
=== xork [n=xork@cpe-66-68-129-167.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #xubuntu
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excalibashello, how can i install a .obj file?03:58
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pfeinanyone try to run kde apps (konversation, konqueror) under xfce?  they don't seem to be picking up existing configuration...06:43
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Punk_Boi_8I need some help about a few things07:02
Punk_Boi_8Can I have some help please?07:11
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:11
Punk_Boi_8How do I put a source code together07:14
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CatoptromancyPunk_Boi_8 : there should be an INSTALL file with source code07:36
CatoptromancyItll probably says to "./configure" then "make" then "make install"07:36
CatoptromancyINSTALL file also should list dependencies you need to compile without errors07:37
CatoptromancyPunk_Boi_8 : What are you compiling?07:37
dino__How can I install ati drivers on my xubuntu so I can run Compiz/Beryl?07:38
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keonihello, im new to using linux, where are the kernel conf files stored?08:18
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Punk_Boi_8Why is a CLI loading instead of Xfce?09:54
Punk_Boi_8Can I please have some help?10:02
TheSheepPunk_Boi_8: can you tell us some more details?10:14
CatoptromancyI wonder if Punk_Boi_8 timed out before he saw what I posted.10:22
TheSheepwe can't force-help :)10:24
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thrashyAnyone know a good gui ftp client for xubuntu?10:34
TheSheepthrashy: gftp10:35
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PlayMeNowI need some kelp with keyboards10:51
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PlayMeNowfirst, I know how to set keyboards layouts, but how do I change the hotkeys to change between them?10:51
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magic_ninjaanyone know of a binary to the banshee alarm plugin, i can't find a binary anywhere12:16
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mcscrufflo all i d/l the latest beta and x wont start,01:00
mcscruff*the last ubuntu cd was fine01:01
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vonHalenbachCan it be, that ".png" files are connected with Mozilla Thunderbird instead of GQview? This is in xubuntu beta. updated yesterday. But it is also on the livecd like this.01:14
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dino_Anyone online?01:33
TheSheepdino_: no, unfortunately we are all offline01:34
dino_Funny guy ;) i like that01:34
dino_wanna help if i got any problems?01:34
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:34
TheSheepin the worst case nobody answers01:35
dino_okey ;) i got ati radeon hd2400 and kinda having some driver problems01:35
dino_im actually trying to get compiz to work.... i think01:35
dino_think about it.. brb01:38
TheSheepdino_: hmm... tried to ask on #ubuntu-effects?01:39
Rasiim having trouble with a freshly installed xubuntu 7.04, system boots up, after i put in user name and pass all i get is the desktop background01:40
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dino_what did you say?01:46
Rasihe asked if you tried to ask in #ubuntu-effects01:46
TheSheepRasi: do you get a window when you press alt+f2 ?01:47
Rasiyes, i do01:47
Rasiim accessing the box through ssh at the moment01:47
TheSheepRasi: type 'xfce4-panel' in there01:47
dino_ok, i will try01:47
dino_gotta say i love xubuntu, compared to ubuntu01:47
RasiGTK warning, cannot open display01:47
TheSheepRasi: where do you get that?01:47
dino_everything works so nice here... both my mouse and keyboard at the same time... had serious issues with that in ubuntu01:48
Rasiwhat do you mean?01:48
TheSheepRasi: that "GTK warning, cannot open display"01:48
TheSheepRasi: where is it displayed?01:48
Rasiin the SSH window01:49
TheSheepRasi: you ssh from a linux box or a windows box?01:49
Rasii only have one monitor, so i have to disconnect it to switch back and forth01:50
TheSheepRasi: you can run gui applications through ssh from windows01:51
Rasiah, the command opens a GUI...01:51
Rasimy problem is with the desktop not through teh SSH, though01:52
Rasiso il try the xfce4-panel command directly?01:52
TheSheepRasi: yes01:52
Rasione sec01:52
