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TheRepacker | Hi All, because of a known problem with nvidia 100.14.11 and 14.19 drivers, nvidia is recommending as a workaround to install 100.14.09, but that is not in the repros, anyone know of an easy way to install in Gutsy? | 01:42 |
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hwilde | anybody ever have a problem with apt-get or dpkg launching a totally random program? | 01:47 |
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TheRepacker | anybody here? | 01:53 |
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hwilde | can you explain this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39492/ ? | 01:54 |
hwilde | it's like apt-get and dpkg are messed up | 01:54 |
TheRepacker | does not seem to be anybody here | 01:57 |
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leku | how do I enable desktop effecfts in gutsy? | 01:59 |
leku | i don't see it anywhere | 01:59 |
leku | making me feel dumb here | 01:59 |
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erichj | leku, system->prefs-appearance | 01:59 |
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leku | and then? vizeffecfts? | 02:00 |
erichj | TheRepacker, looks like there is a problem with the package | 02:00 |
erichj | leku, yes | 02:00 |
leku | so extra? | 02:00 |
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erichj | leku, yes | 02:00 |
leku | ok | 02:00 |
leku | anything else I can do to tweak stuff now? | 02:00 |
kevinO | hello i was trying to use my printer, is anyone availabel to help me with it? When i click print test page I get a error: CUPS server error: There was an error during the CUPS operation: 'client-error-document-format-not-supported'. | 02:01 |
erichj | leku, sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager | 02:01 |
TheRepacker | fthe problem is a regression that nvidia today admitted to, has to do with multi-core CPUs and series 7 GPUs | 02:01 |
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leku | ahh thanks erichj | 02:02 |
TheRepacker | it happens with all bersions not just Gutsy | 02:02 |
leku | how come that doesn't come with the default ? | 02:02 |
leku | seems like something everyone would want | 02:02 |
KStrings | I have a quick question. I have used Ubuntu since 6.04 and my special purpose laptop buttons (WiFi, volume, email...) have allways worked. In 7.10 the volume buttons are all hosed up and I have NO idea where to start with fixing this and how to submit to you guys for the release. I need a starting point. | 02:02 |
erichj | leku, because not everyone would want it. the effects that come enabled are the most commonly used and most useful | 02:03 |
leku | ah ok | 02:03 |
erichj | TheRepacker, i screwed up. the message was actually for hwilde | 02:03 |
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hwilde | erichj, apt-get and dpkg are calling this other binary, but I have moved, renamed, and completely deleted it. how do I find what dpkg and apt-get are actually calling? | 02:04 |
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erichj | i think it's dpkg -d for verbose. let me verify that | 02:04 |
Xero | Who ghosted me? And how did you get my pass? | 02:04 |
leku | so I'm really impressed with gutsy so far | 02:04 |
hwilde | unknown option -d | 02:04 |
leku | i had to reinstall today because i upgraded from feisty and all my package managers were broken | 02:05 |
leku | but the new wireless support is fantastic | 02:05 |
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TheRepacker | right now I am using the 9643 driver, but Compiz won't start up and causes probs with full screen apps | 02:05 |
erichj | leku, yeah upgrading to beta with dist-upgrade is never a good idea | 02:05 |
leku | i connect to my wpa2 personal wifi net at home no problem | 02:05 |
leku | before with the ndiswrapper it would take me 6-7 tries | 02:05 |
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eean | is it possible for Cups to recognize Zeroconf printers? | 02:06 |
erichj | hwilde, try dpkg -D 2 | 02:07 |
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hwilde | erichj, it still launches this other random program... no extra errors :/ | 02:08 |
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erichj | hmm | 02:09 |
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leperkhanz | help! I can't install windows OR ubuntu now on this machine. | 02:11 |
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erichj | hwilde, i'm just not sure | 02:11 |
erichj | leperkhanz, what seems to be the problem. | 02:12 |
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hwilde | erichj, me neither... i've never seen anything like this. I've completely deleted the program it is launching | 02:12 |
erichj | try apt-get install -f | 02:13 |
erichj | i don't expect it to work | 02:13 |
erichj | but you never know | 02:13 |
leperkhanz | Well, apparently, it says Cannot load Operating System. | 02:13 |
kanjo | Firefox on Gutsy doesn't display images on some webpages http://img119.imageshack.us/img119/3623/screenshotep4.png, has anyone here got into this problems? | 02:14 |
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leperkhanz | I've tried just about everything. Deleting all partitions, fixmbr in xp recovery console, repartitioning.... | 02:14 |
savvas | kanjo: link please? | 02:14 |
savvas | kanjo: it could be anything, from bittorrent or normal download to bad internet connection | 02:15 |
savvas | or even a bad server :) | 02:15 |
TheRepacker | If repartioning did not fix then you do have a problem | 02:16 |
leperkhanz | It boots nice into the Live CD, though, so here I am. | 02:16 |
kanjo | savvas: for example www.flickr.com, all images are not displayed | 02:16 |
leperkhanz | I tried installing to a USB stick, too, just out of desperation. | 02:16 |
savvas | hm, they're fine here | 02:16 |
erichj | leperkhanz, if you boot from ubuntu live cd can you see the drive? | 02:16 |
TheRepacker | what did you use to repartion? | 02:17 |
leperkhanz | hmmm... interesting question. | 02:17 |
leperkhanz | It's not on the desktop. | 02:17 |
erichj | it wouldn't be since its not mounted | 02:17 |
leperkhanz | But it shows up under "computer" | 02:17 |
dennda | which version of xmms2 is included in gutsy? | 02:17 |
leperkhanz | I can see all the files on it, too. | 02:17 |
leperkhanz | (them). | 02:17 |
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erichj | sounds like it's the boot record | 02:17 |
leperkhanz | How do I fix that? | 02:18 |
leperkhanz | :o | 02:18 |
savvas | kanjo: sorry I can't stay any longer, I have to go. In your place I'd try: 1) restarting firefox 2) closing any download managers 3) sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart 4) restart the computer | 02:18 |
TheRepacker | you might have to set a partion as "master" of "boot" | 02:18 |
savvas | kanjo: also: sudo /etc/init.d/avahi-daemon restart | 02:18 |
kRush | with # defoptions=vga=794 in grub I get no monitor output when booting until gdm starts, usplash is working fine @ 1280x1024 though. ideas? | 02:19 |
TheRepacker | i meant "or "boot" | 02:19 |
kanjo | savvas: let me try | 02:19 |
leperkhanz | kanjo: make sure you don't have something wrong with firefox. | 02:19 |
erichj | kanjo, also, having ipv6 set to off in firefox helped me out with the issue you are having. it was causing a timeout for some reason | 02:19 |
leperkhanz | TheRepacker: what partitions do I need specifically and in detail, and how can I set them up in the Live CD? | 02:20 |
erichj | use gparted | 02:20 |
kanjo | erichj: how to do it, I forgot, something to type in URL | 02:20 |
leperkhanz | And does that mean I can' have dual boot? | 02:20 |
leperkhanz | Windows will not install. | 02:20 |
erichj | kanjo, about:config | 02:20 |
kanjo | ya | 02:20 |
kanjo | hehe | 02:20 |
erichj | leperkhanz, you should be happy about that | 02:21 |
TheRepacker | when I have had problems like your I had to revert to a 98 start up disk with fdisk | 02:21 |
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erichj | think of it as microsofts way of looking out for you | 02:21 |
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kanjo | erichj: not quite, still hot fix the issue | 02:22 |
kanjo | savvas: same for your way | 02:23 |
erichj | are you behind a router? | 02:23 |
TheRepacker | I use fdisk to set up a boot partition to get at least1 system up after reformatting the MBR | 02:23 |
kanjo | erichj: I am using a ADSL router | 02:24 |
TheRepacker | it is extreme but is usually because of a corupy MBR or XP loader | 02:25 |
erichj | kanjo, my old ISP provided a modem/router that would keep a connection alive for like 5 days. and it would only allow like 400 connections. so after like an hour i would have to reset the modem because it's connections were all full. | 02:26 |
erichj | try that | 02:26 |
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erichj | too many likes in that paragraph | 02:26 |
leperkhanz | TheRepacker: can you like, tell me what to type in the console? :) Thanks, by the way! | 02:27 |
kanjo | erichj: let me try that | 02:27 |
kanjo | erichj: sometimes I experiences an issue in which Firefox mislead me to different URL (dns doesn't work properly I think) | 02:28 |
TheRepacker | in the "old" days we could do a "low level format" to re-initialize the disk and MBR, nowadays, you would have to get rid of all partitions then let XP do it's thing from a CD boot/install, you are going to loose everything on the HD. BTW check you BIOS for HD boot order if you have multiple HDs | 02:31 |
TheRepacker | you might also try Super Grub to recover the MBR | 02:33 |
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leperkhanz | Ummm... Ok, I am willing, so what do I do? | 02:34 |
leperkhanz | I can low level format ONE of the drives, and can un power the others manually for safety if I have to. | 02:34 |
leperkhanz | (read: unplug) | 02:34 |
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leku | hi | 02:35 |
leku | I added 4 desktops or workspaces or some crap in gnome | 02:35 |
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leku | when I go to the 3rd or 4th one, i'm stuck there, with no panels or bars or menus or any way to get out besides ctrl-alt-bcakspace | 02:35 |
cliechti | you could use ctrl-alt-<arrow> | 02:36 |
cliechti | ;-) | 02:36 |
leku | nah | 02:36 |
leku | it only flips me back and forth between 3-4 | 02:36 |
leku | but never back to 1 or 2 | 02:36 |
leku | its suboptimal | 02:37 |
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TheRepacker | first get Super Grub, see if it can see any partitions, it is not the easiest program to use but I have been able to recover from my multi-boot expirements I currently multi boot to VISTA, XP and 4 Linuxs | 02:37 |
leperkhanz | Super Grub... OK. | 02:38 |
leku | also how do I get the desktop cube back? | 02:39 |
cliechti | leku: it works here. how did you change the number of desktops? wit the switcher applet options? | 02:39 |
leku | i only have 2 sides | 02:39 |
leku | i dunno | 02:39 |
leku | let me find out | 02:39 |
TheRepacker | it can do everything but wash dishes (I almost said Windows) | 02:40 |
leku | ok | 02:40 |
leku | i went to general options, desktop size | 02:40 |
leku | 4 desktops | 02:40 |
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leku | where should I do it? | 02:41 |
TheRepacker | LOL.... it depends upon what you want to try and recover, it also has Gpart on its ISO so if all else fails it can wipe the disk for you. My set up has 3 HDs, 2 SATA and 1 PATA | 02:43 |
leperkhanz | Yeah, I've got four. 1 pata and 3 sata. All with about 10 partitions.. LOL It's a MESS! | 02:44 |
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Creationist | How do I install support to play encrypted DVDs? I installed kubuntu-restricted-extras already. | 02:45 |
leperkhanz | Is there an easier way to just low level format the pata (which is completely empty anyway?) | 02:45 |
TheRepacker | it can find linux boots, and the I had to manually edit the menu.lst in \boot\grub to fix up all my distros | 02:45 |
TheRepacker | to boot | 02:46 |
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minimec | Creationist: You need libdvdcss | 02:46 |
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erichj | !dvd | Creationist | 02:46 |
ubotu | Creationist: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs | 02:46 |
leperkhanz | Yes, but is there a way to just quickly and easily format the drive in the console? | 02:47 |
TheRepacker | how big is the PATA, how old, go to manufature site to see if they still support low level | 02:47 |
leperkhanz | 300 gb. Couple of years. | 02:47 |
leperkhanz | :P | 02:47 |
TheRepacker | fdisk on 98SE will completely wipe the MBR | 02:48 |
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TheRepacker | I think the command was Format C: /MBR | 02:49 |
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leperkhanz | no way to do it on the live cd? | 02:50 |
leperkhanz | :) | 02:50 |
leperkhanz | I want my IRC hand-holding, damn it! | 02:50 |
KStrings | If you just want a quick wipe wouldnt you just cat /dev/urandom > /dev/sda ? That would wipe the mbr im sure | 02:50 |
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TheRepacker | you usually only have to do a format ?MBR when hit by so really nasty virus | 02:51 |
RAOF | KStrings: "quick"?? :) | 02:51 |
leperkhanz | Well, currently no hard drive is bootable, so I'm up for options. | 02:52 |
RAOF | leperkhanz: Simply installing Ubuntu via ubiquity should make a bootable partition, though. | 02:52 |
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RAOF | leperkhanz: If it doesn't, you need to check your bios and make sure that the hard-drive is actually in the boot sequence :) | 02:52 |
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TheRepacker | but that can sometime fudge the ntldr which then makes the windows unbootable | 02:54 |
RAOF | TheRepacker: Well, since it's currently unbootable *anyway*... | 02:55 |
RAOF | TheRepacker: Also, someone suggested "cat /dev/urandom > /dev/sda", which will *certainly* leave windows unbootable! Or, in fact, destroyed :) | 02:56 |
TheRepacker | ROAF thats why I suggested Super Grub to try to recover | 02:57 |
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shiznit | hello beta people | 02:58 |
KStrings | Well, I just caught the part about killing the MBR... | 02:58 |
KStrings | And that would kill it | 02:58 |
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TheRepacker | and Super Grub can fix alot of MBR problems | 02:59 |
TheRepacker | I know I have zonked my diskes in every way possible with that ##wonderful# Vista | 03:00 |
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shiznit | if vista refresh rate overrides worked properly i would dump xp | 03:01 |
shiznit | its the only thing holding me back, otherwise its better | 03:01 |
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TheRepacker | I love XP almost as much as Ubuntu (only because it is the only way to FLY with FSX | 03:02 |
shiznit | i never played that | 03:02 |
TheRepacker | if I could get FSX to work in Wine I would heave M$ out the door | 03:03 |
shiznit | i wish i could | 03:03 |
TheRepacker | I am a private pilot, it has every airport in the world on it | 03:04 |
shiznit | no way all my games would run 100% | 03:04 |
shiznit | speaking of which, gotta reboot now CS:S time | 03:04 |
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TheRepacker | so If I am going to an unkown airport I can get a good idea of the layout and some landmarks | 03:05 |
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Creationist | My games are the ONLY reason I ever use Windows... but I made the mistake of installing Vista so now all my games just crawl... | 03:06 |
TheRepacker | I tried Vista really only for about 3 days, then went back to XP, still waiting for DX10 | 03:08 |
=== usser plays cs:s in wine | ||
=== usser pffft vista | ||
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usser | screw that im never installing it | 03:09 |
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TheRepacker | in the meantime I discovered Ubuntu so other than FSX ET runs much better on linux than on windows | 03:09 |
KStrings | *shrug* I would have to drop $249 for a license of Vista. Dont see why when *nix does everything I need. | 03:10 |
usser | yea i mean come on get real, games? real men dont play games ))) | 03:11 |
TheRepacker | I got an "eval" version, I would never buy it | 03:11 |
KStrings | Ha, if I had time for game I would play them | 03:11 |
usser | question does anyone use an webcast software? | 03:13 |
usser | any prefences?? | 03:13 |
TheRepacker | which reminds me why I am here, anyone know how to install nvidia 100.14.09 on Gutsy. Nvidia has admitted to a problem with multi core CPUs and 100.14.11 and 14.19 | 03:13 |
TheRepacker | FSX is NOT a game!!!!!!! LOL | 03:14 |
usser | TheRepacker: what u talking about what problems no problems here? | 03:14 |
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minimec | usser: I have a icecast2 + mpd server. Installation was easy | 03:15 |
TheRepacker | but it is not a Ubuntu bug, it is a regressive bug in the nvidia drivers | 03:15 |
usser | minimec: i use shoutcast, did u try it, is icecast better? | 03:16 |
minimec | usser: I did my first steps with mpd and only used icecast2. | 03:17 |
gnomefreak | TheRepacker: did they fix it upstream? | 03:17 |
minimec | usser: I can't say any negative about icecast, but I am not an advance user | 03:17 |
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usser | minimec: i'll try it | 03:18 |
TheRepacker | not yet, they only said the was a bug, and workaroung was to install 100.14.09 | 03:18 |
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usser | TheRepacker: what exactly is this bug?? | 03:18 |
gnomefreak | do you have link to thier bug so i can add this to the request? | 03:18 |
usser | TheRepacker: i didnt notice any slowdowns or video related crashes | 03:19 |
gnomefreak | or atleast a link to the explaintion of bug | 03:19 |
TheRepacker | lockups, freezes, no boots, with multi core CPUs and nvidia drivers | 03:20 |
RAOF | TheRepacker: That'll be somewhat difficult. Can you use the 9631 driver? | 03:20 |
gnomefreak | usser: there isnt any/many atleast i havent seen anyone complain nor bug report on LP | 03:20 |
gnomefreak | TheRepacker: without proper documents i can ask for a fix when it is released | 03:20 |
gnomefreak | but you can :) | 03:20 |
TheRepacker | I am using 9643 right now but can get any eye candy or full screen apps ie Google earth | 03:21 |
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TheRepacker | Gutsy failsafe keeps on sending me back to vesa | 03:21 |
gavintlgold | can anyone tell me what the "ldconfig deferred processing" think is at the end of all package installation? | 03:22 |
gavintlgold | thing* | 03:22 |
gavintlgold | it's new | 03:22 |
ConstyXIV | does anyone else have video "lag" behind a moving window with compiz? | 03:22 |
gnomefreak | TheRepacker: any links for me so i can request it or you request it if you dont have any and prey they believe you | 03:22 |
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usser | ConstyXIV: lemme check it | 03:22 |
TheRepacker | I have a LP bug linked to a message on the nvidia support forum message | 03:23 |
gnomefreak | compiz + no lag == your video card costs way too much | 03:23 |
gnomefreak | TheRepacker: can i have it | 03:23 |
usser | ConstyXIV: nope no lag | 03:23 |
ConstyXIV | im using a mobility radeon 9100 if it helps | 03:24 |
ConstyXIV | OSS drivers | 03:24 |
usser | ConstyXIV: oh thats probably ok | 03:24 |
usser | ConstyXIV: oss drivers are not that good with 3d stuff | 03:24 |
ConstyXIV | everything else is fine | 03:24 |
ConstyXIV | just videos don't stay with a window when I move it around (or invoke things like the cube and scale) | 03:25 |
ConstyXIV | they come back once i stop, but that's about it | 03:25 |
TheRepacker | it is in resricted packages under lockup/lynched nvidia | 03:25 |
gnomefreak | TheRepacker: before we can update it due to what someone says this late in devel cycle we need official bug/ official statment without these its very very unlikely it will happen | 03:26 |
Aondo | Is it too late to get the ardour 2.1 into gutsy repos (2.0.5 is current) | 03:27 |
RAOF | TheRepacker: Oh, *that's* right. Anything but the 100 series drivers will kill X when GL+Composite is active, right? | 03:27 |
gnomefreak | Aondo: what changes was there? | 03:27 |
gnomefreak | RAOF: if thats what he stated it would be nice | 03:28 |
gnomefreak | RAOF: hes complaining that the 100 series is bad | 03:28 |
Evanlec | im sure this has been asked but, what program would one use to author flash with in ubuntu? (like swf files for the web) | 03:28 |
gnomefreak | Evanlec: on feisty or gutsy? | 03:28 |
Evanlec | gnomefreak, either... | 03:29 |
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TheRepacker | it is not just a Gutsy bug, it has to do with nvidia/multi cure/ and certain GPUs right now, I think it has to do with the Gforce drivers with series 4XX southbridge | 03:29 |
ConstyXIV | Evanlec: i don't think there is any (outside of flash via wine) | 03:29 |
gnomefreak | Evanlec: we only support gutsy in here but here are a few the rest you can find with apt-cache search flash. | 03:29 |
RAOF | gnomefreak: Yeah, I haven't *noticed* the problem he's describing (although it may be killing my resume-from-suspend), just mentioning problems with the "use an older driver" work-around. | 03:29 |
Evanlec | ConstyXIV, really? interesting...how does flash perform in wine? | 03:30 |
gnomefreak | flashrom swftools | 03:30 |
ConstyXIV | Evanlec: i have no clue, but I hear it does work | 03:30 |
Evanlec | gnomefreak, okay, well for gutsy then | 03:30 |
gnomefreak | Evanlec: see above | 03:30 |
Aondo | gnomefreak http://ardour.org/node/1267 | 03:30 |
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TheRepacker | scaling sometimes will fix it, but it always seems to come back, it is major, not just a Gutsy bug | 03:30 |
Evanlec | gnomefreak, u said here are a few... | 03:30 |
gnomefreak | RAOF: well hes saying its official and cant produce the docs for it (hence wont get updated for no reason at this point in cycle) | 03:31 |
gnomefreak | Evanlec: i gave you 2 | 03:31 |
gnomefreak | Evanlec: dont be lazy | 03:31 |
leku | in compuz fusion how do I setup cube transparency aned change the cube cap pictures? | 03:31 |
Evanlec | i dont see | 03:31 |
Evanlec | oh | 03:31 |
Evanlec | flashrom swftools | 03:31 |
Evanlec | k | 03:31 |
ConstyXIV | leku: do you have compizconfig installed? | 03:31 |
leku | xyes | 03:32 |
leku | yes | 03:32 |
leku | i just figured out the transp part | 03:32 |
ConstyXIV | leku: there should be a "Cube Caps" plugin somewhere down the line | 03:32 |
leku | ok | 03:32 |
leku | thanks | 03:32 |
gnomefreak | Aondo: doubtful but if you want it file a bug on it but since no secuity fixes its almost a positive no | 03:32 |
leku | found it | 03:32 |
ConstyXIV | leku: just put your images in and throw out the defaults | 03:33 |
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Aondo | gnomefreak, well bug fixes is just one part of it. | 03:33 |
gnomefreak | Aondo: seems 2.0.5 > 2.1 is just feature rich updates and since upstreeam freeze was months ago its highly doubtful it will happen | 03:33 |
TheRepacker | and it is a nvidia driver bug, they can reproduce and suspends are also mentioned in the postes | 03:34 |
gnomefreak | Aondo: security fixes are almost a yes for sure but i dont see any | 03:34 |
RAOF | TheRepacker: Can you give a link to the launchpad bug (or even just the bug number?) | 03:35 |
gnomefreak | Aondo: file a bug for it if someone wants to push his luck they will but we cant add new packages in this late without a GREAT reason | 03:35 |
TheRepacker | LP 145112 | 03:36 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 145112 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22 "Random NVidia Proprietary Driver Lynches / Lock-Ups" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/145112 | 03:36 |
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RAOF | TheRepacker: Ta | 03:37 |
TheRepacker | like I said nothing that we can do here other than revert to 100.14.09 | 03:38 |
RAOF | TheRepacker: Which breaks a whole bunch of other stuff. Yay binary blobs! | 03:39 |
RAOF | TheRepacker: AKA: not going to happen. | 03:39 |
=== AaronMT [n=AaronMT@CPE00400549143c-CM0011aec89138.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Aondo | gnomefreak ok what would be a great reason, not counting a security fix, would important app for studio production make any different? :D | 03:39 |
TheRepacker | the other way is 9643 is in the repros, need some tweaks to allow COMPIZ to run | 03:40 |
gnomefreak | Aondo: doubtful but the archive admins make that desion | 03:41 |
Aondo | ok | 03:41 |
gnomefreak | TheRepacker: i thought you said there was a link to nvidia forums on the bug report? | 03:41 |
gnomefreak | TheRepacker: also you said 19 was included but 100.14.09 and 100.14.11 is what is on there so maybe 19 fixes this | 03:42 |
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TheRepacker | gimme a sec I'll serach the nvidia form for the link I just posted the nvidia reps post from their forum | 03:43 |
DaSkreech | What's the deal with Firefox 3 in gutsy? | 03:43 |
Aondo | i would say it doesnt hurt to help test the project, in an easy way | 03:44 |
Creationist | DaSkreech: granparadiso-browser, I think | 03:44 |
gnomefreak | DaSkreech: what about it? | 03:44 |
DaSkreech | Creationist: Right but will it be updated after Guts comes out or will it be frozen? | 03:44 |
Creationist | No... firefox-granparadiso | 03:44 |
gnomefreak | its changing names and will be uploaded in a few days | 03:45 |
DaSkreech | Gutsy | 03:45 |
DaSkreech | will it be tracking the mozilla releases? or will it be frozen? | 03:45 |
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gnomefreak | DaSkreech: it will freeze | 03:45 |
Starcraftmazter | woa | 03:46 |
gnomefreak | DaSkreech: unless secuity updates | 03:46 |
Starcraftmazter | the gutsy sound driver(s) are buggy :D | 03:46 |
gnomefreak | DaSkreech: gutsy+1 should have ff3 default | 03:46 |
DaSkreech | gnomefreak: will there be a repo that I can use to track it? | 03:46 |
gnomefreak | if they stop pushing it back | 03:46 |
DaSkreech | right | 03:46 |
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gnomefreak | DaSkreech: we have a repo but since it depends on updated nss nspr and xulrunner those will be uploaded in gutsy as far as we know atm | 03:47 |
bazhang | hello everyone! | 03:47 |
DaSkreech | gnomefreak: we being Ubuntru? Or mozilla testers? | 03:47 |
DaSkreech | or gnomefreaks ;-) | 03:47 |
TheRepacker | nV News Forums > Linux Support Forums > NVIDIA Linux | 03:48 |
TheRepacker | RE: Demand on WORKING drivers | 03:48 |
TheRepacker | 10-03-07, 12:59 PM #36 | 03:48 |
TheRepacker | zander | 03:48 |
TheRepacker | NVIDIA Corporation | 03:48 |
TheRepacker | Join Date: Aug 2002 | 03:48 |
TheRepacker | Posts: 2,781 | 03:48 |
gnomefreak | DaSkreech: https://edge.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/ but be careful if you need ubuntus version of xul nss nspr than you might not want this | 03:48 |
TheRepacker | Default Re: Demand on WORKING drivers | 03:48 |
TheRepacker | I'd like to follow up on Aaron's update, since not all posts in this thread refer to the same hardware. We identified a regression between 100.14.09 and 100.14.11 specific to G72 based graphics cards (GeForce 7300 GS, etc.) on certain systems; this problem is being investigated. However, there are no known regressions between the two releases affecting G8x GPUs. | 03:48 |
TheRepacker | _ | 03:48 |
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Creationist | !pastebin | TheRepacker | 03:48 |
ubotu | TheRepacker: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 03:48 |
=== mode/#ubuntu+1 [+o gnomefreak] by ChanServ | ||
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=== mode/#ubuntu+1 [-o gnomefreak] by gnomefreak | ||
DaSkreech | gnomefreak: I thought the idea was to keep the ff3 stuff contained ? | 03:48 |
fulat2k | hi folks, which packages do i have to install to play xvid/divx videos in GG? | 03:48 |
gnomefreak | DaSkreech: asac will be uploading it i believe and im gonna piss him off tomorrow :) | 03:48 |
gnomefreak | DaSkreech: what do you mean? | 03:49 |
wasabi | Um. How in the heck do you change your timezone to one of the US/* variants nowadays? | 03:49 |
fulat2k | wasabi: doesn't tzselect do the job? | 03:49 |
wasabi | No. Says clearly in the man page it doesn't. | 03:50 |
wasabi | Also, it doesn't list any of the US/* variants. | 03:50 |
wasabi | Just America/* | 03:50 |
nosrednaekim | fulat2k: search for divx in synaptic | 03:50 |
gnomefreak | DaSkreech: the poiint of ff3 was to please the community. we havent stopped working on firefox3 since we added it. there have been alot of releases that fail to build speant like a month or 2 with nothing but fail to builds, we have it pretty much under control and PPA archive gets updates before gutsy since atm different version of depends | 03:50 |
gnomefreak | DaSkreech: ill ping asac now and see if i cant piss him off tonight | 03:51 |
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DaSkreech | ok :) | 03:51 |
gnomefreak | DaSkreech: i pinged him about a few other things as well that pissed me off so he may not talk to me for a while | 03:52 |
DaSkreech | you spoke to him about things that pissed you off/ | 03:53 |
gnomefreak | yes | 03:53 |
gnomefreak | DaSkreech: i have uploads that fix bugs been sitting there from before beta freeze and he hasnt pushed them yet | 03:53 |
DaSkreech | ok | 03:53 |
DaSkreech | Just wanted to find out if we wanted to follow the ff3 stuff that we could do so | 03:54 |
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gnomefreak | also needed to know how he planned on getting nss nspr and xulrunner uploaded this late but he is coredev he can figure that one out | 03:54 |
fulat2k | nosrednaekim: cool. does the page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats still hold true for GG? | 03:55 |
gnomefreak | DaSkreech: gutsy ff3 will be uploaded with each release, the problem is mozilla doesnt release source tarballs suring devel unless its a alpha,beta,rc,final, so the month or two we play with it but alot of times its fails to build | 03:55 |
gnomefreak | fulat2k: for the most part | 03:56 |
gnomefreak | fulat2k: what ar eyou looking for? | 03:56 |
DaSkreech | against what? | 03:56 |
nosrednaekim | fulat2k: should.. except there is a meta package in gutsy for some commonly used ones. its called ubuntu-restricted or something like that | 03:56 |
gnomefreak | also gstream-*-lame is in a different package now | 03:56 |
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fulat2k | gnomefreak: i've been doing the apt-get install gstreamer**** thing and it seemed to have worked in dapper and feisty. thought they would have streamlined the process in gutsy | 03:58 |
fulat2k | nosrednaekim: ah... cool. lemme check it out when i get back :) | 03:58 |
fulat2k | btw, is font smoothing implemented differently in gutsy? compared to feisty, the output seems rather different. | 03:59 |
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TheRepacker | http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=99426 | 04:00 |
gavintlgold | successfully installed itunes with wine! :P | 04:01 |
nosrednaekim | gavintlgold: sweet.... | 04:01 |
gavintlgold | http://picpaste.com/ituneswithcompiz.png | 04:01 |
nosrednaekim | but why someone would want to do that.... | 04:02 |
d4rkmonkey | gavintlgold successfully installed rockbox on my ipod so I don't need crap like itunes! | 04:02 |
gavintlgold | lol, just to see how good wine is now | 04:02 |
d4rkmonkey | thats pointless. | 04:02 |
erichj | TheRepacker, I don't agree with his argument. If nvidia doesn't want to support linux they aren't required to. also if you buy hardware that you know probably won't run with linux, then you are to blame. | 04:02 |
nosrednaekim | gavintlgold: well, now I guess you can purchase DRM music... | 04:03 |
gavintlgold | idk if the store works :/ | 04:03 |
gavintlgold | we'll see | 04:03 |
gavintlgold | looks like it is | 04:03 |
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gavintlgold | it does connect, trying to log in | 04:04 |
TheRepacker | but when you get to the end of the thread the 2 nvidia reps agree the is a regressive bug in 14.11 and 14.19 | 04:05 |
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Armored_Azrael | Hey, if I've got ldap set in front of files in nsswitch.conf, and ldapsearch reveals that the connection to the ldapserver works and dumps the relevant data, but getent passwd only dumps the passwd data in file, anyone know what could be going wrong? | 04:06 |
=== DM| [n=dm@cpe-24-160-182-28.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
TheRepacker | they might not fix it, but for right now most of the nvidia free/lockup/ slow down/ memory leaks in all the threads over there fixed the problem by install 100.14.09 | 04:07 |
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erichj | I only buy intel chipsets for video personally | 04:09 |
erichj | i gave up pc gaming long time ago | 04:09 |
wasabi | So I have this weird issue where I stop NetworkManager, and my keyboard stops working. | 04:09 |
wasabi | Thus if I run dpkg --configure -a right now, my system is screwed, because that restarts NetworkManager. | 04:10 |
TheRepacker | we might have to ask Tesilot to modify envy so we that have multi-core cpus can have the eye candy | 04:10 |
wasabi | Very very interetsing problem. :) | 04:10 |
wasabi | What's wrong with multi cores? | 04:10 |
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MrKeuner | hi, I have upgraded from ubuntustudio and removed all the ubuntustudio packages, Everything looks fine however, I do not see any splash screeens when shutting down or booting. How can I bring them back? | 04:12 |
wasabi | Install usplash? | 04:12 |
TheRepacker | muilti-core with certian nvidia GPUs have random loclups/freezes/memory leaks, nothing magor, just reset the machine | 04:12 |
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wasabi | I have that problem with or without compiz. ;) | 04:13 |
MrKeuner | wasabi: by splash I mean the progress bar that normally shows when booting and shutting down | 04:13 |
wasabi | MrKeuner: I know what you mean. That is the program named usplash. | 04:13 |
TheRepacker | nvidia? and multi core? | 04:13 |
wasabi | And a kernel command line "splash" | 04:13 |
wasabi | Nvidia with quad cores, yes. | 04:13 |
wasabi | It seems to have gone away since I removed the second GPU. | 04:14 |
wasabi | But it's only been one day. | 04:14 |
TheRepacker | nvidia admits to a regresive bug in 14.11 and 14.19, fixed usually by installing 100.14.09 | 04:14 |
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=== Froek [n=mark@S01060001023c40c6.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
fujin | hiya, is Puppet 0.23 going to go into Gutsy at all? | 04:16 |
cdm10 | !info puppet gutsy | 04:16 |
ubotu | puppet: centralised configuration management for networks. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.22.4-2 (gutsy), package size 347 kB, installed size 2388 kB | 04:16 |
MrKeuner | wasabi: yes usplash is installed | 04:16 |
Froek | anyone using Gutsy on a laptop and dual-screening? | 04:16 |
cdm10 | fujin: Probably not, the version freeze was a while ago. | 04:16 |
erichj | Froek, i am | 04:16 |
wasabi | MrKeuner: Make sure 'splash' is on the kernel command line. | 04:16 |
=== Froek has dell inspiron 6000D /w ATI driver.. | ||
TheRepacker | our repos don't have 14.09 so I was asking how do I do it, I went back to 9643 and every time I try to edit xorg, my next boot throws me into failsafe | 04:17 |
erichj | acer 6510z intel video | 04:17 |
Froek | erichj, having issues with getting it work.. | 04:17 |
Froek | ahh | 04:17 |
Froek | i think its my fglrx driver | 04:17 |
fujin | blast. | 04:18 |
