has screwed up my wireles s again so her i am04:42
leo_rockwbenn92647, i don't even know if it is available. i don't use video chat so pidgin is the best for me04:42
scguy318benn92647: well, looks like we share a service in common ;)04:42
Woodersondo i have to install the drivers for it?04:42
benn92647leo_rockw: cool ok04:42
scguy318benn92647: not sure how to interpret your hostmask tho04:42
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Woodersonor does ubuntu automatically work with it04:42
ajisinnow it's showing this error -->* Starting ftp server proftpd                                                   - IPv4 getaddrinfo 'techprone' error: No address associated with hostname04:42
ajisin - warning: unable to determine IP address of 'techprone'04:42
ajisin - error: no valid servers configured04:42
ajisin - Fatal: error processing configuration file '/etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf'04:42
ajisin                                                                         [fail] 04:42
ajisininvoke-rc.d: initscript proftpd, action "start" failed.04:42
scguy318Wooderson: i think not, I guess you could try to install the latest ALSA, but what devices do you have in your mixer04:42
ajisindpkg: error processing proftpd (--configure):04:42
ajisin subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 104:42
ajisinErrors were encountered while processing:04:42
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ajisin proftpd04:42
scguy318!pastebin | ajisin04:43
ubotuajisin: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:43
scguy318like seriously04:43
Woodersonwhat mixer04:43
scguy318Wooderson: GNOME mixer, just what audio devices that are listed04:43
scguy318Wooderson: i forgot the CLI command for dumping that info04:43
benn92647i know i can run yahoo through wine but i really dont like using wine..so who has a way to hack yahoo into linux04:43
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leo_rockwbenn92647, kopete may work w/ the yahoo protocol, but i'm not sure. google is your friend04:43
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scguy318benn92647: use an alternate client04:43
Woodersonya cuz i have no idea what your talking bout lol04:43
scguy318benn92647: unless you're dying for webcam, in that case GYachi fork?04:43
EvanlecWooderson, right click on ur volume icon and hit open volume control04:43
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Tommy3Evanlec: yes.  New installs just dont put things back.  Tried purge last night and got some back but not enough to run.  was having problems getting it to run from the beginning. No log info generated.04:43
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WoodersonALSA Mixer04:44
benn92647scguy318: i knowthat gaim has somethingthatworks with yahoo but i dont know how to use it04:44
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scguy318benn92647: you just add an account04:44
scguy318benn92647: for YIM04:44
leo_rockwbenn92647, gaim turned into pidgin04:44
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scguy318benn92647: thats it04:44
leo_rockwbenn92647, gaim doesn't exist anymore as gaim04:44
EvanlecTommy3, hmm thats a tough one...im not sure04:44
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Tommy3Evanlec: but it WAS reporting status on start and stop before I broke the init.d stuff.04:44
scguy318leo_rockw: not according to the Feisty repos :P04:44
h1st0ajisin: please just install gproftpd04:44
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benn92647leo_rockw: yeah thats right. so can pidgin do yahoo and how od i get it running04:45
h1st0ajisin: and did you remove ftpd first?04:45
FezzlerWonder if I can link old Apple Newton MessagePad OMP to Ubuntu to install packages, backup data, etc.?04:45
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Peloleo_rockw,  it is still gaim in the feisty repos,  it won't be pidgin untill gutsy04:45
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leo_rockwbenn92647, pidgin CAN do yahoo. but i think it can't do video04:45
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benn92647i really hate linux updates04:45
leo_rockwPelo, oh, i forgot... i compiled it myself04:45
PeloFezzler, probably,  look it up in the forum04:45
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OetmetHmmm... I resized (added space) the extended partition where Linux and Swap partitions were (using partition magic in windows)... and now it seems the linux partition is corrupted... I booted the gparted live cd and it doesnt recognize the linux partition...04:45
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chris173leo_rockw, I agree. I'm using it now and its pidgin only in gutsy04:45
Oetmetany idea on what could I do?04:46
corevettedo videos use id3 tags?04:46
FezzlerPelo: Look up in what forum04:46
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benn92647leo_rockw: i will live without video then can you tell me howto get yahoo on pidgin please04:46
leo_rockwchris173, im on gutsy, but i always compile my pidgin anyway04:46
scguy318benn92647: you just go to04:46
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leo_rockwbenn92647, install gaim from the repos04:46
Tommy3Evanlec: Guess it best to make a clean start.  I'll take this one off line and rebuild.  Before I go, is there help here in getting  a scsi tape drive up and running. That's for another nite.04:46
Woodersonso u think installing the lastest ALSA drivers might work?04:46
scguy318benn92647: Accounts -> Add/Edit, add a YIM account?04:46
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scguy318Wooderson: it might, but what mixer devices do you have?04:46
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PeloFezzler,  www.ubuntuforums.org  look up the model of the device you want to use , see if there are any restrictions04:46
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benn92647scguy318: ok well lets try thaqt04:46
arrrghhhdoes anyone know a fair amount of IP routing, masquerading, the like?  i want to use my ubuntu box as a router...04:47
EvanlecTommy3, a scsi tape drive? thats server land...i have no idea lol04:47
leo_rockwbenn92647, use synaptic04:47
WoodersonMaster, PCM, Line in, CD, Microphone, Pcspeaker04:47
scguy318leo_rockw: hes asking how to add an account :P04:47
leo_rockwbenn92647, it is pretty easy to set up after you install it04:47
Peloarrrghhh,   #networking might be a good place to ask04:47
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scguy318leo_rockw: Gutsy has Pidgin, but Feisty doesn't I think04:47
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benn92647oh i have to reinstall gaim??04:47
scguy318benn92647: no04:47
Evanlecarrrghhh, u might try firestarter , its a firewall app but it also alows internet connection sharing04:47
leo_rockwscguy318, yup, i forgot04:47
benn92647i am on gaim right now04:47
sadistic_kittenso yeah, anyone know a good VCD creator program?04:47
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Tommy3Evanlec: OK, thanks for the help. Have a good evening.04:47
demon_sporkwhere is the php executable after you install php5?04:47
scguy318benn92647: yeah just do what I said04:47
leo_rockwscguy318, still, you can get debs from getdeb04:48
Evanlecarrrghhh, it basically sets iptables rules for you04:48
arrrghhhfirestarter does that?04:48
scguy318leo_rockw: true04:48
Woodersonthe pcspeakers was muted04:48
scguy318Wooderson: sorry, I meant what audio devices04:48
EvanlecTommy3, np, u too04:48
scguy318Wooderson: not the mixer controls, but the audio devices04:48
Woodersonidk how they got muted =\04:48
arrrghhhit handles the dhcp, nating, etc?04:48
leo_rockwscguy318, but i always compiled it. i can't wait for the debs, lol04:48
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Woodersonits fixxed now so its all good =] 04:48
Evanlecarrrghhh, it sets up itables rules for you from a GUI04:48
scguy318leo_rockw: i use a third-party repo for the latest04:48
Woodersonthx for the help scguy31804:48
arrrghhhyea i have firestarter installed04:48
scguy318Wooderson: np04:48
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Evanlecarrrghhh, im not sure entirely cuz i didnt try it, but i know there was an option, if u run thru the setup "wizard" thing04:48
ajisinh1st0: i typed the command to remove it now it's showing this --> E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem04:49
wershow do I hide my drive desktop icon?04:49
arrrghhhbut i've been trying to setup webmin and shorewall to configure everything... and i'm lost04:49
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pavelis there an app for ubuntu that hosts a forum?04:49
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Pelowers, mount them to  /mnt instead of /media04:49
frostburnpavel, like phpbb?04:49
Evanlecarrrghhh, i dont know about those programs04:49
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Pelowers, therer is also a  box in gconf-editor  under /apps/nautilus/desktop04:50
Wolf23hi friends, on amsn on preferences: on file manager <-- what should it be to open the amsn_received folder?04:50
arrrghhhthey're a pain... i'll see what i can do with firestarter04:50
wersthat's what I'm talking about04:50
pavelfrostburn: uhm yes apperently, tybm04:50
wersthanks Pelo04:50
leo_rockwbenn92647, could you install gaim?04:50
arrrghhhthey're powerful, mind you... but a pain04:50
scguy318ajisin: sudo dpkg --configure -a04:50
Evanlecarrrghhh, that'd probably be the easiest way...04:50
wersbtw, my drive is not removable.. it's a partition04:50
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scguy318leo_rockw: he probably already has it installed04:50
leo_rockwscguy318, oh, so he only needs to set up an account?04:50
Pelowers,  the gconf-editor bit then04:50
benn92647he leo its installed04:50
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scguy318leo_rockw: yes04:50
scguy318leo_rockw: thats the question he was asking I think04:51
wersyep. got that Pelo04:51
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wersthanks again04:51
benn92647leo_rockw/scguy318: i have gainm installed hwat do i do next04:51
Pelowers, actualy  forget that last bit ,  the first one was right , if you mounted the partition in /media mount it in /mnt instead04:51
picattawhat is the best entity relationship (ER) diagram tool for ubuntu?04:51
chris4anyone have any idea about connecting networked printers connected to win9804:51
IndyGunFreakbenn92647: wat are you trying to do w/ gaim?.. just set it up with your yahoo account04:51
benn92647YAY!!! hi indygunfreak: yep04:52
wersPelo, I dont mount it manually, it's a volume of my HD04:52
leo_rockwIndyGunFreak, yeah... it would be cool if you can help him, i never used gaim. i always used pidgin.04:52
ajisinscguy318: now a window inside terminal got open  written <ok> in bottom of it but when i press enter nothing happening04:52
scguy318leo_rockw: its basically the same tbh04:52
Pelowers,  you change the mount point in /etc/fstab04:52
IndyGunFreakbenn92647: what is the problem?04:52
Oetmetis there some way I can recover my Linux Partition? It seems Partition Magic (In Windows) resized the Extended Partition and now Grub doesnt even boot... and GParted Live doesn't recognize the Linux Partition04:52
Oetmetany idea?04:52
scguy318ajisin: well, i presume its the settings configuration window?04:52
Oetmetor some way I can repair the partition04:52
wersok.. thanks Pelo04:52
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scguy318Oetmet: testdisk04:52
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Oetmetscguy318: is that a tool for windows?04:52
akiohow do i switch synaptic over to kde from gnome?04:52
ajisinscguy318: this is it's heading (ProFTPd configuration )04:53
Peloakio,  you can start synaptic in kde as well you just need a  launcher for it04:53
trogdorakio: what?04:53
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leo_rockwbenn92647, in pidgin i do the following: accounts > add/edit account > add > in protocol pick yahoo04:53
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akioit seems to prefer gnome packages04:53
scguy318ajisin: then give the settings you want, tab to tab around, up/down, right?04:53
benn92647indygunfreak: i want to talk to my girl she has yahoo and i want to use yahoo, but theydiont have a fiesty ubuntu version..so leo was saying along with scguy that i can use ggaim for my yahoo04:53
leo_rockwbenn92647, then just fill in user / pass04:53
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trogdorakio: apt-get install synaptic then do synaptic as root04:53
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IndyGunFreakbenn92647: ya, its no problem.04:53
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Wolf23hi friends, on amsn on preferences: on file manager <-- what should the command be to open the amsn_received folder?04:54
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ajisinagain showing this messege Setting up proftpd (1.3.0-21ubuntu1) ...04:54
ajisin * Starting ftp server proftpd                                                   - IPv4 getaddrinfo 'techprone' error: No address associated with hostname04:54
ajisin - warning: unable to determine IP address of 'techprone'04:54
ajisin - error: no valid servers configured04:54
ajisin - Fatal: error processing configuration file '/etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf'04:54
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ajisin                                                                         [fail] 04:54
ajisininvoke-rc.d: initscript proftpd, action "start" failed.04:54
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:54
ajisindpkg: error processing proftpd (--configure):04:54
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mike__does kernel source install by default so I can edit config04:54
ajisin subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 104:54
ajisinErrors were encountered while processing:04:54
trogdorwolf23: amsn_received folder is in /home/user I think04:54
ajisin proftpd04:54
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Peloakio,  it doesn't it displays packages from the repos ,  kde gnome and xfce are all mixed, you just have a lot of gnome stuff installed I guess04:54
IndyGunFreakgoodness gracious04:54
IndyGunFreakhow dense can you be to paste a whole freakin terminal here?04:54
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scguy318IndyGunFreak: i dunno, hes been told a couple of times to use pastebin, but...04:54
EvanlecIndyGunFreak, pretty dense...he's done it a couple times now ;p04:54
trogdorPelo: xfce stuff are all modular, I use them on my blackbox setup actually04:55
=== Pelo gives IndyGunFreak a little blue pill and tells him to calm down
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about paxil - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:55
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about valium - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:55
=== Evanlec wants a valium
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IndyGunFreaksometimes i feel like i could be a psychiatrist04:55
n-iCeWhat codecs do I ned to install to watch divx ?04:55
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Wolf23trogdor:  it has an example like $location can be replaced with location04:56
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manchickenThat #ubuntu-unregged thing is annoying.04:56
trogdorWolf23: oh okay, well use it then, I just stick with the default :/04:56
Pelon-iCe,  just open synaptic ,  search for gstreamer  and isntall all the gstreamer0.10 packages  you'll be covered04:56
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IndyGunFreakwell, its silly not to have a registered nick anyways04:56
IndyGunFreakbenn92647: did you figure it out?04:56
benn92647hey guys something is wrong it wont allow me to setup a new account04:56
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scguy318benn92647: y not...?04:56
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IndyGunFreakbenn92647: why not?04:56
Evanlec!pastebin | ajisin read this before you continue asking for help04:56
ubotuajisin read this before you continue asking for help: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:56
=== Kilroo [n=Kilroo@cpe-071-076-173-175.triad.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
n-iCePelo thank you04:57
benn92647scguy318: doesnt even give the option is nthe scroll down menu04:57
manchickenIndyGunFreak: Yeah, but sometimes you get bounced to a yournick_ when a netsplit occurs.  I suppose I could register the _ nicks, too.04:57
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Wolf23trogdor: i type /home/username/amsn_received and doesnot work04:57
IndyGunFreakmanchicken: lol04:57
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scguy318benn92647: Yahoo, YIM:?04:57
chris4well thanks for the help getting the bars back, looks like i'm not getting my printers going, but I need to go04:57
benn92647indygunfreak: i donteven have the start account option04:57
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IndyGunFreakbenn92647: it doesn't let you choose anything, or just doesn't have yahoo in the pulldown menu?04:57
scguy318benn92647: you have to press Add04:57
benn92647indygunfreak/scguy318: it doesnt even have the option in the menu04:58
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IndyGunFreakbenn92647: what version of gaim are you using?... Help/About Gaim04:58
IndyGunFreakand also, what version of ubuntu?04:58
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astx813Where can I see and change what Gnome uses to handle certain files?04:58
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@66-52-218-19.sttl.mdsg-pacwest.com] by Seveas
Peloastx813, find a file of the correct file type,  right click  properties,  open with04:59
=== IndyGunFreak thinks seveas has the quickest ban trigger in America
benn92647indygunfreak: LOL i dont even have that04:59
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n-iCeTo install kopete can I type: apt-get install kopete , ?04:59
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astx813I did that, but I need to know the actual command line it uses04:59
alcaponageHow come when i press Alt Ctrl Backspace, my X wont restart?04:59
scguy318benn92647: well where are you then?04:59
Pelon-iCe,  with sudo yes04:59
IndyGunFreakbenn92647: open a terminal, and type gaim --ver04:59
n-iCePelo thanks again =p04:59
trogdorastx813: I found this http://www.linuxselfhelp.com/gnome/users-guide/filetypes.html from google + gnome file extensions04:59
scguy318benn92647: the GUI hasn't changed significantly since Gaim04:59
alcaponageAll I see is my background and nothing else04:59
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trogdorPelo: he means where the data stored for which file opens with what05:00
benn92647indygunfreak/scguy318: i have conversations and options05:00
Peloastx813, usualy the name of the app is enought , no need for a path05:00
leo_rockwhere's a gaim tutorial http://www.shsu.edu/administrative/training/guides/pdfs/gaim.pdf05:00
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scguy318benn92647: i guess options?05:00
=== Schalken [n=jesse@C-59-101-129-188.mel.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Pelotrogdor, so did I05:00
ubotupidgin is the new name for Gaim forced by AOL's legal dept. It wasn't released in time for Feisty. Expect it in gutsy. See http://www.pidgin.im/index.php for more info. To install Pidgin please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallPidgin2.005:00
IndyGunFreakbenn92647: what version of gaim... open a terminal, gaim --ver05:00
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n-iCebtw Pelo gstreamer is a player or codecs?05:00
cyclonutQuestion: With compiz fusion animations, when my screen fades to black for the screensaver, I cannot recover from that. Any ideas?05:00
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IndyGunFreakno, gaim --ver05:01
Pelon-iCe,  gstreamer are codecs you don,T need to set the files to it,  all the players can use them05:01
benn92647/gaim ver05:01
IndyGunFreakno, exactly what i typed.. pay attention... gaim --ver05:01
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Wolf23yes pelo? there is a command to open the file manager of amsn folder05:01
IndyGunFreakit'll output the version of gaim you have installed.05:01
benn92647gaim --ver05:01
IndyGunFreakput tha tin a terminal05:01
benn92647with a slash?05:02
PeloWolf23,  I know nothing of amsn but I would guess     nautilus ~/amsn_receive  would probably do it05:02
scguy318n-iCe: my understanding is that gstreamer is a GNOME API?05:02
IndyGunFreakno, no slash, just gaim --ver05:02
astx813How about if I phrase it this way?  When I right click a file it lists a few different "open with..." options.  How can I modify that list?05:02
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Textbookugg, firefox + flash = torture05:02
IndyGunFreakTextbook: works fine for e.05:02
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ddr4Textbook, 64bit ?05:02
Textbookfirefox has stopped responding about 20 times today05:02
Peloastx813,  look at the bottom of the dialog box,  for other05:02
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Textbooknope, 3205:02
trogdorTextbook: use x86 and quit being a punk :P05:02
cyclonutTextbook: I get random lockups, and incredible cpu usage05:02
benn92647indygunfreak/scguy318: 2.0.0beta605:02
Textbooktrogdor: x8605:02
cyclonutand I am on x8605:03
trogdorTextbook: oh you are05:03
scguy318Textbook: its the crappy Flash plugin05:03
IndyGunFreakbenn92647: type this w/o quotes.. "/join #indygunfreak"05:03
PeloTextbook, flash causses problems for some ppl05:03
scguy318Textbook: the latest Flash beta gives us.....hardware acceleration for Linux05:03
cyclonutIve read about... gnash, is it?05:03
sharapWhen upgrading to Gutsy (using update manager) is there a way to have you manually merge customized configuration files instead of simply looking at a diff and selecting keep or replace?05:03
scguy318Textbook: sorely lacking05:03
scguy318cyclonut: yeah05:03
ezzieyguywufhey guys, i'm running feisty with gnome, and yesterday i installed KDE to see what its like and now i have all the KDE apps showing up in my GNOME session. Someone pointed me to a link that helped me get rid of that but i've lost it, anyone know how to fix this?05:03
scguy318cyclonut: its far from perfect tho05:03
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alcaponageCan anyone help guide me in installing avant-window-navigator?05:03
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MythbuntuGuest22hello, How do i see my c: drive in konqueror?05:03
Wolf23pelo Couldn't find "/usr/share/amsn/~/amsn_received". plz che3ck the spelling and try again05:03
Pelo!gutsy | sharap05:03
ubotusharap: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+105:03
trogdorTextbook, scguy318: there is adobe-nonfree in repository and if you go to flash needed site it auto installs now but I don't know if those are two different things, either way they work fine for me05:03
cyclonutscguy318: better than the basic flash plug by any chance?05:03
astx813Pelo, I want to see what it's actually using.  The bottom of 'open with other' just lets me add a different command line05:03
BaumerHi, I'm new to ubuntu, Is there something besides the installation I have to do to get Intel Integrated graphics ( I think it's GMA 950) to work because all of my resolutions aren't available05:03
Wolf23Pelo:  it opens and show this message05:04
leo_rockwcyclonut, gnash lets you play swf files offline (no embbed)05:04
PeloWolf23,  what he hesk is hat line05:04
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cyclonutleo_rockw: ah. so, useless.05:04
TextbookI have the latest flash, as far as I know05:04
leo_rockwcyclonut, it is free, tho05:04
PeloWolf23,   I think there is a #amsn channel  maybe you can try asking there05:04
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cyclonutleo_rockw: I noticed that05:04
galliuswhy did my grub boot list get messed up when i ran the update manager??? I cant boot into windows now05:04
ezzieyguywufhelp anyone?05:04
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Peloezzieyguywuf,  on what ?05:04
trogdorTextbook: I dunno then, I use adblock plus so I don't get glitchy flash ads that crash it, also use swiftweasel for my pentium 4 processor05:05
BaumerAnyone for what I said?05:05
Textbookflash version
Textbookand I use adblock plus as well05:05
ddr4!ask | ezzieguywuf05:05
ubotuezzieguywuf: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:05
alcaponageHelp me install avant-window-navigator please!05:05
ezzieyguywufhey guys, i'm running feisty with gnome, and yesterday i installed KDE to see what its like and now i have all the KDE apps showing up in my GNOME session. Someone pointed me to a link that helped me get rid of that but i've lost it, anyone know how to fix this?05:05
Pelogallius,  you'll need to add windows again , check in your /boot/grub/menu.lst  backup file for the correct lines to add05:05
=== anonymeeee [n=imatech@c-24-10-38-2.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
scguy318Textbook: there is a beta out, though i wouldn't take the risk of installing05:05
ddr4!patience | alcaponage05:05
ubotualcaponage: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines05:05
cyclonutalcaponage - get trevino's repository and go from there05:05
galliusok ty05:05
trogdorezzieyguywuf: yeah we help everyone except Pelo05:05
cypher1Baumer, i think you can try installing xserver-xorg-video-intel05:05
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scguy318Textbook: but yes, its the stable plugin's fault, theres no hardware acceleration05:06
anonymeeeehi u guys!05:06
Ashfire908Could someone help me with ipmasq? (the package)05:06
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Peloalcaponage, just google for it and look for the ubuntu instructions they are clearly laid out05:06
trogdorPelo: :P05:06
alcaponageI keep getting errors05:06
TextbookI'll look into the beta then05:06
ezzieyguywuftrogdor: huh?05:06
t3318anyone know how to change default theme in Ubuntu?05:06
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anonymeeeeanyone know how to batch edit file names?05:06
cyclonutBaumer- you may also need to use i915resolution (I think thats what its called)05:06
Textbookanything's better than it is now05:06
anonymeeeewhat editor should I use?05:06
Wolf23Pelo:  thanx it works now :05:06
trogdorezzieyguywuf: nothing jk, anyway what the problem?05:06
Peloezzieyguywuf,  hold on  think I made a bookmark05:06
kb3llmguys i installed xubuntu-desktop and i cant get the resolution to go higher than 640x480 need some help05:06
ezzieyguywufpelo: cool05:06
kb3llmi played with xorg.conf to no avail05:06
scguy318kb3llm: backup xorg.conf and do sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg?05:07
Peloezzieyguywuf,   but it will remove all the kde apps not just remove them from the menu05:07
Ashfire908anonymeeee: the command to rename the file would be to move the file to it's new file (i think)05:07
scguy318kb3llm: you might have to adjust the horiz/vert refresh ranges in your xorg.conf also05:07
trogdorkb3llm: check /etc/X11/xorg.conf make sure it has proper resolution, if its completely incorrect just do dpkg --reconfigure xserver-xorg and follow along then edit that file to your liking05:07
ezzieyguywufpelo:hm, actually, i think i'll just remove KDE all together05:07
cypher1Baumer, i think in feistry the xorg driver may be sufficient, if not as cyclonut mentioned try installing i915resolution also05:07
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kb3llmscguy318: how do i know what to put?05:07
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ezzieyguywufi'm gonna upgrade to gutsy soon anyways....05:07
trogdorkb3llm: I also suggest checking your monitor at www.monitorworld.com for right refresh values05:07
Peloezzieyguywuf,  hold on , I have the wrong book mark  I need to do a bit more searching05:07
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kb3llmtrogdor: i'm on text only right now.. i cant.  if you want to do it for me, Dell E207WFP05:08
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ajisinok ftp server not wrking05:08
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ajisincan anyone tell me how to share folder thro internet?05:08
trogdorkb3llm: you can do anything from text mode, tinyirc, w3m browser, nano editor05:08
anonymeeeeAshfire908: i need to change the file name of a bunch of mp3s05:08
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Ashfire908anonymeeee: in ubuntu/linux, batchs would be shell scripting (sh)05:08
dnianalguem fala portugues?05:08
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ezzieyguywufanother separate questoin. My t60p is having temperature problems in that if i leave it on all day, it gets super hot (up to and over 70 degress celcius). any suggestions? i usually use suspend when away for long periods, but it is too buggy to be reliable for me...05:08
anonymeeeethe filenames are too long for windoze05:08
=== foug [n=foug@cpe-67-11-178-206.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
foughow can i enable idle time reporting through keyboard/mouse movement in pidgin?05:08
trogdorkb3llm: can even watch ascii movies if you got mplayer set right ^^05:08
cyclonutajisin- I dont think you really want to do that.05:08
cyclonutajisin: what are you trying to acomplish>?05:09
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Ashfire908anonymeeee: how is that possible?05:09
dnianBoa noite!!!!!!05:09
ajisincyclonut: i want to share my folders05:09
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ajisinon internet only one folder05:09
cyclonutajisin: with peoplle all over the world??!05:09
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ddr4dnian, wtf ?05:09
ddr4dnian,lol hello :P05:09
Ashfire908anonymeeee: unless you mean like 9805:09
dnianWhat is it?05:09
ajisinyes all oevr the world05:09
GNine!br | dnian05:09
ubotudnian: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.05:09
Peloezzieyguywuf, ok look about 3/4 of the way down this link,  there is one big  10 lines long coomand , you put that in the terminal  , after it is completed you run  sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop ( the first one will remove all kubuntu-desktop, and the second will restore the package that might have been remove that are needed by ubuntu)05:09
dniani don't speak in english05:10
scguy318dnian: its something that some of us lack, given that we hang out on Freenode :P05:10
Peloezzieyguywuf, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-466243.html05:10
scguy318!br | dnian05:10
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NemesisDcan anyone tell me why when i try to read or write from my tape drive I get a ton of errors in dmesg along the lines of  sr 2:0:1:0: Device not ready: <6>: Current: sense key: Not Ready; Additional sense: Medium not present;05:10
scguy318!br > dnian05:10
ezzieyguywufpelo: thanks05:10
t3318anyone know how to change default theme in Ubuntu?05:10
foughow can i enable idle time reporting through keyboard/mouse movement in pidgin?05:10
Pelodnian,   /join #ubuntu-br05:10
ajisincyclonut: yes all over the world05:10
Ashfire908anonymeeee: anyway, how do you want them renamed05:10
ezzieyguywufbrb guys05:10
cyclonutt3318: system->preferences->themes05:10
anonymeeeeAshfire908: dunno how it's happening, but the end of the file gets cut off when I try to transfer it to a dvd05:10
BaumerSweet 915resolution should do the trick, thanks cyclonut05:10
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cyclonutnp Baumer.05:10
t3318cyclonut: thanks, but that's not i want05:11
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anonymeeeeI just need the torrent info removed05:11
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dnianWhat you want05:11
ajisincyclonut: so can you help me out?05:11
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t3318cyclonut: i mean we change the theme of default user05:11
dnianDo you know Maron five?05:11
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scguy318dnian: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.05:11
anonymeeeeAshfire908: it's cutting off the .mp3 end of the file name...05:11
scguy318a nice copy and paste job :P05:11
cyclonutajisin: I guess I would install apache, and move the folder to your serving directory05:11
Ashfire908anonymeeee: oh...05:11
borovy3488can anyone help me with azureus NAT problems????05:11
scguy318borovy3488: port forward?05:11
borovy3488yes, i think so05:11
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Peloborovy3488,  the ppl in #azureus-support can05:11
dniani can't05:11
cyclonutajisin: that way you can just go to your computer's IP from anywhere in the world and grab that folder's contents05:12
borovy3488i did it in my router and it is still white in azureus05:12
scguy318borovy3488: well, your port forward configuration must be wrong I guess, else you wouldn't get the NAT error ;)05:12
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Ashfire908anonymeeee: btw just found "prename" and "rename" commands, i'm going to check the man files05:12
cyclonutajisin: Better yet, set up SSH so you can tunnel into your computer from anywhere. Much more secure.05:12
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cyclonutt3318: Not sure on that one.05:12
Peloborovy3488,  can I recommend  deluge-torrent or utorrent running on wine05:12
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NetDudehi all05:12
ezzieyguywufanother separate questoin. My t60p is having temperature problems in that if i leave it on all day, it gets super hot (up to and over 70 degress celcius). any suggestions? i usually use suspend when away for long periods, but it is too buggy to be reliable for me...05:13
scguy318borovy3488: you could re-test again, if it says OK, you should be good05:13
borovy3488PELO: do you think it would not have the same NAT error?05:13
NetDudehelp for dynagen running?05:13
Peloezzieyguywuf,  cpufreq  http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty05:13
scguy318borovy3488: well, your port forward configuration must be wrong I guess, else you wouldn't get the NAT error ;)05:13
scguy318borovy3488: you could re-test again, if it says OK, you should be good05:13
ezzieyguywufpelo: thanks05:13
anonymeeeeAshfire908: thank you05:13
Peloborovy3488,  azurues is notorious for false nat errors05:13
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aschaetterHi all I've been trying to install sim city 3000 unlimited (native linux version) on feisty and i am have problems almost exactly like the person in here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=541215&highlight=sc3u     This sounds like an x server bug, but how could other feisty users install?05:13
scguy318ezzieguywuf: mm, suspend? not sure how well that would work, since suspend doesnt seem to work out for you05:13
scguy318ezzieguywuf: i meant hibernate05:14
Peloborovy3488,  and hellish to fix,  I know I did support in there for 6 months05:14
NetDudehelp for dynagen running?05:14
scguy318ezzieguywuf: or, just, turn it off :) or vent your machine a little better05:14
ajisincyclonut: how to do that?05:14
borovy3488Pelo: thanks. I did test it again and it says it is ok, but the best speed I can get is 3KBs05:14
=== Pelo still has flashbacks about talking ppl throught azureus connectivity problems
NetDudehelp for  dynagen problem ?05:14
scguy318borovy3488: bad torrent?05:14
NetDudehelp for  dynagen problem ? does it access internet05:14
scguy318Pelo: well, the whole port forward business is hardly Azureus specific :P05:14
scguy318NetDude: whats Dynagen?05:15
Peloborovy3488,  not all torrents are created equal,  try  an ubuntu torrent ,  they are usualy quite fast05:15
Ashfire908anonymeeee: apaerentaly, "prename" and "rename" are the same. it uses a perl expression. not familar with perl, but how do you want them renamed05:15
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borovy3488i thought that too, NetDude, but I also tried to download a torrent I recently downloaded in windows, and it didn't work at all.05:15
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cyclonutajisin: http://www.suso.org/docs/shell/ssh.sdf05:15
scguy318borovy3488: addressing the wrong person :)05:15
NetDudescguy318, its free network simulator which uses cisco ios05:15
Peloscguy318,  I never had to do has much NAT troubleshooting when I hung out in #utorrent05:15
cyclonutajisin: Basically, learn to use SSH, then do ssh username@yourip05:15
MythbuntuGuest22if i am using a knoppix live cd can i fdisk my c: drive? and how do i do it? how do i see my drive05:16
anonymeeeeAshfire908: i just want a certain section of the file name removed if thats possible...it's 100 songs05:16
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scguy318MythubuntuGuest22: what's the "C:" drive, since Linux has a different notion of hard drive identification05:16
NetDudeborovy3488, you need to download cisco ios05:16
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BaumerDoes anyone elses screen flip out with distorted colors right before The ubuntu load screen comes up ( I guess when the X-server turns on?)05:16
trogdoranonymeeee: I remember xubuntu had this rename program you could try checking for that, think its built into thunar or something05:16
scguy318Baumer: not mine05:16
NetDudeborovy3488, for ysing dynagen05:16
knopper67mine does...05:16
aschaetterHi all I've been trying to install sim city 3000 unlimited (native linux version) on feisty and i am have problems almost exactly like the person in here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=541215&highlight=sc3u     This sounds like an x server bug, but how could other feisty users install?05:16
Jordan_UMythbuntuGuest22, fire up gparted or qtparted05:16
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cyclonutajisin: it is quite helpful to have a static IP, btw.05:17
Peloanonymeeee,  look in add/remove  search for rename , it's part of thunar ( another file manager) lets you bulk rename files05:17
BaumerSo that's not normal or is normal05:17
borovy3488NetDude: where can I get it and how do i install it. never heard of it before05:17
MythbuntuGuest22scguy318, i want to format my master and install kubuntu05:17
scguy318Baumer: not normal05:17
Ashfire908anonymeeee: is thepart the same for each file?05:17
knopper67im guess its normal, but it looks wierd05:17
scguy318MythbuntuGuest22: well, does the installer not do that for you?05:17
ajisini hv a static ip05:17
NetDudeborovy3488, what os r u using05:17
scguy318MythbuntuGuest22: the GUI installer should walk you through the partitioning process05:17
anonymeeeeAshfire908: yes05:17
MythbuntuGuest22is gparted on the knopix cd05:17
Ashfire908anonymeeee: what is it05:17
scguy318MythubuntuGuest22: i dunno, but probably I suppose05:17
Peloaschaetter,  you mght have better luck in a simcity forum or a sim city channel05:17
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cyclonutajisin: then you can just do ssh ajisin@yourip and grab what you need that way05:18
borovy3488NetDude: Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty05:18
aschaetterpelo: is there a sim city linux chan?05:18
Peloaschaetter,  no idea05:18
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aschaetterpelo: haha! thanks05:18
Innomenok xp installed05:18
anonymeeeePelo: How to I bring up thunar?05:18
NetDudeborovy3488, then why u download for windows?05:18
Innomenanything i need to do in prep for the ubuntu install?05:19
kb3llmFor horizontal sync range, should i just put 65 (thats what my monitor specs say)05:19
MythbuntuGuest22well that is my problem.. my cd rom barley works so i cant get through the installer05:19
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NetDudeborovy3488, there is linux version05:19
kb3llmbut it wants a range05:19
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usserInnomen: backup all u can05:19
scguy318kb3llm: yeah, just fill in the proper ranges05:19
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MythbuntuGuest22i want to try to insall without cd05:19
ezzieyguywufscguy: thanks for the advice (a while back) but i'd rather not have to turn my comp off everytime i leave my dorm for a few hours, and you are right suspend does not work well for me05:19
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Innomenalready done that05:19
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kb3llmscguy318: but 65 isn't a range... its number, is it ok?05:19
scguy318!install | MythbuntuGuest2205:19
Peloanonymeeee,   menu > applications > add/remove  , search for rename  , install ,  it will show up in the menuss under ssytem tools05:19
ubotuMythbuntuGuest22: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate05:19
scguy318kb3llm: yeah, stick that as upper range05:19
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MythbuntuGuest22ok thanks05:19
ajisincyclonut: what is this youripe?05:19
borovy3488NetDude: no, I installed azureus in linux. i also have a windows pc.  my torrents werent working in linux, so i downloaded the same torrent in windows and linux. the linux one didnt work and the windows one did.05:20
ajisinsry ourip05:20
kb3llmscguy318: and a lower one?05:20
usserInnomen: well thats it probably should have checked your hardware for compatibility but wth it'll work05:20
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cyclonutajisin: dude. use your head. its your ip address.05:20
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kb3llmscguy318: just pick a lower number?05:20
trogdoraschaetter: look for the programs config file make sure graphics settings are right, also make sure you have direct rendering glxinfo | grep "direct"05:20
kb3llmscguy318: ??05:20
=== Innomen says the magic words
Innomenwhat could Possibly go wrong?05:20
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foughow can i enable idle time reporting through keyboard/mouse movement in pidgin?05:21
ajisinok my head was taking a bth befoe :P05:21
NetDudeborovy3488, do you want me to tell u how to runn on windows or linux???????????05:21
scguy318kb3llm: what is your monitor?05:21
PeloInnomen,  can you restate yoru problem ?05:21
alcaponageCan anyone help me install AWN please?05:21
scguy318kb3llm: find the specs for your monitor, then fill in for the horiz/vert sync ranges05:21
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usserInnomen: not much the most problems people have is video not working when booting live cd with ati cards nvidia should be fine05:21
scguy318kb3llm: that will permit the X Server to properly detect all your monitor's modes05:21
Innomenno problems, just asking general advice about duel boot, i'm starting the install of ubuntu 7.04 now05:21
Peloalcaponage,   google for avant windows navigator ,  there is an install section for ubuntu05:22
usserInnomen: do u have windows installed already?05:22
cyclonutajisin: I think your ip is so ssh ajisin@
alcaponagePelo: I already have it under "system" but it wont' load05:22
PeloInnomen, same hdd or different one ?05:22
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kb3llmscguy318: yeah, that didn't work. it got an error, and didn't start, so i put the old one back.05:22
kb3llmI will work on it tomorrow05:22
borovy3488NetDude: my only problems are in linux. Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty. In windoze everything works.05:22
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Peloalcaponage, that'S not where you start ti from,  in applications accessories05:22
scguy318kb3llm: ok, g/l05:22
bmt2hello to all05:22
NetDudedo you have ios?05:22
alcaponagePelo: Ic, let me check05:22
bmt2i am having a problem in Wine05:23
PeloInnomen,  back up yoru imoportant windows data first,   defrag your hdd a few times,  then boot up the live cd and go go go05:23
scguy318bmt2: what is it05:23
bmt2i installed flash 2004 mx thru wine05:23
Innomenbmt2: hey thats good, the first step is admitting you have a problem05:23
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Innomenwait, wrong wine05:23
bmt2now i can't get it to run05:23
scguy318Pelo: random comment, but the latest ntfsresize man page seems to say that a defrag isnt necessary05:23
DShepherdInnomen, :-)05:23
usserInnomen: for same hdd be carefull when it comes to partitioning, dont push yes blindly05:23
Innomenthank you05:23
Peloscguy318, so what05:23
Innomenusser: indeed05:23
borovy3488NetDude: what is ios?05:24
foughow can i enable idle time reporting through keyboard/mouse movement in pidgin?05:24
bmt2i also installed swishmax and can't get it to run05:24
alcaponagePelo: thanks05:24
usserInnomen: u generally want one root partition '/' one 'swap' and optionally /home05:24
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NetDudeborovy3488, visit the link click the image for for video how to install it on linux?05:24
Peloscguy318,  the point of degraging isnT, for safety , it is to reduce the time of the resizing , data doesn'T have to be moved around05:24
Innomenwhats a good drive size for ubuntu?05:24
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davida9new to this, totally05:24
NetDudeborovy3488, http://www.blindhog.net/cisco-dynamips-and-dynagen-install-on-linux/05:24
usserInnomen: anything more than 20Gb should be reasonable05:25
bmt2i get a "couldn't load API function" when trying to run SwishMax05:25
NetDudeborovy3488, here the link05:25
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borovy3488NetDude: ok, thanks05:25
PeloInnomen,   5-10 for /  , 2xram for /swap , whatever you want for /home05:25
borovy3488NetDude: should that work?05:25
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Innomeni'll do 40 because i'm like the navy05:25
DShepherdfoug, Tools, preferences, Idle Tab. i think..05:25
Jordan_UInnomen, ~ 5 GIG for Ubuntu itself05:25
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NetDudeborovy3488, thank not complete ....there more?05:25
Innomensweet i might do just 20 then05:25
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scguy318bmt2: try asking in #winehq05:25
usserInnomen: 5G thats with all the programs05:25
scguy318Pelo: ah05:25
bmt2scguy318: thanks i will05:25
Innomenis 20 over kill??05:25
usserInnomen: not really05:26
Jordan_UInnomen, Well you are going to have other files aren't you ? ;)05:26
DShepherdInnomen, close though05:26
scguy318Innomen: for /? thats fine05:26
fougDShepherd, no it's not there05:26
Innomenyes but on other drives05:26
knopper67hey is there a general ubuntu chat channel on irc?05:26
borovy3488NetDude: what does it do? how do i configure it? very confusing05:26
usserInnomen: the beauty of linux is if u run out of space u can always mount another hdd where u want05:26
scguy318Innomen: for swap, probably 1x or 0.5x the RAM you got05:26
Jordan_UInnomen, You can never have too much hard drive space05:26
fougDShepherd, i've had this problem before, pidgin doesn't come with the option. I downloaded xscreensver but it didn't help05:26
knopper67cant find any...05:26
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PeloInnomen, if you only do 20 you'll kick yourself in a few weeks when you reaslise you'Re not using windows anymore and it has all your space05:26
Innomenyea but i like to keep my os goodness seperate05:26
alcaponageWhere can I get themes of AWN?05:26
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Innomenpelo, keeping xp for games05:27
Innomentrrust me i'll use the space05:27
DShepherdfoug, hmm ... try asking in #pidgin then05:27
Peloalcaponage,   www.gnome-looks.org05:27
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alcaponagePelo thanks05:27
anonymeeeePelo: thunar worked perfectly, thanks a lot!05:27
NetDudeborovy3488, are you doing ccna? have you use netsim the network simulator?05:27
cyclonutalcaponage: check out google for easy answers like that, eh?05:27
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Jordan_Ualcaponage, also art.gnome.org05:27
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ezzieyguywufpelo: you referenced me to cpufreq in order to help my temp problems, but it appears to me as if cpu frequency is on and workin, so what other options do i have?05:27
NetDudeborovy3488, dyanagen is advance version of netsim?05:27
Peloanonymeeee,  isn'T that the most awesome little app around ?05:27
borovy3488NetDude: I am kind of a novice on the whole network thing and to tell you the truth, I have no idea what that stuff is.05:28
Jordan_Ualcaponage, Actually, maybe not, but worth a look05:28
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ubotuthunar is a File Manager for XFCE. It's a good lightweight replacement for Nautilus and is very similar. To read more about thunar, visit http://thunar.xfce.org/index.html or, if you would like to use it, visit your nearest Main repository.05:28
alcaponagePelo: where in gnome-look.org is the themes of AWN located?05:28
Peloezzieyguywuf,  well if this is a laptop I don'T know ,  you don'T have fans so i'm out of suggestion,05:28
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anonymeeeePelo: absolutely!  way cool!  saved me a bunch of time05:28
ezzieyguywufpelo: alright well thanks anyway05:28
theATOMhow can I convert .3gp files to AVI or MPEG?05:29
PeloInnomen,   it's not so much thunar , it' a little app that comes with it , it does bulk rename05:29
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ezzieyguywufpelo: but i think my laptop does have a fan in it05:29
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ajisincyclonut: but where tu write that? and another thing i doenloaded apache how to install it now? not getting intsall as der in install guide05:29
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NetDudeborovy3488, it's the network simulator which uses the cisco internetworking operating system (IOS) which is cisoc proprietry used is cisoc router & switches?05:29
Peloezzieyguywuf,  try looking in th efourm for   help on this , I'm sure there are several threads about it  www.ubuntuforums.org05:29
Innomenrenaming can be a pain05:29
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Innomeni learned to write batch files back in teh day because of renaming hassles05:29
ezzieyguywufpelo: thanks05:30
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cyclonutajisin: forget apache.05:30
cyclonutajisin: you would type in that command in a terminal.05:30
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coreymanshackapache - awesomeest05:30
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theATOMhow can I convert .3gp files to AVI or MPEG?05:30
NetDudeborovy3488,  you can have live demonstration & feel of working on cisoc router ?05:30
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PeloInnomen,  this one lets you do several thinkgs, insert /remove (position) ,  replace,  number  etc05:30
cyclonutalcaponage - try actually searching for AWN at that site.05:31
cyclonutseriously, you can do this on your own, I have great faith.05:31
PelotheATOM,  try using avidemux05:31
Dr_willistheATOM,  try avidemux - a small editing software for avi (especially DivX)05:31
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alcaponagethe search bar is so small05:31
ajisincyclonut: and my ip is a static ip so its
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about avidemux - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:32
cyclonutajisin: congratulations.05:32
=== Pelo rushs to hack into ajisin 's comp
Innomentheubuntu installer is garbage05:32
darkchr0n0sajisin got his ftp server up ?05:32
PelotheATOM, sudo apt-get install avidemux05:32
ajisincyclonut: hey? congrats? for what?05:32
PeloInnomen,  what's wrong ?05:32
ajisinnop not got05:32
Innomeni hit back and it jumped like 4 spaces back and now want to run the paritioner again but its already cut up the drive05:32
cyclonutajisin: NM05:33
NetDudehelp for  dynagen problem ?05:33
cyclonutajisin: feeling very sarcastic tonight05:33
Innomenif back dosent work, dont include the button05:33
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NetDudehelp for  dynagen problem ?05:33
NetDudehelp for  dynagen problem ?05:33
ajisink..... :d05:33
Innomeni know better than to hope it works05:33
scguy318NetDude: this probably isn't a good channel to ask05:33
Innomenget to reinstall xp05:33
Innomenand format the drive again05:33
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Innomensave me 5 hours of hassle05:33
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Innomenthe partioner needs ot learn to resume05:33
PeloInnomen,   get out of the installer and go to menu > system > admin > gnome partition editor ,  do your partitionning,  and when you install use the  manual option to specify your folder locations05:34
Innomenneeds ot be able to tell "hey something already did exactly what i was gunna do to this drive05:34
ajisinit's uduntu channel but i not yet got any help how to use my desktop as a server05:34
NetDudescguy318, can you tell me which channel should i ask please ?05:34
Dr_willisPelo,  thats how i do it. :)05:34
Innomenwatch it wont resize it05:34
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scguy318NetDude: i dunno, /list?05:34
darkchr0n0sdownloading at 31bytes/sec !05:34
theATOMPelo: avidemux doesnt save the AVI with sound!  why?05:34
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Innomenerror occuered05:34
Ashfire908NetDude: if dynagen is a command, type man dynagen05:34
Innomenevery time05:34
Innomencheck file system05:35
scguy318Ashfire908: it's not, its some networking simulation app05:35
PeloDr_willis,  well you and I are old hands at this now , what's it been ? over a year ?05:35
scguy318Innomen: NTFS? dirty flag set?05:35
Ashfire908scguy318: k. i was skimming05:35
Innomenwho knows05:35
PelotheATOM,   look on the left,   wherer it says copy , change it ,  to something else05:35
Ashfire908!enter | Innomen05:35
Dr_willisPelo,  i have found its better to just  leave a lot unallocated and tell the insteller to 'use unallocated space'05:35
ubotuInnomen: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:35
scguy318Ashfire908: np05:35
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scguy318Innomen: if thats the case05:35
Innomenwhatever the ubuntu installer does when it tries ot do the automated resize twice on the same drive05:35
scguy318Innomen: then a simple chkdsk on the NTFS05:35
PeloDr_willis,  I like my /home on a seperate partition05:36
Innomenno this happened last night and sucked up 5 hours05:36
ajisin:( :( i wanna use mudesktop as a server :( any smiley here for crying?05:36
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Ashfire908Innomen: you can't resize a ntfs drive?05:36
scguy318Innomen: i personally like to partition beforehand and just give the installer the mount points05:36
Innomenare there developers here ever? do they read this?05:36
Pelo!enter | Innomen05:36
ubotuInnomen: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:36
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scguy318Innomen: probably not, too crowded, you could file a bug tho05:36
Ashfire908Innomen: sorry, partition05:36
cyclonutajisin: I think you should resort to google, or even searching the ubuntuforums.05:36
scguy318Innomen: i dunno what the dev chans are05:36
PeloInnomen,  devs are too cool to hangout here05:36
Intangirwhats a good bittorrent client for linux?05:36
Intangirthe standard bittorrent seems to be sucking..05:37
Innomenubuntu for humans (not really)05:37
DShepherdIntangir, Deluge05:37
Dr_willisI think the devs hang in #hot-linux-chat :)05:37
Innomenoh well05:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bt - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:37
ubotuConventional P2P clients: Limewire/GTK-Gnutella/Frostwire (Gnutella Network).  -  BitTorrent: see !torrent  -  Direct connect: try valknut.  -  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information.05:37
Intangirconnects to only 1 peer? for 12 hours?05:37
knopper_Azureus is the best client05:37
Innomenstill better than windows05:37
NetDudeIntangir, rtorrent05:37
scguy318!torrent | Intangir05:37
ubotuIntangir: Torrent clients: Azureus (Java), BitTornado (Shell with python front-end), KTorrent (KDE/Qt), rTorrent (C++) -  Bittorent FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html05:37
frostburnIntangir, azureus, but get the latest from sourceforge, and the sun jre from the synaptic package manager05:37
PeloIntangir,  deluge-torrent is nice and getting better but I like to run utorrent on wine05:37
scguy318Dr_willis: that sounds really inappropriate ;)05:37
Dr_willisscguy318,  its where my wife hangs out...05:37
darkchr0n0sany command line torrent clients ?05:37
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Dr_willisdarkchr0n0s,  rtorrent05:37
Intangiroh also, which bittorrent clients can i use in text only?05:38
Innomenthe ubuntu installer cant figure out my time zone either05:38
knopper_i dont use azureus but i'd still recommend it05:38
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scguy318Innomen: you're supposed to specify I believe05:38
PeloInnomen,  just click the map05:38
Innomeni did05:38
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Innomenyou guysa think i'm we todd ed05:38
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scguy318Innomen: we don't05:38
Innomeni clicked al the flavors of eastern05:38
PeloInnomen,  pretty much05:38
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Innomenit's always like 1-3 hours off05:38
darkchr0n0swhat does that mean anyways /05:38
scguy318Innomen: if we did, we wouldn't answer you, or we would start flaming05:38
Innomenmy syste clock is fine05:38
PKdoRI just dounloaded the azureus tar ballz can any body walk me through installing it?05:39
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PeloInnomen, tere is also a drop down list05:39
Innomenwell dont tell me to click the map :P05:39
cyclonutPKdoR: there is an easier way...05:39
darkchr0n0sPKdoR instead use sudo aptitude install azureus05:39
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Innomenyes, i know how to operate a menu also lol yur not hearing me05:39
cyclonutPKdoR:  sudo apt-get install azureus05:39
ajisini searched alot man05:39
PeloPKdoR,  azureus is available from the repos   sudo apt-get install azureus05:39
Innomenit cant do gmt -505:39
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scguy318Innomen: sure it can, I'm in GMT -505:39
Innomenthere's this narrow strip where i live05:39
rolanddanybody knows which repo has pidgin in it?05:39
PeloInnomen,  where are you located ?05:39
Innomenwell i do it during the installer and it says its midnight05:39
scguy318Innomen: that happens to be Central Daylight right now, cant wait to switch clocks :(05:40
ajisinm logging out from here pla email me if you hv any info.. love_prone@yahoo.com05:40
PeloInnomen,  don'T worry about that, it gets corrected05:40
Innomengmt -5 is my zone, but when i tell it that oit does the math wrong or something05:40
ajisinsee ya05:40
PKdoRim trying to install version I believe the repos have version 2.505:40
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Ashfire908Innomen: your bios clock might be already set to a timezone.05:40
Innomeni'm sure05:40
Innomenjust dosent bode well you know?05:40
scguy318Innomen: lemme see what I got for central05:40
DShepherdrolandd, gutsy repos have pidgin in it.. but you may have to dist-upgrade to get that05:40
Innomencommenting on egenral installer issues05:40
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scguy318DShepherd: dist-upgrading to Gutsy isn't recommended I think05:40
dbkimhi all,05:40
PKdoRI love the HD content the Vuze has (Azureus 3.x05:41
DShepherdscguy318, ok.. rolandd dont dist-upgrade!! :-)05:41
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NetDudehelp for  is dynagen a security threat??????????????05:41
rolanddLOL, OK05:41
dbkimdoes anyone know what is acpid and apmd service on ubuntu?05:41
scguy318NetDude: probably not...05:41
rolanddso then I just have to do a manual install05:41
scguy318Innomen: well, I think a bug report would probably garner more attention than here :)05:41
DShepherdrolandd, 15 days from now.. you can though :-)05:41
dbkimcan I remove those two service?05:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bugreport - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:41
scguy318Innomen: though I'm not wholly familiar with the user feedback services of this community05:41
=== Innomen nods
cyclonutdbkim: no, I wouldnt05:41
Pelodbkim,   hardware sensors related stuff I beleive , donT' mess with them05:41
scguy318dbkim: acpid handles ACPI events05:42
scguy318dbkim: apmd handles APM events05:42
dbkimcyclonut, oh ok05:42
Pelo!launchpad | Innomen05:42
ubotuInnomen: launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's Bounty and Bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/05:42
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Innomenis there an app that will sync two installed of ubuntu?05:42
dbkimscguy318, so I can't delete them then05:42
cyclonutdbkim: acpi handles power management/chip throttling05:42
Innomenthanky Pelo05:42
NetDudescguy318, i am using it on us server form japan is it a security threat ?05:42
dbkimcyclonut, oh okay...05:42
PeloInnomen,  synch two install ?05:42
scguy318NetDude: probably not, though I really dunno05:43
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dbkimcyclonut, I'm making my ubuntu as small as possible05:43
InnomenNetDude: Sailor moon? need i say more?05:43
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scguy318NetDude: i just know you probably won't get much help from here :(05:43
dbkimcyclonut, =) thanks for the information05:43
cyclonutdbkim: np, good luck with the tiny install :)05:43
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OetmetI've lost my Linux partition when trying to resize the extended partition in Windows using Partition Magic. Anyway I think my data is somewhere in my hard disk!05:43
PKdoRyup the repos have version 2.5 I just double checked, so can any one please walk me trough on installine azureus/Vuze
Oetmetis there some way I can recover my data?05:43
scguy318Oetmet: testdisk05:43
Oetmetscguy318: I used testdisk and it re-wrote the partition table05:44
PeloOetmet,  I think you might find more help on this in ##linux05:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about supergrub - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:44
Innomenthere should be a super grub entry05:44
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scguy318Oetmet: http://rescubuntu.info/, the LInux System Rescue CD if comfy with cmd-line05:44
Oetmetbut now my linux partition seems to have used like 30 mb of space05:44
Pelo!grub | Innomen  last links bottom of the page05:44
ubotuInnomen  last links bottom of the page: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:44
Oetmetwhen I had like 5 gigs of used space05:44
demon_sporkPKdoR, I like Ktorrent better than Azureus05:44
Innomennot grub05:44
NetDudescguy318, i really i am new for irc i dont know much channel to ask05:44
Innomenits a boot image05:44
PeloInnomen,  as in supergrub cd ?05:44
scguy318NetDude: try looking at a list of channels via /list05:44
Innomenit saved all mah data05:45
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Pelo!backup | Innomen05:45
scguy318Innomen: it just fixes boot problems, not fubared file systems05:45
ubotuInnomen: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning05:45
sir123I'm trying to connect my ipac pda to evolution but i don't know what port to put in05:45
Innomenscguy318: thats not entierly true05:45
dbkimcyclonut, hey one more question =P execuse me05:45
Innomenmy windows would not boot because of a mbr issue05:45
scguy318Innomen: but that's a boot issue :)05:45
dbkimcyclonut, can I delete dbus?05:45
Innomenit force booted it05:45
PKdoRdemon_spork:  that my be, but the reason I like Vuze is cause of the free HD content not to mention the great customizing potential of azureus05:45
scguy318Innomen: a trashed file system would be a different story :P05:46
Innomenhey at the very least it's make him feel like he tried05:46
scguy318dbkim: might not be a good idea, I know some GNOME services like to use it05:46
cyclonutdbkim: Im not really sure05:46
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dbkimscguy318, oh I see05:46
dbkimscguy318, thanks again =)05:46
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scguy318dbkim: np05:46
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cyclonutdbkim: but I think not; I believe many pieces of software use it to communicate with the lower-level layers05:46
scguy318now I wish they would have an easy end-user backup solution :)05:47
zetheroohow do I know what port my iPaq is on?05:47
Innomenis there anything like ghost for ubuntu?05:47
scguy318Innomen: partimage05:47
knopper_ghost4linux? lol i think its called that05:47
scguy318Innomen: dd :P05:47
Pelozetheroo, how do you connect your ipaq ?05:47
dbkimcyclonut, okay then =P let it survive05:47
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zetherooPelo  : USB05:47
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scguy318Innomen: low level file copy utility05:48
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Pelozetheroo,   lsusb  with the ipaq connected05:48
rolanddI have 4 speakers attached to my soundcard SB 512PCI but only get sound out of 2 of them05:48
scguy318Innomen: well, not strictly a file in the filesystem sense05:48
rolanddan I select somewhere to use 4 speakers?05:48
patrickkkkkkkkkkis there a way to change the trash icon in the themes?05:48
scguy318Innomen: in the case of imaging, you would usually feed it a nice /dev file05:48
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zetherooPelo : I did that ... but how do I know in Evolution which port is which?05:48
rolanddbeen looking through the sound settings but cant seem to find it05:48
scguy318Innomen: typically for compressability you would pipe it to gzip05:48
Innomenits gunna take forever for this mounting madnes to sink in05:48
Pelopatrickkkkkkkkkk, you'll need to change copy a differnt icon over , in /usr/share/icons05:49
scguy318Innomen: since I'm no sys admin, there are probably other people and sites who can explain better05:49
Oetmet"Inode xxxxx as part of the orphaned inode list. FIXED. iNODE xxxx, i_blocks is xxxxxxx should be 0. Fix<y>?"05:49
Oetmet any chance that saying 'y' deletes my data permanently?05:49
h1st0Innomen: there are plenty of alternatives05:49
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Pelozetheroo, no idea,  sorry , try looking in the forum for ipaq  see what comes up in anything  www.ubuntuforums.org05:49
Innomenany info is helpful05:49
Innomeni learning05:49
Innomenthis is day 4 for me05:49
h1st0Innomen: Innomen partimage etc... or you can just use dd05:50
scguy318Oetmet: probably not05:50
PeloInnomen, learn to not use the enter key for punctutaition please05:50
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zetherooDoes anyone have any experience getting a Pocket PC connected with Evolution?05:50
NeoThermicwhat is the code name of the latest ubuntu? (excluding 7.10's beta)05:50
trogdorInnomen: install rutebook and have a read, explains all sorts of super awesome stuff :)05:50
scguy318!gutsy | NeoThermic05:50
ubotuNeoThermic: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+105:50
h1st0Innomen: Google and the forums are are good source also05:50
scguy318NeoThermic: Gutsy is Gutsy05:50
NeoThermicscguy318: current, not next :P05:50
scguy318NeoThermic: oh, Feisty05:50
NeoThermicah, dapper is thusly old :P05:50
PKdoRso can any one aid me in istalling the Azureus_3.0.3.0_linux.tar.bz2 file I downloaded?05:50
scguy318NeoThermic: Gutsy is rapidly approaching current tho :P05:51
demon_sporkwow, it is October 2007 right now05:51
NeoThermicscguy318: 15 days :)05:51
Innomeni type quickly and think quickly and a sentence is a complete thought, and sometimes my thoughts are a function of other thoughts, stop hassling me because i type fast05:51
demon_sporktime has really flown by05:51
scguy318NeoThermic: :D05:51
Pelodemon_spork,  since yesterday05:51
knopper_16 days its released...Woooo!05:51
dbkimzetheroo, I tried to connect my ppc on ubuntu but failed05:51
Innomenits not like i'm hitting eneter every other word to stack and get attention, i cant help it so back off05:51
NeoThermicanyway, damn. I don't appear to have a spare CDR05:51
Dr_willisknopper_,  they got a long 16 days ahead of them.05:51
PeloInnomen, this is a very busy channel  it makes you hard to follow05:51
NeoThermicso I guess I'll have to make do with dapper :|05:51
knopper_ya but its gonna be worth it..05:51
Innomenthis place scrolls like a stock ticker during the day anyway, at least you can see what i'm typing05:51
Innomenthis is nothing, come back at 5pm eastern05:52
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NeoThermicok, screw dapper, it failed to set up X right :)05:52
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h1st0NeoThermic: what type of video card do you have?05:52
Innomenalso i cant touch type, and when i look up i see something i want to respond too, give me a hard limit, how many seconds between enter strokes?05:52
PKdoRnever mind i got to go but I will be back05:52
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h1st0!offtopic > Innomen05:52
NeoThermichehe, (WW) I810: No matching Device section for instance (BusID PCI:0:2:1), (EE) No devices detected05:52
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NeoThermicit's an Intel GMA, not 1000% sure of which since dapper doesn't like it05:53
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h1st0NeoThermic: hrm.. you could sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-org to get it straight05:53
h1st0NeoThermic: it may be using the rong busid or something.05:53
Innomenh1st0: lay off, i'm explaining to pelo why he/she should refrain from scolding me for something i cant help, next i'll get scolded for being tall and having a limp (which i am/do)05:53
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NeoThermich1st0: the busid is correct (I remember that bit while in windows)05:53
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benn92647_it is meeeeeee05:54
h1st0NeoThermic: hrm... possibly try different drivers.  ex: switching to vesa or installing proper intel drivers.05:54
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NeoThermich1st0: the problem is that I'm using dapper liveCD. I'll just wait 15 days and buy myself a pack of CDRs and use 7.10 :)05:54
trogdorbenn92647: mario?05:54
knopper_does anyone know if the new version of GIMP is going to be in gutsy?05:54
usserit is mario????05:54
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NeoThermicSorry benn92647_, but your princess is in another castle.05:55
Peloknopper_, what ever the latest one is05:55
usr13knopper_: Yes,05:55
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knopper_awsome, sounds great05:55
benn92647_K BRB05:55
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DoYouKnoware there any clones of the MacOS processes utility for linux or something similar?05:56
riotkittieyay. internets.05:56
Innomendont private message me without permission05:56
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Peloknopper_,  gutsy will have the newest prettiest , shiniest everything , ever05:56
h1st0!attitude > Innomen05:56
usserDoYouKnow: ps?05:56
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usserDoYouKnow: top?05:56
Innomenthe bot dosent egt to send me pms anymore either05:56
DoYouKnowno, I mean a GUI tool05:56
DoYouKnowfor gnome or something05:56
Innomenyay for irc being flexable05:56
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usserDoYouKnow: theres ksysguard in kde05:56
rudeleriusPlease help.  I made the mistake of mounting my samba share into my home directory; I changed the mount point to /mnt/share, but the folders from my share still show up in my home folder and I get an error message whenever I login that states that my ~/.dmrc file is being ignored and my home folder must be owned by me, etc.   How do I remove the shared folders from my home directory and get control of my home directory back?  All my little de05:57
punsadDoYouKnow: I thought gnome had something like a 'task manager'05:57
nickrenis there an easy and safe way to change partitions after install05:57
Innomeni was sititng here not saying a word, let it go control freaks05:57
PeloInnomen, that' wasn'T a pm , it's a notice05:57
trogdorrudelerius: umount?05:57
nickrenusing a gui05:57
DoYouKnowpunsad, System Monitor, I'm looking at it now, but it isn't as good as the MacOS gui05:57
h1st0rudelerius: just rm -rf the folders05:57
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DoYouKnowfor example I can't get information on ttys05:57
h1st0rudelerius: and you can chown and chgrp yoru /home/username05:57
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Innomenif you dislike me, cease speaking to me, i'm not gunna just be quiet while you berate me, but i can let it drop if you can, whats it gunna be?05:58
rudeleriustrogdor, I'll try that05:58
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rudeleriush2st0 I tried that, but I got an error (I used -R) when it got the shared folders05:58
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h1st0rudelerius: if you've already changed the mount location then you can safely delete the folders in your home05:58
riotkittiehmm. i wonder if i should try ndiswrapper on that-which-shall-not-be-discussed-here05:58
joules.. so i am relatively pleased with the latest gutsy release but compiz is a little messed up.. and i really dont know which manager to use anyone has a default that has most of everything05:58
h1st0rudelerius: sudo rm -rf /home/username/mountpoint05:59
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trogdorriotkittie: tried on what?05:59
h1st0rudelerius: since they are probably owned by root thats why you got an error05:59
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h1st0!gutsy > joules05:59
rudeleriush1st0, thanks - I have changed the mount point in /etc/fstab05:59
DoYouKnowriotkittie, the native drivers work fine for that05:59
DoYouKnowyou just have to tinker with them05:59
Pelojoules,  you would do better to ask in #ubuntu+105:59
trogdorh1st0: dude.. don't be an ass he just need to umount the network share05:59
DoYouKnowturn the card on and off, change the access point to something else then back to the correct one05:59
rudeleriush1st0- deleting the folders in the home folder will not remove them from the share?  I'm scared to do that! :)05:59
h1st0trogdor: no he doesn't if you read05:59
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DoYouKnoweventually dhclient will work05:59
riotkittieDoYouKnow: i'm not a native-driver-tinkerer-with-them-er ... and i'd have no clue where to start :P06:00
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h1st0rudelerius: not if its mounted somewhere else if you check the folders contain nothing06:00
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trogdorh1st0: oh is it a separate user he has the share thing on?06:00
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rudeleriush1st0 - I'll check; I believe they did the last time I looked though06:00
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h1st0trogdor: no he's using fstab to mount a samba share to his users home so root owns the mountpoint06:00
malv1i use kde and my gtk fonts look ugly and not properly anti-aliased06:00
Tensoma-Halo3can someone help with GRUB error 17?06:00
h1st0rudelerius: if they contain files then it isn't getting mounted to the other folder06:00
malv1is there a fix?06:00
