=== xork [n=xork@cpe-66-68-129-167.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #xubuntu | ||
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excalibas | hello, how can i install a .obj file? | 03:58 |
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pfein | anyone try to run kde apps (konversation, konqueror) under xfce? they don't seem to be picking up existing configuration... | 06:43 |
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Punk_Boi_8 | I need some help about a few things | 07:02 |
Punk_Boi_8 | Can I have some help please? | 07:11 |
tonyyarusso | !ask | 07:11 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 07:11 |
Punk_Boi_8 | How do I put a source code together | 07:14 |
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Catoptromancy | Punk_Boi_8 : there should be an INSTALL file with source code | 07:36 |
Catoptromancy | Itll probably says to "./configure" then "make" then "make install" | 07:36 |
Catoptromancy | INSTALL file also should list dependencies you need to compile without errors | 07:37 |
Catoptromancy | Punk_Boi_8 : What are you compiling? | 07:37 |
dino__ | How can I install ati drivers on my xubuntu so I can run Compiz/Beryl? | 07:38 |
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keoni | hello, im new to using linux, where are the kernel conf files stored? | 08:18 |
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Punk_Boi_8 | Why is a CLI loading instead of Xfce? | 09:54 |
Punk_Boi_8 | Can I please have some help? | 10:02 |
TheSheep | Punk_Boi_8: can you tell us some more details? | 10:14 |
Catoptromancy | I wonder if Punk_Boi_8 timed out before he saw what I posted. | 10:22 |
TheSheep | we can't force-help :) | 10:24 |
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thrashy | Anyone know a good gui ftp client for xubuntu? | 10:34 |
TheSheep | thrashy: gftp | 10:35 |
thrashy | thanks | 10:36 |
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PlayMeNow | hello | 10:50 |
PlayMeNow | I need some kelp with keyboards | 10:51 |
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PlayMeNow | first, I know how to set keyboards layouts, but how do I change the hotkeys to change between them? | 10:51 |
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magic_ninja | anyone know of a binary to the banshee alarm plugin, i can't find a binary anywhere | 12:16 |
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mcscruff | lo all i d/l the latest beta and x wont start, | 01:00 |
mcscruff | *the last ubuntu cd was fine | 01:01 |
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vonHalenbach | Can it be, that ".png" files are connected with Mozilla Thunderbird instead of GQview? This is in xubuntu beta. updated yesterday. But it is also on the livecd like this. | 01:14 |
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dino_ | Anyone online? | 01:33 |
TheSheep | dino_: no, unfortunately we are all offline | 01:34 |
dino_ | Funny guy ;) i like that | 01:34 |
dino_ | wanna help if i got any problems? | 01:34 |
TheSheep | !ask | 01:34 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 01:34 |
TheSheep | in the worst case nobody answers | 01:35 |
dino_ | okey ;) i got ati radeon hd2400 and kinda having some driver problems | 01:35 |
dino_ | im actually trying to get compiz to work.... i think | 01:35 |
dino_ | think about it.. brb | 01:38 |
TheSheep | dino_: hmm... tried to ask on #ubuntu-effects? | 01:39 |
Rasi | im having trouble with a freshly installed xubuntu 7.04, system boots up, after i put in user name and pass all i get is the desktop background | 01:40 |
=== dino_ [n=dino@] has joined #xubuntu | ||
dino_ | what did you say? | 01:46 |
Rasi | he asked if you tried to ask in #ubuntu-effects | 01:46 |
TheSheep | Rasi: do you get a window when you press alt+f2 ? | 01:47 |
Rasi | yes, i do | 01:47 |
Rasi | im accessing the box through ssh at the moment | 01:47 |
TheSheep | Rasi: type 'xfce4-panel' in there | 01:47 |
