
=== superm1 [n=superm1@ubuntu/member/superm1] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
superm1laga, here?01:36
superm1 tgm4883, !01:41
tgm4883:( I have no upside down !01:41
tgm4883I hope you have a speech prepared01:41
superm1well you can copy and paste mine01:41
superm1and use it in the future?01:41
superm1why ?01:42
tgm4883we're calling a press conference because today is now the day we have had the most visitors at mythbuntu.org01:42
tgm4883iso's are soon to follow01:42
superm1i haven't logged into analytics for a few hours01:42
tgm4883throwing out the anonmilies, we push around 30 ISO's an hour01:43
superm1interesting and 80 percent new visits too01:43
tgm4883we have a lot of china visits recently01:44
superm1so i see, out of bejing and shanghai01:44
tgm4883247 today, second behind the US and France01:45
tgm4883Daviey, Laga, how are you going to let France beat you?01:45
superm1hm a referal from quebecos.com01:46
tgm4883superm1, Daviey wanted to put the torrents on our server and count that too01:46
superm1is where we got a lot of people01:46
tgm4883yes, that and cnbeta01:46
tgm4883or is it betacn01:46
tgm4883thats the chinese one01:46
tgm4883I'm not sure how good of stats we would get from that though, as our torrents have hit a number of other torrent sites01:47
superm1well majoridiot's torrent box has seeded 2100% of the i386 torrent and 800% of the amd64 torrent01:49
superm1wheatever that means01:49
superm1or whatever even01:49
tgm4883that probably means 21 i386 isos and 8 amd64 isos01:50
MitoTraninsuperm1: that just means that you've uploaded 2100% of what you downloaded01:50
tgm4883MitoTranin, well, 2100% of the size of the torrent01:51
tgm4883cause you don't have to download the torrent via bittorrent01:51
MitoTranintgm4883: well... yeah01:51
superm1yeah it was wget'ed from uk.cdimages.mythbuntu.org01:51
superm111 MB/s download01:51
tgm4883superm1, did you get my latest forward regarding the mirror?01:52
superm1tgm4883, yeah but i've been working on hw all night01:52
superm1so haven't responded to much01:52
=== pdragon [n=pdragon@cmu-24-35-50-128.mivlmd.cablespeed.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
tgm4883thats cool, just wanted to make sure you got it01:52
tgm4883also, foxbuntu's mirror was never taken out of rotation01:52
tgm4883he is us-il right?01:52
superm1he's supposed to still be in01:53
superm1he fixed things01:53
MitoTraninit's not fixed01:53
tgm4883still broke01:53
pdragonhmm... still gettin the tracker error 3 even with a linuxtracker account. oh well01:53
tgm4883I was doing a test of the script and it was still broken when it came to him01:54
superm1you're right01:54
superm1way to go foxbuntu01:54
superm1there he should be taken out now01:55
lagasuperm1: pong01:57
superm1tgm4883, after you're done with the rest of the h.u.c pages, would you want to handle some more info at http://www.mythbuntu.org/about ?01:57
superm1 laga, !01:57
tgm4883sure what info?01:57
superm1tgm4883, something more substantial.01:57
tgm4883yea I can do that01:58
superm1Perhaps refer a little about what the underlying projects are01:58
superm1about myth01:58
superm1about xfce01:58
tgm4883I'll make it sweet01:58
superm1and some neat side screenshots01:58
tgm4883and it will find it's way to wikipedia too :)01:58
superm1yeah that's what i was thinking :)01:58
superm1once its here, its a copy and paste to wikipedia01:58
tgm4883btw, we need to update that picture on there01:58
superm1yeah we do01:58
superm1laga, i saw you pushed a few more updates for mcc01:58
lagasuperm1: whats up?01:58
tgm4883i was going to update it, but stopped when I starting reading about licensing and such for pictures01:59
superm1laga, i was going to ask why you have a sep check box for "Enable experimental options"01:59
superm1why not just have a title, "Experimental Options"01:59
lagato make it harder for people to break stuff02:00
superm1click here, and *then* you can break stuff02:00
lagai'd look better if the following options were intended, though.02:00
superm1well it still has parser errors fyi02:00
superm1  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/MythbuntuControlCentre/core.py", line 1275, in on_enable_experimental_options_toggled02:00
superm1    if self.config.get("mythbuntu","mysql_tweaks_enabled") == "True":02:00
superm1  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/ConfigParser.py", line 520, in get02:00
superm1    raise NoOptionError(option, section)02:00
superm1ConfigParser.NoOptionError: No option 'mysql_tweaks_enabled' in section: 'mythbuntu'02:00
lagabtw, i'm gonna add tooltips to those options and add a text telling the user to move their mouse over the option to view it02:00
superm1Traceback (most recent call last):02:01
superm1and nicely enough apport comes and tells you that there is a crash report and all02:01
lagawhich is totally annoying.02:01
lagabut oh well02:01
superm1well but it will be incredibly useful02:02
superm1for finding $stuff that needs idiot proofing02:02
superm1someone can screw something up, and then send us backtraces02:02
lagathose bugs reports are usually set as private. i reported a crash in npviewer.bin (flash related stuff) and it got marked as a duplicate.02:02
lagagot the following email:02:02
superm1well as long as your bug contact on the package02:02
superm1you still get them02:02
laga"Well, I can not verify if this bug is a duplicate or not since the other bug is marked private and therefore I HAVE NO ACCESS TO IT!02:02
lagaEither change the duplicate to the other bug or make it PUBLIC!!!"02:03
lagasome people are just lovely02:03
superm1its a genuine safety concern though02:03
lagasuperm1: i know, i'm not complaining about workflow or priavcy right now, i'm complaining about idiocy ;)02:03
therethinkerDo you want me to do the tooltips?02:03
lagatherethinker: do you know what to put in there? :)02:04
therethinkerGuessing is always fun :P02:04
laga"dude, don't ever do this. it's gonna break"02:04
therethinkerAlso, is there something wrong with my glade or .glade's?02:05
therethinkerAll the tabs are just dummy windows...02:05
lagatherethinker: adding the tooltips is not hard, it's just one click away in glade-3 so i'm just gonna do it myself. i can show youhow to do it if you're interesting in the general procedure02:05
superm1therethinker, double click the "dummy_window"02:05
lagatherethinker: that's normal02:05
superm1and you will see it02:05
lagasuperm1 was too lazy to name them properly02:05
superm1no they are really dummy_window's02:05
superm1the way they work02:05
superm1it never uses the top level of them02:05
therethinkerThey're named after their creator?02:06
superm1its very similar to what i implemented in ubiquity upstream02:06
superm1okay now.....02:06
therethinkerAnd they describe who can't open them (moi)02:06
=== therethinker2 [n=zach@c-76-24-122-94.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
lagaso, i impressed the girlfriend when i claimed i can stream a DVD from my normal computer to the bedroom frontend (which doesnt have a DVD drive).02:06
superm1therethinker, did you end up investigating mythpython and ubiquity's partitioner?02:06
lagaexcept that VLC didn't really like the DVD.02:06
=== laga needs to stop upgrading stuff because something will _always_ break
therethinker2I was looking into the partitioner02:07
superm1vlc has been unstable for me lately on gutsy02:07
therethinker2but I couldn't find where to edit the recipies02:08
therethinker2But I made a recipie02:08
therethinker2Even though I cant spell "recipe" for my life02:08
superm1yeah i dont know about that stuff at all02:08
therethinker2I hunted around in the trunk, and they'res nothing. From what I understand, I think it installs the partitioner... so we'll need to investigate02:09
therethinker2we'll = me02:09
lagafor some reason, mythplugins haven't been built for feisty lately. blah.02:10
superm1laga, remind me what else you wanted to put in that last mythtv upload02:11
superm1and that was it?02:11
therethinker2laga: did you say you'd show me how that's done? I'd like to know ;-)02:11
therethinker2when you get time02:11
sslashesis there a jumpoint key to get to "Watch Recordings"?02:11
superm1sslashes, you can set one02:12
superm1in mythcontrols02:12
lagaso, to sum up: start bedroom frontend. find out that you're running the broken kernel you thought you'd downgraded. find out that your backend has already shutdown again. find out that mythvideo won't work. find out that vlc will only stream the DVD menu after you've manually fired up mplayer.02:12
lagathank god for hardware dvd players.02:12
lagatherethinker2: yes02:12
lagatherethinker2: wait a second02:12
sslashessuperm1: mythcontrols?  is that the same as adding jumpoints in the jumpoints table in mythconverg?02:12
superm1sslashes, probably.  but it has a very nice frontend02:13
superm1its a full out myth plugin02:13
sslashessuperm1: ok, thanks02:13
therethinkerfeel free to just call me trt or something while we're actively discussing, I look when its not directed @ me, so I'll still see it02:13
lagatherethinker2: open glade-3, load tab_advanced.glade for example, double-click dummy_window, click on one of the checkboxes, select "common" on the right, select "has tooltip" and enter stuff in "tooltip markup" and "tooltip text"02:14
lagatherethinker2: i type "th" and hit TAB; even shorter :P02:14
sslashessuperm1: ok, i installed the plugun and, after looking through the list, there is nothing that suhects the "my recordings" option02:14
superm1sslashes, jumpoints->previously recorded02:15
superm1or maybe TV Recording Playback02:15
therethinker2see it02:15
tgm4883yes therethinker much shorter02:15
sslasheshere is a "Previously Recorded" option, but that shows everything recorded in the past, even items deleted - i want to get to Media Library > Watch Recordings02:15
tgm4883i learned about that last week02:15
tgm4883superm1, therethinker therethinker2 laga Daviey tgm4883 :)02:16
therethinker2tgm4883: cool02:16
tgm4883you guys are going to regret showing me that02:16
therethinker2I never new about that, laga02:16
lagai already regret knowing you. no worries.02:16
superm1i still cant believe you always typed everyone's full names02:16
sslashessuperm1: t02:16
lagano, tgm488302:16
lagaof course02:16
=== pdragon feels the love around here
therethinker2Naw, I used 3rd button c/ping02:16
sslashessuperm1: TV Recording Playback was it - thanks02:17
tgm4883thats ok, laga still hasn't answered my last question02:17
superm1cool np sslashes02:17
tgm4883how can you let france beat germany?02:17
tgm4883just seems wrong02:17
lagain WWII?02:17
tgm4883heh, thats funny02:17
tgm4883in visits to mythbuntu.org today02:17
lagaprobably their IPTV stuff02:18
tgm4883France beat anybody in a way.  Your funny laga.  i'm going to have to remember that02:18
therethinkeryou mean s/anybody/nobody?02:18
therethinkerFrance beat nobody in any war.02:19
therethinkerThat's the current revision02:19
=== tgm4883 suddenly remembers the french blog of mythbuntu beta today and changes the topic
therethinkerI'm going to branch it, and make it "France has never won a war"02:20
pdragoni was going with France beat anybody in any way and going with the whole sarcasim that was in that statment02:20
tgm4883how is the weather02:20
lagai live close to the french border, btw02:20
=== superm1 reminds everyone of /t
tgm4883laga, you mean future germany02:20
=== tgm4883 stops now
tgm4883my GF is german sorta but not really02:21
=== therethinker knows that tgm4883 will make another crack in the next 10 of his messages
therethinkerHow's life, tgm4883?02:21
=== tgm4883 smacks therethinker as he eats his freedom fries
therethinkerNo more freedom toast for you mister!02:22
tgm4883oh this somehow needs to disappear from the logs :(02:22
superm1laga, u didn't answer my question.02:23
tgm4883arg, im tired of doing math02:23
therethinkerMath = fun02:23
therethinkerDamn, messed up my math again02:23
therethinkerIts suppost to be Math =/= fun... but I'm not good so I messed up02:23
lagasuperm1: sorry. translations and a bit fat warning not to mess with anything in /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt inside that file maybe02:24
tgm4883:( it should be Halo 3 time :(02:24
=== therethinker doesn't understand Halo 3 hype
therethinkerlaga: Good plan02:24
superm1laga, i'm going to be very busy this upcoming week, so i'll try to pull that stuff tomorrow then02:24
lagasuperm1: i'll try to have translations merged by the time you get up.02:26
lagasuperm1: into the fixes branch that is02:27
superm1laga, okay cool02:27
superm1laga, you pulling them from rosetta then?02:27
lagasuperm1: yes02:28
tgm4883We have now pushed more ISO's than any other recorded day for Mythbuntu.org02:28
=== pdragon cheers
superm1i have a feeling we pushed more during alpha102:28
lagasuperm1: btw, remember when i wanted to setup a dyndns service for mythweb.de? maybe i'm gonna transfer the domain to the yi.org guy.02:28
lagahe's an "avid mythtv user" himself :)02:29
superm1ah neat02:29
tgm4883superm1, probably, but that wasn't recorded02:29
superm1i have mythweb.homeip.net :)02:29
superm1or had it at some point02:29
superm1i haven't updated it for a while02:29
superm1or had to use it02:29
=== laga wants another pizza like the one he had for dinner
superm1yeah that expired02:31
superm1i had that for a long time02:31
lagashame on you! :)02:34
superm1i also used to have mythweb.d2g.com02:35
superm1man i should stay on top of these things02:35
lagathey're really important for your future02:35
laganothing's gonna get you the chicks like a nice dynamic dns host name02:36
superm1wouldn't that be gret02:37
superm1great even02:37
lagait was disgusting how those hot teenage cam whores stalked me after i registered mythweb.de02:38
lagaso, right. the weather.02:38
=== superm1 gets back to his homework for the evening.
