
ubotuNew bug: #146142 in xorg (main) "gnome-mouse-properties: Horizontal Scrolling is useless" [Low,Fix released]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/14614204:24
ubotuNew bug: #85746 in xorg (main) "feisty kubuntu installer - X started but nothing shown" [Undecided,Incomplete]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8574604:39
ubotuNew bug: #128526 in xresprobe (main) "probing for X, causes scrambled Frame Buffer" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12852604:52
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ubotuNew bug: #149260 in mesa (main) "wine-git/google earth crashes with DRM_I830_CMDBUFFER: -22 on Thinkpad X60" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/14926006:46
tepsipakkibryce: hey, seems that tormod has been doing great work with -ati08:15
brycetepsipakki: what in particular?08:15
tepsipakkihopefully there'll be a new release soon, or should we upload his version?08:15
tepsipakkitracking upstream changes and asking people test his ppa08:16
bryceI was looking at the changelog from upstream and noticed a lot of fixes it would be nice to have08:16
bryceincluding bug 8607208:16
ubotuLaunchpad bug 86072 in xserver-xorg-video-ati "ATI ES1000 515e not recognized" [Medium,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8607208:16
brycehmm, well it would be a shame to waste his hard work - if you're comfortable with how it looks, I would favor uploading it as well08:17
tepsipakkiif RC is next Thursday, we should act soon I think08:18
brycetepsipakki: yesterday it was decided to postpone the freeze until Friday08:18
bryce(maybe it's friday for you already?)08:18
tepsipakkiyep, 09:18 here :)08:18
brycebtw, I packaged up a snapshot of the intel git head for testing:  http://people.ubuntu.com/~bryce/Testing/intel/08:19
tepsipakkioh, something happening there too :P08:20
ubotuNew bug: #148686 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (main) "screen blinks a lot during boot " [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/14868608:57
tepsipakkibryce: I'll merge -ati by tormod and ask his opinion if it should be uploaded when he shows up09:12
ubotuNew bug: #149297 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (main) "xserver-xorg-video-intel package missing changelog" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/14929709:50
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ubotuNew bug: #149304 in xorg (main) "Use of "next" instead of "continue" in bash script failsafeXServer" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/14930410:05
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ubotuNew bug: #149367 in xrandr (main) "plug my HD tv makes xrandr display wrong resolution for my active screen" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/14936712:40
ubotuNew bug: #149377 in xrandr (main) "window title stuck where gnome panel was if moved while using dual head with xrandr " [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/14937701:01
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ubotuNew bug: #138079 in dell "Dell Inspiron 1520 nVidia 8600M GT doesn't work" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13807903:10
ubotuNew bug: #149430 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (main) "No DMPS on DVI port of ADD2 card" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/14943003:45
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ubotuNew bug: #149490 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (main) "X crashes on suspend" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/14949006:03
ubotuNew bug: #97637 in compiz (main) "Beryl/Emerald won't allow gnome-screensaver screen-unlock dialog to have input focus (dup-of: 122549)" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9763707:25
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tepsipakkitormod: looks like there is going to be a new -ati this weekend :)08:50
tormodthe 6.7.195?08:50
tepsipakkiprobably yes, since pci-rework isn't complete yet afaik08:51
tormodwill you push it into Gutsy as soon as it is out?08:52
tepsipakkiwell, I asked someone to take a look at the debdiff of a merger with your package, but apparently it had too many changes already..08:53
tormodbut all the changes are good :)08:53
tepsipakkiso, why not upload a version with a subset of them08:53
tepsipakkiI know :)08:53
tepsipakkibut then the delta between a shipping driver and the new upstream would be smaller :)08:54
tepsipakkicunning plan, eh? :)08:54
tormodwicked :)08:54
tormodbut many of alex's commits depend on each other08:55
tormodthose you asked, did they see a debdiff between 194-1ubuntu1 and -tv6 ?08:56
tepsipakkibasically, yes08:58
tormodif the fixed bugs would be triaged properly with high,important etc it would maybe be easier to slip it through the release managers?09:01
tormodX not starting is pretty critical. But I don't have the triaging magic power.09:01