DoYouKnowriotkittie, just type "ifconfig <your_interface> off", "ifconfig <your_interface> on"06:00
h1st0Tensoma-Halo3: when did it start happening?06:01
DoYouKnowthen "iwconfig essid dfkjdkdjfkjdf"06:01
nickrenhow do i resize partitions06:01
trogdorh1st0: isn't that kinda bad to have root running network daemons?...06:01
DoYouKnow"iwconfig essid <your_ssid>06:01
DoYouKnowoh whoops06:01
DoYouKnowinsert your interface name before essid06:01
rudeleriush1st0 - I believe I can access the shared folders from either mount point06:01
h1st0trogdor: its just the way he set up fstab06:01
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DoYouKnowdo this under sudo bash06:01
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Tensoma-Halo3h1st0: after installing Vista and rpairing GRUB06:01
Tensoma-Halo3and I uninstalled VIsta, but it stil don't work :(06:02
h1st0rudelerius: well ls /home/rudelerius/mountpoint  and see if there are any files in there.06:02
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riotkittieDoYouKnow: oh no, it's not that. i can connect and everything, and its just smashing, save for the fact that my connection dies and i have to reboot to bring it back up06:02
h1st0rudelerius: or you can just type in mount in terminal to see your current mounts.06:02
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DoYouKnowriotkittie, sometimes broadcom gets set in the wrong mode06:02
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DoYouKnowso you have to tinker with the settings06:02
alcaponageCan anyone help me install flash on ubuntu?06:02
rudeleriush1st0 - there are06:02
DoYouKnowto get it reset06:02
riotkittieDoYouKnow: I dont have a bcom :P06:02
h1st0rudelerius: the folder in yoru home directory is just a place holder for the mount it shouldn't contain any data once the mount has been removed06:02
DoYouKnowoh, it's not a broadcom?06:02
h1st0rudelerius: then the mount isn't right06:02
Tensoma-Halo3h1st0: XP can read the partion06:02
DoYouKnowI thought we were talking about the broadcom06:02
h1st0Tensoma-Halo3: have you ever been able to boot ubuntu?06:02
riotkittienope. i have an ralink.06:02
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rudeleriush1st0 - I haven't umount'ed yet06:03
Pelolater folks06:03
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Tensoma-Halo3h1st0: yes06:03
h1st0rudelerius: well once you unmount it and change the mount point those folders will be blank then you can safely delete them.06:03
h1st0Tensoma-Halo3: So this just started all of the sudden?06:03
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Tensoma-Halo3sinceinstaling Vista on a 25GB partion06:03
jpastoreI'm trying to run azureus and it's complaining about not having swt-gtk-3346 I can't figure out which package I need to install to satisfy this06:04
DoYouKnowriotkittie, well, I have a broadcom so I had to keep messing with different things. initially I think I had to reload the module a few times to get it working but now just tinkering with the commands iwconfig and ifconfig seem to do it06:04
mindrape!flash | alcaponage06:04
ubotualcaponage: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash06:04
h1st0Tensoma-Halo3: ahh vista may have borked the mbr06:04
h1st0!grub Tensoma-Halo306:04
Tensoma-Halo3h1st0: I repaier it06:04
mindrapebork bork bork06:04
frostburnjpastore, i recommend installing the sun jre, and getting azureus from sourceforge06:04
h1st0!grub > Tensoma-Halo306:04
riotkittieDoYouKnow: I dont have such luck :P06:04
Tensoma-Halo3I have repaired it06:05
MasterShrekjpastore, i recommend a different client :)06:05
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jpastoreMasterShrek, what client do you recommend?06:05
Tensoma-Halo3h1st0: GRUB is fine, I get error 17. it has nothing to to with a bad GRUB06:05
h1st0!worksforme > w4ett06:05
MasterShrekjpastore, ktorrent06:05
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jpastorehmm...let me give it a shot06:06
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joshuajoshuamy itunes.db became corrupted. The files are on there, but don't show up in amarok/rhythm box or on my ipod screen. Is there anyway to rewrite the database in ubuntu?06:06
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mindrapejoshuajoshua - ask in #gtkpod06:06
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h1st0Tensoma-Halo3: actually it does06:06
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kitchejoshuajoshua: not really and if it'sa  new gen ipod there is no way until programs get up to date on the new hash feature06:06
noctais the ubuntu lamp server fairly easy to put a gui on? i know i'm defeating the whole point by putting a gui on06:06
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Tensoma-Halo3h1st0: I repaired it, a few times06:06
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mindrapenocta - you want a gui to start and stop mysql/apache?06:07
Tensoma-Halo3tried to boot, shut down, botted again06:07
lerioguys how can i install genius color vivid 3xe in my feisty where can i find the firmware06:07
kitchenocta: sudo apt-get install {k|u|x}buntu-desktop :)06:07
nickrenhow do i resize a partition06:07
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joshuajoshuakitche, 5th gen. It just became corrupted. I've used it with linux since dapper, and this is the first time i've had this problem.06:07
h1st0Tensoma-Halo3: Are you able to boot any of the OS's ont he grub menu or does it come up before the menu?06:07
mindrapenickren - fdisk.. its destructive though.06:07
MasterShreknocta, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop06:07
noctamindrape, i am coming from a 2k server to a ubuntu lamp server06:07
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=== nocta nods
h1st0nickren: What type of partition?06:07
MasterShreknocta, thats for gnome, use kubuntu for kde or xubuntu for xfce06:07
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Tensoma-Halo3h1st0: I'm on XP THROUGH GRUB06:07
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usr13nickren: Use qparted or gparted06:07
noctai just need a small gui something that won't use too much processing power but still be usable/bareable06:08
h1st0Tensoma-Halo3: So when do you get the error?06:08
mindrapenocta - well... sudo apt-get install php mysql apache will get you a LAMP environment... you can then use whatever editor you want and save your files in /var/www/html/06:08
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h1st0Tensoma-Halo3: its probably just an issue with a pointer can you pastebin your menu.1st06:08
Tensoma-Halo3when I try to boot Linux06:08
usr13nickren: But be careful, you might loose data.06:08
nickrenwell i wanting to resize the partition on so i can do have both xp and ubuntu running06:08
MasterShreknocta, i suggest fluxbox06:08
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h1st0Tensoma-Halo3: and the output of fdisk -l06:08
noctaMasterShrek, why for?06:08
h1st0nickren: Are you trying to resize an xp partition?06:08
nickrenno ext306:09
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Tensoma-Halo3h1st0: and just HOW am Igonna get tht when I an't get into Linux?06:09
nickrenwell basically ubuntu06:09
h1st0nickren: ah well use gparted then.06:09
ccxxproanyone can help me to install the pci wireless card06:09
usr13nickren: You'll have to put XP on first half.06:09
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MasterShrekfor a gui environment, i run it on my server, it runs awesome, can run all gnome and kde apps, but its very basic so it doesnt take much power to run06:09
scguy318Tensoma-Halo3: the Terminal06:09
scguy318!pastebin | Tensoma-Halo306:09
ubotuTensoma-Halo3: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:09
h1st0nickren: I recomend booting to the live cd unmounting the drive and resizing it.  There is also a gparted live cd availible for just this purpose06:09
usr13ccxxpro: Sure, what's your problem?06:09
Tensoma-Halo3scguy318: I cannot boot Ubuntu06:09
noctaMasterShrek, okies06:09
h1st0Tensoma-Halo3: well then how did you try to repair grub?06:09
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scguy318Tensoma-Halo3: in that case, have you tried the Super GRUB CD?06:10
rudeleriusAnyone have any suggestions of what to do if umount reports that it seems //ubuntu/share is mounted multiple times?  Should I use the -f switch to force it to unmount both instances then let fstab remount in the correct mount point?06:10
jpastoreMasterShrek, that seems to be getting a lot further along than I did with azureus, any reason why the download would have stalled?06:10
Tensoma-Halo3h1st0: super GRUB disc06:10
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noctaam i right with assuming i can use bauhamut with ubuntu?06:10
ccxxproi use D-Link PCI DWL-G520 version C206:10
nickrenwow thanks, can i do this without disturbing the ubuntu i running right now and then install xp06:10
mindrapehi niru06:10
MasterShrekjpastore, just normal torrent behavior i guess06:10
niruI have got a sony PCG-4LBP laptop of 11.1'' and 1366x768 resolution06:10
niruit does not work with projector06:10
h1st0Tensoma-Halo3: well boot to a linux live cd or install ext3 filesystem support in xp and get the /boot/grub/menu.1st file06:10
niruwhat could be the reason06:10
ccxxproi have just plug it in and there is no signal06:10
Tensoma-Halo3scguy318 [21:10:06]  Tensoma-Halo3 : h1st0: super GRUB disc06:10
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about projector - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:11
ccxxproI use the Network Manager06:11
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Tensoma-Halo3h1st0: I can do that, sec06:11
niruMasterShrek, yes06:11
nirumindrape, ?06:11
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rudeleriush1st0 - Have any suggestions of what to do if umount reports that it seems //ubuntu/share is mounted multiple times?  Should I use the -f switch to force it to unmount both instances then let fstab remount in the correct mount point?06:11
ccxxprothe wireless card can recognise the network but there is no signal06:11
jpastoreMasterShrek, alright thanks I'll try other more popular torrents to see if it works...do I need to enable ports on the firewall by chance?06:11
scguy318rudelerius: sudo umount06:11
MasterShrekjpastore, i dont think so06:11
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scguy318rudelerius: do that twice, then remount once06:11
h1st0rudelerius: umount each of them.06:11
julzhi, anyone who can help get a usb pci card running? its supported but ubuntu won't recognise it...06:11
scguy318rudelerius: only root can more than once06:12
h1st0rudelerius: then if you fixed your fstab you can just sudo mount -a  to remount everything06:12
usr13ccxxpro: If it "recognizes" the network, then there must be a signal.06:12
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Tensoma-Halo3h1st0: ok, open06:12
rudeleriusscguy318 - with no options?  I did umount both of them individually, and it gave me the error twice06:12
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niruany body06:12
h1st0ccxxpro: is it a broadcom card?06:12
nirucan help me?06:12
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indravenihi all06:12
h1st0ccxxpro: lspci | grep Ethernet06:12
ccxxpronope . it's ralink06:13
rudeleriusscguy318 - fstab is correct; only problem is unmounting the duplicates that are currently mounted.06:13
h1st0!ask > niru06:13
scguy318rudelerius: sudo umount ...06:13
usr13ccxxpro;   is it acquiring essid?06:13
scguy318rudelerius: thats it :)06:13
scguy318rudelerius: you would just do it twice06:13
valonAlright, I have a question about amarok and mp3's, where or what is the file I need to add other music file support to amarok?06:13
h1st0niru: have you tried searching the forums.  Sry didn't see your question above.06:13
h1st0niru: I would search ubuntuforums.org for you laptop model see if anyone has had your problem.06:13
ccxxpromy wireless network is WEP06:13
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MasterShrekccxxpro, what kind of card is it?06:13
h1st0ccxxpro: What type of network card do you have?06:13
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Tensoma-Halo3h1st0: now what?06:14
niruh1st0, tahnk you06:14
riotkittieccxxpro: i'd go to http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.net [i think it's .net, but i may be off]  and at the very least, download RutilT.  you will need to sudo apt-get install build-essential to compile it06:14
h1st0!paste | Tensoma-Halo306:14
ubotuTensoma-Halo3: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:14
trogdorccxxpro: I just use 64 bit wep and some authentication stuff06:14
usr13ccxxpro: Then you will first have to code in the wep key into the client device.06:14
julzhi, can someone help with a pci card please?06:14
usr13ccxxpro: 64 or 128bit?06:14
ccxxpro64 bit06:14
riotkittieralink chipsets and network manager in feisty, at least, don't seem to get along.06:14
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h1st0julz: see if its showing up in dmesg or lspci06:14
cafuegoThey're both trivially easy to crack, much of a muchness.06:14
rudeleriusscguy318 - are you saying to just use the umount command without specifying which file system to use, etc? Or are you suggesting that I ummount each mount point individually, because I did do that and I just got the message that it appears the share is mounted twice- each time I ran the command for each mount point...???06:15
Tensoma-Halo3h1st0: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39424/06:15
noctawhy is it that when i use the ubuntu live cd06:15
noctait won't let me see my 40 gig drive06:15
noctait says i don't have access to it06:15
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h1st0rudelerius: umount /path/to/device ex: umount /dev/hda106:15
rudeleriusscguy318 - am I being dense?? :)06:15
ccxxproDo i need to install the driver for the wireless card ?06:15
noctaalso it won't mount it when i want to start ubuntu from the live cd06:15
riotkittienocta: is it an NTFS drive?06:15
scguy318rudelerius: just umount the mount points that are mounted twice :)06:15
scguy318rudelerius: the share that is mentioned in the error I guess06:15
usr13ccxxpro: iwconfig eth0 key ##########06:15
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Tensoma-Halo3nocta: you could use ntfs-3g to read/write to it06:16
usr13ccxxpro: or  iwconfig eth1 key ##########06:16
julzh1st0: it doesnt come up, at least not that i can see...06:16
usr13as the case may be06:16
noctaso i'd have to change the file system?06:16
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noctawouldn't that lose dt06:16
h1st0Tensoma-Halo3: so ubuntu is on second partition of primary master?06:16
rudeleriush1st0 - I have tried, but it appears to fail- stating that the share appears to be mounted more than once06:16
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riotkittiein that case sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/[partition here]  /path/to/mountpoint06:16
h1st0rudelerius: hrm... well try the -f I guess06:16
Tensoma-Halo3nocta: no06:16
Tensoma-Halo3h1st0: yes, I elieve so06:17
ccxxprolo        no wireless extensions.06:17
ccxxproeth0      no wireless extensions.06:17
ccxxprora0       RT61 Wireless  ESSID:""  Nickname:""06:17
ccxxpro          Mode:Managed  Frequency:2.462 GHz  Bit Rate=54 Mb/s06:17
ccxxpro          RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off06:17
ccxxpro          Link Quality=63/100  Signal level:-68 dBm  Noise level:-79 dBm06:17
rudeleriusscguy318 - I have tried umounting both mount points; nothing happens but the message that there are dups06:17
ccxxpro          Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag:006:17
ccxxpro          Tx excessive retries:0  Invalid misc:0   Missed beacon:006:17
h1st0Tensoma-Halo3: can you open fdisk and make sure?06:17
Tensoma-Halo3h1st0: might be the 3rd06:17
riotkittienocta: no. ntfs-3g's no longer beta, so you should be good.06:17
h1st0Tensoma-Halo3: well if / is the third thats the problem06:17
Tensoma-Halo3h1st0: how am I suposed to open Fdisc?06:17
h1st0Tensoma-Halo3: are you in windows?06:17
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usr13ccxxpro: Dont flood:  iwconfig  <will tell you the name>06:17
Tensoma-Halo3h1st0: yes06:17
h1st0Tensoma-Halo3: opena  command prompt and type in fdisk06:17
Tensoma-Halo3I'm on that 0,0 partion atm06:17
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ccxxprothat's the iwconfig command show06:18
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h1st0!paste | ccxxpro06:18
ubotuccxxpro: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:18
usr13ccxxpro: If it's not a fully supported card, you will have to load drivers first.06:18
Tensoma-Halo3C:\Documents and Settings\DSMaster>fdisk06:18
Tensoma-Halo3'fdisk' is not recognized as an internal or external command,06:18
Tensoma-Halo3operable program or batch file.06:18
usr13ccxxpro: Using encription on a card that's not fully supported may be a chore.06:19
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riotkittieNetworkManager and ralink chipsets do not play nice together, in feisty, at least.06:19
MoNsTeRTensoma-Halo3, you have xbox live?06:19
ccxxproso , what should i do now ?06:19
usr13ccxxpro: You should acquire fully supported wifi device if you want to use encryption.06:19
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Tensoma-Halo3MoNsTeR: is that relavent somehow?06:19
MoNsTeRTensoma-Halo3, halo 3 duh06:19
Tensoma-Halo3well, not really06:20
riotkittieccxxpro: or you could use wpa_supplicant. but again, rt2x00.serialmonkey.net  ... give that a look06:20
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Tensoma-Halo3I have an acct on my brother's 36006:20
=== Tensoma-Halo3 is now known as Kousotu
ccxxproso i need to use the wpa_supplicant06:20
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riotkittieccxxpro: http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com , rather06:20
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h1st0!wpa > ccxxpro06:20
usr13ccxxpro: and switch from wep to wpa (on your router)06:20
usr13ccxxpro: and the rest of your network.06:21
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riotkittieralink's are fully supported. the drivers have been GPL'ed, yadda yadda yadda06:21
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Kousotuh1st0: ideas?06:21
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h1st0Kousotu: ?06:21
usr13riotkittie: Oh, good.  Thanks for the inof.06:21
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alcaponageCan anyone help me install flash in ubuntu feisty?06:21
Kousotu[21:18:55]  Tensoma-Halo3 : C:\Documents and Settings\DSMaster>fdisk06:21
Kousotu[21:18:55]  Tensoma-Halo3 : 'fdisk' is not recognized as an internal or external command,06:21
Kousotu[21:18:55]  Tensoma-Halo3 : operable program or batch file.06:21
Kousotuh1st0: that ^06:22
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usr13Kousotu: sudo06:22
riotkittieNetwork Manager and ralink chipsets, on the other hand, do not seem to play nicely in Feisty. I can't comment on previous versions, as I've only used my ralink on gutsy and feisty06:22
h1st0Kousotu: he doesn't have fdisk installed its on the windows xp cd though.  I would just boot to the ubuntu live cd and use fdisk there and make sure his parts are in the right place.06:22
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h1st0Kousotu: find otu where / is and chnage menu.1st accordingly06:22
Kousotuusr13: sudo in WINDOWS?06:22
riotkittiealcaponage: open a terminal and type sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree06:22
Kousotuh1st0: it's open06:23
Kousotuh1st0: change what?06:23
h1st0Kousotu: where is the / partition?06:23
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mactimesHello.  I was wondering if someone could help me with a NVidia restricted driver + GDM problem.06:23
usr13Kousotu: Oh, you are using windows?  Sorry.  What was your question / problem?06:23
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h1st0usr13: thats all he can boot right now.06:23
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B00daWYeah, I'm an idiot and can't seem to get the userlist to display on a fresh Ubuntu install.  hlep hlep!106:23
zis there some kind of gnome program equivalent to the stickynotes program in windows... so that I can leave myself very visible reminders on the desktop06:23
KousotuI'm Trying NOT TO HAVE TO reinstall Ubuntu as well..06:24
B00daWxubuntu 'feisty fucker'06:24
ccxxprousing the wpa is the only way in my case06:24
h1st0Kousotu: You shoulnd't have to06:24
rudeleriush1st0 and scguy318 - I've tried umount again and I get this message now: "umount: /mnt/share: device is busy; umount: /home/jon: device is busy; Cannot create link /etc/mtab~; Perhaps there is a stale lock file?" I am at a complete loss of where to go with this information...06:24
h1st0!ohmy | B00daW06:24
ubotuB00daW: Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly.06:24
B00daWah, sorry.06:24
mikeo1is there a way to jail everything (apache, bind, mysql) on a server so if one thing goes down the others will stay up, and nothing will bring down the system06:24
=== B00daW bows like a good asian person
h1st0rudelerius: use sudo06:24
Mriluvterrium did it work06:24
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usr13Tell Kousotu to boot a kernel from a CD or floppy and chroot to Linux's root partition06:24
Kousotuh1st0: exatly..06:24
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rudeleriush1st0 - I definitely used sudo06:25
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Kousotuusr13: and how am I to do that?06:25
h1st0Kousotu: exactly what?  You need to find out what partition your /root is on?  You said it may be the third well that would be hd0,2 instead of hd0,106:25
B00daWuserlist isn't under view...06:25
h1st0rudelerius: hrm...06:25
rudeleriush1st0 - I agree06:25
Kousotuh1st0: I have 2 partions, and a deleted partion that WAS vista06:26
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h1st0rudelerius: Have you been changing any of the files?  If not Try just rebooting.06:26
niruh1st0, any idea06:26
h1st0Kousotu: what order did you install things?06:26
Kousotuit might still have 0,2 attached to it06:26
h1st0Kousotu: ex: Xp, then ubuntu , then vista?06:26
alcaponageCan anyone help me w/ installing flash?06:26
KousotuXP, ubuntu, vista06:26
phoo_hey! when i use audacity, i dont have the option to open alsa as sound playback device06:26
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B00daWhlep hlep, plz kind pepples06:26
Kousotudeleted vista, etc06:26
B00daWubuntu isn't as good as slack on this 200mhz. :(06:27
KousotuI am going to be uninstalling XP to reinstall it due ot issues as well06:27
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rudeleriush1st0: I did change the /etc/mtab file.  I copied a backup, then replaced the file I changed with the original...I did it before I realized it was a dumb thing to do without knowing anything about its purpose... :(06:27
alcaponage"Unpackage the file. A directory called installflashplayerlinux will be created." "In terminal, navigate to this directory..."06:27
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alcaponageHow do i navigate to that directory?06:27
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frijoliedoes anyone know how to fix a taskbar that autohides when "autohide" has been unchecked?06:27
h1st0Kousotu: well it should be on hd0,1 then unless you have multiple drives then who knows.  Why can't you just boot the ubuntu install cd?06:27
riotkittielol. ubuntu on a 200mhz. <shakes head> that's gotta hurt.06:28
Kousotuh1st0: I can, but that does nothing06:28
h1st0rudelerius: yeah you shoulnd't have to mess with mtab just fstab06:28
B00daWpimentinha: faca o favor me ajuda pq naum posso de ver meu userlist em xchat!06:28
mactimesI used to run Ubuntu 7.04 with NVidia restricted driver very well, but since I reinstalled the system (still running Ubuntu 7.04) and enabled NVidia restricted driver again, GDM won't show up.  By checking the keyboard response time, I can see that the system gets slow.  The only thing I changed was the monitor (was a SyncMaster 3Ne, now it is a SuncMaster 794v) and current resolution (previously 1024x768, now 1280x1024).  Could someone, please06:28
mactimes, help?06:28
B00daWand people are ignoring me. :(06:28
riotkittieB00daW: user list in xchat?? is that what youre looking for?06:28
usr13Kousotu: http://www.toms.net/rb/  or  just boot a kernel on a live cd or install CD and use the chroot command and then you can install grub to MBR06:28
h1st0Kousotu: it will atleast give you access to linux so you can use fdisk and see the partitions06:28
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h1st0Kousotu: then you can also repair grub06:28
rudeleriush1st0 - I'm very dumb. I know.  Any suggestions?06:28
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cafuegoB00daW: Don't run Gnome on a 200MHz box.06:29
B00daWyes, riotkittie... :(06:29
h1st0rudelerius: reboot06:29
B00daWcafuego:  xubuntu, sir.06:29
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B00daWi only run xfce.06:29
B00daWgnome is poopoo.06:29
riotkittieB00daW: open a term and sudo apt-get install xchat << what you are using now is xchat-gnome06:29
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B00daWI did sudo apt-get install xchat06:29
dbkimhi all,06:29
rudeleriush1st0: I'll do it and see what happens.  Thanks.  In fact, I'm going to call it a night; work and school tomorrow.  Will play more after all that fun stuff is over.  Thanks again.06:29
=== ibiter [n=chatzill@pool-71-243-222-145.lsanca.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
dbkimdoes anyone know how the resolution of login screen can be changed?06:30
riotkittieB00daW: if its actually xchat, the user list should be there <shrug>06:30
h1st0rudelerius: after reboot if you've got fstab right it should mount properly then the folders in yoru home should be blank and you can delete them.06:30
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B00daWit's not, riotkiddie...  and i've used xchat before....06:30
h1st0dbkim: it should be the same res as your session06:30
Kousotuh1st0: but isn't it gonna just break again after I reinstall XP?06:31
B00daWif i can't find the userlist here, could you help me locate the .bitchxrc file for bitchx?06:31
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h1st0Kousotu: yes06:31
riotkittieperhaps its in ~ somewhere?  ~/.bitchx06:31
B00daW/etc/bitchx ?06:31
dbkimh1st0 somehow they have different resolution06:31
rudeleriush1st0: should is such a loaded word!  :)  I've already tried relogging several times, but not reboot.  I'm going to keep my fingers crossed and hope it works as planned.  Have a good night.06:31
h1st0Kousotu: I though you had xp installed06:31
Kousotuh1st0: I do, but I am having problems with it as well...06:31
dbkimh1st0, I think I made a mistake when I make a resolution during installation06:31
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B00daWi did a locate, but does locate find hidden files too?06:32
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h1st0Kousotu: Well you need to install xp then follow the message from ubotu for repairing grub06:32
h1st0!grub > Kousotu06:32
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Kousotuquit sending that..06:32
h1st0Kousotu: the lost grub after installing windows part.06:32
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riotkittieB00daW: yes06:32
niruh1st0, r u there06:32
KousotuI HAVE the SGcd06:32
dbkimh1st0, therefore, login screen has extremely high resolution that exceeds my LCD whereas the session window has exact resolution for the displayer06:32
h1st0niru: yes06:32
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h1st0dbkim: thats wierd did you change the login screen?06:33
phoo_hey! when i use audacity, i dont have the option to open alsa as sound playback device, but the input does work well!06:33
niruh1st0, did you get any solution06:33
B00daWthis recent version of xubuntu has a lot of broken things for old laptops. :(06:33
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h1st0niru: for?06:33
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dbkimh1st0, you mean theme of the login screen?06:33
B00daWndiswrapper is broken, alsa is broken, xchat is broken. :(06:33
Davy_Jonesare there ftp servers i can download ubuntu from?06:33
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h1st0dbkim: yes06:33
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B00daWthat's really sad.06:33
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zin response to my own question: gnome has programs but they aren't exactly the same06:33
niruh1st0, laptop and projector06:33
dbkimh1st0, I tried all the themes but resolution is fixed06:33
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B00daWi'm disappointed in ubuntu.06:33
Innomenriotkittie: guess what, error loading operating system, supergrub cannot make ubuntu boot under any of the options in boot, or gnu linux lol, not asking for help just shareing06:34
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dbkimI'm excited by ubuntu =)06:34
Innomenwindows boots fine, when tricked06:34
usr13B00daW: You are dissappointed in xbuntu - you mean?06:34
B00daWk...  i have another question.06:34
h1st0niru: did you try searching the forums foryour laptop model?  Also you may have to hit fn and a key to enable the external display on your laptop06:34
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B00daWi can't run kde or gnome on 200mhz. :(06:34
Kousotuh1st0: wel, I'l ruturn after I reinstall XP, and HOPE for the best lol06:34
riotkittieInnomen: ugh, that sucks06:34
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niruh1st0, I tried all but in vain06:34
B00daWk... this is a complicated question.06:34
h1st0B00daW: You shoulnd't run either on 200mhz system06:34
Innomenubuntu conceptually is wonderful, its just young, in time it will be great06:34
B00daWi know.06:35
clustyhow can i get acrobat reader as a package under feisty?06:35
usr13B00daW: 200mhz porcessor?  Yes, that is a bit underpowered.  Not for GUI.06:35
mikeo1run blackbox06:35
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mikeo1or xfce06:35
B00daWthat's why i'm using xubuntu.06:35
dbkimh1st0, seems you are too busy for answering all the questions ;)06:35
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alcaponageCan anyone show me how to put customize images on top and the bottom of my cube?06:35
frostburnor fluxbox06:35
alcaponageMy pictures aren't showing up06:35
alcaponageJust white06:35
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h1st0Kousotu: just make sure it doesn't delete your ubuntu parittion06:35
=== LuYu [n=whatever@211-74-211-164.adsl.dynamic.seed.net.tw] has joined #ubuntu
B00daWusr13:  this same laptop worked fine on an old version of zenwalk with a custom compiled kernel.06:35
Innomenbut for now i uninstall :/ thank you for your help riotkittie, i'll be back as soon as i can afford ot get drive enclosuers06:35
h1st0alcaponage: the option is skycaps and ask in #ubuntu-effects06:35
B00daWnext question:  how do i make a deb of a kernel?06:35
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B00daWi need to recompile this kernel.06:36
B00daWthat's the only way i'll get speed.06:36
h1st0B00daW: follow the master kernel thread in the forums06:36
usr13 B00daW:  you will need a very lean kernel and a light weight window manager.06:36
B00daWi've done it many times.06:36
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=== B00daW is a good slipstreamer
B00daWi'm going to use xfce or fluxbox.06:36
NeitsabesI'm trying to find how does can change the default automount location (/media) to something else?06:36
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B00daWor icewm06:37
usr13B00daW: These fat kernels most of us are running on these highpowered machines are not for a 200mhz processor06:37
h1st0B00daW: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31115806:37
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h1st0Neitsabes: edit /etc/fstab06:37
B00daWusr13:  i'm fully aware, monsignor06:37
clustyany1 know how to get acrobat reader as a ubuntu package?06:37
B00daWi need a firefox alternative too...06:37
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B00daWdoes anybody know if there will be camino ports for windows and linux?06:37
B00daWcamino is way better than firefox.06:38
usr13B00daW: lynx :)06:38
h1st0clusty: you should be able to read pdf's by default06:38
ubotuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive06:38
AhadielB00daW, Epiphany D:06:38
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usr13Fastes browser around.06:38
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h1st0B00daW: dillo06:38
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B00daWi'll keep those in mind.06:38
B00daWi've used epiphany before...06:38
B00daWon slack.06:38
B00daWi miss slack...06:38
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B00daWi had everything on here on zenwalk...06:39
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h1st0B00daW: you really should just use the server install cd and install a command line system.  I believe the alternate iso also has this option.06:39
B00daWbut they deprecated ALL hardware for this laptop on the new version.06:39
usr13B00daW: I don't,  (I have one in the other room) (nice system)06:39
B00daWused the alt cd.06:39
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clustyh1st0, with evince or some other crap06:39
luciferim using irssi because i uninstalled gdm06:39
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lucifernow x wont start06:39
clustyh1st0, was asking about adobe stuff06:39
luciferbecause the script is stuck at gdm06:39
MasterShrekB00daW, tried slack 12.0?06:39
h1st0lucifer: sudo apt-get install gdm06:39
B00daWhlst0:  it's a laptop.  i want it for web-browsing, wardriving, and mp3 listening.06:40
luciferi did06:40
B00daWi had it working great on zenwalk 2 years ago.06:40
h1st0B00daW: yeap then I would just use command line06:40
luciferhow do i stop the hung gui startup?06:40
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usr13lucifer: did you install ubuntu or kbuntu or?06:40
B00daWi could even load gimp in 5 seconds.06:40
luciferubuntu, but using kde06:40
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h1st0B00daW: or install xfce4 package and keep things minimal.  You can use links2 for graphical browsing kismet for war drivign and there are plenty of command line mp3 players.06:40
usr13lucifer: kdm is probably starting before gdm06:41
lucifertried to go kde after not liking gnome06:41
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Kousotuh1st0: let's asume it's corect, but it still won't bot, what should I do then?06:41
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h1st0Kousotu: Well its obviously not correct if it won't boot.06:41
luciferill try installing kdm06:41
B00daWi wanna stick to xfce prolly.06:41
h1st0Kousotu: worst case you can boot to the linux cd and try to fsck the drive make sure it has no errors06:41
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MasterShreklucifer check the permissions of /etc/init.d/kdm and make sure its executable06:41
h1st0Kousotu: fsck -y /dev/hda06:41
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usr13lucifer: chmod -x /etc/init.d/gdm06:42
usr13lucifer: chmod -x /etc/init.d/kdm   correction06:42
Kousotuok, I'll check hat after I fix my XP issues..06:42
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luciferim in a shell06:43
luciferand a noob06:43
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h1st0lucifer: anything in gui can be done in shell so don't worry.06:43
vulcaniuswe all started there06:43
luciferi know that06:43
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luciferid rather be able to use shell all the time06:43
usr13lucifer: sudo chmod -x /etc/init.d/kdm06:43
vulcaniusexcept me, because i'm like a god06:43
luciferbut i dont know my way around in the dark yet06:43
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Kousotuh1st0: well, almost anything lol06:44
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noctaif you put a gui on06:44
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noctacan't you take it off?06:44
noctai mean it just seems logical that you could06:44
Neitsabesh1st0, I can indeed modify the mounting point in /etc/fstab for say the cdrom, how about USB devices, there is no fstab entry for these after a fresh installation, yet they get mounted in /media automatically, how can I change that default location to something different?06:45
lucifergot it going, thanks for the moral support06:45
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MaxHRHello, is there any decent speech to text programs for linux?  (for dictation to do word processing)06:45
luciferstuck at loading the desktop!06:45
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Kousotuctrl + alt + ackspace06:45
h1st0Neitsabes: hold up I think its in gconf let me double check06:46
pumaanybody helps?06:46
Neitsabesok, thanks :)06:46
pumaSCIM disappeared.06:46
CommonCloneanyone have any idea why my network will not work after I installed firestarter...and why after I rebooted the system hangs at the configuring network phase?06:46
Kousotu!ask | puma06:46
ubotupuma: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:46
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usr13lucifer:  sudo chmod -x /etc/rc1.d/K01kdm06:46
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pumahi, SCIM disappeared on topbar.06:47
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borovy3488OK, my computer will not let me download torrents anymore. at all. can anyone help?06:47
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Mark7Can anyone help me?06:48
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pumabut if I typed in terminal"SCIM", it appears again.06:48
luciferusr13: thanks, that did it06:48
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CommonCloneanyone have any idea why my network will not work after I installed firestarter...and why after I rebooted the system hangs at the configuring network phase?06:48
usr13lucifer: Ok, let me know if it works.06:48
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CommonCloneI can only boot into recovery mode...please help06:50
MasterShrekCommonClone, is firestarter being run every time? change the permissions of /etc/init.d/firestarter and make it not bootable and see if that fixes teh problem06:50
huntekehey, anyone know much about the sound system in the upcoming Heron?06:50
usr13CommonClone: Sure, what can we do for you?06:50
borovy3488OK, i think I might be switching back to windows soon because of all the damn problems I'm having. once again, something just stopped working. i cant download torrents at all i get an error that says urlopen error (111, 'Connection refused')06:50
borovy3488any ideas06:50
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huntekeborovy3488: sounds network related06:51
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CommonCloneMasterShrek, I uninstalled firestarter after I noticed it shut my network down...now when I tried to reboot by computer's a brick...I can only boot into recovery06:51
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drew_try a different torrent client? which one are you usinh06:51
usr13sudo chmod -x /etc/init.d/firestarter06:51
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huntekeborovy3488: are you at all command line savvy?06:51
borovy3488hunteke: how could it be though? my internet is working and so is everything else.06:51
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huntekeborovy3488: sorry, I'm just joined06:52
usr13CommonClone: If you think firestarter is your problem, you can dissable it06:52
usr13CommonClone: sudo chmod -x /etc/init.d/firestarter06:52
huntekeborovy3488: what details have you said that I missed?06:52
CommonCloneusr13, I uninstalled it06:52
borovy3488hunteke: I can do normal things with it, like navigate, change file names, etc.06:52
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borovy3488hunteke: not too much i think that was the only things, it basically just stopped working after i messed around with port forwarding.06:53
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gunspojacoi ro do06:53
gunspojagday everyone06:53
gunspojahow is #ubuntu today?06:53
borovy3488now, after resetting all of those settings, it doesnt work at all.06:53
huntekeborovy3488: OK. bear with me, I'm not the most GUI oriented of people, can you open a terminal or command line?06:53
usr13 CommonClone have you deleted or uninstalled a kernel you were booting to?06:53
borovy3488hunteke: yes, sir.06:53
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h1st0Neitsabes: I think its handled by hotplug but not sure how to change it.06:54
borovy3488hunteke: ubuntu has made me somewhat command line friendly just so you know06:54
huntekeborovy3488: you'd best back off with the sirs.  I'm but 23 and have no desire to be called sir until I'm at least a father. :-P  ...06:54
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borovy3488hunteke: sorry, military here06:54
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Neitsabesalright, thanks I'll try to digg a little more, having stuff automounted in /media conflicts with some mounted files from my env06:54
huntekeborovy3488: ok, so commandline: for giggles, 'ping www.google.com'06:54
CommonCloneusr13, no, the kernel is still there in the grub menu...I had this same problem after I installed ndiswrapper to make my wireless work, but all I had to do was go into recovery and do depmod -ae and modprobe ndiswrapper and it booted right back up...I tried that this time and it doesnt work06:55
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gunspojaborovy3488, lol, being in military means you spontaneously call everyone "sir"?06:55
borovy3488hunteke: wow, I keep getting different readings. which one do you want?06:55
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gregoroviusafter resuming from a suspend my sata hard drive dissapears... anyone knows anything about this?06:55
borovy3488gunspoja: basically, yes. fresh out of boot.06:56
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goldenratioi want to know some advantages of ubuntu06:56
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ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!06:56
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gunspojagoldenratio, there are many06:56
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huntekejust give me the first, say five response lines: they'll end in 'time=23.3 ms' or something06:56
gunspojagoldenratio, open source06:56
huntekeyou might pm that to me06:56
usr13 CommonClone you might also try ldconfig06:56
huntekeborovy3488: so as to not flood the channel06:56
therapygoldenratio: so?06:56
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goldenratioi love linux and i waiting to try ubuntu06:57
therapygoldenratio: freedom, fun,...06:57
gunspojawell you probably already know the advantages then06:57
goldenratioits downloading06:57
borovy3488hunteke, going to send in PM06:57
CommonCloneusr13, trying ldconfig and rebooting now...hope this works06:57
huntekeborovy3488: I respect your job, and thanks for doing what I consientiously can't do06:57
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gunspojaubuntu is a linux distro, so if you like linux then you should like ubuntu06:57
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huntekeborovy3488: hit "Ctrl+C" to quit the ping program06:57
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CommonCloneusr13, nope...boot hangs again06:58
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usr13CommonClone: WHere does it  hang?06:58
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usr13CommonClone: what is the last completed task?06:58
usr13or last few?06:59
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brueniggunspoja, not reallyt06:59
CommonCloneon the line that says its configuring network devices or something like that06:59
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huntekeborovy3488: great, what that basically means is that you have connectivity06:59
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huntekeborovy3488: basic troubleshooting, and so far so good06:59
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gunspojabruenig, btw you probably know me better as shiester_miester ;)06:59
CommonCloneusr13, the last thing I did was uninstall firestarter...I noticed my network was still not working, I tried to see if anything was haywire there, and it wasn't, so I rebooted and here I am07:00
gunspojawhat did you mean, bruenig ?  what not really?07:00
usr13CommonClone: Well, sounds like it's booted up, it's already to the point of bringing up the network.  SO sounds like the kernel is booted.07:00
huntekeborovy3488: next step, open up your web browser.  I assume you're using Firefox?07:00
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gunspojaubuntu is not really a linux distro? :P07:00
brueniggunspoja, liking linux doesn't mean you like all linux distributions07:00
borovy3488hunteke: you want my bittorrent output error?07:00
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huntekeborovy3488: sure07:00
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gunspojawell linux is the kernel; so he might just love the kernel but not the OSes07:00
borovy3488hunteke: yes, I'm using Firefox, what did you need me to do?07:00
CommonCloneusr13, yes the kernel is loaded, it hangs on "Configuring Network Interfaces"07:00
gunspojasorry i mean the *rest* of the OSes07:00
borovy3488hunteke: posting error in PM07:00
bruenigbut he might only like some distros and not others like I would assume most people do07:00
huntekeborovy3488: just surf to any web page, make sure that you can in fact load a normal web page07:01
mmmiiikkkeeein gutsy... if i boot with my wifi card pluged in a get a kernel panic(see bug 123224).... it works with older kernels.... is there hope for this to be fixed by oct 18th??07:01
therapyborovy3488: did you have a firefox update?07:01
huntekenext step is to give me the error07:01
h1st0!gutsy > mmmiiikkkeee07:01
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gunspojammmiiikkkeee, there definitely is a hope for that.  the kernel guys work hard on wireless stuff and they fix the bugs as well as they can07:01
gunspojawireless is a pretty big issue, afaik07:01
huntekeborovy3488: hmm, well, we've just confirmed that you /do/ have inet connectivity07:01
borovy3488hunteke: every webpage is working fine, error is posted in PM07:01
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huntekeso that would imply that the error is on the other end of things07:02
usr13CommonClone: Might look at /etc/rcS.d/S40networking file and see if anything is out of order there?07:02
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huntekeborovy3488: the tracker is refusing you, which is a setting on their end07:02
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borovy3488hunteke: i know, isn't it weird?07:02
huntekeborovy3488: can you give me the link and I'll try to download07:02
mmmiiikkkeeei was just wondering since i knw the new kernel moved to a new wifi stack.... was wondering if my older card was being left behind?07:02
akioif i was to redo my init scripts is there an easy way to do it?07:02
therapyborovy3488: try to download with another web browser07:02
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gunspojammmiiikkkeee, thats possible.  if you need to use it then you could boot from the old kernel until its fixed?07:02
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CommonCloneusr13, sorry for the noobness but what exactly would I be looking for?  and btw...I'm new to ubuntu, whats the cmd for a comand line editor?07:03
borovy3488hunteke: you might not like what I'm trying to download. It kind of contradicts my occupation...07:03
usr13CommonClone: Can you tell if the system is running at all.  Can you do something like Ctrl-Alt-F2 or F3 or F4 or... ?07:03
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huntekeborovy3488: you'd be surprised what I do and don't like07:03
mmmiiikkkeeeyea that what i am doing... but the old kernel does not work with web cam :(07:03
usr13CommonClone:  less07:03
CommonCloneusr13, I can boot into recovery mode just fine and get a command line07:03
borovy3488therapy: what do you mean another browser? im using bittorrent07:03
huntekeborovy3488: I respect your job and what you do, but I do not like what our gov is making you do07:03
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bruenigrespect killers, odd07:03
huntekeborovy3488: and, I don't get offended easily.07:03
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patbamis there a key command to open the application menu?07:04
borovy3488hunteke: ok, good. To tell the truth, I do not agree with what the government is doing as well, its just a job for me. I'm a Ron Paul supporter actually07:04
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borovy3488hunteke, i'm working on that link, just a second07:05
huntekeborovy3488: iz cool07:05
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huntekeborovy3488: hrm, don't much about ron paul, but saw a lot of discreet signs with his name while I was in New Orleans last week.07:05
huntekewill hafta look him up07:05
notdarkyet_whats the ubuntu server help channel07:05
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=== patbam found it, http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/use-the-windows-key-for-the-start-menu-in-ubuntu-linux/
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bruenigstart menu, what a stupid title07:06
gunspojawhat would you call it?07:06
borovy3488hunteke: he is an amazing politician, thats all I have to say. he is probably the only honest man with the job.07:06
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bruenigwell it obviously isn't the start menu because it doesn't say start on it like it does in windows07:06
gunspojaI'd just call it "menu" and leave it at that07:06
huntekeborovy3488: heh, that's saying something07:06
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extolepatbam: alt-F107:07
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borovy3488hunteke: yea, to tell the truth, I was surprised07:07
bruenigor I assume that is the reason they call it the start menu, if there is some other reason other than that label, then maybe it is applicable to the gnome menus as well07:07
flacomhi all... where is the users file ...?07:07
CommonCloneusr13, what would I be looking for in that file?  I would post it somewhere for you but I can't get to a web browser on that machine07:07
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Frogzoo_flacom: for what?07:07
huntekeflacom: need more context, what is the larger problem?07:07
gunspojaflacom, the users rc file?07:08
huntekeborovy3488: as regards "other browser" . . a browser is something to "browse" or view something else07:08
flacomthe users... like flaco:andpasswordEncripted07:08
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huntekeflacom: do you mean /etc/passwd?07:08
notdarkyetgunspoja how you do that07:08
Frogzoo_flacom: /etc/shadow07:08
borovy3488hunteke: link posted in PM07:08
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gunspojanotdarkyet, I don't, it was a guess07:08
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huntekeflacom: be careful if you'r asking about that, then it's likely that you're smart enough to be dangerous07:09
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notdarkyetwhat do you mean guess07:09
gunspojahence the question mark07:09
open-gli download ntfs-3g now where can i find the program07:09
huntekeflacom: *smart is bad word: knowledgable enough to be dangerous.07:09
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flacomFrogzoo_ thks07:09
extoleAnyone know how to have the system not prompt for your password after resuming from a suspend? (It's for my MythTV box)07:09
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gunspojanotdarkyet, http://www.dictionary.com/browse/guess07:09
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huntekeborovy3488: so another web browser means another program to view the web.  bruenig, I don't have one on the top of my head07:09
gunspojathat's what i meant07:09
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Frogzoo_extole: it's in gnome power options07:09
usr13CommonClone: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39427/07:09
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borovy3488hunteke: Yea, I'm not sure why i would need a new browser.07:10
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huntekeborovy3488: ah, that's the problem.  You've already downloaded the torrent file, that is the file that lets you download your actual content.  What's coming up is probably the gnome bittorrent download or azureus07:11
CommonCloneusr13, I imagine I would be looking for something strange in the first part dealing with configuring network interfaces, huh?07:12
huntekeborovy3488: the problem is that I'll bet that torrent has been shut off since it was advertised07:12
borovy3488hunteke: huh?07:12
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huntekeborovy3488: that is not your problem, in the sense that everything on your end is just fine07:12
erichjdefault bt client boo07:12
erichjsudo apt-get install deluge-torrent07:12
huntekeborovy3488: sorry, which are you 'huh'ing at?07:12
borovy3488hunteke: but it is also happening with all different torrents as wel07:13
huntekeare they all from the same source?07:13
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usr13CommonClone: Yes, if you don't see any significant differences, it's probably ok.07:13
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usr13CommonClone: And we may be barking up the wrong tree in the first place.07:14
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CommonCloneusr13, yeah it looks fine to me07:14
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huntekeborovy3488: hrm, well, the cynic in me is thinking that since it's of the content that you suggest, that someone has taken it down or is refusing connections to download it.07:14
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CommonClonelike I said earlier, when I installed ndiswrapper and configured it, after the reboot this exact same thing happened, but I fixed it by doing depmod -ae and modprobe ndiswrapper07:14
usr13CommonClone: Not starting the network should not stop the system07:14
huntekeborovy3488:  The actual reason could be any number of problems, but I assure you that your setup is correct.  It's the other end of things that is not working.07:15
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borovy3488hunteke: OK, could you suggest another torrent just to try and make sure its working?07:15
huntekeborovy3488:  the best suggestion is to search for another copy of what you want07:15
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huntekeborovy3488: yes, another torrent07:15
usr13Can you boot it back in normal mode and see what it looks like again.  Tell me if  you get any response from the system.  e.g Ctrl-Alt-F1 or F2 or F3 etc....07:15
huntekeborovy3488: are you asking for a demonstration torrent?07:15
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borovy3488hunteke: yep07:16
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CommonCloneusr13...just a sec...rebooting now...07:16
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usr13CommonClone: It could be the tainted kernel (due to ndiswrapper loading wireless driver).07:17
huntekeborovy3488: ah erm, it's been a while.  Let me see if I can dig one up on a site.  yep, torrentspy.com is still there, as is isohunt.com, it seems . . . searching.07:17
Evanlecquick question: how do i make a shortcut command? like for instance i wanted to run 'wine c:\blah blah' by typing 'bf2' into the cmd line07:17
gunspojagday noob07:17
riotkittieEvanlec:  alias bf2='your command goes here'07:18
CommonCloneusr13, ok ctrl-alt-f1 sends me to a terminal that stuck, but the last line says kinit: No resume image, doing normal boot07:18
riotkittieyou can add the alias to .bashrc  or .bash_aliases, if you've set the latter up07:18
Evanleci thot it might have to do with "alias"07:18
Frogzoo_Evanlec: in ~/.bash_aliases   add alias bf2='...'07:18
Evanlecriotkittie, oh to make it persistent?07:18
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borovy3488hunteke: I just tried another torrent and it did the exact same thing07:18
riotkittieEvanlec: yea07:18
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Evanlecriotkittie, what if ive never messed with .bashrc or .bash_aliases before?07:19
usr13CommonClone: "kinit:  No resume image"  (did we spell that right?)07:19
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Evanlecriotkittie, does it require some setup?07:19
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riotkittieEvanlec: not really. .bashrc is pre-existing, and if you open it in your favourite editor and go down, you'll see where to add it07:19
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Evanlecah k07:20
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CommonCloneusr13, yes thats what is says...the cursor is blinking right underneath that, enter does nothing, and at the very bottom of the screen it says kernel alive07:20
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xImortalhi =D07:21
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huntekeborovy3488: hrm, let's try a couple of things07:21
huntekeborovy3488: first, let's get you a better bittorrent downloader: Azureus07:21
riotkittieEvanlec: and if it doesnt work on the first try, type source .bashrc in a term and try again07:21
huntekeborovy3488: go to Applications->Add/Remove07:21
usr13CommonClone: What does it say on Ctrl-Alt-F807:21
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huntekeborovy3488: (bottom of menu)07:21
borovy3488hunteke: Ive tried ti07:22
huntekeborovy3488: mmk, didn't like it?07:22
noob69can someone help me07:22
riotkittieazureus is irritating07:22
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riotkittienoob69: ask your question, and lets see :P07:22
CommonCloneusr14, sends me to a screen where the last line is stuck on * Configuring network interfaces07:22
usr13CommonClone: Is this a fully updated 7.04 system we're working with here?07:22
CommonClone*usr13, sorry07:22
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borovy3488hunteke: I didn't really want to get into it, but I have an issue with azureus. it will not open. at all. it will show the window, then disappear.07:22
borovy3488hunteke: I might even still have it installed07:22
xubeanHey experts, i have problem with upgrading to gutsy beta, think anyone can help me?07:23
huntekeborovy3488: then run this test for me: at the commandline type 'java -version'07:23
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riotkittiexubean: you may be better off asking in #ubuntu+1 , where gutsy support takes place ;P07:23
noob69well im reading a book on how to program in C++ and i want to try the example of the C++ programs07:23
xubeanok thanks, but can you tell me how i get there? sorry i'm a real noob07:23
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CommonCloneyes...freshly installed this afternoon...only thing significant I added was ati drivers, xgl, compiz, all that worked after a reboot...no problems...I tried to install firestarter and here I am07:23
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Kitsunhunteke, borovy3488: when I installed azureus offical repos it never worked for me, but installing from Automatix2 worked07:23
borovy3488hunteke: output in PM07:24
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noob69basically my problem is I know there is a C++ compiler on this computer but im not sure how to compile the C++ program i will be writing07:24
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xubeannevermind riotkittie, i got in, thanks07:24
huntekeKitsun: haven't had to use Automatix2 yet, but I'll bet what Automatix2 did that the official repos didn't do was to install Sun's version of Java, rather than gnu's gcj07:24
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ubotuAutomatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software.  When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it.  A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme)07:24
usr13If you uninstalled firestarter, I don't know for sure if it left the script behind.  And that could be a problem.  But still not one that would cause the X server not to run.07:25
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huntekeborovy3488: hrmm, alright, that means you're using Sun's Java, which is good07:25
usr13CommonClone: Can you do command   dmesg  ?07:25
Oetmetdoes anyone know a way to recover *data* from a formatted/corrupted linux partition?07:25
pavihello, while installing sifybroadband client which requires openssl i am getting error "cannot open libssl.so.4 : no such file or directory " thought openssl is installed and is up to date. can some one help me on this.07:25
huntekeborovy3488: but still leaves us in the dark for azureus07:25
CommonCloneusr13, ok, let me reboot into recovery...07:25
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fulat2khi folks, i just installed evolution with the exchange connector.  then configured an exchange mailbox by placing my username (in the form of domainname\id) and the OWA url.  it somehow says it encountered an unknown error.  but if i use the browser to connect, i'm able to login.  any ideas?07:25
usr13CommonClone: or  log in first07:25
Kitsunhow can I set the ESSID of my wifi from a command line?07:25
usr13CommonClone: can you log into the system as is?07:26
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h1st0Kitsun: iwconfig ethx essid blah07:26
huntekecan anyone else point us in the direction of another bittorrent client?  I haven't had to bittorrent in quite awhile so nothing's fresh07:26
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h1st0hunteke: I use ktorrent07:26
CommonCloneusr13, I can only boot into recovery07:26
borovy3488hunteke: i also have bittornado07:26
h1st0hunteke: but there is a default gnome bit torrent07:26
huntekeborovy3488: I have to go to bed as I have to get up in 5 hours, but I'll give you a link that I think works in PM07:26
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pavi hello, while installing sifybroadband client which requires openssl i am getting error "cannot open libssl.so.4 : no such file or directory " though openssl is installed and is up to date. can some one help me on this.07:26
huntekeh1st0: cool, ktorrent may be an option, but we'll first try his other client07:27
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alfermpdo u know how can i sync treo 750 with ubuntu?07:27
huntekeh1st0: I'm also thinking we may have multiple issues going on07:27
CommonCloneusr13, what would you be looking for in dmesg07:27
huntekeborovy3488: alright, can you start bittornado07:27
huntekethen manually give it the url07:27
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Oetmetdoes anyone know a way to recover *data* from a formatted/corrupted linux partition?07:27
nee_yabule smua bo'07:27
usr13CommonClone: Did you reboot to the recovery-mode?07:27
CommonCloneusr13, yes07:28
h1st0alfermp: is it a palm device?07:28
nee_yai dont understand all07:28
pavihello, while installing sifybroadband client which requires openssl i am getting error "cannot open libssl.so.4 : no such file or directory " though openssl is installed and is up to date. can some one help me on this.07:28
h1st0!patience > pavi07:28
borovy3488hunteke: can we do this some other time? i need some sleep as well07:28
usr13CommonClone: never mind.  can't tell anything from dmesg now.07:28
alfermpyes it is07:28
alfermpPalm treo 75007:28
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h1st0!palm > alfermp07:28
usr13CommonClone: see if you still have the firestarter script07:28
h1st0alfermp: read the message from ubotu07:29
huntekeborovy3488: I /think/ that's a good torrent.  Actually haha I am tired, it's good but no one is uploading for you07:29
CommonCloneusr13: how do I do that?07:29
huntekeborovy3488: stupid me.07:29
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huntekeborovy3488:  yes, but I'll be out of touch for about 48 hours as I'm teaching a workshop during the day tomorrow, and then traveling back home07:29
usr13CommonClone: ls /etc/rcS.d/      and see if you see a firewall script.07:29
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alfermpabout the automatix2?07:29
borovy3488hunteke: its no big deal. hopefully i can figure it out soon. maybe see you back on here in 2 days.07:30
huntekeborovy3488: I urge you not to give on Linux/Ubuntu just yet.  I won't kid you, that if you're used to Windows, it'll be a little bit of a learning curve07:30
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Flannel!automatix | alfermp07:30
ubotualfermp: Automatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software.  When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it.  A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme)07:30
borovy3488hunteke: thanks for the help. im not giving up yet!07:30
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usr13CommonClone: Actually, I dont think that's it in the first place though, because just not starting the network will not cause the system to fail to finish booting and starting X07:30
CommonCloneusr13, would it be named something other than firewall07:30
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huntekeborovy3488: and that Linux is still suffering some growing pains, but I think in the end you'll find linux just as capable if not more so for all that you need to do, modulo games (that's still a ways off, I think.)07:31
huntekeborovy3488:  good, I'm glad :-)07:31
CommonCloneusr13, it did the same thing after I configured ndiswrapper07:31
huntekealright, I'm off to bed.07:31
usr13CommonClone: not sure.  I don't  have firestarter07:31
huntekegood luck on your problem in the meantime07:31
paviplease help me07:31
phoo_hey! when i use audacity, i dont have the option to open alsa as sound playback device, but the input does work well!07:31
CommonClonesystem hung at the same spot07:31
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usr13CommonClone: how many kernels do you have on the boot menu?  Only 2?07:32
xImortalbye peoples =***07:32
nee_yasomebody help me07:32
pavih1st0 thr ?07:32
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CommonCloneusr13, I have an older one also07:32
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usr13CommonClone: try booting to that older one.07:32
Flannelparadon_: you need to have libssl-dev instlled07:32
h1st0pavi: ?07:32
pavihello, while installing sifybroadband client which requires openssl i am getting error "cannot open libssl.so.4 : no such file or directory " though openssl is installed and is up to date. can some one help me on this.07:33
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CommonCloneusr13, oh how I love linux...it magically booted up now into the new kernel07:34
CrypTomhi all, I have several additional sources in sources.list. How can I easily see from within aptitude from which source a package is taken/upgraded?07:34
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usr13CommonClone: Is your network up and running?07:34
FlannelCrypTom: apt-cache policy [package]  will show you.  No idea if you can do that from within aptitude.07:34
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CrypTomFlannel: thanks07:34
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usr13CommonClone: What kernel is it?  uname -a07:35
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CommonCloneusr13...yes sorry for the wait...network works now07:36
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usr13CommonClone: What kernel?07:36
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CommonCloneusr13...2.6.20-16-generic #2 SMP07:37
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=== deuce Dragula - - Rob Zombie (xamarok)
usr13CommonClone: What processor(s) ?07:38
fulat2khi folks, i just installed evolution with the exchange connector.  then configured an exchange mailbox by placing my username (in the form of domainname\id) and the OWA url.  it somehow says it encountered an unknown error.  but if i use the browser to connect, i'm able to login.  any ideas?07:38
CommonCloneusr13, AMD6407:38
pavihello, while installing sifybroadband client which requires openssl i am getting error "cannot open libssl.so.4 : no such file or directory " though openssl is installed and is up to date. can some one help me on this.07:38
usr13CommonClone: Dual core?07:38
OetmetI want to know which files contains the text '<%' in all files which name starts with "#129" and when running the file command outputs 'ASCII'07:38
Oetmetany idea on how to do that?07:38
usr13CommonClone: Well, leave the system running for a while, like overnight.  Make sure it's fully updated07:39
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CommonCloneusr13, yes..its an AMD Turino64x207:39
Oetmetsomething like... file \#129*07:39
=== deuce Ride The Lightning - Ride The Lightning - Metallica (xamarok)
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usr13CommonClone: sudo apt-get update07:39
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OetmetI want to find the text "<%" in all the files generated by this command: file \#129* | grep 'ASCII'07:40
CommonCloneusr13, yeah...thanks for the help...er...hand holding...or whatever...yeah I'm fully updated07:40
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Oetmetall the files found07:40
Oetmetby that command07:40
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usr13CommonClone: leave it running (linux does some things in the background that need to be done).07:41
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CommonCloneusr13, yeah, I know...I've been using SuSE on my desktop at home but I got tired of all the BS trying to get the hardware to work on my laptop(the one I was having trouble with) so I put ubuntu on it, and everything magically worked...except this whole network thing07:42
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usr13CommonClone: Fully supported wifi stuff is better / easier to deal with.07:43
Theory_SuSE is pain.07:43
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frostburnsuse is better for servers than a desktop.  each distro is good for it's own niche07:43
usr13CommonClone: But this may never happen again.  I wish we could have found out what the problem really was.  Never did. it just fixed itself.07:44
CommonCloneyeah, I know, I got a deal on this laptop since I'm in college(brand new inspiron 1721 2 gb ram 1.8 ghz dual core 17" screen less that $1G) but it came with broadcom wifi07:44
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Theory_I had trouble getting online with ubuntu at first.  After using ndiswrapper it worked though.07:45
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Theory_driver problems..07:45
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pavihello, while installing sifybroadband client which requires openssl i am getting error "cannot open libssl.so.4 : no such file or directory " though openssl is installed and is up to date. can some one help me on this.07:46
pavihello, while installing sifybroadband client which requires openssl i am getting error "cannot open libssl.so.4 : no such file or directory " though openssl is installed and is up to date. can some one help me on this.07:46
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usr13frostburn: It's difficult to really designate one distro is better, it often depends on the implementation and the various application configurations.  It's really the same to tell you the truth.  Package management is where the biggest differences lie.07:47
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frostburnusr13, i agree07:47
=== deuce Ride The Lightning - Ride The Lightning - Metallica (xamarok)
CommonCloneI really like Yast in SuSE...its great, and zypper works awesomely fast in 10.3RC107:48
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frostburnCommonClone, i used suse for my laptop as well, but i had to use ndiswraper for the networking.  some things never change07:48
CommonClonebut ubuntu is a far superior product for a notbook or non power user07:48
usr13 frostburn;  Debian is nice for building servers, but to tell you the truth, my preference for server install is RH / Fedora.07:49
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LinuxJuggaloi like RHEL for servers07:49
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LinuxJuggalodebian is great as server too07:50
frostburnusr13, i know a few masochists that use gentoo for production servers07:50
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CommonCloneyou know whats weird...when I had SuSE 10.2 on this laptop, compiz ran horribly slow...I thought my card sucked or something...but w/ ubuntu all the eyecandy stuff is way smoother07:50
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Theory_CommonClone, Thats cause ubuntu rox0rz.07:50
usr13frostburn: Slackware is good too for servers, I can probably do Slackware quicker.  But again, (as we've just demonstrated), it's all good.07:50
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usr13I must say that I've yet to build a gentoo system.  I would probably like it alot too.  :)07:51
=== LinuxJuggalo agrees with Theory_
frostburnusr13, what are you waiting for?07:51
CommonCloneand just setting up the eyecandy (XGL) is hell in SuSE...btw...I heard ATI is going to have support for AIGLX in the next driver...anyone know anything about that?07:51
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usr13Will Rogers or someone said something about people that would come close to the way I feel about Linux;  Ive never met a Linux box I didn't like.07:52
OetmetI want to find the text "<%" in all the files found by this command: file \#129* | grep 'ASCII'07:52
Oetmetany idea?07:52
GNineto apply changes made to xorg.conf i should restart X, correct?07:52
jportyup yup yup07:53
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jportCTRL + ALT + Backspace07:53
usr13 frostburn  Yes you're right, I should try it... But I gave up long time ago on trying to "try 'em all".  There are just TOO many.07:53
tyler_dcifs server installation/configuration issue.... sudo echo "/cifs /etc/auto.cifs --timeout=60" >>/etc/auto.master..... returns permission denied?07:53
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GNinewell.. i did and the changes didnt quite get 'applied'... i'll try again07:53
usr13At one time. I wanted to do Linux from Scratch.07:53
frostburnusr13, well, just try gentoo because it's package management is completely orthogonal to any other previous07:54
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apastinenHi, does someone know what is the max size of the hard disk with kernel xen-image-2.6.19-4-generic-amd64?? or reason why i get following message in boot: attempt to access beyond end of device \n sda: rw=0, want=1250274690, limit=62514244807:54
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=== GNine started with ubuntu gnome, currently running Xubuntu.
