
NewOnThismjancaitis: gonna give it a shot, thanks12:03
kstdont think linux will fit on 8mb :)12:03
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GBenemyhitomaro: see dev/sda1 open Partition manager (system -> administration) and resize that12:04
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Tech-Mikeanybody know howto fix: Wnck-Warning ** Unhandled action (nil)12:04
GBenemymake 3 partitions12:04
Random832can you resize ntfs?12:04
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NewOnThisWhich version should I dload?12:04
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khatahnkst: linux would, ubuntu won't12:04
astro76hitomaro, if this is going to be only Ubuntu, back up a step and pick guided partitioning12:04
ech0dishyou should go back, and use the guided partition12:04
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ader10POLL: VMWare vs Virtual Box12:04
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kstkhatahn ;-)12:04
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mjancaitisNewOnThis: do you have a 64-bit proc?12:04
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GBenemyhitmaro: resize them to how big you want to keep your ntfs and make one how big your ubuntu is going to be, then resize the ubuntu one again to make another one of around 500mb12:05
NewOnThismjancaitis: yes, but I mean 6.06 or 7.04?12:05
mjancaitisNewOnThis: 7.04, definitely, imo12:05
hitomaroGBenemy so you want my to click on /sda1 and Edit the partition?12:05
GBenemykeep the ntfs the same (ntfs) but make the primary ubuntu one ext2 or ext3 and the smaller one "linux-swap"12:05
NewOnThismjancaitis: ok thanks, will dload that one12:05
ricocan I ask some VirtualBox help in here? :)12:05
mirakso now Rythmbox is almost my favorite player12:05
mjancaitisNewOnThis: good luck12:05
GBenemythere should be a button at the top "resize"12:05
ech0dishhitomaro, go back and use the guided partition12:05
mirakI wouldn't have believed it would be possible12:05
ricoader10, I like VirtualBox for having seamless. :b12:05
Gutsy_bWhat are some portable mp3 players that will work with linux and ogg files?12:05
ech0dishyeah resize if you want dual boot12:05
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romulooamaroK rulez12:06
kstNewOnThis go for latest release which is 7.04, an even newer version (7.10) will be available in 2 weeks from now12:06
mirakrico: cowon12:06
NewOnThismjancaitis: thanks, hope that one works for me, otherwise I'll go hang myself xD12:06
mirakrico: and old irivers12:06
kstbut you can easily upgrade then12:06
ricomirak: cowon?12:06
mjancaitisGutsy_b: I think Cowon players will work12:06
GBenemyPriceChild: is this good?12:06
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mirakrico: Cowon12:06
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ricooh. Gutsy_b's the one asking :)12:06
hitomaro"An error occurred while writing the changes to the storage devices.12:06
hitomaroThe resize operation is aborted."12:06
GBenemyclick the arrow on the left12:06
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Gutsy_bI'll check that thanks12:06
GBenemyand see what the errors were12:06
ader10mirak: My favorite player of all time is mpd.12:06
NewOnThismjancaitis: one last question, would I be able to install the text based without problems?12:07
overlordHow do enably NTFS read-write support in Feisty Fawn?12:07
mjancaitisGutsy_b: the iAudio7 offers 60 hours of playback supposedly12:07
mirakader10: berk12:07
GBenemyoverlord ntfsg12:07
ricohey guys.. a question on VirtualBox. I'm 'upgrading' from the OSE version to the proprietary. I just uninstalled OSE and installed VirtualBox from debs (i'm on ubuntu gutsy). is this the only thing I have to do? I'm having problems with this. shouldn't I update the guest additions on the XP guest?12:07
astro76!ntfs-3g | overlord12:07
ubotuoverlord: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions12:07
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SpiderPigwhere is the file in linux that saves all my gnome settings? i need to back it up12:07
ricooverlord, you have to edit your fstab to use the ntfs-3g and have the rw option12:07
mjancaitisNewOnThis: it will likely *install* correctly, whether it boots after that is the trick12:07
ricooverlord, the URL there might be of some assistance12:07
GBenemy*ntfs-3g, sorry12:07
mirakrico: look for cowon audio players, or any player that support rockbox12:07
overlordrico: thanks..12:07
PriceChild!gutsy | rico12:07
uboturico: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information12:07
ech0dishif you use, fat32 install for the win partition you don't have to worry about ntfs-3g12:08
NewOnThismjancaitis: oh :S I see...12:08
mjancaitisNewOnThis: depending on your hardware, you might have to give grub a couple of tags (noapic, noacpi, etc) to get it to boot and then you can work on getting the display and everything else just right12:08
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macdSpiderPig, typically ~/.gnome ~/.gnome2 ~/.gconf will get everything12:08
ricopricechild, mmm, I think it was more of a question on VBox and not necessarily on the ubuntu version :)12:08
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mjancaitisNewOnThis: with any luck though, if you're on well-supported hardware, everything will work12:08
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SpiderPigmacd um what? can you give me the whole path?12:08
mirakrico: http://build.rockbox.org/  check all this players. rockbox is an open source OS. some players are not sold anymore12:08
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NewOnThismjancaitis: thanks a lot, I'll be back xD12:09
macdSpiderPig, not without knowing your login name, ~/ will automatically take you to the current users directory, those listed above are subdirectories, you'll want all of them.12:09
Kronosgreat so it seems that for some odd reason ubuntu doesnt like my system... all well give it anothing go tomorrow if not back to old rubish windows12:09
Tech-Mikewindow-decor prob: Wnck-Warning ** Unhandled action (nil) ... any help?12:09
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mjancaitisrico: rockbox is great, I put it on my nano a while back to get FLAC support12:09
SpiderPigmacd ok im on bitchx so the text is already gone. can you give it to me again? ill save it this time12:09
macdSpiderPig, typically ~/.gnome ~/.gnome2 ~/.gconf will get everything12:10
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NewOnThisIs there any app like WinAvi video converter or TMPGENC for Linux? I mean a good video converter12:10
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scguy318ffmpeg? :P12:10
NewOnThisIs that simple of use? or way hard? :P12:10
MeroigoSpiderPig, "~/" is the same as "/home/username/". If you write ~/ in terminal, nautilus etc it will resolve it to your username's home path. :) It's nice.12:11
mirakrico: you don't hear me ??12:11
macdNewOnThis, ffmpeg would be the =, there are also GUI's for it, look into DeVeDe, it converts virtually anything to anything12:11
FurryNemesisNewOnThis, to convert filetypes?12:11
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hitomaroI'm having resizing problems. :(12:11
ppjis this lm-sensors thing the best way to control fanspeed?12:11
ricomirak: I wasn't the one asking the mp3 player question12:11
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NewOnThisyes, between formats12:11
macdppj, lm-sensors reads sensors, acpid typically controls them12:11
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ricomirak: I think It was Gutsy_b :)12:11
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filthpigI'm currently running gutsy on a live cd and on a 32" LCD TV (LG 32lb2r), and I luckily get some image at all (had to do a little work to get it to work with feisty), but gutsy does not recognize my monitor by default. To fix this on feisty I just had to run nvidia-settings-config, and it autodetected my TV. Now, I want to make sure this works with gutsy too, but when trying to enable the nvidia restricted driver I get 404: IP not found.. (f12:12
NewOnThissorry for too much questions, but I've never used Linux before.12:12
ppjmacd, oh, okay, i was setting lmsensors up and my computer just shutoff (nf4), that common?12:12
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mjancaitisfilthpig: #ubuntu+1 for gutsy questions12:12
mehmetserifcan i enable composite with ati radeon express x1200 graphic card?12:12
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mirakGutsy_b: look for Cowon players, or players on this page that support rockbox http://build.rockbox.org/12:12
FurryNemesisNewOnThis, well, welcome, and feel free to bug us :)12:12
_AndrewNewOnThis: You can never ask too many questions ;)12:12
FurryNemesishear hear12:12
hitomaroI can't seem to find the reason why I'm having a resizing problem, I went to guided partition and I keep getting that very problem. :/12:12
NewOnThisthanks mates ^^12:12
macdppj, not really, but most likely it probed a sensor that didnt want to be probed, this isnt a thinkpad is it?12:12
GBenemyhitomaro: if you use guided partition, it will erase everything on your disk12:13
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ricomehmetserif: hmm12:13
ppjmacd, nope. dfi lanparty motherboard, a desktop12:13
FurryNemesisthat said, does anyone know how I can stop xchat displaying all my text in grey?12:13
hitomarooh wow12:13
ppjmacd, it did crash on the second probe so i guess i'll just skip that one12:13
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mehmetserifrico, ?12:13
GBenemyhitomaro, you have windows currently installed?12:13
hitomarofortunately enough I clicked undo12:13
ricomehmetserif, some ATI cards are blacklisted, I'll check if yours is in there12:13
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macdppj, yeah good plan, to control fanspeeds and others look at fancontrol and pwmconfig packages12:13
hitomaroyes but I have nothing on my windows12:13
GBenemyhitomaro, do you wish to keep your windows though?12:14
hitomaroI just installed a fresh windows just a couple of minutes ago12:14
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mehmetserifrico, i looked at it on composite12:14
GBenemyah, do you want to dual boot, or have ubuntu only?12:14
mehmetserifrico, i looked at it on composite's wiki bu i couldn't see x120012:14
ppjmacd, easy to setup? Im having a hardtime working on this because the fans keep revving up and down and this is by no means a quiet server12:14
hitomaroI'd like dual boot. :)12:14
ricomehmetserif, the blacklisted ATI cards are ati rs480 and rv350... so guess your card is okay :] 12:14
strangelv"What's the channel for Gutsy?12:14
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NewOnThisIf I use Ubuntu x64, and want to convert video, will it be faster than doing it in W1nd0wz 32 bits? I know Linux is Robust, but is it faster than the famous W?12:14
GBenemyhitomaro, go System -> Administration -> GNOME Partition Editor12:14
linxehi guess12:14
Kronosguyz how do i check for any comflicts/ problems during boot up?12:14
GBenemyright click your ntfs -> unmount12:15
mehmetserifrico, where do u look for it?12:15
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macdppj, as easy as anything else in console ;)12:15
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ppjcool thanks12:15
GBenemystrangelv, #ubuntu+112:15
ricomehmetserif, there was URL somewhere but I can't seem to find it anymore. now I just checked my /usr/bin/compiz for it12:15
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GBenemyoh :(12:15
ppjthese fans are really pissing me off12:15
_AndrewNewOnThis: I don't think it really matters which operating system you covert video on12:15
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FurryNemesisppj, fan problem?12:16
Sleepybrainslooking to switch from vista to a linux os was looking for a good primer on the subject12:16
mehmetserifrico, ok so i can use it right?12:16
mjancaitisSleepybrains: like what?12:16
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macdppj, I send you a URL in priv to a decent article on fan speeds12:16
unagianyone here have a problem with maya crashing because of an unknown signal?12:16
NewOnThisAndrew: I see.12:16
Sleepybrainswell, i don't know anything about linux os's12:16
ppjFurryNemesis, eh, just a new ubuntu install, the fans are revving up and down, just trying to keep them in one place right now12:16
unagiSleepybrains: where do i begin12:16
Sleepybrainsand i'm sick of vista12:16
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_AndrewSleepybrains: What are you looking for specifically? What alternative programs to use? How to install it?12:16
ader10What's the best console mpd program?12:16
GBenemySleepybrains: i suggest dual booting first, that way if you don't like it you can easily revert12:16
unagiSleepybrains: when vista came out i was impressed12:16
FurryNemesismacd, I've got the same problem :(12:16
ppjmacd, great thanks12:16
GBenemyhitomaro, yes?12:16
mehmetserifrico, but i have one more question, do i have to have with xgl or with aiglx?12:17
hitomarowhat do you mean by unmount? I right clicked12:17
unagiSleepybrains: but not so much anymore.....linux is more stable and faster12:17
ppjFurryNemesis, it's common with all linux distros i've used12:17
ricomehmetserif, I'm not sure :)12:17
BrokenPipeAnyone had luck getting the newest Apple Wireless Keyboard working that can give me a hand?12:17
FurryNemesisppj, mine started today for some reason12:17
Sleepybrainsi'm just afraid i won't be able to use all of the software programs that i use now12:17
GBenemyhitomaro, what options does it give you?12:17
IndyGunFreakhitomaro: you there?12:17
ppjFurryNemesis, ah, weird12:17
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mjancaitisSleepybrains: installing Ubuntu is fairly simple, and there's not much of a learning curve to it12:17
Sleepybrainslike support for my mp3 player12:17
hitomarohey Indy12:17
MeroigoDoes it exsist a program that can change my desktop background like every five minutes or so? :P12:17
ppjFurryNemesis, mine does it until i enable the fan controllers12:17
mjancaitisSleepybrains: what programs are you concerned about specifically?12:17
=== nomaS is away: me fui asi que nos vemos luego :)
ader10Merogio: Yes, I don't remember what it's called.12:17
FurryNemesisfan controllers?12:17
_AndrewSleepybrains: What programs we can suggest alternatives12:17
ader10Meroigo: I know KDE has it by default12:17
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FurryNemesisI never found out how to do that.....12:18
hitomarohey GBenemy, thanks for the help12:18
Sleepybrainswell, that's not the issue really... where would you send a noob to learn about switching over to ubuntu12:18
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mjancaitisSleepybrains: ubuntu.com, of course!12:18
Meroigoader10, okay, i use gnome12:18
Sleepybrainsi looked there, obviously12:18
GBenemyhitomaro, did you get it working?12:18
randomnessSleepybrains: i'd send you a live cd12:18
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Y3khow do i list the information of a user? UID, PID, groups, etc12:18
ader10Meroigo: I know xfce has something too12:18
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Sleepybrainscan i just burn a cd, of an iso and reformat and install?12:18
FurryNemesisppj, d'you think you could forward me the url that macd qave you please?12:18
ader10Meroigo: I'm not sure about gnome though12:19
_AndrewSleepybrains: There is alot of reading material. If you need a quick question asked then come by here and someone should be able to answer you! :D12:19
randomnessSleepybrains: with a livecd you wouldn't need to reformat.. just pop it in and give it a try12:19
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astro76Sleepybrains, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwitchingToUbuntu/FromWindows/12:19
GBenemySleepybrains: i recently swapped from windows to linux about 2 weeks ago...i have been a windows user since '95, and for the first few days i hated ubuntu (sorry) however, after spending some time in here, it found it easy to learn my way around it, and use it12:19
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Sleepybrainsperfect! thank you... sorry for the bother12:19
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LifeisfunnyWhat's the Ubuntu program I need to install similar to iTunes?12:19
ppjer, for KDe though12:20
GBenemyi use iTunes :S12:20
levarnunot similar...better! :)12:20
ricoLifeisfunny, exaile,  rhythmbox12:20
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ppjexaile i guess12:20
GBenemyif you have itunes on a windows partition, just use wine12:20
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Lifeisfunnyrico, thanks, you too ppj12:20
_AndrewLifeisfunny: I'm using Rhythmbox which is installed by default in Ubuntu although some people don't like i12:20
ricowine + itunes didn't work for me with itunes 7.0112:20
ppji use kde libs just for amarok12:20
Lifeisfunnynow windows here12:20
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arnathhi, i have windows xp on first sata drive, linux ubuntu 7.10 on second, grub has been wiped by the windows install, but i can't seem to reinstall grub properly12:20
GBenemyreally? it does for me12:20
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juha_in synaptic view, packet box, what does that orange ubuntu symbol mean?12:21
ppjhell i use linux just just for amarok12:21
macd!grub | arnath12:21
ricoarnath, do you have your Ubuntu install cd?12:21
scguy318arnath: have you tried using the Super GRUB CD?12:21
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ricoyou can use that to reinstall grub.12:21
arnathrico: yes12:21
Lifeisfunny_Andrew, yeah, I have that installed already.  didn't know it worked12:21
macdoh dear12:21
arnathrico: i know12:21
macdwhere is uboto12:21
ader10What's the best console program for mpd?12:21
arnathrico: i did the find /boot/grub/stage1, it gave me (hd1,1)12:21
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scguy318juha_: it means that the package is an official repo package, and not in universe or another repo12:21
ricoarnath, good, then do "root (hd1,1)"12:21
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ricoand setup (hd1)12:21
unagiarnath in my experience i havent been able to get grub to work when installing windows second but you can use the windows bootloader.....12:21
arnathrico: first time i installed it, it didnt work at all (it did say it was installed, but skipped grub and went straight for windows anyway)12:21
unagibut of course its going to go into grub after the windows loader.......lemme know if u want the solution12:22
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juha_thaks scguy31812:22
ricooops, "setup (hd0)" since you want it installed on the firs tdisk12:22
GBenemyi edit my grub files12:22
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GBenemythe defaults annoyed me12:22
unagii hate how it says its longhorn12:22
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GBenemyyeah: i changed that12:22
neo_why after i have installed the new Kernel for my Ubuntu 7.04 it shows me that the PC have errors etc ?12:22
arnathunagi: i dont quite understand why grub wont work anymore after windows isntall?12:23
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arnathunagi: i mean, that it cant be installed anymore12:23
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GBenemynow, my list says "Windows Vista" "Ubuntu" "Ubuntu (Memory Test)"12:23
toedhow can I move everything around on my gnome panel thing12:23
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GBenemywith Windows as the default12:23
unagiwindows overwrites the grub bootloader as the default12:23
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macdtoed, right click what you want and unlock it, and move it12:23
tetrachi am a newb and have a few questions is there someone here who could help out in a private chat12:23
scguy318neo_: what sort of errors?12:23
coreymon77!fixgrub | GBenemy12:24
arnathunagi: ye but reinstalling it should be easy, no?12:24
toedmacd: most things have "move" grayed out12:24
scguy318tetrach: asking here is fine12:24
ctothejwhat do I have to do to ensure a certain module gets loaded at bootup? I am trying to replace my network card driver from sky2 to sk98lin driver.12:24
ader10What's the best console program for mpd?12:24
tetrachok thanks12:24
scguy318tetrach: the channel isn't seriously busy12:24
toedlike the menus and the clock12:24
hitomaro(06:18:27 PM) GBenemy, No but IndyGunFreak was helping me out earlier and he's picking off where he left off12:24
coreymon77!grub | GBenemy12:24
hitomarothanks anyways12:24
macdtoed, yeah, then uncheck the lock to panel box12:24
coreymon77never mind that12:24
GBenemycoreymon77: I don't want to fix it12:24
GBenemyi just edited it to suit me12:24
toedugh, that's a lot of mouse clicks12:24
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coreymon77GBenemy: isnt that what the problem is?12:24
GBenemyno why?12:24
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mjancaitistoed: it's more than you can do in Windows though :D12:24
GBenemyi don't have a problem12:24
dawizcan anyone help with install?12:24
macdtoed, if 2 is too many then I feel sad for you.12:25
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unagii wouldnt say easy12:25
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magnetronhow do i do full disk encryption with ubuntu 7.04 or 7.10 ?12:25
ppjugh this pwmconfig is confusing12:25
astro76!anyone | dawiz12:25
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GBenemyubotu isn't in the channel12:25
GBenemyhe's online though12:25
macdhes back12:25
astro76dawiz, ask ;)12:25
coreymon77GBenemy: oh, sorry, i thought it was the grub after windows thing12:25
ader10What's the best console program for mpd?12:25
dawizits the keyboard12:25
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GBenemyno no not me :P thanks though12:25
Agrajagader10: ncmpc12:25
toedmacd: 2 for each thing on the panel12:25
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_Andrewdawiz: Whats wrong with it?12:25
toedit shuffled itself for some reason when I rebooted12:25
dawizworks fine til it wants me to choose it from list, then i dont find an exact match on the list, the arrow keys stop working and i cant finish install12:26
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astro76dawiz, what kind of keyboard do you have?12:26
unagiis there a network manager out there that allows you to refresh your wireless list12:26
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tetrachmy computer came with vista and i would like to now dual boot ubuntu. what is the best way to go about this12:26
dawizlogitech mediaboard12:26
unagithat is the one major thing about ubuntu that bugs me12:27
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GBenemytetrach = resize your vista partition and install ubunt12:27
macd!dualboot | tetrach12:27
unagimandriva has a rocking network monitor12:27
ubotutetrach: Dual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookProFeisty12:27
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_Andrewunagi: You mean like wifi radar?12:27
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unaginot exactly12:27
grozeillehello, is there someone skilled about pango/cairo/etc. to explain me something, plz ?12:27
unagiwifi radar is too out there for me12:27
ppjIs there any form of GUI fan management12:28
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unagimore or less a sys tray app12:28
EviL_SmUrFI would think the best way of dual booting ubuntu with vista would be to not dual boot ubuntu with vista. just remove vista ;) horrible, horrible software12:28
macdppj, not that I ever found12:28
astro76dawiz, the default should work fine12:28
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ppjI need something I can constantly change the fan speeds with12:28
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GBenemyPriceChild: sorry, i've been helping properly now though :D12:28
g0dd3ssunagi,  have u tried wicd12:28
stefgtetrach: make sure you have a backup first, and that you are able to restore windows bootloader, in case something goes wrong12:28
unagino i havent lemme check it out12:28
macdppj, you can set acpi events to trigger the fans on only at certain temps12:28
magnetronhow do i do full disk encryption with ubuntu 7.04 or 7.10 ?12:28
stefg!install | tetrach12:28
ubotutetrach: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate12:28
astro76dawiz, whatever is selected, you don't have to change it12:28
=== DragoraN [n=dragoran@chello089173134033.chello.sk] has joined #ubuntu
DragoraNhi all12:28
dawizdefault is not an option on the list12:28
NemesI haven't got any problems to reproduce DVD-5's, but I'm getting the error message "Are you trying to play an encrypted DVD without libdvdcss?" when trying to play DVD-9's. Any idea?12:29
dawiznothing is selected12:29
ikoniamagnetron: full disk is a big ask12:29
dawizit gives me a list12:29
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DragoraNhow it is possible that my ubuntu box issues certificates with validity from tomorrow? :)12:29
dawizgeneric dos key?12:29
GBenemy_Andrew: hi12:29
_Andrewdawiz: Can you pick a keyboard layout that is similar to yours but won't mess up the install12:29
ppjmacd, can you set a buffer? I can do the same thing in windows, but the problem is it will get to the max temperature to kick in the fan, say 35... cool back to 34, and shut off the fan.. then turn it back on at 35.. and its just a cycle12:29
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magnetronikonia: i was thinking everything except /boot12:29
dawizive tried many12:29
astro76dawiz, I can't remember what it's called, what's the first one?12:29
macdmagnetron,  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedFilesystemLVMHowto12:29
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ppjIt doesn't seem like a big deal but this server is ungodly loud and sitting next to me12:29
ikoniamagnetron: even / is a pretty big ask12:29
magnetronthank you, macd12:29
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ikoniamagnetron: boot scripts etc etc12:29
dawizsome off brand its alphabetical12:29
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tetrachok once i resize my partition for vista i just load ubuntu and just install.  will the install do everything i need it to with out my assistance12:30
astro76dawiz, you're installing Feisty?12:30
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GBenemytetrach, yup12:30
GBenemybut you'll need to make 2 partitions12:30
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GBenemyone for ubuntu, one for swap12:31
tetrachhow big for swap?12:31
scguy318tetrach: how much memory do you have?12:31
astro76dawiz, and you're on step 3 Keyboard layout?12:31
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tetrach2gigs why?12:31
scguy318tetrach: do you want to hibernate/suspend?12:31
tetrachor do you mean hard drive space12:31
scguy318tetrach: probably a little more than 2 GB then12:31
GBenemytetrach, i made mine 1gb12:32
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dawizasking for keyboard model12:32
_Andrewtetrach: If you put in an Ubuntu live CD it will boot up Ubuntu without needing to install anything. You can then play around with Ubuntu but it will be slow because its on the CD. To install it you double click on the "Install Ubuntu" icon. It will ask you a few questions like what your language is, what username and password you want. After that it will install ubuntu and ask you to reboot your computer12:32
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GBenemytetrach: just DON'T click "Guided" when it asks you to chose where on you hdd you want to install12:32
tetrachyeah i have been playing around with it and i like it so far but cd is slow and i would like ot eventually convert to linux12:33
progekHi room, I installed cvscedega, it compiled fine and ran make install without problems. I read that now I need to run cvscedega to create the config folder and such but that command is not found. Anyone know where I can locate this script? locate cvscedega shows nothing12:33
tetrachso my swap is dependant on how much memory i have installed?12:33
astro76dawiz, you click on US English on the left?12:34
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dawizits a list12:34
razer_What cd writing program does ubuntu come with and is it really easy for old people to remember how to just take a file and burn it to a cd?12:34
stefgprogek: run sudo updatedb before you try again to locate12:34
dawizno right or left12:34
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dxdttetrach: yes it exists on your hard drive.  Most people do swap = 2*size of ram, but that is becoming less relevant as memory sizes grow.12:34
GBenemytetrach; yes12:34
dawizand yes entered us english12:34
astro76dawiz, dawiz it doesn't look like this? http://fosswire.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/04/ubuntufeistyinstallpicture-4.png12:34
razer_Anyone heard of easy Ubuntu?12:34
_Andrewrazer_: When you put in a blank CD you just drag and drop files you want to write onto the cd and click burn12:35
progekstefg thanks, i'll try12:35
ubotueasyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ - For help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu12:35
razer_andrew: Have you ever heard of easy Ubuntu? its a script.12:35
tetrachcan i use gnome partition editor to create my partitions once i have re-sized my vista drive12:35
amadeuxktorrent uses 500MB+ of memory while having about 10 downloads and 1 upload. Isn't there a torrent client that uses way less memory than that? that is insane! I even set it for low memory usage in the settings12:35
scguy318tetrach: yes12:35
bbardlbraddHey, I'm having trouble connecting to an irc room, I have set the channel to #philosphy in us.undernet.org, what else do I need to do??? I thought that was it?12:35
astro76razer_, there's dirt-simple cd burning built into the file manager, click Places > CD/DVD Creator12:35
razer_Andrew: it is supposed to install common needed things for ubuntu that it can't come with.12:35
unagii have like 4 linux swaps12:35
progekworks, thanks12:36
unagii dont know why12:36
dawizits the alternate disc12:36
scguy318bbardlbradd: join it i guess?12:36
astro76razer_, all those things are simple to install, you don't need dodgy scripts12:36
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scguy318bbardlbradd: if your client isn't already doing that12:36
razer_Andrew: Because I need to get flash and zip programs installed in one quick swipe.12:36
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scguy318tetrach: swap size is kinda dependent on RAM, since you probably will be suspending/hibernating to disk12:36
razer_I need to be able to get EVERYTHING I need with one quick step. Zip program, codecs, etc.12:36
astro76dawiz, just look for a generic 101-key keyboard if yours isn't listed12:36
scguy318tetrach: if you dont plan to do that you don't have to have swap at all really12:36
_Andrewrazer_: You can get flash from Ubuntu you dont need a script12:36
bbardlbraddscguy318, I've set it to autojoin...12:36
razer_Like what Linspire comes with.12:36
astro76!synaptic | razer_12:37
scguy318bbardlbradd: can you join it manually?12:37
uboturazer_: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto12:37
tetrachwhat do you mean suspending/hibernanting?12:37
razer_Andrew: I just mean to be up and running for any web page, all those pugins and stuf.12:37
astro76razer_, installing stuff is easy12:37
dawizive done that its a 10412:37
scguy318tetrach: suspending or hibernating your Linux machine12:37
bbardlbraddscguy318, how do I go about doing that?12:37
razer_Now is Click and Run coming with Ubuntu now?12:37
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scguy318bbardlbradd: /join #philosophy?12:37
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astro76razer_, sudo aptitude install ubuntu-restricted-extras flashplugin-nonfree sun-java6-plugin12:37
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tetrachwhat benefit is it to do suspending/hibernanting12:38
dawizdo 101?12:38
razer_I just need to get TONS of stuff installed for my parents computer, I can't be around to get each plugin or codec, when I'm not around.12:38
scguy318bbardlbradd: just make sure to do it on the undernet server and not here :)12:38
_Andrewrazer_: There are packages available from the repositories that give you flash support.. go to applications -> add/remove -> search for "flash"12:38
progekanyone know the terminal command to pause output? for extremely long output which goes overflows the buffer12:38
bbardlbraddscguy, after connecting to undernet.org?12:38
scguy318bbardlbradd: yes12:38
astro76razer_, ubuntu offers to install codecs automatically when needed also12:38
razer_I heard about "easy Ubuntu" that sounds like the closest thing to what I need.12:38
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razer_astro76, oh ok good.12:39
bbardlbraddscguy318, and if connecting to undernet is the problem?12:39
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scguy318tetrach: some people don't like to load everything each time they boot, so they suspend, BUT Linux is kinda crappy with suspend, it may or may not work for you12:39
militantis there a faq recommended for amd64 + flash?  i'm googling, just wondering12:39
razer_This is for you parents you see. I just need to make sure Ubuntu gets ALL those extra little things installed at once after install.12:39
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scguy318bbardlbradd: what do you mean?12:39
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Jack_SparrowSrooy for the caps people12:39
tetrachok i see12:39
razer_Jack_Sparrow: Ok12:39
ech0dish@a test12:39
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razer_Though I hope Easy Ubuntu will not ruin the Ubuntu install.12:39
dxdtmilitant: long story short, it sucks and your options are run 32bit fierfox + 32bit flash, or go  with 64 bit gnash, that is barely functional at the moment :(12:40
tetrachwill i get the prompt on which system i would like to load one ubuntu is installed12:40
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_Andrewrazer_: Its not good to use scripts because it can break your system. Its better to install deb packages because you can easily re-install or remove them12:40
Jack_Sparrowrazer_: It is supposed to be one of the better scripts.  it still is not hard to do it manually12:40
militantdxdt: i see forum posts where people say it works fine?12:40
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amadeuxktorrent uses 500MB+ of memory while having about 10 downloads and 1 upload. Isn't there a torrent client that uses way less memory than that? that is insane! I even set it for low memory usage in the settings12:40
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bbardlbraddscguy318:I mean, it's not that I can't find the channel, it's that I can't connect to undernet.org12:40
razer_Andrew: Well its a pain to have to install tons of things just to get the computer up and running to a normal level.12:40
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scguy318bbardlbradd: i can connect just fine, what client are you using?12:41
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Jack_Sparrowrazer_: Everyone has their normal level.. what is right for you is not right for everyone.12:41
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bbardlbraddxchat (feisty fawn)12:41
bbardlbraddI think it12:41
razer_I liked the level Linspire came with. It had everything I needed already installed.12:41
bbardlbraddjust takes longer than It usually does on my mac12:41
dxdtmilitant: the 32bit thing does work fine, but it is one of those things where I get sad having to basically downgrade myself to be able to use something like that.  Hopefully one day Gnash will be better.  Gnash right now will not play the majority of flash for me.  Youtube, sure.  COmedy Central?  no.  Stuffs like that12:41
razer_But, it was not as solid or well done as Ubuntu.12:41
scguy318bbardlbradd: mIRC on Wine for me :P anyway, connecting shouldn't be an issue, though I've never used X-Chat12:41
stefgamadeux: is that memory used for anything else? Don't complain about your ram being actually put to use, if there's plenty of it12:42
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scguy318bbardlbradd: /server us.undernet.org I guess, though I'm not sure how X-Chat handles multiple IRC connections12:42
scguy318bbardlbradd: that may kick you off this one :P12:42
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militantdxdt: ahh ok.  so i won't have to re-do my roommate's install with a 32bit system, i can just downgrade ff.  i'll google that and try it out, or do you know of a good faq/howto?12:42
Jack_Sparrowrazer_: you only need to build your configuration once, you can then clone it all you want or remaster the cd for a more custom version12:42
=== Buzby [n=buzby@buzby.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
_Andrewrazer_: See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats12:42
tetrachif i were to reinstall windows could it share a file system partition12:42
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scguy318tetrach: what do you mean?12:43
dxdtmilitant: I"ve seen some stuff in the forums, but I wouldn't call it a *good* how to if you know what I mean.  Sorry :-/12:43
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scguy318tetrach: its very good idea to give the Windows installation its own partition12:43
militantok, thanks.  i'll figure it out12:43
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tetrachi would give windows os its own partition but partition where my file are stored12:43
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EviL_SmUrFwow. ubuntu actually has drivers for my freaking canon mp150. that's never happened before. i've never had a linux distro installed that worked so easily with my printer12:44
scguy318tetrach: sure, thats not a problem12:44
Eric_Cartmanis there enyone12:44
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bbardlbraddthx for your help scguy318 ;)12:44
amadeuxstefg: Yeah, I need that memory for other apps that I am running. ktorrent is slowing my machine down with swapping etc. 500MB should not be necesary for a torrent client12:44
scguy318bbardlbradd: np12:44
progekI installed cvscedega with the WineCVS.sh script. It passed configure, compiled and ran make install and said complete. How can I start cvscedega now? If I type cvscedega I get command not found, same with cedega12:45
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ivanhoecoul you tellme where i could get a how -to to build my own drivers12:45
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scguy318progek: sudo make install? perhaps12:45
_Andrewprogek: did you do "sudo make install" ?12:45
stefgtetrach: linux can read and write ntfs, and there's a filesystem driver that makes windows ext2/3 aware. (don't know about vista) Personally i rather use ext3 for shared date (fat32 is out of question for various reasons)12:45
tetrachscguy318: tks alot for your help12:45
scguy318ivanhoe: writing hardware drivers from scratch? not easy :) how to compile a driver? see !make12:45
scguy318!make | ivanhoe12:45
progekscguy318 thanks, the script ran make install last12:45
ubotuivanhoe: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)12:45
scguy318progek: has to be done as root I think12:46
tetrachstefg: so it wouldn't be wise?12:46
ctothejcan someone pastebin or private msg me the output of their 'route' command? (home network preferred)12:46
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ikoniactothej why do you want to see other peoples networks12:46
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progekscguy318 yeah I ran the script as root :( first time it complained about permissions so I went under root and ran the script again. strange... it said complete and shows it passed configure, make and make install12:46
scguy318progek: do you know where it put the binaries? im guessing /usr/local/bin?12:47
alecwhHello! I'm having some serious problems with NetworkManager, and I need to restart the whole app. How do I completely reinstall the NetworkManager?12:47
ctothejikonia: i just want to see if my entries are normal. i changed drivers and reconfigured the network. while reading the driver's readme, it mentions the route command and to check it.12:47
progekscguy318 I'll look in there again12:47
ikoniactothej what someone else has shuld be different to yours12:47
ikoniactothej: post yours in a pastebin12:47
=== Eric_Cartman [n=tux@wifi-62-240-3-93.artcommunication.co.yu] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
MasterShrekalecwh, do you want to reinstall it or restart it?12:47
ctothejikonia: ok12:47
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alecwhMasterShrek: reinstall. I want to totally get rid of it, then redo it.12:47
stefgtetrach: fat32 fragments and has a 4 GB size limit (so you can't store a DVD image on it). I'd see if there's a ext3 driver available for vista and have a separate ext3 shared data partition12:47
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_Andrewalecwh: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart12:48
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MasterShrekalecwh, there should be an option in synaptic to completely remove it, then just install it back12:48
alecwh_Andrew: I want to reinstall it.12:48
alecwhok, thanks.12:48
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_Andrewoh right12:48
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ctothejikonia: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39715/12:48
ikoniactothej: looks fine12:49
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Chris__Could I pm someone? I need help partitioning my hard drive properly in ubuntu12:49
ctothejikonia: ok great thanks.12:49
progekscguy318 empty in there, I was following a guide which said after running the script I needed to run cvscedega to create the config dir .cvscedega.. I just cannot find it12:49
ikoniaChris__ just ask the question12:49
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Chris__i cna't ask a question here12:49
dxdtChris__: just ask in here first12:49
Chris__i won't be able to read it12:49
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Chris__with all this typing12:49
ikoniaChris__ you can read what I'm typing, so ask here12:49
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Artemis3i have a vfat formatted pendrive, do you know how to change its label?12:49
Chris__not in this shitty irc client12:50
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progekif I try locate cvscedega it just shows stuff in .WineCVS but it's not there12:50
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Chris__could I please pm you?12:50
ckin2001progek, sudo find / -name cvscedega12:50
ikoniaChris__ there is no need for bad langauge12:50
Chris__or..could we join another room?12:50
Chris__ok sorry12:50
ikoniaChris__: ask in the channel12:50
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Chris__I am in the Live CD...basically, I have a 500 gig hard drive... I want about 20 gb for ubuntu, a LOT of space for storage, and maybe 40 or 50 gigs for Windows XP12:51
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_AndrewChris__: If you ask in the channel more people can help you12:51
Chris__Could someone help me set it up?12:51
progekckin2001 DOH! it was in /home/myUser/bin    interesting it placed it there, I would have thought somewhere else. thanks12:51
ikoniaChris__ so partition it like that12:51
Chris__See, you're not helping.12:51
Chris__I don't know how.12:51
Chris__That is why i am here.12:51
ckin2001progek, np, find is a pain to learn, but man is it useful :D12:51
_AndrewChris__: I suggest you install windows first12:51
Chris__why though?12:51
ikoniaChris__ launch the installed - make 2 partitions, a 40 gig one, a 50 gig one and then a smaller one for swap, then a final one made up the rest12:51
ikoniaChris__ launch the installer12:52
Chris__ok but...12:52
tetrachstefg: i think i am going to to just re-size the drive for no and install on the space left over. tks alot for your help12:52
Chris__do i have to worry about ext3 or whatever?12:52
Chris__do i just make standard partitions?12:52
Chris__i don't partition a lot12:52
MasterShrekChris__, only make the windows install partition ntfs12:52
Chris__so the 40 gb one12:52
MasterShrekinstall windows first though12:52
stefgChris__: 64 MB /boot (linux) , then 50 gigs win, then 10 Gigs ubuntu / ,some space for /home, rest /storage12:53
ikoniaChris__: you parition the disk in the ubuntu live cd - then install windows, then install ubuntu12:53
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Chris__so this is what i'm gonna do....12:53
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ikoniaChris__: we've told you what to do12:53
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Chris__from the windows cd... i'll create a ntfs space for 40 gb.........and then another space for 50 gb12:54
Chris__so the 50 gb is for ubuntu12:54
Chris__and what about swap space?12:54
ikoniaI told you - create a small swap space parition12:54
MasterShrekChris__, u can just make the 40 gig for windows there, and worry about the rest during the ubuntu install12:54
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MasterShrekleave it as free space or whatever12:54
_AndrewChris__: I assume you want to share files between windows xp and ubuntu. Just install windows first with alot of space and keep your media there and then install windows with whatever you have left on the disk. Ubuntu can read your windows partition and will set that up for you when you install it.12:54
Chris__ahh this is so hard to read12:54
Chris__in this gnome irc client12:54
Chris__1 sec12:54
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Hilikuswill ubuntu automatically update pacakegs in a server?12:55
Chris__so, can i not just make ALL of the partitions from the ubuntu live cd?12:55
nickrudChris__: that makes sense, windows will understand your partitioning. then cut up the ubuntu partition as stefg said12:55
ikoniaHilikus: not unless you set tiit to12:55
Chris__what's the difference?12:55
scguy318Hilikus: not sure, I would imagine no, it would be kinda disruptive12:55
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Chris__someone please pm me12:55
scguy318Hilikus: to, say, update apache while running a server automatically12:55
Chris__this is ridiculous12:55
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_AndrewHilikus: Not by default.. you have to type sudo apt-get update and then sudo apt-get upgrade12:55
scguy318Chris___: tweak your fonts12:55
ikoniaChris__: instlal windows - then launch the ubuntu installer12:55
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_AndrewHilikus: That will check if you have any updates to do12:56
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Chris__you ok...12:56
Chris__but in one package12:56
Chris__spell it out for me again12:56
Chris__i can't understand when everyone is saying someone12:56
Chris__it's confusing...12:57
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ikoniainstall windows. Then launch the ubuntu installer and partition the extra paritions for ubuntu12:57
MeRodent!enter | Chris__12:57
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ubotuChris__: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:57
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_AndrewChris__: Install Windows XP with lots of space then install Ubuntu after that12:57
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Chris__please pm me  ikonia...12:57
ikoniaChris__: no - you've been told what to do12:57
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Glamcan someone help me reinstall ubuntu?12:57
Hilikusim trying to decide if i want to use phpbb package or if i will install it manually, the package is of course behind the lastest version, what do you guys recommend?12:57
ikoniaChris__: install windows - then install ubuntu12:57
Chris__install it12:57
Chris__on 40 gb or so...then just go into ubuntu..and THEn what?12:58
=== nickrud wonders if gaim is still the default chat client on gutsy ...
Chris__i don't know how to partition it properly.12:58
Chris__in ubuntu12:58
ctothejhow can I stop the sky2 driver from loading? I put it in the blacklist file in /etc/modprobe.d, but it still loads on boot12:58
ikoniaChris__:the ubuntu installer will help you12:58
ikoniaHilikus its personal preference12:58
Chris__i know..but it's not that easy12:58
Chris__wtf is the difference between logical and primary12:58
Chris__it was giving me some damn error12:58
_AndrewHilikus: If you are going to use PHPBB just download it. Get the latest version and then you need to mod it so spammers don't mess up your board12:58
Chris__ERROR!!! CAn't start the end before beginninng12:58
Hilikusikonia im guessing if its a package, doing the apt-get update that you said would notify me of updates ,whereas manually i wont know12:58
ikoniaChris__: just make primary paritions, and you've been asked to not use offensive language like WTF12:58
ikoniaHilikus: very true12:59
_AndrewHilikus: Although thats true with PHPbb you really have to add extra spam protection12:59
pyCubepeople use phpbb? :-p12:59
Hilikuseven for the packaged version?12:59
HilikuspyCube what do you use01:00
Chris__so last time.... 50 gb for windows  .....then go into ubuntu live cd....install ubuntu on 50 gb etx3 with "/"..... and then just create a sqap space of like.... 1 gig........ and all of the ubuntu partitions i make primary01:00
Chris__Is this correct?01:00
pyCubeHilikus: for what?01:00
ikoniaChris__: sounds good01:00
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Chris__ok thanks01:00
HilikuspyCube for BB01:00
Glamuh like, im stuck on the partitioning part01:01
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Glami have an internal hard drive and then an external harddrive01:02
citrusflavordwhat are the steps to building to gnome/sawfish from ubuntu server?01:02
MasterShrekGlam, whats the problem?01:02
Glamim trying to figure out how to partition it again01:02
Glami have ubuntu before, but then i got rid of it somehow01:03
nickrudcitrusflavord: sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop sawfish (ubuntu-desktop comes with metacity)01:03
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n0vatrying to open FireFox i get "Segmentation fault (core dumped)" fix ne1?01:03
MasterShreku need a swap partition that is roughly as big as how much ram you have, and the rest can be mounted at / or you can break it up and mount the partitions in different places, but its not nessicary01:03
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MasterShrekn0va, try uninstalling it and reinstalling it01:04
ricon0va, what did you do?01:04
n0vacklicked icon01:04
nickrudhome! home! everyone needs home, ease of reinstall01:04
n0va*clicked, then ran in terminal01:04
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Glamim using the swap part from the last install, and then i got rid of the old part where i installed ubuntu and replaced it with a new one01:04
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MasterShrekn0va, also try moving ~/.mozilla or deleting it and try it again01:05
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citrusflavordnickrud thats pretty cool / easier then I thought thanks. does ubuntu-desktop come with all the prepackaged software?01:05
MasterShrekGlam, ok, so whats the problem? just make sure its going to mount that at /01:05
MasterShrekthen u should be fine01:05
n0vabit drastic? MasterShrek01:05
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nickrudcitrusflavord: yes, the complete desktop: openoffice, mail, firefox, etc01:05
MasterShrekn0va, thats where your user settings are, it could be something in there01:05
n0vargr ty01:05
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Glamuh hold on i'm trying to restart the installation again :X01:06
Glamand it's not aborting :/01:06
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citrusflavordnickrud: does Kde-desktop come with prepackaged also then?01:06
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MasterShrekyes citrusflavord01:06
nickrudcitrusflavord: yes, but I'm not familiar with exactly what: and it's kubuntu-desktop01:06
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Glamuh...i think the installation froze01:07
Glami can't abort it :/01:07
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Glamand i'm up to the prepare disk space01:08
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aTypicalHi, all.  I'm having an issue with the alternate cd install.  It gets to 90% and then freezes.  Is that normal?  Is that a point where it should take some time to get information?  I've waiting about 10 minutes, but nothing.01:08
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nickrudaTypical: brltty-11?01:09
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goat|workwhich package is the route binary apart of?01:09
HellbreakerCCCPummm Greetings mein comrades01:09
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nickrudaTypical: hitting clt-f8 will show you a log of what's happening, you might get a good clue there01:09
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Polygon89where do i download the individual debs for past releases? aka dapper?01:09
aTypicalOK.  Thanks, nickrud.  I'll try that.01:09
nickrudPolygon89: packages.ubuntu.com01:10
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HellbreakerCCCPi have a question about installing Ubuntu on a comp with windows already on it01:10
_AndrewPolygon89: http://packages.ubuntu.com01:10
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HellbreakerCCCPi dont want to keep the windows01:10
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Polygon89nicrud, _Andrew im at that place but i see no link to download the deb, only the source code and diff files01:10
HellbreakerCCCPi just want to keep a few folders from getting deleted when i install linux01:10
HellbreakerCCCPhow would i go about doing this?01:11
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HellbreakerCCCPi cant put it on a portable device atm01:11
Glamis it possible for the installation to freeze?01:11
goat|workback them up to a separate location?01:11
HellbreakerCCCPwhere to?01:11
_AndrewPolygon89: You must be clicking the wrong links.. what deb did you want?01:11
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Polygon89im wanting this package here: http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/base/libc601:11
Glam'cause i keep pressing quit and it's still there [it's been like 5 minutes D:] 01:11
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goat|workHellbreakerCCCP: cd-r?01:11
nickrudPolygon89: click the architecture of the machine you want the deb for (next to the list of files)01:11
hou5tonWhat is a good, user friendly CD burner for Ubuntu?01:12
HellbreakerCCCPyea i cant put it on cd-r agtm01:12
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HellbreakerCCCPother wise i would do that01:12
Polygon89nickrud, ahhhhh that works :D its hard to see that when the links are the same color as the text ;) much thanks01:12
goat|workthen you may want to make a fat-32 partition HellbreakerCCCP01:12
MeRodentHellbreakerCCCP, use live cd to run gparted. Add a small fat32 partition and copy the files to it.01:12
goat|workand stick your data on there01:12
_Andrewhou5ton: There is one built in. When you pop in a blank CD, an icon pops up on your desktop if you drag items into the CD icon and click burn it will burn those files to the CD01:13
citrusflavordis it possible/wise to run xorg on move then layer 7?01:13
Glamuh, what should i do?01:13
Glamthe installation is sorta stuck01:13
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Glamand im trying to quit outta it01:13
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HellbreakerCCCPu think i could put them on the RECOVERY drive?01:13
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HellbreakerCCCPand get them back after the installation?01:14
goat|workno, thats usually read only by the computer manufacturer01:14
hou5ton_Andrew:  agreed ... but it doesn't show me how full the CD is getting as I add things, and there didn't appear to be an intuitive way to remove something from the burn.01:14
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MeRodenthou5ton, try gnomebaker01:14
nickrudhou5ton: gnomebaker and better (but kde, hence a lot of extra libraries get loaded) k3b01:15
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citrusflavordhow does one close xorg?01:15
slainhi all01:15
gogetactrl alt backspace01:15
hou5tonMeRodent and nickrud:  thanks01:16
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hou5ton_Andrew:  you too.  :-)01:16
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nickrudcitrusflavord: shut down, alt-ctl-f1, log in, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop01:16
citrusflavordgogeta doesnt that restart it?01:16
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slainor from the terminal "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop"01:16
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Glamuh, a little help here?01:16
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_AndrewGlam: Whats wrong?01:16
nickrudGlam: I'd turn off the machine. If you haven't done any repartitioning, no problems01:17
gogetainit 3 works to01:17
Glamis there another way beside turning it off and then back off?01:17
nickrudgogeta: not on ubuntu01:17
gogetasence when01:17
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gogetaworked for me plenty of times01:17
nickrudgogeta: rc3.d shows gdm as a start service01:18
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gogetainit 3 shuts it down01:18
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gogetait will say stoping gdm01:18
gogetai dont think it works on boot anymore thow01:18
gogetayou need to do it afterwords01:18
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gogetathen if you go 5 it will start it again01:19
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gogetahavent done it on the latest ver01:19
nickrudgogeta: you do this on ubuntu, or red hat01:19
gogetamay be wrong01:19
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DrakeJustice_you guys should give SLinux a try im tellin' ya... its kubuntu+easyness+more cool hacks... plus more easyness...01:20
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DrakeJustice_anyone in here need any help?01:20
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TeleTubbies_|_DrakeJustice_: Yes01:20
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DrakeJustice_what do you need tele?01:20
gogetasame hear01:20
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TeleTubbies_|_I just got my Ubuntu CD and I'm completely confused.01:20
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gogetatoss it in the drive01:21
gogetaboot it01:21
DrakeJustice_TeleTubbies, why are you confused?01:21
TeleTubbies_|_I put it in my CD drive.01:21
dxdthey I just got my cd's for my LUG too!  Little late, but still works.  Gonna put them all around the University01:21
TeleTubbies_|_Then I couldn't find setup.01:21
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DrakeJustice_after you put the cd in the drive, cut the computer off01:21
nickrud_nope, no change01:21
dxdtholy crap type more than 5 words before hitting enter TeleTubbies_|_01:21
DrakeJustice_then cut the computer back on with the disk still in the drive01:21
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gogetaused to work on gusty01:21
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TeleTubbies_|_Okay trying...01:22
TeleTubbies_|_This is on my laptop01:22
gogetayou might ned to change to boot order01:22
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gogetasome biops are set harddrive first01:22
nickrud_gogeta: debian (and by inheritance ubuntu) has never used run levels to differentiate between terminal and X environments01:22
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gogetanickrud gusty did01:22
TeleTubbies_|_It is booting Windows.01:22
gogetai did it often01:22
stefgTeleTubbies_|_: Understand that ubuntu isn't a windows application. it's a OS with different paradigms than you are used to, so you might have a read first01:22
nickrud_gogeta: I run gutsy. Just did it again01:23
gogetai had to manuly configure x01:23
DrakeJustice_what? you never left the chatroom, how did you cut the computer off?01:23
gogetaand had to use init 301:23
stefg!install | TeleTubbies_|_01:23
ubotuTeleTubbies_|_: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate01:23
TeleTubbies_|_draconius: It is on the laptop!01:23
gogetacouse otherwise x world hardware lockup01:23
TeleTubbies_|_DrakeJustice_: Realize that most people have more than two PCs01:23
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MeRodentTeleTubbies_|_, you may need to change the bios settings to allow you to boot from CD 1st01:24
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gogetaill go try it01:24
DrakeJustice_sry... im not sure... is it a really old laptop?01:24
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DrakeJustice_is it a edgy, feisty, or gutsy cd?01:24
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Eldameh ....01:24
TeleTubbies_|_It is brand new01:24
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EldaI have to make it stop autojoining me on here01:24
DrakeJustice_try a newer CD or SLinux...01:24
TeleTubbies_|_Wait I'm not sure01:24
DrakeJustice_i don't know then man... sounds like an unsupported cdrom drive, or maybe bios settings have to be configured to boot the CD-rom before the harddrive01:25
TeleTubbies_|_It is Ubuntu01:25
stefgTeleTubbies_|_: you shouldn't use that. Gutsy is a building site, and *will* break a couple of times before the final release01:25
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TeleTubbies_|_Now I got it starting...01:25
stefg!gutsy TeleTubbies_|_01:25
stefg!gutsy | TeleTubbies_|_01:25
ubotuTeleTubbies_|_: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information01:25
DrakeJustice_good job!01:25
TeleTubbies_|_uh oh error01:25
DrakeJustice_the power of modern linux... lol01:26
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DrakeJustice_what is the error, teletubbies?01:26
gnubuntu11TeleTubbies maybe a troll :)01:26
Glamteletubbies are creepy01:26
DragoraNwhat does mean "certificate is not yet valid", time and date is correct01:27
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Glamok, when the prepare disk space installing part comes up, my partitioned part doesn't come up01:27
Glamso do i go into manual?01:27
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gogetalooks like it was changed01:28
SupaplexI need an apt mirror please. http://releases.ubuntu.com is apparently only for cd images.01:28
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gogetamy other services stop but x doesent01:28
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GumbyGlam, are you sure the partitioner is using the right hard drive?01:28
LjLSupaplex: {two-letters-countrycode}.archive.ubuntu.com01:28
LjL!source-o-matic > Supaplex    (Supaplex, see the private message from Ubotu)01:28
gogetait used to i think befor the live cd style01:28
bbardlbraddHey, I'm having trouble with Banshee, does anyone know why, or have an idea for why, when I start Banshee, it takes seriously, 3-5 minutes to come up... The splash screen sits on "loading GUI" for about 5 minutes01:28
Glamthe guided is showing up my internal hdd and external hdd01:28
MeRodentGlam, if you use the resize option it will allocate swap automatically. btw. Try keep your typing to one block.01:28
Glambut i partitioned another part of my hdd01:28
TeleTubbies_|_Something is VERY strange here...01:29
Glamjust for ubuntu01:29
bbardlbradd"loading user interface" is what it actually tells me...01:29
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TeleTubbies_|_Something is really weird with my Ubuntu CD.01:29
veynomwhat does this mean :   :DSOUND_MixOne problem with underrun detection01:29
TeleTubbies_|_This error is weird. Never seen this error before.01:29
GumbyGlam, if it shows the hard drve then it shows all partitions on that hard drive that have been properly partitioned01:29
vocx!enter > TeleTubbies_|_01:29
TeleTubbies_|_http://pastebin.ca/727389 - This is my error.01:29
vocx!enter > Glam01:30
TeleTubbies_|_Not sure why it would do this.01:30
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bbardlbraddBanshee also stalls when I try to connect to a stream, and if I switch from Library to Radio and back to library01:30
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DrakeJustice_h/o teletubby01:30
TeleTubbies_|_http://pastebin.ca/727389 - Should I report this kernel error to kernel.org or to Ubuntu?01:30
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TeleTubbies_|_h/o ?01:31
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gogetayrp nickrud they did change the configs to start x evn at runlevel 301:31
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DrakeJustice_hold on a sec01:31
gogetaits a ubuntu thing01:31
Glamso since the ubuntu part i partitioned it would go under the external hdd under guided, not as a seperate part?01:31
goat|workanyone know what package the route binary is in?01:31
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about libjack - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:31
gogetayou can change it back thow01:31
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dxdtthat was one of the better trolls I think I've seen01:32
DrakeJustice_sum1 ban TeleTubby!01:32
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DrakeJustice_i r so lame...01:32
LjLDrakeJustice_: you might have noticed your request was already fulfilled before you even asked.01:32
Glamso the partitioned part would go under the external hdd in guided?01:32
Glamnot as a seperate part?01:32
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Glamso i'll take the silence as a yes?01:34
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vocx!who > Glam01:34
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vocx!patience > Glam01:34
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Gumby!enter > vocx01:34
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GumbyGlam, I always manually partition so I have no idea re: guided partitioning01:35
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goat|workglam can you rephrase your question?01:35
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Glami partitioned my external hdd into 3 parts01:36
Glam1 part is related to windows01:36
Glamanother part is a swap, and then the last part is for ubuntu01:36
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goat|workyour putting your OS on an external HD?   ok, so whats your question?01:36
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Glami want to install ubuntu onto the external hdd space is set out just for it01:37
goat|workthen don't use guided01:37
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Glamthen go under manual?01:37
goat|workdo manual, and set tthe 3rd partition to /01:38
goat|workand 2nd to swap01:38
ganoushI'm looking to run virtual hosting on ubuntu and am curious how postfix can handle multiple domains.01:38
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ppjoh my god i missed amarok01:38
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RoC_MasterMind__Hey what's with this "your router has a bug?" is this new?  I don't think my router has a bug and I've never gotten this before.01:38
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GumbyGlam, running an OS off of an external hdd doesnt always work.  YOu\ll have to e sure that the kernel has the drivers needed to run your hard drive, usb, etc compiled into it.  The last time I tried was awhile ago and the necessary modules werent compiled in01:38
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nickrudGlam: and I'd suggest writing grub to the mbr of the external, that way windows will still boot if the external is not plugged in.01:38
dxdtppj: lol me too I had to install it cause Rhythmbox was making me want to kill people01:38
ppjdxdt, lol, i run ubuntu just for amarok01:39
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gogetais the best01:39
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ppji have 50k ogg/mp3s01:39
IndyGunFreakgogeta: its a little dated.. i don't think its even updated anymore, audacious is way better01:39
thoretthow do i get help?01:39
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ppji like having a nice little sql database01:39
gogetappj riaa commith01:39
Y3ksudo chown is not working for me, "sudo chown game:game <dir>" keeps the dir still owned by root01:40
ppjgogeta, i deejay!01:40
vocx!ask | thorett01:40
Y3kany ideas?01:40
ubotuthorett: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:40
ppji probably don't have any sony/bmg music anyway01:40
gogetahey they sue dead people think a dj is gonna stop em01:40
Glami had it work for me before, but i uninstalled it01:40
nickrudY3k: is this on an ntfs or vfat partition?01:40
thorettwell, i just updated my gutsy version and my X seemed to "crash"01:40
thorettwhen i  rebooted01:40
Y3kon a ext3 partition i believe (if that means anything)01:40
nickrudY3k: yes, it means it should work01:41
macda mysql patch for rythmbox would rock.01:41
thoretti suspect it has something to do with the "linux-restricted-modules-generic" package is held back01:41
GumbyY3k, the directory is still root:root or the files within the directory are?01:41
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Y3kthe dir01:41
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vocx!gutsy | thorett01:41
ubotuthorett: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information01:41
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Some_PersonWhy is Gutsy taking so long? I WANT IT NOW!01:41
GumbyY3k, and game is a user and group?01:41
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thorettany suggestions?01:42
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arghh2d2k Some_Person01:42
Y3kGumby, yes01:42
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ReD2121where can i get the ATI drivers to get my 1680x1050 resolution back01:42
Glamok, im just double checking, the ubuntu goes on / and swap is under swap01:42
MeRodentthorett, ask in #ubuntu+101:42
thorettok thx01:42
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vocx!ATI | ReD212101:42
ubotuReD2121: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:42
nickrudY3k: and you're sure your sudo is working elsewhere?01:42
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Y3khmm.. let me try changing ownership on other folders01:43
GumbyY3k, try sudo -s and then doing the command (without sudo)01:43
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Glamit comes up with an error that the system file doesn't have expected sizes for windows to like it01:43
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nevrondoes anyone know howto set the rwin values under feisty01:43
kjpanyone know of a folder-actions program for linux ?01:43
nickrudY3k: or sudo iptables -L , that's a good safe usage of sudo01:43
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nevrondoes anyone know howto set the rwin values under feisty01:44
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thorettguess im the only one with the problem, huh01:44
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nevronis there a channel where i can find info about setting the rwin value01:45
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vocx!repeat | nevron01:45
ubotunevron: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience01:45
nevrondoes anyone know howto set the rwin values under feisty01:45
nickrudthorett: yes, that would cause your X to fail, if you're using the restricted modules. You can switch to the free ones until restricted catches01:45
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nevronnobody knows about rwin?01:45
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MeRodent!enter | nickrud  :P01:46
ubotunickrud  :P: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:46
thorettso basically i did not screw up my system, i just have to wait for the package to arrive?01:46
Gumbynevron, if someone knows they will answer01:46
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=== MeRodent ducks
nickrudthorett: simplest way is sudo dpkg-reconfigure -pcritical xserver-xorg01:46
=== nickrud releases the cats
thorettwhat does that do?01:46
nevroni am getting speeds like 20kb and i am on a 4096 kbps adsl01:46
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nevroncan anyone help me with rwin01:46
nickrudthorett: resets your X server definition to the default. Sort of the opposite of using restricted manager01:47
Y3kGumby: sudo -s and then doing command without sudo doesn't work, operation not permitted01:47
hgjjjfwhat can i do on ubuntu now that i have the fbi watching my ip01:47
thorettbut ill stick with the restricted, im happy with it01:47
GumbyY3k, sounds like sudo is broken01:47
nevrongumby where else can i ask about rwin values01:47
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macdnevron, linux now does TCP auto-tuning, is there any reason you feel the need to change that?01:47
thorettill see if its out when i wake up tomorrow01:47
jpt9i'm running the gutsy beta from the LiveCD.01:47
Glamis the partition i'm trying to install ubuntu is suppose to be mounted?01:47
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Picijpt9: #ubuntu+1 for Gutsy questions please.01:48
nickrudthorett: I'm impatient, gotta have X now :)01:48
nevronmacd i ll tell you my rwin value than maybe you can think of that :)01:48
thorettwell its 10 to 2 in the night here01:48
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thorettso im kinda lazy01:48
Glamim not sure if it's suppose to be mounted or not01:48
Gumbynevron, you tell me your rwin value and I'll explain how to use than/then properly01:48
nevron Your TCP Window limits you to: 234 kbps (29 KBytes/s) @ 200ms01:48
nevron Your TCP Window limits you to: 94 kbps (12 KBytes/s) @ 500ms01:48
nevronwhere my connection is 4096kbps!01:48
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nevronso autotuning doesnt work in my case01:49
RoC_MasterMind__I like VLC, but whenever it's open, the screensaver never turns on, even if it's paused.  Any ideas?01:49
overcluckerhgjjjf: lay low01:49
thorettbut thanks u guys, been great help! i really appreciate it, kinda warms up a newbie-heart01:49
Y3kGumby, never mind, i figured it out... don't be in <user1>, use su - <user2> and try to sudo, it doesn't work right01:49
macdnevron, the default rwin is set to 584001:49
Y3kthanks for the help01:49
GumbyY3k, hehe, nice01:50
clouderRoC_MasterMind__: there is a setting somewhere under preferences to let the screensaver come on01:50
hgjjjfoverclucker,  hey called me and said they got me for downloading movies i told her someone hacked into my comp and wireless she said ok well we are watchin  now and if u do another ur goin to prison for 10 yrs01:50
nevronno i think it is 585601:50
macdnevron, so I suspect the method your using to check is flawed, if its a website could you give me the url?01:50
thorettlove and devotion lives on!01:50
acidchildhgjjjf: HAHAHAHAHA LOSER01:50
RoC_MasterMind__clouder, I want the screensaver to come on when video is paused, but to be turned off when video is playing...VLC does not offer that flexibility01:50
nevronthere is an analyzer there01:50
acidchildyou take your ISP's word seriously?01:50
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clouderRoC_MasterMind__: probably not, but I've never looked into it01:50
nevronmacd are you following?01:50
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macdnevron, yes, I already used it01:51
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Glamum, i keep getting a warning when i try to go forward01:51
nevronok i think my rwin should be set to around 66900 or so01:51
clouderRoC_MasterMind__: you could always use ctrl-alt-L01:51
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macdit gives me the same values, though I can assure you my download isnt limited to the reported speeds, Im on 10mb sdsl and I see the max speed from it01:51
Glamsomething about the files system doesn't have expected sizes for windows to like it, do ignore it?01:51
nevronbut now it is only 585601:51
overcluckerhgjjjf: what you need to do is lookup the number that called you at that time, and verify that it was the fbi01:52
macdnevron,  it reports me as the same 585601:52
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wabiDhas anyone tried compiling xbmc for linux?01:52
hgjjjfoverclucker,  i did it came back it was01:52
macdnevron, and my download speed test from speedtest.net is 8904kbps01:52
vocxoverclucker, hgjjjf acidchild that's off topic01:52
nevronok macd how about the things under bandwidth delay product01:52
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overcluckerhgjjjf: #ubuntu-offtopic01:53
macdYour TCP Window limits you to: 234 kbps (29 KBytes/s) @ 200ms01:53
RoC_MasterMind__clouder, I could, but I want a screen saver...I have vlc open all the time...but now no ss01:53
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hgjjjfoverclucker,  i got the 1-800 numb and yes it is offtopic so im goin to room #wwed01:53
macdnevron, so thats obviously a flawed calculation01:53
=== capiira [n=capiira@dslb-088-065-198-178.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #Ubuntu
nevronit says something like your tcp window limits you01:53
=== Skyracer [n=Blah@ool-44c30282.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
macdnevron, the tcp stack auto tunes, its very possible its not being utilized enough at the test time to make it retune itself01:53
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nevronok but the strange thing is that they are true for my download and upload speeds :)01:54
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nevroni am suffering01:54
macdnevron, does speedtest.net report that as your speed?01:54
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nevronlet me see01:54
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procrastinatorfor some reason when sharing a folder in feisty via smb, upon accessing it in windows, it requests a user/pass, any ideas how to allow all access and/or what that current user/pass is?01:55
gogetashould be your ionux user pass01:56
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macdprocrastinator, it wants your linux boxes user/pass , and you can refer to the samba guide on the ubuntu wiki for ways to make it perm01:56
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nevronok speedtest.net reports 3300kbps and there are some updates running01:56
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nevronat the background01:56
SkyracerHey guys.01:57
datharni am new to ubuntu01:57
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SkyracerAnyone available for help?01:57
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vocx!ask | Skyracer01:57
ubotuSkyracer: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:57
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macdnevron, well, it looks to me like the site you were using is flawed or something in its calculations.01:57
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ReD2121anyone know how i can get my resolution back to 1680 x 1050 using an ATI card01:57
SkyracerOk, I am new to Linux, and was thinking about dual booting with XP.01:58
nevronmacd i think you may be right anyway so you tell me that theres no way to set rwin values under ubuntu01:58
macdnevron, oh no, you can, but you have to set every TCP connection property, and there is no way for you todo it better than the kernel can01:58
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datharni have a ubuntu studio CD...how do i get it to load on boot-up?01:58
SkyracerNow, what is the best way to set up the partitions?01:58
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kyjawhat ever happened to that applet that took screenshots?01:58
dxdtReD2121: probably you'll need to install fglrx drivers if the normal drivers don't work.  Then edit xorg.conf to do it01:59
vocxReD2121, I already told you to read the ATI guides. But you haven't made a better question, you just repeat, but don't even say what model you have.01:59
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nevroni see macd can you tell me about snr margins and other stuff maybe the problem is about my isp?01:59
dxdtkyja: ?  What do you mean?  I just press printscreen and I get a screenshot?01:59
macdnevron, you should contact your ISP about that kind of information01:59
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SkyracerAnd also, can I just mount the image to install, instead of creating the disk?01:59
ReD2121its a Dell 1505 with the ATI Radeon x1300 mobility01:59
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kyjadxdt, well there was an applet you could put in your menu... it took a screen shot and saved it to a folder of your choice. I like having it send to my website folder. so click and send a link that easy02:00
gogetaskyracer and how would you boot it02:01
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SkyracerWell, I have XP installed02:01
nevronok just because i am curious can you tell me your attenuations for ds and us02:01
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nevronif you wont i ll understand that02:01
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gogetalinux does not installer under xp02:01
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kyjaI guess prtscreen does the same thing sort of. cept it asks every time02:01
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gogetayou need to boot into it02:01
SkyracerEh ok02:01
gogetawell acully there is a way02:02
gogetabut you would lose performance02:02
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SkyracerAlright, I'll burn the disk.02:02
Nugget_I cant seem to connect to my wireless network from my new laptop I just installed ubuntu on (the network is up, I know for a fact) ... it just keeps trying to connect in the icon at the bottom then times out... is there a log I can read from the attempt?02:02
SkyracerThought it was possible to do it that way.02:02
SkyracerNo big deal though02:02
=== GeorgeAthGR [n=nexus@adsl38-242.ath.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu
BraxtI just added a 2nd hdd to my feisty box , but I can't add or remove files.02:02
ScuniziI'm creating a seperate home partition in preperation for installing Gutsy (now Dapper).  In moving my data across I noticed that there is a hidden Nautilus directory in /home.  If Nautilus is an upgraded version in Gutsy, what will happen?02:02
gogetathe unoffical wubi installer installerunder vfat02:02
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Braxthow do I change to the owner02:03
macdnevron, I cant even get to that information in my dsl bridge02:03
macbookhi good nigth02:03
Nugget_I cant seem to connect to my wireless network from my new laptop I just installed ubuntu on (the network is up, I know for a fact) ... it just keeps trying to connect in the icon at the bottom then times out... is there a log I can read from the attempt?02:03
macbookI have a question02:03
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macbook i hnoob02:03
emeristeWhen I first installed Ubuntu it was from a disk that came with the book I bought. I didn't know at the time that there was a 64 bit version of Ubuntu since I have a 64 bit computer. So now my Ubuntu is not as powerful as my computer. What will be the easiest way to switch to the more powerful Ubuntu without losing everything I've done?02:03
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nevronmacd i am sorry to bother you but would you be kind enough to look at my settings if i paste binned it or so02:03
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macbooksorry I noob02:04
macdnevron, thats fine02:04
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gogetaemeriste i think its aruldy 64bit02:04
nevronok i must find a place to paste02:04
Scuniziemeriste, what were you running before?  a version of windows? which one. probably not 64 bit.02:04
emeristeI was running Windows XP.02:04
Mahr*Sigh* Latest updates for my Gutsy T5 just ruined everything! No more Compiz =(02:04
jribemeriste: 32bit is better for desktop02:04
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emeristeOh yeah? Why's that?02:05
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macbook i have a problem whit my sound in my laptop gateway MT342202:05
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emeristeI have an Athlon 3500+02:05
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Nugget_what should I use to view windows shares on the network?02:05
MahrBecause I can't install the Restricted driver modules anymore02:05
nevronmacd here is the link http://pastebin.com/m683c70b802:05
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MahrSo I can't install any nvidia drivers or anything.02:05
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gogetaif you made a home partation you will eb fine02:05
gogetasence anything in there would not be lost02:05
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MahrAnd ofc I didn't lol02:05
fyrestrtrNugget_: Browse Network02:05
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emeristeSo youre saying that the best thing to do is not get the 64 bit Ubuntu?02:06
vocxemeriste, if you want to inform yourself about 64-bit read the 64-bit subforum in ubuntuforums.org       It isn't really more "powerful", why do you think that?02:06
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emeristeDoesn't that hurt me if I want to have the best software?02:06
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MahrI do have a second harddrive though so I might aswell just move some data and then reinstall.02:06
gogetanot relly02:06
Scuniziemeriste, you can run 64 bit Ubuntu and do just fine.  You will have some extra headaches getting some software to work.  Most comes in 32bit02:06
jribemeriste: because proprietary software like flash and java plugin are only 32bit02:06
stefglNugget_:  nautilus has an internal smb client. -> places -> connect to server02:06
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pwnt-I just got my ubuntu upgraded to gutsy. whats the first thing i have to do for source.list? I think its getting old packages.02:06
DragoraNhow to set notBefore field in openssl.cnf02:06
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macdnevron, I dont know how far you are from your central office or local dslam, but those values dont look too bad really02:06
emeristeIf you get a 64 bit Ubuntu then you can't use flash or java plugin?02:07
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Nugget_fyrestrtr, there is no connect to server option02:07
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gogetayou can but it needs extra layers and libs02:07
macdnevron, Id say they fall within the acceptable margins for signal loss at even the most extreme distances02:07
gogetaaka slower02:07
vocx!flash64 | emeriste02:07
ubotuemeriste: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava02:07
cApN_rAiNy_WiShhey, emeriste, I've recently downed my 64-bit ubuntu to the 32-bit because of a BUNCH of incomability issues with software02:07
Nugget_go -> network02:07
jribemeriste: more headaches02:07
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emeristehm. I see.02:07
IndyGunFreakikonia: shouldn't swap be a logical partition?02:07
cApN_rAiNy_WiShI would recommend only 32-bit of Ubuntu until more and more people adapt to the new idea of 64-bit computing...02:07
=== Xander [n=janne@a91-155-85-50.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
pwnt-do i need to change the repositories of my apt-get & synaptic after finishing updating from Feisty to gutsy?02:07
nevronmacd why do i have such slow dl speeds than can you think of anything we know it s not about ubuntu already right?02:07
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emeristeFor some applications I thought it could make a big difference. Like what if I run Mathematica or something?02:08
cApN_rAiNy_WiShIt's not that difficult to partition a new 64-bit system anyways, these days, what with HDD being so damn cheap :)02:08
Soskelhow can I install java runtime via terminal?02:08
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gogetawell yes 64 bit apps are going to run better but thers just not enough of them02:08
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gogetato worry abought it02:08
cApN_rAiNy_WiShno, there is no real difference, except with security and if you are running extremely intense apps02:08
jrib!java > Soskel (read the private message from ubotu)02:08
cApN_rAiNy_WiShthe problem with it is mainly support02:08
ReD2121whats the "run" command02:08
cApN_rAiNy_WiShnot many people are jumping on the 64-bit bandwagon JUST yet02:08
cApN_rAiNy_WiShit takes time...02:08
=== bastid_raZor [n=razor@dynamic-63-173-51-149.tvscable.com] has joined #ubuntu
emeristeAre you suggesting maybe dual booting my regular Ubuntu and a 64 bit Ubuntu separately for special apps?02:09
telliottAnyone familiar with wubi that can help me out?02:09
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ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre02:09
cApN_rAiNy_WiShthe run command allows you to run things...ALT+F202:09
antlerwhy would you downgrade to 32bit? just downgrade the software02:09
macdnevron, you said your download was 330 on speedtest.net ? that would fall in line with 4mb adsl02:09
ubotuwubi is an unofficial Ubuntu installer for Windows users - more info is at http://www.cutlersoftware.com/ubuntusetup/wubi/en-US/index.html02:09
pwnt-guys do i do "sudo apt-get upgrade" or "sudo apt-get update" Which one comes first? please.02:09
HuxFluxTuxCan anyone tell me if its possible listening to NHL radio with firefox? .. link: http://www.nhl.com/scores/index.html  I have all plug-ins installed02:09
pwnt-i just got gutsy02:09
remi've got a Sun machines arriving soon02:09
cApN_rAiNy_WiShFor instance, say you are wanting to run FIreFox, you would hit ALT+F2 then type in FIREFOX, [ENTER] 02:09
Braxt"/media/disk/srv" cannot be deleted because you do not have permissions to modify its parent folder. this is the error that pops up when I try to clean my second hdd .. how can I fix this?02:09
vocxemeriste, what applications? dual booting? what?02:09
remits a 64-bit UltraSparc III02:09
cApN_rAiNy_WiShThat would load firefox for ya02:09
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remdesigned for solaris of course02:09
emeristedual booting means having more than one OS on your system.02:09
macbooki find in google but dont have any answer02:09
gogetathe wubi installeer uses vaft02:09
nevronmacd okay but i never see that speed from any server what might be bottlenecking my connection,02:09
gogetano partations02:10
jribemeriste: no, but feel free to try both and make your own conclusion02:10
vocxIndyGunFreak, logical and primary partitions aren't really different.02:10
gogetabut its a perforance hit02:10
gogetalike running the os out of a zip file02:10
IndyGunFreakvocx: yeah, i was just poking around and figured that out.02:10
telliottSo no one in chat will talk about wubi.02:10
cApN_rAiNy_WiShReD2121 : I answered your question to the best of my knowledge, I believe, hope you were able to see it and understand ;)02:10
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Scuniziemeriste, do you do any intensive compilations? video editing etc..? then 64bit would be very usefull.02:10
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macdnevron, sounds like its the other end, or network congestion, if the speed tests properly, you just eliminated your connection, your dsl modem, your router (if you have one) and your PC.02:10
emeristeWhen I installed Ubuntu I originally had Windows on here so the disk partitioned my hard drive to make room for Ubuntu. Now I don't want Windows anymore. Is there a way to let Ubuntu take over the whole system and give it that space?02:10
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emeristeNo I don't. The most cpu intensive thing I anticipate doing is running mathematica/maple.02:11
nevronok what is a network congestion :)02:11
nevronok i got what you are saying02:11
hobeanhow do i use command line ftp to transfer directories and their subdirs?02:11
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nevronanyway maybe i should contact my isp thanks very much i appreciate it02:11
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nevronmacd you are my hero :)02:12
cApN_rAiNy_WiShhaha, emeriste, unfortunately, I cannot answer your question...apologies, but I'm also a fair newbie ;)02:12
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hgjjjfwhat is a good linux disk wiping app for the hd?02:12
emeristeno worries. :)02:12
arnathgoddamit, grub keeps giving me the error 22: no such partition :@02:12
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cApN_rAiNy_WiShhgjjjf : fdisk, I believe...02:12
macdnevron, it couldnt hurt to contact them, thats for sure.02:12
arnath(i jus tinstalled xp and went in wiv live cd to fix grub)02:12
nevronin my country it surely will :(02:12
macdhgjjjf, you can also write all zeros using the 'dd' command.02:12
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emeristeDo any of you know how I can let Ubuntu 'take over' the windows side of my hard drive and give all of my computer's resources over to Ubuntu?02:13
Scuniziemeriste, you can recover that space.. but there are steps. move /home to its own partition, delete the other partitions and reinstall the system.  Root needs max 12 gig, swap 2gig the rest /home02:13
dorothygalesomehow i hosed my sound when I was configuring my services02:13
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vocxemeriste, mathematica and maple have Linux versions? I didn't know. But seriously think this, which applications would benefit from using the 64 bit version?02:13
emeristeHm this seems very difficult.02:13
hgjjjfmacd,  i got data i need to wipe off and show no trace what so ever02:13
dorothygalecan anyone help me get back up?02:13
cApN_rAiNy_WiShAnd FYI, as I've come to find out, if you get Error 17 on GRUB, it's probably because your windows partition is attempting to inject itself over Ubuntu (main thing you can do, unplug the SATA/EIDE cable)02:13
emeristeYes they both have Linux versions.02:13
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stefgl!backup | dorothygale02:14
ubotudorothygale: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning02:14
macdhgjjjf, well to trained data forensics people there is no such thing as unrecoverable short of physically damaging the platters, but using dd to write all zeros is pretty safe for the rest of us.02:14
emeristeI don't know, however if they have 64 bit linux versions.02:14
vocxemeriste, just erase the windows FAT32 or NTFS partition and recreate a new partition in it with EXT3, and mount it in your filesystem by adding the entry in /etc/fstab02:14
dorothygaleum no02:14
dorothygalecan anyone help me get my sound working agin02:14
=== vinboy [n=vinboy@125-238-140-157.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
vinboyis there a netstat gui or anything similar?02:14
stefgl!sound | dorothygale02:15
ubotudorothygale: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP302:15
Scuniziemeriste, here's a link I'm using for moving home. Keep in mind when they say -null and -sparce they mean --null and --sparce02:15
emeristeIt sounds like what I really have to do is just back up all of my data and then reinstall the latest ubuntu after formatting my hard drive.02:15
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dorothygalealsa service is started02:15
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stefgldorothygale: What does lspci | grep audio turn up ?02:16
dorothygaleso can anyone helpme or am I just going to get bot links?02:16
nevronis there a tool like net limiter for ubuntu where i can watch my network traffic?02:16
Scuniziemeriste, download and burn the iso for gparted live or system rescue cd.  They can be invaluable in changing your partitions.02:16
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hobeanhow do i use command line ftp to transfer a directory including all of its subdirs and files?02:16
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emeristeI don't feel up to messing around with partitions.02:16
susanCould one of you guide me to the best computer components, as I am in need for a system upgrade. Thank you.02:16
crimsunnevron: darkstat?02:16
emeristeHow about this approach: I'll back up all of my data. Then I will just reinstall Ubuntu but tell it to take over the whole cpu rather than make any partitions?02:17
jcsackettdorothygale: i just dropped in, what's your problem? not that i can solve it mind, but if i can i'm happy too.02:17
nevronsudo apt-get install darkstat?02:17
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dorothygalestefgl00:0c.0 Multimedia audio controller: Yamaha Corporation YMF-744B [DS-1S Audio Controller]  (rev 02)02:17
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hgjjjfmacd,  so there is no way to wipe it clear from the best of the best?02:17
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vocxemeriste, not hard messing with partitions. Do you use GRUB, does it work okay? Then you won't have any problems booting and that's it.02:17
macdemeriste, wel there is only 3 ways todo what you want, 1.backup and resize, 2.dont back and resize, 3.format and reinstall02:17
emeristeI use Grub.02:17
cApN_rAiNy_WiShhey nevron, try going to your terminal and typing: apt-cache search netstat02:17
dorothygaleit was working before, I changed some services around and now it is not working02:17
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=== merriam [n=merriam@85-211-143-106.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
cApN_rAiNy_WiShthat will give you a list of a few GUI-driven modules you can get for netstats02:18
Scuniziemeriste, you can. but during the reinstall it's still a good idea to put /home in it's own partition just for these occations AND for upgrading every 6 months to the latest ubuntu version if you plan to.02:18
macdhgjjjf, short of using thermite, absolutely not02:18
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RoC_MasterMind__susan, newegg.com02:18
emeristemacd: Format and reinstall seems the easiest to me.. Although I don't look forward to putting back all my software and setting it all up again.02:18
dorothygaleI tried to change it back to the way it was before but that did not help02:18
Scunizisusan, tigerdirect02:18
jpt9if using kill -9 won't kill something, are there any alternatives?02:18
macdemeriste, then just use the livecd to resize the partition.02:18
macdjpt9, did you sudu kill -9 ?02:18
jcsackettanyone know if there's a compelling reason to keep evolution around if you don't use it's features? does any part of ubuntu require it?02:18
nevroncApN_rAiNy_WiSh thank you but is there an application where i can see things with a gui02:19
jpt9macd: yeah.02:19
emeristewill resizing the partition kill windows and let Ubuntu take over all of my computer?02:19
macdemeriste, its literally a 5 click operation02:19
jpt9i'm trying to kill synaptic; the GUI froze and I force quit it; however, synaptic is still running.02:19
RoC_MasterMind__jpt9, if you did sudo kill -9, then it's either dead or a zombie, either way it's gone.02:19
macdemeriste, you delete the windows partition, then expand your linux one into the free space, you can do it all using the livecd, its really quite easy.02:19
Scuniziemeriste, yes.. not just resizing but deleting then recreating02:19
jpt9it doesn't work, though.02:19
emeristeOkay I'll try using the Live CD then.02:19
jpt9i'm running from the LiveCD, in case that matters.02:19
macdjpt9, what does 'ps aux | grep yourprocname" say for the PIDs status?02:20
emeristeSo you run Ubuntu from the Live CD and do these things, and then when you boot into your local Ubuntu all the changes are still in effect?02:20
cApN_rAiNy_WiShnevron : stand by02:20
stefgldorothygale: it might just be muted. checked alsamixer ?02:20
macdemeriste, yes02:20
emeristeOkay that sounds promising.02:20
jpt9where's the status listed?02:20
jpt9and doesn't ps normally display a header?02:20
KevlarSoulI installed Ubuntu on a partition it made, everything looked great, when I rebooted there was no dual boot screen, went straight into winblows?02:20
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dorothygalestefgl I did it is all the way up02:20
macddavid    17012  0.2  2.4 123216 25116 ?        Sl   Oct02  10:59 xchat02:21
dorothygaleI did this with the alsamixer command02:21
macdthat status is Sl02:21
=== [Meta] [n=devnull@CPE-121-216-113-202.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
jpt9in that case, it's Ds02:21
Some_PersonKevlarSoul: so you installed, rebooted, and windows came up?02:21
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KevlarSoulSome_Person yes, like I did nothing.02:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about oss - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:21
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP302:21
Some_PersonKevlarSoul: ok, i can help you02:21
=== RULR_ [n=rulr@78-3-57-58.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu
ReD2121how do i change directories in a terminal02:22
ReD2121example would be great02:22
stefgldorothygale: what happens after cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp ?02:22
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KevlarSoulSome_Person quit as they said they would help. haha02:22
LtarI can't boot to CD anymore.. I've never had a problem before, but I found myself unable to (no bootable device detected) when I tried to boot into a live CD to format my new HDD.02:22
hgjjjfmacd,  u join me in room ###wwed please02:22
stefgldorothygale: should give white noise02:22
macdjpt9, that means its a dead process02:22
[Meta] I don't like the LiveCD installer. =(02:22
cApN_rAiNy_WiShnevron: Hold ALT+F2 on your keyboard to initiate the run command. Type this: gnome-nettool   HIT ENTER. When the nettool pops up, click on the 'Netstat' tab, should be the 3rd from the left...02:22
macdjpt9, sooner or later it will go away02:22
cApN_rAiNy_WiShhope that helps you02:23
dorothygalestefgl command hangs02:23
jpt9it's been at least a few minutes.02:23
dorothygaleso a whole lotta nothin02:23
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emeristeWhat is the ubuntu channel for polish?02:23
ubotuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl02:23
emeristeokay thanks.02:23
jpt9and when i try to do anything else with synaptic, it complains that there's still a copy running, and that it's attempting to bring it to the foreground02:23
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jpt9which doesn't work, since the Synaptic GUI's long dead.02:23
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macbooktanks ubotu02:24
stefgldorothygale: so ctrl-c out of that.  it did not hang, it worked so far... so the digital domain should be fine, there is something muted02:24
macdjpt9, ohhhh, delete the lockfile for dpkg in that case02:24
jpt9where is it?02:24
veynomcan anyone recommend a sound card that is fully supported under Ubuntu?02:24
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vocx!thanks | macbook02:24
ubotumacbook: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)02:24
dorothygalestefgl still no sound though02:25
fyrestrtrveynom: anything by creative labs02:25
crimsunveynom: most older AC'97-based ones02:25
christian2is there anybody02:25
dorothygaleveynom !alsa02:25
nevroni just installed darkstat and have an error saying Error: pcap_lookupdev(): no suitable device found02:25
christian2i have a problem02:25
stefgldorothygale: so recheck your mixer settings...02:25
veynomarg, i have a an audigy gamer02:25
veynombut i cant get it to work right with WoW under wine02:25
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christian2i have to access to /media/hdd1 through "gksu nautilus"02:25
macdjpt9, /var/lib/dpkg/lock02:25
dorothygalestefgl it's all the way up on everything02:25
veynomit says   "fixme:dsound:DSOUND_MixOne problem with underrun detection"02:26
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stefgldorothygale: but somwhere there's a mute switch pressed02:26
fyrestrtrveynom: check in #winehq02:26
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=== rocky_ [n=rocky@21.169-62-69.ftth.swbr.surewest.net] has joined #ubuntu
christian2could anybody help me02:26
rocky_ hi Im new to ubuntu02:26
ReD2121trying to install the ati drivers that i saved the file:///home/red/Desktop/ati-driver-installer-8.40.4-x86.x86_64.run on my desktop02:26
veynomhi new to ubuntu02:27
rocky_and I need some help02:27
vocx!ask | christian202:27
fOrgivme`hi rocky_02:27
ubotuchristian2: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)02:27
=== bugoz [n=john@d58-105-87-175.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
dorothygalestefgl I think the dev is hosed02:27
ReD2121need help02:27
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[Meta] Welcome to Ubuntu, rocky_02:27
dorothygaleI want to take it down and bring it back up again02:27
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jpt9still doesn't work.02:27
cApN_rAiNy_WiShnevron: see if you can specify the device on the command line. it might be looking for a different device name02:27
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rocky_thank every one02:27
stefgldorothygale: killall esd && esd , does that give you a test sound ?02:27
cApN_rAiNy_WiShhey, ubuntu rocks...lol02:27
rocky_I was a prombel with beryl02:27
[Meta] What do you need help with, rocky_?02:27
fOrgivme`rocky_,  whats the problem?02:27
=== Chris__ [n=ubuntu@dhcp-0-50-ba-c2-2a-f0.cpe.mountaincable.net] has joined #ubuntu
rocky_well last nite I got my beryl working02:28
vocx!effects | rocky_02:28
cApN_rAiNy_WiShi think the bots are pretty smart...02:28
=== ph4mp573r [n=chatzill@pool-72-71-234-188.cncdnh.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
nevronok i have been able to run darkstat02:28
dorothygale stefgl esd: no process killed02:28
christian2i cannot access to ntfs (/media/hdd1) through nautilus instead of i have to do it through "gksu nautilus" or sudo su02:28
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uboturocky_: For help or discussion on Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects02:28
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rocky_and now its not working at all what I did want to system and the desktop effects but it cant endole it02:28
stefgldorothygale: so just 'esd'02:28
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christian2i have all permisions02:29
nevronbut it works in a very strange way isnt there a standalone program for ubuntu where i can watch what is going on in my network02:29
dorothygalestefgl The program 'esd' can be found in the following packages:02:29
dorothygale * pulseaudio-esound-compat02:29
dorothygale * esound02:29
dorothygaleTry: sudo apt-get install <selected package>02:29
dorothygalebash: esd: command not found02:29
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[Meta] That's what I get for trying Kubuntu. =( It died within the first hour.02:29
stefgldorothygale: you are on ubuntu, not (k/x)ubuntu, right?02:29
=== RULR_ [n=rulr@78-3-57-58.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu
llibCould someone please walk me through installing things? *ubuntu02:30
susanwhat CPU is wise to purchase right now?.. or should I be waiting because the AM2 socket (motherboard) will become invalid like the 939? Thanks02:30
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dorothygalexubuntu stefgl02:30
[Meta] llib: Applications -> Install new software. =p02:30
macdnevron, there is, its called ntop.02:30
llibno its not there...02:30
vocx!paste | dorothygale02:30
ubotudorothygale: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:30
crimsunFWIW, darkstat is recommended over ntop.02:30
[Meta] "Add/Remove.."02:30
rocky_What can I do to get my beryl working again02:30
cApN_rAiNy_WiShnevron: do this, go to your terminal, type in: sudo apt-get install netherape02:30
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Chris__Here is my question..i just installed windows on 50 gb of my 500 gb hard drive...now i am in the ubuntu install cd... i made a / partition for 20 gb for ubuntu, ....but now what is a good amount of space for swap space? also... i want all of the leftover space on the hd to be used for storage (in windows and ubuntu)....so what do i do???02:31
=== Krun [n=marko@83-131-0-184.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu
RoC_MasterMind__susan, everything you buy will become obsolete.02:31
cApN_rAiNy_WiShnevron: you're going to type: sudo apt-get install etherape02:31
stefgldorothygale: so there is no default sound daemon. But never mind. Did you go through the troubleshooting howto?02:31
cApN_rAiNy_WiShnot netherape ;) sorry...02:31
nevronok i am doing it02:31
[Meta] llib: In Applications menu, there is something that says "Add/Remove..." and you click on that.02:31
susanRoC_MasterMind__:  but i bought the 939 when it came out and it quickly changed to 940, then to am2!02:31
llibNo I'm beyond that02:32
llibI have a rpm file02:32
dorothygalestefgl it's not like sound never worked before. it WAS working, I changed some services around and now no sound02:32
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cApN_rAiNy_WiShnevron : once that is done, your best bet is just to click 'Applications->Internet->EtherApe As Root'02:32
=== `Matir [n=david@c-76-17-119-30.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
lliband a tar.gz file02:32
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cApN_rAiNy_WiShMake sure that if you're not logged in as root already (and you SHOULD NOT BE) you run that...As Root, not just EtherApe02:32
Chris__please someone pm me..02:32
=== MekApelsin [n=blippe@1-1-11-41a.f.sth.bostream.se] has joined #ubuntu
stefgldorothygale: so follow the troubleshooting howto...02:32
overcluckersusasn, eventually each socket will becom invalid, just choose a common one02:32
stefgl!sound | dorothygale02:32
ubotudorothygale: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP302:32
[Meta] llib: http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2005/09/23/installing-using-an-rpm-file/02:32
cApN_rAiNy_WiShnevron : Does this help? ;)02:32
vocxsusan, CPU sockets are not really related to Ubuntu, maybe you can get opinions in #ubuntu-offtopic02:33
nevroncApN_rAiNy_WiSh this is awesome thank you02:33
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nevronthanks a lot02:33
dorothygaleubotu you're the most annoying bot ever02:33
=== prestosd [n=prestosd@h53.147.16.98.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu
Chris__Here is my question..i just installed windows on 50 gb of my 500 gb hard drive...now i am in the ubuntu install cd... i made a / partition for 20 gb for ubuntu, ....but now what is a good amount of space for swap space and do i have to put anything in that partition for the "mount" section? also... i want all of the leftover space on the hd to be used for storage (in windows and ubuntu)....so what do i do???02:33
cApN_rAiNy_WiShnevron : Hey, no problem! :) hope it all goes well for ya ;)02:33
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=== MekApelsin is tired
jribllib: what are you installing?02:33
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jrib!software > llib (read the private message from ubotu)02:33
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prestosdHey, is there any way I can upgrade to 7.10 through an ISO? (without burning)02:33
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jrib!gutsy > prestosd (read the private message from ubotu)02:34
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vocx!patience | Chris__02:34
ubotuChris__: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines02:34
=== dorothygale [n=dorothyg@87-198-240-41.ptr.magnet.ie] has left #ubuntu []
cApN_rAiNy_WiShChris__ Sorry bud, can't help ya02:34
rocky_ I cant enable my desktop effects and my beryl is not working yerstady I got it working and this moring untill i want to desktop effects and now I cant get my beryl to work plz some one help02:34
Chris__can anyone help then?02:34
overcluckerChris__: well, 2 gigs swap is a safe guess, and ,02:35
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youknowm1If I have two virtual cores.. and one is running max.. is my entire cpu running max? or just half?02:35
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[Meta] rocky_: Try #beryl or #ubuntu-effects02:35
aTypicalInstalling ubuntu is becoming the biggest pain in the ass I have ever faced.02:35
Chris__ok... 2 gigs of swap spac.e... NOW....the left over space (free space), will i be able to use that in ubuntu and windows to store fileds???02:35
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Chris__or do i have to make a fat32 partition for that?/02:35
cApN_rAiNy_WiShI would assume that formatting the space as FAT32 will allow both to view the space, assuming that's your goal. As far as I know, ubuntu can recognize an NTFS and FAT32 partition...but windows will not recognize the ext3...so your best bet, NTFS or FAT3202:35
overcluckerin /etc/fstab you will need to specify the swP PARTITION02:35
=== drekko [n=drekko@c-9109e555.03-24-73746f11.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
cApN_rAiNy_WiShAnd when I say space, I mean the empty space02:36
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rocky_how do i get Try #beryl or #ubuntu-effects02:36
[Meta] How do I change my family's opinion of Linux? xD02:36
mir100anyone know how i can monitor port (80, or any other ones) through the terminal using snort or something without logging02:36
cApN_rAiNy_WiShthe other 2 partitions you can leave be (NTFS and ext3)02:36
[Meta] "/join #beryl"02:36
Chris__ok.... so all the leftover space, besides the swap space... i make into fat32?02:36
cApN_rAiNy_WiSh[Metal]  Slap them around using a penguin...over and over again02:36
[Meta] Without quotation marks, rocky_02:36
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[Meta] But I might hurt Tux! ;_;02:36
cApN_rAiNy_WiShChris___ : Yea, that's the only system I believe both understand...02:36
vocxChris__, you can use FAT32. The next Ubuntu supposedly comes with good NTFS support so you may use that. Also you can use EXT3 and write from Windows with the aid of a plugin.02:36
rocky_ok i try it02:36
overcluckersorry bout hte caps02:37
Chris__so i will use fat32 for now02:37
cApN_rAiNy_WiShI mean, I think NTFS is understood under the new Kernel (don't quote me though)02:37
[Meta] In this window, mind rocky_02:37
Chris__fat32 for now? thakns02:37
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Chris__thanks guys02:37
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fyrestrtrmir100: monitor for what?02:37
Chris__for the swap space do i have to write anything for Mount:02:37
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Chris__Mount Point:02:37
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vocxChris__, FAT32 does not allow files bigger than 4 GB. Take that into consideration.02:37
mir100fyrestrtr, just any activity02:37
cApN_rAiNy_WiSh[Metal]  - Don't use tux, just any ol' penguin you've got lyin around, boyo02:37
vocx!enter | Chris__02:37
ubotuChris__: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:37
=== Polygon89_ [n=mark@c-71-226-63-76.hsd1.ar.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
Chris__or do i just change it to swap in the listbox02:37
vocx!enter > Chris__02:37
g0dd3sshai what's kjournald for02:37
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rocky_so should I open beryl again see if it work start or02:38
=== hgjjjf [n=doug@h153.26.255.206.cable.lngv.cablelynx.com] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
fyrestrtrmir100: start a firewall, and monitor its logs.02:38
[Meta] Uh oh. xD I can't recall how to put a link to Home folder on the desktop. I haven't used Ubuntu in a while. =( To my regret.02:38
overcluckerChris__: well, no you don't have to, but you could if you want02:38
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Chris__sorry, i don't have to what?02:38
mir100fyrestrtr ok thanks02:38
Chris__how do i make a swap partition i mean02:38
overcluckerChris__: if ou have a decent amount of ram, then don't bother02:38
Chris__do i just  pick "sqap" from use as:02:38
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overcluckerChris__: cfdisk02:39
Chris__i have 2 gigs of ram..so i shouldn't make swap space?02:39
=== Pichu0102 [n=pichu010@adsl-75-52-175-84.dsl.dytnoh.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
rocky_its not working with my beryl02:39
vocxChris__, yes select swap in the listbox.  Keep your responses in one line please.02:39
Chris__ok ok ok hold on.. i'm getting confused... i have 2 gigs of ram...so i shouold or shouldn't make swap space02:39
fyrestrtrChris__: you should have a swap partition.02:39
=== Ophois [n=josselin@ros67-1-88-178-4-167.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
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Chris__i will02:39
cApN_rAiNy_WiSh[Metal]  - Want the quickest way possible? Click on ubuntu's "Places" menu, then simply click-drag-drop the 'Home Folder'  icon to your desktop02:39
h1st0Chris__: no you should prolly have a 3 gig swap02:39
[Meta] Thanks.02:39
nomaShow can open the ssh port to somebody else connecto to my pc ?02:39
overcluckerand chose type 83 i believe .. .02:39
=== underdog5004 [n=matthew@adsl-76-193-219-181.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
Chris__3 gigs? ok... cool what does swap space even do?02:39
cApN_rAiNy_WiSh[Meta] : N/P02:39
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vocx!swap | Chris__02:40
ubotuChris__: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info02:40
=== Voodoo_John [n=jr@75-1-147-111.lightspeed.snantx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
[Meta] I'm trying to make it as user friendly as possible to people who've always used Windows, cApN_rAiNy_WiSh. =p02:40
jrib!ssh > nomaS (read the private message from ubotu)02:40
overcluckerChris__: and mkswap /dev/xxx02:40
IndyGunFreakthe installer will whine and cry if you don't have a swap... but with that pC you probably don't actually need one, but id' just put one in to shut it up.02:40
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=== hophead [n=ken@pool-71-179-243-46.bltmmd.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
cApN_rAiNy_WiSh[Meta] : Okay, then here's what you do...download a windows emulator, load it into linux, run windows, crap, voila!02:40
Chris__and mkswap /dev/xxx  ......huh???02:40
Chris__what does that mean??02:40
vocxoverclucker, don't confuse him, he is a new user, he doesn't know what that means, he is just installing.02:40
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=== jamesfl [n=james@653479hfc38.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
h1st0IndyGunFreak: its still necessary.  Mine uses swap and I have 2 gigs of ram.02:41
rocky_how can I start beryl up02:41
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cApN_rAiNy_WiShChris__:  Your reaction to the 'dribble' is priceless...like a MasterCard commercial...02:41
overcluckervocx: ohh!, he's installing, now02:41
[Meta] cApN_rAiNy_WiSh: Problem is, Windows crashed and burned and parents got angry at me coz I'm the nerd of the family. =p02:41
=== dodina [n=dodina@adsl-ull-52-189.48-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu
h1st0IndyGunFreak: it will move programs that you aren't using atm to the swap02:41
=== Dr1 [n=axon@rrcs-64-183-62-190.west.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
fyrestrtrrocky_: see #ubuntu-effects02:41
overcluckerChris__: disregard what i said02:41
Chris__Lastly, I am now making a fat32 out of the rest of the space... which says  "397675" ...so for this can i create a partition for that exact space?02:41
vocxoverclucker, gotta read the whole story first.02:41
IndyGunFreakh1st0: really?..  iw as thinking it was only used on full diskspace, when all ram was used up02:41
cApN_rAiNy_WiSh[Meta] : DOesn't that suck? I'm in the same spot you are, however, I no longer reside within the parents' household...yay, free beer for me and anyone else!02:41
IndyGunFreakregardle3ss, i still recommend it always... but thanks for the clarification02:41
Chris__like i type that number exactly...or should i round it to 39700002:42
stefgChris__: here's a drawing http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39719/ . This is how your partitioning should look in the ideal case02:42
h1st0Chris__: typical rule of thumb is to double your memory for swap partition ex: 4gigs but once you start getting in to that much ram you really don't need a 4gig swap.02:42
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h1st0IndyGunFreak: Nah unused stuff will move there as well.02:42
cApN_rAiNy_WiShhaha, I have a lot of RAM LoL02:42
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[Meta] cApN_rAiNy_WiSh: My mum's computer illiterate and my dad who knows a little about computers is in a mental institution. ^_^02:42
IndyGunFreakhmm, didn't know that02:42
=== tanner [n=xero@c-24-20-191-16.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Dr1has anyone here clustered Linux servers as file servers (SAMBA, AFP, NFS) and are there any limitations or potential application compatibility issues when doing so?02:42
vocxChris__, yes you can use the exact space. Why do you ask so many questions? Be patient.02:42
=== Amaranth [n=travis@ubuntu/member/Amaranth] has joined #ubuntu
tannerdoes anyone know how to kill an active connection to your machine?02:42
cApN_rAiNy_WiSh8GB DDR2 - PC2-420002:42
Chris__sorry...rough day with the computer02:43
Chris__my grub wasn't loading at all and i had to reformat everything02:43
dxdttanner: pull the ethernet cord02:43
Chris__thanks for your help02:43
fyrestrtrtanner: fwcutter02:43
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[Meta] My first act on Ubuntu: Installing amarok. =p02:43
cApN_rAiNy_WiSh[Meta] : Well, at least he passed along something good...as far as being mental, most of the time I think that mental people see things clearer than us in ways...weird...02:43
h1st0[Meta] : sudo apt-get install amarok02:43
=== defendguin [n=justin@ip5-155.tvmax-fiber-1.hou.ygnition.net] has joined #ubuntu
[Meta] cApN_rAiNy_WiSh: Quite true. However warped they may be.02:43
tannerfyrestrtr: fwcutter?02:43
[Meta] Yes, h1st0 I know. I've used Ubuntu before.02:44
cApN_rAiNy_WiShI would never use multiple partitions on hard drives...too damn risky cause if I have windows on a drive, I'm afraid for it's entire life...partitioned sparingly or not02:44
tannerdxdt: cannot do, offsite machine02:44
Chris__hold on hold on hold on .... guys... when i try to format that last amount of space (397 675 MB)  it gives me an error...it says ERROR!!! Can't have the end before the start!02:44
=== luis [n=luis@adsl-75-14-5-0.dsl.hrlntx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== IndyGunFreak deals with mental midgits all day, couldn't disagree more.