superm1cu in the mornin02:39
lagayes, bye02:39
lagatherethinker: so, still looking for work?02:41
lagathat's great02:42
therethinkerI'm not desparate though :P02:42
lagawell, what'd tickle your fancy?02:42
therethinkerSomething in Glade, maybe02:42
therethinkerI'd like to play around with that02:43
therethinkerotherwise, just Python stuff02:43
lagayeah, i think i got something for you.02:43
lagain the advanced tab, do you see the mysql repair/optimization check box? i#d like to add a button which executes said script automagically.02:44
lagaif you don't like that, i have some other (more boring) ideas for you :)02:44
lagaso, do you know how you'd go about doing that?02:46
therethinkerI'd add the button, then make a signal to call the script?02:47
lagalook at terminal_button to see how it's done for example02:48
therethinkerthat's exactly what I was doing :P02:48
lagaafter you enter the name of the handler in the signals screen, hit enter. otherwise it's possible it won't get saved02:48
lagagood boy :)02:48
lagayou probably want to grey out that button you're gonna add if mythtv-backend is not installed.02:49
therethinkerThanks for the help02:49
therethinkerThe greying out/running script is in the python file, right?02:51
lagathe script that does the mysql optimization is called /usr/share/doc/mythtv-backend/contrib/optimize_mythdb.pl02:51
lagagreying out happens in core.py, aye02:52
lagause set_sensitive(False)02:52
lagaright place to add that is in find_case_for_change or whatever that function is called02:53
therethinker2Let me make sure I understand this code02:57
lagait'd be cool if you'd background m-c-c and fire up a terminal which runs the optimize_mythdb script02:57
therethinker2I should have the mysql blacked out by default02:57
therethinker2and then if mythbackend is installed, it will ungrey it02:57
lagayes, the new button you'll be adding.02:58
therethinker2whats your function that loads the terminal03:00
lagalook at how nvidia-settings and friends are started03:00
therethinker2they all are just launch_app03:02
therethinker2and just use os.system(...)03:03
lagacheck what launch_app does?03:03
therethinker2Yeah, thats all it does03:03
therethinker2it figures out what button it was03:03
=== claydoh [n=claydoh@66-252-52-203.dyn-adsl.midmaine.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
therethinker2then just does os.system('command')03:04
lagayeah, just add your widget name in there then03:05
therethinker2I did :p03:05
therethinker2I was looking where to grey it out03:06
therethinker2and just found it03:06
therethinker2Am I lightnin' fasht?03:06
lagaheh, nothing ;)03:06
therethinker2(or sllow)03:06
lagayep, fast03:06
lagait took me a long time to figure out mcc03:06
therethinker2Ctrl+F = good03:06
lagagod, it's great how you can still crave cigarettes almost one year after quitting. blah03:06
lagaah, are you using kate?03:07
therethinker2I love gedit03:07
therethinker2although the 1024x786 px VM is very annoying :P I'm used to 2560x1024 :P03:08
lagaok, just fixed my local build system for the trunk packages,03:09
therethinker2Okay, i think I got it03:12
therethinker2I'm compiling right now03:12
therethinker2Well, I don't have backend on this VM03:13
therethinker2so I can't test...03:13
therethinker2and this is my only Gutsy VM/box03:14
lagacomment it out :P03:14
therethinker2I'll just install backend03:14
therethinker2I know that if I do that, that will be the part that won't work :P03:14
therethinker2Yep, doesn't work :P03:16
therethinker2I should be using visible for active, right?03:17
lagavisible for active?03:18
lagamake sense? :)03:18
therethinker2Hmm... I guess active is something that cant be set from Glade...03:21
lagawhat does "active" mean in your part of the glade world? :)03:24
therethinker2Apparently, that was only for checkboxes03:27
therethinker2active, is like greyed out or now03:27
lagado you mean set_sensitive?03:27
therethinker2Yeah, just figured that out :P03:27
therethinker2never ever ever learn anything from me :p03:29
therethinker2at least for a month, once I learn more about it03:29
lagai need to put away the rack pipe. i've definitely fucked up my build system which used to be working. where are my cusotimizations gone? :/03:29
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therethinker2okay, this is annoying me03:34
therethinker2I commented out the line that disables it03:34
therethinker2and it still is disabled03:34
lagaor "greyed out"? :P03:35
therethinker2greyed out03:36
lagamaybe you need to set_sensitive(True) it explicitly03:36
therethinker2I do, though03:38
therethinker2How long should that thing take?03:39
therethinker2Wait, I think i have no data... so it probably went fine03:39
therethinker2Okay, I think I got it03:39
therethinker2I don't have bzr rights, do I? (I assume not :P), how should I send it to you?03:40
lagaemail or pastebin?03:40
lagaill take a look when i get up, its 3:30 here03:41
therethinker2sleep well03:41
lagaphew, just fixed my build stuff03:42
therethinkerjust so when you get a random email, you know03:43
therethinkerI'm going to go myself03:44
lagagot it, thanks03:45
lagayou need to read up on bzr diff :P03:45
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tgm4883_laptopis there a way to get times to "snap" to the nearest 5 min block in schedules?  For instance, I have some shows that insist think they are 61 minutes long and some that think they are 59 minutes long.  Is there any way to auto correct this to that it always just knows 59 means 60 and 61 means 60?04:08
tgm4883_laptopand the different episodes of the same show will be 61 minutes and 59 minutes, so I can't use the start early and end late functions04:10
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tgm4883_laptopheh, either there is something wrong with the formatting in mythweather, or I should expect 339 MPH winds tomarrow04:31
tgm4883_laptopim hoping its a problem with mythweather :)04:31
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tgm4883_laptop1 more hour of stats for today06:01
=== foxbuntu [n=nfoxqci@12-216-16-102.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
foxbuntulaga, how much do you know about sql?06:03
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=== pdragon is now known as pdragon|out
foxbuntulaga, ping06:44
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ubotuNew bug: #149268 in mythtv (multiverse) "mythtv fails to connect to remote DB on inital boot" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/14926807:51
Aval0n-anyone know if there is a place to get mythtv to accept 3 digit numbers?09:16
=== DaveMorris [n=dave@cubert.itri.bton.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
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directhex|workdid someone want me? scrollback on this machine is tiny10:35
superm1whew it's late.10:36
superm1directhex|work, what do you think of making Pearody the default theme for a mythbuntu install off live disk?10:36
superm1i'm starting to really like it10:36
directhex|worksuperm1, i've not seen it. got a screenshot?10:37
superm1only problem is that its widescreen theme10:38
superm1so it looks a little squished on 4:3 displays10:38
directhex|workhow much does the complete-rip-off-from-apple factor concern you, as a distro maintainer?10:38
superm1that is the other issue ;)10:38
superm1directhex|work, http://imagebin.org/1085610:39
superm1that is what it looks like on a 4:3 monitor10:39
directhex|workdid gutsy suddently become remotely non-shit at doing widescreen in the last few days?10:40
directhex|worklast i checked, displayconfig-gtk was hopeless at it, and that's supposedly gutsy's gold standard10:42
superm1displayconfig-gtk has changed in the last few days yes10:43
superm1for better widescreen i dont know10:43
superm1well knoppmyth is shipping with the pearody theme as of yesterday10:44
superm1in reading this http://lpg.alfy.free.fr/?tag=mythtv10:44
directhex|workpearody concerns me. linux should be celebrating its differences, not pretending to be something else10:44
superm1directhex|work, you will have to see what troy_s is working on for us10:46
superm1it will be certainly quite something else10:46
directhex|workit's not brown, is it? ;)10:46
superm1its quite radical though10:47
directhex|workyou intrigue me10:47
superm1well he doesn't want to go public with it until his next mock up10:48
superm1so i won't go into much more beyond that :)10:48
=== directhex|work plans on starting a redesign of some software he wrote for work today
=== superm1 plans to go to bed
DaveMorrishaving an apple rip of as default isn't good10:49
directhex|worki've given up trying to work out what time zone you work to, i'm sure it's got nothing to do with the movement of the sun10:49
superm1you know i have no idea anymore myself10:50
DaveMorrissuperm1: does a 28hr day10:50
superm1sounds about right10:51
DaveMorrishttp://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/Image:Abstract.jpg is nice10:51
directhex|workurgh @ juski throwing the toys out of the pram again10:51
superm1DaveMorris, that has been broke for some time afaik10:51
DaveMorrisI use http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/Image:Iulius.png at hmome10:52
directhex|workiulius is horrid though!10:52
superm1i use juski's blootube on my tv10:55
superm1well blootube-wide10:55
superm1at least10:55
superm1its almost 1100 in germany, shouldn't laga be up soon?10:56
=== superm1 is proud of using intlclock now to be able to figure out what time it is everywhere else with ease :)
directhex|worksuperm1, except juski has deleted all his themes. again. and even gone the extra mile & erased them from the mythtv wiki11:00
superm1they're not even in svn.mythtv.org11:02
DaveMorristhey should be11:02
superm1directhex|work, http://svn.mythtv.org/trac/browser/trunk/themes11:03
superm1yeah they're right there11:03
DaveMorrisbut you'll need to know the revison11:03
superm1well i'm gonna head to bed for a few minutes.  laga i think i pulled the rosetta stuff right, pull the new -fixes branch from bzr and see if you think so too11:04
superm1add anythign else you want added in, and i'm gonna push first thing tomorrow morning11:04
superm1er um today morning11:04
=== Fopper [n=foppe@cc921592-a.ensch1.ov.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
=== Fopper [n=foppe@cc921592-a.ensch1.ov.home.nl] has left #ubuntu-mythtv ["Ex-Chat"]
Davieysuperm1: what time is it where i am?11:33
Davieydirecthex|work: did you read why he rm'd it all?11:34
directhex|workDaviey, beyond the usual bipolar behaviour?11:35
Davieyno.. wait 111:35
DavieyHe's 'angry with the world'11:36
directhex|workthe usual bipolar behaviour.11:37
Davieyhe'll change his mind next week11:37
Davieyhe *always* does this11:37
DavieyIt's up and down like a yoyo11:37
frink_hey Daviey11:54
directhex|workDaviey, you mean.... going from one extreme to another?11:57
Davieyfrink_: o/11:58
Davieydirecthex|work: I mean, next week his site and theme will be back.. i'll wager money on it11:58
directhex|workDaviey, i'm not taking a bet i'll lose!11:58
DavieyAnyway.. i need to go.. be back this evening. tata all12:04
frink_I really need another me to work whilst I go to college.12:22
=== therethinker [n=zach@c-76-24-122-94.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
ubotuChannel logs can be found at http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs - Logs for LoCo channels are at http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/12:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about money - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:42