apastinen.. i mean paritition, not hard disk..07:55
GNinei dont think am going to try anything else desktop wise.. except compiz07:55
intr80Anybody know the 'ununtu way' to get a configured, compiled unbuntu patched kernel?07:55
usr13frostburn: Sounds interesting.07:55
intr80There's got to be a simple way to do it07:55
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GNinethat depends on your definition of simple.07:56
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frostburnapastinen, it depends on the file system.  not sure about the kernel message07:56
usr13I really like the simplicity and the minimalistic aspect of Slackware and it's [old/primitave]  installer.07:56
intr80GNine: I have quite a bit of expeirience with kernel development, but I've never had interest in starting with a distro specific kernel.07:56
apastinenmy partition is LVM, the size was something like 500G..07:56
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intr80GNine: Any ideas.07:56
frostburnintr80, i believe you can ownload the latest source and just copy the makefile, but make sure to run the command to upgrade it to the nwest version.  i haven't done it in a long time though07:57
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frostburncopy the makefile from your previous kernel*07:57
GNineotherwise every patch for any kernel i have seen so far already comes compiled and installs with no problem .  if you are self compiling thats a different subject07:57
intr80frostburn: I'm certain they've patched the kernel, every distro does.07:57
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intr80Isnt there an apt-get install linux-kernel-source or something?07:57
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BHSPitMonkeyMy alt-tab functionality stopped working altogether.  X has been restarted, reboots have taken place, still dead.  Thoughts?07:58
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GNinefor example, to upgrade to gutsy from 7.04 just do    update-manager -d   from terminal07:58
tyler_dBHSPitMonkey: new keyboard maybe07:58
BHSPitMonkeytyler_d, thanks for the tip, but it has nothing to do with the hardware.07:59
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tyler_dBHSPitMonkey: do you have compiz installed? or beryl? config in one of those could be an issue as well07:59
frostburnBHSPitMonkey, check system -> pref -> keybd shortcuts   andmake sure alt-tab is mapped, if you're using desktop effects make sure it's mapped under the copiz control panel07:59
tyler_dBHSPitMonkey: yw07:59
BHSPitMonkeytyler_d, I do, but not running.07:59
usr13intr80: Ubuntu is all about distro-specific.  It's all about automation and not doing things manually.  But I think that compiling and installing a custom kernel would be the same with any distro.07:59
intr80usr13: most distros are.  I'd like to tweek with my audio driver though, and It's a pain to start with a vanilla kernel and configure it.08:00
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GNinedesktop-effects is no longer an option for gutsy .. (side note)08:00
intr80I'd like to avoid that process if possible.08:00
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tyler_dubuntu------->vista mounting a sharepoint? anyone help.... config using cifs?08:00
intr80eh, apt-get install linux-source-2.6.2008:00
pxhello people08:00
intr80Hello, px.08:00
BHSPitMonkeyfrostburn, I'm using metacity now (and usually);  should the compiz keybindings be interfering while it's not running?08:00
pxcan someone please help me how to send a fax? im using ubuntu dapper08:01
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frostburnBHSPitMonkey, no, i don't believe so08:01
pxyou can pm me, tnx08:01
GNine(mouse reconfigured)08:01
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BHSPitMonkeyGNine, you say that as if they've been removed..08:01
pxhi intr80!08:01
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intr80px, I know nothing of faxes in linux. :)08:02
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mossbyQuestion : I just installed Gutsy beta from scratch but my wireless connection is not working...well it IS working, but it isnt --- i can see the networks in my area, i can even "connect" to them at 82% signal strength, but firefox only loads up error pages and i cant even talk to my router via -- 30 mins ago i was in fiesty working fine :)08:02
tyler_dpx: I have tried with no success.... are you trying that with a winmodem? let me know how you make out08:02
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pxintr80, oh i see08:02
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usr13mossby> are you picking up dns server IPs?08:03
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pxtyler_d, im using an external voice/fax modem08:03
usr13mossby: less /etc/resolv.conf08:03
BHSPitMonkeyfrostburn, well, thanks-   for some reason, my keybinding for gnome was modified08:03
tyler_dpx: prolly better luck then me, gl mang08:03
BHSPitMonkeyeven though I don't mess with those settings...08:03
mossbyusr13: i dont think so, they were empty in the network control panel08:03
lunzanyone knows how to install login screen?i have artmanager but doesnt know how to install it..can anyone help?08:03
frostburnBHSPitMonkey, i hate when that happens, no prob08:03
BHSPitMonkeyfixed now, I can be sane again08:03
usr13mossby: that is more than likely your problem.08:04
usr13Can you ping one of them?08:04
usr13(dns server?08:04
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pavihello, while installing sifybroadband client which requires openssl i am getting error "cannot open libssl.so.4 : no such file or directory " though openssl is installed and is up to date. can some one help me on this.08:04
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pavican somebody help please ?08:04
mossbyusr13: how can i ping them without connecting?08:04
usr13mossby: Can you ping one of the designated dns server addresses?08:04
pxis anyone here from philippines?08:04
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usr13mossby: Ok, let's start over. Does the essid of the client match that of the router?08:05
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graelbOk, I just installed 3dchess... and don't know how to run it08:05
usr13mossby: iwconfig08:05
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mossbyusr13: yes, i had the router all setup with password etc... and couldnt connect, so i reset the router to its default 'linksys' and then still couldnt connect08:06
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usr13mossby: Do you have an IP assigned to the clinet, by the router?08:06
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usr13mossby: Bring up a terminal window and issue command "iwconfig" and see if essid says "linksys"08:08
mossbyusr13: hmm, ill have to boot back into gutsy to figure some of this out -- ive had the same setup since edgy, never had to do anything... brb08:08
ColdFloso where is good place for questions?08:09
usr13ColdFlo: here08:09
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ColdFlook so looks like many people had this problem so far searches provided half az ans how i fix nvidia driver if i get black screen after loader on boot?08:10
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ColdFlolol none wants to touch it08:12
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lunzhow can i change the login screen?08:12
xiaujuinwhat is your name08:12
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aldanoncould someone help me with compiling the new x-fi 64 bit driver?08:12
xiaujuinhow do you do08:12
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pxColdFlo, is it black screen only in gdm?08:12
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Schalkenlunz: system > administration > login screen08:13
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aldanonhiya kanjo08:13
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usr13lunz: Computer -> System Configuration -> Login Screen Setup -> Graphical Greeter -> Install New Theme ->08:13
kanjo_i have a query regarding compiling kernel on ubuntu08:13
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pxlunz, check out gnome-look.org08:13
aldanonI'm kinda hoping someone here is good at compiling drivers hehe08:13
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xiaujuini am in indonesia and you08:13
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usr13aldanon: What driver?08:14
ColdFloin gdm i dont understand but it says something kernel 800000-120000000 for brief second at bottom of screen then monitor loses signal then it came back but now it doesnt08:14
aldanonx-fi 64bit08:14
lunzthanks usr1308:14
kanjo_everytime I recompile the kernel, install the deb, it always miss the firmware for my ipw2200, is there a way to automatically build or install the firmware along the kernel-image deb file?08:14
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NemesisDis there any way to run SSH where a user on the server end can watch what you're doing in real time?08:14
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aldanoncan you help out usr13?08:14
quanghi every body08:15
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xiaujuini am hanifan in bandung java in you08:15
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aldanonif your not familiar with x-fi - it's the next gen soundblaster by creative08:15
ivanhoeanyone where can y get the  .deb from openproject08:15
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ivanhoey dont find in the web08:15
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aldanoni've looked, but the directions are too difficult for me to follow08:16
aldanonmost of them are for gentoo08:16
xiaujuinhai what us your name08:16
pxColdFlo, you have to revert to your "nv" driver and install back nvidia driver. I had the same problem. You can boot in recovery mode and edit the xorg.conf file. you may have set up your refresh rate too high or too low08:16
usr13ashok_: Where are the directions?08:16
usr13aldanon: where are the directions?08:16
ColdFlodracula is one crazy movie what an allegory08:16
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usr13aldanon: is it a tarball?08:17
xiaujuinare you as hole08:17
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aldanonsome were08:17
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aldanoni found a few sets of directions08:17
xiaujuinavnged seven fold08:17
aldanonsome were tarball08:17
ColdFlopx how i do that with recovery console?08:17
usr13aldanon: does it say stuff about configure, make, make install08:17
xiaujuinyou are dandut08:17
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usr13aldanon: NOt that difficult really08:17
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aldanonyeah i never had a problem before compiling, but apparently this driver has to have a homemade patch applied before it will work08:18
ColdFloyou know when dracula stabs the cross08:18
usr13aldanon: save the file to a directory like temp, mkdir temp08:18
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ColdFlothe cross with the circle in the middle that circle is the sun08:18
ColdFlobecause jesus is a sun god08:18
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aldanonpm me usr1308:19
usr13aldanon: tell me where you got the dirver?08:19
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pxColdFlo, nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf there's a comment there on how to reconfigure/reset your xorg.conf file, do that. it should fix your black screen. then you can reinstall your nvidia driver08:19
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kanjo_can someone here show me how to recompile the kernel that produces 2 separate packages kernel-image and kernel-modules like Gutsy's (linux-image and ubuntu-modules)?08:19
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ColdFlopx i need more detailed than that08:20
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ColdFlohow does ubuntu even know the right driver to install?08:21
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ColdFloseems that restricted drivers install sucks08:21
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pxColdFlo, just login in your recovery console. that file contains all the detail you need08:21
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ColdFlono it doesnt08:22
ColdFlolook i refuse to start acting like a groveler08:22
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ColdFloand im not going to admit anything either08:22
ColdFlobecause i know what that does to nixheads08:23
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ColdFlothats right i used windows and im proud of it08:23
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AJ--/exec -o uname -a  <--- wat is this command for?08:23
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ColdFlonow px is there some kind of guide for this08:24
OetmetI need to get which files contains a certain 'string' in a directory with 204,451 files... Find says 'argument list is too long'08:24
Oetmetany idea?08:24
ColdFlothis being ubuntu and all and not gentoo?08:24
AJ--/exec -o uname -a  <--- can someone tell me wat is this command for08:24
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pxColdFlo, look in ubuntu forums08:25
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ColdFlook px you are unhelpful08:25
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compwiz18is there any easy to use software for Ubuntu that graph equations like y=x, etc?08:25
Amaranthwow lag08:25
jack|assCan anyone recommend a new laptop that is well supported by Linux?08:26
scguy318compwiz18: i think we have some math software in the repos lemme look08:26
jack|assI'm in the market for a new one, yet very very lazy and not wanting to do research. :P08:26
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Schalkencompwiz18: kmplot?08:26
Schalkencompwiz18: gnuplot?08:27
Schalken(gnuplot is not easy to use)08:27
scguy318jack|ass: i cant, I haven't bought any new machines in ages :(08:27
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compwiz18Schalken, yeah, gnuplot is the reason I added easy to use in my question :)08:27
jack|assscguy318: my pentium-M is finally slow enough to make me want a new one.08:27
jack|assalthough oddly Gutsy beta seems MUCH slower than feisty...08:28
Schalkencompwiz18: kmplot is very simple, not very powerful though08:28
Amaranthjack|ass: http://www.dell.com/ubuntu08:28
jack|assAmaranth: no dells. :)  Although i'll check out what they do.08:28
compwiz18Schalken, Alright, I'll see if I can learn to use gnuplot08:28
Amaranthjack|ass: Well, you can go there or something much more expensive08:29
scguy318compwiz18: does kmplot not cut it for you?08:29
Amaranthjack|ass: Or randomly pick something that uses intel graphics and wireless and hope the suspend/resume and such works08:29
compwiz18scguy318, I haven08:29
compwiz18scguy318, I haven't tried it yet, but I will momentarily08:29
Schalkencompwiz18: if you just want to visualise simple equations, kmplot does the job. gnuplot is more flexible and more used to make graphs for documents.08:29
jack|assAmaranth: i've been soured on dells after having to service them for years at the university.08:29
scguy318compwiz18: kk :) if those packages do not satisfy, there are a few Java applets floating around on the Internet that can do some limited graphing features08:29
compwiz18scguy318, that's what I've been using so far :P08:30
scguy318Amaranth: the devs reallly need to work on suspend/resume :(08:30
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Amaranthscguy318: How?08:31
compwiz18I was kinda leaning away from kmplot because it requires all the qt depends and I haven't installed them yet08:31
Amaranthscguy318: We have people working on it fairly constantly but can only do it for hardware we understand08:32
charlie5hi all ... i'm installing a geforce 7600gs card and have a problem ... when ubuntu boots, i get an error saying the power supply has not being connected ... it also offers an option for the X config file to disable the power check, but i'm worried it will fry the card ... as is, the card seems to work ok (except that the nvidia driver will not load also due to power prob) ... would anyone be familiar with this card ?08:32
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scguy318Amaranth: that's what I mean, keep on working :)08:32
compwiz18Amaranth, is that why suspend/resume only works occasionally on fglrx systems?08:33
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scguy318compwiz18: i find that ATI chips fail at suspend in general, though my perspective is probably quite limited08:33
compwiz18well, some days mine works, some days it doesn't, most days I don't need it :)08:33
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scguy318charlie5: i don't possess such a card, but have you checked the fine plugs on your card?08:34
Amaranthcompwiz18: that's be fglrx08:34
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charlie5scguy318: not really ... i'm not sure what they would look like :/08:35
compwiz18I'm hoping eventually we'll have open source ATI drivers that support 3d all ati cards08:35
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scguy318compwiz18: probably months off, but that dream seems to be closer08:35
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Amaranthscguy318: at least a year off08:35
compwiz18scguy318, hopefully :) the ones now work pretty well as long as you don't need suspend08:36
compwiz18or aiglx08:36
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scguy318compwiz18: the latest ATI driver that's supposedly due this month apparently adds AIGLX support08:36
scguy318charlie5: well, could you be specific about the error message that you encounter?08:36
compwiz18scguy318, that's what I'm hoping :D08:36
charlie5scguy318: here's a picture of the board (not very big sorry) ... http://www.inno3d.com/products/graphic_card/gf7_agp/7600gs.htm08:36
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scguy318charlie5: dunno, check the plug that huge fan hooks up to? :P08:37
scguy318charlie5: perhaps your power supply cant deliver08:37
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charlie5scguy318: :) ... don't say that ! ... ;) ... i've been worried the whole thing will go up in smoke any moment08:38
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scguy318charlie5: well, if your power supply can't deliver, you'll probably need another, what's the output of your current one?08:39
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larsemilis there any program similar to adobe indesign?08:39
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cellofellowI just installed Ubuntu on my new laptop. I'm used to Xubuntu. How do I add workspaces to GNOME? I can't find it for the life of me.08:39
scguy318larsemil: OpenOffice.org, Scribus08:39
larsemilopenoffice is not even close.08:40
larsemilscribus i never tried.08:40
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scguy318larsemil: well, those are my suggestions, keep in mind that you probably know more about your needs than I do :)08:40
scguy318cellofellow: I'm using Xfce, and I can't recall :(08:40
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charlie5scguy318: i need to open up the case to check ... i'll take a closer look at the vid card also to see if it looks likeit accepts a power input ... thanks for the help ... back in a bit, if all goes well08:41
cellofellowscguy318: dang, I'm so used to the xfce way.08:41
scguy318cellofellow: oh I think I figured it out08:41
mossbyusr13: i dunno man, its so messed up... i have the most common router and usb link known to man, the essid matched after iwconfig... also sometimes the wireless device 'wlan0' just dissappears, other times its replaced by 'wlan0:avahi'08:41
scguy318cellofellow: right click the workspace switcher applet, then preferences08:41
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cellofellowscguy318: you can just middle click the desktop and "add Workspace".08:41
cellofellowtried that.08:41
scguy318cellofellow: ah, didn't know that :)08:41
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jamison_anyone know the command to rund wxpython08:42
Pskol__os[Linux 2.6.20-16-generic - Debian 4.0]  up[ 2 hours, 17 minutes]  cpu[AMD Duron(tm) processor, 1202.766 MHz (2408.18 bogomips)]  mem[ 244.51/250.08 MB (97.8%)]  video[ at 1024x768 (32 bits)] 08:42
cellofellowscguy318: that just gives me a dialog that asks how many rows I want the workspaces to be displayed as.08:42
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Curs0rdoes anyone play WoW under wine? my roommate's audio is being weird, he only hears sound from certain angles and the voice chat doesn't work for him at all08:43
cellofellowjamison_: wxpython is more of a programming language than a program. If you just open python in a terminal, and import wx, you can play with it.08:43
scguy318cellofellow: isn't there a number of workspaces box?08:43
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cellofellowscguy318: not that I can see. :(08:43
scguy318cellofellow: :(08:43
cellofellowscguy318: using Gutsy, so that may be why.08:43
scguy318Curs0r: have you selected ALSA in winecfg?08:43
scguy318cellofellow: ah08:43
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compwiz18kmplot seems to work ok, thanks :)08:43
jamison_oh i thought it was like wxglade08:43
Curs0rscguy318, yes08:43
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cellofellowjamison_: nah, wxglade is for creating GUI's to use in wxPython programs.08:44
=== deuce snail garden - start a people - Black Moth Super Rainbow (xamarok)
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=== deuce Epic - - Faith No More (xamarok)
scguy318Curs0r: mm, you may be better served in #winehq08:44
Curs0rscguy318, thanks08:44
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jamison_well cool thanks08:45
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scguy318cellofellow: OT, but are you connecting from work? and my Workspace Applet help page sez its something under Workspaces, but they must have changed in Gutsy's GNOME version08:46
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c3LT1cFr05thello one and all!08:46
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Pskol__Linux vitor 2.6.20-16-generic - Cpu0: AMD Duron 1203MHz; /: 37G(f=23G); Up: 2:21; Users: 4; Load: 0.14;08:46
cellofellowscguy318: I'm at home.08:46
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mossbyhas there been much talk concerning wireless problems in Gutsy?08:47
scguy318cellofellow: ah, ok, your hostmask suggested some sort of corporation :)08:48
cellofellowoh, and this screwy Synaptics touchpad is way too sensitive. I installed gSynaptics but it said I needed in some option in xorg.conf, whatever it was.08:48
mossbyive never had a problem since Dapper, always works out of the box,  i have a WRT45G, the most common router ever08:48
cellofellowscguy318: nah, just an odd ISP.08:48
scguy318cellofellow: can't you go SYstem -> Administration -> Mouse or something08:48
scguy318cellofellow: i forgot08:48
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jamison_does anyone know where i can find a list of ubuntu terminal commands. such as apt-get VS aptitude?08:48
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scguy318cellowfellow: the Synaptics issue is one I've heard before though08:48
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cellofellowscguy318: yes, but that doesn't give enough options.08:49
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ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal08:49
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cellofellowjamison_: I wrote this a while ago, but should be relevant: http://mellowcellofellow.googlepages.com/apt-for-ubuntu08:49
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scguy318im going for the night, cya all08:50
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=== deuce Blood Brothers - Infest - Papa Roach (xamarok)
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=== Siniestro listens to Cyberteam in A with Taiyou no hana from Akihabara Dennougumi Sountrack [00:06|04:30|2%|128 kbps|44 kHz|Stereo] in Winamp 5.34
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ajcabandoany links for an updated guide for compiz-fusion08:53
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=== deuce Fragments Of Faith - Karmacode - Lacuna Coil (xam)
jamison_is there any better terminals then the default one that comes with ubuntu08:54
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ajcabandoany links for an updated guide for compiz-fusion?08:55
mtholdensswell install on beta won't work, odd..08:55
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Crush`is there a simple way to see if a file has more than n number of lines?08:56
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simplechat_hey, if i reinstall windows, how do i get ubuntu back onto my mbr?08:57
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simplechat_crush grep -n file (iirc)08:58
riotkittiesimplechat_: you'll need to pop a ubuntu live CD in and recover grub08:58
riotkittie!grub | simplechat_08:58
ubotusimplechat_: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto08:58
Curs0rgrub is easy to install08:58
simplechatriotkittie: so theres a backup of grub somewhere?08:58
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riotkittiei'm not sure i'd go so far as to call it a backup...  you're basically just setting it up again08:59
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simplechat!grub | simplechat__08:59
ubotusimplechat__: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto08:59
simplechatriotkittie, i take it should save my ~/ now?09:00
oberdoberHello all :) would someone be able to tell me where I can find the mysql-devel package or even just the mysql.h header file?09:00
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simplechatbefore i reinstall windows?09:00
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mtholdensshowcome i can't install the beta from the livecd?09:00
jim__crush:maybe take a look at "wc" too ie. wc - print the number of newlines, words, and bytes in files09:00
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Crush`thank you09:00
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Crozarhey guys why doesnt ubuntu have right click show preview forexample * Pictures , yes sometimes ill be looking for a pic i want to preview it before have it selected.09:01
riotkittiesimplechat: its never bad practice to backup the data that you love, but really if you have ubuntu installed, xp[?]  shouldnt overwrite it. unless ...  is there only a ubuntu partition?09:01
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riotkittiexp wont really mess with it. <knocks on wood>09:02
simplechatriotkittie, default ubuntu install. i installed windows about halfway (it didn't like my keys, and now bluescreens on startup), then installed ubuntu the "default" way09:02
simplechat(use remaining sapce)09:02
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riotkittieok. so you should be good09:03
AJ--any updated guides for compiz-fusion?? i cant install it :(09:03
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riotkittieAJ--: you may find help in #ubuntu-effects09:03
tylohello all. could anyone help me out with a potentially newb Java question? Send me a PM if you think you can help.09:04
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mtholdenssonce installed beta, is it easy to upgrade to final release?09:05
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c3LT1cFr05tfirefox has add-on that gives you a color picker that is only Win. for anyone who hasn't realized it, ubuntu does it anyways w/o any help.the little eyedropper color picker that is in properties to custumize the dasktop can stray off the box and picks colors perfectly anywhere even online09:05
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skinhead_7115wer hat lust bei mir in die bande zu kommen ??09:05
ogenewbieI got ubuntu, it works. yeah. I got lost irc. dittos. now for a slightly better irc - copy backscroll, logging, make PM chat. So, I go look for XCHAT. I have Feisty Fawn 7.4 and I cant find out where the universal repositories are. I dont want to compile anything. I want the install to be "normal" like lost irc, not a cli with a string of references. Where can I download XCHAT from? (please and thank you)09:06
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tonyyarussowhat's the file that determines what to load for a DE right after you log in from GDM?09:06
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ogenewbietylo. I think it is normal to ask a question and wait.09:06
simplechathey, how would i open an external hard drive for reading and writing?09:07
attackdecayfor some reason i'm missing like half of my System-Administration menu entries in gnome..  has anyone run into this, or have a solution to restore them?09:07
simplechatrather then it being a read only file system?09:07
simplechati've installed ntfs-3g?09:07
c3LT1cFr05togennewbie:http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/  please respect the plus 4 line paste in bin09:07
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simplechatbut i can't find anything additionally09:07
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tyloogenewbie: i've taken my question to #java09:08
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ogenewbiec3LT1cFr05, respect the plus 4 line paste in bin - (whats "in bin"?) means dont aske a long question, eh? I will look for that link.09:09
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c3LT1cFr05tattackdecay:yea I saw them in my applications menu earlier but I think they went out09:09
adelieis there a tool like tsearch from windows for linux?09:09
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portablejimHow do I increase the refresh rate? (I have already tried  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and overstated what my monitor can do)09:10
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KenSentMeWhere can i make suggestions for the ubotu bot?09:10
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adeliehow do I search memory resources used by a specific process?09:11
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ogenewbieThe answer that sHe gave me just gave me some kind of a pastepage. I dont know what a pastepage is. I had already looked on those pages before I came here and didnt find an xchat dl page.09:11
Evanlecadelie, htop09:11
riotkittieis there a way to uniformly resize multple icons on the desktop in one shot?09:11
c3LT1cFr05togenewbie: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ is a place for us to leave larger size "explanations" of our problems to help one another09:12
adelieevanlec can that be used to change values stored in that processes memory?09:12
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots09:12
Evanlecadelie, oh i donno about that, probly not, htop just a process viewer09:12
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riotkittiei thought large explinations were ok, but the copying and pasting was not09:13
adeliehmm... thanks. sure that will get me further than I was09:13
ogenewbiesmall version: want xchat download for feisty09:13
riotkittieogenewbie: you can ALT + F2 then gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list   ... find the universe lines and uncomment them09:13
wadohi everybody, could anybody tell me, what can I do for view better fonts in apps? my fonst looks ugly09:14
c3LT1cFr05tadelie: what ap?09:14
riotkittieotherwise, open synaptic and try looking under the edit menu... i'm not sure if repos are on that menu or not tho09:14
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:14
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ogenewbienot kittie, I dont know what that means. I have been a fortran mainframe programmer and I can do many things to windows systems and use a unix shell but this is greek to me.09:14
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adeliec3LT1cFr05t lookin for a program like tsearch for linux. something to search process memory to manipulate values (make game hacks)09:15
riotkittiewado: assuming you're using the GNOME Desktop, go to System menu > Preferences > Fonts09:16
KenSentMeI made a suggestion for Ubotu, using !<factoid> is <fact>, but it returns me an error. Does this mean the suggestion isn't forwarded to the ops?09:16
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c3LT1cFr05tadelie: i think i have a bookmark pls hold09:16
jussi01KenSentMe: did you take away the <>09:16
teKnofreakKenSentMe, what error ? it is moderated btw09:16
riotkittieogenewbie: assuming you're also using GNOME, go to System > Administration. Open the synaptic package manager09:16
KenSentMeteKnofreak, Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:16
jussi01KenSentMe: ?09:17
teKnofreakKenSentMe, and what did you tell it ?09:17
riotkittieogenewbie: once Synaptic opens, go to the Settings menu, select Repositories09:17
KenSentMejussi01, yes i did09:17
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KenSentMe!gutsy is Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information09:17
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KenSentMeThat was my message09:18
teKnofreakKenSentMe, try not using pipes |09:18
KenSentMeteKnofreak, it's in the standard factoid09:18
ubotuGutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+109:18
ogenewbiesorry I do not want to alter essential parts of my system.  aer you guys witholding on me ? this is a simple url that I need for this / I am using gnome. argh. are you saying I already have xchat on my computer and dont need to download it?09:18
oasisI cant open some .pdf with xpdf,why?09:18
riotkittiewado: when you got the font thing open, select "best shape". if that alone doesnt help, click details and select either grayscale or subpixel under smoothing09:18
c3LT1cFr05tadelie: http://www.gamediscovery.com/game-design/game-design-software.asp09:18
teKnofreakKenSentMe, it works.. ?09:18
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riotkittieogenewbie: didnt you say something about the repositories and enabling universe?09:19
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KenSentMeteKnofreak, i just added a line. And that line doesn't show yet09:19
Evanlecogenewbie, you'll be using synaptic package manager a lot...its pretty safe to use09:19
oasis%C9should I also install some plugins?09:19
teKnofreakKenSentMe, it is moderated, so have your finger crossed09:19
wadoriotkittie: thanx, but when I change the font size, only titles fonts are changing not fonts in window09:19
riotkittieyea. enabling the universe repos for a second is perfectly fine.09:19
KenSentMeteKnofreak, yeah, but if i get an error in return it doesn't give me the idea that my suggestion is forwarded09:19
jussi01KenSentMe: Ill forward it manually and get the problem addressed09:20
adeliec3LT1cFr05t hmm... any particular tool?09:20
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riotkittiewado: not the font size. have you changed the rendering? shaping? hinting?09:20
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KenSentMejussi01, you are an op?09:20
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teKnofreakKenSentMe, Seveas is here, poke him ;) (isn't he the one who made ubotu?)09:20
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jussi01KenSentMe: Sort of... not in here though :)09:20
Evanleci too would like to make suggestions to the bot, that bot is quite handy (but it could be even more handy)09:20
KenSentMeSeveas, ping09:21
WildOSIs there a difference between arm and x86 platforms when it comes to starting up threads in a constructor, before the main function is actually run?09:21
c3LT1cFr05tim sorry its been so long,i'm looking through it now. lets see what we both come up with09:21
jussi01KenSentMe: Ill sort it out09:21
WildOSRunning debian 2.6.2209:21
KenSentMejussi01, okay, thanks09:21
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WildOSAnd NPTL09:21
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c3LT1cFr05tTWIT just mentioned us on his tech now show09:22
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mtholdensswhat was said on TWIT?09:22
riotkittieTWIT? o_o09:22
wadoriotkittie: all changes view only on the title bar and desktop :-(09:22
axel-shi, I'm new to the ubuntu/debian package system... is there a way to reinstall ALL packages from command line?09:22
ogenewbieNotKatie: I said I dont know what the universe repositores are and could not find it in a search inthe ubuntu docs or in google. so I asked here.09:22
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riotkittiewado: that is odd. :(09:22
riotkittiei have no idea, in that case. i am sorry :(09:23
=== riotkittie hates ugly fonts
jussi01!repos | ogenewbie09:23
ubotuogenewbie: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource09:23
c3LT1cFr05thttp://audio.rfdradio.info:8000/cni Radio stream talking ubuntu right now09:23
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wadoriotkittie: i'll try restart app09:23
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koshariogenewbie the ubniverse repositorey is an additional software repository where maintainers store precompiled packages of popular software compatible with ubuntu.09:24
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ogenewbieubotu: that looks like advice I can deal with. thanks jussi01. will check it out.09:25
riotkittieogenewbie: the universe repo is community maintained, and thus not officially supported, tho you can obtain support for packages from from the community09:25
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jussi01!bot | ogenewbie09:25
koshariand  ogenewbie as evenlec mentioned earlier synaptic is the easiest place to enable the universe repository.09:25
ubotuogenewbie: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots09:25
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jussi01!gutsy | KenSentMe09:25
ubotuKenSentMe: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information09:25
KenSentMejussi01, nice, thanks09:26
MoFlolol twit mentioned ubuntu who cares they are just rating whores and ubuntu is the easiest nix to deal with09:26
MoNsTeRdoes anybody know how i can make my ubuntu look better09:26
jussi01KenSentMe:  :) np's09:27
MoFlomonster they wont tell you if it takes more than one line of instructions09:27
MoFlothese guys are all very leet09:27
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WildOS What does tis mean: gdbserver: Child terminated with signal = 509:27
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c3LT1cFr05tmonster: like what ideas09:27
silviuMonter, google "gnome art" if you use Gnome09:28
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MoFlosee monster it worked they are talking to y ou now09:28
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MoFlosee just get a friend to jump on you09:28
magnetron!eyecandy | MoNsTeR09:28
ubotuMoNsTeR: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy09:28
MoFlothen they will help out of pity09:28
ogenewbiekoshari: sorry but that is clear as mud. I was thinking the UR was a library. Now it is something that one can enable.  I dont know synaptic package manager and google >> definition sounded like nothing I would ever want. and WAY too low level.09:28
MoFlotypical noob chatroom tactics09:28
MoFlonow see they are not gonna help you09:28
MoFlobut now that i just said that they will09:28
MoFloor is it because i said that they wont09:28
radams976whats up people?09:28
MoFlonow they will09:28
MoFlonow they wont09:28
MoFlonow they will09:28
=== ogenewbie likes Ubuntu. it is easier than windows (till now) I just want to look at the web and talk to IRC friends. Dont want to make it hard.
MoFlonow they wont09:29
heguru!ops | MoFlo (Troll Alert)09:29
ubotuMoFlo (Troll Alert): Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici09:29
silviumoflo, maybe you have other things to do and we're keeping you09:29
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ogenewbiereally smart people can make it simple. Anyone here really smart?09:29
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jussi01ogenewbie: still trying to add repositories'?09:30
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riotkittieyay. the mentally deficient come out at night. :|09:31
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koshariogenewbie synaptic is a graphical software installer, it is a nice way of installing packages for people who are a little intimidated by CLI.09:31
tylomy brain hurts :(09:31
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jodih2please help me with a dumb question09:32
t3318i have trouble in customizing Ubuntu's default theme09:32
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ogenewbieJussie I was never trying to add a repository and I dont know what a repository is. I want to download and instal xchat because (I thought) it is a simple but better than lostirc irc program. I like mirc - you know, I just wanted to be able to open a pm window by myself and not have to type /msg juss01 is this the newbie channel or the confusion zone09:32
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riotkittieyou know. if you ask a question, and you get answers that you dislike or dont understand ...09:33
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aldanonalrighty back ;)09:33
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nomegowhat could be the problem if I get read timeouts from /dev/random ?09:33
ogenewbienotkittie, then you ask again and attempt to clarify.09:33
riotkittiefollowing your plea for help with "really smart people cant make it simple. anybody here really smart" > in effect saying those who tried to help you are morons...09:33
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jodih2i need to delete a file and cant remeber how09:34
preaction!info xchat09:34
ubotuxchat: IRC client for X similar to AmIRC. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.0-0ubuntu4 (feisty), package size 295 kB, installed size 796 kB09:34
ogenewbienot morons, just FUD09:34
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riotkittieis more a less a sure fire way to insure you arent helped09:34
LinAsHjodih2, rm09:34
jodih2thanks linash09:34
preactionogenewbie, you need to add the "Universe" repository to Synaptic. There's a menu for it even. Once "Universe" is enabled, you can search for and install xchat from Synaptic.09:34
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MoNsTeRdoes anybody know how i can make my ubuntu look better well i wanted to make my desktop look good ill take a screen shot of what it looks like right now and you guys can tell me stuff i can do to make it look better :)09:35
jussi01ogenewbie: ok. Ill assume you are using gnome. go to synaptic package manager->manage repositories->make sure universe repositories are enabled(with teh check box). the search for xchat and click install.09:35
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magnetron!eyecandy | MoNsTeR09:35
ubotuMoNsTeR: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy09:35
preaction!changethemes | MoNsTeR09:35
ubotuMoNsTeR: To change your themes, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy.  Kubuntu users should visit https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu.09:35
AlexForsterhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Hardy/Ideas <- last one (button concepts)09:35
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ogenewbiewell I'd rather not make me wrong either. with all this energy I can just figure that somehow my asking for a download site for xchat is not an answerable question. I sure wish I ermember how I foudn a download for lostirc. It was nto a major event. I cant add something to something I dont know what it is. This is not my path. I would never have recommended this to anywone had I fount this fud before. Have a nice life.09:36
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riotkittiegood lord.09:36
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preactionuhm... point of order: How is anything said by this support channel classified as FUD?09:37
Madpilotsomeone suffers from lack of clue...09:37
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koshariogenewbie left the room (quit: ) one less difficult brat to have to deal with09:38
riotkittiepeople who throw temper tantrums because "omg!! enable a repo!! nooooo!! please pretend to be google and give me a link to a download i refuse to get from the repos!! i hate you, and i'm taking my internet and going home, so die!" ... make me want to smoke09:38
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MoNsTeRall you guys do is use ubotu09:38
riotkittieok. i was just looking for an excuse for a cigarette09:38
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MoNsTeRwhy not actually try and help09:38
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aldanonanyone here good with compiling drivers?09:38
riotkittieMoNsTeR: plenty of people type, plenty of people actually try to help09:38
MadpilotMoNsTeR, of course. The bot is the most intelligent thing in this channel. :)09:38
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riotkittiebut the fact of the matter is, sometimes, its easier or more appropriate to use the bot09:39
MoNsTeRdoes anybody know where i would put a theme i just downloaded at? its for emerald09:39
preactionMoNsTeR, because the questions 99% of people ask are better answered by tutorials and static pages. everyone asks these questions and interactive help is pointless when you can't actually see the other user's desktop09:39
usr13The linux community seems to be out of step with ogenewbie09:39
aldanoni'm trying to compile the new x-fi 64-bit driver but i'm having troubles09:39
riotkittieand granted the attitude some of those seeking help present, i cant really blame people for !commanding and wiping their hands of it sometimes09:39
preactionMoNsTeR, you drag and drop the archive onto the theme manager i believe09:39
MoNsTeRok preaction09:40
koshari MoNsTeR you can place the theme where ever you like, then browse to it with emerald09:40
jussi01!compile | aldanon09:40
ubotualdanon: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)09:40
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_btogenewbie just needs to let jesus into his heart.09:40
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aldanonubotu: this is a beta driver just released by Creative for the X-fi sound card09:40
riotkittieand honestly - not to be mean, not to be a jerk - if you can get the information from an easy to follow guide, why shouldnt you read it?09:40
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MadpilotMoNsTeR, System->Preferences->Themes, then drag your theme archive into the open Theme manager window09:40
jussi01!bot > aldanon09:40
aldanondoh hehe09:41
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aldanondidnt know it was a bot lmao09:41
aldanoni was getting help but i think he fell asleep!09:41
aldanonso close too hehe09:41
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jussi01aldanon: what error are you getting?09:42
jussi01aldanon: remember to use !paste if its a big bit of text09:42
aldanoneh he had me reboot so i don't have it anymore ;/ but it had an "error2" in it09:42
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riotkittieis there a way to uniformly resize multple icons on the desktop in one shot?09:42
jussi01aldanon: I need a bit more than that. can you try again?09:42
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usr13aldanon: you may need "kde-devel"  ? (You have kbuntu, right?)09:43
aldanoni don't recall any of the steps he took me through - but i do know the driver is in a temp folder we created09:43
usr13riotkittie: Yes, change desktop resolution.09:44
aldanonand we were at the step of make09:44
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aldanonyeah kubuntu09:44
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riotkittieusr13: that'd be great, if i wanted to change my desktop resolution. i don't.09:44
jussi01aldanon: run make from that folder again09:44
aldanonusr13 is awake?! hehe09:44
aldanoni wish i knew how he got me to that folder ;)09:45
usr13Just barley09:45
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usr13cd temp09:45
aldanonhow can i get back to that temp folder?09:45
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aldanonhmm no targets specified09:45
aldanonno makefile found09:45
ipx ./configure09:45
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jussi01aldanon: did you do 'cd temp'09:45
ppghello all09:46
usr13and then:  cd XFiDrv_Linux_US-1.0409:46
aldanonthere we go09:46
aldanoncan i paste this?09:46
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:46
aldanonor join my chan jussi?09:46
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NetGearhi all09:46
mtholdensshow soon will the  bug in the partial upgrade be fixed?09:46
ppgam having serious troubles with my wireless and webcam09:46
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aldanonjussi01 can you join my channel?09:47
jussi01aldanon: you are welcome to join #dib5sn09:47
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NetGearhow to change resolution to 1024x76809:47
usr13aldanon: You might just start over:  cd  $HOME/temp ; rm -rf XFiDrv_Linux_US-1.0409:47
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NetGearD4N`, hi09:48
ardinok, anyone actually know anything about video playback?09:48
NetGearhow to change resolution to 1024x76809:48
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NetGearneed help to edit xorg.conf09:49
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aldanonthanks so much for your help so far usr1309:49
dgjones!fixres | NetGear09:49
ubotuNetGear: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto09:49
aldanoni tried starting over, but got "permission denied" when trying to use that command09:49
jussi01usr13: could you also join #dib5sn09:49
ppganyone knows how to enable atheros ar5007eg in ubuntu???09:50
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ardinfor some reason, some avi files use up 100% cpu, while others dont. For Instance: Heroes avi file (ripped in HD) only makes my cpu hit about 35%. its a 350mb file. Simpsons or Family Guy make it hit 100% and they're both ripped in SD. any ideas? i'm using VLC to play them09:51
ppganyone knows how to enable lgwebcam in ubuntu???09:51
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NetGearubotu, i have edited the xorg.conf file & restarted the machine but no effect09:52
preactionardin, more important is what codec the avis are using.09:52
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NetGearubotu, help what to do09:52
moDumasshey yall, whats the easiest way to update my distro, without having everything go to s41t09:52
moDumasssalt, haha09:53
ardinpreaction, let me look09:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about help what to do - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi09:53
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ardinpreaction: all 3 of them are using the XviD codec09:53
preactionardin, dunno then.09:54
ardini've filpped thru the package manager to find anything relating to codecs or video playback and i havent found anything useful09:54
heguru!ubotu > NetGear09:54
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NetGearheguru, i did'nt get it ? what you said09:55
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ppghelp with wireless09:55
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heguruNetGear: ubotu is a bot09:55
Shadowfire_evening... and early morning to you all...09:55
padi\server dal.net09:56
dgjones!offtopic | padi09:56
ubotupadi: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!09:56
ProN00bwhy does a file move cancel if you close the target destination nautilus ?09:56
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mactimesHello experts!09:59
silviugood morning09:59
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frostburnardin, avi is only a container, different codecs are used to compress the video and audio09:59
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ardinthey're all using XviD and MP310:00
silviui'm looking for a explanation: why in 7.04 standard the mouse cursor becomes jerky and freezes during multitasking, and after i install compiz manager it doesnt do that anymore10:00
mactimesI'm used to old redhat systems and I was wondering if someone could tell me how do I change init runlevels, once there is no /etc/inittab config file.10:00
porkpiehi guy's anyone know when the clamav pkg will be updated ?10:00
frostburnardin, some might be using different mpeg4 decoders10:00
NetGearhelp for  dhcp server10:00
mactimesNetGear, I can try to help you out with that.10:01
mactimesNetGear, What do you need?10:01
NetGearmactimes, i have 2 nic both with static ip10:01
mactimesNetGear, Carry on.10:01
NetGearmactimes, doth in diff network10:01
MoNsTeRcan somebody tell me where i can get a skydome image10:02
mactimesNetGear, Ok, continue.10:02
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NetGeari want to setup a dhcp server on one network or eth110:02
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NetGearmactimes, i have install dhcp310:02
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mactimesNetGear, What is the problem you're facing?10:02
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FrogzooNetGear: you need to poke around in /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf10:03
fezick<-- stretch...10:03
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fezickuits been awhile since i been irc10:03
NetGearFrogzoo, i need dhcp on only one network10:03
ProN00bardin, i am also using vlc, i never had problems with cpu (other than the obvious speed lack problems with my 1800+ amd for hd)10:04
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MoNsTeRcan somebody tell me where i can get a skydome image10:04
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MoNsTeRfezick, cant tell me to go to google10:04
fezickhehe.... i cant?.... hrm... i should have read the rulls10:05
ardinProN00b, ok, let me explain this slowly. the files i'm having problems with ARENT HD. the ones that i wasnt having problems with, ARE HD10:05
n2diyMoNsTeR: kstars?10:05
mactimesNetGear, Hold on, I have a server with that exact configuration for DHCP, let me check the parameters.  Just a sec10:05
ProN00bardin, yes, i understood that the first time, that is why i said i never had problems like that10:05
FrogzooMoNsTeR: -> google10:05
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ProN00bardin, as you can see i said i had problems with hd10:06
ardinand, they work on windows just fine. Slackware had  problems with it as well10:06
heguruMoNsTeR: http://www.nick.ukfsn.org/skydome/10:06
MoNsTeRFrogzoo, ive looked on google so therefor i came here so stop telling me to go to google10:06
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fezickgawd i missed this10:06
ProN00bardin, what is your cpu and more importantly graphics processor ?10:06
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fezicknite nite10:06
ProN00bardin, and where are you playing the files from ?10:06
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ardin... my hard drive10:07
heguruMoNsTeR: don't worry about the pics looking bad in firefox, when you put them in skydome they will look good10:07
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ProN00bardin, and the cpu and gpu ?10:07
MoNsTeRthanks heguru your the best10:07
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ardin1.2ghz, Geforce4MX 512 (i think)10:08
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ProN00bardin, got hardware acceleration enabled in the blob driver manager ?10:08
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ardin... blob driver manager?10:09
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magnetron!ohmy | ardin10:10
ubotuardin: Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly.10:10
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ardin... I DIDNT SWEAR10:10
NetGeari need to configure a server having 2 network on it such that dhcp will work on only one network10:10
ProN00bardin, sorry, its "Restricted Drivers Manager"10:10
AJ--ei guys.. how can i use my webcam a4tech to work with kopete10:10
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hegurumactimes: inittab is replaced with /etc/event.d in ubuntu10:10
NetGeari need to configure a server having 2 network on it such that dhcp will work on only one network and gateway the same machine10:11
ardinProN00b, if by that, you mean am i using nvidia's x server, yes, i set that up first thing after installing10:11
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MoNsTeRheguru, what about desktop caps10:11
ProN00bardin, nvidias x server ?10:11
mactimesheguru, Thank you very much!! =)10:11
heguruMoNsTeR: you mean cube caps?10:11
ProN00bwell, its just a graphics driver, not a whole x server10:11
NetGearmactimes, r u there10:11
heguruMoNsTeR: any image will work on them, no special images needed10:11
MoNsTeRok kool then10:11
VSpikeNetGear: Surely you just need to bind the dhcp server to a specific interface?10:11
mactimesNetGear, Yup.  Hold on, my DHCP config file is huge, it is used for several subnets (by several, I mean more than 100+), so, I'm digging into the file =)10:12
ardinhow about i just go with the short answer of 'yes' ProN00b . i can play OpenGL games.10:12
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NetGeari have dhcp3.conf file which works but dhcp broadcat on both nic's10:13
ProN00bardin, i could suggest you get mplayer and play with its -vo (video output) commandline parameter to see if there are problems with only some ways of displaying or if it is a vlc problem completely; also are you on a 64bit platform ?10:13
BlackgothNetGear: you need a dhcp config?10:13
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NetGearBlackgoth, i have dhcp3.conf file which works but dhcp broadcat on both nic's10:13
ardinno 64bit, and yes, already trying that. i installed mplayer first thing too10:13
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BlackgothNetGear: just alter the /etc/init.d/dhcp file10:13
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BlackgothINTERFACES="your interface"10:14
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VSpikeNetGear: it's a startup option.. yeah, what Blackgoth said10:14
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ProN00bardin, mplayer has the same problem/problems ?10:14
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ardinyes. all the media players have the same problem10:14
ardinmplayer, xine, vlc10:15
ProN00bardin, well, did you try mplayers -vo option ?10:15
ardinyes, i tried it with xv and i had the same problem10:15
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Blackgothardin: what are you trying to play?10:15
=== Blackgoth missed a bit
ProN00bardin, well, try others x11, gl, gl210:15
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mactimesNetGear, Found it10:15
ProN00bardin, also watch mplayers output, does it tell you that your machine is too slow to play the media10:16
mactimesNetGear, Get into /etc/default directory10:16
OmniusI have an nVidia GeForce 6200 and I'm trying to enable Twinview but in nvidia settings it wont allow me to choose enable, any ideas?10:16
mactimesNetGear, Edit your dhcp3-server file10:16
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ardinOmnius, go to the screen that isnt on yet and then try and enable it. thats what i had to do.10:16
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ardinProN00b,  yes, which is strange, because the same machine worked fine under windows10:17
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mactimesNetGear, the file should have a single line which should be10:17
Blackgothardin: again, what are you trying to play?10:17
jodih2how do i change mysql password10:17
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mactimesNetGear, INTERFACES=eth110:17
mactimesNetGear, Then, reboot your DHCP server10:17
Omniusardin, nvidia settings doesn't ever see the other screen10:17
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mactimesNetGear, Got it?10:17
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ardinBlackgoth: Standard Definition XviD rip of The Simpsons, Season 19, Episode 2, with mp3 sound on it.10:18
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v3traehey, does anyone know for sure that the ubuntu live cd has AHCI controller support?10:18
magnetronv3trae: it has10:18
v3traemagnetron: it does?10:18
ProN00bardin, try the other vo options, also try a null sound output or null video renderer and see if either fixes the problem10:18
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Blackgotherr. and you cant play it with vlc ?10:19
magnetronv3trae: it does10:19
v3traemagnetron: thank you sir, have a wonderful evening.10:19
dojojodih2: you have to use the mysql console tool10:19
ardinBlackgoth, yes.. why wouldnt i be able to?10:19
Blackgothsorry, but thats kinda, strange :P10:19
mactimesNetGear, My server run in the exact situation you want yours to run.  Except my server serves 100+ subnets.10:19
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jodih2dojo how do i do that10:19
dojojodih2: you should have installe mysql-client10:20
Blackgothmactimes: option-82 on switches ftw :)10:20
Blackgothand dhcp snooping :D10:20
mactimesBlackgoth, ???10:20
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AJ--how can i enable my compiz-fusion on startup so i wont be typing it everytime10:20
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NetGearBlacgoth mactimes can Your send me the file10:21
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Blackgothmactimes: we run a 1700 person network with dhcp based on dhcp snooping and option-82 :)10:21
NetGearmactimes,  mactimes can Your send me the file10:21
jodih2dojo i never installed this box and im in trouble10:21
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mactimesNetGear, Like I said:  It only contains a single line: INTERFACES=eth110:21
jodih2got someoe here who needs the password10:21
Blackgothlike i said before that :P10:21
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mactimesNetGear, Cause eth0 goes to a network where it is not serving IP's10:21
hegurujodih2: you can also install Mysql administrator if you need a good GUI for mysql administration, just use synaptic or on the terminal type: sudo apt-get install mysql-admin10:21
jodih2dojo how do i see if the client is installed10:22
ardini might have just fixed it, we'll see10:22
Blackgothor NetGear just use a commandline :)10:22
mactimesBlackgoth, I do manual config ^^10:22
jodih2heguru thanks10:22
dojojodih2: also use synaptic and look for mysql-client10:22
mactimesBlackgoth, I think it is safer this way =)10:22
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jodih2dojo thanks10:23
mactimesBlackgoth, It will only do what I tell it to do ^^10:23
Blackgothmactimes: we only use the network 3 days in a row :)10:23
NetGearmactimes, it not in my .conf file do i have to add it on the first line?10:23
heguruNetGear: add it to the file /etc/default/dhcp3-server10:23
mactimesNetGear, Nope, because it is already included in the /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server script10:23
Blackgothmactimes: http://upload.fkees.net/img/3659/switchng2004.jpg10:24
Blackgothour network is mobile ;)10:24
mactimesBlackgoth, OMG, that is what I call a mess ^^  Have you considered using racks? ^^10:24
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Blackgothmactimes: we only use the network 3 days in a row, then we move it to another location10:25
Blackgothit's a lanparty network rental10:25
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MoNsTeRanybody wanna post a screenshot of there desktop ill take one of mine !!!10:25
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magnetronBlackgoth: then use mobile racks10:25
mactimesBlackgoth, Anyways, fixing all equipment into a big rack would be more "comfortable", if you know what I mean...10:25
Blackgothyep, but the switches are distributed over tables mactimes10:26
t325Hello, since the last update, I have this problem with swiftfox in ubuntu feisty 64 bits: /usr/lib/swiftfox/swiftfox-bin: error while loading shared libraries: libz.so.1: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS6410:26
Blackgothso having 72 full size racks is a bit, clumbsy10:26
mactimesBlackgoth, What for?10:26
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Blackgothmactimes: for the end users, gamers10:26
magnetront325: try epiphany, it's faster than swiftfox10:27
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tux_flis there a work-around for the dhcp bug in gutsy gibbons?10:27
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magnetron!gutsy | tux_fl10:27
ubotutux_fl: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information10:27
mactimesBlackgoth, So, put them inside racks.  Will be more organized, cleaner and you don't have to patch so many things all the time10:27
Frogzootux_fl: you're asking in the wrong place10:27
t325magnetron: does it include flash?10:27
Blackgothmactimes: impossible :)10:27
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magnetront325: if you install the firefox flash plugin, yes10:28
Blackgoththats our network layout, every 24 users there is a switch10:28
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magnetronBlackgoth: Dreamhack?10:28
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Blackgothmagnetron: nope, drome10:28
FrogzooBlackgoth: wild guess - 24 port switches?10:28
Blackgothoh regroup even10:28
BlackgothFrogzoo: yep, hp procurve 262410:29
t325magnetron: ok, but in amd64 it is kind of complicated to get flash32 to work manually.. but maybe less compilcated than solving my shared libraries problem..10:29
Blackgothand a bunch of 2824/48 and a massive 5308 core :)10:29
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tiger_join #ubuntu+110:31
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tiger_hi there, conky shows 100% cpu usage all the time on my amd turion machine.However, both top and ps aux show normal cpu activities ?10:32
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capiirahi all, i'm using inkscape now but its tooooooo slow. Anyone know an other decent vector application?10:37
verb3kguys if I host a CMS on my ubuntu server (drupal5) , what permissions should I give to its files?10:37
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mactimesheguru, Hummm... /etc/event.d has many config files...10:38
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mactimesheguru, Isn't there a config file where I can choose the default runlevel?10:38
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(capiira/#ubuntu) 754 or 755 depends10:43
(verb3k/#ubuntu) I see10:44
(heguru/#ubuntu) mactimes: just add the file, nothing else needs to conifgured10:44
(mactimes/#ubuntu) heguru, Thanks! I'll try that now10:44
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CommonCloneI'm trying to mount a folder on my network to a folder on my laptop, so I type sudo mount /Home Desktop and it tells me I'm not using the command right...did I type something wrong?10:49
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slimjimflimhi. i just reinstalled my nvidia geforce4 legacy driver on feisty fawn, and now, after being down for a few days, x gives me the x windows log in, but fails to actually load my desktop.  what can i do to fix this?10:52
CommonCloneI figured it out...I didnt type the onmplete path10:52
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berkessomehow anacron runs its daily tasks later and later every day. I'd like to know if I can set it to run certain tasks really at midnight/01.00 etc, instead of 10.00, when I'm at full speed at work.10:52
slimjimflimie. i have control of the mouse, and there's a background, but that's all10:53
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alecshi there10:53
alecsi can use any internet repository to solve my problems with my packages10:54
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slimjimflimalecs, there's usually repositories specific to a certain application10:54
slimjimflimcheck the app's site10:55
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gorskii don't hear sound from zynaddsubfx, connected to jack, somebody help?10:56
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berkesalecs: though in general it is not advised to use any other repositories but the official ubuntu ones.10:58
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alecsyeah ... i know but ...10:59
alecsapt-get update ... i get10:59
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mrbtuanhow to chat on pidgin with a paltalk account10:59
exodosHi all, I would like to test new version of forcedeth kernel module. I have only C source code (without Makefiles). How can I compile just this one module?10:59
berkes1) you never know if they will be upgraded with new releases 2) no guarantee that they will be maintained in future 3) very often you run into a dependency hell.10:59
alecsEuare n aducerea http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty-security/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz  404 Not Found10:59
alecsEuare n aducerea http://ro.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz  404 Not Found10:59
alecsEuare n aducerea http://ro.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty/restricted/binary-i386/Packages.gz  404 Not Found10:59
porkpieguy's any one know when the clamav pkg is going to be updated ?10:59
alecsi don't11:00
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berkesalecs: have a look for mirrors, at ubuntu.org. you should be able to configure apt to use another mirror.11:00
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mrbtuanhow to chat paltalk on ubuntu ---> www.paltalk.com11:00
mrbtuanhelp me :D11:01
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alecsi'm being redirected to http://www.ubuntu.upc.edu/11:05
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alecsis http://www.ubuntu.com/11:06
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bongwant to chat?11:10
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VSpikeWhat other sources of support are there apart from ubuntuforums and this IRC channel?11:11
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VSpikeIs paid canonical support the next step?11:11
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househeadVSpike: google?11:11
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stdinVSpike: there's also the ubuntu-users mailing list11:11
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ubotumail is another medium to communicate. Ubuntu mailinglists can be found at http://lists.ubuntu.com11:12
VSpikehousehead: true, I should have listed google :)11:12
=== alloy slaps VSpike around a bit with a large trout
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VSpikestdin: always worth a try.. thanks11:13
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VSpikeman, I either need a new monitor or some new eyes11:15
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aLeSDhi all11:19
aLeSDcould someone tell me a p2p client better than amule ? Cause it stresses too much my internet connection11:20
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slimjimflimhi. i just reinstalled my nvidia geforce4 legacy driver on feisty fawn, and now, after being down for a few days, x gives me the x windows log in, but fails to actually load my desktop.  what can i do to fix this?11:22
aLeSDdo u have windows effects active ?11:23
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tthh00slimjimflim: you are sure this has something to do with the nvidia driver? looks more like a problem loading your gnome session11:23
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indravenihi all11:29
slimjimflimtthh00, yea, i think it's gnome, otherwise i wouldn't get any giu11:29
indravenii have sony vaio laptop, and projector is not working in it11:29
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indravenicould some one help me here11:29
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tthh00slimjimflim: try to log in on a text console (ctrl-alt-f1) and check the file .xsession-errors11:30
zicke-zackecan you speak english11:30
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tthh00!de | zicke-zacke11:30
ubotuzicke-zacke: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de11:30
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slimjimflimtthh00, yea. there's an error, i'll pastebin it11:31
slimjimflim1 sec11:31
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LhademmorWhich iPod-like music device is the most Ubuntu-friendly?11:32
VSpikeLhademmor: the samsung I have is friendly11:33
punzadaipod works fine as far as I know.11:33
iapx8088hi all, I have an issue with my ubuntu raid1 server. It was installed using grub, swapped the disk and so on. Worked fine but sometimes it doesn't boot, or it takes a lot of time and the logs are a lof of md: array md1 already has disks!"ull of11:33
pavsfunny thing happened i have a logitech webcamera and its only windows compatible to hook it up with windows 2003 and not only that it doesnt work out of the box it doesnt even work when drivers are installed from their website and I cant use it with msn live, so I hook it up to my ubuntu laptop and boom it works right out of the box with no configuration or installation and I can use it with amsn!! kool linux forever...11:33
slimjimflimtthh00, http://pastebin.ca/72408411:33
iapx8088searched some google, and just people with no clue11:33
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iapx8088any idea11:33
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LhademmorVSpike: How big?11:34
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tthh00slimjimflim: is that the complete file?11:34
slimjimflimtthh00, no, i left out the begining11:34
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tthh00slimjimflim: looks like the shell doesn't like the syntax in one of the session scripts11:35
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luk1does anyone have the same11:36
luk1problem with beryl11:36
tthh00slimjimflim: is this a clean install of feisty?11:36
slimjimflim"/etc/gdm/Xsession", right, tthh00...not quite?11:37
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WildOSgdbserver returns "Child terminated with signal = 5" when I try to insert breakpoints in threads other than main. Anyone understands why?11:37
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tthh00slimjimflim: maybe11:37
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tthh00slimjimflim: i don't use gnome here, so i can't tell exactly11:37
luk1is anyone finding there beryl program is stuffing up11:37
slimjimflimcan i switch it for kde?11:38
slimjimflimwould that fix it?11:38
tthh00slimjimflim: i don't use kde either11:38
koshariluk1 whats the problem11:38
tthh00slimjimflim: i am running xfce here11:38
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slimjimflimtthh00 could i use that?11:38
tthh00slimjimflim: but i do have that /etc/gdm/Xsession here11:39
luk1well everytime i go to the programs file and then to the tabs in th start button well you no what im talking about my screeen turns white and  i need to restart my pc11:39
luk1it so anoyying11:39
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tthh00slimjimflim: md5sum of my /etc/gdm/Xsession is: 60f055534fa6b3a1497c92fabbfd8f6311:39
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luk1so i think  it a erros with beryl11:39
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VSpikeLhademmor: only a 4GB flash one .. similar to a nano11:40
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LhademmorAh, k11:40
slimjimflimtthh00, i don't think that's it, there's no opening parenthese before line 12 anyway11:40
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VSpikeLhademmor: the advantage is that it doesn't have any stupid internal database - it just acts like a flash drive and you copy files onto it11:41
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tthh00slimjimflim: right, line 12 is a comment11:41
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tthh00slimjimflim: another reason for not starting X session could be no space left on the filesystem11:42
tthh00slimjimflim: check with  df -h11:43
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slimjimflimthat's not it11:43
tthh00slimjimflim: hmm11:43
tituni just got a new monitor, how do i setup 1280x1024 resolution in Feisty?11:43
tituncuttently set to 1024x768 it looks bad11:43
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slimjimflimtitun, i think there's a configuration wizard in administration11:44
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tthh00titun: make a backup copy of /etc/X11/xorg.conf, then do  sudo dpkg-reconfigre xserver-xorg11:44
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titunslimjimflim: the configuration wizard does not show the resolution i need11:44
tituntthh00: ok , let me try11:44
joshjoshOk, the name of my fileserver is saturn. when i go to \\saturn, it says it's not connected to the network, but i know this is false. I can get to it through vncviewer..i think there might be a firewall set up. how can i stop it?11:44
spacemadnessif you set it to AUTO DETECT that soudl work ( for resolution )11:45
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titunspacemadness: no auto detect of thee monitor did not work properly11:46
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luckymurali_81hi to all11:48
luckymurali_81im newbie in linux11:49
luckymurali_81i installed ubuntu11:49
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luckymurali_81now i tried to use usb pen drive11:49
luckymurali_81it saids cannot mount11:50
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ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter11:50
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luckymurali_81how to mount it(auto matically)11:50
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slimjimflimhi. i just reinstalled my nvidia geforce4 legacy driver on feisty fawn, and now, after being down for a few days, x gives me the x windows log in, but fails to actually load my desktop.  what can i do to fix this?11:51
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kimmey2k3as far as i can remember it does that auto for me11:51
luckymurali_81!MOUNT AUTOMATICALLY MOUNT?11:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about usb - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:51
KasoCan someone explain what the message im getting about avahi and .local domain on my network means? i cant google for ".local" :<11:51
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jisatsuin Feisty, the email button on keyboards seems to be hardcoded to run evolution, and ignores the gnome keyboard shortcut settings. any idea how to fix that?11:51
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void^Kaso: google for "zeroconf"11:52
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ian___I bought a new SATA harddrive to install ubuntu on.  I stuck it in my case and unplugged my windows drive.  The live CD boots just fine, I can see my drive, partition, and install.  When the install completes the PC restarts, makes it through POST, but then hangs looking for a bootable disk.  I know that I can boot from SATA drive (I do with windows) with my motherboard (MSI k8N neo NFORCE 3...11:55
ian___...chipset, amd64 ~700 pin package..i forget.)11:55
ian___any ideas on why it hangs?11:55
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ian___I did set the ubuntu drive to boot in bios.11:55
kimmey2k3try setting in the cd and choose "boot from harddrive"11:56
{[rediz] }ive got dadder drake on 1 hard drive and ubuntu studio on slave hard drive. Q. i need m$ windozs on mi box.do i need to format the slave drive to install windoze11:56
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luckymurali_81THANKS TO ALL11:57
ian___ok, I'll try a boot with the cd and choose boot from harddrive, I didnt remember that options.  Thanks11:57
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minimec{[rediz] }: You could taje your slave and give it a boot sector with SuperGrub and use it as Master and install a new MS$ on the Dapper HD as slave11:58
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jodih2hi again11:59
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jodih2one more question from a newbie11:59
{[rediz] }Mimmi11:59
jodih2how do i see the contents of a cd from a promt11:59
magnetronQuestion: how do i choose the default search engine for epiphany?11:59
minimec{[rediz] }: ... I guess you want to keep the newer Ubuntu Studio and replace Dapper with a Win install...11:59
tthh00jodih2: is it already mounted?12:00
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{[rediz] }minimec: my master is 80g & slave 40g12:00
magnetronjodih2: first cd /meida12:00
jodih2i think so12:00
magnetronjodih2: first cd /media12:00
magnetronjodih2: then ls to see the different drives12:00
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magnetronjodih2: then cd again12:00
minimec{[rediz] }: So what would be your favourite choice?12:01
jodih2how would i mount it12:01
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{[rediz] }minimec: whats taje12:01
tthh00jodih2: the cd should automount when inserted12:01
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minimec{[rediz] }: taje = take ;)12:02
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jodih2it sas program first not installed12:02
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{[rediz] }minimec: yeah but not shaw witch is best way to do it12:03
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tthh00jodih2: first was not meant as a command12:03
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tthh00jodih2: just do:  cd /media12:04
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jodih2thanks guys12:04
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minimec{[rediz] } To keep your UbuntuStudio as Master change the jumper on the HD to Master and use the Software SuperGrub which comes as a CD and boot your computer with it. Then you can give your UbuntuStudio HD a new Boot Sector.12:06
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{[rediz] }minimec: gonna do some reading thankz for pointing me in right direction12:08
jodih2if i have a file on the cd to install how do i do it? apt starts looking at the repositories12:08
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minimec{[rediz] } np12:08
emeka_I need help in visual basic12:09
magnetron!windows | emeka_12:09
ubotuemeka_: For help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents12:09
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{[rediz] }minimec: 8-)12:10
slimjimflimtthh00, i'm installing kde12:10
Guest56106if complexity is theta(n**2) then if we double the total number of data to be sorted then the approx time becomes 4times of sorting N data. but in case of theta(nlogn) what does it become ?12:11
Guest56106I mean if I i double the data from N to 2N, what is the approx time ?12:11
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tthh00slimjimflim: before installing such a beast, try with fluxbox or something12:11
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slimjimflimmyehh, i already starte12:12
emeka_I am autofill a form in ms access using vba code,con anyone help?12:13
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tthh00emeka_: this is not a windows channel12:13
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E_mEhas anyone here every experiences problems with ODBC on ubuntu?? i seem to get lots of nice errors12:13
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emeka_I have run out options on where to get help from12:14
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emeka_does anyone have an idea of ms access automation12:14
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opexocHas anyone installed ubuntu on system which have GeForce 8500 GT?12:15
magnetronemeka_: maybe microsoft does? if you pay for their products, i'm sure they are happy to give you support12:15
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tthh00jodih2: installing software from the repos is the preferred way. why do you want to install something from cd?12:16
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jodih2i downloaded ispconfig12:16
tthh00jodih2: what's that?12:16
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jodih2tthh00 and i need to now how to install it12:16
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tthh00jodih2: please use the ubuntu methods for getting online and not some obscure piece of software12:17
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simplechat_i'm installing with dual boot12:18
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piranesiI have a problem with samba: nautilus smb://mshome shows me nothing while nautilus smb:// (the ip of a windows pc that belongs to MSHOME workgroup) shows me the shared files12:18
simplechat_should i use guided - use the largest contiguous free space?12:18
neopsychehow can i setup an apache server on my ubuntu installation that i can allow other people on my network to access but keep my files safe?12:18
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jodih2tthh00 please advise best way12:19
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about networking - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:19
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:19
jodih2tthh00 its not a network problem its a piece of management software12:20
tthh00jodih2: oh i see12:20
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GreySimDoes anyone know if in Gutsy, would the minimum panel size being dependent on the application font currently set be a bug? For example, with Lucida Sans Unicode, from my ~/.fonts folder, I couldn't go below 27 on the panel size. But with Lucida Sans from the sun-java6-fonts package (I believe), I could go down to 22 or so.12:20
GreySimOr could that be intentional?12:21
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jodih2tth00 how do i download from sourceforge from a command promt12:21
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tthh00jodih2: use w3m, it's a text browser12:21
Nighthawk420alright everyone... iv been trying to use gtkpod and i get an error right as i load my ipod... and when i can finally add songs to it... it says there is no space left on the source when there is close to a gig left... please help12:22
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jodih2thanks tthh0012:22
tthh00jodih2: press H in w3m to get help about keyboard commands12:22
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tthh00jodih2: and if you already know the download URL, use wget12:22
g0rd0nhow can I tell ALSA which sound card to use by default?12:23
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wabiDdoes anyone have vista booting off a real partition with vmware12:23
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Nighthawk420wabiD, i have a vista ubuntu dual boot on my dell e150512:24
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wabiDi can dual boot just fine12:25
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Nighthawk420okay thats as far as i can help lol12:25
heguruwabiD: why not ask in #windows or #vmware12:25
aidehuaHow can I add the "Debian" menu item under Applications?12:26
wabiDwell i think its a ubuntu problem, cuz it wont let me mount the partition12:26
FallenHitokirihow can I specify which effects I want to use if I select "custom effects" (gusty)12:26
wabiDthe button to the right12:26
heguruwabiD: then ask your real ubuntu question :)12:26
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heguruwabiD: you are trying to mount a Vista partition?12:27
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wabiDwell i can mount and access it12:27
wabiDbut if i unmount it, vmware cant see it12:27
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assassin5has anyone else noticed that the syntax highlighting doesn't work in vim on feisty?.12:27
Nighthawk420alright everyone... iv been trying to use gtkpod and i get an error right as i load my ipod... and when i can finally add songs to it... it says there is no space left on the source when there is close to a gig left... please help12:27
FallenHitokiriassassin5: did you install vim?12:28
tthh00assassin5: it does. just install vim, so it replaces vim-minimal.12:28
FallenHitokiriassassin5: not just the default installation you get, I mean a apt-get install vim12:28
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wabiDwhere is grub.conf located12:29
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tthh00assassin5: vim-minimal is the vim flavour installed by default in feisty. it cannot do syntax highlighting.12:29
reversebladeassassin5, by default it does not work12:29
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tthh00assassin5: so apt-get install vim12:29
reversebladeassassin5, you have to write syntax on or someting like that. google it12:29
simplechat_for a dual boot12:29
simplechat_do i use largest continuous free space?12:29
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ubotuDual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookProFeisty12:30
tthh00assassin5: and you have to remove the comment before "syntax on" in /etc/vim/vimrc12:30
assassin5seems a little pointless to suddenly change that. I've always just had vim installed and it works.12:30
zutnubuhow do i install 7.10 (beta) ubuntu without boot media?12:30
reversebladeassassin5, believe me its a simple fix12:30
gorskihow to solve this: W: GPG error: http://www.texware.it feisty/ Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 9B5EFA4BBBA3222D12:30
assassin5I know. It's not a problem.12:30
ian_____________Thanks to whomever suggested that I boot with live cd and choose boot from disk to fix my borked ubuntu install.  I got grub error 17, did a successful reinstall, and it is now booting.12:30
assassin5It just seems pointless to have a minimal install of something that's pretty minimal anyway12:31
heguruwabiD: there is no grub.conf in ubuntu, use /boot/grub/menu.lst12:31
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tthh00assassin5: normal vim isn't minimal anymore12:31
wabiDyea i said nvm i found it12:31
zutnubunvm i found my answer12:32
heguruwabiD: sorry missed that12:32
Stulenandi_42098hello  check this new side  http://www.pennergame.de/ref.php?refid=736095512:32
tthh00assassin5: at least when compared to other vi clones12:32
Stulenandi_42098hello  check this new side  http://www.pennergame.de/ref.php?refid=736095512:32
wabiDcan i tell grub to show the menu every time so i dont need to press escape12:32
wabiDbut still time out after 5 seconds12:32
Stulenandi_42098hello  check this new side  http://www.pennergame.de/ref.php?refid=736095512:32
tomawStulenandi_42098: do not spam those urls12:32
tthh00Stulenandi_42098: do't do that12:32
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heguruwabiD: comment out hiddenmenu option12:33
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wabiDballer thanks12:33
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olgahow to use alsaconf on ubuntu?12:34
g0rd0nhow can I tell ALSA which sound card to use by default?12:34
hollandlucasyou usually don't need to use it12:34
openjoelHI, I have a macbook, and I want to dualboot with ubuntu and osx. Anything I should think about?12:34
hollandlucasudev should detect your audio card just fine12:34
hollandlucasotherwise: alsactl I think12:34
g0rd0ni keep hearing sounds from my USB phone, but i want alsa to use my onboard sound card...12:34
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Nighthawk420goddd  i want to get my ipod workin on here....12:35
Nighthawk420how can i get something into my usr/lib/ folder in the term12:35
gnudoccan i ask a gnupg question here?12:36
FallenHitokiriNighthawk420: cp?12:36
minimecolga: I think alsaconf has been removed in feisty12:36
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hollandlucasbut surely you must be able to install it12:36
olgaminimec, true12:36
olgaminimec, and I need to use it12:36
hollandlucasmust be part of a package12:37
minimecolga: What do you want to do?12:37
olgaminimec, force alsa to support microphone12:37
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gnudoci've made a revocation certificate for my gpg public key, how do i get that onto keyserver.ubuntu.com?12:37