cdm10 | fujin: If the upgrade is security-related, they MAY put it in, or backport the changes. | 04:18 |
Froek | i have glDesktop working fine - but i tried to use "Screens and Graphics" to get my dual head working when it's connected to secondary and it is really messed up | 04:18 |
cdm10 | fujin: Have you tried enabling backports? | 04:18 |
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cdm10 | !info puppet gutsy backports | 04:19 |
ubotu | puppet: centralised configuration management for networks. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.22.4-2 (gutsy), package size 347 kB, installed size 2388 kB | 04:19 |
cdm10 | fujin: Ah, it looks like it's not in there either. Sorry 'bout that. | 04:19 |
fujin | mm. May just build it and pop it on my repo | 04:19 |
erichj | Froek, i see people that have issues with it all the time. i couldn't help you though. most people just give up trying to get it to work. | 04:19 |
fujin | or grab debians | 04:19 |
Froek | erichj, lame.. i really need it tho - especially when I develop solely on linux (for work) | 04:19 |
erichj | if you had intel chipset it would work out of the box | 04:19 |
MrKeuner | wasabi: yes splash is in the kernel command line | 04:20 |
Froek | yeah for sure... my other laptop has intel i believe | 04:20 |
wasabi | Oh. Got me then. :) | 04:20 |
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MrKeuner | wasabi: is there a update-alternatives command that I can run for this? | 04:20 |
wasabi | Got me. DOubt it. | 04:20 |
Froek | where would I start looking to get this fixed? even if i want to do it myself? | 04:20 |
MrKeuner | wasabi: OK thanks for your help | 04:21 |
erichj | check the wiki | 04:21 |
erichj | and the ubuntu forums | 04:21 |
Froek | cool tx | 04:21 |
erichj | welcome | 04:22 |
erichj | !ati | Froek | 04:22 |
ubotu | Froek: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 04:22 |
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Froek | thanks! | 04:22 |
cdm10 | I'm having a weird problem with a USB key I own. It worked fine in Feisty, but it's not showing up in Gutsy. All my other USB drives work fine in Gutsy. | 04:22 |
Froek | cdm10, what kind of usb key? i have a kingston 256 and it works good | 04:23 |
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cdm10 | Froek: It's a SanDisk Ultra II SD card (you fold it back and the USB contacts show up) | 04:24 |
Froek | cdm10, mmm. I think i've had SD working before but not without a cardreader :/ | 04:25 |
Froek | I have had issues with my onboard SD reader however - | 04:25 |
Froek | i've never had that working | 04:25 |
=== Froek goes afk | ||
NightBird | :O | 04:26 |
cdm10 | Froek: Well, it shouldn't matter that it's an SD card... it acts just as a USB drive. | 04:26 |
=== NightBird just checked his onboard SD reader | ||
NightBird | it works now | 04:26 |
NightBird | *gasp* | 04:26 |
cdm10 | Froek: It's quite clever. It's basically got an SD controller and a USB controller chip, and they both share the same flash memory. | 04:26 |
=== NightBird has a microsd card, with an sd/usb convertor | ||
cdm10 | Damn, it's showing up in lsusb, but it's just not mounting. | 04:27 |
NightBird | hm... *ponders* | 04:28 |
gavintlgold | i bought a song with itunes through wine... | 04:29 |
gavintlgold | wow. | 04:29 |
gavintlgold | (with credit) | 04:30 |
cdm10 | gavintlgold: I've never gotten iTunes to run with Wine. | 04:30 |
gavintlgold | this is cool... | 04:30 |
gavintlgold | the latest wine, and older itunes | 04:30 |
NightBird | cdm10: I think that some people were focusing on getting iTunes up and working on Wine | 04:30 |
RAOF | gavintlgold: Yay, now you can't play that song except with iTunes under wine? | 04:30 |
gavintlgold | 6.0something | 04:30 |
RAOF | gavintlgold: Also, you can't sync that to your iPod, right? | 04:31 |
gavintlgold | RAOF: lol, i think i can play it through itunes downstairs | 04:31 |
gavintlgold | on my mac | 04:31 |
usser | cdm10: itunes is a bloat | 04:31 |
RAOF | gavintlgold: Aha! | 04:31 |
gavintlgold | and copy it to a cd, and then import it as cd | 04:31 |
gavintlgold | voila les empethrees :P | 04:31 |
=== RAOF prefers eMusic | ||
usser | cdm10: latest ones at least | 04:31 |
Froek | cdm10, thats cool | 04:31 |
gavintlgold | but the point is, wine is really great | 04:31 |
jmg | itunes isnt | 04:31 |
Froek | cdm10, yeah, you're right about the usb-sd thing | 04:31 |
gavintlgold | hehe | 04:32 |
cdm10 | Froek: it's cool, but it DOESN'T WORK!!1 | 04:32 |
cdm10 | :) | 04:32 |
gavintlgold | but it's a complicated program that's never worked before | 04:32 |
Froek | cdm10, heheh sorry ;) | 04:32 |
cdm10 | Of course, it's still a beta... | 04:32 |
Froek | true | 04:32 |
gavintlgold | and, compiz fusion works with it :P | 04:32 |
Froek | i'm still miffed my dual screens doesnt work | 04:32 |
Froek | 1680x1050 + 1280x1024 isn't much to ask for :) | 04:32 |
cdm10 | Froek: Heh, you bought an ATi card, you can deal with the consequences :) | 04:33 |
cdm10 | Although soon, ATi will be better than nVidia for Linux driver support. | 04:33 |
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Froek | i will see it when i believe it | 04:33 |
Froek | holy | 04:33 |
RAOF | Froek: Ba baw! Too big to support compiz :( | 04:33 |
=== Froek is compfused with speaking | ||
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RAOF | Froek: I'm not sure if that's a hardware-restriction, either. | 04:34 |
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jmg | cdm10: for values of soon > 3 years | 04:34 |
Froek | RAOF, it's probably my "restricted drivers" | 04:34 |
Froek | anyone know how to disable trackerd | 04:36 |
jmg | dpkg --purge tracker | 04:37 |
cdm10 | jmg, Froek: bad idea | 04:37 |
cdm10 | Froek: just go to System>Preferences>Indexing Preferences and uncheck the boxes. | 04:37 |
Froek | cdm10, tx | 04:37 |
jmg | cdm10: and if im not running gnome? | 04:37 |
Froek | it was chewing up 400+mb memory | 04:38 |
cdm10 | jmg: If you're not running Gnome, I'm assuming you don't have Tracker installed. | 04:38 |
jmg | cdm10: its installed by default | 04:38 |
cdm10 | jmg: I say, disable it through the GUI instead of possibly breaking your APT by uninstalling a component of a metapackage without uninstalling the metapackage. | 04:38 |
cdm10 | jmg: so is gnome. | 04:38 |
Froek | whoa, gtk-window-decorator is using 4Gigs of memor! | 04:38 |
jmg | cdm10: right, i'm just not using it | 04:38 |
cdm10 | Froek: I'd say there's something fishy about both of those readings. | 04:39 |
Froek | thast what system monitor is reporting | 04:39 |
Froek | the next highest mem item is 90MB for Xgl | 04:39 |
Froek | dinner time. bbl. | 04:40 |
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tonyyarusso | How's stability doing at this point? | 04:47 |
shiznit | good on this laptop | 04:49 |
shiznit | no problems | 04:49 |
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Froek | tonyyarusso, no stability issues for me | 04:52 |
tonyyarusso | good, good | 04:52 |
Froek | dual head doesn't work well on my laptop but other than that it's great | 04:52 |
shiznit | i really like this os | 04:54 |
shiznit | wish i would have tried it earlier | 04:54 |
RAOF | Froek: If you disabled Xgl you'd get working dual-head. | 04:55 |
Froek | RAOF, ?? really.. hmmm. | 04:55 |
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RAOF | (And you'd lose Compiz, but swings and roundabouts) | 04:55 |
jmg | or roundhouses | 04:55 |
Froek | well, i don't care for all the effects unless i'm in single screen mode | 04:55 |
shiznit | do i have to restart x after installing core fonts | 04:56 |
Armored_Azrael | Hey, if I've got ldap set in front of files in nsswitch.conf, and ldapsearch reveals that the connection to the ldapserver works and dumps the relevant data, but getent passwd only dumps the passwd data in file, anyone know what could be going wrong? | 04:57 |
Froek | RAOF, compiz == desktop effects? | 04:57 |
RAOF | Froek: Yes. | 04:57 |
Froek | so both gl and de need to be turned off? | 04:58 |
Froek | oh, gl turns off DE automatically | 04:58 |
Froek | heh | 04:58 |
Froek | oh man, this sucks not having transparent windows! | 04:59 |
Froek | D | 04:59 |
Froek | :D | 04:59 |
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shiznit | yea opacify is really awesome | 04:59 |
La_PaRCa | Hey guys. | 04:59 |
Froek | yeah, OSX is the only better for opacify | 04:59 |
La_PaRCa | I am hosting a work session to write some specs for hardy. Any advise on how to do this efficiently and effectively? | 05:00 |
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chotchki | hey guys Im getting the following error when trying to login to kde | 05:04 |
chotchki | http://pastebin.ca/725086 | 05:04 |
Lilacor | how do I get vmware to minimize with desktop effect enabled? | 05:05 |
Lilacor | how do I get vmware to minimize with desktop effects enabled? | 05:05 |
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DanaG | Gaah, I hate the three blinks on dim-on-idle! | 05:07 |
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Zoiks | afternoon | 05:12 |
MrKeuner | wasabi: This worked. sudo update-alternatives --set usplash-artwork.so /usr/lib/usplash/usplash-theme-ubuntu.so; sudo update-initramfs -u | 05:12 |
DanaG | Yay, thanks a pantsload, NVIDIA. | 05:13 |
DanaG | I just got one of those hard locks for about 30 seconds. | 05:13 |
DanaG | my brightness bug: bug 121833 | 05:13 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 121833 in linux-source-2.6.22 "LCD backlight turns off between brightness levels during fades, and when on battery or at idle" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121833 | 05:13 |
chotchki | ouch | 05:14 |
DanaG | *BLINK*BLINK*BLINK* | 05:14 |
DanaG | Ouch. | 05:14 |
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penguincentral_ | how do i log into an ssh server using the terminal. I need to point it to a specific port | 05:21 |
chotchki | penguincentral_: ssh username@host | 05:21 |
jmg | ssh username@host -p port | 05:22 |
chotchki | errr | 05:22 |
jmg | or ssh username@host:port | 05:22 |
chotchki | yeh jmg beat me to it ;) | 05:22 |
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penguincentral_ | ssh: server:port: Name or service not known (obviously i took out the server and port for security) | 05:22 |
penguincentral_ | it doesn't work | 05:23 |
penguincentral_ | jmg, chotchki | 05:23 |
chotchki | penguincentral_: can you ping it? | 05:23 |
penguincentral_ | chotchki: how do i do that? | 05:23 |
chotchki | ping hostname | 05:23 |
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Dr_willis | 'hostname error: hostname not found' :) | 05:24 |
penguincentral_ | yeah | 05:24 |
penguincentral_ | i can ping it but without the specific port. It works in nautilus | 05:24 |
jmg | oh :port doesnt work in openssh | 05:24 |
penguincentral_ | i need terminal access to this server | 05:24 |
jmg | use -p port | 05:24 |
jmg | sorry | 05:24 |
jmg | ssh username@server -p port | 05:25 |
penguincentral_ | ok jmg, i'm trying to connect | 05:25 |
penguincentral_ | i'm in :) | 05:25 |
jmg | ewww :P | 05:25 |
chotchki | gj | 05:25 |
DanaG | Oh hey, would it help to install irqbalance and send nvidia to cpu 0? | 05:25 |
manicnerd | is there a way to customize the compiz-fusion settings in gutsy? when i select custom from the visual effects menu nothing happens | 05:25 |
jmg | DanaG: not really | 05:25 |
penguincentral_ | thanks jmg, chotchki, Dr_willis | 05:25 |
Dr_willis | :) | 05:25 |
chotchki | penguincentral_: np | 05:26 |
Dr_willis | manicnerd, thers a package that installs the full tweakable control panel. | 05:26 |
Dr_willis | I just cant rember its name | 05:26 |
penguincentral_ | bye | 05:26 |
chotchki | DanaG: what would that do? | 05:26 |
crdlb | !info compizconfig-settings-manager | 05:26 |
ubotu | compizconfig-settings-manager: Compiz configuration settings manager. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.5.2+git20070912-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 498 kB, installed size 3268 kB | 05:26 |
manicnerd | awesome | 05:26 |
Dr_willis | Heh - beat me to it. | 05:26 |
bazhang | wow that was quick | 05:26 |
manicnerd | thanks so much! | 05:26 |
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manicnerd | will that need to be installed once gutsy is released? | 05:27 |
Dr_willis | I belive so | 05:28 |
Dr_willis | The default setting toolis a little minimal. | 05:28 |
Dr_willis | but that one is a bit.. well.. complex. :) | 05:28 |
crdlb | they really need something in between :) | 05:28 |
Dr_willis | Id still like to see a plugin for it that shows 'all' keybindings in use. | 05:28 |
DanaG | Oh, I'm thinking about the nvidia dual-core freeze. | 05:28 |
crdlb | but that's really hard t odo | 05:28 |
crdlb | to do* | 05:28 |
chotchki | DanaG: is that a bug only for dual cores? (im running a quad so im curious) | 05:29 |
Dr_willis | Its not too hard to use.. but theres a few little oddities , and how the different plugins relate to each other and what they do - can be a bit overwhelming for the ubuntu target audiance. :) | 05:29 |
manicnerd | yea | 05:29 |
manicnerd | its still really nice | 05:30 |
Dr_willis | my made me turn off the wiggly windows.. made her seasick | 05:32 |
Dr_willis | but she Loves the 'zoom in' feature | 05:32 |
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DanaG | I'm not sure about the bug, but irqbalance is meant for quad-core anyway. | 05:34 |
MrKeuner | hi, I have inserted a gutsy beta cdrom into drive and now cdrom is among the apt sources, then I did a update-manager -d. Will it now use the files on cd instead of downloading all of them? | 05:34 |
Dr_willis | well given how many updates a day there are for gutsy.. even a cd thats 2 days old.. will have a lot of updates online still. :) | 05:35 |
DanaG | http://lesswatts.org/tips/cpu.php | 05:35 |
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MrKeuner | Dr_willis: but it will use the ones on cd if they are not updated? | 05:35 |
Dr_willis | No idea there.. I never do updates.. i always do clean installs. | 05:36 |
MrKeuner | Dr_willis: you must have lots of time :) | 05:36 |
Dr_willis | i got /home on its own partition.. makes it rather trivial | 05:37 |
chotchki | DanaG: hmmm i wish that would work (its a xeon 771... no powersaving) | 05:37 |
MrKeuner | Dr_willis: I have that too. still... | 05:37 |
chotchki | Dr_willis: i wish i had done that | 05:37 |
Dr_willis | im thinking theres about 50+ mb of updates a day this week... for gutsy | 05:37 |
MrKeuner | Dr_willis: Are you using the same /etc/* for the newer install? or do the settings each time after fresh install | 05:39 |
Dr_willis | I keep a backup of the few configs I tweak, and copy them over to the new. | 05:39 |
Dr_willis | working on a few tweaking scripts also that i perfer. | 05:40 |
Dr_willis | I got a 3 ubuntu-box home lan going. :) so i can easially back stuff up to other machines | 05:40 |
chotchki | Dr_willis: nice! | 05:40 |
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Dr_willis | i need toset up an apt-caching server to get the updates. would save me some time | 05:41 |
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DShepherd | how's the upgrade process for gutsy today? sane? | 05:41 |
chotchki | DShepherd: i seem to be broken from it | 05:41 |
chotchki | not sure about everyone else | 05:41 |
MrKeuner | DShepherd: I did an update from ubuntustudio to gutsy worked charmingly | 05:41 |
MrKeuner | DShepherd: doing another from feisty to gutsy right now | 05:42 |
DShepherd | MrKeuner, ok. how far is that one..? | 05:42 |
MrKeuner | DShepherd: US server is busy i guess, downlading with 90KB/sec | 05:43 |
MrKeuner | still have 5 hours, it seems | 05:43 |
DShepherd | ok. maybe you should try another server.. | 05:43 |
DShepherd | I hear that gutsy power usage is much better now. I am excited about that..... | 05:43 |
MrKeuner | DShepherd: I cannot stop it | 05:43 |
DShepherd | MrKeuner, why cant you? | 05:44 |
MrKeuner | DShepherd: it told me that I cannot cancel ? | 05:44 |
DShepherd | MrKeuner, oh.. it does?? | 05:44 |
DShepherd | so once you commit to an upgrade there's no way to stop it? or to roll back? | 05:44 |
MrKeuner | yeah, after it starts fetching the upgrades you cannot go back or stop | 05:45 |
DShepherd | hmm.... | 05:45 |
MrKeuner | there is a cancel button down there though | 05:45 |
DShepherd | MrKeuner, but that doesnt work? | 05:45 |
MrKeuner | :) I am not willing to try that since it told me I cannot stop | 05:46 |
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DShepherd | i dont know if any devels are here.. but would it be possible/wise for ubuntu+n to have a roll back feature after an upgrade commit? | 05:46 |
chotchki | crap, does anyone know how to force a package removal if its stuck partially installed? | 05:46 |
DShepherd | MrKeuner, :-).. ok | 05:46 |
DaSkreech | DShepherd: for a package? | 05:47 |
chotchki | apt-get purge -f doesn work | 05:47 |
DShepherd | DaSkreech, for a distribution upgrade... | 05:48 |
DaSkreech | DShepherd: That's worse trouble than fixing it | 05:48 |
DShepherd | DaSkreech, ok | 05:48 |
Amaranth | DShepherd: You can cancel (temporarily) if you haven't finished the download yet | 05:49 |
Amaranth | DShepherd: But it'll eventually have to be allowed to finish | 05:49 |
DaSkreech | Does anyone know about a infinite device-mapper error ? | 05:49 |
Amaranth | And if it's finished downloading and you 'cancel' your machine will probably not work | 05:49 |
DaSkreech | Amaranth: before it commits anything? | 05:50 |
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Amaranth | Before it starts installing stuff | 05:51 |
arash` | i just upgraded to 7.10 on my tablet. now every window i open that i can type in, an annoying huge on screen keyboard comes which i cannot close. how can i remove this? | 05:51 |
Amaranth | arash`: Never heard of that | 05:51 |
Amaranth | Didn't know we had tablet-specific stuff | 05:51 |
arash` | i had to remove all the on screen keyboard apps | 05:52 |
DaSkreech | device-mapper: ioctl: error adding target to table | 05:52 |
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Amaranth | DShepherd: I got an hour extra battery life without changing anything | 05:52 |
DaSkreech | I get that error in a infinite loop on all ttys | 05:52 |
DanaG | Even a Xeon should support sleep modes, even if at full speed, shouldn't it? | 05:52 |
hgjjjf | how will gutsy work with a intel chip vid card | 05:52 |
Amaranth | DShepherd: Thanks to the new tools available (only work with gutsy) I also figured out ways to save more power and got almost another hour | 05:52 |
DanaG | A good way to tell what the CPU supports, if you have Windows, is to run RMClock. | 05:53 |
DShepherd | Amaranth, how how how? tell me.. tell me | 05:53 |
Amaranth | DShepherd: Specific to the machine | 05:53 |
DaSkreech | Gutsy | 05:53 |
DanaG | I can't get much more than I've already gotten under Windows. | 05:53 |
DaSkreech | and lesswatts.org :) | 05:53 |
chotchki | DanaG: not the 771 chips.... the wiring is too difficult for SMP boards | 05:53 |
Amaranth | Where did that discussion came from? | 05:53 |
chotchki | 775 has some nice power features | 05:53 |
DaSkreech | Amaranth: Any documentation on a device mapper error? | 05:54 |
Amaranth | DaSkreech: nope | 05:54 |
erichj | hgjjjf, it works just fine | 05:54 |
DaSkreech | Any idea what pacakage would cause it | 05:54 |
Amaranth | DanaG: you can check that in ubuntu too | 05:54 |
Amaranth | travis@sorrow:~$ cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_available_frequencies | 05:54 |
Amaranth | 2000000 1667000 1333000 1000000 | 05:54 |
DaSkreech | It's happens right after the grub menu | 05:54 |
erichj | hgjjjf, i have an intel chipset in this laptop. because it's intel it works out of the box | 05:54 |
hgjjjf | erichj, this is my card Identifier"Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller" | 05:55 |
hgjjjf | Driver"i810" | 05:55 |
Amaranth | hgjjjf: and you're using gutsy? | 05:55 |
hgjjjf | nope | 05:55 |
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hgjjjf | feisty | 05:55 |
Amaranth | hgjjjf: #ubuntu | 05:55 |
Amaranth | This channel is for gutsy | 05:55 |
erichj | hgjjjf, same card as me | 05:55 |
hgjjjf | i wana know how it will handle with that card Amaranth | 05:56 |
Amaranth | hgjjjf: better than feisty | 05:56 |
DShepherd | Amaranth, oh ok | 05:56 |
hgjjjf | erichj, u join me in room #wwed please | 05:56 |
erichj | hgjjjf, sure | 05:56 |
DaSkreech | Amaranth: tps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/udev/+bug/119315 | 05:56 |
Amaranth | DaSkreech: I was about to give that to you :) | 05:56 |
Amaranth | DaSkreech: you use evms? | 05:57 |
DaSkreech | Hmm? | 05:57 |
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Amaranth | DaSkreech: If you don't know what evms is you don't use it, uninstall it and the problem will go away | 05:58 |
DaSkreech | My kernel is 2.6.20 | 05:58 |
DaSkreech | they are running 2.6.22 | 05:59 |
DaSkreech | ... | 05:59 |
Amaranth | You aren't using gutsy? | 05:59 |
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DaSkreech | I am | 05:59 |
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DaSkreech | some thing went wrong it seems | 05:59 |
Amaranth | DaSkreech: Then why are you using 2.6.20? | 05:59 |
Zoiks | ubuntu is saying there is no restricted drivers for my 7800gt | 06:00 |
DaSkreech | Amaranth: Don't ask me ask the gibbn | 06:00 |
DaSkreech | :) | 06:00 |
Amaranth | DaSkreech: sudo apt-get install linux-generic && sudo apt-get remove evms | 06:00 |
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DaSkreech | moment | 06:00 |
DaSkreech | doing a dist-upgrade again | 06:00 |
Amaranth | DaSkreech: if you remove evms and reboot things will go faster | 06:01 |
Amaranth | btw, this is why you should use update-manager and not dist-upgrade | 06:02 |
DaSkreech | I did | 06:02 |
DaSkreech | it crashed I assume | 06:02 |
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Amaranth | oh, this bug is actually fixed | 06:03 |
Amaranth | if you have the latest evms | 06:03 |
DaSkreech | Well I just did the upgrade | 06:03 |
DaSkreech | But again | 06:03 |
DaSkreech | It killed X | 06:03 |
DaSkreech | then did nothing | 06:04 |
Amaranth | eh? | 06:04 |
Amaranth | you need to reboot the computer | 06:04 |
DaSkreech | then I started messing with the keyboard to see if the Numlock light would work | 06:04 |
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DaSkreech | then it shut downwith some strange fonts | 06:04 |
DaSkreech | then came back up | 06:04 |
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DaSkreech | I got the errors on consoles and couldn't loginto the GUI | 06:04 |
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DShepherd | not going so smoothly DaSkreech ? | 06:08 |
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Dr_willis | strange fonts? :) thats not good. | 06:09 |
DaSkreech | DShepherd: Not bad | 06:09 |
Dr_willis | like Russian? | 06:09 |
DaSkreech | precisely | 06:09 |
mikubuntu | niet | 06:10 |
Dr_willis | Struddle! | 06:10 |
Dr_willis | Oh wait. thats german.. | 06:10 |
DaSkreech | Just annoying that I can't use the console | 06:10 |
mikubuntu | oh, mamuchka | 06:10 |
Dr_willis | Ive had fb/console issues ages ago with some video card drivers. often disabling the framebuffer feature in the kernel at boot fixed it up | 06:10 |
DaSkreech | ok reboot into new kernel | 06:11 |
Dr_willis | Hmm. I just noticed that Firefox has a ubuntu extension.. any ideas on what that extension does? | 06:12 |
mikubuntu | is anybody experiencing the problem of duplicate panels cutting through the screen, and duplicate cursors? this is going on fourth day of this, i keep hoping the updates will provide a fix, but not so far ... | 06:12 |
Dr_willis | mikubuntu, like a cloned screen? | 06:14 |
tonyyarusso | Dr_willis: isn't it a forums search thing? | 06:14 |
Dr_willis | tonyyarusso, actualy its MUCH cooler. :) i found its home page.. | 06:15 |
=== AncientRelic [n=chris@adsl-206-171-116-30.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
tonyyarusso | Dr_willis: oh? | 06:15 |
Dr_willis | Under the tools/add ons -> theres a ubuntu link. that lets ya qickly add in a few of my facve extensions | 06:15 |
Dr_willis | Nifty :) | 06:15 |
mikubuntu | Dr_willis: not really; just like there is a duplicate 'applications' panel cutting accross the middle of the screen, but underneath is the page that i'm on.. | 06:15 |
Dr_willis | also tweaks a few other menu items it seems from the homepage | 06:15 |
mikubuntu | it's enough to piss off the pope, somebody once said | 06:17 |
Dr_willis | Ya can check several of the extensions they list and they all install at the same time. :0 saves me a few min of installing my fave extensions manually. heh | 06:17 |
Dr_willis | mikubuntu, heh heh. Cant say that ive seen anyone else mention that issue. sorry. | 06:17 |
mikubuntu | it started after i upgraded to gutsy and installed 80 new files.... | 06:17 |
mikubuntu | or, rather, the update mgr installed | 06:18 |
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=== Dr_willis is reminded why he always does clean installs. | ||
=== RAOF never waits long enough to do a clean install | ||
mikubuntu | http://flickr.com/photos/14483391@N03/1474870232/ here's a screenshot i took last nite | 06:20 |
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DShepherd | Amaranth, whats your system specs? | 06:21 |
=== mikubuntu plans a future full of clean, stable, installs | ||
Dr_willis | cool. | 06:21 |
Dr_willis | Looks almost like the memory on the card is confused :) | 06:21 |
Amaranth | Computer: sorrow | Distro: Ubuntu 7.10 "gutsy" | Processor: 2x @ 1.00Ghz | Model: Intel T2500 @ 2.00GHz | Memory: 1009MB Free: 685MB [ ] | Diskspace: 90.00GB Free: 55.00GB | Video: nVidia G72M [GeForce Go 7400] @ 1440x900 (24 bpp) | Net: Down: 2.86MB Up: 0.86MB | 06:21 |
Dr_willis | wonder if the xorg.conf card memory setting is set right | 06:22 |
mikubuntu | mikubuntu was hasty and greedy for new tech | 06:22 |
Dr_willis | mikubuntu, as a test. ya could boot a live cd or 2. and if they display right. copy over their xorg.conf to 'try out' | 06:22 |
mikubuntu | Dr_willis: so you think it's just the xorg.conf file corrupted? | 06:23 |
Dr_willis | mikubuntu, it looks to me like some OLD issues i had years ago. with setting the wrong amount of memory for a card. in the xorg configs. | 06:24 |
Dr_willis | the file may just be wrong. | 06:24 |
Dr_willis | what video card ya got anyway? | 06:24 |
mikubuntu | don't you think the developers are aware of this phenomena? | 06:25 |
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mikubuntu | beats me, i'm pretty much a newb | 06:26 |
Dr_willis | no idea. if its a common bug - it may allready be reported.. could be some odd bug with your setup | 06:26 |
DShepherd | Amaranth, what's the name of the tools that you used for mo' pow pow? :-) | 06:26 |
Dr_willis | backup your existing xorg.conf, make a new one. | 06:26 |
Dr_willis | or try one from some live cd's that work | 06:27 |
Amaranth | DShepherd: powertop | 06:27 |
DShepherd | hmm.. | 06:27 |
DShepherd | Amaranth, i got a similar setup like yours.. this app may come in handy.. | 06:28 |
Dr_willis | i set up powertop on my laptop. it suggested somthing about a usb.timeout=1 kernel option.. but it says 'invalid kernel option' when i boot with that. | 06:28 |
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Dr_willis | or some similer error/option. :) | 06:28 |
chotchki | quick question guys, is there a way to reinstall every package? my libraries seem to have gotten corrupted (and its becoming a huge pain to track tehem all down) | 06:28 |
Amaranth | Dr_willis: usb autosuspend | 06:28 |
Dr_willis | Amaranth, yea thats it. | 06:28 |
Dr_willis | using powernow on a Turion Based laptop. :) heh .. is that legal. | 06:29 |
Dr_willis | but it just gave me a few hints/tips. | 06:29 |
Dr_willis | seemd odd info also. seems my 'media card reader' is some how causing most of the wakeups. | 06:30 |
dfgas | notification area doesn't work | 06:30 |
Amaranth | brb | 06:30 |
dfgas | pidgin, ekiga and so on is not showing up anymore | 06:31 |
Dr_willis | Hmm - nifty program to play with for a few min.. | 06:32 |
Dr_willis | !info planets | 06:32 |
ubotu | planets: Gravitation simulation of planetary bodies. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.1.13-1 (gutsy), package size 89 kB, installed size 524 kB | 06:32 |
Dr_willis | Been playing with it for the last hr. heh .. | 06:32 |
=== guitarinc1 [n=chris@pool-129-44-183-252.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
guitarinc1 | will 7.10 have support for all of nvidia's 8xxx series? | 06:33 |
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guitarinc1 | allo? | 06:34 |
Dr_willis | it supports my 8800 just fine | 06:36 |
Dr_willis | :) | 06:36 |
Dr_willis | so thats a YES. | 06:36 |
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guitarinc1 | the 8800 is listed as a supported card in 7.04 | 06:37 |
guitarinc1 | but none of the others | 06:37 |
Dr_willis | no idea about that.. I just know what I got. :) and am using now | 06:37 |
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guitarinc1 | have fun with your electricity bill ;-) | 06:38 |
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guitarinc1 | as for me, I have a modest 8400 GS | 06:38 |
Dr_willis | its heating the bedroom. :P | 06:38 |
Dr_willis | My Mythtv box has a 5200 | 06:38 |
Dr_willis | other box has a 6800 | 06:38 |
=== DaSkreech [n=skreech@katapult/ninja/daskreech] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
DaSkreech | DShepherd: No biggie | 06:39 |
guitarinc1 | what tuner do you use? | 06:39 |
DShepherd | DaSkreech, progress? | 06:39 |
Dr_willis | hauppag 150 | 06:39 |
DaSkreech | Didn't need any | 06:39 |
Dr_willis | was on sale for $50 or so | 06:39 |
Dr_willis | :) | 06:39 |
DaSkreech | one annoyance | 06:39 |
guitarinc1 | sweet | 06:39 |
guitarinc1 | I need to find a decent USB tuner | 06:39 |
Dr_willis | im not sure that one of those exists... :) | 06:40 |
Dr_willis | heh.. wasent plextor supposed to make one -- last year. i heard about it.. | 06:40 |
guitarinc1 | linux drivers are always a problem | 06:41 |
guitarinc1 | I need to find one that's actually supported | 06:41 |
Dr_willis | i rember that product (never did see it ) because they were supposed to have linux support.. but No idea if it ever even came out. | 06:43 |
Dr_willis | Ill stiuck with my pvr150 for now. it does what little recording i need. | 06:43 |
DaSkreech | DShepherd: And as per usual the time it took me to reboot brought new packages | 06:43 |
Dr_willis | heh | 06:44 |
Dr_willis | apt-get update... and have to update again! | 06:44 |
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guitarinc1 | my mobo doesn't have any slots left | 06:44 |
guitarinc1 | needs to be USB | 06:44 |
dfgas | hmmmm | 06:44 |
Dr_willis | best thing about MythTV.. you can get a low end pc.. and a cheap card + tuner. :) set it up.. and accessit from other machines | 06:45 |
guitarinc1 | or firewire, I suppose | 06:45 |
guitarinc1 | yeah, that's pretty cool | 06:45 |
guitarinc1 | if you have the bandwidth | 06:45 |
guitarinc1 | I don't think my DSL upstream will cut it | 06:45 |
Dr_willis | Therw ia Mythbuntu project out also. :) been toying with it. | 06:46 |
guitarinc1 | Right now, I'm a Fedora user | 06:46 |
Dr_willis | but i tend to record shows/convert for my GP2x player and watch them on that at work | 06:46 |
guitarinc1 | 7.10 might convert me | 06:46 |
guitarinc1 | we'll see | 06:46 |
Dr_willis | all depends on your needs. | 06:46 |
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Dr_willis | Im still wonderinf if the including of compiz will be a bigger headache then expected. | 06:47 |
guitarinc1 | I'm an electrical engineer | 06:47 |
scizzo- | morning | 06:47 |
guitarinc1 | I really like KTech Lab | 06:47 |
guitarinc1 | awesome circuit simulator | 06:48 |
Dr_willis | Morning? heh .. its 1 am here.. bed time | 06:48 |
guitarinc1 | only 12:46 | 06:48 |
Dr_willis | Only Circuit simulator i do - is that Old Game where ya programed robots with circuit parts.. what was it called.... | 06:48 |
Dr_willis | Hmm.. old apple2 game.. egads.. java port was done not too long ago. | 06:48 |
guitarinc1 | but, yeah, I need to do programming | 06:49 |
guitarinc1 | Eclipse seems to work well | 06:49 |
Jordan_U | Dr_willis, I am glad that they are doing it for Gutsy, because otherwise they might have tried it with an LTS release, which is not where you want to try something new like Composite by default | 06:49 |
Dr_willis | Jordan_U, yea.. but i dont really get the whole LTS 'support' stuff.. but i am just a simple home user... | 06:49 |
DShepherd | DaSkreech, how long did did the upgrade take? | 06:50 |
Dr_willis | I look at it from a 'whats going to be the next faq's in the channels here' point of view | 06:50 |
Jordan_U | Dr_willis, It is taking about commercial ( paid ) support for the distro, also about security updates and general stability | 06:50 |
DaSkreech | DShepherd: 3.5 hours including annoyances | 06:51 |
DShepherd | DaSkreech, that long? darn | 06:51 |
hydrogen | I think it will be a close call to see if compiz or strigi causes more annoyances by default | 06:51 |
DaSkreech | And it's much prettier | 06:51 |
Jordan_U | Dr_willis, Edgy could have never been an LTS release for instance, not stable enough | 06:51 |
DShepherd | DaSkreech, screenshot!!! | 06:51 |
DaSkreech | DShepherd: Yeah a clean install is always way faster if you have a a /home | 06:51 |
Dr_willis | yea. Ive never really understood what 'paid support' actually does.. If my company pays for support.. what sort of problems are the support guys trained to fix/answer? | 06:51 |
DShepherd | DaSkreech, i guess... | 06:51 |
hylje | "thing x doesn't work" | 06:51 |
guitarinc1 | how well does the GUI Xorg editor work? | 06:51 |
Dr_willis | do i call them and ask 'how to i get write access to my ntfs disks' ? | 06:52 |
Dr_willis | or is it somthing else more specific.. heh | 06:52 |
hylje | pretty much | 06:52 |
hylje | the same thing you have here | 06:52 |
hylje | but with real paid people | 06:52 |
DaSkreech | DShepherd: not counting download time for ISO which people never do though ... you ,,, it counts | 06:52 |
Jordan_U | Dr_willis, I have considered buying it myself, but it isn't exactly cheap | 06:52 |
=== Dr_willis needs to charge more. :0 | ||
Dr_willis | heh heh. | 06:52 |
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Dr_willis | Of course given some of the odd questions ive seen in the ubuntu channels over the last few years | 06:53 |
Jordan_U | Dr_willis, Not that it is a bad deal, just probably not worth it for a Desktop user like me ( though sometimes I wish I had someone who was obligated to help me ) | 06:53 |
Dr_willis | i guess as a home user.. ive not found a problem i couldent research in an hr or 2 and learn some by doing so.. :) | 06:54 |
Dr_willis | then again - i like learning. | 06:54 |
Dr_willis | i dislike explainign somtning to a user, that dosent want to listen. :) i got a WIFE for that.. | 06:55 |
=== Dr_willis clears the screen. | ||
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Dr_willis | night all - its late here | 06:56 |
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nazeeh | hi everyone | 07:15 |
nazeeh | I just upgraded to Gutsy today, and was wondering why I can't enable desktop effects...says "Composite extension not available" | 07:15 |
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scizzo- | nazeeh: you are using nvidia? | 07:16 |
nazeeh | ATI 9800 PRO | 07:16 |
scizzo- | hmmm | 07:16 |
scizzo- | ATI I am not sure really | 07:16 |
nazeeh | and I am using the "restricted" drivers as it prompted me to do so | 07:16 |
scizzo- | composite is something that you need to enable in xorg I belive..but I am not sure | 07:16 |
RAOF | nazeeh: fglrx doesn't provide the things compiz needs. | 07:17 |
nazeeh | that's what I figured... | 07:17 |
nazeeh | let me install the regular one instead | 07:17 |
RAOF | nazeeh: You can either use the open-source drivers (and *uninstall* fglrx), or you can use Xgl | 07:17 |