Rasii get the same cannot open display error01:53
TheSheepRasi: you are typing it in that window that appears when you press alt+f2?01:55
Rasiyes, after i put in my user name and pass01:56
Rasialt f7 brings me back to the desktop wallpaper with nothing in it01:58
TheSheepRasi: not alt+ctrl+f2, but alt+f201:58
Rasione sec01:59
Rasialt f2 from the desktop has no effect02:00
Rasineither does 1,3 or 402:00
TheSheepswitch to text console02:00
TheSheeptype 'export DISPLAY=0:0'02:01
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TheSheepthen 'xfwm4'02:01
Rasiafter the export command nothing happened, and after the xfwm4 command i got the same cannot open display error02:03
Rasiit did think for a second or two before it displayed it02:04
TheSheepRasi: hmm.. are you sure the installation finished correctly?02:05
TheSheepRasi: try running 'sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop', that should finish it02:06
Rasiat first it had trouble with a package, and so i did the apt-get again to complete it, im running it again to see what it says02:06
RasiReading state information... Done02:07
Rasixubuntu-desktop is already the newest version.02:07
Rasi0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 30 not upgraded.02:07
TheSheepRasi: ok, try just restarting the x, 'sudo /etc/rc.d/gdm restart'02:08
Rasidont have rc.d, i have rc0.d through rc6.d02:09
Rasioh, and also rcS02:10
TheSheep'/etc/init.d/gdm restart'?02:10
TheSheepI'm not on a linux box right now, can't check how ubuntu calls them :/02:11
Rasialright, it started and stopped the gnome display manager02:11
Rasiil hook the mon up and see whats there now, one sec02:11
Rasigot the login screen, i logged in, il give it a few minutes to load02:13
Rasijust like last time, i get the loading screen, it gets to nautilus and just stays there02:15
RasiTOP shows processor idle02:19
TheSheepRasi: nautilus???02:20
Rasiyeah, when i boot the desktop, theres icons showing up from left to right02:21
Rasinautilus is the 2nd icon02:21
TheSheepRasi: are you absolutely sure it's xubuntu?02:21
Rasiim pretty sure. is there a console command i can check with?02:21
TheSheepRasi: because xubuntu doesn't have nautilus, it uses thunar instead02:22
Rasiit said Xubuntu along the top when i installed it from the CD, and i specificaly downloaded xubuntu-desktop02:22
Rasithe desktop is an orange color, though02:23
Rasiany reason why it would install Ubuntu instead?02:25
TheSheepRasi: when you see the login prompt, there is a button that says 'sessions'02:26
TheSheepRasi: what options do you have there?02:27
Rasione sec02:27
Rasibox crashed, il reboot it and check02:28
Rasilast session02:31
Rasixclient script02:32
Rasixfce session02:32
Rasifailsafe gnome02:32
Rasifailsafe terminal02:32
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Rasihi badger02:35
Rasi   =)02:36
TheSheepRasi: select 'xfce session'02:37
Rasialright, one sec02:38
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Rasialright, now i got to a desktop02:41
Rasino shortcuts to any programs, though02:41
Rasijust the file systems02:41
Rasithats normal?02:41
TheSheepRasi: yes, the shortcuts are in the menu02:45
Rasii see it. Thanks sheep!02:46
wbadgerheh got to go for now, bbl02:46
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neozengood morning all04:06
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snellpojkecan someone help me06:28
snellpojkei have problem to start with ubuntu i get a long text that never ends06:29
snellpojkeplz i butn 3 cd i still have the sam problem06:30
TheSheepsnellpojke: what text?06:30
snellpojkeyou now when you start your computer then its a black backgroud then its text in white it is like that but it nverer ends06:31
snellpojkeit comes more and more text06:32
snellpojkeit works fine on my laptop06:32
TheSheepsnellpojke: have you tried to actually read that text? or a part of it?06:33
snellpojkeits like an error text you cant read it comes down very fast06:33
TheSheeppress scroll lock06:34
snellpojkeok i try06:34
TheSheep(can't remember if it works alone or with shift, ctrl or alt)06:34
snellpojkei take a pitchure to06:35
snellpojkewith my phone06:35
snellpojkesry for bad english06:35
snellpojkeok brb06:35
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hyper__chkeoni: if you are new, why do you want to know abouer kernel conf?06:44
