
lamont(trusting archives should be a property of the chroot, not the real-root)12:52
lamontI guess that should properly be a bug against launchpad with diff in it, yes?12:52
cprov-outlamont: indeed, file a bug on launchpad-buildd product, please.12:54
lamontwill do12:54
=== lamont adds it to his list. :-)
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kikolamont, you got mail01:33
lamontkiko: thanks01:36
lamontalthough we exposed the bug by adding a brand spanking new architecture...  which kinda fits your model01:37
lamontand the mail lets me understand why the lucky packages were, um, lucky01:37
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kikoScottK, do I need to add any special tags to https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/148792 ?02:24
ubotuLaunchpad bug 148792 in ubuntu "Package OGMRip" [Undecided,New]  02:24
kikothanks ajmitch 02:28
FujitsuEw, getdeb.02:31
ubotuNew bug: #148796 in malone ""Page not found error", when someone updated the bug, while you were editing" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/14879602:40
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mpt"You have been subscribed to a public bug by a mysterious stranger"05:01
mpt"You have been subscribed to a public bug by sunspot activity"05:01
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mayecoyou are changing things in launchpad right?06:02
lifelessuh yes07:11
lifelessyes we are07:11
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StevenKAm I able to put multiple affects lines into a signed mail I send into Malone? If so, will it do the right thing.07:46
spivStevenK: yes07:47
spivStevenK: https://help.launchpad.net/UsingMaloneEmail#head-5ea87d70dba160e5903ca01b9eedd8d8476aa2a1 gives an example of doing that.07:48
StevenKExcellent, thanks07:49
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FujitsuHi carlos.08:43
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carlosHobbsee: hi, you didn't ping me again yesterday. Do you still need to talk with me?10:39
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=== Hobbsee thinks
Hobbseemornign mrevell 10:44
mrevellhi Hobbsee10:44
yeagertime to leave.. flight to london in 2 hours11:14
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thisfredhi guys: minor gripe about the launchpad translation exports: the structure of and filenames in the exported tarballs seem to be in flux, which makes automating translation synchronization with my applications sort of a pain. Is it documented somewhere how exactly those files are packed, and more importantly, is there a point at which the stucture will remain stable? ;) 11:46
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jtvthisfred: can you show me where (url) you request these tarballs?11:49
jtvthisfred (so I can figure out what exactly goes into them)11:50
thisfredjtv, for instance: https://translations.launchpad.net/silva-find/trunk/+pots/silva-find/+export11:50
jtvthanks, I'm taking a look11:50
thisfredthanks very much!11:50
jtvthisfred: is there any chance that these are after-effects of files being renamed or moved around in the past?11:53
thisfredjtv, possibly, but I don't think so, I mean, I always took care to upload the same thing I got from launchpad in terms of structure and filenames.11:54
thisfredI'm sure I always uploaded a single tarred flat directory with .pot and .po's11:55
thisfrednow I'm getting files directly in the zip and the .pot in a directory, that has a different name than before11:55
thisfredalso it used to be nl.po, en.po etc. now it's name-of-project-en.po11:56
thisfredthat's all easily changed in my scripts of course11:56
thisfredI just wanna make sure it won't be changing very soon again ;)11:56
jtvWe're also doing lots of imports for Gutsy at the moment of course, so if those contain changes...11:57
thisfredI don't think any of my projects are in gutsy11:57
jtvAnd Launchpad-native translations, right?11:58
jtvthisfred: I don't know too much about the naming logic for these files, but I'm asking around.12:00
thisfredjtv, thanks12:00
thisfredI'm not 100% sure what you mean by launchpad native12:00
jtvNor I, never mind that :)12:01
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jtvthisfred: do you remember when you uploaded these PO and POT files?12:04
jtv(btw, "breadcrumbs" -> "broodkruimels"?)12:04
carlosthisfred: we got already bug reports about it and plan to fix it, don't worry12:05
carlosjtv: is what we talked this morning12:05
thisfredjtv, I'll have a look12:05
thisfredcarlos, oh, ok, I'll wait for the dust to settle then :)12:06
jtvthisfred: carlos just mentioned that this sounds like a known problem.  I'mg digging up the bug URL.12:06
carlosthisfred: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/rosetta/+bug/148286 and https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/rosetta/+bug/14827612:06
ubotuLaunchpad bug 148286 in rosetta "multiple template export has wrong directory names" [High,Confirmed]  12:06
jtvah, that's it.12:06
thisfredmany thanks!12:07
jtvcarlos: thanks from me too!12:07
thisfredI'll subscribe to those 12:07
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thisfredand jvt: I didn't actually do *all* of the dutch translations, but I'll follow the breadcrumbs ;)12:09
ubotuNew bug: #148901 in malone "less bugs listed when sorting" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/14890112:15
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jtvthisfred: you may want to follow bug 148276 as well.12:35
ubotuLaunchpad bug 148276 in rosetta "po files should have the same name as when they were uploaded" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/14827612:35
jtvthisfred: note there's only one digit of difference between those two bug numbers, a bit confusing.12:36
thisfredjtv, thanks, but I just clicked them, so I don't run the risk of mistyping ;)12:38
jtvthisfred: for me just _noticing_ the difference is sometimes difficult.12:42
ubotuNew bug: #148905 in malone "unexpectedformdata on clicking "1  bug fixed elsewhere" on gcc" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/14890512:45
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mantiena-baltixhi all02:47
mantiena-baltixwho is reponsible for PPA in launchpad ? It seems there are big problems with PPA - it doesn't install python :(02:49
