
=== Meshezabeel [n=kevin@216-197-208-54.prna.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #edubuntu
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joebob777as7_ogra, you on?02:24
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gotamaHi! Where can I get some information on how to configure ltsp 5. It seems that lts.conf is no longer the main configuration file.02:41
joebob777as7_what do you need gotama ?02:42
gotamaconfigure for sound and the vesa drivers.02:42
gotamaI have tried two days without any results.02:43
joebob777as7_oh i did it in lts.conf... with the mac address of each unit02:43
gotamaexactly. This is what I need to read. information on configuration.02:44
gotamaseems the ltsp 5 is a little different that ltsp 4.02:44
gotamaPlease tell me how can I use the mac address to use the vesa driver.02:47
joebob777as7_[mac address]  section in lts.conf like this [00:00:00:00:00] 02:49
gotamaThen, what is next XSERVER=vesa ?02:51
joebob777as7_not sure on that one... just do a search for lts.conf vesa you'll find it02:52
gotamaOk. Thanks a lot.02:52
joebob777as7_lol not a big help but np02:54
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gotam1Hi! I'm working with edubuntu 7.04, ltsp 5. The xserver crashes a lot on the thin client. Is there any solution? How can I use the vesa driver? XSERVER  = vesa in the lts.conf file doesn't work.04:21
joebob777as7_you should be using gutsy... works much better with ltsp 5 gotam104:22
gotam1Thanks, I am moving now.04:23
joebob777as7_ok are you upgrading or starting from the beta from scratch04:24
joebob777as7_gotam1, ?04:25
gotam1I've have installed edubuntu dapper and one of the oldes thin clients is a pentium I, works fine.04:25
gotam1But with feisty I got a lot of troubles.04:26
joebob777as7_yeah but ltsp 5 is leaps and bounds above old ltsp's04:26
joebob777as7_i had issues with feisty as well04:26
joebob777as7_go with gutsy. i would start from scratch if possible from the beta download and then run updates04:26
joebob777as7_you will have an issue with cups for today but should be fixed tomorrow. final release will be in two weeks or so04:27
joebob777as7_brb in 1004:27
gotam1AS you say gutsy may be a better solution.04:27
gotam1I'm going to download it right now, thanks again.04:28
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infosI need help with ltsp10:48
infoswake up people10:56
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RichEdogra: ping ?12:56
ograRichEd, ?01:10
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tsurcI've had an idea about load balancing edubuntu servers. I just don't know if it'll work or if my theory is flawed?03:39
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Kamping_Kaisertsurc, neither do i03:44
bddebianHi Kamping_Kaiser03:44
Kamping_Kaiserbddebian, hows it going?03:45
=== Kamping_Kaiser wonders where your cloak went
tsurcKamping_Kaiser thanks for that. apparently though loadbalancing is in Gutsy already. So I'll be checking that out.03:46
Kamping_Kaisertsurc, cool. let me know what its like03:47
bddebianKamping_Kaiser: OK thanks, you?03:47
Kamping_Kaisernot to bad, thanks03:47
tsurcKamping_Kaiser: will do, current;t 57% through a download of edubuntu-7.10-beta-server-i386.iso03:49
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tsurcKamping_Kaiser: 100% burning as we speak.... wish me luck!04:34
Kamping_Kaisertsurc, good luck!04:36
Kamping_Kaiseri'm going to bed in a few min, so i'll have to see the result tomorrow am04:36
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tsurc351pm here got lots of things to do yet. some of which involve giving the wife the heave ho ;) Fireworks anyone?04:53
Kamping_Kaisernight mate04:53
Kamping_Kaiser00:23 here04:53
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LaserJockogra: is today supposed to be a fix-it-friday?05:11
ograLaserJock, given that we onl yhave hours to final rc freeze i wont have time for more than RC bugs05:13
LaserJockoh, are we that far already?05:13
LaserJockogra: how's disc space for RC?05:15
ograthats fine05:15
ograthe udeb isnt05:15
ograi'm very busy atm05:15
LaserJocksorry to bother05:16
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LaserJockI was just thinking I better get the edubuntu-docs translations and upload05:16
ograthey want to freeze today05:18
ogramy efforts o fix the ltsp progressbar led nowhere its simply not possible to so want i want i think05:18
ograso now i try to get it at least back to the feisty state05:19
ograand try to get that in before they freeze completely05:19
ograhmm, at least the progress for compressing seems to work05:23
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joebob777as7_sbalneav, you on?08:45
joebob777as7_down here at my other server...08:45
joebob777as7_ogra, you here?08:47