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snellpojkei got a pitch06:50
hyper__chwow, a 100gb blu-ray disc06:52
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:52
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hyper__chhiho TheSheep06:54
hyper__chsnelpojke^^: that looks like a serious error06:55
TheSheepsnellpojke: you get that with the livecd or with the installed system?06:55
snellpojkeot still works on my laptop lol06:56
TheSheepsnellpojke: you have a 64 bit system?06:56
snellpojkei dont know06:56
snellpojkei aint good at computers06:56
TheSheepsnellpojke: the error looks serious enough to guess there is some grave incompatibility of the kernel and your hardware06:56
snellpojkeso i can't do anything about it?06:57
snellpojkei dont think i have a 64 bit system06:58
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=== SatanGol1a [n=gadus@h60n1fls309o851.telia.com] has joined #xubuntu
SatanGol1ai'm trying to install skype using skypes apt repository but get libasound2 (> 1.0.12) but 1.0.11-7ubuntu3 is to be installed and corresponding for libqt4-core and libqt4-gui, what to do?07:08
hyper__chSatanGol1a: add the medibuntu repos07:14
maxamillionmedibuntu repos?/? ... jeebus, does the *buntu naming convention plague the galaxy?07:15
hyper__chmaxamillion: you don't know the medibuntu repositories?07:16
maxamillionhyper__ch: no, i stopped running ubuntu before feisty officially released07:16
TheSheepsnellpojke: I don't have any ideas, you can try and play with kernel options at the boot prompt -- just press 'f1' at the menu and you'll get some hints07:17
maxamillionhyper__ch: long story ... but it boiled down to stability issues (i actually still run ubuntu on my laptop, but my desktops and production servers are back on debian stable)07:17
hyper__chmaxamillion: traitor!!!07:17
=== mode/#xubuntu [+o maxamillion] by ChanServ
snellpojkeTheSheep ok07:17
snellpojkety anyway07:17
hyper__chdebian is good for servers07:17
maxamillionhyper__ch: no ... op ... i believe op is the word you were looking for ;)07:17
hyper__chubuntu is good for desktops07:17
=== mode/#xubuntu [-o maxamillion] by maxamillion
maxamillionhyper__ch: i completely agree, and i think ubuntu is great for laptops (which is why it is still on my laptop) ... but i don't generally do much media stuff on the computer anyways :/07:18
hyper__chmaxamillion: what else can you need a computer for than downloading movies/tv shows and watch them? ^^07:19
hyper__chTheSheep: anything wrong?07:20
=== TheSheep looks at the photo of Dijkstra over his desk
maxamillionhyper__ch: coding :)07:21
hyper__chTheSheep: who is Dijkstra?07:21
=== TheSheep rolls eyes
maxamillioni should kline you for that07:21
=== maxamillion walks away and to keep himself from violating the CoC
=== hyper__ch thinks TheSheep when he rolles eyes ;)
snellpojkety for all help07:22
TheSheepsnellpojke: yw, sorry we couldn't give you a good answer07:22
snellpojkeno problem07:23
hyper__chsnellpojke: you could try another distro instead07:23
hyper__chsnellpojke: or did you already try 7.10?07:23
hyper__chsnellpojke: yes, maybe that works better on your hardware07:23
snellpojkei downloading it right now but i dont have any cd07:23
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate07:23
hyper__chsnellpojke: /me recommends you to get some cd-rws ;) lots of distro testing ;)07:24
snellpojkei buy 10 cds for 1 euro07:25
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hyper__chsnellpojke: why produce waste?  1-2 cd-rws are always good07:25
snellpojkei buy it tomorrow07:25
hyper__chsnellpojke: you don't have to...07:25
safetbitchx sucks whats a better irc client07:26
hyper__chsafet: gtk+ only?07:26
hyper__chsafet: or also Qt?07:26
TheSheepsafet: irssi07:26
hyper__chTheSheep: irssi is still too complicated for my simple mind ;)07:27
safetthanks i'll check one out07:27
=== hyper__ch likes Konversation
hyper__chsafet: irssi is command line only07:27
TheSheepsafet: it's a greatly improved bitchx :)07:27
snellpojkewhy not Mirc07:27
TheSheephyper__ch: it's not commandline, it uses curses07:27
hyper__chsnellpojke: mirc is windoze07:27
safetim using command with bitchx now07:27
hyper__chTheSheep: what's teh difference?07:27
snellpojkei forgott07:27
snellpojkewindows sux07:28
TheSheephyper__ch: with command line, you type commands and get lines of text right under it, with curses you get text all over your screen :)07:28