minimecg0rd0n: Try gstreamer-properties12:37
minimecolga: Try gstreamer-properties12:37
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olgaminimec, same - no sound from mic12:39
mmcis there any tool which shows apt priorities (for all available version of a package)?12:39
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olgaminimec, I thought that it's wrong kernel driver12:39
WildOSIs there a problem with multithreaded debug in gdbserver 6.5?12:39
minimecolga: But the device is visible in gstreamer-properties?12:39
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olgaminimec, ubuntu uses snd_intel and i want to use snd_intel8x012:40
olgabut don'y know how to do this on ubuntu12:40
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minimecolga: But is snd_intel8x0 visible in gstreamer-properties?12:40
ikoniammc: what do you mean by priorities12:40
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olgaminimec, it loads only snd_hda_intel kernel module12:41
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olgawhich probably doesn't work properly12:41
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Laxanyone know how to set the rights on a SDcard with root as owner?12:42
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ikoniaLax chown12:42
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minimecolga: So the driver is not loaded.... What kind of device is that? Is it something like a usb webcam with integrated soundcard (mic)?12:42
olgaminimec, Intel ICH7 sound card in HP nx7400 notebook12:43
Converthow could i make the connections run by a user to be only seen by that user and no other user that is logged to the machine ?12:43
linux4mehow do i add kernel support for ipvs? i'm running ubuntu fiesty. i ran "sudo apt-get install ipvsadm and it says the kernel does not support IPVS12:43
ikoniaConvert define connections ?12:43
minimecolga: Hmmm... That shouldn't be a problem...12:44
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Convertohh, s/connections/processes/12:44
Laxchown: changing ownership of `sandiskSD': Read-only file system12:44
ikonialinux4me you need ip vritualisation support (I think thats the option name) its by iptables12:44
olgaminimec, but is - on WinXP it works great12:44
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minimecolga: Should work on Linux too.12:44
ikoniaConvert you can't really, limit the use of things like ps, or use chroot, both are weak options.12:44
ikoniaConvert: why do you not want people to see processes running12:44
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olgaminimec, I want to use sn_intel8x0 which works on my toshiba with gentoo12:45
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Convertikonia, because i wouldn't want them to kill the processes or stuff like that12:45
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olgaminimec, but i don't have any idea how to do it without alsaconf12:45
ikoniaConvert they can't kill processes unless they own them12:45
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bullgard4Evince displays a document upside down. How can I change this to normal?12:45
minimecolga: So if you blacklisted the driver you don't want to load?12:45
blizzkidlo all. Anyone experienced with qemu and windows xp?12:46
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Convertok ikonia, thank you12:46
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linux4meikonia - i have iptables support but ipvsadm say that my kernel does not support ivps.12:47
Laxi cant change owner because it is a read-only file system12:47
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ikonialinux4me: hang on, I'll see if I can find the option. As its not only the kernel, but your daemon controller (keepalived for example) that needs support12:48
minimecolga: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21430112:48
ikoniaLax 1.) if its fat32 you can't set permissions 2.) moount it read-write, rather then read only12:48
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bmt2if i am trying to add the wine apt repository to my sources.list...am i putting this in the list : ' eget -q http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/387EE263.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add- '12:50
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bmt2eget = wget12:50
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ikoniabmt2 thats wrong12:51
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ikoniabmt2 you don't put commands int he list12:51
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bmt2or am i putting this in the list : ' sudo wget http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/sources.list.d/feisty.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/winehq.list '12:51
ikoniabmt2 neither12:51
ikoniabmt2 you ust put the repo location in the list, look at the others for examples12:51
ikoniabmt2 you don't put commands i the list12:52
ikonialinux4me: just going through the kernel options12:52
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linux4meikonia - tks, what ubuntu are you using and do you use lvs?12:52
bmt2ikonia: i knew something was wrong because it didn't look like the other....but i am using this URL as reference : http://www.winehq.org/site/download-deb12:52
ikonialinux4me I'm not using lvs on ubuntu at the moment12:52
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Techtronichey any one able to help me with an ndiswrapper poblem12:52
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hegurubmt2: this would add wine repository: sudo wget http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/sources.list.d/feisty.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/winehq.list12:53
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Techtronicwould pay to have some one help me12:53
bmt2heguru: am i doing that from a cli or actually put that line in the list ?12:54
ikoniaTechtronic canonical.com does pay for suport12:54
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hegurubmt2: run this from the cli12:54
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bmt2heguru: and then i assume put the other line in the actual sources.list12:54
linux4meanyone here use lvs-dr on ubuntu fiesty?12:54
hegurubmt2: no need12:54
ikonialinux4me I'm getting your options now12:54
bmt2heguru: thanks...let me  try that12:54
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spacemadnessTechtronic I wll help you12:55
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Techtronicthanks spacemadness12:55
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Laxikonia: how do i mount read/write. its ntfs i believe12:56
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ikonia!ntfs-3g >Lax12:57
petruhello! after installig xgl drivers, and runnin gxgl session, icons for shutdown and restart computer are missing. waht to do to get them back?12:57
spacemadnesslax: goto Add/remove programs.. choose Show all avail packages.. and goto Systools section.. select NTFS support package and install12:57
g0rd0nminimec: gstreamer-properties works, i hear sound from my soundcard...12:57
deezidpetru: do you really need to use XGL?12:57
ApsuHow to make Kanjis with ubuntu? (I'm Japanese so excuse my poor language)12:57
g0rd0nbut for example flash plugin in firefox or amarok still play on the freakin usb phone12:57
minimecg0rd0n: Happy to hear that ;)12:58
Techtronicwhen i use ndiswrapper -l it shows as the wlan card is there however when i do a iwconfig it does not show as wlan012:58
petrudeezid, is the only way i manage to enable desktop effect on my x1300 ati radeon12:58
deezidahh, ok12:58
petrudeezid, any solution 4 my problem/12:58
g0rd0nminimec: but for example flash plugin in firefox or amarok still play on the freakin usb phone12:58
bmt2after doing a apt-get update i got a GPG error: for the ' http://wine.budgetdedicated.com fiesty Release '12:59
simplechat_i just ran through ubuntu install, and now windows is bluescreening on start12:59
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deezidpetru: it seems that you used the startupscript instead of the modified gdm.conf12:59
ikoniasimplechat_ most common cause is the need for a chkdisk and defrag on the windows disk12:59
bmt2after doing a apt-get update i got a GPG error: for the ' http://wine.budgetdedicated.com fiesty Release '12:59
simplechat_i defragged before starting12:59
simplechat_do i need to run chkdisk12:59
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deezidpetro: another solution to the problem might be to wait 1 or 2 weeks until the new fglrx driver with AIGLX support is released :)01:00
hegurubmt2: run this: wget -q http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/387EE263.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add-01:00
Techtronicperru: try here i used it 10 mins ago for my dell laptop with xpress 1100 card and it worked http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=39964301:00
minimecg0rd0n: Looks that these programs don't use the gstreamer framework.01:00
=== HUmar [n=clem@d213-103-204-198.cust.tele2.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Techtronicspacemadness - you there01:00
deezidpetru: then you don't need XGL anymore01:00
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simplechat_ikonia: do i need to run up the normal winxp recovery cd?01:01
simplechat_or what?01:01
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deezidone question: is there a compiz developer channel on this server?01:01
simplechat_it said that 0.1% were non-contiguous from ubuntu01:01
simplechat_and that there were errors on the root partition01:01
simplechat_does that mean that ubuntu set up its partition too large?01:01
simplechat_or what?01:01
petrudeezid, i used this: sudo apt-get install xserver-xgl; #!/bin/sh01:01
petruXgl :1 -fullscreen -ac -accel xv:pbuffer -accel glx:pbuffer &01:01
petrudbus-launch --exit-with-session gnome-session; sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/startxgl.sh; [Desktop Entry] 01:01
petruComment=Start an Xgl Session01:01
heguru!pastebin | petru01:02
ubotupetru: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:02
Apsuwakarimashita... I go choose an other distribution ^^ Sayonara mina-san01:02
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deezidpetru: yeah. this is the script which causes your problem01:02
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petruheguru, sorry about that01:02
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nomad111hi all01:02
petrudeezid, what to do/01:02
nomad111how do i get extended display over two screens in ubuntu01:02
simplechat_google isn't helping01:03
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nomad111i mean to say 1 + 101:03
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civixierokay, here's the thing. I got myself an extern hard drive, 20 gb, that I thought I would have for Linux. I got kubuntu and installed it into the disk, but when I rebooted everything just halts with the message Error 17. 'Grub Loading stage1.5' 'Grub loading, please wait' 'Error 17'01:03
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deezidpetru: look how to remove the startup script01:03
simplechat_please help?01:03
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deezidpetru: then you have to modify your gdm.conf01:04
petrudeezid, but then is bye bye to eye candy....01:04
civixierand this grub (i guess its the boot menu) has installed itself to my other drive, where i have XP installed. so for now, all I have that works is this live CD...01:04
deezidpetru: nope01:04
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petrudeezid, i think ill stick with the terminal sudo shutdown -h now01:05
hegurupetry: you have to add two lines to your startxgl.sh for restart/shutdown buttons01:05
emeka__what chatroom do I go to find help about ms access01:05
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deezidpetru: just search for a gdm.conf XGL howto01:05
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=== Crozar [n=abdulla@dxb-as58844.alshamil.net.ae] has joined #ubuntu
petrudeezi, thanks!01:05
deezidpertu: no problem01:05
Crozarguys is theyr daemon-tools for linux?01:05
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simplechat_you mount iso's through a loopback01:05
simplechat_thats all i know01:05
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bmt2if i had wine already installed (older version) and i do a apt-get install on the newer version should it not replace the old version ?01:05
Crozarsimplechat_: llooppback?01:06
=== erUSUL [n=erUSUL@93.Red-81-38-65.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
AJ--how can i transfer a file from my home foloder to my grub folder??01:06
Crozarsimplechat_: whats that? terminal command stuff?01:06
simplechat_there should be a gui for it01:06
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Crozarsimplechat_: i know but you think this will attract people to convert from Windows to Linux?01:06
jodih2how do i search for file on ubuntu01:07
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erUSULAJ--: sudo cp /home/user/file /boot/grub/01:07
simplechat_Crozar, i think having ubuntu much easier to use then windows will help01:07
Crozarsimplechat_: any Kde format eyecandy use of equipment?01:07
AJ--tnx erUSUL01:07
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jodih2i downloaded a file and dont know where it is01:07
erUSULjodih2: there are a few alternatsive locate, find, and if it is in you home folder Places>Search01:07
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tifineis there any java server online ?01:08
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kyjaomg !!! how can ubuntu that was on a 22 gig partition take up 44 gigs on a 93 gig partition. talk about bad !01:08
Crozarsimplechat_: nevermind your in the linux head while others cant consume time for computers , computers are just computers they do the work we must know how to ez touch an go with the flow but not learn the expertiese to go faster and live upon control heh. i know its worth it if your an IT professor or computer engineer01:08
tifineif somebody can tell me how to convert .bat to .jar file ?01:08
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simplechat_Crozar: i've spent most of today trying to get windows to work01:09
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simplechat_getting ubuntu to work takes maybe 15 minutes01:09
simplechat_windows is an incredible bitch01:09
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simplechat_once ubuntu comes preinstalled with the majority, it will own windows01:09
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trogdorwhat is that nice apt-get command to remove unneeded packages that are no longer required?01:10
Crozarsimplechat_: see waht i mean tifine asked how to convert .bat to .jar now you will tell them to type this and this in terminal whe're in windows u right click rename and it goes . here in linux u cant bypass unless the program isprogramed to a scripture where when doing that it bypasses and give syou the alert if pass is needed ect..01:10
kyjawhat should I do. its like 22 gigs of unusable space01:10
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simplechat_Crozar, you can also rename in nautilus01:11
simplechat_and you can click rename01:11
simplechat_and it works01:11
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simplechat_You also have a hell of a lot more tools then you can ever think of01:11
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Crozarkyja: you can use a program like partition magic for windows and you can take that space away and then install partition magic for windows and set it for windows01:11
simplechat_free security updates, all the software you can think of, no viruses and its all done01:11
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simplechat_have a look at gparted01:11
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Crozarsimplechat_: then is theyr a ready ubuntu version which has all this? is it kubuntu?01:11
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simplechat_just normal ubuntu is fine01:12
simplechat_from what i've seen01:12
simplechat_it has  few problems, but its newish01:12
kyjabluck. no I just moved a 22 gig ubuntu onto a 93 gig partition and it is now 44 gigs !! thats the trouble01:12
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Crozarsimplechat_: actually im on UbuntU with KDE installed but i dont see all this ? so kubuntu kde is diffrent then then one i got ? supposely the kubuntu kde can write .01:12
Crozarsimplechat_: then i guess that might be true.01:12
simplechat_kubuntu uses kde01:12
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timonatorthere is a seperate channel for the beta version of ubuntu, right?01:12
simplechat_you should isntall ubuntu-desktop01:12
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simplechat_and use ubuntu01:12
=== kyja shudders at thought of being limited by windows
simplechat_is the other chan01:12
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trogdortimonator: ubuntu+1 is the channel01:13
Crozarno its #ubuntu-offtopic01:13
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gerst_please help me out.. I was messing around with compiz and now I`m stuck with this error message ..  http://pastebin.com/m6f5c2cc301:13
Crozari cant believe im speaking to a newcommer to a topic which emerges hes qualifications01:13
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gerst_apt-get -f install didnt help me01:13
gerst_and now I cant install anything01:14
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Crozargerst_: what do you want to install01:14
gerst_I just tried for example xchat01:14
Crozargerst_: use sudo apt-get install01:14
Crozargerst_: sudo apt-get install xchat01:14
gerst_thats ok01:15
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gerst_i got  Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).01:15
rilakgreetings everyone01:15
gerst_but its not working01:15
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Crozarsudo apt-get autoremove xchat              ( is to completely remove it with its lib's )01:15
gorskii run jack with a real time kernel and i get this: cannot use real-time scheduling (FIFO at priority 10) [for thread -1210054976, from thread -1210054976]  (1: Operation not permitted)01:16
gorskicannot create engine01:16
rilakI'd have a question for someone who is intimately acquainted with the networking stack in Ubuntu 7.401:16
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Crozarrilak: shoot01:16
trogdorCrozar: no you mean apt-get remove --purge xchat right?01:16
Crozartrogdor: i use autoremove01:16
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gerst_but I got broken dependecies with compiz01:16
IdleOnegerst_: use sudo01:16
gerst_The following packages have unmet dependencies:01:17
gerst_  compiz-gnome: Depends: compiz-gtk (= 1:0.3.6-1ubuntu13) but it is not going to be installed01:17
gerst_  desktop-effects: Depends: compiz but it is not going to be installed01:17
trogdorCrozar: most of what xchat uses is used by other apps though, I'm going to start using autoremove myself too01:17
Crozargerst_: broken dependensies? because ? you updated to gutsy? or whats the reason tell me and i can clarify more.01:17
visualHello every one01:17
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rilakhere's the deal: I have two configurations in network-admin; "Roaming" where eth0 is set to DHCP and "Home" where I use my static IP address.01:17
gerst_the owner is not here of the computer I dont know what he did before01:17
Crozartrogdor: i use autoremove and my life is going great lo01:17
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gerst_i just got these errors01:17
Crozarrilak: go on01:17
gerst_and I cant fix them01:17
Crozargerst_: what version of ubuntu you got?01:18
rilakWhen I return home from work, my laptop is set to "Roaming".  No big deal, I switch to "Home" via NetworkManager's applet interface.01:18
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rilakThen my connection dies after a random number of seconds.01:18
Crozarrilak: whats the problem , ?01:18
rilakEverything shows up fine.01:18
Crozarrilak: no internet connection?01:18
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Crozarrilak: your firefox doesnt connect?01:18
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rilakIP is set to static one, mii-diag shows everything is working, but no data goes through.01:18
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rilakWhen I switch back to DHCP, it starts again.01:19
Crozargerst_: il give you a script where you can get back all the dependencies of compiz01:19
rilakbut I wasn't able to set the static IP by any means once after my laptop starts with a DHCP address.01:19
kyjaok ! here is the deal... properties of drive state 23.2 GB used 45.3 GB free total capacity 68.5 ... however it is a 100 GB drive and gnome partition editor states the partition is 93.8 GB with 44 GB used on surface. ummmm ???????01:19
Crozarrilak: you mean you cant use internet no data received only the data is being sent01:19
mortzcan some1 please tellme how to change the screen resolution to 1024*768 when the option isnt in the list01:19
rilaknothing is being neither sent neither received, to the best of my knowledge.01:19
rilakI've tried disabling avahi daemon, didn't help01:20
simplechat_mortz, google for the x configuration file01:20
rilakit wasn't the culprit01:20
trogdorkyja: does it have a swap partition? What file system?01:20
simplechat_you need to edit it with gksudo gedit /ect/x11/xorg.conf01:20
simplechat_and add a new screen resolution01:20
simplechat_but back it up first01:20
Crozarmortz: you must edit xorg.confg file type sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:20
kyjaYES thats why its only 98 instead of 9901:20
simplechat_not sudo01:20
simplechat_Crozar, gksudo01:20
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simplechat_kyja, what is your problem?01:21
rilakso my question is then: where can I start to tinker in order to diagnose my network problem?  I'm not all too well familiar with networking.01:21
kyjais there like 20 GB of ram disks? this might be my missing m20 GB01:21
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trogdorrilak: test if you can ping, make sure something is in /etc/resolve.conf, ifconfig gives info, try ifdown and ifup for your connection. apt-get remove avahi-daemon01:21
visualdo any one know where I can find a deb of aptana01:21
rilaktrogdor: nope, yes, yes, doesn't work01:21
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gerst_I`ll be back in a 30 minutes.. please send me the script in private...thanks01:21
rilaktrogdor: I disable avahi-daemon by hand: /etc/init.d/avahi stop01:21
trogdorrilak: tried a different cord?01:21
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rilakthis behavior is consistent across cords ^^01:22
kyjaI moved ubuntu off a 20 GB partition to a 98 GB partition and gnome part editor reports its 44 GB in size now01:22
simplechat_kyja, no, you won't get 20 gigs of ramdisk unless you have 40 gigs of ram01:22
rilakI have some info01:22
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Crozarrilak: i want you to type something in terminal type this dig www.google.com01:22
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simplechat_kyja, reinstall01:22
rilakIP is fine; mii-diag says everything works01:22
kyja:( yeah perhaps I will have to01:22
trogdorrilak: its worked before though right?01:22
rilakyes crozar?01:22
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Crozarrilak: type dig www.google.com in terminal01:22
rilaktrogdor, I think this started to happen at some point, I'm not quite sure01:22
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rilakCrozar: I'm digging it, so?01:23
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rilakCrozar: I am on DHCP right now though01:23
trogdorrilak: anything on dmesg? is your card claimed on lshw?01:23
Crozarjust tell me01:23
rilaktrogdor: I tail -f my syslog at the time when my connection stops working -- NOTHING there01:23
Crozarrilak: after typing in terminal dig www.google.com what came up?01:23
rilakmy card is alright01:23
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Crozarrilak: pay attention you here for support not for conversation01:24
rilakCrozar: I got regular dig output, what would you like to know?01:24
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rilakCrozar, thank you for your support, but I think you're missing the point here:  I am talking from my laptop which is configured via DHCP at this time.01:24
Crozarrilak: type wget www.google.com01:24
rilakCrozar, there is no need to.01:24
rilakI am connected.01:25
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trogdorrilak: so its working now?01:25
Crozarrilak: you are connected but does your firefox work?01:25
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rilakCrozar: everything works now01:25
Crozarrilak: then suddenly everything doesnt work?01:25
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rilakCrozar: my question is about the behavior I get when I switch to static IP01:25
trogdorrilak: probably your router, I had some trouble with mine01:25
rilakCrozar: actually, I wanted someone to give me a quick list of points where things might go a-breaking01:26
Crozarrilak: through my opinion its maybe a bug which comes from externally , ur using modem ? router?01:26
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rilaktrogdor: actually it works with Windows quite well, and I've changed routers in the meantine01:26
trogdorCrozar: router obviously if he is setting up a static route01:26
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rilakCrozar: ADSL modem + router, both work fine with Windows and won't complain no matter how often I switch from static to dynamic I{01:26
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rilakand I've since changed my router too01:27
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Crozarrilak: in linux its diffrent01:27
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rilakhere's what I've tried: tail -f /var/log/syslog: no message at the moment when things stop working; mii-diag says link is OK; ifconfig says my IP is good.01:27
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rilakWhat else should I try?01:27
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Crozartrogdor: actually this bug is known =) it conflicts with dns bug in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/8105701:28
trogdorrilak: trying using wireshark for a while plugged into your router offline, log any oddities01:28
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trogdorrilak if all else fails that is01:28
Saelynhsalut !01:29
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trekkmehow do i figure out which of the /dev/tty devices is my ibm ps2 keyboard?01:29
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IdleOne!fr | Saelynh Bonjour01:29
ubotuSaelynh Bonjour: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.01:29
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simplechat_Saelynh, Bonjour, parle voux francaise?01:29
Crozarrilak: in some routers modems they act strange , until then we cant tell you what to do but you can lock your state of connection to the router same thing you do for the router01:29
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trogdorCrozar: ah yeah I had some settings on my router that didn't work with adsl, I put some opensource firmware on it while back01:30
punzadaHas anyone ever experienced the problem with firefox where when you click to download something, the save file/open file dialog appears but after you choose to save file nothing happens? I even check by opening the downloads window manually and nothing is there01:30
vmlinuz`whats a good program to get data back from an ntfs hard-drive?01:30
vmlinuz`for windows i know "getdataback" but whats for linux01:30
vmlinuz`I kind of lost the files of my external hdd.01:30
trogdorpunzada: means it auto removed the "this was downloaded" message and its on your desktop most likely01:30
punzadanope, it's not even starting the download01:31
Crozarrilak: ?? google it =)01:31
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Saelynhhooops sorry xD I was on the wrong channel01:31
Saelynhmy apologies01:31
IdleOneSaelynh: np01:31
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Saelynhsimplechat_: yes :)01:31
ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com01:32
simplechat_Sealyn, je parle un peu francaise et anglaise :)01:32
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jodih2hi again01:32
Crozarand i know 8 languages01:32
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IdleOnesimplechat_: please speak english only here and stay on topic01:32
darkchr0n0show much ram i need to host a ftp server, with say 10 ppl accessing at the same time over 100mbps ethernet01:32
jodih2i asked earlier about changing mysql password01:32
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jodih2how do i do that01:33
penguincentral_!offtopic | Crozar01:33
ubotuCrozar: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:33
simplechat_Cronzar, join offtopic?01:33
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bmt2for anyone that can help : i have updated wine to 0.9.46....and have installed flash mx 2004....now it won't run !01:33
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Crozarno i rather stick with the father of linux =)01:33
bmt2any thougts ?01:33
IdleOnebmt2: #winehq can help01:33
bmt2IdleOne: i was there..there is no one over there to help me...01:34
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mortzmortz again i just googled it and looked at the forums and what was there didnt work can any1 help me in real time01:34
darkchr0n0show much ram i need to host a ftp server, with say 10 ppl accessing at the same time over 100mbps ethernet01:34
punzadafirefox is saving my files as 0 bytes01:34
punzadanot even really initializing the download01:34
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IdleOnemortz: what did you google?01:35
FurionnHello, my hdd are 3 parts, when im installin ubuntu, i want to choose partitions manually, so i can choose one which is exactly empty but when i go there it shows as media/hdb1 media/hdb5 etc but my hdds arent named as that, how can i choose the right one?01:35
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kyjahow do you get fschk to do a check before the number of restarts are expired?01:35
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peter77I'm trying to re-theme ubuntu blue, I have changed the background and login colors blue but I'm still getting a beige background during the splash01:35
simplechat_what keywords should i google for the "correct" way to partition a ubuntu setup on a dualbooting disk?01:35
peter77how do I change that background to blue?01:35
IdleOne!usplash | peter7701:35
ubotupeter77: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork01:35
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mortzgoogled for gosh i cant rememba ... acer 230 xorg config and then i follwed what was in the forums01:36
IdleOne!dualboot | simplechat_01:36
ubotusimplechat_: Dual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookProFeisty01:36
peter77not the boot splash the gnome splash01:36
jribpeter77: system -> admin -> login window01:37
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simplechat_IdleOne, read that?01:37
peter77tried that still getting the beige inbetween01:37
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IdleOnemortz: listen as good as alot of the ppl in here are wuith tech support they are not mind readers. state your issue with all rtelevant info in 1 line please and be patient01:37
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IdleOnesimplechat_: read it if you want to :/01:38
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yowshiif anyone is up does anyone know how to copy the files of a playlist into a usb device quickly01:38
yowshiinstead of manually selecting each filer01:38
jribpeter77: you changed "background color"?01:38
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simplechat_IdleOne, no, i have read it01:38
FurionnHello, my hdd are 3 parts, when im installin ubuntu, i want to choose partitions manually, so i can choose one which is exactly empty but when i go there it shows as media/hdb1 media/hdb5 etc but my hdds arent named as that, how can i choose the right one?01:38
IdleOnesimplechat_: oh I see didnt help?01:38
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simplechat_and i think i've found a bug in ubuntu01:38
mortzi have an acer travelmate230 that is stuck in 840*640...can i change it to 1024*768.. i can reach that res in xp01:39
simplechat_not overly01:39
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simplechat_IdleOne, i think ubuntu is being overly optimistic with the amount of free contiguous space it has, and is overwriting windows01:39
IdleOne!fixres | mortz01:39
ubotumortz: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:39
darkchr0n0show much ram i need to host a ftp server, with say 10 ppl accessing at the same time over 100mbps ethernet01:39
simplechat_and thats what i've been trying for ages01:39
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IdleOnedarkchr0n0s: the more ram you have the better.01:40
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linux4mehow do i install a new kernel?01:40
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rila1new developments: my eth0 interface dies even when on DHCP01:40
simplechat_darkchr0n0s, run it without X, and run commonly used files from a ramdrive, and your set.01:40
Pici!kernel | linux4me01:40
ubotulinux4me: kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild01:40
rila1just happened01:40
simplechat_a gig, two should be fine01:40
kyjaFurionn, hello ! the hdbx are device names you. the x is what partition number they are on drive. say you have 2 real drives. one would be hda and the other hdb and there partitions would be the same with a number array. so the manual partition editor can help you decide by choosing a partition that is the size you want and blank. yellow color inside a partition is data.01:40
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darkchr0n0ssimplechat_ : is there a way to set files to be accessed from ramdrive ?01:40
yowshihow do i quickly transfer the files of a playlist onto a usb device01:41
rila1trogdor, I'm sorry, did you mention anything else related to my case after wireshark?  That's when my interface died on me again01:41
Tomcat_yowshi: Drag & drop?01:41
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yowshidrag and drop will onyl drop the playlist01:41
yowshinot the files01:41
yowshii would loike the files in my mp3 player01:41
simplechat_darkchr0n0s, shove the files in /dev/shm01:41
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yowshiand i would rather not drag and drop all 200+ of them01:41
simplechat_i'd symlink it to /ram if i was you01:41
yowshiscattered in various folders01:41
Tomcat_yowshi: Then select the songs in the playlist and drag & drop those... :)01:42
Tomcat_yowshi: Works for me.01:42
simplechat_darkchr0n0s, i would write a cronjob, find the fastest X and shove them in the ramdrive until its full.01:42
mortzcan someone please tell me which driver to use for x server i have an intel graphic card01:42
simplechat_or the ones last used01:42
darkchr0n0shmm.. i'll ask again once i get my server up01:42
simplechat_mortz: whats your problem?01:42
de45784mortz: i81001:42
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darkchr0n0sthanks simplechat_01:42
yowshidrag and drop the songs ion the playliost of what music player?01:42
yowshii dont think xmms can do that01:42
Tomcat_yowshi: rhythmbox01:42
Furionnkyja its not what i meant, i have one hdd but 3 parts of that and i dont want to damage the 2 of them, and i made one of them empty exactly but i cant find what one it is, when i chose to do that manual. They are named as disk disk1 disk2 but in the setup they are seen as media/hdb1 media/hdb5 media/hdb6 so how can i choose the one i want and know its that one?01:42
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Tomcat_yowshi: Sorry, I was under the impression you used rb :)01:43
yowshiamarok and xmms01:43
Tomcat_yowshi: Or rather, I wrongly assumed it.01:43
yowshiand i prefer xmms01:43
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yowshii like that winamp look01:43
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de45784yowshi: try to locate the .m3u file (normally ~/.xmms/xmms.m3u)01:43
Tomcat_I hate the WinAmp functionality. ;)01:43
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de45784Tomcat_: i like xmms too01:44
yowshitomcat i said i liked it's look01:44
Tomcat_Everybody's free to use what he likes. ;)01:44
yowshiand de4 i know where that is01:44
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rila1/identify rilak jebitese01:44
simplechat_darkchr0n0s welcome :)01:44
simplechat_ah, yeah01:44
simplechat_i'd change your password now01:44
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simplechat_like right now01:44
G4Ztoo late01:44
simplechat_because within a few seconds that account is going to be gone01:44
rila1not that I care01:44
rila1the pain comes from being a fool01:45
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rila1not from losing an accout :)01:45
trogdorhow do I view current iptables policies or "chains" as they are called?01:45
G4Zi got used to that pain a while back01:45
kyjaFurionn, ok. there must be data there telling you the size and what is used space and perhaps even visual as I said before about the yellow shading in the manual partition manager. data is usually written beside the partitions stating size used and free01:45
de45784yowshi: grep -v "^#" ~/.xmms/xmms.m3u   will get you a list of all files in the playlist01:45
yowshigrrr cant install rhytmbox without my cd01:45
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jrib!iptables > trogdor (read the private message from ubotu)01:45
simplechat_trogdor sudo iptables --show or similar01:45
IdleOnerila1: in the future use the server tab to send passwords :)01:45
simplechat_go iptables --help and look for something meaning show or something like that01:45
yowshii know the files in it too de4 i would like a fast way of copying them01:45
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waspdiggercp is faster already01:46
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trogdorjrib: thx, I got caught up in all the technicalities I didn't know how to check what I was doing heh..01:46
IdleOnewouldnt cp *.mp3 /dir work?01:46
Furionnkyja and how can i set it to get install? is that ok for NTFS?01:46
rilakIdleOne, good call01:47
de45784yowshi: well then do some simple shell programming: grep -v "^#" ~/.xmms/xmms.m3u | while read f ; do cp "$f" /media/your_usb_device/ ; done01:47
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=== yowshi gulps* i am not that advanced yet
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voidmain2is there a way to netinstall ubuntu?01:47
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de45784voidmain2: yes01:47
rhalffdoes gnome has some kind of automation possibility ?01:47
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simplechat_for autostarting on login?01:48
simplechat_or for what?01:48
rhalffno for macro stuff01:48
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trogdorsimplechat_: that command doesn't work for me..01:48
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waspdiggercp -r *.mp301:48
rhalfflike starting up applications and doing somestuff01:48
simplechat_trogdor my ubuntu system isn't working, but its something similar01:48
IdleOne!defaultapp | rhalff01:49
uboturhalff: To change the default application for a filetype in Nautilus, right-click on a file, select Properties -> Open With, and then change the setting. In Kubuntu, Konqueror -> Settings -> Configure and then hit "File Associations"01:49
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simplechat_pm me the result of sudo iptables --help01:49
de45784voidmain2: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/mini.iso01:49
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hegurutrogdor: you can view iptables rules by: sudo iptables -L01:49
kyjaFurionn, no you will have to install linux on an ext3 format. the installer is likely asking you to choose the partition thats going to be used for install now?? it will have to be a blank ext3 partition and needs to also find another very small partition called a swap partition format named linux-swap as a data page service like virtual memory.01:49
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hegurutrogdor: add -v or -vv to the command for more details01:50
demon_sporkI get so tired of seeing quit messages "Ex-Chat" :(01:50
voidmain2most excellent thanks for your help de4578401:50
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rilakAfter switching my eth0 from DHCP to static IP in network-admin (or via /etc/network/interfaces  then ifconfig), my eth0 works as configured for a minute and two then dies.  No data is sent, no data received, and nothing gets logged in /var/log/syslog at the time when the interface goes mute.  I'm not proficient with networking, so I've only tried checking the status of the link with mii-diag and verifying that the IP is still co01:50
yowshiyoshi@ubuntu:~$ grep -v "^#" ~/Desktop/yo.m3u | while read f ; do cp "$f" /media/disk/;01:50
yowshiwhat did i miss?01:50
mortzi just went through the xorg config in the shell and it has the * in the 1024... box but it still doesnt appear in the list to change it01:50
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de45784yowshi: you forgot the "done" statement01:50
yowshithought that was like not part of it01:51
de45784yowshi: it's   while ... ; do somecommand ; done01:51
waspdiggerremember that swap partion should at least double the RAM size01:51
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simplechat_waspdigger, so if i'm making my own partitions i need two: one is "swap" and double my ram size (4 gig) and the rest is ext3?01:52
simplechat_minus a buffer between disks?01:52
jodih2last question01:53
waspdiggerat least 2 partions yup one for swap and for /01:53
simplechat_ubuntu seems to be overestimating its free space01:53
simplechat_and corrupting its root partition and taking out windows01:53
jodih2i got postfix and courier for pop301:53
simplechat_ubuntu can repair itself, windows dies painfully01:53
jodih2now the blond question: How do i set up mailboxes01:53
rilakyup, ext3 has demonic powers of self-repair01:53
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waspdiggersince ur RAM is big enough i think just leave it 1X1 RAM size01:54
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waspdiggeri hope there aint windows anymore hehehe01:54
kyjajodih2, omg thats not blond at all ! that is a bit more complicated and I dont remember how lol01:54
rilakeven managed to straighten things out after I've inadvertently started booting Linux in VMware from the same Linux while running, raw disk access on01:54
simplechat_waspdigger, i still need windows for games01:54
=== kyja <--black hared geek
waspdiggerhahaa ok ok01:55
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yowshithank you very much01:55
yowshithat worked perfectly01:56
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gerst_what should I do.. whatever I want to install with apt-get install I get this error message01:56
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gerst_The following packages have unmet dependencies:01:56
gerst_  compiz: Depends: compiz-decorator01:56
gerst_  compiz-gnome: Depends: compiz-gtk (= 1:0.3.6-1ubuntu13) but it is not going to be installed01:56
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gerst_and I cant install anything01:56
rilakgerst_: it's a known bug in packaging01:57
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gerst_what can I do?01:57
rilakgerst_: I don't really know, but I know what I did01:57
jodih2im desperate please help01:57
rilakI dropped compiz in favor of compiz-fusion01:57
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gerst_I cant even uninstall it01:57
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rilakgerst_: what happens when you try to remove the packages?01:59
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about evolution - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:59
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gerst_You might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct these:01:59
gerst_The following packages have unmet dependencies:01:59
gerst_  compiz-gnome: Depends: compiz-gtk (= 1:0.3.6-1ubuntu13) but it is not going to be installed01:59
gerst_  desktop-effects: Depends: compiz but it is not going to be installed01:59
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gerst_but apt-get -f install doesnt work01:59
wershmmm.. is there a channel for evolution?02:00
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gerst_I tried with apt-get remove...02:00
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rilakgerst_: you can always remove the packages using dpkg02:00
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gerst_dpkg -r compiz ?02:01
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gerst_dpkg: error processing compiz (--remove):02:01
gerst_ dependency problems - not removing02:01
gerst_Errors were encountered while processing:02:01
gerst_ compiz02:01
gerst_Its not working with -P either..02:02
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rilakthere's a --force option to dpkg, I think02:02
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rilakactually a family of --force-* options02:03
rilakjust be careful02:03
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gerst_it could break even more packages..02:03
gerst_but Im stuck..02:03
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gerst_I cant uninstall anything02:03
redguy_workHi, I want to change the default firefox settings (the home page, some bookmarks) for all new users. Is /usr/share/firefox the right place to do it? Won't a firefox upgrade overwrite my changes in there?02:03
gerst_or install..02:03
rilakit won't if you force remove just the problem packages, ignoring dependencies02:03
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redguy_workor should I create a default profile in /etc/skel ?02:04
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de45784gerst_: try to find out which of your installed packages depend on compiz02:04
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rilakmaybe something like this: dpkg --remove --force-conflicts PKG   ?02:04
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n2diyredguy_work: can't you do that from within Firefox, in /edit/prefrences?02:05
redguy_workAFAIR there's a --force-all option to dpkg...02:05
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rilakaye, there is one02:05
redguy_workn2diy: hmm, you mean manually for each new user?02:05
LjLbetter be careful with that02:05
de45784redguy_work: yeah, but before using that, it's a good idea to look which depenency is the problem02:05
rilakgerst_, this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=481314 thread might be of some help02:06
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n2diyredguy_work: no, I meant as a user, didn't realize you had a multi-user system.02:06
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darkchr0n0selwario91 helo02:07
simplechat_should i sepearte / and /home?02:07
gerst_just a sec..02:07
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simplechat_or just keep them all in /?02:07
n2diysimplechat_: yes02:07
simplechat_how much would / need?02:07
simplechat_10 gig?02:07
elwario91someone knows a simple prog to create videos (like windows media maker) but opensource?02:07
simplechat_20 gig?02:07
darkchr0n0s /home is under /02:08
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darkchr0n0sor you can drop some packages02:08
simplechat_i install masses of stuff02:08
simplechat_and i was using 12 before02:08
darkchr0n0s20gig is safe if you plan for long term02:08
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darkchr0n0show much hdd you have02:09
darkchr0n0sdepends on that02:09
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trogdorelwario91: PiTiVi I hear is good02:10
ubotuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.02:10
jrib!es | JENNI02:10
ubotuJENNI: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.02:10
darkchr0n0s!caps | JENNI02:11
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ubotuJENNI: please see above02:11
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jribelwario91: pitivi and kino02:11
elwario91ok :) thx02:11
darkchr0n0swe need one #ubuntu-hindi02:11
simplechat_we need a #ubuntu-noobs02:12
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simplechat_and a #ubuntu-please-help-me02:12
gerst__my whole X died...hehe02:12
simplechat_copy back your backup x config file?02:12
gerst__its ok..02:12
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gerst__that is not a problem02:13
darkchr0n0sbut you cannot redirect ppl as you can on a DC++ server.. so kinda not much fun02:13
jribdarkchr0n0s: #ubuntu-in02:13
n2diy#ubuntu-LTS would be nice too.02:13
darkchr0n0sno need02:14
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darkchr0n0sLTS is almost same as this02:14
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Ronin[] hi02:14
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Ronin[] i've to reinstall grub somehow02:14
n2diydarkchr0n0s: it is? then why to I have to deal with all the Feisty and Gutsy stuff?02:15
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Ronin[] had to reinstall windows, now the bootmanager is gone. Would be no Problem, if i can somehow boot the installed Ubuntu02:15
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de45784!grub | Ronin[] 02:15
ubotuRonin[] : grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:15
gerst__after apt-get -f install .. I got this..  http://pastebin.com/m48ba88502:15
n2diydarkchr0n0s: I don't mind trying to help, but Dapper is in a world of it's own, or so it seems.02:15
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Ronin[] :) ok, will try this, thanks02:16
jribn2diy: you don't really see many version-specific problems02:17
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de45784gerst__: what happens if you try to deinstall compiz-gnome with dpkg?02:18
gerst__I cant ...02:18
gerst__i have dependecie error02:18
de45784gerst__: what depends on compiz-gnome?02:18
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n2diyjrib: well, the disk manager disappeared, and there are other small differences in the menu systems. No biggy, just a pet peeve.02:19
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gerst__de45784: I dont know..02:19
de45784gerst__: does dpkg not show that?02:19
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gerst__de45784: what command should I type exactly?02:22
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lonranhi all02:22
lonrana good linux software blog anybody?02:22
de45784gerst__: sudo dpkg -r compiz-gnome02:22
fevelcan someone please help me with a problem im having installing doom3 on AMD64 feisty?02:22
fevelI get an alsa error02:22
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gerst__sudo dpkg -r compiz-gnome02:23
gerst__dpkg - warning: ignoring request to remove compiz-gnome which isn't installed.02:23
gerst__its not even there..02:23
gerst__than how can it be an error?02:23
Poundowhy can't I find libauthen-pam-perl via apt-get I have un-commented multiver and universe in sources.list but can't pull it up is there another way02:23
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de45784gerst__: the install didn't finish because there is another package (compiz-plugins) blocking it02:23
jodih2how do isetup a newuser02:23
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gerst__what can i do?02:24
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de45784gerst__: it seems compiz-plugins is newer and is meant as a replacement for compiz-gnome02:24
mitchells00hi ^^;; erm is anyone here that can help me with a little problem...?02:24
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de45784gerst__: is compiz-plugins installed?02:25
g0dd3ssanyone  know some stuff about wicd? it works fine fro wired but doesnt seem to work for wifi, only sometimes??02:25
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gerst__de45784:  yes02:25
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IdleOne!info libauthen-pam-perl02:25
ubotulibauthen-pam-perl: Perl interface to PAM library. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.16-1 (feisty), package size 31 kB, installed size 136 kB02:25
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IdleOnePoundo: sudo apt-get install libauthen-pam-perl02:25
IdleOnePoundo: what does that give you?02:26
gerst__compizconfig-settings-manager depends on plugins..02:26
gerst__I`ll remove all of them...02:26
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de45784gerst__: i'd try to install compiz-gnome with forced dependencies, then uninstall it and reinstall compiz-plugins02:26
n2diyIf I created a script, that ran as a cron job every night at 2359 hours, would it warn an X users? I want the box to give the user ten minutes warning?02:26
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gerst__apt-get install -f compiz-gnome ?02:27
elwario91is there a program to CREATE videos?02:27
elwario91i need to create a film of a powerpoint (ugly)02:28
D1What do you mean? Like, record a screen?02:28
PoundoIdleOne: couldn't find package is what it says02:28
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elwario91no create a video02:28
elwario91like windows movie maker +o(02:28
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IdleOnePoundo: are you sure you enabled universe and multiverse?02:28
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IdleOne!universe | Poundo02:29
elwario91i ahve to create a video from images02:29
ubotuPoundo: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource02:29
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DaBeowulfPlease help I'm trying to get the nvidia-glx-new running again but when X should start it tells me: failed to load module "wfb" and that the kernel is of version 7184 (nvidia-glx which it installed when I tried to activate nvidia-glx-new via the restricted drivers tool) But I deleted that completely and reinstalled glx-new and used dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg to activate it...02:29
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mitchells00am i completely invisible....? :P02:29
neopsychehello... has "software sources" replaced "software preferences" in feisty?02:29
D1Hey, I have a wireless internet, PCI card02:29
jodih2please could someonehelp create users02:29
D1How can i make it work on Ubuntu?02:29
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IdleOnemitchells00: not completly02:29
teKnofreakDaBeowulf, hope there is an Enter key, which can be used to break lines, in your keyboard02:29
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de45784mitchells00: no, but you didn't ask a real question02:30
mitchells00fine :P02:30
mitchells00actually there's 202:30
D1Does anyone know, how can i make, my PCI wireless internet card, to wrok?02:30
bentob0xanybody bought an openmoko here?02:30
IdleOnejodih2: Systems > Administration > Users and Groups02:30
ikoniaDaBeowulf the module your are complaining aout doesn't matter02:30
D1Work*, im sorry02:30
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david003hello. whats a good download manager?02:30
de45784D1: depends heavily on the chipset of that card02:30
simplechat_hey, i'm getting a bluescreen on windows startup02:30
mitchells001, is why is my lan card showing up as a wireless adapter...?02:30
jrib!wifi > D1 (read the private message from ubotu)02:30
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penguincentral_david003: downthemall firefox extension02:30
ikoniasimplechat_ defrag / chkdsk or ask in ##windows02:30
simplechat_after installing ubuntu for a dual boot configuration02:30
Curs0rhow to I bring up lo with startup?02:31
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simplechat_ubuntu's disk is also bad02:31
penguincentral_david003: yes, downthemall02:31
penguincentral_google it02:31
jrib!windows | simplechat_02:31
ubotusimplechat_: For help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents02:31
ikoniaCurs0r lo comes up with any network enabled system02:31
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Curs0rikonia, not this one02:31
simplechat_jrib: ubuntu is also broken, it also needs to repair its disk02:31
de45784mitchells00: maybe your lan card isn't supported by linux and only the wireless card is found02:31
PoundoIdleOne: Thats why I expanded sources I enabled the lines that end "restricted universe multiverse" for deb and deb-src also the ones that end in universe02:31
ikoniaCurs0r what makes you think its not up02:31
DaBeowulfOkay but for some reason there's still the kernel stuff left from nvidia-glx (7184) and that conflicts with glx-new and keeps X from starting.02:31
simplechat_see, it is now cchecking the root partition02:32
IdleOne!paste | Poundo can you paste your sources.list for me please02:32
ubotuPoundo can you paste your sources.list for me please: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:32
Curs0rikonia, the fact that I have to run ifconfig lo up or gnome doesn't load properly02:32
jribsimplechat_: then state the ubuntu problem02:32
ikoniaCurs0r can you expand on that in a little more detail02:32
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_-XPERT-_Curs0r: Edit your /etc/network/interfaces and the add the rule "auto lo" to the config02:32
mitchells00de45784: but 2 network adapters are showing, both say they're wireless..02:32
Curs0rikonia, if I do not log into a tty and run ifconfig lo up then when I log into gnome it takes ages to load and throws an error about the settings daemon02:33
jribneopsyche: yes02:33
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Curs0rthank you _-XPERT-_02:33
simplechat_ubuntu can fix itself, at 94.9% it found errors on the root partition02:33
simplechat_and now must restart02:33
mitchells00anyway in several other distro's and in older distro's of ubuntu it was fine...02:33
jodih2please could someonehelp create users02:33
IdleOnejodih2: Systems > Administration > Users and Groups02:33
de45784mitchells00: which program reports them as wireless? i'd go for iwconfig on the console. i don't trust GUI programs.02:33
jodih2from promt02:33
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_-XPERT-_IdleOne: adduser as root02:33
jodih2i am on the server with gui interface02:33
IdleOnejodih2: man adduser02:34
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Poundoubotu: I'll try it will take a sec as the chat tool is on a different machine than the file back shortly thanks02:34
Rageonguys im a spastic.. i installed ubuntu the other night and ive forgotten my username/password.. is there anyway to view what users there are?02:34
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n2diyIf I created a script, that ran as a cron job every night at 2359 hours, would it warn an X user? I want the box to give the user ten minutes warning?02:34
neopsychejrib: how do i add a new software location?02:34
_-XPERT-_IdleOne: wrong username sorry02:34
Curs0rikonia, see how easy it was for _-XPERT-_ to answer my question without grilling me about if I'm sure?02:34
IdleOne_-XPERT-_: np02:34
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_-XPERT-_neopsyche: Explain add location02:35
_-XPERT-_Do you mean the apt sources?02:35
neopsychedo i need to add the ./ at the end of the line when adding a repository?02:35
mitchells00but more importantly 2, i had to edit /ext/X11/xorg.conf to make the video driver "vesa" instead of "nv", to get X to start... and now graphical performance is REALLY bad.. like when i drag a screen the window is cut up..02:35
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IdleOne!repos | neopsyche02:36
ubotuneopsyche: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource02:36
mitchells00i have an Nvidia 8800 GT w/ 256 mb and borrows 256 from system memory if that helps..02:36
mitchells00i just did iwconfig02:36
neopsychethe old version was easier02:36
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ZombieAnyone here familiar with setting up a Firewall on Kubuntu?02:36
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Zombieor Ubuntu Fiesty?02:37
mitchells00turns out it doesen't see my lan at all, and sees 2 wireless adapters02:37
mitchells00when i only have 1...........02:37
_-XPERT-_neopsyche: It states that you compkletely type over the rule02:37
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x-fakhi, can someone tell me why i cant connect to the administrator interface through my swat installation on localhost:901 ?02:37
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Kauris it safe to disable advanced power management with hdparm or do I put my hdd at risk doing so?02:38
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ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues02:38
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de45784mitchells00: some wireless drivers show two interfaces for one card. is it wifi0 and ath0?02:38
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mitchells00no it's wlan0 and wmaster002:38
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de45784mitchells00: alright. that's normal for wireless drivers using the mac80211 stack. it is just one wireless card.02:39
K4U I need help with 2 screens and Beryl, how to get them working?02:39
Poundoubotu: here it is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39441/02:39
de45784mitchells00: but the lan card is not supported i guess02:39
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de45784mitchells00: do you have very new or uncommon hardware?02:39
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PiciPoundo: ubotu is a bot.02:39
mitchells00not that new...02:40
PoundoPici: me to ):02:40
de45784mitchells00: please paste the output of   lspci -n  on phpfi.com02:40
K4UI need help with 2 screens and Beryl, How do i get them working?02:40
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IdleOne!info libauthen-pam-perl dapper02:40
jribneopsyche: same way02:40
ubotulibauthen-pam-perl: Perl interface to PAM library. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.16-1 (dapper), package size 31 kB, installed size 136 kB02:41
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PoundoPici: thanks I really didn't know02:41
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K4UNobody here who can help me?:\02:41
x-faksorry i'm total newb in ubuntu world02:42
K4Ux-fak: Yeah, me to...02:42
jxxxtHow can I  tell if my h/d fritzed??02:42
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)02:42
mitchells00that might be a bit hard..........02:42
K4UPici: I need help with 2 screens and Beryl, How do i get them working?02:43
Poundoubotu: what does that info mean to me?02:43
jrib!repeat | K4U02:43
ubotuK4U: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience02:43
mitchells00i don't have any network coming out of that computer... so i can't transfer the file anywhere..02:43
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IdleOnePoundo: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39443/ modify you sources.list to look like this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39443/ make sure to sudo apt-get update after modifying then try to install that package again02:43
vmlinuz`how do i change kdm to gdm???02:43
K4UJrib: Yeah, i know. bot nobody answers..02:43
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Picivmlinuz`: `sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm`02:43
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de45784mitchells00: btw, if you have wmaster0 and wlan0, which version of ubuntu do you use?02:44
vmlinuz`Pici: Thanks.02:44
jribK4U: you may want to try #ubuntu-effects02:44
PiciPoundo: Ubotu is not a human.  Its a computer program and isnt going to be responding to you any time soon.  If it does, we have a real problem.02:44
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de45784mitchells00: that is not supported here, go to #ubuntu+102:44
K4Ujrib: Already in there, nobody answering...02:44
moforillaWhats the command for unmounting a disk?02:44
de45784mitchells00: here we support only released versions of ubuntu02:44
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DoYouKnowwhen does 7.10 hit final?02:44
jxxxtK4U, what did you ask??02:45
mitchells00ok.. thanks ^^;;02:45
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de45784DoYouKnow: ask in #ubuntu+1 please02:45
K4Ujxxxt: I need help with 2 screens and Beryl, How do i get them working?02:45
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jribK4U: you need to be patient02:45
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PiciDoYouKnow: ~Oct 18th  All futher questions in #ubuntu+1 please.02:45
jrib!support > K4U (read the private message from ubotu)02:45
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=== genii sips a coffee
IdleOnePici: if ubotu does respond perhaps it has surpassed it's coder and then Ubuntu becomes a really cool OS :)02:45
IdleOneUbuntu is already really cool02:46
jhaigI want to use mplayer to record a stream.  Is it possible to tell it to stop after a certain time?02:46
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!02:46
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SpiderPiggenii u have starbooks? :D02:46
jxxxtK4U, I am not good with beryl maybe you would be better in #effects sorry.02:46
SpiderPigvery good cofe02:46
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K4Ujxxxt: Yeah, i'm already there;) thnx anyway02:47
IdleOneK4U: #ubuntu-effects or #beryl maybe02:47
K4UIdleOne: #beryl doesn't exists... and #ubuntu-effects is nobody in02:47
PoundoIdleOne: thanks. does that first line mean i have to have the cd?02:47
geniiSpiderPig: Not that i know of... is it some web service?02:48
jxxxtmy computer has become very unstable is there a wat to identify a H/D problem please??02:48
IdleOnePoundo: the # in front of a line means " do not use this line it is only info "02:48
geniiPerhaps meant Starbucks?02:48
IdleOnePoundo: package is installed now?02:48
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PoundoIdleOne: the package is not installed now02:49
IdleOnePoundo: hmm ok because it gave you an error or because you havent tried yet?02:49
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PoundoNo I am trying to install a prgram that requires libauthen02:50
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seisencan you remove both gnome panels02:50
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D1Does anyone know a freeware program, that can open .rar?02:51
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IdleOnePoundo: ok you have edited sources.list correct? afterwards you do sudo apt-get update then sudo apt-get install libauthen-pam-perl then try installing the program again. WHAT PROGRAM YOU TRYING TO INSTALL?02:51
Pici!rar | D102:52
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free02:52
ubotuD1: please see above02:52
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elvisdD1: archive manager with plugins installed from automatiX02:52
Pici!automatix | elvisd D102:52
ubotuelvisd D1: Automatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software.  When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it.  A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme)02:52
D1!info unrar-free02:52
ubotuunrar-free: Unarchiver for .rar files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.0.1+cvs20060609-1 (feisty), package size 17 kB, installed size 80 kB02:52
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IdleOneautomatix | elvisd please do not recommend that broken piece of code in here02:52
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elvisdhi hi ih . ok02:52
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jxxxt1100 users someone must know02:52
geniiD1: The name of the package you want from the package manager is unrar-free02:53
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Curs0r_-XPERT-_, it also needed the line iface lo inte loopback02:53
jribD1: use "unrar", not "unrar-free"02:53
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geniijrib: I forgot...unrar compresses too, yeah?02:53
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Picigenii: unrar-free can't decomress multi-part archives iirc02:53
Curs0rand now my AoE system is just like any other desktop :D02:54
PiciWhich is what most people use rar for ;)02:54
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IdleOnePoundo: I have to get going. hope you get this working. if you need any more help ask in here . /me looks at jrib Pici ikonia  all good folks who know theyre stuff :))02:54
LhademmorUbuntu people: What media player do you use to organize your music?02:54
x-fakis it normal that ubuntu doesnt recognize my usb printer when i try to add a new printer ?02:54
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PoundoIdleOne: thanks !02:54
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows02:54
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free02:55
IdleOnePoundo: np02:55
seisenIs it possible to remove both gnome panels and just use Kiba-dock02:55
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seisenIt depends on what printer it is02:55
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ubotuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)02:55
x-fakbut linux is not plug and play ?02:55
x-faki can see my printer using ls_usb02:55
D1ubotu is a awesome bot =D02:55
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seisensome printers are some are not02:55
elvisdok. read to link given. sorry to all!02:55
jxxxtpeople, I have a critical problem can some one please help me my computer is behaving as though there is a memory problem but I suspect the hard drive02:56
seisenwhat type of printer do you have x-fak02:56
x-fakhp 843C02:56
x-fakusb port02:56
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x-faki see it with ls_usb02:56
seisenhp's are usually pretty good in Ubuntu02:56
x-fakwhen using wizard to add it, cant detect it02:56
x-fakdo i need to install driver manually?02:57
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seisenmight be a possibility let me check somethin02:57
elvisdsorry ubotu!02:58
magnetronwhat command should i use, if i want to search for a specific string in directory of text files?02:58
jribmagnetron: grep -R02:58
magnetronjrib: ty02:58
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de45784magnetron: grep -r string *   (if you are in that directory)02:59
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pannikGood afternoon03:00
jxxxtjrib, can you help me??03:00
pannikI am looking for the engage docker of dreamlinux. Do anybody help me?03:00
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jribjxxxt: define "unstable"03:01
mooperGrr, this usb stick wont automount03:01
moopercan I poke it?03:01
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geniipannik: The docker in Dreamlinux is from e17 window manager03:03
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jxxxtjrib, Seems like I am running a late model o/s on about 4megs of ram as soon as I try to multi task I run out of memory or some thing eg I tried to install a new o/s and the program died at the user name password enty03:04
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Roni1i just reinstalled grub, no i'm getting error 17 when selecting my linux, error 13 when selecting the windows to boot03:04
jribjxxxt: 4!?03:04
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Tarkusanyone know how i can format a mini-DVD-RW?03:05
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jxxxtjrib, thats a guess but I get freezes and stall gui gaps etc03:05
Roni1-no +now03:05
steve_jhi all03:05
jribjxxxt: how much do you have?03:06
steve_ji'm trying to sort out a mysql issue. an app is lookin for /tmp/mysql.sock by default but it's not there. can i point it at /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock instead? is mysqld essentially a daemon version of mysql?03:06
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jxxxtjrib, 512 @ 2 x 256 ddr03:06
jribjxxxt: try running memtest?03:07
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jxxxtjrib, yes but not all the way though. free -m reports 309 +165 cache03:08
Tarkusanyone know how i can format a mini-DVD-RW?03:08
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ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs03:08
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redguy_workor should I create a default profile in /etc/skel ?03:08
redguy_workHi, I want to change the default firefox settings (the home page, some bookmarks) for all new users. Is /usr/share/firefox the right place to do it? Won't a firefox upgrade overwrite my changes in there?03:08
dgjonesif a cd recorder is replaced by a dvd recorder, will 7.04 pick up the change automatically? or will a config file/driver need changing?03:08
jribjxxxt: try several complete passes of memtest03:08
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dazzahi, i can't adjust screen resolution in X using ctrl+alt++/- like you're meant to be able to. was this disabled in feisty or have i borked something?03:09
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MannyZjava plugin03:09
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MannyZ!java plugin03:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about java plugin - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:09
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre03:09
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Filthpighi, I've upgraded to gutsy 7.1003:10
whiskeytangoWhy cant i get an application to work through wine?  it installed ok, but when i go to apps->wine->Programs->joost->joost.exe  nothing happens03:10
mooperCan anyone give me any ideas why my usb stick isnt automounting?03:10
PiciFilthpig: #ubuntu+1 for Gutsy questions please.03:10
MannyZcan someone help me with java?.. it dosnt work on my firefox203:10
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redguy_workalso, it would be nice to know how to provide users with some plug-ins out of the box.03:10
FilthpigPici: alright, sorry03:10
jribMannyZ: read the page ubotu said03:10
MannyZwhat was it?03:10
MannyZthanks jrib03:11
jxxxtjrib, OK I cannot remain in exchat if I do that as soon as I try to open another program I get a lock up if memtest  is ok is there a h/dtest I cando??03:11
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Roni1hmm, webpages tell me that my root (hdx,y) may be wrong, but how to know whats correct03:11
de45784mooper: does the stick / partitions of it show in   cat /proc/partitions ?03:11
redguy_workLet me put it another way: is there any documentation on site specific customization of firefox (and/or thunderbird) in ubuntu?03:11
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jribjxxxt: you select memtest from the grub menu03:12
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alOK this is an emergency!03:12
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alif I don't fix this, the dude's going to reinstall Vista!03:12
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alI can't get this laptop to connect to a BT voyager router's wireless03:13
mooperde45784: yes I think so03:13
alThe card itself is working fine, as far as I can tell03:13
redguy_workal: let him, he'll come back begging for ubuntu :-)03:13
de45784mooper: don't think so, make sure03:13
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alOhhh no he won't03:13
mooperde45784: yes sdf is there03:13
alHe's not used ubuntu at all yet03:13
alThis is the first installation of it and it doesn't work03:13
alSo he's not happy at all03:13
de45784mooper: does it have any partitions?03:13
mooperyes sdf103:14
alTo be honest, I don't blame him, but then, it's not my fault if he has crappy hardware03:14
de45784mooper: and which filesystem is on sdf1?03:14
alBut on the other hand, most people have crappy hardware03:14
jxxxtjrib, ok                       Is there a h/d test I can do because I strongly suspect that to be the cause of my problem03:14
alSo it's no wonder people stick with Windows.03:14
mooperde45784: how do I tell?03:14
kyjavista... isn't that a word people use for a piece of property that has better views so you can be more over taxed on something that's useless other than to look at?03:14
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redguy_workal: which laptop is it? what kind of wifi chip does it have?03:14
alIt's an intel chip in an Avant laptop03:14
alThe drivers seem to work03:14
jribjxxxt: I don't know03:14
de45784mooper: run   sudo blkid /dev/sdf103:14
alIt's scanning and finding networks OK03:14
Pici!enter | al03:14
ubotual: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:14
kyjamicrosoft does not false advertise in a name lmao03:14
alArgh sorry ><03:14
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mooperde45784: vfat03:15
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whiskeytangoWhy cant i get an application to work through wine?  it installed ok, but when i go to apps->wine->Programs->joost->joost.exe  nothing happens03:15
de45784mooper: and other stick do automount? only this one doesn't?03:15
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jxxxtjrib, Do you know if a failing h/d demonstrates similar faults to memory lack???03:15
jribjxxxt: I don't know03:15
mooperde45784: It work fine in my laptop, but not in my desktop03:15
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mooperboth running feisty03:16
alOK: Avant somethingorother laptop, intel chip which seems to have its drivers installed. iwconfig returns data for wlan0. The network is WEP, but standard procedure doesn't work, whether I use network manager or just if/iwconfig03:16
SlimeyPetewhiskeytango: try navigating to your wine c drive (~/.wine/drive_c I think), finding the path for joost and running "wine joost.exe"03:16
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SlimeyPetesee if it prints any errors03:16
jxxxtjrib, Ok Thanks for trying to help me03:16
de45784mooper: maybe you disabled management for removable disks in the natilus settings03:16
alwhat can I do to find out why it's not working and what can I then do to fix it? :<03:16
SlimeyPete(from commandline, I mean)03:16
mooperde45784: Im on kubuntu03:16
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seisenal: can you access the router from the laptop03:16
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de45784mooper: i don't run kubuntu or ubuntu here, sorry03:17
alseisen: no. He has an ethernet cable but it doesn't work.03:17
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de45784mooper: i'm running xubuntu, so i cannot tell which config to check03:17
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ZombieAnyone have a default shorewall.conf file?03:17
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jxxxtmoopr, Kubuntu has its own channel03:17
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alseisen: having said that, iwlist scan does return the network03:17
jxxxtmooper, Kubuntu has its own channel03:18
seisenal: most routers you can access through or something similar03:18
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mooperde45784: ta, you have poked me in the right direction03:18
ikonia mooper #kbuntu03:18
alseisen: he can connect to it through his other computer, but everything's set up right03:18
jxxxtmooper, #kubuntu03:18
alseisen: the problem is it's not getting a DCHP lease.03:18
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aatahey... does anybody know how to restore default settings in ubuntu (i.e fonts, etc.) without removing any packages or reinstalling. in other words how can you make it look just like the day it was installed?03:19
ikoniaaata reinstall only03:19
ikm_hello, please help! I am a bit lost at the moment! I am using X-Chat ... is a pm possible? I know more than I should about IRC but I'm not sure how to drive this client etc.03:19
ikoniaaata there is no back to defaults button03:19
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aataoh MAN03:19
alUrgh, he's taking it back to Curry's today03:19
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aatacan i atleast have something for fonts?03:19
alAll hope is lost03:19
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jxxxtikm_, if you have a registered nick you can pm03:20
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de45784al: maybe it's a normal patch cable but a crossover cable is needed? do you see the lan card detecting link?03:20
ikm_thanks jxxxt03:20
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jxxxtikm_, np :-)03:20
alde45784: doesn't matter really. We want a wireless connection.03:20
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alde45784: either way, he needs a new cable.03:20
de45784al: okay. which wireless intel card is it exactly? and which type of wireless encryption?03:21
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alde45784: it's WEP encryption, I don't know the exact chipset but Ubuntu seems to have picked it up happily03:22
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hermzal: have you run lspci in a terminal?03:22
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de45784al: check with lspci03:22
alNot yet, I was hoping to avoid anything with output.03:22
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alI can't do anything because he won't just get a proper cable03:22
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moforillaIs It ok to make ntfs disk writable in ubuntu?03:22
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aataikonia: cant i delete some ~/.* directory?03:23
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bulliumdoes anyone know the the best font to use with putty when sshing to a ubuntu box? Translation is UTF-803:23
hermzal: open a terminal and type lspci. You should be able to find the chipset from that03:23
de45784al: look, if you want us to help you, you have to give proper information.03:23
ikoniaaata unwise03:23
ikoniaaata that will only effect your gnome setting03:23
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aatai see... thanks anyway03:24
ikm_jxxxt: ok, I give up! "/help" doesn't give me a "register nick"-type option ... do I get a clue (do I have a clue just because I looked?)03:24
alI know this, which is why it's so hard for me to fix it.03:24
aatai guess ill look up th defaults and replace them manually03:24
alOK, is there anything I can do to get debug information?03:24
ikoniaikm_: /msg nickserv help03:24
ikoniaikm_: join #freenode for irc lessons03:24
alAll I want to know is why it's not getting a DHCP lease.03:24
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ikoniaal what does the syslog on the client and server say03:24
ikoniaal does ths erver see a requiest03:24
ikoniaal does the client issue a request ?03:25
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hermzal: I bought an advvent 8315 from pcworld on friday and the wifi is: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection (rev 02)03:25
hendrixski:-( what was that command that logs everything in your terminal?03:25
ikm_tx ikonia03:25
ikoniaal is the client even on the same working lan03:25
jxxxtikm_, i think you type  /register <nick> if not go back to page one and there is a walk through03:25
ikoniahendrixski script03:25
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hendrixskiikonia, ah, right... thank you :-)03:25
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DaBeowulfdammit I'm short of reinstalling the OS..03:25
ikm_jxxxt: ah! ok, thank you for your trouble :)03:25
alDo you mean DHCP request? It's definitely issuing a DHCP request because I'm telling it to. I don't know what the syslog on the server says because it's a crappy BT router with no such thing. As for being on the same LAN, no, it's not on any LAN.03:26
hermzal; I had to disable the network manager applet to get it to work properly03:26
DaBeowulfWhy does it still say the nvidia kernel module is 7184 when I installed nvidia-glx-new?03:26
darrendis there documentation anywhere regarding if-up.d / if-down.d scripts?  Specifically what variables are made available to them?03:26
alI uninstalled network manager03:26
ikoniaDaBeowulf because thats the version you have03:26
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DaBeowulfAnd how do I fix it permanently?03:26
ikoniaDaBeowulf why is that a problem ?03:26
jxxxtikm_, When you do the reg thing go back to page one for outcome03:26
hermzhave you tried setting up via System/administration/network?03:26
DaBeowulfI can get it to boot maybe once but the next time X won't start.03:26
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ikoniade45784: investigate why03:26
de45784ikonia: ?03:27
seisenI have that same chipset and I have to use network-manager to connect to wireless network03:27
ikoniade45784 sorry03:27
DaBeowulfX will not start it says kernel module is 7184 while the driver is 975503:27
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alI've tried both with and without network-manager03:27
de45784ikonia: no problem03:27
ikoniaDaBeowulf: investigate why03:27
alIn fact, I'm only doing it without network manager because it didn't work with network manager03:27
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hegurudarrend: man interfaces03:27
Mark7I want to chnage the plug in Mozilla uses for audio only streams03:27
DaBeowulfI tried.03:27
darrendDaBeowulf: rmmod nvidia && /etc/init.d/gdm restart03:27
ikoniaal have you done any of the stuff I asked you to03:27
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darrendheguru: thanks03:28
alI can't do jack at the moment because he's not replying to me03:28
hermzal: have you tried editing the etc/network/interfaces file?03:28
alYes I've done that03:28
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hermzsorry, ive joined the chat a bit late. What laptop does he have?03:28
ZombieAnyone have a default shorewall.conf file?03:28
Mark7I'm sick and tired of mplayer hijacking the browser03:28
alWhat would I be looking for in the syslog? anything I can grep for to make his life easier?03:28
alAll he's telling me is that it's an Avant.03:29
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alhe's either really stupid or blind or it just doesn't say any more than that on it03:29
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DaBeowulfdarrend: permission denied even whith sudo (Shall I try that when X and gdm are down?)03:29
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Mark7How do I edit my plug ins?03:29
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darrendDaBeowulf: er, yes, sorry.  From a tty as root (sudo -i) or individually with sudo03:30
DaBeowulfwhat does the -i switch do or what do you mean with individually?03:30
heguruMark7: do you want to remove mplayer plugin?  just uninstall the mplayerplug-in package03:30
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heguruMark7: sudo apt-get --purge remove mplayerplug-in03:30
DaBeowulfbesides what does it do at all?03:30
ts_how do i inturrupt (stop) a dd ? Thanks03:30
ikoniats_: ctrl + c03:31
DoYouKnowhow do I get dvd playing working in totem? what's the best repository for that?03:31
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ts_ikonia:  thanks03:31
DoYouKnowI want DeCSS03:31
darrendDaBeowulf: sudo -i gives an interactive "root" shell (no need to type sudo before everything)03:31
ikonia!dvd >DoYouKnow03:31
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darrendDaBeowulf: or you can do "sudo rmmod nvidia" followed by "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart"03:32
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DaBeowulfThanks a lot this rmmod sounds about right from man rmmod <303:32
GNineso lazy to type 4 letters..?03:32
DaBeowulfI'll try this now.03:32
vmlinuz`hey, why i can't erase wth (Backspace) in Terminal.03:32
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darrendDaBeowulf: restarting gdm should force the right nvidia module to load03:32
vmlinuz`in other terminals i can.03:32
ikm_jxxxt: I'm sorry to bother you! #1: "register" in various forms seems not to be a command #2: the only reason I asked about pm is because I have a few questions and I don't want to interrupt the channel discussion.03:32
DaBeowulfI'm on Xubuntu if that makes a differnce.03:33
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K4UHi, i'm having trouble with Beryl and using 2 screens. how do i enable that?03:33
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LjL!beryl > K4U    (K4U, see the private message from Ubotu)03:34
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hermzal: just been looking on the currys website and I cant find any mention of  avant laptops. There is advent. Is it possibele that your friend has got confused?03:34
kaptenguhow can I remove my pcmcia wifi card securly?03:34
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alOne of us has got confused, it seems.03:34
alMight have been me, sorry about that.03:34
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alI'd've asked him but he's gone.03:34
K4ULjL: i'm already there...03:34
simplechat_i'm having problems with my winxp/ubuntu setup03:34
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simplechat_atm it won't boot at all03:35
K4Usimplechat: have you installed ubuntu, or what?03:35
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simplechat_K4U, please read the post03:36
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simplechat_i have installed ubuntu and windows xp (no service pack), and am now without anything bootable03:36
simplechat_atm i'm restarting on a livecd03:36
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hermzal: Oh well. Your friend might have fun returning it with ubuntu installed. Can see curry's refusing to help due to that ist not the "official" O/s installed ;)03:37
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ikoniasimplechat_ what is the problem03:37
magnetronsimplechat_: so you installed winxp after ubuntu?03:37
alhermz: I'll see what happens when he gets back03:37
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simplechat_winxp before ubuntu03:37
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simplechat_winxp first bluescreened on startup03:37
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ikoniasimplechat_ can you boot ubuntu ?#03:37
magnetron!grub | simplechat_03:37
ubotusimplechat_: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:37
K4Usimplechat_: I have no troubles with it.. Have you tried grub03:37
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hermzbye all03:37
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simplechat_then when i tried to "fix" it, now neither is ok03:37
K4Uyeah, thnx magnetron...03:37
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simplechat_i used the first tutorial on that batch of links03:37
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simplechat_that magnetron gave03:37
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simplechat_and it left my system in an unbootable state03:38
simplechat_(after fixing the mbr of windows)03:38
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DoYouKnowis there a gcc-full package that will let me run install-css.sh on feisty?03:38
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magnetronsimplechat_: was it bootable before you tried that tutorial?03:38
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simplechat_but winxp bluescreened on startup03:38
DaBeowulfdarrend 'nvidia' does not exist in /proc/modules03:38
simplechat_ubuntu worked fine, but it found bad sectors and had to rebuild03:38
kaptenguhow do I safely turn off my pcmcia wifi card before removing?03:38
K4UO darned:| my external harddisk just switched off?03:38
magnetronDoYouKnow: it's called build-essential03:38
DaBeowulfThat's what it says.03:38
Davy_Jonesblue screen of death ftw03:38
commander-apehow come there is no php - and php5 - command altough i did a 'apt-get install php5'03:38
jribDoYouKnow: build-essentian, but see:03:39
simplechat_so yeah, any ideas?03:39
jrib!dvd > DoYouKnow (read the private message from ubotu)03:39