Hobbseemantiena-baltix: cprov 02:51
cprovmantiena-baltix: well, PPA chroot is the same used in ubuntu primary archive, can I see the failed build log ?02:52
ubotuNew bug: #148939 in launchpad "OOPS validating a sign only gpg key" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/14893902:55
mantiena-baltixcprov, yes, of course: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/9721899/buildlog_ubuntu-feisty-i386.pingus_0.7.1-1%7Efeisty1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz02:59
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cprovmantiena-baltix: I think you should depend on python, but I'm not the best person to ask. Can you request help on #motu ?03:06
kikobuild-depend maybe?03:08
Fujitsucprov: #ubuntu-motu, you mean?03:09
=== Hobbsee looks in
cprovFujitsu: yes, off course, thanks.03:10
Hobbseecprov: that looks like a good question for a buildd admin - to try to install tha tmanually03:10
Hobbseeor throw the source at a normal feisty pbuilder.03:11
FujitsuYou'd need to try to install them manually in that chroot to work out what was wrong, yes.03:11
mantiena-baltixcprov, problem isn't in build-deps (pingus package is taken from ubuntu gutsy), problem is in PPA, other packages, which have build without problems now fails because PPA doesn't install python03:12
mantiena-baltixlook for example at 2 kde-guildance build logs:03:13
cprovmantiena-baltix: you are building gutsy on feisty, are you considering that, right ?03:14
mantiena-baltixcprov, I'm backporting from gutsy to feisty03:14
FujitsuIt's hard to tell exactly what has gone wrong without access to the chroots.03:15
mantiena-baltixlook at the build log of pingus or kde-guidance - there is the same problem:03:17
mantiena-baltixscons: Depends: python but it is not going to be installed03:17
mantiena-baltix         Depends: python-central (>= 0.5.8) but it is not going to be installed03:17
Hobbseeas a check, you include py-central in the build-deps, and see why it bails03:17
Hobbseebut that's probably not the source of the problem.03:17
Hobbseebut to say that the python on the buildds is botched is kinda useless - particularly with no buildd access.03:18
cprovmantiena-baltix: it might be related with the the recent changes we made in chroots for Partner archive, let me try something, one sec and you can retry the failure builds03:18
mantiena-baltixcprov, thanks03:19
cprovmantiena-baltix: i386 PPA should be sane now, retry one of the builds, please.03:22
mantiena-baltixbtw, why there are no way to remove package from PPA archive ?03:24
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cprovmantiena-baltix: because it's not yet implemented <wink>, "version bump (tm)"03:26
mantiena-baltixcprov, hehe, it seems your fix helps - kde-guidance is in build process for about 4 minutes (previously it fails after 2 minutes) :)03:35
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cprovmantiena-baltix: great ! thanks for the feedback, I wasn't aware of this issue 03:38
Fujitsucprov: How did partner manage to break it?03:39
HobbseeFujitsu: when there's enough crack in soyuz, just *looking* at it the wrong way can break it.03:39
cprovFujitsu: partner requires us to use -updates chroots for the supported 'release' pocket (dapper, edgy, feisty)03:40
ubotuNew bug: #148960 in launchpad-bazaar "Same user subscribed twice to a branch" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/14896003:40
cprovHobbsee: from the soyuz PoV, the crack is on your packages ;)03:41
Hobbseecprov: no, no, we dont upload crack.  people can actually audit our packages and see that03:41
Hobbseecprov: soyuz is just deluded.03:41
mantiena-baltixcprov, thanks for the fix - I alredy have successful guidance backport, it's time for pingus :)03:41
mantiena-baltixbtw, amd64 is fixed too ?03:42
cprovmantiena-baltix: yes, amd64 is ready to go too03:42
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=== ddaa orders a copy of White Snow for mwhudson
=== Hobbsee orders some coke
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ddaaHobbsee: I did not realize one could read "White Snow" in this way...04:00
Hobbseeddaa: dunno which way you're thinking about.  my statement was mostly unrelated.04:01
ddaait's probably better04:01
SteveAWelcome to this week's Launchpad development meeting.  For the next 45 minutes or so, we'll be coordinating about Launchpad development!04:01
SteveAwho is here today?04:01
SteveAstub sends apologies04:02
SteveA== Agenda ==04:03
SteveA * Roll call04:03
SteveA * Agenda04:03
SteveA * Next meeting04:03
SteveA * Actions from last meeting04:03
SteveA * Oops report (Matsubara)04:03
SteveA * Critical Bugs (Rinchen)04:03
SteveA * Bug tags04:03
SteveA * Operations report (mthaddon)04:03
SteveA * DBA report (stub)04:03
SteveA * Sysadmin requests (Rinchen)04:03
SteveA * A top user-affecting issue (mrevell)04:03
SteveA (other items)04:04
SteveA * Blockers04:04
SteveANext meeting: same time next week04:05
SteveAdoes anyone know they won't be able to attend?04:05
kikoI won't04:05
kikoI'm on vacation.04:05
jameshI probably won't04:05
adeuringI neither -- more complex appointment at a dentist04:06
SteveAadeuring: good luck04:06
baci won't04:06
adeuringSteveA: thanks :)04:06
SteveA * Actions from the last meeting04:07
SteveAthere are none04:07
SteveA * Oops report (Matsubara)04:07
matsubaraThanks jamesh for fixing #13227004:07
matsubaraToday's oops report is about bugs 148939, 44871, OOPS-641E161504:07
ubotuLaunchpad bug 148939 in launchpad "OOPS validating a sign only gpg key" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/14893904:07
ubotuLaunchpad bug 44871 in launchpad "xmlrpc should return appropriate response for a GET" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/4487104:07
matsubaraSomeone from the foundations team want to take #148939?04:07
matsubaramwh, can you take #44871?04:07
flacostesalgado: do you think you have time for #148939?04:08
matsubaraI already privmsg'd jtv about the OOPS and jtv will file a bug and follow up on it.04:08
matsubaramwhudson: can you take #44871?04:09
kikoflacoste, can you maybe give it to ddaa?04:09
mwhudsonmatsubara: i can look at it, at least, i have no intuition as to how hard it will be04:09
matsubaramwhudson: btw, why do you have 2 nicknames?04:09
mwhudsonmatsubara: two machines04:09
SpadsOne for casual, one for formal.04:09
