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bosshi,i am new bie in ubuntu.I want to know how to install ubuntu in the client machines from the local server where internet connection is not available.I have CD rom drive only in a single machine(server).08:29
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booxterHello! I'm a Belarusian Latin translator and I would like to see Ubuntu LiveCD and installer to be Belarusian-Latin supported. What should I do to take the goal? Is there a technical possibility for doing this?11:49
mptbooxter, you want to translate the installer into Belarusian?01:05
booxtermpt, yes01:05
mptbooxter, you can do that on https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu01:06
mptbooxter, for example, https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy/+lang/be01:07
booxterLaunchpad technically doesn't support our be@latin locale...01:07
booxterso we need some kind of "manual" way of translation01:08
mptOh, I'm sorry, that's Belarusian Cyrillic, isn't it01:08
mptYou want Belarusian Latin01:08
mptok, so you need to get Belarusian Latin registered in Launchpad01:08
booxteryes, we need01:09
booxterbut there is a known bug that prevents us from doing so01:09
booxtersr@Latn (Serbian Latin) also has such problem01:09
cjwatsongetting the installer to support that is a lot harder01:09
cjwatsonyou really need to get it done upstream in Debian01:09
booxterour locale technically is a variant of "be" locale01:09
cjwatsonsimply having the translation there isn't enough - localechooser needs to support it too01:10
cjwatsonand it takes an enormous number of uploads of individual components to Ubuntu to add a new language, diverging each of them from Debian individually01:10
cjwatsonso I prefer not to do it that way, and to ask people to get the base installer translated in Debian first01:10
booxterSo should we at first translate debian installer?01:12
booxterare there any significant changes between vanilla installer and ubuntu one?01:12
cjwatsonso just translating the Debian installer won't be enough, but it's the first step01:12
booxterhm, as I know there are several "levels" of Debian translation01:13
booxterwhat levels are sinificant for Ubuntu, what are less?01:13
booxterAnd after what level can we incorporate Ubuntu version of installer to make sure we are ready?01:13
cjwatsonlevel 1 is the only one that's a blocker here01:14
cjwatsonobviously the rest don't hurt01:14
mptbooxter, I'm discussing it in #launchpad with one of the Launchpad Translations developers01:15
booxterAre other levels not used for Ubuntu version?01:15
mptApparently Cyrillic->Latin conversion can be done automatically for Serbian, and maybe for Belarusian too01:15
mptbut there's no schedule for implementing it yet01:16
booxtermpt, we in Belarusian community already begins to use such translation, but not fully automatically (because we use different convensions and so on)01:16
cjwatsonbooxter: they're used to one extent or another, but some particular packages there are less important than others and in any event it doesn't usually block switching on a language in localechooser01:16
cjwatsonthere's a point at which packages begin to become subject to language packs, at which point it all gets a lot easier for you01:17
cjwatsonbut the core installer, mostly the stuff in level 1 plus dpkg, apt, tasksel, probably a couple of others I forget right now, isn't subject to language packs because this is all before language packs get installed01:17
booxtercjwatson, we already reported a bug about Language chooser01:17
cjwatsonyou did? where?01:18
cjwatsonI won't fix it directly in Ubuntu anyway - like I say, this really needs to be done in Debian first otherwise the maintenance burden for us to diverge every installer component from Debian is intolerable01:18
cjwatsonbut I'm more than happy to support the language once the basic bits are done in Debian and uploaded there01:19
booxterhm, ok, we'll do our best for Debian Installer and after level 1 will come here again:)01:22
cjwatsonsounds lovely01:25
CIA-18ubiquity: cjwatson * r2316 ubiquity/debian/ (79 files in 2 dirs): * Update translations from Rosetta.01:44
