
LjLalcaponage: where did you *get* it from? *how* did you install it?12:04
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alcaponagei don't understand12:04
elivancebascule: its still not doing it - im running from live CD - could that influence it? and its an NTFS partition12:04
alcaponagewhere did i get what?12:04
basculedakira: well maybe it's right, but I guess not or you wouldn't be querying it12:04
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LjLalcaponage, the nvidia driver! where did you download it from? the repositories? nvidia.com? somewhere else?12:04
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basculeelivance: emm, well try gparted if it s there and see what it thinks12:05
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basculeelivance: should be one of /dev/sda or /dev/hda for first drive though ...12:05
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phoo_does anybody know whether libquicktime0 replaces quicktime4linux? or the second one should also be built12:05
alcaponageit came w/ the laptop?12:06
LjLalcaponage: your laptop came with Ubuntu?12:06
ozehkawhere can i set the locale settings "LC_..."?12:06
alcaponagei got the driver from sudo nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals -d 2412:06
LjLalcaponage: no12:06
alcaponagein the terminal12:06
elivancebascule: ahh its sda1 - just says 'fatal error, cannot open disk drive'12:06
Downixphoo_ libquicktime is the underlying library, you'd still need quicktime4linux12:06
LjLalcaponage: you *must* have done something *before* doing that - otheriwse, no driver.12:06
LjLalcaponage: have you used the Restricted Manager perhaps?12:06
basculeelivance: sudo12:06
Downixelivance: 2k, XP or Vista NTFS?12:06
dakirabascule: ubuntu doesn't detect my battery any more since 5.10.. and since gutsy it thinks that i'm on battery instead of outlet12:06
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dakirabascule: so you see my problem ;)12:07
alcaponagei dont' see nvidia in restricted driver12:07
LjLalcaponage: look just type  apt-cache policy nvidia-glx  and tell me what it says12:07
basculedakira: cd /proc/acpi/battery/BAT1/ and cat those files see what it is saying to you12:07
phoo_Downix, do you know if there are precompiled packages for this?12:07
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Downixphoo_:  don't know off-hand,  don't use Quicktime12:07
alcaponageit says nvidia-glx: nistalled (none)12:08
phoo_hahahaha, can't really avoid it - cinelerra is havind issues12:08
elivancedownix: heya, xp12:08
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spinner_so if i want to watch divx do i need to install some decoders or can i just tdownload vlc for linux disp?12:08
alcaponage.... security.ubuntu.com12:08
LjLalcaponage: then you either never installed it, or you installed it from Nvidia.com (but then you should *know* that you have)12:08
basculedakira: that is probably kernel level stuff if it is completely mis-detecting things, tricky to solve, but dmesg can get enough info for a decent bug report12:08
LjLalcaponage: does  apt-cache show nvidia-glx-new  also say it's not installed?12:08
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alcaponageit said to run it, "sudo ... enable"12:09
alcaponagedo i enable it?12:09
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LjLalcaponage: "it" said what?12:09
elivancebascule: it says The number of cylinders for this disk is set to 8033.12:09
alcaponage"To enable the driver, run "sudo ... enable"12:10
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Downixany thoughts for how to see if I have agpgart in the kernel or not?12:10
LjLalcaponage: or rather, *what* said what?12:10
LjLalcaponage: that command that i gave you said that?12:10
basculeelivance: is it making that sound like a bad thing or just reporting it?12:10
LjLalcaponage: oh wait, that's because i gave you the wrong command.12:10
LjLalcaponage: i meant  apt-cache policy nvidia-glx-new 12:10
dakirabascule: yeah.. i just wanted to know where i find the acpi config files, so that i can prevent ubuntu from shutting down even before i can login12:10
elivancebascule: it actually says 'this isnt a bad thing but my cause some problems with booting and partitioniong software from other OS's12:11
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basculedakira: /etc/acpi but those are fairly complex shell scripts12:11
alcaponageit said i have it installed12:11
spinner_how do i canhge the language12:11
dakirabascule: just found them.. they are in /etc/default ;)12:11
LjLalcaponage: good. then it simply seems that you don't remember installing it... ok12:11
alcaponage"installed: 1:100....."12:11
elivancebascule: when i verify the partition table it says : Partition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary.12:12
elivancePartition 2 does not end on cylinder boundary.12:12
elivanceWarning: partition 1 overlaps partition 2.12:12
elivancePartition 3 does not end on cylinder boundary.12:12
elivanceTotal allocated sectors 1701990412 greater than the maximum 12906614712:12
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LjLalcaponage: does your network connection work now?12:12
LjL!paste > elivance    (elivance, see the private message from Ubotu)12:12
dakirabascule: right now i'm trying to blacklist the battery.ko module.. that might be the best solution for now, I think..12:12
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vvddo i need a bootloader in the mbr of the target when i chainload stuff via usb?12:12
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basculeelivance: clearly corrupt partition table ...12:12
LjL!caps | cmphark12:12
ubotucmphark: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.12:12
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cmpharkdidn't know it was on12:12
Pici!br | vagner12:13
ubotuvagner: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.12:13
alcaponageLjL: now what?12:13
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LjLalcaponage: then do  sudo apt-get install pastebinit  and then  cat /var/log/Xorg.1.log | pastebinit -b  http://pastebin.com 12:13
dakirabascule: aand.. it's working.. thank god ;)12:13
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snail__I have a HP Pavillion dv9000 and have just installed ubuntu, but it freezes before x starts (or during the start of X) i have gone into recovery mode and i can do what i want, but when i start GDM , it freezes12:13
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basculedakira: well that is a start12:13
vagner!br | vagner12:13
cmpharkno one?12:13
LjLsnail__: try  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  and select VESA mode12:13
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Innomenerror loading operating system and its the only one on the drive, fresh ubuntu 7.04 install :)12:13
elivancebascule: is there a way to fix that?12:14
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basculecmphark: the guys that work at google have experience setting up webservers12:14
Les_Caesarswhat's the quickest way I can make my extra drives mount automatically on startup?12:14
alcaponageLjL: it said non suchfile or directory12:14
LjLvagner: escribe     /join #ubuntu-br    para entrar no canal brasileiro12:14
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basculeelivance: well sudo testdisk /dev/sda might be a good start12:14
LjLalcaponage: which of those two commands said that?12:14
InvisionfreeIf I have another OS running with GRUB, can I use Ubuntu to boot it?12:14
cjaeI am trying to use tsclient to remote connect to a ms box and I get an error what is all the info I need12:15
InvisionfreeIf I have another OS running with GRUB, can I use Ubuntu to boot it? ><- I mean without restart, sorry for repeat12:15
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alcaponagecat /var12:15
dakirawel.. good night everyone12:15
alcaponageit said Unable to read from : -b12:15
cmpharkBASCULE how do i get ahold of the "google" ppl12:15
basculecmphark: i was being sarcastic and faceceous12:16
cjaeuser name, password, do I need the computer name?12:16
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LjLalcaponage: sure you've typed it right? it's        cat /var/log/Xorg.1.log | pastebinit -b http://pastebin.com12:16
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elivancebascule: sorry bout that, accidentally put you on ignore >.<12:16
nickrudcmphark: why not ask the real question?12:16
Les_Caesarsbascule: facetious12:16
basculeelivance: oh well, perhaps I deserved it :)12:16
basculeLes_Caesars: thanks12:16
LjLalcaponage: and, of course, you *must* have type  sudo apt-get install pastebinit  and let it install, before doing that12:16
cjaedomain is the ip or dns address right12:17
elivancebascule: certainly not :p12:17
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servervmI've got a question for anyone using Ubuntu Server LAMP. Is gd2 automatically installed?12:17
elivancebascule: im just rubbish with IRC :D12:17
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alcaponageit said "cat: /var/long/Xorg.1.log: No such file12:17
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basculeelivance: me too, its all that typing ;)12:17
dakiraservervm: i don't think so.. install php5-gd12:17
LjLalcaponage: /var/log/Xorg.1.log - log, not long!12:17
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cmpharkNICRUD what question is that?12:18
alcaponagethat's what i meant12:18
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alcaponagei typed log12:18
elivancebascule: hehe12:18
nickrudcmphark: the question you're gonna ask when someone says they know how to install web servers12:18
flushjust letting you know12:18
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elivancebascule: i guess theres no simple way to fix the partition table without reformatting12:18
flushthe "wodim" app is amazing12:18
Henry_hi, really quickie question about system reqs12:18
alcaponagecat /var/log/Xorg.1.log | pastebinit -b http://pastebin.com12:18
cjaedo I need client host name12:18
cmpharknickrun, just trying to figure out how to setup a webserver on a home machine12:19
LjLalcaponage: then try with /var/log/Xorg.0.log12:19
Henry_i've been tagged as the family tech support guy, and i'm trying to fix an old celeron 1ghz, 256 mg ram computer12:19
dmitry_in the terminal, how to navigate to a directory? :P12:19
nickrudflush: yeah, it exposes the apt underworld very nicely, doesn't it12:19
LjL!cli > dmitry_    (dmitry_, see the private message from Ubotu)12:19
Henry_one option is to reinstall windows 9812:19
Henry_the other is to go ubuntu/vmware/win9812:19
flushnickrud this is national security12:19
servervmcmphark: the best way to play around with it is in a VM using VMWare server..12:19
nickrudcmphark: sudo apt-get install apache2 , the place to put files to serve is /var/www12:20
Henry_my question is, can a computer with these specs handle this?12:20
basculeHenry_: ubuntu/vmware 98 , 256 ram, too low12:20
kitcheLjL alcaponage I know sometimes the log can be Xorg.0.log.old if your trying to find an older log like from the last time X started up12:20
cmpharkthank u12:20
alcaponageit says "unale to read from -b12:20
LjLalcaponage: see what kitche said? try /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old too12:20
Henry_so just go with a straight 98 install, and hope for the best?12:20
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mneptokHenry_: not VMware it can't12:20
servervm!lamp | cmphark12:20
ubotucmphark: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)12:20
Henry_thanks very much12:20
mneptokHenry_: Min98 is a really bad idea12:20
basculeHenry_: I couldn't possibly recommend win98 for any reason at all12:21
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mneptokHenry_: yes, really.12:21
Henry_go with ubuntu desktop then?12:21
cmpharknickrun: i have that but i'm still having problems accessing it from a remote site, other computers12:21
LjLalcaponage, ok, just type  gksudo gedit /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old , select all the text, then paste it into http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org and give me the URL12:21
basculehenry_: it is the least stable thing I have ever seen12:21
LinuxJuggaloyes Henry_ ubuntu is much better12:21
mneptokHenry_: there are many known weaknesses in 98 that MS will never fix12:21
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Henry_will may dad (60's, computer barely literate) be able to deal with this?12:21
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Henry_i.e. then change from windows to linux ..12:21
alcaponageit said unable to read from -b12:21
basculewell ubuntu desktop is gonna run in 256, but it will be sluggish12:21
nickrudnot to mention that there are no security updates for how long, 2 years?12:21
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mneptokHenry_: my 73 yo father did12:22
Henry_yeah, i was thinking of ghosting the image so i could reinstall as needed :)12:22
LinuxJuggaloHenry_: its easy to learn and get used to12:22
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preaction_Henry_, if you set it up properly, Gnome might even be easier to use than windows12:22
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elivanceanyone know any tools to fix a damaged partition table?12:22
alcaponageLjL: I can do cat var/log/Xorg.0.log.old         without the pastebin12:22
cjaeanyone here use tsclient12:22
Drewstershite, a little busy perhaps...?12:22
Henry_bascule - really, ubuntu will be sluggish at 256 ram?12:22
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DropKickMurpheysmneptok: if you are running 256 ram i would suggest using Zenwalk Linux :/12:22
penguin42elivance: How did it get damaged?12:22
Henry_win 98 flies with those specs12:22
LjLalcaponage: just find a way to paste its contents into http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org12:22
Henry_i can't imagine that ubuntu is less efficient ...12:22
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basculeHenry_: gnome will, xfce better12:23
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elivancepenguin42: i removed a partition and resized an exisiting one whish is now reporting free space incorectly12:23
LinuxJuggaloHenry_: i have another box with just 128mb ram and works great with ubuntu12:23
Henry_so, gnome, xfce or ubuntu?12:23
Henry_or should i just shut up and try them ;)12:23
penguin42Henry: You might want to try xubuntu or one of the other slightly lighter variants12:23
elivancepenguin42: it had 500mb free when it was 20gb, i changed it to 60 and theres still only 500mb free12:23
vvdanyone know why grub installation fails on (hd0,1) (reiserfs)?12:23
alcaponageLjL: i'm just gonna reinstall ubuntu12:24
=== TheLedFloyd [n=david@adsl-75-57-179-255.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
DropKickMurpheysCan someone direct me on how to install Java and Flash on the x86_64 edition of ubuntu?12:24
LinuxJuggaloHenry_: ubuntu comes with gnome, gnome is a desktop manager12:24
WorkingOnWiseHi all. I am waiting for Gutsy, and then I plan on going to it full time. In order to be able to do it, I will need to run Windows Xp in a qemu because I use several office 2007 apps for my business. My laptop has a Turion x2 cpu and 2gb of ram, so I should have the power. My question is this. will I get better performance from running gutsy x64, and then emulate an x86 machine for xp, or run gutsy x86. In the future, whe12:24
DropKickMurpheysThe plugins for firefox?12:24
WorkingOnWisen the brices drop, I intend on installing 8gb of ram, which will mandate an x64 install, but till then, where's the most bang for the buck?12:24
LjLalcaponage: as you wish12:24
basculepenguin42: it runs OK in 128, I relise it could, but to here it does is noce12:24
Henry_oh, oops, thx12:24
SableEverytime I run the update manager, about 15 seconds after it starts downloading updates, i lose internet.  I cannot even ping my router, but network manager says im connected.  To get it working, I have to restart the computer or disconnect/reconnect the usb adapter.  It works fine with all other internet stuff, it just stops working once I run the update manager.  Any ideas?12:24
alcaponageLjL: thanks tho12:24
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penguin42elivance: Sorry, I don't understand what you mean; I suggest start with an fdisk -l to see what that says - and how did you change the partition table?12:25
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre12:25
alcaponageLjL: how do I remove the ""?12:25
DropKickMurpheys!x86_64 firefox plugins12:25
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alcaponageLjL: my " works fine12:25
DropKickMurpheys!x86_64 firefox12:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about x86_64 firefox - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:25
elivancepenguin42: sorry :p I resized the partition with gparted and found out about the damage by running cfdisk - will run fdisk now12:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about x86_64 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:25
koerany one here know about KDEnlive ?12:26
DropKickMurpheysgoogle time i guess12:26
LinuxJuggalo!64 bit | DropKickMurpheys12:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 64 bit - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about x64 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:26
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tsclient - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:26
LjLalcaponage: you shouldn't need to remove it, you can just boot into the older one... but  sudo apt-get remove linux-image-2.6.20-16-generic  will remove it. but MAKE SURE the older one is still there, or you won't be able to boot at all!12:26
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lame - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:26
Gandurhow do I mount a hdd, that I connected to my PC after I installed ubuntu, permanently and give access to the standard user?12:26
DropKickMurpheyswhat do you know ubotu :/12:26
penguin42DropKickMurpheys: For flash you need a thing called nspluginwrapper that isn't in feisty but is in gutsy that runs 32bit plugins in 64bit ff; Java I haven't got a good answer for - you know running a 32 bit firefox is the easiest answer12:26
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...12:26
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Henry_ok, gonna give straight ubuntu a try, thanks so much for all your help guys!12:27
DropKickMurpheyspenguin42: how would i run the 32bit ff on my x64?12:27
abdu0066i am looking for some who can tutor me C++12:27
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DropKickMurpheysusing nspluginwrapper?12:27
LjLHenry_: if you ask me, 128Mb is not nearly enough for smooth GNOME desktop.12:27
alcaponageLjL: it said it couldn't find the package12:27
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dimas_dakira are you still there?12:27
koeranyone know about kdenlive ?12:27
kempohallo alle zusammen12:27
elivancepenguin42: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39483/12:27
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penguin42DropKickMurpheys: I've not done it; I went the nspluginwrapper route; I think the trick is to get the 32bit ff package from mozilla.com - but I think it is best to check the ubuntu wiki12:28
LjLalcaponage: then try  dpkg --get-selections | grep linux  and see what it's called12:28
DropKickMurpheysi mean i have 7.10 but i have it on cd... its the Alternate cd...For oem12:28
kempowieso funktioiniert das bcm43x-fwcutter packet nicht?12:28
LinuxJuggaloHenry_: no problem, we hope you like ubuntu and enjoy it :) if you got any questions or problems with ubuntu please feel free to come here :)12:28
LjL!de | kempo12:28
ubotukempo: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de12:28
DropKickMurpheysi will try12:28
dimas_i am trying to install windows on virtual box but said this...The VirtualBox kernel driver is not accessible to the current user. Make sure that the user has write permissions for /dev/vboxdrv by adding them to the vboxusers groups. You will need to logout for the change to take effect..12:28
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LjL!caps | andrea12:28
ubotuandrea: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.12:28
andreasorry hi had caps lock12:28
penguin42elivance: Oops!12:28
hal14450_dimas_, you need to add your user to the virtual box group12:28
koeranyone know about kdenlive ?12:28
LjLandrea: perhaps it thinks it's overheating12:29
penguin42elivance: Can you try an fdisk -l  please12:29
alcaponageLjL: then do i remove the one?12:29
LjLandrea: i know that there is a bug report about that12:29
=== Puppy_ [n=Kipper@oh-69-34-22-252.dyn.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
andreano the temp is ok12:29
LjLalcaponage: sudo apt-get remove "...."12:29
andreaand it works fine with windows12:29
dimas_ha14450 where i find that? where is that option?12:29
LjLandrea: i said it may *think* it's overheating - not that it *really* is overheating.12:29
erUSULdmitry_: sorry i was away what were you saying about your bandwitch?12:29
DrewsterI have question, does anyone know if i can use my sony network walkman with ubuntu, ist the NW-HD3?12:29
alcaponageLjL: now what, i see Linux-image- and headers12:29
hal14450_dimas_, system>administration>users and groups12:29
koeranyone know about kdenlive who can help me ?12:29
andreaok so what should i do?12:30
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hal14450_dimas_, then logout of x and back in again12:30
LjLalcaponage: sudo apt-get remove linux-image-
alcaponageit still doesn't work12:30
abdu0066what is the topic here12:30
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LjLandrea: see this bug report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/2233612:30
elivancepenguin42: added the output http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39484/12:30
dimas_hal14450 system from ubuntu?12:30
ubotuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic12:30
LjL!ubuntu | abdu006612:31
ubotuabdu0066: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com12:31
LinuxJuggalo!offtopic | abdu006612:31
ubotuabdu0066: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!12:31
=== buttercups [n=me@adsl-70-224-59-73.dsl.sbndin.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
abdu0066i understand sir12:31
koeri need help iwth kdenlive , anyone ?12:31
hal14450_dimas_, just logut of your window manager gnome or whatever and then log back in for the change to take effect12:31
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mlaissiHi people12:31
koeri need help with kdenlive , anyone ?12:31
penguin42elivance: Why are you using fdisk on /dev/sda1 don't you mean /dev/sda ?12:32
mlaissiI'm trying to install gcc12:32
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ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?12:32
=== pramz [n=pramod@c-24-16-148-178.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
mlaissibut I have no idea how to do that :$12:32
LjLmlaissi:  sudo apt-get install build-essential 12:32
erUSULmlaissi: install build-essentials12:32
LjL!compile > mlaissi    (mlaissi, see the private message from Ubotu)12:32
Mookieheres a question12:32
basculemlaissi: build-essential from the add/remove12:32
Mookiewhere do i find stage 1?12:32
Mookieor stage 2?12:32
LinuxJuggalomlaissi: sudo apt-get install build-essential12:32
=== penguin42 gently wonders where LjL's wacky quotes come from
elivancepenguin42: im using the live cd - and gparted says that the partition is called /dev/sda1 so i just assumed -- ill try with sda12:32
koerim having trouble with sound rendering with kdenlive , help !12:32
LjLpenguin42: a keyboard, most of the time12:32
abdu0066this place is flooded with iformation12:33
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PiciMookie: of?12:33
mlaissiLinuxJuggalo : seems to bo doing some installation now ...12:33
alcaponageHow do I remove the .16?12:33
basculeabdu0066: welcome to the internet ... :)12:33
LjLabdu0066: using the nickname of the person one is talking to helps keeping track of the conversation.12:33
Mookiepici ubuntu12:33
penguin42elivance: So your disc is /dev/sda, the partitions are /dev/sda1, sda2 etc - so if you want to look at the partitioning then you need to tell fdisk to look at the disc12:33
hal14450_lol @ bascule12:33
Mookieim trying to create a boot disk and it says to copy stage 1 and stage 212:33
penguin42LjL: Ah those aren't characters I'm used to12:33
LinuxJuggalomlaissi: that is what is supposed to do, it installs all the gcc things you need12:33
PiciMookie: I'm a little confused as to what you mean by 'stage 1' and 'stage 2'12:33
snail__what's the command to create a new user12:33
cjaemay someone please help me with my rdp connection?12:34
koerim having trouble with sound rendering with kdenlive , help ?12:34
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elivancepenguin42: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39485/ done :p12:34
Mookiefor using grub12:34
dimas_hal14450 i have micromedia flash server an user...is that from virtualbox?12:34
mlaissiLinuxJuggalo: Thats what I get : Err http://security.ubuntu.com breezy-security/main binutils 2.16.1-2ubuntu6.312:34
mlaissi  404 Not Found [IP: 80] 12:34
kRushHi, I've set up dnsmasq as local dns cache but it still seems to forward cached entries, any ideas?12:34
LjLpenguin42: precisely. which means that people can't type them. which means that they won't think they're part of the command. (well, they still do sometimes)12:34
erUSULsnail__: adduser12:34
ubotuNOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding!12:34
erUSULsnail__: but you can use System>Admin>Users...12:34
koerim having trouble with sound rendering with kdenlive , help ?12:34
penguin42LjL: OK that's fair, I'm not sure what they'll come out like on a dumber irc client12:34
andreathanks but i don't know what to do12:34
hal14450_dimas_, you need to look for the vbox group if you hold on a sec i'll check the name12:34
LjLpenguin42, all the Ubuntu IRC clients support UTF-812:35
mlaissiLinuxJuggalo: And it asks me to insert the CD (which I don't have)  :-(12:35
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andreai tried to reset the bios....12:35
=== uR-solarus [n=evan@c-75-71-70-22.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
andreabut nothing changed12:35
=== Drewster [n=Drewster@s55918857.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
dimas_hal14450 thanks i will wait12:35
Mookiepici: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy12:35
basculeandrea: whats happening?12:35
koerim having trouble with sound rendering with kdenlive , help ?12:35
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bascule!repeat > koer12:36
penguin42elivance: Now I'm confused - that seems to say your entire disc is an NTFS partition - how do you expect your machine to be partitioned?12:36
penguin42LjL: Fair enough12:36
LjLandrea: you could always try Gutsy. it's not stable yet, but it has a different kernel and may work for you given that Feisty does not12:36
andreaubuntu auto-reboot while booting12:36
kitchepenguin42: if the client does not support UTF-8 you would jusr see squares12:36
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PiciMookie: According to that those files should be in /boot/grub12:36
hal14450_dimas_,  <--- that should help12:36
andreaso the problem is in That kernel?12:37
soundlesshi all, I need some help with mounting an usb harddisk12:37
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Innomencan someone point me to a forum or the like that addresses "Error loading operating system" not having to do with a duel boot situation?12:37
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kitcheInnomen: usually that means no Boot loader12:37
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LjLandrea, i cannot really know. you should check the logs and everything - which is hard to do if you cannot boot. can't you even boot into recovery mode?12:37
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Mookiepici are the files supposed to be in there on the live cd or am i just copying them to the /boot/grub folder12:37
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LinuxJuggalo!gcc | mlaissi12:37
ubotumlaissi: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)12:37
ubotuGutsy Gibbon (7.10) *BETA* information and release notes can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon/Beta - If you regularly update, then you're running the latest version - ISOs and Torrents at http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/gutsy/ - It is development software and as such unstable, support ONLY in #ubuntu+112:37
andreathe same happens in recovery mode12:38
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elivancepenguin42: i like ducks12:38
penguin42Innomen: As well as the boot loader check that the bootable flag is set on the first partition - I've seen one or two odd bioses get upset by it12:38
SableEverytime I run the update manager, about 15 seconds after it starts downloading updates, i lose internet.  I cannot even ping my router, but network manager says im connected.  To get it working, I have to restart the computer or disconnect/reconnect the usb adapter.  It works fine with all other internet stuff, it just stops working once I run the update manager.  Any ideas?12:38
abdu0066Can some tell me why mouse is not stable after i installed Ubuntu12:38
soundless hi all, I need some help with mounting an usb harddisk12:38
InnomenI'll boot into the live cd and check the flags12:38
penguin42elivance: So do I, they seem to cope with our weather well12:38
PiciMookie: I'm not sure if they are on the liveCD.  Sorry.12:38
LjLandrea: try adding one of these options to the kernel command line: "noacpi" and "acpi=off"12:38
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LjL!boot > andrea    (andrea, see the private message from Ubotu) instructions for adding stuff to the kernel command line here12:38
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andreado you think it may help if i try kubuntu?12:38
LjLandrea: i don't think so12:38
soundlessmy usb harddisk doesn't automount anymore12:39
mckenseyhelp in spanish please12:39
elivancepenguin42: sorry - flatmates :p should be 2 partitions12:39
Pici!es | mckensey12:39
ubotumckensey: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.12:39
LjL!es | mckensey12:39
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mlaissiLinuxJuggalo : Is that a command or something ? (I'm the newbiest newbie ever)12:39
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basculeLjL: on an other os that symptom is almost always caused by bad sectors, would linux/ubuntu behave in the same way?12:39
nievesSable, your trouble was mine12:39
abdu0066Can some tell me why mouse is not stable after i installed Ubuntu12:39
abdu0066Can some tell me why mouse is not stable after i installed Ubuntu12:39
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SableDamn caps lock12:39
SableWhat did you do12:40
LjLbascule: rebooting without finishing boot? no, i don't think ubuntu would do that because of bad sectors...12:40
andreaok thanks a lot. I'll try12:40
abdu0066Can some tell me why mouse is not stable after i installed Ubuntu12:40
erUSULabdu0066: what do you mean by "is not stable" ?12:40
LjL!repeat | abdu006612:40
ubotuabdu0066: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience12:40
=== arescorpio [n=arescorp@201-212-177-78.net.prima.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu
_lenhi, I can't find the wine package on ubuntu 64 rep. Where can I get it?12:40
penguin42elivance: Oops - looks like one is missing then; if the partition is fully missing like that then backup all your data *NOW*12:40
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hal14450_abdu0066, you might be using the wrong driver for it in xorg.conf12:40
abdu0066it jumps around12:40
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mlaissiLjL : thank you for the tip but it asks me to insert the CD as it does't find the website containing that stuff : 404 Not Found [IP: 80] 12:40
dimas_hal14450 where i can find the vitualbox windows to configure users?12:40
penguin42elivance: There are things to try and find starts of filesystems on the disc but it looks pretty mashed12:40
nievesI put off phone cable from my router, restart net and visit the URL of my own router12:40
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LjLmlaissi: your repository list is probably messed up. you can create a new one from here:12:41
LjL!source-o-matic > mlaissi    (mlaissi, see the private message from Ubotu)12:41
nievesthen reconfigured it to avoid duplicate addresses12:41
hal14450_dimas_, are you registered on here it would be easier to help you out in a pm12:41
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LjLmlaissi:  gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list  to modify it12:41
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nievesperhaps it is also your problem12:41
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dimas_hal14450 i think i got it my friend12:41
hal14450_good ;-)12:41
RUL1looking for some1 to help, PM me12:41
SableYeah, ive basically done all that12:42
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_lenhi, I can't find the wine package on ubuntu 64 rep. Where can I get it? or do I have to compile?12:42
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erUSULabdu0066: and it is only the mouse? or you notice something else missbehaving? maybe the machine is too loaded and that couses the mouse to not respond properly?12:42
kitche_len: from winehq.com12:42
SableAnyone else know why package manager freezes my net connection about 15 seconds after it starts downloading?12:42
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hal14450_dimas_, once you get the users added to the vboxusers group then just logout and back in again and you should be able to add a machine12:42
_lenkitche: k i'm checking thx12:42
basculeerUSUL: nix doesn't do that ... unless there is an IRQ conflict on the USB12:43
penguin42Sable: Doees the same thing happen if you use aptitude from the command line?12:43
kitche_len: there is a section for 64-bit for ubuntu feisty whihc you need to read closely12:43
RUL1looking for some1 to help, PM me12:43
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dimas_hal14450 thank you very much i got it12:43
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Sablepenguin: I'm a newb, i didnt know there was a command line for updating12:43
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hal14450_dimas_, no problem you're welcome ;-)12:43
_lenkitche: Community docs? or winehq doc?12:43
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SablePenguin: What is the command?  apt-get update?12:43
steve___Does anyone know of a way to download the apt-get source lists for both feisty *and* gutsy then have something like apt-show-versions -a PKG_NAME give results from both releases?12:44
penguin42Sable: OK, well do   sudo apt-get update   and see if that's OK12:44
erUSULbascule: yes it does... check the kernel mailing list and all the flames around the new process scheduller (CFS)12:44
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penguin42Sable: It shouldn't break anything - that's just the first hting12:44
Sablewell if I disconenct, then you'll know it didnt work :)12:44
RUL1i am on windows now, need someone to help me to install ubuntu12:44
Innomenthe rpoper drive is flagged boot12:44
LjL!install > RUL1    (RUL1, see the private message from Ubotu)12:44
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basculeerUSUL: I have never seen a nix box so hammered the mouse goes .. man that is nasty :(12:45
SablePenguin: well, it didnt cause a disconnect, but I dont think it updated anything.  Get:12 http://security.ubuntu.com feisty-security/multiverse Sources [1052B] 12:45
SableFetched 202kB in 1s (117kB/s)12:45
SableReading package lists... Done12:45
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Sableand it just did 11 gets before that12:45
Sabledidnt install anything12:45
penguin42Sable: That's OK, the 'update' just updates the lists of packages available12:45
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ubotuGutsy Gibbon (7.10) *BETA* information and release notes can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon/Beta - If you regularly update, then you're running the latest version - ISOs and Torrents at http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/gutsy/ - It is development software and as such unstable, support ONLY in #ubuntu+112:45
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penguin42Sable: OK, so that bit's OK - the next bit is   sudo apt-get upgrade   now this will actually install packages so might ask some questions12:46
RUL1why are u giving me the bot with some links, i need normal help12:46
epsilornHi all!!! Got a problem: all my 3d games exit to desktop whenever I try to change video settings (code 11), tried with openarena, alien arena, nexius and xmame vector games! Could you help me?12:46
erUSULbascule: well the stress tests that the people use to "test" the scheduller are nasty ;) try a make -j 64 of the kernel sources XD12:46
SableI'll try12:46
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penguin42Sable: If the net connection goes then try and get the messages just before that happens12:46
rglis there a normal cd install for gutsy beta?  I don't want to download a dvd :|12:46
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basculeerUSUL: omg, there is no need for that, but I supose it is a good way ...12:46
LjLrgl: of course. Gutsy questions in #ubuntu+1 though, please12:46
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rglLjL, thx.12:47
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erUSULbascule: but anyway you are right the second of my "shoots in the dark" about the mouse problem is a IRQ sharing problem12:47
RUL1when i am installingi have problems with graphic12:47
d4rkmonkeyarg, I really gotta take off these stupid highlights...12:47
basculeerUSUL: I have seen USB go funnyon IRQ ... but never PS212:47
SableCan anyone see what I'm typing?12:47
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basculeSable: no12:47
InnomenSable: yes12:47
LjLSable: no12:48
SablePenguoin: it went down12:48
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penguin42Sable: interesting.... - can you paste the text into a paste-bin somewhere?12:48
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RUL1heeeeeeeeelllllllpppppppppppp me alllllllllllllllllrrrrrreeeeeeaaaaadyyyyy12:48
clouderhow do I turn tbz2 into tar.gz in one cli entry?12:48
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alecwhHello! I'm having trouble connecting to my school's WPA (personal) wireless network. I don't know why. I can connect to any network, except this one. All my friends with MacBooks can connect perfectly fine, along with a windows machine. Can someone help me out with this? I've checked, rechecked, and rerechecked the preferences for the network, and they are correct. What might be the problem/12:48
=== Puppy_ [n=Kipper@oh-69-34-22-252.dyn.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
basculeSable: after you type the first 3 letters of a nick hit the tab key, it auto-completes for you12:49
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penguin42clouder: gzip -d < blah.tgz | gzip -d > blah.tbz212:49
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penguin42clouder: Sorry, that's half wrong12:49
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penguin42clouder: bzip2 -d < blah.tbz | gzip  > blah.tgz12:49
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SablePenguin: It went down, no erros though.  THis is the last bit12:49
SableAfter unpacking 3895kB of additional disk space will be used.12:49
SableDo you want to continue [Y/n] ? y12:49
SableGet:1 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com feisty-updates/main app-install-data 0.3.31 [4539kB] 12:49
SableGet:2 http://security.ubuntu.com feisty-security/main openoffice.org-draw 2.2.0-1ubuntu4 [2312kB] 12:49
SableGet:3 http://security.ubuntu.com feisty-security/main openoffice.org-filter-mobiledev 2.2.0-1ubuntu4 [96.1kB] 12:49
sk8inroxDoes anyone know how to open a new tab in the terminal through an "sh" file?12:49
SableGet:4 http://security.ubuntu.com feisty-security/main openoffice.org-java-common 2.2.0-1ubuntu4 [2811kB] 12:49
SableGet:5 http://security.ubuntu.com feisty-security/main openoffice.org-base 2.2.0-1ubuntu4 [3496kB] 12:49
Sable7% [5 openoffice.org-base 46495/3496kB 1%]  [1 app-install-data 3103060/4539kB 612:49
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basculeSable: stop12:49
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Sablesorry basc12:49
alecwh!pastbin | Sable12:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pastbin - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:50
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:50
pacmanfanwill a dual-core CPU speed up compiling?12:50
chamunksHey is there a way to mirror my /   to an equil sized partition with other drives on different mount points like /media/sda1/ and /bkp/12:50
penguin42Sable: If it went down that early before it installed anything then it has to be network related not package related12:50
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WoahWoahHey guys! I'm quite a new linux user and the help I've had from some people here has been amazing. This is a slightly different question, it's actually on music. I'm trying to locate a song sung by an (African American lady e.g Kelly Rowland, Beyonce?) Some of the lyrics are "Put your hands up...." and "About ya baby".... It's quite a dancey song12:50
penguin42pacmanfan: Ish12:50
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mlaissiLjL : You're the man...12:50
penguin42pacmanfan: It will speed up compiling a large package because you can tell it to run more than one compilation in parallel12:50
Picichamunks: look into dd, there are arguments for it to ignore certain directories.12:50
jds2001pacmanfan: make -j 212:50
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penguin42pacmanfan: It won't do much for a single .c file12:50
SablePenguin: The only thing I'm not understanding is it only goes down with the package manager.  I can download files from websites and stuff and do anything just fine12:50
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pacmanfanhmm... would Wine be considered a large package?12:51
chamunksPici, dd being a rsync command or a different program alltogether?12:51
penguin42pacmanfan: Nod12:51
alecwhWoahWoah: This isn't the place to ask WHERE you can get the song. Check elsewhere.12:51
SableIs there a way to download the updates from liek an ftp?12:51
ikoniacloude bunz2ip $file.bz2 && gzip $file.tar12:51
Picichamunks: different program alltogether12:51
penguin42Sable: When you say it 'goes down' what do you mean ?12:51
WoahWoahLOL! Ok alecwh12:51
basculeSable: change your sources12:51
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bascule!sources > Sable12:51
pacmanfanalrighty, thanks!12:51
sk8inroxDoes anyone know how to open a new tab in the terminal through an "sh" file?12:51
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SablePenguin: I have no internet.  It says I am connected, but I can't even poing my router, I get 100% packet loss.  I have to unplug and plug back in my adapter to get the internet to work12:52
penguin42pacmanfan: Depending on the package it won't do it automatically - you might have to pass a -j 3 to make to get it to do a few in parallel12:52
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basculesk8inrox: depends on the terminal type, konsole could do this with dcop12:52
alecwhsk8inrox: try /j #bash12:52
penguin42Sable: Weird12:52
alecwhHello! I'm having trouble connecting to my school's WPA (personal) wireless network. I don't know why. I can connect to any network, except this one. All my friends with MacBooks can connect perfectly fine, along with a windows machine. Can someone help me out with this? I've checked, rechecked, and re-rechecked the preferences for the network, and they are correct. What might be the problem?12:52
pacmanfanpenguin42, i don't have a dual-core processor, but i'm just wondering how much it would speed up compiles to have two cores.12:52
penguin42Sable: Try downloading one of the large files from the Ubuntu repository that apt was trying to get using wget or a web browser12:53
chamunksPici, im coming up with many things here in my repo's  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39486/12:53
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sk8inroxbascule: Its the gnome terminal. alecwh: Ill try that12:53
pacmanfanpenguin42, Wine takes seemingly forever to compile on my Athlon XP 2600+, hehe.12:53
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basculepacmanfan: -j 3 is the way to do it12:53
Innomenhow do i see my drives?12:53
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penguin42pacmanfan: I find as well that dual cores tend to feel more responsive even when the machine is busy12:53
chamunksPici, im assuming i want ddclient12:53
Innomengrub is not accepting /dev/sdc12:53
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drukeis there a way to disable the ALT+RMB popup?12:53
LinuxJuggalo!wireless | alecwh12:53
ubotualecwh: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:53
Picichamunks: its in the corutils package, you probably already have it installed12:53
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Innomenit wants me to tell it (hd*) but i dont know what /dev/sdc means translated as (hd*)12:54
alecwhLinuxJuggalo: Thanks, I'll read through that. Are there any other wireless programs that I can use, to make sure it's not some obscure bug in the WirelessManager?12:54
basculeSable: are you sure that adpater isn't faulty?12:54
penguin42Innomen: GRUB install should let you do /dev/sdc, if you are at a grub prompt then you can do (hd and hit tab to complete and it will show you the partitions12:54
SableThe adapter works fine with windows on thsi computer and 2 others12:54
Innomenwhy cant there be a standard drive reffrence system, this is silly. /dev/ hd* uuid, *tears hair out*12:54
chamunksPici, ok i do so i wouldnt ask for a basic spoonfed example but im in a slight rush i need to mirror this before i head out so its done for later12:54
drukeInnomen,  that is based on your bios's HD numbering IIRC12:55
sk8inroxalecwh, That didnt work..do I have to use bash or does it matter12:55
Innomenpenguin42: will try12:55
Sableunfortunately, I cannot get my other adapter's drivers installed yet to test it out, but I've never had issues with this adapter12:55
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alecwhsk8inrox: no, I meant try the channel #bash ;)12:55
Innomenhwo do i know which hd is sdc?12:55
basculesk8inrox: the terminal might not support that operation at all12:55
LinuxJuggaloalecwh: wifi radar, sudo apt-get install wifi-radar12:55
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alecwhLinuxJuggalo: I've tried that, to no prevail.12:55
alecwhany others, LinuxJuggalo12:55
penguin42Innomen: Do (hd it will list hd0, hd1 etc, then try (hd0, and tab complete it will show you the parititons - it will even let you look in some of the partitions12:56
Innomenoky thank you druke12:56
Innomenthank you penguin4212:56
epsilorni have a problem with a wacom tablet, it works very well but only if i start linux with tablet already plugged in usb, if i plug it afterwards it behaves strangely, is there a way to make the tablet recgnizable upon plugging?12:56
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SpiffyBalakepsilorn: what does it mount as?12:56
Sable!sources> Sable12:56
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LinuxJuggaloalecwh: sorry i dont use wireless much12:56
sk8inroxalecwh, i knew that...lol jk :D12:56
chamunksPici, kus basically i need to backup my core system kus /home /bkp and /media/sda1 are seperate drives12:57
alecwhLinuxJuggalo: Ok, thanks. :)12:57
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SpiffyBalakepsilorn: you'll have to make a shortcut to unmount your tablet12:57
LinuxJuggaloalecwh: no problem :)12:57
chamunksPici, im just trying to avoid having to script a bash file that will have all the rsync jobs in a list to run consecutively12:57
Picichamunks: I'm looking for the argument I used...12:57
marx2kHaving a big issue removing nvidia-glx :(12:57
epsilornare you saying i have to unmoun t and remount it after i plug it in?12:57
marx2klooks like the install/remove script is broken12:57
=== GreySim [n=dennis@71-217-0-44.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:57
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Innomengrub loads but says error 17 cannot mount selected parition12:58
alecwhWhat are some relatively good applications for wireless networks? (besides NetworkManager and wifi-radar)12:58
SpiffyBalakepsilorn: when you're done with it, you unmount it12:58
chamunksPici, thanks Lots!12:58
=== DGtlRift [n=DGtlRift@c-71-204-24-170.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
marx2kCan someone look at this and help me? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39488/12:58
epsilornSpiffyBalak: you mean I got not to turn off my pc without unmounting it?12:59
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SpiffyBalakepsilorn: right12:59
=== theMuss [n=theMuss@mampi.vm.bytemark.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
epsilornAh ok thanks a lot! Now i'm going to try12:59
corphipI'm having issues getting my web server to load at boot.  I think it's a permissions problem.  Could someone walk me through some troubleshooting?12:59
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Picichamunks: Each thing you want to backup is on a seperate device?12:59
chamunksPici, Seperate partition01:00
alcaponageHow come I can't add my own images on the cube? Just the ones in "examples"?01:00
CryoniqWhich is the best mp3/ogg player for Ubuntu Linux?01:00
drukeIs there a way to disable the ALT+RMB reaction when over a window (I'm trying to use that particular shortcut in blender)01:00
usr13marx2k: sudo apt-get -f install01:00
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theMussHey complete noob with ubuntu - just installed it and have the dhcp picking up my settings but it seems to be giving me an out of range ip. Anyone know a good guide i can read01:00
Picichamunks: Can you unmount them? perhaps while using a liveCD? they need to be unmounted to work01:00
marx2kusr13: same exact error01:00
_Lucretia_can somebody tell me how to get an iso-8599-1 locale that I can use temporarily to update an svn tree for a specific project which doesn't support utf8? thanks01:00
basculehaving installed kubuntu-desktop can I safely uninstall ubuntu-desktop?01:00
RULRneed help, pm01:00
astro76theMuss, what IP are you getting?01:01
chamunksPici, im basically just looking to have a point where i can return to if i fubar my buntu without having to reinstall and reconfigure01:01
kitchebascule: yes since it's just a meta package01:01
supermani knwo this is regular error but how else am i ment to play my dvd01:01
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sk8inroxalecwh, I just figured it out..just thought id tell you how in case you were wondering.  You just do "--tab --working-directory -e 'blah blah blah'"01:01
basculekitche: thanks, idn't wanna break stuff :)01:01
mlaissiLjL : the  sudo apt-get install build-essential command is ok but still no gcc or cc found... help please!!01:01
cypher1marx2k, looks like both the packages nvidia-glx and xorg-driver-fglrx has delivered same file01:01
Picichamunks: read this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem01:01
marx2kcypher: how do i fix the issue?01:01
astro76RULR, if you want help ask your question to the channel01:01
usr13marx2k: sudo apt-get -f install  nvidia-glx01:01
SpiffyBalaksuperman: you gotta get the win32 codecs01:01
chamunksPici, and i dont think i will be able to unmount /home though im sure i can unmount /bkp and /media/sda101:01
Pici!ask | RULR01:02
ubotuRULR: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:02
alecwhsk8inrox: Thanks for sharing. ;)01:02
LjLmlaissi: that's quite weird, if you just type "gcc", does it say anything?01:02
supermanare they on repositries?01:02
basculeRULR: don't do that again01:02
theMussastro76: looks like - Thanks01:02
RULRsry, i didnt know...01:02
Innomenfrom my reading it apear grub is the problem01:02
marx2kusr13: heres an issue..that works (thanks!) but it removes my ati-fglrx drivers which I need installed also since this is a USB drive that I run on computers with both ATI and NVidia cards01:02
=== flycaster [n=flycaste@host154-46-dynamic.61-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
ubotulilo is an alternative [Li] nux Boot[Lo] ader. Note: it is recommended that you use GRUB on Ubuntu instead.01:02
basculeRULR: nobody knows the questio, ask it01:03
Innomencan lilo be instaled offline form the livecd?01:03
mlaissiLjL: command not foud. sudo find / -type f -name gcc doesn't return anything either... :-S01:03
astro76theMuss, your computer is connected to a modem?01:03
CryoniqHmm Will my fiance love me more when I have Ubuntu installed? :P01:03
riotkittieInnomen: i'm not sure if lilo's on the discs01:03
alecwhInnomen: I don't believe so.01:03
riotkittie!info lilo01:03
ubotulilo: LInux LOader - The Classic OS loader can load Linux and others. In component main, is optional. Version 1:22.6.1-9ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 342 kB, installed size 1088 kB01:03
Innomeni get error 17 cant mount partition01:04
basculeCryoniq: she will need to, it will be a testing time for you both .. :)01:04
Innomenmy drive is sata01:04
chamunksPici, so let me think i can mirror the /dev/hda1/ would it make sense to just mirror those to eachother rather than having to screw with any mounting at all?01:04
erUSULmlaissi: did you instaled build-essential ?01:04
theMussastro76: router - i've just taken on xp and wacked it on01:04
LjLmlaissi: are you sure build-essential installed successfully? it *always* includes gcc01:04
Picichamunks: Its really up to you.01:04
riotkittiemmm. i love cryptic error messages01:04
mlaissierUSUL: yep01:04
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marx2kusr13: do you have a solution for both ATI and NVidia drivers to coexist on an install?01:05
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astro76theMuss, so you're getting a public IP and should be getting a private one from the router?01:05
chamunksPici, ok so that doesent seem like it wouldent work?01:05
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Picichamunks: No, it should work.01:05
erUSULmlaissi: dpkg -L gcc01:05
mlaissiLjL: all I can find is some directory called /usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.0.201:05
theMussastro76: yeah, i think so - i'm feeling my way around a bit01:05
CryoniqWish ATI/AMD would release and make better drivers for my ATI9800 pro...01:05
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RULR(dont speak english very well) problems with instalation, graphics... i insered my Ubuntu 7.04 wich i have downloaded from offical page and boot loading was ok but when it finishes i cant see my desktop and 2 icons ("install") is one of them01:05
usr13marx2k: no01:05
chamunksPici, sorry bout the round about question just havnt done it before so i didnt really know what questions to start with :P01:06
marx2kusr13: is it impossible?01:06
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riotkittieRULR: you may want to try the alternate CD if you are having problems with the live discr01:06
RULRonly strange changing colours onmy monitor01:06
kitcheCryoniq: hard to do with that not being supported but soon the specs will be out for their cards so it'll be easier to make drivers01:06
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usr13marx2k: I don't know really, you'll have to ask someone else.01:06
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ckin2001kitche, specs out now01:06
marx2kok thanks for your help anyway :)01:06
Innomen"From what I understand, GRUB is owned by whichever file system location was used to install it. If you changed the location of the file system the boot loader goes to, it will give Error 17."01:06
astro76RULR, you can also try asking in #ubuntu-hr , I'm assuming that's your native language ;)01:06
Cryoniqkitche: the specs for 9800 also?01:06
RULRi will look for it on page01:07
mlaissierUSUL : I get "The package gcc is not installed"01:07
RULRTHANKS astro7601:07
kitcheckin2001: yes but hte dummy driver have not been made yet from my understanding01:07
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InnomenDoes this mean when i select ubuntu its trying to load from the wrong partition?01:07
marx2kDoes anyone know a method to have ATI and NVidia drivers to coexist on an Ubuntu install?01:07
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LjLmlaissi: what does  apt-cache policy build-essential  say?01:07
mlaissiLjL: I have some executable file named cc1, you know what it is for ?01:07
erUSULmlaissi: but build-essential depends on it it should be instaled01:07
alcaponageHow come when I go to shut down, it wont' shut down?01:08
myteronmarx2k: manualy configure x01:08
cypher1marx2k, i think looking at the manpage of dpkg-divert will help you01:08
marx2kcypher1: already figured that problem out :)01:08
myteronalcaponage, acpi issue01:08
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cypher1marx2k, how ?01:08
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marx2kmyteron: yes I got xorg.conf's for both NVidia and ATI... but can I not have the nvidia-glx and ati-fglrx drivers installed at the same time?01:09
marx2kcypher: apt-get -f install nvidia-glx01:09
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alcaponagemyteron: what is that acpi?01:09
mlaissiLjL : it says: Installed (none), Candidate 11.3,  Table of version 11.3 0, 500 http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com feisty/main Packages   (that's my translation from french)01:09
Picimarx2k: Why do you think you can't have both?01:09
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myteronmarx2k, you might need to check out howtos for setting up a multi console machine01:10
LjLmlaissi: then build-essential was *not* installed succesfully. try  sudo apt-get update  then  sudo apt-get install build-essential  again01:10
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marx2kPici: trying to install the deb package of one requires I remove the other :01:10
mlaissiLjL, erUSUL : I'm gonna try the build-essential again01:10
erUSULmlaissi: so you didn't install build-essential after all01:10
Picimarx2k: What are the two package names?01:10
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myteronalcaponage, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ACPI01:10
marx2kPici: nvidia-glx and xorg-driver-fglrx01:10
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mlaissiLjL, erUSUL : Now It freezes at 99% : "99% [Connexion  seveas.imbrandon.com (] "01:11
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myteronmarx2k, is this a package dep prob?01:11
chamunksPici, thanks lots gotta jet01:11
pavelis there a forum application for ubuntu? that doesnt use php?01:11
mlaissiLjL, erUSUL : and this host is not pingable ... :-S01:11
marx2kmyteron: doesnt seem to be, when i try to install fglrx, it tells me it needs to remove the nvidia-glx install first :/01:12
bmk789i have 2 partitions in an LVM with several GB of files, how do i get these files out of an LVM onto a normal partition?01:12
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LjLmlaissi: that server is down. select only the official Ubuntu repositories from source-o-matic01:12
_lendoes any1 know any flash player plugin for ubuntu 6401:12
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myteronmarx2k, well you can force the install but I am not sure if thats the way you want to go01:12
alcaponagemyteron: how do i fix it?01:12
LjLmlaissi: in other words, leave just the defaults selected01:12
myteronalcaponage, good question *g*01:12
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marx2khere check it out: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39490/01:12
mlaissiLjL : ok I commented this one and I'll try it again ...01:13
Picimarx2k: Hm... Thats odd.01:13
myteronalcaponage, will it switch off when you type halt into a root console?01:13
marx2kI agree01:13
InnomenSudo grub > setup (hd2,0) > Error 17: Cannot mount selected parition01:13
kevinGhey, are a bunch of repositories down, or something?01:13
Innomenfrom within live cd this time01:13
ubuntu_hi I want to reset my root password01:13
ubuntu_ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo chroot /mnt01:13
ubuntu_chroot: cannot run command `/bin/bash': Exec format error01:13
ubuntu_I get that when trying to chroot01:13
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Picimarx2k: I'm not sure.  I'd check bugs.ubuntu.com to see if someone has reported it.01:14
myteronubuntu_, you might just delete it from shadow01:14
MongooseWAhow do i delete podcast feeds in rhythmbox? i've gone into the xml file and deleted stuff, but i still get inundated with download error messages.01:14
ckin2001ubuntulog, sudo passwd :?01:14
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LjLhe's left.01:14
marx2kPici: Yep I'll try01:14
Picihes not here anymore.01:14
kahrytanMongooseWA, why you using rhythmbox?01:15
MongooseWAcuz i like it?01:15
elivancepenguin42: sorry about that - got abducted by flatmates01:15
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Innomenso ubuntu is incapable pof booting from a sata drive?01:15
ghostdoghelp me :((01:15
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:15
astro76Innomen, of course not01:15
mlaissiLjL, erUSUL : well now it stopped quickly. It says : <... try "apt-get -f install"  without package...> and I'm trying that01:15
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LjLmlaissi: yes. with sudo, though. means some packages were broken.01:16
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Innomenastro76: they should make that clear from the start :)01:16
kahrytanMongooseWA, just dont use it with an ipod. it's not compatible with itunes.01:16
astro76Innomen, make it clear that sata works fine?01:16
astro76Innomen, you asked if it was incapable, I said no :p01:16
astro76Innomen, it works fine01:16
MongooseWAwho said anything about an ipod?01:17
mlaissiLjL : yep with sudo... it's doing some cleaning ups and some updates ...01:17
Innomenahh i thought you were saying of course it cant boot and it was silly to ask01:17
Innomenand you were being funny01:17
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Innomenwell it wont mount the partiiton even from the live cd01:17
Innomeni'm at a loss01:17
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habHey, I'm trying to find an application like Korganizer (personal organizer/calendar) for GNOME. Any suggestions?01:17
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marx2kPici: Check out https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-November/022308.html01:18
erUSULhab: evolution01:18
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haberUSUL: It has a built-in one?01:18
Innomengrub is setup, i get the menu, and bam error 17, supergrub cant even directly boot the install, it just blinks, and reboots which takes me right back to the grub thats on the hd01:18
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Picihab: sunbird? its not in the feisty repos though.01:18
erUSULhab: calendar? yes01:18
haberUSUL: Thanks01:18
habPici: I'll check it out.01:19
mlaissiLjL, erUSUL: Yes!! I have gcc now !! thank you people i really appreciate your help :)01:19
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astro76Innomen, does sudo fdisk -l show it on the live cd?01:19
ubotuGutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information01:20
astro76Innomen, what error do you get when attempting to mount?01:20
Innomenerror 1701:20
Innomencannt mount parition01:20
InnomenReally descriptive01:20
ubuntu_root@ubuntu:/# passwd01:20
ubuntu_passwd: Authentication service cannot retrieve authentication info01:20
ubuntu_passwd: password unchanged01:20
ubuntu_How do I fix this01:20
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FFighterhello folks01:21
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FFighterI've got Ubuntu feisty fawn01:21
FFighterwith Gnome01:21
epsilornSpiffyBalak: hey, how do I unmount my Tablet? if i look dmesg it says01:21
epsilornusb 5-2: USB disconnect, address 301:21
epsilorn[ 3169.104000]  usb 5-2: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 401:21
epsilorn[ 3169.276000]  usb 5-2: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice01:21
epsilorn[ 3169.280000]  input: Wacom Intuos3 6x8 as /class/input/input801:21
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FFighterbut I'd like to switch to XFCE01:21
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:21
FFighterhow could I do that?01:21
FFighterinstall xfce from synaptic?01:21
epsilornSpiffyBalak: hey, how do I unmount my Tablet? if i look dmesg it says01:21
epsilornusb 5-2: USB disconnect, address 301:21
epsilorn[ 3169.104000]  usb 5-2: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 401:21
epsilorn[ 3169.276000]  usb 5-2: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice01:21
epsilorn[ 3169.280000]  input: Wacom Intuos3 6x8 as /class/input/input801:21
astro76!paste | epsilorn01:21
ubotuepsilorn: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:21
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astro76FFighter, install xubuntu-desktop01:22
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epsilornSpiffyBalak: hey, how do I unmount my Tablet? if i look dmesg it says01:22
epsilornusb 5-2: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice01:22
epsilorn[ 3169.280000]  input: Wacom Intuos3 6x8 as /class/input/input801:22
mneptokubuntu_: do not set a root password01:22
mneptokubuntu_: use sudo.01:22
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FFighterastro76, thank you - and how could I get rid of gnome or maybe de-activate it so that XFCE becomes the default DE?01:23
epsilornSpiffyBalak: sorry to bother you again01:23
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ubuntu_mneptok: wowomg... what if I forgot my main user pass and dont have any root pass lol01:23
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astro76FFighter, I think when you install it the xfce login manager will become default01:23
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stousetI've installed Ubuntu on a Mac Pro, and hitting up/left/down/right/pgup/pgdown/home/end in aptitude causes it to crash. Anyone know why?01:23
DoYouKnowAnyone here have success in getting direct rendering working with compiz-fusion on Radeon Xpress 200M video hardware?01:23
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FFighterastro76, Cool.. then I think it is just a matter of removing ubuntu-desktop (apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop) to remove Gnome?01:24
stousetIn vim, those keys produce ^\01:24
FFighterastro76, even though GTK+ must remain01:24
astro76ubuntulog, what if you forget a root password? that's not an argument for not using sudo01:24
astro76ubuntu_ ^01:24
epsilornsomeone good solving 3d card problems?01:24
Innomenthe fiel search in ubuntu apears to suck, does it not know to check subfolders?01:24
stousetIn fact, it looks like they all send Ctrl+\01:24
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astro76FFighter, I don't think there's an easy way to fully remove the ubuntu desktop01:24
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FFighterastro76, When I say ubuntu-desktop I mean the Gnome DE01:25
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astro76FFighter, indeed01:25
PeloFFighter, there is hold on I'll give it to you01:25
Innomenwhere would menu.lst be?01:25
PeloInnomen, /boot/grub/menu.lst01:25
astro76Innomen, locate menu.lst01:25
Innomenthank you01:25
Sablewhat is blacklisting in reference to networking stuff?  I blacklisted rtl8187 /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist and my internet seems to be working correctly01:25
stousetAnyone know a reasonable reason why up, left, down, right, pgup, pgdown, home, and end would send Ctrl+\ in the console?01:26
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FFighterastro76, well, thank you for the help ... on my way to XFCE01:26
DoYouKnowSable, it prevents that driver from loading01:26
Innomenand how would i get a translation of /dev to (hd*) ?01:26
PeloFFighter, use the third command listed and after run sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop to make sure you ddn'T remove anything you needed   http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde01:26
DoYouKnowSable, you can prevent any module from loading by blacklisting that module01:26
FFighterPelo, thanks01:27
SableHow do I know what I blacklisted01:27
SableI dont know what rtl8187 is01:27
PeloFFighter,  if it is xubuntu you want run  sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop after you hyave removed ubuntu-desktop01:27
PeloInnomen,    the  grub nomenclature starts with  O   where hdA,B    A is the hdd and B the parttion01:28
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marcus_hey Im thinking of switching to Ubuntu when 7.10 comes out01:28
FFighterWhat is the difference between apt-get and aptitutde after all?01:28
Innomenright but what does grub call dev/sdc1/ ?01:28
marcus_I use linux mint now01:29
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warriorHELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!01:29
decayHow do i check which version of gnome is installed?01:29
basculeFFighter: aptitude is curses based which means it has a gui of sorts01:29
PeloFFighter, aptitude has a few extra feature , amongst other things it will check to remove dependencies01:29
Pelowarrior,  state your problem01:29
Pici!ask | warrior01:29
ubotuwarrior: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:29
PeloDecadent,  menu > system>  about gnome01:29
FFighterPelo, well, apt-get also removes dependencies, at least on Feisty01:29
Innomenthe menu is indeed pointing to the right parition and drive01:29
decayNo it does not01:29
FFighterbut it installs dependencies01:30
FFighter:] 01:30
PeloFFighter,  no it doesn'T  not automaticaly, I mean dependencies when you remove the package they depend from01:30
FFighterwhy wouldn't it remove these dependencies?01:30
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decayi always use aptitude...hate uninstalling something and leaving scraps behind01:30
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Innomen(hd2,0) is /dev/sdc1 is the ubuntu installed parition01:30
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PeloInnomen, sounds about right01:30
Innomenso it boots it finds the menu, i tell it to boot, and still error 1701:30
warriori'm a italy...do not understand english....i'm love linux...hacker...and your's....OK?01:30
Innomenwhat now?01:30
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nickrudI hate that I have to go through and mark packages for automatic removal after a fresh install01:30
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FFighterwarrior, hey welcome01:31
decayi always use aptitude...hate uninstalling something and leaving scraps behind01:31
Pici!it | warrior01:31
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decayHow do i check which version of gnome is installed?01:31
FFighterSystem->About Gnome?01:31
ubotuwarrior: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!01:31
basculehelp -> about gnome01:31
PeloInnomen,  http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html  or try asking in #grub01:31
decaywell that worked01:31
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PeloDecadent,  menu > system>  about gnome01:31
Innomenits not the loader01:31
decayand now, how do i upgrade gnome?01:32
Innomenit did this before i used the loader01:32
Innomenor rather it said "error loading operating system01:32
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PeloInnomen, make sure the partition is flagged to boot01:32
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Innomenall i've done is add an elaborate path to where it was going anyway01:32
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Innomenit is according to the gnome parition manager01:32
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warriorFFighter: i look your's for language.... is difficulty for me! i'm ;(01:32
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Pelo!it | warrior01:33
ubotuwarrior: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!01:33
FFighterwarrior, well, my native language is not English, but I'm fairly comfortable with it - I think you should go to ubuntu-it if you're not comfortable with English01:33
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Innomenwhy did the install make 3 paritions?01:33
Innomen1 ubuntu install01:33
Innomen1 swap01:33
orionrhey is anyone in here running 7.1001:33
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Innomenwhats the other one?01:33
Beefheartwhats the command to copy in a terminal please?01:34
warriorPelo:no! i'm chat now qui!01:34
kitcheBeefheart: cp for copy01:34
PeloInnomen, the swap is embeded in an extended partition01:34
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Piciorionr: Yes. #ubuntu+1 for more questions.01:34
Pici!offtopic | warrior01:34
ubotuwarrior: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:34
decaycp file.txt ~01:34
decaythat would copy file.txt to your home dir01:34
Innomenwhich is why grub sees 2 and fdisk sees 3?01:34
LjL_ n=ubuntu 21301:34
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Innomenbecause one of them is "embedded" in the other?01:34
basculeInnomen: grub has no interest in swap01:35
Pelono , grug should see the same amounts of partition01:35
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Innomenso it just ignores it01:35
PeloInnomen,  why don't you pastebin your  menu.lst file so we can have a look01:35
Beefheartso, if i was to copy a folder from one location to another, what parameters would i use please?01:35
g0dd3sshai friendz, can anyone please recommend me a good app for decrypting dvd's on ubuntu01:35
Innomenoky hold on01:35
basculecp /some/file /some/where01:35
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Innomenthat machine wont see the net01:35
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basculeBeefheart: ^^01:35
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PeloInnomen,  got as flash drive ?01:36
Beefheartbascule, haha I really had some probs after my last driver attempt01:36
Innomenyea hold on01:36
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warriorFFighter:ok i'm aggiorned ubuntu feisty a gutsy! it is ok! sorry for the incorrect language!01:36
basculeBeefheart: were you tring intel instead of i810, that guy ..?01:36
Beefheartbascule, yes01:37
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Beefheartfound out of it01:37
Pelowarrior wait untill the OFFICIAL release  on october 1801:37
Beefheartbut now im back to old driver01:37
PeloLjL,  what was that for ?01:37
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:37
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LjLPelo: PM abuse.01:37
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Pelocarry on01:38
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Beefheartbascule, what should be first in the cP ? destination of copy or the file to be copied?01:38
basculeBeefheart: <object> <destination>01:38
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Beefheartbascule, ty01:38
=== Pelo thinks it's a good idea not to mess with LjL tonight, he looks trigger happy
scalawagCan anyone tell me why it might take a long time to load web pages...only happens in Ubuntu, had Vista before this, and have tried live-cd's and it flies01:38
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LjLPelo: it's *always* a good idea.01:39
scalawagI have highspeed internet, my gnutella downloads fly and there is no lag in any other ap...just firefox.01:39
Innomendont know if i did that right01:39
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Peloscalawag, try to look up ipv6 in the forum  there are instructions on how to disable it www.ubuntuforums.org,   and the number of  pluggins you have might also be an issue01:39
PeloInnomen, hold on01:39
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Beefheartbascule, it is possible to cope a full folder right?01:40
basculecp -a01:40
PeloInnomen, what is the /dev/.... addy of your ubuntu partition again ?01:40
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Innomenthat is one of 3 partitions on the drive01:41
Innomenall of which the ubuntu installer made01:41
Innomenswap extended and main01:41
PeloInnomen,   open a terminal    type blkid and compare the uuid of the sdc1 partition to the one listed in the command in menu.lst01:42
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Beefhearthow do i view the folder in xwin ? the folder is not there, i can only get to it Via terminal01:42
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borovy3488can anyone help me with my BitTorrent problems?01:42
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Peloborovy3488, what is your bittorrent problem ?01:42
basculeBeefheart: what folder, gimme /path/to/folder01:42
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Innomenyup, they match01:43
Innomensame as yesterday01:43
Innomenapprently my problem was not a duel boot issue01:43
Beefheartbascule, root@carlcfrost-laptop:/home/carlcfrost/.cedega/Anarchy Online/c_drive/Program Files/Funcom/Anarchy Online#01:43
Pelowhat are the other hdd on your computer ?01:43
borovy3488Pelo: are you always on here, man?  My problem is that I have forwarded all the ports, and Can You See Me says that they are open.  I have tried Azureus and BitTornado as well.  All only give about 4 KB max.01:43
Innomen2 ide 300gb encrypted volumes01:43
Peloborovy3488,  what is the torrent you are using ?01:44
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PeloInnomen, what isthe boot hdd of his comp ?01:44
Innomenlivecd sees them as unformatted basiclly as they should01:44
basculeBeefheart: press ctrl+H in nautilus, you will see .cedega01:44
Beefheartbascule, my goal is to replace that folder with another one with the right patch01:44
Innomensata primary 120gb01:44
borovy3488Pelo: what do you mean?  its a movie from pirate bay01:44
PeloInnomen,  i mean , what is on it ?01:44
Innomen3 paritions01:44
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Innomenmain swap and extended01:44
NixManso when does gutsy officially come out?01:44
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Beefheartbascule, thanks01:45
Innomenswap and extended are 4.5gb and the rest is the ubuntu install01:45
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usr13 NixMan couplaweeks01:45
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Peloborovy3488,  if you want to test your bittorrent you should get one of the fast torrent , like a distro for testing,  goto   www.utorrent.com,  check in the guide section ,  open the setup guide, there are a few good torrents for testing in there01:45
NixManusr13: alrighty01:45
NixMansounds good01:45
PeloInnomen, so your ubuntu hdd is the boot hdd ?01:45
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mneptokborovy3488: what ports did you open?01:45
Innomenyes, and without grub it says "error loading operating system"01:45
PeloInnomen, change hd2.0 to  hd0,001:46
NixManwill i be able to upgrade from feisty very easily01:46
bmk789can someone help me remove a drive from LVM?01:46
TheRepackerHi All, because of a known problem with nvidia 100.14.11 and 14.19 drivers, nvidia is recommending as a workaround to install 100.14.09, but that is not in the repros, anyone know of an easy way to install in Gutsy?01:46
Innomenchange where?01:46
PeloInnomen,  in menu.lst01:46
borovy3488Pelo: Thanks ill check it out.01:46
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ikonia!gusty >TheRepacker01:46
borovy3488mneptok: hang on just a sec. let me check.01:46
kitcheTheRepacker: #ubuntu+1 for gutsy support01:46
ubotuIt is spelt !guTSy :)01:46
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hwildeanybody ever have a problem with apt-get or dpkg launching a separate totally random program?01:47
PeloInnomen,  fyi ,   the grub nomenclature for hdd is based on the boot order   ie the boot hdd is always hd001:47
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g0dd3sshai friendz, can anyone please recommend me a good app for decrypting dvd's on ubuntu01:47
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Pelohwilde, as in what program ?01:47
bruenighwilde, it does that in post install scripts often01:47
borovy3488mneptok: 6881 to 6999 and 49152 to 6552401:47
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bruenigalthough it is hardly random01:47
Pelo!dvd > g0dd3ss check for a private message windows with instructions from ubotu01:47
hwildePelo, bruenig,  I am trying to install mysql, but it launches a completely random program01:47
TheRepackerthis is not just a Gutsy problem affects all multi-core CPUs and series 7 GPUs01:48
Pelohwilde,  what random program , give us an exemple01:48
tim167desktophello, i have a usb disk / mp3 player. i mounted it, put some files on it, then plugged into another computer, now i cannot access it anymore, the files have a lock icon help! thank you01:48
bruenighwilde, how does it launch a random program, does it assign each program a random number and then use a random number generator to pick between them01:48
mneptokborovy3488: you want to open 6881-6889 TCP and UDP. and then check the client configuration01:48
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FFighterhey folks01:48
g0dd3ssthankx Pelo01:48
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FFighterwhere is the keyboard configurator in XFCE01:48
Pelotim167desktop, what is the format of the flash player ?01:48
bruenigFFighter, the thing that says keyboard settings01:48
FFighterI installed XFCE and my keyboard layout is messed up01:48
basculebruenig: lamao, straight onto form :))01:48
FFighterPelo, SWF01:48
mneptokFFighter: please ask in #xubuntu01:48
PeloFFighter, ????01:49
borovy3488mneptok: i did, did you not see last post?01:49
FFightermneptok, ok01:49
mneptokborovy3488: then nothing is wrong01:49
borovy3488mneptok: also, I'm not sure how to configure the built-in BT client01:49
blahdeblahHi.  Is there an update repository similar to Debian volatile where i can get a newer version of clamav?  My feisty machine complains with these error messages:   WARNING: Your ClamAV installation is OUTDATED!     WARNING: Local version: 0.90.2 Recommended version: 0.91.201:49
tim167desktopPelo; i dont know, i have used it before, but putting the last file on it seems to have broken it, can i format this disk ?01:49
Innomenyou are the man01:49
mneptokblahdeblah: backports01:49
Pelotim167desktop,  what model ?01:49
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PeloInnomen,  are you just figuring that out ?01:50
Innomenand finally it boots into ubuntu01:50
=== Innomen smiles
hwildePelo, bruenig,   apt-get and dpkg both launch the carmen project, which I have moved, renamed, and deleted.   check this pastebin - I am stumped  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39492/01:50
bruenigblahdeblah, that means that you have a repo with 0.91.2 as that is the only way it could know of the newer version to begin with01:50
tim167desktopPelo unknown brand...let me check01:50
FFighterPelo, you were asking what format the Flash Player runs01:50
blahdeblahmneptok: I'm pretty sure backports is enabled on my system already...01:50
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PeloFFighter,  not your ,  tim's01:50
blahdeblahbruenig: the complaint is coming from clamav itself because the definitions require a new functionality level.01:50
tim167desktopPelo: it says "smartsonic Stereo mp4"01:51
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PeloFFighter,  and I meant his mp3 flash player01:51
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FFighterPelo, there isn`t a mp3 flash player, but there might be a flash mp3 player that runs on the flash player =)01:51
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bruenigblahdeblah, so it must be able to communicate with clamav itself are you sure there is no internal way?01:51
Pelotim167desktop, I suggest you check their site for instructions or for a special applet to format it , before you tried doing it in ubuntu01:51
FFighterPelo, ok ok.. I`m just complicating stuff01:51
bruenigblahdeblah, by which I mean inside the program itself01:51
blahdeblahbruenig: I don't understand your question01:51
PeloFFighter, yes you are , stop doing that I'm confused enough as it is01:52
blahdeblahmneptok: Looks like i was mistaken - i had backports enabled previously, but they're disabled at the moment.  I'll try again with them enabled.01:52
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bruenigblahdeblah, as in are you sure there is no way for the program to update itself01:52
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bmk789how do i move data from one PV to another in an LVM?01:52
blahdeblahbruenig: The clamav update process only updates the signatures, not the code itself01:52
bruenigblahdeblah, obviously it communicates with the clamav over the internet else it wouldn't know of the new version, so it would follow that they would have some way within the program to update01:52
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blahdeblahbruenig: Have you ever actually *used* clamav?01:53
Pelo!lvm | bmk789  this is all we have atm on the subject01:53
ubotubmk789  this is all we have atm on the subject: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO01:53
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hal14450_what kind of bot is ubotu ?01:53
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Pelohal14450_,  one of thos without the 3 laws,  so be carefull it can turn on you in a flash01:54
mrbrdoi've re-setup grub and now my windows partition isn't readable anymore (i can't mount it in ubuntu) but also grub throws an error when i try to boot in windows and i can't read it because the menu displays again too fast.. i think maybe grub overwrote a few sectors on the windows partition because it was installed on that partition.. i've changed the boot flags now and reinstalled grub to the /boot partition but it doesn't help anymore01:54
kitchebruenig: not really you sorta have to update clamav yourself which is kinda dumb really :)01:54
hal14450_Pelo, seriously though since we could use something simliar in #ubuntu-newyork01:54
mrbrdoor maybe i need to fix the mbr or something?01:55
Pelohal14450_,  I think pricechild is the one to ask01:55
tim167desktopPelo, there is no site about this mp3 player, and google only returns related results in spanish or in chinese ( or japanese ? )01:55
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hal14450_Pelo, thank you01:55
Pelomrbrdo,  is windows onthe same hdd as ubuntu ?01:55
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smohow can i force apt-get to use a particular repository when a package is in 2 repository??01:55
scalawagBolded IPV6 in the config, still loading slow01:55
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mrbrdoPelo:  yes but other partition of course01:55
blahdeblahmneptok: Thanks - backports has a newer version.01:55
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Pelosmo, apt-get will use the most recent package version01:56
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=== mneptok bows
hal14450_!seen pricechild01:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about seen pricechild - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:56
mrbrdoPelo: but i did install grub on that partition (/dev/hda3 the ntfs partition)01:56
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smoanyway to do it?01:56
Pelomrbrdo, is the windows partition still flagged to boot ?01:56
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mrbrdoPelo: not anymore but when it was it was the same01:56
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mrbrdoPelo: it's not flagged as bootable now, i changed it to /dev/hda1 which is the /boot parition but it's still the same it won't boot to windows or mount that partition01:57
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Pelomrbrdo,  you installed grub on hda3 ?   I thin you might have screwed things up,  try asking in #grub , this is over my head  ( and the windows partition needs to be flagged as boot)01:57
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Pelomrbrdo,  the boot flag just means you can boot an os from that parttion, id is not the mbr not the same thing01:57
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mrbrdoPelo:  but before only hda3 was flagged as bootable01:58
mrbrdono linux partition..01:58
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mrbrdoPelo: ah nvm it is still flagged as bootable i forgot to write changed01:59
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Pelomrbrdo, generaly you put windows on the first partiton of the boot hdd,  and then you can put ubuntu/linux anywhere else  , windows like to be the first ,  it is less problematic , and grub is usualy instaled as part of the ubuntu/linux partition01:59
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Pelomrbrdo,  take a screnshot of gparted so I can see what your hdd looks llke and also pastebin your grub/menu.lst file02:00
MekApelsinX restarts on backspace (just backspace not ctrl-alt-backspace). What to do?02:00
mrbrdoPelo: yeah it worked fine until now tho, i just reinstalled grub02:00
Pelomrbrdo, why did you reinstall grub ?02:00
mrbrdoi installed the gfxboot version02:00
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Pelomrbrdo, what ever the partition manger you use  with an image so I can see what the partitions look like on yourhdd02:00
mrbrdothe .lst file is the same as before it just has an extra line to specify which message to use02:00
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mrbrdofdisk not good?02:01
Pelomrbrdo, can you get me a good clear listing of yoru partitons with the devtree and the FS on them ?02:01
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mrbrdotell me if that's not good enough02:02
Pelomrbrdo, basicaly I need to see the menu.lst file and I need to know hat your hdd looks like02:02
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mrbrdookay i'll post the menu.lst file too then02:02
Pelomrbrdo, that will do , now the menu.lst file02:02
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Pelomrbrdo, ok , give me a few minutes02:03
mrbrdoi seriously think grub overwrote something on the windows partition though because i can't mount it anymore02:03
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Pelomrbrdo, I can't see anything wrong with it ,  did you say that you couldn'T mount your windows partition in ubuntu anymore either ?02:04
warriorpici:he still excuses for the rudeness which I have had before!02:04
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gnomefreakgot him02:05
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gnomefreakwaits for lag02:05
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mrbrdoPelo: yes i can't mount it anymore02:05
enhancer_hrm, curious02:05
mrbrdoPelo: and this started after i did grub-install on /dev/hda302:05
Innomenwhy was xero removed? from my end it looked like he just joined and thats all :P02:06
mrbrdoso i think something was overwritten on the partition and not sure how to fix that02:06
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enhancer_so, XChat does not support socks natively?02:06
Pelomrbrdo, I think it is possible that you messed the hda3 partition ,  why did you try to instal grub there ?02:07
Peloenhancer_, ask in #xchat02:07
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PeloInnomen,  THEY were waiting for him , what does that tell you ?02:08
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mrbrdoPelo: because i thought it was the right partition because of the boot flag :S02:08
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Pelomrbrdo, it is quite possible you messed it up,  and I don't know how you would fix it , sorry, it's over my head,02:09
Pelomrbrdo,  try asking in #grub  they might know , but I doubt it02:09
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mrbrdoit's all quiet in there02:09
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Pelomrbrdo, not all channels are as busy as this one ,just restate your question periodicaly and be very patient02:10
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=== Pelo wishes he remembered how to underline the word very in xchat
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xeerhi everyone! seems my alsa mixer is not working properly. when i try to do a test sound in the sound preferences dialog i get "no element "gconfaudiosink""02:11
mrbrdoPelo: thanks02:11
kitchePelo: it's in options most likely :)02:11
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xeermy sound works, though only one source and use the device at a time. is there a way to reinstall/reconfigure the mixer?02:11
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Pelo!sound | xeer02:12
enhancer_Pelo: I would, if it existed02:12
ubotuxeer: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP302:12
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enhancer_torrify is my friend I suppose02:12
Peloenhancer_,  there are 99 ppl in there right now, check your spelling02:12
SableEverytime I log into ubuntu, I have to open a terminal and type modprobe ndiswrapper in order to start my wirless card.  Is there any way to have ubuntu do that automatically?02:13
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xeermy volume control applet says "The panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_MixerApplet"."02:13
enhancer_maybe I dont' like xchat soo much02:13
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enhancer_I can't see who is where02:13
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Innomencan you make ubuntu recall the state of your desktop (folder postions and opens etc) when it reboots?02:13
kitcheSable: sudo ndiswrapper -m will write the module to where it's suppose to go02:13
alexbobpgsp0tz is sending spam to me whenever I join or part.  Anybody else noticing this behavior?02:13
enhancer_./chmod +lame +rtfm ME02:14
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Peloenhancer_,  you maybe useing xchat-gnome , it is crap,  goto  menu > applications > add/remove , search for xchat and install xchat ,  uninstall xchat-gnome02:14
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Innomenriotkittie! pelo fixed me :)02:14
kitcheI don't notice gsp0tz doing it02:14
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alexbobp"(07:14:48 PM) gsp0tz: (notice) Make free cartoons & silly ecards on http://www.ComicStripGenerator.com ;)"02:15
astomperI just got Comcast cable internet.  It works, but when I plug my router in it stops working, any help anyone?\02:15
enhancer_Pelo: danke02:15
=== enhancer_ goes to remove his head from his arse
PeloInnomen, depends on what you mmean   you can make it remember a default boot destkop with stuff open  just put everything the way you want and   goto  menu > system < prefs > session >   3rd tab   save session02:15
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PeloInnomen,  you make it sound like I castrated you02:15
kitcheastomper: umm is your router setup to use the wan to connect to it that is02:15
astomperkitche, I'll go check right now02:16
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Innomenwhat i mean is like how firefox recalls where i left off when i closed it02:16
Innomencan ubuntu do that as well?02:16
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Innomeni notice it has multiple desktops02:16
Innomencan it "save" them on exit?02:16
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_Ulver_join #ubuntu-br02:17
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preaction_Innomen, open Preferences > Sessions, it can "Save session on logout"02:17
PeloInnomen,  just go to where I said and check the save session automaticaly box,  it will restrt the comp as you exited it02:17
Innomenthask o02:17
Innomentak o02:17
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PeloInnomen,  you might also want to look into  devilspie but you'Re on your own with that one02:17
Innomenlaptop kb dieing02:18
Innomenthank you02:18
Pelo!enter | Innomen02:18
ubotuInnomen: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:18
=== Pelo laughs evily
Innomeni was tyring to say think you02:18
Innomenand yur all about starting fights02:18
Innomen*shuts up*02:18
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PeloInnomen, take a joke for linus' sake02:18
Aplexwi'v forgot my password for mysql how can i recover my password ?02:18
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Innomen*wants to grumble but remembers that he shut up* :P02:19
kitcheAplexw: reset mysql root password if that's what your missing02:19
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Aplexwkitche : how can i do that ?02:20
DropKickMurpheysHow would i stream an internet radio station in audacity?02:20
kitcheAplexw: mysql.com has a good howto02:20
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InnomenPelo: i know but i got inot the ** habit because people on icq/yahoo/aim/msn saw "/me throws snowball" and i got strange looks02:20
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DropKickMurpheysaudacious *02:20
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Innomen/notice will do02:21
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mrbrdohey Pelo02:21
mrbrdostill there?02:21
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mrbrdoi fixed it..02:21
Pelooff course,  how ?02:21
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zcat[1] sudoers : brucekingbury ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/local/bin/tremswitch   -- should mean Ican run /usr/local/bin/tremswitch  as root, without a password, right?02:21
PeloDropKickMurpheys, look into pluggins on the audacious site02:21
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Aplexwkitche : can you give me the command to reset the password ?02:21
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DropKickMurpheysTo stream music?02:21
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kitcheAplexw: it's lengthy02:21
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DropKickMurpheysi need a plugin to stream?02:21
mrbrdoit was Windows XP, but i forgot and used the windows vista installation cd and i used the option startup repair or something like that, it tries to repair automatically.. and it did02:21
mrbrdodidn't even mess up grub :)02:22
cuahuatzinHas anyone tried to install ubuntu server 6.06 LTS?02:22
PeloDropKickMurpheys, yes that 's what I mean ,  probably I don'T know I don't use audacious but if you can'T find a place to open a url  then I guess you need apluggin02:22
CaneToadDoes anybody know how to change the openoffice default paper size to A4 from Letter?  I'm having trouble finding where.  My system default is A4 and yet OO persists in having Letter as default.02:22
DropKickMurpheysi found a place02:22
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DropKickMurpheysit just wont load the url02:22
Pelomrbrdo, congrats02:22
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zcat[1] !sudo02:22
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.02:23
mrbrdoPelo so if someone has a problem like that the vista cd seems to actually help sometimes :)02:23
ckin2001cuahuatzin, ya02:23
mrbrdowell, cya, thanks for your help mate02:23
whoniccai tried to access my ext3 drive that my ubuntu installation is on via the live cd and get the following error when doing a dmesg | tail, can someone help me find a solution please02:23
PeloDropKickMurpheys, check the audacious site they have an irc channel you can ask there02:23
cuahuatzinwere you able to install succesfully? I downloaded the ISO, but my machine wont boot from it02:23
whoniccaforgot to add the pastebin heh02:23
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cuahuatzinwhat steps did you take to install?02:24
Pelocuahuatzin, did you  copy the iso to a cd or did you "burn image" ?02:24
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whoniccai think this is the reason my system has been acting crazy lately, now grub doesnt want to load and gives me an error 202:24
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ckin2001cd in, boot, install02:24
zcat[1] ARGHHH!!!!02:24
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SableHow do I stop x-server02:24
zcat[1] I cannot understand the sudoers manpage!!! help!02:24
cuahuatzini think i just copied the iso, instead of burning the image02:25
alexbobpI'm connected to the internet wirelessly, which is eth1.  When I run nmap as myself, it works normally, but if I type "sudo nmap" (for -O), I get "Failed to find device eth0 which was referenced in /proc/net/route" twice.  What is this?02:25
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Pelowhonicca, this is what error 2 : Bad file or directory type02:25
Pelo    This error is returned if a file requested is not a regular file, but something like a symbolic link, directory, or FIFO.02:25
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zcat[1] fuck it I'll just run the shole script as root02:25
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.02:25
Pelocuahuatzin,  that was your mistake,  an iso is a cd image you need to burn the image ,  it's a special format to make sure the copy is exactly the same as the original02:26
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whoniccaPelo: before this everything was booting up just fine and i havent edited any config files02:27
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SableWhat are the commands to stop and start the xserver02:27
Pelowhonicca, what did you do before it started going badly ?02:27
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whoniccahard reboot02:27
PeloSable,  sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop02:27
PiciSable: `sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop`02:27
whoniccapressed the power button while restarting the machine since it had locked up02:28
Pelowhonicca, hmmm02:28
whoniccaand was the only way to turn it off at the time02:28
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just22hi, just a quick info... i'm lookin for the best kernel version to use in my amd64 distro. What do u think about?02:28
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zcat[1] _I have a script taking input from a chatroom, there's ONE command I want it to be able to launch, which requires root. How can I configure sudo to let me run just that one command as root, without asking for a password?02:28
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zcat[1] _because I really don't want a script that takes input from a chatroom running as root02:28
Pelojust22, try asking in ##linux02:28
cuahuatzinis windows able to "burn an image"?02:28
whoniccai really dont want to format my computer to fix this problem02:28
just22Pelo, thnx02:29
alexbobpcuahuatzin: Windows can burn an image if you get software for it02:29
Pelowhonicca,  this is over my head , sorry,  maybe the ppl in ##linux can help you fix your ext3 partition02:29
alexbobpImgBurn is very good02:29
alexbobpalso CDBXP is good02:29
zcat[1] _cd #linux02:29
zcat[1] _oops02:29
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cuahuatzinwhat specific software would I have to get?02:29
whoniccahopefully they dont eat me up for being a noob02:29
Pelocuahuatzin, didn't your cd burner come with a cd ?  there is usualy a prog to do it on it02:29
alexbobpcuahuatzin: ImgBurn02:29
shiznitimgburn ftw02:30
Pelowhonicca, the ppl in ##linux are actualy very nice02:30
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cuahuatzincool, thanks alot ppl! this has been a tremendous help02:30
=== Pelo just means that they'll say grace before the feasting begings
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alexbobpPelo: they usually come with lousy software.  Bundled software in general tends to be lousy.02:31
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alexbobpalthough hard-drive tools are often an exception02:31
diaficsleep now02:31
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Peloalexbobp, it's just a quick way to get a working app to do the job ,  mine came with nero, which isn'T bad when ou think about it02:32
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alexbobpPelo: true, nero is good.02:33
simplechathey everyone02:33
alexbobpalthough I prefer to use at least freeware02:33
simplechati'm back again02:33
alexbobpand imgburn is just as good02:33
alexbobpHi simplechat02:33
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simplechatstill wait the same problem02:33
alexbobphow was the fight with giant robots?02:33
Pelosimplechat, which problem is it again ?02:33
simplechatwent well. who would know they were afraid of chickens?02:33
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simplechatWindows and ubuntu killing each other02:34
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Pelosimplechat,   a little less metaphore would be helpfull02:34
simplechathow would i get ubuntu to install, but leave grub on its root partition?02:34
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CaneToadcan any of the gui-based free burning softwares burn files >2Gb (ie ISO9660 level 3 or UDF) ?02:34
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simplechatPelo: windows when installed, bluescreens if and only if ubuntu is installed.02:34
xeerdoes anyone have experience with bluetooth and audio devices? i've paired my motorola headset and it get recognized fine within alsa.. when i use a program like vlc or xmms to play through that sound device i hear no sound02:34
Pelosimplechat,  how many hdd do you have ? and do you plan on installing ubun and windows on the same hdd ?02:34
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simplechatPelo: i have two, but one is for data02:35
alexbobpCaneToad: ImgBurn can do all of that stuff.02:35
simplechatand i do plan on running them both from the same hdd02:35
alexbobpVery well.02:35
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CaneToadDoes anybody know how to change the openoffice default paper size to A4 from Letter?  I'm having trouble finding where.  My system default is A4 and yet OO persists in having Letter as default.02:36
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Pelosimplechat, let me explain my setup , that might help a bit ,  I have two hdd , one hdd is as 10 gig for windows and 70 gig for data ,  the other one is ubuntu  10 gig for /  2 gig for swap , 78 gig for  /home ,     I parttionned the windows one and insalled windows on it ,  then I switched the boot hdd in the bios for the ubuntu hdd and installed ubuntu on it02:37
whoniccain fdisk how would i change a partition from extended to linux partition02:37
=== MrTodd is now known as OOGGGGGGGGGGGYYY
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate02:37
PeloCaneToad,  OOo menu > tools > options , somwehere in there02:37
hinogiihmm CaneToad thats format >> page i guess02:37
Pelowhonicca,  no02:37
simplechatPalo: pata or sata drives?02:37
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jaek_guys, what package am i missing... i have no menu icons02:38
markelhasPelo can u help me with a ubuntu install on a pen drive?02:38
Pelosimplechat,  it's pelo and one of each02:38
Pelomarkelhas, not realy, but state the issue and I'll see what I can do02:38
simplechatPelo: so i should install one on each drive?02:38
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Pelosimplechat,  that's what I did ,  but make sure you switch the boot hdd in the bios before you iinstall ubuntu ,  so grub is on the ubuntu hdd02:39
e\ectro_why doesnt cron.{hourly,daily} work out of the box?02:39
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simplechatPelo: you can't get them to coexist on one drive?02:39
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Peloe\ectro_, it does , you just need the correct syntaxt for the the commands02:39
e\ectro_Pelo, you cant just drop an executable script into the dir?02:39
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CaneToadhinogii, you can certainly change the page size in a document but I need to change the default02:40
CaneToadPelo, I've already look under menu/tools/options and I find nothing about default page size there.  I've looked through multiple times.  Perhaps I'm blind but I can't see anything.02:40
Pelosimplechat, you can but it suited me better this way,  I can  remove either hdd and the other os will still work02:40
rickeyis there speical room,s subporting wine , anyone know02:40
Peloe\ectro_, that's not how it works02:40
simplechatPelo: i prefer having my data on one disk, so i can take it and it will work fine02:40
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usserrickey: that'd be #wine02:40
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markelhasi've follow the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent to install ubuntu on a usb pen, but when i try to boot from it nothing appens. should i do something else?02:40
PeloCaneToad,  try askin in #openoffice.org02:40
CaneToadok thanks02:40
whoniccahttp://www.zshare.net/image/4002426d97fae4/  =(02:40
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usserrickey: my bad #winehq02:41
rickeyyou dont know what wine is?02:41
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SlimeyPetelots of people don't.02:41
usserrickey: what?02:41
markelhasi've follow the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent to install ubuntu on a usb pen, but when i try to boot from it nothing appens. should i do something else?02:41
Pelosimplechat,  try ttry this,  preparttiion your  OS hdd ,  make one part for windows and one part for linux, ( half and half if youwnat) ,  then install windows on the first one , make sure it works,  then remove the partiton you mde for ubuntu and install ubuntu on the unallocated space02:42
rickey i ment thanks02:42
simplechatPelo: did that, windows didn't recognise the partition.02:42
simplechatremove the partition?02:42
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e\ectro_Pelo, how does cron.{hourly,daily} work?02:42
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jiammarkelhas: does your bios support booting off the usb? how did you verify that?02:42
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Pelomarkelhas,how are you trying to boot from the usb drive ? what steps did you take with your cmputer02:42
D4N`you tell me ;)02:43
shiznituse the windows installed to install windows02:43
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awakeQUESTION: How can i install the linux sources (not headers) for my kernel?02:43
shiznitleave some free unpartitioned space02:43
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shiznitthen install linux02:43
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Pelosimplechat,  use the live cd,  make a parttion on the second half of the hdd, leave the first half free,  instal windows on the unalocated space,    then  boot the live cd remove the second partition so you have unalllocated space and insall ubuntu on that02:43
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markelhasi've change the boot settings in my bios to boot from usb first them cdrom and last disk02:44
shiznityou dont have to do taht02:44
markelhasPelo, i've change the boot settings in my bios to boot from usb first them cdrom and last disk02:44
Peloe\ectro_,   open terminal   type  crontab -e02:44
markelhasjiam, i've change the boot settings in my bios to boot from usb first them cdrom and last disk02:44
usserawake: theres a linux-source metapackage which installs source for your running kernel02:44
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simplechatPelo: windows won't see its own partition, i have to repartition it02:44
lekuhow do I enable more than 2 desktops in compiz fusion?02:44
lekuI want to have the old cube from emerald/beryl02:44
lekuwhats up02:45
Pelomarkelhas, put thyem back the way they were when you installed ubuntu on the usb drive and just boot the comp02:45
jiammarkelhas: you may have to reboot a couple of times, for usb to be detected, its a bit slow sometimes02:45
shiznitgo to general settings in compiz config manager02:45
brokensambotI can't wait for fast user switching02:45
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brokensambotLogging out is a pain02:45
dimas_i am trying to switch usb hardware from ubuntu to windows on virtualbox said unable to connect to usb device...what shuld i do?02:45
ir1help , I can't find my wireless netcard after upgrade to gutsy~02:45
Pelosimplechat,   you want to have  unallocated space for windows to install on02:45
merriamCaneToad: I think you have to change your default template.02:45
dimas_pelo hello02:45
Sven_vBhi :)02:45
awakeusser: I have already done apt-get install linux-sources but same programas when i try to compile them didn't find it. Do i have to create some specific link?02:45
lekugot it shiznit02:45
lekui know what i was doing wrong02:45
markelhasjiam, i've done it couple of times...02:45
jiamir1 does dmesg says its not detected?02:46
Pelodimas_,  ask in a virtualbox channel,   and hi02:46
lekui was adding desktops and not extending horiz. virt size02:46
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simplechatPelo: more information?02:46
ir1 help , I can't find my wireless netcard after upgrade to gutsy~02:46
markelhasPelo, but i want to use the usb02:46
simplechatwindows has made its own partition and installed now02:46
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usserawake: nope that should be enough is there any specific error message u get pastebin it pls02:46
dimas_pelo didnt know it was a virtualbox cannel02:46
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Sparkcups is printing everything with letter paper, even though i configured it to use a4, and even though the postscript files i'm sending it have a4 as their media02:46
jiammarkelhas what os do you have on the hd?02:46
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Sparkthis is causing the printer to reject the jobs02:47
markelhasPelo, i trying to create a usb with ubuntu why should i reset the setting back to previous state?02:47
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markelhasjiam, ubuntu02:47
Pelomarkelhas,  when you install ubuntu  it makes a boot menu ,  the fist part of the boot menu is probably on your regular boot hdd ,   when you boot from that you get the menu and you can boot the usb drive02:47
ech0dishrefurbished ubuntu desktops for sell, http://stores.ebay.com/Houston-CompCycle02:47
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shiznitdoes anyone know how to make the cube hollow on the top and bottom like in the screenshots02:47
shiznitso you can see the back of the desktops02:47
jiammarkelhas: so both the hd and usb have ubuntu?02:47
ir1help , I can't find my wireless netcard after upgrade to gutsy~02:47
Pelomarkelhas,  you should have   make the usb drive the boot drive in the bios before you installed ubuntu on it02:47
ir1help , I can't find my wireless netcard after upgrade to gutsy~02:47
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ir1can someone help me ?02:48
usserech0dish: wow tnx, might buy one for file server02:48
awakeusser: Yes http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39496/02:48
Peloir1, ask in #ubuntu+102:48
markelhasPelo, if a click on my esc i can choose where should it boot02:48
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Pelomarkelhas, not the same thing02:48
silenthey, anyone know of a good network manager (other than network-manager) ?02:48
markelhasjiam, yap, i'm making a usb with ubuntu for a friend02:48
usr13awake: sudo  apt-get install linux-source02:48
Pelosimplechat, meet me in #pelo please02:48
jiammarkelhas: follow Pelo's advise about the bios02:48
awakeusser: linux-source ya est en su versin ms reciente.02:49
awake0 actualizados, 0 se instalarn, 0 para eliminar y 0 no actualizados.02:49
markelhasPelo, i've also let the boot seq normal and never boot to usb :(02:49
ghettodoes anyone know how to install xp from an iso on an ntfs partition?02:49
awakeusser: It means: already installed .02:49
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=== usser wtf is kernel 2.6.99???
