troy_s | andreasn: Well... it is only one of the minor downsides to owning a house. Normally during the summer we just hire someone to do it... alas... it didn't happen. :( | 12:41 |
andreasn | where do you live? | 12:44 |
troy_s | andreasn: The worst part is that I get allergic to the bloody grass. | 12:44 |
troy_s | andreasn: Canada. | 12:44 |
andreasn | what part of canada? | 12:45 |
troy_s | andreasn: Western. Vancouver. | 12:45 |
andreasn | doesn't sgarrity live there too? | 12:45 |
andreasn | or maybe that was eastern canada | 12:46 |
nothlit`alpha | i thought you live just outside van, unless i'm confusing you with someone else who lives in bc | 12:46 |
troy_s | nothlit`alpha: No that's me. If I said the burb where I live it would be rather useless. Most people can look and find Vancouver on a map. | 12:46 |
troy_s | nothlit`alpha: although in today's era of gmaps and such, I suppose it is a rather archaic view of the world. | 12:47 |
troy_s | andreasn: sgarrity? Unfamiliar with that name. | 12:47 |
andreasn | Steven Garrity, he works at Silverorange and did a lot of mozilla work | 12:47 |
andreasn | and some gnome stuff every now and then | 12:48 |
troy_s | andreasn: Interesting. | 12:48 |
andreasn | nah, it was on the east coast, Prince Edward Island | 12:50 |
troy_s | andreasn: Ahh... beautiful place. Haven't been there in person yet. | 12:50 |
troy_s | andreasn: Where are you located? | 12:52 |
andreasn | Gothenburg, Sweden | 12:52 |
_MMA_ | Ahhh.... Home of "Melo-Death" and In Flames. \m/ | 12:57 |
troy_s | andreasn / lapo and any other Tango wizards out there -- is there any work currently on the table re: 1) alternate icons within a theme or 2) animated icons? | 01:10 |
andreasn | alternate within a theme how you mean? | 01:11 |
andreasn | animated icons, ugh :) | 01:11 |
troy_s | andreasn: Alternate icons within an overarching theme? | 01:12 |
andreasn | like only change a couple of icons in a theme? | 01:12 |
andreasn | like Mist? | 01:12 |
troy_s | andreasn: And I know the general 'stance' of G on animations, but it just seems a little dated to not offer the option. | 01:12 |
andreasn | well, I guess someone needs to code it | 01:13 |
troy_s | andreasn: Just wondering if anything progressive like that was on the table... I know generally it gets its a*s poo pooed from the Gnome braintrust, but it would seem that _someone_ must have already done something for it. | 01:13 |
andreasn | but there are no specific plans in gnome of it that I know of | 01:13 |
troy_s | (being animations) | 01:13 |
andreasn | well, there are animated icons for stuff like the nautilus trobber | 01:14 |
troy_s | Hrm... | 01:14 |
troy_s | upper right corner yes? | 01:14 |
andreasn | yes | 01:14 |
troy_s | But that infrastructure isn't in place for all of the icons, is it? | 01:14 |
andreasn | no | 01:14 |
troy_s | Is it even treated in remotely the same fashion? | 01:14 |
andreasn | it's not in librsvg that I know of, can't remember if timeline on svg is part of the stable svg spec really | 01:15 |
andreasn | but that would be a way to do it | 01:15 |
troy_s | andreasn: So how is for example, Firefox handling the animations for things like the well known clock and the other rather interesting svg anims? | 01:16 |
andreasn | I think it handles it via it's own svg rendering thing | 01:16 |
troy_s | Hrm. | 01:18 |
andreasn | but I think it would be cool to have animated svg's in librsvg, know any coder that wants to code it? | 01:19 |
andreasn | or one that wants to hack on librsvg in general as well | 01:19 |
troy_s | andreasn: I know very few coders. It would seem that some sort of foundation is already in Mozilla land no? | 01:20 |
nothlit`alpha | firefox i think still doesn't support svg animation | 01:20 |
troy_s | andreasn: I know batches of art faggy types... not too many coders. A few... just not many. | 01:20 |
nothlit`alpha | the clock is done by javascript editing the xml | 01:20 |
troy_s | nothlit`alpha: Really? With an update? | 01:20 |
troy_s | how interesting. | 01:20 |
nothlit`alpha | last time i tried the jimmac style loader svg didn't play in ff | 01:20 |