nazeeh | i'll uninstall the restricted one and see what happens | 07:17 |
nazeeh | but that could be a bug btw... it should tell you that desktop effects don't work with restricted drivers | 07:18 |
RAOF | nazeeh: That's not a bad idea. Please file that bug against restricted-manager :) | 07:18 |
nazeeh | will do :) | 07:19 |
nazeeh | what was the command to know which server you're running now? I just disabled the restricted driver | 07:19 |
nazeeh | i used to know this stuff... forgot :( | 07:20 |
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DanaG | Hmm, I haven't had lockups since installing irqbalance. | 07:33 |
DanaG | Anybody else with dual-core nvidia issues, perhaps give it a try. | 07:34 |
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DanaG | Xilinx is especially bad under Linux. | 07:37 |
ivx | hello, what is the command to read this channels topic | 07:38 |
DanaG | /topic | 07:38 |
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LoRe | hmm... is there a chance that a specific svn-branch of madfifi goes into gutsy? | 07:47 |
LoRe | s/branch/revision/ | 07:47 |
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user_ | 99 updates available now? Anyone had problems after updating? | 08:09 |
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mEck0 | somebody else noticed that ubuntu 7.10 seems to eat fairly much memory? | 08:17 |
Starcraftmazter | yes | 08:18 |
Starcraftmazter | im thinking its compiz | 08:18 |
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user_ | mEck0 did you get a crapload of updates in gutsy in the last few hours? | 08:19 |
nox-Hand | Hey | 08:19 |
mEck0 | but I don't use compiz | 08:19 |
Starcraftmazter | :O | 08:19 |
mEck0 | user_, yeah | 08:19 |
nox-Hand | Is there a reason that my laptopsVGAout does not automatically switch to that when I start my PC and there is a VGA cable in? | 08:19 |
user_ | Everything smooth? I like to ask others before updating | 08:19 |
nox-Hand | I had that on Feisty, very nice. | 08:19 |
Starcraftmazter | no problems here | 08:19 |
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Starcraftmazter | 73 updates or something like that installed | 08:20 |
mEck0 | yeah | 08:20 |
wabiD | is there a way to remove page zoom from gran paradiso | 08:20 |
wabiD | aka disable the feature | 08:20 |
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user_ | Ok, great. I've had system monitor on when firefox was being a hog and ended the process, and resumed session on restarting and it was using about 1/2 the memory | 08:21 |
user_ | Great on the updates going smooth | 08:21 |
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mEck0 | user_, ok, thx for the answer, will restart later without firefox and see how much memory is being used then | 08:23 |
wabiD | can anyone help me fix this - http://img503.imageshack.us/img503/4123/granju7.png | 08:24 |
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chronographer | Hello. I have a trouble, I read about this trouble being experienced by some debian folks also so I hope someone can help me fix it! I asked synaptic to install msttcorefonts, it fails to connect to sourceforge and always gives an error: Resolving surfnet.dl.sourceforge.net... failed. | 08:28 |
chronographer | I need help installing it, or getting rid of it | 08:28 |
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user_ | go to terminal and see if you can "ping surfnet.dl.sourceforge.net" | 08:29 |
chronographer | i can download the files in firefox | 08:29 |
user_ | Perhaps someone else, that's about all I know | 08:30 |
chronographer | ping from terminal doesn't work | 08:30 |
user_ | then the server @ surfnet.dl.sourceforge.ne isn't there anymore or isn't currently up | 08:31 |
chronographer | it tries a whole bunch of other servers also though | 08:31 |
chronographer | http://superb-east.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/corefonts/andale32.exe Like this one | 08:32 |
chronographer | which is a valid link | 08:32 |
chronographer | but in terminsl it doesn't work | 08:32 |
chronographer | er.. doesn't install | 08:32 |
user_ | youd only ping superb-east.dl.sourceforge.net not the whole path | 08:33 |
_lemsx1_ | chronographer: you are not running nscd are you? | 08:33 |
user_ | no, what is it ? | 08:34 |
_lemsx1_ | user_: was that for me? | 08:34 |
user_ | sorry got mixed up , but no I don't know what nscd is either | 08:35 |
_lemsx1_ | user_: apt-cache show nscd | 08:36 |
_lemsx1_ | user_: name caching daemon | 08:36 |
_lemsx1_ | user_: it makes libc6 lookups faster (passwd, dns, etc) | 08:36 |
chronographer | no | 08:36 |
chronographer | ping did work | 08:36 |
chronographer | 350ms or so | 08:37 |
chronographer | what is nscd? | 08:37 |
_lemsx1_ | chronographer: i just said it to user_ | 08:37 |
user_ | Alright atleast that server is replying , what does that look like in your sources.list file ? | 08:37 |
chronographer | oh =) | 08:38 |
chronographer | I think it is an external server, not a sourceforge server. Msttcorefonts are installed using a script which gets the files from the servers | 08:39 |
user_ | gotcha. | 08:39 |
DanaG | Are there any other people here with the nvidia dual-core freezing? | 08:40 |
DanaG | Try installing irqbalance. | 08:40 |
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chronographer | who? | 08:41 |
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slop | HELLO | 08:51 |
npurciful | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39513/ | 08:51 |
wabiD | is there anything similar to autogk for linux? | 08:51 |
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npurciful | err wrong room | 08:52 |
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savvas | funky func by npurciful :) | 08:54 |
savvas | wabiD: I think ffmpeg can be tweaked for that | 08:58 |
wabiD | i just want a gui that lets me do all the settings | 09:00 |
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wabiD | autogk is just using xvid and virtualdub, and other stuff like avisynth | 09:00 |
wabiD | it just takes care of running all the programs needed for calculations and stuff | 09:00 |
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savvas | like.. Acidrip ? | 09:01 |
wabiD | does it output a 700mb avi? | 09:01 |
wabiD | with 2 clicks | 09:02 |
savvas | no idea | 09:02 |
wabiD | yea it looks similar thanks | 09:03 |
savvas | you have also dvd::rip | 09:03 |
savvas | i know devede is for avi->dvd | 09:04 |
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savvas | hm I just found out a nice package: ubuntu-restricted-extras :)) | 09:06 |
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wabiD | whats in it? | 09:13 |
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savvas | wabiD: almost everything that needs some open source love | 09:20 |
savvas | java, mp3, flash etc | 09:20 |
Blackgoth | give that closed source some opensource love savvas ! | 09:21 |
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jMerliNz | why is the minimum multiplier for the mouse movement speed in gutsy 1.0??? | 09:31 |
jMerliNz | wtf? | 09:31 |
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shiznit | greetings | 09:43 |
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savvas | Blackgoth: I just wish I could actually do that, but then again, I'm not that potent as a programmer :) | 10:03 |
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Blackgoth | but we can still give it some good loving! | 10:07 |
Blackgoth | :P | 10:07 |
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bullgard4 | When upgrading from Ubuntu 7.04 to 7.10, what directory will need most free memory? (My partitions are almost full.) | 10:08 |
DanaG | s/memory/disk space/ | 10:11 |
bullgard4 | DanaG: Is this your answer to me? | 10:12 |
RAOF | bullgard4: /var/lib/apt, most likely. | 10:13 |
DanaG | /var/cache/apt | 10:13 |
RAOF | Also, disc space :) | 10:13 |
DanaG | also. | 10:13 |
RAOF | Or instead, actually. | 10:13 |
RAOF | That's what I meant :) | 10:13 |
bullgard4 | RAOF: I do not understand your message: "Also, disc space :)" Please say it in other words. | 10:15 |
=== SoulChild [n=eshat@dslb-084-060-050-013.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
SoulChild | hey all,.... how do i change the background color of my desktop between gdm login and desktopbackground image. already changed in gdm config and background properties but still have this ubuntu red. any ideas ? | 10:16 |
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RAOF | bullgard4: Oh, I was just agreeing with DanaG. You meant "disc space", rather than "memory" which is traditionally associated with RAM. | 10:17 |
cypherdelic | I need help with gutsy. I installed frcefield/truecrypt but it doesnt work, im with 2.6.22-12 and all modules that are installable via synaptic, but the log of truecrypt says that KernelModule of TrueCrypt isnt loaded. Please help | 10:18 |
cypherdelic | i also tried to build truecrypt from source | 10:18 |
arnath | ok, i'm getting a massive headache trying to fix my screen in ubuntu, i first tried 7.04, but couldn't get it to work, now i'm in 7.10 | 10:18 |
arnath | setup: 8600gts + hdmi tv | 10:18 |
arnath | problem: tv is stuck in 640x480 resolution with both bars (the top and bottom one) nearly off the screen | 10:19 |
cypherdelic | but the install script wants to know a folder with kernel sources and there is nothing in my /usr/src except of source tars | 10:19 |
bullgard4 | RAOF: Please excuse me. I made a mistake. I should have asked for 'disk space' rather than 'memory'. So I will ask my question anew. | 10:19 |
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aztracker1 | fyi: for anyone installing gutsy on a clean HD... the livecd version seems to stop loading the partitioner at 53% if there isn't a normal partition on the drive... | 10:19 |
RAOF | bullgard4: Haven't we answered that yet? It's /var/cache/apt that you'll be wanting the most space on, since that's where the packages will download to. | 10:19 |
bullgard4 | When upgrading from Ubuntu 7.04 to 7.10, what directory will need the most additional disk space? (My partitions are almost full.) | 10:20 |
RAOF | cypherdelic: Unless you want to inter-operate with windows, you don't really need truecrypt. Also, "apt-get linux-source" will just drop the tarball in /usr/src, you need to unpack it manually. | 10:20 |
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cypherdelic | how to install true crypt modules for 2.6.22-12-amd64??? | 10:20 |
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cypherdelic | RAOF: i dont need? but i want, i like it and its features and the forcefield gui. i need to. | 10:21 |
RAOF | cypherdelic: I mean, you can use the alternate installer to set up encrypted partitions. | 10:21 |
cypherdelic | the packages are working, funny thing THEY dont work, haha | 10:21 |
arnath | anyone have any experience with hdmi screens? | 10:22 |
cypherdelic | RAOF does it allow me to create hidden containers | 10:22 |
RAOF | cypherdelic: What's a hidden container, and why would you care? :) | 10:22 |
cypherdelic | RAOF: does it support random key generatioon from mouse input | 10:22 |
RAOF | cypherdelic: So does the installer, if you really want to. Well, from /dev/random, at least. | 10:23 |
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cypherdelic | RAOF: Its a certain transparent container inside a cryptded volume, it only appears if you mount the volume with a special passphrase | 10:23 |
RAOF | cypherdelic: It's entirely possible that you want something that the installer won't do for you. But if what you want to do is encrypt your / or /home & swap, the installer'll do it for you. | 10:23 |
cypherdelic | so i want a cryptde volume with unimportant stuff and inside i want a hidden container | 10:23 |
schreder | i noticed that compiz cube is not cooperating with neither gnome nor xfce desktop switching applets | 10:24 |
schreder | changin desktop through the applet does not rotate the cube | 10:24 |
cypherdelic | a install cryptor for root filesystem, wth , WHERE??? | 10:24 |
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RAOF | cypherdelic: Alternate CD. "Use entire disc (LVM + Crypt)", or manual partitioning. | 10:25 |
cypherdelic | RAOF: Maky my day, where do i get information about that installer | 10:25 |
cypherdelic | ehm i already got a FS, got a modifier for that? | 10:26 |
RAOF | cypherdelic: No, it won't encrypt your existing partition. | 10:26 |
RAOF | cypherdelic: Um. By downloading the Alternate CD, basically. I'm not sure where it's documented. It's pretty self-explainatory :). | 10:26 |
cypherdelic | RAOF: hm ok, thats what apperently amazed me, ok but its cool too, does it support reiserfs?? | 10:27 |
arnath | man, this is annoying | 10:27 |
cypherdelic | ? | 10:27 |
arnath | when i boot it wiv my vga (and i dont even want a vga), the refresh rate is out of range, when i boot it with my hdmi (the one i want), i cant set the resolution higher then 640x480 | 10:28 |
cypherdelic | but i still need a crypted container | 10:28 |
RAOF | cypherdelic: Yes. Whatever. You just make an encrypted partition, and this is seen like a block device (so you can partition it, etc) and do everything you normally could. | 10:28 |
cypherdelic | because there are people that need to view my pc, they got access | 10:28 |
cypherdelic | i need that truecrypt modules | 10:28 |
cypherdelic | cant instal on ubuntu gutsy? i cant believe. | 10:29 |
RAOF | cypherdelic: Entirely possible. Maybe they don't build against our kernel (or new kernels, or whatever). | 10:29 |
RAOF | cypherdelic: Also, they surely can't need the kernel sources, right? They want the headers, yes? | 10:30 |
cypherdelic | oh they did there are *.debs for 7.10 already | 10:30 |
cypherdelic | i gave the script the headers | 10:30 |
cypherdelic | it says wrong one and not containing 2.6.22-12, but that were definitly the headers | 10:30 |
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cypherdelic | Error: Kernel source version in /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.22-12-generic/ is not 2.6.22-12-generic | 10:32 |
cypherdelic | fck script, yes it is /$ swear | 10:33 |
mrtimdog | Hi, is there any way to trick gnome into thinking the screen isn't as big as it really is when you maximise a window? I want to be able to access the desktop menus even when I've a maximised window displayed from an uncovered couple of lines at an edge of the screen. | 10:35 |
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arnath | for some reason, all my windows are missing the top bar | 10:39 |
hylje | arnath: window decoration is missing | 10:40 |
savvas | mrtimdog: maybe you can set a default size for all new windows, but don't ask me how, it's just a more possible idea | 10:41 |
arnath | hylje: and hwo do i turn it on? (or rather: back on, it worked great like 5 minutes ago) | 10:41 |
arnath | it seems to be linked to color depth | 10:41 |
arnath | i set it to 16, and then the decoration went missing | 10:42 |
arnath | i set it to 32 again and its back | 10:42 |
hylje | hm? | 10:42 |
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arnath | now for some reason the compiz/beryl thing is turned off :@ | 10:45 |
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savvas | mrtimdog: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/07/25/how-to-set-default-workspace-size-and-window-effects-in-gnome/ | 10:50 |
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tekhawk | what the check register program people use in gnome | 10:54 |
mrtimdog | savvas: thanks, just taking a look... | 10:56 |
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tekhawk | i know kmymoney is good for kde need a gnome one though anyone? | 10:57 |
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savvas | tekhawk: it should be working in gnome as well, provided you download some basic kde stuff along | 11:01 |
tekhawk | savvas: i know i could use it but id rather use one ment for gnome that and ive used kmymoney before want to try something new lol its okay but missing some feature i think | 11:03 |
tekhawk | im a KDE fan thats seeing what the other side has to offer now torn between desktops ; ; refusing to use kse again till 4 comes out | 11:05 |
bullgard4 | Before upgrading to Gutsy, should I uncomment the lines #49 and 50 in http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/15671/? | 11:05 |
savvas | tekhawk: something like GnuCash ?:\ | 11:06 |
savvas | the only replacements I could find are gnucash and grisbi | 11:06 |
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gnomefreak | tekhawk: please ask your question in one channel and gnucash would be gnomes kmymoney | 11:07 |
savvas | so.. grisbi then hehe | 11:07 |
savvas | i wonder why gnucash doesn't match the search "money" | 11:08 |
gnomefreak | savvas: not sure i tried that as well cause i couldnt remember name | 11:08 |
gnomefreak | tekhawk: grisbi is another one | 11:09 |
savvas | gnomefreak: do you know someone to suggest this to be "fixed" for the final stage? | 11:09 |
tekhawk | installing grisbi right now | 11:09 |
mrtimdog | I've tried a couple of money apps too, the best I've found is Open Office Calc! | 11:10 |
tekhawk | think i should install gnucash to though becuase its the only business one | 11:10 |
gnomefreak | savvas: i will ask when i see someone that would beable to help on that. | 11:10 |
gnomefreak | maybe ill look for it and fix it and get it pushed | 11:11 |
savvas | darn, they should have a suggestion page on launchpad :P | 11:11 |
savvas | well.. you're the freak ;) | 11:11 |
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tekhawk | ; ; grigbi euro only lol | 11:12 |
tekhawk | GREAT | 11:14 |
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tekhawk | okay repo error lol gnucash deps on gnucash-common one is ubuntu3 one is ubuntu4 no way to install atm | 11:15 |
savvas | that's weird, they say "Multi-currencies balances in startup screen" | 11:15 |
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tekhawk | made an account in it and it would let me select currency | 11:15 |
tekhawk | okay okay i found out how to add currencys | 11:16 |
savvas | Does anyone own an hp laserjet printer? I'd like some opinions before buying one | 11:17 |
savvas | hp drivers really work or? | 11:17 |
Hobbsee | tekhawk: amd64? | 11:17 |
tekhawk | yeah | 11:18 |
=== Hobbsee updates | ||
savvas | hehe | 11:18 |
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tekhawk | Hobbsee: huh | 11:18 |
savvas | it sure is great to have an apt manager online :) | 11:18 |
Hobbsee | apt manager? | 11:19 |
savvas | well, whatever you're doing, you do it great | 11:19 |
tekhawk | Hobbsee: Anaptics | 11:19 |
Hobbsee | savvas: :) | 11:19 |
Hobbsee | savvas: core dev | 11:19 |
Hobbsee | tekhawk: which mirror? | 11:19 |
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Trewas | savvas: aren't all hp laser printers postscript capable? or do they make el-cheapo stuff without postscript support nowadays | 11:20 |
tekhawk | Hobbsee: how do i check | 11:20 |
Hobbsee | tekhawk: look up /etc/apt/sources.list | 11:20 |
savvas | Hobbsee: excuse moi, it sure is WONDERFUL to have you online :P | 11:20 |
Hobbsee | savvas: :D | 11:20 |
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savvas | Trewas: I have nooo idea, that's why I need opinions :\ | 11:21 |
=== Hobbsee bets a lolly pop on the mirror being slightly outdated. | ||
tekhawk | Hobbsee: us.archive.ubuntu.com | 11:22 |
Hobbsee | savvas: mine works fine | 11:22 |
Hobbsee | tekhawk: do an update, then paste 'apt-cache madison gnucash-common' please | 11:22 |
savvas | Hobbsee: hp laserjet? which model? | 11:22 |
Hobbsee | savvas: 4500, iirc. | 11:22 |
savvas | ok thanks :) | 11:22 |
savvas | oh teh colourful hehe | 11:23 |
Hobbsee | yup | 11:23 |
Hobbsee | inherited it from dad's office :P | 11:23 |
Trewas | savvas: I checked, at least their cheapest printers do not have postscript support so they need some form of drivers | 11:23 |
tekhawk | Hobbsee: you do mean 'sudo apt-get update' right | 11:23 |
savvas | tekhawk: yes | 11:23 |
tekhawk | this is the print out | 11:24 |
tekhawk | gnucash-common | 2.2.1-1ubuntu4 | http://us.archive.ubuntu.com gutsy/universe Packages | 11:24 |
tekhawk | gnucash | 2.2.1-1ubuntu4 | http://us.archive.ubuntu.com gutsy/universe Sources | 11:24 |
tekhawk | i see ll | 11:24 |
tekhawk | lol | 11:24 |
tekhawk | Hobbsee: thank you | 11:24 |
Hobbsee | tekhawk: yes. | 11:24 |
Hobbsee | tekhawk: no problem | 11:24 |
=== Hobbsee was right, and takes her lollypop back :) | ||
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Hobbsee | tekhawk: i have all this stuff aliased, so rarely type the full commands. | 11:25 |
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tekhawk | i see lol | 11:25 |
Hobbsee | tekhawk: if you wanted to know the reason behind it, -common is arch: all, which builds on i386, and the i386 builders have been building lots lately, and is slightly backlogged, compared to the others. | 11:26 |
tekhawk | so takes some time for the commons to catch up sometimes | 11:26 |
Hobbsee | yeah, it can do | 11:27 |
Hobbsee | depends on teh queue of each buildd | 11:27 |
savvas | Trewas: I'm interested in hp laserjet 1020W and 1018 (black/gray only), and provided the hplip package in ubuntu, would they work? | 11:28 |
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savvas | Hobbsee: a great tool would be a packager from distributed computing, something like the BOINC but for .deb hehe | 11:32 |
Hobbsee | now that opens a whole can of worms :) | 11:33 |
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savvas | you're probably right, the milworm.com folks would just love to go through | 11:34 |
savvas | oh they took it down, 'bout time! | 11:35 |
barduck | Can anyone tell me if there is a version of wubi for 7.10 ? | 11:38 |
Jordan_U | barduck, I think the one that comes on the Gutsy LiveCD :) | 11:40 |
barduck | Jordan: there is one on the liveCD? You sure? I can't find it... | 11:41 |
gnomefreak | barduck: what is full name of app? | 11:42 |
savvas | barduck: wubi the "install.exe"? | 11:42 |
gnomefreak | the package "wubi" isnt in the repos is why i would need a full name of it | 11:42 |
savvas | i think he means http://wubi-installer.org/ | 11:43 |
barduck | yes, I want to install 7.10 on my Windows partition | 11:43 |
barduck | there is wubi with 7.04 | 11:43 |
barduck | but I want to use 7.10 | 11:44 |
gnomefreak | barduck: it will be updated after release i would imagine | 11:44 |
gnomefreak | since its not safe to install gutsy most other things <extra repos wubi> would be updated after the release | 11:45 |
barduck | I guess you are right. I hoped to be able to use it earlier, I don't mind the beta. | 11:46 |
savvas | barduck: You could ask for a release date https://answers.launchpad.net/wubi/+addquestion | 11:46 |
gnomefreak | barduck: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-512580.html that might help a little | 11:48 |
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Trewas | savvas: (sorry, had to go afk) those do not support postscript and they need drivers, and 1018 seems to need some kind of binary firmware so better check before buying if ubuntu ships them | 11:55 |
savvas | thanks ;) | 11:56 |
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shirish | ubotu girls | 12:02 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about girls - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 12:02 |
shirish | ubotu girl | 12:02 |
ubotu | Girls dont exist on the internet. See http://www.escapistmagazine.com/print/17/27 | For more interesting reading, see http://pandagon.blogsome.com/2007/04/13/how-to-not-be-an-asshole-a-guide-for-men/ | 12:02 |
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jmg | heh | 12:08 |
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savvas | that girl has a cute surname :p | 12:11 |
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leperkhanz | The codec search crashes every time currently when on the Live CD. | 12:37 |
leperkhanz | Consider this my official bug report. | 12:37 |
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shirish | hey guys, what's up? | 12:38 |
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shirish | what's happening, everybody asleep or what? | 12:43 |
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TheInfinity | shirish: fighting with kolab ;) | 12:54 |
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pvandewyngaerde | !jigdo | 01:02 |
ubotu | jigdo is the jigsaw downloader for building cd isos. for more information see http://www.debian.org/CD/jigdo-cd/ | 01:02 |
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boritek | Hi | 01:04 |
boritek | if I click on add channel in Miro, firefox wants to open it, so I can't add the channel... | 01:05 |
boritek | how can I solve this? | 01:05 |
boritek | I reinstalled miro but it did the same | 01:05 |
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vargran | hi everyone! | 01:33 |
vargran | I got laptop Asus X50V series, it has Ati Mobility Radeon X2300, kubuntu 7.04. the question: how do I make all it work together? the main problem: X doesn't start and I got wxga not vga. | 01:33 |
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atlfalcons866 | is it safe to use gusty now | 01:37 |
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nosrednaekim | atlfalcons866: you mean for everyday home use? | 01:40 |
atlfalcons866 | yes | 01:41 |
gaminggeek | atlfalcons866: I use it | 01:43 |
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nosrednaekim | atlfalcons866: yeah... its pretty stable | 01:43 |
nosrednaekim | atlfalcons866: occasional problems... bu nothing serious | 01:43 |
atlfalcons866 | or should i wait for release canadate | 01:43 |
gaminggeek | little rough around the edges but usable | 01:43 |
nosrednaekim | usually... | 01:43 |
atlfalcons866 | nosrednaekim: what type of problems crashing? have to hard power off computer | 01:44 |
penguincentral_ | how do i set up an ssh server on my computer? | 01:44 |
penguincentral_ | i am running beta | 01:44 |
nosrednaekim | atlfalcons866: not much will change afaik.... | 01:44 |
nosrednaekim | penguincentral_: easy... run "sudo apt-get install ssh" | 01:44 |
penguincentral_ | nosrednaekim: that easy? | 01:44 |
atlfalcons866 | any changes in kubuntu?? | 01:45 |
penguincentral_ | thanks nosrednaekim :) | 01:45 |
nosrednaekim | penguincentral_: indeed:) then run, fromaanother computer "ssh <username>@<local ip address> | 01:45 |
penguincentral_ | and if i am not on my network, i use my internet ip address? | 01:45 |
=== KenSentMe [n=jeroen@kensentme.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
nosrednaekim | penguincentral_: you need some ip-port forwarding to do that. | 01:46 |
nosrednaekim | penguincentral_: in your router, forward port 20 to the computer you want to ssh into. | 01:47 |
nosrednaekim | *port 22 | 01:47 |
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penguincentral_ | ok nosrednaekim | 01:48 |
penguincentral_ | so i forward port 22 on my router? | 01:48 |
nosrednaekim | penguincentral_: yeah, you your linux computer | 01:50 |
penguincentral_ | nosrednaekim: but isn't the ubuntu firewall disabled by default? or am i wrong? | 01:51 |
nosrednaekim | penguincentral_: it is. | 01:52 |
penguincentral_ | ok | 01:52 |
penguincentral_ | nosrednaekim: how do i access this? | 01:52 |
nosrednaekim | oh! what I mean was forward port 22 from your router TO your computer... sorry | 01:53 |
=== penguincentral_ has finished installing ssh on his computer | ||
nosrednaekim | its in your router's settings | 01:53 |
nosrednaekim | somewhere.. | 01:53 |
penguincentral_ | nosrednaekim: i know how to do that | 01:53 |
penguincentral_ | nosrednaekim: then from another computer i log in using my username and password? | 01:54 |
nosrednaekim | all routers are all different, so I really can't help with port forwarding. | 01:54 |
penguincentral_ | nosrednaekim: i know how to port forward on my router | 01:55 |
nosrednaekim | once you have this set up, and your IP never changes (which it will) yes. | 01:55 |
nosrednaekim | penguincentral_: oh.. ok | 01:55 |
nosrednaekim | penguincentral_: do you have a static IP? | 01:55 |
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penguincentral_ | nosrednaekim: no, dynamic :( | 01:55 |
penguincentral_ | nosrednaekim: i had no choice in that | 01:55 |
penguincentral_ | ;) | 01:55 |
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nosrednaekim | penguincentral_: well, you need a service so that you can tell what your IP is then... | 01:56 |
penguincentral_ | i've been using http://www.lawrencegoetz.com/programs/ipinfo/ | 01:56 |
IdleOne | !dyndns | 01:57 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about dyndns - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 01:57 |
penguincentral_ | IdleOne: eh, dyndns is a pain in the ass to set up anyway | 01:58 |
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nosrednaekim | ok... | 01:58 |
kyja | still mst games stress my processor and its 3.4 ghz | 01:59 |
kyja | wtf? | 01:59 |
nosrednaekim | kyja: do you have a decent graphics card? | 01:59 |
kyja | ati mobility radion x600 | 01:59 |
nosrednaekim | kyja: what games? | 01:59 |
kyja | well actualy even bibletime as it tries to dl from ftp | 02:00 |
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kyja | game like regnum for examle is intence | 02:00 |
kyja | bilardgl will kill me too | 02:01 |
nosrednaekim | kyja: is trackerd running? the desktop search bot... | 02:01 |
kyja | revs my cpu's up and then the power cuts out | 02:01 |
kyja | never heard of it | 02:01 |
kyja | is t the search utility in the places menu? | 02:02 |
nosrednaekim | kyja: pop up a terminal and run "top" | 02:02 |
kyja | k | 02:03 |
nosrednaekim | kyja: yeah.. I think so | 02:03 |
kyja | to running | 02:03 |
kyja | top | 02:03 |
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nosrednaekim | what is the "top" process? | 02:04 |
kyja | first in list? | 02:04 |
kyja | firefox | 02:05 |
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=== GNine [n=Jorg@c-24-99-14-101.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
aantipop | are there known problems with webcams related to gutsy (like worked in feisty, not in gutsy) ? | 02:06 |
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nosrednaekim | kyja: ok :) you're good them | 02:06 |
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nosrednaekim | kyja: is your disk light blinking alot or can you hear it being used alot? | 02:06 |
kyja | not overly active at the mment | 02:06 |
bazhang | greetings all! Will it be possible to upgrade from the beta to the final just from apt-get, i.e., without downloading and burning the final release CD? | 02:07 |
nosrednaekim | kyja: hmm... for your ATI card, do you have the drivers installed? | 02:07 |
nosrednaekim | bazhang: it already is ;) | 02:07 |
nosrednaekim | bazhang: has been for thet past 4 months ;) | 02:07 |
kyja | yeah either restricted and non restricted do the same thing | 02:07 |
Samael_ | nosrednaekim: Means IS? release? | 02:08 |
GNine | before upgrade to 7.10 i changed the option of available desktops to 2. after upgrade i went back in settings and changed it back to 4. but i still see 2. | 02:08 |
nosrednaekim | kyja: what exactly happens> | 02:08 |
kyja | it is more or less how the kernel is dishing out work two the threads. it is a multi headed cpu so it shows up as two | 02:08 |
nosrednaekim | GNine: are you using compiz? | 02:08 |
bazhang | nosrednaekim: you have been using it since Tribe? | 02:08 |
peter77 | when I first log in after a reboot with compiz active the top bar dissapears until I click the mouse button | 02:09 |
nosrednaekim | bazhang: yep | 02:09 |
peter77 | is this a bug? | 02:09 |
bazhang | Wowza | 02:09 |
GNine | i have compiz but its not 100% operational | 02:09 |
nosrednaekim | GNine: what I mean... are you using it currently? | 02:09 |
kyja | alot of applications send one of the cpu's to 100% use and all 3 fans kick on and moments later. power cut | 02:09 |
kyja | i go out like a light | 02:09 |
GNine | i have some windows effects active. but i havent "called" the program though | 02:10 |
nosrednaekim | kyja: do you have a pentium 4? | 02:10 |
bazhang | nosrednaekim: do you recommend doing it your way, or a fresh install? I'm wanting to populate my home folder with music, etc., but there's not much point if I am just going to install over it. Thanks! | 02:10 |
kyja | yes | 02:10 |
kyja | p4 3.4ghz 2gig ram | 02:10 |
peter77 | you mean a power hungry pent 4? | 02:10 |
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nosrednaekim | bazhang: not many problems these days with only 2 weeks till the release. | 02:10 |
silviu | hello | 02:10 |
kyja | now... it over clocks and shuts off. | 02:10 |
nosrednaekim | kyja: hence your problem... those things are a pain. | 02:10 |
nosrednaekim | OVER clocks? | 02:11 |
kyja | if the multi threading is not working right | 02:11 |
nosrednaekim | you over clocked a P4? lol | 02:11 |
bazhang | nosrednaekim: it feels like final now. better than most other including commercial. | 02:11 |
kyja | it is a problem | 02:11 |
silviu | i have a problem with the modified fonts in 7.10 compared to 7.04 | 02:11 |
silviu | any ideas how to revert the problem? | 02:11 |
kyja | was not having trouble with edgy for the most part | 02:12 |
GNine | nosrednaekim, apparently i got a part of compiz that loads with my user. but technically , am not running compiz | 02:12 |
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silviu | i mean, some sites have the fonts changed in Firefox | 02:12 |
nosrednaekim | GNine: you are probably using it then if you didn't turn it off. | 02:13 |
nosrednaekim | kyja: hmmm it may be a problem. | 02:13 |
kyja | this cant download a bible from and ftp site. yes I can watch movies or play some video games. it is almost like it depends on the application | 02:13 |
GNine | bazhang, i upgraded from 7.04 to 7.10 and didnt lose any personal files or settings | 02:13 |
kyja | gl generaly is. its like there is curtain graphics its fine with | 02:14 |
GNine | so .. i would say you shouldnt worry if you decided to re-install since user and root are 2 different creatures | 02:14 |
silviu | another problem is the ntfs-3g program, in 7.04 the Win partition was mounted as default by 7.10 | 02:14 |
silviu | 7.04* | 02:14 |
kyja | that bilardsgl kills me | 02:14 |
bazhang | nosrednaekim: so, if I didn't explicitly create a /home folder, will my files still remain intact with a fresh install? | 02:14 |
kyja | flightgear bad | 02:15 |
nosrednaekim | bazhang: are you on fiesty? | 02:15 |
bazhang | nosrednaekim: gutsy beta | 02:15 |
nosrednaekim | bazhang: you installed gutsy beta? | 02:15 |
bazhang | nosrednaekim: yes. | 02:15 |
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kyja | super tux seems ok | 02:16 |
GNine | nosrednaekim, i dont think you came thru (if there was any suggestion at all) | 02:16 |
nosrednaekim | with a fresh install, yes it will remove your files... but an upgrade is much much easier | 02:16 |
kyja | hmm this makes me look into synaptic searching gl | 02:16 |
nosrednaekim | kyja: ints not a problem with GL, its a problem with powermanagement | 02:16 |
bazhang | nosrednaekim: thanks! I was wondering about that! Appreciate your help. | 02:16 |
kyja | yeah your right. bibletime is not exactly what one would consider intence | 02:17 |
bazhang | Will Gutsy include the powertop that Fedora is using? | 02:17 |
nosrednaekim | GNine: if you are running compiz (i.e, didn't explicitly turn it off),you need to get "compizconfig-settings-manager" | 02:17 |
nosrednaekim | bazhang: it already has it, | 02:17 |
GNine | i got that, nosrednaekim , what setting is in there to call all desktops | 02:18 |
bazhang | nosrednaekim: cool. My laptop feels noticeably cooler since Gutsy beta. Thanks! | 02:18 |
angrykeyboarder | Greetings all. Several days ago an update to hal caused it not to start. Needless to say there are numerous packages that delend on hal. Has anyone else had this problem? | 02:19 |
angrykeyboarder | depend* | 02:19 |