salgadoflacoste, I was actually hoping to bribe matsubara on doing that, but I can give it a try today to see if it's easy. if it is then it's fine04:09
SteveAwhy mwhudson for xmlrpc?04:09
flacostesalgado: you might want to try bribing ddaa instead :-)04:09
Hobbseematsubara: why have 2 names, when you can have 3?04:09
SteveAthat should be a foundations team issue04:10
flacosteotherwise, i can probably take both04:10
flacostematsubara: assign both to me04:10
ddaaI'm happy with the foundation bugs I already have.04:10
flacostei'll delegate if necessary04:10
matsubarathanks flacoste 04:10
ddaaBut I can look into this if needed.04:10
kikoddaa, this bug will make you even happier :)04:10
SteveAalso, it's likely to be reasonably tricky zope internals04:10
flacostematsubara: and put it on the 1.1.10 milestone04:10
matsubaraflacoste: sure thing04:10
matsubaraso, I think I'm done here. thanks all04:11
matsubaraSteveA: back to you04:11
SteveAthanks matsubara 04:12
mantiena-baltixsorry for disturbing, but I wanna ask important question - when there will be an ability to register new milestone or new release for other distros in launchpad ? It's too hard to track bugs when there are no ability to set the target milestone :(04:12
SteveA * Critical Bugs (Rinchen)04:12
RinchenHi, one for this week, a PPA item:  Bug #14439204:12
ubotuLaunchpad bug 144392 in soyuz "cron.daily dies after poppy restart because of permission problems with queue dot-lock file" [Critical,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/144392 - Assigned to Celso Providelo (cprov)04:12
SteveAmantiena-baltix: Il'l add that to the agenda for later.04:12
kikoI think that bug was actually fixed04:12
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Rinchencprov, this appears to be assigned to you 04:13
cprovRinchen: very trivial 50 lines04:13
RinchenGreat! Do you have a target?04:13
cprovkiko: can you check those ? 04:13
mantiena-baltixSteveA: thanks, I'm waiting :)04:13
Rinchencprov, or to reword, will it be by tomorrow?  I suspect we'll want to cherry this?04:14
kikoRinchen, I don't think it's affecting us right now04:14
kikoit can be manually fixed04:14
kikothe bug is only to avoid it happening again04:14
Rinchenthat's even better. Can you (kiko) or cprov please comment in the bug report to that effect.04:14
cprovRinchen: yes, it'd be good, otherwise we will cry again when elmo need to reboot production machines04:14
Rinchenmoving on.. back to you Steve.  Thanks cprov.04:14
SteveAso... should that bug be critical or just high?04:15
kikoelmo never reboots machines!04:15
Rinchenbtw, matsubara pointed out that the IE7 bug has been fixed earlier this week. I don't have the bug number handy though04:15
elmokiko: yes, http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-518-1, I do04:15
kikoelmo, shhh :)04:16
SteveARinchen: should that bug be critical or just high?04:16
kikoit has a workaround.04:16
Rinchenbased on the above, I agree with high04:16
SteveAok, please change its importance04:16
SteveA * Bug tags04:17
=== joerlend__ [n=joerlend@249-191.dsl.freewave.no] has joined #Launchpad
SteveAwe have a number of proposals for new bug tags today04:17
SteveAoops-tools: Bugs related to the scripts used to generate oops reports, oops.cgi and the processes related to oops in general04:17
SteveAfrom matsubara04:17
SteveAlooks good to me04:17
SteveAany objections?04:17
SteveAaccepted, thanks matsubara 04:18
matsubarathanks SteveA 04:18
SteveAthree proposals from francis:04:18
SteveAlibrarian: Bugs related to the Librarian component04:18
SteveA+1 from me.  other comments?04:18
mwhudsoni thought that existed already!04:18
SteveAopenid: Bugs related to the OpenID implementation04:19
SteveAmwhudson: existing is different from being officially used and having a standard definition04:19
mwhudsonSteveA: ah04:19
SteveAno objections to 'librarian', so approved.04:19
SteveA+1 on openid, particularly as we'll be expanding our openid service in the future.04:19
RinchenI'm happy with OpenID if it will help Foundations. 04:20
SteveAno objections to openid, so approved.04:20
kikoI think that's a good idea.04:20
kikoI have a request04:20
kikocan we merge xmlrpc and api tags?04:20
flacostei think that's a good idea04:20
SteveAkiko: +104:20
barrykiko: +104:20
jameshkiko: they'll potentially be using separate infrastructure though ...04:20
Rinchen+1 here04:20
kikojamesh, but does it matter so much?04:21
SteveAI'd like to keep separate tags for external public APIS04:21
SteveAand internal APIs we use within the DC04:21
barryxmlrpc will likely become a private internal thing (only? mostly?) but i'm still fine with merging them04:21
SteveAhang on04:21
SteveAwe're confusing the name of a protocol "XMLRPC" with the kind of service04:21
SteveAwe will continue using xmlrpc for internal apis04:21
flacostethen we should change the definitions and keep the two tags04:22
SteveAwe'll need to maintain some xmlrpc apis externally, for compatibility with older ubuntu releases04:22
SteveAI think apis should include legacy public xmlrpc04:22
SteveAthe key word here is 'public'04:22
SteveAwe may need a new tag for 'internal-only apis'04:22
=== barry would be fine with a 'public api' tag and a 'private api' tag
flacostepublic-api private-api?04:22
SteveAI think 'apis' does well for 'public api'04:23
flacosteand it's shorter04:23
barrySteveA: that's fine too04:23
SteveAso 'api' and 'private-api'04:23
barrySteveA: +104:23
SteveAalthough, again, it's not so much private as 'internal'04:23
SteveAso, I'd prefer internal-api tbh04:23
SteveAand still get rid of 'xmlrpc' as a tag04:23
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barryworks for me04:23
RinchenI'm happy with that.04:23
=== flacoste too
SteveApeople: Bugs related to the management of Persons and Teams. This would include registration bugs, but exclude bugs related to login and password recovery.04:24
SteveAthe third proposal from flacoste 04:24
flacostei'm not too sure about that one04:24
SteveAI think the scope needs some work04:24
flacostei think it could be well merged with my other proposal04:24
Rinchenflacoste, to include FOAF?04:24
SteveAperhaps with more examples04:24
SteveARinchen: be careful of the term FOAF04:24
flacosteRinchen: i proposed originally foaf as tag name04:25
SteveAit has a specific usage in the internet community04:25
=== Rinchen nods in agreement.