nothlit`alpha | you still need opera, batik, or the adobe svg loader | 01:21 |
nothlit`alpha | (the animated svg is in the tango archives) | 01:21 |
troy_s | nothlit`alpha: I would think that it would be applicable to metacity as well -- to offer transitions on the button states etc. | 01:22 |
nothlit`alpha | i've uploaded a thumbnailer, uses zenity for the gui if you don't supply cli filenames, will automatically render a raster version of svgs as well as a mini | 01:23 |
nothlit`alpha | troy_s: are you talking about artist types that code? or just coders | 01:24 |
andreasn | ugh, better get off to bed | 01:25 |
andreasn | night! | 01:25 |
nothlit`alpha | troy_s: well, i don't know if we should be thinking about svg animation in the ui, when we're already getting to the point of complexity where things need to be prerendered at all sizes | 01:25 |
nothlit`alpha | i would think people would continue to use more and more complex svg work | 01:26 |
nothlit`alpha | or more filters, etc | 01:26 |
troy_s | nothlit`alpha: I was thinking purely from a contemporary look on the desktop -- it is hard to have that feel without some form of animated icon / window decoration. | 01:30 |
troy_s | I don't really know... it just seems that it would make sense. | 01:30 |
troy_s | nothlit`alpha: And I would hope that prerendering SVG's would hit the bloody death bed sooner rather than later. | 01:31 |
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_MMA_ | Reading back at andreasn's comments, I swear. Attitudes like that gonna relegate Gnome to nothingness. KDE4 keeps looking better and better. | 01:49 |
nothlit`alpha | gnome isn't going anywhere soon | 01:52 |
_MMA_ | And thats too bad. | 01:52 |
_MMA_ | It seems like its gonna take someone to come in and shape it up. | 01:53 |
nothlit`alpha | lol, you want the death of everything not kde for one big unification huh? =p | 01:53 |
_MMA_ | Not a want but hey, KDE is making efforts to keep up with the times. I just done see it from Gnome. | 01:54 |
_MMA_ | *dont | 01:54 |
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troy_s | _MMA_ / nothlit`alpha: GOoooooooo E! | 03:09 |
nothlit`alpha | heh, E will be ready for desktop use with 17 is out of beta | 03:18 |
troy_s | nothlit`alpha: Yeah... it is unfortunate the speed of E dev... too damn slow to get ahead of the game. | 03:35 |
troy_s | nothlit`alpha: and some rather poor 'mainstream' user design decision such as the uber-small nature of it. | 03:36 |
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coz_ | hey guys has ubuntu finalized the gutsy wallpapers yet? | 05:26 |
troy_s | coz_: cozzy! | 05:27 |
troy_s | coz_: ltns. | 05:27 |
troy_s | coz_: What you see is what you will get in Guts. | 05:27 |
coz_ | troy_s, hey guy :) | 05:27 |
coz_ | troy_s, oh thats too bad although I like the elephant skin thingy | 05:28 |
coz_ | troy_s, I was just going through all the sent in items most of which are really not great but some are nice | 05:28 |
troy_s | coz_: Been a arting? | 05:30 |
coz_ | troy_s, well not much since I am one of the support for compiz fuson it has been pretty active there most days | 05:30 |
troy_s | support? | 05:31 |
troy_s | coz_: In what capacity? | 05:31 |
coz_ | troy_s, I am part of the support team on #compiz-fusion | 05:31 |
coz_ | troy_s, I define my role as minor there but we are all really active during most of the day | 05:32 |
coz_ | troy_s, I decided to take a break from that channel to come here and take alook also at the art work for gutsy | 05:32 |
coz_ | troy_s, there are about 8 of us there | 05:33 |
coz_ | troy_s, Jupiter1Tx is the head of the support team | 05:33 |
troy_s | just on getting it up and running style support coz_ ? | 05:33 |
troy_s | not the coding support correct? | 05:33 |
coz_ | troy_s, well actually everyone does a little of everything but the main coding of course is done by the main developers we deal with installation broken systems et c etc and other various user created conditions :) | 05:34 |
coz_ | troy_s, in fact one of the gusy crdlb wrote the fusion-icon package for compiz fusion and he is not part of the develper community | 05:35 |