ubotulife is something very few people know about in this channel - and anyway, it's probably offtopic, perhaps you want to try #ubuntu-offtopic12:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sex - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:43
ubotuSo, you wanted to lure me into saying I don't know anything about anything? Yeah, that would be funny, of course. Now leave me alone.12:43
therethinkerDon't you just love ubotu?12:43
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots12:43
ubotuSaying "It says nothing", "It does nothing" is generally not very useful for troubleshooting. Please be as specific as possible: if you see a black screen, say so, if you see a shell prompt, say so, if you see an !error message, say so - Also, most !CLI commands don't print anything when they succeed, but only when they fail.12:43
frink_therethinker: great minds!12:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about poking - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about superm1: - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:44
DaveMorris!dr who12:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dr who - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:44
therethinkerI'm surprised at that12:44
ubotuNew bug: #149370 in mythvideo (multiverse) "mythvideo can't find video files on local hard disk" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/14937012:45
therethinkerHow lovely12:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pnumatology - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:46
therethinker!anything. I should really try getting out more, I guess. But whatever you do, don't12:50
therethinkerHello, I wasn't messing up the bot, at all12:51
lagano, never12:51
ubotuSo, you wanted to lure me into saying I don't know anything about anything? Yeah, that would be funny, of course. Now leave me alone.12:51
therethinkerthat's funny :P12:51
lagayou're up early12:51
lagaand i'm up late, fsck12:51
therethinkerOnly for a bit12:51
therethinkerAs in, bye now :P12:52
therethinkerBye now12:52
lagalooks like we've already had 1101 downloads12:55
=== frink_ looks at the graph and sees some nice peaks
=== sebrock [n=sebrock@h-91-126-96-52.wholesale.rp80.se] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
lagabah, security.ubuntu.com and archive.ubuntu.com seem to have trouble here02:26
directhex|workyes, they do02:27
lagafor fuck's sake, why does stuff stop working whenever i need it?02:28
lagaso, feisty + ubuntu-mythtv-frontend + iulius as theme results in a 47M memory footprint on my bedroom frontend. i don't think i'm gonna try gutsy  + xfce :/02:35
=== beavis [n=beavis@drms-590d50e6.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
frink_!your mum02:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about your mum - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:39
frink_!laga's sex life02:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about laga's sex life - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:40
=== laga slaps frink_
=== sebrock [n=sebrock@h-91-126-96-52.wholesale.rp80.se] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
=== pdragon|out is now known as pdragon
pdragonyep... i can't even run an apt-get update02:57
lagalirc-generator and vlc don#t work together properly here. hum.03:00
lagawill file a bug later03:00
=== cooper76_ [n=cooper76@] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
=== Maybelline [n=jeremy@68-187-38-92.dhcp.ftwo.tx.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
MaybellineAnyone else having trouble with a dist-upgrade? My libmyth, myth-backend-master, etc all get "Hash Sum Mismatch" errors.03:04
pdragonhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/mythbuntu/+bug/148957   yup. change your repository03:05
ubotuLaunchpad bug 148957 in mythbuntu "Apt repositories giving hash errors" [Undecided,Triaged] 03:05
pdragonalthough, the archive.ubuntu.com ones seem to be having problems as well, right now03:05
MaybellineYeah, I'm getting that problem, too, but only this past hour.  This Hash Sum Mismatch has gone on for a few days now.  Thanks for the Launchpad report.03:06
=== MythbuntuGuest46 [n=Mythbunt@p508C6723.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
lagasuperm1: sorry, i didnt have time to merge the translations.03:39
lagasuperm1: i need tor un now, i'll try to get it done ASAP03:39
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tgm4883frink_ you still around?04:15
=== kabtoffe_ [n=kbergstr@hoas-fe2add00-192.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
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pdragonROFL!!   http://www.xkcd.com/325/04:32
MitoTraninI went back a few and found this one, also quite nice :)  http://www.xkcd.com/323/04:37
pdragonhave this one on my wall  http://xkcd.com/303/04:38
MitoTraninlol.... I like that one :)04:38
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)04:39
MitoTraninbah, it actually knew that one04:39
MitoTraninfigured it might04:39
frink_tgm4883: Hey there04:41
frink_I am around..04:41
tgm4883hey did anyone talk to you about setting up rsync?04:42
tgm4883sweet, hey frink_ can we setup rsync on your server04:42
frink_of course04:42
tgm4883sweet again04:43
frink_no prob04:43
MitoTraninare we talking about rsyncing the mirrors?04:43
tgm4883we have a new mirror, but we need to rsync and we figure your server is the best for that04:43
tgm4883MitoTranin, yes, well, setting up rsync04:43
MitoTraninI don't see why we don't have all the mirrors duplicate via rsync04:44
MitoTraninthat way you update any mirror, and they all get updated automatically04:44
frink_ok cool04:44
frink_MitoTranin: could be dangerous if one gets compromised04:45
tgm4883MitoTranin, right, once we get rsync setup, it will probably be done that way04:45
tgm4883also a good point04:45
MitoTraninfrink_: yeah, well... that's why you have backups :)04:45
MitoTraninbut yeah, I guess it would be good to do svn or something04:45
tgm4883and as long as your's doesn't get comprimised then it's still only 1 server right?04:46
MitoTraninand if needed mine can use rsync04:46
bendaileyI am cheap and I only have ftp/cpanel access to my mirrors04:46
MitoTraninhas anyone with a higher speed tested my cap?  I can download from it at my highest speed that I can download...04:46
tgm4883MitoTranin, what mirror?04:47
tgm4883it's started at 3000, now im down around 800kb/s04:48
tgm4883700 - 80004:48
MitoTraninmy cap is 60004:48
MitoTraninshould I say... my downloading cap at home is 60004:49
MitoTraninso I couldn't test any faster than that04:49
tgm4883now im back up around 1000 again04:49
tgm4883so somewhere in there i'd say04:49
MitoTraninI'm cheap too, so it's a shared hosting service04:50
tgm4883im also updating right now04:50
MitoTranincould be changing due to other users on other vhosts04:50
MitoTraninnot bad though :)04:50
=== claydoh_ [n=claydoh@66-252-52-203.dyn-adsl.midmaine.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
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=== foxbuntu [n=nick@75-167-69-149.desm.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
foxbuntulaga, you around?05:40
=== frank81 [n=frank@CPE000d88f1925d-CM000a73668bc0.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
frank81something is wrong with the lirc config file for the Hauppauge remote05:44
MitoTraninwhat's wrong with it?05:46
MitoTranin(I probably won't be able to help... but someone else might...)05:46
frank81Right now, the back/exit button doesn't do anything and the power button is doing doing the 'back' action05:47
MitoTraninnice...  there is a screen where you can edit the commands, but I don't remember where it is05:47
frank81MitoTranin: I see Power button is set to Escape in lircrc05:48
frank81MitoTranin: I guess someone muast have changed that05:48
foxbuntufrank81, which remote?05:52
foxbuntu(I wrote the library that configs the remotes)05:52
=== MitoTranin [n=mito@24-177-155-206.dhcp.mrqt.mi.charter.com] has left #ubuntu-mythtv []
=== DaveMorris has his ati remote wonder setup like that
DaveMorrisout of choice I might add05:59
frank81foxbuntu: It's the Hauppauge remote that comes with a PVR-150. The remote works but the behaviour changed. I need to push Power to go back in the menus because Power is mapped to Escape306:00
foxbuntuI think I have the same remote06:01
foxbuntuthe RC6 right?06:01
frank81foxbuntu: it used to be the Back/Exit button that did that06:01
foxbuntuperhaps I have a different one..when did this change?06:01
frank81foxbuntu: I don't see RC6 written anywhere06:02
foxbuntuon the back of the remote?06:02
foxbuntuis it the mceusb/mceusb2 module?06:02
=== camelreef [n=nico@user-514fa49a.l2.c4.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
camelreefhello everyone06:03
frank81foxbuntu: under the battery cover I see A415   and    OH/S 1-406:03
foxbuntuidk what that is...are you using the mceusb/mceusb module?06:04
foxbuntudo this quikc06:04
frank81foxbuntu: nope06:04
foxbuntunano /etc/lirc/lircd.conf06:04
foxbuntuit will tell you what remote config you are using06:05
foxbuntulaga, ping06:06
frank81foxbuntu: well there are configs for several Hauppauge cards in that file06:06
foxbuntuwhat does it say?06:06
foxbuntuI can find it off of some remotes in there06:07
=== lengau [n=lengau@c-76-22-207-19.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
frank81foxbuntu: how can I know which one it's using?06:08
foxbuntuthe way our config works it doesnt care which one it is06:08
foxbuntujust give me the names06:08
foxbuntu1 or 2 of them06:08
frank81name  Hauppauge   name  hauppauge_pvr06:09
foxbuntuI could you file a bug with that so I can build a fix for it later?06:12
frank81foxbuntu: ok06:12
foxbuntuthats could you*06:12
foxbuntusorry had typed an I in there06:13
frank81foxbuntu: np06:13
superm1laga, no update? Tree is up to date at revision 24.06:22
=== Binary_Crap50 [i=1010101a@gateway/tor/x-fd2811588379da47] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
foxbuntusuperm1, I have issues :)06:36
foxbuntuthe mcc just crashes everytime on me now06:36
foxbuntu(even rolling back to the code from launchpad)06:36
superm1foxbuntu, that means that laga's code still is broke06:37
superm1roll back to the one in gutsy06:37
foxbuntuno install candidate?06:38
foxbuntuwhat is the ppa link06:38
superm1its *in* gutsy06:38
superm1in the normal archive06:38
foxbuntuwell I got that error from apt-get install mythbuntu-control-centre06:39
superm1what error?06:39
foxbuntuno install cand.06:39
superm1open up synaptic06:39
superm1click on the local section06:39
superm1find mythbuntu control centre06:39
superm1hit ctrl e06:39
superm1and pick the one in guts06:39
foxbuntusuperm1, i am a little confused...how does the main glade open the tabs, i dont see where it calls it up06:44
=== bareflix [n=chris@h-66-167-31-242.miatflad.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
superm1foxbuntu, the main glade includes subtabs06:44
superm1which are other glade files06:44
foxbuntuI saw that06:44
foxbuntubut where in the mythbuntu_c_c.glade does it in clude those to open the subtab?06:45
foxbuntuI figured out how to add the button06:45
foxbuntuand I created tab_mythtv_recordings_mgr.glade06:45
foxbuntubut the button does nothign06:46
superm1um i thought your changes were better suited under an existing tab06:46
superm1like how laga's were going?06:46
superm1do you have enough things to justify an entire new tab?06:46
foxbuntuwell there isnt enough space left over in Laga's tab06:47
foxbuntuand its really a different operation too06:48
superm1there isn't enough space?06:48
superm1then make a two column table?06:48
superm1i mean this is just something that you check a box06:48
superm1the problem is that there are two other tabs (that are disabled), and its growing into a rather large list now06:48