tepsipakkiyou should join ubuntu-bugs then :)09:02
tormodqa-team? that sounds like... work :)09:09
tormodseems like many people have tested the -tv6 and are happy. maybe we should make a list of hardware tested?09:10
tepsipakkiactually, bugsquad is the team name I think09:11
tormodI think it would be scandalous to release gutsy with the current gutsy ati, especially when fixes are available.09:11
tepsipakkiI agree09:11
tepsipakkibut, the freeze is not yet effective, so _technically it could be uploaded :)09:13
tormodwhen's the freeze09:13
tepsipakkilater today..09:14
tepsipakkibryce: ping?09:14
brycehi tepsipakki09:14
tepsipakkibryce: hi, we were just discussing the ati situation09:15
=== bryce nods
=== bryce reads backlog
brycesorry, was caught up in email discussion about agenda items for uds09:15
tormodwe could take out the "remove cruft and dead code" commits, if that would help some release manager09:15
bryceif you point me at bugs, I can take care of marking them triaged/high/-rc candidates, etc.09:16
tepsipakkime too09:16
tepsipakkiI have the list in front of me09:16
brycetepsipakki: who did you talk to that said the delta was too much?09:17
tepsipakkiif we mark all the "fix committed" bugs as high/critical and milestone rc?09:17
tepsipakkibryce: mdz, but he didn't say it quite like that.. a sec09:17
brycethe angle I've been working is to demonstrate it fixes 86072.  James Troup is the guy in charge of all of Canonical's IT infrastructure09:18
bryceso if the newest -ati solves his problem, it gives us a LOT of weight09:18
tepsipakki17:43 < mdz> tepsipakki: I won't speak for the release team, but "works for someone" is not  very compelling.  wouldn't you prefer to upload something better tested after  release, rather than pushing in something less tested before release?09:18
tepsipakkibryce: I think it does fix that09:19
bryceyeah sounds like we just need to tighten up our story a bit, with good evidence of proven things it fixes, etc.09:19
bryceideally, associating each change with a specific high priority bug would help09:19
tepsipakkiyes, I didn't do that.. easily fixed09:20
bryceI've been taking that approach with some of my other changes.  sort of a PITA, but reviewers are getting more strict, so I find it helps a lot09:21
brycein any case, the extra triaging work helps clear more bugz :-)09:21
tepsipakkisure. I did point out those three "fix committed" bugs which all had the same issue; no X09:21
tormodcould we work out this together on a wiki page or using gobby?09:22
tepsipakkiheck, I'll mark those as critical :)09:22
bryceno, let's save critical for nuclear bomb situations... High should be sufficient09:22
tepsipakkihrm, ok :)09:23
tormodcritical is only for bugs reaching a good portion of the users.09:23
brycealso at some point here, maybe next week, we should go through the whole xserver-xorg-video-ati bug list and close out all the ones that are fixed now, and ask folks to re-test the ones we're not sure about09:28
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bryce(unless you feel it's all already covered - but I think a top-to-bottom review focused on -ati could be a big help going into Hardy since so much has changed.)09:30
tepsipakkiI've now marked those bugs we talked about as high09:32
tepsipakkibryce: so, do you think we could upload 194-1ubuntu2 with fixes for these bugs, or wait for .195 and file a FFe request?09:38
tepsipakkior do both09:38
brycetepsipakki: I think your strategy of uploading an intermediate, to make the delta between it and the release smaller, is quite wise09:39
bryceit'll also help for testing09:39
bryceso, for Hardy it sounds like the focus will be for "shoring up old features"09:44
brycecolin says that in our past releases, sometimes features were completed for the release, and folks moved on; some of those features need additional polish or rework based on findings since then09:46
tepsipakkibryce: ok, I'll re-merge and upload then :)09:46
brycefor X, really the only thing that came up was discover-data09:46
brycewhat I've proposed doing for Hardy is for us to extract the pci id list from discover-data, so discover can finally be dropped entirely09:47
tepsipakkiupstream&debian are going to do that from the drivers09:47
bryceI think we still need something like the pci id list, in order to do overrides, but in general I think we can rely more on X to autodetect stuff, and try to minimize the size of it09:47
tepsipakkiwhat about new upstream versions, any chance of xserver-1.5?09:48
tepsipakkischeduled for February I think09:48
brycethe discussion was focused only on ubuntu-specific things09:49
brycewell, definitely definitely 1.4 of course09:49
brycesince Hardy is a LTS, I'm a bit iffy on putting in 1.5 at the last minute09:50
tepsipakkiis it going to be LTS right from the start, or later (like 8.04.1 or so)09:51