SteveAwhich is not the same as what we casually refer to as foaf04:25
SteveAalthough we do have a FOAF export somewhere I think04:25
SteveAI'm fine with the tag name 'people', but I want the scope to be clearer04:25
SteveAflacoste: can we leave this until next week?04:25
flacosteSteveA: we can04:26
Rinchenmatsubara, your comments as well to flacoste post meeting on this tag would be interesting to have.04:26
kikoflacoste, I just work here!04:26
SteveAok, so that stays there until next week, and get more examples04:26
SteveAany remaining questions on new bug tags?04:26
SteveAthanks for your proposals, kiko, flacoste, matsubara 04:26
=== Hobbsee wants a take-over-the-world tag. :P
matsubararoger, Rinchen 04:27
flacostematsubara: remind me: should I update the tags page?04:27
matsubaraflacoste: yes please04:27
SteveAok, thanks04:27
SteveA * Operations report (mthaddon)04:28
mthaddonNew deployment scripts testing well so far (used in the 1.1.9 release)04:28
mthaddonNew PQM box finally working (still need to plan with IS for ramdisk testing)  and showing improved timing04:28
mthaddonAlso need to coordinate with IS on DB upgrade04:28
mthaddonI think that's it from me unless there are any questions04:28
salgadomthaddon, how much did it improve?04:28
kikoaround 40 minutes I think04:29
SteveAmthaddon: I'd like to know the results of the ramdisk work so that we can deploy it for week 3 if it is a successful experiment04:29
Rinchen110 down to 66 roughly04:29
SteveAthanks admins, for the new box!04:29
mthaddonSteveA, understood - got bogged down with the PQM bug yesterday... will hope to find time today04:29
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SteveA * DBA report (stub)04:30
SteveAhmm, I was expecting to see that on the launchpad list04:30
SteveA * Sysadmin requests (Rinchen)04:30
RinchenHi! Is anyone blocked on an RT or have any that are becoming urgent? 04:30
mthaddonone very nice side effect (PQM for LP is now on it's own box) is that the timing seems to be a lot less variable as well - very consistent timing for a run04:30
RinchenAs usual we've had several complete this week.04:30
kikoRinchen, just the ramdisk testing for PQM that has alredy been managed.04:30
kikomthaddon, yes, I had noticed that.04:31
Rinchenkiko, ok thanks.04:31
carlosRinchen: jtv is blocked on one RT ticket04:31
kikoRinchen, thanks for handling bdmurray's request04:31
carlosjtv: ?04:31
RinchenThe RT blocking mpt was resolved earlier this week as well as one for bdmurray 04:31
jtvcarlos: not actually blocked, it's just a damn nuisance04:31
Rinchenah right, you're welcome04:31
Rinchencarlos, topic? I didn't see it in the weekly04:31
carlosjtv: well... it's blocking us to relay on you being able to act if there are requests that need you attention...04:32
Rinchenor jtv...topic and/or number04:32
SteveA * A top user-affecting issue (mrevell)04:32
carlosRinchen: having jtv member of rosetta@launchpad.net alias04:32
jtvRinchen: don't have number handy04:32
SteveAjtv: please tell Rinchen after the meeting04:32
mwhudsonmthaddon: would be fun to include stddev alongside average in https://devpad.canonical.com/~mthaddon/pqm_durations.html :-)04:32
mrevellThis week's issue concerns how we announce changes that will affect the way people use Launchpad.04:32
mrevellI asked the launchpad-users list for input on how to improve these announcements.04:32
mrevellSome people supported announcing changes in Launchpad's UI, perhaps as a message above the green breadcrumb bar.04:32
mrevellI'd like to know what people think of this idea. In particular, how do we decide how which changes warrant a UI message.04:32
mrevellIf we don't have time in this meeting, please see the launchpad-users thread "Announcing Coming Changes in Launchpad".04:33
kikomrevell, I think it's really the best idea04:33
mrevellThanks, back to you SteveA.04:33
kikoI'm not sure the message above the bar is the best way to do it04:33
Hobbseemrevell: ones that actually influence people's workflow04:33
SteveAwe have a spec for such announcements somewhere04:33
SteveAso that people can confirm an announcement04:33
kikobut I think we need to find a way of informing people, yes04:33
SteveAand won't be shown it again04:33
HobbseeSteveA: any chance we can mirror that to lp-users or something?04:33
kikoI think a bubble announcement that shows until you dismiss it is the best idea04:33
HobbseeSteveA: (the full spec)04:33
SteveAbut we don't show an announcement that has already happened04:33
SteveAit was ages ago04:33
mthaddonmwhudson, I think if we see more variance in the timings on the new box that might be useful 04:33
SteveAso might need rejiggering or something04:33
SteveAHobbsee: we'll make it public if/when we find it04:34
SteveAmoving on...04:34
SteveAthanks mrevell 04:34
mrevellI can take a look for the spec04:34
HobbseeSteveA: cool, OK04:34
SteveAmantiena-baltix: proposed an item.04:34
SteveAhe said:04:34
SteveA when there will be an ability to register new milestone or new release for other distros in launchpad ? It's too hard to track bugs when there are no ability to set the target milestone.04:34
SteveAI don't know of a timescale for this04:35
RinchenI'll need to do some investigation. I seem to have run across this request previously in my travels. It's not currently targeted though.04:36
kikoso I will explain what's going on with that04:36
kikoback in the day, milestones used to be standalone things04:36
kikoyou created some for your project and distro and lived with them happily04:36
kikonow at one point that was changed and milestones ended up being subsidiary to project and distro series 04:37
kikowhich means you create a milestone for a particular series04:37
kikoso far so good04:37
kikothe problem that mantiena-baltix is running into04:37
kikois that we don't allow distro owners to add their own releases04:37
kikothis is noted in the code as being restricted, btw, because it could cause "problems in soyuz"04:38
kikoI think this is not accurate or true any longer04:38
kikobut I am unable to establish the extent of the inaccuracy or untruthfulness without some investigation by others04:38
SteveAso, it needs some investigation04:38
cprovkiko: yes, I think so, we have very distribution-oriented scripts/infrastructure atm04:38
kikoI bet cprov is actually right04:39
kikoI'd like statik to confirm this04:39
kikogiven I've already loaded him with all distro and distrorelease related questions in the past04:39
cprovkiko: which means that 'baltix' won't be ever considered.04:39
kikothe question is: can we change permissions to allow distro owners to add their own distroseries?04:39
lamontcprov/kiko: would it be terribly difficult SQL foo, or could I get one of you to dump me a list of what source packages in gutsy/main lack hppa build records?04:40
SteveAlamont: meeting ends in 5 mins.  hang on a sec?04:40
kikostatik, if you can investigate and answer with a simple yes/no, I'll make the rest happen.04:40
statikkiko: I can take this as a meeting action, and work on it (with advice from cprov)04:40