dino_ | ok, i will try | 01:47 |
dino_ | gotta say i love xubuntu, compared to ubuntu | 01:47 |
Rasi | GTK warning, cannot open display | 01:47 |
TheSheep | Rasi: where do you get that? | 01:47 |
dino_ | everything works so nice here... both my mouse and keyboard at the same time... had serious issues with that in ubuntu | 01:48 |
Rasi | what do you mean? | 01:48 |
TheSheep | Rasi: that "GTK warning, cannot open display" | 01:48 |
TheSheep | Rasi: where is it displayed? | 01:48 |
Rasi | in the SSH window | 01:49 |
TheSheep | Rasi: you ssh from a linux box or a windows box? | 01:49 |
Rasi | windows | 01:49 |
Rasi | i only have one monitor, so i have to disconnect it to switch back and forth | 01:50 |
TheSheep | Rasi: you can run gui applications through ssh from windows | 01:51 |
TheSheep | can't | 01:51 |
TheSheep | * | 01:51 |
Rasi | ah, the command opens a GUI... | 01:51 |
Rasi | my problem is with the desktop not through teh SSH, though | 01:52 |
Rasi | so il try the xfce4-panel command directly? | 01:52 |
TheSheep | Rasi: yes | 01:52 |
Rasi | one sec | 01:52 |
Rasi | i get the same cannot open display error | 01:53 |
TheSheep | Rasi: you are typing it in that window that appears when you press alt+f2? | 01:55 |
Rasi | yes, after i put in my user name and pass | 01:56 |
Rasi | alt f7 brings me back to the desktop wallpaper with nothing in it | 01:58 |
TheSheep | Rasi: not alt+ctrl+f2, but alt+f2 | 01:58 |
Rasi | one sec | 01:59 |
Rasi | alt f2 from the desktop has no effect | 02:00 |
Rasi | neither does 1,3 or 4 | 02:00 |
TheSheep | ok | 02:00 |
TheSheep | switch to text console | 02:00 |
TheSheep | type 'export DISPLAY=0:0' | 02:01 |
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TheSheep | then 'xfwm4' | 02:01 |
Rasi | after the export command nothing happened, and after the xfwm4 command i got the same cannot open display error | 02:03 |
Rasi | it did think for a second or two before it displayed it | 02:04 |
TheSheep | Rasi: hmm.. are you sure the installation finished correctly? | 02:05 |
TheSheep | Rasi: try running 'sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop', that should finish it | 02:06 |
Rasi | at first it had trouble with a package, and so i did the apt-get again to complete it, im running it again to see what it says | 02:06 |
Rasi | Reading state information... Done | 02:07 |
Rasi | xubuntu-desktop is already the newest version. | 02:07 |
Rasi | 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 30 not upgraded. | 02:07 |
TheSheep | hm... | 02:07 |
TheSheep | Rasi: ok, try just restarting the x, 'sudo /etc/rc.d/gdm restart' | 02:08 |
Rasi | alright | 02:08 |
Rasi | dont have rc.d, i have rc0.d through rc6.d | 02:09 |
Rasi | oh, and also rcS | 02:10 |
TheSheep | '/etc/init.d/gdm restart'? | 02:10 |
TheSheep | I'm not on a linux box right now, can't check how ubuntu calls them :/ | 02:11 |
Rasi | alright, it started and stopped the gnome display manager | 02:11 |
Rasi | il hook the mon up and see whats there now, one sec | 02:11 |
Rasi | got the login screen, i logged in, il give it a few minutes to load | 02:13 |
Rasi | just like last time, i get the loading screen, it gets to nautilus and just stays there | 02:15 |
Rasi | TOP shows processor idle | 02:19 |
TheSheep | Rasi: nautilus??? | 02:20 |
Rasi | yeah, when i boot the desktop, theres icons showing up from left to right | 02:21 |
Rasi | nautilus is the 2nd icon | 02:21 |
TheSheep | Rasi: are you absolutely sure it's xubuntu? | 02:21 |
Rasi | im pretty sure. is there a console command i can check with? | 02:21 |
TheSheep | Rasi: because xubuntu doesn't have nautilus, it uses thunar instead | 02:22 |
Rasi | it said Xubuntu along the top when i installed it from the CD, and i specificaly downloaded xubuntu-desktop | 02:22 |
Rasi | the desktop is an orange color, though | 02:23 |
Rasi | any reason why it would install Ubuntu instead? | 02:25 |
TheSheep | Rasi: when you see the login prompt, there is a button that says 'sessions' | 02:26 |