safetim really liking xubuntu although this screen has no backspace function for watever reason07:28
hyper__chTheSheep: if I type long enough I'll also have text all over my screen ;)07:28
hyper__chsafet: you need to change something07:28
TheSheephyper__ch: but new only appears at the ned07:28
safetyea i think so also07:28
TheSheepsafet: right click, preferences, advanced, delete key generates07:29
hyper__chTheSheep: ;)07:29
safeti think it might be the terminal im using07:29
hyper__chbackspace key generates:  control-h07:29
safetboth are on autodetect07:30
safetdelete aqnd backspace07:30
hyper__chset backspace to control-h07:30
TheSheepsafet: play with them07:31
safetthanks that worked :)07:31
hyper__chsafet: I know... I learnt from the best *nods towards TheSheep*07:32
safetare you guys longtime linux users?07:34
safetor gals...07:34
hyper__chsafet: me, nope... had a server now for 3 years but started using it as desktop august 200607:34
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safeti've been using it on my laptop for about a week now07:36
safetand the only thing i've been using my win box for is movies07:36
safeti'm in love07:36
hyper__chsafet: then you know meanwhile more about computing than about 70% of the computer users ;)07:36
hyper__chwhy using windoze for movies?07:36
safetthat machine has a big screen07:37
hyper__chand you couldn't set the resolution right yet in linux?07:37
hyper__chor you don't have linux installed on that machine ;)07:37
safethaven't installed it yet07:37
safetyet being the key word07:37
hyper__chor swap the big screen07:38
TheSheepcodecs are sometimes a problem07:38
TheSheepand DRM will be too07:38
safetthats another thing i was worried about07:38
hyper__chsafet: VLC solves almost any problem07:39
safeti had enough trouble just getting my wireless working ha07:39
safetyea i use vlc on my win box its really nice07:39
safetis there any way i can view shared win files thru xubuntu ?07:40
hyper__chwell, my wifi card works out of the box07:40
hyper__ch!samba | safet07:40
ubotusafet: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT07:40
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snellpojkeTheSheep do you recomend a burning program07:47
SatanGol1ahyper__ch: ok, ive added the medibuntu repos, what do i do next?07:58
hyper__chSatanGol1a: sudo apt-get update && sudo aptitude install skype07:58
SatanGol1ahyper__ch: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39667/08:02
hyper__chSatanGol1a: gutsy gibbon? Did you remove the skype repo?08:02
SatanGol1astill unmet dependencies, hmm08:02
SatanGol1ahyper__ch: should i remove any package?08:04
hyper__chremove the skype repo from your sources.list08:06
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SatanGol1ahyper__ch: Keep the following packages at their current version:08:10
SatanGol1askype [Not Installed] 08:10
hyper__chSatanGol1a: can you pastebin it all?08:11
SatanGol1ahyper__ch: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39671/08:12
hyper__chSatanGol1a:  do:  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade08:13
SatanGol1ahyper__ch: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39673/08:16
hyper__chI'd first do that kernel upgrade08:17
hyper__chSatanGol1a: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade08:17
SatanGol1aand this will not kill my current settings and files? :)08:18
hyper__chno, just install a new kernel08:18
hyper__chthe old one will also be kept08:18
hyper__chin case there is hardware compatibility issues08:18
SatanGol1awhere do i find the old one, if i want to change back?08:19
hyper__chSatanGol1a: upon boot08:19
hyper__chthe new one will be set as default08:20
SatanGol1aok, but will there be a menu where i can choose?08:20
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SatanGol1aassume its going to take a while... :)08:21
hyper__chdepending on your inet connection08:21
SatanGol1abut then i'll try with the same approach as above?08:21
hyper__chnot yet ;)08:21
hyper__chafter that you first ahve to reboot08:21
SatanGol1aah, yes, but then? :)08:22
hyper__chthen post your sources.list ;)08:22
hyper__chthen we'll try again08:22
SatanGol1aalright, thanks alot08:22
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hyper__chSatanGol1a: new kernel works?08:34
SatanGol1ahyper__ch: dont know: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39677/08:36
SatanGol1adid it upgrade?08:36