ech0dishadd me to your fav sellers, i will soon have refurbished 2U servers with Ubuntu Server installed.02:49
Pelomarkelhas, I don'% know then, I've never done that bit before I can'T help any further02:49
usserawake: kernel 2.6.99 doesnt seem right,02:49
awakeusser: It says AT LEAST02:50
markelhasPelo, ok02:50
markelhasjiam, thnks02:50
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awakeusser: I suppose something from v4l develps02:50
ghettocan I install xp to a partition from linux?02:50
ech0dishxp needs to be installed first02:50
ech0dishthen ubuntu02:51
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ech0dishxp likes to think it is the only os02:51
usserawake: hm the latest version of linux kernel is like 2.6.26 or something02:51
ech0dishif you go to youtube, you can find video tutorials of how to install duel boot xp/ubuntu02:51
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ghettoIs there anyway to install xp from an iso on an ntfs drive? All I have to hand is a 128mb pen drive02:51
awakeusser: I know i have 2.6.22-12-generic02:52
shiznitnot really02:52
usserawake: hang on im gonna download kernel source see if i have that header file yuors complain about02:52
ech0dishyou can install it using vmware02:52
shiznityou need to boot from cd02:52
ech0dishfrom iso02:52
ech0dishbut other then that you need to boot from disk02:52
awakeusser: Ok thanks!02:52
ghettowill vmware install xp to my hd?02:52
shiznithow much of a performance hit is vmware?02:53
ech0dishvmware emulates the bios and all02:53
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ech0dishyou can install without even turning off your computer, and the hit is not too hard.02:53
ech0dishi've ran it on as low as 800mhz p302:53
shiznitwhats "not too hard?02:53
shizniti dont wanna loose like 20fps in games02:53
ech0dishwhats your comps stats?02:53
ech0dishyou talkin bout running vmware to play games on windows?02:54
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bulmerhowever the video resolution is not too high on vmware unless there is a patch for it02:54
ghetto3hz celeron02:54
ghetto2gig ram02:54
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ech0dishyou should be fine to do whatever with 3ghz and 2gb02:54
ech0dishexcept a few games might slow down02:54
ech0dishtry cedega02:54
shiznityes i was thinking bout it so i wouldnt have to reboot all the time02:54
ech0dishcedega is best02:54
ghettoCAn I not install it permanently to a hd?02:55
shiznitbut i dont wanna do it if im gonna lose performance02:55
ech0dishyou can not, unless you want to reinstall ubuntu after02:55
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ghettodon't have ubuintu installed yet02:55
ghettono os02:55
jklockshiznit: no matter what its not going to be as good as a regular install of windows.02:55
dwxreaperwhy are files going when i reboot my server (daemons, programs..) then i reboot again and they are back02:55
ech0dishif it has no os, then its fine to install xp...02:55
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dwxreaperwhat would the possible problems be!02:56
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ghettoIs there a distro that I can install to a usb pen drive through windows?02:56
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ech0dishdamn small linux02:56
decay_How can i scan my system for open ports?02:56
shiznitjklock, ty im not doing it then02:56
ech0dishor knoppix02:56
ghettohave no means to burn cd/dvd since I only have dvd-r and my drives a +r02:56
shizniti like my fps02:56
ghettostick is only 128mb02:56
ghettoI have dsl02:56
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usr13decay_: you can't really, you will need another computer to scan from outside.02:57
ghettohow do I install it to the stick?02:57
shiznitdecay_ do to shieldsup02:57
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ech0dishshould just have to put the files on it02:57
usr13decay_;  you will have to get someone to do it for you.02:57
Skwid_hey everyone, i have issues with a bug in ubuntu where my laptop keeps shutting down due to critical temperature being reached, anything i can do ? i hate being on windows :S02:57
decay_usr13, shiznit more details pleaseee02:57
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ghettoand it will boot?02:57
decay_usr13, ok, how?02:57
shiznitgoogle shields up02:57
ghettoeven though it's fat fs?02:57
decay_shiznit, ok thanks02:57
jaek_anyone know what package got removed... i dont have any menu icons02:57
usserawake: wow alright the thing u try to compile looking for headers in the wrong place02:58
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usr13decay_: have someone run nmap on your ip02:58
shiznitshieldup does that02:58
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usr13You can look at services you have running with netstat02:58
Skwid_this is the bug02:58
awakeusser: mmm how can i fixit it? export or something like that?02:58
usserawake: make a symbolic link from /lib/modules/2.6.22-12-generic/source/include/linux to /usr/include/linux02:58
usr13decay_: You can look at services you have running with netstat02:58
ghettoI have the puppy iso files on the drive now, copied them over from power iso02:58
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ghettowill that boot?02:59
decay_The reason i ask is because i made a simple server, but people can't connect to it. but i can from localhost02:59
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usserawake: do cd /lib/modules/2.6.22-12-generic02:59
usserawake: sudo mkdir source02:59
Skwid_or this one https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.17/+bug/2233602:59
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Skwid_i cant find a work around :S03:00
CaneToadmerriam, you were right about the OO template... I found this web page http://axljab.homelinux.org/OpenOffice.org_-_Default_Template which helped a lot...thanks for the clue otherwise I would have had a lot of trouble finding it03:00
usr13decay_: is there a firewall between you and outside that may be blocking the ports in question?03:00
usserawake: sudo ln -s /usr/include03:00
sleepcathow can i make my mouse cursor pink?03:00
usserawake: before that last lince cd source03:00
merriamCaneToad: no problem03:00
TheSkormsleepcat: turn it gay.03:00
ldz420I am using ubuntu 7.4 amd64 version I want to install the java plug-in in.  do I have to install firefox 32 version?03:00
decay_usr13, not sure. unless ubuntu has one that i dont know of. running ubuntu on default settings03:00
IndyGunFreakldz420: yes03:01
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IndyGunFreak!flash64 | ldz42003:01
ubotuldz420: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava03:01
usserawake: that should point it to the right place03:01
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awakeusser: Ok thanks a lot, im going to try recompile03:01
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usr13decay_: is there a stand alone firewall or router between PC in question and target clients?03:02
Skwid_anyone ?03:02
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usr13decay_: Not talking about software firewall, but talking about hardware firewall.03:02
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decay_usr13, I am using a wireless router if that answers your question03:02
decay_usr13, then no. just a wireless router03:02
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usr13decay_: The wireless router is also a firewall03:03
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decay_usr13, but then howcome i can connect to here, and send files of GAIM, etc?03:03
usr13decay_: You will more than likely need to open [forward]  ports in the router03:03
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Innomenanyone here use truecrypt?03:03
decay_and receive files as well03:03
nazeehhi everyone03:03
nazeehquick question: If i upgrade to the 7.10 beta now, will it upgrade to the final version when it's out with no issues?03:04
Innomeni've installed it apprently but i cant find it03:04
jaek_is there a meta package for installing all the packages that would get installed by a default install?03:04
usr13decay_: because you are on the LAN ports, (as opposed to the WAN port).03:04
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TheSkormMy system has no wan ports03:05
decay_usr13, kinda lost. not a network techie, just software somewhat. So, do i have to plug the router to my computer and open up the port im using in the server i created?03:05
usr13decay_: Your wireless router is in fact a stand alone, hardware router.03:05
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TheSkormand tynically sspeaking if he's on a wiress router, it doesnt mean he has to port forward there03:05
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TheSkormI have a modem -> server -> switch -> wireless03:06
usr13decay_: use the router's configuration menu, (probably at ).03:06
bulmerdecay_: its because your ip address on your server is not reachable from the internet directly withouth nat'ing03:06
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usr13decay_: What model is your router?03:06
zcat[1] _http://pastebin.com/m61db43eb03:06
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decay_it's the MSI router03:06
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decay_ MSI RG60G03:07
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j0nkatzso do all the newer Dells run Ubuntu ok?03:07
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usr13decay_: well what ever your gateway address is, you will more than likely find web based configuration for the router.03:07
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usr13decay_: or
zylstra555Hello, I am running an Ubuntu server with Apache2. What is the best way to set the hdparm settings? I would like to make it reserve as much power as possible, without too much interference. A little bit of slowdown is fine03:08
usr13if it's left on defautl address03:08
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decay_usr13,  believe it or not, thats not it. its
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decay_usr13, and i can connect to that address and itll give me the router setup03:11
SirPerigrinAnyone extremely good with Grub wo could help me get it to recognize a newly installed OS? Edited menu.lst to death with no avail03:11
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decay_usr13, as opposed to physically connecting the router to my computer with a wire03:11
j0nkatzso do all the newer Dells run Ubuntu ok?03:11
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CoasterMasterj0nkatz, my older Dell (Inspiron laptop circa 2005) runs Ubuntu perfectly03:14
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j0nkatzI was gonna order one and wanted to get something with a beefier vid card than what comes in their new "Ubuntu model"03:16
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about java64 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:16
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usserldz420: the latest java64 is blackdown 1.403:17
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dwxreaperwhy are files going when i reboot my server (daemons, programs..) then i reboot again and they are back03:17
dwxreaperwhat would the possible problems be!03:17
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dam9whoops sorry03:18
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kjphow can I tell if my ubuntu kernel has support for port multipliers ?03:22
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kevinGCan anyone tell me why I can't download anything from Synaptic?03:23
kevinGAre the servers down, or something?03:23
Evanlecim sure this has been asked but, what program would one use to author flash with in ubuntu? (like swf files for the web)03:23
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tonyyarussocan anyone recommend a program for typesetting musical scores?  (gtk preferred)03:25
kjptonyyarusso: rosegarden ?03:26
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robtonyyarusso, I think nted might be what you are after03:26
tonyyarussokjp: may work03:26
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tonyyarussorob: what's the package name for that?03:27
robtonyyarusso, it's not in the repos, but I have a package if you want it03:27
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robtonyyarusso, the details are at http://vsr.informatik.tu-chemnitz.de/~jan/noteedit/noteedit.html03:27
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mneptoktonyyarusso: http://denemo.sourceforge.net/03:27
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tonyyarussorob: I'll look into it, thanks03:27
kjpcan anyone tell me how I can find out if my kernel has support for esata port multiplier support03:27
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mneptoktonyyarusso: Rosegarden will want all the KDE libs03:28
robtonyyarusso, if you want the Ubuntu packages just ask me03:28
Innomendoes truecrypte have a gui when run under ubuntu?03:28
Siph0nhey when i plug my phone into my laptop using a usb cable, this moto4lin howto says the device should show up as /dev/ttyACM0 , but i dont see that.... i only see 6 new /dev/usbdev1.17_ep* devices ..... any ideas???03:28
tonyyarussorob: do you have a source package?03:28
SirPerigrinyes, but its a seperate program innomen03:28
SirPerigrinand not very functional03:28
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Innomenhow do i even run it? i've installed it03:28
mneptoktonyyarusso: NoteEdit, too03:29
SirPerigrinits a CLI03:29
kevinGSo, is anyone else unable to get downloads from Synaptec Package Manager?03:29
Innomenbut its not like in windows, it gives me no choice where to sintall things and the search function apprently dosent know how to look in subfolders03:29
mneptoktonyyarusso: Denemo + lilypnd = the choice for GTK fans03:29
SirPerigrinits not like windows, its better!03:29
Innomenso since it didnt give me shortcuts, i have no idea where the application is03:29
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tonyyarussomneptok: looks interesting.03:29
Innomenok then you tell me how i'm supposed ot iniate truecrypt03:29
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SirPerigrinIts in the /bin folder like everything03:30
SirPerigrini said, its a CLI03:30
SirPerigrinmeaning you run it in text mode03:30
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SirPerigrinfrom a Shell03:30
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mneptokor an Exxon03:30
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tonyyarussomneptok: will it export to PDF or something neat like that?03:30
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rm_xI'm getting tired of my laptop fsyncing in the beginning of a sales meeting - any way I can make it do the every-n-mount's fsync's at shutdown instead?03:31
mneptoktonyyarusso: http://denemo.sourceforge.net/manualout.html#publish03:31
Innomenthats not a GUI then is it03:31
SirPerigrinno, its a CLI03:31
SirPerigrinCommand Line Interface03:31
lekuin compuz fusion how do I setup cube transparency aned change the cube cap pictures?03:31
mneptokrm_x: don't have AC power during boot03:31
Innomeni asked if there was a gui, you said yes :P03:31
SirPerigrinthe GUI you CAN Dl is so useless its not worth it03:31
Innomenwell its better than not being able to use it at all03:31
tonyyarussomneptok: nice03:31
SirPerigrinuhm... not use it?03:31
mneptokrm_x: only plug in the laptop after it has booted. no more fscks at meetings.03:32
SirPerigrinthe CLI is more useable than the GUI03:32
rm_xmneptok: ooh - so it'll avoid doing the fsync if not plugged in.03:32
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Pelo!grub > simplechat03:32
Innomenyea see this assumption that users know linux like i know dos is the downfall of this whole project03:32
SirPerigrinok, ill walk you thought it in baby steps then now that you ask03:32
Innomenit is not unreasonable to demand a gui for all apps on "Linux for humans"03:32
mneptokInnomen: no one here assumes users are intelligent. we only ask you be willing to learn.03:32
rm_xStill think it'd be nicer to do it at shutdown, tho - since when I'm shutting down I don't care if it takes 1/2 hour; while when I boot I usually want it up soon.03:32
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SirPerigrinOpen up a Terminal, Type in Truecrypt --help03:33
mneptokrm_x: i do. when it's time to leave the office i want to GO. ;)03:33
Innomenthe "if you want something simple use something else"/"go away i'm a linux guru" thing does not or should not apply to ubuntu :)03:33
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roadfishwhen I try download Ubuntu, it says "no installation candidate". However, the package is at http://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/text/dict-wn ... why can't I install this package?03:33
rm_xYeah - but when I leave the office I don't mind if it fsyncs in my laptop bag.03:33
SirPerigrininnomen, EVERYTHING in ubuntu has VERY DETAILED HELP FILES03:33
rm_x(though maybe I should because of the heat - hmm)03:33
roadfishsorry ... I mean when I try to download dict-wn ... dict-wn03:34
SirPerigrinit NEVER assumes you know things, it assumes you can read a help file03:34
mneptokInnomen: so if i said "I'm trying to get Safari for OESX running on Windows" the answer "If you want something simple use another product" is unacceptable?03:34
FrogzooInnomen: but linux does have a steep learning curve, it only upsets people when you're not up front with people about that03:34
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rm_xBut the don't plug it in workaround is great.  That meets my need.03:34
mneptokrm_x: np. glad yer happy. :)03:34
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Innomens how was i supposed ot know i'd ned two dashes before help? and how was i to know that "truecrypt" was now a valid command? could it not have been tcrypt, or TC? See, that assumption is what i'm talking about, and why a gui is required. :)03:34
SirPerigrinby reading03:34
SirPerigrintheres Help documents everywhere03:34
mneptokInnomen: YOU made the assumption, not Linux03:34
Innomenyur going in circles03:35
Innomeni'm supposed ot magically know where the readme is?03:35
SirPerigrinwhen i started Linux i probobly read 6 hours a day in help files for a week03:35
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SirPerigrinwell, you do now03:35
Innomenlets ask toddlers if they know where the readme is03:35
Frogzoo!docs | Innomen03:35
ubotuInnomen: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com03:35
SirPerigrinany command + --help03:35
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mneptokInnomen: YOU assumed you'd get a clicky icon. YOU assumed "the shell is an antique." YOU assume the CLI is somehow "inferior"03:35
roadfishhow do I figure out which version of Ubuntu I have installed?03:35
Innomenthats not good enough, for "the linux for humans"03:35
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SirPerigrinactualy, if you read the Wiki03:35
Innomenin widnows you install an app and it sayts "hey, wanna RTFM?" that is NOT too much to ask here03:35
Frogzooroadfish: lsb_release -a - works for all linux distros03:36
roadfishok, so what't the command-line command to find out why version of Ubuntu I have?03:36
SirPerigrininnomen, 70% of Linux Apps are the same way03:36
mneptokInnomen: humans learn and adapn. you should, too.03:36
roadfishFrogzoo: tnx03:36
SirPerigrinyou just got a single app thats not03:36
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Innomenno, i should not have to search the web for basic help on an app i already have, what i've i dont have net access where i'm installing?03:36
kevinGgod damn, just send the man a link to the GUI03:36
mneptokInnomen: whatever, this is all offtopic and should be moved to -offtopic03:36
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tonyyarussomneptok: oooo, it's in the repos even03:36
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mneptoktonyyarusso: aye03:37
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mindrapeInnomen - Windows also writes all appliction and system configurations to one massive mess called the Windows Registry... should linux follow this awful practice too?03:38
Innomeni have suffering the you should already know attidude for countless other distros, THIS one is supposed ot be diffrent, the stated goal of the project is to supplant windows, if its gunna do that for anyone but the i alreayd know linux crowd there are some fact that must be addressed, and the assumption of knowledge in fact must be removed.03:38
SirPerigrinThe GUI is called Forcefield, but you wont like it much03:38
mneptokguys, pylease move this to -offtopic03:38
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Innomenno, how the os works internally is not at issue03:38
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Innomeni'm talking about communications between the machine and the basic new user03:38
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mindrapeInnomen - #ubuntu-offtopic... I'll teach you the ways.  :)03:39
=== SirPerigrin recomends a trip to the Bookstore and a Copy of Ubuntu for Beginners
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Innomenthis is not offtopic, i have a legitimat tech support issue03:39
mneptokInnomen: state it03:39
Innomenhow do i find where true crypt is installed?03:39
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Skwid_hey everyone, i have issues with a bug in ubuntu where my laptop keeps shutting down due to critical temperature being reached, anything i can do ? i hate being on windows :S03:39
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WooDhi guys..03:39
WooDI have a big problem03:39
SirPerigrini already told you, /bin03:39
Lankenwhen is gutsy beta scheduled to come out?03:39
WooDnever seen before ...03:39
mindrapeInnomen - saying "I don't know what I'm doing and don't know how to find readme files" isn't a support issue...03:39
mneptokInnomen: sudo updatedb && locate truecrypt03:39
Skwid_this is the bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.17/+bug/2233603:40
Innomeni've just clicked on the desktop and typed /bin03:40
warriorhi! as it is settled msniff03:40
Innomennothing happened03:40
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Innomendont assume i know03:40
pike_acpi | Skwid_ might help ya never know03:40
mneptokInnomen: there. solved. move to -offtopic.03:40
Ant1jrSkwid: Reapply your thermal compound on your cpu03:40
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Innomenno its not03:40
christian_what i need03:40
Ant1jrSkwid_:Reapply your thermal compound on your cpu03:40
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Skwid_Ant1jr: hum, something software ? :)03:40
kevinGhaha you guys are douches03:40
Skwid_Ant1jr: windows handles it just fine ..03:40
Ant1jrSkwid_: Um critical temp is not software03:40
SirPerigrinInnomen, just go DL Forcefield and live with its bugs till you get used to a CLI03:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about family - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about clean - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:40
Ant1jrSkwid_: Shut off your cpu temp monitor in bios03:41
mindrapekevinG - language... ;)03:41
pike_Skwid_: that isnt somethine you should have to do tao a lappy. not saying you couldnt improve it by doing that but..03:41
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roadfishInnomen: do you know the package name? assuming is it crypy then try /var/lib/dpkg/info/crypy03:41
InnomenSeriously, where is the search files function?03:41
kevinGoh, so there are people listening03:41
Ant1jrMindrape: And you have rape in your name ;)03:41
Frogzoomindrape: do you consider mindrape a family friendly nick??03:41
Innomeni open the place menu and click computer03:41
cyclonutInnomen: install Beagle03:41
FrogzooAnt1jr: ditto03:41
warriorhi! as it is settled msniff03:41
WooDI had to shut off real fast the server while it was booting up .. when I put it back on I get an error on starting up back the Mysql server... It ask me to check if the /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock exists ?  I've checked and there is no file at that name .. any of  you know what I can do to solve that problem ?03:41
kevinGInnomen, you should probably just ask on the forums, people there are generally more helpful, i've found03:41
Skwid_Ant1jr: hum ...03:41
Lankenis gutsy beta out?03:41
Innomeni click search, how do i tell it i want to find every instance of "crypt" on the system?03:41
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kitcheLanken: yes03:42
mindrapeFrogzoo/Ant1jr - I do... rape means to forcefully take away... you are just pervs so you think its sexual.03:42
mneptokInnomen: sudo updatedb && locate truecrypt03:42
mneptokInnomen: that is the answer. please stop asking03:42
Innomenso there is no gui search either?03:42
cyclonutInnomen: BEAGLE03:42
Lankenkitche: is there an installer cd, or just dvds?03:42
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Frogzoomindrape: consult a reference dictionary on standard english usage03:42
mneptokInnomen: there is. you just can't figure it out.03:42
Get_A_FixInnomen: try using the Nautilus file browser, click on Places and Home and go from there03:42
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pike_Innomen: i think youll find most here more comforatable with terminal commands. sorry i dont know gnome gui that well. locate something does work though03:42
mindrapeFrogzoo - http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=define%3A+rape&btnG=Google+Search03:42
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kevinG"douche" means "a person of scummery"...of course, it's not in the Oxford English Dictionary yet, but someday it will be!03:43
Ant1jrmindrape: http://www.google.com/search?q=define%3A+rape03:43
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cyclonutInnomen: I say for the last time, install beagle, tell it to index your drive. You can search trhough that.03:43
kevinGi tremble in fear03:43
WooDany of you can help me please ?03:43
ech0dishsup wood03:43
Skwid_mindrape: nobody on google define seems to agree with you :)03:43
MixxI have a good understanding of hacking around linux, (maybe I don't understand exactly what modprobe does, but I know when to use it).  i'm interested in learning more about programming in linux - can anyone suggest a n00bs guide?03:43
pike_Innomen: second recommendation for beagle. ive heard good things about it03:44
WooDech0dish: im so desperate03:44
Mixxthere seems to be a gap between the utterly uninitiated and the advanced programmer03:44
Innomenyur kidding, so for the record ubuntu does not ship with a gui way to search for a given file? i'm honestly asking because no one will tell me03:44
ech0dishthey have meds for that now.03:44
roadfishsup roadfish03:44
Innomenpike_: i'm sure03:44
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WooDech0dish: my mysql server wont start anymore03:44
Innomenand i will go get it03:44
leprasmurfhello all03:44
mneptokInnomen: it's a basic part of GNOME. try looking in menus.03:44
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ech0dishpastebin the error03:44
Innomenif someone tells me that i have to by answering what i just asked03:44
warriorHI as it is settled msniff???03:44
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pentestanyone run the ipw2200 wireless chipset?03:44
leprasmurfI'm trying to use xdmcp, on a wireless network, anyone know any ways to speed it up?03:45
Innomenmneptok: yea i did, but i dont see it, thats why i'm asking where it is03:45
Get_A_Fix Innomen: you don't have to go get anything, in Ubuntu, click Places and Home and use the Nautillus file browser03:45
pike_!search | Innomen03:45
ubotuFound: keys-#ubuntu-effects, gutsy, sources.list-#ubuntu-effects, editors, wink, xubuntu-channels, fluxbuntu, girl, xubuntu03:45
MixxInnomen if you're looking for guis, stick with windows.  otherwise use the "locate" command03:45
=== Hornet [n=hornet@cpc4-ipsw1-0-0-cust978.colc.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
kitcheInnomen: Beagle03:45
WooDI had to reset while it was booting and since that time mysql wont start ... It fail !!! what do i do ? .. in the syslog file it says to check if i still have the mysql.sock file but I dont :(((03:45
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InnomenGet_A_Fix: well not really, it has to download form a depository03:45
brianskiwhat's the best way to do software raid these days?03:45
Skwid_mindrape: haha, but calling people perv when 99% of the definitions have the word 'sex' in it is a little overboard03:45
Innomenbut i know what you mean03:45
cyclonutinnomen: go to synaptic package manager03:46
cyclonutsearch beagle03:46
mneptokInnomen: open a Nautilus window. hit CTL-F.03:46
cyclonutclick the install thing03:46
warriorI would want to analyze the conferences on my local net.....come is settled msniff?03:46
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Skwid_mindrape: you're a geek of thinking of the OS when i tell you about Linux ... i mean it could well be the laundry !03:46
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mindrapeSkwid_ #ubuntu-offtopic... go read wikipedia definition... in the meantime Yawn and OFFTOPIC03:46
WooDany of you can help please ?03:46
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cdm10What's the difference between bug-buddy and apport, and why does each seem to intercept different types of crashes?03:47
roadfishWooD: you might also want to ask on #mysql03:47
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WooDokthanks roadfish03:47
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Innomenagain i ask, true or false, ubuntu does not ship with a gui way to search the machine for a given file.03:47
Innomeni know that i can now go dl beagle03:47
mneptokInnomen: open a Nautilus window. hit CTL-F.03:47
mneptokInnomen: open a Nautilus window. hit CTL-F.03:47
mneptokInnomen: open a Nautilus window. hit CTL-F.03:47
munk__can somebody help me? i get error with the xorg.conf it says problem parsin the config file03:47
heguru Innomen: you can, open nautilus and click at the search button on the toolbar03:48
cdm10Innomen: Places>Search for Files. That simple. Or, Applications>Add/Remove, find Beagle, and click it. Both are very simple.03:48
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pike_munk__: what type of card? intel ati nvidia?03:48
kevinGmneptok, Does ctrl-f search various folders, or just the current one?03:48
heguruInnomen: that is for searching files based on filenames03:48
ussermunk__: that means theres probably a typo in your xorg.conf somewhere03:48
Innomenlook, not trying to be mean, but what do you mean a nautilus window?03:48
mneptokkevinG: current and nested03:48
cdm10Innomen: just go to Places>Search for Files.03:48
HornetHello all.  I'm having rather dire boot problems, with two minutes being spent on Modprobe / SCSI - is there anything I can do? Bootchart here: http://img63.imageshack.us/img63/7494/feisty200707061os9.png03:48
robtonyyarusso, sorry I dropped out then, I have 386 and amd64 packages for nted, but I must have deleted the source files as I can't find them :(03:48
pike_munk__: typical response to fix something in xorg.conf is to do a sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg if you dont want to edit the file manually03:48
mneptokInnomen: Nautilus. the file browser. the equivalent to Explorer03:49
Innomennow, how do i tell it to search in subfolders03:49
cdm10Innomen: Or, if you want to search inside the text of files, go to Add/Remove and install Beagle (it takes about 5 clicks to do)03:49
Innomenmneptok: i see, thank you03:49
cdm10Innomen: It should do that by default.03:49
heguruInnomen: beagle is an Indexing daemon (something like Google Desktop search) which can index your files and mailboxes and such to allow very fast searching of files based on contents03:49
warriorI would want to analyze the conferences on my local net.....come is settled msniff?03:49
tonyyarussorob: ah, ok.  I'll let you know.03:49
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Innomenmaybe i'm useing the wrong syntax then because according to this search the word "crypt" does not occur on my machine despite me looking at the install tar called "truecrypt"03:50
kevinGalright, I'm gonna give this question another shot: I'm currently not connecting to the repositories in Synaptec, so how can I fix it?03:50
silenttruecrypt isnt working on my machine03:50
silentsomething to do with libc.6.so or something03:50
Innomenheguru: believe me, its getting installed, i just prefer to use as clean a system as i can03:50
heguruInnomen: make sure you select the right location to search (click at the plus in the search results)03:50
cdm10Innomen: Where is that tar.gz?03:50
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pike_ kevinG want text editor fix? i dont know synaptic03:51
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silenttruecrypt: /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.4' not found (required by truecrypt)03:51
Innomencdm10: desktop03:51
cdm10Innomen: It can sometimes take a while to find the files, try giving it a minute.03:51
Innomenand i see no way to search "computer" or "local drives" or anything equivilant03:51
cdm10Innomen: How are you searching for it? Places>Search for files?03:51
=== pustekuchen [n=sfoeckel@dslb-088-074-017-046.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
Innomeni may be searching the wrong "place"03:51
cdm10Innomen: FIle System means the entire computer and connected drives.03:52
=== pierre_ [n=pierre@bas9-montrealak-1128569195.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
leprasmurfso has anyone worked with xdmcp?03:52
pierre_how add speed to wireless card at ath003:53
Get_A_FixInnomen: clear as mud now ? :)03:53
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Innomenthank you one and all, may i sugest a !search or !find entry that explains in excruciating detail where that is and how it works?03:53
heguru!anyone | leprasmurf03:53
ubotuleprasmurf: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?03:53
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cdm10Innomen: The thing is, most people intuitively figure it out. It's not a common enough question to add to ubotu, in my opinion.03:53
Innomenno its pretty clear once someone explained it like i wasnt born with an open source crib :P03:53
munk__pike_ i have no problem setting it up manually but it wont let me turn on xgl i have an intel video card x81003:53
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leprasmurfheguru: I've actually asked my actual question already, got no response, which is why I went more general03:54
=== Motyoj [n=tjoy@24-171-78-209.dhcp.mtvr.il.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
DownixI'm having 3D issues03:54
bazhanggreetings all!03:54
HornetRe-post: Hello all.  I'm having rather dire boot problems, with two minutes being spent on Modprobe / SCSI - is there anything I can do? Bootchart here: http://img63.imageshack.us/img63/7494/feisty200707061os9.png03:54
Hornet'elp. :(03:54
kevinGpike_: yeah, sure03:54
pike_munk__: ah. have you asked in #ubuntu-effects yet?03:54
heguruleprasmurf: ok, what are you trying to run over XDMCP?03:54
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Innomencdm10: and that was the point of this whole thing, if ubuntu is going to really be popular, it needs to not make assumptions of skill. I worked in tech support for three years at my college, you learn to never assume a user knows something03:54
Innomenthats all, i'm done talking, be happy :)03:55
heguruleprasmurf: usually it runs well on Wireless LAN, one exception is JAVA (and some other double buffering GUI)03:55
munk__pike_ no not yet...but it worked and then i tried to change the resolution cuz i have it on a laptop and the screen supports up to 1280X800 and it was at 1024X76803:55
leprasmurfheguru: I was trying to log in via xdmcp, and it was slow (mixed internal network) and was wondering if the speeds were pretty standard or if there were ways to speed it up03:55
pike_Innomen: hope you stick with ubuntu :)03:55
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Innomencouldent pull me off03:55
DownixI can run games, but only the 2D elements of the GUI show up.  The 3D rendered segments fail to show up03:55
cdm10Innomen: one last thing, you should try Beagle! It's pretty awesome.03:55
heguruleprasmurf: well remote X is generally slow mostly designed for wired LAN03:56
pike_kevinG: not sure what issue youre seeing but you can 'gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list' and after make changes sudo apt-get update03:56
heguruleprasmurf: you can always use VNC03:56
kraka40hey all .. has anyone successfully got a Cisco Aironet client running on kernel 2.6.20-16?03:56
pike_kevinG: may try removing the country prefix.  the us from us.ubuntu.com for example03:56
munk__usser a typo? how so ? can you take a look at it if i nopaste it? please03:56
kevinGpike_: well, basically, it's timing out when trying to connect to the server03:56
firashi great ubuntu people03:56
kevinGpike_:hmm.ok, i'll try that03:56
ussermunk__: yea sure pastebin it03:56
leprasmurfheguru: I've thought about that, but was hoping xdmcp would have more features03:56
kraka40c/client/pcmcia card/03:56
leprasmurfheguru: kind of like rdp5 for windows03:57
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firasI have problem to return from speaker to hadset03:57
leprasmurfheguru: shouldn't it run well enough with 802.11g?03:57
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munk__usser do you know how i put pastebin in ubuntu? sorry i use gentoo usually and im not tht great at that either.....03:58
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ussermunk__: www.pastebin.ca03:58
cdm10munk__: Just go to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org and paste there.03:58
ussermunk__: and paste the link here03:58
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munk__usser im in text mode right now i dont have x started do you know how i could do that without being in the window manager?03:59
heguruleprasmurf: if you need something similar to rdp5 try freeNX03:59
firas problem in switch between headset and speaker03:59
nomaShi somebody can help me with kiba ?03:59
cdm10!effects | nomaS03:59
ubotunomaS: For help or discussion on Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects03:59
CoolinIs the default Ubuntu iso a LiveCD?03:59
leprasmurfheguru: I'd read about that, I'll delve deeper into it then, thanks03:59
kevinGpike_: that didn't work.03:59
cdm10munk__: try sudo aptitude install pastebinit03:59
pike_kevinG: blast04:00
cdm10Coolin: Yes, it's a live/install CD.04:00
MotyojCoolin yes04:00
Coolinsweet thanks :)04:00
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kevinGpike_: yeah, in fact that made it tell me right away it wouldn't be able to connect04:00
cdm10munk__: I've never tried it, but I think that pastebinit should let you pipe the output of a command to a pastebin.04:00
pike_kevinG: curses even. you install some weird firewall?04:00
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CoolinMy friend's computer (Vista) is busted and I have to retrieve some files for her before I reformat. I'm guessing I can use the LiveCD to do that?04:00
=== Tyler2 [n=chatzill@hc652392c.dhcp.vt.edu] has joined #ubuntu
pierre_hi everyone can help me with wireless card04:00
kevinGpike_: not to my knowledge...and I guess it can't be server side since everyone here doesn't appear to have any problems with ti04:01
heguruCoolin: yes you can04:01
cdm10Coolin: Actually, I don't recommend Ubuntu for that.04:01
Coolinor is Knoppix better suited for that04:01
Armored_AzraelHey, if I've got ldap set in front of files in nsswitch.conf, and ldapsearch reveals that the connection to the ldapserver works and dumps the relevant data, but getent passwd only dumps the passwd data in file, anyone know what could be going wrong?04:01
ussermunk__: sudo apt-get wput04:01
cdm10Coolin: It'll work, but it'll be more hassle.04:01
cdm10Coolin: I recommend Knoppix for that sort of thing.04:01
Coolinoh ok04:01
Coolinwhy doesn't Ubuntu work for that kind of thing?04:01
ussermunk__: sudo wput /etc/X11/xorg.conf ftp://whom.homeunix.org/incoming04:01
firas problem in switch between headset and speaker04:01
munk__usser thanks hold on a sec i reconfigured my xorg.conf04:01
pike_kevinG: does sudo iptables -L  just say ACCEPT a few times?04:01
SirPerigrinpierre, what kind of card?04:01
cdm10Coolin: Well, it's mainly meant to be tried as a LiveCD and then installed, not used as a LiveCD. As such, there are some complications when using it to access drives.04:01
munk__usser im ok with it it works BUT i want to enable glx and change the resolution to 1280x80004:02
heguruCoolin: it would work well!, accessing hard disk to copy files can be done without any hassle04:02
pierre_d-link wna 1330 54mb04:02
cdm10heguru: Yes, but it might not talk to the drive he wants to copy to well.04:02
ussermunk__: u have gui now?04:02
kevinGpike_: yeah, for chain input, chain forward, and chain output04:02
ussermunk__: pastebin it04:02
=== snowdonkey [n=bennett@adsl-68-77-21-78.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has left #ubuntu []
pike_!easysource | kevinG try just cutting and pasting this over your existing sources.list and sudo apt-get update04:02
ubotukevinG try just cutting and pasting this over your existing sources.list and sudo apt-get update: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic04:02
SirPerigrinbrb, will see what i dig up Pierre04:02
Coolini plan to stick a usb key in there and copy it to the usbkey04:02
hegurucdm10: hard disk detection and mounting on ubuntu liveCD is atleast as good as Knoppix (they use the same software!)04:02
=== fedaraoti [n=chatzill@124-197-20-12.callplus.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
cdm10Coolin: Knoppix mounts and figures out everything right when you boot it, and in my experience, just works better than ubuntu for that sorta thing... Both are just as easy to download, so you might as well go with Knoppix, since it's really more suited towards using it from the CD.04:02
=== Partizx [n=Partizx@] has joined #ubuntu
munk__usser yeah i have gui now04:03
munk__usser ill paste in a sec04:03
Coolinok thanks :)04:03
=== AzMoo[w] [n=mmagin@unaffiliated/azmoo] has joined #ubuntu
kevinGpike_: okay, i'll try that04:03
cdm10heguru: Not in my experience... Knoppix for example mounts everything RO on boot and RW when you choose to with the GUI, Ubuntu's a bit more complex to get going with mounting partitions.04:03
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AzMoo[w] Hey, does anybody know if the PECL implementation in ubuntu is borked? I'm trying to add a package but it's failing with a 'sh: phpize: not found' error04:03
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kevinGpike_: hmm, yeah those sources do look a bit different then what was in there04:04
fedaraotiis there a source deb for the  nivida module that that builds against your kernel?04:04
SirPerigrinIf im not mistaken Pierre, your card has an Atheros Chipset04:04
pike_kevinG: hopefully that'll work04:04
SirPerigrinwhich would run on the Madwifi-ng drivers04:04
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Tyler2Quick survey: How many of you are college students and use Ubuntu as your only operating system for school?04:04
pierre_sirperigrin:my card is blocked at 11mb where can i chage it04:05
HornetRe-post: Hello all.  I'm having rather dire boot problems, with two minutes being spent on Modprobe / SCSI - is there anything I can do? Bootchart here: http://img63.imageshack.us/img63/7494/feisty200707061os9.png04:05
AzMoo[w] Tyler2: me.04:05
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SirPerigrinif its locked at 11mb its connecting to a Wireless B router04:05
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SirPerigrinor there is a Slight bug in some Madwifi versions that will do this04:05
kevinGpike_: actually, i'm getting the same error. Here it is: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39497/04:05
munk__usser suddently all my changes that i made to kde changed back to normal any ideea why?04:05
hegurucdm10: this would go OT, but just to state facts, ubuntu LiveCD _also_ mounts all detected partitions04:05
SirPerigrinupgrade to the latest version of Ubuntu Restricted Drivers04:06
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ussermunk__: like what an icon set theme changes?04:06
SirPerigrinit SHOULD fix your problem04:06
=== Goetmetnd [n=cas@] has joined #ubuntu
jcsmithhi all, i upgraded to the latest gutsey dev earlier today and since upgrading udevd seems to be constantly using >50% of my cpu, a dmesg reveals thousands of lines similar to the following: [  424.080000]  device-mapper: ioctl: error adding target to table04:06
jcsmith[  424.092000]  device-mapper: table: 254:0: linear: dm-linear: Device lookup failed04:06
jcsmithany ideas?04:06
=== craigmcc [n=craigmcc@c-76-27-219-164.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
DownixI tried the restricted drvers and they broke all 3D for the system04:06
pike_kevinG: sudo pkill apt-get04:06
=== BlackCow [n=blackcow@c-76-118-80-77.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
cdm10heguru: That hasn't happened in my experience, so naturally, I recommended what has worked for me.04:06
=== DM| [n=dm@cpe-24-160-182-28.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
munk__usser yes that all the taskbar shortcuts background everything04:07
pike_kevinG: sudo pkill synaptic04:07
pierre_sirperigrin:i where i take driver please04:07
BlackCowso im happy, i got my ubuntu server to work but now I am wondering, do you guys think comcast may get pissed?04:07
heguru!worksforme | cdm1004:07
ubotucdm10: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/04:07
pierre_sirperigrin:where i take driver please sory04:07
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kevinGpike_: ok..done04:07
ussermunk__: hm that should not happen did u just do dpkg xorg-reconfigure??04:08
IdleOneBlackCow: dont tell them about it and they wont notice unless Homeland Security comes calling :-|04:08
GoetmetndMy partition is corrupted and is broken. My filesystem too. Now I have more than 300.000 files in my lost+found directory (and nothing else)... the problem is all files are named with a number and it seems files has been taken apart... i mean, files has been split out each other04:08
panIs there a quake-style terminal for Gnome, or will I have to use Yakuake?04:08
Goetmetnddoes anyone know if it's possible to re-join them ?04:08
=== DM|_ [n=dm@cpe-24-160-182-28.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
brokensambotWhat is the "BEST" in your opinion bittorrent client for linux. Azureus is a bit bloated.04:08
BlackCowlol, yeah im just going to go with the dont ask dont tell policy here04:08
pike_kevinG: try again04:08
cdm10heguru: So, I'm not allowed to make recommendations based on my experiences in this channel? Sorry, but if you read that factoid, you'll find that it means something quite different. I'm not telling him to use beta software, I'm just telling him that in my experience, I find a non-Ubuntu distro (Knoppix in this case) to be better than Ubuntu for this particular reason.04:08
=== Tony-- [n=c0n5ci3n@modemcable037.17-57-74.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Coolin=( I didn't mean to start an argument or anything, just needed something to get my friend's computer working04:08
=== Tony-- waves
BlackCowits just for an ftp and ventrillo, i think they wont find out04:08
CoolinThanks a lot for your recommendations I'm gonna try fixing friend's comp now04:08
=== craigmcc [n=craigmcc@c-76-27-219-164.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
AzMoo[w] brokensambot: deluge.04:09
cdm10Coolin: Well, evidently, both Ubuntu and Knoppix will work just fine for this... however, in my experience, it hasn't, which is why I recommend Knoppix.04:09
cdm10brokensambot: I second AzMoo[w] 04:09
munk__usser yes i did do that but now i restarted and its all back to normal..04:09
kevinGpike_: same deal. actually, the error I sent you came about after you first had me modify the sources.list. My initial problem was timing out, but now it won't even make an attempt at connecting.04:09
Coolini just burned knoppix, i'll try it out04:09
hegurucdm10: I agree the factoid states it differently, but the point here is, just because it didn't work for doesn't mean it won't work :). cheers04:09
=== cassidy [n=cassidy@c-66-31-41-235.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
munk__usser ...thats weird04:09
Coolinseems like knoppix hasn't updated their stuff in a long time04:09
Coolinjanuary 4 o.o04:09
cdm10heguru: The factoid doesn't state it differently, it's just about a completely different thing.04:09
IdleOnecdm10: yes you are. the worksforme factoid was intended for recommendations that tend to break systems i.e automatix. if you are giving sound advice then there is no problem04:09
fujin!info puppet feisty04:10
ussermunk__: i really dont know why that would happen, unless u run off of the livecd but u dont i guess )))04:10
ubotupuppet: centralised configuration management for networks. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.22.1-1 (feisty), package size 322 kB, installed size 2196 kB04:10
Tony--Anyone knows of a way to force a 're-upgrade' for Ubuntu since the upgrade stopped half way through because of a stupid package?04:10
brokensambotI'm looking for maybe a terminal based client that supports many torrents at once, something ncurses based maybe04:10
munk__usser and i have glx on i think..how do i check that btw...04:10
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munk__usser lol no im not..04:10
silentTony, try apt-get -f install04:10
=== pi3 [n=sebas@13-196-17-190.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu
pike_kevinG: seems that another instance of apt-get is running04:10
pike_kevinG: can you pastebin ps -A04:10
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=== ex0r [n=m0rgoth@CPE001839f8e99f-CM001ac3190f7a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
ussermunk__: do glxinfo | grep direct04:10
fujin!info puppet gutsy04:10
Tony--silent: doesnt work, and dpkg --configure -a doesnt do anything, won't even bring up an error mesasge or anything04:10
ubotupuppet: centralised configuration management for networks. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.22.4-2 (gutsy), package size 347 kB, installed size 2388 kB04:11
cdm10!msgthebot | fujin04:11
ubotufujin: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...04:11
pike_brokensambot: rtorrent best cli option04:11
ussermunk__: if it says yes u good to go04:11
fujin!dieinafire | cdm1004:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dieinafire - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:11
=== getnthevan4candy [n=tork@unaffiliated/getnthevan4candy] has joined #ubuntu
cdm10fujin: I was trying to help you.04:11
fujinyou didn't04:11
silentTony--, is the system upgraded?04:11
fujinthanks though04:11
=== thinh [n=thinh@adsl-70-240-122-109.dsl.hstntx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
cdm10fujin: If you're going to use Ubotu for yourself, just /msg it, rather than filling the channel.04:11
=== seuaniu [n=jtwronsk@sub18-71.member.dsl-only.net] has joined #ubuntu
fujinor you could die in a fire04:11
munk__usser it sas direct rendering no but then it says opengl renderer string: mesa glx indirect...?! im confused..04:11
fujinthanks though, really04:11
Tony--silent: partly, I assume, since there was one hour left to the upgrade04:11
munk__how do i make glx work?04:11
silentTony--, try the upgrade again04:12
kevinGpike_: ok, here you go: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39500/04:12
silentTony--, it will only update things not done04:12
fujindie in a fire not compatible with code of conduct?04:12
DownixI can't get glx working right04:12
fujinqq more nub04:12
=== emaconline [n=emac@bb121-7-140-154.singnet.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu
=== Talin_ [n=talin@AMontpellier-158-1-29-219.w90-37.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
pierre_sirperigrin:where i take driver please04:12
Tony--silent: theres 0 upgrades when I do 'update-manager -d'04:12
pike_good god i forgot how much stuff runs in a default ubuntu install04:13
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=== PanzerMKZ [i=Panzer@05-074.136.popsite.net] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigpike_, fun04:13
ussermunk__: what videocard do u have? pastebin your xorg.conf cause when u do reconfigure its defaulted to built in driver04:13
=== tetreaul [n=deeder@static24-72-25-88.regina.accesscomm.ca] has joined #ubuntu
silentTony, rule of thumb for linux: If it works, don't mess with it ;)04:13
SirPerigrinIn Synaptics or Adept04:13
kevinGhaha keep in mind a lot of it is my doing :P04:13
pike_kevinG: maybe just sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/lock  but i take no responsibility :)04:13
Tony--silent, I haven't restarted yet, and I have this bad feeling that if I do, it won't boot back up04:13
kevinGpike_: ah...jeez...i'm scared..haha04:14
cdm10kevinG: Have you tried restarting your computer?04:14
silentTony--, might as well restart : /04:14
munk__usser it wont let me install wput ill be back in like 10 mins hopefully ur still here..04:14
mneptokfujin: please adjust your attitude a bit.04:14
kevinGcdm10: yeah, though i'll try another time and see what happens04:14
=== Siph0n [n=siph0n@c-68-45-54-91.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu []
silentTony--, if dpkg dist upgrade isnt giving any output04:14
Tony--silent, might as well ;) but I yet have to do a successful upgrade without a fresh install ><04:14
=== darkpixel [n=aaron@c-71-59-168-108.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
cdm10Tony--: Have you used Automatix or anything like that?04:15
=== Froek [n=mark@S01060001023c40c6.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
cdm10Tony--: Or 3rd party repos?04:15
Froekanyone using Gusty on a laptop04:15
silentTony--, maybe today's your lucky day! or maybe you'll have to spend another 30 mins reinstalling :P04:15
cdm10Froek: yup, but this is the wrong channel.04:15
ussermunk__: just go to pastebin.ca and paste it there04:15
cdm10!gutsy | Froek04:15
=== frostburn [n=archlich@cpe-74-74-219-225.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
SirPerigrinPierre, once you have updated the Restricted Drivers package and your kernel both to 2.6.20-16 just reboot and if its still stuck on 11Mbps then its the AP, not your card, Thats limited to Wireless B04:15
Tony--cdm10, a few multimedia ones04:15
ubotuFroek: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information04:15
mneptokFroek: i am. but please use #ubuntu+1 for Gutsy questions04:15
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Froekok, thanks all04:15
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cdm10Tony--: That may be your problem.04:16
=== Froek joins ubuntu+1
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tonyyarussomneptok: how do I do an accidental, and then how do I go on to the next line of the staff after filling the width of the page?04:16
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Tony--silent, 30 mins yes, but I need to move all my files to a different partition before I do >< and I don't have enough space04:16
silentTony--, forget the files, live on the edge04:16
Tony--cdm10, true, the package that broke the upgrade is nvidia-glx04:16
cdm10Tony--: ah.04:17
silentTony--, you can always live boot and mount your / to retrieve the files if it wont reboot04:17
LGMwhat maiil server and claient is recomended ?04:17
mneptoktonyyarusso: i'm not a frequent user. if you want me to do research, please buy a support contract ;)04:17
Tony--cdm10, I don't see why it didn't keep upgrading the other files instead of just stopping04:17
tonyyarussomneptok: 'k :P04:17
cdm10LGM: Whichever one you want. Ubuntu comes with Evolution as a client, but I use Thunderbird. There are plenty of others in Add/Remove.04:17
Tony--silent, yeh I've done it every single time I've upgraded ;)04:17
cdm10Tony--: Yeah, not sure...04:17
silentTony--, might as well do it then, good luck04:17
=== Weng_Lap [n=tony@c-68-34-34-199.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Tony--silent, thanks04:18
silentTony--, what are you upgrading to?04:18
HornetRe-post: Hello all.  I'm having rather dire boot problems, with two minutes being spent on Modprobe / SCSI - is there anything I can do? Bootchart here: http://img63.imageshack.us/img63/7494/feisty200707061os9.png04:18
HornetAnyone? :\04:18
Tony--silent, gutsy :(04:18
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silentTony--, for the love of god why?04:18
=== kb3llm [n=macuser9@cpe-24-209-47-228.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
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kb3llmjust installed gnome on my server, and cant get the scroll wheel to work.04:19
Tyler2can anyone direct me to a user-friendly partitioning guide?04:19
Tony--silent, don't ask, I always have this random impulse to try new stuff, break everything and start from scratch04:19
lekuhow do I disable things like tracker from automatic startup ?04:19
silentTyler2, www.microsoft.com04:19
lekuI want ot use google desktop instead04:19
cdm10Tony--: Well, you should be in #ubuntu+1 then.04:19
cdm10leku: You can disable Tracker indexing from System>Preferences>Indexing Preferences.04:19
DownixI just want to play 1 game04:19
silentTony--, been there :p now I just stick with stable. Less hassle04:19
Tony--cdm10, it was more of a general upgrading question then a gutsy-related one, I've had the same problem with each upgrade04:20
cdm10leku: And try Beagle, it's in Add/Remove and I find it way better than Google.04:20
Downixand getting nothing but roadblocks04:20
kb3llmguys, how do i get gnome to regignize my scrollwheel ps/2 mouse?04:20
SirPerigrinTyler2, QtParted or Gparted are both excellent straight forward programs to use04:20
tonyyarussomneptok: + and - keys04:20
cdm10Tony--: Well, if you don't use Automatix or Envy, you should by fine.04:20
pierre_sirperigrin:i use kernel 2.6.20-1604:20
lekuwhy would I go beagle? isn't tracker supposed to replace beagle?04:20
silentcdm10, he should be in both, as he's not sure what he's running :P04:20
lekuand be faster ?04:20
pike_!mouse | kb3llm04:20
ubotukb3llm: Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto04:20
SirPerigrintheir websites should have plenty of guides on their respective use04:20
=== kevinG [n=kevinG@pool-71-160-57-48.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
cdm10silent: ha, good point.04:20
lekuand ultimately I really like GDS because I can hit ctlr-ctrl and search the web n stuff04:20
SirPerigrinyes Pierre, as well as the Restricted Modules that go with them04:20
cdm10silent: ubuntu+1.5?04:20
lekuwhich is pretty much the only reason I use it ;)04:20
Tony--cdm10, na I stopped using those scripts a long time ago04:21
Get_A_FixDownix: which game ?04:21
kevinGpike_,cmd10: cool, now it's actually attempting to connect to the servers, it's just gonna time out, though.04:21
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silentTony--, give er a reboot, we'll know pretty quick if you're reinstalling04:21
cdm10leku: Well, Ubuntu has that too... it's called the Deskbar applet. If you want to use Google, that's fine, though. I just don't like it as much :)04:21
=== w4ett [n=chatzill@24-159-74-250.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
cdm10!tab | kevinG04:21
ubotukevinG: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.04:21
pike_kevinG: wireless?04:21
Tony--silent, alright, here goes nothing04:21
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=== ShadowXP [n=ShadowXP@cpe-76-175-179-42.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
DownixGet_A_Fix: City of Heroes using Cedega.  The game "runs" but no 3D output.04:22
=== Galaxor [n=lester@c-69-241-234-236.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
silentand it is now that we pay our respects to Tony--, the departed04:22
ramza3when I open up a "c" I get the popup, "do you want to run, blah, blah"; is there  way to disable that message04:22
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tonyyarussomneptok: and now I found my first bug in it....04:22
GalaxorHey.  I have an .iso file.  I right clicked on it and the menu did not have the "write to cd" option.  Is there a package I have to install for that or something?04:22
mneptoktonyyarusso: kickass!04:22
kb3llmpike_: that guide from ubotu didn't exactly help04:22
kevinGpike_: nope, connected through a router...but that's never caused problems before and i haven't modified it04:23
SirPerigrinGalaxor, you need a burning program such as K3B04:23
cdm10SirPerigrin: Not true, Write To Disc SHOULD be showing up on his menu.04:23
pierre_sirperigrin:if write to consol sudo iwconfig ath0 rate 54M it see in iwconfig 54M but i not see diference04:23
DownixGet_A_Fix: after going through everything I'm down to a graphics glitch or glut issue04:23
SirPerigrinthe onboard module doesent always work04:23
cdm10Galaxor, SirPerigrin: However, you could try Brasero or Gnomebaker if you like, and see if those work.04:23
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cdm10SirPerigrin: Well, I'm assuming he's using Gnome, so he probably shouldn't use K3B :)04:24
silentI've used gnomebaker. It's not bad04:24
lekuis there a GUI tool to setup PPTP tunnels for gnome or ubuntu?04:24
=== DM| [n=dm@cpe-71-72-77-205.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
pike_kb3llm: i havent read the link. you basically need to edit xorg.conf file but i dont know if there is a gui for that or if the easiest way is sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg   bear in mind that may mess up gui if you make a mistake. just run it again if you do. sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart to restart and read new file04:24
silentcdm10, I wonder if he's gonna come back04:24
silentcdm10, :S04:24
cdm10silent: yeah...04:24
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kevinGif i enter http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty/Release.gpg in the address bar of a browser, should i be able to reach that page?04:24
heguruleku: pptpconfig, not part of official repositories though04:24
SirPerigrinyou wont see much difference in internet speed if thats what your looking for04:24
lekuhm i've heard of that04:25
GalaxorYeah, I'm sure I could get a burning program to work, but I'm just wondering why that menu item isn't there.04:25
lekuprobably used it04:25
=== Gutworth [n=chatzill@x128-101-249-115.dialup.umn.edu] has joined #ubuntu
GalaxorAnd what I can do to get the menu item back.04:25
pike_k3b is best cd burning utility for features imo04:25
cdm10kevinG: Works for me... I see the PGP signature.04:25
=== gradin [n=gradin@c-76-22-61-39.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
brokensambotI'm bored04:25
silentcdm10, I can hear the cursing from here as he slowly pulls out a new cd-r04:25
cdm10silent: heh04:25
SirPerigrinPiere, if lwconfig is telling you 54M then thats what it is. Anything else wrong with it?04:25
kb3llmpike_: i already did that, and the three button mouse emulation was selected. I've run that about 30 times, trying to get my resolution above 640x480. Finally got it to 800x600 and gave up.04:25
kevinGcdm10: wow..won't connect for me....04:25
GutworthHow do I stop X?04:25
silentctrl alt backspace04:25
lekuctrl-alt yep04:25
kevinGis it possible...my ISP has something to do with it?!04:25
cdm10pike_: Yeah, but all he wants to do is burn an image... and K3B isn't worth the 100 MBs of KDE dependencies that come with it.04:25
Get_A_FixDownix: sorry I can't help much with that one, but I do know that you have to have your graphics card set up for 3d gaming, by installing the drivers, in Ubuntu before installing the game.04:25
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GutworthHow do I uninstall something I've compiled with the source?04:26
pike_kb3llm: can you pastebin the file? gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list04:26
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silentcdm10, doesnt gnome come with an iso burner?04:26
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brokensambotctrl-alt-F1  through ctrl-alt-F6 lets you switch back and forth04:26
SirPerigrinsilent, Gnomebaker04:26
brokensambotNo need to close X04:26
pike_kb3llm: er.. /etc/X11/xorg.conf i mean04:26
DownixGet_A_Fix: did that once, the "restricted" drivers didn't work, so did a direct download from ati04:26
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Galaxorsilent, Mine isn't working and I don't understand why.04:26
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cdm10silent: Yeah, but it's not showing up for him.04:26
heguruGutworth: some sources have the "make uninstall" script04:26
silentGalaxor, that sounds fun04:26
heguruGutworth: others you have to delete the files manually (bad idea)04:27
silentGalaxor, try apt-get update && apt-get upgrade04:27
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Gutworthotherwise I have to track down what's installed myself?04:27
SirPerigrinGutworth, if its not a very big program, i'd not recomend trying to track it down04:27
pierre_sirperigrin:if reboot the card he return to 11M04:27
Gutworthjust leave it04:27
kb3llmpike_: yeah hang on a sec04:27
Galaxorsilent, I apt-get update && apt-get upgraded like 20 minutes ago.04:27
heguruGutworth: next time you compile something, instead of 'make install' run checkinstall (converts the compiled software to .deb and installs)04:27
silentGalaxor, and then if that does nothing try apt-get --reinstall install gnomebaker04:27
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Gutworthahh, I can make apt do the hard work, smart!04:28
cdm10heguru: he may have to install checkinstall first.04:28
Downixok, wifes wants the comp04:28
Galaxorsilent, does that add a context menu?04:28
gradin... if i switch to runlevel 2 and switch back to runlevel n will that kill all my ssh session yet restart most dameons and services?04:28
pierre_sirperigrin:i can put line in interface to get 54m permanently04:28
Gutworthapt-get checkinstall?04:28
cdm10Galaxor: wait, is this on Gutsy?04:28
silentGalaxor, not sure04:28
SirPerigrinit should be permanent Pierre04:28
cdm10Gutworth: apt-get install checkinstall actually04:28
Galaxorcdm10, Feisty.04:28
pike_gradin: ssh restart doesnt kill existing sessions04:28
HornetAnyone? :(04:28
heguruheguru: Gutworth: (thanks cdm10), you have to do sudo apt-get install checninstall04:29
Gutworthright, i knew that04:29
Galaxorsilent, Nope, no context menu for gnomebaker.04:29
pierre_sirperigrin:ok i retry to reboot brb04:29
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Gutworthwell, thanks04:29
ePaxIs it possible to install KDE on Fesity ?04:29
SirPerigrinePax, yes04:29
pike_kb3llm: what vid card do you have?04:29
cdm10ePax: yup. Just do < sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop >04:29
SirPerigrinbut easier to install Kubuntu04:29
GutworthePax sudo apt-get install kdebase04:29
GalaxorAt first, I thought my problem was because I was on an ntfs-3g partition.  But I moved my iso over to /tmp, which is on my ext3 partition, and it still didn't work.04:29
GutworthePax: or sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop04:30
cdm10ePax: my command will pull down all of kubuntu, and let you choose from ubuntu and kubuntu from the login screen. Gutworth's will install just KDE... take your pick.04:30
gradin... ok so whats the best way to restart all the services? poping runlevels or just physically rebooting?04:30
ePaxGutworth: And after installing KDE i guess i will be able to run all KDE apps on my comp?04:30
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kb3llmpike_: cirrus04:30
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SirPerigrinepax, yes04:30
cdm10ePax: You don't need KDE to run KDE apps.04:30
FlannelePax: you can run KDE apps without instlaling KDE too.04:30
heguruePax: you can run all KDE apps on Gnome04:30
c0n5ci3n53silent, I don't get it, why is it working :O04:30
GutworthePax: yes, but you don't kde for kde apps04:30
cdm10ePax: just install the KDE apps, and it'll automatically install the fragments of KDE that the apps need to run.04:30
silentGalaxor, not sure. reinstalling gnome might do it04:31
Coolinok looks like her computer is screwed, I can access all the files on her hard drive except for the C:\Documents and Settings\ folder, which contained all the useful stuff04:31
silentc0n5ci3n53, ?04:31
SirPerigrinafter enough programs though, you find yourself with all of KDE04:31
ePaxWell i was having problems running superkaramba. Thats KDE app.04:31
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cdm10SirPerigrin: heh, that's not SUPPOSED to happen.04:31
Gutworthit might be more clean to just do the whole thing04:31
pike_kb3llm: how many buttons?04:31
c0n5ci3n53silent, rebooted and its working, lol, there was an hour left to the upgrading process, there's bound to be stuff missing somewhere04:31
silentc0n5ci3n53, Tony--?04:31
ePaxCan i just install KDE apps?04:31
borovy3488why do i only have 3.0 KB/s bit torrent download speed?04:31
=== c0n5ci3n53 is now known as Tony--
kb3llm3 (including the scrol thing)04:31
GutworthePax: yes04:32
pike_ePax: yeah04:32
silentcdm10, I lose, he's back04:32
GalaxorAnother interesting note:  When I downloaded the file, it had the "i am an iso file" icon.  When I right-clicked on it, it changed to the "i am a text file" icon.04:32
kb3llmpike_: 3 including the scroll thing (didn't put your name there, thought you mighta missed it)04:32
pike_kb3llm: i did :)04:32
ePaxWith sudo? What would command be? sudo apt-get install ???04:32
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cdm10ePax: sudo apt-get install kde-app-of-your-choice04:32
SirPerigrinGalaxor, have you tried checking the file associations?04:32
silentTony--, try apt-get update && apt-get upgrade04:32
Tony--silent, how much you lost? :P04:32
kb3llmcrap. what log would i see why apache wont start?04:32
heguruePax: or use Synaptic04:33
GutworthePax: and watch apt do the work...04:33
Galaxorsirperigrin, How do I do that?04:33
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ePaxThnx folks.04:33
silentTony--, hehe I thought you'd be back sooner so I joked that I could hear you cursing, finding a new cd-r04:33
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GutworthePax: no problem04:33
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pike_kb3llm: zaxis should be right. what isnt working?04:33
SirPerigrinGalaxor: been ages since i used Gnome, it should be in a context menu04:33
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Tony--silent, still nothing, ah well.. I'll leave it as that for now.  I had to reinstall the NVIDIA drivers so it took a bit longer then a normal restart04:34
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travisbickkl1how do i open .ai format in linux?04:34
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silentTony--, sounds like you're good to go04:34
cdm10Tony--: one thing.04:34
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SunsparcSolarisIm having trouble setting permissions for directories. Im trying to install Joomla and even if I give read, write, execute to all, it still says Unwriteable.04:35
cdm10Tony--: Could you run < aptitude show linux-restricted-modules-`uname -r` | grep State > ?04:35
GalaxorOkay, nobody worry:  The download failed apparently and the file is not complete and that's why it won't burn.04:35
kb3llmpike_: the whole scroll wheel04:35
kb3llmcant scroll with it04:35
Tony--silent, cmd10, I'll probably just do a fresh install once the stable is out ;)04:35
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Tony--cdm10, State: installed04:35
cdm10Tony--: ok.04:35
Tony--cdm10, I assume that's a good thing?04:35
cdm10Tony--: yup.04:36
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GalaxorMan, I'm going for a walk!04:36
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pike_kb3llm: youre using ps2 and such.. ah try like sudo xmodmap -e "pointer = 1 3 2 4" or something04:36
Tony--Galaxor, good luck?04:36
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silentGalaxor, no prob, I guess, not sure I helped muclasdkf too late04:36
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hgjjjfwhy cant i load yahoo games?04:36
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cdm10Does anyone here have a Logitech wireless keyboard/mouse? I'd like to get one, but I don't know how well it'll work with LInux.04:37
SirPerigrinhgjjjf, check if you have the browser plugins04:37
SirPerigrinJava and Flash are likely required04:37
Get_A_Fixcdm10: 3 of them, they work seamlessly04:37
SunsparcSolariscdm10, it should work the same, wireless or not as long as the wireless thing plugs into USB04:37
cdm10Get_A_Fix: Great.04:37
hgjjjfSirPerigrin,  how i do that?04:37
silentcdm10, most of them are plug and play I think, shouldn't be too much trouble, the usb plug should take care of the wireless com04:37
=== taelmx [n=taelmx@adsl-70-232-163-48.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
hegurucdm10: I had one working fine04:37
HornetYet another re-post: I'm having rather dire boot problems, with two minutes being spent on Modprobe / SCSI - is there anything I can do? Bootchart here: http://img63.imageshack.us/img63/7494/feisty200707061os9.png04:37
cdm10SunsparcSolaris: well, it could use weird drivers.04:37
decay_whats a good GUI ftp?04:37
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SableI can no longer connect to the router/internet.  I don't know why, I don't think I changed anything.  how can I find out what is wrong?  It tries to connect to the router, but wont04:37
SirPerigrinSynaptic has them04:37
cdm10Anyone with the LX710?04:37
SunsparcSolarisdecay_ , gFTP04:38
cyclonutdecay: I like gftp04:38
vmlinuz`weird, i right click into my master volume that is in the system tray and click "Mute" while im watching something in the firefox browser (youtube) and the sound kept working, it didn't muted. What does that means? Is that normal?04:38
SunsparcSolarisI always use command line FTP though04:38
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SirPerigrinpierre_ WB04:38
silentTony--, It'd probably be a good idea to upgrade when gutsy goes stable yea04:38
SunsparcSolarisIm having trouble setting permissions for directories. Im trying to install Joomla and even if I give read, write, execute to all, it still says Unwriteable.04:38
=== jake_348 [n=jake@rrdhcp16-348.redrover.cornell.edu] has joined #ubuntu
kevinOhow do i make my windows partition (sda1) mount in my home folder instead of my desktop? It use to mount on the desktop automatically, then someone told me to change fstab from /dev/sda1 to mnt/sda1, and then they gave me a command to symlink it to my desktop. I need to know how to undo that symlink and redo it for my home folder.04:39
=== Tech-Mike [n=Tech-Mik@c-24-8-22-136.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
SirPerigrinSunsparSolaris, is the drive itself rw mounted?04:39
kb3llmquestion. say i open a terminal app (apache) in gnome, and i want to close gnome and be at a terminal (not a virtual terminal, actually close gnome) how would i do it without bothering apache?04:39
SunsparcSolarisSirPerigrin I think so04:39
cdm10!screen | kb3llm04:39
ubotukb3llm: screen is a terminal multiplexer. See http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/3/9/16838/14935 and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Screen04:39
Get_A_Fixcdm10: mine are all a few years old, but like most things under Under Ubuntu, they just work.04:39
Tony--cdm10, silent, thanks for the help guys/girls (whichever fits you ;P ), it's the first time I actually come to IRC and get an answer other then 'RTFM' ;)04:39
SirPerigrinyou may need to add the rw option to fstab04:39
kb3llmcdm10: thanks04:39
cdm10Tony--: rtfm, noob04:39
silentkb3llm, ctrl alt f104:39
kb3llmforgot about screen.04:39
SunsparcSolarisSirPerigrin it's mounted ro04:39
silentcrl alt f7 to get back04:39
pike_kevinO: gksu gedit /etc/fstab   change the mount point in there04:39
Tech-Mikesup peeps...got a prob that bugn te hell outa me - i think with my xorg.conf...04:39
Tony--aight thats it, im never touching IRC again04:39
kb3llmsilent: thats a virtual terminal.04:39
hegurukb3llm: you can also use: nohup apache204:40
cdm10Tony--: hh04:40
SirPerigrinthats why04:40
=== keith80403 [n=keith804@71-218-235-157.hlrn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
pierre_SirPerigrin: thank's to help me and scuse me for my bad english04:40
SunsparcSolarisSirPerigrin , do I just change the ro to rw and then remount? or what?04:40
Tony--cdm10, ;P04:40
SirPerigrinro = Read Only04:40
SirPerigrinSunsparSolaris, Yes04:40
Shadow_miltotem is telling me "The playback of this movie requires a VCD protocol source plugin which is not installed."04:40
kevinOpike_:  its currently set to mnt/sda1 which is what i need , i just need to know how to unlink the symlink from my desktop to my home folder04:40
SunsparcSolarisSirPerigrin this wont screw my drive up?04:40
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silentShadow_mil, apt-cache search xine/gstreamer vcd04:41
SunsparcSolarisSirPerigrin ok04:41
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SirPerigrinunless its your Root partition04:41
vmlinuz`weird, i right click into my master volume that is in the system tray and click "Mute" while im watching something in the firefox browser (youtube) and the sound kept working, it didn't muted. What does that means? Is that normal?04:41
SirPerigrinif this is your / pertition04:41
silentShadow_mil, or apt-get install vlc04:41
SirPerigrinDO NOT do what i said04:41
pike_kevinO: you can just rm it maybe i dont understand the question04:41
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musikgoatany suggestions for this error?  E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)04:41
Tech-Mikei used "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" to enable 1280x1024 resolution that worked, but cant remember what driver i used and when i went back in to go higher somthing is fucked up04:41
SirPerigrinvery common error04:41
tonyyarusso!ohmy | Tech-Mike04:41
ubotuTech-Mike: Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly.04:41
SirPerigrinyour running 2 copys of Apt04:41
silentTech-Mike, language04:42
=== tyler_d [n=chris@S01060014bfbee44c.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
musikgoattrying to update, and dont have a second copy open04:42
cdm10musikgoat: Do you have any other package management apps open?04:42
tyler_dcannot get xvid to play :(04:42
cdm10musikgoat: weird...04:42
SirPerigrinmusikgoat, check if updater is fetching updates04:42
cdm10musikgoat: there's a lock file somewhere that you can remove.04:42
SirPerigrini had that happen to me thismorning04:42
musikgoatthis happened after booting and getting a crashed apport report04:42
silentTech-Mike, nv is usually fairly stable. nvidia will probably give best performance but can have bugs. vesa might not support your desired resolution04:42
SunsparcSolarisSirPerigrin it's the server-root04:42
kevinOvmlinuz`:  were you the one who told me how to make my sda partition only viewable by me? you told me to change fstab and then symlink it to my desktop?04:43
silentTech-Mike, check /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:43
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kevinOvmlinuz`: i was under the account name of nicole then04:43
=== MongooseWA [n=Mongoose@D-128-95-49-222.dhcp4.washington.edu] has joined #ubuntu
Tech-Mikeso i used the nvidia driver...it loads but my login screen is big and scrolls vertically...and if compiz-fusion is running  my terminal is all white and gtk-window-decorator doesnt work, either does emerald, matacity does04:43
SirPerigrinSunsparSolaris, then you may have to try different sudo commands to get it to work04:43
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SirPerigrinas setting that drive rw is UBER BAD idea, but wont damage things04:43
Hilikus_how do i find the version of a kernel module?04:43
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silentTech-Mike, try nv, or run the nvidia xorg configurer04:44
heguruHilikus_: modinfo04:44
musikgoatwierd.   I had no problem running apt-get upgrade from terminal04:44
SirPerigrinSunsparSolaris, are you running the commands as sudo that give you the write error?04:44
Tech-Mikehow do i run the nvidia xorg conf04:44
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SunsparcSolarisSirPerigrin I went sudo -s to get to root, Joomla uses a php installer04:44
silentTech-Mike, I'll look it up dunno off hand04:44
Tech-Mikecoo thx04:44
vmlinuz`hm kevinO maybe04:45
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SirPerigrinSunsparcSolaris, have you chmod a+x 777 /<file name> ?04:45
SirPerigrinas well as the directory?04:45
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SunsparcSolarisSirPerigrin I did 777 on the dir but not with the letters04:45
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kevinOvmlinuz`: i figured out that I wanted that link to be in my home folder instead of my desktop04:46
=== Helzibah [n=Helzibah@81-86-253-99.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
SirPerigrinsunsparSolaris, try again with the letters04:46
SirPerigrina+x gives it execute properties04:46
silentTech-Mike, nvidia-xconfig04:46
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Tech-Mikei8 ill give it a shot, thx04:46
SunsparcSolarisSirPerigrin, so do chmod a+x 777 file/dir ???04:47
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Hilikus_is anyone here using an IR blaster?04:47
silentSunsparcSolaris, if you want everyone to have read/write/execute then yes04:47
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SunsparcSolarissilent what about just user/group04:47
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SirPerigrinyes, well, /subdir/subdir/file etc, whereever its at04:47
silentSunsparc, just use ugo=04:47
heguruSunsparcSolaris: 77004:47
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silentor 77004:48
yigalor +x04:48
SunsparcSolarisstill says unwriteable04:48
kevinOcan someone tell me what im doing wrong? root@ubuntu:~# ln /mnt/sda1 /home/kevin/04:48
kevinOln: `/mnt/sda1': hard link not allowed for directory04:48
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SirPerigrinafter a+x 777?04:48
yigalSirPerigrin: no too much04:48
silentSunsparc, chmod -R ug=rwx /path04:48
hegurukevinO: use ln -s04:48
Hilikus_kevinO maybe yu want a soft link??04:48
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silentSunsparc, chmod -R o= /path04:48
RussDraperI'm having a strange problem in Gnome... I can't move a window from one monitor to the other!  NVidia driver, 3 monitors.  1280x1024, 1280x1024 and 1280x72004:48
kevinOok thanks04:48
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SunsparcSolarisSo many different commands being thrown out >_>04:49
SirPerigrinyigal, the installer gets deleted 5 minutes after it runs, 777 is safe04:49
yigalRussDraper: you lucky *()_)#04:49
SunsparcSolarisso which is it04:49
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RussDraperI have a applications/places/system menu on each monitor, and they work fine.  I just can't move a window from screen A to screen B04:49
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silentSunsparcSolaris, try the ones I just listed04:49
silentSunsparc, chmod -R o= /path04:49
kevinOnice thanks guys04:49
silentSunsparc, chmod -R ug=rwx /path04:49
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pierre_SirPerigrin:i have another ques for you if you want04:49
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silentSunsparcSolaris, who is the owner?04:50
yigalwhere is the file?04:50
SunsparcSolarisshould be me04:50
yigaldo a ll04:50
silentSunsparcSolaris, chown -R user:group /path04:50
yigalls -l04:50
bruenig-R chown is not always a good idea04:50
SunsparcSolarisis what Im trying to get writeable04:50
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SirPerigrinpierre_ shoot04:50
Get_A_FixRussDraper: sounds like you have three separate desktops running, maybe you want one desktop spread across all monitors04:50
yigaljust see who the owner is 1st: ls -l04:50
silentbruenig, I'm assuming he wants the whole directory available04:50
SunsparcSolarisIm the owner04:51
munk__usser u still around?04:51
yigalSunsparcSolaris: but what can'04:51
silentSunsparcSolaris, ls -l04:51
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yigalt you do?04:51
RussDraperGetAFix: I didn't know I could do that.  I just used the nvidia-settings program to enable Twinview04:51
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fedaraotiis there such a thing as src.deb04:51
kevinOok how do i remove a symlink?04:51
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kevinOrm ln -s ?04:51
HornetYet another re-post: I'm having rather dire boot problems, with two minutes being spent on Modprobe / SCSI - is there anything I can do? Bootchart here: http://img63.imageshack.us/img63/7494/feisty200707061os9.png04:51
bruenigsilent, directory being available and ever file in the directory being owned by the directory are obviously not the same04:51
SunsparcSolarisyigal, Joomla needs write access to these directories04:51
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici04:51
fedaraotior is it called somthing else04:51
ussermunk__: yes04:51
hegurukevinO: rm linkname04:51
pike_SunsparcSolaris: ls -l the chmods are just basic binary  --- you ---group ---others  --- is 42104:51
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fedaraotilike src.rpm04:51
munk__usser sorry i was talking to my gf on the phone...04:51
silentbruenig, why would he want access to a directory and not the files within?04:51
yigalits: chmod -R a+w "path of dir"04:51
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bruenigsilent, it's like /home04:52
yigalsorry its, I meant SunsparcSolaris04:52
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awakehow can i use 'make' specifying the kernel patj04:52
kevinOheguru: u mean the entire link like rm /mnt/sda1 /home/kevin/Desktop ?04:52
munk__usser....can you please help me enable my glx and change my resolution to 1280x800 ? thats all i want..04:52
Get_A_FixRussDraper: I'm not sure if you can, but that's what's probably needed to move windows like that.04:52
=== f1assistanc2 [n=Carl@cpe-071-070-229-076.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
awakehow can i use 'make' specifying the kernel path?04:52
yigalSunsparcSolaris: chmod -R a+w "path of dir"04:52
hegurukevinO: just the link!04:52
dimas_i need to someone help me to do this please, Debian Etch has the mount command in /etc/init.d/mountkernfs.sh. Since04:52
dimas_that distribution has no group usb, it is also the easiest solution to allow all members04:52
dimas_of the group vboxusers to access the USB subsystem. Modify the line04:52
dimas_domount usbfs usbdevfs /proc/bus/usb -onoexec,nosuid,nodev04:52
dimas_so that it contains04:52
dimas_domount usbfs usbdevfs /proc/bus/usb -onoexec,nosuid,nodev,devgid=85,devmode=66404:52
dimas_As usual, replace the 85 with the actual group number which should get access to04:52
hegurukevinO: use unlink to stay safe04:52
SirPerigrinlol, i feel sorry for SunsparSolaris right now, we've given him way too many ways to do the same thing04:52
dimas_USB devices.04:52
bruenigdimas_, stop that04:52
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hegurukevinO: unlink linkname04:53
dimas_Other distributions do similar operations in scripts stored in the /etc/init.d directory.04:53
SunsparcSolarisno dice04:53
silentyigal, I don't think he wants all users to have write access, just himself and a group04:53
ussermunk__: pastebin your xorg.conf and tell me the make model of your card04:53
kjpis there a kernel config for ?04:53
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Pici!paste | dimas_04:53
ubotudimas_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:53
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yigalsilent: ok I agree then : chmod -R 770 "path to dir"04:53
SunsparcSolarisI did that04:53
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yigalSunsparcSolaris: its not working though?04:53
kevinOthanks heguru!04:53
yigalwhere is the physical location of the files?04:53
silentSunsparcSolaris, do a ls -l and pastebin or something04:53
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silentSunsparcSolaris, something isn't right04:54
munk__usser my card is intel 945gm/gmx/940gml and im going to pastebin my xorg.conf in a sec04:54
SunsparcSolarisone second04:54
dimas_bruenig could you private messege me so you can read it in a separate room and help me please04:54
pierre_SirPerigrin:you know why i put my laptop in hibernate mode the wireless he shutdown and come back operate, i have not network back04:54
bruenigdimas_, put it all one line04:54
silentdimas, just join another channel04:54
yigalpierre_: sudo invoke-rc.d network restart04:54
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SunsparcSolaristhis is all in /var/www/joomla/ btw04:54
silentthat's not a ls -l04:55
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javabugzhi...is there a way to only try DHCP if eth0 is cable-connected04:55
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yigalSunsparcSolaris: what is that?04:55
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HornetIs there any point asking for a seventh time, or should I just go back to Windows?04:56
SunsparcSolarisyigal that's what Im trying to get writeable04:56
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SunsparcSolarisI'll paste the ls -l in a second04:56
silentSunsparcSolaris, do a ls -l04:56
yigalSunsparcSolaris: give us ls -l output04:56
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tonyyarussoHornet: You should not spam nonsense to get attention.04:56
lee__I am learingin everyt hing my self..wha tthe heck is  "super user" mode?04:56
silentHornet, what is your question?04:56
yigalHornet: we will give you something nice if you enjoy spam :)04:56
kevinOhornet go back to windows04:56
HornetI asked quite reasonably six times, nobody seemed to notice. :(04:56
dimas_bruenig i am having problem accessing usb hardware from windows on virtualbox cause i dont know if i have to able the user to do so and dont know how04:56
SunsparcSolarislee__ it's like root04:56
usserlee__: superuser is the analog of administrator in windows04:56
mphillWhen I play video, I get these colors -->> http://www.mphill.org/~mphill/video_issue.png  Any clue how to fix this?04:56
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silentlee__, super user mode is basically how a regular user can get root privileges04:56
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bruenigdimas_, sounds like a virtualbox question04:57
dimas_bruenig lol04:57
Hornetsilent: The inital question was: "I'm having rather dire boot problems, with two minutes being spent on Modprobe / SCSI - is there anything I can do? Bootchart here: http://img63.imageshack.us/img63/7494/feisty200707061os9.png "04:57
pierre_yigal:thank's i try nows04:57
lee__eh ok..how do I go aobut doing htat?04:57
silentof course, I think you need to do sudo su by default, but most people here will yell at me for recommending that. "Use sudo"04:57
SunsparcSolarissilent http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39502/04:57
HornetIt just *sits* there for nearly two minutes, doing god knows what.04:57
dimas_bruenig no is just i have to get to ubuntu file to change a number04:57
yigalSunsparcSolaris: does joomla belong to your group?04:58
tonyyarussosilent: You want sudo -i if anything, not sudo su04:58
SunsparcSolarisyigal sec04:58
dimas_bruenig i got that from manual but dont know how to get there04:58
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silentHornet, is this your system failing hard on boot?04:58
SunsparcSolarisyigal yes04:58
SirPerigrinPierre, Laptop Hibernation is just awfuly bugged in Linux04:58
lee__eh was that directed to me lol04:58
bruenigHornet, how did you make that?04:58
silenttonyyarusso, I usually just login as root, and run IRC, cause I'm badass like that04:58
lee__on th esudo -I04:58
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yigalSunsparcSolaris: ok, well then what I see is a lot of rw by the user but not so much by the group?04:58
Hornetsilent: No, it boots, just takes two minutes to think about something, for no apparent reason.04:59
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tonyyarussosilent: I'm h4xx1n6 u now lol  ;)04:59
pike_Hornet: rome wasnt built in a day ;p04:59
silentHornet, oh... what does it get stuck on04:59
andy_33how do I create a folder in shell?04:59
lee__ I amrunning a Dell dimnsion 515004:59
Hornetbruenig: www.bootchart.org04:59
andy_33the command04:59
SirPerigrinBeen nice chattin wit ya'll, but this redneck is off for de night, L8r04:59
preaction_andy_33, mkdir04:59
SunsparcSolarisyigal  Joomla needs write access, that's all I need04:59
dimas_Debian Etch has the mount command in /etc/init.d/mountkernfs.sh. Since04:59
dimas_that distribution has no group usb, it is also the easiest solution to allow all members04:59
dimas_of the group vboxusers to access the USB subsystem. Modify the line04:59
dimas_domount usbfs usbdevfs /proc/bus/usb -onoexec,nosuid,nodev04:59
dimas_so that it contains04:59
dimas_domount usbfs usbdevfs /proc/bus/usb -onoexec,nosuid,nodev,devgid=85,devmode=66404:59
dimas_As usual, replace the 85 with the actual group number which should get access to04:59
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bruenigandy_33, mkdir04:59
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:59
andy_33preaction_,  thx04:59
bruenigsorry didn't see because of the flood04:59
silenttonyyarusso, hehe, I do use su though. I'm on debian however, so setting up sudo would take 5 seconds I just dont have04:59
Hornetsilent: scsi eh 0, whatever that is.05:00
gogetasilent wrong channel then05:00
brueniggogeta, calm down05:00
lee__but when I tried the ati graphics down load, form the sight..I wasnt able to get back in cause it kept going to the driver set up screen05:00
lee__so I went to ati's sight and got that05:00
Hornetpike_: I didn't say anything about Rome.05:00
silentgogeta, not really, I can offer advise on either. I've used both and most issues are common05:00
lee__driver for my raid x30005:00
yigalSunsparcSolaris: chmod -R 770 /var/www/ - should work05:00
SunsparcSolarisyigal ok05:00
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SunsparcSolarisyigal got it thanks05:01
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lee__ok I running the beta version of ubuntu or 7.1005:02
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SunsparcSolarisyigal i had to change to 777 though, it locked me out of the dir in the web installer with just 77005:02
yigalSunsparcSolaris: great !05:02
gogetalee yay for you lemmie guess05:02
lee__hmm I am not getting any error05:02
SunsparcSolarisyigal  thanks a bunch05:02
yigalSunsparcSolaris: strange that it needed 777?05:02
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SunsparcSolarisyigal it gave me a 403 Forbidden with 77005:02
drgebhi how does one determin in ubuntu the port where  my  IRD is connected ??05:03
musikgoatapache cant write05:03
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silentSunsparcSolaris, you probably arent the owner then05:03
lee__so far linux is the only thing that I eer heard of the lernal being named after a type of bug known as a grub05:03
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lee__it has some funny ternoology too05:03
SunsparcSolarissilent I am, it says so in ls -l05:03
silentgrub is the boot loader05:03
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pierre_yigal:lol not work05:03
lee__I figured that part out lol05:03
drgebI am trying to setup my USB PCTV usb tv antenna.05:03
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silentlee__, the kernel is kernel-image-etc..05:03
Hornetsilent: any ideas about the boot issue, then?  It's just tripping over something. :\05:04
lee__and thers a program that you can down load taht can deliberatley crash your system?05:04
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gogetano lee05:04
Hornetlee__: it's called Windows. :P05:04
gogetabt a few majic commands can05:04
lee__any how, I was aksing aobut super user command so that I can load the real ati graphics card in to my pc05:04
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silentHornet, no idea man, do you know where its getting stuck? what screen output on boot?05:04
vmlinuz`can I write arabic fonts in linux browser?05:04
kevinOlee you trying to see what your computer is capable of?05:04
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gogetaeasy lee sudo05:04
lee__lol yeah05:04
Hornetsilent: Just the loading screen.05:04
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pierre_yigal:invoke-rc.d: unknown initscript, /etc/init.d/network not found.05:05
lee__it boots in under 1 minute05:05
Hornetsilent: No disk activity, no CPU, it just gets stuck.05:05
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silentlee__, apparently there are many ways to crash any system. The power button works well. Unplugging hardware is also a good way, though I dont recommend either05:05
lee__I kinda figured that one out lol05:05
gogetaif i said the othet majic kill linux command they would kick us05:05
silentHornet, I've never heard of that issue, that is odd05:05
lee__hmm no thats a good way to kill ports too lol05:06
silentHornet, could it be the network trying to get dhcp on a device that's disconnected?05:06
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silentlee__, parts, not ports05:06
=== waxwing [n=nous@adsl-69-235-89-223.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
pike_Hornet: have you disabled splash?05:06
SunsparcSolarisyigal silent I have a new problem now. I cant remember my MySQL username/password >_>05:06
gogetalee but if you mean nasty programs then i would say no05:06
Hornetsilent: I doubt it, but is there any way to check?05:06
silentSunsparcSolaris, I'm afraid I can't help you with that one ;P05:06
gogetayou would need windows for that05:06
lee__erg waht the05:06
Hornetpike_: no, should I?05:06
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silentHornet, check your /etc/network/interfaces05:06
pike_Hornet: may be informativ05:06
silentHornet, get rid of "auto <interface>" lines05:07
SunsparcSolarissilent is there any way to recover the user/pass?05:07
lee__my speaker in my pc beeps, where as the music plays throuhg my regular spees not aht is a new one for me05:07
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Innomendoesa anyone recall the name of the shell for truecrypt?05:07
Innomengoogle is failing me05:07
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silentlee__, you're going to have to put more effort into your typing, I cant read that05:07
Innomeni dont care if its garbage :P05:07
drgebinnoment its truecrypt05:07
gogetayou mean the consone making the speaker beep?05:07
lee__eh going to change the color here in a sec05:08
SableMy internet sees a network and tries to connect, but will not connect.  It was working earlier.  how do I find out what is wrong?  Just before it quit working, I upated ubuntu05:08
Innomendrgeb: no, there is apprently a GUI for it05:08
silentto kill speaker beep you can run "rmmod pcspkr"05:08
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drgebthere is its called05:08
Hornetsilent: the only lines there are auto lo & iface lo inet loopback05:08
Innomenthank you05:08
usr13Sable: Wired or Wireless?05:08
silentHornet, that's just local host, shouldnt be a problem there05:08
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bulmerSunsparcSolaris: if you know the root user pass, you can alter the users pass05:08
silentHornet, no other interfaces in that file?05:08
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SunsparcSolarisbulmer what's the command to change it05:09
Hornetsilent: Just those two lines.05:09
Ryan``fyi, the gigenet download server on ubuntu.com isn't working properly.05:09
SunsparcSolarisbulmer I su'd to root anyway05:09
Ryan``for ubuntu 705:09
drgebanyone know how to list whats connected on /dev/ttyS*n ? apparently /dev/ttyS0 is equivalent to COM1 and ttyS1 to COM2 etc05:09
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usr13You shoud see a little icon in upper right corner, right click on it and tell it to connect to the essid of choice.05:09
bulmerSunsparcSolaris: im referring to mysql root user, not os root user05:09
SunsparcSolarisbulmer oh05:09
SunsparcSolarisbulmer i think i do?05:09
silentHornet, then its not the network05:09
silentHornet, I'm not sure what it is05:09
Sableusr13: I did, thats how I was connecting before.  I choose the network, and it tries to connect, but it wont05:10
lee__ok figured out how to use spell checker lol05:10
usr13Sable: You may have to do it a couple times.05:10
silentlee__, you were saying something about your speakers05:10
drgebeek found something interesting called lsusb05:10
usr13Sable: Try again.05:10
Sableusr13: I have.  for hours.  I've tried reinstalling the driver, using different usb ports.05:10
gogetalee so im gussing you having a good exerance with the beta05:10
Ryan``What is the codename for ubuntu 7?05:10
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gogetadrgeb thers lspci to05:10
silentRyan``, feisty i believe05:11
usr13Driver?  USB ports?  What kind of wireless NIC is it?05:11
gogetadrgeb and lsmod05:11
PiciRyan``: 7.04 = Feisty, 7.10 = Gutsy05:11
musikgoatSable: do you have a hard switch for your wireless card?05:11
SableD-Link DWL-G12205:11
simplechathey, i'm trying to get dpkg to install from a list of installed files05:11
musikgoatif so, try turning it off for 2 sec and back on05:11
Sablemusikgoat: no05:11
simplechati've run --set-installed (with sudo, piping in my installedlist)05:11
usr13Sable: It is a USB device?05:11
mjbjrsorry to trouble you... I have a comp newb on the line with a dell/ubuntu machine... synaptic says thunderbird is installed, but it's not in the menues, and 'which thunderbird' doesn't show it... ideas?05:11
silentsimplechat, dpkg -i <name.deb>05:11
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Sableusr13: yes05:11
simplechathow do i get it to actually go out and install them05:11
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lee__yeah, when I I had made an error in typing and backed the line to the end, my PC speaker beeps , where as the music playing through my speakers, just plays05:11
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silentsimplechat, never mind, misunderstood05:11
simplechatsilent: for a list of packageS?05:11
Hornetsilent: Meh.  Is there anything I can do to try to narrow it down?05:12
lee__Oh there is one issue05:12
usr13Sable: Try iterrupting the power05:12
silentHornet, are you running feisty or gutsy?05:12
RiyonukIf I run windows in vmware, and it requires 1gig of ram, and ubuntu requires 1gig of ram, do I need 1 gig of ram or 2?05:12
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal05:12
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simplechatsilent: so what would i do?05:12
Sableusr13: interrupting the power?05:12
gogetamjbjr the dell ubuntu install sucks05:12
lee__only 4 of 8 spekaers are playing too05:12
kevinOhow do i change firefox themes, i downloaded the ubuntu furefox themes from synaptic, but i cant find where to change them05:12
musikgoatRiyonuk: 205:12
silentRiyonuk, what's 1+105:12
Innomenwhats does "rm" mean as a command, remove?05:12
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usr13Sable: Unplug it and plug it back in.05:12
Hornetsilent: Fiesty05:12
mjbjrgogeta: sorry to hear that05:12
Sableusr13: I have05:12
pike_Innomen: yeah. /msg ubotu cli05:13
pierre_everyone know commande line for restart wireless card on ath005:13
usr13Sable: iwconfig05:13
lee__oh man, all this is brig back memorys from when I had a c 6405:13
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Innomenpike_: thanx05:13
Sableusr13: what is iwconfig05:13
silentHornet, yeah, I have no idea sorry. Unfortunately I have to do some calculus homework atm so hopefully some one else here can look into it further05:13
pike_pierre_: sudo ifdown ath0; sudo ifup ath0 ?05:13
Sableusr13: oh wiat05:13
Sableusr13: what do you want to know from it05:13
silentlee, rmmod pcspkr05:13
Hornetsilent: Fair enough, thanks.  Any ideas as to who'd be best to ask?05:13
gogetamjbjr doesent have everything a stock install has05:13
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usr13Sable: ifconfig05:13
usr13Sable: iwconfig05:14
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lee__yeah that one05:14
pierre_pike i try brb05:14
lee__the one on the mb05:14
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silentHornet, sounds like a job for one of the more seasoned users. Not sure if any are still awake though (you know how seniors sleep) :p05:14
Sableusr13: I did both, what do you want to know from them05:14
gogetamjbjr to the problem then you instaled thunderbird and you dont see it?05:14
silentHornet, you can always try another day too.. people pop in and out of here like crazy05:15
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pike_pierre_: it depends though05:15
lee__just a sec testing speakers05:15
usr13Sable: IP address, (if shown), Network interface name, (if shown), essid name (if shown).05:15
Hornetsilent: Fair enough, I'm on GMT, so I'm around all hours.05:15
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silentHornet, if you're daring enough you can play it off like you have a debian install and check out #debian for support but I would never do that personally... ;)05:15
simplechatnvm, i got it all abck05:15
pike_pierre_: are you trying to connect to a new essid?05:15
mjbjrgogeta: synaptic appears to say it's installed (green), but it's not in the menues and 'which' doesn't see it05:15
lee__WOW the up grade fixed it05:15
simplechathopeuflly this won't take overly long05:15
pierre_pike he work very fine very,very thank's05:15
lee__All 8 a playing05:15
Hornetsilent: Heh, technically I'm not running Ubuntu, but Mint.05:15
usr13Sable: sudo iwconfig <eth1> essid <essid-of-wireless-router-here>05:16
kevinOanyone know how to change firefox themes?05:16
silentHornet, ahaha, very nicely done05:16
Hornetsilent: the issue's with the Ubuntu part, though05:16
gogetamjbjr alt f2 then type thunderbird05:16
gogetasee if it runs05:16
silentHornet, I've looked into mint as well... but I'm too used to this and I have it set up the way i want05:16
musikgoatkevinO: in FF Tools -> add-ons05:16
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Sparks_kevin0, tools-->addons-->themes then restart05:16
silentHornet, you should try getting base debian and upgrading upward from command line, it teaches you some stuff05:16
Hornetsilent: Mint Rocks, utterly.  Give it a try on another partition. :)05:16
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gogetathats how you get to the run comand in ubuntu they hide it05:16
awakehow can i use 'make' specifying the kernel path?05:16
kevinOhaha thanks guys i cant believe i didnt see that05:17
silentHornet, i will eventually, but atm I'm fine with debian05:17
mjbjrgogeta: can't find it05:17
