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tehk | Can anyone tell me how to unlock a bzr directory? I accidentally exited from a commit description | 01:06 |
beuno | tehk, bzr break-lock | 01:06 |
tehk | thanks | 01:06 |
beuno | :D | 01:07 |
jordi | kiko-afk: was away | 01:10 |
jordi | kiko-afk: so did you get any kind of subscription notification? | 01:10 |
ubotu | New bug: #149194 in launchpad "duplicated translatoions on translations list" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/149194 | 01:15 |
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mpt | Gooooooooooood afternoon Launchpadders! | 01:31 |
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ubotu | New bug: #149209 in soyuz "Broken portlets on distroarchrelease index page have a broken link to translation groups" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/149209 | 02:15 |
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ubotu | New bug: #149213 in malone "Tags box and search results differ in their bug counts" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/149213 | 02:26 |
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ubotu | New bug: #149218 in rosetta "Translation groups page lists project IDs, unlinked, with stray commas" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/149218 | 02:55 |
ubotu | New bug: #149219 in rosetta "Translation groups page lists projects that don't exist any more" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/149219 | 02:55 |
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ubotu | New bug: #149226 in launchpad-bazaar "Branch whiteboard should be editable by any person" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/149226 | 03:25 |
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=== kiko is now known as kiko-zzz | ||
ubotu | New bug: #149232 in soyuz "On distribution release architecture page, only "Overview" is available" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/149232 | 03:55 |
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ubotu | New bug: #132270 in launchpad "OOPS in Open id authentication if you try to sign in in a stale page after log out." [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132270 | 05:40 |
ubotu | New bug: #133804 in launchpad "Implement SSL client certificate authentication for OpenID provider" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133804 | 05:40 |
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reacocard | Is PPA out of Beta yet? | 06:47 |
gnomefreak | reacocard: nope atleast i havent seen email about it yet | 06:55 |
reacocard | gnomefreak: thanks | 06:55 |
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acuster | Hey all, 2 questions: (1) can any free software project use launchpad? (2) can a single launchpad project import several svn trunk/ s? | 09:55 |
acuster | I need svn:geoapi.sf.net, svn.geotools.org, some eclipse sdk... | 09:57 |
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spiv | acuster: (1) yes, (2) not sure, ask mwhudson or ddaa | 10:00 |
mwhudson | acuster: they sound like separate projects you want importing | 10:01 |
mwhudson | acuster: so they should be, you guessed it, separate projects | 10:01 |
acuster | Thank you both. | 10:03 |
acuster | Four projects it is then: yudig, udig, geotools, geoapi. | 10:04 |
jml | acuster: note that you can have a project group | 10:04 |
acuster | is there an Eclipse project? | 10:04 |
jml | most likely | 10:05 |
acuster | aha, jml with the winner: There exist project groups. | 10:05 |
=== acuster goes to read about that | ||
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=== Hobbsee looks forward to the day when librarian supports dget. | ||
acuster | mwhudson, you're a bzr person as well, no? Do you work on bzr-svn? | 10:08 |
mwhudson | i work on launchpad/bazaar integration | 10:09 |
acuster | if so will you feel responsible if I setup a launchpad project and it mis-imports data from svn.geotools.org? | 10:09 |
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acuster | :-) | 10:09 |
mwhudson | note that launchpad svn imports are not performed by bzr-svn | 10:10 |
mwhudson | but yes | 10:10 |
acuster | right on. What do you use? | 10:10 |
acuster | one of the older svn projects? | 10:10 |
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mwhudson | cscvs, it's called | 10:11 |
mwhudson | https://edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-cscvs | 10:12 |
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acuster | does https://launchpad.net/projects/+new save data along the way? i.e. if I crash now can I recover this info? | 10:17 |
