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FFighter | hello | 01:49 |
FFighter | folks | 01:49 |
FFighter | I came from Gnome | 01:49 |
FFighter | and my keboard lyout is now messed up | 01:49 |
FFighter | I can`t find keyboard setting under the system menu | 01:50 |
FFighter | could someone help me | 01:50 |
FFighter | nonone | 01:52 |
FFighter | no one | 01:52 |
wbadger | ? | 01:53 |
wbadger | FFighter, be a bit more specific | 01:53 |
FFighter | wbadger, ok | 01:53 |
FFighter | wbadger, I used to use GNOME | 01:53 |
FFighter | wbadger, my keyboard layout is Brazillian ABTN2 | 01:54 |
FFighter | wbadger, just switched to XFCE | 01:54 |
wbadger | ok | 01:54 |
wbadger | I believe gnome stores it's own keyboard layout | 01:54 |
FFighter | wbadger, and the keyboard layout is definetly not Br ABNT2 and I can`t find where to set it up | 01:54 |
wbadger | XFCE keyboard layout is set with the file xorg.conf | 01:55 |
wbadger | or you could try otherwise | 01:55 |
FFighter | wbadger, hmmm... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=66115 | 01:55 |
FFighter | wbadger, I think I found the answer =) | 01:55 |
wbadger | first lets try opening settings -> keyboard settings | 01:55 |
FFighter | wbadger, I can`t find it! | 01:55 |
wbadger | oh | 01:55 |
wbadger | why not? | 01:55 |
FFighter | wbadger, the keyboard settings | 01:55 |
wbadger | do you not have a menu or no keyboard settings? | 01:55 |
FFighter | wbadger, well, I`ve got a Applications main menu | 01:56 |
FFighter | there`s a system submenu | 01:56 |
FFighter | but there isn`t a keyboard settings item there | 01:56 |
wbadger | yeah but there should also be a settings submenu | 01:56 |
wbadger | you don't need the system submenu | 01:56 |
FFighter | holy cow, sorry my mistake | 01:56 |
FFighter | yeah there is | 01:56 |
FFighter | damn lack of attention | 01:56 |
wbadger | ;) no problem, happened to me too at first | 01:56 |
wbadger | now in the keyboard settings, in the layouts tab, there should be a way to fix this | 01:57 |
FFighter | wbadger, yeah, thanks so much | 01:57 |
FFighter | =) | 01:57 |
wbadger | np ;) | 01:57 |
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FFighter | hey! | 02:17 |
FFighter | Is there a way to assign keyboard shortcuts to switch the workspaces in XFCE: | 02:17 |
FFighter | ? | 02:17 |
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user1 | whats easiest way to stream my tuner card to my freind? | 02:17 |
nikolam | FFighter: You HAVE shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+Arrow | 02:25 |
FFighter | nikolam, yeah, thank you | 02:28 |
=== vanessa_ [n=vanessa@c-75-74-187-70.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
vanessa_ | when i start up, i have no deskbar | 02:31 |
vanessa_ | and i dont know how to turn it on | 02:31 |
wbadger | vanessa_, what do you mean by deskbar..? | 02:31 |
vanessa_ | the menu bar at the top and bottom of the desktop in Xfce that sais "Applications" and stuff | 02:32 |
vanessa_ | it was there when i installed | 02:32 |
wbadger | what happens if you press alt+f2 and enter in that box that pops up "xfce4-panel", and then press enter? | 02:33 |
vanessa_ | now it is wonderful | 02:35 |
vanessa_ | thanks! | 02:35 |
vanessa_ | why would it run from the live CD install and not when i start up? | 02:35 |
wbadger | I have no idea | 02:35 |
vanessa_ | lol | 02:35 |
vanessa_ | ok! | 02:35 |
wbadger | write that command down | 02:35 |
vanessa_ | ok thanks! | 02:37 |
wbadger | np :) | 02:37 |
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Ahmuck | hi, does xubuntu have a printer setup gui? | 03:51 |
Ahmuck | ah, nm, i found it under settings | 03:51 |
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Ahmuck | !mp3 | 04:05 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 04:05 |
Ahmuck | if i want to play dvds in xubuntu, where do find that information? | 04:09 |
Ahmuck | if i want to play windows media files, where do i find that information? | 04:09 |
rob | Ahmuck, look at the above urls | 04:09 |
Ahmuck | those are for ubuntu, which gstreamer i suspect installs some media player? will this work for a memory challenged system? | 04:10 |
rob | dvd playback is provided by libdvdcss2 and windows codecs are available in w32codecs, both not distributable by Ubuntu due to legal reasons explained on those pages, but there are details on where to get them | 04:10 |
Ahmuck | i guess the questiosn should have been, not distributable in the US? | 04:10 |
Ahmuck | or world wide? | 04:10 |
rob | most places, so they don't at all, but there is a third party repo called Medibuntu that has them | 04:11 |