bryceon the other hand, I'm a lot more comfortable with what the process is now, so if we have to do it, it scares me less than 1.4 for gutsy09:51
bryceI assume from the start09:51
tormodtepsipakki: by "re-merge" do you mean you will take out some patches?09:53
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tepsipakkitormod: yes..09:54
tormodwhich ones?09:55
tepsipakkiI guess only 02 and 04 can be safely removed?09:56
tepsipakkihaven't tried09:56
tormodand the "cruft" part of 0910:02
tepsipakkiwell, 02 needs to be there, otherwise 03 won't apply10:03
tormodare you sure 02 can be removed .ok10:04
tepsipakkican't be removed10:04
tormodit's basically one piece of work, that Alex commited bitwise.10:04
tepsipakkithe cruft part of 09 is self-explanatory, so that can stay IMHO10:06
tormodwe could do 08 separately/later but that would just be kind of ridiculous.10:06
tepsipakki04 is big though10:06
tormod04 is big in lines, but it's removing an unused function...10:08
tepsipakkiI was just coming to that :)10:08
tormod(two unused functions)10:08
tormodthe question is if the release managers have put on their "manager" hats :)10:09
tepsipakkiwell, if the idea was to upload this intermediate version first then they need not to bother.. :)10:17
tepsipakkiok, new debdiff with bug-closers (?) http://users.tkk.fi/~tjaalton/dpkg/ati/ati.debdiff10:19
tepsipakkinow tv for awhile->10:22
tormodtepsipakki: so same patches, but with LP links?10:23
tormod /(LP: #86072. #144011)/s/./,  (if that matter, not sure)10:25
tepsipakkioh, right10:42
brycetoo bad we don't have more LP ID's10:42
tepsipakkiwell, bug #139241 should be easy :)10:43
ubotuLaunchpad bug 139241 in xserver-xorg-video-ati "DRI hangs on radeon Xpress 200M [1002:5975] " [High,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13924110:43
bryceI might suggest rephrasing things a little, so that for instance if patch 02 is a pre-req for another patch that fixes a LP issue, to describe it as "pre-requisite for patch X, which fixes LP NNN"10:44
tepsipakkisounds good10:45
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tepsipakkiI think bug 141547 is another candidate that this version should fix10:59
ubotuLaunchpad bug 141547 in xserver-xorg-video-ati "[Gutsy]  after ati driver update, only a black screen (light is on)" [Undecided,Incomplete]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/14154710:59
tepsipakkioh, that's fixed already11:00
tormod139241 needs a patch though11:00
tepsipakkithat's also a big strange, since I think he had a different card when he reported that11:03
tormodI think the pci id list has changed in between11:12
tepsipakkiRS482 is 10025974, RS485 is 10025975 :)11:12
tormodare you sure?11:12
tepsipakkilooking at current discover-data11:13
tormodI saw the same in another bug11:13
tormodbug #144760 also made me pretty confused with pci ids11:16
ubotuLaunchpad bug 144760 in xorg "compiz/DRI crashes on Xpress200M/AMD64 [1002:5975]  (dup-of: 139241)" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/14476011:16
ubotuLaunchpad bug 139241 in xserver-xorg-video-ati "DRI hangs on radeon Xpress 200M [1002:5975] " [High,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/13924111:16
tepsipakkiah, ok11:18
tormodhttp://launchpadlibrarian.net/9504887/vvnn clearly shows 482=5975 at the time11:18
tepsipakkiyes, maybe that has been since fixed11:18
tepsipakkiso it really is 48511:19
tormodyes I guess so11:19
tormodI try to put the confirmed pci id in the summary when I can11:19
tormodhowever in the driver source you'll find PCI_CHIP_RS482_5975 !11:21
brycehttp://people.ubuntu.com/~brian/testing_graphs/xserver-xorg-video-ati.html - nice to see the big drop over the past week11:35
tormodtepsipakki: you saw my upstream bug for 139241?11:39
tormodbryce: yes, I take some of the honour :)11:39
tepsipakkitormod: yes, that patch should do it?11:40
tormodtepsipakki: yes it looks simple enough11:40
tormodtepsipakki: you could ask upstream anyway, why they haven't committed it?11:41
tepsipakkihmm, alex is not online11:41
tormodtepsipakki: maybe because there was no upstream reports about RS48511:45
tepsipakkibut that's the one :)11:46
tepsipakkiyou just said that the source lists both 5974 and 5975 as RS48211:47
tepsipakkiwhen in fact 5975 should be RS48511:47
tormodthe source just uses it as macros11:51
tormodit will report them as ATI Radeon XPRESS 200 5974 (PCIE) and  ATI Radeon XPRESS 200M 5975 (PCIE)11:52
tormodnobody complained about 5974, so I guess 5974 cards work and 5975 cards fail. Probably all "mobility" versions fail.11:59
brycetormod yes good work!  :-)12:02
tepsipakkibut the point was that 5975 is RS485, and 5974 is RS482 :) so, the source should be updated to reflect that like the current pci-ids :)12:02
tepsipakkibut that's not important now12:02
tepsipakkiI'll mention that in the changelog though..12:03

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