luishello people anyone know how to install google earth on ubuntu02:44
rocky_how can I download something like a drive ubuntu is kinda hard to use02:44
fyrestrtrtanner: its a program that *can* (not guranteed) disconnect an active connection.02:44
[Meta] Apparently my computer type is not supported by amaroK. o_O02:44
=== RULER_ [n=RULER@pool-96-228-163-129.tampfl.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
h1st0luis: just download and run it.02:44
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tannerfyrestrtr: is it in apt?02:45
h1st0luis: they have a linux version02:45
[Meta] Oh! Durrrrrr.02:45
=== jimmacdonald [n=jim@138-212-223-66.gci.net] has joined #ubuntu
luisohhh, lol02:45
fyrestrtr!google earth02:45
ubotuGoogle Earth is now available, for free (only as in price), for Linux, too. To download it see http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html - A package for Ubuntu is available in the !Medibuntu repository02:45
cApN_rAiNy_WiSh[Meta] : Warped is in the eye of the beholder; however, how many people do you think thought Socrates was crazy, or other free-thinking individuals who were merely out of their minds when it came to philosophical nothingness (but, in all fairness, I may be giving the mental too much credit LOL!)02:45
=== HellbreakerCCCP [n=Hellbrea@24-117-169-180.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu
[Meta] I'm not even plugged into the router. -.-02:45
dodinajoin #ubuntu-it02:45
rocky_I did and just a file pops up02:45
luisbut I don't know how to run it man02:45
luisI'm a newb02:45
Chris__ when i try to format that last amount of space (397 675 MB)  it gives me an error...it says ERROR!!! Can't have the end before the start!02:45
fyrestrtrtanner: not sure, always compiled it from source.02:45
=== stefgl [n=stefgls@e179147127.adsl.alicedsl.de] has left #ubuntu []
h1st0!earth | luis02:45
D4N`not sure02:45
[Meta] cApN_rAiNy_WiSh: Yeah, some of the people in the mental unit are scary.02:45
cApN_rAiNy_WiShIt just says Error, that's great02:45
ubotuluis: Google Earth is now available, for free (only as in price), for Linux, too. To download it see http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html - A package for Ubuntu is available in the !Medibuntu repository02:45
=== RULER_ is now known as Catsceo
tannerfyrestrtr: homepage for it?02:46
=== linxeh [n=linx@88-96-202-38.dsl.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
h1st0luis: if you download it there is a readme with instructions or they are on the download page.02:46
=== CarlF1 [n=carl@c-71-194-211-5.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
cApN_rAiNy_WiSh[Meta] : The ones that walk around and yell piss me off...I just wanna knock some smarts into em'...but it's sad to see...so sad...02:46
HellbreakerCCCPwhat are u supposed to do when u restart with the live cd in and u go to install and u just get a black screen with numbers at the bottom?02:46
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cApN_rAiNy_WiShHellbreakerCCCP : Hope that the problem is just the GRUB02:46
[Meta] cApN_rAiNy_WiSh: There was one wandering around talking about rum and coke and his drinking days yesterday.02:46
=== Sajes_ [n=dakota@3639239304.mi.dial.123.net] has joined #ubuntu
cApN_rAiNy_WiSh[Meta] : Now that's the kind of scary mental patient I can get along with...02:47
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=== AFigueiredo [i=xyz@] has joined #ubuntu
[Meta] cApN_rAiNy_WiSh: Haha, can I PM you, we're kinda getting off-topic. Only kinda though.02:47
Chris__ugh..where did everyone go...i just have one more problem :(02:47
pwnt-i got something in my system tray that says "Unable to get data.." whats that02:47
cApN_rAiNy_WiShlol my bad...I realize this now02:47
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Chris__I am trying to partition the leftover space on my hard drive as as FAT32...but it is telling me "ERROR!!! Can't have the end before the start!02:48
HellbreakerCCCPso what do i do?02:48
h1st0Chris__: what are you trying to partition it with?02:48
AFigueiredoHi everyone... which cd is the right for the core 2 duo's? amd64 or x86?02:48
rocky_could some one Pm to help me better out02:48
Chris__i'm on the live cd right now02:48
vocxAFigueiredo, they both work, but most of us would suggest i38602:49
fyrestrtrAFigueiredo: x8602:49
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ubotumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org02:49
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[Meta] !amarok02:49
fyrestrtrthe amd64 will not work02:49
ubotuAmarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.3 for Dapper and 1.4.5 for Edgy and packages are  available for Kubuntu at www.kubuntu.org See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Amarok02:49
=== Gekiretsu [n=Z@adsl-84-227-24-61.adslplus.ch] has joined #ubuntu
[Meta] !codecs02:49
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:49
overcluckerChris__: are you formating it as primary, or logical, and fat32 on on  400gig partition just won't cut it02:49
Gekiretsuhello. problems with some drivers.....02:49
AFigueiredovocx, fyrestrtr, thanks02:49
h1st0Chris__: what tool are you using to partition it?02:50
Chris__what do you mean tool?02:50
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h1st0overclucker: sure it will02:50
=== [Meta] stares at her net speed. Woot. O_O
=== otaimerz [n=otaimerz@] has joined #ubuntu
Chris__i am using primary02:50
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h1st0Chris__: What program are you using to partition it.02:50
Chris__the ubuntu installer02:50
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Gekiretsuhello, anyone can help me with some drivers?02:50
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vocx!ask | Gekiretsu02:50
ubotuGekiretsu: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)02:51
h1st0Chris__: how many primary partitions do you have on the drive?02:51
Chris__ewll...50 gb for windows..... then the etx3 is a primary02:51
fyrestrtrtanner: see here > http://www.debianhelp.co.uk/networktools1.htm02:51
otaimerzi want to open one website but.. it is open bcoz my ubuntu does not has Java Runtime Enviroment like using in windows02:51
Chris__and the sqwap is a primary02:51
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otaimerzhow i want to open it/?02:51
h1st0Chris__: the swap shouldn' be.02:51
Chris__ok, i'll try to fix it02:51
luisok, so I got the goggle earth bin file on my desktop, how do I run it?02:51
Gekiretsuok, got a new PCI card with USB 2.0 and Firewire connections02:51
overcluckerh1st0: would you use fat32 on a 400gig?02:51
luisok, wait, let me look at the google earth page02:51
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Gekiretsucan't find the drivers for the damn thing02:52
h1st0overclucker: for what he's doing use.02:52
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vocx!java | otaimerz02:52
ubotuotaimerz: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre02:52
anandanbuThe updates from ubuntu are very slow in my ubuntu 7.04 system but the other downloads are much quicker, what would be the problem02:52
=== rzimek78_ [n=rzimek78@87-205-37-23.adsl.inetia.pl] has joined #ubuntu
h1st0Chris__: make the swap extended.  You can only have 4 primary partitions I believe on a drive.02:52
Gekiretsuit has electricity, if i connect a USB key it lights up, but doesn't read t02:52
dxdtoverclucker: fat32 on 400GB?  Yikes.  I would probably make it ntfs and then make linux read the ntfs if i had to have it as one big partition02:52
cApN_rAiNy_WiShyea, I think you can go into a terminal, otaimerz, and type: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre02:53
rocky_i how a hard time with beryl could some one help me trun it on02:53
vocxanandanbu, somebody said the servers were down. It happens, just be patient. Wanna help, donate money so they have better servers.02:53
Chris__ok...but the etx3 i make primary02:53
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Chris__and how do i make the swap extended?02:53
cApN_rAiNy_WiShberyl should be easy to turn on, rocky_, assuming you already installed it...02:53
overcluckerdxdt: that's what i thought,02:53
rocky_I did02:53
h1st0Chris__: / should be primary yes.02:53
rocky_but it wont trun on02:53
Gekiretsuok, got a new PCI card with USB 2.0 and Firewire connections can't find the drivers for the damn thing02:53
anandanbuvocx: thanks for the info02:53
Gekiretsuok, got a new PCI card with USB 2.0 and Firewire connections can't find the drivers for the damn thing02:53
LtarI can't boot to CD anymore.. I've never had a problem before, but I found myself unable to (no bootable device detected) when I tried to boot into a live CD to format my new HDD02:53
cApN_rAiNy_WiShIf it's already installed, you can hold ALT on your keyboard, press F2 and that should bring up the 'RUN' console. In there, type: beryl-manager and hit enter02:54
Chris__ok, now how do I make the swap...extended..or whatnot?02:54
rocky_i had it working this moring and how its not going on02:54
cApN_rAiNy_WiShIf you have beryl installed, it will load up02:54
=== blodius [n=riccardo@81-208-83-224.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu
Gekiretsuok, got a new PCI card with USB 2.0 and Firewire connections can't find the drivers for the damn thing02:54
h1st0Chris__: What I would do is the following have "windows / /swap /home and a share of free space"02:54
cApN_rAiNy_WiShrocky_ Unlike windows, if I am NOT mistaken, Beryl must be ran manually everytime u boot, unless you change your config source to automatically run it each time...upon a profile load...02:54
Chris__I don't know what you just said02:54
=== Tech-Mike [n=tech-mik@c-24-8-22-136.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
h1st0Chris__: having a seperate /home is nice if you ever have to reinstall all yoru settings and files stay.02:54
=== pwnt- [n=org@] has joined #Ubuntu
Chris__so, what do I do?02:55
=== ibara [n=ibara@cpe-74-75-208-191.maine.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
vocxGekiretsu, it is possible that drivers don't exist. That is sad, but not Linux's fault, but rather the manufacturers' fault.  Do not repeat the question.02:55
h1st0Chris__: alright clear the partitions youve made.02:55
vocx!patience > Gekiretsu02:55
=== cube3x3 [n=root@cpe-24-24-80-196.stny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Chris__all of them except window.s.. of course02:55
h1st0Chris__: with the exception of your windows drive that you don't want to delete.02:55
cApN_rAiNy_WiShBut, I mean, it's as easy as 1 2 3 to load it each time...I prefer the less-dumbed-down linux things because it keeps the system safe and secure...without putting too much emphasis on automation02:55
=== superpenguin [n=randomma@c-75-71-10-43.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
h1st0Chris__: yeap02:55
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=== jlb [n=jlb@24-217-128-158.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
pwnt-after installing gutsy do i need to re-install the VGA driver again?02:55
=== d|v [n=dgoldber@pool-71-187-74-183.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
rocky_oh ok but i get a thing saying cant enable desktop effects02:55
h1st0Chris__: Do you want a seperate /home partittion?02:55
Tech-Mikeanybody help with a "Wnck-Warning ** Unhandled action (nil)" error?02:55
=== RULR_ is now known as RULR
cApN_rAiNy_WiShare you using nvidia?02:55
Chris__what will  that do for me?02:55
Chris__should I? is it better?02:55
cubeePwnt: what card u have?02:56
rocky_ya im using the software02:56
cApN_rAiNy_WiShGo to the System menu, then 'Desktop Effects'...when you go in there, you may have to load a propietary driver for nvidia02:56
cApN_rAiNy_WiShunless you've already done that...02:56
Chris__basically, i just want about 20gb for ubuntu....some swap space...and then the leftover to be all storage space for windows and ubuntu02:56
Gekiretsuvocx, i choose Linux, wasn't imposed on me, i am not blaming it.....just wanted to know if there are drivers and i can't find them 'cos i am not good enoughs earching for them or just 'cos i am anewbie...02:56
h1st0Chris__: All your files and settings are stored in /home/username  All of  the software is in / so if you reinstall / your /home/username partition will still be there with your settings and files.02:56
fyrestrtrpwnt-: #ubuntu+102:56
rocky_I dont think i have it02:56
cApN_rAiNy_WiShIf desktop effects are disabled, you are not using propietary nvidia drivers that are dumbed down to handle linuxs' advanced effects02:57
vocxGekiretsu, no problemo02:57
pwnt-cubee: nvidia02:57
Chris__ohhh... ok...so maybe i should do what you suggested02:57
Chris__actually... no..02:57
h1st0Chris__: okay well then if you're only giving 20gigs don't worry bout seperate /home you can always make one later.02:57
ubotuNOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding!02:57
=== larson9999 [n=larson@74-129-100-183.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu
cApN_rAiNy_WiShwell, if you go into desktop effects, it should auto-get the gx3 or something driver for you02:57
Chris__yeah i let's do it02:57
cApN_rAiNy_WiShit will ask if you wish to enable or not02:57
rocky_where can i get the propietary driver for nvidia02:57
Chris__so i won't do it02:57
=== teenbeat2007 [n=teenbeat@d51A46C0C.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
Chris__that's fine02:57
h1st0Chris__: its not hard to make it later.02:57
RoC_MasterMind__!nvidia | rocky_02:57
uboturocky_: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:57
cubeeGoogl it02:57
h1st0Chris__: so make / partition02:57
h1st0Chris__: make it 16gig02:57
Chris__16? ok02:58
Chris__why 16 thoough02:58
vocxGekiretsu, just don't be impatient and repeat the same question within seconds. Wait a few minutes before repeating the questions. Take your time to browse the forums also ubuntuforums.org02:58
Chris__ok. done02:58
cApN_rAiNy_WiShone sec...if it doesn't auto-get it under desktop effects, I need a minute to figure out what to do...02:58
h1st0Chris__: make sure its marked as bootable and selected to be mounted as / and formated to ext302:58
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h1st0Chris__: now make /swap 4gig02:58
Gekiretsuvocx, already browsed the forums, but couldn't find a thing about USB and Firewire cards02:58
Chris__marked as bootable?02:58
=== dodina [n=dodina@adsl-ull-52-189.48-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu
h1st0Chris__: yes02:58
Chris__there is no marked as bootable anywhere02:58
h1st0Chris__: don't worry I think the installer defaults to it.02:59
otaimerzhow to i'm check my free drive using ubuntu?02:59
h1st0Chris__: So now make /swap as 4gigs make sure02:59
Chris__the swap i make logical..correct02:59
vocxh1st0, if you are going to walkthrough Chris__ it would be a good idea if you both moved to a private room, so you don't flood this room. Thank you.02:59
h1st0Chris__: yes02:59
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h1st0vocx: almost done one more step03:00
Chris__swap is done03:00
=== At0mic_PC [n=arch_ato@host-216-77-193-74.jan.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
Gekiretsuok, got a new PCI card with USB 2.0 and Firewire connections can't find the drivers for the damn thing03:00
h1st0Chris__: Now you can leave the free space and partition and format it after the install.  Its up to you.03:00
dodinajoin #ubuntu-it03:00
dodinasalve a tutti!03:00
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!03:00
=== HellDragon is now known as Bitter
cApN_rAiNy_WiShrocky_ : OPen a terminal and try this: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-legacy03:01
vocxGekiretsu, you may start by improving your question, providing the model and make. Even pictures of it.03:01
=== cubee is now known as cube3x3
cApN_rAiNy_WiShIt should ask for yer pass and then it will ask if you wish to continue (Y for yes)03:01
=== sksol [n=sksol@adsl-211-220-139.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
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fyrestrtrGekiretsu: find out if your card was detected or not, using dmesg.03:01
Chris__ok... i want to be able to use this space to store windows and ubuntu files...sohuld i do it now?/03:01
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cApN_rAiNy_WiShTHen it should install the driver03:01
Chris__i don't know how to partition it after install03:01
sksolhey guys03:01
Chris__so can't i just do it now?03:01
cApN_rAiNy_WiShNot sure if you will require a restart, but that's about all I know ;)03:01
sksolhow do i connect ubuntu laptop to vista laptop via ethernet cable03:02
h1st0Chris__: I would partition it as primary partition and format as fat3203:02
RoC_MasterMind__sksol, crossover cable03:02
Chris__ok.. i'll do it now, that's fine?03:02
kotausksol apt-get install samba03:02
=== chef__ [n=torsten@p3EE07A7F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Gekiretsufyrestrtr, how do i do that? i am truly a newbie03:02
denndaor ext3 and install a patch for windows to access it03:02
sksolhm, whats samba03:02
Chris__but it says03:02
=== chef__ [n=torsten@p3EE07A7F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
denndafat32 cannot store files bigger than 4 GB03:02
Chris__ERROR!!! Can't have the end before the start!03:02
kotausksol it is a windows networking tool for linux03:02
sksolok, cool03:03
Chris__I just tried to partition it and it gave me that error... i made it primary...and fat3203:03
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=== nomasteryoda [n=nomaster@ip68-225-112-12.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Chris__and the full amount of space (over 400 gb)03:03
rocky_ok Im back my driver does not need any new one's03:03
h1st0Chris__: try as logical03:03
fyrestrtrGekiretsu: open a terminal and type dmesg03:03
cApN_rAiNy_WiShokay, sweet03:03
=== salvator1 [n=salvator@pool-71-183-82-211.nycmny.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Chris__same error03:03
Chris__as logical03:03
=== myconid [n=myconidx@c-75-68-193-39.hsd1.vt.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
h1st0Chris__: Are you changing the start and end of the partition?03:03
Chris__i kept it as it is03:04
=== eythian [n=robin@60-234-142-140.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
rocky_every time I go to desktop effects is says cant enble03:04
rocky_what can I do03:04
otaimerzhye.. how to run exe file in ubuntu/03:04
salvator1Hi, I'm new to ubuntu, and recently installed beryl from the synaptic package manager, but i'm not sure how to make it look cool like all those videos you see on youtube, can anyone help?03:04
Chris__it's at "beginning"03:04
h1st0Chris__: hrm.  well just leave it now and you can always part it later.03:04
IndyGunFreakrocky_: do you have your video card drivers installed?03:04
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ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.03:04
denndaotaimerz: wine... but what exactly do you want to run?03:04
Chris__yeah,,are you sure>03:04
Chris__I want to be sure i can partition nit later03:04
Gekiretsufyrestrtr, done, i got a long list, now what?03:04
Chris__so i don't have to do this all over again03:04
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h1st0Chris__: it should be marked at begining of free space03:04
rocky_i had to working today but now its not03:04
=== davious [n=dave@ip68-100-233-48.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
fyrestrtrsalvator1: try #ubuntu-effects03:04
Chris__yeah, but it isn't working...any idea why?03:04
otaimerzyes dennda.. why.. i can be problem in my ubuntu ?03:04
h1st0Chris__: No you can definately partition it later.  You could technically even use windows to do it after ubuntu is installe.d03:05
otaimerzyes dennda.. why.. it can be problem in my ubuntu ?03:05
=== wackamole [n=turkeybu@ool-18b85405.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
fyrestrtrGekiretsu: post it on the pastebin site03:05
=== dodina [n=dodina@adsl-ull-52-189.48-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu
denndaotaimerz: depends on the application you want to install. what do you want to run=03:05
h1st0Chris__: I have no idea what your looking at You may want to try gparted after you install ubuntu to get a better error.03:05
Chris__ok...is it easy to partition in windows?03:05
otaimerzi want to run microsoft office 200703:05
Chris__i think i'll partition it there03:05
Chris__thanks for your help03:05
luisyoy can partition from the live boot CD03:05
salvator1anybody know how to make beryl look cool?03:06
Chris__yeah but it's giving me an error, luis, so i can't03:06
myconidhttp://youtube.com/watch?v=7QyyC4LRoYI << how does he make the windows kinda "walk in front of eachother" when he changes apps?03:06
Chris__ok, so i'm good to install now?03:06
luisoh, ? :S03:06
denndaotaimerz: i don't know if wine can handle that. you may use openoffice.org or try crossoveroffice03:06
Gekiretsufyrestrtr, sorry, i MA a newbie....what's the pastebin site?03:06
cApN_rAiNy_WiShrocky_ : Try going to 'System->Administration->Restricted Drivers Manager'03:06
fyrestrtrGekiretsu: check the topic :)03:06
denndamyconid: without having seen the video: compiz fusion03:06
cApN_rAiNy_WiShLook in there and make sure the propietary driver is enabled...03:06
=== Coole^ [n=justin@71-212-62-51.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
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vocxh1st0, I told you it was far from over. You will need to tell him how to set up /etc/fstab later, so yeah, good luck.03:06
myconiddennda: hoping for something a bit more specific03:06
luisalso, can anyone tell me what command line to run to install google earth, the one on the google earth site doesn't do aquat03:06
rocky_I did03:06
denndamyconid: it is called shiftswitcher03:06
otaimerzdennda:  so, what software i can run in ubuntu?03:06
FFightercould someone recommend me a good download accelerator/manager for ubuntu03:06
myconiddennda: thx.03:06
denndamyconid: you can change between to different types of switching. one looks like the vista thingy03:07
Gekiretsuthanks fyrestrtr i am doing it now03:07
=== KoPaCh [n=mnm@S010600090f11d99e.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
denndaotaimerz: that really depends on the situation. check winehq.com and their apps db03:07
RULRneed help with dual boot. i have 2 hard discs. first is 80gb an it has linux on it and second is 250gb and it has windows on it. i am now on linux and i want to acees files from windows hard disc. pls help03:07
salvator1How is it possible to instal themese for beryl?03:07
rocky_and it says your hardware does not need any restricted drivers03:07
sksoltrying this03:08
sksolapt-get install samba03:08
sksolsays apt: command not found03:08
=== cam_ [n=cam@12-218-215-178.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
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vocx!ntfs | RULR03:08
ubotuRULR: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse03:08
fyrestrtr!ntfs-3g | RULR03:08
ubotuRULR: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions03:08
Gekiretsufyrestrtr, i did it...03:08
myconiddennda: does it come w/ compizfusion?03:08
zeinI have a printing problem. The driver for my LBP-460 printer must runn as root to work. it is suid and if I run "gs --optioins here-- |lbp460" I get the printer to work. foomatic-rip fails when printing via cups. It fails becuse even thought the lbp460 binary is suid it somehow gets run as user lp! I am prtty sure the culrit is foomatic-gswrapper but I can't for the life of me find out why! anyone here versed in the arts of ubuntu printing?03:08
denndamyconid: you may need the comiz plugins03:08
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fyrestrtrGekiretsu: post the link03:08
cApN_rAiNy_WiShrocky_ Ahh, okay...well, that's strange, desktop effects not being able to load up should instantly tell the kernel that you need propietary drivers...I'm confused lol03:09
denndamyconid: but on my gutsy it comes with it, yes03:09
rocky_Desktop effects could not be enabled03:09
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denndamyconid: you need to configure it with compiz config settings manager. did you install that?03:09
myconiddennda: I am installing the 'unofficial' plugins03:09
Gekiretsufyrestrtr, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39726/03:09
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=== prestosd [n=prestosd@h53.147.16.98.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu
cam_can someone tell me how to add saybayon linux to my grub boot menu?03:09
mnuaimatguys i have a problem , i want to join a channel but it says that i should be registered , what shall i do ?03:09
=== fredbear [n=fredbear@d14-69-90-154.try.wideopenwest.com] has joined #ubuntu
scguy318mnuaimat: register with NickServ: /msg NickServ register password03:10
denndamnuaimat: check /msg nickserf hel03:10
overcluckerChris__: come back later if you still have trouble with tht last partition] 03:10
=== At0mic_P1 [n=arch_ato@host-209-214-151-60.jan.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
prestosdhey, whats the gutsy channel?03:10
sksolguys, cant do this: apt-get install samba  .... says   apt: command not found03:10
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denndamnuaimat: check /msg nickserf help03:10
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scguy318mnuaimat: next time you connect, type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY password03:10
mnuaimatscguy318: thank you03:10
scguy318dennda: nickserv03:10
denndaprestosd: #ubuntu+103:10
mnuaimat /msg NickServ register03:10
rocky_so my beryl would not work then?03:10
denndai am not used to this keyboard03:10
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myconiddennda, sweet! got it thx.03:10
=== Coole^ [n=justin@71-212-62-51.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
bastid_raZoris there a channel for ktorrent?03:11
=== fredbear [n=fredbear@d14-69-90-154.try.wideopenwest.com] has joined #ubuntu
cam_can someone tell me how to add saybayon linux to my grub boot menu?03:11
scguy318mnuaimat: check your typing, and make sure you're actually sending a private message to NickServ instead of typing it out for the chan to see03:11
=== fredbear [n=fredbear@d14-69-90-154.try.wideopenwest.com] has joined #ubuntu
cApN_rAiNy_WiShno...beryl won't work if the desktop effects won't work, it's required for beryl03:11
vocxcam_, I think the program "update-grub" helps you. Read the manual page.03:11
cApN_rAiNy_WiShthis is strange, however, because it can't just change over a reboot...03:11
denndamnuaimat: you can also do /query nickserv and then use that window03:11
cam_ok thx03:11
myconiddennda, It does the 'cover' and 'vista' style alt tab display.. but doesnt makle the windows kinda walk in front of eachother though03:11
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FireGamerDoes anyone here support wubi?03:11
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denndamyconid: sorry, i didn't watch the video you posted03:12
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myconiddennda: when they alt-tab, the focus window moves to the left and the unfocused app moves to the right, and then focus changes..03:12
myconiddennda: as you might expect 'alt-tab' to work with REAL people...03:12
anandanbuWhile saving a file in ubuntu 7.04 the hidden directories are also seen in the window, how to correct it03:12
vocxFireGamer, I believe there is a Wubi subforum in 3rd Party subforum in ubuntuforums.org I personally wouldn't recommend it.03:12
=== hgjjjf [n=doug@h153.26.255.206.cable.lngv.cablelynx.com] has joined #ubuntu
Gekiretsufyrestrtr, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39726/03:13
denndamyconid: ring switcher? dunno if i got you right03:13
hgjjjfwhn i try to update i get this Could not download all repository indexes03:13
hgjjjfThe repository might be no longer available or could not be contacted because of network problems. If available an older version of the failed index will be used. Otherwise the repository will be ignored. Check your network connection and the correct writing of the repository address in the preferences.           http://archive.ubuntustudio.org/ubuntustudio/dists/feisty/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2: Sub-process bzip2 returned an e03:13
hgjjjfrror code (2)03:13
hgjjjfhttp://archive.ubuntustudio.org/ubuntustudio/dists/feisty/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2: Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)03:13
fyrestrtrGekiretsu: yes, looking at it. Type this, tail -f /var/log/messages in a console, then plug something into the card, you should see messages come up.03:13
vocx!paste | hgjjjf03:14
ubotuhgjjjf: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:14
fredbear                                                                                                                                                                                nddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd103:14
=== IndyGunFreak wonders why anyone would use an ubuntustudio repositorhy
scguy318IndyGunFreak: there are extra sound apps and stuff03:15
scguy318IndyGunFreak: thats really why03:15
jribfredbear: hi, do you have an ubuntu question?03:15
IndyGunFreaktrue, but ieverytime i hear about ubuntu studio, its negative... makes me want to stay away03:15
ubotuUbuntuStudio is a site for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best parts of Audio/Graphical/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories, and extra! Available at http://ubuntustudio.org Or visit #ubuntustudio03:15
fredbearsorry.  cat was walking on the keyboard.03:15
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RULRubuntu cant read my second hard disc03:15
scguy318or did it steal your tty? :P03:15
IndyGunFreaklol, thats a novel excuse03:15
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@] by jrib
tetrachi am trying to install flash player but it is say "ERROR: Your architecture, \'x86_64\', is not supported by the03:17
tetrach       Adobe Flash Player installer." what does this mean03:17
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o jrib] by jrib
=== geezone [n=gerath@c-71-199-255-189.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
RULRubuntu can't read my second hard disc, what should i do?03:17
vocx!flash64 | tetrach03:17
ubotutetrach: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava03:17
jrib!flash64 > tetrach (read the private message from ubotu)03:17
zeinis there a more appropriate channel to get help with printing or am I in the correct channel?03:17
Gekiretsufyrestrtr, i am not getting anythiung03:17
jribzein: right place03:17
drgebi keep getting this /dev/dvb/0/frontend1 : : No such file or directory when starting kaffeine, any ideas ?03:17
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tetrachvocx: new here what do you mean03:18
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scguy318tetrach: it means you need to use nspluginwrapper for Flash on x6403:18
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zeinI have a printing problem. The driver for my LBP-460 printer must runn as root to work. it is suid and if I run "gs --optioins here-- |lbp460" I get the printer to work. foomatic-rip fails when printing via cups. It fails becuse even thought the lbp460 binary is suid it somehow gets run as user lp! I am prtty sure the culrit is foomatic-gswrapper but I can't for the life of me find out why! anyone here versed in the arts of ubuntu printing?03:18
scguy318!nspluginwrapper | tetrach03:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nspluginwrapper - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:18
scguy318tetrach: bah a moment03:18
tetrachi dont understand03:18
=== emailandthings [n=emailand@adsl-065-012-236-227.sip.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
bushwakkohey, I just installed gutsy gibbon on my macbook pro, but it doesn't boot. says that it couldn't find bootable media on my linux partition, and asks for me to insert bootable media03:18
scguy318tetrach: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=34172703:19
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jribscguy318: the link from ubotu has it03:19
scguy318jrib: what keyword?03:19
jribscguy318: flash6403:19
vocxtetrach, some things, flash among them, do not work in 64 bit environment. So you need to do some things to make it run in a special 32 bit environment. This may be hard to understand if you are a new user. But please follow ubotu's link.03:19
myconidis there an easy way to go from 7.04->7.10b ?03:19
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scguy318jrib: ah03:19
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myconidlike.. sudo apt-get upgrade-to-7.10 :)03:19
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jribmyconid: gutsy help in #ubuntu+103:20
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=== IrOcK is now known as IrOcK222
scguy318myconid: i think it's a matter of update-manager -d03:20
shintakuq doido isso ...desc, primeira vez que entro03:20
IrOcK222i am setting up a moto4lin install but i noticed something i have no /dev/usb folder.... why not?03:20
scguy318myconid: the Gutsy upgrade notes explain03:20
vocxmyconid, wait until the final release is out. You will have a nice button allowing you to upgrade. It will download like 600 MB though.03:20
grjemoWhat program should I use to burn the ubuntu iso?03:20
scguy318!es | shintaku03:20
ubotushintaku: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.03:20
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jrib!iso > grjemo (read the private message from ubotu)03:21
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Bender1337what os provides the easiest setup for ics? is it ubuntu?03:21
shintakuestou apenas conhecento o local!03:21
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IrOcK222why don't i have /dev/usb???03:21
scguy318!br | shintaku03:21
ubotushintaku: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.03:21
scguy318shintaku: just checked your hostmask :)03:21
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Gekiretsufyrestrtr, i am not getting anything03:22
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analfabetaim using gutsy and have this error purging spe: raise ValueError, "the symlink /usr/bin/python does not point to the python default version. It must be reset to point to %s" % debian_default03:23
analfabetawhat is this?03:23
wastrelgusty on #ubuntu+103:23
vocxanalfabeta, gutsy is not official yet. Expect things not to be proper yet. *sigh*03:24
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tetrachyour right i am new at this so i need this upure64 to make this work?03:24
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scguy318!flash64 | tetrach03:24
ubotutetrach: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava03:24
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=== pwnt- is now known as vmlinuz`
vocxtetrach, you would be better by choosing the i386 distribution in the first place.03:25
bushwakkohey, I just installed gutsy gibbon on my macbook pro, but it doesn't boot. says that it couldn't find bootable media on my linux partition, and asks for me to insert bootable media03:25
=== Ahadiel [n=michael@xx6651136044.cipherkey.com] has joined #ubuntu
tetrachthis terminal is pretty new so basically i have to move these files to the right directory?03:25
vulcaniusbushwakko, #ubuntu+103:25
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=== DoYouKnow [n=michael@adsl-68-77-35-193.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
vocxbushwakko, gutsy is not official yet. Expect things to be broken. *sigh*03:27
bushwakkobut I still need to fix it03:27
bastid_raZorwhat is it 13 days till the official release?03:27
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tetrachvocx: i will search it03:27
wastrelnobody in this channel knows a single thing about gusty03:27
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vulcaniusthere is a separate channel dedicated to gutsy03:28
iuewhow do I update the partition of my hard disk, I am using dual bootupt with ubuntu and vista, now I booted using a live ubuntu cd,03:28
vocxwastrel, I like your attitude03:29
wastreli love you too03:30
iuewanyone ..03:30
bastid_raZori am a someone03:30
iuewhow can I extend my ubuntu partition using the live cd03:31
iuewI already have 5 gig native and 1 gig swap, I need more03:31
wastreli think you have to shrink the other partition03:31
iuewwastrel, I tried it didnt work within ubuntu03:32
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iuewI chopped off 20 gig using VIsta partition manager03:32
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iuewI would like to add this to the ubuntu partition03:32
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bastid_raZoriuew: sounds like you need the chopped off partition to be ext3 instead of ntfs03:33
scguy318iuew: GPartEd?03:33
prestosd_sorry ericx03:33
prestosd_I lagged03:33
tetrachok i am lost what exactly am i looking at with i38603:33
wii i config the xorg file by doing sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and put back the resolution higher but it came back how it was,everything is a litlle to big03:33
iuewbastid_raZor, so I just do it within Ubuntu, I cant add it to my original native 5 gig partition ?03:33
vocx!download | tetrach03:34
ubotutetrach: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive03:34
Gekiretsusorry people, newbie who can't make his USB/Firewire card.......which si RECOGNISED, damn it!03:34
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iuewbastid_raZor, I will bootup the live disk and see if I can partition from there03:34
wastreliuew: you can do one of 2 things.  either reformat the empty partition as ext3 and then mount it somewhere under the existing filesystem03:34
tetrachvocx: download it?03:35
aTypical_Hi, all.  How do I setup compiz on 7.10?03:35
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jdongwii: hi, one moment please :)03:35
wastreliuew: or delete the blank partiton and expand the existing ubuntu partition so to use the empty space03:35
wii i config the xorg file by doing sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and put back the resolution higher but it came back how it was.how do i change it to higher?03:35
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ph4mp573ris there any way to open an encrypted .dmg file on Ubuntu?03:35
wiijdong: ok03:35
jdongwii: are you using Ubuntu or Kubuntu?03:35
bastid_raZoraTypical: on 7.10 compiz is already 'setup'03:35
=== Haibane [n=chibi@ip72-202-198-152.fv.ks.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
wiijdong: ku03:35
vocxGekiretsu, hardware drivers are handled by the kernel and kernel modules (drivers). So if they are unavailable you are out of luck. Sorry.03:35
=== Haibane is now known as Elda
bastid_raZoriuew: yeah, good idea03:35
RoC_MasterMind__ph4mp573r, what would be the point?  It's got Mac files in it.03:36
EldaHow would I go about copying a directory?  CP doesnt seem to be doing it for me :/03:36
scguy318wii: edit the monitor refresh rates?03:36
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iuewwastrel: will take your second idea, just waiting for the live boot03:36
RoC_MasterMind__Elda, cp -r03:36
ph4mp573r...the point is to recover my encrypted pictures now that my Mac is dead :P03:36
jdongwii: run "kdesu kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf"03:36
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iuew*I will03:36
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vocxtetrach, if you want to use flash in your 64 bit distro follow ubotu's links. If you want to reinstall Ubuntu as i386 (and save some problems) download the CD from the links I gave you. What is your issue again?03:36
wiidid that but it is to the limite which is not what it had by default03:37
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Gekiretsuvocx, why does it say that the new hardware was found and works properly butz no device is shown when i plug something?03:37
jdongwii: and please copy-paste the entire contents of that file into http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org03:37
EldaOkey, well that doesn't work :>  Is there any way I can copy a file into my windows partition from this?03:37
ihavenoname Hi!03:37
ihavenoname Hi03:37
iuewwastrel: ugg, the disk has fiesty in it, fiesty cant run X on my T6003:37
ihavenoname Hi03:37
jdongwii: I will have a clearer picture of what is going on if I can see the contents of that file :)03:37
EldaI have a game that did not install very well, and I have it here... it would take waaaay to long to redl again :/03:37
wiijdong: the xorg file?.03:37
jdongwii: that is correct03:37
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EldaI want to copy the installation files to C:\ which would just be media/sda103:38
EldaBut it says I do not have write permission to that03:38
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vocxGekiretsu, what do you plug in? It may also need drivers. Use "lsusb" to list your hardware devices connected by USB.03:38
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wiijdong: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39728/03:38
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troubledPici: heya. you around?03:38
Picitroubled: yes?03:38
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troubledPici: howdy :) just thought I would inquire as to how things are running so far03:39
wiijdong: it sopose to be 1920x1440"not "1024x768"03:39
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jdongwii: can you also paste the contents of /var/log/Xorg.0.log?03:39
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Paddy_EIREhey does anyone know of any intuitive way for me to sync up video and audio in an avi file I have ?03:40
Gekiretsuvocx, it's a PCI connected card, with USB and Firewire connections03:40
Picitroubled: Its been accumulating data, I havent run into a situation where I've really needed it, but its nice instead of grepping logs.03:40
=== rya1 [n=Ryan@CPE-124-190-244-91.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Gekiretsuvocx, how do i list those?03:40
ph4mp573rso, is there any way to open an encrypted dmg file in Ubuntu?03:40
jdongph4mp573r: in short, no.03:40
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wiijdong: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39729/03:40
ihavenoname Hi03:40
ihavenoname Hi03:41
ihavenoname Hi03:41
ihavenoname Hi03:41
ihavenoname hi03:41
ihavenoname hi03:41
ihavenoname hi03:41
ihavenoname hi03:41
troubledPici: good to hear. ive got a change or two im interested in from an oper snote fork I made03:41
ihavenoname hi03:41
vocxGekiretsu, yes, so issue "lspci" and "usb" and see what is detected. They have options, so run "man lspci" and "man lsusb" to read the manual pages to know which option you can use to display more info.03:41
ihavenoname hi03:41
=== linxeh [n=linx@88-96-202-38.dsl.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
=== troubled sighs
kotaushut up ihavenoname03:41
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici03:41
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ph4mp573rahh well, I'll wait till my Mac gets fixed then :-\03:41
wastrelmac eh03:41
jribihavenoname: stop03:41
kotauihavenoname you can ask a question just dont spam03:41
aTypical_Hey, all.  How do I enable to burn effect in 7.10?03:41
ihavenoname Ok03:41
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+o LjL] by ChanServ
jdongwii: the root cause of your problem is on line 311 of your pasted log, "(WW) NVIDIA(0): No valid modes for "1920x1440"; removing."03:41
jdongwii: give me a moment to investigate what may be causing it03:42
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ihavenoname Does Ubuntu support smaller screens than 640x480?03:42
pacohphi guys03:42
Gekiretsuvocx, i have four USB controllers listed03:42
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evil_I am having problems with my synaptic pad (when cpu is < 50% mouse hangs unresponsive) can anyone point me in the right direction03:43
kotauihavenoname yep, you might also try a different window manager, like matchbox or fluxbox, they are made to take up little screen estate03:43
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LjLihavenoname: no. we'd never be able to follow this channel, with people spamming like you, on screens smaller than 640x480.03:43
Paddy_EIREevil_, ubuntuforums ubuntuwiki03:43
pacohpi wanna know if someone can help me out  u see i'm trying to fix my ubuntu so i can install spades to run a server for simulating  robocop03:43
=== Creed [n=Ron@c-71-227-218-188.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
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CreedDoes ubuntu have support for spanned hardrives (two hardrives spanned to appear as 1 in Windows)?03:44
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ihavenoname Thanks for answering'03:44
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kotaupacohp dude I want in on that.  is it multiplayer?03:44
jdongwii: can you run "sudo nvidia-xconfig --ignore-edid"03:44
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pacohp yes <creed> all u have to do is mount it03:44
wastrelCreed: you can mount a separate drive on the same filesystem or configure LVM03:44
astro76!lvm | Creed, yes LVM03:44
ubotuCreed, yes LVM: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO03:45
fOrgivme`I just installed winrar on my ubuntu, but I cant seem to figure out how to archive/compile an .exe file to an .rar file03:45
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Paddy_EIREhey does anyone know of any intuitive way for me to sync up video and audio in an avi file I have ?03:45
astro76Creed, or as others have mentioned, you might just mount them to appropriate mount points03:45
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CreedThanks pacohp wastrel astro76 :) Moving my media server from Windows to Ubuntu-server and just wanted to see if it would be compatible (and yes I know its a horrible idea to have spanned drives).03:45
wiijdong: invaled03:45
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wiijdong: invalid03:46
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jdongwii: ok then let's do it manually.... :)03:46
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vocxGekiretsu, USB controllers is a different thing. The way USB works, it always shows USB controllers. But you still didn't answer what you were plugin in the Card. A simple thumb drive? A camera?03:47
=== gene6482 [n=gene@cpe-static-aglapointe-unk.cmts.sha.ptd.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
jdongwii: in xorg.conf, insert a new line between 86 and 87: Option "IgnoreEDID" "true"03:47
pacohphey guy i wanna know if u can help me out i'm having problems to configure spades wich is a package for artifical intelligence. my real problem comes when it ask me to have a expat.h file03:47
=== Jareno18 [n=Jareno18@63-231-109-5.clsp.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
wiijdong: paste this: Option "IgnoreEDID" "true"03:47
jdongwii: that is correct03:47
arghh2d2can anyone recomend any good tutorials on running a web sever such as apache or lighttpd?03:48
Gekiretsuvocx, nope, the problme is otzher03:48
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Gekiretsuvocx, it's a PCI card, with inputs for Firewire and USB03:48
Creedastro76, LVM seems a little intensive, how would I mount them (standard NTFS mount?), anything special for spanned drives?03:48
dxdtarghh2d2: sudo aptitude install apache2  then change what you need in /var/www/  that is basically it really.  Then kinda google for what you need on an individual basis.  IF you want php and stuff you'll need to install that.03:49
Gekiretsuvocx, the card is not reading ANY USB i connect to it03:49
wiijdong: i paste Option "IgnoreEDID" "true" on line after 8603:49
wiiand save it03:49
Gekiretsuvocx, i haven't tried any Firewire yet03:49
jdongwii: yes03:49
jdongwii: try restarting X and seeing if that works03:49
wiirestart serve x?03:49
wastrelCreed: seems like you're looking to use your existing spanned drive setup?03:49
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arghh2d2thanks dxdt, i was kinda looking for some knowledge of the inner workings tho.03:50
=== fourtwentyhorses [n=erdnase@pool-71-247-164-152.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Creedwastrel, correct. Two 320GB hardrives spanned into 1 ~600GB one  with Windows XP Pro being hte media server atm. Want to just move the hardrives over to my ubuntu box (server, hides in my closet :)) and be done with it.03:50
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wastrelthat's a different matter.03:50
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Creed:( Nothing complicated I hope03:51
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closhey guys, i'm having a problem with my vnc server, when i look at it in the viewer it looks blurry and messed up03:52
iuewhmm, I just got a GRUB loading error :(03:52
astro76Creed, well the simple way is to just mount the two drives to different mount points03:52
closi'm using tightvnc as my client03:52
astro76Creed, if you truely need the 600GB in one directory, then you need LVM03:52
vocxGekiretsu, I understand your problem. I do. It's just that if the kernel does not recognize what you connect then you are out of luck. Maybe you need some special module or configuration I know nothing about.03:52
iuewcan I fix a grub loading error 17 using the live cd03:53
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Scuniziarghh2d2, the apache site has great info and tutorials.  Also #ubuntu-server can help.03:53
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Gekiretsuvocx, thanks annyway then....03:53
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=== wii if i i had a million dallars will will be glad to give it all away to jdong :)
fourtwentyhorsesI have a question about bash_profile03:54
jdongwii: I'm guessing your resolution is correct now? :)03:54
hitomaroI'm having a problem getting into ubuntu03:54
fourtwentyhorseswhere is it located? i seem to have added something to it by accident and can't find it to remove the line03:54
Gekiretsuvocx, do you know if it's possible to get the drivers for a Canon Printer, LBP 5200?03:54
grjemoubotu:i have a question03:54
hitomarox-server error03:54
wiijdong: yes tanks a million :)03:54
jdongwii: sure thing, not a problem :) Enjoy!03:55
wastrelfourtwentyhorses: ~/.bash_profile03:55
picard_pwns_kirk!help > grjemo03:55
wiiberyl time03:55
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Scunizihitomaro, but you can get to the terminal prompt?03:55
Creedastro76, would I be able to mount them in two mount points? They are spanned and from what I've been told (think it only pertains to Windows), the two drives can never be used as seperate drives without losing the data/having the 2nd drive's content unreadable.03:56
hitomaroI can, but I don't know how to get into ubuntu gui03:56
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vocxGekiretsu, the best bet would be to connect it and see if it is detected. I think HP, Canon and EPSON support their printer quite well. But I could be wrong, I'm sure there is a wiki on hardware.03:56
vocx!hardware | Gekiretsu03:56
ubotuGekiretsu: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport03:56
astro76Creed, they were spanned using windows? I'm pretty sure Linux can't deal with that, you will have to backup and restore your data03:56
Gekiretsuvocx, thanks again03:57
Scunizihitomaro, type the following into a terminal.  sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg03:57
Creedastro76, dang :( I dont have any extra hardrives (well, 450GB anyway) to back the contents up.03:57
fourtwentyhorseswastrel that works thanks, but is it a hidden file because i can't see it in nautilus?03:58
hitomaroScunizi, thats it?03:58
Scunizifourtwentyhorses, ctrl+h03:58
wastrelfourtwentyhorses: files that start with a  .  are hidden yes03:58
hitomarothanks I'll test that out03:58
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Scunizihitomaro, that will reconfigure your X which is the gui.. if you have issues that's where you start.03:58
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Scunizihitomaro, after running through the prompts and it finishes, type... startx03:59
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joddeHi guys04:00
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joddeAnyone know any MUD ports to connect to?04:00
RoC_MasterMind__ Creed that is proprietary,  MS is correct, no other OS can access it, it is not a regular partitioned disc anymore.04:00
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aqua-bat      .04:01
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CreedRoC_MasterMind__, alright, thanks. Guess Ill just have to leave it in Windows :-/ Wanted to wipe all traces of Windows over the weekend (everything else in my house is Ubuntu/other *nix).04:02
ubotuFor the Arabic language or Saudi Arabia you are invited to join     #ubuntu-sa04:02
astro76!arabic | aqua-bat04:02
ubotuaqua-bat: please see above04:02
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underwatercowHow do I get the Keep daemon to stay running without leaving Keep minimized?04:02
Gekiretsuvocx, i checked the hardware webpage, how would a PCI card be noticed as?04:02
CyberMadhow to disable maximize or minimize effect on ubuntu's window ?04:02
CyberMadi think this will speed up my ubuntu04:03
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PeloCyberK, ask in #ubuntu-effects04:03
kravlinGah. why isn't the Syncmaster 172n on the monitor lists?04:03
PeloCyberMad, ^^04:03
wastreli think it's in the thing04:03
vocxGekiretsu, probably just as PCI. Although I imagine it would help you if you could figure out the model or make and use that information in ubuntuforums.org or any other Linux forum.04:04
=== skarface [n=antix@ip68-97-223-118.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
wastrelgconf-editor apps > metacity  somewhere04:04
wastrelunless you're using compiz then iono04:04
Gekiretsuvocx, i have those, but there is no sign for PCI in the hardware section04:05
PeloGekiretsu, you need to find the model of a pci card on your comp ?    in the terminal  lspci04:05
CreedCan Ubuntu pxe boot be used to install Windows (need to do a RIS/network install for college, don04:05
=== ShadowXP [n=ShadowXP@pool-71-104-98-52.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Creedt really want to use Windows, above and beyond :)04:05
=== furenku [n=furenku@] has joined #ubuntu
DagoWopi know this is a semi-common question and it's all over the forums but no answers anywhere sound with feisty on a gateway mt3807? am i just screwed?04:05
=== signifer123 [n=signifer@pool-70-17-202-115.balt.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Gekiretsuno Pelo , what i need is to make a PCI card with USB/Firewire connections to work04:05
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PeloCreed,  I think you want ##windows04:06
closhey anyone used vncserver before?04:06
kravlinGah. why isn't the Syncmaster 172n on the monitor lists?04:06
PeloGekiretsu, hold on04:06
CreedAlright Pelo04:06
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ubuntu_Izanyone got a second to help me out?04:07
Creedubuntu_Iz, ask away :)04:08
kravlinGah. why isn't the Syncmaster 172n on the monitor lists?04:08
PeloGekiretsu, do you have your card model ?04:08
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PeloGekiretsu, care to share ?04:08
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ubuntu_Izwell, i don't have inet at home anymore, and all i can use is this windows box here...i need to find a way to browse repositorys and save packages04:08
rjuneif I run apt-get install slapd, the package runs through a script.04:08
rjuneI need to re-run that script, so I do apt-get remove slapd, then apt-get install slapd04:09
GekiretsuPelo, it's a "Pearl PE-1511"04:09
rjunehowever, now it doeasn't run the script, is there a command for apt that says, really do uninstall everything for this package?04:09
Peloubuntu_Iz, http://packages.ubuntu.com/04:09
ubuntu_Izawesome, thanks04:09
=== upfwnv03 [n=u@75-39-118-220.lightspeed.stowoh.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
GekiretsuPelo, it has 4 USB and 2 Firewire04:09
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wastrelrjune: to re-run it you would do  sudo dpkg-reconfigure slapd04:09
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=== Haibane is now known as Elda
kravlinGah. why isn't the Syncmaster 172n on the monitor lists? My screen has been all screwed up since i ran apt-get update.04:10
Creedwastrel, thanks, I've been wondering that myself :)04:10
aqua-batwastrel: is that what you would do with any package??04:10
wastrelrjune:  and the other answer is,  apt-get remove --purge  to remove config files (otherwise they remain when a package is removed)04:10
=== ce_gokil is now known as sailor_moon
EldaHow would I copy a file from my linux partition to the windows partition? Because I keep getting an error that I odnt have authorization to do so...04:10
ubuntu_Iz6.06 is dapper right?04:10
Wolf23anyone helps here with gnokii! thanx04:11
rjunewastrel: thanks04:11
=== dino_ is now known as JohnnyJonas
wastrelaqua-bat: yes,  dpkg-reconfigure  re-runs the post-install config scripts for a package04:11
PeloGekiretsu, open a terminal,   type lspci , is the card listed04:11
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aqua-batwastrel: gracias mi amigo04:12
Scuniziubuntu_Iz, check out a program called AptonCD at sourceforge.net04:12
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upfwnv03Elda: Yes04:12
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h1st0Elda: Is it an ntfs windows drive?04:12
EldaI can look at it04:12
EldaI just cant copy anything to it.04:12
h1st0Elda: You don't have ntfs write support enabled04:12
rjunewastrel: there an introduction to building debs handy? I want to modify the packages for jabber.04:12
h1st0Elda: just read.04:12
=== Bosambo [n=tes@cpc3-lewi1-0-0-cust118.bmly.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
h1st0!ntfs > Elda04:12
upfwnv03ubuntu_Iz Yes04:13
aqua-batgutsy works great, finally nice to have a computer with hardware that works with it very nicely as well as fast enought o run compiz-fusion without slowing things down.04:13
=== kb3llm [n=macuser9@cpe-24-209-47-228.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
h1st0Elda: check out hte message from ubotu04:13
kravlinGah. why isn't the Syncmaster 172n on the monitor lists? My screen has been all screwed up since i ran apt-get update.04:13
ubuntu_Izthanks  :)04:13
Gekiretsuvocx, nope, it's not listed, i've only listed the four shitty 1.1 USB from Intel04:13
DagoWopis anybody here any good with sound issues on ubuntu linux?04:13
viatorwhy is linux-restricted-modules-generic uninstallable04:13
=== CoolThreads [n=CoolThre@203-97-99-29.cable.telstraclear.net] has joined #ubuntu
viatorat this time04:13
kravlinor if someone knows how to fix the problems i'm having because i can't reinstall the restricted drivers. I'04:13
h1st0!anybody | DagoWop04:13
ubotuDagoWop: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?04:13
vocxGekiretsu, oh, by the way, you are talking to Pelo now.04:13
wastrelrjune: there was a seminar in #ubuntu-classroom, i think it's logged somewhere04:13
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kravlinor if someone knows how to fix the problems i'm having because i can't reinstall the restricted drivers. I'm running Gusty currently.04:14
kb3llmguys, i want to put a printer on my server to use as a print server (from mac and windows). How would i go about doing that? (please /msg me if possible - its crowded in here)04:14
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kb3llmi already installed cupsys04:14
h1st0kb3llm: just share the printer04:14
viatori just upgraded 200 packages04:14
kravlinand i can't edit monitor settings.04:14
Gekiretsusorry vocx04:14
kb3llmh1st0: its not installed at all yet.. I'm in terminal only (its a server)04:14
DagoWopofficial question . . . gateway mt3807 with ubuntu feisty and no sound.  any suggestions?04:14
=== hskfjjf [n=haque@RECEPTOR.IAB.alaska.edu] has joined #ubuntu
h1st0kb3llm: ahh You may want to google sharing printers in linux04:15
ubotuGutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information04:15
GekiretsuPelo, nope, it's not listed, i've only listed the four shitty USB 1.1 from Intel04:15
vocxviator, are you running Gutsy? Remember that it is not stable yet.04:15
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hskfjjfGRUB loading error 17!!! I cant enter ubuntu anymore, I have dual boot, how can I enter ubuntu ?04:15
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EldaThanks :) That was quite painless04:15
wastrelthere's a link on the wiki for a transcript but it's 40404:15
rjunekb3llm: macs are easy. set up the printer, they should find it automagically04:15
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PeloGekiretsu, don'T get mad but are you sure the card is connected ?04:15
kb3llmh1st0: i have to install it before i can share it....04:16
=== rlv [n=rich@cpe-66-25-185-22.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
kb3llmrjune: it's not installed on the server yet. thats wwhere i need help04:16
rjunekb3llm: smb is slightly more difficult, depending on the size of your installation, you might look at gosa04:16
h1st0!printing | kb3llm04:16
ubotukb3llm: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows04:16
GekiretsuPelo, yes i am sure, when i plug some USB key it get the electricity....04:16
hskfjjfcan I run the live cd to access my linux native data ?04:16
h1st0hskfjjf: yes04:16
vocxGekiretsu, and by the way, you cannot use shi**y in here.04:16
Scunizihskfjjf, follow the link and follow the instructions for fixing grub.. http://users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/p15.htm04:16
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h1st0hskfjjf: Did you just install vista or something?04:16
h1st0hskfjjf: You need to boot to the live cd and repair grub04:16
h1st0!grub > hskfjjf04:17
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PeloGekiretsu, I'm trying to see if I can find you some help eleswhere04:17
EldaWahhh, cant believe I am actually going onto my windows partition to play a game :/04:17
EldaOr at least trying to install it and copy it back here04:17
hskfjjfh1st0, yes I have vista, but I want to fix grub so I can enter Ubuntu04:17
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EldaYou have to install Vista and then Ubuntu I think to get both :>04:18
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DagoWopthe wuestion is asked on the forums lots but has no responses I would really like the sound to work on my laptop gateway mt380704:18
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hskfjjfElda: I dont have any files in VIsta, I want my ubuntu back and running, it has all my files in it04:18
DagoWopthe device shows up but does not produce audio04:18
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EldaDagoWop... have you tried turning acpi off to see if a bios is your problem?04:18
Gekiretsuvocx, ok, never thought this channel was children protected...04:18
=== negrox_ [n=negrox@200-126-68-139.bk5-dsl.surnet.cl] has joined #ubuntu
GekiretsuPelo, ok, thanks04:18
PeloGekiretsu, I want you to join  ##linux  and ask very politely if they can help you configure your card,  give them the model and what it is and ask for a little help04:18
Peloand be nice04:18
h1st0hskfjjf: follow the directions from ubotu pm about repairing grub04:18
negrox_kisiera haser una pregunta04:18
CreedAnyone have a quick and easy guide to getting ubuntu to share certain folders (/media/Entertainment) as a SMB share (so that XBMC can stream content from it)?04:18
=== neozen [n=neozen@c-67-176-151-148.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== Pelo is just no good with hardware stuff
DagoWopelda: i'm dual booting xp and ubuntu for the time and the sound works great on xp04:19
vocxDagoWop, you can subscribe to threads so you never lose them.04:19
=== tommy [n=tommy@ool-457a356d.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
negrox_alguien me puede explicar cual es la diferencia de instalar un linux 64bit y 32 bit04:19
Pelo!es | negrox_04:19
ubotunegrox_: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.04:19
EldaDagoWop: I understand that but what I asked was.  Have you tried booting ubuntu with the acpi=off line?04:19
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Gekiretsuok, i am already there, and already asked, but got no answer.....04:20
DagoWopelda: no. never thought of it04:20
EldaBecause if your sound is not working, chances are that you may have a blacklisted bios.  And if you do acpi will prevent you from running sound.  In order to remedy this you will have to get a DSDT file04:20
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PeloGekiretsu,  ask periodicaly , and be very patient04:20
EldaThis DSDT file will patch your linux install and help with your bios04:20
kb3llmok.. for my printer https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers says that it is detected during installation. But my printer wasn't connected during installation...  It also said use the bjc600 driver, so how do i install that?04:20
PeloGekiretsu,   don'T just ask for help ,  ask a damn question,  you'Re not gonna get help the way you are going04:20
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DagoWopelda: is this a well know thing.  I've searched the internet high and low and never heard of a blacklisted bios04:21
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grjemoI'm getting a TTY error, but neither acpi=force irqpoll or acpi=off irqpoll is working. By the way, I'm fed up with ubotu. Don't make him talk to me.04:21
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vocxkb3llm, most probably the bjc600 driver is a kernel module so load it with "sudo modprobe bjc600"  or search it from "lsmod | grep bjc"  If you really do not have the module anywhere in your system you may need to get it from source and compile it yourself, but I doubt that.04:22
Pelokb3llm,   menu > system > admin > printer  : add a printer04:22
DagoWopwhere is that acpi=XXX modified at?04:22
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Pelovocx,  bjc600 ic bubble-jet cannon printer model 60004:23
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kb3llmPelo: i'm partially without a gui.. its a server. I don't use the GUI that much, and avoid it when possible04:23
Elda brb :/  Have to boot into window$ to see if this game runs in there04:23
runemaste64oHow can i make an icon apply to all files of that mimetype without modifying my icon theme?04:23
EldaHurray for betas :>04:23
vocxkb3llm, do not follow questions with "anyone?" it is annoying while we type answers. Just wait patiently.04:23
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Hornet--Wahey, here we go again.  We really need sub-channels here. :\04:23
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EldaBefore I go actually04:24
EldaDagoWop:  Yes it is04:24
EldaLook for DSDT files04:24
dimondUp until updating, the restricted drivers manager has worked fine. I have been using Gutsy for about a week, and updated a bunch of stuff today (it had been up to date previously) Now, when I try to restart restricted driver manager I get the message : You need to install the package04:24
dimond  linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22-13-generic04:24
dimondfor this program to work.04:24
TommyHello, does anyone know why once i install bcm43xx-fwcutter ubuntu runs incredible slow?04:24
Pelokb3llm,  you can try asking for help on installing a printer in consol in #cups , they probably can talk you through it04:24
kb3llmvocx: I'm sorry, just thought no one saw it, because the channel is so active. i'll try to wait a while longer before i do that again..04:24
DagoWopelda: not following ya dsdt files for what blacklisted bios?04:24
Hornet--Anyone happen to know if / how I can prevent WINE (or specific applications within it) from accessing the internet connection?04:24
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dimondsudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22-13-generic returns : Package linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22-13-generic is not available, but is referred to by another package.04:25
dimondThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or04:25
dimondis only available from another source04:25
dimondE: Package linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22-13-generic has no installation candidate04:25
grjemodagowop: where its supposed to be, at the end. like the screen on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TTYError04:25
runemaste64oHow can i make an icon apply to all files of that mimetype without modifying my icon theme?04:25
CreedAnyone have a quick and easy guide to getting ubuntu to share certain folders (/media/Entertainment) as a SMB share (so that XBMC can stream content from it)?04:25
kb3llmvocx: FATAL: Module bjc600 not found.04:25
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picard_pwns_kirk!gutsy | dimond04:25
ubotudimond: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information04:25
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d1n0anyone know what i can do to get compiz to work with ati radeon hd2400?04:25
fr500is sdlmame very slow for everyone?04:25
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EldaDagoWop: What I would recommend though is that you try booting with acpi=off to see if that gives you sound first04:25
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EldaIf so, you will have to apply a dsdt file in order to be able to use sound when you boot04:26
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CreedWhen is Gutsy coming out anyway?04:26
vocxkb3llm, disregard what I've said. Pelo corrected me.04:26
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DagoWopelda: if this works your my hero.  I'm getting better at this linux thing but i'm still crappy at troubleshooting04:26
KurtKrautCreed, 18th04:26
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CreedAh thanks KurtKraut04:26
EldaHehe np, I am new to linux myself xd04:26
Pelod1n0,  thwe ppl in #compiz-fusion or in #ubuntu-effects can04:26
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pibe86hello, any soft to make banners in ubuntu 7.04?04:26
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Tommypibe86, Gimp ?04:27
kb3llmvocx: i dont use the GUI when i dont have to,,,  but even so, i just tried, and canon isn't even listed there04:27
DagoWopelda: you think gusty will have this problem when it's released?04:27
Creedpibe86, GIMP should be help, its no Photoshop but it can do the job.04:27
d1n0Pelo: thx04:27
=== EternalPain [n=eternal@dslb-084-056-230-186.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
Pelopibe86,  go in menu > applications > add/remove  and search for banner04:27
pibe86gimp? i did not know04:27
Pelokb3llm,  you can try asking for help on installing a printer in consol in #cups , they probably can talk you through it04:27
wastrelpibe86: inkscape04:27
=== clusty [n=clusty@modemcable121.201-83-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
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hskfjjfScunizi, when I do grub> setup (hd0) it says cannot mount seected partition04:27
Creedpibe86, if you have a valid Photoshop CS2 license, I hear the latest version of WINE supports it :)04:28
clustyis there any way to modify the fan speed for laptops?04:28
hskfjjfI ws running parition software from windows04:28
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clustymy fan starts working hard at around 45 degrees or so04:28
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Peloclusty,  look in this guide  http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty04:28
Creedclusty, then its doing its job :) Best to leave it alone imo heh.04:28
pibe86and inkscape or gimp else makes gifs?04:28
vocxkb3llm, search the exact model in ubuntuforums.org that should give you a few ideas.        Wait, what? You are actually ircing from command line, irssi?04:28
Creedpibe86, both do.04:28
mariocesar_boAnyone knows how to disable the sound bell when compiling on Anjuta?04:29
clustyCreed, its loud04:29
EldaDagoWop: No idea :>04:29
pibe86thanks for you all04:29
kb3llmvocx: no, I'm on the mac right now.04:29
pibe86i am going to find how04:29
EldaIm hoping so because then it will make my installation easier too04:29
Creedclusty, I would rather have it loud and working than another fried CPU :(04:29
DagoWopelda: it's cool. I justh thought I would ask.  I can dream . . . . .04:29
TommyHello, does anyone know why once i installed bcm43xx-fwcutter ubuntu runs incredible slow?04:29
luiscan anyone tell me how to run the .bin file of google earth?04:29
vocxTommy, ubuntu or the internet speed you mean?04:30
Eldawell brb, I need to boot into windows to install something :(04:30
=== earthen [n=earthen@bas3-sherbrooke40-1177838851.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Peloluis,  is the bin on your desktop ?04:30
Eldagood luck with it!04:30
hgjjjfmacd,  u here?04:30
DagoWopdeal.  back to the dark side\04:30
Creedluis, open a terminal window and type chmod +x nameofbinfile, then ./nameofbinfile04:30
Creedluis, once you browse to where you saved the bin.04:30
Tommyvocx, once i restart its incredible slow and laggish04:30
luisok, let me try that04:30
=== [2] Josh [n=Josh@cpe-72-179-142-116.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Peloluis,   cd Desktop   , then   sudo chmod 777 filename.bin ,  then  sudo ./filename.bin04:31
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vocxTommy, the whole time? After you have logged in?04:31
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neopsycheIs it ok to install a kde program on gnome?04:31
Creedluis, you may need to sudo to later the files permissions and execute it, most programs require root/sudo.04:31
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Tommyeh yea whole time just not nearly as bad during the initial start up04:32
tetrachi am trying to copy a file to mozilla-firefox plugins and it is saying i dont have the rights how do i do this?04:32
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hgjjjfneopsyche, why wouldnt it be?04:32
Creedneopsyche, yes, KDE apps will work when using Gnome as the installer *should* download the libraries that program requires.04:32
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rocky_my beryl is not going on could some one help me work this out04:32
neopsycheI want to install knotes .. is it ok to install knotes on gnome then?04:32
Creedtetrach, use terminal and sudo cp filetocopy filetocopyto04:32
hgjjjfneopsyche,  read above04:32
Peloneopsyche,  yes  it will just install all the  qt pacakges it needs ,  sudo apt-get install knotes04:32
=== disregardnotific [n=version@pool-71-106-232-134.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Peloneopsyche,  have you tried using  tomboy ? it's gnome based and pretty nice04:33
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picard_pwns_kirkrocky_: Do you have the proper drivers?04:33
fr500is there any advancemame debs out there?04:33
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neopsychethanks Pelo04:33
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rocky_well it work this moring and now my beryl is not going on04:33
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Pelofr500,  just ask a question we'll see if we can answer04:33
neopsychedoes the same thing?04:33
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picard_pwns_kirkrocky_: What did you change in your system?04:34
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picard_pwns_kirkInstalled software?04:34
Creedheh he did ask a question Pelo04:34
fr500Pelo: wasn't that a question?04:34
Peloneopsyche,  it's a note taking app for gnome,   a panel app ,   right click the top pannel and add to pannel , it's in there04:34
rocky_miss up and diebale it04:34
vocx!info tomboy | neopsyche04:34
ubotuneopsyche: tomboy: desktop note taking program using Wiki style links. In component main, is optional. Version 0.6.3-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 1167 kB, installed size 4104 kB04:34
picard_pwns_kirktry an x restart04:34
Pelofr500, ask a specific question, you are more likely to get help then asking for help04:34
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fr500i asked:04:34
fr500is there any advancemame debs out there?04:34
kb3llmPelo: well that didn't go so well (#cups)04:34
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Pelokb3llm,  there aer only 29 ppl in there you need to be patient and ask again periodicaly04:35
picard_pwns_kirkrocky_: Restart x and see if that helps. ctrl-alt-bkspace04:35
rocky_disble and now cant get it to enable what can I do to get it working again04:35
Creedfr500, try http://linuxemu.retrofaction.com/index.php?topic=frontend&page=504:35
fr500Creed: thanks04:35
hgjjjfneopsyche, install knotes if u want04:35
Hornet--Is there a way I can prevent WINE (or specific applications within it) from accessing the internet connection?04:35
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otaimerzhye.. in ubuntu.. has software like limewire or ares which i can download the music and video04:36
hgjjjfneopsyche,  or  can install kubuntu-desktop04:36
Pelokb3llm,  also check out these links http://www.linux-foundation.org/en/OpenPrinting  http://localhost:631/04:36
viniciusfsanyone got sound working on saa7134 tv cards?04:36
Creedotaimerz, sadly, yes.04:36
picard_pwns_kirkHornet--: unplug your network cable :)04:36
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=== Pelo is not hitng par tonight
rocky_nothing with beryl04:36
fyrestrtr!p2p | otaimerz04:36
ubotuotaimerz: Conventional P2P clients: Limewire/GTK-Gnutella/Frostwire (Gnutella Network).  -  BitTorrent: see !torrent  -  Direct connect: try valknut.  -  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information.04:36
vocxviniciusfs, I have one. Not really a good one.But it works, I watch games and stuff.04:36
picard_pwns_kirkrocky_: Did it help?04:37
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rocky_no still not going on04:37
viniciusfsvocx: i have one but i cant get sound working and i dont know why04:37
CreedThe Alternate ISO has the netboot files correct, not the desktop?04:37
picard_pwns_kirkmaybe someone else can help you04:37
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earthendoes anyone know if any new drivers are our yet from AMD/Ati04:37
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Hornet--picard_pwns_kirk: very helpful, I'd never have guessed that. :P04:38
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rocky_it need to be enable that what it says04:38
Hornet--Wifi anyway. :(04:38
neopsycheTomboy looks more like an organiser program than just sticky notes.. but thanks perhaps that will be better ;-)04:38
rocky_but it cant enable desktop effects04:38
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Hornet--Tomboy's very useful, excellent program.04:38
Creedrocky_, http://wiki.jswindle.com/index.php/Advanced_Wine_User_Information04:38
underwatercowHow do I get the Keep daemon to stay running without leaving Keep minimized?04:38
neopsycheThanks Hornet and Pelo ;-)04:38
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Peloneopsyche, organiser ? , you have a strange way to organise but what ever04:39
CreedAye sorry rocky_ , that was meant for Hornet--04:39
CreedHornet--, http://wiki.jswindle.com/index.php/Advanced_Wine_User_Information04:39
hgjjjfneopsyche,  see my message above to u04:39
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neopsychelol.. it says you can jot down your thoughts and ideas.04:39
rocky_oh ok lol04:39
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rocky_should i removed it and redo beryl04:40
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neopsychegood good ..04:40
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neopsycheI see tomboy is already installed in gnome04:40
CreedHmm well this isnt right...My CPU speed definately isnt 20.2GHz04:40
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neopsychecheers people.04:41
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vocxviniciusfs, does the sound work in other applications? What motherboard do you have? I need "saa7134_alsa" module loaded.04:41
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Hornet--Aha, thanks Creed. :)04:41
CreedAnytime Hornet-- :)04:41
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viniciusfsvocx: sound works fine in other applications. saa7134_alsa is loaded.04:42
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rocky_and how can i install java04:43
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Pelo!java | rocky_04:43
uboturocky_: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre04:43
hitomaroI'm having problems with my onboard graphics card, whenever I switch to my nvidia I have some serious problems with ubuntu and it won't load04:43
omegaweoponQuestion!  I was dual booting with windows, and I just got flat out tired of windows, now I need to reformat my windows partition to run linux exclusively, so heres the question part, Is there a way to reformat my windows partition, and merge it witht he linux partition without reformating windows?04:44
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omegaweopon*Reformating linux04:44
CreedIs there a console based Jabber/XMPP client that can connect to Google's Jabber server (Gtalk)?04:44
Pelohitomaro, that is because  your system is setup to use the nvidia card and when you switch the drivers are for the nvidia card and not for the onboard one04:44
fuzzyhairomegaweopon: get gparted04:44
Pelohitomaro, you can probably setup to use both cards at the same time04:44
NebularOk, I just installed feisty and I have discovered that the proprietary ati driver no longer supports my radeon 9000 card. I'm looking to get a mediabox going so is there easy instructions to get TV out going on older ati cards?04:45
Creedomegaweopon, I would use gparted.04:45
Pelo!dualhead | hitomaro  try this04:45
ubotuhitomaro  try this: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama04:45
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NebularI've done the websearches and I'm utterly confused04:45
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vocxomegaweopon, yes, just open "gparted" delete the Windows partitions, recreate it with EXT3, and change the /etc/fstab to point correctly to the new partition.04:45
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CreedNebular, tried ubuntuforums.org?04:45
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rocky_its hard to unstall thing on ubuntu04:45
PeloCreed,  search for jabber in synaptic or with apt-cache search  keyword04:45
scipioNebular, which driver is that?04:45
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Pelorocky_, depends on how you installed it , what do you need to remove04:46
rocky_I dont know04:46
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Pelorocky_, not knowing what you want to uninstall would make it difficult yes04:47
ubuntu_Izanyone know the name of the codec i need to play mp3's and wma files?04:47
Pelo!mp3 | ubuntu_Iz04:47
ubotuubuntu_Iz: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:47
omegaweoponOk, download and running gparted04:47
hitomaroPelo, thats not quite it.. you see I'm having problems going into livecd with my nvidia 7600gs, the only way I'm able to use my graphics card with ubuntu is if I first install with my onboard then download automatix and install the driver for nvidia04:47
vocxviniciusfs, what application are you using? So far my TV card works only with "xawtv". It is ugly but it works. Also, unmute the "line in" in Alsa, but you already know that.04:47
rocky_i need to install java04:47
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hitomarothats the only way04:47
rocky_not to unstall04:47
=== GothAce [n=kingdomh@cpe-66-69-124-201.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
GoemtmetHow do I install the Sun Java runtime on Gutsy (7.10) ? The only package I find is gij-4.2.. which I think is the GNU Java Runtime04:48
omegaweoponI love the error code it just gave me!04:48
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rocky_is there a code to install04:48
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hitomaroand on top of that my the maximum resolution I'm able to get through that process is 1024X76804:48
astro76Goemtmet, sun-java6-jre, sun-java6-plugin for the browser plugin04:48
omegaweoponGparted can only be run by root since it is a weapon of mass destruction04:48
viniciusfsvocx: i just tried with tvtime, going to test with xawtv now04:48
CreedGoemtmet, tried downloading the .bin from java.com?04:48
Nebularscipio: 7.1.0-8.34 is what dselect says04:48
Pelohitomaro, to install on a system with a nvidia card you should use the alternate install cd and after the nistallation try the restricted drivers first , in the admin menu , if that deosnt, work you then go for the binaries04:48
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astro76Goemtmet, oh you said gutsy, ask in #ubuntu+104:48
omegaweoponEr the error code said "Since GParted can be a weapon of mass destruction only root may run it."04:48
Goemtmetastro76: it doesnt find a package with that name04:49
Pelohitomaro, is ubuntu instaled on your comp atm ?04:49
IdleOne!java | rocky_  Goemtmet04:49
uboturocky_  Goemtmet: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre04:49
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Goemtmetok thanks04:49
Peloomegaweopon,   type gksu gparted04:49
vocxhitomaro, install with your on board, but don't use Automatix. Use the other restricted drivers methods. It should work. What's the onboard card?04:49
hitomaroPelo, I've tried the alternate cd multiple times, with this videocard it will not load at all without prior setting it up with the onboard04:49
rocky_I cant find anything to install it on the site04:49
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Creed!torrent | Creed04:50
scipioNebular, got that driver from repos?04:50
omegaweoponpelo: In terminal?04:50
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IdleOnerocky_: read the instructions. dont just look for a download link.04:50
vocxomegaweopon, as you see (weapon of mass destruction) Linux coders have a sense of humor.04:50
omegaweoponAwesome, thanks you guys04:50
vocx!repo | Nebular04:50
ubotuNebular: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource04:50
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Pelohitomaro,   ok so it is insatlled ?  change back to the nvidia card and boot the recovery mode,   type   sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  when asked fo the driver ( card) select VESA  that will let you use your nvidia card while you  get the correct drivers04:51
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hitomaroI tried the restricted driver just recently and it just messed up everything, now I'm not able to log with onboard nor the videocard, i did the xserver reconfigure code but it still does not work04:51
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rocky_how can I load up konsole and type04:51
Peloomegaweopon,   menu > apps > access> terminal04:51
hitomarowith I'm doing right now is reinstalling ubuntu with live cd on onboard04:51
Peloomegaweopon, or you can access gparted from the admin menu04:51
dystopianrayrocky_: or press alt+f2 and type 'konsole'04:51
hitomaronot with04:51
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hgjjjfwhat program can i use to keep even the 13375 from finding deleted data?04:51
Pelohitomaro, once you have done that   do what I just said04:52
vocxhitomaro, no need to correct your spelling in such a busy channel.Most of the time we will understand.04:52
Nebularyes I got the driver from the default repos in the alternate install cd for kubuntu04:52
rocky_ok i try that04:52
dystopianrayhgjjjf: shred04:52
IdleOnehgjjjf: what is 13375?04:52
hgjjjfIdleOne,  leets04:52
omegaweoponI know how to get into terminal, I was just wondering if I had to type it in terminal04:52
omegaweoponwhich I did04:52
IdleOneoh thats cool irc type.04:52
IdleOneuse english makes you look smarter :)04:52
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ubotu1337 i5 nigh-inc0mpr3h3n5ib13 70 u5 n00bs, 4nd n0b0dy c4r35 if UR 4 1337 h4x0r. Giv3 i7 4 r357.04:53
rocky_it cant find a file like that04:53
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IdleOnerocky_: try typing terminal04:53
hitomaroPelo, suppose I do "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" how do I save and return to the gui without restarting?04:53
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omegaweoponubotu officially rocks at that statement04:53
grjemoI was getting a tty error, but neither of the acpi thins worked. what do i do?04:54
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Pelorocky_, for jave ?  enable backport and multiverse repos,  menu > system > admin > software sources, check all the boxes on the first tab and the backport one on the third tab04:54
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gnychisso... i've followed the guide to build the kernel manually and its been compiling for like 5 hours now, thats crazy04:54
hgjjjfdystopianray, so what is shred and how does it work?04:54
Pelohitomaro, it will save automatical and you just type start x04:54
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vmlinuz`How to change splash screen from gnome?04:54
Pelohitomaro,  but you will need to ahve set your bios to use the nvidia card first04:54
dystopianrayhgjjjf: it deletes files so that they are unrecoverable, read the man page04:54
omegaweoponSo I'm in Gparted, now how would I go about merging the partitions?04:55
Pelo!theme | vmlinuz` check in there04:55
ubotuvmlinuz` check in there: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy04:55
hitomaroPelo, yes I know, thanks04:55
slavi1grjemo: have you tried the alternate cd or gutsy tribe 5?04:55
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vocx!usplash | vmlinuz`04:55
ubotuvmlinuz`: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork04:55
brokenQuestion, I am trying to install a .deb package and its using the package manager, what happened was that one package it was install "sun-java-bin" took a very long time to install so I closed and tried again it said something that I have to close the current package manager, so I just rebooted and now it says the same thing again.04:55
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hgjjjfdystopianray,  the data is alrdy deleted04:55
grjemoslavi1: nope, how would that help?04:55
Peloomegaweopon, merging ? not sure , delete one , resize the other04:55
slavi1grjemo: also, if you are on a laptop and have a removable floppy drive, try taking it out or putting a floppy in04:55
slavi1grjemo: no idea, but worth a shot04:55
MeRodentbroken, are you updating files? That runs a package manager.04:56
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omegaweoponYes! now would that destroy my data in linux?04:56
brokenMeRodent: I am not.04:56
hammer123i need a software similiar to dvdflick which can take avi file, convert it and burn it to dvd file...is there one for ubuntu?04:56
hitomaroPelo, well I'm 94% complete re-installing, keeping my fingers crossed that it works because I've tried that very thing a couple of months ago then I gave up and started using windows04:56
Peloomegaweopon,  btw you can'T do that on mounted partiton so if you want to do this on your / partiton you'll need to do it from the live cd04:56
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vocxomegaweopon, you cannot change the partitions if they are mounted. This process is better accomplished on a Live CD.04:56
dystopianrayhgjjjf: hrrm, i'm not sure what you can do then, other than wiping the whole drive04:56
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Nebularok here's a better question, just found another old video card, the GeForce 4 MX. is there TV support out of the box for that one in feisty?04:56
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slavi1btw, anyone know if it's possible to have load balancing on 2 or more ethernet cards?04:56
Pelohitomaro, next time  start with the alternate install cd , not with the live cd04:56
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brokenMeRodent: I just triedt o open the package manager from the System menu and it says E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.04:56
brokenE: _cache->open() failed, please report.04:56
hitomaroPelo, I have the same result if not worse with the alternate cd04:57
hgjjjfdystopianray,  can u join me in room ###WWED i will explain more there04:57
omegaweoponWell thats my problem, the live cd wont load the partition manager and all my other CD-Rs are busted04:57
MeRodentbroken, so did you try running the command from a terminal?04:57
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grjemoslavi1:Im on a desktop04:57
hitomaroPelo, brb04:57
vmlinuz`I don't realy want to create my own image as a splash. I want to choose from a list. because sadly i was in KDE before. and it had a splash manager. then i went into it and choose some random pic of kubuntu. and now every single time i boot or startup. the loading screen before my Login window would be "Kubuntu loading" isnt there a similir list to choose here in gnome?04:57
slavi1grjemo: disconnect/disable the floppy drive04:57
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hgjjjfok dystopianray  hows bout room 124504:57
brokenMeRodent: its going yea.04:58
slavi1grjemo: did you see the wiki page on this?04:58
brokenMeRodent: seems that fixed it. shall I try installing the deb packages again?04:58
omegaweoponThanks for all the assistance guys I think I found a way to rectify the situation.  I appreciate the help04:58
rocky_ok im doing it again04:58
grjemoslavi1:yes i did04:58
hammer123guys..what software u use to convert and burn avi to dvd?04:58
grjemoslavi1:im using a cd04:58
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Pelovmlinuz`,  in those links are instructions on how to change every theme thing in ubuntu , just do a bit of reading, it,s in there04:59
MeRodentbroken, I'd try again. Deb packages should work fine with ubuntu.04:59
slavi1grjemo: oh, ok ... which cd? the livecd or the alternate install cd?04:59
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Pelohammer123,  devede04:59
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grjemoslavi1: the livecd04:59
hammer123thanks...i will check it out04:59
vocxvmlinuz`, maybe it is a trivial change if you search enough in the tutorials and tips in the forums.04:59
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Pelohammer123, it is in the repos but there is a very latest on the maker'S site that lets you make simple menues04:59
slavi1grjemo: I would suggest the following 3 things: 1. disabled/disconnect the floppy drive or put in a floppy, 2. use alternate cd, 3.make a gutsy cd and try it, 4. try the gutsy alternate cd05:00
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brokenMeRodent: holy crap its not letting me remove it.05:00
brokenMeRodent: I am telling it to remove and it works for a bit then pops up wiht an error.05:00
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brokenThis is all it says: E: sun-java6-bin: Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should05:01
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hammer123seems interesting software...it also mention that current mplayer in fiesty is buggy and will produce noisy sound when use with devede..it advise to use the previous version05:01
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Pelohammer123,  you can dl the pacakge at the bottom of the page,simple enough05:02
MeRodentvmlinuz`, Install gnome-splashscreen-manager. Start it by selecting System  Preferences  Splash Screen.05:02
hammer123pelo, which one, got 3 options...05:02
vocxhammer123, if you think there is a bug, check Launchpad for known bugs in the package, hopefully the new version in Gutsy will solve them.05:02
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Pelohammer123,  the devede 3.2 pacakge and hold on05:03
hammer123vocx, i don't know if there is a bug, just that on devede page says that05:03
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MeRodentbroken, what error?  I'll try help but no garantees.05:03
hammer123i already installed mplayer05:03
Pelohammer123,  vocx  the bug is with mencoder05:03
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brokenMeRodent: fixed it by upgrading.05:03
hammer123but no mencoder05:03
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superkuhWhat environmental variables are set by the gnome2 nautilus file manager during file selections and dragging and dropping onto other objects, by cursor? I have expanded upon the question (3 short paragraphs) here:
tonsofpcsFeisty Fawn, ATI Radeon X1400 [mobile] , how can I get my video to go to the S- out after boot?  I've done it once before, but I forget how.05:03
brokenAparrrently it needed java the jre package before the bin05:03
=== broken shrugs
dystopianraytonsofpcs: can't the fglrx control panel software do that?05:04
MeRodentbroken, that's why I take so long to answer. I find I fix half my problems by thinking about them after asking questions too. :P05:04
Pelohammer123,  the first two packages is what you need05:04
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tonsofpcsdystopianray: idk05:04
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brokenI am intrested though, it shows I have 1172 packages installed, thats rather fat, is there any way to make it slimmer?05:04
rocky_i think its downloading java now05:04
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brokenMeRodent: whats up ask and I'll see if i can help :p05:04
hammer123thanks Pelo05:04
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vocxPelo, isn't mencoder installed with mplayer? Are they independent?05:04
SajesDoes anybody by chance know how to burn a .img to a floppy?05:04
tonsofpcsdystopianray: i don't know what that is05:04
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pWhere can I find those amazing Screen and Graphics Preferences on Gutsy?05:04
tonsofpcsbut fglrxinfo exists, tells me what my card is...05:04
Pelovocx,  not sure05:05
hitomaroPelo, well I restarted my computer so whats the first thing I should do to presetup my videocard on ubuntu?05:05
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MeRodentbroken, at the moment I'm happy with ubuntu.  Only would preffer E-UAE was better than WinUAE.05:05
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rocky_when im downloading im in a black sreen right05:05
dystopianraytonsofpcs: ATI's drivers should have a control panel of some sort with them05:05
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vmlinuz`MeRodent: your the man, thanks :)05:05
hammer123Pelo, which i should install first...devede or the mplayer/mencoder?05:05
Pelohitomaro, change the bios for the nvidia card,  boot the recovery mode  then type   sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg   and when asked select the VESA card/driver05:06
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Pelohammer123, doesn't matter05:06
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MeRodentvmlinuz`, actually only read one of the links from ubotu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy05:06
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hitomaroVESA card/driver?05:06
Pelohammer123, those aren'T regular install files if you need help let me know05:06
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Pelohitomaro, you'll see when you get there05:06
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EviL_SmUrFWhat the heck does this mean when gxine gives you this: video_out_xv: No adaptors found. You can improve performance by installing an X11 driver that supports the Xv protocol extension05:07
hammer123ok..but i already installed mplayer...should i remove it and install the one i downloaded?05:07
hitomaroPelo, just to let you know I've encountered numerous problems, is that the safest way?05:07
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phow can I start the screen graphic configurator on gutsy?05:07
PeloEviL_SmUrF,  open gxine,  check in the prefs  look in the video section and select the x11 one05:07
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owen1is there any podcatcher and ipod sync in one app?05:08
h1st0p: what do you mean adjust your x res?05:08
Pelohitomaro, it is safe enough05:08
MeRodentp, try asking in #ubuntu+105:08
hitomarook, I'll take your word for it brb05:08
dystopianrayowen1: amarok maybe?05:08
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pibe86hello, does smf have irc channel?05:08
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vocxPelo, frankly I never gave a chance to mplayer, so I just use VLC. Maybe the X11 was the needed trick.05:08
h1st0!gutsy > p05:08
owen1dystopianray: thanks, i'll try it!05:08
ph1st0, no! I want to test those graphic screen and graphic configurator in ubuntu 7.105:08
dystopianraypibe86: what is smf?05:08
Pelopibe86, try #smf and let us know05:08
h1st0p: read the pm from ubotu05:08
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afaik2is it possible for ubuntu to ruin my laptop?05:08
dystopianrayowen1: it doesn't exactly 'sync' but it can copy music and podcasts to an ipod05:08
hammer123which one is better.fiesty or gutsy?05:09
pibe86smf is http://www.simplemachines.org05:09
Pelovocx, it't not realy about mplayer,   it's about mencoder ,  devede uses it to convert to dvd format05:09
afaik2since I installed it, it has started acting up...05:09
dystopianrayafaik2: yes, indirectly05:09
MeRodentafaik2, define ruin!05:09
owen1dystopianray: what about deleting old contect?05:09
hammer123afaik2, i installed ubuntu on my laptop too...nothing wrong05:09
afaik2and now when ever my stsem boots, I get a warning that my hard disk may fail05:09
Pelohammer123,  right now futsy is in beta , stick t fiesty05:09
vocxPelo, I meant to just watch videos, not using them with devede.05:09
dystopianrayowen1: yes it can do that05:09
afaik2I removed ubunt and went back to vista, but the error still comes up pre-boot05:09
h1st0afaik2: do a fsck -y on the drive05:09
Pelovocx, I use totem and xine05:09
j0hni'm looking for a good XHTML/CSS & PHP editor. i don't care for WYSIWYG, but i do want syntax highlighting and a preferably code suggestions (such as something similar to intellisense). can anybody help me?05:09
EviL_SmUrFPelo: I'm afraid I'm lost. I dont know where to go05:10
dystopianrayafaik2: what error?05:10
h1st0afaik2: maybe its the laptop complaining about its diagnostic partition not being there anymore.05:10
EviL_SmUrFCan you be more specific? :)05:10
owen1dystopianray: can gtkpod do it as well?05:10
Peloj0hn,  gedit , or nvu05:10
Wolf23anyone help me with gnokii?05:10
h1st0afaik2: what is the exact error you are getting.05:10
hammer123afaik2: maybe your harddisk is failing...05:10
vocxhammer123, Feisty is the current version, Gutsy is the future version. How do you want to compare them? Just like cars. This version is newer is it better?05:10
h1st0!better > hammer12305:10
dystopianrayowen1: probably, I don't know if gtkpod supports podcasts though05:10
afaik2dystopianray, it just warns me that I should backup data on my hard disk because a failure may be immenent05:10
j0hnPelo, i've used gPHPedit, is that similar to gedit?05:10
d4rkmonkey!better > d4rkmonkey05:10
hammer123oooh....i see...so is gutsy the one called version 8?05:10
PeloEviL_SmUrF,  open gxine ,  right click on the window,  select preferences05:10
dystopianrayafaik2: ok sounds like the hdd SMART info is reporting failure05:10
h1st0afaik2: well thats something from the bios then not the os's05:11
d4rkmonkeyhammer123 no, gutsy is 7.1005:11
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h1st0afaik2: if its coming up pre boot.05:11
vocxd4rkmonkey, join the fun!05:11
PeloEviL_SmUrF,  sorry right click select setting , setup05:11
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MitchM_what is SSH05:11
afaik2it's not common for the drive to be on the verge of failing.. makes no sense05:11
vocx!ssh > MitchM_05:11
h1st0!ssh > MitchM_05:11
d4rkmonkeyhammer123 the version name is pretty much a date, it comes out October of 2007 (a week or too I think)05:11
afaik2it's a BRAND new laptop05:11
d4rkmonkey!ssh > MitchM_05:11
d4rkmonkeyI just wanted to feel accepted...05:11
h1st0afaik2: it could be that the DIAGNOSTIC partition is gone now and its just complaining about that.05:11
Scuniziok.. where do I find the "root" trash folder?.. I've looked in "file system" after exposing hidden files and don't see it.05:11
PeloEviL_SmUrF, from there select video tab and put the driver to use on auto , that should take care of it05:12
dystopianrayafaik2: it's not uncommon for drives to fail soon after purchase, get it replaced under warranty05:12
hammer123so when it comes out, do we have to reinstall, or we can just like upgrade from feisty...like apt-get upgrade??05:12
h1st0afaik2: who knows boot ubuntu live cd and fsck -y /dev/hda05:12
tonsofpcsdystopianray: i don't know how to get into the driver controls05:12
h1st0afaik2: will check your drive05:12
dystopianraytonsofpcs: neither do I05:12
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h1st0!gutsy > hammer12305:12
h1st0hammer123: please for the love of christ read the message from ubotu05:12
MitchM_thanks :)05:12
afaik2h1st0... oh.. that doesnt solve it... I already reinstalled ubuntu again and reran fsck a few times05:12
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h1st0Scunizi: /root/05:13
d4rkmonkeyhammer123 upgrade is something on the lines of update-manager -d05:13
hammer123yes i read it...gutsy is the codename for 7.10 which will be released very soon05:13
d4rkmonkeyhammer123 no need to reinstall05:13
afaik2sometimes it finds and fixes errors, sometimes it doesnt05:13
Scunizih1st0, I don't see it..05:13
afaik2but the pre-boot error still comes05:13
h1st0Scunizi: /root/.Trash05:13
vocxhammer123, yes we can upgrade, a lot of users have been upgrading since 4.10. It will download a lot of upgraded packages though, so expect 600 MB of downloads. So it is up to you to upgrade or do a clean install.05:13
MeRodenthammer123, you can upgrade or install new.05:13
h1st0Scunizi: why are you logging in gui as root anyways?05:13
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hammer123600mb...wow that is a lot of bwidth05:14
h1st0hammer123: yeah and its discussion is in #ubuntu+1 if you would read a lil further05:14
tonsofpcsdystopianray: is there a way to change the X config with X running and have it rehash without killing anything?05:14
Scunizih1st0, I'm not.. just did a ctrl+h to expose hidden files.. Trying to find something05:14
dystopianraytonsofpcs: no05:14
owen1dystopianray: i googled for gPodder and it seems to do podcatch+sync05:14
d4rkmonkeyhammer123 not really, I've downloaded like 10 gigs of stuff last month, and 600 MB is around the same as the download for the .iso of the CD05:14
h1st0Scunizi: well you had to log in as root in gui to delete something and have it go in .Trash05:14
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h1st0Scunizi: thats a gnome thing.05:14
dystopianrayowen1: I don't know anything about gpodder05:14
PeloEviL_SmUrF,  forget everyting I just said,  I was cheking in xine , not in gxine , sorry05:14
marinmay me join in this?05:15
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Scunizih1st0, I was at terminal and using sudo to delete my old home directory after moving it to another drive.. there's something there I want to recover.05:15
hammer123so the 600mb will actually replace some of the older files...not much incresing the used up space of ubuntu installtion?05:15
MeRodentmarin, fire away.05:15
=== Flats [n=Flats@c-68-38-79-89.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
EviL_SmUrFPelo: There's no video tab :(   I'm using gxine that I added through add/remove in applications. Under the video toolbar, there's settings and also Configure - Deinterlace, Video post-processing. If you look here I uploaded a screenshot of what I see under settings, deinterlace, and post-processing: http://shsu.eggycrew.com/jpg/settings.png05:15
h1st0Scunizi: if you were in terminal its gone there is no trash05:15
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PeloEviL_SmUrF,  I just installed it and I can'T find where to solve this, sorry05:16
Scunizih1st0, damxxxx... I was hoping.. ok.. it's done.  I'll have to look for my backups05:16
h1st0Scunizi: its always good idea to have /home on seperate partition.05:16
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hitomaroSorry Pelo, but that method does not work at all, I cant even get to the terminal05:16
vocxhammer123, exactly. All your packages actually go to the "cache", which is in /var/apt/cache or something like that. Which holds downloaded debs that can be cleaned whenever you feel like it.05:16
Scunizih1st0, that's why I moved it.05:16
EviL_SmUrFi dont even mind it not being solved cause it plays videos fine, i just want to know what the heck it means05:16
h1st0Scunizi: gotcha05:16
afaik2well, it's no matter... I think what the other guy said is right... probably missing diagnostic tools the bios expects to be there05:16
Pelohitomaro, do you get the grub boot menu ?05:17
afaik2one thing I'd rather fix is the damn suspend05:17
afaik2my laptop can suspend, but it doesnt come out of hibernation05:17
Pelohitomaro, and you can't boot the recovery mode ?05:17
FlatsHello I need help getting my verizon evdo card working(USB).  I read thru the forums and there is 1 spot I am stuck at.  I did the cat /proc/bus/usb/device devices then inserted the card and found the vendor and product.  However after I run the modprobe it says a ttyACM0 device should show up and it isn't05:17
h1st0afaik2: What version of ubuntu are you running?05:17
hammer123ok...so atm, which folders i can actually clear...eg /tmp, /var/apt/cache...what else? or is there a diskcleanup prg?05:17
dystopianrayafaik2: it's most likely your drive reporting failure via SMART05:17
hitomarocan't boot in both modes05:17
hitomarowith my video card05:17
afaik2so, I have to either shutdown or let it get all nice and hot and drain the battery when it is my backpack05:17
afaik2I'd rather suspend05:17
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h1st0afaik2: What version of ubuntu are you running?05:17
afaik2the forced fscks drive me nuts05:17
afaik2Fiesty Fawn05:18
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MeRodentafaik2, I have to agree with dystopianray it sounds like a SMART drive failure which means get it replaced under warranty.05:18
h1st0hammer123: yeah you can clear those05:18
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h1st0hammer123: sudo apt-get autoclean05:18
h1st0hammer123: will clear out most of /var/apt/cache05:18
Pelohitomaro, the only think I can recommend is that hyou install from the alternate install cd with the onboard card disabled05:18
hammer123autoclean is a program?05:18
h1st0afaik2: Search for your laptop model on the forums.05:18
Pelohitomaro,  maybe someone else can recommend a better method but that is all I have05:18
Pelohammer123,  are you short on  hdd space ?05:18
=== Konam [n=Konam@29stb68.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu
marini dont understan?????????05:19
hammer123i have only 10gb allocated for ubuntu05:19
vocxhammer123, read the manual page for "apt-get" so you know how to clean the cache. And don't mess with Linux filesystem. Don't go deleting random files if you feel like it.05:19
hitomaroPelo, I've tried that and IndyGunFreak and I were trying to get that to work during the summer, that does not work at all unfortunately05:19
h1st0hammer123: no its not a program just an option for apt to clean out /var/apt/cache05:19
dystopianraymarin: what don't you understand?05:19
Pelomarin, you donT' undertand what ?05:19
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Pelohitomaro,  then try againg when gutsy comes out , that's all I can offer05:19
MeRodentmarin, we have problems with mindreading here so you'll need to explain the problem.05:19
Flatsne1 familiar with the modprobe usbserial vendor=xxx product=xxx  statement?05:20
hammer123hey i dun have /var/apt05:20
hitomaroPelo, ok thanks for the help though05:20
=== vocx mindreads MeRodent "He is correct"
=== robj232323_ [n=robert@adsl-70-228-64-143.dsl.akrnoh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
robj232323_anyone in here05:20
=== osmosis [n=steven@cpe-76-90-81-133.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
marini dont understand...u say to me????couse i indonesian people05:20
=== MeRodent suggests vocx mindreads this then.