coz_ | he is part of the support team | 05:35 |
coz_ | guys not gusy | 05:35 |
coz_ | troy_s, so everyone contributes what they can I did the recent splash screen | 05:36 |
troy_s | coz_: linky? | 05:36 |
coz_ | well the only splash screen at this point | 05:36 |
coz_ | troy_s, for what the spalsh | 05:36 |
troy_s | coz_: I always like to see fresh work. | 05:36 |
troy_s | yeah | 05:36 |
troy_s | of course. | 05:36 |
coz_ | troy_s, oh its nothing unless you see it because it is animated but sure hold on | 05:36 |
coz_ | | 05:37 |
coz_ | i defined three of the plugins on the wiki that is one because i do the spalsh screens but they are not that great and that is not the one I wanted but the one the deveolpers wanted | 05:38 |
coz_ | troy_s, i take it you do not use compiz fusion? | 05:38 |
troy_s | coz_: proprietary driver gong show on this end... i need to compile a custom set with older drivers. | 05:39 |
coz_ | troy_s, oh well that splash is two separate files the test is static and the background is animated | 05:39 |
coz_ | text is static | 05:40 |
coz_ | it has a moire effect | 05:40 |
troy_s | interesting. what does the bg do? moire cycle? | 05:40 |
coz_ | the way compiz fusion deals with the splash plugin is strange and i actually tipped onver the solution to get the moire effect and I am not up on the definitions so .. | 05:41 |
coz_ | but it may be gone in future version anyway | 05:42 |
coz_ | troy_s, the bg is moving in a wave fashion watery | 05:43 |
coz_ | see if I can make a short video | 05:44 |
coz_ | bad video | 05:46 |
coz_ | so troy_s any improvement with relatioins between art team and shuttleworth? | 05:49 |
troy_s | coz_: Naw. Its all in kwwi i's hands (sleeping so i am avoiding a ping) | 05:50 |
troy_s | coz_: I don't think it really matters in the end. | 05:50 |
coz_ | troy_s, ok | 05:50 |
coz_ | you say you are sleeping ? I will leave you alone | 05:50 |
troy_s | coz_: Just go about helping projects where one can... that's the best situation I think. | 05:50 |
troy_s | coz_: No I am not sleeping. kwwi i is. | 05:51 |
coz_ | troy_s, probably so | 05:51 |
troy_s | I believe. | 05:51 |
coz_ | oh lol | 05:51 |
coz_ | it is nearly midnight here so I am not entirely awake | 05:51 |
troy_s | coz_: slick splash. | 05:51 |
coz_ | troy_s, bad video | 05:51 |
troy_s | coz_: nice stuffs. you didn't enter the logo design thing did you? | 05:52 |
coz_ | troy_s no I thought that would be a bit of a conflict since I do the splash | 05:52 |
coz_ | although I sent one in early on but it was not even though out | 05:52 |
coz_ | troy_s, and I have had contact with the winning logo creaotr to creat different splash screens | 05:53 |
nothlit | will compiz fusion get a logo as nice as jimmac's revamp of the compiz one? (which is <really> nice svg work imo) | 05:55 |
coz_ | nothlit, do you have link | 05:55 |
coz_ | nothlit, have you seen the winning logo for compiz fusion yet? | 05:55 |
coz_ | nothlit, here is the winning logo | 05:57 |
troy_s | nothlit: The logos are pretty tight in terms of variation. They are quite good. You have jimmac's handy? | 05:57 |
nothlit | original logo , jimmac version | 05:57 |
troy_s | nothlit: The set is very nice. | 05:58 |
troy_s | nothlit: Yep... the new set is at least as good as jimmac's work. | 05:58 |
coz_ | nothlit, well the winning logo has a set of icons for compiz fuson emerald , fusion settings etc and they were created by a fellow in brazil named graphfreak | 05:59 |
coz_ | well that is his online name anyway | 05:59 |
coz_ | i know is is a young fella going to university there in brazil | 05:59 |
nothlit | oh yeah the set is quite nice | 05:59 |
nothlit | i think the fusion could take some tweaking though | 06:00 |
coz_ | nothlit, the all balck set | 06:00 |
coz_ | nothlit, well if you mean the application it is still new overall | 06:00 |
nothlit | coz_: as in the inset/lighting effect could be improved lol =p | 06:00 |
coz_ | nothlit, ah well that is more than possible .. you can put in a request for that for sure. | 06:01 |
coz_ | nothlit, you can go here for request | 06:01 |