nosrednaekim | GNine: I THINK you need to increase the number of desktops... its under general or whatver the top option is. its called "horizontal desktop size" | 02:19 |
nosrednaekim | angrykeyboarder: did you try updating again? | 02:20 |
angrykeyboarder | oh yes.. several updates since then. | 02:20 |
GNine | number of desktops is set to 4, already , nosrednaekim .. panel only shows 2. i guess am not clear enough. | 02:20 |
nosrednaekim | GNine: hmmm | 02:20 |
kyja | cpudyn | 02:21 |
nosrednaekim | GNine: I'm sorry, I do not use GNOME. | 02:21 |
=== kyja has lack of.... installing | ||
nosrednaekim | GNine: KDE user here. | 02:21 |
nosrednaekim | kyja: good idea :) | 02:21 |
nosrednaekim | bye everyone! gotta get to chool | 02:21 |
nosrednaekim | *school | 02:21 |
GNine | it's cool though, nosrednaekim , thanks for the attention. btw, i use Xcfe4, however, you should know compiz relies heavily on Gnome | 02:22 |
angrykeyboarder | The gory details are here --> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-discuss/2007-October/001881.html | 02:22 |
bazhang | I noticed (at least in Kubuntu) that when I hit a site that required Flash, Kubuntu had a pop up dialog box that asked if I wanted to install it; I know under Ubuntu Gutsy that you can do this via Firefox--was wondering if Canonical has some deals with Adobe and Mozilla to make this extra easy--seems like the days of Automatix are over. | 02:22 |
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bazhang | Konqueror is the default browser in Kubuntu, Firefox not included in initial install, btw. | 02:23 |
aftertaf | hey, back again with the failure to boot from gutsy kernel : /dev/disk/by-uuid [...] does not exist | 02:24 |
=== angrykeyboarder nods off | ||
aftertaf | when in recovery mode, the last thing i have before a long wait and busybox is Uniform CDROM driver (which i think comes from sr_mod) | 02:25 |
Hobbsee | bazhang: it uses the free flash. | 02:25 |
Hobbsee | iirc | 02:25 |
bazhang | I was also wondering what happened to the deal with Linspire to include Click 'N Run (CNR); did that go south after Linspire signed the 'patent protection agreement' with MS? | 02:26 |
bazhang | Hobbsee: Thanks! | 02:26 |
aftertaf | this is a bug since feisty began... to install feisty i had to berak=top and modprobe piix . . . | 02:26 |
Hobbsee | bazhang: you'd have to ask linspire that. | 02:26 |
=== angrykeyboarder sighs | ||
bazhang | Hobbsee: hahaha Thanks! | 02:26 |
aftertaf | but now piix not found and ata_piix not helping me get anywhere . . anyone know a workable workaround that works? :D | 02:27 |
dennda | compiz fusions screensaver abilities are not included in the gutsy packages, are they? | 02:27 |
kyja | seems no different | 02:29 |
kyja | it will kill me soon | 02:29 |
kyja | maybe after restart it will me better | 02:29 |
kyja | wow still going | 02:30 |
kyja | but still cpu1 is 100% cpu is 9% | 02:30 |
=== angrykeyboarder recalls why he's almost alwyas found IRC to be a waste of time. | ||
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Hobbsee | angrykeyboarder: clearly you dont frequent #ubuntu-devel | 02:34 |
kyja | wow I am still alive | 02:34 |
xjkx | its taking forever | 02:35 |
kyja | bibletime test | 02:36 |
kyja | wow | 02:37 |
aftertaf | lol | 02:37 |
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aftertaf | anyone have any ideas? | 02:38 |
aftertaf | like changing the root (hd0,0) to (sd0,0)..... | 02:38 |
dennda | does todays kernel-freeze mean there won't be any further updates to the kernel? (there are still some very ugly issues that imho need to be solved) | 02:39 |
Eq|work | like? | 02:40 |
xjkx | omg dont tell me you are doing as mandriva changing the default things for hd | 02:41 |
xjkx | on mandriva hda is sda :/ | 02:42 |
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=== gnomefreak hats to have to tell him so is his | ||
gnomefreak | hates | 02:44 |
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xjkx | gnomefreak, why that revolution on this | 02:45 |
ikonia | dennda which issues ? | 02:45 |
gnomefreak | xjkx: iirc its to better support all hds | 02:45 |
gnomefreak | instead of code for this code for this bleh bleh | 02:45 |
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dennda | ikonia: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.22/+bug/124159 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.22/+bug/128585 for instance | 02:47 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 124159 in linux-source-2.6.22 "Broadcom bcm43xx Wireless driver regression in gutsy" [High,Triaged] | 02:47 |
dennda | (although I am not perfectly sure that those are kernel-bugs) | 02:48 |
disasm | ewww... broadcom run! | 02:49 |
dennda | ;) | 02:51 |
dennda | it works with a workaround... | 02:51 |
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disasm | i just remember the days of ndiswrapper and cringing at any laptop that had broadcom chipset, and there were a lot... | 02:52 |
dennda | once you knew what to do it was relatively easy with ndiswrapper (with gutsy it's a single click to install the drivers. but if you don't use this workaround it's rather useless.) | 02:53 |
aftertaf | plus my bug too..... | 02:53 |
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aftertaf | but i cant find it in launchpad... | 02:53 |
aftertaf | though ive found some advice, going to reboot after my aptage... | 02:54 |
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disasm | dennda: yeah, but ndiswrapper hampered a card to the point where you couldn't put it in ap mode or promiscuous mode | 02:54 |
Squidy | hi.. yesteday i did upgrade from kubuntu feisty to gutsy.. but after that my audio device doesn't work... | 02:55 |
GNine | before upgrade to 7.10 i changed the option of available desktops to 2. after upgrade i went back in settings and changed it back to 4. but i still see got 2. | 02:55 |
aftertaf | then again, no kernel freeze ever promised a bug free kernel32.sys ;) | 02:55 |
BlueParrot | Squidy: first thing to make sure is that all the volume controlls are actuallys et to a high volume. I know it sounds silly, but some drivers miss-label the volumes. I had to put "Headphones" to more than 70% to get audible sound. Enable all controlls, make sure nothing is muted, and set them to 90% or so. | 02:56 |
disasm | it appears your wireless problem has more to do with the included firmware, rather than the kernel itself in gutsy. This is a difficult issue, because there are so many different hardware revisions of the chipset, that all tend to want different firmware. I'm not sure it will ever get fixed, because if they replace it with the firmware you use, it will probably break other hardware with a different hw revision | 02:57 |
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dennda | Squidy: what audio device? | 02:57 |
dennda | disasm: that would be a regression. it worked flawlessly with feisty | 02:58 |
BlueParrot | dennda: for that particular card. It may have been an attempt to fix other cards which caused this one to break | 02:59 |
disasm | dennda: feisty didn't require you to use fwcutter to get firmware for it? I didn't know that. | 02:59 |
dennda | disasm: Are we talking about my sound issue? | 02:59 |
dennda | (I am.) | 03:00 |
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dennda | ah sorry | 03:00 |
dennda | you talked about my wireless | 03:00 |
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dennda | i confused things here | 03:00 |
BlueParrot | Squidy: you may want to have a look at this page: http://alsa.opensrc.org/TroubleShooting#Check_the_sound_drivers_for_your_card_are_active | 03:00 |
disasm | well, considering I said the wireless problem and broadcom in above note ;-) | 03:00 |
disasm | your sound looks like it's nvidia chipset, right? | 03:01 |
dennda | right | 03:01 |
Squidy | dennda: i've got a via device | 03:01 |
dennda | (which worked flawlessly in feisty) | 03:01 |
BlueParrot | Squidy: can you pastebin the output of: cat /proc/asound/cards ? | 03:02 |
dennda | disasm: Do you want me to try using the official nforce drivers? (That didn't come to my mind yet) | 03:03 |
Squidy | BlueParrot: i think the module aren't loaded.. i don't have the asound directory | 03:03 |
BlueParrot | Squidy: ah, ok... that is worse | 03:03 |
disasm | dennda: no, those are horrible... | 03:04 |
BlueParrot | Squidy: sounds like you don't even have ALSA working | 03:04 |
disasm | are you using snd-intel-8x0? | 03:04 |
BlueParrot | Squidy: are the alsa packages installed ? | 03:05 |
Squidy | before the upgrade was.. let me see now.. | 03:06 |
dennda | disasm: any other idea then? | 03:06 |
disasm | dennda: are you using snd-intel-8x0? | 03:06 |
dennda | disasm: how to find out? | 03:07 |
dennda | (sorry, thought you were talking to him) | 03:07 |
=== magicrobotmonkey [n=marvin@c-66-30-27-25.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Squidy | i've got alsa-base, alsa-utils, gstreamer-alsa, libesd-alsa, libsdl1.2debian-alsa and python-alsaudio.. | 03:07 |
disasm | dennda: lsmod|grep snd | 03:07 |
BlueParrot | Squidy: but no asound directory ... | 03:08 |
magicrobotmonkey | has deskbar been really unstable for anyone else? | 03:08 |
BlueParrot | Squidy: sounds as if you are missing a driver or something | 03:08 |
spr0k3t | haven't used it magicrobotmonkey | 03:08 |
dennda | disasm: http://pastebin.ca/725460 | 03:08 |
disasm | And just to check, you only have one card, right? | 03:08 |
Squidy | BlueParrot: what is the alsa version in gutsy current release? | 03:08 |
BlueParrot | Squidy: I don't remember out of the top of my head | 03:09 |
=== BlueParrot is not on his Ubuntu box at the moment | ||
Squidy | ok... | 03:09 |
disasm | dennda: try modprobe snd-intel-8x0 | 03:09 |
Squidy | weird | 03:09 |
dennda | disasm: i furthermore have a tv-tuner-card but nothing else | 03:09 |
BlueParrot | Squidy: have you tried alsaconf ? | 03:09 |
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Squidy | i don't have alsaconf | 03:09 |
Squidy | O.o | 03:09 |
disasm | dennda: wintv go? | 03:09 |
kyja | bibletime still smites me | 03:10 |
dennda | disasm: FATAL: Module snd_intel_8x0 not found. | 03:10 |
dennda | disasm: 04:07.0 Multimedia controller: Philips Semiconductors SAA7134/SAA7135HL Video Broadcast Decoder (rev 01) | 03:10 |
disasm | modprobe snd-intel8x0 | 03:10 |
dennda | done without output | 03:11 |
BlueParrot | Squidy: try installing alsaconf and use it to configure the card | 03:11 |
disasm | dennda: alsamixer | 03:11 |
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dennda | disasm: alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device | 03:12 |
BlueParrot | Squidy: if that doesn't work then hopefully it will give an error which will reveal what is wrong | 03:12 |
disasm | hmmm... | 03:12 |
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Squidy | BlueParrot: alsaconf is provide by the same name package? | 03:12 |
disasm | dennda: just for kicks, alsamixer -c 1 | 03:12 |
BlueParrot | Squidy: let me check | 03:12 |
savvas | alsa-base - ALSA driver configuration files | 03:13 |
savvas | alsa-utils - ALSA utilities | 03:13 |
dennda | disasm: works, but only three $(what's the term?): Line1 Line2 and Video | 03:14 |
savvas | there's also asoundconf-gtk and alsa-tools-gui | 03:14 |
BlueParrot | savvas: iirc alsaconf was not included in alsa-utils some time ago, dunno if that has changed | 03:14 |
savvas | I have no idea either, just suggesting :) | 03:15 |
Squidy | i've got alsa-utils but alsaconf isn't there... | 03:15 |
disasm | dennda: modprobe snd-hda-intel, apparently some nvidia cards use the hda driver (may want to rmmond snd-intel8x0) | 03:16 |
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disasm | err rmmod | 03:16 |
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dennda | disasm: FATAL: Module snd_hda_intel not found. | 03:17 |
dennda | ;) | 03:17 |
dennda | err | 03:17 |
dennda | what strange bug is this? | 03:17 |
bullgard4 | Before upgrading to Gutsy, should I uncomment the lines #49 and 50 in http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/15671/? | 03:17 |
=== peter77 [n=peter77@students.aspley.opal.ask4.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
dennda | i typed sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel but it converts the dashes to underscores, disasm | 03:17 |
dennda | is that normal behaviour? | 03:18 |
disasm | that's normal | 03:18 |
dennda | bullgard4: i guess that's a wise idea | 03:18 |
disasm | just -'s are easier to type than underscores | 03:18 |
dennda | disasm: is the module name correct? | 03:18 |
BlueParrot | Squidy: from some quick googling it appears alsaconf was removed from alsa-utils because it was not working correctly in a few ways, this may be outdated information however | 03:19 |
disasm | that's odd though, I'm using that driver right now with 2.6.22-12-generic | 03:19 |
=== penguincentral [n=matt@] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
disasm | dennda: uname -r | 03:19 |
dennda | disasm: 2.6.22-12-386 | 03:19 |
Squidy | BlueParrot: ok dude.. thanks for a while.. i'm going to try fix it | 03:20 |
Squidy | ;) | 03:20 |
=== satafterh [n=chatzill@fctnnbsc15w-156034069234.nb.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
disasm | dennda: apt-get install linux-image-2.6.22-12-generic | 03:20 |
dennda | those aren't the same? | 03:21 |
=== barduck [n=barduck@bzq-179-108-44.static.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
disasm | dennda: apt-get --purge remove "linux-image-*386" | 03:21 |
dennda | disasm: do i really have to remove the old kernel? isn't it sufficient enough to just boot the new one? | 03:21 |
=== yo1 [n=andree@kr-lun-231-148-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
disasm | yeah, you can just boot the new one | 03:21 |
disasm | I think generic will take precedence over 386 | 03:22 |
spr0k3t | should. | 03:22 |
BlueParrot | it is simple enough to configure GRUB anyway | 03:22 |
Squidy | Just one more question.. when i finished the upgrade it installed 2 version of kernel 2.6.22.. 386 and generic.. why? what kernerl i have to use? | 03:22 |
BlueParrot | in fact, it lets you set a default from the menu, doesn't it ? | 03:22 |
dennda | disasm: i will reboot now, ok? | 03:23 |
disasm | Squidy: use the generic | 03:23 |
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disasm | dennda: ok | 03:23 |
dennda | brb | 03:23 |
kyja | search for grubed also... nice little utility | 03:23 |
Squidy | disasm: hmm.. i'm using the 386.. ok | 03:23 |
disasm | Squidy: everyone i've talked to has had nothing but problems with 386 | 03:24 |
dennda | disasm: nice. I get a BSOD with that kernel, xserver unable to start | 03:25 |
dennda | lemme reinstall nvidia-glx-new | 03:26 |
disasm | dennda: did you install the restricted modules for that kernel? | 03:26 |
Squidy | ok | 03:26 |
disasm | linux-restricted-modules-generic | 03:26 |
dennda | no | 03:26 |
dennda | actually | 03:26 |
dennda | ! | 03:26 |
=== humbolto [n=elias@u-121-071.adsl.univie.ac.at] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
dennda | in progress, reboot | 03:27 |
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penguincentral | hi all | 03:28 |
dennda | disasm: this was a feisty server install once | 03:29 |
dennda | I then installed the neccessary packages and upgraded to gutsy. (just for completeness) | 03:29 |
dennda | disasm: still FATAL: Module snd_hda_intel not found. | 03:31 |
Squidy | well.. i've used the generic kernel.. and the audio device worked now... thanks for all | 03:32 |
disasm | dennda: do a uname -r just to check | 03:32 |
dennda | 2.6.22-12-generic | 03:32 |
disasm | cd /lib/modules/2.6.22-12-generic/kernel/sound/pci | 03:33 |
disasm | oh... found another thing... | 03:33 |
dennda | disasm: http://pastebin.ca/725481 | 03:34 |
disasm | /lib/modules/2.6.22-12-generic/ubuntu/media/snd-hda-intel/snd-hda-intel.ko | 03:34 |
disasm | that's my path | 03:34 |
=== magicrobotmonkey [n=marvin@c-66-30-27-25.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu+1 [] | ||
disasm | I'm doing an apt-file search to see what package gave me that module | 03:34 |
dennda | ERROR: cannot open `/lib/modules/2.6.22-12-generic/ubuntu/media/snd-hda-intel/snd-hda-intel.ko' (No such file or directory) | 03:35 |
=== disasm loves apt-file, greatest idea ever! | ||
disasm | apt-get install linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-12-generic: | 03:35 |
disasm | minus the : | 03:35 |
dennda | i don't need to restart after that, do I? | 03:37 |
disasm | shouldn't | 03:37 |
disasm | just modprobe snd-hda-intel | 03:37 |
dennda | worked | 03:37 |
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dennda | !!!!!!!!! | 03:37 |
dennda | lemme check if i have sound. (Soundcheck doesn't fail as it used to) | 03:37 |
spr0k3t | yeah, I'm still fighting with sound here as well. | 03:37 |
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disasm | wow! lirc modules are in that package as well! sweet! I don't have to compile it everytime anymore ;-) | 03:38 |
disasm | maybe i do, no iguana module... | 03:38 |
dennda | OH BOY! | 03:38 |
dennda | you saved my day, disasm | 03:38 |
dennda | sound works now | 03:38 |
dennda | (assume I would perform a fresh reinstall of the system, would I have to do the same steps again or will it just work as it did in feisty?) | 03:39 |
=== dennda will add that to the bugreport | ||
=== Amaranth [n=travis@ubuntu/member/Amaranth] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
rjek | So, the compiz in the gusty beta is still hopelessly buggy. | 03:45 |
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=== CarlFK [n=carl@c-76-29-25-210.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Hobbsee | it's compiz. what do you expect? | 03:45 |
bazhang | maruco: you here? | 03:46 |
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=== rjek nods Hobbsee. | ||
maruco | bazhang | 03:46 |
bazhang | maruco: you here? | 03:46 |
maruco | bazhang, yes | 03:46 |
Solarion | compiz is tasty, but uqm seems to have trouble with it | 03:46 |
Solarion | :( | 03:46 |
bazhang | maruco: if you want to upgrade from Feisty without a fresh install, then you can do so a couple of ways--are you comfortable with the terminal? | 03:47 |
=== Starcraftmazter [n=Starcraf@cust0466.nsw01.dataco.com.au] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
bazhang | maruco: called Konsole in Kubuntu | 03:47 |
bazhang | maruco: if you want to use Adept (the package manager), you can do that too. | 03:48 |
rjek | The virtual desktop management in compiz is so broken it's useless. How do they not notice these things? | 03:48 |
bazhang | rjek: what's broken? | 03:48 |
maruco | bazhang: ok with the terminal | 03:48 |
maruco | bazhang: tell me how to do it in the terminal, please | 03:49 |
Starcraftmazter | why isn't seamonkey in the reps? | 03:49 |
bazhang | maruco: probably you should make sure that Feisty is up to date. | 03:49 |
maruco | bazhang: I always downloaded all the upgrades | 03:49 |
maruco | bazhang: let's do that | 03:50 |
rjek | bazhang: a) virtual desktop panel applet does not show position of windows on any desktop other than the currently selected one (it shows them as empty) | 03:51 |
rjek | bazhang: Using the keyboard to navigate virtual desktops appears to navigate an entirely different set of virtual desktops which don't have anything on them past the panel etc. | 03:51 |
=== modestusr [n=chatzill@dslb-088-064-155-046.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
rjek | The "Custom" option in Visual Effects in the Appearence preferences window provides no way of, err, customising anything. | 03:52 |
disasm | dennda: fresh install I would hope defaults to the generic kernel, it's just ones that have been upgraded since before the generic kernel came into existence that would have problems (dapper?) | 03:52 |
bazhang | maruco: ok, first hit Alt +F2, then gksu "update-manager -c -d" if I recall correctly. | 03:52 |
maruco | ok ok | 03:52 |
maruco | wait | 03:52 |
maruco | I have already tried this | 03:53 |
maruco | it doesen't work | 03:53 |
rjek | ... and pressing the help button on that window does nothing. | 03:53 |
bazhang | rjek: you need to install ccsm, or compizconfig settings manager | 03:53 |
bazhang | maruco: not in the terminal. | 03:53 |
disasm | maruco: I did a apt-get dist-upgrade (changing /etc/apt/sources.list to point to gutsy) 2 days ago without any problems | 03:53 |
bazhang | maruco: alt +f2 is the run application applet, my bad for saying the terminal; sorry! | 03:54 |
maruco | disasm: so I just change feisty into Gutsy and that's it? | 03:54 |
bazhang | maruco: you will have a ton of updates. | 03:55 |
disasm | maruco: thats what I do, there are some graphical upgrade helpers, but I haven't had any problems, it downloads a gig of files, and away it goes | 03:55 |
rjek | bazhang: Why isn't that installed by default? | 03:55 |
dennda | disasm: no it was feisty with server install, so: server kernel | 03:55 |
rjek | ... if things that are installed by default depend on it? | 03:55 |
maruco | bazhang: I got no updates | 03:55 |
bazhang | rjek: not sure, but when you get it, then smooth sailing | 03:55 |
rjek | Does compizconfig somehow fix the virtual desktop brokenness, then? | 03:56 |
modestusr | maruco: apt-get update first, of course | 03:56 |
disasm | dennda: hmmm, not sure why it would have grabbed 386 package, unless server install defaulted to it possibly | 03:56 |
bazhang | rjek: I believe so, I've had no problems like that. | 03:57 |
dennda | disasm: I can't remember. Maybe I installed them by hand for some (now) unknown reason | 03:57 |
dennda | disasm: Is modprobe a permanent action or do I have to do this everytime after I boot? | 03:58 |
=== stefg [n=stefg@e179146226.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
bazhang | rjek: you all set? | 03:59 |
disasm | dennda: the startup should detect the hardware and autoload the module, modprobe just forces it to load after the startup script has run | 03:59 |
modestusr | I read somewhere that gutsy would have 3D desktop enabled by default. But I have to launch compiz / emerald manually. Is there no GUI for this (kubuntu)? | 03:59 |
rjek | bazhang: I'm unsure which package has ccsm in, and having installed compizconfig-settings-manager, it's not obvious how I run it. | 03:59 |
=== loevborg [n=loevborg@p54AD9E64.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
rjek | Ah, it's in the preferences | 04:00 |
dennda | disasm: I will try that with a desktop CD | 04:00 |
disasm | ewww... 3d desktops ;-) | 04:00 |
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modestusr | hey, i don't use it, but starting it is a mess at the moment | 04:00 |
disasm | back in my day we didn't have desktops, the computer booted saying READY and then you started typing your basic program (atari 800 with basic cartridge) | 04:01 |
disasm | maybe a couple of commands before starting BASIC to load your previous work off the 5 1/4 floppy ;-) 2D desktops are bad enough, now 3D... | 04:02 |
modestusr | 3d desktops are a great way to get people leave windows... they want such things! | 04:02 |
stefg | back in /my/ day you got a box with some components and chips in it and a soldering iron ! :-) | 04:02 |
bazhang | rjek: there should something in the Kmenu called settings; launch ccsm, then if you want the 3D cube, be sure to go to general and change the setting horizontal desktops from two to four--otherwise you will only get the desktop wall; sorry to go off-topic for the moment! | 04:02 |
disasm | stefg: okay, I'm not that old, you win ;-) | 04:02 |
rjek | bazhang: I'm not using KDE. | 04:03 |
disasm | however; I do play with PIC chips and soldering irons, bot I'm assuming your referring to when that was the norm if you had a personal computer ;-) | 04:03 |
=== Skiessi [n=qwe@dsl-roibrasgw1-ff90c100-219.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
rjek | I don't want a 3D cube desktop switcher. I just want a desktop switcher that works. :) | 04:04 |
=== dennda will test if his burner works now. didn't with feisty. that would be great... | ||
bazhang | rjek: sorry; but it's the same for both Ku and Ubuntu. just no kmenu | 04:04 |
disasm | rjek: what's wrong with the virtual desktop pager in bottom right corner? | 04:04 |
bazhang | rjek: I believe the best place for this is #ubuntu-effects | 04:05 |
rjek | disasm: I've already said. It doesn't show you the position of windows on desktops other than the current one, and does not play a part when using the keyboard to navigate virtual desktop. | 04:05 |
=== ankitag [i=chatzill@nat/yahoo/x-60d0dbc942c4e8d1] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
rjek | disasm: The keyboard has no effect on it - it appears to navigate an entirely different set of virtual desktops. | 04:06 |
=== disasm thinks you should use fluxbox ;-) alt-F# to jump between, I have 10 and alt-F11 opens a new terminal ;-) | ||
=== _radius [n=cube@CPE00184d03bfd5-CM0013718cfa48.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
disasm | http://gentux.org/screenshot.jpg | 04:08 |
rjek | Gah, the changing options in the CompizConfig settings manager doesn't take effect until I log out and back in again. | 04:09 |
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rjek | Gah, this thing's gash. | 04:16 |
=== rjek goes to ask on #ubuntu-effects. Thanks for the points thus far, though | ||
=== blue|palm [n=raeez@dsl-245-150-237.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
blue|palm | when does the Gutsy software freeze occur | 04:18 |
rjek | Months ago. | 04:18 |
blue|palm | rjek, seriously? so Blender 2.45 won't be in Gutsy? | 04:19 |
blue|palm | rjek, 2.45 was released 2 weeks ago | 04:19 |
rjek | Perhaps not. | 04:19 |
blue|palm | rjek, sigh... a serious failing in our policies... oh well | 04:19 |
rjek | Certainly, 7.04 was released about a month after a Thunderbird release, and that didn't get in. | 04:20 |
rjek | blue|palm: I prefer to see it as a good policy: what's the point in having a freeze if you're not going to obey it? | 04:20 |
=== kdawg [n=kdawg@ABordeaux-156-1-23-85.w86-213.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
kdawg | Quick question (hopefully). | 04:20 |
rjek | The answer may be more involved :) | 04:20 |
blue|palm | hehe | 04:20 |
kdawg | I downloaded the latest Gutsy beta, but my PC won't boot to the DVD drive (bios won't let it). What files can I safely remove to shrink it to a CD-based boot? | 04:20 |
bazhang | haha | 04:20 |
rjek | kdawg: Download the gutsy beta CD instead? | 04:21 |
rjek | That'll be much quicker and less effort. | 04:21 |
kdawg | Would be nice, but betas are not listed as CD iso's. DVD iso's only. | 04:21 |
kdawg | :) | 04:21 |
=== dfgas [n=dfgas@68-112-183-217.dhcp.fdul.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
rjek | I'm pretty amazed there's a BIOS out there that'll let you boot a CD but not a DVD, though. | 04:21 |
rjek | kdawg: I managed to download one from somewhere... | 04:21 |
blue|palm | rjek, I see it as a failing in our OS... Blender is non-critical application software... to restrict me (the user) getting it updated and being able to use the new features in the name of security and system stability is, in my opinion, quite silly... oh well | 04:22 |
bazhang | kdawg: not so; I got the GNOME and KDE versions of CD beta ISO | 04:22 |
kdawg | It's because the DVD is the 2nd optical drive. Could boot to it if I made the DVD primary, but would rather not open the box. | 04:22 |
rjek | release.ubuntu.com I think. | 04:22 |
disasm | http://ftp.osuosl.org/pub/ubuntu/releases/7.10/ubuntu-7.10-beta-desktop-i386.iso | 04:22 |
rjek | kdawg: Why do you have both a CD and a DVD drive? Is the CD drive a writer, and the DVD just a reader? | 04:23 |
dennda | cdimage.ubuntu.com | 04:23 |
savvas | hm.. | 04:23 |
savvas | Setting up scrollkeeper (0.3.14-13ubuntu3) ... | 04:23 |
savvas | Rebuilding the database. This may take some time. | 04:23 |
savvas | /usr/share/omf/windows/windows-C.omf:8: parser error : Entity 'rsquo' not defined | 04:23 |
savvas | <title>If you’ve been using Windows</title> | 04:23 |
kdawg | Easiest answer for that: Dell. | 04:23 |
kdawg | :) | 04:23 |
savvas | ^ | 04:23 |
disasm | don't paste! | 04:23 |
savvas | woops | 04:23 |
savvas | it's 4 lines anyway | 04:23 |
kdawg | Coolness. When I looked I only saw DVD iso's ... y'all rock! | 04:23 |
=== rjek symlinks scrollkeeper-update to /bin/true on many systems, given it's a complete waste of CPU cycles :) | ||
bazhang | kdawg: http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.10/ | 04:24 |
disasm | osuosl is fast too, I download at about 2 MB/s | 04:24 |
disasm | and I'm on the east coast ;-) | 04:24 |
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kdawg | Merci beaucoup et au revoir ... | 04:24 |
disasm | what does scrollkeeper do anyways? | 04:25 |
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=== sjkwizard is now known as sjkwizardone | ||
savvas | why is everyone looking in cdimage for it | 04:26 |
savvas | there's a whole ubunto.com/testing/ site | 04:26 |
savvas | *ubuntu even | 04:26 |
bazhang | disasm: A free electronic cataloging system for documentation | 04:26 |
panosru | hi, i need to install firefox32 bit on my gutsy 64bit, in tutorial says to run "sudo apt-get install linux32" first but if i run this it automatically want to remove these packages: ubuntu-minimal, util-linux, util-linux-locales What should i do? remove them or not? | 04:27 |
sjkwizardone | how can i know what kind of driver (for wifi card) i have installed on my pc? | 04:27 |
bazhang | sjkwizardone: lspci | 04:28 |
bazhang | sjkwizardone: in terminal | 04:28 |
panosru | does anyone knows? | 04:28 |
Hobbsee | savvas: habit, i think | 04:28 |
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savvas | that link should've been in the topic :P | 04:30 |
savvas | ah actually it is | 04:30 |
=== peter77 [n=peter77@students.aspley.opal.ask4.co.uk] has left #ubuntu+1 [] | ||
savvas | at least now I know where to point haha | 04:31 |
mon^rch | :( alltray and compiz no workey | 04:32 |
mon^rch | fix plz :P | 04:32 |
bazhang | mon^rch: ubuntu or Kubuntu? | 04:32 |
mon^rch | ubuntu | 04:32 |
bazhang | mon^rch: have you installed compizconfig settings manager? | 04:33 |
mon^rch | yup | 04:33 |
sjkwizardone | bazhang: with lspci i can't see what kind of driver i have but only what hardware... | 04:34 |
mon^rch | bazhang: why? | 04:34 |
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bazhang | mon^rch: I believe you may need to log out and log back in again before it takes effect--additionally, you need to choose custom for settings on Appearance in Control Center (not the right name, can't think of it). | 04:37 |
nosrednaekim | mon^rch: kubuntu? | 04:38 |
mon^rch | ubuntu | 04:38 |
mon^rch | alltray works fine without compiz | 04:38 |
mon^rch | :/ | 04:39 |
bazhang | sjkwizardone: well, I used to be a wireless go to person, but lately... | 04:39 |
=== Lilacor [n=paul@h-64-105-129-58.lsanca54.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Lilacor | I keep on getting Invalid module format error when trying to use my cisco vpn client.. any ideas? | 04:39 |
mon^rch | but it's a way cool way app for cleaning up your desktop so I'd like to have it fixed :D plz | 04:40 |
avatar_ | Lilacor: you are using the official cisco vpn client? | 04:40 |
avatar_ | Lilacor: try using vpnc. | 04:40 |
Lilacor | hmmm...okay | 04:41 |
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=== BlueParrot found a bug \o/ | ||
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BlueParrot | The "Default" script in GDM's PreSession director doesn't set the background colour propperly ( on my system at least ) and hence defaults to a brown colour. This looks less than perfect if you are not using the "human" theme | 04:50 |
BlueParrot | now... to figure out where the problem is : ) | 04:51 |
=== Dr_willis [n=willis@74-140-6-108.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
MTecknology | is there any special reason why it takes 30-45 sec to load ubuntu after i finish putting in my password to log in? | 04:52 |
bazhang | it's a beta? | 04:52 |
savvas | MTecknology: check your sessions, the list of applications it loads up | 04:53 |
ReL1K | anyone getting a broken pipe message for apt-get when installing gimp in the latest updates? | 04:53 |
=== panosru [n=panosru@cust-242-135.on1.ontelecoms.gr] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Pici | ReL1K: installing now, when did you get the error? | 04:53 |
ReL1K | just did a apt-get update && apt-get upgrade | 04:54 |
ReL1K | errors out, hangon | 04:54 |
panosru | hi, i try to install | 04:54 |
panosru | firefox 32 bit on gutsy 64bit | 04:54 |
panosru | but when i try to install linux32 package | 04:54 |
Pici | !enter | panosru | 04:54 |
ubotu | panosru: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 04:54 |
panosru | it need to remove util-linux | 04:54 |
ReL1K | Unpacking replacement gimp ... dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/gimp_2.4.0~rc3-1ubuntu5_i386.deb (--unpack): trying to overwrite `/usr/share/doc/libgimp2.0/README', which is also in pckage libgimp2.0 | 04:55 |
panosru | Pici, every time o ask in one line no one answers me so i need some attention on this | 04:55 |
ReL1K | dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe) | 04:55 |
MTecknology | savvas, bluetooth manager, compizfusion, gnomerdp, network manager, power manager, print queue applet, tracker, update notifier, user folders update, visual, volume manager | 04:55 |
MTecknology | that seems like a lot of crap... | 04:55 |
ReL1K | Pici: any ideas? | 04:56 |
Hobbsee | panosru: uh, that may well be a bug. | 04:56 |
savvas | MTecknology: great, then start to remove/disable :) | 04:56 |
Hobbsee | ReL1K: i think that's fixed later. | 04:56 |
ReL1K | fixed later? im just doing regular updates :P | 04:56 |
Pici | Hobbsee: linux-utils says it provides linux32 and also conflicts with that package. | 04:56 |
savvas | MTecknology: how much swap do you have? | 04:56 |
MTecknology | too much | 04:56 |
savvas | in numbers? | 04:57 |
Pici | ReL1K: I'm still updating... | 04:57 |
Hobbsee | Pici: i know | 04:57 |
MTecknology | 2G | 04:57 |
Hobbsee | Pici: i thought we fixed that, too | 04:57 |
mon^rch | lol I have 2X 3 gig | 04:57 |
Hobbsee | ReL1K: as in, i thought that got fixed in a later upload | 04:57 |
=== gourdin [n=adept@dau94-8-88-166-31-178.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
savvas | ReL1K: thanks for the heads up :P | 04:57 |
MTecknology | savvas, which ones do I need? I know I want compizfusion, power manager, print queue applet, and network manager | 04:57 |
ReL1K | np :P | 04:57 |
MTecknology | bluetooth - i assume no | 04:58 |
savvas | MTecknology: well disable bluetooth | 04:58 |
ReL1K | so the package is broken i take it? | 04:58 |
savvas | MTecknology: system > preferences | 04:58 |
MTecknology | gnomerdp has an issue with loading anyway | 04:58 |
savvas | compiz takes a while to load | 04:58 |
MTecknology | i check updates on my own often enough... | 04:58 |
savvas | actually, every application takes a while to load the first time | 04:58 |
gourdin | any critical bug in gutsy ? | 04:58 |
gourdin | (is it safe to upgrade a feisty) | 04:59 |
savvas | if you log out and log back in, you'll see it's faster | 04:59 |
Hobbsee | gourdin: it's not safe until release. | 04:59 |
MTecknology | what about tracker, user folders update, visual, and volume manager? | 04:59 |
savvas | MTecknology: which graphics card do you have? how much memory on it? | 04:59 |
=== Hobbsee sighs at useless people | ||
MTecknology | ati - idk how much memory | 05:00 |
MTecknology | Hobbsee, sorry :( | 05:00 |
Hobbsee | if you're going to ask a question, and then whine ovre the fact you dont get an answer, hwo about sticking around for more than a couple of minutes? | 05:00 |
=== Nicke [n=niclasa@ua-83-227-140-135.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
=== buzztracker [n=buzztrac@pelikan.garga.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Hobbsee | MTecknology: not you, panosru | 05:00 |
MTecknology | savvas, ATI Technologies Inc Radeon Mobility X1400 | 05:01 |
savvas | that's good enough for me | 05:01 |