TheSheep | Rasi: what options do you have there? | 02:27 |
Rasi | one sec | 02:27 |
Rasi | box crashed, il reboot it and check | 02:28 |
Rasi | last session | 02:31 |
Rasi | xclient script | 02:32 |
Rasi | gnome | 02:32 |
Rasi | xfce session | 02:32 |
Rasi | failsafe gnome | 02:32 |
Rasi | failsafe terminal | 02:32 |
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Rasi | hi badger | 02:35 |
wbadger | hey | 02:35 |
Rasi | =) | 02:36 |
wbadger | ? | 02:37 |
TheSheep | Rasi: select 'xfce session' | 02:37 |
wbadger | oh | 02:38 |
wbadger | ;) | 02:38 |
Rasi | alright, one sec | 02:38 |
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Rasi | alright, now i got to a desktop | 02:41 |
Rasi | no shortcuts to any programs, though | 02:41 |
Rasi | just the file systems | 02:41 |
Rasi | thats normal? | 02:41 |
TheSheep | Rasi: yes, the shortcuts are in the menu | 02:45 |
Rasi | i see it. Thanks sheep! | 02:46 |
wbadger | heh got to go for now, bbl | 02:46 |
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neozen | good morning all | 04:06 |
faemir | hiya | 04:09 |
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snellpojke | can someone help me | 06:28 |
snellpojke | i have problem to start with ubuntu i get a long text that never ends | 06:29 |
snellpojke | plz i butn 3 cd i still have the sam problem | 06:30 |
snellpojke | burn | 06:30 |
snellpojke | same | 06:30 |
TheSheep | snellpojke: what text? | 06:30 |
snellpojke | you now when you start your computer then its a black backgroud then its text in white it is like that but it nverer ends | 06:31 |
snellpojke | it comes more and more text | 06:32 |
snellpojke | it works fine on my laptop | 06:32 |
TheSheep | snellpojke: have you tried to actually read that text? or a part of it? | 06:33 |
snellpojke | its like an error text you cant read it comes down very fast | 06:33 |
TheSheep | press scroll lock | 06:34 |
snellpojke | ok i try | 06:34 |
TheSheep | (can't remember if it works alone or with shift, ctrl or alt) | 06:34 |
snellpojke | i take a pitchure to | 06:35 |
snellpojke | with my phone | 06:35 |
snellpojke | sry for bad english | 06:35 |
snellpojke | ok brb | 06:35 |
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=== hyper__ch [n=hyper@133-197.62-81.cust.bluewin.ch] has joined #xubuntu | ||
hyper__ch | keoni: if you are new, why do you want to know abouer kernel conf? | 06:44 |
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snellpojke | i got a pitch | 06:50 |
snellpojke | wait | 06:50 |
hyper__ch | wow, a 100gb blu-ray disc | 06:52 |
TheSheep | !pastebin | 06:52 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 06:52 |
=== snelpojke^^ [i=sandro@c80-217-152-211.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #xubuntu | ||
snelpojke^^ | http://www.fuskbugg.se/pub/misc/Ubuntu.JPG | 06:53 |
snelpojke^^ | here | 06:53 |
hyper__ch | hiho TheSheep | 06:54 |
hyper__ch | snelpojke^^: that looks like a serious error | 06:55 |
TheSheep | snellpojke: you get that with the livecd or with the installed system? | 06:55 |
snellpojke | cd | 06:55 |
snellpojke | ot still works on my laptop lol | 06:56 |
snellpojke | it* | 06:56 |
TheSheep | snellpojke: you have a 64 bit system? | 06:56 |
snellpojke | no | 06:56 |
snellpojke | why | 06:56 |
snellpojke | i dont know | 06:56 |
snellpojke | i aint good at computers | 06:56 |
TheSheep | snellpojke: the error looks serious enough to guess there is some grave incompatibility of the kernel and your hardware | 06:56 |
snellpojke | : | 06:57 |
snellpojke | :( | 06:57 |
snellpojke | so i can't do anything about it? | 06:57 |
snellpojke | i dont think i have a 64 bit system | 06:58 |
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=== SatanGol1a [n=gadus@h60n1fls309o851.telia.com] has joined #xubuntu | ||
SatanGol1a | i'm trying to install skype using skypes apt repository but get libasound2 (> 1.0.12) but 1.0.11-7ubuntu3 is to be installed and corresponding for libqt4-core and libqt4-gui, what to do? | 07:08 |