superm1so i'd like to avoid making too many tabs06:49
foxbuntuwell its going to have a schedule option and a run now option where they enter the date06:49
foxbuntuso they can pick to remove everything before a certian date06:50
foxbuntuand also set to remove everything older than x # of days06:50
=== tgm4883_laptop [n=tgm4883@dyn-124-161.wou.edu] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
superm1okay well if you think it will fit on another tab better fine06:50
superm1laga's stuff might be better suited there too then06:50
superm1can you bzr branch from the main branch though when you modify things?06:51
superm1so that when you bzr commit, there isn't going to be a chance of two people's broken items in there06:51
superm1and then we will merge you in after laga fixes his06:51
foxbuntuso i just bzr branch with it already down?06:51
foxbuntuI already have the code06:52
superm1well i would say bzr branch from the main url, and then copy your current (local) changes to the newly made bzr branch06:52
superm1and rm the one you have right now06:52
superm1you can then revert laga's bzr commits06:52
superm1in your local branch06:52
superm1so that you can test only yours06:52
superm1and when we are ready to merge them together i'll teach you how to properly do the merge06:53
foxbuntuok sounds good06:53
foxbuntuI will do that then06:53
foxbuntuhow do I revert from the main branch?06:53
foxbuntuso I do "bzr branch http..06:53
foxbuntuthen bzr revet ?06:54
superm1you'll have to look at the man page with how to use bzr revert to revert exact revisions06:54
superm1you might be able to do it easier with olive-gtk06:54
superm1or even doing bzr branch starting at my branch revision06:54
superm1you can provide a -r switch i believe06:54
foxbuntuI will give that a try06:54
foxbuntuI just noticed something about the CC06:55
foxbuntuwhen you first open it...the quit button is grey'd out06:55
superm1yeah its normal06:55
superm1but that might be worth modifying i guess06:55
foxbuntuso...back to this glade thing06:56
foxbuntuwhat tells the main glade which subtab to open?06:56
superm1core.py/line 1042-106906:57
foxbuntuok, I see, and I have to add it to SUBTABS at the top too06:58
foxbuntuI think I am getting the hang of how this is built06:59
foxbuntuall the more impressive what you did from this end07:00
foxbuntuwell loff to lunch07:00
foxbuntucatch you later07:00
ubotuNew bug: #149510 in mythbuntu-lirc-generator "incorrect mapping of hauppauge pvr-150 Power button" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/14951007:10
bareflixI installed the mythbuntu 7.10 beta yesterday, I'm trying to run updates and getting Has Sum mismatch errors:07:15
bareflixFailed to fetch http://mirror.cs.umn.edu/ubuntu/pool/multiverse/m/mythtv/libmyth-0.20_0.20.2-0ubuntu8_i386.deb  Hash Sum mismatch07:15
bareflixFailed to fetch http://mirror.cs.umn.edu/ubuntu/pool/multiverse/m/mythtv/mythtv-backend-master_0.20.2-0ubuntu8_all.deb  Hash Sum mismatch07:15
bareflixFailed to fetch http://mirror.cs.umn.edu/ubuntu/pool/multiverse/m/mythtv/mythtv-backend_0.20.2-0ubuntu8_i386.deb  Hash Sum mismatch07:15
superm1bareflix, switch repositories07:15
superm1in Applications-System-Software Sources07:15
superm1to a different mirror07:15
superm1that one is having troubles07:15
tgm4883_laptopsuperm1, i talked t frink_ a little about setting up rsync, but didn't really get into specifics as I was short on time.  He's cool with it, but i didn't really get into when it's going to be setup or if he is going to set it up or if someone else with access needs to07:29
tgm4883_laptopi'd also like to congradulate everyone, the stats from yesterday are pretty nice07:34
=== ElPopo [n=paul@modemcable208.169-83-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
ElPopoI installed MythTV from repository of Fiesty Faun (7.04)07:38
ElPopoThere seems to be a problem (several actually) with the database that comes with it07:38
ElPopoAs far as I can tell, there is about half the table missing...07:38
ElPopoDoes anybody know WHERE to get the table structure. Ideally the SQL command to create the tables07:39
superm1ElPopo, they are created automatically07:42
superm1if they weren't for you, then i would recommend doing this07:42
superm1sudo apt-get remove --purge mythtv-database mysql-server-5.0 && sudo apt-get install mythtv-database mysql-server-5.007:43
superm1and when it asks you to drop the database, go for it07:43
ElPopoThx I'll try that. The thing is, there were 28 tables IN the database at installation time. But several had missing columns and several other tables were missing entirely.07:45
ElPopoI know because I had a bunch of errors printed at the console when I tried to configure the back-end.07:46
superm1yeah some people encounter corruption on their first install on feisty07:46
superm1we're not particularly sure why07:46
superm1but reinstalling it resolves the issue07:47
superm1odds are you won't be able to reproduce it07:47
=== ElPopo [n=paul@modemcable208.169-83-70.mc.videotron.ca] has left #ubuntu-mythtv []
tgm4883_laptopwhy do i always get assigned the tasks that noone else wants in class?07:48
tgm4883_laptopanyone got a good name for a project management company?07:52
=== User862 [n=User@12-217-82-48.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
pdragontrying to think of something witty and failing terribly07:56
tgm4883_laptopthats my problem too07:57
=== psilocyde [n=IceChat7@12-217-82-48.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
pdragonlooks like official ubuntu archive repositories are working again, but really slow08:05
therethinkerthey were broken?08:12
pdragoncouldn't connect08:15
pdragonothers were having probs this morning, too08:16
tgm4883_laptophmm, i just saw problems with the one mirror08:16
foxbuntutgm4883_laptop, Business Soultions and Project Management Soultions08:18
foxbuntuor BS/PMS :)08:19
foxbuntuyou know you like it08:19
tgm4883_laptopand if we spell it like that, are slogan could be "now with more soul"08:19
tgm4883_laptopas apposed to solutions08:20
pdragonoh nice. new version of xmltv is in gutsy repository. can use the tv_grab_na_icons now. before 0.5.46 that wouldn't work08:20
pdragonwas giving me the invalid zip code error08:20
foxbuntutgm4883_laptop, you see the final numbers for yesterday?08:22
superm1yeah laga wooed me into uploading the new xmltv08:22
pdragonwhen i first started trying mythbuntu, it had 0.5.45. couldn't get xmltv to compile from source so i just gave up08:22
tgm4883_laptopvery nice08:22
foxbuntudbl the daily average over the last 3 weeks08:22
tgm4883_laptopi thought we only had 190508:22
foxbuntufinal number08:23
foxbuntu809 so far today08:23
tgm4883_laptopfoxbuntu, i still see 190508:24
tgm4883_laptopare you looking at the right graph08:24
superm1pdragon, can you do a little write up explaining how to grab icons with tv_grab_na_icons for the wiki?08:24
foxbuntuon the dashboard08:24
foxbuntusuperm1, thanks alot08:24
foxbuntuno digg?08:24
foxbuntuyou dugg tgm488308:25
foxbuntuand not me?08:25
superm1well tgm4883 != foxbuntu08:25
pdragoni can try. my first time doing it :)08:25
tgm4883_laptopi'm looking in the visitors overview graph08:25
tgm4883_laptopwhich is different than the top graph08:25
bareflixI've got the mythtv-themes package installed, but I don't see the neon themes listed, is there another package for them, or do I need to install manually?08:25
foxbuntusuperm1 == cruel && superm1 != super08:26
superm1bareflix, the package only includes the "official" themes08:26
tgm4883_laptopfoxbuntu visitors graph probably gets rid of dups08:26
superm1community themes had licensing troubles08:26
foxbuntutgm4883_laptop, oh right08:26
tgm4883_laptopour forum is being used nicely :)08:26
superm1you can grab them from http://mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/Theme08:27
tgm4883_laptopyea still08:27
tgm4883_laptopnice numbers08:27
tgm4883_laptopbut not quite 200008:27
bareflixok, thanks.08:27
foxbuntuwell 2123 with the loyalty08:27
foxbuntu565 downloads yesterday too08:28
tgm4883_laptopaverages every couple minutes a download08:28
pdragon3.442 share ratio on my torrent08:28
foxbuntupicked up some new countries too08:28
foxbuntu121 countries visiting now08:29
foxbuntu3922 cities08:29
foxbuntuLondon is our #1 visiting city08:30
therethinkerI think that's because UK is so dense08:31
therethinkerpopulation wise08:31
tgm4883_laptopmy ratio is infinity08:31
therethinkerat least compared to the US08:31
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bdmurraysuperm1: Have you still been seeing unionfs errors?08:32
foxbuntu72.87% of our traffic is new traffic08:33
tgm4883_laptopbdmurray, one maybe on the forums08:33
foxbuntuwhich is darn good08:33
superm1bdmurray, i haven't generated a daily in a few days08:34
superm1bdmurray, but there have been no kernel changes to unionfs08:34
superm1according to http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=ubuntu/ubuntu-gutsy-lum.git;a=summary08:34
bdmurrayBen needs some isotesting done and I am looking for testers08:34
superm1bdmurray, how soon?08:35
bdmurrayHe has a special iso uploading now08:35
bdmurrayIt should be available in an hour08:35
superm1bdmurray, is it supposed to reflect unionfs fixes?08:36
bdmurrayAs I understand it - it has a previous version of unionfs on it.08:37
bdmurraySo yes.08:37
foxbuntutgm4883_laptop, we are almost to 100,000 page views08:37
=== Mersault [n=Mersault@TOROON02-1178071093.sdsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
superm1bdmurray, could you point me to where the deb is with the old linux-image is, i'll master a mythbuntu disk with it to test08:41
pdragonsuperm1: do you have the mkiconmap.pl script included somewhere or do i have to download that separately?08:42
bdmurraysuperm1: Maybe you should ask Ben about that directly he has only provided me with a link to an i386 iso08:45
superm1pdragon, its changed for -fixes, grab it from svn08:45
superm1bdmurray, okay i'll join -kernel and ask him there08:45
bdmurraySounds good.08:46
=== Wy|laptop [n=wy@c-24-21-162-35.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
tgm4883_laptopok, off to lunch.  Email me if you need me08:49
pdragonsuperm1: i'm pretty new to this stuff. is this the right way to be getting it? http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/Channel_icons08:49
superm1pdragon, that looks right, but i've never grabbed the icons myself08:53
pdragoni managed to get the icons. that was my roadblock before and just never got passed it08:54
pdragonnow i see i need the xml map file, so wasn't sure how to get it08:54
=== gbee [n=gbee@cpc2-derb9-0-0-cust34.leic.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
foxbuntusuperm1, I think I am going to build a new backend server for my house, I believe we have out grown the current one's use08:59
foxbuntusuperm1, is there any good way of migrating the DB other than just moving the data by hand?08:59
superm1move the hard drive to new box08:59
therethinkerWhy don't you just export/import?08:59
therethinkerIts like 1 file... not that hard08:59
foxbuntui suppose08:59
therethinkerI've done it over PHPMyAdmin -- much easier ;-)09:00
foxbuntubut I will have to carry a certian amount of recordings too09:00
therethinkerI'd just do the HD thing then09:00
foxbuntuwell I am going to an actual server platform though09:00
foxbuntuand such09:00
foxbuntuguess I could build and LVM volume for the O/S and Raid for the Data09:01
foxbuntuMy Raid volume on the new box is going to be 1.25TB09:01
foxbuntu4 Tuners09:01
foxbuntu4GB of Ram09:01
foxbuntu6200+ X62 AMD AM209:02
foxbuntu6200+ X64 AMD AM209:02
=== foxbuntu drools thinking about it
=== foxbuntu is also writing it off on taxes as product research!