Ahmuck | ah, ok, so what media player does xubuntu use? | 04:11 |
rob | xfmedia is probably best on low-resource computers in conjunction with the right codecs | 04:11 |
Ahmuck | ah, i c, gxine | 04:12 |
Ahmuck | or xfmedia, k, thx | 04:12 |
rob | not sure what the xubuntu default is, personally I find the xubuntu defaults to be way too resource needy for my needs, better alternatives exist for almost everything | 04:12 |
Ahmuck | rob: do you have a page with low resource alternatives? | 04:13 |
rob | umm no, I only know of them from my own research, I might do a page when I get some spare time. | 04:14 |
siimo | xfmedia sucks | 04:14 |
siimo | it uses PCM volume control | 04:14 |
rob | a couple I can recommend are Epiphany instead of Firefox, and claws-mail instead of Thunderbird/Evolution | 04:14 |
siimo | totoally messes with other programs using audio | 04:15 |
siimo | stick to audacious for music man | 04:15 |
rob | to be honest its rare for me to play back video on this laptop, I'd suspect audacious to be overly resource needy too for music | 04:15 |
siimo | for movies i highly recommened VLC Ahmuck | 04:15 |
Ahmuck | i've used VLC before | 04:16 |
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siimo | rob: its much lighter than xfmedia its like an xmms clone | 04:16 |
siimo | xfmedia relies on xine backend | 04:16 |
siimo | Ahmuck: VLC will play everything + kitchen sink | 04:16 |
rob | vlc might be okay, haven't used it in a long time. | 04:16 |
rob | same with mplayer | 04:17 |
siimo | mplayer / xine are ok but i prefer VLC as it does everything i need without even needing win32codes | 04:17 |
rob | mpg123 ftw | 04:17 |
siimo | it uses ffmpeg | 04:17 |
rob | another thing I use a lot is tilda | 04:18 |
rob | I remember kde having something similar | 04:19 |
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travisbickkl1 | how do i open .ai format in linux? | 04:32 |
totalwormage | inkscape can handle most .ai's :] | 04:41 |
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stinkyfoot | can someone help me out? my arrow keys don't work | 06:38 |
siimo | >< | 06:44 |
siimo | stinkyfoot: you using the wrong keymap maybeh | 06:44 |
stinkyfoot | siimo what do i about this? | 06:44 |
siimo | no idea is that the only keys not working | 06:45 |
stinkyfoot | yes | 06:45 |
siimo | have you tried picking up the kbd and knocking it on the desk a few times? lol i have no ideas | 06:46 |
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PlayMeNow | hello | 07:52 |
PlayMeNow | I got a few problems over here | 07:53 |
PlayMeNow | hello? | 07:56 |
=== xjkx [n=xjkx@201009040055.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #xubuntu | ||
xjkx | whats the command line to get that tool to configure the whole xfce | 07:58 |
PlayMeNow | sadly everyone is sleeping here | 07:59 |
xjkx | i found out, thanks | 08:03 |
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gromozekin | What a Fucka?i inserted cd with xubuntu, select Start Ubuntu and after 7 min i see xfce. ooh its toooo sloow... after 2 min i select Install and its awfully slow... | 11:59 |
TheSheep | !language | gromozekin | 12:00 |
ubotu | gromozekin: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 12:00 |
gromozekin | could it be more faster if i burn it on other cd?or its pc trouble? | 12:01 |
gromozekin | anyone have some ideas? | 12:02 |
gromozekin | cunt | 12:03 |
gromozekin | ! | 12:04 |
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vonhalenbach | gromo was right. The files on the cd should be serialized to make them load faster. | 12:16 |
TheSheep | !bugs | vonhalenbach | 12:17 |
ubotu | vonhalenbach: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/ - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots | 12:17 |
vonhalenbach | okay | 12:17 |
TheSheep | vonhalenbach: we are users, not devs :) | 12:18 |
vonhalenbach | have to search for the tool to serialize the files first, to make not just another unuseful bug report. | 12:18 |
Pondiboy | hi peeps.. | 12:19 |
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Tubia87 | hi all | 01:40 |
TheSheep | hi bill | 02:02 |
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snellpojke | hi | 02:20 |
snellpojke | i get an error when i try to start ubuntu or install ubuntu then it say reboot | 02:21 |
snellpojke | why? | 02:21 |
snellpojke | it work fine on my laptop | 02:21 |
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rm130 | where is volume control? | 02:36 |
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phillips321 | anyone here know how to remove automatically added wine programs from the xfce menu list? | 02:44 |