hyper__ch | SatanGol1a: add the medibuntu repos | 07:14 |
maxamillion | medibuntu repos?/? ... jeebus, does the *buntu naming convention plague the galaxy? | 07:15 |
hyper__ch | maxamillion: you don't know the medibuntu repositories? | 07:16 |
maxamillion | hyper__ch: no, i stopped running ubuntu before feisty officially released | 07:16 |
TheSheep | snellpojke: I don't have any ideas, you can try and play with kernel options at the boot prompt -- just press 'f1' at the menu and you'll get some hints | 07:17 |
maxamillion | hyper__ch: long story ... but it boiled down to stability issues (i actually still run ubuntu on my laptop, but my desktops and production servers are back on debian stable) | 07:17 |
hyper__ch | maxamillion: traitor!!! | 07:17 |
=== mode/#xubuntu [+o maxamillion] by ChanServ | ||
snellpojke | TheSheep ok | 07:17 |
snellpojke | ty anyway | 07:17 |
hyper__ch | debian is good for servers | 07:17 |
maxamillion | hyper__ch: no ... op ... i believe op is the word you were looking for ;) | 07:17 |
hyper__ch | ubuntu is good for desktops | 07:17 |
=== mode/#xubuntu [-o maxamillion] by maxamillion | ||
maxamillion | hyper__ch: i completely agree, and i think ubuntu is great for laptops (which is why it is still on my laptop) ... but i don't generally do much media stuff on the computer anyways :/ | 07:18 |
hyper__ch | maxamillion: what else can you need a computer for than downloading movies/tv shows and watch them? ^^ | 07:19 |
TheSheep | sigh | 07:20 |
hyper__ch | TheSheep: anything wrong? | 07:20 |
=== TheSheep looks at the photo of Dijkstra over his desk | ||
maxamillion | hyper__ch: coding :) | 07:21 |
hyper__ch | TheSheep: who is Dijkstra? | 07:21 |
maxamillion | WHAT>@#^ | 07:21 |
=== TheSheep rolls eyes | ||
maxamillion | i should kline you for that | 07:21 |
maxamillion | >.> | 07:21 |
=== maxamillion walks away and to keep himself from violating the CoC | ||
=== hyper__ch thinks TheSheep when he rolles eyes ;) | ||
snellpojke | ty for all help | 07:22 |
TheSheep | snellpojke: yw, sorry we couldn't give you a good answer | 07:22 |
snellpojke | no problem | 07:23 |
hyper__ch | snellpojke: you could try another distro instead | 07:23 |
hyper__ch | snellpojke: or did you already try 7.10? | 07:23 |
snellpojke | beta? | 07:23 |
hyper__ch | snellpojke: yes, maybe that works better on your hardware | 07:23 |
TheSheep | yes | 07:23 |
snellpojke | i downloading it right now but i dont have any cd | 07:23 |
snellpojke | haha | 07:23 |
TheSheep | !install | 07:23 |
ubotu | Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate | 07:23 |
hyper__ch | snellpojke: /me recommends you to get some cd-rws ;) lots of distro testing ;) | 07:24 |
snellpojke | xD | 07:24 |
snellpojke | i buy 10 cds for 1 euro | 07:25 |
=== safet [n=root@ool-4353acda.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
hyper__ch | snellpojke: why produce waste? 1-2 cd-rws are always good | 07:25 |
snellpojke | xD | 07:25 |
snellpojke | i buy it tomorrow | 07:25 |
hyper__ch | snellpojke: you don't have to... | 07:25 |
safet | bitchx sucks whats a better irc client | 07:26 |
snellpojke | ?? | 07:26 |
snellpojke | why | 07:26 |
hyper__ch | safet: gtk+ only? | 07:26 |
hyper__ch | safet: or also Qt? | 07:26 |
TheSheep | safet: irssi | 07:26 |
snellpojke | Mirc? | 07:26 |
hyper__ch | TheSheep: irssi is still too complicated for my simple mind ;) | 07:27 |
safet | thanks i'll check one out | 07:27 |
=== hyper__ch likes Konversation | ||
hyper__ch | safet: irssi is command line only | 07:27 |
TheSheep | safet: it's a greatly improved bitchx :) | 07:27 |
snellpojke | why not Mirc | 07:27 |
TheSheep | hyper__ch: it's not commandline, it uses curses | 07:27 |
hyper__ch | snellpojke: mirc is windoze | 07:27 |
safet | im using command with bitchx now | 07:27 |
hyper__ch | TheSheep: what's teh difference? | 07:27 |
snellpojke | i forgott | 07:27 |
snellpojke | :P | 07:27 |
snellpojke | windows sux | 07:28 |