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acuster | 44) can one delete a launchpad project? Is it clean enough to recreate one of the same name afterwards? | 10:21 |
gmb | acuster: A project can be deleted, yes, but it needs an admin to do it. If I may ask, why do you want to delete a project if you're going to create the same project again? Why not just change its details? | 10:24 |
acuster | can you change all the details, including the name? | 10:24 |
acuster | or is some dns token going to remain the same? | 10:25 |
gmb | acuster: DNS isn't affected by lp names in any way. I'll just check, see if the name (I assume by this you mean the name that appears in the project URL) can be changed. | 10:26 |
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gmb | acuster: No, that name can't be changed without the help of an admin. But I'm confused; you said asked whether you could, after deletion, create a new project with the same name. | 10:27 |
=== acuster only guesses at the details but I would bet that *something* would have to stay the same and guess that that *something* would have the glyphs of the original project name in it. | ||
acuster | yes, I'm checking out launchpad | 10:28 |
acuster | seems like we should be running one | 10:28 |
acuster | at osgeo.org | 10:28 |
acuster | although no reason not to have a mirror under mark's infrastructure | 10:29 |
gmb | acuster: At present, Launchpad isn't open source. It will be eventually, but not yet. | 10:29 |
gmb | Though of course you're more than welcome to use it :) | 10:30 |
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=== acuster has waited out the java trap he can wait out the launchpad launch | ||
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acuster | http://baobab.geomatys.fr/files/launchpad_Js_Popup_Unhelpful.png | 10:58 |
acuster | at which point he realizes that he wants to convert his project into a meta project and starts over | 10:58 |
gmb | acuster: Ah, I see. | 11:00 |
acuster | too much space, no link | 11:02 |
gmb | At present, project groups can only be created by admins. If you think that that's what you need you can contact an admin by opening a question about the matter at answers.launchpad.net/launchpad | 11:02 |
acuster | lol | 11:02 |
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gmb | acuster: The idea is that you can search for project groups under which you could place your new project (since project groups are admin created). | 11:03 |
acuster | it's also *exactly* the same widget as I was just looking at | 11:03 |
gmb | But I agree, that dialogue doesn't make it obvious. | 11:03 |
acuster | the dialog is useless | 11:03 |
acuster | all the user needs is some text | 11:03 |
acuster | in the original page: | 11:03 |
acuster | Part of: [ ] ( Choose a project group... ) (Info...) | 11:04 |
acuster | where Info... lets you create a new group and gives links to an explanation | 11:04 |
acuster | Doesn't the box in the original page do exactly the same search? | 11:05 |
gmb | No, the box in the original page allows you to enter a project name (it can be filled from the popup search dialogue). | 11:07 |
gmb | acuster: There is an explanation on the original page about what a project group is, though not about how to use the dialogue, and it doesn't mention that groups are admin-created. Aside from these two things, what would you like to see in that explanatory text? | 11:08 |
acuster | it ui workflow could be improved easily and greatly but I have other fish to fry | 11:14 |
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gmb | acuster: For your reference, I've filed bug #149338 about this. | 11:26 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 149338 in launchpad "Project Group field and search widget on project registration page need to be better explained" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/149338 | 11:26 |
ubotu | New bug: #149338 in launchpad "Project Group field and search widget on project registration page need to be better explained" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/149338 | 11:35 |
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acuster | where do I add the url for the svn server to mirror? | 12:17 |
mwhudson | launcpad.net/$yourproject/trunk/+source | 12:18 |
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acuster | as in svn.geotools.org/geotools/trunk/ ? | 12:20 |
acuster | or svn:// | 12:20 |
acuster | or without the trunk/ | 12:20 |
acuster | ? | 12:20 |
=== acuster tries several | ||
mwhudson | with the scheme and the trunk | 12:21 |