SatanGol1athere was no menu upon boot anyways08:37
hyper__chSatanGol1a: pastebin:   cat /boot/grub/menu.lst08:38
hyper__chSatanGol1a: also pastebin:  cat /etc/apt/sources.list08:38
SatanGol1ahyper__ch: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39678/08:41
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hyper__chSatanGol1a: you did see the menu upon boot:  timeout         308:42
hyper__chfor three seconds08:42
SatanGol1awell, some countdown08:43
SatanGol1ahyper__ch: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39680/   sources.list08:43
hyper__chsee, there you had your menu to choose what system to boot08:43
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SatanGol1aahh, but didnt it choose the new one?08:43
SatanGol1aor didnt it upgrade?08:43
hyper__chSatanGol1a: it did upgrade08:43
hyper__chSatanGol1a: and you saw the menu upon boot08:44
SatanGol1aok, yes08:44
hyper__chSatanGol1a: and you did not add the medibuntu repositories08:44
hex1a4any one know where I can get info on setting up a xubuntu mirror?08:44
SatanGol1ahmm, no? i thought i did08:44
hyper__chSatanGol1a: do you see it in your sources list?08:44
hyper__chhex1a4: did you have a look at the xubuntu homepage?08:45
hex1a4yes I did08:45
hex1a4nothing about being a mirror08:45
hyper__chI'm pretty sure there is08:45
hex1a4ubuntu.com has mirrot info ...08:46
hex1a4but I only want to mirror Xubuntu ...08:46
hex1a4and nothing else08:46
hyper__chSatanGol1a: http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/08:47
SatanGol1ahyper__ch: oh, ok: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39682/08:49
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hyper__chhex1a4: hmmm, good question08:51
hyper__chSatanGol1a: now:   sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install skype08:51
hyper__chSatanGola: now:   sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install skype08:51
hyper__chSatanGolga: now:   sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install skype08:52
hex1a4hyper_ch: I could put the files up manually but it's too much hassle and time having to do it all the time08:52
hex1a4I want to setup a proper mirror that'll update automatically08:52
hyper__chhex1a4: dunno08:53
SatanGol1ahyper__ch: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39684/08:54
hyper__chSatanGol1a: did you do sudo apt-get update ?08:56
SatanGol1ahyper__ch: yes, i ran your cmd08:56
hyper__chSatanGol1a: you did add the feisty repos but you use edgy system08:57
hyper__chyou first need to fix that08:57
SatanGol1aomg, now we're talking09:00
SatanGol1ahyper__ch: its all up and running thanks to you!09:08
SatanGol1ai really appreciate all your help09:08
hyper__chSatanGol1a: no problem09:08
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nickburnsHi all, long time Linux user, new Ubuntu user... I've installed Ubuntu on my tablet.  Pen, etc., working just fine when the screen is at normal (0 deg) rotation.  However, when I go to draw a line when the screen is rotated, the line appears jagged and broken until I lift my pen -- and then it goes solid.  Happens with all the inking software I have tried so far.  Any idea?10:06
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ader10Hello, is there a way for me to check my volume in xfce?11:02
ader10(I know it's a nooby question, but I'm used to openbox and kde)11:03
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safet__bing bong bing bong bing11:04
hyper__chader10: ???11:09
ader10hyper__ch: Maybe you can clarify what you mean by ???11:12
hyper__chader10: it's about as cryptic as your request11:13
ader10hyper__ch: How do I see what level my volume is at?11:15
ader10hyper__ch: I thought that was the most easy question to answer :P11:15
hyper__chader10: a volume can mean many things11:16
hyper__chader10: add it to your bar11:16
ader10See? Not too hard to answer :P11:17
hyper__chader10: see? Not to hard to pose the question clearly11:18
ader10hyper__ch: I asked the same question, hardly changed at all.11:18
hyper__chader10: a small change can make a huge difference11:18
ader10hyper__ch: "How can I check my volume" is hardly different than "How do I see what level my volume is"11:19
hyper__chader10: make a md5 checksum of a text file and then again with 1 character changed11:19
ader10hyper__ch: I don't like how you're being so sarcastic. If I was 2 years new to linux I'd go back to windows if everybody was like you.11:19