TheSheep | hyper__ch: with command line, you type commands and get lines of text right under it, with curses you get text all over your screen :) | 07:28 |
safet | im really liking xubuntu although this screen has no backspace function for watever reason | 07:28 |
hyper__ch | TheSheep: if I type long enough I'll also have text all over my screen ;) | 07:28 |
hyper__ch | safet: you need to change something | 07:28 |
TheSheep | hyper__ch: but new only appears at the ned | 07:28 |
TheSheep | end | 07:28 |
safet | yea i think so also | 07:28 |
TheSheep | safet: right click, preferences, advanced, delete key generates | 07:29 |
hyper__ch | TheSheep: ;) | 07:29 |
safet | i think it might be the terminal im using | 07:29 |
hyper__ch | backspace key generates: control-h | 07:29 |
TheSheep | ^H^H^H | 07:30 |
safet | both are on autodetect | 07:30 |
safet | delete aqnd backspace | 07:30 |
safet | and* | 07:30 |
hyper__ch | set backspace to control-h | 07:30 |
TheSheep | safet: play with them | 07:31 |
safet | thanks that worked :) | 07:31 |
hyper__ch | safet: I know... I learnt from the best *nods towards TheSheep* | 07:32 |
safet | are you guys longtime linux users? | 07:34 |
safet | or gals... | 07:34 |
hyper__ch | safet: me, nope... had a server now for 3 years but started using it as desktop august 2006 | 07:34 |
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safet | i've been using it on my laptop for about a week now | 07:36 |
safet | and the only thing i've been using my win box for is movies | 07:36 |
safet | i'm in love | 07:36 |
hyper__ch | safet: then you know meanwhile more about computing than about 70% of the computer users ;) | 07:36 |
hyper__ch | why using windoze for movies? | 07:36 |
safet | that machine has a big screen | 07:37 |
hyper__ch | and you couldn't set the resolution right yet in linux? | 07:37 |
hyper__ch | or you don't have linux installed on that machine ;) | 07:37 |
safet | haven't installed it yet | 07:37 |
hyper__ch | ;) | 07:37 |
safet | yet being the key word | 07:37 |
hyper__ch | or swap the big screen | 07:38 |
TheSheep | codecs are sometimes a problem | 07:38 |
TheSheep | and DRM will be too | 07:38 |
safet | thats another thing i was worried about | 07:38 |
hyper__ch | safet: VLC solves almost any problem | 07:39 |
safet | i had enough trouble just getting my wireless working ha | 07:39 |
safet | yea i use vlc on my win box its really nice | 07:39 |
safet | is there any way i can view shared win files thru xubuntu ? | 07:40 |
hyper__ch | well, my wifi card works out of the box | 07:40 |
hyper__ch | !samba | safet | 07:40 |
ubotu | safet: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT | 07:40 |
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snellpojke | TheSheep do you recomend a burning program | 07:47 |
SatanGol1a | hyper__ch: ok, ive added the medibuntu repos, what do i do next? | 07:58 |
hyper__ch | SatanGol1a: sudo apt-get update && sudo aptitude install skype | 07:58 |
SatanGol1a | hyper__ch: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39667/ | 08:02 |
hyper__ch | SatanGol1a: gutsy gibbon? Did you remove the skype repo? | 08:02 |
SatanGol1a | still unmet dependencies, hmm | 08:02 |
SatanGol1a | no? | 08:03 |
SatanGol1a | hyper__ch: should i remove any package? | 08:04 |
hyper__ch | remove the skype repo from your sources.list | 08:06 |
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SatanGol1a | hyper__ch: Keep the following packages at their current version: | 08:10 |
SatanGol1a | skype [Not Installed] | 08:10 |
SatanGol1a | Y/n? | 08:10 |
hyper__ch | SatanGol1a: can you pastebin it all? | 08:11 |
SatanGol1a | hyper__ch: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39671/ | 08:12 |
hyper__ch | SatanGol1a: do: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade | 08:13 |
SatanGol1a | hyper__ch: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39673/ | 08:16 |
hyper__ch | I'd first do that kernel upgrade | 08:17 |