acuster | and then I will pull from bzr://launchpad.net/geotools-mirror/trunk ? | 12:22 |
acuster | and finally, do I get an email when the testing is done, or do I have to check back to this page? | 12:23 |
mwhudson | right now you have to check the page | 12:24 |
mwhudson | we're actively working on making this aspect of things less sucky :) | 12:24 |
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acuster | ok, thank you for that work, then. | 12:29 |
dennda | Hi there. I just commited and pushed a file for a project, but after half an hour launchpad still claims the directory is empty | 12:30 |
dennda | https://code.launchpad.net/~dennda/memaker/avatarMerge <-- try to browse the code | 12:30 |
dennda | Is this a problem with bzr or with launchpad? | 12:31 |
mwhudson | launchpad i think | 12:33 |
dennda | Yes, I share your opinion. That's why I'm here :) | 12:34 |
dennda | Does it usually take this long or is there something going wrong? | 12:35 |
mwhudson | something is definitely wrong | 12:40 |
kiko | mwhudson, dennda: note that the branches registered after dennda's work. | 12:42 |
mwhudson | kiko, dennda: i'm suspecting that it's something to do with having a capital letter in the branch name | 12:42 |
mwhudson | very much a guess though | 12:42 |
dennda | no ideas on how to fix it? | 12:45 |
mwhudson | dennda: you could rename your branch to avatar-merge :) | 12:46 |
dennda | how do I rename it? | 12:46 |
mwhudson | edit details on https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~dennda/memaker/avatarMerge | 12:46 |
dennda | ah | 12:46 |
dennda | hm that didn't work | 12:46 |
mwhudson | dennda: does now | 12:48 |
mwhudson | it takes a while for all the details to drip through the system | 12:49 |
dennda | oh | 12:49 |
dennda | well | 12:49 |
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dennda | you are right | 12:49 |
dennda | thanks! | 12:49 |
=== Kmos_ is now known as Kmos | ||
mwhudson | dennda: no worries | 12:50 |
=== mwhudson grumps that different bits of the system seem to have differing ideas over what is allowed in branch names and what is not | ||
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mpt | carlos/danilo, what's the story with languages that use differing writing systems, e.g. Cyrillic vs. Latin? | 01:11 |
danilos | mpt: you mean both? | 01:11 |
mpt | I mean, for example, Launchpad knows about Belarusian in Cyrillic, but not Belarusian in Latin | 01:11 |
mpt | and the same with Serbian | 01:12 |
danilos | mpt: they are treated as "variants" and we don't support them yet (we imported them from packages and export them to language packs, but no support for translating using web UI) | 01:12 |
mpt | danilos, ok. Any schedule for that? | 01:13 |
danilos | mpt: for Serbian, we'll probably remove it soon, since we (Serbian team) are replacing it with automatically generated translations on the fly (from cyrillic scripts) | 01:13 |
mpt | You mean, automatic Cyrillic->Latin conversion? | 01:14 |
danilos | mpt: not at the moment | 01:14 |
danilos | mpt: that's right | 01:14 |
mpt | nifty | 01:14 |
mpt | And I suppose the same would be possible for Belarusian? | 01:14 |
danilos | mpt: well, I already have something similar on the gettext library level implemented, just need to push it upstream and in Ubuntu ;) | 01:14 |
danilos | mpt: I don't really know, but I suppose that's the case | 01:14 |
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mpt | danilos, ok, thanks | 01:15 |
danilos | mpt: there's also a similar case with Uzbekistani (uz and uz@cyrillic) | 01:16 |
mpt | "No Languages matching serbian were found." | 01:17 |
mpt | bah | 01:17 |
mpt | I bet that bug's a one-line fix, too, I just don't know which line :-) | 01:18 |
booxter | :-) | 01:18 |
booxter | and interesting enough that Rosetta shows be@latin suggestions for "be" translation | 01:18 |
mwhudson | sounds like an overly neatened template | 01:19 |
mpt | mwhudson, eh? Are you looking at a different bug? | 01:19 |
mpt | oh, the extra space? | 01:20 |
mwhudson | mpt: the formatting one? | 01:20 |
mwhudson | yeah | 01:20 |
mpt | I was more thinking of it not finding Serbian :-) | 01:20 |
mwhudson | i'm certainly not really paying attention in here | 01:20 |
mpt | bug 127901 | 01:20 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 127901 in rosetta "Searching for a language in lower-case returns no results" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127901 | 01:20 |
mwhudson | a | 01:20 |
mwhudson | h | 01:20 |
booxter | So what are perspectives for our l10n team to see that fine strings in Launchpad: "Belarusian Latin" after "Belarusian" one?:) | 01:22 |