hammer123but i have /var/cache05:20
h1st0hammer123: right you have /var/cache/apt  just run sudo apt-get autoclean05:20
h1st0hammer123: instead of delet ing them yourself05:20
hammer123ok let me try05:20
robj232323_hey i'm new to linux and need help installing adobe flashplayer05:20
h1st0hammer123: Also check /var/log for any big log files.  Maybe somethign starting going log crazy.05:21
=== CTho [n=chris@cpe-70-112-27-242.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Pelomarin, ok what is your native language ?05:21
h1st0!flash > robj232323_05:21
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robj232323_i don't know how to navigate to a file in terminal05:21
ubotujoin ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia05:21
h1st0robj232323_: read the pm from ubotu05:21
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bushwakkowhat does it mean when I get "GRUB" and thats all05:21
osmosisCan someone please look at this explain to me how  /dev/sda1 is created?  http://www.marlow.dk/site.php/tech/usbkeys05:21
MeRodentrobj232323_, what file do you want to navigate to?05:21
h1st0robj232323_: Also what version of ubuntu are you running.05:21
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CThodpkg-divert: `diversion of /usr/lib/libGL.so.1 to /usr/lib/nvidia/libGL.so.1.xlibmesa by nvidia-glx' clashes with `diversion of /usr/lib/libGL.so.1 to /usr/lib/fglrx/libGL.so.1.xlibmesa by xorg-driver-fglrx'05:21
CThowhere do i go from here?05:21
robj232323_./flashplayer that was downloaded to my desktop05:21
CThoi've already removed the ATI packages.05:22
robj232323_ubuntu feisty05:22
org_Ok, so i did what it says in the tutorials of changing the splash screen.. and I've erased the file.so of the kubuntu also, and changed my splash to #1 which was ubuntu.so splash. I rebooted. and It's still popping "Kubuntu" Splash screen for me!05:22
=== omegaweopon [n=ubuntu@10-131.96-97.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
MeRodentrobj232323_,  it's at ~/Desktop/05:22
h1st0robj232323_: 64bit or 32bit?05:22
MeRodentrobj232323_, and the case is important.05:22
h1st0robj232323_: no need for adobes player its already in the repos05:22
hitomarohey does anyone know how the terminal code for automatix?05:22
Peloorg_, go in synaptic and uninstall kubuntu splash05:22
marinif you said with me used dalam indonesia???05:22
h1st0robj232323_: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree      do that in a terminal05:22
dystopianrayhitomaro: don't use automatix05:22
omegaweoponThere is definately something wrong.  My live cd (all four of them) aren't running the partition manager05:22
dystopianray!id | marin05:23
ubotumarin: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia05:23
hammer123can i remove all files under /var/log?05:23
=== p [n=p@201-40-141-251.pltce701.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
robj232323_why can't i view certain web pages if flashplayer is already in repos05:23
h1st0!automatix > hitomaro05:23
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h1st0hitomaro: what are you trying to do that you think you need automatix for?05:23
dystopianrayrobj232323_: did you actually install it?05:23
pWhat is the short way to install Mozilla-Firefox 32bit in and amd64 system?05:23
j0hnPelo, I haven't been able to find the two that you suggested. I tried Synaptic and the "Add/Remove Programs"05:23
=== Nutubuntu [n=Jay@c-24-23-155-42.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
robj232323_no that's what i'm trying to do05:23
=== Pichu0102 [n=pichu010@adsl-68-254-29-145.dsl.dytnoh.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
hitomaroh1st0, to install my video card driver05:23
esoterik>omegaweapon does it hang at scanning devices?05:23
h1st0p: probably use wine and install the windows version.  I would search the forums though many have done it.05:23
=== nomaS is away: me fui asi que nos vemos luego :)
h1st0hitomaro: what kind of video card?05:23
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Peloj0hn, remind me what that was ?05:23
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vocx!away > nomaS05:24
omegaweoponesoterik: why yes, yes it does05:24
j0hnPelo, gedit and nvu05:24
dystopianrayrobj232323_: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree05:24
NutubuntuSorry to have to ask about this - but I need to have Internet Explorer available. Do I simply apt-get install wine, or is there more to it than just that?05:24
ph1st0, cool. But, can I use lib32?05:24
Peloj0hn,  gedit is in the accessories menu, it's the default text editor for gnome05:24
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hitomaronvidia 7600gs, I'm having problems with ubuntu recognizing it since my onboard is giving it a lot of errors, the only way I've managed to use my videocard with ubuntu was through automatix05:24
esoteriki had the same issue, it was a bad mbr on the disk, had to format it with lilo instead of grub using the alternate live cd05:24
h1st0hitomaro: System > Administration > Restricted Drivers Manager  will install your video card drivers no need for automatix.05:24
dystopianrayNutubuntu: there is much more too it than that, you can't just install IE in wine05:24
Pelomarin,   type   /join #ubuntu-id05:24
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j0hnPelo, ooh, i thought that name sounded familiar05:24
ScuniziNutubuntu, do you need it to access a site that's available only to ie?05:24
NutubuntuScunizi,  yes :(05:25
fachryaq bingungggggggggg05:25
h1st0p: Just look on the forums many have done it and the way I recomended may not be the best.05:25
omegaweoponAlternate live CD?05:25
h1st0p: www.ubuntuforums.org05:25
hitomaroh1st0, I just tried that, I couldn't get my computer to boot after that on both onboard and videocard.05:25
Nutubuntudystopianray,  thanks ... I'll research it then05:25
dystopianrayNutubuntu: look at ies4linux05:25
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Nutubuntudystopianray,  will do05:25
Peloj0hn, gedit does syntax coloring thing,   and it seems that nvu is no longer availalbe in the repos try here www.getdeb.net05:25
marinaq gak ngertiiiiiiiiiiiii????bantu aq????tolooooooooong05:25
Pelomarin,   type   /join #ubuntu-id05:26
dystopianray!id | marin05:26
ubotumarin: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia05:26
h1st0hitomaro: hrm.. well it should work.  All it does is install the nvidia driver.05:26
ScuniziNutubuntu, sometimes you can use "ie4linux".  google it.. Otherwise the other way is to install winXX in a VM.  That's what I had to do.. running win2kpro in VMware server.05:26
h1st0hitomaro: automatix isn't supported here you'll have to ask them.05:26
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marinngak bsa dah aq cba????05:26
hitomarowhats wrong with that program?05:26
org_I got a major problem, I fixed my xorg.conf really good. but every single time I reboot Something weird happens. (I got into a login screen which is blinking with an error in top of it) then it goes into a full blank screen and after a sec a window pops that says "ubuntu is now running in low graphics mode" options are, Configure | Cancel | Continue... If i continue the login screen back again and then it will go to that window another time, the only way to go05:26
org_ to X server is to configure then pick "nvidia" and after that im in an X with bad resulotion. and not really configured well. even i can't run games with that xorg.conf, then i change it once again "And another time same thing happen" help pls.05:26
esoteriksorry not live, its a text based alternate installer05:26
dystopianray!id | marin05:26
ubotumarin: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia05:26
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NutubuntuScunizi,  thanks. I'd rather not go the VM route unless I absolutely must ... will look at ie4linux05:26
esoterikthats the only format that worked for me to get it readable05:26
Pelohitomaro, it's very buggy and cansauses many problems for some persons05:27
j0hnPelo, do you know of anything that can do more than just syntax highlighting? I've become addicting on code suggestion stuff (such as when you're typing, a menu appears of commands, or syntax, etc)05:27
ScuniziNutubuntu, are they work sites?05:27
MeRodentwho looks after ubotu? Can we get the join command appended to the channels for each language?05:27
Peloj0hn,  not realy I don'T code05:27
NutubuntuScunizi,  yes again.05:27
h1st0org_: what version of ubuntu?05:27
dystopianrayNutubuntu: you'll need to use a VM if you want ie7 support05:27
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omegaweoponOh hey, It loaded05:27
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Peloj0hn,  you can give google a try05:27
j0hnPelo, ok. thanks anyways05:27
Nutubuntudystopianray,  I can live without IE 705:27
marincrax?????g bsa dah q cba?????05:27
hammer123Pelo: i extracted the devede file, and run the install.sh under root...so where it is installed and how to run the app?05:27
esoterikjohn did you try Geany?05:27
dystopianraycan somebody kick marin over to #ubuntu-id ??05:27
j0hnesoterik, I'll look into it05:27
ScuniziNutubuntu, same here.. VM is easy and works great.. I only get into my xp partition when I play.05:27
Pelohammer123, you should get a menu entry in sound/video if not  the command is devede05:28
MeRodentmarin, /join #ubuntu-id05:28
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hammer123no i don't have in the menu entry05:28
NutubuntuScunizi, dystopianray - basically I need to be able to hit one IE-only site, in a single session at a time -- everything else I do, I can do in firefox05:28
FlatsIs there a way to tell after you run modprobe usbserial vendor=XXX product=XXX what your evice is called in the /dev folder?05:28
dystopianrayNutubuntu: have you tried changing your useragent?05:28
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vocxj0hn, there is a master IDE thread in ubuntuforums.org in the programming talk section. Anjuta, Code::blocks, Geany, Scite, IDLE, SPE, Eclipse, Netbeans, Notepad++ in wine, a lot...05:28
h1st0Nutubuntu: you can change your useragent or even install ie with wine05:28
esoteriknut did you try using a proxy?05:28
dystopianrayFlats: dmesg maybe05:29
ScuniziNutubuntu, that's a pain.. I have 3 sites that are M$ ie only.05:29
Pelohammer123, it is possible that the entry just didnT' update you can make one later using main menu in the prefs menu ,  for now you can start it with alt_f2   just type devede05:29
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org_h1st0, gutsy >_< but there they dont know... its weird problem05:29
h1st0Scunizi: Nutubuntu So install ie with wine05:29
Nutubuntudystopianray,  yes. That workaround won't do it -- has to be IE and Javascript. May or may not work even then ... I'm not sure whether it needs the .NET framework, suspect it might.05:29
h1st0org_: you have to join #ubuntu+1 for gutsy talk05:29
Scunizih1st0, you need .net and won't work05:29
=== Xitium [n=Xitium@c-24-21-39-15.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
hammer123it says that i have to uninstall the earlier mplayer which i installed...how do i uninstall it? it does not want to remove from add/remove program05:29
Xitiumquestion for ya'll i'm starting vnc4server with -rfbport 5903 but everytime it starts it uses 5901 any ideas?05:29
Pelohammer123,  did you install devede or are you still trying to ?05:30
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marinq g gertiiiii????gmana sihhhhhhhh????????????????????????????????????????????05:30
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prestosd_Hey, what's the key shortcut for switching desktop05:30
Pelomarin,   click on this   #ubuntu-id05:30
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prestosd_need it fast!05:31
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hammer123i install devede and try to run it, it says i must install mplayer & mencoder...then i extract that file and read in the README, it says i must remove earlier version, so now I did sudo apt-get remove mplayer...05:31
dystopianrayprestosd_: ctrl+tab ?05:31
MeRodentmarin, Macam di "/join #ubunut-id"05:31
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brokenAnyone know how to solve this issue with xlib6g missing?05:31
marindah tpi g bsa??????????????????05:31
prestosd_broken, install it05:31
MeRodentmarin, Macam di "/join #ubuntu-id"05:31
brokenprestosd_: how?05:31
=== HymnToLife`` [n=fkraiem@unaffiliated/hymntolife] has joined #ubuntu
hammer123marin, type command itu05:31
marindmana tooo??????????05:31
prestosd_broken, console type sudo apt-get xlib6g05:31
dystopianraysomebody kick marin already05:31
Pelohammer123,  join me in #pelo please05:31
hammer123type dimana u type message anda05:31
=== streaks [n=streaks@c-67-186-96-124.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici05:32
prestosd_add install before xlib6g05:32
=== citrusflavord [n=jarrod@c-24-20-155-199.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
vocxops can you gently kick user marin05:32
Pelo!ops | marin hep him to #ubuntu-id05:32
ubotumarin hep him to #ubuntu-id: please see above05:32
brokenprestosd_: i've already tried that, but eh what the heck i'll do it again.05:32
nixternalmarin: please control yourself05:32
omegaweoponWell hallelujah I just had to wait FOREVER was all05:32
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MeRodentomegaweopon, all things come to those who wait it is said.05:33
brokenPackage xlib6g is not available, but is referred to by another package.05:33
brokenThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or05:33
brokenis only available from another source05:33
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brokenOops sorry for that.05:33
omegaweoponFair enough!05:33
=== overclucker [n=wonton@67-150-221-201.sttl.mdsg-pacwest.com] has joined #ubuntu
marinkok g bsa22......q jdi bgunggggggg05:34
zerocan somebody help me with a problem with x in ubuntu gutsy?05:34
brokenBasically what Im looking for is a guitar tuner tha works through your mic, I used to use AP Tuner when I had windows but I haven't been able to find a program that does that.05:34
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici05:34
omegaweoponWoah, just looking at all the stuff I have running on the live cd makes me want to rething my computer habits05:34
=== ghost [n=ghost@pool-71-191-123-250.washdc.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o nixternal] by ChanServ
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=== marin was kicked off #ubuntu by nixternal (you should know better)
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thoreauputicmarin: /join #ubuntu-id please05:34
vocxzero, NO. Gutsy is not welcome here.05:34
Xitiumquestion for ya'll i'm starting vnc4server with -rfbport 5903 but everytime it starts it uses 5901 any ideas?05:34
mmkassemzero join #ubuntu+105:34
MeRodent!gutsy | zero05:34
ubotuzero: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information05:34
ghosthow can I make it so that this command " echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward; iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -j MASQUERADE05:34
ghost" is applied always, or at least at startup05:34
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citrusflavordpelo i heard if you install xorg the load times sync up with the original zelda for the nes, is this true?05:35
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h1st0ghost: why don't you just edit the ip_forward file and save it05:35
thoreauputicghost: put it in /etc/rc.local05:35
dystopianrayghost: /etc/sysctl.conf05:35
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=== Coole^ [n=justin@71-212-62-51.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
brokenAnyone know a good guitar tuner that uses mic input :/05:35
xjkxbooting ubuntu 7.04 livecd i had an error like no such user/module layer or something wtf05:35
zeroi joined +1...anybody else there?05:35
=== jshriver [n=jshriver@cblmdm72-240-169-56.buckeyecom.net] has joined #ubuntu
jshriverhow do you unzip all the files in a directory?05:35
jshrivertried unzip *.zip05:35
Pelocitrusflavord,  no idea05:35
jshriverbut it gives me errors05:35
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dystopianrayjshriver: for x in *.zip ; do unzip $x ; done05:36
timbo__I have intel high definition audio, and i was wondering why when i play songs it sounds like my left speaker is blown up but when im in vista it sounds fine05:36
ghostyou guys gave me two differnt conf files which one should I use05:36
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ghostrc.local or sysctl.conf05:36
dystopianrayghost: /etc/sysctl.conf05:36
brokentimbo__: probably because of pcm05:36
thoreauputicghost: yes sysctl is better05:36
ghostok, and just append the line?05:36
dystopianrayghost: have a look in the file and you'll see what you need to do05:36
h1st0timbo__: What version of ubuntu are you using?05:36
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timbo__i think its fiesty05:37
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hitomaro--replace? how do I use go to run and replace vga with compiz again?05:37
timbo__7.4 or whatever05:37
brokenWhen I usually had that staticy sound it was due to my PCM in "alsamixer" being set to 100.05:37
ghostI have nothing uncommented ni this file so ill just append to the bottom05:37
dystopianrayghost: read the commented parts05:37
=== RAOF [n=chris@123-243-65-41.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
xjkxomg this channel has too many messages :/05:37
h1st0timbo__: cat /etc/issue05:37
Y3kI think i killed sudo, when i type "sudo" it gives me usage:, but when i do anything like "sudo apt-get update" it gives me nothing at all05:38
hitomaroxjkx, can you help me out?05:38
vocxxjkx, welcome. And be patient.05:38
wastrelY3k: how did you break it?05:38
h1st0Y3k: well sudo by itself should just give you usage05:38
=== geezone [n=gerath@c-71-199-255-189.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
xjkxhitomaro, whats your problem05:38
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Y3kit did, but i can't do any commands with sudo05:38
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wastrelY3k: are you in the admin group?05:39
h1st0timbo__: is this just in one application that audio sounds like that?05:39
Xitiumquestion for ya'll i'm starting vnc4server with -rfbport 5903 but everytime it starts it uses 5901 any ideas?05:39
ghostdystopianray, I dont see what your telling me too look for, so I verbose pasted the console entery that i posted earlyer. WIll that be run at launch?05:39
timbo__all my audioplayers make that sound05:39
dystopianrayghost: did you read the sysctl.conf file?05:39
=== Coole^ [n=justin@71-212-62-51.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
Y3kwastrel, doubt it, if i do "apt-get update" it gives me permission denied05:39
h1st0timbo__: well have you tried vlc an audio player that uses a different backend?05:39
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wastrelY3k: "groups"05:40
geezoneAnyone know if i can export firefox website to a folder or a file.05:40
ghostthere is not much to it05:40
h1st0timbo__: hrm...05:40
timbo__one min05:40
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hitomaroxjkx, how do I start compiz? It's been a while? do I go to run and type --replace?05:40
ghost# Uncomment the next line to enable packet forwarding for IPv405:40
ghost ?05:40
wastrelY3k: is this the first user you created during the installation05:40
h1st0timbo__: check alsamixer make sure the levels aren't cranked then maybe look at the message from ubotu05:40
dystopianrayghost: yes, but the iptables command has to be done elsewhere05:40
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h1st0!sound > timbo__05:40
esoterikhitomaro - f2 compiz --replace05:40
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Y3kalthough i did add it to another group... which might have changed the group it was supposed to be in05:40
ghostso what do I need to do05:40
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h1st0hitomaro: compiz --replace05:41
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wastrelY3k: so are you in the admin group?05:41
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Y3khow do i check?05:41
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gogetaheh i have the compiz fusion panel05:41
marrabldhitomaro: you may need05:41
marrabldcompiz --replace -c emerald &05:41
gogetano need for comands05:41
rocky_whats the bottom thing called thats on your desktop like what mac has05:41
wastrelY3k: "groups"05:41
h1st0ghost: remove the # at he front of the next line to uncomment it.05:41
wiiwhen i run beryl the decorations are not there.how do i solve thins?05:41
h1st0rocky_: kicker?05:41
ToddED1hey guys, how do i get the songs off an Ipod using Ubuntu?05:41
Y3kwastrel, no05:41
h1st0wii: emerald --replace05:41
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thoreauputicghost: if you put that in your iptables script and run it on connect, it will always run anyway05:41
gogetapluf it in05:41
h1st0wii: join #ubuntu-effects for support05:41
h1st0ToddED1: gtkpod05:42
rocky_not sure what it is05:42
tetrachhow do i move files into a folder that wont let me05:42
h1st0!ipod | ToddED105:42
ubotuToddED1: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod05:42
rocky_how do i get it?05:42
timbo__it goes away when its lower but now i can hardly hear it05:42
wastrelY3k: reboot into recovery mode and add yourself back to admin :/05:42
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h1st0tetrach: what folder are you tyring to move them to?05:42
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Y3kwastrel, alright thanks05:42
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h1st0timbo__: check alsamixer05:42
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ToddED1 i want to get the tracks OFF the ipod, not onto05:42
xjkxhitomaro, compiz-start?05:42
tetrachmozilla plugins05:42
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geezoneQuestion can help or  dose anyone know how or if i can export the bookmarks of firefox out to a file or folder ..05:42
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dystopianrayToddED1: gtkpod05:42
tetrachtrying to get flash to work i am folling instructions05:42
h1st0xjkx: its compiz --replace05:43
ToddED1dystopianray: thanks05:43
ghostthoreauputic, can you elaborate? where can i find my iptables script and do i need to change the command?05:43
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h1st0!flash > tetrach05:43
Nubbiehey guys, quick question, how do i change the command to put my computer to sleep? is there a gconf key or something?05:43
kahrytanToddED1, default music app for ubuntu screws up playlist on ipods.05:43
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thoreauputicgeezone: sure - they are in ~/.mozilla/firefox/default* as an html file05:43
dystopianraygeezone: you do it in the organize bookmarks part of firefox05:43
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h1st0Nubbie: System > Administration > Keyboard Shortcuts ?05:43
geezoneok thanks..05:43
ToddED1thank you kahrytan05:43
thoreauputicghost: you find your iptables script wherever you created it :)05:43
kahrytanToddED1, then just mount the ipod. you can access the music on the drive.05:43
robj232323i'm new and starting to feel like I suck at this... how do I install plug-ins for firefox?05:44
ghostthoreauputic i guess i need to make one then05:44
h1st0Nubbie: system > preferences sry05:44
rocky_is it called  kicker? its a bottom icon that moves around so your desktop is clean05:44
esoteriktools>addons in firfox05:44
kahrytanToddED1, Oddly named files but their all music files if you look deeper05:44
h1st0robj232323: what addons?05:44
dystopianrayrobj232323: usually you just click the plugin download links and firefox directrs you through isntalling them05:44
EviL_SmUrFif i have a network drive, how the heck do i get access to it through a screen that doesnt show "network"  like there is under the places menu in gnome05:44
thoreauputicghost: I put mine in /etc/iptables.up - but you could put it in /usr/local/bin for example05:44
Nubbieh1st0: no, how do i change the command ubuntu uses to sleep the computer... the one it ships with is broken, and i've found one that successfully sleeps my computer and resumes it.05:44
EviL_SmUrFall it shows is the folders under /05:44
Nubbieso i could go to system > quit... > sleep05:45
EviL_SmUrFand i dont know how to get to a SMB shared drive from there05:45
h1st0Nubbie: So not the shortcut but the actual command it issues?05:45
robj232323plug-in for adobe flash05:45
dystopianrayEviL_SmUrF: you can use smbmount to mount the drive05:45
Nubbieh1st0: precisely.05:45
dystopianrayrobj232323: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree05:45
h1st0Nubbie: hrm.. no idea on that one.05:45
h1st0Nubbie: That would be something with acpi but i'm not sure if there is a conf in /etc/05:45
EviL_SmUrFIs there an applet in ubuntu to mount a drive?05:45
h1st0EviL_SmUrF: gnome has one05:46
Y3kwastrel, ok it's probably fixed, thanks05:46
NubbieEviL_SmUrF: yeah, it's installed by default.05:46
kahrytanToddED1, you should get better music player :-P05:46
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NutubuntuSound question. Last night sound worked fine. Today it's as if it's muted - barely audible. Alsamixer looks OK. What do I check next?05:46
thoreauputicSpydi: failed05:47
wastrelNutubuntu: physical connections to the speakers?05:47
h1st0Nutubuntu: the volume control on by the clock05:47
h1st0Nutubuntu: Is this a laptop?05:47
hammer123Nutubuntu : is the volume up?05:48
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Nutubuntuh1st0,  volume control is on and up to about 80%. It's a desktop. wastrel, physical connex look OK; didn't change anything that I can think of. Volume's up, hammer12305:48
EviL_SmUrFman i just cant figure this out. what i would like to do is create a folder named "G" under /media/  which goes to //homelaptop/G05:48
xjkxwhere do i get the md5sum of the isos05:48
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h1st0EviL_SmUrF: well you would need to make the folder sudo mkdir /media/G  and then add the mount to /etc/fstab05:49
pyrakanyone know how to disable the history on totem movie player?05:49
h1st0!fstab > EviL_SmUrF05:49
thoreauputicxjkx: try releases.ubuntu.com05:49
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h1st0pyrak: don't watch pr0n05:49
dystopianrayEviL_SmUrF: sudo ln -s /homelaptop/G /media/G05:49
pyrakor perhaps know of a better movie player that'll allow me to go fullscreen in website-embedded movie players without having to start from the beginning again05:49
EviL_SmUrFSo theres no easy way of doing this in ubuntu that doesnt involve having to open up the terminal and/or mess with config files?05:49
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pyraklike how windows media lets you when you double-click05:49
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dystopianrayEviL_SmUrF: you need root privs to add anything to /media05:50
h1st0EviL_SmUrF: You could do it all in gui but you still have to edit a file to tell it what you want it to do.05:50
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robj232323since ubuntu is better with hardware, can i install my harddrive on dissimalar hardware?05:50
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pyrakright now the only reason i ever boot windows is for pron, so it'd be nice to fix these things so i dont have to05:50
dystopianrayrobj232323: yes05:51
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advancedonsitehi guys & any girls too..... i was wondering if anyone knows which IRC channel is Ubuntu programming05:51
dystopianrayrobj232323: you may need a new xorg.conf but it should otherwise be fine05:51
underwatercowHow do I get the Keep daemon to stay running without leaving Keep minimized05:51
thoreauputicadvancedonsite: it depends05:51
dystopianrayadvancedonsite: what sort of programming?05:51
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overcluckerEviL_SmUrF: by //homelaptop/G did you mean as a network shared folder05:51
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vocxadvancedonsite, #ubuntu-programming it is sleeping right now05:51
FlatsOk on the PPPD I'm getting close, I send ATZ^M OK  expect OK  ALARM Gconf server is not in use shutting down?  What is gconf server?05:51
pyrakanyone can shed some insight on my totem issues?05:51
advancedonsitewell im trying to learn linux gui programming but im stuck not knowing what to start with05:51
ghostthoreauputic, do you have do to anything to make the script run at boot?05:52
robj232323anyone know how i can map a network drive to a different network?05:52
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advancedonsitei know OOP PHP and i came from visual C++05:52
altf2oadvancedonsite: depending on which language you know, there's several toolkits to use.05:52
h1st0EviL_SmUrF: editing a config file is a must because you can't just will your computer to do something.  The only reason we explain on here to do it throught he terminal is its easier than saying click here and there then move the mouse here etc...05:52
advancedonsiteok what would you suggest05:52
altf2oif you know C++, there's always QT. Or you can use gtkmm for C++ w/ the GTK+ toolkit.05:52
thoreauputicghost: I don't run it at boot - I run it from /etc/dhcp3/ with an exit hook05:52
EviL_SmUrFOkay let me rephrase maybe. I'm not trying to sound dumb or anything lol. What I want to do, is:  Within Windows XP, I can open up My Computer, to Tools - Mount Network Drive, type in the path, and itll create a new drive and give it a letter, say X, that then goes to a network shared folder. I would like to do the same thing in Ubuntu.05:52
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advancedonsitewould i be stuck in a gnome environment or stuck in KDE env or will they be compatiable with both05:52
EviL_SmUrFthe network shared folder is on an NTFS drive05:53
ghostso what should I do05:53
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thoreauputicghost: you probably need to look at some iptables howtos :)05:53
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h1st0EviL_SmUrF: you can click on Places > Network and mount a network drive that way05:53
altf2oadvancedonsite: i run plenty of applications using the QT toolkit while using the GNOME environment.05:53
thoreauputicghost: there's one on the ubuntu wiki05:53
dystopianrayadvancedonsite: gnome and kde are compatible05:53
overcluckerok, so the ln -s command may be disregarded05:53
sidI have a music player attached to my desktop via USB, and it's charging like that. But I want to sleep, and my Desktop is loud. Is there a way to turn off most of my machine, but keep the USB ports working sot he music player charges?05:53
dedimy system feels pretty slow and i want to find out why. looking for a howto or guide but have no idea where to start05:53
pyrakanyone know of a way to disable the history in totem?05:53
advancedonsitei was once told running QT on gnome is memory intensive because it has to load QT library05:54
advancedonsiteis this BS or what05:54
pyrakor a diff video program that i can use to watch embedded website vids?05:54
ghostthoreaputic ok that sounds good thanks05:54
pyrak(is this no totem?)05:54
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dystopianrayadvancedonsite: it does have to load the QT library, but it's hardly memory intensive05:54
advancedonsite would you recommend QT to start?05:54
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altf2oadvancedonsite: it wouldn't matter unless you've got very little RAM.05:54
advancedonsitewhere would i find this QT IDE05:54
pyraki'd like to be able to double-click a video on a webpage and have it go fullscreen05:54
advancedonsitei got a gig of ram05:54
altf2oonly reason then is because you have BOTH libraries resident in memory.05:54
advancedonsitei should be ok then05:55
timbo__is there an easy way to get beryl manager on startup?05:55
dystopianrayadvancedonsite: closest thing to a QT IDE is kdevelop05:55
altf2osure, i do just fine w/ the same.05:55
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hammer123Pelo...if u still around, i will ask u later for some questions on devede....now i have to run05:55
astro76advancedonsite, definitely kdevelop05:55
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advancedonsiteok im going to try kdevelop that out thanks05:55
vocxhammer123, Pelo left indeed.05:55
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dystopianrayadvancedonsite: kdevelop is a KDE IDE05:55
altf2oisn't there a "QT Designer" ? I thought there was much more for QT than KDevelop.05:55
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overclucker!samba > EviL_SmUrF05:56
EviL_SmUrFOkay, I see the "Connect to server" under File within the Network browser. I do that and now G shows up just fine. What is the absolute path for where this G is in the network browser? IE /mnt/G or something05:56
astro76altf2o, pretty sure you can do everything from kdevelop05:56
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altf2oyeah, i do like it.05:56
marrabldaltlf20:QTdesigner isnt a full IDE just help build the GUI's05:57
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trakinashas anyone ever used the html editor screem?05:57
Nubbiepyrak: use miro.05:57
ToddED1hey, whoever mentioned GTKPOD05:57
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dystopianrayToddED1: that might have been me05:57
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ToddED1hey... i cant load this ipod05:57
ToddED1on gtk05:57
overcluckerEviL_SmUrF: do you mean the location of the folder, or the location in the network browser?05:58
dystopianrayToddED1: what sort of ipod is it?05:58
DerangedDingoToddED1: What generation iPod?05:58
ToddED14gb nano05:58
dystopianrayToddED1: what generation nano?05:58
ToddED1how do i find out what generation05:58
DerangedDingoToddED1: What does it look like?05:58
dougdewUbuntu 7.04. Was working just fine. Then (probably after an update of the system), neither Firefox nor wget can connect to any servers via http. ping of the same servers works fine. Has anybody seen this problem before?05:58
dystopianrayToddED1: when did you buy it?05:58
ToddED1haha its blue!05:58
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advancedonsiteone last thing what programming language do the ubuntu programmers build ubuntu in?05:58
EviL_SmUrFoverclucker: the location of the folder I just added in the network browser05:58
dystopianrayToddED1: is it one of those ugly short and fat ones?05:59
EviL_SmUrFit shows up as "G" under network browser, but what is that path of the G that it shows there05:59
thoreauputicadvancedonsite: several :)05:59
altf2oadvancedonsite: from what i see, damn near everything.05:59
ToddED1beginning of this year05:59
NubbieEviL_SmUrF: open up nautilus, file > connect to server.05:59
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overcluckerEviL_SmUrF: did u use the command suggested above, to create it?05:59
ToddED1skinny one05:59
DerangedDingoToddED1: Does it have the Anodized Aluminum case, or the chrome background, or can it do coverflow?05:59
thoreauputicadvancedonsite: python seems to one favourite05:59
ToddED1its aluminum05:59
EviL_SmUrFoverclucker: no, I used "Connect to server" under the network browser.05:59
dystopianrayToddED1: it should work then05:59
trakinasToddED1: have you tried gtkpod?06:00
vocxadvancedonsite, which "ubuntu programmers"? Ubuntu applications are programed in whatever their authors want, but the Ubuntu distribution uses python tools to facilitate integrating things.06:00
c0rrupt0rim trying to install second life on my ubuntu 7.04 feisty and i get a window creation error any clues?06:00
Nubbietry banshee...06:00
ToddED1when i plug it in to the laptop, the default application opens up06:00
advancedonsiteahhh thanks vocx06:00
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Enric1is ubuntu really good ?06:00
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ToddED1i think its rhythm box06:00
dystopianrayEnric1: yes06:00
c0rrupt0rloves ubuntu06:00
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NubbieEnric1: no it's horrible, but we use it anyways.06:00
overcluckerEviL_SmUrF: well you could check for /media/G, or /mnt/G06:00
advancedonsiteEnric1 are you kidding? its the best thing since SEX06:00
IanLiuWhat are the new things for the upcoming Ubuntu?06:00
thoreauputicEnric1: no, it sucks - that's why we are all here to complain ;p06:00
DerangedDingoby the way, can anyone help me with the vga values for my GRUB menu.lst? my TTY's have a messed up font size and I was told that would fix it. I have a 1280x1024 resolution... and on Edgy they were fine06:00
EviL_SmUrFthats the thing thats goofy06:01
EviL_SmUrFneither show up there06:01
EviL_SmUrFi *thought* it would be put under /mnt/06:01
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NubbieEnric1: advancedonsite's views don't represent all of our views on sex. sex is better than ubuntu.06:01
Kanuhawhen I do an "sudo apt-get install -d filename" where is the file downloaded06:01
EviL_SmUrFI can view all the files under G, but i dont know where the path is that it put it at06:01
altf2oEnric1: a lot of things about Ubuntu are great. It's a very nice distro. and IMHO, is making the most steps towards creating a nice end user experience.06:01
advancedonsitedepends on with who Nubbie im sure certain women would change your mind06:01
NubbieEviL_SmUrF: read a guide about the unix file structure, it will help you out.06:01
wastrelEviL_SmUrF:  look in /media/06:02
trakinasToddED1: try gtkpod. i prefer it foir handling ipods06:02
Enric1been thinking about installing it06:02
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ToddED1pweeese help me... its my nieces ipod, and my wifey wants the songs off it, if i dont get this i could be killed06:02
Nubbieadvancedonsite: i've never had sex with these women. sounds like you've had some rough experiences.06:02
trakinasmy sister has the same model as you and it worked wonderfully06:02
ToddED1im trying gtkpod06:02
overcluckerEviL_SmUrF: and this is a mounted disk, or just  a folder?06:02
vocxNubbie, advancedonsite totally off topic!06:02
NubbieToddED1: try banshee.06:02
ToddED1how can i get rid of rythmbox?06:02
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advancedonsiteno im just comparing my love of ubuntu and nothing can compare06:02
dystopianrayToddED1: gtkpod should work, what is it doing to indicate failure?06:02
ToddED1Nubbie:  i tried banshee too06:02
NubbieToddED1: its difficult. i wouldn't bother.06:02
trakinasToddED1: it will probably work. you will just have to select colour and size. =P06:02
EviL_SmUrFoverclucker: It is a shared out network drive on a Windows XP machine06:02
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c0rrupt0ri am trying to install second life on my Ubuntu 7.04 feisty and i get a window creation error any clues?06:03
EviL_SmUrFsamba services are working great, its seeing it fine and I can view all the files and folders on it in network browser06:03
ToddED1trak, i selected six gen blue nano06:03
dystopianrayc0rrupt0r: 'install' ? you just unpack a tarball and run it06:03
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trakinasc0rrupt0r: sl sucks. you should be happy! =P06:03
trakinasi cant help06:03
altf2oEnric1: you could do what i did, i got a trial of VMWare Workstation, created a virtual machine w/ Ubuntu 7.04 (it's what i'm currently using).06:03
netham45does anyone know a program like Xdmx for Ubuntu? Xdmx has some glitches I can't seem to overcome.06:03
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altf2oi simply lack the hardware to install it on it's own machine, so this is what i'm using until then.06:03
dystopianraynetham45: what is Xdmx?06:03
owen1how to burn a folder into a dvd/cd?06:03
c0rrupt0rlol maybe i am lucky then. just a buddy of mine wanted me to install it so its no big deal thanks for your help lol06:04
trakinasToddED1: if im not wrong, it shows like (blue 4gb etc...)06:04
Nubbienetham45: explain what xdmx is...06:04
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dystopianrayc0rrupt0r: what video card do you have>?06:04
Kanuhawhen I do an "sudo apt-get install -d ndiswrapper-common" where is the file downloaded06:04
c0rrupt0ri should say tarball and run it06:04
netham45Xdmx is a tool that lets you have a multihead setup across a network.06:04
Enric1altf2co: thats what I am thinking 206:04
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dystopianrayKanuha: /var/cache/apt/archives06:04
ToddED1ok i got it.. sorry, the default home/ipod was the wrong mount point06:04
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AhadielIt is possible to manually scan for wireless AP's with Network-manager?06:05
ToddED1not home... media06:05
netham45!info xdmx06:05
ubotuxdmx: Distributed Multihead X server. In component universe, is optional. Version 2:1.2.0-3ubuntu8 (feisty), package size 780 kB, installed size 1708 kB06:05
overcluckerEviL_SmUrF: well you could type sudo fdisk -l | grep G , duno if that's relevent though06:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xdmx - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:05
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ToddED1its actually media/Homes ipod06:05
advancedonsitehey corruptor which ver of wine06:05
ToddED1for some reason06:05
owen1how to burn a folder on dvd/cd?06:05
dystopianrayToddED1: it should automatically detect the ipod location06:05
c0rrupt0rim not to sure im running a crappy hp pavilion 7940 for now till i get the pc im building finished. also this video card is built into the board so it really sucks06:05
Y3khow do i go from gdm straight to just terminal?06:05
ToddED1dystopianray:  yup i see the songs now06:05
dystopianrayY3k: ctrl+alt+f106:05
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ToddED1thanks guys06:06
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Nubbieowen1: Places > CD/DVD Creator.... or install gnome-baker06:06
advancedonsiteare you at a command prompt06:06
overcluckerEviL_SmUrF: just checking, but is the disk physically attached to your computer?06:06
Y3kdystopianray, thanks06:06
ToddED1how can i sync the ipod with a folder06:06
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Kanuhadystopianray, thx, found it. Is it safe to delete these files to get space back on the hard drive?06:06
Enric1altf2o: Vmware is great !!  .. no more rebuilds06:06
advancedonsite wine --version06:06
DerangedDingoCan anyone help me with the vga values for my GRUB menu.lst? I have a 1280x1024 resolution and my font in the TTY's is too big. It goes off screen06:06
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owen1Nubbie: ok, i thought burning is out of the box in ubuntu!06:06
dystopianrayKanuha: try: sudo apt-get autoclean06:07
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dystopianrayowen1: it is06:07
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Kanuhadystopianray, thx I will try it06:07
altf2oEnric1: it's a great tool. I'm running Ubuntu (trying out new KDE) currently w/ almost full "special effects" on, and it's incredibly responsive.06:07
advancedonsitetheres nero for linux also06:07
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advancedonsitehow is that new KDE06:07
dystopianraythe only reason to use nero for linux is hddvd and blu-ray06:07
altf2oif i didn't have the unfortunate displeasure of seeing my host OS start button, it would feel like this is the host OS.06:07
Nubbieowen1: it is out of the box....06:08
owen1dystopianray: Nubbis just told me to get cd/dvd creator or gnome-baker...06:08
RiMAny C programmers out there?06:08
altf2oadvancedonsite: i'm a fan thus far, very nice IMO.06:08
dystopianrayowen1: use cd/dvd creator06:08
ToddED1cmon guys, you dont want to hear about a wife that killed her husband cause he didnt get the songs off an Ipod!!!06:08
owen1dystopianray: what is it?06:08
dystopianrayRiM: yes06:08
c0rrupt0rwine version 0.9.3306:08
EviL_SmUrFoverclucker: It's not showing up in the disk list. Yes, this drive is physically connected to the windows xp machine, and shared out from there06:08
gogetai do06:08
dystopianrayowen1: Places -> cd/dvd creator06:08
EviL_SmUrFthe ubuntu machine has mounted this shared drive under the network browser06:08
Nubbieowen1: please listen carefully... at the top of your screen... press "Places" then "CD/DVD Creator"06:08
gogetawe told ya gtkpod06:08
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overcluckerEviL_SmUrF: to the windows xp machine, not the ubuntu machine?06:08
owen1dystopianray: Nubbie I don't have this in my places menu.06:08
vocxDerangedDingo, vga values can be found in some posts in the forums, I use vga=792 or 789, I think. 789 is bigger, 792 is smaller,795 even smaller.06:08
Nubbieowen1: OR if you want more options and flexibility... then you can install gnome-baker06:09
dystopianrayToddED1: didn't you already get gtkpod working?06:09
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Vampierhi :)06:09
EviL_SmUrFyes, its physically connected to the windows xp machine06:09
Nubbieowen1: are you sure you have a cd burner.......06:09
VampierI'm new to Ubuntu :P06:09
advancedonsitewell that wine ver should be ok which version of ubuntu ?06:09
EviL_SmUrFand shared out as "G"06:09
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advancedonsitewhich ver of second life06:09
EviL_SmUrFi have mounted "G" on the ubuntu machine in the network browser06:09
c0rrupt0rubuntu 7.04 feisty06:09
Vampierhow do I switch to SU?06:09
advancedonsitesu -06:09
wastrelsudo -i06:09
owen1Nubbie: yes, it's recognizes in 'places->computers'06:09
EviL_SmUrFi just dont know where the heck it mounted it *at* in the file structure06:09
rocky_i need help06:09
dystopianrayVampier: what is SU ?06:09
dystopianrayoh su06:09
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trakinasToddED1: one sec06:09
wastrelEviL_SmUrF: actually it's not mounted06:10
ToddED1ok trakinas06:10
dystopianrayEviL_SmUrF: have you mounted your smb share?06:10
rocky_im looking for a desktop is like icon that move around does any one know what they called?06:10
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wastrelEviL_SmUrF: unless you used smbmount.  it's a virtual type of thing06:10
owen1Nubbie: when i go to 'places->computers' i can see my HP burner.06:10
wastrelnautilus handles it06:10
EviL_SmUrFthank you06:10
gogetawhat rocky06:10
advancedonsitecorruptor http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=461906:10
trakinasToddED1: 1st result in google. i hope it helps: http://www.simplehelp.net/2007/07/07/how-to-use-gtkpod-to-manage-your-ipod-in-ubuntu/06:10
Nubbieowen1: type this into nautilus... "burn:///"06:10
RiMI'm just starting to use C on linux, have used it on DOS/Windows. But it seems that stuf is not in headers I am used to, also can't find the C header files. I tried to print out OPEN_MAX but system said it was undefined. I #include <limits.h> which is where I thought it was. Then I tried to find limits,h - no luck.06:10
dystopianrayadvancedonsite: c0rrupt0r are you trying to run second life in wine?06:10
gogetado you mean a dock06:10
owen1Nubbie: CD-RW/DVD+RW Drive06:10
c0rrupt0rSL version
rocky_mac has it on they desktop06:10
overcluckerEviL_SmUrF: huh, not sure where, but you could try searching for a unique file on the mount: whereis thatfile06:10
owen1Nubbie: ok, 1 sec06:11
gogetayou mean a dock06:11
dystopianrayRiM: have you installed build-essential ?06:11
ToddED1trakinas:  i think i got it06:11
gogetathers a few to slect from06:11
c0rrupt0rno i have unpacked the linux version of SL06:11
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rocky_now sure what they are called06:11
gogetakiba-dock uses compiz06:11
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dystopianrayc0rrupt0r: just unpack it and run it06:11
dystopianrayc0rrupt0r: what video card do you have?06:11
advancedonsitecorruptor are you trying to run sl in wine06:11
gogetathers a few of them06:11
owen1Nubbie: burn:/// is not a valid location.06:11
c0rrupt0ri have unpacked it and ran it but then im getting a windows creation error06:11
EviL_SmUrFwastrel: okay, now. is there a way of actually physically mounting it *without* having to open up terminal? It is not that I personally am against having to use terminal, it is that i am trying to get my mother to start using ubuntu and she will never go for an OS that she cant just point and click to do things06:11
VampierI <3 Ubuntu :)06:11
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advancedonsiteahh what is the errors?06:11
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c0rrupt0rim using the linux version not the windows version06:12
c0rrupt0rwindows creation error06:12
dystopianrayEviL_SmUrF: why do you need to mount it? just point and click as you are already doing to view the share06:12
c0rrupt0ris what the pop up keeps saying every time i go to run it06:12
RiMNo, not sure what that is. Also sorry but I can't read your name, it shows up in yellow on my system and I can't read it, sorry06:12
gogetathers kooldoc06:12
dystopianrayc0rrupt0r: what video card do you have?06:12
EviL_SmUrFdystopianray: because MPlayer doesnt use the regular file browser, it uses its own, and doesnt support going into network browser06:12
wastrelEviL_SmUrF: install smbmount and add it to /etc/fstab maybe (just a guess, never used fstab for samba stuff)06:12
switchcatI'm trying to figure out why my X sometimes freezes/seemingly won't accept keyboard input and how to fix it. (Ubuntu feisty 7.04)...06:12
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eyemeanhello every one06:13
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dystopianrayRiM: you need to install build-essential06:13
EviL_SmUrFwastrel: okay, so gnome doesnt have just a file - mount drive or something like Windows XP has?06:13
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owen1Nubbie: any ideas? i get "burn:///" is not a valid location."06:13
switchcatit's currently frozen (the mouse pointer moves but it doesn't accept any mouse button inputs).. and no keyboard inputs seemingly06:13
switchcatexcept the ability to go back to console06:13
wastreler sbfs06:13
rhelmerRiM: /usr/include/limits.h is in the package libc6-dev, as dystopianray says you can just install build-essential06:13
overcluckerdystopianray: everyone needs to install build-essential (;06:13
eyemeanim going out of my mind trying to compile jbidwatcher-1.0.2.tar.gz for ubuntu 7.0406:13
advancedonsitejust window creation error no other possible details?06:13
Nubbieswitchcat: are you using effects, beryl, compiz, etc?06:13
dystopianrayoverclucker: why?06:13
eyemeancan any1 pls help06:13
wastrelEviL_SmUrF: i dunno, i use cli to manage mounts06:14
RiMdystopianray, thanks I'll try that06:14
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Dr_williseyemean,  any specific problem?06:14
rockets!patience |eyemean06:14
ubotueyemean: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines06:14
gogetarocky thers gnome dock06:14
lee__I...aaaammm back06:14
switchcatno, i don't run any special effects06:14
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RiMrhelmer thanks for the additional info06:14
c0rrupt0radvancedonsite exactly just window creation error no other details06:14
overcluckerdystopianray: at some point, they will come here asking for one of those packages06:15
eyemeanyes dr-willis, i cant seem to find the right coommands to compile jbidwatcher-1.0.2.tar.gz for ubuntu 7.0406:15
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eyemeanim very new to linux06:15
lee__ok i hav a question about wine..eh either only this one can't be consumed other then by the Pc..eh and I am alergice to it lol06:15
gogetalol eyeman06:15
switchcatdoes anybody have any suggestion of a process that I can kill and restart without having all my X programs stop mid-stream?06:15
overcluckerdyni know it's notcompletely true, but it seems like it06:15
eyemeansorry rockets and ubotu, i didnt mean to come across like that06:15
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gogetakillall appname06:16
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dystopianrayoverclucker: you only install it if you want to compile things, something most people won't do06:16
gogetaor ps -A06:16
gogetathen find the prosses you wana kill06:16
gogetakil 123406:16
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Dr_williseyemean,  normally you install the various compiler/tools (build-essential package) then unpack the source, then compile it following its docs.06:16
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Dr_williseyemean,   You mean to say you are 'totally lost' and dont know where to even begin?06:16
Dr_willis!info jbidwatcher06:16
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ubotuPackage jbidwatcher does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas06:16
lee__no.. al though the one sight that I want to go to said only avail for xp blabla06:16
Dr_willis!find jbidwatcher06:17
wastreljbidwatcher would look like a java proggy06:17
ubotuPackage/file jbidwatcher does not exist in feisty06:17
switchcatgogeta - I know _how_ to kill a process, I'm just trying to figure out if there is one that will make X work again06:17
lee__is running gutsy06:17
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eyemeanyes dr_willis, im lost as to where to even start06:17
TravellingSalesMhello everyone, i have a question, after two years i wanted to play a game but couldn't find a single good game! could someone introduce me a good online source to check for top linux games?06:17
overcluckerdystopianray: i know, my staement is completely unsupported \ :06:17
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php06:17
dystopianraylee__: gutsy support only in #ubuntu+106:17
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rhelmereyemean: why do you need to compile it?06:17
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Dr_williseyemean,  i would have to say start with the programs homepage on  hope they got some install docs. :0 is it a java program? or C?06:18
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eyemeanno its not in ubuntu list06:18
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rhelmereyemean: why not just download the binary .jar ?06:18
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gogetaaka linux game tome06:18
c0rrupt0rim just going to go about finishing my linux box and get it working great with better graphix and hardware :)06:18
lee__Fianl fantasy 11 lol but eh you need a Pc with windows or..a ps2 or x box or I heard of it running on a ps306:18
NubbieTravellingSalesM: Tremulous, Open Arena, Neverball, Wormux, Enemy Territory, etc.06:18
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gogetadid someone say ff1106:18
gogetayou fail at mmorpg06:18
eyemeanrhelmer, i tried the jar file and it just dont work properly, and i have hava installed06:18
Dr_williseyemean,  you are refering to ---------->   http://sourceforge.net/projects/jbidwatcher/  ??06:19
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rhelmereyemean: well you'll need to get help from them i guess.. looks here's a similar program "esniper" in ubuntu already, you might want to try that instead06:19
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owen1I can't see CD/DVD burner under 'Places'. any ideas?06:19
c0rrupt0rtakes a peak thanks advancedonsite06:19
thoreauputicRoC_MasterMind: OK06:19
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dystopianrayowen1: do you have a cd or dvd burner?06:19
Dr_williseyemean,  if it comes in a java .jar file.. download it, (install the sun java als0) unpack it. java -jar whatever.jar normally06:19
eyemeanthats correct dr_willis06:19
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owen1dystopianray: yes. and it works under windows.06:20
Nubbieowen1: install gnome-baker06:20
rhelmereyemean: did you see http://www.jbidwatcher.com/help/faq.shtml#ans2006:20
eyemeanrhelmer, didnt realise that, will give that a go now thank you06:20
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rhelmereyemean: sure06:20
owen1Nubbie: ok, i'll do it now.06:20
FatMomI cant get the vsync to works with games, like warsow or et, can we have vsync with linux bin drivers?06:20
rhelmereyemean: if you want to try jbidwatcher again, make sure you have the right version of java as they suggest ^06:20
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lee__any how, I need to know how wine works and waht prgrams will work, I tried show biz and it never executed, so I exectured it form my machine06:20
rhelmereyemean: since it's java, recompiling is not going to help, java binaries are cross-platform06:20
arghh2d2Anyone know if there is a good GUI for apache or any kind of http server?  I'm just not tech'd up enough yet to do it all by command line.06:20
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Nubbielee__: try google.06:21
TravellingSalesMNubbie: thank you, :D the screenshots are amazing!06:21
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lee__ahh ok..06:21
NubbieTravellingSalesM: tell your friends.06:21
DerangedDingovocx: Sorry for the late response. I'm coding right now.. I'm searching the forums right now though. thanks06:21
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vocxDerangedDingo, forgot the question, ha ha06:21
bullgard4Does an underscore at the beginning of an identifier have a special meaning?06:22
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dystopianraybullgard4: what identifier?06:22
lee__yeah i just spent an hour my self coding the  ati card06:22
bullgard4dystopianray: all identifiers06:22
dystopianraybullgard4: where are you seeing these identifiers?06:22
lee__hmm now i get this message saying i need to up date..but then it says its up to date lol06:22
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bullgard4dystopianray: 'identifier' is a well-known term in programming languages. --  I see it in the ACPI specification 3.0b.06:23
Vampierjay :)06:23
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Vampiergot ubutnu up and running in vmware within 30 minutes :)06:23
advancedonsitec0rrupt0r  http://signore.wordpress.com/category/linux/06:23
dystopianraybullgard4: yes I know about programming language identifiers, but you provided no context, also I don't know anything about the ACPI spec06:24
Scuniziarghh2d2, http://www.webmin.com/06:24
bullgard4dystopianray: Thank you that you were trying to help me.06:24
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lee__is there away to test to see if the 3d effects are working on the card?06:24
advancedonsitefound the issue with window creation errors06:24
advancedonsiteglxinfo | grep -i direct rendering06:25
eyemeanrhelmer, are you sure esniper is already  in ubuntu, cant find it in software list06:25
Dr_willis!find esniper06:25
dissectionI installed Ubuntu on my laptop yesterday but it randomly gets stuck. How do I diagnose the problem? Its happening a few times everyday.06:25
ubotuPackage/file esniper does not exist in feisty06:25
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Dr_willisdissection,  what video card for starters. :)06:25
lee__Ati x30006:26
rhelmereyemean: oops, sorry it's only in gutsy :(06:26
dissectionDr_willis: I have a GeForce but I'm running it as Vesa with all tbe default options06:26
rhelmereyemean: i should've checked that06:26
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gogetatry installing the nivida drivers06:26
eyemeanrhelmer that ok06:26
Dr_willisdissection,  may want to try the nvidia drivers then..  with a laptop.. it could have all sortsof little quirks. Thers laptop forums on the ubuntu pages i recall.06:26
lee__eh no idea on how i asm running it lol06:26
dissectionMy card doesn't have drivers available yet06:26
Dr_willisdissection,  what card is it EXACTLY then?06:27
dissectionGeForce 8600M GT06:27
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Dr_willis8600 - i though should be decently well supported.06:27
MeRodentdissection, the nvidia 100.14.19 drivers support it.06:27
dissectionIt isn't listed06:27
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eyemean!find esniper where do i use that pls?06:27
Dr_willisnot listed dosent mean not supported. :)06:27
ubotuPackage/file esniper does not exist in feisty06:28
MeRodentdissection, it's just not supported in the ubuntu supported drivers.06:28
Nubbieeyeman: can you please stop it with the robot?06:28
Dr_willisit may mean nvidia just took some other card and slowed it down and changes its name.06:28
eyemeanubotu , cheers06:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cheers - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:28
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dystopianrayDr_willis: your card won't be supported until gutsy06:28
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Nubbieeyeman: or start whispering it please?06:28
ubotuFor help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents06:28
thoreauputiceyemean: ubotu is a bot :)06:28
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advancedonsitei see gutsy has a .17 kernal update Should i install it though06:28
jonalsoany early adopters re: dell ubuntu?06:28
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advancedonsite.18 i mean06:28
dystopianrayadvancedonsite: gutsy support only in #ubuntu+106:29
gogetai saw one yesterday06:29
Nubbiejonalso: dell users are late adopters.06:29
gogetahaving issues lol06:29
eyemeannubbiie, sorry i dont know what you mean pls explain.06:29
advancedonsitehow do you do that in red06:29
Dr_willisjonalso,  watch out for dell.. they can have bargins/deals in one dept, and not in others. :)06:29
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upgrdmanhello all. I am having problems with my grub configuation and the hdx,x notation. how does that notation relate to a /dev/something partition?06:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dell - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:29
Nubbieeyemean: type this... "/msg ubotu (insert rambling here)"06:29
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre06:29
dissectionMeRodent: But how do I install that if it isn't supported by Ubuntu? I need to mess around with the kernel? I have no idea how to do all that.06:29
dystopianrayupgrdman: the drive your bios boots is hd006:30
lee__eh ok um...what cameras work? then with liux..eh i have a ps2  cam that i used for windows lol..and i have the drivers for it..eh i kinda down loaded it 3 years ago lol06:30
thoreauputicupgrdman: hda1 is (0,0) in grub speak06:30
jonalsoi had heard they were shipping with faulty/inop graphics drivers.  i was wondering if this were still the case06:30
eyemeanLOL sorry everyone, i really did not have a clue06:30
MeRodentupgrdman, hd<device count from 0>,<partition no. from 0>06:30
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Dr_willisdissection,  may want to wait the 2 weeks or so - for gutsy to get released.06:30
gogetayou just need build essentles and the nivida driver from niovida06:30
MeRodentdissection, hang 5.06:30
dystopianraylee__: it connects through a ps/2 port?06:30
dystopianraythoreauputic: that is not right06:30
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gogetaits pretty easy06:30
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thoreauputicdystopianray: ?06:31
rootcomo estan06:31
omegaweoponAlright, time for a resolution exam.  My computer just wont display nicely.  It's HUGE how do I shrink stuff down?  It says Im on the 1024X768 but it sure doesnt look that way to me06:31
dystopianraythoreauputic: the first grub drive is whatever your bios is set to boot from, which may very well be /dev/hdz06:31
hitomaromy video card will not boot no matter what. :(06:31
Vampierdon't chat as root root :)06:31
Wolf23overclucker:  wb06:31
lee__no the camer is a PS2 cgaming console camera lol06:31
rootesto es una Test para Rtm06:31
thoreauputicdystopianray: oh I see what you mean - yes06:31
lee__eh Eye toy06:31
thoreauputicdystopianray: I was just making the point that you start from 006:31
upgrdmanok, well now to the tricky part with my grub problem... i have sata hdds, and an ata/ide drive... how do i know what maps to what? hda, hdb, sda, etc.06:31
wastrelomegaweopon: what says you're 1024x76806:31
lee__so how would I config it to work?06:31
Nubbiejonalso: i wouldn't but a dell personally. read up on hardware that is 100% supportive of linux and try to build a computer yourself, you'll probably save money and get a warm fuzzy feeling of accomplishment.06:31
Dr_willisI got a PlayStation 2 EyeToy Camera somewhere also. :)06:32
lee__or just plug it in06:32
omegaweoponSystem> Preferences> Screen Resolution06:32
Dr_willisi use it on the wifes windows pc. heh06:32
lee__oh it makes for a heck of a web cam06:32
gogetayou can also use envy to install it06:32
dystopianraylee__: there may not be a driver for it06:32
overcluckeroh, heh06:32
MeRodentdissection, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39735/  - works with the current 100.14.19 drivers too. Just upgraded.06:32
Nubbie!es | root06:32
uboturoot: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.06:32
hitomaroCan I use beryl/compiz with my onboard video card? because I can't seem to get my nvidia7600 gs to work at all.06:32
hitomaroon ubuntu06:32
lee__hmm I have the drivers for it06:32
lee__well for th window version06:32
jonalsonubbie: i am having great success with ubuntu right now.  i just need a new laptop06:33
gnychisikonia: are you there by chance? I built the kernel source following the guide but am not sure what the appropriate vmlinux is to use06:33
overclucker!envy > lee__06:33
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Scunizihitomaro, were we talking earlier about getting your gui running?  Did it work?06:33
nomasteryodatakes care of lots of video driver issues... if you're lucky06:33
gogetait a nivida/ati driver downloader and installer06:33
lee__is taht as in a progrm or I envey you lol06:33
Wolf23overclucker:  dude help me06:33
ToddED1ok guys, new question... i got a bluetooth adaptor and its for windows... could someone help me get this thing goin?06:33
hitomaroyes we were Scunizi. :) Ubuntu is finally running but only with my onboard video card06:33
Nubbiejonalso: i'm using a sony vaio VGN C240E model laptop and it's working wonderfully... check up on it.06:33
thoreauputicroot: don't IRC as root - it's silly in the extreme and will get you kicked from most channels06:34
dystopianrayToddED1: most bluetooth adapters 'just work'06:34
lee__I have a web sight where you can down load the drivers06:34
overcluckerWolf23: hmm, what's you problem?06:34
ToddED1doh hold on ..06:34
NubbieToddED1: what do you mean "for windows" ?? it's for your computer, plug it in.06:34
upgrdmani have two computers that use wifi to get internet and home network access. both also have eth cards, and i can hook up a patch cable between the two to get gigE, instead of flooding the airwaves... how do i setup the two linux boxes to work with wifi for external network usage, and eth for 192.168.1.x IPs?06:34
Scunizihitomaro, good..06:34
nomasteryodaToddED1, it will work with Ubuntu ... just plugin .. install the Bluetooth frontends for gnome or kde if you are using it06:34
dystopianraylee__: windows drivers aren't any help on linux06:34
Wolf23overclucker:  do u know about gnokii?06:34
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Dr_willis!info gnokii06:34
ubotugnokii: Datasuite for the mobile phones (console & X). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.14-3 (feisty), package size 821 kB, installed size 2944 kB06:34
thoreauputicdystopianray: unless for ndiswrapper06:34
Nubbielee__: go complain to whoever wrote those drivers.06:34
overcluckerWolf23: haven't the need to explore it06:35
hitomaroScunizi, should I just buy a new motherboard?06:35
lee__no it was for windows originaly lol06:35
ToddED1nomasteryoda:  what are these frontends?06:35
Scunizihitomaro, why?06:35
lee__I was jsut curiouse though06:35
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Scunizihitomaro, I've been away for a while06:35
lee__though its picked up as a usb mic lol06:35
dystopianrayToddED1: ubuntu should support bluetooth out of the box06:35
nomasteryodaon gnome, just open the package manager and search for bluetooth06:35
Wolf23overclucker:  i have nokia 6230 with dku cable?06:35
nomasteryodayes it does06:35
lee__and it there06:35
lee__tons of blue toothy thingy06:36
nomasteryodai use bluetooth headphones and a bluetooth mouse...06:36
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Dr_willisive had a lot of BlueTooth Headaches befor. :)06:36
gogetaand i use wifi rawr06:36
hitomaroScunizi, I've been having compatibility issues with ubuntu on this pc, my pc downstairs works smoothly but with this is nothing but headacke06:36
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overcluckerWolf23: and what is you specific complaint?06:36
nomasteryodaone internal bt and one external... due to my stereo....06:36
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ToddED1i use mine for my phone and PocketPC(on windows)06:36
nomasteryodaDr_willis, LOL06:36
Scunizihitomaro, what's happening.06:36
pHow can I install java6 and make it work with my mozilla-firefox on amd64 system?06:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about java64 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:37
dystopianrayp: there is no 64-bit browser plugin06:37
Wolf23overclucker:  i want to transfer all the files from my cell to pc, coz there are important documents06:37
nomasteryodaToddED1, if the phone worked with windows, then just set to paring mode... then run "sudo hcitool scan" to find the phone06:37
gogetaino=portant docs on a cell06:37
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hitomaroScunizi, It's just my video card and my onboard not listening to one another I presume when it comes to ubuntu, I bought a new graphics card because of this very reason but it's still the same problem, my conclusion is that it has to be my motherboard thats causing all this mess06:38
pdystopianray, well.. is there a way using ia32-libs or something else?06:38
gogetasteals cell06:38
nomasteryodaor do it with the gui... there is also a btsco gui tool and a2dpd for stereo headphones...06:38
dystopianrayp: you'll need a 32-bit firefox06:38
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overcluckerWolf23: are you able to connect it from gnokii?06:38
EviL_SmUrFman, what could be the cause of the divx video looking so much more blocky on the ubuntu laptop under VLC, Totem, Gxine, etc than it does on WMP using regular divx?06:38
pdystopianray, sorry.. but you are wrong06:38
pI know its possible06:38
EviL_SmUrFwhat should I be looking at to make the video not look so pixelated?06:38
MeRodenthitomaro, do you need the onboard video as you may be able to disable it in bios.06:38
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Scunizihitomaro, are you trying to use two monitors? one on the onboard graphics card and the other on .. the other.?06:38
dystopianrayp: with nspluginwrapper?06:38
gogetaevil try turning up the detil mode ot setting it to use opengl06:39
Wolf23overclucker:  i read about gnokii , and it tells you can do everything, but no idea if  there is a good one06:39
overcluckerNubbie: there's six, i thought there was just mine06:39
pis it possible?06:39
ToddED1nomasteryoda: that command found my phone!06:39
hitomaroMeRodent, yes I switched my onboard video off, it works fine on windows but ubuntu feisty.. not working at all. :(06:39
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ToddED1now is there anything with a GUI that i can use?06:39
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hitomaroScunizi, I'm using one single monitor at the moment06:40
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EviL_SmUrFis there a specific xvid configuration tool, or do i just need to dig around in VLC to try to find a detail section?06:40
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eyemeani cant wait till ubuntu 7.10 comes out06:41
Wolf23overclucker:  let me give you the site that i have read it, http://www.marzocca.net/linux/ubuntux31.html06:41
dystopianrayEviL_SmUrF: VLC has post processing options06:41
lee__Is Running x right now06:41
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overcluckerWolf23: what kind of backup do you have in mind? a full flash backup? or just ssaving things like contaacts, mms, and photos, or what?06:41
fluidin winblows i use a little shareware app i bought called Tag&Rename to batch lookup (cddb/cdnow/amazon) audio files and pull in id3/cover/lyric tags...anyone know of a good app to do that in linux? ive looked and looked :(06:41
nomasteryodaToddED1, look at ... ToddED1, look at this LQ posting... http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/Hardware/Bluetooth_Transferring_and_receiving_files_under_Ubuntu06:41
nomasteryodafor some good info06:41
gogetai use mplayer06:42
Wolf23overclucker:  photos and contacts?06:42
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ToddED1thanks nomasteryoda06:42
lee__well I figured out how ti iggy a bit lol06:42
ganeshall my videos pixelates ..i m playing in movie player06:42
lee__eh a bot06:42
scipiofluid, try easytag. it can lookup albums for tags06:42
gogetaman vlc on my windows box is odd06:42
EviL_SmUrFman this is so frustrating. i turned post processing up to 6 and restarted vlc. no change06:42
gogetaotherwise i would tell you06:43
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fluidyeah thats the one i am just finishing installing... Tag&Rename saves me hours and hours of work...id rather not copy this stuff to the windows machine just to tag it though06:43
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lee__this ZynAddSubFx sure kicks the sub wolfers in and is awsome for mucic writing06:43
dystopianrayfluid: does tag&rename not work in wine?06:43
nomasteryodafluid,  eyed306:43
BosamboHay all...is this the place for help in Gutsy?06:43
nomasteryodaor juk06:43
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dystopianray!gutsy | Bosambo06:44
ubotuBosambo: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information06:44
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fluiddystopianray, have not even tried it yet. for some reason i doubt it though. it crashes a lot in windows. lol... when it works though, it works like a champion. lol06:44
gogetai dont knoe abought vlc but in m player the qualty can be adjusted06:44
Scunizihitomaro, you may have to manually tweek /etc/X11/xorg.conf to get the other card working.  First you'll have to identify it's location, as in buss id and use that. I'm not sure how to do that actually..maybe with "lspci"06:44
lee__and thne I run Noation06:44
dystopianrayfluid if you like it so much try it in wine06:44
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BosamboI know it's not stable..it's just a minor thing, otherwise it's sound for me06:44
nomasteryodatry one of the ones you find in synaptic or package manager06:44
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AlanBShepard70Can anyone help me get a video card to work with linux? The card is a pci nvidia model. So far dapper, feisty and beta gutsy refuse to work with it06:44
BosamboTotem videos embedded in firefox can't play fullscreen06:44
gogetaweard ass pc06:45
nomasteryodaBosambo, you should use mplayer06:45
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MeRodentAlanBShepard70, what card?06:45
nomasteryodait does best job for that06:45
overcluckerWolf23: cat /boot/config* | grep CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_GENERIC=06:45
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Scunizihitomaro, then change the driver to nv if it's set to vesa or i810 or intel.  Then install nvidia driver from synaptic.06:45
owen1dystopianray: gnomebaker gives my this error : media is not recognized as recordable DVD: 906:45
gogetamy vlc winhell goes to 100% page and cp usage and hangs06:45
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gogetabut linux no problem06:45
BosamboI guessed I'd eventually have to do that...06:45
nomasteryodaremove all traces of Totem and setup mplayer plugin for mozilla too06:45
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nomasteryodaBosambo, takes about 5 min06:45
Bamnanahow can I update gnome from 2.18 to 2.20? is it stable? is it safe?06:45
AlanBShepard70nvidia geforce 64mb. I lost the paper with the exact model, I just need one sec to find it.06:45
ganeshnomasteryoda: all my videos pixelates ..i m playing in movie player..can u help06:45
lee__DVD 9?06:46
nomasteryodaBamnana, wait on gutsy06:46
fluidheck this might be a better question. where does mpd get its album cover information when you tell it remote first, then local? i dont see any settings for it.06:46
dystopianrayAlanBShepard70: it doesn't work at all?06:46
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gogetamplayer ownez all06:46
Wolf23overclucker:  CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_GENERIC=y'06:46
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nomasteryodaganadist, try changing to X11 instead of xv?06:46
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nomasteryodain the configuration settings for mplayer06:46
Bamnananomasteryoda, what is "gutsy"?06:46
overcluckerWolf23: ok good06:46
clustyis there any way of reporting compiz bugs with gutsy?06:46
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gogetax11 opengl206:46
nomasteryodaBamnana, next version of ubuntu06:46
dystopianrayclusty: ask in #ubuntu+106:46
nomasteryodadue 18th06:46
owen1dystopianray: it's a CD, not DVD. CD-R06:46
dystopianrayowen1: what?06:46
nomasteryoda!gutsy | Bamnana06:47
ubotuBamnana: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information06:47
Bamnananomasteryoda, thank you, I'll check it06:47
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clustydystopianray, thancx06:47
owen1dystopianray: i click 'burn' and got this message: media is not recognized as recordable DVD: 906:47
AlanBShepard70while booting the live CD kernel panic not syncing (dapper) and in Safe graphics mode freezes half way through boot06:47
dissectionsudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) \ build essential pkg-config xorg.dev <----- This command does not do anything...06:47
lee__yeah in the windows there is usualy a thing where you can right click on the window pain and submit a bug06:47
nomasteryodagood night folks06:47
dystopianrayowen1: did you put in a blank dvd?06:47
eyemeandoes that mean that gutsy will be unstable wen it is officially realsed?06:47
owen1dystopianray: it's a CD btw, not DVD.06:47
Wolf23overclucker:  there is link tell about a patch if u see it06:47
lee__some programs have it some dont06:47
Bamnanaubotu, thank you for the info06:47
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dissectionSomeone please help... Whoever gave me that link.. I forgot who.. I'm stuck at the command line06:47
dystopianrayowen1: did you tell it you wanted to burn to a cd not a dvd?06:48
owen1dystopianray: no...06:48
_0xfis dlink wua 1340 compadible with ubuntu?06:48
overcluckerWolf23: configure it and everything?06:48
_0xfwireless usb06:48
dystopianray_0xf: what wifi chip does it use?06:48
MeRodentdissection, if you type it as one line don't include the \06:48
EviL_SmUrFthanks for the help guys :) later06:48
owen1dystopianray: let me try (-:06:48
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gogetawe give lots og links06:48
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gogetagonna have to be clear06:48
lee__Threre is  a cd way of recording its called VCD06:48
hitomaroScunizi, ok I'll try that06:48
_0xf dystopianray ; not sure06:49
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dystopianray_0xf: you'll need to find out06:49
Wolf23overclucker:  yes i dont know how to configure it dude? :(06:49
lee__eh yeah  way better lol06:49
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dissectionMeRodent: It says E: Couldn't find package build06:49
ganeshgogeta: all my videos r  pixelating ..i m playing in movie player..can u help06:49
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_0xfhow would i?06:49
Scunizihitomaro, warning.. messing with xorg.conf can drive you nuts and render the gui inop. make a backup before tweeking.06:49
MeRodentdissection, sorry that should be build-essential06:49
gogetamovie player or mplayer06:49
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lee__As long as the file isnt to big it shoul;d work lol06:49
MeRodentdissection, I missed it when I retyped it.06:49
digitizedoes anyone know of a plugin that can play be divx web content well?06:50
gogetaubuntu movie player is acully gnome06:50
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dissectionMeRodent: Okay, now it says couldn't find package xorg.dev06:50
overcluckergedit ~/.gnokiirc ?06:50
MeRodentand xorg-dev06:50
gogetai mean totam06:50
digitizemediaplayerconnectivity can send the url to totem or vlc... but they can't buffer it well06:50
overcluckerWolf23: gedit ~/.gnokiirc ?06:50
_0xf dystopianray ; can i ps or paste/06:50
Scunizihitomaro, also changes won't take effect until you ctrl-alt-backspace.  if the gui doesn't work ctrl+f2 to get to a terminal prompt to fix it then startx to start it and ctrl+f7 to get to the gui screen06:50
lee__any how waht prgram would you recomned for DVD authoring that is simula to...lets say adobie premier?06:51
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ganeshgogeta: movie player06:51
SuperLagIs there any package, aside from youtube-dl (which doesn't seem to work), that will let you grab Youtube videos?06:51
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Psyberhello everyone06:51
dissectionMeRodent: it says couldnt find pacakge xorg.dev06:51
gogetasometimes it will do that if your pc is to slow to handel the video06:51
gogetail have to fire up my linux box06:51
MeRodentdissection, sorry you missed it.. It should be xorg-dev not .dev06:51
Wolf23overclucker:  ok it opens a text editor name .gnokiirc but empty06:51
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hitomarook Scunizi06:51
dissectionOh, sorry. Its downloading :P06:51
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_0xfD-Link Wireless G USB Adapter WUA-1340 - Network adapter - Hi-Speed USB - 802.11b, 802.11g06:52
Psyberanyone here have experience with KDE?06:52
ScuniziPsyber, what's the real question?06:52
d1n0anyone know how i can get extended desktop with ati on a tv?06:52
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overcluckerWolf23: exit and ls -a ~/06:53
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ganeshgogeta:i just reinstalled ubuntu..its not slow...06:53
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PsyberI just installed KDE while I already have gnome and I was wondering if there was a way to remove all of KDE's apps w/out removing KDE... Basically I want to try the KDE interface with gnomes apps06:54
overcluckerWolf23: was .gnokii there?06:54
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user_I get an error when I shh into another ubuntu on my lan, /usr/bin/X11/xauth:  error in locking authority file /home/user/.Xauthority06:54
gogetamutch better06:54
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Wolf23overclucker:  yes .gnokiiirc?06:54
NubbiePsyber: KDE is a "desktop environment" which mean K is essentially made up of all the applications it comes with.06:54
gogetaback to the topic06:54
overcluckerWolf23: yeah is that there?06:54
gogetathers movie mplayer thats relly totam06:54
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lee__ok really want to test your machine?06:55
Wolf23overclucker:  yes06:55
gogetai mean movie player06:55
lee__ty this sight06:55
gogetathen mplayer  movie player06:55
_0xfanyone got a D-Link Wireless G USB Adapter WUA-1340 - Network adapter - Hi-Speed USB - 802.11b, 802.11g  working with ubuntu?06:55
lee__it has all kinds of goodies lol06:55
overcluckerWolf23: ok, then gedit ~/.gnokiirc06:55
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ScuniziPsyber, if you did a seperate install of kde in its own partition, yes you can remove some.  but even if you don't you can still load and run gnome apps in kde. If you just installed kubuntu-desktop in Ubuntu and switched "sessions" to get to the kde interface.. same thing applies.06:55
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user_/usr/bin/X11/xauth:  error in locking authority file /home/user/.Xauthority06:55
user_ anyone ??06:55
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lee__there is even a finaly fantsy mucial score on it lol06:56
ganeshgogeta:u mean i should try some other player??06:56
Wolf23overclucker:  i make this folder and paste three lines that say port - model and connection06:56
gogetaim watching a h262 vid on mplayer06:56
fluidi added the compiz-fusion repository mentioned on the ubuntu doc site...and it swears there is an upgrade to compiz-core, but that it cannot authorize. is there some public key i can add to make this update and leave me alone? lol06:57
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gogetalooks fine06:57
Psyberahh I see.  Thanks guys06:57
wolfsongis there an easy way to identify an applications actual name as opposed to what appears in menus?06:57
Wolf23overclucker:  so this folder i creat it, maybe i am did wrong :(06:57
ScuniziPsyber, no prob..06:57
gogetalemmie try totam aka movie player06:57
Psyberwolfsong: have you tried to look at the dektop entry for the application?06:58
MeRodentfluid, seems to be a fault with compiz or the repository. You'll notice the version no. is identical.06:58
wolfsongI don't have it on the desktop06:58
fluidyeah it is identical06:58
fluidi noticed that.06:58
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lee__ok on my sight Ihave some things called widgets and it should be compatible with gutsy and fiesty06:58
gogetait does pixel a bit06:58
Wolf23overclucker:  sorry maybe i make wrong or not?06:58
MeRodentflugger, one other reason I preffer beryl. :)06:58
gogetanot to bad thow06:58
Psyberwolfsong: then how is it on th emenu06:58
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MeRodentfluid, even not flugger06:59
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overcluckerWolf23: are you in terminal as your username?06:59
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fluidi prefer the one thats active and alive ;)06:59
Wolf23overclucker:  yes06:59
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wolfsongPsyber: I don't have anything on my desktop06:59
MeRodentfluid, I preffer the wave effects of beryl though.06:59
lee__ths video never looked this good on windows06:59
overcluckerWolf23: then it should be right06:59
gogetai would try mplayer06:59
Wolf23overclucker:  good06:59
mikehow do I enable screen savers opengl ones07:00
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ScuniziHow do you start webmin?07:00
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Wolf23overclucker:  there are two patches .text did u open them?07:00
lee__wahts web min?07:00
MeRodentmike, system preferences screensavers?07:00
Psyberwolfsong: ok, what exactly are you trying to do?07:00
Rapha_RJFuck all07:00
Rapha_RJdamn it07:00
Scunizilee__, it's a gui control program for apache07:00
Rapha_RJUBuntu sux07:01
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Rapha_RJSlackware Rulez07:01
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wolfsongI want to add keybindings for some apps07:01
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mikeMeRodent, what is the apt-get command to install07:02
MasterShrekhey how do i change my usplash again? i cant remember... i want it to say kubuntu instead of ubuntu07:02
Psyberwolfsong: ohh, and your just looking for the name of the executable?07:02
fluidi ran slackware yeaaaaaaaaaars ago. dont think i could go back to it willingly...ubuntu is just too nice.07:02
wolfsongPsyber: right07:02
shooyaaa_I have some problem with my wine07:02
fluid(i know hes gone)07:02
MasterShrekfluid, slack 12 is nice07:02
MeRodentmike, should be installed allready I believe.07:02
fluidi honestly havent seen it since slack4...07:02
Phrozen_Onehow can I umount a drive that umount will not do because there is no fstab entry for it07:02
overcluckerWolf23: yes, and i'm curious as to what they want you to do with them07:02
mikeMeRodent, xubuntu sorry07:02
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fluidstarted with 3 i think...the walnut creek subscription i used to have. lol07:02
MasterShrekfluid, slack 12 they finally came to a 2.6 kernel by default, its nice :)07:02
lee__did Ihear some one say fstab?07:02
wolfsongin windows I could just look at the properties of the shortcut07:03
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overcluckerWolf23: they look like they are to be used on gnokii source code07:03
ubotuTo select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork07:03
lee__well I have an older cd that I burned07:03
Wolf23overclucker:  i dont know :(07:03
MeRodentmike, not sure there. Try #Xubuntu ?07:03
lee__that you can creat a fast stab07:03
gabrie1jessid hello07:03
lee__more like07:03
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Psyberwolfsong: do u have anything in your usr/share/applications directory?07:03
lee__jsut a sec getting the cd and Ill send the link07:03
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Wolf23overclucker:  yes ic, but it tells that u can make transfering everything from your cellphone07:04
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eyemeanGnight all07:04
wolfsongPsyber: I'm looking for an alternative to that since some apps are shorter or just different07:04
eyemeanthanx for everyones help07:04
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Psyberwolfsong: right... but cant you find the name of the original executable in there07:05
jessidgabriel hello07:05
clustyi am having some trouble with my suspend on my laptop: the laptop falls asleep and wakes up immediately. ideas>?07:05
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overcluckerWolf23: well it looks like you need to patch the kernel source, actually, to achieve full functionlity07:05
ErtainHello everyone.07:05
dissectionMeRodent: I setup the nVidia thing.. How do I configure X?07:05
lee__ok google KNOPPIX07:05
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wolfsongPsyber: right...in some cases I can't find the actual app07:05
overcluckerWolf23: when you open gnokii can you access your phone?07:05
dissectionMeRodent: At Step #6, it says I have to restart.. I gotta restart the PC?07:06
Wolf23overclucker:  thats right, and what do u think07:06
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Wolf23overclucker:  no the phone doesnot get any access07:06
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ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy07:06
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overcluckerWolf23: then don't worry about the patches,07:06
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Wolf23overclucker:  i have unpluged the dku, is it necesary to be connect?07:07
hazmanI've noticed a directory of mp3's missing in amarok. I've got amarok setup to look at two directories for mp3's, one has about 3 mp3's which is fine, howeere the second directory has many thou songs.. and there seems to be a directory missing07:07
Nubbie!info art-manager07:07
ubotuPackage art-manager does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas07:07
lee__tahts the sight in which you can down load the iso07:07
overcluckerWolf23: the tut claimed you could do most things with out the kernel patches07:07
ErtainI'm trying to create a Kubuntu pack for Ksquirrel-lib.  There are only older packs for Ksquirrel-lib on Kubuntu, so I want to build one for personal use.  Every time I try to build one it doesn't pack in all of the correct files.  Any ideas?07:07
_0xfhow do u install wine07:08
Psyberwolfsong: you got me then.  Sorry I could not help07:08
ToddED1ok im having troubles with the bluetooth and my phone.... so im gonna just plug it into the USB port, IT WONT MOUNT... how do i get it up07:08
ToddED1dont say Viagra!07:08
Wolf23overclucker:  help me and let me get the files from my cellphone07:08
dissectionMeRodent are you there?07:08
ganeshNubbie:i m using movie player but videos gets pixelated..can u help?07:08
Nubbie!wine > _0xf07:08
MeRodentdissection, nope. it says if you restarted.  just keep following the instructions.07:08
Nubbieganesh: no?07:08
dissectionMeRodent: Im stuck,I dont know what to do.. restart what? gdm?07:09
Nubbiei'm just leaving.07:09
ganeshNubbie: k thanx07:09
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MeRodentdissection, don't restart. just go onto the line on extracting and copying the modules07:09
ganeshMeRodent:i m using movie player but videos gets pixelated..can u help?07:10
MeRodentdissection, it will tell you to restart later and give the command line to do so at that point.07:10
lee__captainmorgain? are you expierincing slow downloads?07:10
lee__eh Morgan07:10
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MeRodentganesh, sorry. can't help you there. Just ask the channel in general. Someone will try help if they know. Otherwise ask at a later stage and keep checking google in the mean time.07:11
_0xfD-Link Wireless G USB Adapter WUA-1340 - Network adapter - Hi-Speed USB - 802.11b, 802.11g?07:11
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_0xfim gonna be installing ubuntu on compaq presario desktop ; so i need i386 .iso?07:11
ganeshMeRodent:k thanx07:11
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_0xfand can i burn the .iso to dvd/07:12
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_0xfim dloading 6.06.107:13
_0xfdesktop i386 ,iso07:13
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geezonecan anyone help with were i can goto get info on htop ot Top commands and what am looking at or what should be running in Ubuntu Linux and What not be running.07:13
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lee__but the tricky thing is that patcular programs old and i am not sure if it can be updated07:13
overcluckerWolf23: ok, so i think you should send an email to the emailaddress that the writer supplied, ansking for his source of information on the nokia topic07:13
_0xfim pretty new to linux, and im gonna be trying to get my dlink wireless usb to work07:13
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lee__i am doing trial and error lol07:14
Nehali want to echo new values to the iosched files to modify the scheduling parameters.. when i cat them back, they still show the old values. any clues how to fix this?07:14
dissectionMeRodent: When creating the symlink, it says the file exists.. Should I delete it?07:14
Wolf23overclucker:  why u didnot help me with that , coz it is the only solution for my cellphone07:15
MeRodentdissection, did you change directory?07:15
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ech0dishwhat? your too lazy to install ubuntu? buy a computer with ubuntu already installed from me then.. http://stores.ebay.com/Houston-CompCycle07:16
MeRodentdissection, what was the line you typed for the symlink?07:16
dissectionYes I did07:17
overcluckerWolf23: i have no experience with gnokii to draw from, unlike the autor of the article, you reeeally should email him.07:17
dissectionsudo ln -s libnvidia.wfb.so.100.14.19 libwfb.so07:17
Wolf23overclucker:  lets make it from the principal site, http://www.gnokii.org/07:18
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dissectionIt says ln: creating symbolic link ;libwfb.so' to 'libnvidia-wfb.so.100.14.19': File exists07:18
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Wolf23overclucker:  i download now gnokii-0.6.19.tar.gz , and just tell me how to install it07:18
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MeRodentdissection, I can't remember it asking me about it so I'd suggest saving a copy of the original, delete it then symlink it.07:19
MeRodentdissection, or even just rename the original and symlink it.07:19
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dissectiondelete the original as in.. delete the existing symlink?07:20
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overcluckerWolf23: i don't believe that will, help,07:20
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MeRodentdissection, rename libwfb.so07:20
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overcluckerWolf23: "You are very welcome to #gnokii at irc.freenode.net. Feel free to ask there your questions." from te gnokii support page07:20
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Wolf23overclucker:  ok i try07:21
dissectionHow do I rename?07:21
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Wolf23overclucker:  thanx anyway dude, now i am feeling sleepy07:21
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Wolf23overclucker:  talk to you tommorow07:21
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overcluckerWolf23: heh, seeya07:22
Wolf23overclucker:  gnight :)07:22
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FlatsHow do I install my serial driver in etc/modules?07:22
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MeRodentdissection, mv libwfb.so libwfb.bak07:22
dissectionHow do I rename a file?07:22
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overcluckerdissection: by moving it to a new name: mv oldfilename newfilename07:23
The_Giveri'm trying to install synergy but no luck so far07:23
The_Giveri cant find it in synaptic =-(07:23
dissectionMeRodent: It says no such file or directory07:23
FlatsJust got my verizon wireless card working in ubuntu..maybe I should quit while I'm ahead07:23
The_Giveri'm following this tut: http://eightpence.com/install-latest-synergy-on-ubuntu/07:24
The_Giverbut i dont get how to do the source part07:24
The_Giverand which file to get07:24
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dissectionOh never mind, had mistyped that07:24
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MeRodentdissection, thought that might be the case. :P07:24
Flatsthe: I just installed synergy with a winblows as my server and ubuntu as my second pc07:25
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The_Givercould anyone help?07:25
The_Giverwhat source files does ubuntu take07:25
The_Giverand what do i do with that source file07:25
_0xfcna u burn iso to blank cd07:25
_0xfnot dvd07:25
MeRodent!enter | The_Giver07:26
ubotuThe_Giver: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:26
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FlatsHow do I install my serial driver in etc/modules?07:26
WGGMkThe_Giver: google.com ---> Ubuntu Source O Matic... from terminal "sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list" and then edit with the sources you have selected from the source o matic07:27
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dissectionHow do I exit vim without saving?07:27
n2diyThe_Giver: Do you need to play with the source files? Why not let Ubuntu do it for you with Synaptic?07:27
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The_Giversynaptic doesnt hav eit07:27
The_Giveror mine doesnt have it at least07:27
MeRodentdissection, why?07:27
juliusHey all, does anyone have an idea as to how long a 500va UPS would last a ~200w computer?07:27
nnutterdissection: :q!07:27
WGGMkThe_Giver: be sure if you enable sources that need key's to be downloaded and added, you follow the instructions in the source file07:27
FlatsThe_giver If I remember correctly, i just dl'ed the rpm and used Alien to install it07:28
nnutterMeRodent: don't be a jerk07:28
dissectionMeRodent: I don't think those keys are correct07:28
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dissectionMeRodent: I inserted the #, and then when I press Esc,Esc,X, it deletes the #..07:28
The_GiverFlats, i tried the alien method but it still didnt work07:28
MeRodentnnutter, I'm trying to guide dissection through an install I want to know why he doesn't want to save.07:28
nnutterok, sorry, jumped in the middle07:28
FlatsThe_giver 7.04?07:29
dissectionSo I might have messed it up, I wanna exit it without saving, and try again07:29
MeRodentdissection, did you hit down twice?07:29
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dissectionYeah, I'm on the 3rd line07:29
MeRodentnnutter, no probs.07:29
WGGMkis there an IRC for Gusty?07:29
The_GiverFlats,  no .. heh07:29
SmegzorI replaced ubuntu 64 bit with the 32 bit version (fiesty).  Its a dual boot with XP and twice now it has failed to install grub.   How do I fix?07:29
dissectionHow do I exit vim? I'm stuck07:29
The_Giverit complains about missing libstc++07:29
n2diyWGGMk: #ubuntu+107:29
MeRodentdissection, i will put you into insert mode so you can enter the #07:29
WGGMkn2diy: thanks07:30
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Flatsvim....Is it :Q?07:30
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dissectionMeRodent: I pressed so many other keys to try to exit.. I'm stuck here.. I wanna exit without saving and try again07:30
Flatsor :!q07:30
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Flatsdissection :q to quit07:31
FlatsI think :!q to save and quit07:31
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jessidhello. If i need to configure a very small network with 2 pc, what do i need to do? i want to share files between both pc's. thanks07:31
dissectionThat didnt work07:31
usr13:!q     =   loose changes and quit07:31
Flatshmmm I just tried it07:31
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FlatsI got the :q right07:32
MeRodentdissection, <ctrl>z should kill it.07:32
Chriswaterguyhi - in Xubuntu, is there a way of moving windows without the mouse? Or a way of forcing the title bar to display? I have had trouble trying to change the size of windows, and ended up losing the title bar (the very top part of the window). Now I can "unmaximize" but this is useless as it's still taking up the whole screen and for some reason the mouse won't grab the edges of the window. [I...07:32
Chriswaterguy...asked at #Xubuntu but all is quiet there] 07:32
=== HymnToLife` [n=fkraiem@unaffiliated/hymntolife] has joined #ubuntu
FlatsHow do I install my serial driver in etc/modules?07:32
MeRodentChriswaterguy, using beryl or compiz?07:32
usr13Flats: But you have to hit the Esc key first, (to put you back into command mode).07:32
Flatsahhh yes, your right usr07:32
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FlatsI'm trying to remember from my solaris days07:33
=== shaun18 [n=shaun@ppp121-44-215-43.lns1.hba1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lan - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:33
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:33
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skinnypuppy1334 How would you open a new Gnome session in terminal ctl alt f207:33
usr13Flats: alias07:33
n2diyjessid: what type of network, wireless?07:34
usr13Flats: alais module-name07:34
Flatswell if my driver is actually /dev/ttyUSB0 would I put is alias /dev/ttyUSB0?07:34
jessidn2diy no, the are connected in a wired LAN07:34
dissectionMeRodent: Okay, I'm doing it using pico cause vim is too complicated. Just to make sure, the line I gotta comment out is "install nvidia_legacy /sbin/lrm-video nvidia_legacy $CMDLINE_OPTS", right?07:34
n2diyjessid: through a router, or crossover cable?07:35
usr13Flats: /dev/ttyUSB0  is a device file, not a driver module.07:35
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jessidn2diy it is a switch.07:35
MeRodentdissection, nope. Comment out the install nvidia /sbin/lrm-video nvidia $CMDLINE_OPTS07:35
Flatshow can I find a driver from a device name?07:35
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Flatsgetting a bit too deep for me now07:35
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usr13Flats, you will need to use the module name, (the module that needs to be loaded into the running kernel that runs the device).07:36
MeRodentdissection, Ie leave the nvidia_legacy and nvidia_new lines in.07:36
n2diyjessid: Hmm, never played with a switch, can you ping the switch?07:36
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MeRodentdissection, it shows you how it should look a little later.07:36
usr13Flats: What driver module have  you installed?07:36
Flatsusr13 I wish I knew.  It's a USB modem07:37
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MeRodentdissection, good news is you are almost there.07:37
FlatsIs there a way to find out07:37
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usr13Flats: If you used the package manager to install a driver module, it will be all set up.  No need to add commands to modules.conf07:37
jessidn2diy mmm i can ping the other PC07:37
usr13Flats: If it works now, it will work again on next session.07:38
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n2diyjessid: ahh, so the switch is working, can the other pc ping you?07:38
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usr13if you used the package manager to install it.07:38
=== smultron [n=lukas@cpe-67-9-146-21.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Flatsno, no package.  I built a pppd file to run the card.  I want to be able to use it as a modem as my instructions say to just install the serial driver in etc/modules07:38
=== DM| [n=dm@cpe-24-160-182-28.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
usr13usr13: Ubuntu / Debian is very convenient that way.07:38
smultronanyone here familiar with BackupPC?07:38
KlonoaMmm, Firefox question for anyone who might've run into the issue - is there a way to fix the oddball problem of the inability to copy an image to the clipboard?07:39
jessidn2diy: yes both pc can ping another onet07:39
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usr13Klonoa: Right click on the image and choose "save image as..."07:39
dissectionMeRodent: I tried to start gdm, it said starting gnome display manager  [OK] , but I'm still at the command line, and its not doing anything07:40
=== mikeh [n=mikeh@c-24-16-169-54.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
DM|Ok trying to install feisty on an older PC 850 mhz, and keep getting kernel panics, ive tried to install alternate CD and live CD neither work, anyone have an idea?07:40
usr13wwork around  ...07:40
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KlonoaYeah, but at the same time that's not a solution to the issue. :\07:40
=== cofeineSunshine_ [n=justinas@78-60-112-31.ip.zebra.lt] has joined #ubuntu
KlonoaWhy's it an issue in Linux Firefox distributions?07:40
dissectionoooooo it worked after i did gdm restart07:40
The_Giverhow can i change my computers nam e07:40
dissectionand got the nvidia logo07:40
MeRodentdissection, try ctrl atl f707:41
mikehto whom do i talk to find out how to shrink an avi file to fit on a single layer disc when converted to a video dvd file07:41
Flatsusr13 this help at all /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.2/usb3/3-107:41
usr13Klonoa: Not so sure that it is really....07:41
n2diyjessid: ok, do the boxes have the menu-system-remote desktop option?07:41
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MeRodentdissection, so it's working?07:41
KlonoaSurely someone must know why it's not there in Linux.07:41
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jessidn2diy yes!07:42
dissectionMeRodent: Yes its working, but I don't know if it'll crash again. Also, when Ubuntu started, it said new restricted drivers are in use. When I clicked on the icon in the system tray to view it, it said I need some other kernel for it07:42
jessidn2diy but i want to find the other pc using the nautilus...07:42
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MeRodentdissection, I think the new restricted drivers came up the first time for me too but doesn't any more.07:43
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n2diyjessid: good, that is the ticket, you'll have to do some config. Nautilus will play with the remote box, once both boxes are configed.07:43
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dissectionMeRodent: Is the nVidia logo supposed to show up only the first time? Or everytime before Ubuntu starts?07:43
MeRodentdissection, it should show before each start.07:43
dissectionOkay, I'm restarting the system to check it out07:44
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MeRodentdissection, but not when you log out07:44
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org_whats the default torrent program in gnome?07:44
DM|anyone know how to edit the grub list for a CD that you are burning for an install?07:44
dissectionMeRodent: Okay, its there. Working fine. So is there some kind of nVidia control panel or something that I can get by downloading something? How do I set the 3D settings n everything?07:44
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The_Giveranyway to change my host name... for some reason networking tools are not coming up on the graphnical interface07:45
arepiehello.. i just reformat my ubuntu, the problem is, the first time i install feisty, it detect my ATI card.. but now, it doesn't.. why?07:45
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jessidn2diy ok. So where to go now?07:45
n2diyThe_Giver: run the command hostname, check man hostname for the details.07:46
MeRodentdissection, there's a nvidia x server settings program in system tools but you need to run sudo nvidia-settings to save the settings from console.07:46
n2diyjessid: configure remote desktop on both machines.07:46
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jessidn2diy ok07:46
MeRodentdissection, keep in mind if the kernel is updated you may need to go through the instructions again. (I found it didn't happen with one of the kernel updates).07:47
The_Givern2diy, cant find it =(07:47
The_Giverset name doent work07:47
=== dissection-lappy [i=death@] has joined #ubuntu
WGGMkmy laptop has a broadcom wlan card. now i have the restricted drivers installed and bcm43xx-fwcutter and its working.. i just dl'ed the new -13 kernel for gusty gibbon.. and i need to use my "reinstall" the driver.. can i use the old files? fromt he -12 kernel?07:47
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n2diyThe_Giver: what does the command "hostname" return?07:48
dissection-lappyMeRodent: Okay, but this kernel issue won't be there with the next version of Ubuntu, right? I mean, nVidia will already be supported without this manual install?07:48
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MeRodentdissection-lappy, I beleive gutsy supports the latest nvidia cards natively.07:49
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dissection-lappyOkay, let me check out the nvidia settinsg thing07:49
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WGGMkdissection-lappy: Gusty does support the open source version of the nVidia drivers07:49
org_hey is there a torrent client installed with default gnome???? pls07:49
WGGMkorg_ yes07:49
dissection-lappyorg_: BitTorrent is installed.07:49
arepieHello.. i just reformat my ubuntu, the problem is, the first time i install feisty, it detect my ATI card.. but now, it doesn't.. why?07:50
jessidn2diy what do i have to configure? I know that i can connect to the other using vncviewer dir.ip07:50
=== comand [n=comand@c-71-198-47-110.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
org_dissection, can't find it in menu...07:51
n2diyjessid: it should be a similiar config, haven't done it in months, so I don't recall it off the top of my head.07:51
MeRodentdissection, I worked out where your problem with vim was btw.  vi and vim use : (colon) to get to command mode.07:51
comandOk, so I just updated my gutsy install, and after installing ~200 packages, the restricted drivers module is 'blocked' -- it shows up in the update manager, but is greyed out, so I can't install it.  This hoses my nvidia drivers -- does anyone know how I can fix this?07:51
org_WGGMk, whats the name of it? bittorrent isnt there.07:51
_0xfif i wanna make a small partition where i boot from07:51
dissectionorg_: For some reason its disabled from the menu. You can re-enable it using sudo alacarte07:51
_0xfi just make a /boot07:51
jessidn2diy ok07:52
dissectionMeRodent: Ah, I thought they were both the same.07:52
WGGMkorg_: oh gezz i dont remember.. lemme hunt for it07:52
Amaranthdissection: don't need it in the menu, just double click a torrent file07:52
n2diyjessid:  :) gl07:52
dissectionAmaranth: Sure, but he asked about it not showing up in the menu.07:52
org_dissection, its not even in my system. When i write bittorrent in terminal, nothing popup07:52
Amaranthdissection: vim does thing a little different when it's run as 'vi'07:52
MeRodent!gutsy | comand07:52
ubotucomand: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information07:52
comanduh, yeah -- I know it's unstable07:53
comandI'm just wondering why the restricted drivers module update would be 'blocked' by update manager?07:53
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comandI need this for my nvidia driver.07:53
org_comand, yea cause its not out yet. We're all waiting for it.07:53
MeRodentcomand, the point is to ask gutsy questions in #ubuntu+1 as the support for video is different we're unlikely to be able to help07:53
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Amaranthcomand: because the linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22-13-generic package is not available yet, boot from the -12 kernel07:54
org_comand, I have the same exact problem as yours. and it isnt a problem really, its just they are working on it still07:54
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WGGMkorg_: the default is BitTorrent. I think someone else might have already said it07:54
dissectionorg_: When you want to open a .torrent file, you'll have the option to open it using BitTorrent. Personally, I use deluge07:54
comandorg_: oic07:54
org_dissection, is deluge a package? I'm trying to installing it, but package is not found.07:54
org_E: Couldn't find package deluge07:55
dissectionorg_: You can find a debian pacakge for it on getdeb.net07:55
=== delirium_ [n=delirium@cpe-76-185-206-195.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
jessidn2diy ok, but what to do now?07:55
JavidMy numlock/scroll lock seem to be turning on and off at random, without me touching anything. This has just been happening today. What the crap?07:55
n2diyjessid: it should be a similiar config, haven't done it in months, so I don't recall it off the top of my head.07:56
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jessidn2diy mmm ok07:56
org_dissection, 5.5 is latest?07:57
dissection07:57:09AM <org_> dissection, 5.5 is latest?07:57
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dissectionoops sorry07:57
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dissectionorg_: Yes07:57
org_ah ok, im in gutsy. I can't find one for gutsy >_<07:57
_0xfif i wanna make a small partition where i boot from07:57
_0xfi just make a /boot07:57
org_only for feisty is out.07:57
The_Giverwhy would ctrl + alt + F1 / F2 not work on ubuntu?07:57
org_dissection, the thing is, I don't even have BitTorrent the default, does that means my system is screwed?07:57
n2diyjessid: every install and config is different, so it is impossible to guide you much further, good luck.07:57
org_The_Giver, it does.07:58
jessidn2diy thanks a lot07:58
dissectionorg_: Did you try opening a .torrent file?07:58
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org_The_Giver, I'd just guess you haven't configure your keyboard settings in the xorg.conf07:58
org_dissection, I need a GUI Torrent client, you know?07:58
WGGMkorg_: you should have BitTorrent as default.. im running Gusty amd64 right now07:58
org_WGGMk, I want a GUI program! >_<07:58
dissectionorg_: This IS a GUI torrent client.07:58
org_something like KTorrent07:58
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n2diyorg_: so install KTorrent, that will work in Gnome.07:59
The_Giverorg_, what do you mean.. i never had to do that before..07:59
The_Giverwhat should i be looking to change or add?07:59
dissectionMeRodent; Is there an app I can download for testing my 3D capabilities?08:00
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WGGMkorg_: when you click to save the .torrent file.. choose "Open With.." and your first choice in the drop down box should be "BitTorrent (default)" and that DOES have a GUI08:00
ckin2001dissection, sometimes you have glxgears by default08:00
=== Ademan [n=dan@h-67-101-42-160.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
org_WGGMk, but whats the command to run the torrent program, or there isn't any?08:00
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WGGMkorg_: double click? right click ---> Open / Open With?? im not sure im following ya08:01
ChriswaterguyMeRodent: (sorry, doing too many things). beryl or compiz? I don't even know what they are.08:01
jessidhow can i install a FTP server?08:01
MasterShrekorg_, transmission-gtk is a nice client if youre running gnome08:01
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ChriswaterguyMeRodent: pretty standard Xubuntu installation.08:02
tetrachanyone know where i can get a nvidia driver08:02
org_master_of_master, <3 finaly someone who understand me :)08:02
n2diyjessid: don't install ftp, it is not secure.08:02
jessidok ok!08:02
magnetrontetrach: use the "restricted driver manager" it will install the nvidia driver for you08:02
_0xfim installing ubuntu on my box right now, and i want to use truecrypt to encrypt an entire partition. but u cant encrypt a disk u boot from, so i wanna boot from a small spartition, do i just create /boot08:03
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magnetrontetrach: "restricted driver manager" will both download and install drivers for you08:03
n2diyjessid: read up on man stp, ssh, etc...08:03
MasterShrekorg_, its MasterShrek =P08:03
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jessidn2diy ok thanks08:03
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tetrachmagnetron: tks08:04
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_0xfanyone help me.?08:04
jearshsup _0xf?08:04
_0xfim installing ubuntu on my box right now, and i want to use truecrypt to encrypt an entire partition. but u cant encrypt a disk u boot from, so i wanna boot from a small spartition, do i just create /boot08:05
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_0xfand if so how big would it have to be08:05
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jearshwell...i'm no expert...but yea, i would have a separate partition for the kernel...and have the other partitions encrypted08:05
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_0xfso /boot / and /hda08:06
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Invert314is there such thing as a CLI word processor?08:06
jearshu mean... /boot / /swap08:06
n2diyInvert314: nano08:06
jearshInvert314, what about vi?08:06
jearshor nano08:06
IrreducibilisIs there a way to integrate an installation of Damn small linux onto my partition of Ubuntu?08:07
_0xf/boot /swap / and /hda08:07
rocky_Hi every one I have a dell 5100 inspiron and i want to know what kinda software and driver i need and where i can download it to beryl?08:07
_0xfhda root and swap will be encrypted08:07
_0xfi guess08:07
_0xfhow big should hte .boot be08:07
MasterShrekIrreducibilis, what do you mean "integrate"?08:07
magnetronInvert314: you could use a text editor (vim, nano) , and possibly add a formatting language (LaTeX)08:07
jearsh_0xf, my boot is 32.8 ...so i would guess 40ish08:07
jearsh32.8mb **08:07
_0xflol ok08:08
n2diyMasterShrek: good guestion! ;)08:08
Invert314ty n2diy, jearsh + magnetron08:08