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krammerI installed kwallet how can i get it started, it doesnt run when I need it05:17
pierre_pike: you know where put the ifup or down to restart card on end hibernate05:17
bulmerawake those are define inside the Makefile..you modify the Makefile05:17
Hornetsilent: fair enough.  One day I'll try my own LFS install, but not yet.05:17
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mjbjrgogeta: yep thunderbird05:17
lee__Heck it sounds better then my friggin windows media center05:17
lee__eh when used with a differnt player lol05:18
usr13Sable: If you get essid corrected, you can do dhclient or /etc/init.d/network restart  and that should do it.05:18
pike_pierre_: hmm.. no sorry05:18
SableEssid: off/any IP: not listed network interface name:  not listed05:18
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gogetatry this05:18
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lee__the sounds a lot cleaner05:18
silentHornet, a friend of mine used linux from scratch, he liked it. it takes quite a bit of expertise though05:18
pierre_pike: ok thank05:18
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musikgoatother than viewsonic, what other LCD's have a good lifetime?05:18
Hornetsilent: indeed, hence why I'm not doing it yet.  :)05:19
lee__ok any how, I need to install my ATI X30005:19
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musikgoatthanks silent05:19
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silentmusikgoat, samsung manufactures most of the lcd monitors on the market. companies just stick their logos on them05:19
mjbjrgogeta: doesn't find mozilla-thunderbird05:19
manicnerdis there a way to tweak the compiz-fusion settings in gutsy?05:19
musikgoatacer's any good?05:19
krammeri have my gateway flat montior now for 6 years and no problems05:19
gogetashure itsw installed05:19
lee__if some one can can you tell me waht I need to do to get into super user mode? or repeat...Iam stuck in verry tiny print atm05:19
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lou_is anyone else having problem with gutsy and their laptops not being able to woken form suspend or hibernate?05:20
gogetahave you restarted x sence the install05:20
krammeri have ace with ubuntu05:20
gogetasometimes it doesent refesh the start menu05:20
bulmerlee__: ctrl+alt+F1 and log on05:20
manicnerdlou_ : same problem here with a dell vostro 100005:20
silentmusikgoat, I hear good things about LG, samsung and nec, but thats the range of my experience for screens05:20
lou_yeah i have a dell e1505 (6400)05:20
lee__Um I have a dell dimension 515005:20
musikgoatthanks for your input05:20
lou_it hangs both ways05:20
silentdell screens are also nice05:20
pumahow to change the login screen resolution?05:21
lee__with 556 mb of ram05:21
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silentpuma, it should be your default res05:21
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gogetalee you try restarting x sence you installed the package05:21
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silentlee__, that's pretty hardcore bad05:21
lee__I had to reload the OS to get around it05:21
gogetasomwetimes the menu does not get refreshed05:21
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pumamine 1440X900, but display 1600X?05:21
lee__hmm its also has dual threading nad a tv out aswell as a DVI out05:21
silentbah, i need to do calculus, cant answer any more questions05:21
lee__whic sucked in windows05:21
gogetaslams head05:22
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manicnerdis there a way to tweak the compiz-fusion settings in gutsy?05:22
lee__hmm rater a small card though in mem 128 with hyper threding05:22
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gogetago to the prefrences lol!!05:22
Hilikus_how do i stop or restart a module?05:22
musikgoatmanicnerd: i have it in system->preferences05:22
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lee__hate o say it but05:22
lee__hate to say it05:22
musikgoatadvanced desktop effects settings05:23
bulmerHilikus_: what module?05:23
lee__if they get the bugs out...I think ill be kicking wthe windows habbit05:23
Hilikus_kernel module05:23
crdlbmanicnerd, #ubuntu+1 please05:23
gogetalee we all would05:23
Hilikus_i acuatlly just need to restart it05:23
gogetalee i refuse vista for life05:23
manicnerdmusikgoat: my only options are: none - normal - extra - custom.....but custom doesnt let me pick anything05:23
lee__i also looked at the HDD sik space05:23
bulmerHilikus_: you only have one kernel running, maybe you can reboot?05:23
Hilikus_mm i guess modules are not "running"??05:23
manicnerdcrdlb ok05:23
lee__It has 20 times more space05:24
gogetalee did you find the thunderbird problem yet jeezzz you flew off topic05:24
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pumaafter install xg-server, why each time i need to scim-d once?05:24
lee__waht the heck is all the crud at MS sticks i the machines?05:24
musikgoatmanicnerd: your missing something then.05:24
musikgoatjust a sec05:24
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lee__eh screesn got an our galss shape to it lol05:24
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lee__hmm ok waht the thuner bird thingy?05:25
kevinOlee what language you speak man05:25
pierre_somebody knows name file for put ifup ath0 to the end of hibernate to card go on network05:25
lee__english lol05:25
gogetalee i have bno idea i asked 3 times05:25
lee__I am just surprised lol05:25
lee__ok wahts the thunder bird thingy?05:25
usr13pierre_:   eth0   ?05:25
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bulmerpierre_: umm... /etc/init.d/network restart05:25
gogetalee have you restarted x sence you installed the thunderbird package sometimes the menus dont get refresed05:26
gogetafor the 4th time05:26
pumawho use SCIM05:26
lee__I always restart after05:26
lee__I load things05:26
gogetalol you look for it05:26
gogetaand btw thats not windws05:26
vmlinuz`puma: I do.. just not for so long05:26
gogetayou dont need to reboot unless thers a majer change05:26
gogetalike kernel update05:27
usr13pierre_: ifconfig up eth005:27
lee__I have some soft ware with no Icons lol05:27
SableI also get these errors in the system log file when I try to connect: "dhcdb: message_handler: message handler not found under /com/redhat/dhcp/wlan0 for sub-path wlan0.dbus.get.reason" "kernel: [2396.055730]  ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): wlan0: Link becomes ready" and ""kernel: [2463.555190]  ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: Link is not ready"05:27
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gogetano icons05:27
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gogetaman dell failed05:27
zylstra555Good evening: I need to get OpenSSL and Perl on my server. How do I do this? (I need to install Webmin)05:27
NetGearhi all05:27
musikgoatSable: do you know what chipset you have?05:27
lee__I am not any "thinder birds"05:28
NetGearny server doen't resolve name05:28
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Innomenwhat was the chkdisk equivilant on ubuntu again?05:28
cyclonutzylstra555: sudo apt-get install OpenSSL, perl ?05:28
musikgoatfsck  Innomen05:28
awakeWhen I try to compile i get the following error, any clue?05:28
awake make[1] : *** No hay ninguna regla para construir el objetivo `arch/i386/kernel/asm-offsets.c', necesario para `arch/i386/kernel/asm-offsets.s'.  Alto.05:28
NetGeari can ping name server but cant ping google05:28
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zylstra555Cyclonut: I shall try that again05:28
zylstra555Cyclonut: Nope, it doesnt work. OpenSSL isnt the package05:29
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usr13Sable: what does iwconfig say?  (Do you see wlan0 there?)05:29
NetGearhelp my server doesn't resolve name05:29
cyclonutzylstra555: google for ubuntu openSSL05:29
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lee__I don't have a thing called thuinder bird05:29
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zylstra555Cyclonut: I have, and couldent find anything specifically related to what I am trying to do05:29
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musikgoatawake: do you have build-essential  installed?05:30
usr13Sable: And if so, does it list the essid of your wireless router?05:30
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awakemusikgoat: yes i do05:30
alecwhHello! I have a few real media files (.rm) files on my computer, and I'd like to play them on my ubuntu machine using Totem. Can someone help me?05:30
bhuyhnIm trying to access my external disc which uses fat32. The problem is that no files are shown albeit I know the disc have data (more than 100gb of data). Why could this be?05:31
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NetGearhelp for dns problem???????????05:31
lee__build-essential? just a sec05:31
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lee__eh wahts it under?05:31
musikgoati wasn't talking to you lee__05:31
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lee__oh sory lol05:31
bhuyhnI have used the disc on a friends mac and it worked fine on my first 2 tries, but then that same thing happened there.05:31
mphillDoes anyone know why my video playback is like this?  --> http://www.mphill.org/~mphill/video_issue.png05:32
bhuyhnNautilus mounts it by itself. On mac the same thing happened. The disk is mounted, the space is used but no files are reported.05:32
pierre_bulmer:i put  star,stop,forcereload/restart05:32
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bulmerpierre_: restart05:32
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NetGearhelp for config dns05:32
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ToddEDMhey guys, i need to install the patch for Enemy Territory... can someone help me please05:33
NetGearany one please help for dns problem?????05:33
ToddEDMi have it downloaded onto my desktop already05:33
endlessurfdoes anyone know how to bind a specific event # to a usb mouse or some sort of usb device05:33
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underwatercowIs anyone in here familiar with OpenOffice base? I'm trying to create a table using SQL commands...05:33
christian_how can install05:33
christian_Ubuntu 6.10 with XGL & Kiba-Dock05:33
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Dr_willischristian_,  you may want to wait for gutsy release in a week or 3..05:33
ToddEDM15 days05:34
musikgoatNetGear: are you using DHCP?05:34
bulmerunderwatercow: OO have an embedded database now?05:34
musikgoatNetGear: cat /etc/resolv.conf05:34
NetGearbut not for machine ?05:34
christian_i see the video05:34
christian_on youtube05:34
christian_and i want05:34
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underwatercowbulmer: If it let me create a database rather than simply connect to a database, would that be a yes?05:34
christian_the same programs x)05:34
Rynoo Question. My Desktop machine had dual network connections between 2 routers acting as a network bridge/print server, however FireFox will not load any pages unless I disable one of the connections, any way around this?05:34
NetGearbut the machine has static ip05:34
pierre_bulmer :before if,else or fi05:35
NetGearit's also dhcp server05:35
BinaryFuQuick question: Trying to copy files from one folder to another, both folders have the same files, but trying to transfer only updated files. Can someone remind me of the cp option for that, is it -U?05:35
ToddEDManyone here know of a game like Enemy Territory, or Call of Duty for linux??05:35
lee__eh ok can some one tell me again how to log  in to the Super User settings?05:35
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bulmerunderwatercow: am not sure if its really a database, the rows and columns of the calc maybe considered a db05:35
musikgoatlee__:  su05:35
NetGearmusikgoat, i have added the dns in the file05:35
awakemusikgoat: any other idea?05:35
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bulmerpierre_: huh? i suggested earlier   /etc/init.d/networking restart05:35
underwatercowbulmer: All I really want to do is run some SQL commands to create tables and insert data, and then run some queries against it05:36
musikgoatno awake,  have you checked dependencies of what you are building?05:36
scguy318ToddEDM: dunno, I guess you're wanting to play those games on Linux, right? :)05:36
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underwatercowbulmer: What's the easiest way to do that?05:36
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ToddEDMyes scguy31805:36
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bulmerunderwatercow: get a database and install it, like mysql05:36
hegemonI need a free open source cad program which I can use commercially and contribute to the project as well.05:36
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underwatercowbulmer: That's why I was hoping I could just use base05:37
orionrdoes anyone know if the GParted live cd will allow me to resize my mac partition?05:37
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floppyearshi guys05:37
NetGearfloppyears, hi05:37
bulmerunderwatercow: i dont know Base, maybe its a new feature..read the man pages?05:37
hegemonFor mechanical engineering application, car components, engine components etc..05:37
floppyearsI have a fast ubuntu machine and a sata dvd burner from lite-on unfortunately the video playback is not smooth05:37
scguy318ToddEDM: your best bet would be Wine05:37
endlessurfanyone know how to keep a usb mouse to stay at a certain even everytime i restart ubuntu?05:37
scguy318!wine | ToddEDM05:37
ubotuToddEDM: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.05:37
floppyearshow can I go about enabling dma in my dvd burner ?05:37
Polygon89orionr, i think gparted just detects HFS+ partitons, but i dont think it supports resizing it, i would double check though, googling 'gparted,resizing, HFS+05:37
scguy318ToddEDM: I've taken the liberty of searching the Wine AppDb for you05:37
lee__hmm I get an authentication failure when I use my pass word is there some password thingy I don't know?05:37
scguy318ToddEDM: so gimme a moment05:38
ToddEDMwoah ojk05:38
scguy318lee___: sudo -i for root shell?05:38
ToddEDMright on05:38
scguy318ToddEDM: Enemy Territory: Quake Wars or wut?05:38
lee__ok where do I key taht in at? Konsole or?05:38
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ToddEDMnot quake wars05:39
NetGearbullmer thanks05:39
Polygon89orionr, i think the best way to resize a HFS+ partiton is to use a mac os x program05:39
pierre_bulmer :ok05:39
lee__or Terminal05:39
ggapolhello :-)05:39
floppyearsanybody ?05:39
ToddEDMRTCW : Enemy Territory05:39
Dr_willisfloppyears,  how do you know its not enabled now?05:39
scguy318ToddEDM: well, I notice that there seems to be a native Linux client05:39
Polygon89floppyears, one sec i remember an article about that05:39
scguy318ToddEDM: for ET05:39
lee__It worked lol05:39
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lee__I thnk05:39
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scguy318ToddEDM: as for CoD, lemme check the AppDb05:40
underwatercowbulmer: base has a built-in HSQL database, fyi05:40
ToddEDMyes i know , but thats the only game i can find ... and no one plays it online05:40
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Hilikus_how do i remove a module thats in use??05:40
lee__I have "root@hi:~#"05:40
Polygon89Hilikus_, i think its sudo modprobe -r module05:40
Hilikus_it tells me the module is in use05:40
NetGearhlep when i type apt-get update05:40
scguy318ToddEDM: there are lots of games in the repos I believe, and they're not necessarily Tux Racer :P05:40
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lee__ok trying this ati Driver thingy aaain lol05:40
NetGeari get W: GPG error: http://www.debian-multimedia.org etch Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 07DC563D1F41B90705:40
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floppyearsDr_willis: playback of dvd is really slow and in my machine it should be really fast05:41
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floppyearsPolygon89: thanks05:41
bulmerunderwatercow: okay, so activate it, and create the jdbc connector to it05:41
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scguy318ToddEDM: http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iVersionId=360305:41
musikgoatNetGear: there is a message at #debian about GPG keys05:41
ToddEDMhow do i see those games?05:41
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ToddEDMohhh ok05:41
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musikgoati think you have to update some apt-key's05:41
scguy318ToddEDM: the AppDb has search functionality05:41
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underwatercowbulmer: what does that do?05:41
NetGearmusikgoat, how to solve he problem05:41
scguy318ToddEDM: of course, you shouldn't take the AppDb too literally, you can always test it out to see if works05:41
Dr_willisfloppyears,  normally one would use 'sudo hdparm  <some options> /dev/whatever' but its been ages since ive had to tweak that stuff.05:42
Polygon89floppyears, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DMA05:42
scguy318ToddEDM: the Ubuntu Forums Gaming & Leisure has a sticky on Wine05:42
ToddEDMthe AppDB is inder Applications > Add/Remove?05:42
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musikgoatNetGear: idk,  this is the message.   PUBLIC KEY NOT AVAILABLE? /msg dpkg no public key05:42
GhoztI have a question: I have a simple Ubuntu setup with LAMP and ProFTPD. I have my default "Administrator" use setup - but he can only access his home directory. I've tried changing "DefaultRoot /var/www/" so that I can get to the website, but it doesn't work. Ideas??05:42
bulmerunderwatercow: to start the database, and connect to it05:42
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Polygon89floppyears, tell me if that link works i had to manually type it05:42
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scguy318ToddEDM: no, the AppDb is a web database for application compatibility with Wine05:42
lee__eh do I run it in the terminal lol or just run it05:42
scguy318ToddEDM: what you want is Wine05:42
floppyearsDr_willis: I've tried, but it fails, reading online people say to use sdparm, but I haven't been able to figure out how to do it using sdparm05:42
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ePaxHOw do i get my "console session" just to show last directory that im in not all... eg... if im in /home/whatever/pics to show just /pics?05:42
musikgoatNetGear: dpkg in that reference is their bot05:42
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scguy318ToddEDM: the Ubuntu repos have 0.9.33, which is kinda and pretty old05:42
ToddEDMi gotcha05:42
kevinOwhere are gdm themes stored?05:42
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underwatercowbulmer: I think it set up the JDBC automatically05:42
tsukasahey what do you guys think of emerald05:43
tsukasastable enough?05:43
lee__eh view hidden files05:43
scguy318ToddEDM: http://www.winehq.org/site/download-deb should tell you how to obtain latest05:43
lee__you find everything lol05:43
bulmerunderwatercow: well it is, then just use it05:43
Polygon89tsukasa, just wait till gutsy, compiz fusizon installed by default05:43
Polygon89tsukasa, thats pretty stable05:43
ToddEDMthanks scguy31805:43
floppyearsPolygon89: I get the following error: HDIO_SET_DMA failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device05:43
tsukasaPolygon89, i have gutsy installed, emerald though, is not in by default05:43
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floppyearswhen trying to set dma using hdparm :(05:43
tsukasaPolygon89, which is why im wondering if its stable05:43
twocarlois compiz fusizon on ubuntu 705:44
Polygon89tsukasa, oh... i believe its pretty stable, all it does is just like set themes and stuff it doesnt actualyl do the hard work05:44
musikgoatNetGear: Seeing "There are no public keys available"? This means that the Release file has been signed by a key which you do not have.  If it's signed by another key which you do have, you can ignore the warning. Otherwise, you can add the key listed *AFTER* checking the validity of the signatures on the key. Ask me about <2006 key> or <etch key> for more details.05:44
Polygon89twocarlo, its in gutsy05:44
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Polygon89floppyears, i dunno anything about it, i just remember seeing that page when i was searching how to get dvd playback working sorry =/05:44
GhoztI have a question: I have a simple Ubuntu setup with LAMP and ProFTPD. I have my default "Administrator" use setup - but he can only access his home directory. I've tried changing "DefaultRoot" from " ~ " to "/var/www/" in my proftpd.conf, so that I can get to the website dir, but it doesn't work. Ideas??05:44
underwatercowbulmer: Easier said than done05:44
scguy318twocarlo: on Gutsy yes05:44
tsukasahey does anyone know if the twinview ubuntu behavior for the top and bottom bars is supposed to be stretched or one per screen?05:45
musikgoatwhy do many people refer to ubuntu 7?   is 7.10 too hard to type?05:45
NetGeari have commited the cd rom repository in source file05:45
bulmerunderwatercow: did you ever google for tutorials on that?05:45
Polygon89musikgoat, its a lot easier to just say gutsy..feisty...etc xD05:45
endlessurfevent help usb help anyone?05:45
lee__Oh one thing though the ISO I downloaded for ubuntu well..lets say I chose the inter net method for up dating lol05:45
Dr_willistsukasa,   i noticed them streteched - UNTILL i restarted the x server.05:45
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Dr_willistsukasa,  then they started acting correctly05:45
kevinOanyone know the path to the gdm themes?05:45
twocarloi also want to ask if compiz fusizon is installed by default in ubuntu05:45
musikgoatPolygon89: your right, but that doesn't explain this ubuntu 7  that i keep hearing people say05:46
floppyearsthanks Polygon8905:46
NetGearapt-get install build-essential i get message Media change: please insert the disc labeled05:46
NetGear 'Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 r0 _Etch_ - Official i386 DVD Binary-1 20070407-11:40'05:46
NetGearin the drive '/cdrom/' and press enter05:46
Polygon89musikgoat, heh true. saying ubuntu 7 is incorrect as it could refer to feisty or gutsy05:46
underwatercowbulmer: I can manipulate the datebase, that's not the problem... the problem is creating and inputting data using SQL commands instead of by GUI05:46
lee__I got interested in Ubuntu because dell had a promo for it05:46
pike_musikgoat: or a future release :)05:46
musikgoatNetGear: isn't that a question for #debian?05:46
kitchetwocarlo: yes but it might give you a warning about enabling it not sure if they put in that dialog or not but #ubuntu+1 for gutsy questions05:46
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NetGearmusikgoat, yes05:47
IdleOneNetGear: comment out ( put a # ) in front of the CD line in /etc/apt/sources.list05:47
george_just comment out the source05:47
Hilikus_how do i check the syslog output??05:47
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twocarlothanks kitche05:47
lee__I get the message you need to run the installer in super user mode05:47
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usr13kevinO. System --> Login Window05:47
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NetGearIdleOne, i have done it even it give's me  the mess?05:48
bulmerunderwatercow: you can write java codes and use sql commands within it, to connect to hsql05:48
IdleOneNetGear: then you need to sudo apt-get update after editing sources.list05:48
lee__hmm ok Ill try it in the Konsole way lol05:48
underwatercowbulmer: I found a place to exectue SQL, and I ran a create command, but it says the table is already created, though it's not showing it in the table list...05:48
kevinOusr13 i was actually looking for the path to the actual folder they are contained in, i found it at /usr/share/gdm/themes05:48
kevinOthanks tho05:48
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lee__running cvai terminal05:49
bulmerunderwatercow: the correct schema?05:49
usr13kevinO. oh, ok.  Good.05:49
joshin247can someone hlep me05:49
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musikgoat!ask | joshin24705:49
ubotujoshin247: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:49
lee__Created directory fglrx-install.G1854905:49
lee__Verifying archive integrity... All good.05:49
lee__Uncompressing ATI Proprietary Linux Driver-8.40.4.....05:49
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bulmerunderwatercow: look into hsql database tutorial05:49
joshin247my xorg process is taking up more then half of my memory05:49
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arash`i just upgraded to 7.10 on my tablet. now every window i open that i can type in, an annoying huge on screen keyboard comes which i cannot close. how can i remove this?05:49
underwatercowbulmer: alright... worst case, I can install MySQL I guess...05:49
ToddEDMhey scguy318 ... how do i install CoD with the CDs i have?05:50
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ToddEDMwith wine05:50
musikgoatarash`: I would recommend asking in #ubuntu+1 as well,  idk tho05:50
bulmerunderwatercow: yes you can, hsql is just a toy db05:50
scguy318!gutsy | arash`05:50
ubotuarash`: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information05:50
NetGearIdleOne,  sudo apt-get update after editing sources.list i get mess Reading package lists... Done05:50
NetGearW: GPG error: http://www.debian-multimedia.org etch Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 07DC563D1F41B90705:50
NetGearW: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems05:50
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scguy318ToddEDM: have you read the Wine guide on the Gaming & Leisure section on the forums? well05:51
lee__it came back to saying I need to be in super user mode05:51
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scguy318ToddEDM: have you installed Wine yet?05:51
logreevalApproximately how large will the gutsy gibbon update be when it comes out?05:51
GhoztI have a question: I have a simple Ubuntu setup with LAMP and ProFTPD. I have my default "Administrator" use setup - but he can only access his home directory. I've tried changing "DefaultRoot" from " ~ " to "/var/www/" in my proftpd.conf, so that I can get to the website dir, but it doesn't work. Can anyone help?05:51
scguy318ToddEDM: I'm assuming you already have05:51
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lee__I placed the write comand in the wrong window05:51
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kravlinhey. I keep getting a compiling error for the gmerlin library. However i'm sure its installed. Because i'm running the 64-bit version i figure its a problem with that. Could someone help me?05:51
scguy318ToddEDM: so, in the Terminal, just cd to the CD-ROM mount point: cd /media/whateveritscalled05:51
jonidimowhat is better? firefox (compilated in 64, with all plugins working) or swiftfox for amd6405:51
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scguy318ToddEDM: then just do wine <name of setup executable here without the fine brackets>05:52
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scguy318ToddEDM: it would be a good idea to read the AppDb for instructions tho ;)\05:52
jonidimo what is better? firefox (compilated in 64, with all plugins working) or swiftfox for amd6405:52
ToddEDMlol, thanks a bunch05:52
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musikgoatcompilated = compiled05:52
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Polygon89jonidimo, swiftfox isnt developed anymore so i would say compiling05:53
musikgoati had terrible luck with firefox in x6405:53
otaimerzwhy my dual bootable has show many of ubuntu?05:53
kravlinhey. I keep getting a compiling error for the gmerlin library. However i'm sure its installed. Because i'm running the 64-bit version i figure its a problem with that. Could someone help me?05:53
jonidimooh, thanks05:53
Hilikus_how do i remove a module thats in use??05:53
otaimerzcan i delete it.. and just wanna only 1 ubuntu choose and with my windows os05:53
threethirtyhello all05:53
IdleOneNetGear: look at http://www.debian-multimedia.org/faq.php see if it helps. you need to add that pub key05:54
Polygon89otaimerz, those are your kernels, by default there is one kernel, one recovery mode kernel and one memtest86 option to test memory05:54
scguy318kravlin: can you pastebin the error?05:54
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scguy318kravlin: and do you have the dev package for that library installed?05:54
logreevalotaimerz: just leave it alone, if its not hurting you05:54
Polygon89otaimerz, as new kernel updates come out more entries get added to the grub list05:54
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Polygon89otaimerz, its also good for if one kernel breaks you have ones to fall back on05:54
IdleOnegeorge_: good link :)05:55
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scguy318otaimerz: they are different kernel versions05:55
otaimerzhye.. i know.. it has one for one item.. but in my computer.. it show one item to 2 choose05:55
scguy318otaimerz: in case your latest kernel should fubar05:55
kravlinscguy318: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39503/05:55
kravlinand i should05:55
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lee__I think I understand the logice behind at waht they did and why05:55
otaimerzso, how i to remove it.. just like only one05:55
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lee__It prevents soome codes form being remotely used05:56
kravlinscguy318: at least until i updated today i did.05:56
lee__unless permissions given it05:56
mckenseysomebody help me  please05:56
lee__eh ok05:57
mckenseyI got a problem with my hard disc05:57
lee__Im trying to get some help to lol05:57
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joshin247my xorg uses 400mb and i have 1 gig WHY???05:57
lee__wahts the issue?05:57
Dr_willismckensey,  'please state the nature of the linux emergancy'05:57
lee__eh you partiond it wrong05:57
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lee__My Linux emergency is that I can not access super user mode lol05:58
IdleOneDr_willis: hehe lmao05:58
kravlinscguy318: its now asking for FLTK headers. No idea what those are.05:58
GhoztCan anyone help me out? I have a simple Ubuntu setup with LAMP and ProFTPD. I have my default "Administrator" use setup - but he can only access his home directory. I've tried changing "DefaultRoot" from " ~ " to "/var/www/" in my proftpd.conf, so that I can get to the website dir, but it doesn't work. Can anyone help?05:58
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mckenseywhen starting my computer the hard disc dont start05:59
lee__I have a cookie window up?05:59
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CyberMadhow do i know computer name of my ubuntu?05:59
Polygon89mckensey, sounds like a hardware problem05:59
ref_rainHey all, can someone point me in the direction of a good irc server &/or channel for linux programming. especially VST music plugins?05:59
amidanielAlright, I did something really really stupid and have now found myself in quite a bind. This is a remote server I don't have physical access to. While making changes to /etc/password, I accidentally removed the first char of the file, renaming "root" to "oot". What do I do?05:59
mckenseythe disc show me much number that I dont know05:59
scguy318CyberMad: its in System -> Administration -> Network I think06:00
usr13CyberMad: hostname06:00
joshin247hi, sorry to bother, but noone will answer my questions in the main chat06:00
scguy318joshin247: still in main chat, whats the question06:00
IdleOneamidaniel: change it back06:00
joshin247xorg uses much memory why06:00
scguy318kravlin: probably more dev packages06:00
CyberMadusr13 so in terminal: user@cashier1:~$  does the cashier1 is computer name?06:00
lee__wahts taht?06:00
scguy318kravlin: can u like paste the line06:00
kravlinscguy318: i think i found it.06:00
amidanielIdleOne: There is no user named "root" :)06:00
amidanielWhich makes it difficult06:00
lee__Servers, page scripts06:01
kravlinscguy318: google is our great and glorious leader :)06:01
scguy318kravlin: :D06:01
lee__is some one trying to im me?06:01
amidanielA sudo -u oot vi /etc/passwd gives me "Sorry, ... is not allowed to execute .. as 'oot'"06:01
scguy318joshin247: because it's the X Window system06:01
ePaxCan i install kubuntu-desktop on feisty?06:01
scguy318joshin247: though I would love to know any tips for reducing that bloat06:01
scguy318ePax: yes06:01
usr13CyberMad: Yes, and if you give command:   hostname   it will display the hostname of the computer.06:01
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CyberMadthanks a lot06:01
ePaxscguy318: Thnx.06:01
joshin247but it takes 400 mb06:01
kravlinscguy318: well config runs now. I'll pastebin what happens with make when i run it.06:02
IdleOneamidaniel: sudo nano /etc/password ( change back whatever you changed and save ) unless I am not understanding something06:02
joshin247and when i use other apps it goes up and i run out of memory quick06:02
scguy318IdleOne: well, since he chopped off the r in root, he cant be root :P06:02
usr13CyberMad: But yes, the prompt also contains the hostname.06:02
amidanielIdleOne: "sudo: no passwd entry for root!"06:02
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charlie5hi ... i just d/l and burnt feisty cd ... when i booted to try the install, i saw a lot of sqashfs errors ... afterwards a graphical login screen appeared ... any ideas what might have gone wrong ?06:02
joshin247gets up to 700mb06:02
scguy318joshin247: why not restart your X server?06:02
kravlinscguy318: unless you run something between config and make that i don't know of.06:02
amidanielIdleOne: That is, namely, the problem -- I cannot sudo edit the file06:02
Jordan_Ucharlie5, Did you check the integrity of the CD?06:02
joshin247i've done that many times, this has been a problem for a while06:03
IdleOnescguy318: amidaniel ahh I see you in essence killed root :)06:03
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amidanielIdleOne: Indeed :)06:03
Jordan_Uamidaniel, What is the problem?06:03
scguy318kravlin: probably not, unless the README has very special instructions, and I doubt it06:03
IdleOnethat is funny06:03
amidanielAnd I've tried su'ing to oot, but it's not liking my former root password06:03
amidanielIdleOne: No, no, not really :)06:03
scguy318Jordan_U: he chopped off the r in root in /etc/passwd06:03
amidanielJordan_U: I did something really stupid -- renamed "root" by accident :)06:03
IdleOneamidaniel: sorry I am not sure how to fix something like that06:03
endlessurfevent # and usb help anyone?06:03
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heguruamidaniel: Use LiveCD to boot and change, or try Single user mode (i don't know if that will work)06:03
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Jordan_Uamidaniel, Boot into recovery mode06:03
amidanielheguru: Don't have physical access to the machine06:03
scguy318heguru: can't, the server is remote and inaccessible06:03
charlie5Jordan_U: err, no ... good point, i'll check that, thanks06:04
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kravlinscguy318: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39504/06:04
Jordan_Uamidaniel, np :)06:04
Square_rootI made myself a gmail acc to registrate on many upload sites / forums. After about 30 site registrations I started receiving a spam that is encoded in a non supported language, I can't read it. I noticed that I'm receiving like 5 or 10 copies of it everyday, all from different IPs. Most of those IPs return nothing when I whois. The fake adress says it's from japan. Any suggestions?06:04
gogetacharlie5 sqishfs errors are the cds file sysem06:04
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amidanielAny other ideas? :)06:04
gogetacharlie5 you may have a bad iso06:04
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scguy318kravlin: strange, you might be missing your GL headers06:04
hgjjjfhow do i get yahoo games to work i have all java installed06:04
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amidanielIn particular, if anyone could know how to figure out what the new password for "oot" is knowing the former password for "root"06:05
usr13hgjjjf: what browser are you using?06:05
charlie5gogeta: yep, that sounds likely ... i'll check the mdsum, reburn and try again ... cheers06:05
amidanielAs I'm presuming it's rehashed by username06:05
IdleOneamidaniel: contact your server admin and have them fix what you broke but that might get you locked out of the server after they figure out what you did, unless you are the server admin then you need to take a drive06:05
gogetaor bad cd rw06:05
lee__found it http://fridge.ubuntu.com/06:05
gogetathey do go bad06:05
scguy318kravlin: what's the app you're trying to build anyway?06:05
hgjjjfusr13,  it sayes connecting to servers but it dont connect and am using ff06:06
kravlinscguy318: is that a dev package as well? I don't know that much about how linux runs unfortunately (its one of those things i hope to learn eventually but have no idea where to start)06:06
amidanielIdleOne: I'd rather not, but will if I have to06:06
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scguy318kravlin: yeah lemme look, and what's the app that you're trying to build?06:06
amidanielIt seems there should be *some way* to do this remotely, though06:06
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=== amidaniel stabs self for his stupidity
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kravlinscguy318: Open movie editor. I need something that can edit .avi files and splice them.06:06
IdleOneamidaniel: the thing is there is no password for root. so no password for oot either06:06
usr13hgjjjf: Point ff to:   http://www.java.com/en/download/help/testvm.xml06:06
kravlinscguy318: so kino is a no-go.06:06
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hgjjjfusr13,  thnks06:06
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ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-effects06:06
lee__WOW, i had no idea how popular Ubuntu is getting06:07
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gogetalee is #106:07
gogetain the distro world06:07
kravlinlee___: when did you realize it was?06:07
Innomenwell yea its the only one that ever professed to give a crap about users06:07
scguy318kravlin: mebbe x11proto-gl-dev?06:07
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Innomenevery other distro was aimed at admins06:07
lee__ok back to getting into su mode lol06:07
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scguy318lee___: sudo -i?06:07
=== Jamesinator [n=james@66-169-177-69.dhcp.ftwo.tx.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Bender1337hi im trying to set up tmobile internet can someone help me with this tutorial
lee__whats a distro?06:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about distro - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:08
gogetainnomen suse does to but whent abought it the wrong way06:08
scguy318lee___: a distro is simply the Linux kernel + the userspace goodies06:08
scguy318lee___: when you say Linux, that strictly means the kernel itself06:08
Jordan_Uamidaniel, Is there a reason you can't just reboot into single user mode ( "recovery" ) ?06:08
lee__is realearning06:08
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kravlinscguy318: can't hurt.06:08
scguy318Jordan_U: because it's a remote server06:08
Innomengogeta: oh? i stand corrected06:08
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kravlinscguy318: I get less of the same errors! Progress!06:09
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sharapI'm having problems on gutsy with user switching using synergy. Upon switching back to the first user my mouse and keyboard no longer will work on the ubuntu machine. Is there a particular script for the X server that gets run at that point, so I can add something to start up the synergy server there?06:09
gogetainnomen they mad deals with the devel to get m$ libarys so user got more compatbly06:09
lee__ah ok06:09
IdleOnelee__: in Linux a Distro is what would be refered to as a Version in windows. sorta like xp me vista but not anywhere near as bad as windows of course because... look at !vista06:09
Jordan_Uamidaniel, So, what happens when you try to use sudo?06:09
scguy318kravlin: you do have build-essential right? :)06:09
gogetaof course no linux user will accept that06:09
Guest32704my squirrealmail says invaild login but the infomation is right and the other roundcube wmail logins work? any ideals06:09
scguy318IdleOne: not really, more like edition06:09
Innomengogeta: gah06:09
amidanielJordan_U: I get the error "no paswd entry for user 'root'"06:09
Innomenbad move06:09
gogetaso they got a bad rep06:09
kravlinscguy318: of course.06:09
lee__ehgh vista..ms torture06:09
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IdleOnescguy318: yeah06:09
Innomenof course that landed them in m$ pocket for all time06:09
Innomeni'm assuming.06:09
NaNO2xhello, i was wondering if anyone knew how to open mdf's, i've been going through google and the forums, and the programs that it points to aren't working, any sugestions06:09
amidanielJordan_U: And I don't know anyway to reboot a server and maintain a live ssh with it :)06:10
Jordan_Uamidaniel, using sudo ( not su )?06:10
threethirtylee__: distro is short for distrobution, think of it as a flavor, ubuntu is the rocky road of linux, ummmmmm06:10
gogetaas  said they cared but mad bad choices06:10
scguy318Jordan_U: his passwd file is fubared, can't work the file remotely ;)06:10
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amidanielJordan_U: Yes06:10
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lee__aaah ok06:10
Innomengogeta: no i think "mad bad" sums it up nicely lol06:10
sharapNaNO2x, as in microsoft data format?06:10
lee__AH the light comes on lol06:10
amidanielJordan_U: And with "sudo -u oot ..." I get "... does not have permission to execute .. as oot"06:10
NaNO2xits a disc image i believe06:10
gogetaredhat also wile out of the desktop worldd are probly the biggest code contrubters out there06:10
usr13scguy318: Well, you have to admit, that even though the name Linux specifically referrs to the kernel, we use the word to describe much more.  We use the word Linux to describe the entire operating system and all the various OpenSource apps.06:10
IdleOnescguy318: isnt there a backup that is autosaved that he can use instead of the new file?06:10
gibCan someone point me to a cheap pci wifi card with good native wpa2 support (not via a wrapper over the windows driver).06:10
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scguy318IdleOne: if there is one, he can't become root to replace it with ;)06:11
scguy318usr13: yep06:11
amidanielI do have a /etc/passwd-06:11
heguruamidaniel: how about sudo -u #006:11
gogetalinux is never a 1 an show even thow ubuntu kinda has that rep06:11
heguruamidaniel: sudo -u 0 ^^06:11
MoNsTeRcan somebody help me with my server? it wont update like as in i put folders in there with filkes in them and they don't show up on the webpage06:11
amidanielheguru: No password entry for "0"06:12
kravlinscguy318: I really have no idea what i'm doing unfortunately. any idea where i can get a better understanding of linux while i'm trying to get this thing to work?06:12
scguy318!make | kravlin06:12
ubotukravlin: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)06:12
scguy318kravlin: that's the make stuff06:12
Jordan_Uamidaniel, Start thinking of any other setuid programs that you would be able to possibly use ( though I can't think of any that wouldn't be a security risk, and therefore there probably are not if your server is secure )06:12
scguy318kravlin: theres tons of other stuff for other aspects06:12
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Innomeneveryone laugh at the problems i've undoubtedly made fopr myself, here's what i've done: install ubuntu, and and then used gnome to carve out a partition where i am now installing xp06:12
scguy318kravlin: what's the latest error now?06:12
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kravlinscguy318: same thing.06:12
scguy318Innomen: i'm not06:12
jawsh569gib: there really isn't ONE card out there06:12
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kravlinbut a couple less errors.06:12
amidanielJordan_U: Well, I've got quite a few "oot" sessions running, but I've no clue how to "hack" into any of them06:12
scguy318Innomen: though I hate how XP trashes GRUB06:12
jawsh569start by lookin at hardware support for your distro of choice06:13
Innomenscguy318: think it'll work?06:13
jawsh569you should find a list of "known to work cards"06:13
amidanielThe only thing that I could think of would me an nmap install I have running as root -- but that's behind a sudo06:13
gogetascguy318 you can easly fix tha with the grub live cd06:13
lee__ok do i log into the terminal or konsole for sudo -i06:13
scguy318gogeta: yep06:13
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lee__and then how do i execute my ati driver set up06:13
heguruamidaniel: sudo -u \#0 -i06:13
MoNsTeRcan somebody help me with my server? it wont update like as in i put folders in there with filkes in them and they don't show up on the webpage06:13
scguy318amidaniel: well, I can't think of anything much, but I guess you learned a lesson today :)06:13
Innomenlike menu.lst edits may fix it?06:13
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gogetau hate how grub self destructs if you remove linux06:14
scguy318Innomen: no, you'll have to reinstall GRUB via the CD that gogeta mentioned06:14
Jordan_Uamidaniel, What programs are they running?06:14
scguy318Innomen: rewrite the fine MBR, and then zomg tweak menu.lst06:14
Innomenno problems06:14
scguy318Innomen: though it's not seriously difficult06:14
Innomeni'm kinda good at that by now06:14
amidanielheguru: Gahh .. I had my hopes, but got "user dccannon is not allowed to execute ... as oot"06:14
scguy318Innomen: I'm just seriously lazy :)06:14
amidanielheguru: When using -u \#006:14
MoNsTeRcan somebody help me with my server? it wont update like as in i put folders in there with filkes in them and they don't show up on the webpage06:14
Innomenthats a good trait to have, mother on invention.06:15
scguy318Innomen: hehe :P06:15
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kravlinscguy318: thanks for the link btw. I need to read from the wiki a lot more methinks. Expand my knowledge and all that.06:15
Innomenscguy318:  totally serious, but thats off topic :)06:15
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amidanielJordan_U: Got an ssh, xinetd, vsftpd, mysqld_safe, spamd, java, httpd, saslauthd, crond06:15
gogetamonster like you knoe06:15
amidanielAny of those maybe?06:15
scguy318Innomen: lol :)06:15
gogetarestart the webserver06:15
Innomen(or i'm just 2 lazy to explain, you'll never know)06:15
lee__eh got to take dog fer a walk lol..ttyl06:15
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Jordan_Uamidaniel, And what sort of possible interaction if any do you have with any of those?06:16
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MoNsTeRgogeta, yeah how and thanks for helping you (i cant even say it)06:16
usr13MoNsTeR: Yes, each time you change configuration or add a new directory to choose from, you must restart apache.06:16
AncientRelicI've got a Dell Latitude D600 with a Realtek wireless card inside (original doesn't work)06:16
MoNsTeRhow do i restart apache06:16
AncientRelicI can see it in lspci, but Ubuntu can't configure it06:16
amidanielJordan_U: Well, I do still have root access to mysql06:16
scguy318AncientRelic: does it show up in iwconfig?06:16
amidanielAnd I can get to httpd through a browser -- that's about it :)06:16
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AncientRelicscguy318: Nope no network devices detected06:17
scguy318amidaniel: i think you have what's known as a jail :P06:17
scguy318amidaniel: only problem is, everyone is locked out06:17
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AncientRelicscguy318: I have the same card running in a gateway notebook with Feisty and it worked out of the box06:17
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kravlinscguy318: I got it to work....06:17
scguy318AncientRelic: can you tell us what Realtek chipset specifically06:17
scguy318kravlin: yay06:17
Bender1337hi im trying to set up tmobile internet can someone help me with this tutorial
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Sableusr13: in iwconfig next to wlan0 it says ESSID "Art's network" when trying to connect to the router, but when it tops trying to connect it says"off/any" next to the essid06:17
amidanielscguy318: Indeed :) Aye, the dangers of safe computing :)06:17
Innomenscguy318: wouldent that be a "fortress" ?06:17
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Jordan_Uamidaniel, You already know that you are likely just screwed, but I have not given up because it's a really interesting problem06:18
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kravlinscguy318: I installed freeglut3-dev.06:18
gogetasudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart06:18
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AncientRelicscguy318: 8185L06:18
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scguy318Innomen: well, not so much, since there's no one inside, and no one can get in :)06:18
gogetaor apache if not apahie206:18
Innomenoh lol06:18
amidanielJordan_U: Indeed .. I'm writing out the email to admit my stupidity as we speak :) I would however still like to know if this can be fixed somehow06:18
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MoNsTeRusr13, how do i updates the webserver06:18
Innomenok, how about a vault?06:18
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amidanielAll I need to do is write one character to the head of a file to fix it :)06:18
scguy318kravlin: ah06:18
EldaMeh...  Anyone know how I would go about enabling sensors on a Toshiba P100 st9752?06:18
gogetaif its a init servace anyways06:18
usr13MoNsTeR: http://httpd.apache.org/docs-project/06:19
gogetai aruldy gave him the comand06:19
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scguy318Innomen: well, the armored car people still can pack up the dough into their fine truck :P06:19
Jordan_Uamidaniel, You didn't have passwordless ssh ( using a key ) set up by any chance?06:19
usr13MoNsTeR: Edit the config file06:19
EldaI'm having overheating troubles when I play any intensive games... not to the point where the laptop shuts itself off but that it gets VERY hot down under :/06:19
Innomenthats true lol06:19
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scguy318Elda: get one of those stands that let you get air circulation under06:20
EldaSince the sensors arent working, the fan doesnt speed up06:20
EldaHave one.06:20
musikgoatElda: lol, i get that too, as every laptop owner06:20
Guest32704http://pastebin.ca/725162 ? is my maillog and it dont say anything about why sqirrulmail is acting nuts? roundcube works, but i want to run sqmail? any ideals06:20
amidanielJordan_U: Not for my root account O.o06:20
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amidanielAnd my root has nossh anyhow06:20
Innomenelda: that sounds a wee bit dangerous, explody battery :P06:20
amidanielOr ftp (tried that too :D)06:20
EldaThing is that this has a go 7900 gtx in it. So it NEEDS the fan06:20
usr13MoNsTeR: vim /etc/apache/httpd.conf06:20
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kravlinscguy318: now if i could just figure out how to run it i would be good.06:20
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Bender1337hi im trying to set up tmobile internet can someone help me with this tutorial
gogetaexplody battery where06:20
EldaBut the sensor isnt detecting anything, so it cant speed up the fan to cool it off :(06:20
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scguy318AncientRelic: anything in system logs?06:21
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scguy318Elda: have you done the fine sudo sensors-detect?06:21
Innomengogeta: no where, just seems like voerheating would increase the risk of that sort of thing06:21
EldaI installed that06:21
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Jordan_Uamidaniel, I assume you have rebooted since you changed the passwd file?06:21
EldaBut I dont know if its working or not06:21
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gogetai wanna explody battery06:21
usr13MoNsTeR: Apache is a very powerful webserver with many many options.  Read the manual before continuing on.06:21
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Eldaacpi brings up only my batter status still06:21
scguy318kravlin: have you done sudo make install?06:21
amidanielJordan_U: No06:21
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kevinOare there any programs that allow you to theme gnome?06:21
Jordan_UkevinO, Of course06:22
gogetagnome itsself can be06:22
kevinOi know....06:22
NauraushaunI have two hard drives. One with Ubuntu, the slave drive, and the master drive with Windows. I used to be able to select which OS to run when I booted up my computer, but today I reinstalled Windows, and I can't access Ubuntu at all. It's like I've only got one hard drive.06:22
amidanielJordan_U: reboot is in /sbin :)06:22
Jordan_UkevinO, A good one for downloading themes is gnome-art06:22
MoNsTeRusr13, you dont get it i come here for help i dont have a manual i dont need one (reason being cause i come here!!!) dont tell me to rtfm ok06:22
scguy318Nauraushaun: did Windows obliterate GRUB? use the Super GRUB CD06:22
kravlinscguy: yeah. it returned all sorts of not needing to be run things. I'll pastebin them (should bookmark that site)06:22
\\ZimmYwill someone tell mw if they see anyp problems ---> http://pastebin.ca/72516206:22
gogeta<Nauraushaun>thats couse windows love to eat grub for lunch06:22
Sableusr13: in iwconfig next to wlan0 it says ESSID "Art's network" when trying to connect to the router, but when it tops trying to connect it says"off/any" next to the essid06:22
kevinObut a gui app that allows you to just choose colors and choose images, then puts it all in a nice little package for users to install06:23
gogeta<Nauraushaun> use grub live cd to restore it06:23
Jordan_UkevinO, That let's you preview and install themes from art.gnome.org06:23
NauraushaunI don't have that.06:23
gogeta<Nauraushaun> yea window eat it06:23
kevinOi dont want a theme, i want to make them06:23
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MoNsTeRgogeta, yeah i didnt see because you didnt highlight my name06:23
Jordan_U!grub | Nauraushaun06:23
ubotuNauraushaun: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:23
usr13MoNsTeR:  join #apache06:23
scguy318Nauraushaun: GRUB is the fine Linux boot-loader that Ubuntu installs, Windows takes the liberty of wiping that away in favor of NTLDR06:23
kevinObut i dont want to manually edit a gtkrc file everytime i want a different one06:23
Jordan_UkevinO, Ahh, sorry, I misunderstood06:24
NauraushaunWow. I hate Windows :P06:24
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gogetawe wouldent be hear if we all didnt06:24
usr13Sable: Could you reprhase that?06:24
NauraushaunThat guide tells me to enter commands. Where?06:24
scguy318Nauraushaun: so yeah that second link in ubotu's message should be helpful06:24
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scguy318Nauraushaun: the linked guide?06:24
scguy318Nauraushaun: probably Terminal I guess?06:24
NauraushaunOh, I tried the first one. Hold on.06:24
Jordan_UNauraushaun, An Ubuntu ( or any other Linux ) LiveCD06:25
NauraushaunI can't get back to Ubuntu, so no terminal.06:25
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scguy318Nauraushaun: oh I'm blind, I meant the gudie on when u lose GRUB06:25
NauraushaunI have that.06:25
Sableusr13: I figured out the problem06:25
kravlinscguy: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39506/06:25
alcaponageWill Gutsy Gibbon have compiz fusion automatically on there?06:25
EldaHow can I tell if the sensors are doing anything after I do sensors-detect?06:25
Sableusr13: when I updated ubuntu, it updated the kernel.  I booted up a previous kernel and it works06:25
chotchkiquick question guys, is there a way to reinstall every package? my libraries seem to have gotten corrupted (and its becoming a huge pain to track tehem all down)06:25
gogetaalcaponage yes06:25
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gogetai dont like it but it will06:26
alcaponageHow do I remove ubuntu to reinstall?06:26
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SableIs there a way to "uninstall" updates06:26
gogetaits gonna couse alot more issues then just having it off y defult06:26
Eldachibi@Renmetherlence:~$ sensors06:26
EldaNo sensors found! - Make sure you loaded all the kernel drivers you need. - Try sensors-detect to find out which these are.06:26
usr13Sable: What is the essid of the router?    (You need to set the essid of the client device to match.)06:26
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alcaponageDo I go on Vista and clear the drive?06:26
Sableusr13: essid is Art's Network06:26
gogetaalcaponage no06:26
MoNsTeRthe server isnt showing the folder still06:26
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alcaponageHow do I remove ubuntu and reinstall?06:27
EldaSo the question now is, what do I do if sensors-detect does not find my sensors?06:27
NauraushaunJust a little confused. Does this (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto) tell me that if I press Escape during startup, I'll get my GRUB back?06:27
scguy318Elda: sudo sensors-detect06:27
usr13Sable: Ok, so is it working?06:27
kravlinscguy: i thought that would put a link in the toolbar somewhere. But it looks like i may have to create my own link.06:27
Jordan_Ualcaponage, Re-install Ubuntu or re-install Windows?06:27
gogetaalcaponage use ubuntu install cd on the partation setup go to maul slect the linux one and set it to format06:27
alcaponageI have dual boot06:27
Sabl1it is now that I booted into the prvious kernel06:27
alcaponageI want to reinstall ubuntu06:27
gogetaalcaponage wala resinatll06:27
MoNsTeRhttp:// that is my server tell me if you see the pics folder?06:27
Jordan_UNauraushaun, No, that only gives you a menu if you have grub installed, which you do not06:27
Sabl1alcaponage, you can just install ubuntu over what you ahve, jsut make sure to format the partition06:27
alcaponageI want to remove feisty and install gutsy06:27
NauraushaunNeed to install it then..06:28
alcaponageWhen it comes out06:28
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gogetai just told you06:28
Jordan_UNauraushaun, Follow https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows06:28
alcaponageDo I just boot from CD and replace it?06:28
IdleOne!upgrade | alcaponage06:28
SableSo, is there a way to uninstall the updates that the update manager made06:28
ubotualcaponage: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes06:28
Jordan_Ualcaponage, Yes06:28
alcaponageI want to remove ubuntu and reinstall a fresh one06:28
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NauraushaunThat link sounds about right Jordan_U :)06:28
ghettohas anyone used puppylinux?06:28
alcaponageBecause my feisty is kind of messed up06:28
SableI have ghetto06:28
hgjjjfhow do i turn the firewall off in feisty06:28
usr13alcaponage: You are better off to just fix it.06:29
ghettodo you know what I need to install xp from an iso?06:29
Eldascguy318: I did the lib sensors thing AGAIN and it still finds no sensors.06:29
scguy318Sable: force version in Synaptic?06:29
ghettowon't have the net whilst I'm doing it06:29
alcaponageusr13: How?06:29
scguy318Elda: sucks :(06:29
MoNsTeRoh i need to chmod to make it so you guys can see that folder lol i just dont know the command ill look it up on google tho06:29
Jordan_Uchotchki, Sort of, what I would do is first backup your current package list:06:29
scguy318ghetto: like in a VM?06:29
Jordan_U!clone | chotchki06:29
ubotuchotchki: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type  dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages , move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type  sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade  - See also !automate06:29
usr13hgjjjf: Depends on what firewall you are using.  Is it firestarter?06:29
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alcaponageusr13: I want to remove but it won't let me06:29
ghettoinstall to hd06:29
ghettothrough vm06:29
scguy318usr13: well, Firestarter is just frontend, iptables is the magic :P06:29
scguy318ghetto: which VM? you probably would just edit the CD-ROM configuration to point to the ISO06:30
usr13alcaponage: What is broken?  What NEEDS fixing?06:30
hgjjjfusr13, no idea doesnt it come with it on like windows?06:30
SableActually, it seems all teh updates stayed, and I can just boot to the previous kernel.  How do I remove a kernel?06:30
amidanielHaha!! Kickass --- I'm back in as teh root :D:D06:30
alcaponageusr13: My won't start06:30
Jordan_Uamidaniel, How?06:30
alcaponageAfter I updated from, my .16 gets a nvidia error06:30
usr13 scguy318 Iptables is NOT a firewall.06:30
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ghettoscguy318: Could you elaborate?06:30
Nauraushaunhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows >> Ctrl+F "If you do not know your boot partition"06:31
NauraushaunGot lost at that point...06:31
amidanielJordan_U: Has plesk installed on here -- it was apparently still running under a root session. Went in there and changed the password for "oot" :))06:31
kravlinscguy: i thought that would put a link in the toolbar somewhere. But it looks like i may have to create my own link.06:31
amidanielOr rather, under an "oot" session06:31
scguy318usr13: sure it is, it lets me control what happens to the packets that flow into the interfaces06:31
ghettodon't have the means to burn anything to cd atm so it will have to be from hd06:31
scguy318ghetto: what VM are you using06:31
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kravlinscguy318: i thought that would put a link in the toolbar somewhere. But it looks like i may have to create my own link.06:31
ghettonone atm, have only just download puppy06:32
scguy318alcaponage: reinstall nvidia-glx?06:32
usr13 hgjjjf  By default, no I don't think 7.04 installs firestarter.06:32
kravlinscguy318: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39506/06:32
ghettodownloading vmware now though06:32
scguy318kravlin: some of these packages don't provide .desktop files :(06:32
Jordan_Ualcaponage, That is because you did not use the drivers from the repositories06:32
ghettovmware player that is06:32
guitarinc1will 7.10 have support for all of nvidia's 8xxx series?06:32
kravlinscguy318: so then where does it install so i can make my own link?06:32
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scguy318kravlin: oh, that just means that sudo make install has already performed the install06:32
usr13alcaponage: Your system will no longer boot up?06:32
Jordan_Ualcaponage, sudo apt-get remove --reinstall nvidia-glx06:32
scguy318kravlin: probably /usr/bin06:32
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alcaponageusr13: My "" won't boot06:33
Jordan_Uguitarinc1, #ubuntu+106:33
bullgard4Synaptic writes: "Each interactive command optionally be preceded by a (positive or negative) number, whose interpretation will depend on the particular keystroke.06:33
bullgard4g Moves to the page with the given number06:33
alcaponageusr13: But my "" will06:33
bullgard4s Changes the shrink factor to the given number. If no number is given, the smallest factor that makes the entire page fit in the window will be used.06:33
bullgard4c Moves the page so that the point currently beneath the cursor is moved to the middle of the window.06:33
clustynot hoping really for a solution but here it goes: i am having lots of trouble gettting my laptop to suspend. the graphics card does not wake up. any ideas?06:33
usr13 hgjjjf  sudo apt-get install firestarter06:33
usr13if you want to install firewall06:33
Jordan_Ualcaponage, sudo apt-get remove --reinstall nvidia-glx06:33
russe11I want to automatically login to an SSH server for tunneling when a user logs in. What's the best way?06:34
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usr13 alcaponage Then your system IS booting to the 2.6.20 kernel?06:34
alcaponageJordan_U: will that fix my "" one? because i can't boot that one06:34
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hgjjjfwhen i try connect to  yahoo games i get unable to connect cause of one of 4 reasons 1 ur behind a firewall 2 u are not connected to the net 3 the game server is down well my cousins on it so its not down and 4 u hav a stale page in ur cache not true i cleaned it out 10 times so any one know how to fix this?06:34
Jordan_Ualcaponage, Yes06:34
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alcaponageusr13: I have two of them after I did sudo aptget update06:35
Jordan_Urusse11, First set up ssh login via keys ( passwordless )06:35
usr13hgjjjf: Did you verify that the Java plugin is working properly?06:35
alcaponageurs13: the new one is .16, the old one is .1506:35
scguy318usr13: i think he needs to reinstall nvidia-glx06:35
alcaponageusr: the .16 won't boot06:35
hgjjjfusr13,  how?06:35
bullgard4Synaptic writes: "dvilx is a screen-previewer for .dvi-files compiled by TeX." What is a '.dvi file'?06:35
MoNsTeRcan somebody help me with chmod06:35
usr13hgjjjf: http://www.java.com/en/download/help/testvm.xml06:36
Jordan_U!anyone | MoNsTeR06:36
ubotuMoNsTeR: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?06:36
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Jordan_U!terminal | MoNsTeR06:36
ubotuMoNsTeR: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal06:36
NauraushaunIf someone could just give me very simple directions from the "Quick Start" step of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows, I've be very appreciative. It loases me.06:36
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Jordan_U!permissions | MoNsTeR06:36
ubotuMoNsTeR: The files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux06:36
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tomatohi all06:37
kravlinscguy318:  gotta love pipes.06:37
Jordan_UMoNsTeR, Depends on what you need to do, you still havn't asked an actual question06:37
hgjjjfusr13,  its working06:37
scguy318kravlin: mm :)06:37
Sable How do I remove2.6.20.16-generic? It broke my internets06:37
usr13hgjjjf: Then you should be able to play your yahoo games.06:37
tomatocan anyone tell on tools that i used for 2 way syncing?06:37
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scguy318Sable: use Synaptic06:38
hgjjjfusr13, i try i get that whn i try06:38
Jordan_Utomato, syncing of?06:38
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scguy318Sable: sudo apt-get remove linux-image-
usr13hgjjjf: Try again.  Tell me if it works or not.  If not, try to describe the difficulty.06:38
MoNsTeRJordan_U, i need to make it so people can see the folder and the files in it so people can downlaod stuff from it and thats about it06:38
Sableok thanks06:38
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tomatoJordan_U, i mean files06:38
Jordan_Utomato, rsync06:38
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scguy318usr13: so could you explain how iptables is not a firewall? all the stuff I'm looking at seems to say that06:39
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NauraushaunWhat's the difference between overwriting and preserving the Windows bootloader?06:39
Jordan_UMoNsTeR, you want anybody to be able to view it? Or just members of a certain group / a certain user ?06:39
CyberMadi tried share my printer Epson LX-300+ over samba (driver: Epson 9 pin), but when i try connect to it from windows xp, it ask for correct driver, so i choose Epson LX-300+ driver, but then when i tried print a page.. it return A StartDocPrinter call was not issued. ??06:39
MoNsTeRJordan_U, would it be like chmod a+rwx <foldername>06:40
tomatoex. i have master site then a slave site if i update the slvae site does the master site automatically updates also?06:40
CyberMadwhat is that mean?06:40
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hgjjjfusr13,  same messages06:40
MoNsTeRJordan_U, anybody to view it06:40
stinkyfootcan someone help me out? my arrow keys don't work in xubuntu06:40
bruenigMoNsTeR, the a is redundant06:40
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gnaniHey can anybody tell something about boot loader?    I am intrested in learning such good stuffs....06:40
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MoNsTeRbruenig, i was just asking if that would be correct other wise tell me what i should put06:40
jtkieferI have a bit of an  issue, using Synaptic keeps giving me 403 errors when trying to A) connect to repositories to get package listings, and B) get packages from said repositories, however using a web browser I can use the link to get the package to install with the package tool06:41
jtkieferany advice?06:41
Sablewell, i uninstall .16-generic, im gonan reboot so wish me luck06:41
jtkieferrunning 6.06 btw06:41
bruenigMoNsTeR, +rwx and a+rwx are the same thing06:41
astro76MoNsTeR, well if you want everyone to read, you don't need write and execute, so chmod -R +r <directory>06:41
gnaniany technical details06:41
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tomatoJordan_U, u heard bout unison?06:41
Jordan_Utomato, no06:41
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MoNsTeRthanks astro76 and bruenig06:41
Hirvinenscguy318: Iptables is a userland tool for the Netfilter packet filter in the Linux kernel, one of its capabilities being acting as a firewall.06:42
hgjjjfusr13, same as before06:42
NauraushaunWhat's the difference between overwriting and preserving the Windows bootloader?06:42
MoNsTeRastro76, so people will be able to see this folder on my webserver?06:42
scguy318Hirvinen: ah, that is true :)06:42
bullgard4Synaptic writes: "dvilx is a screen-previewer for .dvi-files compiled by TeX." What is a '.dvi file'?06:42
stinkyfootcan someone help me out? my arrow keys don't work in xubuntu06:42
endlessurfhey does anyone know how to set a mouse to /dev/input/event1 everytime i restart?06:42
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usr13scguy318: Well, it's like this;  You can build firewall rules with iptables.  In fact, it is almost exclusivly through the use of iptables that software firewalls are built.06:42
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scguy318usr13: true06:42
Eldahow can I find out what kernel Im using?06:43
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stdinElda: uname -r06:43
Jordan_UElda, uname -r06:43
usr13scguy318: The term firewall can be used to describe a software firewall or a hardware firewall and there is a difference with a distinction.06:43
scguy318usr13: I'm aware06:43
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NauraushaunWhat's the difference between overwriting and preserving the Windows bootloader?06:44
ghettoIs it possible to install xp onto a hd (permanently) through vmware?06:45
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SableYay it worked06:45
hgjjjfusr13, any more ideas06:45
Sablenow, how do I shut down x-server so that I can install nvidia drivers06:45
Sablei know the comamnd is sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop06:45
stdinSable: don't, you should install from the ubuntu packages/restricted manager06:45
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:46
disinterestedsable ctlr+alt+backspace06:46
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usr13scguy318: Iptable rules implements a set of hooks inside the Linux kernel that allows kernel modules to register callback functions with the network stack and allows us to re-direct and network packets.06:46
Jordan_USable, Remove the drivers from nvidia.com and use restricted manager06:46
george_It is also a term which separates your engine compartment from your interior so you can enjoy the soothing music of Brittney Spears.06:46
CyberMadi tried share my printer Epson LX-300+ over samba (driver: Epson 9 pin), but when i try connect to it from windows xp, it ask for correct driver, so i choose Epson LX-300+ driver, but then when i tried print a page.. it return A StartDocPrinter call was not issued. ??06:46
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usr13Not only can you re-direct the packets, iptables can also change the header information.06:46
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SableI did ctrl+alt+backspace and it just reloaded x server06:47
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:47
ghettoIs it possible to install xp through linux?06:47
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astro76Sable, yeah that restarts, you need to stop gdm as  you mentioned, and do that in a console (ctrl+alt+F1 through F6)06:47
Jordan_Ughetto, Ask in #vmware06:47
scguy318usr13: gotcha06:47
ghettojordan_u: thanks06:47
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usr13scguy318: Firestarter is an example of a firewall application, a software firewall application, and it is a GUI application that will write iptables rules, load those rules into the running kernel for you, and also wites them to a script so that they are loaded each time you start your computer.06:48
kravlinscguy318: Thanks for all the help! Its working now. it was in /usr/local/bin instead but it works!06:48
MoNsTeRcan somebody help me with my server? it wont update like as in i put folders in there with filkes in them and they don't show up on the webpage06:48
NauraushaunCould someone please explain the difference between overwriting and preserving the Windows bootloader?06:49
scguy318kravlin: cool06:49
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scguy318usr13: got it, thanks for the info06:49
nickrudNauraushaun: the end result: if you overwrite, you can choose to boot either windows or linux from the hard drive; if you don't, you need a floppy/usb/cd to boot ubuntu, windows boots normally06:50
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alexbobpHow do I figure out which package has a given file?06:50
NauraushaunThanks Nickrud.06:50
scguy318alexbobp: in Synaptic, look at the package's properties06:50
scguy318alexbobp: I think there's a listing of what files the package installs06:50
nickrudalexbobp: dpkg -S /path/to/file , or Synaptic, or package.ubuntu.com if it's not installed06:50
bruenig!info apt-file06:51
ubotuapt-file: APT package searching utility -- command-line interface. In component universe, is optional. Version (feisty), package size 12 kB, installed size 96 kB06:51
brokentirehow do I get sound on my hp dv9548us notebook06:51
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coreymanshacknickrud, could I effeciently resize the windows partition to make room for ubuntu on a hard disk?06:51
usr13scguy318: One more detail.  You can build a custom hardware firewall on your own OR, you can download a Firewall distribution like Ipcop, monowall, smothwall,   etc.06:51
endlessurfbrokentire double click on the speaker in the upper right hand corner of your screen06:51
nickrudcoreymanshack: that's supported by the live cd; I'm not sure about the alternate06:51
Sablethanks.  I got the drivers installing through the restricted drivers tool.  Is that the current driver that it installs?06:52
Sablethanks.  I got the drivers installing through the restricted drivers tool.  Is that the current driver that it installs?06:52
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endlessurfgo to edit = > preference06:52
Sablethanks.  I got the drivers installing through the restricted drivers tool.  Is that the current driver that it installs?06:52
brokentiremaster volume near top and pcm at top06:52
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usr13scguy318: The above are examples of "stand alone"  "hardware" "NAT" firewalls.06:52
brokentireall four checked06:52
Sableand /list #ubuntu06:52
coreymanshacknickrud so the livecd will allow me to resize the partition then install ubuntu on the freed up space?06:52
NauraushaunCould someone please guide me through this, I need to do it, but it's gotten me so lost... (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows#head-bf3232f10ddf1b078de064622ccbb25225cdb3c0)06:52
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what_ifhow do I change the prompt that displays before login ??06:52
endlessurfyou want to make sure master, pcm, and pcm-2 are checked06:53
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endlessurfand turned up06:53
nickrudcoreymanshack: yes. (although I had bad experiences, it seems I'm in a small minority)06:53
what_ifCurrently says Ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS $hostname $tty06:53
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coreymanshacknickrud i did to at one time.06:53
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coreymanshacknickrud you know anything about audio not working right in ubuntu? *seems to be a common question around here*06:54
endlessurfbrokentire did it work?06:54
nickrudcoreymanshack: I run from audio, other than braindead network problems, and nvidia06:54
musikgoatcoreymanshack: i know about that a bit, as i had a similar issue with intel hd audio06:54
SableMy other problem I have is that any of the updates (package manager, restricted driver manager, and update manager) all disconnect me from the network, but the network manager says im still connected.  I have to unplug and plug back in the USB NIC to get it working again.  It works fine all other times06:54
alexbobpHow do I see the dependancies for a package?06:55
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coreymanshackmusikgoat mine is also intel audio06:55
charlie55err, what writing mode should i use to burn the install iso06:55
vulcaniushrm... gnome-terminal doesn't want to start06:55
coreymanshackmusikgoat 6.1 surround.06:55
usr13alexbobp: apt-cache06:55
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musikgoatcoreymanshack: can you hear faint sound at highest settings?06:55
nickrudalexbobp: apt-cache depends <package>    apt-cache is a very useful tool, man apt-cache will give you the details.06:55
george_i love updates06:55
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coreymanshackmusikgoat I'm getting front channel, but my center/sub and rear are treated as inputs.06:55
usr13alexbobp: apt-cache depends <app-name-here>06:55
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WGGMkso, i have some questions regarding server's.. who wants to answer them lol06:56
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usr13WGGMk: Asl your question.06:56
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WGGMkusr13: my company wants me to research, deploy, and administer (or at least help) a linux based proxy server06:57
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george_what services is the server going to serve?06:57
coreymanshackmusikgoat see this post for lspci http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=56012506:57
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usr13WGGMk: See:  ipcop.org or06:57
WGGMkusr13: i have no experience with Proxy Server's in general.. the most ive ever setup would be small FTP servers06:58
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NauraushaunI need someone to walk me through this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows#head-bf3232f10ddf1b078de064622ccbb25225cdb3c0 :(06:58
usr13WGGMk: squid works just fine and is easy to implement via IPCop or Shorewall or any of the other popular Linux firewall servers.06:58
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Tyler2Generally how much partition space is needed for a comfortable Ubuntu environment?06:59
WGGMkusr13: can it be done with a debian based distro?06:59
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scguy318Tyler2: minimum is like 2.5 GB, maybe like 5?06:59
Tyler2ah shit06:59
Curs0ris the aoe module built into the 2.6.22-12 kernel?06:59
=== coreymanshack wonders where musikgoat went
Tyler2way less than I thought06:59
musikgoatcoreymanshack: i'm sorry my prob is not the same...06:59
scguy318Tyler2: you can just give the 2.5 to /, and the rest to /home06:59
musikgoatlooking up something06:59
coreymanshackmusikgoat thx.06:59
usr13WGGMk: see:  http://www.ipcop.org/1.4.0/en/admin/html/06:59
WGGMkusr13: thank you for the resource07:00
usr13Yes it can be done with any distro, but it's esier / beter to use a stand alone firewall server.07:00
Mic1woah thats wierd, i just came in here to ask about partitioning07:00
nickrudTyler2: if you plan on installing much software at all, bump that to 5, or even 7 or 807:00
Tyler2yea im prolly gonna go with 1507:00
coreymanshacknickrud or he could make another partition for his apps later?07:01
Tyler2just wanted to see where that stood07:01
nickrudTyler2: I use 12, lots of space :)07:01
usr13WGGMk: Tale a look at:  http://www.ipcop.org/1.4.0/en/admin/html/services.html#services_webproxy07:01
Tyler2yea im trying to dual boot07:01
=== Kenotic [n=ken@adsl-074-170-173-231.sip.bna.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
JtkieferI've run all the updates from the update manager, does anyone know what the package name is to actually upgrade to 6.1007:01
Tyler2Will it convert my NTFS to FAT32?07:01
nickrudcoreymanshack: better to plan ahead, prevent squashing later07:01
Jordan_UNauraushaun, Are you booted into the LiveCD?07:02
coreymanshacknickrud ... good idea.07:02
Jtkiefereven though I think some of the stuff was working towards that since a lot of that stuff was core updates07:02
FlannelJtkiefer: To go from 6.06 to 6.10, you need to pass a -c flag to update-manager to let it konw you want to go from LTS to non-LTS.07:02
Tyler2or do I have to format for that07:02
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coreymanshacknickrud /me looks at his 230GB free space, and shows pitty upon the waste.07:02
FlannelJtkiefer: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades has details07:02
musikgoatcoreymanshack: i had read about this, don't know if it will help07:02
Jtkieferugh, this is gonna be a pain since half the repositories dont' like me at the moment07:02
NauraushaunNot right now Jordan_U07:02
coreymanshackmusikgoat /me will take a look07:02
JtkieferFlannel, hopefully that's not the one that just recommends doing the cd install07:02
Mic1Wait, is someone else here partitioning a 250GB hard drivre07:03
FlannelJtkiefer: It gives you a few options.  You can use the Alternate CD if you'd prefer.07:03
Jordan_UNauraushaun, You probably just want to do the "quick start"07:03
NauraushaunJordan_U, that confuses me too.07:03
coreymanshackmusikgoat that may do the trick07:03
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Jordan_UNauraushaun, Which step?07:04
NauraushaunJordan_U, finding my boot partition. I'm not quite sure what a boot partition is.07:04
Tyler2does it convert NTFS to FAT32 safely or will my data be lost?07:04
KenoticI am trying to relay mail through my isp's smtp server, but it requires authentication to send. How can I configure postfix to relay mail with authentication?07:04
Jordan_UNauraushaun, It's the partition Ubuntu is installed on07:05
coreymanshackmusikgoat, nvrmind, its not the same problem07:05
JtkieferFlannel, yeah that's the recommended since you can really screw things up doing a web update07:05
nickrudTyler2: your question doesn't make a whole lot of sense; linux doesn't use either. You can resize the ntfs to make space for the ubuntu partition07:05
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NauraushaunJordan_U, If it's on it's own hard drive, does that mean the drive is the partition?07:05
WGGMkusr13 did you get my PM? sometimes i get bugged07:05
FlannelJtkiefer: eh?  It's the same update, just different package source.  No difference whatsoever.  Except you'll have to re-download all the packages again (to current versions) with using the alt CD07:06
Jordan_UNauraushaun, You have windows and Ubuntu installed on the same drive, correct?07:06
Tyler2Oh I was under the impression that both OS's could read and write to FAT3207:06
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NauraushaunJordan_U, No, seperate drives07:06
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nickrudTyler2: either. ntfs-3g provides write capability to ntfs from linux07:06
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FlannelTyler2: Both OSes can use FAT07:06
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rocketsFlannel, are you calling me fat?07:07
usr13WGGMk: no, sorry I did not.07:07
Jordan_UNauraushaun, Then it is the first partition on whatever drive Ubuntu is installed on07:07
WGGMki dont know who would wanna use FAT anymore though07:07
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rocketsWGGMk, people who want to share files between windows and linux without using a userspace filesystem07:07
Jordan_Urockets, Are you 32? ;)07:07
=== nickrud remembers fondly the days when fat12 was expansive
WGGMkusr13: thats ok, IPCop says that its geared towards home and small/home office.. I need a distro that would support an enterprise size distribution center07:07
rocketsJordan_U, huh?07:08
Jordan_Urockets, ... Should use ext3 :)07:08
Danywalkerwhere is the ftp for dopwnload ubuntu?07:08
NauraushaunJordan_U...I'm not even quite sure what a partition is. What I know is that I wiped my Ubuntu drive, and installed Ubuntu on it. That's all that's on there, and Windows is on another drive. If I need to find the drive my Ubuntu is on, will it give me the sizes? I'm not sure which is hda and hdb anymore, but I know that the Windows drive is 250gb...07:08
rocketsJordan_U, to share files between linux and windows? No, sorry, but the ext3 driver for windows sucks balls07:08
Jordan_Urockets, FAT 32, it's a file system07:08
WGGMkrockets: userspace filesystem? i dont follow.. couldnt they just use NTFS?07:08
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rocketsJordan_U, i know, i was kidding07:08
rocketsWGGMk, yes, and on linux, using ntfs-3g, ntfs is a userspace filesystem07:08
Jordan_Urockets, So was I :)07:08
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rocketsWGGMk, and that produces more load then a regular filesystem07:08
rocketsntfs-3g uses the FUSE system. go google it :-P07:09
Gutsy_user32How would you get a new Gnome session in ctl+alt+f2 ?07:09
usr13WGGMk: The hardware is what will decide that. You just build the machine to handle the amount of traffic you  will encounter.  Use gigabit ethernet cards and a fast processor if it is going to experience heavy traffic.07:09
usr13WGGMk: http://www.ipcop.org/1.4.0/en/admin/html/services.html#services_webproxy07:09
Jordan_Urockets, Didn't know that ( don't use windows ), what is bad about it? ( other than the fact that it is really an ext2 driver, so no journaling )07:09
WGGMkusr13: dont laugh, but some of our systems still use token ring connections *sigh*07:09
dettoaltrimentiis there any way I can keep gnome-panel from turning on when I start my computer?07:09
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rocketsJordan_U, if theres even the slightest error in your ext2/3 filesystem the partitions fail to mount under windows07:10
rocketsJordan_U, ntfs-3g is much more reliable07:10
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Danywalkerexcuseme.. how is the ftp server for download ubuntu?07:10
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powerservehi there newbie here.. i was just updating when i got an error07:10
rocketsDanywalker, could you rephrase that?07:10
scguy318Danywalker: do you mean to ask what mirror is an FTP server? doesn't really matter07:10
usr13WGGMk: See:  http://www.smoothwall.org/07:11
nickruddettoaltrimenti: in system -> prefs -> sessions, middle tab, select gnome-panel and mark it as normal, apply, then kill it from a terminal.07:11
Tyler2okay / = 2.5 Swap = 3 /home = 10 is that a viable partitioning layout?07:11
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WGGMkJordan_U: I would still take extra precautions if its sensitive data though, because of the obvious, its still reverse eng.07:11
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scguy318Tyler2: how much mem you got07:11
FlannelTyler2: How much RAM do oyu have?07:11
rocketsWGGMk, , just an idea here, but it may be time to upgrade your network infrastructure :-P07:11
Tyler22 gigs of RAM and 15 gigs to use07:11
kevinOhow do i open the widget factory?07:11
Mic1(not enough)07:11
scguy318Tyler2: don't really need 3 for swap07:12
usr13WGGMk: Believe me, IPCop or Smoothwall either one will handle just about anything  you wanna chunk at it.  If the hardware will hold up, the software will do the job.07:12
Danywalkeri want test, webserver, pop3 server, then i have to download the server edition, right?07:12
scguy318Tyler2: maybe 1-2? maybe not at all07:12
WGGMkrockets: not my call, ive said that many times07:12
Mic1hey where would I go to submit this gnome app i just wrote07:12
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dettoaltrimentithanks  nickrud07:12
Danywalkeryes, the mirror, where i find?07:12
rocketsMic1, define submit?07:12
Tyler2wow no swap at all?07:12
Mic1i wrote a gnome radeon overclocker07:12
demon_sporkhow do I make the gnome-panel look different?07:13
powerservecould anyone help me on the error that i am encountering whenever i open update manager and/or add/remove this is the link to the paste bin...07:13
demon_sporklik themes07:13
Mic1how would I go about publicising it07:13
rocketsMic1, make a website?07:13
dettoaltrimentican I assign a button to start a program?07:13
nickrudDanywalker: you can use the server edition, yes. You can also run all those on the desktop version. Download at releases.ubuntu.com/7.0407:13
rocketstalk about it in #ati07:13
kevinOhow do i use the widgetfactory?07:13
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Mic1just figured i would check with a bunch of linux people, thanks07:13
kevinOi see its installed in synaptic, but i see no menu entry for it07:13
LankenI need to install ubuntu with the bootloader (GRUB) in the same partition as Ubuntu, rather than in the MBR07:14
Jordan_Upowerserve, Are you using LVM?07:14
Danywalkernickrud, but the server edition is graphic too?07:14
usr13WGGMk: You can spend the big bucks on a commercially built firewall server with proxy server if you want.  It's strictly up to you.  But I know what you can do with these firewall distros on some decent hardware.  But, don't take my word for it.  Do some research on  your own. ANd also download one of these distros, put a couple of NICS in an old pc and try it out.  See for yourself.  DOn't take my word.07:14
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kevinOmic1 what kind of app is it?07:14
=== ShadowXP [n=ShadowXP@cpe-76-175-179-42.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
powerservehi there jordan..07:14
LankenI can install it manually if need be, but I need to make sure that my ubuntu install does not touch the MBR07:14
nickrudDanywalker: no, not by default. Although you can add it.07:14
Mic1its just a gnome app07:14
powerservei am sorry i am a newbie and still learning about linux ubuntu..07:14
WGGMkusr13: i appreciate the resources though. thanks07:14
nickrudpowerserve: could you put up the entire error you get07:14
Mic1it lats you change your radeon processor and ram speed in mhz07:14
powerserveyes i pasted it in the paste bin this is the link...07:15
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usr13WGGMk: It will take you about a half hour to build an IPCop box.07:15
kravlinone more question for the night. does anyone know a good audio transcoding software?07:15
nickrudpowerserve: no, that was just one line. There's a lot more that came with that07:15
WGGMkusr13: oh what joy's07:15
kevinOi wish someone would make an app for creating new gnome themes07:15
Jordan_Upowerserve, Did you install clvm yourself? Do you know what it is?07:15
usr13Build an experimental BOX and see what it'll do.07:15
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powerservehonestly sir no..07:15
Mic1well, im not really too fond of the gnome interface designer07:16
powerservei just clicked and collected from the synaptics what i believe would help me07:16
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nickrudpowerserve: ok, redo the command that caused that error, and paste all the output. There's gotta be more :)07:16
=== Mic1 [n=mick@adsl-71-142-218-236.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
kravlinone more question for the night. does anyone know a good audio transcoding software?07:16
Jordan_Upowerserve, If you don't use lvm then clvm won't help you07:16
powerservealright sir i would do that07:16
darkchr0n0s40$ P3 1.1Ghz box for ftp server :)07:16
Mic1kravlin: mencoder07:16
powerservedo i need to remove clvm then ?07:16
nickrudpowerserve: ah. Synaptic. I was thinking command line07:17
Mic1that does video mainly though07:17
usr13WGGMk:  Read the install manual: http://www.ipcop.org/1.4.0/en/install/html/07:17
powerserveyes sir07:17
sleepynatedarkchr0n0s, my desktop is less spec'd than that :D07:17
WGGMkusr13: yea im taking a look at it right now07:17
Jordan_Upowerserve, Now, now we just need to figure out how to get past that error so you can remove it :)07:17
usr13WGGMk: It is very straight forward and clear.07:17
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powerserveyes sir..07:17
nickrudpowerserve: type in a terminal,   sudo apt-get remove clvm , and paste all that error :)07:17
powerservethanks a lot!07:17
darkchr0n0ssleepynate , well are you using it as your main comp ? :P07:17
kravlinMicl ok... how do i use it? is there a readme or something?07:17
powerservealright sir i would do that.. brb07:17
kevinOmic1 a gui app that allows you to customise thr gtkrc file and all of gnomes changeable images, then packageing it together for users  would be great07:18
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=== nickrud thinks the old 'exit 0 on line 2 trick will be enough
LankenIs there a step in the Ubuntu installation where I decide where to install the bootloader?07:18
WGGMkusr13: i think im gonna try out IPCopy and SmoothWall and suggest Debian if they are looking for more then just a special service server07:18
Mic1kevinO: i could get started, bu im not the best with the gnome API07:18
FlannelLanken: yeah, at the very end07:18
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darkchr0n0sWGGMk : indeed there is07:18
LankenFlannel: so I can install it to the Ubuntu partition, rather than to the MBR?07:18
Mic1im just taking it up, i do everything in pure command line C07:18
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Jordan_Unickrud, Yea, but I like to at least let it try to remove itself07:18
nickrudJordan_U: true. But this is post install, no install to be done07:19
FlannelLanken: Yeah, you can pick any harddrive.  Alternate CD gives you more options too.07:19
darkchr0n0sanyone using non-qwerty keyboards?07:19
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Jordan_Unickrud, removing the "set -e" is a little better and usually works07:19
usr13WGGMk: Yes, through together an IPCop or smoothwall server and trun on the proxy server, poke around with it.  (The fastest way to learn to implement one on your own.)07:19
LankenFlannel: I don't need to pick the hard drive, I need to pick the *partition*07:19
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nickrudJordan_U: thanks, a different way than I've known of.07:19
LankenFlannel: alternately, if I can install it without a bootloader, I can install one myself.07:19
darkchr0n0sFlannel : why does alternative CD gives more option.. actually i don't get the idea of alternative CD07:19
Mic1hey im gonna lave for the night07:20
FlannelLanken: not sure if the desktop CD can do partitions, or none at all.  Alternate CD can, I know that.07:20
kevinOMic1:  if you think you can do it that would be awesome, there are a ton of people who would use an app like that07:20
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Mic1send me a message on AIM sometime07:20
bassinboylpwhat do you think the 4 aspects of troth are in sir gawain and the green knight?07:20
Mic1AIM: "reachmykos"07:20
kevinOok will do07:20
nickruddarkchr0n0s: alternate give much more control over the install, you can even change the bootloader07:20
usr13WGGMk: You can build one from scratch on  your own afterwards if you want.  But personally, I don't see the need. The GUI menu's are very nice to use.07:20
Jordan_Unickrud, The set -e tells it to exit whenever a command fails, try for instance running "set -e" in a terminal then running "flase"07:20
Flanneldarkchr0n0s: Desktop CD is an image that gets copied to your HDD (more or less).  Alternate CD is a bunch of packages with an installer.  It gives you a lot more flexibility, and a variety of install options.07:20
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Jordan_Unickrud, Or false even :)07:21
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nickrudJordan_U: exit with what error code?07:21
Jordan_Unickrud, But even then you are running a script with no idea what it is going to do, which I don't like07:21
WGGMkusr13: they took me off guard. i should of guessed some open source team would make it easy..07:21
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LankenFlannel: is there any way that I can lock the MBR so that even if I hit the wrong thing, ubuntu won't mess with it?07:21
darkchr0n0sFlannel , oh.. that's a huge difference.. din't know about that07:21
nickrudJordan_U: I usually ask them to put the script up on a pastebin first, sometimes just commenting a line or two is the best solution07:21
FlannelLanken: Not that I'm aware of07:22
scguy318Lanken: i guess you could say, back it up with dd?07:22
WGGMkwelp, good night NIX HEADS.. thanks for the info usr13. Gusty 4 The WIN!07:22
Lankenscguy318: very funny...I'm running vista right now.07:22
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scguy318Lanken: you can do that on the LiveCD i suppose, or use favorite MBR backup tool07:23
Jordan_Upowerserve, Can you pastebin the output of "sudo dpkg --configure clvm" ?07:23
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sleepynatedarkchr0n0s, i am indeed07:23
sleepynatedarkchr0n0s, 733 p3 coppermine with 320mb baby. go recycled hardware go! :D07:24
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darkchr0n0ssleepynate : i am gonna use it as a media server :(, but 40$ is a good deal07:24
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kyorisuYou guys need to lurk around schools more often, free hardware.07:24
Jtkieferis there a way to gracefully just kill x to get back to command mode?07:24
sleepynatedarkchr0n0s, the badass part is, running feisty, it will kick winXP home's speed on a 2.1ghz p4 with 1gb in just about anything07:25
sleepcatCUPS keeps asking me for a root password and I give it and it asks for it again over and over07:25
nickrudJtkiefer: ctl-alt-f1, login, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop07:25
sleepcatcan I smash my computer?07:25
sleepynatedarkchr0n0s, oh, except converting media files :(07:25
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nickrudsleepcat: at :631? it accepts my user & password07:25
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Jtkiefer_what was that kill command again?07:27
sleepcatnickrud: yes at localhost:63107:27
darkchr0n0ssleepynate : good to hear that ;), i was recently pissed of vista, i have no idea why it has so huge hard disk activity :(, moved to ununtu07:27
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usr13sleepcat: sudo passwd root07:28
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kyorisudarkchr0n0s: Vista thrashes your hdd initially due to file indexing.07:28
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gnaniis there any package to run MP3 files in linux07:28
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Flannel!mp3 | gnani07:28
ubotugnani: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:28
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sleepynatedarkchr0n0s, well welcome to the club!07:28
usr13gnani: play *.mp307:28
Jtkiefer_If I control,alt,f1 out of x what's the command to get back to x07:28
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FlannelJtkiefer_: ctrl-alt-f707:28
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sleepynatedarkchr0n0s, i'm a big advocate of old gear. i recycle everyone's old systems :D07:29
usr13gnani: rythmbox  xmms  etc.07:29
darkchr0n0skyorisu : i have been using it for about a month.. came bundled with laptop07:29
JtkieferFlannel, thanks07:29
Jordan_UJtkiefer, Or, if X is not running, "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start"07:29
darkchr0n0ssleepynate : i am happy to join the club :P07:29
nickrudsleepcat: just deleted a printer, I used my regular username and password07:29
kyorisudarkchr0n0s: Hmm wierd, never really had any HDD issues myself. Then again I stopped using it pretty quickly.07:29
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gnanii tryed but it is not installing in Redhat linux07:30
darkchr0n0ssleepynate : i might go for that ;)... nowadays ppl buying old PC's as download rigs.. internet going cheap here07:30
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JtkieferJordan, hmm, time for me to get a sticky note ready, there's no way I can remember that :)07:30
Jordan_Ugnani, Just double click the mp3 :)07:30
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Jtkiefer_sudo /init.d07:30
Jtkiefer_oops, mt07:30
gnanido anybody having complete package for MP3 files07:31
sleepynatedarkchr0n0s, don't even worry about having to use xubuntu. my experience is that the standard k/ubuntu installs run great at anything over 500mhz07:31
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Kai_wp3Anyone know of a good image editor that will let me make .TGA's and set all their details? >.>07:31
vinboy__how do I tell iptables to drop all INVALID incoming packets?07:31
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kyorisuI have an old 300mhz box sitting as the net gateway/file server/misc uses got if for free off someone buying a new computer. Tis running Ubuntu server 6.06.07:31
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sleepynatedarkchr0n0s, only thing you'll find iffy is 3d acceleration, but these old rigs make great dvd players/jukeboxes/whatever07:31
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sleepynatedarkchr0n0s, ssh into it from your bedroom and change the music in the living room, etc etc07:32
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TylerJGilliesi like ubuntu because you can type a command name, and if it isn't installed it will tell you what package to install07:32
TylerJGilliesthats pretty sweet07:32
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ehcare there any pdf editing applications?07:33
ehcfor ubuntu07:33
brokentireIve done this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=565096&page=4 but still I cant get sound...can someone help me ?07:34
darkchr0n0ssleepynate : i will use it as a media streaming and/or ftp server.. not buying a monitor.. ssh/vnc and that's it07:34
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ivxari_stress2 brokentire gnani wow you guys are polite, i was going to ask a question but accidentally pressed enter lol07:34
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ivxin the wifi manager where it lists the networks the ones with a key have the sheild, there is one with a computer monitor pic next to it, it's a wirless one, what does that mean?07:35
darkchr0n0sconnection gone :(07:35
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scguy318ivx: peer-to-peer, or IBSS connection?07:36
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powerservesir jordan nothing happened.. when i put that to the terminal07:36
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kevsthabesthey guys, i got a small problem with bind../etc/bind/named.conf:12: unknown option 'zone' <--- i cant figure out whats wrong07:36
Jordan_Upowerserve, Strange, try opening update-manager or synaptic again07:37
powerserveok sir07:37
brokentirecaN ANYONE help me get sound?07:37
ivxscguy318, I have no idea what is was i saw it and was wondering what it stood for. I just thought though that someone could be broadcasting from their notebook, and that is what that might mean07:37
scguy318ivx: could be07:38
Jordan_Ubrokentire, I am not sure blindly running the commands on that thread was a good idea07:38
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Jordan_Ubrokentire, Try running "alsamixer" in a terminal and make sure that none of the channels have "MM" below them ( "MM" means they are muted )07:39
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Jordan_Ugnani, You need to ask a question to get a response07:40
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brokentirejordan_U: any suggestions?07:40
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Jordan_Ubrokentire, again, Try running "alsamixer" in a terminal and make sure that none of the channels have "MM" below them ( "MM" means they are muted )07:41
gnanioh sure!07:41
brokentirejordan_U: no 'mm' found07:41
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Jordan_Ubrokentire, Are all of the channels turned up?07:42
tico1hello everybody07:42
brokentirebut mute light indicator is orange instead of blue beside my keyboard07:42
tico1do someone know how to open Pcad file?07:42
Flannelbrokentire: tx1000z?07:43
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gnaniwhy linux doesnt support MP3 file ?07:43
brokentireno dv9548us07:43
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Flannelgnani: it does07:44
brokentirewhat I did so far is posted here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=565096&page=407:44
_2gnani propritary "non-free"07:44
usr13tico1: See: http://www.freepcb.com/07:44
Jordan_Ugnani, Did you try double clicking it?07:45
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gnanihow ?i am trying this for past 20 days i cont install any MP3 players in my Redhat linux07:45
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Jordan_Ugnani, Are you using Ubuntu right now or Red Hat?07:45
gnanii am using REDHAT linux07:45
_2i have an xorg issue,   error  "could not open default font 'fixed'"  what package will provide fixed fonts ?07:46
Jordan_Ugnani, This is #ubuntu, it is not for redhat support07:46
Flannelgnani: This is not a redhat support channel, you should ask them, since instructions will be specific to redhat.07:46
darkchr0n0sgoto redhat channel then07:46
peter_how do I get an app. to launch automatically when i log on   e.g. thunderbird ?07:46
tico1usr13: thanks07:46
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musikgoatpeter_: system -> prefs -> sessions07:46
gnanii didnt find Red Hat channel here07:46
peter_ok i'll check it :)07:46
Jordan_Ugnani, #redhat07:46
darkchr0n0speter_ : put it in gnome-session-properties07:46
darkchr0n0sgnani : redhat which version ?07:47
brokentireany more suggestions for sound problem?07:47
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gnanicore 407:47
peter_wow that was easy ...thanks07:47
_2/join #fedora07:47