booxter | I was really dissapointed why this bug is unresolved for so long time. Is it so hard?:) | 01:23 |
danilos | mpt: that form doesn't do case sensitive searches, please file a bug :) | 01:23 |
danilos | booxter: it's not hard at all, it's hard to agree on some design decisions | 01:24 |
booxter | danilos, what design? | 01:25 |
danilos | booxter: on how to cope with "variants"... basically, I suppose that you want be@latin to be treated as a completely different language in terms of web UI, right? (except that they'd be managed by the same translation team) | 01:26 |
booxter | yes of course | 01:26 |
booxter | but we would be glad to see cyrillic suggestions f.e. | 01:26 |
booxter | it's not bad to see what's going on at their part. That's like another line of communication between our communities | 01:27 |
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ubotu | New bug: #149425 in launchpad "Link project milestones from project-group milestone page" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/149425 | 03:35 |
huno | hi there :) | 03:35 |
huno | i wanna test PPA for my app, it seems that I cannot use till i'm accepted in launchpad-beta-testers, I've seen people that have been waiting for approval for 10 months | 03:36 |
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huno | is there any way to shortcut it? :) | 03:36 |
mrevell | huno: What's your username? I can add your to LP beta testers. | 03:38 |
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huno | mrevell: pmarti | 03:43 |
huno | thanks a lot :) | 03:43 |
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mrevell | huno: welcome to team :) | 03:45 |
huno | mrevell: you are the man | 03:46 |
huno | thanks a lot :) | 03:46 |
mrevell | huno: No problem :) | 03:47 |
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Balaams_Miracle | jtv: I haven't had a chance to test your method yet. The problems on my wife's harddisk proved to be catastrofic and so i had to reinstall (and of course try to re-create her settings and everything). We're putting back a few backups now, but nothing recent... | 04:42 |
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cprov | lamont: ping, when you are available. | 05:25 |
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lamont | cprov-lunch: heh. I'll be around the computer for a bit | 05:34 |
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cprov-lunch | lamont: check the builds created by the 65712 fix, https://dogfood.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy/hppa/+builds?build_text=&build_state=pending | 05:45 |
cprov-lunch | lamont: I'll be back in 30 minutes. | 05:45 |
lamont | cprov-lunch: wow. only 1135, eh? | 05:47 |
lamont | looks like the data is as of a day or 3 ago? | 05:47 |
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lamont | cprov-lunch: that list does not look inconsistent with my findings | 06:47 |
lamont | cprov-lunch: otoh, https://dogfood.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy/i386/+builds?build_text=&build_state=pending looks scary | 06:48 |
lamont | (should be closer to zero packages listed there) | 06:48 |
lamont | like maybe double digits | 06:48 |
lamont | it looks like arch-all-only packages that are unchanged since feisty also got build records (== bad) | 06:50 |
lamont | see liberror-perl_0.15-8 for example | 06:50 |
lamont | (unchanged since dapper) | 06:50 |
lamont | hrm.. I wonder if that just means that it's unchanged since the initial import | 06:50 |
lamont | (and therefore has no build record at all) | 06:51 |
lamont | xfonts-wqy would tend to support that argument as well, since it was built in feisty, has the same version in gutsy, and no build record on dogfood. | 06:53 |
lamont | I realize that launchpad has an "all your builds are belong to us" attitude, but rebuilding things that haven't changed since before launchpad would be a corner case that we need to avoid | 06:57 |
cprov | lamont: wait at second | 06:59 |
=== lamont waits | ||
cprov | lamont: hppa looks fine, right ? | 07:00 |
lamont | I could see no issues with hppa | 07:00 |
cprov | lamont: I haven't cleared other architectures, my mistake. | 07:01 |
lamont | ah, ok | 07:01 |
lamont | cleared as in set to zero, or cleared as in checked? | 07:01 |
cprov | lamont: setting previous pending builds (needsbuild or depwaiting) to superseded. | 07:02 |
lamont | ok | 07:02 |
cprov | lamont: in the way we would only see builds created by the last run. | 07:02 |
lamont | doh. right | 07:03 |