coz_ | nothlit, and here for info | 06:02 |
troy_s | The set is quite nice | 06:02 |
coz_ | troy_s, the black set? | 06:02 |
troy_s | coz_: Where ist he black set? | 06:02 |
coz_ | troy_s the whole set?? mm I think I have them here | 06:03 |
troy_s | coz_: Link? | 06:04 |
coz_ | troy_s, here | 06:04 |
nothlit | hmm, do illustrator artists do stuff like this inkscape style or that mesh color grid | 06:04 |
nothlit | i haven't touched illustrator in years | 06:05 |
coz_ | troy_s, they are on my system from graphfreak for use in the splash screens | 06:05 |
troy_s | nothlit: Yes... assuming talent. | 06:05 |
troy_s | nothlit: My friend did the Polar Express the movie... he was the motion capture artist who set up Zemeckis's eMotion capture system -- performance capture. | 06:05 |
troy_s | nothlit: And those are lovely. I love that artist's lith set. | 06:06 |
nothlit | troy_s: i was asking if they do it in layered shapes or that mesh gradient colour system | 06:06 |
troy_s | nothlit: One talented cookie. | 06:06 |
troy_s | nothlit: Oh... no clue. | 06:06 |
troy_s | nothlit: For something like that, I would probably just draw the shapes. | 06:06 |
troy_s | nothlit: The smalls look pretty as hell too eh? | 06:07 |
nothlit | yeah, really impressive that they retain most of their impact | 06:07 |
troy_s | coz_: The set is nice, although the black is maybe a little heavy on the over consistent land -- the mixed palette was nicer for my tastes... all the all -- great stuff though. | 06:08 |
troy_s | nothlit: Hell yes. | 06:08 |
coz_ | troy_s, well this was his first attempt with inkscape and I think he did a fine job considering | 06:08 |
troy_s | coz_: It really is a 'pretty' set -- no gaudy heavy lines etc. | 06:09 |
troy_s | coz_: Nice and thin lined etc. | 06:09 |
coz_ | troy_s, he also did a color set of the same design but these stood out | 06:09 |
nothlit | well, the lines their all come from the shading itself :) | 06:10 |
troy_s | nothlit: His impressive lith set is just wonderful the way he adapts the firefox logo to the 2d lith style... it really is great stuff. | 06:10 |
nothlit | who thought that icon art would ever get to that stage =p | 06:10 |
troy_s | coz_: The most impressive part (not that I am a huge shiny 1997 gloss guy) is the way the gloss is technically adept as opposed to that tacky s curve crap. | 06:10 |
troy_s | coz_: The way it flows ala oldschool chroming via airbrush. | 06:11 |
coz_ | troy_s, I like it and voted for this set myself ... there were others that were quite nice but this set seemed the most consistent | 06:11 |
troy_s | coz_: The first generation with the different coloured boxes I thought was more tasteful -- but very similar. | 06:12 |
coz_ | ah ok | 06:12 |
troy_s | coz_: But they are tight. | 06:12 |
coz_ | yes I did a group of svg distribution theme for one of the screenlets and included his stuff as a desltop logo just for fun of course | 06:13 |
coz_ | well it is dissapoining to hear that shuttlworth has not made any progress with the team | 06:14 |
coz_ | not unexpected but still... | 06:15 |
nothlit | who has more jurisdiction over compiz/+fusion, novell or canonical? | 06:16 |
coz_ | nothlit, cononical has no jurisdiction | 06:16 |
coz_ | nothlit, it is now licensed under novell if I am not mistaken | 06:16 |
nothlit | coz_: with such a vested interest the they have no claim over any of the code? | 06:17 |
coz_ | since the merge with beryl/compiz most of the code has the novel license in it from that last time ai compiled it anyway | 06:17 |
coz_ | nothlit, no claim at all | 06:17 |
coz_ | nothlit, unless there is something going on behind the scenes | 06:18 |
coz_ | nothlit, if that is the case then most of us would not be aware of it | 06:18 |
coz_ | nothlit, and I have learned to stay away from questioning things like that only be cause i get pretty involved and opinionated | 06:19 |
coz_ | I tend to make enemies :) | 06:19 |
troy_s | coz_: I don't know if I would say that... another debacle with Gutsy so who knows. | 06:20 |
troy_s | coz_: I have no idea how his head works, and I don't think anyone really can. In the end, he is a brilliant guy and no idiot by any stretch of the imagination. | 06:21 |