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hhp2kHey everyone :)08:08
MasterShrek!virtualbox | Irreducibilis08:08
ubotuIrreducibilis: VirtualBox is open-source virtualization software for x86, with a proprietary "enterprise" version sporting additional features. Packages for Ubuntu are provided by the makers at http://www.virtualbox.org/ - Setup details at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/VirtualBox08:08
IrreducibilisLike, having grub display both installations, if I choose to, so I can just select which distro of linux08:08
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MasterShrekyes of course Irreducibilis, just edit your /boot/grub/menu.list08:08
IrreducibilisI am thinking of formatting and installing as many different distros as possible08:08
hhp2kI'm trying to configure a screensaver pack, and it's giving me problems. It's outputting08:08
hhp2kchecking for X11 application defaults directory... not found08:09
hhp2kconfigure: error: try using the --with-defaultdir=DIR option08:09
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MasterShrekIrreducibilis, take a look at that link ubotu gave u, it may be a better idea08:09
hhp2kWhat do I do for that?08:09
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jaek_is the restricted nvidia driver supposed to work in gusty?08:09
MasterShrekjaek_, #ubuntu+1, but yes08:10
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hazmanjaek_:  it works on mine08:10
MasterShrekit does, at least the one from nvidia's site works for me08:10
magnetron!gutsy > jaek_08:10
WGGMkjaek_: works fine here too08:10
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jaek_cool thanks, i'll start hanging out in +108:10
dissectionWhich repo do I need to enable in order to install beryl?08:11
MasterShrekjaek_, if you just upgraded to gutsy, try reinstalling the driver08:11
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jaek_dissection, search the wiki for compiz fusion08:11
MasterShrekdissection, youd be better off waiting for gutsy to be released and use fusion08:11
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rocky_any one get idea of what driver i could sue08:11
MasterShrekits only 12 days out or so08:11
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WGGMkjaek_: you shouldnt need to install the package from nVidia.. Gusty should do it for you08:11
MasterShrekrocky_, for what?08:11
dissectionMasterShrek: Okay, then can I install anything else to test my 3D performance?08:12
rocky_so i could use beryl08:12
MasterShrekrocky_, what kind of graphics card do you have?08:12
wedderburnwhen are the linux-backports-modules-2.6.22-13-generic for gutsy going to be available, thanks.08:12
jaek_WGGMk, right... i have it installed but i cant get it to work08:12
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dystopianraywedderburn: gutsy support only in #ubuntu+108:12
rocky_im not so sure i have to find out08:12
MasterShrekdissection, glxgears will give u framerates, but im not sure really waht there is out there for 3d performance benchmarking08:12
rocky_but its from dell08:12
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wedderburndystopianray: will do thanks08:13
dystopianraydissection: benchmark your 3d performance by testing applications you actually use08:13
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MasterShrekrocky_, take a look at the output of lspci -vv, it will tell you08:13
SmegzorI repaired grub but there is no menu.lst  How do I force it to make one?08:13
dissectionMasterShrek: glxgears is very basic.08:13
ckin2001dissection, sauerbraten is a good one (spelling?)08:13
dystopianrayglxgears is not a benchmark08:13
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MasterShrekim aware08:14
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nonecanthey whats up08:14
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Evolution2hey guys08:15
rocky_the driver is MemWINV+ VGASnoop08:15
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dystopianrayrocky_: you're trying to identify your video card?08:15
dystopianrayrocky_: just run lspci and it'll tell you08:15
rocky_and im use a max hard drive08:16
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Evolution2i would like to reinstall gnome because i keep getting errors when i open administration windows. i also have Kubuntu installed in the same partition. is there a way to reinstall it good as new, and if so would it effect anything i have in KDE08:16
n2diydystopianray: rocky_, lshw might help also.08:16
jdiamondDoes anybody know how to get an external USB drive to automatically re-mount after rebooting without having to unplug it and plug it back in again?08:16
dystopianraylspci is easier08:16
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n2diyonly if it is on the pci bus08:17
ckin2001jdiamond, couldn't you add an entry to /etc/fstab for the usb drive?08:17
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SmegzorCan someone please help me fix grub?  Ubuntu 7.04(32bit) install cd broke it and I'm stuck using a live cd (knoppix).08:18
dystopianraywhat video cards aren't on the pci bus?08:18
The_Giverhow do enable the multiverse and universe?08:18
dystopianrayThe_Giver: they are enabled by default in feisty08:18
The_Giveri tried the /etc/  ... list  but that didnt work.. i know there is a GUI way but i forgot08:18
The_Giverdystopianray,  i disabled them a while back08:18
FlannelThe_Giver: in software sources/properties, there are check boxes08:18
n2diydystopianray: most of mine, 96 hardware.08:18
jdiamondckin2001: I'll try looking that up.08:18
The_GiverFlannel,  hmm??? System -> admin ->??08:19
SmegzorIs lilo less trouble than grub?08:19
The_Giveroh i see it thanks08:19
FlannelThe_Giver: System > Admin > Software Properties (or Software Sources)08:19
dystopianrayThe_Giver: /etc/apt/sources.list08:19
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dystopianraySmegzor: hell no08:19
n2diydystopianray: correction,  this one is listed.08:19
nir0hi all! how do i turn off brightness control? it's broken to me, and when i work from battery it darkens display down to 0 :(((08:20
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Smegzorso how do I get grub to make menu.lst?  I have no idea why it didn't.08:20
dystopianraynir0: you can't increase it?08:20
nir0it's since gusty installed08:20
SmegzorI have a working grub with no boot instructions atm08:20
dystopianraynir0: gutsy support in #ubuntu+1 only08:20
nir0dystopianray when i trying increase it, it decreases08:20
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nir0dystopianray thanx08:21
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rocky_ok Im my video card is a VGA  but my ubuntu is in my driver=usb-storage08:21
dystopianrayrocky_: what video card do you have?08:22
SmegzorI reinstalled ubuntu twice and it failed to properly install grub twice.08:22
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dystopianraySmegzor: do you have boot record virus protection (or similar) enabled in your bios?08:22
Smegzordon't know.  I'll have to reboot to find out ^^08:22
n2diySmegzor: is it a Dell?08:22
Smegzornot a Hell08:23
dystopianraydells are great08:23
n2diySmegzor: Good, and good luck.08:23
dimychHello everyone! What if a program does not start (it says "error while loading shared libraries: libglitz.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"), but ldd <program> does not show libglitz at all? How is it possible?08:23
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Smegzorbrb  rebooting :/08:23
ckin2001i have a dell in my garage so i don't pull too far forward08:24
FatalErrordimych, perhaps the program uses dlopen() and prints the error?08:24
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dimychFatalError, let me check08:25
rocky_ok its ATI driver08:25
dystopianrayrocky_: what specific card do you have?08:25
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dimychFatalError, strings <program>|grep glitz does shows nothing.. How else can I check? In sources?08:26
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dystopianrayyes check the source08:27
dissection2So it seems the problem was not with the video driver. My Ubuntu froze again.08:27
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JavidMy numlock keeps switching on and off. Is there anything I can do about this?08:27
dystopianrayJavid: it does it randomly?08:27
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gonzoismJavid that is odd.08:28
FatalErrordimych, an easier approach may be to just install the missing library08:28
Javidsame with scroll lock08:28
magnetroni was thinking of installing xubuntu on a 32 MB ram laptop. is this doable?08:28
ckin2001javid, any other keys acting funny?08:28
JavidI wouldn't care except this is a laptop08:28
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ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!08:28
dystopianraymagnetron: probably not08:28
Javidsometimes it'll stick on and I can push the button to turn it off and it just turns back on again08:28
gonzoismmy brother was working on a site and it went live this week. http://www.crowdfunder.com   i'm proud.  he does work for facebook too.08:28
FatalErrordimond, but if you are really bent on finding out you could use LD_PRELOAD to hijack the dlopen() call ;P08:29
=== magnetron sighs over dystopianray's statement
dystopianraygonzoism: we don't want your spam08:29
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rocky_ati Mobility 7500 128mb08:29
dissection2Please help. My Ubuntu froze, and Ctrl+Alt+F1 is not sending me into the command line. But my nick on irssi still has a ping reply so some apps are still running properly.08:29
gonzoismdystopianray yeah, i know.08:29
rocky_is that right?08:29
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xjkxbooting ubuntu 7.04 livecd i had an error like no such user/module layer or something wtf08:29
dimychFatalError, I'm trying to troubleshoot a customer's issue, somehow the program runs on my system, but not on their's. And both systems have libglitz1 installed...08:29
dystopianrayrocky_: you are the only one who can be sure08:29
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rocky_yes thats the one Mobility 7500 ati 128mb08:30
dystopianraymagnetron: you'd probably want something really minimal, like damn small linux08:30
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beekurmaaahn, i installed 7.10 beta and it went on fine and my first act was to install nvidia-glx and then i ran the config, and restarted my X, but it doesnt boot right.  I went back to the old xorg.conf.  Still doesnt boot.  I uninstalled nvidia-glx.  still wont boot.08:31
dystopianraybeekur: gutsy support only in #ubuntu+108:31
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beekurit's not looking like a good ubuntu experience today.08:31
magnetrondystopianray: ok, thank you08:31
beekuroh im not really looking for support.08:31
ardinok, i've got 2 questions, but only one that really  matters to me right now. Why is my computer idling at 30% CPU usage. slack idled with the same stuff running at 5%.08:31
beekurjust sympathy, i guess.08:31
FatalErrordimych, you can use strace to find out where it's looking08:31
beekurbut thank you.08:31
dystopianraythis isn't the place to discuss gutsy08:31
dissection2Anyone know the problem? My Ubuntu freezes like 5 to 10 times atleast, everyday08:31
dystopianrayardin: use top to see what processes are using the most cpu08:32
gonzoismmagnetron slackware is good for older boxes.  also mepis has antiX.  you might have to play with it to install on anything less than 64mb but i bet it would run fine.  it has X on it, even though it is called antiX.08:32
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rocky_what could I do to get my beryl working again?08:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about temperature - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:33
gogetatrust me08:33
nascsa tutaj jacys polacy ?08:33
CaptainMorganpossible to monitor systems temps and speeds ?08:33
magnetron!pl | nasc08:33
ubotunasc: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl08:33
dimychFatalError, thanks for the tip. I will try strace.08:33
dystopianrayCaptainMorgan: fan speeds?08:33
dissection2Anyone know the problem? My Ubuntu freezes like 5 to 10 times atleast, everyday08:33
CaptainMorgandystopianray, that too08:33
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gonzoismmagnetron there is also www.linuxfromscratch.com   when i was on 32 mb with a 73mhz intel, linuxfromscratch ran great after i got it all installed.  and i learned a /whole lot/ about linux doing it.08:33
dystopianrayCaptainMorgan: what speed were you talking about?08:33
J-23tak, na #ubuntu-pl se id08:33
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CaptainMorgandystopianray, any!08:34
magnetrongonzoism: oh, great08:34
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dystopianrayCaptainMorgan: be more specific08:34
magnetrongonzoism: will take a lifetime to install all the apps i guess08:34
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gogetanot relly08:35
gogetai have a old m2 cyrax and 333mhz08:35
gogetarun linux fine08:35
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gogetanot my primay box anymore thow08:35
ardinxorg's taking up like, 10-15% all the time.. that doesnt seem right08:35
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gogetawith compiz it does08:36
dystopianrayardin: what video card do you have?08:36
gonzoismmagnetron doing linuxfromscratch would take me about 2 weeks to get a complete system with everything i needed and the majority of the stuff fine tuned.08:36
=== orchid` [n=orchid@oh-71-51-119-234.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
dimychdissection2, did you try ither system n the same PC?08:36
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gonzoismmagnetron but i was experienced and going through that stuff fast.08:36
magnetrongonzoism: gah08:36
ardinnvidia, running the nvidia drivers. and i dont have compiz running08:36
FatalErrordimond, also, they can try adding the path where the library is installed to LD_LIBRARY_PATH (if that works, then /etc/ld.so.conf might need updated)08:36
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gonzoismmagnetron   oh hey.  there is another way....08:36
dissection2dimych Try what?08:36
dystopianrayardin: what else is consuming the cpu?08:36
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gonzoismwhat is that distro with the emerge package system ?08:36
gogetamy cryx m2 runs ubuntu hehe08:36
dystopianraygonzoism: gentoo08:36
gogetabut i did change the window manage to xfce08:37
magnetrongonzoism: gentoo08:37
dimychFatalError, exactly, I will check that too, thanks!08:37
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gonzoismmagnetron gentoo would probably be the perfect one for it.08:37
gogetatext mode any distro will work08:37
ardinhonestly, thats the thing thats taking up the most. and i know for a fact on slack12 it didnt take up that much. i'm running xfce as the manager08:37
dimychdissection2, I meant "other", sorry08:37
dissection208:36:13AM <dimych> dissection2, did you try ither system n the same PC?08:37
gonzoismmagnetron but slack only requires 8mb i think.08:37
magnetrongonzoism: yeah, but i need X08:37
ardin16 actually08:37
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dissection2dimych: I don't understand.. other what?08:37
gogetayea you just need to change x to a lighter mode to work on older pcs08:38
dissection2My Ubuntu is freezing08:38
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dimychdissection2, other linux or even windows08:38
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gogetai had a 406 running fluxbox08:38
dissection2dimych: Yes, its only Ubuntu that is freezing08:38
gogeta16 mb08:38
dimychdissection2, my Ubuntu was rebooting (crashing), but it turned out to be a motherboard defect.08:38
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gonzoismmagnetron slackware has X  so does gentoo.08:39
gogetax needs at least 8mb ram to run08:39
gogetayou got that it will run on any pc08:39
gogetaless then 8mb you in text only08:39
JesseWanyone have any pointers on dealing with a barely supported onboard intel graphics system (specifically, 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G] /GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device)?08:39
dissection2dimych:I ran XP for like 40 days without a problem. Ubuntu freezes atleast 10 times everyday08:40
gogetaiv done plenty of legicy pcs and linux08:40
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dimychdissection2, sorry, have to go.. no ideas so far.08:41
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gonzoismgogeta X will run on 4mb.08:41
gogetawell it08:41
gonzoismgogeta lol, yep.08:41
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dissection2gogeta: Yes?08:41
magnetrondissection2: you may have an irq conflict. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingIRQProblems08:41
gogetayou shure its not the video locking up08:41
gogetanivida oss driver are great for that08:42
possgeekHi, Any body knows how can I have an openSuSE like start menu in ubuntu? http://news.opensuse.org/wp-content/uploads/2007/10/gnome-desktop.png08:42
KlonoaI think Gimmie has something like that.08:42
KlonoaNot sure how stable it is.08:42
gonzoismpossgeek yes.  there is a how to for that.  google the ubuntu howto.  it will be #1 result.  search that page for it.08:43
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possgeekgonzoism: how to ubuntu gimmie ?08:43
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JavidIs there a way to disable numlock status entirely+08:43
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gonzoismpossgeek man gimmie08:44
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dissection2magnetron: When I start the PC, I do get an unable to allocate memory resource error right before Ubuntu loads but I had been ignoring it.08:44
gonzoismpossgeek man gimmie08:44
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TtyS2i have installed php and apache but firefox wont open php files, it ask about what prog it should be open in, any one know a url to a manual about what else to do08:45
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magnetrondissection2: do a memtest at startup and see if it finds something08:45
mindrapeTtyS2 - you need to update your httpd.conf so it knows what to do with .php requests08:45
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mindrapeTtyS2 - ask in #PHP they will know exactly how to fix it I bet.  :)08:46
indravenihi all08:46
jijuhi all need help;08:46
gogetaim thibnking video08:46
jijufiles list file for package `libssl0.9.8' contains empty filename08:46
gogetai had a ati that was a champ at locking up my system08:46
jijui m trying apt-get upgrade.. and it errors08:46
indraveniin my firefox browser, i am seeing that one of my site, which uses hindi font is not dipalying the hindi font properly inside the combobox08:46
jijufiles list file for package `libssl0.9.8' contains empty filename08:46
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indraveniwhereas, in IE I am not facing any such problem in for combobox content08:47
indraveniwhy is this case only for firefox ?08:47
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gonzoismjiju  maybe apt-get update first.08:47
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jijuhi.. i did apt-get update.. already..08:48
gonzoismjiju   you have to sudo that though:  sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get upgrade08:48
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jijusure.. I usually do sudo -i first..08:48
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gonzoismjiju if you want to delete the package, so that it gets downloaded again, you can go to /var/cache/apt/archives/  and delete the package and try it again.08:49
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jijuwill try that now..08:49
_0xfCan anyone help me with installation of dlink usb wirelss on ubuntu08:50
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gonzoism_0xf run: sudo wifi-radar08:52
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rommelhchow install codec to view .wma videos ?!08:54
gogetaubuntu should do it for you08:55
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magnetronrommelhc: install the ubuntu-restricted-extras package08:56
dissection2magnetron: I'm running the memtest now. Under L2 cache, it says Unknown. Is that a problem?08:56
magnetrondissection2: i don't know08:56
jijuwell gonzoism: I did exactly the same.. and the same error again08:56
rommelhcmagnetron, whit apt-get ?08:56
gogetadefently not good08:56
gogetaunknown error or just unknown08:56
ardinok, heres one for you guys. AC3 audio takes up a ton of cpu when trying to watch a movie or a tv show.. to the point where i cant watch it cause the video skips. i dont know if theres a better ac3 driver or what08:57
gogetamplayer ownez you08:57
magnetronrommelhc: yes, apt-get, synaptic or applications > add/remove08:57
ardinyeah, i was using mplayer08:57
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J-23or Aptitude ;)08:57
gogetai was just watching mplayer with h264 aac08:57
gogetacant get any more cpu intensiv ten that08:58
gogetano problem08:58
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gogetashure your pc not just weak hehe08:58
rommelhcmagnetron, ok thanks..08:58
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ardingogeta: i have a 1.2ghz athlon. however, they worked fine on windows with no problems, i dont see why i have this problem on linux. i know its not the video driver or the video codec08:58
gogetayou can try turning on the post prossing and buffer08:59
gogetamight fix it08:59
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gogetai also enables the dubble buffer and direct rendering09:00
rommelhcmagnetron, can i view videos in sites with mozilla ? because i dont see videos, i try all :/09:00
gogetaand change the driver from x11 to xv09:00
jijuhmm.. I am almost on the verge of a reinstall..09:00
magnetronrommelhc: the ubuntu-restricted-extras package will fix that too09:00
gogetasee how that setup treats you09:00
jijuand this time.. I may have to think twice.. before installing ubuntu09:00
gogetai havent gotten to you yet lol09:01
anto_Uhm, how on earth do i change my god dam ugly login screen?09:01
jijui am in a fix..09:01
ardin"enable postprocessing by default" quality: "#"09:01
ubotuTo change the Gnome splash screen, use !gnome-splashscreen-manager or change the GConf key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image using !gconf-editor.09:01
jijucant install anything  till  files list file for package `libssl0.9.8' contains empty filename, this error goes away09:01
rommelhchahaha magnetron great perfect !09:02
rommelhcthanks ! magnetron09:02
rommelhc=) a lot09:02
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gogetaardin well changing the video to xv and using direct rendering should help09:03
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The_Giverhow do update an old program to the latest version via sudo-apt get install  vim ... do i do somethign like update install09:03
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gogetayou will need to restart mplayer after then try the vid09:03
KlonoaEh, I'ma take off, but I'll throw out the question one more time to be safe.09:04
KlonoaAnyone know how to enable "Copy Image to Clipboard" in Firefox?09:04
ardingogeta: video's always been on xv. its the audio that i'm having problems with. like i said, i never had problems with it on windows. i just need something that changes the settings for ac3 or something09:04
KlonoaIt's like, not in the Linux version. >_<09:04
KlonoaYet Opera has it.09:04
gogetathen disable the post prossing09:04
gogetaif it was on09:04
rommelhcThe_Giver, sudo apt-get install "progam", it subscribe for new version09:04
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gogetasometimes it works sometimes it can be a issue09:04
gogetamight be getting cought up in the buffer09:05
gogetai do not have this issue i play ac3 no problem09:05
gogetaand aac09:05
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gogetamight be a mplayer issue on slower pcs try using vlc meda player09:07
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gogetablaming the driver isnt always correct09:07
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Coded1what model of video card is ok for under 100$?  i was looking for a bit of 3d desktop09:08
ardinalready tried vlc, it has the same problems.09:08
gogetanividas have the best drivers for linux09:08
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Coded1i heard about ati releasing specs, has any thing come of that?09:09
gogetathe fatest gforce you can find in that price range09:09
gogetanot yet09:09
gogetais coing thow09:09
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gogetaif you dead set on ati then a xt serise readion09:09
Coded1they only released the specs for the r500 series i think?09:10
gogetathere cheap and perform well09:10
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juliushavent they opensourced the R500/600 drivers?09:10
Coded1just the specs from what ive heard09:10
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Coded1something like 1000+ pages09:10
Coded1that was just for 2d so far09:10
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Coded1not sure when they are gonna release 3d but right now its all talk09:11
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graelbHi there09:12
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graelbI'm trying to connect to a windows machine via VNC, with the realvnc server set up on the windows machine...09:12
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graelbi keep getting a ReadFromRFBServer: rdr::SystemException: read: Connection reset by peer (104)09:13
graelb error09:13
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graelband i'm not sure how to fix it09:13
graelbany ideas?09:13
mindrapeanybody know how to jump to a line number in an ISPF screen? (MVS... sorry for not being Linux-like)09:13
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zobbograelb, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-337104.html09:13
mindrapeie; if I'm looking at line 40 and I want to get to 40998 anyway to get their without scrolling for eons?09:13
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habitantehola, comunidad09:14
habitantenecesito una consulta09:14
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habitantesobre el fstab09:14
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Coded1ctrl+home|end i think09:15
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Sontax`lapHey can some 1 help me09:16
Sontax`lapi just updated my ubuntu im running the new beta09:16
Sontax`lapand now my screen cant go to 1280x80009:16
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Sontax`lapIm running older kernel now here i can get 1024x76809:16
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Sh4wnI've got a little problem after today's updates..09:17
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Sontax`lapSome 1 can help me with that ?09:17
Sontax`lapI think new drivers needed but im not that good at linux09:17
gogetasontax you using nivda/ati binarys?09:17
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Sontax`lapi have an 7300go09:17
undauntedspiritHey guys, I'm trying to label a flash drive formatted with FAT32, anyway to do that without reformatting it and adding the label then?09:17
Sh4wnAccording to thye update manager I had to restart, so I did09:17
gogetamight have changed your driver back top oss09:17
Sontax`laprunning on laptop09:17
Sontax`lapHow do i change it ?09:18
gogetashoukld pop up in restreted09:18
Sh4wnbut now it won't start anymore because it can't detect my screen and graphics card properly09:18
gogetajust turn it back on09:18
Sontax`lapit doesn't09:18
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Sh4wnAnd I'm using Ubuntu 7.10 beta09:18
Sontax`lapm2 sh4wn09:18
gogetathe go to the restrted driver manager09:18
tux78does anyone know why ubuntu server wants to reboot automacilty after the grub?09:18
Sontax`lapi have the same problem09:18
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Sh4wnand yes, I've got the nvidia drivers installed09:19
Sontax`lapi see09:19
Sontax`lapdriver not inuse09:19
Sontax`lapi gonna try that09:19
gogetaeasy fix09:19
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Sontax`lapbut my wireless isn't even working to on the new kernel09:19
gogetaprobly in the same manager09:20
Sontax`lapthe other 2 are in use09:20
Sontax`lapi will look there09:20
Sontax`lapits installing09:20
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Sontax`lapthx for now maby u see me back in a min09:20
Sh4wnSontax`lap you have any graphical UI?09:20
gogetayea he did09:20
gogetahe couldent get full rez09:20
gogetait was using the oss driver again09:21
Sontax`lapsh4wn run the older kernel09:21
gogetawhy do that09:21
Sh4wnHow can I do that? 0:)09:21
gogetareenabling on new will work to09:21
Sontax`lapit worked for me09:21
gogetashould anyways09:21
Sontax`laprestarting now09:21
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Sh4wngogeta re-enabling the new kernel?09:21
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gogetarestreted drivers09:21
Sh4wnWell, the only thing i got is a root shell09:22
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Sh4wnCan't get any further09:22
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gogetai dont knope if tht has a text mode or not09:22
Sh4wnyes it is09:22
gogetai mean the manager09:23
graelbThe post says i need to look in /etc/xinetd.d/Xvnc , and... i don't have that file09:23
gogetayou can try to reconfigure x09:23
Sh4wnWhat should I change?09:23
gogetathen reenable the driver09:23
gogetayou can use a guided mode09:23
dissection2How many tests is memtest86+ supposed to do?09:24
gogetadpkg recofigure xserver-xorg09:24
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gogetadont forget sudo09:24
Coded1whats the cheapest apg card that will give me dual head spinning cubes?09:24
Sh4wnI'll try that09:24
gogetamight have to use vesa for now09:24
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gogetajust to get to x09:24
gogetathen reenable the video drivers09:24
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anto_Heya, how do i change the slash screen on my computer when i try and use kdmtheme it says its not a valid slash theme but i downloaded it from www.kde-look.org09:25
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Sh4wnYeah it can't detect my graphic card so it already uses vesa09:25
Sontaxhim running new kernel now09:25
crazy6so what should I use to read .doc files? OpenOffice is so... huge and slow...09:25
Sontaxhbut now it says ubuntu is running in low graphics mode09:25
tux78how do i go about fixin daper drake all it wants to do is reboot reboot09:25
gogetawell you have a ui so go to the manager09:25
gogetaand enable the card09:25
SontaxhNo it says that while booting09:25
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n2diydissection2: I don't know, but it seems to like to run forever. I'f you aren't seeing alarms, your probably good to go after an hour or two?09:25
undauntedspiritHey guys, I'm trying to label a flash drive formatted with FAT32, anyway to do that without reformatting it and adding the label then?09:25
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SontaxhRunning local boot scripts09:26
gogetasounds like it does no have a driver for your card in the oss mode09:26
SontaxhThan it pops up09:26
Bossmanbeta..when i try to ssh from 1 ubuntu box to the other with the dynamic option on (i.e. -D 9500) I get this error when trying to browse via socks proxy "open failed: administratively prohibited: open failed" ... interestingly the AllowTcpForwarding was NOT in my sshd_config, even when I added it & restarted ssh, still getting the same error.09:26
gogetamust be a newer card09:26
Sontaxhi have an 7300go in it09:26
Sontaxhyea i think im in now09:26
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Sontaxhi pressed configure and select my card09:27
dissection2n2diy: Its been running from the past 40 minutes. It doesnt say anything about how many tests it'll run. I get an "Unable to allocate memory resource error" when before Ubuntu loads..09:27
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n2diydissection2: is memtest displaying red messages?09:28
alecwhI'm having some problems with a new fiesty install. For some reason, no matter what I do, I can't access any websites, or IM networks. It's really odd, and I am connected to my network, in fact, I installed many updates and installed many programs from the internet, but I can't accesss websites. I tried "ping google.com", and I got a few responses, I took the IP, and that worked perfectly in my  browser. Can someone help?09:28
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dissection2n2diy: None so far09:28
dystopianrayundauntedspirit: i'm pretty sure the mtools package has something you can use to label fat partitions09:28
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Bossmanbeta..when i try to ssh from 1 ubuntu box to the other with the dynamic option on (i.e. -D 9500) I get this error when trying to browse via socks proxy "open failed: administratively prohibited: open failed" ... interestingly the AllowTcpForwarding was NOT in my sshd_config, even when I added it & restarted ssh, still getting the same error. Any ideas?09:28
n2diydissection2: then it isn't finding ram errors.09:28
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undauntedspiritdystopianray: Yeah, I've been reading through the man pages, but still can't figure it out.09:28
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dystopianrayalecwh: it works when you specify the IP but now when you specify the domain?09:29
alecwhdystopianray: yeah. Weird, I konw. And I can't get on MSN or AIM.09:29
dystopianrayalecwh: there is something wrong with your DNS09:29
dissectionn2diy: Any idea what else could be causing those errors before Ubuntu loads? I can't seem to find anything..09:29
alecwhdystopianray: I've got 3 other computers in the house working perfectly.09:29
dystopianrayalecwh: check the dns settings09:30
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dystopianrayalecwh: /etc/resolv.conf lists the nameservers your machine is using, compare to the other machines09:30
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n2diydissection2: try booting with the nodma switch.09:30
alecwhdystopianray: Ill try.09:31
Sh4wnSontaxh I've exactly the same09:31
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Sontaxhwhen i try to open the restriced drivers09:31
Sontaxhit says i need to isntall in for the new kernell\09:31
dissectionn2diy: What does that do? And how do I do that?09:31
dystopianraySontaxh: what kernel are you using?09:31
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Sontaxhthe new 1 i think09:32
dystopianraySontaxh: gutsy support only in #ubuntu+109:32
alecwhdystopianray: I just compared them, and they are exactly the same.09:32
Sh4wnOk, I'll join that one :')09:32
dystopianrayalecwh: are the other machines running ubuntu?09:33
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alecwhyes, except the one that is having problems is gusty09:33
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dystopianrayalecwh: gutsy support only in #ubuntu+109:33
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n2diydissection2: dma is direct memory access, so your perphirals can't control it. I forget how to employ it, I haven't done an install in over a year! Someone here should be able to tell you? When your booting the CD, you should have boot options with F2, F3, etc...09:34
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dissectionn2diy: I have Ubuntu installed already09:34
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n2diydissection2: Did you add new hardware recently?09:35
dissectionn2diy: No, its a laptop.09:35
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dissectionI installed Ubuntu just 2 days ago09:35
n2diydissection2: Did Ubuntu ever work on the laptop?09:35
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dissectionIt works but freezes at random times09:36
majnoonhi hi ,i'm upgrading to gutsy (so far so good) WISH ME LUCK09:36
dystopianraymajnoon: you won't receive gutsy support in this room09:37
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n2diyI plan to live forever, so far so good, wish me luck! :)09:37
majnoonafter around the 15th i WILL09:38
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dystopianray18th is the planned release date AFAIK09:38
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majnooni said AROUND09:38
n2diydissection2: No errors during the install?09:38
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Pirate_Hunterwhich file must I edit to increase boot time in grub?09:38
dissectionn2diy: Nope, no errors.09:39
FlannelPirate_Hunter: /boot/grub/menu.lst09:39
Pirate_Hunter:) thanx09:39
coreymon77for some reason im still awake at 3;40 in the morning09:39
majnoonplus unstable in ANY linux is like only TWENTY times more stable then windows :)09:39
coreymon77and on irc fir that matter09:39
coreymon77maniacmusician: only twenty09:39
n2diydissection2: Can you boot into a terminal?09:39
majnoonstable like 200 times more stable09:40
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dissectionn2diy: My Ubuntu works fine, so I can go into Terminal anytime. Just that it freezes randomly. Sometimes an hour after I boot, sometimes, 10 hours later, sometimes several times a n hour09:40
n2diycoreymon77: your clock is fast.09:40
coreymon77majnoon: only09:40
coreymon77n2diy: nope09:41
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majnooneven 5 times more sttable would be LARGE jump09:41
Pirate_Hunterif i use sudo bash and want to go back to normal user again what is the command for that?09:41
coreymon77n2diy: im just wierd09:41
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n2diycoreymon77: ok, maybe I'm slow, 13:41 now09:41
majnoonupgrade slowing my puter som09:42
dystopianrayPirate_Hunter: 'exit' or press ctrl+d09:42
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dissectionPirate_Hunter : exit09:42
coreymon77n2diy: its called time zones09:42
majnoonSat Oct  6 03:42:32 EDT 200709:42
n2diycoreymon77: no, time zones don't differ by five minutes.09:42
majnoon<<has *buntu09:42
murlidhari want install lh-abc torrent client . can anybody help me install the client since it does not have a binary package09:43
Pirate_Hunterdissection: doesnt that still keep your pass save meaning others can log in by typing sudo bash 0_o???09:43
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coreymon77n2diy: im talking AM bere09:43
dystopianraymurlidhar: why do you want to install that client?09:43
n2diycoreymon77: we have the same time.09:43
dissectionPirate_Hunter: No, it'll logout of the root session.09:43
dystopianrayPirate_Hunter: sudo -k09:43
Pirate_Hunterdissection: kk thanx amigo09:43
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coreymon77n2diy: ya, 3:43 am is not 13:4309:43
majnoonmaybe they should come out with a buntu that has EVERYTHING09:43
coreymon77n2diy: its 3:4309:44
dissectionPirate_Hunter: You can type sudo -k to clear the pass from the cache09:44
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murlidhardystopianray: cuz i already have it in my windows and i would like it in this distro as well for i am used to that client09:44
anto_Can somone help me change my login screen?09:44
n2diycoreymon77: sorry, typo.09:44
Pirate_Huntermajnoon: They have its called ubuntu ultimate or something on those lines and it is around 3.2GB09:44
majnoonanto_, which buntu you using ??09:44
anto_majnoon, Xubuntu with kde409:44
majnoonkdm kinda pain09:45
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Pirate_Hunterdissection: hola mi no habla espanhol lol... dont mind me its just too early in the mourn for me09:45
coreymon77n2diy: major typo09:45
majnoonshould be a section in settings program09:45
majnoon<<has *buntu09:45
n2diydissection2: Could it be static electricity? Ground yourself after leaving the laptop, and then returning to it.09:45
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n2diycoreymon77: no, not major, a 1 vs a 0.09:46
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coreymon77n2diy: diff of 11 hours though09:46
dissectionn2diy: Uh, that can cause Ubuntu to freeze? Thats odd @_@09:46
n2diycoreymon77: wrong, 12 hours!09:46
majnoonthough i've seen gnome,kde,and xfce pretty interchangable09:47
kritzstapfis there a tool like dvdshrink for windows to compress dvd-files? ive got a 4,8GB dvd and my burner is not able to burn double layer :/09:47
coreymon77n2diy: and 1 and 0 are on the complete other side of the keyboard09:47
coreymon77wrong, 1109:47
Pirate_Hunterisnt there a site that holds a list of apps for ubuntu... I ask this cause university has started and I want to try & do all my work through ubuntu but im missing stuff like html editor, c++ compiler etc09:47
dystopianraykritzstapf: k9copy or just use dvdshrink in wine09:47
n2diycoreymon77: I have a numeric keypad, where they are next to each other.09:48
majnooncoreymon77, THAT why you use keypad :P09:48
coreymon77n2diy: i mean, ten09:48
dystopianrayPirate_Hunter: packages.ubuntu.com09:48
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coreymon77majnoon: laptop09:48
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coreymon77majnoon: no numpad09:48
n2diydissection2: I don't know, something funny, like static electricity, RF, etc...09:48
majnooneven they USUALLY have some kinda peypad09:48
dystopianrayPirate_Hunter: you'll need to install build-essential if you want to do C or C++ programming09:48
Pirate_Hunterdystopianray: thats a needle in a haystack I was hoping for something more obvious than that which has suggested programs that ueser have used... I hate getting apps only to find out they are crap09:49
dissectionPirate_Hunter: Pretty much everything you need is there in your repositories that you can access from Applications > Add/Remove Programs09:49
majnoon(may need to push a function key)09:49
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dystopianrayPirate_Hunter: what sort of app are you specifically looking for?09:49
coreymon77majnoon: ya, the row at the yop of the keyboard09:49
majnoonyop yop yop09:49
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coreymon77that one09:50
kritzstapfdystopianray: thanks i tried k9copy, but i cant find an option to tell it that i want the image to be only 4,3GB, ill try shrink09:50
Pirate_Hunterdystopianray: we could start with a good html editor, VB - c++ compiler09:50
CommonCloneI'm having some problems setting up my home network, is there a way for me to view my other computer in the network folder without doing anything crazy like ssh09:50
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dystopianrayPirate_Hunter: html editor = any text editor, there is no VB compiler, build-essentialf or C/C++09:50
majnoondystopianray, isn't gambas CLOSE ??09:51
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n2diycoreymon77: Trivia: Why is it never appropriate to use 24:00 as a time designation?09:51
coreymon77CommonClone: what do you mean by "view"09:51
dystopianraymajnoon: pardon?09:51
coreymon77n2diy: 24:00 is 0:0009:51
Pirate_Hunterdystopianray: your telling me they haven't got something close to frontpage for ubuntu that can't be right09:51
majnoongambas isn't it a VB clone ??09:51
CommonCloneI just want to be able to see my other computer in the network folder, and be able to move files around09:51
Pirate_Hunterdystopianray: well thanx ill look into those09:52
dystopianrayPirate_Hunter: frontpage is a horrible piece of crap09:52
dystopianrayPirate_Hunter: there are WYSIWYG web page creators, but they are usually always terrible09:52
majnoonopen office + ftp better09:52
n2diycoreymon77: No, there is only 23:59:57 in a day, that is why we have a leap year. :)09:52
coreymon77n2diy: same way as you dont say 1 minute 60 seconds09:52
coreymon77n2diy: wrong09:52
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murlidharOk i have installed lh-abc on my pc and able to run through terminal but am not able to run it from desktop launcher . the error says permission denied09:53
coreymon77n2diy: we have a leap year because there are 365 and a quarter dys each year09:53
Pirate_Hunterdystopianray: (-_-) I know but sometimes its about productivity how much cna I do with an app like that wihtout having to remember all the tags especially since I'll have to do more than one assignment at a time09:53
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Voker57What's the correct architecture for Intel Core Quad?09:53
dystopianrayVoker57: x8609:53
coreymon77n2diy: every four years that equals an extra day09:53
n2diycoreymon77: Then why do we subtract a day every four years, we should be adding them?09:54
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coreymon77n2diy: we dont09:54
CommonClonecoreymon77: when I open my network folder all I see is windows network, and there is nothing in it, I want to be able to access my other computer on my home network09:54
coreymon77n2diy: we add a day in february09:54
dystopianrayPirate_Hunter: if you check packages.ubuntu.com there should be several WYSIWYG web page creators09:54
n2diycoreymon77: Whoops, brain cramp.09:54
coreymon77n2diy: ya. no kidding09:55
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Pirate_Hunterdystopianray: yeha will do now going to boot to xp and finish installing what i was doing last night09:55
cyph3xmy wifi keeps dying out and it seems no one has an answer to this particular problem. wehenver i hibernate my wifi dies and it reandomly pops back on09:55
n2diycoreymon77: Anyway, we have to add a day every four years, because a day is not 24:00 long, so that is how we compensate for it.09:56
cyph3xany ideas?09:56
majnoonok one thing i was wondering ,is the reason dpkg and etc. take so long it does ldconfig a lot ??09:56
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murlidharDetails: Failed to execute child process "/home/murlidhar/LH-ABC_3.2.0/lh-abc.py" (Permission denied)09:57
coreymon77n2diy: ya, its longer than 24 hours09:57
cyph3xi think ill just go ack to windows09:57
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saoriDoes anyone know why my title bar vanishes when I turn on Compiz?09:57
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majnooncyph3x, ack is correct09:57
coreymon77n2diy: if it was shorter than 24, we would subtract a day, not add09:57
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cyph3xha well i havent had much luck with ubuntu while windows seems to run all of my basic peripherals perfectly soooo09:58
cyph3xfor example... wifi09:58
dystopianraycyph3x: stick to what you know best09:58
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n2diycoreymon77: Nooo,,,, You have to add  to account for the short days.09:58
cyph3xon ubuntu it kinda works when it wants to and when it stops.... it wil start up again apparently at random?09:59
KlonoaI seem to have destroyed my Firefox install.09:59
k4uHi, my internal harddisks won't connect at startup. how do i auto connect them, without entering a pass every time?09:59
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KlonoaEven reinstalling it via apt-get, it still won't load up.09:59
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KlonoaAnybody got any ideas?09:59
dystopianraycyph3x: what wifi chip do you have?09:59
saoriNo one using Compiz or Desktop Effects or whatever its called, having this problem?09:59
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cyph3xi have an atheros09:59
majnooni think i have like 5 or 6 diff versions of firefox09:59
KlonoaI can get Iceweasel to run, but that's it. -_-;10:00
cyph3x*shrug it comes default with lenovo z series10:00
dystopianrayatheros usually works without issue10:00
majnoonyou try tarball downloads ??10:00
KlonoaI had nothing but trouble with the Atheros cards.10:00
KlonoaFinally just got an Intel.10:00
KlonoaWorks wonders.10:00
dystopianrayyes Intel is excellent10:01
majnooni have iceweasel,swiftfox,ff,flock,and songbirf10:01
cyph3xbut it isnt just my wifi card either10:01
murlidharplease somebody help me i do not want to launch my terminal to open a application everytime10:01
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majnoonmurlidhar, try alt+f210:01
alecw1Hello! I have the beta of Gusy Gibbn, and I'm connected to my network. I candownload packages, and install things (apt-get), but I can't access anywebsites or IM networks. I've got 2 other fiesty computers workingfine, and my /etc/resolv.conf matches with all of them. If I ping thewebsite I want to access, get the IP, and put that into the browser, itDOES work. But domains don't. Can someone help? Also, my sound isn't working... I've got no id10:01
cyph3xwhen i reboot/hibernate/suspend things just randomly stop worling... like my wifi and sound?10:01
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dystopianrayalecw1: gutsy support only in #ubuntu+110:02
alecw1dystopianray: I tried there. :(10:02
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majnoonuntil the 18th or so10:03
dystopianrayalecw1: try harder, you will not receive help here10:03
dystopianraycyph3x: some hardware is flakey with hibernate and suspend10:03
alecw1dystopianray: Ok, sorry.10:03
cyph3xit sucks because i really hate "profteering gluttons" -- but... it works consistently10:03
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dissectionMy swap usage is always 0 bytes. How can I fix that?10:03
cyph3xdystopianray: how would i fix that then?10:03
k4uHi, my internal harddisks won't connect at startup. how do i auto connect them, without entering a pass every time?10:04
dystopianraycyph3x: use windows10:04
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alecw1dystopianray: I don't think my problem is gusty specific.10:04
cyph3xalrighty then.10:04
dystopianrayalecw1: install feisty and reproduce it, then we will help10:04
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majnoonok one thing i was wondering ,is the reason dpkg and etc. take so long it does ldconfig a lot ??10:04
dystopianraydissection: do you have any swap enabled?10:04
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ardink4u: i would say to edit /etc/fstab .. except i think theres a way to to it with a graphical thing somewhere.10:05
alecw1dystopianray: It happened when I installed fiesty with my laptop, same thing, but I forgot what I did to fix it.10:05
dystopianrayalecw1: as long as you're running gutsy you won't be helped here10:05
dissectiondystopianray: I set a 4GB Swap while installing. But in system monitor, it shows the usage as 0 bytes. Do I need to enable that partition from somewhere?10:05
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dystopianraydissection: does it say you have 0 swap, or you have swap but it just hasn't been used?10:06
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alecw1dystopianray: ok.10:06
k4uardin: Okay, you don't know the graphical?10:06
dissectiondystopianray: Yes, I have swap but 0 is used at all ties.10:06
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dystopianraydissection: how much ram do you have?10:06
ardink4u: sorry, i have no idea how to do it graphically.10:06
dystopianraydissection: you're probably just not doing anything that has required swapping10:06
k4uokay, thnx anyway10:06
punzadadissection, you should make sure your swap partition is listed in your /etc/fstab10:06
ardini would assume someone here does10:06
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punzadaI actually perfer to just use a swap file rather then a partition, always makes the most sense to me with modern components10:07
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dystopianrayk4u: give the drives fstab entries10:07
tifinehello, everybody10:07
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knightwisehey tfine10:07
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dissectionpunzada: This is what I have in fstab...... # /dev/sda410:08
dissectionUUID=4350603b-feb3-48fd-ac96-a949304b8837 none            swap    sw              0       010:08
knightwisei was wondering .. does anyone know of a good apt get package to install an rdp server on ubuntu ?10:08
dissection/dev/hda        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto     0       010:08
ardindystopianray: there isnt a gui for the fstab yet? wow10:08
dissectionWoops, sorry I thought that'll be one line10:08
murlidhar please somebody help me i do not want to launch my terminal to open a application everytime10:08
dystopianrayardin: I have no idea, I do not use any gui admin tools10:08
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ardinmurlidhar: whats wrong?10:08
tifinei would like to play vcd, dvd on ubuntu but getting some weird errors tried  Totem, Mplayer, Vlc any body here :( ?10:08
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dystopianraytifine: have you installed libdvdcss ?10:09
knightwisemurlidhar.. use a shortcut on the desktop10:09
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k4udystopianray: What do you mean?10:09
punzadathe less gui tools the better in my opinion, config files are written and commented so well it makes things so simple that way10:09
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knightwisetfine .. install the automatix script10:09
murlidharthaks i tried using desktop shortcut but is not working10:09
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dystopianrayk4u: it sounds as though the drives have not been setup in fstab and so aren't being automatically mounted properly on boot10:09
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tifinedystopianray:yep i installed  libdvdcss210:09
dystopianraytifine: knightwise: NO, do not use automatix10:09
dystopianraytifine: did you install gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly ?10:10
murlidharit says Details: Failed to execute child process "/home/murlidhar/LH-ABC_3.2.0/lh-abc.py" (Permission denied)10:10
k4udystopianray: I CAN see them, but when i want to open, i have to enter pass.. and THEN i can use them troughout ubuntu10:10
knightwisemurlidhar . whats the command that you use10:10
k4umurlidhar: try sudo?10:10
knightwisetfine .. why not ?10:10
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dystopianrayk4u: as I said, you need to edit your fstab10:10
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tifinedystopianray: yes indeed10:10
k4udystopianray: And that is where?10:10
murlidharknightwise: python lh-abc.py10:10
dystopianrayk4u: /etc/fstab10:10
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dissectionpunzada: is that right?10:11
k4udystopianray: okay, let's try10:11
knightwisei have and old thin client at home and would like to hook it up to my ubuntu machine10:11
r-wolfnevertheless, in that case you have to know which config has to be edited10:11
tifinedystopianray: Knightwise:  okie lets see guys10:11
k4udystopianray: okay, i'm in that file now. but which changes to make?10:11
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dystopianrayk4u: i don't know exactly what you want to do10:12
ardinpunzada: last i heard, ubuntu was made for the desktop end user. It'll never get there without graphical admin tools like ways to change xorg settings or edit fstab without thinking.10:12
r-wolfwhy doesn't feisty's GUI package manager see packages on livecd?10:12
knightwiseubuntu was not specificly made for the desktop10:12
tifinedystopianray:  can you please help me out with dvd, vcd thinga ?10:12
k4udystopianray; If i boot up my ubuntu. and i click on a disk, it asks me for a pass. THAT shouldn't happen, it should just connect10:12
coreymon77goodnight everyone10:12
dystopianraytifine: i don't know how to help any further10:12
dystopianrayk4u: pastebin your fstab10:12
knightwisek4d ..  are you connecting to a samba drive ?10:13
tifineany geek here wana help for playing vcd or dvd10:13
dystopianrayknightwise: he said they were internal drives10:13
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knightwisehmm sudo mount in fstab ?10:13
r-wolfI mean, why doesn't feisty's GUI package manager see packages on liveDVD from which it all has been installed?10:14
punzadadissection, by typing 'free' in terminal it recognizes the swap is there correct10:14
knightwisetfine check your private10:14
k4uknightwise: samba? no.. it's just an internal drive...10:14
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dystopianrayardin: there are gui tools for configuring xorg.conf and fstab10:14
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dissectionpunzada: Yes, it shows up there but used is 0.10:14
dystopianrayk4u: pastebin your fstab10:14
punzadahow much ram is used?10:14
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ardindystopianray: i was responding to his comment about using less gui tools. i know most people on irc dont wanna use gui tools, but normal non-geek types dont wanna use the command line10:15
knightwiseanybody got any experience with rdp and ubuntu ?10:15
ardini'm sorry, i'm offtopic10:15
punzadano , it's not that non-geeks don't want to use the command line, it's that windows users don't want to use the command line10:16
punzadathat's a big difference.10:16
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k4udystopianray: err, pastbin??:|10:16
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dystopianray!pastebin | k4u10:16
ubotuk4u: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:16
knightwiseoh my ..the gui vs command line discussions ? here ?10:16
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k4udystopianray: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39743/10:17
knightwisei would not trust my fstab to a gui app10:18
r-wolfguys, how do I get GUI package manager at feisty consider packages from liveDVD? "settings - app sources" doesn't seem to recognize live DVD as package source10:18
dystopianraynor would I, and especially not my xorg.conf10:18
dystopianrayk4u: ok so which partition are you having trouble with?10:18
knightwiser-wolf why not use the online reps ?10:18
k4udystopianray: But.. the drive which i'm having troubles with isn't on there.. i think:\10:19
knightwisethe packages are fresher there10:19
dystopianrayk4u: pastebin the output of: sudo fdisk -l10:19
r-wolfknightwise: no, I'd like to minimize traffic10:19
knightwiseah . i understand10:20
knightwisehave you editet your /etc/sources file ?10:20
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dystopianrayk4u: ok, so which partition are you having trouble with?10:20
r-wolfknightwise: there has been no such file, should I create it?10:20
knightwiseno the dir is different10:21
knightwisetry locate sources10:21
knightwiseit will give you the correct dir10:21
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knightwiseim on my mobile right now10:21
k4udystopianray: darned... i'm not good at this:\ let's search.. i only know every drive by name...10:21
knightwisecant see my linux system from here10:21
punzadadissection, you still having issues?10:22
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k4udarned, brb10:22
dissectionpunzada: Well it continues to show the swap usage as 0. I don't know if that has got anything to do with Ubuntu freezing all the time. No one's been able to find me a solution till now.10:22
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knightwiseubuntu freezing up10:23
dystopianrayk4u: ls -l /dev/disk/by-label10:23
knightwise? must be quite a brob10:23
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punzadayou never answered my last question, how much ram usage do you have with 0 swap space and have you tried changing the 'swapiness'?10:23
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k4ub, lets try dystophianray10:23
k4udystopianray: aah, NOW that helps.. it's hda5!10:24
r-wolfknightwise: found /etc/apt/sources.list10:24
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dystopianrayk4u: you'll need to add an fstab line for hda510:24
murlidhari am trying to compile an application called linkage and it gives an error saying libtorrent was not found .i have already compiled and installed libtorrent10:24
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k4udystopianray: okay. which is that?10:25
dystopianrayk4u: pardon?10:25
k4udystopianray: which line do i need to add? (sorry, i'm really a noob at this...)10:25
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dystopianrayk4u: you can basically copy the sda5 line but change the UUID and mount point10:26
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k4udystopianray: okay. where to get the UUID?10:26
dystopianrayk4u: sudo vol_id /dev/hda510:27
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Thegiverhow do i setup sshd on ubuntu?10:27
AJ--hello guys.. just wanna ask, is there any linux program that can capture a screen like CAMTASIA coz i want to make a video of my desktop10:27
k4uthegiver: sudo apt-get sshd?10:27
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dystopianrayThegiver: what exactly do you want to do?10:27
Thegiverjust run a basic ssh server10:28
Thegiverso other people can connect to it10:28
Thegiveri already did sudo apt-get install sshd10:28
k4uthegiver: sudo apt-get install ssh-server10:28
dystopianrayThegiver: install openssh-server10:28
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k4udystopianray: Okay, added that line. do i need to restart my pc for it to work?10:28
tifinegetting error message while playing vcd on ubuntu    This is the error message i m getting it ( error opening /initalizing the selected video_out(-vo) device  ))10:28
dystopianrayk4u: pastebin your new fstab so I can double check it10:28
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ikoniaThegiver: the package is called openssh-server10:29
Thegiverhmm kool10:29
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Thegiveri think i alraedey have it.. how do is tart it10:30
Thegiveri thought it was just sshd start10:30
ikoniaits started by default10:30
AJ--any linux program that i can use.. a program like camtasia to record a desktop10:30
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k4udystopianray: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39746/10:30
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tifineANY BODY GOOD IN PLAYING VCD DVD USING UBUNTU   getting error message while playing vcd on ubuntu    This is the error message i m getting it ( error opening /initalizing the selected video_out(-vo) device  ))10:31
dystopianrayThegiver: it'll start by default after you install it10:31
ikoniatifine don't shout, its the best way to get ignored10:31
dystopianrayThegiver: otherwise do /etc/init.d/ssh start10:31
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dystopianrayk4u: does /media/hda5 actually exist?10:31
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dystopianrayk4u: just make sure you've run: sudo mkdir /media/hda510:32
open-glI wanted to know if ntfs-3g can unistall thing that are from windows.10:32
tifineany body good in playing vcd,dvd using ubuntu  getting error message while playing vcd on ubuntu    This is the error message i m getting it ( error opening /initalizing the selected video_out(-vo) device  ))10:32
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Kenny3what should i choose in virtual box for the os type of ubuntu? there is linux 2.2 , 2.4 and 2.610:32
k4udystopianray: Okay, i did that now.. do i need to reboot or not?10:32
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dystopianrayopen-gl: ntfs-3g cannot itself run any software from your windows partition10:32
dystopianrayk4u: yeah do a reboot to make sure it's all working10:32
k4ukenny3: It doesn't matter, that's just so you can recognize it10:32
ikoniaKenny3 2.610:33
k4udystopianray: okay, thnx.. let's reboot then!10:33
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Thegiverdo all users have ssh access.. or do i have to do something in my passwd file?10:33
Sontax`lapok running new kernel now10:33
Thegiverif so what do i have to do?10:33
Sontax`lapwireless working but still not the resolution10:33
open-gldystopianray so that means i cant uninstal a software that is in windows10:33
ikoniak4u it does matter10:33
k4uikonia: oh, okay... didn't know:P10:33
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ikoniak4u don't say things you don't know10:33
Kenny3k4u: doesnt matter? recognize what??10:33
Kenny3ikonia: ok10:33
ikoniak4u: its dangerous10:33
Kenny3ikonia: thanks10:33
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k4uikonia: i was certain it didn't matter. but since you tell me the oppisite;)10:34
rulushi, I can mount a partition at /home, but how do I mount a directory from that partition at /home?10:34
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tifineany body good in playing vcd,dvd using ubuntu  getting error message while playing vcd on ubuntu    This is the error message i m getting it ( error opening /initalizing the selected video_out(-vo) device  ))10:34
ikoniarulus same way you mounted /home - just mount a dir off /home10:34
ikoniarulus: /home/mount for example10:34
k4ugoing into reboot...10:34
rulusikonia: no, I mean a directory from the partition to mount, like /backup/home at /dev/sda1 should be mounted at the /home10:35
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k4udystopianray: Great! it works!! thnx!!10:37
hhp2kAnyone wanna help me with a curious configure error?10:37
k4unow i've got another issue.. on another box, i installed ubuntu for my dad.. but i chose command line install.. how do i get the xserver working?10:38
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Richardis it possible to burn a disc while using the ubuntu live cd?10:38
ikoniak4u: install the desktop version, not the server version10:38
ikoniaRichard: yes,10:39
ikoniahhp2k: just ask the question10:39
k4uikonia: sudo apt-get install what?10:39
ikoniak4u no - re-install ubuntu and use the destkop version, not the server eddition10:39
SnilleFinns det ngot bra grafist verktyg fr att montera ISOs i Gnome?10:39
hhp2kHere's what I've got after trying to run ,/configure on a screensaver package:10:40
hhp2kchecking for X11 application defaults directory... not found10:40
hhp2kconfigure: error: try using the --with-defaultdir=DIR option10:40
Richardim kinda new to this how do it?10:40
xcsti need help with ubuntu and beryl10:40
Snillegrafiskt even10:40
SnilleOpps sorry..10:40
k4uikonia: Sorry, i can't reinstall... i tried that several times.. this is the only way the install actually works...10:40
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mailavjanybody know how to play VCDs in ubuntu?10:40
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ikoniak4u thats nonsens, the server edition is built on the same packages as the desktop so either both will work or neither. Try the alternative ISO image, rather than the destkop (not the server edition)10:41
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monkey_hey everybody and girl down here :)10:41
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xcstwhen i am using  beryl it works fine, for a while, until i downloaded codecs for video like avi, mpeg etc. beryl didnt work anymore10:41
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psyphenk4u: what happens if you type "gdm" at the command line?10:41
k4uikonia: i HAVE the alternate image.. it just fails10:41
dystopianrayrulus: I don't think you can do that, you'd have to mount the partition somewhere else and do a bind mount10:41
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ikoniahhp2k: that is asking for a configure argument for the X11 default dir10:42
k4uikonia: i have installed ubuntu-desktop, and xinit10:42
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rulusdystopianray: thanks, I'll look into that10:42
k4ubrb, lets try @ psyphen10:42
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ikoniak4u: use the desktop version10:42
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k4upsyphen: it tells me to install that.. i'm doing that right now10:43
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ikoniak4u: there is more to having a desktop environment than actually having the destkop. Use the desktop edition10:43
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arooni-mobilefolks:  i have ubuntu ... and i have a webapp i wrote that i need to test on the safari browser.  i have heard that konqueror is a good way of testing, but i've heard there are some differences in rendering between the two browsers.  ideas?10:43
k4uikonia: sorry. i really can't.. every setup fails10:43
ikoniak4u: explain the failure10:43
binhbanhbaocan lien he nhung anh em thanh vien 4vn de mua hack audition :T10:43
dystopianrayarooni-mobile: safari and konqueror are very different10:44
punzadaarooni-mobile, use browsercam10:44
k4uikonia: during setup. OR it just keeps saying: hold on a sec10:44
k4uikonia: OR it just can't install some stuff10:44
k4uikonia: And the live-cd doesn't even boot at all10:44
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arooni-mobilearooni-mobile, what i need to test is javascript based.... and isnt static content10:44
ikoniak4u you've not told me what it says10:44
dystopianrayarooni-mobile: install safari in windows and test there10:44
nikolamI am just sick and tired of killing gam_server and Thunar that uses all CPU. and when mouse start moving badly because of big cpu usage.. I thought I left those problems on Win XP..10:44
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nikolamHere si content of my /etc/gamin/gaminrc  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39747/10:45
k4uikonia: i had all those errors yesterday, was very tired.. are you asking me to remember something like a simple error?10:45
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arooni-mobiledystopianray, hmmm dont have a windoz computer at home... i went all in on linux10:45
ikoniak4uk4u what errors ? you've not told me any errors10:45
nikolamMaybe settig poll value to 3 bilions would stop it?..10:45
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k4uikonia: i had all those errors yesterday, was very tired.. are you asking me to remember something like a simple error?10:45
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k4ubrb, checking @ other box10:45
ikoniak4uk4u what errors ? you've not told me any errors10:45
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XomboXcan anyone tell me, how to run a console program on the background? I mean without seeking output of the program.10:46
ikoniaXomboX: pipe the output to /dev/null eg: ./program >/dev/null10:46
ikoniaXomboX: or background it with ./program &10:47
stooneXomboX: program &10:47
arooni-mobilewhat is difference between vmware's server & workstation product?10:47
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ikoniaarooni-mobile /join #vmwarehq10:47
ikoniaarooni-mobile: /join #vmware sorry10:47
XomboXyea, cool. Thats it!! THANK you :-)10:47
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nikolamXomboX: Try using screen. screen is application to start and manage multiple terminals/processes and you can attach/detach from them without need to run X10:48
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xdais there a program that lets me click on the desktop and it would tell me the color code? like #00000010:48
ikoniaxda: I don't think so, but take a screen shot and use the eye dropped in gimp10:48
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stoonexda: agave for example can do that too.10:49
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nikolamxda: you can press printscreen on keyboard and fo new>paste in Gimp Then see what color it is10:49
dystopianrayarooni-mobile: you need windows for serious web development testing10:49
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nikolamdystopianray: he can use emulated windows in Xen or so for testing, its the same thing10:50
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arooni-mobiledystopianray, is it enough to have vmware installed?10:50
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arooni-mobileand install windwos that way10:50
arooni-mobilei really hate windows10:50
ikonianikolam no substitue for the real thing10:50
dystopianrayarooni-mobile: if you install windows in it, sure10:50
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arooni-mobiledystopianray, do you know what differencee between vmware's workstation and server product is?10:51
binhbanhbaobut I need to relate members of 4 vn! whom able to Please kindly talk privately! thank10:51
nikolamikonia: I disagree. It IS the same thing. OS that runs in VM does not even know where it is running. It is suitable for almost everything, but driver development10:51
dystopianrayarooni-mobile: workstation costs money, just use vmware player10:51
ikonianikolam I don't disagree with that at all10:51
arooni-mobiledystopianray, what about vmware server?10:51
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arooni-mobileis vmware server == vmware player10:51
dystopianrayarooni-mobile: no10:51
ikoniaarooni-mobile join #vmware10:51
arooni-mobilethey aren't answering any qs :(10:52
ikoniabinhbanhbao just ask your question10:52
dystopianrayarooni-mobile: vmware server is significantly more complicated and has a client-server architecture10:52
ikoniaarooni-mobile then wait10:52
dystopianrayarooni-mobile: just get vmware player10:52
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arooni-mobileso you'd reccomend player over all other choices10:52
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dystopianrayor workstation if you want to pay for it10:52
nikolamarooni-mobile: You can also use Xen or Qemu, besides VmWare (closed source)10:52
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arooni-mobilenikolam, whats the best one to use?10:53
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stoonearooni-mobile: or you can use VirtualBox too10:53
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:53
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arooni-mobilewhat is a .rpm file?10:53
arooni-mobileis that another type of archive?10:53
dystopianraynikolam: qemu is easy to use, just install it from the repos and go10:53
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SoCohi there!10:54
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dystopianrayarooni-mobile: .rpm is a read hat package manager file, like a .deb for red hat and other distros that use it10:54
psyphenarooni-mobile: i personally use virtualbox if you're wanting an open source virtualisation solution on a windows system10:54
ikoniaarooni-mobile rpm is a package meant for rpm based distros like redhat and fedora10:54
detraHi ... can anyone recommend a way to install my nvidia drivers ? Every single time I've tried my ubuntu has crashed and I had to spent several hours getting it back up ... And I've followed the guides on the internet ...10:54
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dystopianrayarooni-mobile: how does virtualbox differ from qemu?10:54
dystopianraydetra: what card do you have?10:54
ikoniadetra what version of ubuntu are you using and what nvidia card do you have10:54
arooni-mobiledystopianray, surely you're not asking me that ;p10:54
humedetra, tried the restricted-drivers interface?10:55
dystopianrayarooni-mobile: oh sorry wrong person10:55
detrahume, yes10:55
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dystopianraypsyphen: what is the difference between virtualbox and qemu?10:55
detradystopianray, Geforce 7600 GS10:55
arooni-mobileusually i access my webapp via http://localhost:3000/........ when i put vmware on ... how will i get to this URL?10:55
ikonia!nvidia >detra10:55
psyphendystopianray: funtionally the same but just a little more fancy interface-wise10:55
detraikonia, Feisty 7.04 or ???10:55
ikoniadetra: read that link and it will walk you through it10:55
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:56
dystopianrayarooni-mobile: depends on how you setup the vmware network10:56
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binhbanhbaoplease salute! I need to procure members of 4 VN! Wait my which of everybody know please pointed dm! thank!10:56
dystopianrayarooni-mobile: but you'll probalby just do: http://<your-lan-ip>:3000/10:56
bigbang14where is the open office irc channel?10:56
ikoniabinhbanhbao as the question10:56
ikoniabigbang14 #openoffice10:56
dystopianray!ask | binhbanhbao10:56
ubotubinhbanhbao: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)10:56
ikoniabinhbanhbao: ask the question10:56
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arooni-mobiledystopianray, but i have dynamic iP :(10:57
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detraikonia, thx10:57
detraikonia, ill try10:57
arooni-mobileis there a dyndns client for linux?10:57
dystopianrayarooni-mobile: dynamic on your lan?10:57
ikoniadetra let us know if you have problems10:57
arooni-mobileoh no i gotcha10:57
dystopianrayarooni-mobile: I am talking about your lan ip10:57
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arooni-mobilei thought you were talking about my external IP10:57
dystopianrayarooni-mobile: or even your lan hostname10:57
arooni-mobilemy router10:57
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bigbang14 ikonia: you sure?10:58
ikoniabigbang14 sure about what ?10:58
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arooni-mobilewhat do i need to install winxp ? i need the cd right?10:58
arooni-mobilethat is10:58
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arooni-mobilethats it?10:58
bigbang14ikonia, it being #openoffice. for support?10:58
dystopianrayarooni-mobile: that's right10:59
ikoniabigbang14 I believe so10:59
arooni-mobileif i want to test safari & ie... is there any need to get vista?  or is XP good enough?10:59
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arooni-mobileis virtualbox >> better than >> vmware player?10:59
org_what package do i need to install for IDENTD to work?10:59
psyphenarooni-mobile: the cd and at least 1024mb ram and 10gb space. you can test safari and ie on xp just fine10:59
dystopianrayarooni-mobile: xp is fine10:59
org_i already forwarded 113 into my router. but whats the package i need to install10:59
binhbanhbaoAsk 1 questions! But do no one know h? Lugubrious sadness:((11:00
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arooni-mobilepsyphen, so i should make a virtual 10GB drive?  thats the size you reccomend? and i should give virtual machine 1024 megs of ram?11:00
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dystopianrayorg_: why do you need ident?11:00
arooni-mobilei have 2GB / core 2 duo / many gigs on my pc11:00
org_dystopianray, for irc, different networks. I don't want the ~ to show before the ident11:00
psyphenarooni-mobile: perfect11:00
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bigbang14ikonia: it is #openoffice.org11:00
ikoniabigbang14 ahh welldone11:00
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arooni-mobilepsyphen, it will just use my swap if it needs to right?  i usually almost use up all of my 2GB with running apps & such11:01
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binhbanhbaomembers of 4 VN since flat qu?n chng phng did they keep peanut returnned where? who' s know Please kindly to pointed dm! thank11:02
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dystopianraybinhbanhbao: what is 4 VN?11:02
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ikoniabinhbanhbao: this is ubuntu support questions only. Ask a question on ubuntu or find a better channel11:03
=== xoz guesses vietnamese lingo
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ikoniaxoz: sounds reasonable11:03
psyphenarooni-mobile: i hope so. i've never used vmware player. my xp workstation at the company happily runs fedora, gentoo, and ubuntu using virtualbox despite management insisting on purchasing vmware servers11:03
org_i already forwarded 113 into my router. but whats the package i need to install11:04
org_for IDENTD11:04
arooni-mobilepsyphen, hmm i'm installing both vmware and virtual box11:04
PikachuTrAiNeRDoes Xubuntu have the ATI bug as well?11:04
PikachuTrAiNeROr is it just Ubuntu?11:04
ikoniaorg_: what do you mean identd ?11:04
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ikoniaorg_: as in the unix daemon ?11:05
org_ident man11:05
ardinok, quck question. how would i set /mnt/backup (its a drive, duh) to be able to be read by everyone on the system11:05
org_i dont know other name11:05
ikoniaPikachuTrAiNeR what ati bug ?11:05
psyphenarooni-mobile: good idea. it's really up to personal choice11:05
ikoniaorg_ ident man ?11:05
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ikoniaardin: chmod 77711:05
PikachuTrAiNeRThe Gnome not loading on ATI Cards thing11:05
ikoniaardin: thats read write for everyeone11:05
bigbang14my auto-correct in OO writer only corrects capitalization after a sentence and not at the beginning of a paragraph11:05
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PikachuTrAiNeROn 7.0411:06
ikoniaPikachuTrAiNeR ati has bugs in xorg - not the desktop11:06
binhbanhbaogive inquiry to me! room it is which to inquire and take people!11:06
org_ikonia, http://gd.tuwien.ac.at/opsys/linux/LinuxGuide/linux-identd.html11:06
ardin... ikonia uh.. no, thats read write execute.. i want nothing there executed11:06
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ikoniaardin ok so what do you want read only - thats it11:06
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arooni-mobilepsyphen, i just installed virtualbox..... how do i run it?  virtualbox doesnt work11:07
Sontax`lapi still cant get my screan working at 1280x80011:07
PikachuTrAiNeRWell, does Xubuntu boot properly on ATI cards?11:07
PikachuTrAiNeRTo put it simply.11:07
k4uarooni-mobile: It should be in the menu under system-tools11:07
ikoniaPikachuTrAiNeR no more / less than ubuntu11:07
Sontax`lapeverything else looks to work on the new kernel11:07
arooni-mobilei should say ; running 'virtualbox' doesnt work11:07
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IdleOnearooni-mobile: VirtualBox case sensitive11:07
ikoniaardin: 774 ? read only for everyone ?11:07
k4uDoes anybody know a nice (graphical) ubuntu newsgroups-leecher?11:07
ikoniaIdleOne: tag - your in11:08
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punzadak4u, best one I found is Klibido11:08
punzadaits designed for kde but runs fine in gnome11:08
IdleOnehehe ikonia not for very long11:08
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k4upunzada: okay, let's install it then:p11:08
arooni-mobilewhat do you folks think about dynamic versus fixed size hard drives in virtualbox?11:09
dystopianrayis virtualbox better than qemu?11:09
else-can anybody recommend a sip software?11:09
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ikoniadystopianray its just personal prefernce11:09
punzadaif you ever used newsbin pro on windows, it's very comparable software11:09
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dystopianrayelse-: wengophone maybe11:09
else-thanks dystopianray11:09
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dystopianrayikonia: there must be more to it than that11:09
else-can i use other sip providers than wengo in wengophone?11:09
ikoniadystopianray not really, they all seem to have pros/cons11:09
dystopianrayikonia: what is the disadvantage of virtualbox over qemu?11:10
ikoniadystopianray god knows11:10
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psyphenarooni-mobile: i only use dynamic drives for fat32 because otherwise fixed will be limited to 2gb on fat32. fixed drives are fine to preset the space you know you're going to use11:11
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arooni-mobilepsyphen, does dynamic drive dramatically reduce the speed?  can you switch your mind later?  can you readjust fixed size later?11:12
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psyphenarooni-mobile: i'm not entirely sure. any time i've wanted to adjust the size of a virtual drive i start a new virtual machine and remove the old one. hopefully someone else can be more helpful11:14
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k4uif my cd is partually broke.. kan i put the files on a usb-stick?11:15
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ikoniaburn a new cd11:16
k4uikonia: i have no more cd r's left...11:16
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ikoniabuy some11:16
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clouderwhen adding myself to a new group, do I have to reboot or just log all instances of myself out?11:16
ikonialog out and back int11:17
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luitvdi'm sorry to ask here, but which channel should I use to ask stuff about the gutsy beta?11:18
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ikonialuitvd: ubuntu+111:18
Javid luitvd, #ubuntu+111:18
JavidI win because mine has a # in it. <311:18
luitvdthanks to you both :)11:18
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Bo^Dickdoes ubuntu normally detect hardware?11:19
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ikoniaBo^Dick: what do you mean ?11:19
Bo^Dicki mean auto detect11:19
ikoniainstall, real time, hotplug ?11:19
ikoniawhat type of hardware11:19
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Bo^Dickgraphics card, sound cards and stuff11:20
Bo^Dicki've plugged in a soundblaster audigy 2 card11:20
ikoniaBo^Dick: it will attempt detection at install11:20
Bo^Dickso i have to tell ubuntu that theres actually soundblaster card in the machine11:20
arooni-mobilepsyphen, know how to solve this: The VirtualBox kernel driver is not accessible to the current user. Make sure that the user has write permissions for /dev/vboxdrv by adding them to the vboxusers groups. You will need to logout for the change to take effect..  ?  how do i add chasetoys to this user group11:21
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ikoniaBo^Dick: no it should be aware, but it may have issues if you've config'd the old card11:21
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arooni-mobilei.e. how can i add my user to the vboxusers group?11:21
Bo^Dicki've installed a fresh ubuntu with all the hardware in11:22
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Bo^Dicki'm using an asus geforce extreme card11:22
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Bo^Dickfor graphics11:22
Bo^Dickthe default resolution appeared to be 1024x76811:22
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ikoniaarooni-mobile use the user manager gui11:22
desertcHello - I am trying to generate my key with launchpad.  Is there a channel I can ask about that?11:22
ikoniadesertc: the instructions are on luanchpad11:23
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arooni-mobileikonia, where is the user manager gui11:23
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ikoniaarooni-mobile systems --> administration11:23
desertcikonia, not on the page where I am having trouble which is the email verification clear text generation11:23
ikoniadesertc post a link to the page your reading11:23
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Bo^Dickikonia: should i try to get the ubuntu drivers for each hardware and install them myself?11:24
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desertcikonia: Please paste a clear-signed copy of the following phrase into the box below. This can be achieved by saving the phrase to a file and running gpg --clearsign FILENAME.11:24
ikoniaBo^Dick: the drivers are part of the kernel11:24
ikoniadesertc post a link to the page your reading11:24
arooni-mobileikonia, does:  sudo -a chasetoys vboxusers    effectively do the same thing?11:24
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ikoniaarooni-mobile no11:24
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desertcikonia, one sec11:24
arooni-mobileikonia, do i need to logout / login to apply changes11:25
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ikoniaarooni-mobile no11:25
Bo^Dickikonia: should i try to update the kernel so that ubuntu knows the exact hardware details?11:25
arooni-mobileif so is that a ctrl + alt + delete job?11:25
basculearooni-mobile: no11:25
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ikoniaBo^Dick: no, what makes you think your hardware is a problem11:25
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BurdonHi Guys11:25
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Bo^Dickikonia: i couldn't select a resolution higher than 1024x76811:26
ikonia!nvidia >Bo^Dick11:26
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ikoniaBo^Dick: read that link11:26
xcstim now running ubuntu11:26
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desertcikonia, disregard - I've got it now11:26
BurdonCan anyone tell me, where I can get a driver for my Canon Pixma Printer?11:26
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ikoniaBurdon canon don't support their printers in linux11:27
Burdonfor Ubuntu, of course11:27
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Bo^Dickikonia: thanks11:27
Burdonok thx11:27
MannyZwhat is the command to open sources.list?????+11:27
ikoniaBurdon: is there any need for bad langauge11:27
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BurdonNo way?11:27
BurdonI'm sorry11:27
ikoniaMannyZ any text editor, nano, vi , emacs etc11:27
MannyZwhat is the command to open sources.list?11:28
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ikoniaMannyZ: drop the language11:28
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ikoniaMannyZ: I've just told you the command, ANY text editor your want11:28
ikoniaMannyZ: or use the "software sources" gui11:28
MannyZmy screen is blurry S:11:28
MannyZit looked like wrong :S11:28
nicklas_I got some problem with installing updates.11:29
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punzadawhat's the issue?11:29
MannyZmy screen is blurred.. cant really see what you type in..11:29
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topodo anybody here have tried installing ubuntu on macbook pro?11:30
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Guest56106what is a NTFS filesystem type for mount command11:31
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ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers11:31
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brokentireI have an HP sound problem that is solved http://www.linuxlogin.com/hardware/dv6575us.php but I don't know how to implement it on my machine because I am between a beginner and intermediate11:32
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Sontax`lap_thx every 1 it is working again:D11:32
elwario91i need help with an avi file11:32
ardinGuest56106: mount -t ntfs-3g devpoint mountpoint11:32
topodo anybody have tried installing ubuntu on macbook pro?11:32
elwario91what is the easiest way to add a srt file in it?, tried avidemux but doesn't work :'(11:32
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brokentirecan anyone help me with my sound problem?11:33
nicklas_I got some problem with installing updates.11:33
ikonianicklas_ what is the problem11:33
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topofuck you11:35
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brokentireI have an HP sound problem that is solved http://www.linuxlogin.com/hardware/dv6575us.php but I don't know how to implement it on my machine because I am between a beginner and intermediate11:35
jussi01!ntfs | Guest5610611:35
aroonianyone familair with virtualbox here?  i set up a new virtual machine but when i insert the XP cd to install xp to it... and i hit f12 to select the CD ROM... i get the error: 'FATAL: Could not read from the boot media! System halted!.'  ... ideas?11:35
ubotuGuest56106: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse11:35
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brokentirecan anyone help get sound for me?11:35
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nicklas_iknia:Then I click on the update manager they say that I need to do it for manuell "dpkg -- -a" something.11:35
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ikonianicklas_ get the exact message11:36
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nicklas_inonia: I will, it will take a while.11:36
brokentirearooni try mounting the cdrom then rebooting the virtual machine11:36
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aroonibrokentire, how do i do that11:37
brokentirearooni private chat?11:37
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k4uhow can i burn an ISO?11:37
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Guest56106when I do grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/root /dev/sda it shows mkdir:cannot create directory '/mnt/root/boot/grub': read only filesystem11:38
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nijaba_hello. Is it only me or there is a problem wih nvdia card with this morning upgrade of gutsy ?11:39
aroonithis VM thing is PRETTY DAMN NIFTY11:39
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Guest56106how can i fix this, I am trying to recover my grub11:40
brokentirearooni: do you know how to read private messages with your irc client?11:40
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Guest56106I am following this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows#head-bf3232f10ddf1b078de064622ccbb25225cdb3c011:40
MeRodent!gutsy | nijaba_11:41
ubotunijaba_: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information11:41
Guest56106and getting this error11:41
Guest56106when I do grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/root /dev/sda it shows mkdir:cannot create directory '/mnt/root/boot/grub': read only filesystem11:41
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MannyZwhat is the command to restart Xorg.conf?11:41
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aroonibrokentire, yes11:41
Mia75hi all11:41
mechdaveGuest56106, how have you booted the rescue disk?11:41
MannyZwhat is the command to restart Xorg.conf?11:41
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brokentirearooni: try sending me a private message then I can help you with vertialbox11:42
stdin!X | MannyZ11:42
ubotuMannyZ: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto11:42
murlidhari am not able to compile linkage torrent client . can anybody help me it gives me errors /  No package 'libtorrent' found11:42
murlidharConsider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you11:42
murlidharinstalled software in a non-standard prefix.11:42
aroonibrokentire, did you see my msg ? i sent you one11:42
nijaba_MeRodent:: and if nobody test gutsy, it won't be very good when it launches, right ?11:42
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Guest56106mechdave:no I am using the livecd Ubuntu11:42
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MeRodentnijaba_, the problem is that you need to ask questions regarding gutsy on #ubuntu+111:42
DaBeowulfHey, does choosing VESA and 24 bit result in my monitor getting no signal, or how do I properly choose VESA to actually work for X?11:42
murlidharhow to adjust PKG_CONFIG_PATH11:42
nijaba_MeRodent: ok, will do11:42
mechdaveGuest56106, Ok well you need to first mount your file system on your hard disk11:42
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nijaba_MeRodent: thanks11:43
nicklas_ikonia: http://rafb.net/p/dAqkEJ70.html11:43
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MeRodentnijaba_, no probs. Hopefully someone there can help.11:43
Guest56106<mechdave> I did everythign according to this link11:43
Guest56106I am following this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows#head-bf3232f10ddf1b078de064622ccbb25225cdb3c011:43
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mechdaveGuest56106, Hang on shall read link... standby11:43
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murlidharikonia: could u help me compiling an application11:43
basculemurlidhar: export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/some/path11:43
brokentireI have an HP sound problem that is solved http://www.linuxlogin.com/hardware/dv6575us.php but I don't know how to implement it on my machine because I am between a beginner and intermediate11:44
DaBeowulfbah learning by doing11:44
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murlidharbascule: err could be more specific11:44
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Mia75how long should it take to check a 500gb disk formatted with ext3?11:44
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basculeMia75: long time11:44
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basculemurlidhar: that was an exact answer to your question :)11:45
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aroonibrokentire, are you nog getting my PMs?11:45
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Mia75is there a way around this - because i've been waiting for about 2 hours now and i'm nowhere near complleyte11:45
murlidharbascule: thnks i am tryin11:45
Ind[y] How can I view ASCII characters with gedit? (I mean characters with ordinal numbers like 128, 129, etc).11:45
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basculeMia75: full check disks take a long time, thats all there is to it ...11:45
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nicklas_Good bye!11:46
Ind[y] I see boxes with numbers instead of characters.11:46
brokentirearooni: I am not getting your PM's11:47
brokentirearooni: try /join #brokentire11:47
Mia75bascule: thanks.  is this made worse becuase it's ext3?11:47
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murlidharbascule: thnks i have done it but now it says to install me libnotify0.4.4 and i can't find it using apt-get install.11:48
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dshuang001hi, all11:49
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brokentireI have an HP sound problem that is solved http://www.linuxlogin.com/hardware/dv6575us.php but I don't know how to implement it on my machine because I am between a beginner and intermediate11:50
basculemurlidhar: well you probably need the -dev version of libnotify11:50
basculemurlidhar: what are you building and why?11:50
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mechdaveGuest56106, brb11:50
murlidhari am building linkage torrent client and  i am building cuz there is no binary version of it11:51
Keule|Onhi there11:51
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Keule|Onis here someone who can help with dvb-t cards?11:51
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Keule|Onterratec hybrid xs11:51
brokentireI have an HP sound problem that is solved http://www.linuxlogin.com/hardware/dv6575us.php but I don't know how to implement it on my machine because I am between a beginner and intermediate11:51
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bascule!repeat | brokentire11:51
ubotubrokentire: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience11:51
Dmitry_what is a good partition manager for windows, apart from partition magic? i need to manage my ubuntu partitions, since i'm running low on space.11:51
dshuang001I don't know how to install MP3 codec, pls advise me. I am using ubuntu 6.0611:52
bascule!codecs | dshuang00111:52
ubotudshuang001: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:52
brokentireubotu ok11:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ok - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:52
Guest56106<mechdave> are you there11:52
basculebrokentire: ubotu is a bot:)11:52
brokentireI know11:53
Guest56106when I do grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/root /dev/sda it shows mkdir:cannot create directory '/mnt/root/boot/grub': read only filesystem11:53
murlidharbascule: could u please compile it urself cuz there are so many things neccessary to install . One of my friends is using it in fedora  and i liked it very much11:53
dshuang001ubotu, thanks, i will check it.11:53
brokentireIve been searching and searching for an answer to my problem11:53
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murlidhardshuang001: :)11:53
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brokentireI believe I found the solution...but I am not skilled enough to impliment it....I dont understand compiling drivers11:54
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basculebrokentire: it's one of those things that is so difficult to take people through that I/we avoid it if we can11:54
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murlidhardshuang001: ubotu is a bot means it is a robot like software not a human11:55
brokentirebascule: I am not a beginnner beginner11:55
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W1ZrDCould anyone point me towards some guide regarding ati 9250 and beryl, as for a working solution?11:56
brokentirebascule otherwise I wouldnt realize that what I found was a solution to my problem11:56
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moreatiDmitry_: I use gparted on a Linux live CD such as Knoppix. I think the Ubuntu Live CD/installer cd also has gparted, but you must run it from a shell.11:57
hollandlucas_moreati: It does have gparted11:57
jimcooncatbrokentire: have you read these posts? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=489757&page=711:57
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murlidharbascule: http://code.google.com/p/linkage/wiki/Installation11:58
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ratpoisonW1ZrD: best plan (stability-wise) is to wait for gutsy gibbon (i.e. the next version of ubuntu) It will be very simple then, since it will be integrated to the OS (if you install just a couple of packages)11:58
Dmitry_moreati: i'd like to take that step if i'm unsuccessful at doing it on windows. i've never used gparted before, and if it is only a command-line interface on the live CD, i'd rather avoid it, unless i have no other choice.11:58
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brokentirejimcooncat I could try that ...thx11:59
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W1ZrDratpoison: i.e in 12 days?11:59
MeRodentDmitry_, gparted is launched from command line "sudo gparted" but is a graphical partition manager.11:59
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ratpoisonW1ZrD: if all goes according to plan, yup11:59
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Dmitry_merodent: is gparted installed by default in feisty fawn?11:59
W1ZrDratpoison: looking forward to it :)11:59
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dshuang001ubotu i get the erroe message :E: Package libxine-extracodecs has no installation candidate. I enabled multiverse and universe for all sources.12:00
Lonhey there :)12:00
desertcI can't get my Launchpad Wiki working.  It errors, saying I don't have access to edit my own page.  What's going on?12:00
MeRodentDmitry_, I beleive it is also in system administration gnome partition manager on livecd. otherwise    sudo apt-get install gparted12:00
Guest56106how can i change the permission of a folder in linux command12:00
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arooni__hey folks12:00
arooni__my taskbar is gone12:01
arooni__how do ig et it back12:01
arooni__it lists running programs & such12:01
basculemurlidhar: well I can try, but I am going out soon, and I need 24MB of stuff for gtkmm ...12:01
MeRodentDmitry_, to clarify. gparted is not installed by default on feisty but is on the feisty livecd.12:01
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MeRodent!enter | arooni_12:01
ubotuarooni_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:01
moreatiDmitry_: seconded I remember seeing that, now MeRodent mentions it12:01
arooni__sorry MeRodent12:01
ratpoisonW1ZrD: there is a way now, and it's no biggie, but there is a possibility ithat it might cause instabilities, when you upgrade your distribution12:01
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ok21how can i change the permission of a folder in linux command12:01
basculemurlidhar: problem 2, I am running gutsy12:01
Dmitry_MeRodent, would i have to boot the live cd, and then use gparted from there?12:02
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ok21I want to create folder inside it12:02
murlidharbascule: ooh well thnks no problem12:02
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Dmitry_MeRodent, would i have to enter any credentials?12:02
Dmitry_moreati, ok.12:02
MeRodentarooni_, right click on the panel   choose add to panel and then select notification area12:02
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W1ZrDratpoison: I've been running it before the merge but I simply forgot how to make it run with ATI's 9250 card :/12:02
MeRodentDmitry_, you have sudo access without password from livecd12:02
Dmitry_MeRodent, ok. i guess i'll try that now. thanks. :)12:03
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moreatiok21: what is folder you want to create things inside12:03
ShrapnelhunterI have x64 Feisty and I can't get a driver for my nVidia graphics card to install - can I apt it?12:03
MeRodentDmitry_, you can install onto feisty and you will need your sudo password as well12:03
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arooniMeRodent, ok i did that... nothing happens :(12:03
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desertcShrapnelhunter, Use the Restricted Driver manager12:03
arooniMeRodent, i want the thing thats on the bottom of the window... that lists running programs12:04
aroonithere used to be a bar there12:04
desertcShrapnelhunter, I have AMD64 Feisty and the driver works okay (except for kernel upgrades.... sigh)12:04
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Shrapnelhunterdesertc: I've got a stupid intel :(12:04
moreatiarooni Same procedure, but choose Window List12:04
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MeRodentarooni, you can add the notification applet to any of the panels.12:05
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KajaIntel is not stupid =(12:05
murlidharbascule: could u look at this and help me http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39750/12:05
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arooniMeRodent, ok that works but how do i 'pull' that window list down to be a separate panel that is on the bottom of my screen12:05
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murlidharbascule: sorry sent u a wrong pastebin12:06
basculemurlidhar: ah12:06
ok21how can I change the permission of a folder so that it can be read and write into using linux commands12:06
MeRodentarooni, right select it from the bottom panel. the add to panel applies to the panel you select it from.12:06
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hetaumaany ideas how ubuntu creates the initial xorg.conf? how it detects monitor gfx card and suitable resolution ? can I run that again12:06
moreatiok21: as I asked before, what is the location of this folder?12:06
arooniMeRodent, but i dont even have a bottom panel to select it from12:06
Shrapnelhunterdesetc: thanks a million!!!!!12:06
MeRodentarooni, otherwise right select and choose move.12:06
desertcShrapnelhunter, you betcha12:06
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MeRodentarooni, right select and choose new panel12:07
murlidharbascule: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39751/12:07
moreatihetauma: this is a guess, but I think xorg itself creates it. Possibly with a particular command line switch.12:07
ok21its /mnt/root/boot12:07
MeRodentarooni, select the panel and choose properties to move a panel.12:07
TavathlonHello all. I have a major problem with the updates this morning - it made my drivers for the graphics card disappear, and my keyboard layout switched to English. Might be more issues, I don't know yet. Anyway, trying to reach the restricted drivers manager, it tells me the following: "You need to install the package  linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22-13-generic  for this program to work.". So I tried to do that, but that package is not to be foun12:08
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ratpoisonW1ZrD: check your private, I have posted more detailed explanation  there12:08
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MeRodentTavathlon, Gutsy? if so #ubuntu+112:08
TavathlonMeRodent: thanks, I'll go to that room then..  =)12:09
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moreatiok21: If you're doing things at the command line you need to put sudo infront of commands to run them as root: eg sudo mkdir /mnt/root/boot/newfolder12:09
basculemurlidhar: Requested 'libnotify >= 0.4.4' but version of libnotify is 0.4.3 <-- yor in trouble now, this involves building a newer version of this package, not recommende, cause it will probably break things that depend on notify (lots of things)12:09
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Burdonikonia: There are no drivers for Canon, aha: http://www.erlandertervueren.com/ubuntu/ip4300_guide/12:09
murlidharbascule: as u said i installed libnotify-dev and it says it is already installed12:10
basculeit is, but it wants a newer version12:10
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W1ZrDratpoison: I haven't got any PM from you :/12:10
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murlidharbascule: if i install libnotify not a default ? i mean can't i install both the versions . the older version at default location and the newer verion at PKG_CONFIG_PATH something like that12:12
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ratpoisonW1ZrD: http://pastebin.com/m4f5ddf0412:12
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basculemurlidhar: conflicting versions of packages are the road to ruin, trust me here12:14
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murlidharbascule: strange when fedora repos can have linkage then why can't our repos have12:14
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W1ZrDratpoison: brilliant, thanks a lot mate :)12:14
basculemurlidhar: well different priorities, different distros12:14
tokjor different distros, different priorities :P12:15
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murlidhartokj: whatever:(12:15
basculemurlidhar: there is one other thing you can try, alien is a command tht can install rpms, I have never used it but explore it as a possible solution ... :)12:15
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salomonWho can help me with a microphone? I've tried the Gnome Alsamixer, but still, when I want to record sound with Audacity, i can't. It just doens't record...12:15
tokjportage has rpm and rpm2targz script12:16
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NTAuthoritysalomon: does audcaity give an error about sound devices?12:16
murlidharbascule: i searched for rpms but couldn't find it any idea?12:16
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NTAuthoritysalomon: or does it just not record anything?12:16
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basculetokj: yeah, but it doesn't need them really, and lets not go promoting the g* thingy any further shall we ..12:16
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basculemurlidhar: well if fedora can yum it, it's in their repos, grab it off some mirror and caryy on from there12:17
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tokjbascule: dammit, i've mistaken the channel O.O12:17
lastlemming7.10 RC will out this thurday right?12:17
tokjbascule: sorry :P12:17
basculetokj: heh, :))12:17
=== N3bunel brb fac baitza la ...... :D
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murlidharbascule: i will try12:18
tokjbascule: really, i thought that i was in #gentoo and not in #ubuntu12:18
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tiger_At which runtime level does ubuntu boot by default ? I can't figure it out since there is no /etc/inittab !!12:18
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chuxxsssIm having problems setting up my 3d driver stuff with ubuntu have install nvidia driver software but opengl will not start? have a MX440 agp card12:19
b4dhi, I have wired problem, ubuntu 7.04 and VIM 7.0.235, i can't get the syntax highlighting to work with syntax on in .vimrc it says on vim startup that it's not the right parameter, but on my fedora with same vim version it works12:20
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ikoniachuxxsss: you may need the nvidia-old package12:20
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chuxxsssis that the Legacy one? ikonia12:22
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chuxxsssikonia:that the one I have installed now12:22
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ikoniathats right12:23
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ikoniachuxxsss: what sort of problems are you havingt12:23
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HornetGreetings.  Rather dire bug here, seems to be this one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/casper/+bug/107516 .  What's the best solution out of the proposed, as I'm not sure what they do I really don't want to blindly apply them.  I'm sitting here watching kern.log , /var/logs/messages, and /var/logs/syslog grow by about half a meg every second. O_O12:25
hetaumahmm after working about an hour with 640x480 now letters in 1280x1024 look soooooooooo small :D12:25
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CountXGrub Error 17 :(12:26
chuxxsssikonia:opengl will not open when I have legacy propriety driver selected.  Opengl has not work yet on ubuntu it would on SUSE for me but SUSE was not as good as ubuntu.12:26
b4dokay about vim, i got the solution, i had to install vim-runtime, cause ubuntu doest do it by default :)12:26
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CountXanyone know how to fix grub error 17?12:27
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CountXcant boot up...12:27
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ok21CountX:same problem here dude12:27
Crozarguys how to rem ove grub12:27
Dmitry_Crozar, bcdtools12:27
Dmitry_*gets guide*12:27
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ikoniachuxxsss: can you explain what you mean by opengl is not working12:27
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Crozarim fed up with grub who wants to dual boot when virtualbox is available heh....12:28
Dmitry_moreati: used the live cd, opened gparted, attempted at shrinking one partition, but i was told to scan that partition for errors and fix them if possible. tried extending this partition, and the same thing occurred. now, reverting to the original plan, do you know any partition managers for windows that would help me do the job?12:28
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shooyaaais there someone form china12:28
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ikoniaDmitry_: partition manager12:28
ikoniapartition magic sorry12:29
Dmitry_ikonia, a little more precise please. :P12:29
Dmitry_partition magic doesn't work on vista12:29
CrozarDmitry_: Partition Magic12:29
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Dmitry_anything apart from that?12:29
ikoniaDmitry_ the latest version does12:29
ikoniaDmitry_: ask inm ##windows12:29
ikoniaBurdon: yes12:29
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CrozarDmitry_: www.isohunt.com click on bittorent ont he search then type Partition magic download version 812:29
familieI got problems Installing a Lexmark X1250 Printer, can anybody help me?12:29
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Burdonikonia: For your information: http://www.erlandertervueren.com/ubuntu/ip4300_guide/12:29
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oblonI have a problem with ldap client on ubuntu 7.04,he can't mount usb peripherical automaticly I add plugdev group on /etc/security/group but the problem are the same12:29
Dmitry_Crozar, "If instead of GRUB you want Vista's bootloader to be in charge, load up the Vista installation and install EasyBCD. Go to Manage Bootloader, then Reinstall the Vista Bootloader, an GRUB is overwritten. You can then configure the Vista bootloader to add Linux to the boot menu."12:30
chuxxsssikonia:Kinfocenter gives me a error if I try looking at OpenGL it will not initialize OpenGL.12:30
Burdonthere are drivers for linux12:30
Crozarguys where can i find bcdtools?12:30
Dmitry_from a dualboot vista and linux guide.12:30
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Dmitry_easybcd, sorry. :P12:30
familieBurdon, did you talk to me?12:30
ikoniaBurdon that seems resonalbe12:30
Dmitry_Crozar, wait.12:30
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Burdonno familie12:30
Dmitry_firstly, is your other OS vista?12:30
CrozarDmitry_: i want to remove grub i dont like to dualboot i left windows 1 year ago12:30
CrozarDmitry_: im not going back to windows any more lol i have all i want in ubuntu , i can run microsoft office 2008 here and much more things12:31
familieCrozar, just format the windows partition and use it e.g. for pr0n12:31
Dmitry_Crozar, i see.12:31
oblonsomebody can help me12:31
Dmitry_Crozar, in that case, sorry. can't help12:31
Crozari want to remove grub guys any idea's12:31
ikoniaCrozar: there is no such thing as office 200812:31
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Crozari mean office 2007 =p12:31
Dmitry_ikonia, thanks.12:31
Crozarlol i just wokeup chill ikonia12:31
ikoniaCrozar overwrite your boot sector with another boot loader12:31
Crozarcant i remove grub?12:32
Dmitry_Crozar, regarding partition magic, also thanks. i'll go have a look.12:32
Dmitry_you can.12:32
ikoniaCrozar yes you can, over write it12:32
Crozari dont want a bootloader i want ubuntu to be booted just like that12:32
ikoniaCrozar you need a boot loader to boot any OS12:32
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Dmitry_try lilo!12:32
lastlemmingno display bootloader you mean?12:32
familieI got problems Installing a Lexmark X1250 Printer, can anybody help me?12:32
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Crozarikonia: i have a question im asking it behalf of my friend , he has a laptop with about 5 partitions all used , he has 1 of the partitions 50 GB he wanted to use 20 GB for ubuntu but ubuntu didnt have the manual option to make that must he do it through parition magic?12:33
familieCrozar, ... install gparted in order to remove your win32 partition.. or just edit the GRUB config12:33
Dmitry_Crozar, why not just make ubuntu the default OS to boot, and set timeout 0 seconds to choose?12:33
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Dmitry_i'm guessing then you won't even see grub.12:33
gordonjcp!ask | familie12:33
ubotufamilie: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:33
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ikoniaCrozar resizing any partition through any software carries a risk, you can use whatever partition tools you wish12:33
CrozarDmitry_: how to do that/12:33
familiegordonjcp, then help me to set up this printer12:33
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Dmitry_Crozar, two seconds.12:33
ikoniaCrozar change the timeout in menu.lst to 112:33
Crozarikonia: whats the best thing to do then for my friends laptop12:33
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ikoniaCrozar or use the "hiddenmenu" option12:33
Crozarikonia: from we're ? in dos mode?12:34
gordonjcpfamilie: no12:34
ikoniaCrozar I've just told you what to do with your friends manual12:34
Crozarikonia:  on my start up12:34