hyper__ch | SatanGol1a: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 08:17 |
SatanGol1a | and this will not kill my current settings and files? :) | 08:18 |
hyper__ch | no, just install a new kernel | 08:18 |
hyper__ch | the old one will also be kept | 08:18 |
hyper__ch | in case there is hardware compatibility issues | 08:18 |
SatanGol1a | where do i find the old one, if i want to change back? | 08:19 |
hyper__ch | SatanGol1a: upon boot | 08:19 |
SatanGol1a | ahh | 08:20 |
hyper__ch | the new one will be set as default | 08:20 |
SatanGol1a | ok, but will there be a menu where i can choose? | 08:20 |
hyper__ch | yes | 08:20 |
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SatanGol1a | ok | 08:21 |
SatanGol1a | assume its going to take a while... :) | 08:21 |
hyper__ch | depending on your inet connection | 08:21 |
SatanGol1a | but then i'll try with the same approach as above? | 08:21 |
hyper__ch | not yet ;) | 08:21 |
hyper__ch | after that you first ahve to reboot | 08:21 |
SatanGol1a | ah, yes, but then? :) | 08:22 |
hyper__ch | then post your sources.list ;) | 08:22 |
hyper__ch | then we'll try again | 08:22 |
SatanGol1a | alright, thanks alot | 08:22 |
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=== SatanGol1a [n=gadus@h60n1fls309o851.telia.com] has joined #xubuntu | ||
hyper__ch | SatanGol1a: new kernel works? | 08:34 |
SatanGol1a | hyper__ch: dont know: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39677/ | 08:36 |
SatanGol1a | did it upgrade? | 08:36 |
SatanGol1a | there was no menu upon boot anyways | 08:37 |
hyper__ch | SatanGol1a: pastebin: cat /boot/grub/menu.lst | 08:38 |
hyper__ch | SatanGol1a: also pastebin: cat /etc/apt/sources.list | 08:38 |
SatanGol1a | hyper__ch: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39678/ | 08:41 |
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hyper__ch | SatanGol1a: you did see the menu upon boot: timeout 3 | 08:42 |
hyper__ch | for three seconds | 08:42 |
SatanGol1a | well, some countdown | 08:43 |
SatanGol1a | hyper__ch: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39680/ sources.list | 08:43 |
hyper__ch | see, there you had your menu to choose what system to boot | 08:43 |
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SatanGol1a | ahh, but didnt it choose the new one? | 08:43 |
SatanGol1a | or didnt it upgrade? | 08:43 |
hyper__ch | SatanGol1a: it did upgrade | 08:43 |
hyper__ch | SatanGol1a: and you saw the menu upon boot | 08:44 |
SatanGol1a | ok, yes | 08:44 |
hyper__ch | SatanGol1a: and you did not add the medibuntu repositories | 08:44 |
hex1a4 | any one know where I can get info on setting up a xubuntu mirror? | 08:44 |
SatanGol1a | hmm, no? i thought i did | 08:44 |
hyper__ch | SatanGol1a: do you see it in your sources list? | 08:44 |
hyper__ch | hex1a4: did you have a look at the xubuntu homepage? | 08:45 |
hex1a4 | yes I did | 08:45 |
hex1a4 | nothing about being a mirror | 08:45 |
hyper__ch | I'm pretty sure there is | 08:45 |
hex1a4 | ubuntu.com has mirrot info ... | 08:46 |
hex1a4 | but I only want to mirror Xubuntu ... | 08:46 |
hex1a4 | and nothing else | 08:46 |
hyper__ch | SatanGol1a: http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/ | 08:47 |
SatanGol1a | hyper__ch: oh, ok: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39682/ | 08:49 |
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hyper__ch | hex1a4: hmmm, good question | 08:51 |
hyper__ch | SatanGol1a: now: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install skype | 08:51 |
hyper__ch | SatanGola: now: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install skype | 08:51 |
hyper__ch | SatanGolga: now: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install skype | 08:52 |
hex1a4 | hyper_ch: I could put the files up manually but it's too much hassle and time having to do it all the time | 08:52 |
hex1a4 | I want to setup a proper mirror that'll update automatically | 08:52 |
hyper__ch | hex1a4: dunno | 08:53 |