Aval0n-guys does the feisty proposed mythtv packages include the -fixes09:04
superm1Aval0n-, they are in -updates now09:04
superm1Aval0n-, and they are from -fixes yes09:04
Aval0n-thank you.09:06
pdragonsuperm1: I'm getting "Can't locate MythTV.pm in @INC" when i try and run the script09:06
camelreeffoxbuntu, my machine trumps your machine ;o)09:06
camelreefexcept on disk capacity09:07
=== troy_s [n=troy_s@d206-116-6-170.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
camelreefbut the 4 disks  have are 15K SAS in RAID 1+009:07
foxbuntucamelreef, very nice09:08
foxbuntuhotswap then09:09
pdragonsuperm1: that page said the MythTV Perl bindings had to be installed during compile. is that the problem?09:09
camelreefinternal disks09:09
camelreefits a Dell Precision 690 workstation09:09
Aval0n-is mythtv stable for everyone else here?09:10
camelreefbut 16GB quad-channel FB RAM09:10
Aval0n-I've had the backened just crash without reason or error several times09:10
camelreefand 2x Xeon quads09:10
Aval0n-and the FE just say, couldn't display video and crash to main menu09:10
camelreefAval0n-, mine has been stable lately, but I've had the backend segfault all by itself09:11
gbeeAval0n-: not a firewire recorder by any chance?09:11
Aval0n-that sucks09:11
Aval0n-gbee, no sir09:11
Aval0n-just analog cable and QAM with kworld card09:11
superm1pdragon, that is a problem09:11
superm1because we dont build with perl bindings afaik09:11
=== bendailey [n=bendaile@mail.bhmsd.k12.in.us] has left #ubuntu-mythtv []
camelreefI suspect my DVB-T card is giving crap to the backend and crashes it09:11
gbeehmm, no idea then without a backtrace, shouldn't the apport stuff automatically generate one?09:11
pdragonk. looks like that script won't work then. i've got the channel icons. there a way to add them manually or another way to general the xml map file?09:12
Aval0n-when I switch from analog cable to my kworld tuner it has like a 7 second lag before it even starts to try and tune the channel.09:12
Aval0n-is that normal?09:12
Aval0n-i run a 3.4ghz p4 HT, 1gb RAM09:12
Aval0n-nvidia 7300gs w/hdmi09:12
superm1pdragon, like i said i haven't worked with the icons at all.  you might need to poke #mythtv-users if no one else in here has either09:13
Aval0n-superm1: is there a place you can d/l a master set of icons?09:13
Aval0n-that you have sen.09:13
superm1Aval0n-, haven't done anything with icons as previously said :)09:14
superm1gbee, Aval0n- something about backtraces?09:14
superm1what's happening, i haven't followed your discussion09:14
pdragonAval0n-: I found this site http://www.lyngsat-logo.com/09:14
Aval0n-thanks pdragon09:14
pdragonnot sure if it can do that, but it's got tons of channel icons09:14
camelreefpdragon, I have made my own icon DB and entered all manually in the DB, using phpmyadmin09:14
lagasuperm1: no update, sorry. i'll get the translations merged ASAP, but i have to figure out how to do that first so i'll do it tomorrow09:15
Aval0n-I just get random seg faults from the backened09:15
Aval0n-with no error log superm109:15
Aval0n-that is what I was tellin gbee09:15
camelreefpdragon, what country do you need ?09:15
superm1laga, which translations need to be merged?09:15
psilocydeCan anyone tell me if the Haupauge WinTV-PVR-USB2 MCE is supported in Myth?09:15
Aval0n-psilocyde: it's supported my lirc09:15
superm1Aval0n-, apport should catch the seg faults09:15
Aval0n-superm1 and I use one09:15
pdragoni've got the icons. i just installed xmltv and ran tv_grab_na_icons09:15
superm1Aval0n-, you have apport running right?09:15
Aval0n-probably not09:15
Aval0n-cause I havn't heard of it before09:15
superm1Aval0n-, is this a mythbuntu install?09:15
lagafoxbuntu: whats up09:15
superm1Aval0n-, or a feisty or edgy?09:15
Aval0n-superm1 no it's not09:15
lagasuperm1: mythplugins and mythtv09:15
psilocydeThis is all verry new to me.09:15
superm1Aval0n-, then its probably not installed by default.  install apport09:16
psilocydeLirc is what?09:16
superm1and make sure the service is running09:16
pdragoncamelreef: just need to get them installed now :)09:16
superm1it will catch your crashes09:16
lagasuperm1: and mcc, but i dont know if you're gonna push that to the archives this weekend09:16
Aval0n-okie tay stand by09:16
superm1 and generate backtraces that you can submit as bug reports09:16
foxbuntulaga, sorry gotta run, but its about mcc, I am working on a new feature now too, fill you in more later09:16
superm1laga, i merged translations from rosetta09:16
lagabah :)09:16
superm1laga, last night09:16
superm1is that what you were talking about?09:16
camelreefpdragin, install phpmyadmin and do it by hand, it not worse than a spreadsheet09:16
psilocydeNM ill look it up09:16
Aval0n-apport already isntalled09:17
pdragonwhere do they go in the database? i haven't yet peeked at that :)09:17
superm1Aval0n-, make sure the service is running09:17
superm1check your process lists09:17
Aval0n-I don't return anything back with a grep for apport09:18
superm1sudo /etc/init.d/apport start ?09:18
Aval0n-it says ok09:18
Aval0n-I guess it started then09:18
Aval0n-still can't grep it though09:18
superm1is this a feisty standalone09:18
superm1or regular feisty?09:18
Aval0n-regular feisty09:19
superm1like is there a desktop role installed09:19
lagasuperm1: oh.09:19
lagasuperm1: yes, i was talking about the rosetta stuff09:19
Aval0n-I use openbox for the mythtv09:19
camelreefpdragon, mythconverg DB, channel table, icon column, enter the path/filename09:19
superm1yeah that's done laga09:19
superm1anything more that needs to be done?09:19
lagasuperm1: cool.09:19
pdragonsuperm1: just curious... any reason you don't compile with perl bindings? might be able to make an icon install wizard using that script09:19
superm1Aval0n-, check /var/crash09:19
lagasuperm1: i was gonna add a big warning into mysql.txt that people shouldn hand-edit it.09:19
superm1pdragon, i'm going to experiment with a build with it quickly09:19
superm1the problem is that it would need another binary package i'd think09:19
lagapdragon: i didnt know there are perl bindings in0.2009:19
Aval0n-i see mythbackend in there09:20
superm1or need to ship within an existing09:20
lagai have perl bindings in trunk.09:20
Aval0n-it's giberish whenI open it though09:20
superm1where do perl bindings fit best then, mythtv-common?09:20
superm1or mythtv-backend?09:20
Aval0n-22 megs for my myth backend crash log superm109:21
superm1Aval0n-, okay so in normal feisty desktop, gutsy desktop, and mythbuntu there is an automatic way to submit it09:21
superm1let me see what the manual method is09:21
Aval0n-this is normal feisty09:22
Aval0n-I d/led the iso and installed09:22
superm1try this: /usr/share/apport/apport-gtk,09:22
Aval0n-then install mythtv09:22
superm1that should process it09:22
Aval0n-core dumped09:22
Aval0n-seg fault09:22
superm1are you doing this via ssh?09:22
superm1you need to X forward09:23
superm1ssh user@machine -X09:23
Aval0n-still seg faulted09:24
superm1Aval0n-, do it then with09:26
superm1ssh user@machine -X -Y09:26
superm1and the machine you're on has X installed right?09:26
Aval0n-it's vista09:26
superm1okay well you need a machine with X on it to forward an X app09:26
Aval0n-probably the problem then eh09:26
Aval0n-my fault09:26
=== camelreef asks for kick perms ;o)
superm1you either need cygwin/x09:26
camelreefplease ?09:27
camelreefbaaaad word09:27
superm1or hummingbird09:27
superm1or something similar09:27
Aval0n-can I just run it from the myth machine?09:27
Aval0n-I'll just log in as a regular user09:27
superm1yeah you can do that09:27
camelreefhmm, my apport-gtk does not like X forwarding in ssh09:27
camelreefnothing coming up09:28
superm1it only works if you have a crash report09:28
camelreefI do, 309:28
superm1try it with -Y09:28
superm1then too09:28
Aval0n-uploading problem info09:29
camelreefI have to say, typical Ubuntu work.... Their own tools without man page... Not trolling, but this would not exist in Debian09:31
superm1camelreef, this is because the service runs automatically on desktop installs09:31
camelreefso what ?09:31
superm1and its fully documented here09:31
camelreefbinary -> man page09:31
camelreefdammit! :o)09:32
superm1camelreef, man apport <tab>09:32
superm1$ man apport-09:32
superm1apport-chroot   apport-cli      apport-retrace  apport-unpack09:32
superm1tools are documented there09:32
camelreefand what about apport-gtk ?09:32
superm1what is there to document?09:32
superm1run apport-gtk09:32
camelreefwe'll never know....09:32
camelreefexcept apport saw only 2 crashes out of 309:33
camelreefand now it does not want to see anything anymore09:33
camelreefI was thinking parameters there09:33
superm1well it is normally run as a service remember09:33
Aval0n-anyone in here run their mythtv boxen inside of an enclosed entertainment cabinet?09:34
Aval0n-I'm worried aboot overheating ;)09:34
camelreefYour computer does not have enough free memory to automatically analyze the problem and send a report to the developers.09:35
camelreef1 GB RAM ?09:35
camelreefoh well...09:35
camelreefdinner time09:35
camelreefbye everyone09:35
Aval0n-where are you?09:35
camelreef<- Scotland09:35
Aval0n-I see09:35
camelreefyou ?09:35
Aval0n-i'm 60% scottish though09:36
Aval0n-err 5009:36
Aval0n-sorry typo09:36
pdragonsuperm1: still want me to write anything in the wiki about channel icons? can write how to download them, but as for getting them into mythtv, manually is all i've found without the perl bindings09:36
camelreefI still lived in Housaton, TX 6 months ago09:36
Aval0n-ahh cool09:36
=== tgm4883_laptop [n=tgm4883@dyn-124-161.wou.edu] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
superm1pdragon, can you hold off a little bit?  I'm adding the perl bindings to this last upload09:43
superm1pdragon, as long as they work, you can grab the new package, do the icons from that09:43
superm1and then do the write up09:43
superm1laga, can you get that warning in right now?09:44
pdragonjust do a regular apt-get upgrade then to get the new one?09:46
pdragonalright. sounds good09:46
superm1i'll upload after i get a local build working with them09:46
Aval0n-guys when you import a DVD, if you transcode it, do you still retain the menus etc...09:50
Aval0n-or do you just get the main movie.09:50
superm1beats me09:50
Aval0n-I was kinda hip on the idea of putting my dvd's on09:50
Aval0n-but at like 7-9 gig a peice09:51
Aval0n-that's gonna fill up quick :)09:51
tgm4883_laptopif you transcode it you don't retain the menus09:52
Aval0n-ok thanks09:52
tgm4883_laptopif you transcode it, usually you just keep the movie09:52
Aval0n-right, that's kinda what I was thinkin09:52