Dmitry_Crozar, http://apcmag.com/5046/how_to_dual_boot_vista_with_linux_vista_installed_first12:34
gordonjcpfamilie: I don't know what problem you're having12:34
Dmitry_Crozar, ignore the mention of windows.12:34
ikoniaCrozar dos mode ??? what are you talking about12:34
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Crozari mean on startup ikonia12:34
Dmitry_Crozar, find the line...12:34
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Shrapnelhunter /msg nickserv set unfiltered on12:34
ikoniaCrozar: change the line "timeout" in /boot/grub/menu.lst to "1"12:34
Dmitry_Crozar, Ctrl+F and find Configure GRUB12:34
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Dmitry_Crozar, then have a read there.12:34
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ikoniaCrozar: or read the grub docs on "hiddenemenu" option12:34
HornetGreetings.  Rather dire bug here, seems to be this one, or very similar: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/casper/+bug/107516 .  What's the best solution out of the proposed, as I'm not sure what they do I really don't want to blindly apply them.  I'm sitting here watching kern.log , /var/logs/messages, and /var/logs/syslog grow by about half a meg every second. O_O12:35
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ikoniaHornet: 1 moment12:35
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familiegordonjcp, there are no fucking drivers availaible for this printer.. neither from ubuntu nor from Lexmark! Is there any chance to install windows drivers?12:35
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StatusDapache 1.3 php module12:35
Crozarikonia: how can my friend install ubuntu now?12:35
ikoniafamilie: that language is uncalled for and it is the best way to get banned12:35
familieI hate this... Not even the simples printer drivers :X12:35
ikoniaCrozar use the install cd12:35
Crozarikonia: ur saying resizeing is a risk12:35
ikoniaCrozar yes12:35
Crozarikonia: install cd cant do it12:36
StatusDwhat is the package name for Apache 1.3 PHP module??12:36
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Crozarikonia: its not familier with the process maybe because no body set it up for that kind of task12:36
ikoniaCrozar the install cd will install fine12:36
tarelerulzDo any of you know how to make it so you can have mulitble media players running and all them  have sound .  I have ran more then one ,but they can't seem to hand more then one running at a time.  I have don it in windows do I not have ubuntu configed right12:36
ikoniaCrozar gparted - the partition tool can and will resize it, however it carries a risk12:36
Crozarikonia: install cd said * use entire harddisk , or manual , when i set to manual i dont have the options to resize ect..12:36
gordonjcpfamilie: see, why didn't you say that in the first place?12:36
ikoniaCrozar show me a screen shot12:37
gordonjcpfamilie: what does Google have to say about it?12:37
Crozarhmmm ok12:37
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Crozarl8er when i meet with him12:37
chuxxsssikonia: I am getting this message about the driver Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".12:37
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Crozaril make a small vid on my phone and put it on you tube12:37
ikoniachuxxsss I see12:37
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ikoniaCrozar no12:37
ikoniaCrozar boot from the live cd12:37
ikoniaCrozar take a screen shot12:37
ikoniaCrozar post it on something like image shack12:37
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IndyGunFreakman, he nvidia driver went to hell on all those updates in gutsy last night.12:38
ikoniachuxxsss is xorg using the nvidia driver ?12:38
frylock^hmmm. i took out my old cd drive and plugged in my new one. ubuntu does not seem to recognize it.12:38
Crozarikonia: whats gparted ? worst then partition magic ? why they are on risk? whats the risk ?12:38
ikoniachuxxsssIndyGunFreak yes it did12:38
chuxxsssnot sure12:38
ikoniaCrozar there are risks with any tool that resize partitions with data on12:38
chuxxsssyes must be12:38
frylock^i can see /dev/sdc0 /mount/cdrom0 in my /etc/fstab, however there is no /dev/sdc012:38
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IndyGunFreakikonia: any idea what happened?... i'm slowly getting mine back together12:38
mysticalzeroHI guys. For some reason i couldn't access my ntfs drive. This picture will show you what i meant. http://mystzero.frih.net/image/others/screenshot1.png. Also, when i took a look at my syslog, there are many repeated errors like "Buffer I/O error on device sda3. I have look through google for solutions but found none. :(  Any ideas what's going on?12:39
ikoniaIndyGunFreak no, I've seen a few problems with 8800 cards12:39
Hornetikonia: if it helps, the logs are filling with this: Oct  6 09:53:29 Hades kernel: [ 5312.660000]  ACPI Error (evgpe-0711): No handler or method for GPE[ F] , disabling event [20060707] 12:39
familiegordonjcp, there are only hacks availaible that render my scanner in this al-in-one printer useless..12:39
gordonjcpfamilie: bummer12:39
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familielike installing drivers of another product branch12:39
gordonjcpfamilie: maybe it's not supported, then12:39
ikoniaHornet have you added the ec_intr=0 line to your kernel boot options12:39
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familiegobgob, :(12:40
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familiesry was meant for gordonjcp12:40
familieanway, thank you12:40
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Crozarikonia: this new laptop of my friends has a featuer when he recovers hes computer it makes 5 partitions ( 1 for swap something ) ( 1 for a recovery cd just for reinstall any missing or error thing ) ( 1 for windows and 10GB ect. for fileswap ) ( 1 for whatever files ) ( and 1 is i guess 300mb and i dont knwo wh ats that for )12:40
gordonjcpfamilie: some manufacturers are at best unhelpful and at worst downright hostile to people writing Linux drivers12:40
Hornetikonia: I've no idea what it does, that's mainly why I'm here.  I don't want to blindly add things to the kernel options without know what they do.12:40
tarelerulzWhen I run mplayer for terminal I can have totem playing someting and mplayer playing something else and when I run mplayer from the menu it says it can't not open/initialize the audio device12:40
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gordonjcpfamilie: unfortunately Lexmark fall into the latter category12:40
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ikoniaCrozar then don't mess with the partitions if you don't know what they are for12:41
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ikonia                   worst downright hostile to people writing Linux drivers12:41
k4uhow to configure xserver?12:41
Hornetikonia: I'm not even sure it's that bug, it just happens to have similar symptoms12:41
frylock^hmmm. i took out my old cd drive and plugged in my new one. ubuntu does not seem to recognize it. i can see /dev/sdc0 /mount/cdrom0 in my /etc/fstab, however there is no /dev/sdc0 so i'm thinking that's the reason. bios does see it as secondary master.12:41
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ikoniaHornet: ok, I can see from the kernel bug that it will stop apci probing12:41
gordonjcpfamilie: they also shut down a *huge* factory in the UK causing massive unemployment in a part of the country that's already fairly economically disadvantaged12:41
k4ui do get sound, but the monitor doesn't display anything12:41
stdin!xconfig | k4u12:41
murlidharbascule: ok i have installed it my machine using sudo alien:)12:41
ubotuk4u: To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  - To configure only the driver and resolution, type  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh  - See also !FixRes12:41
ikoniaHornet: its a work around, not a fix12:41
gordonjcpfamilie: in short, they're not a company I would buy products from12:41
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Crozari dont know but hes laptop is very very new =( ikonia and he says he wants ubuntu just because of me revealing him that ubuntu does not get infected by virus errors or spyware he was like 0_O12:41
familiegordonjcp, ok :/ so is there a list with supported manufacturers or somes where you *cant* do anything wrong?12:42
ikoniamurlidhar mI strongly advise you to not use alien12:42
gordonjcpfamilie: have a look on linuxprinting.org12:42
familiemy mom bought it because it was like 4012:42
ikoniaCrozar lets cut to the chase, what do you want me to do12:42
gordonjcpfamilie: yeah, that's the problem12:42
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Crozarikonia: right now im looking for the hidden menu =/12:42
murlidharikonia: but i wanted to use the application which am not able to compile it12:42
ikoniaCrozar you where border line trolling in #ubuntu+1 last night, and now your asking random questions - what do you want12:42
gordonjcpfamilie: a lot of cheap printers offload the hard work to the driver12:42
ikoniamurlidhar what application12:42
fragenderIs it possible to run stellarium with sensible speed on a notebook with Intel GMA950?12:42
moreatiDmitry_: gparted is paranoid, if you don't cleanly shutdown Windows or Linux, the filesystem will be marked as 'uncleanly unmounted' and gparted won't risk resizing it. Make sure you do a clean shutdown, then try again.12:42
=== Lattyware [n=Latty@host86-137-133-9.range86-137.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
murlidharikonia: linkage torrent client12:43
frylock^i took out my old cd drive and plugged in my new one. ubuntu does not seem to recognize it. i can see /dev/sdc0 /mount/cdrom0 in my /etc/fstab, however there is no /dev/sdc0 so i'm thinking that's the reason. bios does see it as secondary master. anybody knows how can i mount it properly?12:43
Shrapnelhunter_     /msg nickserv set hide email on12:43
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ikoniamurlidhar I strongly advise against alinee12:43
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Crozarikonia: i havent fixed the case of my cd drive and i posted the bug in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/14953612:43
Crozarikonia: i just want to change the seconds for grub and make it default and fast12:43
HelzibahHornet: did you try a different kernel image?12:43
gordonjcpfamilie: one of the criticisms levelled at Linux is that hardware support isn't that good - which to an extent is true.  But manufacturers produce Windows drivers but not Linux ones, y'see12:43
murlidharikonia: what should i do then http://code.google.com/p/linkage/wiki/Installation12:43
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gordonjcpfamilie: now if a device works in a fairly "generic" way, or if it has well-documented interfaces, then it's easy to make a driver for it12:44
chuxxsssikonia:going to try the Nvidia 6 series driver let hope I don't crash12:44
murlidharikonia: it requires libnotify0.4.4 but ubuntu has libnotify0.4.312:44
gordonjcpfamilie: the answer is to find stuff that's known to work with Linux, buy it, and then tell the manufacturer that's why you bought it12:44
gordonjcp"I buy your products because they're well supported under Linux"12:44
ikoniamurlidhar what version of ubuntu are you using12:44
IndyGunFreakchuxxsss: i just got mine back up and working, it was a pain.12:45
murlidharikonia: feisty12:45
murlidharikonia: 7.0412:45
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logik4hi all12:45
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chuxxsssI no it is if it goes wrong thanks IndyGunFreak12:45
HelzibahHornet: 2.6.20-16 messed  up battery acpi on my old laptop, but -15 worked fine so I just copied the module across until it was fixed12:45
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ikoniamurlidhar looking at the link you sent me, it should work12:46
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familiegordonjcp, yeh, I phoned Lexmark a couple of weeks ago and asked why they only had 2k2 redhat drivers on their page and the support guy said that - since he's in this job - people *NEVER* asked for Linux drivers yet..12:46
IndyGunFreakchuxxsss: it wsa a pain even while it went right...lol, dual displays just wouldn't work rihgt, but i have it now12:46
frylock^using ubuntu 7.04 (feisty). i took out my old cd-rom drive and plugged in my new one (creative rw 2440). ubuntu does not seem to recognize it. i can see /dev/sdc0 /mount/cdrom0 in my /etc/fstab, however there is no /dev/sdc0 so i'm thinking that's the reason. bios does see it as secondary master. anybody knows how can i mount it properly?12:46
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gordonjcpfamilie: part of the problem, eh12:46
Shrapnelhunter /msg nickserv set unfiltered on12:46
dam9hello everyone :D12:46
CountXi cant boot, i get error 1712:46
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familiegordonjcp, I'll just write a complaint to them in the feedback form telling them that my huuge company will migrate to HP ;)12:47
dam9< new windows convert12:47
gordonjcpfamilie: heh12:47
Crozarikonia: you shouldve told me i must edit this sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst12:47
sebrockI just installed pptpd for VPN purposes, however, when I connect to it I'm not able to surf the internet on the client-side?12:47
Dmitry_CountX, http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic.php?t=12080212:47
ikoniaCrozar I did tell you exactly what to do12:47
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chuxxsssI have a old MX440 my kids and partner have the good computers I have my one in the shed12:47
Crozarikonia: thanks =)12:47
IndyGunFreakchuxxsss: i see.12:47
ikoniaCrozar: change the line "timeout" in /boot/grub/menu.lst to "1"12:47
ikoniaas you can see I told you12:47
logik4Amd64, Ubuntu 7.04, nvidia: Problem only 1 speaker works...12:47
murlidharikonia: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39751/12:48
Dmitry_ikonia, what would timeout 0 do? would it unset the timeout?12:48
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chuxxsssAny good ways to fix it? Indy12:48
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dam9quick question :  which program does people use to import video from mini-dv cameras to a computer in ubuntu?12:48
CountXDmitry_ i already did that12:48
ikoniaDmitry_ I think its unlimited12:48
IndyGunFreakwell, my card is quite a bit newer than yours,12:48
Dmitry_ikonia: i see.12:48
Dmitry_CountX, well, google more. :P12:48
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sebrockanyone knows about this?12:48
ikoniamurlidhar thats a pain12:48
frylock^using ubuntu 7.04 (feisty). i took out my old cd-rom drive and plugged in my new one (creative rw 2440). ubuntu does not seem to recognize it. i can see /dev/sdc0 /mount/cdrom0 in my /etc/fstab, however there is no /dev/sdc0 so i'm thinking that's the reason. bios does see it as secondary master. anybody knows how can i mount it properly?12:48
CountXDmitry_ how many solutions to one problems can their be?12:48
Dmitry_CountX, probably a few. not too many.12:49
murlidharikonia: thnks for givin me a hope now can  u hellp me installing libnotify now since the versions are diff12:49
CountXDmitry_ ive tried 212:49
IndyGunFreakchuxxsss: but what i ended up doing, was instaling the linux nvidia kernel in synaptic, configure my first monitor, restart, configure dual displays, restart, and all is well now.12:49
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chuxxsssnow I can't modify my driver in KDE12:49
ikoniamurlidhar don't change the libnotify version12:49
IndyGunFreakchuxxsss: how ar eyou trying to modify it?12:49
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ikoniamurlidhar: report to the softwre writing that his dependency checking is wrong12:49
murlidharikonia: then it won't install12:49
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CountXDmitry_ ive tried this but no effect : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows#head-68342fc2e30d51fa0aa6f5bf16c911dd8d3663c612:49
Dmitry_CountX, ok. well, good luck. sorry i can't help12:49
ikoniamurlidhar: libnotify is important - don't change it12:49
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dam9can people read this? (new to irc)12:50
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ikoniadam9: yes12:50
SteauaCel Mai tare chat  www.webchat.ws/intime/ www.webchat.ws/intime/ www.webchat.ws/intime/ www.webchat.ws/intime/ www.webchat.ws/intime/ www.webchat.ws/intime/ www.webchat.ws/intime/ www.webchat.ws/intime/  Sau server de irc   /server irc.roirc.net            avem radio trivia tot ce iti doreste sufletul12:50
SteauaCel Mai tare chat  www.webchat.ws/intime/ www.webchat.ws/intime/ www.webchat.ws/intime/ www.webchat.ws/intime/ www.webchat.ws/intime/ www.webchat.ws/intime/ www.webchat.ws/intime/ www.webchat.ws/intime/  Sau server de irc   /server irc.roirc.net            avem radio trivia tot ce iti doreste sufletul12:50
dam9thank you12:50
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sebrockI just installed pptpd for VPN purposes, however, when I connect to it I'm not able to surf the internet on the client-side?12:50
ikonia!pastebin >steaua12:50
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IndyGunFreakdam9: i doubt dyslexics can12:50
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chuxxssswell I will go in to synaptic again if it does work I have instuction on have to do it through the shell bash12:50
murlidharikonia: so wht should i do to install12:50
logik4Amd64, Ubuntu 7.04, nvidia: Problem only 1 speaker works...12:50
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@] by stdin
Crozarikonia: how to save the history of all my terminal commands?12:51
ikoniamurlidhar contact the person who wrote the software and tell him his dependency tacking is wrong12:51
dam9hey, just a really quick question, which program do people commonly use in Ubuntu to import video from mini-dv cameras to their computers? (through firewire port)12:51
Crozarikonia: i need it because at october 18 il reinstall gutsy fresh12:51
ikoniaCrozar its save in .history12:51
Crozaretc/X11 folder?12:51
ikoniaCrozar no your home dir12:51
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rubenhello, I started XChat and now I'm here, but I want to go to the channel #ubuntustudio but I'm new to Irc and XChat, can Anyone help me out?12:51
xcst./j ubuntustuido12:52
xcst./j ubuntustudio12:52
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ikoniaruben /join #ubuntustudio12:52
Dmitry_/j #ubuntustudio12:52
murlidharikonia: i am noobie but how can it have in fedora yum install if the dependency is tacking is wrong?12:52
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ikoniamurlidhar fedroa is totally different12:52
Crozartheyr hidden =D12:52
ikoniamurlidhar hence why I said don't use alien12:52
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=== AnRkey [n=AnRkey@87-194-62-131.bethere.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Dmitry_ikonia is probably more correct. your version of xchat may not support the command /j12:53
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Dmitry_or it may. it's better to be safe.12:53
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IndyGunFreakmurlidhar: why are you here asking about fedora?.. and alien is a terrible idea12:53
murlidharikonia: should i say him that libnotify 0.4.4 is not available for feisty fawn12:53
xcstim looking for a nice antivirus for ubuntu? can someone suggest12:53
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=== N3bunel back
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ChildXi need some help here12:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about anvtivirus - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:53
ikoniamurlidhar no - just question if libnotify4 is actually required, it could just be a typo in his dep checking12:54
dam9clamwin maybe?12:54
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logik4xcst :clamscan12:54
ChildXanyone familiar with Launcher?12:54
IndyGunFreakClamAV, and AVG just came out with their linux version of their AV software, its quite nice.12:54
xcstdo you prefer limewire for ubuntu?12:54
IndyGunFreaki've got AVG on my laptop.12:54
frylock^using ubuntu 7.04 (feisty). i took out my old cd-rom drive and plugged in my new one (creative rw 2440). ubuntu does not seem to recognize it. i can see /dev/sdc0 /mount/cdrom0 in my /etc/fstab, however there is no /dev/sdc0 so i'm thinking that's the reason. bios does see it as secondary master. anybody knows how can i mount it properly?12:54
murlidharikonia: i will do that right away12:54
ubotuantivirus is something you don't really need on Linux, unless you serve windows clients. ClamAV and aegis are decent linux virusscanners. Also see !linuxvirus12:54
Dmitry_frylock^, i've seen that message four times now. :S12:55
ikoniamurlidhar well done. its the correct way to do it. He is posting instructions for ubuntu that don't work - fix the instructions, not ubuntu12:55
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logik4amd64 fan here?12:55
dam9quick question : is there any alternative to Kino for importing mini-dv video to a computer?12:55
xcsthow about the counterpart for limewire12:55
ikonialogik4: ask the qeustion12:55
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logik4Ikonia: Amd64, Ubuntu 7.04, nvidia: Problem only 1 speaker works...12:55
frylock^Dmitry_: yeah, since i nobody answers, i'm writing in intervals, maybe someone who has joined recently can help me out12:55
ikonialogik4: broken speaker/cable ?12:55
ChildXi want to run an application from the Panel... i want to run XMMS and the stream as well, not just xmms, cause that i know12:55
ikoniafrylock^: what is your question12:56
logik4ikonia:  boot with windows=>  hardware, cable ok12:56
=== MannyZ [n=MannyZ@a80-186-143-10.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
murlidharikonia: since i am a noobie just give the exact comments so that i can copy paste it12:56
Dmitry_frylock^, i see. some helpers get annoyed by repetition. however, i totally understand you. :)12:56
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logik4speaker too12:56
logik4speakers too12:56
IndyGunFreaklogik4: check your balances... maybe right speaker is turned off.12:56
Dmitry_[11:54:38]  <frylock^> using ubuntu 7.04 (feisty). i took out my old cd-rom drive and plugged in my new one (creative rw 2440). ubuntu does not seem to recognize it. i can see /dev/sdc0 /mount/cdrom0 in my /etc/fstab, however there is no /dev/sdc0 so i'm thinking that's the reason. bios does see it as secondary master. anybody knows how can i mount it properly?12:56
=== Kopfgeldjaeger [n=nicolai@p54AD7D10.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
bobby_hello ; my question is  : does anybody know a good application for vocal command under ubuntu ( perlbox-voice looks nice but is not really working )12:57
logik4used Alsa mixer and balance ok12:57
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ikoniamurlidhar "hi your instructions to install on ubuntu appear to be wrong. The depencency checking says it needs libnotify 4.4 - however 4.3 is the latest available in ubuntu, is this correct or is your denendecny checking/instructions wrong"12:57
sebrockhow can I access VPN server and internet at the same time???12:57
rubenI have Feisty as distro now, without any dual boot with an other distro. But now I want to instal Ubuntustudio 7.04 next to it. How do I make a dual boot?12:57
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frylock^ikonia: using ubuntu 7.04 (feisty). i took out my old cd-rom drive and plugged in my new one (creative rw 2440). ubuntu does not seem to recognize it. i can see /dev/sdc0 /mount/cdrom0 in my /etc/fstab, however there is no /dev/sdc0 so i'm thinking that's the reason. bios does see it as secondary master. i do see /dev/hdc, when i gnome-mount -vtd /dev/hdc, i get an error about "bad fs, bad superblock (and so forth)"12:58
ikoniaruben the only way to really do it is to use different disks or a shared boot partition12:58
=== gert [n=gert@dsl-243-130-97.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
ChildXhow can i make XMMS to be launched by clicking a button on the Panel and at the same time i want that a stream that i have saved in the file Internet Music.m3u to be executed12:58
ikoniafrylock you've just said you can see /dev/sdc0 - then you tell me  there is no /dev/sdc0 ? which is it12:58
rubenI have ony one Hard disk, I don't think it is divided into partitions. what to do?12:58
ChildXwhat's the command then?12:58
=== Robbies [n=gert@dsl-243-130-97.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
ikoniaruben: why do you want to make this hard, just use ubuntustudio if thats what you want12:59
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rubenand trow away the normal ubuntu?12:59
ChildXthe command 'xmms /home/user/Intzernet Music.m3u' just opens xmms and does not use the m3u file... it opens a Choose file dialog...01:00
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frylock^ikonia: i can see the line that goes "/dev/sdc0 /mount/cdrom0 utf,iso.... " line in my /etc/fstab. in /dev/ there is no "sdc0"01:00
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murlidharikonia: done thnks01:00
ChildXthe command 'xmms /home/user/Internet Music.m3u' just opens xmms and does not use the m3u file... it opens a Choose file dialog...01:00
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ikoniafrylock^: ok - have you rebooted so udev can create one ?01:00
stdinChildX: did you escape the space ?01:00
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rubenI don't now if ubuntustudio is suited for other things then media development01:00
k4uRight, server info has been set, but it still tells me: 'no screens found'01:00
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stdinChildX: xmms /home/user/Internet\ Music.m3u    < like that?01:00
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logik4i found this : #1437701:00
k4uRight, server info has been set, but it still tells me: 'no screens found'01:00
ChildXthen i tried renaming the file to Music.m3u and set the command accordingly01:00
rubenand also I first want to try it01:01
ikoniak4u don't use the server edition01:01
ikoniak4u use the desktop01:01
ChildXstdin, no01:01
k4uikonia: it doesn't matter. i reinstalled.01:01
ikoniak4u use the desktop01:01
frylock^ikonia: yeah i did.01:01
ChildXmy second command was 'xmms /home/user/Music.m3u'01:01
ikoniafrylock^: do you have any /dev/scd devices01:01
k4uikonia: Read! i reinstalled. but it STILL doesn't work!01:01
ikoniak4u drop the attitude, I asked you earlier what the errors where01:02
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ubotumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org01:02
k4uikonia: ubuntu-desktop has been installed. it just tells me 'no screens found'01:02
frylock^ikonia: nop. ls /dev/sc* returns empty01:02
ChildXi've changed the file Internet Music.m3u to Music.m3u01:02
ikoniak4u: use the desktop version - not the server version01:02
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ikoniafrylock can you see it in the bios ?01:02
frylock^ikonia: yes, as secondary master.01:03
ikonia!caps >mannyz01:03
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ChildXis this a possible bug in Ubuntu feisty?01:03
MannyZikonia pls01:03
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ktostakiWill I can send mails throught mutt?01:03
ikoniafrylock thats very odd, try lshw see if you can see it01:03
ChildXor probably a bug in GNOME01:03
ubuntu__hey guys, anyone here running an 8800gts?01:03
k4uanyone else who can help me with this apart from ikonia?01:03
ikoniak4u: lets fix your desktop install issues01:03
ubuntu__k4u whats wrong01:03
k4uubuntu__: I have installed ubuntu-desktop, but it tells me: 'no screens found'01:04
xcsti like to watch dvd and movies in my laptop, is preferrable that i install medibuntu?01:04
ubuntu__and has anyone here installed an 8800gts on ubuntu feisty?01:04
ubuntu__what graphics card are youusing01:04
ChildXplease help me or i'll start cursing01:04
logik4issue:  Ubuntu live CD, AMD64 turion, Presario V6000, Nvidia:  Failed to boot BCM01:04
ikoniaubuntu__ yes01:04
k4uubuntu__ Nvidea01:04
ikoniaubuntu__ 880001:04
jimcooncatlooking for a more robust terminal app, multiple sessions, let me send one command to all?01:04
ikoniak4u fix the issues on the desktop cd - rather than messing witht he server edition01:05
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linxehjimcooncat: multiple xterms ?01:05
ChildXnow you deserved it01:05
frylock^ikonia: it sees it, in ide-1, logical name: /dev/hdc01:05
k4uubuntu__: could it be becaus i'm trying it on an HP?01:05
ChildXdie you selfish mother-fuckers01:05
ikoniak4u: this is desktop for your dad - desktop edition is more suited to desktop use01:05
stdin!language | ChildX01:05
ubotuChildX: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.01:05
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ikoniastdin: just ban that01:05
jimcooncatlinxeh: like screen but with a better interface01:05
k4uikonia: i HAVE installed the desktop cd! o'01:05
ChildXoh now you've noticed me01:05
ubuntu__ikonia did u install an 8800 b4?01:05
k4uikonia; i'm not stupid...01:05
ikoniak4u no you've not, as you've told me your installing gnome-desktop01:05
ChildXyou sick fuck01:05
ubuntu__what model nvidia card k4u01:05
thedonvaughnChildX: mad because you're not getting free volunteered help?01:05
ikoniagnome-desktop is already installed on the desktop01:05
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ikoniaubuntu__ yes01:06
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linxehjimcooncat: you can probably achieve what you want with screen and emacs ;-)01:06
k4uubuntu__: uhm.. woulnd't kknow actualy... how to find?:| i have no package or some sort...01:06
frylock^ikonia: when i gnome-mount -vtd /dev/hdc, it says something about bad fs, bad superblock. i can fetch the full message if you want.01:06
jimcooncatlinxeh: no doubt, only takes a year to learn?01:06
ubuntu__did it work, i tried b4 and now im on the live cd wundering if i should because i dont think it will work01:06
ikoniafrylock sounds a good idea01:06
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ikoniaubuntu__ livecd is tricky, you have to use the 3rd party nvidia drivers01:06
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ubuntu__no no no01:07
ubuntu__i mean01:07
ubuntu__if i install it will it work01:07
murlidharikonia: if u notice there is no mention of libnotify0.4.4 here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39754/01:07
ubuntu__apparently in 7.10 deta they fixed it01:07
k4uafk-> taking a shower...01:07
linxehjimcooncat: or longer :) you never stop learning (like anything)01:07
ikoniaubuntu__ not out of the box01:07
ubuntu__but i dont want to01:07
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IndyGunFreakubuntu__: fixed what?01:07
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ikoniaubuntu__ they updated the driver in 7.10 - thats what "fixed" it01:07
ubuntu__the 8800gts issue01:07
linxehjimcooncat: I can't think of anything that does what you want off hand, but there might be something out there (tried looking on freshmeat?)01:07
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logik4bcm case also?01:07
ubuntu__it crashes X when i install the official driver01:07
jimcooncatlinxeh: oh yeah freshmeat. thanks, I forgot01:08
IndyGunFreakubuntu__: ya i've read that01:08
ubuntu__i tried envy01:08
ubuntu__but that sucked01:08
linxehjimcooncat: multi-gnome terminal ?01:08
ubuntu__the reso kept changing01:08
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ikoniaubuntu__: I've just told you the situation01:08
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ubuntu__i had to always reset to my screen reso every time i restarted and played a full screen game01:08
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linxehjimcooncat: mrxvt?01:08
IndyGunFreakmy 7800 works fine...01:09
logik4Linux on Laptop: http://www.linux-on-laptops.com/compaq.html01:09
ikoniaIndyGunFreak: because its supported01:09
IndyGunFreakya.. :)01:09
IndyGunFreaksupported video cards, ftw!01:09
ubuntu__oh i see, ive got the 7.10 beta disk here could i just use those drivers01:09
linxehjimcooncat: heheheheh multixterm looks quite interesting /01:10
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IndyGunFreakubuntu__: have you looked at Restricted driver mgr in System/Admin?01:10
thedonvaughnubuntu__: uhm, if u need nvidia drivers that you're going to compile your own, why not download them from nvidia?01:10
ikoniaubuntu__ no01:10
ubuntu__thats what crashed them01:10
ikoniaubuntu__ I've explained the situation, I'll do it one more time. The drivers in 7.04 do not support the 8800 card01:10
IndyGunFreakubuntu__: what did it say in restricted driver mgr01:10
Crozarikonia: do you play games?01:10
frylock^ikonia: ok, it tells me wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock when reading /dev/hdc. it also suggests me to dmesg01:10
thedonvaughnubuntu__: if it's necesasry, you're not forced to wait for ubuntu to package it for you.  Just install it yourself.01:10
jimcooncatthanks linxeh I'm checking 'em all01:10
ikoniaubuntu__ you either have to update to the drivers on nvidia.com01:10
ubuntu__ok, the restricted driver manager crashed my system and so did the nvidia drivers01:11
ikoniaubuntu__ or use ubuntu 7.10 - where they have updated teh drivers for you01:11
frylock^ikonia: when i dmesg | tail, i see EXT3-fs: cannot read superblock01:11
IndyGunFreakikonia: i thought he was using gutsy?01:11
ikoniafrylock its trying to mount it as a ext3 file system, not a cdrom01:11
ikoniaIndyGunFreak nah 7.0401:11
Crozarikonia: nvidia8800 not supported with ubuntu~!01:11
ubuntu__i got that01:11
IndyGunFreakikonia: well that explains my confusion..lol01:11
frylock^ikonia: what is the vfstype for a cd-rom?01:11
ikoniaCrozar the driver sin 7.10 work01:11
ubuntu__the 7.10 beta isnt installing, anyone here installed it (just want to clarify sumthing)01:12
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ikoniafrylock it should work it out auto, but it looks like hdc is not your cdrom, do "sudo fdisk -l /dev/hdc" see what it says01:12
ikoniaubuntu__ yes I have it installed01:12
ikoniaand the support channel is #ubuntu+101:12
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frylock^ikonia: it says nothing01:13
ikoniafrylock^: ok - so that looks like the cdrom01:13
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ikoniafrylock^: actually can you post the output in a pastebin please01:13
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frylock^ikonia: the output of the command or the dmesg | tail01:14
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Crozarikonia: when you mean by drivers for gfx card you mean old not so old or new? in windows they go by versions and each has its own featuer like opengl1.4 or opengl 2.3 ect..01:14
ikoniafrylock^: no "sudo fdisk -l /dev/hdc"01:14
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ikoniaCrozar: please stop talking about nosense topics01:14
er4z0rcannot get my wireless-card to work01:14
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Crozarwhats nonsense? who doesnt want new drivers ?01:14
er4z0rCrozar: people who are well with te old ones?01:15
french-kisshello i download today the new openoffice01:15
frylock^ikonia: it has no output at all, it just asks me for may pw, then it just goes back to shell01:15
french-kissbut now thats many package01:15
Crozarikonia: last year drivers was about 80.78 right? now we've reached 160 version in windows01:15
ikoniafrylock^: thats worrying01:15
french-kisshow can i install all the package01:15
ikoniafrylock^: is there a cdrom in the drive01:15
ikoniaCrozar I'm not interested01:15
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frylock^ikonia: yerp, the ubuntu feisty 7.04 installation cd :)01:16
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ikoniafrylock^: thats not good, it looks like ubuntu cannot see your cdrom at all01:16
Crozarwhy???> ikonia on windows version 80 last year got Doom3 fps down to 58 FRAMES PER SECOND , but now this year same card on windows updated drivers to 160 it gave 88 FPS STABLED~01:16
ikoniafrylock^: did you say lshw can see it01:16
ikoniaCrozar please stop disscussing this with me, I'm not interested01:16
frylock^ikonia: yes, in ide-1, logical name: /dev/hdc.01:16
CrozarwhY! :(01:16
ikoniafrylock did it identify the cdrom ok01:16
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Crozarikonia: because your fed up of telling people that answer?01:17
frylock^yeah, creative rw01:17
logik4btw:  Any interesting games to suggest ?01:17
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ikoniafrylock thats good.01:17
ikoniafrylock^: can you show me "ls -la /dev/hdc"01:17
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Crozarikonia: ok what about ati?01:17
ikoniaCrozar last request before I put you on ignore. Stop discussing this with me, I'm not interested01:17
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DaleheadHi everyone....Can anyone help me out with a screen resolution problem?01:18
murlidharikonia: i forgot to tell u that i already installed the client using sudo alien and it has installed without any errors but it does not open01:18
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ikoniaDalehead: sure01:18
CrozarIndyGunFreak: can you tell me about ATI?01:18
DaleheadThanks, i'll try to explain01:18
ikoniamurlidhar uninstall it01:18
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IndyGunFreakCrozar: only thing i can tell you is it sucks.01:18
ikonia!ati >Crozar01:18
DaleheadI've read all FAQ's, and had partial success, but now no more progress01:18
ikoniaCrozar: read that01:18
DjViperati works01:18
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:18
DaleheadI have a Shuttle PC with an integrated Radeon 9100 gfx01:18
BurdonHei ikonia, me again. Maybe you could help me? I installed the printer. Everything worked fine. But I cannot find die printer in the menu and in programms. Do you have an idea?01:19
frylock^ikonia: brw-rw----- 1 root cdrom 22, 0 2007-10-06 11:52 /dev/hdc01:19
Daleheadi'm using a Dell Widescreen 20" monitor01:19
_ArgasmI've just installed 7.10 release 2 and I cannot seem to get the wireless working properly...  Did all the same stuff in 7.04 (get dnsmasq/ipmasq/firestarter) and entered all the settings in /etc/network/interfaces for wlan0... but the damn thing wont flash and start up... any ideas ???01:19
IndyGunFreakDjViper: for some it does i'm sure...  i never got my 9550 to work...01:19
murlidharikonia: but the terminal gives the error of libcurl do u think even that is not supported?01:19
IndyGunFreakDjViper: do you have the 3d drivers installed?01:19
DjViperIndyGunFreak: did you try the latest driver?01:19
DaleheadI can't get any resolution options greater than 1280x1024 to appear, and have followed the excellent guide on the forums01:19
ikoniafrylock thats good, it looks like it "knows" its a cdrom so udev created the correct device01:19
DjViperIndyGunFreak: yep, and compiz fusion etc01:19
murlidharikonia: yes  i will uninstall it01:19
IndyGunFreakDjViper: this was like a year ago, i've long since ditched that card and went Nvidia.01:19
Daleheadi guess hoping someone more experienced may be able to help with my checklist of tried things01:19
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DjViperall working wonderfully01:19
DjViperah okay01:19
IndyGunFreakDjViper: awesome.01:19
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IndyGunFreakNvidia is way easier, i'll say that01:20
DjViperIndyGunFreak: and Im using a 9600 mobility card01:20
logik4Dalehead:  have you look into xorg.conf file?01:20
frylock^ikonia: you know what, i'll plug it to my windoze box, see if it works fine. maybe the cd-rom is f*cked01:20
Daleheadyes, and a friend who is more knowledgable than me tried to edit it01:20
ikoniaDalehead: what we need to do is look at your /var/Xorg.0.log file and see why it can't see higher resoluitions01:20
ikoniafrylock^: careful on the language please, its not needed01:20
IndyGunFreakDjViper: i think part of my problem was it being dual screen, it would never run dual screen right... whereas Nvidia its easy to set up01:20
Daleheadit ended up screwed, so we ran the utility that resets things, chose vesa and now i can get 128001:20
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frylock^ikonia: ok will be. i'll see if the cd-rom is faulty :)01:21
frylock^ttyl thanks!01:21
ikoniafrylock^: cool01:21
Daleheadok, how is it best for me to get that info to you?  Just paste it here?01:21
DjViperIndyGunFreak: okay01:21
stdin!paste | Dalehead01:21
ubotuDalehead: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:21
Keule|Oni need help with terratec hybrid dvb-t card01:21
Daleheadgreat, will try to work on that now.....01:21
jimcooncatlinxeh: multi-gnome-terminal is just fine. thanks!!!01:21
Keule|Oni cannot install it01:21
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CrozarIndyGunFreak: are you on laptop?01:22
Bassettscan anyone recommend a podcatcher with a gui and that is not slow at downloading the podcasts01:22
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CrozarIndyGunFreak: laptop nvidia GO cards drivers come from themanufacture not all from nvidia .com and if u want it from theyr u must get a edited twaeked .inf file if i do those twaeks like i do in windows can linux understand them?01:23
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ikonia7!offtopic >crozar01:23
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ikonia!offtopic >crozar01:23
Daleheadhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39756/    - hope it did that right01:23
IndyGunFreakCrozar: i have absolutely no idea what you just sai, that made no sense at all.01:23
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_ArgasmCan someone help me with a wireless problem in 7.10 ??  it's all configured but no flashing wireless card ??? any ideas ??01:24
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ikonia_Argasm: gusty support in #ubuntu+101:24
Crozaromg did he block me? i havent speaked with him =/01:24
IndyGunFreakCrozar: no, im' not ona  laptop though.01:24
Crozaril wait for pici01:24
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ok21I can see the content of a folder being a root(using console), but when I try to access through my file browser I cant, how can I access the file using my file browser01:25
=== N3bunel ia dati si voi un vot aici http://www.caini-pisici.com/index.php?page=concurs_caini_pisici&poza=1950 pls
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k4uokay, what to do with the error that Xserver can't find any screens?01:26
J-Georg_Good morning.01:26
linxehjimcooncat: cool, glad you found something01:26
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arnathi installed ubuntu first, then windows, but now i can't get grub going again01:26
ikoniak4u you install the ubuntu desktop version01:26
k4uikonia: already did that, as i have said about 50 times01:26
k4uanyone else?01:26
stdin!grub | arnath01:26
ubotuarnath: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:26
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ok21can i run file browser as being sudo or root, so I can see those files01:27
Burdonikonia: My printer isn't displayed in the menu. What's the matter?01:27
ikoniak4u I know lieing as you told me you installed the ubuntu-desktop package which is already installed on the ubuntu desktop install01:28
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stdinok21: you can "gksu nautilus"01:28
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ikoniaBurdon no idea01:28
Burdonok thx01:28
J-Georg_Any idea what else could be wrong if grub-install says "The file /boot/grub/stage1 not read correctly."? I've gone through forums last couple of hours and nothing helps what's suggested so far. I have menu.lst, device.map and even mentioned stage1 in place and fstab and mtab look fine too...01:28
GuHHHcan anyone help me? i can't unzip a file: http://paste.debian.net/3893301:29
ok21stdin:thanks a lot man01:29
ciphergothJust installed Gutsy beta on my new Windows XP laptop.  I'd expected that it would be dual-boot by the time I'd finished, but no menu appears at boot time.  Did something go wrong?01:29
ikoniaGuHHH: are you using ubuntu ?01:29
ikoniaciphergoth: /join #ubuntu+1 for gusty support01:29
ciphergothikonia: OK - thanks!01:29
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Megabytedoes anyone here try xgl?01:30
Daleheadikonia: Did the paste work of for you?  First time i've used that service sorry01:30
Megabyte*Did anyone here try xgl, I mean.01:30
ikoniaDalehead sorry, I missed it, I didn't know you where pasting anything01:30
Daleheadnp, the conf file http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39756/01:30
murlidhararnath: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=224351 follow this01:31
logik4i have dual screen here:  19" + Dell widescreen 22"01:31
Daleheadlogik4:  Hi01:31
arnathis it at all a problem that /boot/grub/stage1 gives me a (hd1) reference?01:31
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logik4using ATI Radeon 9200 SE (RV280)01:31
arnathi can install grub, thats not the problem01:31
arnaththe problem is that it wont boot01:31
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logik4max resolution is 1680x105001:32
murlidhararnath: how many hard disks do u ha ve01:32
arnathmurlidhar: 201:32
DaleheadThis is a shuttle PC, so most things are onboard.  Single display is all I need01:32
logik4optimize for Dell monitor01:32
ikoniaDalehead I asked for the log file, not the config file01:32
Daleheadyes, that's what i'd like, but it doesn't appear as an option01:32
GuHHHikonia: yes, why?01:32
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DaleheadOh sorry..... which log file?01:32
logik4what is the recommend resolution ?01:32
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murlidhararnath: pastebin this sudo fdisk -l > ~/Desktop/Partition.Layout.$(date +%m-%d-%Y-%T).txt01:32
DaleheadThis monitor should be 1680x105001:32
ikoniaGuHHH please show me uname -a01:32
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arnathmurlidhar: sec, the livecd is booting01:33
GuHHHikonie: lol, just to make sure im on ubuntu?01:33
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ikoniaGuHHH yeah01:33
ikoniaGuHHH lots of time wasters01:33
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arnathmurlidhar: but i can pretty much tell you want you need to know -> sda = windows, sdb = linux :|01:34
GuHHHikonia: im on debian, chrooting a ubuntu partition01:34
logik4DaleHead: i am comparing your xorg file with mine01:34
Daleheadlogik4:  Thanks01:34
murlidhararnath: hmm01:34
ikoniaGuHHH ahh so your lying to me01:34
ikoniaGuHHH as I suspected01:35
ikoniaGuHHH: join #debian01:35
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GuHHHmy file is on ubuntu 01:35
arnathmurlidhar: i already considered switching the two harddrives around, but im afraid this would cause problems wiv fstab, no?01:35
GuHHHand im using it chroot, so its ubuntu01:35
ikoniaGuHHH join #debian01:35
murlidhararnath: any partitions in windows drive?01:35
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arnathmurlidhar: only the one windows01:35
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vinboy_is there any utility to test mirrors' speed?01:36
murlidhararnath: root (hd0,0)01:36
ikoniaGuHHH show me lsb_release -i01:36
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arnathmurlidhar: hmm, last time i tried that, it didnt work, but i'll try again01:37
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GuHHHDistributor ID: Ubuntu01:37
GuHHHlol, i could make it up ;P01:37
Daleheadlogik4:  hi01:37
ikoniatrue, no help here for debian, sorry01:37
arnathmurlidhar: setup (hd0) ?01:38
dog_boyHi all, having an issue switching displays on a Thinkpad T23. LCD works but can't switch over (Fn-F7) to the DVI port on my mini dock. Any ideas? (7.04 current)01:38
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murlidhararnath: root(hd1,0)01:38
jribGuHHH: it looks like an issue with your file.  Does it unzip in Debian?01:38
murlidhararnath: setup (hd0)01:38
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Crozardog_boy: with 7.10 Gutsy you have the option with eyecandy you can switch by ur mouse easily , but on 7.04 you must edit your xorg.conf file and have TV CRT inserted01:39
GuHHHjrib: no, doesnt on debian neither ubuntu01:39
arnathmurlidhar: it would have to be root (hd1,1), i fink (thats the bootable linux partition)01:39
GuHHHikonia: its not debian... damn! ;D01:39
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jribGuHHH: then it's an issue with the file01:40
stdinGuHHH: then the file is corrupt01:40
arnathmurlidhar: ok, done it, will reboot to see01:40
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murlidhararnath: remember to type "quit" to quit grub and if u r01:40
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arnathmurlidhar: did that01:40
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GuHHHit was download from torrent... no one complained01:40
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arnathmurlidhar: you are my savior! :)01:41
GuHHHits strange01:41
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schopraGreetings all, I'm wondering if someone could help with a pdfedit installation question01:41
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murlidhararnath: naah nothing i am just a noobie  and i heard that01:41
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arnathmurlidhar: well you saved my butt, so thanks ;)01:41
murlidhararnath: bios and grub read differently01:42
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xcstdo linux users still us antivirus?01:42
murlidhararnath: just remeber that01:42
Daleheadlogik4: Sorry, did i miss your reply?  Just saw my name...01:42
arnathmurlidhar: will do :>01:42
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mokohi folks where can I ask help for some gnome games^01:43
logik4still using VESA instead of radeon01:43
logik4Identifier"ATI RADEON 9100"01:43
logik4mine:   BoardName "ATI Technologies, Inc. Radeon 9200 SE (RV280)"01:43
jribxcst: no, unless they are a mail server for windows users01:43
logik4    Driver "radeon"01:43
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jrib!paste | logik401:43
ubotulogik4: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:43
Daleheadradeon 9100 is the integrated card01:43
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xcstjrib, thanks01:44
schopraFolks, I've been trying to install pdfedit and keep getting some errors related to libc601:44
wiihow do i find out my monitor horizontal and vertical values?01:44
schopraI've tried three different installation methods (the recommended ones at the pdfedit page) and no dice01:44
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DaleheadVESA i think was chosen because when I tried to install the ATI driver, we ended up with Gnome not booting, and had to run the GPK tool (forget full name)01:45
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Daleheadlogik4: Did you have to install your driver manually, or was it auto detected at install?01:45
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moko..LOL first crash on gutzy01:46
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logik4yes i did01:46
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schopraI ran sudo to install libc6 but it insistst that libc6 is already the newest version01:46
logik4a little pain in the ...01:46
Daleheadyeah, i tried it following the guide, and each time i've ended up with the boot failure01:46
logik4maybe because of dual screen setting01:46
stdinschopra: are you compiling by any chance?01:46
Daleheadconsidering a clean re-install01:47
arnathim adding windows to grub menu.lst, which fields are required? title & root obviously, but what else?01:47
logik4use the fglx tool01:47
arnathchainloader +1 <- what does it do and is it necessary?01:47
schoprastdin: No, I just ran the the two recommended sudos, then wget to get the package01:47
schopraand then alien on on the rpm01:47
Kopfgeldjaegeri want to move all files with a " in their name into the folder here/. whats wrong with this [although it does work it gives an error message] : find ./ -name '*"*'  -exec mv {} here/ \;01:47
DaleheadThanks for the help logik4, i'll go try again :)01:47
Daleheadappreciate it01:47
mechdavearnath: yes it is required for windows01:47
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schopraits a bit strange01:48
arnathmechdave: anything else i have to put in? (title, root, chainloader+1 and ? )01:48
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stdinschopra: it's probably an old package or just has the wrong info in it. alien isn't a good way to install packages01:48
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logik4once you modify xorg file...01:48
logik4restart gdm01:48
schoprastdin: I've just been following the instructions here:01:48
Daleheadjust via a system reboot?01:49
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schoprastdin: what seems to be common to all three methods on that page is that when I follow them, the installation craps out at the last stage01:49
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mechdavearnath: yeah, should be title line then rootnoverify and then chainloader +101:49
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CH1Phow to allot swap partition?01:49
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DaleheadYou still chose Radeon from the download site, or FireGL?01:49
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arnathmechdave: rootnoverify instead of root?01:49
Daleheadwonder if i'm confusing that somewhere01:49
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mechdavearnath: yes01:50
arnathmechdave: ok thx01:50
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stdinschopra: you may have to use the older package for now http://3v1n0.tuxfamily.org/pool/edgy/3v1n0/pdfedit_0.2.5-0+3v1ubuntu1_i386.deb01:50
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schoprastdin: Thanks, OK, let me try that01:50
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jcsSo my computer lost power partway through an apt-get dist-upgrade, and now I get a kernel panic on boot complaining about a corrupted shared library.  Is there any chance whatsoever that I can fix this?01:51
schoprastdin: back in a few01:51
mechdavearnath: title Windows XP01:51
mechdaverootnoverify (hd0,0)01:51
mechdavechainloader +101:51
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arnathmechdave: ye its working :D01:51
ok21I need to copy the file in my desktop from ubuntu, currently grub isnt working, I booted a ubuntu live cd I can see those files in my browser using gksu nautilus, but cant in anyway copy those file to my USB drive01:51
stdinschopra: when gutsy is out and you upgrade you'll get the newer package01:51
ikoniajcs re-install is your best beyt01:51
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schopraaha, that sounds right01:51
mechdavearnath: Bewdy, glad to be of help! :)01:51
ok21please help01:52
arnathmechdave: :D01:52
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CH1Phow to allot swap partition?01:53
CH1Pits like /whatgoeshere?01:53
schoprastdin: Are there any other pdf editors out there that would work?01:54
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stdinschopra: not sure, I never needed to edit a pdf, but I'm sure there's something in the repos01:54
schoprastdin: OK, thanks very much, I'll check things out a bit more01:55
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murlidharschopra: search in synaptic01:56
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Daleheadlogik4:  i'm getting an error when installing the driver01:56
Yodudehello, how come when i right click on the desktop, then i click "create document" i get no options ??? In KDE i go get them but nothing in gnome01:56
Dalehead./ati-installer.sh: 165: Syntax error: Bad substitution01:56
Dalehead./ati-installer.sh: 165: Syntax error: Bad substitution01:56
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Daleheadthat's installing the proprietary linux driver01:57
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murlidharok21: reinstalling grub would be a much better option01:57
Yodudeanybody knows how to fix this ?01:57
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logik4Dalehead: let me check01:58
Yodudehow come when i right click on the desktop, then i click "create document" i get no options ??? In KDE i go get them but nothing in gnome01:58
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Daleheadahh, interesting it says it does not support cards earlier than 950001:59
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arnathhmm strange, my windows drive is in fstab, but its not auto-mounting?02:00
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murlidhararnath: it is better to use ntfs-3g than touching the fstab02:01
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AndrewB!ntfs-3g > arnath (see pm)02:02
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arnathis it "reliable" yet?02:03
murlidharjust sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g and sudo apt-get install ntfs-config02:03
arnathi have no real need to write to my windows drive02:03
murlidhararnath: it gives an option to delete viruses from windows xp:)02:04
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arnathmurlidhar: hah, nice one :D02:04
arnathmurlidhar: but the xp is purely for gaming, i dont anticipate virusses02:04
kyjaI have a duplicate item in my places menu... any idea;s how to get er gone ?02:05
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murlidhararnath: u never know trojans are a common if u play multiplayer02:05
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Innomenhi all, it tells me the ndiswrapper package is broken, and when i try ti repair it i get what looks like an overwrite error. This makes sense to me because arent i useing it to talk to the net?02:05
arnathmurlidhar: meh, im careful, and if it goes bonkers, ill just reinstall windows02:06
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Daleheadlogik4: Thanks for your help, i'm going to try a re-install, and then the links you sent previously.  A friend of mine has worked on this machine, so knowing eveything is clean may help02:06
murlidhararnath: ur choice02:06
Daleheadappreciate your time02:06
logik4Deal:  try thi02:06
logik4also go into /etc/X1102:07
psycosehello i'am trying the 7.10 beta install from 7.04 where can i post my problems to contribute ? tanks02:07
logik4the gdm will help02:07
Daleheadthat's the file that won't run02:07
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Daleheadi got a lot to learn in linux :)02:07
murlidharme too :)02:07
Daleheadthanks all02:07
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nonix4Umm, where do I report bugs on the ubuntu web site itself? Looks like it sets background color but not foreground, thus breaking up when using themes / high contrast (reverse)...02:08
erUSULpsycose: for help on 7.10 #ubuntu+1 if you found bugs...02:08
yakamoz424:prrr:ho015f mekan:prrr:02:09
erUSUL!bugs | psycose02:09
ubotupsycose: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots02:09
jribnonix4: launchpad.net02:09
psycosei've got a few packages failed to download while upgrading 7.04 to 7.10 they are all related to the linux kernel (Failed to fetch http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-meta/linux-image-generic_2. 404 Not Found) any tips? thanks02:09
psycosethanks erUSUL02:09
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logik4bye all02:10
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stdinpsycose: run "sudo apt-get update" first02:10
erUSULpsycose: see the topic... some mirrors are still catching up... and as i said gutsy help _only_ in #ubuntu+102:10
Innomenwell, my bar and desktop apear to have vanished, if there a key shortcut for rebooting?02:10
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jribnonix4: launchpad.net/ubuntu-website more specifically02:10
stdinpsycose: or try using the main archive02:10
Innomenother than the powerbuton by default?02:10
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Innomenanything like "task manager"  in ubuntu?02:10
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jribInnomen: you can restart X with ctrl-alt-backspace02:11
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nonix4jrib: that'd be the ubuntu-website project there?02:12
jribnonix4: yes02:12
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chongis there a daily gutsy iso that i could test?02:12
Bassettsis there a way to convert xvid to mpg in ubuntu02:13
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jribchong: gutsy help in #ubuntu+102:13
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chongjrib, tx02:14
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nonix4as usual, already reported as #102394 ... but w/ a slightly different context.02:14
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saloxsome basic applications like test editors and html editors, moves really slow. Lot of CPU used, and image is fragmented when scroll left and right in  the text window. Other applications runs good like GIMP. What can i do to move it faster ? I have a 900Mhz Duron, 512 Mb RAM. What is the reason for so much processor usage? Kernel problem ?02:17
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lamegosalox, you understand that is very old system to run graphical apps, right ?02:19
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kdittyi have a problem, i cant type into any apps with my keyboard, right now i have to go into a terminal and type-copy-paste what i want to say. anyone know what might be causing this?02:19
lamegoyou should use xubuntu, and just light apps02:19
saloxi use xubuntu02:19
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saloxto much processor usage for what02:19
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saloxtext editor02:20
brokenI need some help, I'm looking for xlib6g and I can't find/install it.02:20
kdittyalso only the enter button on my numberpad will work to send to this chann02:20
opthi, i am an Ubuntu newbie, help me.02:20
lamegosalox, for the graphical libraries processing ?02:20
jcssalox: you could try disabling text antialiasing in font options.02:20
lamegobroken, are you sure that is the library name your are needing ?02:20
saloxmaybe is an ideea02:20
brokenlamego: yes. It says that its not satisfied when I am trhying to install this guitar tuner.02:20
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saloxin mandriva02:21
saloxmoves much faster02:21
saloxi686 kernel02:21
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saloxmaybe is this another reason02:21
jcssalox: in that case it could well be a problem with your X configuration.  What kind of graphics card are you using?02:21
brokenlamego: im reading in some documentation that lib6 is also known as glibc, i've tried looking for glibc by searching "glibc" but it didn't come up with anything.02:21
saloxgeforce 4 MX 44002:22
lamegobroken, you are looking for the core C library, if you are going to compile you just need to install: build-essential02:22
kyjaI have a duplicate item in my places menu... any idea;s how to get er gone ?02:22
lamegothat includes libc6-dev02:22
lamegokyja, /usr/share/applications02:22
jcssalox: in the "Device" section of /etc/X11/xorg.conf, do you have the "nv" driver or the "nvidia" driver?02:22
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brokenlamego: build-essential is already the newest version02:23
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lamegobroken, that means you have libc6 already :)02:23
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lamegobroken, what are you trying to achieve ?02:23
ganeshlamego:how to install .bin file in ubuntu?02:23
jcssalox: in that case I'm out of ideas, apart from comparing your mandriva and ubuntu xorg.conf files to see if there could be critical differences02:23
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jcssalox: unless you're using desktop effects of course02:23
lamegoganadist, a bin file is usualy a binary or script, chmod u+x file.bin; file./bin02:23
lamegoon the terminal02:23
saloxgames like chromium moves ok02:23
brokenlamego: i am trying to open this stupid "executable" file..02:23
brokenAnd I double click it and nothing happens.02:24
lamegobroken, you can open executables on linux by just click on them02:24
lamegothis is not windows :)02:24
lamegoyou can not02:24
saloxi don't understand why is used so much processor for thext moving on the screen02:24
kyjalamego, places menu. I have to desktop selectors. :(02:24
jribyes you can...02:24
InnomenWhenever i trying to reinstall or remove ndiswrapper "E: /var/cache/apt/archives/ndiswrapper-common_1.38-1ubuntu1_all.deb: trying to overwrite `/sbin/loadndisdriver', which is also in package ndiswrapper"02:25
jcssalox: are you using Feisty or Gutsy?02:25
saloxis there any i686 kernel for ubuntu pls ?02:25
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brokenlamego: ./gstring-dynamic-i386: error while loading shared libraries: libdrfftw.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory02:25
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jcssalox: it is really unlikely to be a kernel issue.02:25
=== broken is stunned and shocked
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lamegobroken, that binary depends on a library which you do not have installed02:25
saloxfeisty i think . Xubuntu 7.0402:25
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brokenjesus christ. librariers :d02:26
jribInnomen: are you mixing repos?02:26
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Innomenjrib: no idea02:26
brokenlamego: could you perhaps enlighten me to which library that is?02:26
dam9hi, i am a new ubuntu user (switched from windows) and all is going well, google works like a charm but I just have a quick question:  what program do people commonly use to encode videos into XVID format in Ubuntu?02:26
brokengoogle works like a charm lol..02:27
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lamegobroken, that library is not available on any of the ubuntu repositories packages02:27
ikoniadam9: you asked this eariler, mencoder is good, with any front end02:27
brokenof all the things that could go wrong, googles going to be always working.02:27
Innomenbroken: yea that means he/she can get to the net02:27
lamegobroken, usually the INSTALL or README does help02:27
brokenAnd I've read that.02:27
saloxwith i386 kernel the x686 instructions is not used i know, and this result in a slow CPU02:27
jribInnomen: where does the new ndiswrapper come from? and the new one?02:27
brokenSo you are telling me there is no support for this?02:27
Innomenbroken: you're an even bigger $%^&* than i am aren't ya, shocking.02:27
lamegobroken, what software are you tring to install ?02:27
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dam9ikonia, earlier i asked something different about importing dv, now i asked about encoding to xvid, thank you very much for your answer02:27
brokenlamego: anything from here http://linux-sound.org/guitar.html02:28
brokenNothing has worked yet.02:28
saloxcould be significant speed improvements if i use an i686 kernel ?02:28
Innomenjrib: the old one probably came form a package i downloaded, and the new one is from sudo apt-get, i'd happy remove either to reinstall heheh02:28
broken(in tuners)02:28
lamegobroken, running "executables" download from somewhere is not the best way to run software on linux :P02:28
brokenThis link was in the ubunut forums.02:28
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brokenSo shoot me for reading the forums ;)02:28
jribInnomen: remove the old one first02:29
lamegothere is a lot of wrong things on the forums ;)02:29
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shizniti need help with startup programs, i removed them from the autortart list and they still autostart02:29
Innomenjrib: as i said i get the same error regardless of telling it to install reinstall ..or remove02:29
arnathhmm, i'm getting "No DHCPOFFERS received" from dhclient eth1, anyone know if this could be a linux problem? (or is my dhcp server down?)02:29
lamegobroken, that software is a bit out dated. have you tried to find an equivalent software on the repositories02:29
brokenso... cough.. im not going to able to tune my guitar :(02:29
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brokenyea guess not a lot of guitar players use ubuntu02:30
lamegobroken, have you tried gtkguitune ?02:30
jribInnomen: pastebin the command and output02:30
lamegobroken, why do you say that :) ?02:30
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Innomenbroken: alot of guitar players use a 10$ device from musican's friend ot tune thier guitars :P02:30
ikoniabroken: I play guitar and use ubuntu02:30
lamegoI see some guitar software on the ubuntu repositories02:30
brokenBecause I've seen like 4 tuners.02:30
Innomenjrib: one moment02:30
brokenyea I can't be bothered tho :D02:30
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shiznitikonia, can you help me for a se02:30
lamegothere is a gtkguitune02:30
Innomenbroken: *insert dismissive comment here* then02:31
ikoniashiznit I hope so, what is the problem02:31
brokennormally I tune by ear, but this is a first tune after being restrung. On windows I normally used AP tuner.02:31
shizniti added a couple programs to the autostart list and now i cant get rid of them02:31
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ikoniashiznit: such as, and how did you add them02:31
magnetronwhy isn't the applications menu icons cached?02:31
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Innomenis there a command like for remove? like sudo apt-remove?02:32
shiznitsystem, preferences, session02:32
brokenlamego: ok fine, one second as I try to install this.02:32
ikoniaInnomen: apt-get remove02:32
Innomenget remove02:32
ikoniashiznit what did you add, and what happens when you try to remove02:32
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arnathi'm getting "No DHCPOFFERS received" from dhclient eth1, anyone know if this could be a linux problem? (or is my dhcp server down?)02:32
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ikoniaarnath: what is your dhcp server ?02:33
arnathikonia: my router02:33
shiznitikonia, i added fusio-icon and avant-window-navigator, i dont really need them so i removed them from the list and they still autostart02:33
Innomenjrib: i cant do it command line, sorry02:33
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brokenlamego: basically a bunch of main.cc:393: error: win was not declared in this scope02:33
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ikoniaarnath: is eth1 plugged into your router ?02:33
brokenmain.cc:400: error: kit was not declared in this scope02:33
arnathikonia: yes, but i'll recheck the connection, just a sec02:33
Innomenjrib: which means no pasting a command here, you givin up? :)02:33
ikoniashiznit I see, thats unusual. Does it still show in the list ?02:33
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shiznitikonia, and a instance of filemanager autostarts too02:33
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shiznitikonia, no they are gone from the list02:34
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jribInnomen: sudo apt-get remove PACKAGE02:34
ikoniashiznit: ahhh I think I know what could be happening02:34
arnathikonia: hmm, the  cables are all still in place, but the light indicating a connection (on the mobo) isnt on02:34
Bo^Dicki recently bought an asus EN8500GT, was this a very poor choice for ubuntu?02:34
ganeshlamego:its not working02:34
shiznitim on gutsy btw, sry if this is the wrong channel02:34
lamegobroken, uh ? have you installed it from repositories ?02:34
brokenlamego: its there/02:35
ikoniashiznit try closing all your applications down, then logging out of gnome - not rebooting or shuttding down, just logging out clean02:35
brokenwtf... lol02:35
erUSUL!nvidia | Bo^Dick02:35
ubotuBo^Dick: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:35
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arnathBo^Dick: i have a 8600gts working, should be fine02:35
lamegobroken, why are you compiling software which is available at one click install ?02:35
shiznitikonia, how?02:35
brokenlamego: lol02:35
phdocqSince a few days, after update, my USB devices do not mount anymore? Anybody has a suggetison02:35
ikoniaarnath dead cable ?02:35
brokenbeats me :D02:35
ikoniashiznit hit the logout button02:35
lamegobroken, Add/Remove programs is a good place to start02:35
swarmarnath, I have 8600GTS too. good card02:35
arnathikonia: that would be an amazing coincidence :|02:35
shiznitikonia, and waht then02:35
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arnathswarm: ah good to hear, i havent been able to benchmark it yet at home :p02:35
ikoniashiznit once you have logged out, log in02:36
swarmmine is overclocked quite a bit02:36
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ikoniashiznit I think gnome is doing session restore02:36
brokenI just hope it doesn't crap out on the servers..02:36
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Innomenjrib:  ""The following packages have unmet dependencies: ndiswrapper-utils-1.9: Depends: ndiswrapper-common but it is not going to be installed"02:36
Bo^Dickactually i've read the guide already and was warned that all use of these cards were totally non-supported, non-guaranteed and so on02:36
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brokenlamego: I know linux lik ethe back of my hand.02:36
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ganesh lamego:chmod u+x file(abc).bin is not working02:36
Bo^Dickthus making me ask this02:36
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swarmarnath, you have 256mb or 512mb? what brand? evga? asus?02:37
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arnathikonia: i booted into windows, it works just fine there02:37
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arnathswarm: 256, with hdmi, brand: pov02:37
ikoniaarnath: then your network card is not enabled under linux02:37
DoggyDudeHi all02:37
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arnathikonia: it was working yesterday :s02:37
arnathikonia: so what do i do?02:37
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swarmBo^Dick, http://www.overclock.net/linux-unix-mac/236883-faq-nvidia-ubuntu.html#post273017102:37
jribInnomen: remove all the old ndiswrapper stuff02:37
shiznitikonia, you were right.  it keeps restoring them.   i only disabled session restoring though02:37
ikoniaarnath investigate why its not working02:37
lamegoganesh, what software are you trying to install ?02:37
Innomenjrib: I'm trying02:38
arnathikonia: how do i do that?02:38
=== DoggyDude is very impressed with the version. Very good for a pre-release.
ikoniashiznit so your working now ?02:38
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pawanwhen is the new version coming out02:38
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Innomenkeeps saying dependencies02:38
shiznitikonia, well the programs keep getting restored.  i dont want them02:38
ikoniaarnath have you got 2 network cards in this machine02:38
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jribInnomen: pastebin the command and output02:38
=== DoggyDude hops off to find place he was going to.
shiznitikonia, how can i get a clean session? session restore is disabled02:38
arnathikonia: just the one i believe (i find it strange that its called eth1 but hey)02:38
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ikoniashiznit there is something in session mangment about session restores02:38
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ikoniashiznit: you can cheat and remove .gnome from your home dir02:38
Innomenjrib: give me a command that will remove it all02:38
Innomenjrib: dude i have02:39
Innomenjrib: twice now02:39
brokenlamego: you have to explain to me, what are you typing in "Add/remove" to get gtkguitune.02:39
ikoniaarnath can you pastebin the output of "sudo ifconfig -a" please02:39
garaalguien que hable espaol02:39
shiznithow do i get .gnome back then02:39
lamegobroken, erm, do you have gnome installed ?02:39
arnathikonia: ok, just a sec02:39
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shizniti dont wanna lose my desktop02:39
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ikoniashiznitahh right02:39
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lamegoif you did a start install, you do have an Add/Remove menu entry02:40
lamegoif you do not02:40
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brokeni do.02:40
shiznitthis session saver thing is broken02:40
ikoniashiznit thats a pain, I not sure why session restore is doing it. try .session - remove it02:40
brokenBut I cannot find the package.02:40
Innomenjrib: sudo apt-get remove (anything ndsi) results in "The following packages have unmet dependencies: ndiswrapper-utils-1.9: Depends: ndiswrapper-common but it is not going to be installed"02:40
ChildXi cannot go into the Suspend mode in Gutsy... I can, however, in Feisty, but cannot return then02:40
lamegohave you enabled the universe respository ?02:40
brokenPerhaps I need backports, and those other packages.02:40
arnathikonia: its a lot to type (i cant copy paste, since its not online), but its eth1 & lo (need to know anything else?)02:40
shiznitikonia, type that into terminal?02:40
lamego!! universe02:40
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource02:40
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ChildXi cannot go into the Suspend mode in Gutsy... I can, however, in Feisty, but cannot return then02:40
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humboltoI am trying to get compiz-fusion to work. Everything seems to work now, except that changing things in ccsm does not seem to have any effect until I restart compiz as a whole!02:40
ikoniashiznit look in your home dir for .session02:40
ikoniaarnath something is wrong if there is no eth002:41
jribInnomen: remove the package it complains about02:41
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frinuxphdocq, are you here ?02:41
ChildXi cannot go into the Suspend mode in Gutsy... I can, however, in Feisty, but cannot return then02:41
arnathikonia: crap :< and how do i fix it?02:41
ChildXi cannot go into the Suspend mode in Gutsy... I can, however, in Feisty, but cannot return then02:41
ikoniaChildX: your language and attitude last time before logging out was inexcusable02:41
Innomenjrib: i .... have.... tried. It returns that same error message02:41
shiznitikonia, is that a folder or file?02:41
phdocqsalut frinux, je te vois02:41
murlidhararnath: this sometimes happens . change the pci slot of the network card02:41
arnathmurlidhar: its built in02:41
ikoniaarnath what I need you to do is reboot and once you've rebooted do "dmesg >dmesg.out" so we can go through it together02:41
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ikoniashiznit should be a file02:42
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ganeshlamego:i am installing google earth linux..02:42
phdocqhi frinux, I see you02:42
Innomenjrib: in fact i get that same error message from the package manager when i tell it to remove also02:42
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ChildXsuck my dick02:42
ikoniathere we go02:42
arnathikonia: ok, sec02:42
ikoniajrib: you awake02:42
frinuxphdocq, ok02:42
jribInnomen: pastebin the command and output of: sudo apt-get remove ndiswrapper-utils-1.9 ndiswrapper-common02:42
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jribikonia: yes?02:42
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ChildXsuck my dick02:42
ikoniaahhh Hobbsee's here too02:42
frinuxphdocq, you can ask here, and lot's of people will try to help you02:42
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@dsl244-251.lj1.volja.net] by Hobbsee
=== ChildX was kicked off #ubuntu by Hobbsee (Hobbsee)
ikoniaHobbsee: thats about the 3rd time thats happened02:43
shiznitikonia, so such file02:43
Hobbseeoh yes i am...02:43
phdocqI did ask, but no reply so far02:43
ikoniahe normally does a runner before being banned02:43
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Hobbseeikonia: you could have raised it.  ti's only now been in +!02:43
ikoniashiznit: how are you looking02:43
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phdocqSince a few days, no way to have my USB devices to be mounted on KDE02:43
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brokenQuick question, does ubunut or any linux for that matter pick up a mic stuck into the mic port?02:43
frinuxphdocq, so you have the choice, whether to ask again, or to go to another channel (#ubuntu-fr is quite good, and in french ;-)02:43
ikoniashiznit open a terminal, do ls -la in your home dir02:43
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ikoniaHobbsee didn't think he was coming back02:43
Innomenjrib: "The following packages have unmet dependencies: ndisgtk: Depends: ndiswrapper-utils-1.9 but it is not going to be installed"02:44
phdocqI'll try02:44
Hobbseeikonia: it wouldnt kill you to raise the alert anyway02:44
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arnathikonia: ok, what do you need?02:44
jribInnomen: add that to the list02:44
ikoniaHobbsee: he only just came back02:44
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ikoniaarnath: can you grep through the dmesg file for "eth" see what you find02:44
prestosdHey, I can't boot up! My boot loading thingy freezes at like %2 then goes to BusyBox 1.1.3 or something like that02:44
Innomenjrib: oh i see what you're doing, you're removing all the parts all at once02:44
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arnathikonia: ok just a sec02:44
Innomenjrib: oky hold on02:44
jribInnomen: yes02:45
franz1789hi, I made a mistake during the configuration of a iptables rule, and I don't know how to delete it02:45
franz1789what's the command?02:45
shiznitikonia, only thing with session in it is .xsession-errors02:45
arnathikonia: eth0: RTL81868b/8111b at 0xf..., 00:1a...., IRQ 1602:45
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:45
jrib!iptables > franz1789 (read the private message from ubotu)02:45
franz1789sudo iptables INPUT -x rulename?02:45
ikoniaarnath thats more like it02:45
ikoniashiznit I'd log a bug for gusty then02:46
shiznitikonia, what about a hibernate session, could it be restoring that?02:46
arnathikonia: then it says "r8169: eth1: link down"02:46
prestosdHey, I can't boot up! My boot loading thingy freezes at like %2 then goes to BusyBox 1.1.3 or something like that02:46
arnathikonia: and then another ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth1: link is not ready02:46
ikoniaarnath does sudo ifconfig -a" show eth0 yet ?02:46
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arnathikonia: no02:46
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HobbseeDeadspring: ?02:46
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franz1789jrib, it's a honour your help, but this does not answer my question02:46
jribikonia, shiznit: ~/.gnome2/session02:46
ikoniaarnath is this a laptop02:46
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ikoniajrib ahhh thank you02:46
arnathikonia: no02:47
ikoniathats the stuff02:47
bullgard4What is the reason that ACPI Specification 3.0b does not mention HAL?02:47
shiznitjrib, i dont get it02:47
ikoniashiznit remove that file02:47
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ikoniaarnath try dhclient eth002:47
brokengah it doesn't work :d02:47
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InnomenJrib: "sudo apt-get remove ndiswrapper-utils-1.9 ndiswrapper-common ndisgtk" results in... "E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) E: Unable to lock the download directory"02:47
ikoniaarnath: see what happens02:47
prestosdHey, I can't boot up! My boot loading thingy freezes at like %2 then goes to BusyBox 1.1.3 or something like that...02:47
arnathikonia: error while getting interface flags: no such device02:47
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Innomenjrib: whole new error, yay for progress :)02:47
SilentDisis it possible to resize an ext3 partition without destroying the data on it?  specifically, is it possible with the Ubuntu 7.04 LiveCD?  I have a machine with 6.10 on it i'd like to upgrade, but / is sitting on a 3gb part that's just not big enough :P02:47
ikoniaarnath: something is quite wrong here, your getting eth0 on bootup - but then the device on eth102:47
shiznitjrib, i dont see that folder02:47
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ganeshikonia:how do i inatall .bin file??02:48
prestosdHey, I can't boot up! My boot loading thingy freezes at like %2 then goes to BusyBox 1.1.3 or something like that02:48
arnathikonia: any idea what it could be? :S (it worked great yesterday)02:48
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jribInnomen: you have another dpkg or apt process running02:48
ikoniaganesh what are you trying to install02:48
ikoniaarnath seems a bit odd to be honest, if you have the cable plugged into the network card and its saying link down - thats not the right network card02:48
Innomenwhy yes i do lol hold on02:49
murlidhararnath: i never knew a lan card can be built-in a desktop pc02:49
ganeshikonia:google earth linux02:49
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arnathmurlidhar: built into the mobo02:49
shiznitjrib, ~/.gnome2/session?  i cant find it02:49
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ganeshikonia: i renamed it as abc02:49
ikoniaganesh: ./$file02:49
SilentDisganesh: iirc, google earth came as a .bin.sh file.  sh ./google-earth-whatever-version.bin.sh02:49
arnathikonia: is there anything i could try?02:49
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ikoniaarnath: just pondering02:50
murlidhararnath: mobo?02:50
arnathmurlidhar: motherboard02:50
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ikoniaarnath: does dmesg | grep eth show anything on eth102:50
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murlidhardamn when will learn these shorts02:50
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shiznitikonia, where do i find ~/.gnome2/session ?  i dont see that folder anywhre02:51
josh__what is the package for amarok that will allow me to listen to my wma's?02:51
josh__i already have the w32codecs02:51
Innomenjrib: that fixed it, thanks man02:51
ViRMiNgoogle earth's in the Medibuntu repo02:51
humboltoI never know if I need to enable the Composite extension or not in xorg.conf. What is it for?02:51
ikoniashiznit if its not in your home dir - its not there02:51
arnathikonia: just what i said above: r8169: eth1: link down and ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth1: link is not ready02:51
ikoniaarnath and the cable is plugged in now02:51
arnathikonia: yes02:51
ganeshSilentDis:i din't get u02:51
shiznitok im screwed then02:51
Animoy_Hmm, new kernel patch (Gutsy) broke HDA Intel ID268 again, but old fix still works. Just rebooted after applying the patch, and sound is back02:51
shiznitgonna apt-get remover the programs02:52
murlidharjosh__: join #amarok02:52
jribshiznit: wait02:52
ganeshikonia:its not wirking02:52
ikoniaarnath: tell you what, tail -f /var/log/messages unplug the cable, count to 10 plug it in and see if anything shows in your tail log02:52
shiznitjrib, ok02:52
Innomenshiznit: listen to jrib, he is wise :)02:52
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SilentDisganesh: I just checked, they did switch google earth download to a .bin file.  once it's downloaded, just go to a term, cd into it's directory, and type ./GoogleEarth.bin02:53
arnathikonia: doesnt seem like it02:53
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KitsunIve installed KDE, how do I set FireFox as the default browser?02:53
jribshiznit: in terminal: mv ~/.gnome2/session{,.backup}02:53
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ViRMiNWhy not get the Google Earth package from Medibuntu?02:53
SilentDisViRMiN: latest version, install just to home directory, etc02:53
ikoniaarnath: something is causing your card problems, not sure what at the moment02:53
sasahello all. Can someone tell me how I can convert a file from AVI to MPG? I copied a dvd in a wrong format. Thank you.02:54
Innomenbbl, thanks again jrib, ikonia02:54
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ViRMiNAh, Medibuntu package is outdated?02:54
arnathikonia: is it possible to ... uninstall the drivers or something and reinstall em?02:54
shiznitjrib, 'cannot stat' 'no such file or directory'02:54
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ikoniaarnath the drivers should be part of the kernel02:54
SilentDisViRMiN: not sure, but pulling it right from earth.google.com is more reliable02:54
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ikoniaarnath: unless you've installed 3rd party ones02:54
arnathikonia: no i didnt02:54
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jribshiznit: ls ~/.config/autostart02:55
ViRMiNSilentDis: True.  I've got the Medibuntu package installed and that seems to work okay.02:55
SilentDis!ffmpeg | sasa02:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ffmpeg - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:55
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ikoniajrib: does autostart override sessions ?02:55
SilentDissasa: you're looking for ffmpeg02:55
arnathikonia: and nothing has changed since yesterday, except that ive installed w indows xp on another harddisk and fixed the dual boot02:55
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shiznitjrib, ok done02:55
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ikoniaarnath: seems od02:55
SilentDissasa: let me figger out a quicky avi > mpg string for ya...02:55
jribikonia: complements02:55
sasathanks Silent02:55
jribshiznit: what was the output?02:56
ViRMiNSilentDis: v4.2.0198.2451, build date Sep 12 200702:56
ikoniajrib: which has priority, restoring a session correctly or complying with autostart sequence02:56
shiznitjrib, none02:56
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shiznitjust next line02:56
SilentDissasa: what is the 'end application' for your vid file?02:56
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jribikonia: no idea02:56
prestosdHey, I can't boot up! My boot loading thingy freezes at like %2 then goes to BusyBox 1.1.3 or something like that02:56
ikoniajrib: fair enough, I appriciate its a bit specific02:56
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sasaAVI is the file type, I play it with VLC and wanted to burn it with K3b02:57
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sasaI need it on mpg format02:57
archititi qui veux des pleco02:57
ganeshSilentDis:file is in desktop.i renamed as abc.bin  but  ganesh@ganesh-desktop:~$ ./abc.bin is giving error "file not found02:57
shiznitjrib, there was no output02:57
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arnathikonia: so...am i looking at a reinstall or...?02:58
ikoniaganesh chmod 775 abc.bin02:58
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ikoniaarnath need to figure out whats going on02:58
jribshiznit: log out, hit ctrl-alt-f1, remove /home/USER/.gnome2/session, ctrl-alt-f702:58
SilentDisganesh: usually, you should be in ~/Desktop ;)02:58
arnathikonia: but i'm not linux wiz, so i'm not sure what i can do here to figure it out :s02:59
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shiznitjrib, that folder doesnt exist02:59
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ganeshikonia:chmod: cannot access `abc.bin': No such file or directory02:59
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shiznitill try it anyway02:59
=== N3bunel brb
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sasacan someone please tell me what is the best app to use to convert from AVI to MPG please?02:59
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jribshiznit: the sequence of events is important03:00
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SilentDissasa: ffmpeg -i inputfile.avi -ab <audio_bitrate> -ar <audio_samplerate> -b <video_bitrate> -s <size> outputfile.mpg03:00
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sasaSilentDis....I need ffmpeg installed I take it?03:00
ganeshSilentDis:how to go to ~/desktop?03:00
HYPOCRISYnot sure03:00
SilentDissasa: yep, sudo aptitude install ffmpeg03:00
sasaSiletDis, you rock, I'll try it03:01
SilentDisganesh: cd ~/Desktop CaPs ArE iMpOrTaNt!03:01
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bullgard4What is the reason that ACPI Specification 3.0b does not mention HAL?03:01
sasaSilentDis....what do I put in the video and audio bitrate?03:01
SilentDissasa: I assume you want it to be around 640x480, decent audio/video?03:02
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WoetWhat is a good client of usenet? On ubuntu03:02
WoetLike grabit/newsleecher for windows03:02
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punzadawoet, Klibido03:02
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sasaSilentDis....It's copied off of dvd, probably a little higher rez03:02
AccessI appologise in advance for my n00bish tone. Im an avid bitorrent user, and see Azerus is on linux which is a nice fall back app. However the standard program that downloads pretty much everything in linux us awesome and supports Torrents great. But where can I set the port for it, it seems to have no GUI menu?03:03
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DanHi everyone i have a bit of a dillemma i was wondering if anyone could offer a little assistance with03:03
SilentDissasa: ffmpeg -i inputfile.avi -ab 128 -ar 44100 -b 700 -s 640x480 outputfile.mpg -- mind you, play with the -b and -s settings to get optimal results.  you might be encoding once or twice to get what you want03:03
punzadaaccess, if you really like azerus you should use deludge on ubuntu, it's just like it and less resource heavy, full customizeable too03:03
punzadaeasy setup through a gui03:03
ganeshSilentDis:,ikonia,now its installing03:03
AccessReally? I like uTorrent shame we dont have that.03:04
mechdaveDan: Just ask away03:04
Danoky coky03:04
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SilentDisAccess: I use ktorrent personally, for a bittorrent client... then again, i'm in KDE lol03:04
Danwell basically my windows has just developed somesort of boot problem "unmountable boot volume"03:04
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Danand i isntalled the ubuntu live cd03:04
Danso as to get access to my files03:04
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jrib!enter | Dan03:04
ubotuDan: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:04
Danwhich i had the intention of cop[ying onto an external harddrive03:05
Danoh o.k03:05
Dansorry i thought there might be a limit or something03:05
SilentDisis it possible to resize an ext3 partition without destroying the data on it?  specifically, is it possible with the Ubuntu 7.04 LiveCD?  I have a machine with 6.10 on it i'd like to upgrade, but / is sitting on a 3gb part that's just not big enough :P03:05
AccessOkay will install it and give it a whirl. But the generic application that downloads by default is quite a talking point when im showing off my system.03:05
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ganesh SilentDis:,ikonia,thanx a lot03:05
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mechdaveDan: No the channel just auto wraps your words03:05
SilentDisganesh: nt :)03:05
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shiznitjrib, it said 'comand remove not found' or something similar03:06
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josh__what is the command for mounting a smb share? i could have sworn it was : mount -t smbfs -o=username \\system\share /mount/point03:06
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DanAnyways o.k so basically microsoft windows has got all kanckered on me, so i installed ubuntu live c.d...basically what im trying to do is to copy the files off my harddrive onto an external, totally format the interal harddrive, get rid of windows, by partioting ubuntu and installing from the c.d03:07
jribshiznit: the command to delete is 'rm'.  Note you *need* to update the path as well03:07
Danafter which copying said files from external hd back onto internal03:07
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AccessOKay this is a major problem, I copied all this stuff from my VIsta machine to my Linux machine. And its all on my hard disk but I dont have any permissions because im "not the owner"... Can I just do something to disale this type of security?03:07
shiznitjrib, "update" path?03:07
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SilentDissasa: a bit off-topic, but this will give you a decent overview of some BASIC use of ffmpeg, in relation to converting youtube FLV files, and can easily be applied elsewhere:http://youmakemedia.com/2006/10/13/converting-flv-to-mpeg-in-linux/03:08
mechdaveDan: Ok, is your windows a FAT 32 file system or NTFS file system?03:08
arnathaccess: sudo chown could do the trick (i think)03:08
Danbut i seem to not be able to cop[y/delete or move files not only from internal to external but also simply on my internal03:08
Danits a ntfs03:08
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dam9ikonia, sorry xchat washed it away before I could google it (got distracted some minutes)  can you just repeat the name of the app you recommended for encoding to XVID? (sorry >_>)03:08
jribshiznit: yes, replace "USER" with your actual user03:08
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Accessarnath: In the command prompt?03:08
mechdaveDan: Now can you mount the NTFS partitions from within Ubuntu?03:08
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shiznitjrib, yea lol i knew that03:09
Dani think they are mounted yes, do they need toi be unmounted?03:09
arnathAccess: ye, chown is to change owner of files, so use a wildcard to indicate all files03:09
shizniti just didnt know they actual remove comand, thx03:09
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rf36543g65436f54hi guys. if anyone can help me with this that would be great. does anyone know a command that will get me the volume label of the primary drive from the terminal?03:09
jribshiznit: k :)03:09
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Accessarnath: Can I make it recursive?03:09
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Accessarnath: -R or something?03:09
arnathAccess: i have no idea, i hope so ;)03:09
Accesshaha thx03:09
josh__man chown03:09
mechdaveDan: No, no, just type mount without any arguments into the terminal and see what you get returned03:10
dam9rf36543g65436f54, fdisk -l03:10
josh__it should give you a list of acceptable switches03:10
Accessanath: lol, now how do I find my hard disk in the command prompt :P03:10
Danoky doky jsut a tick03:10
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mechdaveDan: Oh, as sudo03:10
rf36543g65436f54dam9 : thank you  =)03:10
Danim a total beginner im afraid...sudo mount?03:10
arnathAccess: just cd to it like cd /media/mydrive03:10
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Accessarnath: Its a USB hard disk03:10
mechdaveDan: That is correct03:10
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Dano.k done want me to post the response?03:10
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dam9rf36543g65436f54, np =) dont forget sudo before the actual command03:10
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rf36543g65436f54sure, no worries thanks :)03:11
SilentDissasa: yes?03:11
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Accessarnath: thanks03:11
sasathis program doesn't have a GUI, does it?03:11
arnathAccess: i hope it works :p03:11
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josh__i can't seem to mount my smbfs...03:11
superkirbyartistWhere can I get ATI Rage pro 128 drivers for Ubuntu?03:11
Danwell i would post the response but ctrl c doesnt appear to be working:P03:11
SilentDissasa: not an 'easy' one that i've found, no.  but the command line works pretty well, once you get the hang of it.03:11
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josh__it worked 3 monthes ago... fstab hasn't changed...03:11
dam9hey could anyone just mention a good app to encode raw video to xvid? (ikonia already answered but i lost the name >_<)03:11
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mechdaveDan: Yeah, if it is more than about 3 lines it is best to use a pastebin http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org03:11
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sasaSilentDis: the reason why I say is because I get this error:I/O error occured03:12
sasaUsually that means that input file is truncated and/or corrupted.03:12
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floittingWhats wrong with my xubuntu. everytime I install anything with apt-get, "updating fonts cache"  then it goes over many font places and says "failed to write cache"03:12
Danpastebin? im sorry my friend these terms are alien to me right now, but the reason ive started using linux is because i like what it stands for, people helping each other out and all that03:12
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Danhow do i go about pastebinning?03:12
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:12
SilentDissasa: sounds like you might be re-ripping that DVD.  just FYI, it'll take about as long to re-rip as it would to reencode anyway03:13
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mechdaveDan: See the private msg window there?03:13
sasaSilentDis: I think you're right....I got tricked because the default format was AVI in the app I was using03:14
superkirbyartistWhere can I get ATI Rage pro 128 drivers for Ubuntu?03:14
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stefgsuperkirbyartist: you have them already03:14
Dani found the webpage pastebin03:14
LM1any command line experts here...???   I need help using nautilus actions to shred files inside folders.  The %M command doesn't seem to work03:14
Danfollowed the link03:14
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SilentDissasa: just curious, why do you need it as MPG?  I personally use AVI most of the time.03:14
Danentered my name as dan and pasted03:14
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superkirbyartiststefg: Then how do I enable direct rendering on the iMac G3?03:14
Dansorry force of habit to keep hitting enter no offense intended03:14
SilentDissasa: when i'm working on vid editing though, uncompressed mpegs is the way I go03:14
stefgsuperkirbyartist: this card can't do that03:15
LM1anyone here familiar with the shred command?03:15
sasaI want to burn a video cd, and k3b only takes mpg as an input03:15
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superkirbyartiststefg, why not, it has 128 megs of ram!03:15
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katharoshi, i've just upgraded to gutsy and i cant get my nvidia drivers to work, i dont get anywhere unless i remove the xorg.conf file03:15
sasaI wonder if acidrip application can convert it, that's the program I used to rip the dvd anyway03:15
SilentDisDan: the chat room moves VERY fast.  that's why we have that 'rule' in place.  always best to preface your comments with the person's name you're speaking to (type the first few letters, and hit tab) and keep it to one line, so their client will ding and they can read it in one go :)03:16
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arnathkatharos: in gutsy, theres (in the administration dropdown i believe) something about restricted drivers, open that up03:16
shiznitjrib, no such file or directory03:16
Danyoull have to excuse me im new to this stuff :)03:16
SilentDissasa: ahhhhh.  you're converting a DVD to a VideoCD then.  be aware, you'll be going down to 320x240 res if you wanna put 70+ min on that CD03:16
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katharosarnath: i tried that it cant do anything because i dont have a xorg.conf03:16
mechdaveDan: Hang on mate, just checking out the pastebin03:17
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stefgsuperkirbyartist: no proprietary 3D enabled driver available for your card03:17
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SilentDissasa: 640x480 is for SVCD (super Video CD), and the disk will max out around 30 min03:17
Danoky coky :)03:17
ptn107katharos: try the   ubuntu+1    channel03:17
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stefgsuperkirbyartist: http://ati.amd.com/products/catalyst/linux.html03:17
ptn107katharos: they fixed my X03:17
katharosptn107: thanx, i will03:17
arnathkatharos: have you tried "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg "03:17
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sasaSilentDis: oh I see03:18
katharosarnath: yep, no joy, on restart i had the same problem i started with03:18
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jribshiznit: and the programs started again?03:18
mannyzwhere i can get nvidia drivers?03:18
SilentDissasa: finally, there's DVD-CD (kinda like a tiny DVD, maxing at 700mb) it can hold full DVD quality, but maxes somewhere around 15 min of video03:18
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LM1Is anyone here good with the command line?   I am trying to get shred to shred everything inside folders and subfolders03:18
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SilentDis!info shred03:19
ubotuPackage shred does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas03:19
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MannyZ!nvidia drivers03:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nvidia drivers - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:19
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SilentDisLM1: what is shred?03:19
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:19
squidgyHi all.  The text on my desktop icons (Gnome) recently started linewrapping after only a few characters so that the label for a single icon occupies several lines.  How do I reset it?03:19
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mechdaveDan: See the URL of your paste it should look similar to this --> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39761/03:19
Tomcat_SilentDis: shred is in coreutils03:19
nonix4SilentDis: an attempt to really remove a file - does not work with modern fs's like ext303:19
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Tomcat_SilentDis: shred - overwrite a file to hide its contents, and optionally delete it03:20
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SilentDisTomcat_: thanks.  *hops to manpage*03:20
shiznitjrib, yes it autostarted the programs again03:20
mechdaveDan: well paste it into where you type in here03:20
Access*hugs Ubuntu channel*03:20
sasaSilentDis: oh I see03:20
sasaSilentDis: thank you very much for your help03:20
LM1nonix4, actually according to the shred manual it works just fine unless you have journaling enabled which is not default03:20
sasaSilentDis: while we're on a roll, can I ask you another question?03:20
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superkirbyartiststefg, no powerpc.03:20
jribshiznit: what program03:20
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SilentDissasa: fire away :)03:21
Dmitry_Please install and activate NTP support in the system to enable synchronisation of your local time server with Internet time servers.03:21
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Dmitry_what's the name of the package?03:21
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nonix4LM1: hmm... oh yeah default was journaling just metadata?03:21
shiznitjrib, fusion-icon, avant-windows-navigator, and an instance of filemanager03:21
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sasaSilentDis: I have a dell laptop with an internal wireless card: it's that broadcom debocle. Is there a way I can make that card work on ubuntu 7 and a wpa network?03:21
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SilentDissasa: i have little to no experience with wireless at this point.  I ran cat5 in my house to avoid it, also i have a 2.4ghz phone lol.  I'd recommend checking out the !wireless info block though, or asking the others in the room.  :)03:22
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LM1nonix4, the FS is data=ordered by default unless you change it to data=journaled then shred works fine according to its own manual cli "man shred"03:23
sasaSilentDis: awesome....thank you for your help!03:23
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stefgsuperkirbyartist: i undertood that. this is your problem....http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29704103:23
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mechdaveDan: You still here?03:24
Danyes mate03:24
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Danjust sent the thing into the chat window03:25
jribshiznit: well that session file is where this info is stored.  It should have worked.  But what happens when you use the "Sessions" program to remove it?03:25
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Danif thats cool?03:25
mechdaveDan: Did you work out the pastebin?03:25
shiznitjrib, i did that before i asked for help, does nothing03:25
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shiznitthey are gone from the list but still autostart03:25
Danerm i think so =P, i pasted it as dan03:25
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DeathWolfhum, is there any reason image magick is still at 6.2.x.x and I cant find any 6.3.x.x package in any repository??03:25
asd197i have problems with mplayer and vlc03:25
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mechdaveDan: did you copy the url and paste it into here?03:25
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Danive got..your name - DAn..syntax ?..and text03:26
Danah right o.k03:26
mahrellonHey guys. Is it normal that the last updates for Ubuntu GG T5 removes Nvidia GLX and the restricted-drivers (and rest-modules) making it unusable?03:26
shiznitjrib, can i just apt-get remove them, i guess ill be stuck with the instance of file manager03:26
wastrelgusty on #ubuntu+`03:26
wastrelER, +103:26
mahrellonwastrel, ah, cheers m803:26
jribshiznit: they are not in the "current session" tab?03:26
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DeathWolfdoes anyone know any repository that'd have an imagick 6.3.x.X?03:27
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shiznitjrib, ok they are03:27
shizniti was just looking in startup programs03:27
mechdaveDan: Bear with me mate, I am struggling on dialup at the moment, Telstra can't supply me with proper telephone lines!03:27
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Danhaha i feel for ya man feel for ya man, only switched to cable a few years ago myself:P03:27
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nonix4LM1: just remember that old versions can exist just about anywhere on the empty part of the hd...03:28
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mechdaveDan: Ok so you have your external drive mounted as /media/Peace and your hard drive mounted as /media/LiFe?03:29
Danthats correct03:29
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LM1nonix4, from what I read ubuntu uses data=ordered mode on ext3 by default you would have to manually enable journaling mode03:29
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT03:29
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Danhi joe :)03:30
mechdaveDan: Right ok, now what was the problem you are having again? (I just wanted to make sure it was all mounted ok)03:30
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joebloewhat kernel does the 7.10 beta use ?03:30
Dansure o.k the problem is i have no sort of rights to do anything on Ubuntu. On windows it was fine i could copy paste delete as i saw fit...03:30
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Danbut i cant even move data or delete it from my internal harddrive let alone onto the external03:30
mechdaveDan: Ok what user account are you using?03:31
Dani have no idea my friend03:31
nonix4LM1: well I mean there're other conditions where the old versions can be left on hd... like the way ext3 avoid fragmentation03:31
adam___Um, I wonder, could anyone help me reconfigure my xorg.conf file? I just got xgl installed (because I have the ATI fglrx drivers in use) for Compiz etc, and now my screen is some huge resolution- 1400x1050. I checked xorg.conf, but it looks different to usual, and I can#t see any obvious list of available resolutions :(03:31
amgadguys, I can't change the folder attributes of a mounted fat partetition03:31
eugmanHow do I access mingw? I want to compile something with it.03:31
Danim a total begginner with linux o/s03:31
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mechdaveDan: You are using the live disk I take it?03:31
squidgyHi.  Does anyone here know how to set the wrap linewidth of Gnome icons on my desktop?03:31
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LM1does anyone here know anything about nautilus-actions?   What command do you use to apply the command to all files inside of a folder and subfolders but not the folders themselves?03:31
Danyes thats right03:31
ptn107joebloe: 2.6.22-12,   2.6.22-1303:31
LM1%M isn't working03:31
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MannyZhow i can get nvidia drivers?03:32
Dansorry havent a clue joe03:32
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ferentixthe other resolutions currently listed in GNOME's GUI configuration things are all either larger or smaller than mine03:32
mechdaveDan: Right, ok, now all you need to do is type into a terminal sudo su and it should give you a prompt with root in it somewhere03:32
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Dano.k i shall try03:32
squidgyTo clarify, my text labels on icons have switched to occupying many lines because they wrap after only a few characters.03:32
ptn107MannyZ: nvidia's or ubuntus-restricted03:32
joebloethanks thats just what i needed03:32
mechdaveDan: ie root@ubuntu#03:32
Danits come up with passwrod03:33
adlisyakirhye.. how to show back desk at right bar.. my ubuntu does not show.. after i remove.. how to add back03:33
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Danjust type su?03:33
mechdaveDan: Did you set up a password when you installed?03:33
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Arepiehello.. the first time i install fiesty, my Ati driver work automatically.. with direct randering enable... i just reformat my computer, and now, my ati driver is not working anymore.. anyone knows why?03:33
squidgyMannyZ: Also check out the envy project for the latest drivers.03:33
Danhmmi dont think so03:33
MannyZptn107, nvidias03:34
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ptn107MannyZ: http://www.nvidia.com/object/unix.html03:34
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mechdaveDan: Just try sudo, I am scratching to remember as I haven't used the live cd for a while!03:34
wastrelthe password is blank03:35
wastrelif it asks which i'm not sure it will or not03:35
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Dano.k i typed sudo and came up with a lot of possible variables03:35
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mechdavewastrel: Thanks, I couldnt remember!03:35
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:35
adlisyakirhye.. how to show back desk at right bar.. my ubuntu does not show.. after i remove.. how to add back03:35
GyozaShould I read "Just for Fun"?03:35
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wastrelDan: sudo -i  for a root shell  or  sudo <command>   to run just one command as root03:35
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gavintlgoldhi, simple question: is it possible to do remote desktop through the internet?03:35
Dano.k it now says root@ubuntu:-~#03:36
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gavintlgoldand if so, how03:36
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wastrelDan:  you're the root (admin) user now.  don't break anything :] 03:36
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Bauldrick_join edubuntu03:36
Danso i can now move my files and back them up?03:36
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LM1nonix4,  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39762/  here you can read for yourself :)03:37
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mechdaveDan: Cool, now to copy all your files to your external should be cp /media/LiFe /media/Peace/somefolder03:37
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mechdaveDan: to create a folder (or directory) it is mkdir somefolder03:37
Dani wasnt gonna copy them all mate, i was gonna select some ones i wanted to keep and then delete them once copied so i know what ive got and what i havent go03:37
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gavintlgolddoes anyone know at all?03:38
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Danbecause to back them all up would take ages...running usb 1.0 as opposed to 2.0:P03:38
Mark7Why are there no native database applications for Gnome? :-(03:38
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lousygaruaMark7: how about phpmyadmin?03:38
Danthe right click commands are still all grey?03:38
mechdaveDan: Ok, thats fine, just cp /media/LiFe/whatever/files/you/want /media/Peace/what/ever/directory/you/want03:39
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Dansorry what command would i use to do that?03:39
Mark7Databse applications that DON't Require you to have a server. Lousygarua03:39
Mark7YOu know, like Excel03:39
mechdaveDan: You have to go with command line with this one03:39
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Danhmm theres no gui interface to do it?03:39
wastrelMark7: that's a spreadsheet.  openoffice calc or gnumeric03:40
Mark7Okay, obviously I meant Access03:40
ferentixOOo Base then?03:40
Dani mean not just copying files from interal to external, but i cant manage (right click delete e.t.c) the files on the internal either?03:40
pepino125hi, can someone tell me how to save the security patches that I downloaded trough the software update?03:40
Mark7I don't want the rest of OOo03:40
mechdaveDan: the other way you could do it is in your terminal type nautilus /media/LiFe &03:40
mechdaveDan: and then type nautilus /media/Peace &03:41
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Mark7Aren't they automaitcally saved, pepino?03:41
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ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic03:41
Arepiefor ATI driver, should i install libgl1-mesa-dri and libgl1-mesa-glx ?? or i should choose one of them?03:41
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mechdaveDan: That should open up the file browser for you as root user03:41
pepino125Mark7, where are they saved? If they are automatically, where are they located?03:41
Dano.k ill try it03:41
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ptn107Mark7: sudo apt-get install openoffice.org-base03:42
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Mark7I mean, shouldn't they be?  I thought that was the whole idea behind synaptic03:42
mechdaveDan: Then just drag and drop your files as you need between the windows03:42
gavintlgoldhow would i check to see what my ip address is?03:42