=== fangorious [i=root@ip-208-113-154-11.dreamhost.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Hobbsee | ReL1K: poked. bug @ https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gimp/+bug/148985 | 05:02 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 148985 in gimp "package gimp 2.4.0~rc3-1ubuntu4 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite `/usr/share/doc/libgimp2.0/README', which is also in package libgimp2.0" [Undecided,New] | 05:02 |
MTecknology | i think i'm having that issue atm | 05:02 |
radius | same here | 05:02 |
fangorious | In the Bluetooth Manager I can browse devices but I don't see anything to pair with a device (I have a headset, and the browse feature fails due to lack of OBEX on the headset) | 05:02 |
Hobbsee | yeah, everyone will be | 05:02 |
MTecknology | poo | 05:03 |
savvas | MTecknology: actually the general idea is that takes some time to load, while it runs applications faster. if you think you don't need something, disable it. It explains what each item is just under the line | 05:03 |
MTecknology | not uner user folders update | 05:04 |
ReL1K | sweet thanks hobbsee | 05:04 |
=== Matir [n=david@c-76-17-119-30.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
fangorious | how do I pair with bluetooth devices? | 05:05 |
MTecknology | Hobbsee, is there any easy fix yet? | 05:05 |
Hobbsee | MTecknology: man apt | 05:05 |
Hobbsee | MTecknology: in particular, --force-overwrite. | 05:05 |
Hobbsee | MTecknology: but be careful | 05:05 |
Hobbsee | it's probably in man dpkg | 05:06 |
=== tehk [n=tehk@c-69-249-157-157.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
=== ray_ [n=ray@] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Eq|work | MTecknology : what Hobbsee said will work, but it's generally a bad idea. it's essentially a packaging bug. | 05:07 |
ray_ | how i install a driver if its in tar.gz? | 05:07 |
Eq|work | one of those packages shouldn't include that file. which version is libgimp? | 05:07 |
ray_ | in 7.10 | 05:07 |
Hobbsee | ray_: compile it. | 05:07 |
ray_ | its a logitech driver | 05:07 |
Hobbsee | ray_: read the README inside the tarball. | 05:07 |
ray_ | hobbsee how do i never did this | 05:07 |
Eq|work | ray_ : check to see if someone's already packaged it. else it'll just be compiling it | 05:08 |
Eq|work | and as Hobbsee says, read the docs in the package. | 05:08 |
MTecknology | Hobbsee, so if I wait a little bit will I be able to do an update dist-upgrade to fix? | 05:08 |
Hobbsee | MTecknology: yeah | 05:08 |
Eq|work | you shouldn't even need to do a dist-upgrade | 05:08 |
Eq|work | s/package/tarball/ | 05:08 |
=== GNine [n=Jorg@c-24-99-14-101.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
=== yeager [n=yeager@ubuntu/member/yeager] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
GNine | got 2 desktops set up. when i enable 4 desktops. there is still only 2 on panel. (gutsy on metacity) | 05:10 |
MTecknology | alrighty - i'm not restarting till that gimp part is fixed - i know it should be unrelated, but i program in asp.net, so i can't help it | 05:10 |
savvas | !info xdg-user-dirs-gtk-update | 05:10 |
ubotu | Package xdg-user-dirs-gtk-update does not exist in gutsy | 05:10 |
ray_ | dowe loitech stuff work in 7.10 | 05:10 |
savvas | MTecknology: By default on Gutsy, xdg-user-dirs-gtk-update creates gtk bookmarks for Desktop and Documents, meaning that there are now duplicate items in the places menu. It should be smart enough to know that Desktop and Documents are treated specially and not create bookmarks for them. | 05:10 |
bazhang | can anyone call ubotu? | 05:10 |
MTecknology | savvas, those are the only two i want | 05:11 |
dennda | YES! my burning device works with gutsy :] | 05:11 |
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=== lakin [n=lakin@S01060013101832ce.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
=== Lattyware [n=Latty@host81-154-244-253.range81-154.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
MTecknology | is there any reason I can change screen brightness, but if i change it to a anything but certain levels, i get a screen that is nearly completely black? | 05:12 |
=== dennda [n=dennda@ubuntu/member/dennda] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
allquixotic | Anyone having problems installing latest lirc? 0.8.2-0-ubuntu7 i386 | 05:12 |
allquixotic | it hangs trying to start lircd apparently | 05:12 |
allquixotic | MTecknology: what laptop? | 05:12 |
bazhang | GNine: alt +f2 compiz --replace &, then once more alt +f2 kde-window-decorator --replace & | 05:12 |
MTecknology | allquixotic, gateway m28-3 tablet pc | 05:12 |
bazhang | GNine: or you can do the same with emerald. | 05:12 |
MTecknology | m285-e | 05:12 |
MTecknology | ^ ** | 05:13 |
allquixotic | MTecknology: on my ThinkPad X60 I'm having the same problem. | 05:13 |
MTecknology | allquixotic, what levels does it work at? | 05:13 |
allquixotic | MTecknology: using KPowersave, I set the slider to like 99% and then can incrementally take it lower. If I drop it as low as 2%, it'll still appear to be at about 50%. If I drop it to 1%, it wraps to full bright. | 05:14 |
allquixotic | MTecknology: if I use the Fn+BrightnessDown, it will make it totally black after just a few presses | 05:14 |
MTecknology | that's different from me then | 05:14 |
allquixotic | MTecknology: it's an improvement over earlier builds; on Feisty using the brightness keys crashes X :D Many distros have the same problem. Not sure what the culprit is | 05:14 |
allquixotic | The only distro I've EVER used that 100% correctly implemented screen brightness on this laptop was openSUSE 10.2 - broken in 10.3 Beta, lol | 05:15 |
MTecknology | i basically have a couple small ranges that work right | 05:15 |
MTecknology | on 7.04 it functioned right | 05:15 |
allquixotic | and that's after trying FC6, FC7, Linspire, Freespire 2.0, Feisty, and many builds of Gutsy | 05:15 |
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=== jml [n=jml@ppp121-44-215-97.lns1.hba1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Hobbsee | yay, here come the dupes | 05:16 |
Hobbsee | i wish people would actually *search* the bugtracker before filing things. | 05:17 |
MTecknology | Hobbsee, i'm doing so now | 05:17 |
Hobbsee | MTecknology: for which bug? | 05:17 |
=== Froek [n=mark@S01060001023c40c6.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
GNine | i have an xgl issue when i run compiz from terminal. it crashed my system last time so i dont like the idea of running alt-f2 for it | 05:17 |
MTecknology | screen brightness | 05:17 |
Hobbsee | ah right | 05:17 |
MTecknology | Hobbsee, actually - i'm hoping there's something about a fix in there already | 05:18 |
Froek | how do i set the default shell? (its currently not bash) | 05:18 |
bazhang | GNine: alt +f2 is not terminal.. | 05:18 |
disasm | Froek: /etc/passwd | 05:18 |
GNine | either way , what does that have to do with desktops and panels, bazhang | 05:18 |
Hobbsee | Froek: current user shell is /bash. | 05:18 |
Hobbsee | er, /bin/bash | 05:18 |
disasm | Froek: find your user, change shell path to your desired shell | 05:18 |
GNine | and, am not using kde .. i got xfce4, bazhang | 05:18 |
MTecknology | no results for 'screen brightness' or 'screen contrast' | 05:19 |
bazhang | GNine: sorry! | 05:19 |
Froek | Hobbsee, disasm it's bash, but it's not really "bash" | 05:19 |
Hobbsee | MTecknology: those are under the kernel, gnome-power-manager, or acpi, iirc | 05:19 |
Hobbsee | Froek: what makes you say that? | 05:19 |
Froek | i had to re-symlink it before, but it seems to have reverted itself and I don't know how to get it back | 05:19 |
MTecknology | Hobbsee, you mean the issue is related to the kernel maybe? | 05:20 |
Hobbsee | MTecknology: coudl be. could be related to a few things. | 05:20 |
MTecknology | in 7.04 it did work perfect | 05:20 |
MTecknology | i suppose that eliminates some packages that could cause it... vim maybe? | 05:21 |
Froek | if i wanted to go BACK to 7.04, can I just throw the install disc and will it overwrite everything, but not lose my /home/user stuff? | 05:21 |
Froek | i did a dist-upgrade to gutsy | 05:21 |
Hobbsee | Froek: backup your ~ | 05:21 |
Hobbsee | Froek: did you stick /home on a separate partition? | 05:21 |
Froek | no | 05:21 |
Hobbsee | then back it up onto a cd or something, and copy it back. | 05:21 |
Froek | i know i could cut it out | 05:21 |
Hobbsee | after you've reinstalled | 05:21 |
Froek | k | 05:22 |
MTecknology | I've been hoping that some upgrade will eventually fix my screen brightness issue, as well as the panel issue | 05:22 |
Hobbsee | MTecknology: could well be kernel, if it's a regression. could be other things. i've no real idea | 05:22 |
MTecknology | regression? | 05:22 |
Hobbsee | from feisty | 05:23 |
MTecknology | i did a clean install | 05:23 |
Hobbsee | as in, if it worked in feisty, and doesnt in gutsy, then it's a regression. | 05:23 |
=== fluffles2 [n=fluffles@cust.95.160.adsl.cistron.nl] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
MTecknology | you mean, that's just the definition? | 05:24 |
Hobbsee | yes | 05:24 |
GNine | xgl and compiz are kicking my a**. the greatest challenge to date on my ubuntu history | 05:24 |
GNine | heh | 05:24 |
MTecknology | how long will it probably be b4 the gimp issue is resolved? | 05:25 |
=== fluffles2 [n=fluffles@cust.95.160.adsl.cistron.nl] has left #ubuntu+1 [] | ||
Matir | gimp issue? | 05:25 |
MTecknology | Matir, during updates - there's an issue w/ a gimp package | 05:26 |
=== kevinO [n=kevin@66-227-221-83.dhcp.klmz.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Hobbsee | MTecknology: couple of hours, probably | 05:26 |
MTecknology | i'd try to fix it myself - but no clue where to start | 05:26 |
Hobbsee | MTecknology: depends how high it hits the importance pile | 05:26 |
=== GNine sends regards to FSF, Canonical and the Ubuntu Team. respect to those who deserve it. | ||
=== Hobbsee could technically fix it...but... | ||
=== Almindor [n=ales@chello085216128066.chello.sk] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Almindor | heya, there's no CD release? | 05:27 |
Hobbsee | Almindor: ? | 05:27 |
MTecknology | Hobbsee, is there any way to ignore that package atm?? | 05:27 |
Almindor | http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/gutsy/beta/ | 05:27 |
Almindor | all DVD | 05:27 |
Hobbsee | Almindor: /topic, before you look like a goose | 05:27 |
Hobbsee | bah. you goose. | 05:27 |
kevinO | good morning, i got some updates a minute ago and it says gim was unable to update, and i have a broken file in my system, use the broken filter to take care of it. How do i use the broken filter? | 05:27 |
Hobbsee | kevinO: known. | 05:27 |
kevinO | gimp* | 05:27 |
savvas | Hobbsee: you were right.. habit :) | 05:27 |
kevinO | ok | 05:27 |
Hobbsee | savvas: yup. | 05:27 |
bazhang | Almindor: it's in releases.ubuntu.com/7.10/beta I believe | 05:27 |
Hobbsee | savvas: still confuses the release team too | 05:28 |
Hobbsee | MTecknology: yeah, you can do the rest of the updates, then dpkg --configure -a | 05:28 |
savvas | why don't they put a note on the cdimage website? :P | 05:28 |
Hobbsee | savvas: there's a bug open for it | 05:28 |
MTecknology | Hobbsee, how do I tell it to ignore those packages? | 05:28 |
savvas | ah great | 05:28 |
Hobbsee | MTecknology: "it"? | 05:28 |
Almindor | Hobbsee, I still don't see much info on the topic regarding DVD vs CD.. | 05:28 |
MTecknology | the gimp packages | 05:28 |
Hobbsee | Almindor: last part. | 05:29 |
=== kevinO [n=kevin@66-227-221-83.dhcp.klmz.mi.charter.com] has left #ubuntu+1 [] | ||
Hobbsee | about seeing r.u.c for the beta. | 05:29 |
=== mode/#ubuntu+1 [+o Hobbsee] by ChanServ | ||
Almindor | Hobbsee, hmm why does official page point only to DVD? | 05:29 |
=== GNine makes cd's from ISO and ships it to himself | ||
Hobbsee | Almindor: that's not the official page.... | 05:29 |
GNine | :-P | 05:29 |
MTecknology | i try apt-get upgrade and it complains about gimp, so i try install -f, and we know what happens then | 05:30 |
Almindor | anything google gives first for "gutsy beta" is :D tell them to fix pageranks :P | 05:30 |
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu+1:Hobbsee] : Gutsy Gibbon Beta is out! If you regularly update ("dist-upgrade" or otherwise), you already have it | Don't run gutsy if you don't know what you're doing | Don't use development version of Ubuntu on production systems | Ubuntu 7.10 - the "Gutsy Gibbon" | Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule | For support for Dapper, Edgy, Feisty please join #ubuntu | See releases.ubuntu.com for the beta cds | ||
MTecknology | i do want to upgrade everything else b/c one bug is supposed to be fixed | 05:30 |
=== mode/#ubuntu+1 [-o Hobbsee] by ChanServ | ||
=== GNine also downloaded/upgrade online. but still made a live cd | ||
Hobbsee | Almindor: google can be wrong. | 05:30 |
Hobbsee | (they've moved) | 05:30 |
Hobbsee | right, is th etopic clear enough for everyone nwo? | 05:30 |
Almindor | :) | 05:30 |
Almindor | it's still misleading from the "release schedule" page | 05:31 |
Hobbsee | where? | 05:31 |
GNine | Almindor, go have breakfast | 05:31 |
Almindor | that page points AGAIN to the DVD | 05:31 |
Almindor | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule -- click on beta => DVD | 05:31 |
Almindor | perhaps you should fix your pages : | 05:31 |
Almindor | :) | 05:31 |
GNine | perhaps you should go have breakfast, Almindor | 05:32 |
Hobbsee | oh, i see. | 05:32 |
Eq|work | Almindor : try releases.ubuntu.com ? | 05:32 |
Almindor | GNine, how do you ignore people on xchat? it would help us both if we knew (I don't know) | 05:32 |
Hobbsee | fixed. | 05:32 |
=== branstrom [n=fredrik@ua-83-227-158-67.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Hobbsee | Almindor: /ignore Almindor | 05:32 |
GNine | you dont know that either.. you need more than breakfast then | 05:32 |
Almindor | Hobbsee, heh thanks | 05:32 |
Almindor | Hobbsee, nope | 05:33 |
savvas | lol | 05:33 |
Almindor | Hobbsee, ignore takes mask to hostnames or somesuch | 05:33 |
Eq|work | no | 05:33 |
Eq|work | ignore takes a whole host of things | 05:33 |
Eq|work | it can be just a nick | 05:33 |
Hobbsee | Eq|work: is correct | 05:33 |
branstrom | I can't upgrade gimp - it says: E: /var/cache/apt/archives/gimp_2.4.0~rc3-1ubuntu5_i386.deb: trying to overwrite `/usr/share/doc/libgimp2.0/README', which is also in package libgimp2.0 | 05:33 |
Eq|work | which is equivalent to nick!current@info.whatever.there.is | 05:33 |
Hobbsee | oh, that's what else i was going to add to teh topic | 05:33 |
=== mode/#ubuntu+1 [+o Hobbsee] by ChanServ | ||
Eq|work | branstrom : yes. known issue. | 05:34 |
savvas | branstrom: welcome to the club | 05:34 |
Eq|work | packaging bug. | 05:34 |
GNine | ignore is too technical .. anybody knows a windows way to do that .. msg Almindor with reply | 05:34 |
Almindor | Eq|work, yes but /ignore <nick> doesn't work :) | 05:34 |
branstrom | Okay. Solved yet? | 05:34 |
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu+1:Hobbsee] : Gimp is broken | If you regularly update ("dist-upgrade" or otherwise), you already have the beta | Don't run gutsy if you don't know what you're doing | Don't use development version of Ubuntu on production systems | Ubuntu 7.10 - the "Gutsy Gibbon" | Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule | For support for Dapper, Edgy, Feisty please join #ubuntu | See releases.ubuntu.com for the beta cds | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu+1 [-o Hobbsee] by ChanServ | ||
Hobbsee | branstrom: obviously not, else you'dhavei t. | 05:34 |
Almindor | GNine, how old are you anyway? | 05:34 |
branstrom | Alright. Sorry. | 05:34 |
GNine | gotcha | 05:35 |
GNine | good | 05:35 |
=== GNine looks inside his 35nm baggy. sees a tuna sandwich. | ||
Almindor | thanks for the info, I'm sure I'd find it on google eventually, but you're faster and more entertaining :P | 05:35 |
savvas | "If you regularly update" <- the biggest mistake | 05:36 |
savvas | however, it's a beta, someone has to try it heh | 05:36 |
GNine | the mistake is the "regularity" of it.. the context of the message is still .. alright | 05:36 |
=== dakira [n=daxel3@e177202134.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Almindor | gutsy went fine except the hickup on the upgrader | 05:36 |
Eq|work | Almindor : /ignore nick works in all the irc clients i've used. that includes xchat. | 05:36 |
MTecknology | let's see if the upgrades fixed anything for me | 05:37 |
Almindor | Eq|work, I get a nice "help" message on it :) (can paste if you're interrested hehe) | 05:37 |
=== chrisbudden14 [n=chrisbud@cpc1-staf3-0-0-cust176.sol2.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
GNine | just so you feel better, Almindor , am gonna pretend you're already ignoring me. ok? | 05:38 |
Almindor | GNine, it's not healthy :) | 05:38 |
savvas | it's a waste of bytes not to see what is sent to you :p | 05:39 |
=== kevinO [n=kevin@66-227-221-83.dhcp.klmz.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
=== GNine puts himself in contempt | ||
chrisbudden14 | hey, ive compiled fglrx for gutsy, and im having a lot of trouble getting it to work properly. ive added fglrx to the blacklist module section. when i start up, fglrx does not get loaded because it is not in the correct folder, but when i move fglrx.ko to the correct folder, i can modprobe and it works. | 05:39 |
Almindor | oh yes, something which bothered me since upgrading.. did the xmms-gnome-panel thingy (forgot name TBH) go away? (now THIS sounded noobish) | 05:40 |
=== jussio1 [n=jussi@dyn3-82-128-184-134.psoas.suomi.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
GNine | yah.. maybe i should research on how to change/lookup/mess with black/white lists | 05:40 |
=== mon^rch [n=anonymou@S0106000fea33f1bb.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
=== mase [n=mangos@c-24-147-33-89.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
mase | my window title bars vanished after i enabled desktop effects | 05:41 |
mase | whats happening? | 05:41 |
dakira | hey.. where do i report bugs for the battery.ko kernel module? after upgrading to gutsy my laptop always automatically shut down. I assumed it was related to ACPI and disabled it. I could then circle it down to blacklisting to battery module and now it seems to work. since I assume a complete failure to work (after upgrading) is unwanted behavior I want to report that as a bug ;) | 05:41 |
disasm | Almindor: I think xmms is depracated in favor of audacious | 05:41 |
=== jussio1 [n=jussi@oul088-gw3.netplaza.fi] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
GNine | but xgl is definitely coming up telling its not in the whitelist | 05:41 |
bazhang | mase: need to enable them in compizconfig settings manager Windows decoration (very near the bottom) | 05:42 |
=== DarkX [n=DarkX@ip70-181-154-127.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
=== hjmills [n=hjmills@88-110-127-163.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
hjmills | anybody noticed the libgimp2.0 breakage and come up with a solution? | 05:42 |
kevinO | hello again, after installing the updates this morning, and restarting, my xserver did not work, i reconfigured xserver-xorg file and got back to my desktop. I also noticed suring bootup i had the ubuntu-studio usplash. I do have the ubuntu studio audio package, but all those extra ubuntustudio updates came with the updates this morning, like the usplash, gdm and gnome themes. I try to remove the usplash and it says it wants to remo | 05:43 |
mase | wheres compizconfig? | 05:43 |
kevinO | lol | 05:43 |
Hobbsee | hjmills: /topic, before you look like a muppet. | 05:43 |
=== Hobbsee closes the next dupe about gimp. | ||
bazhang | mase: need to install it | 05:43 |
Almindor | disasm, will try, is there a way to get some "remote" applet for it? | 05:43 |
mase | doh | 05:43 |
savvas | mase: http://medigeek.blogspot.com/2007/09/ubuntu-unveil-real-power-of-compiz.html | 05:44 |
=== Hobbsee ponders a "CRON: Please read the topic before asking questions, to save you looking like a muppet", every 5 mins. | ||
hjmills | Hobbsee, ah ok, sorry - can I pick a muppet to be now? Kermit was always cool... | 05:45 |
dakira | has anyone had sound problems since upgrading? I only get sound in certain applications (like VLC) but no more sound e.g. in flash | 05:45 |
Almindor | Hobbsee, most people just don't read the topic before asking (or ever) [guess I don't have to say.. me included? :D] | 05:45 |
savvas | !topic | 05:45 |
mase | savvas, thanks mang | 05:45 |
ubotu | Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic | 05:45 |
savvas | :) | 05:45 |
Hobbsee | hjmills: :D | 05:45 |
kevinO | does anyone have any idea whats wrong with my system? | 05:45 |
hjmills | kevinO, yes | 05:46 |
Almindor | Hobbsee, perhaps you should make your bot /msg people a big red warning about the topic ? :) | 05:46 |
Hobbsee | Almindor: yeah, well. they could have some care of other people | 05:46 |
=== MTecknology [n=MTecknol@] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Hobbsee | Almindor: we do - most block it, and send it to the server window. | 05:46 |
Almindor | Hobbsee, on entry that is | 05:46 |
Hobbsee | (we do for #ubuntu) | 05:46 |
MTecknology | nothing more's working... o well | 05:46 |
Almindor | oh right :) | 05:46 |
kevinO | hjmills, would you like to share? | 05:46 |
=== mrmonday [n=mrmonday@fullcirclemagazine/communicationsmanager/mrmonday] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Hobbsee | but clearly, it doesnt work. | 05:46 |
hjmills | kevinO, oh no, its top secret... | 05:46 |
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hjmills | kevinO, what won't it do? | 05:46 |
kevinO | awww come on...... | 05:47 |
kevinO | lol | 05:47 |
mrmonday | what date is gutsy scheduled for release? | 05:47 |
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tremby | hey folks. i just installed the beta of gutsy on one of my machines and can't get it to access the network. i've tried "roaming mode" (which i've never heard of before) and a test ping says "network is unreachable". tried dhcp but it's not managing to obtain an ip address (other machines on the network are fine, and this one is too when booted to windows). any ideas what could be wrong? | 05:47 |
Hobbsee | !topic | mrmonday | 05:47 |
ubotu | mrmonday: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic | 05:47 |
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mrmonday | lol | 05:47 |
kevinO | hjmills: after installing the updates this morning, and restarting, my xserver did not work, i reconfigured xserver-xorg file and got back to my desktop. I also noticed suring bootup i had the ubuntu-studio usplash. I do have the ubuntu studio audio package, but all those extra ubuntustudio updates came with the updates this morning, like the usplash, gdm and gnome themes. I try to remove the usplash and it says it wants to remove u | 05:47 |
kevinO | hehe | 05:47 |
mrmonday | I was trying to avoid opening my browser :P | 05:47 |
savvas | there already is a notice, 16:13:03 [Freenode] -ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- [#ubuntu+1] Please read the topic. Especially if things are broken! | 05:47 |
Hobbsee | mrmonday: you lazy sod :P | 05:48 |
mrmonday | Hobbsee, that's me :D | 05:48 |
savvas | it's not his day :) | 05:48 |
disasm | just did a dist-upgrade, no gimp breakage here | 05:48 |
kevinO | i also notices that my kernel version is now rt is this normal? | 05:48 |
hjmills | kevinO, try reinstalling the normal ubuntu bootsplash - the post-install scripts on the package *should* set it as the default splash i would think | 05:49 |
mrmonday | October 18th :) | 05:49 |
mrmonday | thanks :) | 05:49 |
dakira | disasm: works here, too | 05:49 |
tremby | any ideas on my network problem anyone? | 05:49 |
ReL1K | fixed gimp by dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/gimp_2.4.0~rc3-1ubuntu5_i386.deb and apt-get -f install | 05:49 |
hjmills | kevinO, I think you are meant to run ubuntu-studio as a seperate desktop meta-package from ubuntu-base | 05:49 |
ReL1K | thanks to permalink | 05:49 |
Almindor | mrmonday, check your eth-s | 05:49 |
disasm | whoever was having difficulties, with gimp, try purging it, and reinstalling | 05:49 |
ReL1K | urrr to amit even | 05:49 |
Almindor | mrmonday, I got 2 eth's and gutsy mixed them up | 05:49 |
dakira | kevinO: install ubuntu-desktop and remove all the ubuntustudio packages | 05:49 |
Almindor | mrmonday, eg: on feisty it was eth0 - internet, eth1 - local, on gutsy it's the other way around | 05:50 |
kevinO | dakira but i have ubuntu desktop | 05:50 |
disasm | dakira: why would anyone want to do that? | 05:50 |
Hobbsee | disasm: your mirror is outdated then | 05:50 |
mrmonday | Almindor, did you mean mrmonday? | 05:50 |
kevinO | i only downloaded the ubuntu studio audio packae | 05:50 |
Hobbsee | disasm: purging wont work. | 05:50 |
Almindor | mrmonday, yes? what did I write? :) | 05:50 |
dakira | disasm.. kevonO seems to want to get rid of the RT kernel and all that stuff | 05:50 |
Hobbsee | disasm: windows solutions dont work well on linux | 05:51 |
savvas | hm.. question: apt-get update uses rsync to update the local list of packages? | 05:51 |
hjmills | ReL1K, thanks - that worked great | 05:51 |
Hobbsee | savvas: dont think it does | 05:51 |
disasm | Hobbsee: osuosl is outdated? I thought that was one of the more updated ones | 05:51 |
hjmills | kevinO, why did you download that? | 05:51 |
Hobbsee | disasm: it's only a couple of hours out. | 05:51 |
kevinO | hjmills: do you knwo if the kernel "rt" is the latest for gutsy, or is that a part of stui as well | 05:51 |
kevinO | hjmills: it has a ton of cool audio programs | 05:51 |
dakira | so has anyone a clue where I could start to fix my soundproblems? | 05:51 |
savvas | Hobbsee: so it basically downloads the whole list of packages all over? | 05:51 |
Hobbsee | yeah | 05:51 |
mrmonday | Almindor, you've successfully confused me :D Well done! | 05:51 |
savvas | ok thanks :) | 05:52 |
hjmills | kevinO, the rt is not the normal one- mine is still generic | 05:52 |
disasm | ah, rt kernel, that's custom compiled to have lower latency with recording, right? | 05:52 |
Almindor | mrmonday, hmm now I can't find the original line I'm trying to answer :D | 05:52 |
Almindor | mrmonday, this channel is too fast hehe :) | 05:52 |
disasm | dakira: i helped someone earlier, what card? | 05:52 |
hjmills | kevinO, then its probably a meta-package so remove it now the programs are installed and it shouldn't remove the programs (check first though) | 05:52 |
kevinO | ok | 05:52 |
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hetauma_ | !mouse | 05:53 |
ubotu | Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto | 05:53 |
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dakira | disasm: i don't think the problem is with the card.. I have perfect sound in some apps (like VLC) but no sound at all in other apps (like browser flash) | 05:53 |
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disasm | dakira: does it have to do with esd maybe? | 05:54 |
kevinO | hjmills: anytime i try to remove anything studio it wants to remove ubuntu-desktop | 05:54 |
disasm | dakira: try apt-get install install pulseaudio-esound-compat | 05:55 |
MTecknology | well, disabling copmiz makes my login 11 seconds shorter, and the panel shows up right away | 05:55 |
dakira | disasm: probably.. but how do I fix it? the only thing I know is, everything worked before the upgrade ;) | 05:55 |
dakira | disasm: k | 05:55 |
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kevinO | maybe i should try booting with the generic kernel first | 05:56 |
macogw | anyone else unable to update gimp because the package is broken? | 05:56 |
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bazhang | topic.. | 05:56 |
macogw | or rather because it's trying to overwrite a file that belongs to libgimp2? | 05:56 |
macogw | oh | 05:57 |
macogw | haha | 05:57 |
foxiness | i have access-point "linksys",ubuntu can not login to this device "join the network" if it with out password coz it say it secure "if it none",what i should i do to help ubuntu fix it? | 05:57 |
ReL1K | are they ever going to unblacklist gm965 intel from compiz? :P | 05:57 |
dakira | dakira: ahh.. I see.. goog old polypaudio.. I thought that became unnecessary | 05:57 |
disasm | ah, update just came in, we'll see if it breaks now ;-) | 05:57 |
macogw | eh it still runs so yay | 05:57 |
macogw | ReL1K: i thought the module for that was the intel driver | 05:58 |
dakira | ReL1K: since there is no compositing available until now, I don't think so | 05:58 |
ReL1K | macogw: yea, the intel driver | 05:58 |
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ReL1K | dakira: bah! | 05:59 |
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garu | hi everyone | 05:59 |
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kevinO | how do i remove the rt kernel, is there a proper way or do i just delete it? | 05:59 |
dakira | ReL1K: there were some blog articles on that by the ubuntu compiz devs | 05:59 |
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dakira | ReL1K: don't have the links anymore, though | 06:00 |
allquixotic | kevinO: aptitude remove linux-rt should do it, but make sure you have another kernel installed and in /boot/grub/menu.lst | 06:00 |
disasm | yup, broken gimp package, wget an older one and force install it with dpkg | 06:00 |
blekos | hello, i'm using gutsy kubuntu and when I log in I always get a message | 06:00 |
disasm | or just wait | 06:00 |
ReL1K | dakira: bummer, so not in plans eh? | 06:00 |
blekos | Information-KdeSudo, No command arguments supplied! | 06:00 |
garu | why is that after finishing installing gutsy gibbon beta version, the volume is very low? | 06:00 |
garu | can someone help me out on this one? | 06:01 |
dakira | ReL1K: i guess there are plans.. but it really depends on the intel driver devs and the xorg devs (both!) | 06:01 |
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dakira | brb | 06:01 |
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hetauma_ | the imwheelrc comes preconfigured on gutsy? | 06:02 |
kevinO | allquixotic: it says that thats not installed | 06:02 |
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disasm | garu: did you check alsamixer? | 06:03 |
garu | disasm yep...the PCM field is set to maximum, but...the Master Field its on "00", I tried to increase it, it just wouldnt! | 06:04 |
kevinO | would apt-get remove linux-headers-rt get rid of that kernel? | 06:05 |
allquixotic | kevinO: ok, then you probably installed an actual kernel version package rather than the metapackage | 06:05 |
macogw | you can do a simulation | 06:05 |
allquixotic | kevinO: that means you should do apt-cache search linux-rt | 06:05 |
allquixotic | kevinO: then aptitude remove all results matching linux-rt-* | 06:05 |
macogw | just do apt-get remove -s linux-headers-rt and it'll show what itd do | 06:05 |
kevinO | i already did that , there was nothing matching itr | 06:05 |
kevinO | allquixotic: but there is a linux-headers-rt | 06:06 |
allquixotic | the headers are just the source code for developing the kernel or kernel modules - it will not remove the kernel itself if you have it installed | 06:06 |
allquixotic | I am not sure why you are not seeing the packages, if you have the Gutsy repositories in /etc/apt/sources.lst | 06:06 |
kevinO | oh ok looks like i type it wrond | 06:07 |
allquixotic | you should be seeing the packages in an apt-cache search, otherwise you don't have them in your repo(s) and have nothing to remove | 06:07 |
kevinO | linux-backports-modules-2.6.22-12-rt - Ubuntu supplied Linux modules for version 2.6.22 on x86/x86_64 | 06:07 |
=== siriusnova [n=siriusno@64-251-145-86-cablemodem-roll.fidnet.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
kevinO | and linux-image-2.6.22-12-rt - Linux kernel image for version 2.6.22 on RT kernel | 06:07 |
kevinO | linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-12-rt - Ubuntu supplied Linux modules for version 2.6.22 on x86/x86_64 | 06:07 |
allquixotic | it's the linux-image and linux-*-modules that are the actual kernel binaries in /lib/modules - removing those, particularly linux-image-2.6.22-12-rt, will get rid of that kernel. | 06:08 |
kevinO | ok | 06:08 |
savvas | does anyone know how apport reports crashes? it opens launchpad and a new browser window, but are the info/files, that are gathered from apport, attached automatically to the report? | 06:08 |
kevinO | allquixotic: and i can do that while im running the kernel | 06:08 |
allquixotic | kevinO: umm, yes, but if you have need to unload/reload a kernel module for this kernel until you reboot, you will be stuck. the kernel is in memory though so it should work | 06:09 |
hetauma_ | savvas, I think so yes | 06:09 |
savvas | thanks | 06:09 |
kevinO | ok | 06:09 |
hetauma_ | can some1 help a bit my memory... /etc/X11/imwheelrc from Imwheel in 7.04 was empty? and now it has many entries? | 06:10 |
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kevinO | ahhh nothing will wor | 06:11 |
Pici | hetauma_: Are we talking 7.04 or 7.10? | 06:11 |
dakira | disasm: ookay.. now the sound is gone completely.. also after deinstalling pulseaudio ;( grr | 06:11 |
kevinO | allquixotic: i cant reve them it says they have unmet dependencies | 06:12 |
kevinO | remove* | 06:12 |
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hetauma_ | Pici, in 7.10 it has maaaany entries for various programs.... if I remember correctly tho in 7.04 had none | 06:12 |
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mase | wow | 06:13 |
bazhang | what | 06:13 |
dakira | does anyone else have problems with ESD? | 06:13 |
mase | gnome + ubuntu 7.10 + compiz + 1280x1024 = ownage | 06:13 |
bazhang | no doubt | 06:14 |
Pici | hetauma_: Is that a problem? | 06:14 |
=== savvas throws mase an oxford dictionary | ||
bazhang | but ubuntu is gnome, right? | 06:14 |
mase | i dont know | 06:14 |
mase | i have kde and gnome | 06:14 |
kevinO | i cant remove anything without it wanting to remove gimp and ubuntu-desktop | 06:14 |
hetauma_ | Pici, yes I'm trying to figure out if I'm getting altzheimer or not :D | 06:14 |
dakira | bazhang: right.. but you can install what ever you want | 06:14 |
mase | kevinO, it wont actually remove it | 06:14 |
garu | how o I get the volume of my audio loud?because its just very very low | 06:14 |
Pici | hetauma_: Sorry, you're over my head now :/ | 06:14 |
bazhang | true, dakira | 06:14 |
kevinO | mase it wont remove ubuntu-desktop? | 06:15 |
tremby | i just installed the beta of gutsy on one of my machines and can't get it to access the network. i've tried "roaming mode" (which i've never heard of before) and a test ping says "network is unreachable". tried dhcp but it's not managing to obtain an ip address (other machines on the network are fine, and this one is too when booted to windows). any ideas what could be wrong? | 06:15 |
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savvas | kevinO: gimp 2.4.0~rc3-1ubuntu4 ? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gimp/+bug/148985 check out the comments | 06:15 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 148985 in gimp "package gimp 2.4.0~rc3-1ubuntu4 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite `/usr/share/doc/libgimp2.0/README', which is also in package libgimp2.0" [Undecided,Fix released] | 06:15 |
kevinO | tremby. does the internet work when you have your live cd inserted? | 06:15 |
mase | kevinO, no it wont | 06:16 |
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tremby | kevinO: nope | 06:16 |
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sdrowkcab | how do you use compiz? | 06:17 |
mase | kevinO, internet works on live cd. | 06:17 |
sdrowkcab | (enable it) | 06:17 |
savvas | sdrowkcab: http://medigeek.blogspot.com/2007/09/ubuntu-unveil-real-power-of-compiz.html | 06:17 |
mase | sdrowkcab, right click on desktop, change desktop background | 06:17 |
mase | go to last tab and select one setting | 06:17 |