pdragonAval0n-: just the movie09:52
tgm4883_laptopbut it really depends on how it is setup to transcode09:52
pdragonthat's one of the main reasons i got mythtv. want to make an on demand player for my whole dvd collection09:52
Aval0n-you know what else is weird09:52
Aval0n-when I play a dvd with myth09:53
Aval0n-on to root menu09:53
Aval0n-things don't line up, like the cursors and whatnot09:53
pdragonweird. works for me09:53
Aval0n-anyone experiencing this phenomenon09:53
Aval0n-I wonder if it has anything to do with the res I run09:53
superm1tgm4883_laptop, you got a few min to download an image and test it?09:54
superm1unionfs fix........09:54
superm1not workaround.09:54
tgm4883_laptopyea i suppose09:55
tgm4883_laptopim in class, but i can test it no problem09:55
superm1haha okay09:55
superm1it has a much older version of unionfs (1.4 rather than 2.1.4)09:55
tgm4883_laptopim playing around with seemless integration in virtualbox09:55
superm1and the workaround for for ubiquity is disabled09:56
Aval0n-superm1: is that fix for me?09:56
superm1Aval0n-, did you have troubles installing?09:56
superm1because of unionfs issues?09:56
Aval0n-wasn't for me09:56
superm1well i mean if you did, then by all means the more the merrier09:57
tgm4883_laptopsoo slow09:57
tgm4883_laptopim doing to many things at once09:57
superm1i'm getting 915 kb/s09:57
tgm4883_laptopstupid windows09:57
superm1downloading it09:57
tgm4883_laptopim doing windows updates, ubuntu updates, and downloading the iso09:58
tgm4883_laptopand my system is feeling sluggish09:58
tgm4883_laptopand seeding, i almost forgot about that10:00
tgm4883_laptopWindows updates suck :(10:02
therethinkerYes, yes they do10:03
tgm4883_laptopsuperm1, is there someone with all the info on our mirrors?  I'm trying to reply to that email from my mirror contact letting him know were in the process of setting up rsync and also the numbers for our other mirrors10:05
superm1tgm4883_laptop, you can see the list of mirrors in drupal10:05
superm1under the administration->db module10:05
tgm4883_laptopI can?10:05
tgm4883_laptopDoes it list the bandwidth limits?10:06
superm1it should10:06
=== tgm4883_laptop goes to check it out
tgm4883_laptoplisted in gigabytes?10:08
tgm4883_laptop4000 for canonical server10:08
=== superm1 hunts for bendailey
superm1ask him10:08
superm1i just know its all there10:09
bareflixanyone having a problem with xv on the beta? mplayer -vo xv give me garbled colors, but -vo x11 or vo gl works fine.10:09
superm1shouldn't have any issues with that10:09
superm1hey laga10:09
superm1i'm worried about modifying mysql.txt with comments10:09
lagasuperm1: no, i can't. i'm not at home10:10
superm1will it still work w/ postinst scripts?10:10
superm1i'd hate to break that last minute10:10
lagalet's postpone it to hardy then.10:10
bareflixit's an nvidia card.10:10
lagaand hope that people wills top fscking thing sup :)10:10
superm1k laga10:10
superm1i'm doing the test build with perl bindings right now10:10
superm1i'm just putting them into mythtv-common10:10
superm1for hardy, i'll do a sep binary package10:11
lagasuperm1: things are getting more stressful every minute, btw, sorry that mcc is still broken. completely forgot about that.10:11
superm1laga, i hear ya.  i really hope this is the last 'mythtv' upload, i've got a ton of other stuff to attend to this next week10:11
superm1laga, but did you hear about unionfs???10:11
lagasuperm1: i had problems with the perl bindings - they'd install to the wrong prefix. but i think this is not the case for 0.20.x where stuff just gets installed into the 'normal' prefix10:12
lagasuperm1: no10:12
superm1<heno> *** I've posted a custom entry on for tacking a custom ISO with unionfs 1.4. Please help test! ***10:12
superm1i remastered the mythbuntu disk with it a few moments ago10:12
superm1testing as we speak10:12
lagasuperm1: any reason why we cant make a libmyth-perl package? that'd make transitions easier10:13
superm1laga, because it would sit in the NEW queue for the next week10:13
superm1and have to be cleared by an admin10:13
superm1and i dont want to deal with that10:13
lagai'll have to add a replaces: ccordingly then to my package :/10:14
superm1well yeah10:14
superm1but tis a solution for now10:15
lagai'll try to have mcc fixed in the next 18 hours.10:15
lagayes, no worries.10:15
superm1okay sounds good10:15
lagait's just hard for me to remember too much stuff :)10:15
superm1you talk to foxbuntu?10:15
superm1he has other stuff that he was wanting to add10:15
lagahe had to leave10:15
lagawhat does he wanna do?10:15
superm1that may go with yours well10:15
superm1some more cron job stuff10:15
superm1he was going to have awhole page of stuff10:15
superm1that would probably mesh well with yours10:15
lagaoh, sucker gets his own tab! :)10:16
superm1but placement is arbitrary10:16
superm1you can discuss with him where it fits best10:16
superm1i dont know that he will have it done by early next week when i want to upload though10:16
superm1if he doesn't, then it will have to be deferred10:16
superm1i told him to do it in his own branch and we'll merge it so as to not have two sets of broken people in the main branch10:16
lagai'm not broken, it's just my code :)10:17
lagaes, i read the backlog10:17
lagai'll talk to him, maybe later tonight. not sure what the GF is gonna do with me :P10:17
lagaok, g2g.10:18
superm1see ya10:18
superm1tgm4883, ugh looks like it didn't resolve things.  no unionfs spam in dmesg, but still hangs at that particular section10:23
=== superm1 gives up
therethinkerthere was a bunch of stuff, what did I miss?10:24
tgm4883_laptoptherethinker, we tasked you with fixing the bug10:24
therethinkerI'll go do that10:24
superm1tgm4883_laptop, this means that it may not have been unionfs in the first place10:24
superm1i dont know what to make of it10:25
superm1because the newer ubiquity works on the older disk10:25
superm1but ugh.10:25
tgm4883_laptopis there a super log function for the installer?10:25
superm1well i know exactly which line it freezes in10:25
tgm4883_laptopwhich line?10:26
superm1and its within an apt call to a C function10:26
therethinkerIt doesn't say any bugs are assigned to me?10:26
therethinkeron mythbuntu10:26
superm1tgm4883_laptop, line 1418 in /usr/share/ubiquity/install.py10:26
tgm4883_laptoptherethinker, thats because superm1 wants all the glory of fixing it himself :)10:26
therethinkerwhich one is it then?10:27
tgm4883_laptopthe unionfs but no longer is caused by unionfs bug10:27
superm1therethinker, you want omsething to do?10:27
superm1therethinker, can you submit all the pending reports with backtraces upstream?10:27
superm1on the 'mythtv' package?10:28
therethinkermaybe that's not best for me, I understood none of the jargon :P Maybe I'll add a feature to mcc?10:29
tgm4883_laptopsuperm1 the canonical mirror is heavly weighted right?10:29
superm1tgm4883_laptop, which that line calls /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/apt/cache.py.  it hangs in lines 62-6410:29
superm1therethinker, actually yeah there is a feature i'd really like to see work in m-c-c10:30
superm1that is just deactivated right nwo10:30
superm1because it wasn't finished10:30
superm1the 3rd party repository activations10:30
superm1to turn on medibuntu from m-c-c10:30
superm1there is a glade file included with some basic stuff to turn it on and off10:30
superm1but beyond that it wasn't completed10:30
therethinkerOhhh... like activate multiverse/medibuntu10:30
therethinkerah, k10:30
tgm4883_laptopsuperm1, and to turn on ppa?10:30
superm1tgm4883_laptop, i was thinking about adding that too, but i think medibuntu is more ugrent10:30
superm1therethinker, yeah that's exactly where i was going with it10:31
tgm4883_laptopright, it is10:31
superm1to turn on multiverse or medibuntu10:31
tgm4883_laptoponce thats added, the ppa should be easy10:31
superm1there are probably functions from software-properties-gtk10:31
tgm4883_laptopwe should make an unofficial plugin ppa10:31
superm1that you can inherit from to do some of it10:31
superm1but to checkout, you need to branch from a revision before laga broke $stuff10:32
therethinker2what is PPA? I can't quite see where that's coming from10:32
tgm4883_laptopit's  a repo10:32
tgm4883_laptopPersonal Package Archive10:32
therethinker2which revision?10:32
superm1therethinker2, the last revision that i know is good is the one with this description10:33
superm1idiotproof the creation of ~/.config/autostart10:33
superm1revision id: supermario@portablemario-20071001211810-r0fvyx13xe9v1gle10:33
superm1laga, decided to break things after that10:33
superm1so something along the lines of bzr branch url -r revno will need to be done10:33
superm1the code.launchpad page will show revno's10:33
lagatherethinker2: btw, those changes you send to me - please resent them as a diff10:34
lagaok, i turned on the playstation for the GF10:34
lagathat bought me 30 minutes.10:34
therethinker2Ah, k10:35
therethinker2and its 7210:35
therethinker2if anyone has an urge to branch as we;;10:35
superm1yeah foxbuntu needs to10:36
superm1but he's not here10:36
superm1therethinker2, okay to activate the extra tab where i was planning to do this, open up glade designer on mythbuntu_control_centre.glade10:38
superm1you will see a proprietary codecs tab on the left10:38
superm1choose it and then pick  "Common" on the right10:38
superm1and change its 'Visible' property10:38
therethinker2got it10:39
therethinker2Let me just get the diff patch...10:39
lagasuperm1: do you remember what was broken in mcc?10:40
superm1laga, um it doesn't work?10:40
superm1laga, :)10:40
lagasuperm1: oh, right! that's easy to fix10:40
superm1laga, let me reinstall the broken deb and see10:40
superm1Traceback (most recent call last):10:41
superm1  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/MythbuntuControlCentre/core.py", line 1020, in apply_pressed10:41
superm1    (to_install,to_remove,to_reconfigure) = self.find_case_for_change()10:41
superm1  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/MythbuntuControlCentre/core.py", line 420, in find_case_for_change10:41
superm1    old_mysql_tweaks = self.config.get("mythbuntu","mysql_tweaks_enabled")10:41
superm1  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/ConfigParser.py", line 520, in get10:41
superm1    raise NoOptionError(option, section)10:41
superm1ConfigParser.NoOptionError: No option 'mysql_tweaks_enabled' in section: 'mythbuntu'10:41
=== laga makes a mental note to choose a less noisy game than need for speed next time
superm1wasn't there some way to auto login to a pbudiler that froze?10:42