kikostatik, mantiena-baltix, cprov: I will not move one millimeter on this subject until I have this answer, so please don't ask me about it again!04:41
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SteveAtime to move on.  last item on the agenda:04:41
SteveA * Blockers04:41
SteveASC: not blocked04:41
flacosteFoundations Team: not blocked04:42
jtvTranslations: not blocked04:42
bigjoolsSoyuz: not blocked04:42
BjornTBugs Team: not blocked04:42
ddaaCode: not blocked04:42
RinchenReleases Team: Not Blocked04:42
cprovRinchen: bug 141062 is not a blocker but it's be nice if we can reach an agreement soon. Unfortunately, mpt is not here.04:43
ubotuLaunchpad bug 141062 in soyuz "Please relocate /faq, /feedback, and PPA TOS to the wiki" [Medium,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/141062 - Assigned to Celso Providelo (cprov)04:43
statikcollaborative commerce: not blocked04:43
cprovRinchen: code is already r=kiko04:43
Rinchencprov, sure I'll work on that later today04:43
SteveAok, we're done.  Thanks for being here and keeping things moving forwards!04:44
SteveAlamont: please, go for it04:44
cprovRinchen: thanks.04:44
lamontSteveA: thanks.04:44
cprovlamont: isn't the build counter for hppa enough ?04:45
flacostemrevell: where should we report bug about help.launchpad.net?04:45
kikolamont, first send me some LSD. then we can talk.04:45
mrevellflacoste: Against Launchpad Documentation Project - I'll get the link04:45
lamontkiko: that's so 1960s though... you should upgrade04:45
cprovlamont: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy/hppa/+builds?build_text=&build_state=built04:45
kikolamont, so, two answers to your question04:45
mrevellflacoste: https://edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-documentation/+filebug04:45
lamontcprov: what I want is a list of all the packages that LP won't be building...04:45
kikolamont, first, yeah, we could do some investigation04:46
lamontnot the ones it already built.04:46
kikobut what I asked cprov to do04:46
kikois to test the proposed change on mawson04:46
kikoand see what builds it will attempt to queue 04:46
kikoI think that will be enough to answer your question and also establish whether this patch is sane or not04:46
kikoso let's wait for cprov to do that right after he's tested his crazy archive removal redesign work04:47
cprovmthaddon: do you have access to launchpad_production snapshots ? I'd like to have a recent one to restore in dogfood. Can you help me with that ?04:47
mthaddoncprov, sure04:48
mantiena-baltixSteveA, meeting ends, but I still don't understand why noone wants to fix milestone/release registration problems ;(04:51
jtvBalaams_Miracle, you still here by any chance?04:52
SteveAmantiena-baltix: kiko said he wants to fix it, but needs to find out what the issues are.04:52
SteveAmantiena-baltix: we have a big scary notice in the code about this, and we need to understand what that means before we change anything.04:53
SteveAmantiena-baltix: so kiko has asked cprov and statik to look into it.04:53
SteveAmantiena-baltix: although launchpad appears to support many distributions, right now, there are a lot of assumptions that it's just for use with ubuntu, and we need to be careful how we change things.04:53
mantiena-baltixSteveA, ok, but maybe you can register at least few Baltix releases for me ?04:54
SteveAmantiena-baltix: kiko said no, until we have looked into this technical issue.04:54
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lamontcprov: on the bootstrapping thing...05:01
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cprovlamont: yes05:01
lamontplease use your do-guest-maintenance script to add my gpg key (0a0ac927) to promethium and samarium05:01
lamontand then I'll have an i386 chroot for you within the next bit, and we can push amd64 and i386 chroots 05:02
cprovlamont: uhm, no. why do you want that in ppa builders ?05:02
lamonticedtea-java7 needs i386 love05:02
lamontcprov: because I am all-powerful. :-)05:02
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lamontit's a work around for chapt-get being b0rked05:02
lamontonce we fix chapt-get, and LP releases those bits, then I don't need to be god anymore.05:03
cprovlamont:  can't you sort it with IS/elmo ? I'm not sure if I'm allowed apply such hacks.05:03
lamont03-10-2007 17:36:59 < elmo!n=james@83-216-156-21.jamest747.adsl.metronet.co.uk (lamont): +he has a do-guest-maintenance script, he can just add your key to trusted.gpg05:03
lamont(I already added the key on the non-virtual buildds...)05:04
cprovlamont: okay, give some minutes then05:04
lamontcprov: no hurry at all05:04
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jtvthunder rolls05:05
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lamontcprov: if/when something is urgent, believe me, I'll let you know...05:07
cprovlamont: I know ;)05:07
lamont(and this isn't one of those times...)05:07
lamonthrm... /me notes that he owes cprov $BEVERAGE again05:07
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yeagermdke: you there?05:10
mdkeyeager: (In case I'm not around at the moment, please provide a bit of information about what you want and I will respond when I get back)05:10
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lamontgiven a bug number, what's the simplest url for getting to it?   https://launchpad.net/$PROJECT/+bug/$BUGNUM works, is there a way to skip guessing what $PROJECT is?05:45
Balaams_Miraclejtv-afk: I'm here now, but you are afk... (*cries softly*)05:46
kikolamont, launchpad.net/bugs/$bugnum05:46
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Balaams_MiraclePaper covers rock, i win05:47
lamontmy rock is hot lava.  paper burns.  I win05:48
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kalikianaHey there, How do I remove a project from launchpad?06:01
kikokalikiana, you request using the URL in the topic06:02
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jtvBalaams_Miracle: not completely gone though :)06:06
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jtvBalaams_Miracle: I have a bit more information now on those oopses you ran into.06:06
jtvBalaams_Miracle: they do look different from what we've seen before, and I'm not even quite sure what to make of them.06:07
kikowelcome to software engineering06:09
jtvkiko: thanks, I've been sitting here waiting for someone to say that for a few years.  :)06:10
kalikianakiko, Hm... thanks.06:10
jordikiko: I'm sure you'll be interested to know (re one joke/conversation in Montral) that I just created my first ever MSN account. :)06:15
kikojordi, I have one too! you can be in my buddy list!06:15
Balaams_Miraclejtv: Any idea what caused/causes those oopsies?06:17
kikojordi, kiko_async@hotmail.com :)06:17
jtvBalaams_Miracle: not yet, so I wanted to ask you: did they happen more when you were posting, for example?06:17
jtvAhem.  I mean, submitting changes.06:17
Balaams_Miraclejtv: There does seem to be some kind of relation between submitting changes and the timeouts. However, they also occur when i'm just browsing a package06:18
jtvBalaams_Miracle: right now I'm speculating that maybe those were the normal timeouts, and the ones after submitting changes may (sometimes) be different.06:19