CIA-18ubiquity: cjwatson * r2317 ubiquity/ (d-i/manifest debian/changelog):02:09
CIA-18ubiquity: * Automatic update of included source packages: choose-mirror 2.15ubuntu2,02:09
CIA-18ubiquity:  debian-installer-utils 1.48ubuntu2.02:09
CIA-18ubiquity: cjwatson * r2318 ubiquity/debian/ (changelog rules): * Disable the intro message, as Ubuntu 7.10 is approaching.02:22
CIA-18ubiquity: cjwatson * r2319 ubiquity/debian/changelog: releasing version 1.6.202:38
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CIA-18ubiquity: evand * r2320 ubiquity/ (configure configure.ac): bump to 1.6.304:23
CIA-18ubiquity: evand * r2321 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/frontend/gtk_ui.py):04:26
CIA-18ubiquity: * Remember to not use the migration-assistant dbfilter when using04:26
CIA-18ubiquity:  --no-migration-assistant, again (LP: #148766).04:26
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CIA-18ubiquity: evand * r2322 ubiquity/ubiquity/frontend/ (kde_ui.py noninteractive.py): Apply the previous change to the kde and noninteractive frontends.04:43
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mebrowncjwatson, saw your commit for #149159 (console reboot message). is this in todays daily build?04:47
cjwatsonit should be$ wget -q -O- http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/gutsy-desktop-i386.manifest | grep ^casper04:48
cjwatsoncasper 1.10904:48
mebrowndid you see my email about language packs?04:48
mebrownreally need some help with that one, as I am not a debian/dpkg/apt expert04:49
cjwatsonlanguage-pack-* shouldn't have external dependencies04:49
cjwatsonit's only a problem at all if you need language-support-* too04:49
mebrownI want a complete and good experience for our non-english-speaking customers04:50
cjwatsonevand: could you help mebrown out? I have a deadline of today for UDS planning04:50
evandcjwatson: sure04:50
cjwatsongerminate may be useful04:51
mebrownok. I looked at debmirror yesterday and it didnt seem useful (no dependency tracking, afaict)04:51
mebrownI'll take a look at germinate.04:51
cjwatsondebmirror does not follow dependencies04:52
evandhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeedManagement might help with setting up a seed for germinate.04:54
mebrownthanks. reading...04:54
mebrownevand: regarding noninteractive... doesnt work05:03
evandmebrown: where does it fall over?05:03
mebrownNo cut-n-paste, but it traces back:05:03
mebrownfrontend/noninteractive.py, line 133 in watch_debconf_fd_helper05:03
cjwatsonI would avoid trying text installs in gutsy. They aren't well enough tested.05:03
mebrown  return callback(souce, dbbconf_condition)05:04
cjwatsonat least not using ubiquity05:04
mebrownfile ubituqity/filteredcommand.py, line 179 in process_input05:04
mebrownfile ubituqity/filteredcommand.py, line 112, process_line05:04
mebrownubiquity/debocnffilter.py, line 23605:04
mebrownfile ubiquity/components/language.py line 10505:04
mebrownfile ubiquity/filteredcommand.py, line 359 in run05:05
mebrown  -> if not self.frontend.installing:05:05
mebrownAttributeError: wizard instance has no attribute 'installing'05:05
mebrownand it starts X before falling over.05:05
mebrownWhat I am trying to accomplish:05:06
mebrownNeed to have a way to install machines that potentially dont have X support in the current gutsy image05:06
cjwatsonmebrown: I understand your need, but 7.10 isn't yet ready to fill it with the live CD05:06
mebrownwe can respin the image, I suppose05:06
mebrownif we get a machine like this.05:07
cjwatsonwe should be able to fix the specific bug above though05:07
mebrownor, can probably force vesa mode05:07
cjwatsonI think that's more likely to work05:07
mebrownjust want to make sure I have a fallback05:07
cjwatsonoh, forcing vesa should be pretty safe05:07
mebrownbecause we *always* get machines that come down with no X support (we install addon stuff in post)05:07
=== evand has added the above bug to his todo list
mebrownevand, did you need a lp?05:08
evandmebrown: if it's not too much trouble05:08
evandthank you05:11