sdrowkcab | it says no composite | 06:17 |
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savvas | sdrowkcab: read that link post please | 06:18 |
kevinO | tremby, then sometihng is wrong with your settings | 06:18 |
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b0lle | i cant get my wifi card in my pcmcia slot to work (pccardctl works tho) but no wireless extensions avalible | 06:18 |
sdrowkcab | ok | 06:18 |
kevinO | tremby: are you connected to a router? | 06:18 |
Derek_ | Please help! I upgraded to Gutsy and it is stuck installing gnome-applets. The disk has been churning for hours. Is there any way to exit gracefully? | 06:19 |
tremby | kevinO: dhcp should be fine (is on other machines and on that one when booted to windows) but it's not getting and replies. yes it's connected to a router. | 06:19 |
tremby | s/and/any/ | 06:19 |
savvas | tremby: modem or router? | 06:19 |
savvas | oops | 06:19 |
kevinO | im not sure trmby should work :) | 06:20 |
tremby | well it doesn't. it's a very new motherboard -- could it be that the network interfaces on it aren't supported in linux yet? | 06:20 |
savvas | tremby: try ifconfig -a to see the name of your network, and try do: sudo ifup nameofyournetwork | 06:21 |
TheInfinity | tremby: is sometimes this way | 06:21 |
Pici | Derek_: #ubuntu+1 for Gutsy questions please. | 06:21 |
TheInfinity | i had this prob with the computer of my mum :/ | 06:22 |
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savvas | tremby: most probably, you could try: lspci (see if that shows any unknown device) | 06:22 |
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sdrowkcab | it does not work "The Composite extension is not available" | 06:22 |
savvas | sdrowkcab: what graphics card do you have? | 06:23 |
Derek_ | Pici: I thought this was ubuntu+1? That's what my url at the top says. | 06:23 |
savvas | brand & model | 06:23 |
tremby | savvas: if there does show an unknown device what can i do about it? | 06:23 |
DanaG | Hmm, I like how CUPS holds drivers for WIndows -- and if you install Apple's Bonjour for Windows, it's easy to discover shared printers on non-WIndows computers. | 06:23 |
Pici | Derek_: Er. sorry, I thought *I* was in #ubuntu. Ooops. | 06:23 |
savvas | tremby: well, I'd search in launchpad.net for bugs for that device | 06:23 |
DanaG | However, for some reason, samba only worked after I did smbpasswd. | 06:23 |
dakira | do i report a bug for a kernel module for the kernel-image package? | 06:23 |
sdrowkcab | i have an ati 1650 PRO | 06:23 |
pvandewyngaerde | Derek_: do you know alt + sysrq keys ??? | 06:23 |
DanaG | Or rather, run as root with the parameter to reset password for my username. | 06:24 |
kevinO | whats the command to update grub? | 06:24 |
Derek_ | pvand...: Uh, I know they exist. :) Should I try it? | 06:24 |
savvas | sdrowkcab: did you install the driver and restart? | 06:24 |
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sdrowkcab | ofcourse i did | 06:24 |
DanaG | How do you get guest users working? | 06:24 |
dmakalsky | When is gimp getting fixed? | 06:25 |
pvandewyngaerde | alt + sysrq (print sqreen) + keys ( R E I S U B ) try them if you want to reboot without messing up the partition | 06:25 |
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bazhang | has that ever worked for anyone? | 06:25 |
kevinO | savvas thanks for that link, now all the studio stough i was trying to uninstall went wothout a hitch, seems the reason it wanted to remove ubuntu desktop was because of the gimpbug | 06:25 |
Pici | bazhang: worked for me once. | 06:25 |
savvas | kevinO: you were using aptitude? | 06:26 |
bazhang | Pici: really? I've tried it about ten times, and no such luck | 06:26 |
Derek_ | I was afraid the system would be in some crazy state, having stopped in the middle of an upgrade, and I wouldn't be able to use it. | 06:26 |
Pici | bazhang: I remember doing something different, like using another modifer key, but it worked. | 06:26 |
kevinO | savvas, apt-get | 06:26 |
sdrowkcab | savvas: what does composite not available mean? | 06:26 |
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bazhang | Pici: wow. Thanks! | 06:26 |
kevinO | savvas is that the same thing? | 06:27 |
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pvandewyngaerde | Derek_: dpkg --configure -a | 06:27 |
b0lle | i cant get my wifi card in my pcmcia slot to work (pccardctl works tho) but no wireless extensions avalible and no network controller found in 'lspci' | 06:27 |
savvas | sdrowkcab: there's a similar bug to yours: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/122104 - you might want to provide some info there | 06:28 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 122104 in compiz "composite not working" [Undecided,Incomplete] | 06:28 |
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sdrowkcab | so what should i do? | 06:31 |
bazhang | about what? | 06:32 |
sdrowkcab | my problem with compiz | 06:32 |
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bazhang | sdrowkcab: could you recap? | 06:32 |
sdrowkcab | ok | 06:33 |
sdrowkcab | when i go to visual effects and click on extra it says this "The Composite extension is not available" | 06:34 |
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bazhang | sdrowkcab: you're using Gutsy beta, and have the compizconfig settings manager installed? | 06:34 |
sdrowkcab | how do i install it? | 06:34 |
sdrowkcab | sudo apt-get install python-compizconfig? | 06:35 |
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Reaby | i got udev problem, system can't mount my ntfs disks: Failed to access '/dev/disk/by-uuid/E214E40614E3DC13': No such file or directory | 06:35 |
Reaby | how to fix | 06:35 |
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mase | wow | 06:36 |
bullgard4 | How much free disk space do I need for Ubuntu 7.04 to upgrade to Ubuntu 7.10? | 06:36 |
feimao | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39544/ | 06:36 |
mase | how come everyday theres like 40+ new updates? | 06:36 |
mase | bullgard4, 1.7gb | 06:36 |
bazhang | sdrowkcab: I believe that's right, though you might want to apt-cache search compizconfig | 06:36 |
TheInfinity | mase: beta software? ;) | 06:36 |
sdrowkcab | how do you do that? | 06:36 |
sdrowkcab | do i type that? | 06:36 |
bullgard4 | mase: Are there restrictions as to on what partition the free disk space has to be? | 06:37 |
bazhang | sdrowkcab: yes, just like that in the terminal: sudo apt-cache search compizconfig, then enter your password | 06:37 |
mase | bullgard4, the same one ubuntu is on | 06:38 |
sdrowkcab | ok did it | 06:38 |
mase | it's a dist-upgrade, not whole new installation, so yes | 06:38 |
mase | i didnt have enough space, so i used partition magic to resize the partition | 06:38 |
bazhang | sdrowkcab: do you see it? | 06:38 |
jussi01 | bazhang: you dont need sudo for apt-cache search... | 06:39 |
sdrowkcab | do i see what? | 06:39 |
bazhang | jussi01: ok, sorry. | 06:39 |
bazhang | sdrowkcab: do you see the package named compizconfig settings manager? | 06:39 |
jussi01 | bazhang: dont be sory :) Just trying to help :) | 06:39 |
bullgard4 | mase: Is Gparted better suited than PartitionMagic to resize partitions? | 06:39 |
sdrowkcab | where should i see it? | 06:40 |
bazhang | jussi01: ok, thanks! | 06:40 |
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mase | bullgard4, i dont know, i think i used that too | 06:40 |
bazhang | sdrowkcab: you know how to use the terminal, right? | 06:40 |
bullgard4 | mase: Thank you. | 06:40 |
sdrowkcab | i am kinda new to linux | 06:40 |
sdrowkcab | i typed to apt-cache search compizconfig | 06:41 |
bazhang | sdrowkcab: ok, no problem; do you know how to add new pieces of software? | 06:41 |
Dr_willis | gparted is 'better' in thats its free. :) and works better for my needs. | 06:41 |
TheInfinity | sdrowkcab: new to linux and gutsy? :o | 06:41 |
Dr_willis | I have a gparted-livecd - a MUST have in a pc toolbox. | 06:41 |
Reaby | ok, how i fix fstab to new udev nodes as they changed after last update. | 06:41 |
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sdrowkcab | ok | 06:41 |
Dr_willis | Reaby, you mean the UUID entries? | 06:41 |
Reaby | yep | 06:41 |
=== philip_ [n=philip@pool-72-67-125-174.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Dr_willis | Reaby, thats weird.. a update shouldent of changed those at all. | 06:42 |
philip_ | the GIMP is down, the GIMP is DOWN! | 06:42 |
Reaby | gparted for example doesn't start up | 06:42 |
sdrowkcab | i got ubuntu about 2months ago | 06:42 |
Dr_willis | ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/ | 06:42 |
Reaby | Dr_willis: it has done it once before for me | 06:42 |
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bazhang | sdrowkcab: in Ubuntu, you have a program called Synaptic, in Kubuntu, it's called Adept. | 06:42 |
Dr_willis | gparted shouldent care about the UUID at all. | 06:42 |
sdrowkcab | i know that | 06:43 |
Dr_willis | it reads the actual deviices | 06:43 |
sdrowkcab | i searched it for compiz | 06:43 |
dn | i'm running gutsy beta and issues with gimp/gimp-python/libgimp2.0 are making me unable to apt-get update properly | 06:43 |
Dr_willis | I tend to set my fstab to mount based on disk Label. :) makes it more readable. | 06:43 |
Reaby | Dr_willis: it just says searching for devices | 06:43 |
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bazhang | dn: topic | 06:43 |
Dr_willis | Reaby, odd. Might want to try a live cd. I favor using a live cd to do any gparted work. | 06:44 |
DanaG | I do /dev/disk/by-id. | 06:44 |
Reaby | Dr_willis: well, i started it only for automount :) | 06:44 |
dn | doh, thanks | 06:44 |
dn | are there any solutions? | 06:44 |
Reaby | Dr_willis: well, i fix fstab | 06:44 |
Reaby | Dr_willis: with your tips | 06:45 |
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Dr_willis | :) | 06:45 |
bazhang | I think someone found a solution a few minutes ago. | 06:45 |
Dr_willis | i thought the only thing that would change the uuid would be resizing of the partitions. | 06:45 |
dn | i just joined, could you possibly pm it to me? | 06:45 |
Dr_willis | of course ya could manually set the UUID's :) | 06:45 |
DanaG | sudo vol_id -u /dev/sdX | 06:46 |
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camdenb | hello everybody. | 06:46 |
Reaby | but that doesn't fix fstab ? | 06:46 |
Reaby | DanaG: ^^ | 06:47 |
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Dr_willis | fixing the fstab is fixing the fstab.. :) discovering the UUIDs of the disks is another task. | 06:47 |
Dr_willis | theres no magic 'fix the fstab' command. | 06:47 |
Dr_willis | or at least none that ive seen. | 06:48 |
Reaby | okay | 06:48 |
Reaby | so if i set fstab manually i system automounts volumes at boot | 06:48 |
Reaby | and everything is ok | 06:48 |
Reaby | right ? | 06:48 |
Dr_willis | fstab has automounted entries.. correct. | 06:48 |
Dr_willis | you can have entrys that are NOT automounted as well | 06:49 |
Dr_willis | fstab and how linux mounts things is a top 10 thing to learn about to become a leetLinuxHaXor. :) | 06:49 |
Reaby | err :p | 06:49 |
Dr_willis | !fstab | 06:49 |
ubotu | The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions | 06:49 |
Dr_willis | and ive spent MANY a time twiddling with the fstab | 06:50 |
camdenb | has anybody here had success installing 7.10 without a cdrom? | 06:50 |
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Dr_willis | i never did figure out the proper way to have fstab mount a 'window share' with a space in its name. | 06:50 |
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Reaby | but basically my problem is only that fstab doesn't point to right volumes | 06:51 |
Reaby | after that uuid change | 06:51 |
Reaby | right, nothing else is broken ? | 06:51 |
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excitatory | question.. i'm currently using fesity with compiz-fusion from the trev1no feisty repository.. i realize that gutsy will have all of the fusion packages in its repos.. so before i upgrade, should i just remove the repository entry.. or remove the repo entry *and* remove the packages (to make way for the gutsy versions)... OR doesn't it matter, since the package names are the same? | 06:52 |
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philip_ | anyone else having problems with the GIMP updates? | 06:53 |
excitatory | philip_: look at the first sentence of the topic | 06:53 |
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bazhang | hahaha | 06:53 |
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philip_ | excitatory, oh ahem err thanks :) | 06:53 |
camdenb | can anybody tell me how to check the topic in bitchx? | 06:53 |
Reaby | Dr_willis: Failed to mount '/dev/hda5': Operation not supported | 06:54 |
Reaby | Mount is denied because NTFS is marked to be in use. Choose one action: | 06:54 |
DanaG | That's lame: can't mount RW? Let's just mysteriously fail to mount at all. | 06:54 |
Reaby | and yet i have no icon at desktop | 06:54 |
DanaG | What about RO? | 06:54 |
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Froek | anyone know the best way to reinstall ATI drivers in gutsy? Or to get xorg.conf working properly? apparently i'm using the ATI driver but my gfx performance is horrible | 06:55 |
DanaG | It should fall back automatically, with a message. | 06:55 |
Froek | i tried using envy | 06:55 |
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jussi01 | !envy | Froek: | 06:55 |
ubotu | Froek:: envy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly! | 06:55 |
Reaby | DanaG: $LogFile indicates unclean shutdown (0, 0) | 06:55 |
Reaby | hmm | 06:56 |
=== Froek remembers seeing that | ||
=== Froek doh's | ||
Reaby | graaah. | 06:56 |
Reaby | something really messed up after last upgrade | 06:56 |
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camdenb | so my laptop's optical drive is defective, and the unit is out of warranty. in the past I've been successful in installing ubuntu from a hard drive partition using the alternate install disk. as I already have slackware installed I can specify boot information in my lilo.conf and boot from an arbitrary location. | 06:58 |
camdenb | but it seems like the 7.10 alternate install disk no longer supports a network install, which is what I need. | 06:58 |
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Reaby | ach. i think problem is that my windows crashed and after that i booted to linux, $logfile on ntfs volume tells that system crashed, so ntfs-3g doesn't touch to disk | 06:59 |
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Reaby | maybe i just boot back to windows and do clean reboot | 06:59 |
Reaby | brb --> | 06:59 |
camdenb | does anyone have any suggestions for installing Ubuntu 7.10 without a cd-rom? | 06:59 |
bazhang | camdenb: on another system, or from Linux? | 07:00 |
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Matir | camdenb, USB? netboot? | 07:00 |
camdenb | I have a functional slackware install, as well as a 1gb utility partition that can be destroyed | 07:01 |
camdenb | in the past I have simply extracted the alternate install iso to the util part and used grub or lilo to specify the kernel and initrd from the install disk | 07:01 |
camdenb | then proceeded with net install. the 7.10 disk does not seem to support net install, however | 07:02 |
rothchild | camdenb you could use the feisty net install and then upgrade? | 07:02 |
DanaG | WTF? I still can't browse samba as guest. | 07:02 |
Dr_willis | DanaG, ive had some issues with samba timing out instantly under gutsy sadly. :( | 07:03 |
Dr_willis | not sure what the deal is | 07:03 |
DanaG | Linux is server, XP is client. | 07:03 |
camdenb | hmm... that might work. I do like performing clean installs, have there been many problems with people upgrading? | 07:03 |
DanaG | Incorrect password or unknown username. | 07:03 |
DanaG | wtf> | 07:04 |
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bazhang | camdenb: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/2007/09/28/usb-ubuntu-710-gutsy-gibbon-install/ | 07:04 |
camdenb | bazhang: fascinating. this might be the ticket. | 07:04 |
camdenb | thank you. | 07:05 |
bazhang | camdenb: no problem! | 07:05 |
ReL1K | just installed xgl on my intel card, looks very beautiful | 07:05 |
ReL1K | compiz starts no problem now | 07:05 |
bazhang | yay! | 07:06 |
ReL1K | although my "extend" to other screen is now disabled. Hmmm... | 07:06 |
b0lle | i cant get my wifi card in my pcmcia slot to work (pccardctl works tho) but no wireless extensions avalible and no network controller found in 'lspci' | 07:06 |
camdenb | ls | 07:06 |
camdenb | srry, wrong region | 07:06 |
ReL1K | dual heads working as clone, can't extend atm | 07:07 |
AnRkey | hi everyone | 07:08 |
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bazhang | hi | 07:08 |
AnRkey | is gutsy supposed to work by now with a network install? | 07:08 |
bazhang | AnRkey: what's up? | 07:08 |
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AnRkey | at work | 07:08 |
AnRkey | :( | 07:08 |
AnRkey | working late for some presentation | 07:09 |
bazhang | boo! | 07:09 |
ReL1K | anyone using xgl with an intel card? | 07:09 |
AnRkey | yaha | 07:09 |
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AnRkey | :D | 07:09 |
bazhang | yes | 07:09 |
AnRkey | Reaby, I am | 07:09 |
ReL1K | have you gotten dual heads working in expand? | 07:09 |
camdenb | later folks! | 07:09 |
bazhang | later! | 07:09 |
ssb | hi! I've installed 7.10 beta and have a feeling that everything is much slower than it should, especially eog and ghoststcript. The question is: Are beta packages compiled with debugging or something else that makes them run slowly... or should I just get a better box ? | 07:09 |
bazhang | ReL1K: I only have the one. sigh. | 07:10 |
ReL1K | hehe | 07:10 |
ReL1K | i got it working with xrandr | 07:10 |
bazhang | cool! | 07:10 |
dmulligan | Hi. The LiveCDs crash on startup for me unless I select Graphics Safe Mode. Both Feisty and Edgy have done that as well. I think its my nvidia 7800GT card | 07:10 |
ReL1K | but installing xgl breaks xrandr | 07:10 |
blekos | hi, did anyone have problems with installing gimp | 07:10 |
blekos | ? | 07:10 |
ReL1K | and when using 2560 resolution on dual heads hoses compiz | 07:10 |
ReL1K | blekos read topic | 07:10 |
dmulligan | I have never installed ubuntu on this machine but now I would like to. | 07:10 |
blekos | hahaha | 07:11 |
blekos | sorryyyyyyyyyyyyy | 07:11 |
DanaG | How the heck do you make things guest-readable? | 07:11 |
DanaG | That's a major bug -- it doesn't work! | 07:11 |
ReL1K | fixed gimp by dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/gimp_2.4.0~rc3-1ubuntu5_i386.deb and apt-get -f install | 07:11 |
dmulligan | I am looking for help debugging the problem so that maybe the LiveCD can be fixed before release. | 07:11 |
bazhang | ReL1K: that should be the topic! | 07:11 |
bazhang | !nvidia | 07:12 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 07:12 |
dmulligan | I am not looking for help installing the nvidia driver. I am looking for help making the LiveCD boot | 07:12 |
dmulligan | In normal mode. | 07:12 |
ReL1K | and i would recommend not using binary drivers | 07:12 |
ReL1K | major security issues with them | 07:13 |
ReL1K | remote buffer overflows, full root compromise etc. | 07:13 |
DanaG | Oh, I finally got it. | 07:13 |
DanaG | Security=share | 07:13 |
DanaG | That's odd: Samsung ML-1210 on host shows up as HP Laserjet 4550 or something on guest. | 07:15 |
dmulligan | Am I in the wrong place for my questions/problem? Is there a better channel? | 07:16 |
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bazhang | Anyone having problems with javascript enabled and Wordpress autosave? | 07:18 |
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dmulligan | Was it something I said? | 07:20 |
kRush | hey, I have some trouble booting in textmode at higher resolutions (vga=791,794,795 tested). I get no monitor output until gdm starts and when shutting down the screen is horribly distorted. anyone else seeing this, known bug? | 07:21 |
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ReL1K | anyone got dual head working on intel gm965 + compiz? | 07:24 |
ReL1K | in xgl | 07:24 |
Reaby | DanaG, Dr_willis: yep, problem was with fstab and windows has to be rebooted "clearly" not from crash or volumes doesn't mount. | 07:24 |
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DanaG | I still think it should mount RO, and give a message. | 07:26 |
DanaG | Not mounting at all is just impolite behavior. | 07:26 |
Reaby | true | 07:27 |
Reaby | or it could give more informative error message | 07:27 |
pl0pix | -t | 07:28 |
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ReL1K | fuck xrandr doesn't support xgl :P | 07:28 |
savvas | mind ur language | 07:28 |
musikgoat | nice gimp is broken... should i just wait for a fix or fix it manually? | 07:28 |
erichj | xrandr is a dirty word now? | 07:28 |
savvas | the reason they don't ban people from these channels is that they at least have the common sense to either behave or censor themselves | 07:29 |
bazhang | musikgoat: fixed gimp by dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/gimp_2.4.0~rc3-1ubuntu5_i386.deb and apt-get -f install | 07:29 |
ReL1K | its IRC dude | 07:29 |
musikgoat | thanks bazhang | 07:29 |
ReL1K | hate to tell you | 07:29 |
savvas | !language | ReL1K | 07:29 |
ubotu | ReL1K: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 07:29 |
ReL1K | swearing...gasp...and ... other things might happen here | 07:30 |
savvas | it's ubuntu, ReL1K, hate to tell you :) | 07:30 |
Pici | !coc | ReL1K | 07:30 |
ubotu | ReL1K: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ | 07:30 |
ReL1K | are you 13? | 07:30 |
savvas | maybe | 07:30 |
savvas | how would you know? | 07:30 |
bazhang | musikgoat: no problem, thank ReL1K | 07:30 |
Pici | !guidelines | ReL1K | 07:30 |
ubotu | ReL1K: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 07:30 |
Pici | ReL1K: Please read those linsk ReL1K. | 07:30 |
ReL1K | ill just stop talking in here, didn't realize it was a family friendly IRC chat room here | 07:31 |
stdin | all *buntu* rooms are | 07:31 |
bazhang | yup | 07:31 |
erichj | ReL1K, i called someone a tart once and all heck broke loose. | 07:31 |
bazhang | well maybe except offtopic hehe | 07:31 |
erichj | that was a fun day | 07:31 |
savvas | lol, sorry for ranting man, but there are children < 13 that join these channels, you can't go spread english words of.. love :p | 07:32 |
ReL1K | not a big deal, forget its like that and spit it off without thinking | 07:32 |
savvas | try irssi and trigger.pl ;) | 07:33 |
ReL1K | np, ill refrain | 07:33 |
erichj | something is up with my ipod today. when i hit back to start a song over, the counter resets, but not the song | 07:35 |
mluser-work | Anyone else having problems with gimp gimp-python and gimp-print packages on upgrade? | 07:36 |
musikgoat | erichj: have you tried resettign it? | 07:36 |
erichj | musikgoat, twice | 07:36 |
musikgoat | mluser-work: yes | 07:36 |
musikgoat | mluser-work: (12:29:12 PM) bazhang: musikgoat: fixed gimp by dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/gimp_2.4.0~rc3-1ubuntu5_i386.deb and apt-get -f install | 07:37 |
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mluser-work | musikgoat: yikes, perhaps I'll wait a while before forcing that | 07:37 |
musikgoat | ok | 07:37 |
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musikgoat | where is the dir of c header files that match my running kernel? | 07:40 |
erichj | suse 10.3 GM looks pretty slick | 07:42 |
musikgoat | ok, so is it just me, or is /usr/src/linux/ supposed to be symlinked to the latest kernel headers? | 07:42 |
Reaby | yep, as i know | 07:42 |
musikgoat | how do i fix a bad symlink, delete and recreate? | 07:43 |
Reaby | ye | 07:44 |
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bazhang | anyone having trouble with javascript and autosave feature in wordpress? | 07:44 |
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Reaby | bazhang: try /join #wordpress | 07:45 |
bazhang | Reaby: thanks! | 07:45 |
musikgoat | Reaby: question, i have linux-headers-2.6.22-12 and linux-headers-2.6.22-12-generic, any idea how to know which to link to? | 07:46 |
Reaby | link full source | 07:46 |
Reaby | nope | 07:47 |
Reaby | fast check on my own directory --> link headers | 07:47 |
musikgoat | which headers? | 07:47 |
Reaby | uname -r | 07:47 |
Reaby | running kernel | 07:47 |
musikgoat | kk, i'll go by that | 07:48 |
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ReL1K | woo just released 12.5 megs in updates :P | 07:55 |
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ReL1K | ok nautilis is broke now | 07:59 |
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ReL1K | in apt | 07:59 |
ReL1K | urr dpkg | 07:59 |
ReL1K | erm still gimp, nevermind | 07:59 |
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ReL1K | libgimp2.0 | 08:00 |
tanajir | Hello, I just burned a copy of Ubuntu 7.10 Beta and Im checking it now.... I have an HP Pavilion with Nvidia GeForce Go 7400, is it easy to install its driver? or i might have some problems? | 08:00 |
TheRepacker | the only probs I've had have been the nvidia kind | 08:00 |
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tanajir | TheRepacker: exactly, thats what i am afraid of | 08:00 |
stefgl | !info nvidia-glx-new gutsy | 08:01 |
TheRepacker | make sure you don't install the 100.14.19 driver | 08:01 |
ubotu | nvidia-glx-new: NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org 'new' driver. In component restricted, is optional. Version 100.14.19+ (gutsy), package size 4896 kB, installed size 14848 kB | 08:01 |
savvas | are the eagle-usb drivers/modules added by default in gutsy? | 08:01 |
stefgl | tanajir: nvidia-glx-new should support that, so restricted manager is your friend | 08:01 |
TheRepacker | if you can install the 14.09 driver tou'll have no probs | 08:01 |
tanajir | alright sir | 08:02 |
TheRepacker | nvidia has said on thier support forum that there is a regressive bug in 14.11 and 14.19 | 08:02 |
tanajir | okay i found it in the restriced manager, but it is not enabled... so i just enable it and everything will work on smoothly? | 08:03 |
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stefgl | tanajir: after reboot | 08:03 |
TheRepacker | cause lock ups with multi-core cpus and series 7 cards | 08:03 |
tanajir | okay thanks stefgl | 08:03 |
tanajir | I have a new question and I need your help guys | 08:03 |
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bazhang | tanajir: what is it? | 08:04 |
tanajir | on my old laptop, I have both Win XP and Ubuntu 7.04 installed. I want to remove Ubuntu and keep XP for my brother.... how can I do that without removing XP from the PC (without formatting). thank you | 08:04 |
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TheRepacker | tanajir, do you have a multi-core cpu? | 08:05 |
bazhang | remove ubuntu? heavens no! | 08:05 |
tanajir | TheRepacker: on the laptop im using right now yes | 08:05 |
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tanajir | bazhang: my brother doesn't know how to use it :) | 08:05 |
stefgl | tanajir: Why are trying to do such bad things to your brother? be nice, and leave the ubuntu on the box :-) | 08:06 |
bazhang | tanajir: I was just joshing... | 08:06 |
bazhang | hahaha | 08:06 |
tanajir | stefgl: :P | 08:06 |
n4nobit | anyone here get 7.10 running on a compaq presario? | 08:06 |
bazhang | yes. | 08:06 |
=== Froek [n=mark@S01060001023c40c6.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
bazhang | which model? | 08:06 |
TheRepacker | then don't use glx-new, it will load 14.18 that has the freeze/lockup bug, I'm using 9643 nvidia-glx no probs | 08:06 |
tanajir | so any idea on how to remove ubuntu 7.04? and the boot thing so that it changes back to MS XP? | 08:07 |
n4nobit | I was having a helluva time getting it going last night -- fails right after gnome starts up | 08:07 |
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Instabin|Work | Im using the nvidia-glx-new with no probs. on a dual-core with a geforce 6800gt | 08:07 |
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stefgl | TheRepacker: you're sure that these funny *-go cards are supported by the 96* series driver ? | 08:08 |
arnath | where can i alter settings for compiz fusion? | 08:08 |
TheRepacker | the prob is with multi-core and 7 series, nvidia knows about it check out the nvidia suppoort forum | 08:08 |
Instabin|Work | tanajir: use a dos boot disk and type fdisk /mbr | 08:08 |
bazhang | arnath: compizconfig settings manager | 08:09 |
arnath | which is located where? | 08:09 |
tanajir | Instabin|Work: thank you | 08:09 |
bazhang | you need to install it. | 08:09 |
arnath | o | 08:09 |
arnath | is there any chance of messing up the installation by doing it? ;) | 08:10 |
=== Crozar [n=abdulla@dxb-as58844.alshamil.net.ae] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Crozar | guys networking doesnt seem to work it says The folder content could not be displayed " Sorry, couldn't display all the contents of "Windows Network: user-xwtoonn1m0". " | 08:10 |
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arnath | (i've been having massive trouble with my screens so far, so don't wanna mess up wot i have now) | 08:10 |
TheRepacker | 96**, no prob, after you load the glx-new you wont be able to get the glx back because of the mods to the kernel, I've just gone through 3 days of hell trying to restore just the driver, ended up with complete re-install | 08:11 |
bazhang | n4nobit: you still here? | 08:11 |
tanajir | nvidia drivers are the worst thing in Linux.. :( | 08:12 |
arnath | hmm, i've got an external usb drive mounted and im sharing it through samba, now if i try to run something from the usb drive from a windows computer, it goes really slow | 08:12 |
arnath | any reason for this? | 08:12 |
TheRepacker | try ati, you'll get back to lovin nvidia | 08:13 |
stefgl | tanajir: wait until you meet the current ATi-Drivers... hehe | 08:13 |
Crozar | when i host shared folders through ubuntu no body can access them it asks for user name and password by SMB whats that? i never said to the computer to make it secure and where is the security settings in Ubuntu 7.10? | 08:13 |
tanajir | stefgl: TheRepacker: lol | 08:13 |
Crozar | TheRepacker: i got ATI :( | 08:13 |
Crozar | TheRepacker: its X1600 256mb | 08:13 |
arnath | Crozar: you gotta add the user name to samba | 08:13 |
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Crozar | arnath: how is thaT? | 08:14 |
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Crozar | arnath: we're is samba settings | 08:14 |
bazhang | n4nobit: are you using it as a liveCd, or installed? | 08:14 |
arnath | sudo smbpasswd -L -a your_username | 08:14 |
arnath | that in commandline | 08:14 |
stefgl | !opera | 08:14 |
ubotu | opera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser. Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser | 08:14 |
arnath | it will prompt for a password | 08:14 |
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arnath | enter the same one you use for the linux account | 08:14 |
n4nobit | bazhang: install | 08:14 |
Crozar | arnath: :(* why command line i thought 7.10 had a deal that it be eye candy for the users | 08:14 |
arnath | possibly :D | 08:14 |
arnath | there might be a way to do it from gui, but i never tried | 08:15 |
arnath | i like commandline :| | 08:15 |
bazhang | n4nobit: have to chat here--I get a 505 error in pm; | 08:15 |
Crozar | arnath: ok tell this sudo smbpasswd -L -a Crozar means what? | 08:15 |
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tux_fl | gutsy dhcp assigsn 192.168..when my router is giving out 10.11.... | 08:15 |
arnath | it adds the user to the samba file | 08:15 |
Crozar | arnath: it means when i go to my brothers computer its windows and i log in to ubuntu what should i type in user name and password | 08:15 |
TheRepacker | in the M$ world I loved ATI, would never use nvidia then I got this M2NVP-VM board with built in 6150, added a 7300 card now have 3 screens running, just like the starship Enterprise | 08:15 |
tanajir | can I have both windows Vista and Ubuntu 7.10 but with the Windows boot list? | 08:15 |
arnath | hmm well, i tend to use the same usernames/passwords across my systems :p | 08:16 |
n4nobit | bazhang: ok, that's weird I'm registered with the nickserv | 08:16 |
Crozar | i dont understand | 08:16 |
bazhang | n4nobit: how to do that? | 08:16 |
stefgl | oh great... firefox has still some issues in gutsy.... | 08:16 |
stefgl | !opera | 08:16 |
ubotu | opera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser. Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser | 08:16 |
Crozar | arnath: :( i just want to put a user name and password like forexample crozar 123 so then anybody want to access file to type that or how to actually disable this securiyt | 08:16 |
arnath | stefgl: what issues? | 08:16 |
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arnath | crozar: you can disable it i believe by adding "guest = yes" or something in the smb.conf file :p | 08:17 |
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arnath | but again, i do not know how to do it from gui | 08:17 |
n4nobit | bazhang: it's a very strange boot up error I've used the tribe5 version before on a 10 year old scsi machine and there were no problems. Incidentally mandriva 2008 works fine on the presario. | 08:17 |
ubotu | Mandriva bug 2008 in Core Packages "reloading the user config or system menu closes the menudrake window" [Normal,Resolved: duplicate] http://qa.mandriva.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2008 | 08:17 |
Crozar | :( | 08:17 |
musikgoat | Crozar: there is a gui conf editor | 08:17 |
Crozar | arnath: no settings in ubuntu 7.10 to do this | 08:18 |
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bazhang | n4nobit: so this is IDE, then? | 08:18 |
arnath | Crozar: i simply don't know, i use commandline for it | 08:18 |
n4nobit | bazhang: I get an error about the reset switch being disabled and something else I don't recall. nothing else out of the ordinary. Yea, IDE. | 08:18 |
happytiger | my friend has a laptop (hp pavillion) which need kernel params "noapic" and "nolapic" set at boot in order to work. But when I add the param to /boot/grub/menu.lst they disappear/gets overwritten everytime there is a new kernel update (which happens frequently since its gutsy on there...). How do I add these to lines so they wont get blown on upgrades??? | 08:18 |
Crozar | whats the file location this beagle doesnt show exact locations of file and also deskbar , damn i wish i can tell them the missing most important parts of this things | 08:18 |
stefgl | firefox keeps crashing with my profile... i click a link in chatzilla .... bang! | 08:18 |
arnath | . /etc/samba/smb.conf i believe | 08:19 |
Crozar | arnath: it says sudo smbpasswd -L -a your_username | 08:19 |
n4nobit | bazhang: I could scope out the dmesg and /var/log/messages the next time I try a boot. Why don't I do that and if I get the same error I'll come back? | 08:19 |
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tanajir | stefgl: can i have both MS windows and Ubuntu but with the MS boot list? | 08:19 |
bazhang | n4nobit: not sure how to help, it worked fine (though slow) on my old laptop--I'm guessing the 5000 is the newest one with the altec-lansing speakers in front? | 08:19 |
Crozar | it means it says failed to modify password entery for user crozar arnath | 08:19 |
puma | /var/cache/apt/archives/gimp_2.4.0~rc3-1ubuntu5_amd64.deb | 08:20 |
puma | E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) | 08:20 |
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Crozar | arnath: thanks for the locations | 08:20 |
n4nobit | bazhang: this is a desktop sys with the pop out CD case/holder in front | 08:20 |
bazhang | n4nobit: you sound like you have this under control--just needs a bit of tweaking. Cheers! | 08:20 |
puma | what's wrong with gimp2.0? | 08:21 |
arnath | anyone know why my usb drive is incredibly slow? :| | 08:21 |