troy_s | coz_: I can only think he keeps learning along the art / design line at a frenetic pace. But again, the nature of his makeup probably means he focuses more on other details -- not that those other details aren't as important. It is just a different mind. | 06:22 |
coz_ | troy_s, true and if he can he will get involved however nothing has ever come up about cononical even in the support private channel nothing has ever been mentioned but much talk about novells involvment | 06:22 |
coz_ | troy_s, oh you mean the shuttleworht art team issue | 06:22 |
troy_s | Well novell isn't doing anything re design either. sweepy blue curves and crap. | 06:22 |
coz_ | troy_s, eeww I know | 06:22 |
coz_ | :) | 06:22 |
troy_s | coz_: Diana is gone from redhat which is a bit of a blow really -- the highbar got lower again. | 06:22 |
coz_ | oh | 06:23 |
troy_s | coz_: Novell's is a bigger gongshow than Ubuntu -- at least ubuntu has SOMETHING going for it -- albeit in a strange sort of painful way. lol. | 06:23 |
coz_ | :) | 06:23 |
troy_s | coz_: You must remember -- we are still living in the dark ages -- rather like album art when the record was first invented. | 06:24 |
coz_ | troy_s, I know and if any more developers tell me they what art is i think i shoot myself | 06:24 |
troy_s | coz_: It didn't exist. | 06:24 |
troy_s | coz_: Well nature of the beast. The best we can hope for is a true artistic 'movement' ala the oldschool artists who have all come before. | 06:24 |
troy_s | coz_: Not some dweebs chasing after what the other kids on the block are doing. | 06:25 |
nothlit | hmm, i quite like these ones | 06:25 |
coz_ | troy_s, it would be nice to see quality involved in these events for sure | 06:25 |
coz_ | nothlit, yeah many voted for them | 06:25 |
troy_s | coz_: Free Software is ripe for a true movement. Just as the rebelling against say the mainstream 'polish' gave birth to DIY or the rebelling against the Swiss style with clutter. | 06:25 |
coz_ | troy_s, you may be righit we just need to find the crack to slip into it | 06:26 |
troy_s | those have that nasty 'i'm a lazy ass' gloss curve on them. | 06:26 |
nothlit | coz_: what are the developers telling you? | 06:26 |
troy_s | this faux consistency in the name of consistency united under consistency sake. | 06:26 |
coz_ | nothlit, about what? | 06:26 |
troy_s | coz_: I think it is there... | 06:27 |
nothlit | coz_: about art | 06:27 |
troy_s | coz_: Just find the group of people who are passionate about the movement and have the ability to deliver content using whatever tools we must. | 06:27 |
troy_s | coz_: It is quite intriguing in the 'bigger' scope when one looks at history and how all of this might play out in a possible future. | 06:27 |
coz_ | nothlit, well they have their own concept of what they think should be included in compiz fuson as i said the splash they got from me was not the one I originally wanted to use they asked that i change many things which did but kept my grumpy opinons about it to myself this itme | 06:28 |
coz_ | time | 06:28 |
troy_s | lol | 06:28 |
troy_s | old cozzy | 06:28 |
troy_s | ok... brb... compiling a proprietary library... YAY | 06:28 |
troy_s | (sh*t) | 06:28 |
coz_ | troy_s, i wanted my splash to introduce the application so... | 06:28 |
troy_s | so? | 06:28 |
coz_ | I did what they wanted | 06:28 |
nothlit | well, one of the ways to go is what you're doing already then | 06:28 |
nothlit | Nox/u2 | 06:29 |
troy_s | nothlit: But I think a real movement could happen -- take the mainstream and all that is broken with it -- the proprietary nature and all the ethical rubbish and truly move against it. | 06:29 |
nothlit | uS is heading down a nice road, they have the potential to get somewhere and be a flagship | 06:29 |
coz_ | I would like to see more impressive better skilled art on the scene than what I have been subjected to | 06:29 |
troy_s | coz_: Yeah but that takes idiots like you to step up and flail with the tools and produce good work and build a body of work showing that you can do the gig. | 06:30 |