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joebob777as7_when are times i have to rebuild client images? when i install server updates? when i install client updates?09:07
sbalneavjoebob777as7_: yeah, here09:41
sbalneavWhen you touch anything in /opt/ltsp/i386/09:41
joebob777as7_so not when i install server updates... do i need to when i chroot in to install flash plugin and x11vnc?09:42
joebob777as7_sbalneav, also looks like my log out issue has gone away... :)09:42
sbalneavIf you chroot in and add something, then you're touching /opt/ltsp/i386/09:43
sbalneavso yes.09:43
joebob777as7_ok good to know09:44
joebob777as7_do any updates on the server ever touch /opt/ltsp/i386/ ?09:44
sbalneavServer updates are fine, but anything you touch in /opt/ltsp, either by direct editing, or via the chroot command, requires a rebuild.09:45
joebob777as7_if i want to install a bunch of fonts should i just do it in the client chroot or are they different?09:47
sbalneavAFAIK fonts you can just install on the server, and the RENDER extention to X handles them.09:48
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cbx33hey all09:50
sbalneavHey cbx33!09:50
cbx33hey sbalneav09:51
lnsCan anyone share what typing tutor programs they're using under Edubuntu? I am looking for a good solution for elementary school students, something with things like nice graphics and games, but more importantly, progress tracking / reporting for the teachers.10:07
lnsAnd I don't mean tuxtype or ktouch...those just aren't mature enough for real educational use by many students yet (sorry to say)10:08
sbalneavSeeing as how I've never actually learned to touch-type, and use a modified 4 finger system of my own design, I'd be the wrong guy to advise you on that :)10:09
joebob777as7_sbalneav, another question on my client i have chrooted in and was wondering why i'm seeing this:10:10
lnssbalneav, hahaha10:10
lnsIt would be *so* nice to have mavis beacon for linux. I learned on that in jr. high and I can type ~70-80wpm now.10:10
sbalneavThat only gives me a list of what didn't install.  I'm sure there were probably errors for those packages during the install phase.  What were they?10:12
sbalneavAnd, do you have /proc mounted in the choot when you're updating?  Some packages look at /proc during install/upgrade.10:12
sbalneavdbus I know for sure does.10:13
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joebob777as7_i just did sudo chroot /opt/ltsp/i386/ and then did apt-get update followed by apt-get install (java-package-name)10:16
joebob777as7_how do i mount proc when updating? never heard of it...10:17
sbalneavIt's on the ubuntu wiki10:18
sbalneavAlso in the handbook10:18
sbalneavmount -t proc proc /proc10:18
sbalneavwhile in the chroot10:18
sbalneavmake sure to umount before you exit the chroot.10:18
joebob777as7_to unmount just umount /proc?10:19
sbalneavyeah, line 8110:20
sbalneavCan not write log, openpty() failed (/dev/pts not mounted?)10:20
sbalneavThat's the dbus10:20
sbalneavwhile in the chroot, yes.10:20
joebob777as7_ok thanks again!10:21
joebob777as7_sbalneav, one other issue we are having when we try to switch users: we get a permissions error10:28
LaserJockhi cbx33 and sbalneav10:29
joebob777as7_your user does not have permissions to create additional logins. Check your ~/.Xauthority setup.10:29
joebob777as7_~/.Xauthority file badly configured or missing 100 Not authenticated10:29
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sbalneavQuite possible.  Sounds like a bug10:31
sbalneavFile a bug for it, and we can have a look at it.10:31
joebob777as7_ok does it have anything to me chmoding my user dirs to 701?10:31
joebob777as7_do i file it under ltsp-server?10:31
sbalneavjoebob777as7_: Entirely possible, include that info in your bug report.10:33
sbalneavltsp-server's fine.10:33
sbalneavDunno if we'll get to it for gutsy or not, but it'll be fixed for hardy anyway.10:34
joebob777as7_bug fixes don't happen for updates?10:34
sbalneavDepends on if it's considered critical or not.10:35
sbalneavAnd/or we can find enough people to test it :)10:35
sbalneavAnd/or figure out how to fix it :)10:35
joebob777as7_some users are also not able to print. what log should i be looking at to see why?10:41
joebob777as7_i don't know if it's this or not: http://www.pastebin.ca/72719110:41
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sbalneavYeah, printing's not here.10:42
joebob777as7_even if the server prints fine always?10:43
sbalneavYou're running the printing on the server, right?10:44
sbalneavi.e., the programs are running on the server.10:44
sbalneavSo if the program's running on the server, and the print queue's on the server, you're problems on the server.10:45
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