tico1usr13: is that for linux?07:47
darkchr0n0sgnani : suggest you install something newer07:48
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usr13Sorry, no07:48
usr13tico1: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=73743&package_id=7390707:48
_2someone? i have an xorg issue,   error  "could not open default font 'fixed'"  what package will provide fixed fonts ?07:49
usr13See ^^^^07:49
powerservesir jordan i don't know but i think the problem is already resolved.. i encountered no more errors when i updated and add/remove.. thanks so much for the help!07:49
Jordan_Ugnani, Why are you running such an old version of Red Hat?07:49
usr13tico1: sudo apt-get install pcb07:49
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Jordan_Upowerserve, You should none the less remove the clvm package, since you don't need it07:49
_2how old is c4 anyway ?  older than dapper ?07:49
powerserveok noted sir i would do that07:50
powerservetake care and God Bless!07:50
brokentireany help on my sound problem?07:50
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varka_tico1: http://www.geda.seul.org/download.html07:50
Jordan_U_2, 2005 I think07:50
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Jordan_U_2, So yes07:50
raddyHello Everybody07:50
varka_tico1: but i dont think the alternatives are able to import pcad files07:51
raddySome package management related doubts07:51
Jordan_Ugnani, Why are you running such an old version of Red Hat?07:51
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_2oh my it's ancient.   2005   hang anyone that attempts to use software that old...07:51
tico1varka_: ok thanks by the way . my problem know is that i need to open a file and that file is in pcad format07:51
_2why are you harassing the guy about the age of his software ?07:51
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raddyHow to show all softwares that i installed add/remove instead of a subset?07:52
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raddyWhy some updates are not detected?07:52
sensaeCan anyone recommend a good GUI mpeg encoder?07:52
tico1usr13: that programs pcb work with pcad?07:52
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Flannelraddy: synaptic package manager lets you see all the packages, not just the select ones in add/remove07:52
varka_tico1: the other - commercial - alternative would be eagle, but even that wont be able to import pcad07:52
Jordan_U_2, He has "spent 20 days" trying to get it to work, I am just wondering why07:52
dberaddy: System > Administration > Synapic package manager.07:52
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gnanithis is  provided by my office07:53
powerservehi there again sir jordan.. i have removed clvm and i now encountered an error07:53
tico1varka_: yes i used that lon time ago ! thanks soo much varka07:53
_2Jordan_U maybe he has the time but not the resources. or maybe it's corprate07:53
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gnanithis is provided by my office07:53
Jordan_Upowerserve, Can you pastebin the error?07:53
tico1varka_: maybe the only way will be go to windows07:53
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_2gnani but you still want channel    #fedora07:54
varka_tico1: perhaps pcad is able to save in another format07:54
tico1varka_: what do you meAN?07:54
sensaeCan anyone recommend a GUI mpeg encoder for gnome?07:54
dmagno_2 I'm back!07:54
dbesensae: vlc has it all07:54
clouderis there a way I can see installed packages sorted by time of installation?07:54
powerservethat is the error's link sir jordan07:54
sensaedbe: it can encode?07:54
tico1varka_: yes it's true but a friend already sent to me a file.07:54
dmagnoI reconfigured the xserver using my monitors manual as reference and that not workd at all07:54
_2dmagno ok.   working or no ?07:55
varka_tico1: i mean, perhaps you can save the file in pcad into another format which is readable by linux alternatives07:55
dbesensae: It is dependent of the mpeg encoder so yes.07:55
raddyFlannel: for eg i added pidgin 3rd party backport, the website says they updated pidgin to 2.1.1 but i am running 2.1.0, and ubuntu says you are up to date when i check for updates.07:55
dmagnoi'm trying to put that nvidia card working for 4 months07:55
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Flannelraddy: Did you add a repository for pidgin? or just downloaded the deb file?07:56
Jordan_Ugnani, Will they not let you install a current version?07:56
tico1varka_: i will check it out! user13 told me about pcb sorware but i dont know if i can use that to see pcad files.07:56
musikgoatFlannel: feisty needs a 3rd party repo07:56
_2dmagno so try again.  different settings.   when you get it right then it will work.    and you can use the "vesa" driver if needed to get it up and running.    i can't really help you with the nvidia driver particularly though07:56
musikgoatgutsy does not07:56
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dmagnook I understand07:57
Flannelmusikgoat: That doesn't mean he added the repos.  He mightve just done a local install of the deb files.07:57
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dmagnoI don't know whatelse to change in xserver config07:57
scguy318raddy: debuntu?07:57
qwerkusHi all07:57
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dmagnoI'm intrigated with this issue cause the nvidia driver had worked with another debian distro07:58
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Jordan_Ugnani, Do you know why they require you to use a *very* old version of Fedora?07:58
gnanithis is RHEE 5 edition RedHat07:58
clouderhow can I get a list of the last X installed packages?07:58
_2dmagno the monitor,  use the middle selection not advanced not simple and get as close as possable to what you know yours is.  that should give a "usable" range.07:58
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Flannelclouder: dpkg.log07:59
raddyFlannel: ofcource i added the repo.07:59
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gnaniit think this is the most current version07:59
Jordan_Ugnani, So you are using RHEL, not Fedora?07:59
DShepherdnite everyone..07:59
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varka_tico1: maybe you find the answer here http://pcb.sourceforge.net/manual.html07:59
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raddyscguy318: nope, the packages are for specific to my ubuntu version.07:59
dmagno_2 ok I'll try your suggestion but now I need to sleep :-)08:00
qwerkusIt would be really nice if someone could help me solve some -i guess- acpi problem, so I can start again my laptop normally: 9 times in 10, as soon as grub loads the kernel image, I'm getting "critical temperature reached (3926C)" followed up by a shutdown ...08:00
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_2dmagno it is also possable that the fbcon module is interfeering eith the vidio driver08:00
Flannelraddy: Then the repos must not be updated.  You can check manually if you'd like, browse to the repos with a web browser and take a gander at the Packages.gz file for version number08:00
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dmagnoI'm very thankfull for you help08:00
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tico1varka_: thanks a lottt08:00
dmagnoI'll also investigate the fcon module for sure08:00
_2you can try booting with "nosplash"  on the kernel line and see if it helps.08:00
qwerkusdoesn't help08:01
_2dmagno it's fbcon   frame buffer console  driver.   provides the mechenism for usplash08:01
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scguy318qwerkus: screwy temperature sensor? disable something in BIOS?08:01
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dmagno_2 ok I'll study this module08:01
dmagnothanx for your help!08:02
qwerkusscguy318, not possible: no option in BIOS08:02
_2dmagno luck with it.08:02
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qwerkusbut it works well in recovery mode08:02
dmagnohave a nice day!08:02
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Jtkieferin /etc/log if failog isn't a recognized log, what is it?08:02
tico1varka_: your link was very helpful I check and it dosen't support pcad files. thanks again for your time08:02
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PlayMeNowcan anyone help me with ntfs-3g on xubuntu (everyone is sleeping in their room)\08:04
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Jordan_Ugnani, I would really like to help you, but I need more information, you are not being very clear. Are you running Fedora or RHEL ?08:04
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Jtkieferin /var/log if failog isn't a recognized log, what is it?08:04
_2can anyone help me with xorg issue "could not open default font 'fixed'" ???08:04
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Jordan_UPlayMeNow, Have you tried ntfs-config?08:05
PlayMeNowit says it can't mount /windows08:05
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zanthgood evening, I have purchased a pci slot SATA extension card08:05
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PlayMeNownow a new message: Error Message :08:05
PlayMeNowumount: /windows: device is busy08:05
PlayMeNowumount: /windows: device is busy08:05
zanthI am trying to mount the drive, ubuntu shows it as being on /dev/sda08:05
scguy318!ntfs-3g | PlayMeNow08:05
ubotuPlayMeNow: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions08:05
zanthbut I can't seem read it08:05
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scguy318PlayMeNow: well, what's using /windows?08:05
zanthI see it when running df08:05
PlayMeNowno idea08:05
zanthbut if I mount it to say, /media/X08:06
zanthand I cd to it as a usr, I am locked out, as root, I get there but an ls gives an i/o error08:06
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Jordan_Uzanth, What FS and how did you mount it?08:06
PlayMeNowooops, I forgot to shut down XMMS08:06
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_2zanth sounds like fs or disk error08:07
PlayMeNowThanks anyway08:07
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zanthntfs and I mounted it as mount /dev/sda1 /media/X08:07
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_2!ntfs > zanth08:07
_2!ntfs-3g > zanth08:07
powerservesir jordan how to i deal with that error when i attempted to remove clvm?08:07
PlayMeNow!ntfs | zanth08:08
ubotuzanth: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse08:08
user_What do you need to do to get another gnome-session in ctl+alt+f2 ?08:08
zanththanks for the link..I have 3 other NTFS drives setup08:08
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zanthits not the problem, I think it is the pci card08:08
qwerkushere comes another question: did the path to hdd partition change from kernel 2.6.17 to 2.6.20 ?08:08
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Jordan_Upowerserve, Sorry, I missed when / if you pastebin'd the error ( please type Jordan_U completely or it doesn't get highlighted as being a message to me )08:08
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zanthJordan_U, I have it set as ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.UTF-8 0 0 in fstab08:09
clouderI can delete dpkg.log files without worries after I'm done using them?08:09
_2qwerkus probably.  i think 17 was using scsi emulation  i.e. sd?  as opposed to hd?08:09
powerserveok sir08:09
zanthJordan_U, as the other NTFS drives are set08:09
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PlayMeNowcan anyone tell me why after updating (I didn't dig through the list, too lazy) I have two new optinos in grub, one with the kernel version ending is -15 and one in -16 (with dashes) ?08:09
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Jordan_UPlayMeNow, You have a new kernel version, the old one is available in case you need to boot from it for any reason08:10
powerservehttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39511/ this is the link sir Jordan_U08:10
qwerkus_2, i'd rather think the opposite, 'cause now i switch to the crashing 2.6.20 (critical temp), i got some sda everywhere I used to have hdas08:10
PlayMeNowJordan_U: Thanks08:10
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wissenistmachti'm sure the jews did it08:11
wissenistmachtnot 100%, but 95%08:12
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darkchr0n0swhere do they come into picture08:12
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darkchr0n0shidden ops :fear:08:12
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MadpilotWe lurk. It's more fun that way. For us, anyway.08:13
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intelikeyanyone help with xorg issue "could not open default font 'fixed'" ???08:13
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intelikeywhat provides "fixed" fonts ?08:14
ech0dishyou should ask the xorg peoples08:14
qwerkusintelikey: don't know your solution, but IIRC, it works WITHOUT !08:14
intelikeynot here.08:15
clouder!clone > clouder08:15
intelikeythat's a fatal error08:15
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mEck0somebody else noticed that ubuntu 7.10 seems to eat fairly much memory?08:15
qwerkus intelikey: 1. Check your fonts paths in /etc/X11/xorg.conf 2. check your font files in /usr/local/fonts (not sure)08:15
FlannelmEck0: #ubuntu+1 for Gutsy questions08:16
mEck0thx Flannel08:16
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intelikeyqwerkus looking08:16
clouder!automate > clouder08:16
user_mEck0: Yeah, I have to restart firefox sometimes b/c it hoggs mem08:17
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Jordan_Upowerserve, Ok, I think I have a solution08:17
neopsycheHi, when i try to suspend linux to sleep mode or whatever its called... it says i dont have enough swap memory.. or whatever its called08:18
scguy318user_: Firefox is a known mem/CPU hogger :(08:18
powerserveok sir08:18
scguy318neopsyche: expand your swap partition08:18
scguy318neopsyche: you could try having it suspend to RAM08:18
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scguy318neopsyche: i forgot how tho08:18
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neopsycheDoes ubutnu.. have that feature like on laptops where you can suspend and then resume after you turn your pc off?08:18
Flannelneopsyche: that's hibernation08:18
scguy318neopsyche: hibernation? yes08:18
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darkchr0n0scan anyone help me with using xgamma command on a laptop... cannot configure the options08:18
mEck0user_, ok, I though if it might be some bugs in 7.10 or maybe it is firefox who eat so much (I have ff up with about 15 tabs right now...)08:19
nox-HandCan I hardcode VGAout on my laptop?08:19
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neopsychethanks scguy08:19
qwerkusdarkchr0n0s: I guess it works best when done in xorg.conf08:19
scguy318mEck0: it's nothing Gutsy specific, it's just...Firefox :( great browser, but they need to work on the bloat08:19
qwerkusdid it once08:19
russe11Is there anything I can do to view the passwords stored in my keyring?08:19
neopsycheI have a 250gig hd that im busy recovering data from.. at the moment linux is installed on an old 8 gig..... will it be ok to keep linux on this 8 gig .. to run programs and just use the 250 for storage?08:20
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scguy318russe11: System -> Administration -> Keyring Manager?08:20
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Jordan_Upowerserve, Run "sudo rm /etc/init.d/clvm" then "sudo apt-get remove clvm"08:20
neopsycheI mean... will it affect linux adversely? to run on an 8 gig?08:20
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powerserveOK SIR08:20
scguy318neopsyche: yep08:20
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scguy318neopsyche: for the former question08:20
neopsycheBecause I already installed on 8 gig08:20
intelikeyscguy318 they have been working on the bloat,  can't you tell by how much inproved the bloat is ?  :)))08:20
scguy318neopsyche: fno, its not a problem to run off 8 GB08:20
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darkchr0n0sqwerkus : which section do I put it in ?08:20
Jordan_Uneopsyche, 8 GIG is more than enough08:20
scguy318intelikey: lol08:20
mEck0scguy318, ok, great :)08:20
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neopsychething is .. i still want to install a few more programs etc.... and hope i dont run out of room on the 8 gig08:21
neopsycheits already using like about 3 gigs i think.08:21
qwerkusdarkchr0n0s: (looking for another old xorg_backup)08:21
scguy318neopsyche: programs aren't seriously large, shouldn't be an issue08:21
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neopsychealso... when i boot linux it waits for about 1 to 2 minutes (at least it seems that way) and the red power light for the hard drive is always ON during this time... then eventually it boots into linux???08:22
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neopsychehow much would i need to resize my swap file to allow for suspend hybernation to work?08:22
neopsycheI usually run quite a few programs at the same time.08:22
neopsycheCould i use ntfs as filesystem?08:23
Jordan_Uneopsyche, Since Linux uses a package manager with dependencies instead of statically compiled programs you don't have the redundant libraries that make Windows apps so big ( they also tend to be more bloated )08:23
qwerkusdarkchr0n0s: GOT IT ! In section monitor, you can add Gamma R/G/B (value from 0 to 1 )08:23
intelikeyneopsyche bigger than ram.08:23
neopsycheic thanks for all your input guys it helps08:23
scguy318neopsyche: probably a bit bigger than yer ram08:23
Jordan_Upowerserve, Did that work?08:23
neopsychei have one gig of ram08:23
neopsycheswap file is only 400 i think08:23
user_2g should do08:23
scguy318neopsyche: NTFS as a filesystem for /? probably not, but for say /home or w/e else, sure08:23
powerservei am checking it out sir.. i would keep you posted08:23
qwerkuslooks like "Gamma           0.7 0.7 0.7" on my laptop08:23
intelikeyneopsyche so 1g +08:23
neopsycheNTFS as filesystem for primarily storing video... but also for root of apache08:24
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neopsychebut it uses the swap file for hybernation right?08:24
scguy318neopsyche: no problem with video storage, ntfs-3g is quite good, but apache root? mm08:24
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intelikeydoes anyone know what package provides fixed fonts for the xserver ?    or where the default is set to fixed at ???08:24
scguy318neopsyche: yes08:24
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scguy318neopsyche: sure I guess08:25
neopsycheI just thought ntfs would be good because then i could access files from windows on network also08:25
N00buntuAn error occurred while writing the changes to the storage devices.08:25
N00buntuThe resize operation is aborted.08:25
scguy318neopsyche: though im not sure how well ntfs-3g handles filesystem permissions08:25
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it-linuxneopsyche: as long as I know, linux doesn't need hybernation step, different than linux08:25
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Polygon89ntfs does not have permissions08:25
harshystick with ext for apache08:25
overcluckerlets see if i can go without flooding the channel today08:25
bmt2i was wondering is there a way to create flash animation on ubuntu ?08:25
howlingmadhowiehi everybody :)08:25
it-linuxsoory than windows08:25
scguy318neopsyche: any filesystem would do for Samba/CIFS access08:25
neopsychehmm.. to be honest... after the nightmare with windows i dont want to worry about file permissions08:25
N00buntuHey im on the live cd right now trying to resize my windows NTFS partition and I got this:08:25
N00buntuAn error occurred while writing the changes to the storage devices.08:25
N00buntuThe resize operation is aborted.08:25
Polygon89neopsyche, ntfs does not have permissions08:25
Polygon89so your good08:26
howlingmadhowiePolygon89: yes, it does :)08:26
neopsychewindows locked me out of my files .. then the start bar "disapeard" then I couldnt change users .. and system recovery said: not available.08:26
intelikeyhowlingmadhowie no it doesn't08:26
neopsychespent last 3 days lifting data from corrupt hd08:26
Polygon89how does ntfs have permissions if i can access any of the files on the accounts on this windows xp machine08:26
howlingmadhowieintelikey: i'm sure it does. wasn't that the big thing about windows NT that ntfs supports ownership and permissions and stuff?08:26
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bmt2i found f4l and quira but i do not see much recent work being done on either...does anyone know of any recent flash apps developed for linux ?08:27
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scguy318Polygon89: you set ACLs08:27
howlingmadhowiePolygon89: just because the file system supports permissions, doesn't mean that the rest of the operating system does08:27
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harshywindows itself can lock permissions but not ntfs out of the box08:27
qwerkusintelikey: perhaps try to re-install xfonts-base and fontconfig08:27
intelikeyhowlingmadhowie well let me rephrase.   as far as linux is concerned no M$ fs yet has permissions bits08:27
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tsukasahey guys how can i start a second non-compized x session?08:27
tsukasawhats the command for it08:27
Polygon89i believe i can delete any one of my system files and windows wont care08:27
neopsychebut wouldnt linux have an option to be able to add permissions to ntfs?08:27
neopsycheor add them automatically?08:27
ehccould it be really bad to add gutsy's universe to my sources.lst on fiesty?08:27
nox-HandIs there a way to hardcode VGAout on Xorg when I have a laptop? It doesn't automatically turn on my plasma screen out in +1 any more,08:28
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Polygon89it might SUPPORT permissions but i honestly think it doesnt get used08:28
harshythats fs specific08:28
scguy318ehc: yes08:28
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intelikeyqwerkus ah xfonts-base   good call i'll install it08:28
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scguy318ehc: it could be08:28
ubotuIf Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 08:28
N00buntuthe installation wont let me resize an NTFS partition08:28
ehcI want to get this http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/utils/pdfedit on feistry08:28
howlingmadhowiePolygon89: try logging on as a user without administrator rights.08:28
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scguy318ehc: you probably could simply add it temporarily, update, install it, remove the repo, update again so you don't end with Gutsy :P08:28
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scguy318ehc: not sure how well that would work tho08:29
qwerkusnox-Hand: depends on your graphic card. With intel chips and xrandr 1.2, you can do some nice things ...08:29
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CreativeSoulhow do i turn off all of these who enters and who exits the room messages?08:29
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neopsycheIs there a way in Pidgion IM to add last user talked to to the front of the sentence by pressing a key??? it works that way in chatzilla by pressing tab.08:30
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scguy318CreativeSoul: what client? probably in your options08:30
neopsycheJust wondering since that chat prog is default in ubuntu08:30
scguy318neopsyche: dunno, i run mIRC on Wine :P08:30
musikgoatneopsyche: i have that option08:30
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acoustykI have a partitioning question08:30
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:30
Polygon89well the point is, i can still write to ntfs with ntf-3g without it yelling about permissions, so i assume it should be fine08:30
Polygon89and wikipedia does say it supports acl permissions whatever the hell those are08:30
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neopsychewhat do you press musikgoat?08:30
musikgoatits in a plugin08:30
howlingmadhowieneopsyche: are you using GAIM?08:30
musikgoatpidgin is gaim08:30
neopsychewhat plugin?08:30
acoustykwhy cant I edit this NTFS partition?08:31
musikgoatmore irc maybe?08:31
scguy318!ntfs-3g | acoustyk08:31
ubotuacoustyk: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions08:31
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musikgoatlet me look08:31
scguy318acoustyk: in the context of partitioning08:31
scguy318acoustyk: are you trying to resize?08:31
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scguy318acoustyk: if so, is the partition mounted? thats probably why08:31
acoustykWhilst partitioning I cant edit it08:31
scguy318acoustyk: just run over to your Terminal and do sudo umount -a08:31
neopsychehowlingmadhowie yes im using gaim08:31
MrEgg964hi all. If I upgrade from Feisty to Gusty when the final release is available, will it automatically upgrade OOo also?08:31
dino_Can anyone answer me if they've gotten Compiz/Beryl to work with Ati Radeon HD2400?!?08:31
neopsycheapparently they changed the name to pidgeon.. which is terrible.08:32
it-linuxehc | offcourse, you won't be login anymore08:32
ubotuFor help or discussion on Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects08:32
harshyMrEgg964: yes08:32
MrEgg964harshy: thanks08:32
musikgoatirc helper or irc more neopsyche08:32
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musikgoatpidgin is a messenger. and finch, its command line version is less so?08:32
qwerkusscguy318: isn't there a specific chan for acpi / hardware / laptop problems ?08:32
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musikgoatanimals are common it seems?08:33
qwerkusi would really LOVE to get my laptop running normally again08:33
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howlingmadhowieneopsyche: they were forced to change the name for legal reasons. i'm using gaim too, but i can't see any options to supress the entry and exit messages :(08:33
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CreativeSoulhow do you scan for wireless networks in ubuntu?08:34
neopsycheI have to say.. im very impressed with feisty.. the way it looks, feels, installed skype.. its so smooth... compaired to windows.08:34
neopsycheGeek pr0n ;-)08:34
CreativeSoulskype for linux is garbage08:34
alexbobpIs there a way to load all the most important commands into a ramdisk temporarily, so I can do things like fsck the main filesystem without having to reboot?08:34
neopsycheit looks nice though.. the way it pops up... the simplicity08:34
neopsycheim happy with it.08:34
acoustyki pasted sudo umount -a but it's not working should I substitute "-a" with the device or mount point or is something wrong?  I'm getting a "device is busy" response08:35
tonyyarussoCreativeSoul: command-wise, iwlist scan.  GUI, use network-manager08:35
musikgoatso neopsyche, i have irc more, irc helper, and join/part hiding08:35
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Tomcat_alexbobp: The first is possible, the second not... you always need to unmount the fs you're checking, even if it's a ram drive.08:35
howlingmadhowieneopsyche: what formats does skype support nowadays? i use openwengo myself, because the format is open (sip)08:35
CreativeSoulive tried to use the network manager and nothing happens08:35
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neopsycheopen wengo is cool.. also saw that.. the thing is that soooo many people already use skype.08:35
CreativeSoulin the tutorials it shows something acutally f-ing happening but in reality nothing ever shows up or is like it is in the tutorial08:36
ech0dishtwinkle sip phone is cool too08:36
ech0dishi had pizza hut call dominoes with that thing08:36
user_neopsyche: seen any of the gutsy compiz vids on youtube?08:36
howlingmadhowieneopsyche: i tend to try to force them to download openwengo :) i do something similar by only sending documents in tex, dvi or odf formats :)08:36
CreativeSoulare there any complete tutorials out there on how to set up a wireless network on ubuntu?08:37
neopsychecompiz vids?08:37
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neopsychehowlingmadhowie hehehe08:37
neopsycheyeah that sounds cool creativesoul08:37
dino_CreativeSoul: it's worked out of the box on all puters i've installed unbuntu08:37
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howlingmadhowieCreativeSoul: Network Manager is really an afterthought at the moment. integration in the system is said to be a lot better on gutsy. do you know for sure, your network chipset is supported?08:38
alexbobpTomcat_: I meant, use the ramdrive so I can unmount the hard drive filesystem and check it08:38
alexbobpI don't want to check the ramdrive08:38
CreativeSoulIve got broadcom08:38
CreativeSoulon a brandnew hp laptop08:38
neopsychei remember the open wengo interface being somewhat huge though.. when i tried it on windows08:38
CreativeSoulis broadcom supported?08:38
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ubotuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx08:38
harshylinux broadcom is still touchy08:38
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neopsyche6 million+ people online: skype08:38
scguy318CreativeSoul: if that feils, theres always ndiswrapper08:38
howlingmadhowieCreativeSoul: mm, i think most broadcom chipsets are supported. but harshy corrects me :)08:38
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harshythey are...just still not mature code08:39
neopsycheJesus was a Jew.08:39
acoustykhow do I mount a partition?08:39
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howlingmadhowieneopsyche: but can they only talk to other skype users?08:39
harshynever huts to try tho08:39
CreativeSoulis it too much to hope that I could get on the internet wirelessly just by using the live cd?08:39
scguy318acoustyk: sudo mount /dev/name /mnt/point08:39
harshygutsy should detect it out of the box08:39
sstchurI've managed to get swat running, but it's very stripped down -- where are all of the config options?08:39
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phpcurioushi, i think many may have encountered this kind of problem... when I am surfing the net in ubuntu (installed in VMWare) there is sputnik showing up in google.com... why is this so?08:39
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scguy318CreativeSoul: i wish it wasn't08:39
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scguy318CreativeSoul: but wireless support is still a bit finicky08:39
scguy318CreativeSoul: Broadcom's lack of specs == hard for devs08:40
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neopsycheI think the part where Jesus whipped some moneychangers/bankers was cool... perhaps the same will happen with microsoft.08:40
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scguy318CreativeSoul: bcm43xx is reverse engineered, but not perfect08:40
harshybest to use hardline untill you get wireless up CreativeSoul08:40
CreativeSouli hope microsoft tastes the bitter defeat of windows users switching to linux08:40
neopsycheyeah howlingmadhowie only skype users08:40
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neopsycheyou are right08:40
neopsycheperhaps open wengo better08:40
harshyyou probably will end up with ndiswrapper and a windows driver08:40
neopsycheon pricipal08:40
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howlingmadhowieneopsyche: mm, i think this isn't the right forum for mentioning religious stuff. there are more than a thousand people here and doubtless many different religious directions are represented08:41
harshyiirc ndis is not in default install08:41
CreativeSoulare there any ubuntu repos that come with ndiswrapper of the like preinstalled on them?08:41
CreativeSoulso i can use it as a live cd?08:41
harshynot that i know of08:41
scguy318CreativeSoul: well, you could carry around the fine debs on a USB stick....:P08:41
harshybut you can download the debs and put them on a cd and install after08:41
neopsychehowlingmadhowie: yeah.. i was just commenting in passing... because creativesoul said Jesus out of nowhere.08:41
sethbrownalexbobp, why don't you boot from the liveCD and run the fsck from there?08:41
scguy318CreativeSoul: probably not the ideal u wanted tho08:41
qwerkushowlingmadhowie: guess so, but our second faith is U-B-U-N-T-U !08:41
neopsycheno harm intended08:41
CreativeSouli could go for that08:42
CreativeSouli got an sd card reader on the side08:42
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harshyCreativeSoul: but like I said, the bcm43xx driver should detect out of the box, but it will need the firmware from your windows driver08:42
alexbobpsethbrown: The point is I don't want to shut down the computer08:42
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acoustyki mounted the partition to /media but I still cannot edit it08:42
harshystill not streamlined yet08:42
alexbobpOtherwise I'd just set it to fsck on the next bootup08:42
CreativeSoulok how can i copy it?08:42
alexbobpalthough at this point, I may as well.08:42
neopsychewell ubuntu means community... Mark shuttleworth from my country is the only african to ever go to space..08:43
CreativeSoulei yei yei08:43
alexbobpHow do I set it to fsck on the next bootup?08:43
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CreativeSoulIm running windows vista sigh08:43
neopsycheThen the second thing he did with his cash was create the ubuntu distro.. well fund it.08:43
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scguy318CreativeSoul: downgrade to XP at least :P08:43
harshyCreativeSoul: goto packages.ubuntu.com and search for ndiswrapper on gutsy and download from there is easiest08:43
CreativeSouljesus i know08:43
sethbrownit's kind of iffy to fsck a filesystem on a live computer; you have to make sure nothing's open on the filesystem first, then umount and fsck it08:43
neopsycheHe moved to england now though.08:43
neopsycheI think london08:43
user_What would you type in terminal to get a new gnome session in ctl alt f2 ?08:43
scguy318sethbrown: or really just remount- as ro08:43
CreativeSoulis gutsy running right now?08:44
scguy318CreativeSoul: running?08:44
CreativeSoulrunning = stable08:44
harshyIt is going final this month08:44
sethbrownif you remount as ro, how can you fix the errors?08:44
scguy318!gutsy | CreativeSoul08:44
ubotuCreativeSoul: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information08:44
CreativeSoulso its ready?08:44
it-linuxCreativeSoul | no it's still beta08:44
scguy318very soon now08:44
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harshyits pretty stable now08:44
acoustykI have this partition mounted to /media but cannot resize it08:45
scguy318CreativeSoul: should be out like October 18 or so08:45
harshynot perfect...but usable08:45
CreativeSoulso i could prob dl and give it a try?08:45
it-linuxCreativeSoul | you can try on live CD08:45
harshyminor updates now08:45
CreativeSoulahhh i shall08:45
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CreativeSoulwhere is a good spot to download it?08:46
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neopsycheCheers people.. unity, peace, prosperity through ubuntu ;-)08:46
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acoustykmount: /dev/sda2 already mounted or /media busy08:46
acoustykmount: according to mtab, /dev/sda2 is already mounted on /media08:46
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acoustykbut no dice on the resizing08:46
howlingmadhowiethis is soooo cool :) berkeley's started posting entire lectures on youtube :) :) :)08:46
CreativeSoulall i can find is the current distro to download08:46
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it-linuxCreativeSoul | really?  I check out now08:47
CreativeSoulwhere do you find the beta download pages?08:47
CreativeSouli used to be able to easily find it before08:47
howlingmadhowieCreativeSoul: have a look here: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/gutsybeta#head-09942533e683a9d0224069978a37043a4957227408:47
FlannelCreativeSoul: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/gutsy/beta/08:47
theMussHi - linux noob, just replaced xp with ubuntu and can't get the dhcp stuff to go. Looks to me like it's asigning me an outside ip. Can anyone help or point me at a good guide08:47
decayusr13, Hello i am back08:48
\\ZimmYwhen i start kde it stops at window manager08:48
CreativeSoulthanks everyone08:48
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CreativeSoulvery very much08:49
harshyCreativeSoul: cheers08:49
wabiDis there anything similar to autogk for linux?08:49
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scguy318theMuss: outside IP? like non-private?08:50
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it-linuxCreativeSoul | ;)08:51
howlingmadhowietheMuss: how are you connecting to the net?08:51
howlingmadhowietheMuss: i mean wireless or wired?08:51
decayusr13, still there man?08:51
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decayI made a server in python. I can connect to it from my own machine, but others outside can't Any help on this would be appreciated08:52
decayDoes ubuntu block ports?08:53
harshydecay: not unless you edited firewall rules08:53
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decayharshy, how do i view this?08:53
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tetreauldecay: router?08:54
decayNo idea. ill check the settings08:54
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howlingmadhowiedecay: can others in your network connect to the service?08:56
jacobatHow does one configure the IP address of a feisty server?08:56
jacobatI can't seem to find the relevant documentation, it all seems to relate to desktop installations08:56
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howlingmadhowiedecay: ubuntu by default does not block any ports. however, you have to advertise the service on a port. i tend to install inetd and enter my services in /etc/inetd.conf08:58
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blooshoois there a good place to find drivers for hardware for linux?08:58
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usr13blooshoo: drivers for what hardware?08:59
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it-linuxI'm back08:59
blooshooi have a external maxtor harddirve (that connects via usb 2.0..) and linux dosent even detect it08:59
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theMussscguy318: Yeah its 169.254 rather than the 192.16809:00
blooshooi can find windows and mac drivers =P09:00
usr13blooshoo: you must have a really stripped down kernel?09:00
decayhowlingmadhowie, let me try.09:00
it-linuxblooshoo | what Ubuntu version have you used?09:00
theMusshowlingmadhowie: wired, with a belkin router09:00
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kimurin!help | kimurin09:01
usr13blooshoo: what do you mean, "doesn't detect it"?09:01
howlingmadhowietheMuss: that ip-address seems to suggest that dhcp isn't working09:01
blooshooits a almost fresh gnome install :-* i dont know exactly which version it is09:01
usr13blooshoo: are you sure?09:01
decayhowlingmadhowie, inetd.conf is blank. is that normal?09:01
blooshoouse13 klike in windows you plug it in and fire it up and it says it sees it and showsup :v09:01
blooshoonew hardware blahblahbalh09:01
blooshooim not familar with installing hardware on a linux distro though so i could be missing something simple09:02
howlingmadhowiedecay: once you've just install inetd, the file will be blank. now you can add a service to it. have a look at the syntax in man inetd09:02
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scguy318theMuss: looks like the fine autoconf :( something wrong with DHCP09:02
it-linuxblooshoo | on Feitsy there's nothing trouble, I've usually use external HDD by USB09:02
scguy318blooshoo: well, wut hardware09:02
usr13blooshoo: do you have a serious question? Are you serious?09:02
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KokswijkOpen Question: I googled on it but i couldn't find it anywhere. I am in a Windows domain (lets say bla.com) with my ubuntu machine. If i want to go to a internal website (using Firefox), lets say on a computer Harry, i type http://Harry. When i do this in windows, it automatically resolves in the network name but in ubuntu it tries and find Harry.com. when i type Harry.bla.com, (domain name) it finds the server. What am i doing wrong and where should i look to09:02
howlingmadhowiedecay: then you can start the inetd superdemon (though i imagine it already is running: /etc/init.d/openbsd-inetd start09:02
blooshooI am serious ?09:02
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decayhowlingmadhowie, thank you. but i don't think this is the right answer. Suppose i distribute my program. I wouldn't want others to have to go throught his09:03
scguy318blooshoo: what hardware?09:03
decaythrough this*09:03
it-linuxblooshoo | are using live cd?09:03
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blooshooits a external harddrive09:03
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blooshoo(maxtor onetouch II )09:03
usr13If you have a ubuntu install and the external hard drive is in working order, you should be able to mount it.09:03
it-linuxblooshoo | now try re-connect again09:03
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scguy318Kokswijk: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=88206 may be insightful09:04
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howlingmadhowiedecay: that's true, although most distributions have inetd or xinetd by default. you could add openbsd-inetd to the requirements if you distribute a deb, or you can look into making your program generate a background process which can listen to a port (assuming you haven't done that already)09:04
Kokswijkscguy318: Thank you, i will look into it09:04
it-linuxusr13 | what do you think about blooshoo's problem?09:04
scguy318Kokswijk: backup as usual of course, and it seems a bit old09:04
firefrog_join #hack09:04
scguy318blooshoo: there should be zero problem using the device, is GNOME not automounting it?09:05
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blooshooyes its not automounting it, or if it is  i see no indication of iti09:05
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theMussOkay I've gone to System > admin > network and clicked on help. on their example the wied connection has a network card symbol on mine it has like a rj45 connecter as the symbol. does this mean ubuntu hasn't picked up the card. how do i check that???09:05
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decayhowlingmadhowie, i wsee09:05
decaythank you09:05
Kokswijkscguy318: Back up of course! This topic looks logical. Ill go test it. Thanks for the help!09:05
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scguy318theMuss: pastebin the output of ifconfig in Terminal?09:06
scguy318!pastebin | theMuss09:06
ubotutheMuss: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:06
scguy318Kokswijk: np09:06
it-linuxblooshoo | type this on terminal : fdisk -l09:06
decayhowlingmadhowie, openbsd-inetd isnt installed. installing now09:06
scguy318Kokswijk: i imagine you would just append the new words to the line, on my Feisty, i have some extras09:06
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aatahey can anyone tell me a way to edit a text file through the terminal... that is through a single command - not vi or emacs...09:06
theMussscguy318: thanks, 2 secs09:06
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scguy318aata: nano?09:07
blooshoolinux this does nothing =(09:07
usr13blooshoo: what version of Ubuntu did you install?09:07
scguy318blooshoo: pastebin the output of sudo fdisk -l? looks like you might have to mount manually09:07
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overcluckeraata: you could give sed a poke09:08
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theMusshaha - i'm on a different machine due to the internet being down - is there something that i should be looking for to check09:08
usr13blooshoo:  in a terminal window type:   uname -a09:08
usr13blooshoo: what does it say?09:08
aataoverclucker, what?09:08
it-linuxblooshoo | sorry now try this : sudo -l then ( you will prompt for password ) fdisk -l09:08
aata!sed | aata09:08
scguy318theMuss: well, is there a nice eth0 interface?09:09
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blooshooLinux b130 2.6.20-16-generic #2 SMP Sun Sep 23 19:50:39 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux09:09
scguy318blooshoo: pastebin the output of sudo fdisk -l? looks like you might have to mount manually09:09
DerangedDingoaata: I think you can do it somehow like this: "nano -optionican'tremember /path/to/file "echo linegettingaddedtothefile"09:09
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it-linuxblooshoo | you using Ubuntu Feisty09:10
blooshooalso linux i did that and i see a drive the correct size listed09:10
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overcluckeraata: sed is used for text relpacement, which may or may not be what you are asking for09:10
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it-linuxblooshoo | and how bout your external HDD? Is it recognize?09:10
it-linuxblooshoo | or listed there?09:10
theMussscguy318: I'm getting no rx packets sent????09:10
usr13blooshoo So you can see the drive after all?09:10
scguy318blooshoo: then just simply make a new mount point, say /mnt/external, then do sudo mount /dev/yourexternaldevice /mnt/external09:11
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blooshooi dunno. should I PM you this stuff? :D its all kind of forgin and new to me09:11
scguy318theMuss: could be something wrong with your setup :(09:11
it-linuxblooshoo | ok09:11
deadlyninjadoes anyone know of a user friendly application to edit mpeg transport streams losslessly, i basically just want to cut data off the front and ends09:11
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aatano see what i want to do is write a shell script that adds a certain line (that i tell the command) to a certain place in a certain file... that possible?09:11
SorcererbobI'm looking for a MSN equivalent. I don't need support for other protocols (I like Xchat for IRC, and thats all I use). I need webcam support. I've tried GAIM (no cam), aMSN (feels all wrong) and Kopete (using it now, but its got the KDE feel to it). Suggestions?09:11
blooshoohmm i need to register09:11
usr13blooshoo: Do you see an icon on the desktop labled "disk"?09:12
overcluckeraata: that would be sed09:12
theMussscguy318: okay - thanks for your help09:12
aataso should i try sudo apt-get install sed?09:12
howlingmadhowiedeadlyninja: you can see if kino of cinerella can import them09:12
it-linuxblooshoo | could you paste your /dev list?09:12
overcluckeraata: you might alredy have it09:12
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aataah yes i do09:12
notdarkyethow do i connect to other computers on my network to transfer files09:12
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aatais anyone here familiar with cairo dock?09:13
howlingmadhowiedeadlyninja: i mean kino or cinerella :)09:13
scguy318Sorcererbob: mmmm09:13
howlingmadhowienotdarkyet: what operating system is on the other computers?09:13
scguy318Sorcererbob: im drawing a blank for all your criteria09:13
usr13 notdarkyet scp09:13
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Sorcererbobscguy318: Yeah, me too. GAIM is the only one that I've used that feels like a GNOME application, but it doesn't have cam support09:14
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howlingmadhowienotdarkyet: right click on the file you want to share and select "share" (or whatever it is in english)09:14
usr13scp filename username@
Jtkieferany idea on what the next LTS release is going to be?09:14
notdarkyetmore specifically i would like to get music files from the other computer to mine09:14
aataoverclucker, in totally unfamiliar with sed so could you help me out with the syntax?09:14
Jtkieferor more accurately when it'll be] 09:14
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^LadyVaMpIrKa^howlingmadhowie: net shere09:15
scguy318Sorcererbob: im blank :(09:15
usr13notdarkyet: scp filename username@
vltJtkiefer: 2008-0409:15
ubotuInstant Messenger Clients: Gaim (GNOME, http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto), Kopete (KDE), both supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC.09:15
Sorcererbobno worries, thanks anyway09:15
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howlingmadhowienotdarkyet: then share the folder containing the music files on the windows box and then on ubuntu goto -> places-> network09:15
scguy318Sorcererbob: add KMess to your list, but it's KDE :P09:15
overcluckeraata try #bash, they they are good at that stuff09:15
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howlingmadhowienotdarkyet: you may have to wait a minute or two until the share appears. smb is notriously slow09:15
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scguy318Sorcererbob: you can skin aMSN, but I do agree it kinda lacks the GNOME look09:15
aataok thanks :)09:15
Jtkiefervlt, ok thanks09:15
scguy318Sorcererbob: but thats what I use for the extra MSN features09:15
Sorcererbobfair enough09:16
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notdarkyetok, because nothing was showing up in network09:16
SorcererbobI think I'll just stick with KDE09:16
Sorcererbobthe devil I know V the devil I don't09:16
^LadyVaMpIrKa^Guys what should I do to protect my linux except useing a firewall?09:16
howlingmadhowie^LadyVaMpIrKa^: thank you :)09:16
Sorcererbobwith kopete *09:16
notdarkyetanother quick question, anyone ever have there left or right speaker not working randomly09:16
howlingmadhowie^LadyVaMpIrKa^: if you have any services open, have a look at making them more secure (for example dissable root login to an ssh server)09:16
scguy318^LadyVaMplrKA^: don't give away passwords, dont look at porn/warez/bad stuff, don't fall victim to phishing09:16
notdarkyetits hit or miss on startup for me09:16
Sorcererbobnotdarkyet: I'd be thinking hardware fault. Loose wires?09:16
vlt^LadyVaMpIrKa^: Protect against what?09:16
notdarkyeti have a laptop09:17
Jtkieferscguy318, don't look at porn, that defies human nature?09:17
^LadyVaMpIrKa^look now09:17
Sorcererbobnotdarkyet: ...so? loose wires on the inside?09:17
blooshootooalso whoever asked: nothing is on my desktop except my music folder :D09:17
Jtkieferscguy318, meant to say, don't look at porn? that defies human nature!09:17
scguy318Jtkiefer: well, um, use...protection :)09:17
^LadyVaMpIrKa^I have an ADSL modem standing before the pc,and a firewall - Firestarter i did the ip tables and rullz but i am afraid they might use SUN RPO against me09:17
Sorcererbobprotection from what? zee germans?09:17
overcluckerporn is only for experienced users09:17
^LadyVaMpIrKa^so any suggestions?09:17
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notdarkyeti will check in the morning then, i mean if it was the driver it would either work on it wouldnt right?09:18
howlingmadhowienotdarkyet: smb is a horrible protocol and almost broken. it may be easier to install an ftp-server on the linux box (apt-get install vsftpd), and then install graphical ftp clients on the windows boxes.09:18
notdarkyetor not on09:18
scguy318^LadyVaMplrKa^: while there's probably about 0 malware that's targeted at Linux, you'll probably want to focus on the human factor09:18
^LadyVaMpIrKa^any ideas?09:18
scguy318^LadyVaMplrKa^: Ubuntu doesn't run any services on public interfaces by default so09:18
arinomiIs there any apt-get font packages09:18
notdarkyetok thanks howl, i will do some research09:19
ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer09:19
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Jtkieferscguy, indeed, you wouldn't go to a strange country and connect with all the women there without connection, don't let your computer connect to all the strange computers on the itnernet without protection, sorry trojans aren't allowed here :)09:19
overclucker^LadyVaMpIrKa^: replace you retinal scanner with a high powered laser09:19
howlingmadhowie^LadyVaMpIrKa^: have a look in ->system->administration->diagnose network and enter your own ip-address for a port scan09:19
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scguy318Jkkiefer: lool09:19
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scguy318^LadyVaMplrKa^: whatever SUN RPO is (Sun RPC?), Ubuntu probably isn't running it09:20
^LadyVaMpIrKa^this is something that overwhelms the firewall but i have no idea how it works :(09:20
apparlehelp with sound card09:20
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howlingmadhowie^LadyVaMpIrKa^: it would have to be pretty good to overwhelm netfilter...09:20
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^LadyVaMpIrKa^and the Firestarter keeps  beeping09:21
^LadyVaMpIrKa^tima at a time09:21
howlingmadhowie^LadyVaMpIrKa^: now that's interesting09:21
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howlingmadhowie^LadyVaMpIrKa^: do you have an ssh server installed and running?09:21
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^LadyVaMpIrKa^should I use Cryptcat or Natcat on ubuntu?09:21
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^LadyVaMpIrKa^no i dont09:21
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tomatocan someone help me with bash script?09:22
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^LadyVaMpIrKa^i know it sounds lame and i am probably one of the many noobs but I need some help09:22
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apparleI have a funny problem! input from mic gets reproduced from speakers but no recording is possible09:23
Blackgothyeah a lady like ^LadyVaMpIrKa^  using linux, boo lame! ;)09:23
tomatoi want to change user to change user to root using bash09:23
tomatois it possible?09:23
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vlt^LadyVaMpIrKa^: Depends on your needs. What do you want cryptcat for that ssh can't do for you?09:23
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Blackgothtomato: you want your current user to become root? of just sudo access?09:24
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tomatoa sudo access09:24
tomatoeg i want to restart mysql on bash09:24
^LadyVaMpIrKa^Blackgoth : well that's life u see lots like me :D09:24
Blackgothjust open a terminal > as root or as a sudo user nano -w /etc/sudoers add your user and be done with it tomato09:25
MadpilotBlackgoth, bashing other users is never cool. Don't start.09:25
Jtkiefer about to pull an upgrade, if I don't accidentally nuke my system I'll see you all on the other side of 6.10, wish me luck09:25
BlackgothMadpilot: who did i bash?09:25
MadpilotBlackgoth, that sounded a lot like a swipe at ^LadyVaMpIrKa^ a few lines ago...09:25
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tomatoit wouldnt propmt for password?09:26
Blackgothyou failed to understand a smiley.09:26
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alexbobphow do I resize my x server from the command line?09:26
overcluckerMadpilot: i think they wre having goth moment or sumthin09:26
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Daverocksalexbobp: you mean change the resolution?09:27
Blackgothtomato: it will still ask for a password, if you want a user to only restart certain services please take a good look at the man file.09:27
Blackgothoverclucker: who is bashing who now.09:27
alexbobpDaverocks: yeah09:27
Daverocksalexbobp: xrandr can do it09:27
overcluckeri dunno, i cant even pretend to understand half the subcultures today09:27
Jtkieferok, Could not calculate the upgrade: A Unresolvable problem occured while calculating the upgrade09:27
alexbobpDaverocks: thanks09:28
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howlingmadhowietomato: then make the bash script owned by root and set the sticky bit for uid09:28
mrgenixushullo -- can someone point me to a download url for ubuntu's installer package?09:28
mrgenixusI need the linux version09:28
Daverocksmrgenixus: "installer package"?09:28
Blackgothmrgenixus: www.ubuntu.com > download09:29
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overcluckerBlackgoth: sorry, just trying to make somthin big outa nuthin :D09:29
Blackgothand there is only one version of ubuntu, and that IS linux :)09:29
tomatoi want a none user to restart mysql on bash script wihtout asking for password? is it possible?09:29
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mrgenixusno, no. I need the system command (e.g. bin) debian-installer or ubuntu-installer (preferabbly in .deb form)09:29
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Blackgothhttp://packages.ubuntu.org mrgenixus09:30
Jtkieferok, Could not calculate the upgrade: A Unresolvable problem occured while calculating the upgrade, anyone know what this is about? I got it while trying to do an upgrade from 6.06 to 6.10 using the alternative cd09:30
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mrgenixusBlackgoth: how do I search that?09:30
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Blackgothwith the searchbutton?09:30
howlingmadhowieJtkiefer: you're using a cd to do the upgrade? i didn't know that was possible09:30
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Madpilothowlingmadhowie, the alternative CD can act as a repo09:30
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aatais it wise to upgrade to gutsy beta now?09:30
Jtkieferhowling, it is using the alternative cd09:31
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Blackgothit's pritty stable right now aata09:31
MadpilotBlackgoth, mrgenixus - it's packages.ubuntu.com not .org09:31
aataand the download upgrade is about 700 mb?09:31
Blackgothmy bad Madpilot , bit too mutch packages.debian.org :+09:31
howlingmadhowieMadpilot: so if you've installed extra packages which aren't on the cd and don't have an internet connection, you may run into dependency problems09:32
apparlecan i request CDs for gutsy09:32
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Blackgothapparle: if you click on the beta download, there is a request cd form09:32
Madpilothowlingmadhowie, yes - the CD is good for kernel/Gnome/OOo/GIMP and some of the other large standard packages, though09:32
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apparlebut is it stable09:32
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dgjones_apparle, its still getting lots of updates09:33
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mrgenixusso does ubuntu use the debain-installer to install now, or it a different application09:33
Madpilotapparle, the Gutsy CDs won't be pressed or shipped until it's been released as stable09:34
Jtkieferhere's the errors I got while trying to do the upgrade through update manager09:34
dgjones_apparle, i installed from the Beta cd yesterday, even with a that which had only been downloaded the same day, there was 203 updates via the internet09:34
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Merijnhow do I make the remote access service start at the ubuntu login screen?09:34
duffydhi, I've just updated my kernel for my edgy distro to 2.6.17-12 and I'm having problems with my ipw3945 interface09:34
duffydanyone else experienced problems with the ipw3945?09:34
scguy318duffyd: not me but what's the issue09:35
Madpilotmrgenixus, the standard installer for Ubuntu is via LiveCD. the alternative CD has the traditional text installer09:35
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landon_can anyone help me install compiz09:35
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duffydbasically it seems to associate with the AP fine but then as traffic starts to pass through the interface it de-associates (if there is such a word ;)09:35
alexbobplandon_: sudo apt-get install compiz09:35
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alexbobpand then, from command line, compiz --replace09:35
mrgenixusI just want the binary (which is apparently not in the debain-installer package... do you know which package does have it?09:35
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scguy318duffyd: anything in system logs?09:36
it-linuxduffyd | I try on search in my ubuntu, there's no such thing like ipw3945?09:36
landon_it says it cant find the package09:36
scguy318duffyd: perhaps a weak signal?09:36
Jtkieferhere's all the errors I got while trying the upgrade using gksu update-manager http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39515/09:36
scguy318it-linux: its a kernel module09:36
Blackgothhm, my ipw3945 never worked :p09:36
lunzanyone knows how to install wireless DWL-G122 usb Ver c from Automatix2?anyone please tq09:36
duffydscguy318: well I'm sitting right next to the AP09:37
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Madpilotmrgenixus, haven't a clue. You might try #ubuntu-devel09:37
Adam_eMi would like to perform some software installation because i have pure text mode system. the point is when i connect my machine to lan, i haven't got net access as well09:37
AJ--hello all just wanna ask wat seem to be my problem with my kiba.. coz it display 2 docks and i cant place it in the buttom part09:38
ubotuAutomatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software.  When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it.  A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme)09:38
scguy318lunz: that said, what chipset is it?09:38
alexbobplandon_: which repos do you have enabled?09:38
Adam_eMand i don't know the router ip address09:38
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scguy318duffyd: mm, anything in logs?09:38
duffydscguy318: all I've got in my logs is: [17179909.276000]  ipw3945: association process canceled09:38
duffydother than that everything is fine09:38
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duffydscguy318: well that is according to dmesg anyway09:38
scguy318duffyd: weird, dunno :(09:39
AJ--hello all just wanna ask wat seem to be my problem with my kiba.. coz it display 2 docks and i cant place it in the buttom part09:39
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duffydscguy318: I've just moved my laptop to another house (new one) and was working fine earlier today. Only difference is that I updated the kernel :(09:39
mrgenixusAJ--: you're goin to have to ask the question differently09:39
tomatocan i switch user on bash script?09:40
mrgenixusasking the same question twice is pointless09:40
scguy318lunz: what chipset is it?09:40
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scguy318duffyd: hmph, dunno :(09:40
AJ--i installed the kiba dock and the problem is .. wen i start it.. 2 docks came up and it wont display at the buttom part09:40
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duffydscguy318: np09:42
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Merijnhow do I make the remote access service start at the ubuntu login screen?09:42
howlingmadhowietomato: you can do, provided the process has enough rights09:43
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MerijnI can only SSH to my ubuntu server after it reboots, I can't log it into the GUI without connecting a keyboard and a screen :(09:43
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tomatoe.g. my bash is  #!/bin/sh     su root09:43
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tomatohow to enter password automatically? can it possible?09:44
mrgenixusMerijn:  I think you're looking for an XDMCP-based terminal server09:44
howlingmadhowietomato: if you want a process to be run by root, change the owner of the script to root and set the sticky bit for uid09:44
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mrgenixusthe vino-server (the one you're using) only works once a user is logged in09:45
mrgenixusit runs in user mode09:45
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WoetHow do i show my workspaces on a cube? I checked the box in desktop effects, and i restarted ubuntu, but still no effect.09:45
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lunzscguy318:how to check the chipset?09:45
mrgenixusthe login screen is designed to prevent that sort of appication from running09:45
scguy318lunz: pastebin the output of lspci09:45
jtkiefercan anyone point me to the edgyupdate page on the wiki again, I had to restart so I lost the link09:45
scguy318!pastebin | lunz09:45
ubotulunz: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:45
scguy318lunz: though you'll likely use ndiswrapper09:45
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musikgoatcan anyone help with nfsd,  i have it running on the server (verified 2,3,4 running in rpcinfo -p), and i try to connect with the following fstab entry: /media/link_nfs nfs rw,user,noauto 0 009:46
mrgenixusyou may want to see is gdm can be configured to run 'vino-server' as well -- that would be in the gdm documentation.09:46
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tomatoset the sticky bit for uid? <--- what it means?09:46
jtkiefercan anyone point me to the edgyupdate page on the wiki again, I had to restart so I lost the link09:46
musikgoatI get this error:   mount.nfs: mount to NFS server '' failed: RPC Error: Program not registered09:46
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes09:46
scguy318might not be it09:46
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bullgard4df shows for /dev/sda7  "available 519712 (kB)", but Gedit "free: 1,04 GiB." How to explain this contradiction? (http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/15665/)09:49
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duffydscguy318: fyi http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20294309:50
WoetHow do i show my workspaces on a cube? I checked the box in desktop effects, and i restarted ubuntu, but still no effect.09:50
duffydscguy318: no solution in there but hey others have reported the issue ;)09:50
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jtkieferI'm getting errors when trying to run the 6.06-6.10 upgrade, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39516/ has the entire error display09:53
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jtkieferand I had no better luck running the cd upgrade09:53
jtkieferanyone have any ideas?09:53
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overcluckerjtkiefer: how set are you on upgrading, instead of getting a newer iso?09:54
jtkieferoverclucker, it's that bad is it?09:54
Merijnmrgenixus > how about autologin then?09:54
jtkieferoverclucker, nm then, I'll just stick with .0609:55
overcluckerjtkiefer: just a question, but yes dist upgrades arer messy09:55
overcluckerjtkiefer: why?09:55
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jtkieferI originally tried a clean install of 7.04 and it ended up turning out disasterously09:55
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jtkiefereverythign that could go wrong did, wipe and reinstall, and something different went wrong, over and over09:56
overcluckerjtkiefer: oh so you had a bad experience09:56
curs0rI'm in gutsy, I have sound when gdm show the login screen (i hear the drums) but when I log in there is no sound09:56
curs0rsound works in fluxbox but not gnome09:57
jtkieferoverclucker, almost made me long for xp09:57
=== jtkiefer shudders
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overcluckerjtkiefer: it isn't very hard to install safely09:58
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jtkieferoverclucker, I know, and I did it by the book as it were using the graphical install, which makes me think that it may be caused by a hardware issue of some sort underlying it, all the more reason to leave it be for the moment since I currently have a working install09:59
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overcluckerjtkiefer: you just need to have the backups, and somthing like supergrub, or a grub boot disk09:59
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overcluckerjtkiefer: did the install produce error mesages?10:00
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shiznitanyone try FSO on ubuntu?10:01
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jtkieferoverclucker, don't think so10:03
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overcluckerjtkiefer: it just didn't boot?10:03
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overcluckercause it's not to terribly uncommon for grub install to fail10:04
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rzimek78I have a hidden file and wanna change it not to be hidden. How to do this from the terminal?10:05
MerijnI put an extra harddrive in my computer, it's NTFS - how do I mount it?10:06
overcluckerrzimek78: mv .filename filename10:06
jtkieferoverclucker, the clean 6.10 messages, one time it did actually boot but then it promptly crashed out when it tried to load x10:06
scguy318Merijn: read-write or ro?10:06
jtkieferI'll probably eventually just try it again eventually but not for awhile10:06
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scguy318Merijn: and mount on boot?10:06
curs0rI'm in gutsy, I have sound when gdm show the login screen (i hear the drums) but when I log in there is no sound mplayer has sound in fluxbox but not gnome10:06
Merijnscguy318 > ro10:06
silviugood morning10:06
=== Phocean_ [n=Phocean@lev92-2-82-66-108-158.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
Merijnmount on boot would be great10:07
scguy318!gutsy | curs0r10:07
ubotucurs0r: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information10:07
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scguy318Merijn: for now, you can just do sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/here /mnt/point10:07
overcluckerjtkiefer: ah, well hopefully 7.10 will work, might want to install it on a free partition, just to be safe though10:07
scguy318Merijn: for the fstab, it would be10:07
dgjones_!ntfs | Merijn10:07
ubotuMerijn: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse10:07
duffydtemporarily offline. thanks10:07
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jtkieferwho thinks of the names for the releases, they need to be hit over the the head with a heavy object10:07
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howlingmadhowietomato: i've done some research and linux doesn't like the suid bit being applied to bash scripts because of security problems. maybe ask in #bash how that is best done10:08
Madpilotjtkiefer, the next one will be called Horny Heifer. Honest. :)10:08
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aztracker1where do I file a bug report re: gutsy beta's installer?10:08
ubotulaunchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's Bounty and Bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/10:08
howlingmadhowieMadpilot: almost. it's actually called hairy hardon, erm, i mean hardy heron10:08
overcluckerrzimek78bat doing so changes the name of the file, and so isn't recommended for system, or config files10:08
aztracker1scguy318, thanks10:09
MerijnI think I mounted the drive in my home folder, but now I can't access my home folder anymore10:09
Merijnhow do I unmount it?10:09
overcluckerrzimek78: if it's in you $HOME folder, don't do it10:10
scguy318Merijn: sudo umount /mnt/point10:10
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scguy318Merijn: mount to an empty mount point10:10
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Merijnlike what, /home/merijn/something?10:10
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overcluckerrzimek78: just view it by issuing ctrl-h under nautilus, or ls -a in terminal10:10
scguy318Merijn: sure10:11
scguy318Merijn: just make sure the mount point exists of course10:11
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Merijnscguy318 > ok, it worked... now how do I make it so I can read it from a non-root account?10:11
SoulChildhey all,.... how do i change the background color of my desktop between gdm login and desktopbackground image. already changed in gdm config and background properties but still have this ubuntu red. any ideas ?10:11
rzimek78overclucker: mv .a a works :)10:12
corporal_clegghello, is there any software that can translate text and pdf?10:12
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musikgoatcan anyone help with nfsd,  i have it running on the server (verified 2,3,4 running in rpcinfo -p), and i try to connect with the following fstab entry: /media/link_nfs nfs rw,user,noauto 0 0    and I get this error:  mount.nfs: mount to NFS server '' failed: RPC Error: Program not registered10:12
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scguy318Merijn: well, you can mount it with umask=000, or use some other mount option to have it mount with you as owner10:12
warferhello. can i ask what's a decent mailserver for beginners? thanks10:12
ubotumail is another medium to communicate. Ubuntu mailinglists can be found at http://lists.ubuntu.com10:13
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about smtp - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:13
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overcluckerrzimek78: where is this file or folder, it isn't system related is it?10:13
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scguy318warfer: hold up10:13
scguy318warfer: Postfix is one10:13
Merijnlike this? sudo mount -t ntfs umask=000 /dev/hdc5 ~/goliath10:13
scguy318with a comma, but yeah I think10:14
aztracker1fyi: for anyone installing gutsy on a clean HD... the livecd version seems to stop loading the partitioner at 53% if there isn't a normal partition on the drive...10:14
scguy318sudo mount -t ntfs -o umask=000 /dev...10:14
scguy318that should be it10:14
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rzimek78overclucker: no, it was a text file10:15
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Merijnscguy318 > it worked, thanks a lot! :D10:15
scguy318Merijn: np10:15
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Crush`how would i replace a character while it is being written to an external text file?10:16
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SnuxollCrush` [program stuff here]  | [sed command]  > [file] 10:17
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dgjones_aztracker1, might be worth you mentioning that in ubuntu+1 where the gutsy support is going on, although not sure if its a gutsy thing, I had a similar thing with Fiesty with the alternate cd not being able to create partitions on a brand new drive, I had to use a gparted cd to partition then install using those partitions10:18
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Crush`i'm not all that great with sed10:19
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SnuxollSee, not hard10:20
Snuxollhttp://www.grymoire.com/Unix/Sed.html will help you10:20
motiohi i am trying ti run googleearth and i get the error  Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":1.0". any help10:20
arnathi can't get my hdmi screen to work at anything above 640x480 (and the top & bottom bar are partly off the screen)10:20
warferCrush`, or use proggie | tr string newstring10:21
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Snuxollmotio: What video card do you have?10:21
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motioati card10:21
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crdlbmotio, that's because you're in Xgl10:22
crdlbput DISPLAY=:0    in front of whatever you're running10:22
crdlbso DISPLAY=:0 /path/to/googleearth10:22
SnuxollMakes me glad my ati card runs AIGLX...10:22
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guitaristwhat can i use as telnet on ubuntu?10:23
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cl3nsguitarist: telnet server or telnet client ?10:24
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guitaristtelnet server i think, to make an egg10:24
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Crush`Snuxoll: thanks :-)10:25
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cl3nsguitarist: apt-cache search telnetd10:25
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motiocrdlb i put display in front and dont work10:26
guitaristhow can i reach that cl3ns? sorry im newbie10:26
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WoetHow do i show my workspaces on a cube? I checked the box in desktop effects, and i restarted ubuntu, but still no effect.10:26
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SnuxollWoet: Make sure you have four workspaces...10:27
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cl3nsapt-get install telnetd and after check man telnetd10:27
cl3nsProvides: telnet-server10:27
SnuxollWoet: Then disable it and re-enable it10:27
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SnuxollI had the same problem, always found it annoying...10:28
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bimmerman1911does anybody use gtkpod? i upgraded it, and now i cant figure out why i cant add songs to "local"...10:29
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despoticany gurus around this evening?10:29
guitaristcl3ns: i tried apt-get install telnetd but i get error called couldnt open ( 13 permission denied ) and asks if im root10:30
arnathwhen i boot it wiv my vga (and i dont even want a vga), the refresh rate is out of range, when i boot it with my hdmi (the one i want), i cant set the resolution higher then 640x48010:30
steve_jmorning all. would somoene mind recommending a decent web stats package that displays results via apache?10:30
motiohi i am trying ti run googleearth and i get the error  Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":1.0". any help10:30
cl3nsguitarist: sudo apt-get install telnetd10:30
bimmerman1911nobody uses gtkpod?10:30
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arnathanyone have any experience with trying to get a hdmi to work correctly?10:30
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scguy318arnath: no10:31
despoticis there a channel for more sound oriented issues?10:31
scguy318arnath: I would look around for info on that10:31
arnathscguy318: i have....10:32
fama_when i have installed i linux before and want to add ubunut as a 2nd system, what do i have to do during install?10:32
guitaristcl3ns: done now thanks last question, will i access that from terminal?10:32
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fama_im now in partition menu10:32
scguy318amath: as for monitor issue, sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg10:32
arnathscguy318: i have done that many a time (without the -phigh though)10:32
NetGearhi all10:32
arnathscguy318: what does the -phigh do?10:32
fama_and the mount point from my old linux is getting from "/" to "/media/sda3"10:32
EXP2in ubuntu, is it possible to deny user to change his/hers password?10:32
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bSakiplayoyhi leute10:33
NetGeari am installing beryl10:33
bSakiplayoyich bin saki10:33
ferronicawhen i do "sudo pppoeconf" it shows me multi modem what this mean ?10:33
NetGeari get messag checking for XML::Parser... configure: error: XML::Parser perl module is required for intltool10:33
NetGearcan amy one help10:33
SnuxollEXP2: Probably not without hacking some pam config files....10:33
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NetGeari get messag checking for XML::Parser... configure: error: XML::Parser perl module is required for intltool10:34
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NetGeardefDfloyd, hi10:35
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guitaristcl3ns: done now thanks last question, will i access that from terminal?10:35
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arnatho ffs :| my windows are spawning outside my screen10:35
scguy318arnath: only asks for important options10:35
arnathhow do i move them?10:35
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TIX3NetGear, maybe xml needs perl module?10:35
despoticis there a way to completely reinstall my sound card?10:35
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ferronicai am using  UT star (Model NO. UT 300RTU)10:36
defDfloydhi NetGear :)10:36
TIX3despotic, remake the kernel10:36
despoticoh ya? Is that as scary as it sounds?10:37
NetGearTIX3, how do i install that module10:37
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NetGeardefDfloyd,  messag checking for XML::Parser... configure: error: XML::Parser perl module is required for intltool10:37
scguy318arnath: move what?10:37
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ferronicawhat is multimodem mode ?10:37
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NetGeardefDfloyd, what should i do?10:38
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scguy318ferronica: do you mean multimonitor?10:38
cl3nsguitarist: no idea never use it :)10:38
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ferronicascguy318: no10:38
ferronicascguy318: modem10:38
defDfloydNetGear: sorry don't know that ... i'm a newbie myself ;)10:38
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ferronicascguy318:  "sudo pppoeconf" it shows me multi modem what this mean ?10:39
guitaristcl3ns: :) thanks anyway10:39
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guitaristcan anyone tell me how to use/reach telnetd after installing that?10:39
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arnathfor some reason, all my windows are missing the top bar10:39
gangstersakimy name is saki10:40
gangstersakii have a problem10:40
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gangstersakisomeone help pls10:40
dgjones_!ask | gangster10:40
ubotugangster: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)10:40
Mortice!ask > gangstersaki10:40
gangstersakimy probem is10:41
gangstersakii have10:41
gangstersakia very small10:41
dgjones_!enter | gangstersaki10:41
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ubotugangstersaki: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!10:41
ferronicaSorry, I scanned 1 interface, but the Access             10:41
ferronica           Concentrator of your provider did not respond. Please    10:41
ferronica           check your network and modem cables. Another reason      10:41
ferronica           for the scan failure may also be another running pppoe   10:41
ferronica           process which controls the modem.10:41
gangstersakionly 5 gb10:41
Mortice!paste | ferronica10:41
ubotuferronica: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:41
gangstersakiwwill ubuntu install on it10:41
ferronicaoh my god sorry10:41
gangstersakican i install ubuntu on a 5gb harddrive10:41
Morticeferronica: heh. it wasn't too long. Just for future reference :)10:41
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ferronicai hurry i did that :(10:42
TIX3NetGear, you could try sudo apt-get install libxml-parser-perl, but since im not currently on a debian distro, i can't say for sure10:42
ferronicacan any one explain what this error mean ?10:42
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scguy318gangstersaki: sure10:43
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dgjones_gangstersaki, it will probably install ok, but its going to be tight - Have a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements, minimum is 2Gb, but recommended is 8Gb10:43
degresevenim trying to use gparted from the livecd to resize a partition, but ubuntu keeps auto mounting the partition in the middle of the resize. how can i disable the automounter?10:44
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acusterhey all, is there any program to find UTF-8 characters in text files?10:45
teKnofreakacuster, find or view ?10:45
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landon_cananyone remote assit me installing compiz on my virtual machine10:46
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acusteri suspect it's some spurious character somewhere in the file10:46
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ePaxI installed kde-desktop on Feisty and does it mean that i run now Kubuntu instead of Ubuntu or?10:47
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ferronicahow to remove previous Lancard info from ubuntu 7.0410:48
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NetGearTIX3, now i get message10:48
NetGearTIX3, checking for bind_textdomain_codeset... yes10:48
NetGearchecking for msgfmt... no10:48
NetGearchecking whether byte ordering is bigendian... no10:48
NetGearchecking for pkg-config... no10:48
NetGearchecking for COMAN... configure: error: The pkg-config script could not be found or is too old.  Make sure it10:48
NetGearis in your PATH or set the PKG_CONFIG environment variable to the full10:48
NetGearpath to pkg-config.10:48
ferronicaprevious one is D-Link ,current Realtek10:48
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ferronicaeth0= D-Link ,eth1= Realtek10:49
scguy318NetGear: sudo apt-get install pkg-config?10:50
scguy318NetGear: i mean10:50
scguy318well, eah10:50
scguy318try that10:50
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despoticDoes someone here use SPDIF output on their soundcard?10:52
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despoticshould my system be able to auto-detect the optical outpu on my soundcard?10:53
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scguy318despotic: well, there might be a mixer setting for that10:54
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arnathman, i've had it bout up to here with ubuntu, how friggin hard is it to make a screen work :@10:57
Sorcererbobtrying to work dual screens?10:57
arnatheven single screen won't work well10:57
Sorcererbobhow old is the screen?10:57
arnathvery new10:58
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arnathLG tft tv10:58
arnathvia hdmi10:58
Sorcererbobother screens work or not?10:58
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jdecostewhat the package name again for the gcc/c++ compiler ?10:58
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jdecosteand the headers and stuff10:58
arnathmy old crt monitor works10:58
Sorcererboboh, is the image just all cramped and ugly looking?10:58
Sorcererbobcause TVs generally have crappy resolutions and... well, they suck as monitors10:58
arnathno, this is a tv meant also as computer monitor10:58
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Sorcererbobbut is the picture just cramped/stretched looking?10:59
arnaththe problem is i simply can't get the resolution above 640x48010:59
scguy318jdecoste: build-essential10:59
arnathit "looks" great, the resolution is just crap10:59
arnath(and the top & bottom bar are partly off the screen)10:59
Sorcererbobdrivers then?10:59
arnathjust installed latest10:59
jdecostescguy318: thx alot scguy318 ;)10:59
scguy318arnath: have you tried doing: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf, then editing the Horiz/Vert ranges?10:59
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scguy318jdecoste: np10:59
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Sorcererbobis the TV 4:3 or 16:9?10:59
arnathscguy318: in one of the previous installations, ye10:59
arnathSorcererbob: widescreen11:00
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Sorcererbobdo your drivers support widescreen?11:00
arnathscguy318: ive installed like 3 or 4 times now and i'm about to do it again as its fatally f***ed11:00
arnaththey should11:00
arnathits the nvidia 8600gts11:00
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tekhawkanyone know of check reqister/bank account managment software something like quickbook quicken kmymoney ect for gnome11:00
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aantipopif i insert a usb-stick on a machine where the live-cd runs, will i have write access to the usb stick ?11:00
Sorcererbobaantipop: FAT? yes. NTFS? no.11:01
Sorcererbobarnath... um... thinking11:01
scguy318aantipop: if you have ntfs-3g installed, then yes for the latter11:01
vitalySorry if I ask question from FAQ. Today when I upgrade kubuntu 6.06 Adept crash with error 11 (SIGSEGV). So I can't start it and update anything else. I found this bug in bug list but can't solve the problem.11:01
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aantipopSorcererbob, is it mounted not read-only ?11:01
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aantipopi think latest ubuntu has ntfs-3g out of the box ?11:01
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dino_aantipop: yep11:02
Sorcererbobaantipop: ubuntu doesn't support writing to NTFS partitions natively. As scguy318 said, you need NTFS-3g11:02
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SorcererbobFAT will work fine11:02
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dino_no write, you can read out of the box11:02
cow2001my firefox won't show which hyperlink was already clicked11:02
Sorcererbobarnath: have you check: you have the restricted drivers activated and you're changing res through nvidia-settings?11:02
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cow2001anyone aware of this problem?11:02
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arnathSorcererbob: yes restricted drivers and yes nvidia-settings11:03
arnathSorcererbob: though atm im trying 7.10 and also tried the screens & something way11:03
arnathbut that fatally ruined it :|11:03
dino_Anyone know why there arent any restricted drivers for my ati radeon hd2400?11:03
Sorcererbobare you doing anything silly like trying to run beryl/compiz over it?11:03
arnathSorcererbob: in 7.10 its automatically on ye?11:04
Sorcererboboh. yeah, sorry.11:04
arnathin 7.4 i didnt try to run beryl/compiz11:04
Sorcererbobtry disabling it.11:04
arnathit seems to have disabled itself11:04
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Sorcererbobtry forcing the res in xorg,conf?11:04
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kane77cow2001, on no pages? sometimes people overwrite the defaults...11:04
Sorcererbob(make sure to cp xorg.conf xorgbackup.conf first)11:04
Jordan_Uarnath, If it has disabled itself then your drivers are probably not configured properly11:05
arnathwith only my tv in, and the xorg.conf listing the resolutions, still doesn't allow me to change it11:05
Jordan_Uarnath, check "glxinfo"11:05
arnathJordan_U: it worked at first (with the drivers), but then i was messing around with nvidia-settings and the 7.10 way of doing the screens11:05
arnathand somewhere along the line it turned itself off, not sure why11:05
cow2001kane77, i know. i just noticed father changed many widgets in the task bars11:05
arnathbut anyway, im doing a reinstall atm11:05
aantipopntfs-3g is installed by default in gutsy11:05
Jordan_Uarnath, You should be asking about this in #ubuntu+1 also11:06
cow2001kane77, he's doing stuff without even realising it.11:06
arnathJordan_U: i have...many times11:06
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cow2001kane77, changing stuff11:06
tekhawkanyone know accounting software option for ubuntu11:06
Sorcererbobis ubuntu+1 the support channel for 7.10?11:06
arnathJordan_U: they aren't too forthcoming11:06
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ruinyourlifeI think i have been wrongfully blocked username theworldssaddest homepage www.lemonparty.org11:06
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Jordan_Uarnath, You are running Beta software, you really expect support for it ? :)11:06
ruinyourlifeim really bored11:06
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arnathJordan_U: i tried like 2 or 3 installs of 7.4 first11:07
robruinyourlife, don't do that again11:07
arnathJordan_U: i couldn't get it to work there, so i guessed i would try 7.10 since it has improved monitor support11:07
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kane77tekhawk, do you mean personal or some kind of professional?11:07
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Jordan_Uarnath, If you are going to use the Ubuntu tools don't use nvidia-settings, try deleting your xorg.conf and restart X11:08
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HuricaneHarrydino_: restricted is just a licence type. I could have contained the drivers made by ATI.11:08
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arnathJordan_U: also, after using the ubuntu tools, xrandr (or something) wouldn't work anymore11:08
arnathkept crashing on login11:08
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dino_HuricaneHarry: dont know what you mean, but can i get beryl/compiz to work? :)11:08
guitaristI installed putty to my ubuntu but dont know how and where to reach that? does anyone know about tht11:08
dino_btw, is hd(mi) supported in linux?11:08
arnathdino_: apparantly not11:09
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ech0dishyou should just buy a refurbished ubuntu pc from me instead, http://stores.ebay.com/Houston-CompCycle11:09
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arnathdino_: im having massive problems11:09
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dino_arcade: i've read that it's not supported, Yet11:09
Jordan_Uarnath, Again, move your xorg.conf ( rename it ) so it won't be used then restart X, it will then have you reconfigure X again and I am guessing it will work as long as you don't use nvidia-settings11:09
arnathJordan_U: will try that once its reinstalled11:09
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guitaristI installed putty to my ubuntu but dont know how and where to reach that? does anyone know about tht11:10
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Morticeguitarist: why install putty? ubuntu comes with all the tools putty requires.11:10
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Jordan_Uarnath, If you are re-installing then there is no need, just install the nvidia drivers with Restricted Manager and don't use nvidia-settings, and if it doesn't work then please file a bug report11:10
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ech0dishlol putty11:10
Morticeguitarist: sorry, I mean "putty provides", not "putty requires"11:11
gerstalt+f2 putty ?11:11
arnathJordan_U: ok (where exactly do i file the bug report?)11:11
Jordan_Uguitarist, open a terminal and use ssh11:11
Jordan_U!bugs | arnath11:11
ubotuarnath: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots11:11
guitaristMortice: and Jordan_U i want to make my own server and make an egg, i thought the best way is putty, do you any idea else11:11
gerstputty is ok11:12
gerstapt-get install putty11:12
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Jordan_Uguitarist, Putty is an ssh client, linux has a built in ssh client, it's called ssh :)11:12
gerstthen Applications-Internet-putty11:12
hangthedjOpenSSH, a Openbsd port11:12
guitaristgerst: installed now thanks11:13
Jordan_U!ssh | guitarist11:13
guitaristJordan_U: can you tell me how to reach ssh to make my own shell?11:13
ubotuguitarist: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/11:13
guitaristoh thnks11:13
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ech0dishyou should just wine putty.exe11:13
HuricaneHarrydino_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsVideoCardsAti11:13
ikoniaech0dish putty exists on linux, and in ubuntu repos11:14
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dino_HuricaneHarry: none of the HD cards are even mentioned11:14
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Jordan_Uikonia, Yea, but why would you use it?11:14
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dino_HuricaneHarry: and i've heard rumors of hd26000 can run compiz...11:15
ikoniaJordan_U ues of the putty keygen tools, the pagent, I wouldn't use it but some do11:15
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HuricaneHarrydino_ : dont go on rumors, check your info.11:15
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cow2001how do i revert to defaults in firefox?11:16
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ikoniacow2001 what defaults ?11:16
HuricaneHarrydino_ : If a card is not mentioned it doesnt mean it doesnt work, its just not supported (yet)11:17
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gerstjust delete your mozilla/firefox folder11:17
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ikoniacow2001 like what ?11:17
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gerstunder home11:17
cow2001ikonia, like hyperlink colours11:17
ikoniacow2001 gerst had an easy option, delete your .mozzila fold in your home dir11:17
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cow2001ikonia, then i'd have to install and set everything in firefox again11:18
gerstthats your default firefox config11:18
ikoniacow2001 then change all the settings back by hand11:18
cow2001it's a shame i can't choose a bulk of variables in about:config and then choose revert11:19
ikoniacow2001 not really11:19
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cow2001why not?11:19
HuricaneHarrycow2001: optinaly move ~/.firefox out of the way... ( so you can place it back )11:19
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ikoniamost people don't want that specific need11:20
TheSkorm!porn > TheSkorm11:20
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cow2001democracy sucks ;(11:20
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TheSkormcow2001: http://www.tysknews.com/LiteStuff/cow_politics.htm11:21
dino_HuricaneHarry: not supported yet, i like that. you could have told me that right away..... i only need the hope11:21
Sorcererbobgo team communism11:21
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cow2001go team accelerationists11:22
HuricaneHarrycow2001: Ive never done this, but maybe "diff" 2 .firefox dirs ?11:22
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cow2001HuricaneHarry, oh boy11:22
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cow2001TheSkorm, :)11:23
HuricaneHarrydino_ : I could have told you right away, then you would have learned nothing, now you know where to find information.11:23
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NetGearThe following packages have unmet dependencies:11:23
NetGear  xserver-xorg-video-vmware: Depends: xserver-xorg-core (>= 2:1.4) but 2:1.1.1-21 is to be installed11:23
NetGearE: Broken packages11:23
NetGearhelp help11:23
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TheSkormWhat NetGear ?11:24
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TheSkormBroken leg?11:24
TheSkormar> help help11:24
TheSkorm19:24:26 < TheSkorm> What NetGear ?11:24
TheSkormsilly drag and drop11:24
TheSkormWant me to get a doctor11:25
NetGearTheSkorm, i am installing vmware i got this message?11:25
arnathJordan_U: now beryl/compiz is working again, but its not detecting my second screen at all (the ubuntu tools)11:25
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Jordan_Uarnath, File a bug11:26
JavidMy 802.11 card seems to have randomly stopped working. The only thing I can think of having done to cause this was a dpkg-reconfigure wireshark. I attempted removal of the driver and loading it into ndiswrapper again, with no luck.11:26
JavidIt has a green and yellow light, and normally they both blink, now just the green one does11:26
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GreyWolfeHi, I was wondering how Ubuntu would handle being copied to another blank HD, and how I would go about doing that.11:27
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scguy318GreyWolfe: dd11:27
JavidMy next step will be an examination of the pcmcia port, for bent pins11:27
GreyWolfescguy318: ?11:28
dgjones_!backup | GreyWolfe11:28
ubotuGreyWolfe: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning11:28
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scguy318GreyWolfe: the dd command is probably what u want11:28
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NetGeari got the folloling errror iam installing vmware11:28
NetGear  xserver-xorg-video-vmware: Depends: xserver-xorg-core (>= 2:1.4) but 2:1.1.1-21 is to be installed11:28
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ikoniaNetGear your xorg dependencies for vmware are not met11:29
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NetGearikonia, how can i fullfill it ?11:29
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hgjjjfis there any coders/programers in here?11:29
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ikoniaNetGear either find the dependencies, which I doubt exist at the moment as it looks like your using a gusty version, or downgrade vmware to a version with less dependencies11:30
GreyWolfescguy318: All I am really trying to do is re-install Windows on my main drive, and I have heard Windows isn't a fan of booting from anything other than the mrimary drive. Would it be easier to just re-install Ubuntu, as I have not done all that much to it, and the new version is coming out this month anyways11:30
ikoniahgjjjf: for what ?11:30
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ikoniaGreyWolfe if you can live without it, hang on for a week or so for the 18th11:31
hgjjjfikonia, im looking for coder/programer that can show me some simple thngs to do11:31
NetGearikonia, i am using apt-get install vmware?11:31
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ikoniahgjjjf in what languages ? join a channel for the appropiate language you want to learn11:31
animimotuswhy a: gunzip file.dat.gz delete the file just after the decompress?11:31
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ikoniaNetGear what distro11:32
teKnofreakdoes any one has any idea of where to send entries for debian package of the day ?? the contribute page is down!11:32
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GreyWolfeikonia: That is what I am thinking about.11:32
hgjjjfikonia,  what u mean language like english?11:32
NetGearikonia, debain 4.011:32
scguy318hgjjjf: he means programming language11:32
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ikoniahgjjjf no like php, c++ etc etc11:32
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animimotusit's really amazing, I have read the man gunzip...11:32
hgjjjfthnks scguy318  and ikonia11:33
cary_Hi all11:33
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Niksterhey, i have an issue with my GeForce 2, when i try to play a game that uses OpenGL i get this message: Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0"., ive used Envy to get the newest drivers, and set load glx and dri in xorg.conf. Anyone got a clue?11:34
l3mris there a simple way to install ubuntu so that it uses a swapfile instead of a swap partition?11:35
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ikonial3mr not really11:35
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cbodoes someone know how to look which devices are created when pluggin an usb hardware?11:36
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Sorcererbobyou could compare the /dev folder before and after, couldn't you?11:37
Sorcererbobthats not too hard11:37
HuricaneHarrycbo: lsusb11:37
ikoniacbo: syslog shows you11:37
ikoniaHuricaneHarry: won't show you the /dev node11:38
cboSorcererbob: thats what i was trying to do11:38
teKnofreakHuricaneHarry, +111:38
cboikonia: you mean dmesg?11:38
ikoniano, I mean the syslog11:38
cboikonia: how do i do that please?11:39
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teKnofreakcbo, locate syslog11:39
ikoniacbo open /var/log/messages11:39
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scguy318cbo: tail -f /var/log/messages11:40
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cboikonia: ok that is what i was looking for, thanks a lot11:40
cboscguy318: thanks11:41
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c4rc4b0twhat this channel ubuntu in spanish - help pllzz11:41
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gnomefreakc4rc4b0t: #ubuntu-es11:41
c4rc4b0tthnx man11:41
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arnathwaw amazing :|11:42
arnathi delete xorg.conf to reset the xorg thing and now my login doesn't work anymore in X11:42
arnath(it does in console)11:42
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Sorcererbobyou shoulnd't delete it11:43
Sorcererbobyou may recall me saying to copy it11:43
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arnathi have a backup somewhere11:43
arnathbut it doesnt matter11:43
arnathits way screwed again11:43
=== bobsomebody raises hand
arnathi used the ubuntu tools first, but they didnt even detect my second screen11:43
bobsomebodyi keep getting banned from this room when im not here11:43
ikoniabobsomebody whats the problem11:43
arnathso had to use nvidia-settings again11:43
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bobsomebodyand im not dhcp11:43
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arnathwhich in turn led to the xrandr (or something) thingy crashing on login11:43
Sorcererbobyou should do "sudo cp xorg.conf xorgbackup.conf" before screwing with it.  Then if you're forced to go to command line, you can just cp it back11:43
ikoniabobsomebody probably for away messages or constant reconnects, ask in #ubuntu-ops11:43
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teKnofreakbobsomebody, check your away messages, turn it off it isnt11:44
teKnofreakif it isnt*11:44
arnathSorcererbob: i give up, i'm just gonna go with the crt11:44
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Sorcererbobso if you fuck it up, you can do "sudo rm xorg.conf" "sudo cp xorgbackup.conf xorg.conf" then reboot11:44
Sorcererbobthats the spirit :D11:44
arnathpay a kadzillion euro's for a kickass screen11:45
arnaththen not being able to use it11:45
bobsomebodyteKnofreak, thats it?11:45
arnathgood spirit11:45
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teKnofreakbobsomebody, check after doing that, if you still get banned ask in #ubuntu-ops11:45
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bobsomebodyi dont use away though, i live online11:46
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ePaxI installed kde-desktop on Feisty does it mean that i run now Kubuntu instead of Ubuntu or?11:46
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bobsomebodyim worried someone is parading around in here with my nick being a jackhole11:46
teKnofreakePax, you still run Ubuntu11:46
hamono_hello everybody11:46
jonahhi has anyone used reconstructor before, i'm having trouble understanding what to do with the modules, my iso is 702 so wont fit on cd, how do i remove some apps i don't need11:46
ePaxteKnofreak: Oki11:46
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bobsomebodyor im doing something and just not getting the hint11:46
arnatho ffs, now theres a problem wiv the dhcp network11:46
ikoniabobsomebody ask in #ubuntu-ops11:47
Sorcererbobbobsomebody: is the ban on bobsomebody*@* ? or is it your hostmask?11:47
bobsomebodyjust says ur banned11:47
Sorcererbobtry changing your name11:47
hamono_i want to install beryl and i have tar files11:47
darkchr0n0swait for 24 hours11:47
teKnofreakbobsomebody, is you are using an IRC client, then try logging in from command line client and check11:47
Sorcererbobif you're still banned after that, then you're probably right and someone is being an arse with your name11:47
ePaxteKnofreak: Why do i get kubuntu startpage when i start mozilla? I use to get ubuntu startpage.11:47
ikoniaSorcererbob don't get people to dodge a ban11:47
bobsomebodySorcererbob, i will be sure to check that next time11:47
ikoniabobsomebody just ask in #ubuntu-ops11:47
teKnofreakePax, kubuntu-desktop resets it, check whether its running kdm or gdm11:48
bobsomebodyikonia, i am asking there also11:48
=== darkchr0n0s thinks god!