nothlit | troy_s: only way to break free is find a way out of reach of the corporate overlords | 06:30 |
troy_s | coz_: lol | 06:30 |
troy_s | coz_: Then maybe we can build a footing. | 06:30 |
troy_s | coz_: Who knows. | 06:30 |
coz_ | troy_s, ah remember that ubuntu kicked me for my work because it was in their opinion too revealing | 06:30 |
nothlit | coz_: i wouldn't mind seeing your original splash :) | 06:30 |
coz_ | nothlit, i will have to find on one of the externals let me see if I can hold on | 06:31 |
troy_s | coz_: It is a path I have chosen -- just get the work out there as best as you can while trying desperately to balance the scales between want and progression. | 06:31 |
troy_s | coz_: Well that is all in the past. | 06:31 |
troy_s | coz_: If you are weak, you walk away. If you are strong, you keep struggling. | 06:31 |
coz_ | troy_s, yeah i have been , again, think ing about this channel , you , and the topics we have discussed in the past i want to make a real contribution in that area I hope things can get moving and I certainly woulndt mind making waves doing that | 06:32 |
troy_s | coz_: Just keep doing the work. That's all one can do. | 06:32 |
troy_s | coz_: Eventually perhaps we can get some momentum. | 06:32 |
coz_ | troy_s, maybe so lettin people see what can be done | 06:32 |
troy_s | coz_: I will say I have met at least _two_ talented folks who have art degrees and are quite gifted... the landscape is changing. | 06:32 |
nothlit | part of it is the perception and divide of artists between traditional artists that use the computer and the kids that have grown up on digital art | 06:32 |
coz_ | even if my work is not top notch ti still is out there | 06:32 |
coz_ | nothlit, much can be done with digital media for sure it is the skills I am finding lacking with many people | 06:33 |
troy_s | coz_: Gradually... the first iterations will obviously be littered with all sorts of concessions and compromises... but it should get better assuming the work holds up. | 06:33 |
nothlit | coz_: because they think the tools make the artist | 06:33 |
coz_ | troy_s i agree | 06:33 |
troy_s | coz_: That's just it... not _all_ of the work will be top shelf nor should it be assuming people are trying new things. | 06:34 |
coz_ | nothlit, I know there is the downfall isnt it | 06:34 |
nothlit | we need the regular artists to use the digital tools | 06:34 |
troy_s | coz_: The worst case is that people deliver mediocrity while striving to deliver a trend that has passed and _not_ forging a potential future or something. | 06:34 |
coz_ | nothlit, which is what I try to do i like working digitally but I tend to be more of old school art than anything | 06:34 |
troy_s | nothlit: Have you seen any of coz_'s stuff? | 06:34 |
nothlit | troy_s: wait... isn't he the one that did the lion gimping? :D | 06:35 |
troy_s | nothlit: Probably one of the more accomplished painterly styles I have seen in the 'scene'. | 06:35 |
coz_ | I have nothing online | 06:35 |
nothlit | now that i think of it | 06:35 |
troy_s | coz_: You should also set up a blog or something. | 06:35 |
troy_s | coz_: Get the work out there so that people can see. | 06:35 |
troy_s | coz_: Especially your gimp african man set etc. | 06:35 |
coz_ | troy_s, well my nephe w is insisting on buying a web page for my stuff | 06:35 |
troy_s | Erm mask set. | 06:35 |
troy_s | coz_: Just go to blogger or something and set one up. One click if you already have gmail. | 06:36 |
coz_ | troy_s, yeah i love those masks they took a looong time to complete | 06:36 |
troy_s | coz_: You stubborn fool. | 06:36 |
nothlit | the svg mask set i saw on the wiki before as a mascot proposal? or something else | 06:36 |
coz_ | lol I am italian what do you expect | 06:36 |
troy_s | nothlit: He did a full series actually. | 06:36 |
troy_s | coz_: 50% of that in me too. | 06:36 |
coz_ | nothlit, no no tthat one | 06:36 |
nothlit | coz_: did you do that gimp painting of the lion? | 06:36 |
troy_s | coz_: The other half is bloody eastern block starving Eisensteinism. | 06:36 |
troy_s | nothlit: Methinks that was his too. | 06:37 |