mechdavegavintlgold: ifconfig -a03:42
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Dan "couldnt find media/peace"03:43
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mechdaveDan: Try capital p03:43
adlisyakirhttp://digital.ptar.uitm.edu.my/AlchemyWebServer/PtClientJava/Html/InitJava.html why i'm open that site it say loading Java Applet Failed03:43
Mark7I have open-office base in my repos03:43
xcstei can anyone help me how to install frostwire?03:43
mechdaveDan: Linux is case sensative03:43
Dano.k :)03:43
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pepino125Mar7, well, yes. but let me explain. I've DL the patches on this computer that internet access. I need to save them into USB drive and take them to another Ubuntu compter where I dont have access to the internet03:43
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Mark7Oh. Then I've no idea03:44
ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire03:44
Dan"couldnt find root/Media/Life"03:44
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gavintlgoldmechdave: how would i set it up so that my computer has a unique ip address and not just "192.168..."03:44
Mark7I tried Glom but it kept refusing to connect to a server I don't have03:44
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mechdaveDan: Once again make sure that LiFe is typed correctly03:44
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nasserCan I do live update 7.10 BETA to final if it released ?03:45
mechdaveDan: Note the capitals03:45
Danyup sorry03:45
nasserCan I do live update from 7.10 BETA to final if it released ?03:45
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Dan*bangs head in im stupid fashion justa tick:)03:45
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mechdaveDan: No worries, it takes some getting used to :)03:45
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ptn107nasser: theoretically yes, but clean install if you cna03:45
LM1so I have a command I want to execute from nautilus-actions   I need it to be run on all files inside folders and subfolders but not the folders themselves.    %M doesn't seem to work does anyone have any more suggestions?03:46
wastrelpepino125: /var/cache/apt/archives03:46
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Dano.k its working this time:)03:46
wastrelpepino125: i think there's an official way to do what you're trying to do, however.03:46
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wastreldunno what it is tho03:46
Danafter ive typed that03:46
Danthe terminal window is on a fresh line with no prompt03:46
Dan? open a new terminal?03:47
mechdaveDan: Oh, you must have forgotten the &03:47
Mark7I already have Abiword and Gnumeric installed, so adding the OOo suite would just be duplicating03:47
jribLM1: find03:47
Phrozen_Oneis there a program in ubuntu that allows for partition backup and burn to a dvd?03:47
Danah yeah cool sorted :)03:47
Dano.k now the moment of truth ;)03:47
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wastrelMark7: are you running low on disk space?  ;] 03:48
jribPhrozen_One: checkout partimage03:48
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arnathanyone know how to get rid of overscan on a tv with linux?03:48
Mark7NO, I'm just trying to keep to low processor usage apps03:48
Phrozen_Onejrib, gtk or cli?03:48
pepino125wastrel ............ok, /var/cache/apt/archives seems to have all the Downloads. So all the downloads are .deb?03:48
ptn107question... how can I force synaptic (or apt) to force download a package and not install it, even if its already installed and i [accidentally]  deleted the .deb from /var/cache/apt/archives03:48
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wastrelpepino125: that's correct03:49
jribPhrozen_One: cli03:49
Dani do not have permission apparently :P03:49
Phrozen_Oneoh, think I used it03:49
Mark7I only have 256mbs and eight hundred odd gHz to play with03:49
jrib!backup > Phrozen_One (read the private message from ubotu)03:49
FlyingPigDan 'chmod --help'03:49
wastrelDan: is the destination disk NTFS?03:49
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pepino125wastrel, one more thing. How do I install the .deb extension? pkgadd?03:49
wastrelubuntu can't write to ntfs out of the box03:49
jribLM1: 'find' is a command03:49
wastrelpepino125: dpkg -i file.deb03:49
ptn107gutsy can03:49
pepino125wastrel, awesome... your the man!03:50
Danwastreal it is ntfs03:50
Phrozen_Onejrib, thank you for the assistance03:50
mechdavewastrel: yes, but shouldn't ntfs-3g work?03:50
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wastreliono, i never use windows03:50
LM1jrib, yes I know but I need a parameter not a command :)  its for nautilus-actions03:50
Mark7Hmm.  It looks like OOo is modular after all03:50
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wastrelDan: you need to enable ntfs writing before you can copy your files to that disk03:50
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Dano.k and how would i go about doing that my good man?:)03:51
wastrelbeats me, i never use windows :] 03:51
mechdavewastrel: it is mounted as rw --> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39760/03:51
Mark7I used Windows a long time ago03:51
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arnathanyone know if you can counter overscan with linux?03:52
Mark7Anyone here use Liferea?03:52
jribLM1: pass 'find'  the top-level directory and use -type and -exec03:52
wastrelmechdave: ah ntfs is already enabled on the livecd?03:52
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mechdaveDan: Hang on mate, just hooking up my NTFS drive03:52
FlyingPigwastrel so u never use windows? you use wine?03:52
Danyou dont have to dave mate if its gonna be a hassle03:52
wastrelFlyingPig:  no, just linux03:53
mechdavewastrel: It appears as so03:53
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wastrelalthough right now os x, since my linux laptop died & i'm using my wife's03:53
FlyingPigwastrel yeah im the same. but you know alot of people like their pc games.03:53
Danim just a  bit perplexed i know linux is a much safer securer and faster o/s but its just lacking a bit of user friendlyness ya know03:53
LM1jrib, yes thanks but I am trying to use nautilus actions to do this so I can right click a folder and execute the command without brining up cli03:53
LM1jrib, thanks anyway03:53
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murlidharlike me i have installed windows for my xp03:53
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murlidharfor my games of course03:54
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Dani really want to start using linux as i said i like the whole concept of a community03:54
jribLM1: yes I know... this should work03:54
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mechdaveDan: Well it does from the point of view of someone who has just stepped off the window$ roundabout onto the Linux one... I was there myself a few years ago!03:54
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LM1jrib, ok so I put -type -exec into the parameters option in nautilus-actions?03:55
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Dantake for instance my internet just using this ubuntu live cd..its faster than ive ever seen it before03:55
Danalmost instant whereas with windows it was soooooo slow....03:55
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squidgyHi.  Are my messages getting through?  I'm not being impatient, just wondering if ERC is working.03:55
jribLM1: in some form03:55
agramanDan, you'll find Ubuntu Feisty to be quite friendly03:55
Mark7Yes they are03:55
Juliusi know this is vague but how do i boot with it8212.noraid=1 option for a module03:56
Juliusputting it in /etc/modues/options didnt help03:56
Dani'm not gonna give up though03:56
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squidgyMark7: thanks.03:56
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Danim gonna get this bloody info backed up and install ubuntu if its the last thing i do03:56
Mark7Damn, nicknames are stil coloured03:56
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Danso can anyone tell me why the buttons for delete e.t.c are greyed out and how i go about ungreying them?:)03:57
jribLM1: you know shred is useless on ext3?03:58
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:58
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mechdaveDan: At the moment you do not have write support for NTFS withUBUNTU03:58
Danah o.k03:58
Danive just thopught of a solution03:58
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Mark7Blimey, OOo is slow03:58
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mechdaveIs the ubuntu machine connected to the internet?03:59
LM1jrib, according to the manual it works fine on ext as long as you don't use data=journaled mode03:59
Dantake out this harddrive (internal) take it upstairs to my other comp runnnig windows03:59
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Danand plug it in as a slave03:59
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LM1jrib, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39762/  read for yourself03:59
Danrunning the upstairs computer as an intermediary between internal and external03:59
Mark7And I can't create a table :-(03:59
jribLM1: right04:00
Dana lot of hassle but i think it will work :P04:00
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mechdaveDan: You could do that, it probably would be easier for now, I don't know if apt-get would work with the live cd04:00
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Danyeah thats what im thinking..im thinknig once i install ubuntu ill probably have more rights/whatever...but its the matter of getting the files off before partitioning ya know04:00
Dancatch 22 and all:P04:00
kbrookswhat is the best wireless router that works?04:01
kbrooksout of the box04:01
Danoh well Dave, thanks for your assistance anyways mate04:01
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Mark7Why is there no native database with GUI for Gnome/xfce?04:02
erUSULMark7: do you mean like access ??04:02
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erUSULMark7: OO.org Base ?04:03
mechdaveDan: No worries, when you do get Ubuntu installed (or even before) try http://tldp.org, it is all the documentation you will need for a while for Linux04:03
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Dano.k mate much appreciated..time to go back up :P04:03
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Mark7I tried that, erUSUL.  It wouldn't let me set up a table04:03
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Danhave a good one bud - later :)04:03
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mechdaveDan: No worries :)04:03
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erUSULMark7: that's the close thing i know... try glom (a little more advanced as i neeed a DB server iirc)04:04
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Mark7I keep getting an error in Glom :-(04:04
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jribLM1: make sure you test with some user that has no important files04:05
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Mark7Glom is not the most user friendly database application UI've come acrpss04:06
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_0xfcan anyone help me with installing my dlink wua 1340 usb wireless onto ubuntu04:07
_0xfi just installed on my box and i cant get online04:08
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Clericcan someone help me burn an iso using xfburn? when i try to use the 'burn CD image' function it doesnt work?04:08
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Mark7How the bleeding hell do you even set up fields in the bloody thing?04:08
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arbrihow can i bind a key combination to a program!04:10
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_0xfanyone help me?04:10
AffixArbri wants to know how to bing a key combination to an program04:11
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_0xfcan anyone help me with installing my dlink wua 1340 usb wireless onto ubuntu04:11
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_0xfi just installed on my box and i cant get online04:11
Mark7I can't make it work :-(04:11
Affix_0xf are you sure you configured eth0 correctly04:11
arbrihow can i bind a key combination to a program!04:11
_0xfi just insdtalled ubuntu04:11
Affixor are you WiFi04:11
_0xfi dont know where to start04:11
jamesbroseAffix: key combination?04:11
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_0xfim new to linux04:11
Mark7It's so freaking user unfriendly it might as well just declare war on me here and now04:11
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Affix_0xF, Are you WiFi04:12
_0xfyeah it s a wireless usb stick04:12
_0xfdlink wua 134004:12
erUSUL!wifi | _0xf04:12
ubotu_0xf: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:12
AffixWireless USB is not supported in Linux04:12
erUSULAffix: not true04:12
jamesbroseyes it is04:12
_0xfyeah thats lies04:12
rynoonAffix: Then why am I using it?04:12
AffixI can never get MadWiFi to work04:12
jribarbri: open 'gconf-editor' and go to /apps/metacity04:12
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jamesbrosethats you..04:12
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Mark7All I want to do is set up a database to keep track opf my records and CDs04:12
AffixI dont use Ubuntu ;)04:12
arbrican anyone help me?04:12
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Mark7But can I? The hell I can04:13
jamesbrosearbri: whats the problem?04:13
erUSULMark7: why not use a specialized app? there are some afaik04:13
_0xfcan anyone help me with wifi dlink wua 134004:13
arbrihow can i bind a key combination to a program!04:13
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Mark7Like what?04:13
jribarbri: I just told you04:13
jamesbroseI don't really understand, maybe you should go to a programming channel?04:13
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Affix_0xf, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=14627804:14
amadeuxI have a cd rip as 1 .ape file and 1 .cue file. How can I play this in Ubuntu?04:14
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jamesbroseamadeux: strange, .cue files are cd images04:15
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arbrithnx jrib04:15
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amadeuxjamesbrose: .cue files are files that tells where an image the individual tracks start04:16
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amadeuxjamesbrose: the image is then in the ape file. Monkey audio I think it is called04:16
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jamesbroseamadeux: I see, I always associated cue files with images04:16
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jamesbrosegive VLC a go04:17
tckanyone use webcam with kopete ?04:17
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_0xfi gotta install wine i guess04:17
jamesbrosetck: I have in the past04:17
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tckjamesbrose, well it worked fine with feisty, since upgrading to gutsy, the picture is all gray04:18
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sin18on feisty why doesnt rc.local get triggered at boot time ?04:18
jamesbrosetck: take a look here - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam04:18
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root_____hey ll04:18
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root_____quick question04:18
Mark7Can someone talk me through setting up a Glom database in private?04:18
root_____whats the command for reconfiguring a package?04:18
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jribsin18: it does here04:19
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root_____dpkg -i --reconfigure packagename?04:19
jamesbroseapt-get --reconfigure?04:19
amadeuxHow do I play .ape files in Ubuntu?04:19
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sin18jrib : i appended /usr/bin/xscreensaver & to /etc/rc.local but it doesnt start up04:19
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root_____that just restartedit... not reconfigured it04:20
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JEFFmasterFlexamadeux:  i've played them in Amarok.04:20
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root_____i need to get my sshd working so my nomachine will connect to it04:20
jamesbroseamadeux: take a look here - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24441504:20
jamesbroseamadeux: or apt-get install audacious audacious-mac libmac2 monkeys-audio04:21
ubotuFreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX04:21
jribsin18: that doesn't seem like the right place to put xscreensaver04:21
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root_____i dont have freenx available04:21
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root_____will tight vnc work with openssh-server?04:22
sin18jrib : well i disabled the kde screensaver n wanted to start xscreensaver instead .. any suggestions?04:22
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Affixroot______, You may need to have a desktop environment installed04:22
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amadeuxI am really surprised that there is not support for an open format such as .ape directly in the Ubuntu repository!04:23
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Mark7Glom could not connect to the database server.04:23
ferentixanyone any idea about modifying resolutions in an xorg.conf generated by/for xserver-xgl? It's different to the style I'm (slightly more) familiar with- I can't find any obvious place where resolutions are set, and mine (for my LCD laptop monitor) isn't currently available :\04:23
jamesbroseamadeux: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24441504:23
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PIrate_BillIs anyone else having problems with update manager and upgrading to 7.10 from 7.04?04:24
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jamesbroseMark7: calm down04:24
amadeuxjamesbrose: yeah, I know. But I can't just apt-get some stuff04:24
root_____what port does tightvnc use by default || where are the config files located at?04:24
jamesbroseamadeux: why not?04:24
amadeuxjamesbrose: things are not in the repository04:24
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jribsin18: http://www.jwz.org/xscreensaver/man1.html#1004:24
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root_____nevermind found it04:24
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IndyGunFreakMark7: what is your problem?04:25
Mark7I chose the create on own computer option, so why is ir giving me crap about a server?04:25
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jamesbroseamadeux: they are here - http://morgoth.free.fr/ubports/?d=feisty to download04:25
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amadeuxjamesbrose: yeah, but not in the repo04:25
Mark7Do I have to buy space on a webserver to use Glom?04:25
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jamesbroseamadeux: download the debs, install them04:25
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jamesbroseMark7: not if you have your own server04:26
PIrate_Billis anyone else having problems with update manager in 7.04?  I keep getting hung-up while in the process of downloading 7.1004:26
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Mark7I don't04:26
Mark7I have a PC04:26
Mark7I just want a database04:26
jamesbroseI assumed, couldn't you install whatever you need on your PC then?04:26
Mark7I don't want to write software, or run a website04:26
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Mark7I JUST WANT a database04:26
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jamesbroseMark7: what kind of database?04:27
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sin18jrib : thanks04:27
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mechdaveMark7: Just install MySQL04:27
Mark7And I've tried BAse, it doesn't work properly on its own04:27
jamesbroseMark7: http://www.glom.org/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page04:27
Mark7Does MySQL have a GUI?04:27
jamesbroseMark7: not by default04:28
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jamesbrosebut you can install mysql-client04:28
Mark7Then it's of no use to me04:28
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Mark7I'll try that04:28
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mechdaveMark7: PhpMyAdmin comes fairly close tho04:28
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jamesbroseYes, you need a PHP enabled web server for phpmyadmin04:28
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mechdaveHmmm could be a problem for Mark704:29
_0xfhow do i burn ubuntu iso to dvd with nero04:29
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_0xfmy copy i just burned wont work on reboot04:29
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Affix_0xf, Open the image with nero Burnig rom04:29
_0xfkk ty04:29
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JEFFmasterFlexMark7:  what's preventing you from you using a spreadsheet as a basic database? (GASP!)04:30
_0xfwaisted a dvd burning data dvd04:30
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LM1jrib, I googled shred and exec and find etc and I found this page I followed his instructions but they didn't work http://www.extremetech.com/article2/0,1697,2126528,00.asp04:30
rsis110heyyy. can anyone help me with this04:30
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rsis110say i had a program in some place, but i wanna be able to run it from anywhere04:31
jamesbroseMark7: openoffice Calc comes with ubuntu04:31
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mechdave_0xf: you have to burn it from an image in nero04:31
Mark7Nothing.  I just think it'd be nice if there was a standalone db app for Gnome04:31
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rsis110instead of having to cd to the directory or type in the whole path04:31
momalAnyone here happen to know of a command line id3 (mp3) tag editor? need it to support utf-8 and parameters on it to edit the tags04:31
wastrelrsis110: create ~/bin  and put a symlink there pointing to the program04:32
JEFFmasterFlexMark7:  I use Kexi for db related garbage. it's pretty awesome. but it's a KDE app04:32
jribLM1: how did you set it up04:32
wastrelrsis110: or make an alias   alias foo=/some/path/to/foo04:32
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rsis110ahh i see04:32
Mark7Does it use resources efficiently, JEFF?04:32
rsis110thing is.. more specifically I'm trying to run qmake04:32
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rsis110but it seems to be pointing to qt3 instead of qt4 version04:33
LM1jrib, just as it said in the article.04:33
rsis110I was just wondering if I could redirect it somehow.04:33
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JEFFmasterFlexMark7:  kde apps add bloat to a Gnome install. but it's pretty smooth. for a simple database it uses sqlite04:33
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JEFFmasterFlexMark7: sqlite is fast and small04:34
wastrelrsis110: check the alternatives system?   sudo update-alternatives --config qmake  maybe04:34
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wastrelnot sure04:34
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Mark7I'm using xfce04:34
rsis110waah. learning X304:34
rsis110this is like. my first linux ever lol04:34
jribLM1: paste here what you input in nautilus actions04:34
JEFFmasterFlexMark7:  same deal. these are all qt apps running in a GTK environment. some people aren't cool with that.04:34
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rsis110wastrel: thats awesome. thanks heaps04:35
acecasewhat is a good log to look at to see why my system is locking sometimes at startup/shutdown? dmesg isn't showing anything useful04:35
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Ploujdoes anyone know if Ubuntu's packages have Rocks 'n Diamonds somewhere?04:35
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Mark7I'm an apps apartheidist04:35
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Mark7I like to keep them seperate wherever possible04:35
JEFFmasterFlexMark7:  you can always use OpenOffice Base, but then there goes that "light on resources" thing you wanted04:35
acecasePlouj, I don't know about ubuntu packages (or even if getdeb will have it) but you could check with getdeb.com04:35
JEFFmasterFlexMark7:  too bad, kde apps are pretty awesome. i couldn't function in my daily life without Amarok04:36
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onesandzeroshey guys,iam trying to get compiz running, but i need to install ati drivers first, can someonehelp me out pls?04:36
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Mark7WOOHOO!  England are 5 minutes away from the RWC semis :-D04:36
acecaseJEFFmasterFlex, I agree, KDE has some great apps built for it04:36
kittyhawkI installed feisty on my laptop, and I turned on the desktop effects.  Everything works well except the root window is only drawing over about 2/3 of the screen04:37
kittyhawkso there's a hall of mirrors over on the right04:37
kittyhawkany ideas?04:37
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JEFFmasterFlexacecase:  ktorrent, amarok, konversation, kmail, k3b... they are all awesome04:37
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mechdaveMark7: At least you look like you can beat us in the rugby!!  :)04:38
acecaseJEFFmasterFlex, kOffice :)04:38
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kittyhawkor at least, does anyone know where I can look for some good info?04:39
JEFFmasterFlexacecase:  all my work is done in Kate and Tex, so unfortunately, no KOffice for me. but it is good, I have used it04:39
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acecaseJEFFmasterFlex, the K app that I use most is basKet which is awsome for notes in class. I use gnome DE though so K apps can be buggy :/04:40
basculekittyhawk: tried changing wallpaper/refreshing desktop?04:40
mmkassemJEFFmasterFlax: Deluge is a good ktorrent alternative for GTK/Gnome users .. Banshee instead of amarok04:40
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JEFFmasterFlexmmkassem: Banshee CANNOT replace Amarok. not even close. and deluge is still buggy04:40
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basculeyeah, amarok has no equal anywhere at all ony any OS04:41
JEFFmasterFlexmmkassem:  in gnome i prefer transmission instead of deluge04:41
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acecasedoes anyone know of a daemon or anything that will watch my startup/shutdown process and log what happens before it locks. I'm just seeing a black screen when it locks so I can't even see that last thing that went well04:41
kittyhawkbascule: no good.  I turned on cube flipping and the cube is really a cube (not a rectangle)  I think for some reason it thinks my desktop size is square04:41
fuzzyhairI need a program to use my computer when I am elsewhere. I know kubuntu has one, but I forgot what it was. Any ideas?04:41
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basculekittyhawk: interesting possibility04:42
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acecasefuzzyhair, freenx is a great one04:42
mmkassemJEFFmasterFlex: I did not try transmission, may be I should give it a try .. Deluge works good for me under Gusty.04:42
fuzzyhairacecase: when booting and shutting down press alt+f104:42
fuzzyhairacecase thanks04:42
JEFFmasterFlexmmkassem:  download it from getdeb.net, i think the one in the repos is old04:43
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acecasefuzzyhair, thanks but it goes black before I get a chance. which probably meens nothing would have time to load to watch anyway :/04:43
basculekittyhawk: beryl or compiz-fusion?04:43
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pastyhermitHi All04:43
mechdaveBugga... Missed beating the POMS by 2 points!! :(04:43
kbrooksJEFFmasterFlex, getdeb doesnt make very good debs04:43
pastyhermitis there a way to get ubuntu of fmy machine and to get the partition back?04:43
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arnathhow can i manually set the ip in ubuntu?04:43
JEFFmasterFlexkbrooks:  HEY i used to contribute to getdeb... lol04:43
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kittyhawkbascule: I think compiz.  I just logged in and clicked "enable desktop effects"04:44
LM1jrib,  ok thanks I got it working finally  path= find  parameters= %M -type f -exec shred -f -u -z '{}' \;     but is there a way to password protect it like sudo or gksu04:44
pastyhermitarnath, ifconfig04:44
kittyhawkps shows compiz running04:44
mechdavepastyhermit: how do you mean partition back?04:44
JEFFmasterFlexkbrooks:  honestly all my debs were made with checkinstall. checkinstall sucks sometimes04:44
LM1does anyone here know is it possible to password protect a nautilus-actions command with gksu or sudo04:44
LM1im not having much luck :(04:44
basculekittyhawk: OK, those are minor additions, try turning them back off and installing comiz-fusion + plugins04:44
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timothywcranequick question in gui totem has no problems, but when I activate from CLI it reports that files are not found, any suggest?04:44
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mmkassemarnath: for GUI way, use System>Administration > Network04:45
basculekittyhawk: compiz I meant04:45
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mechdavearnath: sudo ifconfig ethx address xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx04:45
pastyhermitmechdave, when I install ubuntu parted resized my wxp partition04:45
timothywcraneam I missing a variable?04:45
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pastyhermitunfortunatly XP runs faster than ubuntu on my hardware.04:45
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acecasefuzzyhair, freeNX is more of a "out of the box" solution that just works with little config. X itsself can run accross a network but I don't know how to get it working and it's hard from what I here. I use freeNX for remote gnome it works great. for remote KDE the tooltips etc can cause lag.04:45
pastyhermitI would like to remove it04:45
acecasefuzzyhair, I play games on the remote gnome desktop though (local network) and it runs great. Dunno why KDE desktop effects cause so much lag04:46
acecasepastyhermit, you want to remove ubuntu?04:46
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basculepastyhermit: XP is faster, something wrong there ...04:47
lucas_hi. i can't print a document because i need to replace the ink cartridges. but i have an epson stylus cx3900 and don't know which of the 4 cartridges i have to replace (red, yellow, red, black).. in windows there was a program that showed me the ink left in each cartridge..04:47
mechdavesudo fdisk /dev/hd# will do, the # is the drive to look at, ie hda is pri master and hdb is pri slave etc04:47
pbxThis may be outside the scope of this channel, but: I have an Ubuntu install where I have turned off GDM (because I have been experimenting with alternate login managers and window managers). Before I start X, I'm in a teeny terminal session in the middle of my screen. Is there any way to make that fullscreen?04:47
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pbxThen I might not need X at all :)04:47
jribLM1: you could create a confirmation dialog with zenity maybe04:47
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fuzzyhairacecase: how did you get freenx. Was it hard to set up? This will be for one person in florida and one person in georgia...04:47
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pastyhermitbascule, dont lecture the choir04:47
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mechdavepastyhermit: Hmmm something really wrong here04:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about zenity - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:47
JEFFmasterFlexpastyhermit:  delete the ubuntu with gparted, resize your NTFS partition, then use a WIN XP install disc to fix the master boot record and install NTLOADER04:47
pastyhermitIm LPIC-2 and my job is taking care of really big Dell Linux boxes04:48
LM1jrib, whats zenity? sorry im a noob and thank you for all the help04:48
pastyhermitJ thanks04:48
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pastyhermitmechdave, well are there good docs on tweaking ubuntu04:48
_0xfNice fresh instald ubuntu after trying to get my dlin wireless usb to work and right off install it works with ubuntu04:48
pastyhermitfor some reason it is definatly slower04:48
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acecasefuzzyhair, http://www.nomachine.com/04:48
pbxLM1: zenity is a simple command-line tool for generating dialogs from shell scripts.  For simple user interaction.04:48
basculepbx, there are many non-x requiring 'desktop' enviroments using the fbdev stuff, to resolve the small console google up hi-res consoles ubuntu04:48
pastyhermitI turned off al the visual crap...04:48
pastyhermitbut still04:48
acecasefuzzyhair, they have clients and servers for linux/windows/mac04:48
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pbxbascule: thanks!04:49
KevlarSoulI installed Ubuntu , it created a new partition, everything seemed to setup nicely, I rebooted, and it went to windows like I didnt install anything else? No Dual boot choice? I use Vista....anyone?04:49
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kittyhawkbascule: dpkg-query says compiz and compiz-plugins are installed.  Do I need to do something to activate them?04:49
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acecasefuzzyhair, best of all they have debs :)04:49
pastyhermitmaybe I will just slide another disk in here04:49
basculekittyhawk: alt+F2 -> compiz04:49
lucas_hi. i can't print a document because i need to replace the ink. i have an epson stylus cx3900 and don't know which of the 4 cartridges to replace (cyan, yellow, magenta, black).. in windows there was a program that showed me the ink left in each cartridge..04:49
mechdavepastyhermit: I am not aware of any, try googling them. I just have never heard of XP being faster than ubuntu04:49
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timothywcraneslow ubuntu? http://desktoplinux.com/news/NS5715846915.html this might help04:49
pbxlucas_: I'd check your manual to see if there's a way to get the printer to tell you.04:49
acecasefuzzyhair, one thing to remember is that when installing the server you need to install the two dependencies first. (as usual) the downloads page shows the deps04:50
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pastyhermitmechdave, well for some reason, for this hardware (thinkpad R31) it is04:50
basculepastyhermit: LPI-2 and you can't remove ubuntu, your not very good...04:50
timothywcranequick Google for speed up linux came up with it, no guarantees04:50
pastyhermitbascule, heh no, I have just never used gparted all that much04:50
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jribLM1: 'man zenity'  should be easy to follow.  Try 'zenity --info' for an example04:50
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basculepastyhermit: partitions are partitions, many tools04:51
ricohey guys. how do I boot Ubuntu and make it go to a cmd prompt, and /not/ GDM?04:51
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pastyhermitbascule, fdisk doesnt resize.04:51
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rico(using grub)04:51
JEFFmasterFlexpastyhermit:  if you want to go back to XP I recommend using the GParted LiveCD instead of the Ubuntu disc. THe Ubuntu partitioner is pretty crappy04:51
kittyhawkbascule: I ran compiz --replace at the command line, same story only a fraction of the background is drawn04:51
desertcHello - I am having problems with Launchpad.  I cannot create my personal wiki -- it errors and says I don't have permissions.04:51
kittyhawkalso the panels are cut off04:51
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basculekittyhawk: then I am baffled04:51
kittyhawkbut I can drag windows over there and they work fine04:51
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kittyhawkit's very strange04:51
pastyhermitJEFFmasterFlex, thanks you, that was the advice I was looking for04:51
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acecasehave a good one *04:52
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mechdavepastyhermit: Looks like you aren't alone with the R31 problems!04:52
pastyhermitthanks JEFFmasterFlex , see bascule that is the kind of thing that I have not yet ventured into, there are many ways of doing things, both good and bad, both clean and sloppy, dont assume that Im and idiot just because I have not problems admitting that I cant know everything and there are better ways of doing things.04:52
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basculepastyhermit: sure04:53
ricohey guys. how do I boot Ubuntu and make it go to a cmd prompt, and /not/ GDM?04:53
Ghismohi guys04:53
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Ghismoi have a particular question for u04:53
Rabbitbunnyhas anyboy gotten a sixthgen iPod (160Gb Classic) working under 6.06?04:53
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Ghismoi wish to see04:53
pastyhermitmechdave, no Im not, I also had to flash the NIC to get it quasi reliable04:53
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Ghismothe rugby world cup04:53
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Ghismobut in my country u have to pay to see it04:53
pastyhermitThis is an excellent laptop...04:53
westjdwhen I close the lid of my laptop and open it back up the graphics are scrabbled.04:54
Rabbitbunnyrico: ctrl+alt+F1 anytime it's booted.04:54
_0xfHi, im isntalling a fresh copy of ubuntu and im on the partition screen. i want to make a small boot partition so i can encrypt the rest of the disk with truecrypt04:54
Ghismoso i'm wondering if there is a channel of another country04:54
_0xfdo i just make a /booot04:54
JEFFmasterFlexpastyhermit:  the thinkpads rock, too bad you had a better experience with XP, but I say go with what works for you04:54
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Ghismoand if does exist a tool for see it04:54
Ghismoanyone could help me?04:54
ricoRabbitbunny, I'm updating my X server drivers and there's a risk that my system will hang the moment it gets to GDM. is there a way to bypass it?04:54
ricosingle mode perhaps?04:54
pastyhermitJEFFmasterFlex, well the tools I use are all OSS04:54
pastyhermit(LAMP) stuff04:54
pastyhermitEclipse subversion PHP MySQL etc...04:55
fuzzyhairacecase: I will be able to use this outside of my network right?04:55
Rabbitbunnyrico: if it hangs hard boot and try again.04:55
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devious`hi all04:55
pastyhermitperhaps I will give them another shot on ubuntu but I've gotta stop all this crap from loading.04:55
devious`i got a problem: cant boot my kubuntu partition :S04:55
pastyhermitbascule, you do see my point above though no?04:55
pastyhermitdevious`, what happened? did you install something over it, or muddle with your partition table?04:56
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devious`pastyhermit: i didnt do anythin, i just restarted and it wont boot anymore. Im a newb to linux so i didnt mess with anything. From windows, that partition appears as RAW!!04:56
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delagrandyhow to configure samba to work with xp04:57
LM1jrib, thanks but I think zenity is a bit over my head :C04:57
vsayikiranplease help me, i am able to download .torrent file04:57
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sohello friends04:57
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basculedevious`: it would, windows can't see linux partitions04:57
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_0xfshould i make /boot 8gb   swap 4gb / 59gb and /media/hda7 4gb04:57
neopsycheHi, how do i open device manager on feisty?04:57
socan you tell me about a graphic apps to mount disk images ?04:58
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vsayikirananyone tell me how to download .torrent file04:58
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MrPinkvsayikiran download Azureus04:58
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so_0xf, swap have to be about 10 % of your total disk space04:58
devious`bascule: no man, i installed Ext2IFS_1_10c recently, and it shows linux partition and i could see everything inside. But since yestarday it appears RAW04:58
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flokuehn_0xf: what do you want to put on your boot partition?04:58
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JEFFmasterFlexvsayikiran:  you need a torrent client. ubuntu has one built in, then there is deluge, transmission, azureus04:58
basculedevious`: I see, then that is a problem04:58
MrPinkI thought swap was suposed to be 2x Ram04:58
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so_0xf, depending on your ram04:59
mechdave_0xf: I have always made boot about 200Mb, swap twice ram and the rest I just divided up into whatever I thought reasonable for what I was doing at the time04:59
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basculeso: MrPink is right 2x RAM04:59
vsayikiranJeFF: but it is giving some error04:59
sobascule, oui / yes04:59
devious`bascule: is there in linux something like dos command 'fixboot' or something like that. It helped with windows situations04:59
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neopsychedo i need to install special drivers for my ati card?04:59
JEFFmasterFlexMrPink: that only applie if you have less than 1 GB of RAM. you can cheat on the SWAP with that much ram04:59
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maillerouhello, how to know how many disk free space04:59
mailleroui have an account on a university server05:00
mailleroui use df05:00
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mailleroubut i don't know ?05:00
sooh :) i was right then , if you have a lot of ram you can put lower swap space05:00
Ghismoguys i need a programe to see tv on my linux box...i mean streaming05:00
basculedevious`: fixboot/fixmbr address issyues with ntldr, like re doing grub-install or editing menu.lst05:00
maillerouhow to know my quota ?05:00
Ghismocould anyone suggest anything?05:00
sovlc ?05:00
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mailleroumy admin gave me a ~ home05:00
fuzzyhairI meant to ctrl+f that. Sorry.05:00
basculedevious`: this is a partition problem05:00
vsayikiranJeFF: bittorrent is giving some errors05:00
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maillerouand a /global/myname05:00
soi need a program to mout images with graphic interface05:00
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devious`bascule: the only thing i did was to update system from Package Manager, and new version of kubuntu kernel appeared on my boot menu.05:01
mechdaveLast time I installed Ubuntu I just made it all a LVM05:01
vsayikiranJeFF: when downloading i get this error (-2, name or service not known)05:01
JEFFmasterFlexso: i use kiso in kde, i thin kfor GNOME there is one called MasterISO or ISOMaster05:01
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sdRhodhi guys. I wonder if you can help... I am trying to install Ubuntu from the bootable CD version I downloaded earlier. It gets through the 'loading kernel' stage, then displays a progress bar swooshing left and right, and then my PC num lock key starts flashing and the progress bar stops at one bar full (where it currently remains). Any ideas?05:01
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basculedevious`: have you tried to boot both, have you run fsck from recover mode?05:01
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soJEFFmasterFlex,  i heard also about gnome iso or gnomiso forgot the correct name05:02
vsayikiranJEFFmasterFlex: when downloading i get this error (-2, name or service not known)05:02
timothywcranefiles register on locate, but refuse to play in any player under CLI, says file not found. Searched all day for answer. It must be so simple. But wracked my brain to no avail.05:02
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devious`bascule: i tried to boot both, and neither one works. I did not run fsck from recovery mode. What is it, and should i try it?05:02
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Shady^Hey! I just installed Ubuntu on my old laptop, i installed it to the HDD, then restarted it! Now the screen is black, how do i get it to work? :P05:02
JEFFmasterFlexvsayikiran:  try using deluge. download the torrent file and then open it up with deluge05:02
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basculedevious`: fsck is a file system checker like chkdsk /r , it may well solve the problem05:02
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devious`ok, ill restart now, come back in a min with results, hopely from linux :D05:03
sotimothywcrane, what kind of streaming is it ?05:03
vsayikiranJEFFmasterFlex: but whats is the problem with bittorrent05:03
devious`bascule:  ok, ill restart now, come back in a min with results, hopely from linux :D05:03
basculea min, fsck will take longer than that ..05:03
JEFFmasterFlexvsayikiran:  I don't know I don't use Gnome.05:03
timothywcranesimple .ogg files05:03
Shady^Hey! I just installed Ubuntu on my old laptop, i installed it to the HDD, then restarted it! Now the screen is black, how do i get it to work? :P05:03
MrPinkvsaykiran as I said Azureus is a good linux BitTorrent Client!05:03
timothywcraneand .wavs05:04
sotimothywcrane, you have to get the correct codec for vlc05:04
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timothywcranein gui everything works ok.05:04
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vsayikiranis there anyone who uses bittorrent05:04
sotimothywcrane, ok so why do you need it in console mode ?05:04
timothywcranedoes it not grab the codecs in CLI? seems strange05:04
MrPinkyes ^^05:04
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MrPinkI use torrent05:04
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mmkassemvsayikiran: what are trying to download?05:05
Shady^hello im gay ;)05:05
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timothywcraneto run it via cron, for an automated clock. They are grandfather clock chime files05:05
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vsayikiranmmkassem: i am trying to download a .torrent file05:05
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MrPinkvsayikiran can you read what I am writing? lol05:05
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vsayikiranmmkassem: this torrent file is easily downloading in winxp05:06
HotkeyJust installed 7.10 - no system sounds tho.??05:06
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naknomikI have a ftp server on which I want to put some files and keep them sync'd from my local drive. Can I use rsync for that?05:06
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MrPinkVSAYIKIRAN ?!?05:06
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soi dont know  :)05:06
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maillerounaknomik : use sitecopy ...05:07
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mailleroucheck sitecopy on the net05:07
TUXedomemberhey guy's ok so each time i log in my computer logs me out right after i log in anyone know why?05:07
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MrPinkhm why do I have the feeling that vsayikiran can't read what I am writing ?05:07
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TrixseyHey I just installed Ubuntu but my screen turned black, I suspect something is up with the drivers (I need to enable prop. drivers?).. could someone give me a guide? I'm using ATI :)05:08
aidehuaIf I add another graphics card to my PC, will it be easy to setup a two display system?05:08
soTUXedomember,  have you seen the x server log ?05:08
TUXedomemberno how do i see it?05:08
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aidehua(Specifically, I'm after a mirrored display setup.)05:08
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soTUXedomember, google05:08
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devious`didnt help, still cant boot  :(05:09
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timothywcraneI cant even get my files to play through evolution calender appointment, custom command function, but if I open player, then choose files, all is well. I just can seem to  get them to play in single string such as  totem,xine, mplayer, etc then filename05:09
mmkassemvsayikiran: did you download the .torrent file then run it by bittorrent ? .. MrPink is suggesting to use Azureus .. I prefer Deluge05:10
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aidehuaThis question could easily be answered if I can think of the right google search terms :D05:10
hollandlucasI too prefer Deluge05:10
vsayikiranMrPink: you said above that Azureus is good torrent client, then you said you also use torrent05:10
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devious`this was the main reason why i left windows for linux, so i would not wake up one day and find out my system wont boot for an unknown reason. Now, few days later, im having the same problem with linux. FFS am i dissapointed!!!!05:10
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ricohey guys, how can I restore my xorg.conf to it's default?05:11
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MrPinkyeah I meant that I download torrents and have had good experience with azureus05:11
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ricoI modified it a bit (added a modeline), I didn't make a backup.05:11
vsayikiranmmkassem: yes i downloaded the .torrent file and then from bittorrent package i opened the .torrent file05:11
timothywcraneI have not used it, but I have heard good things about Azureus also05:11
sodevious`, it's life05:11
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devious`so: than life sux.05:11
MrPinkrico: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg      I think05:11
punzadadeludge is better for ubuntu then running azureus05:11
sodevious`, get more virus under windows, and pay for support, that'"s better ;)05:11
punzadaazureus is a memory whore05:11
soyes punzada , do you know any better ?05:11
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soutorrent is not compatible with linux05:12
devious`so: no, its not better, but what can i do with system that wont boot? I need to work man, and i cant if it wont start!05:12
LM1utorrent works fine with wine05:12
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Kenny3i need a good website to find most linux software existing05:12
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hollandlucasdevious`: what's the problem?05:12
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TrixseyCan I boot gnome in safe mode?05:12
bullgard4Using Freenode network and Irssi and sending a message to an OP beginning with /msg, will this message use the Direct-Client-to-Client (dcc) protocol?05:12
soLM1, really ?05:12
punzadawhy even bother with utorrent when you can use deludge i don't get it lol05:12
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MrPinkpunzada you are right about the  memory thing... but I usually only download when not working on my pc05:12
aidehuaAh: it's called "Xinerama".05:12
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ricomrpink, thank you. :)05:12
LM1I use azureus only because I don't trust closed source05:12
vsayikiranis it deludge or deluge05:12
devious`hollandlucas: i cant boot my linux, and its partition appears RAW. for no appearent reason05:13
TrixseyI'm using an ATI card but prop. drivers are disabled so my screen is black, can I boot Gnome in safe mode?05:13
LM1but I know for a fact utorrent works fine using wine05:13
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vsayikiranplease dont confuse me, which is the best, some say Azureus, some deluge, and few others utorrent05:13
punzadait's deluge i'm stupid05:13
LM1I also use shareaza emule and winrar perfectly in wine05:13
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hollandlucasdevious`: what happens when you power on your computer?05:13
punzadawhy use all that software in wine?05:13
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punzadayou can use command line rar05:13
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MrPinkrico I hope its right, I had to use it too once.. but that is from memory ^^05:13
timothywcranewindows does not recognize linux partitions05:13
punzadaand have it be much more efficient05:13
LM1CLI sux05:13
rockyI  cannot enable desktop effects can some one help me plz05:13
LM1the gui evolved and became dominant for a reason05:13
sdRhoddoes the ubuntu installer offer to format my hdd for me? or do I have to set up the drive and any partitions in advance?05:13
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punzadarar e file.rar directory05:14
ricomrpink, seems to be doing the right thing.05:14
punzadayou don't even need the last parameter05:14
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punzadawtf is easier then that05:14
punzadamuch easier then loading wine05:14
timothywcranetry to enter into safe mode, hit escape and enter kernel choices upon reboot05:14
MrPinksdrhod you have the possibility to manually partition it via installer05:14
sdRhodok thanks05:14
jribpunzada, LM1: you can extract rar files in the gui as well05:14
LM1sorry I disagree punzada05:14
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ShapeshifterUhm... so now I set up my messenger, my mail, my vpn and vnc connections, nice costumized compiz-fusion, bootsplash and theme, all drivers working, virtualbox with XP working.... well....what else fun to do now? ;)05:14
LM1yah I have rar set up for the gui05:14
punzadayeah but the built in gui is lame for extraction :)05:14
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Trixseyvsayikiran, BT client is a matter of preference.. some find Azureus too extensive.. some run WINE+uTorrent :p05:14
LM1but I need advanced features it doesn't have so I use winrar05:14
devious`hollandlucas: it gives me boot menu, from wich i select one of two kubuntu kernels. Then it gives me the loading screen, and after that just a dead blank screen. I can write letters on it, but not commands, after hitting enter it just goes to another row, like a text editor. Than i have to restart, than the whole story again. And when i look at that partition it appears RAW.05:14
Trixseyvsayikiran, personally I like Azureus =)05:15
MrPinkrico good :)05:15
soslow p2p05:15
soressource whore05:15
Trixseyvsayikiran, but the repo install of azureus was broken last time I used Ubuntu05:15
hollandlucasdevious`: try pressing ctr+z05:15
LM1azureus ftw if you have 2gb of ram05:15
basculeShapeshifter: break it all by rebuilding and installing a vanilla kernel from kernel.org05:15
hollandlucasdevious`: maybe then you can enter commands05:15
LM1utorrent is good but its closed source and been bought out by the man05:15
soi have 1.5 gb05:15
Ghismois there anyone from england?05:15
soso :)05:15
Shapeshifterbascule: lol yeah, been there, done that :P05:15
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LM1ktorrent is also a good choice05:15
rocky cannot enable desktop effects05:15
MrPinklol bought out by "the man"05:15
MrPinkthats good ^^05:15
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LM1if you don't mind using kde libs05:15
HotkeyHow come in sound preferences panel I get all sounds when  testing but normal system sounds never occur?05:15
basculeShapeshifter: well it's kinda fun ... :)05:15
sothe rich man :)05:15
devious`hollandlucas: i dont want to enter commands, i want kde to start. I can acces recovery mode from boot menu, but i dont know what to do next05:15
MrPinkyeah I can't enable desktop effects either05:16
vsayikiranhollandlucas: i have 1gb ram05:16
Shapeshifterwhat was the name of that "new" p2p prog again?05:16
MrPinkif anyone is savey on that area, that would be great :-P05:16
hollandlucasdevious`: when you go into recovery mode05:16
sodonate some money so i can buy a dual core E660005:16
hollandlucasyou can enter command right?05:16
Shady^how do i boot in safe mode?05:16
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ShapeshifterShady^: in grub select recovery mode05:16
MrPinkShady it should be listed in the grub menu... if not you have to edit your grub.list  I think05:16
rockyI have a ati mobility radeom 7500 card05:16
devious`hollandlucas: yes?05:16
hollandlucastry startx05:17
humboltowhat do I need to do to make googleearth work well on compiz-fusion AIGLX nvidia?05:17
rockydo i need to update it? so i cant enable my desktop effects05:17
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vsayikiranapt-get install Azureus is not working05:17
devious`hollandlucas: any other idea so i dont have to start windows again05:17
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sowhat is the package name for fs3G ?05:17
hollandlucasdevious`: what happens when you go into recovery mode and type startx?05:17
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devious`ill be back in a minute, have to try it05:18
devious`hollandlucas: ^^05:18
Ghismoi guys i'm looking for something like sopcast for ubuntu05:18
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selinuxium_Hi guys, where would I find my keymap? trying to install a keylogger on my home system, my brother is starting to become a pain!05:18
Ghismocould anyone give me a trick05:18
sono :)05:18
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basculeGhismo: apt-cache search sopcast05:19
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MrPinkvsayikiran  try to search for it in Synaptic Manager05:19
Shady^MrPink thanks! But i've installed unbuntu to my hard drive, the only way to get into the grub meny is if i start with the cd05:19
soselinuxium_, install a trojan, that's better05:19
xcsthow can i make mplayer my default player instead of totem?05:19
timothywcranego into preferred applications set defaults05:19
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rockyis there a way to call ubuntu for serive?05:19
HotkeyHelp please -  How come in sound preferences panel I get all sounds when  testing but normal system sounds never occur?05:20
MrPinkShady ehm... I donno if I know what you mean... but you don't have a list of kernels to boot from or windows partition or something when you boot? So no bootscreen ?05:20
JEFFmasterFlexxcst:  right click on the file and click on prperties, i think the right most tab lets you picj the default for that file type05:20
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frojndhello there05:20
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frojndWhere in open office can I change language...05:20
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kane77what are the names of the packages for codecs?05:20
kittyhawkbascule: I found a bug report that suggested changing the depth to 16, which worked.  Thanks for your help though05:20
frojndI mean that menus are in my language?05:20
hollandlucasfrojnd: you mean for the spellchecker?05:20
hollandlucasjust change your system language05:20
selinuxium_Ghismo: sopcast has a linux version05:20
frojndhollandlucas: menus and so..05:20
basculekittyhawk: welcome, thanks for the info05:21
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xcstJEFFmasterFlex, thanks05:21
frojndhollandlucas: and I can change this under system settings?05:21
Ghismou're right05:21
vsayikiranMrPink: there are two packages which one to install , azureus, or azureus-gcj05:21
mmkassemrocky: did you try restoring your xorg.conf ?05:21
Shady^MrPink i only see the grub meny when i start with the ubuntu cd, i've installed it to my HDD, and when i start without the cd the screen goes black!05:21
Ghismoi've just found it05:21
Ghismothank you05:21
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hollandlucasfrojnd: there's n item called language support or something like that05:21
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devious`hollandlucas: it said: Server error: no screens found05:21
hollandlucasdevious`: okay, let me think05:22
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devious`hollandlucas: does this happen often with linux?05:22
hollandlucasdevious`: pastebin your xorg.conf05:22
hollandlucasdevious`: no05:22
MrPinkvsayikiran my guess is "azreus" but isn't there a descriptive text underneith ?05:22
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rockyI dont think I did05:22
devious`hollandlucas: what you mean with my xorg.conf?05:22
hollandlucasdevious`: xorg.conf is in /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:22
MrPinkShady^  I see.. sorry then, I am relatively new to linux myself05:22
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Shady^MrPink thanks anyway :D05:23
JEFFmasterFlexvsayikiran: if you have Sun Java installed then you install the regular azureus package. If not, install the gcj package05:23
david003hello. i have a game taht is launched by doubleclicking on the program. how do i set it up that it starts if i tipe in a shell "nameofthegame"?05:23
hollandlucasdevious`: it's file that configures your xserver, the piece of software responsible for displaying things on the screen05:23
MrPinkShady^ sure ;)05:23
hollandlucasyou can read the contents with: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:23
devious`hollandlucas: hmm, i cant acces anything in my linux partition, how am i supposed to get that file?05:23
hollandlucasdevious`: oh05:23
hollandlucastry cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:23
hollandlucaswhat does it tell you05:23
vsayikiranJEFFmasterFlex: how can i know whether i have sun java installed or not?05:23
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devious`hollandlucas: its the same computer so i have to restart to boot from linux :(05:24
somy hd is not detected has master, and it dont work as a master, when put in master it's it a 32 gb, when there is no jumper, it's detected correctly as a 120 gb hd. how come ?05:24
soi have 2 SATA of 500 gb05:24
basculedevious`: if you try to mount the /  partition from recovery, what does it say?05:24
MrPinkTrixsey I can't do PMs I am not registered to the nameserver thingy05:24
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Kenny3who knows good color picker and screen ruler?05:24
JEFFmasterFlexvsayikiran:  just install it. in synaptic search for Sun Java. There is java 5 and java 6 in the repos05:24
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MrPinkKenny3 for firefox or for the desktop ?05:24
ricohow do I connect via Wifi via the console?05:24
JEFFmasterFlexyou can also install if from Add/Remove if I remember correctly05:24
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david003hello. i have a game taht is launched by doubleclicking on the program. how do i set it up that it starts if i tipe in a shell "nameofthegame"?05:25
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TrixseyMrPink, oh ok.. could you read what I sent ya? :p05:25
basculerico: man iwconfig05:25
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labanuxhow can I access SSH through proxy? yes, i can do it with Putty, buat can i do it directly using terminal?05:25
hollandlucasdavid003: find out where the game binary is05:25
basculelabanux: ssh supports proxy05:25
Kenny3MrPink desktop05:25
devious`bascule: windows as linux is on same computer, so i cant just try the command. i have to restart computer than try than load windows again. Thats kinda slow. Is there any virtual machine software i could use?05:25
hollandlucasand make sure the directory the game binary is in is in your PATH05:25
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Trixseylabanux, ssh -X user@server?05:25
david003hollandlucas: i know where it is, usr/local/games/openarena05:25
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alejonetHola a todos...05:26
MrPinkyeah and it sounds like the same problem Shady^ has... and I wasn't sure how to help him either05:26
labanuxbascule: could you give example how to do that?05:26
hollandlucasand when you type openarena on the shell05:26
vsayikiranJEFFmasterFlex: there are two packages sunjava5bin and sun-java6bin smth.05:26
alejonetdesde COlombia tengo una pregunta05:26
hollandlucasdavid003: it tells you command not found?05:26
basculedevious`: to access a broken local linux partition, hmmm really not sure :(05:26
labanuxTrixsey: i'll try it05:26
alejonetnecesito los drivers para MSI05:26
MrPinkKenny3 then no, sry only have those as addons in firefox ;)05:26
david003hollandlucas: yes05:26
JEFFmasterFlexvsayikiran:  you can install either. either of them will work. go with java6.. it's the newest one05:26
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david003hollandlucas: it isnt under bin05:26
NielsEI have found this great replacement for katapult in gnome, called gnome-launch-box, where can I set a shortcut for this program in gnome?05:26
hollandlucasdavid003: the problem is that /usr/local/games is not on your PATH05:26
Trixseylabanux, that's with X, if you dont want a graphical interface then you can skip the -X parameter05:26
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vsayikiranJEFFmasterFlex: after installing sun java 6 i can install azureus05:27
david003hollandlucas: dont really knwo what that means...how do i fix it?05:27
gokhan_i'm going to install easycam2 for my internal webcam on my Toshiba laptop but synaptic also wants to install some additional packages like gcc 3.1 and gcc 3.1base but i already have gcc 4.1 so might installing it affect my system?05:27
timothywcranefound my problem. GUI not affected by space found in filename, but CLI sensitive to it. Removed space, all is well05:27
draco2002Anyone know where you can download the "Ubuntu JeOS" version?05:27
JEFFmasterFlexvsayikiran: yes05:27
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Shady^Trixsey din sta fan05:27
arditcan anyone do me shippin of Ubuntu cos i have really slow internet coonection an takes me weeeeks to download it??05:27
david003hollandlucas: dont i need to create a shortcut under /usr/bin or something?05:27
vsayikiranJEFFmasterFlex: thanks05:27
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labanuxTrixsey: then how can I set the proxy?05:27
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devious`hollandlucas: i have managed to open the xorg.cfg file, what to do now?05:27
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hollandlucasdavid003: The PATH is a variable that contains a set of directores. When you type in a command at the shell, the shell searches everything in your path (all directories in there that is) for the binary you wanted to open (by typing its name)05:28
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MrPinkdevious: copy and paste it to www.pastebin.com and send the link in here05:28
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Trixseylabanux, if an SSH proxy works like a HTTP proxy you should just refer to your proxy as the server and it should pass the data to the target server05:28
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hollandlucasdavid003: you don't. You have to add the directory to your PATH05:29
AutoMatriX_Hi folks, does anybody know how to access a Mio C210 Gps with Feisty ?05:29
Condoulook, I have a question. I installed Gnash player through Synaptic, but how would I get Firefox to use it?05:29
hollandlucasdavid003: like this: open ~/.bashrc05:29
hollandlucasin a text editor05:29
devious`hollandlucas: http://pastebin.com/m1e1688c005:29
david003hollandlucas: i actually solved the problem by adding the shortcut05:29
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david003hollandlucas: thanks for helping me05:29
devious`hollandlucas: maybe line 88, 89?05:29
hollandlucasdavid003: you added a shortcut to it in a directory that's in the path ;-)05:29
arditcan anyone do me shippin of Ubuntu cos i have really slow internet coonection an takes me weeeeks to download it??05:29
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hollandlucasdevious`: so you CAN access files on your linux partition05:30
david003hollandlucas: sorry, could you repeat?05:30
devious`ardit: where you at?05:30
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hollandlucasdavid003: You added a link to the game binary in a directory that is on your path ;-)05:30
devious`hollandlucas: yes, it appears now i can access it, from Windows!05:30
sono :)05:30
labanuxTrixsey: i mean, my network was behind a http proxy server, then i want to access my web hosting SSH server. Can I do this using terminal? I only can do this using Putty right now.. :(05:30
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CondouloWho here can inform me on how to get Firefox to use Gnash player instead of Adobe flash player?05:30
devious`hollandlucas: i cant explain how or why05:30
MrPinkardit: I think you can have it shipped to you from the Ubuntu page if I am not mistaken... but that takes like 3-4 weeks or so05:30
oliver_g_i have installed ssh server on Gutsy live cd but can't log in - can you tell me what's the password for the "ubuntu" user?05:30
david003hollandlucas: exactly. and it works. is it okay like that or is it dangerous?05:30
hollandlucasit's okay I'd say05:30
hollandlucasnot dangerous05:30
hollandlucasI'd have done it differently05:31
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hollandlucasbut as long as it works ;-)05:31
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hollandlucasif it ain't broke...05:31
sohow do you install a security camera software under ubuntu ?05:31
labanuxTrixsey: should I do something like: ssh -proxy host:8080 user@host ?05:31
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david003the thing is taht like this if i need to remove the game i dont need to edit anything...05:31
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david003i just delete the folder and shortcut05:31
MrPinkok, hope I could help out some of you, gotta go... ciao!05:31
DILso: Zoneminder is good05:31
HELP09I am getting NTLDR is missing error05:31
HELP09I dual booted with GNOME and XP05:31
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hollandlucasdavid003: if you'd done it by adding it to the path you would have ended up deleting the game and removing it from the PATH05:31
soDIL,  does it work correctly now ?05:31
HELP09and then I tried formatting ext3 on windows05:31
JEFFmasterFlexHELP09:  did you install XP after ubuntu?05:32
ardit3-4 weeks!! long05:32
Trixseylabanux, you could try.. I haven't used SSH with proxy to be honest05:32
david003harder to remember.....05:32
HELP09I had xp before05:32
HELP09I dualed ubuntu05:32
Trixseylabanux, shoud be easy enough to find out how to use it with the help command :p05:32
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arditby that time i could probably download it05:32
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david003hollandlucas: thanks for everything. where is the PATH file?05:32
Ahadiellabanux, ssh -D 9090 user@host.com05:32
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hollandlucasdavid003: PATH is not a file05:32
Ahadiellabanux, you can change the port to w/e you want05:32
HELP09Why did my XP stop working05:32
hollandlucasdavid003: It's an environment variable05:32
HELP09When I formatted Linux_Ext305:32
gokhan_i'm going to install easycam2 for my internal webcam on my Toshiba laptop but synaptic also wants to install some additional packages like gcc 3.1 and gcc 3.1base but i already have gcc 4.1 so might installing it affect my system?05:33
david003hollandlucas: where can i find it, for futhure use?05:33
arditi thought i could be in somethin like 3-4 workin days05:33
labanuxAhadiel: wait a minute.., i'll try it..05:33
HELP09with paragon partition manager05:33
hollandlucasdavid003: you can manipulate it by doing the following:05:33
Ahadiellabanux, then you change your socks5 proxy settings to localhost, and the port you chose05:33
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hollandlucasdavid003: open ~/.bashrc in a text editor05:33
devious`hollandlucas: can you take a look plz: http://pastebin.com/m1e1688c005:33
hollandlucasdevious`: in a sec05:33
Kenny3who know a screen ruler?05:33
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david003hollandlucas: done, next?05:33
HELP09God, they said that people help here.05:33
ir6Hi, what's X shared memory extension ?05:33
oliver_g_Kenny3: try kruler (it's a KDE app but should work under Gnome as well)05:33
hollandlucasdavid003: append: PATH=$PATH:/path/you/want/to/add     and on a new line export PATH05:34
hollandlucas~ is your home directory05:34
hollandlucasre-open your shell05:34
hollandlucasand it should've picked up the changes05:34
DILHelp: how may drives did you have05:34
labanuxAhadiel: is that mean that I must make a connection to user@host using port 9090 as a Socks proxy?05:34
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david003just at the bottom?05:34
devious`HELP09: ppl do help here, but if you are patient05:34
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DILHelp: how may drives did you have05:34
ManaPirathi guys :-)05:34
HELP09Yeah but =/05:34
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david003hollandlucas: just at the bottom?05:34
DILHelp09: how may drives did you have05:34
labanuxAhadiel: but i can't access anywhere and any port without using my network proxy.. :(05:34
hollandlucasdavid003: yes05:35
Ahadiellabanux, your host would be localhost, and your port would be 909005:35
Ahadiellabanux, I don't really understand D:05:35
david003hollandlucas: and do i repeat export path everitime or i just add paths over that?05:35
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DILHelp09: how may drives did you have? did you format the entire drive?05:35
hollandlucasyou just add paths over that05:35
hollandlucasyou need the export PATH only ONCE at the end of the file05:35
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Kenny3oliver_g_ : i try, thanks05:35
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oliver_g_ir6: do you mean this one: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT-SHM05:36
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hollandlucasdevious`: I thought your problem was solved?05:36
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david003hollandlucas: perfect, now i need to play a bit. thanks for all05:36
oliver_g_ir6: that's the more technical explanation, tough :-)05:36
hollandlucasdavid003: no problem05:36
ManaPiratDoes somebody know the status of h.264  hardware accelerated decoding for Linux? (an ATI / NVIDIA subject maybe)05:36
devious`hollandlucas: no, it wasnt solved. :(05:36
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labanuxAhadiel: If I can acces the port 9090 to user@host it means I've already able to connect to my SSH sever.. Meanwhile my problem is I can't access the SSH server..05:36
hollandlucasdevious`: okay so you CAN access files on your linux partition?05:36
hollandlucasdevious`: because you accessed xorg.conf05:36
Ahadiellabanux, Okay, well I dunno if you can't access your ssh server to begin with.05:37
hollandlucasdevious`: your xorg.conf looks okay to me (but I'm no expert)05:37
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devious`hollandlucas: yes, but i accessed it from Windows XP, i still cant load linux05:37
Kenny3whats a good software developing program?05:37
hollandlucasdevious`: but you can access everything in recovery mode?05:37
devious`hollandlucas: look at lines 88 and 8905:37
hollandlucasdevious`: looks like a problem with your xserver05:37
hollandlucasdevious`: yeah?05:38
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devious`hollandlucas: do you have thoose lines, can i delete them, i think they were added05:38
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hollandlucasdevious`: you're running compiz/beryl/compiz fusion?05:38
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devious`well, i did try, but couldnt get it working05:38
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devious`hollandlucas: i added thoose lines manually cuz i followed the tutorial05:39
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hollandlucasdevious`: then remove or comment them (you comment them by adding a # to the beginning of the lines, thus having them ignored)05:39
hollandlucasdevious`: and try if linux works05:39
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hollandlucasdevious`: if not, type startx again in recovery mode and tell me the error message05:39
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devious`hollandlucas: ok, i will do that, be back soon05:39
basculelabanux: you have to add some stuff I liile understand to ~/.ssh/config05:40
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Martiinihow do I direct console output to a text file?05:40
ksivajihow to recover my root password05:40
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labanuxAhadiel: yes.., I can't access my SSh server if I not using proxy. That's why i can connect to my SSh server using Putty, cause Putty provide configuration for proxy05:41
basculelabanux: corkscrew seems to be a helpful something05:41
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ksivajii forgot me root password05:41
ksivajii forgot my* root password05:41
labanuxbascule: corkscrew??05:41
basculesudo su, shange it05:41
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FatMomanyone got the vsync working with fglrx?05:41
jribksivaji: did you ever set one?05:41
basculelabanux: apt-get install corkscrew, if I understand the problem that is(?)05:41
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FatMomI tried aticonfig --vs on     but it didnt work05:42
ksivaji jrib yes05:42
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bascule!info corkscrew05:42
ubotucorkscrew: tunnel TCP connections through HTTP proxies. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0-5 (feisty), package size 9 kB, installed size 72 kB05:42
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jribksivaji: you realize it is unnecessary?05:43
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labanuxbascule: nice hints... thanx .. :D05:44
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HELP09Who knows how to fix the NTLDR is missing error?05:45
Kenny3there r the source of emule scarangel mod avalable, does this mean i can install/compile it on linux with this?05:45
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_0xfall i need when installing ubuntu   is    /boot  2GB   / 59GB  swap 4gb05:45
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drgebhow do I look for all files that have an execution permission ?  I know its something like find . -perm xxx I don't yet understand the permission codes05:45
basculeHELP09: there is a boot cd to fix that05:45
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HELP09I dont have one :(05:46
JEFFmasterFlex_0xf: actually all you need is / and swap05:46
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HELP09I never got a winxp cd with my pc05:46
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HELP09Or you mean you can download one from somewhere?05:46
JimmeyHow can I set the default NIC on Ubuntu 7.04? When I change my WLAN card from Roaming mode to static IP, I loose the internet connection - I think it's because one of the eth cards is getting priority.05:46
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basculeHELP09: http://tinyempire.com/notes/ntldrismissing.htm05:47
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spiderspywenaz a todos05:47
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DILHELP09: Try Google - Ultimate boot CD05:47
sowhere is fstab ?05:47
jroes /etc/fstab05:47
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jroesyou could have also actually typed "whereis fstab" as well :)05:48
kane77how do I get diff of two strings?05:48
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ferentixArgh! How can I configure Compiz using CCSM? I change options in it, but they have no effect :(05:48
JEFFmasterFlexso: check out this site if you want to much around with fstab http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html05:48
ferentixChanges made with "gnome-compiz-preferences" on the other hand, do05:48
_0xfJEFFmasterFlex ; i wanna encrypt the rest of the harddisk with true crypt and u cant encrypt the harddisk u boot from thats why im making the /boot05:48
FatMomanyone got the vsync working with fglrx?05:48
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JEFFmasterFlex_0xf:  then make a /boot . in that case you only need /boot, /, and swap05:49
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basculekane77: python makes that easy05:49
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ferentixIn fact, CompizConfig Settings Manager doesn't even have a "turn Compiz on" type option05:49
_0xfok ty05:49
jroeshas anyone been able to get ubuntu installed on a usb stick and boot it?  I followed some directions at pendrivelinux.com and I still can't boot for some reason05:49
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HELP09bascule I tried that fixntldr.exe05:50
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Jimmeyjroes, not all motherboards support it05:50
HELP09I put it on a cd05:50
HELP09it didnt work05:50
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basculeHELP09: that was very quick ...05:50
HELP09no no05:50
sowhat chmod or chown should i use for /media/sda2 or 5 ?05:50
HELP09I tried it before05:50
ChildXneed help05:50
soit's ntfs05:50
HELP09CD didnt work05:50
HELP09and my pc doenst support floppys05:50
ChildXan answer really05:50
jroeskane77: you can use the "diff" utility at the command prompt if they are in different files05:50
JEFFmasterFlexHELP09:  looks like you are going to need to download an XP install disc05:51
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jroesJimmey: I'm pretty sure mine does.  I had an option to boot from "USB Memory"05:51
ChildXwhere is the default wallapaper of Ubuntu located (in which directory)??05:51
Kenny3who knows emule scarangel mod alternative for linux?05:51
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ferentixOh, no. I managed to get it all back :) ooh, shiny...05:51
_0xfJEFFmasterFlex ; im sitting at the partitions screen and i cant figure out how  to put htis unallocated 6gigs i have into the / partition05:51
HELP09Yeah I know05:51
_0xfany ideas05:51
HELP09But I cant find any good one05:51
kane77jroes, well I know, but can it compare two strings? I want to put it into a ruby script...05:51
HELP09I have this one, it works for 30 days then uninstalls05:51
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JEFFmasterFlex_0xf:  format the partition first, then you can type the partition name of /05:52
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_0xfwont let me format05:53
_0xfwhen i select it it just says new05:53
oliver_g_jroes: what type of motherboard do you use?05:53
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_0xfi can only make a new one05:53
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Rizzlawould someone be able to lend me their expertise setting up thunderbird on ubuntu feisty?  I have my profile from my windows partition that I want to use05:53
JEFFmasterFlexHELP09:  you need a magic one. that has activation cracked05:53
HELP09JEFFmasterFlex: http://www.ultimatebootcd.com/download.html05:53
RizzlaI've tried it a couple times, but kept getting errors05:53
HELP09I cant download that? because there's only md5 hashes05:53
jroeskane77: Technically, a string can have newlines, are you comparing things on the same line?05:53
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jroesoliver_g_: I've got a toshiba a105-s4034 laptop05:54
JEFFmasterFlexHELP09:  scroll down05:54
dhruvwhch ersion of thunderbird are u susing05:54
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RizzlaI want to use the latest version05:54
HELP09Do I need to torrent it?05:54
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dhruvtry 2.005:54
HELP09That's gonna be so slow.05:54
dhruvget it from automatix05:54
Rizzlaone thing i'm completely cluesless on is how to install an app in ubuntu that I download05:54
quitttdoes anybody know how do I put the same plugins from Firefox on the Opera browser?05:55
Rizzlai dont have automatix installed05:55
Rizzlashould i use synaptic to get automatix?05:55
fermatstheoremdhruv, Rizzla : automatix is a bad idea05:55
dhruvu need to synaptic or automatix05:55
dhruvi prefer automatix05:55
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soi have a problem, my ntfs partitions are not seen in filesystem. they are mounted in fstab however i think there is an error05:55
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dhruvi think automatix is easier05:55
fermatstheoremdhruv,Rizzla :it aint supported by ubuntu, it can kick your system in the family jewels05:56
HELP09Automatix is bad05:56
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HELP09It crashed me once05:56
quittthow do I do it?05:56
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Rizzlaok, i'll try and use synaptic again to download thunderbird.  THe main issues I have is when i use the ctrl+f2  then type thunderbird -ProfileManger05:56
HELP09just use ./configure05:56
dhruvyeah thats true05:56
AJ--hi guys.. is there a program for linux like CAMTASIA that can record a desktop05:56
dhruvaj use recordmydeskyop05:56
Mr-Nilsenhow do i use samba to connect to a win xp comp ?05:56
AJ--ahh ok tnx05:57
dhruvi think thunderbird is in synaptic too05:57
Rizzlaalright, right now my synaptic is tied up because i'm installing myth (taking awhile)05:57
dhruvwhich acount are u looking to configure05:57
Rizzladhruv, it is, i've installed it from there a couple times.  I'm just having a problem using my old profile that had all my emails from my windows partition05:57
dhruvu cant use automatix and synaptic simulaneously either05:57
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nox-HandIf I want to install      * ffmpeg  0.cvs20060823-3.1ubuntu4+medibuntu2 but a newer one is in apt fmo archives.ubuntu.com05:58
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Rizzladhruv, would you be able to step me through the process of downloading thunderbird from mozilla's site and installing it?05:58
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nox-HandHow do I make it install that version? The olde3r one05:58
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Rizzlai tried it once, but i didnt knowhow to install it properly05:58
dhruvok will do05:58
RobDaGlob /join ##C05:58
oliver_g_jroes: booting from usb stick can be tricky on some hardware05:58
dhruvdont need to go the mozilla site , synaptic shud be enuf05:58
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kane77Rizzla, why don't you download thunderbird from apt-get?05:59
jroesoliver_g_: I wish there was a way to see some output so I even had some sort of error to reference05:59
Rizzlaok, but its kind of for personal knowledge. I love synaptic because its easy, but I have no clue to how install stuff in ubuntu without it.  I dont like being tied to it exclusively to install stuff05:59
oliver_g_jroes: i needed to create a small boot partition on my 512 mb stick because the bios wouldn't boot otherwise05:59
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jroesoliver_g_: how did you figure that out?05:59
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oliver_g_jroes: do you get any output at all?05:59
_0xfIm trying to make partition and its not letting me it says no root file system.   but i have / with 66GB05:59
jroesnot at all05:59
jroesit just immediately skips into windows05:59
dhruvah the rizzla i may not be that helul05:59
jroesI was thinking of disabling everything05:59
Mr-Nilsencould any one pm me for some tips on how to use samba  ?05:59
jroesexcept usb05:59
HELP09Im so mad atm06:00
jroesjust to see if it flew by the screen fast06:00
=== HealthyElijah [n=elijah@c-67-176-92-104.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
HELP09I need to format everything06:00
dhruvi'm the easiest way out guy06:00
oliver_g_jroes: for troubleshooting, set boot sequence so that usb is tried first, then cdrom, then hdd06:00
Rizzlaits cool, well i'll try it through apt-get, because synaptic is currently tied up with mythtv download06:00
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oliver_g_jroes: ... and then put a boot cd in drive06:00
HealthyElijahi need help installing flash in opera06:00
_0xfwhat the hell. i have / for 66GB06:00
_0xfwhy it saying no root file system06:00
TheyainI removed (by shear stupidity) my system tray.  How do I restor it?06:00
oliver_g_jroes: so you don't have to wait for windows boot all the time :-)06:00
jroesoliver_g_: that's what I have right now actually06:00
dhruvi'm going out for dinner, shud be back in an hour, wudtry to help u then06:01
jroeshahah yeah windows takes forever, but the livecd is pretty slow too :P06:01
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HealthyElijahhttp://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash  --- which version of flash do i need for opera?06:01
FatMomanyone got the vsync working with fglrx?06:01
Rizzladamn, i cant download anythnig via apt-get or synaptic because its already in use.. thats kinda silly.. no multitasking for installs??06:01
oliver_g_jroes: yes :-) but the ubuntu boot menu gives you time to stop the boot :-D06:01
dhruvyeah thats true u cant do multitasking06:01
TheyainSo, how do I restore my system tray?06:02
bentob0xanybody has an advice for a software to access your mobile phone (sonyericsson T610) on ubuntu?06:02
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oliver_g_jroes: IIRC there can be some other quirks for usb boot... like, you have to fiddle with the usb keyboard options in bios06:02
dhruvtheyain rightclick on the panel and add the status bar06:02
Rizzladhruv, r u gonna be on in 5 mins or so, i'm just going to config myth real quick (hopefully..)06:03
oliver_g_its more like voodoo :-/06:03
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jroesoliver_g_: hmm.. but the splash screen usually kills the display so I can't see it06:03
Mr-NilsenCould anyone please explain how i can use samba to connect to a windows xp comp ?06:03
kane77Rizzla, anyways installing thunderbird doesn't take much.. as far as I remember you just untar put anywhere you like.. optionally you also create links in /usr/bin/06:03
jroesI wish I knew what was actually required to boot from usb06:03
dhruvrizzla i'm already late06:03
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dhruvhealthy can u come again plz06:03
TheyainI don't have that optioin06:03
Rizzlaoh, alright, thanks for offering.  Appreciate it.06:03
zylcheHelp - mouse no longer working, have to use mouse keys, no idea why, taken mouse and and put back in06:03
oliver_g_jroes: theoretically it's quite easy :-) but in practice it depends on the bios06:03
zylcheAny ideas?06:03
oliver_g_jroes: maybe get another (more primitive) boot cd?06:04
AshbringerHello, would anyone know any possible causes for not being able to resolve domain names on one wireless AP but being able to do so on another?06:04
_0xfCan someone help me with partitions. its not letting me install. its saying i gotta format the partitions06:04
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ManaPirathey guys ;) has anybody here tried 1080p H.264 video playback via a recent ATI Card?06:04
_0xfbut i dont see how06:04
oliver_g_jroes: or indeed disconnect hdd and cdrom and see what the bios says06:04
HealthyElijahdhruv: I need help installing Flash for Opera06:04
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HealthyElijahhttp://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash  --- which version of flash do i need for opera?06:04
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Theyaindhruv: I don't have that ability,  I can't add it.  Trust me I treid06:04
dhruvok i am gonna give u a bad idea "automatix"06:04
dhruvit'l  work06:05
labanuxcan we use apt-get with socks proxy?06:05
acecaseI want to create another partition and clone this one before I do a dist-upgrade to testing.06:05
HealthyElijahi dont know what tar.gz rpm or yum stuff is06:05
ubotuAutomatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software.  When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it.  A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme)06:05
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dhruvwhats wrong with the panels06:05
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labanuxi've already use wget with http proxy, and make some setting in /etc/apt/apt.conf. Then how about socks proy?06:05
ewan2cihi there, wonder if someone can help me with a stupidly simple questio06:05
labanuxi've already use wget with http proxy, and make some setting in /etc/apt/apt.conf. Then how about socks proxy?06:05
Rizzlashit gotta restart, brb06:06
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webmareni'm using the nvidia proprietary driver but it keeps resetting my resolution every time i boot06:06
Theyaindhruv:  Nothing is actually wrong with my panels.  Its just not in my "Add To Panel" field.06:06
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oliver_g_instead of automatix, what about easyubuntu?06:06
ewan2cinew to Ubuntu, trying to get nagios running06:06
dhruvtheyain gime a min t check my panel06:06
acecaseewan2ci, everyone is working on my stupid question rite now :) j/k06:06
ewan2citrying in install libgd2-dev06:06
ubotuThe #ubuntu channel and related channels ban users joining from anonymous gateways like tor/silenceisdefeat/cgi:irc because the abuse:useful ratio is close to infinity:nothing -- project cloaks will let you join, otherwise you should simply not use an anonymizer.06:06
ubotuAttention tor users.  You may think you are anonymous, but you are not.  Please visit http://tor.unixgu.ru/ and see for yourself.   Please evaluate your need to use tor here on irc.  If you wish anonymity, Freenode offers cloaks of many different types. http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks06:06
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dhruvtheyain try Notification AreA06:07
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Rizzlaback, that was fast06:07
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ewan2ciapparently there is no istallation candidat?06:07
jroesoliver_g_: did you use the guides at pendrivelinux.com to set yours up?06:07
webmarenanybody wanna help me with my video driver problem06:07
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jroesor is there another place I can read06:07
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dhruvif its an ati do an lspci and let us knw what iy is06:08
LjLoliver_g_: instead of either, why not just use APT? what is it that you need to install?06:08
ChildXin which directory is the wallpaper Simple Ubuntu???06:08
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HealthyElijahI would please like some help picking a tar,rpm, or yum version of flash to install for Opera and Firefox?06:09
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HealthyElijahHow do I get Flash on Ubuntu?06:09
oliver_g_LjL: dunno :-) I use apt myself but some "easier" tool might be handy for beginners :-)06:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tor - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:09
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oliver_g_jroes: i made the usb boot stick after a receipt written by a colleague06:10
_0xfdoes ipkungfu work with ubuntu06:10
Ashfire908where can i find a guide to vi06:10
webmarendhruv its a nvidia geforce 7100gs06:10
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webmarenim using the proprietary driver but it keeps defaulting to the wrong resolution06:10
LjLoliver_g_, perhaps, but what i always say is: those beginner *will* have to learn to use APT sooner or later, because that's what Ubuntu is based on. better make it sooner, than make them stitch dubious scripts on their systems. after all, if you enable, say, medibuntu and backports, which is not really too hard to do, what's lacking from APT?06:10
dhruvwebmaren:i dont know nvid may be someels wud help u out06:10
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rabbitwee1hello everyone. is it possible at all to change the date syntax of the clock in feisty fawn? it's displaying as mm/dd/yy, I was wanting to change it do dd/mm/yy06:12
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oliver_g_LjL: I'm not prepared for the discussion :-D but in short I think it's good to have some specialized tools for often-requested tasks (like flash, java...) instead of pointing users to the big tool for all tasks06:12
ChildXin which directory is the wallpaper Simple Ubuntu???06:12
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LjLoliver_g_: but we point users to the *specific* instructions for the *single* task they want to accomplish. sure, they all involve APT. anyway, the problem with those scripts is that they aren't really very well reviewed by anybody, and are likely to cause more harm than good. easyubuntu is most likely better than automatix, but then again, i don't *know* this for sure.06:13
DM|whats the command for setting resolution via terminal06:13
AshbringerFor some reason, whenever I use a certain access point, I cannot connect to anything including the access point. However, most services work if I use them through Tor. What possible causes could this have?06:13
dhruvchildx gimme a min06:13
labanuxhow can I use apt-get with SOCKS proxy?06:14
LjLoliver_g_: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/free-flash06:14
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oliver_g_LjL: oh... I thought easyubuntu is the "official" answer to automatix?!06:14
LjLlabanux: one way, i guess, would be to install tsocks and then run it with it06:14
FatMomso no one got the vsync working with fglrx?06:14
LjLoliver_g_: no, it's not really official. it's certainly an answer from people who dislike breaking systems less than the automatix people do.06:15
LjLi meant, more.06:15
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oliver_g_LjL: agreed, having all that stuff (flash, java...) work out of the box or installed automatically (like codecs) is the best way06:15
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LjLoliver_g_: when that can be done legally, yes.06:15
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NemesisDhi all a few questions, is there some way to x forward wine apps in SSH? also can I just leave them running after i disconnect? I'm trying to start utorrent, add a torrent and start it remotely, but I don't need the window hanging around on this machine06:17
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DamjanHi, I'am talking from terminal, help me, the went down during installation of some programs, on boot no user cannot log in, from kdm and with startx from virtual terminal, please help06:18
rabbitwee1any idea how to change date order on the clock? I know it's only minor but..06:18
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DamjanI ment the power went down06:18
oliver_g_NemesisD: maybe don't use X forwarding, but start the apps in a VNC server?06:18
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Sven_vBhi :)06:18
AshbringerFor some reason, whenever I use a certain access point, I cannot connect to anything including the access point. However, most services work if I use them through Tor. What possible causes could this have?06:19
xbehavei have na problem with an encrypted root install!where should i go for help?06:19
DamjanHey, help me to log in the users06:19
xbehavemy system decrypted my root but then waits06:19
oliver_g_NemesisD: the default gnome desktop already has a VNC server ("remote desktop")06:19
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Damjanok I will commit suicide06:20
oliver_g_Damjan: so you can login on terminal but not on X?06:20
Damjanthe main power went down06:20
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gokhan_i'm going to install easycam2 for my internal webcam on my Toshiba laptop but synaptic also wants to install some additional packages like gcc 3.1 and gcc 3.1base but i already have gcc 4.1 so might installing it affect my system?06:20
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oliver_g_Damjan: can just give some general hints...06:20
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oliver_g_is there enough space left on root disk?06:20
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oliver_g_did fsck find errors on start?06:21
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NemesisDoliver_g_, would that be rsclient or something like that? can i start that via ssh ;) also would it allow me to start up the utorrent app and then just leave it running on that machine once i exit?06:21
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gustavonareaHello. I have a Toshiba Satellite L35 laptop and sounds is not working with the latest 2 kernels. I have an up-to-date Gutsy and Kopfgeldjaeger @ #ubuntu-devel suggested me to talk about this here.06:21
=== jamescarr [n=jamescar@68-114-198-75.dhcp.clma.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Damjanoliver_g, I was installing programs from add/remove program in Ubuntu, sudunly the electricity of all the street went down06:21
NotSurehow can i make it so that the internet activity is on tray icon like in windows?06:21
NotSurei use gnome06:21
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smultronhow do i get keyring to auto-login to my wifi network at boot?06:22
lucagustavnorea: first thing which audio board do you have?06:22
jamescarrfn+f7 doesnt work on my laptop like it is supposed to... it doesnt redirect output to any attached monitors06:22
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jamescarrand what can I do to make it work?06:22
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NotSurehow can i make it so that the internet activity is on tray icon like in windows?06:22
lucajamescarr: what laptop do you have?06:22
jamescarrthe other fn keys are mapped correctly out of the box but this one06:22
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jamescarrSony Vaio06:22
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floppyearshi guys06:22
oliver_g_NemesisD: if you happen to speak german, there's an introduction to VNC at http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/VNC :-)06:22
floppyearsI have an ubuntu machine running mythtv06:22
jamescarrI need this working quick... I have a presentation in like 2 hours06:22
NotSurehow can i make it so that the internet activity is on tray icon like in windows (i use GNOME)06:22
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lucajamescarr: check in synaptic, I guess there are some packages specifically for your brand about fn keys06:22
floppyearssometimes I need to restart gdm06:22
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lucaI have a dell so I am not sure06:23
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NemesisDNotSure, give people a few seconds to get to you06:23
floppyearshow can I get a non-root user to run /etc/init.d/gdm restart without having to type in a password ?06:23
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NotSureNemesisD, ok06:23
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Damjanoliver_g, then 2 hours later I turn on my pc, then i tried to log in, in kdm, but the user was loading until a blank and he returned back to welcome screen06:23
NemesisDoliver_g_, i only speak american ;(06:23
aguitel_jamescarr: is your sony vaio fan working fine?06:23
lucaNotSure: it should be already with Network-manager06:23
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_0xfhow long take to install ubuntu06:23
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_0xffor copying files i think mine is hung up right nnow06:23
lucaabout half an hour06:23
jamescarrI aguitel_ why would you ask that?06:24
_0xfon the box besdie me06:24
oliver_g_NemesisD: have a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH06:24
Damjanolive_g, tell what conf or log to give you, or something06:24
desertcHello - I am having problems with Launchpad.  I cannot create my personal wiki -- it errors and says I don't have permissions.06:24
aguitel_jamescarr: because i have problem with my sony vaio pcg-frv3506:24
gustavonarealuca: It's not my computer and I don't know that. Could you please tell me where I could find that information?06:24
HELP09Hey guys, does UBCD work if I have the NTLDR is missing error?06:24
oliver_g_Damjan: what does dh -h say?06:24
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Damjanwait to write06:25
lucauhm I think a lspci in the konsole *might* give you the information06:25
Damjanon other tty06:25
jamescarrmine is PCG-6Q1L06:25
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lucauhm no06:25
oliver_g_Damjan: and: what happens when you run startx ?06:25
jamescarrcost me 2 grand, so it better not fail ;)06:25
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jamescarrThe extended warranty plan almost cost me as much as an xbox36006:26
AshbringerCan anyone help me? When using a certain WAP, I can't connect to anything (including my gateway) except through Tor. I have no idea what might be causing this, though I have had power problems recently and that may be affecting some critical files. If I use other WAP's, things seem to work fine. What might be causing this?06:26
Damjanoliver_g, it says fonts not found06:26
lucadoes someone have problems with Nvidia and dual-core in any case after today's updates?06:26
Damjanoliver_g, how to scroll lines up in this sirc06:26
oliver_g_Damjan: uh, no idea...06:27
oliver_g_Damjan: Ctrl + PageUp ?06:27
jamescarrall I found on synaptic is an i810 module for "some vaio laptops" for switching the display... however my laptop has integrated nvidia card, not that crappy i810 ;)06:27
Damjanoliver_g, oh great the monitor is magnetized06:27
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gustavonarealuca: here's the output http://rafb.net/p/n6kUtP31.html . I think it's: ATI Technologies Inc SB450 HDA Audio (rev 01)06:27
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Damjanoliver_g, I tried that06:27
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_0xfi swear its hung at 49% copying files06:27
Damjanoliver_g, no use cause the program is erasing the lines06:27
NotSureluca, which such network manager? I would highly appreciate it if you could specify the exact sequence of actions I need to take.06:27
_0xf2wice in a row06:28
Damjanoliver_g, now tell me else what can I do06:28
oliver_g_Damjan: ok moment06:28
aguitel_jamescarr: my video card is ATI radeon06:28
colin_simple question - is there a good way to routinely type em-dash in OpenOffice without summoning it from insert-special-character all the time? Ta06:28
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Damjanoliver_g, what was that command again, please?06:28
oliver_g_Damjan: df -h06:28
lucagustavnorea: you are right. I do not know if there is a specific driver for this board though :(06:29
oliver_g_Damjan: should give you the disk usage06:29
lucatry googling a bit I guess06:29
DamjanI see partitions06:29
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dhruvaguitel_ pleasse do an lspci grep|ati06:29
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AshbringerCan anyone help me with this? On one of my WAP's I can't connect to anything except through TOR for some reason, and I have no idea why. I think the problem might be DNS related, but I'm fairly sure its local, because the WAP itself can resolve the hosts that won't work for me. What might be causing this?06:29
oliver_g_Damjan: is there any partitionm with 0% free?06:29
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aguitel_dhruv: i have not with my laptop now06:29
sixdrawanybody use efax here???06:29
lucaNotSure: just do alt+f2 nm-applet06:29
Damjanoliver_g, from 80 gb, I have 90% free06:29
NotSureluca, ok wait06:29
oliver_g_Damjan: ok06:29
_0xfyeah my ubuntu install keeps freezing up at 49% installing06:30
oliver_g_Damjan: try running apt-get update06:30
_0xf2wice in a row06:30
=== dodina [n=dodina@adsl-ull-114-167.48-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu
sixdrawOxf ur disc corupted06:30
dhruvaguitel_ which type of lappy is it06:30
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_0xfwhats that mean06:30
_0xfi gotta redownload06:30
_0xfor reburn06:30
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sixdrawmight have a scratch06:30
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dodinajoin #ubuntu-it06:30
_0xfbrand new06:30
sixdrawis it from ubuntu06:30
gustavonarealuca: sound was working flawlessly before installing the latest two kernels. I can actually boot with the first kernel and sound works.06:31
_0xfi downloaded and burned06:31
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sixdrawi had that prob then just ordered one from them06:31
HealthyElijahwhy is Flash on Linux and Firefux worse than on XP?06:31
NotSureluca, this is not the kind of tray icon i am talking about. In Windows, you have an indicator of the actual activity. In other words, whenever there is an download or an upload of data, either one of the two computers will be lit. I need 'something' like that, does not have to be exact same thing. Thanks.06:31
_0xfurs froze at 49%?06:31
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Damjan1oliver_g, my connection went down06:31
punzadaI don't have any problems with flash, although people with 64bit have issues.06:31
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HealthyElijahNot sure - I know what you are talking about and I want it too!06:32
=== coolzero [n=coolzero@ARennes-256-1-118-103.w90-32.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
sixdrawwhat brand is the disc06:32
lucaNotSure: can't help you then sorry06:32
_0xfanyone help me FRZZING on install06:32
lucaNotSure: in kde there is kget06:32
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sixdrawwell not at 49%06:32
Damjan1oliver_g, are you there06:32
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sixdrawthat where its corrupted06:32
NotSureluca, what is kget?06:32
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sixdrawburn to a new disc06:32
oliver_g_Damjan: ok06:32
_0xfu think its the disk06:32
gustavonarealuca: ok, thanks anyways!06:32
_0xfor the .iso06:32
=== DM| [n=dm@cpe-24-160-182-28.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
xbehavei have na problem with an encrypted root install!where should i go for help?06:32
HealthyElijahNotSure: Ask in #linux as well06:32
lucaNotSure a download manager06:32
Damjan1oliver_g, what to do next06:32
sixdrawwell its goes 1/2 way06:32
oliver_g_Damjan1: try apt-get update06:33
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sixdrawso its the disc06:33
HealthyElijahFlash sucks on Linux. WHY?06:33
_0xfwill reburn06:33
sixdrawshud fit on a cd06:33
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NotSureok, I need an indicator of Internet activity (download/upload) on tray icon in gnome. Anybody has any ideas?06:33
_0xfa dvd06:33
jamescarrhow can I tell if I am even using my dual core processor correctly?06:33
_0xf3.4 gigs06:33
sixdrawu usin a dvd06:33
lucaHealthyElijah: install gnash06:33
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lucaflash sucks, but gnash rocks :)06:33
dhruvnotsure gdesklets06:33
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Damjan1oliver_g, come on, I have to finnish making a java program06:33
sixdrawya shud be fine sometimes they dont work if the discs are cheap06:33
oliver_g_Damjan1: heh06:34
linuxmongerWhat is this gnash??06:34
Damjan1flash oppener06:34
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oliver_g_Damjan: did apt-get update work?06:34
Bauldrick_whats wrong with flash?06:34
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=== FarInDepth [n=me@pool-71-160-216-5.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #Ubuntu
oliver_g_Damjan: then start aptitude06:34
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dhruvNotSure use gdesklets06:34
Damjan1oliver_g, wait06:34
lucaBauldrick_ it is closed, badly supported, with bugs which wait correction since a long time06:34
sixdrawget a reputable brand disc and it will work06:34
oliver_g_Damjan1: then type /06:34
NotSuredhruv, how do I get them and how do I use them?06:34
lucagnash is open and does a good job right now :)06:34
colin_Question about OpenOffice. Is there a good way to routinely type em-dash in OpenOffice without summoning it from insert-special-character all the time? Is assigning a macro an option or is there something simpler?06:34
dhruvsynaptic shud have it06:34
Damjan1oliver_g, what it does, again06:34
reconI changed to international (with dead keys) keyboard layout: which is the dead key?06:35
reconnever mind.06:35
=== Parthenicos [n=christos@h17n5-n-a31.ias.bredband.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
oliver_g_Damjan1: aptitude is a frontend for the package manager06:35
Damjan1oliver_g, what to do with package manager06:35
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dhruvgimme 10 mins need to have dinner06:35
oliver_g_Damjan1: reinstall the font packages06:35
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FarInDepthhey guys I've got quite a perdicament here...maybe someone can help me...06:35
HealthyElijahluca: DO i need to unninstall aodbe flash 9 then?06:35
FarInDepthI was running ubuntu just fine, but i wanted to reboot...06:35
oliver_g_Damjan1: that's just an idea, that it might help...06:35
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Damjan1oliver_g, ok, but where it is06:35
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oliver_g_just execute "aptitude" on terminal06:36
FarInDepthThere are NO other hard drives connected...but when I turn my computer on, I get Error 17 on the grub loader, and it says "Partition cannot be mounted"06:36
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Damjan1oliver_g, i did06:36
oliver_g_Damjan1: ok06:36
SmoothOpsomeone told me that ubuntu wasn't very open source06:36
FarInDepthI've unplugged the computer from the wall and waited and tried again, but still nothing...any ideas?06:36
oliver_g_Damjan1: then type /06:36
SmoothOpand it just seemed odd to me06:36
oliver_g_Damjan1: and in the search box, type xfonts06:36
Damjan1oliver_g, to search what06:36
SmoothOpbecause shuoldnt you be able to get all the source code for everyrthing06:36
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:37
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oliver_g_Damjan1: you can cycle through all found packages with the "n" key06:38
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Damjan1oliver_g, then06:38
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grjemoubotu: crc error06:38
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about crc error - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:38
oliver_g_Damjan1: then go on all xfonts- packages which have an "i" in front, and press "L"06:38
=== wad [n=wad@c-76-27-65-116.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Damjan1oliver_g, i will try my x again06:38
darkchr0n0sok, i have connected a 320GB hard disk with USB... how do i partition it ?06:38
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darkchr0n0sanyone ?06:39
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dhruvcrc: cyclic redundancy check06:39
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dhruvcd is faulty or head is not clean06:39
FarInDepthOkay, so one more time: I had ubuntu running just fine about 15 minutes ago (7.04, Feisty Fawn). I rebooted just for normal reasons, but when the GRUB went to load up the Ubuntu partition, it said Error 17: Parition cannot be mounted. That's all I get...I've tried everything...there are no other hard drives connected, either. ANy ideas?06:39
ratpoisonSmoothOp: www.distrowatch.com and check under major distributions. I think the only thing NOT open in ubuntu is launchpad, which is the system it uses to track bugs. If you want a strictly open version of ubuntu google gnewsense06:39
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NotSuredhruv, i got the desklets, how do I make it look like in windows?06:39
zylcheUsing Gnome's Accessibility - mouse keys - I can not find out how to change with button I am pushing with 506:39
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vistakillersupergrub recover live cd06:40
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wadI'm trying out ubuntu for the first time. I downloaded the install CD, and booted it. I double-clicked the INSTALL icon. Then I double-clicked ENGLISH. So far so good. Now I'm stuck. I've selected the time zone, but there is no NEXT button. Perhaps it's off the bottom of the screen. I can't resize the application window. Is there supposed to be a NEXT button down there somewhere?06:40
dhruvNotSure what do u wanna do06:40
=== tux_ [n=tux@p5B11DD21.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"]
dhruvi think u can make it look better than windows06:40
=== Stinkfly [i=Stinkfly@cpc3-stkn6-0-0-cust650.midd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
NotSuredhruv, i want to have indicators of net activity (upload/download) on the taskbar in the form of an icon06:40
darkchr0n0sok, i have connected a 320GB hard disk with USB... how do i partition it ?06:40
dedihow can i remove all packages except the ones that are dependand on ubuntu-desktop?06:40
dhruvget beryl if u have a graphics card or some intel chipset06:40
Damjan1oliver_g, I oppend xserver.log06:40
oliver_g_Damjan1: what does it say?06:40
vistakillerwith gparted you can partitioning06:40
ratpoisonwad: are the windows by any chance too large?06:40
=== Greeny_ [n=nn@77-96-136-35.cable.ubr03.pres.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Damjan1oliver_g, notthing new06:41
ubuntuuser123Question: A .run / .x86 file tells me : No Application Suitable for automatic installation is availible for this file.06:41
Stinkflywhat package do you use to get a driver for Nvidia geForce 2?06:41
SmoothOpratpoison, i thought that sounded funny to me, i figured this kid was throwing around a load of sh*t at school the other day. he was touting that fedora core was more open06:41
NotSuredhruv, how?06:41
Damjan1oliver_g, yesterday was samoe06:41
dhruvok u gonn find gdesklets under Applicationc>Accessories06:41
wadratpoison, yes, I think that is the problem. How would I solve it?06:41
vistakillerubuntuuser what to try to install?06:41
NotSuredhruv, ok06:41
NotSurei am in06:41
oliver_g_Damjan1: still missing the fonts06:41
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oliver_g_Damjan1: ?06:41
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dhruvgot the gdesklets shell06:41
phatcoderTrying to boot PPC64 on G5 iMac.. I get boot: but it hangs after that, any ideas?06:41
FatMomanyone got the vsync working with fglrx ?06:41
=== MasterOfBoulet [n=wammy@vig91-1-87-88-67-165.dsl.club-internet.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Damjan1oliver_g, yes but he missed them yesterday06:41
NotSuredhruv, i am already in gdesklets, what next?06:41
ratpoisonwad: you're trying feisty fawn, right?06:41
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ubuntuuser123Stinkfly: go to add/remove programs and search nvidia.then choose the Legacy one06:41
=== wad nods to ratpoise. Yep.