jtvBalaams_Miracle: in fact, when you submit I'd expect a slightly lower chance of the original problem, so if you saw _more_ oopses after submitting, that suggests this may be what's happening.06:21
Balaams_MiracleHmmm... How can i help? Should i report every oops or would that be too silly?06:22
jtvBalaams_Miracle: probably, though I appreciate the thought.06:22
jtvBalaams_Miracle: Here's something though...06:23
jtvBalaams_Miracle: when you submit, you move straight on to the next page, right?06:23
Balaams_MiracleYes, and it's often the next page that times out06:24
jtvBalaams_Miracle: what if, before you submitted, you'd made sure that you'd recently visited that next page?06:24
Balaams_MiracleOh wait, you knew that06:24
jtvNo problem with saying things I already know.  :)06:24
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Balaams_MiracleIt's worth a try. I'll go and see if it does make a difference tonight (almost dinner time overhere)06:25
jtvBut maybe you could, for example, open the next page in a separate browser tab before you submit your changes.06:25
ffmHow are projects deleted?06:25
jtvBalaams_Miracle: eet smakelijk!06:25
jtvffm: I believe you need an admin for that...06:26
Balaams_Miraclejtv: Dank je :-) (PS je bleek toch gelijk gehad te hebben over de blauwe tekst)06:26
jtvBalaams_Miracle: :-)06:26
jtvBalaams_Miracle: anyway, once you've visited a +translate page successfully, it shouldn't time out again directly after that.  So this way, we can eliminate the timeouts as a suspect.06:27
jtvBalaams_Miracle: if you still get oopses after submitting, then we'll have a clean, timeout-free reproduction and hopefully that will give us a more useful log.06:27
jtvBalaams_Miracle: or if it makes the problem disappear, naturally I'm also very interest to hear that!06:28
Balaams_Miraclejtv: I will tell you either way. After all, it's great to help improve something already impressive as LP06:29
jtvBalaams_Miracle: it's lots of fun, though the kitchen never looks quite as peaceful as the rest of the restaurant.  :)06:29
jtvBalaams_Miracle: enthusiastic users make it a lot more fun...06:29
Balaams_Miraclejtv: and if preloading the next page does not help, then that will narrow down the causes of the timeouts. :-)06:30
kalikianaffm, Ask a question like "Remove project".06:30
kalikianaffm, ie. under launchpad questions06:30
jtvBalaams_Miracle: it seems to be a mix of timeouts and other errors, so this way we'll get a chance to separate those two.  "Lakmoesproef."06:31
ffmkalikiana: thx06:31
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Balaams_Miraclejtv: I'm sorry if i seem distracted, but my wife's PC reports error 17 on boot and i'm also trying to fix that06:34
jtvBalaams_Miracle: no prob, I think we've covered the important stuff.  Good luck!06:34
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jordikiko-fud: you must have a jabber account though06:53
carlosjordi: what for? he gave me one some time ago, but I never saw him connected (I even doubt he accepted/saw my request to see his status)06:56
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jordikiko-fud: let's see how that works07:06
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ubotuNew bug: #149031 in launchpad "Better visibility for common actions on user profile page" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/14903107:11
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Kmoskiko: bug 132221 - comment on it07:50
ubotuLaunchpad bug 132221 in devscripts "requestsync: Add latest debian version to the title of the bug" [Wishlist,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/132221 - Assigned to Marco Rodrigues (gothicx)07:50
Kmosit will be nice for LP to have bugs with different subject :-)07:51
ScottKKmos: requestsync isn't in devscripts anymore.07:51
KmosScottK: where is it ?07:51
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kikoKmos, I think that'd be a fine improvement to requestsync07:53
Kmosscottk set my bug to invalid07:54
Kmoswhat's the package of requestsync now ?07:54
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ScottKkiko: In one of your mails to ubuntu-devel you asked to let you know if there was an upstream project missing, you'd create it.  Please have a look at Bug 14156308:33
ubotuLaunchpad bug 141563 in malone "CPAN not available as upstream bug tracker" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/14156308:33
kikoScottK, yep.08:33
ScottKI was pretty suprised that one didn't exist as it's the ultimate source for most Perl modules.08:34
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kikoScottK, but.. CPAN isn't a bug tracker. is it?08:35
LaserJocksee, this is what's confusing me08:36
LaserJockit seems like we have to be registering projects for everything08:37
kikookay so far.08:37
LaserJockbut then if the project doesn't use LP or something LP recognizes then I see some major issues08:37
kikowell hang on there.08:37
kikowhat does "something LP recognizes" mean? :)08:37
LaserJocklike bug trackers that LP doesn't "get" or no bug tracker at all08:38
ScottKkiko: CPAN has a bug tracker.08:38
kikoScottK, they do?08:38
LaserJockfor instance, the project I'm work upstream on uses Savannah08:38
kikoan RT08:38
LaserJockwhich LP doesn't know yet08:38
LaserJockso if people file upstream tasks where does it go?08:38
kikoLaserJock, you are slightly SOL with savannah right now but it's being fixed.08:38
kikoright now the tasks aren't linked to upstream bugs -- i.e. you need to maintain the status out of band08:39
LaserJockright, but the even more common case is no bug tracker at all08:39
kikobut we are fixing that08:39
LaserJockI don't even care about status!08:39
ScottKkiko: Doesn't an RT count as a bug tracker?08:39
kikoScottK, indeed it does! I didn't know CPAN had one. 08:39
LaserJockI'm saying that bugs pile up in LP on a project that the authors may not know about08:39
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kikoLaserJock, yes. though that happens in other distribution bug trackers as well -- Launchpad can't do much better than them in those cases yet.08:40
kikoLaserJock, for the projects which /do/ have a supported bugtracker we can do much better though.08:40
LaserJockso Ubuntu users are like "cool, it's got an upstream task so they must be working on it" when in fact the authors have *no* idea that the bugs exist08:40
pwnguinlaunchpad can't fix upstream in software08:41
pwnguinyou could invite them to start a launchpad tracking project though ;)08:42
ScottKLaserJock: I have heard (but am not certain) that Savannah has declined to get data from LP because it's non-free.08:42
kikoLaserJock, there's a proposal to have bridges to upstream for these projects which we currently have no link to.08:42
kikoLaserJock, i.e. volunteers that worked as upstream ambassadors08:42
pwnguinis savannah APL?08:42
LaserJockkiko: right, but what do we do with the bugs?08:42
LaserJockI'm very hesitant to register a project08:43
pwnguinScottK: savanna is gplv2. non-free is a silly complaint in that case08:44