hyper__chader10: where have I been sarcastic?11:20
hyper__chader10: you shouldn't make such accusations lighly11:24
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ader10hyper__ch: You have a dislikable personality. Please stop trying to make me mad.11:33
hyper__chader10: then you should leave here11:34
hyper__chader10: and on the contrary, I have quite a likeable personality ;)11:35
ader10hyper__ch: How about just /ignoring you? That sounds much nicer.11:35
hyper__chader10: that is up to you... but it's interesting you come here and make nothing but accusations and troubles11:36
=== LeewardRail [n=LeewardR@wnpgmb09dc1-92-115.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #xubuntu
LeewardRailanyone have any idea on why a USB mouse would stop working soon after bootup ?11:38
hyper__chLeewardRail: has it always been like that?11:39
LeewardRailit works fine on boot.. but after a minute it locks up11:39
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LeewardRailit worked fien with the same mouse with a USB->ps2 adapter  but direct usb  it dies about 1 minute after you boot11:39
hyper__chLeewardRail: could be a conflict somewhere...11:40
LeewardRailno other usb hardware11:41
hyper__chLeewardRail: no clue...11:41
LeewardRailis there a usb log ?11:42
LeewardRailcool... i'll see it has any idea..... on boot it shows no errors... weird11:43
hyper__chdo other usb mice work?11:44
LeewardRailunfort i don't have another one in the place to try....   i'll have to bring one from home next week...11:44
hyper__chand just use the ps2 meanwhile11:45
LeewardRaili'd just keep using it but the damn adapter is heavy enough to make it unplug every couple days11:46
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thommycan someone help me?12:40
TheSheep!ask | thommy12:43
ubotuthommy: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:43
thommyi've problem with xfce12:45
thommyi don't know why12:45
thommythe 2 panel12:46
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:46
thommy(one for windows and one for menu bar) are cancelled12:46
thommyhow can i do to see them again?12:47
TheSheepthommy: press alt+f2 and type 'xfce4-panel'12:47
thommynow works thank you so much12:48
thommyi have another question12:48
thommywhy if i do it in a windowed terminal it works until the window is open?12:49
thommyand why now it works?12:49
TheSheepthommy: that's because the processes in linux are hierarchical, they form a tree12:49
TheSheepthommy: if you kill a parent, you also kill all the children12:50
TheSheepthommy: if you run it form a terminal, the parent is the terminal12:50
thommyand with alt+f2 i open a terminal that is ever open?12:50
TheSheepthommy: if you run it with alt+f2, the parent is xfwm4, which is part of xfce12:50
thommythank you so much12:51
TheSheepthommy: make sure to save your session when logging out, so that the panels are saved12:51
thommybut what happen if i save a session? i save all the commands that are open when i shut down?12:52
TheSheepthommy: yes, at least the ones that support sessions12:53
TheSheepthommy: they are saved in ~/.cache/sessions/12:53
thommytnx again12:53
thommymy system is too slow12:54
TheSheepthommy: what cpu and how much ram?12:54
thommycpu-->730 Mhz              ram -->128 Mb12:55
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TheSheepthommy: try to avoid running more than large application at a time12:56
TheSheepthommy: also, if you don't use a printer, disable the printer daemons in system->services12:56
DaBeowulfhttp://www.skype.com/download/skype/linux/ Did you try it? Will it require me to start using a firewall?12:56
DaBeowulfHa ich don't think so the required stuff came with Xubuntu after all... well i.e. unless I don't trust the Skype guys..01:00
DaBeowulfwell apart from Qt and it's dependancies.. >_<01:02
thommydo you are german?01:02
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de01:02
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!01:03
thommyi'm italian :)01:03
TheSheepthommy: ah, sorry :)01:03
thommyyou help me so much!!!!!!!!!!!!01:04
thommyand i like to communicate in english01:04
thommyand there isn't a #xubuntu-it01:05
totalwormagewtan d- the problem?01:08
TheSheepthommy: there wouldn't be #xubuntu either if only #ubuntu had less people01:08
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