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ikoniabobsomebody great, so clam down and wait for a response11:48
teKnofreakePax, hopefully it would reset the splash screen as well ;)11:48
Sorcererbobits not dodging a ban really. A true ban requires a proxy to circumvent11:48
ikoniaSorcererbob changing nicknames is a possible way to dodge ban, I'm asking Sorcererbob to not suggest ban dodging, just ask in #ubuntu-ops and await a response11:48
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ePaxteKnofreak: Yes it did. (;11:49
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Sorcererbobeg. Is it dodging a ban if some idiot bans *b*@* and then everyone with a b in their name changes it so they can join?11:49
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ikoniaSorcererbob: sorry that was meant for bobsomebody11:49
gridphreakI just installed the fglrx driver, and now whenever I start a game, my system crashes to the gdm login screen... anyway to fix this?11:49
ikoniaSorcererbob yes it is11:49
Sorcererbobfair enough11:49
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bobsomebodyikonia, lol, i almost wtf'ed u :P11:49
=== bobsomebody has patience
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acomacoi get line 74: arch: command not found..anyone know how to get it?11:51
ikoniaacomaco: what are you doing ?11:52
ikoniaacomaco: trying to build some software ?11:52
acomacostarting Xampp ..11:52
ikoniareally, hmm11:52
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Sorcererbobdependencies not fulled?11:52
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots11:52
Sorcererbobfilled *11:52
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acomacoidk..i don't have arch i think..11:52
acomacocan't find it on APT11:53
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Lunzhow to edit my xconf file from the command line?11:53
Sorcererbobis there a command for checking a filling dependencies?11:53
Lunzi cant start gdm please help..11:53
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ikoniaacomaco its in linux-util11:53
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SorcererbobLunz: sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:53
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SorcererbobI think11:53
ikoniaacomaco its depreiciated11:53
bobsomebodyLunz, did it crash?11:53
acomacoI have linux-util..11:53
bobsomebodydid Gnome crash i mean?11:54
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Lunzyeah..it crash11:54
ikoniaacomaco what version, its depriciated post 2.1311:54
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Lunzjust now i was on ubuntu..now i am on windows again..11:54
Lunzcrash because i did some modification on the xconf file,guider by scguy318..11:55
bobsomebodyLunz use nano to edit it11:55
TheSkormin gnome pree alt+f2 then type free the fish11:55
bobsomebodysudo nano /etc/x11/xorg.conf11:55
Lunzhow?i am a newbie here11:55
Sorcererbobyeah, before screwing with xorg stuff you should (as I said earlier) ' sudo cp xorg.conf xorgbackup.conf ' that way, when you screw it up you can ' sudo rm xorg.conf ' then 'sudo cp xorgbackup.conf xorg.conf '11:55
Lunzhold on i copy it..11:55
bobsomebodyLunz, re my last11:55
Sorcererbobits a bit late if its already crashed11:56
Lunzi dont have backup?what should i do?11:56
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Lunzbut i can remember what i edited..11:56
bobsomebodyLunz, oh.....11:56
ikoniaLunz do "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserverx-xorg" answer the questions and you should get a working xorg.conf - then take a backup11:57
bobsomebodyLunz, what kind of message did you get when it crashed? or did you panic and cancel out?11:57
acomacoor wait i don'11:57
acomacodont have it ..11:57
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ikoniaLunz do "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserverx-xorg" answer the questions and you should get a working xorg.conf - then take a backup11:57
ikoniaLunz: that should read "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"11:58
Lunzthere no screen specify..11:58
ikoniaLunz: boot into resuce mode from the boot menu11:58
ikoniarun that command when you are logged in11:58
Lunzcant boot into rescue mode too11:59
ikoniaLunz: why not ?11:59
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Lunzit wont start the gdm..11:59
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Lunzalready answered the question but..nothing happened12:00
ikoniaLunz answered what questions12:00
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Lunzin the rescue mode12:00
hamono_i want to install beryl and i have tar files12:00
ikoniaLunz you just siad you can't boot it, so how did you answer "questions"12:00
ikoniahamono_ unwise12:00
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Sorcererbobjust use apt-get12:01
hamono_how i can12:01
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elitepandahow do i list running programs again?12:01
Sorcererbobelitepanda: top12:01
Lunzi just cant boot normally and xserver is crash due to modification at the monitor section..12:02
ikoniaLunz we know this12:02
hamono_<Sorcererbob> how can ido that12:02
Lunzi just want to edit back the xcon file back to its original..12:02
Sorcererbobwell, if you know what has to be changed you can just "sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.cong" can't you?12:02
Sorcererbobhamono google knows12:02
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elitepandathanks, how about looking for a specifc task?12:03
Lunzcong or conf?12:03
Lunzo thank12:03
ikoniaLunz boot into safe mode - and do "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" answer the on screen questions and you'll get a working xorg.conf12:03
TheSkormelitepanda: in gnome pree alt+f2 then type free the fish12:03
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Lunzikonia: it doesnt work12:03
elitepandai use fvwm, don't have gnome12:03
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Lunzalready try that12:03
overcluckeroh, heh, moo12:03
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ikoniaLunz what does, start being specific12:03
heguru!cn | debian12:03
ubotudebian: For Ubuntu help in Chinese  #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk12:03
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Lunzi am off..booting to ubuntu now...12:04
elitepandathing is there's supposed to be a program hogging a port, I wanna know which is it and how to kill it12:04
Lunzwish me luck guys..12:04
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ikoniaelitepanda netstat -a | grep LIST see whats listening12:04
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heguruelitepanda: netstat -npl | grep [portnum] 12:04
TheSkormelitepanda: netstat -tunap12:05
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Sorcererbobthen you can use top to identify which PID it is and then just kill PID (there is probably a faster way though)12:05
ikoniaSorcererbob how can he see what program is listening on what port using top12:05
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MaxtorHello, i just installed Ubuntu and this is the first time im using linux, but the problem is my notebook videocard isnt installed, so i got the drivers but my question is how can i install them?12:05
Sorcererbobnar, use top to find the PID12:05
Sorcererbobhe originally asked how to get a list of running processes12:06
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ikoniaMaxtor what video card12:06
ikoniaSorcererbob thats rubbish - top only shows the most busy12:06
Sorcererbobbet its an intel12:06
MaxtorIts an intergrated video card from the Notebook 6710b, a x3100 chipset i thought 96512:06
gromozekinwhats the minimal system requirements for ubuntu?12:06
ikoniaSorcererbob he wants to know a.) what program is listening on what port b.) the pid and how to kill it12:06
Sorcererbobwho cares about processes that aren't busy? its a list. Not a complete list.12:06
Maxtorand yes its a intel12:06
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ikoniaSorcererbob top is a uless tool12:06
ikoniaSorcererbob do you read the questions he posts, hs said a process wwas locking a port12:06
wizohey guys, what do i have to install to get -lportaudio ? i`m trying to compile something from source but it says /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lportaudio, i just installed libportaudio012:06
novato_brhow can i changen the baloon theme of the system? the baloon are so uglies!12:06
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ikoniaSorcererbob and you should care about processes that arn't busy12:07
Sorcererbob<elitepanda> how do i list running programs again?12:07
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TheSkormps aux12:07
wizoCorcererbob, ps aux, you could pipe it and use grep to make it easier to find too12:07
ikoniaSorcererbob top does not list the running proceams12:07
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Sorcererbobok, I was wrong then. I'm not a guru.12:07
trwwwwizo: libportaudio0-devel?12:07
Sorcererbobbut yes, I read the question12:07
elitepandathanks for the help12:08
Sorcererbobapparently you didn't12:08
elitepanda2nd column = pid?12:08
=== heguru heguru salutes ikonia for his patience!
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ikoniaSorcererbob I did12:08
wizotrwww, hmm, ok i will try searching for that12:08
ikoniaheguru not at all12:08
ikoniaheguru: but its appriciated12:08
Sorcererbob<ikonia> Sorcererbob do you read the questions he posts, hs said a process wwas locking a port12:08
ikoniaSorcererbob correct, that was his question12:09
bobsomebodylaters #ubuntu, im going back to the code....12:09
Sorcererbob...that was his second question12:09
heguruelitepanda: what did you run?12:09
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wibhow does one use or install those "desklets" from gnome-look.org?12:09
elitepandahlds_run half life server12:09
elitepandanow it says something is hogging the port12:09
ikoniawib most of them are in the rpeo12:09
maxtorrHello, i just installed ubuntue and i had problems installing the videocard, The videocard is an x3100, 965 from intel, intergrated in my laptop. I downloaded the files from http://www.intellinuxgraphics.org/ but i dont know how to install this drivers.12:09
wersk3b does not run on my gnome desktop. I ran it using run command, the menu, and the terminal, but nothing worked12:09
wizotrwww, apt-cache search doesnt return anything12:09
wibikonia: ah, thx12:10
werswhenever I run it on the terminal, no code comes out12:10
novato_bris it possible?12:10
ikoniamaxtorr the video card is an X3100 ?and a 965  ?12:10
maxtorrIts an x310012:10
Sorcererbobwould resolution915 fix the issue?12:10
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ikoniaSorcererbob hang on 915res writes to the firmware, don't just dive in with random command12:10
ikoniamaxtorr can' you explain the problem a little more12:11
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Sorcererbobit was a question12:11
TheSkormmaxtorr: Is your video working at the moment?12:11
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jamiejcan any one tell me how to stop the file browser launching when automatically when you insert a disk or removable device? Thanks12:12
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wibikonia: sry, but there aren't any12:12
hegurujamiej: System -> Preferences -> Removable Media12:12
maxtorrMy video is working12:13
maxtorrbut when i change resolution it doesnt respond12:13
maxtorrAnd also i cant configure desktop effects12:13
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TheSkormIf you goto the resricted drivers managaer do you get any vide options?12:13
maxtorrThere i only see wireless12:13
wizoey, is there anyway i can test my sound12:14
ikoniawib such as12:14
wizolike generate random noises will do12:14
ikoniamaxtorr sorry, I missed half of that12:14
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TheSkormwizo: try 'say test' in a terminal12:15
TheSkormnot sure if itll work12:15
pbxEvery time I run aptitude (on this slow laptop) I have to wait a loooong time for the "building tag database" step... shouldn't this be cached? Is there a setting for this, or an alternative (on the command line) that doesn't have this problem?12:15
wizono such command12:15
jamiejheguru: Thanks its been right their all the time. Thanks Pal.12:15
TheSkormwizo: play a .ogg file in a media player or something?12:15
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elitepandawizo: try going youtube on a browser or something12:16
wizohmm ok, thanks12:16
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heguruwizo: aplay /usr/share/sounds/startup.wav12:16
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wizooo i got it working12:16
wizoi used espeak12:17
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pbxActually, I misspoke earlier -- it's not the "building tag database" step, it's what happens after that when I'm looking for a nonexistent package. A long noisy search. Question about caching remains, but this isn't as bad as I thought.12:20
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wopwopwhois guerin12:22
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Sorcererbobhe's lewis12:23
wopwopok sorry, typo. Thanks12:24
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floatingHello. I wonder why my vlc-player can't playback this .rm file I downloaded. I have installed some useful codecs for ubuntu, and then vlc, and thought it would be enough. Is it enough and is my file maybe corrupted, or do I need smth ?12:24
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floatingxubuntu that is12:24
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ikoniafloating did you install the real player package12:25
floatingI don't know hmm, maybe not. do you remember the name of it ?12:26
ikonia!realplayer >floating12:27
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floatingeverytime i install something, it comes up with "updating fonts cache", and then starts to install some fonts, and all the fail "failed to write cache", which makes the installing of programs slow, although they usually work despite the font errors12:32
Ubuntunewbwow, support channel came up straight away, I love this thing12:33
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Ubuntunewbanyone got any knowledge of setting up WPA1 wireless encryption?12:33
heguru!anyone| Ubuntunewb12:33
ubotuUbuntunewb: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?12:33
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unkyi have problems with eciadsl12:33
heguruunky: what is the problem12:34
unkymy modem is an ericsson hm120 dp..it correcly connect but after some times it disconnect me from the net12:34
heguruunky: which version of Ubuntu are you using?12:35
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unkyEciAdsl 5/5]  Setting up route table...12:35
unkyWaiting for ppp0...12:35
unkyAdding default route... SIOCADDRT: File exists12:35
unkyfailed to set default route to ppp012:35
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unkywhen disconnected if i type sudo route  the routing table is clear12:36
unkywhen connected i try sudo route add default ppp012:36
unkybut it say that already exist12:36
heguruunky: you should not add the route manually for eciadsl12:36
jdecostehttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Rsyncmirror find the spelling error :p12:37
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Ubuntunewbokay uboto my question is how do I set up WPA112:37
unkyheguru, so what i have to do?12:37
UbuntunewbI only have WEP encryption in the options12:37
heguruunky: can you pastebin your /etc/ppp/options file to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12:37
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jscinozHey guys12:37
unkyok wait12:37
heguruUbuntunewb: what version of ubuntu are you using?12:37
UbuntunewbI followed some instructions I found on Google and searched the forums12:37
heguruUbuntunewb: are you using static IP?12:38
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Ubuntunewbthe PCMCIA Level One card *does* show up and it even detects the network12:38
Ubuntunewbjust can't select WPA12:38
Ubuntunewbonly WEP which is pointless12:38
Ubuntunewbotherwise Ubuntu ROCKS!12:38
heguruUbuntunewb: are you using static IP or DHCP?12:38
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jscinozI was growing my home partition via gparted on the ubuntu live CD, for an unknown reason gparted exited halfway through, if i open it again it shows the file system at its original size but with no data and shows a little error Icon, what chance is there of recovering my data and how can i do this?12:38
Ubuntunewbwas a nightmare to set up the screen but found an EDID file in the end that fixed it12:38
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Ubuntunewbheguru is that too far?  I can't even connect that far yet12:39
ikoniajscinoz resizing partitions on the file is always risky12:39
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heguruUbuntunewb: are you getting my messages? I am asking if you are using a static ip or dhcp?12:39
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Ubuntunewbyes I got them but I am not getting that far.. I hook up to a modem that I am using now by Ethernet just fine12:39
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Ubuntunewbit assigns a dynamic IP via DHCP12:40
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UbuntunewbI may have assigned a 'fixed host' in the modem DHCP settings but either way not sure if that is relevant?12:40
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heguruUbuntunewb: how are you configuring your wireless, using nm-applet (the network Icon on the tray) or System -> Administration -> Network12:40
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shiznitis there a difference12:41
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heguruUbuntunewb: in feisty, System -> Administration -> Network does not allow WPA configuration so you either have to use NetworkManager (click at the network icon on the tray on upper right corner) or you can configure wpa manually in /etc/network/interfaces file12:42
Ubuntunewbheguru: I tried using the menu - former12:42
yhlfhone of my friend can't boot his ubuntu after an upgrade, he got '/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off'. what's the problem?12:42
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SpCombI'm having issues with F-Spot Photo Manager whereby it consistently crashes without any error messages if I attempt to export a photo taken vertically (as opposed to horizontally) to a Folder with the Auto-rotate option on (the camera has an orientation sensor and stores the info in the EXIF data). The photos all show up fine the right way around in F-Spot itself. This is with F-Spot 0.3.5 on 7.04, so it looks a lot like this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.12:43
kippiis there away to keep a program running once you have closed your ssh window?12:43
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elitepandaquestion... i open xmms but there's no gui at all, it just runs in the background, how come?12:44
hegurukippi: run it with nohup12:44
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hegurukippi: nohup <yourprogram>12:44
SpCombkippi: run it in screen or background it (nohup)12:44
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Ubuntunewbheguru: I tried the network manager too12:44
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Ubuntunewbheguru: I also found http://www.debianadmin.com/enable-wpa-wireless-access-point-in-ubuntu-linux.html12:45
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heguruUbuntunewb: ok lets try to troubleshoot it, first click at System -> Administration -> Network12:45
heguruUbuntunewb: do you see Wireless Connection in the list?12:45
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Ubuntunewband the essid of the network12:46
heguruUbuntunewb: Click at properties and check the "Enable roaming mode"12:46
UbuntunewbI've followed the instructions from http://www.debianadmin.com/enable-wpa-wireless-access-point-in-ubuntu-linux.html already12:46
Ubuntunewbdid that12:46
heguruUbuntunewb: ok12:46
ubuserheguru have you seen my prvate message?12:47
UbuntunewbI appreciate your help btw heguru :-)  I know we need to go through isolation testing12:47
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heguruUbuntunewb: so you can see your wireless networks when you click at the network icon?12:47
heguruubuser: yes i have12:48
Ubuntunewbyes - with the essid of the network so it appears to be detected12:48
Ubuntunewbwhen you say network icon you mean top right12:48
Nallemanhi, i tried to install the vlc-plugin for mozilla to play embedded video but it does not work. Is there any good solution to this "embedded video issue?"12:48
heguruUbuntunewb: yes12:49
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heguruubuser: options seem fine, can you also pastebin /var/log/eciadsl.log12:49
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heguruUbuntunewb: and when you click at the essid of your network you get a popup window with a dropdown?12:50
Ubuntunewbheguru: yes it's there12:50
Ubuntunewboh hang on sorry12:50
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chamunksHey I kinda nuked my FS but just before i did so i litterally had just finished mirroring my drive to another drive using dd im running from the live disk how n earth do i restore it now?12:50
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Ubuntunewbhow do I turn off network messages in xchat?12:51
ikoniachamunks dd it back12:51
Ubuntunewbreset by peer, etc12:51
heguruchamunks: dd it back12:51
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chamunksikonia: its from /hda3 to /hda1 i tried using the command i had before but im trying to replace new with old obviously so im kinda confused12:52
heguruUbuntunewb: what?12:52
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ikoniachamunks if you used the same command again, you've just mirrored the corruption12:52
chamunksheguru: I've never really done backups with ubuntu before12:52
UbuntunewbI clicked on the essid and it disconnected the wired network12:53
heguruchamunks: do you remember the command you used to backup?12:53
ikoniachamunks are the disks identical in size. Can you show me the mirror ccommand you used12:53
chamunksone moment12:53
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Ubuntunewbheguru: top right network icon next to the clock12:54
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heguruUbuntunewb: yes12:54
chamunksIt was something like this dd if=/dev/hda2 of=/dev/hda3 conv=noerror,sync bs=4k12:54
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ikoniachamunks are the hard disks identical in size ?12:54
ubuserHeguru i don't have a eciadsl.log file in /var/log12:54
Ubuntunewbheguru: I left click and then it comes up with Ethernet and essid of the wireless network via the PCMCIA wireless card12:54
chamunksikonia: yes12:55
heguruUbuntunewb: if you click at it, then click at the essid of your network, do you get a popup window asking for key?12:55
Ubuntunewbheguru: I then clicked on the essid and it disconnected the ethernet12:55
ikoniaok - so "dd if=/dev/hda3 of=/dev/hda1 conv=noerror,sync bs=4k12:55
heguruUbuntunewb: yes it will disconnect ethernet when trying to connect to wireless12:55
UbuntunewbI did previously, with only WEP as an option, I'll try again although it may disconnect me12:55
heguruUbuntunewb: before you leave12:55
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Merlintoshhello guys12:55
chamunksikonia: and im not entirely sure what parts of that command do sadly enough i basically just copied and pasted from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem12:56
Ubuntunewbyep, it worked, but only WEP in the dropdown12:56
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Ubuntunewbeven if click on 'shared key' changing from 'open'12:56
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ikoniachamunks just do the command I gave you, if the backup is usable you will be fixed12:56
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heguruUbuntunewb: run the command: lspci and pastebin the output to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12:56
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maxtorrHello, i just installed ubuntue and i had problems installing the videocard, The videocard is an x3100, 965 from intel, intergrated in my laptop. I downloaded the files from http://www.intellinuxgraphics.org/ but i dont know how to install this drivers.12:58
chamunksikonia: so your saying just reversing the command works and it will only replace the new stuff with the old because i ran that exact code last nite and i wasnt sure if it was going to work as it only copied like 50 megs12:58
ikoniamaxtorr why do you keep sayig the video card is an X3100 and 965 ?12:58
Lunzcan anyone help me to restore back my xconf file?please help12:58
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maxtorrYes well i googled the videocard12:58
ikoniachamunks if it only copied 50 meg - it failed12:58
ikoniaLunz I've told you what to do 3 times12:58
maxtorrit says it uses chipset 96512:58
Lunzi cant12:58
maxtorrbut the card is called x310012:58
maxtorrintel x310012:58
Lunzit failed12:59
chamunksikonia: i think actually i read it wrong LOL oops12:59
maxtorrintergrated card12:59
ikoniaLunz what failed, I've asked you to start being exact12:59
shiznitthats chip is really new right12:59
hegurumaxtorr: you don't need to install a driver for this card separately, the driver comes with ubuntu12:59
ikoniamaxtorr you need to use the i810 or intel video driver in xorg12:59
Ubuntunewbheguru: what 'syntax' do I choose12:59
maxtorris it pre installed?12:59
Lunzi did the sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:59
ikoniamaxtorr its part of xorg12:59
maxtorrIntel Graphics Media Accelerator X3100 This is what the intel site syas12:59
Lunzbut still can start the gdm12:59
maxtorrSo i need to reconfigure xorg?01:00
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ikoniaLunz what video card to you have ?01:00
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chamunksikonia: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39522/  So in that paste does everything look peachy?01:00
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maxtorrSince i think my video isnt installed proper;ly cause its lagging at screensavers/i cant use desktop effects etc.01:00
Lunznvdia geforce 4mx 400001:00
heguruUbuntunewb: leave it as is01:00
ikoniamaxtorr why is that important ? fix it then try it01:00
ikoniaLunz what video driver are you using ?01:00
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Ubuntunewbheguru: done01:01
ikoniachamunks: you forgot sudo01:01
rom /msg nickserv set unfiltered on01:01
heguruUbuntunewb: now paste the link here01:01
Lunzgeforce 4 Ti 420001:01
ikoniaLunz that backup is useless01:01
ikoniaLunz what video card driver did you select in xorg01:01
c3zarWill it be possible to update the 7.10Beta to the 7.10"normal" release?01:01
ikoniac3zar ye01:01
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maxtorrim gonna try to reconfigure xorg now01:01
ikoniac3zar but I advise against it01:01
heguruUbuntunewb: ah so many RT2500 :(01:01
ikoniaLunz why - you want nvidia or nv01:02
Ubuntunewbbad smiley face01:02
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c3zarikonia, why that?01:02
Ubuntunewbnvidia binary driver rocks01:02
chamunksikonia: i didnt realise i coppied my late night error yeah but i re issued the command immediately afterwards01:02
heguruUbuntunewb: your network card will not support WPA using the default linux drivers, you have to use windows driver with ndiswrapper01:02
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Ubuntunewbouch, that sounds complex01:02
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NetGearWhat is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running01:02
NetGearkernel? [/usr/src/linux/include] 01:02
ikoniachamunks as long as you didn't mirror the corruption your fine01:02
heguru!ndiswrapper | Ubuntunewb01:02
ubotuUbuntunewb: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:02
Furionndoes anyone know about eggdrops?01:02
ikoniaNetGear depends which headers01:02
NetGeari am sinstalling vmware help me01:02
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ikoniaNetGear vmware is in the repo - just apt-get it01:03
shiznitikonia, why would you advise agains 7.10beta to 7.10normal01:03
chamunksikonia: i just re wrote some files that i have no idea where they were i was really tired when i did it01:03
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ikoniashiznit due to legacy roken/updated packages01:03
romHow to login once you are register on freenode irc server?01:03
chamunksikonia: im just concerned about this output dd: writing `/dev/hda2': Input/output error01:03
ikoniashiznit you may find some are missed01:03
Ubuntunewbheguru: will that me a major project?01:03
ikoniachamunks yes, thats going no-wehre01:03
Merlintoshhi guys any suggestions on ubuntu compatible modems01:03
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romI registered, but when I try to send a private message :  :simmons.freenode.net 505 rom :Private messages from unregistered users are currently blocked due to spam problems,01:03
ikoniachamunks you told me the drive was hda1 not hda201:03
c3zarand what about 7.04 to 7.10?01:03
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Lunzwell..someone form this forum guided me until my xserver crashed...thanks..01:04
chamunksikonia: sorry its /dev/hda2   is the main system drive and /dev/hda3 is the mirror01:04
heguruUbuntunewb: let me find the link to a step by step guide for your card01:04
Furionndoes anyone know about eggdrops?01:04
ikoniac3zar should be reasonale, but again, I'll be doing a re-install01:04
romHymnToLife : are u there?01:04
ikoniachamunks and your running from the livecd ?01:04
romHymnToLife: es-tu l?01:04
chamunksikonia: yes01:04
Ubuntunewboh that sounds cool01:04
UbuntunewbI have heard Wine is pretty good these days01:04
Sorcererbobit is01:04
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c3zardid anybody try the new ntfs-write support. does it work proberly?01:05
Merlintoshgys I need help I want to know about modems supported on ubuntu01:05
klinterhi all01:05
SorcererbobI use it to play Quake 3 :D01:05
Merlintosh56k modems01:05
ikoniachamunks try this "sudo dd if=/dev/hda3 of=/dev/hda2 bs=512k"01:05
klinterhow can i figure out which video card I have?01:05
Ubuntunewbhow do I redirect 'home' to a NTFS partition too, is that hard01:05
heguruUbuntunewb: http://howto.landure.fr/gnu-linux/ubuntu-feisty-fawn-1/hardware-support-for-ubuntu-feisty-fawn/easy-wpa-with-ralink-rt2400-rt2500-rt2570-rt61-and-rt7-on-ubuntu-feisty-fawn01:05
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ikoniaUbuntunewb you don't do that01:05
Ubuntunewbthank you heguru01:05
ikoniaLunz whats the proble m?01:05
Lunzalready post it above01:05
ikoniaLunz and I've tol dyou the resolution01:06
Ubuntunewbwill read and have to go thanks!01:06
boubbinhwo to mount *.img ?01:06
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c3zarsolution probably ;)01:06
ikoniaLunz you need to use the nvidia  driver from either nvidia-glx package or nvidia-legacy package, or the nv driver from xorg01:06
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chamunksikonia: is there a command that can be used so it will report progress? because its 30 gb's01:06
ikoniachamunks not really01:06
ikoniachamunks just sit and wait01:06
Lunzand how do i do that?01:06
Woethow do you copy files in ubuntu?01:06
Woetvia terminal01:06
c3zardid anybody try the new ntfs-write support?01:06
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ikoniaLunz: I've told you 4 times now "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"01:07
Lunzyeah..but how?01:07
c3zarWoet, like everywhere01:07
ikoniaWoet man cp01:07
Lunzi already done that01:07
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Lunznothing happended01:07
chamunksikonia: ok thanks im going to go get ready for my day ill hope its done after my shower i thank you verry much for the assistance01:07
ikoniaLunz you selected the wrong driver - you need to select the nvidia driver, or worst case the nv driver"01:07
ikoniaLunz: have you installed nvidia-glx package ?01:07
=== donfilipo [n=strajnar@85.cable-1.telesat.si] has joined #ubuntu
ikoniachamunks welcome01:08
Lunzalready installed it before01:08
chamunksikonia: i think at the time i nuked my fs i had ran sudo aptitude install -f  to fix something for compiz fusion and didnt pay attention so i uninstalled some crucial stuff01:08
Lunzdo i have to install it again?01:08
ikoniaLunz then why are you not selected the nvidia or nv driver ?01:08
c3zarwell, thx and bye ;)01:08
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SpComband for whatever reason, The GIMP is unable to open my photos, I just get "Opening '/home/terom/Photos/2007/10/04/PA042331.JPG' failed: Plug-In could not open image"01:08
Lunzthere is no nvidia option on it!!!01:08
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ikoniaLunz then you've not installed it, what about "nv"01:08
NetGearhelp help vmware  installation message01:08
NetGearYour kernel was built with "gcc" version "4.1.2", while you are trying to use01:09
NetGear"/usr/bin/gcc" version "4.2.1". This configuration is not recommended and01:09
NetGearVMware Server may crash if you'll continue. Please try to use exactly same01:09
NetGearcompiler as one used for building your kernel. Do you want to go with compiler01:09
NetGear"/usr/bin/gcc" version "4.2.1" anyway? [no]  yes01:09
Lunzno nv too01:09
crayneri have been trying to play quake, quake 3 and doom 301:09
craynerthey run01:09
dgjones_!paste | NetGear01:09
craynerbut terribly slow01:09
ubotuNetGear: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:09
SpCombI guess there's something severly screwed in the Exif data that my camera adds that causes F-Spot and The GIMP to break on them01:09
ikoniaNetGear how are you installing vmare ?01:09
Lunzdamn..dizzy now..so fast01:09
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craynermy computer is more than powerful enough to run  them01:09
craynerany help?01:09
LunzNO nv TOO!!01:09
ikonia!caps lunz01:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about caps lunz - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:09
ikonia!caps | lunz01:10
ubotulunz: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.01:10
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SlimeyPetecrayner: sounds like they're using software rendering via mesa01:10
ikoniaLunz there is no "nv" module available, and no "nvidia" module available too01:10
Lunzhe doesnt know about cap lunz01:10
Rageondoes ubuntu have like a unbuilt remote desktop feature?01:10
NetGearikonia, form tr.gz file01:10
donfilipojust installed ubuntu and upgraded to 7.1 and later added second ntfs HDD. I have read some thing about mount hdb1 or so but nothing works...any idea?01:10
dgjones_!ntfs | donfilipo01:10
ubotudonfilipo: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse01:10
crayneris that bad?01:10
ikoniaNetGear I recommend you not do that, as you don't appear to know what your doing. Use vmware out of the repo01:10
crayneri have nvidia glx installed01:10
SlimeyPetecrayner: you need to make sure you have DRI enabled and have the fully-accelerated drivers for your graphics card01:10
ikoniadonfilipo 7.1 doesn't exist01:11
Lunzso how???01:11
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SlimeyPetecrayner: yes, it's bad. It means your processor is doing all the work - graphics card isn't doing anything.01:11
ikoniadonfilipo you've messed up your whole install then01:11
ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions01:11
ikoniadonfilipo: sorry, that wasn't fo ryou01:11
bhara1hello all ... i have a simple problem... GRUB of my system disappers when i join the internal 160 GB hard disk on mother board ... but withdout it its working perfect..?01:11
neopsych1successfully reading ntfs usb drive on feisty plug and play :-) ;-) nice01:11
craynerwhats dri?01:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about opengl - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:11
ikoniaLunz: apt-get install nvidia-glx see what it says01:11
ubotudri is direct rendering infrastructure, a framework for allowing direct access to graphics hardware under the X Window System in a safe and efficient manner.01:11
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ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre01:11
bhara1i am using Ubuntu 7.0401:11
craynerin english please?01:11
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ubotuFUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) is a !kernel driver that allows non-root users to create their own filesystems. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace for more on FUSE.  Some examples of filesystems that use FUSE are !ntfs-3g, sshfs and isofs. A full list of Filesystems that use FUSE is here:  http://fuse.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/FileSystems01:12
donfilipoikonia it says 7.10 and it works fine...reading the link from ubotu:)01:12
SlimeyPetecrayner: it's something which needs to be enabled in order to allow programs to use the acceleration features of your graphics card01:12
ikoniadonfilipo you said 7.101:12
SlimeyPetecrayner: what card do you have?01:12
craynerhow do i enable it?01:12
Lunzikonia:u want me to go back to ubuntu again just to know what it says?do u know that i have to change my hardisk everytime i switch me os?01:12
NetGearikonia, i cant istall it by apt-get01:12
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NetGearikonia, help01:13
SlimeyPetecrayner: ok. Did you install the restricted nvidia drivers?01:13
ikoniaLunz what ?01:13
ikoniaNetGear why not ?01:13
crayneri have desktop effects and everyhting01:13
SlimeyPetecrayner: hmm. Should be OK then. You need DRI enabled in order to use desktop effects.01:13
NetGearikonia, E: Couldn't find package vmware01:13
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ikoniaNetGear is it called vmware, have you searched for the correct package name ?01:14
SlimeyPetemaybe DRI isn't the issue, then. Have you tried disabling desktop effects before running the games?01:14
craynerwill try01:14
SlimeyPetesometimes the effects cause problems with 3D apps01:14
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Lunzi am using a computer with 2 diff hard disk..i have reboot evertime i want to switch back to ubuntu..i am on windows now...01:14
ikoniaLunz then I can't help you01:14
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ikoniaLunz make note of the commands, try them, report back with the error01:15
morryerHow would I install SMTP ready for use with PHP?01:15
ikoniaLunz how can you expect people to fix it if you not in a position to give feedback or run commands01:15
ikoniamorryer you just need a locked down mta01:15
ikoniamorryer: ubuntu comes with postfix01:15
MoNsTeRmy mouse isnt the same anymore it used to be click with the middle button to open a new tab or move the cube in beryl  but now i have to click with left and rigth clicker to open a new tabe or move the cube does anybody know why?01:15
morryerikonia: Could you explain.01:15
craynerits fixed01:15
craynerthankyou very much01:16
Lunzok..by the way thanks to scguy318 for installing my wife and guided me until my xserver CRASH!! and he didnt response until now...01:16
crayneryou guys are awesome help01:16
SlimeyPetecrayner: :)01:16
ikoniamorryer php will use functions like "mail" that will just interface with the system mail service, so if you have postfix or exim or sendmail running, doesn't matter to php01:16
NetGearikonia, Report malicious/abusive content01:16
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ikoniaNetGear what where ?01:16
ikoniaNetGearI missed it01:16
morryerikonia: So I need to install postfix?01:16
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craynerdo they pay you?01:16
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ikoniamorryer or a "mail server" so postfix, sendmail exim , your choice01:16
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ikoniaNetGear who's is that pastebin ?01:17
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NetGearikonia, sudo apt-get install vmware*01:17
donfilipomhm nice script but the result is the same01:17
ikoniaNetGear your using debian !01:17
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NetGearikonia, yes01:18
ikoniaNetGear: this is ubuntu support only - join #debian01:18
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NetGearikonia, ok thanks01:18
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MoNsTeRNetGear, WOW!!! haha you come to ubuntu channel for help with debian01:18
SlimeyPetecrayner: no, we're all volunteers01:18
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MoNsTeRmy mouse isnt the same anymore it used to be click with the middle button to open a new tab or move the cube in beryl  but now i have to click with left and rigth clicker to open a new tabe or move the cube does anybody know why?01:18
NetGearikonia, i am new to irc dont know much channels01:19
ikoniaNetGear yeah yeah01:19
Sorcererbobjust type "/join #debian"01:19
ikoniaNetGear: always read /topic when you join a channel01:19
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MoNsTeRmy mouse isnt the same anymore it used to be click with the middle button to open a new tab or move the cube in beryl  but now i have to click with left and rigth clicker to open a new tabe or move the cube does anybody know why?01:20
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Rageondoes ubuntu have like a unbuilt remote desktop feature?01:21
christophMy composite TV-out is black and white, the graphic card is an nvidia with proprietary drivers installed and running, I'm using ubuntu feisty fawn, what can I do?01:21
atlfalcons866what file system should i use01:21
Rageonand if not could someone recommend me something secure i could use01:21
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heguruRageon: unbuilt remote desktop?01:21
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heguruRageon: VNC based desktop sharing is built-in01:22
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RageonVNC is very insecure tho isnt it?01:22
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MoNsTeRmy mouse isnt the same anymore it used to be click with the middle button to open a new tab or move the cube in beryl  but now i have to click with left and rigth clicker to open a new tabe or move the cube does anybody know why?01:22
atlfalcons866can i install ubuntu onto a ntfs partiton01:22
heguruRageon: it can be tunneled through ssh easily01:23
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Rageoncan u send me a tut on how to tunnel it?01:23
FrogzooMoNsTeR: you've fiddled your xorg.conf01:23
morryerWhere are the php .so files located at on Ubuntu?01:23
heguruRageon: http://members.shaw.ca/nicholas.fong/vnc/01:23
HuricaneHarryatlfalcons866, no not possible...01:23
MoNsTeRhow can i fix it?01:24
jribmorryer: why?01:24
morryerjrib: I want to install php GD01:24
christophisn't anybody able to help me?01:24
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heguruRageon: will your client be windows or linux?01:24
Rageonboth linux01:24
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punzadammmm klibido is fantastic01:24
HuricaneHarry!patience | christoph01:24
ubotuchristoph: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines01:24
punzadai've been using pan for a long time01:24
atlfalcons866then wat fs should i use then01:24
heguruRageon: its very easy then, if you have a registered nick i can tell you there01:24
MoNsTeRFrogzoo, how can i fix it01:24
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ubotuext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org01:25
jribmorryer: it is packaged, install the package01:25
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Rageonhe guru, im gunna reboot then ill reg a nick and we can go from there k?01:25
heguruRageon: sure01:25
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Rageonsweet brb01:25
unaryhey all, was wondering if i could get some help with an smc usb wifi stick (ez connect) running on gutsy - or not in this case :) - without resorting to ndiswrappers. it is supported here http://www.linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/zd1211rw , but my problem seems to be with the usb as it isn't recognised correctly using lsusb..01:26
atlfalcons866how do i defrag01:26
jrib!info php5-gd | morryer01:26
ubotumorryer: php5-gd: GD module for php5. In component main, is optional. Version 5.2.1-0ubuntu1.4 (feisty), package size 32 kB, installed size 164 kB01:26
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MoNsTeRFrogzoo, i fixed it01:26
Frogzoo!mouse | MoNsTeR this may help01:26
ubotuMoNsTeR this may help: Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto01:26
neopsych1how do i make ntfs drive writable?01:26
neopsych1Or .. what do i need to set in ubuntu01:26
jrib!ntfs-3g > neopsych1 (read the private message from ubotu)01:27
HuricaneHarryatlfalcons866, defrag is not needed01:27
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HuricaneHarrychristoph, unfortunatly your problem possibly has to do with your tv ( too old )01:28
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morryerjrib: Thanks, after I run it do I need to edit php.ini?01:29
HuricaneHarrychristoph, if the tv has scart, you might wanna try composite to scart converter.01:29
punzadaI never realized there was such a nice tool in windows for reading ext3 before, that's offically the last straw I needed to convert more of my drive that way :)01:29
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is_nullhello everybody, someone should check it out but on the cd <ubuntu-7.04-desktop-powerpc.iso>, there is a powerpc64 kernel, is that normal  ?01:29
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lokkiIs there way to write (and view) wiki code locally ?01:30
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chimerazzhello to ubuntu guys01:30
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boubbinim unable to play dvd's because i cant "select" anything fro mthe menu, the menu screen just rolls on and on but i cant push "play", how to fix ?01:31
HuricaneHarrylokki, check out wikionastick on sourceforge.01:31
strikehi, I assigned a password to root on ubuntu 7.04 now sudo is not working.. how can I get it to work?01:31
chimerazzDoes anyone know how to change usplash theme01:31
jribmorryer: i am not sure, but you probably just need to restart apache or do 'a2enmod FOO'01:31
morryerok thanks01:31
bastid_raZorchimerazz: google changing usplash01:31
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jribstrike: define "not working"01:32
Pici!usplash | chimerazz01:32
ubotuchimerazz: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork01:32
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Furionndoes anyone know about eggdrops?01:32
unarychimerazz: your sudo password is the same as your login, enabling and changing root's password shouldn't effect it01:32
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jrib!anyone | Furionn01:33
ubotuFurionn: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?01:33
HuricaneHarrystrike: visudo or /etc/sudoers ( you will probably need root first )01:33
boubbinFurionn yeah, what about them ?01:33
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MoNsTeRhow come my middle button on my mouse is screwed up01:33
HuricaneHarrystrike: use a live cd to remove the root password if neccesary.01:33
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chimerazzthanks pici01:33
strikejrib: when I do anything like "sudo <whatever>" it just comes out to prompt without any error message or warning..01:34
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jribstrike: what is the output of 'groups'?01:34
Furionnboubbin:  I have a problem wth eggdrop, i can connect that but get something starting as "starting bot in userfile creation mode ... and tells Spoilt: 1 channels, 0 users" but cant find where its connected to or where the problem is... i can send u all the error by pastebin if u want01:35
strikejrib: got it..01:35
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boubbinFurionn does the bot show up on /whois botname ?01:35
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PiciFurionn: There is an #eggdrop channel. That might help you better than #ubuntu01:35
Furionnboubbin:  no ti doesnt01:36
FurionnPici: thers nobody online atm01:36
atlfalcons866when is gusty gibbon coming out01:36
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jribatlfalcons866: around the 18th01:36
Piciatlfalcons866: Oct 18th, further questions in #ubuntu+1 please01:36
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jxxxtjrib, re yesterday my hard drive/memory problem. My hard drive is very noisy and I strongly suspect it to be the prob :-(01:36
maxtorrHello, i have a problem with enabling my desktop effects.01:36
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jxxxtatlfalcons88, 18 oct 20701:37
chimerazzHow to fix the keyboard shortcuts that is when i changed panel menu shortcut to Super key it changes to superL01:37
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chimerazzhow to fix it for a single key01:37
maxtorrwhen i want to enable visual effects, it says visual effect cannot be aenabled01:37
strikejrib: thanks for pointing it out.. I was not in admin group01:37
jribjxxxt: hmm, make backups of course01:37
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jxxxtjrib, Got them already so willing to spend 100 if it fix the prob01:38
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maxtorrWhat could be the problem i cannot enable visual effects. When i do so it gives back an error message that it couldt be enabled01:39
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wilharthi, what apt-get i need for gnome-desktop-2.0 and libgnome-2.0 ?01:39
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dudubsi try to enable ksayit and it's not run01:40
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cjae_in ubuntu is there anyway to put two avi's back together as one big one that was separated on a win machine01:40
dudubsthe ksayit all times "synchronzing"01:40
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hegurucjae_:  avimerge -o foo.avi -i foo1.avi foo2.avi01:41
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hegurucjae_: you will need the transcode package (sudo apt-get install transcode)01:42
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maxtorrWhat could be the problem i cannot enable visual effects. When i do so it gives back an error message that it couldt be enabled01:42
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cjae_heguru, avi merge already in ubuntu01:42
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hegurucjae_: ?01:43
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cjae_heguru, is this possible to do with avidemux as well cause g/f is not going to like commandline01:44
chimerazzclening up ubuntu01:44
chimerazzcleaning up in ubuntu01:44
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chimerazzhelp on cleaning up in ubuntu01:44
boubbinim unable to play dvd's because i cant "select" anything fro mthe menu, the menu screen just rolls on and on but i cant push "play", how to fix ?01:45
IdleOnecleaning what?01:45
maxtorrWhat could be the problem i cannot enable visual effects. When i do so it gives back an error message that it couldt be enabled01:45
chimerazzunnesscary files01:45
hegurucjae_: you can use avidemux yes, but commandline is much easier IMHO01:45
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heguru!repeat | maxtorr01:45
ubotumaxtorr: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience01:45
maxtorrchimerazz: u responding on my question?01:45
cjae_heguru, I merely meant is avimerge installed in ubuntu by default01:45
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hegurucjae_: no not by default01:46
IdleOnechimerazz: sudo apt-get autoremove01:46
MoNsTeRhow come i cant rotate the cube in beryl with the middle mouse button anymore01:46
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mandhhi all , i have problem with dummy interface in ubuntu ( arp problem in ldirectord environments )  , any one suffer from that problem01:46
chimerazzIdleone: itried and removed some packages but is thre any other things unnesscary which needs to be removed01:47
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cjae_heguru, was looking for how to merge in avidemux do you know what it is labelled as?01:47
hegurucjae_: sorry I don't use avidemux01:47
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coldbootI've been googling the following problem for a while: "Occasionally my mouse stops working with Kernels 2.6.(18,19,20) and dmesg reports "ohci_hcd: 0000:00:0b.0: IRQ INTR_SF lossage". Does anyone happen to know offhand which kernel might fix this problem, or a possible workaround. (Converting the usb mouse to ps2 would work, but I have a usb KVM and it's not an option)01:48
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cjae_heguru, yes but trying to teach her cli is going to be difficult as there are many split avi's box had no dvd burner in it01:48
cjae_heguru, thanks anyway01:48
Rageonsoz heguru, seem to have forgotten the pass to my other box lol... prolly gunna haveto reinstall :|01:48
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ntfs3g - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:49
coldbootDoes anyone know how to lock a usb device to be usb 1.0 instead of 2.0?01:49
IdleOne!ntfs | Rageon01:49
ubotuRageon: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse01:49
ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions01:49
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PiciMoNsTeR: Have you changed any mouse settings recently?01:50
heguruRageon: you can boot into recovery mode and reset the password01:50
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Rageonoh really?01:50
Rageonhow do i get to recovery mode?01:50
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Rageondo i haveto know my secret question or something ?01:51
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heguruRageon: on the boot of machine, press ESC on the grub screen01:51
heguruRageon: you will get a list of options01:51
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Rageonand one will be recovery console?01:51
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heguruRageon: select the one with (recovery mode)01:52
heguruRageon: yes01:52
Rageonok cool01:52
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Rageonwill i need to know my secret question or something.01:52
heguruRageon: you will be logged on as root without a password, just type passwd <yourusername> to reset the password01:52
heguruRageon: you don't have to know anything01:52
Rageononce i leave recovery console will my root account be disabled again?01:52
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heguruRageon: yes root account will remain disabled01:53
Rageonawesome thx will try it out now01:53
is_nullhello everybody, someone should check it out but on the cd <ubuntu-7.04-desktop-powerpc.iso>, there is a powerpc64 kernel, is that normal  ? isn't it a 64bit system ? It's lagging awfully on my iMac01:53
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Pici!ppc | is_null01:54
ubotuis_null: PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ01:54
Woetis there a client which allows webcam-streams at MSN?01:54
is_nullPici: thanks01:54
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heguruWoet: amsn01:55
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cjae_heguru,  it gave me invalid input file when using avimerge is there credentials for the output filename?01:55
is_nullPici: ok, i beleive that i should ask the comunity that ported it, where ?01:56
hegurucjae_: you did this right: avimerge -o outputfilename.avi -i part1.avi part2.avi01:56
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cjae_heguru,yes I just figured that out thank you01:56
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cjae_heguru, sorry01:56
Rageonheguru, pressing ESC does nothing but cancel the countdown timer for me?01:56
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Piciis_null: #ubuntu-powerpc or http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=13301:57
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heguruRageon: and you don't get any menu?01:57
is_nullPici: thanks01:57
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Rageononly an easy boot one if i press ESC really early after my RAID screen01:57
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shiznitwhy doesnt http://dc101.com/pages/listenlive.html work in ubuntu, i have the codec and the mplayer plugin says 'connected' but doesnt play01:58
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shiznitits my fav show and i cant listen to it01:58
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heguruRageon: you pressed Escape when it was saying: GRUB loading. please wait Press Esc to enter the menu01:58
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Rageoni tried it at the menu first like 3 times01:59
=== GNine sends congratulates Canonical, FSF and the Ubuntu Team. Respect to those who deserve it.
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Rageonso thought u had to press it in that little bit where it says GRUB loading.. but when i even tried that it gave me easy boot menu01:59
heguruRageon: strange. it should show you the menu. have you modified your grub configuration?01:59
Rageonnope this ones vanilla01:59
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Rageoni have supergrub on dvd tho02:00
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heguruRageon: do you have the liveCD?02:00
Rageon(i had to burn the 4meg iso onto DVD koz i had no disks/CDs) lol02:00
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heguruRageon: boot into liveCD, and you can change the user password from there02:01
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blue|palmcan anybody tell me what tech is behind the network icon (i think its called the network manager applet; the thing that gives you a list of wifi networks/dialup connections etc.) that was introduced into ubuntu recently? is it written in python? or C/C++? and what library is it using? Im looking to create something similar...02:01
heguruRageon: just boot the liveCD and then i will tell you how to reset your password02:01
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Rageonive got the pc in the other room i just havto walk back and forth ok?02:01
Rageonill go boot the live CD02:01
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CoCaInEhello, is this possible to log-in via FTP with sudo mode and just copy files via ftp ?02:01
heguruRageon: its just two lines so no problem :)02:01
Rageonlol k02:01
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Rageoni like exercise :)02:02
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Rageonheguru, what am i doing once its at the bootmenu?02:03
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Rageonwhich option02:03
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heguruRageon: just boot into LiveCD normally (the default option)02:04
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heguruRageon: then you have to do two things, first find out what it mounted your hard disk as (usually /media/disk)02:04
IdleOneblue|palm: http://www.gnome.org/projects/NetworkManager/02:05
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blue|palmIdleOne, thanks02:05
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_Lucretiacan somebody tell me how to get an iso-8599-1 locale that I can use temporarily to update an svn tree for a specific project which doesn't support utf8? thanks02:05
whileimhereI am on a vpn at work. Is there a vpn client for linux02:06
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ubotuTo set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf02:06
CoCaInE_Lucretia make charsets off02:06
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CoCaInEworked for me02:06
cjae_heguru, thank you very much avimerge work quite well and all synced up02:06
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heguruwhileimhere: what kind of vpn? PPTP, IPSec, OpenVPN?02:06
_LucretiaIdleOne: unfortunately, that doc is no use02:07
hegurucjae_: welcome :)02:07
whileimhereI am not sure02:07
_LucretiaCoCaInE: ?02:07
whileimhereThe company has one set up in the router02:07
heguruwhileimhere: were you connecting to it using windows xp? did you need any special software on windows?02:07
TheSkormI wish I had a vpn02:07
whileimhereheguru no.02:07
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CoCaInE_Lucretia use locale what u got there?02:08
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CoCaInEeverywhere utf8 ?02:08
sandy_whileimhere, what is the problem02:08
_LucretiaCoCaInE: utf802:09
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_Lucretia_Lucretia: I'm fine with en_GB.utf8 I just want iso8559-1 for 1 svn repos02:09
Rageonok heguru its loaded so what am i looking for and where do i look for it ? :D02:09
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_LucretiaError: 'en_GB.ISO-8599-1' is not a supported language or locale02:10
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heguruRageon: you should find out what your ubuntu hard disk is mounted as, I haven't used the livecd since ages, so i will just suggest, try lookin in places, if you find you'r hard disk, check what its mounted as (disk-1 or sda1 or something like that)02:10
Rageonok ill peek it out02:11
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heguruRageon: ?02:17
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Rageonsorry mate, someone just came to the door, having a look now02:17
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casey_any tell me what my problem is with this? I'm trying to install a sound driver. http://pastebin.com/d6efb27dc02:17
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Rageonhow do i reg a nick? ill do that quickly02:18
mooperHi I have these 2 stipy bands on my screens, seems like the opposite colour to whats on the screen. They are about 1 inch from the bottom. a joining the right edge of the screen. They do not appear in screen capture. any Ideas ?? on ubuntu feisty ATI sapphire X1650 PRO dual head02:18
Pici!register | Rageon02:18
ubotuRageon: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration02:18
TheSkormapt-get install alasa02:18
heguruRageon: /nickserv register <password?02:18
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Davy_Jonesi mount my external hard drive manually.. but after a while it umounts all by itself.. how can i fix this?02:18
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neopsych1NTFS drive says: I am not the owner so i cant change permissions?02:19
casey_theskorm: I all ready have alsa-base02:19
heguru!hi | ilces02:19
ubotuilces: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!02:19
Furionnhow can i allow a port out? i think i have a firewall or something, it doesnt let me...02:19
TheSkormcasey_: what sound driver are you trying to install?02:19
Rageonis it just /nickserv register thisisapassword02:19
Rageonor <>02:19
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ikoniaFurionn have you configured a firewall on your ubuntu box02:19
heguruRageon: without <>02:19
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Furionnikonia:  no it is probably cause of my modems firewall02:19
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Furionni dont know how to allow that out in linux02:20
ikoniaFurionn modems don't have a firewall02:20
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casey_theskorm: realtek I believe.  I'm following some instructions on a website02:20
ikoniaFurionn your router may, if your using one, but thats nothing to do with ubuntu02:20
TheSkormcasey_: linkage02:20
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Furionnikonia: well somehow how can i allow that out?02:20
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casey_theskorm: http://aldeby.wordpress.com/2007/09/11/howto-ubuntu-on-hp-dv65xx-series-laptop/02:20
TheSkormikonia: it does if the router has upnp02:20
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ikoniaFurionn look in your router manual02:20
Furionnikonia:  how? i dont know much on linux, could manage that on windows earlier02:21
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ikoniaFurionn ???? you configure your router the same way you did on linux as you did on windows02:21
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ardinanyone else in here use Secret Maryo Chronicles02:22
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ikoniaardin just ask the question02:22
ganes2ikonia:I installed ntfs 3g driver..now in terminal the su authentication is failing..02:22
ikoniaganes2 why ar eyou doing su ?02:22
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ikoniaganes2 ubuntu uses sudo02:22
TheSkormikonia: no your mum is02:23
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ikoniaTheSkorm pardon ?02:23
=== TheSkorm goes to bother another channel
ardinikonia: wow, crabby. i was asking because its a game02:23
TheSkormbtw su > sudo02:23
ikoniaardin su ask the question02:23
ikoniaTheSkorm su is not sudo02:23
nick4ganes2 try 'sudo su'02:23
TheSkormikonia: i know02:23
ikonianick4 don't receommend that02:23
ganes2ikonia:oh ok ...i m new to linux..02:23
TheSkormBut I come form the land of freebsd02:23
nick4ikonia ok :)02:23
darkchr0n0s_sumo > sudo02:23
HuricaneHarrytry sudo -i ?02:24
TheSkormwhere su > sudo02:24
ardinis there a channel for ubuntu that actually makes sense?02:24
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TheSkormardin: try #windows02:24
darkchr0n0s_no TheSkorm, sumo > sudo02:24
ikoniaardin if you ask a question, you'll get an answer02:24
nick4ikonia but if he knows what he is doing, and doesn't want to type sudo all the time...02:24
TheSkormsumo > su > sudo ?02:24
ardin<ikonia> ardin su ask the question02:24
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ikonianick4 then you to it properly, not su - sudo02:24
ardini said nothing about su02:24
ikoniaardin just ask the question02:24
ganes2nick4:ya..its working..thnx..02:24
ardinikonia: are you a bot?02:24
ikoniaardin no02:25
Woetis there a client which allows webcam-streams at MSN? (except amsn)02:25
darkchr0n0s_ardin, ask the question or he will be angry now02:25
Pici!coc > TheSkorm (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)02:25
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ardindarkchr0n0s_: i did ask a question02:25
casey_theskorm:  have you looked at the website?02:25
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TheSkormThat condact is opensource right, so I could edit it to my own liking?02:25
ganes2ikonia:how can i know which graphics card i hav?02:25
TheSkormcasey_: yeah02:25
ikoniaardin this is a support channel, ask a support question about ubuntu02:26
TheSkormI dunno whats going on02:26
ikoniaganes2 lspci may shot it02:26
darkchr0n0s_ardin : he missed it02:26
TheSkormwhat step are you dieing at?02:26
ikoniaganes2: show02:26
casey_theskorm:  I was at the sound installation.. the second choice02:26
casey_where it says to dwonload the package, untar it, then sudo ./install02:26
TheSkormno i mean which line02:26
ardinok, wheres the 'unofficial' support channel, the one that tolerates just talking02:26
heguruWoet: Mercury Messenger (free but not opensource, also not available in repository, but has all the features of msn)02:26
ikonia!offtopic >ardin02:26
TheSkormah i see casey_02:27
TheSkormcasey_: your doing that as root right?02:27
casey_sudo yes02:28
ikoniaTheSkorm no, he's using sudo02:28
HuricaneHarryganes2: lspci02:28
TheSkormTry the above example then02:28
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TheSkormthe option a_02:28
casey_I did that one before... and had the same results.02:28
ganes200:00.0 Host bridge: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon Xpress 200 Host Bridge (rev 01)02:28
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ikoniacasey_ what is the problem02:28
casey_it installs until it gets to that specific line02:28
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ikoniaganes2 ok, you have an ati radio 20002:28
ikoniacasey_ I missed the error line, sorry02:29
casey_I'm guessing the real problem is I dont have "alsaconf"02:29
_Lucretia_well that didn't work02:29
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casey_because I believe thats where the install breaks02:29
ganes2will compiz work on it??ikonia:02:29
casey_ikonia: http://pastebin.com/d6efb27dc02:29
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ikoniaganes2 ati cards are dubious in my option, but it should be supported if you can get the drivers working02:30
ikonia!ati > casey_02:30
ikoniacasey_: have a read through that text02:30
_Lucretia_got this: Locale not supported by C library.02:30
casey_... Im installing a sound driver02:30
Downixikonia, what's wrong with ATI cards?02:30
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TheSkorm!nvidia > ikonia | grep cookies02:30
RkwAsyika`kum smeua selamat berpuasa dan akan menaymbut hari raya aidil fitri02:30
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Cyber_Stalkerwhat does grep do?02:30
ikoniaDownix poor driver support02:30
ikoniaTheSkorm !botabuse02:31
ganes2 ikonia:how can i do that?02:31
dgjones_!english | RkwAsyik02:31
ubotuRkwAsyik: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat02:31
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...02:31
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ikoniaganes2: you where just sent two links from ubotu, have a read though02:31
RkwAsyikhafiz hi02:31
TheSkormoh hawt02:31
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ikoniaTheSkorm: don't send my pointless bot information with no relevance02:31
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TheSkorm!grep > ikonia02:31
RkwAsyikpls help me drupal program02:31
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici02:31
TheSkormikonia: I thought you wanted some cookies02:31
RkwAsyikweb portal malay lang02:31
ikoniaTheSkorm: enough now02:31
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RkwAsyikmalkaysia speking02:32
TheSkorm22:30:55 < Cyber_Stalker> what does grep do?02:32
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gnomefreakikonia: ?02:32
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PiciTheSkorm: So, why would you send that to ikonia?02:32
IdleOneRkwAsyik: english only please02:32
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ikoniagnomefreak read TheSkorm's content02:32
Drew777Hello I've just added a 500GB hard disk to a 6.10 machine. How should I mount it? can I add it to fstab? is that the right way to do it?02:32
marko-ubuntuhur gr man postbin ?02:32
aantipopi need a helping hand for installing my webcam :/02:32
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gnomefreaki saw it after i asked02:32
RkwAsyiksorry broder02:32
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ikoniagnomefreak no problem02:32
xjkxis gutsy out02:32
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal02:32
gnomefreakxjkx: #ubuntu+1 and no02:33
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rm130I need help configuring audio on my computer02:33
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bullgard4df shows for /dev/sda7  "available 519712 (kB)", but Gedit "free: 1,04 GiB." How to explain this contradiction? (http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/15665/)02:33
IdleOne!sound | rm13002:33
uboturm130: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP302:33
ganes2 ikonia:i din get anything from ubotu..02:33
RkwAsyik!drupal malaysia02:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about drupal malaysia - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:33
TheSkormNEWS UPDATE : ihug international tubes are broke02:33
ikonia!ati >ganes202:33
gnomefreakjiahoukang: dont do that, thank you02:33
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ikoniaganes2: how about now02:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about drupal - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:33
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Meroigo__I have a ATI Radeon Radeon 8500LE for my Ubuntu, it worked instantly with Ubuntu 7.06 and it can hardware render 3D without configuration. I'm getting a ATI Radeon 9600 Club 3D later today. Will I be able to just turn off the computer, remove the old card, insert the new, start the computer and everything will probably just work and be just fine? :P02:34
rm130IdleOne, I don't see volulme control...I see mixer options02:34
ganes2 ikonia:ya i got..02:34
rm130mixer settings*02:34
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xjkxplease tell me what it means here http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download : "Ubuntu 7.04 - Supported to 2008"  "Ubuntu 6.06 LTS - Supported to 2009" how come 6.0 is supported to 2009 and 7.x to 2008, what does it mea02:34
Drew777how do I mount a new drive in Edgy?02:34
gnomefreakTheSkorm: please stay on topic02:34
ikoniaganes2 super02:34
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TheSkormgnomefreak: roger02:34
Picixjkx: 6.06 is an LTS (Long Term Support) release, 7.04 is not.02:35
ikoniaganes2: thats the instructions on installing the ati driver, you may still have problems, but its the best guide at he moment, and the drivers are hit and miss02:35
rm130you there?02:35
IdleOnexjkx: 6.06 is a Long term Support release so it is going to be supported for a longer period of time02:35
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Picixjkx: Mainly for use in business environments, so they don't need to upgrade every 6 months.02:35
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IdleOne!ati | Meroigo__  look up your card and see if it is supported02:36
ubotuMeroigo__  look up your card and see if it is supported: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:36
xjkxPici, yea but why not support 7.x to 2009 also, business arent using 7.x ?02:36
Drew777xjkx, if you want all the latest stuff on the desktop go for the new releases not the LTS02:36
Picixjkx: Because making things LTS takes work.02:36
WikzoAnyone good at Compiz Fusion? I got it on my 7.04 desktop, but I have been told to remove it before upgrading to 7.10. Can you please help me by answering this thread. Thanks! - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=56650902:36
xjkxoh. lts is like stable of debian02:36
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Meroigo__didn't get anything from command "!ati".02:37
IdleOnexjkx: 7.04 and 7.10 due this month will be supported for upto 18 months02:37
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ikoniaxjkx 18 months is good for bleeding edge support02:37
xjkxwhat kind of support we are talking about02:37
IdleOneMeroigo__: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:37
ikoniaxjkx community and developer02:37
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Drew777Can anyone tell me if the standard way to add a new disk (in Edgy) is to add a line to fstab?02:38
xjkxuhm..i might download a tls, problem is that i will have old softwares right?02:38
xjkxalthough they are tested02:38
ikoniaDrew777 thats fine02:38
ikoniaxjkx define old02:38
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ikoniaxjkx its all about your personal requirments02:38
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xjkxikonia, old = not the latest02:39
ikoniaxjkx then yes, you will have old software on some products02:39
Meroigo__IdleOne, well, that page didn't say much. But don't you think that if I have a card now that's radeon and works out of the box, isn't there a big chance the new will? It's not a new card i'm getting, it's pretty old, but newer than the one I have. Oh, and if it doesn't work. can i just change back to my old card and everything will be exactly like it were before, without ubuntu changing and ruining configuration because it fou02:39
Meroigo__nd a new card before?02:39
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Drew777ikonia, I was about to do that but I saw the format of it looks a bit funny with UUID= all over the place02:39
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ikoniaxjkx ahh your using blkid02:39
bryanlanyone here running cedaga and steam on their ubuntu box?02:39
ikoniaxjkx: ignore that - sorry02:39
bryanlhows it working out?02:39
ikoniaDrew777 ahh your using block id02:40
pike_ive heard the 9200 cards are the sweet spot for open drivers. may or maynot be true02:40
Drew777ikonia, ok... what's that?02:40
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ikoniaDrew777 you need to do "blkid" and match it up to the disk you've added, then add that to /etc/fstab02:40
xjkxikonia, will have to do, since i have no idea of whats that :p02:40
ikoniain the same way as your other entries02:40
ikoniaxjkx sent it to the wrong person, sorry02:40
Meroigo__IdleOne, oh, there was a follow up link on the page. I'll bookmark it if i get trouble. :)02:40
Drew777ikonia, this is a standard Edgy install is that normal?02:40
ikoniaDrew777 yes02:41
IdleOneMeroigo__: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport check this list and see if your card is listed. and no just because 1 card works doesnt mean all cards from the manufacturer will work. but I hope it will for you02:41
mmchow can I build a kernel  w/o building more than 1   build/* directory?  I want just 1 target02:41
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ganes2ikonia:yesterday when i enabled ati card in restricted driver manager..i installed some driver from update manager..how can i see whether driver installed or not?02:41
ikoniammc why do you want a new kernel02:41
Drew777ikonia, oh ok, I'll have a read up02:41
ikoniaganes2 if its enabled in update manager, its installed02:41
ubotuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell:  sudo blkid  (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)02:41
mmcikonia: I have my own patch i want to build with.02:41
ikonia there you go02:41
Meroigo__IdleOne, okay, and if i put back the old card that worked, will ubuntu have changed things just by booting with the new card so it wont work anymore?02:41
IdleOneMeroigo__: the old card should be detected the second time it is installed02:42
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ikoniammc so download the ubuntu source, patch it, build it02:42
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ganes2ikonia:ok...whats copmpiz fusion?compiz,beryl, which would be better?02:43
Meroigo__IdleOne, thanks for all your support :)02:43
mmcikonia:  it has been  building for several hours now ..... I see   build-generic/       build-server/  build-386/   in the debian/build directory.   So i would like to say   build only the -386 one!02:43
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IdleOneMeroigo__: np dude . anytime02:44
ikoniaganes2 compiz fusion is the current product. However you are better waiting for ubuntu 7.10 release in a week or so's time (18/10)02:44
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ikoniammc they should onlt conftain the .config files02:44
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RkwAsyikpls me 0ne bot server my room radiokita02:44
ikoniaRkwAsyik pardon ?02:44
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IdleOnethink he wants a chanserv bot in his channel02:44
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_Lucretia_well that's fucked up my locale now02:45
IdleOne!ohmy | _Lucretia_02:45
ubotu_Lucretia_: Please watch your language and topic, and keep this channel family friendly.02:45
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dgjones_ikonia, he was looking for a Malaysian channel a few minutes ago02:45
DownixHey _Lucretia_ , what brings you here?02:45
ikoniadgjones_ ahh well done02:45
Drew777ikonia, thanks for the help I'll give it a go02:45
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ikoniaDrew777 no problem, shout if it goes wrong02:45
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maxtorrIs compiz for the desktop effects?02:46
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_Lucretia_Downix: on ubuntu and trying to get the latest aros source, but cannot get an en_GB.ISO-8859-1 locale, and now it won't go back to UTF802:46
ikoniaDrew777 correct02:46
gnomefreakmaxtorr: it is desktop effects02:46
=== vicnet [n=vicnet@ALille-255-1-71-233.w86-208.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
maxtorrSo i found out whe ni do compiz in the console02:46
maxtorrBlacklisted PCIID '8086:2a02' found02:46
ikoniaDrew777: sorry that was meant for maxtor,r, sorry, I'm laccking02:46
=== vicnet [n=vicnet@ALille-255-1-71-233.w86-208.abo.wanadoo.fr] has left #ubuntu ["Bleah"]
maxtorrcan you remove hardware from the blacklist02:46
WikzoAnyone good at Compiz Fusion? I got it on my 7.04 desktop, but I have been told to remove it before upgrading to 7.10. Can you please help me by answering this thread. Thanks! - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=56650902:46
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skitzorcan someone help me with ubunty audio hardware?02:46
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maxtorrSo my question is: how do i remove hardware from the compiz blacklist02:47
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gnomefreakmaxtorr: you must be using a blacklisted video card (cant remember why i think it was due to some cards just not working with it02:47
ikoniaWikzo how did you install it ?02:47
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gnomefreakmaxtorr: join #ubuntu-effects and ask02:47
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IdleOneikonia: gnomefreak ati or nvidia? if I am in the market for a new card?02:48
maxtorrno it is workin with it, buts its blacklisted for some kind of unimportant error, and i just cant find out how to remove it02:48
ikoniaWikzo current - nvidia02:48
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WikzoSee my link (Ubuntuforums) :) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=56650902:48
ikoniaIdleOne currently nvidia02:48
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ikoniaWikzo no - how did you install it,02:48
IdleOneok thanks02:48
ikoniaIdleOne no contest02:48
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rm130how do I enable ALSA?02:48
ikoniaIdleOne 2 years time - maybe ati02:48
gnomefreakIdleOne: intell 965 should be black listed most nvidias work (except latest i think)02:48
Wikzoikonia: I used this guidehttp://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Install-Compiz-Fusion-on-Ubuntu-58113.shtml02:48
pike_rm130: where?02:48
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pid1da disgassa02:49
rm130pike_, so I can get sound working02:49
IdleOneikonia: gnomefreak thanks guys will search for a supported card to buy now :)02:49
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rm130I don't see volume control all I see is mixer settings02:49
pike_rm130: does the first drum sound when login screen appears work?02:49
pid1um ovo02:49
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gnomefreakpid1: what do you want?02:49
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rm130I just here a beep from my machine when the login screen appers02:49
dgjones_!br | pid102:50
ubotupid1: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.02:50
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pid1 zerro(cdfyrbykkgkii7u uhyjkn iuhyo8n02:50
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gnomefreakdgjones_: thats not portugues afaik02:50
skitzorgnomefreak, i cant get my realtek audio to work, using feisty 7.0402:50
Wikzoikonia: I used this guide: http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Install-Compiz-Fusion-on-Ubuntu-58113.shtml02:50
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gnomefreakskitzor: and did you try asking the channel instead of me02:51
dgjones_gnomefreak, i was working on the country showing up in the users info on xchat02:51
pid1pid1 jones has quit02:51
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skitzorgnomefreek no, thought u were the specialist, sorry02:51
pike_rm130: im far from a sound guru kind of the antethisis of one..02:51
skitzorgnomefreak no, thought u were the specialist, sorry02:51
gnomefreakskitzor: not in sound that would be insane02:51
pike_!sound | rm130 try this02:51
uboturm130 try this: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP302:51
skitzori cant get my realtek audio to work, using feisty 7.0402:51
ikoniaWikzo: so apt-get remove the packages you installed02:51
ikoniaand put desktop-effects back02:52
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rm130yeah the thing is I don't see volume control..all I see is mixer settings02:52
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Wikzoikonia: Is this the right one to remove? compiz-core02:52
MoNsTeRdoes anybody know how to change the text of the taskbar02:52
gnomefreakWikzo: use pastebin please02:52
ikoniaWikzo remove the ones your installed in that guide02:52
Wikzognomefreak: Sorry, dunno what that is02:53
MoNsTeRnot the text but the color of the text02:53
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:53
gnomefreakWikzo: ^^^02:53
skitzori cant get my realtek audio to work, using feisty 7.04...02:53
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Wikzognomefreak: Which one should I choose if I'm gonna post it in here?02:53
Traveler9qqn parle francais?02:53
Wikzognomefreak: Which syntax?02:53
MoNsTeRdoes anybody know how to change the color of text on the taskbar02:53
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RkwAsyikme register rom radiokita02:54
heguru!fr | Traveler902:54
ubotuTraveler9: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.02:54
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gnomefreakWikzo: it doesnt matter the syntax just paste it to site and hit continue or post or whatever it says than give us the new address it gives you02:54
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acusteris there a time management app in ubuntu? or several?02:54
acusterpreferably of the gnome persuasion02:54
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Wikzognomefreak: Thanks, I'll use that next time! :)02:55
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xjkxwhats the difference between the desktop and the server iso ? I am a desktop user but i use many servers, like apache and mysql, for studying purposes, you think i'd fit better where, the server doesnt come with gnome? :p02:55
ikonia xjkx desktop02:55
ikoniaxjkx use the desktop version02:55
aftertafacuster : keyword search in synaptic...02:55
ikoniaxjkx server version is aimed at server hardware, with multi-user operations in mind02:55
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DownixI have the server version on my dual-dual cores02:56
_Lucretia_back to normal locale now02:56
ikoniaDownix is that relevant ?02:56
geniixjkx: If you use apache,mysql and php there is a metapackage, ubuntu-lamp    which can be installed02:56
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Downixikonia, nope.02:57
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pike_xjkx: server version is what i always start with. its basically just a stripped down desktop install.02:59
ikoniapike_: no its not02:59
pike_other than kernel i dont see difference03:00
ikoniapretty core diference03:00
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pike_like what?03:00
ikoniathe kernel03:00
maxtorrHello, i have a question: how do i remove hardware from the compiz blacklis03:00
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pike_ikonia: ok ill give you that ;p03:00
ikoniamaxtorr: you where asked to join #ubuntu-effects and ask in that03:00
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maxtorrNobody reacts there03:03
ikoniabest to wait03:03
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MoNsTeRdoes anybody know how to change the color of text on the taskbar03:04
MoNsTeRcause i want a black taskbar with white text03:04
MoNsTeRcause thats how i role03:04
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ikoniaMoNsTeR create a theme03:04
ikonia"thats how I role" ?03:04
MoNsTeRikonia, im not that smart with linux yet03:05
Pici!themes > MoNsTeR (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)03:05
PiciMoNsTeR: Read that message on how to get different themes03:05
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heguruMoNsTeR: then maybe you should try some of the existing themes available on the internet03:05
MoNsTeRyeah but where do i put them03:05
MoNsTeRi use emerald03:05
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MoNsTeRfor my themes03:05
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ikoniaMoNsTeR: read the link pici sent you through ubotu03:06
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DownixIf I switched from ATI to nVidia would that fix my display issues?03:07
ikoniaDownix what are your display issues ?03:07
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Downixikonia:  on a 3D game through cedega I get the 2D GUI elements, but not the 3D renders03:08
MoNsTeRikonia, i did read it03:08
ikoniaDownix probably not03:08
MoNsTeRDownix, i would try the restricted drivers03:08
DownixMoNsTeR, I did03:08
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Downixdidn't run at all there, saying no glx, nor did any Linux games03:09
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ikoniawnix> didn't run at all there, saying no glx, nor did any Linux games03:09
_Lucretia_Downix: dounds like a cedega problem03:09
PiciDownix: Have you looked on the Cedega Application Database to see if thats a typical issue with the game.03:09
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DownixPici:  checked, first time they'd ever heard that problem.03:09
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ikoniaDownix if it didn't run with glx your card may not be supported or configured correctly03:09
MoNsTeRwell can anybody help me with the text on the taskbar03:10
_Lucretia_Downix: i'd say that their dx->gl isn't setting up the projection matrix to be 3d again after doing the 2d03:10
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Downixikonia, It didn't with the restricted drivers, but did when I manually installed the latest ATI drivers03:10
ikoniaMoNsTeR you've been sent a link that tells you how to install themes, what part is not clear03:10
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mike__hi guys, I would be extremely grateful for some help getting my sound card recognized!03:10
ikoniaDownix the latest often have compatability problems03:10
Downix_Lucretia_, that was my thought, but not sure how to correct that03:10
PiciMoNsTeR: You can't change that without using a different theme.03:10
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_Lucretia_Downix: you using the restricted ati drivers? if you're using the new oss ones, they don't support 3d yet do they?03:11
Downixikonia, Hmm.  The restricted tho was missing GLX03:11
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Downix_Lucretia_, The closed from AMD/ATI03:11
_Lucretia_Downix: if it is cedega's problem, you won't be able to03:11
ikoniaDownix I'm just giving you facts and opinions, I didn't say there was a fix03:11
BusMasterwhich is the help channel for openoffice? I tried /join #openoffice, but it seems like the wrong channel03:11
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Downixikonia, indeed.  Debating on just buying a cheap nVidia card as a stop-gap03:11
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PiciBusMaster: #openoffice.org03:11
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BusMasterPici, thanks03:12
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dmitrihy guys.does anybody know how can i make write something and make a .pdf file from console?03:12
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HuricaneHarrydmitri: latex, dvi2pdf ?03:13
Downixikonia, If it's a PCI card even better, then I can put it in my sons comp once ATI gets their act together03:13
magnetpdflatex ftw03:13
dmitriHuricaneHarry: and how do i make that?03:13
steel_ladyI noticed something in ubuntu that I don't know if it is considered like a bug or is it supposed to function this way03:13
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dshuang001Hello everyone, i am a new comer.03:15
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Picisteel_lady: Whats up?03:15
IdleOne!hi | dshuang00103:15
ubotudshuang001: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!03:15
magnethello newcomer03:15
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Downixthe problem is, I can only find PCI-E, not PCI cards03:15
HuricaneHarrydmitri: cant help you there, just a pointer what to look for.03:15
soundraymagnet: subtle :)03:15
dmitriok 10x03:15
mike__does anyone on here have experience with sound card troubles with Ubuntu? I upgraded from Feisty to Gutsy and now it does not recognize and sound cards installed03:15
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MoNsTeRPici, are you serious give me that link again please03:16
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Pici!themes > MoNsTeR (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)03:16
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danielaxmike__: gutsy? Try #ubuntu+103:16
Pici!changetheme > MoNsTeR (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)03:16
magnetdmitri: what do you want to do specificly?03:16
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steel_ladyPici, since I was long term win user, I was used to mark some text and copy and I have it in temporal memory until rewritten with something else so I am able to paste it anywhere without any conditions03:16
MoNsTeRPici, i use emerald and beryl thats why i didnt think it was going to work03:16
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coldbootI just installed Ubuntu, and none of my italic fonts are rendering. That means every single font displays empty squares when it's set to italics. Bold works fine. Anyone have any ideas? Googling has rendered nothing so far...03:16
soundray!sound > mike__, have a look at this advice (private message) and ask more specifically if this doesn't help03:17
dshuang001Anyone can tell me how to change color of my nick and time or even my message? thanks.03:17
magnetsteel_lady: the copy paste behavior is not the same as on Windows, it's not a bug but it should become uniform in the next 10 years don't worry ;)03:17
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Picisteel_lady: That sounds like the typical function of the clipboard...03:17
MoNsTeRPici, but i dont see theme on the navigation bar03:17
steel_ladyPici, because of that habbit, I am constantly annoyed in Ubuntu when I copy something, weather is text or link and I close the window and open the other program and I can not paste it03:17
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steel_ladymagnet uniform in which way?03:17
PiciMoNsTeR: Thats a GTK theme, you'd need to find one of those.03:17
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soundraysteel_lady: have a look at glipper03:18
magnetsteel_lady: in the way that Mac, Windows & GNU distros will have the same (as the one currently on Windows/Mac)03:18
Picisteel_lady: or kipper if you use KDE03:18
Piciblueflower: ?03:18
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soundrayPici: kipper is a smoked herring ;)03:18
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IdleOnemmmmm fish03:18
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Picisteel_lady, soundray: er. I meant klipper ;)03:19
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vargranI don't have a network and I have ubuntu 7.04. how do I install 2.6.22 kernel?03:19
steel_ladyI have gnome03:19
IdleOnePici: why would you want to eat dolphin?03:19
PiciBut if a fish helps you with the clipboard, more power to you.03:19
magnetfor now you can somehow solve your problem copy/pasting using X (highlightning/middle mouse button)03:19
steel_ladyOK, I am installing glipper03:19
soundrayvargran: best way is to upgrade to gutsy. Wait until it comes out in a couple of weeks, though.03:19
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MoNsTeRPici, then once i get the theme how do i install it03:19
erUSULmagnet: you loose the clippboard too if you close the original window iirc03:20
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magneterUSUL: wait i'll check03:20
PiciMoNsTeR: Read the second thing I sent you about changing the themes.  Usually you can just drag the tar.gz file onto the themes window.03:20
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HoskyAnyone have experience putting 7.04 or 7.10 on SunFire boxes?03:20
vargransoundray: I don't have a network under linux. it says NETWATCH DOG: eth0: transmit timed out03:20
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soundrayerUSUL: oh no, you've made him use Windows ;)03:20
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steel_ladymeantime, does anybody have idea how to save a 4G SD memory card that ubuntu first wrote some chinese letters instead of the song and then it became unreadable?03:20
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magnetsoundray: I'm not rich enough :'(03:21
soundrayvargran: I see, so you were hoping to fix this by upgrading the kernel?03:21
magnetsteel_lady: formatting it?03:21
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magnetdo you want to save the key or its content?03:22
steel_ladymagnet, the problem is that it soes not detect it any more03:22
vargransoundray: people with similar problem updated the kernel and problem was gone. other solutions didn't help03:22
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soundrayvargran: what is this "netwatch dog" -- something you installed?03:22
IdleOnedshuang001: answer03:22
skitzorCan someone help me get sound out of my Realtec hda 260 audiocard, my laptop is a pb easynote 790003:22
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erUSUL!sound | skitzor03:23
ubotuskitzor: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP303:23
magnetsteel_lady:  well that's bad then, the key is surely dead, plug it then type "dmesg | tail" into a shell, see if it talks about your key anyhow03:23
MoNsTeRPici, i did but it didnt show up in the menu :903:23
Downix**debating on options**03:23
soundray!intelhda > skitzor, this might also help (private message)03:23
vmlinuz`whats the command to change from gdm to kdm in the login window03:23
PiciMoNsTeR: It'll show up in the customize theme dialog.03:23
Downixmaybe I should just buy a new nVidia mobo for my sons comp03:23
steel_ladymagnet, what do you refer to as key?03:23
Picivmlinuz`: `sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm`03:23
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MoNsTeRPici, thanks03:23
vargransoundray: no it's kernel service as I understand. the problem is that when I'm trying to do something with network everything dies and I got that message in syslog03:23
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Downixthat would make him happy03:24
yo1Hey. Does anyone know anything about a common problem me and (what I can tell) a few others suffers from - OpenGL (ati/nvidia, doesn't matter) applications take up 100% of the CPU (atleast on one core at a time). I've been googling and forum trolling like crazy but never found any good solution.03:24
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magnetsteel_lady: oops SD card, not USB key, well it's just the same from your system point of view03:24
soundrayvargran: okay -- so you don't have a way to upgrade that machine?03:24
skitzorerUSUL ty will try the community03:24
vmlinuz`Pici: does that change the *out look* of the login manager?03:24
Downixyo1, sounds like you're software rendering03:24
=== Djoef [n=ghamon@kulnet-nat-2.kulnet.kuleuven.be] has joined #ubuntu
erUSULskitzor: no problem03:24
Djoefhello, what can i use to play mmf files ?03:24
Picivmlinuz`: It asks you to choose between kdm and gdm iirc03:24
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yo1Downix: Aye, although, fglrxinfo and glxinfo shows that I got ATi's OpenGL running, no mesa whatsoever03:25
vargransoundray: it doesn't have network. at all03:25
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vmlinuz`Pici: yea but then the login window will be the exact same?03:25
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steel_ladymagnet, I have internal card reader but also USB 'pendrive' reader where I can insert it. Is there any difference between trying one or another?03:25
Downixyo1:  very strange.  Which apps?03:25
coldbootSome of my fonts don't display in italics on a fresh Ubuntu install, anyone have any ideas what to check?03:25
magnetsteel_lady: yes.03:25
Djoefno one ? mmf player ?03:25
magnetsteel_lady: try both :)03:26
stephan_do you speak dutch???03:26
yo1Downix: Doesn't matter. I've tried a few games (tuxracer for example)03:26
mike__soundray: thanks for the help, I am trying it out now...03:26
ubotuNederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl03:26
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DownixDjoef, Yamaha SMAF sound file format created for mobile devices; commonly used for cell phone ring tones03:26
MoNsTeRPici, how come the fonts are really droopy03:26
DjoefDownix: yes, thats what i want to play03:27
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MoNsTeRPici, they look really blurry03:27
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scguy318!nl | stephan_03:27
ubotustephan_: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl03:27
PiciMoNsTeR: Change the font antialiasing then03:27
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PiciMoNsTeR: Yes.03:28
HoskyDjoef: have you tried mplayer and vlc ?03:28
MoNsTeRPici, thanks03:28
steel_ladymagnet, I plugged in  the USB reader, typed d  mesg | tail and got this: http://pastebin.com/m29baedbf03:28
DownixDjoef, I can't find a player for any OS, only conversion utilities03:28
magnetsteel_lady: well looks like it's not dead after all :P03:28
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steel_ladymagnet really?03:29
magnetsteel_lady: does it not show up in your file explorer?03:29
DjoefHosky: mplayer doesnt do it03:29
steel_ladyno it does not magnet03:29
magnetsteel_lady: do you wish to get the data back or just be able to use it again?03:29
NewGuyCanadahi all. I was just on the Ubuntu site... maybe I'm an idiot, but i'm trying to d/l an installer for PowerPC, and while there is some reference to that there are versions that will work on my machine, there is no reference in the download page as to which one i should use.03:29
NewGuyCanadaany ideas?03:29
Carsten-hi guys.. ive just installed gusty beta, since i have done it, i have lost the title bar to all my windows.. I assume this has something to do with compiz, is there a work around?03:29
steel_ladymagnet, at least to use it again if not other03:30
peolsteel_lady: try mount it manually (mount -t vfat /dev/sdb /to/this/dir)03:30
MatirCarsten-, are they all white?03:30
ksti think my mozembed is not installed or broken.. how do i install it again? how come it doesnt show up in synaptic?03:30
magnetsteel_lady: it can be tricky to get data back, so if you want to use it again (no guarantee), you should just format it to fat3203:30
Meroigo__is it hard to install two monitors with an ATI Radeon 6600XT card? :P if someone here have done it.03:30
Carsten-just no title bar at the top of each window03:30
steel_ladypeol, to which dir should I mount it?03:30
soundrayvargran: I can think of different ways to approach this. Probably the easiest is to download and burn the Alternate CD on another computer, tie it in as a software source and upgrade the kernel with that.03:30
coldbootMany of my fonts won't display italics, anyone know what might be wrong?03:31
peolsteel_lady: up to you, preferably create a dir in /media/03:31
magnetsteel_lady: ls /dev/sdb* first to see if you have the device files03:31
pike_NewGuyCanada: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=427714   fyi03:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mozembed - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:31
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Meroigo__9600 *03:31
steel_ladymagnet no such file or directory03:31
magnetsteel_lady: did you not forget the "*" ?03:32
steel_ladypeol, should I create some dir in /media previously?03:32
peolsteel_lady: follow magnet's instructions before to see if it actually found the device03:32
magnetsteel_lady: you won't be able to do what peol says if the device files arent there03:32
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NewGuyCanada>>Pike_ thanks!!03:33
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steel_ladymagnet I did not03:33
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magnetsteel_lady: try: ls /dev/disk/by-path/*usb*03:34
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Hoskyanyone installed Ubuntu on SunFire? Ultraspac III03:34
magnet(if you're using the USB pen thingy)03:34
RkwAsyikpls me bot03:35
MoNsTeRPici, gosh i cant really get it to look nice :(03:35
RkwAsyikto room radiokita03:35
speed_hi all03:35
steel_ladyls: /dev/disk/by-path/*usb*: No such file or directory03:35
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soundray!hi | speed_03:35
ubotuspeed_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!03:35
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magnetsteel_lady: did you plug your SD card in the USB reader?03:35
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steel_ladymagnet jes of course03:36
sahilhey when i pop in a cd, i dont have any icon on my desktop, how can i get it to display an icon?03:36
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magnetsteel_lady: hum that's bad :) are you using 7.04?03:36
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soundraysahil: make sure that it automounts. System-Preferences-Removable drives...03:36
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Rageonhey heguru : is VNC thru tunnel the only way to remote desktop?03:37
sahilsoundray, it does, because if i go to the home folder, then on the side i can see it and i can browse it and everything03:37
steel_ladymagnet yes I am and it happened to me after I uppgraded. I didn't have so many problems in previous versions03:37
heguruRageon: its one of the ways03:37
heguruRageon: if you are using vnc on LAN and not on internet03:37
soundrayRageon: no, you can VNC directly (insecure) or look at FreeNX03:37
heguruRageon: then no need to worry about security03:38
Rageonyea its for LAN03:38
magnetsteel_lady: did you upgrade using a new CD or through the upgrade procedure? (dist-upgrade/shiny button/whatever)03:38
Rageonbut it needs to be HIGH security03:38
heguruRageon: oh03:38
Rageonand i see VNC sniffers everywhere :s03:38
RkwAsyikpls join radiokita room03:38
heguruRageon: then use vnc over ssh03:38
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heguruRageon: do you want to try it?03:38
Rageonyea ok.. i dont haveto enable remote login do i?03:38
heguruRageon: yes you have to on the server03:38
heguruRageon: remote desktop03:39
heguruRageon: System -> Preferences -> Remote Desktop03:39
steel_ladymagnet I had problems upgrading, at the end I think I did it from CD but I am not sure. It asks for a CD often when I want to reinstall something or do some special operation. it reminds me of win this way03:39
Rageonok yup03:39
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magnetsteel_lady: you can disable its asking of the CD easily03:39
coldbootItalic fonts are not displaying at all on my system, anyone know what to search for?03:39
peolsteel_lady: you might have the CD as a repos in /etc/apt/sources.list03:40
magnetsteel_lady: as for the SD card I'm afraid it will be hard to solve through IRC :)03:40
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soundraycoldboot: is this a fresh install?03:40
vmlinuz`anybody have uses SCIM before?03:40
INTIMhi all i just installed VMware and Ubuntu 7.4 on vista lol tryin to test it and take a deeper look at linux03:40
coldbootsoundray: Yeah, pretty much.03:40
danielaxOfftopic, sorry - keystroke to get irssi ot refresh it's screen size?03:40
heguruRageon: make sure you Uncheck "Ask you for confirmation"03:40
coldbootsoundray: I just did a dist-upgrade after installing 7.04, and installed a few programs.03:40
heguruRageon: and check Require the user to enter this password03:40
coldbootsoundray: I barely fiddled with it.03:41
nanonymedanielax, ^L is redraw in irssi if that's what you mean03:41
heguruRageon: and then enter a VNC password03:41
coldbootsoundray: Any ideas?03:41
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danielaxah - thk03:41
soundraycoldboot: this kind of problem worries me enough that, if it was my system, I'd do a reinstall. Who knows what else went wrong.03:41
steel_ladymagnet, do you believe that there is a way to resurrect 4GB SD? Now I put it to another USB and the little light didn't turn off03:41
Rageonand it uses a ssh but itself?03:41
INTIMbtw like games< than go here ALien Arena for linux too red,planetarena.org03:41
soundraycoldboot: you could always save the contents of the package cache, so you don't have to re-download.03:41
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heguruRageon: no03:41
steel_ladymagnet suddenly something happened03:41
heguruRageon: you have to use ssh from your client03:41
magnetsteel_lady: there may be a way, it's hard to tell if the hardware is broken or not from here :)03:42
nanonymedanielax, if you're talking about terminal size, detach everything from the screen and then reattach and it should resize automatically03:42
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magnetsteel_lady: what happened? :)03:42
soundrayINTIM: no spamming please03:42
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heguruRageon: first, you have to install ssh server on the server side03:42
INTIMlol ok03:42
INTIMim usin xchat from linux03:42
vmlinuz`SCIM is using my binding... I do some hits in keyboard that are suppose to do something, and it changes language. how to fix that please03:42
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INTIMtryin out progs later all03:42
steel_ladymagnet http://pastebin.com/m90df2be03:43
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magnetsteel_lady: wow that's bad03:43
magnetsteel_lady: your kernel just Oopsed03:43
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coldbootsoundray: That's a pretty tedious way to solve a simple problem...03:43
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magnetsteel_lady: something must be wrong with your hardware, hopefully it's only the SD card03:44
soundraycoldboot: how do you know it's a simple problem? It may just be the tip of the iceberg.03:44
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powerservenewbie here.. just want to ask anyone here on how to install collanos to a 64bit amd machine running on feisty03:44
steel_ladymagnet now I am very afraid03:44
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steel_ladywhat should I do?03:44
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magnetsteel_lady: most probably it's your ram or cpu03:44
magnetsteel_lady: calm down first :P03:44
sgp,  , ,  samb',    wins  dhcp03:44
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ubotu   #ubuntu-ru       /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke03:45
soundraycoldboot: if you're sure you want to go down the diagnosing/repairing route, start with the advice from ubotu (private message)03:45
steel_ladymagnet I am going to get a heart attack03:45
soundray!fonts > coldboot03:45
magnetsteel_lady: do I have to call 911?03:45
magnetsteel_lady: ;)03:45
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magnetsteel_lady: come on it's not going to die on you .. not now at least03:45
steel_ladymagnet rather tell me what can I do. And btw, the USB light is on, how can I remove the card safely?03:45
magnetsteel_lady: what kind of computer do you have?03:45
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soundraycoldboot: btw, my last install-update routine took less than 30 min. I don't consider that tedious, compared to tracking a weird problem of unknown origin.03:46
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steel_ladymagnet I have Dell Inspiron 640003:46
Downixsteel:  replace it as fast as possible03:46
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magnetsteel_lady: hmm, to remove it safely you'd need the device03:46
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magnetsteel_lady: do you have any valuable data on one of the memory sticks?03:46
Downixsteel_lady, the 6400/E1505 have a problem with the power regulation system, it's a $500 repair and not covered under warranty in most cases.03:47
ckin2001steel_lady, dont worry about that stuff from the kernel - just a core dump03:47
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magnetckin2001: "just" a core dump? :)03:47
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magnetckin2001: when your kernel oopses you shouldn't ignore it ;)03:47
ckin2001magnet, you should see what I get when I crash stuff in wine03:47
magnetckin2001: from the kernel?03:48
steel_ladyDownix, which kind of problem and how does it affect the comp?03:48
ikoniackin2001 core dumps are critical03:48
pluffsy_I haven't been able to figure out from the hardwaresupport wikipage if apples wireless mighty mouse and apples wireless alu keyboard works under ubuntu. any ideas?03:48
magnetckin2001: or from the userland?03:48
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Rageonive got an old XP partition that i want to delete WINDOWS off.. and not the data... now my idea is to login thru that thing u skip on installtion and to delete the files with full write accesss.. where is to set this up?03:48
b0nza1wow.. upgrade from 7.04 to gutsy was not so fun03:48
=== Lars_G [n=adminus@unaffiliated/lars-g/x-000001] has joined #ubuntu
Lars_GGood dayll.03:48
Lars_Ggood day all.03:48
ikoniaRageon you want to delete the windows install, but not the data on the windows partition ?03:48
Rageonthats correct03:48
Downixsteel_lady, If you start getting odd switching between AC/battery, it's a sign that the system is on it's way out.  Basically, there's a small power-control system on the motherboard that sometimes goes bad.  When it does, it will not recognize when an AC adaptor is plugged up at all.  Means once the battery is dead, you have a nice paperweight.  Found out the hard way, have a paperweight here.03:49
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magnetsteel_lady: i doubt it's related to power regulation, this is a bad CPU or RAM problem most likely03:49