kikoLaserJock, for now, we record that they are upstream, and email upstream maintainers if we have the time.08:44
LaserJockkiko: who does that?08:44
ScottKpwnguin: I'm not judging, just passing on what I heard.08:44
kikoLaserJock, the bug triager, or anybody who cares08:45
pwnguinScottK: gplv2 "or later", excuse me. but the point is, it doesnt require disclosure of changes on deployed sites. If you ever do hear first hand about that, ask em when savanna will be using Affero ;)08:45
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kikoLaserJock, I used "we" in that sense08:45
LaserJockwell, if there's nobody to triage the bug ...08:45
kikoLaserJock, in Ubuntu? I think we're talking past each other.08:46
pwnguinthis sounds like a zen koan08:46
pwnguin"if a user reports a bug and there's no upstream developer to hear it, does it make a sound?"08:46
LaserJockkiko: well, let me think about08:46
LaserJockkiko: I can file some test bugs on demo.lp.net right?08:48
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ymlhello launchpaders08:52
kikoLaserJock, on staging, please, yes.08:52
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Kmoskiko: patch for requestsync done.. bug 13222108:54
ubotuLaunchpad bug 132221 in ubuntu-dev-tools "requestsync: Add latest debian version to the title of the bug" [Wishlist,Fix committed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/132221 - Assigned to Marco Rodrigues (gothicx)08:54
ymlI am slowly get familar wit all the capability of launchpad as platform and I would like to know if someone could help me to understand how to work with the translation?08:54
kikoyml, danilos and carlos and jtv are your best bets, but what would you like to know?08:55
ymlI have uploaded a ".po" file on https://translations.launchpad.net/django-survey/trunk/+imports08:55
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ymlhello kiko happy to read from you again08:56
kikoyml, you're welcome -- I'm as busy as usual :)08:56
ymlthe good sign is that I was able to use launchpad alone during a couple of weeks without your support08:56
kikoyml, very good. and it's still stuck in needs-review?08:56
ymlreview from whom?08:57
ymlI am the developper translator08:57
kikoyml, from carlos or danilo08:57
kikoit's the first time it's imported, and that's why08:57
ymlall in one for that project08:57
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kikobut a launchpad translations admin needs to look at this upload once08:58
ymlWhat are they reviewing?08:58
kikothe structure of the pofile, the pathnames, language and variant.08:59
ymlOnce this is done what are the next step in the process?08:59
kikoyml, once that's done you can translate away using the web UI.08:59
LaserJockkiko: ok, so LP tries to dissuade me from opening an upstream task on gchemutils but I can certainly do it08:59
ymlHow can I update this file with its latest version?09:00
LaserJockso the problem that I have is what happens when those bugs pile up and there's nobody around to send the bugs upstream09:00
LaserJockyou can create a task without having upstream actually know about it at all09:00
kikoLaserJock, right. but let's say you convinced somebody upstream to sit in the slot of gchemutils' bug contact.09:01
kikoLaserJock, then they would get notified of any bugs that were reported upstream09:01
kikoby Ubuntu triagers, or triagers of any other project that happens to use gchemutils09:01
kikoLaserJock, does that make sense?09:01
ymlAlso I have the feeling that I missed something because this file is also part of a branch: https://code.launchpad.net/~yml-nospam/django-survey/main-yui09:02
ymlI was expecting that I could directly point the translation to this file in the branch instead of duplicating it.09:03
kikoyml, right now there is no bzr-to-translations integration, unfortunately. when we do, your project will be one of the first to benefit!09:03
kikoyml, I wish that was possible -- but it will be in the future.09:03
LaserJockkiko: yeah, I just don't think it's gonna happen09:03
kikoLaserJock, which part?09:03
LaserJockprojects that don't use LP aren't going to want to track *another* way of getting bug reports09:03
LaserJockand users don't know all this09:03
LaserJockall they see is that there is an upstream task09:03
LaserJockso they assume upstream knows about it09:04
ymlkiko: I tought it was a standart pattern to manage the translation in the branch09:04
LaserJockupstream tasks shouldn't be just placeholders, they should mean something to people, right?09:04
kikoyml, it is a standard pattern; it's just that launchpad isn't smart enough there yet.09:04
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kikoLaserJock, well, right, they should mean something to people. but let me ask you this.09:05
kikoLaserJock, let's say you talk to upstream, and ask them for an email address to submit bugs to. that's not ridiculous, right?09:05
LaserJockit often doesn't happen, but that's what we're hoping for, yes09:06
LaserJockI very rarely talk to upstreams09:06
ymlkiko: thank you very much I am looking forward getting my .po file reviewed by : carlos or danilo09:06
LaserJockwe touch to many packages to know much of anything about upstreams09:06
kikoyml, I'm hoping they look at it by tomorrow morning. if not, please talk to me!09:06
kikoLaserJock, I know. but one step at a time -- first 5 then 50 then 500.09:07
kikoLaserJock, but if you did convince an important upstream, which is the recipient of many bugs, to add a team with a contact address in LP (or you did it on their behalf) then you'd be half set.09:07
kikoLaserJock, that's the essence of getting upstream to listen to launchpad bugs.09:07
ymlthank you kiko for your great support 09:07
kikoLaserJock, they don't even need to use the web UI09:07
LaserJockwell, I think often times it doesn't exactly work that way09:08
LaserJockwe just keep the bugs in Ubuntu09:08
LaserJockbecause we don't want to be bothered with upstreams09:08
LaserJockand I'm afraid of upstreams getting upset users asking "why didn't you fix my bug?" then they learn that there's a pile of bugs they didn't know about in LP09:09
LaserJockI've experienced this personally09:09
LaserJockupstreams tracking me down, asking what the heck we're doing09:09
LaserJockbecause there's 15 bugs sitting in LP that they didn't know about09:10
LaserJockand people are blaming them09:10
LaserJockthat is the kind of thing I'm trying to avoid09:11
LaserJockand merely moving the bugs to a project rather than ubuntu doesn't help at all09:11
LaserJockunless the upstream gets the info09:12
kikoLaserJock, but it sounds like you and are are agreeing, then -- because I'm saying that we need to get people to listen as bugcontacts for upstream.09:12
LaserJockwell, kinda09:13
LaserJockI'm afraid that in an effort to make things better you end up making it worse09:13
LaserJockthat's my concern09:13
LaserJockin an ideal world, yes, we'd have contacts for every project09:13
kikoand we need to move in that direction, bit by bit.09:14
LaserJockbut you seem to be pushing that we need more projects registered09:14