phillips321 | they are listed in other | 02:45 |
rm130 | phillips321, run uninstaller | 02:47 |
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phillips321 | rm130, i ran that it did uninstall the ap | 02:50 |
phillips321 | if i click the items in the menu they dont start now | 02:50 |
phillips321 | all i want to do is remove them from the menu | 02:50 |
phillips321 | a restart doesn't refresh the list | 02:50 |
rm130 | oh I don't know. I still haven't figured that out | 02:51 |
rm130 | try opening terminal | 02:51 |
rm130 | and type in uninstaller..see if the item is still listed | 02:51 |
phillips321 | okies | 02:51 |
phillips321 | nope | 02:52 |
phillips321 | not listed | 02:52 |
phillips321 | i guess the menu uses the system default settings | 02:53 |
rm130 | Dunno then. sorry | 02:53 |
phillips321 | okies, thanks for trying | 02:53 |
phillips321 | all i need to find now is where the default list comes from...if i click Xfce Menu-->Settings-->Menu Editor | 02:54 |
phillips321 | i get name = --include-- | 02:54 |
phillips321 | command = system | 02:54 |
FFighter | hello | 04:09 |
FFighter | folks | 04:09 |
FFighter | How am I supposed to take screenshots in XFCE? | 04:09 |
FFighter | I'm trying printscreen but it doesn't seem to copy the screen for me | 04:09 |
wbadger | you can add this kinda widget to the bar | 04:11 |
wbadger | the panel* | 04:11 |
wbadger | press right button -> add new item | 04:11 |
wbadger | and then you can choose "screenshot". then just press the newly added button on your panel | 04:11 |
wbadger | or you could install another screenshot application, like the one gnome uses (forgot it's name) | 04:12 |
wbadger | FFighter | 04:12 |
FFighter | wbadger, thank you | 04:15 |
wbadger | np | 04:15 |
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neozen | g'morning all | 05:12 |
vinze | g'afternoon neozen :) | 05:13 |
neozen | lol | 05:13 |
neozen | good point | 05:13 |
neozen | s/g\'morning/salutations/ | 05:13 |
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KlrSpz | anyone have any tips on minimizing ubuntu's disk usage? | 05:38 |
KlrSpz | i noticed it has a bunch of cruft on there like ALL the xorg drivers (when i only need like 2 | 05:39 |
KlrSpz | even though those don't take much space, what else can be cleared up? | 05:39 |
TheSheep | KlrSpz: pretty much everything | 05:41 |
neozen | KlrSpz: just install xubuntu... that'll knock off about 3GB | 05:41 |
TheSheep | KlrSpz: anthy and chewing stuff if you don't use japanese and chinese | 05:41 |
KlrSpz | well i installed xubuntu | 05:41 |
TheSheep | KlrSpz: many many fonts if you don't need to have exotic web pages displayed properly | 05:42 |
KlrSpz | not ubuntu, but it still relies on a ton of ubuntu's pkgs and dependancies | 05:42 |
=== neozen nods | ||
neozen | still quite a bit lighter | 05:42 |
TheSheep | !xubuntu | KlrSpz | 05:42 |
ubotu | KlrSpz: xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of Gnome. For more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop". | For support, see #xubuntu | See also: !ubuntu and !xubuntu-channels | 05:42 |
KlrSpz | yeah i know what xubuntu is, that's what i have instlaled | 05:42 |
KlrSpz | but it still installs a bunch of cruft | 05:42 |
TheSheep | KlrSpz: xubunut *is* ubuntu, just with different desktop and default applications, still *all* the packages come from ubuntu | 05:42 |
KlrSpz | ok so we're talking in circles | 05:43 |
=== neozen nods | ||
TheSheep | KlrSpz: just remove anything you don't need :) | 05:43 |
neozen | its still early | 05:43 |
KlrSpz | my question wasn't what xubuntu is, but rather what packages are deemed as crap | 05:43 |
TheSheep | KlrSpz: you have a printer? | 05:43 |
KlrSpz | yeah | 05:43 |
TheSheep | KlrSpz: ok, so leave the printing support | 05:43 |
TheSheep | KlrSpz: bluetooth? | 05:43 |
TheSheep | KlrSpz: wifi? | 05:43 |
KlrSpz | nope | 05:43 |
KlrSpz | nope | 05:44 |
neozen | KlrSpz: then whack that stuff out.. | 05:44 |
TheSheep | ok, remove bluezutils and bluetooth stuff and wifi-related things | 05:44 |
TheSheep | KlrSpz: etc. | 05:44 |
KlrSpz | hmm ok i guess i'll just use synaptic to show me all installed pkgs, and remove as i see fit | 05:44 |
KlrSpz | man i miss gentoo :) | 05:45 |
=== KlrSpz ducks | ||
neozen | KlrSpz: and when you remove the wrong thing..... you'll know | 05:45 |
neozen | heh.. much love for gentoo | 05:45 |
KlrSpz | neozen: hah, in what way? is it recoverable generally? (as long as i don't exit the app) | 05:45 |
neozen | ..........depends on what you killed off | 05:45 |