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oliver_g_Damjan1: ah ok06:42
Damjan1oliver_g, but he was functioning06:42
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NemesisDoliver_g_, ok so i actually have utorrent going with vnc, but if i just close this vnc window will my remote machine close utorrent or what?06:42
dhruvleft hand pane system/net06:42
oliver_g_Damjan1: any other errors coming up?06:42
Damjan1oliver_g, tell me some kernel logs06:42
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Stinkflythnx ubuntuuser12306:42
Damjan1oliver_g, how to 0pen them06:42
ratpoisonwad: what graphics card are you using?06:42
oliver_g_Damjan1: try "less /var/log/syslog"06:42
ubuntuuser123Question: A .run / .x86 file tells me : No Application Suitable for automatic installation is availible for this file.06:42
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labanuxanyone know how to configure tsocks?06:42
oliver_g_Damjan1: and "dmesg | less"06:42
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wadratpoison, it's built into the motherboard. It's older. I have a bunch of newer ones... good idea, I'm going to put a different one in.06:42
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NotSuredhruv, i am in gdesklets, how do i make it so there is an indicator?06:43
=== wad grabs his screwdriver.
ratpoisondon\'t rush.06:43
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ubuntuuser123Question: A .run / .x86 file tells me : No Application Suitable for automatic installation is availible for this file. What do i do to make it work?06:43
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oliver_g_NemesisD: if you just close the VNC viewer window, the other side will keep running06:43
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dhruvNotSure u do see a left hand side pane don't u06:43
ratpoisonwad: try system > preferences screen resolution06:43
labanuxi've already sets my tsocks to localhost, but it return error, invalid ip/hostname06:43
NotSuredhruv, yes06:43
dhruvNotSure: whcih has many categories06:43
oliver_g_NemesisD: you can reconnect with the VNC viewer, and utorrent should still be there06:43
NotSuredhruv, yes06:43
dhruvSelect System/Net from that06:43
=== wad shuts down to get a new video card
NotSuredhruv, ok i did06:44
Damjan1oliver_g, I don't see errors there06:44
ratpoisonwad: there's no need for that for now06:44
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ubuntuuser123I have a PROBLEM.Please help me! A .run / .x86 file tells me : No Application Suitable for automatic installation is availible for this file.06:44
wadI may as well install it with the video card I will have in it.06:44
Damjan1oliver_g, is there a function to check each package for coruption06:44
dhruvNotSure: now chose any 1 from the right hand side06:44
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naknomikI am trying to use sitecopy to synchronize FTP server with local files, however the FTP server doesn't support absolute paths for creating directories or files, so the ftp client MUST use a cwd command before creating a file. That's why sitecopy is failing. Is there a way around this? Is there any other tool available?06:44
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ratpoisonwhich one are you planning to use?06:44
oliver_g_Damjan1: don't know any app for that06:45
NotSuredhruv, yeah? ok i did! so I see the indicators, but on the taskbar06:45
NotSuredhruv, not on the taskbar06:45
Damjan1oliver_g, now how to fix it06:45
dhruvnotsure, rigt click on the taskbar06:45
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dhruvAdd to Panel06:45
NotSuredhruv, ok06:45
NemesisDoliver_g_, thanks for your help!06:45
Damjan1oliver_g, services log06:45
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oliver_g_Damjan1: ?06:45
bmt2hello to all06:45
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dhruvNotSure, are u looking for the windows type network connection indicator06:45
Damjan1oliver_g, I need to see the services log06:46
NotSuredhruv, basically yes, it does not have to be exact same thing06:46
oliver_g_Damjan1: you can try less ~/.xsession-errors06:46
Damjan1oliver_g, like the daeon06:46
=== Gary [n=Gary@colchester-lug/pdpc.supporter.active.Gary] has joined #ubuntu
oliver_g_Damjan1: for what service?06:46
dhruvNotSure, thats there06:46
bmt2question.....has anyone on here used GIMP ....and do you feel that GIMP is just as good as what Photoshop can offer ?06:46
dhruvNotSure, Add to panel06:46
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=== Phrozen_One_ [n=Root@pool-72-65-105-22.ptldme.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
naknomikIs there any other tool similar to sitecopy?06:46
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Dr_willisnaknomik,  what does that tool do?06:47
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naknomikDr_Willis: sync local files with FTP server.06:47
dhruvNotSure, right click on the panel and Add to Panel06:47
Dr_willisbmt2,  i only use gimp.. since i cant afford  phootoshop. :)06:47
NotSuredhruv, ok i see what you mean06:47
=== LM1 [n=chatzill@h150.115.88.75.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu
NotSuredhruv, i did not see it before06:48
Dr_willisnaknomik,  i belive theres a lot of  syncing tools out. but never used any other then the moast basic ines.06:48
bmt2Dr_willis: i like to create banners, and wallpapers using photoshop....is gimp just as good ?06:48
Damjan1oliver_g, it is on cyliric ,but virtual terminal don't support utf8 I think06:48
dhruvNotSure, did u get what u wanted06:48
oliver_g_Damjan1: that's bad06:48
dedihow can i remove all packages except the ones that are dependand on ubuntu-desktop?06:48
oliver_g_Damjan1: what log are you looking at?06:48
Dr_willisbmt2,  for that stuff.. I would imagine it is. Seems its when you get into the High-end magazine-photo features that people say gimp is lacking.06:48
Dr_willisbmt2,  i just mainly use it to make Icons. :)06:48
NotSuredhruv, I have a strange feeling that this indicator does not adequately represent the download and upload because both monitors flash simultaneously any time I look at the icon, this is strange06:49
reconDoes anything really bad happen if you do an " ls `yes` "?06:49
LM1got a weird problem,  I dual boot (2 separate hard drives)  both windows xp and feisty are set to EST on the clocks yet when I boot back to ubuntu my clock is always 3 hours behind windows... how can I fix this?06:49
dhruvnotSure, double click on it06:49
bmt2Dr_willis: so i assume that for a photoshop clone...GIMP is all that is available for linux ?06:49
Damjan1oliver_g, it says something is not found, but what I couldnt decoded it06:49
NotSuredhruv, ok06:49
Dr_willisLM1,  windows may be setting the bios clock som ehow.06:49
ratpoisonLM1: did you check the BIOS clock?06:49
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ratpoisoncheck your timezone on the bios06:49
=== usser [n=dcherniv@ool-18b8e9e6.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
dhruvnotSure, what comes up in the name col/06:49
Dr_willisbmt2,   there may be some othe rimage tools out.. dependiong on your needs.06:49
LifeisfunnyI've got my rythmbox and exaile installed, does some one know how to get to the page at itunes.com that lets you D/L the free songs they offer at Starbucks.   on the notecard they give out at Starbucks the instructions says "Open iTunes and click iTunes store." and then next step it says "Click redeem."  Final step I have to do is enter a code for the free song file.06:50
bmt2Dr_willis: thanks06:50
Dr_willisbmt2,  gimp is worth learning  :) its even out for windows.06:50
oliver_g_Damjan1: what log file is that??06:50
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LM1checked bios no timezone,06:50
LM1if I set the correct time in the bios its three hours off in ubuntu06:50
dhruvnotsure, the name gotta be something similar to eth006:50
=== MAPD [n=bz@a83-132-216-65.cpe.netcabo.pt] has joined #ubuntu
NotSuredhruv, ok i see now what you mean, let me browse though the internet to see whether each monitor actually represents the download and upload, just wait06:50
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KevlarSoulThe swap partition is what exactly?06:50
Damjan1oliver_g, xsession06:50
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_0xfif my installer is freezing up at 49% everytime is the .iso screwed or just the disk.   i only have one dvd left so i dont wanna waist it06:50
dhruvnotsure, itz just like the thing on win06:51
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Dr_willisLM1,  thats a clue right there. :) I recall this issue when one os thinks the bios clock is set to GMT (UTC?) and the other OS thinks the bios clock is set to LOCAL time.06:51
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usserKevlarSoul: swap is for temporary files that dont fit into memory06:51
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KevlarSoulahhh..........thanks usser06:51
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KevlarSoulo/ o/06:51
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=== usser Xara gone open source
Damjan1oliver_g, command for viewing the started services06:51
NotSuredhruv, what is the red and the purple arrow stand for (the ones on the icon)?06:51
BosamboGreetings people06:51
Dr_willisLM1,  i forget the propler way to fix it however. :) both os's need to be agreeing on the right  way the BIOS clock is set.06:51
ratpoisonKevlarSoul: it should be abount 2 times your ram, but you don't really need more than 2 gb06:51
_0xfif my installer is freezing up at 49% everytime is the .iso screwed or just the disk.   i only have one dvd left so i dont wanna waist it06:51
oliver_g_Damjan1: ps -Af lists all running apps06:52
dhruvnotsure, red and purple arrow?06:52
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ratpoison_Oxf: did you try md5sum?06:52
Damjan1oliver_g, is it control +alt + F10 for viewing the something started, cause now i see only carret06:52
usserKevlarSoul: that is if u dont want hibernate feature, if u do swap has to be at least the size of ram06:52
_0xfno i didnt06:52
w0ssim having touble mounting my windows drive (xp install, ntfs) using the live cd of ubuntu, theyre both sata drives, I need to know which is which so i don't install over my windows drive - anyone have any suggestions?06:52
oliver_g_Damjan1: what are you trying to do? :-)06:53
NotSuredhruv, yes, there is something like an arrow and it changes shape and color06:53
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NotSuredhruv, but anytime i look at the icon, both monitors are lit06:53
dhruvnotsure, Add to Panel>Network Monitor right06:53
NotSuredhruv, yes06:53
Damjan1oliver_g, If I can see the errors log of the services, I can fix it06:53
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usserw0ss: i usually mount them one by one and look what files are there and that way i tell which partition is which06:53
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NotSuredhruv, look at the indicator06:53
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dhruvnotsure, ok may be because of a theme u r using, what is the name06:53
ratpoison_Oxf: just a sec06:54
oliver_g_Damjan1: most logs are in /var/log/06:54
etzerdhello all06:54
Damjan1oliver_g, wait06:54
murlidharw0ss: use gparted in livecd to determine ur windows drive06:54
BosamboAnyone know how to diagnose problems in Totem? DVD playback was flawless until an update this morning. It now tells me I don't have the appropriate plugins although I have uninstalled and reinstalled everything I used to get it up and running in the first place06:54
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_0xfwhats md5sum i am installing ubuntu-6.10-dvd-i386 from site06:54
grjemoI am trying to install with the alternate cd, but when I ried to check for disc errors, I got a crc error. Can anyone other than ubotu help?06:54
NotSuredhruv, ok wait, for the first time i saw one monitor lit while the other was not, maybe everything is ok06:54
w0ssusser: when i do fdisk -l I get unable to seek on /dev/sba06:54
dhruvnotsure, under connection>name06:54
Damjan1oliver_g, wow06:54
oliver_g_Damjan1: just look through all interesting ones there :-)06:54
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usserw0ss: sba?06:54
LifeisfunnyI guess nobody knows06:54
Damjan1oliver_g, oh boy, I need century06:54
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w0ssmurlidhar: gparted shows both drives: sda & b but they are exactly the same06:54
w0sssoz sda06:54
MrPinkdoes anyone know of a good html / CSS IRC Channel ?06:54
etzerdis anyone here tried the new release of opensuse/06:54
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Damjan1oliver_g, can I fix with live cd or somthing?06:55
dhruvnotsure, do an ifconfig and let me know te device names06:55
ratpoison_Oxf: is sth that checks the integrity of a downloaded file06:55
Kuruptcan anyone explain me how do i remove unnecessary ubuntu entries from previous versions from the boot loader list?06:55
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usseretzerd: suse is evil06:55
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oliver_g_Damjan1: not sure... you can of course do a complete reinstall...06:55
Damjan1It is cool06:55
usseretzerd: /j opensuse06:55
MrPinkKurupt you have to edit the grub.list  in /boot/ I think06:55
Lifeisfunnyetzerd, might be a good question for the Ubuntu_offtopic channel06:55
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ratpoison_Oxf: open a terminal cd /path/to/iso ; md5sum filename (i think)06:55
MrPinkKurupt there you can decide what is shown in the Boot menu06:55
etzerdLOL :) why you say that usser?06:55
_0xfon windows06:55
oliver_g_Damjan1: repairing should be possible, but maybe difficult06:55
_0xfthe ubuntu box beside me06:56
Damjan1oliver_g, never, I spend 3 gb transfer for my packages06:56
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usseretzerd: jk, its an ubuntu channel, so we dont talk about it here06:56
ratpoisonhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Md5sum#Unix.2FLinux read the windows section06:56
usseretzerd: join #suse06:56
Damjan1oliver_g, tell me the hard way06:56
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dhruvnotsure, make sure hat the name is not l006:56
w0ssusser: any suggestons?06:56
etzerdsorry all06:56
MrPinkanyone here good with html / css ?06:56
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The_Entropyhi everyone06:56
Kuruptthanks MrPink i'm gonna check it out06:56
usseretzerd: personally i find suse annoying, yast is a steaming pile of crap06:56
MrPinkkurrupt no problem06:56
Lifeisfunnyetzerd, yeah, join suse and get their unbiased opinion06:56
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petterahMrPink, not good, but I know my way around....06:57
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oliver_g_Damjan1: I don't really _know_ the way :-) I would just look at all X server logs and so on and see what errors it gives06:57
BosamboAnyone know how to diagnose problems in Totem? DVD playback was flawless until an update this morning. It now tells me I don't have the appropriate plugins although I have uninstalled and reinstalled everything I used to get it up and running in the first place06:57
etzerdthe reason that I ask because I heard lot of people said their new release is a joke.06:57
murlidharw0ss: perhaps u can get to know by seeing in the gparted which is windows partition since u have only two disks06:57
NotSuredhruv, thanks for your help, i am going to figure out if this is adequate Internet activity indicator06:57
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MrPinkpetterah do you know if it is possible to give a <div> tag more than one ID ?06:57
usserw0ss: well mount partitions one by one to somewhere and if u see windows system folder Program files etc thats your windows partition06:57
Damjan1oliver_g, the daemon log says unable to connect to clusterinfrastructure06:57
MrPinkpetterah and if yes, how? :-D06:57
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dhruvnotsure, bye06:57
oliver_g_Damjan1: which log file says that?06:57
The_EntropyI have a laptop with 2 network interfaces(one for the wireless and one for wired connections) I want to connect to 2 different networks(1 with each)06:57
darkchr0n0show do i create partitions in hard disk.. cannot figure this mkfs.ext3 command out !!06:57
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murlidharw0ss: the one which has a option to unmount or mount is windows drive06:57
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Damjan1oliver_g, daemon_log06:57
w0ssmurlidhar, i can see both in gparted, however they are both identical drives - there is nothing i can use in there to telll them apart.. if i could just mount even one of them properly i could tell06:57
petterahMrPink, you could give it a id, and a class06:58
Damjan1oliver_g, daemon.log06:58
JamoSmithI want to 'try out' ubuntu but at the same time I play windows only games (WoW). I don't want to do a dual boot, but instead install ubuntu on another machine and remote into it to use firefox/open office/gimp. What options and keywords can I research to achieve this goal?06:58
The_Entropyhowever, with the network manager I get disconnected from one when I try to connect to the other06:58
w0ssok will look again06:58
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The_EntropyJamoSmith, WoW works under wine06:58
MrPinkpetterah and what does that do ? What is a class or what is the difference to an ID ?06:58
darkchr0n0spetterah : how do i create partitions in hard disk.. cannot figure this mkfs.ext3 command out !!06:58
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ZorlinJamo: Try TightVNC or RealVNC...06:58
etzerdanyway is the new release of ubuntu will included KDE4 if anyone knows?06:58
rowie75hallo zusammen06:58
OSuKaRu^-^problems with ALSA06:58
ZorlinJust set up a server on the Ubuntu machine and login to it from the Win32 box. :)06:58
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petterahMrPink, you could give e. g. a menu a id of menu, and a class of topmenu, or sidemenu06:59
murlidharw0ss: also sometimes when using gparted it automounts06:59
MrPinkrowie75 #ubuntu-de ;)06:59
Damjan1oliver_g, find in google for sirc, function for beeping when somebody talks to you, please06:59
minuohhi, is there a way safely downgrade to feisty? in gutsy my wireless stopped working and resume from suspend crashes all the time...06:59
rowie75thanks  :-)06:59
usseretzerd: nope the beta is there though06:59
oliver_g_Damjan1: what exactly does that error line say? And do you have any kind of cluster? :-)06:59
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MrPinkkein problem :-P06:59
Damjan1oliver_g, wait06:59
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dhruvetzred, u also gotta ake sure that win firewall isn't blocking the vnc06:59
Damjan1oliver_g, there is more errrors06:59
petterahdarkchr0n0s, partitions with cfdisk, format with mkfs.ext3 :)06:59
dhruvi heard vnc06:59
w0ssmurlidhar, both are exactly the same  in gparted, both with unallocated space06:59
dhruvany1 need vnc help06:59
pbxIs there a separate Gutsy channel?06:59
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w0ssno option to mount either :/07:00
dhruvor remotedesktop help07:00
oliver_g_Damjan1: is there a program name mentioned?07:00
usserpbx: #ubuntu+107:00
pbxusser: thanks!07:00
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MrPinkPetterah hm the problem is I have to ID's and one is predefined by a image-script I am using07:00
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MrPink*two ID's07:00
etzerdwhen the new ubuntu 7.10 will be release/07:00
petterahMrPink, why do you need the second one? to style? use class :)07:01
The_EntropyIs there a way of connecting to 2 different networks at once?(using 2 different interfaces)07:01
stdin!gutsy | etzerd07:01
ubotuetzerd: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information07:01
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Damjan2oliver_g, I pushed control+z, cause my small finger was touching z all the time07:01
petterahthe usage is    <div class="myClass"></div> and for separate style sheet use div.myClass, or just .myClass07:01
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JamoSmithThe_Entropy "wow works under wine" can I hold you to that :P I'm going to take this one setp at a time :)07:01
petterahoh sorry, MrPink the usage is    <div class="myClass"></div> and for separate style sheet use div.myClass, or just .myClass07:01
oliver_g_Damjan2: if you do so much stuff on console, maybe you should try the "screen" app :-)07:02
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murlidharw0ss: in my machine nautilus shows my windowsxp partition as media/disk07:02
_0xfjust dual boot07:02
_0xfdont play in wine07:02
The_EntropyJamoSmith, well, I haven't tried it yet, but they gave it a rating of "gold" in their appdb(which means it runs perfect after some tweaking)07:02
JamoSmithZorlin: which one tightVNC or RealVNC will let me login to the machine, use applications w/out having to log into the machine before hand07:02
DM|Anyone here use 1680x1050 resolution?07:02
The_EntropyJamoSmith, I intend to try it soon07:02
MrPinkpetterah thanks I'll try it with class... but its all kind of messed up ^^ Thanks anyway ;)07:02
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oliver_g_Damjan2: btw. with ctrl+z you just put the app into background... type "fg" to get it back07:02
JamoSmithThe_Entropy: thanks, I'll definately give it, is it legal to do so?07:02
Damjan2oliver_g, and what to do in screen07:02
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Coded1can anyone share their experiences with sat HD on linux, anyone have it actually working?07:03
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The_EntropyJamoSmith, why would it be illegal to use wine?07:03
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petterahMrPink, no problemo :D07:03
JamoSmithThe_Entropy: just asking07:03
Damjan2oliver_g, that explains way I couldnt log in irc with damjan1 or damjan07:03
murlidharw0ss: else log onto windows and determine the disks and moreover u can figure it out by the amount of data filled in the hard disks07:03
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petterahwhat to eat... burger, or pizza?07:03
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oliver_g_Damjan2: heh07:03
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Damjan2oliver_g, I thouth that ctrl +z or ctrl + c is terminate07:04
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LjL!downgrade | minuoh07:04
ubotuminuoh: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.07:04
The_EntropyJamoSmith, http://www.winehq.org/ you decide for yourself :)07:04
DM|Anyone here use 1680x1050 resolution?07:04
oliver_g_Damjan2: ctrl+c is terminate07:04
petterahDM| I have on my laptop07:04
Damjan2oliver_g, what to do in screen07:04
oliver_g_Damjan2: ctrl+z is suspend - the app is put into background07:04
DM|petterah do you have access to its xorg file?07:04
Damjan2oliver_g, how to work in it07:04
oliver_g_Damjan2: in screen, you can have many terminals at once07:05
usserDamjan2: ctrl+z suspengs fg brings it back07:05
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petterahDM| yeah, but I don't use hardcoded reso's anymore, the driver figures it out :)07:05
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petterahDM|, no modeline either :) sorry07:05
DM|petterah thats what i need, can you pastebin it for me?07:05
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petterahDM| what do you need?07:05
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal07:05
DM|petterah ah, modelines hehe07:05
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w0ssmurlidhar, one is empty, one is full - I want to avoiding writing over the data on the full drive when i install ubuntu, but i have no means of seeing which is which - they just appear to be identical, and i cannot take the hdd out as its a laptop :/07:06
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DM|petterah recent update in gutsy ruined my resolu07:06
petterahDM| hehe, sorry, don't use modelines, BUT.... try google, I found a usable modeline for my 1920x1200 desktop lcd :)07:06
ihavenoname :)07:06
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petterahdm| oh no!! :(07:06
ratpoisonguys: what's the difference between xterm and gnome-terminal?07:06
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_0xfis it possible to encrypt ur whole 80GB harddisk with truecrypt and just boot from ubuntu live07:06
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Damjan2oliver_g, screen says there is screen on tty307:06
navetshelp: how do I burn a cd iso on a dvd? is it even possible?07:07
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pbxHow do I make the default terminal (before X launches) bigger?  I asked earlier but the suggested googling didn't pan out.07:07
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oliver_g_Damjan2: then run screen -r07:07
petterahDM|, thats sucks.. but are you sure you need modelines? tried to upgrade the gfx driver?07:07
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ussernavets: i dont think it is07:07
Damjan2oliver_g, i did07:07
Damjan2oliver_g, it told me that07:07
DM|petterah this is with the new gfx :(07:07
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oliver_g_Damjan2: for easier use of screen, create the file ~/.screenrc and put this line in:07:07
ratpoisonnavets: i think you can do it on the "other OS" with alcohol 120%. not sure though07:07
oliver_g_caption always "%{Wb}%l %{W.}|%{-} %-w%?%F%{=b Wb}%:%{= wb}%?%010>%n %t%{-}%+w %-07=%{W.}|%{-}%{Wb} %c"07:07
Damjan2oliver_g, can you connect to my pc07:07
neumindhow on ubuntu look free hard  disk space?07:07
bluebananahi. i need a wireless (ethernet/internet) card for a desktop computer. is http://www.ncix.com/products/index.php?sku=24255&vpn=WL-138G-V2&manufacture=ASUS something that will work in desktops?07:07
neumindhow on ubuntu look free hard  disk space?07:07
oliver_g_Damjan2: I doubt that07:08
Damjan2oliver_g, will you07:08
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ratpoisonhow about checking if alcohol works with wine07:08
murlidharw0ss: u did not get my point by going to windows u can determine it my right-clicking on my computer and selecting manage . it will tell u which is the first disk and which is the second07:08
petterahratpoison, xterm is small binary, included with Xorg, gnome-terminal is included in the gnome "distro"... not sure if xterm supports utf-8 ...07:08
The_Entropynavets, from the terminal or from the GUI?07:08
soundrayneumind: df -h07:08
oliver_g_Damjan2: do you have ssh access?07:08
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navetsratpoison: humm looks like you can do it with kubuntu's K3B burne07:08
Damjan2oliver_g, I'm ze root07:08
navetsThe_Entropy: either07:08
The_Entropynavets, for terminal use cdrecord07:08
ratpoisonnavets: I was just checking that :)07:08
DM|petterah oh well just wait for an update i guess07:08
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DM|petterah thanks07:08
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oliver_g_Damjan2: well if you tell me IP and user/pw I can try to connect...07:09
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Damjan2oliver_g, wait07:09
oliver_g_Damjan2: ... if you really want to do that...07:09
w0ssmurlidhar, are you certain this will carry over when i boot from the live cd07:09
navetsThe_Entropy: and GUI ?07:09
oliver_g_Damjan2: maybe better send that in a private message07:09
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Damjan2oliver_g, how to see my IP07:09
The_Entropynavets, if you're using gnome, if you right click on an iso file it should give you the option to "burn to CD"07:09
The_Entropyor something along those lines07:09
ratpoisonThe_Entropy: he wants to write a cd iso on a dvd disk07:10
MrPinkneumind: df -h   or  df -k07:10
The_Entropyratpoison, navets, I misread, sorry07:10
oliver_g_Damjan2: run w3m whatsmyip.org07:10
_0xfhello i just installed ubuntu and im trying to get usb dlink wua1340 wireless workiing07:10
_0xfcna anyone help07:10
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navetsThe_Entropy: np07:10
oliver_g_Damjan2: but i doubt you have ssh server running07:10
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MrPinkDamjan2 ifconfig  in the terminal will give you your IP as well07:11
ratpoisonplus you don't use an external site07:11
murlidharw0ss: yes but wait u can also find this through gparted07:11
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murlidharw0ss: just give me a screenshot of the gparted07:12
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w0ss2 secs07:12
Damjan2oliver_g, mean while find how to send I command for private message, it shoud be in xchat help, /msg or something, please search the help07:12
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Ghismoguys i'm looking for some programe who allows me to watch tv in streaming...for example eurosport07:12
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ratpoisonin mIRC it is /msg blah blah but I've never used it on xchat07:13
jamescarrawesome... my new monitor has a much larger screen, but takes up 90% less space ;)07:13
oliver_g_Damjan2: i use pidgin for chat...07:13
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oliver_g_Damjan2: i have your IP (it's in the irc info)07:13
Damjan2oliver_g, oh07:13
livingdaylighthow come Seamonkey is not in repos?07:13
jamescarrreplacing a clunky 19" CRT with a 24" flat widescreen monitor rocks07:13
oliver_g_Damjan2: yes07:13
Damjan2oliver_g, 79.125.xxx.xxx07:13
sdrowkcabwhen the gutsy gibbon is released is it easy to upgrade to it from the beta?07:13
soundray!wifi > _0xf, please read the private message from ubotu. Come back here if you get stuck.07:13
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Damjan2oliver_g, go get in07:14
oliver_g_Damjan2: yes that's the one i have07:14
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LjL!gutsy > sdrowkcab    (sdrowkcab, see the private message from Ubotu)07:14
ubotuSeamonkey, formerly known as "Mozilla Application Suite", is available at http://www.mozilla.org/projects/seamonkey/ with install instructions for ubuntu at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18601107:14
oliver_g_Damjan2: all others can see that IP as well :-) and I need your root pw :-D07:14
Damjan2oliver_g, hey whats unix command for the clock07:14
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oliver_g_Damjan2: date07:14
viatormsg nickserv identify allsop07:14
Damjan2oliver_g, what, arg07:14
ussersdrowkcab: when its released with last update your beta becomes released version07:15
oliver_g_Damjan2: just "date"07:15
Damjan2oliver_g, ok07:15
w0ssmurlidhar, seems ive got it now.. no idea why - thx for help07:15
livingdaylightanyone know why seamonkey is not in repos?07:15
flushyo is anyone is using STEAM here07:15
usserflush: i do07:15
_0xfim reading instructions on it now07:15
livingdaylightor why there is not deb for it?07:15
_0xfhow dod i07:15
w0ssgparted seemed to mount it when i opened it again :S07:15
flushdoes it work man ?07:15
_0xfhow do i delete network-manager07:15
usserflush: havent tried it in awhile07:15
Damjan2oliver_g, I can give you my usr pwd only07:15
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usserflush: hang on i'll check07:15
flushdid they screwed your install few days a go?07:15
_0xf--uninstalled the Network-manager package (using System>Administration>synaptic package manager)07:15
oliver_g_Damjan2: and you must look in the help page for your chat app for how to send private message...07:15
murlidharw0ss: grt07:15
_0xfcouldnt find it07:15
soundray_0xf: sudo apt-get remove gnome-network-manager07:15
usserflush: yea steam updates screw up really often07:15
flushk, it says "steam no longer support your computer's operating system" and you cant even boot it..07:15
Damjan2oliver_g, wait to run man07:15
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flushyea but i think now its worse than ever07:16
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usserflush: nope just booted07:16
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flushusser god christ, it ran upates ?07:16
usserflush: no updates07:16
flushcan you start a game? what version of cedega your have ?07:17
usserflush: do u remember your version whats the latest one?07:17
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flushdude you gotta tell me its horrible.. i cant start it anymore.. you using "winxp" as emulation mode ?07:17
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Ghismoguys anyone could suggest a tvstraming programme07:17
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flushi tried 5.2.9, and 5.2.1007:17
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Damjan2oliver_g, did you see the msg07:17
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flushusser whats your version of cedega ?07:17
_0xfhow do u set su password07:17
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flushbrb stupid phone..07:17
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_0xfim logged in as user07:17
ViRMiN_oxf: passwd07:17
oliver_g_Damjan2: no, did you see my private message? :-D07:17
_0xfinstalled never asked me for su pass07:17
Damjan2_0xf sudo mypasswd07:17
Damjan2_0xf sudo passwd07:18
ViRMiNsudo passwd will change root passwd07:18
ArmedKingjoin #cedega?07:18
Damjan2oliver_g, neigther07:18
Phrozen_Onewhy isn't ntfs-3g installed by default on gutsy? (using xubuntu tribe 3)07:18
oliver_g_Damjan2: ry /msg oliver_g07:18
Damjan2oliver_g, i did that07:18
soundray_0xf: don't use su on ubuntu please. See ubotu private message07:18
LjL!gutsy > Phrozen_One    (Phrozen_One, see the private message from Ubotu)07:18
soundray!sudo > _0xf07:18
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soundray!root > _0xf07:18
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incorrectis there a feature list for 7.10 ?07:19
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Damjan2ry /msg oliver_g ubuntu Hi07:19
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flushusser  ?07:19
_0xfi cant login to su07:19
soundray!gutsy > incorrect, please read the private message07:19
usserflush: just launched cs 1.6 works fine, i run it in wine07:19
LjLincorrect: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy - but #ubuntu+1 for gutsy questions07:19
Damjan2oliver_g, who cares, here it is> 7SanfCdg07:19
soundray_0xf: you are not supposed to07:19
usserflush: steam build sep20 200707:19
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oliver_g_Damjan2: ok07:20
no_gatez_fan_0xf/ sudo (root command)07:20
Damjan2oliver_g, now what07:20
ViRMiNinit 0 :D07:20
oliver_g_Damjan2: wait I'll have a look07:20
soundray_0xf: read your pms please07:20
jroesok so I figured it out pretty much07:20
darkchr0n0show to i format a linux partition ?07:20
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usserflush: wine version 0.9.4507:20
Damjan2oliver_g, how can I see what you do07:21
jroesnowhere in the pendrivelinux.com docs do they tell you to install grub or lilo as a bootloader for your usb stick07:21
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oliver_g_Damjan2: wait I'll try to set it up so you can see me07:21
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jroesnow I just need to figure out what the proper setup is for grub or lilo07:21
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LjLdarkchr0n0s: man mkfs07:21
warrickis there a way to mount a VDI file made in VirtualBox07:21
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oliver_g_Damjan2: you see me?07:22
soundray!install > jroes, see ubotu's pm. This page has links for installing to USB media07:22
Damjan2oliver_g, yes the window007:22
Damjan2oliver_g, what's that command07:22
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oliver_g_Damjan2: that's screen07:22
MrPinkwhat is it like having a Live CD on your usb drive? Or how does it work ?07:22
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Damjan2oliver_g, now fix it07:23
jroesMrPink: I guess I'll tell you when I get it working :)07:23
redicowodim does not detect clean-cd ... where to find help? are there other alternatives?07:23
jroessoundray: thanks a lot! :D07:23
MrPinkjroes :-P07:23
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soundrayjroes: yw07:24
Damjan2oliver_g, you see07:24
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oliver_g_Damjan2: press Alt+a and after that press d07:24
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MrPinkis someone here a linux crack and can help me with Desktop Effects... I've tried all I could... I think my graphics Card (ATI Radeon 9600 Pro) is installed correctly but I don't know what to do, its not working :-/07:25
Damjan2oliver_g, what did you do07:25
_0xf--uninstalled the Network-manager package (using System>Administration>synaptic package manager)07:25
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flushusser yea... k you use "wine"07:26
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flushim running "cedega" actually07:26
wadHi, guys. I just installed my first ubuntu system, from the install CD I downloaded. This is 7.04. Question: What's my root password?07:26
_0xfi tried to E: couldnt find the package namd gnome-network-manager07:26
redicoMrPink => for my 9700 which is in fact the same chip AFAIK  - aptitude did all stuff07:26
oliver_g_Damjan2: run screen -r07:26
tickedwad whatever password you put in when you installed07:26
wadOh, the same as my user password?07:26
=== wad tries it
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jonah1980hi my screen locks up on boot and i think it's cos feisty installed the normal nvidia and not the legacy driver. how can i swap this over to legacy without breaking stuff? also i will have to do it from a prompt somewhere if anyone has any suggestions? i'm on another computer now07:26
Damjan2oliver_g it's new number07:26
MrPinkredico I can't remember what all I did, someone here helped me... and he couldn't figure it out... but its not working right... and aptitude wont do the trick07:27
wadNope, that one didn't work. It never asked me for a root password!07:27
oliver_g_Damjan2: there should be a blue bar at bottom now07:27
Damjan2oliver_g no bar07:27
soundray_0xf: sorry, the package is called something different then. Do a 'apt-cache search network manager' to find out the real name. Or follow the advice to use synaptic.07:27
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tickedhmmm i use the password i installed with07:27
wadWait, it did when I ran sudo07:27
wadMaybe I fat-fingered it. ;)07:27
LjL!root > wad    (wad, see the private message from Ubotu)07:27
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tickedyou tried su first eh?07:27
oliver_g_Damjan2: what does screen -ls say?07:28
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wadlol @ factoid07:28
WojciechGHi everyone... I just installed the sun-java-6 package and need to know the directory it was installed in. anyone know how i can do that?07:28
redicoMrPink then i am sorry - i am not skilled enough to help you out of "problems" !07:28
redicobut understanding X-server would be a good idea ( at least the xorg.conf ) if you did not do this for now07:28
usserflush: strange cedega should not have any problems at all07:28
Damjan2oliver_g now it has07:28
Damjan2oliver_g screen -x07:28
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_0xf--uninstalled the Network-manager package (using System>Administration>synaptic package manager)07:28
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_0xfi tried to E: couldnt find the package namd gnome-network-manager07:28
flushusser: http://www.cedega.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=8935&highlight=longer+supported+thie+computers+operating07:28
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MrPinkredico I don't know if I would say that I "understand" the xorg.conf but I have done my share in "playing" arround in there to figure things out and only caused a few crashes :-P07:29
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Snoberizerhi all07:29
MrPinkredico tahnks though ;)07:29
Damjan2oliver_g where're u07:29
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SnoberizerI've got a little (stupid) question for you guys07:29
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oliver_g_Damjan2: ?07:29
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jonah1980hello anyone please... i just need to swap to legacy and all should be fine, but i don't want to mess the computer up07:29
soundray_0xf: it's very un-smart to repeat yourself when you've had a reply already.07:29
Damjan2oliver_g, now what07:29
warrickIf you install Ubuntu in VirtualBox with a windows host, then try to use it from an Ubuntu host, does it work07:29
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MrPinkSnoberizer believe me I am relatively new to linux, there are only very few stupid questions ;)07:30
pythonIs there any way to go back and put your computer into the state it was say yesterday?07:30
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oliver_g_Damjan2: I'm looking at log files07:30
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redicoMrPink: np ... had much problems too ... yeah - when you install something - at least you have to give the information to the xorg07:30
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soundraypython: sure, if you did a backup yesterday07:30
usserflush: oh i see win98 is no longer supported07:30
drewbyWhat's the name of a good gui for the firewall07:30
SnoberizerI've bought myself a new pc. It's an Intel Q6600. Can I install the AMD64 version of Gutsy on that CPU, or does it only work on CPU's made by AMD?07:30
pythonIs there any sort of auto backup?07:30
flushany windows emulation wont work for me anymore07:30
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MrPinkredico well I think the graphics card is installed right, because I can do those gear thingys without any problem and it runs smoothly07:30
usserflush: did u try to change your emulated os to winxp whereever it is done in cedega07:30
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pbxAnybody using wmii with ubuntu?  It rules so much I'm thinking about starting a new version, called wmiibuntu.07:30
soundraypython: seriously, there isn't a function like "time machine" from Mac OS X Leopard07:31
redicoMrPink :  but ???07:31
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flushusser yea, "winxp" gives error and wont start it07:31
LjLWojciechG: dpkg -L sun-java-6 (are you sure that's the right package name, though?)07:31
soundraypython: you can configure automatic backup routines with, for example, sbackup07:31
soundray!sbackup > python07:31
pythonIs it possible to undo a certain command then?07:31
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usserflush: what kind of error?07:31
libtechso whens the new ubuntu release?07:31
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usserflush: do u have exact words?07:31
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ElectricityAnyone here help me with PHP/07:31
Damjan2oliver_g, echo + text07:31
ebirtaidlibtech: 18th I think07:31
soundraypython: a cp or mv, yes. A rm, no.07:31
redicopython : rm  is only "undoable" fore pure ext207:32
pythonOh, okay.07:32
pythonWell looks like I'm screwed.07:32
drewbyElectricity ##php07:32
oliver_g_Damjan2: hi :-) type Ctrl+a and then p to change to another screen window07:32
pythonThanks for the help, anyway.07:32
libtechcool, i just got pclinuxos running and i love it. i could never get my wireless card working in ubuntu07:32
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flush"Steam no long support your computer's operating system"07:32
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MrPinkredico but I can't activate Desktop Effekts or compiz fusion07:32
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flushit says "visit the page that confirms were phags" either you click YES it close, and NO just closes it07:32
redicopython:  NO check windows07:32
usserflush: this is whats displayed even when u switch cedega to winxp?07:32
pythonWhat's what mean?07:32
flushno when trying with winxp it syas07:32
flushShutting down. . .07:33
flushwine: Unhandled exception, starting debugger...07:33
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flushclassic error when it doesnt know why its crashing07:33
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redicopython:   windows has maybe a tool ... while searching for recovering stuff07:33
_0xfwhats the terminal cmd to run wicd07:34
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pythonTried last known good configuration, no help.07:34
redicosomeone told about getting anykind of FS back in a windwos tool07:34
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pythonTried that backup tool as well, said it couldn't do it.07:34
pythonI'll try it again though.07:34
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soundraypython: what do you want to undo?07:34
usserflush: arrrg, i see thats probably some specific cedega problem with winxp cause wine works just fine07:34
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pythonAn rm.07:34
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redicosoundray:  right ^07:34
flushi will give wine a try07:34
usserflush: did ask in #cedega07:34
_0xfwhats the terminal cmd to run wicd07:34
usserflush: no dont07:34
usserflush: cedega is superior and u pay money for it, make them work for the money07:35
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flushusser: i asked in cedega..07:35
redicoMrPink:   well  good luck then07:35
MrPinkredico thanks ^^07:35
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ebirtaidfn'_0xf: /opt/wicd/gui.py07:36
sargsmittenhey all... i have an ATI mobility radeon 9000 IGP, which sux, but are there any drivers for it besides generic?07:36
usserflush: if u install wine it may screw up your cedega installation cause essentially they are the same thing07:36
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flushi dont mind.. as long as i can boot steam07:36
=== usser so is there enemy territory: quake wars for linux???
ferronicacan i change drive letter in XP f: to c: ?07:36
flushcedega takes 2 sec to install07:36
Zorlinusser: I doubt it...07:36
Zorlinabout the wine thing i mean07:36
MrPinksargsmitten: ATI offers Linux compatible drivers... donno if they are any good ;)07:36
Zorlinflush: Yeah, I doubt it would screw over Cedega.07:36
usserZorlin: they can work in parallel??07:36
redicoso please -  burning CD does not work ~ cant read "clean cd" ( old k3b could -... and windows can also )07:37
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ZorlinI think so...07:37
sargsmittenNot for that card07:37
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usseroh ok07:37
ZorlinAre you using Ubuntu?07:37
ZorlinI've never had a problem with an apt-get install'ed copy of Wine [with cedega pre-installed] 07:37
Zorlinat least on Ubuntu... so yeah07:37
Darkligh1I'm starting wine under Ubuntu Gutsy 7.10. When Wine creating him directory structure - my comp fully frosen. Helping only hard reboot from button on system block. In logs - clear. No one record from wine. Having ideas?07:37
libtechi have an ati card, i dont think i have any issues with it07:37
soundrayDarkligh1: no gutsy questions here, please. #ubuntu+107:37
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flush"apt-get install wine"07:38
flushwe'll see07:38
redicowine:  use leatest debian/ubuntu(?) packages from  wine-hq07:38
flushwell i presume apt-get will get the ubuntu package07:38
flushsince im running ubuntu07:38
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redicoyeah but ...  the version of official sources is lower then wine-hw07:39
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sargsmittenATI has no linux drivers for my IGP07:39
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_0xfcan anyone help me with wicd ; i can see the network i just cant obtain the ip07:39
Darkligh1soundray: where i can ask about it?07:39
sargsmittenand the Binary Xorg driver doesn't include my card07:39
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soundrayDarkligh1: read my reply ^^07:40
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_0xfcan anyone help me with wicd ; i can see the network i just cant obtain the ip07:40
redicolast time i checked - the wine from default sources was way behind this07:40
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soundray!repeat > _0xf07:40
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=== usser quake wars demo
Damjan2how to see the remote usr from terminal07:41
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mistonelol wtf07:42
mistoneit was supposed toconnect m lmao07:42
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dormilonHello :-) ... Anybody knows where can I find a midiplayer for ubuntu that can be installed using apt-get? I'm running ubuntu 6.0607:43
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RasalgethiMy 7.10 beta installation hangs on 5% "Creating ext3 file system for / ...". Does it create any install logs that I can investigate?07:43
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Damjan2dormilon use xmms midi package07:43
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soundraydormilon: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo07:44
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dormilonThanks Damjan2, I'll try it now07:44
DremthI have Windows XP, Vista, and Ubuntu installed and they've all been working fine, then yesterday I was shutting down my Vista and it was installing some updates, then after the updates everything turned off (monitor, keynoard, mouse, etc.) except for the lights on my computer (like it was still on). My hard drive access light wasn't blinking, but I was still too scared to just turn it off. Eventually, it went off. When I turned my compute07:44
Dremthr back on, it got to the grub loading stage where it says "loading stage blah blah" and then after "Grub loading please wait" it just simply says "Error 17" I've tried several things... I booted into super grub and I edited my menu.lst so that it doesn't have the vista chainloader as an option, and then I can boot to ubuntu. I'm pretty sure it's not the file system since I can mount every one of my drives in ubuntu and access any file I w07:44
Dremthant. It can't be the Windows OS files itself because grub doesn't care about that when it's just displaying a menu. I'm guessing it's the boot record. I can't do a fixmbr, because that would f*** up my grub menu and allow me only to boot to xp/vista (plus i don't have the vista install disk with me right now; only xp install). Can anyone help me?07:44
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Darkligh1anybody having problem with starting wine?07:44
Damjan2Dremth, use update-grub07:44
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Damjan2Dremth, in terminal07:45
Dremthfor what problem?07:45
flushrofl wine works07:45
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flushthanks folks07:45
bobby_How can I see the last added packages ?07:45
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DremthDamjan2, update-grub, what will that do?07:45
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Damjan2Dremth, updated the grub menu.lst07:46
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DremthDamjan2, but that's not my problem07:46
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bobby_How can I see the last added packages ? ( added using apt-get or synaptic ) PLS?07:46
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Damjan2Dremth, what is it, I can see a thing in sirc07:46
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_0xfi cant belive how hard it is to get07:47
usserflush: seems to me cedega doesnt want customers lol07:47
soundrayDremth: I think something may have changed either your partition sequence or your disk sequence.07:47
_0xfusb stick working with linux07:47
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Damjan2Yes it is07:47
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DremthDamjan2, grub won't load if my vista chainloader is in the menu.lst, i just get error 1707:47
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flushusser seems to me cedega just sucks and since its not open source when theres an issue you always have to walkaround or just wait for another version07:47
flushif wine works fine with me, ill stick with it07:47
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_0xfhwo do i install wine07:47
_0xfsudo apt-get install wine?07:48
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Dremth_0xf, yep07:48
usser_0xf: yep07:48
Damjan2Dremth, open the menu, but first find the Linux partition number, and chanhge it in menu, then do the same thing with vista07:48
_0xfis only availble from another source07:48
_0xfi cant get online07:48
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Damjan2where u know07:48
_0xfi cant get my wireless dlink wua 1340 to work07:48
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_0xfthe laptop beside the nix box07:48
DremthDamjam2, why would i change the partition number?07:49
Damjan2_0xf, install a package with b it starting07:49
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Damjan2_0xf, wait to find it on my stick07:49
_0xfwhat ?07:49
DremthDamjan2, why would i change the partition number?07:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about php5-cli - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:49
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Electricity!php > Electricity07:49
_0xfis only availble from another source07:49
_0xfi cant get my wireless dlink wua 1340 to work07:49
Damjan2Dremth, if it doensnt boot07:49
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dn4how do I run a .run file?07:50
opexocI have a question: What is executed first /etc/bashrc or ~/.bashrc. Or maybe only one of them is executed?07:50
lyecdevfFeisty Fawn wont update07:50
bobby_Is there anyway I can see the history of added packages ? ( added using apt-get or synaptic ) PLS?07:50
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_0xfcna anyone help me07:50
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_0xfwith wifi07:50
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_0xfwiki doesnt help07:50
Damjan2_0xf, i forgot the name07:50
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killerbhii rooom07:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about run - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:52
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_0xfifi get wine installed07:52
DremthDamjan2, i'm still confused on why would i change the partition number?07:52
Damjan2_0xf, i had that problem with friends acer laptop07:52
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killerbi gcan any 1 help me07:52
Damjan2_0xf, and I fix it07:52
killerbi got a problem07:52
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:52
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killerbok ubotu07:52
Damjan2_0xf, find on google> ubuntu wifi07:53
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killerbok my question is can i ask a question07:53
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Damjan2_0xf, 75% u will find it07:53
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killerboxf 75% u will find it07:53
Dremth"root(hd0,1)" <<< would that mean that the operating system is there, or that is where the mbr is?07:53
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killerbits MBr07:54
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WojciechGdoes anyone know where the Sun java package installs itself?07:54
cdm10I'm looking for a wireless keyboard/mouse set that works with Ubuntu. Not every special button has to work, but the normal buttons need to, and I don't want to have to install any special drivers. I bought a Logitech LX710, but I'm returning it because the keyboard lags by probably about 50 ms, and I want to know what I should replace it with.07:54
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eolo999Hi, someone can suggest a vps society to start experimenting with server apps?07:54
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BUDD}{Ai use microsoft works great07:55
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BUDD}{Aall the buttons work even special ones07:55
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cdm10A few days ago, when I was considering what to buy, some people here told me that they owned LX710's and that they worked great with Linux... however, no one mentioned a lag. Can anyone here who has an LX710 tell me if they've noticed this? Perhaps it's just my unit that's faulty...07:56
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BUDD}{Ago into your short cuts and set the keys07:56
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INTithi all, im having difficulties with java07:57
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eolo999i would like to have a full root access to a debian based (ubuntu?) virtual machine server07:57
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dormilonIs there a way to turn IRC system messages off? (so as to receive just the channel users comments) I'm using Gaim v1.5.1cvs07:57
ubotuGutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information07:57
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PeterPowelldo you still give support for ubuntu on powerpc processors?07:57
INTitive installed the jdk and jre but its not using them as the default installation ?07:57
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DremthIf I have XP, and vista, and ubuntu, and I went into the vista install disk and did fixmbr, it would delete grub correct?07:57
n0dealWhat would you guys recommend for video card type, ATI or nVidia for Gutsy?  I have a old ATI Radeon 9000 which is a colossal pain to get working... so thinking of breaking down and just getting a new card.07:57
cdm10dormilon: Wow, that's an OLD version of Gaim.07:57
jeletahelp no sound in savage07:57
cdm10n0deal: nVidia now, but soon, ATi drivers will be better.07:58
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Damjan2Dremth, windows deletes grub07:58
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BUDD}{Ain ubuntu there is a short cut thing  called  keyboard shortcuts it set all my keys07:58
jeletahelp no sound in savage07:58
Damjan2Dremth, cause grub is on hda007:58
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eolo999a channel to ask for vps renting?07:58
dormiloncdm10: Sure it is!  I'm old too !! hahahaha!07:58
cdm10BUDD}{A: Yeah, I realize that, but I don't care about shortcut keys right now... I'm asking about lag.07:58
Damjan2Dremth, an fixmbr deletes hda007:58
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jeletahelp no sound in savage07:58
ratpoisonn0deal: nvidia has currently better support. BUT amd opened the specs for ati cards and when the drivers are ready, they'll be much better07:58
cdm10dormilon: Are you using Dapper?07:58
n0dealcdm10: I have an nvidia card in my laptop running feisty and it runs fantastic07:58
_from ?07:58
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BUDD}{Aweii i get 0 lag with mine07:59
DremthSo, if i did fixmbr would it only allow me to boot to vista, or would it see that windows xp is there and include that on the mbr?07:59
cdm10n0deal: Yeah, right now, nVidia is better than ATI for Linux, but in a few years, there'll be open-source ATI drivers that will be much better.07:59
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Damjan2Dremth, if you do that you will use only vista and xp07:59
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dormiloncdm10: I'm not sure.  ubuntu 6.06 LTS07:59
n0dealI did have my ATI card in my desktop running relatively ok under Feisty but it seems that the old ATI drivers I have to use don't suport the new version of xorg07:59
cdm10dormilon: Ah, ok.07:59
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Damjan2Dremth, but if you insert live cd and write in terminal install-grub08:00
rhalffratpoison, then you can finally get the most out of the ratpoison window manager :p08:00
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DremthDamjan2, yea.. thats what i was thinking08:00
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n0dealAny versions of nVidia cards I should avoid?  I need a dual head card cause I'm running two monitors08:00
DremthDamjan2, so, that should work?08:00
ratpoisonrhalff: I never figured out why it is actually called a window *manager*08:00
Damjan2Dremth, with the live cd, yes08:00
PeterPowellim trying to install ubuntu onto my 300mhz g3 powerpc machine with 332mb (roughly) of RAM08:00
DremthDamjan2, now i just have to find my vista cd :P08:01
n0dealI'm also stuck with AGP 4/8x at the moment08:01
PeterPowellfrom "ubuntu-7.04-desktop-powerpc.iso"08:01
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Dr_willisPeterPowell,   heh - I need to get Ubuntu on my iMACdv. some day08:01
PeterPowellit gets to the ubuntu logo with the bar moving from left to right on boot08:01
PeterPowellbut then lags08:01
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PeterPowelland shows 1/2 a page of errors08:01
Damjan2Dremth, what is cd :P08:01
PeterPowellDr_willis: this is a blue and white power mac g3308:01
Dremthone last question, will ubuntu burn dvds without having to download a program?08:02
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Dr_willisPeterPowell,  ive not had a lot of luck with linux on the thing. :( i just use OS-X  on it. as a 'ssh terminal' :(08:02
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voraistoshey do you know if anyone is working on the ssl-cert issue ?08:02
PeterPowelli had a photo of the screen but my windows (chokes) antiviris software seems to think its a virus :|08:02
Damjan2Dremth, perchaps08:02
voraistosits a pain, really08:02
Damjan2Dremth, try08:02
MrPinkDremth it worked for me ;)08:02
Dremthcool, thanks08:02
Dr_willisPeterPowell,  i think theres some PPC forums on the ubuntu site. but no idea how well supported PPC stuff is  any more.08:02
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RasalgethiThe 7.10 beta installer hangs just after mounting /target and /target/windows on my computer. Any ideas on stuff I could try to do and/or investigate?08:02
Damjan2Dremth, I burned cd's, but you can't burn multisession08:03
voraistoswhat the ???? is /target ?08:03
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Dr_willisvoraistos,  the mount point it is installing to - would be my guess08:03
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voraistosyeah, thats the point08:03
Damjan2target is root partitio~08:03
rhalffis it correct that there is no xen kernel source for feisty ? I'm using 2.6.19-4, but I can't find the source, I need it to compile the nvidia driver.08:03
voraistosi hope he is not  mounting stuff in /dev :P08:03
labanuxanyone know FTP client that support socks proxy?08:03
Dr_willisvoraistos,  after you fdisk the drive to install to.. It MIGHT have  issues dependong on the drives. and need a reboot to see the changes to the disk layout08:04
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Damjan2rhalff install the package> linux image08:04
Dr_willisvoraistos,  i normally leave a part of the HD 'unallocated' and let the partitioner partition it.  then let it install. IF i resize - i always reboot, then restart the installer08:04
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n00buntui have a noob question.08:04
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Damjan2go on08:05
dn4Anyone know how to install a .run file?08:05
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voraistosDr_Willis i really dnt know what this is about. I met many, too many bugs recently, and am thinking about going back to dapper :O08:05
n00buntuthis is going to sound really stupid but...i installed ubuntu using the OEM option08:05
Damjan2dn4 sh file.run08:05
rhalffDamjan2, yes but I need the exact source of the xen kernel to compile the nvidia module.08:05
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n00buntuand it didn't ask me for a username/pass08:05
voraistosuser: oem, password, oem08:05
n00buntuthose are the default ones?08:06
voraistosor maybe there is no password08:06
n00buntuokay thanks08:06
voraistosim not sure anymore.08:06
n00buntui tried blanks but they didn't work08:06
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voraistosoem as a user is sure though.08:06
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n00buntujust in case...is there any other way i can get around it...or do i need to do a reinstall?08:06
naknomikIs there any tool similar to sitecopy for syncing local files to ftp server? sitecopy seems to have a bug when creating directories.08:06
Damjan2rhalff, see the kernel version, and install the same kernel image, and have fun with the compiling08:06
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PeterPowellOEM? 0.o08:07
voraistosthere is a possibility to do anything you want.08:07
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=== PeterPowell eyes his 20 or so OEM xp's on shelf and coughs
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voraistosget another linux box, modify the password file with a hash you know, and directly write that to the hard drive.08:08
_MrPink_lol @ PeterPowell :-P08:08
rhalffDamjan2, I didn't realize I could use apt-get source :)08:08
Damjan2wow 6539 users here08:08
voraistosyou can boot in secure mode as well (root)08:08
n00buntuthanks man08:08
PeterPowellsoon that number will decrease08:08
n00buntunoob out08:08
Damjan2rhalff apt-get install linuximage08:08
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SpiffyBalakdoes anyone know how to get the Nintendo USB Wi-Fi dongle driver to work with the current Linux kernel?08:08
PeterPowellwhen i force my brother to downgrade from teh sh!t os08:08
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PeterPowellheres a result08:09
rhalffDamjan2, why ? apt-get source is downloading the xen-source now, is apt-get install linuximage better ?08:09
PeterPowelli checked integrity08:09
gerrymregister 123408:09
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PeterPowellerrors found in 1 files08:09
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_MrPink_when you register with the nickserv is there a way to change your pw ?08:09
PeterPowell/ns help set pass08:09
PeterPowelli think08:09
voraistosSpiffyBalak, you could use a keyboard, there is better kernel support for that :D08:09
Damjan2rhalff, I only now that in order to compile nvidia drivers you need kernel image08:10
rhalffDamjan2, ah ok08:10
voraistospink, yes you can08:10
Damjan2rhalff, I need to go to the toilet, i will be back08:10
_MrPink_voraistos how ?08:10
SpiffyBalakso I'm SOL until the guy updates the driver?08:10
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PeterPowellsuppose i better leave this until tomorrow08:10
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voraistosthere is a way, i just dont know it anymore :P08:11
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ebirtaidpink msg nickserv set password08:11
darkchr0n0si need help with USB hard drives.. anyone who knows, that how do i same thing as "Safely Remove Hardware" for a USB hard drive in linux08:11
drewbyHello I am having trouble with gFTP, I get Error: Could not write to socket: Broken Pipe08:11
voraistossomething like that yeah :D08:12
Tomcat_darkchr0n0s: There should be an icon on your desktop, right click that and eject.08:12
The_Entropy_MrPink_, you could try dropping the nickname then registering it again08:12
drewbyI am trying to upload a 4mb file to an FTP server, how can I accomplish this?08:12
Zorlindrew: fix the pipe.08:12
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ZorlinIn all seriousness though, that is kind of weird.08:12
Damjan2rhalff, Iam back08:12
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_MrPink_ok thanks08:12
voraistostry /msg nickserv passwd08:12
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Tomcat_drewby: Sounds like Internet problems.08:12
darkchr0n0sTomcat_ : there is no icon08:12
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INTitcan any1 help with installing java08:12
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Tomcat_darkchr0n0s: But you can access it?08:12
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SpiffyBalakdarkchr0n0s: try typing in a terminal "umount /path/to/the/drive08:12
drewbyZorlin: A little more specific...?  Should I forward a port, or disable a firewall or what?08:12
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darkchr0n0sTomcat_ : yes... i have to mount it..08:13
Damjan2INTit, download java6 packages08:13
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Zorlinerm... drewby, that was a joke.08:13
_MrPink_The_Entropy I found out how to change the pw ;)08:13
darkchr0n0sSpiffyBalak : i already umounted it08:13
ZorlinSorry if I confused you08:13
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Tomcat_darkchr0n0s: Manually? In that case, just unmount it when you're done.08:13
The_Entropy_MrPink_, how?08:13
Damjan2INTit, apt-get install java608:13
ZorlinHave you tried a different FTP client?08:13
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INTitI downloaded them both the jre and the jdk executables and installed them08:13
SpiffyBalakdarkchr0n0s: then you should be fine, unless it's still blinking08:13
drewbyZorlin: Ohh, haha, sorry... sarcasm is lost on me.08:13
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darkchr0n0sSpiffyBalak Tomcat_ , thanks :)08:13
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drewbyZorlin: I don't know any other clients08:13
The_EntropyTomcat_, is right-click -> eject any different then unmounting?08:13
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_MrPink_with: msg nickserv set password NEWPASSWORDHERE08:13
INTitbut i cant set them as default java installation08:13
kevinOINTit: just go to java.com and download08:13
Tomcat_The_Entropy: Nope.08:14
Zorlindrewby: Search the Ubuntu Forums, and also try out Filezilla.08:14
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heartsbloodWhat would cause compiz to use a theme from metacity?08:14
sax1johnotry changing the JAVA environment variable.08:14
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sax1johnoINITit --08:14
Damjan2INTit, no istall the packages, if you install the two from run file, you will need to set the path08:14
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Zorlindrewby: Filezilla I *believe* has a Linux version; so see if that can do it for you.08:14
sax1johnoyes, it does.08:14
darkchr0n0sSpiffyBalak Tomcat_ , 1 more question... after unmounting.. it still shows up in sudo fdisk -l, i guess that;s ok ?08:14
zylcheIs there any way to get the mouse disconnected and refound without restarting X11?08:14
sax1johnoFilezilla works great in Ubuntu.08:14
The_EntropyTomcat_, I ask this cuz I've noticed with some USB sticks sometimes the light stays on when you unmount, but it doesnt when you eject08:14
Tomcat_darkchr0n0s: Yes, that's okay.08:14
PeterPowellgot it booting08:14
drewbyZorlin: I'll give a search a shot, I'm not sure Filezilla really has what I need.08:14
Zorlindrewby: If you get the same error; post on the forums, if not, post a bug report for gFTP.08:14
PeterPowellanother question08:14
_0xfcan anyone walk me through getting my wirless usb to work ive been trying for days08:14
_0xfnothing is working08:14
Damjan2how to see which tty are logged08:14
The_Entropy_MrPink_, I should have thought of that >_>08:15
PeterPowellcan i dual boot with ubuntu server edition08:15
INTitso apt-get install java6 will that work for 64bit ?08:15
ZorlinDrewby: Oh okay, good luck.08:15
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Tomcat_darkchr0n0s: fdisk just shows connected drives, even unmounted ones.08:15
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darkchr0n0sthanks again ;)08:15
sax1johnoINTit: it should if your repositories are set to the 64-bit repo.08:15
_MrPink_The_Entropy np ;)08:15
rhalffDamjan2, I'm just going to upgrade to Gutsy, seems easier, it does have a xen kernel with nvidia driver08:15
zylcheAnyone want to help me?08:15
heartsbloodPeterPowell: you can dual boot with any edition of ubuntu.  man grub08:15
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_0xfcan anyone walk me through getting my wirless usb to work ive been trying for days08:16
sax1johnozylche: sorry, I think the easiest way is to reboot X.  CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE08:16
jshrivergreetings :)08:16
The_EntropyPeterPowell, dual boot has nothing to do with ubuntu, or linux for that matter, it is possible to dual boot 2 windows installs08:16
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INTithowd i set the repos to 64 bit08:16
Damjan2oliver_g, are you on08:16
jshriveranyone know of a good in-depth document explaining how .deb packaging works.  From creating a deb file and associating all dependencies, to making your own repository, etc.08:16
zylchethanks anyway :<08:17
jshriverWanting to roll my own small distro and wanted it to be .deb based08:17
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sax1johno_0xf: no idea about wireless usb -- sorry.  What is the brand or chipset of your wireless usb device?08:17
floppyearshi  I'm trying to figure out how to get sudo not to ask me for a password08:17
PeterPowellThe_Entropy: im aware of that08:17
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:17
The_Entropyfloppyears, why would you want to do that?08:17
jshriver_0xf, try that address helped me.08:17
floppyearsI'm using visudo and I enter the line: test   ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL08:17
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ZorlinFloppy: Just login as root?08:17
Damjan2jshriver, if you find send the man on my email, damjandimitrioski@gmail.com08:17
floppyearsand it still asks me for a password :(08:17
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floppyearsThe_Entropy: I want to be able to run /etc/init.d/gdm as a non-root user08:18
tomawdomidomido_21717: please do not paste reflinks on freenode08:18
floppyearswithout having to type in a password08:18
Zorlinfloppyears: Tried fakeroot?08:18
tomawdomidomido_21717: doing so will get you banned from here and pennergame.08:18
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sax1johnoINTit: if you're using a 64-bit version of ubuntu, you will automatically download from the 64-bit repos.08:18
domidomido_21717oh sorry08:18
oliver_g_Damjan2: hi again08:18
floppyearsZorlin: thanks, I'll give that a try, I had completely forgotten about fake root08:18
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Damjan2oliver_g, hey08:18
Zorlinsudo apt-get install fakeroot [on ubuntu] 08:18
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Zorlinfloppyears: Have fun; and your welcome :)08:18
soundrayfloppyears: just curious - why do you want to run that as non-root?08:19
The_EntropyZorlin, will it run properly with fakeroot?08:19
floppyearsZorlin: no luck with fakeroot :(08:19
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floppyearsI get permission denied by /etc/init.d/gdm once it tries to run stuff08:19
oliver_g_Damjan2: does it work now? gdm is running08:19
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Damjan2oliver_g, no08:20
floppyearssoundray: well, I just want to be able to restart gdm without having to type in a passwd08:20
The_Entropyfloppyears, this is potentially dangerous(though probably less so than getting sudo to work without a pass) but you could install gdm as setuid root08:20
Damjan2oliver_g, the x crashed08:20
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Damjan2oliver_g, wait to fix it08:20
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The_Entropyfloppyears, or better, write a small script that restarts gdm and install it as setuid root08:20
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soundrayfloppyears: does Ctrl-Alt-Backspace not work for you?08:21
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bobby_Is there anyway I can see the history of added packages ? ( added using apt-get or synaptic ) PLS?08:21
ZorlinThe_Entropy: I have no idea.08:21
floppyearssoundray: I'm using a remote to restart gdm, I have no keyboard connected to this machine08:21
Zorlinsoundray: GDM is nice when you actually have an Xserver?08:22
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floppyearsThe_Entropy: I know I can change permissions and use setsuid to do what I want, but I'm trying to use sudo08:23
The_Entropyfloppyears, then as I said, just write a script that does it then chown root <script> then chmod +s(or +S, I forget) <script>08:23
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floppyearsso I'm trying to make it so that "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart" doesn't ask me for a passwd08:23
floppyearsbut I've failed with sudo :(08:23
naknomikcan I mount an FTP server folder using autofs?08:23
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soundrayfloppyears: you could run a loop as root that checks for a user-writable file, and restarts gdm when it finds it.08:23
HealthyElijahWhat is the max number of users you have ever seen in this channel? Everyone08:23
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floppyearsI think I'll go with The_Entropy 's suggestion of writing a script and giving it setsuid permissions08:24
soundrayHealthyElijah: around 1400. Please discuss in #ubuntu-offtopic08:24
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ElGruntoxI need some help getting my sound to work. Ive got the module installed (intel8x0 for my onboard realtek) yet nothing is detecting it and I still cant hear anything :(08:24
ussernaknomik: seems that u cant08:24
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INTitok im trying to install java runtime environment from synaptic but im getting "could not mark all packages for installation or upgrade"08:26
INTitany ideas ?08:26
tsukasais there any software to do shit on voice commands08:27
tsukasaand if so how well does it work08:27
soundray!language | tsukasa08:27
ubotutsukasa: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.08:27
HealthyElijahsoundray: Thanks08:27
INTit Depends: sun-java6-jre but it is not going to be installed08:27
INTit Depends: unixodbc  but it is not installable08:27
INTit Depends: libstdc++5  but it is not installable08:27
acidchildapt-get em!08:27
_0xfi cant belive this shit08:27
PeterPowellinstalled server edition <308:27
_0xfi cant get my god damn wifi to work08:27
_0xfcan anyone give me a tutorial that actually works08:28
PeterPowelljust waiting for desktop edition on mac :s08:28
soundray!language | _0xf08:28
ubotu_0xf: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.08:28
INTiti tried apt-get08:28
=== TheRepacker [n=rick@d226-43-244.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
INTiti get similar errors08:28
CreedI have a Crystal 4237b Audio device in my server and hwinfo says its currently disabled, how would I enable it?08:28
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tsukasa!shitisntabadword | soundray08:28
stdintsukasa: stop that08:28
=== ivanneto [n=ivanneto@201-27-88-249.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
ElGruntox_0xf whats your card08:28
=== klasu_ [n=klasu@a91-153-3-64.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
_0xfcan anyone help me please08:28
soundrayINTit: do a 'sudo apt-get -f install' and pastebin the output pls (http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org)08:29
_0xfdlink wua 134008:29
ElGruntoxand have you tried ndiswrapper?08:29
vecnawhy is ubuntu package spcifying08:29
vecna<vecna> that freenode is Ubuntu servers!08:29
vecna<vecna> there are probably not powered by ubuntu08:29
vecna<vecna> linux is free!08:29
acidchild_0xf: chipset?08:29
soundraytsukasa: it is here.08:29
=== xinud [n=paul@195-144-090-006.dyn.adsl.xs4all.be] has joined #ubuntu
acidchildwhats /sbin/lspci08:29
=== Rainbow_Eyes^m [n=stafo@Vodno-Stroitelstvo.lovechnet.com] has joined #ubuntu
_0xfi need someone to maybe walk me through it08:29
acidchildsay for it?08:29
tsukasasoundray, maybe you guys should reconsider it then08:29
acidchildno, thats why google is there.08:29
acidchildwe can 'help' though.08:29
soundraytsukasa: there is no "we guys"08:29
tsukasaanyways is there some software to run command via voice08:29
pqnetthere's someone who can help me?08:29
tsukasasoundray, the admins of the chanel08:29
acidchildtsukasa: i saw something like that a while ago08:29
_0xfchipset rt250008:30
tsukasaacid-trip, oh yeah? whats it called08:30
acidchildfreshmeat it.08:30
soundraytsukasa: you can join #ubuntu-ops and suggest it there.08:30
acidchildhah i aint acid-trip08:30
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acidchildwhat a insult j/k08:30
=== acidchild kicks acid-trip in the nuts
_0xfi installed rt25USb -src08:30
ElGruntoxhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/D-Link_WUA-1340 _0xf08:30
ElGruntoxtry that?08:30
SpiffyBalakthere goes dinner08:30
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soundray!ops | acidchild inappropriate08:30
ubotuacidchild inappropriate: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici08:30
=== Grodius [n=root@cpe-66-75-87-72.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ivannetoI'm logged via ssh to a machine. Is there any way I can see how much traffic is going through the network? I wanna know if the network traffic is high or not. BTW, I do not have root privileges.08:30
acidchildsoundray: O_o08:30
_0xfElGruntox yes dont work08:31
stdinok, back on topic please08:31
_0xfi can see the network on wicd but cant connect08:31
superpenguin_0xf: What are you trying to do?08:31
INTitsoundray - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39787/08:31
ElGruntox_0xf do you have the windows drivers for the card?08:31
ussertsukasa: cvoicecontrol08:31
_0xfim trying to get online08:31
acidchild_0xf: sure it will, what makes your wifi card any diffrent to the 1000's of people who get it working in linux?08:31
_0xfwith my dlink wua 1340 usb wirless08:31
_0xfits not connecting08:31
_0xfi can see my network08:31
_0xfi enter my pass08:31
_0xfand it wont connect08:31
superpenguin_0xf: Gutsy or Feisty?08:31
acidchild lsusb -vv ?08:31
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soundrayINTit: please stop all instances of synaptic, aptitude or other package managers and do the same again.08:32
=== Rainbow_Eyes^m [n=stafo@Vodno-Stroitelstvo.lovechnet.com] has joined #ubuntu
ElGruntoxI need some help getting my sound to work. Ive got the module installed (intel8x0 for my onboard realtek) yet nothing is detecting it and I still cant hear anything08:32
acidchildpkill -9 dpkg :)08:32
ElGruntoxplease halp08:32
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pqneti have some problems with gnome menu... all applications are gone! and admin tools too! I think it happened after some gutsy package update. If someone knows what this is about, or want to help me discover it please tell me08:32
acidchildElGruntox: is your mixes turned up08:32
=== lukas2 [n=lukas@p548AB1A9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
acidchildtryed alsaconfig?08:32
_0xfubunt 6.1008:33
ElGruntoxalsaconfig doesnt work08:33
aguitelElGruntox: or is intel or realtek08:33
acidchildmissing the module then.08:33
soundray_0xf: you need to disable network manager, get the CVS legacy driver from serialmonkey, compile that and replace the existing rt2570.ko (or other name of driver) with the compiled one.08:33
ElGruntoxits realtek08:33
ElGruntoxbut it uses the same drivers08:33
ElGruntoxer module08:33
_0xfsoundray ; i cant find network-manager08:33
aguitelElGruntox: type lspci08:33
ElGruntoxit shows up08:34
=== capiira [n=capiira@dslb-088-065-196-014.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #Ubuntu
ElGruntoxand is detected08:34
INTitsunray - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39790/08:34
INTitsoundray http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39790/08:34
=== Hammy [n=chatzill@user-12ldksg.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
ElGruntox00:06.0 Multimedia audio controller: nVidia Corporation nForce2 AC97 Audio Controler (MCP) (rev a1)08:34
acidchildSame as my sound card.08:34
acidchildworks fine for me :P08:34
ElGruntoxmines onboard08:34
ElGruntoxand being gay08:34
=== Kazero [n=andrew@bas2-windsor12-1128533131.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
volantaresthat's not an intel or realtek08:34
soundray_0xf: the package you need to remove is called network-manager08:34
acidchildmine too08:34
ElGruntoxand not working08:34
oliver_g_Damjan2: you still there? :-)08:34
ElGruntoxvolantares, it is realtek onboard08:34
acidchild00:06.0 Multimedia audio controller: nVidia Corporation nForce3 Audio (rev a2)08:35
ElGruntoxI looked it up on my motherboards site08:35
ElGruntoxits realtek08:35
acidchilderm a lil diffrent.08:35
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ElGruntoxyeah you have nforce308:35
soundrayINTit: which command was it that gave you that error above?08:35
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KazeroDoes anyone know a command that returns only the size of a specified file in either bytes or kilobytes?08:35
HammyUm if i install the Beta Version of Ubuntu 7.10 what happens when it comes out?08:35
_0xfsoundray; cant find08:35
=== RULR [n=rulr@78-3-33-109.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu
ElGruntoxand I really want some sound08:35
volantaresit blows up08:35
=== runrun [n=bobabot1@70-57-120-203.ptld.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
acidchildHammy: update? :D08:36
Hammydoes it automatically update to the new one?08:36
stdinHammy: yeah08:36
Hammyok thanks!!!08:36
soundrayHammy: you can upgrade to the released version. More gutsy questions? Go to #ubuntu+1 pls08:36
Hammyim doing that right now08:36
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Hammyok thanks08:36
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INTitsoundray - marking sun java runtime environment for install in synaptic package manager08:36
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_0xfsudo apg-get remove network-manger ; cant find08:36
pqnetthere's someone who can help me with gnome menu??08:36
soundray_0xf: the command is name apt-get08:36
The_Entropyhello tico108:36
jrib!someone | pqnet08:37
ubotupqnet: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:37
_0xfi have that08:37
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soundray_0xf: and the package is called network-manager08:37
_0xfi cant find it08:37
_0xfits not there man08:37
aguitelstdin: i downloading 3 iso images for diferents ubuntu releases ,can i burn all at one dvdrw ?08:37
jessicahelp please, i need to figure out how to add 'acpi=nocapi' to my boot menu. I know how to get to my boot menu but I dont know where to add this line08:37
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tico1The_Entropy: how are u doing?08:37
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soundray_0xf: it will be, if you spell it correctly.08:37
=== runrun [n=bobabot1@70-57-120-203.ptld.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
_0xfits no08:37
The_Entropytico1, pretty good, you?08:37
erUSUL!boot | jessica08:37
ubotujessica: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto08:37
=== kreib [n=roar@249.84-48-119.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu
stdinaguitel: I don't think so, not sure08:37
_0xfi spelt it correctly08:37
tico1The_Entropy: very well thanks08:37
ElGruntoxnow aplay -l isnt detecting my sound card08:37
Creedjessica, usually it goes at the end of the kernel line.08:38
_0xfsudo apt-get remove network-manager08:38
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soundray_0xf: then you don't have a standard ubuntu installation08:38
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ElGruntoxI guess ill try a reboot08:38
_0xfi have08:38
erUSULjessica: basically on the "kernel" line of the stanzas in the menu.lst file after the other options like splash quiet etc08:38
Creedjessica, EXAMPLE: kernel    /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.12-9-386 root=/dev/hda1 ro quiet splash acpi=noacpi08:38
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soundray_0xf: just continue with the instructions and compile the driver.08:38
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_0xfubuntu ubuntu-6.10-dvd-i38608:38
jportI'm using 6.10 and i get no audio when using amarok so i found out i need libxine-extracodecs installed, but i keep getting dependancy issues with libxine-main1 and libxine108:38
_0xfubuntu ubuntu-6.10-dvd-i38608:38
pqnetjrib I asked the question: my menu is gone, no application entries are shown, and I don't know what it is about08:38
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pqnetI need someone who knows how gnome menu works to help me debug that issue08:39
tico1someone know how to change the color of the letters of the menu ? also the time ???????????08:39
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jribpqnet: gutsy help in #ubuntu+108:39
INTitany ideas sunray ?08:39
=== cox377 [n=cox@host-84-9-69-13.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
CreedAha! I love alsa...finally got sound working :)08:39
The_Entropytico1, by time do you mean the system time? like the clock?08:39
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_0xfsoundray ; make make isntall?08:40
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soundray_0xf: did you get the serialmonkey driver?08:40
jportso if i try to install libxine-extra codecs it tells me Depends: libxine-main1 but is not installable .. anyone know how to resolve this ?08:40
_0xfi got the rt73usb08:40
_0xfCVS hourly tarball: rt73-CVS08:41
jessicaCreed: I think mine looks like this right now:: kernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.20-15-generic root=UUID=04749e17-aeda-40d2-923f-ab4257bd4095 ro quiet splash :: do I just add acpi=noacpi right after the splash ??08:41
Creedjessica, correct.08:41
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jessicaCreed: thanks ill try it08:41
tico1The_Entropy: ok i want to use the panel in black color, but if i use black i can't see the time aplications, places, etc. because they use by default black color08:41
Creedjessica, anytime!08:41
soundray_0xf: I recommend that you don't 'make install'. Just 'make' and copy the new rt73usb.ko to the location of the old one (find with 'locate rt73.ko | grep $(uname -r)')08:41
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The_Entropytico1, I see but I have no idea how to do tha08:42
tico1The_Entropy: no problem thanks, by the way where are u from?08:42
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GuHHHis gforce fx5500 nvidia-glx-legacy ?08:43
_0xfsoundray that locate cmd puts me at       > curser08:43
The_Entropytico1, why do you ask?08:43
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soundray_0xf: don't copy the quote marks08:43
_0xflocate rt73.ko | grep $(uname -r)')08:44
=== wubunt1 [n=wolfman@HSI-KBW-085-216-071-004.hsi.kabelbw.de] has joined #ubuntu
soundray_0xf: and note, I probably haven't used the correct name for the module08:44
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_0xfModule r773.ko built successfully08:45
_0xfon sudo make08:45
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soundray_0xf: locate rt73.ko | grep $(uname -r)08:46
jessicaok guys, i need some help, my wireless is not working and I don't know how to fix it08:46
jessicaI have an acer aspire 3000 laptop08:46
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jessicaand i just installed linux for the first time08:47
_0xfnothign came up08:47
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=== liberum [n=tony@c-a0cae253.64-16-64736c12.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
_0xfjust went to next line08:47
_0xfon locate rt73.ko | grep (uname -r)08:48
PeterPowellim putting a gui on top of server edition08:48
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PeterPowelli ran: sudo aptitude install x-window-system-core gnome08:48
dissectionHow do I increase/reduce my screen's brightness?08:48
soundray_0xf: what do you get from a 'uname -a'?08:48
PeterPowellits asking me for my cd loads of times08:48
PeterPowellshould i just press enter>08:48
Steven_Officejessica, weclome08:48
Dr_willisPeterPowell,  edit your /etc/apt/sources.list file08:48
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=== Hemry is now known as Chinaski
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jessicaSteven_Office: thanks but i might be leaving as fast as I came if I cant get my wireless running :(08:48
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liberumMy NTFS drives doesn't mount automatically anymore... i can mount then manually, and /etc/fstab seems to be correct. All I can remember doing is filling the EXT3-drive with ubuntu on it to 100 % once, X wouldn't start. But i fixed it.08:48
=== Chinaski is now known as Eddie
a_Christinautomatix ?08:49
MrObvious!enter | a_Christin08:49
ubotua_Christin: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!08:49
soundray!automatic | a_Christin08:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about automatic - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:49
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soundray!automatix | a_Christin08:49
ubotua_Christin: Automatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software.  When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it.  A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme)08:49
naknomikIs there a program to syncrhonize ftp server with local folder? sitecopy doesn't work08:49
=== Mumphry [n=alan@c-76-105-9-75.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
_0xfLinux yngone-desktop 2.6.17-10-generic #2 smp friday oct 13 18:45:35 UTC 2006 i686 GNULINUX08:49
Steven_Officejessica, what card do you have in your laptop?08:49
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soundray_0xf: okay08:49
The_Entropyjessica, google says that you might want to install ndiswrapper for wireless to work08:49
Mumphrystill no sound08:49
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jessicaSteven_Office: humm I sm not sure08:49
Steven_Officeubuntu is frendly hoe the most part08:50
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jessicaThe_Entropy: where do I get a ndiswrapper08:50
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:50
MumphryCan someone please help me get my sound to work08:50
The_Entropyopen up a terminal and type in "sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-common"08:50
_0xfsoundray any ideas08:50
erUSUL!sound | Mumphry08:50
ubotuMumphry: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP308:50
soundray_0xf: patience08:50
MumphryI have alraedy followed that08:50
Steven_Officejessica, post the make mmodel# and I will look it up08:50
Mumphryall of it08:50
erUSUL!wifi | jessica08:50
ubotujessica: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:51
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Johnsonis it safe to use Beryl with an integrated graphics card08:51
Mumphryso yeah I need some help08:51
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MrObviousJohnson: What kind of GPU?08:51
ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects08:51
The_Entropyjessica, <The_Entropy> open up a terminal and type in "sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-common"08:51
jessicaSteven_Office: it is an acer aspire 300008:51
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Johnsonintel 915 or w/e08:51
=== diablos_raven [n=diablo@c-71-197-65-97.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
jessicaThe_Entropy: ok08:51
kobologany ideas on why doing 'sudo gconftool-2 -s --type string /desktop/gnome/applications/window_manager/default usr/bin/compiz' resets every restart?08:51
MrObviousJohnson: Hmm, try it and see. If it doesn't work you can always uninstall it I say.08:51
soundray_0xf: 'cp rt73.ko /lib/modules/2.6.17-10-generic/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/ ; sudo depmod -a'08:51
MrObviousJohnson: I'm worried about it not being enough.08:52
Johnsonbut it wouldn't like break my ubuntu. right MrObvious.08:52
MrObviousJohnson: Nope.08:52
Johnsoni could always just uninstall correct?08:52
MrObviousJohnson: Exactly.08:52
soundray_0xf: you haven't kept your distribution up to date. There have been a couple of kernel updates08:52
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_0xfi just downloaded the dvd08:53
jessica The_Entropy: it says it couldn't find the package08:53
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_0xfand installed08:53
_0xfjust need to get online08:53
soundray_0xf: when you update them, you're going to have to repeat the compile-install procedure.08:53
soundray_0xf: why didn't you go for the latest stable release?08:53
MrObviousjessica: You'll need network access. Try plugging in an Ethernet cable to your laptop.08:54
The_Entropyjessica, do a "sudo apt-get update" then try again08:54
=== Johnson [n=timi@rescomp-07-91075.Stanford.EDU] has joined #ubuntu
jessicaThe_Entropy: k08:54
Mumphryso yeah can anyone help me with my sound?08:54
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jessicaMrObvious: I am on the laptop right now with ethernet08:54
MrObviousjessica: Okay great.08:54
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PeterPowell<Dr_willis> PeterPowell,  edit your /etc/apt/sources.list file08:55
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MrObvious!info ndiswrapper08:55
PeterPowelli opened it via sudo nano sources.list and commented out the cd source08:55
ubotuPackage ndiswrapper does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas08:55
_0xfthat cmd says permission denied soundray08:55
MrObvious!info ndiswrapper-common08:55
ubotundiswrapper-common: Common scripts required to use the utilities for ndiswrapper. In component main, is optional. Version 1.38-1ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 17 kB, installed size 100 kB08:55
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_0xfi thought it was but i dont have anymore dvds so this is what im stuck with08:55
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soundray_0xf: I forgot 'sudo'08:55
_0xfok now what08:56
savetheWorldKazero: did u solave your csh/bash issue?08:56
_0xfit worked08:56
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jessejazzaMumphry: is it sound for streaming videos you're after? Just solved it on my machine08:56
soundray_0xf: did you do the sudo depmod -a ?08:56
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Mumphryno its just sound08:56
Mumphryfor everything08:57
The_Entropy<ubotu> Package ndiswrapper does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | then how come I have it?08:57
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_0xfit put me back to next line08:57
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liberumMy NTFS drives doesn't mount automatically anymore... i can mount then manually, and /etc/fstab seems to be correct. All I can remember doing is filling the EXT3-drive with ubuntu on it to 100 % once, X wouldn't start. But i fixed it.08:57
jessicaThe_Entropy: k I got the wrapper, how do I use it?08:57
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MumphryFor some reason my onboard sound isnt getting detected when I type aplay -l08:57
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Mumphryyet everything is installed right08:57
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phasegenanyone good with wine?08:57
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PeterPowellphasegen: red or white wine08:57
Mumphryso im stumped08:58
MrObviousliberum: Do you use NTFS-3G?08:58
_0xfjust sitting at next line08:58
MrObviousjessica: Read the link ubotu gives you next about it:08:58
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:58
jessejazzahave you installed gstreamer? That will give you sound! Video is more hard08:58
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liberumMrObvious: I guess so.. how can i be really sure?08:58
zengenCan someone tell me what 'noapic nolapic irqpoll' does when added to grub boot parameters.  I found it for a shutdown problem I'm having with my wireless.08:58
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Mumphryill try08:58
MrObviousliberum: Did you have writing capabilities on your NTFS drives or read only?08:58
jessicais there a way I can find out what wireless card I have through the command line?08:58
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brobostigonlspci lsusb08:59
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_0xfsoundray ?08:59
MrObviousjessica: Try lspci and look for it there. Don't paste the output here but copy/paste it to a pastebin service then give us the resulting URL.08:59
jessejazzago to synaptic - search for gstreamer, install. problem solved i'd reckon08:59
soundray_0xf: time to reboot now. See if you get a wireless interface. Configure it via System-Administration-Networking08:59
Steven_Officejessica, there are a few WIFI cards acer used there for the best thing to do is turn over the laptop there will be a cover with 2 screews take it off and you will see a card with 2 wire's hook on it, that would be the card on it will have card type or just #'s right it all down08:59
soundray_0xf: and have some patience on IRC. I'm doing more than one thing at a time.08:59
jessejazzalet me know how you get on09:00
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_0xfthank u sir ill be rebooting right now09:00
liberumMrObvious: I had write capabiliteis yes09:00
phasegenI'm trying to figure out how to pass options  for the executable file09:00
soundrayjessica: probably. Is it built-in?09:00
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Steven_Officesoundray, good ? oops09:00
MrObviousliberum: Okay then you probably uncleanly shut down. I've had this happen before. I'll have to google forcing it to mount.09:01
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TheDiffhey there09:01
jessicahumm I am not sure, I think this is it09:01
TheDiffi have a lirc question09:01
jessicaNetwork controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g]  802.                                   11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02)09:01
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Inoxhow can I install a restricted driver for my nvidia card?09:01
liberumMrObvious: Please do so :) I don't know what to search for. Thanks!09:01
TheDiffpossibly an interrupt question in general09:01
TheDiffit seems that input from the remote is being buffered09:01
InoxI mean to enable it09:01
soundray!nvidia > Inox, please read the private message from ubotu09:01
jessicait matches one of the names on the wifidocs website09:01
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TheDiffsuch that i have to hit a button twice to get the signal to show up09:01
Inoxit says it can't be enabled09:02
MrObviousliberum:  mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /media/SimpleDrive -o force09:02
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soundrayjessica: that's the one -- it's a troublemaker, unfortunately09:02
MrObviousliberum: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=343916509:02
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kobologi have my /desktop/.../window_manager/default resetting to "" every boot, what could be the matter?09:02
MrObviousjessica: Please stop.09:02
liberumMrObvious: Will it mount automatically after that too?09:02
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MrObviousjessica: We told you the wrong way to install it. I have a 4318 too and used a different method.09:02
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_0xfsoundray there is wireless connection09:02
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MrObviousliberum: No clue.09:02
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_0xfi gotta set it up09:03
_0xfit says09:03
Steven_OfficeBroadcom Corporation BCM4318, the last time I used Broadcom I have had to use Ndsrapper can anyone conferm this.09:03
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jessicaMrObvious: humm, ok, whats a good method ?09:03
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Steven_Officemy damn typing sucks today09:03
liberumMrObvious: Thanks :)09:03
MrObviousSteven_Office: I have a 4318 and use fwcutter.09:03
MrObviousjessica: I need to do some researching.09:03
jessicaMrObvious: I just want it working09:03
rexy_Steven_Office: i believe that's still the case09:03
MrObviousjessica: I understand.09:03
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_0xfsoundray is there a way to get it to scan for the network09:03
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jessicaMrObvious: ok thanks :)09:03
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MrObviousYW jessica09:03
rexy_Steven_Office: there's a list on the ubuntu wiki which hardware is supported09:04
soundray_0xf: on the commandline, enter 'sudo iwlist wlan0 scan' (replace your interface name if it's not wlan0)09:04
Johnson_MrObvious: i downloaded beryl, and found the settings, and its theme manager, b ut i dont know where i turn it on from09:04
Steven_Officejessica, ok there you go lets see If I can find you a simple how to on ndswrapper09:04
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spearthow stable is Gutsy right now, can I install it right now?09:04
jessicaSteven_Office: k09:04
rexy_speart it's not stable09:04
MrObviousJohnson_: You have to enable desktop effects.09:04
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MrObviousSteven_Office: No please don't.09:04
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InoxMy mistake, I said to install nvidia driver, but I have it already installed, I mean to enable it because it is restricted driver, when I go to restricted drivers manager, and try to enable it, it says it can't be enabled, should I stop gdm before?09:05
speartfew months ago it was very unstable, it even crashed09:05
The_EntropyJohnson_, Alt+f2 then type in "beryl-manager"09:05
prayer_dont like these effects...openbox/gnome is much better09:05
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Steven_OfficeMrObvious, ?09:05
speartdo you say that 12 days will resolve all issues?09:05
MrObviousSteven_Office: I've done this myself and use fwcutter and know that it works. I just need to spend a few minutes using the search tool on the forums. ndiswrapper won't work as well.09:05
rexy_speart: it still might, it's beta software, dont use it if you dont know how to fix it09:05
liberumMrObvious: Aaah! It seems like a unclean windows shutdown can f*ck things up... that's something logical.... i try booting windows and making a checkdisk09:05
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MrObviousliberum: No, just reboot Winblows twice.09:05
soundrayspeart: ask in #ubuntu+109:05
_0xfok soundray it worked. i see my network09:06
_0xfhow do i connect to it09:06
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soundray_0xf: System-Administration-Networking09:06
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Steven_OfficeMrObvious, ok I have not used this so I will return to work and let you take over09:06
soundray_0xf: is it encrypted?09:06
InoxHow can I enable a restricted driver from terminal?09:06
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MrObviousSteven_Office: Thank you very much. I'm sorry I had to yell at you but I needed to make sure the right advice was given.09:06
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soundray_0xf: then it should be straightforward.09:07
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Steven_OfficeMrObvious, no problem09:07
_0xfits not conencting09:07
lufisAnyone else having trouble with gedit when using gksudo?09:07
The_EntropyMrObvious, sorry for suggesting ndiswrapper btw :)09:07
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The_Entropylufis, what kinda of trouble?09:07
InoxHow can I enable a restricted driver from terminal?09:07
MrObviousjessica: This method will only give you 11 Mbps but at least encryption will work too.09:07
MrObviousThe_Entropy: It's okay.09:07
lufisThe_Entropy: it freezes, won't respond09:08
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EddieMtyInox: I think this is not the right way, but one the nvidia drivers are installed, you can enable them editing the xorg.conf file09:08
MrObviousNdiswrapper will give you 54M but it's more buggy and doesn't always work.09:08
The_Entropylufis, never seen that before =\09:08
jessicaMrObvious: hummm, I dont use encryption right now09:08
_0xfsoundray wont connect09:08
lufisThe_Entropy: me either :P not until now09:08
Mumphryit still doesnt work09:08
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soundray_0xf: what did I say about patience?09:08
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AlanBShepard70Can someone help get an nvidia geforce4 mx400 video card to work with feisty? I can't get my computer to finish booting when I'm using the card. With dapper I would get not synching kernel panic now it just loops something on the screen to fast to read09:08
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MrObviousjessica: Yeah but this will let you use it if needed.09:08
InoxEddieMty, Ok, do you know what should I do in xorg.conf?09:09
EddieMtyinox: mine is as follows:09:09
EddieMtySection "Device"09:09
EddieMty        Identifier      "NVIDIA Corporation NV17 [GeForce4 440 Go] "09:09
EddieMty        Driver          "nvidia"09:09
EddieMty        BusID           "PCI:1:0:0"09:09
The_Entropylufis, run it from terminal, is there any output before it crashes/freezes/fucks up ?09:09
soundray_0xf: I can't advise about WEP. It's usually straightforward, but perhaps ask MrObvious09:09
lufisThe_Entropy: none, it doesn't output anything. i have to killall it09:09
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soundray!language | The_Entropy09:09
ubotuThe_Entropy: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.09:09
Inoxcd /etc09:09
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PeterPowellgetting a kernel panic on startup :|09:09
jessicaMrObvious: ok09:09
EddieMtyonce you install the nvidia drivers, there is also a script you can use to install them09:09
jessicaMrObvious: so long as it works09:09
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MrObviousjessica: Download this please: http://downloads.openwrt.org/sources/wl_apsta-
The_Entropysoundray, >_>09:10
MrObviousjessica: Try putting it in your Desktop folder or somewhere easy to find.09:10
PeterPowell"init has generated signal 4 but has no handler for it"09:10
rexy_PeterPowell: soothing words didnt help :)? did you change anything before rebooting?09:10
PeterPowell"kernel panic: noy syncing: attempting to kill init!"09:10
EddieMtyinox: the Driver line is the one you shoud be changing09:10
PeterPowellrexy_: yes09:10
PeterPowelli installed it09:10
MrObvioussoundray: I heard my name!!!!!!!!!09:10
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EddieMtyinox: it usually uses "nv" for a dummy driver for nvidia09:10
KazerosavetheWorld: Sorry, just saw your message to me. No, im still struggeling along trying to figure out my csh problem09:10
MumphryCan someone please help me get my damn sound to work? :(09:11
rexy_PeterPowell: you installed feisty?09:11
MrObviousMumphry: Be specific and maybe someone will know.09:11
jessicaMrObvious: k its on my desktop09:11
soundrayMrObvious: I got _0xf through a serialmonkey driver installation, but can't continue helping him, as he seems to have a WEP issue.09:11
_0xfMrObvious; can u help me with trying to install dlink wua 1340 on ubuntu. nothing is working09:11
savetheWorldKazero: you can keep the bash script inside the csh in a "here document"09:11
_0xfi cant see the network,  just cant connect09:11
MrObviousjessica: Okay do the following: sudo apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter09:11
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_0xfcan see the network*09:11
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savetheWorldKazero: step into #3linux09:12
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MrObvious_0xf: You can see the network you mean? Hmm I'm only an expert with bcm43xx cards.09:12
EddieMtyinox: to prove if the driver is loaded, you'll need to restart the X environment09:12
KazerosavetheWorld: Good idea, and I would look it up and use it, but I think its a bit much for this assignment09:12
ConstyXIVMumphry: poke your ears out.  then it won't matter if your sound works :)09:12
Inoxthat line is exactly as yours09:12
Inoxbut it's still disabled09:12
_0xfyeah i can see the network09:12
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jessicaMrObvious: I click yes to fetch and extract firmware?09:12
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EddieMtyinox: how do you know it is disabled?09:12
_0xfbut when i put in the ssid and stuff it just times out09:12
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_0xfwont connect09:12
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MrObviousjessica: No I just had you download it.09:13
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Inoxbecause the restricted driver manager says so, and my screen resolution is not right09:13
DenysLinssomebody can help me please09:13
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EddieMtyinox: when X starts, it should show the NVidia logo09:13
javaJakeDenysLins, what's going on?09:13
jessicaMrObvious: after I ran that command it asked me if I wanted to fetch and extract firmware09:13
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MrObviousjessica: I'll need you to post the options for fwcutter to a pastebin in a minute because I'm on a Winblows computer at work and don't remember the options.09:13
InoxI hope09:13
MrObviousjessica: Say no.09:13
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DenysLinsi need instal a second nic09:13
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jessicaMrObvious: ok09:14
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javaJakeDenysLins, ok09:14
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EddieMtyinox: be warned that if the driver is not installed, X _won't_ start09:14
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javaJakeDenysLins, wireless/wired?09:14
MrObviousjessica: Do you know how to use a pastebin?09:14
javaJakeDenysLins, ethernet I assume?09:14
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MrObvious_0xf: Sorry I can't be more help :(. You might try the Ubuntu Forums: http://ubuntuforums.org09:14
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TheDiffanyone have any experience with lirc?09:15
javaJakeDenysLins, OK, what's the issue?09:15
MrObvious_0xf: Try this subforum: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=13609:15
jessicaMrObvious: I am getting some errors, here is the pastebin09:15
jessicaMrObvious: http://pastebin.com/m52c6945509:15
InoxWhy if I installed 7.10, the update manager is still upgrading Ubuntu?09:15
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javaJakethis.getClass() then... lemme try that09:15
DenysLinsi buy a DLINK DFE-520tx09:15
MrObviousjessica: Looks okay still. Now do me a favor and type bcm43xx-fwcutter at a terminal and paste it to the pastebin.09:16
javaJakeOops. Wrong channel. XD09:16
EddieMtyinox: is the nvidia driver working?09:16
MrObviousDenysLins: Is that a DSL network adapter?09:16
Inoxnope I haven't tried because Ubuntu is upgrading09:16
EddieMtyinox: ok09:16
MrObviousDenysLins: It won't work with Linux. You'll need to invest in wireless or something.09:16
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soundray_0xf: can you disable WEP on your router just for testing?09:16
MrObviousDenysLins: I've been there and done that.09:16
jeroen_hey peepz09:17
MrObviousjeroen_: Hey!09:17
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jeroen_could you guys help me out getting the wifi to work on my laptop?09:17
javaJakeDenysLins, looks like you get a crash, correct?09:17
Inoxbut the weird thing is that i installed 7.10 and I thought that after that is not necessary to upgrade09:17
javaJakeDenysLins, kernel crash?09:17
MrObviousDenysLins: Your only hope is if they have Linux compatable HPNA 2.0 cards.09:17
EddieMtyinox: it is upgrading because the distributions are not static09:17
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EddieMtyinox: the packages are upgraded continuously09:17
PeterPowell<rexy_> PeterPowell: you installed feisty?09:17
jeroen_I just installed Ubuntu :)09:17
PeterPowelli installed "ubuntu-7.04-desktop-powerpc"09:17
Inoxyes, but it use to update not to upgrade09:17
javaJakejeroen_, the more info, the better. There are a gazillion wifi cards in a gazillion laptops, if you know what I mean. :)09:17
DenysLinsbut it is compatible09:18
Inoxbut probably is normal09:18
jessicaMrObvious: here http://pastebin.com/m3ee3ebc109:18
DenysLinshave a drive in cd09:18
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jeroen_I have a broadcom 4318 wifi card09:18
MrObviousDenysLins: If I were you I would hook up a wireless router from Buffalo for 20 bucks and make sure it supports DD-WRT (http://www.dd-wrt.com) and buy a wireless adapter.09:18
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MrObviousjessica: Thanks.09:18
bobby_Is there anyway I can see the history of added packages ? ( added using apt-get or synaptic ) PLS?09:18
superpenguin_0xf: lspci|grep Ethernet09:18
MrObviousjeroen_: Okay. I'm helping jessica with this too.09:18
jeroen_and I have WPA on my wifi network09:18
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DenysLinsi have a adsl concection09:18
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Inoxlast time ubuntu upgraded on my computer it didn't start again09:18
MrObviousjeroen_: Download this please: http://downloads.openwrt.org/sources/wl_apsta-
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DenysLinsthe moden is routed09:18
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ZenerekI burned a copy of a movie onto a dvd but the sound is real low and you have raise up sound to hear it well, also there seems to be some blotch like pixel stuff going on...hard to explain but not really noticeable, i burned it at 1x on dao mode, any ideas why the sound or  other thing happened?09:19
MrObviousDenysLins: I know. Just run a DMZ to the router you'll buy. Get either a Buffalo or I use a Linksys WRT54G. But the Buffalo is much cheaper.09:19
InoxI think because the videocard09:19
jeroen_Ok then what?09:19
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jeroen_I just downloaded it09:19
_0xfi cant believe this09:19
MrObviousjeroen_: sudo apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter and say no to downloading firmware.09:19
jeroen_now what?09:19
javaJakeDenysLins, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsWiredNetworkCardsDlink09:19
DenysLinson moment09:19
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javaJakeDenysLins, according to that page, it is compatible with 6.10...09:20
Inoxso I decided to burn the 7.10 iso and try that way and it works, but now it's upgrading again, and that's why I'm worried09:20
javaJakeDenysLins, http://www.compatdb.org/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=17806309:20
DenysLinsi use the 7.0409:20
javaJakeDenysLins, according to that page, it does NOT work under 7.04. :(09:20
jeroen_Ok so just did that09:20
superpenguin_0xf: What happened?09:20
javaJakeDenysLins, research still in progress09:20
jeroen_what's next? I said NO to downloading the firmware09:20
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DenysLinsjavaJake: Ok man09:21
MrObviousjessica: cd ~/Desktop && sudo bcm43xx-fwcutter (the filename I had you download ending in .o)09:21
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_0xfDlink wua 1340 wont work with ubuntu i guess09:21
PeterPowellmeh screw it09:21
jeroen_uhm MrObvious....I just did the sudo apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter command09:21
MrObviousjeroen_: cd ~/Desktop && sudo bcm43xx-fwcutter (the filename I had you download ending in .o)09:21
_0xfso im gonna have to reinstall windwos09:21
PeterPowelli will stick to putting osx on mac09:21
MrObviousjeroen_: Sorry I'm multitasking. :\09:21
_0xfwaisted the morning installin this sdhit09:21
MrObviousjeroen_: Only cd ~/directory/to/file/you/downloaded09:22
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superpenguindang, wrong keyboard09:22
jessica MrObvious: k 1 sec09:22
MrObviousjavaJake: It won't work on Linux, I had one card myself like that and had to go to wi-fi.09:22
EddieMtygoing to reboot ...09:22
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dbft hey, anyone know of a way to route a video as if it was a webcam (so it can be picked up by aMSN or Flash or something) and/or the same question for sound and mic09:23
MrObviousDenysLins: Do you understand what I'm saying about buying a wireless router?09:23
_0xfi cant belive dlink wiresless usb wont work09:23
_0xfwith ubuntu09:23
javaJakeMrObvious, DenysLins, yea, it looks like you'll have to drop back to 6.10 to get it to work, if at all09:23
_0xfthats hurtin09:23
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DenysLinsMrObvious: yes man09:23
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jeroen_ok ok09:23
superpenguin_0xf: So you have a dlink wireless card that connects via usb?09:23
MrObviousDenysLins: Okay. If you have any questions I usually idle this room so you can PM me or whatever.09:23
jeroen_now I get a whole bunch of files09:23
jeroen_on my desktop09:23
MrObviousjeroen_: Hmm now I forget what to do.09:23
The_Entropy_0xf, lots of things won't work with linux due to lack of drivers =\09:23
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MrObviousjessica: Did you get it?09:24
jessicaMrObvious: k i did that09:24
DenysLinscan i back to 6.10 without unisntall all09:24
javaJakeDenysLins, I recommend you report this as a bug, however, before giving up on 7.04. It just looks like this card doesn't have a lot of attention, but a call to the Ubuntu developers may help you out09:24
javaJakeDenysLins, No09:24
MrObviousjessica: You got a bunch of files?09:24
jeroen_I just did the sudo fw-cutter wl_apsta- thing09:24
_0xfwhat about if i install wine09:24
_0xfand grab the drivers09:24
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MrObviousjavaJake: Just get him to 6.10 then :)09:24
rexy_nogo _0xf09:24
jessicaMrObvious: yes09:24
jeroen_now I got a whole buch of files on my uhm desktop09:24
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javaJakeMrObvious, I just recommended he try reporting this as a bug first, since it appears the kernel crashes when attempting to load the card.09:24
savetheWorldKazero: soryy - was in another channel for a moment.09:24
superpenguin_0xf: I don't know if ndiswrapper works with usb cards, nut you can look in to it09:24
MrObviousjeroen_: jessica: Let me find the guide to install fwcutter. Give me a minute please.09:25
MrObviousjavaJake: Okay thanks!09:25
jessicaMrObvious: k09:25
riotkittie_0xf: g122?09:25
javaJakeMrObvious, hopefully the devs will know how to debug this. ;)09:25
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rexy_wine doesnt emulate such things09:25
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riotkittie_0xf: or some other model???09:25
MrObviousDenysLins: If you get it to work let me know please!09:25
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jeroen_I had it yesterday....but then I was in windows09:25
The_Entropy_0xf, wine runs in user space, not kernel, it can't make drivers work09:25
DenysLinsno problem09:25
riotkittiewait. was it not you who was complaining about dlink wireless/usb? ;P09:25
javaJakeDenysLins, if you do create a bug report, let me know! I'll want to track its progress as well09:25
marko-_-is there any program for ubuntu that is like don't know sony vegas and i mean a good video editor not someting like movie maker in windows...09:25
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DenysLinsok javajake09:25
The_Entropyriotkittie, _0xf09:26
_0xfi cant connect to my modem09:26
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_0xfi need the usb09:26
_0xfmodem to far away09:26
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DenysLinsthis nic is recognize as a vt6105 rhune iii chipset09:26
riotkittie_0xf: and its a dlink usb adapter??09:26
jeroen_here jessica: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Feisty#head-e11c3138afb4f9fb637d8f0a6d234add934830cc09:26
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Zenerek0xf: i had  an...still have an usb ethernet device for my other ubuntu box that does not have  ethernet, did not work, to avoid problems you should probably avoid usb devices of that type09:26
DenysLinswhen i use lspci09:27
jeroen_that's the guide obvious is looking fot09:27
jeroen_that's what we need jes09:27
jessicajeroen_: k ill check it out09:27
MrObviousjeroen_: jessica: Try modprobe bcm43xx and see if the wireless manager.09:27
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MrObviousjeroen_: Thanks for that.09:27
superpenguin_0xf: Your modem distance maybe your sole problem09:27
riotkittieZenerek: dont say that. plenty of us have working usb adapters, and for many of us, avoiding them is not an option :P09:27
javaJakeDenysLins, very interesting....09:27
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MrObviousjessica: jeroen_: That will give you wi-fi at .b speeds but you'll have full encryption09:27
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DenysLinsjavaJake:  it's link09:28
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jessicaMrObvious: well if it works im happy09:28
floittinghello. I plugged a dvd drive in usb during im running xubuntu. which command to "mount" or awake it ?09:28
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DenysLinsbut dont navigate09:28
MrObviousjessica: It works for me so I'm happy.09:28
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javaJakeDenysLins, hmmm, yep. Soudns like a driver issue09:28
jeroen_I get ethX      Interface doesn't support scanning.09:28
javaJakeDenysLins, I still say you need to report it as a bug.09:28
brobostigonlsusb. then mount09:28
riotkittiecan someone tell me which model usb adapter that dude has?  or more importantly the chipset?09:28
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MrObviousjeroen_: jessica: If it works but when you reboot it doesn't, just simply do a modprobe bcm43xx. Make sure you leave the files on your desktop.09:28
=== riotkittie dies
DenysLinswhen a try compile the drive09:29
rexy_not a clue riotkittie09:29
MrObviousjeroen_: Does the network manager see it? It's on the taskbar thingy.09:29
DenysLinsshow erros09:29
jessicaMrObvious: will this be fixed in gusty09:29
rexy_lsusb doesnt say anything?09:29
javaJakeriotkittie, which dude?09:29
javaJakeriotkittie, :)09:29
_0xfok i connect to the modem  i have 2wire modem can anyone help me setup09:29
MrObviousjessica: Possibly.09:29
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MrObvious_0xf: You have a 2wire and want to disable encryption?09:29
Zenerekriotkittie: ok i take back then, i just heard and experienced the opposite09:30
geezoneCan anyone help with a good easy program on ubuntu Linux for web design for beginners.09:30
javaJakeDenysLins, right, I saw that online09:30
_0xfi jusdt took out the usb wireless and plugged into the modem09:30
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jessicaMrObvious: its says: ethX      Interface doesn't support scanning.09:30
javaJakegeezone, you mean, a WYSIWYG HTML editor?09:30
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SuperBeastgeezone, kompozer09:30
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MrObviousjeroen_: jessica: Crap. We are very close. What step am I missing??????????09:30
riotkittieZenerek: they can be a [stream of obscenities] , for sure :P   but ndiswrapper <sigh> is always an option, and quite a few work better under gutsy than they do under feisty09:30
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geezonethanks will try both09:31
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Creed!codecs | Creed09:31
javaJakegeezone, seriously, HTML+CSS isn't that hard to learn, and you can make your sites much much better than any editor can, and faster too. IMHO, of course09:31
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ButtonLoverhi! Can i run a MySQL database on ubuntu?09:31
rexy_ButtonLover: yep09:31
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs09:31
MrObviousjeroen_: jessica: What does lsmod | grep bcm output?09:31
Level15i'm trying to upgrade to gutsy beta. any way in which i can tell upgrade-manager to use an http proxy?09:31
riotkittie_0xf: what. type. of. usb. wireless. adapter. do. you. have? is it a dlink? if it is a dlink, which model? which chipset?09:31
ButtonLoverjavaJake, like everything to run a mediawiki09:31
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_0xfnevermind i got it to work09:31
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jessicaMrObvious: this :09:31
javaJakeButtonLover, yes09:31
MrObvious_0xf: YAY!09:31
jessicabcm43xx               125332  009:31
jessicaieee80211softmac       31232  1 bcm43xx09:31
jessicaieee80211              34760  2 bcm43xx,ieee80211softmac09:31
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=== ButtonLover gayhugs javaJake
MrObviousjeroen_: Does your output match that?09:32
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok or Pici09:32
ubotuThe #ubuntu channel and related channels ban users joining from anonymous gateways like tor/silenceisdefeat/cgi:irc because the abuse:useful ratio is close to infinity:nothing -- project cloaks will let you join, otherwise you should simply not use an anonymizer.09:32
ubotuAttention tor users.  You may think you are anonymous, but you are not.  Please visit http://tor.unixgu.ru/ and see for yourself.   Please evaluate your need to use tor here on irc.  If you wish anonymity, Freenode offers cloaks of many different types. http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks09:32
Zenerekriotkittie: sheesh i'm still running dapper on all but one box...and yeah i heard of ndiswrapper09:32
marko-_-is there any program for ubuntu that is like don't know sony vegas and i mean a good video editor not someting like movie maker in windows...09:32
MrObviousWhoa guys calm down!09:32
jribButtonLover: ?09:32
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dbft hey, anyone know of a way to route a video as if it was a webcam (so it can be picked up by aMSN or Flash or something) and/or the same question for sound and mic09:32
crisp1Oh hello! Im having a little trouble again with compiz fuzion: I cant seem to make any changes on the compiz control panel (ccsm) - all options are greyed out. Anyone had this problem or heard of it?09:32
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MrObvious!effects | crisp109:32
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ubotucrisp1: For help or discussion on Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects09:32
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riotkittieZenerek: ahh09:32
crisp1will do :)09:33
ubotuThe #ubuntu channel and related channels ban users joining from anonymous gateways like tor/silenceisdefeat/cgi:irc because the abuse:useful ratio is close to infinity:nothing -- project cloaks will let you join, otherwise you should simply not use an anonymizer.09:33
ubotuAttention tor users.  You may think you are anonymous, but you are not.  Please visit http://tor.unixgu.ru/ and see for yourself.   Please evaluate your need to use tor here on irc.  If you wish anonymity, Freenode offers cloaks of many different types. http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks09:33
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Level15not quite what i was asking...09:33
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rexy_dbft: depends on the application but yeah you can use a streaming server for a combined audio/video feed09:33
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sg1catNeed some newbie help with sound on a Toshiba satellite laptop.  Works when I boot the 2.6.17-10 kernel, but not when I boot the 2.6.20-16 kernel.  lspci, lsmod, and dmesg don't show any obvious errors09:33
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jessicaMrObvious: this sucks lol I think im just gonna go back to windows.09:33
jribButtonLover: was there a reason for that?09:33
MrObviousjeroen_: Did your output match jessica's output?09:33
minisrule192Two users walked into a bar, /quit and /exit... /exit got bored and walked out, who was left?09:33
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MrObviousjessica: No don't!09:33
MrObviousjessica: I'm close.09:33
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javaJakeButtonLover, you'll want to use an Apache server, and a MySQL DB server. Then you'll need PHP4 or PHP5, and its Apache extensions.09:33
jessicaMrObvious: lol ok ill try a bit more09:34
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dbftbasically i just want a video file ran as if it was a webcam (so for example it would appear as a webcam on aMSN or pidgin)09:34
rexy_sg1cat: did you check it's unmuted?09:34
MrObviousjessica: I just can't remember which step I need to do for it to work.09:34
ciprianI've just installed the server edition of ubuntu and not been asked for the root password. is there a default one?09:34
sg1catrexy_:yeah, I walked all controls in alsamixer, no good09:34
rexy_lsmod shows the drivers are loaded?09:34
Seveas!root | ciprian09:34
javaJake!su | ciprian09:34
ubotuciprian: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo09:34
ubotuciprian: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.09:34
ubotusu is <alias> sudo - added by gnomefreak on 2006-08-09 22:50:3309:34
Level15hey, how do i use a proxy with update-manager?09:34
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jessicaMrObvious: :) I don't even understand the steps haha09:35
sg1catlsmod shows...09:35
rexy_Level15: you mean another update server?09:35
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MrObviousjeroen__: You there?09:35
jeroen__well no luck09:35
Level15rexy_: no, i mean an http proxy09:35
MrObviousjeroen__: Oh okay.09:35
javaJakeLevel15, set up proxy stuff in Network Proxy, under System -> Preferences or System -> Administration09:35
jeroen__can't scan09:35
jeroen__can't connect09:35
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javaJakeLevel15, never done that before, but I'll bet that's what you want09:35
MrObviousjeroen__: jessica: Try sudo ifup eth1 or whatever it's using.09:35
ciprianare there any settings I need to change in order to connect to this server isntallation with putty?09:35
sg1catlsmo shows - snd_seq_dummy snd_hda_intel         snd_hda_codec        snd_pcm_oss           snd_mixer_oss09:35
jeroen__tried manually setting up wifi essid and stuff09:35
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rexy_Level15: if you are proxying packages you could also use a transparant proxy?09:35
cipriancurrently says connection denied09:36
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javaJakeciprian, yes, install openssh-server09:36
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sg1catsnd_pcm               snd_seq_dummy          snd_seq_oss           snd_seq_midi           snd_rawmidi           snd_seq_midi_event     snd_seq09:36
javaJakeciprian, then you're set09:36
rexy_or mirror locally09:36
elteseHow do I see which a list of my hard drives so I know which one to install on? 809:36
Level15javaJake: err... not using gnome here... so i don't think that's going to work :S09:36
ciprianjavaJake Cheers"09:36
MrObviousjeroen__: jessica: Can we move to #eocf (/join #eocf) so it's easier to see each other?09:36
javaJakeLevel15, ah, bummer. ;)09:36
sg1catalso snd_seq_device and soundcore09:36
Zenerekndiswrapper yeah yeah, but why are you running 6.06 when you could be running shiny new version, well it's stable and harder so i can learn thing the hard way...assuming it's at all harder...cause when i tried 7.04 on my laptop it's seemed the same and maybe even a little harder, i like how the the repo setup screen looks in dapper more09:36
jessicaMrObvious sure09:36
Level15rexy_: no, it's just that in my university the only way i can get to internet os through an http proxy09:36
javaJakeZenerek, theming is changeable09:37
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rexy_ah, then a global proxy as javajake suggested should be your best bet09:37
rexy_sg1cat: how are you testing sound?09:37
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Level15let me try to see if i find how to set that up under non-gnome environments09:37
sg1catlooking for the ubuntu "splash" boot sounds, playing video files09:37
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javaJakeLevel15, betcha Google'll know. :)09:37
sg1catall that works when I boot to 2.6.16-10, but not later kernels09:37
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JarlHi guys09:38
frostburneltese, $cat /etc/fstab09:38
sg1catmake that 2.6.17-10 works, no other kernels09:38
javaJakeLevel15, I'd search ubuntu proxy or linux proxy first09:38
JarlNeed help =)09:38
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javaJakeJarl, that's a given09:38
Jarli am a newbie, Grub error 1709:38
javaJakeOoo, OK09:38
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Jarldoes it sounds familar ?09:38
ciprianjavaJake I get invalid operation openssh-server09:38
javaJake"17 : Cannot mount selected partition "09:38
FlannelLevel15: http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/177  Scroll down to the second bit09:38
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Jarlyeap =)09:38
Jarlbuuls eye09:39
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Level15ok, let me see09:39
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javaJakeJarl, that probably means Grub has been setup to use a specific spot on the hard drive, but that's changed.09:39
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javaJakeJarl, or your hard drive is somehow corrupted09:39
rexy_sg1cat: hmm the boot sound should generally work09:39
vereschFolks, I just installed Ubuntu 7.04 and i am getting thousands of messages like this in my syslog: Oct  6 15:38:53 ubuntu2 kernel: [  450.118335]  scsi(0): [R|Z] IO update completion., does anyone know what might be causing it and if ther eis a way for me to turn this logging off?09:39
=== javaJake gives Level15 eyes
rexy_any errors in dmesg?09:39
Jarlhdd just works good09:39
speaker219Do you know if there's a package or another easy way to make Ubuntu/GNOME look like OSX?09:39
Jarlmybe bad menu.lst ?09:39
pietro10Is there any information on installing LILO on a system running Edubuntu 6.10? I need it to multiboot Plan 909:39
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sg1catrexy_:that's why I'm tearing my hear out...sound just doesn't work, and I can't find ANY errors in the usual places.09:39
javaJakespeaker219, Google Ubuntu OSX and you'll probably get a few results09:39
javaJakespeaker219, there are quite a few excellent guides on this specific thing09:40
Zenerekso anyway burned a dvd copy at 1x dao mode,not an iso a folder with the contents, problem the sound came out real low and there were some blotch like pixel areas that were visable but not to much, anyone know why ?09:40
rexy_sg1cat: did you try catting a wav file to the sound device?09:40
dbftso does nobody have any ideas?09:40
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rexy_dbft: que?09:40
rfcomptehi.. i'm having trouble with the gnome brightness applet09:40
sg1catrexy_:hang on...09:40
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pietro10speaker219, there was a two part article on Gizmodo a while back09:40
_0xfwhen i type ./configure  for ipkungfu i get configure error; c compiler cannot create execubles09:40
rfcompteit stopped working09:40
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dbft hey, anyone know of a way to route a video as if it was a webcam (so it can be picked up by aMSN or Flash or something) and/or the same question for sound and mic09:40
MasterShrek_0xf, sudo apt-get install build-essential    then try again09:40
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pietro10_0xf: do you have: build-essential gcc gcc-4.0 make?09:40
rfcomptecan anyone help me out'09:40
rexy_dbft: depends on the application but yeah you can use a streaming server for a combined audio/video feed09:40
pietro10rfcompte: what is your problem?09:41
JbirkWhat is on Ubuntu's Extended Partition in Edgy?09:41
frojndhello there09:41
liberumIs there any way to convert en NTFS partition to EXT3? Maybe convert it to NTFS -> FAT32 -> EXT3? Ideas?09:41
techjimI just one-click installed nvidia drivers and compiz still isn't doing good.  kde seems to hang but it's only on the graphic side of things.09:41
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frojndhow can I zip 2 files?09:41
_0xfsame thing09:41
dbftumm rexy_...09:41
Jarlso any ideas how to fix it ? i don't know anything about GRUB09:41
javaJakerfcompte, no one can say whether or not they can help you unless the helpers know what to help you with09:41
dbfton the "application"?09:41
frostburnliberum, not without saving the data first09:41
vereschFolks, I just installed Ubuntu 7.04 and i am getting thousands of messages like this in my syslog: Oct  6 15:38:53 ubuntu2 kernel: [  450.118335]  scsi(0): [R|Z] IO update completion., does anyone know what might be causing it and if ther eis a way for me to turn this logging off?09:41
riotkittiewhats Plan 9? and GRUB cant be used? plan9 doesnt have a boot manager you can chainload with?09:41
rfcomptepietro10. i updated the kernel (running gutsy beta) and suddenly it stopped working09:41
dbftfor example ifi want to webcam to feed into flash09:41
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Zenerek dbft; vlc media player has options for such a thing...many of them, don't ask me how to do it though09:41
frostburnrfcompte, you want #ubuntu+109:41
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rexy_dbft: yeah depends how it's structured, push /pull09:42
pietro10rcompte: I can't help you09:42
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rexy_are you broadcasting to one receiver or multiples, etc09:42
dbftah ok i'll take a look Zenerek :)09:42
jeroen_I'm  on wifi!09:42
_0xfwhen i type ./configure  for ipkungfu i get configure error; c compiler cannot create execubles09:42
liberumfrostburn: Ok... don't have that kind of disk space :P09:42
pietro10Plan 9's internal bootloader only boots Plan 9, and the docs only talk about LILO (other people had problems with GRUB)09:42
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riotkittiehey. jeroen's on wifi!09:42
JarljavaJake can you help me ?09:42
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pietro10Plan 9 from Bell Labs: the son of UNIX, by the makers of UNIX09:42
dbftrexy_ thats not what i mean - i want it to appear like a webcam has been plugged in09:42
Wolf23overclucker:  hello dude09:42
ubuntu_can someone help me ? im having problems with ubuntu09:42
erUSUL_0xf: build-essential installed?09:42
dbftso it will work with a number of applications which accept webcams09:42
rfcompteok thanks... thank you frostburn09:42
pietro10ubuntu_: hello09:42
jeroen_now let's see what happens when I reboot09:42
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pietro10ubuntu_: what is your problem?09:42
andrew____Can anyone help me return my mbr back to normal?09:43
pietro10whoever wanted Linux to look like OS X: it was actually Linux Planet: http://linuxplanet.com/linuxplanet/tutorials/6223/1/09:43
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javaJakeJarl, well, recovering GRUB is beyond this channel (as far as time goes). Instead, you'll have to follow a guide...09:43
javaJakeJarl, looking that up now09:43
_0xfyeah build essential installed09:43
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pietro10andrew___: name all the OSs you have09:43
sg1catrexy_:  /dev/audio, right?09:43
Jarlok, thx09:43
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_0xfit couldnt find the package09:43
ubuntu_i had windows xp and ubuntu installed09:43
_0xfit couldnt find the package09:43
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andrew____I want to install a new hd to put ubuntu on my everytime I put it in grub gives me an error 509:43
pietro10_0xf: all of build-essential, gcc, and make09:43
rexy_pietro10:  can't you just point grub to the plan 9 bootloader and boot from there?09:43
ubuntu_i needed to format one partition09:43
rexy_sglcat err or dsp09:43
pietro10people had problems, and I don't know how09:43
ubuntu_so i backup my data09:43
pietro10plan 9 has its own filesystem09:43
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_0xfit cant find build essential package09:44
andrew____idk how09:44
ubuntu_and, to make it ntfs09:44
pietro10ubuntu_: what is your problem09:44
ubuntu_i installed windows xp09:44
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sg1catcat english.wav >/dev/dsp09:44
sg1catbash: /dev/dsp: Device or resource busy09:44
triton----hi im trying to use userspace-cdemu, i installed it ok, i loaded the image but i can't find the mount...09:44
triton----DEV   LOADED     TYPE       FILENAME09:44
triton----0     1          IMAGE-CCD  /home/triton/Desktop/emlin601.cue09:44
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rexy_sglcat lsof /dev/dsp?09:44
triton----any ideas?09:44
sg1catlsmod doesn't show any file using it09:44
Flanneldbft: You don't need a specific application for that, if the kernel recognizes your webcam, it'll work.  A good app to test with is Ekiga, since it'll show you what your webcam sees.  If you go to a tty and unplug/plugin your webcam, you should see a message about USB stuff if its recognized.  Also, if its not working, google around for your webcam model and linux.  See if anyone else has gotten it to work09:44
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sg1catpardon, lsof09:44
_0xfit couldnt find the package09:44
ubuntu_pietro10 i have a partition that has ubuntu, how can i make it boot by this partition09:44
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pietro10_0xf: add universal09:44
_0xfhow do i do that09:44
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rexy_sglcat lsof /dev/snd/* ?09:44
dbftnoo Flannel - maybe im explaining badly09:44
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pietro10ubuntu_: tell me what you did to install09:44
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ubuntu_it is hda1, but pc is booting on hda209:44
Flannel_0xf: it's not in universe.  It's build-essential, with the dash, and no s.09:45
dbftsay i have a file abc.avi and want it to stream AS IF IT IS A WEBCAM09:45
sg1catvlc     5796 earnoth  mem    CHR  116,6      13473 /dev/snd/pcmC0D0p09:45
sg1catvlc     5796 earnoth    8r   CHR  116,2      13149 /dev/snd/timer09:45
dbftinto flash, or amsn, or pidgin - or whatever09:45
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pietro10In what order did you install, ubuntu_: win xp first or ubuntu first?09:45
sg1catvlc     5796 earnoth   10u   CHR  116,6      13473 /dev/snd/pcmC0D0p09:45
sg1catvlc     5796 earnoth   11u   CHR  116,8      13481 /dev/snd/controlC009:45
ubuntu_pietro10 i installed windowsxp after ubuntu, on the other partition09:45
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dbftso there is no physical webcam in this situation09:45
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rexy_sg1cat: killall vlc, and try again09:45
riotkittie!paste | sg1cat09:45
ubotusg1cat: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:45
pietro10ubuntu_ windows xp then overwrote grub, sorry09:45
_0xfE: Couldnt find package build-essential09:45
_0xfE: Couldnt find package build-essential09:45
rexy_vlc is hogging your sound09:45
ubuntu_pietro10 yes, but how can i fix it ?09:45
riotkittie!GRUB | ubuntu_09:45
ubotuubuntu_: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto09:45
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pietro10Here's what you do: boot from the Ubuntu CD, open Terminal09:46
_0xfhow do i set it ot search online09:46
_0xflike urpmi09:46
_0xffrom mandriva09:46
Flannel_0xf: Pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list please (if you don't know where to get a pastebin, theres a link in the topic)09:46
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sg1catk, the vlc process was the last test I made to the sound card.  Shut that down, now catting a wav file doesn't return an error, but also doesn't return any sound09:46
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:46
=== jeroen_ [n=jeroen@c529d97a5.cable.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu
brobostigonor aboot is its powerpc09:46
ubuntu_thanks ubotu !09:46
jeroen_I'm fully on wifi09:46
pietro10ubotu is a bot, don't think he is real09:46
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ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots09:46
jeroen_where's mrobvious?09:46
javaJakeubuntu_, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows#head-09167948173503db5923da717a106f0c3aac1cd209:46
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ubuntu_pietro10 cool, thanks for help09:46
javaJakeubuntu_, follow that specific part09:46
pietro10you're welcome09:46
Hilikuswill cron reschedule a job that it couldnt do lets say because the computer was off? so when you turn it on it would catch up with missed jobs??09:46
pietro10we are all in a mess here :-)09:46
ubuntu_thanks javaJake09:46
rexy_sg1cat: did you check your sound settings using alsamixer?09:47
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riotkittiewhat the hay is urpmi ?09:47
ubuntu_:) i understand09:47
javaJakeHilikus, theoretically, yes. Anacron takes care of that stuff09:47
vereschFolks, I just installed Ubuntu 7.04 and i am getting thousands of messages like this in my syslog: Oct  6 15:38:53 ubuntu2 kernel: [  450.118335]  scsi(0): [R|Z] IO update completion., does anyone know what might be causing it and if there is a way for me to turn this logging off?09:47
Flanneldbft: Ah, I see.  Well, I don't know of any apps like that.  Concievably it is doable though.  Try googling around, see what you can come up with.09:47
pietro10!urpmi riokittie09:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about urpmi riokittie - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi09:47
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HilikusjavaJake ok, thanks09:47
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sg1catrexy_:  yup.  Nothing's muted.  Vols are all at max (double checked the physical vol, too)09:47
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dbfti'm googling now ,was just hoping someone here would know - its possible on windows09:47
pietro10!urpmi > riokittie09:47
ciprian"sudo apt-get openssh-server" will not work... any suggestions?09:47
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about urpmi - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi09:47
Flanneldbft: its definately possible.  The question is has anyone done it yet.09:48
pietro10"urpmi is the command-line package management tool used by the Mandriva Linux distribution."09:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about avahi - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi09:48
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riotkittiepietro10: urpmi isnt relevant to ubuntu. it's a mandriva something-or-other. i'm trying to figure out what as that guy wants a ubuntu equivalent :P09:48
javaJakedbft, you'd have to find something that would output a video to /dev/video or /dev/video209:48
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jos1Really Need Advice:  Installed Truecrypt. Now users can't access samba through the default username and password. In fact shares aren't even showing up. Anyone?09:48
rexy_sg1cat: hmm well the drivers appear to be working, or you would've seen some errors, so not sure what's going wrong then09:48
=== javaJake will be back soon...