Nylehow is the gusty beta?03:49
ikoniaRageon your only option is to boot from an operating system outside of windows, , mount the ntfs parition read write and delete he windows directory03:49
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ikoniaNyle in beta03:49
Nylestable enough to use?03:49
soundrayRageon: and you're running Ubuntu dual-boot atm? Why not install ntfs-3g and delete files to your heart's desire?03:49
b0nza1Rageon: go get winxpe do a search for it..03:49
ikoniaNyle its in beta03:49
soundrayNyle: ask in #ubuntu+103:49
Downixmagnet:  quite right.  Those Inspirons RAM selection is very picky, have the wrong stick and the kernel can coredump I found out.03:49
magnetsteel_lady: anyway first things first, what about valuable data? you should back them up *now* because you're comp will be in repair soon03:49
Lars_GSince a dist-upgrade is a dist-upgrade, would it be too mad to dist-upgrade directly from hoary to feisty?03:50
ikoniaLars_G it wouldn't work03:50
ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions03:50
soundrayLars_G: yes. It'll never work.03:50
ckin2001magnet, the dump mentions khubd :/03:50
steel_ladymagnet don't tell me that please03:50
Rageoncan i apt ntfs-3g soundray ?03:50
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soundrayRageon: yes03:50
scaporDoes anybody know how I could come in contact with Antoine Gutzwiller, the one who won a courtcase in France against Acer to get a laptop wihtout Windows ?  I'm about to do the same in Belgium and need help.03:50
Downixsteel_lady, Has nothing to do with your current problem, just something to watch out for in the future.  How many RAM sticks do you have installed?03:50
ikoniaRageon read the links you've just called for03:50
Lars_GI'll have to dist-upgrade to dapper, and then to edgy and then to feisty?03:50
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soundray!ntfs-3g > Rageon, please read the private message03:51
magnetckin2001: mhh well you should report that :p03:51
ikoniaLars_G I don't even think you can do that03:51
Rageontheir always confusing, lol03:51
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soundrayLars_G: no, you'd have to upgrade to breezy first, then do as you said.03:51
Lars_GPersonally I'd love to upgrade to dapper and leave it there. I might even do that and stay at dapper and compile the package I need by hand03:51
Lars_Gsoundray: breezy is the next to hoary?03:51
Lars_Gsoundray: what's the wiki page with release lists?03:51
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soundrayLars_G: backup and reinstall. While you're at it, you might go to gutsy straight away (release date 18 Oct)03:51
magnetsteel_lady: when your kernel does what it just did, 99% of the time it's because the problem is with the hardware, it's most likely the ram, is your comp still on warranty?03:52
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steel_ladyDownix, I went for an offer of double RAM for half price so I suppose 2 og 512MB03:52
Lars_Gsoundray: backup and reinstall is almost death right now. sigh03:52
=== Lars_G weeps
soundray!release > Lars_G03:52
steel_ladymagnet it is not03:52
soundrayLars_G: whiner03:52
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soundrayLars_G: sorry, just kidding ;)03:52
vmlinuz`please how to remove SCIM03:52
vmlinuz`its annoying me..03:52
soundrayLars_G: why, what's the problem?03:53
Downixsteel_lady, Likely one of those is the culpret.  If you're under warranty, have them swap it.  If not, take one out, try it, if it still dumps, switch to the other and check that one.  If both dump, then it's somewhere else.03:53
=== Rageon [n=null@d58-104-201-252.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
ckin2001steel_lady, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/8374803:53
steel_ladyI had terrible problems with comp, I thought it was ram but it passed when I put another video driver03:53
Rageonsoundray: im downloading ntfs-3g how do i use it once ive got it ?03:53
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magnetsteel_lady: mhh well; the proper course of action here would be (1) backups (2) memtests while swiching RAM sticks -- and hoping it's RAM (3) solved or you can have your heart attack at that time ;)03:53
Lars_Gsoundray: it's a server, and there would be an inordinate ammount of data to backup, but mainly the problem is that I don't have a fesity or dapper cd at hand right now.03:53
soundrayRageon: have you read the private message from ubotu?03:53
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steel_ladybut guys, that happened when I changed my sd card from 1 USB to another03:54
=== Lars_G sighs
Rageonyer it just gave a general descibtion about the file03:54
Downixsteel_lady, after this system, I gave up on Dell laptops.03:54
digitalspaghettiHi there, I have a server running Ubuntu 7.04 with LAMP, and I'm trying to install TRAC.  So far I cannot get it to work, it keeps causing apache to segfault03:54
Lars_GI'll go fetch a few things, and install feisty from scratch03:54
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digitalspaghettii've done a backtrace, but can't see anything, i'm wondering if anyone has had the same?03:54
Downixsteel_lady, very odd03:54
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Lars_GI'd love to use dapper since this is a server, in text mode, so LTS is good.03:54
ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions03:54
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magnetsteel_lady: ok ok let's say it's related to your SD card03:55
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soundrayLars_G: there are ways to do a fresh install via the network -- have a look at the install page (private message)03:55
magnetsteel_lady: there's a chance the driver is buggy ...03:55
soundray!install > Lars_G03:55
digitalspaghetti#trac can't see any problems either, so i'm wondering if it's a ubuntu-specific problem, i'm using repo versions03:55
ckin2001magnet, khubd manages hotplug devices, and https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/83748 mentions khubd specifically "oopsing"03:55
Lars_GBut, I plant to launch to the next lts as soon as it's out (8.04 right?) and it'll be easier to jump from feisty than from dapper. plus one package I need is too outdated in dapper.03:55
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mike___soundray: thanks a lot, you are awesome. That page you pointed me to got me sound finally! Let's hope that never happens again since I went through so many different attempts I have no idea which combination would be needed for next time03:55
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steel_ladymagnet, since I changed the system I am constantly getting problems with memory cards03:55
magnetckin2001: OK ok :)03:56
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steel_ladyit is writin chinese on it03:56
Lars_Gsoundray: Oh I know that. Before ubuntu I've used debian for years and done more than one network install. trouble is this backbone is not TOO powerfull and I don't want to have an all-day downtime03:56
Rageonguys.. dont tell me feisty comes with ntfs-3g ?03:56
soundraymike___: well done for needing just that little hint :)03:56
magnetckin2001: the oops steel_lady just had is related to hotplugging USB too03:56
Lars_GRageon: Well yeah, feisty has ntfs-3g03:56
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mike___thanks again03:56
Rageonok so ive got ntfs-3g twice now how do i enable write access03:57
Lars_GRageon: it's not the only ntfs driver it has though.03:57
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steel_ladyalthough on previous system I was getting a message that drivers have a problem and to report it like a bug03:57
ckin2001magnet, I know.  I didn't want you guys completely freaking her out.  It sounded like she unplugged something that khubd was managing and caused it to burp03:57
Lars_GRageon: you need to mount using ntfs-3g as the type, and maybe specify -o rw03:57
magnetsteel_lady: then the kernel part handling disks hotplugging is most definitely buggy with your system03:57
soundrayLars_G: a machine swap is out of the question?03:57
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Downixsteel_lady, Oh, phew, much simpler problem03:58
steel_ladybut my question is in general on any system how can I at least format this card? Win doesn't see it either after ubuntu was done with it03:58
Lars_Gsoundray: Saddly it is, otherwise it'd be the best option. the only other machine available lacks the ammount of required network interfaces.03:58
magnetckin2001: yeah OK my bad, I personnally never have any Oopse unless my hardware is broken. like never :).03:58
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coldbootsoundray: I guess it's easier than troubleshooting.03:58
peolRageon: sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g ntfs-config03:58
Lars_Gsoundray: Ah well I'll make it work. I always do03:58
Rageonty prol03:58
peolRageon: then check your Applications -> System tools03:58
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ckin2001magnet, no problem.  I break stuff all the time03:59
soundrayLars_G: you must do, if you've been using Debian for that long :)03:59
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coldbootsoundray: Do you just overwrite everything? I have my / and /home on the same partition.03:59
Innomenhow do i add xp to the menu.lst file?03:59
magnetsteel_lady: you need to see the device first (e.g /dev/sdb1) then you can recreate a file system using mkfs.vfat03:59
Lars_Gsoundray: Heh and I used worse before. And the worst is that I LIKE fighting the machines03:59
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Lars_Gsoundray: a smooth install is no fun03:59
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soundraycoldboot: either that, or use gparted to create new space by resizing.03:59
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stefgLars_G: welcome to #gentoo :-)04:00
Lars_Gsoundray: you know I might be able to swap systems... let me check. I wont take more of your time. thanks04:00
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Innomenboth os will load depending on which i flag as bootable, and the grub menu comes up, but i dont know how do add xp to the list04:00
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steel_ladyoh and another strange problem I am having. I was shutting down my comp before going to sleep. this morning I came and it was not shut down but it was on, the screen was black with some strange blue stains on it04:00
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource04:00
soundrayLars_G: good luck04:00
Lars_Gstefg: been there done that. beleive it or not if you got a good cpu gentoo is a much easier server to maintain04:00
Lars_Gsoundray: thanks04:00
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magnetsteel_lady: relics from Windows ;P04:00
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Rageonthx guys.. ive my main problems solved all thanks to this channel :D04:01
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soundrayRageon: well done04:01
Downixnow if I can get 3D to work properly I'll be happy....04:01
coldbootsoundray: Does gparted ever mess up?04:01
steel_ladymagnet I don't understand... why from win? why it didn't turn off?04:01
magnetsteel_lady: either X failed to shut down nicely (most likely) or your acpi subsystem is buggy04:01
soundraycoldboot: yes, but not as often as Partition Magic :)04:01
Rageonim just the monkey typing the keys lol well done to you guys :)04:01
usr13DWonderly, What display adapter doyou have?04:01
magnetsteel_lady: it was a joke, you know BSOD and everything04:01
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soundraycoldboot: it's vulnerable in principle to things such as powercuts04:02
Lars_GI wish you guys would stop talking about 3D04:02
steel_ladymagnet I don't know what is BSOD and I have bug phobia04:02
usr13Downix, , What display adapter doyou have?04:02
soundrayLars_G: full ack04:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bsod - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:02
Rageonis supergrub better then current grub?04:02
magnetsteel_lady: Blue Screen of Death :)04:02
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coldbootsoundray: I can't resize the partition I'm currently mounted and using...04:02
soundrayLars_G: who needs 3D to run bash :)04:02
coldbootsoundray: This is why I use Partition magic...04:02
magnetsteel_lady: can you reproduce the bug? sometimes it happens to me, but the PC isn't frozen I can switch to console and halt manually04:02
Surger!repos gdal04:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about repos gdal - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:02
InnomenRageon: super is just a boot saver, grub is like built in04:03
soundraycoldboot: oh no no no, you have to do it off the live CD04:03
Lars_GMy main workstation at job #2 fried. and as a result of upgrading the mobo and cpu, I was forced to discard my nvidia 6200 in favor of a built in SiS that uses the cpu bus for memory access.04:03
peolOkay, a question for ya; is "(II) GLX: Initialized MESA-PROXY GL provider for screen 0" supposed to show up in Xorg.0.log if I'm supposed to use hw acceleration?04:03
Rageonahh ic.04:03
steel_ladymagnet, how do you switch to console then?04:03
Downixusr13, ATI, and yes, I put the restricted drivers on, but when that didn't work, I installed the latest binaries from AMD directly04:03
Rageoncool :D04:03
Lars_Gsoundray: not really... but when edgy is so close, and with xgl working.... :'(04:03
magnetsteel_lady: Alt + F1 (or F2 till F6)04:03
Rageonwell thanks guys ill bb later :D04:03
Innomensupergrub is a bootimage that uses grub plus options for system recovery04:03
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magnetsteel_lady: Ctrl+Alt+ Fx if you're in X04:03
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soundrayLars_G: umm, edgy? close?04:03
Lars_Gsoundray: In fact, when I'm forced to downgrade from programming in a dual monitor at 1280x1024x24 to a single monitor, at 1024x768x16 (otherwise the shared memory bus causes artifacts) and lose Xv in the process....04:04
SurgerWhere can I find a list of Feisty packages?04:04
Lars_Gsoundray: I meant Gutsy04:04
Downixusr13, Got further with the latest drivers, but it still won't display 3D.04:04
magnetsteel_lady: (ie: Ctrl+Alt+F1 ) then you log in using your username/password (your password won't show anything as you type in), then type "sudo halt" to shut down the computer04:04
Innomencan someone help me with this duel boot thing?04:04
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Lars_Gsoundray: do you know what it's like to code in two monitors. and be forced back into one? :'(04:04
Lars_GI digress04:04
Innomeni dunna understand menu.lst :)04:04
soundray!dualboot > Innomen, please have a look at the private message from ubotu04:05
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steel_ladyak, thanx04:05
peolInnomen: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/linux-tutorials-howtos-reference-material/19644-how-add-windows-2k-xp-grub.html04:05
peolgoogle is your friend04:05
usr13Downix, Ok, well don't know about ATI.  That's a challenge.  I've done quite well with various Nvidia cards but not ATI.  I don't do ATI.  Sorry.04:05
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steel_ladywell, so nothing to do with my SD till they fix the bug one day?04:05
Innomenno, humans are my friend04:05
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Innomenthank you :)04:05
Lars_Gsoundray: you're a sysadmin?04:05
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nanonymeInnomen, sounds like a badly chosen friendship04:05
Downixusr13, Debating on buying an nVidia card, if I can find a PCI one.  (that way I can put it in my sons machine once ATI stabilizes some)04:06
Innomennanonyme: sometimes i frankly wonder04:06
soundrayLars_G: not a paid one, if that's what you mean :)04:06
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Lars_Gsoundray: but been in the trenches?04:06
coldbootsoundray: The stupid program should just do it on reboot like Partition Magic, makes it so annoying to do partitioning otherwise.04:06
magnetsteel_lady: i'm afraid so, anyway I don't think anyone can solve that through IRC04:06
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skitzorsoundray thanks man!04:06
usr13Downix, ebay04:06
RetiredInMaineI'm new to irc. This looks like a free for all. Do I just jump in with a question or is there some sort of sequence or priority? Sory if I offend anyone04:06
Mortice!ask | RetiredInMaine04:06
ubotuRetiredInMaine: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:06
InnomenRetiredInMaine: jump in04:06
soundrayskitzor: yw, whatever it was ;)04:06
kitcheRetiredInMaine: just jump right in :)04:06
InnomenMortice: dont scold the newb04:06
Downixusr13, the ones I've been finding there are half of the time PCI-e mislabelled04:06
magnetsteel_lady: there are too many points of failure here (the SD card, the readers, the drivers, your comp's hardware, etc)04:06
Innomengod the morning crowd is mean04:06
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MorticeInnomen: wasn't meant as scolding, just giving information through ubotu04:07
usr13RetiredInMaine, The jump in method works quite well :)04:07
Innomencome back at 3am you'll get nice people04:07
MorticeInnomen: ubotu even smiles :)04:07
soundrayLars_G: sort of.04:07
DownixRetiredInMaine, Hey, where in Maine?04:07
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Lars_Glet me ask somewhere else04:07
soundrayLars_G: no, I won't04:07
InnomenMortice: yea i basically got told "google newb" :P04:07
steel_ladymagnet, since I have 3 readers and 4 USBs one is down04:07
punzadawell, google will solve 90% of ubuntu issues, so it's not that bad of an answer :)04:07
soundrayLars_G: dang, it seems I won't be able to stop you...04:08
magnetsteel_lady: makes it harder to help :P04:08
usr13Downix, Yes, guess we have to watch that nowdays, with PCI-e as popular as it is.04:08
=== Djoef [n=ghamon@kulnet-nat-2.kulnet.kuleuven.be] has joined #ubuntu
steel_ladyso, magnet can you tell me if I go to another comp with my readers, what should I do?04:08
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murlidhardoes zune media player supports linux???04:08
Downixusr13, Even worse when you're looking for a PCIX controller04:08
Innomenpunzada: everything is easy when you already know how04:08
Lars_Gsoundray: ?? stop me?04:08
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Clark1no they dont support linux04:08
Innomenknowing what to search for is an art, and the net isnt always accurate, i like human help, sue me04:08
Djoefhi, what would you use to put several images in a folder automatically on a page (like i want.. 4 images on one page to print) or maybe later only 2 etc04:08
soundrayLars_G: from asking somewhere else04:09
steel_ladymagnet, it is not so easy to forget 4GB SD card for my PDA :-(04:09
murlidharany good media player that supports linux???04:09
punzadaUnderstood Innomen, that's why we are here. :)04:09
Lars_Gsoundray: I can re-ask here. to you, if you feel better04:09
punzadamurlidhar, VLC04:09
soundrayLars_G: sorry, just talking bollix04:09
RetiredInMainethanks. I've just changed to ubuntu from fedora. In fedora there is an applet that lets a user activate/deactivate an internet connection. I like to use this when I leave my pc for a while. Is there anything like this in ubuntu? If there is I can't find it.04:09
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Clark1sony walkman?04:09
magnetsteel_lady: if the comp runs linux, first see if the SD card is recognized (with the dmesg | tail command), get the device name, check if the partitions are available ls /dev/devicename* or just create them using cfdisk, or if they're created format them with mkfs.vfat04:09
=== AndoNET [n=andoni@31.Red-83-42-138.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
murlidharpunzada: i mean the hardware04:09
punzadasorry I misunderstood you04:09
Lars_Gsoundray: What would you choose to a mainly edge router/firewall with some http and mail services. cpu over ram or ram over cpu?04:09
punzadaIpod does I'm pretty positive04:09
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AndoNEThi, i need spanish support for compiz-fussion04:10
FFighterHow am I supposed to take screenshots in XFCE?04:10
punzadaIriver does also I believe (but you should check into that)04:10
Innomenand then there is the nature of relvence04:10
FFighterI'm trying print screen but i doesn't seem to copy the image to the clipboard04:10
usr13RedKrieg, You should find it in the upper right corner.  Right-Click on it.04:10
murlidharexcept ipod it doesn't have feature u see04:10
magnetsteel_lady: if the comp doesn't run linux, I can't help you it's too hard for me :\04:10
Innomenthis link is about fedora04:10
Clark1As 4me I prefer ipod, but I use windows partition for iTunes04:10
Innomenwhat applies to umbuntu and what dosent?04:10
Djoefno one ?04:10
steel_ladyok magnet, I will try04:10
soundrayLars_G: static or generated HTML?04:10
peolInnomen: grub should be the same, more or less04:11
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usr13RetiredInMaine, , You should find it in the upper right corner, left of the Date.  Right-Click on it.04:11
Lars_Gsoundray: half and half. but dynamic (working with postgress) is a low access service. mostly one client at any time and about less than 15 hits a day04:11
peolInnomen: just check your other entries in your own menu.lst and you'll see the diff's :)04:11
Innomenwell my grub works and both drives work and the flag is set right all i need is help adding the xp entry to menu.lst04:11
magnetsteel_lady:  good luck with that, i'm off04:11
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Innomeni recall the xp entry being pretty diffrent04:11
steel_ladyok, thank you04:11
=== kdawg [n=timothy@ABordeaux-156-1-23-85.w86-213.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Innomendo any of you duel boot?04:12
soundrayLars_G: I guess your question is too general. I could imagine you ending up with a bottleneck after either choice.04:12
Lars_Gsoundray: you're right.04:12
=== Lars_G thinks
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Innomena pmed paste of the window menu.lst entry would be helpful04:12
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usr13Innomen, I duel with swords and guns, boots are much too clumsy04:12
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RetiredInMaineuser13, is that the enable networking icon?04:13
soundrayLars_G: however, since CPU prices increase nonlinearly as opposed to extra RAM modules, I would go for RAM if in doubt.04:13
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usr13RetiredInMaine, Yes, I think so.04:13
x_linkJust have a question.04:13
ikoniax_link ask it04:13
MorticeFire away, x_link04:13
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x_linkThanks =)04:13
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ikoniaInnomen yes04:14
usr13RetiredInMaine, Is your network wired or wireless?04:14
x_linkI heard that Compiz Fusion will be pre-installed in 7.1004:14
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Innomeni got it working, can duel boot sorta :)04:14
x_linkAs default I mean.04:14
ikoniax_link correct04:14
ikoniaInnomen well done04:14
x_linkWill beryl still be in the repos or what?04:14
x_linkCause I rather use Beryl than C-F04:14
ikoniax_link I dn't believe so04:14
peolx_link: probably not, compiz fusion is a merge of beryl and compiz04:14
x_linkBaah =/04:14
RetiredInMaineuser13: DUH - I should have figured it out, I thought it would be a permanent disable and I would need to log on again. Thanks04:14
Innomeni didnt do it, you guys did04:14
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x_linkikonia/peol: Okej.04:14
x_linkWhat a shame.04:15
ikoniaInnomen glad your working04:15
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ikoniax_link beryl doesn't exist any more04:15
Innomenanyway, trying to craft the winxp entry for the menu.lst04:15
x_linkI tried Compiz Fusion for like 2-3 months ago. Worked really bad for me.04:15
x_linkikonia: I use Beryl right now.04:15
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peolit's been improbed since, almost daily there's a new update on the gutsy repos atm04:15
ikoniax_link it doesnt' exist any more, its part of compiz fusion now04:15
soundrayInnomen: there is a sample in the file, starting at line 1304:15
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x_linkikonia: I know.04:15
Innomensoundray: thank you04:16
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x_linkikonia: So I will not be able to use the beryl that I use now in 7.10?04:16
Innomenrtfm eh?04:16
ikoniaprobably not04:16
soundrayInnomen: no, kyewo04:16
soundray(keep your eyes wide open :)04:16
Innomeni dont know that one04:16
kdawgBonjour ... I have a (hopefully quick) question.04:16
Innomeni do now :)04:16
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soundrayInnomen: you've heard it here first :)04:17
Mortice!ask | kdawg04:17
peolkdawg: shoot04:17
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ubotukdawg: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:17
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usr13kdawg, Do hurry, we are pressed for time here!04:17
RetiredInMainedoes anyone know if it is possible to set up an app to start up whenever I log on?04:17
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kdawgI downloaded the latest Gutsy beta, but my PC won't boot to the DVD drive (bios won't let it). What files can I safely remove to shrink it to a CD-based boot?04:17
x_linkWell, thanks alot for the help!04:17
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peolRetiredInMaine: System -> Preferences -> Sessions04:17
cosmodadcan anyone tell me how I can re-route all mail designated for root to some e-mail address of mine?04:17
blue|palmwhen does the Gutsy software freeze occur?04:17
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soundraykdawg: ask gutsy questions in #ubuntu+104:17
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soundrayblue|palm: it has. Go to #ubuntu+1 pls04:18
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usr13RetiredInMaine, Yes04:18
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ikoniacosmodad .forward04:18
soundrayRetiredInMaine: System-Preferences-Session04:18
neil_soundray: gparted is saying check and repair errors on my partition, but fsck says there are no errors.04:18
kdawgOK ... on my way to ubuntu+1. Thx.04:18
neil_soundray: I'm coldboot, by the way04:18
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cosmodadikonia: I thought that method was deprecated?04:19
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RetiredInMainefound it - thanks04:19
ikoniacosmodad it is04:19
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ikoniacosmodad you can also use an alias04:19
Lars_G!install > Lars_G04:19
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cosmodadikonia: an alias?04:19
usr13RetiredInMaine, just  close all but the application(s) you want ot have running each time you start your system, and do as peol said.  It's pretty easy.04:19
HuricaneHarrycosmodad, ikona probably better to use /etc/aliases ?04:19
ikoniacosmodad yup user alias04:19
Clark1is there an offtopic ubuntu chat room?04:19
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Mortice!offtopic > Clark104:20
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cosmodadikonia: oh ok. Is there anything else I need to configure in order for mail transfer to succeed?04:20
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cosmodadikonia: like some MTA software?04:20
Innomenif i turn hidden menu into #hiddenmenu does that mean it wont automatically load an os, it'll let me pick without hittign escape?04:20
ikoniacosmodad not really04:20
usr13!offtopic > usr1304:20
soundrayneil_: weird. Is something wrong with your drive?04:20
cosmodadikonia: what's an easy way to test?04:20
ikoniacosmodad send mail ?04:20
sexcopterhi, i have a quick question: i'm picking up a new graphics card after work today. currently i just have intel onboard graphics, and this one is nvidia (agp). do i just simply power down, put the new card in, swap monitor cables and go, or will there be issues botting up X if i don't change settings beforehand (to vesa or something like that)?04:20
Clark1thanks Mortice04:20
cosmodadikonia: how'd I send mail to user root via console?04:20
MorticeClark1: no problem :)04:20
HuricaneHarry!offtopic > HuricaneHarry04:21
cosmodadikonia: this is supposed to work on my server...04:21
ikoniacosmodad mailx04:21
soundrayneil_: you might try to enable smart in the bios and check it with smartmontools or similar04:21
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...04:21
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cosmodadikonia: I'll try, thanks04:21
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soundraycancer_girl: you're already there04:22
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peolsexcopter: It'll be some problems in X probably, if you know your things in the terminal it's no problems, just run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg after you've plugged it in04:22
Innomensoundray: this example cant be complete and whats "chainloader" mean?04:22
soundrayInnomen: it is complete. It means "pass control to another boot sector'04:23
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darkchr0n0s__can anyone help me with xgamma command ?04:23
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tarzeaudarkchr0n0s__: sure, what is it?04:23
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Lazzieanyone know how to format a sdcard to fat? its ntfs atm... :(04:24
NashuHy, I have 2 disks : hda-windows hdd - ubuntu, if I remove the windows  hard drive grub doesn't work anymore, but if I look to /boot/grub all the file are there. What should I do to be able to boot with/without windows hard drive?04:24
cosmodadikonia: can I also set the default sender?04:24
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Innomenhere we go04:24
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darkchr0n0s__tarzeau i cannot find the correct switches04:24
ikoniacosmodad man mailx04:24
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cosmodadikonia: I suppose other processes don't use mailx04:24
cosmodadikonia: like logrotate04:24
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ikoniacosmodad no04:24
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sexcopterpeol, ok, i can do that. so can i install any nvidia binary drivers now in advance, so i can get it set right just the once?04:24
ikoniathen normally just use mail04:25
soundrayI've been running John the Ripper for two days straight. Does it normally take this long to crack a password? (P4 1.6 GHz)04:25
darkchr0n0s__tarzeau : i just want to reuce screen brightness..04:25
cosmodadikonia: they you mean?04:25
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darkchr0n0s__soundray , don't think this is the correct place04:25
ikoniacosmodad: correct04:25
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peolsexcopter: yeah, you should be able to compile/install new kernel modules and libs for the nvidia card before you put it in :)04:25
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cosmodadsoundray: depends on how lame your password is04:25
soundraycosmodad: it's good news then ;)04:26
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Innomenok it shows up in the menu, i think i fed it the wrong partition04:26
neil_soundray: Some stupid program is using /dev/sda2, do you know the program that lets you see which programs have which files open?04:26
max__How can i remove hardware from the compiz blacklist04:26
darkchr0n0s__tarzeau ... working on it ?04:26
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soundrayneil_: lsof ?04:26
cosmodadsoundray: if your password is decently smart, you won't be able to crack it in zillions of years.04:26
cosmodadsoundray: not using brute-force.04:26
sexcopterpeol: thanks. so just to check i'm going to add "nvidia-glx" in synaptic. is that all i need do?04:27
NashuHy, I have 2 disks : hda-windows hdd - ubuntu, if I remove the windows  hard drive grub doesn't work anymore, but if I look to /boot/grub all the file are there. What should I do to be able to boot with/without windows hard drive?04:27
soundraycosmodad: I see. john assumes that it's Standard DES -- I don't even know whether that's correct.04:28
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neil_soundray: When you use gparted for resizing, should you see a progress bar actually progressing, or does it bounce back and forth?04:28
peolsexcopter: I'm not an expert on nvidia cards, never owned one, but yeah - or use their binary installs on their homepage04:28
cosmodadsoundray: again, depends on the database.04:28
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cosmodadsoundray: if you just wanna check your password's security level, don't bother john. Just follow the standard security guidelines.04:29
soundraycosmodad: the database?04:29
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Innomencrypto is such a scam, if someone wants your data they can have it, the only secure data is erased data, it all a matter of resources04:29
soundraycosmodad: it's partly because I wanted to give this machine a good thrashing04:29
peolsexcopter: a friend of mine said that the drivers from nvidia.com is better. just install them following a nicey guide, and you'll be all set (you probably just need to change Driver in your xorg.conf entry04:29
kitchesoundray: yes you need a wordlist to use john :)04:29
cosmodadsoundray: the database where you draw the password from. That defines the type of encryption algorithm used.04:29
Innomenlike if someone put a shotgun in my mouth they get to have my passwords04:29
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soundrayneil_: it shouldn't bounce04:29
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ikoniapeol thats a nonsense statment04:29
yowshipeol umm it isnt always simple04:29
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ganes2soundray:i installed..compiz fusion..how to get cube??04:30
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yowshii have an nvidia card and installing the drivers for it was anything but simple04:30
sexcopterpeol: i'll consider it, thanks04:30
agraupeI'm having some trouble with my wireless networking.  it seems my wireless card requires the rate to be set manually, but I'm not sure how to accomplish this with network-manager.  if I try sudo iwconfig eth1 rate 11M, it remains at 1M and shows all network qualities as 0/100.  the driver in question is the native bcm43xx, and it has worked properly in the past04:30
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soundrayganes2: don't ask me any effects questions. I'm a bash man.04:30
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kitcheganes2: compiz --replace & I believe in a terminal but #ubuntu-effects can help you more04:30
peolOkay, sorry about that. I *did* say I wasn't an expert on the field ;)04:30
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soundraykitche: I was assuming it would use it automatically.04:31
Azrael24hi guys...oh for the love of god...will anyone kindly help me?  lol04:31
ikoniaAzrael24 what is the problem04:31
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Azrael24I've been playing with FF and ubuntu ultimate for the last 4 months...04:31
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neil_soundray: parted reports that my ext3 partition has an incompatible feature enabled on it.04:31
Azrael24and on my laptop, which all the hardware has been tested and fine...04:31
ikoniaAzrael24 sorry ubuntu ultimate is not supported here as its not an ubuntu product04:31
soundrayneil_: did you set something unusual/non-default when you were installing?04:32
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Nashuikonia... pls could you help ...04:32
ganes2 kitche:thanks04:32
ikoniaNashu what is the problem04:32
NashuHy, I have 2 disks : hda-windows hdd - ubuntu, if I remove the windows  hard drive grub doesn't work anymore, but if I look to /boot/grub all the file are there. What should I do to be able to boot with/without windows hard drive?04:32
Innomenikonia if you wernt so helpful i'd curse your brutality :P04:32
neil_soundray: Nope04:32
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Azrael24my laptop will load up fine, but freezes after this rectangular box?  with the funky sound effect...but freezes 95% of the time at the desktop screen...mouse works, I can do a ctrl.alt.f204:32
Azrael24I'm just stumped...no idea what to do at this point04:32
=== SAMSAM [n=samsam@glo44-4-82-239-71-223.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
sexcopterok, i just noticed that there is nvidia-glx and nvidia-glx-new in the repositories. which do you think corresponds to a geforce 6200?04:33
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soundrayneil_: that's the kind of thing I meant when I said "who knows what else went wrong".04:33
Azrael24I've been playing with FF on it longer than UU04:33
ikoniaNashu grub boat loader is installed on your windows boot sector. You ned to appyl grub to the ubuntu bootsector to make it work04:33
ikonia!grub >nashu04:33
ikoniaNashu: that link should guide you through installing grub to a disk04:33
darkchr0n0s__can anyone help me with xgamma command ?04:33
sjkwizardonehow can i see what kind of driver (for wifi card) i have already installed on my pc?04:33
ikoniaAzrael24 ubuntu ultimate is not supported here. Ubuntu ultimate is not an ubuntu product04:33
=== MrDeadLock [n=deadlock@12-214-50-87.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
darkchr0n0s__i cannot find the correct switches04:33
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peolsexcopter: I'm not sure, maybe someone else could pick that up. nvidia-glx-new sounds nice though. ;)04:34
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Azrael24please disregard comment about ultimate...just FF04:34
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neil_soundray: I don't think that fonts not displaying, and something being messed up with my partition, on an otherwise perfectly working system has much to do with each other.04:34
ikoniaAzrael24 no - ubuntu ultimate is not supported here. Please visit http://www.ubuntuultimate.com04:34
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soundrayneil_: you're free to choose what you want to believe.04:34
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biopodI just installed ubuntu 7.04 on a new computer, ATI radeon x1600, but even with the restricted drivers, i cant get a resolution bigger then 1024*768... help me out please.04:35
Innomenneil_: man if you want to understand computers do not think logically04:35
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nixno0banyone play regnum?  my game crashes just after starting....04:35
soundraybiopod: hi, sorry I left you high and dry yesterday. Did you get your rt61 to work?04:35
neil_Innomen: It just seems unlikely that something this illogical is linked.04:35
Nashuikonia : thank you!04:35
tulbiopod: look for xorg.conf04:35
Innomenyour mouse can make your screen die, no joke :P04:35
cosmodadikonia: mailx mocked that no postfix main.cf was available. I dpkg-reconfigured postfix but I'm not sure what to pick...04:35
Azrael24ikonia...whether it's FF, or UU...same problem ensues...no suggestion at this point?04:35
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RobbieHi, i'm a noob when it comes to this but i'm thinking about installing ubuntu on my PC, but i want to keep windows. is there anyway I can install Ubuntu so that i can choose which OS to load on startup?04:36
neil_soundray: I think it's just a coincidence that parted has some sort of bug in it, that error message is retardedly vague.04:36
ikoniaAzrael24 my suggestion is to not ask in this channel any more. ubuntu ultimate is not supported here04:36
peolbiopod: try reconfiguring X; dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:36
Innomenneil_: hence the term "counter intuitive" and we basically invented that phrase because of computers :P04:36
sjkwizardonehow can i configure kismet source with atheros card?04:36
ikoniacosmodad mailx shouldn't care about postfix.cf04:36
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darkchr0n0s__any way to reduce screen brightness.. this is killing my eyes :(04:36
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soundray!fixres > biopod, this should help04:36
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darkchr0n0s__anyone ?04:37
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cosmodadikonia: well it did care about main.cf(!)04:37
ikoniacosmodad postfix should, mailx shouldn't its just a dumb mta04:37
biopodthanks all.04:37
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biopodi'll give it a shot.04:37
Innomenhd0,0 does nothing hd 0,2 (the only ntfs paritition says "error 12 invalid device requested"04:37
cosmodadikonia: I guess even mailx needs to use some SMTP client to deliver mail?04:37
shearn89darkchr0n0s__: have you checked if there's an option under System->prefs->keyboard shortcuts?04:37
cosmodadikonia: unless mailx comes with its own SMTP implementation which I doubt...04:37
peolInnomen: try hd1,004:38
ikoniacosmodad no, mailx is an mtu which gives mail to postfix to send04:38
Azrael24ikonia....I have FF currrently installed on my  laptop...help?04:38
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ikoniacosmodad: so it doesn't care04:38
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Innomenthewre's only 1 drive in the machine, but i will try thaT RIGHT NOW04:38
Innomencaps sorry04:38
ikoniaAzrael24 last request before I report you - ubuntu ultimate is NOT supported here04:38
=== HymnToLife`` [n=fkraiem@unaffiliated/hymntolife] has joined #ubuntu
peoleither hd0,0 or hd1,0 as far as i can recall for win partitions04:38
ikoniacosmodad is postfix runing ?04:38
Innomencool thx04:38
cosmodadikonia: well I installed it.04:38
=== WRHaynes [n=Shro0m3r@74-130-83-64.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu
ikoniacosmodad: running and working (telnet to port 25 for a test)04:38
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nixno0banyone play regnum?  my game crashes just after starting....04:39
ikoniacosmodad have you configured it ?04:39
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cosmodadikonia: I didn't until mailx errored.04:39
darkchr0n0s__shearn89 : its not under any of the categories04:39
ikoniacosmodad ok - so thats never going to work04:39
cosmodadikonia: now I have used dpkg-reconfigure but I'm not sure it's the right config.04:39
ikoniacosmodad you have to configure postfix as an smtp agent04:39
ikoniacosmodad: MTA04:39
ikoniacosmodad then mailx will work04:39
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shearn89darkchr0n0s__: okay, hold on.04:39
Innomenikonia: what do you do, how do you know all this?04:40
=== WRHaynes [n=Shro0m3r@74-130-83-64.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu
ikoniaInnomen its my job04:40
cosmodadikonia: I've already figured that out. What I asked was which of the dpkg-reconfigure-configurations is appropriate for this task.04:40
Innomenis anyone else wondering if ikonia is carbon based?04:40
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ikoniacosmodad well, lets take a quick look at a few things04:40
cosmodadikonia: sure.04:40
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Azrael24ikonia - I have no intention of getting on your nerves, but ubuntuultimate.com is dead04:40
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shearn89darkchr0n0s__: are you on a laptop?04:40
Innomenlike yuour job is to be here, or your job is tech support and you're just sharing here04:41
peolAzrael24: try googling it then04:41
ikoniaAzrael24 thats your problem for chosing an OS thats nothing to do with ubuntu04:41
darkchr0n0s__shearn89 : yeah, i was gonna type that04:41
Alloos2hi guys, I have problem connecting to pg server, any idea how to fix the pg_hba.conf04:41
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Lars_G_soundray: you there?04:41
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soundraybiopod: still here?04:41
ikoniaAzrael24 ubuntu.com supports ubuntu products, not other peoples products04:41
kitcheikonia: umm he's using FF no clue why you think he's using UU04:41
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soundrayLars_G_: hello04:41
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Lars_G_soundray: I will use debootstrap from RIP in the second machine to turn it into my new firewall.04:41
ikoniakitche because he told me he was then stopped saying he was when I said it wasn't supported04:41
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neopsycheI installed java runtime but still firefox says i need to install it?04:41
XiXaQhow much RAM does a mailserver for a couple of users need?04:41
ikoniacosmodad: reconfigure it as "internet" email server04:42
Lars_G_soundray: My question is, I see udeb and non udeb debootstraps... any tips on that?04:42
Innomen (10:34:11 AM) Azrael24: please disregard comment about ultimate...just FF04:42
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Azrael24iknonia - a I understand now, UU was a custom made Ubuntu version...I downloaded it via torrent earlier this year04:42
ikoniacosmodad: are you using a dynamic IP address04:42
shearn89darkchr0n0s__: what type of laptop?04:42
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cosmodadikonia: yes.04:42
leegoI am trying to install ubuntu, but I am so far unable to increase my screen res above 640x480 during installation.  I have tried to find a solution online, but everything I found involves changing settings after installation.  Has anyone here solved such an issue?04:42
darkchr0n0s__shearn89 : sony vaio VGN-CR14GN04:42
XiXaQleego, why do you need to change it during installation?04:42
ikoniacosmodad just to warn you that no matter what you do, your probably going to have problems as most mail servers on the net won't accept mail from dhcp enabled mail servers04:42
shearn89Azrael24: it is custom made, but not supported by the ubuntu forums, in the same way that Automatix isn't.04:42
leegoXiXaQ - I can't see the screens I need in order to complete installation04:43
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Lars_G_soundray: nvm I picked the 1.0.1 feisty tar.gz non udeb version04:43
XiXaQleego, oh. You're installing from a live session?04:43
Azrael24Innomen - I meant to point out that I've tried two ubuntu versions so far on my laptop, and it freezes at desktop...no taskbar, nothing...but I can do ctr.alt.f2...just don't know what to do04:43
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ikoniaAzrael24 not ask in here04:43
leegoXix: I am installing from the ISO I downloaded from ubuntu website04:43
ikoniaAzrael24 ubuntu ultimate is NOT supported04:43
cosmodadikonia: I'll take that risk.04:43
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Azrael24help!  my FF isn't working on my laptop!04:43
YyoooMAnyo some1 pls gimme an excellent suggestion of a media player for linux which has shoutcast!! :)04:43
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Innomenis there a short cut key for "shut down" ?04:44
Azrael24not UU!  just FF!04:44
ikoniaAzrael24 I'm now going to report you , as your trying to hide that your running ubuntu ultimate04:44
cosmodadikonia: I think one of my providers isn't that restrictive.04:44
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Azrael24I did a clean install with FF!04:44
ikoniacosmodad ok04:44
XiXaQleego, there are two different cd's. I'm guessing you're using the graphical one. You can change resolution by using the System > Preferences > Screen Resolution option.04:44
shearn89darkchr0n0s__: ah. gottit! here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SonyVaioBrightness04:44
Azrael24screw UU!  just FF!04:44
timbbaMy wireless usb keyboard/mouse doesn't work after suspend.. The only way to get it working is to take the receiver from usb port and replug it. but wireless usb wlan stick works after suspend so maybe something wrong with input devices after suspend? Any tricks?04:44
ikoniaAzrael24 now your lying and wasting my time04:44
usr13Innomen, the power button04:44
Innomenusr13: yur funny04:44
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Innomenkb shortcut04:44
Azrael24I'm no in way lying...this is bizarre04:44
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shearn89Azrael24: what happens when you start firefox?04:44
Innomenlike cntrl-alt-del04:44
arthur_that's interesting04:45
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leegoXiXaQ - I only get one option on the preferences menu, which is 640x480.  I didn't see another CD available...  maybe I should go look again04:45
Azrael24shearn...in FF...nothing happens....I don't understand04:45
usr13Innomen, no, try it.  Just punch the power button and see.04:45
ikoniaAzrael24 your telling me that in 5 minutes youve re-installed ubuntu over ubuntu ultimate and your having the same problems with firefox - no your telling me a lie04:45
Innomenno i know04:45
Innomenbut its under the desk04:45
ikoniaAzrael24 ubuntu ultimate as a platform is NOT supported04:45
Innomenkinda back there04:45
shearn89Azrael24: i need more details. does it start at all?04:45
pike_leego: what vid card?04:45
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Innomenhence the question04:45
XiXaQleego, no, that's not necessary. You can add more options by either editing /etc/X11/xorg.conf or by running sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg from the terminal.04:45
leegopike, Nvidia geforce mx 44004:45
usr13Innomen, You can designate a "hotkey"04:46
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pike_leego: nv driver should work very well then for you04:46
Innomeni'll search04:46
Lars_G_Here I go04:46
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XiXaQleego, you need to restart the window system after adding the options. You do that by pressing alt+ctrl+backspace04:46
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Azrael24dear god...ikonia...I hear you completely, but last time - I've tried FF, didn't work, tried UU, didn't work, now I'm back to FF...and still doesn't work...does this help you understand that I don't have UU on my computer now?04:46
Nashuikonia : do I need to have grub loader on Linux disk before tying to make an image of my FF disk? (G4L dd mondo...)04:46
blue|palmWhen running opengl applications, the following randomly happens(not always though) I am running an nvidia card (GeForce Go 7400) using the drivers installed through restricted driver manager: http://img210.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotogrerenderwinec4.png04:46
ikoniaNashu FF disk ?04:46
Azrael24I'd appreciate support for ubuntu...not UU04:46
Nashufeysty Faun04:47
=== Azrael24 stangles himself
leegoXiXaQ: , I edited the file, saved, and rebooted, but it went back to the same thing.  I didn't try the dpkg-reconf.... though04:47
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leegothanks for your help I will go try that04:47
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Innomengah now it just boots right into windows04:47
ubotuGutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information04:47
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pike_Azrael24: user more pressure. you can do it04:47
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luishi rooms04:47
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Nashuikoniav FF= Feysti faun04:47
ikoniaNashu: ahh04:47
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ikoniaNashu yes, that would be advisable04:47
XiXaQleego, you can't reboot, because the settings won't be saved. You must only restart the window system.04:47
cosmodadikonia: ok so I set-up an Internet host to my best knowledge. How to test the forwarding? Sending mail to root@localhost again?04:47
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ikoniacosmodad do you have an internet email account, ay hostmail04:48
leegooh, I see - that is the ctrl alt backspace?  thanks!04:48
cosmodadikonia: sure.04:48
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XiXaQleego, right and you're welcome. :)04:48
shearn89Azrael24: can you describe what (doesn't) happen in more detail?04:48
Nashuikonia : cause otherwise I pbbly get a non - bootable image disk right?04:48
ikoniacosmodad mail $your_addres@hotmail.com </etc/hosts04:48
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leegogoodbye all I will soon be happy04:48
ikoniacosmodad: see what happens04:48
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usr13Innomen, Well, it's not really called hotkey, it's "Keyboard Shortcuts";  See:  System -->Preferences --> Keyboard Shortcuts04:49
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Innomenso how is it that adding an entry in menu.lst caused the menu to be skipped?04:49
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Innomenusr13: ahh thanx04:49
cosmodadikonia: nothing yet. How can I check whether the mail is still being spooled?04:49
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soundrayLars_G_: sorry, was interrupted. I can't help you with this particular issue, sry04:49
ikoniacosmodad mailq04:49
usr13Innomen, For instance, I have F12  set as a keyboard shortcut to gnome-terminal04:50
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Innomeni'm sure i'll make hevay use of that04:50
cosmodadikonia: ok it's empty.04:50
ikoniacosmodad so its been spooled and sent out04:50
panosruhi, i try to install firefox 32bit on my gutsy 64bit when i run this: "sudo apt-get install linux32" it need to remove ubuntu-minimal, util-linux and util-linux-locales, what should i do?04:50
blue|palmWhen running opengl applications, the following randomly happens(not always though) I am running an nvidia card (GeForce Go 7400) using the drivers installed through restricted driver manager: http://img210.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotogrerenderwinec4.png04:50
cosmodadikonia: apparently.04:50
Innomensoundray: you know anything about this menu.lst madness?04:50
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usr13Innomen, There are a lot of keybord shortcuts by default and that is where you can go to learn where / what they are.04:51
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cosmodadikonia: it might have been rejected. Sending out mail via Thunderbird on my desktop machine works fine.04:51
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ikoniacosmodad did you set up a smart host ?04:51
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Innomenusr13: cool thanx04:51
cosmodadikonia: nope.04:51
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Innomenbigger fish at the moment :)04:51
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ikoniacosmodad ok - so that mail has gone directly from your machine to hotmail, I would expect hotmail to drop it as its a dhcp server04:52
cosmodadikonia: presumably. :/04:52
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panosruno one knows???04:52
ikoniacosmodad check your syslog to see if postfix reports anything04:52
heatmanhello. I was wondering if it is possible to defrag a fat32 partition while in ubuntu 7.03 (server edition)?04:53
Morticepanosru: please use #ubuntu+1 for gutsy support04:53
ikoniaheatman I'd advise against it04:53
e\ectro_is authenticating Ubuntu clients via LDAP something thats just extremely beta, or am I just not doing something correct (even after following multiple online tutorials) ?04:53
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ikoniae\ectro_: not beta at all04:53
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e\ectro_ikonia: do you have it working in your env?04:53
ikoniae\ectro_: not at this exact moment, but I have done04:54
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e\ectro_ikonia: does nscd just not fuction correctly?04:54
amee2kStoneNewt: hey, you there buddy?04:54
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cosmodadikonia: nothing erroneous. The last couple of log-lines might help you though, mind if pm them to you?04:54
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ikoniacosmodad: stick them in pastbin (unless they are private) so I can review them04:54
cosmodadikonia: ok04:54
ikoniae\ectro_: nscd is samba isn't it04:54
e\ectro_ikonia: I have pam_ldap.conf,libnss-ldap.conf configured, I can getent passwd,group.  I can even log in sometimes, but more users get a pam-ldap error that they cannot bind as the user04:54
darkchr0n0s__shearn89 : nope, both ways not working04:54
matchstick13i have a question about my network card, i have an Ethernet controller and a Network controller listed when i use 'lspci -v'  which one is my card?04:54
heatmanikonia: oh yeah whys that? the reason i ask this is that because on my server i only have ubuntu and one of my drive is a fat 32.... which ill need to back up and convert to an ext partition but in the meantime i need to defrag to allow better speed04:55
aat1anyone here know how to get photoshop under ubuntu04:55
e\ectro_ikonia: nscd is a name caching daemon for passwd,groups04:55
ubotugimp is an advanced image manipulation application for Ubuntu. See http://www.gimp.org for tutorials and more information.04:55
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ikoniaheatman just back it up slowly and then format04:55
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Innomenor wine04:55
ikoniae\ectro_: ahh sorry yes, I didn't have any problems with it, but that doesn't mean it doesn't have any problems04:55
heatmanikonia: lol ok04:55
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aat1yea u know about gimp... its not right04:55
blue|palmWhen running opengl applications, the following randomly happens(not always though) I am running an nvidia card (GeForce Go 7400) using the drivers installed through restricted driver manager: http://img210.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotogrerenderwinec4.png04:55
e\ectro_does anyone use Ubuntu in a corporate environment where single sign on is important?04:56
kstI am running gmusicbrowser with a mozembed plugin for wiki/lyrics stuff but that doesnt matter i think... when I use a launcher icon in the taskbar executing "gmusicbrowser" as terminal command, it will crash as soon as i try to use a mozembed plugin feature.. but when i run gmusicbrowser from a terminal window it works! so wheres the difference between launching it from taskbar or from terminal when it's the same command, and how do i04:56
kstfix it?04:56
cosmodadikonia: I'm not sure I picked a proper from-address: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3953704:56
ikoniae\ectro_: I know of two sites04:56
yowshitried gimp. it's interface is to wierd for me04:56
tarzeaue\ectro_: well debian, yes04:56
aat1i know its damn close, but i need photoshop but im not going back to the dark side of windows04:56
ikoniacosmodad: looking04:56
soundrayInnomen: please restate the problem for me04:56
aat1i need to run photoshop04:56
e\ectro_tarzeau: does nscd work correctly in ubuntu?04:56
Innomenaat1: wine then04:56
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Innomenrun it under wine04:56
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.04:57
blue|palmaat1, use the latest wine... CS2 is the latest photoshop that actually works well though04:57
ikoniacosmodad: that looks fine04:57
tarzeaue\ectro_: i don't know, we don't use the nscd04:57
e\ectro_tarzeau: what do you use to cache ldap requests?04:57
usr13aat1, What function of photoshop are you missing when you go to gimp?04:57
Innomenusr13: the interface04:57
tarzeaue\ectro_: nothing, we don't cache them04:57
blue|palmaat1, CS works perfectly, CS2 works well, and im not sure of CS304:57
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cosmodadikonia: is it possible to connect directly to the mail server and see what it accepts04:57
darkchr0n0s__can anyone help me to reduce the brightness of my laptop (Sony vaio, VGN CR14GN/B) ?04:57
cosmodadikonia: ?04:57
e\ectro_tarzeau: how many clients are authing via ldap?04:57
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cosmodadikonia: because this log output doesn't show any error.04:57
ikoniacosmodad not hotmails04:57
aat1i i see... thanks04:57
cosmodadikonia: this isn't hotmail, it's my own's domain MX.04:58
aat1anyone who's had any experience w/crashes etc?04:58
cosmodadikonia: own domain's MX.04:58
blue|palmaat1, be sure to visit winehq.org and visit downloads and follow the ubuntu instructions to get the latest version04:58
usr13Innomen, Oh, so it's just because it just looks different?04:58
cosmodadikonia: or rather, my domain's provider's MX.04:58
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Innomenthats a little unfair04:58
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tarzeaue\ectro_: about 30004:58
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tarzeaue\ectro_: but many more users, these are the managed computers04:59
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e\ectro_tarzeau: how do you solve the problem where ldap is unable to "bind as user" and gives invalid credentials04:59
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e\ectro_tarzeau: pam_ldap: error trying to bind as user "uid=04:59
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darkchr0n0s__can anyone help me to reduce the brightness of my laptop (Sony vaio, VGN CR14GN/B) ?04:59
tarzeaue\ectro_: sorry, i'm not the person doing that stuff.. i just do the software/linux stuff (no mail, no ldap. i'm a netinfo person)05:00
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kstwhats the difference between a command launched via an tray icon and via terminal window? i'm experiencing a problem when running something mozembed/perl related from an icon but it works flawlessly from terminal although it should do the same command ("gmusicbrowser"). running it as a terminal command via icon has the same result :/05:00
e\ectro_tarzeau: ah, thanks anyways05:00
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usr13usr13, I learned image minipulation on gimp and only recently had opportunity to try out photoshop and, well, didn't see it as being any better, at least not for any of the things I do. It appeared that I could work through projects faster with gimp.05:00
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ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/05:01
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Morticehmm, that doesn't really sum it up. But it seems offtopic to say "gimp works fine for me" when someone wants support on getting photoshop to work because it's no good for him/her.05:01
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doboam i supposed to run apache with sudo?! it sounds risky to me, but it whines about failed access otherwise!05:02
sahildoes anyone have the .deb for automatix for breezy, their insallation page seems to be down05:02
Innomeni agree with Mortice05:02
ubotuAutomatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software.  When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it.  A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme)05:02
sahilim not asking for support05:03
Innomenwe're not here to make choices for people, but to help impliment the choices they make, thats like the whole open vs windows thing, in my opinion05:03
sahiljust if anyone has the file05:03
Morticedobo: apache needs to be started with root access, yes.05:03
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Engineerhi there05:03
Morticesahil: automatix isn't supported in this channel.05:03
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sahilMortice:i see that, i don't want/need support05:03
Morticesahil: we can't very well not support its mess-ups but say "oh hey, here's the file"05:03
sahilfair enough05:04
Innomenthats mean05:04
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Innomensay it like this05:04
heatmanis there a way that i can add an run command box in the "application" menu?05:04
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Innomenif we dont support it its likely that we dont have it05:04
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kstMortice (sorry for picking you :P) any idea why my command (gmusicbrowser audio player) acts differently when launched from menu/an icon and when launched from terminal?05:04
cosmodadikonia: ok I managed to telnet 25 into my provider's mail server, enter the exact same credentials as provided by `mail' and the server always OK'ed.05:04
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sahili guess ill just do it all manually05:04
Morticekst: i'm not sure to be honest - there oughtn't to be any difference...05:04
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Innomenno need to be insulting to it or him (not saaying you did)05:04
RynooI installed ProFTPd via apt-get on my Ubuntu machine. It says its running via inetd/xinetd - but it's not. Tried uninstalling and reinstalling so I could make it run as a stand-alone, but it not longer allows me to select. how can I start proftpd?05:04
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Dr_williskst check the icon properties it may be running witn some command line options.05:04
cosmodadikonia: isn't that a sign that thinks are working basically?05:04
ikoniacosmodad no05:05
Engineercould anybody please answer a few questions concerning the ubuntu-installation?05:05
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ikoniacosmodad your not using your providers mail server, you've just gone from you to hotmail05:05
JuJuBee_Im using a laptop with ati 9700 video card.  I have cloning working kind of.  The left 1.5" of my desktop is not showing through the projector.  I read ! ati and still need some assistance.05:05
Innomenwhy would an alteration to the grub menu.lst file cause it to not display?05:05
Dr_willisRynoo,  i would say check its man pages and /usr/share/doc/proftpd dir.  MOST likely you need to edit its config files to enable it.05:05
sahilEngineer:what questions do you have?05:05
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kstDr_willis no it's not :)05:05
Dr_williskst,  bummer heh :)05:05
Engineeri wanted to boot into the live-environment..05:05
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cosmodadikonia: Not sure I get this. I directly telnetted to my provider which also hosts the destination email address.05:06
Dr_willisEngineer,  thers 2 install cd's - one with a live-desktop, other with an alternative text only installer.05:06
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ikoniacosmodad no it wasn't you sent to hotmail ?05:06
kstDr_willis ?05:06
cosmodadikonia: consider I'm not using hotmail.05:06
ikoniamy mistake05:06
cosmodadikonia: np05:06
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Dr_williskst,  thats the only idea i have.05:06
Engineerbut it said "mp-bios bug: 8254 timer not connected to IO-APIC"05:06
david003hello. how can i play return to castle wolfeinstein on ubuntu?05:06
Engineerso far, i got that fixed with "noapic" in the boot-commandline..05:06
sahilEngineer:try passing the noapic option on boot05:06
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Dr_willissahil,  dont ya LOVE it when they spread out the info over several lines.05:07
ubotuGutsy Gibbon (7.10) *BETA* information and release notes can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon/Beta - If you regularly update, then you're running the latest version - ISOs and Torrents at http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/gutsy/ - It is development software and as such unstable, support ONLY in #ubuntu+105:07
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php05:07
Engineernext problem was the irq 15, which i fixed with "irqpoll" in the bootline05:07
schlumpfhi how do i find out which ubuntu i use :) feisty edgy dapper etch... :05:07
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neopsyche Mwahhahahahahahahhahaha.... http://cultura.gencat.net/casm/butlleti/hemeroteca/img/fot-linux3.jpg05:07
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Dr_willisschlumpf,  lsb_release -a05:07
sahilDr_willis: I do enjoy the suspense05:08
Innomencute pic05:08
schlumpfDr_willis, thanks05:08
Engineernow i installed ubuntu... and there we are, same problems with the booting.. but no commandline like in the live-environment05:08
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vmlinuz`how to change the GDM theme05:08
Dr_willisEngineer,  no command line? cant get to the console with alt-ctrl-F1, cant open a terminal?05:08
Morticevmlinuz`: system > administration > login window05:09
darkchr0n0s__can anyone help me to reduce the brightness of my laptop (Sony vaio, VGN CR14GN/B) ?05:09
=== JohanSalim [i=G3b0ys@ip84-223.cbn.net.id] has joined #ubuntu
Engineerhow to insert those 2 commands in the grub?05:09
Dr_willisEngineer,  edit the /boot/grub/menu.lst file (sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst)05:09
vmlinuz`Mortice: I have a file.tbz2 ? Do i need to extract it somewhere first?05:09
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usr13vmlinuz`, System -> Administration -> Login Window05:10
ubotuLaptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org05:10
Engineerhow do i get to this file? i cant even boot into windows, which is installed on another partition05:10
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Dr_willisEngineer,  the grub boot 'edit/command' stuff is a  feature of grub. its not the same as a 'terminal/command/bash shell'05:10
sahilEngineer: boot up the live cd again05:10
sahilor press e at grub05:10
kstdarkchr0n0s__ do your Fn keys work? i can change my notebook brightness via the hotkeys on the keyboard05:10
darkchr0n0s__can anyone help me to reduce the brightness of my laptop (Sony vaio, VGN CR14GN/B) ?05:10
sahilit won05:10
Dr_willisEngineer,  theres a windows entry example/commented out in the grub menu.lst file05:10
darkchr0n0s__kst : nope05:10
cosmodadikonia: I just found out that I require to use a valid from-address which is hosted at my provider. If you could tell me how to set that globally with postfix, I should be fine.05:10
Dr_willisEngineer,  it should of added one to the end of the menus.05:10
Morticevmlinuz`: ah, ok. I'd copy that into home, and do "tar xjvf file" in a command line, to see what's actually in it05:10
InnomenDr_willis: that thing flat out does not work05:10
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Dr_willisInnomen,  which thing?05:11
kstdarkchr0n0s__ maybe try to get them working? or do you already know they cannot be used no matter what you do? i would try that :)05:11
ikoniacosmodad: your cosmodad mega05:11
=== Dr_willis is getting confused. :)
=== chelcs [n=vivid@adsl-154-33-220.asm.bellsouth.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
Innomenand no one here but overworked ikonia has any idea how its contents work so dont send him down that road :P05:11
usr13darkchr0n0s__, There may be a function key for brightness.05:11
VixyFoxHey everyone, I was planning on installing either KUbuntu or Ubuntu... but I'm a bit confused as to the major differences. I noticed on the KUbuntu site that if you are using Ubuntu you just have to install one package and you have KUbuntu, but what's the major difference that would make me do one over the other?05:11
Innomenthe bs example in menu.lst05:11
cosmodadikonia: pardon me?05:11
sahilEngineer: to get you to boot into ubuntu press e at the grub menu which will let you append options add noapic and whatever else then press b05:11
Innomenits what i've been asking about for like an hour now05:11
Dr_willisInnomen,  huh.. its always worked for me.. assuming your windows is on hda105:11
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Engineersahil: i pressed 'e' to insert those commands.. but in which line? i tried the last 4, but neither did work05:11
darkchr0n0s__kst, usr13 , the Fn keys are not working, and i haven't found anyone, anywhere on forums who have the keys working in new models of Sony Vaio05:12
Dr_willisInnomen,  its a rather simple/common example entry.05:12
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Innomenfirst it wouldent boot windows at all error 12, now the menu wont come up at all05:12
fangorioushow do I pair with a bluetooth headset?05:12
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Innomenyeaq everything is simple when its working right05:12
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Dr_willisInnomen,  thats the nature of computers. Of course ive noticed a Lot of New pc's now a days with windows on the SECOND partition, and some sort of recovery partition on the first05:12
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usr13darkchr0n0s__, Oh, ok. well they all work on mine. I have a GQ RX733405:13
sahilEngineer:the one that starts with kernel05:13
Dr_willisa bigger question is why dident the installer put an entry in for windows at all. hmm.05:13
Ace_NoOnehey there - I wanna install (K)Ubuntu to run in parallel with WinXP (to get familiar with it)05:13
Innomen1, exacxtly what does chain load mean? 2, how in the world could editing that file lead to the menu totally not working, and three how do i fix number 2?05:13
Ace_NoOnebut I've never worked with virtual machines before - any suggestions? (preferably FOSS)05:13
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Innomenit should be semi smart05:13
Engineerok, i will give it a try and come back to this computer if it doesnt work :) thanks for now05:13
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Innomen"would you like to duel boot?" *questions*05:14
Dr_willischain load means 'go to the mbr of the drive and load ITS boot record' i belive.05:14
Dr_willisInnomen,  i woudl guess a typo on your part.. for #2 :)05:14
Innomeni dont mean the entries not working i mean it jusat skips it05:14
taonariHi is there a howto guide to install Gnome 2.20 on a Ubuntu 7.04 installation?05:14
Innomenand all i changed was the windows entry05:14
Dr_willisjust skips?05:15
Innomennever shows it05:15
Innomennot for an instant05:15
Dr_willisnever shows the grub menu you are meaning to say?05:15
usr13Innomen, Did you make changes to the menu.lst file?05:15
Dr_willisthen be more clear. :) heh heh...05:15
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Innomeni have been you just arent paying attention to me05:15
Morticeinnomen: you have to enter the grub menu. by default, it doesn't display. IIRC, the key to show it is ESC05:15
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usr13Innomen, Show us, we will try and help you fix it.  pastebin05:16
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Innomenmortice: i asked how to make it show by default 40 mins ago got my answer and applied it05:16
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Innomeni dont have to hit escape05:16
Innomenor at least i didnt05:16
taonariDoes anyone know of a howto guide on how to install Gnome 2.20?05:16
Dr_willisI though the grub menu shows by derfault now.. or at least it seemed to on my last few installs.05:16
MorticeInnomen: it sounds like there's a problem with your menu.lst then. Would you please put it in a pastebin?05:16
Innomenit was comeing up by default as i want when i had the windows entry (based on teh crap example) that returned error 1205:16
Innomencant, other machine05:17
Innomenno net access05:17
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InnomenDr_willis: mine wanted esc05:17
MorticeDr_willis: that depends on the setup, afaik. If you're only installing ubuntu (no dual-boot), then it defaults not to showing the menu I think05:17
Innomenmy install never asked about duel boot05:17
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Innomenbut i did it backwards05:17
Dr_willisyea. i think it scans what all you have installed and it adds and decides to hide if theres no need..  I always edit the menu.lst first thing to tweak a few parts I dont like.05:17
Innomenso thats not shocking05:17
vmlinuz`Mortice: I've downloaded a gdm theme, but can't seem to be able to install it ><05:17
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allquixoticIs hacking the DSDT (Yuck!) the only way to prevent a lid open event from bringing the laptop out of standby?05:18
Dr_willisI always have my os's on seperate hd's also.05:18
Morticevmlinuz`: did you extract the package and look at its contents?05:18
InnomenDr_willis: it requires an edit every time for me05:18
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Innomeni still havent gotten it working05:18
Innomenthis is day 505:18
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vmlinuz`Mortice: yep.05:18
Innomengod the cd takes forever to boot05:18
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Dr_willisYep - the live cd is a bit sluggish.05:18
Morticevmlinuz`: could you pastebin the result of "ls -al" on the directory you extracted it to?05:18
Innomeni wish the menu.lst could be tested05:19
Dr_willisI tend to use some other light-live-cd as a rescue cd.05:19
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Innomeni hate haveing to wait litteraly 10 minutes between changes05:19
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Dr_willisPuppylinux 3.0 just came out. :)05:19
VixyFoxHey everyone, I was planning on installing either KUbuntu or Ubuntu... but I'm a bit confused as to themajor differences. I noticed on the KUbuntu site that if you are using Ubuntu you just have to install one package and you have KUbuntu, but what's the major difference that would make me do one over the other?05:19
Engineersahil: are you still here? the boot-up still freezes when it comes to the file system05:19
usr13Innomen, It CAN be tested05:19
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kitcheInnomen: you can test it use grub command line05:19
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MorticeVixyFox: the main difference is that kubuntu is based on kde, while ubuntu is based on gnome05:19
leo_rockwVixyFox, the desktop environment is the only difference05:19
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Innomenand everyone assumes i just knew that05:19
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MorticeVixyFox: but as you've noticed, you can switch between them easily.05:20
InnomenGOD that is the worst part about linux05:20
lenHi, who plays wow with wine05:20
Innomenno heads up, and assumption of chip in the brain surgery05:20
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vmlinuz`Mortice: http://pastebin.com/m7367c36e05:20
sahilEngineer: you passed both the options?05:20
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MorticeInnomen: you don't ask questions that would help you and you have a bad attitude when you get answers, yet you expect us to continue to help? :S05:20
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MenZa!wow | len05:20
ubotulen: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php05:20
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Morticevmlinuz`: thanks.05:20
VixyFoxMortice, leo_rockw: Okay so it's strictly just the desktop environment?05:20
alexishi my friends. I need help with my ubuntu, i have ubuntu in my house but i can't play mp3 and i don't have internet to download gstreamer... what can i do?05:21
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Engineeri passed both options at the end of the "kernel" line05:21
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InnomenMortice: yur just mad because i called you on being mean to retiredinmaine05:21
leo_rockwVixyFox, yup05:21
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neumindis for ubuntu soft wher i can make instrumental?05:21
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VixyFoxleo_rockw: Thank you ^_^05:21
MorticeInnomen: you trolled me in-channel for helping someone, but that's offtopic05:21
lenMenZa: I got a problem here, I tryed start wow but keeps carshing on loading screen05:21
leo_rockwVixyFox, np05:21
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Innomengood stab back, frustration is not a bad attitude, did i mention this is day 5 with an excuciating 10 minute wait or more for resinatlls between every edit?05:21
usr13Innomen, One way to test is to back up the file, edit it and reboot.  e.g.  cp /boot/grub/menu.lst  /boot/grub/menu.lst.bak  ;  vim /boot/grub/menu.lst05:21
leo_rockwVixyFox, you can even have kde, gnome, xfce installed at the same time and pick the one you want to use05:21
neumindis for ubuntu soft wher i can make instrumental?05:21
Innomenusr13: ok then you cant test it05:22
alexishi my friends. I need help with my ubuntu, i have ubuntu in my house but i can't play mp3 and i don't have internet to download gstreamer... what can i do?05:22
Innomenyou can only try it05:22
Dr_willisactually dosent the grub-install command verify a proper menu.lst ?05:22
vmlinuz`Mortice: no thank you.05:22
alexisplease help me05:22
VixyFoxleo_rockw: Really? O_o How would you go about doing that?05:22
alexishi my friends. I need help with my ubuntu, i have ubuntu in my house but i can't play mp3 and i don't have internet to download gstreamer... what can i do?05:22
leo_rockw!repeat > alexis, read the private05:22
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usr13usr13, Leave a working section alone, and only change section that does not work as you wish.05:22
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InnomenDr_willis: i tend to trust you most05:22
sahilEngineer: This may seem silly, but did you press enter after entering both options and then press b or just press b?05:22
Innomenhow do i use the command to test it?05:22
Morticevmlinuz`: sorry, I'm being stupid here. It should be as easy as going into System > Administration > Login Window, choosing the local tab, add hitting the 'add' button, then choosing the file you extracted that directory from.05:22
Dr_willisInnomen,  thats scary.. but i have fought with grub for several years.. and read  the Whole grub homepage several times05:23
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leo_rockwVixyFox, if you install ubuntu typing "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" (w/o quotes) will get you kde05:23
sahilEngineer: I just checked you have to press enter don't you05:23
usr13Innomen, If you need to add entry for MS Windows, you can just uncomment the suggested section.05:23
Dr_willisInnomen,  'sudo update-grub' (but that might not work from a live cd)05:23
leo_rockwVixyFox, for xfce replace kubuntu for xubuntu05:23
vmlinuz`Mortice: ok, how about changing icons & whole desktop theme? its real hard >_<05:23
Engineersahil: i pressed enter, but not b.. what's the b for?05:23
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Dr_willisInnomen,  in fact i think it WONT work from a live cd, sice the /dev/ and /boot/ will be wrong places.05:23
Innomenunrec command05:23
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VixyFoxleo_rockw: Okay, and if you get all those how would you switch between them?05:23
alexishi my friends. I need help with my ubuntu, i have ubuntu in my house but i can't play mp3 and i don't have internet to download gstreamer... what can i do?05:23
Innomenyea wont work05:23
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alexisplease help me05:24
Morticevmlinuz`: changing desktop themes should be similarly easy. System > Preferences > Theme05:24
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Innomenusr13: lol05:24
sahilEngineer:the b is to boot that line, I believe if you just press esc back to the main screen the changes are lost05:24
alexisanyone can help me please?05:24
Innomenits like you've not even been here05:24
alexishi my friends. I need help with my ubuntu, i have ubuntu in my house but i can't play mp3 and i don't have internet to download gstreamer... what can i do?05:24
leo_rockwVixyFox, i never did it myself, but i'm pretty sure you get options in the loggin screen05:24
usr13Innomen, ?05:24
Dr_willisInnomen,  one would need to properly 'chroot' over to the installed system.05:24
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VixyFoxAlexis: you aren't paying attention, someone sent you a private message, stop spamming05:24
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VixyFoxleo_rockw: Okay, thank you ^_^05:24
Morticevmlinuz`: changing icons, right click the icon you want changed and select the new one. :)05:24
vmlinuz`Mortice: how about icons05:24
leo_rockwVixyFox, np05:24
usr13Innomen, Oh, are you working from Live CD?05:24
VixyFoxleo_rockw: I will have to try it05:24
Engineersahil: ok, i thought it would keep the changes, as there is no other way to get back to the boot-selection05:24
Innomendo i have a choice?05:25
Innomennotrhing else lets me edit the file05:25
leo_rockwVixyFox, then after you decide which one you want, just uninstall the others05:25
sahilEngineer:go try i eagerly await to hear of your sucess05:25
Morticesorry vmlinuz`, I should be clearer. Right-click the icon, choose properties, then click the icon in that window05:25
Innomensudo gedit menu.lst just blinks and ignores me05:25
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Innomenagain, assuming i should know something05:25
Dr_willisInnomen,  in theory if you can get to grub. you could enter the proper commands and boot a system :)05:25
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usr13Innomen, You will need to do as Dr_willis, suggests, chroot to the root partition.05:25
Innomenerror messages being beneath the OS i guess05:25
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VixyFoxleo_rockw: That makes sense. Now I just need to get myself a new sound card before doing this x.x I have a Sound Blaster X-Fi Xtreme Audio card which... low and behold is not supported05:25
alexisVixyFOx excuse me but i don't spamming05:26
InnomenDr_willis: could it load the menu? or attempt to?05:26
Dr_willistheres a few commands needed to properly chroot..i always have to check the gentoo install docs to rember them. heh.. wonder if thers a factoid.05:26
VixyFoxAlexis you put in the same message at least 3 times in a row05:26
Innomenlike run menu.lst or something?05:26
VixyFoxAlexis that is spamming05:26
Dr_willisInnomen,  should be. but my grub-fu is rusty05:26
alexisNobody yet help me05:26
alexisok i understand excuse me05:26
leo_rockwVixyFox, did you check the alsa-project site for that?05:26
usr13Innomen,  Inorder to do commands from the system.  You can, however, edit the menu.list file WITHOUT chrooting to the root filesystem.05:26
Engineersahil: wow, thank you! :) now it seems like its working.. at least ubuntu starts to boot05:26
alexisi just try to anyone help me05:26
Innomenusr13: yur like 15 steps behind and yur frustrating me heavily05:26
alexisi don't speak english very well...05:27
VixyFoxleo_rockw: I did, and unfortunately I heard nothing but bad things about it, but I could try again to see if any changes have come along05:27
Innomeni appreciate the intention, but just let it go man05:27
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Dr_willisBRB - checking out PuppyLinux3. bb in a few.05:27
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alexisVixyFOx can you help me?05:27
leo_rockwalexis, what language do you speak?05:27
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bmt2hello to all05:27
Innomenstarting over05:27
VixyFoxAlexis, No I'm sorry, I'm here getting questions answered as well05:27
leo_rockwVixyFox, you heard bad things about alsa or the card? lol05:27
leo_rockwVixyFox, alsa project is pretty much the biggest sound project (along w/ oss)05:28
VixyFoxleo_rockw LOL The card not the site XD05:28
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leo_rockwVixyFox, ok... haha05:28
VixyFoxLeo_rockw: Because Creative is keeping the source for X-Fi closed05:28
leo_rockwalexis, what language do you speak?05:28
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leo_rockwVixyFox, i have an audigy 2 on the desktop... i'm switching it to kubuntu as soon as i do my backups... i hope that card is supported05:29
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bmt2is there a quicker way to download Ubuntu Ultimate Gamers 1.4 ?05:29
kitchebmt2: that's not supported here05:29
VixyFoxleo_rockw: Here is an exact quote from the alsa website05:29
VixyFoxleo_rockw:  [Unsupported]  [PCI]  Card delivered to developers. Completely new architecture. Creative actively preventing support due to no datasheets being released to ALSA developers. Reverse engineering work not started due to lack of time.05:29
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alexisI SPeak spanish05:29
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leo_rockwalexis, entra a #ubuntu-es o #ubuntu-ar05:30
Vletalexis: It's going to be a little hard. You'll need to download the packages elsewhere and put them on CD, but the problem is that there may be required packages05:30
alexisleo_rockw, si ya estoy alla tambien... ya me estan ayudando05:30
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Engineersahil: one more question: how can i select the OS which i want to boot? i got winXP on the same HD05:30
leo_rockwVixyFox, bummer05:30
sahilEngineer: Up and down?05:31
leo_rockwVixyFox, i used to like creative... not anymore, haha05:31
VixyFoxleo_rockw: Exactly, and I've had the card for a while so I really can't bring itback to the store x.x05:31
alexisVlet, yes i guess. But i don't know what to do with the dependencias?05:31
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Engineerno, it automatically boots ubuntu..05:31
VixyFoxleo_rockw: What would you suggest that works with Ubuntu?05:31
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Engineerwhen i got 2 windows, there was a selection screen with a 30sec countdown05:31
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal05:32
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leo_rockwVixyFox, i've been using linux for a month now (i didn't own a computer before) so idk what's supported and what's not this days05:33
VixyFoxleo_rockw: Okay, I'll have to do some research with that ;)05:33
leo_rockwVixyFox, i have an intel hda... it works (after a lot of tweaking)05:33
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Innomenhow do i install grub?05:33
VixyFoxleo_rockw: I'll have to talk to my friend, she has a sound card that works right off the bat x.x05:34
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Engineeris there any bootmanager where I can select the OS?05:34
leo_rockwVixyFox, mine did too, but with esd it stuttered05:34
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InnomenEngineer: grub05:34
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Innomenits built in05:34
vmlinuz`whats the command for the "Run" alt+f2. I kind of want to add item into my main menu, but there is only command, and i only know the Bind.05:34
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Innomeni'll tell you what i know but you'll get stuck where i am05:35
VixyFoxleo_rockw Ah I see. What ticks me off though is that my onboard sound won't work at all05:35
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juliusDoes anyone know if the new AMDATI opensource drivers will support the X1950 Pro?05:35
masehelp meeee05:35
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Innomenmase: no05:35
masemy window title bars dissapeaared05:35
VletEngineer: When you install ubuntu, it installs 'grub' which does allow you to05:35
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Engineeryes, i saw grub, but how can i tell it to boot up windows?05:35
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maseafter i selected normal visual effects05:35
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InnomenEngineer: boot from the live cd, and edit the menu.lst file05:35
Innomenscroll down to the section wherre there arent #### everywhere05:35
VletEngineer: Well, when your computer boots, don't you see a little menu for a few seconds?05:35
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leo_rockwjulius, there's an official release information in amd.com you're better off reading that05:35
Innomenand copy/paste the windows entry from the stop of the file05:36
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Engineerohwee, i just get 3 seconds to press escape, to alter the ubuntu-bootlines05:36
maseMy window titlebars dissapeared after turning on "desktop effects" on ubuntu 7.10 ??05:36
InnomenEngineer: find "hiddenmenu"05:36
DKnhi all05:36
Innomenput a # in front05:36
Innomenit'll not make you hit escape05:36
VletEngineer: but it doesn't have windows in that list?05:36
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Engineeroh ok05:36
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Engineerno, there is no windows to select05:36
titunhow do i save a .iso image from my CD to harddisk via K3b or GnomeBaker??05:36
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InnomenEngineer: did you read what i just said?05:37
leo_rockwVixyFox, i never used my desktop built in card. i wonder if it is any good, haha05:37
Engineeryes, i will try that05:37
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LM1I was just looking at the blueprints for gutsy and saw xorg 7.3 is deferred... :C  this means no xorg 7.3 in gutsy????05:37
VixyFoxLeo_rockw: LOL Yeah I have no idea05:37
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MatirLM1, that would be correct.05:37
rediz_any 1 know what i can do. got ubuntu dapper drake on 80gig maste hdr &ubuntustudio on 40 gig slave duel booting,but i need to put windoze on my box.whats the best way to doit?05:37
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Frack-Hessewhere are the keymaps for the console in ubuntu? the dir /usr/share/keymaps is empty :(05:37
leo_rockw!gutsy > LM1, read the private05:37
LM1that s0cks!05:37
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VletEngineer: It's strange though that windows isn't in that list. You sure you didn't wipe your drive when installing?05:38
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titunhow do i save a .iso image from my CD to harddisk via K3b or GnomeBaker??05:39
Frack-Hessewhere are the keymaps for the console in ubuntu? the dir /usr/share/keymaps is empty :(05:39
InnomenEngineer: boot from the live cd, and edit the menu.lst (its in the boot/grub folder, and must be edited sudo, right click, open with other app, pick gedit at the bottom, and add "sudo" to the front of it) file then scroll down to the section in the menu.lst file you just opened, wherre there arent #### everywhere, then and copy/paste the windows entry from the top of the file05:39
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Innomenotherwise you wont be allowed to save changes05:40
Innomenand you'll end up where i am05:40
Innomenwanting to uninstall it and start over05:40
Innomensince you'll ahve to reboot 400 times while testing05:40
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maseMy window titlebars dissapeared after turning on "desktop effects" on ubuntu 7.10 ??05:40
Innomenbut no one will tell you how to uninstall grub05:40
Innomenobserve: Can someone please tell me how to uninstall grub?"05:40
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kitchemase: #ubuntu+1 for gutsy support05:41
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Innomensee? nada05:41
leo_rockwInnomen, you can reinstall grub05:41
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leo_rockwInnomen, and make adjustments from scratch05:41
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Innomeni did setup again05:41
Innomenthe menu.lst is the same one05:41
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leo_rockwInnomen, what would you use instead of grub then if you uninstall it?05:42
Innomeni'd just put grub back on05:42
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Innomenlike i said doing setup does not remake the menu file05:42
leo_rockwInnomen, what's the difference between that and reinstalling?05:42
leo_rockwInnomen, it did it for me05:42
Innomenmaybe i messed up05:43
leo_rockwInnomen, i don't remember the command i use, somebody gave it to me here05:43
Innomenlet me try again05:43
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Innomenwas it root (hd0,0) >setup (hd0,0)05:43
leo_rockwInnomen, there's a package called grub... but idk how risky would it be to uninstall it05:43
Frack-Hessek, for third and last time:05:43
Frack-Hessewhere are the keymaps for the console in ubuntu? the dir /usr/share/keymaps is empty :(05:43
leo_rockwInnomen, i don't remember what it was05:44
leo_rockwInnomen, but i'm pretty sure it wasn't that one05:44
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Innomenwell grub has no "reinstall" form within it05:45
leo_rockwInnomen, you could try "sudo apt-get remove --purge grub" idk how bad could that be, tho05:45
geniiFrack-Hesse: Install packages console-data and console-tools05:45
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Frack-Hessehey thx :)05:46
Frack-Hessei'll try that05:46
titunhow do i save a .iso image of a cd to my harddisk, probably in k3b or gnomebaker?05:46
trembyhey folks. i just installed the beta of gutsy on one of my machines and can't get it to access the network. i've tried "roaming mode" (which i've never heard of before) and a test ping says "network is unreachable". tried dhcp but it's not managing to obtain an ip address (other machines on the network are fine, and this one is too when booted to windows). any ideas what could be wrong?05:46
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leo_rockw!gutsy > tremby, read the private msg05:46
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bulmertitun you can use dd to copy it to the hd05:46
trembyok, thanks leo_rockw05:46
leo_rockwtremby, np05:46
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ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre05:47
titunbulmer: so will the method descried work here? http://lifehacker.com/software/how-to/create-iso-disk-images-and-generate-md5-checksums-268304.php..... it also sayt to use a command dd?05:47
Guest9!java | Guest905:47
Cyber_Stalkersudo apt-get install netbeans doesnt work, whats the correct name for the IDE in the repos05:47
Guest9!flash | Guest905:47
titunbulmer: but a GUI software will be much hepful05:47
leo_rockwCyber_Stalker, use apt-cache search05:47
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MorticeCyber_Stalker: netbeans5.5, but apt-cache search is the way to find out answers to questions like that in future :)05:48
bulmertitun i dont use gui too often..i dont know if any is equivalent05:48
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Cyber_Stalkerthanks guys05:49
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titunbulmer: humm... as i am not much confortable in CLI, anyway dd should work for now...as k3b and gnomebaker don't have that option05:49
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schlumpfhi im trying to umount my cdrom drive but it keeps telling me that it is busy but i dont have the prog loaded which is on the cd05:49
Engineerinnomen: It seems like I dont have GEdit, at least its not in the "open with other application" list05:49
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leo_rockwEngineer, are you using kde?05:50
Engineerno, gnome05:50
Innomenits called text editor at the bottom05:50
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Innomen"gedit" is its name05:50
bulmertitun get comfortable with cli, it will become friendlier05:50
Engineeroh, ok.. thought it was listed as gedit05:50
Innomenyou'll see that when you goto "use cutsom command"05:50
Innomenit'll say "gedit"05:50
Innomenyou make it say "sudo gedit"05:50
Juanjo-sfecould you tell me if there is an xsd editor in ubuntu?05:51
ganes2what is  feisty and Gutsy??05:51
Innomenwithout quotes of course05:51
Engineerso i just select the text editor and there will be a prompt for the "sudo"?05:51
leo_rockwtitun, think of the cli as smth that can always get you out of trouble, no matter what. and don't be afraid of it :-D05:51
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leo_rockwganes2, codenames for versions05:51
Innomenyea click text edit at the bottom and then click use a custom command05:51
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Innomenyur adding command line switches to the begining05:51
Innomensudo is important05:51
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Innomenit lets you save the chanbges you make05:51
schlumpfhi im trying to umount my cdrom drive but it keeps telling me that it is busy but i dont have the prog loaded which is on the cd05:51
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.05:51
Engineerwith the ! ?05:51
titunleo_rockw: ya sooner or later i have to use it, if i am going to use ubuntu or any linux os for long time to come :)05:52
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Engineeroh dammit, the phone is ringing05:52
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Engineeris the "!" needed in front of the sudo?05:52
leo_rockwtitun, some distros are trying to get rid of it. a really bad move in my opinion05:52
Innomenthats just how you make tyhe bot explain stuff05:52
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal05:52
leo_rockwEngineer, the ! is the bot command05:53
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schlumpfhi im trying to umount my cdrom drive but it keeps telling me that it is busy but i dont have the prog loaded which is on the cd05:53
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titunleo_rockw: yes linux will loose its originallity i guess05:53
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leo_rockw!repeat | schlumpf, read the private msg05:53
ubotuschlumpf, read the private msg: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience05:53
=== mattva01 [n=mgallagh@ffzrouter.yorktown.arlington.k12.va.us] has joined #ubuntu
soundrayschlumpf: you've got a process that accesses the CD still. Usually, that's a shell with a path on the CD as its working directory.05:53
leo_rockwwoah... that was weird...05:54
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ganes2 leo_rockw:which 1 is stable?whats d difference??05:54
leo_rockwganes2, feisty is stable, gutsy is in beta. gutsy gets released on the 18th i believe05:54
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david003hi. how do i disable the nvidia logo at boot?05:55
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ikoniacumface that nick name is inappropriate for this channel05:55
Azrael24david...do it via bios05:55
leo_rockwtitun, once you start using the cli you'll realize that sometimes using the gui is a waste of time05:55
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silent[ca] what is the command to launch the knetworkconf in gnome?05:55
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david003Azrael: no it actually is part of the gnome thing05:55
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schlumpfsoundray, i dont think that can be since i deleated the directory associated to the cd05:55
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Azrael24ikonia is a pro05:56
Innomenno doubt05:56
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ikoniaAzrael24 pardon ?05:56
bullgard4df shows for /dev/sda7  "available 519712 (kB)", but Gedit "free: 1,04 GiB." How to explain this contradiction? (http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/15665/)05:56
titunleo_rockw: yes i had to copy a folder to /etc and in GUI i could not do it! CLI helped me to change file permissions and then move :) here CLI was much helpful than GUI05:56
soundrayschlumpf: you can't delete a directory on CD05:56
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Innomenikonia: its a compliment, one human gives one to another human when they respect something about the second human05:56
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ikoniaInnomen flattering, I missed the command05:56
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titunleo_rockw: i think many more advanced tasks might be easy with CLI05:56
Azrael24ikonia...do you know your ubuntu stuff?  I don't...henceforth you're a pro...not playing mind games with you05:57
Innomencommand lol05:57
Naitsehey!!! :) helo05:57
taonariHi how do I turn on ssh so I can remote into a new install?05:57
leo_rockwtitun, that's because you don't have permission to write in /etc you shouldn't change the permissions, you should use sudo05:57
soundraydavid003: add this after Driver "nvidia" in /etc/X11/xorg.conf: Option "NoLogo" "true"05:57
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Naitsewhat is the name for the "task bar" because i want to change the skin but... can't find anything05:57
schlumpfsoundray, no i meant i deleated the program from the cd which was installed on my harddrive05:57
titunleo_rockw: yes i know, and changing file permissions and moving them was easier in CLI, that is what i am saying :)05:57
HemanHello, please may someone help me to get my friends wireless working on ubuntu05:57
Innomenikonia: how does one pull grub from a parition?05:58
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ikoniaInnomen do you mean remove it ?05:58
HemanIts a d-link dwl g52005:58
Innomensure, yes05:58
Innomeni hosed my menu.lst file05:58
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leo_rockwNaitse, what desktop?05:58
Innomeni guess05:58
ikoniaInnomen overwrite it with something, windows bootloader, or blank space05:58
Innomenwhat happens if i just delet menu.lst?05:58
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soundrayschlumpf: that doesn't matter. If you can't unmount the CD, it's because a process is accessing the CD still. It could be a shell, or perhaps a nautilus (file browser) window05:58
Innomenwill setup write a new one?05:58
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Naitseleo_rockw, sorry... Gnome05:59
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ikoniaInnomen new menu.lst or grub bootsector05:59
leo_rockwNaitse, idk then, i use kde. sorry05:59
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ikoniaInnomen no, it won't05:59
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ikoniaInnomen you'd need to re-install grub from scratch for that05:59
Naitseleo_rockw, ok thanks anyway :)05:59
Innomenwhats that invilve?06:00
soundrayInnomen: what's the problem?06:00
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schlumpfsoundray, how can i find out which process that is without rebooting?06:00
Innomensoundray: i jacked up my menu file i guess06:00
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Innomenwindows keeps booting06:00
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soundrayschlumpf: do you know the device name of your CD drive?06:00
ikoniaInnomen I've not got access to an ubuntu box so I can't give you the exact command but there is an apt command that will re-apply all the files, something like "apt-get --reinstall install grub"06:00
leo_rockwschlumpf, something like ksysguard for gnome... w/e that is06:00
krau2where can i find the source code of the standart commands like rm, cp, ...06:00
leo_rockwschlumpf, top maybe06:00
Innomenikonia: oky, thanx06:01
soundrayInnomen: can you post your menu.lst on paste.ubuntu-nl.org and give us the URL please06:01
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schlumpfnothing on top and the name is cdrom06:01
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Hemandoes anyone know how to get a d-link dwl g520 to work in ubuntu06:01
soundrayschlumpf: no, it starts with /dev/06:01
Innomenno one remembers me or anything is say, it hurts06:01
erUSULkrau2: on the gnu website (core-utils and file utils are fsf packages)06:01
Innomenmachine in question has no net06:01
soundrayschlumpf: type 'mount' to find out what it is06:01
leo_rockwschlumpf, cdrom is the mounting point, not the device06:01
erUSULkrau2: or dl de deb-src06:01
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titunhow does chmod count.... if 7 is for rwx... so which is what?06:02
krau2ah thx06:02
Picikrau2: Its in the coreutils package.  apt-get source coreutils might work (if its not a metapackage)06:02
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soundrayInnomen: I can't follow the channel all the time, even if it hurts you.06:02
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leo_rockwtitun, chmod can be used in 3 different ways.06:02
krau2and in /usr/src is nothing????06:02
erUSULtitun: 4r 2w 1x iirc06:02
schlumpfsoundray, ah its called /dev/hdc06:02
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leo_rockwtitun, octal, binary and UGO06:02
jak3how do i create more workspaces?06:02
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krau2and in /usr/src is nothing????06:03
leo_rockwtitun, wait... that's not right lol06:03
soundrayschlumpf: okay. 'lsof | grep /dev/hdc' to find out what's blocking it.06:03
leo_rockwtitun, lemme get you a tutorial on that. it will explain it better than me06:03
shearn89Innomen: put the username of the person you're talking to at the beginning of your post - it makes it easier to follow conversations!06:03
Picikrau2: apt-get source will put it into the local directory06:03
krau2i cant find anything but i thought it must be there06:03
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titunleo_rockw: one is 777, then we got a+x and ?06:03
hetauma_can some1 plz remind me if imwheelrc has any entries in 7.04 by default ?06:03
leo_rockwtitun, http://catcode.com/teachmod/06:03
titunleo_rockw: yes :)06:03
david003hello. how can i do a benchmark of my pc?06:03
soundraydavid003: do you read me?06:04
titunleo_rockw: ah ok06:04
leo_rockwtitun, basically it is user group others06:04
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david003soundray: yes...06:04
leo_rockwtitun, and it is read write execute06:04
soundraydavid003: just because I responded to you earlier and you didn't comment06:04
leo_rockwtitun, so you can use a notation like this: r-x rwx ---06:04
david003soundray: oh sorry, but i did a reboot and lost all06:04
schlumpfsoundray, well two things turnd out but what am i looking for exactly?06:04
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david003soundray: thanks by the way06:05
soundrayschlumpf: is one of them bash?06:05
leo_rockwtitun, that would be user reads and executes, group reads writes and executes, others can't do anything06:05
soundraydavid003: did it work then?06:05
leo_rockwtitun, that can be translated to binary like this: 101 111 00006:05
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schlumpfsoundray, yes should i kill the pid?06:05
leo_rockwtitun, and that can be translated to octal into... idk, i cant convert from binary to octal in my head lol06:05
soundrayschlumpf: you could, or just find the shell and run 'cd' in it.06:05
leo_rockwtitun, but you get the main idea06:06
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titunleo_rockw: as r_x    rw_ etc is in UGO, right?06:06
leo_rockwtitun, all 3 methods follow ugo06:06
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soundraydavid003: my favorite benchmark is to throw two machines out of the window, and see which one hits the ground first.06:06
leo_rockwtitun, you can use the rwx notation, or the binary notation or the octal notation. your choice06:06
schlumpfsoundray, dunno how to find a shell sry :)06:06
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david003soundtray: i guess the only problem is that it wil lbe hard to take advantage of that.06:07
soundraydavid003: most mainstream benchmarks provide exactly the same amount of meaningful information.06:07
david003are they still usable?06:07
david003mainstream benchmark?06:07
InnomenYES! freakin finally!06:07
soundrayschlumpf: it's probably running in a terminal window.06:07
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Ace_NoOneUbuntu is Linux 2.6? or 2.4? (need to know for VirtualBox)06:07
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leo_rockwtitun, 775 is just another way to say: 111 111 10106:07
soundrayAce_NoOne: 2.606:08
leo_rockwtitun, or rwx rwx r-x06:08
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Innomenxp apears to be stealing the boot flag06:08
erUSULleo_rockw: my chmod only accdepts octal or o+x notation...06:08
Innomenhow do i lock that? or can i06:08
soundrayInnomen: doesn't matter. The boot flag doesn't mean a thing to ubuntu.06:08
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david003soundray: whats a mainstream benchmark? i though i meant something like 3dmark ecc06:09
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Innomenif windows partition has it, no grub menu06:09
soundraydavid003: yeah, that for example06:09
Innomenjust windows06:09
leo_rockwerUSUL, true... i just checked06:09
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leo_rockwerUSUL, well... idk then lol06:09
david003soundray: then do you know of any for ubuntu and for win toghether?06:09
soundrayInnomen: then you need to install grub to your boot disk, rather than just the root partition.06:09
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allquixoticdoes anyone know how to stop ACPI from bringing my laptop out of standby when I open the lid? I am using a Thinkpad X6006:10
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schlumpfsoundray, only have the one open with which im trying to should it down.... but as it seems that was the one so thanks allot06:10
Innomenis that "root" or "setup" or both06:10
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coldbootWhen I download an amd64 image, is that the image I'd want for an Intel Core 2 Duo processor?06:10
coldbootThe page doesn't say...06:10
david003coldboot: probably not...06:10
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soundraydavid003: no. I've stated my opinion: "general" benchmarks are irrelevant. You have to test a machine in its intended use context to determine whether it's fast enough or not.06:10
coldbootI know Core 2 Duo is 64-bit, but I'm not sure if it's the same arch as AMD6406:10
allquixoticit is.06:10
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allquixotic!amd64 | coldboot06:10
ubotucoldboot: AMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/jv6tc for more information.06:10
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Dr_williscoldboot,  theres no real need to use 64bit unless you have a lot of ram.. or other needs.06:11
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soundraycoldboot: yes, it is06:11
leo_rockwerUSUL, i guess it doesn't accept binary, but the binary is necessary to explain where all those 775 come from06:11
coldbootDr_willis: And lots of stuff is broken, right?06:11
david003soundray: like getting the same zip file and getting times?06:11
Dr_williscoldboot,  so i hear.. :)06:11
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theron_workI'm trying to do some work with xen and looking for a hand on an error message that I'm getting.  For some reason the loop module isn't loading, however, I'm not sure how to fix this, can anyone assist?06:11