KlrSpz | i do have to say though, ubuntu has been a hell of an experience... i just like how modular gentoo is | 05:45 |
KlrSpz | figured, ok | 05:45 |
neozen | but generally yes... | 05:45 |
KlrSpz | ok bbl, hopefully :S | 05:51 |
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b0lle | Hello!. I cant get my orinoco gold card (inserted into pcmcia) to work (no wireless extensions on lo,eth0 or irda0) but i get some info on Socket 0 when i try 'pccardctl ident'. any ideas? | 06:08 |
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Merchelo | !paste | 08:53 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 08:53 |
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zeroflag | I just installed xubuntu-desktop and tightvncserver on a (former) ubuntu 7.04. how can I set tvnc up to serve the active xfce session? | 09:34 |
zeroflag | I don't have a monitor connected, only ssh and vnc. | 09:35 |
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jeriko | 'lo | 09:38 |
jeriko | how do i edit the items in the 'system' menu? | 09:40 |
zeroflag | err, more basic question... how do I start xfce? possibly automagically? | 09:43 |
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Scunizi | How do you use Xubuntu to view shared folder on other computers via the LAN? The other folders are already viewable via smb & nfs in Ubuntu & Kubuntu.. it's just Thunar doesn't have a "Network" folder option like Ubuntu | 09:48 |
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zoredache | Scunizi: there are a few different ways.. some using fuse to mount things, and one way to use autofs | 10:10 |
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syed_ | hi does anyone know ho to enable pdf thumbnails in xubuntu | 10:17 |
zeroflag | how can I turn on xfce on a vnc display? | 10:17 |
neozen | zeroflag: share display 0 on vnc | 10:21 |
neozen | zeroflag: provided you're running xfce currently | 10:21 |
zeroflag | neozen: any details on how to do that? | 10:28 |
zeroflag | because I keep getting errors... | 10:29 |
neozen | which errors? | 10:29 |
zeroflag | Error: Can't open display: | 10:30 |
neozen | O.o | 10:30 |
zeroflag | no further details... | 10:30 |
neozen | ok... | 10:30 |
neozen | which vnc server are you using? | 10:30 |
zeroflag | (xfdesktop:5458): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: | 10:30 |
zeroflag | I'd like to use tightvnc because it's working nicely on windows... | 10:30 |
neozen | nope | 10:31 |
zeroflag | but I'm open for suggestions... | 10:31 |
neozen | I believe x11vnc will do what you need | 10:31 |
zeroflag | resumeable x/vnc sessions? | 10:31 |
neozen | should be able to share out what is currently displayed on your screen (display 0) and allow remote interaction | 10:31 |
neozen | if by this you mean multiple sessions of X running..... have no idea | 10:32 |
zeroflag | well, there's no display 0 active... | 10:32 |
neozen | .... | 10:32 |
neozen | how are you starting X? | 10:33 |
zeroflag | and I have no idea where to start starting it... | 10:33 |
neozen | try running startxfce4 from the console on the machine | 10:33 |
neozen | note... I said console..... not a ssh session... but actually typing into a shell on the box from the keyboard attached to it | 10:34 |
zeroflag | no such thing. :P | 10:35 |
zeroflag | I disabled x forwarding... | 10:35 |
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jwishnie | Can someone explain to me how to set my language/locale default from English to Spanish? | 10:42 |
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zeroflag | hmmm... | 10:43 |
jwishnie | when I change /etc/default/locale to es_MX.UTF_8 | 10:43 |
nanonyme | you people noticed this naming conflict? http://www.xbox-linux.org/wiki/XUbuntu | 10:43 |
zeroflag | neozen: I got a vnc connection but no window... | 10:43 |
jwishnie | everything still stays english (I have installed spanish language packages) | 10:43 |
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b0lle | i cant get my wifi card in my pcmcia slot to work (pccardctl works tho) but no wireless extensions avalible and no network controller found in 'lspci' any idea? | 11:35 |
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F3000 | Hi. Anyone here? | 11:54 |
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F3000 | Maison? | 11:58 |
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F3000 | Is there typo in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingXubuntu -- it says "startxfce4", while I was told that it's "start xfce4"? | 12:06 |
zoredache | maybe... | 12:13 |
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