lamont | we do want to test what i386 would look like after a run | 07:03 |
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yml | hello launchpaders, | 07:22 |
yml | kilo are you there? | 07:25 |
yml | kiko are you there? | 07:26 |
yml | I am trying to get launchpad translation up and running on my project django survey: https://translations.launchpad.net/django-survey/+imports | 07:28 |
yml | the .po is sutck at the review stage for the last 3 days. | 07:29 |
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pochu | yml: danilos is probably the person you're looking for. (or carlos, but he's offline.) | 07:37 |
tormod | hi, my i386 build died because the archive connection went down. Is there a way to trigger the build without uploading a new no-change version (that would also waste the successful amd64 build)? | 07:37 |
tormod | http://launchpadlibrarian.net/9802480/buildlog_ubuntu-gutsy-i386.mesa_7.0.1-1ubuntu3_CHROOTWAIT.txt.gz | 07:38 |
danilos | yml: hi there | 07:38 |
yml | hi danilos | 07:38 |
danilos | yml: first things first, are you aware of https://help.launchpad.net/TranslationsImportPolicy? | 07:38 |
yml | it seems that you are the one that can help me | 07:38 |
danilos | yml: I sure can, but also note that it's ok for an entry to be in needs review queue for a few days, since there are quite a lot of them, and we go to them sequentially | 07:39 |
yml | danilos: I am going to read it first | 07:39 |
danilos | yml: lets make it quicker, now that I am here to help you :) | 07:39 |
danilos | yml: is this a project hosted in launchpad? | 07:40 |
yml | ;-) | 07:40 |
yml | the project is django survey | 07:40 |
danilos | yml: right, I suppose it's free software, right? (because we don't offer translation services to non-free software :)) | 07:40 |
yml | danilos in fact I am trying to understand how the translation service is working and what value I can get from it | 07:41 |
danilos | yml: it's quite simple, you only need to update the template periodically (and templates are PO Template files, usually ending in ".pot" not in ".po" -- if you want the system to automatically pick that up) | 07:42 |
yml | it is available for download from launchpad | 07:42 |
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danilos | yml: and, once you want to do a release, you just fetch the translations tarball directly from Launchpad | 07:42 |
danilos | yml: of course, you direct prospective translators at Launchpad to translate the application :) | 07:42 |
yml | that sound good and simple | 07:42 |
danilos | yml: it is, so welcome to Launchpad :) | 07:43 |
danilos | yml: we need to review *initial* template uploads because people commonly make mistakes, and because we've got many people registering projects to be able to do a single-language translation, which is not what we support | 07:43 |
yml | danilos: what do I need to do from a technical perspective to transform the .po to .pot | 07:44 |
danilos | we also want to make sure that translations will indeed be used officially, so people don't come to translate to Launchpad and their work is wasted | 07:44 |
danilos | yml: rename the file from 'django.po' to 'django.pot' :) | 07:44 |
yml | danilos: that should be possible quickly ;-) | 07:45 |
danilos | yml: I can do that this time in the DB directly, but if you want it to be automatically approved in the future, just use the same 'django.pot' name when uploading | 07:46 |
yml | then I should "upload" the django.pot to launchpad | 07:46 |
danilos | (you need to use the same name because we support multiple templates as well) | 07:46 |
danilos | yml: yeah, but I'll make use of the existing one and just rename it (I have the "power" :) | 07:46 |
yml | ok thank you danilos | 07:47 |
danilos | yml: btw, just to make sure: you do want to use 'django' as the template name (it will also show as part of URLs for translation) | 07:47 |
danilos | yml: I suggest something like django-survey.pot instead | 07:47 |
yml | I have created has you can see a french translation. what do I need to do to start another language? | 07:48 |
danilos | yml: well, you'll need to separately upload POT (template) and PO files (translations) | 07:49 |
danilos | yml: while we can make use of your partial French translations as the template (we need template first, and it should basically be an untranslated PO file with .pot naming), I suggest you upload empty templates in the future, and translations separately | 07:50 |
yml | danilos: yes I want to use "django" because it is the default name for the translation file | 07:50 |