Dr_williscoldboot,  i only use 32bit on all my 64bit machines.06:11
soundraydavid003: yes, if what you do for a living is zipping files.06:11
Scunizihi all.. anyone run a server w/ a gui installed?  I'm running Dapper Lamp in a VM w/ xubuntu-desktop installed but I can't get the gui to start.. Any advice?06:11
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Derek_Please help!! I am upgrading to Gutsy, and it is stuck installing gnome-applets.06:11
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soundrayDerek_: that's a question for #ubuntu+106:12
ikoniaScunizi use the desktop version06:12
allquixoticcoldboot: it's not that stuff is "broken", it's just that there is a huge existing codebase of Linux/i386 stuff that comes without source, or is extremely difficult to build for AMD64 and not available in binary form. To get all that working will be additional, unnecessary hassle if you have <= 4GB RAM.06:12
Derek_Disk has been churning for hours.  Is there anything I can do to save my system.06:12
Dr_willisScunizi,  installed ubuntu-desktop package yet?06:12
david003soundray: i actually washed dishes for a while....now im without a job06:12
b0lleHello!. I cant get my orinoco gold card (inserted into pcmcia) to work (no wireless extensions on lo,eth0 or irda0) but i get some info on Socket 0 when i try 'pccardctl ident'. any ideas?06:12
ScuniziDr_willis, installed xubuntu-desktop06:12
darkchr0n0sanyone who can help me adjusting LCD brightness in my Laptop (Sony Vaio, VGN-CR14GN)06:12
DopplerDeffectScunizi, did you try startx?06:12
Dr_willisScunizi,  and what does 'startx' do for you then?06:12
erUSULleo_rockw: well ithink that a user is only interested in how to use the thing and not in implementatio details06:12
coldbootallquixotic: How does it only benefit if you have more than 4gigs of ram?06:12
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coldbootallquixotic: Or, mostly benefit, I suppose.06:12
erUSULleo_rockw: the octal notation is only there to the ubergeeks like us ;)06:13
ScuniziDr_willis, tried startx, nothing... tried sudo /etc/init.d/xfce4 start, nothing...06:13
leo_rockwerUSUL, i'm a user... i'm interested in the implementation details06:13
allquixoticcoldboot: The address space limit of the 32-bit memory address space is 4GB06:13
soundraydavid003: then do something that will further your chances of finding a new one, instead of running benchmarks.06:13
Dr_williscoldboot,  64bit is needed to access ram over 4gb.06:13
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leo_rockwerUSUL, he i've been actively using linux for only a month or so, haha06:13
Dr_willisScunizi,  you should be getting some erorr/info if you use startx06:13
Innomensoundray: setup or root to the widnows pariton?06:13
leo_rockwerUSUL, i installed slackware 8 years ago but... lol06:13
coldbootallquixotic: Dr_willis: Any other benefits?06:13
david003soundray: lol06:13
soundrayInnomen: no. What disk are you booting from?06:13
ScuniziDr_willis, yep.. startx command not found.06:13
Innomenthere is only 1 disk06:14
titunleo_rockw: oh u vomited so much info i took time to understand :)06:14
allquixoticcoldboot: The size of pointers in 64-bit code is twice the size of pointers in a 32-bit address space, so the RAM requirements of processes will *increase* with 64-bit code. I don't call that a benefit, particularly considering many high-level languages are pointer-fat already06:14
soundrayInnomen: is it called /dev/sda ?06:14
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leo_rockwtitun, lol sorry06:14
Innomenbut grub dosent work that way06:14
leo_rockwtitun, just use the rwx notation in the meantime :-D06:14
soundrayInnomen: then you should install grub to /dev/sda (not to sda1, sda2 etc)06:14
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darkchr0n0sanyone who can help me adjusting LCD brightness in my Laptop (Sony Vaio, VGN-CR14GN)06:14
titunleo_rockw: now a days i am learning so much everyday since i have started using ubuntu, that was negligible in XP06:14
Innomensetup or root06:15
Innomennever mind06:15
Innomeni'll just brun an hour rebooting and trying the 4 possible combinations06:15
coldbootallquixotic: So what's the motivation to release 64-bit processors? Future memory usage increasing, and that's it?06:15
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leo_rockwtitun, this is the first time i use linux as my main OS. i didn't have a comp on my own before (i had to share w/ my family and there wasn't enough room for 2 OSs)06:15
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soundrayInnomen: you must have the "RecoveringUbuntu..." instructions by now. Follow those, and make sure you install to the MBR (master boot record), not to the partition.06:15
b0lleanyone able to help me with my wireless network? cant seem to get the wifi card going in my pcmcia slot06:16
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allquixoticcoldboot: The EM64T instruction set has several new processor features that will, eventually, amortize the initial performance loss. The other advantage is, yes, the eventual memory creep above 4GB will *require* 64-bit to use all your RAM.06:16
Innomengrub will not install to the windows parition06:16
titunleo_rockw: oh06:16
leo_rockwtitun, but i used linux before, so i didn't have any trouble at all adapting lol06:16
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Innomenoh i must?06:16
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sdrowkcabhow do you get compiz in gutsy gibbon?06:16
Picisdrowkcab: #ubuntu+1 for Gutsy questions please.06:16
leo_rockw!gutsy > sdrowkcab06:16
shearn89sdrowkcab: its in there by default.06:16
darkchr0n0sanyone who can help me adjusting LCD brightness in my Laptop (Sony Vaio, VGN-CR14GN)06:16
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soundray!wifi > b0lle, see the private message from ubotu. If you get stuck, come back and ask more specifically.06:17
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Innomenwell look at that06:17
Innomenwindows hijacked the bootflag again06:17
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Innomenshearn89: i dont prefix because i'm talking to everyone and anyone who can help06:17
soundrayInnomen: it will stop doing that once you ask grub to take over the mbr06:18
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Innomensoundray: and how is that done?06:18
coldbootdarkchr0n0s: How is it adjusted in Windows?06:18
coldbootdarkchr0n0s: By pure software?06:18
soundray!grub | Innomen06:18
ubotuInnomen: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:18
Innomenyhou dont know06:18
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soundrayInnomen: follow the "RecoveringUbuntu..." instructions06:18
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darkchr0n0scoldboot : i can use the Fn keys... and i think i need drivers for that... so i can control using both Fn keys and the software06:18
titunleo_rockw: i have also seen a+x, is that equal to 775? or rwx rwx r-x?06:19
Innomenyou have an aversion to telling me?06:19
arunAnyone here experience a lag when you open a menu? As in, it takes a couple seconds for the icons to appear?06:19
soundrayInnomen: don't be obnoxious please. You're getting plenty of help.06:19
coldbootdarkchr0n0s: You're sure though? My dell works without software using the Fn keys, even at the bios screen.06:19
soundrayInnomen: what's the problem with reading the page ubotu points you to?06:19
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Innomenno i'm not if i was i wouldent have spent 5 days here with the same problem06:19
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darkchr0n0scoldboot : i'll check... rebootinh06:19
Innomenbecause i';ve read them/!!!06:19
leo_rockwtitun, that means that all get x06:19
Innomenyou people keep treating me like i've never seen google06:20
coldbootdarkchr0n0s: Just try it now.06:20
coldbootDoes it work?06:20
Innomenor alternatly that i should alreayd know everything06:20
Innomeni'm in the middle ok?06:20
leo_rockwtitun, you can put smth like g+r that means that group can read06:20
Innomeni need a HUMAN not a text file06:20
FlatsI have an HP Officejet pro L7580 network printer. I set it up as an ipp:// as a network printer on CUPS server. I'm using the officejet Pro L7500 driver which uses the hpijs recommended driver. When I print, it says printing but nothing makes it to the printer. any ideas?06:20
leo_rockwtitun, or u+w06:20
ScuniziInnomen, try http://users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/p15.htm.  much easier shorter steps that have worked for me many times.06:20
soundrayInnomen: but you haven't paid attention, or understood my or others' instructions. Otherwise you'd have grub in your mbr by now.06:20
titunleo_rockw: ohkey, i did sudo chmod rwxrwxr-x PCLinuxOS_2007.iso, it says invalid mode06:20
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InnomenScunizi: havent read that one06:20
titunleo_rockw: do i need to have space in between?06:20
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PiciInnomen: Calm down.  You need to tell us either what you don't understand or where the document differs from your situation.06:21
shearn89arun: ?06:21
arunAnyone here experience a lag when you open a menu? As in, it takes a couple seconds for the icons to appear?06:21
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ikoniaarun: no06:21
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shearn89arun: do you have desktop effects enabled?06:21
Innomeni'm so tired of asking the same things06:21
ikoniaInnomen whats up06:22
leo_rockwtitun, you need a "-" modifier06:22
ScuniziInnomen, I keep a printed reference "just in case" I hose something.. One piece of advice it give is how to setup grub on all boot partiitons incase of a drive failure or other calamity.  It's expecially usefull if you have multiple Linux's installed.06:22
Innomeni dont need a step by step "this is a terminal, now type sudo grub"06:22
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soundrayInnomen: you're on the edge of my ignore list. If you keep doing the same thing, how do you expect to get different results?06:22
ikoniaInnomen what do you want to do ?06:22
leo_rockwtitun, like this: "chmod -rwxrwxr-x PCLinuxOsetc06:22
arunshearn89: no, no desktop effects06:22
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shearn89arun: what's your cpu speed?06:22
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arunok, i just changed my theme to glossy, and there's no lag here. seems like it only happens with the human theme06:23
=== Hannibal [n=hannibal@60-241-64-150.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
leo_rockwtitun, just that - before the first r will do the difference06:23
arunI have a dual core processor06:23
arun1gb ram06:23
soundrayikonia: he needs to put grub in the mbr, that's all. He's got it in the root partition, and a normal Windows mbr still.06:23
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Juhazchmod does not take that kind of format.06:23
powerservenewbie here... i used gparted to format the partition wherein my windows file runs and changed it to ext2 file type.. but now i have a folder that is "lost and found" what do i do?06:23
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shearn89arun: hmm. probs just takes time to find the icons. it shouldn't break anything.06:23
=== Pelo [n=jean@mtl-pppoe-adsl857.securenet.net] has joined #ubuntu
ikoniasoundray as I recall his grub device map compared to his bios boot order is borked so hd1 is actually his boot drive not hd006:24
titunleo_rockw: it removed all permissions for everyone!! did i do anything wrong?06:24
ricardohello my name is rikardo06:24
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ScuniziInnomen, those giving advice are now confused... what are you after?  a gui tool?06:24
soundraypowerserve: that's needed by the system, no need to worry about it.06:24
Innomenikonia: i just want to know how to install grub to whatever drive boots by default since apprently its not hd(0,0) or hd(0), or how to install it to the mbr, or how to uninstall it and reinstall it :) depending on whos solution is correct for the root problem of, windows stopping the grub menu from coming up whenever it gets a chance to boot06:24
=== darkchr0n0s [n=darkchr0@ns.cmi.ac.in] has joined #ubuntu
leo_rockwJuhaz, how is it?06:24
Peloikonia, that's not correct as far as I know06:24
powerservei see thank you so much soundray06:24
soundrayikonia: even if he has only one disk?06:24
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ikonia one disk ? he had 306:25
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darkchr0n0scoldboot : nope doesn't work at grub screen, so i guess i need the drivers06:25
Innomenikonia i pulled them because of the hell i put you though06:25
FlatsI have an HP Officejet pro L7580 network printer. I set it up as an ipp:// as a network printer on CUPS server. I'm using the officejet Pro L7500 driver which uses the hpijs recommended driver. When I print, it says printing but nothing makes it to the printer. any ideas?06:25
Innomenthey are now no longer on the system06:25
Innomenand thier headers are trashed06:25
soundrayikonia: that's not what he told me. Whatever, I'm tired.06:25
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Innomeni lost everything porobably but thats a whole other story06:25
ikoniaInnomen so your running one disk and your doing what command for root and setup ?06:25
ricardoalguine que hable espaol06:25
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shearn89ikonia: would he be able to use the alternate install disc on expert install mode to reinstall grub?06:25
stenHello, does anyone know if "Joost" will be maken for linux too?06:25
Pici!es | ricardo06:25
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uboturicardo: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.06:25
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ricardook pici06:25
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Pelo!es | ricardo06:26
Innomengrub, setup or root06:26
Innomeni'm not sure06:26
Picisten: Ask the Joost people ;)  They said they were once, but I havent heard anything since.06:26
Innomenlike i said about06:26
ScuniziInnomen, you have to use the command line to install grub to the MBR....06:26
darkchr0n0sanyone who can help me with adjusting brightness (LCD) on my sony vaio VGN-CR14GN laptop06:26
stenOkay :)06:26
ikoniaInnomen ok - so you've got 1 disk, how many paritiotns06:26
kevinOhow do i update grub?  sudo grub uptate?06:26
Innomenwhatever to solve the core problem i'm having06:26
coldbootdarkchr0n0s: Yeah, that sucks.06:26
Innomenwindows, ubuntu, swap extended06:26
ikoniaInnomen 4 partitions can you spell them out for me06:26
coldbootdarkchr0n0s: It's pretty stupid to need drivers for something like brightness.06:26
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ricardocomo entro a ubunto -es06:27
ikoniaInnomen: ok so "sudo grub" "root (hd0,1)" "setup (hd0)" "quit"06:27
Innomenwant the hd / trabnslations? i'm getting good at fishing those out06:27
shearn89ricardo: "/ join #ubunt-es"06:27
Peloricardo,  escribar /join #ubuntu-es06:27
powerserveanother question again.. now that i already have the entire hard drive relieved of windoze. although they are still partitioned, would ubuntu refer to them as a file drive or what? i apologize i am not a techy guy and a newbie with ubuntu06:27
kevinOhello how do i update grub?06:27
Innomenunrecognized command06:27
ricardogracias pelo06:27
PelokevinO,  what do you mean update grub ?06:27
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ikoniaInnomen "sudo grub" unrecognised command ?06:28
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kevinOpelo to update the grub menu06:28
ikoniaInnomen hand on - thats wrong06:28
ikoniaInnomen one step at a time06:28
ikoniaInnomen: ready06:28
Innomenno i know sudo grub06:28
shearn89powerserve: when you run the installer, it should let you format partitions how you like, and they will show up like in windows.,06:28
Innomeni'm in it06:28
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de06:28
=== xSeaMonkeyx [n=alexande@manz-590cca91.pool.einsundeins.de] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
Innomeni did set up and it said unrecognizxed commaned06:28
ikoniaInnomen so your in grub now06:28
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PelokevinO,  you can manual edit the grub menu by editing the /boot/grub/menu.lst file06:28
ikoniaInnomen ok so "root (hd0,1)"06:28
new2ubI've just installed ubuntu Feisty and my dvd and cd drives don't work.  I have eyesight problems and can't follow conversation in here so if someone could pm me it would help06:28
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darkchr0n0sanyone who can help me with adjusting brightness (LCD) on my sony vaio VGN-CR14GN laptop06:29
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Innomenun recognized command06:29
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ikoniaInnomen what does your prompt say GRUB> ?06:29
Innomeni'm dumb06:29
Innomenthis screen is tiny06:29
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ricardo"join #ubuntu -es "06:29
Peloricardo,   /join06:30
Piciricardo: type this exactly:  /join #ubuntu-es06:30
tinglehi, will it be possible to install Ubunutu JEOS (Just Enough Operating Syste) once its released whitout vmware? so just directly on my pc?06:30
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Innomensetup (0) = error 17 cannot mount partiiton06:30
ikoniaInnomen: so you've done "root (hd0,1) setup (hd0)06:30
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Innomenshoiuld i do 0,0?06:30
Picitingle: We really don't know until we can get our hands on it.  afaik, nothing has been released even for testing.06:30
ikoniano (hd0)06:30
Innomenyes but setup failed06:30
Innomenhd0 cannot mount06:30
PeloInnomen, I thought we fixed that grub problem yesterday ?06:31
tinglePici: ok thanks for you awnser06:31
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ricardohola que onda, parece que no paso nada pelo06:31
ikoniaInnomen are you doing "root (hd0,1)" then enter then "setup (hd0)"06:31
Innomenpelo: we did for a short time06:31
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darkchr0n0sanyone who can help me with adjusting brightness (LCD) on my sony vaio VGN-CR14GN laptop06:31
Innomenikonia: yes06:31
ikoniaand its saying can't mount hd0 ?06:31
Innomenikonia: root works, hd0 fails06:31
leo_rockwricardo escribi lo que viene despues de los dos puntos: /join ubuntu-ar06:32
FlatsI have an HP Officejet pro L7580 network printer. I set it up as an ipp:// as a network printer on CUPS server. I'm using the officejet Pro L7500 driver which uses the hpijs recommended driver. When I print, it says printing but nothing makes it to the printer. any ideas?06:32
ikoniayour doing it in brackets (hd0) like that06:32
leo_rockwricardo escribi lo que viene despues de los dos puntos: /join #ubuntu-ar06:32
Peloricardo,  jo no abla espanol, ,  escribar /join #ubuntu-es exactemente06:32
Innomenyea :)06:32
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ikoniaInnomen: and you've only got 1 disk in the system06:32
geniiFlats: Remove print queuing06:32
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Innomeni'm sure thats a factor06:32
ricardo:/join #ubuntu - ar06:32
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Innomenubuntu apprently hates sata06:33
powerservenewbie here.. i got some questions here.. i reformatted my hard disk with the windoze partition side to ext2, that partition side is 40.3gb... the entire hard disk is 80gb.. when i clicked system monitor the available disk space is only 24gb.. the file that was recornized by ubuntu 64bit is just the partition with the linux right?06:33
ikoniaInnomen can't do, if root (hd0,1) is working - its fine with your disk06:33
leo_rockwricardo: /join #ubuntu-ar06:33
Peloricardo,   nada #ubuntu - es o ar    #ubuntu-es06:33
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darkchr0n0sanyone who can help me with adjusting brightness (LCD) on my sony vaio VGN-CR14GN laptop, the Fn keys are not working06:33
leo_rockwricardo, copia desde la barra / hasta ar06:33
powerservedo i need to do anthing to make this 40.3gb disk usable for ubuntu?06:33
Flatsgen: remove the jobs or remove the whole queueing process?06:34
leo_rockwricardo, sin dejar espacio entre ubuntu y ar06:34
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Pelopowerserve, do you want to install to it or just use it for data ?06:34
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Innomenifgi could just lock the boot flag everything would be fine06:34
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ikoniaInnomen lock the boot flag ?06:34
Innomenif there were such an option i mean06:34
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Innomeni boot into windows it steal the boot flag, if i livecd and set it back it works as it should06:34
ikoniaInnomen: ok - lets step back and check some stuff06:34
geahello, how can i update ubuntu 7.04 to ubuntu 7.10 with aptitude?06:34
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geniiFlats: If you have a few jobs in there, removing the first one may allow the others to go thru. but there is a weirdness with CUPS print queue and many printers.So the prudent thing is to print raw/direct with no queueing06:35
ikoniaInnomen steal the boo flag ? not sure i follow06:35
Pelo!gutsy | genii06:35
ubotugenii: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information06:35
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powerservehow about if both sir pelo? i apologize for my ignorance i am not a techy guy...06:35
Innomenyou know in gnome where you can mange flags on a parition to tell it which one to boot from?06:35
ljsmithxIs there a way to run Linux apps under OS X?06:35
Innomenif it boots from the ubuntu install i get the menu06:35
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ikoniaInnomen ahhh, I never mess with that06:35
ikoniaInnomen: ok - lets back out06:35
=== Maulfaul [n=tino@dslb-088-074-084-110.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
geniiPelo: ??06:35
ikoniaexit out of the grub shell06:35
Innomenif i wlecte windows from that menu and let it boot it hijacks that flag and there after goes striaght into windows06:35
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Innomenno menu06:35
ljsmithxIm guessing not06:35
leo_rockwricardo, copia y pega desde la barra exactamente como lo pongo /join #ubuntu-ar06:36
powerservePelo how about if both sir pelo? i apologize for my ignorance i am not a techy guy...06:36
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ikoniaInnomen ok - so now do "sudo fdisk /dev/sda"06:36
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erUSUL!es | ricardo06:36
uboturicardo: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.06:36
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ScuniziInnomen, shot in the dark here. but I had a prob w/ SATA too.  I found out that my primary boot drive in BIOS was not plugged into SATA connector 0 (or 1 depending on how you look at it). Once I changed it and reconfigured the bios, went through setting up grub again it worked flawlessly for dual boot., CC: ikonia06:36
Pelopowerserve, if you want to installl ubuntu on it , don'T worry the installer will take care of everything, if you want to use it for storage on a system with ubuntu already installed on it , you just have to put it in the comp and mount it  ( maybe you need to format it )06:36
leo_rockwerUSUL, he has no idea about irc commands. he doesn't know how to join...06:36
Flatsgenii Darn, 3 days of installing and reinstalling just to change from ipp to TCP/Socket and now everything is fine......06:37
=== Flats bangs head on table
erUSULleo_rockw: vale, no pasa nada... ya se aclarar ;)06:37
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ScuniziFlats, the school of hard knocks gets softer as time goes on. .. :)06:37
Innomenikonia: ok done06:37
ikoniaInnomen: ok so now type "print"06:37
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ikoniaInnomen: describe to me what you see06:38
Flatsgenii I hope so. My head rally hurts :)06:38
InnomenScunizi: the bios on the dell gx260 ios garbage i have almot no options, its like a super nintendo06:38
darkchr0n0sanyone who can help me with adjusting brightness (LCD) on my sony vaio VGN-CR14GN laptop, the Fn keys are not working06:38
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FlatsWill I lose any functionalty or06:38
ljsmithxIf I compile apps from source06:38
Flatsanything like that06:38
=== FearNoIdea [n=tanner@75-133-74-3.static.aldl.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Innomensda 1 2 3 and 506:38
=== philip_ [n=philip@pool-72-67-125-174.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ricardogracias a quienes me ayudaron lo logreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee06:38
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geniiFlats: Well, if the removing first job works to print the others in queue, you could just for a workaround print always a dummy job first then remove it06:38
ljsmithxWhere will the compiled apps end up?06:38
ScuniziInnomen, after changing the plug on the drive to the appropriate connector on the MB, all I did was re-setup the boot order of the drives..06:38
ricardochao que esten bien06:38
Innomenlinux, ntfs, extended and swap06:39
leo_rockwdarkchr0n0s, in kde i have this app called power manager that allows me to do that through a slider, isn't there anything like that in ubuntu?06:39
Dr_willisljsmithx,  depends on how they are configured06:39
ikoniaInnomen ahhh ok - thats different to your layout06:39
InnomenScunizi: right on06:39
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leo_rockwdarkchr0n0s, i mean gnome06:39
Dr_willisljsmithx,  most ./configure scripts have a option to set the install dir.06:39
Flatsno it didn't, I had to change from ipp to TCP/Socket connection. Then everything printed06:39
ikoniaInnomen shall we try grub again please06:39
Peloljsmithx,  whrer they neeed to be the exec usuzly end up in /bin or /user/bin06:39
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BaKKaRhallo, how can i recover my menu bar manually? lost them in a bad atembt to upgrade06:39
ljsmithxDr, thanks06:39
geniiFlats: no, the main difference with raw send is that the job goes immediately to the RAM or buffer of the printer06:39
Innomenyou never have to say please to me, i'm yours :)06:39
Innomeninside grub06:39
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ljsmithxPelo, /usr/bin dont you mean? :)06:40
darkchr0n0sleo_rockw  : the gnome power manager has a slider thing, but it kinda has only 2 levels of brightness...06:40
ikoniaInnomen: ok "root (hd0,0)" and then "setup (hd0)"06:40
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Peloljsmithx, yeah, sorry , typo i guess06:40
darkchr0n0sleo_rockw : the slider is from 0-100% but the minimum bightness i get is near 32%06:40
ljsmithxCompiling is soo easy, now that I know how06:40
darkchr0n0sleo_rockw : but it06:40
geniiFlats: But the formatting and driver, etc etc all stay same. just no queueing06:40
darkchr0n0sleo_rockw : but it06:40
Innomenno errors06:40
ikoniaInnomen thats more like it06:40
BaKKaRi remember something like gconfig or gmenu-config. can someone elp me to remember or know my way?06:40
darkchr0n0sleo_rockw : but it's still too bright06:40
ikoniaInnomen you shoud be good to go06:40
leo_rockwdarkchr0n0s, oh, i c... it isn't like that on the kde one...06:40
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Innomensweet testing06:41
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darkchr0n0sleo_rockw : i'll try kde also :S06:41
ljsmithxIve got KDE running along side with Aqua06:41
PeloBaKKaR,  gconf-editor ?06:41
BaKKaRPelo: hope that is06:41
Flatsgenii As long as it prints, thats fine with me06:42
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ikoniaInnomen: testing ?06:43
geniiFlats: I'll be around for another 4-5 hours today if you tinker and need help etc06:43
new2ubwhat's the best inkjet printers to use with linux systems?06:43
Innomenseeing if the problem recurs06:43
Flatscool ,thanks06:43
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GoetmetndIt seems I burned my ubuntu CD bad... how can I check if I *downloaded* the ISO image correctly ?06:43
Goetmetndis there some way?06:43
ikoniaInnomen yes/no ?06:43
Pelonew2ub, one that says built for linux right on the box06:43
Innomenthank you06:43
ikoniano problem06:43
ubuntu666Hello, I just installed ubuntu and now it says Grub loading, please wait, error 1706:43
geniiPelo: Heh :)06:43
=== Innomen bows most respectfully to the lord of this domain.
ikoniaglad your working06:44
Peloubuntu666, how many hdd on your computer ?06:44
ScuniziInnomen, did you switch the cables to make it work or was it something else that ikonia fixed? I'm multitasking so I missed something.06:44
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Innomenikonia fixed it06:44
Innomenshe had me print some bizarre file06:44
geniinew2ub: There is a printer compatability list you can check against ones you are thinking of buying06:44
Innomeni described it in idiot speak06:44
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Innomenand she translated that into a working solution06:44
madybonsoir le xchat francai svp06:44
Innomenit was epic06:44
furioushey i have a problem. just installed ubuntu 7.04 and im trying to install java. used "sudo aptitude install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-fonts" and now in the terminal theres some agreements i have to agree to. only thing thou is that i cant press the "<OK>" button. anyone know why ?06:44
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Innomenor he06:45
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Innomendont know its gender06:45
ScuniziInnomen, great.. glad to hear it's now working.06:45
Innomensorry man06:45
ikoniaha ha , its06:45
ikonianot a problem06:45
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new2ubgenii; where is the list06:45
Pelofurious, use the tab , arrors , and enter keys06:45
Innomendo they pay you for this?06:45
soothsayerSuddenly I can no longer ssh into my Ubuntu server. ssh immediately exists with 'connection to xxx closed by remote host'; 'connection to xxx closed'. auth.log last line says 'session opened for user ....'. Started sshd with debug mode. Can't see anything relevant.06:45
furiousthx Pelo06:45
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BaKKaRcan't find how to enable the toolbar or the menu bar, i have found "default_show_menubar" and it is checked tho nothing on the desktop :(06:45
ikoniaInnomen who ?06:45
geniinew2ub: Looking it up now for you06:45
ScuniziInnomen, everyone here is a user and offering free help.. nobody get's paid06:46
Innomenikonia: sorry, you06:46
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PeloBaKKaR,   /apps/panel/ ....06:46
ikoniaInnomen: nah, I'm not paid to be here06:46
Innomenyou bloody well should be06:46
ubuntu666I just installed Ubuntu, and the first time after I rebooted, the grub menu loaded fine.. Under other operating systems, Vista was shown twice (One of them was the Sony Vaio Recovery Centre), I choose one of them and had to cancel recovery. Now after rebooting, I get a grub error 17. Please help06:46
Innomenikonia: you help people at an absurd rate06:46
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ikoniaInnomen no problem, happy to help06:46
UberPsyXhelp, my beryls screwed up, desktop 1 is fine but the other 3 are invisible and doesnt refresh properly, it also has items on the taskbar that are on all desktops, ive tried reinstalling and it didnt work, it started when i added workspace-switcher to my panel06:46
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ScuniziInnomen, as you learn the system and how to do things, "tag.. you're it!"  It'll be your turn to return the favor to someone else.  :)06:46
ElephantmanI'm runing Gutsy on an imac intel here, seems like the sound aint working (the soundcard is integrated to the intel motherboard). how can I diagnose/solve this issue ?06:46
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echelon3hey i need to extract .rar files with ubuntu, how can i achieve this06:47
Innomenoh i will06:47
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Peloubuntu666, this is a fresh install of ubuntu ?  just install over it06:47
Innomenyou guys get to hold my hand for the next 10 years06:47
geniinew2ub: http://openprinting.org/printer_list.cgi  has a pretty comprehensive search, or you can browse the whole list06:47
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soothsayerechelon3: Install unrar from multiverse06:47
Peloechelon3,   sudo apt-get install unrar  then right click the file and extract06:47
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new2ubgenii; ty very much06:47
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ubuntu666Pelo: Yeah its a fresh install06:47
npnuf1 I am unable to connect to my jabber account with ssl.  I had installed gaim-encryption but no use.  Kopete is working well.  What could be wrong.06:47
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UberPsyXelephantman, i saw a guide for that, just google intel sound cards and gutsy06:48
vince_how do I list processes that use my soundcard?06:48
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geniinew2ub: np06:48
Innomenbbl in about an hour06:48
Scuniziikonia, I"m installing vmware tools in my vm of DApper server w/ xubuntu-desktop and have installed build-essential. What do I install for C header files?06:48
vince_I want to free my audio card from a process which block it but I don't know what it is, is there a solution?06:49
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ikoniaScunizi oooh normally glibc headers - not kernel headers, as I recall. However I think vmware is in the ubuntu repo's so you may find it easier to just install from there06:49
yetifootvince_, it may be lsof /dev/audio or /dev/dsp06:49
soothsayervince_: I had the same problem. I also didn't know how to fix it.06:49
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erUSUL!vmware | Scunizi06:49
ubotuScunizi: VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers06:49
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soothsayervince_: You can try lsof /dev/snd/*06:49
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AndehWhat do I need to open CBR files?06:50
vince_soothsayer / yetifoot, it dont work06:50
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UberPsyXhelp, my beryls screwed up, desktop 1 is fine but the other 3 are invisible and doesnt refresh properly, it also has items on the taskbar that are on all desktops, ive tried reinstalling and it didnt work, it started when i added workspace-switcher to my panel06:50
soothsayervince_: What doesn't work?06:50
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yetifootvince_, the one soothsayer just did /dev/snd/* works here06:50
AndehApparently winrar can open CBR files but I'm not going to use their stoopid CLI version for linux.06:50
vince_soothsayer, it dont display anything06:50
Scuniziikonia, I've installed the VMWare server. repos for Dapper don't have the right version..06:50
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schlumpfhi i installed a programm as root after doing so i rememberd that one should not do that well i did is there anyway to change. the programm is a addon to the game warcarft3 running throu wine06:50
PeloAndeh, google for the native app and tell us what it is so we can suggest a replacement06:50
EgonisHow do I add MP3 support to Rhythmbox?06:50
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soothsayer!mp3 | Egonis06:51
ubotuEgonis: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:51
maxagazI have a big text file (8MB), which the command 'file' recognize as 'data', and whatever I do, It can't recognize it as UTF8 text file, so that when I execute commands like 'cat myfile.txt | grep -B 10 bar', it returns the whole content of the file06:51
AndehPelo: Apparently adobe reader can open them too06:51
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maxagazwhat should I do ?06:51
AndehPelo: I'm about to download half a gig of them, so just to make sure I can open them06:51
PeloAndeh, are those  comic book ?   check in add/remove for comic there are a couple of readers06:51
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AndehAh yes06:51
Andehthanks ;D06:51
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soothsayervince_: Then nothing is opening those files. I think it should at least show mixer_app.06:51
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BaKKaRok looks i am forced to upgrade06:52
BaKKaRwill do it06:52
vince_soothsayer, there is at least my mp3 player which is currently playing06:52
vince_and it dont display it06:52
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soothsayervince_: Try sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart06:52
BaKKaRthank Pelo for your help06:52
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UberPsyXPelo, can you help with my beryl problem, its really awkward and i cant find anything that could help06:52
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AndehPelo: Thanks :D bye06:52
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soothsayervince_: I have rhythmbox open (not playing) and it shows it in lsof /dev/snd/*06:52
PeloUberPsyX,  for beryl stuff ask in #beryl #ubuntu-effects or #compiz-fusion06:52
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UberPsyXPelo, ok thanks06:53
vince_soothsayer, the point is that I actually know what program is annoying me, but i would like to be able to do it in case I didn't know06:53
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vince_ok soothsayer, you got me06:53
vince_it works :)06:53
yetifootworks here too, is listing all the audio programs i'm using06:54
vince_forgot the /* , i thought /dev/snd was a "file"06:54
yetifooti do get a message before it gives it:06:54
yetifootlsof /dev/snd/*06:54
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yetifootlsof: WARNING: can't stat() ext3 file system /dev/.static/dev06:54
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ScuniziWhat's the install file name for glibc headers06:54
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PeloScunizi, libglibc I think06:54
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geniiHmm it got unusually quiet in here :)06:56
yetifootisn't glibc headers in libc6-dev ?06:56
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naDoes anyone know how to make the "special" buttons on an IBM t40 work with ubuntu?? like the page back and page forward by the arrow keys.06:56
despoticHello all. I'm trying to get my sound to work here. The onboard nForce2 is recognized but I'm not getting any sound. When I test the playback I get an error.06:56
Pelogenii, shssss, enjoy the quiet06:56
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Picina: Have you looked on http://thinkiwiki.org ?06:56
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Pelo!sound | despotic06:57
ubotudespotic: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP306:57
yetifootdespotic, you may be having something blocking the audio06:57
geniiPelo: Too late now LOL06:57
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naPici,  No, ill take a look, see if I can find anything there..thanks06:57
despoticI thought that it might be because my speakers are plugged in to the optical connector, but even if that were the case, I should get an error when outputting sound right?06:57
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despoticI've gone through all of these web based tutorials for setting up the sound, my brain just hurts right now :S06:58
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Pelodespotic, I don'Tthink so,  the drivers don'T realy care if the sounds get's out or not,  they just send the signal to the card06:58
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despoticwhen I double click the volume control, i get "No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found"06:59
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sdrowkcabwhere do i get help with compiz?06:59
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despoticwould remaking the kernel cause ubuntu to reconfigure the sound automatically?06:59
Pelodespotic,  right click the volume icon,  properties,  select a different device06:59
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yetifootsdrowkcab, #compiz ?06:59
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Pelosdouble,  ask in #ubuntu-desktop or #compiz-fussion07:00
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despoticright click + preferences = no response :(07:00
Pelodespotic, check in menu < system > admin > users , make sure you have permission to use sound device07:00
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despoticin the sound settings window, I get an error if I test alsa, if I test "automatic" the sound window closes.07:00
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geniina: Perhaps you might find something useful here: http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/walter/geek/linux-t40.html#buttons07:01
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Pelo!sound | despotic  review this07:01
ubotudespotic  review this: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP307:01
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SirronTMRight, I need an MSN messenger clone. One that's not aMSN OR Emesene OR Pidgin. They're all rubbish  anybody got a good one they can recommend please?07:02
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damjanWhy my gdm is not loading?07:02
PeloSirronTM, google07:02
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Pelo!it | ikxdf07:02
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ubotuikxdf: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!07:02
yetifootSirronTM, only other one i know is kopete, but that is kde so you may end up with a lot of stuff you don't want07:02
Pelodamjan, we need a little more07:03
vince_SirronTM, I use gaim.07:03
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ikxdfe come lo trovo?07:03
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vince_it doesn't work with mic / video though07:03
despoticthanks ubotu. I'm gonna go through these pages to see if I've missed anything. The error I get when I click test on Alsa Playback is "audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink profile=music: Could not open resource for writing."07:03
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SirronTMI don't really go for gaim/pidgin, it's all over the place.07:03
Peloikxdf,   /join #ubuntu-it07:03
vince_oh, sorry, misread what you said.07:03
ikxdfthanks pelo07:04
Pelo!thanks | despotic07:04
SirronTMit's like, Rubick's Interface.07:04
ubotudespotic: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)07:04
despoticI just checked the box for "audio" in the user settings (it was unchecked) and it didn't help.07:04
ikxdfpelo u are italian?07:04
despotic;) Thanks Pelo07:04
Pelodespotic, that's a start anyway07:04
Peloikxdf, no07:04
ikxdfbut u talk italian...07:04
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Peloikxdf,  no I don'T  I can just tell more or less what the question is from common word roots07:05
profanephobiais there a way to tunnel opera through a ssh connection like you can with socks and firefox07:06
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damjanthe beryl failed to load, so I remove the support for 3d acc. for nvidia, then I reconf. the xorg with dpkg, and then I start gdm and then the cursor was on the center, then blank, then still in the center, but the screen was like have more gamma or something, so now I'm doomed to use kdm, which is slow on my pc, so what can I do to enable gdm again and use beryl?07:06
Peloprofanephobia, try asking in #opera if there is such a channel07:06
tituncan anyone suggest a software to make webpage layouts/prototypes?07:06
profanephobiaPelo, i did...no one home : )07:06
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SirronTMo.O I find it hard to believe that given how good OpenOffice, GIMP etc. are, there still isn't a decent instant messenger, that supports at least HALF of Windows's Live Messenger's features.07:07
Peloprofanephobia, try the opera website I'm sure they have a forum a faq or an irc channel listyed07:07
ssbhi! I've installed 7.10 beta and have a feeling that everything is much slower than it should, especially  eog and ghoststcript.  The question is: Are beta packages compiled with debugging or something else that makes them run slowly... or should I just get a better box ?07:07
Pelodamjan, try asking in #beryl07:07
damjanno the gdm is not loading07:07
Pelossb, ask in #ubuntu+1   gutsy isn'T official yet07:07
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ssbPelo, thanks07:08
Pelodamjan,  gdm start07:08
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titundamjan: no bulefish is helpful for coding.... i need something which can help me create a basic layout may be in a graphics format ,easily and fast..GIMP is not an option07:08
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HemanHowcome gaim doesn't log me into my messenger account there are no login/out buttons...07:08
dmulliganHi.  Is this the best place to ask about Gutsy?07:08
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Pelodmulligan,  #ubuntu+107:08
damjanPelo the cursor is on the center of the screen and nothing else07:08
dmulliganPelo Thanks07:09
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Pelodamjan, I hae no idea which is why I am sugesting you ask in #beryl , they probably know how to fix the problem since it was part of a removal of beryl07:09
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damjanPelo, thanks07:09
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Pelook , all the problems with Feisty have been solved, everyone report to #ubuntu+1 for gutsy trainning07:11
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WaltzingAlongSirronTM: your services have been enlisted to create the solution you seek07:13
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damjanPelo, 4 years I'm wondering about one question for KDE, I know that is K- Desktop environment, but what is K in the name?07:13
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SirronTMWaltzingAlong: if you mean "make it yourself, that's open source works!! ^^" then by god I shall.07:14
Pelodamjan,  no idea , try searching wikipedia for kde it's probably explained07:14
WaltzingAlongdamjan: it meant cool desktop environment07:14
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rothchilddamjan I believe it meant Kool but they dropped it07:14
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beniheyho :) I need someone from inside the US to buy a RC Helicopter at thinkgeek.com for me and send it to me, Germany =)07:15
WaltzingAlongdamjan: yeah cool with a k but simplified to just K07:15
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Alalguien estap07:15
stdinAl: #ubuntu-es07:15
beniheyho :) I need someone from inside the US to buy a RC Helicopter at thinkgeek.com for me and send it to me, Germany =)07:15
WaltzingAlongSirronTM: which specific items of windows live messenger do you want in another im client?07:15
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dgjones!offtopic | beni07:15
ubotubeni: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!07:15
WaltzingAlongbeni: thanks we got it. wrong channel07:16
beniok sorry guys didnt want to annoy you :)07:16
benispammed a bit, though07:16
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WaltzingAlong!info openvpn07:16
ubotuopenvpn: Virtual Private Network daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.9-5 (feisty), package size 328 kB, installed size 988 kB07:16
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=== Pelo waves
SirronTMWaltzingAlong: Multi-user IM, file transfer, optional webcam support, customisability and good plugin support07:17
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SirronTMWaltzingAlong: oh yeah, and it's important that it's not written in say, TCL 07:17
zeroflagubuntu just "lost" 60GB of files that I moved accidently to the trash bin and couldn't restore because the drive was full... how do I get my stuff back?07:17
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WaltzingAlongSirronTM: which have you tried?07:18
Pelozeroflag, is it still in the ~/.Trash folder ?07:18
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zeroflagfor some reason it wasn't there for a minute, now it's back... oO07:18
ubuntu666I have 2GB of RAM. Why does it say "Failed to allocate memory resource" before Ubuntu loads?07:18
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SirronTMWaltzingAlong: aMSN, Gaim, Pidgin, Kopete, Emesene, maybe more07:19
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WaltzingAlongSirronTM: i use kopete and have used the webcam and file transfers with it. what do you mean by multi-user im?07:19
Peloubuntu666, do a forum search for the error msg   www.ubuntuforums.org07:19
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SirronTMWaltzingAlong: just chats with more than two people07:20
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ipxDoes nvidia have good drivers for GFX? Im buying a laptop with nvidia geforce 8600M GT and want to know how it works on linux. Is intel much better?07:20
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beninvidia is n1 very good07:20
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ubuntu666ipx: I have that same card. I just installed Ubuntu a minute ago.07:20
WaltzingAlongSirronTM: i think it does that too. ok good luck07:21
ipxubuntu666: cool!07:21
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SirronTMWaltzingAlong: Well it refuses to connect ;)07:21
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ipxubuntu666: could you give me any updates if you get any issues?07:21
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Peloipx,  things are on the move but nvidia still doesn'T hve FOSS drivers as far as I know07:21
MuNzEplace windows plugin do not working in gutsy07:21
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ipxPelo: what does that mean to the end-user?07:21
Peloubuntu666, and you are having memory allocation problems07:21
ubuntu666ipx: Will do. Which laptop are you buying?07:21
mikkael i manually installed a webcam driver, since that my system needs 10 minutes to boot, spits out a lot of error messages. how do i remove that damn thing ? at the moment i just blacklisted it07:21
VixyFoxJust a quick question for everyone. If I install Fiesty 7.04 when 7.10 comes out is it easy to upgrade? Or will I have to do a fresh install?07:22
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ipxubuntu666: Probably a Znote 6324W07:22
ipxBut not sure yet though07:22
MuNzEwrong chanel :)07:22
ipxbut probably a znote anyways with that gfx-card07:22
PeloI take it to mean avoid nvidia cards for the time being unless you know how to get around07:22
stdinVixyFox: you can upgrade when it comes out07:22
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VixyFoxstdin: Okay, thank you ^_^07:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about respitories - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:22
Peloubuntu666,  assuming this might be related ,   menu > system > admin> restricted drivers  see if anyting in there is needed for you07:23
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource07:23
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ubuntu666Pelo: It said my hardware does not need any restricted drivers.07:23
Peloso I guess you error msg is not related to that07:24
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ubuntu666Which is file for grub where the OS's are listed?07:24
ubuntu666I need to remove one of the entries07:24
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erUSULubuntu666: /boot/grub/menu.lst07:24
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ipxubuntu666: /boot/grub/menu.lst07:24
Peloubuntu666, don'T remove,  comment out07:24
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Adyguys, i got compiz fusion... i've screwed up all settings... can any1 tell how to correct it...07:25
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liamI have a problem with Java. Specifically, I don't have a 'java' command07:26
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PeloAdy,  the ppl in #compiz-fusion probably can07:26
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Zeldorwhy do so much people hanging in this channle?07:26
ubuntu666My windows vista shows up twice on the list but of them is the Sony Vaio Recovery Centre... I'm not sure which one it is in grub.. One says root (hd0,0) and the other is root (hd0,1) ... Any idea which of the two I should comment out? The last time I chose the wrong one while booting, and it screwed up grub..07:26
Peloliam, why would you have a java command ?07:26
PeloZeldor, cause we're cool07:27
Adyi'm sorry... but i've reached this window in a very tough way...07:27
liamI wan't to run a java application, Freeguide.07:27
Zeldorlol Pelo ok i wanna be cool too :D07:27
PeloAdy, just type /join #compiz-fusion07:27
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stdinliam: have you installed java?07:27
PeloZeldor, sorry you need to pass a test first07:27
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Zeldora test?07:28
liamI have java applets working, and I have $sudo apt-get install j2re1.407:28
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liambut there doesn't appear to be a java binary07:28
PeloZeldor,  you need tatoos, peircings,  to smoke to have random sex with ramdom strangers, cut classes,  drink while underage,   you know the usual cool stuff07:28
Pici!java | liam07:28
ubotuliam: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre07:28
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Zeldorok i'm too jung for beeing cool07:29
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jebI'm trying to install ubuntu on an older laptop (some might already know ;-) )I now managed to get a minimal ubuntu started on the laptop07:29
jebi installed ubuntu on a vm and copied to files onto the harddrive07:29
PeloZeldor,  then you can get started by rolling your eyes at your parents :-)07:29
jebbut now, there are some little problems07:29
jebis there a possibility to reinstall or reconfigure all installed pakcages?07:30
stdinliam: the java package is "sun-java6-jre" you then need to do "sudo update-alternatives --config java"07:30
Pelojeb, for an older comp consider using xubuntu , it's a bit lighter07:30
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jebPelo: the problem was till now installing, not using07:30
jebbut thx for the tip07:31
Pelojeb,  not sure what you mean by  reconfiguring the installed packages07:31
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liamah, thank you stdin. i had the package installed but not the update-alternatives07:31
liammany thanks!07:31
FlatsJust a quick question, not necessarily for Ubuntu for all Linux. Has anyone gotten any verizon wireless PC adapter to work with Linux?07:31
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jebPelo: e.g. I had to configure grub by myself, well, this isn't a problem. but the network card isn't recognised too07:31
jebi think it's because I copied the files of an vm installation without network card07:32
PeloFlats, I think you should look in the forum for an answer to taht quesiton  www.ubuntuforums.org07:32
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Davy_Jonesi wanna know how much of disk space my current directory is taken.. what's the command?07:32
jeband therfore i think reinstalling/configureing the packages might solve the problem07:32
FlatsOK, Just wondering if anyone here has it working but I'll check07:32
Dr_willisDavy_Jones,  du07:32
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Pelojeb, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-minimal maybe07:32
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geniijeb: to reconfigure most things, the usual is to: sudo dpkg --reconfigure <packagename> like xserver-xorg or such.07:33
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jebgenii: want to reconfigure the whole system07:33
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jebPelo: won't it tell me that everything is already up-to-date?07:34
geniijeb: I'm not sure if --reconfigure will take a wildcard but you could try07:34
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Pelojeb,  if something is missing it will reinstall it07:34
jebi'll have a look....07:34
MuphasaI am coming up with Zubuntu07:34
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erUSULgenii: -a for all pending packages07:34
PeloMuphasa,  make sure you create your own support channel07:34
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MuphasaPelo who ru07:35
Pelojust me07:35
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MuphasaI need ur help07:35
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geniierUSUL for it to reconfigure pending packages he would need to set package states for everything to pending/half installed or such07:36
Pelo!ask | Muphasa07:36
ubotuMuphasa: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:36
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erUSULgenii: i see07:37
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jebPelo: it does nothing, as guessed07:37
Pelojeb was worth a try07:37
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jebthe locales aren't set right, too07:37
jebwhere do I configure them?07:38
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Pelojeb menu > system > admin > network ?07:38
geniijeb: For kicks and curiosity perhaps try: sudo dpkg --reconfigure *07:38
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hwildeIs there a bug preventing association to WEP access points with mixed upper and lowercase keys?07:39
generalsnusEverytime i try to install ubuntu on my comp i get grub err 21.. my setup: "sda" installed with winxp(SATA drive)   "sdb" here i want to install *nix on partition 2..hd1,2..this is a IDE drive. What can i do to ensure that grub works?07:39
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lekuwhat package is 'pidl' part of?07:39
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jebgenii: * is nost installed ;)07:39
{Stinger}see ya next time ;] 07:39
Pelogeneralsnus, two hdd ? xp on one ubu on the other ?07:39
jebPelo: no X11 yet07:39
UbuntNubthanks guys, I don't know if it was just the restart or what, but my sound is working!:D07:40
jebonly ubuntu-minimal or standard, dunno07:40
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UbuntNubnot in Amarok though :S any ideas?07:40
generalsnusPelo: Yes07:40
Pelogeneralsnus,  just setup your bios to boot from the ubuntu hdd and donT' mess with the grub settings07:40
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UbuntNubAmarok directed me to a 1018 binary file. Is that a codec perhaps?07:40
Pelogeneralsnus,  I mean set the bios to boot the ubuntyuhdd before you install ubuntu07:40
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bmt2hello to all07:41
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bmt2is there a way to 'RDP' into a linux box thru windoze07:41
PeloUbuntNub, #amarok ppl might know07:41
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generalsnusPelo: yeah i tried that.. still got the err 21..07:41
bmt2i usually RDP into my windoze box from my office...so i want to know if there is a way to RDP from from my windoze box into a linux box07:41
generalsnusPelo: hm.. set bios to boot from linux disk before install?07:41
bmt2once i RDP from the office07:41
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ubuntu666I don't think I set the mounts correctly.. My C drive (windows) is not showing up under Computer.. Can someone help me fix this?07:42
cl3nsbmt2: vnc07:42
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Vletbmt2: http://www.movingtofreedom.org/2007/02/16/howto-remote-desktop-with-vnc-in-ubuntu-edgy-gnu-linux/07:42
zeroflagI just started aptitude and it had some packages to finish so I hit g twice... now it's removing gdm and everything remotely related to it...07:42
Pelogeneralsnus, yes,  grub is in two parts,  phase 1 installs on the boot hdd, phase 2 in the /boot folder of the ubuntu partition07:42
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zeroflagthere goes cupsd...07:42
zeroflagACPI gone...07:43
zeroflagshutting down network...07:43
bmt2Vlet: thanks07:43
sdrowkcabhow do use the cube effect with compiz?07:43
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zeroflagI'm connected through SSH!07:43
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hwildeIs there a bug preventing association to WEP access points with mixed upper and lowercase keys?07:43
zeroflagwhat the fuck is aptitude doing?!?07:43
hwildeIs there a bug preventing association to WEP access points with mixed upper and lowercase keys?07:43
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hwilde!language | ZeroA407:43
ubotuZeroA4: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.07:43
hwilde!language | zeroflag07:43
ubotuzeroflag: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.07:43
bmt2and thanks to other individual...i can't scroll up to get your name07:43
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Pelogeneralsnus,  there is also a not that error 22 relates to the bios not finding the partition listed, or the other eay around, I think I heard that some sata drives need to be set to  legacy support in the bios for ubuntu to recognise them07:44
zeroflaghwilde: well, I'll watch my language once aptitude stops removing my entire system...07:44
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hwildezeroflag, aptitude does what you told it to do.07:44
zeroflagI hit G twice to resolve conflicts...07:44
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generalsnusPelo: yeah.. but when i used a live cd to look at the menu.lst it pointed to the right place it seemed  linux kernel (hd1,2)07:44
zeroflagI just started it up and it complained about unresolved stuff...07:44
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zeroflagso I let it resolve it...07:44
Picizeroflag: Did you read what it was going to do?07:45
zeroflagsynaptic gone...07:45
Pelozeroflag, the sales point of aptitude it taht ir removes  dependendies when you remove a package,  next time use apt07:45
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zeroflaggedit done...07:45
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Picizeroflag: Is this on Feisty or Gutsy?07:45
ZeroA4hwilde, me?07:45
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ubuntu666I don't think I set the mounts correctly.. My C drive (windows) is not showing up under Computer.. Can someone help me fix this?07:45
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Pelogeneralsnus,   in grub speak   the hdd and partition numbering start at 0 then 1 then 2 etc07:45
Picizeroflag: It shouldnt kill your ssh connection so you can just go and install whatever package you need after it finishes.07:46
Picizeroflag: Just calm down for now though.07:46
zeroflagoh don't tell me it found a conflict in gdm and now removes everything? >_<07:46
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Picizeroflag: I've never seen it just do something without informing you what its going to do beforehand.07:46
Pelozeroflag, more then likely you tried to remvoe someting with gdm as a dependency so gdm got removed as well07:46
zeroflagas far as I can see, it only removed gnome related stuff so far...07:46
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PeloI got to go now , later folks07:47
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HemanHow do I install as a partition I get this error: No root file system is defined please correct this from the partitioning menu...07:47
generalsnusPelo: ok.. what if i unplug my winxp disk, before install.. is there a easy task to get winxp entry in grub menu.lst? as it would normally be in a dual boot?07:47
HemanUbuntu imstall meaning...07:47
PiciHeman: You need to specify a partition to mount at /07:47
zeroflagdidn't remove anything...07:47
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zeroflagI only launched aptitude after synaptic crashed and let aptitude fix conflicts...07:47
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_roachHello friends, E ae pessoal07:48
gnurph69is there a Cisco VPN client available for ubuntu?07:48
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yottaI'm using raid5, and have a failed drive.  I can07:48
zeroflagand it only said some stuff about keeping a few packages and updating some others...07:48
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sandmanhi, does anyone knows wich util am I able to use in order to defrag an FAT32 driver ?07:48
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yottaIt's on SATA, so when i remove the failed drive, device names change, and mdadm refuses to start the array.07:48
yottaanyone know how to fix this07:48
zeroflagupdate-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.20-16-server07:48
zeroflagerr? oO07:49
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Davy_Jonesi mount my external hard drive with the sudo mount command.. for some reason after some time it decides to unmount all by itself.. how can i fix this?07:49
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yottait's pretty freaking stupid :/07:49
UbuntNubI've got a noob mounting problem.07:49
sandmanany util to defrag fat32?07:49
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Hemanpici so how do do it...07:49
brk3UbuntNub: what is it07:49
Hemando you need a swap partition...?07:49
UbuntNubMy music is all on an ntfs partition. When I mount the partition, it says I don't have rights to look at it :S07:50
PiciHeman: You need swap and root.07:50
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zeroflagRemoving pkg-config ...07:50
brk3UbuntNub: you should follow the instructions on ubuntuguide.org there's a section on mounting your ntfs partitions07:50
UbuntNubI have all the user rights selected for this user...07:50
zeroflagis that normal? O_o07:50
brk3Shamurai: hi07:50
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Hemanwhat do i do for the mount point (thnkx btw :P)07:51
Shamurainot sure07:51
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Dr_willismount point can be called anything.. but the directory MUST exist befor you mount to it07:52
sandmanany util to defrag fat32?07:52
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geniijeb: Still here?07:52
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bogdomaniahello all...i get in the terminal that gcc is not configured..what that means?i cant install build essentials also..dependencies problems07:53
zeroflagsomething IS wrong...07:53
jebtrying to get the network run07:53
zeroflagnow it's removing X...07:53
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sdrowkcabhow do you do the cube effect with compiz?07:53
zeroflagis it a good idea to hit Ctrl+C now? O_o07:53
zeroflagwhat the fuck is libswt3.2-gtk-gcj?07:53
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zeroflagafter removing 99% of my system it installed one package.07:53
LjL!language | zeroflag07:54
ubotuzeroflag: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.07:54
jebI can't get the network run07:54
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geniijeb: try: sudo dselect select                       it should put you in a primitive menuing system which allows you to set groups of packages back into a state of "install" instead of "installed"07:54
jebdmesg shows me the network interface07:54
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jebhm, ...07:54
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PiciHeman: ?07:54
rglare you guys using ipsec with racoon?  I'm lost here... can anyone help me out?07:54
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Hemanwhat do i do for the mount point (thnkx btw :P)07:55
generalsnusthe SATA winxp drive: sda / hd0,1  ..  the IDE linux drive: sdb / hd1,0(ntfs)  hd1,1(swap) hd,1,2(linux ext3 /)     default ubuntu install.. $grub> find /boot/grub/stage1 = (hd1,2)07:55
generalsnusif that helped any07:55
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PiciHeman: The mount point is '/' you need to pick a partition to use.07:55
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HOFAhh helps!07:55
HOFI need help with connecting to my wireless netwrok07:56
HOFI have a Belkin 54g wireless router & receiver07:56
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Hemanok thanks07:56
HOFI've got the WLAN key written down, and I when I enter it, it won't connect still07:56
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jebgenii: i don't get the control of the program. how can I reset the installation status?07:58
geniijeb: change next to the package names the * to a space07:59
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tanajirHello, I just burned a copy of Ubuntu 7.10 Beta and Im checking it now.... I have an HP Pavilion with Nvidia GeForce Go 7400, is it easy to install its driver? or i might have some problems?07:59
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Picitanajir: #ubuntu+1 for Gutsy questions please.07:59
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jebcan I make this on the groups: Up to date installed packages08:00
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ePaxI have installed compiz and XGL. Now i can only see videos on gnome-xgl and not on normal gnome session or kde session. How can i see videos on all sessions, gnome, gnome-xgl and kde?08:00
hwildeI just don't get it - WEP is so easy - how could WEP be broken??08:00
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john213the security is very poor with WEP08:01
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Vlethwilde: I've had issues where I could not simply connect and enter my pass when asked - I've had to manually configure the connection and select the type of encryption uses08:01
hwildeVlet, I think the problem is a combination of upper and lowercase in the wep key...08:01
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Vletwhy do you think that is the case?08:02
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sdrowkcabcan someone please help me with compiz?08:03
geniijeb: for help on keystrokes in this prog, hit ? then k08:03
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Tech-Mikei have a prob w/ wireless also...the security is wpa-tkip (think thats how u spell it)  but ubuntu only has a wep 128 option08:03
magnetron!compiz | sdrowkcab08:03
ubotusdrowkcab: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-effects08:03
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sdrowkcabi set it up but i cant do the cube effect08:04
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magnetronTech-Mike: if you use network-manager to configure the connection, you will get WPA support (if your wireless card/driver supports it)08:04
jebgenii: shouldn't pressing '+' change the status?08:05
Tech-Mikeill take a look, i know i tried goin into the Network option but i only had 3 wep options08:05
cyclonutanyone game to try at some eclipse help?08:05
hwildeTech-Mike, you need wpa supplicant.08:05
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Cyrus25801is there a program that I can use to password protect folders (a GUI)08:06
Tech-Mikeand i know the adapter supports it cuz im using it now on vista (dual-boot)08:06
brataoHi everyone, i have a box with Ubuntu Server, i install the ubuntu-destop, and VNC, configured everything(uncommnent and add gnome-session) but when i access the VNC, only a blank with mouse screen apper08:06
jebgenii: it just moves down to the next app08:06
brataoAny body know what happen ?08:06
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Tech-Mikehow do i get a supplicant08:06
magnetronTech-Mike: don't use the network options use the network manager in the upper right corner08:06
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clouderis it just me or is clamav slow?08:06
Tech-Mikedid that magnetron08:06
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magnetronTech-Mike: what card and driver do you use?08:07
VletCyrus25801: no, not really... you can right click on a folder and specify on it's permissions tab that only the owner can read it's contents08:07
magnetronTech-Mike: chances are your card and driver doesn't support wpa in linux08:07
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Tech-MikeBelkin usb F5D5070 (think thats the model)08:07
magnetronTech-Mike: and the driver?08:08
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VletCyrus25801: so when you're logged in as you, you can access the contents, and no other users can, but there is no way to make it so you have to enter a password every time you want to access it08:08
Tech-Mikeusing the driver that came on the cd08:08
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SeveredCrossHey, anyone know how I would add a file association?08:08
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SeveredCrossI need to permanently associate Musepack files (.mpc) with Banshee, but I can't find an option in Nautilus.08:08
Cyrus25801Vlet: but I want to stop ppl from accessing my files when I am logged in08:08
PiciSeveredCross: Right click on the file and go to the last tab08:09
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geniijeb: Sorry for lag, at work08:09
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SeveredCrossAh, right.08:09
PiciSeveredCross: er, to the properties item08:09
Crozarguys networking doesnt seem to work it says The folder content could not be displayed " Sorry, couldn't display all the contents of "Windows Network: user-xwtoonn1m0". "08:09
SeveredCrossYep, I got it now.08:09
geniijeb: Yes, + should set it08:09
arnathwhere can i alter settings for compiz fusion?08:09
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SeveredCrossarnath: Install Compiz Config SettingsManager08:09
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cyclonutarnath - system->preferences->compizconfig settings manager08:09
jebgenii: i saw that they are all marked for install08:09
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cyclonutas SeveredCross said, you may need to install it08:09
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jebbut i can't reinstall them08:09
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notebookhi all--basic question, how do i change drive directories in terminal?  thanks08:10
jebtried apt-get upgrade and apt-get dselect-upgrade08:10
Picinotebook: cd08:10
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Tech-Mikeso...how do i set up a wpa supplicant08:10
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Pici!cli | notebook08:10
ubotunotebook: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal08:10
jebproblem is: it wants to download files from the internet, which is not working at the moment08:10
notebookso if the drive partition is A i just do cd a?08:10
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SeveredCrossNautilus thinks the .mpc extension is some MOPAC Input Format, and recognizes the file type as Musepack08:10
cyclonutnotebook: I think that would be cd /media/a08:10
notebookok cheers08:10
SeveredCrossAnd just keeps throwing an error message about security risks, and won't open the file08:11
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notebookthen i just need to change read write permissions08:11
jebgenii: or should i use another command?08:11
decayHow do i figure out if inetd or xinetd is running?08:11
notebookthanks cyclonut, that worked08:11
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decayor, which one the system is using08:11
notebookdo i do chown to change permissions?08:11
cyclonutnotebook: yep08:11
notebookwhat's the full format cyclonut?>08:11
notebookchown /media/a?08:11
Crozarguys i am in a Network athome with my brother's Windows PC i cant enter hes shared folder from UbuntU = > Windows shared folders it says The folder content could not be displayed " Sorry, couldn't display all the contents of "Windows Network: user-xwtoonn1m0". "08:12
cyclonutchmod number file08:12
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cyclonutsorry, chmod not chown I think08:12
VletCyrus25801: There's really no way to do what you're asking for... you could put them in a password protected zip file or something08:12
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geniijeb: I have not used this way before to set package states like this, so it is new for me as well as for you :)08:12
cyclonutchmod 777 *08:12
decayHow do i find out if my system is using inetd or xinetd?08:12
cyclonutwould change every file to be read, write, executable by anyone08:12
magnetronTech-Mike: i've found that your card uses the zd1211 chipset, and that other users of that dongle had problems in the past in getting such a dongle support wpa08:12
BarryDegelingHello everyone :)08:12
cyclonutso that is probably not what you want08:12
godzirra_anyone know much about a snd_hda_intel card on a laptop?  I've got it working, but the volume controls don't actually work when I have headphones plugged in.  If I have headphones plugged in and I use the volume softkeys, it turns the speakers back on so headphones and speakers work.08:12
notebookchmod 777* in the root directory? thanks again cyclonut08:13
cyclonut(every file in pwd that is)08:13
VletCyrus25801: or, in a few days when 7.10 comes out, it has fast-user-switching ability... so you can just create everyone their own account - when you're not there, log out08:13
cyclonutnotebook: nooo08:13
jebgenii: ok. is there a way to get the exact list of files and downlaod them manually?08:13
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cyclonutnotebook: hold o08:13
PiciCyrus25801: Why dont you lock your screen? How are people getting access to your computer?08:13
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cyclonutnotebook: http://catcode.com/teachmod/08:13
VletOr just put the nudie pics on a thumb drive ;)08:13
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tretlewhere do I find the executable's for the applications installed on ubuntu?08:14
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BarryDegelingDoes anyone here know how to get a Linksys Wlan (pci) card working on Feisty Fawn?08:14
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Vlettretle: well, if you know the name of it, you can (in a terminal) type: whereis theprogramname08:14
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Picitretle: /usr/bin and /bin.  If you are looking for something in your $path, you can do which program08:14
magnetron!wireless | BarryDegeling08:14
ubotuBarryDegeling: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:14
cyclonutnotebook: this might be an easier one: http://www.evolt.org/article/A_quick_and_dirty_chmod_Tutorial/18/541/08:14
geniijeb: Well, if you just copied the entire thing over from the vm all the stuff should actually still be there in /var/cache/apt/archives08:14
notebookso chmod isn't just for files?  cool, will read the tutorial.  cheers!08:14
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geniijeb: but the thing is that it thinks they are all installed and fine etc08:14
tux_flgutsy dhcp assigns 192.168...when my router is giving out 10.11...08:14
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BarryDegelingThank you Magnetron :D08:15
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jebgenii: it says: Need to get 52.4MB of archives08:15
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jebgenii: don't know why it knows there are new versions08:15
Picitretle: #ubuntu+1 for Gutsy questions please.08:16
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jebgenii: but can i get the exact version of the files it wants?08:16
susandoes anyome know that when i change my motherboard cpu and ram in my ubuntu computer it will still work enough to get my computer running?08:16
geniijeb: You can copy over from another box to the hd of that one into the /var/cache/apt/archives   dir the files it wants to d/l08:16
erUSULdecay: aptitude search inetd | awk '/^i/'08:16
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geniijeb: But this would mean you need to have them on another box someplace obviously08:17
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ASTX813How can I make a 5 meg bootable disk image that can be loaded by memdisk?  I'll I've found is how to make floppy images, and my tools need a bit more room.08:17
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Vletsusan: As far as I know, it should..08:17
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jebgenii: the point is that I don't know why the systems knows of new versions, so i don't know if it wants the newest or just a newer version08:17
susanVlet:  i guess sound work work or graphics card08:18
sdrowkcabhow do I do the cube effect with compiz?08:18
decayerUSUL, i have both inetd and xinetd installed. but i'd like to know which one the system is using at the moment08:18
susanwon't work08:18
Azrael24hey guys08:18
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geniijeb: It has a database but offhand i forget where08:19
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BarryDegelingAnother question: How do I solve the 'soft lockup detected on cpu #1' error? I get it when booting up with my Linksys Wlan card, and when I remove it theeroor doesn't show up anymore.'08:19
jebgenii: maybe it's easier to setup the network08:19
Vletsusan: Are you asking if it will work, or are you saying it doesn't?08:19
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jebgenii: problem is that it shows me the network in the dmesg but doesn't create a network in /dev08:19
Azrael24after succesfully installing feisty, going past the login screen, and then the Nautilus screen...all I see is the desktop, and pointer...I can do ctrl.alt.f2...what's going on here?08:20
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ASTX813I'd like to just dd if=usbstick of=disk.img, but the usb key is 1 gig and only 5 meg is in use, I'll still get a 1 gig .img08:20
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geniijeb: I thought you said it had no network card08:20
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susanVlet:  if it doesnt work08:20
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erUSULdecay: maybe sudo update-alternatives --config inetd08:21
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jebgenii: no. no working network08:21
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mash000now do i list the "installed packages" ?08:21
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new2ubI've installed feisty a couple of days ago, I'm brand new to the linux world.  Everytime I insert a program cd in my cd drive, the computer freezes completely and the only way out is a hard boot08:22
geniijeb: I would suggest to try something like: sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop      (if you had it installed on the vm previously)08:22
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BarryDegelingDoes anyone know about the 'soft lockup detected on cpu #1' error?'08:23
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geniijeb: Since ubuntu-desktop is also metapackage and contains many subpackages, the --reconfigure may work on it08:23
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eyemeanhello every1 im using ubuntu 7.04 with deluge bottorrent software08:23
geniijeb: sudo dpkg --reconfigure ubuntu-desktop     <-- eg08:23
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jebgenii: great :D08:23
MasterShrekmash000, check in synaptic, you can filter by that08:24
eyemeanbut find deluge gets rejected by alot of sites due to ports etc, is it better to use ktorrent?08:24
Vletsusan: Are you logged into a terminal? Try: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:24
=== MongooseWA [n=Mongoose@D-69-91-148-50.dhcp4.washington.edu] has joined #ubuntu
jebthat's what i was looking for all the time: how to reinstall all installed packages08:24
MasterShrekeyemean, i prefer ktorrent08:24
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eyemeanis it easier to work with mastershrek?08:24
MasterShrekeyemean, ive never used deluge, but ktorrent has always worked great08:24
MasterShrekand its not a bulky as azereus08:24
geniijeb: ubuntu-desktop is only a set of packages, not everything which is installed08:25
eyemeancheers mastershrek, it k torrent k to use on gnome based ubuntu/08:25
Tech-Mikehave a prob with window-decor ... gtk-window-decorator and emerald arnt working (they were until i did sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg) how do i fix?08:25
MasterShrekyea its fine, it will install kde libraries and stuff08:25
jebgenii: but it's a start08:25
MasterShrekbut u can run any kde ap in gnome, and vice versa08:25
eyemeanthank you mastershrek, much appreciated08:26
geniijeb: Well, if you can get that one successfully reinstalled from there should be easier08:26
jebgenii: maybe there needs to be another command? it just reinstalled the metapackage08:26
cloudereyemean: have you tried disabling DHT?  Some trackers don't like that08:26
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jebgenii: and i've only the ubuntu-standard installed08:26
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eyemeanone last question, how come ur replies sometimes come up red ?08:26
MasterShrekjeb, you need to do a complete reinstall i think, reinsatlling the metapackage prolly wont do anything08:26
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MasterShrekeyemean, cuz i typed ur name in it08:26
amarillioneyeman, like this one?08:26
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ASTX813eyemean your irc client is highlighting messages that have your name in them08:26
MasterShreksee look, not red anymore08:26
geniijeb: the .deb should still have been in /var/cache/apt/archives, so it did not need to d/l it again08:26
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amarillioneyemean, like this one?08:26
eyemeanoh right, lol08:27
crescohey everyone08:27
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jebgenii: it installs from the cd, but not the dependencies, so the command is useless08:27
eyemeanthank you for all the replies to that silly question of mine, hahaha08:27
BarryDegelingDoes anyone here have a Linksys WLAN card on Feisty? My system gives the 'Soft lockup detected on cpu #1' erro'08:27
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crescoso when did you all switch to ubuntu08:27
geniijeb: You can access cd?08:28
amx109i upgraded to gutsy from 6.10 - apt seems to fail everytime when installing guidance-backend. is this a common problem? if not, any suggestions for fixing it or working around it?08:28
erUSUL!bugs | BarryDegeling08:28
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ubotuBarryDegeling: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots08:28
a4ndr3cthree years ago for me08:28
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MasterShrekive made many switches cresco, ive used ubuntu since it came out in 04, but ive used slack, gentoo, and various others08:28
eyemeanclouder, not sure how to turn off DHT or wat it even is, i cant find it in settings08:28
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jebgenii: yes08:28
jrattner1Question: How can I start a command from the command line, that will continue to run even after I log out of my server?08:28
erUSULamx109: that upgrade is unsuported08:28
dexemif i would want to announce a new app for ubuntu, where should I sent an introductory email?08:28
BarryDegelingme when edgy came out :)08:28
geniijeb: OK. there may yet then be a fast and dirty way08:28
cloudereyemean: under click the preferences button then the network tab08:28
Tech-Mikeanybody know why gtk-window-decor and emerald arnt working with nvidia drivers...thery were but i dont know what wrong now08:29
MasterShrek<<--- warty08:29
dexemwhich list is the best for this kind of things?08:29
erUSULamx109: you have to do edgy-->feisty-->gutsy08:29
crescohow did you like gentoo Mastershrek08:29
amx109erUSUL, apologies,i meant feisty -> gutsy08:29
MasterShrekcresco, a pain in the ass lol08:29
MasterShrekmy badd08:29
eyemeanclouder, thank you, dont know how i missed it in settings, lol08:29
crescoheheh why?08:29
erUSUL!gutsy | amx10908:29
ubotuamx109: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information08:29
Vletdexem: Maybe ask the folks in #ubuntu-devel08:29
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BarryDegelingAnyone know of a good linux distribution that's not based on ubuntu, but comes close?08:29
Vletdexem: Got a link so we could check it out?08:29
MasterShrekcresco, it has to compile everything you install for it08:29
geniijeb: Edit the /etc/apt/sources.list file to comment every line out which needs internet access. Save it. then do the apt-cdrom command to make the cd the repo. then apt-get update08:30
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a4ndr3cdo u mean based in debian.....08:30
amx109erUSUL, ty08:30
Skruxhow to print in a double face please ?08:30
BarryDegelingI do08:30
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drama1981anybody ever tried to run ubuntu on a celeron/pIII 750mhz with 64mb ram (or similar)? im thinking about setting it up on an old box basically as a firewall/ics box08:30
crescodo you know is it possible to extract RAR files in ubuntu08:30
eyemeanclouder, i still get same message, alert; connection refused (HTTP code=-1, times in a row-3)08:30
a4ndr3cdrama1981, it will work perfectly08:30
dexemVlet: of course -> https://forge.vodafonebetavine.net/frs/?group_id=12   It's an app to connect through 3G mobile cards08:31
drama1981cresco sudo apt-get install unrar08:31
vince_cresco, using the program unrar08:31
is_null!ppc | is_null08:31
Skruxhow to print in a double face please ?08:31
Vletdexem: cool!08:31
erUSULdrama1981: maybe ubuntu server08:31
a4ndr3ccresco, try apt-get install unrar08:31
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erUSUL!rar | cresco08:31
ubotucresco: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free08:31
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dexemVlet: it's going to reach v1.0 soon08:31
skinnypuppy1334drama1981: will work great however use the fastest cd rom it will support08:31
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jebgenii: then, everything is OK08:31
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drama1981a4ndr3c do you suggest i go for the server install or just use the desktop cd i already have?08:31
dani_how come sometimes my menus and dropdown-lists appear BEHIND my windows ?08:31
geniidrama1981: I'm currently on here with a Pentium2/400 with 128Mb. With no GUI you can do 64Mb08:31
Vletdexem: too bad I don't have a cellular device at all ;)08:31
vltHello. Is there a way to change the vol_id of an existing ext3 file system?08:32
clouderwhat happens when you click test active port08:32
BarryDegelingGoodbye everyone, I'm off to try Slax :)08:32
geniijeb: work, afk08:32
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vince_or with a light gui.08:32
dexemVlet: hehe08:32
a4ndr3cdrama1981, in your case is better servr version08:32
vince_fluxbox might be indicated.08:32
crescothanks you all08:32
new2ubI've installed feisty a couple of days ago, I'm brand new to the linux world.  Everytime I insert a program cd in my cd drive, the computer freezes completely and the only way out is a hard boot08:32
jebgenii: but it still doesn't reinstall the packages08:32
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vulcaniushrm.. anyone have a dapper drake server sources.list?08:33
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crescowhat is the general opinion about Vista here08:33
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a4ndr3cvulcanius, no....08:33
drama1981a4ndr3c ok ty. ill prob install ubuntu-firewall to as a way of manipulating iptables as im terrible with it and already have ubuntu-firewall down08:33
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VletIt's funny when someone ditches a distro because a piece of hardware doesn't work and they don't want to bother searching the web for previous discussion about getting it working08:33
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vulcaniuscresco, that ubuntu is better08:33
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pike_new2ub: you could try disabling dma08:33
crescoheheh that is true08:34
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crescothats why i use it08:34
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LazzieHello. Anyone know how to format external usb drives in ubuntu08:34
new2ubpike; how would I do that08:34
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geniijeb: Did you do apt-cdrom then add the cd as the repo?08:34
a4ndr3cVlet, agree agree... learning is very importing, search and learn please08:34
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Azrael24hey guys, after spending many months with feisty, I keep having this issue - after  going past the login screen, and then the Nautilus screen...all I see is the desktop, and pointer...I can do ctrl.alt.f2...what's going on here?08:34
jebgenii: yes08:34
pike_new2ub: on the cdrom: gksu gedit /etc/hdparm.conf    and put like /dev/hdd{dma=off} i believe08:34
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Hilikushi guys08:34
Xtevenhello world08:34
Azrael24*maybe* 5% of the time it will work after constant reboots08:34
pike_new2ub: might check that with someone else here08:34
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new2ubpike; ok, idiot here (me that is) how would I get to this area?08:35
geniijeb: It should be able now to install/reinstall metapackage of ubuntu-desktop, from the cd as a repo. whatever deps should also be on there08:35
XtevenI'm lookingn for a timetracker (like gnotime), but that can upload it's data to the evolution calendar08:35
Hemancan you get a dreamscene feature for ubuntu?08:35
jebgenii: it doesn't reinstall the deps08:35
jebthat's the problem08:35
Azrael24Heman...that'd be Beryl08:35
jebin dselect, they're marked as install08:35
crescowhere are you people from08:36
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Azrael24Beryl is way better than Vista's Dreamscape...if that's what you're referring to08:36
pike_new2ub: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DMA  and ask me if you have any questions about the steps08:36
VletAzrael24: maybe try (from a terminal) doing: sudo adduser test08:36
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geniijeb: try: sudo apt-get check08:36
Hilikusi cant access to my ubuntu server from outside my lan, i forwarded the port in my router and i tested online and the port IS open, yet sshd or apache dont report any connections attempts, is there some other protection layer in ubuntu (i.e. a firewall)08:36
Sir_Jarkko_Nythn m taas evoilen08:36
new2ubpike ty for your help....going to website now :)08:36
crescomoi Sir_jarkko08:36
Azrael24trying, Vlet08:36
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VletAzrael24: and create a test user - try logging in with that user then to see if maybe some of your gnome settings got moofed up08:36
Hilikusi was also thinking of iptables?? but i think iptables by default allow everything08:36
jebgenii: done, no further output08:37
Sir_JarkkoUh, sry wrong page ^^'''''08:37
crescomist pin suomea s olet?08:37
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a4ndr3ccresco use only english08:37
Hemanazrael: how in berly (I have compiz fusion btw) how do I set up a dreamscene then...?08:37
crescook ok08:37
VletAzrael24: if all works fine for that user, then you'll need to maybe backup all the files (including hidden ones) in your home directory then delete em... that, in theory, should make your account squeaky clean08:37
Sir_Jarkkocresco: Itsuomi08:38
Skruxhow to print in a double face please ?08:38
Skruxin open office !08:38
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vince_Hilikus, not unless firecracker is installed08:38
Azrael24Vlet...especially when taskbars are absent?08:38
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vince_starter, i mean08:38
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Hilikusis firecracker installed by default in a lamp server edition?08:38
Hilikusvince_ what else could it be08:39
Azrael24I've disabled the login screen on my last successful boot up....does not prompt login screen anymore, it auto logs me in08:39
geniijeb: Hmm. 1 minute08:39
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Hemanzrael: how in berly (I have compiz fusion btw) how do I set up a dreamscene then...?08:39
supermanhey how do i know which kernal i have 2.4 or 2.608:39
VletAzrael24: well, yeah perhaps... gnome stores all it's settings in your home folder in hidden folders, so I would imagine that if gnome ain't working right, then if you flush everything, it'll create default settings for everything... worth a try :)08:39
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a4ndr3csuperman, uname -a08:39
Azrael24Heman...you got the fun part...keep experimenting with it and it will come to it...that's how I learned, and I'm new to all this08:39
VletAzrael24: oh... then you may need to (from a terminal) edit your /etc/gdm/gdm.conf08:40
vince_Hilikus, I see nothing but iptables, or your services dont listen on the ports you suppose they do08:40
VletAzrael24: to disable autologin08:40
a4ndr3cVlet, thats not recomended08:40
Azrael24what's recommended then?08:40
Hilikusvince_ am i wrong in that iptables by default allow everything?08:40
vince_you're not08:40
geniijeb: Try only: dpkg --configure ubuntu-desktop08:40
a4ndr3ctry gui interface for configure gdm08:41
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HemanAzrael24: I know but im using compiz not beyrl?08:41
Hilikusthey do work within the lan so its not a matter of ports08:41
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HemanAzrael24: Please just a clue...08:41
jebgenii: error, already configured08:41
geniijeb: the cd you used...was it an alternate cdrom without the GUI install, or a regular cd with the gnome or kde?08:41
Vleta4ndr3c: but the problem here is that Az has no gui... gnome is not fully loading08:41
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Hilikusand like i said, i tested for open ports online and the ports ARE open, so the router is not the problem08:41
a4ndr3cVlet, oh sorry... my mistake08:41
jebgenii: used the alternate installer and installed the text-mode system08:41
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Hilikusit is forwarding traffic08:42
Azrael24Heman...I'd help if I could, but no way of using full use of my feisty08:42
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jebmeans i've only the ubuntu-standard installed08:42
=== genii headesks
Hilikusso maybe ill check the iptables08:42
Azrael24ok I'll try Vlet's suggestion08:42
geniijeb: Well, thats why it's having issues finding stuff08:42
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Lazziehow do i partition things in ubuntu08:42
vince_Hilikus, how do you know that your port is open?08:42
vince_forwarded, I mean.08:42
Hilikusonline scan08:42
a4ndr3cLazzie, try gparted08:42
d4rkmonkey!gparted | Lazzie08:43
ubotuLazzie: GParted is is a !GUI partitioning program. Type  sudo apt-get install gparted  in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php08:43
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Hilikus80 and 22 / apache and sshd08:43
HemanAzrael24: I don't understand...08:43
vince_Hilikus, is your router a computer?08:43
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VletAzrael24: look for AutomaticLoginEnable=true in your config file08:43
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VletAzrael24: and set to false of course :)08:43
Hilikusnetgear router08:43
vince_are you sure these 22 and 80 that you see open are not your router's?08:43
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Azrael24I'm in terminal, but need full line please to configure it08:44
geniijeb: If you have a standard ubuntu install cd and not the alternate one, put that in instead when you run apt-cdrom08:44
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Azrael24I mean my laptop is behind me in terminal mode08:44
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geniijeb: then it will be able to install ubuntu-desktop08:44
MasterShrekHilikus, its possible your isp is blocking those ports...mine does08:44
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jebgenii: it found the cd, that's not the problem08:44
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jebgenii: and for the moment, i want the base system to work08:44
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biebhow can I setup my terminal so highlighted text is automagically copied to the clipboard?08:45
Azrael24I just realized something....name of user and laptop can't be the same, can they?08:45
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geniijeb: Well, manually is a real PITA08:45
j_beib: it sort of already is, there's a "selection" clipboard in linux08:45
Azrael24since I've been doing this...I've always used same names08:45
jebgenii: ....08:45
j_whoops sorry, meant bieb08:45
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erUSULbieb: that's the default then you paste with middle button08:46
geniijeb: First i would see what network adapter you have (if there is one) then get that going. Once internet can be reached other things will be a bit simpler08:46
tabasco_send $08:46
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j_erUSUL: technically, there are two, a copy-paste clipboard and a "selection" clipboard ...08:46
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Intangirwhat is a good command line utility for disecting pdf files into seperate files per page08:46
VletAzrael24: yes, they can08:46
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jebgenii: dmesg: SiS 900 PCI Fast Ethernet08:47
biebj_ it saves it for the console to reuse, but I cant paste into a doc08:47
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jebgenii: but it doesn't create a device-node at /dev08:47
VletAzrael24: to turn off autologin, type this: sudo nano /etc/gdm/gdm.conf08:47
Azrael24Vlet...do I type: sudo apt /etc/gdm/gdm.confg  ?08:47
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orduekI have a skype installation problem08:47
Azrael24ah ok...typing08:47
j_bieb: you should be able to select text from the console and then bring up the focus in openoffice and hit the middle mouse key08:47
orduekif anyone can help08:47
HilikusMasterShrek online scannner told me its open08:47
MeroigoI got an additional monitor, connected it through the DVI port on the video card. It got a picture, but it's an exact mirror of my original monitor's, and, the colours are crazy an totally off. How do I make it become like an extended desktop? :P08:47
j_bieb: if you "loose the selection" it won't paste, so make sure not to highlight anything else08:48
IntangirLF pdf editor for linux08:48
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biebj_ I am trying to post command line info into an email ticket08:48
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VletAzrael24: and a little ways down, you'll see 'AutomaticLoginEnable=true'... change it to false, then hit ctrl-o to save and then ctrl-x to exit08:48
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geniijeb: I'm not sure why you are installing in this convoluted install-to-vm-then-copy-vm-to-hd-then-reconfigure  way if: cdrom works or: ethernet adapter works08:48
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jebgenii: because it always hangs08:49
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j_bieb: that should work just fine. You use the middle button on the mouse as a regular button. Try opening two text editors, then type some stuff in one, select the text and paste it into the other to get the hang of it08:49
geniijeb: Can it boot from ethernet adapter with PXE?08:49
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jebgenii: I never used network-boot08:50
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biebahhh the middle button08:50
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biebthanks j_08:50
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orduekI have a dependencie problem during skype installation08:50
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orduekcan anyone help me with that?08:50
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Azrael24weird...it's alread on 'false'08:51
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zanthgood day, I'm having a problem with a pci sataII expansion card and drivers08:51
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geniijeb: Did you try install from alternate CD then look at console4 of installer to see what errors it was giving? also what boot options did you try,eg: noacpi or notsc etc etc08:51
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Azrael24yet it autologs in just fine08:51
Hemandoes anyone else know if you can make a dreamscene feature in UBUNTU?08:51
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RoboticTaoHow do I add a sshfs mount to /ect/fstab? Is the syntax the same as a normal mount point?08:52
zanththe card is being detected as a initio corp card and sata_inic162x is being loaded08:52
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nasQuestion: I am setting up apache and i recently called my service provider and upgraded so that they open port 80. I set up apache, yet I still cant access it from my outside IP08:52
VletAzrael24: is it maybe timed login? that option is right below the other in that config08:52
zanthbut I own an siig card 351208:52
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jebgenii: modprobe process were always dead08:52
Johtowww.microsoft.com <-- nice bill gates picture ..bill roks08:52
zanthsata_sil should be the driver loaded I think08:52
nasit displays when i use my routers default ip from another machine - so i know its running08:52
zanththe odd thing is that the drive connected is detected /dev/sde108:52
nasany suggestions?08:52
zanthand it posts the right info, but I can't mount it08:52
RoboticTaonas: Forward port 80 on whatever firewall you have in front of your server on your end08:52
orduekanyone?? skype problem?08:52
nasi did that as well08:52
lavender_dreamHello, I'm trying to get my Nintendo USB Wi-fi Connector to work under Ubuntu and I was wondering if anyone has had success or know of a workaround08:52
nasi just reset my router and modem so im going to make sure its still set up and try again08:53
MasterShreki cant play real media at all, well it plays, but its very choppy...anyone know what to do?08:53
new2ubpkie_; I followed instructions and typed "sudo hdparm /dev/hdc    then it resulted in "no such file or directory08:53
Hilikusnas i have the exact same problem, i know my port is open because of online port scans, and i know the router is forwarding it, yet i cant connect08:53
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spinner_can i install amarok on Gnome / ubuntu or do i need the KDE platform ?08:53
Hilikusand i can connect within the lan too08:53
zanthspinner_ you can install it08:54
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nasyea ditto08:54
zanthbut kde base will be installed08:54
Hilikusnas do you use the server edition?08:54
nasim not sure whats up08:54
nasi was just playing around with it08:54
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spinner_i just download the verson that is ment for kubuntu?08:54
Hilikussomething i havent checked is iptables08:54
MasterShrekspinner_, you can install it, but it might come with kde libraries and stuff08:54
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MasterShrekspinner_, just apt-get it, there is no other version than the kde version08:54
zanthspinner_ apt-get install amarok08:55
RoboticTaonas: You realize it will not let you connect with the public ip if you are on the same lan the server is on right now.08:55
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Azrael24Heman...you'll have better luck here08:55
geniijeb: "modprobe process died unexpectedly" or similar was the error displayed in console4 of alternate CD installation?08:55
nasNo I did not know that08:55
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zanthmight anyone be able to help me with a driver issue? how to force the right driver to be used etc?08:55
jebgenii: 'ps' showed D08:55
RoboticTaonas: That would be it then. Try at a coffee shop/school.08:55
orduekcan anybody help me with my skype installation problem??08:55
Azrael24Vlet...very strange, you might think I'm nuts, but I'm an IT guy and I saved that conf and still it autologins08:55
Hilikusi didnt think it was because because iptables are supposed to allow everything by default08:55
nasill try to connect to it from my sister's computer which is on a different router08:56
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Hilikusbut i havent checked08:56
nasi mean different modem08:56
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DunasBusy as always.08:56
acidhoaxtem brazileiro na jogada aqui08:56
RoboticTaonas: That should work08:56
decayGetting the following error when adding a directory to $PATH............bash: export: `/media/Shared/programming/books/python books/John Goerzen/chapter 3': not a valid identifier08:56
decayany ideas?08:56
Hilikusnas did you check the server logs?08:56
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spinner_tnx zanth: but i do not know what apt means i just installed linux for the first time yesterday.. :P08:56
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Hilikusto see if at least the requests are getting to the server?08:56
RoboticTaoDoes anyone know the syntax for adding sshfs to /etc/fstab for automounting?08:56
Hilikuscause in my case they are not08:56
zanthspinner, open up a terminal type apt-get update && apt-get install amarok08:57
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zanththat should do the trick08:57
VletAzrael24: hehehe... hmm, try (in that conf file) ctrl-w and search for your username and take it out wherever08:57
acidhoaxany pleople have problems with client ubuntu feisty using ldap+samba+udevd????08:57
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spinner_nice :)08:57
geniijeb: At what point during attempted install from alternate CD was it choking previously?08:57
nasRob: that worked :)08:58
DunasSo 7.10 is coming out soon- what's the channel for it? I wanted to ask if the most recent available beta plays nicer with RTL8185 wireless chipsets, which almost every distro seems to hate.08:58
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geniijeb: Because I really think it's more practical to try and install from some other way first before doing this vm-to-hd way08:58
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tonyyarusso!gutsy | Dunas08:58
lavender_dreamHello, I'm trying to get my Nintendo USB Wi-fi Connector to work under Ubuntu and I was wondering if anyone has had success or know of a workaround08:58
ubotuDunas: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information08:58
Azrael24my name in there is not found  lol08:58
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carlogsomeone knows how to make compiz-fusion whorks with via sg3 unichrome pro igp videocard?08:59
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a4ndr3ccarlog, how old is that card?08:59
VletAzrael24: ok, I'm lost ;)08:59
jebgenii: i'll try it once more08:59
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Azrael24thanks for your time thought, Vlet08:59
carlogI don't know08:59
j_beib: anytime08:59
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a4ndr3ccarlog, what about video ram?09:00
geniijeb: I'll be here for about 1 1/2 to 2 more hours, I'll try to assist until then if neccesary09:00
rogerkann jemand deutsch?09:00
rogerspeak who german_09:00
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a4ndr3croger, only english09:00
rogerok sorry09:00
carloga4ndr3c 64MB shared09:00
jebroger: ich, aber es gibt auch noch #ubuntu-de09:00
Hilikusnas any luck?09:01
VletAzrael24: One last thought... you can type: "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop" to completely turn off the gui... then, log in as test (in another ctrl-alt-f2 screen or whatever) and then type "startx"09:01
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VletAzrael24: that's a way to force X to start as the test user, but that whole autologin thing is weird :)09:01
a4ndr3ccarlog, is that a onboard graphics card?09:01
nasIt actually works09:01
carloga4ndr3c yes09:01
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jebgenii: thx for your help. anyway, till know i always stopped the install process after no change for around a half hour09:01
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spinner_Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13 Permission denied) how do i get permision09:02
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j_spinner_: use "sudo"09:02
carloga4ndr3c xorg detects it's like "vesa"09:02
a4ndr3ccarlog, humm u even tried instaling beryl?09:02
j_spinner_: as in "sudo apt-get install <package>"09:02
Hilikusit does, what if you do it from a computer within the network but using your external ip?09:02
decay/usr/sbin/ is listed in $PATH. if i put a script i made into that directory, i should be able to run it by typing 'scriptname', no?09:02
a4ndr3ccarlog, try glxgears, the gears rotate fluently?09:02
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j_spinner_: anytime :)09:03
spinner_sudo is the same as su root09:03
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nasno i cant access it09:03
nasusing my external on this network09:03
carloga4ndr3c what is these glxgears?09:03
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Hilikusbecause maybe mine worked too but i never tried it from outside09:03
spinner_so evrytime i need to have root i just write sudo first=?09:03
j_spinner_: sort of yeah. It executes the command with root privaleges without actually becoming root09:03
Hilikusoh cool, so mine maybe did work09:03
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j_spinner_: yep.09:03
j_spinner_: if you actually need to *become* root, you have to set a password for it as ubuntu has root disabled by default09:04
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sshfs - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi09:04
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spinner_u just answerd my next question09:04
j_spinner_: hehe09:05
Zemblahi there, anybody here has experience with xfce?09:05
Hilikusnas it could be that the server doesnt accept connections from its own external ip09:05
erUSULdecay: yes but better use /usr/local/bin09:05
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sdrowkcabwhy do I have 1 desktop instead of 4?09:05