Flannelpietro10: This isn't a mandriva channel, why would we need that information?09:48
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dbftis that were the webcam outputs to, javaJake?09:48
rexy_jos1: can samba even read the encrypted volumes?09:48
pietro10someone asked, I think they have the answer now09:48
jribciprian: sudo apt-get install openssh-server09:48
javaJakedbft, yes09:48
riotkittieFlannel: some guy wanted a urpmi equiv.09:48
vereschFolks, I just installed Ubuntu 7.04 and i am getting thousands of messages like this in my syslog: Oct  6 15:38:53 ubuntu2 kernel: [  450.118335]  scsi(0): [R|Z] IO update completion., does anyone know what might be causing it and if ther eis a way for me to turn this logging off?09:48
sg1catrexy_:  Might it be some kind of linking problem?  The 2.6.17-10 kernel was the one I started with after a fresh install, all subsequent kernels came iwth the ubuntu upgrades.09:49
pietro10People had problems with GRUB on Plan 9: http://9fans.net/archive/2006/08/11909:49
jos1Samba isn't directed to even look at encrypted volumes right now09:49
rexy_sg1cat: you would have seen an error then too09:49
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Hestondo I really need a 2 gig root partition if im using a seperate partition for /tmp /var /usr and /home?  Apearently 256 megs wasnt enough09:49
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pietro10Does anyone know anything about this or how to actually add a partition to GRUB?09:49
jos1It sees the default print$ that is set up in smb.conf09:49
jos1But not the shares that I had there previously09:55
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jos1smbclient -L doesn't list them09:55
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dbftany idea anything that will do that javaJake?09:55
FlannelHeston: You won't need 2GB no, but you (obviously) need more than 256mb.09:55
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Zenerekanother question, do later versions of ubuntu, those after dapper, support hardwareraid, i have been using raid cards basically since my first machine's it's kinda blows that i cannot get hardwaree raid to work09:55
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sg1catrexy_: guessing the bulletin board should be my next stop?09:55
ubuntu_In the url:     https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows#head-09167948173503db5923da717a106f0c3aac1cd209:55
ubuntu_In action 4. when i type what it says to do, it says "File not found", and the ubuntu partition is mounted, what can i do ?09:55
vereschFolks, I just installed Ubuntu 7.04 and i am getting thousands of messages like this in my syslog: Oct  6 15:38:53 ubuntu2 kernel: [  450.118335]  scsi(0): [R|Z] IO update completion., does anyone know what might be causing it and if ther eis a way for me to turn this logging off? Or is this not the right channel to ask this sort of question?09:55
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Flannel_0xf: Alright, you shoudl be good.  Try this: `sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install build-essential`09:55
pietro10I think we need to get organized, I can't follow!!09:55
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heartsbloodif i'm using nvidia twinview how do I configure a different desktop image on each display?09:55
jos1Here's the question then: Why would smbclient -L not see shares that are listed in smb.conf correctly09:55
_0xfok 1 sec09:55
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ubuntu_pietro10 me again :-) can u help me ?09:55
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pietro10Does anyone still know how to get Plan 9 working with either GRUB or LILO?09:55
pietro10ubuntu_ yes09:55
=== Mahrellon is now known as mahrellon
ubuntu_In the url:     https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows#head-09167948173503db5923da717a106f0c3aac1cd209:55
ubuntu_In action 4. when i type what it says to do, it says "File not found", and the ubuntu partition is mounted, what can i do ?09:55
ubuntu_this is the problem pietro1009:55
pietro10!grub > ubuntu_09:55
_0xfconnecting to security09:55
pietro10you should have a message from ubotu with some links09:55
pietro10they are:09:55
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto09:55
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rexypietro10: either use grub or lilo to boot of the volume your plan 9 is on09:55
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pietro10OK, so how do I either add Plan 9 to GRUB or get LILO?09:55
rexyexactly like you would boot windows xp and alike09:55
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Flannel!repeat | pietro1009:55
ubotupietro10: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience09:55
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ubuntu_k, i will try with other methods09:55
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vereschFolks, I just installed Ubuntu 7.04 and i am getting thousands of messages like this in my syslog: Oct  6 15:38:53 ubuntu2 kernel: [  450.118335]  scsi(0): [R|Z] IO update completion., does anyone know what might be causing it and if ther eis a way for me to turn this logging off? Or is this not the right channel to ask this sort of question?09:55
Flannelubuntu_: Did you modify that to suit your HD setup?09:55
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Flannel!repeat | veresch09:55
ubotuveresch: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience09:55
pietro10!grub > pietro1009:55
rathelHow do I go through folders and subfolder looking for specific files and copy them? I know how to remove find . -name name -print0 | xargs -0 rm How would you copy? Thanks.09:55
spoownHello all, does someone use aesutil ?09:55
ubuntu_Flannel I don't know, how can i do it ?09:55
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vereschOk, yes i did search all i could before coming here09:55
rexypietro10: i have no idea what plan 9 uses. Here is what i would try, lets say your install is on /dev/sda1, you install the plan 9 bootloader to /dev/sda1, and grub to /dev/sda, then you tell grub to boot the /dev/sda1 partition, the syntax should be the same as when booting xp since you just tell grub to boot that volume where it will pickup the bootloader from that partition(ie winxp or plan 9 in your case)09:55
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Flannelubuntu_: Which partition is your / (root partition?) and do you have a separate /boot partition?09:55
vereschMy next step is to try Fedora or previous version of ubuntu09:55
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ubuntu_Flannel im on the live cd, but my / is on hda109:55
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usserrathel: find is complex man it theres something like exec cp09:55
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Flannelubuntu_: And do you have a /boot?09:55
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Hema1does anyone know where I can find a linux game like simcity09:55
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vereschI saw that folks were leaving the chat and coming in so i thought i send the question again for the new commers...09:55
dbfthmm anyone think mplayer might be able to do it?09:55
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dbftmplayer a.avi > /dev/video /09:55
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ubuntu_Flannel yes, i have a /boot there (hda1) but it doesnt work, windows xp overwrite it09:55
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pietro101,238 members and counting - I'm getting lost and confused but I'll try what everyone (including ubotu) told me and I'll come back with the results........09:56
acoustykim trying to access my windows NTFS drive but i can't find it (probably b/c it's not mounted)09:56
Flannelubuntu_: Ah, windows overwrote hda1?09:56
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acoustykhow would I go about doing that09:56
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ubuntu_Flannel no, i didnt lost my old data, but it overwrite the boot (it boots to windows, not GRUB)09:56
floppyearshow can I get a regular user to run /etc/init.d/gdm restart ?09:56
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ubuntu_i think the correct name is MBR09:56
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quittthow do I mount a ISO?09:57
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Flannelubuntu_: right, that's not the same as /boot.  So, what command are you doing that gives you errors?09:57
quittthow do I mount a ISO?09:57
Flannel!iso | quittt09:57
ubotuquittt: To mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.09:57
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floppyearsanybody ?09:57
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dbfti give up09:57
dbfti think its impossible09:57
kreibadd it to /etc/sudoers ?09:57
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rt2570 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi09:57
ubuntu_In the url:     https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows#head-09167948173503db5923da717a106f0c3aac1cd209:57
ubuntu_In action 4. when i type what it says to do, it says "File not found", and the ubuntu partition is mounted, what can i do ?09:57
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:57
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rexy_hmm why does ubuntu create a wifi0-00 and ath0 device?09:58
ubuntu_its this what i said, Flannel09:58
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Flannelubuntu_: Option 4?  Oh, the part above the link is what you're actually doing? (the 'quick start'?)09:58
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Flannelubuntu_: The section you linked to has no numbers09:58
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ubuntu_no, im doing the 4th step of the "Using the Desktop/LiveCD while preserving Windows Bootloader"09:59
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ciprianhow can I view currently installed programms on my server instalation of ubuntu09:59
Flannelubuntu_: why do you want to preserve the windows bootloader?09:59
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ubuntu_someone here told me to do this, do you think its better to do the quickstart ?09:59
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orudiewhen is 7.10 coming out?09:59
Flannelubuntu_: Unless you've got a reason why you need to, overwriting the windows bootloader is better09:59
kreibin 12 days09:59
javaJakedbft, lemme see here...10:00
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ubuntu_Flannel even if i do this, i can still boot Windows ?10:00
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dbftcool javaJake :)10:00
Flannelubuntu_: yep10:00
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ubuntu_Flannel OK, thank you i'll try it :)10:00
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javaJakeFlannel, ubuntu_, I'm the one who said to preserve the windows bootloader...10:01
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quittthow do I mount a ISO?10:01
ubuntu_javaJake yes, sorry i don't have a good memory for names :P10:01
heartsbloodis it possible for gdm to recognize twinview screens and manipulate them independantly?10:01
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Hema1does anyone know where I can find a linux game like simcity10:02
Flannelquittt: You were already answered: sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>10:02
javaJakedbft, I don't believe it... I think I just figured it out...10:02
quitttit asks me about the filesystem10:02
BobSappHello id like to do some opengl development whats the package i need to install10:02
heartsbloodHema1: like a port or a clone?10:02
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dbft:o javaJake?10:02
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Hema1heartsblood: Im not sure what each mean...just some sort of city bulding game for linux10:03
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jeroen_hehe i;m fully on wifi:) this is cool10:03
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javaJakedbft, mplayer with driver v4l or v4l2... lemme look at this some more10:03
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quitttFlannel, it asks me about system file type10:03
dbftthanks for trying btw :)10:03
Flannelquittt: its either iso9660 or udf, most likely the former.  add it with -t [fstype]  although, it shouldve been detected automatically10:03
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rexy_anyone know why ubuntu makes an ath0 and wifi0 network device? only one has an ip10:04
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heartsbloodHema1: port means the game has been redisgned to work on OS xyz, a clone means the game is identical to the original but made for a different reason10:04
jeroen_where's mrObvious?10:04
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Hema1heartsblood: port then I guess10:05
heartsbloodHema1: as for simscity, i'm almost possitive there was a port made but i'm not 100% sure.10:05
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heartsbloodHema1: i'll check a few of my sources10:05
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heartsbloodHema1: heh apt-cache wins again, i've never used it but open up a term and type sudo apt-get install opencity10:06
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heartsbloodHema1: might be what your looking for10:06
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rexy_heartsblood: freecity?10:06
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Hema1heartsblood: ok thanks ill try that10:07
heartsbloodrexy_: If it's not in apt I didn't look that far :)10:07
jeroen_hey mrobvious10:07
jeroen_working like a charm here!10:07
javaJakedbft, augh, nvm10:07
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rexy_heartsblood: i cant see why it shouldnt be, maybe it's spelled slightly differently10:07
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javaJakedbft, the drivers mentioned are for input only10:07
ubuntu_I'm leaving, I looks like it worked10:07
dbftthanks anyway10:07
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ubuntu_Thanks for help people, bye10:08
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about icon - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:08
javaJakedbft, wait, you want to broadcast a video?10:08
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dbftits just strange - i would have thought SOMEONE would have done it10:08
dbftyeah ,as if it is a webcam10:08
adrienHelp, I'm on Ubuntu with a 320x200x8bit screen res, need to reconfigure x after addition of graphics card.10:08
javaJakedbft, in an IM window?10:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xconf - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:08
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto10:08
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javaJake!xorg | adrien10:09
ubotuadrien: please see above10:09
dbftit can be, its actually for a flash app - but if it works in one it would work in all, no?10:09
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javaJakedbft, perhaps there is another way for this flash app?10:09
detrahi ... Last night I was in here asking for any ideas on how to install my nvidia card ... Everytime I do how have to fight in the terminal cause it says no displays ... I was told !nvidia ... and same thing happened ... any other ideaas ?10:09
drew-has anyone succesfully ran ubuntu on a laptop with an nVidia GeForce 8700M ?10:09
dbftflash doesnt have any settings sadly10:09
dbftits just webcam yes or no10:09
javaJakedetra, what video card do you have?10:09
javaJakedbft, Ah, I see, I see10:09
detrajavaJake, geforce 7600 gs10:10
dbftthanks anyway though, i guess i'll leave it for now :P10:10
Ploujdoes gnome look in /usr/local/share/applications/ for .desktop files as well as in /usr/share/applications/ ?10:10
Sonicadvance1Okay here. I have 3 partitions. sda1 is 10GB and is set to / and is the bootable partition. sda3 is 138GB and is set to /home. and sda3 is the swap at 1GB.What I need to do. Is expand the partition set to / to 20GB as it's full. What is the Best way of doing this?10:10
adrienxconf didn't work and I'm on irssi right now, so I don't know what else was suggested.10:10
detrajavaJake, I keep follow the guides on the internet ... But they all screw it up ...10:10
heartsbloodif I need to ask specific questions about gdm where should I go?10:10
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rexy_adrien: you could try apt-get autoclean to remove old package downloads?10:11
navetsMrObvious you here?10:11
rexy_not sure about resizing ext3 partitions10:11
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:11
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javaJakedetra, ah, yes, I always avoid the binary drivers10:11
detrajavaJake, so what can you recommend ?10:12
adrienrexy_: The exact problem is, I'm set on vga driver, I need to detect what driver this card uses.10:12
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MasterShrekadrien, what card is it?10:12
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rexy_adrien: lspci can tell you more, but the vesa driver should do some decent resolutions?10:12
detrajavaJake, I've tried so many times and everytime I have to either reinstall or fight with xserver-xorg10:12
flokuehndetra: i have an geforce 7600 gt10:12
javaJakedetra, http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html10:13
adrienMasterShrek: It's an Intel graphics chip, that's what lspci says.10:13
javaJakedetra, that looks interesting10:13
flokuehndetra: what exactley is your problem?10:13
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alekaIs anyone in here successfully using Banshee with audio scrobbling??10:13
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MasterShrekadrien, apt-get install 915resolution10:13
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a_Christini need10:13
a_Christinhow can install?10:13
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javaJakeflokuehn, X crashes10:14
flokuehnjavaJake: ah ok10:14
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ubotuAutomatix2 is a block of code which attempts to install some software.  When it fails and breaks systems, we don't provide support for it.  A creditable analysis from a debian/ubuntu developer is here - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html (Additional information: /msg ubotu worksforme)10:14
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MasterShrek!automatix | _Christian10:14
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ubotu_Christian: please see above10:14
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adrienMasterShrek: What will the driver name be so I can set it in xorg.conf?10:14
detraflokuehn, My prob is that every single time I install the nvidia driver and restart x ... It says and error happened and it complains about that thing ... screens found but no whatever ...10:14
javaJake_Christian, Automatix is not necessary, in fact, most things you can do easily on your own10:14
javaJake_Christian, what do you want to do that Automatix could do?10:14
MasterShrekadrien, im not sure, lemme find out for you10:14
_Christianbut autmoatix have more thinks10:14
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esoteriki had to resort to envy to install nvidia drivers for me :(10:14
mzuverinkHow do I tell gnome I want amarok as my default music player?10:14
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bullgard4 What is the reason that ACPI Specification 3.0b does not mention HAL?10:15
_Christianwhy have Songbird and other aplicattions10:15
adrienMasterShrek: nm, it said wrong chipset deteced on apt-get10:15
javaJake_Christian, trust me, you don't need it. :)10:15
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_Christianbut i need some apliccations10:15
flokuehndetra: i mentioned above that i have an geforce 7600 gt an i installed the drivers the debian way and all works fine10:15
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asprofridishi to all10:15
MasterShrekadrien, try 855resolution10:15
detraflokuehn, I've tried almost anything on the internet ... and it keeps doing that ...10:16
dweez_Anyone here know how to force Gutsy to boot up into terminal mode instead of gui?10:16
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dweez_I saw a forum thread on it once but can't seem to find it right now10:16
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flokuehndetra: have a sec10:16
javaJake_Christian, http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/songbird10:16
MasterShrekdweez, sudo chmod 644 /etc/init.d/gdm10:16
HealthyElijahaby gutsy developers in da house?10:16
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asprofridisany GREEK to ask something?????10:16
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ubotu#ubuntu-gr  #kubuntu-gr     /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes10:16
dweez_MasterShrek: is that just removing permissions from gdm to start up?10:16
detraflokuehn, Now Im trying that envy thing ...10:16
adrienMasterShrek:Says I've gotthe latest on that one.10:16
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MasterShrekdweez, yes, just making it not executeable10:16
flokuehndetra: ok10:16
asprofridisthx man10:17
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flokuehndetra: it is the better way10:17
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javaJakedweez, if you want to temporarily disable GUI, and go into a root terminal, add single onto the end of the kernel line in GRUB startup10:17
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flokuehndetra: but if you still have the same problem after that envy thing10:17
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dweez_javaJake: just the word "single"?10:17
javaJakedweez, yep10:17
flokuehndetra: i can tell you the debian way10:17
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HealthyElijahwill flash be installed by default in the new gutsy gibbons release?10:17
larson9999yeah! i finally found a modded playstation at the goodwill! :)10:17
javaJakedweez_, you know how to do that, right?10:17
detraok .. thx ...10:17
dweez_see, after the latest Gutsy upgrade, my gui is fubar'd right10:17
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MasterShrekadrien, im not sure what driver you should use, maybe i855 or intel10:18
javaJakeHealthyElijah, if it isn't, it's simple to install10:18
dweez_javaJake: yeah, at grub you can modify the line10:18
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adrienMastershrek: i'll try.10:18
javaJakedweez_, ok, good. ;)10:18
detraflokuehn, How long are you gonna be online ?10:18
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javaJakeHealthyElijah, you can't mess it up, literally.10:18
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HealthyElijahjava - i know but its just extra crap that really should already be done, i mean.. who doesnt need flash?10:18
flokuehndetra: you can write me an email10:18
javaJakeflokuehn, be careful how you answer. ;D10:18
dweez_see, after the latest Gutsy upgrade, my gui is fubar'd...last time this did this I had to reinstall the nvidia driver from command line10:18
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flokuehnjavaJake: ;)10:18
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KazeroQuickie: Name if a good extracter for RAR files with a GUI?10:18
detraflokuehn, sure ... that would be better ... cause it often take me many hours getting it to work ...10:19
dweez_anyway, I'll give it a try10:19
flokuehndetra: maybe you can write me an email10:19
rexy_unrar with the gnome package manager10:19
HealthyElijahKazero: wINrAR10:19
mzuverinkI am trying to get gnome not to open rhythmbox when I hit the button on my laptop remote, I want it to open amarok.  How do I do this?10:19
flokuehndetra: no problem10:19
Pirate_Hunterhow do i get to ubuntu offtopic channel?10:19
jddg520Hey I tried to installl ubuntu and after the first loading barr was done a blue screen with lines appeared and after that nothing happened... It just kept showing that any know the problem...10:19
flokuehndetra: i'll msg you10:19
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esoterikmzu - right click the file you want, select open with other app, and set to amarok10:19
javaJakedweez_, OK, try replacing "nv" or "nvidia" driver in /etc/X11/xorg.conf with "vesa" instead (and don't forget to comment out any options, since they are probably nv or nvidia only)10:19
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adrienMasterShrek: What other suggestion did you have? I tried i855, but got nothing.10:19
HealthyElijahPirate: hit / followed by join and then space and then #ubuntu-offtopic10:19
rexy_mzuverink: under preffered applications you can select amarok instead of rhythembox10:19
=== ubuntu_ [n=ubuntu@201-42-99-223.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
ubuntu_hi again10:20
javaJakePirate_Hunter, type /join #ubuntu-offtopic10:20
Pirate_HunterHealthyElijah: >:)10:20
MasterShreki dunno for sure adrien, i dont have an intel card10:20
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mzuverinkesoterik, that oply changes the open w/ dialogue, not the action of a remote button.  rexy_ thanks10:20
ubuntu_hmmm can someone help me again ? when i rebooted grub worked but the system didnt work10:20
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adrienMasterShrek: Thanks for your help. I'm gonna search about on lynx then10:20
flokuehndetra: you could also ask dpkg in the debian channel about the nvidia one-liner10:20
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ubuntu_when ubuntu boot, it said about hard drive errors and fsck10:21
MasterShrekadrien, u can use the vesa driver to get a gui prolly10:21
detraflokuehn, ok ????10:21
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KazeroHealthyElijah: Winrar for linux?10:21
adrienMasterShrek: When I tried vesa, it got me nothing. I took that as a generally bad sign.10:21
ferronicacan i use blackbox in ubuntu 7.04 GNOME ?10:21
ferronicai want to remove GNOME10:22
MasterShrekadrien, yea id say, lspci -vv should give you more information about what card i tis10:22
mzuverinkrexy_, `under pref apps I have no listing for any thing other than email app, browser and terminal10:22
ferronicais it possible to do ?10:22
detraflokuehn, Im gonna try this first ... and if it doesn't work Im gonna come back as soon as possible ...10:22
jddg520I need some help with installing after the first loading bar was done for installing it showed a bluescreen with flashing black bars....Please10:22
javaJakeubuntu_, OK, boot into the LiveCD, and run fsck -f /dev/sda*10:22
rexy_mzuverink: it has tabs i think?10:22
HealthyElijahIs the reason flash is not included in ubuntu by default because it isnt opensource?10:22
javaJakeubuntu_, basically, your hard drive is corrupted10:22
ubuntu_javaJake well i did this10:22
flokuehndetra: ok. no problem10:22
MasterShrekHealthyElijah, yes10:22
flokuehniam online10:22
javaJakeubuntu_, oh, OK10:22
ubuntu_javaJake but without the livecd10:22
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javaJakeubuntu_, NOT good10:23
HealthyElijahMastershrek: Then why dont they include teh opensource flash10:23
ubuntu_javaJake and now it says about a problem in /bin/sh10:23
jareno1818 Hey!10:23
javaJakeubuntu_, never ever run fsck on a partition that's mounted10:23
jareno1818 Hey!10:23
jareno1818 Hey!10:23
jareno1818 Hey!10:23
jareno1818 Hey!10:23
jareno1818 Hey!10:23
jareno1818 Hey!10:23
jareno1818 Hey!10:23
=== E-mu [n=emuemuem@c-98-206-106-180.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:23
ubuntu_javaJake Yeah, I see :10:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about poker - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:23
jddg520 I need some help with installing after the first loading bar was done for installing it showed a bluescreen with flashing black bars....Please10:23
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MasterShrekHealthyElijah, because its not really perfected yet10:23
MasterShrekor so i hear, i havent used it10:23
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externmy computer crashes on 64 bit splash booting screen, but 32 bit version boots fine. to run ubuntu, I have to add "nosplash" option for my computer. is this bug known?10:23
ubuntu_javaJake Doesn't ubuntu (the livecd) have a program that can repair that partition on the disk ?10:23
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HealthyElijahMasterShrek: Do you know how far off perfection is?10:24
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mzuverinkrexy_, internet (browser and mail reader), and system(terminal type), nothing else10:24
MasterShrekHealthyElijah, no idea, i dont use it10:24
jddg520 I need some help with installing after the first loading bar was done for installing it showed a bluescreen with flashing black bars....Please10:24
MasterShrek!patience | jddg52010:24
ubotujddg520: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines10:24
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javaJakeubuntu_, oh, possibly!10:24
javaJakeubuntu_, I've never used it before10:24
HealthyElijahMasterShrek: You don't use flash at all?10:24
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javaJakeubuntu_, give it a try10:24
floittingi have toshiba tocra 8100, which i dont know how to get into bios. i have external dvd-drive which isnt detected during the boot, and i need to , to get to install an OS10:24
adrienMasterShrek: It says, 00:01.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82810 CGC [Chipset Graphics Controller]  (rev 03) (prog-if 00 [VGA] )10:24
rexy_mzuverink: then i dont know, thought the option was in there for the media player too10:24
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jddg520Sorry I wasn't aware of that it is my first time here10:25
ubuntu_javaJake what can possibly be this program ? :P10:25
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pipatronfloitting: press escape or f1 a lot when booting10:25
rhalffwhat is the right channel to talk about unstable ?10:25
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pipatronrhalff: #ubuntu+1 I think10:25
javaJakeubuntu_, probably a nice easy way to scan your hard drives10:25
erUSUL|gutsy | rhalff10:25
floittingok..thanks, i try piptaron... not sure if i tried those yet10:25
javaJake!gutsy | rhalff10:25
erUSUL!gutsy | rhalff10:25
uboturhalff: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10) | (due October 2007) | It is development software, and as such unstable, support _only_ in #ubuntu+1 | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon for more information10:25
pipatronfloitting: I think I've got a tecra 8100 at work :)10:25
MasterShrekadrien, that should help you to find out info on that card, 8281010:25
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desertcHello - I am having problems with Launchpad.  I cannot create my personal wiki -- it errors and says I don't have permissions.10:25
rhalffpipatron ah thanks10:25
ubuntu_javaJake hmm, what about installing ubuntu in the partition that ubuntu is installed10:25
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ubuntu_will the installer import the data ?10:26
mzuverinkrexy_, thought so at one time too,  though now it looks as if we are forced to use RB as default.  There's gotta be a gconfig command to change it, I was hoping someone here would10:26
techjimI have utorrent working w/ WINE but i'm going to use a native or java tracker.  what do you guys suggest?10:26
pipatronOk, now I've helped two poor guys, now you have to help me10:26
MasterShrektechjim, ktorrent10:26
mzuverinkrexy_, know10:26
rexy_mzuverink: there is, but i cant tell you where10:26
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jddg520It is possible to install when I am already booted up10:26
pipatronI'm looking for a way to do like this in a script:  "command `gnome-file-dialogue`"10:26
mzuverinkrexy_, im digging in configuration editor now, its gotta be there10:27
floittingi cant help with that... so i go try to enter bios -> =)10:27
javaJakeubuntu_, good idea10:27
pipatronObviously, the gnome-file-dialogue does not exist, but is there a tool like that, that will pop up the default file dialogue and return the file that the user chose?10:27
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javaJakeubuntu_, be sure to format everything. Also, use the manual partition tool, the automatic will overwrite windows10:27
ubuntu_javaJake ok, thanks for help, im leaving now10:28
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=== Greeny_ [n=nn@77-96-136-35.cable.ubr03.pres.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
preactionpipatron, not that i'm aware of. most likely you're going to have to learn a programming language. you might be able to write a short perl/python script and put it in your shell script10:28
externis there any official bug database for ubuntu?10:28
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pipatronpreaction: I'm a software engineer so I don't need to learn a language ;)10:28
lamegoex0r, launchpad.net10:28
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BobSapppipatron: IDK but have u tried dcop?10:29
pipatronpreaction: I just assumed such an app did already exist since it did on my amiga 15 years ago... would be a nice thing to have10:29
pipatronBobSapp: Haven't tried, what's that10:29
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BobSappactually dcop is some kind of remote procedure call interface10:30
pipatronBobSapp: Doesn't seem to have anything to do with what I was looking for here10:30
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Mishaalis Ubuntu 7.10 released ??10:30
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pipatronMishaal: Mid october I think10:30
=== pipatron is trying to make room on his poor laptop so he can install the beta
desertcCan you help with problems with the Ubuntu Launchpad site, or no?  I cannot create my personal wiki -- it errors and says I don't have permissions.10:31
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lamegoMishaal, 18 to be more precise10:32
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erUSUL!bugs | extern10:32
ubotuextern: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots10:32
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oliver_g_pipatron: you mean something like "zenity --file-selection"?10:32
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skarhi, how do i run kde inside a second X session, i can run "startx -- :1" for second X, but it also runs gnome, how do i change the X to run kdm for this X? is there a cmd line switch?10:32
BobSapppipatron: sorry dcop is for kde, try dbus.10:33
pipatronoliver_g_: Thanks!10:33
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pipatronoliver_g_: I mean exactly like that :)10:33
BauldrickI can no longer stream .avi file via samba to mplayer - anyone know why?10:33
Kenny3do i hav to clean up my system some time? u know, like on windows defrag and registry cleaning and that stuff...10:33
ech0dishno i told you it was at http://stores.ebay.com/Houston-CompCycle10:33
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pipatronKenny3: No10:33
BobSappin kde i could get/return data from kde apps usning dcop from the command line10:33
pipatronKenny3: You might want to run "sudo apt-get autoremove" sometimes10:33
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BobSapp"in theory" you might be able to call something like getFileDialogue through dbus on gnome to return the filename10:34
Kenny3pipatron: whats that? and how often? once week?10:34
BobSappof course you would need a program to be running already.10:34
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floppyearsok I did something really stupid10:34
oliver_g_heh... my boss does such a "system check" every month on his computer... looks at all ~/. -files and decides whether they are important :-D10:34
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adrienMasterShrek: I love you man! :) And this community. Found a Fiesty Fawn article that told me to use sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg10:34
floppyears locked myself out of sudo10:34
Lr5_Anyone knows how to connect to internet using laptop and a mobile phone? I only found instructions when using bluetooth, but my laptop doesn't support it as far as I know10:34
adrienNow I'm running 1200x102410:35
floppyearsis there another way to get it back besides chrooting into the ubuntu installation ?10:35
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Lr5_Laptop: Thinkpad t21, phone: Nokia e61i10:35
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MasterShrekadrien, yea i coulda told u that, didnt think about it10:35
ech0dishsudo apt-get remove *10:35
jeroen_dudes, how do I install w32 codecs?10:36
floppyearsanybody ?10:36
Lr5_The phone can be connected to computer using usb cable, so it probably should go that way10:36
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adrienwell, thanks anyway /wave10:36
jeroen_I wanna listen to some audio streams10:36
ubotuSeveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs10:36
milardovichnobody knows how can i convert .cda files to .mp3?10:36
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jeroen_but they are in windows media format10:36
Lr5_!w32codecs | jeroen_10:36
ubotujeroen_: please see above10:36
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oliver_g_milardovich: where did you get the .cda files?10:36
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Lr5_jeroen_: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages10:36
pipatronKenny3: You can do it once every month or so, but it won't really speed up your computer.10:36
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pipatronKenny3: It might free up some megabyte of data that's not used10:37
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Kenny3i hav amd 64 bit, but i heard there are problems using 64bit os?10:38
munk__can somebody please please help me update my kernel ?10:38
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DoYouKnowKenny3, not aware of any problems other than software support for that hardware10:38
oliver_g_milardovich: if the .cda files are from copying a cd under windows, you can't convert them to mp3 i think10:38
lamegoKenny3, there are no problems, there are programs which do not have 64 bits versions, but on most cases you can work around that10:38
DoYouKnowmIRC for example... don't think that has a 64-bit version yet10:38
lamegouh, using mirc on Ubuntu is a 64 bits problem ?10:39
DoYouKnowno, that's a windows application10:39
Kenny3lamego: if i download a repo is this workin for 64bit then?10:39
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DoYouKnowit's a problem no matter what OS you choose10:39
lamegoDoYouKnow, this is the Ubuntu support channel :)10:39
DoYouKnowsoftware support for the hardware10:39
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dxdtKenny3: I'm running amd64 right now and the biggest problem is that flash doesn't work with 64 bit ffox so you have to downgrade to 32 bit firefox or use Gnash(which is what I"m doing)10:39
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lamegoKenny3, yes, you have 64 bits repositories10:40
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lamegodxdt, that is not precise, you can use the nspluginwrapper, a tooll which allows to use the flash plugin with a 64 bits firefox10:40
DoYouKnowdxdt, I am using nspluginwrapper on ubuntu feisty and it works fine10:40
Kenny3dxdt: i use opera, did u check flash there?10:40
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milardovicholiver_g thankz yes, its possible, with k3b :D10:40
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Bauldrickwhy can i no longer stream my video files over samba to mplayer?10:41
oliver_g_milardovich: oh ok then :-) i confused the .cda files then10:41
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iamimy friend10:42
iamiI have question, how do I find the location of my running kernal?10:42
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lamegoiami, you mean, you want to know the version ?10:42
lamegoiamchris, uname -a10:42
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iamilamego: yes, I have done that command10:42
iamibut when I try to correct my vmware10:42
iamiit still fails to find the needed file10:42
iamiit looks in folder build10:43
iamiI dunno what is wrong :[10:43
iamiit then fails10:43
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erUSULiami: try this 'sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)'10:43
desertcCan you help with problems with the Ubuntu Launchpad site, or no?  I cannot create my personal wiki -- it errors and says I don't have permissions.10:43
lamegoiamchris, vmware requires the linux kernel headers10:43
erUSUL!enter | iami10:43
Kenny3is there posssibility to boot windows xp and ubuntu but only work in one of them and be able to change faster to other os then by rebooting?10:43
ubotuiami: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!10:43
jeroen_ok gonna do that some other time10:43
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JEFFmasterFlexKenny3:  install windows or ubuntu in VMWare or Virtualbox10:44
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iamiis the newest kernel ubuntu runs stable the 2.6.20-16?10:44
iamistable and is at the repositories, I mean*10:44
lamegoKenny3, well, that is the typical duall boot config, the "fast" switching is relative, it is a reboot10:45
erUSULiami: yes,afaics10:45
Kenny3JEFFmasterFlex: i know about that, but its affecting speed-...10:45
iamierUSUL: what is USUL?10:45
lamegoiami, you need the headers, not only the kernel10:45
erUSULiami: yes as far as i can see10:45
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JEFFmasterFlexKenny3:  can't have your cake and eat it too... at least not yet at this point10:45
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erUSULiami: use the command i gave to install the 'sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)' for your running kernel10:45
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iamilamego: I am installing the headers now :)10:46
iamiI will tell you all if it functions after.10:46
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mzuverinkany Idea when medibuntu gusty repos and cononical commercial repos for gusty will be available?10:46
Kenny3JEFFmasterFlex:  what cake?10:46
ruif13anyone have a link off tutorial to install flash plugin in firefox in ubuntu6410:46
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erUSUL!flash64 > ruif1310:47
mzuverinkor is there a way to use the feisty ones for gusty?10:47
milardovicholiver_g if u need to convert the cda to mp3 (some day..) type this: sudo apt-get install lame, on kubuntu, and then run K3B :D10:47
slicks_magei currrently can only install win98 on the dell packard with amibios 1.00.08 DN0R can anyone help with a bios update or point me2 find help so i can install or use ubuntu or something with internet access?10:47
milardovichthat was my solution10:47
JEFFmasterFlexKenny3:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Have_one's_cake_and_eat_it_too10:47
floittingis there a way to install a windows OS when i dont have a disc drive to install from boot. So i need to install win XP starting it when im on xubuntu10:47
ruif13erUSUL thanks!10:47
erUSULruif13: no problem10:47
slicks_magei currrently can only install win98 on the dell packard with amibios 1.00.08 DN0R can anyone help with a bios update or point me2 find help so i can install or use ubuntu or something with internet access? or even help me get internet working on win98?10:48
_0xfi cant install xchat10:48
pipatronfloitting: I don't think so, only works for linux10:48
erUSULslicks_mage: what's the probelm with the bios?10:48
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_0xfim getting libdbus1-2 error10:48
_0xfim getting libdbus1-2 error10:48
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slicks_mageerusul:it needs an update when i boot from cd it says i need a bios update10:49
nawiI'm having trouble booting Ubuntu. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=56881910:49
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_0xfi cant install xchat10:49
floittingtoshiba doesnt recogniezx the dvd drive which is in pcmcia, that has a usb in it10:49
_0xfim getting libdbus1-2 error10:49
erUSULslicks_mage: and have you checked the manufacturer website for the update and intructions?10:49
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_0xfis there a way to like urpmi from mandriva10:49
_0xfcan u update ur sources.list10:50
_0xfto get new packages10:50
ubotuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)10:50
slicks_mageerusul:what do u mean manufacturer and how do i find manufacturer?10:50
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arnathhi, i am working on gnome, but i would like to install amarok, is there a gnome variant of this? and what exactly is the "problem" with installing kde programs on gnome?10:50
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_0xfapy isnt working10:50
_0xffor me10:50
_0xfit wont find packges10:50
_0xflike xchat10:50
erUSULslicks_mage: dell packard (packard bell??)10:50
erUSUL!enter | _0xf10:50
ubotu_0xf: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!10:50
JEFFmasterFlexarnath:  just install it. if you don't like it, uninstall it10:50
slicks_mageooo ok so wut do i do now? google it?10:51
milardovicharnath - sudo apt-get install amarok :P10:51
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milardovichno problem with amarok10:51
Kenny3Cant u load both systems and put one onto hard drive and only the other into memory, and when changing the one in memory goes to hd and the other into memory?10:51
erUSULslicks_mage: that's a good idea10:51
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slicks_mageok 1sec hold on i will10:51
arnathi was always told it wasnt "wise" to run kde programs on gnome & vica versa10:51
arnathold wives tale is it? :D10:51
JEFFmasterFlexKenny3:  what memory will you have to "use" the one on the hard drive?10:51
erUSUL!repos | _0xf10:52
milardovicharnath sory for my bad english but with amarok in gnome i didn't get any problem10:52
JEFFmasterFlexarnath:  that's a big joke, who cares, i always do amarok in gnome10:52
slicks_mageerusul: ok im at there home page where do i go? support?10:52
erUSUL!info xchat > erichj10:52
ubotu_0xf: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource10:52
milardovichit runs great on gnome :P10:52
arnathoke, thx :D10:52
erUSULslicks_mage: probably10:52
EddieHello, Any fix for Firefox print preview crash?10:52
erUSUL!info xchat > erUSUL10:52
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erUSUL_0xf: for xchat you need to enable universe10:53
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DoYouKnowanyone here familiar with kiba-dock?10:54
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Kenny3JEFFmasterFlex: both go into memory to boot, start their programs and stuff and then one goes outa ram into hd, wouldnt this work?10:54
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KagarHow do I save my Crontab jobs?10:54
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sinX_hasn't kiba stopped development?10:54
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idioternare... what package includes gimp's development headers?10:54
idioternagimp-dev doesn't exist10:54
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KagarI've tried ctrl-c to see if that svaed it, it doesn't seem to work.10:54
quaalis there a program that i could run a pdf ebook through and have it output a voice reading in mp3 format or something10:54
slicks_mageerusul: ut oh i searched for p/n and s/n and both together and no match :\ wut now?10:54
sinX_I would go with AWN they're still in dev10:54
DoYouKnowsinX_, are there any replacements?10:54
arnathhmm, installation of amarok failed :|10:54
KazeroSo any word on some new ati linux drivers? Id love to have full support for my X1300 mobile.10:55
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JEFFmasterFlexKenny3: no, this wouldn't work. unless you has at least 4 GB's of ram or more. it's not even possible at this point, but most computers don't have the ram to do that10:55
stefgKagar: crontab -e , and i might suggest to read the friendly man-page :-)10:55
erUSULslicks_mage: dunno if you can not boot from the cd you can try other forms of install10:55
erUSULubotu tell slicks_mage about install | slicks_mage see priv msg from ubotu10:55
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Kagarstefg - Yeah, I'm in my crontab -e I just don't know how to exit / save it.10:55
JEFFmasterFlexKenny3:  think about it, you always have an entire operating system in RAM, then you use the remaining ram to run whichever operating system you are pesently using10:56
arnathhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39801/ <- i get that when trying to isntall amarok10:56
sinX_doyouknow: try that link http://awn.wetpaint.com/page/Ubuntu+Feisty+Repository?t=anon10:56
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stefgKagar: crontad -e calls the system editor. just save, crontab odoes a check, that's it10:56
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stefgKagar: just like editing a text file10:56
KagarI'm new to the command line, so not sure how to save via command line.10:57
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KagarI'm using it on a unix system10:57
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Kenny3JEFFmasterFlex: alright10:57
erUSULKagar: which editor?10:57
JEFFmasterFlexarnath:  might want to checkout which repos you have enabled, it's trying to look for the kdelibs needed to run amarok but cannot them10:57
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KagarerUSUl - I think it's VIM, but not sure..10:57
heartsblooddoes anybody know of a program that will manage independant desktop images in gdm (twinview) or do I have to mux the images together in the combined desktop resolution?10:57
_0xfhow do u enabble universe10:58
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stefgKagar: that's a question of the editor your using. if you got trapped into vim, you have to 'esc' ':save'10:58
RB2Hey everyone. Just have a quick question. I've been hunting the forums for an answer, but didn't find anything really solid. Will 7.10 support the P35 chipset? (I'm looking at an MSI MB)10:58
cliffstahhey :-) quick question that someone probably knows off the top of their head.. what would cause a video to run slow when its not fullscreen?  it was fine before..  compiz/xgl10:58
arnathJEFFmasterFlex: where can i see this and what do i need to check for/add?10:58
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_0xfhow do u enabble universe10:58
Wolf23Guys, i need a help?!10:58
erUSULKagar: in vim you need to press ESC to exit insert or append mode and then :w <enter> to writte the file10:58
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cliffstahi used to be able to run it fullscreen and rotate the desktop cube and it was great, now its slows riiight down10:59
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JEFFmasterFlexarnath:  can't really help you with that unfortunately, i am not actually using ubuntu right now. but it's in the settings for synaptic. look around in there10:59
slicks_mageerusul: ty but it seems like a lot of work, any easier way?11:00
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michaelhowardim haveing trouble using my wireless with wpa. i have read the fourms and would like some live support, any help would be great please. thank you.11:00
cliffstahim sure its an xorg module, or something, some setting somewhere11:00
erUSULarnath: System>Admin>Software Sources11:00
arnathJEFFmasterFlex: i seem to have all repositories activated11:00
alekaIs there any difference in quality between .ogg and .flac? is one better than the other? which format should I use to rip music for everyday use?11:00
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michaelhowardif someonw want the challange pm me plase11:00
erUSULslicks_mage: if you can not boot from the cd i do not know of a easier way11:00
stefg!effects | cliffstah11:01
ubotucliffstah: For help or discussion on Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects11:01
DoYouKnowthank you sinX_11:01
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slicks_mageerusul:ok ty anyway11:01
pietro10I got Plan 9 up11:01
erUSULaleka: flac is lossless and ogg is lossy like mp311:01
KagarE212 Can't Open file for writing11:01
rexy_aleka: ogg is a lossy compression, flac is a lossless compression11:01
pietro10kagar: ls -l the file in Terminal11:01
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=== aleka off to read up on lossy and lossless
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Kagarso, do I need to make a crontab first?11:02
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Kagarthen edit it?11:02
arnathhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/39801/ <- anyone?11:02
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michaelhowardanyone know how to use wpa for wireless? someone want a challange? please pm me.11:02
pietro10aleka: lossy = the wavelengths are compressed; you don't get the same quality back11:02
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pietro10lossless = otherwise11:03
erUSULaleka: if you decompress a flac you end up with the exact same wav you compressed with mp3 and ogg that's not true11:03
stefgKagar: no , just crontab -e  ... see man crontab11:03
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alekaerUSUL:  Does that mean that lossless compression would take up more space then?11:03
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pietro10Anyway, I got plan 9 up with GRUB; I only had to rootnoverify (hd0,3) with chainloading +111:03
erUSULarnath: yes11:03
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redheathi everyone11:04
arnatherUSUL: howcome i'm not getting them? what do i need to do?11:04
erUSULarnath: flac files are 50-60% of original size in my experience mp3 and ogg compress much more than that11:04
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michaelhowardoh come on. theres got to be an expert here some where  :-D11:04
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arnatherUSUL: thats aimed at aleka i fink :p11:04
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots11:04
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_0xfcan anyone explain how to enable unviverse11:05
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riotkittieogg is lossy?11:05
michaelhowardubotu wpa11:05
erUSULarnath: you are right sorry tab completion is evil11:05
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:05
vulcaniusflac file: 20MB, ogg/mp3 of that same file: 4-5MB11:05
arnatherUSUL: hehe :)11:05
riotkittietaht was a stupid question. forget i asked.11:05
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ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource11:05
erUSULaleka: flac files are 50-60% of original size in my experience mp3 and ogg compress much more than that11:05
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riotkittieflac <311:06
alekaCan anyone recommend a good app to record live steroe output from my soundcard? Audacity is not working for me for some reason11:06
erUSULarnath: are you on gutsy?11:06
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riotkittiealthough, i only use flac for classical11:06
arnatherUSUL: yes11:06
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HoffHow do I navigate to a driectory with a space in it in command line11:06
erUSULarnath: there seems that a lot of mirrors are not as up to date as desired use main archives11:06
arnathaleka: the soundrecorder that comes with ubuntu not working?11:06
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arg-userI have a qeustion11:06
Ant1jrHow do I navigate to a driectory with a space in it in command line11:07
arnatherUSUL: ok will try11:07
erUSULarnath: also gutsy help _only_ in #ubuntu+111:07
riotkittiearg-user: we might have an answer, ask away11:07
alekaarnath: hehe.. just saw it.. never paid attention to it... will give it a try11:07
lamegoarg-user, cd "file file"11:07
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vinboyi reinstalled my system, now my data partitions says i dont have write access to it... what's the problem here?11:07
playerhello, I basically just ran an ubuntu install, I have 2 hard drives and it gave me the option of making a partition which I followed, after installing and restarting the machine every time it boots I get an error 17 and cannot boot ubuntu or XP, any ideas?11:07
erUSULAnt1jr: escape the spc with \11:07
erUSULAnt1jr: or use tab completion ;)11:08
Ant1jrstill say no directory found11:08
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erUSULAnt1jr: example cd dir\ with\ spaces11:08
Ant1jroh ok11:08
riotkittieplayer: did you install from the live CD? you're going to need to beat GRUB into submission.11:08
huXfluXHello all! I've just installed Ubuntu feisty from liveCD onto a USB external drive and after reboot i got DISK BOOT FAILURE. I've set in bios frist boot device USB-HDD. What can i do?11:08
riotkittiealthough i'm not really familiar with error 17. hm.11:09
playerriotkittie: Indeed, I installed from a CD.11:09
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Dr_willishuXfluX,  check the forums. at one time - there was some tricks one had to do to enable booting off of a usb-hd. there were timeout issues on the disks. Had to enable a delay somewhere - i rember..  Been ages since ive seen that post/thread11:10
playerI'm lucky I have a 2nd machine, but currently the first has been rendered completely useless, I'm unsure how to boot either ubuntu or XP with it.11:10
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alekaarnath: yeap.. that's a negative on the sound recorder... I tested a recording for 15 Secs and no playback after I was done..11:10
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arnathaleka: :s well then im out of bright ideas :<11:10
stefghuXfluX: your problem is that your BIOS swaps harddisk numbering depending on the boot medium. the external drive is hd0 whne you boot from it, but hd1 (or something) when you don't11:10
amadeuxWhich is the most lightweight torrent client for ubuntu?11:11
oliver_g_(whew, that was one hard remote computer fixing... first sabayon interfering in the X start, then gdm is broken, then the gdm reinstall doesn't replace the config stuff, so we have to do a purge with --force-depends, and then we break the permissions on the user dir and gdm freaks out... goodnight all - I have really earned my sleep today :)11:11
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Dr_willisstefg,  aha.. i rember that in the discussion also. :) had to edit the menu.lst on the usb hd..11:11
slimaqhi why i don't have sound in pidgin?11:11
erUSULamadeux: rtorrent ?11:11
riotkittieI want to say 17 means its pointing to the wrong partition but i'm not positive    :|11:11
huXfluXstefg: so what can i do?11:11
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newnickname1234i have a question...11:11
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newnickname1234I get a lot of garbage when I try to boot into ubuntu11:12
playerriotkittie: Do you know how I could remove the new partition so I can boot with windows once again?11:12
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Dr_willisnewnickname1234,  care to be a little more clear? :)11:12
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newnickname1234I "think" it happens when is does fsck11:12
stefghuXfluX: i assume grub is written to the mbr of your internal disk (and that's wrong) first you have to restore the mbr of your internal hd. is that wi n on the internal hd ?11:13
newnickname1234I have dualboot with windows11:13
newnickname1234and there is a shared FAT drive11:13
huXfluXstefg: no, i don't have any drives except for the usb one11:13
riotkittieplayer: if you have an XP install CD on hand, you can pop that in, enter the Recovery console and then fixmbr11:13
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newnickname1234so in total, NTFS, ext3, FAT are the partitions on my computer11:13
playerriotkittie: I'm afraid I do not :(11:14
stefghuXfluX: so there is no internal drive? what error do you get ?11:14
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slimaqsomebody can help me?11:14
newnickname1234The problem begin after I booted into windows (Hehe...) and checked the FAT partition and there was a file missing11:14
huXfluXstefg: DISK BOOT FAILURE:)11:14
newnickname1234which was earlier present when I had booted into ubuntu11:14
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riotkittieplayer: oh dear.   do you have internet access from the Live CD? if you can boot with that, and come back in here, perhaps we can figure something out, and make GRUB work so you can actually boot.11:15
kane77join #rubyonrails11:15
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stefghuXfluX: then i assume that's a bios problem, not a grub problem. is the boot partition marked as active (has teh boot flag set?)11:15
newnickname1234Dr_willis, do you think you know what the problem might be11:15
riotkittiesomeone in here has to be well versed in GRUB malfunctions, eh?  show of hands, anyone?11:15
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Dr_willisnewnickname1234,  i suggest booting to widnows and having windows scan the fat disk in question.11:16
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huXfluXstefg: how to see that?11:16
huXfluXi've booted the livecd again11:16
playerriotkittie: I have internet access, and I have it boot on live cd right next to me, but I can't access irc on it due to some error11:16
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huXfluXwhat to type in terminal?11:16
newnickname1234I might try that11:16
alekaWhat do I do  if a CDROM is not being recognized when I put it in the bay?11:16
stefghuXfluX: you need to boot the live CD on the box and run 'sudo fdisk -l'11:16
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quitttwhich is the best CD burner for Ubuntu?11:17
willdevtwo users walked into a bar, /quit and /exit... /exit got bored and walked out, who was left?11:17
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ubotuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.11:17
huXfluXstefg does the /dev/sda1 (/boot) need to have a * ?11:17
huXfluXcoz it doesn't11:17
Dr_willisquittt,  i perfer k3b. :) but its a kde app.11:17
quitttok, it is too subjetive11:17
stefghuXfluX: yes, some BIOS's require that11:18
riotkittieplayer:  do you have any idea where GRUB installed? MBR?11:18
Dr_willisquittt,  not sure what gnome has to offer thats similer.11:18
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riotkittiewilldev: not amusing.11:18
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huXfluXhow to set it?11:18
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playerriotkittie: I can access the hard drives on the lice CD and browse them, is there something in particular I should search for?11:18
Oni-Dracula|lappso I was using Gutsy Gibbon and while I was playing a game of Warcraft3 and everything seemed to lock up... so I restart the system and try to reboot, then my BIOS in all of it's wisdom tells me that "NTLDR is missing"... of course I know that it really means that the bootloader is gone.... so does anyone have any suggestions on how to remedy this?11:19
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rkviraniHey all11:19
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_MrPink_rkvirani hi ;)11:20
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alekacan someone help me troubleshoot why my CD is not being recognized by the OS?11:20
pastyhermitI found out what the problems were with my R3111:20
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pastyhermitit was the CPU scaling service11:20
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erUSULOni-Dracula|lapp: where did you was playing wow3 ubuntu+wine?11:20
=== pastyhermit goes to download the latest ms-fonts :D
erUSULOni-Dracula|lapp: ntldr is the loader for windows so seems a windows problem11:21
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stefg!grub | Oni-Dracula|lapp11:21
ubotuOni-Dracula|lapp: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:21
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munk__somebody help me on how to update kernel..11:22
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macgruberHi, i need some help, my sound card just stop working11:22
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Oni-Dracula|lapperUSUL, if you didn't read, the NTLDR error is a BIOS message and has nothing to do with windows11:23
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erUSULaleka: fire up a terminal and do 'tail -f /var/log/messages' then insert the cd in the tray11:23
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iamiwhen running sudo /usr/bin/vmware-config.pl11:24
iamiit fails when I enter the kernel directory11:24
Oni-Dracula|lappstefg, would reinstalling GRUB also install GRUB to the MBR?11:24
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iamimake[2] : *** [/tmp/vmware-config3/vmmon-only/linux/driver.o]  Error 111:24
iamimake[1] : *** [_module_/tmp/vmware-config3/vmmon-only]  Error 211:24
iamimake[1] : Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.20-16-generic'11:24
iamimake: *** [vmmon.ko]  Error 211:24
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iamimake: Leaving directory `/tmp/vmware-config3/vmmon-only'11:24
iamiUnable to build the vmmon module.11:24
r-wolfa simple question, exported env vars are not saved between reboots, so they got to be reassigned in start scripts, is it right?11:24
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Dr_willisr-wolf,  the .bashrc or .bash_profile or otehr script.. correct11:25
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pastyhermitvmware heh11:25
erUSULOni-Dracula|lapp: NTLDR is the (Win)NT LoaDeR the "grub" that XP uses so the error has something to do with windows (or maybe the BIOS assumes that the only thing that can be  on the mbr is ntldr and says that when it finds a not bootable mbr)11:25
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r-wolfDr_willis: does it work in case of GUI login?11:26
Dr_willisr-wolf,  should.11:26
zoranothr-wolf: the dot-files for per user.... or /etc.bashrc /etc/skel/* for all users11:26
Dr_willisr-wolf,  depends on what you are setting I guess. and how.11:26
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MasterShrekiami, do you have build-essential installed? also vmware isnt as good as virtualbox, vmware is kinda bloated11:26
Oni-Dracula|lapperUSUL, considering windows has never been on the HD... i'd say it's my BIOS being tarded11:26
stefgOni-Dracula|lapp: reinstalling the grub package does nothing. you need either to run grub-install  or reintall grub from teh grub command line11:26
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Dr_willisIve had much better success with Vmware-server, then virtualbox.. but it depends on what you are doing.11:27
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erUSULOni-Dracula|lapp: it could be we live in a M$ centered world... follow stefg advice on how to restore grub11:27
iamiMasterShrek: Does virtualbox have a library of modules?11:27
alekaerUSUL:  tail -f /var/log/messages >> nothing there, also tried dmesg|tail   no error messages there either... I put the Cd in there tray and nothing happens...11:27
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erUSULaleka: :(11:27
iamiMasterShrek: ie, can I just DL other's and start them...11:27
MasterShrekiami, i dont think so, i dont use it tho, i use qemu with kvm11:27
r-wolfDr_willis: I have installed Java, and searching for a file to place "export JAVA_HOME" etc, for them to be visible for all users11:28
iamiis that KDE?11:28
MasterShreki dont think so iami11:28
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MasterShrekno, its not just kde11:28
Dr_willisr-wolf,  if you used the packages for java  from the repos. you shouldent have to be doing that.11:28
MasterShrekits using the kernel virtual machine, seems to make guests run much better11:28
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre11:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kvm - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:28
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iamiwhich build essentials shall I install?11:28
MasterShreksudo apt-get install build-essential11:29
Dr_willis!info build-essential11:29
ubotubuild-essential: informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.3 (feisty), package size 6 kB, installed size 48 kB11:29
atlfalcons866when is hardy heron being released11:29
MasterShrekits a metapackage with all sorts of compilers11:29
openeduI cannot get my dual head mintors into resolution 3200 x 1200 @ 85 Hz11:29
Anglehello everyone11:29
MasterShrekatlfalcons866, gutsy isnt even out yet11:29
ubotuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases11:29
iamiHrmmm, already the newest versions, as well as my linux headers11:29
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iamiyet it still fails :(11:29
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playerCould anyone else help me? I'm trying to boot either XP or ubuntu but being held back by an error 17, can I remove my partition on the live CD so I can boot XP again?11:30
Dr_willisiami,  thers some extra repos you can enable and just 'apt-get install vmware-server'11:30
iamiOkay, for anyone who can help me, please... This is where it errors: What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running11:31
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iamikernel? [/lib/modules/2.6.20-16-generic/build/include] 11:31
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers11:31
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iamiI like how Ubuntu has a bot now.11:31
stefgplayer: you need to boot the ubuntu live CD. you changed your partition layout, didn't you?11:31
erUSULiami: you need to install the linux-headers package11:31
iamiThey are useful :)11:31
erUSULiami: 'sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)'11:32
iamierUSUL: I'm pretty sure I have it11:32
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erUSULiami: then just accept the proposed folder /lib/modules/2.6.20-16-generic/build/include11:32
iamierUSUL: I do, and it fails11:32
yeniklasorrWhich irc program Ubuntu has ?11:33
iamiyeniklasorr: irssi11:33
iamiyeniklasorr: it is my favorite11:33
ubotuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines11:33
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erUSULyeniklasorr: x-chat (gui)11:33
ubotuxfs is a high-performance journaling filesystem originally developped by Silicon Graphics for their IRIX OS. It is now fully supported by Linux so you can install Ubuntu on it if you wish. More info at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XFS11:33
iamihow can I find my C header files?11:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about header - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:33
playerstefg: I created the partition via the live CD, the pc with the live CD is right next to me, how do remove this partition?11:34
ubotuGParted is is a !GUI partitioning program. Type  sudo apt-get install gparted  in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php11:34
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stefgplayer: you need to explain the problem some more. what and where is 'the partition' ?11:35
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flokuehnplayer: and why do you want to remove the partition11:35
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yngonehey i just installed ubuntu on this box11:36
yngoneand i finally got xchat working11:36
yngonebut im trying to install ipkungfu11:36
wolfwalker Congrats11:36
erUSUL!hi | yngone11:36
ubotuyngone: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!11:36
iamiwhere'st can I locate my C header files that match my running kernel?11:36
yngoneand it didnt write anything to /etc/ipkungfu11:36
playerstefg: sure, The particion is on the first of 2 drives, it was created during my ubuntu instal, it all went great, restarted pc and got an error 17, not I cannot boot either XP nor ubuntu, which is why I wanted to remove the partition so I could boot XP once again.11:36
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Dr_willisiami,  you are trying to install vmwareserver?11:36
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vinboy_gkrellm show constant write activity to my HD. is there any program i can use to see what process is writing to it?11:36
digberthow can i use the apt family of commands to show if a package is installed?11:36
erUSULiami: in theory they are here /lib/modules/2.6.20-16-generic/build/include/11:36
stefgplayer: so you are now on the live CD?11:37
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erUSULdigbert: apt-cache policy packagename11:37
digberterUSUL: ah, thanks11:37
iamiDr_willis: No.11:37
Pskol__Irssi 0.8.10 (20051211) - http://irssi.org/11:37
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yngoneIf i want to install ipkungfu so i have to run it through sudo11:37
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iamiDr_willis: I'm trying to reconfig my vmware so I can run it11:37
playerstefg: The pc nex to me is, the one I'm on is a different XP one11:37
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wolfwalker player download grub and reinstall it maybe?11:37
erUSULyngone: system>admin>synaptic11:37
iamiDr_willis: I already have Vmware Server11:38
yngoneok ty11:38
stefgplayer: so bot the live CD once again on the ox which won't boot from hd11:38
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stefgplayer: so boot the live CD once again on the box which won't boot from hd11:38
playerstefg: done that11:38
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wolfwalker Oh yeah....... forgot I had that font........11:38
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playerIts currently running off the live cd11:38
stefgplayer: open a terminal and enter 'sudo grub'11:39
adorablepuppyWas sudo aptitude install beryl emerald-themes a bad idea? Will it break the "Desktop Effects" option?11:39
jessicahow do i find out what kind of wireless card ive got11:39
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erUSULjessica: lspci will show you11:39
yngoneerUSUL; it says ipkungfu installed.    but i cant get to /etc/ipkunfu to get to the conf11:39
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playerstefg: It is processing now11:40
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erUSULyngone: dunno do "dpkg -L ipkungfu | less" to see the list of the files that the package installs11:40
playerstefg: done11:40
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stefgplayer: the prompt will change to grub> , enter  find /boot/grub/stage111:40
stefgplayer: what turns up ?11:41
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playerstefg: (hd0,1)11:41
ezzieyguywufif i've upgraded to gutsy but want to go back to feisty, how can i do that?11:41
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yngone<erUSUL ;   ipkungfu installed ot my /home/yngone/desktop/ipkungfu**/11:41
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stefgplayer: enter  root (hd0,1)   ... then enter: setup (hd0)11:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about aysiu - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:42
Dr_willisezzieyguywuf,  not sure thats doable.11:42
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:42
ezzieyguywufdrwillis: why not?11:43
yngone<erUSUL>  ;   how would i uninstall ipkungfu i think i need to reinstall as sudo11:43
erUSULyngone: how did you installed that package?11:43
Dr_willisezzieyguywuf,  becase it would be very complex i guess...  ive never heard of it being done..11:43
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yngonefrom the folder11:43
umarzukiWhy my USB can't autodetect anymore?11:43
yngonebut i wasnt sudo11:43
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erUSULyngone: 'sudo apt-get install --reinstall ipkungfu'11:43
ezzieyguywufis there anyway i can just reinstall feisty from a cd but keep all my settings?11:43
umarzukiWhy my USB can't autodetect anymore?11:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fwcutter - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:44
Dr_willisezzieyguywuf,  backup all your settings manually, reinstall. copy them back. I dont know of any automated tools to do so.11:44
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erUSUL!info fwcutter | jessica11:44
ubotujessica: Package fwcutter does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas11:44
Dr_willisezzieyguywuf,  i always keep /home on its own partition. makes that stuff easier.11:44
w00tyou guys are such geeks11:44
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playerstefg: I got some info11:44
umarzukiWhy my USB can't autodetect anymore?11:44
jessicaerUSUL: how do I get it11:44
ezzieyguywufso i just need to copy my /home to a usb or something then copy it back after i install?11:45
stefgplayer: did it succeed ?11:45
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playerstefg: Indeed11:45
stefgplayer: so try to reboot now11:45
umarzukiWhy my USB can't autodetect anymore?11:45
Dr_willisezzieyguywuf,  yes. If you had /home on its own partition - you wouldent even need to copy.   thers also any /etc/CONFIGS or other settings you may want to save11:45
stefgplayer: from hd that is11:45
zoranoth!info bcm43xx-fwcutter11:45
ubotubcm43xx-fwcutter: Utility for extracting Broadcom 43xx firmware. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:006-1 (feisty), package size 24 kB, installed size 116 kB11:46
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umarzukiWhy my USB can't autodetect anymore?11:46
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erUSULjessica: < zoranoth> !info bcm43xx-fwcutter <<<<11:46
ubotuSeamonkey, formerly known as "Mozilla Application Suite", is available at http://www.mozilla.org/projects/seamonkey/ with install instructions for ubuntu at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18601111:46
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playerstefg: same thing error 1711:47
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yngone<erUSUL>  ;   ok i edited ipkungfu.conf in /etc/ipkungfu    but now ./ipkungfu wont start it11:48
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playerstefg: grub loading stage 1.5 grub loading, please wait ... error 1711:48
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stefgplayer: how old is your bios? how big is the win partition in front of it? Your bios might not be abe to acces beyond cylinder 102411:48
Mr-SnickI installed Beryl, but when i run it, my screen goes white. how do i stop this?11:49
Mr-SnickOr get it working correctly.11:49
_MrPink_does anyone know the user: heguru ?11:49
brohanHey, I've got a little problem talking to my print server, it's got a gateway of, and mine is we need to talk, any ideas?11:49
_MrPink_you are the same person ;)11:49
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Mr-Nilsenberyl: no composite extention .. what is that ?11:49
playerstefg: about 4 years, I'm unsure what the win partition is since I selected remaining hard drive space when installing11:49
yngone<erUSUL>  ;   ok i edited ipkungfu.conf in /etc/ipkungfu    but now ./ipkungfu wont start it11:50
stefgplayer: so boot the live cd again. we need to look at the partiton table11:50
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erUSULyngone: you have to use the one you instaled with apt-get not the one you downloaded to your desktop11:51
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yngoneyeah but11:51
erUSULyngone: you can remove the one in your home safely11:51
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bobgillAnyone here using Openbox? I'm trying to get the window title fonts to change but no matter the font I choose, they don't11:51
yngoneyeah but i edited /etc/ipkungfu.conf11:51
yngoneand it wont start now11:51
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource11:51
yngoneu usally start it with ./ipkungfu11:51
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic11:51
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lee_eh wahts open box?11:52
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_MrPink_does anyone know the user: heguru ?11:52
digberti forgot how i solved this in the past, but i installed the latest nvidia driver from the nvidia site, and now all my ttys make the monitor show "frequency out of range."11:52
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digbertanyone know how to fix that? i have an 8300 GS11:52
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digbertno nvidia* packages installed, no linux-restricted-modules-* packages installed11:53
scooter_I want to remap my first mouse button (left) to my middle mouse button since I think the left button is flakey, how do i do that?11:53
Mr-Nilsencoud anyone please tell me why i get this error message from beryl. "no composite extention" .?11:53
erUSULyngone: no, now that it is installed you run it with 'sudo ipkungfu' no need to ut ./11:53
quitttwhich is the website that has a repository search?11:53
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erUSULyngone: maybe it has a init script in /etc/init.d/11:53
erUSULyngone: too11:53
gore-hey guys11:54
gore-I'm trying to install 7.10 beta11:54
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lee_oh thanks for reminding me I am getting a message that is saying11:54
gore-but I'm having problems with gparted11:54
zzzquittt: http://packages.ubuntu.com11:54
yngone<erUSUL>  ;   ok it says its installed from the package manager11:54
gore-it keeps locking up around 56%11:54
lee_I am gett his on my screen...You need to install the package11:54
lee_  linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22-13-generic11:54
lee_for this program to work.11:54
yngone<erUSUL>  ;   but sudo ipkungfu doesnt work11:54
playerstefg: booted11:54
gore-anyone know of a similar problem?11:54
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stefgplayer: can you connect to the net from the live CD ?11:55
yngone<erUSUL>  ;   http://pastebin.com/m2b1fd17911:55
yngone<erUSUL>  ;   for my sudo ipkungfu error11:55
playerstefg: yep11:55
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quitttzzz it is not official11:55
lee_does any one know what this means :You need to install the package11:55
lee_  linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22-13-generic11:55
lee_for this program to work.::11:55
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jrdaigle1000I have an old computer that cannot boot from a CD. I want to install Ubuntu on it. It has a CD drive and can boot from floppies. Please help.11:56
digbertlee_: sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22-13-generic then I guess.11:56
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jessicahow do I get fwcutter11:56
stefgplayer: so get a terminal , run 'sudo fdisk -l' and paste the output to !pastebin11:56
Dr_willis!find fwcutter11:56
stefg!paste | player11:56
ubotuFound: bcm43xx-fwcutter11:56
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ubotuplayer: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:56
drgebjoin #mythtv11:56
lee_ouch..older system may not like it to well11:56
Dr_willisjessica,  bcm43xx-fwcutter package11:56
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drgeboopsy sorry guys11:57
mzuverinkanyone know the cli command to switch the default from Rhythmnbox to amarok?11:57
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erUSUL!info bcm43xx-fwcutter | jessica11:57
ubotujessica: bcm43xx-fwcutter: Utility for extracting Broadcom 43xx firmware. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:006-1 (feisty), package size 24 kB, installed size 116 kB11:57
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zzzquittt: What do you mean by saying that it is not official? I thought that http://packages.ubuntu.com was an official page.11:57
erUSULjessica: 'sudo apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter'11:57
newnickname1234Dr_Willis, I tried running chkdsk on windows11:57
lee_it is , but i am running 1011:58
yngone<erUSUL>  ;   any idea?11:58
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zoranothjessica: on your own box - you can always run apt-cache search 'foo' to find packages related to foo... searches both pkg name and brief description11:58
lee_or x11:58
newnickname1234is there any other file check disk utility on windows11:58
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jrdaigle1000anyone? I want to install Ubuntu on my computer, where can I get boot floppies?11:58
Dr_willisnewnickname1234,  no idea. I dont mess with windows much.11:58
jessicaerUSUL: thx, is there also a tutorial on how to use fwcutter?11:58
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Dr_willisnewnickname1234,  did it actually find some errors?11:58
mzuverinkor something sim11:58
newnickname1234since chkdsk, I think had a memory leak11:58
playerstefg: My mouse is wireles so I can't use it11:58
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erUSULyngone: 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash' and choose it not to be the default sh11:58
lee_is it me or has windos become  a nasty word now a days?11:59
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newnickname1234it stuck and 0 % complete and was allocating memory like nothing11:59
playerstefg: stefg Basically can highlight and paste it11:59
lee_eh i mean Windows11:59
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erUSULjessica: maybe in the  bcm43xx wiki help page11:59
newnickname1234so I had to kill it twice...11:59
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ubotuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx11:59
erUSUL!bcm43xx > jessica11:59
jrdaigle1000anyone? anyone? I want to install Ubuntu on my computer, where can I get boot floppies?11:59
yngoneinstall dash as /bin/sh?11:59
yngoneyes or no11:59
erUSUL!install | jrdaigle100011:59
ubotujrdaigle1000: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate11:59
erUSULyngone: no11:59
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yngonenow sudo ipkungfu?12:00
mzuverinklee_, forgot the circle_c and circle_r after Windows(ha)12:00
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erUSULyngone: try this first 'sudo /etc/init.d/ipkungfu start'12:00
yngone<erUSUL>  ;   Thank you for all your help. Im pretty sure its running good right now12:00
stefgplayer: whatever floats your boat... i'd need to look at the partition layout to see, if the linux partition is too far back on the disk, so the bios will not let grub read its config files12:00
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playerstefg: What part of the output in particular are you looking for so I can type it out.12:01
newnickname1234I think the file system might have been corrupted so much, that there might be something cyclical, which cause linux and windows to go crazy12:01
erUSULyngone: to add it to the boot secuence do this 'sudo update-rc.d ipkungfu defaults'12:01
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_MrPink_player: use www.pastebin.com   then you dont have to type :)12:02
erUSULyngone: so it starts on every boot12:02
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yngone<erUSUL>  ;   Thank you, is there a way to test to make sure its running good?12:02
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player_MrPink_: I have no mouse to copy and paste12:02
yngoneSystem startup links for /etc/init.d/ipkungfu already exist.12:02
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Dr_willisnewnickname1234,  there are some linux Live 'system rescue' cd's that have linux 'check disk' tools that can check windows drives12:02
erUSULyngone: then everything is already set up12:02
arnduckyHas anyone managed to successfully purge their AMD64 machine of VMWare Player/Server -- it breaks dpkg/apt!!?12:02
_MrPink_player 1:0 for you :-P12:02
stefgplayer: basically we need to look if the linux partition starts or extends beyond cylinder 1024 of the disk12:02
newnickname1234Is there a way to not mount the FAT partition without actually deleting/formatting it12:03
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erUSULyngone: http://ipkungfu.ufsoft.org/wiki/FAQ#612:03
arnduckyThe community docs have one line "cannot be removed"12:03
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arnduckynewnickname1234, please rephrase your question12:03
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Dr_willisnewnickname1234,  just dont mount it. :)12:03
=== weyersrw [n=weyersrw@cpe-76-186-16-141.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
playerstefg: reading it now it actually said invalid option12:04

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