bazhang | puma: topic | 08:21 |
arnath | any known issues? | 08:21 |
puma | /var/cache/apt/archives/gimp_2.4.0~rc3-1ubuntu5_amd64.deb | 08:21 |
puma | E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) | 08:21 |
n4nobit | ok, back to it... | 08:22 |
musikgoat | puma gimp is broken | 08:22 |
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puma | RC2->RC3? | 08:23 |
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musikgoat | puma: fixed gimp by dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/gimp_2.4.0~rc3-1ubuntu5_i386.deb and apt-get -f install | 08:24 |
puma | seems in gimps package conflicts each other | 08:24 |
puma | try it | 08:24 |
puma | can not over write /usr/share/doc/libgimp2.0/README | 08:26 |
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musikgoat | sudo | 08:26 |
puma | surely sudone it. | 08:27 |
musikgoat | suprising. i had no problems. i did the dpkg command first | 08:27 |
musikgoat | then after that completed, ran the -f install | 08:27 |
happytiger | My gimp aint broken ... just did a dist-upgrade and then started gimp .. No problemos | 08:28 |
puma | my .deb is amd64 | 08:28 |
happytiger | GIMP 2.4.0-rc3 runs fine | 08:28 |
mase | whats the compiz shortcut to rotate cube? | 08:29 |
puma | first apt-get install, comes with 2 README | 08:29 |
happytiger | Alt+left and right arrow | 08:30 |
puma | one README can not be overwrite | 08:30 |
mase | happytiger, doesnt work | 08:30 |
musikgoat | ctrl+alt+ left and right | 08:30 |
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mase | doesnt work either | 08:30 |
happytiger | Yeah Ctrl+Alt true :-) | 08:30 |
puma | why one README can not be overwritten? | 08:30 |
bazhang | ctrl alt down | 08:30 |
happytiger | hold down Ctrl+Alt and then mouse then? | 08:30 |
mase | that used to work on beryl | 08:31 |
musikgoat | yes, as well | 08:31 |
mase | but not on compiz | 08:31 |
happytiger | Works fine here | 08:31 |
musikgoat | me too | 08:31 |
mase | ctrl+alt left and right works | 08:31 |
mase | but i want the cube | 08:31 |
happytiger | Did you enable the rote cbe pulgin in ccms ? | 08:31 |
=== Nicke [n=niclasa@ua-83-227-140-135.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
amx109 | i apt-get upgrade/dis-upgraded to gutsy from feisty - i cant get to gnome. apt wont finish the upgrade cos guidance-backend returns an error. is there a fix for this? a suggestion for a work around? | 08:31 |
mase | i checked it on desktop effects | 08:32 |
happytiger | Hmm lemme I just did it twice | 08:32 |
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happytiger | Ctrl-Alt + left or right arrow | 08:32 |
Crozar | arnath: !!!! i did what you said now it says in windows you are not authorised to login | 08:32 |
osmosis | will I be able to upgrade to gutsy final easily when it comes out, from gutsy beta ? | 08:33 |
happytiger | Works fine just as in good old beryl | 08:33 |
mase | how do i get to ccms? | 08:33 |
musikgoat | osmosis: yes | 08:33 |
happytiger | osmosis: ... Sure | 08:33 |
Crozar | i even cant see a log in network authoritincation before saying that eror lo | 08:33 |
osmosis | musikgoat: happytiger: just apt-get update / upgrade ? | 08:33 |
puma | thks to musikgoat $... | 08:33 |
musikgoat | exactly | 08:33 |
happytiger | dist-upgrade | 08:33 |
musikgoat | puma: yw | 08:33 |
amx109 | apt wont finish the install for guidance-backend - is there a workaround? | 08:34 |
osmosis | happytiger: since im already on gutsy, why would I do a dist-upgrade ? | 08:34 |
puma | one more, why SCIM disappeared? | 08:35 |
musikgoat | osmosis: you will get update popups, and it will recommend dist-upgrades | 08:35 |
happytiger | Sorry me be sleppy | 08:35 |
happytiger | :-) | 08:35 |
musikgoat | when the next major update comes along | 08:35 |
happytiger | time to reboot | 08:36 |
puma | hello, each time boot I need alt+f2 SCIM -d? | 08:37 |
puma | why? | 08:37 |
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Crozar | guys please somebody tell me how to remove Authentication for my Samba Network because my brother is trying to enter my shared folder that i made. | 08:39 |
puma | when SCIM reappears, the net-manager icon hidden away | 08:39 |
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siriusnova | o my | 08:39 |
musikgoat | Crozar: find in /etc/samba/smb.conf guest and set it to YES | 08:40 |
Crozar | it says guest = nobody | 08:40 |
rulus | Hi, can anyone tell me what's the difference between in effect between System > Preference > Screen resolution and System > Administration > Screens & Graphics, and why we still need the first one? Setting up your screen resolution in two places seems very confusing to me.. | 08:40 |
blekos | has anybody managed to use mic with kopete? | 08:41 |
Crozar | musikgoat: it says ; guest = nobody so now it will be guest = yes ? and i must remove this right ; | 08:41 |
musikgoat | let me check my config | 08:41 |
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Crozar | blekos: the cam doesnt work with kopete i think its a strange bug which gives no screen , but my cam works on Camorama | 08:41 |
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blekos | not cam, mic (microphone) | 08:42 |
jMerliNz | HALP ME! | 08:42 |
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Crozar | blekos: no but is theyr an option? | 08:42 |
blekos | dont know | 08:42 |
Crozar | jMerliNz: what sort of help you want? | 08:42 |
jMerliNz | lol well 7.10 is completely screwed up on my system | 08:43 |
jMerliNz | too buggy, nothing is working right | 08:43 |
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jMerliNz | so i'm trying to burn 7.04 to a CD so i can install it | 08:43 |
tretle | is the places menu still broken in ubuntu64bit or is it just me? | 08:43 |
jMerliNz | and well.. | 08:43 |
jMerliNz | gutsy isn't playing nice with my dvd/cd-rw | 08:43 |
Crozar | jMerliNz: have you updated everything? are you ne wto ubuntu? and what was the situation ? a full fresh install or was it an update from 7.04 to 7.10? | 08:43 |
jMerliNz | won't show that it can write/burn | 08:43 |
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jMerliNz | Crozar: all is updated, i'm not new to ubuntu, it was a fresh OEM install because the normal install gave me an error when trying to start the OS | 08:44 |
Crozar | fresh 7.10 install? | 08:44 |
jMerliNz | yes. | 08:44 |
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musikgoat | Crozar: in my smb.conf under the [share folder] I have a line: guest ok = Yes | 08:45 |
Crozar | jMerliNz: my knowledge is poor with linux i can say its Hardware problem lo | 08:45 |
jMerliNz | that's why it is less than 6 months old and has been used just recently to burn several gigabytes of data onto dvds? | 08:45 |
jMerliNz | the windows i uninstalled to install 7.10 had it running perfectly | 08:46 |
jMerliNz | how do you think i burned the CD? :) | 08:46 |
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Crozar | musikgoat: theyr is no share folder where guest is | 08:49 |
musikgoat | add that to whatever share folder you want to have public access to | 08:49 |
Crozar | musikgoat: i see it :))) its way down | 08:49 |
Crozar | musikgoat: now by just making that yes means??? no more authentications? | 08:50 |
musikgoat | for that particular folder, yes | 08:50 |
Crozar | browseable it says under guest ok | 08:50 |
Crozar | musikgoat: must i make broswable yes? | 08:51 |
musikgoat | yes | 08:51 |
Crozar | browseable | 08:51 |
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gnomefreak | rulus: the system>admin>screens and grphics is more to set up video card dual screens ect... screen res is only that you screen res | 08:52 |
jMerliNz | it's a k3b problem | 08:52 |
jMerliNz | kinfo shows that it can burn cd and dvd | 08:52 |
jMerliNz | but k3b doesn't recognize that | 08:52 |
jMerliNz | and k3b doesn't recognize the blank media | 08:53 |
musikgoat | Crozar: don't forget to restart samba afterwards | 08:53 |
Crozar | how? | 08:53 |
Crozar | musikgoat: control alt backspace? | 08:53 |
musikgoat | no | 08:53 |
jMerliNz | that's X | 08:53 |
Crozar | musikgoat: now iwth guest = yes what will windows tell me when i try login in to ubuntu ? a user name and password wat must i type in? | 08:53 |
musikgoat | /etc/init.d/samba restart | 08:54 |
musikgoat | if windows is setup properly, it should try to connect with guest anyways | 08:54 |
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musikgoat | guest doesn't have any creds afaik | 08:54 |
chrisbudden14 | is anyone have a problem with the Expo plugin in gutsy, by way of it not working ? | 08:55 |
winbond | i need a utility which can show cd/dvd info ....aka manufacturer etc | 08:55 |
jussi01 | Hmmm, anyone seen these errors before ? is it serious? | 08:55 |
jussi01 | Error: "/var/tmp/kdecache-jussi" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0. | 08:55 |
jussi01 | Error: "/tmp/kde-jussi" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0. | 08:55 |
jussi01 | Error: "/tmp/ksocket-jussi" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0. | 08:55 |
Crozar | thanks il try now | 08:55 |
Crozar | thanks for helping musikgoat | 08:55 |
musikgoat | k, gl, i'm out | 08:55 |
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winbond | is there a utility like that? | 08:55 |
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Pusur | If I install every update, then I will have a complete Gutsy system at the 18., right? | 08:56 |
jMerliNz | now seriously, i need to burn this CD asap | 08:57 |
rulus | Pusur: right | 08:57 |
bazhang | this is so exciting | 08:57 |
Pusur | Thanks, rulus | 08:57 |
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Dunas | Does anyone know if 7.10's current beta plays better with RTL8185 chipsets? Every other distro- including previous Ubuntu distros- seems to hate that chipset. | 08:59 |
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bazhang | Dunas: I believe that's an issue with the kernel, and not specifically Ubuntu; | 09:00 |
Dunas | It seemed to be, although Ubuntu specifically gave me a harder time than MEPIS or PCLOS when trying to fix it. | 09:01 |
winbond | Dunas, why dont u try pclinuxos | 09:01 |
winbond | Dunas, i guess you tried it already | 09:02 |
Dunas | I have PClinuxOS running right now, but to be honest I preferred Ubuntu's setup. And sadly, PCLOS doesn't seem to hold onto the wireless settings when I reboot. | 09:02 |
winbond | Dunas, maybe try the new MS-Suse?? | 09:02 |
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bazhang | winbond: hahaha MS-Suse. Good one. | 09:05 |
Dunas | Uh... o-o | 09:06 |
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Dunas | Well, I'm still a relative newbie to Linux, so I'd rather stick to Ubuntu right now, as I'm most familiar with it. | 09:06 |
mase | why the hell does 7.10 still use an old kernel? | 09:07 |
winbond | old? | 09:07 |
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winbond | 2.6.22-12 is old? | 09:08 |
CarlFK | where is the supported sound hardware list? I have this on the MB: Intel Corporation 82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) AC'97 Audio Controller | 09:08 |
CarlFK | I haven't tried it yet. but the box is open and I'll be installing gutsy when it is released | 09:09 |
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=== Froek [n=mark@S01060001023c40c6.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
MetaMorfoziS | hi all, is there anybody who has synaptics touchpad? | 09:10 |
MetaMorfoziS | It has a bug in gutsy. | 09:11 |
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MetaMorfoziS | where can i report bugs? | 09:11 |
MetaMorfoziS | !bugs | 09:11 |
ubotu | If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/ - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots | 09:11 |
MetaMorfoziS | ah | 09:11 |
osmosis | where can I download gutsy beta server amd64 | 09:14 |
bazhang | osmosis: dvd or cd? | 09:15 |
osmosis | bazhang: cd | 09:16 |
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bazhang | osmosis: http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.10/ubuntu-7.10-beta-desktop-amd64.iso | 09:18 |
osmosis | bazhang: thanks...didnt see it in the gutsy dir. | 09:18 |
winbond | bazhang, i think im gonna change my nick to MS-Suse , it just sounds so good | 09:19 |
bazhang | osmosis: no problem... | 09:19 |
bazhang | winbond: hahahaha | 09:19 |
rulus | the link is to the desktop cd, you need the server | 09:19 |
rulus | osmosis: ^ | 09:19 |
Froek | can anyone tell me why i'd get my main screen working but the second screen showing just the standard X? | 09:19 |
Froek | single vs dual head for xorg.. | 09:19 |
Froek | i can't drag windows over there | 09:20 |
Froek | just the mouse | 09:20 |
Froek | and my screen resolution only shows 1680x1050 | 09:20 |
=== Froek is using ATI drivers | ||
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wladston | guys, I've installed gusty, and then after trying to enable a second monitor, the system doesn't start anymore | 09:22 |
Froek | wladston, i'm having a similar issue | 09:22 |
Froek | what chipset you have | 09:22 |
wladston | intel 945gm | 09:22 |
Froek | hmm | 09:23 |
wladston | you ? | 09:23 |
Froek | ati m300 | 09:23 |
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Froek | i can get second monitor showing up on login | 09:23 |
Froek | but it wont login | 09:23 |
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Froek | but then i screw with xorg.conf, and i can login, but the right monitor only shows an X | 09:23 |
wladston | look a detailed description of my case here : https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/149030 | 09:23 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 149030 in ubuntu "System Broke after trying dual monitors on intel card" [Undecided,New] | 09:23 |
decay | how can i add a directory that contains spaces to $PATH? | 09:23 |
Froek | wladston, that screen selection is the "Screens and Graphics" app right/ | 09:24 |
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wladston | yeah | 09:24 |
Froek | yeah, i had that exact problem | 09:24 |
wladston | a little bit different | 09:24 |
wladston | but almost the same thing | 09:24 |
Froek | yeah, i think it's the same thing I saw | 09:24 |
wladston | I tried almost all the possible combinations | 09:25 |
wladston | it will never get out of that screen | 09:25 |
Froek | basically I started messing around with xorg.conf directly. that app didnt do a thing for me | 09:25 |
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Froek | i dont have dual head, but at least i can login now | 09:25 |
wladston | I think this is a critical one ... lots of lappies got intel based cards ... it has to be fixed before it's out ... imagine ... after trying to setup a second monitor, the system won't turn on anymore ... | 09:26 |
Froek | wladston, oh yeah.. i'm considering overwriting gutsy and going back to feisty | 09:27 |
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wladston | Froek: you upgraded on your "production" machine ? | 09:27 |
Froek | :) | 09:27 |
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Froek | yes | 09:27 |
wladston | :) I almost did that too :) | 09:28 |
Froek | i'm starting to regret it! | 09:28 |
Froek | i just want my freeking dual head, i dont care about the GL effects | 09:28 |
wladston | but since I'm not using the lappie actively ... It's not quite the "production" machine, I can mess arround with it | 09:28 |
wladston | :) | 09:28 |
Froek | yeah, i use it for work | 09:28 |
wladston | yeah, dual+linux is a dream | 09:28 |
wladston | I'm so exided about getting it!! | 09:29 |
Froek | i used to have it in feisty :s | 09:29 |
wladston | I have to boot to windows when I want to use the other screen | 09:29 |
wladston | well, there is no easy to use tool to get it done on feisty :) | 09:29 |
Matir | xrandr :) | 09:29 |
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mluser | It appears that in addition to the gimp packages earlier, I'm now having problems with the cups upgrades.. anyon else? | 09:29 |
TheRepacker | I have 3 screens running on 2 video card | 09:31 |
wladston | TheRepacker: wow!! | 09:31 |
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TheRepacker | My computer space looks like the bridge of the Starship Enterprise | 09:31 |
wladston | TheRepacker: and I only wanted two!! | 09:31 |
wladston | :D | 09:32 |
TheRepacker | I had to do a lot of editing to xorg | 09:32 |
wladston | maybe once that USB monitors come out, I'll have 3 screens :) | 09:32 |
frostburn | is there a bug where one logs out of a session then not be able to log back in (even with default settings) until a reboot? | 09:33 |
pwuertz | hi, could someone please have a look at this bug please? | 09:34 |
pwuertz | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bonobo-activation/+bug/49594 | 09:34 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 49594 in gnome-session "Bonobo-activation-server sometimes is not killed after session restart, leading to many unexpected problems" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 09:34 |
pwuertz | nobody seems to care about that | 09:35 |
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Crozar | ok this made me :@ | 09:38 |
bazhang | what? | 09:38 |
wladston | what ? | 09:38 |
Crozar | i went through my samba folder smb.conf | 09:38 |
Crozar | i want to make my network shared files to be viewed by anybody | 09:39 |
Crozar | it looks like i have dmged the settings from its default , and now when im on my brothers Windows computer and try to connect i get this Error sound BoiNG you dont have authentication | 09:40 |
wladston | Crozar: smb.conf file can be tricky to setup, even if you use te swat web tool | 09:40 |
wladston | I took ages to get my shares here working | 09:40 |
Crozar | wladston: i typed sudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf | 09:40 |
wladston | and they still don't work the way I want! | 09:41 |
Crozar | i just want to make the people in windows to take my files thats it | 09:41 |
Crozar | or i want to connect to them but i cant :( | 09:41 |
Crozar | wladston: help :( | 09:41 |
wladston | the lack of an easy tool to configure samba is frustrating .... | 09:42 |
wladston | Crozar: I won't be of too much help ... I got mine working by reading tons of guides on the internet and trying out | 09:42 |
Crozar | send me your smb.conf | 09:43 |
wladston | but since you want to make some simple stuff, I think it's pretty straightfoward .. have you searched the internet for a guide on how to configure the smb.conf ? | 09:43 |
Crozar | i thought UbuntU 7.10 will have a utility for these kind of conf commands so it makes the people who convert from other Operating Systems Happy N Comfort but not Stress and Hoplessness | 09:44 |
wladston | my smb.conf involves authentication - and it was written by swat - so it's not really friendly to read | 09:44 |
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wladston | Crozar: yeah, that's what they're trying to do | 09:44 |
wladston | I think they should have a tool to configure samba, too ... you could suggest that on launchpad, if it's not already suggested | 09:45 |
Crozar | wladston i want an option just to ENABLE share = stripped off share no password needed no authentications , and DISABLE BUTTON ( this port is closed i am STEALTH ) | 09:45 |
wladston | Crozar: please, also note that I'm a mere mortal just like you, I'm no wizard developer :) | 09:46 |
yaser | Hi, y Matlab installs correctly but when i try to start it up, it displays de splash screen and then crashes with this message: MATLAB: xcb_xlib.c:50: xcb_xlib_unlock: Assertion `c->xlib.lock' failed. | 09:46 |
yaser | Cancelado (core dumped) | 09:46 |
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yaser | what shoueld i do | 09:46 |
wladston | I'm here trying to get one of then pay attention to the bug I'm having | 09:46 |
Crozar | wladston: its ok =) i help others aswell sometimes | 09:47 |
wladston | :) | 09:47 |
Crozar | so ? you want to see my smb.conf file? | 09:47 |
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wladston | yeah, paste it somewhere (not here ;) | 09:48 |
yaser | any one has heard of something like this? | 09:48 |
wladston | yaser: nope :( | 09:48 |
wladston | never used matlab | 09:48 |
leh | hi | 09:48 |
wladston | I didn't know it was available on ubuntu :) | 09:49 |
bazhang | leh: hi | 09:49 |
bazhang | haha | 09:49 |
yaser | wladston, but xcb_xlib_unlock, i saw something similar with other programs but | 09:49 |
yaser | wladston, i couldnt find a work around | 09:49 |
leh | has anybody of you recently experience problems with ff on gutsy? i can't do "submits" anymore which is really strange :-) | 09:50 |
Crozar | wladston: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39575/report/ | 09:50 |
wladston | yaser: have you instaled Koctave ? | 09:50 |
leh | i'd love to report this bug, but can't login to launchpad *g* | 09:50 |
yaser | wladston, Octave yes, but it is very far from Matlab capabilities | 09:50 |
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wladston | Crozar: security = user | 09:52 |
yaser | how do i report this Gutsy bug?, i could run the program without problems in Festy | 09:53 |
wladston | change that line to security = share | 09:53 |
Crozar | wladston: which line | 09:53 |
wladston | and it should work | 09:53 |
=== termitor [n=proutag@sab57-2-82-236-243-8.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
termitor | hello, some splashy users here? | 09:53 |
wladston | yaser : where and how did you get matlab ? is there a deb package or something ? | 09:53 |
Crozar | ok | 09:53 |
Crozar | wladston: thats it? | 09:53 |
Crozar | wladston: no other things? | 09:53 |
wladston | I guess yes | 09:54 |
Crozar | and what about guest ? | 09:54 |
yaser | wladston, o got it by torrent, install is very straigttforward | 09:54 |
Crozar | ; guest account = nobody ??? | 09:54 |
Crozar | remove this ; | 09:54 |
Crozar | and change nobody to somebody or lol =p | 09:54 |
wladston | no, I think you can leave as is | 09:54 |
yaser | wladston, there is no deb but if you follow the instructions it is very easy | 09:54 |
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wladston | humm | 09:55 |
yaser | Crozar, did you try "smbpasswd -a username" ? | 09:55 |
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wladston | well, maybe you should ask help from the guy who packaged the torrent | 09:55 |
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yaser | Crozar, and leave the pass in blank | 09:55 |
yaser | Crozar, ??? | 09:55 |
Crozar | il try | 09:55 |
termitor | nobody use splashy ? :( | 09:56 |
=== vonHalenbach [n=vonHalen@dslb-084-058-108-053.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Crozar | doesnt work whats -a lo | 09:56 |
Crozar | yaser: ur just sayign this or what :P | 09:56 |
Crozar | maybe you meant smbpasswd -L -a | 09:56 |
yaser | Crozar, i think thats what you should do | 09:56 |
yaser | Crozar, i didnt use -L | 09:57 |
Crozar | i tried the L i get something smb_panic | 09:57 |
Crozar | here it is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39578/report/ | 09:58 |
termitor | try to use system-config-samba port of fedora | 09:59 |
Apex | Anyone know how to keep nvidia-settings from resetting upon returning from sleep and screensaver in Gutsy while using Compiz-Fusion? | 09:59 |
Crozar | i just want to enable file shareing | 09:59 |
yaser | Crozar, look what i did | 10:00 |
yaser | Crozar, 1-install Open-ssh server | 10:00 |
Crozar | whats that? | 10:00 |
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termitor | Crozar: use system-config-samba , share be folder (not users) | 10:00 |
yaser | Crozar, 2- smbpasswd -a username | 10:01 |
yaser | Crozar, sudo apt-get install openssh-server | 10:01 |
Crozar | thanks yaser | 10:02 |
=== Centaur5 [n=fishman@209-33-197-88.dsl.infowest.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
yaser | Crozar, when you finish steps 1 and 2, then you right click on the folder you want to share and thats all | 10:02 |
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Crozar | Jazak Allah khair | 10:03 |
=== Crozar gone s7oor | ||
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nekostar | E: /var/cache/apt/archives/cupsys_1.3.2-1ubuntu4_i386.deb: trying to overwrite `/usr/share/doc/libcupsys2/CREDITS.txt', which is also in package libcupsys2 | 10:09 |
nekostar | anyone else having that error? | 10:09 |
petej | Me | 10:10 |
onechard | yep | 10:10 |
nekostar | ok then its broke :> | 10:10 |
=== nekostar unclicks cupsys | ||
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nekostar | yeah the rest go no problem i see.. | 10:11 |
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nekostar | i gotta say tho | 10:13 |
nekostar | this beta for me has been ROCK solid | 10:13 |
bazhang | that's for sure. | 10:13 |
nekostar | 13:13:37 up 7 days, 9:30, 1 user, load average: 1.51, 0.89, 0.58 | 10:13 |
petej | No problems here | 10:13 |
nekostar | last reboot was kernel update | 10:13 |
bazhang | whoa... | 10:13 |
nekostar | shoot last couple even | 10:13 |
bazhang | ahahha | 10:13 |
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pwnguin | thats a hell of a load average | 10:14 |
cyclonut | thinking of doing the dist-upgrade today | 10:15 |
cyclonut | any serious flaws I should be aware of? | 10:15 |
bazhang | what video card? | 10:15 |
pwnguin | cupsys is broken | 10:15 |
cyclonut | i945gm | 10:15 |
pwnguin | thats a pretty serious barrier to upgrading | 10:15 |
nekostar | os[Linux 2.6.22-12-generic - Debian lenny/sid - Ubuntu DISTRIB_ID=Ubuntu ( http://www.ubuntu.com )] | up[7 days, 9 hours, 32 minutes] | cpu[Genuine Intel(R) CPU 2160 @ 1.80GHz SMP (2 processors), 1800.000 MHz (7196.1 bogomips)] | chipset[Intel Corporation 82946GZ/PL/GL Memory Controller Hub (rev 02)] | video[Intel Corporation 82946GZ/GL Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02) at 1600x1200 (32 bits)] | opengl[Mesa DRI Intel(R) 946GZ | 10:15 |
nekostar | 4.1.3002 x86/MMX/SSE2 powered by Tungsten Graphics, Inc with driver 1.4 Mesa 7.0.1] | xchat[Version: 2.8.4] | [sysinfo-dg 1.1-DocTrax_1.46] | 10:15 |
IdleOne | 16:15:45 up 8 days, 22:14, 2 users, load average: 1.10, 1.54, 1.63 | 10:15 |
bazhang | do it. | 10:15 |
nekostar | crap hardware | 10:15 |
bazhang | intel cards are the best bet | 10:15 |
cyclonut | cool | 10:16 |
nekostar | and that load is misleading as its downstepped to 1.2GHz | 10:16 |
cyclonut | I dont print, so I think I'll be okay w/out cupsys | 10:16 |
cyclonut | (if thats what I think it is) | 10:16 |
onechard | sudo dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/cupsys_1.3.2-1ubuntu4_i386.deb fixed the cups prob for me | 10:16 |
pwnguin | cyclonut: just be prepared to break things and fix them | 10:16 |
=== Pusur [n=henbru@127.84-48-172.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
nekostar | tho it seems taht Xorg has some major mem leaks.. | 10:16 |
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cyclonut | pwnguin: Aye, I started on feisty ~3 weeks before launch last time, so I figured Im about in line for this upgrde | 10:17 |
nekostar | onechard i'd rather wait till they change the credits | 10:17 |
cyclonut | aight, back in a bit | 10:17 |
onechard | that works too :-) | 10:17 |
Pusur | My friend just installed some new updates, and the x server just crashed completely. He gets "no screen found", and "screen found, but wrong configuration". What can he do to fix this? | 10:17 |
nekostar | Pusur start by going to vesa driver | 10:18 |
Pusur | mrbjoern: vesa driver? | 10:19 |
TheRepacker | oh! oh! 124 updates! | 10:20 |
bazhang | woot! | 10:21 |
petej | Any one here unfortunate enough to have a lexmark z600? | 10:22 |
Pusur | nekostar, he wonders what vesa driver si =P | 10:22 |
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bazhang | lexmark, ugh! | 10:22 |
petej | No luck with lexmark on gutsy :( | 10:23 |
=== nekostar sighs | ||
nekostar | Pusur | 10:23 |
nekostar | sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 10:23 |
Pusur | He says thanks =) | 10:24 |
nekostar | Pusur np | 10:25 |
=== MTecknology [n=MTecknol@host-82-211-220-24.midco.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
nekostar | thats just a first step Pusur from there you look at logs and see why it failed | 10:25 |
nekostar | but gets u in a comphy gui | 10:25 |
=== panosru [n=panosru@cust-242-135.on1.ontelecoms.gr] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
panosru | why amarok is sooooooooooooooo sloooooooow ??? | 10:26 |
panosru | (ubuntu 64bit gutsy) | 10:26 |
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ReL1K | the latest cupd package is broke | 10:30 |
yaser | why cant i run FIFA, where is the start menu | 10:30 |
ReL1K | in update | 10:30 |
ReL1K | gotta force install | 10:30 |
ReL1K | cups even | 10:31 |
ReL1K | dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken Pipe) | 10:31 |
ReL1K | Errors were encountered while processing: /var/cache/apt/archives/cupsys_1.3.2-1ubuntu4_i386.deb E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) | 10:31 |
ReL1K | same things basically happening: trying to overwrite `/usr/share/doc/libcupsys2/CREDITS.txt' | 10:32 |
petej | Several people have reported this | 10:32 |
ReL1K | they've reported gimp being broke | 10:32 |
panosru | no one knows anything about amarok i suppose right? | 10:32 |
petej | try udo dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/cupsys_1.3.2-1ubuntu4_i386.deb | 10:32 |
ReL1K | and reading scroll, didn't see onechard's | 10:32 |
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cyclonut | quick question before I go through w/ upgrade | 10:33 |
cyclonut | what is the command to dist-downgrade? | 10:33 |
panosru | cyclonut i thing you can not downgrade | 10:33 |
ReL1K | thanks petej | 10:33 |
panosru | think* | 10:33 |
=== jussi01 [n=jussi@dyn3-82-128-184-134.psoas.suomi.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
cyclonut | humm | 10:33 |
vonHalenbach | did the installation of gutsy beta asked you for a missing package "dictionaries-common" ? | 10:34 |
pwnguin | downgrading is not done in apt | 10:34 |
vonHalenbach | it seems to be missed on the cd. | 10:34 |
cyclonut | guess I'll have my install cd ready | 10:36 |
knix | You cannot downgrade. | 10:36 |
knix | It is unsupported | 10:37 |
knix | a huge pita, and probably won't work | 10:37 |
knix | reinstall or bust :P | 10:37 |
petej | just backup your home directory (including hidden), that way if you reinstall fiesty you can restore quickly | 10:37 |
nanonyme | cyclonut, why would you want to downgrade anyway? | 10:37 |
knix | Well, even then you may have configuration files in /home that don't work in previous versions | 10:37 |
cyclonut | nanonyme: was thinking emergency situation | 10:37 |
nanonyme | heh | 10:37 |
cyclonut | nanonyme: my computer is work-centric | 10:38 |
knix | cyclonut: You don't run gutsy on a critical system. | 10:38 |
nanonyme | ah | 10:38 |
cyclonut | which means I shouldnt be upgrading in the first place | 10:38 |
nanonyme | cyclonut, don't use beta then | 10:38 |
knix | yea. | 10:38 |
knix | Don't use gutsy. | 10:38 |
cyclonut | I feel like walking the line | 10:38 |
cyclonut | :-P | 10:38 |
petej | yes but if you backed up /home in fiesty then you should be able to use it to restore fiesty | 10:38 |
nanonyme | might wait for hardy if it's a critical system | 10:38 |
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Lilacor | my system is trying to install gimp... but I keep on getting this odd message ... gimp-python: Depends: gimp (= 2.4.0~rc3-1ubuntu5) but 2.4.0~rc3-1ubuntu4 is to be installed | 10:38 |
Lilacor | how do I resolve this conflict? | 10:39 |
cyclonut | I've got plenty of time to mull it over anyhow | 10:39 |
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cyclonut | download is going sloooow | 10:39 |
nanonyme | it is? :o | 10:39 |
petej | ive been getting excelent speed from gusty repos, thank you whoever is responsible! | 10:40 |
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cyclonut | downloading @ a measely 90kb.s | 10:42 |
ylle | for graphical editing with root privileges I write what? | 10:42 |
cyclonut | editing what? | 10:43 |
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gnomefreak | ylle: like editing files or what? | 10:43 |
ylle | fstab | 10:44 |
cyclonut | sudo nano | 10:44 |
gnomefreak | ylle: kdesu kate /etc/fstab | 10:44 |
BreezeWave | sudo gedit /etc/fstab | 10:44 |
cyclonut | or gksudo gedit /etc/fstab | 10:44 |
gnomefreak | cyclonut: you missed the graphical part | 10:44 |
ylle | gksudo was in feisty... | 10:44 |
gnomefreak | hes on kubuntu guys | 10:44 |
cyclonut | forgot that one, nano is an impulse ;) | 10:44 |
gnomefreak | ylle: use either | 10:44 |
gnomefreak | ylle: they are all the same | 10:45 |
ylle | isn't it gnomesudo now? | 10:45 |
gnomefreak | gksudo == gksu | 10:45 |
gnomefreak | those are gtk | 10:45 |
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gnomefreak | or qt it would be kdesu kate or kdesu kedit | 10:45 |
gnomefreak | or whatever editor you choose | 10:45 |
MTecknology | when I use Ctrl+Alt+Enter from within Gnome-RDP, it acts like it's going out of full screen, but it stays in my view so I can't work on anything else. If I don't have compiz enabled, it works like it's supposed to | 10:46 |
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gnomefreak | if nano vim emacs or such use sudo | 10:46 |
salty-horse | is it possible that my "preffered applications" setting of the terminal was lost on upgrade to gutsy? can anyone else confirm this? | 10:46 |
ylle | gnomefreak: in kde it is now kdesudo not kdesu | 10:47 |
gnomefreak | ylle: either | 10:47 |
ylle | so I was thinking if gnome also changed | 10:47 |
gnomefreak | ylle: they should be symlinked as always | 10:47 |
gnomefreak | ylle: kdesu works fine | 10:48 |
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ylle | I got this old hardrive written in fstab /media/hdb1 - it should use ntfs and I would like to recover my files from there, however /media/hdb1 is empty | 10:51 |
ylle | do I need to install something to get the ntfs partition visible? | 10:51 |
riotkittie | ylle: try sdb1 | 10:52 |
ylle | riotkittie: why? and how | 10:52 |
stefg | ylle: if you just want to read it should be visible. see 'sudo fdisk -l' to get your device names | 10:53 |
stefg | !uuid | ylle | 10:53 |
ubotu | ylle: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: sudo blkid (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID) | 10:53 |
ylle | stefg: no, installation created the entry in fstab for that old harddrive with ntfs partition - what I would like to know is if that's normal that despite fstab enty I can't see anything in /media/hdb1 | 10:54 |
riotkittie | ylle: i'm not positive on this, but something about libata[?] causing all drives to be seen as sata. but again, i am not positive | 10:54 |
riotkittie | and it could very well be the fumes from my canned air going to my head | 10:54 |
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ylle | sudo umount /media/hdb1/ gives: 'umount: /media/hdb1/: not mounted' | 10:55 |
ylle | is it ok if now edit the fstab according to wiki if mount says the thing isn't really mounted? | 10:55 |
ylle | *if I now | 10:55 |
stefg | ylle: you might need a 'sudo modprobe piix' to load the pata module, if the kernel decided that it won't use libata for that drive | 10:56 |
ylle | stefg: are you sure that libata has to be used for old 20GB IDE harddrive? | 10:57 |
stefg | ylle: that only depends on the controller, not on the drive. read the factoid | 10:57 |
ylle | sudo fdisk -l | 10:57 |
ylle | oops | 10:57 |
ylle | http://hashbin.com/10123.html | 10:57 |
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pwnguin | dear lord | 10:58 |
pwnguin | never again shall i report obvious bugs | 10:58 |
nosrednaekim | what? | 10:58 |
panosru | does anyone knows how to use widgets on ubuntu? | 10:58 |
nosrednaekim | widgets? | 10:58 |
panosru | yes | 10:58 |
pwnguin | 11 threads and 25 emails on a broken cupsys package | 10:59 |
panosru | or gadgets like Vista | 10:59 |
stefg | ylle: so the kernel sees that drive... so sudo mount /dev/hdb1 /mnt and look what's in /mnt then | 10:59 |