SatanGol1a | hyper__ch: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39684/ | 08:54 |
hyper__ch | SatanGol1a: did you do sudo apt-get update ? | 08:56 |
SatanGol1a | hyper__ch: yes, i ran your cmd | 08:56 |
hyper__ch | SatanGol1a: you did add the feisty repos but you use edgy system | 08:57 |
hyper__ch | you first need to fix that | 08:57 |
SatanGol1a | omg, now we're talking | 09:00 |
SatanGol1a | hyper__ch: its all up and running thanks to you! | 09:08 |
SatanGol1a | i really appreciate all your help | 09:08 |
hyper__ch | SatanGol1a: no problem | 09:08 |
SatanGol1a | :) | 09:09 |
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nickburns | Hi all, long time Linux user, new Ubuntu user... I've installed Ubuntu on my tablet. Pen, etc., working just fine when the screen is at normal (0 deg) rotation. However, when I go to draw a line when the screen is rotated, the line appears jagged and broken until I lift my pen -- and then it goes solid. Happens with all the inking software I have tried so far. Any idea? | 10:06 |
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ader10 | Hello, is there a way for me to check my volume in xfce? | 11:02 |
ader10 | (I know it's a nooby question, but I'm used to openbox and kde) | 11:03 |
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safet__ | bing bong bing bong bing | 11:04 |
hyper__ch | ader10: ??? | 11:09 |
ader10 | hyper__ch: Maybe you can clarify what you mean by ??? | 11:12 |
hyper__ch | ader10: it's about as cryptic as your request | 11:13 |
ader10 | hyper__ch: How do I see what level my volume is at? | 11:15 |
ader10 | hyper__ch: I thought that was the most easy question to answer :P | 11:15 |
hyper__ch | ader10: a volume can mean many things | 11:16 |
hyper__ch | ader10: add it to your bar | 11:16 |
ader10 | ty | 11:17 |
ader10 | See? Not too hard to answer :P | 11:17 |
hyper__ch | ader10: see? Not to hard to pose the question clearly | 11:18 |
ader10 | hyper__ch: I asked the same question, hardly changed at all. | 11:18 |
hyper__ch | ader10: a small change can make a huge difference | 11:18 |
ader10 | hyper__ch: "How can I check my volume" is hardly different than "How do I see what level my volume is" | 11:19 |
hyper__ch | ader10: make a md5 checksum of a text file and then again with 1 character changed | 11:19 |
ader10 | hyper__ch: I don't like how you're being so sarcastic. If I was 2 years new to linux I'd go back to windows if everybody was like you. | 11:19 |
hyper__ch | ader10: where have I been sarcastic? | 11:20 |
hyper__ch | ader10: you shouldn't make such accusations lighly | 11:24 |
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ader10 | hyper__ch: You have a dislikable personality. Please stop trying to make me mad. | 11:33 |
hyper__ch | ader10: then you should leave here | 11:34 |
hyper__ch | ader10: and on the contrary, I have quite a likeable personality ;) | 11:35 |
ader10 | hyper__ch: How about just /ignoring you? That sounds much nicer. | 11:35 |
hyper__ch | ader10: that is up to you... but it's interesting you come here and make nothing but accusations and troubles | 11:36 |
hyper__ch | $ | 11:36 |
=== LeewardRail [n=LeewardR@wnpgmb09dc1-92-115.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
LeewardRail | anyone have any idea on why a USB mouse would stop working soon after bootup ? | 11:38 |
hyper__ch | LeewardRail: has it always been like that? | 11:39 |
LeewardRail | it works fine on boot.. but after a minute it locks up | 11:39 |
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LeewardRail | it worked fien with the same mouse with a USB->ps2 adapter but direct usb it dies about 1 minute after you boot | 11:39 |
hyper__ch | LeewardRail: could be a conflict somewhere... | 11:40 |
LeewardRail | no other usb hardware | 11:41 |
hyper__ch | LeewardRail: no clue... | 11:41 |
LeewardRail | :( | 11:42 |
LeewardRail | is there a usb log ? | 11:42 |
hyper__ch | syslog | 11:43 |
LeewardRail | cool... i'll see it has any idea..... on boot it shows no errors... weird | 11:43 |