danilos | yml: except that you probably won't have to upload translations if you use Launchpad exclusively to manage translations (recommended, to avoid conflicting work) | 07:50 |
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danilos | yml: ok, then django it will be | 07:50 |
yml | thank you danilos | 07:51 |
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danilos | yml: ok, this should be imported in some minutes (depending on the load in importqueue), but you can already go to https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/django-survey/trunk/+pots/django, choose 'French' and then choose 'Upload file' on the left to upload French translation | 07:53 |
danilos | yml: French translation will then be automatically approved after a few hours (auto-approval currently has a huge workload so it takes a while), and then also imported | 07:53 |
danilos | yml: and once your template is imported, you can direct translators at https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/django-survey/trunk/+pots/django to start the translation | 07:54 |
danilos | yml: also, take out "edge" from the URL if you want :) | 07:54 |
yml | danilos: what is "edge" for ? | 07:55 |
danilos | yml: that's our pre-release testing server, might be a bit more unstable and sometimes a bit slower as well | 07:55 |
yml | ok I understand | 07:56 |
danilos | yml: also useful for testing the latest features, but you should be fine with what's on production as well :) | 07:56 |
yml | ok so let me put it in a nutshell: | 07:56 |
yml | I need to upload my django.po to this page : https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/django-survey/trunk/+pots/django/fr/+upload | 07:58 |
danilos | yml: to download translations and include them in the release you plan to make, use "Download translations" link on https://translations.launchpad.net/django-survey/trunk/ (which is another place where you can direct translators at, probably better because it's shorter :) | 07:58 |
danilos | yml: yes, but please use 'fr.po' for French translation (that's standard practice in free software) | 07:58 |
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yml | so in my case "django_fr.po" | 07:59 |
danilos | yml: ok, your template has been imported | 07:59 |
mdke | what's the syntax for closing bugs automatically with uploads? | 07:59 |
danilos | yml: no, I suggest just 'fr.po' | 08:00 |
yml | I see I am new to the realm of i18n | 08:01 |
yml | as you can see | 08:01 |
yml | danilos : from where can I access my template? | 08:01 |
danilos | yml: what do you mean? | 08:02 |
yml | I am a bit confused is that what you call my template: https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/django-survey/trunk/ | 08:03 |
=== tormod finally found the "retry build" menu item. never mind. | ||
danilos | yml: if you don't see any languages once you go to https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/django-survey/trunk/ you may need to set your preferred languages (everybody will see their own) | 08:03 |
danilos | yml: well, that page is good enough because you have only a single template; you can also go directly to that template on https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/django-survey/trunk/+pots/django | 08:03 |
danilos | and, "your imported template" was the django.po you uploaded | 08:04 |
yml | where can I see the word/expresion that I can translate | 08:04 |
danilos | yml: just click on the language you want to translate to there (eg. clicking on French would take you to https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/django-survey/trunk/+pots/django/fr/+translate) | 08:04 |
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huno | hi again, just a quick question... | 08:06 |
huno | if I want to build against several versions of Ubuntu | 08:07 |
danilos | yml: ok, so I added some Serbian translations on the Serbian page (btw, you should not use "." as the thousands separator in English: English uses period as the decimal separator, and comma as the thousands separator) | 08:07 |
yml | ok I can now see them, however I do not see any of the translation I have already done. Does that mean that i should rename the file that I have uploaded to fr.po and upload it again? | 08:07 |
huno | is it enough with overriding it in .dput.cf ala incoming= ~pmarti/ubuntu/edgy | 08:07 |
huno | [my-ppa-edgy] | 08:08 |
danilos | yml: as I said, you should upload them separately: one as a template, and another as fr.po | 08:08 |
danilos | yml: you also need to upload them into different places | 08:08 |
yml | danilos I will fix my separator | 08:08 |