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EnkyMy xubuntu computer crash when the screensaver gets active. I cannot change it at 'settings', because that "preview window" also crash it. I'm wondering if i can change screensaver inside the terminal? How?09:05
Veroshey is ther anything like "cluster size" for linux file systems?09:05
nasthat is the problem09:05
geniijeb: There is a pcmcia module which causes hangups on install but can be bypassed by going to busybox console in alternate install and removing the driver it keeps trying to load09:05
naswell was teh problem09:06
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j_sdrowcab: are you using gnome?09:06
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Hilikusanyway, ill test mine when i get home09:06
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jebgenii: which one is it?09:06
j_acidhoax: sup acid? What do you need?09:06
geniijeb: i82365.ko09:07
erUSULVeros: block size??09:07
musikgoati'm missing /lib/modules/<my-kernel-version>/build  directory?   i have a generic build directory, but with this, i cant reconfigure vmware,  any suggestions?09:07
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erUSULmusikgoat: 'sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)'09:07
skinnypuppy1334ANyone know how to save video off CNN ?09:07
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VeroserUSUL: is space wasted as in windows?09:07
musikgoaterUSUL:  thanks09:07
sdrowkcabwhy do I have 1 desktop instead of 4?09:08
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jebgenii: thx09:08
Verosfor large number of small files09:08
j_sdrowkcab: Are you using gnome drow?09:08
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RoboticTaoWhat's the UID of a normal user?09:08
erUSULVeros: there is internal fragmentation in any filesystem (well reiser claims that it reduces it but...)09:08
DragginGood evening!09:08
DShepherdsdrowkcab, God made it happen that way.. i dont know09:08
ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.09:08
DShepherdsdrowkcab, what do you want help with?09:08
lyn_I have a question.  I registerd my nick here this morning, been using it.  I just restarted my comp and came back in and it says its being used.  I click on it in here, and it's me.  same location and everything.  How do I fix this?>09:09
DragginAre there any digital artists or graphic designers in here? Specifically someone who uses a graphics tablet...?09:09
sdrowkcabi cant do the cube effect because there is only one desktop09:09
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j_sdrowkcab: ah you're using compiz09:09
VeroserUSUL: not fragmentation, I am talking about wasted cluster space09:09
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skinnypuppy1334sdrowkcab do you have the manager  ?09:09
bkruseHey guys, any of you have any experience with compression??09:09
decayerUSUL, i have tried. but no luck09:09
sdrowkcabi have compiz manager09:09
DShepherdlyn_, /ghost nick <password> should kill your current nick09:09
crescodoes anyone know that is there any list of usefull comands for the console?09:09
skinnypuppy1334You have to change a setting to 4 desktops09:09
bkruseparticularly indexing, and searching through a big text compressed file??09:09
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RoboticTaobkruse: A little, compressing what?09:09
erUSULVeros: if you use or have lot of small files ( size < 4 kiB) you can make the filesystem with 1k block size09:09
decayerUSUL, do i have to restart for it to take effect?09:10
bkruseRoboticTao: A big xml file, then being able to diff between another big xml file09:10
sdrowkcaband under general i selected 4 desktops and i see them in the bottom right corner09:10
skinnypuppy1334Under General settings and Desktop Size09:10
sdrowkcabbut i cant use them09:10
VeroserUSUL: so it is the same as in NTFS, FAT, right?09:10
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bkruseRoboticTao: particularly indexing it, so it knows what blocks are part of what article09:10
DShepherdsdrowkcab, ask in #ubuntu-effects for help with compiz09:10
Veroscluster size = block size09:10
RoboticTaobkruse: Can't help you there sorry09:10
sdrowkcabthank you09:10
erUSULVeros:  wasted cluster space === internal fragmentation  the one you refering as just fragmentation is known as external fragmentation09:10
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bkruseRoboticTao: all well, thanks09:10
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots09:10
erUSULVeros: in that regard yes09:10
DShepherdsdrowkcab, no problem. Hope you figure it out09:10
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geniijeb: workaround is described here: http://random.openminds.be/2007/02/19/intel-isa-pcic-probe-not-found/     except it is in /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/pcmcia and not /lib/modules/`uname -r`/drivers/pcmcia  as the article describes09:11
VeroserUSUL: i didn't know that term:)09:11
lyn_DShepherd; just typing that in subbing my password for that word didn't work.09:11
erUSULVeros: about external fragmentation you can read http://geekblog.oneandoneis2.org/index.php/2006/08/17/why_doesn_t_linux_need_defragmenting09:11
eyeofmindany BOTS around?09:11
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UncleDI want to install http://www.backports.org/debian/pool/main/g/git-core/git-core_1.5.3.2-1~bpo40+2_i386.deb - how do i do so properly?09:11
lyn_DShepherd; it just says unknown command09:11
DShepherdlyn_, oh.. that would work for xchat. not all irc clients support that.. what client you using?09:11
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jebgenii: thx for the link09:11
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VeroserUSUL: but how can reiser reduce internal fragmentation then?09:11
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jebgenii: it's now loading trm290 and that's where it never continues09:12
DShepherdlyn_, wanna give xchat a go?  :-D09:12
stefglUncleD: you shouldn't use debian packages on ubuntu...09:12
jebgenii: modprobe process is marked D09:12
lyn_DShepherd; Konversation09:12
lyn_I couldn't get xchat to work09:12
UncleDstefg1: I need 1.5.3 of git and its not even available on backports yet.09:12
eyeofmindhas ATI really got their drivers out? cause my X1200M flickers on one end of the screen in 7.0409:12
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UncleDstefg1: so tell me how to do it properly given that.09:12
stefgl!info git-core09:12
DShepherdlyn_, hmm.. ask in kubuntu. they know more about konversation i guess09:12
ubotugit-core: content addressable filesystem. In component main, is optional. Version 1: (feisty), package size 2295 kB, installed size 5128 kB09:12
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EnkyMy xubuntu computer crash when the screensaver gets active. I cannot change it at 'settings', because that "preview window" also crash it. I'm wondering if i can change screensaver inside the terminal? How?09:13
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Dragginstefgl - why not? I thought Ubuntu is Debian-based?09:13
wasabiAnybody aware why using LVM in the feisty installer (server) would hang the installer for a good five minutes?09:13
lyn_DShepherd; I tried xchat and it would never connect09:13
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stefglUncleD: if you really need that version, you rather build from source09:13
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ubotuUbuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!09:13
DShepherdlyn_, ok . #kubuntu then?09:13
erUSULVeros: it colapses the contents of varius clusters (blocks in linux terminology) into one when it can09:14
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DragginHmmm... Okay... But why not? What would happen?09:14
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stefglDraggin: ubuntu uses different toolchains and lib-versions... using debian packages can be ugly and break apt.... not the funniest thing to do09:14
VeroserUSUL: where can  I read about internal frgmentation?09:14
geniijeb: that pcmcia issue I just explained about causes all kinds of weirdnesses with modprobe, because it keeps trying to cyclically load the i82365 driver but fails, tying up the pnp/module system entirely09:14
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DShepherdlyn_, or you can just wait a couple minutes till the nick expires or watever the term is09:15
j_Enky: sudo apt-get remove --purge xscreensaver09:15
cool200is there more the one ubunta irc channel09:15
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:15
pegger__Draggin: it would not be able to find prerequisites09:15
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Dragginstefgl - Okay... And how exactly would you be able to distinguish a debian package? Don't some Ubuntu installer packages also have a .deb extension?09:15
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pegger__Draggin: look at the package information09:16
pegger__Draggin: open up the package09:16
stefglDraggin: you don't need to distinguish... you only use signed ubuntu sources, so you'll never encounter a package meant for debian09:16
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Dragginstefgl - but there are apps that I need to install and run that are not listed in the repositories...09:16
cman_I have a toshiba 4010 w/ 7.04 and the network card is not working. - the wireless works fine, i think its a driver issue. Any one have ideas?09:16
decayI can't even chmod a file09:17
decaychmod: changing permissions of `hw.py': Operation not permitted09:17
borois there anybody here who can help me with the sound on my laptop?09:17
Matiris there a good program that will let me monitor the bandwidth usage on my linux-based router?09:17
VletDraggin: ubuntu is based on debian, so it's like.... they both speak english... just with different accents :)09:17
DragginHehe, Vlet, cookl :)09:17
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UncleDstefgl: http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/git- is git latest. Can I build it the "ubuntu" way ? How would i do that?09:18
borodoes anyone have time to help me with my laptop-sound problem?09:18
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stefglDraggin: build from source... package names are different in debian and ubuntu, so you won't have the prper dependencies. And getting out of the mess when you managed to break apt is time-consuming, actually it's quicker to restore a backup09:18
cman_of course not, they don't have time to help me with my nic problem09:18
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orduekhello again09:19
Dragginstefgl - okay... Fair enough, but I'm still very new to Linux and not quite sure how to build apps from the source...09:19
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines09:19
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orduekcan anyone help me with a skype 1.4 installation - i'm getting a dependencie problem09:19
stefgl!build | UncleD09:19
ubotuUncleD: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)09:19
geniijeb: that module you are having issues with seems related to onboard SATA controller. Did you set your BIOS for ATA compatability mode?09:19
decayhow do i open root terminal?09:19
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Picidecay: sudo -i09:20
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stefgl!root | decay09:20
ubotudecay: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo09:20
decayPici, thank yo u09:20
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wladstonguys, is there any "bug solving channel" or something like for gusty ? My system doesnt start anymore after installing gusty and trying dual screens09:20
cman_<me> is patiently waiting09:20
Matirwladston, #ubuntu+109:20
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j_cman_: what's wrong with your nic?09:21
wladstonMatir: thanks :)09:21
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wladston/joint #ubuntu+109:21
wladstonops, sorry09:21
stefgl!gutsy | wladston09:21
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ubotuwladston: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information09:21
unagiis there anything for linux that is really really similar to quicktime such as scrubbing through the footage and in browser play?09:21
Vletlawl /joint09:21
geniiwork, AFK09:21
decaywhats ubuntu+!?09:21
jebgenii: there aren't such messages in the log09:21
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jebgenii: i'll check the ata-support09:22
j_cman_: ?09:22
pegger__unagi: what do you mean scrubbing?09:22
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stefgl!caps | unagi09:22
ubotuunagi: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.09:22
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radioman_AAAA ;] 09:22
unagiwhen you drag the slider to the right it plays through the video rather than skipping to that part on the timeline09:22
cman_I plug it in, no lights on the connection, no DHCP - set static ip, no go09:22
geniijeb: If possible set in bios to where the sata drives get seen as legacy/compatible/ata09:22
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j_cman_: hmm. Are the kernel drivers loaded and is the nic recognized?09:23
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cman_a wired connection shows up under network settings, but I don't know how to check the kernel drivers09:24
j_cman_: ok what kind of nic is it?09:24
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joepidear god, i think i'm going to be a father09:24
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cman_Toshiba ether lan - whatever that is.  I think its actually an intel 82xxx09:25
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Zelutcan the netboot installer be used for multiple releases?09:25
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geniiZelut: Yes09:25
ZelutI've used the image from ubuntu to install kubuntu, but could it install 7.04 vs 7.10, etc?09:25
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geniiZelut: Yes09:25
maul_how to unrar?09:25
Zelutgenii: perfect, thank you.09:25
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cox377hello all09:26
cox377is the command to remove something 'rm'?09:26
etch64_a6kmunrar x09:26
j_cman_: let's try the easy route first; do you get any errors when running "/etc/init.d/network restart" ?09:26
pike_maul_: sudo apt-get install unrar; unrar e file.rar09:26
etch64_a6kminstall unrar or unrar-free09:26
j_whoops that's "networking"09:26
maul_pike_,  it does not find the package09:26
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maul_unrar-free cannot unrar thefile I nee09:27
musikgoathow do i check if there is a nobody nogroup account?09:27
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free09:27
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jebgenii: can't find such a setting09:27
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emretempmusikgoat: try cat /etc/group09:28
geniimaul_: sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get install unrar09:28
jebgenii: BIOS version vom 2000 (American Megatrends)09:28
pike_!repos | maul_09:28
ubotumaul_: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource09:28
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cman_no such file or directory09:28
cman_command not found09:28
pike_maul_: probably in universe or multiverse it needs to be enabled in your package manager09:28
geniijeb: OK, give me make/model of machine and I'll look for bios settings09:28
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pike_maul_: see the first link ubuntu said09:29
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j_cman_: /etc/init.d/networking09:29
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j_cman_: I mistyped that before sorry09:29
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).09:29
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jebgenii: gericom09:29
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jebgenii: gericom webshox 202009:30
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mutableHi, does anybody know how to instruct wget to write real filenames returned by some for example php function and not something like this:  site.net/getile.php&file=344?section=help ?09:30
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geniijeb: Hmm. Odd name. I will look now, AFK09:30
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xeerwhen i use my keyboard's volume control, it only effects the front speakers on my 5.1 setup. how can i get it to effect the PCM?09:31
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decayhow can i add a directory to $PATH, if the directory contains spaces?09:31
cman_<j_>: no errors09:31
xeerdecay: \<space>09:31
decayxeer, quotation marks won't work, correct09:32
xeerdecay: or use quotes around the path09:32
j_cman_: and does "ifconfig" show you having an IP?09:32
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xeerdecay: quotes for the overall $PATH, not each location09:32
cman_<j_>:only on the wireless connection09:32
pike_xeer: keyboard volume control? now youre just being picky ;p09:32
decayxeer, i actually thought the problem were spaces, but its not. turns out i can't add dirs to $PATH. i get this error:09:32
decaybash: export: `/home/fiction/hi': not a valid identifier09:32
cman_<j_>:also, its an intel pro 100/ve09:32
j_cman_: ok, try "tail /var/log/messages" and see if there's anything in there about the network restart09:33
xeerpike_: lol yes, so unreasonable09:33
j_ah intel == good :)09:33
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cman_J_: not that says restart, but I see where it restarted09:34
j_cman_: and no errors about networking in the message log?09:34
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decayand does anyone happen to know how to -delete- a path/dir from $PATH?09:34
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j_cman_: but it *does* show the interface through ifconfig, just not an assigned IP ?09:34
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j_cman_: weird. Let's make sure the interface is "enabled"09:35
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PhydouxCan someone tell me how to format my new hard drive? It's /dev/sda09:35
j_cman_: "system->administration->network"09:35
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j_cman_: the little checkbox is checked next to the interface in question?09:36
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cman_yes, when i just unchecked and re-checked, it d/c'ed my wireless09:37
greenmanspiritanyone have a preferred way to add countdowns to the desktop09:37
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j_cman_: yeah it would try to restart networking...09:38
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j_cman_: honestly I'm not sure at this point. It almost sounds like there's a hardware issue...09:38
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cman_j_:thats what I was thinking09:38
j_cman_: you're system recognizes the nic fine, you can restart the card and networking, it just sorta ... doesn't work ..09:38
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j_cman_: do you have a replacement?09:39
cman_j_: pretty much.  It seems like it just doesn't like the driver it has or something09:39
wasabiHaving some winbind problems. Domain users logging in with GDM are not being granted their local group memberships.09:39
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new2ubI installed ubuntu feisty a couple of days ago and am having issues with both my cd and mydvd drives09:39
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j_cman_: that's unlikely. Intel openly publishes their specs and the nic drivers for intel are very mature09:39
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j_cman_: I have had weird issues with certain onboard intel nics though. On the machine I'm no now the onboard won't leave promiscuous mode....09:40
buyomi have problem with abit motherboard after installing ubuntu when i start my comp i get messege -apic_no_apic09:40
buyomplz help09:40
cman_j_: you think bad hardware maybe?  I have a couple other 4010's, maybe it would pay to just swap the drive and see what happens09:40
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j_cman_: That's what I'm thinking. If you could throw in another nic and test it that's what I would do ...09:41
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cman_j_: ok, I'll give that a shot09:41
cman_j_: thanks for all your help09:41
buyomi have problem with abit motherboard after installing ubuntu when i start my comp i get messege -apic_no_apic09:41
j_cman_: cool. GL man!09:41
cman_j_: thnx09:41
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j_cman_: anytime :)09:41
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ScuniziWhat do I need in Xubuntu (xfce) to view shared folders on another computer on the LAN?09:42
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.09:42
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buyomyou need samba09:42
spinner_If i have the compiz fuzion installed but i cannot load it how can i chekk what is wrong09:42
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Chops`Hi, I am installing Ubuntu Feisty using the livecd09:42
MongooseWAhow can you record/take a static image with a webcam in ubuntu?09:42
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lauriexxxany body know much about SSH?09:42
Rogeis there a command to boot a user out of the system ?\09:42
spinner_aka my graphic card drivers arnt correctly installed09:42
Chops`If I edit a partition, that has data on it, will the data be lost?09:42
Scunizibuyom, I have smb and nfs loaded.. I'm looking for a gui like what's in Ubuntu under Places.. it has a "Network" icon.09:42
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IdleOneChops`: i you mean resize . yes it could be lost or part of it lost09:43
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Chops`My hard drive has Vista on it currently, and my hd is 181Gb, there is 61.4Gb used09:43
buyomthere is soft in the pack-downloader but i don't really rmmber !@09:43
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buyomi have problem with abit motherboard after installing ubuntu when i start my comp i get messege -apic_no_apic09:44
new2ubI could use some help here.  I'm brand new to linux world and installed ubuntu 7.04   everything works great on the computer itself (I'm using it now) but my cd drive and dvd drive don't work  not sure what I'm doing wrong09:44
Chops`there is currently 8Gb of unformatted space on the ahrd drive, but I dont think that will be enough?09:44
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MongooseWAhow can you record/take a static image with a webcam in ubuntu?09:44
C10uDhi all09:44
C10uDi have a BIG problem!09:44
IdleOne!gparted | Chops`09:44
ubotuChops`: GParted is is a !GUI partitioning program. Type  sudo apt-get install gparted  in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php09:44
Scunizibuyom, check the bios to make sure apci is turned on.09:44
brobostigonin what sense wont your cd or dvd drive not work.??09:44
Chops`IdleOne - will that be able to resize my windows partition without losing data?09:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ident - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi09:45
brataoI want to pay someone to put vnc with gnome on my ubuntu server box. Please contact09:45
new2ubdvd not recognized at all....cd: everytime I put a cd in the computer freezes completly requireing a hard boot09:45
buyomScunizi - its apic dude09:45
new2ubsorry bout spelling09:45
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Scunizibuyom, oops.. don't know what that is.09:45
C10uDI drag'n'dropped a dir onto a link to an NTFS drive... gnome copied the whole dir on the drive but now opening that i see only that dir.. and says that's COMPLETELY free!!!09:45
brobostigonso can you mount a disc in the drive.09:45
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brobostigondoes it happen when you mount a disk in the drive.09:46
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new2ubconsidering I'm linux illiterate how do you mount a drive manually09:46
IdleOneChops`: recommended you defrag first . look at the link for the live cd there is more info09:46
brobostigonor try to read from it.09:46
brataoI want to pay someone to put vnc with gnome on my ubuntu server box. Please contact09:46
zanthI'm having trouble mounting a sata drive connected to an internal controller09:46
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brobostigonmount/dev/hdx /media/cdrom09:46
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Chops`IdleOne - my problem is its Vista - and the defrag utility is not graphical09:46
zanthit is apparently using the right driver...but I can't get it to mount, /dev/sde1 is the drive09:46
spinner_ i have the compiz fuzion installed but it says Desktop effects could not be enabled, im guessing it have somthin to do with my graphic drivers but how can i chk this out?09:46
new2ubok, let me try....would I need to restart after typing that in?09:47
zanthit is using sata_inic162x as the driver for the card09:47
new2ubok brb09:47
opexocI have read few guides about user and group id and things connected with this issue, but I still wonder how can I sign some user to group I have created?09:47
DShepherdspinner_, ask in #ubuntu-effects09:47
zanthfile system is ntfs, but I have 3 other drives easily automounted using ntfs, but they are using the mobo sata connections09:47
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skinnypuppy1334How do you get more than one active gnome session ?09:48
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new2ubdo I need to use the sudo command with it?09:48
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skinnypuppy1334j/ #suse09:48
brobostigonto mont, you need to use sudo09:48
brobostigoni mean to mount, you need to use sudo09:48
opexocI have read few guides about user and group id and things connected with this issue, but I still wonder how can I sign some user to group I have created?09:48
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new2ubok it says command not fount09:49
C10uDI drag'n'dropped a dir onto a link to an NTFS drive... gnome copied the whole dir on the drive but now opening that i see only that dir.. and says that's COMPLETELY free!!!09:49
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mzuverinkanyone else unable to connect to gmail?09:49
brobostigonmount /dev/hdx /media/cdrom09:49
erUSULopexoc: System>Administration>User and groups ??09:49
DShepherdopexoc, vim /etc/groups and you can add users to that group. That's one way of doing it09:49
MongooseWAnope, gmail works for me09:49
buyomanybody about apic problem?>09:49
new2ubI typed that in exactly and that is what it did09:49
new2ubmzuverink; I was able to connect to gmail without a problem09:50
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buyom    09:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hw - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi09:50
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mzuverinkThanks all09:50
MongooseWAhow can you record/take a static image with a webcam in ubuntu?09:50
new2ubmzuverink; np09:50
buyom   09:50
ubotu        :09:50
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ubotu/join #ubuntu-il09:50
brobostigonsudo mount /dev/hdx /mdia/cdrom , replace hdx with the drive of your cdrom, and /media/cdrom with its mount point.09:51
silenthow do I add multiple essid's to my interfaces file and swith between them (as I move location)09:51
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new2ubhow would I know the drive....I'm only familar with windows environment and there it would be drive G09:51
Scunizibuyom, http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/APIC09:51
buyom  09:51
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opexocDShepherd: thx09:52
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DShepherdopexoc, no prob09:52
erUSULbuyom: only english here please... we can not understand you09:52
termitorhello , some splashy users here ?09:52
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brobostigonon my laptop the drive for the cdrom is hdc, and its mount point is /media/cdrom0, you will have to find out what applies to your machine.09:53
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brobostigonrun dmesg in cli, and it will tell you.09:53
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new2ubwith dmesg....what am I looking for....there's alot there09:54
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brobostigonyou cdrom drive.09:54
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zanthif I see /dev/sde1 in fdisk -l should I not be able to mount it?  I try to...and I have permission denied, if I cd to it as root, I can09:55
zanthbut an ls shows an i/o error09:55
c2asrqualcuno sa per favore il motivo per cui la pen wireless belkin non va su ubuntu 7.0409:55
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geniijeb: Webshox model 241s1 ?09:55
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Hilikusshould i create users for each daemon runing on my server? like 1 for apache, 1 for sshd, etc? right now for instance the sshd is owned by root, is that a security risk?09:57
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new2ubthis is the only thing I've found listed :    hdd: CD-532E-B, ATAPI CD/DVD-ROM09:57
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c2asrwhy belkin wireless dont' work in linux ubuntu 7.0409:58
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new2ubnever mind....found the other one....which means they are both here....(recognized).....09:58
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new2ub hdd: ATAPI 32X CD-ROM drive,09:58
MeroigoHello, I have set up dual monitors and have configured xorg.conf so the dual monitors works as they should. but the screen that outputs from DVI have crazy and totally wrong colors, but the one that outputs from VGA is totally normal. have tried switching the screen in the different outputs, but both have the same problem. Someone that know how to fix this?09:58
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jebgenii: no, 202009:59
KchakaHello all. My dad is just on installing Ubuntu for the first time, and he wants to resize his windows partition to free up some space for an Ubuntu partition. But the option for re-sizing in the Live CD installer isn't there. It always has been there for me but not for him. This is Ubuntu 7.04. Anyone got any idea's?09:59
TitanLinuxplease chanel spanish ubuntu??09:59
brobostigonso it marks you xcdrom as hdd.09:59
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MongooseWAwait no09:59
TitanLinux<MongooseWA> thanks09:59
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MongooseWAno no that's not the right channel09:59
MongooseWAthere is one though10:00
new2ublooks like my dvd as well10:00
brobostigonthey are usually the same10:00
brobostigonif they are in he same drive10:00
MongooseWATitanLinux, its #ubuntu-es10:00
c2asrhow con install belkin wireless usb in ubuntu 7.0410:01
Meroigomaybe a reboot fixes it.. brb10:01
riotkittie#ubuntu-es MongooseWA10:01
new2ubtwo different ones./..and is the mount point you were talking about the numbers before the listing?10:01
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brobostigonsudo mount /dev/hdd /mountpoint10:01
riotkittieKchaka: i'm no really sure. is the ntfs drive mounted?10:02
hagnais it safe to apt-get more than one package at once?10:02
TitanLinuxMongooseWA> thanks10:02
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brobostigonwhat the mount point for you cdrom10:02
LjLhagna: yes.10:02
MongooseWATitanLinux, no problem10:02
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hagnaLjL: nice gentoo emerge doesn't do that10:02
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new2ubis the mount point this: ?  [   29.722891] 10:03
LjLhagna: i mean - as long as you do it with *one* apt-get command.10:03
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DShepherdnew2ub, what are you trying to do?10:03
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zeroflaghow can I see whether X and GDM are running?10:03
brobostigonave a look at the folders in /media10:03
hagnaLjL: ok so you can't apt-get in one shell and apt-get in another at the same time10:03
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new2ubDShepherd; to get my cd and dvd drives to work10:03
LjLhagna: no10:03
zeroflag(I don't have a monitor attached, I need to forward it over vnc but I have no idea what it's doing)10:03
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LjLhagna: that *would* be unsafe if it worked, but it just won't. it'll give you an error complaining that APT is already running.10:04
brobostigonas long as they re mounted properly they should work propely10:04
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LjLzeroflag: what interface do you *have*?10:04
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geniijeb: the webshox 2020 comes in these submodels: 34BS2, 241S1, 34AS1, 35AS110:05
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jebgenii: 34AS610:05
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geniijeb: OK10:06
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IdleOneikonia: you around?10:07
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yasergenii, I get this error in Gutsy but not in Feisty,any idea? MATLAB: xcb_xlib.c:50: xcb_xlib_unlock: Assertion `c->xlib.lock' failed.10:08
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DShepherdnew2ub, what is your drive not doing?10:08
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DShepherdnew2ub, is it not 'seeing' the cds and dvds that you put in your disc drive tray?10:08
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geniiyaser: No idea. I'd email MATLAB if you have a legitimate copy10:09
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brobostigoni was putting him trough how to solve it, by properly mounting his cdrm.10:09
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yasergenii, ok10:09
DShepherdbrobostigon, ok.10:10
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DShepherdbrobostigon, seems he's busy right now.10:10
Meroigonice, reboot worked. (if someone read my previous message). But.. how can I get duplicate of all gnome panels on the other screen (i have dual screens if someone missed it)? and how can I make Take Screenshot take screenshot of both the screens, merged? It only takes a screenshot of the left screen, then there is just empty space on the right side of the picture where the right screen's picture should be.10:10
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yasergenii, but dont you think it looks more like Gutsy problem?10:10
new2ubDShepherd, dvd doesn't do anything and the cd when I put a data cd in freezes my computer completely requireing a hard boot10:10
brobostigoni think so.10:10
barbarianherohi, using gdm/gnome desktop does anyone if there is a place I can put a script locally taht will be run on logout? (i.e. not when i open a terminal, I'm using a .xsession in my home directory to start some things, and I would like an equivalent script to run when i logout of my gnome session)10:10
yasergenii, but dont you think it looks more like a Gutsy problem?10:11
brobostigoni cant help then new2yb, i have no idea.10:11
geniiyaser: Ask in #ubuntu+1 then10:11
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DShepherdnew2ub, this happens for ever cd and dvd you put in the drive?10:11
new2ubevery data cd10:11
brobostigonwhy it would freeze on mount.10:11
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DShepherdbrobostigon, i dont know..10:11
new2ubit does something completely different with audio cds10:11
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DShepherdnew2ub, what does it do with audio cds?10:12
barbarianheroThis is basically a time clock script that i have to run at work that I am constantly forgetting to run, so I have the clock in in .xsession, so whenever I login to ggnome it clocks me in, now i just need one to clock me out when i logout :)10:12
new2ubit won't play them (can't hear) but the program to play music comes up and recognizes everything10:12
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yasergenii, no body knows there, and i think Gutsy is almost Ubuntu now10:12
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HemanHello, I cant see the top of the windows, so I can't minimize the windows without right clicking...10:13
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HemanHelp pls10:13
preactionHeman, using beryl/emerald i assume? can you see the beryl-manager icon?10:13
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DShepherdnew2ub, your drive has worked before.. correct?10:13
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new2ubwhen I had XP yes10:14
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DShepherdbrobostigon, any ideas?10:14
Hemanpreaction: im using compiz-fusion but fusion icon isn't installed and I don't have emerald atm10:14
DShepherdHeman, ask in #ubuntu-effects10:14
brobostigoni dont, i have no ideas.10:14
acomacois linux-util the same as util-linux?10:14
preactionHeman, most likely something failed to load, #ubuntu-effects can help you better10:14
yaserI dont see the start menu anywhere, where is My PC?10:14
new2ublol......new I'd have trouble   the install was way too easy LOL10:15
DShepherdnew2ub, going to ask my good friend google about your problem. Can you give me a few minutes or so?10:15
acomacoOr do linux-util even exist?10:15
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acomacocan't find anything on google10:15
DShepherdnew2ub, :-)10:15
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new2ubsure in no hurry here10:15
brobostigonmaybe hey arent being accessed propely10:15
rayniachow can i conect to irc-hispano ?10:15
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DShepherdnew2ub, watch some tv or something. it may ease the pain some what?10:15
DragginHello again! More questions - I am having trouble setting up a programme - I receive this error at the end of running ./configure : checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths!10:15
Hemanpreaction: ok thankyou10:16
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deb64a6kmtry to install xorg-dev10:16
Hemandsheperd: thanks aswell10:16
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Dragginedb64a6km - was that answer for me?10:16
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blue|palmwhenever i run an opengl program, this happens: http://img338.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotogrerenderwinyg7.png and i have an nvidia card using drivers from the restricted driver manager...10:16
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salvator1does anybody know how to install a .jar file?10:17
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bruenigjava -jar whatever.jar10:17
new2ubDShepherd, LOL10:17
blue|palmsalvator1, it depends what the jar file contains10:17
deb64a6kmjava -jar /path/to/jar-file10:17
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Draggindeb64a6km - was that answer for me?10:18
salvator1Thank you, I'll try that10:18
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bruenigyou don't really install it, you just run it10:18
Draggindeb64a6km - the one about xorg-dev10:18
Drad1k`workI am trying to move maps from one of my hard drives into the maps folder for counter strike source. I can't get into the folder, because the permissions are denied.. how can I make it so I can copy and paste the server in?10:18
lmosherCan anyone suggest a good media player? I've heard things about amarok, but there's a ton of crap to install to get it to work in gnome. Any player that's nicer than rhythmbox that runs in gnome?10:18
DShepherdnew2ub, what version of ubuntu are you using?10:18
blue|palmlmosher, sure, also try banshee10:19
Scunizilmosher, banshee10:19
DShepherdlmosher, exaile is alot like amaraok10:19
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ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs10:19
blue|palmlmosher, there are loads...10:19
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bruenigcmus is good10:19
deb64a6kmthe X.Org X Window System development libraries10:19
damjanHi, why I can't see any flash movies on websites like youtube on firefox, when I click on the movies says i don't have plugins, but I have the latest, and when I close the tab the whole firefox is crashing, p.s it is the latest version. Now how can I see flash movies?10:19
skinnypuppy1334WHat has a good EQ ?10:19
blue|palmwhenever i run an opengl program, this happens: http://img338.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotogrerenderwinyg7.png and i have an nvidia card using drivers from the restricted driver manager...10:19
bruenigdamjan, open firefox and go to about:config and tell us what it says about flash10:19
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lmosherthanks blue|palm, Scunizi, DShepherd :)10:20
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damjanbruenig, just a second10:20
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DShepherdlmosher, your welcome. come back with again.. bring friends :-D10:20
damjanit says crash :)10:21
damjanit crashed10:21
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bruenigdo it again..10:21
Drad1k`workI am trying to move maps from one of my hard drives into the maps folder for counter strike source. I can't get into the folder, because the permissions are denied.. how can I make it so I can copy and paste the server in?10:21
damjanbruenig, i will start it again10:21
unimatrix9is there an irc channel for ubuntu macbook?10:21
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new2ubDShepherd, sorry bout that I have Feisty 7.04 on here10:21
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blue|palmDrad1k`work, do you know how to use a terminal and the sudo command?10:21
DShepherdnew2ub, ok10:21
unimatrix9intel versions?10:21
unimatrix9go there too?10:21
damjanbruenig, in terminal I see> /usr/share/themes/Blubuntu/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:169: Clearlooks configuration option "progressbarstyle" is not supported and will be ignored.10:22
DShepherdnew2ub, fully uptodate?10:22
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Drad1k`workyes.. but im trying to do do it gui style.. i dont know how to copy and paste with commands10:22
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bruenigdamjan, I don't care10:22
DragginHmmm... I'm still confused - I don't know if the semi-cryptic answer was directed at me...10:22
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meoblast001what option do you use to download all files in a directory with wget (html)? also, how do you add applications to keyboard shortcuts?10:22
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bruenigdamjan, switch to another theme if you think that is the problem, I was trying to help with flash10:22
blue|palmDrad1k`work, open up a terminal, type 'sudo nautilus' without the quotes and then enter your password... that nautilus then has complete power (Be careful)10:22
salvator1Having a little trouble here, I can't seem how to keep running aplications on the top panel. When I first was using ubuntu I could close out of applications like gaim, and they would still be on the top panel. Now if I close out of them, they shut down10:22
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bruenigmeoblast001, you can't with gnome because doing that is obviously so baffling that no user would understand it10:23
damjanbruenig, what string to see in config again10:23
bruenigdamjan, about:plugins, look for flash10:23
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meoblast001bruenig: it could actually be as easy as just putting in a terminal command10:23
new2ubDShepherd, as far as I know, yes10:24
damjanbruenig, Flash Movie player Version 0.4.12 compatible with Shockwave Flash 4.010:24
DShepherdnew2ub, what kind a machine you have?10:24
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new2ubAMD 6410:24
bruenigmeoblast001, a joke on  how gnome is so limited, you will need an external app if you intend to use gnome, xbindkeys perhaps10:24
bruenigdamjan, right, that's not the correct flash10:24
DShepherdnew2ub, hmm.. its the ubuntu 64 bit version you installed?10:24
damjanbruenig, how can I fix It10:25
bruenig!find mozplugin10:25
ubotuFound: libflash-mozplugin10:25
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bruenigdamjan, do sudo apt-get remove libflash-mozplugin10:25
new2ubDShepherd, I don't know....was that an important factor?10:25
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damjanI have it10:25
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meoblast001bruenig: ok... now how does one download all files in an HTTP directory with wget?10:25
DShepherdnew2ub, not sure10:25
yaserAny one here unfortunate enough to have a Motorola dial up modem?10:25
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bruenigmeoblast001, I would script it myself, but you can try some recursive/spider options and see if they work10:26
bruenigmeoblast001, link?10:26
Drad1k`worknow that i used sudo nautilus .. how do i find my accounts folders?10:26
damjanbruenig, with dpkg -s it says installed10:26
bruenigdamjan, remove it10:26
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meoblast001bruenig: link???10:26
bruenigmeoblast001, to your page10:26
damjanbruenig, ok10:26
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geniijeb: After some extensive research I'm pretty certain you can safely do the same for the trm290 driver as for the i82365 driver. It is an older one for Tekram IDE controller.10:26
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CarlF1yaser: not sure.  I just stuffed 3 pci modems in a box.  gonna see if I can get any of them to work10:26
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meoblast001bruenig: http://teacherweb.com/OH/McDonaldJrSrHighSchool/MrsDolsak/photo6.stm10:27
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meoblast001its for school10:27
yaserCarlF1, you found some tutorial about drivers?10:27
new2ubDShepherd, it's the Opteron cpu that I have....not sure if it's 64 bit but it says AMD 64 Opteron10:27
bruenigmeoblast001, you want all those notes links?10:27
CarlF1yaser: so.. where is the latest 'modem detection magic' ?10:27
damjanbruenig, done10:27
DShepherdnew2ub, ok10:27
geniiwork again, AFK10:27
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CarlF1yaser: I have seen something over a year ago10:27
arodjust upgraded from feisty to gg. now gutsy's aptitude marks upgradable packages as hold. any idea?10:27
damjanbruenig, what next?10:28
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yaserCarlF1, take me to the light!!10:28
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damjanbruenig, nice it says version 9 now10:28
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damjanbruenig, thanks it works10:29
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bruenigcalm down10:30
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zanthanybody willing to help me with a mounting problem? I have it detailed here: http://preview.tinyurl.com/2p4pav10:31
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Goopdoes anyone know the best broswer to use in ubuntu? I've heard Firefox is a pain with Flash10:32
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pike_zanth: that tinyurl points to another thread on ubuntuforums10:32
Meroigohow can I make "take screenshot" also include my secondary screen in the screenshot?10:32
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zanthpike_, yeah it is the preview I posted10:33
zanthjust so that folks didn't think I was spamming10:33
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zanththere is a "follow link to site"10:33
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zantheasier to post ther enad have it all outlined10:33
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zanthbut here I have higher volume of active eyes hopefully willing to help10:34
geahello, i am installing ubuntu server, how much space do i give for lvm partiton?10:34
DShepherdnew2ub, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cdparanoia/+bug/106000 -- this might be related to your bug. I am not sure though10:34
pike_zanth: nm i didnt paste entire ubuntuforums link. ended up somewhere else10:34
zanthah ok10:34
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CarlF1yaser:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto10:34
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new2ubDShepherd, going to it now10:35
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chalcedonygood day to you all10:36
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Goopdoes anyone know the best broswer to use in ubuntu? I've heard Firefox is a pain with Flash10:37
ubotuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.10:37
LjLGoop: "Firefox".10:37
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash10:37
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SlimeyPeteGoop: Firefox works better with flash than any of the others do10:37
chalcedonyi'm guessing that since I upgraded to Feisty, something got messed up in the path to save messages until later to send them. i just did zz and told it to Postpone this message? ([yes] /no): <chalcedony> yes .. but i'm not finding it in the directory.. where is it?10:37
radioman_Opera rocks!10:37
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basculeGoop: actually proprietary flash is a pain with firefox10:37
zanthpike_, were you able to get to the link?  any suggestions?10:37
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helphi i need some help10:38
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Goopbascule: so if I use Ubuntu then I should use open-source flash player clones?10:38
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IdleOne!flash > Goop ( see msg from ubotu )10:39
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basculeGoop: they are annoying to, youtube is the real problem I have encountered with flash, everything else seems fine10:39
pike_zanth: it seems a little odd.  what about something like 'sudo umount /dev/sde1; mount -o umask=000 /dev/sde1 /media/iTunes'10:39
help1i cant connect to the internet on my ubuntu machine10:39
new2ubDShepherd, it might be related, but it also said in the thread that it was only with Edgy.....Feisty didn't have that problem?10:39
chalcedonyi reworded that10:39
chalcedonyi'm guessing that since I upgraded to Feisty, in mutt, something got messed up in the path to save messages until later to send them. i just did zz and told it to Postpone this message? ([yes] /no): yes .. but i'm not finding it in the directory.. where is it? or how to find it?10:39
yllefor graphical editing with root privileges I write what?10:39
LjL!gksudo > ylle    (ylle, see the private message from Ubotu)10:40
jebgenii: thx, i'll try it10:40
pike_zanth: which wont work because i just saw you already tried to mount it10:40
pike_zanth: dunno10:40
jebgnii: but doing other stuff right now10:40
new2ubDSHepherd, could this be that I just downloaded and installed the wrong type of feisty for this computer?  I'm pretty sure I downloaded the first choice which wasn't the 64 bit10:40
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zanththanks for your effort pike10:41
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ylleLjL:  but I'm in gutsy, wasn't it changed like in kubuntu gutsy?10:41
zanthit may be that it is a driver issue10:41
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chalcedonyhi MoRRokoTroko210:41
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help1could someone help me connect to the internet on my ubuntu machine10:41
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gnomefreakylle: #ubuntu+1 for gutsy10:41
stuarthowlettebsout of interest, has anyone tried using the linux mint repository on feisty at all10:42
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DShepherdnew2ub, yeah.. try the 64 bit for fiesty. that could help10:42
radioman_help1, you are connected well, i can see You ;D10:42
help1im using one of my other comps10:42
IdleOnestuarthowlettebs: what does that repo have that the ubuntu repos doesnt?10:42
trezHi there, what should I do if I regulary get kernel Oops? lately 5 times a day :(10:42
pike_zanth: this ntfs formatted in vista or xp?10:42
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DShepherdnew2ub, http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.04/10:42
help1the laptop with ubuntu cant connect10:42
lavender_dreamI have a tar.bz2 file in my home folder, I installed build-essentials and was wondering what the next step is... I tried sudo make but nothing worked, says: "No targets specified and no makefile found."10:42
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IdleOnestuarthowlettebs: and that does?10:43
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stuarthowlettebsa gui for editing xorg.conf10:43
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riverHello, is there a way to batch convert odt files to doc?10:43
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stuarthowlettebssame as gutsy has i guess10:43
stuarthowlettebsmaybe the precursor to it10:43
nickrenhow can some try to go to this link10:43
stuarthowlettebsjust wanted to have a play round10:43
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LjLylle: i really don't think so. anyway, #ubuntu+1 for gutsy.10:43
nickrendid google just go down for like 5 minutes10:43
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chalcedonyi'm guessing that since I upgraded to Feisty, in mutt, something got messed up in the path to save messages until later to send them. i just did zz and told it to Postpone this message? ([yes] /no): yes .. but i'm not finding it in the directory.. where is it? or how to find it?10:44
DShepherdnew2ub, goodluck. hope that helps10:44
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Crush`anyone know how to make screenshots appear in my home directory and not on the desktop?10:44
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nickrencan anybody get to google?10:45
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stuarthowlettebsnick: working fine for me10:45
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stuh84.com and .co.uk work fine here10:45
riotkittielavender_dream: if youre trying to compile something, uncompress that bz2  .... tar bvf <file>  *i think* .. if not bunzip2 file then tar xvf it10:45
CarlF13 head box.  is there a command to change resolution on one head without restarting X?10:46
new2ubDShepherd, I'm downloading the right one now, I have one concern though.......I had a working dvd/cd burner when I did this the first time....I don't now......when You can't do it that way, what is the alternative?10:46
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nickrenwas weird, any other site i tried to get ping i got 100% packets but google would not load and only 65% of the packets come through10:46
lavender_dreamriotkittie: thank you for the response, i uncompressed it but i don't know what you mean by tar xvf it10:47
DShepherdnew2ub, oh..good point...*thinking*10:47
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stuh84nick: only thing i can think of is something is messed in your hosts file, hell could even be your isp10:47
riotkittielavender_dream:  tar xvf will uncompress. but thats irrelevant  if its been extracted10:47
DShepherdnew2ub, no other computer nearby?10:47
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stuh84i used to work for one where some people could only access about 2 different websites and that was it10:47
new2ubDShepherd, no.....if I disappear....I'll be back lol10:48
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DShepherdnew2ub, lol...  ok10:48
riotkittielavender_dream: what are you trynig to compile?10:48
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eichihello, where is the folder apt-get fetches the packages?10:48
riotkittieoh lord i cannot type.10:48
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lavender_dreamriotkittie: okay i extracted it, it's in my home folder, now when i type sudo make in the terminal, i still get "No targets specified and no makefile found." i'm trying to compile a usb dongle (nintendo wifi connector to be specific) driver10:49
stuh84out of interest, i may just be being ignorant, but does anyone know the official date gutsy is supposed to go live10:49
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DShepherdeichi, /var/cache/apt/archives/10:49
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dgjonesstuh84, 18th10:49
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stuh84sexy, thanks :)10:49
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GodOfWalmarthow can I compile something from SVN that doesn't have a configure script?10:50
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GodOfWalmartnor an autogen10:50
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riotkittielavender_dream: you shouldnt need to make as sudo. make install, perhaps, but rarely  make. uhmmm. try typing ./configure and seeing if that does anything?10:50
DShepherdCrusher, on pressing printscreen you can change the 'Save in folder' to whereever you like. It will default to there the next time you choose to take a screeshot10:50
LjLGodOfWalmart, it depends. not everything uses autoconf. it surely comes with an INSTALL file?10:50
CarlF1GodOfWalmart: is there a .deb for an older version ?10:50
GodOfWalmartto both10:50
GodOfWalmartdvdrtools is what I'm trying to install10:50
CarlF1GodOfWalmart: then the easy answer is: gcc foo.c10:50
lavender_dreamriotkittie: "bash: ./configure: No such file or directory" same with ./config10:51
GodOfWalmartit has a ./configure.ac10:51
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LjL!info dvdrtools gutsy | GodOfWalmart10:51
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CarlF1GodOfWalmart: or, read the README.  or: ask the author.10:51
ubotugodofwalmart: dvdrtools: DVD writing program. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.3.1-3 (gutsy), package size 128 kB, installed size 304 kB10:51
GodOfWalmartwhere can I get it?10:51
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DShepherdCrusher, oops. i mean Crush. but he left. sorry10:51
GodOfWalmartis it backported?10:51
riotkittielavender_dream: at this point, i'm lost. is there a README? :|10:51
lavender_dreamriotkittie: make and make install both gives me: make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.10:51
LjLGodOfWalmart: actually, i said Gutsy (since you said there was no Feisty package), but there *is* a feisty package.10:51
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LjL!info dvdrtools feisty | GodOfWalmart10:52
ubotugodofwalmart: dvdrtools: DVD writing program. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.3.1-1 (feisty), package size 127 kB, installed size 308 kB10:52
GodOfWalmartmy bad10:52
ubotuFTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd10:52
LjLGodOfWalmart: so, just install it like any other program that comes from the repositories.10:52
blue|foxHello :> Does anyone know how long 7.04 will continue to be supported after the release of the upcoming version?10:52
GodOfWalmartI started looking for dvdrecord because that's what the program said it needed10:52
Rageonanyone recommend a ftp server?10:52
stuh84october 2008 blue10:52
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GodOfWalmartand dvdrecord sent me to dvdrtools and I didn't think to check the repos10:52
ubotuFTP servers: !ftpd, !proftpd, !pure-ftpd, !twoftpd, !vsftpd, !MuddleFTPd, !wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: !PureAdmin, !GProftpd (for !GNOME), !KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP10:52
blue|foxstuh84: Thanks10:52
ShafferCan I have some help?10:52
DShepherdblue|fox, 18 months from 7.04 release date i think10:52
ShafferI am just starting Ubuntu now, I just booted it off the cd.10:53
ShafferNow what do I do?10:53
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kdub432Rageon: if you plan on distributing ALOT of files, then yes. the command scp is a lot better for transferring specific files between computers though...10:53
blue|foxThanks, that's great :> Plenty of time to test things before moving my system over10:53
bruenigGodTodd, dvdrecord is part of cdrkit or cdrtools depending which you have and dvdrtools I assume you are talking about dvd+rw-tools10:53
stuh84blue: fyi all the standard releases are 18 months supported10:53
stuh84LTS's are 3 years10:53
Rageoncan i use command scp to send files from linux to windows?10:53
ShafferHello, can someone please help me?10:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pureadmin - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:54
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LjL!scp | Rageon10:54
ubotuRageon: SCP is a secure way of copying files across networks using !SSH. Usage: scp filename user@host:filename - WinSCP is a client for Windows, available at http://winscp.net/10:54
SlimeyPeteRageon: not without installing an ssh server on windows. However you can use winscp to pull the files over using the Windows box.10:54
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lavender_dreamriotkittie: in the readme there is an installatoin process: For 2.4 or 2.6 series kernel: a. $tar -xvzf rt2570-x.x.x.tar.gz go to "./rt2570-x.x.x/Module" directory. b. $make # compile driver source code c. $make install # installs kernel module driver d. $modprobe rt2570 (rt2470 is the name of the driver)10:54
DShepherdShaffer, it depends.. what do you want to do?10:54
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pike_Shaffer: whats the problem?10:54
Shapeshifteris there a way to improve some of the gnome dialogs, e.g. making them bigger and more "useful". I mean seriously who ever made the layout for this http://img511.imageshack.us/img511/7751/saveasiy2.png seems to never have actually used it. It's horribly inconvenient how small the area with the folder is and how much blank unused space is inbetween the meaningful stuff10:55
Rageoni wanna do some reading on ssh before i start using it.. anyone know if pure admin will do the job for my ftp purposes?10:55
ShafferHey, I just booted me CD for the first time.10:55
riotkittiert2750. sweet jesus. <weeps>10:55
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kdub432Shapeshifter: I absolutely agree. lets go hack the code up10:55
LjL!info rt2570-source | lavender_dream, is there a specific reason why you're using the tar instead of the package?10:55
ShafferWhat do I do?10:56
ubotulavender_dream, is there a specific reason why you're using the tar instead of the package?: rt2570-source: RT2570 wireless network drivers source. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.1.0+cvs20061210-1 (feisty), package size 247 kB, installed size 312 kB10:56
riotkittielavender_dream: at this point, i'm not really sure what to tell you if that's not working :|10:56
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Eddcan anyone help me out with my ultimate ubuntu broadcom wireless card problem10:56
stuh84which broadcom wireless card you got10:56
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Shapeshifterkdub432: I mean linux is nice and so on but this is seriously inconvenient ^^ is there something else I could do besides switching to kde or something like that?10:57
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P_Kableasny virtualbox expert here ?10:57
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?10:57
Eddbroadcom 802.11 b/g10:57
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stuh84open up a terminal10:57
stuh84and do an lspci10:57
ShapeshifterP_Kable: why an expert? Im using it at least10:57
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stuh84the one which says broadcom10:57
stuh84copy the whole line10:57
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ShafferHow do I PM?10:57
stuh84theres different versions, and some are harder to set up than others10:57
LjLShaffer: /msg nickname message - but you must be registered.10:58
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ShafferOh, how do I register?10:58
RiyonukIs there a minimal install for ubuntu? Someone told me it was server, but I want desktop :/10:58
heydabopI'm tryiing to compile something, when I type make into the terminal, it says make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.10:58
ubotuInformation about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration10:58
heydabopWhat do I do?10:58
LadyNikonShaffer: see the link10:58
LjLRiyonuk: "minimal desktop"?10:58
LadyNikondont use the trigger command10:58
riotkittie... /msg nickserv register <pw>  /msg nickserv help register10:58
kdub432Shapeshifter: I've never really thought about the file dialogs, but here on my debian box, the file chooser looks right. i'll file a launchpad wishlist bug10:58
preactionRiyonuk, server is the minimal install, you can add a desktop to it: "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop"10:58
P_KableShapeshifter=>  I had a crash with one of my VMs and I cannot start it again ... all the options to mount volumes on the right are also unavailable ... do you know the command to stop the VM please ?10:58
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LadyNikonanyone know of a good place to get help with TCSH?10:58
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).10:59
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stuh84edd: you find it?10:59
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DShepherdShaffer, are you live cd now? Are you trying to install ubuntu?10:59
Edd06.20.0 Network Controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [Airforce One 54g]  802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02)10:59
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LjLP_Kable: use the "!ops" command in emergency cases like that (and ONLY in those), saying "kick" is unlikely to help10:59
stuh84sexy, same one i've got10:59
riotkittieLjL is my hero. <swoon>10:59
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Shapeshifterkdub432: your dialog looks different than mine?10:59
stuh84right bear with me a sec, theres a script for doing it11:00
heydabopI'm trying to set something up, but when I type make into the terminal, it says make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.11:00
ShapeshifterP_Kable: can't you just turn it off from inside the tool?11:00
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stuh84edd: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=197102&highlight=broadcom+431811:00
P_KableShapeshifter=>  no11:00
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P_Kablethat's my problem Shapeshifter11:00
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RiyonukWhat exactly is ubuntu-desktop? Cause I want gnome, but without totem music player, etc11:00
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stuh84ubuntu desktop is just a meta package linking to all the files for a default ubuntu install11:01
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stuh84should be able to get by with sudo apt-get install gdm11:01
ubotuFTP servers: !ftpd, !proftpd, !pure-ftpd, !twoftpd, !vsftpd, !MuddleFTPd, !wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: !PureAdmin, !GProftpd (for !GNOME), !KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP11:01
LjLRiyonuk: then install the "gnome" package after installing ubuntu-minimal. or install ubuntu-desktop and then remove the stuff you don't want.11:01
Riyonukso...wouldnt that defeat the purpose?11:01
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lavender_dreamOkay to be clear: I'd like to install a driver for my USB Wifi Connector (it's for Nintendo DS) but since the device isn't supported for Linux I had to dig around to find a workable driver for it. From ubuntu forum the solution was that I download the driver (which comes as tar ball; tar.bz2) and compile it. I have never done compiling before but I did grab essential-build by: sudo apt-get install build-essential, but now when11:01
lavender_dreamtrying to compile it by: make, my terminal reads "make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop." I have the file extracted in my home folder.11:01
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LjL!minimal > Riyonuk    (Riyonuk, see the private message from Ubotu)11:01
DShepherd!ubuntu-deskop | stuh8411:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu-deskop - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:01
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ubotuVirtualBox is open-source virtualization software for x86, with a proprietary "enterprise" version sporting additional features. Packages for Ubuntu are provided by the makers at http://www.virtualbox.org/ - Setup details at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/VirtualBox11:02
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=== tryforsure [n=tryforsu@82-32-140-17.cable.ubr04.edin.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuk/ed/x/ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage. It depends upon other packages and brings them in; you can safely remove it, but it is recommended that you re-install it when upgrading.11:02
quitttdoes anyone know how do I make fsck correct my root filesystem at boot?11:02
basculelavender_dream: link to source download please11:02
LjL!msg the bot11:02
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...11:02
DShepherdLjL, thanks11:02
LjL!fsck > quittt    (quittt, see the private message from Ubotu)11:02
lavender_dreambascule: http://masscat.afraid.org/ninds/rt2570.php11:02
quitttit says that are differences between the backup and the one that I'm using...11:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gproftp - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:02
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RiyonukWell I remmber not being able to remove lots of programs, such as totem11:02
stuh84edd: let me know how you get on btw11:02
LjLquittt: fsck won't fix that.11:02
Eddstuh....wha step should I use if im running ultimate....feisty and gutsy or dapper and edgy11:02
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stuh84i am guess feisty11:03
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stuh84do a uname -r in your terminal11:03
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stuh84tell me what kernel version it says yer running11:03
quitttLjL, and what should I do?11:03
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apollo2011hi everyone11:03
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Alp-hello guys, it's offtopic but maybe you want share with me your favourite web-based wiki software? there are so much out there and i'd appreciate some of your thoughts11:03
kdub432Shapeshifter: [URL=http://img222.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotopenhb8.png] [IMG] http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/6717/screenshotopenhb8.th.png[/IMG] [/URL]  is what it looks like on debian...11:03
DShepherdShaffer, http://screencasts.ubuntu.com/MoS2007/09_Installing_Ubuntu_Part_1 --- this is good stuff.. if you have couple minutes.. digest it11:03
LjLquittt: most likely, nothing. that warning is not an error.11:04
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LjLquittt: if it bothers you however, you can make it go away. let me just find the right link11:04
quitttLjL, and what is it?11:04
stuh84yeah looks like fesity to me11:04
Rageonno way apollo you  just wanna ummuuu , slaaaavennuu ummuu -- easy rocky ... thats too many big words11:04
stuh84so just follow the steps for feisty11:04
apollo2011I just rebooted and now my mouse is clearly more sensitive than it used to be. I am on KDE and the setting for acceleration is still the same, as low as it will go (1x). Is there some other setting in X, KDE, etc that could be changing my mouse's sensitivity/acceleration?11:04
DShepherd!pm > Shaffer11:04
Eddok stuh11:04
LjLquittt: a warning about a Windows filesystem of yours, saying that the boot sector is different from the one that's backed up, which you're unlikely to ever use.11:05
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quitttLjL, how do I check my boot msgs?11:05
lavender_dreambascule: this is the post that I got the idea about in ubuntuforums: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=1939964e3832054114ff49badd36ede6&t=51175111:05
ofnethow do i connect to a server in linux, I have the ip address, just puttin g it in browser isnt working11:05
LjLquittt: /var/log/messages11:05
Eddquick question though...when I hooked my laptop up to the internet via eth1 i tried installing ndiswrapper and it said it completed but its not being shown anywhere....how should I figure out how to open it11:05
tetreaulofnet: how do you want to connect?11:05
=== capiira [n=capiira@dslb-088-065-199-165.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #Ubuntu
AboSamoori'm using gusty-beta i got this error message when i tried to launch services-admin "The configuration could not be loaded" + "You are not allowed to access the system configuration."11:06
basculelavender_dream: the source is broken, the actual code is in the Module directory11:06
RiyonukIs it possible to get ubuntu in under 500MB?11:06
=== Tatster [n=anthony@80-193-5-25.cable.ubr06.gill.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
stuh84ndiswrapper - very interesting11:06
pike_ofnet: from terminal or just browse files in file manager?11:06
stuh84you have to follow a fair amount of steps to get it working in the first place11:06
basculelavender_dream: /home/kenny/workspace/nin_rt2570-1.1.0-b2/Module11:06
ofnettetreaul, I want to connect so I can download the centos disks, I want to do a network installation11:06
DShepherdAboSamoor, state your problem in #ubuntu+111:06
stuh84if you use the script on that page though11:06
Eddstuh: I used synaptic11:06
stuh84for the native driver11:06
DShepherdAboSamoor, they talk about gutsy all day there :-)11:06
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stuh84yeah installing it is fine11:06
ubotuGutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information11:06
stuh84but getting it working isn't as fine11:07
=== TheGateKeeper [n=gatekeep@82-36-118-96.cable.ubr03.king.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:07
stuh84but the native driver script bypasses the need for ndiswrapper anyway11:07
lavender_dreambascule: okay to compile from the module directory, what do i need to type in the terminal? it's in my home desktop extracted11:07
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quitttah it is not a problem11:07
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stuh84although theres a link on that page to install with ndiswrapper anyway11:07
stuh84if you want to11:07
geahello, i have install ubuntu server, how can i install gnome?11:07
new2ubDShepherd, it's not downloading for some reason11:08
quitttproblem, forget it11:08
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geawhat command do i have to use?11:08
quitttis there a repository for Opera browsers?11:08
basculelavender_dream: well have you got kernel source installed? If so just type make11:08
ofnettetreaul, how can you generally connect to a server so you can see the files in it ? I was told that I have sudo previlige there11:08
lavender_dreambascule: I have the essential-build if that's what you mean11:08
basculelavender_dream: in fact follow the instructions on the page you liked me to11:08
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basculelavender_dream: no this is a driver it needs the kernel source installed... out your depth?11:09
LjLquittt, the way to fix it was  sudo dosfsck -ar /dev/whatever , and then choose "copy original to backup"11:09
ofnetanyone knows how I can connect to a server11:09
jebgenii: still here?11:09
lavender_dreambascule: Yeah sorry, I'm only a 2 week linux user ;) converted 100% from xp to ubuntu11:09
chapiumare there instructions for switching to gutsy somewhere?11:09
=== Hilikus_ [n=ROCKERO@bas2-montreal45-1177828638.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Eddstuh: i did notice when I tried seeing if i could connect with the wireless that it set the wireless port as lo...is that ok?11:09
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stuh84lo is probably not right11:10
new2ubDShepherd, I think it is now....just took forever to start for some reason11:10
stuh84from what i remember thats the loopback interface11:10
stuh84hence why it wont have worked11:10
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stuh84but like i said11:10
stuh84use the script on that page11:10
stuh84and ndiswrapper isn't needed11:10
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stuh84it'll sort everything out for ya11:10
basculelavender_dream: this is almost certainly beyond you, but carry it on as a learning experience if you wish, but don't ask me for much help, I don't have the device so can't lead you through to completion, harsh but fair ;)11:10
Hilikus_hi guys, i cant connect to my apache server using my external ip, can someone tell me if works\11:10
stuh84hilikus: works fine here11:11
basculelavender_dream: first thing you are gonna need is the kernel source for your currently running kernel11:11
Eddalright im gonna try it now11:11
Rageonis anyones Pidgin/Gaim working for MSN right now?11:11
Hilikus_why doesnt it let me connect using my external ip then??11:11
martin_arag: yes11:11
martin_rageon: yes11:11
new2ubRageon; mine doesn't11:11
CarlF1yaser: I have  02:09.0 Communication controller: Motorola SM56 PCI Modem11:11
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riotkittieoh yea. sources. duh. <hangs head in shame>11:12
CarlF1yaser: how close is that to yours?11:12
lavender_dreambascule: switching to ubuntu was a pure learning and philosophical decision, thank you for the tips though, I'll try to carry on and see, thank you again11:12
geahow can i active all repositories from comanline ?11:12
stuh84rageon: dunno about pidgin, but my adium does, which uses the same libpurple backend11:12
Rageoni been getting a weird error "write error" all night on 2 diff accounts11:12
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yaserwell i dont remember exactly now, because im not on that machine, but i think its very close to it11:12
yaserwich driver did you use?11:12
Rageonnow one has logged in and the other not heh11:12
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stuh84lets test to see if it can connect with the vm11:13
martin_anyone here know how to use server-side includes with lighttpd?11:13
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IdleOne!repos | gea11:13
ubotugea: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource11:13
slickyhey.. how do i low level format my hdd?11:13
CarlF1yaser: I just now got the box booted u, and havn't started to even try to get the modem working11:13
preactionslicky, what do you mean? make a new filesystem or write a whole bunch of 0 bits to the disk?11:14
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yaserCarlF1, good luck then11:14
yaserCarlF1, i never could11:14
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Hilikus_where are mknod created at boot time? theres a node that i have to keep creating manually for /dev/lirc11:14
CarlF1yaser: swell.  at least I have 3 more to try :/11:14
trdracercan someone with good all around knowledge about ubuntu pm me please11:15
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preaction!ask | trdracer11:15
ubotutrdracer: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)11:15
stuh84rageon: works fine for MSN11:15
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brobostigonwhats the prob11:15
stuh84cant see a problem here11:15
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trdracerthat works ubotu11:15
yennohi, slightly offtopic & crosspost ;-) the intranet site of the company where i work works withouth authentication when using internet explorer - but i'd like to use firefox. so, does firefox support certificate authentication?11:16
trdracerwell i want to know if i switch to ubuntu will it mess with any of my current files and what not..11:16
trdracerand i make the complete switch how will it be working?11:16
basculelavender_dream: incidentally it is a broken piece of code and won't build; unless you can fix the C code ... :(11:16
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trdraceri just dont want it to interfere with my music files..11:16
jebgenii: leaving for today. thx for your help11:16
preactiontrdracer, you can non-destructively resize your windows partitions11:16
chapiumhow do you upgrade from feisty to gutsy?11:16
martin_yenno: works for me, not sure if it works on all setups :)11:16
=== everamzah [n=everamza@dsl-216-227-118-229.fairpoint.net] has joined #ubuntu
Kronosgreat, a load of people right lets see if anyone's up to date with this one, very new to linux but i'm ok with computers so just hit me, i'm trying to intall ubuntu on an intel based system but it doesnt seem to like something in my rig , i belive its something to do with the graphics card, symtoms are funny things start to happen at some point during the instalation like the loading bar that goes back and forth well i11:16
Kronosget 2 of those and the screen looks a bit like its gone beyond its max resolution then the screen goes black and the comp restarts... any ideas?? i cant be very specific since i dont know how to check the logs last time linux (i belive it was debian) a year or so ago during the instalation process i had a lil log thing going on my screen so i could tell exactly whats going on, with this one its a bit like windows aint g11:16
preactionchapium, you don't, gutsy isn't released yet11:16
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes11:16
Kronosot a clue what its doing untill it goes poofff... then all i can tell is that it broke the reason why its why im here to hopefuly find out11:16
trdraceri want ubuntu to be my default os though.11:16
IdleOne!upgrade | chapium11:17
ubotuchapium: please see above11:17
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riotkittieKronos:  use the alternate install CD11:17
chapiumIdleOne: it does not say on that link11:17
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yennomartin_: it's a normal http site, i don't understand how i can tell firefox he should use the pkcs12 i imported :S11:17
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AcoustykI resized my window partition and now have 13 gigs allotted for linux.  How do I alot for the different partitions? (/,/home, and swap: logical or primary?)11:17
demon_sporkis there a way to get a finder that works like the Apple OS X  finder, right from the dock11:17
preactiontrdracer, when you install grub (the boot loader, that loads the OS) it will make ubuntu the default OS. you'll still HAVE windows, but ubuntu will boot by default11:17
bascule!dist-upgrade > bascule11:17
Eddthanks so much stuh it works perfectly11:17
=== dmitry_ [n=dmitry@79-66-111-11.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
Kronosi belive that's why i'm using....11:17
Kronos what i'm using*11:18
=== frito [n=keith@host81-146-21-252.btremoteinternet-dsl.bt.net] has joined #ubuntu
trdracerpreaction : ok so i want to install but dont want to open up a partition or whatever..11:18
trdraceri have barely any hdd space..11:18
PeloAcoustyk, is it free space you need to partition or do you need to use the free space to make /home bigger ?11:18
trdracerand i want it to work as if it were my windows xp.11:18
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trdracerbut better of course :)11:18
lavender_dreambascule: hmm... alright thank you regardless11:18
Acoustykfree space I need to partition11:18
martin_if you dont want to give up any HD space, but just want to see Ubuntu and try it out - just boot of the install CD, you will be suprised :-)11:19
stuh84trdracer: so are you trying to install instead of XP, but keep the files?11:19
preactiontrdracer, ubuntu requires a few hundred megabytes, and until it's installed you need another OS. once it's installed you can delete windows, but until then you need it. backup some of your music and restore it later11:19
IdleOnetrdracer: backup the files and then install11:19
ofnethow do I write a cd in linux11:19
preaction!burn | ofnet11:19
ubotuofnet: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto11:19
trdraceromg thats over 100gigs.11:19
martin_ofnet | you in standard ubuntu? - it comes with a cd/dvd creator11:19
trdracerwell over11:19
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preactiontrdracer, SOME, not all11:19
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Tatsterhi all.  I'm trying to get a new Ipod Nano working with Ubuntu (Feisty).  I have found a site http://thefunkcorner.blogspot.com/2007/10/ubuntu-ipod-nano.html that has some deb packaged files, but they are for Gutsy.  Should they still work OK?11:19
trdracerthe music by itself is over 100gigs11:19
preaction!hi | ethan_11:20
ubotuethan_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!11:20
stuh84trdracer: ubuntu cant work like an upgrade cd to XP11:20
PeloAcoustyk,  you can just  right click the unallocated space and click new partiton to add them, on my comp   /home is ext3 and swap is embeded inside an extended partition,11:20
trdraceri could care less about the rest11:20
stuh84its not how it works11:20
=== Scykhan is now known as sargon
stuh84it replaces XP11:20
=== tony_ [n=tony@c-75-72-66-157.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Kronoswhats the difference between the normal install and the alternate cd install anyyway?11:20
ofnetmartin_, ugg, Im in red hat man11:20
trdracerstuh84 can i pm?11:20
stuh84hence why you need to back up stuff11:20
trezWhat should I do when I recieve kernel oops? should I report them somewhere? because I cant localize the reason of them11:20
trdraceri want to learn more about this.11:20
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Acoustykdo i make them primary or logical or does it matter?11:20
ethan_can anyone answer why i get a white screen with feisty when i try to use beryl or desktop effects or compiz11:20
=== vixyfox [n=vixyfox@bas1-stcatharines10-1167945078.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
preactionKronos, the normal cd is the live cd, the alternate cd is the old debian-installer11:20
martin_ofnet | hehe, sorry to hear, there are plenty of packages though ..... search the rpm repo's11:20
stuh84unless yer registered on here, its a no11:20
preactionethan_, #ubuntu-effects11:20
stuh84i aint registered meself11:20
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Peloethan_,  the ppl in #ubuntu-effects can probably answer you11:20
trdraceri am registered11:21
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stuh84pm me then11:21
Hilikus_where are mknod created at boot time? theres a node that i have to keep creating manually for /dev/lirc11:21
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vixyfoxHey everyone. I was trying to install 7.10 on my system, but when I put in the disk and it started, the disk showed loading, then when it went to load the desktop the screen went all black. Now it's black and the powerlight on my monitor is flashing. How do I get to see the install disk desktop?11:21
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Picivixyfox: #ubuntu+1 for Gutsy questions please.11:21
DShepherdstuh84, it doesnt have to replace XP. you can dual boot if you like11:21
Pelovixyfox,  ask in #ubuntu+111:21
Kronosnot using the alternate CD then... off i go then got  an alternate CD to download ty guyz i'll be back if problems arrise ty11:21
stuh84well yeah D, but he's not wanting to repartition11:21
PeloAcoustyk, I don'T allow private msg, please talk to me in the channel11:21
DShepherdstuh84, oh ok11:22
Acoustyki just need to know if needs to be primary or logical11:22
PeloAcoustyk,  just put my nick in each line so I know you are talking to me11:22
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AcoustykPelo i just need to know if needs to be primary or logical11:22
PeloAcoustyk, as far as I know ,  primary is better but you can only have up to 4 primaries on a hdd so you'll have to decide depending on your situation11:22
Acoustykpelo i need three partitions for linux though right? / /home and swap11:23
kdub432Acoustyk: / and /home can be on the same partition11:24
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preactionAcoustyk, no, you only need one really. but i don't know if the current installer allows for swap files11:24
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PeloAcoustyk,  a seperate partition for /home is optional but very usefull11:24
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Pelopreaction,  you need a partition for the swap11:24
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preactionPelo, so that's a no on swap files then?11:24
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kdub432a separate /home is recommended though, as then you can wipe your system, not loose any data, and have all programs configured the same.... (once you reinstall them)11:25
Pelopreaction, as far as I know11:25
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preactionmaybe hardy...11:25
=== willis_ [n=wbeeler@user-0c93mgn.cable.mindspring.com] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
kdub432I thought you could configure swap via the default installer.....11:25
trdracer128 GB (138,383,774,133 bytes) <999 is what i dont want to lose...11:25
trdracermy music11:25
Pelotrdracer, are you talking to someone in particular ?  use their nick in each line  so they know11:26
Acoustykpelo I allotted 2.5 gigs to / and the partitioner now says the rest of the space is unusable11:26
preactiontrdracer, how much space do you have free? as i said before you can non-destructively resize your partition11:26
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trdracerpreaction i only have 149 total hdd space atm11:26
PeloAcoustyk,  a bit more for /  5 gg at least and apply before trying to make the next change11:26
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trdracerpreaction i will find out right now exactly how much i have left11:27
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Hilikus_what at boot time controls what /dev/* links to??11:27
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trdracerpreaction is 5.85GB unused11:27
Hilikus_cause my module is loading but its not creating its /dev/ element11:28
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PeloHilikus, I think you need to give a bit more info11:28
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trdracerOh My God can someone please allow a pm.11:29
Hilikus_my lirc module is loaded, if i do mknod .... and create the /dev/lirc it works, but my old module created that node automatically11:29
bruenig!pm | trdracer11:29
ubotutrdracer: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.11:29
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bruenig!gtfo | trdracer11:29
ubotutrdracer: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.11:29
preactiontrdracer, that's fine for now. don't PM people without asking. use the ubuntu installer to resize your partition, install ubuntu on that new partition, delete the OS from your old partition11:30
trdracerbruenig how was i being rude??11:30
trogdorboot up lags severely at one point for me, this is the spot it slows down at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39587/ any idea how I might fix the issue? I think its something to do with how my hard drive is connected.11:30
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preactiontrdracer, or you don't need to delete the old OS at all, both will be loadable (as per your PM question)11:30
bruenigtrdracer, that is the pm factoid, it says don't pm because some find it rude11:30
ferronicai have just installed Xp Pro over ubuntu 7.04 ,how to load XP in GRUB ?11:30
Pelo<trdracer> Oh My God can so.....    "tho shall have no other god but linus"11:30
preactiontrdracer, it's like telemarketers, or that guy in your office who calls you for every little issue11:31
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trdracerpreaction,so i can install and still have windows available to use daily correct?11:31
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ferronicai have just installed Xp Pro over ubuntu 7.04 ,how to load XP in GRUB ?11:31
trdracerpreaction with no hassles?11:31
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Peloferronica,  you need to manualy edit /boot/grub/menu.lst11:32
trogdortrdracer: you can pm me if you want :)11:32
preactiontrdracer, the hassle would be Press Esc during the boot and choose Windows XP from the menu11:32
=== trdracer just doesnt want to get stuck somewhere during the install and mess it up
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IdleOne!dualboot | trdracer11:32
ubotutrdracer: Dual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookProFeisty11:32
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ferronicaPelo: i did11:33
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Peloferronica, and ?11:33
ferronicaPelo: grub showimg Xp11:33
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ferronicaPelo: cant boot11:33
Peloferronica,  pastebin your /boot/grub/menu.lst11:33
IdleOneferronica: chicken me dinner < what does that mean to you?11:33
Acoustykis guided install the best to use if I have 13 gigs of free space?11:33
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ethan_i keep getting white screen when i try to use desktop effects or beryl11:34
ferronicaPelo: ok11:34
riotkittietrogdor: you'll be fine11:34
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ferronicaPelo: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39588/11:34
riotkittiestupid premature enterkey.11:34
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stuh84ethan: sounds like your card doesn't support it then11:34
stuh84what gfx you using?11:34
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DShepherdethan_, #ubuntu-effects maybe?11:34
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Peloferronica,  what is the devtree of your xp partition ?11:34
ethan_already in there11:34
ferronicaPelo: i am using single HDD PATA.11:34
IdleOneAcoustyk: the guided install will see and use those 13gigs but only after asking you if that is what you want to do11:34
borrerwho can help me ? I have installed ubuntu 7.04 on ASUS m2v-mx with integrated VIDEO (VIA Chrome9), and xorg cant start.11:35
new2ubI have a question here11:35
ethan_no one is responding11:35
DShepherdethan_, ok11:35
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new2ubhow do you change a read only file to be able to make changes?11:35
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stuh84borrer, can you get to a terminal?11:35
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stuh84or a command line?11:35
xBulldogxHey guys :)11:35
xBulldogxI just installed ubuntu11:35
preactionnew2ub, first ask yourself if you SHOULD be making changes to that file11:35
Peloferronica,   xp is on the same hdd as  ubuntu ?11:35
ethan_so i am asking here11:35
xBulldogxmigrated from Vista11:35
new2ubI have Ubuntu Feisty 7.0411:35
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borrerstuh84: no, now i am in win11:35
ferronicaPelo: yes same HDD11:35
AngryElfany mdadm folk around?11:35
new2uband I have to try something but need to do this first11:35
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stuh84load it up11:35
Peloferronica,  what partition is xp on ?11:35
preactionnew2ub, "something" like what?11:35
stuh84and do ctrl alt and f111:35
new2ubI know most the time I shouldn't......but I'm desperated11:36
ferronicaPelo: previously it was on SATA seperate HDD11:36
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Peloferronica,  what partition is xp on ?11:36
stuh84then type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:36
stuh84pick the vesa driver from the first list11:36
stuh84then take the default options for everything else11:36
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new2ubmy cd and dvd drives do not work......did some digging and found a possible solution but it means changing something in fstab11:36
stuh84then once that has complete11:36
stuh84type in startx11:36
new2ubfstab is read only11:36
stuh84if it doesn't work after that, the card MIGHT not be supported11:36
preactionnew2ub, if you're changing the fstab, you need to be root. gksudo gedit /etc/fstab11:37
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trogdorriotkittie: what you mean I'm fine? I know I am fine but how can I get rid of that laggy glitch in beginning I mean it takes an extra like 10 minutes to start up :(11:37
ferronicaPelo: according to gparted -- >/dev/sda211:37
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new2ubok so bring up the fstab using sudo11:37
borrerstuh84: i try it now, thanks11:37
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b0llei cant get my wifi card in my pcmcia slot to work (pccardctl works tho) but no wireless extensions avalible and no network controller found in 'lspci' any idea?11:37
snowdonkeyHey.  Is the same true in other distros that Gnome apps can run in KDE, or is that only in Ubuntu?11:37
riotkittietrogdor: that actually wasnt directed at you :P  i hit enter too soon and didnt insure i'd tabbed to the proper nick11:37
Peloferronica, ok   line 171 on the pastebin,    makeactivechainloader +1  , that's actualy two lines   makeactive      chainloader +111:37
Peloferronica,  that should be it11:38
riotkittieb0lle: what kind of card? what chipset?11:38
stuh84snow: all distro's should be able to do it11:38
b0lleorinoco gold11:38
lavender_dreamis there a condensed guide to ubuntu besides ubuntu-wiki that anyone can recommend a new user to? a friendly guide to linux would do too, just anything to get me started :)11:38
Acoustykpelo im kind of a newb.  Do you think it would be easier to use the guided intall option that installs on the largest continous free space.  Will it affect my windows partition? (I have 13 gigs free)11:38
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riotkittieb0lle: i'm clueless, sorry11:38
AutoMatriX_Hi folks, I've got a Mio GPS C210 ... how do I acces such a thing via linux ?11:38
snowdonkeystuh84: Ok, thx.  KDE apps can run in Gnome, XFCE apps can run in either environment, etc?11:38
b0llek =/11:38
PeloAcoustyk, just clearn the free space first and use the guided use largest , that will be easier yes11:39
ferronicaPelo: thats it ?11:39
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stuh84xfce i'm not 100% sure, i assume if you try and apt-get or synaptic an app11:39
stuh84or whatever the package manager in the distro11:39
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stuh84it will download all necessary libraries to do it11:39
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Peloferronica,  I think so ,  that's all I can see that is wrong with it11:39
bruenigxfce apps are gtk...11:39
ferronicaPelo: anything else ?11:39
brueniggnome apps are gtk....11:39
Peloferronica,  give it a try11:39
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stuh84aha, bruenig knows11:40
chris_Jim having problems upgrading my core11:40
chris_Jfor some reason it doesnt work11:40
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bruenigkde apps are qt....11:40
Pelochris_J, as in upgrading to  gutsy ?11:40
dimas_pelo hello11:40
slickyim using ubutu live cd.... how do i burn a cd if i only got one cdrom?11:40
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Pelohelo dimas_11:40
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Peloslicky,  you don'T11:41
chris_Juhh i dunno to be honest im newish to linux11:41
ader10would anybody write me a way to remove the "model name :" part from this using sed please? "model name      : AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3500+"11:41
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Pelochris_J,   what core are you trying to upgrade ?11:41
dimas_pelo how do i stop firewall from ubuntu, the one it runs in the platform11:41
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chris_Jits in update manager it says compiz-core from version 1:0.5.2 etc.........11:41
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Pelodimas_,  man iptables  you can use  iptables -L to list what rules you have  and fine the command to remvoe the rules in the man page11:42
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riotkittielavender_dream: if you want to pick up a book... Apress' Beginning Ubuntu Linux is pretty good, and also ... Linux For Dummies, which is not ubuntu-specific but does cover it. They are well written and easy to follow11:42
Pelodimas_,  unless you made rules there are none by default11:42
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Pelochris_J, for compiz stuff ask in #ubuntu-effects11:42
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chris_Jjoin #ubuntu-effects11:43
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furiousHello Everyone, I have a bit of a problem with XGL and if someone can help me i would appriciate it alot11:43
riotkittieAlternately, just google "Linux Newbie" or "Ubuntu Newbie" and i'm sure you'll get useful results, though i can't recommend any pages off of the top of my head11:43
Pelochris_J,   /join11:43
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Pelofurious,  we like specific questions11:43
furiousI have followed the guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/Xgl11:43
furiousBut the only thing i get when i start XGL is http://img62.imageshack.us/img62/4729/skrmbildhx9.png11:43
riotkittieI also suggest just browsing through posts @ ubuntuforums.org  -- the general help and beginner sections are really helpful, imo11:43
snowdonkeystuh84: Well I'm trying to figure out if I can move all my data that uses Gnome & KDE apps to another distro, like Slackware or Zenwalk, there'd be no Apt-get.11:43
furiousAnyone know what the problem might be and how to solve it. Im running a Radeon X1600pro AGP.11:44
riotkittieerr. com.11:44
dimas_pelo by default there is a kind of firestarter on the system, like perhaps if i am as super user dont have any problems but now i have install so many programs in regular user11:44
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Les_CaesarsI know this is the ubuntu channel, nobody in #kubuntu or #kde was able to help me. My "Recent applications" does not work in kickoff.11:44
sneezsnowdonkey: you shouldn't run into any problems transferring data between various linux distro's11:44
cdp_xecan someone tell me what a "release file" (on the ubuntu cd) is? my ubuntu install says that it cannot read this file :(11:44
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furiousno one can help ?11:45
Pelodimas_,  firestarter is only a gui frontend,   iptables is the cli control for the firewall,   the firewall itself is netfilter. if you don't see any  rules when you type  iptables -L  you donT' have any firewall enabled11:45
cdp_xei found no one :(11:45
ader10Would anybody write me a way to remove the "model name :" part from this using sed please? "model name      : AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3500+"11:45
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ader10I'm not familiar w/ sed so I can't do it.11:45
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snowdonkeysneez: Ok.  Thx!11:45
Pelofurious,  this is a busy channel and the skillset varies ,  ask your question periodicaly and/or try searching in the forum www.ubuntuforum.sorg11:46
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lavender_dreamriotkittie: thank you, i've been meaning to stop by the bookstore soon anyway :)11:46
Peloader10,   man sed and see if you can do it yourself11:46
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jwhitlarkWill the beta Gutsy upgrade seamlessly to the final release once it's out?11:46
dfletcher_hehe and I just figured it out for him Pelo ;)11:47
sneezsnowdonkey: oops, re-read your post.  Slackware doesn't play well with Gnome (without a lot of work or a crappy workaround) anymore. (just for your information)  But text files and graphics/music/media and the like should be just fine.11:47
dfletcher_ader10, echo "model name      : AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3500+" | sed "s/^.*\: //g"11:47
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Pelojwhitlark, any updates made to gutsy at release will be treated like a regular update11:47
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dimas_pelo i cant access it from regular user...is that mean anything?11:47
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dimas_pelo but i dont have any restrictioins, no11:47
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jwhitlarkgreat, so a beta install will update into the regular version.  Thanks, Pelo11:47
ader10Pelo: I've  done that11:48
Pelodimas_,  well it's the firewall shouldnT' be accessibnle to a regulare user  do it with sudo11:48
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dimas_i am on root now11:48
furiousthank you Pelo11:48
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ader10dfletcher: I'll try11:48
furiouswill search the forums for a bit11:48
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dimas_pelo i am as root but doesnt say any restrictions, but how that come is administer also upon user groups?11:49
ader10dfletcher: Thank you very much!11:49
dfletcher_ader10, it's attempting to match start of line (^), then some chars, then the colon and a space. it replaces that with empty string. sure np11:49
basculeader10: echo "model name      : AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3500+" | cut -f 2 -d ':' <--that do, sed is overkill mostly11:49
Pelofurious,  it is possible that  xgl is not compatible with your card you might need aixgl or someting else , I 'm not to familiar with it11:49
hagnatrying to compile libdnet I get C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check11:49
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Pelodimas_, what ?11:50
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ader10bascule: I realize sed is overkill but I need it for this11:50
basculewhy not cut?11:50
Pelodimas_,  firewall rules are not user specific they are for the system11:50
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dimas_pelo, is there a posibility i can convert another user as super user?11:50
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furiousaixgl does not support ATI, thats why im using XGL in the first place Pelo11:51
dimas_pelo i understand now11:51
Pelodimas_, you can give any user administrative priviledge but I'm not familiar with the how11:51
ader10dfletcher: So if I had a different line with a "sdfsdf: Hello" it would also isolate Hello, right?11:51
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Pelofurious, I was trying to give you a possible lead, like i said I don't know much about it11:51
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furiousno problem11:52
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dfletcher_ader10, yes it would11:52
furiousfin a thread about somthing familiar on the forum11:52
ader10ty again11:52
EvilDennisRSo I just upgraded from 7.4 to the 7.10 beta, and I'm having issues with my dual monitor setup. Before I upgraded it was working flawlessly. Now? Not so much.. Heres a copy of my old xorg.conf before the upgrade http://dennisr.net/xorg.conf - I'm having the issue where the 2nd monitor is not "another" monitor, but the same screen as the first.. Ideas/Comments/Suggestions ?11:52
Pelofurious, ppl in #ubuntu-effects might be able to help you they are more familiar with graphics stuff because of compositing11:52
MannyZgood evening, can somebody please tell me a channel where i can get help on compiz fusion?11:52
dfletcher_ader10, sure np. I just figured that out for myself a few days ago, so fresh in my head ;)11:52
Pelo!gutsy | EvilDennisR11:52
ubotuEvilDennisR: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information11:52
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PeloMannyZ,  #compiz-fusion11:52
EvilDennisRPelo: Rock, I'll go pester in there11:52
MannyZok thanks pelo11:53
dimas_is gutsy out already?11:53
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Pelodimas_,  no , just beta11:53
MannyZPelo how you get my name like that?11:53
ader10dfletcher: How handy to have time give us perfect sequence... I thought that only happened in movies ;)11:53
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PeloMannyZ, like what ?11:53
hagnaoh I don't have c++ installed, what is the packge name for that?11:53
MannyZlike that on the start is MannyZ.11:53
MannyZi bet you dont write it yourself11:53
dimas_pelo beta where?11:53
ubotuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.11:53
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PeloMannyZ,  I use nickcomp    first few letters then I hit tab11:54
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MannyZit works :P11:54
scguy318works on mIRC :D11:54
Pelo!gutsy | dimas_11:54
ubotudimas_: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information11:54
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dimas_pelo thanks11:55
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MrWGWwith Ubuntu Mobile and Embedded Edition about to come out11:55
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MrWGWis there any way that I can experiment with it using PC hardware?11:55
MrWGWany emulator?11:55
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MrWGWor are there any devices out now that it will run on?11:55
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Pelo!enter | MrWGW11:56
ubotuMrWGW: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:56
PeloMrWGW,  and I don'T knwo what you mean anyway11:56
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ader10dfletcher: Is there a way to cut off the end of a line, also?11:56
F3000Heya. Anyone who's familiar with xubuntu available?11:57
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nightzhi, how i check if my swap partition is being used in gutsy beta? because i opened gparted and it says its not active11:57
n0vaHi all, I've tried before to get my mate to install Ubuntu but he is an ATI (crossfire+mobo) user and has always had probs, has the ATI situation improved enough of late?11:57
PeloF3000,  the ppl in #xubuntu can probably help11:57
brobostigondf -h11:57
nightzn0va: new drivers are coming11:57
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Pelo!gutsy | nightz11:57
ubotunightz: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information11:57
PeloF3000, I don'T allow private msg, please talk to me in the channel11:57
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F3000Pelo, it's quite quiet in there.11:57
ader10dfletcher: like if it had a "]  " at the end how would I remove that as well?11:57
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n0vaty nightz, you think Gutsy will be an improvement?11:58
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nightzn0va: yeah11:58
PeloF3000, ask your question we'll see what we can do11:58
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n0vacool ty nightz11:58
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nightzn0va: in newer versions of ati/amd the situation should improve alot11:58
chris_Jwhich channel would i go to if i wanted to findout whats the best media player overall ?11:58
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Pelo!best | chris_J11:59
ubotuchris_J: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.11:59
ader10mpd > amarok :)11:59
=== Pelo beats bruenig mercilessly
bruenigvlc is an mplayer front end11:59
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chris_Jvlc it is where would i aquire vlc ?11:59
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Pelochris_J,  http://cutlersoftware.com/ubuntuinstall/12:00
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F3000I've installed Xubuntu on my (old) laptop, as explained in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingXubuntu , but when I reboot for the last time, I end up into unix-style login screen. And when I login, nothing further happens. No GUI.12:00
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romuloF3000, what videocard?12:00
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DShepherd!media | chris_J check out those too12:00
ubotuchris_J check out those too: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs12:00
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bruenigyou could use gnome-mplayer or qtplayer if you want another mplayer front end that isn't vlc12:00
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chris_Jok let me rephrase my question since you guys can obviously provide a detailed response with more info12:01
Pelochris_J,  don'T12:01
Peloread the responce corretly12:01
F3000The unix style continues after login. Commands xserver or startxfce4 doesn't seem to exist.12:01
=== nickren [n=nreynold@ppp-70-245-248-33.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
chris_Jwhich media player has in your personal opinions the neatest features and or visualizations12:01
nickrenwhere are programs installed in the file system12:01
brobostigonvlc cant be afronend to mplayer, vlc works in beos, and mplayer doesnt work in beos.12:02
PeloF3000,   start xfce4  , two words12:02
_adac_is there an ui where i can set up mountig things in fstab?12:02
scguy318nickren: probably /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin12:02
romulonickren, programs installed with apt/synaptic (the binaries) go to /usr/bin12:02
bruenigbrobostigon, mplayer libraries are statically compiled12:02
scguy318_adac_: probably, though I'm not sure what apps12:02
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F3000pelo, then there's typo in that guide.12:02
_adac_scguy318 it is boring doing this things by hand in the text editor12:03
nickrenthank you12:03
PeloF3000,  tell the ppl in #xubuntu , it's their guide12:03
F3000also, "-bash: start: command not found"12:03
bruenigF3000, oh you have it saying start xfce412:03
F3000pelo, will do.12:03
nickrenso where are the config files for these programs at?12:03
bruenignot startxfce412:03
=== Redhammer_the_Ol [n=Red@79-74-218-35.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigyou need to change it to startxfce412:03
PeloF3000,  try  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  see if there is something wrong with it ,  should restart x properly12:03
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bruenigthe problem is his typo12:04
=== siriusx [n=sirius@64-251-145-86-cablemodem-roll.fidnet.com] has joined #ubuntu
nickreni have a synth program that won't cause it can't find jack even though its on12:04

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