superm1er failed10:42
superm1rather than letting it go and clean out the filesystem10:42
superm1so i can see where things went wrong10:42
lagasuperm1: a hook AFAIK10:42
lagaah, think i got a fix.10:45
superm1laga, ah yeah C10Shell10:46
superm1wish i had that on *before* i did the build10:46
therethinker2Shouldn't I use somethign later than 72?10:46
therethinker2I was working on at least 73 last night10:47
superm1therethinker2, the nice thing about bzr is that you can merge things10:47
superm1so you can do your work there10:47
superm1without disturbing the current work going on in the branch10:47
superm1if you don't complete it now, we can always merge it later10:47
superm1just so long as you do a proper 'bzr branch url'10:47
tgm4883_laptopmythtv needs some schedule snapping10:48
lagasuperm1: can you bzr up and try again10:48
lagai need some beer10:49
lagait's friday \o/10:49
lagaand someone get me the openmedia guy, i wanna see how he tuned his mysqld10:49
tgm4883_laptoplaga, how are those optimizations coming along?10:49
therethinker2HHm... so bzr can merge what I did with the MySQL opt. stuff, with the other versions? So shoudl I just dev. on that branch, and send the diff to you guys all at once?10:51
lagatgm4883_laptop: the stuff im adding to mcc? 90% finished. ui code and backend code is there, just need to polish it and will the msql tweaks option with useful stuff10:51
tgm4883_laptopi may need to test them out10:51
superm1therethinker2, actually since you're part of the mythbuntu team, you can merge directly into the branches10:51
lagawhy? mysqld trouble?10:51
superm1dont need to send diffs around10:52
therethinker2Really? Cool :)10:52
superm1just need to teach you the right way to use the merge function10:52
therethinker2Yes, please do :P10:52
therethinker2If you can't tell by my lack of knowledge of anything bzr, first timer using it :P10:52
superm1well the important thing is to bzr branch rather than bzr co when you have a big fix that might not work10:52
tgm4883_laptopsince updating to mythbuntu, i have some serious issues10:52
superm1then you make a duplicate of the branch10:52
tgm4883_laptopand all the optimization helps:)10:53
tgm4883_laptopbut mythfrontend mostly is causing me trouble10:53
superm1and you can either publish that or do a bzr co in another directory, and i'll teach you how to merge it back up when you're ready10:53
superm1tgm4883_laptop, what issues?10:53
tgm4883_laptopsuperm1, mythfrontend is giving me some seriously high cpu usage10:53
tgm4883_laptopwhich is strange10:53
tgm4883_laptopbecause before when i had 2 HD recorders in the same machine it was fine10:54
superm1laga, are these supposed to be available on non backend roles?10:54
superm1because they are available to me....10:54
superm1but that fix of yours appears to have worked10:54
tgm4883_laptopthen i switched my STB out for a PVR-150 and my pata HD out for an Sata HD10:54
tgm4883_laptopand now i have major issues10:54
superm1tgm4883_laptop, high usage when recordings?10:54
superm1or playback10:54
tgm4883_laptopwell i noticed it during playback10:55
tgm4883_laptopi get very high gliching10:55
tgm4883_laptopthis disappeared though during playback when i stopped recording HD while watching10:56
superm1so moral of the story is dont record HD while watching it?10:56
superm1is it don't let foxbuntu touch your stuff?10:57
superm1yeah that's what i thought10:57
tgm4883_laptopI use to be able to record 2 HD programs and watch 1 just fine10:58
tgm4883_laptopnow I can't record 1 HD, 1 SD, and watch 1 HD10:58
superm1any indicative errors?10:58
superm1in /var/log/mythtv/mythbackend.log, dmesg or /var/log/syslog?10:58
superm1laga, i pushed up one more revision10:58
superm1that cleans up your GUI a little10:58
tgm4883_laptopi'll check dmesg and syslog when i get home10:59
tgm4883_laptopim actually a little worried about my backend log10:59
lagasuperm1: great, thanks. i'm not much of a glade guy10:59
tgm4883_laptopwhere do you set what gets logged10:59
superm1laga, so shouldn't those only show up on backend roles being activated?10:59
lagasuperm1: well. the mysqld tweak shows up if mysql-server is installed, the others show up all the time11:00
superm1well mysql tweaks showed up for me11:00
lagayou might have a point there.11:00
superm1and i dont have mysql-server installed11:00
tgm4883_laptopwell off to work for a few hours, i'll check those logs a little later and report back11:00
superm1it might be easiest to just set that whole vbox as sensitive(False)11:01
lagasuperm1: about which checkbox are you talking11:01
superm1if its not a backend role11:01
therethinker2figured out how to add a source11:01
superm1so don't let any experimental options be enabled11:01
lagaoh, can i do that for a whole vbox?11:01
=== therethinker2 feels smart
superm1laga, yeah11:01
lagasuperm1: nifty.11:01
tgm4883_laptopI think it's an issue with recording as I think the gliching is in the same place every time11:01
superm1makes life a heck of a lot easier11:01
lagasuperm1: alright, but that's cosmetics.11:01
superm1all the children then inherit the parent's property11:01
tgm4883_laptopand that mythfrontend is having trouble processing that11:01
tgm4883_laptopbut i'll do some more tests later11:01
superm1laga, well and preventing people from changing things that shouldn't be changed on FE's11:01
superm1or non mythbuntu setups11:02
superm1cya tgm4883_laptop11:02
lagasuperm1: in fact, the mythtv database optimization works everyhwere - it just connects to the DB.11:02
superm1laga, for sanity's sake though, perhaps should that just be on a master backend11:02
superm1just to prevent any possible issues11:02
superm1if mysql is misconfigured11:02
superm1limited permissions on the db11:03
lagabah. if the user fucked up like that...11:03
=== Tari [n=Tari@CPE-72-133-204-1.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
superm1i'm just saying.  you want to leave as little room for people to break things11:04
=== laga ponders
lagayes, but i also want choice11:04
superm1it shouldn't be more than 10 lines of code to control it11:04
superm1just a matter of where to place those 10 lines. :)11:04
lagawell, i was thinking of 2 lines ;)11:04
superm11 to activate, 1 to deactivate, 1-3 for an if.  1-3 for querying packages installed11:05
superm1so little less than 1011:05
superm1but yeah11:05
lagapackages installed is already handled for some options11:05
lagayou're right. if the system is in a backend role, the vbox will be enabled.11:05
lagai'm just used to the fact that my backends are headless boxen ;)11:06
superm1well ssh user@box -X11:06
lagaand "enable mysql tweaks", is that gonna show up on all backends or just on the masteR? right now i#m checkinf if mysql-server is installed which should suffice.11:06
superm1and remember mythbuntu backends still get gdm and such for now11:06
=== Tari_ [n=Tari@mke-66-97-122-84.milwpc.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
superm1well i would say you're better off querying the role it has11:07
superm1rather than check for mysql-server11:07
superm1because someone might install mysql-server on a different box11:07
=== Nixus_Maximus [n=simon@i577B441F.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
superm1and i think that the mysql tweaks should only be on master11:07
lagai thought there was no master backend role without mysqld. what you're saying now is that i should make that option available because the user might have the mysqld installed on different box?11:08
lagamysql tweaks set options in the mysqld config11:08
lagatherethinker2: can you commit the changes you sent me the other day?11:08
superm1well just thinking ahead11:08
lagasuperm1: yes, that however implies that mysqld is only installed on the master.11:09
superm1which is typically the case?11:09
laga< superm1> because someone might install mysql-server on a different box11:09
laga^^ what were you trying to say there?11:09
superm1oh you interpreted that differnt than my intention11:09
lagaprobably :)11:09
superm1it was meant because if someoen installed mysql-server on their frontend, but they dont use it for myth purposes11:10
superm1say they run a website on the frontend11:10
lagaah, right11:10
superm1dont want to see that option avail11:10
lagacan thurt if they install the optimizations :)11:10
superm1in the end its your call11:11
lagait doesnt matter much i suppose.11:11
superm1as long as  the vbox only shows up on backend roles11:11
superm1that is what matters to me11:11
lagagood call.11:11
lagaso, it's back to spending quality time with the GF for me, unless you have something else to discuss11:11
superm1no that should be all :)11:12
superm1i might check how you installed your perl bindings since my build failed11:12
superm1because of where i was trying to put them11:12
therethinker2S-P-GTK is so confusing... I need to find documentation11:16
lagasuperm1: i have a dpatch to correct the prefixy, but that prolly isnt needed on fixes11:24
lagaerr, most likely not needed AFAIK11:24
=== hansoffate [n=hansoffa@adsl-69-105-202-124.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
hansoffatethe amd64 torrent is downloading at .7 kbs11:25
hansoffateyea im downloading it from the site at 450 kbs11:27
superm1well from one of the mirrors :)11:28
hansoffatehey remember helping me setup mythtv on my box? i really hope I can do it by myself this time.  I think i learned alot from that experience11:29
hansoffatei never got my channel changer script fully working11:29
hansoffatei still can't change to any channels with a 2 in it11:29
therethinker2k, think thsi should work11:37
superm1hansoffate, i've helped so many people, its a blur :)11:38
hansoffateafter you helped me you worked with someone else to get the PVR 150 stuff to work out of the box11:39
hansoffatedoes that help?11:39
hansoffatei think11:39
superm1i'd have to look at the thread, i remember seeing your name, but it was some time back11:40
hansoffateits cool11:40
hansoffateanyways, im really excited to get this installed11:40
hansoffategutsy + mcc looks amazing11:40
superm1yeah it's been a lot of work, hopefully it works out well :)11:41
hansoffateyea, im still sketchy on getting my external channel changer working, does mcc do that too?  I dlled alpha 4 like 5 days ago, but i just finisehd rebuilding my computer11:42
therethinker2Whooo! I got it to work :P11:42
therethinker2whats the deb line for the mediabuntu?11:42
superm1hansoffate, no external channel changing/ir blasting yet11:42
superm1that will be for next release11:42
superm1deb http://packages.medibuntu.org/ gutsy free non-free11:43
superm1therethinker2, ^11:43