cyclonut | panosru: look for screenlets | 10:59 |
panosru | cyclonut, thanks will check it | 10:59 |
ylle | stefg: why do you think it didn't mount according to what is written in fstab '/media/hdb1/' | 10:59 |
nosrednaekim | panosru: in linux widget means a totally different thing ;) | 11:00 |
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panosru | nosrednaekim, oh ok i didn't knew it :D i just wan't these little visual apps on desktop :D whatever linux world call them :P | 11:00 |
riotkittie | desklets? | 11:01 |
stefg | ylle: i haven't seen your fstab, so i don't think anything, i just try to find out if there's anything on that drive | 11:01 |
riotkittie | there's adesklets and gdesklets | 11:01 |
ylle | stefg: http://hashbin.com/10124.html | 11:01 |
DigitalNinja | I just did an update on my gutsy box | 11:01 |
nosrednaekim | panosru: gadgets, screenlets, plasmoids, lol... its ok ;) | 11:01 |
DigitalNinja | something went wrong with gimp | 11:01 |
DigitalNinja | It won't install | 11:01 |
DigitalNinja | Now I'm stuck in this loop | 11:01 |
panosru | :P | 11:01 |
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DigitalNinja | I can't get rid of gimp because other packages need it or parts of it or something like that | 11:02 |
ylle | my fstab: http://hashbin.com/10125.html | 11:02 |
stefg | ylle: that drive needs an chkdsk from windows | 11:02 |
DigitalNinja | I was fine for weeks and now I run into a problem | 11:02 |
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DigitalNinja | I hope I don't have to reinstall | 11:03 |
ylle | stefg: this is an harddrive from very old pc, that broke then motherboard died | 11:03 |
stefg | ylle: or try a readonly mount: mount -t ntfs /dev/hdb1 /mnt | 11:03 |
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ylle | stefg: same error http://hashbin.com/10128.html | 11:04 |
ylle | stefg: I guess I have to boot into winxp then? (will it work inside the new pc?) | 11:05 |
ylle | stefg: I'm only interested in accessing my files (copying them over) | 11:05 |
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riotkittie | if its a functional install, you should have no issues. it might nag you to activate but other than that, you should be ok | 11:06 |
ylle | I guess it's worth trying | 11:06 |
stefg | ylle: the filesystem needs to be checked, thre is no tool for that in linux , because ntfs is proprietary. after you ran chkdsk in windos you can mount in linux | 11:06 |
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riotkittie | alternately, do you have an xp disc? try running chkdsk from that | 11:06 |
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riotkittie | i think its part of the recovery console | 11:06 |
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ylle | riotkittie: not at the moment | 11:07 |
riotkittie | doh. | 11:07 |
AboSamoor | i'm using gusty-beta i got this error message when i tried to launch services-admin "The configuration could not be loaded" + "You are not allowed to access the system configuration." | 11:07 |
ylle | riotkittie: but ubuntu install created boot option for winxp | 11:07 |
riotkittie | ylle: ok try booting into it and see how it goes | 11:08 |
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pwnguin | AboSamoor: bring a terminal and type in "groups" | 11:09 |
Almindor | hmm, is it normal to have "free space" 5 GB more than "accessible space" on a partition? | 11:09 |
AboSamoor | pwnguin , yes i did :) | 11:09 |
pwnguin | AboSamoor: which groups are you in? | 11:10 |
nosrednaekim | Almindor: where are you seeing this? | 11:10 |
m1ke | does ffmpeg has a gui frontend? | 11:10 |
pwnguin | m1ke: mencoder... | 11:10 |
AboSamoor | pwnguin , how i can know ? i got this output ramy@ramy-desktop:~$ groups | 11:10 |
AboSamoor | ramy adm dialout fax cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev scanner netdev lpadmin powerdev admin fuse | 11:10 |
Almindor | nosrednaekim, gnome-system-monitor | 11:11 |
Almindor | nosrednaekim, well.. only about 4gb, but it's still too much for a 56gb partition IMHO | 11:11 |
pwnguin | maybe mencoder's cli though =/ | 11:11 |
nosrednaekim | Almindor: is it a 60 gig disc? | 11:11 |
Almindor | nosrednaekim, 80, 20 is windblows partition | 11:11 |
pwnguin | AboSamoor: that seems right | 11:12 |
nosrednaekim | oh.. hmm well I don't use gnome..so I can't check for you. | 11:12 |
pwnguin | oh | 11:12 |
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pwnguin | AboSamoor: try running "gksudo services-admin" | 11:12 |
Almindor | nosrednaekim, 31.5 "free" but 27.7 "accessible" | 11:12 |
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nosrednaekim | Almindor: maybe it doesn't count stuff in trash? | 11:13 |
bazhang | cheers! see you later! | 11:13 |
Almindor | nosrednaekim, I don't use trash :) | 11:13 |
nosrednaekim | oh ;) | 11:13 |
AboSamoor | pwnguin , nothing changed :( | 11:13 |
Almindor | nosrednaekim, "df" seems to agree too (have to calculate it tho) | 11:13 |
pwnguin | AboSamoor: what about "sudo ls"? | 11:13 |
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m1ke | pwnguin, mencoder when give me an error "Exiting... (error parsing command line)" | 11:14 |
pwnguin | m1ke: i've never used mencoder, but everyone who encodes video swears by it =/ | 11:14 |
AboSamoor | pwnguin , what do u mean ? i can run that command easily | 11:14 |
savvas | what are you trying to do with mencoder? | 11:15 |
pwnguin | AboSamoor: it works then? try "sudo services-admin" | 11:15 |
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AboSamoor | pwnguin , nothing changed :( | 11:16 |
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pwnguin | AboSamoor: have you personalized PAM? | 11:18 |
AboSamoor | in fact i don't know :(, but i think i read some messages about that in upgrading process from feisty to gusty | 11:18 |
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AboSamoor | pwnguin in fact i don't know :(, but i think i read some messages about that in upgrading process from feisty to gusty | 11:19 |
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pwnguin | AboSamoor: well, look at /etc/pam.d/common-auth. is there anything besides a rule for pam_unix? | 11:19 |
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ylle | any of the xp safe modes didn't solve the problem, however I hdb1 is mounted now that I changed the fstab enty: | 11:20 |
ylle | UUID=D2C4B8B1C4B89965 /media/hdb1 ntfs ro,auto,user,fmask=0111,dmask=0000 0 1 | 11:20 |
AboSamoor | pwnguin , there is only one line not commented auth required pam_unix.so nullok_secure | 11:21 |
ylle | btw, can ubuntu boot if remove that harddrive later? | 11:21 |
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ylle | (or do I have to also remove fstab entry?) | 11:22 |
vixyfox | Hey everyone. I was trying to install 7.10 on my system, but when I put in the disk and it started, the disk showed loading, then when it went to load the desktop the screen went all black. Now it's black and the powerlight on my monitor is flashing. How do I get to see the install disk desktop? | 11:22 |
pwnguin | ubuntu should still be able to boot if you remove non-essential drives | 11:22 |
pwnguin | it'll complain about fstab having broken entries | 11:22 |
Tatster | hi all. I'm trying to get a new Ipod Nano working with Ubuntu (Feisty). I have found a site http://thefunkcorner.blogspot.com/2007/10/ubuntu-ipod-nano.html that has some deb packaged files, but they are for Gutsy. Should they still work OK? | 11:22 |
martin_ | hello everyone, what is the purpose of ubuntu+1 over normal ubuntu channel? | 11:22 |
panosru | does anyone here knows how to make kopete to send custom emoticons to msn client? | 11:22 |
riotkittie | because the normal ubuntu channel is for support of final versions | 11:23 |
hetauma | cupsys is broken too ? | 11:23 |
DShepherd | martin_, in here we talk about the 'not-yet' the 'soon-to-be', the 'lastest greatest' :-) | 11:23 |
hetauma | martin_, +1 is for 7.10 wich is still beta | 11:23 |
martin_ | ahh, thanks | 11:24 |
DShepherd | martin_, or what hetauma said :-) | 11:24 |
riotkittie | vixyfox: boot with the nosplash option, and see where the kernel panics so we have something to go on. alternately, use the alternate install CD | 11:24 |
hetauma | btw when is there gonna be next LTS release? | 11:25 |
ylle | and remove 'quiet' | 11:25 |
vixyfox | Actually.... I hit F6 (Found on Forums) And it now displays.... why would that do that? | 11:25 |
gnomefreak | hetauma: 8.04 | 11:25 |
hetauma | so it's the next release :D | 11:25 |
gnomefreak | hetauma: next release == 7.10 | 11:25 |
riotkittie | forums ftw. i have no idea. | 11:25 |
vixyfox | LOL Alright, just wondering | 11:26 |
hetauma | gnomefreak, 14 days doesn't count as next :p | 11:26 |
gnomefreak | hetauma: it does since its not released yet | 11:26 |
hetauma | 7.10 is here is now is preset :D | 11:26 |
savvas | don't get too excited :P | 11:26 |
=== riotkittie does cartwheels. 7.10 wheeee | ||
gnomefreak | hetauma: we have been known to postpone releases before | 11:27 |
savvas | I hate to remind you what happened friday the 13th on feisty beta :) | 11:27 |
stefg | gutsy still is a building site with a lot of basic functions not working properly yet | 11:27 |
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riotkittie | friday the thirteenth. hmm. i dont want to know, but i bet i'm glad i missed it | 11:27 |
hetauma | didn't know that :( | 11:27 |
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vixyfox | How big does a root partition need to be? | 11:27 |
savvas | riotkittie: bad non-bootable kernel image :P | 11:28 |
riotkittie | vixyfox: are you creating a seperate partition for /home ? | 11:28 |
savvas | that's why this time I have two kernel images, just to be sure | 11:28 |
riotkittie | savvas: oh yes, i heard about that. <giggles> | 11:28 |
vonHalenbach | vixyfox: depends. I have xubuntu on a 2 gig disk. | 11:28 |
hetauma | btw any ideas on what is the ratio between 7.* users and 6.06 users? I mean do people stick to LTS ? | 11:29 |
stefg | vixyfox: suggested scheme: 64 MB /boot, 5 -10 GB / (root) , swap (ram x 1,5) , rest /home or whatever you need room for | 11:29 |
vixyfox | riotkittie: Well I'm not sure. I went into manual, because i already had 7.04 installed, and I wanted to overwrite it. I currently have the following setup. HDA1 = Windows XP HDA2 = 7.04 ubuntu HDA5 = swap | 11:29 |
savvas | stefg: if you're referring to openoffice and the rest, they're release candidates, they'll be fixed soon enough | 11:29 |
riotkittie | i have 6.06 on my laptop, and on this box as well. | 11:29 |
savvas | why should boot be on its own partition? | 11:30 |
savvas | more stable? | 11:30 |
stefg | savvas: i refer to firefox crashing, framebuffers not working, CD-Drives causing the boot to hang and general slowness | 11:30 |
riotkittie | i leave boot on root. woot. | 11:30 |
riotkittie | vixyfox: i'd say no more less than 5gb but it depends on how much space you have | 11:31 |
riotkittie | errr no less. | 11:31 |
=== riotkittie drinks more coffee. quickly. :| | ||
panosru | Hi i try to update here and i get the error: E: /var/cache/apt/archives/cupsys_1.3.2-1ubuntu4_amd64.deb: trying to overwrite `/usr/share/doc/libcupsys2/CREDITS.txt', which is also in package libcupsys2 | 11:31 |
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savvas | stefg: ah ok, don't know that much :) mine's a breeze, just as it was before | 11:31 |
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savvas | panosru: sudo dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/cupsys_1.3.2-1ubuntu4_amd64.deb && sudo apt-get -f install | 11:32 |
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hetauma | savvas, apart from that "wrokaround" cupsys will be fixed soon I guess right ? | 11:33 |
b0lle | i cant get my wifi card in my pcmcia slot to work (pccardctl works tho) but no wireless extensions avalible and no network controller found in 'lspci' any idea? | 11:33 |
panosru | thanks savvas | 11:33 |
hetauma | or libcupsus2 | 11:33 |
martin_ | anyone know if LEAP for wireless networking will be introduced in gutsy for sure? | 11:33 |
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savvas | panosru: you might get similar errors, use the same method | 11:34 |
panosru | savvas ok ;) | 11:34 |
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bstock | anyone else notice a cups update problem with today's updates | 11:35 |
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nekostar | bstock yeah known bug - filed ^^ | 11:36 |
nekostar | you can force it but you might get errors later | 11:36 |
bstock | if i just wait it'll be fixed right | 11:37 |
bstock | just wait to update for a few days | 11:37 |
nekostar | if you unclick just cupsys then the rest update just fine | 11:37 |
bstock | yeah that's what i did | 11:37 |
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bstock | alright thx, just wanted to make sure it wasn't me | 11:37 |
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nekostar | np | 11:38 |
wabiD | are there any talks of giver being added to ubuntu at some point | 11:39 |
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Matir | giver? | 11:39 |
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wabiD | http://idea.opensuse.org/content/ideas/easy-file-sharing | 11:39 |
wabiD | its standard in opensuse now | 11:39 |
savvas | wabiD: if you can find an rpm of it, you can use alien | 11:40 |
wabiD | its useless unless everyone has it though | 11:41 |
=== Some_Person [n=sam@adsl-66-142-130-118.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu+1 | ||
kyja | cups update failed to install | 11:42 |
Matir | i wonder what the security implications are of giver... i assume it asks the recipient if they want to receive | 11:42 |
wabiD | did you watch the video | 11:42 |
wabiD | a message in the system tray pops up | 11:42 |
Some_Person | When does Gutsy come out, and what are the differences between the beta and the final? | 11:42 |
wabiD | you can send tomboy notes too | 11:43 |
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bstock | kyja: known issue, just un-check cupsys from the update and the rest will install | 11:43 |
kyja | yups | 11:43 |
wabiD | giver is just like the xo thinger in the 100dollar laotop | 11:43 |
kyja | k wondered if I was the only one | 11:43 |
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bstock | Some_Person: see http://www.ubuntu.com for gutsy release date | 11:43 |
MrKeuner | hi, I cannot update cupsys since it tries to write on /usr/share/libcupsys2/CREDITS.txt which is also in libcupsys2. What can I do? should I do --force? | 11:43 |
wabiD | except the 100$ laptop lets you have a mesh network for wireless | 11:43 |
bstock | heh nope, just jumped in to ask the same thing about 20 min ago ;) | 11:43 |
Some_Person | And the differences? | 11:43 |
bstock | man, someone should address the cupsys issue in the title | 11:44 |
wabiD | heres openSUSE 10.3 http://news.opensuse.org/?p=341 | 11:44 |
wabiD | its got pictures of giver | 11:44 |
MS-Suse | if i specify a burning speed in growisofs is it going to overwrite the burners default burning speed for a given media? 4x instead of 2x | 11:44 |
savvas | MrKeuner: uncheck it and check the rest in update-manager | 11:44 |
savvas | MrKeuner: you could do --force-overwrite if you want to | 11:45 |
MrKeuner | savvas: You say wait for next cupsys package release? | 11:45 |
=== orphean [i=orphean@spoofing.your-ip.org] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
savvas | it's just a credits file after all | 11:45 |
wabiD | kiwi looks awesome too | 11:45 |
MrKeuner | savvas: I did not want to do that since may be it wants to write other things too but just reporting the first one? | 11:45 |
savvas | MrKeuner: neah, if you do sudo dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/... it will be fine | 11:45 |
MrKeuner | savvas: ok thank you | 11:46 |
wabiD | that would be cool to have a tool that lets me graphically and easily create a ubuntu distro, and let me burn it for friends | 11:46 |
=== grumpymole [n=warren@c211-28-135-80.lowrp2.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
savvas | wabiD: like livecd-rootfs ? :p | 11:47 |
wabiD | sure | 11:47 |
wabiD | how customizable does it get | 11:47 |
savvas | no idea | 11:47 |
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wabiD | can i tell it what i want panels to look like, desktop backgrounds, drivers etc | 11:48 |
savvas | I think... you have to do that on your own pc | 11:48 |
savvas | you could just give them vixta from www.vixta.org :P | 11:48 |
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=== darkzero [n=rt@c-66-177-174-180.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
darkzero | hey folks | 11:49 |
d4rkmonkey | hi darkzero | 11:50 |
darkzero | how the progress going along with gutsy so far? | 11:50 |
d4rkmonkey | darkzero good, almost released? | 11:50 |
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darkzero | <d4rkmonkey>good to hear and I hope they fix the dup desktop and documents folders on the place menu, plus add a download folder in the place menu | 11:52 |
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d4rkmonkey | darkzero well, I just deleted the dupe desktop folder, and I never had dupe documents folders, and you can always add your own download folder in the place menu. | 11:52 |
savvas | all the dark fellas | 11:52 |
savvas | :) | 11:52 |
d4rkmonkey | savvas racist. | 11:53 |
=== EvilDennisR [n=dennisr@c-24-128-210-79.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
savvas | we have a number and an animal, we miss out a human :P | 11:53 |
EvilDennisR | So I just upgraded from 7.4 to the 7.10 beta, and I'm having issues with my dual monitor setup. Before I upgraded it was working flawlessly. Now? Not so much.. Heres a copy of my old xorg.conf before the upgrade http://dennisr.net/xorg.conf - I'm having the issue where the 2nd monitor is not "another" monitor, but the same screen as the first.. Ideas/Comments/Suggestions ? | 11:53 |
savvas | no offense d4rkmonkey | 11:53 |
d4rkmonkey | lol | 11:53 |
darkzero | <d4rkmonkey>how do you do that in gutsy? | 11:53 |
d4rkmonkey | darkzero same way you do it in feisty... | 11:53 |
savvas | lol | 11:53 |
savvas | you just remove the folder and restart | 11:54 |
d4rkmonkey | I say racist all the time for no reason, a teacher was talking about how white keys were natural notes, and black keys were sharps/flats (on the piano) and I was just like, what the black keys aren't good enough to be natural? | 11:54 |
savvas | haha | 11:54 |
EvilDennisR | ha | 11:54 |
kRush | does anybody know what "gnome-at-visual -s" and "xdg-user-dirs-gtk-update" in gnome session startup is all about, google gives no real info, no man pages either...?! | 11:55 |
darkzero | <d4rkmonkey>I don't know u can but what app or soft I need to use and I'm still new to ubuntu | 11:55 |
wabiD | the new york times article about ubuntu, suggests automatix | 11:55 |
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savvas | 17:10:16< savvas> MTecknology: By default on Gutsy, xdg-user-dirs-gtk-update creates gtk bookmarks for Desktop and Documents, meaning that there are now duplicate items in the places menu. It should be smart enough to know that Desktop and Documents are treated specially and not create bookmarks for them. | 11:56 |
savvas | kRush | 11:56 |
darkzero | lol white and black key | 11:56 |
d4rkmonkey | darkzero in nautilus, go bookmarks>add bookmark | 11:56 |
d4rkmonkey | darkzero in the folder that you want to become a palce | 11:57 |
kRush | savvas, I still don't get it. those folders are a huge mistake in the first place | 11:57 |
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savvas | kRush: put a veto against them :p | 11:57 |
nightz | hi, how i check if my swap partition is being used in gutsy beta? because i opened gparted and it says its not active | 11:58 |
Matir | kRush, which folders? | 11:58 |
darkzero | <d4rkmonkey>I see | 11:58 |
darkzero | <d4rkmonkey>thanks | 11:58 |
kRush | Matir, ~/Music ~/Pictures etc | 11:58 |
MTecknology | savvas, what?? | 11:58 |
d4rkmonkey | darkzero no problem, hope it helps | 11:58 |
darkzero | <d4rkmonkey>boy I feel dumb | 11:58 |
d4rkmonkey | kRush whats wrong with that? easy way to keep it organized... | 11:58 |
darkzero | lol | 11:58 |
d4rkmonkey | darkzero no problem, I was worse off when I started using Ubuntu, I pretty much learn stuff by breaking stuff. | 11:59 |
MTecknology | home time | 11:59 |
kRush | d4rkmonkey, it's like saying the user is too much of a douche to get his files organized the way he wants | 11:59 |
nightz | when i type mount i dont see my /dev/hda4 there, maybe its not using my swap partition? | 11:59 |
darkzero | <d4rkmonkey>breaking stuff, I didn't that in opensuse and fedora | 11:59 |
Matir | kRush, yeah, I agree... I prefer to have my own structure | 11:59 |
darkzero | <d4rkmonkey>did I meant | 11:59 |
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d4rkmonkey | kRush if you think you have a better way of organizing, just delete the folders. | 12:00 |
d4rkmonkey | kRush I personally made all those folders in Feisty, because thats how I organize my things | 12:00 |
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kRush | d4rkmonkey, will do. as soon as I know it doesn't break some other stuff | 12:00 |
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d4rkmonkey | kRush Why would it break other stuff? Oh no, empty folders were deleted! | 12:01 |
aguitel | savvas: you use vixta? | 12:01 |
kRush | d4rkmonkey, I don't know since there is no documentation and a startup script that recreates this stuff or at least the bookmarks | 12:01 |
savvas | aguitel: no, I just read about it somewhere | 12:01 |
aguitel | savvas: you try it? | 12:02 |
savvas | it's the best knock-off i've ever seen as a screenshot | 12:02 |
Matir | what screenshot? | 12:02 |
darkzero | vista suck like a$$ | 12:02 |
savvas | aguitel: these days I might try it in a virtual machine | 12:02 |
savvas | !language | 12:02 |
ubotu | Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 12:02 |
aguitel | savvas: is live cd ? | 12:02 |
d4rkmonkey | kRush the only time I've seen it recreate the stuff, was after updates to gnome for me, and I'm pretty sure it won't break anything, and if it does, just boot into recovery mode and recreate the folders from the terminal, or since you say theres a startup script, it'll recreate them anyways | 12:03 |
savvas | aguitel: probably, it's based on fedora | 12:03 |
darkzero | , my bad | 12:03 |
aguitel | savvas: what is diferent from ubuntu -debian? | 12:03 |
romulo | how i discover if swap partition is being used or not? i see my partition not mounted - the swap one | 12:03 |
savvas | aguitel: this is far better :) | 12:03 |
savvas | at least for me | 12:03 |
darkzero | ubuntu came from debian | 12:03 |
=== siriusx [n=sirius@64-251-145-86-cablemodem-roll.fidnet.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
aguitel | savvas: why far better? | 12:04 |
wabiD | always up to date, easy to use | 12:04 |
=== knix puts on his flame protection suit | ||
=== knix makes note that most ubuntu "up to date" packages come out of debian | ||
wabiD | easily updated then | 12:05 |
aguitel | savvas: i install in my laptop pclinuxos (pclos) and it work great | 12:05 |
knix | aguitel: almost anything will work great | 12:05 |
=== hwilde_ [n=hwilde@pool-68-162-166-71.pitt.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
wabiD | debian doesn't release stable releases as often | 12:06 |
aguitel | and what will happend with gutsy | 12:06 |
aguitel | is better than feisty? | 12:06 |
knix | it's newer | 12:07 |
knix | It will eventually be tagged as -stable | 12:07 |
aguitel | knix: what distros dodyou like? | 12:07 |
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knix | I haven't used a linux that wasn't debian/ubuntu isn years | 12:08 |
aguitel | anything is better than windows | 12:08 |
aguitel | knix: how many years do you use ubuntu? | 12:09 |
EvilDennisR | Anyone have any suggestions about my dual screen brokenness? | 12:09 |
wabiD | what big linux distros still exist as a base | 12:09 |
wabiD | redhat/debian/slackware? | 12:09 |
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savvas | wabiD: suse | 12:09 |
savvas | and.. gentoo | 12:09 |
wabiD | gentoo thats it | 12:09 |
knix | aguitel: I haven't used ubntu for long, maybe a year tops | 12:10 |
wabiD | suse is from slackware | 12:10 |
savvas | my 3rd favourite after debian is gentoo :) | 12:10 |
knix | suse is from slackware ... ? | 12:10 |
wabiD | The SUSE Linux distribution was originally a German translation of Slackware Linux. | 12:10 |
knix | I think it counts as a base now. | 12:10 |
knix | They're not longe rusing slackware pacakges | 12:10 |
knix | or anything from them | 12:10 |
wabiD | yea | 12:10 |
wabiD | i still wouldnt call it a base | 12:10 |
knix | Whereas things like Fedora and Ubuntu still rely heavily on their "base" distros | 12:10 |
aguitel | i try last week opensuse in my laptop and it is worse than ubuntu and pclos | 12:11 |
wabiD | yea | 12:11 |
wabiD | but then again there are not a ton of distros from suse that are popular | 12:11 |
wabiD | redhat has fedora, mandriva | 12:11 |
wabiD | what demon spawn child has suse given use | 12:12 |
wabiD | us rather | 12:12 |
knix | none | 12:12 |
knix | that I know of | 12:12 |
wabiD | yellowdog is slackware right? | 12:12 |
knix | redhat iirc | 12:12 |
knix | But not much anymore | 12:12 |
siriusx | oh gosh | 12:13 |
siriusx | what should i use, i have 2 images, Ubuntu and openSUSE | 12:13 |
siriusx | i like them both | 12:13 |
siriusx | D: | 12:13 |
wabiD | look what room you are in | 12:13 |
siriusx | VMWare machines hehe | 12:13 |
knix | Yea, yellowdog used to be RedHat | 12:13 |
siriusx | that is | 12:13 |
knix | It's not based on Fedora | 12:13 |
wabiD | i think i would use fedora before opensuse | 12:13 |
wabiD | as a runner up to ubuntu | 12:13 |
savvas | wabiD: distrowatch.com :P | 12:14 |
siriusx | meh not a fan of fedora, we have few Red Hat boxen at school | 12:14 |
wabiD | who cares what distrowatch says | 12:14 |
wabiD | of course its popular, it just came out | 12:14 |
savvas | it says what you're discussing here :) | 12:14 |
siriusx | besides, most distros are about the same since they all use Gnome or KDE, in the end its the minor touches and that is where Ubuntu and OpenSUSE stand out with their configuration etc.. | 12:14 |
siriusx | :P | 12:14 |
=== delhage [n=lasse@pdpc/supporter/active/delhage] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
wabiD | i cant beliefe pclinux is still on the top of distrowatch | 12:14 |
wabiD | they need a new name bad | 12:15 |
wabiD | i also cant believe how well linux mint took off | 12:16 |
wabiD | something like easyubuntu should come with ubuntu by default, it would obsolete linux mint | 12:17 |
wabiD | a 1 click get everything restricted blah | 12:17 |
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savvas | wabiD: restricted fun | 12:17 |
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wabiD | icetea comes with fedoracore now hmm | 12:18 |
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savvas | huh? | 12:20 |
wabiD | java replacement | 12:21 |
wabiD | opensuse looks really different with gnome | 12:21 |
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wabiD | http://anniyan.wordpress.com/2006/07/10/novells-new-main-menu-slab-gnome-main-menu-062/ | 12:21 |
wabiD | any preference banshee or rythmbox | 12:25 |
nosrednaekim | Amarok. | 12:27 |
EvilDennisR | Where is xorg.conf now, since if I have /etc/X11/xorg.conf gdm just loads up the "setup your resolution etc.." and not gdm | 12:27 |
nosrednaekim | or exaile | 12:27 |
kRush | https://bugs.launchpad.net/gstreamer/+bug/73744 any ideas how to workouround this bug? | 12:27 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 73744 in gstreamer0.10 "rhythmbox is slow!" [Wishlist,Confirmed] | 12:27 |
=== Laibsc1 [n=Laibsch@p54B96047.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
hydrogen | so basically Amarok | 12:27 |
wabiD | that is where xorg.conf is stored | 12:28 |
hydrogen | or a cheap rip off of Amarok | 12:28 |
wabiD | why not banshee | 12:28 |
hydrogen | that isn't anywher enear as good | 12:28 |
hydrogen | because banshee is horrible | 12:28 |
hydrogen | it uses mono.. enough said | 12:28 |
EvilDennisR | wabiD: Yes, I know its in /etc/X11/ .. I'm running into the issue where if I have an xorg.conf file then gdm won't start, but instead it loads up the crippled X session that only loads the "screen and graphics preferences" program | 12:29 |
wabiD | then you did something to your xorg.conf file that it doesnt like | 12:29 |
EvilDennisR | wabiD: But if I happen to rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf then gdm starts.. which is odd | 12:29 |
wabiD | not odd at all | 12:30 |
wabiD | its using a failsafe config | 12:30 |
EvilDennisR | wabiD: xorg.conf is the same file I was using before, and it worked flawless | 12:30 |
wabiD | something changed | 12:30 |
EvilDennisR | wabiD: Which is why I'm in here asking questions ;) | 12:30 |
EvilDennisR | Let me try and copy the xorg file the screen and graphics program made in /var/lib/displayconfig-gtk/locations to /etc/X11/xorg.conf and see if that helps my issue... | 12:31 |
EvilDennisR | wabiD: and Xorg.0.log doesn't give me any useful information either =( | 12:31 |
EvilDennisR | brb, leme try this | 12:31 |
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uga | oups, what's happenning to cupsys/libcupsys. The packages conflict with each other | 12:35 |
delhage | yup | 12:35 |
uga | they both try to extract /usr/share/doc/libcupsys2/CREDITS.txt | 12:35 |
nosrednaekim | heh... someone is stealing credit... | 12:36 |
nosrednaekim | isn't there something against that? | 12:37 |
nosrednaekim | its probably Aple. | 12:37 |
uga | =) | 12:37 |
philip_ | downloading new gimp! I hope it's fixed | 12:40 |
MS-Suse | where can i find out how to read growisofs output? | 12:40 |
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panosru | hi, i try to install firefox32 but it requires ia32-libs-gtk but i can't inistall ia32-libs-gtk because it conflicts with ia32-libs but this is also required for ia32-libs-gtk, any suggestion? | 12:42 |
=== Niriven [n=Niriven@c-68-34-171-215.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Niriven | Hello, what kernel does the current beta use? | 12:44 |
MS-Suse | panosru, how did u try to install firefox? | 12:44 |
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MS-Suse | Niriven, 22-12 | 12:44 |
panosru | MS-Suse, i downloaded the ia32-lib-firefox-amd64.deb | 12:44 |
Niriven | MS-Suse: Will it be released with .23 if it comes out before release? | 12:45 |
MS-Suse | Niriven, no idea | 12:45 |
MS-Suse | Niriven, my guess would be no | 12:45 |
EvilDennisR | wabiD: Hrrm.. that didn't work so well | 12:46 |
MS-Suse | panosru, u use gutsy 64bit? | 12:46 |
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wabiD | didnt think it would | 12:46 |
panosru | MS-Suse, yes | 12:46 |
MS-Suse | panosru, have u tried to install firefox from the repos? | 12:47 |
panosru | MS-Suse, but in my repos there is only the 64bit firefox i need the 32bit to install Java and flash plugins | 12:48 |
MS-Suse | panosru, try swiftfox | 12:49 |
panosru | MS-Suse, does swiftfox support all firefox extensions? | 12:50 |
=== xhantt [n=kvirc@OL45-147.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
MS-Suse | panosru, swiftfox is modded firefox, and it can use 32bit codecs etc on 64bit os | 12:51 |
EvilDennisR | wabiD: word.. Now I'm making some progress.. I was unaware that the ATI Radeon cards got their own driver - I was using the ATI driver before I upgraded, and while I was trying to get this to work.. | 12:52 |
panosru | MS-Suse, yes i understand this, although i hear that modded firefox browsers are not stable and also does not support all firefox plugins but anyway i will try it :D thanks | 12:52 |
=== bcherry [n=bcherry@c-67-180-174-126.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
MS-Suse | panosru, i havent had any problems with it | 12:53 |
MS-Suse | where can i find out how to read growisofs output? | 12:54 |
panosru | MS-Suse, there is no swiftfox in my repos... | 12:56 |
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MS-Suse | panosru, yeah, u got to get it from swiftfox.com | 12:57 |
panosru | oh ok | 12:58 |
MS-Suse | panosru, i mean google swiftfox | 12:58 |
panosru | oh ok | 12:58 |
MS-Suse | panosru, how much ram u have in ur system? | 12:59 |
panosru | MS-Suse, 2gb | 12:59 |
=== webmaren [n=webmaren@pool-72-85-50-168.bltmmd.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
MS-Suse | panosru, why do u use 64bit os? | 01:00 |
webmaren | having a problem installing cupsys-1.3.2-1ubuntu4_i386.deb | 01:00 |
webmaren | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39598/ | 01:00 |
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panosru | MS-Suse, as i say before, yes :D | 01:01 |
nosrednaekim | webmaren: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/149106 | 01:02 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 149106 in cupsys "package cupsys 1.3.2-1ubuntu4 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite `/usr/share/doc/libcupsys2/CREDITS.txt', which is also in package libcupsys2" [High,Confirmed] | 01:02 |
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=== MrKeuner [n=kudo@unaffiliated/mrkeuner] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
panosru | MS-Suse, oh sorry mate | 01:03 |
Niriven | I take it flashplayer isnt supported on 64-bit ubuntu still? (i realize flashplayer is only offered in 32 bit, but, it can run in 64), my question is, does the 64-bit ubuntu installer offer flash? | 01:03 |
panosru | MS-Suse, i ready: do u use 64bit os without the why lol | 01:03 |
MrKeuner | hi, I get Xlib: extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":1.0". when I try to run googleearth. I have an ati card | 01:03 |
MrKeuner | can I do something about that? | 01:03 |
panosru | MS-Suse, well i prefer 64 bit :P | 01:03 |
nosrednaekim | Niriven: no, it does not. | 01:03 |
Niriven | nosrednaekim: Ok, figured as much, thanks :) | 01:04 |
MS-Suse | panosru, there is no advantage and bunch of problems, u only have 2gigs, better to use 32bit os | 01:04 |
nosrednaekim | Niriven: its pretty easy to set up though with nspluginwrapper | 01:04 |
webmaren | ty nosrednaekim | 01:05 |
webmaren | fare thee well | 01:05 |
nosrednaekim | yeppers | 01:06 |
panosru | MS-Suse, technology goes to 64bit and even that i will be in army in 4 weeks from today so i don't really care about this as when i return (after a year - or nine months, i will see) many things would be changed and improved | 01:06 |
panosru | MS-Suse, why swiftfox has no color on progress bar? and no hover color on menu? | 01:08 |
panosru | MS-Suse, i'm try to reboot, brb | 01:11 |
=== midtown [n=yelena@cpe-74-74-235-163.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
midtown | Hello, I see Tribe 4 apparently made the shutdown splash screen smooth, but it still flashes to black first for me in both Tribe 5 and the Beta, where can I file this? | 01:16 |
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branstrom | Is there some way I can monitor what commands are being executed? I'm playing with nautilus-actions and it's not working so great, so I was thinking about some way to help me debug it | 01:20 |
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panosru | MS-Suse ok it works ;) but why swiftfox does not have colors in progress bar for example? | 01:20 |
nosrednaekim | !gdb | 01:20 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about gdb - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi | 01:20 |
cyclonut | anyone have any luck using compiz config on the gutsy? | 01:21 |
panosru | cyclonut, yes | 01:21 |
branstrom | cyclonut: yup, working fine | 01:21 |
panosru | cyclonut, what problem you have? | 01:21 |
midtown | cyclonut, if you mean the settings manager, yeah it's fine for me | 01:21 |
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