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yml | thank danilos I going to do that | 08:09 |
danilos | yml: great, I hope you have great fun with Launchpad :) | 08:09 |
yml | in fact it is consistant, first a real torture and then you are getting used to it and start to love it | 08:10 |
yml | but right now I am still at the torture stage for the translation ;-) | 08:11 |
huno | danilos: is it possible to build packages for, say feisty and edgy from the same source? just by overriding the incoming directive in (say) [my-ppa-edgy] ? | 08:11 |
danilos | yml: well, launchpad is heavily designed after free software development models present in GNU/Linux (for instance, thousands of projects use the same po/template.pot, po/fr.po, po/de.po layout, so it's easy for them to figure it out :)) | 08:11 |
danilos | huno: I have no idea :) | 08:12 |
yml | danilos: it seems that django is not following that convention | 08:12 |
huno | I mean, otherwise I'd have to modify debian/changelog for each version | 08:13 |
danilos | huno: total of all packages I have ever built, excluding "checkinstall" packages, equals zero :) | 08:13 |
huno | danilos: :) | 08:13 |
huno | I read it on a irc log, kiko mentioned it | 08:13 |
huno | but didn't expand on it | 08:14 |
danilos | yml: yeah, indeed, most web development frameworks are not, because gettext support there is lacking (i.e. they don't have the easy to use tools everybody else has, or they simply don't know about them) | 08:14 |
huno | otherwise is a bit of a pain to support several releases | 08:14 |
danilos | huno: sounds interesting, but probably worth asking cprov or someone else who knows something about it :) | 08:14 |
huno | arite thanks for the hint | 08:15 |
huno | cprov: you there? | 08:15 |
cprov | huno: yes | 08:15 |
huno | :) | 08:15 |
yml | Thank you very much for your help danilos. | 08:15 |
huno | cprov: whats the BestWay(tm) to build packages for edgy, feisty and gutsy without having to tinker with debian/changelog for each one? | 08:16 |
=== cprov is reading logs | ||
huno | i read http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs/launchpad-2007-09-03.html | 08:16 |
huno | oops | 08:16 |
yml | danilos: btw, do you have anything better than vi to edit .po? | 08:16 |
danilos | yml: you are welcome, carlos, jtv, or myself hang around the channel usually during (European) workhours | 08:16 |
huno | grep for moquist | 08:16 |
danilos | yml: yeah, I use Emacs po-mode, but there are also other translation specific tools like KBabel, GTranslator, POEdit,... | 08:17 |
yml | I was trying to avoid vi vs emacs war | 08:17 |
yml | :-) | 08:17 |
yml | thank you I will look at kbabel | 08:18 |
danilos | yml: so, for any help, you are free to join in and ask whatever bothers you (though, sometimes we are also busy, and don't have time to do support right away, when you can ask your question on https://answers.launchpad.net/rosetta/) | 08:18 |
cprov | huno: ok, you cannot upload the same source to multiple suites | 08:18 |
danilos | yml: :) | 08:18 |
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huno | cprov: even if the same source compiles cleanly on the three versions? what was kiko saying on that irc log then? | 08:19 |
cprov | huno: the /~huno/ubuntu/edgy tricky (suite override) is only useful for a one-time zero-changes upload | 08:19 |
yml | I guess you will soon hear from me I might spend more time helping on the french translation if understand how it works | 08:19 |
huno | cprov: I see | 08:20 |
yml | also the french translation looks pretty complete | 08:20 |
huno | cprov: thanks for the info | 08:20 |
cprov | huno: this trick can be only used once for the entire distribution, the second upload of the same version won't be accepted. | 08:20 |
huno | cprov: alright thx | 08:22 |
cprov | huno: np | 08:22 |
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amarillion | I just started using ppa. Is there a way to target a package to multiple releases at the same time, e.g. "libalfont-dev (1.91-0ubuntu1~ppa3) feisty, gutsy; urgency=low" ? | 10:18 |
amarillion | This would be handy IMHO | 10:18 |
pochu | amarillion: no | 10:23 |
cprov | amarillion: no, you have to use different version | 10:23 |
amarillion | ok | 10:25 |
amarillion | it was just a little idea. | 10:26 |
tormod | cprov, does it really need a different version? | 10:28 |
pochu | yes, since the binaries go to the same directory, and they will be overwritten otherwise. | 10:28 |
tormod | oh just realized that, thanks | 10:28 |
cprov | pochu: thanks | 10:28 |
pochu | glad to be of any help :-) | 10:29 |
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