simplechat_i'll rerun through that tutorial03:39
Tarkusanyone know how i can format a mini-DVD-RW?03:39
phatfishThe current release keeps sending my old laptop to sleep after about 60 seconds of idle time. I guess its an ACPI thing, i get some something during boot about ACPI that goes past too fast to see. Any ideas?03:39
ikoniaTarkus ave you been in here and asked it before03:39
Davy_Jonescommander-ape: i think you can't execute php scripts in the terminal.. you have to have a web server03:39
erUSULDavy_Jones: you can03:40
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commander-apeDavy_Jones: yes, a vserver03:40
simplechat_oh this is fun03:40
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simplechat_the live cd can't find any of my drives03:40
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commander-apeerUSUL: then tell me how03:40
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cloudercommander-ape: if you want to run the scripts in terminal install php5-cli03:40
vltHello. Can I install Ubuntu from a running system into an empty hd partition (got no cdrom here)?03:40
Tarkusikonia, about 5 or 10 minutes ago, yea. havent gotten a reply  though.03:40
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magnetronsimplechat_: you may have a hardware problem, as neither windows or ubuntu runs on your box03:40
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simplechat_magnetron: i have been using ubuntu stably for the past week03:41
heguruTarkus: if you have gnomebaker installed you can use that03:41
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simplechat_and windows for the last few months before that03:41
magnetronsimplechat_: is it stable no?03:41
ikoniaTarkus ahh, someone else asked this a week or so ago, we did a bit of research and it lookged like you needed for some hardware a different dvd drive, for the others you rneeded a propritary file system for the camera to read it03:41
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simplechat_its when ubuntu is installed that windows beocomes unstable03:41
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simplechat_and it is after the fix that both die03:41
ikoniaTarkus: I wondered if you where the same guy from before03:41
simplechat_i have done this about 7 times now03:41
erUSULcommander-ape: 'php script' does not work?03:41
VadiWhat is the difference between "best shapes" and "subpixel smoothing (LCDs)" in the preferences - font?03:41
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magnetronsimplechat_: installing ubuntu does not alter your windows setup in any way03:41
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commander-apehold on, i just did an 'apt-get install php5-cli'03:42
DoYouKnowthanks jrib, magnetron03:42
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K4Umagnetor: err, yes. unless you do something really wrong!03:42
Tarkusikonia, no i wasnt.. heguru: thanks, ill give it a try03:42
simplechat_magnetron, it removes its bootloader, which for some reason, xp needs to have03:42
simplechat_and installs grub03:42
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simplechat_thats breaking windows03:42
simplechat_i just can't stop it03:42
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ikoniasimplechat_ the boot loader is relocated to the disk03:42
magnetronsimplechat_: you said that windows was booting....03:42
simplechat_thats the problem03:42
ikoniasimplechat_ grub is the boot loader installed03:42
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ikoniasimplechat_ thats not a problem, thats how it works03:42
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VadiIf windows is booting, then it's not a bootloader problem.03:42
simplechat_magnetron: windows was booting, then i install ubuntu, then winxp bluescreens on boot03:43
VadiIf it wasn't, then it would be.03:43
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simplechat_thats my problem03:43
ikoniasimplechat_ that means the boot loader is working as the boot process starts.03:43
erUSULcommander-ape: http://es.php.net/features.commandline03:43
magnetronsimplechat_: did you try to run a "fix mbr" from windows?03:43
ikoniasimplechat_: the most common cause of that will be a.) corrupted disk (fix with defrag/scan) b.) bad memory c.) faulty hardware03:43
simplechat_everyone: windows was booting perfectly fine, i install ubuntu, winxp bluescreens ubuntu works, then i fixed grub with the tutorial, fixed the mbr and now nothing can see the drives03:43
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simplechat_memory is ok, i've run memtest86 on it03:44
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simplechat_disk should be fine, ubuntu installs by itself no problems03:44
moforillaCan I change my X windows manager?03:44
ikoniasimplechat_ that means nothing03:44
simplechat_and the hardware works well on either operating system, just not both03:44
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ikoniasimplechat_ you have created new partitions03:44
org_hi, to update to gutsy. what should i do... update manager or download the iso file?? Thx03:44
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ikoniasimplechat_ so your disk may need tidying up03:44
Piciorg_: #ubuntu+1 for Gutsy questions please.03:44
simplechat_ikonia: i've done this seven times, each and every time it works03:44
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ikoniasimplechat_ you've done what ?03:45
simplechat_it goes in stages, first winxp works, ubuntu isn't installed, then ubuntu works and winxp bluescreens03:45
simplechat_then from then on neither work, in differing orders, depending on what i do to them03:45
simplechat_this happens every time03:45
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simplechat_it has happened seven times now03:45
simplechat_in that exact sequence03:45
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ikoniasimplechat_ and do you check the disk each time03:45
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simplechat_with what?03:45
simplechat_ubuntu checks on startup each time03:45
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ikoniasimplechat_ check the windows disk with the windows install cd03:46
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simplechat_and on its first startup it always finds a single problem with the disk, which it fixes03:46
ikoniascan disk, defrag etc03:46
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ikoniasimplechat_ as you can see, the ubuntu file system has corruption, so what makes you think the windows file system doesn't too ?03:46
simplechat_ikonia: what would cause it to suddenly corrupt?03:46
magnetronsimplechat_: it sounds like your hard drive is damaged03:46
ikoniamagnetron messing around with disks and partitions03:46
simplechat_magnetron: how would i test it?03:46
darkchr0n0sfcsk ?03:47
WippoZippospinrite is a good program for testing your hd I suppse03:47
ikoniasimplechat_ messing around with disks and partitions03:47
ikoniadarkchr0n0s don't fsck windows file systems03:47
simplechat_ikonia: if i just install ubuntu or just install windows (repartitioning all i want) both work perfectly03:47
simplechat_no bluescreens, no problems with corruption03:47
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ikoniasimplechat_ what part of my comment ar eyou not hearing. Having both on messes around with the disk layout and could be causing corruption. Fix it03:47
simplechat_at the moment neither boots03:48
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simplechat_so i'm on a livecd now, ubuntu03:48
simplechat_what should i do?03:48
simplechat_neither disk is mounted03:48
ikoniasimplechat_ I'll say one more time before I put you on ignore. Boot from the windows install cd, scan disk it, defrag it a few times03:48
Davy_Jonesyou was able to boot from the livecd?03:48
Davy_Jonesthat's an achievement03:48
magnetronsimplechat_: if you hard drive is damaged, you'll need a new one03:48
simplechat_magnetron: how to i check that its damaged?03:49
LjLvlt: not easily03:49
LjL!install > vlt    (vlt, see the private message from Ubotu)03:49
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darkchr0n0ssuggest something for this problem http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39450/03:49
magnetronsimplechat_: listen to ikonia, he has told you several times03:49
simplechat_boot cd is running now03:49
simplechat_should be up in a few minutes03:49
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ZombieDoes Ubuntu have a03:49
magnetron!enter | simplechat_03:49
ubotusimplechat_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:49
Zombielike a Firewall Log parser?03:50
ikoniaZombie check out ulogd03:50
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darkchr0n0shttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39450/ ... <-- hard disk partitions :(03:50
magnetron!repeat | darkchr0n0s03:50
ubotudarkchr0n0s: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience03:50
K4Uerr, is there some program like xconfig or some sort?03:50
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ZombieHow do I monitor it?03:50
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darkchr0n0smagnetron : hey i changed the strings!03:51
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ikoniaZombie check out ulogd - it logs firewall output based on your rules and can store them in ldap/mysql/falt file and you can use front ends to read them03:51
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aat1hey does anyone know how to get support for nokia phones particularly the n72, under ubuntu feisty?03:51
ikoniaaat1 define support, what do you want to do with it. Gnokii will allow you to do basic functions, phone book sync etc03:52
jimmacdonaldHow does one go about making a link from one file (or directory) to another in Ubuntu, "link <file1> <file2>" doesn't seem to work.03:52
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ikoniajimmacdonald ln03:52
aat1umm how about transferring files along with sms, phonebook backup03:52
=== darkchr0n0s says adios, kudos, sayonara, etc etc ( no idea what they mean
ikoniaaat1 gnokii is your bet03:52
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ikoniajimmacdonald ln -s link target03:52
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simplechat_ikonia: chkdks "The volume appears to contain one or more unrecoverable problems"03:53
aat1awesome thanks for support ikonia03:53
magnetronaat1: what does the n72 support? USB storage mode? bluetooth?03:53
ikoniajimmacdonald: man ln03:53
ikoniasimplechat_ there you go then03:53
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simplechat_ikonia: so the disk is faulty, or what can i do to it?03:53
generalsnusheyas, ive downloaded the 7.10 iso.. could it be problematic to uppgrade/update this to the release version that is soon comming?03:53
aat1magnetron, it supports both, but i dont have usb03:53
WippoZippohey, it seems that the ubuntu install can't find my harddrivers, I tried pci=conf1 and acpi=off but none of them solved my problem.  I've been told it has something to do with the kernel? anyone has an idea? thanks :)03:53
aat1i mean i dont have blutooth03:53
ikoniasimplechat_ disk could be faulty, in my opinion most likly file system corrupted03:53
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magnetronaat1: well if both your pc and phone supports usb, connect them03:54
DaBeowulfOkay how come after every reboot I've got to 'sudo modprobe nvidia' to get X starting again?03:54
ikoniageneralsnus maybe03:54
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ikoniaDaBeowulf necause the module is not being loaded at start up. Check the syslog or dmesg for why03:54
erUSULDaBeowulf: put nvidia in /etc/modules03:54
simplechat_ikonia: so what should i do?03:54
generalsnusikonia: how so?03:54
aat1yeah but i dont have any software to sync etc. with. plus i dont want to mess up my phone in the process03:54
ikoniageneralsnus packages change03:54
aat1but thanks to ikonia i'll try gnokii03:54
ikoniageneralsnus its in beta03:54
magnetronaat1: if it03:55
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Alloos1hi guys03:55
ikoniasimplechat_ partition your disk now. Install windows, then install ubuntu03:55
Alloos1how do I start psql03:55
erUSULDaBeowulf: sudo sh -c "echo nvidia >> /etc/modules" for example or with any editor03:55
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magnetronaat1: if it's a regular USB storage device, as you said it is, the just copy the files03:55
ikoniaAlloos1 /etc/init.d/postgress start03:55
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Tarkusheguru, thanks alot. gnomebaker worked perfectly03:55
simplechat_ikonia: partition using fdisk? or windows installer?03:55
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simplechat_the cd doesn't have fdisk03:55
simplechat_it has fixmbr and format03:55
ikoniasimplechat_ I suggest partition using the ubuntu live cd. Set aside space for windows and space for ubuntu, then allow the windows installer to format ONLY the partition you set aside for windows03:56
generalsnusikonia: so updating/uppgrading to the release could be troublesome.. maybe i just should wait until release with installing ubuntu then03:56
delfickhello, does anyone know if it's possible to turn a usb into an iso, so that if i make changes to it (including changes to partitions) then to change back, all i have to do is burn the iso onto it ?? :D03:56
simplechat_ikonia: ok03:56
aat1you have a point, but even in windows, it doesnt show up as a usb device.. special drivers are reqd. so i was just wondering what options i had03:56
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Alloos1ikonia: its started, I want to start the psql03:56
ikoniageneralsnus sounds reasonable03:56
simplechat_i'll do it in the morning, its midnight here03:56
ikoniadelfick usb is a connector03:56
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delficki take that as a no?03:56
tyler_dwhats the best way to mount a vista share?03:56
ikoniaAlloos1 the what ?03:56
ikoniatyler_d samba/cifs03:56
Alloos1psql I mean how to I log myself in03:57
tyler_dikonia: I have cifs installed and configured.... except for one permission denied error?03:57
ikoniaAlloos1 its clled psgl isn't it03:57
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ikoniatyler_d at what point03:57
generalsnusmaybe im a lil lazy, 7.10 is due to release on the 7th this month..right?03:57
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DoYouKnowok, so I installed gstreamer plugins and libdvdread3. DVDs still won't play03:57
Alloos1ikonia: no its not03:57
erUSULgeneralsnus: www.ubuntu.com03:57
Alloos1its psql03:58
ikoniageneralsnu 18th03:58
tyler_dikonia: echo "/cifs    /etc/auto.cifs --timeout=60" >>/etc/auto.master03:58
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ikoniaAlloos1 ok - so type psql03:58
erUSUL!dvd > DoYouKnow03:58
WippoZippo hey, it seems that the ubuntu install can't find my harddrivers, I tried pci=conf1 and acpi=off but none of them solved my problem.  I've been told it has something to do with the kernel? anyone has an idea? thanks :)03:58
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delfickikonia: would there be a way of creating a single file type backup of the usb (including partitons and such :D) .... ?? or should I give up searching for such a thing ??03:58
ikoniadelfick dd would work as a block level backup03:58
heguruWippoZippo: did you try pci=nomsi (for SATA drives mostly)03:59
delfickk then, will look into that, thankyou03:59
WippoZipponot yet, I'll give it a try03:59
jimmacdonaldOk so I am trying to do03:59
WippoZipposo just add it after the F6 .. ?03:59
Alloos1did, the problem is that, it take the user name I use for my machine as a database name, so I will need a comand to tell it to connect to the databases that are there03:59
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heguruWippoZippo: F6? well you add it to the kernel line by entering grub menu (pressing ESC) on boot03:59
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WippoZipposorry, I'm a noob with linux, the grub menu?04:00
TasmaniacAlloos1, psql dbasename -Uusername from memory04:00
jimmacdonaldOk so I am trying to do "ln /home/<user1>/pictures /home/<user2>/pictures and keep getting " Too many levels of symbolic links"04:00
WippoZippoI'll just try pressing esc when booting up, ^^04:00
K4U!grub | wippozippo04:00
ubotuwippozippo: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:00
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heguruWippoZippo: I think on the LiveCD it is F6, well at the same place where you added acpi=off04:00
Davy_Joneshey noob04:01
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ts_I'm dd'ing my hard disk, and it gets to 2GB but then says 'File size limit exceeded (core dumped)'... The HD is 20gb. How do I fix this? Thanks04:01
alWhile I'm here, does anyone have any clues about Flash sound?04:01
tyler_dikonia: did you catch that?echo "/cifs    /etc/auto.cifs --timeout=60" >>/etc/auto.master gives perm denied error04:01
alI've tried all the things Google came up with.04:01
Alloos1Tasmaniac: thanks, how would tha comand look like with a password?04:01
greedohow can i upgrade gcc on feisty ?04:01
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WippoZippoheguru, yeah I did it through the live cd. I'll end it at the end of the line. after I red the grubhowto ^^ :)04:01
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heguruts_: are you dd'ing it to a FAT partition?04:01
soundrayts_: you have to write the file to a file system that supports files larger than 2GB, e.g. ext304:01
ikoniatyler_d why are you using automounter04:01
TasmaniacAlloos1, or try psql --help or man psql if it requires pword it should ask for it04:01
K4UWhat do you think is better? Beryl or Compiz-Fusion?04:01
alK4U: beryl :>04:02
ikoniaK4U: compiz fusion is current and supported04:02
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Davy_JonesCompiz-fusion of course04:02
alBut it doesn't do anything cool :(04:02
erUSULjimmacdonald: which of the two already exist? (user2 or user1 ?) are you sure you need a hard link? it is better a soft one (ln -s ...  )04:02
K4UNow what is the difference between those 2?04:02
greedoaren't beryl and compiz fusion supposed to join ?04:02
ikoniaK4U: read the wesites04:02
Alloos1Tasmaniac: yes, it should ask for it, but its not asking, just fails04:02
Davy_Jonesit does better things than beryl04:02
ikoniagreedo: beryl + compiz = compiz fusion04:02
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alMy Beryl has a Compiz option that doesn't work...04:02
greedoyeah that's what i thought04:02
vmlinuz`is it bad to make 3d desktop compiz when playing games?04:02
ts_soundray:  i was dding to a NTFS04:02
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tyler_dikonia: followed a walkthrough?04:02
K4Uikonia: Yeah, i know:P just wanna know if my cube is still supoorted and also the effects04:02
jimmacdonaldthey both exist, and I can use a soft link with no problems.04:02
heguruAlloos1: psql -U postgres04:03
tyler_dikonia: bad Idea?04:03
ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects04:03
soundrayts_: dd to an ext3 instead04:03
ikoniatyler_d: seems over kill04:03
heguruAlloos1: without any password04:03
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-effects04:03
greedohow can i upgrade gcc on feisty ? i would like to upgrade to 4.2.104:03
ikoniatyler_d: automounter requires additional auth04:03
tyler_dikonia: so what should be done?04:03
TasmaniacAlloos1, have u set up the dbase to start with?04:03
ikoniagreedo: is the 4.2.1 package available04:03
Davy_Jonesvmlinuz`: i usually turn them off before playing a game04:03
erUSULjimmacdonald: ln -s /home/<user2>/pictures /home/<user1>/pictures will create the file /home/<user2>/pictures which is a simb link to the (i guess folder) /home/<user1>/pictures04:03
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ikoniatyler_d: try mounting it with the "mount" command first04:03
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nickrencan someone help me real quick setup XGL04:03
greedoikonia: no that's why i'm asking :D04:03
Alloos1Tasmaniac: I did, I created a db in phppgadmin04:03
nickrenhaveing some trouble04:03
ikonianickren xgl is in fesity04:04
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erUSUL!effects | nickren04:04
ubotunickren: For help or discussion on Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects04:04
ikoniagreedo then it is best not to do it04:04
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nickrenthere is never anyone in that channel'04:04
ikonianickren there is04:04
nickrencan someone help me here04:04
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ikonianickren 1.) xgl is in fesity 2.) you've got he support channel 'ubuntu-effects for detailed questions04:04
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jimmacdonalderUSUL no it won't... I keep getting that error.04:04
Pici!away > minimec-afk (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)04:04
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soundraygreedo: upgrading to gutsy is the easiest option04:05
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greedook so i'll wait a bit04:05
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aat1!away | aata04:05
ubotuaata: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair on new users. The same goes for using noisy away messages : use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently - See also !Guidelines04:05
ikoniagreedo any special reason you want that version of gcc04:05
nickrensee nobody is in that channel04:06
soundraygreedo: if you're brave enough to try gcc 4.2.1, you should be brave enough to test the gutsy beta...04:06
nickrenoh wait04:06
ikonianickren not at this exact moment, so sit tight04:06
nickrenmaybe someone is not afk04:06
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aat1anybody here from pakistan?04:06
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greedosoundray: gutsy beta borked my xorg on my other box, and i did not have the time to fix it yet :)04:07
ikonia!offtopic >aat104:07
DaBeowulfTheres no modules folder in etc (Xubuntu Feisty Fawn)04:07
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Kee1does anyone know of a good mp3 player for ubuntu that has dsp or at least 5.1 support?04:07
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soundrayDaBeowulf: what exactly are you looking for?04:07
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heguruDaBeowulf: its a file /etc/modules04:08
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TasmaniacAlloos1, I cant remember off-hand and have got the unix box handy to check. It might your config files tho. trusting local connections04:08
DaBeowulfA way to stop me having to 'modprobe nvidia' each time that I reboot for X to start up with the nvidia-glx-new04:08
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heguruDaBeowulf: just edit it by typing: sudo gedit /etc/modules04:08
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heguruDaBeowulf: and at the end of the file add: nvidia04:08
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soundrayDaBeowulf: 'echo nvidia | sudo tee -a /etc/modules'04:09
DaBeowulfBut there's no 'modules' to edit in /etc04:09
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soundrayDaBeowulf: so create it04:09
aat1ikonia, whats that nokia package called again?04:09
ikoniaaat1 gnokii04:09
amrohow to use tar with " -d, --diff, --compare"?04:09
aat1thanks :D04:09
DaBeowulfa plain file into which I type 'nividia'?04:10
soundrayDaBeowulf: no, 'nvidia'04:10
DaBeowulfyes sorry about that04:10
soundrayDaBeowulf: or use the command above04:10
soundrayDaBeowulf: 'echo nvidia | sudo tee -a /etc/modules'04:11
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Jeruvyany evolution xperts around?  I'm trying to get bogofilter working with this but atm it's dumping all my mail into the junk folder and ignoring my rules and filter.04:11
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biebI need to be able to see the size of subdirectories in a df command..ie, I know /home has 58% usage, but I need to know the folders under home and their size04:11
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TasmaniacAlloos1, but you should be able to get the command structure with psql --help from memory04:11
soundraybieb: 'sudo du -s /home/*'04:11
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DaBeowulfhmm there's fuse and lp in there now, too04:12
DaBeowulfDid I overlook that file than?04:12
soundrayDaBeowulf: see, you had it before.04:12
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DaBeowulfOkay thanks I've gotta try that now.04:12
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amrohow to use tar with " -d, --diff, --compare"?04:12
inoex135is there someone ever write parallel port driver?04:13
tyler_dikonia: error on mount, wrong fs type04:13
nickrenwait your now the beowulf are, the grower??04:13
inoex135i got trouble when i write :(04:13
Carry04:06:08 [freenode]  Warning: Port sent with DCC request is a lowport (0, unknown) - this isn't normal. It is possible the address/port is faked (or maybe someone is just trying to bypass firewall)04:13
soundrayamro: you don't seem to be getting a reply -- have you read man tar ?04:13
ikoniatyler_d show me the command your using04:13
Carry04:06:08 [freenode]  DCC SEND from anony [ port 0] : startkeylogger [0B bytes]  requested in channel #ubuntu04:13
Carry04:11:09 [freenode]  DCC aborted receiving file startkeylogger from anony04:13
biebsoundray... thanks04:13
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Carry^^^^ to moderators...04:13
tyler_dikonia: sudo smbmount //servername/sharename /mountdirectory -o username=username,password=password04:13
LjLCarry: please never do that again04:13
CarryLjL: sorry...04:13
amro soundray,yes , I readed it04:13
LjLCarry: you might get banned automatically. when did that happen anyway?04:13
amro soundray, but I can not understand04:13
CarryLjL: moment..04:14
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ikoniatyler_d ok - so lets try "sudo mount -t smbfs -o username=blah //servername/sharename /mountdirectory04:14
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CarryLjL: last night..04:14
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tyler_dikonia: ok04:14
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LjLCarry: ah. it happens often enough04:14
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amro soundray,can U give me an example about it ?04:14
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neopsychehi, i want to set up a second hard drive on my ubuntu machine..04:14
CarryLjL: they pick nicks? or random/all?04:15
soundrayamro: no, I haven't used those options.04:15
K4Uhelp, my control, shift and alt keys are no longer working... what to do/;\04:15
neopsycheIf i plug it in.. will ubuntu auto detect it?04:15
LjLCarry: it's usually to the whole channel. in that case, it was.04:15
x-fakis there a way to make an update of the synaptic package list, (using dapper) ?04:15
amro soundray, -_-04:15
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silviui have windows and ubuntu on the same hdd, diff. partitions. Why can't i resize the partitions?04:15
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tyler_dikonia: same error04:15
soundrayneopsyche: yes, but it won't mount it. You'll have to partition and format it with gparted, and make entries in fstab for it.04:15
ikoniatyler_d: change the -t smbfs to -t cifs04:15
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soundray!fstab > neopsyche, please read the private message from ubotu04:16
tyler_dikonia: same04:16
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WippoZippoheguru: I tried the pci=nomsi command in the command line after pressing esc. But it didn't work, do you have any other suggestions? thanks04:16
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K4Uhelp... my shift, alt and control keys are not functioning1 how do i re-enable them/04:16
ikoniatyler_d ok - sudo apt-get install smfbs04:16
neopsychethanks soundry.. is there no easy way to plug and play! :-)04:16
ikoniatyler_d ok - sudo apt-get install smbfs04:16
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SajesDoes anyone know why alsa is detecting an inexistant soundcard in my box? o.O;;.. so is lspcia.04:17
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tyler_dikonia: going04:17
BioPodHello everyone04:17
Sajesand it's unable to play sound either. :[04:17
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soundrayneopsyche: no. How is the system supposed to know how you want to use your hard drive?04:17
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amroHave anyone know about "tar -d --diff --compare"?04:17
silviuany answer to my question? would gparted started on his own bootdisk manage to resize the partitions?04:17
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tyler_dikonia: done, first command worked04:18
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ikoniatyler_d excellent04:18
K4Udarned, why can't anybody help me/;\04:18
soundraysilviu: probably not. Better start a live CD and run it from there.04:18
BioPodanyone with exprience with setting up a rt61 wifi pci card?04:18
tyler_dikonia: to make perm just add to fstab?04:18
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ikoniatyler_d spot on04:18
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soundrayBioPod: yes04:18
tyler_dikonia: perfect, thank-you for your assistance :)04:18
K4Uhow do i restart x server/04:18
silviusoundray: i want to resize the partitions with the SO's on them, not resintall XP and Ubu ntu all over again04:18
BioPodsoundray: and did you managed to get it runing?04:18
ikoniatyler_d welcome04:19
soundrayK4U: Ctrl-Alt-Backspace04:19
tyler_dK4U: alt ctrl backspace04:19
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K4Usoundray; doesn't work...04:19
soundrayBioPod: yes, but it was fairly involved04:19
amro Have anyone know about "tar -d --diff --compare"?04:19
ikoniaamro stop asking every 30 seconds04:19
kyjahow come gparted reports I have a 92.14 GB partition. However ! 68.5 GB of it only seems usable with 19.3 GB data on it and 49.3 GB free. so where is the difference of 92.14 GB and the 68.5 GB !! thats a 23.64 GB difference !04:19
soundrayK4U: 'sudo invoke-rc.d gdm restart'04:19
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BioPodsoundray: farily involved? meaning it was very complicated?04:19
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IanLiuI CD to a folder, but when I get there, If I $ ls, all files are shown, but If I try to execute a file, It doesn't finds it...04:19
soundrayK4U: if it doesn't restart, log in on the text console and run 'sudo invoke-rc.d start'04:19
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soundrayBioPod: you will have it a bit easier, because I can tell you what to do.04:20
skitzorcan someone help me with drivers?04:20
ikonia how are you trying to execute04:20
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K4Uit tells me missing paramater/04:20
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BioPodsoundray: :)04:20
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soundrayBioPod: first of all, are you planning to move to gutsy soon?04:20
MasterCheesekyja: Boot using a LiveCD and run resize2fs on the partition04:20
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BioPodsoundray: yea,04:20
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kyjaresize2fs ???04:21
BioPodsoundray:  (gusty is the 7.10, right?)04:21
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MasterCheesekyja: It will resize the ext3 filesystem to fill the partition04:21
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soundrayBioPod: then it might be worth downloading the beta live CD and see if your card works "out of the box" with it. If it does, it's probably not a good use of our time to compile the drivers for it now.04:21
MasterCheeseGiving you that additional space04:21
VletAnyone know of a way of restarting firefox while preserving your session? Like, if I kill the FF process then start it up again, it'll ask if I want to restore my session... Is there a more graceful way to do it?04:21
MasterCheeseI had the same problem a while ago04:21
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kyjathx MasterCheese !!04:22
MasterCheeseNo problem04:22
soundrayBioPod: yes, Gutsy Gibbon = Ubuntu 7.1004:22
DaBeowulfDoes not work. Maybe I should have said that I modprobe to remove the module all the time?04:22
BioPodsoundray: ok, i'll give it a try then. wouldnt want to waste your time (and mine)04:22
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BioPodhow stable is it? gusty beta.04:22
soundrayDaBeowulf: yes, inserting and removing makes a big difference04:22
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silviuVlet: Firefox has an extension which does exactly that, restores the previous sites/tabs before exit04:23
PiciBioPod: There are still problems.04:23
soundrayBioPod: by definition it's not stable yet -- I download quite a lot of updates every day.04:23
Kr0ntabBioPod, its still Beta... but pretty stable right now...  release only a couple weeks away...04:23
miloszam i here ?04:23
DaBeowulfSo anyway to automate that this easy?04:23
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soundrayDaBeowulf: remove the entry from /etc/modules again and follow ubotu's advice on blacklisting (private message)04:23
soundray!blacklist > DaBeowulf04:23
Vletsilviu: ahh, I'll go look it up - just thought there might have been a built-in key cmd or something :)04:23
BioPodI'm actually a fan of Kubutnu... any feedback on it?04:23
DaBeowulfThanks a lot I#ll give that a try then.04:24
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soundrayBioPod: you can download a Kubuntu Desktop CD to test your rt61 just as easily.04:24
soundrayBioPod: to continue this discussion, please join #ubuntu+1, as gutsy is offtopic here.04:25
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amro Have anyone know about "tar -d --diff --compare"?04:26
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nickrencan someone here please help me setup xgl, everyone in ubuntu-efffects are AFK04:27
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erUSULamro: what is the specific question? i didn't know about but i read the man page and it seems a helpfull nifty feature so? what's the problem again?04:27
nickrenis setup xgl using this howto http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=48838504:27
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DaBeowulfHow can I lookup the creation date/time of a file? >_<04:28
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nickrenbut when i try to start the xgl session i get "error, no exec line in sessions.xgl04:28
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DaBeowulfand maybe the edit time?04:28
ikonianickren what part of "its support in #ubuntu-effects" is not clear ?04:28
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nickreneveryone is AFK, and don't feel like sitting in front of a blank screen for 9 hours04:29
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ikonianickren this is not the appropriate place to get support04:29
amroerUSUL, the man page said " find differences between archive and file system04:29
amro" but I still not know how to "compare files"with "tar -d"04:29
erUSULDaBeowulf: ls -l (with -c for creation time)04:29
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ikonianickren your other options are to log a launchpad bug or request on the forum04:29
DaBeowulfThanks a lot04:29
nickrenits general ubuntu support in here04:30
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ikoniaread the topic04:30
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npnuf1here is a problem, when opening help files, It is showing the html source code. which files are corrupted or what should i reinstall.04:30
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npnuf1running feisty fawn.04:30
nickrenyou could just help me real quick and i'll be gone04:30
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robertjwhats the default expo hotkey in gutsy?04:31
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Vletnpnuf1: Right click on one of the files anc select 'Properties', then select the 'Open With' tab, and change the option to Firefox04:31
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Vletnickren: If you get no answer, that usually means no one knows the answer.04:32
npnuf1Viet; they seem to be compiled html files.04:32
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ikonianickren nope, best to wait in #ubuntu-effects, more so as xgl is already configured in fesity and you just have to enable "desktop effects"04:32
Vletnpnuf1: ahh... I think you need a separate app for that...04:32
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npnuf1for example when I wanted to view the help from pgadmin it is happening.04:32
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npnuf1it is happening for many other apps also.04:32
Vletnpnuf1: are they CHM files?04:32
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nickrenuse but i'm trying to get XGL to run using the restricted ATI drivers04:32
npnuf1I had reinstalled xchm.04:33
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ikonia!ati >nickren04:33
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npnuf1I don't think it is a chm.04:33
ikoniaj-rockj-rock trailer park ?04:33
Vletnpnuf1: Ahh... maybe try gnochm04:33
tyler_dcreating a mount folder? should be in /mnt/ and options set to 775 right?04:33
j-rockikonia: you know it, rocpile04:33
npnuf1Viet; will try that one.04:33
nickrenthe drivers are installed but you need to configure xgl to use them04:33
nickrenthats the problem i am having04:34
dabaRtyler_d: what are you mounting?04:34
nickreni use this tutorial http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=48838504:34
tyler_ddadaR: a network share04:34
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ikonianickren #ubuntu-effects04:34
Vletnpnuf1: Where are the help files located for pgadmin? I have it installed too... I'll see how mine is set.04:34
dabaRtyler_d: well, you could do /mnt. Really, you can mount anywhere...04:34
ikoniaj-rock is "conky" an app your working on  ?04:34
j-rockikonia: yessir, conky.sf.net04:35
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ikoniathank you04:35
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dabaRtyler_d: permissions should also be whatever you need...04:35
tyler_ddadaR: read write create04:35
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nickrenikonia how about you join ubuntu-effects and help me04:35
generalsnusjeez, dont think i have the patience to wait 15 days for the 7.10 release.. is the beta stable enough for regular use atm? or is it full of bugs?04:35
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tyler_ddadaR: error on opening from computer is mount: only root can mount04:35
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npnuf1Viet; don't have an idea.04:35
ikoniaj-rock: that looks good. Book marked04:36
ikonianickren no04:36
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npnuf1I don't think that's a problem pgadmin or it's files.04:36
DaBeowulf\o/ It seems it _was_ blacklisted and since I removed that it seems to work fine.04:36
nickrenikonia: hoe04:36
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trogdoranyone here use wubi?04:36
Vletnpnuf1: Well, how are you opening them? through the help menu of pgadmin?04:36
ikoniatrogdor its not supported in here04:36
npnuf1yes through help menu.04:36
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DaBeowulfYou can be very proud you helped (X)ubuntu stay the OS of another dumb end-user. ;)04:36
trogdorikonia: why is that? what is difference?04:37
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npnuf1may be some files of the html engine is corrupted.04:37
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Pici!zh | glw11904:37
ubotuglw119: For Ubuntu help in Chinese  #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk04:37
Vletglw119: #ubuntu-cn04:38
ikonia not a ubuntu product04:38
glw119hehe,thank all of u!~04:38
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Jaymacgeneralsnus, the beta is quite stable, but unless you're prepared to have things break on you, you'd be better off sticking with Feisty for the next couple of weeks.  For more information, see #ubuntu+1 :)04:38
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trogdorikonia: neither is stuff in ubuntu repository...04:38
ikoniatrogdor: ubuntu packaged/supported04:38
trogdorikonia: I'm looking at physical characteristics04:38
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trogdorikonia: neither are cds I burn ubuntu to..04:39
ikoniatrogdor: you know what I'm saying though, no-one in the ubuntu team developed it as an installer, same stance on automatix04:39
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trogdorautomatix has several ways of breaking your system04:39
switchedhow do I know if last is working correctly?04:40
trogdorafter wubi is done doing its stuff what makes it different from a normal ubuntu dual boot?04:40
switchedi see no entries in it, but I think it sounds right, no one else should be logging into my machine04:40
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tyler_dmodify fstab to allow non root to mount network drives?04:40
ikoniatrogdor I think its more people don't know if it installs the same way as a cd, and its development path is unknown so the ubuntu community don't support it04:40
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switcheder, the screensaver password doesn't create an entry in wtmp right?04:40
ikoniaswitched shouldn't do04:40
robertjwhat is the expo key for grumpy?04:40
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ikoniaswitched wtmp is for login only04:40
ikoniarobertj grumpy ?04:40
Jaymactrogdor, for Wubi support try: http://wubi-installer.org/support.php04:41
ikoniarobertj gusty ?04:41
robertjerr gutsy04:41
trogdorikonia: everything's development path is kinda unknown...04:41
robertjstupid groundhog04:41
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trogdorJaymac: yeah I was reading over that, I guess I'll try it myself04:41
Picirobertj: #ubuntu+1 for Gutsy questions please.04:41
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switchedgod i think i'm just being paranoid then lol04:41
ubernerdmandogAny way to get 8.41.7 drivers to work with xserver 1.4.0 ?04:41
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IanLiuI am trying to execute a script with sudo ./build_plugin, but It returns sudo: ./build_plugin: command not found. What does that means?04:41
ikoniaubernerdmandog a colleguge of mine has been trying for a few days now with little sucess04:42
LjLIanLiu: perhaps it's not +x?04:42
ikoniaIanLiu: its not in the same dir or not executable04:42
BioPodsoundray: can I steal a few minutes of you to explain guide me through the rt61 thing without diving into the beta world?04:42
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geniiIanLiu: It means it does not know what program to use to run the script..eg: bash,perl,php etc04:43
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IanLiuthe problem is that I can see the file with natulilus, but in terminal I cant autocomplete it with<TAB> key04:43
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dabaRIanLiu: use cd04:43
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IanLiuI CD to the folder04:43
Gr4cki create backup partition on ubuntu, but can't write. anyone help me?04:43
IanLiuI ls and see the file04:43
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IanLiuBUT, I doesnt autocomplete with TAB04:43
dabaRIanLiu: OK, then try chmod +x filename04:43
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generalsnusjeez, dont think i have the patience to wait 15 days for the 7.10 release.. is the beta stable enough for regular use atm? or is it full of bugs?04:44
geniiIanLiu: Put as first line in script something like:    #!/thepath/to/the/sh          <--- or whatever runs the script04:44
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Picigeneralsnus: Its buggy. I would wait if I was you.04:44
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IanLiuit has #!/bin/bash04:44
pulz0ranyone that can recommend me a bittorentclient?04:44
IanLiuI will try chmod04:44
erUSULgenii: the error is ./build_plugin: command not found not /bin/sh command not found04:44
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ShapeshifterHi, how can I get the gnome copying dialog to show me the transfer speed?04:44
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Shapeshifterpulz0r: Azureus04:45
magnetronpulz0r: use the standard in ubuntu, or deluge04:45
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magnetron!deluge | pulz0r04:45
ubotupulz0r: deluge is a new Bittorrent client, created using Python and GTK+, intended to bring a native, full-featured client to !GTK environments such as GNOME and Xfce - See http://deluge-torrent.org/ for more information or http://download.deluge-torrent.org/stable/ubuntu/feisty/ for downloading.04:45
pulz0rI tried Ktorrent, wich crashed, Azureus, wich didnt work anymore when I run fluxbox04:45
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erUSULgenii: so bash does not find the actual file . It is not a probelm of not finding the apropiate interpreter04:45
pulz0rthx ubotu04:45
pulz0ror eh04:45
IanLiuokkk, Now it completes with TAB =)04:45
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pulz0rthx magnetron04:45
IanLiuWorks! Thanks!04:45
magnetronnp pulz0r04:45
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pulz0rlet me try that04:46
Cusoon959How can I stop bcm43xx (the module) from loading at startup and then add ndiswrapper to the startup?04:46
faust_heh.. Deluge is remarkably similar to Torrent :D04:46
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erUSULgenii: all this guessing that it's a script file as it may be well a binary (elf executable file)04:46
faust_Or.. to how Torrent used to be.04:46
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dabaRCusoon959: does lsmod |grep bcm show the module?04:46
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switchedhow did you type in ""?04:47
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Cusoon959not anymore, because I manually rmmodded it. But it shows up on startup.04:47
ShapeshifterHi, how can I get the gnome copying dialog to show me the transfer speed? And does anybody know a substitute for Maple for linux?04:47
switchedoh i have a character chart in xchat04:47
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switched but how did you do it?04:47
x-fakis there a reason why wireshark does not appear on the apt-cache search and synaptic ?04:47
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Cusoon959dabaR: not anymore, because I manually rmmodded it. But it shows up on startup.04:48
erUSUL!info wireshark | x-fak04:48
ubotux-fak: wireshark: network traffic analyzer. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.99.4-6 (feisty), package size 566 kB, installed size 1576 kB04:48
switchedx-fak: maybe you have to add the corresponding apt-get source04:48
geniierUSUL: Well, he did say he wrote a script :) (normally for sh I suppose) I would not imagine that bash would find the program, since sudo was issued, eg: sudo ./somescript    instead of something like sudo sh ./somescript    (or similar)04:48
dabaRCusoon959: you can try blacklisting it, there is a /etc/blacklist or so.04:48
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erUSULx-fak: you need to enable universe04:48
Cusoon959dabaR: right...duh...thanks :D04:48
Kr0ntabyikes... 63 updates to gutsy this mornin...04:48
x-faki did generate from the source o matic04:48
dabaRCusoon959: you have restarted after rmmod, and it still loads it?04:48
Kr0ntabbusy busy04:48
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Cusoon959dabaR: yes, so I should have to blacklist it04:49
x-fakand i have the laster source with apt-get update04:49
dabaRCusoon959: OK.04:49
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x-faki should maybe install universe04:49
x-fakfor my dapper04:49
gonzo64hi! can someone help me with an installation problem on my notebook?04:49
Cusoon959gotta go04:49
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tyler_dcould someone take a look at line 11 of my fstab plz... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39452/ error on mount is now mount: can't find /mnt/office3 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab04:50
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Kr0ntabask! > gonzo6404:50
adachow can i find data on my disk that is more then lets say 10 megabyte of size?04:50
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dabaRabaR: right...duh...thanks :D04:50
dabaR09:57 < erUSUL> x-fak: you need to enable universe04:50
dabaR09:57 < Kr0ntab> yikes... 63 updates to gutsy this mornin...04:50
ShapeshifterDoes anyone know a substitute for maple under linux?04:50
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Nallemanwhere can I ask questions about compiz-fusion?04:50
Kr0ntab!ask > gonzo6404:50
Kr0ntabthere ya go  :-P04:50
jribShapeshifter: maple works in linux04:50
ShapeshifterNalleman: #compiz-fusion04:50
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aat1hey i know im asking in the wrong place, but can anyone explain the gnokii command syntax to me?04:51
NallemanShapeshifter, good point04:51
gonzo64okay. every time i start the installation busybox opens and does not continue the installation04:51
Shapeshifterjrib: Well I have a windows version and I can't seem to install it under wine04:51
dabaRtyler_d: you have /office3, and talk about /mnt/office3?04:51
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Shapeshifterjrib: so that means I need to get a linux version huh ^^04:51
jribShapeshifter: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Maple04:51
Shapeshifterk thx04:51
dabaRtyler_d: oh, sorry, no.04:51
tyler_ddadaR: mounting the vista pc name office3 to /mnt/office304:51
Blackkatti cant get Nvidia driver to work gaahh been on it for two days now04:51
jribShapeshifter: the cd has it04:52
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BlackkattNvidia module kernel wrong version04:52
berentwhich is the pack which gives me aMule source04:52
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about amule - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:52
Shapeshifterjrib: k thanx I'll check it04:52
tyler_ddabaR: added the option "user" and got that error after reboot.... in an attempt to allow non-root mount04:52
soundrayBioPod: sure... still here?04:52
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jribShapeshifter: octave and maxima for FOSS apps04:53
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dabaRtyler_d: did you read this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=280473 ?04:53
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Blackkatti cant get Nvidia driver to work gaahh been on it for two days now some help plz :)04:53
Shapeshifterjrib: I guess they don't use the same syntax as maple04:53
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Shapeshifterjrib: do they?04:53
Kr0ntabBlackkatt, which nvidia driver you installing... glx, glx-legacy... glx-new ?04:53
profanephobiai need to send faxes from a ubuntu server using email04:53
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BlackkattKr0ntab:  i have tryed them all, but its the newest driver form Nvidias site04:54
jribShapeshifter: not exactly04:54
erUSULShapeshifter: wxMaxima is a really nice front end for maxima (or you can use it from emacs )04:54
BlackkattNvidia module kernel wrong version04:54
Blackkattwhen it tryes to start, X04:54
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tyler_ddabaR: ahh, just had it backwards, ty04:54
erUSULShapeshifter: octave is more a clon of matlab04:54
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Shapeshiftermhh. too bad, the school want's to use maple and gives us a lot of maple code04:55
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tarzeauBlackkatt: i just use http://debian.ethz.ch/d-i/nvidia-driver04:55
Kr0ntabahh.. i see... I ran into that in the past while trying several drivers... and what you need to do is purge all nvidia drivers... uninstall the nvidia driver... reboot.. and start anew...04:55
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BlackkattKr0ntab:  howto am totally N00b with linux04:57
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soundrayBioPod: hello, I'm back04:57
erUSULShapeshifter: im sure there are linux versions of mapple althought not free (in any english sense of the word ;))04:57
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Kr0ntabBlackkatt, several commands... I'll PM ya...04:57
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ShapeshiftererUSUL: ^^04:58
BlackkattKr0ntab:  hmm i can see u but u cant see me ?04:58
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Kr0ntabBlackkatt, must register with nickserv04:59
Blackkattone sec04:59
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erUSULShapeshifter: ?05:00
stroyanadac:  Use find.    find directory -size +10M05:00
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Piciadac: If you're just looking for big files, you can use baobab, the disk-usage-analyzer in gnome.05:01
adacstroyan: thx!05:01
CarlFKwhat is the command to generate ssh hosts keys? (the ones found in /etc/ssh)05:01
adacPici: is this command line tool?05:01
adacguess not05:01
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Piciadac: nope05:02
erUSUL!pm | x-fak05:02
ubotux-fak: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.05:02
dabaRCarlFK: have you read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto ?05:02
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soundrayCarlFK: 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure openssh-server'05:02
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porkpiehi guys where do I need to check what well start automatically on a reboot05:02
PiciCarlFK: I *think* its `gpg --gen-key` but check the manpages05:02
CarlFKsoundray: close, but I am in the installer.  pretty sure it is ssh-keygen --something05:03
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federicomattesHello, can anybody help me with a sound problem in ubuntu 6.06 LTS05:03
soundrayCarlFK: the postinst script definitely does it. Have a look at /var/lib/dpkg/info/openssh-server.postinst05:03
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geniiporkpie: System-wide things that are starting or just apps for the specific user?05:04
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soundray!sound > federicomattes, please read the private message from ubotu05:04
VletAnyone know how to use the win key as a modifier in the keyboard shortcuts?05:04
x-faksorry erUSUL i thought my question was so dumb that i found it was better to ask in pm05:04
soundray!bum > porkpie, please read the private message from ubotu05:04
soundrayBioPod: ping05:05
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CarlFKsoundray: thanks.  this line look like what I am looking for:  ssh-keygen -q -f "$file" -N '' "$@"05:05
vmlinuz`I changed to gdm, but when i logoff and go to login window, its same as the kdm..05:05
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gonzo64i have an installation problem on my notebook... everytime i start the installation the kernel loads and then busybox opens and the installation doesn t continue... can someone help me plz???05:06
northstarI get this error message http://pastebin.com/d1484ca9c when trying to install a kernel i just compiled.  Any ideas?!?05:06
federicomattesobotu  I have sound, and yes ALSA is selected. But, when I try to open alsamixer I get 'alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device05:07
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usr13ubotu, tell usr13 about bum05:08
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DigeratiXhere is the deal, sons puter at home, he is logged in, I am at work logged in via shell, when I added his account it was a simple desktopuser, but now I want him to be able to admin the puter, how do I change that from cli05:11
soundray!please | gonzo6405:11
ubotugonzo64: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience05:11
soundrayDigeratiX: 'sudo adduser son admin'05:11
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DigeratiXhe is already added and stuff, so I still execute that command?05:12
soundrayDigeratiX: after that, make him log out and in again05:12
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soundrayDigeratiX: you still need to add him to the admin group05:12
blue|palmdoes ubuntu restrict the amount of half-open tcp connections like windows does?05:12
stroyannorthstar:  The message is "mostly harmless".  Look in the /sbin/update-grub script to see what really happened.05:12
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DigeratiXroot@ubuntu:/home/digerati# adduser justin admin05:13
DigeratiXAdding user `justin' to group `admin' ...05:13
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usr13gonzo64: [Bug 129817]  Re: install fails: busybox (initramfs): can't access tty: (/dev/sda trouble?)05:14
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soundraygonzo64: look at the screen carefully, and see if gives any indication of why it went into busybox mode.05:14
northstarstroyan: the package wouldn't install... nothing in grub because it didn't install05:14
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gonzo64@soundray there is nothing it loads the kernel and than it turns to busybox05:15
stroyannorthstar:  Oops, wrong error message.05:15
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usr13gonzo64: Can you go to another terminal from there?05:16
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usr13tty2 or 3,4,5,6,7,8 ?05:16
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porkpiesoundray:these are services like mysql, apache and courier05:17
usr13gonzo64: 7.10?05:17
soundrayporkpie: so?05:17
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gonzo64yes sir05:17
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soundraygonzo64: #ubuntu+1 please05:17
gonzo64oh no its 7.0405:18
usr13gonzo64: Bug 12981705:18
soundray!bug #12981705:18
incorrecti have a large network,  what is considered the best monitoring tool these days, other than nagios?05:18
usr13gonzo64: no, that's a 7.10 bug.05:19
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usr13I don't know about 7.0405:19
soundraygonzo64: is this fairly recent hardware?05:19
blue|palmdoes ubuntu have a firewall by default?05:19
Peloincorrect, I've heard ppl talk about wireshark but I don't know anything about it05:19
incorrectthanks Pelo05:19
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soundray!firewall | blue|palm05:19
ubotublue|palm: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).05:19
aat1can anyone explain the gnokii command syntax to me?05:19
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soundray!hi | heman05:19
ubotuheman: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!05:20
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aat1!gnokii | aat105:20
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Peloblue|palm, yes but not enabled by default,  it's called netfilter uses  iptables for userspace (cli interface) and you can have gui frontends like firestarter05:20
hemanDoes anyone know how I can change the look of the top and bottom menus05:20
soundrayaat1: what, you need someone to read the documentation to you?05:20
blue|palmsoundray, i know but i want to know if its enabled or not by default05:20
usr13gonzo64: What processor?05:20
hemanso that they are smooth and transparent like on vista but without that theme...05:20
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blue|palmPelo, ah thanks05:20
soundrayheman: right-click and select properties05:20
usr13gonzo64: AMD 64?05:20
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gonzo64usr13: intel core 2duo05:20
Peloheman,  right click properties,  you can set backgrounds on the last tab,   you can get some from gnome-look.org05:21
hemancool ok thankyou both of yu05:21
soundrayblue|palm: it is enabled by default, but not configured to block anything.05:21
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blue|palmsoundray, thanks05:21
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usr13gonzo64: Well, you might look at the bug page anyway.  Maybe clues there:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.22/+bug/12981705:21
}MatriX{i dont know how to change my mac adress ( on ethernet DHCP )05:21
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soundray}MatriX{: not all drivers support MAC address spoofing.05:22
=== glw111 ing
Pelo}MatriX{, menu > system > admin > network : select card , properties05:22
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eyecandohi,every one05:23
hemanhow do I get a theme then just for the taskbar's? Like a task bar background theme...05:23
LinuturkWill a standard debian deb package work on Ubuntu feisty without problems?05:23
soundrayPelo: not for the MAC address05:23
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Peloheman,  check in www.gnome-look.org05:23
dabaRheman: right click on the 'taskbar' and select properties...05:23
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dabaRheman: it is called the gnome-panel, btw.05:23
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misreckoningwhat kernel image is for AMD Turion X2 processors? amd64 or k7 or i686 ?05:24
hemanpelo-dabar: ok thankyou I'll try that05:24
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soundray}MatriX{: I haven't read this, but see if it helps: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/change-your-network-card-mac-address-on-ubuntu.html05:24
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vmlinuz`isn't there "system run" in gnome? Just like the "KDE > run" that kde has in its menu?05:25
MasterShrekmisreckoning, i use amd64 with my turionx205:25
Pelomisreckoning, probably amd64 but we tell ppl to use x86 anyway since there is some stuff missing from the amd64 version,  flash, some drivers etc05:25
hemandabar, pelo: how do I know which themes are just for the taskbar?05:25
dabaRvmlinuz`: alt+f205:25
dabaRheman: do what I told you to do...05:25
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misreckoningPelo: well I want to use 32bit, so, i386 or k7 then?05:25
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soundraymisreckoning: choose amd64 to get the last drop of performance. Choose i386 for better compatibility with certain closed-source applications (skype, Adobe Reader etc.)05:25
hahanick eyecando05:25
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dabaRheman: the panel can take any picture file and use it as the background.05:25
misreckoningsoundray: interesting opinion :)05:25
Peloheman, usualy they are listed as  other sorry it's not realy a category in it's own right ,  or you can probably canibalise something off of a screenshot you like,  just clip the right section with gimp or something05:26
misreckoningsoundray: I think I can have both?05:26
hemanYes I know but which one should I choose as I would like a transparent one...05:26
VadiI have a problem - changed the font from "best shapes" to "subpixel smoothing", and then back to "best shapes", but it's not doing any smoothing now, like it was before. What can I do to reset this?05:26
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usr13}MatriX{: you can do it at the command line:  ifconfig eth0 hw ether 00:12:34:56:7805:26
Pelomisreckoning, i38605:26
misreckoningand then change them in grub ... right, don't know how good is that05:26
soundraymisreckoning: you can, but it's more work to install 32 bit programs in a amd64 system.05:26
hemanok thankyou both pelo, dabar :P05:26
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o00wis there a way to change a script icon?05:26
Shapeshifter0000Q: Which VM software should I use? It's about Windows XP, so Xen wont be a real option.05:26
soundraymisreckoning: I see, you want to dual-boot. That's no problem either05:26
misreckoningok thank you everybody05:26
=== Cusoon959 [n=nicky@c-24-17-146-222.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Instabin|Workhow many netowrk connections can ubuntu have open at one time05:27
Peloo00w, right click   , properties,  see the icon at the top , click click05:27
soundraymisreckoning: it's probably only worth it if you run numbercrunching apps, like video encoding05:27
usr13Instabin|Work: lots05:27
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Cusoon959So, what is the correct blacklist file to blacklist bcm43xx? /etc/blacklist or /etc/hotplug/blacklist?05:27
o00wPelo: ty I kept looking for a tab that had it I didn't think to click the icon05:27
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vmlinuz`yea that one, alt+f2 how do i put it underneath "Applications"05:27
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CarlFKInstabin|Work: lots05:28
soundrayCusoon959: neither. It's best to add your own file blacklist-bcm43xx05:28
usr13Instabin|Work: You should ask a more specific question?05:28
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Cusoon959soundray: but I just want to blacklist one module05:28
geniiCusoon959: /etc/blacklist      pre-empts things from even getting to hotplug05:28
usr13Instabin|Work: Unless you're really just looking for a number.  Are you?05:28
soundrayCusoon959: exactly05:28
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Cusoon959thanks genii :)05:28
geniiCusoon959: np05:28
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soundray!blacklist | Cusoon95905:28
ubotuCusoon959: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add  blacklist <modulename>  to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type  sudo update-initramfs -u 05:28
Instabin|Workusr13: Trying to max out the connection.... so is it basicly dependent on the hardware?05:29
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stroyannorthstar:  That "failed to write to pipe" error looks like maybe a gunzip ended before data was all read.  Perhaps the archive contains a bad file.  Could creating it have hit a file system full or other limit?05:29
soundrayCusoon959: well, ubotu seems to be of a different opinion than I...05:29
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hemandoes anyone here use 7.10 is it worth me upgrading?05:29
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Instabin|Workusr13: windows xp limits the number of active connections you can have.05:29
soundrayheman: ask in #ubuntu+1 please05:29
soundrayheman: and, if you have to ask, the answer is probably no.05:29
geniiheman: Why not wait until after Oct 18th release date to ask?05:30
Cusoon959so what's the difference between adding it to modprobe.d/blacklist or /etc/blacklist?05:30
Instabin|Workheman: i have used 7.10 since its been in tribe 305:30
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vmlinuz`dabaR: how do i put that in applications05:30
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geniiCusoon959: /etc/blacklist will blacklist stuff/modules that the pnp or autoprobing may nor find05:30
Vletheman: Unless you're feeling brave, wait until it's released. 15 days.05:30
hemanok thanks] 05:30
northstarstroyan: not really sure05:31
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hemanhow do I change my splash screen05:31
Cusoon959genii: ah...so which one should i use?05:31
northstarstroyan: i complied it with initrd - figured i would drop that this time, and compile a lower version of the kernel and see what happens05:31
stefgl!splash | heman05:31
ubotuheman: To change the Gnome splash screen, use !gnome-splashscreen-manager or change the GConf key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image using !gconf-editor.05:31
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soundrayheman: which one?05:31
stefgl!usplash | heman05:31
ubotuheman: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork05:31
Vletheman: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto05:31
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soundray!hi | elwario9105:32
ubotuelwario91: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!05:32
usr13Instabin|Work: I don't think we have a limut with Linux.05:32
geniiCusoon959: I generally just use /etc/blacklist without problems. but if it's something being autodetected that is causing the issue, perhaps try /etc/modprobe.d05:32
hemanahhh thanks for your help people but im confused, I don't understand all this sudo-apt stuff05:32
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elwario91I've removed openoffice and would like to reinstall it from the cd, how can i do?05:32
Cusoon959thanks genii05:32
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elwario91without internet, the old version on the cd?05:32
hemanSorry to be a pain but i've just moved from windows05:32
Cusoon959so can I just add the line "blacklist bcm43xx" to /etc/blacklist?05:32
geniiCusoon959: np05:32
soundrayheman: look at the private messages from ubotu05:32
Vletheman: no, it's fine :)05:32
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soundray!sudo > heman05:32
soundray!faq > heman05:32
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=== Lhademmor [n=Lhademmo@cpe.atm2-0-1121025.0x50c7b532.kd4nxx10.customer.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
arnathhi, i just got a new computer which only has hdmi/dvi (im using the hdmi on my tv and a dvi -> vga convertor for an old vga screen)05:33
usr13Instabin|Work: See: man netstat05:33
arnathi boot the live cd, and the "loading" goes great05:33
elwario91I've removed openoffice and would like to reinstall it from the cd, how can i do?05:33
ubuntu_https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FeistyEncryptedRootWithInstaller < is the best encryption for root guide around but does not come up easily, i only spoted it mentioned in 1 other howto, when i finish my install should i rename the guide or link all others too it or just leave it? would it work for all versions or just fiesty/gusty?05:33
geniiCusoon959: Yes, on a line of it's own, and make sure to put a carriage return after it to make a dead line05:33
arnathbut then the screen just dies (tried this one the vga)05:33
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arnaththe computer seems to be running fine, but im getting no image at all05:33
Cusoon959genii: ok, thanks again :)05:33
stroyannorthstar:  If the problem continues then using strace to record system calls may help to narrow down the cause of the failure.05:33
soundrayelwario91: which CD?05:33
hemansoundray, vlet: thanks :P05:33
elwario91feisty's cd05:33
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Cusoon959Now how do I add ndiswrapper to bootup?05:34
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soundrayelwario91: which one, Desktop or Alternate?05:34
arnathanyone know what the problem could be?05:34
elwario91the desktop one05:34
LhademmorHey, can someone please help me with Banshee on Gutsy? I've scanned and added my library, but when I click to play a song nothing happens! It won't even start playing the song! What is wrong?05:34
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northstarstroyan: not sure how to do that :)   if this next compile doesn't go, i'll hunt you down    thanks for the help05:34
stroyannorthstar:  You would want to use strace with -o file and -f to record all the calls under forks and put it in a file to sift through later.05:34
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Vletarnath: Are you connected using a DVI cable?05:34
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northstarnorthstar: oh05:35
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arnathVlet: i just tried it with a hdmi cable05:35
northstarstroyan: oh05:35
Mr_TuxHeya, is there any official and efficient way to upgrade 50+ computers to from feisty to gutsy?05:35
Cusoon959genii: Now how do I add ndiswrapper to bootup?05:35
arnathVlet: before i tested it with a dvi->vga convertor and a vga cable05:35
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Vletarnath: oh :-/05:35
soundrayelwario91: you can't use the Desktop CD as a package repository. Install from the net.05:35
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stefglMr_Tux: you don't want that yet :-)05:35
elwario91is'nt it possible?05:35
arnathVlet: so the boot seems to be working, i ge tnormal screen etc, then when the load thing is done, i get "no signal"05:35
Vletarnath: when I first installed, my DVI wouldn't work until I got proper vid card drivers... I dunoh then05:35
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Mr_Tuxstefgl: no, but when its stable release is out, i want to be prepared05:35
arnathVlet: how do i do that?05:36
soundrayelwario91: no, the Desktop CD is for installation or live system use only05:36
jokerman009hi. how do i connect to the internet from the command line05:36
jokerman009network manager is only gui05:36
geniiCusoon959: I don't use ndiswrapper so not much help with it. There are some howtos for those Broadcoms and ndiswrapper05:36
llll-how do i enable sound? (i'm on 7.10, tried whatever i could find on the forums and nothing works)05:36
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elwario91but you can install packages from cd without the net05:36
stefglMr_Tux: i'd do one prototype and clone it05:36
stefgl!clone | Mr_Tux:05:36
ubotuMr_Tux:: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type  dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages , move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type  sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade  - See also !automate05:36
Cusoon959genii: I have ndiswrapper working, I just need to know how to load the module when Ubuntu starts up05:36
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arnathVlet: how can i install the proper drivers if im trying to install ubuntu from the live cd? :|05:37
soundrayelwario91: not the Desktop CD, as far as I know. You'd have to have the Alternate one05:37
elwario91no you can05:37
Vletarnath: I don't know05:37
stefgl!automate | Mr_Tux:05:37
ubotuMr_Tux:: Ways to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning05:37
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elwario91i installed build-essential after install05:37
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soundrayelwario91: what's your question then?05:37
jokerman009does anyone here know how to connect to a wireless network from the command line?05:37
usr13Instabin|Work:  What is XP's limit on the number of active connections?05:37
Vletarnath: you may have to use the alternate CD or something05:37
arnathVlet: alternate cd? :|05:37
soundrayjokerman009: find out your interface name, e.g. wlan0, and run 'sudo ifup wlan0'05:37
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dabaRjokerman009: yes. Does it have protection?05:37
Vletarnath: when you downloaded the ubuntu iso, there was an option to download an alternate cd05:38
usr13Instabin|Work: Do you know what that limit is.  (That's interesting, I did not know XP had a limit.)05:38
geniiCusoon959: Generally any modules you want to always load, put the name into /etc/modules        same way as blacklist, 1 per line and make a carriage return after the end of last entry05:38
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jokerman009dabaR: yes05:38
soundrayjokerman009: or did you mean configure a connection?05:38
yurimxpxmanare there any pdf readers for a terminal?05:38
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dabaRjokerman009: do you want to tell me what kind?05:38
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jokerman009soundray: wep i think05:38
Mr_Tuxstefgl: we already cloned one machine to our computers but i hoped i can get around it for a dist-upgrade05:38
arnathVlet: o ye, i just saw it, this would allow me to fetch the drivers & install then? if so, what command would install the drivers? :D (8600GTS)05:38
Vletarnath: Are you using an ATI card?05:38
soundrayyurimxpxman: pdftotext05:38
arnathVlet: no, nvidia05:38
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usr13Instabin|Work: And I wonder if it's the same with home or pro?05:39
yurimxpxmansoundray: thanks05:39
BlackkattKr0ntab:  am back05:39
jokerman009basically i need to get the internet up to get X up. because i need to download fglrx driver from restricted05:39
Kr0ntabi know05:39
soundrayjokerman009: I think you want to reply to dabaR05:39
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Vletoh, the 8600... I think there have been issues with it... you should search the ubuntuforums.org for discussion about it05:39
jokerman009dabaR: oops. wep .05:39
jokerman009soundray: thanks05:39
LhademmorOkay then... Should I just report a bug in Launchpad saying "Banshee doesn't work"?05:39
Cusoon959genii: but in /etc/blacklist i had to put "blacklist bcm43xx", so what do I put in /etc/modules? Just the name of the module, or something before it like /etc/blacklist?05:39
dabaRjokerman009: do you know the key?05:39
jokerman009dabaR: yeah05:39
Mr_Tuxstefgl: i tested perl -pi -e 's|feisty|gutsy|g' /etc/apt/sources.list and DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get dist-upgrade -y and it worked, is this discouraged?05:39
arnathVlet: o great... :< thx for your help, will have a look05:39
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soundrayCusoon959: same syntax05:40
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dabaRjokerman009: run iwlist, and post the output to paste.ubuntu-nl.org05:40
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Cusoon959soundray: "modules ndiswrapper"?05:40
DopplerDeffectis it possible to upgrade feisty to gutsy w/o an OS reinstall?05:40
stefglMr_Tux: a dist-upgrade for 50 machines is much more work than just doing one machine and simply clone it to the other boxes. restoring an image is far quicker than letting 50 machines go through the whole reconfiguration process of an upgrade05:40
usr13jokerman009: iwconfig eth1 essid linksys05:40
usr13or what ever05:40
usr13jokerman009: iwlist05:40
stroyanjokerman009:  You can usually start X with vesa when vendor specific configuration is not working.05:40
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soundrayCusoon959: sorry, misread your question. Just ndiswrapper on a line by itself05:41
jokerman009stroyan: i tried with the failsafe config. it doesn't work.05:41
usr13jokerman009: iwconfig eth1 key ##########05:41
ubotuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.05:41
usr13if it's 64 bit05:41
soundrayDopplerDeffect: ask in #ubuntu+1 please05:41
soundray!upgrade > DopplerDeffect, and read ubotu's private message05:41
dabaR!upgrade > DopplerDeffect05:41
Mr_Tuxstefgl: 50+ computers with different hardware, that's the main-prob, so we have to reconfigure the xserver aggain and again on all those computers05:41
arnathVlet: would it do me any good to use the beta of the next version of ubuntu? as i heard this has improved support (with the new xorg thingy?)05:41
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usr13jokerman009: You have the wep key?05:42
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jokerman009usr13: thanks. i'll reboot and try it now.05:42
usr13jokerman009: no05:42
soundrayarnath: join #ubuntu+1, read the topic and decide for yourself. My opinion: it's worth trying.05:42
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geniiCusoon959: ndiswrapper05:42
usr13just restart the network05:42
Mr_Tuxstefgl: time for 50+ dist-upgrades is no problem: all the pcs can run it on the weekend :)05:42
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jokerman009usr13: i'm not in ubuntu now...05:42
DopplerDeffectsoundray, dabaR, thanks05:42
Cusoon959genii: thanks. Now I'm just gonna restart to test it05:42
usr13jokerman009: /etc/init.d/networking restart05:42
arnathsoundray: ok05:42
usr13jokerman009: O05:43
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Vletarnath: if I were in your shoes, I'd try it :)05:43
kurisutofuaaAnyone off the top of there head the command to upgrade to 7.10 (from 7.04)? Testing it out in vm.05:43
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Picikurisutofuaa: #ubuntu+1 for Gutsy questions please.05:43
soundrayIt's that time of the year again... +1 questions over and over05:43
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kurisutofuaaPici, thanks I head over there now05:44
stefglMr_Tux: i see...  given that the upgrade *really* works this time, you could do that. But i'll predict you will have to fix a couple of things after it anyway... have fun :-)05:44
hemankurisutofuaa: I do05:44
riotkittiethat should be thrown in the topic. not that 99% of the people that would need to read it would :P05:44
soundrayriotkittie: agree on both counts ;)05:44
dabaR!upgrade > kurisutofuaa05:45
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hemanupdate-manager -d Is the terminal code to upgrade by you must have all feisty upgrades first05:45
Mr_Tuxstefgl: what do u expect that i have to fix afterwards?05:45
hemanhey guys why are there seperate rooms for everything05:45
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hemanIt seems silly to me05:45
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soundrayheman: this channel not busy enough for you?05:45
hemansoundray: its busy yes I know but still...oh I get it lol :P sorry05:46
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riotkittieheman: don't  tell us to get over it.05:46
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kurisutofuaadabaR, thanks05:46
Mr_Tuxstefgl: on my first test i had not much problems, w/o noninteractive i just got 2 questions "do you really want to upgrade" and "what services shall i restart cuz of pam-update"05:46
hemanriot:??? I didn't05:46
usr13heman: I don't know for sure, but may be because this channel is very busy, very hard to keep up with.05:46
stefglMr_Tux: because every upgrade until now had issues... ATM gutsy tends to push interface names from eth0 to eth1,  for example05:46
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riotkittiethe fact of the matter is, many of the people having problems... have issue with the speed of the channel as is :P05:46
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hemanriot: yeah I understand now :P05:47
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Mr_Tuxstefgl: we had the same problem with feisty, on the original machine it was eth0 and on all machines based on the clone of this machine, its eth105:47
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soundrayriotkittie: strange, I gathered my first IRC experience in here, and I never found it *that* hard...05:47
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riotkittiesoundray: lol. not everyone does, but i see complaints a lot :P05:48
soundrayMr_Tux: probably something to do with /etc/iftab05:48
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=== riotkittie has been on irc for uhm 12 years? :o
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soundrayMr_Tux: this binds a mac address to an interface name, so if you clone it...05:48
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stefglMr_Tux:  i would just backup the confs, and do a gutsy resinatll with the !automate method05:48
Mr_Tuxsoundray: ah, okay, thx, i'll check this :)05:48
Feezsomebody know which langage I should use to make a "home made" internet redirection ?05:48
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llll-or how do i su to root05:49
soundrayFeez: which language? HTML05:49
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Mr_Tuxstefgl: okay, i'll check what is best for our system. thank you for your help05:49
riotkittieyou dont su to root. use sudo.05:49
dabaR!root > llll-05:49
Cusoon959ok, ndiswrapper loading, but bcm43xx not blacklisted05:49
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ubotuTo blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add  blacklist <modulename>  to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type  sudo update-initramfs -u 05:49
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hemanwhats so bad about using root? I saw on the website it said don't you root unless you have to I don't understand what root is and why its so bad...?05:50
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soundrayllll-: use sudo -i to get a root shell. Better yet, run each command individually with sudo if it needs the privileges.05:50
usr13riotkittie: You are correct. Problem is, that it's hard for the helpee to do the tasks he's trying to do and look at the IRC screen the whole time, because if you look away for a few seconds when it's really busy, you have to page way up to find comments that relate to your issue.05:50
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federicomattesHello. Can somebody help me with sound problem. I have sound on my dapper but when I open Mplayer it appears 'alsa-control: mixer attach default error: No such device'05:50
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Feezsoundray:  well I want to kind of use ssh redirection of ports but without using ssh ^^05:50
soundrayheman: it's the name of the user empowered to do everything on the system.05:50
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Cusoon959federicomattes: why are you using dapper?05:50
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soundrayFeez: iptables perhaps?05:51
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hemansoundray: so because im the only ubuntu user in the root admin?05:51
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federicomattesCusoon959 I like it I I never had problems05:51
alexvdhi running Gutsy on a tablet pc and have a very annoying problem.  Hibernate and suspend work and resume with no issues if I do it manually.  However when left idle and it goes to Hibernate and I try to resume it comes back fine but then it immediately shuts down.  Can anyone point me to posts that can fix this.  I have searched the forums but I can find it05:51
FeezI don't have access to root on the host :D05:51
llll-dabaR, soundray: i tried to sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/options.. it prompted me for my password, and after i've entered it, nothing happens05:51
dabaRfedericomattes: does sound work in other programs?05:51
Picialexvd: #ubuntu+1 for Gutsy questions please.05:51
soundrayheman: it's best to do day-to-day, non-administration work as a non-privileged user.05:51
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alexvdk sorry05:51
soundrayllll-: try gksudo gedit...05:51
Cusoon959federicomattes: you may want to update...edgy and feisty don't have problems but...they usually do things auto like sount05:51
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federicomattesdabaR  yes and even in Mplayer05:52
usr13Feez: don't have sudo either?05:52
Feez(I want to use the internet connection of my school department instead of  the one I got in my flat)05:52
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hemansoundray: sorry for being very stupid but I don't understand why?05:52
Vletheman: It's kind of like wearing a seat belt.05:52
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llll-soundray: doesn't work either05:52
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Piciheman: Have you read the information that !sudo profives?05:52
soundrayheman: there are various reasons: protection from others (attackers from the outside), and protection from yourself.05:52
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usr13Feez: vnc might be what you're looking for.05:52
federicomattesdabaR  I tried to configure a bluetooth headset yesterday and then something was broken05:53
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Vletheman: If you have to type "sudo some-command" then type a password, you're more likely to think a little bit more about what you're about to do05:53
soundrayheman: as root, you can destroy your entire installation with a simple five-letter command.05:53
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dabaRfedericomattes: does sound now work in other programs?05:53
usr13Feez: or ssh -X  ?05:53
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soundrayheman: and if your root account is disabled, it's harder to crack, because the attacker would have to guess your username *and* your passwor05:53
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Vletheman: I have in the past, accidentally deleted lots of very important things because I forgot I was logged in as root, and mistook which directory I was in05:53
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hemanvlet, soundray, pici: Oh I understand so should I make another accunt for non-admin tasks then, oh and also what is the command...05:53
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federicomattesdabaR the sound works in all programs!05:53
Feezusr13:  I can use ssh -X which works well but I just want my programs to run on my computer while sending packets to the host and the host send it to the internet05:54
Piciheman: No, just use your normal user account, and use sudo for administrative tasks.05:54
hemanvlet: ok but I don't even know how to code so how could I do that?05:54
Pici!sudo | heman read these links05:54
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ubotuheman read these links: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.05:54
soundrayllll-: anything when you do a 'gksudo xlogo'?05:54
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ChrisBatmannew to ubuntu server as of today - looks great, but does anyone know of a webmin type program to administer everything?05:54
federicomattesdabaR  when I write alsamixer  appears:  'alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device'05:54
kane77I have a problem with my wifi in my laptop (it's broadcom) I installed the fwcutter but it acts strange: it works (I have eth1 listed in ifconfig, it scans with iwlist scan), then when I enable roaming mode it still seems to work, but when I disable it again it stops working and it disapears from ifconfig, iwlist says eth1 doesn't support scanning.. do you think that this is a driver issue?05:54
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OpspinHvad s Kris!05:55
Feezusr13:  so I was thinking to do my own server/client program05:55
Vletheman: linux is a powerful thing, and can be a little confusing at the beginning. it's best to just log in as your mortal user; you never know when you can accidentally do something bad :)05:55
usr13 Feez: maybe export DISPLAY=:0.105:55
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hemanpici: I've read that before thankyou :P, but I don't know how to code so wouldn't my only threat be other people really...?05:55
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hemanvlet: lol05:55
llll-soundray: nothing either05:55
Feezusr13: what does that do ?05:55
hemanVlet: ok urm how do I make a mortal user?05:56
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soundrayheman: no, especially since you're inexperienced, you're likely to get something wrong and hose your system.05:56
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Vletheman: well, when you log into your system, you log in as 'heman', right? (or whatever your username is)05:56
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riotkittieheman: for the most part, you are a mortal user.  you have administrator rights (if you're the only user on your machine), but you have to invoke them05:56
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hemanvlet: yes05:56
federicomattesdabaR  should I give you some other information?05:56
dabaRfedericomattes: so your issue is that you are unable to use the alsamixer?05:56
hemansoundray: ok I get ya05:57
hemanriot: I am the only user05:57
riotkittieyou do that by prefixing the command with sudo when running in the terminal, or gksu if it's a GUI app. otherwise, you enter your PW when prompted05:57
hemanriot: accept when my family use open office & the net...05:57
Vletheman: well, then you're set. your user can not delete/modify important system files without specifically telling the computer that you want to do so05:57
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Feezusr13:  I know it's a bit tricky ^^05:57
federicomattesdabaR  ok fine, but... How can I make this works again?05:57
profanephobiaIs there a way to set firefox's proxy settings with terminal05:57
hemanvlet: ok so I can keep the account im on aslong as im not too curious05:57