coz_ | nothlit, I have done several lions | 06:37 |
troy_s | nothlit: On a side note, who did that dawn of Ubuntu tree? Does anyone know? | 06:37 |
coz_ | i think my blog although empty with words has a few pieces let me check | 06:37 |
nothlit | um, i had his website before | 06:37 |
nothlit | lemme regoogle | 06:37 |
troy_s | aside from the obvious center punching hell composition, it is extremely well done. | 06:37 |
troy_s | brb... let me get glx going. | 06:38 |
coz_ | nothlit, no I removed the lion but there are some minor pieces here | 06:38 |
coz_ | nothlit, and troy already condemed me fro not allowing them to be linked to a larger image | 06:39 |
nothlit | interesting | 06:40 |
nothlit | i thought they were clickable before | 06:40 |
coz_ | nothlit, no I didnt know how lol | 06:40 |
nothlit | coz_: some great stuff there | 06:40 |
coz_ | nothlit, thanks not great pieces by any standard though | 06:41 |
nothlit | well, i might be able to judge better if i could see them =p | 06:42 |
nothlit | they look quite good as thumbnails, and thats one of the most important things | 06:43 |
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troy_s | well that was painless. | 06:48 |
coz_ | :) | 06:48 |
nothlit | troy_s , blackbird is his gnome-look id, is a modified version someone made | 06:48 |
nothlit | next time let me finish typing so i don't have to save my line | 06:49 |
coz_ | :) | 06:49 |
nothlit | =p | 06:49 |
troy_s | lol | 06:49 |
troy_s | did i bum out on you before you typed lol | 06:49 |
nothlit | i was compiling the last url | 06:49 |
troy_s | not his though. | 06:49 |
troy_s | i wonder who actually painted dawn | 06:50 |
coz_ | well guys i come here on occasion hoping to talk at least a bit about art ... with this technical support for compiz fusion it gets me a bit down at times so thanks ahead of time | 06:50 |
troy_s | night is some nasty colorize in gimp | 06:50 |
troy_s | lol | 06:50 |
troy_s | lol | 06:50 |
coz_ | :) | 06:50 |
troy_s | coz_: You should probably just bloody idle in here you foolio. | 06:50 |
coz_ | troy_s, i know i do so much time in support I forget then when Id o come here it is 2 or 3 am here and no one is one | 06:51 |
coz_ | on | 06:51 |
troy_s | well sometimes the moons align. | 06:51 |
troy_s | although it was hideous for me the past while as i was on a show. | 06:51 |
nothlit | troy_s: on gnome-look blackbird says its his | 06:51 |
coz_ | well I decided to quit early this evening just to come here | 06:51 |
troy_s | lol | 06:52 |
troy_s | coz_: Spending time answering questions gets tiring. | 06:52 |
troy_s | nothlit: Interesting. | 06:52 |
coz_ | oh boy does it | 06:53 |
nothlit | yeah, i've permanently pooped out on support in #ubuntu | 06:53 |
nothlit | i don't know how you would do it constantly for so long | 06:54 |
coz_ | nothlit, I have to say that #compiz-fusion is a really even well tempered support channel it s pretty easy to deal with | 06:55 |
coz_ | and I will probably fo there shortly anyway :) | 06:55 |
coz_ | go not fo | 06:56 |
coz_ | damn fingers | 06:56 |
coz_ | well troy_s and nothlit i think i am going to head over to compiz fusion now but will leave this channel in lurk mode :) | 06:56 |
coz_ | thanks again guys ti was really nice ... I needed this :) | 06:57 |
troy_s | Okie... chat soon hopefully coz. | 06:57 |
troy_s | get cranking on the work. | 06:57 |
coz_ | troy_s, will do and I will try to get here as often as possible also.... I need to talk art even if i disagree with everyone lol | 06:58 |
nothlit | what the... i downloaded the dapper drake artwork source package and dawn is not in it | 06:58 |
troy_s | coz_: Disagreements are nothing more than people who give a shit. | 06:58 |
troy_s | nothlit: Hrm... odd. | 06:59 |
nothlit | oh, extraction error | 07:02 |
nothlit | got it now | 07:02 |
nothlit | Dawn of Ubuntu: Armin Ronacher <> | 07:02 |
nothlit | CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike | 07:02 |
troy_s | Hrm... | 07:02 |
nothlit | he has a second website | 07:10 |
troy_s | night | 07:14 |
nothlit | cyas | 07:19 |
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