hansoffatei need to go through the ubuntu help pages and try to fix my channel changing script.  It kinda sucks not being able to change to any channels with a 211:44
Aval0n-anyone here run their mythtv box in an enclosed cabinet11:56
Aval0n-I have had mine sitting ontop during setup phase, and now that it's nearing completion I've put it inside11:56
Aval0n-it's freakin baking in there..11:56
therethinker2I have mine running in the basement11:58
therethinker2Okay, so I have a toggle function11:59
therethinker2haha, I worked on it separate from the other one :P12:01
therethinker2so in glade, for the codec tab12:04
therethinker2there was only a warning thing12:05
therethinker2there weren't any boxes or stuff like that12:05
=== MythbuntuGuest32 [n=Mythbunt@207.sub-70-192-230.myvzw.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
=== MythbuntuGuest32 is now known as tgm4883_remote
tgm4883_remotesuperm1, ping12:06
tgm4883_remoteI think i found a bug in MCC, want someone to confirm12:07
hansoffatedoes anyone have any experience on setting up a channel changing script?  I have mine mostly working except for it can't change to the number 2.12:07
tgm4883_remotehansoffate, nothing good on channel 2 anyway :)12:07
hansoffatei mean anything wit ha number 2 in it12:08
=== therethinker2 loves pledging 50$ for a cheapo sticker
therethinker2You know on PBS, if you pledge xxx $, you get some gift thing12:09
therethinker2sticker seemed incredibly cheap at the time12:09
therethinker2Its normally like a DVD or bag or something12:09
therethinker2I just made it up :P12:09
tgm4883_remoteI pledged $.82 for a Ubuntu Case badge :)12:10
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=== therethinker [n=zach@c-76-24-122-94.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
therethinker2So, I've got the function, its just I'm confused by glade12:23
therethinker2by what you said, and the comments of core.py, it would seem that they'res already a box/button for this12:23
therethinker2but I can't find it12:23
=== foxbuntu [n=nick@12-216-16-102.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
therethinker2Hello fox12:24
=== foxbuntu tries to sneak in like superm1
tgm4883_remotedoesn't work12:24
foxbuntuevening therethinker12:24
foxbuntulaga, you there?12:24
=== therethinker jumps across the room
therethinker2Now I'm here12:24
therethinkerlaga isn't, no12:25
foxbuntualways missing him12:25
foxbuntuoh well12:25
=== therethinker pretends to be laga
therethinker... what are laga's mannerisms?12:25
tgm4883_remotecomplaining about unionfs12:25
tgm4883_remoteand users of the web chat system12:25
foxbuntutgm4883_remote, you got that one dead on12:26
therethinkerI've dealt with so many people using that web chat system complaining about unionfs, I can't stand it!12:26
therethinkerubotu just restarted, so he may be a bit slow12:27
=== MythbuntuGuest67 [n=Mythbunt@cmu-24-35-50-128.mivlmd.cablespeed.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots12:27
therethinkerwhat's the link to the unionfs bug?12:27
therethinkerArgh, those web chatters always just hop in then leave!12:28
foxbuntusuperm1, you around?12:28
therethinkerhe's not either12:28
tgm4883_remotefoxbuntu is striking out12:28
pdragonthat was me. just felt like keeping you on your toes ;)12:28
=== therethinker drops XBox controller and gets to worrk
=== MythbuntuGuest72 [n=Mythbunt@c-76-24-122-94.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
MythbuntuGuest72hm.... so this is that web-thing...12:29
=== tgm4883_laptop [n=tgm4883@207.sub-70-192-230.myvzw.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
=== MythbuntuGuest72 is now known as therethinker3
therethinker3I'm omnipresent12:29
pdragonthree of them?12:29
tgm4883_laptopyay, im on for real now12:29
therethinker3pdragon, yes12:29
foxbuntutgm4883_laptop, Your telling me12:29
=== tgm4883_remote smacks foxbuntu
=== foxbuntu cries
tgm4883_laptopsorry, i can't control him12:30
=== therethinker smacks foxbuntu
=== foxbuntu kicks therethinker in the jewels
therethinkerThose rubies were worth a lot of money!12:30
therethinker(that's not a euphemism)12:31
therethinkerHaha, he left12:32
therethinkernow we can do things to his corpse12:32
foxbuntutherethinker, he is on his laptop now12:32
foxbuntutherethinker, why so many logins12:32
therethinkerI know... we can still do things to him though :P12:32
therethinkerI have 1 on my main box12:32
therethinkerThen 2 is my gutsy VM12:33
therethinkerthen 3, I just tested out the web thingy12:33
therethinkerI had to make sure it wasn't... er broken12:33
therethinkerAnd safe for our... patrons?12:33
=== tgm4883_laptop smacks therethinker and therethinker2
=== therethinker smacks tgm4883_laptop
=== therethinker2 smacks tgm4883_laptop
therethinker2So, who got more hurt?12:34
=== tgm4883_laptop smacks therethinker and therethinker2 5 times each and says tag and no tag backs
=== therethinker2 will smack foxbuntu if he doesn't smack tgm
=== tgm4883_laptop puts up a plasma shield
therethinker2Good plan12:35
therethinker2I won  anyways12:35
tgm4883_laptopyes mom12:35
=== therethinker2 accepts trophy
therethinkerWe should probably do something... productive?12:36
=== foxbuntu is working on m-c-c
=== therethinker is waiting for superm1 or laga to work on mcc
tgm4883_laptopfoxbuntu i think i found a bug in mcc12:36
therethinkerwhat is it?12:36
foxbuntuI prob don't know how to fix it12:37
foxbuntuI just started working on the m-c-c last night12:37
tgm4883_laptopon my gutsy laptop with mcc installed, i upgraded today and the next time i logged in i was in xfce12:37
tgm4883_laptopeven though i don't have auto login installed12:37
tgm4883_laptoperr, enabled12:37
tgm4883_laptopand i should have been in gnome12:37
foxbuntudo you have mythbuntu-default-settings installed?12:38
tgm4883_laptopim wondering where that is set12:38
=== tgm4883_laptop shrugs
=== tgm4883_laptop goes and looks
foxbuntuor...did you have ubuntu-mythtv-desktop?12:38
tgm4883_laptopMythbuntu artwork and setting would do it huh12:39
tgm4883_laptopcan we seperate those 2?12:39
foxbuntuthat will change it12:39
foxbuntuwhat do you mean?12:39
tgm4883_laptopcan you have the artwork in gnome?12:39
foxbuntubut not via mcc12:39
foxbuntugo grab my artwork out of the branch12:40
tgm4883_laptopthere may be a slight problem then still12:40
foxbuntuthen set it up anyway you like12:40
tgm4883_laptopwe need a third button for Frontend & Desktop12:40
tgm4883_laptopthat installs the frontend software, but doesn't set auto login and mythbuntu settings12:41
therethinkerI agree12:41
foxbuntuI seem to think Laga is already working on something like that12:41
foxbuntuif not you can discuss it with him12:41
foxbuntuhe would know better than me on that12:42
=== MitoTranin [n=mito@24-177-155-206.dhcp.mrqt.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
=== bliffle [n=john@64-142-27-84.dsl.dynamic.sonic.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
therethinkerPokes everyone12:49
MitoTraninpokes therethinker back12:50
=== claydoh [n=claydoh@66-252-52-203.dyn-adsl.midmaine.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
troy_sfoxbuntu: I would love to figure out a way to get speedier response time in the myth menu... I have no idea why it is gagging and it most certainly shouldn't be.  Makes testing elements brutal.12:53
=== MitoTranin can't back troy_s up enough!
MitoTraninthen again, I'd also like to be able to install Mythbuntu in the first place :)12:54
foxbuntutroy_s, which menus again? all?12:54
troy_sfoxbuntu: Yes.  Right out of the gate.12:54
foxbuntutroy_s, are you using OpenGL or QT?12:55
therethinkerAh MitoTranin KILLED me with his poke12:57
therethinker(don't ask how I typed that, or this)12:58
therethinkerRemember, laga/superm1, please clarify upon return.01:02
troy_sfoxbuntu: Set to QT (thanks to the newer nvidia drivers.)01:02
therethinkerJust in case I mis you guys again01:02
=== Nixus_Maximus [n=simon@i577B441F.versanet.de] has left #ubuntu-mythtv []
foxbuntutroy_s, switch to OpenGL01:06
troy_sfoxbuntu: No can do.  Nvidia drivers crash my system.01:06
foxbuntuwhat card?01:07
troy_sfoxbuntu: Surely it can't be the different between GL and QT raw???01:07
troy_sfoxbuntu: 7000 series.  Borks out with 10-14 nvidia.01:07
foxbuntuMy system drags with QT01:07
foxbuntuOpenGL is much better01:07
MitoTraninI tried OpenGL and my system was dog slow with it, but then again, that was with an older system01:08
foxbuntutroy_s, which driver are you trying with? the one in the repos? or the nvidia one?01:08
MitoTraninbtw, anyone know how to get around the bug that was very prominent in the 10/01 release?01:08
troy_sfoxbuntu: Apparently all 10-14s bork the 7000 class.  I would need to revert to 9.01:08
MitoTraninI'm getting it in every install attempt I make with the 10/02 release01:08
foxbuntuwhich bug?01:08
foxbuntutroy_s, thats not all bad01:08
MitoTraninwhere it gets to 94% and then locks up checking for packages to remove01:09
foxbuntuI would grab the older driver and switch to opengl01:09
troy_sfoxbuntu: And while GL should be better, I can't imagine that the default engine gives you nearly 2 seconds between keypresses?!01:09
troy_s(dual core amd unit here with 3 gigs of ram)01:09
foxbuntuMitoTranin, I am not sure, but I think thats the uniofs bug01:09
=== dannyboy79_ [n=daniel@rrcs-67-53-185-163.west.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
MitoTraninsuperm1 said that this was the reason that the beta release is the 10/02 release and not the 10/01 release01:09
MitoTraninuniofs ?01:09
foxbuntutroy_s, sounds exactly like my system on QT01:10
dannyboy79_does anyone know how to use 1 digital lineup with 2 sources. firewire and s-video input on pvr-350?01:10
foxbuntuMitoTranin, oh, that might be the cd repo bug they recently fixed01:10
troy_sfoxbuntu: So with QT you don't get 2 seconds per button click before you get visual response?01:11
MitoTraninyeah, he said that they fixed it between the 10/01 and the 10/02 builds01:11
MitoTraninwhich is why the beta is the 10/02 build01:11
MitoTraninbut I'm still getting it...01:11
foxbuntutroy_s, I would suggest giving it a try...OpenGL processes much betterthan QT and if your system has video driver issues anyhow...it can cause video lag like that01:13
foxbuntueven though it seems like a hardware lag issue01:13
dannyboy79_I have tried he cached support but it's not working. I get this: http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/mythtv/users/292513 when running mythfilldatabase --remove-new-channels per wiki here: http://www.mythtv.org/docs/mythtv-HOWTO-24.html#ss24.401:14

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