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ChrisBatmananyone out there? webmin type program for Ubuntu?05:57
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soundrayChrisBatman: I don't think there is. You can always install ubuntu-desktop and administer via remote desktop05:59
hemanSo how would I go about learning what commands do what then, so that I know what commands I should & shouldn't type and don't have to revert back to IRC 24/705:59
soundray!cli > heman, private message05:59
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NashuI'd like to know where are the icons for the HDD, you know the regular icons Ubuntu puts when it  detects a new drive05:59
Vletheman: well, if you see some cool how-to on ubuntuforums that tells you how to modify your system to do nifty things, you'll likely need to have 'super-user privileges'. In gnome (that's the name of the graphical interface un ubuntu) some apps will ask you to enter your password again to allow that app to do superuser stuff (like add accounts)05:59
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DopplerDeffectwhy is the java sdk not considered one of eclipses dependencies? it would have made my life a lot easier05:59
federicomattesdabaR ?05:59
profanephobiaChrisBatman, you could always setup ssh and control it that way05:59
hemansoundray: reading06:00
ChrisBatmanyes - i just want easy apache and dhcp setting capabilities06:00
ChrisBatmani like the graphical interface rather than conf files06:00
Jaymacheman: here is a decent pdf file: http://fosswire.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/fwunixref.pdf06:00
soundrayDopplerDeffect: probably because you can user other java vms with it. Feel free to report it as a bug, though.06:00
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hemanvlet: ok well I've had to enter my pass about 20 times since I installed 3 days ago06:00
BHSPitMonkeyDopplerDeffect, so that you can choose your own jdk06:00
}Matrix{i have a problem.. i dont know why ( ) dont works ? it download instead of open it ( with firefox ) please help06:00
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BHSPitMonkeypeople would get a tad upset if they were locked into a certain one06:01
}Matrix{what i did wrong ? do i have installed php ?06:01
ChrisBatmanwebmin works fine if you download the new debian version - just tried - YAY!  thanks guys06:01
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Vletheman: that's normal at first, but once your system is set up well, you'll rarely have to do so. I haven't had to enter mine in a few days06:01
hemanjaymac: thanks06:01
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DopplerDeffectsoundray, wasn't really complaining, just took me a while to figure out why it wasn't recognizing my import statements06:01
usr13Feez: I walked away from the terminal for a couple minutes.  What is tricky? Did you get my last suggestion?  xport DISPLAY=:0.106:01
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hemanvlet: ok :P06:01
federicomattesI need help with ALSAMIXER!06:02
dabaRfedericomattes: I am asking you whether what you need fixed is: Alsamixer can not be opened.06:02
soundrayBioPod: ping06:02
Jaymacheman, no problem :)06:02
cliechtipalm users here? i try to restore a device but no data gets downloaded (restore from gpilotd completes successfully - doing nothing useful)06:02
hemanI think I now understand why most hackers use linux :S06:02
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usr13export not xport06:02
Vletheman: btw, there aren't really any 'bad' commands, it's more how you use them. If I were in a directory /home/vlet/somestuff/ and I wanted to get rid of everything (including sub-folders) I would type: rm -Rf *06:02
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Jaymacheman, also: https://help.ubuntu.com/pdf/ubuntu/C/desktopguide.pdf06:03
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Jaymacthat is the Ubuntu desktop guide06:03
soundraycliechti: can you rephrase the problem?06:03
geniiVlet: Perhaps not the best idea to plant in the mind of a new linux user who may experiment with it LOL06:03
Vletheman: but if I was logged in as root but forgot I was, and happened to think I was in /home/vlet/somestuff, but was actually in / and typed rm -Rf *, it would delete everything on the computer06:03
hemanvlet: ok so I think I understand...06:03
Vletgenii: ohh yeah ;)06:03
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federicomattesdabaR I'd like to fix alsamixer. I can't open Volume control... but I got sound. Until yesterday, before I tried to install that bluetooth headset, everything worked well06:04
}Matrix{/who lol06:04
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cliechtisoundray: palm device had empty batteries, need to restore it. the gnome applet has a "restore" function. when it prompts to, i press the hotsync button, it strarts working. however after 2 seconds it is done and not restored06:04
}Matrix{wich is the command to open my ssh ?06:04
hemanvlet: :O jaymac: thanks :P06:04
federicomattesdabaR I don't know whether the problem is ALSAMIXER or samethong else. I'm not much experienced Sorry06:04
soundraycliechti: this may sound obvious, but did you backup your device before?06:05
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cliechtisoundray: yes, often. i must also add that i'm on gutsy06:05
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Nashu I'd like to know where are the icons for the HDD, you know the regular icons Ubuntu puts when it  detects a new drive06:06
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hemanvlet: what does killall proc do (am I allowed to ask stuff like this here or is there another IRC for all this...?)06:06
Jaymaccliechti, go to #ubuntu+1 for gutsy support06:06
soundraycliechti: you shouldn't have said that. Now we're offtopic. Never mind, I don't think you have a gutsy problem.06:06
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MthedWhat can i do with .bin files?06:06
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dabaRfedericomattes: no worries...06:06
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Vletheman: If you wonder what a certain command does, type: man killall06:06
Jaymacgive yourself run permissions and execute them with ./file.bin06:06
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soundraycliechti: are you sure you've pointed the restore process to the backup from which you want to restore?06:06
dabaRMthed: probably run them after chmod +x'in gthem06:06
brobostigon.bin are executable06:07
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soundraybrobostigon: not necessarily06:07
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dabaRfedericomattes: run lsof /dev/ds*, and post the output to paste.ubuntu-nl.org06:07
federicomattesdabaR thanks :)06:07
brobostigonalot of the time they are06:07
soundrayMthed: there are various types of files ending in .bin -- where does yours come from?06:07
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}Matrix{is there anyone knows why my php dont works ? i try with firefox and says to download it..06:07
riotkittiekillall <process> kills all instances of a process06:07
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arnathVlet: if i use the regular cd and i do the safe mode thing or something, it seems to work (so far)06:08
hemanvlet: but how do I know I wont do something bad?06:08
cliechtisoundray: it proposes the folder with appended "backup" but there is no "backup" subfolder here. i have a folder "0" instead. i tried the backup function with and without "backup" and "0" appended. same result every time06:08
soundraybrobostigon: they might as well not be, so your reply is not helpful, but potentially confusing06:08
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MthedI downloaded netbeans and JDK in a bundle. https://sdlc5e.sun.com:443/ECom/EComActionServlet/DownloadPage:~:com.sun.sunit.sdlc.content.DownloadPageInfo;jsessionid=CA488DA623FBACE59418A52877F077F3;jsessionid=CA488DA623FBACE59418A52877F077F306:08
Jaymacheman, you shouldn't need to kill a program unless it has stopped responding...06:08
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MthedI'm trying to program some java but couldn't get the scanner working in eclipse.06:09
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soundrayMthed: please don't use that. Install the ubuntu java packages instead. Private message from ubotu:06:09
soundray!java > Mthed06:09
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nomegohas anyone tried virtualization in ubuntu?06:10
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soundraynomego: I've tried ubuntu in virtualization ;)06:10
hemanjaymac: oh so killall proc means kill all progarms open so in otherwords its like the windows equvilant as task manager...?06:10
usr13Mthed: Are you sure you can't get what you need from the package manager?06:10
Lososanyone can help me with me sound card ?;)06:10
federicomattesdabaR I wrote at the terminal:  sudo lsof /dev/ds*  ENTER.  Nothing appears..06:10
nomegosoundray: not quite what I was after ;)06:10
Vletheman: Well, as long as you're logged in as your regular user, nothing you do can wreck your install of ubuntu... only the files and settings for that user06:10
soundray!sound > Losos, read the private message from ubotu please06:11
dabaRfedericomattes: try lsof /dev/sn*06:11
usr13Mthed:  apt-cache search java06:11
Jaymacheman, you have to specify a process.... killall proc won't do anything06:11
Vletheman: Like, you can make a huge mess in your room, but it's not going to effect the foundation of your hosuer06:11
Jaymackillall pidgin (if you want to kill the messaging program pidgin) will kill pidgin06:11
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usr13Mthed: But to answer your question: sudo  chmod +x javastuff.bin &&   ./javastuff.bin06:12
arnathhmm, wots the command to mount a linux partition?06:12
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hemanvlet, jaymac: ok I understand so the worst you can do with linux is completly uninstall the OS's so you would have to re-install again06:12
arnathmount -t ? /dev/...06:12
usr13sudo ./javastuf.bin06:12
federicomattesdabaR  I tried   lsof /dev/sn*  ENTER. Nothing...06:12
Jaymacheman, you couldn't do that unless you were running with administrator privileges06:12
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soundray!fstab > arnath, please read the private message from ubotu06:13
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arnathsoundray: i dont want to fstab it, just add it once (im in the livecd and want to back up some files before i install)06:13
Vletheman: well, as a regular user the only thing you could do is mess up your preferences/desktop kind of stuff. That's why not running as root is good. you can go nuts with weird commands, and it won't break the OS06:14
hemanjaymac: I know I was just saying that if I did muck up all I would need to do was re-install ubuntu again, not anything else06:14
soundrayarnath: for temporary mounting, 'sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt' (adapt the device name)06:14
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ganes1how can i access ntfs drive??06:14
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse06:14
dabaRfedericomattes: please do ls /dev and post that to paste.ubuntu-nl.org06:14
arnathsoundray: "you must specify the filesystem type" (i tried -t ext3)06:14
hemanvlet: cool but still how do I know im a normal user and not an admin im not looked into the root account just the one it set up for me at the beginning06:14
usr13heman: You can wreck any system if you try hard enough.  just do:  "rm -rf /"   and you'll definately have to re-install.06:14
hemanvlet, jaymac: brb thanks for all your help btw very useful :)06:15
Vletheman: then you're a regular user06:15
Vletheman: glad to help :)06:15
soundrayarnath: you're not giving it the correct /dev/sdXy name06:15
nomegoIf I have some servers (one running windows), what would be the best virtualization technology? is vmware my only option for unmodified linux-systems and other platforms?06:15
usr13heman: But you'd have to use sudo or root to do that.06:15
soundrayarnath: how is the drive connected?06:15
Jaymacheman, you're welcome06:15
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hemanusr13: :S ok but I wont put thank vlet: :) brb06:15
arnathsoundray: sataII and im lookin at fdisk -l, its sdb206:15
hemanok I going for dinner brb06:15
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hemanthanks usr aswell06:16
arnathhmm, sec06:16
Yourname``Hello. I have a few troubles on Feisty. First, I'm trying to run an application (A gnome app) under different users. How can I? I'm using the 64bit version. Next, I'm also trying to run a VNC server that's available right after it boots up, not after a user logs on the gnome. How can I?06:16
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arnathah sorry, was sdb1, had it mixed up, thx06:16
bentlegendoes anyone know if there's a php 5.2.4 package i can install via apt-get on debian/ubuntu?06:16
federicomattesdabaR ok I have already posted it06:16
Jaymacbentlegen, check synaptic06:16
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soundrayYourname``: please ask one question at a time. To log in an extra user, use Quit-Switch user06:16
Dr_willisYourname``,  'su' i belive can let usetrs change to other users. or  ya could 'ssh -X localhost as the new user' (but thats extreme) :)06:17
barduckHi, does the 7.10 includes wubi with it and if not, is there a way to use wubi with 7.10 otherwise ?06:17
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Picibarduck: #ubuntu+1 for Gutsy questions please.06:17
dabaRfedericomattes: Please tell me the URL.06:17
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federicomattesdabaR http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39457/06:17
Jaymacbarduck, wubi is unofficial and unsupported, try #ubuntu+1 for gutsy issues :)06:17
barduckok,ok...sorry. thanks :)06:17
Dr_willisYourname``,  as for vnc. - Vnc is a rather complex tool. and is very flexiable. You could spawn a vncsession from the rc.local. BUt you will have to give it some artuments and so forth. also its possible to run vnc from inetd, where it spawns a session on the fly. giving a gdm login screen.06:17
usr13Yourname``: to run an application as a different user, well you just have to log in as that user.  (Not sure I understand your question.)06:18
dabaRbarduck: you could try searching google for "ubuntu gutsy wubi".06:18
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arnathsoundray: and how do i mount an external usb drive?06:18
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MthedAny idea why i can't get my code working on eclipse?06:18
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Dr_willisYourname``,  simple way - is to have a user ssh in, and run 'vncserver' (properly configured of course) then just run a vncclient on the local machine.06:18
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PiciMthed: Whats the question?06:18
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LinuxJuggaloarnath: mount /media/drivename06:18
Jaymacbentlegen, my synaptic just lists php 5.2.306:18
rbnkon kien ablo06:18
ganes1 Jaymac:how can i access ntfs drive??06:18
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soundrayarnath: exactly the same, just adapt the device name. And umount /mnt first, probably06:18
FurionnHello, can anyone suggest me a link to see how to set my own shell server on ubuntu?06:18
Yourname``Dr_willis: After doing so (vncserver), it literally crashes every GUI app I try to open.06:18
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arnatho crap, im getting "/dev/sdc doesn't contain a valid partition table" ??06:19
soundrayFurionn: '06:19
dabaRfedericomattes: lsof /dev/dsp06:19
soundrayFurionn: 'sudo apt-get install ssh'06:19
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rbnyo mem piro en ingles06:19
rbnno ablo na06:19
Furionnthx soundray06:19
soundray!es | rbn06:19
uboturbn: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.06:19
dabaRrbn: portuguese?06:19
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Jaymacganes1, go to Place>Computer - is it listed there?06:19
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rbnbye bye06:19
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federicomattesdabaR  I tried lsof /dev/dsp  and nothing appears06:19
Dr_willisYourname``,  i normally use vnc4server, and tweak my own .vnc/xstartup to run a very simple window manager and a xterm window.  I had issues some time ago with vnc and gnome/kde (never did find out why)06:19
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ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.06:19
dabaRfedericomattes: lsof /dev/snd06:19
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Dr_willisYourname``,  when in doubt simpilify and troubleshoot. :006:20
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vsayikiranwhat is the use of lost+found folder06:20
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arnathsoundray: is it normal that fdisk -l says "sdc doesn't contain a valid partition table", but that i can mount & read it?06:20
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arnath(should i be worried?)06:20
federicomattesdabaR  I tried  lsof /dev/snd and nothing appears ...06:20
arnath(sdc is the external usb)06:20
soundrayarnath: no, that's not normal. But I've had that type of trouble myself with fdisk and externals.06:21
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ganes1Jaymac:i can see..those...but it is write protected06:21
Yourname``Ok, guys, let me actually tell you what I'm trying to do. Basically, I have a filesharing app called Phex. I want it to run as user1, user2, user3, user4. Phex is a GUI-gnome utility, uses Java to run. How can I do it? (nothing should be command line, to be honest.)06:21
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usr13arnath: No worries, that's ok.06:21
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Furionnsoundray:  Im newbie in linux/ubuntu, can you tell me with details or give me a link so i can read and learn?06:21
dabaRfedericomattes: please post the output of lspci to paste.ubuntu-nl.org06:21
soundray!ssh | Furionn06:21
ubotuFurionn: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/06:21
arnathpfew, it would be an insurmountable loss of data06:21
Furionnbetter way:) thank you06:21
Dr_willisYourname``,  'nothing command  line' really puts the shackles on that task then.06:21
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Yourname``Dr_willis: Ok, well, fine. Let's do command line, lol06:22
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Dr_willisYourname``,  could use xnest, and make a script that launches it 4 times, once for each user  i guess.06:22
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ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)06:22
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stefglYourname``: su will let you start programms as different users06:23
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soothsayerI have a file that I deleted, but the file descriptor is still open (i.e. it's not actually deleted yet). How can I recover it?06:23
vsayikiranwhat is use of 'lost+folder' folder06:23
federicomattesdabaR  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39458/06:23
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usr13Yourname``: I suppose you could use vnc for that, I think, someone correct me, if need be.06:23
soundrayvsayikiran: it's lost+found06:23
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soundrayvsayikiran: fsck writes to it if it finds corrupted data it can save06:23
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Yourname``stefgl: I tried it, it gave me some java errors.06:23
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RATTTdoes ubuntu have a character map?06:23
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dabaRvsayikiran: files that are not linked to noone.06:24
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RATTTwas ur prob, i know java06:24
MrDeadLockApplications ---> Accessories ---> Character map.06:24
Pici!who | RATTT06:24
ubotuRATTT: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)06:24
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vsayikiranwhat is use of 'lost+found' folder in /, /home06:24
Dr_willisYourname``,   make the 4 users, install 'sux' then 'sux username'  then THAT user has to run the app. .. repeate for each user.. This will be a bit hard to script in 1 command.06:24
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Dr_willisYourname``,  the users .bashrc or .bash_profile perhaps could auto-run the app.06:25
usr13Yourname``: And you are saying that  user1, user2, user3, user4  need to log in from [diffenent]  remote machines?06:25
RATTTanyone here know if there is a character map in ubuntu....i need to type a wierd character which isnt on my keyboard?06:25
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Picivsayikiran: Its for the ext filesystem when fsck is run.06:25
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ganes1Jaymac:its write protected..how can write to it06:25
Yourname``usr13: Nope. All in one machine.06:25
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glw119RATTT:just as MrDeadLock said:  Applications ---> Accessories ---> Character map.06:26
Lososwell, my sound card still doesnt work:) i tried the manual06:27
Yourname``I can't believe this, as this sounds like a limitation. I have 4 roomies who will be using this ubuntu box for files, etc. So, I'm giving them Phex. They will come, logon to their user, start phex and get/send their files.06:27
SuperLagSo... you've tried to install a package, and your dpkg setup is hosed. apt-get -f install does nothing but return the same messages, which also aren't fixable. I'm in an endless loop of dependencies, but don't want to have to reinstall if I can avoid it. How can I fix this?06:27
Lososanyone to help guys;)?06:27
usr13Yourname``: Are you sure you are answering my question as I asked it?  (I would have expected "All FROM one machine.")06:27
soundrayRATTT: there is a Character Palette applet for the panel06:27
Yourname``All I wanted to do is run a VNC server, so I can login from work and login to each user, run phex and keep it running.06:27
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generalsnusis there somthing like "system restore" for ubuntu? so you could set restore points and so on?06:27
Picigeneralsnus: Not yet.06:28
Dr_willisgeneralsnus,  not really.06:28
federicomattesdabaR ?06:28
stefglYourname``: use 'sux' if you need to pass X credentials06:28
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deichgrafhi. I have a short question: where can I configure how much virtual desktops I want to have?06:28
stefgl!info sux | Yourname``06:28
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ubotuyourname``: sux: wrapper around su which will transfer your X credentials. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.1-3.2 (feisty), package size 8 kB, installed size 64 kB06:28
soundrayYourname``: in that case, I suggest you configure autologin and remote desktop. Then you can VNC in from work and do what you need to do.06:28
Yourname``usr13: I'm trying to answer to everyone in here, so please chill out a little. Frustration is abound trying to make something work. Anyway, everything is being done on one machine.06:28
Dr_willisvncserver can be a tad picky at time. theres several variants of it. Ive had the best luck with vnc4server lately.06:28
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Lososguys common ;) soundcard problem!:)06:28
Yourname``soundray: It's almost impossible to make vnc work properly..06:28
madybonsoir tout le monde06:28
generalsnusSo, my best bet would be "deep freeze" or some imaging tools?06:28
federicomattesdabaR did you see lspci posted?06:28
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soundrayYourname``: no, it's very easy if you go via System-Preferences-Remote desktop.06:29
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Spycko[#ubuntu-fr marche pas06:29
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soundrayYourname``: you may have to configure your router(s) appropriately.06:29
Yourname``soundray: I tried that, and it kept saying wrong password. :(06:29
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Yourname``soundray: This box has no router/firewall or anything at all. So no worries on that end.06:29
arnathspycko: ca marche pour moi :|06:29
usr13Yourname``: can't you just leave it running in the first place? (Not sure I understand all there is to know about phex.)06:30
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vsayikiranPici: can i delete that folder06:30
dabaRfedericomattes: please show me the output of lsmod as well on pastebin06:30
Yourname``usr13: Yes, I can. But as user1. I want it to keep running as user2, user3, etc.06:30
stefglYourname``: but you don't need to run a complete remote session. 'sux user1 p2p-app && sux user2 p2p-app'06:30
dabaRfedericomattes: yes, sorry about the wait.06:30
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soundrayYourname``: you seem convinced already that your problem is untractable. That's not the attitude.06:31
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usr13Yourname``:  You can't just leave those users logged in and phex running?  (I think that's what I'm trying to say.)06:31
Yourname``soundray: I'm sorry. It's just that I've tried for over 8 hours, and nothing seems to work.06:31
Yourname``usr13: From gnome?06:31
federicomattesdabaR  lsmod  posted:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39459/06:32
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usr13Yourname``: phex is a p2p GUI app.  Right?06:32
Yourname``usr13: As common-sensical as it sounds, I don't think I tried THAT!06:32
Yourname``usr13: Yes, it is.06:32
dabaRfedericomattes: try alsamixer -D /dev/dsp, please06:32
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vsayikiranPici: can i delelte 'lost+found' folder06:33
usr13Yourname``: well, try it and see... :)06:33
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kane77I have a problem with my wifi in my laptop (it's broadcom) I installed the fwcutter but it acts strange: it works (I have eth1 listed in ifconfig, it scans with iwlist scan), then when I enable roaming mode it still seems to work, but when I disable it again it stops working and it disapears from ifconfig, iwlist says eth1 doesn't support scanning.. do you think that this is a driver issue?06:33
stefglvsayikiran: you're not supposed to do that. system folder on ext2/306:33
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federicomattesdabaR  it shows: ALSA lib control.c:817:(snd_ctl_open_noupdate) Invalid CTL /dev/dsp06:33
federicomattesalsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for /dev/dsp: No such file or directory06:33
Yourname``usr13: Yeah, I think I'm going to do that.. gonna have to run to datacentre.06:33
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dabaRfedericomattes: try alsamixer -D /dev/snd, please06:34
federicomattesdabaR ALSA lib control.c:817:(snd_ctl_open_noupdate) Invalid CTL /dev/dsp   alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for /dev/dsp: No such file or directory06:34
usr13kane77: sounds normal to me.06:34
Furionnwhere to write any commands like sudo, apt etc*06:34
dabaRfedericomattes: brb06:34
Dr_willisYourname``,  or manually spawn a vncserver from the rc.local file running as the user you want. that way you have a 'hidden/remote' desktop.  you will NOT see the currently running desktop when you vnc in. but the remote one.06:34
arnathFurionn: console06:34
xImortal verdade06:34
soothsayerHere is the answer to my question if anyone is interested: http://sial.org/blog/2006/07/recover_deleted_files.html06:34
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xImortaltambm concordo06:34
hemanIm back06:34
kane77usr13, i don't think this is normal...06:34
usr13kane77: if you dissable the driver, you are essentially turning off the device.06:34
Dr_willisvncserver  is one of those flexiable tools.. that can be so.. usefull.. once ya learn its ins and outs.06:34
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stefg!br  | xImortal06:34
ubotuxImortal: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.06:34
Yourname``Dr_willis: That sounds about right. How can I do it? I have no idea about the workings of rc.local. :(06:35
Dr_willisYourname``,  its a bash script. :)06:35
xImortalstefg :P ok.06:35
usr13kane77: and you won't see the network device name anymore.06:35
Furionnhow to reach there arnath? sorry im so newbie:)06:35
federicomattesdabaR  federico@Federico-ubuntu:~$ alsamixer -D /dev/snd    ALSA lib control.c:817:(snd_ctl_open_noupdate) Invalid CTL /dev/snd   alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for /dev/snd: No such file or directory06:35
kane77usr13, that's badly written I meant I disable roaming mode... not the card06:35
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usr13kane77: O06:35
Dr_willisYourname``,  if using vnc4server, you can make a users .vnc/xstartup run what you like.06:35
arnathFurionn: programs -> accessoires -> terminal06:35
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Dr_willisYourname``,  you could spawn 4 vncserver sessions one for each user even that way.06:35
Furionnthanks :)06:35
exiliosome body speak spanish?????06:35
Some_uxHi, is the username admin, taken in ubuntu?06:35
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.06:36
usr13kane77: So, what command are you using to dissable roaming?06:36
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murkyMurkexilio: i believe they do in spain06:36
exilioallguien que hable espaol???06:36
exiliogrub err 1706:36
dgjones!es | exilio06:36
ubotuexilio: please see above06:36
stefg!es | exilio06:36
ubotuexilio: please see above06:36
Yourname``Dr_willis: Is there a way it could automatically do the spawning once the machine boots up? And is there a GUI config util?06:36
kane77usr13, the gui config06:36
exiliogrub error 1706:36
exiliohow can i fix it06:36
Dr_willisYourname``,  rc.local runs befor X even starts..  so that IS when it boots up.06:36
stefg!grub | exilio06:36
ubotuexilio: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:36
geniiSome_ux: no06:37
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murkyMurkSome_ux: nope, admin is root (kinda)06:37
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kane77usr13, I also set it to settings it was before (static IP, no WEP etc)06:37
Dr_willisYourname``,  as for a GUI.. no idea there.. I doubt it. thats what scripting is all about.06:37
usr13kane77: Then I don't know what the GUI app is really doing, but sounds like it's just unloading the driver.06:37
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Some_uxso i can create a new user with the name admin ?06:37
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Yourname``Dr_willis: Ah, gotcha! Is there somewhere I can read something about rc.local to see how it'll span out?06:37
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geniiSome_ux: Yes06:37
exilioi install linux from a usb with syslinux06:37
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kane77usr13, so how should I disable the roaming mode from terminal?06:37
usr13kane77: What you need to do is set up multiple profiles and just switch from one to the other.06:37
Dr_willisYourname``,  i would start by reading the vncserver manual.   rc.local is Just a simle bash script.   everything ran in there gets ran as root.06:37
exiliowhen the computer load06:37
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exiliogrub error 1706:38
exiliohow can i fix it ??06:38
exilioplease help me06:38
Yourname``Dr_willis: So, I'm guessing I use sux to run stuff through rc.local?06:38
hgjjjfhow do i recover songs deleted and emptied out of th trashcan?06:38
stefg!please | exilio06:38
ubotuexilio: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience06:38
usr13kane77: I don't know, just set the essid to a specific name, rather than "any" or what ever it is.06:38
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Spycko[je veux allez sur le forum fr06:38
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.06:39
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Dr_willisYourname``,  so i 'guess' the process would be similer to..   make a .vnc/xstartup for each user that spawns a simple window manager, (like jwm) and the tool you want to run., then  use 'sudo username vncserver' for each user in rc.local06:39
usr13kane77: setting essid to "any" would be roaming mode, I think.06:39
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hgjjjfhow do i recover songs deleted and emptied out of th trashcan?06:40
Dr_willisYourname``,  you would NOT use 'sux' from rc.local06:40
Dr_willisYourname``,  Sux lets other users apps show up on your current desktop06:40
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federicomattesdabaR   do you need some other information?06:40
Some_uxwhere is a users home directory defined ?06:40
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Dr_willisYourname``,  you could make one user, that has a script that spawns the app for all 4 users. using sux i guess. :)06:40
soothsayerhgjjjf: Depends on the file system (may not be possible)06:40
usr13kane77: and you would control that with iwconfig.  e.g.  iwconfig eth1 essid linksys    or   iwconfig eth1 any06:40
Yourname``Dr_willis: I wouldn't mind that either.. actually, all of them showing up in one place.06:40
Dr_willisThat way it would be one vncserver instance not 406:40
JG3X@ find configuring cisco firewalls06:40
soundraySome_ux: in  /etc/passwd06:41
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hgjjjfsoothsayer can u run me through on how in anycase06:41
usr13kane77: corrections: sudo iwconfig eth1 essid linksys    or  sudo iwconfig eth1 essid any06:41
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usr13kane77: iwconfig   with no arguments will show current settings06:42
jason__what file do i have to edit to let hddtemp run without needing the root password?06:42
soothsayerhgjjjf: The procedure is different depending on the filesystem. If is ext2 there is 'e2undel' or 'recover'. There is also a procedure that I know works for reiserfs306:42
Yourname``Dr_willis: Yeah, that sounds easier to me.. lol06:42
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federicomattesdabaR  ?06:42
Dr_willisYourname``,  as i said. vnc is flexiable and powerfull.. and has a lot of 'nested' shell scripts it uses to do things.06:42
bloodboyi would like to konw what filesystem is the most reliable in Linux?06:42
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soothsayerhgjjjf: As for other file systems I do not know06:43
kane77usr13, strange is that card lists if I use iwconfig, but not with ifconfig (normally it lists also there)06:43
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Dr_willisYourname``,  using jwm as the window manager for vnc will save a lot of resources also.06:43
bloodboyis ext3 FS good?06:43
hgjjjfsoothsayer:  its for ext306:43
usr13jason__: hddtemp.conf I would imagine.06:43
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murkyMurkkane77: man iwconfig is very well written.  ap auto is probably what you need for auto-roaming06:43
bloodboyhow about Reizer FS?06:43
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soundrayjason_: you should run hddtemp as a daemon from /etc/rc.local. Then you can have readouts with user privileges06:43
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hgjjjfhow do i recover songs deleted and emptied out of the trashcan?06:44
soothsayerhgjjjf:  http://batleth.sapienti-sat.org/projects/FAQs/ext3-faq.html06:44
soundraybloodboy: ext3 is the best-tested in desktop/laptop/workstation scenarios06:44
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dabaRfedericomattes: not sure what to do.06:44
hgjjjfsoothsayer:  thnks06:44
usr13kane77: May be that it will only show in ifconfig if it is connected to a live network.06:44
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usr13guessing  ^^^06:44
Yourname``Dr_willis: I'm trying to look for vnc documentation for the one in Ubuntu so I can understand all of it.. but it seems to be hidden somewhere, heh06:44
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dabaRfedericomattes: google with the entire error message when you run just 'alsamixer'06:44
federicomattesdabaR  thanks06:45
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soothsayerhgjjjf: Umm. Did you read it?06:45
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stefghgjjjf: you better have a backup. ext3 has no working undelete-tool06:45
bloodboykthx for the info soundray06:45
antoHeya guys i just got a gusty update today an i have totaly forgotten how to reinstall my nvidia drivers !06:45
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murkyMurkkane77: ifconfig just shows enabled devices....ifconfig wlan0 up (or wahtever yours in called) should make sure it's shown06:46
usr13Yourname``: try:  man vncserver06:46
hgjjjfstefg no and soothsayer yes06:46
soundrayanto: wrong channel, please join #ubuntu+106:46
Dr_willisYourname``,  ive been usign vnc for years and years. :) read the 'vncserver' file. (yes ITS a script) and theres dozens of vnc tutorial sites out.. gentoo wiki pages have some good info also.06:46
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Dr_willisYourname``,  vncserver --help is handy also.06:46
antoDoh oki06:46
b3nwanyone know a program that that allows you to watch input/output of sound?06:46
usr13anto has gone beta on us! :)06:46
soundrayb3nw: you mean like an oscilloscope?06:46
soothsayerhgjjjf: Maybe you can try 'magicrescue'06:46
Yourname``Thanks guys.06:46
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b3nwlet me look, thanks soudnray06:47
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soundrayb3nw: 'apt-cache search oscilloscope'06:47
kane77murkyMurk, but ifconfig eth1 up doesn't work at that time (says that there is no such device)06:47
usr13anto: apt-cache search nvidia06:47
usr13will get u started^^06:47
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murkyMurkkane77: eth1 might not be the name of your device. ra0 wlan0 are both possibles06:48
hgjjjfthnks again soothsayer06:48
soothsayerhgjjjf: Okay.06:48
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kane77murkyMurk, eth1  is the name.. only when this happens it is gone...06:48
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Some_uxwhere is it customary to place downloaded installation files for applications which serve all users06:49
usr13kane77: ifconfig  [show network device names] 06:49
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soundraySome_ux: /usr/local or /opt06:49
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usr13iwconfig  [show wireless device names] 06:49
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soundraySome_ux: wikipedia has a good page on FHS (the filesystem hierarchy standard)06:49
murkyMurkkane77: refresh the problem for me06:49
Some_uxsoundray: thanks06:50
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usr13murkyMurk: kane77 is trying to figure out how to easily switch from one hetwork to another with his wireless nic.06:51
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kane77murkyMurk, it's broadcom with fwcutter, when I enable roaming mode and then disable it again the interface just disapears... after restart it's back.. could this be driver related?06:52
generalsnusis there any way of connecting to a ubuntu box..from a winxp cmd line?06:52
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devious`hi all06:52
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FurionnIs that possible to make a shell and create egg/bnc?06:52
murkyMurkusr13: ahhh. Use iwlist to discover devices, iwconfig to reassociate it to the new ap, ifconfig to down and then up it06:52
murkyMurkkane77: yep.06:52
devious`ppl, i got a q06:52
devious`when i was installing kubuntu, i denied the use of paging file, since i have 2Gb RAM.. Is that a good idea or not? If not, can i change that now?06:52
soundraygeneralsnus: telnet (but it's not safe)06:52
usr13murkyMurk: And it's not a fully supported card, so it's going to have a non-standard device name.06:52
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cliechtigeneralsnus: something like running a SSH server on ubuntu and logging in from xp with putty/plink?06:53
soundraygeneralsnus: you could install Cygwin -- that will give you a bash shell with ssh06:53
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FurionnIs that possible to make a shell and create egg/bnc?06:53
stefgsoundray, Some_ux : installed apllications go there, but to store archives ususally /usr/src (source code) or /var/local would be used. /usr is readonly by definition, so you can't download to there06:53
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profanephobiaI need a way to message an xp client over a LAN by the IP address06:53
murkyMurkusr13: ewwwww..the words 'linux wifi' and 'not fully supported device' still send shivers down my spine06:53
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generalsnushm..does putty require an installation?06:53
Some_uxusing /opt here06:54
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usr13kane77: haveing a wireless card running under ndsiwrapper will not have full range of functions.06:54
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cliechtigeneralsnus: no, you can grab the zip archive. it is a single exe06:54
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vsayikira1the default trash folder for /media/sda7 is .Trash_username folder i want to change this to some another folder is it possible?06:54
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usr13 murkyMurk, Then use fully supported device, (if you want ease of use).  :)06:55
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stefgvsayikira1: no06:55
deb_userafter upgrading to edge, then to feisty, and having inumerable and very intractable problems with fglrx and xserver, i finally removed fglrx, reconfigured xserver, and now I get a spash screen but after logging in the command line comes up in a little black box at the left hand corner...no GNOME, please help06:55
soundrayvsayikira1: use a symlink: 'ln -sf /path/to/.Trash-username /path/to/someothername'06:55
NiCo_1985generalsnus, nope06:55
nerdzyboyIm running ubuntu 7.10b, Im having a problem with my wifi card, it is being detected properly, the network manager connects properly to any network but the speed never gets over 10-12 kb/s is that normal? (in windows i can get speeds of 800 kb/s with the same card...)06:55
Picinerdzyboy: #ubuntu+1 for Gutsy questions please.06:55
ganes1soundray:inside drive "file system" i m not able to create folder..can u help??06:55
Some_uxhow do i move entire directories ?06:56
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soundrayganes1: prepend sudo06:56
soundraySome_ux: with mv06:56
vsayikira1what is difference b'ween symlink and link06:56
Some_uxsoundray: i am trying without success06:56
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deb_useranybody know why the command line comes up in a little black box after trying to login?  can't seem to get to my desktop in the GUI06:57
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soundraySome_ux: what does it say?06:57
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Some_uxmv: inter-device move failed: `vmware-server-distrib/' to `/opt/vmware/vmware-server-distrib'; unable to remove target: Is a directory06:57
soundraydeb_user: take a look at $HOME/.xsession-errors to see if a failure has been logged06:57
vsayikira1soundray: is it necessary that both folders should have same permissions06:57
murkyMurkusr13: I do now. This was at the beginning of wifi when ndiswrapper was the only option for a lot of cards.06:57
soundrayvsayikira1: no, symlinks inherit the link target's permissions06:58
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Some_uxthey are on different partitions06:58
soundrayvsayikira1: man ln06:58
Pici!ask | ravihp06:58
uboturavihp: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:58
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stefgdeb_user: i'd  make backup and dpkg --get-selections and reinstall from scratch. Upgrades don't work, ubuntu rule of aquisition #13906:58
profanephobiadoes anyone know any apps to message xp clients over a LAN?06:58
soundraySome_ux: 'vmware-server-distrib/* to /opt/vmware/vmware-server-distrib/'06:58
ganes1soundray:i din get u06:59
soundraySome_ux: sorry, hit enter too early. 'mv vmware-server-distrib/* /opt/vmware/vmware-server-distrib/'06:59
vsayikira1soundray: is there any way so that a folder cannot inherit permissions from its parent folder06:59
Piciprofanephobia: you might be able to use something that hooks into 'net send' but that requires that the messenger service be turned on on the target computers, which it usually isnt.06:59
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soundrayvsayikira1: no, that wouldn't make sense06:59
Some_uxwait, no06:59
profanephobiaPici, thanks i know i can always count on you lol07:00
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Some_ux'mv vmware-server-distrib/* /opt/vmware/'07:00
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ravihpdoes any one know how to use getch(),clrscr(),etc functions in gcc because conio.h won't work in gcc07:00
riotkittiei remeber the days when it was safe to have the messenger service turned on. <thinks back fondly>07:00
soundrayganes1: if you can't use 'command' due to permissions, use 'sudo command' instead.07:00
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kane77usr13, it is running with fwcutter, and nevermind it seems to work again I purge removed the bcm43xx-fwcutter and reinstalled again...07:00
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Airwulfhey to you all07:01
TonrenI'm trying to record in Audacity.  On record, I can see the Microphone monitor go up and down.  On playback, I can see the speaker monitor go up and down.  However, no other indications of sound being recorded are there.07:01
kane77usr13, on the page it says that my card (bcm4311) is supported...07:01
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vsayikira1soundray: but in ntfs partition supports that , a child folder can have independent permission than its parent folder07:01
vsayikira1soundray: so may be there must be some way in ext307:01
ravihphow to use conio.h in gcc?07:01
soundraySome_ux: no, that won't do what you want, unless I completely misread your intentions07:01
ganes1soundray:i m new to linux..pls help me..i m learning07:01
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cliechtiTonren: and other applications can play sound?07:01
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AirwulfHow can I change the umask of mounted usb storage devices? I remember that I did it in some udev rules, but I can't find it anymore on feisty07:01
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Tonrencliechti: Yep.07:02
ganes1soundray:which command to use07:02
ShapeshifterIs virtualbox worse in performance than VMWare?07:02
soundrayvsayikira1: I was talking about symbolic links, not subfolders. Subfolder permissions are independent in ext3, just like they are in ntfs07:02
Tonrencliechti: I'm running it with "aoss audacity"07:02
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ravihphow to use getch() in gcc?07:02
usr13 murkyMurk;  ndiswrapper works just fine in most cases, it's just that you don't have full range of functions, and you can't just plug the thing into the computer and automaticall connect, you have to download and tinker and workaround etc.  Nowdays there are quite a few [fully]  supported cards and that are nice and easy to use.  It's spoiled us. (Or, it's spoiled me anyway.)07:02
Tonrencliechti: I've used Skype on this laptop successfully before.07:02
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Tonrencliechti: I've been messing around in KMix but I can't seem to fix this issue with it.07:02
Some_uxsoundray: then how do i do it ?07:02
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yhellanybody who knows how to install some plug-ins of gimp07:02
ckin2001ravihp, try a channel for c programming07:02
soundrayganes1: what are you trying to do?07:02
SuperLagSo... you've tried to install a package, and your dpkg setup is hosed. apt-get -f install does nothing but return the same messages, which also aren't fixable. I'm in an endless loop of dependencies, but don't want to have to reinstall if I can avoid it. How can I fix this?07:02
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soundraySome_ux: like I told you above07:02
vsayikira1soundray: i am talking about folders and subfolders07:02
magnetronsometimes when i use the "save as" dialog, the "filename" field will be emptied. it only happens if i choose a different folder for saving. have anyone of you noticed this bug?07:02
soundraySome_ux: 'mv vmware-server-distrib/* /opt/vmware/vmware-server-distrib/'07:03
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cliechtiTonren: so audacity is also playing well? its just record related? if it recorded you should see the waveform in audacity07:03
vsayikira1soundray: i need to talk to you privately regarding this matter07:03
Some_uxsoundray: but the target dirs do not exist07:03
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Tonrencliechti: No waveforms are appearing07:03
ravihpthanks for suggestion <ckin2001>07:03
stefg!udev rules | Airwulf07:03
soundrayvsayikira1: no, please keep it in the channel.07:03
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Tonrencliechti: But I AM seeing the microphone monitor go up and down.07:03
bchquestion: I want to install monit in feisty. Apt-get install would use version is 4.8.1, but 4.9 is available to download as a tarball. How can I make my own package of the latest version for all my servers?07:03
ubotuAirwulf: Ever wanted to make your USB-stick /dev/usbstick? Go to http://reactivated.net/writing_udev_rules.html to learn more about this feature.07:03
deb_usersoundray: http://pastebin.ca/724491 mind taking a look?07:04
vsayikira1soundray; is it possible now07:04
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deb_usersoundray: I don't know if this is an error or not07:04
soundraySome_ux: your error message above said that they did -- ?07:04
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ganes1soundray:i wcto copy a file from desktop to fylesystem07:04
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cliechtiTonren: check the mixer settings. there are separate settings for looping though the inputs and actually recording them07:04
ravihp/leave #irchelp07:04
ravihphow to leave from the room?07:05
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soundraydeb_user: I don't know... Try a 'sudo apt-get --reinstall install gdm', this should recreate your /etc/gdm/Xsession, which seems to be faulty07:05
Some_uxsoundray: well it works, so apparently they did exist07:05
deb_usersoundray: ok07:05
=== blixten [n=fredrik@tech-noir.pst.sgsnet.se] has joined #ubuntu
antoCan somone help me do a step by step installing of the nvidia drivers ?07:05
vsayikira1soundtray: this is my /media/sda7 partition which after formating had root as owner and group07:05
soundrayganes1: on the command line?07:05
ganes1soundray:even i cant able to create a folder in "file system"07:05
Tonrencliechti: I'm not sure I see what you mean.07:06
stefg!nvidia | anto07:06
ubotuanto: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:06
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ganes1soundray:no..using gui07:06
bchI want to install monit in feisty. Apt-get install would use version is 4.8.1, but 4.9 is available to download as a tarball. How can I make my own package of the latest version for all my servers?07:06
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yhellhelp ....how to install gimp plug-ins in ubuntu07:06
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bchsorry for retype07:06
soundrayganes1: I see what you mean now. Please don't copy stuff to File System. It's reserved for system use.07:06
bchdang up arrow07:06
Airwulfubotu: I know how I can write udev rules. I did it already on Edgy. But on Edgy I had to change somewhere in /lib, /usr/lib.. a umask=077 line to umask=022. But I do not know where07:06
vsayikira1soundtray: /media/sda7 owner is root and group is plugdev i belong to this group07:06
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ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)07:07
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vsayikira1soundtray: now i created a folder using root account in /media/sda707:07
cliechtiTonren: there is usualy a "line in" volume setting on "playback" and one in "recording" section of the mixer. to record you need to modify the later07:07
vsayikira1but with my account i can delete that fodler, how is it possible07:07
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hristoHi, I need a PPPoE client for Ubuntu, anyone has any ideas?07:07
yhellsomebody expert using gimp in ubuntu07:08
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ckin2001Airwulf, i think it is in /etc/udev/rules.d/07:08
emetbch: making .deb packages is not trivial and has a pretty nice learning curve unfortunately07:08
vsayikira1soundtray: how is it possible that my user account can delete a folder created by root07:08
soundrayvsayikira: please spell my nick correctly, otherwise I'll miss your messages. Look at the ownership and permissions of the folder you can't delete.07:08
stefgbch: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=206382 might help07:08
ganes1soundray:in windows v use different drives...but in linux where to store files???drive "file system" has 55 gb. can i reduce it??07:09
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antostefg, that only helps when you got nv or somhting else runing i'm stuck in a terminal07:09
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hristoHi, I need a PPPoE client for Ubuntu, anyone has any ideas?07:09
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Tonrencliechti: Right now, Input->Line is unmuted and at 50% volume, Input->Mic is set to "Record" (you can only set Line In or Mic to record, not both) and unmuted at 100% volume.07:09
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yhellsorry hristo me no idea07:09
soundrayvsayikira1: you can change them with chmod and chown if needed07:09
poningru_ganes1, store all your files under /home/ganes107:09
stefganto: what card do you have? (lspci | grep VGA)07:09
SuperLagThis absolutely fscking sucks.07:09
hristoyhell, ^^ :)07:09
antogeforce 620007:09
yhellhristo, u khow to use gimp in ubuntu07:09
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SuperLagapt/dpkg is hosed.07:10
soundrayganes1: open a terminal and type 'df $HOME'. How much space do you have there?07:10
hristoyhell, no. sry07:10
SuperLagand I can't do a damn thing07:10
soundray!language | SuperLag07:10
ubotuSuperLag: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.07:10
antostefg, GeForce 6200 series07:10
yhellk thanks, hristo07:10
vsayikira1soundray: see /media/sda7 is owned by root, and group owner is plugdev07:10
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soundrayvsayikira1: what's your username?07:10
SuperLagsoundray: what did I say that offended your sensibilities?07:10
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vsayikira1soundray: vsayikiran07:11
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Airwulfdoes feisty do not use pmount anymore?07:11
soundraySuperLag: this isn't about my sensibilities at all. This is about civilized behaviour in a channel that many want to use professionally, or in the presence of young people.07:11
hristoHi, I need a PPPoE client for Ubuntu, anyone has any ideas?07:11
yhelllowe, di2 ka din pala07:11
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ckin2001Airwulf, check http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=168221 for a guide to udev rules07:11
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ganes1soundray:around 62 gb07:11
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stefganto: sudo apt-get install linux-restriced-modules-generic nvidia-glx-new ... then ' sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' choose 'nvidia' as driver there07:12
vsayikira1soundray: then i created a folder test in /media/sda7/test , owner and group owner are both root07:12
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ganes1poningru:ok thanks..07:12
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ckin2001hristo, apt-cache search pppoe - will return various tools for pppoe.  I have no experience with it, however.07:12
soundrayvsayikira1: do this: 'mkdir /media/sda7/storage ; chown vsayikiran:vsayikiran /media/sda7/storage/ ; chmod 755 /media/sda7/storage' Now you can write to the storage subdirectory.07:12
vsayikira1soundray: these permission i set using xterm07:12
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antostefg, are those dots any packages that i should know of ?07:13
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soundraySuperLag: to get help, you should give more detail about the problem you're experiencing.07:13
hannes_hi, can anybody help me? Im trying to get rid of an read only option on one of my hard drives07:13
antoHannes_ is that hard drive a nfts partion?07:13
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stefganto ... no these dots indicate that there will be some waiting ... :-)07:13
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soundray!pppoe | hristo07:14
ubotuhristo: Setting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE07:14
antostefg, Okej07:14
hannes_anto: yes, it is07:14
vsayikira1soundray: plz wait listen to my doubt , from my user account that is vsayikiran i am able to delete /media/sda7/test which is actually owned by root07:14
SuperLagsoundray: I have, a couple times. Just been waiting for a response.07:14
cliechtiTonren: hm. looks good. what i see here is that the first time clicking record, it wont record but when i try it a second time (leaving the empty track) it works :/07:14
=== Biohazard [i=mahdi@blfd-4db50e3b.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #ubuntu
soundraySuperLag: well, I'm listening now, can you be bothered to repeat?07:14
ganes1soundray:ya i got it...if at all i want to copy some file to these restricted drive how can i do it?07:14
Tonrencliechti: Odd.07:14
=== Byan [i=nullstri@wmcnair-234-124.resnet.mtu.edu] has joined #ubuntu
vsayikira1soundray: how is possible to delete a folder whose owner is root and i dont have  any permissions to delete it07:15
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Tonrencliechti: I disabled the KDE Sound Center and now it's KIND of working... when I run with `aoss audacity` with all of my volumes maxed out and record, there's no whine or buzz, but the recording volume is VERY low and the waveform barely appears.07:15
hannes_spricht hier jemand deutsch?07:15
soundrayvsayikira1: it's not normally possible.07:15
hristoubotu, thanks soundray , thankks :>07:15
soundrayhannes_: gehe zu #ubuntu-de07:15
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SuperLagsoundray: I was trying to install gdesklets, that's how this started. The dependencies conflicted with a couple other packages on my system. Then apt-get -f install wouldn't fix anything...07:15
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stefg!de | Hannu-san07:16
ubotuHannu-san: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de07:16
stefg!de | Hannes07:16
ubotuHannes: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de07:16
soundraySuperLag: please paste the output of 'sudo apt-get -f install' on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org07:16
SuperLagsoundray: I got three of the 4 packages figured out by using the "Broken" filter from synaptic. I was basically trying to just back out.07:16
vsayikira1soundray: thats what i told you , i read about file permission in ubuntu's website and found that it supports inheritance07:16
soundraySuperLag: and let me have the url07:16
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leoquantdas gibst doch nicht.....07:16
antohannes_ linux cannot write to nfts partions.07:16
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antostefg, Uhm that didn't help i get the same dam error.07:17
arnathanto: i thought it was now supported, though shakily?07:17
stefganto: which error?07:17
leoquantgo to the oktoberfeste lol07:17
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CoisOHello folks, i wanna see a brazilian support forum... anyone knew any rl?07:17
antoamath, last time i tried it didn't work07:17
stefg!br | CoisO07:17
ubotuCoisO: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.07:17
CoisO[oktanouc] : thanks07:17
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SuperLagsoundray: I think I've got it figured out.07:18
antostefg,  i did dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg and now gdm starte with some lousy graphics07:18
deviantintegralanyone here familiar with lvm / softraid? I'm working on resizing everything so I can remove a disk from a raid5 set and shrink the array by one disk. I've resized the file system and the volume, but I'm not sure what to do next - pvresize or mdadm --grow...07:19
stefganto: then you've chosen a bad reso as default.07:19
stefg!fixres | anto07:19
ubotuanto: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto07:19
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vsayikira1soundray: the output of ls -l /media is like this drwxrwxr-x root plugdev sda7 and ls -l /media/sda7 is drwxr-xr-x root root test. if you read carefully vsayikiran which belongs to plugdev group should not be able to delete test folder, but it allows because i have write permission set for parent folder i.e. /media/sda707:19
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antostefg, when i tried to run glxgears its said that rbg was not setup07:19
ganes1poningru_:how to access (write)windows drive which is in ntfs...?07:19
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SMOKEHello have an old pc running ubuntu, but the hdd is almost at it's end, the pc has a a7v133 mobo, which has a ata100 promise chip, does Ubuntu support this chip or should i run my new hdd on IDE instead of ATA100? could I also use a ata133 disk if i set it on ide instead of ATA?07:20
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ganes1poningru_:i think i need to install ntfs driver..from where can i get it??07:20
vsayikira1soundray: did you read my message07:20
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soundrayvsayikira1: okay, I see. This is normal. You can delete test from its parent because the parent folder's set to allow it, you being a plugdev member.07:20
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soundrayvsayikira1: have some patience07:21
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stefgSMOKE: don't worry about using ata100, that's ususally the maximun the bus can take. you could use hdparm or a vendor specific tool , but it's not worth it07:21
antostefg, My fps sucks after i restarted the computers its about 220 fps07:21
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vsayikira1soundray: so you mean that /media/sda7/test folder is inheriting permission from its parent folder /media/sda707:22
ryancrthe newer nvidia drivers didn't seem to fix my black screen problem, how do I force compiz to use indirect render07:22
SMOKEstefg so I could use any HDD? and use it IDE?07:22
stefgSMOKE: right07:22
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TonrenHey guys, all of my Input volumes are maxed out, but when I record in Audacity I can barely hear it or see the waveforms.  How can I fix this?07:22
ganes1soundray:to accsess(write)windows drive i think i need to install ntfs driver..from where can i get it??07:22
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soundrayvsayikira1: no, I'm saying that whether or not you are allowed to remove the test folder depends on the permissions set on the parent folder.07:22
SuperLagSMOKE: it will just step down the speed.07:22
vsayikira1soundray: even i dont have exclusive permission to delete test fodler07:22
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SuperLagSMOKE: make that transfer rate, rather than speed07:23
SMOKEstefg thanks for your quick answer saves me the hassel of trying to get the ata chip to run, and the money of a ata100 disk, ata133 disks are cheaper07:23
soundray!ntfs-3g > ganes1, please read the private message from ubotu07:23
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SuperLagSMOKE: and if you know how to use rsync, you can copy your install over to the new drive... install grub, and boot up onto the new drive07:23
EviL_SmUrFI have a really annoying issue I hope somebody can help me out with. I need to remove ndiswrapper from the modprobe.d folder as it is freezing the bootup of my computer. I popped the installation cd back in to boot from that so that I could hopefully mount the disk and delete the file. Well, It keeps saying permission denied, and I cannot give myself write permission on the disk07:23
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soundrayvsayikira1: you do have permission to delete it. It's governed by the parent folder.07:23
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EviL_SmUrFhow can I go about removing the file?07:23
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SMOKEone last question then, the mobo should support disks bigger then 127gig, ubuntu does 2 i guess?07:23
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stefgSMOKE: just be aware of the difference betwen (old-style) PATA and (new (SATA) . that's not compatible07:24
soundrayEviL_SmUrF: give yourself a root shell with 'sudo -i'. But please be careful.07:24
SuperLagEviL_SmUrF: what about booting into failsafe mode? are you able to do that?07:24
PiciSMOKE: Yes.07:24
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vsayikira1soundray: ls -l /media/sda7 is rwxr-xr-x root root 'test'07:24
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SMOKEok ok cool loads of info07:24
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soundrayvsayikira1: that is immaterial.07:24
ganes1soundray:thanks a lot...07:24
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SuperLagstefg: he could get a PCI SATA controller07:24
SMOKErsync, nice tip gonna google it07:24
vsayikira1soundray: ls -l /media is rwxrwxr-x root plugdev sda707:24
soundrayvsayikira1: which means that you, as a plugdev member, have the right to remove "test" from that folder.07:25
nymo_I have a little problem: I can't log in if the network cable is connected or if the wifi-card is active07:25
vsayikira1soundray: now looking at this tell me if i have permissoin to delete test folder07:25
SMOKEwell dont want to invest to much in an old pc so getting a pci sata controller is a bit much07:25
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EviL_SmUrFthere we go. sudo -i did it. thanks!07:25
salty-horsehi. how do I set open office to have small icons in the toolbars?07:25
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soundrayvsayikira1: I haven't time to discuss this any longer. Please look over what I said and think before you post again.07:25
EviL_SmUrFim trying to get ndiswrapper working for a broadcom 4318 =S07:25
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not_a_kbah, why does every distro use that same unreadable dark blue directory color07:26
vsayikira1soundray: yes i am member of plugdev07:26
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vsayikira1soundray: but i want a setting such that i cannot delete test folder07:26
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nymo_I have a little problem: I can't log in if the network cable is connected or if the wifi-card is active. Do anyone have a clue?07:26
ckin2001vsayikira1, you need the sticky bit07:26
vsayikira1soundray: eventhough parent folder allows me to delete07:27
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tdnHow do I check if there are any new updates *without* actually installing them? (using apt-get or aptitude?)07:27
not_a_ki'm sick of changing that color on every machine I connect to. I'm I the only one who use an xterm with a black background?07:27
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SMOKEsuperlag, so with rsync i can copy all files to the new disk and remove the old disk and still have the same system07:27
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vsayikira1ckin2001: please tell me which permision bits i need to set07:27
poningru_!ntfs | ganes107:27
ubotuganes1: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse07:27
tdnSMOKE, remember to install grub on the new disk also.07:28
poningru_ganes1, starting gutsy read and write support for ntfs should just work07:28
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SMOKEhmm sounds hard ;) just putting in the life disk sounds easyer ;)07:28
ckin2001vsayikira1, sec, gotta look it up07:28
anto!nvidia anto07:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nvidia anto - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:28
kistcan any1 help me ive looked everywhere trying to disable ctrl-3 = escape bind on bash terminal, how can it be done?07:28
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ProN00bwhen i add an Administrator user, will it have the same rights as root or only when doing sudo ?07:28
EviL_SmUrFmy gosh, ndiswrapper just wont go away. i thought removing it from the modprobe.d folder would do it, but apparently not07:28
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EviL_SmUrFit is still freezing the machine on boot07:29
anto!drivers anto07:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about drivers anto - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:29
EviL_SmUrFanyone have any ideas on how to stop ndiswrapper from loading on boot?07:29
vsayikira1ckin2001: like in ntfs u can set exclusive dont delete permissions to child folder even though parent folder allows to delete07:29
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stefg!nvidia | anto07:29
ubotuanto: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:29
vsayikira1ckin2001: in order to do that what exactly i should do07:29
GaryIf i want to start the ubuntu live CD, it load and load....... and load, but nothing happens07:29
ganes1 poningru_:what is gutsy??07:29
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SMOKEwell thanks for the help everybody! cya later when I run into other trouble07:29
stefgGary: how much RAm ?07:29
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jhearnHi everyone, I have a question about the gnome desktop in Ubuntu. I installed Gutsy beta a couple of days ago on my Dell D630 laptop. I have some questions though, I'll try to start with the little ones.07:30
stefg!gutsy | jhearn07:30
ubotujhearn: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information07:30
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Garystefg: hm......i think 180 gb07:30
jhearnWill do. Thanks.07:30
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ckin2001vsayikira1, i think it is "chattr +i directory"07:30
stefgGary: RAM, not harddrive07:30
ckin2001vsayikira1, it may make the directory unwritable as well, man chattr for details07:30
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vsayikira1ckin2001: i didnt get you07:31
ckin2001vsayikira1, good luck, time for class07:31
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ckin2001vsayikira1, i think it is "chattr +i directory"07:31
ckin2001vsayikira1, man chattr for details07:31
kistcan any1 help me ive looked everywhere trying to disable ctrl-3 = escape bind on bash terminal, how can it be done?07:31
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Garystefg: 1.00 gb ram07:32
antoIs it possible to change from ubuntu to xubuntu without reinstalling the entire pc?07:32
TonrenI'm trying to record in Audacity.  All of my input volumes are maxed out (in my ALSA mixer and in Audacity itself), but I can still barely hear my recordings.07:32
stefgGary: that's enough. Have you done a media check already?07:32
Tonrenanto: Yes, anto--you can just install the "xubuntu-desktop" package.07:32
IndyGunFreakanto: i think you can install the Xfce-desktop, then remove the gnome desktop... nto sure how successful that will be.07:33
Garystefg: yes07:33
Tonrenanto: Then, the next time you log in, you can select Xfce as your window manager (instead of "Default login").07:33
arnatho man this is annoying :|07:33
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arnathi hav ea widescreen tv and the linux install disc displays 800x600 which means part of the screens are outside of my screen07:33
IndyGunFreakanto: why are yo wanting to switch to xfce, is it a resource issue?07:33
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arnathand the "ok" buttons etc of the live install are outside :@07:33
arnathhow can i change it?07:33
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antoi'm stupid i ment i want to change to kd07:33
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Some_uxhow do i unpack a tar ball (tar.gz) ?07:33
stefgGary: what machine is that? do you know your hardware? motherboard, vga-card etc, etc ?07:34
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archangelpetroSome_ux: look i tup.. man tar  (tar -zxvf bleh.tar.gz)07:34
IndyGunFreakanto: kde would be the same process... just kubuntu-desktop instead of xubuntu-desktop07:34
Scunizianto, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, then when logging in after reboot choose "change sessions"07:34
TonrenSome_ux: Are you comfortable with command-line usage?07:34
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IndyGunFreakanto: but why do you want to change?07:34
TonrenSome_ux: Like, using the terminal and stuff?07:34
arnathanyone? how can i change resolution when running the live cd?07:34
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antoIndyGunFreak, i prefer kde07:34
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IndyGunFreakanto: ok, thats fine, was just curious...07:35
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TonrenSome_ux: Ooh-- archangelpetro answered you up there.  IT's tar -xvzf file.tar.gz.07:35
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IndyGunFreakanto: if you don't mind having a crapload of Gnome apps in your KDE menu, then just install kubuntu desktop, and be done with it07:35
TonrenSome_ux: Get comfortable reading man pages--you could have also found that out by using "man tar".07:35
vsayikira1soundray: if parent folder allow to delete folder , i want the child folder should be deleted only by its owner07:35
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alesando you have any idea where I can some info if it is possible to ship a "customized" version of ubuntu with our product? it will be the very same with some more packages installed07:35
Dr_willis!info unp07:35
ubotuunp: unpack (almost) everything with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.10 (feisty), package size 9 kB, installed size 72 kB07:35
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antoYou wont get rid of me that easy :>07:36
onesteptar xf file.tar.gz is usually enough, BTW...07:36
alesanare there any restrictions to redistribute an ubuntu CD?07:36
IndyGunFreakanto: i'd recommend reinstalling kubuntu, but thats just my opinion....07:36
Scuniziarnath, sounds like you might have an intel i81x or i9xx graphics card.  You'll need to install the right driver, change /etc/X11/xorg.conf to reflect the new driver and add the appropriate resolution you want to the list. then CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE to restart the desktop07:36
anto./Tibia: error while loading shared libraries: libGL.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory07:36
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vsayikira1soundray: and not according the permission of parent folder, so evev if parent folder allows to delete , child folder can be deleted by its owner only07:36
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stefgalesan: you can't redistribute (in the commercial sense), but you can give away as amny as you want07:37
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Scunizialesan, nope.. even you can sell them on ebay like others. :)07:37
Garystefg: grafik: nvidea 6600, sound: realtek AC'97 Audio07:37
antobut libGL.so.1 is /usr/lib/07:37
stefgGary: is that a notebook or a desktop machine ?07:37
Scunizialesan, well maybe you can't sell them on ebay.. but you occationally see them there.07:37
arnathScunizi: 8600gts07:37
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anto!nvidia | anto07:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xound - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:37
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anto!nvidia | anto07:37
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP307:37
Garystefg: a desktop mashine07:38
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:38
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stefgGary: hmmm... so what happens exactly? you try to boot the live CD, what happens next?07:38
alesanstefg, we sell a hardware device. we would like to include a ubuntu livecd with our drivers already insatlled. is this possible or not07:38
reallyjoelhopw do i open grubs menu.lst so that im allowed to save it07:38
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alesanScunizi, ok but is there some action to take, like apply for a registration on the ubuntu side or similar?07:39
gektoronestep, 07:39
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Scuniziarnath, someone else will have to confirm but that card might not work with the driver built into ubuntu.  If you change the driver listed in /etc/X11/xorg.conf to "nv" then do the ctrl+alt+bkspace it might fix it.07:39
onestepgektor,   UTF-8? ;)07:39
gektor 07:39
stefgalesan: better see ubuntu.com and ask canonical, IANAL. But i don't think that's a problem07:39
antoDose anyone here know when flashplayer 9 will come out of linux amd64?07:39
Scunizialesan, couldn't really say.. maybe someone here knows better.07:39
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alesanok :)07:39
darkchr0n0sto install sdk, i need to install sun-java6-sdk, correct?07:39
arnathScunizi: ok07:40
animimotushow to decrompress a dat.gz? it's seems not to be a tar07:40
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gektoronestep, ..    07:40
t3318_anyone change the default theme of Ubuntu for new user?07:40
TonrenI'm trying to record in Audacity.  All of my input volumes are maxed out (in my ALSA mixer and in Audacity itself), but I can still barely hear my recordings.  What's going on?07:40
onestepanimimotus, gunzip file.dat.gz07:40
darkchr0n0sanimimotus : rightclick and select extract here07:40
onestepthen check what's it - file file.dat07:40
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animimotusdarkchr0n0s: in a script ;)07:41
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animimotusonestep: thx07:41
Garystefg: i choose "install in normal mode" and it came the ubuntu symbol and a loading bar, it load for a while  , but then nothing happened07:41
t3318_anyone change the default theme of Ubuntu for new user?07:41
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stefgGary: so try the 'safe mode' and see if you get any message07:41
onestept3318_, smth in /etc/skel maybe ;)07:41
humei have kerry installed - but the beagle folder grows very large. Is there a way to limit its size?07:41
Garystefg: it happened the same07:41
t3318_onestep: yep07:41
epsilornHi all, got a problem: i've got an ATI hd 2400 it seems working 'cause fglxgears run smoothly, the problem is when i start openarena it runs well but when i try to change video setting it crashes07:41
antoNVIDIA: Direct rendering failed; attempting indirect rendering.07:42
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t3318_onestep: I think that's right07:42
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reallyjoelHow do i open GRUB's "menu.lst" so that I'm allowed to save it?07:42
usr13reallyjoel: sudo07:42
reallyjoel(in a text editor)07:42
gektorreallyjoel, sudo nano07:42
Evanlecreallyjoel, sudo vim07:42
ehcis there a way to see which ubuntu version you have through a shell?07:42
t3318_onestep: i can change the default theme, but when i change the background image, the desktop crashed :(07:42
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stefgGary: you might need to pass additional parameters to fix irq or acpi problems07:42
Evanlecehc, uname -a07:42
stefg!boot | gary07:42
ubotugary: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto07:42
usr13reallyjoel: sudo vim menu.list07:42
t3318_onestep: i dont know why :(07:42
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uguestuhi- when i first installed ubuntu i got the startup sound after logon and all sounds were working fine.. now i can not here nothing when playing music, or when i log in i cannot hear the startup sound.. any help?07:43
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usr13reallyjoel:  sudo vim /boot/grub/menu.lst07:43
nymocan someone help me?07:43
t3318_anyone know Amaranth?07:43
t3318_where is he?07:43
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ehcEvanlec, it just says GNU/Linux07:43
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usr13reallyjoel: sudo <favorite-text-editor> /boot/grub/menu.lst07:44
ehcEvanlec, 2.6.15-23-386 is the other info07:44
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uguestuhi- when i first installed ubuntu i got the startup sound after logon and all sounds were working fine.. now i can not here nothing when playing music, or when i log in i cannot hear the startup sound.. any help?07:44
gektorhow can I patch kde2 under freebsd?07:44
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stefg!sound | uguestu07:45
reallyjoelusr13, thanks07:45
ubotuuguestu: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP307:45
nymoI can't log in with any ethernet interface active07:45
Some_uxhow do i check the available disk space (commandline)?07:45
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gektorSome_ux, df -h07:45
gektorSome_ux, or just df07:45
stefg!cli | Some_ux07:45
ubotuSome_ux: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal07:45
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ubotuTo set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf07:46
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Garystefg: i try to install ubuntu now and change the boot options......07:46
arnathhow do you quit x again?07:46
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stefgarnath: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm stop07:47
not_a_karnath: hard question to answer...07:47
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i_enjoy_archnot_a_k, you are fucking noob07:47
uguestustefg- what bot is ubotu?07:47
not_a_karnath: ctrl-alt-f1 will drop you to a terminal07:47
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onesteparnath, Ctrl+Alt+Backspace07:47
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ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots07:47
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not_a_kctrl-alt-backspace will kill it07:48
arnathonestep: this reboots x07:48
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not_a_kbut if you have a display manager running it will restart07:48
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i_enjoy_archinit 307:48
arnath(im in the livecd)07:48
Neo1607i need some help please if anyone is around07:48
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arnathproblem is, i cant do the damn live install, because my resolution is too small to fit the entire live cd thing (so i cant press any buttons...) and i have ot install the nvidia drivers to make my res work07:48
uguestustefg- is it downlodable and customizable?07:48
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stefguguestu: ask #ubuntu-ops, i don't know07:49
usr13Neo1607: NO, no one is here, well maybe a few hundred of us or so, but go ahead, what is your question?  :)07:49
Neo1607i just installed ubuntu last night and used gparted to shrink my windows XP ntfs partition, i can boot ubuntu from grub but when i select windows XP it just says   Starting...     but never loads :/07:49
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not_a_karnath: i suggest doing the command line install then and just installing your drivers once you boot.07:49
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not_a_kthe curses install rather07:50
Neo1607i have never had that problem before, and i have dual booted plenty of times before :S07:50
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arnathnot_a_k: but this would mean the "alternate" cd ye?07:50
onestepor DVD07:50
arnathnot_a_k: or can i do a text install from the normal one07:50
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usr13Neo1607: You mave have shrunk XP to much...?07:50
onesteparnath, nope07:50
carlosfarahI want tools for programer Web.....07:50
arnathbah, another 700 meg from my limit then :<07:50
INTitdid you defrag xp first ?07:51
carlosfarahI am Brazilian....07:51
usr13Neo1607: It's a good idea to do defrag before shrinking a MS partition.07:51
stefgNeo1607: your windows might need a chkdsk. are you able to look on the windows partition using ubuntu?07:51
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Pici!br | carlosfarah07:51
ubotucarlosfarah: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.07:51
Neo1607i can look at xp partition from ubuntu yeah07:51
not_a_karnath: hmm. i've upgraded through the last few releases.. so i'm not sure. pre dapper you could do the curses install. it might have been the only option though.07:51
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Neo1607and i didn't do a defrag coz XP was only installed about 4 - 5 days ago, didn't think it would need it07:51
usr13Neo1607: But the problem may be not so serious and easily fixed.  Don't give up just yet.07:51
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Taneli have problem with my printer PIXMA 160 i dont have drivers07:52
usr13Neo1607: Yes, you're right.07:52
INTitlatest version of ubuntu seems buggy as hell07:52
erUSULINTit: which one?07:52
INTiti had endless probs07:52
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stefgNeo1607: so boot up you windows cd to rescue console and perform a chkdsk. But although this might be related to a ubuntu install, this is not a windows support channel, so you'd better ask ##windows07:52
erUSULINTit: the one that is still beta?07:52
usr13You should post menu.lst on pastebin.org and give us link.  Myabe something amiss there.07:53
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erUSULINTit: ;P07:53
INTitfeisty fawn07:53
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Taneli have problem with my printer PIXMA 160 i dont have drivers07:53
Neo1607ok i post my menu.lst on pastebin07:53
usr13Neo1607: You should post menu.lst on pastebin.org and give us link.  Myabe something amiss there.07:53
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Tanelwhere i can find them07:53
adlisyakirhow to dual boot...? why i'm installed vista first and then ubuntu... vista is finish? .. why not dual bootbale07:53
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ubotuDual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookProFeisty07:53
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erUSULINTit: well that's your experience/opinion others have different (good) experiences/opinions... you can not make such a generalization based only in your experience imho07:54
DragonionSWhat shold I write to upgrade my Ubuntu 7.04 to 7.10?07:54
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stefg!upgrade | DragonionS07:54
ubotuDragonionS: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes07:54
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Some_uxhow do i change a user's primary group ?07:54
erUSUL!upgrade | DragonionS07:54
Neo1607http://pastebin.com/d48b89b4e   <--- my  menu.lst07:54
linux4meanyone here use lvs-dr on ubuntu fiesty?07:54
stefg!gutsy | DragonionS07:54
ubotuDragonionS: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information07:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about live.fm - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:54
uguestustefg- How do I install live.fm on ubuntu?07:54
i_enjoy_archdraconius,  rm -rf/07:54
DragonionSThanks! =)07:54
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INTitjudging by the amount of people i found on goolgle with the same issue  i can :P07:55
DragonionSVery, very thank you!07:55
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stefguguestu: no idea07:55
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erUSUL!ops | i_enjoy_arch07:55
ubotui_enjoy_arch: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici07:55
DoYouKnowDragonionS, no that's not the command lol07:55
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INTitwhen selecting install it would take me to a command prompt with /bin/sh: cant access tty; job control turned off07:55
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DragonionSI see.07:56
INTittook me ages to find a solution07:56
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INTitthats before ubuntu is even installed :\07:56
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DoYouKnowDragonionS, he is just saying that you have to delete your ubuntu partitions and start over07:56
uguestustefg- If I update to gutsy can I go back without re-installing?07:56
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stefguguestu: no07:56
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uguestustefg- How buddy is gutsy at the moment?07:57
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Some_uxnm, done07:57
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Neo1607i am still on  6.10 lol, i ain't used my new 7.04 disk yet07:57
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Neo1607i will update when i get this dual boot problem sorted07:58
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FurionnI have eggdrop-install.sh file what is the available command to start to install?07:58
generalsnusis there a way to display drives in "Computer" like on vista?  kinda a bar that shows how full the drive is07:58
not_a_kFurionn: chmod +x eggdrop-install.sh; ./eggdrop-install.sh07:58
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not_a_kFurionn: or sh eggdrop-install.sh07:58
Taneli have problem with my printer PIXMA MP 160 i dont have drivers07:59
erUSULgeneralsnus: Apps>Accesories>Disk Space analizer07:59
INTitsounds like windows is corrupt07:59
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PKdoRI need to manually install Vuze Can some one walk me through please??07:59
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AncientRelicgeneralsnus: and Gutsy has the Windows pie chart07:59
Dr_willisTanel,  some of those canon printers have NO linux support at all.. check cups.org for your specific printer.07:59
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Furionnnot_a_k: it says cant open eggdrop-install.sh why can this happen?08:00
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Dr_willisTanel,  in the future i am not going to buy Canon again. (at least not withoug doing some research first) :)08:00
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SimSimafternoon, I have an issue, when I reboot my pc it doesn't load my nvidia, I have to kill gdm, rmmod nvidia, then startx and then it loads nvidia as normal, how can I fix this?08:00
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PKdoREvanlec: do you know how to manually install tars?08:00
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VHAINFurionn: did you navigated to the directory including eggdrop-install.sh?08:01
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generalsnusyeah.. disk analyzer shows a bar/%/free space  ..was hoping to get that when i wanted to browse computer aswell08:01
tituni. have to do acpi=off while booting, as my touchpad hangs without it, but audio does not work with ACPI Off. Can i expect this will be solved in 7.10 release?08:01
=== treddy [n=raul@207.Red-88-18-73.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
Tanelno but this one have but i dount know how to install them08:01
Furionnno VHAIN im newbie, a detailed info would be appreciated :)08:01
VHAINFurionn: press Alt + F2 to show Program starter08:02
PKdoRI need to manually install Vuze Can some one walk me through please??08:02