evandcjwatson: I know you're busy, so feel free to respond to this whenever you have free time.  What is the reasoning for marking bugs as invalid in a package and then adding them to a different package, rather than just switching the package?05:14
mebrownI'm installing a machine now to try out germinate. Will probably have more questions in a couple hours, but it looks like this is probably what I want.05:16
cjwatsonevand: usually an accident05:19
cjwatsonevand: note though that you can't just reassign from a package to an upstream project05:19
cjwatsonso say if a bug is really a cdimage bug then it has to have a task opened on ubuntu-cdimage and the Ubuntu task rejected05:20
CIA-18ubiquity: evand * r2323 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/frontend/noninteractive.py):06:19
CIA-18ubiquity: * Update noninteractive frontend to use recent changes to06:19
CIA-18ubiquity:  FilteredCommand (LP: #149473).06:19
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bdmurraycjwatson: Did you see my /etc/papersize question?07:17
cjwatsonbdmurray: no07:22
bdmurrayI believe there was a bug in ubiquity where papersize was not being set which is now fixed but what happens to people who installed with ubiquity before it was fixed.07:27
bdmurrayIt is probably a small number of people and I don't know how many things look at that file either.07:29
cjwatsonthere was a bug, upgrades aren't handled, it should probably be release-noted07:30
cjwatsona core library looks at that file which I believe a number of desktop applications use07:30
bdmurrayOkay, do we have process for release noting things?07:33
cjwatsonwe need to create some release notes :-)07:33
cjwatsonhang on a mo07:33
cjwatsonaha, GutsyGibbon/ReleaseNotes07:34
cjwatsonplease feel free to add to that07:34
bdmurrayOkay, will do.07:37
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mebrownis there a bug in today's daily build regarding sudo?09:44
mebrownoem install09:44
evandnot that I'm aware of09:44
mebrownwhen I create a user at firstboot, that user cant sudo09:44
mebrownand I cant login as root09:44
mebrownsince I didnt set pw09:44
evandI'm assuming they're not in the admin group?09:44
mebrownI think it has been there for a little bit since I saw that yesterday too09:45
mebrowncorrect, not in admin group09:45
mebrownbug against firstboot?09:45
mebrownshouldnt that user be  created as an admin, since there isnt any other way to log in as root, otherwise?09:45
mebrownthat is how it used to work.09:45
mebrownat least in feisty09:45
cjwatsonI think it's a bug in your image09:46
cjwatsonit normally is given admin privileges09:46
mebrownpulled fresh today, saw the same thing yesterday09:47
cjwatsonare you creating any other non-system users or groups?09:47
cjwatsonmebrown: ok, is this from the alternate or desktop CD?09:47
mebrowncreate 'oem' user in preseed09:47
mebrownthis is the live cd09:47
mebrownbooted with oem-mode and preseed09:47
cjwatsoncan I have your preseed file?09:47
cjwatsonwithout passwords09:47
mebrownjust a sec, I'll post it.09:48
cjwatsona bug report on oem-config would be the best avenue09:48
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mebrowncjwatson, email address?09:50
=== mebrown just cleaned out inbox...
cjwatsonmebrown: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/oem-config/+filebug09:50
cjwatsonbut if you'd really prefer e-mail, cjwatson@ubuntu.com09:50
cjwatsonjust that my inbox is a disaster area09:50
mebrownI'll file a bug09:51
cjwatsonmebrown: I'm out for a bit now09:51
mebrownjust thought that would be the fastest way to get it to you09:53
cjwatsonfor the record, IRC is one of the worst possible ways to paste large quantities of stuff09:53
mebrownok, sorry.09:53
cjwatsonit sits there for ages gradually pasting line by line :-/09:53
mebrownjust trying to figure out a quick way to get you the info.09:54
cjwatsonanyway, have to go pick my wife up09:54
mebrownbug is being entered.09:54
mebrownhave fun.09:54
evandmebrown: in the event that you do need to paste a large amount to IRC: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/09:55
mebrownah, yes. I forget about that...09:55

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