hyper__ch | do other usb mice work? | 11:44 |
LeewardRail | unfort i don't have another one in the place to try.... i'll have to bring one from home next week... | 11:44 |
hyper__ch | and just use the ps2 meanwhile | 11:45 |
LeewardRail | yup | 11:45 |
LeewardRail | i'd just keep using it but the damn adapter is heavy enough to make it unplug every couple days | 11:46 |
hyper__ch | ^^ | 11:46 |
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=== thommy [n=thommy@host189-201-dynamic.16-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #xubuntu | ||
thommy | hello | 12:40 |
thommy | can someone help me? | 12:40 |
thommy | aiuto | 12:40 |
TheSheep | !ask | thommy | 12:43 |
ubotu | thommy: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 12:43 |
thommy | :) | 12:45 |
thommy | i've problem with xfce | 12:45 |
thommy | i don't know why | 12:45 |
thommy | but | 12:45 |
thommy | the 2 panel | 12:46 |
TheSheep | !enter | 12:46 |
ubotu | Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 12:46 |
thommy | (one for windows and one for menu bar) are cancelled | 12:46 |
thommy | how can i do to see them again? | 12:47 |
TheSheep | thommy: press alt+f2 and type 'xfce4-panel' | 12:47 |
thommy | now works thank you so much | 12:48 |
thommy | i have another question | 12:48 |
thommy | why if i do it in a windowed terminal it works until the window is open? | 12:49 |
thommy | and why now it works? | 12:49 |
TheSheep | thommy: that's because the processes in linux are hierarchical, they form a tree | 12:49 |
TheSheep | thommy: if you kill a parent, you also kill all the children | 12:50 |
TheSheep | thommy: if you run it form a terminal, the parent is the terminal | 12:50 |
thommy | and with alt+f2 i open a terminal that is ever open? | 12:50 |
TheSheep | thommy: if you run it with alt+f2, the parent is xfwm4, which is part of xfce | 12:50 |
thommy | ok | 12:51 |
thommy | understood | 12:51 |
thommy | thank you so much | 12:51 |
TheSheep | thommy: make sure to save your session when logging out, so that the panels are saved | 12:51 |
thommy | ok | 12:52 |
thommy | but what happen if i save a session? i save all the commands that are open when i shut down? | 12:52 |
TheSheep | thommy: yes, at least the ones that support sessions | 12:53 |
TheSheep | thommy: they are saved in ~/.cache/sessions/ | 12:53 |
thommy | tnx again | 12:53 |
thommy | my system is too slow | 12:54 |
TheSheep | thommy: what cpu and how much ram? | 12:54 |
thommy | little | 12:55 |
thommy | cpu-->730 Mhz ram -->128 Mb | 12:55 |
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=== DaBeowulf [n=wtfbbq@pD9EBFFA8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
TheSheep | thommy: try to avoid running more than large application at a time | 12:56 |
TheSheep | thommy: also, if you don't use a printer, disable the printer daemons in system->services | 12:56 |
DaBeowulf | http://www.skype.com/download/skype/linux/ Did you try it? Will it require me to start using a firewall? | 12:56 |
DaBeowulf | Ha ich don't think so the required stuff came with Xubuntu after all... well i.e. unless I don't trust the Skype guys.. | 01:00 |
thommy | better | 01:02 |
DaBeowulf | well apart from Qt and it's dependancies.. >_< | 01:02 |
thommy | do you are german? | 01:02 |
TheSheep | !de | 01:02 |
ubotu | Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 01:02 |
thommy | !it | 01:03 |
ubotu | Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 01:03 |
thommy | i'm italian :) | 01:03 |
TheSheep | thommy: ah, sorry :) | 01:03 |
thommy | nothing | 01:03 |
thommy | you help me so much!!!!!!!!!!!! | 01:04 |
thommy | and i like to communicate in english | 01:04 |
thommy | and there isn't a #xubuntu-it | 01:05 |
thommy | !!!! | 01:05 |
totalwormage | wtan d- the problem? | 01:08 |
TheSheep | thommy: there wouldn't be #xubuntu either if only #ubuntu had less people | 01:08 |
thommy | ok | 01:11 |
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