=== frostburn [n=archlich@cpe-74-74-219-225.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
VHAINFurionn: and type "gnome-terminal" + Enter08:02
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SimSimneed help, When I reboot my pc it doesn't load my nvidia, I have to kill gdm, rmmod nvidia, then startx and then it loads nvidia as normal, how can I fix this?08:02
Tanelhow i can open .rpm file08:02
Furionnyeah i am on gnome-terminal anyway VHAIN08:02
VHAINFurionn: type "cd " + some directory including eggdrop_install.sh + Enter08:02
=== MTecknology [n=MTecknol@host-82-211-220-24.midco.net] has joined #ubuntu
Neo1607so can anyone help me with my dual boot problem? :S08:03
uguestuAnyone know how to install live.fm on Ubuntu?08:03
usr13Neo1607: Any particular reason why you installed 6.10 instead of 7.04?08:03
VHAINFurionn: if...you downloaded it into Desktop, you should type "cd ~/Desktop"08:03
darkchr0n0suguestu use synaptic package manager08:03
VHAIN also enter08:03
Neo1607coz i was to lazy to go upstairs and get my 7.04 disc08:03
generalsnusoh, and does anyone knows if nvidia fan control works now..i have a 8800gtx..last time i tried, the fan speed couldnt be adjusted08:03
Tanelhow i can open .rpm file08:04
Neo1607i have tried it with 7.04 and it didn't work either, so i uninstalled and reinstalled 6.1008:04
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SimSimTanel, no deb version of what you want?08:04
tituncan i expect this problem will be solved in Gutsy Gibbon, on normal boot my touchpad+keyboard hangs, so i have to do ACPI=Off which takes away my audio??08:04
SimSimyou can convert it though08:04
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Furionnit says " not a directory " even though its right VHAIN08:04
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Picititun: #ubuntu+1 for Gutsy questions please.08:04
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titunPici: ah ok :)08:05
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uguestuAnyone got screenshots of Gutsy?08:05
VHAINFurionn: hmm... did you downloaded it to Desktop?08:05
bruenig!ot | unjustice08:05
ubotuunjustice: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!08:05
Neo1607gutsy is still in beta is it not?08:05
Furionnyeah VHAIN08:05
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Some_uxman pages are not very readable, what does useradd -D do08:05
SimSim15 days left.08:05
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brueniguguestu, looks the same as all the other ubuntu releases08:05
VHAINFurionn: then, try "cd ~/Desktop"08:05
Tanelno deb file'08:05
uguestubruenig- oh ok.08:05
uguestuhow buggy is gutsy at the moment, in percentage terms?08:05
brueniglittle changes, python front end development occurs but nothing else08:05
FurionnVHAIN:  yeah then?08:05
VHAINFurionn: type "chmod +x eggdrop_install.sh"08:06
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VHAINalso enter08:06
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Pici!alien | Tanel08:06
ubotuTanel: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)08:06
Piciuguestu: I advise against installing Gutsy until final has been released.08:06
ward_ward1983, hi08:07
FurionnVHAIN:  it said nothing now,08:07
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usr13Neo1607: menu.lst looks ok.  Since you've installed twice with same outcome, I tend to believe there is something wrong with MS Windows... not sure but, at any rate, it doesn't appear to be missconfigured menu.lst08:07
Taneli want ti install PIXMA MP 160 and i have drivers but i dont know howw to open them08:07
VHAINFurionn: yeah. that's good. and next, type "./eggdrop_install.sh"08:07
brobostigonwill gutsy be available for powerpc.08:07
saritorI have an interesting bug. When I go to shutdown my laptop using gnomes pretty graphic way gnome will actually lock up. If I restart X (ctrl+atl+backspce) when it reloads GDM I can then shutdown with the nice graphic there normally. Otherwise the only other way to shutdown is via CLI.08:07
uguestuPici- ok08:07
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Neo1607usr13 so do you have any suggestions on how i can fix this?08:07
VHAINFurionn: sorry about my poor english :-)08:08
Neo1607coz it was fine up until i installed linux :S   and like i said, i have done this before without a problem08:08
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bruenigsaritor, write a shutdown script write a sudoers exception and keep it in the panel to click08:08
SimSimI reboot my pc it doesn't load my nvidia, I have to kill gdm, rmmod nvidia, then startx and then it loads nvidia as normal, how can I fix this?08:08
FurionnVHAIN:  its good enough VHAIN, i installed that now and now i have a page with black and blue08:08
usr13Neo1607: You might see if you can use a MS DOS boot disk and see if you can boot into the XP OS that way.08:08
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Neo1607well i can load repair console from the XP disc,  but i have no idea what to do then :P08:08
ward1983nice im on irc with my psp :-)08:09
INTitenabling desktop effects causes everything to crash for me, think this will still happen on the next stable release ?08:09
saritorbruenig, probably the easiest way to do it eh? I was hoping to find a possible fix oh well. =p08:09
AncientRelicINTit: What video card?08:09
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VHAINFurionn: hmm... wait for me...08:09
SimSimward, DS pwns psp :)08:09
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FurionnVHAIN:  im here waiting :)08:09
Dial_toneanyone know any linux compatible inkjets currently on the market? openprinting DB lists oold models08:10
usr13Neo1607: Well, first make a Linux boot disk, and then use the repair console from the XP disc and do fdisk /mbr08:10
gnuskoolvoyager pwns iphone08:10
Neo1607SimSim, correction,   ds HOMEBREW pwns psp homebrew :D08:10
INTitintel | Intel GMA X3100 its on a laptop08:10
erUSULNeo1607: if you want to erase grub and install the XP bootloader use fixmbr08:10
bruenigsaritor, that is a fix08:10
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SimSimused svsip the other day08:10
SimSimwas nice making calls via the ds :)08:10
usr13Neo1607: see if that will get your beloved XP to boot. OR... try:08:10
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e\ectro_has anyone been able to get LDAP working with Ubuntu where it works well?08:11
BioPo1Hi, I could really use some help regrading RT61 on feisty.08:11
VHAINFurionn: R U trying to install Egg Drop. am i right?08:11
usr13Neo1607: ... another route, some other boot disk options.08:11
saritorbruenig, well I meant making work the way it used to. Unless I missed something in your reply...08:11
INTitany ideas AncientRelic ?08:11
Furionnyeah VHAIN08:11
VHAINFurionn: where did you downloaded it?08:11
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Furionnpm'ed you the link08:12
Neo1607usr13 what bootdisk did u tell me to get?    xp or linux08:12
AncientRelicX3100 is pretty new08:12
geniiSome_ux: Did you get an answer on how to change a user's primary group? If not: sudo usermod -g newgroupname username08:12
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FurionnVHAIN: i did pm the link08:12
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AncientRelicINTit: You might be waiting for better drivers08:12
Some_uxgenii: yep, i figured it out.08:12
jebI'm trying to  install ubuntu on a laptop with an extremly slow cdrom-drive08:13
Some_uxnow i need to figure out what the group users is08:13
mekkHello all! I have turned off my computer while KWrite was running and now i get this error everytime i log intu KDE: The file file:///root/Desktop/easycam could not be loaded, as it was not possible to read from it.08:13
mekkCheck if you have read access to this file.08:13
jebI tried different install methods copying the iso content onto the harddrive08:13
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jebbut still, the installer fails08:13
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jebso i ended up with the debootstrap method08:13
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gnuskooljeb, you verify the cd?08:14
jebbut this fails with the following message: devices.tar.gz not found08:14
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mekkhow to fix it? i've tried to remove the kwrite file from .kde/share/config/session but no luck, the file autogenerates itself08:14
eichihello, i got an error on installing the software at the install...disc problem..doenst matter..which package do i need to install this? is there a "ubuntu-base-package" or something like that?08:14
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jebgnuskool: no I didn't, but used both, the alternate and the desktop cd, so i think at least one of them should be ok08:14
Neo1607would a live cd work as a linux boot disk :D ?08:14
FurionnVHAIN: downloaded yet?08:15
jebI also tried the minimal-cd08:15
usr13Neo1607: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-19428.html08:15
VHAINFurionn: hmm... i'm now talking you on pm08:15
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FlatsI'm currently running Ubuntu 7.04 If I load ultimate 1.5 does that overwrite everything and install a new copy?08:15
usr13Neo1607: no, not for what you want it to do.08:15
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Neo1607i think i have corrupted the NTFS partition, only thing is, i can still read all the contents on the drive :S08:16
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PiciFlats: You'll need to talk to the Ultimate people about that.  Ubuntu Ultimate is a 3rd party modification of Ubuntu and is not supported by us.08:16
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jebi've readen that it can take hours to install the system and it seems to be stuckt, but an 2GHz Celecron doesn't seem slow to me08:16
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INTitstick the windows disk in and do a repair08:16
usr13Neo1607: If you have coorrupted the NTFS partition, I think you will have to re-install MS Windows08:16
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jebany idea?08:16
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tituni have searched the forum, but the methods proposed are too complicated to solve my ACPI=off problem, is there a easy solution as of now?08:17
john1212ok how do i fix this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39465/08:17
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Neo1607aww fuck it D:  i don't wanna have to re-install windows :S  plus i have used my cd-key twice, it won't activate again :/08:17
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usr13Neo1607: Since you have 6.10 instead of 7.04, I would suggest starting all over - period.08:17
tonyyarusso!ohmy | Neo160708:17
ubotuNeo1607: Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly.08:17
Neo1607sorry :S08:17
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Some_uxnew problem, i can figure how i can add a new user with a new home dir with one command08:17
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eckSome_ux: um, what command are you using to add a new user?08:18
eckadduser should create a home directory08:18
Neo1607is there a way to play steam games on linux at the same speed windows would play them?08:18
kane77how can I maximize my batery time? are there any power saving options? because battery in vista lasts 3:30 and in ubuntu mere 2:00-2:2008:18
titunis there an easy solution to ACPI=Off problems as of now?08:18
Neo1607thatz really the only reason i still got windows08:18
eckuse adduser, not useradd08:18
usr13Neo1607: Well, fish around with some boot disks, but It may be a lost cause.08:18
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gnuskoolNeo1607: shouldnt u be able to reinstall xp as many times as you want on the same pc?08:19
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usr13Neo1607: what streams?08:19
ZhazHello anyone had problem with digital audio?08:19
john1212ok how do i fix this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39465/08:19
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ilantzNeo1607, wolf ET is native linux ;)08:19
Neo1607i meant STEAM, as in the content delivery program from valve08:19
VHAINFurionn: I think.. something wrong with pm... i can read your message but.. it seems that you cannot read my message..08:19
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huXfluXCheck if you have read access to this file.08:19
huXfluXHello all! I have turned off my computer while KWrite was running and now i get this error everytime i log intu KDE: The file file:///root/Desktop/easycam could not be loaded, as it was not possible to read from it.08:20
PiciVHAIN: you need to register on freenode to send pm's08:20
huXfluXhow to fix it? i've tried to remove the kwrite file from .kde/share/config/session but no luck, the file autogenerates itself08:20
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FurionnVHAIN:  hmm shall we go on here?08:20
=== _Johny says hello
Neo1607gnuskool apparently not :S  i tried installing my official XP on a virtual PC and it says my code has been used to many times :S08:20
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john1212VHAIN:  u have to be registerd to send messages08:20
PiciFurionn: VHAIN, you can also join an empty channel if you want to. like ##vhain08:20
FurionnVHAIN:  im there :)08:20
_JohnyDoes anyone can recommend me a good app for making screenshots under Ubuntu? I'm using XFCE08:20
VHAINthanks ohn!08:20
PiciNeo1607: fyi, this is offtopic, but you can just call microsoft up and say you're installing on the same computer, I've done it many times.08:21
john1212ok how do i fix this i get this when trying to add someone and sign on to msn http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39465/08:21
usr13_Johny: DOes anything happen when you hit PrintScreen?08:21
eck_Johny: there are some command line ones like scrot, xfce probably has its own screenshot util though08:21
Neo1607Pici ok :)08:21
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_Johnyusr13: No, nothing08:21
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_Johnyusr13: under Gnome it happened becouse there was a deamon active08:22
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tituncome on friends, atleast tell me if there is no solution, u guys must be knowing, is there an easy solution for ACPI=Off problem as of now??08:22
eck_Johny: that's not right08:22
_Johnyeck: What is the name of the tool you just mentioned?08:22
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eck_Johny: it's handled by metacity08:22
eck_Johny: scrot08:22
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ZhazAnyone had problem with digital audio? I get regular audio to work but not digital08:23
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john1212 ok how do i fix this i get this when trying to add someone and sign on to msn http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39465/08:23
_Johnyeck: I'm using fmv not Metacity08:23
Y3kedgy = ubuntu version 6 right?08:23
akiraki need help installing an ubuntu 6.1008:23
_Johnyeck: FMW it's the default window manager in XFCE08:23
eck_Johny: i was just pointing out that gnome doesn't run a daemon for that sort of stuff08:23
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gnuskoolakirak: wots the problem?08:23
_Johnyeck: Ah...missunderstood08:24
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akiraki have a nforce 400 chipset, and dont recognize it08:24
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akiraki can only run the live cd08:24
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_Johnyeck: I'm installing scrot now...just eager to see what happens08:25
titunY3k: yes 6.10 to be exact08:25
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jukamYo all08:25
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usr13_Johny: intall imagemagick, and use the 'import' command from the console08:26
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eck_Johny: you run it like scrot -d 5 -c08:26
john1212how stable is gutsy?08:26
netcrash__I have syslogd using port 514 althought I haven't set the option -r anywhere , ps aux does not show -r ... Why is it opening 514 ( have seen this using netstat -uanp )08:27
Neo1607whatz the terminal command to check my root partition again?08:27
_Johnyeck: Fine, thank you08:27
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eckNeo1607: fsck08:27
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john1212how stable is gutsy?????08:27
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Neo1607fsck will cause severe damage apparently :S08:28
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usr13john1212: about as stable as an earthquake --  sorry, couldn't resist -- just teasing -- but you might also like to ask on #ubuntu+108:28
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Enselicjohn1212: in my experience very stable08:28
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sethscan someone offer some help, im running XDMCP on my gateway machine and its extreamly slow, im connecting to it from Ubuntu 7.1 (gateway is Xubuntu 7.04)08:28
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sethsits so slow its pretty much unusable, is that XDMCP in general?08:29
Some_uxi would like to grand access to a directory to all users which belong to a specific group08:29
john1212Enselic:  u join me in room #wwed please i wana ask u some thngs bout it08:29
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eckSome_ux: chgrp -R the directory08:30
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netcrash__I have syslogd using port 514 althought I haven't set the option -r anywhere , ps aux does not show -r ... Why is it opening 514 ( have seen this using netstat -uanp ) ... Nevermind was doing remote loging to a machine and syslog for that opens port 514 udp08:30
usr13Neo1607: I don't think you should run fsck on ntfs.  But you might use a MS boot disk and run scandisk or something native to MS / NTFS.08:30
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Enselicjohn1212: that's what #ubuntu+1 is for08:31
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_Johnyeck: Sorry, but it doesn't work look --> johny@johny-laptop:~/Desktop$ scrot -d 5 -c operaTaking shot in 5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. 1.. 0.08:31
_Johnygiblib error: Saving to file opera failed08:31
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VletDoes anyone else here find that mysqladministrator is EXTREMELY unstable?08:31
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cliechtiseths: the X window protocol uses a lots of acknowledgments and is thus sensible to large round trip times (ping ...) you might try NX or vnc (with ssh tunnel for the later)08:32
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PriceChildthere we go08:32
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eck_Johny: weird, i just noticed that too... are you running gutsy? it must be a regression08:32
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_JohnyNo, feisty08:34
_Johnyeck: No, Feisty08:34
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sethscliechti: thanks, ill give NX a go, i tried to get vnc running using a guide i found on the forums but there was something wrong with the password afaik, since after connecting and typing the password the client quits08:34
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eck_Johny: well i'm going to file a bug on it, i'm not sure what other programs there are... maybe you should ask in the xfce channel to see what they are using08:35
cliechtiseths: i did not like the weird package NX delivers. i'm sill using vnc. did not have any problems with it. just use vnc4server package08:35
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themadHello  I've got a problem with xdtv. I can't schedule recording. When I press shedule recording the window flashes, and it don't work. Could someone help?08:36
_Johnyeck: Resolved :) I just added *.jpg* extension to the output file and it worked08:36
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PKdoRwhats the command to list thing within a folder on the term?08:36
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cliechtiPKdoR: "ls"?08:36
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cliechtils -lh08:36
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themadHello  I've got a problem with xdtv. I can't schedule recording. When I press shedule recording the window flashes, and it don't work. Could someone help?08:37
_Johnyeck: So, the output format must be specified08:37
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usr13PKdoR: ls /path/to/directory/08:37
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ganesh _Johny:how can i know which graphics card i have and that supports beryl??08:38
stinkyfoothow can install a program from an executable08:38
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themadstinkyfoot,  but what executable08:38
stinkyfootwhen i type ./program it says i don't have permission but sudo ./program isn't a recognized command08:38
Enselicstinkyfoot:refer to the installation instructions of the porgram08:38
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stinkyfootinstallation instructions on page:  Installation : download and run the installer as root ("./texmaker_linux_installer" or "sudo ./texmaker_linux_installer" on ubuntu - make the file executable before, if necessary).08:39
Some_uxok, so now i need to give read/write/execute options to owner and to the group for a directory08:39
cliechtistinkyfoot: the execution flag must be set and your user must have read persmissions on that file08:39
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Lososplease someone help, i am in dead end with my sound card08:39
geloczy ktos rozmawia po polsku?08:39
stinkyfoothow i use gksudo or sudo or something to do it anyway08:39
_Johnyganesh: I'd begin with going on the compiz (not beryl) site ad looking there, or, just put "compiz +(your card)" in google08:39
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stinkyfoothaha are you russian dude?08:39
geloto fajnie08:40
Enselicstinkyfoot: if you type  sudo ./program  exactly what does it say?08:40
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themadno xD08:40
Pici!pl | gelo08:40
ubotugelo: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl08:40
stinkyfootsudo: ./: command not found08:40
stinkyfootsudo: ./: command not found08:40
stinkyfootsudo: ./: command not found08:40
themadale na polski ubuntu jest odzieln y kana08:40
nickrudSome_ux: chmod ug+rwx <directory> (you may need sudo)08:40
Lososrrrr, no one to help me?;)08:40
_Johnyganesh: If you want to know what GC you've got , just put " lshw |grep -i video" in your terminal window08:40
gelooki dzieki08:40
Enselicstinkyfoot: you don't have a space between ./ and program, right?08:40
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stinkyfootnope enselic08:41
ganesh _Johny:whats diff between compiz and beryl??08:41
stinkyfootbtw i'm running bash in xubuntu08:41
stinkyfootmaybe it's different08:41
Enselicstinkyfoot: hand on I'll try this myself08:41
_Johnystinkyfoot: Is sudo installed?08:41
Some_uxnickrud: thanks08:41
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stinkyfootof course08:41
stinkyfooti mean08:41
kkathmanganesh:  beryl is a dead product - compiz and beryl merged08:41
stinkyfoothow can it not be08:41
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kkathmanganesh:  the new product is compiz-fusion08:41
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xerophyte4 i have setup the master dns server it works fine, then i setup the slave dns server, and configured the zones to be salve, when start the salve nameserver  .. its not downloading the zone files from master .. w08:42
themadHello  I've got a problem with xdtv. I can't schedule recording. When I press shedule recording the window flashes, and it don't work. Could someone help?08:42
Enselicstinkyfoot: works for me, are you sure you are in the terminal and not some other porgram?08:42
onestepkkathman, Beryl is still supported, AFAIR08:42
Shapeshiftersmall question: It just occured to me that Firefox wasn't responding, so I used the crash handler and pointed on its window, so it went away. but I wasn't able to restart it because apparently it was still running. What do I have to do to definitly kill it? killall firefox didn't work08:42
sethscliechti: i followed this guide for vnc (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=122402) and when i try to open the viewer from a terminal window and enter the password i put in the .vncpasswd file i only get an "End of stream" message08:42
stinkyfootof course i'm sure08:42
PiciShapeshifter: killall firefox-bin08:42
PKdoRI get an error when trying to install vuze manually It says : Error exit delayed from previous errors Can some one please help??08:42
kkathmanonestep:  supported - hmmm well as is, yes, but there's no future08:42
Enselicstinkyfoot: if you type 'exit'  what happends?08:42
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stinkyfootim sorry this is the actual error08:42
ShapeshifterPici: ^^ okaay so it's that simple ;)08:43
stinkyfootsudo: ./: command not found08:43
stinkyfootsudo: ./: command not found08:43
stinkyfootone second08:43
usr13Shapeshifter: ps aux |grep firefox  and then kill the pid08:43
stinkyfootsudo ./texmaker_linux_installer08:43
stinkyfootsudo: ./texmaker_linux_installer: command not found08:43
Pici!paste | stinkyfoot08:43
ubotustinkyfoot: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:43
_Johnyganesh: Now you know how to handle?08:43
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Enselicusr13: pkill firefox   is easeir08:43
Y3kwhat's a wm that is lighter than xfce but still fairly user friendly? (fvwm-crystal seem good but i got some bugs on it)08:43
Shapeshifterusr13: Ok I'll rember that08:43
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nickrudstinkyfoot: maybe a silly question, but did you make texmaker... executable?08:43
geniiI dunno if lighter but fluxbox ain't bad08:43
Enselicstinkyfoot: are you sure you are in the directory where texmaker_linux_instaler is?08:43
usr13Enselic: Ok, good... thanks08:43
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Enselicusr13: pkill even has tab completion   just  pkill fire<TAB> works :)08:44
Picistinkyfoot: is it set +x?08:44
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ganesh_Johny:even if i give cirrect password it saya authentication failed..08:44
stinkyfoothow do i make it executable?08:44
Enselicstinkyfoot: chmod +x program08:45
Y3ki'll try it out and see what happens08:45
Otacon22Where can i find information to became a ubuntu developer?08:45
usr13Enselic: Yes, that works rather well, Thanks a lot.  Never tried pkill before.08:45
stinkyfooti write chmod it'll just show flags?08:45
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stinkyfootif i write08:45
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Pici!contribute | Otacon22 try here08:45
ubotuOtacon22 try here: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate08:45
Kee1hi, I've installed ubuntu and everything worked perfect up until now when after a restart my soundcard stopped, it was definitely working before, any ideas on how to find out what's wrong?08:45
docta_vhey guys, when i connect with ssh -X to an ubuntu system, my $DISPLAY doesn't get set08:45
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geniistinkyfoot:  use man chmod  or chmod --help   to see options for usage08:45
docta_veven though x forwarding is allowed in the server config08:45
docta_vanyone know what's up with this?08:45
cliechtiseths: ok, i never ran it behind xinetd. but an end of stream sounds like the vnc server is not started or exits too early08:46
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ZhazAnyone have a good tip on how to get digital audio playback to work? 5.1?08:46
nickrudKee1: right click the volume control and select open volume control, make sure all the outputs are up08:46
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Kee1yes I've checked that08:46
Some_uxhaving some trouble with samba. I have removed a directory which was previously shared, now windows still thinks it exists08:47
Kee1maybe I should reinstall ALSA08:47
stinkyfootgenii i did but it doesn't say anything about seeing the flags of all the files in the dir08:47
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nickrudoh, well, the pcm always is 0 when I have that problem08:47
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Enselicstinkyfoot: to see the permissions on the files in the dir, type   ls -l08:47
KILmoohello, most of my programms, ends with "Segmentation fault (core dumped)"08:47
geniistinkyfoot: That command is to CHange the files. to view them use ls08:47
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KILmooit is a no so fresh, but not so old install, so in suspect something material08:47
stinkyfootthanks genii08:48
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KILmoowhat should i check08:48
okst666Hi there...someone knowledge about the monodevelop eta ?...it keeps crashing when I open a code window08:48
EnselicKILmoo: for example what program segfaults?08:48
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Y3kubuntu doesn't use .xinitrc does it?08:48
geniistinkyfoot: Something like:  ls -l /dirname | more08:48
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stinkyfootso this is what i tried08:48
stinkyfootsudo chmod -x texmaker_linux_installer08:48
stinkyfootsudo chmod -x texmaker_linux_installer08:48
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KILmoosometime, nothing in 2 days, sometimes, (like now, i can even see the start page08:48
stinkyfootand it still doesn't work08:48
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)08:48
nickrudY3k: only if you choose xsession from the login window; .xinitrc is also used by startx08:48
uguestuWhat's the best C compiler?08:48
Enselicstinkyfoot: _+_, not -08:48
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Enselicuguestu: impossible question. for linux you usually use GCC08:49
stinkyfootthat makes sense08:49
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cliechtiKILmoo: i have a box where i get segfaults after some uptime. but its a hardware issue (RAM contents gets corrupted)08:49
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uguestuEnselic- sudo apt-get install gcc shold get it, right?08:50
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stinkyfootsweet sweetness thanks a lot everyone08:50
KILmoobut i just boot up, and i checked ram with memetest08:50
EnselicKILmoo: the best thing you can do is to get a stacktrace and report to developers08:50
ShapeshifterMy sound just stopped working after a reboot! I don't really get it, maybe it has something to do with virtualbox, which I just installed. I can't change the volume and if I click on any of the "Test" buttons in sound preferences the window just closes....08:50
stinkyfootwhat is a good beginners *nix guide08:50
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Enselicuguestu: sudo apt-get install build-essential08:50
sethscliechti: im going to reinstall my gateway and start again, thanks for your help08:50
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Enselicuguestu: it will install the basic tools to build software, including GCC08:50
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ganesh_Johny:not able to get in as su..can u help?08:51
PKdoRI cant manually install vuze for the life of me!!08:51
stinkyfootwhat is a good beginners *nix guide?08:51
Enselicstinkyfoot: basicaly anything you get by googling "linux introduction"08:51
geniistinkyfoot: There is a decent one off of ubuntu main site, i'll see for a link08:51
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stinkyfootsure enselic but i want a really indepth one08:51
Piciokst666: Probably a better question for #monodevelop on irc.gimp.org08:51
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KILmooSo the best thing i have to do is to change my computer, or to wait for gusty, no?08:51
cliechtiShapeshifter: i have virtual box installed and no problem with sound. did you check the mixer settings? are is the wave out muted?08:51
PKdoRI tried following like 3 diferent wikis and always the same thing happens can some one please help Pleaase???08:51
EnselicKILmoo: as I said, the best is to report this to developers, and give a stacktrace08:52
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EnselicKILmoo: what architecutre are you on?08:52
caryhi, how's everybody today?08:52
geniistinkyfoot: This one should get you started at least : http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty08:52
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EnselicKILmoo: I mean 32-bit ore 64-bit. on some occations 64-bit is less stable than 32-bit you could try the 32-bit version if it08:52
cliechtiKILmoo: well before shreddering the PC i'd try a fresh install of feisty or gutsy08:52
Enselic's the 64-bit that crashes08:53
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KILmooaccordigly to my bank, i will try the fresh install, sure :)08:53
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Shapeshiftercliechti: It doesn't seem to be muted. If I use the keyboard volume buttons the bar doesn't change (it's at zero) and if I press mute nothing happens. Just after the reboot the tray icon for the volume showed up, but I don't use that so I'm wondering why it did appear. In sound preferences I'm on ALSA.08:53
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PKdoRiI been trying to install azureus/vuze for 2 days with no luck can someone please lend a helping hand?\08:54
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caryPK, what kind of package are you trying to install?08:55
Shapeshiftercliechti: I rebooted a second time and then everything was back to normal with the tray icons (beside the volume icon appearing there, the shutdown button was misplaced). So the icons are back to normal but there's still no sound.08:55
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PKdoRcary: Azureus_3.0.3.0_linux.tar.bz2.tar08:55
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EnselicPKdoR: why not  sudo apt-get install azereus?08:55
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cliechtiShapeshifter: hm.. maybe someone else has an idea?08:56
caryif you decompress them to a folder, you'll be able to find the readme file08:56
chazcoHi... does anyone know if its possible to connect a PocketPC (ipaq) to the internet via a USB connection to Ubuntu?08:56
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PKdoRcary cause that version is 2.5 and I would love to use 3.x/Vuze cause of the free HD content instead08:56
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ZhazI have some problem with 5.1 audio anyone that has any ideas? It only playes stereo..08:56
Shapeshiftercliechti: Well can I reinstall something? Like the drivers or something like that?08:56
PKdoRcary:  but that one is not on the repos for some reson08:56
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caryif you download it from the website, you can still get the file08:57
Shapeshiftercliechti: I just switched to OSS and now I get "gconfaudiosrc ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink profile=chat: Could not establish connection to sound server" if I press TEST08:57
caryit sucks to do it that way, but I installed a new version of java from scratch by just downloading the stuff from the website08:57
PKdoRcary:  I already downloaded it from the website but I cant/dont know how to manually install it08:58
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reversebladecan I re install 7.04 from live CD on a partition 7.10 installed/  I am trying to revert back08:58
PiciPKdoR: How are you trying to install?08:58
Enselicreverseblade: I doubt there is a convenient way08:58
Shapeshiftercliechti: Well I actually get it with every sound platform, just on the Test button directly next to it. The other test buttons crash the window ^^08:58
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soundrayBioPo1: are you BioPod?08:58
Picireverseblade: Downgrading is explicitly not supported.  You can install over itm but you need to backup your data if you dont have a seperate home partition.08:58
reversebladeEnselic: yeah but I cannot boot nto 7.1008:59
PKdoRcary: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=144546&highlight=azureus08:59
PKdoRbut i get an error08:59
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reversebladePici:  I cant, the whole installation screwed up08:59
reversebladePici: I am trying to save what I can08:59
Enselicreverseblade: probably just GRUB that screwed up08:59
caryno no, I mean download it from the azureus website.08:59
Enselicreverseblade: what happends when you try to boot?08:59
reversebladeEnselic: may be can you help ?08:59
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Picireverseblade: Boot from a live cd and backup then.08:59
kaminixHow do I reencode a .sub to .srt?08:59
ShapeshifterOk... it appears to me like I totaly nuked something: If I use "sudo apt-get update" nothing happens and theres just another empty promt. And I'm missing sound09:00
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ShapeshifterI added myself to the virtualbox usergroup before that. could that cause the problem?09:00
reversebladeEnselic: well I was using 7.04 for the last 5 months and yesterday I upgreded to 7.10 beta09:00
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PiciPKdoR: What step are you having problems with?09:00
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reversebladeEnselic: then today I tried s2disk. I don't know if it has anything to do with it. And I saw critical temperature 95 C shutting down warning09:00
PKdoRcary:  the first one09:01
reversebladeEnselic: then any time I reboot it is stuck just the beginning of the ubuntu bar at the start up09:01
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reversebladeEnselic: When I do alt+F1 I see : no resume images found booting normal xxx libcrpytxxxx and it halts09:01
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PKdoRcary: It says:09:01
PKdoRbzip2: (stdin) is not a bzip2 file.09:01
PKdoRtar: Child returned status 209:01
PKdoRtar: Error exit delayed from previous errors09:01
caryhang on, PK, lemme try it too.09:01
reversebladeEnselic: nothing works recovery mode or so. but I can open the machine with live CD09:02
Enselicreverseblade: try to give it some minutes, maybe its just doing some lengty operation09:02
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metePKdoR please don't paste here www.pastebin.com ;)09:02
ShapeshifterI don't believe it, e.g. the "users and groups" thing in the menu disappeared, too09:02
reversebladeEnselic: 5 minutes ?09:02
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Shapeshifterand missing sound and sudo09:02
reversebladeEnselic: is it not enough ?09:02
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Enselicreverseblade: I'd guess so yeah09:02
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Blackkattwould some one help me with Ubuntu? i need some guidens09:02
Enselic!beginners | Blackkatt09:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about beginners - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi09:02
reversebladeEnselic: so I am considering as a last resort re installing 7.04 to the same partition09:03
arnathwhats the difference between "primary" & "logical" for partitions?09:03
redboxis there a way I can execute vlc from the command line to open and display a video on the X desktop?  (kind of like running glxgears -display :0) ?09:03
Enselic!start | Blackkat09:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about start - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi09:03
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insomninjaWould it be a good idea to use dd to backup my whole hdd, windows rescue partition and all? (using "dd if=/dev/sda of=myhdd.iso")?09:03
soundrayBlackkatt: just ask your question09:03
reversebladeEnselic: after all I need an OS on my machine09:03
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Enselicreverseblade: yup09:03
Blackkattsoundray: i have to many =)09:03
Blackkattok first of then =)09:03
reversebladeEnselic: so do you think re installing 7.04 could also bring the data back09:03
soundrayinsomninja: that depends. You'd have to have an identical or bigger disk to restore.09:03
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_KeefI'm getting sound server errors all of a sudden, when my soundcard was working perfectly before, any ideas on how to work out what's wrong? (it's a 5.1 soundblaster with 7.04)09:03
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Blackkatthow to disable loggin message on gaim :P really enoying09:04
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erUSULinsomninja: well the resulting file will not surelly be an iso (*.img may be a better choice)09:04
stinkyfoothey i installed something from an executable and now i want to uninstall it09:04
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soundrayreverseblade: if you reinstall, you will most probably lose your data, unless you shrink your existing partition and install to a new one.09:04
stinkyfootbut it doesn't show up in my package manager09:04
stinkyfoothow do i do that09:04
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Neo1607is there a way to get Windows Games running 100% speed on linux?09:04
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Enselicreverseblade: to save your data, use the live CD09:04
caryPK:  I went to www.azureus.com, clicked download and downloaded it to my Desktop.  Archive manager decompressed to a folder there for me.09:05
insomninjasoundray: the file would be rewritten to the same disk09:05
Enselicreverseblade: if you reinstall the OS over the old one, the old data will be lost, but just backup your data first09:05
insomninjaerUSUL: ok09:05
geniistinkyfoot: Hopefully the installer also has an un-installer if you run it again. Otherwise no easy way to remove it09:05
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reversebladeEnselic: I click the 107.2 GB volume Icon on nautilus and nothing happens09:05
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geniistinkyfoot: Thats why installation from package manager is strongly encouraged09:05
reversebladeEnselic: how can I get access the data09:06
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soundrayinsomninja: other than that, I don't see much of a problem. It's not the most flexible type of backup, mind you.09:06
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Enselicreverseblade: to me it sounds like if you overheated your harddrive, if you did, you might have a hard time getting your data09:06
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Blackkattokay i need some help with Nvidia driver installation, one nice dude helpt me before but it still dosent work.09:06
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stinkyfootgenii can i use gksudo with bash?09:06
reversebladeEnselic: you mean I burned my hard disk ?09:06
carythere is probably a way to add the website to you software sources, but I don't think it is worth it if you only have one file that you want from them09:06
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soundraystinkyfoot: better not. To get a root shell, use 'sudo -i' in a terminal.09:07
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jebhi again09:07
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geniistinkyfoot: Better to use soundray's advice09:07
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Enselicreverseblade: well that's what you said09:07
jebstill trying to install ubuntu with debootstrap09:07
soundrayreverseblade: what is this s2disk thing?09:07
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reversebladesoundray: hibernates to disk09:07
PKdoRcary:  but does that install it or just decompress it?09:07
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stinkyfootwhat does the -i do?09:07
jebnow i got the folowing problem: W: Failure trying to run: chroot /mnt/ubuntu mount -t proc proc /proc09:07
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Neo1607where can i get ATI drivers for linux?09:07
reversebladesoundray: suspend 2 disk09:08
jebchroot: cannot run command `mount': No such file or directory09:08
jebany idea?09:08
Pici!ati | Neo160709:08
ubotuNeo1607: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:08
soundraystinkyfoot: "interactive" (man sudo)09:08
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carythat just decompresses it.  from there you can get to the text readme files that will tell you step by step how to install09:08
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stinkyfootif i delete something that is linked to in the applications menu09:08
soundrayEnselic: what makes you think reverseblade overheated his or her harddrive?09:08
stinkyfootwill the link in the menu dissapear as well?09:08
djaquayhow do you get networkmanager to only connect to certain WAPs?  (i.e. not my nextdoor neighbor's)?09:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about start - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi09:09
insomninjasoundray: yeah I know, stuff I want to access will be backup-ed another way too. hmm an idea would be to just backup the windows recovery partition09:09
reversebladeEnselic: soundray, I  tried re install and it is stuck at scanning disks step09:09
soundraystinkyfoot: don't manipulate the installation like that. Better use a package manager to install/remove software09:09
insomninjaThe backup is for if I want to install windows again09:09
reversebladesoundray: I got warnings of critical temperature 95 C shutting down09:09
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reversebladesoundray: just before this incident happend09:09
soundrayreverseblade: but not from your hard disk I bet09:09
PKdoRcary:  thanks i will try that09:09
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stinkyfootsoundray i can't do that with this program09:10
stinkyfooti installed it from an executable09:10
soundraystinkyfoot: which one is it?09:10
caryI'll try it too, I'm still new to this ,but I don't have a good way to get new tunes yet09:10
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soundraystinkyfoot: well, you'll probably have to remove all directories and menu entries manually09:11
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stinkyfoothow do i remove the menu entries?09:11
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jebno idea?09:11
stinkyfootand where can i find an install log?09:11
soundraystinkyfoot: use alacarte09:11
stinkyfootwhat is alacarte?09:11
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soundraystinkyfoot: menu editor09:12
soundraystinkyfoot: that depends on the package09:12
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david003hello. look here: http://img507.imageshack.us/img507/564/schermatacomputeresploreh0.png  how do i add a shortcut to another folder in this screen?09:12
stinkyfootdoes anyone use latex in here?09:12
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soundraystinkyfoot: yeah09:12
erUSULstinkyfoot: through lyx mainly09:12
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Picijeb: Usually I use chroot to run bash then use my commands from there.09:13
reversebladeEnselic: is there any possibility if I leave my computers for a few hours and the disk cools down ?09:13
stinkyfootdo you guys use tetex?09:13
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stinkyfootas the base?09:13
jebPici: it's used by debootstrap09:13
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stinkyfootsoundray erusul do you guys use tetex?09:13
david003so anyone?09:13
jebI looked through the script but don't get where i could change anything09:13
soundraystinkyfoot: I wrote my thesis using tetex, but switched to texlive halfway09:13
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Picijeb: You're on Ubuntu?09:13
jebgentoo live-cd09:13
soundrayreverseblade: it's not a hardware problem, I bet09:13
menfirhi all09:13
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jebubuntu's to lang to boot09:13
Enselicreverseblade: there is hope I'd say09:14
stinkyfootsoundray i'm trying to use texmaker with tetex09:14
jebextremly slow cd-rom drive09:14
ikoniajeb: do you want help with ubuntu or gentoo ?09:14
stinkyfootand apparently at default texmaker isn't configured correctly09:14
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jebhelp on installing ubuntu09:14
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reversebladesoundray: how it is not an hardware problem I am on live cd09:14
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stinkyfootand i have no idea how to configure it09:14
ikoniajeb so whats the problem ?09:14
reversebladesoundray: and I can't do a fresh install09:14
jebthe target system has a gentoo system bootet09:14
stinkyfootie where to point the commands to09:14
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Picijeb: It sounds like its a Gentoo problem right now.09:14
soundrayreverseblade: what stops you from doing a fresh install?09:14
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ZhazAny tips on how to get 5.1 DD sound to work??09:15
ikoniajeb: what's the problem with the install09:15
cliechtijeb: well the debootsrap method should work, but if youre looking for alternatives, there is also a net install09:15
jebproblem is that neither the graphical nor the text-mode installer work09:15
jebor they hang09:15
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reversebladesoundray: in the wizard it stucks at starting paritioner "scanning disks"09:15
soundraystinkyfoot: just remove all of texmaker you can find without too much trouble. Then install texlive09:15
reversebladesoundray: at 46%09:15
ikoniajeb define not work09:15
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stinkyfootsoundray on top of tetex?09:15
soundrayreverseblade: how much RAM do you have?09:15
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jebit hangs around a half hour at the same point09:16
ShapeshifterI really need help. It seems like I nuked my user config for some reason. I can't sudo, my sound doesn't work and I'm missing entries in the menus. Is there any way to revert everything? I wanted to add myself to the virtualbox group and the problem might be connected to that or to the virtualbox installation itself. I can boot into recovery mode, but I don't know what to do09:16
soundraystinkyfoot: no, it'll automatically replace tetex09:16
erUSULstinkyfoot: installing some new template my tetex got replaced by texlive. i didn't noticed nothing extrange so far (i'm not a heavy user anyway)09:16
ikoniajeb what point09:16
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reversebladesoundray: 2 GB09:16
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stinkyfootahh apparently i don't even have tetex installed09:16
jebgraphical installer: loading partition programm09:16
jebtext-mode: loading chipset support09:16
ShapeshifterIf I sudo it asks for the pw the first time but it doesn't execute any commands09:16
menfirhi all,09:16
ikoniajeb: what chipset do you have ?09:16
usr13Shapeshifter: How didyou nuke your user?09:16
jebmini-install: also loading modules09:16
stinkyfootno wonder it wasn't working09:16
Shapeshifterusr13: my user account09:17
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!09:17
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ZhazNo clues?09:17
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usr13Shapeshifter: If sudo asks for the pw then sudo is working apparently.09:17
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jebdon't know what it is, it's the laptop of a friend of mine09:17
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usr13What commands are not working for you?09:17
ikoniajeb: can't help then09:17
soundrayreverseblade: can you restart the Desktop CD, then open a terminal and run 'tail -f /var/log/syslog', then start the installer again and see if it logs any useful errors at the critical point09:17
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reversebladeEnselic: soundray dmesg gives me full of :[ 1778.448000]  ext3_orphan_cleanup: truncating inode 5473845 to 0 bytes09:17
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menfiri get this error when trying to install ubuntu 7.04  "/bin/sh: can"t access tty: job control turned off"  any1 that can help, im a total noob with linux09:18
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soundrayreverseblade: have you tried e2fsck?09:18
Enselicreverseblade: good, that means it's not so serous after all09:18
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Shapeshifterusr13: Ok but after asking for the pw it accepts it but it doesn't do anything more than that. I can only run commands as myself but I can't sudo anything, it just skips to a new line without any output09:18
usr13Shapeshifter: How many user accounts to you have on this machine?09:18
stinkyfootsoundray what was your thesis in?09:18
soundraystinkyfoot: medical image analysis09:18
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Shapeshifterusr13: Only myself09:18
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reversebladesoundray: I don't know what it is09:19
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usr13Shapeshifter: What commands are not working for you?09:19
reversebladeEnselic: soundray what to do ?09:19
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stinkyfootsoundray what kind of analysis? analytical, graphical, mathematical?09:19
usr13Shapeshifter: sudo ls09:19
soundrayreverseblade: 'sudo e2fsck -y /dev/sda1' (assuming that /dev/sda1 is your root partition)09:19
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Shapeshifterusr13: Any. I tried "sudo apt-get update" or just "sudo gedit" or anything. nothing works, it just skips to a new line.09:19
usr13Shapeshifter:  does sudo ls   work?09:19
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soundraystinkyfoot: anatomical segmentation of brain MR images09:20
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Shapeshifterusr13: no, it just skips to the next line.09:20
reversebladesoundray: e2fsck 1.40-WIP (14-Nov-2006)09:20
reversebladee2fsck: Device or resource busy while trying to open /dev/sda109:20
reversebladeFilesystem mounted or opened exclusively by another program?09:20
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soundrayreverseblade: yeah, you should umount it first09:20
riotkittieugh. :|09:20
ZhazAnyone got an idea why I cant get DD5.1 to work?09:20
usr13Shapeshifter: are  you in a tty or a gui terminal?09:20
riotkittiebmpx is so... bulky :|09:21
reversebladesoundray: sudo umount /dev/sda109:21
reversebladeumount: /dev/sda1: not mounted09:21
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Shapeshifterusr13: gui terminal. I'll just try it from a tty. Btw my administration menu shrinked massivly and I lost a few entries in preferences09:21
reversebladesoundray: but still getting the same error09:21
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soundrayreverseblade: is /dev/sda1 really your root device?09:21
usr13Shapeshifter: Yes, try a tty console09:21
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blue42hey guys, I have a weird problem.  Using 2.6.19 custom kernel, forcedeth 0.57 ethernet driver, everything works great, but ethtool & dmesg do not report link speed, in fact ethtool says it cannot find any info on eth009:22
eg_linuxhiiiiiii alllllllll ubuntian09:22
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ZhazAnyone got an idea why I cant get DD5.1 to work? Have an ALC882 card09:22
reversebladesoundray: I think so , not 100% sure09:22
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Shapeshifterusr13: I just used a tty and it does just the same thing. I think it has something to do with cababilities or what I'm allowed to do, thats why I miss so many administration entries and can't sudo09:22
usr13Shapeshifter: Is there some sort of event that immediately preceeded this behaviour, (like installing or uninstalling software ,etc.)?09:22
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reversebladesoundray: partitioner still running sorry09:22
eg_linuxi want help about Reinstalling greb after installing windows09:22
reversebladesoundray: wait09:23
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eg_linuxanybody hete ?09:23
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usr13Shapeshifter: sudo su -09:23
usr13what does that do? ^09:23
panosruhi, i have downloaded firefox 32 and install but mplayer does not work please can someone help me with this issue?09:23
Shapeshifterusr13: Yes, I installed virtualbox and I "tried" adding myself to the virtualbox group with "sudo usermod -G virtualbox shapeshifter09:23
soundray!grub > eg_linux, please read the private message from ubotu09:23
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soundrayusr13: sudo -i (sudo su and friends cause lots of confusion)09:24
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PKdoRI get an error when reloading the repos09:24
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Shapeshifterusr13: anything "sudo ..." does nothing, just a new line. that includes sudo su -09:24
reversebladesoundray: I closed the partitioner still the same busy error09:24
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uguestu> Hi again guys. Came here earlier about my sound not working today, was working when I first installed ubuntu back 3/4 days ago. I checked the links I was given by a helper here bt none really solved it. I did one command that showed that I have a active soundcard at the moment. All volumes are up/ Mutes are all OF.. Any other suggestions before I throw it out the window?09:25
erUSULmenfir: read here they offer a solution that may help you (hal8000 post) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=42158809:25
soundrayreverseblade: run 'sudo fdisk -l'  and see if you recognize the partition where you originally installed.09:25
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eg_linuxsoundray: thanks too much09:25
usr13Shapeshifter: sudo $PATH09:25
arnathis it possible that after installing linux, i have to manually install grub?09:25
reversebladesoundray: I tried for sda2 and sda309:25
arnathbecause i just installed ubuntu on my drive, but it simply won't boot up09:25
soundrayreverseblade: tried what?09:25
reversebladesoundray: for sda2 :  I got this :e2fsck: Attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read while trying to open /dev/sda209:25
reversebladeCould this be a zero-length partition?09:25
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silokoarnath: what happens?09:26
riotkittiearnath: are you getting an error? if so, can you elaborate on it?09:26
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erUSULarnath: o_O!? and you get any error msg?09:26
reversebladesoundray: running what you said for sda2 and sda309:26
arnathno error, it lists PCI devices, then stops09:26
soundrayreverseblade: DON'T PLEASE09:26
Shapeshifterusr13: Nothing. "sudo $PATH" doesn't do anything, just a new line. the same goes for "sudo asdf1234" or _anything_ "sudo ..."09:26
arnathif (in bios) i say to boot from cdrom, it will try that, then stop09:26
usr13Shapeshifter: Interesting situation....09:26
arnath(unless theres actually a cd in it, in which case, it will boot correctly from cd)09:26
silokoarnath: you can't boot from a livecd either?09:26
Shapeshifterusr13: indeed. How should my /etc/group / passwd files look like?09:26
soundrayreverseblade: like I said, you should really be sure about which device you are going to treat with these powerful tools. Especially if your interest is to rescue the data!09:26
arnathalso note that i installed linux using the "alternate" cd09:26
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silokoarnath: ahh ok . . .09:27
reversebladesoundray: uhh already done09:27
arnathsiloko: because i have a geforce 8600gts, which apparantly has problems with the normal cd09:27
riotkittiearnath: i had issues with the GRUB install when  i used the 7.04 alt CD09:27
soundrayarnath: if something went wrong at the grub stage, use the RecoveringUbuntu... instructions from the private message that's coming...09:27
soundray!grub > arnath09:27
usr13Shapeshifter: not going to be able to tell without admin priviledges.  You could boot to recovery-mode kernel and poke around some.09:27
gnuskooluguestu: whats the prob?09:27
erUSULarnath:  lists PCI devices <<< the bios? or linux? if it is linux then grub is doing its job09:27
Shapeshifterusr13: the last line in /etc/group looks like this: "shapeshifter:x:1000:"09:27
reversebladesoundray: I tried sudo cfdisk /dev/sda and I see two devices there sda1 and sda509:27
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arnatherUSUL: bios09:27
fondor1uguestu: Doesn't seem like anyone here can help you.  Any idea as to what you changed when it stopped working?  Updates, perhaps?09:27
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soundrayreverseblade: which one is your root?09:28
erUSUL!grub | arnath09:28
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ubotuarnath: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto09:28
Shapeshifterusr13: well I can "look" at them at least ;) maybe u find something and I'll try altering it afterwards09:28
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gnuskooluguestu: whats the prob?09:28
erUSULarnath: try some of the methods on how to recover grub after installing windows page09:28
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arnathwill do09:28
usr13Shapeshifter: What kind of prompt to you have?    $   or  #09:28
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uguestugnuskool- no sound. was working fine a few days back.09:28
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Shapeshifterusr13: shapeshiftter@Laptop:~$09:29
reversebladesoundray: sda1 Boot primary linux ext3 115000 mb09:29
gnuskoolin alsamixer is there gren or grey on your sound, it should be green09:29
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usr13Shapeshifter: You could paste the /etc/group file to pastebin.org and let me see what it looks like.09:29
riotkittieuguestu: stupid question but you're sure your speakers are on, that the volume's not on mute?09:29
Shapeshifterusr13: I'll do that, thx09:29
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uguesturiotkittie- im on a laptop so theyre always on. and the speakers arnt mute :|09:29
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soundrayreverseblade: exit cfdisk please. What do you get from a 'mount | grep sda1'?09:29
reversebladesoundray: no output09:30
dmitry_i am trying to install xchat 2.6.8 on feisty fawn, but the package returned an error, "dependency is not satisfiable: libdbus-1-2". how could i get around that?09:30
Shapeshifterusr13: http://paste.uni.cc/1729609:30
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soundrayreverseblade: good. Now do a 'sudo e2fsck -y /dev/sda1'09:30
soundrayreverseblade: drop the sudo if you're in a root shell already09:31
erUSULdmitry_: afaik you get that version of xchat just enabling backports09:31
genii!info libdbus09:31
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reversebladesoundray: e2fsck 1.40-WIP (14-Nov-2006)09:31
reversebladee2fsck: Device or resource busy while trying to open /dev/sda109:31
reversebladeFilesystem mounted or opened exclusively by another program?09:31
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ubotuPackage libdbus does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas09:31
gnuskooluguestu: type in term, aplay -l09:31
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dmitry_erUSUL, could you elaborate?09:31
soundrayreverseblade: and you haven't got ubiquity or gparted running now?09:31
erUSULdmitry_: i lied it is 2.8.4 in backports09:31
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reversebladesoundray: the only thing running is live cd and xchat09:32
soundrayreverseblade: 'ps aux | grep ubiquity ; ps aux | grep parted'09:32
erUSULdmitry_: if you have the feisty-backports repository enabled you get xchat 2.8.409:32
Shapeshifterusr13: http://paste.uni.cc/1729709:32
soundrayreverseblade: please run these checks ^^09:32
reversebladesoundray: head on ! I think they are still running. I am gonna kill them09:32
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Shapeshifterusr13: that's my passwd file.09:32
soundrayreverseblade: either that, or boot afresh09:32
dmitry_erUSUL, are they enabled by default?09:32
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umop-apisdnanyone familiar with ssh? i wanna use putty to talk to my ubuntu server (6.06 LTS), but it's not accepting connections :P09:32
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soundrayumop-apisdn: have you installed it? 'sudo apt-get install ssh'09:33
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gnuskooluguestu: type in term, aplay -l09:33
cliechtiumop-apisdn: over the internet? gateway/rounter in between?09:33
suloHow do I change keymap in gdm?09:33
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umop-apisdnsoundray: yes, it's installed.09:33
erUSULdmitry_: no, i get them using source-o-matic to generate a sources.lst09:33
uguestugnuskool- card 0: Intel [HDA Intel] , device 0: ALC260 Analog [ALC260 Analog] 09:33
uguestu  Subdevices: 1/109:33
uguestu  Subdevice #0: subdevice #009:33
soundrayumop-apisdn: is it running?09:33
umop-apisdncliechti: no, local area network09:33
umop-apisdnsoundray: iono... how do i tell?09:34
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erUSULdmitry_: add a line like this to your /etc/apt/sources.list  >> deb http://es.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu feisty-backports main restricted universe multiverse <<09:34
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soundrayumop-apisdn: 'ps aux | grep sshd'09:34
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umop-apisdn<-- stupid linux newb. windows tech. nuf sed.09:34
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reversebladesoundray:  can't kill parted_devices09:34
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uguestugnuskool- :)09:34
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Mahdyhiya guys09:35
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usr13Shapeshifter: What is your user ID on that machine?09:35
dmitry_erUSUL, done. next step?09:35
soundrayreverseblade: okay, I think it's time to reboot. Now, I want to suggest that instead of going straight back into the Desktop CD, you try something else.09:35
gnuskool_Mahdy: hi09:35
umop-apisdnsoundray: looks like that's a no. the only listing i get in response is the grep command itself ;)09:35
gnuskool_uguestu: type in term, aplay -l09:35
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reversebladesoundray: what is it ?09:35
uguestui typed that gnuskool and pasted too you09:35
uguestuook up a bit.09:35
Shapeshifterusr13: by user ID I guess the username is meant? It's "shapeshifter". or is the ID something different?09:35
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usr13Shapeshifter: It appears that your user name has been removed from the various groups it needs to be in.09:35
erUSULdmitry_: well instead of http://es.archive... you should have used your country code (es: --> Spain)09:35
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erUSULdmitry_: where are you from?09:36
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usr13Shapeshifter: No, that's probably it.09:36
Shapeshifterusr13: Ok. what do I need to fill in where?09:36
soundrayreverseblade: boot to grub, and edit the kernel line (hit 'e'). Remove 'quiet splash', then continue booting. When it stops, give it some time (15 minutes, since your partition is huge). Only then conclude that something is really  wrong.09:36
dmitry_erUSUL: located in england.09:36
usr13Shapeshifter: Just a sec09:36
dmitry_erUSUL: would it be uk?09:36
soundrayumop-apisdn: 'sudo invoke-rc.d ssh start'09:36
erUSULdmitry_: instead of es on that line you should use uk09:36
gnuskool_uguestu: i lost connection, repaste it09:36
shearn89dmitry_: gb09:36
erUSULdmitry_: yes09:36
reversebladesoundray: okay gotcha. Will you be here in 20 min ?09:37
dmitry_shearn89: uk or gb?09:37
shearn89dmitry_: gb - all my repos say gb not uk.09:37
xerophyte4how can i manually transfer zones from master dns server ?09:37
uguestuok gnuskool09:37
soundrayreverseblade: okay, I'll wait09:37
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uguestuubuntu@ubuntu-laptop:~$ aplay -l09:37
uguestu**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****09:37
uguestucard 0: Intel [HDA Intel] , device 0: ALC260 Analog [ALC260 Analog] 09:37
uguestu  Subdevices: 1/109:37
uguestu  Subdevice #0: subdevice #009:37
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reversebladesoundray: I also have noapic option and some other options like irqpoll but I think they are redundant , thanks09:37
dmitry_erUSUL: gb or uk? :P09:37
soundrayreverseblade: plenty of opportunity to help people here tonight...09:37
usr13Shapeshifter: your username should be at the end of that 5th line.09:38
umop-apisdnsoundray: uhm... 'unknown initscript, /etc/init.d/ssh not found09:38
Pat__hello I just installed 7.10 beta and I am unable to install the nvidia restricted driver!09:38
erUSULdmitry_: if shearn89 says it's gb i trust him ;)09:38
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shearn89erUSUL: cheers....!09:38
geniixerophyte4: Did you look at contents of /etc/named ?09:38
Shapeshifterusr13: at the end of "adm:x:4:" ?09:38
dmitry_erUSUL: as do i; changed to gb. what now?09:38
arnathhmm i installed grub and it is booting now, but i get "error 22: no such partition"09:38
thehollowwithinhow do i burn .daa files?09:38
gnuskool_uguestu: type this now, lspci -v, is your soundcard listed there?09:38
soundrayumop-apisdn: you may have installed the client, but you haven't installed the server. 'sudo apt-get install ssh'09:38
xerophyte4genii, ?? what am i looking for09:38
usr13Shapeshifter: and probably several other places too, but that might give you admin privildges again.  Yes at end of adm09:38
erUSULdmitry_: just 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade'09:38
Pat__any help /tips ?09:39
Pat__so I know if I am doing somethign wrong or should file a bug report ?09:39
Pat__after I launch the restricted-driver-manager09:39
Pat__I select the driver ... but nothing happens09:39
nuso2fhello, who uses qemu?09:39
Shapeshifterusr13: yes I'll write that stuff down and then change into recovery mode09:39
umop-apisdnsoundray: oh. i just realized where i was actually at in the installation process, duh. nevermind, i have to fix my networking so i can apt-get :P09:39
uguestuyes gnuskool :09:39
uguestu00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 03)09:39
thehollowwithinhow do i burn .daa files?09:39
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dmitry_erUSUL: thanks; doing.09:39
ubotuFor fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto09:39
geniixerophyte4: Thats usually where all your zone info, master or otherwise is specified09:39
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usr13Shapeshifter: I'm wondering how this happened in the first place here... but09:39
shearn89!patience | thehollowwithin09:39
ubotuthehollowwithin: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines09:39
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umop-apisdnsoundray: i thought for sure i had run the 'apt-get install ssh' yesterday... now i recall what it did09:39
arnathsoundray: i installed grub and it is booting now, but i get "error 22: no such partition"09:40
thehollowwithinhow do i burn .daa files? they are a type of iso09:40
gnuskool_uguestu: follow the link from ubotu09:40
Shapeshifterusr13: I guess I mistyped the command where I wanted to add myself to the vritualbox group. or something like that. so after adm should bring back sudo so I can do other stuff too?09:40
usr13Shapeshifter: The line that says audio  that one too09:40
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erUSULarnath: are you sure you configured the correct root partition for grub?09:40
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soundrayarnath: yuck, something else went wrong with your installation. Would it be terrible to start over?09:40
arnatherUSUL: i used the find thing09:40
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gnuskool_uguestu: did you do any updates?09:40
arnathsoundray: you mean my grub installation or the linux one?09:40
usr13Shapeshifter: YOu would have to log out and back in again before changes would take effect.09:41
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soundrayarnath: ubuntu09:41
uguestuupdates for what gnuskool ?09:41
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erUSULarnath: ok09:41
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arnathsoundray: well it would be rather nasty, but if it must be done...09:41
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soundrayarnath: why, you haven't got data on it yet, have you?09:41
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arnathsoundray: what did i do wrong the last time? because simply repeating my steps will probably lead to the same outcome09:41
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usr13Shapeshifter: Well, my last comment is irrelevent, since you will have to boot to recovery kernel to do this, but just FYI on the issue.09:42
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arnathsoundray: i spent a while putting together the hardware and backing up existing data, then coming to the painful conclusion that the normal live cd doesnt work (and extensive searches on 8600gts inability to work in ubuntu properly)09:42
jim1212why dont my msn connect for?09:42
gnuskool_uguestu:updates for linux, that update certain parts of the OS, that may cause other parts not to suddenly work09:42
arnathsoundray: so i'm a bit beat at the moment :p09:42
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Shapeshifterusr13: ok I'll do that. any other groups maybe besides adm and audio? video maybe? ;)09:42
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uguestui have done a fare bit of updates over the last few days gnuskool09:42
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dmitry_erUSUL: my bandwidth :(09:42
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gnuskool_uguestu:read and follow the link from ubotu09:43
soundrayarnath: I don't know what you did wrong of course, but it's happened to me that I succeeded on a second or third attempt, without knowing exactly what made the difference.09:43
uguestuOk gnuskool09:43
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fondor1thehollowwithin: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/how-do-i-open-daa-direct-access-archive-files-under-linux-or-unix-oses/09:43
soundrayarnath: now I know that's not a principled approach, but if it's about getting things running, I don't mind being a bit un-principled.09:43
wibhey, in 2 weeks ubuntu 7.10 will come out. how easy will it be to upgrade? will everything run as it does now? how about compiz fusion, codecs, settings, all that stuff?09:43
PKdoRhey is winrar or 7z available for ubuntu?09:43
arnathsoundray: btw, the setup is -> one sata drive with an old version of windows on it (old = from another computer, i just imported the harddrive), one sata drive with linux on it09:43
arnathsoundray: could the windows drive be causing me problems?09:43
Shapeshifterusr13: or gdm... anyway I'll just fix adm and audio for now. brb Thank you VERY much!09:43
soundrayarnath: no, I doubt that very much09:44
shearn89wib: very easy - the update manager will automatically find the update if you have an internet connection.09:44
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usr13Shapeshifter: admin plugdvd cdrom  several places you should be.09:44
arnathsoundray: then i shall repeat my steps and hopefully i will be more successful09:44
jallenmy problem - usb jump drive detected but not mounted on insertion after previous use and ejection.  Have always had to reboot but would like to know how to fix this w/o reboot.  Anyone?09:44
soundrayarnath: do you know which the bios treats as first and which as second?09:44
kkathmanwib:  however, some things might need tweaking after the upgrade, they always do :)09:44
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arnathsoundray: btw, my partition table is this: 10 gig for /, []  gig for /home, 2 gig for swap and bootable on the / partition09:44
soundrayarnath: all on the second drive?09:45
arnathsoundray: for booting or in general?09:45
usr13Go for it.  I'm pretty sure that's all that's wrong. But don't know for sure.  Havent' seen this issue before.  COme back, let us know09:45
arnathsoundray: yes09:45
wibshearn89: sounds nice, kkathman, alright, the hassle is half the fun!09:45
uguestugnuskool- i aint got no pvt from ubotu et09:45
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shearn89wib: kkathman is right - also some 3rd party stuff may need tweaking/reinstalling/upgrading...09:45
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soundrayarnath: if it swaps between booting and Linux taking over, that might explain the problem.09:45
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kkathmanwib sure - i've upgraded every time since warty, and for the most part everything does pretty good.09:46
djm62is there an easy way to share my wired connection through wifi on my laptop for when I have friends visiting?09:46
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arnathsoundray: ah, in the original lineup, the windows drive was first to be booted, but i changed this explicitly in the bios09:46
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shearn89djm62: you'd need a wireless router.09:46
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desperwifi radar?09:47
shearn89djm62: i don't think they'd be able to connect to your laptop and then to the net.09:47
djm62:-( it's just two network cards09:47
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shearn89djm62: how come?09:47
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sidI only have one hard disk on my desktop, how can I do a file system check?09:47
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sidI shouldn't do it while the file system is mounted right?09:47
soundrayarnath: to increase your probability of succeeding, you could remove the Windows hard disk.09:47
uguestuwheres the pvt?09:47
shearn89sid: don't know, but if thats the case, try the livecd.09:48
arnathsoundray: ok, i will try that09:48
despermisread the problem sorry09:48
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arnathsoundray: haha, its fixed09:48
soundrayarnath: ?09:48
arnathsoundray: what you suggested about it switching between grub and actual booting09:48
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arnathsoundray: i switched the internal harddisk boot lineup and now it works09:48
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djm62my internet connection is fiddly, my friends use windows XP and I have no idea how to make it work with it.  Macs can apparently do this, which makes it seem bizarre that ubuntu can't.  I did this in uni with wired:wired, but have long since forgotten how09:48
soundrayarnath: whew09:48
sidshearn89: I have no floppy or disc drives.09:48
arnathsoundray: thanks a lot, it wouldn't have occurred to me in a million years09:49
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shearn89sid: how did you install?09:49
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arnathsoundray: now i just have to fix my nvidia drivers so my x doesnt go blank on boot and im set! :)09:49
sidshearn89: dd'd an image from another machine to the hard disk09:49
rhalff:-o I can ask support questions in #ubuntu now09:49
soundrayarnath: good luck09:49
arnathsoundray: thx :)09:49
Shapeshifterusr13: no success :( I added myself to adm, cdrom, sudo, audio and plugdev09:49
rhalffwhat happend with ubuntu-support09:49
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Flare183When I launch beryl I get a white screen, how do I fix this?09:49
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soundray!hi | Soskel09:50
ubotuSoskel: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!09:50
shearn89sid: ah. hmmm. maybe mount the whole drive as a network share and check it on another computer?09:50
gnuskool_uguestu:what do you mean by pvt?09:50
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arnathsoundray: should i use "recovery mode" to install the nvidia drivers?09:50
shearn89Flare183: i think the beryl users call that WSD... there's a beryl support channel somewhere... hang on.09:50
Shapeshifterusr13: everything is still the same.09:50
soundrayarnath: do you have no X at all at present?09:51
Flare183shearn:> ok09:51
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usr13Shapeshifter: look at the file again. (be sure you saved changes)09:51
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arnathsoundray: indeed, no X at all, the screen goes blank once ubuntu is done loading09:51
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uguestugnuskool_ you said i should get a message off of ubtu09:51
jallenAnyone???  my problem - usb jump drive detected but not mounted on insertion after previous use and ejection.  Have always had to reboot but would like to know how to fix this w/o reboot.  Anyone?09:51
soundrayarnath: do you know what driver is currently active?09:51
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usr13Shapeshifter: Past it again. let me see.09:51
menfirtrying to install ubuntu but livecd can't start x server: error is "no screens found" im on a laptop any suggestions?09:51
arnathsoundray: hmm, not sure how i figure that one out09:51
menfirim a noob btw09:52
Shapeshifterusr13: yes I did check. I'll paste again...09:52
usr13Shapeshifter: You didn't leave any spaces?09:52
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soundrayarnath: what's happening right now?09:52
gnuskool_uguestu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto09:52
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usr13Shapeshifter: This file is named group  Right?   e.g. /etc/group09:53
cliechtimenfir: newer model with ATI card?09:53
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arnathsoundray: im booting again, hoping a ctrl+alt+backspace will kill my x and give me command line09:53
Shapeshifterusr13: http://paste.uni.cc/17298 yes, it's /etc/group09:53
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menfirlaptop with nvidia geforce 8600gs09:53
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soundrayarnath: it probably won't. Try Ctrl-Alt-F2 to get a console.09:53
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arnathsoundray: last time i tried to install the drivers, i had to kill the X, otherwise it wouldnt install09:54
gnuskool_uguestu: try this quickly, in term type sudo modprobe snd-   but dont press enter press TAB till you see the module for your card09:54
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usr13Shapeshifter: You should not have added yourself to sudo09:54
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arnathsoundray: also, quick question, how can i get the drivers off the official nvidia site in the command line?09:54
uguestugnuskool_- Display all 150 posibilities?09:54
Shapeshifterusr13: I thought of just creating a new user (which would get all the standart privileges) Ok does it harm? I'll remove it later09:54
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carl0s-I'm testing the latest Gutsy beta on my Thinkpad T43p, and the screen is set to "Dim when idle", the only problem is that moving the mouse (i.e. becoming un-idle) doesn't undim the screen. I have to use the function keys on the laptop. Also, the brightness on-screen display slider bar doesn't move as it should. It just flickers and stays at the minimum, although it does actually alter the brightness. Are these known bugs?09:55
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jallenone last try... my problem - usb jump drive detected but not mounted on insertion after previous use and ejection.  Have always had to reboot but would like to know how to fix this w/o reboot.  Anyone?09:55
soundrayarnath: I don't know -- I would stick to the ubuntu packages if at all possible09:55
soundraycarl0s-: please ask in #ubuntu+109:55
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arnathsoundray: ive been looking at this particular problem for a while now, and the packages are not sufficient09:55
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arnathsoundray: or so i've read over and over again09:55
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carl0s-soundray: thanks09:56
cliechtimenfir: maybe same prob with nvidia. some of the newer gfx cards are not supported by the kernel driver but need the proprietary driver09:56
shearn89Flare183: didn't find it in the channel search button - just checking the forums. i know i've seen the link somewhere....09:56
usr13Shapeshifter: ls /home09:56
usr13show me  ^^09:56
arnathsoundray: what i could do, is activate the ummm, default drivers, something starting with a "v", this should work enough to allow me to open X09:56
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arnathsoundray: but i'm not sur ehow to change it and i forgot the name :D09:57
soundrayarnath: I see. Did you find anything about vesa mode not working on your card?09:57
arnathsoundray: o ye vesa, thats it09:57
arnathsoundray: i believe that should work, but i dont know how to activate it09:57
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Flare183shearn89:> ok take your time09:57
soundrayarnath: exactly, let's try to get that going.09:57
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usr13Shapeshifter: and what user do you see in output of    who09:57
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shearn89Flare183: ahah! #ubuntu-effects. So simple when you think about it :-) !09:57
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shearn89Flare183: hopefully they can help you.09:58
Flare183shearn89:> ok thanks09:58
Shapeshifterusr13: shapeshifter@ShapeshifterUlap:~$ ls /home .......next line ......shapeshifter (copy pasted ;) )09:58
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Evanlecpossible to bring up multiple ssh sessions with my ubuntu box?09:58
Shapeshifterdammit sorry :|09:58
soundrayEvanlec: client or server sessions09:58
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gnuskool_uguestu: we trying to find out the name of the module for your sound card, then we add whatever that name is to the end of the command "sudo modprobe snd-" the goal is to put in sudo modprob snd-al260 or whatever the card is09:58
Evanlecsoundray: im on putty right now connected to my ubuntu box09:58
gustavoHi. A dump question... How do I select GDM as the default display manager? The current one is KDM09:58
shearn89Evanlec: clients yes - i think you just open two terminal windows?09:58
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shearn89i could be wrong.09:59
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Shapeshifterusr13: who = http://paste.uni.cc/1729909:59
arnathsoundray: if i open xorg.conf and change (in section "Device") the driver from "nv" to "vesa", would that do it?09:59
Evanlecshearn89: how to do that with putty on windows?09:59
usr13Shapeshifter: I need to see the output of ls /home09:59
uguestui'm not sure what my card is gnuskool_09:59
Shapeshifterthe output of ls /home is: shapeshifter09:59
shearn89Evanlec: i'm not familiar with putty, but can you just run it twice? giving you two separate processes?09:59
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Evanlecshearn89: tahts what i was thinking, but was wondering if there was a more 'elegant' way09:59
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shearn89Evanlec: on 'nix there's a terminal emulator called Screen.10:00
gnuskool_uguestu: type in sudo modprobe snd- then press TAb, read through the file , you'll recognise it when you see it10:00
Evanlecshearn89: cant i just launch a new tty thru my existing session?10:00
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shearn89Evanlec: i guess that would work - i don't know huge amounts about windows terminals....10:00
soundrayarnath: yes, try that.10:00
arnathsoundray: its working10:01
soundrayarnath: sry, phone, away for a while10:01
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arnathsoundray: ok10:01
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soundray!nvidia | arnath10:01
ubotuarnath: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:01
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dmitry_erUSUL, are you here?10:01
uguestugnuskool_- I have no idea. I know that it's Intel I think10:01
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Evanlecsoundray: how do i launch a new terminal in my current ssh session (using putty)10:01
gnuskool_uguestu: ill have a search online, hang on10:02
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soundray!screen | Evanlec10:02
ubotuEvanlec: screen is a terminal multiplexer. See http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/3/9/16838/14935 and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Screen10:02
uguestuok gnuskool_10:02
kisthow to disable ctrl-3 = escape bind on bash terminal?10:02
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shearn89soundray: he's on windows though...10:02
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shearn89Evanlec: ?10:03
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suloCould anybody please tell me how to change keymap in gdm... I'm going creeeazy10:03
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shearn89sulo: do you mean like us to uk?10:03
Evanleclol...im on widnows but im connected to my ubuntu box...10:03
Shapeshifterusr13: the output of ls /home is: shapeshifter , and who gives me http://paste.uni.cc/1729910:03
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gnuskool_uguestu: sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel10:03
shearn89Evanlec: then screen should do the trick. try "man screen" for more info. or install it.10:04
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Some_uxcan i prevent users from seeing directories ?10:04
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Evanlecshearn89: kk10:04
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ShapeshifterSome_ux: put a . (dot) in front of them ;)10:04
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Evanlechow do i escape to a terminal while im running irssi?10:04
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shearn89Evanlec: i think you have to disconnect.10:04
shearn89try "/ quit" without the space10:05
Some_uxShapershifter: i cant those are directories used by the system10:05
shearn89Some_ux: no, they're just hidden by default.10:05
federicomattesHi! I have sound on my Ubuntu 6.06LTS but when I try to open ALSAMIXER I get this message:  alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device10:05
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umop-apisdnstupid newbie tricks: i'm getting destination unreachable trying to ping an internet address. i can ping a lan address. internet is obviously functioning, as *this* machine is on irc. all addresses are numeric, so it's not dns. what gives?10:05
Evanlecshearn89: oh darn, k10:05
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umop-apisdnrafaelle: just the one?10:06
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ShapeshifterSome_ux: U can just create a directory with a name like .hiddenfolder they are not for system use only.10:06
djm62umop-apisdn: machine is down?10:06
Peloumop-apisdn, maybe the ppl in #networking might have an idea10:06
usr13Shapeshifter: That's the same link you sent before.10:06
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fujinumop-apisdn: the address is down?10:07
shearn89umop-apisdn: @rafaelle - rofl. @destination unreacable - can you ping your proxy/router?10:07
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federicomattesHi! I have sound on my Ubuntu 6.06LTS but when I try to open ALSAMIXER I get this message:  alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device10:07
umop-apisdndjm62: target (internet) machine in question is the one i'm typing on10:07
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umop-apisdnfujin: see my response to djm6210:07
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Shapeshifterusr13: uhm yes. that's the output of who10:07
fujinneed. more. details.10:07