LaserJockwhen we don't even have contacts for many of the projects we already have09:14
kikoLaserJock, well... 09:14
kikoI think we need to move forward and not get stuck waiting for chickens to come from eggs.09:14
kikootherwise nothing happens -- it's always a bit of pain to get something rolling09:15
kikonow, if there's something we can do to mitigate the principal of the concern you're raising, let's do it09:15
kikoany ideas?09:15
ScottKkiko: I think many upstreams take rather the opposite view.  It's up to distros to push bugs to them.09:15
kikoScottK, you seem to be agreeing with me too, though :) isn't that what I'm proposing?09:16
kikoa distro triager opening an upstream task, IOW?09:16
ScottKThere are X bazillion Linux distros and projects can't listen to them all.09:16
ScottKI thought you were trying to get upstreams to look at LP?09:16
kikoScottK, no. I just want upstreams to provide us with a contact email address so we can send them upstream bug reports when Ubuntu triagers find them.09:17
kikowe'll do the rest.09:17
kikothey can reply via email to the reports, for instance09:17
LaserJockkiko: is there a way to see *all* "needs forwarding" bugs?09:18
kikoLaserJock, there is such a report in the advanced bugs page.09:18
LaserJockthat would give a list for all projects?09:19
kikoLaserJock, for all ubuntu tasks, in the ubuntu context09:19
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LaserJockok, so I came up with 324 bugs09:21
LaserJockso now if we had an upstream contact address we could put those in as the bug contact and then they'd automatically be forwarded?09:23
LaserJockkiko: argg, what's a series? is that a release version?09:28
kikoLaserJock, well, they wouldn't be automatically forwarded /now/, because they have already been filed09:28
kikoa series? why are you asking that? :)09:29
LaserJockI'm trying to link a project to a package09:30
LaserJockand it says that I must first register a series09:30
kikojust use trunk, LaserJock 09:30
LaserJockhmm, but a series looks more interesting09:30
LaserJockis there a reason to use trunk over a series?09:31
LaserJockin this case Ubuntu's packages are really old09:31
LaserJockand the code is waaay different than what is in trunk09:31
kikotrunk is just a series09:34
kikoexplaining by example09:34
kikolinux had a 2.2 and 2.4 series09:35
kikoapache had a 1.2 and 1.3 series09:35
kikotrunk is a virtual series09:35
LaserJockok, so my project has a 0.6 and 0.8 series right now09:35
LaserJockour packages are currently from 0.609:35
LaserJockso would it make sense to create a 0.6 series and link to the packages from there09:36
LaserJockand if I did that what happens when we switch to 0.809:36
kikoyou update the link if you switched to 0.8 in a certain distrorelease09:37
kikoor, if gutsy uses 0.6 and hardy will use 0.8, then you just add a new link.09:37
LaserJockis there any distinct advantage to using series?09:37
LaserJockI like the idea of LP automatically importing the tarballs09:38
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kikowe're going to do that09:39
LaserJockok, snazzy09:44
LaserJockI've got lp.net/gchemutils/ all rigged out09:44
LaserJockset myself as bug contact, registered the 0.6 and 0.8 branches, got CVS imported, and linked the Ubuntu package09:45
LaserJockbut we've got now bugs, I'll have to get some people to file some ;-)09:45
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LaserJockkiko: I gotta run and get some real work done. Thanks for the tour/enlightenment09:50
kikothanks so much LaserJock!09:51
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mdkeiwj: that's what i figured, thanks10:12
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lamontis there a way for me to mark a package as "failed/don't-even-try-again" or some such?11:16
ScottKlamont: File a bug?11:16
lamontenigmail 2:0.94-0ubuntu4.4  in dapper-proposed-updates is going through the infinite loop of build -> autodepwait -> cleardepwait -> build11:16
ScottKAh.  Nevermind.11:17
lamontScottK: against launchpad-buildd requesting such a button?  it may come to that11:17
ScottKI thought you were talking about something else.11:17
ScottKThere's always upload a new revision that wants something not in the archive.   That would do it.11:17
lamontsince dapper builds ahead of gutsy in the queue, it slows the buildd farm down by several minutes each queuebuilder run (amd64 takes over 20 minutes before it fails))11:18
lamontdifferent question for cprov or whoever... if I rescore a build to -1, will it ever build?11:20
lamontI figure it's either "after all the positive scores", or "never"11:20
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cprovlamont: yes, it will build when the queue is empty.11:21
lamontwell, I suppose that's better than nothing11:21
lamontof course, since it auto-retries, you don't get to actually see the build log (purged), unless you're patient and have good timing...11:22
cprovlamont: I meant, yes, the former ...11:22
lamontnot sure what the breakage is that's got it forever looping11:22
lamontcprov: fwiw, it would appear that LP thinks it should be buildable, and sbuild begs to differ.11:23
cprovlamont: is it a failure or a given-back (as in 'it continues in needs_build state')11:23
lamontso there's a logic disconnect there.  just so you know...11:23
lamontcurrently-building -> dep-wait -> needs-build -> repeat11:23
cprovlamont: the build log remains in librarian for a while and you have the direct link in the build-failure-notification email.11:25
cprovlamont: ah, you have it11:25
lamontfter installing, the following source dependencies are still unsatisfied:11:25
lamontmozilla-thunderbird-dev(inst ! >= wanted
lamontBuild-Depends: debhelper (>> 4.0.0), coreutils, libidl-dev (>= 0.8.0 ), zlib1g-dev, docbook-to-man, zip, dpatch, m4, mozilla-thunderbird-dev (>=, mozilla-thunderbird-dev (<<, autoconf2.13, sed11:26
lamontleads to grabbing to satisfy the build-dep.11:26
lamontbad bob11:26
lamontBuild-Depends: ... mozilla-thunderbird-dev (>=, mozilla-thunderbird-dev (<<,  ...11:27
lamontis maybe launchpad overwritting the first with the second?11:27
cprovlamont: does the builder return the complete missing-dep sentence to LP ?11:27
cprovlamont: is it in dep-wait now ?  point me to the build page11:28
lamontStatus:   Dependency wait11:28
lamontMissing Dependencies: mozilla-thunderbird-dev (>=
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cprovlamont: well, the dependency lookup method considers all pockets, and apparently you are not using dapper-security in your chroot.11:46
lamontit's dapper-proposed...11:46
lamontone could argue that once dapper releases, dapper-* should be looking at dapper-proposed11:47
lamontobviously, dapper-security should only be looking at dapper and dapper-security to resolve depends....11:47
lamontdo the different pockets have different chroot-ubuntu-dapper-$arch.tar.bz2 tarballs?11:47
lamontif not, that's yet another enhancement request for LP... :-(11:48
lamontbecause -updates should look at -updates for build-deps, and -security should not.11:48
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