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umop-apisdnshearn89: happy pings for local machines, router. not internet addresses10:08
kkmaslowski_hello, i updated to gutsy,I use compiz-fusion, but i chave only one desktop, how can i turn on more virtual desktops?10:08
shearn89umop-apisdn: hmm. Do you use a proxy?10:08
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umop-apisdnshearn89: no.10:09
federicomattesHi! I have sound on my Ubuntu 6.06LTS but when I try to open ALSAMIXER I get this message:  alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device   ANY IDEA???10:09
Pelokkmaslowski_,  #ubuntu-effects10:09
shearn89umop-apisdn: weird. can you ping any internet addresses?10:09
Shapeshifterusr13: or the wohle thing http://paste.uni.cc/1730010:10
umop-apisdnshearn89: "connect: Network is unreachable."10:10
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Pelofedericomattes, hard to say but if you have sound I would say don'T worry about it ,  if you want to you can check how many devices you have listed,  maybe you just ahve a double of one and it's not all thatgood or something , if you get my meanning10:10
usr13Shapeshifter: was looking for output of ls home  (you can put that here).10:10
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uguestuok gnuskool_10:10
uguestuwhat should i do now10:11
Shapeshifterusr13: yeah, maybe u missed it, i wrote 3 times that the output of ls /home is shapeshifter ;)10:11
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shearn89umop-apisdn: okay. but you can still view pages in firefox?10:11
Shapeshifterusr13: http://paste.uni.cc/1730210:11
Pelokkmaslowski_,  when you have compiz enable the "workspaces" are handled by the cube pluggin , which  defaults to one side,  so you need to change it ,  don'T ask me how ask in #ubuntu-effects10:11
gnuskool_uguestu: what was the outcome of that?10:12
shearn89kkmaslowski_: try ctrl-alt-right10:12
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shearn89kkmaslowski_: i think thats the default for switching workspaces.10:12
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J-_Is there a system restore function where I can restore my system back to how it was a few days ago?10:12
riotkittieJ-_: no :o10:12
Peloshearn89, read my comment to kkmaslowski_10:12
RoscarHi, I'm trying to install xmms2 and the package managers don't seem to think it exists. I went into system>adminstration>software sources and selected all the different sources (main to multiverse).10:12
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=== J-_ grumbles
shearn89Pelo: oh. yeah. what he said. (damn this lag...)10:13
J-_and goes back to what he was doing10:13
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kkmaslowski_shearn89 i think i have only 1 virtual desktop, because the ctrl+alt+left or right don't waor10:13
riotkittieRoscar: perhaps its not in the repos for the release you're using?10:13
gnuskool_federicomattes: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=15745410:13
shearn89kkmaslowski_: see Pelo's post. ignore me.10:13
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PeloRoscar, if xmms2 came after feisty it won't be in the repos,  versions only change with release, you only get updates during the course of one release10:13
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Roscarroitkittie: i'm using fiesty.10:14
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federicomattesPelo I would like to check if all devices are installed. But I don't know how, since I'm newbie. The sound worked perfect until yesterday when I was trying to install a Bluetooth headset for Skype.10:14
uguestugnuskool_- nothing. no outcome.10:14
Pelokkmaslowski_, the ppl in #ubuntu-effects can tell you how to install the config thingy so you can change it easily10:14
uguestuubuntu@ubuntu-laptop:~$ sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel10:14
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Pelofedericomattes, try doing it throught  the icon in the top panel10:14
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gnuskool_uguestu: any sound??10:15
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federicomattesPelo how? which icon?10:15
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PeloRoscar, xmms2 is not available in the feisty repos10:15
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uguestuNo gnuskool_10:16
riotkittie!info xmms2 feisty10:16
ubotuPackage xmms2 does not exist in feisty10:16
riotkittieoops. i am slow :\10:16
Pelofedericomattes,  the volume icon, right click, prefs,  top of the dialog10:16
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Pelofred just a guess10:16
uguestugnuskool_- When I go to open up a .mp3 in XMMS it says "Please check your soundcard is configured properly."10:17
Shapeshifterusr13: you don't have any other idea?10:17
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federicomattesPelo:  I have INTEL ICH6 (Alsa mixer) selected10:18
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ttyS1is it possible to run Mac OS X apps on Ubuntu ?10:18
Pelofedericomattes,  that was my only guess try this instead10:18
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Pelo!sound > federicomattes check for a private message windows with instructions from ubotu10:18
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federicomattesPelo thanks for your help10:18
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Pelowhat little there was of it10:19
Pelohello Ceriak10:19
uguestuttyS1- nothing's impossible :-)10:19
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CeriakI have a really annoying bug, I've done some googling, but I haven't found anything like that10:19
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PeloCeriak, dont, make us guess, tell us the problem10:20
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Shapeshifterusr13: if you're still there - i'll be back10:20
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uguestugnuskool_- it's not going to work?10:20
Pelothat sounded like a treath10:20
pierre_where to put speed setup for network wireless card (name file)10:21
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Ceriakso, if i click on an item in the bookmark menu, the contect menu of that item is coverd by teh context menu of the page10:21
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PeloCeriak,  in FF ? I get that too, not sure what it is , just click randomly and it goes away10:21
kurbaci1do you have freeze problems and huge files in /var/log ?10:22
kurbaci1any freeze problems with feisty 64bit?10:22
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PeloCeriak, mind you for me it's not all the time but only occasionnaly,  for some reasons my mouse'S click sensitiviity seems a bit off sometimes, I also occasionnaly can't click a OK button unless I move away from it and then come back10:22
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Pelokurbaci1, do you have anything  unusual running when this happens ?10:23
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about usb - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:23
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Pelokurbaci1, by unusual I mean sometihing not part of the default install10:23
CeriakPelo, I'm not sure, but maybe I have simmilar problems sometimes10:24
markelhas!linux pen10:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about linux pen - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:24
Pelomarkelhas, what do you need to know10:24
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markelhas!linux usb10:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about linux usb - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:24
markelhasPelo, how to install ubuntu in a usb pen drive10:24
Ceriakbut random click doesn't really solves the problem with context menus10:24
Pelo!install | markelhas10:24
ubotumarkelhas: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate10:24
sachacI'm trying to upgrade dapper to feisty in preparation for moving to gutsy, but update-manager -c can't guess the meta-package and wants me to install ubuntu-desktop, edubuntu-desktop, or kubuntu-desktop. As I don't want to install a gazillion things, would it be kosher to make an equivalent package using equivs and trick my system?10:24
PeloCeriak, when random doesn't work I click on copy, it's doesn'T do anything bad and clears the extra menu10:25
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gnuskool_uguestu: check in alsamixer if external amp is on, press m on it10:25
reversebladesoundray, hey thanks a lot10:25
uguestugnuskool_- how?10:25
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Redhammer_the_Olhi I have an odd problem that has gone totally persistent, I type both english and german messages so i like to switch between keyboards but the keyboard switcher just does not seem to work for me whenever I change the setting to german, all I can type a "third and fourth level" symbols such as: e    e which is supposed to read hello this is a test10:25
Pelosachac,  you can't upgrade from dapper to fiesty,   upgrade won't skip a version,  so dapper > edgy > feisty,   but I recommend you just wait for gutsy and make a clean install10:25
sachac(... I mean, dapper->edgy->feisty->... gutsy, of course.)10:25
gnuskool_uguestu: type alsamixer in term10:25
Redhammer_the_Olany help highly appreaciated I am at my wits end10:25
nickrudsachac: the real problem you have is the jumping over of edgy; ubuntu really only supports single release upgrades. On the equivs, you'll miss a lot of new functionality, depending10:26
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sachacPelo: Right. I guess that's the best, then. update-manager -c does offer to upgrade to 6.10 (edgy), but won't proceed without the meta package.10:26
uguestugnuskool_- ok got that up. where is external amp?10:26
reversebladesoundray, I understand the issue . It seems my laptops fan output is filled with some stuff. And this results in insufficient cooling. And it turned it self right at I am hibernating thus broked the file system. Rebooting and e2fsck fixed it10:26
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geniiRedhammer_the_Ol: Did you ask in #ubuntu-de  already?10:26
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sachacnickrud, Pelo: Thanks anyway!10:27
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Ceriakhm, thx, I will give it  atry. But it should be fixed, isn't it? Should I post a bug issue about it? But it seems so obvious that it must have been reported by someone... :unsure:10:27
gnuskool_uguestu: green means something is on, grey means off, so use arow keys till you se amp, press m when its highlighted10:27
Pelosachac,   I recommend you move your /home to a seperate partition that way you can clean intall without messing your  data and settings or bacingup10:27
Redhammer_the_Ol@ geni this is not a german issue it happens with some keyboard layouts its odd10:27
nickrudlol, you read my mind10:27
gnuskool_uguestu: make sure volumes are up etc10:27
uguestugnuskool_- no such "amp"10:27
uguestui dont see that10:27
PeloCeriak, i've never worried much about it so I can'T tell you ,  I never realy thought about it10:28
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uguestugnuskool_- i think it's drivers after that message in xmms10:28
uguestuto configure it properly10:28
Ceriakanyway, thank you for your advice10:28
jadamsso I'm getting 'Ignoring unknown interface ath0=ath0' when I sudo ifup ath010:28
jadamsjust trying to switch from madwifi (wasn't working) to ndiswrapper10:28
Ceriakgood night!10:28
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nickrudjadams: do you have an ath0 definition in /etc/network/interfaces?10:29
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mohammedHow to open rar in ubuntu10:30
aLeSDhi all10:30
aLeSDI have a problem reading a dvd10:30
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Pelomohammed, in the terminal   sudo apt-get install unrar   then  right lick the file > extract10:30
nickrud!rar | mohammed10:30
ubotumohammed: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free10:30
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=== nickrud kicks slow keyboard
=== Pelo thinks that some of the ubotu entries are just needlessly wordy
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gnuskool_uguestu: ok put this in term sudo apt-get --purge remove linux-sound-base alsa-base alsa-utils10:31
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jadamsnickrud, I don't...10:31
=== Pelo kicks slow nickrud
uguestudone gnuskool_10:31
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pierre_i want more speed to wireless card than 24mb10:32
kurbaci1my install is very non-standard, i use the 1.0-9631 nvidia proprietary drivers, i've read that unselecting the "sync to vblank" option might help10:32
gnuskool_sudo apt-get install linux-sound-base alsa-base alsa-utils10:32
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nickrudjadams: then you'll need to make one. I just recognize that error; I'm not even sure if you get an ath0 with ndiswrapper. You might want to look at !wifi for some guidance10:32
uguestuone sec10:32
mohammedthank you <ubotu>10:32
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:32
is_nullhello everybody, i got a copy of ubuntu PPC and a G4 iMac, any idea how i get to boot the cd please ?10:32
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pierre_thank ubotu10:33
whoniccahello, how do i add a user with gnome access to my system via command line?10:33
ubotuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)10:33
Pelois_null, I donT, use a mack I suggest you try checking in he forum , it's bound to be there  www.ubuntuforums.org10:33
geniiis_null: Hold down C key while booting10:33
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is_nullthanks genii10:33
Davy_Jonesmack 1010:33
uguestuok done gnuskool_10:33
Pelokurbaci1, I don'T allow private msg, please talk to me in the channel10:33
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gnuskool_uguestu: reboot, se you back here10:33
geniiis_null: np10:33
uguestuok gnuskool_10:33
uguestuone sec10:33
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nickrudjadams: but a standard entry would be something like  auto ath0[eth0|wlan0]   <newline> interface ath0[or so]   inet dhcp10:34
kurbaci1my install is very non-standard, i use the 1.0-9631 nvidia proprietary drivers, i've read that unselecting the "sync to vblank" option might help10:34
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Innomencan i install truecrypt and moutn an encrypted volume via livecd?10:34
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Pelokurbaci1, a bit over my head,  are you actualy having difficulties ?  you might try asking in ##linux a bit more leet , they might know10:35
uguestubrb gnuskool_10:35
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Poundowhere is GD I thought it bundled with php since 4. something but it's not showing up in phpInfo on my dapper install10:36
PeloInnomen, it no reboot is required yes,  check in synaptic (in the admin menu) then just use the regular mount command I guess of the encrypted one if here is a special one10:36
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jadamsnickrud, here's my file, same problem: http://pastie.caboo.se/10346710:36
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Innomenthe live cd is not seeing my wireless card, i have the install cd10:37
Innomenwhat do i do?10:37
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Innomenxp just scared the ^%&* out of me10:37
PeloInnomen, install cd of what ?  ubuntu ? or trucrypt ?10:37
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Innomenit shows my 300 gb encrypted drives as 128s with folders and everything, like it wiped out the headers10:38
nickrudjadams: combine the last two lines, iface ath0 inet dhcp ; but first, you might as well give NetworkManager a shot at it: remove all references to ath0 from that file, and see if you can connect by selecting a network from the applet10:38
Innomenbut live cd reports them as unallocated still, (as they should be)10:38
jadamsnickrud, none exist in the applet at present10:38
Gordon_BliffHey guys! do you how to set up quardruple loudspeakers up in ubuntu?10:38
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jadamsnickrud, combining the lines, same result10:38
Innomenif i can get to the net, download truecrypt, and via thier contents i will uninstall xp never to return10:38
nickrudjadams: then does iwconfig say you have a working wireless setup?10:38
PeloInnomen,   menu > system> admin > synaptic package manager :  search : crypt   see what is available10:39
Innomenthe install cd i have is for my wireless pci network card10:39
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jadamsnickrud, http://pastie.caboo.se/10346910:39
Innomeni will do that after i can see the net from that machine10:39
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slimzanyone know a good place to start on setting up a virtual os, i currently have virtualbox installed, but need to know what to do on the ubuntu end to give it open network access10:39
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Shapeshifterusr13: u still there?10:40
PeloInnomen, then try this,   boot windows, copy the drivers from the cd to a usb driver or someting,  boot bac the live cd and use the usb drive to  setup the wifi10:40
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MasterShrekslimz, my vms have network access by default, using qemu, but i think its the same as vbox10:40
PKdoRI just unstalled 7s Full from the repos but I cant start it10:40
Innomenlike run the cd installer via wine?10:40
PKdoRI mean 7z10:40
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nickrudjadams: well, you've about reached my wireless knowledge :) I use wifi-radar as a check on nm-applet, checking to see if I'm seeing any wireless. My wireless works, and I'm not rocking the boat by trying to learn it better10:41
PeloInnomen, run the card using  ndiswrapper10:41
MasterShrekPKdoR, you dont 'start' 7z, you use it when u unarchive a 7z file10:41
Pelo!wifi | Innomen read this10:41
ubotuInnomen read this: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:41
Innomenthank you10:41
Innomenwill do10:41
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brokensambotDoes anyone know the exact date 7.10 is being released?10:41
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Pelobrokensambot,  should be the 18th10:41
nickrudbrokensambot: scheduled for the 18th10:41
MasterShrekInnomen, what kind of wifi card is it?10:41
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=== nickrud walks away, a broken man
gnuskooljoin #remote-exploit10:42
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bliffleI solved my wireless problems by buying an "Airlink101": $30 at Frys10:42
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=== Pelo points nickrud in the dirrections of the "walk of shame"
soundrayreverseblade: well done, thanks for letting me know10:42
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Poundothere is no gd.so in my /usr/lib/php5/20051025 where my other .so's are10:42
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PKdoRso how do i open rar files with 7z then?10:43
tannerldwhats the best way to have a share a folder/drive with a macosx machine from ubuntu?10:43
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PKdoRits not opening them10:43
soundrayarnath: how are you getting on?10:43
=== nickrud walks back towards work, at least there he's appreciated ;-{
MasterShrekPKdoR, z7r --help in a terminal will give you uses10:43
PeloPKdoR,  sudo apt-get install unrar  then right click the file and extract10:43
gausiehey when i try to apt-get install php, it says couldn't find package php10:43
gausieand suggestions?10:43
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soundraynickrud: don't let it bring you down. Everybody loves you here :)10:43
=== Pelo kicks nickrud while he's down , helpless and unlikely to fight back
Disorganized_leave britney alone!10:44
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=== nickrud knows who his friends are :)
InnomenI'm sorry but thats too vauge, and according to this page "These instructions apply only when using the x86 Alternate CD."10:44
soundraynickrud: except Pelo apparently...10:44
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Innomenfor the wrapper10:44
PeloInnomen, they don'T10:44
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nickrudlol, nah, it's a ongoing competition for fastest fingers in the west (or north)10:45
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crispy-afkHow good is ubuntu at supporting weird inputs like IR devices?10:45
Innomenthe card is reported as a broadcom bcm430610:45
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Shapeshifterusr13: I created a new user and logged in, but everything is the same over there. Adding me to audio seemed to fix the sound but I can't sudo with eighter my own user account or with the second test account I created10:45
Innomendoes that mean it can use it?10:45
Pelocrispy-afk, I suggest you look up the device in the forum and in here  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport10:45
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Innomenthis install of ubuntu connected to my wireless during the install process it didnt need any configuration of any kind10:46
alcaponageCan anyone help me? My ubuntu won't shut off or "Alt Ctrl Backspace"10:46
alcaponageWhen I shut it down, my menus disappear and my background stays10:46
zeeblehi. was trying to install msttcorefonts.. but doesnt work, because the fonts are apparently not on sf.net anymore. get a 403 error.. now each time i try to install any other package, apt waants to install msttcorefonts.. i tried removing it, and also using dpkg, but none works.10:46
crispy-afkPelo will check it, but really doubt its listed there ;)10:46
arnathim using the nvidia drivers from the nvidia site (cause my 8600gts isnt supported by ubuntu yet), but i cant get my resolution right, its at 720x480 at this moment...10:46
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Innomenso i guess my question is how can i make ubuntu livecd see and use the belkin wireless card?10:47
arnathmy xorg.conf lists the correct resolutions, but i simply cant turn em on10:47
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Peloalcaponage, try looking in the users permissions see if you are allowed to log off / reboot10:47
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soundrayarnath: you probably need to get the monitor section right.10:47
arnathsoundray: hmm, what do you mean by that?10:47
alcaponagePelo: how do I do that?10:47
wagner_br|seHi, how can i update a library i compiled?10:47
Pelocrispy-afk,  if your device is supported in any linux distro you can make it work in ubuntu ,  but you might have to do some work10:48
Kopfgeldjaegergood night10:48
soundrayarnath: best to find out the hsync and vrefresh specs and configure them in 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg', using the "Advanced" option in the Monitor section.10:48
Peloalcaponage, menu > system > admin> users10:48
alcaponagePelo: what do I do in there10:48
soundrayarnath: that's if you have a manual for your monitor or can find the specs on the web10:48
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Peloalcaponage, select your users,  click properties,  see what permissions it has10:49
alcaponagePelo: I see my name and below that; root10:49
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bullgard4Is the command 'truss' availabele in Solaris only, or can I get it in Ubuntu also?10:49
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Peloalcaponage, select your name , not root , leave root alone10:49
nhmomof2I am new here10:49
alcaponagePelo: What do i look for under User Privileges?10:49
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Pelonhmomof2, welcome to the mad house10:49
soundray!hi | nhmomof210:49
ubotunhmomof2: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!10:49
despereadorI have problem with my laptop device10:49
despereadorand I need this linux-restricted-modules-
nhmomof2I have a bunch of questions10:50
despereadoranyhelp please10:50
Peloalcaponage, it should be self evident,  I'm using a french version so I can'T tell you the english wording,  probably   shutdown log off or something like that10:50
ShapeshifterI have the following problem. I wanted to add myself to the group "vboxusers" but after I did "sudo usermod -G vboxusers shapeshifter" I now can't sudo anymore (nothing happens, no matter what "sudo ..." command or nonsense like "sudo gedit" or "sudo asdfghjkl" I type), and I have lost all admin privileges. What should I do?10:50
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nhmomof2This is my first time on IRC10:50
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alcaponagePelo: I don't see shutdown or log off or anything like that10:50
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nhmomof2not as pretty as Pidgin, Kopete, etc.  LOL10:50
Pelonhmomof2, just ask your questions, one at atime10:50
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soundraydespereador: why do you need the headers?10:51
Peloalcaponage, ok just try rebooting with    sudo shutdown or sudo restart then , see if that helps10:51
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soundraydespereador: I mean, why do you need the modules package?10:51
despereadorI have problems with some devices on my laptop10:51
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alcaponagePelo: It says shutdown: time expected10:51
nhmomof2First question...I have read and re-read the threads on running Lacie as root.  I JUST DON'T IT!10:51
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arnathsoundray: im afraid im not quite qualified to be running that10:51
generalsnus /msg NickServ IDENTIFY generalsnus10:51
nhmomof2GET IT10:51
arnathsoundray: its asking me a LOT of questions i dont know the answer to10:52
soundraydespereador: you should say what the problems are10:52
coulixwhat is the command line to have a console output of the mouse button pressed10:52
despereadorI just installd ubuntu fawn on my laptop10:52
soundrayarnath: what questions?10:52
Peloalcaponage, try with restart then10:52
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nhmomof2I am so new to Ubuntu but I love it and don't want to go back10:52
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arnathsoundray: too many to state here i think :D10:52
Peloalcaponage,  or reboot , I donT' recall which10:52
despereadorI get many error when iam installing packages10:52
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alcaponagePelo: I tried "sudo restart" and it said command not found10:52
arnathsoundray: can't i just manually adapt the xorg.conf? thats what i did on my last install and i got it working...somewhat10:52
jadamsnickrud, thanks for the help anyway10:52
soundrayarnath: you've been through dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg before, haven't you10:52
despereadorand I have problem when grab loading som error with reading memory10:53
generalsnusis it possibele to ask for Grub help here_ or is it a another chan for that_10:53
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arnathsoundray: i haven't encountered some of these questions, so i suppose not10:53
ckin2001alcaponage, what are you restarting?10:53
soundrayarnath: just accept all the defaults, until it gets to questions concerning your monitor.10:53
Pelonhmomof2,  try using the name of the person you are talking to in each line,  ( if you are taling to someone) and don't use the enterkey for punctuation, makes you hard to follow10:53
alcaponageshutting down or restarting my laptop10:53
nhmomof2There are other channels here?10:53
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Peloalcaponage,  sudo reboot10:53
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ckin2001alcaponage, sudo telinit 6 to reboot10:53
alcaponageMy menus disappear and my background stays10:53
gausieapt-get can't find php to install - what do i do?10:53
arnathsoundray: this only changes my xorg.conf yes? so if i just back it up, i should be ok?10:53
ckin2001alcaponage, sudo telinit 0 to shut down10:54
Pelonhmomof2,  many thousands,  what is lacie ?10:54
nhmomof2Gotcha, Pelo.  Thanks10:54
soundrayckin2001: telinit? what distribution are you on?10:54
zeeblegausie: apt-cache search php10:54
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soundrayarnath: yes10:54
ckin2001soundray, debian based10:54
alcaponagePelo: after I did that, it won't shut down10:54
Shapeshifterhasn't anyone got the motivation to take challange? ;)10:54
nhmomof2Pelo, Lacie is the lightscribe labeling software10:54
niCo_1985i still find it verry funny, as normal user you can click reboot, but you cant do it as a command because you need to be root, where's the logic in that10:54
alcaponagePelo: ok, now it is10:54
alcaponagePelo that's odd10:54
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alcaponageI used to have 8 updates to install but now they are gone10:54
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soundrayniCo_1985: that way you can deny reboot capabilities to remote shell users.10:55
Peloalcaponage, my guess is there is something running that is takiing a long time to stop , I get something similar if i try to reboot and all of my   startup progs have not had time to start10:55
alcaponageIs it because I canceled the downloading?10:55
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Pelonhmomof2, how did you install it ?10:55
despereadorso =10:55
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despereadorhow can i get it?10:55
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alcaponagePelo: Ic, let me restart again to see if it's happening again10:55
Peloalcaponage, could be depending on what you tried to stop10:55
soundrayniCo_1985: local users can always pull the plug, so there's no point denying them reboot rights10:55
niCo_1985soundray, but its fun rebooting someone elses computer from a remote shell10:55
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gausiezeeble: showed me a big list of packages, but apt-get install php still says couldn't find package php10:55
theATOMhow can I edit 3gp videos?10:55
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generalsnusoh the pain... loading stage 1.5..error 2110:55
generalsnus i have winxp on sda1 ..and ubuntu on sdb3 .. how can i fix this grub error guys10:55
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niCo_1985soundray, specially the look on their faces10:56
PelotheATOM, try with avidemux10:56
alcaponagePelo: I was downloading from the "updates" file on the top corner and i canceled the download10:56
MahrI have a really hardcracked case if anyone's interested. Upon every boot I get a message saying "Replaying Journal" on my /dev/sda1 (Filesys) drive. It's quite annoying and I'd like to get rid of it :D10:56
nhmomof2Is it possible to chat with one person who can help?10:56
alcaponagePelo: I canceled it because it was taking too long, now it's gone10:56
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arnathsoundray: that didnt quite work :<10:56
theATOMPelo: it allows me to delete frames?10:56
zeeblegausie: sudo apt-get install php510:56
MasterShreknhmomof2, whats the problem?10:56
niCo_1985soundray, but i guess im a little evil10:56
arnathsoundray: im still stuck with the same problem10:56
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Peloalcaponage, that might be it ,   it's an admin function and you just stoped as a users , the comp might not like it10:56
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soundrayarnath: what did you set as hsync and vrefresh?10:56
wagner_br|sehow i can update the glib?10:56
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nhmomof2MasterShrek, I can't burn anything with my lightscribe softare10:57
Soskelhow do I install fonts in ubuntu?10:57
generalsnusalcaponage> i know your pain, can be hard to get help somtimes10:57
soundraywagner_br|se: only by upgrading the distribution10:57
alcaponagePelo: How do I get the updates to appear again so I can download it?10:57
theATOMPelo: avidemux doesnt delete frames from videos10:57
MasterShreknhmomof2, linux doesnt support lightscribe10:57
arnathsoundray: actually i didnt encounter that, i might have taken the wrong option when asked about one part of my screen10:57
soundray!fonts > Soskel, please read the private message from ubotu10:57
PelotheATOM, it does allow you to cut and paste  you can probably get ti down do selecting one frame at a time if you want to , uses the selection  buttons at the bottom , and then you delete from the menu10:57
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MahrSoskel: http://penguinfonts.com/howto/ubuntu.php10:57
gausiezeeble: already installed, but its not working with apache210:57
alcaponagegeneralsnus: Pelo helped me with the shutdown problem10:57
Peloalcaponage,  sudo apt-get update , then sudo apt-get upgrade10:57
nhmomof2MasterShrek, all of the threads on the forums have info on Lacie but I can't get it to work.  It always wants me to be root10:58
MahrSoskel: Anytime mate.10:58
soundrayarnath: watch out for the dialog that asks you whether you want to use the Simple, Medium or Advanced method of monitor configuration.10:58
alcaponagePelo: I've done that, nothing to upgrade10:58
PelotheATOM, I have never tried it for single frames but I have done it for "segments"10:58
zeeblegausie: eh why not? you prolly have to tweak settings somewhere. mine works fine, though i admit i didnt use apt-get to install php10:58
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MasterShreknhmomof2, add your user to the cdrom group and login again10:58
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soundrayarnath: you want advanced. Have you got the numbers?10:58
theATOMPelo: how can I delete the first 10 seconds of video?10:58
gausiezeeble: would you suggest compiling it?10:58
alcaponagePelo: before I reinstalled ubuntu, my version was generic, now it's
Peloalcaponage,  it is possible that your upgrades got completed,  that why the system wouldn'T shut down,  it was waiting10:58
zeeblegausie: yes10:58
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MasterShrekalcaponage, when you upgrade it will go to .1610:59
alcaponagePelo: But it wasn't close to being done10:59
gausiezeeble: and apt-get removing it beforehand?10:59
nhmomof2MasterShrek, I'm sorry, I don't know how to do that.  Can you walk me through it?10:59
wagner_br|sesoundray: i get the latest to compile the new version of rhythmbox, but it can't find the glib that i compiled. I want the system use this version. how can i do that?10:59
ckin2001gausie, have libapache2-mod-php5 ?10:59
Peloalcaponage, .16 is an kernel update,   ubuntu feisty isntalls with .15 I beleive10:59
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alcaponageMasterShrek: I've sudo apt-get update, but it stays at .1510:59
MasterShreknhmomof2, system > admin > users i think10:59
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arnathsoundray: im lookin into it, but im not entirely sure bout wot kind of screen i have :< cant find the number11:00
gausieckin2001, yea already got it11:00
zeeblegausie: check what ckin2001 said11:00
mactimesHello, does any one remember how to fix that problem after enabling nvidia-glx, where the windows title bars disappear?11:00
soundraywagner_br|se: use or upgrade to the beta version of ubuntu if you want that.11:00
MasterShrekalcaponage, does it say that some packages are going to be left behind? if not, do you have extra repositories enabled, and did u apt-get update?11:00
ubunturos /join #kde11:00
ckin2001gausie, restarted apache since then?11:00
Pelomactimes, ask in #ubuntu-effects  it's a decorator problem11:00
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gausieckin2001, yep :-(11:00
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theATOMhow can I delete the first 10 seconds of video?11:01
Mahdyghostdog: salam11:01
alcaponageMasterShrek: it said some files failed to download11:01
nhmomof2MasterShrek, I am there11:01
mactimesPelo: Oh, ok.  I'll try, thanks!11:01
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alcaponageMasterShrek: those files are .... feisty/multiver/source11:01
soundrayarnath: please ask the others in the channel now, I'm logging off. Note the private message from ubotu, that should help11:01
soundray!fixres > arnath11:01
MahrGhostdog: Salam11:01
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soundrayarnath: good luck'11:01
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arnathok thx11:01
MasterShreknhmomof2, look for something about groups and add your user to the cdrom group11:01
PelotheATOM,   in avidemux,  play the video until you get to where you want to start,  click the B button ,  goto menu > edit > delete ( or cut)11:02
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theATOMPelo:  let me try, brb11:02
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theATOMPelo: which B button? bottom right?11:03
Soskelhi again11:03
PelotheATOM, just bellow the movie,  toward the middle of the window11:03
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nhmomof2MasterShrek, I added the group cdrom to the menu11:03
MasterShreknhmomof2, wasnt it already there?11:03
Soskelis there a program that I can use to encrypt/decrypt files?11:03
wagner_br|sesoundray: can i do that in the terminal?11:03
PelotheATOM,  where you have the play stop etc controls11:03
theATOMPelo: yep, seems to work cheers :)11:04
biebwhat is the syntax to cat a file to dev/null?11:04
theATOMPelo: but when I play the video no sounds plays. why?11:04
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alcaponagePelo: is it normal for ubuntu to have a long load time when it boots?11:04
nhmomof2MasterShrek, I went back in and it's not there anymore11:04
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theATOMPelo: says: Trouble initializing audio device11:04
PelotheATOM, don'T know , the audio format of that file format might not be playable in avidemux11:04
bullgard4Is the command 'truss' availabele in Solaris only, or can I get it in Ubuntu also?11:04
nhmomof2I have root, users, dhcp, syslog, klog, scanner...should I keep going?11:05
coreymanshacknickrud thx for helping me the other night.11:05
PelotheATOM,  are you using your audio card with something else,  like music while doing the editing ?11:05
coreymanshacknickrud from what i learned from you i got it all fixed11:05
MasterShreknhmomof2, what is the device for your cdrom? /dev/hdc im assuming11:05
nickrudcoreymanshack: ah, that's good for the ego :)11:05
theATOMPelo: no!  never had probs woith sound before11:05
MasterShreknhmomof2, sudo chmod 777 /dev/hdc      that will be much easier11:05
Peloalcaponage,  iI guess it depends on what you have laoding on start ,  mine is fairly quick11:05
theATOMPelo: reboot?11:05
coreymanshacknickrud :P11:05
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alcaponagePelo: I don't have much loading11:05
alcaponagePelo: just compiz11:06
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nickrudPelo: you see that? ;P11:06
nhmomof2MasterShrek, you want me to type that in terminal?11:06
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MasterShrekyes nhmomof211:06
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kane77anyone here good at networking (non ubuntu related)11:06
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PelotheATOM, I don'T know ,  I guess trying whouldn'T hurt but the fact that avidemux can't access the device shouldn'T   make it impossible to edit the file properly11:06
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nhmomof2MasterShrek, brings me back to the prompt11:06
erichjwhy are you chmoding the cd drive?11:06
Peloalcaponage, compiz might be it11:06
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coreymanshacknickrud you can see it at coreymanshack.us.to11:06
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nhmomof2MaasterShrek it asked fr my password11:06
MasterShreknhmomof2, try whatever u were doing before, you shouldnt need root priviledges anymore11:07
Pelonickrud, see what ? sorry I'm doing 3 ppl at once11:07
MasterShrekyea put it in there nhmomof211:07
umop-apisdnkane77: depends on your definition of good... i know a bit of networking, as far as basics... but i'm a windows tech. how about if you ask the question, and see if anyone knows the answer?11:07
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Blackkattgoddamn i fixed Nvidia drivers tjohooo =)11:07
nickrudPelo: nm, just a joke11:07
=== pzsnr [n=pzsnr@c83-255-187-121.bredband.comhem.se] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
Blackkattcan some one help me with fuse plz11:07
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=== Eldemon is now known as EldemonAWAY
Pelonickrud,  I just read up,  congradulations11:07
nhmomof2MasterShrek, I can get into the program, make the label, etc.  Then when I go to burn it says I have to be root11:07
MasterShrek!ask | Blackkatt11:07
ubotuBlackkatt: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)11:07
=== darxus_ [n=davidr@cap31-3-82-238-142-150.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== nickrud felt that one in the gut
PeloBlackkatt, just ask a specific quesitons11:08
Shapeshifterusr13: FYI I fixed it, I found a nice sample file of /etc/group and obviously i needed to put my name behind "admin:", too for it to work ^^. Everything back to normal.11:08
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=== Pelo gives nickrud a silver star
=== coreymanshack wonders who pelo is
nickrudcoreymanshack: looks good, but I see no credits ;P11:08
coreymanshacknickrud haha.11:08
MasterShreknhmomof2, u can run the program using gksu also, just edit the shortcut to it and put gksu before the command for the program, not really the right way to do it, but it will work11:08
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Pelocoreymanshack, I'm just here to talk frazzled noobs off the ledge11:09
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coreymanshackpelo, that would be me11:09
nhmomof2MasterShrek, do I do that from terminal?11:09
=== umop-apisdn cheers Pelo
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nhmomof2Sorry I am asking seemingly simple questions11:09
BlackkattMasterShrek: well am n00b with linux so i cant fix fuse by my slef, i read about it and it should be the same file system use on xbox media center and i want that11:09
=== Gin [n=Gin@s5591bc47.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu
kane77umop-apisdn, okay, my question is as follows.. I have wifi connection to internet. what I do is I have my computer acting as a router (set up with iptables).. Would wifi bridge help me? (I want to connect to my ISP's AP and have my own AP on the same device)11:09
nickrudcoreymanshack: Pelo is a very helpful human being, with a wicked good sense of humor11:09
biebwhat is the syntax to cat a file to dev/null?11:09
MasterShreknhmomof2, yea you can run it from the terminal using gksu program11:09
=== Pelo gives coreymanshack a small but firm push , there are many ways off the ledge
=== DevideZero [i=DivideZe@] has joined #ubuntu
coreymanshacknickrud good next time i have a question i'll bug him.11:09
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umop-apisdnkane77: out of my scope, sorry. try #networking11:09
=== nickrud goes back to work
nhmomof2MasterShrek, I don't know what to type.  I tried sudo lacie but that did not work11:10
=== adrianoc [n=adrianoc@c911e0ba.bhz.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
MasterShrekBlackkatt, what do u mean same filesystem as xbmc? xbmc doesnt even have a filesystem, its just a program11:10
=== coreymanshack goes to his gf's house
=== EldemonAWAY is now known as Eldemon
=== Instabin [n=instabin@oh-76-5-127-85.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
_lenhi, can any1 help me installing my nvidia drivers? but I'd like to use the NVIDIA's site driver11:10
Pelocoreymanshack,  have fun11:10
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coreymanshackpelo: you too11:10
=== riotkittie sits at her computer and stares dumbly
=== MasterShrek tells coreymanshack's gf to hurry and get home =P
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BlackkattMasterShrek: hmm well i read that it has one, and that one is fuse that enables virtual file system see trought rar and such11:11
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geniiriotkittie: I worry about you sometimes11:11
alcaponagePelo: How come I can't get Adobe Flash?11:11
adrianocguys, this is possible, configuration the gedit for complemetation code php ?11:11
Pelo!nvidia | _len   try the instrucitons in here and adjust where needed11:11
ubotu_len   try the instrucitons in here and adjust where needed: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:11
alcaponagePelo: It says Package is not available11:11
riotkittiegenii: i worry about me all the time. keeps things interesting, tho :P11:11
gnomefreak_len: they are unsupported drivers but if you wish to still use them see ubotus output above11:11
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Peloalcaponage, there is a package in synaptic  just search for non free flash11:11
BlackkattMasterShrek:  they use fuse in xbmc to do that =) and i sooo want that, thats why ive installed linux in the first place11:11
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_lenhmmm thx11:11
geniiriotkittie: :)11:11
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MasterShrekBlackkatt, thats cool, ive never really looked into that, but it sounds like it would be awesome11:12
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nhmomof2MasterShrek, I right clicked on the icon and in the "launcher" tab I have this:  /usr/bin/gksudo /usr/bin/4L-gui11:12
_lenPelo or gnomefreak, which driver has the best perfomance? binary or from community?11:12
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MasterShrekBlackkatt, the only thing ive ever used fuse for was ntfs-3g11:12
gnomefreak_len: they are the same driver11:12
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MasterShreknhmomof2, that should be good11:12
BlackkattMasterShrek: yeah and its available for linux ive dl it and all but have absolutely no clue what to do next11:12
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Peloalcaponage,  it is possible that you messed up your package handling when you try to kill you update dl ,  I'm not sure how to fix this11:13
gnomefreak_len: we cant change the drivers since they are non free11:13
adnan_what are these usbdev1.1_ep00  usbdev3.1_ep00  usbdev5.1_ep00  usbdev5.4_ep8211:13
adnan_usbdev1.1_ep81  usbdev3.1_ep81  usbdev5.1_ep81  usbdev5.4_ep8311:13
nhmomof2MasterShrek, but that is what I've been doing11:13
adnan_usbdev2.1_ep00  usbdev4.1_ep00  usbdev5.4_ep0011:13
adnan_usbdev2.1_ep81  usbdev4.1_ep81  usbdev5.4_ep0111:13
DigitalNinjaAny compiz users here?11:13
nhmomof2And it still doesn't work11:13
MasterShrekalcaponage, try sudo apt-get clean and then try to upgrade11:13
DigitalNinjaI'm trying to get the screensaver plugin working11:13
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=== Beefheart [n=carlcfro@ti0016a340-0312.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
MasterShrek#ubuntu-effects DigitalNinja11:13
Peloalcaponage,  it can also be that it just isn't available currently,  are you sure bac kport and  multivers repos are enabled11:13
Soskelwhy do web pages look messed up in ubuntu?11:13
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adnan_usbdev1.1_ep00  usbdev3.1_ep00  usbdev5.1_ep00  usbdev5.4_ep8211:14
adnan_usbdev1.1_ep81  usbdev3.1_ep81  usbdev5.1_ep81  usbdev5.4_ep8311:14
adnan_usbdev2.1_ep00  usbdev4.1_ep00  usbdev5.4_ep0011:14
adnan_usbdev2.1_ep81  usbdev4.1_ep81  usbdev5.4_ep0111:14
MasterShreknhmomof2, it has to work, theres something else wrong than just that then11:14
adnan_I don't understand what these mount points are11:14
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Roman|Linuxhey, i need help converting mdf/mds files into ISO files, i have tried mdf2iso but i cant get it to work. is there a burning program that can read mdf files?11:14
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Peloadnan_,  don't do that, ue tghe pastebin11:14
MasterShrekadnan_, where are they located?11:14
nhmomof2MasterShrek, ok-thanks for helping me!  I'll go back to the drawing board11:14
Blackkattanyone know how disable this enjoying join and part shit in gaim :)11:14
=== pzsnr [n=pzsnr@c83-255-187-121.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu
BeefheartAnyone here play Anarchy online on Linux ?11:14
MasterShrekRoman|Linux, why doesnt mdf2iso work?11:14
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Blackkattpzsnr: oh a swe ^11:14
_lenok, another noob question, what's the difference beetween nvidia-glx and nvidia-glx-new?11:14
Pelo_len,   one is old and one is new11:15
adnan_MasterShrek /dev/usbdev11:15
Blackkatt_len one is newer then the other =)11:15
MasterShrekadnan_, those arent mount points, theyre just devices, and probably just placeholders or something, why do you ask?11:15
=== dx9s_work [n=Doug@c-24-18-99-15.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
generalsnusBeefheart: i play AO on ubuntu11:15
nhmomof2Is there a channel for female Ubuntu users?11:15
=== MrStonedOne [n=sadfasdf@71-217-5-186.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
BeefheartI am having problems executing install.sh for my intel i915 driver. anyone know what needs to be done ? say something about headers and DRI. Im new to this..11:15
MasterShreknhmomof2, #ubuntu11:15
=== zenrox [n=zenrox@pool-71-115-208-222.spknwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Blackkattgaah how to disable join and part in Gaim anyone PLZ :)11:15
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adnan_MsterShrek I wanted to know11:15
dx9s_worknhmomof2, does it matter your gender if you use ubuntu or not?11:15
Pelonhmomof2, not realy,  do you feel that this channel is being chauvinistic ?11:15
nhmomof2Gosh not at all11:16
MasterShrekBeefheart, is that for graphics?11:16
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nhmomof2I love the Ubuntu Community11:16
adnan_MasterShrek how do I mount then my USB  stick11:16
nhmomof2I was just curious11:16
MasterShrekadnan_, it should auto-mount11:16
BeefheartMasterShrek, yes11:16
=== JEFFmasterFlex [n=jeff@adsl-10-91-131.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
MasterShrekadnan_, if it doesnt it will show up as /dev/sda or /dev/sdb or something11:16
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adnan_MasterShrek I umounted it11:16
=== Pelo would say the community loves nhmomof2 too but he's afraid of a lawsuit now
=== StoneNote [n=StoneNot@unaffiliated/stonenote] has joined #ubuntu
nhmomof2I belong to many online communities and this one is very unique11:16
reverseblade85 C is a very high CPU temp for a laptop right ?11:16
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MasterShrekBeefheart, theres something in apt for that, 915resolution or something, try apt-get'ing it11:16
adnan_MasterShrek I was thinking that myself but it does not11:17
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Blackkattooh just come of think of, can u mount my sony usb stick in linux and format it to work with vista x64 :P ?11:17
Beefheartgeneralsnus, have u managed to install the 17.3 patch ?11:17
=== Motyoj is very afraid of lawsuits
Pelonhmomof2,  yes we are very "special"11:17
bullgard4Is the command 'truss' availabele in Solaris only, or can I get it in Ubuntu also?11:17
alcaponagePelo: How do I make my cube and it's background further away in the distance?11:17
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BeefheartMasterShrek, could u please type the command for me =?11:17
MasterShrekBlackkatt, it should work fine if you format it fat3211:17
nhmomof2Is there a way to make this easier to read and keep up with?  Like assigning a diff color to each member?11:17
=== despereador [n=leopard@user66.217-10-114.netatonce.net] has joined #ubuntu
Peloalcaponage, ask in #ubuntu-effects11:17
reversebladebullgard4, a command is a program11:17
despereadorhi again11:17
=== KDan [n=KDan@87-194-122-30.bethere.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
MasterShrekBeefheart, sudo apt-get install 915resolution11:17
=== Megaqwerty [n=megaqwer@unaffiliated/megaqwerty] has joined #ubuntu
oly-hi, i am using lives can it actually export video as ogg ?11:17
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BeefheartMasterShrek, thanks11:17
MasterShreknhmomof2, what do you use for a client?11:17
BlackkattMasterShrek:  cool, so i dont need that program that is already install on the stick?11:17
_lennvidia 7800 gtx uses the new drive or old?11:17
reverseblade80 C is a very high CPU temp for a laptop right ?11:17
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oly-i have loaded in my clip and edited it but want to keep ogg as the format11:18
Pelonhmomof2, I think you can do this in  the xchat  settings  the ppl, in #xchat can tell you where11:18
MegaqwertyDoes anyone know of a good guide for installing Ubuntu on a Macbook?11:18
despereadorthe error is : Pci faild to allocate associate11:18
despereadorhow to solve it11:18
=== _kazol [n=kazol@pool-68-237-128-19.man.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Blackkatt_len let me give u a SUPERB site11:18
MasterShrekBlackkatt, no, i think thats just for syncing and such, youll do that by yourself i assume11:18
nhmomof2Can I access Xchat through Kopete?11:18
Blackkattfor installing nvidia drivers11:18
despereadorI get this error after grub loading11:18
PeloMegaqwerty,  do you have a specific issue ?11:18
JEFFmasterFlexnhmomof2:  use konversation in kde11:18
Pelonhmomof2, sorry wrong client,  there is probably a #kopete  channel as well11:18
=== MasterShrek is using kde and xchat, never tried konversation
Beefheartgeneralsnus, have u managed to install the 17.3 patch ?11:18
Blackkatt_len http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=258712611:18
=== gardenlevel [n=winbook@c-67-165-220-106.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Blackkattjust read on the top11:19
=== Cocodude [n=chatzill@87-194-2-168.bethere.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
=== Pelo needs a break , later folks
_lenBlackkatt: ok11:19
MegaqwertyPelo: no, I'm looking to buy a new laptop, and figured I'd make sure I could actually install Ubuntu on a Macbook if I chose to go that route.11:19
JEFFmasterFlexMasterShrek:  i think konversation is superior rto xchat11:19
MasterShreknhmomof2, if you want to talk to someone specific just put their nick in the line, most people will do the same for you11:19
MotyojI have a G4 Powerbook I was thinking of installing Ubuntu on but haven't yet...11:19
=== Tatster [n=tatster@80-193-5-25.cable.ubr06.gill.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
=== Van_Crul|Daniel [n=daniel@s1011-0014.dsl.start.no] has joined #ubuntu
Blackkatthis programs totaly rocks...ive tryed installing nvidia for days then ive found that11:19
MasterShrekJEFFmasterFlex, ic, ill fire it up n check it out11:19
nhmomof2What is Konversation?  Another chat client?11:19
MasterShrekMotyoj, whats the hold up?11:19
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MasterShreknhmomof2, yes11:19
BlackkattMasterShrek: okay am gonna try that cuz not it dosent work in x6411:19
=== MrStonedOne [n=sadfasdf@71-217-5-186.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
Motyojdunno...lazy I guess11:19
generalsnusBeefheart: havent tried yet..need to solve the grub error 21 first >P11:19
_kazolWhen I press Ctrl-F7 in Ubuntu, I get a GUI with a black screen and mouse.11:20
=== gardenlevel [n=winbook@c-67-165-220-106.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
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CocodudeHello. I have a fun problem with getting Ubuntu to boot off my eSata port on the back of my motherboard. I simply drop straight into the grub shell and it seems as though grub can't read its own menu.lst file to present a nice menu to me. Is anyone able to help?11:20
nhmomof2The chat is moving pretty quickly and between breaking up my toddlers and trying to chat with two other people, well, my head is about to explode11:20
Beefheartgeneralsnus, there is a problem pathcing from 17.2-17.311:20
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Cocodude(running Feisty, using an Asus motherboard with a JMicron controller for the eSata)11:20
=== jspinnegan [n=jspinneg@grgh-69.res.umass.edu] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
JEFFmasterFlexnhmomof2:  that's everyday around this time, late night is better11:20
nimboHe that is giddy thinks the world turns round.11:20
nimbo-- William Shakespeare, "The Taming of the Shrew"11:20
=== pzsnr [n=pzsnr@c83-255-187-121.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu
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BeefheartAnyone know a fast way toget the newest display drivers for the intel i915 ?11:21
MegaqwertyDoes anyone know of a good guide for installing Ubuntu on a Macbook? I want to make sure I can install Ubuntu before shelling out the 1000 or so bucks for one.11:21
BlackkattMasterShrek:  hmm how to format?11:21
Bustyok I need to remote controll a win box from a lin box what is the best server program to run on the win box11:21
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MegaqwertyBusty: VNC11:22
MasterShrekBlackkatt, sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sda1 or whatever device it is11:22
MrStonedOnecant u connect to the remote desktop11:22
panosruhi! i try to play a dvd but mplayer comes with error message says that missing libdvdcss but there is nothing like that in synaptic..... :(11:22
MotyojMegaqwerty: If you're thinking of doing that, why not ask the people at Apple if there are issues in doing so?11:22
BustyMegaqwerty, ultravnc11:22
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs11:22
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MasterShrekpanosru, ^^^^11:22
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MegaqwertyBusty: that's a good one11:22
geniiMegaqwerty: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook11:22
BlackkattMasterShrek:  how to i know what name it is then?11:22
MasterShrekBlackkatt, do ls /dev/sd*11:23
BustyMegaqwerty, and what can I use on ubuntu to hook to it11:23
MrStonedOne!dvd | panosru11:23
ubotupanosru: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs11:23
BeefheartAnyone know a fast way toget the newest display drivers for the intel i915 ?11:23
panosruthanks i will check them :D11:23
=== SplitHC [n=david@modemcable250.198-131-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
=== SplitHC [n=david@modemcable250.198-131-66.mc.videotron.ca] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
MasterShrekBeefheart, didnt that work?11:23
=== harmental [n=ricardo@AGrenoble-152-1-48-95.w82-122.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
BeefheartMasterShrek, It might have. it did something, but im not sure if it got the newest drivers. U know a command to check current date on the drivers?11:24
BlackkattMasterShrek:  witch is it /dev/sda  /dev/sda1  /dev/sda2  /dev/sda5  /dev/sdb  /dev/sdb111:24
Blackkattsdb right?11:24
geniiBeefheart: Did you try running the restricted-manager by:   gksudo restricted-manager   ?11:24
MasterShrekBeefheart, not at all, im not running intel graphics, but it should be the newest, if not very close11:24
MegaqwertyMotyoj: good idea, I shall. thanks.11:24
Megaqwertygenii: will check it out11:24
MegaqwertyBusty: vncviewer11:24
MegaqwertyBusty: I think it's already installed on Ubuntu by default...11:24
MasterShrekBlackkatt, i would guess /dev/sdb111:25
Beefheartgenii,  no i did'nt. ill try11:25
BustyMegaqwerty, you don't need to set a ssh server on the server pc to have encyption right11:25
=== Keitaro [n=samurai_@82-34-218-203.cable.ubr02.enfi.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #ubuntu []
basculeBeefheart: you having resolution problems?11:25
MotyojThe biggest issue on installing Ubuntu on Mac laptops has been the touchpad from what I've read11:25
BlackkattMasterShrek:  guess hahaha =) dont wanna format my harddrive =)11:25
Beefheartgenii, I have no restricted drivers11:25
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MasterShrekBlackkatt, im assuming you are using sata, and sda is your hard drive11:25
PoundoStill thrashing out here any takers? there is no gd.so in my /usr/lib/php5/20051025 where my other .so's are hence no gd listed in the phpInfo()11:25
MegaqwertyBusty: actually...I think you do.11:25
Motyojbut it can be tweaked to work...11:25
Beefheartbascule, no, but id like the newest drivers because i heard they give better fps11:25
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pavelis there a phpbb alternative?11:26
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MasterShrekBlackkatt, since sdb only has one partition im positive its your flash drive, well, unless you have another sata drive connected11:26
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generalsnusBeefheart: quick and dirty solution: copy the ao folder to a win comp..update and copy it back to linux comp :p11:26
basculeBeefheart: i think they are called Intel as opposed to i810, maybe you knew that11:26
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Beefheartgeneralsnus, I know, but i cant find my vista PC on the network11:26
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geniiBeefheart: OK (for ATI and Nvidia cards this generally will bring latest driver in, Intel has mostly open-source so likely different)11:26
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Beefheartbascule, what do you mean =11:26
MasterShrekBeefheart, is the vista pc set up for filesharing, they arent by default11:26
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MotyojVista seems to be a train wreck from what I've heard...11:27
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nhmomof2I have a desktop with a router for my hubbie's laptop.  Is there anyway to get his laptop to be able to print on the printer attached to my desktop (with Ubuntu?)11:27
NIklas_Eanyone know how to transcode a video that have fps 24,9167 instead of 25 (which I want) perhaps useing mytharchive11:27
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basculeBeefheart: well if you have set driver="i810" in xorg.conf try "Intel" instead11:27
BeefheartMasterShrek, I've tryed many times, didnt even find it when this PC had XP11:27
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MasterShrekBeefheart, vista is a pile11:27
generalsnusloading stage 1.5..error 2111:27
generalsnus   i have winxp on sda1 ..and ubuntu on sdb3 .. how can i fix this grub error guys11:27
Beefheartbascule, are there a way to check the date on the current disp drivers?11:27
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BlackkattMasterShrek:  looks like i did it gonna try it, if it work u will be my god =)11:28
BeefheartMasterShrek, why do you think i installed linux. :) its hard with linux but fun11:28
D4N`you tell me11:28
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elivanceHi everyone - could someone help me out? Ive just resized an NTFS partition using GNOME partition editor but its reporting the amount of free space wrong!11:28
geniiBeefheart: If you feel brave you can always try this: http://www.intellinuxgraphics.org/install.html11:28
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basculeBeefheart: well thaey are part of the xorg version AFAIK, definitely i810 ships as part of xorg, haven't tried the Intel one yet11:28
=== Motyoj Played around with Vista and think Ubuntu is actually easier
Beefheartgenii, was there, but everything is so darn complicated11:28
Beefheartbascule, how do I change the driver with xconf ?11:29
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basculewhen xconf asks, say Intel or the number relating to the Intel driver from the list11:29
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=== bascule hasn't used xconf for some time
corphipVery stupid question:  how do I display kernel information from the command line?  like what version I'm using?11:29
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BlackkattMasterShrek:  i so fu.. love you! now i finally have some use for that sony peace of shit11:30
LjLcorphip: uname -r11:30
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.11:30
pavelis there a forum app for ubuntu?11:30
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corphipLjL, thanks11:30
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BustyMegaqwerty, ultravnc has some kind of encryption right would this be shared with vncviewer11:30
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Beefheartbascule, command to run xorg?11:30
MegaqwertyBusty: I honestly don't know. I've never tried doing it that way.11:31
Megaqwerty...or at all11:31
wabiDwhere is the default splash image11:31
basculeBeefheart: sudo /etc/init.d/xsession start or sudo gdm11:31
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MegaqwertyBusty: I usually just to Linux box to Linux box :-\ sorry11:31
Beefheartbascule, thanks11:31
Beefheartbascule, command not found11:31
BlackkattMasterShrek:  okay whats next i can see ur bizzy so ill think of something hard for u to crack :P what about that fuse lets talk about that some day ;)11:31
JEFFmasterFlexBeefheart: startx11:31
basculebeefheart: sudo gdm?11:32
MasterShrekBlackkatt, look into it, id like to see it in action :)11:32
Beefheartbascule, GDM allready running11:32
elivanceanyone know much about the gnome partition editor?11:32
basculeah ha, restart X, different thing all together .. :)11:32
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basculeBeefheart: ctrl+alt+bksp <-- kills it instantly11:33
_lenif glxgear run it means my nvidia driver's is correctly installed?11:33
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Beefheartbascule, I am not sure what you are asking me to do here? thought all i wanted was to edit somthing in a conf file or something11:33
nnutterAny devs know why #102818 seems to have been abandoned?11:33
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bascule_len: not neccessarily, try glxinfo | grep render see if it says direct11:33
JEFFmasterFlexBeefheart: oooh....  nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:33
ephesiusanyone know why with the gutsy beta i cant connect to google and a couple other web sites11:33
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elivanceor does anyone know where i can go for help with gnome partition editor?11:34
basculeBeefheart: well change xorg.conf section to say Intel instead of i81011:34
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alcaponagePelo: How can I unlock a folder?11:34
basculeBeefheart: then restrt X11:34
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Megaqwertybascule: or...just glxinfo | grep direct11:34
_lenbascule: said yes11:34
alcaponagePelo: my "examples" folder is locked11:34
Beefheartkk ill try11:34
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bascule_len: probably goot to go then ...11:34
bram_can someone tell me please how to get more than 2 desktops in the dektop switcher??,11:34
alcaponageHow do I unlock a locked folder?11:34
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twilight_Hello, I am runnign ubuntu on a laptop and i have no sound11:34
alcaponageBram_ go to general and add desktops11:34
BlackkattMasterShrek:  just boot up ur xbmc :p if u dont have that for ur home entertainment ur screed11:35
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bram_ok, tnx11:35
MasterShrekoh, i do Blackkatt, have for a few years now11:35
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JEFFmasterFlexalcaponage:  gksudo nautilus; then right click properties, permissions11:35
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slaine_Hey guys, need a bit of help with a command-line install from the alternate CD. I've a PCMCIA eth device, the driver is loaded etc. but /etc/init.d/networking fails to bring up the device11:36
alcaponageJEFFmasterFlex: I don't see the locked file in root11:36
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alcaponageJEFFmasterFlex: my 'examples' folder is in my name11:36
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elivanceis there a way to get terminal to scan my filesystem to figure out why the wrong size is being reported for my main partition?11:36
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slaine_Strange thing is, it was detected and working as part of the install (i.e. it loaded and got a dhcp address)11:36
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slaine_Any suggestions11:36
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arnathi simply can't get my hdmi tv set up correctly in xorg.conf (not as primary screen, nor as secondary screen to a normal crt)11:37
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micahphow do you turn off word wrap in evolution?11:37
xyverzdoes anybody know where the gnome menu files are kept?  I had to remove my home dir complete to clear out cruft, but now I want to bring my customized menus back11:37
bram_still no luck: i am running Gutsy Gibbon, but don't know where to add more desktops..(I have 2 now)11:37
xyverzI just can't seem to find them.11:37
arnathif i do an apt-get upgrade, does the beta of 7.10 install?11:37
slaine_I should point out that this is 7.10 install11:37
slaine_of the beta11:37
xyverzarnath: only if you've replaced feisty with gutsy in your sources.list11:37
rhalffanyone knows a good search engine ?11:38
twilight_Hello, I am runnign kubuntu on a emachine w4620 laptop and i have no sound11:38
cmpharkQUESTION, is installing ubuntu server the best way to set up a home web server?11:38
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arnathxyverz -> seeing as i can't get my screen right, and gutsy has this new thing for screens (right?)...should i do it?11:38
basculecmphark: if you can config without GUI tools, sure11:38
slaine_rhaiff, I have googled, can't spot anything relating to this issue11:38
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bram_Question: still no luck: i am running Gutsy Gibbon, but don't know where to add more desktops..(I have 2 now)11:39
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Megaqwertycmphark: I believe so11:39
xyverzarnath: what do you mean can't get your screen right?11:39
cmpharkBASCULE, what would be the best GUI for a webserver11:39
basculebram_: #ubuntu+111:39
rhalffslaine_, hm yeah :)11:39
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basculecmphark: none11:39
rhalffaltavista actually still exists, wow11:39
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Megaqwertycmphark: possibly webmin11:39
shkis there any way to open the ubuntu applications menu by keyboard?11:39
bram_bascule: what do u mean?11:39
arnathxyverz: first i had my hdmi tv as a primary screen, but the max resolution would be 720x480, no matter how much i tinkered with dpkg xorg thingy, or how much i changed to xorg.conf, it wouldn't work11:39
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MotyojI used to use Altavisa all the time...11:40
sam__i have an Realtek HD Audio in my notebook but i don't have any sound, can some one help me with that ?11:40
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bascule!gutsy | bram_11:40
ubotubram_: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information11:40
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arnathxyverz: then i added a crt screen as primary and this one does work, the resolutions are correct, but my hdmi (which is now secondary) still has the same problems11:40
ephesiusany ideas why i can't connect to certain websites such as google with gutsy11:40
sam__i have an Realtek HD Audio in my notebook but i don't have any sound, can some one help me with that ?11:40
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bram_ok..., thanks.... i'll go there11:40
generalsnushow can i get permissions to edit my grub menu.list froma live cd?11:40
MasterShrekgeneralsnus: sudo su11:40
cmpharkhmm, so no one knows of a good way to set up a webserver off a home machine11:41
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MasterShrekcmphark: install apache11:41
cmpharkhow do u whisper back11:41
xyverzarnath: ati or nvidia?11:41
MasterShrekcmphark: set your router up for ddns11:41
arnathxyverz: nvidia 8600gts11:41
spinner_Hi this is probly dumb question but how do i run a tar.gz file :)11:41
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arnathxyverz it isnt supported yet by ubuntu, so i installed the official nvidia driver11:41
MasterShrekspinner_: you dont, you extract it11:41
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basculespinner_: you don't, you uncompress it11:41
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xyverzarnath: have you tried running nvidia-settings?11:42
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cmpharkmastershrek can i chat with u?11:42
arnathxyverz: a mere kadzillion times :p11:42
MasterShrekcmphark: chat away11:42
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_lenBlackkatt: I feel that my ubuntu got slower after driver installation11:42
cmpharkright on.11:42
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shksam_: go to the realtek site they have linux drivers11:42
MasterShrekcmphark: you need to have a registerd nick, or join #mastershrek we can chat there too11:42
alcaponageI just updated my ubuntu to .16generic and now it won't start correctly11:42
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cmpharki'll join mastershrek11:43
cmpharkhow do u join11:43
nickrudsam, what kind of laptop do you have?11:43
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MasterShrekcmphark: type this: /join #mastershrek11:43
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spinner_Ive just installed Ubuntu linux first time user, where can i find some help for the basic commands to execute and  run files ?11:43
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xyverzarnath: dunno.  I haven't actually worked with hdmi on a PC yet.  If Feisty is otherwise working for you, I'd stick with it for the time being.11:43
MasterShrekspinner_: google for ubuntuguide, it gives you alot of good info for a noobie :)11:43
arnathxyverz: i only installed it today11:43
spinner_tnx bro11:43
MasterShrekubuntuguide.org i think it used to be11:44
arnathxyverz: and i really would like the big screen, cause the crt has other purposes11:44
nickrudsam, the realtek drivers are in the kernel already, they just sometimes need a little kick11:44
basculespinner_: do you actually want tot learn the shell or just basic/everyday desktop usage?11:44
Motyojonline documentation is great for ubuntu11:44
LjL!cli > spinner_    (spinner_, see the private message from Ubotu)11:44
deviantintegralhi! can anyone tell me what mdadm command I would use to shrink a raid5 array? sudo mdadm /dev/md2 --grow --size=729647488 complains that there is "No space left on device", even though that's smaller than my current size11:44
vmlinuz`Why i can't run .wmv files.11:44
vmlinuz`is there anything i need to install so i can view .wmv files11:44
SpiderPigcan someone see me? testing testing... one two three. one two three..11:44
bascule!codecs | vmlinuz`11:44
ubotuvmlinuz`: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:44
LjL!restricted > vmlinuz`    (vmlinuz`, see the private message from Ubotu)11:44
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=== SpiderPig can someone see me? am i banned?
SpiderPighmm not again11:45
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elivancesorry to be repetitive but can anyone help with a problem im having with partitions?11:45
basculeSpiderPig: you are alive and learning patience ... :)11:45
LjLSpiderPig, we can see you. this is *not* a channel for doing tests, however.11:45
SpiderPigbascule oh you can see me11:45
vmlinuz`thanks LjL11:45
Motyojwe all can11:45
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alcaponageHow do I fix "NVIDIA failed to load the NVIDIA kernal module!11:45
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LjLnot only we can, but we'd also rather not11:45
slaine_I must be missing something11:45
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jadamsalcaponage, download the nvidia installer and run it again11:46
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superkirbyartistAlcaponage: sudo apt-get install ati11:46
LjLalcaponage: how did you install the nvidia driver?11:46
jadamsmy guess is you used that instead of the linux-restricted-modules ?11:46
slaine_dmesg is showing eth0 detected11:46
generalsnusif i have ubuntu on disk sdb, partition 3...   is this menu.list entry right:    root(hd1,3)11:46
alcaponagejadams: how do i do that? it won't load11:46
slaine_The /etc/networks/interfaces has eth0 setup for dhcp11:46
dug_how do you enable desktop effects in gutsy, since the control panel is no longer there?11:46
alcaponageMy ubuntu won't load to the desktop11:46
LjLsuperkirbyartist: ...?11:46
superkirbyartistAlcaponage: recovery mode...11:46
LjL!gutsy > dug_    (dug_, see the private message from Ubotu)11:46
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alcaponageIt crashes after the loading bar is done11:46
slaine_Yey /etc/init.d/networking fails to activate the device11:46
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superkirbyartistAlcaponage: when it says "GRUB... Press Escape"... press escape.11:46
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dimas_how do i switch from my main ubuntu the hardware to windows on VMWare (the camera and sound-speakers)?11:47
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superkirbyartistAlcaponage: select "recovery mode" and type "startx"11:47
slaine_Has networking infrastructure changed much in latest releases ?11:47
LjLsuperkirbyartist: why would he want recovery mode?11:47
Mookiecan someone help me figure out how to boot to my usb from floppy so i can install ubuntu?11:47
LjL!smartbootmanager > Mookie    (Mookie, see the private message from Ubotu)11:47
superkirbyartistLjL: If NVIDIA won't boot, he can't see anything on the screen.11:47
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superkirbyartistLjL: He can install/remove NVIDIA stuff from recovery mode.11:48
superkirbyartistLjL, recovery mode linux = windows safe mode.11:48
LjLsuperkirbyartist: uhm, he can see a terminal and use it - just like he can from recovery mode. and if nvidia doesn't work in normal mode, i don't see how 'startx' would work in recovery mode11:48
LjLsuperkirbyartist: not really11:48
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basculesuperkirbyartist: recovery mode linux = windows recovery console +100000011:49
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spinner_bascule  basic/everyday desktop usage is my first goal11:49
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superkirbyartistbascule, but it becomes "safe mode" when startx is run.11:49
spinner_tnx LjL11:49
SpiderPigi installed a bitchx update today that came automatically with ubuntu when i started it. is there someplace where i can see what this update actualy does?11:49
bernierwhen I log in ubuntu, my internet is often very slow until it fixes itself or I unplug, replug my modem anyone knows why?11:49
geniiLjL: After making xorg changes he can telinit 211:50
alcaponageI can't even go into recovery mode11:50
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LjLalcaponage: what happens when you try?11:50
alcaponageSays" Fatal server error: non screens found11:50
elivancecan anyone help me with a partitioning problem? I resized a 20gb partition with 500mb free to 60gb but its still only showing 500mb free space in GNOME partition editor - in windows XP the drive size is shown as 20gb and the free space as 500mb, however in disk manager in windows it shows the partition size as 60gb!11:50
basculespinner_: well tarballs if clicked in the file manager should open up in an app much like winzip asking you where to extract to11:50
dimas_why the usb tool from VMWare doesnt find the speaker and camera from my main distro Ubuntu?11:50
LjLalcaponage: you can log into the terminal though, can't you?11:50
dakirahey.. how can i tell ubuntu not to shut down immediately when it thinks the laptop battery is empty?11:50
romanoWitam! Nasi s wszdzie a tutaj nie?11:50
superkirbyartistbascule, but it becomes "safe mode" when startx is run.11:50
basculesuperkirbyartist: startx from recovery still isn't safe mode11:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wines - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:50
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.11:50
alcaponageit says"root@me:"#11:51
StalkerOfRisa`[Google Search] : http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=&btng=google+search&meta=11:51
ubotuGoogle is a very popular search engine: http://www.google.com  -  Google also has a Linux-specific search engine: http://google.com/linux11:51
StalkerOfRisa`[Google Search] : http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=&btng=google+search&meta=11:51
LjLalcaponage: yes, that's a terminal man.11:51
LjLalcaponage: type  depmod -a 11:51
superkirbyartistSTOP IT STALKER11:51
SpiderPigwhy would anyone install linux use wine?11:51
SpiderPigmakes no sense11:51
dakiradimas_: you might get luckier with virtualbox!11:51
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o LjL] by ChanServ
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wabiDhmm microsoft is "open sourcing" .net11:51
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alcaponagenothing happens11:51
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alcaponagedo i include the <<>>?11:51
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dimas_dakira what is virtualbox?11:52
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LjLalcaponage: no. nothing is supposed to happen. try  startx  now.11:52
dakiradimas_, an opensource vmware competitor11:52
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vmlinuz`installed ogg vorbis & ogg theora, still can't view .wmv ;/11:52
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dakiradimas_: which handles usb alot better11:52
_Lucretia_can somebody tell me how to get an iso-8599-1 locale that I can use temporarily to update an svn tree for a specific project which doesn't support utf8? thanks11:52
LjLvmlinuz`: ...11:52
alcaponage"fatal server error"11:52
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alcaponageFatal IO error 10411:52
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dimas_shakira thank you i may try that11:53
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LjLvmlinuz`: perhaps that's because "WMV" files are "Windows Media Video" files, and not Ogg Vorbis or Theora?11:53
whiskeytangowhere can i find and download a working tahoma font for ubuntu?11:53
kitchewabiD: no they are open sourceing silverlight but  that's more for -offtopic11:53
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LjL!w32codecs > vmlinuz`    (vmlinuz`, see the private message from Ubotu)11:53
dimas_dakira may i call you shakira?11:53
LjLalcaponage: type  apt-get install pastebinit 11:53
=== Mikelevel [n=MoVeWoRk@60.Red-80-25-210.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
SpiderPigwabid just forget about microsoft this is ubuntu and we all know ms sucks11:53
wabiDthat is silverlight?11:53
spinner_bascule: yes i got that rather quick. I have downloaded the compiz -0.60 desktop11:53
superkirbyartistLjL: sudo apt-get remove apt11:54
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spinner_now i want to run it11:54
wabiDyea but this could help mono i guess11:54
basculespinner_: don't mess with that stuff when you are new, it will put you off for a long time, be patient and wait for the update11:54
alcaponageLjl: it said it's connecting11:54
LjLalcaponage: then, when it's finished installing, type  cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | pastebinit -b http://pastebin.com  and give me the URL that results11:54
spinner_I just need to find out how i can run applications and other simple stuff i linux11:54
whiskeytangowhere can i find and download a working tahoma font for ubuntu?11:54
SpiderPigwabid nothing ms does will help ubuntu or linux. its a threat to them11:54
LjLsuperkirbyartist: don't give such dangerous commands in the channel please11:54
generalsnusloading stage 1.5..error 2111:54
generalsnus    i have winxp on sda1 ..and ubuntu on sdb3 .. how can i fix this grub error guys11:54
LjL!fonts > whiskeytango    (whiskeytango, see the private message from Ubotu)11:54
=== plukin [n=plukin@dslb-084-057-017-165.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
superkirbyartistLjL, sorry.11:55
superkirbyartistDon't try this at home, kids.11:55
alcaponageLjl: it's at 0 percent, i don't think i'm connected to the internet11:55
basculespinner_: they are located in the menus or launched from the shell by typing their name11:55
whiskeytangothank you :)11:55
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LjLalcaponage: that's not good... ok, close it using Ctrl+C11:55
dakiradimas_: nope ;-)11:55
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dakiradoes anyone know where to find the acpi config files? i.e. the file that contains instructions what happens if the battery is empty?11:56
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alcaponageLjL: what do I do now11:56
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basculedakira: power manager applet allows you to set that stuff11:56
elivancecan anyone help me with a partitioning problem? I resized a 20gb partition with 500mb free to 60gb but its still only showing 500mb free space in GNOME partition editor - in windows XP the drive size is shown as 20gb and the free space as 500mb, however in disk manager in windows it shows the partition size as 60gb!11:56
basculeelivance: perhaps you have to reformat11:57
LjLalcaponage: type  nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf . search for "nvidia" (you can use Ctrl+W to search). when you find a line that says   Driver "nvidia", change that into   Driver "vesa". then Ctrl+X to save and exit.11:57
LjLalcaponage: that way, at least, you should be able to reboot into GNOME, hopefully with working internet11:57
_Lucretia_$ sudo locale-gen en_GB.ISO-8599-111:57
_Lucretia_Error: 'en_GB.ISO-8599-1' is not a supported language or locale11:57
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LjLalcaponage: then we can better check what's wrong with the nvidia driver11:57
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elivancebascule: Hi, thanks for the reply :p is there no way to edit the partition or check its integrity?11:58
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superkirbyartistBye kids, I'm getting out of here.11:58
xyverzfound what I was looking for.  my old menu items, created with the menu editor, are located in $oldhome$/.local/share/applications as [menuname] .desktop11:58
paolob-parroquiaHi guys! What can I use in order to generate a small database application in ubuntu? thank you!11:58
alcaponageLJL: said nvidia not found11:58
wabiDif i have vista on partition1 and ubuntu on partition3 can i boot ubuntu from vmware from within vista?11:58
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ASTX813Does anyone know a way to get a USB stick to dual boot DOS and Linux (trying DamnSmallLinux at the moment, but failing)11:58
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basculeelivance: well in linux you can sudo cfdisk /dev/<drive> and see what it thinks11:59
macsimany fix for this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/145782 ?11:59
kitchepaolob-parroquia: umm depends what you want to make the database in you could use mysql by itself or postgresql but it might be easier to make a full program in C++ or another language11:59
LjLalcaponage: are you sure? if it's saying the *nvidia* module can't be loaded, it must mean that your X is trying to load it...11:59
elivancebascule: will do - thanks11:59
wabiDASTX813, can you get it to just boot linux?11:59
LjLalcaponage: you're on Feisty, aren't you?11:59
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basculeelivance: there is alo an app known as testdisk that can catch and ediot some errors11:59
cmpharkANYONE have experince setting up a webserver off a home machine with ubuntu server addition11:59
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bascule /ediot/edit11:59
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spinner_so is there a cool mp3 player i can download and get to run first12:00
yotamMediniI am about to install for a newbie friend Gutsy-Beta. How easy will it for him to upgrade to gutsy-official ?12:00
basculespinner_: well there are lots and it depends how you define cool12:00
wabiDyotamMedini, it should just pop up in the system tray12:00
wabiDand he presses update12:00
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ASTX813wabiD Yeah, it boots linux fine off the USB.  I tried adding an entry to syslinux.cfg that points to a backup of the DOS MBR and nothing happens when I try that.12:00
alcaponageLJL i see the driver "nvidia12:00
paolob-parroquiakitche, no, the application is really small, I don't think I need to use C, and anyway I don't know it quite well. Is there anything simpler, for example, is it possible to generate such an app in python?12:00
LjLalcaponage: then search for Driver - you'll find many lines that say "Driver", but you want one that is in 'Section "Device"' and has an "Identifier" before it, and somehow mentions video (for example, says "nv" or "vesa")12:00
basculespinner_: some people thing cool is "exactly the same as that windows app I like"12:00
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LjLalcaponage: err, yes. that's what i wanted you to find.12:00
kitchepaolob-parroquia: yeah sure12:01
LjLalcaponage: nevermind what i just said then.12:01
wabiDare you booting dos off a separate partition12:01
yotamMedinithx wabiD. will it also upgrade the /etc/apt/source.list ?12:01
paolob-parroquiakitche, where should I begin?12:01
LjLalcaponage: change it into Driver "vesa"12:01
spinner_well i just need to learn some basic to execute files and so on and improve my mad skilz;P12:01
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wabiDyea i think it does periodically12:01
alcaponageLJL i did12:01
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LjLalcaponage: ok, Ctrl+X to save and exit then12:01
=== Downix [n=gregory@118-85.97-97.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
LjLalcaponage: then reboot and let me know12:01
alcaponagei'm rebooting12:02
DownixI'm trying to get ATI's graphics to work with Ubuntu with poor results12:02
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basculespinner_: well get used to the system over all, read the migrating to linux from windows tutes that are all over the place, leave the mad-skilz thing for time to teach you12:02
elivancebascule: stupid question but how do i tell cfdisk to scan my C: drive - im a bit new to linux :p12:02
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alcaponageLJL, i can load it now12:02
LjLalcaponage: i'm not sure i've asked you already - how did you install the nvidia driver?12:02
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basculeelivance: cfdisk /dev/sda or /dev/hda 1st one for sata drives second for IDE12:02
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alcaponageLjl: yes, i am using compiz fusion12:02
Downixany way to check to see if agpgart is set up properly?12:02
LjLalcaponage: i asked *how* did you install it12:03
spinner_yes that was what i was thinking to the ;P was me being sarcastic :)12:03
alcaponageLjl; I updated the files and it wouldn't start12:03
elivancebascule: ahhh thanks12:03
alcaponagesudo nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals -d 2412:03
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LjLalcaponage: what did you *do* to install the nvidia driver?12:03
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erloganI have a command-line-only install that I would like to configure to automount CDs and USB drives, since it doesn't do this by default.  What's the best way to go about it?12:03
alcaponagei typed in sudo nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals -d 24 in the terminal12:03
dakirabascule: yeah.. but I only get console access because acpi shuts my latop down since it thinks the battery is on 0%12:03
alcaponagei also used a program12:03
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LjLalcaponage: before typing that.12:04
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